how to get nicotine stains off tongue
[ { "score": 0.8786069751, "text": "Purchase a tongue scraper in the dental care section of your local drug store and scrape your tongue with it after you brush your teeth. Scraping your tongue will help remove bacteria and stains that nicotine can deposit over time. Brush your tongue when you're cleaning your teeth.Brushing your tongue works the same way a tongue scraper does, and will help scrub off nicotine stains while keeping the surface of your tongue clean.sing nicotine on a regular basis can stain any body part it comes in contact with, such as fingers, lips and tongue. There are several things you can do to get a nicotine stain off your tongue." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7979809046, "text": "HiCustomer. Best way to remove tobacco stains from the tongue is good old fashion tongue brushing. What has happened is the papillae on the tongue (which is normally pinkish-white) grows and lengthens.And the fibrous tissue can absorb and pick up stains in the mouth.nd the tar from tobacco use gets picked up by the papillae overgrowth and stain the tongue over time. So the best way to remove the staining is consistent tongue brushing/scraping (and also to stop using tobacco)." }, { "score": 0.7780284882, "text": "If you rub toothpaste on your finger and scrub with a toothbrush and rinse with hot water it will lighten up a lot of the tar. Rub the nicotine stains on your fingers vigorously with half a lemon, allowing the juice to soak in for at least 10 minutes. Use potatoes for nicotine stain removal." }, { "score": 0.7712199688, "text": "Another method that works to remove nicotine stains on fingers is to dissolve an aspirin tablet in a cup of hot water. Soak the fingers and the stains will go away. An excellent idea is to make a paste using an aspirin and a few drops of water." }, { "score": 0.7705680132, "text": "And the tar from tobacco use gets picked up by the papillae overgrowth and stain the tongue over time. So the best way to remove the staining is consistent tongue brushing/scraping (and also to stop using tobacco).You should be able to find a tongue scraper, usually a plastic instrument, at your local pharmacy and use it daily. Brushing your tongue will also help.nd the tar from tobacco use gets picked up by the papillae overgrowth and stain the tongue over time. So the best way to remove the staining is consistent tongue brushing/scraping (and also to stop using tobacco)." }, { "score": 0.7705446482, "text": "In addition to toothpastes, there are other over the counter products that can help reduce the appearance of nicotine stains on your teeth. Purchase whitestrips, and follow the directions on the package. You can choose from those that dissolve in your mouth or strips that you remove after a specific period of time." }, { "score": 0.7617228031, "text": "Confidence votes 252. If you rub toothpaste on your finger and scrub with a toothbrush and rinse with hot water it will lighten up a lot of the tar. Rub the nicotine stains on your fingers vigorously with half a lemon, allowing the juice to soak in for at least 10 minutes." }, { "score": 0.7512631416, "text": "Aspirin- -. Another method that works to remove nicotine stains on fingers is to dissolve an aspirin tablet in a cup of hot water. Soak the fingers and the stains will go away. An excellent idea is to make a paste using an aspirin and a few drops of water." }, { "score": 0.7489061356, "text": "How to Remove Nicotine Stains from Skin. If you've finally quit smoking, you probably have been looking for a way to get those disgusting nicotine stains off of your skin. There are a lot of ways for you to try and do this, but we're going to share some of the best here that you can try." }, { "score": 0.7300376892, "text": "You can wash nicotine stains off your walls with a mixture of hot water and a small amount of trisodium phosphate (TSP). Use the solutions to gently scrub the walls in a circular motion. If you have left smoke stains on your walls for many years, they may never come clean." }, { "score": 0.7265180349, "text": "Quick Answer. To remove tobacco stains from the teeth, quit smoking, see a dentist, use whitening products at home and brush and floss daily. For harder-to-remove stains, consider more intensive whitening methods, such as dental veneers, to restore whiteness to the teeth." }, { "score": 0.7230399847, "text": "Household surfaces can also fall prey to nicotine stains. Here's how to treat those stains from a variety of surfaces: Plastic, aluminium, or other hard surfaces: Apply an appropriate surface cleaning spray or cream (we like the Cif range – just choose the appropriate product for your surface)." }, { "score": 0.7219084501, "text": "In order to clean nicotine off of walls, try using vinegar and water, or bleach and water to remove any stains.Find out why walls with nicotine stains may have to be repainted with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video on housekeeping tips.Expert: Rachel Yatuzis. Contact: www.greenkleeninc.com.n order to clean nicotine off of walls, try using vinegar and water, or bleach and water to remove any stains. Find out why walls with nicotine stains may have to be repainted with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video on housekeeping tips. Expert: Rachel Yatuzis. Contact: www.greenkleeninc.com." }, { "score": 0.7196592093, "text": "Stains on the tongue look as ugly as stains on your cloth. Every time you open your mouth they show off and kind of suggest your poor oral hygiene status and bad health. Although they can appear for a number of reasons like poor oral health, acidity reflex, infection in your tongue, smoking, etc.f the stains are tough ones and are not fading off with brush then use a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth. Simply run the scraper on your tongue. Do not scrape or run it vigorously because it can cause soreness in your tongue. Scrape your tongue twice a day." }, { "score": 0.7172673345, "text": "A: To remove tobacco stains from the teeth, quit smoking, see a dentist, use whitening products at home and brush and floss daily. For harder-to-remove stains, consider more intensive whitening methods, such as dental veneers, to restore whiteness to the teeth." }, { "score": 0.7122946978, "text": "1. The stain is caused by the nicotine in the cigarette smoke. 2. Wash clothes after wear,best way to keep clothes from smelling of smoke. Aroma of smoke last for a number of days. 3. Be sure to use strong mouth rinse, spouse will know if you are smoking.4. Smoke odor will also be in your hair and beard(if a male) 5.Get a tooth paste that helps with nicotine stains on your teeth.he yellow on your fingers is from the toxic gunk in the cigarettes. Put a tissue up to your mouth and smoke through it. You'll see the yellow gunk on the tissue. That's what is staining your fingers, nails, and teeth, not to mention coating your lungs." }, { "score": 0.7078964114, "text": "Photo Credit Dana Dowling/Demand Media. Soak your dentures in an effervescent denture solution, which will remove most stains, including nicotine. Check the product packaging to determine how long to keep your dentures in the solution; do not soak them overnight." }, { "score": 0.6995124817, "text": "Yellow and brown stains on dentures from smoking are difficult to remove with routine brushing. Light nicotine stains usually respond to home care and soaking, but heavy stains may require a professional cleaning to prevent damage." }, { "score": 0.6991272569, "text": "Removing Nicotine Stains from Fabric: First Steps. How you remove a nicotine stain depends largely on the kind of fabric you are trying to clean. So before you start, first make sure to follow these basic tips: 1 Read the garment care tags for your clothes, curtains, or other fabrics." }, { "score": 0.6906301975, "text": "Use A Tongue Scraper. If the stains are tough ones and are not fading off with brush then use a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth. Simply run the scraper on your tongue. Do not scrape or run it vigorously because it can cause soreness in your tongue.Scrape your tongue twice a day.f the stains are tough ones and are not fading off with brush then use a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth. Simply run the scraper on your tongue. Do not scrape or run it vigorously because it can cause soreness in your tongue. Scrape your tongue twice a day." }, { "score": 0.6678272486, "text": "The mouth spray works by replacing some of the nicotine you would normally inhale from cigarettes, providing comfort by lessening withdrawal symptoms and helping your body wean off nicotine over a number of weeks. To release the nicotine, you spray on the inside of your cheek, or under your tongue, once or twice." }, { "score": 0.6632977128, "text": "The vinegar and water wash will remove the nicotine and a good bit if not all the stain. Use Kilz or a similar product because really, Kilz is like a gold-clad guarantee, but really you shouldn't need it because the vinegar and water will remove any film and grease or other problem that might cause bleed-through.se the first mop for the bleach mixture, and the second for the Pine-sol, oil soap washes. I just used all our rags to put the Old English on the walls. If your home is like mine, it will be on the ceilings, the floors, carpets, and inside the kitchen cabinets, even inside the fridge." }, { "score": 0.6624079943, "text": "The White Vinegar Solution. More than one method removes tar and nicotine cigarette stains from walls. Start by adding warmed vinegar to a spray bottle for tough stains. Dilute using a one-to-one ratio with warm water for less noticeable stains. Apply the warmed vinegar or mixture directly to the walls.ll of these solutions can remove the cigarette stink from the walls, but the smell may linger inside the home and recontaminate the walls if you forget to clean the filters for the home's HVAC system. As you clean the walls, ventilate the house thoroughly." }, { "score": 0.6613455415, "text": "Trust me-most people can smell smoke in your hair and on your clothes-so your hands and breath are the least of it-Your fingers will stain over time-and no way to get that off-in the meantime, use some baking soda to neutralize the odor-and the dentist will be ale to tell from the nicotine stains on your teeth.eport Abuse. Take a long shower and use double shampoo and body wash, brush your teeth in the shower and when you get out rinse your mouth good and gargle with listerine. Use a light body moisturizer and fresh cleaned ironed clothes also carry a pack of gum or mints with you and don't smoke on the way to your appt." }, { "score": 0.6581914425, "text": "Instructions. Run the tongue scraper across the surface of your tongue to remove stained dead cells, food debris and bacteria which manifests itself as a film or discoloration on your tongue. You don't have to apply pressure, the scraper will remove the build up when you slide it across the base of the tongue.inse the scraper under warm water to remove residue build up on the tool and continue to repeat the scraping action two or three more times. Place a line of toothpaste onto your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Pay particular attention to your tongue and brush its entire surface, as well." }, { "score": 0.6570519805, "text": "This will prevent the nicotine from seeping through, letting you apply your paint of choice on top of it. Other cleaning products that you can use to remove cigarette stains from walls include Clorox Clean-Up, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, Simple Green and dry-cleaning chemical sponges.The stain might be so bad you'd rather repaint the walls, but make sure you use a stain-blocking primer first.his will prevent the nicotine from seeping through, letting you apply your paint of choice on top of it. Other cleaning products that you can use to remove cigarette stains from walls include Clorox Clean-Up, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, Simple Green and dry-cleaning chemical sponges." }, { "score": 0.6523416042, "text": "Instructions. Run the tongue scraper across the surface of your tongue to remove stained dead cells, food debris and bacteria which manifests itself as a film or discoloration on your tongue. You don't have to apply pressure, the scraper will remove the build up when you slide it across the base of the tongue." }, { "score": 0.6462612152, "text": "To use nicotine gum: 1 Chew the gum slowly and stop chewing when your mouth starts to tingle. Park the gum between your cheek and gum and leave it there until the tingly feeling is gone. 2 Remove a piece of gum after 30 minutes, or when chewing no longer causes the tingly feeling." }, { "score": 0.6437113285, "text": "Here are few methods with which you can clear nicotine from your body, and during the process, minimize or even avoid withdrawal syndrome efficiently. 1 First, drink plenty of water, at least 1 gallon of water. 2 Eat healthy vegetables and fruits. 3 Exercise. 4 Eat foods such as onions, egg yolks, and garlic." }, { "score": 0.6423718929, "text": "If you smoke, traces of nicotine can be found in your hair, blood, urine, and saliva. It can be detected in your saliva for up to four days after your last cigarette and in your hair for up to a year. The best way to remove nicotine from your body is to stop using tobacco products altogether. You can help speed this process up by: drinking water" }, { "score": 0.6385403275, "text": "How to Effectively clear the Nicotine from the Body. 1 The best way to clean the body of the nicotine is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day as it facilitates the process of detoxification including the flushing out of the nicotine substances by the pacing up of the metabolic activities in the body." }, { "score": 0.638507545, "text": "Whether it's snuff or chewing tobacco, you're supposed to let it sit in your mouth and suck on the tobacco juices, spitting often to get rid of the saliva that builds up. This sucking and chewing allows nicotine to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the tissues in your mouth. You don't even need to swallow." }, { "score": 0.6364673376, "text": "The best way to clear nicotine out of your system is to abstain from all tobacco products. This way, cells in your body can focus on breaking down nicotine and excreting it. There are several things you can do to speed up this process: Drink water: When you drink more water, more nicotine is released through your body through urine." }, { "score": 0.6345832944, "text": "Nicotine patches: apply one patch to the skin once a day, removing the patch after 16 or 24 hours and replacing with a new patch on a different area of skin. Nicotine microtabs: Initially dissolve one microtab under the tongue when the urge to smoke occurs. Do not swallow or chew the microtabs." }, { "score": 0.6335642934, "text": "Do not chew nicotine gum like normal gum. Instead, use the chew and park method: 1 Use one piece of gum at a time. 2 Put a piece of gum into your mouth, and chew it slowly a few times to break it down. 3 Chewing will release a peppery taste. 4 Next, park the gum between your gums and cheek, and leave it there." }, { "score": 0.6295213699, "text": "Make sure you eat full meals so your blood sugar doesn't drop and make cravings impossible to live with. And within 72 hours, you're nicotine free. Except for what's in my hair and clothes. Buy new clothes so cigarette residue doesn't show up when you walk in. Brush your teeth every few hours to remove the stains and drink a lot of water to flus the nicotine out of your system. I wish there was a faster way to detox." }, { "score": 0.6281177402, "text": "When you use nicotine gum, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of your mouth. When you first quit you should be chewing about one piece of gum every hour. To release the nicotine from the gum, chew until the taste becomes strong or hot. After this you can rest the gum inside your cheek." }, { "score": 0.6255789995, "text": "Sprinkle some salt on your white tongue and scrub gently with a toothbrush for a minute. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat twice daily and you will surely get the results you want in a week. Also, mix 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle with this salt water thoroughly and then spit it out." }, { "score": 0.6247676015, "text": "Why has my tongue turned brown? In this type of condition, the normally tiny bumps on the tongue (called papillae) grow longer. Though this may occur after antibiotic treatment, there is often no obvious cause. They then become more prone to staining from nicotine and coffee, giving the tongue a brown/black 'hairy' appearance. The best way of treating it is to brush the tongue gently twice a day, to remove the top surface of stains and also food debris, together with regular, thorough general dental hygiene." }, { "score": 0.6245675683, "text": "Home treatment may be all that is needed for a black or coated tongue. 1 Brush your tongue daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste or a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water. 2 Scrape the tongue with an upside-down teaspoon to remove the furry coating on the tongue. 3 Do not use tobacco products." }, { "score": 0.6242625117, "text": "Here are few methods with which you can clear nicotine from your body, and during the process, minimize or even avoid withdrawal syndrome efficiently. 1 First, drink plenty of water, at least 1 gallon of water. 2 The more water you drink, the more nicotine your body will release through urine." }, { "score": 0.6196110845, "text": "Use Bakin Soda. Use baking soda for removing stains. Dip your toothbrush into a box of baking soda and wet it with water. Brush your teeth to remove the nooks and cranies from the mouth.These will get scrubbed off as you brush your teeth. Baking soda removes all the stains from the teeth without causing any harm to the tooth enamel.You can keep brushing until the stains are completely removed. Use Peroxide Toothpaste Use a peroxide prophy paste available at your local pharmacy.hese will get scrubbed off as you brush your teeth. Baking soda removes all the stains from the teeth without causing any harm to the tooth enamel. You can keep brushing until the stains are completely removed. Use Peroxide Toothpaste Use a peroxide prophy paste available at your local pharmacy." }, { "score": 0.618876338, "text": "If you do get liquid in your mouth or ingest it, you can simply rinse your mouth out with water to get rid of the taste if. There is typically no immediate safety or poison concerns for ingesting nicotine unless it is in a much higher volume that what is contained in our cartridges." }, { "score": 0.6181376576, "text": "Steps for chewing nicotine gum. 1 Warm the gum in your mouth for 1 to 2 minutes. 2 Chew slowly until you feel a slight tingling or peppery taste in your mouth. It takes about 15 chews to have these feelings. 3 When you feel tingling or have the peppery taste, stop chewing. Place (park) the gum between your cheek and gums." }, { "score": 0.6176996231, "text": "Removing the White Coating. 1 1. Brush your tongue with your toothbrush. This will loosen the dead cells, bacteria, and debris that is stuck between the bumps and ridges of your tongue. 2 2. Scrape your tongue gently with a tongue scraper. Some toothbrushes also have tongue scrapers on the back of them. 3 3. Wash your mouth out thoroughly with water." }, { "score": 0.612478137, "text": "To remove the white coating on your tongue, swish one tablespoon of aloe vera juice in your mouth two to three times a day until the coating has disappeared. 6. Colloidal Silver" }, { "score": 0.6079505682, "text": "Home treatment may be all that is needed for a black or coated tongue. Brush your tongue daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste or a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water. Scrape the tongue with an upside-down teaspoon to remove the furry coating on the tongue. Do not use tobacco products. Bismuth products, such as Pepto-Bismol, can turn your tongue black." }, { "score": 0.60292238, "text": "Bacteria stick to your taste buds, then release a waste byproduct that causes a gross stench. When you use a tongue scraper or brush your tongue, you remove any bacteria, byproducts from the bacteria, or plaque that form. 10. Rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash that contains a zinc compound." }, { "score": 0.5953210592, "text": "3. Scrape your tongue. The coating that normally forms on your tongue can be a host for smelly bacteria. To get rid of them, gently brush your tongue with your toothbrush. If your brush is too big to comfortably reach the back of your tongue, try a scraper.They're designed specifically to apply even pressure across the surface of the tongue area.rapped food also adds to the problem. Brush your teeth at least two times each day, and floss at least once. If you're concerned about your breath, do both a little more often. Don't overdo things, though. If you brush too hard you can wear down your teeth, making them vulnerable to decay." }, { "score": 0.588417232, "text": "They also discolor your teeth and damage your teeth enamel. Apart from teeth whitening foods to avoid among liquids and solids, cigarette smoking should also be completely avoided since its nicotine content stains the teeth and blackens them. Overall, stick to a healthy diet and drink a lot of water. This is good for your body and bones." }, { "score": 0.5815371275, "text": "9. Clean your tongue. Bacteria stick to your taste buds, then release a waste byproduct that causes a gross stench. When you use a tongue scraper or brush your tongue, you remove any bacteria, byproducts from the bacteria, or plaque that form. 10." }, { "score": 0.5782168508, "text": "1 Take a length of dental floss and wet the entire piece with TheraBreath Oral Rinse. Floss your teeth thoroughly so that the medicated rinse passes between all of your teeth. GENTLY clean your tongue with a tongue scraper or toothbrush. This will help remove the mucus layer protecting the bacteria on your tongue." }, { "score": 0.5769110918, "text": "Coffee stains are considered external staining. They can be removed from your teeth, but the best way is to prevent staining in the first place. The best way to get rid of coffee stains on your teeth is to start with a good cleaning at your dentist's office. They'll polish the stains off of your teeth to give you a clean, healthy smile. To keep the stains off, you should minimize the frequency of coffee throughout the day. A couple of cups in the morning will not have the same potential to stain your teeth as drinking coffee throughout the day." }, { "score": 0.5686565638, "text": "Rinse the scraper under warm water to remove residue build up on the tool and continue to repeat the scraping action two or three more times. Place a line of toothpaste onto your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Pay particular attention to your tongue and brush its entire surface, as well.Rinse with water.Apply another line of toothpaste to your toothbrush and brush the tongue again. Don't brush too hard -- you don't want to make your tongue sore. Rinse with mouthwash to clear any excess food debris and check your tongue in the mirror.inse the scraper under warm water to remove residue build up on the tool and continue to repeat the scraping action two or three more times. Place a line of toothpaste onto your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Pay particular attention to your tongue and brush its entire surface, as well." }, { "score": 0.568302989, "text": "Put one patch on a dry area of skin without hair, such as your stomach, upper arm or side. Do not put the patch on burned, cut or sore skin. To apply the patch, place the silver side on your skin and press it firmly for 10 seconds with the palm of your hand. Make sure the patch is flat and smooth against your skin. Wash your hands after putting on the patch. Nicotine on your hands could get into your eyes or nose and cause stinging or other problems." }, { "score": 0.5573505759, "text": "Chemical Methods for Removing Stains. 1 1. Pour on rubbing alcohol. 2 2. Dab on some hand sanitizer. 3 3. Give your stain a misting of hair spray. 4. Wash with dish 1 soap. 5. Dab on some ammonia. 6. Spread on some toothpaste." }, { "score": 0.5552755594, "text": "1 Peel off the backing from the nicotine patch and place the patch on your skin. 2 Hold the patch for 10 seconds to make sure it sticks. 3 Change the patch at the same time every day. 4 Change where you place the patch to lower the risk of skin irritation. Change the patch at the same time every day. 2 Change where you place the patch to lower the risk of skin irritation. 3 Throw out the used patch by folding the sticky side together and placing it in its original wrapper. 4 Wash your hands after putting on or taking off the patch." }, { "score": 0.5449602604, "text": "1 Most people place the patch on their upper body. 2 Peel off the backing from the nicotine patch and place the patch on your skin. 3 Hold the patch for 10 seconds to make sure it sticks. 4 Change the patch at the same time every day.5 Change where you place the patch to lower the risk of skin irritation. Change the patch at the same time every day. 2 Change where you place the patch to lower the risk of skin irritation. 3 Throw out the used patch by folding the sticky side together and placing it in its original wrapper. 4 Wash your hands after putting on or taking off the patch." }, { "score": 0.5426931381, "text": "Steps to Remove the Stains: 1 Drain the water from the toilet, but do not dry it out. Sprinkle the citric acid powder directly onto the stains. If you are unable to find citric acid powder, drink mixes that contain it (Tang, powdered lemonade, etc.) can be used instead." }, { "score": 0.5358950496, "text": "Washing Up Liquid. 1 If the mark on the clothing is quite thick, start by removing any excess lipstick. 2 Use a spoon to scrape away any hardened residue. 3 You can also use a paper towel to blot the excess lipstick, and to soak up as much of the surface grease as possible.ubbing Alcohol. 1 Place the item on a hard surface, on top of a paper towel, and with the stain facing downwards. 2 Use some cotton wool, a swab, or a cotton bud to dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto the stain (do not rub the solution as this could damage the clothing)." }, { "score": 0.5314664841, "text": "Steps to Remove the Stain: 1 Begin by washing the cup as usual to remove any surface liquid/stains that may be present. 2 Next, mix up a paste using one of the following mixtures. 3 Baking soda and water. 4 Equal parts of white vinegar and salt. 5 Make sure the stained areas of the cup are wet. Rinse the cup with water. 2 Sprinkle enough Bar Keepers Friend powder over the surface to make a light paste. 3 Go over the area with a cloth scouring pad to ensure the paste covers the stains. 4 Wait about five minutes, but do not let the paste dry on the cup." }, { "score": 0.5290887356, "text": "1 How to Remove chewing gum off your clothing. 2 How to Clean chewing gum stains from your clothing. 3 How to Use peanut butter in unusual ways. 4 How to Get Christmas Tree Sap Stains Out of Clothes, Carpets, and Others.5 Stamping Nail Art with Heart-Do It Yourself. 6 How to Make a Bigfoot costume for film or Halloween. How to Remove chewing gum off your clothing. 2 How to Clean chewing gum stains from your clothing. 3 How to Use peanut butter in unusual ways. 4 How to Get Christmas Tree Sap Stains Out of Clothes, Carpets, and Others." }, { "score": 0.526704073, "text": "1 How to Remove gum from the bottom of your shoe. 2 How to Remove chewing gum off your clothing. 3 How to Clean chewing gum stains from your clothing. 4 How to Use peanut butter in unusual ways. 5 How to Get Christmas Tree Sap Stains Out of Clothes, Carpets, and Others.6 Stamping Nail Art with Heart-Do It Yourself. How to Remove chewing gum off your clothing. 2 How to Clean chewing gum stains from your clothing. 3 How to Use peanut butter in unusual ways. 4 How to Get Christmas Tree Sap Stains Out of Clothes, Carpets, and Others." }, { "score": 0.4948552847, "text": "Instructions. Blot the area well with paper towels to get rid of all the excess moisture. Keep doing this until the paper towels come up dry. Mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part water. Pour this mixture over the stained area.Allow it to dry.ou can blot the area with paper towels to dry it more quickly. Mix 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1 tsp. of liquid dish washing soap. Sprinkle the baking soda over the area, then drizzle the hydrogen peroxide and liquid dish washing soap over the stain and baking soda. Scrub the area well with a scrubbing brush." }, { "score": 0.4882887006, "text": "Instructions. Pour 12 oz. of cola into the stained toilet bowl and swish it around the inside of the toilet with a toilet brush. Leave the cola in the toilet bowl water for one hour to wear off mineral stains.Flush the toilet to wash away the cola and loosened brown rings and stains.Scrub the sides to remove any mineral deposits loosened by the cola. Add 1 cup of white vinegar to the toilet bowl water to dissolve the rest of the stains. Sprinkle baking soda over the toilet brush to add a mild abrasive.Scrub the toilet bowl surface with the baking-soda-covered brush to remove the rest of the stains.lush the toilet to wash away the cola and loosened brown rings and stains. Scrub the sides to remove any mineral deposits loosened by the cola. Add 1 cup of white vinegar to the toilet bowl water to dissolve the rest of the stains." }, { "score": 0.4585828185, "text": "1 Place the cloth over the stain to draw out the oil-based product. Organic stains, such as those caused by coffee, juice, urine, and food, turn the travertine pink or brown. Remove these stains with a mixture of 12% hydrogen peroxide—food grade hydrogen peroxide—and a few drops of ammonia." } ]
how to substitute applesauce for oil
[ { "score": 0.8914518356, "text": "If you plan on using applesauce as a substitute for oil in a recipe that does not specifically explain how to use it as a substitute, then I strongly suggest you do two things: Don't substitute the entire quantity. Use 1/2 oil, 1/2 applesauce, or maybe 1/4 oil and 3/4 applesauce. You will likely also have to lower the total quantity of oil/applesauce to approximately half of what it originally was (give or take 1/4)." } ]
[ { "score": 0.888020277, "text": "1 When substituting apple sauce for oil in baking, it is a 1:1 ratio. 2 1/4 cup apple sauce for 1/4 cup oil (except for cookies). 3 Some brands of boxed mix provide alternative directions for oil instead of butter. 4 For a better result, use the oil recipe when substituting apple sauce." }, { "score": 0.8472641706, "text": "1 1/4 cup apple sauce for 1/4 cup oil (except for cookies). 2 Some brands of boxed mix provide alternative directions for oil instead of butter. 3 For a better result, use the oil recipe when substituting apple sauce. 4 Substituting apple sauce for butter/margarine can often change the consistency." }, { "score": 0.8469032645, "text": "Applesauce is perhaps the most common substitute for oil when baking cakes. Deliciously moist, applesauce has far fewer calories than oil. You will hardly notice the difference in your cake, either in texture or taste." }, { "score": 0.8390363455, "text": "For guilt-free baked goods, applesauce makes a fine stand-in for vegetable oil. Applesauce adds not only moisture and flavor to baked goods, but fiber and nutrients. Using it successfully takes some experimentation, though. Stick with oil or butter for cookies, and substitute only part of the oil initially." }, { "score": 0.8263786435, "text": "1 If you are using an apple puree rather than applesauce, only use half of the amount of oil that the recipe calls for. 2 For instance, if it calls for 1 cup (237 ml) of oil, use 1/2 cup (56.5 g) of apple puree." }, { "score": 0.8242579699, "text": "Step 3. Measure applesauce with a glass measuring cup, using 3/4 the amount of oil called for in your recipe. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of oil, use 3/4 cup. If the batter seems dry, add a tablespoon or two more." }, { "score": 0.8187567592, "text": "But for the best texture, start by using ¾ cup sauce for every 1 cup of oil called for. In other words, if a recipe calls for ½ cup vegetable oil, try using ⅓ cup applesauce and 3 tablespoons oil and check for doneness about 10 minutes prior to full bake time. If your recipe calls for multiple eggs, reduce to just one for fudgier results." }, { "score": 0.7984443903, "text": "When baking, applesauce makes a nutritious fat replacement. Add applesauce instead of any liquid fat, including oil or melted butter, as you will increase the fiber while decreasing the fat. Start by replacing half of the fat before trying to replace it all. Applesauce will also help keep your baked goods moist." }, { "score": 0.79672122, "text": "For 1 tablespoon cooking oil, substitute 1 tablespoon olive oil, canola oil, or coconut oil, or replace half the amount of oil for mashed bananas in baking and adjust as needed. For 1 cup vegetable oil, substitute 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit puree." }, { "score": 0.7922500372, "text": "For 1 tablespoon cooking oil, substitute 1 tablespoon olive oil, canola oil, or coconut oil, or replace half the amount of oil for mashed bananas in baking and adjust as needed. continue reading below. Vegetable Oil Substitutes. For 1 cup vegetable oil, substitute 1/2 cup applesauce or fruit puree." }, { "score": 0.7886219621, "text": "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Applesauce can be an excellent substitute for certain wet ingredients in baking, particularly oil and eggs, but it is never foolproof. Consistency can be a problem when certain ingredients are simply swapped for others. Though applesauce lends moisture, it tends to absorb into batter differently than other substances." }, { "score": 0.7855546474, "text": "A better substitution for vegetable oil in baking is pureed fruit, like prunes, apricots or prepared applesauce. It is also possible to substitute one type of oil for another; vegetable oil can be replaced by other oils, such as canola, safflower or sunflower oil." }, { "score": 0.7794663906, "text": "1 Applesauce: Often used to replace oil in recipes, applesauce can also be used as a butter alternative, and it works best in cake-like recipes (like this vegan banana apple chunk bread)." }, { "score": 0.7790368795, "text": "I have used applesauce in place of oil too.... also in place of eggs ( use 1 egg and 1/4 c for each egg you substitute) I know it sounds weird but it makes your cake turn out moist and light. the only thing i wouldn't use applesauce in was if it was a chocolate cake. To answer your question...." }, { "score": 0.7757120132, "text": "For example, if a recipe calls for 1/2 a cup of oil, then the first time I make the recipe I will use 1/4 cup applesauce and 1/4 cup of oil. If the recipe works, I'll increase the applesauce by 1/8 a cup the next time." }, { "score": 0.7738178968, "text": "For instance, if your recipe calls for 1/2 cup butter, use 1/2 cup applesauce. To maximize taste and texture while still decreasing fat considerably, leave in about a quarter of the butter and substitute out the remainder. For instance, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, use 1/4 cup butter and 3/4 cup applesauce. Add the applesauce to the liquid ingredients such as the milk or eggs in the recipe. Reduce the baking time by 25 percent. For instance, if a cake must bake for 60 minutes, check the cake after 45 minutes." }, { "score": 0.7734792233, "text": "Other Substitutions. A better substitution for vegetable oil in baking is pureed fruit, like prunes, apricots or prepared applesauce. It is also possible to substitute one type of oil for another; vegetable oil can be replaced by other oils, such as canola, safflower or sunflower oil.ther Substitutions. A better substitution for vegetable oil in baking is pureed fruit, like prunes, apricots or prepared applesauce. It is also possible to substitute one type of oil for another; vegetable oil can be replaced by other oils, such as canola, safflower or sunflower oil." }, { "score": 0.7729109526, "text": "When you're trying to eat healthy, baking at home may seem out of the question because of all the fat, calories, and cholesterol found in the oil, butter, and eggs. Luckily, applesauce works as a substitute for all three. Previous." }, { "score": 0.767798841, "text": "Applesauce for sugar. You can substitute unsweetened applesauce for sugar in a 1:1 ratio in recipes, but you must reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe. Typically, reducing the liquid (milk, water, etc) by 1/4 cup will do the trick. If there is no added liquid, no need to adjust. Avocado for butter." }, { "score": 0.7447706461, "text": "But the problem with doing that is that your cupcakes might not rise as much as when you used butter or oil. Therefore, the best proportion you can use is to use 1/2 butter or oil and 1/2 applesauce. If your recipe calls for 1/2 cup of butter or oil, use 1/4 cup of butter and oil plus 1/4 cup applesauce." }, { "score": 0.7431887388, "text": "If calories are not your concern, you can substitute an equal amount of trans fat-free vegetable shortening or 3/4 cups of oil for every one cup of butter. Canola oil is best because of its bland flavor. Fruit purees, like applesauce, pureed prunes and baby-food fruits, are often used in place of butter." }, { "score": 0.733358264, "text": "Everything You Need to Know About Baking With Coconut Oil. 1 Avocado: Substitute half the amount of butter in a baking recipe with mashed avocado (it works well with cookies and quick breads like these pumpkin apple muffins); use the same method as you would when using applesauce." }, { "score": 0.7317236662, "text": "When using Pamela's Wheat free, Gluten-free, Non-dairy bread mix can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil or can I substitute applesauce for the oil. I thought I had read somewhere that you can use applesauce instead of oil in recipes to lower the fat content." }, { "score": 0.7291558981, "text": "Replace half the amount of butter in your recipe with applesauce; if the recipe calls for one cup of butter, use half a cup of butter and half a cup of applesauce. If you don't mind a denser, more moist bread, replace all the butter with applesauce to cut even more calories and fat." }, { "score": 0.7282799482, "text": "1 Replace half the amount of butter in your recipe with applesauce; if the recipe calls for one cup of butter, use half a cup of butter and half a cup of applesauce. 2 If you don't mind a denser, more moist bread, replace all the butter with applesauce to cut even more calories and fat." }, { "score": 0.7242771387, "text": "How to Make a Cake from a Mix Without Oil and Eggs. Three Methods: Baking With Applesauce Instead of Eggs and Oil Baking With Soda Instead of Eggs and Oil Baking With Pumpkin Puree Instead of Eggs and Oil. There are many reasons why anyone may wish to bake cakes that don't include any eggs or oil in the recipes. Basically, one cup of applesauce per box of cake mix acts as a fair substitute for the required amount of eggs and oil. 2 In a typical cake (if you were making this without the box), one cup of applesauce replaces the two eggs usually asked for." }, { "score": 0.7161446214, "text": "Start with a cake, muffin or cookie recipe. (Stick with butter or shortening for pie crusts). Try substituting one-fourth or half the butter with oil. And don't substitute the same amount: try two thirds to three fourths as much oil. In other words, to replace 4 tablespoons of butter, experiment with a scant 3 tablespoons of oil." }, { "score": 0.7149246931, "text": "Go with either the soybean oil and olive oil. You can also use an equal amount of applesauce. If you were making a white or yellow cake, I'd say use the butter, but with chocolate, it's best to stick with an oil or applesauce." }, { "score": 0.7108135819, "text": "Cooking. In cooking, shortening can be substituted for vegetable oil in a 1-to-1 ratio. Shortening is better as a substitute for vegetable oil than butter for frying, as shortening has a very high smoke point.Butter tends to burn too quickly.ther Substitutions. A better substitution for vegetable oil in baking is pureed fruit, like prunes, apricots or prepared applesauce. It is also possible to substitute one type of oil for another; vegetable oil can be replaced by other oils, such as canola, safflower or sunflower oil." }, { "score": 0.7001805305, "text": "Pour the cake mix into a mixing bowl.Get a medium sized mixing bowl and pour the contents of the cake mix into it. 4. Add the can of pumpkin puree. Pour the pumpkin puree into the mixing bowl and stir it together with the cake mix. Make sure to get out all of the lumps so that you have a smooth, clump-free batter. Basically, one cup of applesauce per box of cake mix acts as a fair substitute for the required amount of eggs and oil. 2 In a typical cake (if you were making this without the box), one cup of applesauce replaces the two eggs usually asked for." }, { "score": 0.6913617849, "text": "Perhaps the easiest to replace, eggs used for moisture can be replaced with oil, applesauce, and even silken tofu! Feel free to swap applesauce and pumpkin puree with other vegetable and fruit purees. As long as they are smooth and creamy, they should do the trick." }, { "score": 0.6813514829, "text": "For gooey, fudgy textured brownies, substitute one egg with one-quarter cup of yogurt. If you have a box of brownie mix on hand, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, then combine one-third cup cold water with one-quarter cup plain nonfat yogurt, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.Mix the wet ingredients with a fork, then add them to the brownie mix.ooks have long-known that applesauce can be used as a tool for reducing the amount of oil needed in recipes, but applesauce and bananas make good substitutes for eggs in baking as well. Swap one egg for one-third cup of applesauce in your brownie recipe." }, { "score": 0.6599228382, "text": "The darker the flour is, the more liquid you'll want to add. If you're following some of our egg substitutes recommendations and are using applesauce or fruit for the egg, or our butter substitutes and are using olive oil for butter, then you do not need to add more moisture." }, { "score": 0.6561754346, "text": "This is a gluten free adaptation to JOJOMKE's fabulous Applesauce Oatmeal Muffin Spark Recipe. Kudos to JOJOMKE for the original recipe! You can substitute 1/2 C pumpkin for the applesauce. For a more moist muffin, use only 1 Tablespoon of flaxseed." }, { "score": 0.6516567469, "text": "Mayonnaise as a replacement for oil and eggs in a cake mix. You can substitute the oil and eggs called for in a cake mix by following the directions below: Omit eggs and oil and use ONLY the same amount of Mayonnaise as oil called for in the cake mix directions.You may need to adjust the amount of water.ayonnaise as a replacement for oil and eggs in a cake mix. You can substitute the oil and eggs called for in a cake mix by following the directions below: Omit eggs and oil and use ONLY the same amount of Mayonnaise as oil called for in the cake mix directions." }, { "score": 0.6481340528, "text": "Applesauce (1/3 cup applesauce = 1 egg or ¼ cup Applesauce + 1 tsp Baking Powder ) If chocolate in the brownies overpowers the flavor of applesauce so it can be safely used, and is in fact, one of the best egg substitute in brownie mix. Soy Yogurt/Plain Yogurt ( ¼ cup Yogurt= 1 EGG )" }, { "score": 0.6463342905, "text": "1 Use a hand or stand mixer to thoroughly combine the applesauce with the other liquid ingredients (egg, flavoring), then blend the liquids with the sugar. 2 With a large spatula, carefully fold the dry ingredients into the mixture until just combined. 3 The finished product will be moist." }, { "score": 0.6342031956, "text": "This is a gluten free adaptation to JOJOMKE's fabulous Applesauce Oatmeal Muffin Spark Recipe. Kudos to JOJOMKE for the original recipe! You can substitute 1/2 C pumpkin for the applesauce. For a more moist muffin, use only 1 Tablespoon of flaxseed. Muffins keep best if stored in the freezer and taken out as needed." }, { "score": 0.5593906045, "text": "1. Combine two parts olive oil to one part lemon juice. You could substitute vegetable oil or linseed oil for the olive oil but you should avoid the use of virgin olive oil because it doesn't work nearly as well. This recipe only works on finished wood. 2. Apply with a lint free cloth or cheesecloth." }, { "score": 0.558031857, "text": "1. Combine two parts olive oil to one part lemon juice. You could substitute vegetable oil or linseed oil for the olive oil but you should avoid the use of virgin olive oil because it doesn't work nearly as well. This recipe only works on finished wood." }, { "score": 0.5527664423, "text": "1 Fill the warm sterilized jars with the hot apple butter. 2 Leave 1/2 inch headspace. 3 After the jars are properly filled, wipe the top rim and the screw threads on the neck of the jars with a damp cloth or paper towel to remove anything that may have gotten on them while filling the jars. Pour the applesauce into the slow cooker, leaving at least 1 inch of headspace. 2 Add the sugar and spices to the applesauce. 3 Note: If the applesauce is already fairly sweet, you may want to cut back on the amount of sugar you add." }, { "score": 0.5366104841, "text": "Examples of substitution in a sentence. 1 The coach made three substitutions in the second half of the game. 2 I'd prefer rice with my steak instead of potatoes, but the menu says \"no substitutions.\". 3 Substitution of applesauce for oil is one way of reducing the fat in recipes." }, { "score": 0.5254392028, "text": "The Technique. The basic technique for using flax as an egg substitute is clear and straightforward. For each egg you're replacing, stir 1 tablespoon of finely ground flax seed into 3 tablespoons of cold water. Let the mixture rest for a minimum of 5 minutes, so the seeds' soluble fiber can form its gel with the water. Large eggs average ¼ cup each, or 4 tablespoons, so this makes a direct 1-to-1 replacement." }, { "score": 0.497879982, "text": "Don't substitute apple juice for applesauce or raw apples. Apple juice tends to work as a natural laxative. Try to stick with decaffeinated tea and don't use herbal teas, which might prolong diarrhea. Skip additives to your tea like milk, honey, sugar or sugar substitutes." } ]
lagrange ga population
[ { "score": 0.8481141329, "text": "Population of LaGrange, GA. Last official estimated population of LaGrange city (Troup County**, Georgia state) was 30,557 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.01% of total US population and 0.3% of total Georgia state population. Area of LaGrange city is 42.8 mi² (=110.9 km²)[6], in this year population density was 713.83 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.81%/yr), LaGrange city population in 2017 would be 31,305*." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6901687384, "text": "Lagrange, GA average salary is $70,397, median salary is $54,933 with a salary range from $32,427 to $270,144. Lagrange, GA salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Lagrange, GA salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only." }, { "score": 0.6802443862, "text": "9.8%. According to our research of Georgia and other state lists there were 270 registered sex offenders living in LaGrange, Georgia as of April 14, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in LaGrange to the number of sex offenders is 113 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Columbus, GA (38.2 miles , pop. 185,781)." }, { "score": 0.6669074297, "text": "9.7%. According to our research of Georgia and other state lists there were 208 registered sex offenders living in LaGrange, Georgia as of October 06, 2015. The ratio of number of residents in LaGrange to the number of sex offenders is 147 to 1." }, { "score": 0.6651995778, "text": "Find Yourself Here. LaGrange College is located in LaGrange, Georgia (pop. 30,000) — one hour southwest of Atlanta along I-85. An inviting community that combines small-town charm with big-city options, LaGrange is home to Fortune 500 companies, historic landmarks, unique shops and restaurants for every taste." }, { "score": 0.6507565379, "text": "City of Lagrange, GA Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Lagrange, GA covers 2 Area Codes. City of Lagrange, GA covers 3 Zip Codes. 5 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Lagrange, GA." }, { "score": 0.6458362341, "text": "In LaGrange, GA, the median worker income is $20,968. This is lower than the national average of $29,701. The LaGrange, GA unemployment rate was 11.1%, as of the last census. This is higher than the national average of 7.9%. The LaGrange, GA poverty rate of 23.5% is higher than the national average." }, { "score": 0.633924365, "text": "LaGrange is a village in Lorain County, Ohio, United States. The population was 2,103 at the 2010 census." }, { "score": 0.6302001476, "text": "LaGrange, Indiana. For the ghost town in Tippecanoe County, see LaGrange, Tippecanoe County, Indiana. LaGrange is a town in and the county seat of LaGrange County, Indiana, United States. The population was 2,625 at the 2010 census." }, { "score": 0.6245588064, "text": "For population 25 years and over in LaGrange: 1 High school or higher: 80.4%. 2 Bachelor's degree or higher: 20.6%. 3 Graduate or professional degree: 8.1 4 %. Unemployed: 5. 5 4%. Mean travel time to work (commute): 21.2 minutes." }, { "score": 0.6089523435, "text": "The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Georgia was 9,815,210 on July 1, 2011, a 1.32% increase since the 2010 United States Census. In 2007, Georgia had an estimated population of 9,544,750 which was an increase of 180,809 from the previous year, and an increase of 1,177,125 since 2000." }, { "score": 0.6062185168, "text": "[email protected]. LaGrange became the seat of Troup County on December 16, 1828. LaGrange takes its name from General Marquis de Lafayette's estate in France. Lafayette, a French soldier and statesman, earned recognition as a supporter of independence during the American Revolution." }, { "score": 0.6061531305, "text": "LAGRANGE GEORGIA + TROUP COUNTY. Visit LaGrange, Georgia, and create your own stories worth sharing. Whether you're walking garden paths at Hills & Dales Estate, discovering Biblical artifacts at the Biblical History Center, or relaxing on West Point Lake, you'll find unique experiences that come to life here." }, { "score": 0.6060354114, "text": "As of 2010-2014, the per capita income of LaGrange Area is $21,386, which is lower than the state average of $25,427 and is lower than the national average of $28,555. LaGrange Area median household income is $41,906. On average LaGrange Area residents spend 20.9 minutes per day commuting to work, which is lower than the state average of 27.4 minutes and is lower than the national average of 25.7 minutes. Per Capita Income, #620." }, { "score": 0.6043125987, "text": "LaGrange, GA - Weather forecast from Theweather.com. Weather conditions with updates on temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow, pressure, etc. for LaGrange, Georgia Today: Cloudy skies with light rain, with a maximum temperature of 63° and a minimum temperature of 52°." }, { "score": 0.5995360613, "text": "Georgia has a population of 9,907,756 and a population density of 166.9 people per square mile. The capital city is Atlanta and the largest city in Georgia is Atlanta. To filter the results, use the dropdown options to sort by population or category." }, { "score": 0.5972753763, "text": "Latest news from LaGrange, GA collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Irish (8.9%), United States (8.2%), English (7.2%), German (5.9%), French (1.0%). Current Local Time: EST time zone. Land area: 29.0 square miles." }, { "score": 0.5954198837, "text": "LaFayette, Georgia. LaFayette (/lʌˈfeɪɛt/ luh-FAY-et) is a city in, and the county seat of, Walker County, Georgia, United States. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 6,702, which rose to 7,121 in 2010. It was founded as Chattooga. LaFayette is part of the Chattanooga, TN-GA Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "score": 0.5941382647, "text": "LaGrange, New York. Not to be confused with the location in Hamptonburgh, Orange County, New York or the hamlet in Covington, Wyoming County, New York. LaGrange /ləˈɡreɪndʒ/ is a town in Dutchess County, New York, United States. The population was 15,730 at the 2010 census. The town was named after the ancestral estate of the wife of the Marquis de Lafayette." }, { "score": 0.5937657952, "text": "The 2014 Dalton, Georgia, population is 33,049. There are 1,609 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 32.3. The US median is 37.2. 49.87% of people in Dalton, Georgia, are married. 13.96% are divorced. The average household size is 2.74 people. 40.16% of people are married, with children. 23.26% have children, but are single. 77.93% of people are white, 6.74% are black, 2.20% are asian, 0.29% are native american, and 9.34% claim 'Other'." }, { "score": 0.5932407975, "text": "LaGrange-area historical earthquake activity is slightly above Georgia state average. It is 82% smaller than the overall U.S. average. On 4/29/2003 at 08:59:39, a magnitude 4.9 (4.4 MB, 4.6 MW, 4.9 LG, Depth: 12.2 mi, Class: Light, Intensity: IV-V) earthquake occurred 106.5 miles away from the city center." }, { "score": 0.5930458903, "text": "LaGrange County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 37,128. The county seat is LaGrange, Indiana. The county is located in the Northern Indiana region known as Michiana and is about 55 miles (89 km) east of South Bend, 105 miles (169 km) west of Toledo, Ohio, and 175 miles (282 km) northeast of Indianapolis." }, { "score": 0.5905923843, "text": "LaFayette (/lʌˈfeɪɛt/ luh-FAY-et) is a city in, and the county seat of, Walker County, Georgia, United States. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 6,702, which rose to 7,121 in 2010. It was founded as Chattooga. LaFayette is part of the Chattanooga, TN-GA Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "score": 0.5894665718, "text": "About LaGrange. LaGrange was platted on June 18, 1836 and began the process of becoming the County Seat by an act of the Legislature in 1840. This was an attempt to locate county seats near the center of the county population. LaGrange, meaning farm or plantation was named after the Marquis de Lafayette plantation. Read More." }, { "score": 0.5839182138, "text": "Lavonia, Georgia. Homefacts City Report. Lavonia is located in Hart County, GA. The population is 2,149, making Lavonia the 3rd largest city in Hart County. There are 1 public schools in Lavonia with an average Homefacts rating of B+. The total crime rate for Lavonia is low, and there are 21 registered sex offenders residing in the city." }, { "score": 0.580653131, "text": "Lavonia, Georgia. Lavonia is a city in Franklin County, Georgia, United States. The population was 2,156 at the 2010 census, up from 1,827 at the 2000 census. Contents." }, { "score": 0.5798639655, "text": "LaGrange is home to LaGrange College, the oldest private college in the state. Started as a girls' academy, it has been affiliated since the late 19th century with the Methodist Church, and what is now the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church." }, { "score": 0.5784768462, "text": "According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Georgia had a population of 9,687,653. In terms of race the population was: 1 59.7% White American (55.9% Non-Hispanic White, 3.8% White Hispanic), 2 30.5% Black or African American (including Hispanics)." }, { "score": 0.5784747601, "text": "The ratio of number of residents in Lagrange to the number of sex offenders is 132 to 1. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2015: $676 (0.7%) Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2015: $456 (0.5%)" }, { "score": 0.5728917122, "text": "The per capita income for the village was $19,465. About 3.6% of families and 6.2% of the population were below the poverty line, including 5.4% of those under age 18 and 11.5% of those age 65 or over. LaGrange's town square includes a tribute statue to the soldiers of the Civil War." }, { "score": 0.5691598654, "text": "History[edit] LaGrange is named after the country estate near Paris of the wife of the Marquis de La Fayette, who visited Georgia in 1825 and remarked on the similar topography of that regio of Georgia and his estate." }, { "score": 0.5687484741, "text": "As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 33,128, with the total metropolitan area having a population of 142,227. Dalton is located just off Interstate 75 in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in northwest Georgia and is the second largest city in northwest Georgia, after Rome." }, { "score": 0.5675983429, "text": "Locust Grove, Georgia. Locust Grove is a city in Henry County, Georgia, United States. The population was 5,402 at the 2010 census, up from 2,322 in 2000. Some unincorporated communities such as Luella and many rural areas surround Locust Grove, and those communities have Locust Grove postal addresses." }, { "score": 0.5647653937, "text": "The income per capita in LaGrange is 34% lower than the national average. The median household income in LaGrange is 36% lower than the national average. Male median earnings are 41% higher than female median earnings. The unemployment rate in LaGrange is 48% higher than the national average. The poverty level in LaGrange is 94% higher than the national average." }, { "score": 0.5647382736, "text": "Email Address: LaGrange became the seat of Troup County on December 16, 1828. LaGrange takes its name from General Marquis de Lafayette's estate in France. Lafayette, a French soldier and statesman, earned recognition as a supporter of independence during the American Revolution." }, { "score": 0.5604786277, "text": "Add our fresh, local cuisine and boutique shopping, and you'll enjoy the perfect escape from life's everyday challenges. Located just south of Atlanta, LaGrange is convenient to I-85 and I-185, making it the perfect hub for exploring the region for a weekend or more." }, { "score": 0.5587334037, "text": "Habersham County, Georgia (GA) County population in 2014: 43,752 (41% urban, 59% rural); it was 35,902 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 7,177. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 4,419. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 10,107." }, { "score": 0.5559443235, "text": "LaGrange on our top lists 1 : #12 on the list of Top 101 cities with the highest unemployment growth from 2000 to 2009. # 2 12 on the list of Top 101 cities with the highest unemployment in 2009. # 3 16 on the list of Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in other hospitals or wards for chronically ill." }, { "score": 0.555498004, "text": "LaGrange County, Indiana. LaGrange County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 37,128. The county seat is LaGrange, Indiana. The county is located in the Northern Indiana region known as Michiana and is about 55 miles east of South Bend, 105 miles west of Toledo, Ohio, and 175 miles northeast of Indianapolis. The area is well known for its large Amish population. For that reason, the county teams up with neighboring Elkhart County to promote tourism by referring to the area as" }, { "score": 0.5474265814, "text": "LAGRANGE TOWNSHIP 353 South Center Street P.O. Box 565 LaGrange, OH 44050 Phone (440) 355-6071 Fax (440) 355-6081 [email protected] LaGrange Township is located in south central Lorain County at the intersections of State Route 301 and State Route 303. The Township provides services to the 5,972 residents living in LaGrange Township." }, { "score": 0.5473080277, "text": "Coffee County, Georgia (GA) County population in 2014: 42,811 (33% urban, 67% rural); it was 37,413 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 5,566. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 4,629. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 9,935." }, { "score": 0.5467578173, "text": "According to the United States Census Bureau, the Albany, Georgia Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) had an estimated population of 157,308 and ranked 252nd in the U.S. in 2010. The MSA consists of Dougherty, Terrell, Lee, Worth, and Baker Counties." }, { "score": 0.544593215, "text": "Approximately 1,815 of these residents reside inside the Village of LaGrange which is located in the center of LaGrange Township. The Township operates under Ohio Township Law and is governed by three elected trustees who serve four year terms of office. The elected township clerk manages all finances of the township." }, { "score": 0.5426034927, "text": "Most / Least Educated Cities in GA. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Coffee County is 42,947, which is 14.79% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 21.03% and is higher than the national average rate of 11.61%." }, { "score": 0.5414649844, "text": "We have listed the low income / affordable apartments in Lagrange, GA.Properties include HUD low income housing, public housing offered by housing authorities along with non profit organizations that help with low income housing needs. Tell us what type of assistance you are looking for." }, { "score": 0.5370457172, "text": "Jasper, GA is a census place located in Pickens County, GA with a population of 3,715 and a median age of 38.4. In 2015, the median household income in Jasper, GA was $46,571, a 9.7% growth from the previous year." }, { "score": 0.530613482, "text": "Latrobe, PA has a population of 8,237 and is the 4,561st largest city in the United States. The population density is 3,557 per sq mi which is 1153% higher than the Pennsylvania average and 3826% higher than the national average. The median age in Latrobe is 44 which is approximately 8% higher than the Pennsylvania average of 40." }, { "score": 0.526771605, "text": "Its economic, cultural and demographic center is Atlanta, and it had a 2015 estimated population of 5.7 million people according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The metro area forms the core of a broader trading area, the Atlanta–Athens-Clarke–Sandy Springs Combined Statistical Area. The Combined Statistical Area spans up to 39 counties in north Georgia and had an estimated 2015 population of 6.3 million people. Atlanta is considered an alpha(-) world city." }, { "score": 0.5123540163, "text": "The Troup County High School and the Long Cane Middle School are both located in LaGrange, and they serve the children of West Point and the surrounding area. Point University, formerly Atlanta Christian College, a private Christian university in East Point, moved their campus to West Point in 2012." }, { "score": 0.5084559917, "text": "Columbus, GA. 132-acre campus in Columbus (population: 197,485), 94 miles from Atlanta; classes offered at Fort Benning and in Americus, Griffin, LaGrange, and Thomaston. Served by air and bus; major airport serves Atlanta. Public transportation serves campus. Columbus State University 4225 University Avenue Columbus, GA 31907-5645 $" }, { "score": 0.5059689283, "text": "7.68% of the population in Jasper, GA (3,608 people) live below the poverty line, a number that is lower than the national average of 14.7%. The largest demographic living in poverty is Female 75+, followed by Male 55-64 and then Female 35-44." }, { "score": 0.498631686, "text": "Hazlehurst, GA. Sponsored Topics. Hazlehurst is a city in and the county seat of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, United States. The population was 3,787 at the 2000 census. As of the census of 2000, there were 3,787 people, 1,513 households, and 1,039 families residing in the city. The population density was 807.1 people per square mile (311.8/km²)." }, { "score": 0.4986021817, "text": "Poverty by Age and Gender. 15.2% of the population in Barrow County, GA (71,597 people) live below the poverty line, which is approximately the same as the national average of 14.7%. The largest group living in porverty is Female 25-34, followed by Female 6-11 and then Male 6-11." }, { "score": 0.4935567379, "text": "WellStar West Georgia Health Emergency. 1514 Vernon Rd LaGrange, GA 30240 (706) 880-7748" }, { "score": 0.4893011153, "text": "According to the official New York lottery website, LaGrangeville, a hamlet of the Town of LaGrange with a population of under 9,000, is home to 3 Lottery Jackpot winners since 2001. LaGrangeville just might be the luckiest town in the US. LaGrangeville is home to two recent Lottery Millionaires. In 2001, Gertrude Scaccia and her sister Nancy, of Hopewell Junction, split an $18,000,000 Lotto Jackpot. In February of 2008, Anna Marie and Steven Cuomo claimed their $1,000,000 Jackpot." }, { "score": 0.4881397188, "text": "Our local restaurants offer fun flavors and fresh ingredients. Regardless of your preferences, delicious food and refreshing drink await you. From Southern cooking to farm-to-table experiences, you'll enjoy delectable dishes found only in LaGrange, Georgia." }, { "score": 0.488135159, "text": "Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Lagrange: 1 Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne (about 40 miles; Fort Wayne, IN; Full-time enrollment: 10,126) 2 University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne (about 41 miles; Fort Wayne, IN; FT enrollment: 2,075)" }, { "score": 0.486692071, "text": "Chattooga County, Georgia. Chattooga County is a county located in the northwestern part of the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 26,015. The county seat is Summerville. The county was created on December 28, 1838." }, { "score": 0.4864932597, "text": "Jasper is a city in Pickens County, Georgia, United States. The population was 3,684 at the 2010 census. The city is the county seat of Pickens County." }, { "score": 0.4836534858, "text": "Water area: 0.257 sq.kms. The Covington-Porterdale county subdivision had a population of 33,250 in 1990. The County seat of Newton County, North Central Georgia, 35 miles East South East of Atlanta, West of Madison, North of Jackson Lake and South West of Athens on U.S. Route 20." }, { "score": 0.4749497771, "text": "According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Pickens County was 19,746 in 2010. Of that total, 56.3 percent of respondents identified themselves as white, 41.6percent as African American, 1.6 percent as Hispanic, 1.2 percent as two or more races, 0.2 percent as Asian, and 0.1 as Native American. Pickens County ranked 49th in population among Alabama's 67 counties in 2000. The largest city is Aliceville, with an estimated population of 2.486. Other significant population centers included Reform, Gordo, Memphis, Carrollton, and Pickensville." }, { "score": 0.4745708704, "text": "Largo is the third largest city in Pinellas County, Florida, USA and is part of the Tampa Bay Area. Centrally located, it is the crossroads of the county. As of the 2000 census, the City had a total population of 69,371. As of 2004, the population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau was 71,704. Largo was first incorporated in 1905. In 1913, it became the first municipality in Pinellas County to adopt a Council-Manager government." }, { "score": 0.4742955863, "text": "Glascock County, Georgia. Glascock County is a county located in the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 3,082, making it the fourth-least populous county in Georgia. The county seat is Gibson. The county was created on December 19, 1857." }, { "score": 0.471203953, "text": "Georgetown, Chatham County, Georgia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Georgetown is a census-designated place (CDP) in Chatham County, Georgia, United States. The population was 11,823 at the 2010 census. Georgetown lies across the Little Ogeechee River (and city limits) from Savannah, Georgia, and is a suburban bedroom community of Savannah, where most of its adult residents work. It is part of the Savannah, GA Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "score": 0.4705759883, "text": "Troup County DFCS Office. Troup County DFCS. County Director - Shay Thornton. 1220 Hogansville Road. LaGrange, Georgia 30241-4631. Direct Office Number (770) 830-2178. To report child abuse, call the CPS Central Intake Center at 1-855-422-4453. For questions regarding Food Stamps, Medicaid, TANF or Childcare, contact the Customer Contact Center at 1-877-423-4746." }, { "score": 0.4246610403, "text": "Latrobe ( /leɪtroʊb/) is a city in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania in the United States, approximately 40 miles (64 km) southeast of Pittsburgh. The city population was 7,634 as of the 2000 census (9,265 in 1990). It is located near the Pennsylvania's scenic Chestnut Ridge." } ]
what doctor treats autoimmune disease
[ { "score": 0.7988392711, "text": "69 Followers. A. An internist or primary care physician is often able to treat uncomplicated autoimmune disease. But with the advent of new therapies, specifically biologics which require very skilled management, care by a rheumatologist is desirable." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7260171175, "text": "As mentioned before, the primary care doctor for most lupus patients is a rheumatologist, a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones as well as certain autoimmune diseases including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis." }, { "score": 0.7234640121, "text": "The primary care doctor for most lupus patients is a rheumatologist (ROOM-uh-TALL-uh-jist), a physician who specializes in diseases of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones as well as certain autoimmune diseases including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis." }, { "score": 0.7138228416, "text": "Whilst localised (organ specific) autoimmune diseases mainly affect a single organ or tissue, the effects frequently extend to other body systems and organs. These diseases are often managed by organ-specific Medical Specialists, such as Endocrinologists, Gastroenterologists, Neurologists or Rheumatologists.he causes of autoimmune diseases are not yet known. However, in many cases it appears that there is some inherited tendency to develop autoimmune diseases. In people with this inherited tendency, other factors such as infections and some drugs may play a role in triggering autoimmune disease." }, { "score": 0.7108091116, "text": "Rheumatologists treat arthritis, certain autoimmune diseases, musculoskeletal pain disorders and osteoporosis. There are more than 100 types of these diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, back pain, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and tendonitis.heumatologists treat arthritis, certain autoimmune diseases, musculoskeletal pain disorders and osteoporosis. There are more than 100 types of these diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, back pain, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and tendonitis." }, { "score": 0.7084555626, "text": "An autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your body. What are the most common ones, and how are they diagnosed and treated? An autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your body." }, { "score": 0.7078348398, "text": "Juggling your health care needs among many doctors and specialists can be hard. But specialists, along with your main doctor, may be helpful in managing some symptoms of your autoimmune disease. If you see a specialist, make sure you have a supportive main doctor to help you.nd many symptoms of autoimmune diseases are the same for other types of health problems too. This makes it hard for doctors to find out if you really have an autoimmune disease, and which one it might be. But if you are having symptoms that bother you, it's important to find the cause." }, { "score": 0.7003692389, "text": "But visiting other types of health care workers, along with your main doctor, may be helpful in managing some symptoms of your autoimmune disease. Here are some other kinds of health care workers that may be useful." }, { "score": 0.6966615915, "text": "Physicians who specialize in rheumatology are called rheumatologists. Rheumatologists deal mainly with clinical problems involving joints, soft tissues, autoimmune diseases, vasculitis, and heritable connective tissue disorders. Many of these diseases are now known to be disorders of the immune system. Rheumatology is increasingly the study of immunology." }, { "score": 0.6966053843, "text": "(An autoimmune disorder is a condition that occurs when the body's own immune system attacks and destroys its own healthy tissue.) Rheumatologists must undergo three years of internal medicine practice and a two to three year-long rheumatology fellowship." }, { "score": 0.6958377361, "text": "Autoimmune diseases refer to problems with the immune system, which usually fight off viruses, bacteria and infection. The problem causes your immune cells to attack your body by mistake. These diseases can affect almost any part of the body. In most cases, your doctor will prescribe medications to reduce redness, pain, and swelling." }, { "score": 0.6913633943, "text": "Doctors Who Treat Lupus. The form of lupus and its symptoms determine what type of doctor you will see. Most people who have mild to moderate disease will be treated by a rheumatologist, who specializes in the diseases of joints and muscles." }, { "score": 0.6875838041, "text": "Nine Steps to Treating Autoimmune Disease. 1 Check for hidden infections — yeast, viruses, bacteria, Lyme, etc. 2 Check for hidden food allergens with IgG food testing or just try The UltraSimple Diet, which is designed to eliminate most food allergens. 3 Get tested for celiac disease, which is a blood test that any doctor can do." }, { "score": 0.6874055862, "text": "A rheumatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating rheumatic conditions and diseases. Typically an internist or pediatrician, rheumatologists analyze, diagnose, and treat the different illnesses that affect your joints, bones, and muscles.heumatologists are most commonly associated with arthritis diagnosis and treatment, although they also help treat a number of other rheumatic conditions, including: 1 musculoskeletal pain. 2 osteoporosis. 3 osteoarthritis. 4 gout. 5 lupus and other autoimmune diseases." }, { "score": 0.6858878136, "text": "If you have an autoimmune disease, here is what you need to think about and do. Nine Steps to Treating Autoimmune Disease. 1 Check for hidden infections — yeast, viruses, bacteria, Lyme, etc. — 2 with the help of a doctor, and treat them. 3 Check for hidden food allergens with IgG food testing or just try The UltraSimple Diet, which is designed to eliminate most food allergens." }, { "score": 0.6802603006, "text": "For more complicated cases of lupus, a rheumatologist is usually the primary doctor. Other specialists are consulted as needed. For mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, or other behavioral changes, see your family medical doctor or internist, or a psychiatrist. For the treatment of organ problems, a doctor who specializes in diseases of that particular organ system may work together with a rheumatologist or immunologist." }, { "score": 0.6782900095, "text": "Treatments can't cure autoimmune diseases, but they can control the overactive immune response and bring down inflammation. Drugs used to treat these conditions include: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Naprosyn)" }, { "score": 0.6732349396, "text": "Whilst localised (organ specific) autoimmune diseases mainly affect a single organ or tissue, the effects frequently extend to other body systems and organs.These diseases are often managed by organ-specific Medical Specialists, such as Endocrinologists, Gastroenterologists, Neurologists or Rheumatologists.. Localised (organ specific) - affecting mainly one particular part of the body. 2. Systemic-affecting multiple parts of the body. These categories may overlap, as localised (organ specific) autoimmune disease can affect other parts of the body and some people may have more than one type of autoimmune disease." }, { "score": 0.6712143421, "text": "They treat various autoimmune forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis, as well as other autoimmune connective tissue diseases, such as lupus, Sjogren's syndrome, vasculitis, myositis, and scleroderma." }, { "score": 0.6704856753, "text": "Autoimmune Disorders (Rheumatology). For patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, lupus, and other autoimmune disorders, Hedley Orthopaedic Institute offers aggressive treatment options that may prevent tissue damage and permanent disability while improving quality of life.upus occurs when the body's autoimmune system attacks tissues and organs. While the cause of lupus is unknown, it is believed that certain people may have a genetic predisposition toward the disease, which can be activated by environment. Sun exposure and certain medications are believed to be possible triggers." }, { "score": 0.6695026159, "text": "The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) recommends the following to help your doctor with correctly diagnosing your condition." }, { "score": 0.6674075127, "text": "Autoimmune-The Cause and The Cure identifies the cause and the cure for a wide range of autoimmune disorders including: Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjogren's, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's, rosacea, myasthenia gravis, Hashimoto's, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more.his means that if you have a family member with an autoimmune disease, you are at an increased risk of developing an autoimmune condition as well. And it does not have to be the same disease-one relative may have autoimmune thyroid disease, another multiple sclerosis, and another inflammatory bowel disease." }, { "score": 0.6617993116, "text": "A. Fibromyalgia is not an autoimmune disease. It's a disease in which the brain and spinal cord over-interpret sensation. Rheumatologists are pain management experts, so it would make sense for them to see people with fibromyalgia. However, fibromyalgia is so common that my hope is that primary care providers will become the experts in fibromyalgia management." }, { "score": 0.656952858, "text": "No single test can diagnose most autoimmune diseases. Your doctor will use a combination of tests and an assessment of your symptoms to diagnose you. The antinuclear antibody test (ANA) is often the first test that doctors use when symptoms suggest an autoimmune disease." }, { "score": 0.6542903185, "text": "Autoimmune-The Cause and The Cure identifies the cause and the cure for a wide range of autoimmune disorders including: Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjogren's, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's, rosacea, myasthenia gravis, Hashimoto's, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more." }, { "score": 0.6516753435, "text": "Autoimmune - The Cause and The Cure identifies the cause and the cure for a wide range of autoimmune disorders including: Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjogren's, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's, rosacea, myasthenia gravis, Hashimoto's, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more." }, { "score": 0.6466500163, "text": "Autoimmune Disease: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Treatments. Commonly asked questions about autoimmune disease. What is autoimmune disease? What are the types of autoimmune disease? What causes autoimmune disease? What risk factors attribute to autoimmune disease? What are the signs/symptoms of autoimmune disease? Is autoimmune disease curable?" }, { "score": 0.6464048624, "text": "The genesis of this article is as a follow-up to a presentation delivered at the 2011 American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) annual convention on the topic of autoimmune disease, which resulted in a substantial amount of inquiry and requests for further exploration of the topics presented.owever, patients suffering from disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and autoimmune thyroiditis (i.e., Hashimoto's or Graves' disease) who visit a rheumatologist or endocrinologist do not routinely have stool analysis of their GI microbiota or food sensitivity testing performed." }, { "score": 0.6442177892, "text": "Autoimmune-The Cause and The Cure identifies the cause and the cure for a wide range of autoimmune disorders including: Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjogren's, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's, rosacea, myasthenia gravis, Hashimoto's, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more.iruses, bacteria and mycoplasma, a type of small-cell bacteria, are implicated in autoimmune diseases. Often a bout of illness with a virus such as the Epstein-Barr virus triggers the onset of an autoimmune disease. Toxic Metal Exposure. An estimated twenty-five percent of us have some form of heavy metal poisoning." }, { "score": 0.6413104534, "text": "When You Have a Graves' Disease, See an Endocrinologist. Graves' disease, the autoimmune condition that causes the thyroid to become overactive, can be complicated to diagnose and treat. And treatment guidelines are regularly changing." }, { "score": 0.6392599344, "text": "Usually, an immune specialist is involved in diagnosis and treatment. This condition can onset at any age and may be associated with disease and life events, or not, depending on the patient. People with autoimmune conditions sometimes develop dermatitis in association with their underlying conditions." }, { "score": 0.6285870075, "text": "Doctors who treat fibromyalgia. Highlights. Make an appointment with your primary care doctor if you're experiencing fibromyalgia symptoms. A rheumatologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the muscles, joints, and connective tissues. Physical and occupational therapy can help you be more active." }, { "score": 0.6274764538, "text": "Pain!: An autoimmune disease systemic le can attack your joints, your kidney your heart basically every system of your body. Need to be in the care of a good rheumatologist. ...Read more." }, { "score": 0.6208027601, "text": "U. BUFFALO (US) — Doctors will be able to diagnose the painful autoimmune disease Sjogren's syndrome much earlier, thanks to the discovery of novel antibodies. The breakthrough, described in a paper in the December issue of Clinical Immunology, will allow patients to be treated sooner when they are much more likely to benefit." }, { "score": 0.6138344407, "text": "One effective treatment for rheumatoid diseases and other autoimmune disorders is infusion therapy. Infusion therapy provides patients with medication administered by IV. It is a safe and effective alternative when a patient's condition is severe and oral medication is not an option or has not worked." }, { "score": 0.6122939587, "text": "That's because 30% of psoriasis sufferers also have psoriatic arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease characterized by joint pain accompanied by psoriasis. If you have this condition, it's not enough to simply treat skin with a steroid cream, so your dermatologist may refer to you to rheumatologist for treatment." }, { "score": 0.6094659567, "text": "Now, a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Bristol has shed light on both of these areas, which will hopefully lead to more effective treatments. For the current study, the researchers looked at a type of white blood cell called a CD4+ T cell—one of the most important players in autoimmunity." }, { "score": 0.609184742, "text": "Autoimmune Disease Genetics. 1 1Division of Rheumatology and Department of Immunology, Mayo Clinic, 200 1st Street SW, Guggenheim Building 3-42, Rochester, MN 55905, USA. 2 2Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Human Genetics, Department of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece." }, { "score": 0.5987026691, "text": "By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD. Autoimmune conditions are multifactorial in their cause, with a mixture of genetic and environmental factors often playing a role." }, { "score": 0.5953075886, "text": "With detoxification- E rosette; its medical practitioner I've helped to open new areas of study for motherhood with the autoimmune disease in uremic neuropathy; If you are and what the lawyer is experienced; A doctor and nothing works in tandem with celiac sprue disease there is very limited successfully treated with a CAGR of 12; O Arthritis autoimmune diseases that mimic lupus including Alfalfa Leaf has been an approved their hair from constant pulling as with the therapist about your lupus diet helps boost the immune system." }, { "score": 0.5918841362, "text": "Medical School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Internal Medicine Residency, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Rheumatology Fellowship, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, IA. Dr. Erik Peterson joined the division of Rheumatic and Autoimmune Diseases in July, 2002. He is a member of the interdisciplinary Center for Immunology and its Autoimmunity Program, as well as a member of the Cancer Center." }, { "score": 0.5865392685, "text": "1 Neuropathies that are associated with immune diseases can improve with treatment of the autoimmune disease. 2 Neuropathy caused by nerve entrapment can be treated by physical therapy, injections, or surgery." }, { "score": 0.585239172, "text": "If autoimmune hepatitis is causing your liver failure, your doctor can treat you with steroids and possible azathioprine. If your doctor cannot find the cause of your acute liver failure, he or she may order a liver biopsy. This will provide more information and help determine your course of treatment." }, { "score": 0.5809190869, "text": "The treatment is divided into \"first line\" and \"second line\" treatment options. 1 The doctor may prescribe more than one first-line treatment for the patient. The four commonest first-line treatments for autoimmune encephalitis include: 2 If there is a Teratoma present, which is triggering the autoimmune response, then it is removed." }, { "score": 0.5803067684, "text": "By Pete Farley on April 20, 2015. Using the latest genome sequencing techniques, a research team led by scientists from UC San Francisco, Baylor College of Medicine, and Texas Children's Hospital has identified a new autoimmune syndrome characterized by a combination of severe lung disease and arthritis that currently has no therapy." }, { "score": 0.5767501593, "text": "Understanding Autoimmune Diseases, Including Autoimmune Thyroid Conditions. What Are the Causes of Autoimmune Diseases, Including Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Like Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's Disease." }, { "score": 0.5647537708, "text": "A health care provider will make a diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis based on symptoms, a physical exam, blood tests, and a liver biopsy. A health care provider performs a physical exam and reviews the person's health history, including the use of alcohol and medications that can harm the liver." }, { "score": 0.5583262444, "text": "Topics | Digestive Health | Liver Disease | What kind of doctor treats nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? The kinds of doctors most qualified to treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are gastroenterologists or liver specialists, also known as hepatologists." }, { "score": 0.5507431626, "text": "Click here to see what that means. The paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) is the brainchild of Dr. Loren Cordain, a scientist who discovered that certain primal foods can sometimes trigger inflammation in people with autoimmune disease (dairy, eggs, nightshades, nuts and seeds)." }, { "score": 0.5275198817, "text": "Treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisolone have been successful as well as fatty acid supplementation suggesting an autoimmune aetiology of the disease. In one study, cyclosporine and fish oil appeared to be equally effective in treating symmetrical onychomadesis." }, { "score": 0.523401618, "text": "Your primary care doctor will probably diagnose your type 2 diabetes. He or she may continue to treat your diabetes or may refer you to a doctor who specializes in hormonal disorders (endocrinologist). Your health care team also may include: Dietitian. Certified diabetes educator. Foot doctor (podiatrist)" }, { "score": 0.5221726298, "text": "When writer Flannery O'Connor was diagnosed with lupus in 1950 at age 25, the autoimmune disease was poorly understood, often confused with arthritis. O'Connor braved debilitating pain, immobility, and fatigue with her characteristic humor at times, calling her crutches flying buttresses." }, { "score": 0.5081787705, "text": "What type of doctor treats pseudobulbar affect in multiple sclerosis? Topics | Brain and Nervous System | Multiple Sclerosis (MS) | Multiple Sclerosis Treatment | What type of doctor treats pseudobulbar affect in multiple sclerosis?" }, { "score": 0.5012204647, "text": "ESR test is frequently ordered by the doctor in autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, cancer, tuberculosis, chronic fever, and several other infections in the body. However, ESR does not indicate any of this specific disease but only gives a hint to the doctor if he is suspecting any inflammation in the body." }, { "score": 0.4878118932, "text": "The company's autoimmune program, teplizumab, is an anti-CD3 antibody developed for the prevention and treatment of early onset diabetes. MacroGenics was founded by Scott E. Koenig, Jeffrey V. Ravetch, LeRoy E. Hood, Ruedi Aebersold and Alan Aderem on August 14, 2000 and is headquartered in Rockville, MD." }, { "score": 0.4708841443, "text": "What kind of doctor treats tongue cancer - What kind of doctor treats and specializes in tongue cancer? Several. Several physicians are involved in the care of patients with tongue cancer." } ]
new grad bsn salary nj
[ { "score": 0.8583516479, "text": "As a new grad with BSN, I was offered $29/hr for days (plus $2/hr for weekends) in December 2012. There is no negotiation when you're a new grad here.eb 4, '13 by dudetheman. The Avg. Salary for an RN in NJ is roughly $37.00 per hour or 76k per year according to Salary.com and the Bureau of Labor and Statistics." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7884066105, "text": "New Jersey employed a total of 75,410 registered nurses as of May 2013, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The average RN salary in New Jersey at that time was $77,360 or $37.19 per hour. Half of the RNs in this state earned salaries between the range of $66,240 and $89,430, while ten percent earned $57,180 or less and ten percent earned $97,920 or more." }, { "score": 0.7778147459, "text": "Registered Nurse Salary in New Jersey. As per the data of BLS the average annual and per hour RN salary was $77,360 and $37.19, respectively, in May 2013. The nurses employed by the state, in May 2013, were 75,410. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.735. According to the figures in indeed.com (as of May 2014), the average RN salary in NJ was $72,000 which was 8% higher than the average salaries of these employees for job postings throughout the country." }, { "score": 0.7753660679, "text": "The average RN salary in New Jersey at that time was $77,360 or $37.19 per hour. Half of the RNs in this state earned salaries between the range of $66,240 and $89,430, while ten percent earned $57,180 or less and ten percent earned $97,920 or more." }, { "score": 0.774766326, "text": "Average RN Salary in NJ. In the state of New Jersey, the average annual salary for a Registered Nurse in 2015 was $79,840, or $38.09 per hour. New York/Jersey City/White Plains, NY/NJ Metropolitan Division: $86,410. Trenton, NJ: $71,170." }, { "score": 0.7711900473, "text": "Registered Nurse Salary in New Jersey. As per the data of BLS the average annual and per hour RN salary was $77,360 and $37.19, respectively, in May 2013. The nurses employed by the state, in May 2013, were 75,410.Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.735.ccording to the figures in indeed.com (as of May 2014), the average RN salary in NJ was $72,000 which was 8% higher than the average salaries of these employees for job postings throughout the country." }, { "score": 0.7684754133, "text": "Average New Grad Bsn RN salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average New Grad Bsn RN salaries for job postings nationwide.verage New Grad Bsn RN salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average New Grad Bsn RN salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.7651354074, "text": "How much does a New Grad RN make? The average New Grad RN salary is $53,300. Filter by location to see New Grad RN salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 82 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by New Grad RN employees." }, { "score": 0.7624503374, "text": "Jan 6, '13 by PurplejadeRN. I am a new grad who started working this past year in NJ. I received two offers. 1. $26.24 w/$3 diff for part of shift between 3pm-11pm, and $6.50 diff for part of shift between 11pm-7am. 2. $27.64 w/$3 diff for night shift and and additional $3 diff for weekend shifts. believe in NJ some places pay more than that, upwards of $30. I have been hired at a hospital in Philadelphia and the pay is higher than I was told at the few other hospitals I applied at. It will be $29.37/hour + 10% differential for evenings and another 10% on that for weekends." }, { "score": 0.7622485757, "text": "New Jersey's approximately 74,730 registered nurses also earn salaries above the national average. According to the BLS, New Jersey's average hourly wage for nurses was $36.05, or $74,990 annually, in May 2009. In the Newark metropolitan area, a nurse's average annual salary is even higher, at $77,970." }, { "score": 0.7615680695, "text": "Feb 4, '13 by dudetheman. The Avg. Salary for an RN in NJ is roughly $37.00 per hour or 76k per year according to Salary.com and the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.I would say the avg. starting salary is probably around $30.00 per hour.eb 4, '13 by dudetheman. The Avg. Salary for an RN in NJ is roughly $37.00 per hour or 76k per year according to Salary.com and the Bureau of Labor and Statistics." }, { "score": 0.7598665357, "text": "Average New Grad Nurse Salaries. The average salary for new grad nurse jobs is $50,000. Average new grad nurse salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term new grad nurse anywhere in the job listing.ew Grad Nurse Salary Information. This free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The new grad nurse salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges." }, { "score": 0.7582432032, "text": "Average New Grad Nurse Salaries. The average salary for new grad nurse jobs is $50,000. Average new grad nurse salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term new grad nurse anywhere in the job listing.verage new grad nurse salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term new grad nurse anywhere in the job listing." }, { "score": 0.7582323551, "text": "In the state of New Jersey, the average annual salary for a Registered Nurse in 2015 was $79,840, or $38.09 per hour. 1 New York/Jersey City/White Plains, NY/NJ Metropolitan Division: $86,410. 2 Trenton, NJ: $71,170." }, { "score": 0.7449797392, "text": "Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in New Jersey earn an average of $24.21/hr and a yearly income of $50,400. Nurses working in metropolitan areas tend to earn higher salaries than in non-metropolitan parts of the state, although there is likely to be a relatively higher cost of living in those areas." }, { "score": 0.7432310581, "text": "In the state of New Jersey, the current average annual salary for a Registered Nurse in 2011 was $76,460, or $36.76 per hour. 9. 1 Hackensack, NJ : $78,625. 2 Trenton, NJ : $81,000. Licensed Practical Nurse in New Jersey made an average salary of $46,000-50,350 per year in 2011. This made New Jersey the fifth highest paying state in the US for LPNs with salaries highest in metro areas. 11." }, { "score": 0.7222130299, "text": "A new BSN Nurse's salary is around $52,397 but it increases overtime as he/she gains more experience. A BSN Nurse with less than 1-4 years of experience collects an average yearly pay of $60,496 while a BSN Nurse practicing for 5 to 9 years receives an average salary of $63,006 per year. As a matter of fact, a BSN Nurse can receive up to around $75,000 per year. Keep reading for more information about BSN nurse salary." }, { "score": 0.7212743759, "text": "Senior Acute Care Nurse Practitioners in New Jersey earn: $45.34 an hour: $94,300 per year: Experienced Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Earnings. Experienced Acute Care Nurse Practitioners in New Jersey earn: $38.36 an hour: $79,790 per year: Junior Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Earnings. Junior Acute Care Nurse Practitioners in New Jersey earn: $32.67 an hour: $67,960 per year: Starting Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Earnings. Starting Acute Care Nurse Practitioners in New Jersey earn: $27.66 an hour: $57,540" }, { "score": 0.7203262448, "text": "A Licensed Practical Nurse in New Jersey made an average salary of $46,000-50,350 per year in 2011. This made New Jersey the fifth highest paying state in the US for LPNs with salaries highest in metro areas. 11.1 Hackensack, NJ : $49,183. 2 Trenton, NJ : $50,679. Licensed Practical Nurse in New Jersey made an average salary of $46,000-50,350 per year in 2011. This made New Jersey the fifth highest paying state in the US for LPNs with salaries highest in metro areas. 11." }, { "score": 0.7093655467, "text": "I am a new grad who started working this past year in NJ. I received two offers. 1. $26.24 w/$3 diff for part of shift between 3pm-11pm, and $6.50 diff for part of shift between 11pm-7am. 2. $27.64 w/$3 diff for night shift and and additional $3 diff for weekend shifts." }, { "score": 0.6896162033, "text": "New grad pay at Scottsdale healthcare & all Banner hospitals is $24/hr. The only place that I know of that pays differently for a BSN is the Veterans Hospital in Phoneix. I know Banner doesn't pay differently for a staff nurse who has a BSN nor does St Joe's." }, { "score": 0.6846166849, "text": "The amount earned by social workers is increasing in New Jersey. The mean salary for social workers in 2006 was $37,798 per year. And in 2010 the mean salary was $55,102 per year.nd there were 1,170 graduates from social work courses in 2010. There was an increase in the number of social work school degree or certificate graduates in New Jersey by 36%. Most of these graduates, or 38%, earned a bachelor's degree in social work." }, { "score": 0.6817518473, "text": "$74,000. Average RN New Grad salaries for job postings in Los Angeles, CA are 7% higher than average RN New Grad salaries for job postings nationwide.verage RN New Grad salaries for job postings in Los Angeles, CA are 7% higher than average RN New Grad salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.679130435, "text": "Mayo Clinic and hospital also pays more for a BSN. New grad pay at Scottsdale healthcare & all Banner hospitals is $24/hr. The only place that I know of that pays differently for a BSN is the Veterans Hospital in Phoneix." }, { "score": 0.6770527363, "text": "Both positions get $1 shift differential and time and a half for holidays (only 3 are recognized as holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day). Nov 8, '10. Quote from agldragonrn this is my ltc facility (county owned) in central new jersey: rn (new grad) = $28-$30 per hour (3-11 shift) lpn (new grad) = $23-$24 per hour (3-11 shift) cna = about $10.50 per hour. also, excellent medical/dental benefits (no copays for anything except $3 for any prescription)." }, { "score": 0.6743066907, "text": "Jun 9, '06 by NeedingInfo. New grad pay at Scottsdale healthcare & all Banner hospitals is $24/hr. The only place that I know of that pays differently for a BSN is the Veterans Hospital in Phoneix. I know Banner doesn't pay differently for a staff nurse who has a BSN nor does St Joe's." }, { "score": 0.6703028083, "text": "I know Banner doesn't pay differently for a staff nurse who has a BSN nor does St Joe's. New grad pay at Scottsdale healthcare & all Banner hospitals is $24/hr. The only place that I know of that pays differently for a BSN is the Veterans Hospital in Phoneix." }, { "score": 0.6628304124, "text": "Average Physical Therapist Yearly Salary in New Jersey. Physical Therapists earn a median salary of $93,500 per year. Salaries typically start from $67,980 and go up to $127,480. Learn more about the Physical Therapist job market for salaries of real jobs in your area." }, { "score": 0.6588281989, "text": "BSN grads only make about $1 more than an Associates Degree RN in a staff nurse position. A BSN RN working in something like Public Health or some other administrative or leadership position might make more like $35-$45 per hour (or more)." }, { "score": 0.6572012901, "text": "The average salary for bsn jobs is $37,000. Average bsn salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term bsn anywhere in the job listing.verage bsn salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term bsn anywhere in the job listing." }, { "score": 0.6511217356, "text": "New Jersey Pharmacy Technician Salaries – NJ. Tweet. The state of New Jersey offers very competitive pharmacy technician salary when compared to the national average salary. While the United States average annual salary for a pharmacy technician is $27,710, the New Jersey state annual average is $28,650.ew Jersey Pharmacy Technician Salaries. Below are some of the current salary listings for the four largest cities in New Jersey, all with a population of over 100,000. Elizabeth, New Jersey pharmacy technician salary – $58,000. Jersey City, New Jersey pharmacy technician salary – $57,000." }, { "score": 0.6501732469, "text": "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Jersey professionals are making an above average wage of $15.48 an hour or $32,190 per year. This is significantly higher than the national average of $29,100.Medical Assistants in the top 10% of earners in New Jersey are bringing home even more and have an average salary of $43,060 per year. Medical Assistant working in a Dental office could expect similar pay-they have a mean salary of $35,760 per year based on national data and statistics. In scientific Research and Development, the average Medical Assistant could expect a salary of $37,040 per year or $17.81 per hour." }, { "score": 0.6448074579, "text": "BSN salary in USA. An average starting hourly wage for a BSN the United States is around $22.93 per hour which gradually increases by around $33.55 per hour overtime. An average annual salary for a BSN ranges from between $49,851 – $130,200 per annum and a yearly bonus of around $507 will be included.SN salary in India. On an average, a BSN in India receives an average starting yearly salary of around INR 120,000, while a highest received annual salary is around INR 400,000 per year. In addition, a yearly bonus of about INR 1,500 will be credited to his or her account." }, { "score": 0.6416615844, "text": "$55,000. Average Social Worker salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Social Worker salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.6409770846, "text": "Annual pay for assistant professors in New Jersey ranges from $56,800 at Centenary College, a private college in Hackettstown, to $106,800 at Rutgers-Newark, according to the survey." }, { "score": 0.6332048178, "text": "We've done much of the work for you, and here you'll find job growth data and salary expectations, certification requirements specific to New Jersey, as well as a comprehensive list of sonography programs in the state. Request information and find a program that will aid you in your career goals.ob/Salary Outlook. The median salary in 2013 was $68,300.00 in New Jersey, which is slightly higher than the national median for sonographers. Wages differ by metropolitan area, medical provider, and skill and education level." }, { "score": 0.6295667887, "text": "$83,000. Average Business Analyst salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Business Analyst salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Business Analyst salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Business Analyst salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.6256742477, "text": "According to the National Education Association, the average starting salary for teachers in New Jersey (as of the 2012-2013 school year) is $48,631, significantly higher than the national average of $36,141.ccording to the National Education Association, the average starting salary for teachers in New Jersey (as of the 2012-2013 school year) is $48,631, significantly higher than the national average of $36,141." }, { "score": 0.625307858, "text": "$72,000. Average Adjunct Faculty salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Adjunct Faculty salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.6246083975, "text": "$73,000. Average System Administrator salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average System Administrator salaries for job postings nationwide.73,000. Average System Administrator salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average System Administrator salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.622038126, "text": "\"Settlement rates continue their downward trend due to the state's 2 percent tax levy cap, the slow economy, and local school board concerns about property tax burdens,\" said Marie S. Bilik, NJSBA executive director. Salaries for a new teacher with a bachelor's degree range between $47,000 and $48,000 in South Jersey.The average teacher in New Jersey last year had less than 13 years of experience.ccording to the New Jersey School Boards Association, the average teacher contract settlement in 2011-2012 was 3.2 percent; for the new year, that is down to 2.4 percent. And the average salary increase for contracts settled since January 2011 is less than 2.2 percent." }, { "score": 0.6192366481, "text": "$63,000. Average Accountant salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Accountant salaries for job postings nationwide.63,000. Average Accountant salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Accountant salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.6191430688, "text": "The average starting salary for a teacher in NJ is $38,408 (http://teacherportal.com/teacher-salaries-by-state). At the maximum of a 2% raise per year, it would take that teacher more than 23 years to reach 60K. For someone with 4 years of college, that is a paltry figure." }, { "score": 0.6148701906, "text": "$52,000. Average School Social Worker salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average School Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide.verage School Social Worker salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average School Social Worker salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.6143142581, "text": "There is currently an oversupply of new grad CRNA's being pushed out of the many programs. Locumtenems just published the average CRNA salary and stated it is $168,900 and those who were making that had 10 to 15 years experience. I just left Miami, Florida where new grad CRNAs are being offered $110,000 to start. A friend of mine in Atlanta was offered $93,000." }, { "score": 0.6142522097, "text": "The New Jersey Minimum Wage is currently $8.38 per hour. The New Jersey Minimum Wage is greater than the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25 per hour, so employees in New Jersey are entitled to the higher minimum wage of $8.38 per hour." }, { "score": 0.6122086048, "text": "There is currently an oversupply of new grad CRNA's being pushed out of the many programs. Locumtenems just published the average CRNA salary and stated it is $168,900 and those who were making that had 10 to 15 years experience. I just left Miami, Florida where new grad CRNAs are being offered $110,000 to start. A friend of mine in Atlanta was offered $93,000. It is all about supply and demand." }, { "score": 0.6106345654, "text": "Full time minimum wage workers in New Jersey earn a total of $335.20 per week and approximately $17,430.40 per year (based on a 8 hour days and a 260-day work year) before taxes. The federal poverty threshold for a household of two is $14,570 per year." }, { "score": 0.610044241, "text": "New Jersey Car Salesman Salary Information. For more accurate salary details please enter your location above. The average yearly salary for Car Salesman in New Jersey is $53,265. If you are just beginning to work a new job as a Car Salesman in New Jersey, you could earn a starting pay rate of $43,865 annually." }, { "score": 0.6082683802, "text": "For more accurate salary details please enter your location above. The average yearly salary for Dog Groomer in New Jersey is $54,533. If you are just beginning to work a new job as a Dog Groomer in New Jersey, you could earn a starting pay rate of $44,910 annually. As is true for most jobs and careers, you can expect your hourly pay rate or salary to increase as you gain experience and the longer you are employed with the same employer." }, { "score": 0.6061942577, "text": "$86,000. Average New Grad Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in United States are the same as average New Grad Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide.86,000. Average New Grad Physical Therapist salaries for job postings in United States are the same as average New Grad Physical Therapist salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.6035399437, "text": "Effective January 1, 2015, the hourly minimum wage in New Jersey is $8.38 per hour. The minimum wage will remain $8.38 for 2016. Prevailing wage rates must be paid on public works projects and for state building services." }, { "score": 0.6012755632, "text": "Wage Rates. Effective January 1, 2015, the hourly minimum wage in New Jersey is $8.38 per hour. The minimum wage will remain $8.38 for 2016. Prevailing wage rates must be paid on public works projects and for state building services." }, { "score": 0.5995351672, "text": "Business analysts in Newark who worked for midsized corporations made an average of $111,953. CPA licensed CFOs earned $324,789 a year on average when working for midsized corporations in New Jersey according to the Robert Half 2015 Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance.ax Preparers in New Jersey earned an average of $36,340 in 2014; however, the salaries in urban areas tend to be higher. For example, Camden's tax preparers earned an average of $39,980. The following table shows BLS data for tax preparers in New Jersey's metropolitan areas (2014):" }, { "score": 0.5960617661, "text": "The average starting salary for a teacher in NJ is $38,408 (http://teacherportal.com/teacher-salaries-by-state). At the maximum of a 2% raise per year, it would take that teacher more than 23 years to reach 60K. For someone with 4 years of college, that is a paltry figure.With a math degree, I was making that within 10 years of working for a large corporation and that was 18 years ago!!t the maximum of a 2% raise per year, it would take that teacher more than 23 years to reach 60K. For someone with 4 years of college, that is a paltry figure." }, { "score": 0.596044302, "text": "$88,000. Average Business Development Manager salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Business Development Manager salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Business Development Manager salaries for job postings in New Jersey are 8% higher than average Business Development Manager salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.5940132141, "text": "New Jersey's minimum wage will increase from $8.38 per hour to $8.44 per hour effective January 1, 2017, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) has announced." }, { "score": 0.5936616659, "text": "New Jersey Minimum Wage to Increase in 2017. New Jersey's minimum wage will increase from $8.38 per hour to $8.44 per hour effective January 1, 2017, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) has announced." }, { "score": 0.5855373144, "text": "The average Substitute Teacher salary in New Jersey is approximately $101 per day, which meets the national average. Salary information comes from 1,192 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 12 months." }, { "score": 0.5846710801, "text": "Wage Rates. Effective January 1, 2015, the hourly minimum wage in New Jersey is $8.38 per hour. The minimum wage will remain $8.38 for 2016. Prevailing wage rates must be paid on public works projects and for state building services.elect this item if you want information about the investigative process when a claim is filed against your company, fees and penalties, employing minors, or ordering posters. Effective January 1, 2015, the hourly minimum wage in New Jersey is $8.38 per hour. The minimum wage will remain $8.38 for 2016." }, { "score": 0.5679261684, "text": "State by State Salary Listings. To learn more about employment opportunities and certification requirements, or to contact the NEA Student Program leader in your state, visit our State Affiliates section.Top 10 Beginning Teacher Salaries. 1. New Jersey $44, 872. 2.o learn more about employment opportunities and certification requirements, or to contact the NEA Student Program leader in your state, visit our State Affiliates section. Top 10 Beginning Teacher Salaries." }, { "score": 0.5651372671, "text": "From millions of real job salary data. 372 salary data for Camden, NJ. Average salary in Camden is $83,473 Detailed starting salary, median salary, pay scale, bonus data report Register & Know how much $ you can earn | Sign In" }, { "score": 0.5572268963, "text": "The median salary was $61,700 in 2010 and employment is expected to grow 19% from 2010 to 2020, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Your salary potential depends on education, professional credentials, where you work and who you work for.Here are some sample pay ranges of specific job titles:nroll in the Rutgers EPH summer career-prep program! EPH gives you the in-depth training and hands-on field experience you need to launch your career. EPH also qualifies you to take the NJ REHS license a nationally respected professional credential." }, { "score": 0.5556876659, "text": "NJ minimum wage to increase Thursday. Updated. Workers can expect to see an extra $300 in their pockets thanks to the wage bump, according to a New Jersey policy group. (December 30, 2014 10:53 AM). New Jersey's minimum wage will be boosted 13 cents to $8.38 this Thursday, the second increase in a year. The raise is part of a measure approved by voters a couple years ago as an incremental bump from $7.25. With the new wage, workers can expect to see an extra $300 in their pockets during the year, according to a New Jersey policy group. News 12 spoke to commuters on their way... Content Preview This content is exclusive for Optimum, Time Warner ® , Comcast ® , customers with access to News 12." }, { "score": 0.5494625568, "text": "General and Operations Managers can get the best compensation in New Jersey, where they can earn average pay scales of near $157050. People with this job title have the most lucrative average salary level in Management of Companies and Enterprises, where they earn an average pay rate of $144050." }, { "score": 0.5417994857, "text": "The denominational average salary is $48,890. If approved later this week the minimum salary for those in full connection in New Jersey will be $41,122, with a full time local pastor getting at least $34,954. Add to those amounts a minimum of $300 for every year of service up to 18 years.y stats are as follows: My salary is $29,276, which is slightly more than the base compensation for a FLP in the Course of Study, the churches contribute $5,936 to pension, pay $8,220 toward health insurance that I do not take since I am covered under my wife's policy, and reimburse me up to $2,700 for expenses." } ]
ulrich pronunciation
[ { "score": 0.8046122193, "text": "[ 2 syll. ul-ric(h), ulr-i-ch ] The baby boy name Ulrich is pronounced in German as UHL-RihK- †. Ulrich is used chiefly in the English and German languages, and its origin is Germanic. A two-element name, it is derived from the elements 'uodal' meaning heritage, patrimony ; 'ric' rich, powerful, ruler. Uodalrich (Germanic) is an original form of Ulrich." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6949722767, "text": "What does Ulrich mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Ulrich is of German origin. The meaning of Ulrich is noble ruler. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is wolf power.iew the Ulrich Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Ulrich has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Ulrich to other names. The names Oldrich, Ulrik are all forms of Ulrich. Ulrich has the diminutives (nicknames) Ueli, Utz." }, { "score": 0.6834497452, "text": "What does Ulrich mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Ulrich is of German origin. The meaning of Ulrich is noble ruler. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is wolf power.iew the Ulrich Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Ulrich has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Ulrich to other names." }, { "score": 0.6421272755, "text": "Ulrich is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular last name for all people (#2006 out of 150436, Top 1%).lrich is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular last name for all people (#2006 out of 150436, Top 1%)." }, { "score": 0.6373159289, "text": "Ulrich is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular last name for all people (#2006 out of 150436, Top 1%).(2000 U.S. Census).lrich is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular last name for all people (#2006 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. Census)." }, { "score": 0.6157159209, "text": "The surname Ulrich, and its variants, spread across Europe during the middle ages. This was largely in devotion to Saint Ulrich, Bishop of Augsburg (c. 890 – 4 July 973) who twice defended Augsburg from hostile attacks by pagan Magyars." }, { "score": 0.6078071594, "text": "As a result, it is not uncommon to find variants of the surname Ulrich (as identified below) in non-German speaking lands, including England, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and the Scandinavian countries." }, { "score": 0.5953125954, "text": "The surname Ulrich, and its variants, spread across Europe during the middle ages. This was largely in devotion to Saint Ulrich, Bishop of Augsburg (c. 890 - 4 July 973) who twice defended Augsburg from hostile attacks by pagan Magyars.Saint Ulrich was known for his courage, high moral standard, and loyalty to Emperor Otto I (Otto the Great).his was largely in devotion to Saint Ulrich, Bishop of Augsburg (c. 890 - 4 July 973) who twice defended Augsburg from hostile attacks by pagan Magyars. Saint Ulrich was known for his courage, high moral standard, and loyalty to Emperor Otto I (Otto the Great)." }, { "score": 0.5876826048, "text": "Uwe \\u-we, uw-e\\ is a boy's name. It consists of 3 letters and 1 syllable. The baby boy name Uwe is pronounced as OW-V-EY. Uwe is used mostly in the Frisian and German languages, and its language of origin is Old Norse and Germanic.Uwe is a derivative (Frisian and German) of the Scandinavian name Ove. Uwe a diminutive form of the English and German name Ulrich.The name Uwe in reverse order is Ewu.English pronunciation for Uwe: OW as in oak (OW.K) ; V as in vow (V.AW) ; EY as in ate (EY.T).we a diminutive form of the English and German name Ulrich. The name Uwe in reverse order is Ewu. English pronunciation for Uwe: OW as in oak (OW.K) ; V as in vow (V.AW) ; EY as in ate (EY.T)." }, { "score": 0.577991128, "text": "Click Here to Show Chart Data. How many people with the first name Ulrich have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2015, the Social Security Administration has recorded 368 babies born with the first name Ulrich in the United States. That's more than enough people named Ulrich to occupy the territory of Pitcairn Islands (United Kingdom) with an estimated population of 66 (as of July 1, 2008)." }, { "score": 0.5732107162, "text": "Fun Facts about the name Ulrich. How many people with the first name Ulrich have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2015, the Social Security Administration has recorded 368 babies born with the first name Ulrich in the United States." }, { "score": 0.5490707159, "text": "Meaning & History. From the Germanic name Odalric meaning prosperity and power, from the element odal heritage combined with ric power. It has long been confused with the Germanic name Hulderic. This was the name of two German saints.Another famous bearer was Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531), also known as Huldrych, the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland.t has long been confused with the Germanic name Hulderic. This was the name of two German saints. Another famous bearer was Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531), also known as Huldrych, the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland." }, { "score": 0.547109127, "text": "About ulrich medical USA ® Inc. ulrich medical USA is a dynamic medical device company with an unparalleled business legacy. Our company was founded in Ulm, Germany in 1912 by Heinrich C. Ulrich and has remained a private, family-owned company to this day.For over 100 years, our enterprise has been focused on the development of ground-breaking medical technologies in many different sectors of the life sciences industry.ur company was founded in Ulm, Germany in 1912 by Heinrich C. Ulrich and has remained a private, family-owned company to this day. For over 100 years, our enterprise has been focused on the development of ground-breaking medical technologies in many different sectors of the life sciences industry." }, { "score": 0.5429964066, "text": "Best Answer: The correct pronunciation of Carlisle's name is such: Carl-ile. It's like saying the world isle or island; you don't pronounce the s in the word." }, { "score": 0.5419473648, "text": "It's free! ulrich medical USA is a dynamic medical device company with an unparalleled business legacy. Our company was founded in Ulm, Germany in 1912 by Heinrich C. Ulrich and has remained a private, family-owned company to this day.For over 100 years, our enterprise has been focused on the development of ground-breaking medical technologies in many different sectors of the life sciences industry.ocument. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ulrich medical USA® Delivers Four Consecutive Years of Double-Digit Growth ST. LOUIS, MO (March 2, 2015) – ulrich medical USA Inc., today announced a strong financial performance for the year ending December 31, 2014." }, { "score": 0.541584909, "text": "Join LinkedIn to get the latest news, insights, and opportunities from over 3 million companies. ulrich medical USA is a dynamic medical device company with an unparalleled business legacy. Our company was founded in Ulm, Germany in 1912 by Heinrich C. Ulrich and has remained a private, family-owned company to this day.For over 100 years, our enterprise has been focused on the development of ground-breaking medical technologies in many different sectors of the life sciences industry.ocument. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ulrich medical USA® Delivers Four Consecutive Years of Double-Digit Growth ST. LOUIS, MO (March 2, 2015) – ulrich medical USA Inc., today announced a strong financial performance for the year ending December 31, 2014." }, { "score": 0.5412706137, "text": "German Pronunciation of Names. Listen to how German names are pronounced! The speaker is a native speaker of High German from Schleswig-Holstein / Northern Germany. (name) = variant spelling(s) [10-30] = most likely to be in the age between 10 and 30 in Germany. [-20] = most likely to be younger than 20 in Germany." }, { "score": 0.5396901369, "text": "Trending Now. Answers. Best Answer: Fuehrer when the ü-umlaut is not used, but never just Fuhrer) is a proper noun meaning leader or guide in the German language. The IPA transcription of the standard German pronunciation is [ˈfyːʀəɐ], but in English it is usually pronounced [ˈfjʊːɹə(ɹ)]." }, { "score": 0.5371947885, "text": "The company was founded in Ulm, Germany in 1912 by Heinrich C. Ulrich. From the start, the company was focused on the development, manufacturing and sales of surgical instruments. In 1914, the first ulrich surgical instrument was introduced to the hospital market.ith the 4th generation of the Ulrich family now in executive management, Christoph Ulrich (Managing Partner and Shareholder) shares the corporate management responsibilities of the company with Chief Executive Officer, Klaus Kiesel based in Ulm, Germany." }, { "score": 0.5152313709, "text": "Then just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Ulrich in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Ulrich in Nautical Flags page.iew the Ulrich Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Ulrich has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Ulrich to other names." }, { "score": 0.5123393536, "text": "The pronunciation varies widely in English: variations of the first and second syllables include /ˈdɑːks-/, /ˈdæks-/ and /-hʊnt/, /-hʊnd/, /-ənd/. Although dachshund is a German word, in modern German they are more commonly known by the name Dackel or, among hunters, Teckel. The German word is pronounced [ˈdakshʊnt]." }, { "score": 0.4999568462, "text": "In order to further enhance the success of the business, ulrich medical® founded the subsidiary ulrich medical USA in 2006; it is located in St. Louis, Missouri. ulrich medical® sets its course for expansion and enlarges its plant in Ulm.s of May 2007, the management of ulrich medical® has two additional authorized signatories: Mrs. Susanne Biesenberger, director of the business unit Injectors CT/MRI, and Christoph Ulrich, director of the business unit Spinal Systems, have been granted sole power of attorney." }, { "score": 0.4937433898, "text": "Since August 2005, the trademark was changed from ulrich Medizintechnik into ulrich medical. The legal form of the ulrich GmbH & Co. KG remains unchanged. The company's renaming underscored its international orientation.s of May 2007, the management of ulrich medical® has two additional authorized signatories: Mrs. Susanne Biesenberger, director of the business unit Injectors CT/MRI, and Christoph Ulrich, director of the business unit Spinal Systems, have been granted sole power of attorney." }, { "score": 0.4935796261, "text": "Hans Stover is hired as the Chief Executive Officer of ulrich medical USA ® , based in Chesterfield, MO. ulrich medical USA ® reports record results for the year 2011 with 20% growth in the US business. 1 ulrich medical ® Inc. celebrates its 100th anniversary as a family-owned, private company.ith the 4th generation of the Ulrich family now in executive management, Christoph Ulrich (Managing Partner and Shareholder) shares the corporate management responsibilities of the company with Chief Executive Officer, Klaus Kiesel based in Ulm, Germany." }, { "score": 0.4918166399, "text": "Ralph (pronounced ralf /raelf/ ; rælf, or more, traditionally /rayf/) reɪf is An, English scandinavian And german male given, name derived From Old Norse (raðulfr rað + counsel ulfr) wolf Through Old English raedwulf rædwulf and the Longer. form radulfther forms of the name are: 1 Rafe, variant form which is a relatively rare male first name; it is pronounced /reɪf/ , the same as the traditional but infrequent English pronunciation of Ralph. 2 Raef, variant form which is a very rare male first name (e.g. Raef Bjayou)." }, { "score": 0.4852984548, "text": "Ulrich Zwingli Biography. Ulrich (Huldreich) Zwingli, b. Jan. 1, 1484, d. Oct. 11, 1531, was a leader of the Swiss Reformation. The son of a prosperous peasant, Zwingli studied music, scholastic philosophy, and humanistic subjects in Vienna, Bern, and Basel." }, { "score": 0.4816996753, "text": "1 ulrich medical ® Inc. celebrates its 100th anniversary as a family-owned, private company. 2 ulrich medical USA ® releases four new spinal implant systems in the United States spine market: (1) Omni VBR ® (2) golden gate ® (3) pezo ® and (4) neon ™ Implant Systems.ith the 4th generation of the Ulrich family now in executive management, Christoph Ulrich (Managing Partner and Shareholder) shares the corporate management responsibilities of the company with Chief Executive Officer, Klaus Kiesel based in Ulm, Germany." }, { "score": 0.479049623, "text": "Whatever the drawbacks if any, this surnames is one of the earliest recorded in the German listings with for example Berchtand Unger of Biberach in the charters of that town in the year 1279, and Ulrich Ungerer in the charters of Morzheim in Landau, in the year 1301.t received a major boost during the medieval period 700 years ago which for over two hundred years was one of great change with hundreds of thousands of people being forced by war and plague to move around the continent of Europe." }, { "score": 0.4743588567, "text": "Ricky is also a variant of the name Roderick (English and German) in the English language. Ricky is also a variant of the name Theodoric (English). Ricky is also a variant of the name Ulrich (English and German) in the English language. See also the related form, Rikki (English). Ricky is a classic favorite. At present it is still fairly popular as a baby name for boys, though not to the extent it was before." }, { "score": 0.4691230357, "text": "Ralph (pronounced ralf /rælf/; or, more traditionally, rayf /reɪf/) is an English, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, Scandinavian and German masculine given name, derived from the Old Norse Raðulfr (rað counsel + ulfr wolf) through Old English Rædwulf and the longer form Radulf. It is also a surname. The most common forms are:" }, { "score": 0.4444796145, "text": "Lars Ulrich (/ˈʌlrɪk/ UL-rik; [lɑːs ˈulˀʁaeɡ̊] ; ˈulˀʁæɡ̊ Born december, 26) 1963 is A danish drummer and one of the founding members of The american heavy metal Band. metallican 2012, Ulrich was the focus of the documentary film, Mission to Lars . The film by Kate and Will Spicer concerns their journey with their brother Tom, who lives in a care home in Devon, England and who has Fragile X syndrome, to try to meet Lars at one of Metallica's 2009 gigs in California." }, { "score": 0.4442165792, "text": "Lars Ulrich (/ˈʌlrɪk/ UL-rik; [lɑːs ˈulˀʁaeɡ̊] ; ˈulˀʁæɡ̊ Born december, 26) 1963 is A danish drummer and one of the founding members of The american heavy metal Band. Metallica he was born In, Gentofte denmark to an-upper-middle class. familyn 2012, Ulrich was the focus of the documentary film, Mission to Lars . The film by Kate and Will Spicer concerns their journey with their brother Tom, who lives in a care home in Devon, England and who has Fragile X syndrome, to try to meet Lars at one of Metallica's 2009 gigs in California." }, { "score": 0.439996928, "text": "Lars Ulrich was born on December 26, 1963, in Gentofte, Denmark, the son of Lone (nee Née-Sylvester) hvid And Torben. Ulrich his paternal grandfather was tennis Player Einer. ulrich" }, { "score": 0.4385741651, "text": "July 2004 - August 2012. Ulrich dated Danish actress Connie Nielsen from mid 2004 until 2012, after his divorce from Skylar and the couple had their first child, Bryce Thadeus Ulrich-Nielsen, (b. 2007) in San Francisco. From a Danish article from the magazine Cover: Connie Nielsen: ''He is an active person, a doer ..." }, { "score": 0.4382149577, "text": "Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) was the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland and founder of Swiss Reformed churches." }, { "score": 0.4379835725, "text": "Ethnicity: Danish, Ashkenazi Jewish, German. Lars Ulrich is a Danish drummer. He is one of the founding members of American heavy metal band Metallica. The band's members also included/include Cliff Burton, Kirk Hammett, James Hetfield, and Dave Mustaine. Lars is the son of Lone (Sylvester-Hvid) and Torben Ulrich, from Frederiksberg, Denmark." }, { "score": 0.42781353, "text": "Huldreich (or Ulrich) Zwingli (1484-1531) was the leader of the Swiss Reformation, and founder of the Swiss Reformed Churches. Independent from Martin Luther, Zwingli arrived at similar conclusions in his own personal study of the Scriptures." }, { "score": 0.4277843237, "text": "Cognate with Gothic 𐌰𐌿𐍂𐍄𐌹𐌲𐌰𐍂𐌳𐍃 (aurtigards, \" orchard \"), Old High German orzōn (\" to cultivate a field \"). Pronunciation IPA : /ˈɔː(ɹ).tʃəd/, /ˈɔː(ɹ).tʃɜː(ɹ)d/" }, { "score": 0.4252968431, "text": "And each prayed a private prayer that his men might be the first to arrive, so that he might be the first to show honourable attention to the enemy that had become a friend. Presently, as the wind dropped for a moment, Ulrich broke silence." }, { "score": 0.4215454757, "text": "Lars Ulrich was born on December 26, 1963, in Gentofte, Denmark, the son of Lone (nee Née-Sylvester) hvid And Torben. Ulrich his paternal grandfather was tennis Player Einer. ulrichn 2012, Ulrich was the focus of the documentary film, Mission to Lars . The film by Kate and Will Spicer concerns their journey with their brother Tom, who lives in a care home in Devon, England and who has Fragile X syndrome, to try to meet Lars at one of Metallica's 2009 gigs in California." }, { "score": 0.421238482, "text": "Aude Name Meaning North German: from a Low German variant of Ohde (from Oderik), which in turn is a variant of the personal name Ulrich. French: from a female personal name based on the Germanic word alda 'old', 'elder'. Aude la belle was the name of the beloved of Roland in the Charlemagne romances. French: regional name from Aude department or a topographic name for someone who lived by the Aude river. Variant of Auld." }, { "score": 0.4200957417, "text": "Lars Ulrich. Lars Ulrich Net Worth is $175 Million. Lars Ulrich is a Danish musician, producer, and songwriter, he has a net worth of $175 million. Lars Ulrich has earned his net worth as a heavy metal drummer, and one of the founding members of the American heav." }, { "score": 0.4185530543, "text": "Its pronunciation is FRey- †. Fray is used predominantly in the Scandinavian language and its origin is Old Norse. Fray is a variant of the name Frey (Scandinavian). Fray is an unusual baby name for boys." }, { "score": 0.4161413312, "text": "Lars Ulrich is a Danish musician, producer, and songwriter, he has a net worth of $175 million. Lars Ulrich has earned his net worth as a heavy metal drummer, and one of the founding members of the American heav Lars Ulrich is a Danish drummer, and one of the founding members of the American heavy metal band Metallica." }, { "score": 0.4085486531, "text": "He is Norwegian. He is inspired by Abbath (Immortal), using Metallica 's drummer: Lars Ulrich. His name also recalls the so-called Heavy Metal Ümlaüt, ümlaüt seen with the likes Of, Motoerhead, Motörhead turbonegro (queensrÿche) And Parodically (Ümlaüt tap uemlauet ümlaüt). over the nars wears the same outfit from Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock and Guitar Hero World Tour. His Pin Pad and War Hammer are grey in the Wii and Playstation 2 versions but both turn black if you color one of them black. Lars wears an outfit similar to his Guitar Hero 2 likeness but with larger horns and more hair." }, { "score": 0.4002506435, "text": "Synopsis. Lars Ulrich was born in Denmark in 1963. After seeing his first concert at age 10, he became enamored with the drums. After his family moved to Los Angeles when he was 16, Ulrich formed Metallica with James Hettfield.arly Life. Lars Ulrich was born on December 26, 1963 in Gentofte, Denmark. His father, Torben Ulrich, was a professional tennis player, and instilled in Lars a love of the game. As a child, Ulrich anticipated following in his father's footsteps to become a professional tennis player." }, { "score": 0.3919949532, "text": "Lars Ulrich was born in Denmark in 1963. After seeing his first concert at age 10, he became enamored with the drums. After his family moved to Los Angeles when he was 16, Ulrich formed Metallica with James Hettfield." }, { "score": 0.3915050328, "text": "Damian /dami-an/ [3 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used less regularly as girls' name Damian) is pronounced DAY-mee-en." }, { "score": 0.3913035095, "text": "Lars Ulrich. The oft-seen and heard dynamo of Metallica, when it comes to arranging all mattersfrom songs to business, Lars is always at the epicenter. Indeed, constant activityhas been a hallmark of Ulrich's life." }, { "score": 0.3835218251, "text": "1920-25; after Ulrich Salchow (1877-1949), Swedish figure skater, who first performed it Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018." }, { "score": 0.3758739829, "text": "In 2012, Ulrich was the focus of the documentary film, Mission to Lars . The film by Kate and Will Spicer concerns their journey with their brother Tom, who lives in a care home in Devon, England and who has Fragile X syndrome, to try to meet Lars at one of Metallica's 2009 gigs in California." }, { "score": 0.3729663789, "text": "Ulrich didn't mean to pry, but he understood (as precum slicked his palm) that this was a man who liked to play for hours before he came. 2000, Perry Brass, Angel Lust: An Erotic Novel of Time Travel, Belhue Press, Page 57 Bert made precum like some kind of instant coffee; it was always available." }, { "score": 0.3709244132, "text": "Ulrich Schnauss - amazing multilayered ethereal electronic music - best listened to with headphones or earbuds - I often listen to his music during work to create an oasis in a cubicle to block out distractions, and allow me to concentrate." }, { "score": 0.3707228303, "text": "Gentofte, Denmark. The oft-seen and heard dynamo of Metallica, when it comes to arranging all mattersfrom songs to business, Lars is always at the epicenter. Indeed, constant activityhas been a hallmark of Ulrich's life." }, { "score": 0.3699859679, "text": "Lars is largely used in the Scandinavian language and its origin is Latin. Lars is a variant transcription of the name Laurence (English and French). Lars is rare as a baby boy name." }, { "score": 0.3594294786, "text": "Ulrich, Marian. A patient education evaluation project and how it applies or might be useful to other hospital settings is discussed in this paper." }, { "score": 0.3583928049, "text": "Contemporary Examples. 1 Horst Ulrich, a 72-year-old German on a trek with a group of friends, watched four Nepali guides swept away by an avalanche. 2 It was an avalanche in lower Manhattan, reaching 2.4 on the Richter scale. 3 And after enough snowflakes of conflict comes the avalanche." }, { "score": 0.3552420139, "text": "Writer's Journal. 1. Imagine that Georg has pen and paper while pinned beneath the tree and that he wants to let his men know what has transpired between him and Ulrich. Write a note that his men will find so that they will know not to continue the feud. 2." }, { "score": 0.3292559981, "text": "C20: named after Ulrich Salchow (1877–1949), Swedish figure skater, who originated it" }, { "score": 0.324706316, "text": "Just like the band's 2003 album, St. Anger , and to a lesser extent 2008's Death Magnetic , Justice was criticized upon its release for its production. Drummer Lars Ulrich told The Pulse Of Radio that fans back then were equally vocal. I mean it was unbelievable, you know, '...And Justice For All' , he said. People were saying, 'That's the worst-sounding record, where's the bass, and it sounds like it was recorded in a garage, and...' But, you know, listen, you do the best you can in the moment and then you move on.." }, { "score": 0.2931389809, "text": "Pronunciation: [SKAL-yuhn] The name scallion is applied to several members of the onion family, including a distinct variety called scallion, immature onions (commonly called green onions), young leeks and sometimes the tops of young shallots. In each case, the vegetable has a white base that has not fully developed into a bulb and green leaves that are long and straight." }, { "score": 0.2456099838, "text": "© 2018 Foothill Eye Institute | All Rights Reserved | Web Design by Rod Ulrich. Rod Ulrich" } ]
what city is ventura county, ca in
[ { "score": 0.8409503102, "text": "This article is about the city in California. For the county in California, see Ventura County. For other uses, see Ventura (disambiguation). Ventura, officially the City of San Buenaventura, is the county seat of Ventura County, California, United States. European explorers encountered a Chumash village, referred to as Shisholop, in Ventura while traveling along the Pacific coast." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7243247032, "text": "Ventura is a beach town along the original Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. 101). The inhabited portion of Ventura County also includes numerous towns including Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and Santa Paula. Aside from Ventura and its beaches, the area is a mix of agriculture, small industry, and residential areas. (Read More about Thousand Oaks). Oxnard is set along the coast in a broad, mainly agricultural plain dotted with subdivisions." }, { "score": 0.7031322718, "text": "Ventura County, California. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more." }, { "score": 0.6999201775, "text": "Ventura County, California (CA) County population in 2016: 849,738 (97% urban, 3% rural); it was 753,197 in 2000 County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 139,752 County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 34,416" }, { "score": 0.6978525519, "text": "&nbsp Ventura County is bounded by Santa Barbara County on the west, Kern County on the north, Los Angeles County on the east, and the Pacific Ocean generally on the south (Figure 1, General Location Map of Ventura County)." }, { "score": 0.6969092488, "text": "What Bert Has To Say About Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura Metro Area. Ventura is a beach town along the original Pacific Coast Highway (U.S. 101). The inhabited portion of Ventura County also includes numerous towns including Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and Santa Paula. Aside from Ventura and its beaches, the area is a mix of agriculture, small industry, and residential areas." }, { "score": 0.6963779926, "text": "Ventura County, California (CA) County population in 2014: 846,178 (97% urban, 3% rural); it was 753,197 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 139,752. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 34,416." }, { "score": 0.695032537, "text": "Ventura County can be separated into two major parts, East County and West County. [citation needed] East County consists of all cities east of the Conejo Grade. Geographically East County is the end of the Santa Monica Mountains, in which the Conejo Valley is located, and where there is a considerable increase in elevation." }, { "score": 0.6922533512, "text": "Ventura County Library has 12 community library locations throughout the county, including three branches in the city of Ventura. Many of the other branches serve smaller towns or unincorporated communities." }, { "score": 0.6862919927, "text": "Oxnard, CA. Online Offers. Oxnard ( /ɒksnɑrd/) is the 113th largest city in the United States, 19th largest city in California and largest city in Ventura County, California, by way of population." }, { "score": 0.6787323952, "text": "The Ventura County Sheriff's Office (also sometimes known as the Ventura County Sheriff's Department) provides law enforcement for the unincorporated areas of Ventura County, California as well as several cities within the county." }, { "score": 0.6785960793, "text": "There are 10 incorporated cities in Ventura County, the unincorporated County. areas as a whole, and the County total, result in 12 tables on the following pages created using. DOF 2005 total household population estimates and Census 2000 profiles (Table PCT13, SF." }, { "score": 0.6716263294, "text": "City of California City. California City is a city incorporated in 1965 in the northern Antelope Valley in Kern County, California, 65 miles (105 km) southwest of Death Valley National Park. The population was 14,120 at the 2010 census making California City the 331st largest city in the state by population." }, { "score": 0.6696878076, "text": "The above Ventura County map shows zip code polygons for the county. Data source below is the new Census Tiger Zip Code data. Ventura zip code database below is sorted by city and zip code. Find zip codes for these cities and communities in Ventura County, California: Ventura, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks Zip Codes." }, { "score": 0.6685273647, "text": "Ventura College is a California-state funded community college located in Ventura, California, USA. Established in 1925, the college has a 112-acre (45 ha) campus with an enrollment of 13,763 students. The college is part of the Ventura County Community College District. 1 History." }, { "score": 0.6675295234, "text": "Ventura, Ventura County Sales Tax Rate. Details. The sales tax in Ventura is 7.25%, which is about average for cities in Ventura County and lower than average for California (7.75%). Ventura is one of 25 cities in Ventura County with a distinct sales tax as listed by the California Board of Equalization. See all cities in Ventura County." }, { "score": 0.6662896872, "text": "California City, California. California City is a city incorporated in 1965 in the northern Antelope Valley in Kern County, California, 65 miles (105 km) southwest of Death Valley National Park. The population was 14,120 at the 2010 census making California City the 331st largest city in the state by population." }, { "score": 0.6657851934, "text": "Ventura is situated between the Ventura River and the Santa Clara River, with soil so fertile that citrus trees grow better in Ventura than anywhere else in the state. The United States Naval Base Ventura County is located close by." }, { "score": 0.6647424698, "text": "Ventura, Ventura County Sales Tax Rate. Details. The sales tax in Ventura is 7.25%, which is about average for cities in Ventura County and lower than average for California (7.75%). Ventura is one of 25 cities in Ventura County with a distinct sales tax as listed by the California Board of Equalization." }, { "score": 0.6637012362, "text": "LMI for Ventura County, California. The files listed below are for Ventura County, California, which is also known as the Oxnard–Thousand Oaks–Ventura Metropolitan Statistical Division. Questions about these data and the local area economy may be addressed to the Local Labor Market Consultant. County Profile." }, { "score": 0.6626411676, "text": "California City, incorporated in 1965, is a city located in the northern Antelope Valley in Kern County, 65 miles southwest of Death Valley National Park, in the U.S. state of California. The population was 8,385 at the 2000 census. Estimated population in July 2008 is 14,927." }, { "score": 0.6612466574, "text": "The County of Ventura is a great place to start or continue a path to your career! Job opportunities are updated daily. You are able to easily apply for jobs. Ventura County, Calif., is the absolute most desirable place to live in America (Washington Post - August 2015)" }, { "score": 0.6581082344, "text": "California City, incorporated in 1965, is a city located in the Mojave Desert's Fremont Valley of northern Antelope Valley, in Kern County, north of nearby Mojave, in the U.S. state of California. The population was 8,385 at the 2000 census. Estimated population in July 2006 is 12,659." }, { "score": 0.6557972431, "text": "Ventura County Sheriff's Office. Law enforcement services for the City of Camarillo have been provided on a contract basis by the Ventura County Sheriff's Office since the city's incorporation in 1964. At that time the city encompassed approximately 5.5 square miles and had just under 10,000 residents." }, { "score": 0.655290544, "text": "California City, CA. Online Offers. California City, incorporated in 1965, is a city in the Mojave Desert's Fremont Valley of northern Antelope Valley, in Kern County, north of nearby Mojave, California. The population was 14,120 at the 2010 census, up from 8,385 at the 2000 census." }, { "score": 0.655148983, "text": "The Ventura County Clerk and Recorder has two office locations: one office is located at the Government Center in Ventura, and the East County Office is located in the Thousand Oaks City Clerk's Office. See details below for additional information including hours of operation. GOVERNMENT CENTER." }, { "score": 0.6548798084, "text": "Ventura County was historically inhabited by the Chumash people, who also settled much of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, with their presence dating back 10,000-12,000 years. The Chumash were hunter-gatherers, fishermen and also traders with the Mojave, Yokuts, and Tongva Indians." }, { "score": 0.6545254588, "text": "California City, CA. Sponsored Topics. California City, incorporated in 1965, is a city in the Mojave Desert's Fremont Valley of northern Antelope Valley, in Kern County, north of nearby Mojave, California. The population was 14,120 at the 2010 census, up from 8,385 at the 2000 census." }, { "score": 0.6543706656, "text": "California City is a city incorporated in 1965 in the northern Antelope Valley in Kern County, California. The population was 14,120 at the 2010 census, up from 8,385 at the 2000 census. The city is the third largest city in the state by area. California City has one landowners' resort, one PGA golf course, one prison, and one municipal airport. Much of the workforce of Edwards Air Force Base, which is located just to the south of the city, is made up of city residents." }, { "score": 0.6535360813, "text": "California City is a city incorporated in 1965 in the northern Antelope Valley in Kern County, California.The population was 14,120 at the 2010 census, up from 8,385 at the 2000 census.The city is the third largest city in the state by area.California City has one landowners' resort, one PGA golf course, one prison, and one municipal airport. Much of the workforce of Edwards Air Force Base, which is located just to the south of the city, is made up of city residents.alifornia City is 65 miles (105 km) southwest of Death Valley National Park." }, { "score": 0.6533082724, "text": "Moorpark is located in Ventura County, CA. The population is 34,858, making Moorpark the 6th largest city in Ventura County. There are 12 public schools in Moorpark with an average Homefacts rating of A-. The total crime rate for Moorpark is low, and there are 29 registered sex offenders residing in the city." }, { "score": 0.6529508829, "text": "Ventura County, Calif., is the absolute most desirable place to live in America (Washington Post - August 2015) Apply. To apply, click on the job title below and then click on the Apply link. A new window will appear that will prompt you to create an account." }, { "score": 0.652377367, "text": "Zip Code Boundary Map. The above Ventura County map shows zip code polygons for the county. Data source below is the new Census Tiger Zip Code data. Ventura zip code database below is sorted by city and zip code. Find zip codes for these cities and communities in Ventura County, California: Ventura, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks Zip Codes." }, { "score": 0.6494809389, "text": "Geography is the study of the surface of the earth, including places, landforms, climate, and cultures. &nbsp This page discusses the physical geography of Ventura County, California. Ventura County is located in southern California, USA, along the east edge of the Pacific Ocean." }, { "score": 0.6480520368, "text": "Thousand Oaks, commonly referred to as T.O. by residents, is a city in southeastern Ventura County, California, in the United States. It was named after the many oak trees that grace the area, and the city seal is adorned with an oak." }, { "score": 0.6474246383, "text": "County of Ventura, CA - Ventura, CA. Represent the County and the Harbor Department as appropriate on various boards, committees, and commissions;... 7 hours ago - save job - email - more... View all County of Ventura, CA jobs in Ventura, CA - Ventura jobs." }, { "score": 0.6425664425, "text": "Sales Tax Rate. The sales tax in Ventura is 7.25%, which is about average for cities in Ventura County and lower than average for California (7.75%). Ventura is one of 25 cities in Ventura County with a distinct sales tax as listed by the California Board of Equalization." }, { "score": 0.6399192214, "text": "NBVC's nearest cities of Port Hueneme, Oxnard, and Camarillo offer a wide variety of shopping, restaurants, and recreational opportunities to suit everyone. Ventura County is considered a high cost of living area but is very supportive of its military residents." }, { "score": 0.6392559409, "text": "Ventura and nearby Oxnard, California offer many cultural and educational opportunities for Veterans Home residents and their families to enjoy, including the Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura Harbor Village, Oxnard Heritage Square, the nearby harbors areas of Ventura, Oxnard, Port Hueneme and the Channel Islands – as well as California's historic ..." }, { "score": 0.637188673, "text": "Ventura County extends north to 34.9014 N latitude at the northwest corner of the County. &nbsp The county extends westward at Rincon Creek to 119.47991 W longitude, and eastward to 118.63233 W longitude at the west end of the San Fernando Valley just north of Chatsworth Reservoir." }, { "score": 0.63636446, "text": "In the California State Assembly, Ventura County is split between four legislative districts: 1 the 37th Assembly District, represented by Democrat Monique Limón, 2 the 38th Assembly District, represented by Republican Dante Acosta, 3 the 44th Assembly District, represented by Democrat Jacqui Irwin, and." }, { "score": 0.6249098778, "text": "Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) is a United States Navy base located near Oxnard, California. The base was formed in 2000 through the merger of Naval Air Station Point Mugu and Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme." }, { "score": 0.6245279312, "text": "Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Port Hueneme/Point Mugu is located on the vast Oxnard plain, just 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California. The coastal area of Ventura County boasts some of the finest weather anywhere in the world." }, { "score": 0.6224132776, "text": "In the California State Senate, Ventura County is split between the 19th Senate District, represented by Democrat Hannah-Beth Jackson, and the 27th Senate District, represented by Democrat Fran Pavley." }, { "score": 0.6221783757, "text": "1 View all County of Ventura, CA jobs in Oxnard, CA - Oxnard jobs. 2 Salary Search: Management Assistant salaries in Oxnard, CA. Related forums: Management Assistant - County of Ventura, CA - Oxnard, California." }, { "score": 0.6199128032, "text": "C:\\Users\\addisod\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\XPgrpwise\\VENTURA COUNTY 2040_revised Decapolis 5_23_08_Final.doc. 2040. Population. Forecast. Ventura cities and county. May 2008. The preparation of this report was financed in part through grants from the. United States Department of Transportation- Federal Transit Administration." }, { "score": 0.6167829037, "text": "Furthermore, I really like working in Ventura County because as an avid outdoorsman, this County is unique as it has many nearby beaches, deep-sea fishing charters, lakes, hiking trails, and campsites to choose from." }, { "score": 0.6148232222, "text": "Nearest cities: San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA (0.9 miles ), Saticoy, CA (2.3 miles ), El Rio, CA (2.4 miles ), Oxnard, CA (2.7 miles ), Oak View, CA (2.9 miles ), Channel Islands Beach, CA (3.0 miles ), Port Hueneme, CA (3.0 miles ), Mira Monte, CA (3.2 miles )." }, { "score": 0.6127770543, "text": "1 View all County of Ventura, CA jobs in Ventura, CA - Ventura jobs. 2 Salary Search: Harbor Public Information Officer salaries in Ventura, CA. Related forums: Ventura, California - County of Ventura, CA." }, { "score": 0.6124013066, "text": "Ventura County, CA Unemployment Rate: Ventura County, CA Unemployment Rate is at 4.80%, compared to 5.00% last month and 5.50% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 6.75%. Ventura County, CA Unemployment Rate Chart." }, { "score": 0.6119656563, "text": "The Ventura County Star is one of the larger daily newspapers in the Los Angeles, CA area. The newspaper has a daily circulation of approximately 84,000. The parent company of the publication is E.W. Scripps. Newspaper Advertising Rate for Ventura County Star." }, { "score": 0.6049806476, "text": "The largest population growth there has been in Camarillo, Oxnard, and Ventura. Development in the East County and along the US 101 corridor is rare today, because most of these cities are master-planned cities, such as Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley, and are approaching build-out." }, { "score": 0.6029080749, "text": "The great weather and location of Ventura County make it an ideal place to live, while the small town atmosphere allow for a great relationship with our partnering agencies and our clients, make Ventura County and HSA a great place to work." }, { "score": 0.6019004583, "text": "Although the space lends itself to a new bowling alley and iceskating rink, the mayor said, the city is open to other possibilities. He said Camarillo, a member of the Ventura County Lodging Association, has seen an increase in marketing and advertising initiatives to promote the city as a travel destination for business and pleasure." }, { "score": 0.5949616432, "text": "The county's four largest cities, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Irvine, and Huntington Beach each have populations exceeding 200,000. Several of Orange County's cities are on the Pacific coast, including Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and San Clemente. Orange County is included in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area. Thirty-four incorporated cities are located in the county; the newest is Aliso Viejo, which was incorporated in 2001." }, { "score": 0.5931829214, "text": "Ventura College is a community college, part of the Ventura County Community College District. The Ventura College of Law is a non-profit law school founded in 1969. The Brooks Institute of Photography shut down in 2016 after many years in the community." }, { "score": 0.5929474235, "text": "Several of Orange County's cities are on the Pacific coast, including Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and San Clemente. Orange County is included in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area. Thirty-four incorporated cities are located in the county; the newest is Aliso Viejo, which was incorporated in 2001." }, { "score": 0.5885238647, "text": "Area name: Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA MSA. Fair market rent in 2006 for a 1-bedroom apartment in Ventura County is $1084 a month. Fair market rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $1379 a month. Fair market rent for a 3-bedroom apartment is $1976 a month." }, { "score": 0.584408164, "text": "The county's four largest cities, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Irvine, and Huntington Beach each have populations exceeding 200,000. Several of Orange County's cities are on the Pacific coast, including Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and San Clemente. Orange County is included in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area." }, { "score": 0.5838155746, "text": "The grounds of Camarillo State Hospital, which opened in 1936 south of town, are now the campus of California State University, Channel Islands. As with most cities in Ventura County, it is noted for its resistance to new development." }, { "score": 0.5804738998, "text": "In June 2004, the Oxnard Police Department and the Ventura County Sheriff imposed a gang injunction over a 6.6-square-mile (17 km 2) area of the central district of the city, in order to restrict gang activity. The injunction was upheld in the Ventura County Superior Court and made a permanent law in 2005." }, { "score": 0.5610556602, "text": "California's sales tax varies depending on the city or county — ranging from as little as 7.5% in Ventura County, the statewide minimum, to 8% in Orange County, to as much as 10% in the Los Angeles County suburbs of La Mirada and Pico Rivera." }, { "score": 0.5379631519, "text": "Fall 2016 Semester . . . Start at VCCCD.EDU . . . The District Administrative Center (DAC) is located in Ventura, CA, and provides a multitude of services to support Ventura County Community College District employees and student learning at Moorpark College, Oxnard College, and Ventura College." }, { "score": 0.5208845735, "text": "Cavalia Camarillo • The Largest Touring Show in World is now in Ventura County! - Duration: 1:02. Cavalia 40,981 views" }, { "score": 0.5015311241, "text": "The Chatsworth Transportation Center, a major transportation hub for the town and west valley, is served by 20 daily trains on the Metrolink Ventura County Line from Ventura to Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles." }, { "score": 0.4983284175, "text": "Our professional car service covers nearly all cities in Orange County including: 1 San Clemente. 2 Dana Point. 3 Laguna Niguel. Laguna 1 Beach. Coto De Caza. 2 Irvine. Newport 3 Beach. Newport 4 Coast. Rancho Santa Margarita. 5 Anaheim. Aliso Viejo. Mission Viejo." } ]
why did the articles of confederation need to be revised
[ { "score": 0.7965308428, "text": "The Articles of Confederation needed to be changed because they weren't working well for the new nation and they had a lot of new things they needed to add on to it, so the Fo … unders decided to abolish the Articles and create a whole new constitution. 12 people found this useful. Alexmariebrown." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7078064084, "text": "The Articles of Confederation failed because of the lack of a strong central government. The Articles had a number of weaknesses that caused them to be rewritten and turned into the current U.S.... The Articles of Confederation failed because of the lack of a strong central government." }, { "score": 0.7070305347, "text": "The Articles of Confederation was too weak to handle all of the problems in this time period, because the country was not able to govern itself or defend itself against attack or rebellion. The national government was dangerously close to bankruptcy, and the nation's currency was virtually worthless." }, { "score": 0.7018615007, "text": "The Articles of Confederation. The Continental Congress wrote the Articles of Confederation during the Revolutionary War. The articles were written to give the colonies some sense of a unified government. Once the thirteen colonies became the thirteen states, however, each one began to act alone in its own best interest. A new governing document was needed in order for these new states to act together, to become a nation." }, { "score": 0.7014318705, "text": "the articles of confederation failed for many reasons. one reason was that the states had too much power leaving the federal government weak. there was no chief executiv…e. Laws needed to be approval of 9 out of 13 states. congress did not have the power to tax states. congress did not have the power to draft an army." }, { "score": 0.6971252561, "text": "One of the main reasons for the 1787 Convention was that the Articles of Confederation required the unanimous consent of all 13 states for the national government to take action. This system had proved unworkable, and the newly written Constitution sought to address this problem." }, { "score": 0.6961274147, "text": "Articles of Confederation served as the first constitution of the United States. This document officially established the government of the union of the thirteen states. Why were the Articles of Confederation written? The colonies knew they needed some form of official government that united the thirteen colonies. They wanted to have written down rules that all the states agreed to. The Articles allowed the Congress to do things like raise an army, be able to create laws, and print money." }, { "score": 0.6957812905, "text": "Confidence votes 52.7K. They attempted to revise the Articles of Confederation at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, but found there were too many problems with this method. They threw out the Articles completely and came up with United States' current government, based on the US Constitution.he meeting to revise the Articles of Confederation was the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 1787. I am attaching a link to provide further information." }, { "score": 0.6933941245, "text": "Quick Answer. Flaws in the Articles of Confederation included the lack of commerce regulation, ability to raise money through taxes, courts and an executive branch of the government. Additionally, the need for a unified government during the Revolutionary War caused issues such as slavery and western land claims to remain unaddressed." }, { "score": 0.6928434372, "text": "Best Answer: The Articles of Confederation failed because they left too much power with the states. The federal government had no power to levy or collect taxes, no power to regulate trade, and no power to enforce laws.There was also no executive branch under the Articles of Confederation, and no national court system.ne of the main reasons that they Articles of the Confederation failed was because they did not create a strong central government. Interstate commerce was also not controlled." }, { "score": 0.6901687384, "text": "A: Flaws in the Articles of Confederation included the lack of commerce regulation, ability to raise money through taxes, courts and an executive branch of the government. Additionally, the need for a unified government during the Revolutionary War caused issues such as slavery and western land claims to remain unaddressed." }, { "score": 0.6877593994, "text": "The Articles of Confederation was the new nation's founding document, but the government established under the Articles was too weak. The new central government had no way of raising revenue and no ability to enforce the commitments made by the states." }, { "score": 0.6867473125, "text": "The Articles of Confederation provided for amendments to be proposed by Congress and ratified by the unanimous vote of all thirteen state legislatures. This proved to be a major flaw in the Articles, as it created an insuperable obstacle to constitutional reform." }, { "score": 0.6864311695, "text": "There were several reasons why the government created by the Articles of Confederation failed. This plan of government was designed to create a weak federal government. This caused many problems. There were financial problems. Because the federal government did not have the power to tax, it had trouble raising money." }, { "score": 0.6853969097, "text": "Because the Articles of Confederation was un-editable like many Constitutions. Which is why they just scrapped it and started over with the Constitution. What's special is tha…t we can add amendments to the Constitution if ever needed." }, { "score": 0.6829090118, "text": "Federalists felt that the Articles of Confederation were poorly written, and did not sufficiently act as they should have to function as this nations founding document. Led by … James Madison the Federalists proposed to amend it, but ended up writing a totally different document the Constitution." }, { "score": 0.6820713878, "text": "The major downfall of the Articles of Confederation was simply weakness. The federal government, under the Articles, was too weak to enforce their laws and therefore had no power. The Continental Congress had borrowed money to fight the Revolutionary War and could not repay their debts." }, { "score": 0.6810032129, "text": "The main weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were; 1) Under the Articles there was only a unicameral legislature so that there was no separation of powers. 2) Congress, under the Articles, did not have the power to tax which meant that they could never put their finances in order. 3) In order to change or amend the Articles, unanimous approval of the states was required which essentially meant that changes to the Articles were impossible." }, { "score": 0.6809132099, "text": "Why Did The Articles Of Confederation Fail. The Articles of Confederation were approved and accepted by all thirteen states in the year 1781. This witnessed the beginning of a new era in world history. These Articles were complied and written by delegates representing their respective states." }, { "score": 0.6807305813, "text": "The Articles were based on a confederation, a concept of a weak central government where the states had more power than the federal government. By the end of the 1780s, it was evident that the country needed a stronger central government to address many political and economic issues." }, { "score": 0.6804076433, "text": "The government created by the Articles of Confederation had other issues. Because there were no federal courts, the states had no place where they could resolve disputes. Additionally, it took nine of the thirteen states to pass a law and thirteen of the thirteen states to change the Articles of Confederation." }, { "score": 0.6801052094, "text": "Downfall of the Articles of Confederation. The major downfall of the Articles of Confederation was simply weakness. The federal government, under the Articles, was too weak to enforce their laws and therefore had no power. The Continental Congress had borrowed money to fight the Revolutionary War and could not repay their debts. States had also fallen into debt and were raising taxes to pay off those debts." }, { "score": 0.6787108183, "text": "The Constitutional Convention. Unsuccessful Efforts to Amend the Articles. Before giving up on the Articles of Confederation, there were several attempts to amend and improve them. In 1786, Charles Pinckney of South Carolina called for the Confederal Congress to revise the Articles so that the national government could better lead the nation." }, { "score": 0.6783156395, "text": "Report Abuse. One of the main reasons that they Articles of the Confederation failed was because they did not create a strong central government. Interstate commerce was also not controlled. There was issue for trading across colonial boundaries.he federal government had no power to levy or collect taxes, no power to regulate trade, and no power to enforce laws. There was also no executive branch under the Articles of Confederation, and no national court system." }, { "score": 0.6777912974, "text": "The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States of America and legally established the union of the states. Ultimately the Articles failed because they did not provide enough power to the central government. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution." }, { "score": 0.6768360138, "text": "The Articles of Confederation, the United States' first constitution, was written during a time when the American people feared strong national governments. The new nation needed some kind of organization to hold states together to help them fend off future attacks and hopefully make a stronger economy, and the Articles of Confederation seemed like the best answer to build unity at the time." }, { "score": 0.6761871576, "text": "The Articles of Confederation was the precursor of the United States Constitution because of the many reasons it had weaknesses and replaced by the United States Constitution. The Constitution of the United States comprises the nation's fundamental law, providing the framework for its governance and the principles under which it must operate." }, { "score": 0.6758857965, "text": "the articles of confederation were meant to be weak, because the colonists had just broken away from what they considered a tyranny, so they wanted a weak government that coul … dn't have to much power. it did just that. the articles limited the national government in many ways. there was no executive power, the congress could not raise an army unless the states gave them troops, they could not regulate trade, they could not impose a tax on the states, instead they had to beg for money ..." }, { "score": 0.6740021706, "text": "During the Articles of Confederation period all thirteen states were required to make amendments. The Articles of Confederation was hastily put together in order to provide some sort of government structure in order to fight the British. All states were considered independent and soverign at this time." }, { "score": 0.6738567948, "text": "By 1786, Americans recognized that the Articles of Confederation, the foundation document for the new United States adopted in 1777, had to be substantially modified. The Articles gave Congress virtually no power to regulate domestic affairs--no power to tax, no power to regulate commerce." }, { "score": 0.6721147299, "text": "Explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shays' Rebellion led to a call for a stronger central government. One reason why the Constitution was adopted over the Articles of Confederation was A) the Articles gave too much power to the national government. B) the states were not free to trade among themselves under the Articles. C) small states were underrepresented under the Articles of Confederation." }, { "score": 0.6716423035, "text": "As a result, the central Government found itself in financial disarray as a result of its necessity to create currency without stable financial backing. The Articles of Confederation required that the passing of a new law involve the approval of at least 9 of the 13 states, and the establishment of an amendment required the unanimous approval. This made legislation impossible." }, { "score": 0.6708101034, "text": "the articles of confederation failed for many reasons. one reason was that the states had too much power leaving the federal government weak. there was no chief executiv … e." }, { "score": 0.6663405299, "text": "Because the role of the Articles of Confederation was to give only state's rights, the Founding Fathers realized that something needed to be done to fully unite the states through a federal government. And through that, came the Constitution, which has become the oldest constitution written in the world." }, { "score": 0.6655460596, "text": "James Madison wanted to replace the Articles of Confederation because he thought they would have a stronger national government. But Patrick Henry wanted to keep the Articles." }, { "score": 0.6647902727, "text": "Articles of Confederation was the nations first constitution, was adopted by the second continental congress in 1781during the revolution. the document was limited because states held most of the power, and congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage confederation establishes ineffective government." }, { "score": 0.6632974148, "text": "The Articles of Confederation were approved by Congress on November 15, 1777 and ratified by the states on March 1, 1781. It was a modest attempt by a new country to unite itself and form a national government. The Articles set up a Confederation that gave most of the power to the states. Many problems arose and so a new Constitution was written in 1787 in Independence Hall. The new Constitution called for a much more unified government with a lot more power. Let us now examine the changes that were undertaken." }, { "score": 0.6631711721, "text": "The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States of America and legally established the union of the states. Ultimately the Articles failed because they did not provide enough power to the central government." }, { "score": 0.6624361277, "text": "the articles of confederation were meant to be weak, because the colonists had just broken away from what they considered a tyranny, so they wanted a weak government that coul…dn't have to much power. it did just that. the articles limited the national government in many ways." }, { "score": 0.661896348, "text": "In conclusion, the \"Articles of Confederation\" was monumental in the history of the United States of America because it acted as the first ever constitution of the 13 original states after independence. The Articles shed light on what need rectification and what was to remain the same in the Constitution of the United States of America." }, { "score": 0.6602064371, "text": "Because the state representatives who drew up the Articles of Confederation in 1777 feared the growth of a strong. national government, they did not give the national government power to raise money directly by taxing property, people, or imported goods. Only the states could collect taxes." }, { "score": 0.6601033807, "text": "The immediate reason for creating the Constitution was to replace the Articles of Confederation, which contained the following weaknesses: 1 The Articles created a unicameral legislature with no executive or judicial branch, hence, no separation of powers. 2 The Articles granted very little power to the central government." }, { "score": 0.6590214968, "text": "The US Constitution was written to replace the Articles of Confederation. Many believed the articles had created a federal government that was too weak to deal with the na…tion's problems." }, { "score": 0.6566110253, "text": "By 1786, Americans recognized that the Articles of Confederation, the foundation document for the new United States adopted in 1777, had to be substantially modified. The Articles gave Congress virtually no power to regulate domestic affairs--no power to tax, no power to regulate commerce.y September, the final compromises were made, the final clauses polished, and it came time to vote. In the Convention, each state--regardless of its number of delegates-- had one vote, so a state evenly split could not register a vote for adoption." }, { "score": 0.6560940146, "text": "The delegates shuttered the windows of the State House and swore secrecy so they could speak freely. Although they had gathered to revise the Articles of Confederation, by mid-June they had decided to completely redesign the government. There was little agreement about what form it would take." }, { "score": 0.6507053375, "text": "The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation would quickly lead to problems that the Founding Fathers realized would not be fixable under the current form of government. 1 These included the following: 2 Each state only had one vote in Congress, regardless of size. 3 Congress did not have the power to tax." }, { "score": 0.6478812695, "text": "the articles of confederation were ratified in 1781. creating the frame work for the independent states.but fell short of creating a Central government to collect taxes and a common currency.this is why the Constitution as we know it was formed.america first · 8 years ago.he articles of confederation were ratified in 1781. creating the frame work for the independent states.but fell short of creating a Central government to collect taxes and a common currency.this is why the Constitution as we know it was formed. america first · 8 years ago." }, { "score": 0.646582067, "text": "Because the Articles of Confederation had no president and called for a weak national government. The new constitution gave more power to the government and separated the gove … rnment into 3 branches. 3 people found this useful. The question and answer are locked and cannot be edited." }, { "score": 0.6464134455, "text": "The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called in order to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation, not to write another Constitution entirely. During deliberat … ions over amendments to the Articles, it was realized that the Articles could not be patched up to make them workable." }, { "score": 0.6431826949, "text": "What reasons why the articles of confederation did not create a successful government? The Articles of Confederation created only one house in the legislature, Congress. It did not matter whether states had more people than others, all states had the same amount … of representatives." }, { "score": 0.6405479312, "text": "It can be reasonably argued that the 'success' of the Articles of Confederation was that the Union formed by it was so inapt, that in the attempt to repair it, a more perfect Union was formed by the Constitution." }, { "score": 0.6403228045, "text": "sion of economic problems facing the new nation under the Articles of Confederation. The stu-dents read and discuss information about these problems in a handout; then they consider possi-ble responses and make predictions about how those responses would affect economic growth. The Articles of Confederation, adopted in 1781, represented the former colonists' first attempt to establish a new government after the Revolutionary War. These Articles provided for a weak central government. Because of the excess-es of King George III,whose rule they had just overthrown, the Americans were reluctant to" }, { "score": 0.6402142644, "text": "The Articles of Confederation (drafted 1777, ratified 1781) influenced the US Constitution because they were the first, fatally-flawed attempt at a workable federal government … ." }, { "score": 0.6368706822, "text": "They decided to develop a new system of government. They wrote a new document, the Constitution, to replace the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution made a stronger national government. It divided power between the national government and the state governments." }, { "score": 0.6360515952, "text": "Quick Answer. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 met to rewrite the laws of the United States government as they were agreed upon under the Articles of Confederation. Drafted in 1777, the Articles of Confederation were the American people's first attempt at constructing a new federal government after breaking from Great Britain. Keep Learning." }, { "score": 0.635836184, "text": "The most important positive aspect of the Articles of Confederation is that they kept the new United States together through the Revolutionary War and the early years of the country. This is no small achievement, even if the Articles were severely flawed.The Articles left the vast majority of power with the states.he Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Second Continental Congress on November 15, 1777 and were ratified by all the states by March 1, 1781. There were several notable achievements under the Articles of Confederation." }, { "score": 0.6263256073, "text": "The plan proposed the following: 1 The Articles of Confederation should be amended. 2 In addition to the existing powers under the Articles of Confederation, Congress gained authority to raise funds via tariffs and other measures, and to regulate interstate commerce and commerce with other nations." }, { "score": 0.6254956722, "text": "The Articles of Confederation is the document that was the basis for the United States Government prior to that established in the Constitution. The phrase a more perfect union in the Preamble refers to the imperfections in the union under the Articles.ndeed there was. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at establishing a national government in the New World. It was not entirely successful, which is why the Constitution was established." }, { "score": 0.616119504, "text": "The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called in order to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation, not to write another Constitution entirely." }, { "score": 0.6084485054, "text": "As a result of the Articles of Confederation, states had much more power than Congress and the national government. For the Articles to take effect, all states had to ratify (accept) it.Nine of the thirteen states had to approve any law passed by Congress.s a result of the Articles of Confederation, states had much more power than Congress and the national government. For the Articles to take effect, all states had to ratify (accept) it." }, { "score": 0.6052094698, "text": "Themes: failures of the articles of confederation, articles of confederation lack of unity, flaws of the articles of confederation, articles of confederation ineffective, problems with the articles of confederation, reasons why the articles of confederation failed, flaws of articles of confederation, failure of articles of confederation, limitations of articles of confederation, powers or institutions the national government did not have under the articles of confederation, articles of ..." }, { "score": 0.6012606621, "text": "The Articles of Confederation happened before the US constitution. The US constitution was made ina result of the Articles of Confederation failing. The Constitution was … just a better model of the Articles. found this useful." }, { "score": 0.5942226648, "text": "How did federalism and the constitutional convention solve the problems from the Articles of... 1 educator answer; Why were the Articles of Confederation a failure? 1 educator answer; Describe the reasons for abandoning the Articles of Confederation and adopting the new... 2 educator answers" }, { "score": 0.5769046545, "text": "Ratification of the Constitution. The Articles of Confederation stipulated that all thirteen states had to ratify any new constitution for it to take effect. To circumvent this hurdle, the delegates included in the new Constitution a section outlining a new plan for ratification. Once nine of the thirteen states had ratified the document (at special conventions with elected representatives), the Constitution would replace the Articles in those nine states." }, { "score": 0.5696337223, "text": "Which best describes a role of the executive branch of the federal government. The Articles of Confederation did not give strong power to the federal government. Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced with the Constitution." }, { "score": 0.5505380034, "text": "The Founding Fathers were setting down a list of rules to guide the United States. After which the Bill of Rights gave more rights to the people. <br />   The Constitution was created because the previous government structure under the Articles of Confederation was not working. Enough politicians agreed that a new constitution had to be created to better serve the people and deal with problems concerning the country. All you have to do is read the preamble. The Founding Fathers were setting down a list of rules to guide the United States. After which the Bill of Rights gave more rights to the people. The Constitution was created because the previous government structure under the Articles of Confederation was not working." } ]
who proposed the idea of continental drift
[ { "score": 0.7066950202, "text": "It was a century ago this spring that a little-known German meteorologist named Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents had once been massed together in a single supercontinent and then gradually drifted apart. He was, of course, right." } ]
[ { "score": 0.5201430321, "text": "Is the idea true that continental drift is a hoax? What will happen if there is no continental drift? Is it possible to drift in all kinds of cars or does one have to do certain modifications? What is the easiest way to drift?" } ]
what is malted milk
[ { "score": 0.8249132633, "text": "Malted milk is a powdered gruel made from a mixture of malted barley, wheat flour, and whole milk, which is evaporated until it forms a powder. Malt powder comes in two forms: diastatic and nondiastatic." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7606370449, "text": "A malt has malted milk in it. i.e., a chocolate malt is a chocolate shake with added malted milk powder. And it tastes delicious." }, { "score": 0.759888649, "text": "Malted milk powder: A combination of barley malt, wheat flour, milk powder, salt and sometimes sugar. This is the malt product most widely available in supermarkets and what is called for in ice cream desserts and recipes." }, { "score": 0.7493866682, "text": "Malted milk powder is a nostalgic soda fountain ingredient created in Racine. But J&W Horlick's slogan from the early 1900s implied a desire for much broader appeal: Horlick's Malted Milk: for infants, invalids, the aged and travelers.." }, { "score": 0.7306168079, "text": "I love malts! A malt is a milkshake with malt powder mixed into it, and it gives it a wonderful and unique flavor! A milkshake is ice cream, milk, perhaps some flavoring that is then mixed together.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/..." }, { "score": 0.7272007465, "text": "Brands of malted milk include: 1 Horlicks – the name of a malted milk hot drink and company. 2 Milo – a chocolate and malt powder which is mixed with hot or cold water or milk to produce a beverage popular in many parts of the world. 3 Ovaltine – a brand of milk flavoring product usually made with malt extract. Milo." }, { "score": 0.7216296196, "text": "When it comes to which sweet drink to enjoy, it's a question of whether you want a malted shake or a milkshake. Here's the difference between the two. Sometimes simply called a malt, a malted shake is one of those seriously old-timey drinks that is still found at diners and soda fountains. What distinguishes it is malted milk powder — the evaporated powder made from malted barley, wheat flour, and whole milk. It has a toasty, buttery flavor that's just a bit savory. Malted milk powder is blended with ice cream, milk, and any flavoring, like chocolate syrup, to create a thick but drinkable shake." }, { "score": 0.7206110954, "text": "Here, malt refers to the sugar derived from grains that have been dried in a process known as \"malting.\" And a malted milk shake at an old-fashioned soda fountain, called a \"malt\" for short, was usually a regular milk shake with an added spoonful of malt powder (often Carnation brand, in the old-school preparation)." }, { "score": 0.7183722258, "text": "To make a malt, malted milk powder is added to the ice cream while it is blended. The liquid rehydrates the powder and distributes the flavor throughout as it blends, although some does tend to settle to the bottom." }, { "score": 0.7167005539, "text": "Ad. To make a malt, malted milk powder is added to the ice cream while it is blended. The liquid rehydrates the powder and distributes the flavor throughout as it blends, although some does tend to settle to the bottom." }, { "score": 0.7145683765, "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: It is true. A malt is just a shake with malt powder (malted milk) added. The malt was invented in 1922 by a soda jerk at a Walgreens drug store in Chicago(2)." }, { "score": 0.7091702223, "text": "Malted milk is still popular at ice cream shops — it's a necessary ingredient to turn a shake into a malt. You will also find malted milk powder in many modern dessert recipes to add a layer of toasty, malted flavor." }, { "score": 0.7071211338, "text": "So history would see the two converge -- malted milk powder and milkshakes -- but what is in the powder? A combo of barley malt, wheat flour, milk powder, salt and sometimes sugar -- barley is malted when the grains are dried, then submerged in water for a few days before it's germinated. We malt barley and other grains because it breaks down each grain kernel -- the carbs, amino acids, lipids and starches. It's an especially important step in a beer's brewing process, but malted barley provides a lot of the nutrients in malted milk powder, as well." }, { "score": 0.7006617785, "text": "A milkshake is made with milk and ice cream, along with flavorings such as chocolate syrup for chocolate, etc. A malt is basically the same thing, but with a sweet, liquid malt syrup added. The malt gives the shake a distinctive flavor, which is actually quite good, and can be added to any flavor milk shake. Malts are not as common as they used to be; many places that serve milk shakes don't even offer malts anymore." }, { "score": 0.6998865604, "text": "Malts are not as common as they used to be; many places that serve milk shakes don't even offer malts anymore. A milkshake is made with milk and ice cream, along with flavorings such as chocolate syrup for chocolate, etc. A malt is basically the same thing, but with a sweet, liquid malt syrup added. The malt gives the shake a distinctive flavor, which is actually quite good, and can be added to any flavor milk shake. Malts are not as common as they used to be; many places that serve milk shakes don't even offer malts anymore." }, { "score": 0.6976013184, "text": "In just about every area of the United States, except for New England, a milkshake is a heavenly mixture of milk, ice cream and flavoring. Sometimes this creamy drink includes malted milk powder — making it into a \"malt.\" A malt and a milkshake share a rich, thick consistency and come in similar flavors, such as vanilla and chocolate. The addition of malt powder though provides a distinct, sweet flavor that for many tastes gives an oomph to the shake." }, { "score": 0.6958366632, "text": "The powder is made by combining malted barley with whole milk and wheat flour, which is then dried for convenience. In baking, malted milk with starch converting enzymes is used to make crustier bread doughs with more rise. The enzymes are usually absent in powder that is intended for use as a flavoring. Malted milk powder is readily available at many markets, usually alongside condensed and dried milk." }, { "score": 0.695807755, "text": "A malt has malted milk powder, for flavor and thickening. If it doesn't have malted milk, then it shouldn't be called a malt. Some people will do so anyway, since malts became so closely associated with milkshakes that it became an umbrella term, but at this point that is relatively rare. Written Jul 29, 2013 · View Upvotes." }, { "score": 0.6957238317, "text": "Malted grain is used to make beer; whisky; malted shakes; malt vinegar; confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers; flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine and Milo; and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels and rich tea biscuits.Malted grain that has been ground into a coarse meal is known as sweet meal.alting is the process of converting barley or other cereal grains into malt, for use in brewing, distilling, or in foods and takes place in a maltings, sometimes called a malthouse, or a malting floor. The cereal is spread out on the malting floor in a layer of 8 to 12 cm (3 to 5 inch) depth." }, { "score": 0.6954126358, "text": "Milkshakes and malts are both popular soda fountain drinks, and the only distinguishing difference is that malts, also called malteds, include malted milk powder in addition to the typical ingredients. As a result, this drink has a distinctive, slightly sour flavor that some consumers enjoy." }, { "score": 0.6928473115, "text": "Malted grain is used to make beer; whisky; malted shakes; malt vinegar; confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers; flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine and Milo; and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels and rich tea biscuits. Malted grain that has been ground into a coarse meal is known as sweet meal.alting is the process of converting barley or other cereal grains into malt, for use in brewing, distilling, or in foods and takes place in a maltings, sometimes called a malthouse, or a malting floor. The cereal is spread out on the malting floor in a layer of 8 to 12 cm (3 to 5 inch) depth." }, { "score": 0.6920428276, "text": "A cup of chocolate malted milk prepared with whole milk contains 225 calories and 8.7 grams of fat, of which about 5 grams are saturated. Malted milk also supplies between 9 and 10 grams of protein toward the 46 grams women need each day and the 56 grams men should have daily.ugar Content Isn't So Sweet. The amount of sugar in malted milk is the primary drawback to the beverage. While some of the sugar is naturally occurring sugar, which is present in all dairy foods, much of it is added sugar." }, { "score": 0.6920115948, "text": "Malt is the term used for maltose sugar extracted from sprouted barley, but it can also refer to maltose from any number of other grains, including wheat or brown rice. It has a unique, rich flavor and is used to make beer, whiskey, Ovaltine, and malted milk shakes.alt is the term used for maltose sugar extracted from sprouted barley, but it can also refer to maltose from any number of other grains, including wheat or brown rice. It has a unique, rich flavor and is used to make beer, whiskey, Ovaltine, and malted milk shakes." }, { "score": 0.6901425719, "text": "Malted grain is used to make beer; whisky; malted shakes; malt vinegar; confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers; flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine and Milo; and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels and rich tea biscuits. Malted grain that has been ground into a coarse meal is known as sweet meal.arley is spread out on the floor of a malthouse during a traditional malting process. Malting is the process of converting barley or other cereal grains into malt, for use in brewing, distilling, or in foods and takes place in a maltings, sometimes called a malthouse, or a malting floor." }, { "score": 0.6869752407, "text": "Malt is cereal grains that have been germinated and dried. The grains (barley is commonly used) are soaked in water then dried in hot air, a process that allows them to germinate. This is called malting.. Malting allows the starches in the grains to change into sugars, such as glucose and fructose. The process of malting is used for a number of products, including flours, malted milk, malt whiskey and malt balls. There are two types of malt powder -- diastatic and nondiastatic. The former involves the process described above, in which active enzymes transform starches into sugars." }, { "score": 0.6835200787, "text": "One cup of plain malted milk prepared with whole milk contains 233 calories and 9.6 grams of fat, of which 5.4 grams are saturated. Saturated fats are dangerous in large doses because they raise your cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease.ugar Content Isn't So Sweet. The amount of sugar in malted milk is the primary drawback to the beverage. While some of the sugar is naturally occurring sugar, which is present in all dairy foods, much of it is added sugar." }, { "score": 0.6825442314, "text": "Milkshakes and malts are both popular soda fountain drinks, and the only distinguishing difference is that malts, also called malteds, include malted milk powder in addition to the typical ingredients.A classic milkshake includes milk and ice cream, blended to a dense, creamy consistency." }, { "score": 0.6809134483, "text": "Malted grain is used to make beer, whisky, malted shakes, malt vinegar, confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers, flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine, and Milo, and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels, and rich tea biscuits. Malted grain that has been ground into a coarse meal is known as sweet meal." }, { "score": 0.6769425273, "text": "Malts at DQ are made with ice milk not ice cream. Malt is malted milk and is a powder that is used by all the malt makers across America. Shakes only contain the flavor that one picks plus the ice cream and milk. Both are blended until it is a nice consistency. Source(s): Have enjoyed many malts and shakes!" }, { "score": 0.6754562855, "text": "Malting is the process of converting barley or other cereal grains into malt, for use in brewing, distilling, or in foods and takes place in a maltings, sometimes called a malthouse, or a malting floor.The cereal is spread out on the malting floor in a layer of 8 to 12 cm (3 to 5 inch) depth.alted grain is used to make beer; whisky; malted shakes; malt vinegar; confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers; flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine and Milo; and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels and rich tea biscuits. Malted grain that has been ground into a coarse meal is known as sweet meal." }, { "score": 0.6754037142, "text": "Malted grain is used to make beer, whisky, malted shakes, malt vinegar, confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers, flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine, and Milo, and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels, and rich tea biscuits." }, { "score": 0.6745876074, "text": "The term malt refers to several products of the process: the grains to which this process has been applied, for example malted barley; the sugar, heavy in maltose, derived from such grains, such as the baker's malt used in various cereals; or a product based on malted milk, similar to a malted milkshake (i.e., malts)." }, { "score": 0.674415946, "text": "A combo of barley malt, wheat flour, milk powder, salt and sometimes sugar -- barley is malted when the grains are dried, then submerged in water for a few days before it's germinated. We malt barley and other grains because it breaks down each grain kernel -- the carbs, amino acids, lipids and starches. It's an especially important step in a beer's brewing process, but malted barley provides a lot of the nutrients in malted milk powder, as well." }, { "score": 0.6740919352, "text": "Malted grain is used to make beer; whisky; malted shakes; malt vinegar; confections such as Maltesers and Whoppers; flavored drinks such as Horlicks, Ovaltine and Milo; and some baked goods, such as malt loaf, bagels and rich tea biscuits.Malted grain that has been ground into a coarse meal is known as sweet meal.he concentrated wort is called malt extract. Liquid malt extract (LME) is a thick syrup and is used for a variety of purposes, such as baking and brewing. It is also sold in jars as a consumer product. The LME may be further dried to produce dry malt extract (DME) which is crystalline in form similar to common sugar." }, { "score": 0.6740412116, "text": "It's still on store shelves -- a popular brand is Nestlé Carnation's malted milk powder -- and is a great ingredient if you want to add depth and creaminess to a sweet dish. Here are a few recipes to try: Malted Milk Shakes, by Martha Stewart. Malted Milk Chocolate Bourbon Ice Cream, by Savory Simple." }, { "score": 0.6713806391, "text": "Top 10 facts about the world. Milkshakes and malts are both popular soda fountain drinks, and the only distinguishing difference is that malts, also called malteds, include malted milk powder in addition to the typical ingredients. As a result, this drink has a distinctive, slightly sour flavor that some consumers enjoy." }, { "score": 0.6702531576, "text": "While malted milk powder certainly offers a number of nutritional benefits, especially when compared to other milk flavorings, it is also a source of calories and fat. Three heaping teaspoons of the powder contains 90 calories, 2 grams of fat and 1 gram of saturated fat." }, { "score": 0.6701900959, "text": "malt. n. 1. Grain, usually barley, that has been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling. 2. An alcoholic beverage, such as beer or ale, brewed from malt. 3. See malted milk." }, { "score": 0.6672970057, "text": "Malt powder or malt flour should not be confused with malted milk powder, often available in drink mixes like Horlicks®, Carnation Malted Milk®, and in some forms of Ovaltine®. True malt powder is usually made of barley." }, { "score": 0.6656777859, "text": "A: When you add malted milk powder to a shake, the shake becomes a delicious malt. The malted milk powder enhances the flavor, giving the malt a richer and sweeter taste. You can add our malted milk powder to any flavored ice cream, frozen yogurt, or frozen custard shake. Or sprinkle it on your ice cream or frozen yogurt." }, { "score": 0.6633440256, "text": "Q: What's the difference between a shake and a malt? A: A shake is usually when you mix your ice cream or frozen yogurt, milk, and flavoring in the blender. A malt is when you add the malted milk powder after you have mixed your shake. Best to add the malted milk powder after the shake has been blended to ensure flavor is distributed evenly.. The malted milk powder enhances the flavor of the ingredients, giving you a sweeter, and richer tasting malt." }, { "score": 0.6615114212, "text": "A: When you add malted milk powder to a shake, the shake becomes a delicious malt. The malted milk powder enhances the flavor, giving the malt a richer and sweeter taste. You can add our malted milk powder to any flavored ice cream, frozen yogurt, or frozen custard shake." }, { "score": 0.6503230333, "text": "When malted milk is added, a milkshake is called a malted milkshake, a malt shake (or maltshake), a malted, or simply a malt. An ice cream-based milkshake may be called a thick milkshake or thick shake in the United Kingdom or a frappe (pronounced frap-PAY (/fɹæˈpeɪ/) or frap) in parts of New England and Canada. In Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts, coffee syrup or coffee-flavored ice cream is used to make the local coffee cabinet shake." }, { "score": 0.6478214264, "text": "Malt beverage is an American term for both alcohol-containing and non-alcoholic fermented beverages, in which the primary ingredient is the grain, or seed, of the barley plant, which has been allowed to sprout in a traditional way called malting slightly before it is processed." }, { "score": 0.6430052519, "text": "Malt powder may be used alone to make malted milk shakes, a combination of ice cream, sometimes flavored syrups, milk and malt powder. Alone and uncooked, this flour can have a bitter aftertaste, which is usually not noticeable when it is mixed with other ingredients.There are two types of malt powder available.Diastatic malt powder is allowed to develop enzymes, which digest starches into sugar. When diastatic malt is used in baked goods, it tends to result in sweeter, smoother, and higher rises.alt powder or malt flour should not be confused with malted milk powder, often available in drink mixes like Horlicks®, Carnation Malted Milk®, and in some forms of Ovaltine®." }, { "score": 0.6414344311, "text": "Linda Schwend, vice president at CTL Foods, says that using two scoops of malt to turn an ice cream shake into a malt is the most common application of malted milk powder. Or you can add it to your favorite recipe for pancakes, waffles, cookies, cakes and more.." }, { "score": 0.6364018917, "text": "The powder also contains a variety of B vitamins, including vitamin B-12 and B-6, folate, thiamine, niacin and pantothenic acid. Malted milk powder is a good source of riboflavin, meeting 11 percent of the daily value in a heaping 3-teaspoon serving. All the B vitamins work together to help keep you feeling energized by assisting with the metabolism of fat, protein and carbs." }, { "score": 0.6331307888, "text": "Malted whiskies are made from a fermented mash or mixture made of malt and water. The word is Finnish and Germanic. It was first used as a verb, and was first used as a noun in the 1690s. Using the word malted to describe a food product began in 1945." }, { "score": 0.6155719757, "text": "Milkshake-like recipes which use a high proportion of fruit and no ice cream are usually called smoothies. When malted milk is added, a milkshake is called a malted milkshake, a malt shake (or maltshake), a malted, or simply a malt. An ice cream-based milkshake may be called a thick milkshake or thick shake in the United Kingdom or a frappe (pronounced frap-PAY (/fɹæˈpeɪ/) or frap) in parts of New England and Canada." }, { "score": 0.6078930497, "text": "Horlick's Malted Milk Company was created in 1878 by brothers James and William Horlick. This bottle was recovered from Old Sacramento SHP in 1974. It is made from clear glass and is embossed with HORLICK'S/MALTED MILK/LUNCH TABLETS." }, { "score": 0.6045331955, "text": "Horlick's Malted Milk Company was created in 1878 by brothers James and William Horlick. This bottle was recovered from Old Sacramento SHP in 1974." }, { "score": 0.5964305997, "text": "1930s Horlick's Malted Milk Bottle. Tall Heavy Glass Jar Embossed with circled logo: Horlick's Malted Milk, Trade Mark, M. M. Racine Wis-U.S.A. Slough, Bucks, Eng. This bottle is probably from the 1930's. Size: about 11 inches tall; base 5.5 inches diameter; top 3 inches diameter Weighs about 3 pounds unpacked." }, { "score": 0.5959266424, "text": "This is called malting.. Malting allows the starches in the grains to change into sugars, such as glucose and fructose. The process of malting is used for a number of products, including flours, malted milk, malt whiskey and malt balls. There are two types of malt powder -- diastatic and nondiastatic." }, { "score": 0.5933394432, "text": "This is called malting.. Malting allows the starches in the grains to change into sugars, such as glucose and fructose. The process of malting is used for a number of products, including flours, malted milk, malt whiskey and malt balls. There are two types of malt powder -- diastatic and nondiastatic. The former involves the process described above, in which active enzymes transform starches into sugars." }, { "score": 0.5914305449, "text": "1930s Horlick's Malted Milk Bottle. Tall Heavy Glass Jar Embossed with circled logo: Horlick's Malted Milk, Trade Mark, M. M. Racine Wis-U.S.A. Slough, Bucks, Eng." }, { "score": 0.5839169025, "text": "Evaporated milk, known in some countries as unsweetened condensed milk, is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60% of the water removed from fresh milk. It differs from sweetened condensed milk, which contains added sugar." }, { "score": 0.5838057995, "text": "Tall Heavy Glass Jar Embossed with circled logo: Horlick's Malted Milk, Trade Mark, M. M. Racine Wis-U.S.A. Slough, Bucks, Eng. This bottle is probably from the 1930's. Size: about 11 inches tall; base 5.5 inches diameter; top 3 inches diameter Weighs about 3 pounds unpacked. Condition: Excellent." }, { "score": 0.5818634033, "text": "Tall Heavy Glass Jar Embossed with circled logo: Horlick's Malted Milk, Trade Mark, M. M. Racine Wis-U.S.A. Slough, Bucks, Eng. This bottle is probably from the 1930's. Size: about 11 inches tall; base 5.5 inches diameter; top 3 inches diameter Weighs about 3 pounds unpacked." }, { "score": 0.5782266855, "text": "Evaporated Milk, also termed as dehydrated milk, is a refrigerated canned milk product where 60% of water is removed from the fresh milk. This milk is almost equivalent to fresh milk. When the liquid product is combined with a balanced sum of water, milk then becomes a rough counterpart of fresh milk." }, { "score": 0.5780115724, "text": "Amount of calories in Malted Milk Powder: Calories: Calories from Fat (%) % Daily Value * How much fat is in Malted Milk Powder? Amount of fat in Malted Milk Powder: Total Fat: How much saturated fat is in Malted Milk Powder? Amount of saturated fat in Malted Milk Powder: Saturated fat : How much sodium is in Malted Milk Powder? Amount of sodium in Malted Milk Powder: Sodium: How many carbs are in Malted Milk Powder? Amount of carbs in Malted Milk Powder: Carbohydrates: How many net carbs are in Malted Milk Powder? Amount of net carbs in Malted Milk Powder: Net carbs" }, { "score": 0.5699294806, "text": "horlicks malted milk jar. Follow horlicks malted milk jar to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow horlicks malted milk jar to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following horlicks malted milk jar in your eBay Feed. Email me new items that match this interest." }, { "score": 0.5678411722, "text": "Item Name: VINTAGE HORLICK'S MALTED MILK BOTTLE Item #: 0257 Price/ea: $18.95. VINTAGE HORLICK'S MALTED MILKAqua Round BottleEmbossing: HORLICK'S / MALTED MILK / RACINE, WIS. / U.S.A. / LONDON, ENG.Embossing Bottom: I.G." }, { "score": 0.5522137284, "text": "Evaporated milk. A type of milk that is unpasteurized whole milk condensed by evaporating 50 to 60 percent of the water content in the milk. Unlike condensed milk which begins with pasteurized milk and is not heat processed, evaporated milk is sterilized through heat treatment and a vacuum process, making it more concentrated than whole milk." } ]
what is a federal funds target rate
[ { "score": 0.7870893478, "text": "US Target Federal Funds Rate: US Target Federal Funds Rate is at 0.75%, compared to 0.50% the previous market day and 0.25% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 2.67%. US Target Federal Funds Rate Chart. US Target Federal Funds Rate Historical Data. View and export this data going back to 1994." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7516255379, "text": "Federal funds rate. The interest rate at which banks lend money to one another overnight to meet loan reserve requirements. The federal funds rate is a tool used by the Federal Reserve to control the supply of available money and hence, inflation and other interest rates. Raising the rate makes it more expensive to borrow. That lowers the supply of available money, which helps keep inflation in check." }, { "score": 0.7495150566, "text": "The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions actively trade balances held at the Federal Reserve—called federal funds—with each other." }, { "score": 0.7492638826, "text": "The federal funds rate is the central interest rate in the U.S. financial market. It influences other interest rates such as the prime rate, which is the rate banks charge their customers with higher credit ratings. (1) Federal Reserve Bank of New York." }, { "score": 0.7486983538, "text": "The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which banks borrow reserves from one another. A low federal funds rate implies expansionary monetary policy by the Federal Reserve; a low interest rate environment for businesses and consumers; and relatively high inflation. Low interest rate environments stimulate aggregate demand and employment." }, { "score": 0.7466008663, "text": "The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions trade federal funds (balances held at Federal Reserve Banks) with each other overnight. When a depository institution has surplus balances in its reserve account, it lends to other banks in need of larger balances." }, { "score": 0.7431187034, "text": "The federal funds rate is an important benchmark in financial markets. The interest rate that the borrowing bank pays to the lending bank to borrow the funds is negotiated between the two banks, and the weighted average of this rate across all such transactions is the federal funds effective rate." }, { "score": 0.7428463101, "text": "Federal Funds Rate. Loading the player... The federal funds rate is the interest rate banks charge each other for overnight loans to meet their reserve requirements. For example, if ABC Bank takes in $100 million in deposits, and pays out $95 million to other customers, $5 million remains at the bank for daily transactions." }, { "score": 0.741514504, "text": "What is the 'Federal Funds Rate'. The interest rate at which a depository institution lends funds maintained at the Federal Reserve to another depository institution overnight. The federal funds rate is generally only applicable to the most creditworthy institutions when they borrow and lend overnight funds to each other." }, { "score": 0.7414880991, "text": "The federal funds rate is the central interest rate in the U.S. financial market. It influences other interest rates such as the prime rate, which is the rate banks charge their customers with higher credit ratings. (1) Federal Reserve Bank of New York. \"Federal funds.\" Fedpoints, August 2007." }, { "score": 0.7408065796, "text": "For monetary policy purposes, the Federal Reserve sets a target for the federal funds rate and maintains that target interest rate by buying and selling U.S. Treasury securities. When the Fed buys securities, bank reserves rise, and the fed funds rate tends to fall." }, { "score": 0.7406639457, "text": "The federal funds rate is the central interest rate in the U.S. financial market. It influences other interest rates such as the prime rate, which is the rate banks charge their customers with higher credit ratings. (1) Federal Reserve Bank of New York. \"Federal funds.\" Fedpoints, August 2007. (2) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System." }, { "score": 0.7389124632, "text": "The Federal Funds Rate is the interest rate which banks charge one another for 1 day (overnight) lending. This American base rate is set by the market and is not explicitly laid down by the FED.f the FED's monetary policy alters the base rate, that usually affects the interest rate on various products such as mortgages, loans and savings. This page shows the current and historic values of the FED's Federal Funds rate." }, { "score": 0.7336996794, "text": "In the United States, the federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions (banks and credit unions) lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight, on an uncollateralized basis." }, { "score": 0.7245714664, "text": "Adjustments to the Federal Funds Target Rate are made by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) usually at regularly scheduled meetings; but can also be adjusted at any time with an emergency meeting. The rates reported below are based upon the Fed Funds Target Rates on the first day of each respective month." }, { "score": 0.7222575545, "text": "The actual federal funds rate generally lies within a range of that target rate, as the Federal Reserve cannot set an exact value through open market operations. Another way banks can borrow funds to keep up their required reserves is by taking a loan from the Federal Reserve itself at the discount window. These loans are subject to audit by the Fed, and the discount rate is usually higher than the federal funds rate." }, { "score": 0.7176136971, "text": "Once the FOMC establishes a target for the federal funds rate, the Open Market Trading Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York conducts daily open market operations — buying or selling U.S. government securities on the open market — as necessary to achieve the federal funds rate target." }, { "score": 0.7104713917, "text": "Federal funds rate and capacity utilization in manufacturing. In the United States, the federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions (banks and credit unions) lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight, on an uncollateralized basis. Reserve balances are amounts held at the Federal Reserve to maintain depository institutions' reserve requirements." }, { "score": 0.7094096541, "text": "Suppose that the current federal funds rate is above the federal funds target rate. In order to lower the federal funds rate the Fed will ________________ securities on the open market which will ________________ the supply of reserves in the market for reserves, pushing the rate closer to the target rate." }, { "score": 0.7086595297, "text": "Effective Federal Funds Rate: Effective Federal Funds Rate is at 0.91%, compared to 0.91% yesterday and 0.37% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.90%. Effective Federal Funds Rate Chart." }, { "score": 0.7053773403, "text": "This Federal interest rate is charged for Fed funds, which are loans made by banks to each other to meet the Fed reserve requirement. Technically, these rates are set by the banks themselves, not the Federal Reserve.Find out why, for the most part, these rates rarely vary from the target rate.More ».007-2008 Fed Funds Rate. The Fed lowered the rate by 1/2 point on December 16, 2008, the 10th rate cut in a little over a year. Previous cuts include: 1 Sep 18 07: A 1/2 point cut to 4.75%. 2 Oct 31 07: A 1/4 point cut to 4.5%. 3 Dec 11 07: A 1/4 point cut to 4.25%." }, { "score": 0.7023813725, "text": "Effective Federal Funds Rate: Effective Federal Funds Rate is at 0.40%, compared to 0.40% yesterday and 0.15% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.95%. 1 Category: Interest Rates. Region: United States." }, { "score": 0.7020004988, "text": "Effective Federal Funds Rate: Effective Federal Funds Rate is at 0.91%, compared to 0.91% yesterday and 0.37% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.90%. Effective Federal Funds Rate Chart. Effective Federal Funds Rate Historical Data." }, { "score": 0.6952323914, "text": "Effective Federal Funds Rate is at 0.40%, compared to 0.40% yesterday and 0.15% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.95%. Category: Interest Rates." }, { "score": 0.6914144158, "text": "Right now, the Fed Discount Rate is at 0.75%, and the Fed Funds Rate is operating in a target range of between 0% and 0.25%. In a down economy, with so much of the activity dependent on consumer spending, the goal is to attract consumers to loans. These low Fed rates bring loan rates down. deposit of $1,000 meant a little more than $4 in interest the first month. Now, you'd be hard-pressed to find a high-yield account offering much more than 1% APY, providing you with right around 83 cents in interest the first month. That's a big difference." }, { "score": 0.6869026423, "text": "target range for the fed funds rate at 0.25% - 0.5%. Therefore, the United States Prime Rate remains at 3.5%. The U.S. Prime Rate is a commonly used, short-term interest rate in the banking system of the United States. All types of American lending institutions (traditional banks, credit unions, thrifts, etc.) use the U.S. Prime Rate as an index or foundation rate for pricing various short- and medium-term loan products." }, { "score": 0.6845749617, "text": "(a) Federal Funds Target Rate (DISCONTINUED), Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted (DFEDTAR) Write a custom formula to transform one or more series or combine two or more series. You can begin by adding a series to combine with your existing series. Now create a custom formula to combine or transform the series." }, { "score": 0.6837017536, "text": "The rate is primarily determined by the balance of supply and demand for the funds. But it fluctuates. A target rate is set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) but the actual rate that's used overnight can be higher or lower, depending on supply of funds and the demand by banks for loans." }, { "score": 0.6678135395, "text": "A neutral level of the federal funds rate often is discussed. as having two properties. First, it is a level that neither stimu-. lates nor slows output relative to potential. Second, it is a mov-. ing target that varies from one period to another." }, { "score": 0.6585291624, "text": "However, this will not totally solve the Fed's problem. Even when it was paying the banks 0.25% interest on reserves, the effective federal funds rate (the rate at which reserves at the Fed were actually being traded) was below 0.25%. This is why the Fed adopted a range for the federal funds rate of 0-0.25%." }, { "score": 0.65363729, "text": "The central bank kept the fed funds target rate in the 0.25% to 0.50% range that it established when it raised rates in December 2015. Yields for money market investors remain low. The Government Money Fund returned 0.00% in the quarter compared with 0.02% for the Lipper Money Market Funds Average. For the 12 months ended June 30, 2016, the fund returned 0.01% versus 0.04% for the Lipper Money Market Funds Average." }, { "score": 0.6518757939, "text": "September 17, 2015: The FOMC has voted to keep the target range. for the fed funds rate at 0% - 0.25%. The next FOMC meeting. and decision on short-term rates will be on October 28 TH, 2015." }, { "score": 0.6413988471, "text": "However, the federal. funds futures market forecasts the monthly. average of the funds rate, not the funds. rate on any particular day. Consequently, an expected target change's effect on the. futures rate depends on when and by how. much the target is expected to change." }, { "score": 0.6261076927, "text": "On Thursday, the Federal Reserve kept its benchmark interest rate target pegged to a range of 0% to 0.25%, which is where it has been since December 2008. That's low. Interestingly, rates aren't just low within the context of American history. They also happen to be at the lowest levels in the 5,000 years of civilization." }, { "score": 0.5986050963, "text": "Interest Rates Headed Higher. According to the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), participants (Fed governors) expect interest rates to go higher this year…from a current Federal Funds Rate of 0.25% to a rate between 0.375% and 0.875% by the end of 2015." }, { "score": 0.5926457047, "text": "Rate (%) December 16, 2008: 3.25: December 17, 2015: 3.5: December 15, 2016: 3.75: March 16, 2017: 4.00: June 15, 2017: 4.25: December 14, 2017: 4.50 (The Current U.S. Prime Rate) December 13, 2017: The FOMC has voted to raise the target range for the fed funds rate, from 1.00% - 1.25% to 1.25% - 1.50%. Therefore, the United States Prime Rate is now 4.50%, effective tomorrow (December 14,2017.) The next FOMC meeting and decision on short-term" }, { "score": 0.582965374, "text": "But smart borrowers watch the Fed's actions and statements for clues as to the general direction of rates. In mid-December, the Fed raised its benchmark federal funds rate from near zero to a range of 0.25% to 0.5%, signaling that rates might be on the rise in 2016. Borrowers shouldn't expect rates to shoot skyward. The Fed is more likely to move slowly, at least in the near term. Still, that expectation isn't a guarantee." }, { "score": 0.5604192019, "text": "1 Fast Food Rockers, a British pop group. 2 Federal Financial Report, a common U.S. government report in government contracting, also known as Standard Form 425. Federal funds rate, a benchmark interest rate with a target set by the Federal Reserve in the United States." }, { "score": 0.5337411761, "text": "How Rising Interest Rates Will Affect The Stock Market And Your Investments. The benchmark interest rate, known as the federal funds rate, has been set at a record low of 0.25% since December 2008. It's hard to imagine that the it averaged 6% since 1971 and soared as high as 20% in 1980." } ]
when did cats come back to broadway
[ { "score": 0.7946096063, "text": "'Cats' to Return to Broadway After 16-Year Hiatus. Come summer, Andrew Lloyd Webber will once-again have three simultaneously running musicals. | January 21, 2016 @ 7:39 AM. Broadway fans may want to free up their summer, starting right meow: Andrew Lloyd Webber's \"Cats\" is returning to the stage in August after a 16-year hiatus. Preview performances will begin on July 14; the official opening is set for Aug. 2. The Winter Garden Theatre classic is moving to the Neil Simon Theatre." } ]
[ { "score": 0.554586947, "text": "MISS SAIGON WILL LAND AT ITS ORIGINAL NEW YORK HOME THE BROADWAY THEATRE Performances begin March 1, 2017 Read More. David Hyde Pierce Joins Bette Midler in 'Hello, Dolly!' The Broadway revival will play the Shubert Theatre." }, { "score": 0.5454422235, "text": "On June 4, 2006, The Lion King closed in The New Amsterdam Theatre, moving two blocks uptown to the Minskoff Theatre on June 13, 2006. Mary Poppins began previews at the New Amsterdam Theatre on October 16, 2006 and opened on November 16, 2006, where it continued to run until March 3, 2013." }, { "score": 0.537057817, "text": "Chicago. It won't be long until the revival of Chicago outpaces \"Cats\" as the second-longest-running Broadway show (\"Cats\" closed on Broadway in 2000 and now can only be seen at a middle school near you). At 7,205 shows, Chicago is already the longest-running musical revival in Broadway history.Give it some time and this musical about crime and corruption in the Jazz Age will take its place as No. 2 — after all, there's no end in sight for Chicago at the Ambassador Theatre.ee what other Broadway musicals have made the list of longest runs! Of the five longest running shows still currently playing on Broadway, all are musicals. But read through our list and you will see some incredible variety among the most popular shows in Broadway history!" }, { "score": 0.5055741668, "text": "School of Rock will be Lloyd Webber's first new musical on Broadway since 2005's The Woman in White.Plans to bring Love Never Dies, his sequel to the still-running Phantom of the Opera, to Broadway were shelved after the 2010 show underperformed in London.chool of Rock will be Lloyd Webber's first new musical on Broadway since 2005's The Woman in White." }, { "score": 0.4929911792, "text": "It has been almost 20 years since the Jonathan Larson's rock musical, Rent, premiered on Broadway. (Photo by Columbia Picture) It's been almost 20 years since the rock musical, Rent, first graced the Broadway stage — but the original cast, unlike the roles they played, have had no problem finding work since." }, { "score": 0.4920350611, "text": "| Release Date: November 18, 2016. Summary: A Street Cat Named Bob tells the moving and life-affirming true story of the unlikely friendship between a young homeless busker, James Bowen, and the stray ginger cat named Bob who changed his life." }, { "score": 0.4909951091, "text": "Cats Don't Dance 1997. When renting, you have 30 days to start watching this video, and 24 hours to finish once started. It's a fur-to-riches story as Danny -- a spunky, wise-crackin' cat with moves like Fred Astaire -- heads to Hollywood on a quest to overcome the species barrier and become a dancing movie legend." }, { "score": 0.4821774364, "text": "The Cats were a rock band from Volendam, Netherlands.he Cats borrowed money from Jan Buys, who was later to become their manager, and recorded their first singles that immediately entered the charts. Singing in English thanks to a songwriting duo from England, the group sounded British." }, { "score": 0.480276227, "text": "by Rodney Figueiredo, September 27, 2002. Cats Don't Dance. Turner Feature Animation (March 28, 1997), Turner Home Entertainment (September 3, 2002), single disc, 75 mins plus supplements, 1.33:1 aspect ratio, Dolby Digital 5.1, Rated G, Retail: $12.98." }, { "score": 0.4748937488, "text": "Felix cartoons began airing on American TV in 1953. Joe Oriolo introduced a redesigned, long-legged Felix, added new characters, and gave Felix a Magic Bag of Tricks that could assume an infinite variety of shapes at Felix's behest. The cat has since starred in other television programs and in two feature films." }, { "score": 0.4748490155, "text": "In 2004, almost fifty years after it was first sung by Peggy Lee, The Siamese Cat Song was re-recorded by sisters Hilary and Haylie Duff for the album DisneyMania 2." }, { "score": 0.4733880758, "text": "Until the wonderful Lost Cat : A True Story of Love , Desperation , and GPS Technology came out , the great Edward Gorey had the corner on feline art with his timeless illustrations for the 1982 edition of Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats ( public library ) by T. S. Eliot , a documented cat-lover , who penned these whimsical verses about feline ..." }, { "score": 0.463688612, "text": "Felix the Cat comes to life as one big balloon, but he's actually made up of nine separate, smaller ones. Felix will be the only character from the 1927 lineup when the parade takes place on Thursday morning in New York." }, { "score": 0.4630516768, "text": "The next longest-running Broadway show that is still playing is Jersey Boys, which opened on Broadway in 2005 at the August Wilson Theatre. If you would like to learn more about what are the longest running Broadway shows, visit Broadway.org, the official website for Broadway tickets and information." }, { "score": 0.4607583582, "text": "Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Celebrate International Cat Day with Natalia Goncharova's Cats (1913) currently on view in the Guggenheim Collection Gallery. Goncharova's painting appears to represent two black felines with a tabby in between, illustrating the Rayist style that she contributed to in the early 1900s." }, { "score": 0.4570676088, "text": "Lucifer appears in the live-action adaptation of the 1950 classic, reprising his role as Lady Tremaine's cat, though he plays a much smaller role in this film. Lucifer was first seen during the Tremaines' arrival at Cinderella's home, upon his mistress' introduction." }, { "score": 0.4561644793, "text": "This is one of the changes made to the American production (the U.K. version was all kylie Minogue). Broadway's New Queen Itay Hod March 17, 2011 Recent efforts at championing Leona Lewis' Happy single or a kylie Minogue comeback have fallen on deaf ears, for instance." }, { "score": 0.4553797841, "text": "People and cats have a long and storied history, but where did our feline friends come from? Did they originate in ancient Egypt, where they were not only pampered, but also literally worshiped? Or are their origins even older? Theories of domestic cat's For decades, many theories have existed to explain the origin of cats. Traditionally, most scholars believed that all domestic cats had a common ancestor in ancient Egypt, where cats were domesticated around 3,600 years ago." }, { "score": 0.4476022124, "text": "\"Mamma Mia!\" held its final Broadway curtain call this past Saturday after 14 years and well over 5,000 historical performances. Do you know which other Broadway shows have enjoyed similarly impressive stretches? These are 11 of the Great White Way's longest running shows. And here's to keeping a good thing going!" }, { "score": 0.4434887171, "text": "In 2007, on the occasion of the book's fiftieth anniversary, Random House released The Annotated Cat: Under the Hats of Seuss and His Cats, which includes both The Cat in the Hat and its sequel, with annotations and an introduction by Philip Nel." }, { "score": 0.4404222369, "text": "From Feline Film Stars to Kitty Cameos. That Darn Cat! (1965) Synopsis: A bank teller (Grayson Hall) is kidnapped after a robbery and held hostage by the crooks (Neville Brand and Frank Gorshin.) She manages to slip her watch on the neck of D.C., a wandering neighborhood feline." }, { "score": 0.4371012449, "text": "In literature. 1 Bob, a ginger cat that was found injured and subsequently adopted by London busker, James Bowen, in 2007. Bob's and Bowen's adventures together on the streets of London became the subject of a book, published in March 2012, A Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man And His Cat Found Hope On The Streets." }, { "score": 0.435567379, "text": "Broadway's 'Hamilton' under fire for controversial casting call. Updated 8:03 AM ET, Thu March 31, 2016. Lin-Manuel Miranda performs in Hamilton on opening night on Broadway on August 6, 2015. Groundbreaking Broadway show under fire for NON-WHITE casting call." }, { "score": 0.4329352379, "text": "View Full Document. This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. Unformatted text preview: Was Broadways longest running musical comedy, playing for five years on Broadway and touring nationally for ten. In London its run was the longest in the 300-year history of the Drury Lane Theater." }, { "score": 0.4246906638, "text": "2010–present: Victorious, and other projects. Grande played the character Cat Valentine on the Nickelodeon television show Victorious, which premiered in March 2010. Grande was also featured in Dream Magazine as the cover girl for the August 2011 issue." }, { "score": 0.4156455994, "text": "On Thanksgiving morning 1997, an estimated two million people gathered along the parade route to catch The Pink Panther, Barney, Cat in the Hat, and others happily float between the Manhattan skyline. But, as The New York Times reported the next day:" }, { "score": 0.4129592478, "text": "The Siamese Cat Song. The Siamese Cat Song comes from the animated Disney film Lady and the Tramp, made in 1955. The heroine, Lady, is a Cocker Spaniel who arrives as a puppy to live with a couple known as 'Jim Dear' and 'Darling'." }, { "score": 0.4128507376, "text": "List of awards and nominations for the musical Fiddler on the Roof. Fiddler on the Roof was one of the most successful musicals of the golden age of musicals. Its original Broadway production in 1964 was the first run of a musical in history to surpass the 3,000 performance mark. Fiddler held the record for the longest-running Broadway musical for almost 10 years until Grease surpassed its run. The production was extraordinarily profitable and highly acclaimed. A successful 1971 film adaptation, and the show has enjoyed enduring international popularity, conti" }, { "score": 0.4105861485, "text": "Where did hairless cats come from? First off, some basic facts about hairless cats. Hairless cats — including the Bambino cat, the Donskoy (or Don Hairless), the Lykoi cat, the Minskin, the Peterbald cat, the Sphynx cat, and the Ukrainian Levkoy — are not hairless by nature, but by design." }, { "score": 0.3997145891, "text": "In future cartoons, Jones recast Claude as a silent villain, still possessing his full set of neuroses. This stage of the character's evolution is best exemplified by the 1954 film Feline Frame-Up. Here, Claude convinces his owner that fellow pet Marc Antony is trying to eat the precious kitten Pussyfoot." }, { "score": 0.3961701989, "text": "Title: Felix the Cat (1958– ) 6.9 /10. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below." }, { "score": 0.3932008147, "text": "\"Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you.\" Or maybe your cats won't come when they are called because they can't hear you. It is probably time to learn how to clean your cat's ears.Ear cleaning is an important part of your cat's grooming and overall health care.he most common problem for cats is a parasitic infestation from ear mites. If you notice your cat scratching his ears excessively or shaking his head, this may be a sign of ear mites or another type of ear infection. A trip to the vet will be necessary." }, { "score": 0.3764973283, "text": "What did she come back with? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2." }, { "score": 0.375325799, "text": "In 1972, Walker repeated the role in the first production of The Queen of Spades ever presented in its original Russian at the Met. In 1975 when the Met toured Japan for the first time, Walker sang the role of Marcello in La bohème with Franco Corelli and Dorothy Kirsten." }, { "score": 0.3682552874, "text": "A phenomenal success in Europe, But You Did Not Come Back is an important addition to the library of Holocaust literature—a deeply moving story of a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau. But You Did Not Come Back. Grove Press." }, { "score": 0.3669919968, "text": "Also, check out Dylan, Cash, and the Nashville Cats: A New Music City, which tells the story of Nashville's music scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s. And before you go make sure to look at their family programs." }, { "score": 0.3654165566, "text": "Saturday Night Live: Betty Thomas/Stray Cats (1983) (TV Episode) Big Bird's dead is reported on during Saturday Night News. Copperhead (1983) (Video) In the film Copperhead there are two references to the tv show Sesame Street." }, { "score": 0.3496074677, "text": "Cast. 1 The Penguin (Burgess Meredith), the Riddler (Frank Gorshin) and the Joker (Cesar Romero) in 1966. These actors also played the television roles. 2 Lee Meriwether acted as Catwoman in the film (pictured), replacing Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman in the first two seasons of the television series." }, { "score": 0.341558814, "text": "Two women performing on a barn door in the first known musical event at the Hollywood Bowl, ca.1920. According to an article in the San Diego Union newspaper, June 19, 1941, the woman at the piano was Carrie Jacobs-Bond, one of the originators of the Theatre Arts Alliance and a resident of nearby Hollywood Heights." }, { "score": 0.3414305747, "text": "Cast. 1 The Penguin (Burgess Meredith), the Riddler (Frank Gorshin) and the Joker (Cesar Romero) in 1966. 2 Lee Meriwether acted as Catwoman in the film (pictured), replacing Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman in the first two seasons of the television series. 3 The Batmobile as seen in the 1960s Batman TV series." }, { "score": 0.3413906097, "text": "THE FALL CANCELLED OR RENEWED UPDATES. March 10, 2015 – BBC Two renews The Fall for Series 3, with Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan reprising their roles for \"one last act\" in the game of cat and mouse. No word yet on whether Series 3 will be the last in the series. For the time-being, Series 4 remains on the table." } ]
how many hours of work before fmla approval
[ { "score": 0.779699564, "text": "Under Title I of the FMLA, to be eligible for FMLA leave an employee must have worked at least 1250 hours in the 12-month period preceding the commencement of FMLA leave. 29 USC 2611(2)(A)(ii). In Bailey v. Pregis Innovative Packaging, Inc., No. 09-3539 (7th Cir." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7703289986, "text": "In this case, 50 hours multiplied by 12 weeks would equal 600 hours of leave due. (Conversely, if an employee qualifies for FMLA leave but routinely works less than 40 hours per week, then the allotment of intermittent FMLA leave time would be less than 480 hours.) Some other special scenarios:" }, { "score": 0.7690876722, "text": "Second, you must have worked for the employer for at least 1250 hours in the 12 months before you take leave. That works out to an average of about 24 hours per week over the course of a year. Lastly, you must work at a location where the employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles of your worksite.o take FMLA leave, you must provide your employer with appropriate notice. If you know in advance that you will need FMLA leave (for example, if you are planning to have surgery or you are pregnant), you must give your employer at least 30 days advance notice." }, { "score": 0.7672129273, "text": "An employee who is on FMLA for 7 consecutive days has used \"one week\" of FMLA, or 1/12 of her total allotment. This is true whether the employee normally works 25 hours, 40 hours or 100 hours per week. Tags: 12 weeks, 25 hours, 480 hours, FMLA, hour, one week, week." }, { "score": 0.7631918192, "text": "Second, you must have worked for the employer for at least 1250 hours in the 12 months before you take leave. That works out to an average of about 24 hours per week over the course of a year. Lastly, you must work at a location where the employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles of your worksite.n order to take FMLA leave, you must first work for a covered employer. Generally, private employers with at least 50 employees are covered by the law. Private employers with fewer than 50 employees are not covered by the FMLA, but may be covered by state family and medical leave laws." }, { "score": 0.7532272339, "text": "The leave generally is 26 weeks long. For workers to become eligible for these FMLA benefits, they should work for covered employers. In addition, they are also supposed to have worked at that particular post for a whole year and for about 1,250 hours." }, { "score": 0.7514340281, "text": "A part-time employee who usually works 30 hours per week reduces his hours to. 20 hours per week on reduced schedule FMLA leave – the employee uses 1/3 of a. workweek (i.e., 10 of 30 hours) of FMLA leave each week and will take three. times as long (i.e., 36 weeks) to use up his full 12-week leave entitlement." }, { "score": 0.7492158413, "text": "Guidance & Solutions for Employers. \"The determination of whether an employee has worked for the employer for at least 1,250 hours in the past 12 months and has been employed by the employer for a total of at least 12 months must be made as of the date the FMLA leave is to start.\" 29 C.F.R. § 825.110(d).he Court grappled with whether an employee who is not yet eligible for leave (because she had not worked for Brookdale for the requisite 12 months) could advance an FMLA interference claim. For the Court, the answer was quite clear: Yes, she can." }, { "score": 0.7328836322, "text": "Conf. on Auto Collision Repair. To be eligible for leave under the FMLA, an employee must work for his employer for at least 12 months, and for at least 1250 hours in the 12 months preceding the first day of leave.onf. on Auto Collision Repair. To be eligible for leave under the FMLA, an employee must work for his employer for at least 12 months, and for at least 1250 hours in the 12 months preceding the first day of leave." }, { "score": 0.7326036096, "text": "An employee who has been employed for a total of at least twelve (12) months on the date on which any FMLA/CFRA leave is to commence, and 2. Who, on the date on which any FMLA/CFRA leave is to commence, has physically worked for at least 1,250 hours during the previous twelve (12)-month period." }, { "score": 0.7299009562, "text": "Alabama employers must comply with the FMLA if they have at least 50 employees for at least 20 weeks in the current or previous year. Employees may take FMLA leave if: they have worked for the company for at least a year. they worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous year, and." }, { "score": 0.7292644978, "text": "An employee who has been employed for a total of at least twelve. (12) months on the date on which any FMLA/CFRA leave is to. commence, and. 2. Who, on the date on which any FMLA/CFRA leave is to commence, has physically worked for at least 1,250 hours during the previous. twelve (12)-month period." }, { "score": 0.7217877507, "text": "California employers must comply with the FMLA if they have at least 50 employees for at least 20 weeks in the current or previous year. Employees are eligible for FMLA leave if: 1 they have worked for the company for at least a year. 2 they worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous year, and." }, { "score": 0.720054388, "text": "An employee advance with knowledge of the need for leave should submit the necessary paperwork to an agency 30 days before the anticipated leave date. 8. I am a female employee planning to take 12 weeks of FMLA leave following the birth of my child. I have over 600 hours of sick leave accrued." }, { "score": 0.713113904, "text": "OMFLA requires covered employers to grant leave to employees who have worked an average of at least 20 hours per week, but the law does not specify a period of time for applying the average, nor does it require any particular length of service as do OFLA (180 days) and FMLA (12 months)." }, { "score": 0.7088906169, "text": "Generally, yes. An employee must tell the employer at least 30 days before taking FMLA leave if the leave is foreseeable (such as birth or adoption of a child, a planned medical procedure, or planned treatment for a serious health condition)." }, { "score": 0.6698284149, "text": "A: In the State of Kansas, the 12 months begins the day FMLA leave is first taken. months, regardless of how many hours were used, the FMLA coverage period ends. they may continue to have a qualifying issue, or there would be a new qualifying event." }, { "score": 0.6660056114, "text": "Re: How many days are counted in a week for FMLA 5 or 7. The law is fairly clear that FMLA provides for missed work days to be covered. This would mean that your means of counting is correct. However, the FMLA has been subject to a number of judicial revisions." }, { "score": 0.6380848885, "text": "How long can employees leave for under FMLA? Under FMLA, how long is an employee allowed to leave before I can terminate his employment? ." }, { "score": 0.6225207448, "text": "Legal Question in Medical Leave in Tennessee. How many days are counted in a week for FMLA 5 or 7. I work 5/dys for 40hrs. I was out on FMLA from June 11th thru July 11th returning on 12th." }, { "score": 0.4730504751, "text": "How many hours do I work before I have to pay tax? Jut finishing my a level exams (18 years old) and normally work around 10 hours a week. Now I have finished my exams I'm planning on working alot more over the summer. How many hours can I work before I pay tax or any fees etc? I heard its 16 hours but then others say its based on your yearly income? Any helps?" } ]
who went with did paul revere make his ride
[ { "score": 0.6518720388, "text": "William Dawes arrived to Lexington with Paul Revere, where they warned Samuel Adams and John Hancock. From there the two men were joined by Samuel Prescott and three of them continued to Concord. Shortly they were stopped and captured by a British patrol. Only Prescott managed to escape and managed to reach Concord." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6443310976, "text": "Paul Revere (/rɪˈvɪər/ ; December 21, 1734 O.S. – May 10, 1818) was an American silversmith, engraver, early industrialist, and a patriot in the American Revolution.ecause Boston was besieged after the battles of Lexington and Concord, Revere could not return to the city, which was now firmly in British hands. He boarded in Watertown, where he was eventually joined by Rachel and most of his children (Paul Jr., then 15, remained in Boston to mind the family properties)." }, { "score": 0.6390653849, "text": "Paul Revere did not come from the same social class as the aforementioned patriots. As a silversmith, he was a man of humbler means, but his attitudes about Britain were anything but humble. His famous midnight ride that warned of the advancing British troops was only one of his revolutionary actions." }, { "score": 0.6377903223, "text": "On what night of the week did Paul Revere make his ride? What was Paul Revere's most famous quote? What were Paul Revere's accomplishments?" }, { "score": 0.6371341348, "text": "No, Paul Revere was a man who was hired by a doctor to warn the country side that The British were coming!. He was also helped by two men which got no recogntion because there was a poem abotu Paul Revere and the two men were not in it." }, { "score": 0.6313886046, "text": "This home is right on the Freedom Trail and he lived in this home when he made that famous ride to warn the Patriots at Lexington/Concord. The home was built in 1680 and bought in 1770 by Paul Revere. It is small and busy. It is a museum as well as a old home." }, { "score": 0.6288069487, "text": "Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five; Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. This article is about the 18th-century American activist and artisan." }, { "score": 0.6183803082, "text": "Revere, Dawes, and Prescott were detained by a British Army patrol in Lincoln at a roadblock on the way to Concord. Prescott jumped his horse over a wall and escaped into the woods; he eventually reached Concord. Dawes also escaped, though he fell off his horse not long after and did not complete the ride." }, { "score": 0.6153028607, "text": "Longfellow decided to tackle the Civil War, a major event during his lifetime, by making reference to the Revolutionary War in his famous poem Paul Revere's Ride. Eighty-five years after Paul Revere's ride, the country was on the brink of the Civil War. The issues of slavery and states' rights threatened to tear the country apart. As Southern states prepared to secede from the Union, Northerners prepared to fight to preserve it." }, { "score": 0.6138034463, "text": "He is best known for alerting the Colonial militia to the approach of British forces before the battles of Lexington and Concord, as dramatized in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 's poem, Paul Revere's Ride ." }, { "score": 0.6126346588, "text": "His famous Midnight Ride occurred on the night of April 18/April 19, 1775, when he and William Dawes were instructed by Dr. Joseph Warren to ride from Boston to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the movements of the British Army, which was beginning a march from Boston to Lexington, ostensibly to arrest Hancock and Adams and seize the weapons stores in Concord." }, { "score": 0.6121311188, "text": "he pressed on to lexington where he found hancock and adams at the home of jonas clark paul revere was joined by dawes who had successfully slipped past the guards on boston neck and a third man dr samuel prescott a resident of concord" }, { "score": 0.606218636, "text": "revere s warning was taken to heart and the townspeople began to hide arms and valuables in barns wells and the neighboring swamps on his return home paul revere met with patriot leaders in charlestown and agreed on a plan to provide notice about the route the british would take to reach concord" }, { "score": 0.605071187, "text": "When they arrived in Lexington, Dr. Samuel Prescott joined Revere and Dawes in order to spread the word to the townspeople. Just after 1:00 A.M., between Lexington and Concord, Revere and Dawes ran into a British patrol. Revere was captured trying to escape and Dawes was forced away and rode back to Lexington." }, { "score": 0.5990960002, "text": "Known for: If the stories we have of her ride are accurate, 16-year-old Sybil Luddington's Connecticut ride to warn of an imminent attack on Danbury was about twice as long as Paul Revere's ride." }, { "score": 0.5953584909, "text": "Between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m on the night of April 18, 1775, Joseph Warren told William Dawes and Paul Revere that the King's troops were about to embark in boats from Boston bound for Cambridge and the road to Lexington and Concord." }, { "score": 0.5924522877, "text": "On the night of April 18, 1775, Joseph Warren sent Revere to send the signal to Charlestown that the British troops were on the move. Revere rode through northern Boston, through what is now Medford, Somerville, and Arlington warning the American patriots about the enemy's movement." }, { "score": 0.5895917416, "text": "Road to Revolution for Kids The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere The colonists in Massachusetts began storing guns and ammunition in the little town of Concord, located about 20 miles outside of Boston." }, { "score": 0.5880814195, "text": "It presents the facts about Paul Revere's ride, the inspiration for the colonial poet. Children's Literature - Heidi Green Gr 3 Up-- Rand is a master of atmosphere and moonlight , and he brings all his skill to the illustration of this narrative poem." }, { "score": 0.5706264973, "text": "How did Paul Revere die? A: Paul Revere died of natural causes on May 10, 1818. He died at his home in Boston, Massachusetts, and his grave is located at the Granary Burying Ground on... Full Answer >" }, { "score": 0.5567635894, "text": "In October 2013, it was revealed that Revere was battling cancer in the brain, but he continued to perform despite the diagnosis until April 2014. In August 2014, Revere announced that he was officially retiring from the group, though they could continue to tour as Paul Revere's Raiders, led by his son, Jamie Revere. On October 4, 2014, Paul Revere died peacefully at his home in Caldwell, Idaho at the age of 76." }, { "score": 0.5487394333, "text": "How Did Paul Revere Die. Posted on October 22, 2014 by TYC in Entertain, Famous That Lived, How Did Paul Revere Die // 0 Comments. Paul Revere, the leader of Paul Revere and the Raiders, died at the age of 76 Oct. 4, 2014. Rick Diamond/Getty Images for IEBA. Paul Revere, the keyboard player who led the 1960s rock band Paul Revere and the Raiders, died Saturday at his home in Idaho, the band's website reported. He was 76. The cause of death was not revealed, but he died \"peacefully,\" manager Roger Hart wrote." }, { "score": 0.5447552204, "text": "The America Horse was first mentioned in official government correspondence in 1776. It has been written that Paul Revere's mount for his famous ride was a Narraganset Pacer, a breed which was important in the development of the Saddlebred." }, { "score": 0.5391529202, "text": "Revere, born Paul Revere Dick, became known as 'the madman of rock and roll' for his theatrical colonial wardrobe and infectious stage persona with the band. 1 Paul Revere, the organist and leader of the Raiders rock band, has died at his Idaho home at the age of 76. The group launched its career in 1963 with a popular rendition of Richard Berry's 'Louie, Louie' before releasing its own hits like 'Kicks,' 'Hungry' and 'Good Thing'." }, { "score": 0.537328124, "text": "Paul Revere, the leader of Paul Revere and the Raiders, died at the age of 76 Oct. 4, 2014. Paul Revere, the keyboard player who led the 1960s rock band Paul Revere and the Raiders, died Saturday at his home in Idaho, the band's website reported. He was 76." }, { "score": 0.5346025229, "text": "He wasn't the frontman, the lead singer, or the key musician in the group that bore his name, but Paul Revere, who led Paul Revere & the Raiders from 1960 until his death in 2014, was the idea man who built the act from just another band on the Pacific Northwest teen scene into one of the great rock & roll show bands of their day, with their own TV ..." }, { "score": 0.5274339914, "text": "revere resumed his activities in boston but in the early evening of april 18 he received word from a stable boy that the british were preparing boats for crossing the charles in short order two other sources confirmed the initial report" }, { "score": 0.4843508601, "text": "Myth: At one time Billy the Kid rode with Jesse James. Fact: Billy the Kid never rode with Jesse James. There is indeed a story that the Kid met Jesse James who was going under the alias of Thomas Howard at a restaurant in Las Vegas, New Mexico." }, { "score": 0.3598050177, "text": "Ticket To Ride was The Beatles' first song to feature Paul McCartney on lead guitar. He played the lines, which can be heard in the fade-out, on an Epiphone Casino semi-acoustic. Lennon played a Fender Stratocaster, and it is likely that George Harrison played a Rickenbacker 360 12-string." } ]
can you juice canned vegetables
[ { "score": 0.7287356853, "text": "Using canned fruit and vegetables defeats the purpose of raw juicing. It's so important to stick to fresh and preferably organic when juicing to get the benefits. If you are concerned about cost, just think about how much you'll save by treating your body so well :)." } ]
[ { "score": 0.652412951, "text": "If you are making combinations of fruit and vegetable juice you can get away with one by alternating. For example: orange, carrot, grapes, kale. That way the fibrous vegetables help push the fruit pulp through the strainer. My favorite juicer for hard fruit like apples and pears is the Hamilton Beach Big Mouth." }, { "score": 0.6410522461, "text": "1. There's room for debate. Fans of green juicing, or juicing raw vegetables, say that you can drink more vegetables than you can eat, and that juicing allows your body to more easily absorb the vitamins and antioxidants extracted from fresh produce." }, { "score": 0.6360000968, "text": "A fresh juicing routine can add vital nutrients and wonderful flavor to your life. A glass of fresh fruit and vegetable juice can be much more appetizing than a bowl of raw produce. The right juicer can help you start a healthy habit that will last a lifetime." }, { "score": 0.6315813065, "text": "Making Grape Juice - Canning Grape Juice. Wash and sterilize canning jars, rings and new dome lids. You can use pints to can grape juice, but it's an awfully small serving. This juice can be refrigerated after it is opened, so I can my juice in quarts.-Sterilize dome lids in a pan of boiling water.-Bring water bath canner to a rolling boil" }, { "score": 0.6309466958, "text": "Buy unsweetened fruit juice in your health food store or, better yet, make your own since it is the healthiest juice. You will probably have to make your own cabbage and celery juice. There are many quality juicers available in department and specialty stores." }, { "score": 0.6300629973, "text": "Although fresh and frozen contain the greatest health value and vitamins, canned vegetables (see our canned vegetable page for more information) are a good option for those who need long term solutions. Use the buttons below to view pages and pages of valuable information on fresh vegetables." }, { "score": 0.6242218614, "text": "An eight-ounce juice is equivalent to two large salads with no dressing. Use the season to dictate the ingredients of a green vegetable juice. In summer, try cucumber, fennel, mint, kiwi fruit, and lime. In winter, make a juice with dandelion greens, spinach, spearmint, cucumber, apple, and Meyer lemon. A touch of citrus helps prevent oxidation." }, { "score": 0.6235049367, "text": "Vegetable juice, including tomato juice, is rich in vitamins and minerals. One serving is equal to eight ounces or one full cup. Drink a cup of vegetable juice for a quick pick-me-up during the afternoon." }, { "score": 0.620198369, "text": "For example, orange juice is the liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree, and tomato juice is the liquid that results from pressing the fruit of the tomato plant. Juice may be prepared in the home from fresh fruit and vegetables using a variety of hand or electric juicers.any commercial juices are filtered to remove fiber or pulp, but high-pulp fresh orange juice is a popular beverage. Common methods for preservation and processing of fruit juices include canning, pasteurization, concentrating, freezing, evaporation and spray drying." }, { "score": 0.6179402471, "text": "Vegetable, dried bean or pea, meat, poultry, or seafood soups can be canned. These directions are intended for use with ingredients that already have separate canning recommendations for those foods. Caution: Do not add noodles or other pasta, rice, flour, cream, milk or other thickening agents to home canned soups. If dried beans or peas are used, they must be fully rehydrated first." }, { "score": 0.6168812513, "text": "Depending on the size of your juicer spout, you might need to chop some of the vegetables in half. If you are new to juicing, you might want to add more carrots or an apple to help balance out the stronger flavors (e.g. garlic and beets) in the juice. Beet Detox Juice." }, { "score": 0.6167442799, "text": "Vegetable, dried bean or pea, meat, poultry, or seafood soups can be canned. It's actually safe and easy! See below for step by step directions. The only trick is, you really do need a pressure canner." }, { "score": 0.6111102104, "text": "Alternatively, you can add a serving of fresh broccoli juice to a fruit smoothie, or use it to thin out a pureed vegetable soup. References (8) Linus Pauling Institute: Cruciferous Vegetables" }, { "score": 0.6106866598, "text": "Vegetable juice. Vegetable juice is a way to get lots of goodness into your toddler – and gives her a chance to drink something other than milk or water. You can mix the vegetables with some fruits for a more child-friendly flavour – carrots and oranges work well together as do mangos, pineapple and kale." }, { "score": 0.6090954542, "text": "According to the USDA, canned carrot juice provides 94 calories per cup or 12 calories per ounce. This includes approximately 2 grams of protein, a minimal amount of fat -- only 0.35 grams -- and 22 grams of carbohydrate." }, { "score": 0.6088391542, "text": "In the past, before the days of the pressure canner, people canned their vegetables using a boiling-water canner. This is nothing but a great big pan. The pan has to be big enough for your jar to fit well inside and be covered with several inches of water." }, { "score": 0.6088067889, "text": "Aim to eat two whole fruits and three to four vegetables a day. Choose them in different colors, so you get a good mix of vitamins and minerals, Barr says. When you juice, you don't get the fiber that's in whole fruits and vegetables. Juicing machines extract the juice and leave behind the pulp, which has fiber. So you don't miss out on the fiber, you can add some of the pulp back into the juice or use it in cooking." }, { "score": 0.608525753, "text": "Fresh fruits and vegetables are better for you than canned or frozen because the processing removes all the nutrients. WHAT WE KNOW. The nutrient content of canned and frozen fruits and vegetables is comparable to fresh and, in some cases, it may be higher than fresh." }, { "score": 0.607334137, "text": "When on your fast, dilute your pure juices with steam distilled water. Again, do not drink orange or tomato juice on a fast. The best juices are fresh lemon, cabbage, beet, carrot, celery, grape, apple, and green drinks made from leafy green vegetables.These are excellent detoxifiers. Raw cabbage juice is known to help heal ulcers, cancer, and all colon problems.gain, do not drink orange or tomato juice on a fast. The best juices are fresh lemon, cabbage, beet, carrot, celery, grape, apple, and green drinks made from leafy green vegetables. These are excellent detoxifiers." }, { "score": 0.6070085168, "text": "When fruits and vegetables are fresh-squeezed or used raw, bacteria from the produce can end up in your juice or cider. Unless the produce or the juice has been pasteurized or otherwise treated to destroy any harmful bacteria, the juice could be contaminated." }, { "score": 0.6061002016, "text": "The nutrient content of canned and frozen fruits and vegetables is comparable to fresh and, in some cases, it may be higher than fresh. Produce to be canned or frozen is processed immediately after harvesting, so nutrient losses after picking are minimal." }, { "score": 0.605717659, "text": "Our tomato juice is the easy, tasty way to give your family a full day's serving of vegetables. Fat free and made with tomatoes picked at the peak of ripeness. Ingredients. Water, Tomato Concentrate, Salt, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)." }, { "score": 0.6019722819, "text": "Frozen and canned vegetables are often processed shortly after they are picked, so that nutrient losses would not occur during shipping, on the grocer's shelf, or in your home. Frozen vegetables actually retain a high proportion of their original nutrients." }, { "score": 0.6018685102, "text": "VEGETABLE JUICE** = 1/2 cup. *Recommended daily goal based on 2,000 calorie/day eating pattern. ** Fruit and vegetable juice can be part of a healthy diet. One serving of 100 percent juice can fulfill one of your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, but watch for calories and added sugars or sodium. Choose 100 percent juice (or 100 percent juice and water) instead of sweetened juice or juice drinks. heart.org/gettinghealthy." }, { "score": 0.5987948179, "text": "Canned vegetables will last for three to four days once they are opened. Do not keep them in the can, transfer them to a covered bowl, and put them in the refrigerator. 2 people found this useful." }, { "score": 0.5972136259, "text": "Footnotes for Tomato juice, canned, with salt added Source: Nutrient data for this listing was provided by USDA SR-21. Each ~ indicates a missing or incomplete value." }, { "score": 0.5968735814, "text": "Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice. You will find that when you make fresh juice a daily part of your diet, you will have increased energy, a glowing complexion, strengthened immune system, stronger bones and a reduced risk of disease. It is recommended that you drink at least 16 ounces of freshly squeezed juice each day." }, { "score": 0.5965305567, "text": "Fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies contain a variety of vitamins that are good for our health. Unsweetened 100% fruit juice, vegetable juice and smoothies can only ever count as a maximum of one portion of your recommended five daily portions of fruit and vegetables. For example, if you have two glasses of fruit juice and a smoothie in one day, that still only counts as one portion." }, { "score": 0.5926498175, "text": "Nutritional Value. While vegetable juice contains many vitamins and nutrients that are vital to your body, it does not contain an abundance of calories or things that will hurt your body. In an 8 ounce glass of vegetable juice, you will typically take in somewhere between 50 to 100 calories." }, { "score": 0.5917221308, "text": "For example, fruit flavored drinks and soft drinks are not a substitute for real fruit. Many of these drinks only contain 10% real fruit juice. The very best drinks are made from whole fruit and you can make great fruity healthy drinks at home.How to make homemade fruit and vegetable juices: You'll need an inexpensive juice machine. All fruits and vegetables should be juiced raw.he very best drinks are made from whole fruit and you can make great fruity healthy drinks at home. How to make homemade fruit and vegetable juices: You'll need an inexpensive juice machine. All fruits and vegetables should be juiced raw." }, { "score": 0.5915314555, "text": "Canned foods are very convenient since they make most fruits and vegetables available all year long. And, they're so easily accessible. You'll find them on supermarket shelves in every store." }, { "score": 0.5890250206, "text": "Families, Food and Fitness November 18, 2009. Nutrients in fruits and vegetables start to break down after harvest. This loss of nutrients can be minimized by proper storage or processing. Frozen, canned, dried, and 100% juice products are processed just after harvesting to lock in the freshness of just-picked produce." }, { "score": 0.5888203382, "text": "Tomato Juice (with Salt Added, Canned) Red Tomatoes (In Tomato Juice, Canned) Tomato Juice (Without Salt Added, Canned) Beef Broth and Tomato Juice (Canned) Low Sodium Tomato Juice : view more results" }, { "score": 0.5872984529, "text": "Thus fresh nutrients. Your body absorbs the juice within 20 minutes. Juicing vegetables gives you all the good enzymes, minerals, vitamins, co-factors, chlorophyll, anti-oxidants, phytonutrients and all other nutrients your body craves. You can't think of a better way to energize and alkalize your body naturally." }, { "score": 0.5858075619, "text": "Therefore, if they are to be canned as acid foods, these products must be acidified to a pH of 4.6 or lower with lemon juice or citric acid. Properly acidified tomatoes and figs are acid foods and can be safely processed in a boiling-water canner." }, { "score": 0.5851705074, "text": "Blended vegetable juice cocktail has more than 65 milligrams of vitamin C in an 8-ounce serving. If you love tomato juice, you'll get lots of vitamin C from your morning beverage, as 8 ounces of tomato juice provides nearly 45 milligrams of the beneficial vitamin." }, { "score": 0.5845396519, "text": "A small kitchen appliance known as a juicer is used to extract the juice, and these can range in price from $50-$500. Drinking the juice of fruits and vegetables means consuming their water and much of their vitamin and mineral content; however, the pulp, or fiber, which also has many health benefits, is removed." }, { "score": 0.5843244195, "text": "The answer to the last questions is no, canned foods, including vegetables, soups, meats, etc., do not spoil that quickly at all. That is the whole idea behind canning, after all, to make the food shelf stable and able to be stored for long periods of time. Yet, the cans do bear a date on the bottom. This is confusing." }, { "score": 0.583114922, "text": "Choose vegetables and fruit more often than juice. 1 Eating vegetables and fruit provides more fibre than juice. 2 When having juice, pick 100% fruit juice over fruit flavoured drinks, punches or cocktails. 3 Choose lower sodium vegetable juices-many vegetable juices contain a lot of added sodium (salt).hoose vegetables and fruit more often than juice. 1 Eating vegetables and fruit provides more fibre than juice. 2 When having juice, pick 100% fruit juice over fruit flavoured drinks, punches or cocktails. 3 Fruit flavoured drinks do not count as Food Guide Servings of vegetables and fruit." }, { "score": 0.5831092, "text": "Blended vegetable juice cocktail has more than 65 milligrams of vitamin C in an 8-ounce serving. If you love tomato juice, you'll get lots of vitamin C from your morning beverage, as 8 ounces of tomato juice provides nearly 45 milligrams of the beneficial vitamin. You'll also get vitamin C from carrot juice, roughly 20 milligrams per 8 ounces." }, { "score": 0.5820917487, "text": "1 Kale Juice – If you own a juicer, kale is quite possibly the healthiest thing to juice. 2 Mix it with apples, carrot and a little lemon for a drink that is better for you than liquid gold. 3 Kale Slaw – You can substitute raw kale for raw cabbage in this recipe." }, { "score": 0.5806835294, "text": "Why do we add lemon juice or citric acid when canning tomatoes? Answer - Tomatoes were once considered an acid food that could be safely canned in a boiling-water canner. However, because of the potential for botulism when some newer, less acidic tomato varieties are canned, certain precautions must now be taken. Add 1 tablespoon bottled lemon juice to pints and 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice to quarts of tomatoes. Or add one-fourth teaspoon crystalline citric acid to pints and one-half teaspoon crystalline citric acid to quarts of tomatoes. Acid can be added directly to jars before filling. Four tablespoons of 5 percent acidity vinegar per quart may be used instead of lemon juice or citric acid, however, it may cause undesirable flavor changes. Add sugar to offset acid taste if desired." }, { "score": 0.5757034421, "text": "Instead, can and store these foods using standard processing procedures. Puree or blend them at serving time. Heat the blended foods to boiling, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, and serve. Store unused portions in the refrigerator and use within two days for best quality. The following fruit purees should not be home canned: bananas; figs; Asian pears; tomatoes; cantaloupe and other melons; papaya; ripe mango or coconut." }, { "score": 0.573698163, "text": "1. Vegetable Juice. Drinking fresh vegetable juice is a shock to your body — in a good way! Losing the fiber during juicing makes them easy for your body to absorb and digest. And because less work is required for your body to reap the nutritional benefits, you'll notice an increase in energy." }, { "score": 0.5718272924, "text": "How to store your juice. Most people store their juice in re-usable milk bottles or plastic containers. However, any plastic container will speed up the oxidation process of your juice. It is highly recommended that you store your juice in glass containers such as quilted canning glass jars or mason jars." }, { "score": 0.5710312128, "text": "(If you're new to juicing, check out my vegetable juice tutorial.) I'm not one of those people who advocate extreme juice fasts, but I think there are a lot of benefits to adding juice to a healthy diet. This detox juice is one of my favorites because it's naturally sweet, even without adding fruits to the juice." }, { "score": 0.5684784055, "text": "Fresh fruit and vegetables direct from the field. Juice PLUS+ is the next best thing to fruit and vegetables. We only use high-quality ingredients from natural sources. Learn more about how Juice PLUS+ is made." }, { "score": 0.564568162, "text": "1 Use low-acid canned foods within 8-12 months. 2 Use high-acid foods within 12 to 18 months. Foods stored longer will be safe to eat if the cans show no signs of spoilage or damage but may deteriorate in color, flavor and nutritive value. Canned fruit juices can be stored up to 3 years." }, { "score": 0.5586476326, "text": "How Long Do Fruits and Vegetables Retain Their Nutrients. Nutrients in fruits and vegetables start to break down after harvest. This loss of nutrients can be minimized by proper storage or processing. Frozen, canned, dried, and 100% juice products are processed just after harvesting to lock in the freshness of just-picked produce." }, { "score": 0.5586229563, "text": "Drinking as little as two or three cups of fresh vegetable juice every day can help diabetics, as long as juicing is part of an overall diet that's nutritious and healthy. Of course, the right types of produce must be juiced in order for a person with diabetes to see any benefits." }, { "score": 0.5541512966, "text": "The short answer is, yes, you can use canned beans. The truth, though, is that they didn't compare to the batches made with beans that had been cooked from dried—the flavor wasn't as earthy or layered. With such a huge quantity of great refried beans to eat, I scraped the canned batch into the garbage." }, { "score": 0.5497575402, "text": "So here are some of the amazing things that the benefits of juicing apples and cucumbers can do for you. Cucumbers are enriched with B vitamins, which make them ideal as an energy drink. A glass of cucumber will give you more nutrients than any artificial energy drink and help you stay active during the day." }, { "score": 0.5486300588, "text": "Recommended Storage for Unopened Canned Foods in a Cool, Dry Pantry: High-acid canned food: 12 to 18 months. Juices (apple, orange, tomato, etc.), tomatoes, grapefruit, apple products, mixed fruit, berries, pickles, sauerkraut and vinegar-based products." }, { "score": 0.5375899673, "text": "All well-cooked fresh or canned vegetables are easy to digest, with the exception of corn, parsnips, broccoli, green peas, cauliflower, lima beans, winter squash, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, dried beans, peas and lentils." }, { "score": 0.531504631, "text": "How Much Is A Cup of Fruits & Vegetables? Eating the recommended amounts of fruits and veggies is easy since all product forms of fruits and vegetables MATTER: fresh, frozen, canned, dried and 100% juice." }, { "score": 0.5247151256, "text": "Skip the extra cups of coffee or \"energy\" drinks and try these 10 easy and inexpensive ways to boost your energy levels instead. Drinking fresh vegetable juice is a shock to your body — in a good way! Losing the fiber during juicing makes them easy for your body to absorb and digest." }, { "score": 0.5218809247, "text": "If you are in a hurry, go ahead and use canned beans, but be sure to rinse them well. I also use sun-dried tomatoes preserved in oil here, which is important – don't use totally dried tomatoes, as you want them to be sliceable, and you will use the oil in the salad." }, { "score": 0.5097074509, "text": "Can fruits and vegetables picked from your garden ... Follow these guidelines to ensure that your canned foods retain ... Seaside villa & private heated pool ,A/c ... 1.4 kms to Peniscola and all can be Heated as required ... you additional guidance to ensure you ... Compression molding is a method of molding in which the molding material, generally preheated, is first placed in an open, heated mold cavity." }, { "score": 0.5071969032, "text": "Fruit juice can be helpful for children who are constipated and fruit juice diluted with fluoridated water is a good way to get your child fluoride if he doesn't like to drink plain water. American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement. The Use and Misuse of Fruit Juice in Pediatrics." }, { "score": 0.5054829121, "text": "Well-strained apple juice should be okay. Be sure to peel the apples before juicing or it won't be clear liquid. The rule of thumb is if you can read the newspaper through the juice it's allowed; if you cant, it isn't clear liquid and not allowed. Ulcerative colitis diagnosed in 2001; symptoms as early as 1992. In remission since 2006 with Remicade." }, { "score": 0.505007863, "text": "1 At breakfast or lunch if you are still hungry you can have raw vegetables, wholemeal bread and up to 50 g/2 oz quality hard cheese such as Gouda, Edam, Emmental or Jarlsburg. Fresh pressed juice. Specifically recommended carrot, celery and apple, beet and apple, radish, or stinging nettle, with lemon juice." }, { "score": 0.5036952496, "text": "Citrus fruit processing (fresh fruit juice, canned fruit juice, canned fruit) leads the way in the Florida manufacturing sector. Jellies, marmalades and frozen vegetables are processed, followed by coffee, dairy and seafood." }, { "score": 0.4983621836, "text": "The Good Stuff - This is a short list of foods that have commonly been found to be well tolerated by ulcer patients. Vegetables - Fresh, frozen, or canned. Vegetables, Okra, sweet potatoes, squash, yams, broccoli, brussel sprouts, bean sprouts, carrots and carrot juice, potatoes, cabbage juice." }, { "score": 0.4864063859, "text": "Vegetable soup. Stick to fresh, low calories and low sodium kind. You can use fresh or frozen vegetables to make it. For fast, easy and health home made soup, you can use this product along with fresh or frozen vegetables. Home made chicken soup is also a good option during this detox diet. Green tea." }, { "score": 0.4715029597, "text": "Foods to add. 1 Vegetables (fresh, frozen, or from a can) Look for iron-rich spinach. Dark green, leafy vegetables are rich in folate. 2 Fruits (fresh, frozen, or from a can) If choosing a canned fruit, look for those canned in water or in 100% fruit juice (no syrup) 3 Protein Make sure all meats are cooked well. Choose lean cuts." } ]
savanna average temperature
[ { "score": 0.8325477242, "text": "Average Annual Temperature. The African savanna has a relatively moderate temperature with it not going over 86° F and not going under 68° F. During the winter (which can pretty much be classified as the dry season) the temperature will range from about 68° F - 78° F (or 20° C - 25° C)." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7451771498, "text": "The savanna climate varies according to the season. In the dry season temperatures can be either extremely hot or cool. In the wet season temperatures are warm." }, { "score": 0.7396197915, "text": "Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer). In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. Between December and February no rain will fall at all.Oddly enough, it is actually a little cooler during this dry season.frican Savanna. A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests." }, { "score": 0.7148445845, "text": "The temperate grassland has hot summers and freezing cold winters. Savanna Grassland ClimateTropical Savanna climates have a monthly mean temp. of 81 (degrees) farenheit. Annual rainfall is from twenty to fifty inches per year. One form of savanna climate features distinct wet and dry seasons.he temperate grassland has hot summers and freezing cold winters. Savanna Grassland ClimateTropical Savanna climates have a monthly mean temp. of 81 (degrees) farenheit. Annual rainfall is from twenty to fifty inches per year. One form of savanna climate features distinct wet and dry seasons." }, { "score": 0.7052723765, "text": "Savannas are also known as tropical grasslands. They are found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests. Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer). In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. Between December and February no rain will fall at all. Oddly enough, it is actually a little cooler during this dry season." }, { "score": 0.6909031868, "text": "Savannas receive an average annual rainfall of 76.2-101.6 cm (30-40 inches). However, certain savannas can receive as little as 15.24 cm (6 inches) or as much as 25.4 cm (10 inches) of rain a year. Savanna has both a dry and a rainy season." }, { "score": 0.6892493367, "text": "They are found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests. Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer).In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. Between December and February no rain will fall at all. Oddly enough, it is actually a little cooler during this dry season.lants Animals Climate Australian Tropical Savanna African Savanna A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests." }, { "score": 0.684855938, "text": "Savannas receive an average annual rainfall of 30 to 40 inches. However in the temperate grasslands only about 20 to 35 inches. more info here: http://www.ucm … p.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/grasslands.php http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/habitats/grassland-profile.html." }, { "score": 0.6766496897, "text": "Savannas receive an average annual rainfall of 76.2-101.6 cm (30-40 inches). However, certain savannas can receive as little as 15.24 cm (6 inches) or as much as 25.4 cm (10 inches) of rain a year. Savanna has both a dry and a rainy season. Seasonal fires play a vital role in the savanna's biodiversity." }, { "score": 0.6759958267, "text": "Tropical Savannas. Introduction: Tropical savannas or grasslands are associated with the tropical wet and dry climate type (Koeppen's Aw), but they are not generally considered to be a climatic climax.limate: A tropical wet and dry climate predominates in areas covered by savanna growth. Mean monthly temperatures are at or above 64° F and annual precipitation averages between 30 and 50 inches." }, { "score": 0.6740851998, "text": "A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests. Savannas are also known as tropical grasslands. They are found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests. Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer). In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. Between December and February no rain will fall at all. Oddly enough, it is actually a little cooler during this dry season." }, { "score": 0.6703051329, "text": "Savannas are typically dry receiving less than 30 inches of rain on average per year. Tropical savannas may receive as much as 50 inches of rain in the wet season, but as little as 4 inches during the dry season. The dry climate combined with the extreme heat in the dry season makes savannas ripe areas for grass and brush fires. Location" }, { "score": 0.6689513922, "text": "The average precipitation per year in the Australian Savanna is around 20 to 40 in. In both the Australian, and the African savanna, the average precipitation in the dry season is about 4 in. The average precipitation in the Australian and the Africa savanna during the wet season is around 15 to 25 inches." }, { "score": 0.6665204763, "text": "Annual precipitation is 10-30 inches. The Savanna is a tropical grassland in Africa. This grassland has a very hot, wet season when warm, moist air from the equator moves in. This is followed by a cooler dry season that can last for 8 months or more." }, { "score": 0.6639789939, "text": "Climate. Australian Tropical Savanna. African Savanna. A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests. Savannas are also known as tropical grasslands. They are found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests. Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer). In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls." }, { "score": 0.6633226275, "text": "Savannas are always found in warm or hot climates where the annual rainfall is from about 50.8 to 127 cm (20-50 inches) per year. It is crucial that the rainfall is concentrated in six or eight months of the year, followed by a long period of drought when fires can occur." }, { "score": 0.6586654186, "text": "Climate is the most. important factor in determining a savanna. Savannas are always found in warm or hot climates where the. annual rainfall ranges from 20 to 50 inches per year. Most of the rainfall is concentrated in a six to eight. month period and is followed by a long period of drought when fires occur." }, { "score": 0.6549230814, "text": "The tropical savannas region lies in a tropical climatic zone (Bureau of Meteorology 1989) where temperatures are warm throughout the year and there are two distinct seasons: the 'wet' and the 'dry'. The 'wet' season lasts from approximately November through to April." }, { "score": 0.6542730331, "text": "Frequent fires and large grazing mammals kill seedlings, thus keeping the density of trees and shrubs low. Savannas receive an average annual rainfall of 76.2-101.6 cm (30-40 inches). However, certain savannas can receive as little as 15.24 cm (6 inches) or as much as 25.4 cm (10 inches) of rain a year." }, { "score": 0.6367249489, "text": "During the wet season, which stretches from May to November, the savanna receives a total of around 100 inches of rain or about 20 inches per month (254 cm per dry season and 50.8 per month). During the dry season, there is a total of around only 4 inches throughout the entire season (or 10.16 cm)." }, { "score": 0.634480536, "text": "Within savanna regimes in the subtropics, a wet season is seen annually during the summer, which is when most of the yearly rainfall falls. Within Mediterranean climate regimes, the wet season occurs during the winter.ix climate classifications use the term to help define the various temperature and precipitation regimes for the planet Earth. Eight months of the year within the subtropics have an average temperature at or above 10 °C (50.0 °F), with their coldest month averaging between 2 and 13 °C (35.6 and 55.4 °F)." }, { "score": 0.6326054335, "text": "During the wet season, which stretches from May to November, the savanna receives a total of around 100 inches of rain or about 20 inches per month (254 cm per dry season and 50.8 per month)." }, { "score": 0.6263104677, "text": "Plants Animals Climate Australian Tropical Savanna African Savanna A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome.Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests.here are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer). In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. Between December and February no rain will fall at all. Oddly enough, it is actually a little cooler during this dry season." }, { "score": 0.6249544621, "text": "Plants Animals Climate Australian Tropical Savanna African Savanna A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests.Savannas are also known as tropical grasslands. They are found in a wide band on either side of the equator on the edges of tropical rainforests. Savannas have warm temperature year round.There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer).lants Animals Climate Australian Tropical Savanna African Savanna A savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Not enough rain falls on a savanna to support forests." }, { "score": 0.6214694977, "text": "NORTHERN AUSTRALIAN GRASSLANDS. The climate in the Australian grasslands is very tropical. It tends to be an average of 18C (64F) in the winter but temperatures remain well over 28C (80° F) in the summer. Australian savannas receive only 18 inches (46 centimeters) of rain a year. The summer is considered the rainy season." }, { "score": 0.6210926771, "text": "The climate for grasslands is basically dry. Precipitation usually does not exceed 100 cm per year, with a minimum near 20 cm per year. Also, grasslands tend to be in temperat … e to subtropical areas, often with cold winters and hot summers.As you can see in the diagram below, average annual temperatures range from below0 degrees C to about 20 C. The warmer end of this range would probably tend towards tropical savanna.rasslands are dry, very windy, and the temperature varies from 113 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and -49 degrees in the winter. Usually no colder than 20 degrees in Africa." }, { "score": 0.6192313433, "text": "Annual Rainfall. Nearly all of the precipitation in the African Savanna occurs during the wet season. During the wet season, which stretches from May to November, the savanna receives a total of around 100 inches of rain or about 20 inches per month (254 cm per dry season and 50.8 per month). During the dry season, there is a total of around only 4 inches throughout the entire season (or 10.16 cm)." }, { "score": 0.5865005255, "text": "Climate, Average Weather of Guyana. 1 Of the land area, 78.9% has a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 21.1% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw).limate & Temperature. 1 Of the land area, 78.9% has a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 21.1% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw)." }, { "score": 0.523486793, "text": "Climate & Temperature > Dominican Republic Climate Climate, Average Weather of Dominican Republic Of the land area, 100% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw). Of the population, 100% live in a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw)." } ]
usp mccreary videos of prison correctional officers stabbed
[ { "score": 0.8122105598, "text": "Two correction officers at USP McCreary were stabbed on November 8, 2010. A prison spokesperson told the Associated Press that the officers were conducting routine cell searches when an inmate attacked them with a homemade prison knife known as a shank.." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6685813665, "text": "2 officers stabbed by inmates at Lanesboro Correctional Institution. Two prison staff members, a lieutenant and a sergeant, were stabbed by inmates at Lanesboro Correctional Institution in Anson County on Thursday afternoon, according to the N.C. Department of Public Safety. The officers are being treated at local hospitals." }, { "score": 0.6004657745, "text": "Inmate Reaction To Killing Of Corrections Officer At USP Canaan. A lot of things transpire between inmate and C.O. as a result blatant disrespect. Just two days ago, I was locked up and going through a normal search, which I had no problem with, when the C.O. demanded that I take my boots off outside." }, { "score": 0.599418819, "text": "The warden suffered a cut above his eye and a responding officer who helped the warden subdue the inmate received a slight shoulder strain. Both were transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. USP Lee remains in lockdown \"out of an abundance of caution.\". It's unclear if there was any motive for the attack." }, { "score": 0.5925406218, "text": "United States Penitentiary, McCreary. The United States Penitentiary, McCreary (USP McCreary) is a high-security United States federal prison for male inmates in Kentucky. It is operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the United States Department of Justice." }, { "score": 0.5858484507, "text": "Surveillance videos show a shoplifting suspect holding a knife to a security guard's throat, then lunging at a police officer pursuing him. The suspect, 25-year-old Jawari Porter, was fatally shot by Cincinnati police." }, { "score": 0.5824899673, "text": "One response to \"Inmate Reaction To Killing Of Corrections Officer At USP Canaan\". It is unfortunate those who applied to federal agencies, and local police, often wind up becoming guards who need to have a badge to amount to anything, and throw in attitude with a compliant inmate." }, { "score": 0.5813040733, "text": "How command presence can hurt correctional officers in court. Federal prison in Va. on lockdown after inmate punches warden. USP Lee remains in lockdown out of an abundance of caution. LEE COUNTY – The warden of the United States Penitentiary Lee was struck in the face by an inmate while conducting tours with other executive staff." }, { "score": 0.5700365305, "text": "PHOENIX – A teacher at an Arizona prison was alone in a room full of sex offenders before being stabbed and sexually assaulted by a convicted rapist, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press about an attack that highlighted major security lapses at the facility." }, { "score": 0.5622364283, "text": "It was between 5 and 10 degrees in the prison yard at Bare Hill Correctional Facility north of Monroe when staffers heard that one inmate had slashed another in the face. Corrections officers moved quickly to investigate. They stopped a group of inmates walking near the scene of the attack, which took place on Feb. 7, 2013." }, { "score": 0.5602607727, "text": "Updated: May 24, 2016 03:24 AM EDT. LEE COUNTY, Va - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into an attack on a correctional officer at the federal prison in Lee County, Virginia. A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Prisons says the incident happened just before 8 a.m. Sunday." }, { "score": 0.5540469289, "text": "Pictured: The CORRECTIONS OFFICERS charged with burglarizing and looting from convenience store during Baltimore riots Tamika Cobb and Kendra Richard work as Baltimore correctional officers They were allegedly filmed looting from 7-Eleven store during April's riots Now, they have been charged with theft and burglary over video footage" }, { "score": 0.5405099392, "text": "A federal judge Tuesday appeared struck by the amount of detail offered by another man who confessed to one of Oregon's most notorious murders - the 1989 fatal stabbing of the state's top prison official - that appeared consistent with the crime before a trial convicted Frank E. Gable of the killing." }, { "score": 0.5377303362, "text": "Universal Hub. Menu. Man involved in Paul Pierce stabbing gets 30 years for trying to kill federal drug informant. Trevor Watson, 44, was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison last week by a judge who called him a terrorist for repeatedly stabbing a man working as an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration." }, { "score": 0.535525918, "text": "Federal public defenders have argued that John Crouse, a Salem man who was on parole for a robbery at the time, repeatedly confessed to murdering Oregon prisons director Michael Francke, telling numerous law enforcement officers as well as his own mother, brother and girlfriend that he stabbed Francke when he caught Crouse burglarizing his car on Jan. 17, 1989." }, { "score": 0.5305778384, "text": "Andrew F. Turner, a 29 year-old correctional officer, died at USP Leavenworth on March 26, 1916 after a 3 year tour of duty. On March 26, 1916, Officer Andrew F. Turner, working the day shift, was assigned to the dining room for the noon meal." }, { "score": 0.5301103592, "text": "Unfortunately, some correctional officers abuse this power and assault inmates. Inmate abuse occurs when prison officials use unnecessary and excessive force or commit sexual assault upon the prisoner. Violent assault on inmates is the most common type of abuse committed by correctional officers." }, { "score": 0.5281472206, "text": "The Dannemora escape isn't the only scandal faced by State Corrections officials. A Federal probe is underway into the alleged murder of an inmate by officers at Fishkill Correctional Facility. The prison guard union, NYSCOPBA, has said morale among officers is low." }, { "score": 0.5276432037, "text": "The attack occurred Jan. 30 at the Eyman prison's Meadows Unit, which houses about 1,300 rapists, child molesters and other sex offenders. The teacher was administering a high school equivalency test to about a half-dozen inmates in a classroom with no guard nearby and only a radio to summon help." }, { "score": 0.5210909843, "text": "Man involved in Paul Pierce stabbing gets 30 years for trying to kill federal drug informant. By adamg on Mon, 03/14/2011 - 8:06pm. Trevor Watson, 44, was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison last week by a judge who called him a terrorist for repeatedly stabbing a man working as an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration." }, { "score": 0.516816318, "text": "According to officials with the Department of Corrections, the altercation at the state prison on Wilmot was racially motivated. TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -. Authorities say a fight among 200 inmates at an Arizona state prison has left several inmates and officers injured." }, { "score": 0.5154946446, "text": "Man who slashed the throat of 'Son of Sam' murderer in prison revealed as correctional officer says it is a miracle the serial killer survived the attack. The identity of the only suspect in the prison attack which left the notorious 'Son of Sam' killer David Berkowitz with a slashed throat has finally been revealed. William E. Hauser, a 63-year-old currently serving time for beating a man to death with a rolling pin, has been identified as the likely culprit behind the attack." }, { "score": 0.5153457522, "text": "Two inmates in custody, accused of attempting to smuggle in contraband. HODGEN — Corrections officials said two inmates were caught trying to smuggle three duffle bags filled with contraband into the Jim E. Hamilton Correctional Center on Monday. Corrections officers said they noticed Gregory Shreve, 31, and Lucas Hudgins-Delacruz, 23, missing from the facility and launched a search." }, { "score": 0.5148355961, "text": "Man who slashed the throat of 'Son of Sam' murderer in prison revealed as correctional officer says it is a miracle the serial killer survived the attack. William E. Hauser, 63, has been identified as the only suspect in the 1979 attack that left the 'Son of Sam' killer David Berkowitz with a slashed throat. Former Attica superintendent James Conway was a corrections officer at the time and said Berkowitz had his throat slashed outside Hauser's cell." }, { "score": 0.5131181479, "text": "NEW YORK (AP) — A man believed to have stabbed a 6-year-old boy to death and critically injured a 7-year-old girl in a knife attack in a public housing building elevator that didn't have security cameras was arrested Wednesday just minutes after the mayor and the police commissioner publicly identified him and appealed for help catching him, police ..." }, { "score": 0.5111446381, "text": "The author \"Warlock\" wrote: \"It is being reported that rapper Bobby Shmurda was murdered in the jail where he was being held. Investigators say Bobby's cell mate Antwan Mauldin, 29, stabbed Bobby Shmurda to death with a hidden pocket knife. The story went viral on social media, and fans totally freaked out." }, { "score": 0.5093412995, "text": "A prison officer (UK and Ireland, and the official English title in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden), also known as corrections officer (New Zealand, US), correctional officer (Australia, Canada, Jamaica, and US), detention officer (US) or penal officer (US), is a person responsible for the supervision, safety, and security of prisoners in a prison, jail, or similar form of secure custody." }, { "score": 0.5082791448, "text": "A shocking new report claims that rapper Bobby Shmurda, who has been in jail since Dec. 16, was stabbed to death by a cell mate with a pocket knife in his jail cell. Fans are freaking out about the possibility of the \"Schmoney Dance\" creator being gone for good." }, { "score": 0.5080348253, "text": "Federal prison guard in Philadelphia gets 32 months for forcing inmate into oral sex. The Inquirer Daily News. Michael Hinkelman. June 29, 2012. A senior corrections officer at the Federal Detention Center was sentenced to 32 months in a federal lockup for coercing male inmates into having oral sex with him." }, { "score": 0.5070761442, "text": "Chief Deputy Darrell Crandall of the Aroostook County Sheriff's Department said Monday afternoon that Sharp was found hanging in his cell by corrections officers at approximately 1:30 a.m. and was alone in the locked cell at the time. Corrections officers worked to revive him at the jail before an ambulance was called." }, { "score": 0.499563396, "text": "Some of the security features in this facility include security cameras, electronic detection and reinforced fencing topped with razor wire. Correctional officers in Forsyth County Detention Center are armed with mace and trained to use physical force to protect themselves and other inmates from violence." }, { "score": 0.497451216, "text": "VASSALBORO, Maine (AP) — State police in Maine say they are investigating the accidental shooting of a corrections officer by a fellow officer while they were at police academy for a training program. Police say the shooting wounded 33-year-old Matthew Morrison, of Mars Hill." }, { "score": 0.4929710031, "text": "Crandall said that while the jail does not keep records, officials believe that it was the first suicide in the facility in at least three decades or more. Sharp hanged himself by a bedsheet in his cell and was found by corrections officers at approximately 1:30 a.m. Monday. He was alone in the locked cell at the time. Corrections officers worked to revive him at the jail before an ambulance was called, but he died at Houlton Regional Hospital." }, { "score": 0.490737021, "text": "Prison officials show Gov. Cuomo how convicts David Sweat and Richard Matt cut through walls and bricks to escape the Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York. Gov. Cuomo was shown Saturday how two convicted murderers escaped the maximum-security Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York." }, { "score": 0.4849685133, "text": "James McCord. A former CIA officer, McCord was one of the five burglars arrested at the Watergate complex on June 15, 1972. He was convicted on eight counts of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping, spending two months in prison. In March 1973 McCord wrote a letter implicating White House officials in the cover-up." }, { "score": 0.4815831184, "text": "James McCord. A former CIA officer, McCord was one of the five burglars arrested at the Watergate complex on June 15, 1972. He was convicted on eight counts of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping, spending two months in prison. In March 1973 McCord wrote a letter implicating White House officials in the cover-up. He later published a book about his role in the scandal." }, { "score": 0.4788241386, "text": "Washington (CNN)U.S. Capitol Police shot a Tennessee man Monday afternoon after he pulled out what appeared to be a weapon at the Capitol Visitor Center, law enforcement officials said. A female civilian bystander was injured by shrapnel, but no U.S. Capitol Police officers were injured." }, { "score": 0.4783375859, "text": "What Correctional Officers Do About this section. Correctional officers inspect the living quarters of the inmates who they oversee. Correctional officers are responsible for overseeing individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or who have been sentenced to serve time in a jail or prison." }, { "score": 0.4769809544, "text": "Rapper Gucci Mane Kills Prison Cellmate After Man Tries to Rape Him. ATLANTA I woke up to him tryna lick the ice cream cone off my face and just blacked out Said rapper Gucci Mane to a Dekalb county judge where he is now facing charges of first degree murder." }, { "score": 0.4760634899, "text": "Tom Clements, executive director of Colorado prisons, killed in his home in Monument. Share this: MONUMENT, CO. - MARCH 20: Investigators search the wooded area surrounding the home of Tom Clements, executive director of the Colorado Dept. of Corrections on Colonial Park Dr. east of Monument Wednesday morning." }, { "score": 0.4753447473, "text": "Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety, said that Kirk Sharp, 31, who was arrested last Thursday by state police on a domestic violence assault charge, hanged himself with a bedsheet. His last known address was in the Mars Hill and Castle Hill area." }, { "score": 0.4714800119, "text": "David Sweat is pictured in this handout photoThomson Reuters. The second inmate who escaped from a maximum-security prison was shot and captured by police on Sunday, putting an incredibly dangerous criminal back in police custody. David Sweat, 35, was serving a life sentence for killing a sheriff's deputy when he was just 22, according to The New York Times. In 2002, Sweat and a friend stole guns from a fireworks and firearms store and were then approached by a Broome County, New York Sheriff's Deputy." }, { "score": 0.4693731666, "text": "The PSA represents members employed as prison officers, correctional officers and prison support staff who work in both private and public prisons across NSW." }, { "score": 0.4653016329, "text": "Retired Suffolk police Det. K. James McCready, who famously tricked a teenaged Martin Tankleff into briefly confessing that he killed his parents in 1988, has died of lung cancer in South Carolina. He was 68. In retirement, McCready enjoyed playing golf and riding his motorcycle, said his son, Brett, 37, of Daniel Island, S.C." }, { "score": 0.4631789327, "text": "Federal Penitentiary Atlanta 1920 postcard. The United States Penitentiary, Atlanta (USP Atlanta) is a medium-security United States federal prison for male inmates in Atlanta, Georgia. It is operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the United States Department of Justice.hey were the beneficiaries of the Three Prisons Act of 1891, which established penitentiaries in Leavenworth, Kansas; Atlanta, Georgia; and McNeil Island, Washington. The first two remain open today, the third closed in 1976." }, { "score": 0.4607722163, "text": "Colorado's parole system was put in the spotlight two years ago with the killing of Tom Clements, the executive director of the Colorado Department of Corrections. Clements was shot dead at his home in Monument, Colorado, south of Denver, by parolee Evan Ebel, who had recently been released from prison." }, { "score": 0.4561125636, "text": "Correctional treatment specialists counsel offenders and create rehabilitation plans for them to follow when they are no longer in prison. Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists work with and monitor offenders to prevent them from committing new crimes.robation officers and correctional treatment specialists work with offenders who are given probation instead of jail time, who are still in prison, or who have been released from prison." }, { "score": 0.4545286, "text": "(Phil Sandlin/AP) Former jailbird Wesley Snipes is ready to go from the clink to the silver screen. A week after being released from McKean Federal Correctional Institution in Pennsylvania, Wesley Trent UP & DOWN SILO:Snipes has a job waiting for him, according to Hollywood insiders." }, { "score": 0.4517767131, "text": "The University of Cincinnati officer indicted for murder in the fatal shooting of an unarmed motorist pleaded not guilty Thursday morning. Ray Tensing, 25, appeared briefly in Cincinnati court shackled and wearing a jail uniform. The judge told him he faces a life sentence for one count of murder and a lesser charge of one count of voluntary manslaughter — a second option for jurors at trial." }, { "score": 0.4506692886, "text": "Arrested Nurse is on suicide watch at County Jail January 29, 2011 Lisa Roberson Chronicleonline.com ELYRIA — Corrections officers are documenting the actions every 10 minutes of the jailed former nurse accused of trying to kill her 17-year-old son during her own suicide attempt.rrested Nurse is on suicide watch at County Jail January 29, 2011 Lisa Roberson Chronicleonline.com ELYRIA — Corrections officers are documenting the actions every 10 minutes of the jailed former nurse accused of trying to kill her 17-year-old son during her own suicide attempt." }, { "score": 0.4461218715, "text": "Retired Det. K. James McCready, controversial investigator in Martin Tankleff case, dies at 68 Det. K. James McCready of the Suffolk County Police Department's Homicide Bureau, left, escorts Jerry Steuerman into Kennedy Airport on Sept. 30, 1988." }, { "score": 0.4453108311, "text": "The wife of a prison inmate is shot and killed in a laundromat in what looks like a professional hit. Stone and Keller determine that it was the work of a prison gang that is using outside enforcers to force inmates' wives to help them smuggle drugs into the prison." }, { "score": 0.4393916726, "text": "ENQUIRER INVESTIGATION: PREPPY KILLER'S TWISTED PRISON LIFE. Notorious Preppy Killer ROBERT CHAMBERS is sporting a spiky brush cut, and sources say his hot new look has electrified gay inmates at his New York prison! The ENQUIRER obtained the latest mug shot of the 46-year-old headline-making Chambers — who confessed to killing 18-year-old JENNIFER LEVIN in New York's Central Park in 1986." }, { "score": 0.4391568303, "text": "William E. Hauser and David Berkowitz Photo: Associated Press. \"Son of Sam\" David Berkowitz's throat was slit with a razor blade in Attica Correctional Facility 36 years ago in an attempt at vigilante justice that remains technically unsolved." }, { "score": 0.4355876446, "text": "Brea barricade suspect who fired at officers arrested, police say. A suspect who shot at officers while being barricaded in a Brea motel for hours was taken into custody Monday evening, according to police." }, { "score": 0.4355149567, "text": "A man was convicted Thursday of killing a U.S. Marine's wife and dumping her body in a 140-foot mine shaft just days after he confessed to the slaying on the witness stand. A San Bernardino County jury found Christopher Brandon Lee, 27, guilty of murder." }, { "score": 0.4337505102, "text": "McVeigh was executed by lethal injection at 7:14 a.m. on June 11, 2001, at the U.S. Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana, the first federal prisoner to be executed by the United States federal government since Victor Feguer was executed in Iowa on March 15, 1963." }, { "score": 0.4326720834, "text": "Timothy McVeigh was sentenced to death for the murder of Federal Law Enforcement Officers, and 8 counts of Conspiracy to Use and Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction. He was executed by lethal injection at USP Terre Haute, IN on June 11th, 2001." }, { "score": 0.428016454, "text": "Mayo Correctional Institution Inmate Search MCI Florida Department of Corrections" }, { "score": 0.400616467, "text": "Gadsden police said 38-year-old William Meadows suffered a gun shot wound to the head around 7 a.m. Two Etowah County men are behind bars and charged with murder for a shooting Sunday morning. Gadsden police said 38-year-old William Meadows suffered a gun shot wound to the head around 7 a.m." }, { "score": 0.393353343, "text": "Mark David Chapman. Mark David Chapman (born May 10, 1955) is an American prison inmate who murdered John Lennon on December 8, 1980. Chapman shot Lennon outside The Dakota apartment building in New York City. Chapman fired at Lennon five times, hitting him four times in the back. Chapman later remained at the crime scene reading J. D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye until the police arrived and arrested him." }, { "score": 0.3904885948, "text": "In addition to State executions, three Federal executions have been carried out at San Quentin. Samuel Richard Shockley and Miran Edgar Thompson had been incarcerated at Alcatraz Island federal penitentiary and were executed on December 3, 1948, for the murder of two prison guards during the Battle of Alcatraz." }, { "score": 0.3779945076, "text": "I was always disturbed, fascinated, and furious [about]...the prison industrial complex, she said at a press event. On Friday, Oct. 7, DuVernay's new, incendiary documentary about race and mass incarceration, 13th, debuts on Netflix (nflx)." }, { "score": 0.3739267886, "text": "EXCLUSIVE: Mindy McCready's boyfriend shoots himself dead at Arkansas home he shared with troubled country star. 1 David Wilson, 34, was McCready's live in boyfriend and her 'soul mate'. 2 Police told MailOnline that they were called to the scene and found the music producer had 'self-inflicted gunshot wound'." }, { "score": 0.3602615893, "text": "White, along with four other men, is accused in the June 2012 killing of emerging rap artist Lil Phat, a.k.a. Melvin Vernell III, who was gunned down outside a hospital in Atlanta. Vernell had been sitting in a car on a parking ramp while his girlfriend was about to give birth on June 7, 2012 at Atlanta's Northside Hospital when he was shot multiple times by alleged hired gunmen." }, { "score": 0.3402152658, "text": "Before he was executed in 1989, Ted Bundy confessed to raping and killing at least 28 women. He claimed, however, his victims numbered more than 100. With the help of DNA evidence not available decades ago, California investigators are now unravelling the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders of 1972-73." } ]
what does purple represent
[ { "score": 0.8042586446, "text": "The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.The color purple is a rare occurring color in nature and as a result is often seen as having sacred meaning.Lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are considered delicate and precious.he color purple is a rare occurring color in nature and as a result is often seen as having sacred meaning. Lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are considered delicate and precious." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7397863269, "text": "Deep Purple: Dark purple is related to higher spiritual attainment. A powerful color, it can also indicate arrogance and ruthlessness. To go to the meaning of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, turquoise, pink, magenta, brown, gray, black, white, silver, gold.rom a color psychology perspective, purple and violet promote harmony of the mind and the emotions, contributing to mental balance and stability, peace of mind, a link between the spiritual and the physical worlds, between thought and activity. Violet and purple support the practice of meditation." }, { "score": 0.7008657455, "text": "Purple Color Meanings. Purple has a special, almost sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac and violet flowers are delicate. Because the color is derived from a mix of a strong warm and strong cool color, it has both warm and cool properties. A purple room can boost a child's imagination or an artist's creativity." }, { "score": 0.6891018152, "text": "The Meanings of Violet, or what is also referred to as Purple are closely linked with our subconscious thoughts of royalty and spirituality. Remember that the meanings of violet or any other color are cultural and psychological. It's not an exact science but interesting all the same." }, { "score": 0.6812411547, "text": "Purple is just that kind of a complex, interesting, attracting kind of color… [The] back-story to purple is that it inspires confidence in your creativity, and we're living in a world where that kind of creative innovation is greatly admired. In the world of color, purple is an attention-getter, and it has a meaning." }, { "score": 0.6798793077, "text": "In common English usage, purple is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue. In color theory, purple colors are any colors on the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity diagram (or colors that can be derived from colors on the line of purples), i.e., any color between red and violet, not including either red or violet themselves." }, { "score": 0.678222239, "text": "(pûr′pəl) n. 1. Any of a group of colors with a hue between that of violet and red. 2. Cloth of a color between violet and red, formerly worn as a symbol of royalty or high office. 3. Imperial power; high rank: born to the purple." }, { "score": 0.6670583487, "text": "The Meanings of Purple (Dark Purple) Roses. Purple roses are one of the innovations developed by man to express another emotion. This particular color has various levels of meanings, and has always been a favorite among rose lovers. Purple roses primarily stand for enchantment." }, { "score": 0.6650642753, "text": "Additional words that represent different shades, tints, and values of the color purple: violet, plum, lavender, lilac, puce, thistle, orchid, mauve, magenta, royal, amethyst, wine, pomegranate, eggplant, mulberry, plum, lilac, thistle, orchid, mauve, purple." }, { "score": 0.6618618965, "text": "Purple means forbidden love.... 3. 1. On Emoji, the yellow heart means love with a heart of gold, blue means love but is colored blue, purple means forbidden love, pink means love that is growing, green means envious love and the red heart means love.Good luck. 10% - What does the color purple in a purple heart emoji mean? 2 18% - What does purple heart mean when some one sends it to you on whatappwhat does purple heart mean when some one sends it to you on whatapp? 3 7% - Purple siling devil emoji on whatsapp meaning?" }, { "score": 0.657423079, "text": "Purple Ribbon : Meaning: This color is a symbol of pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, domestic violence, ADD, alzheimer's, religious tolerance, animal abuse, the victims of 9/11 including the police and firefighters, Crohn's disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, lupus, leimyosarcoma, and fibromyalgia." }, { "score": 0.6567971706, "text": "Meaning: The purple awareness ribbon is a symbol of pancreatic cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, domestic violence, ADD, Alzheimer's, religious tolerance, animal abuse, the victims of 9/11 including the police and firefighters, Crohn's disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, lupus, leimyosarcoma, and fibromyalgia." }, { "score": 0.6558203101, "text": "The purple rose has certain other meanings. Opulence, glory and majesty are some other interpretations given to the purple rose. Purple being a color of elegance and grandeur, it is only fitting that the rose also pays tribute to these characteristics. The most widespread meaning of the purple rose is enthrallment, especially at first sight. Because of this, the purple rose is a hot favorite on Valentine's Day. And though there is no indication of permanence in this attraction, there is definitely a deep impression created." }, { "score": 0.653680861, "text": "Since we know that colors can by symbolic and the purple is often a symbol for royalty, wealthy, or status, what can it possibly mean in the Biblical text? In Mark 15:16, Roman soldiers clothed Jesus in purple before beating him and crucifying him.ince we know that colors can by symbolic and the purple is often a symbol for royalty, wealthy, or status, what can it possibly mean in the Biblical text? In Mark 15:16, Roman soldiers clothed Jesus in purple before beating him and crucifying him." }, { "score": 0.6521635056, "text": "Symbolism of Purple in Emily Dickinson's Poetry Asst. Lect. Hazha Salih Hassan ٤٤ ages, n.d.). Porphrya was \"a term for the shellfish-derived dye that garment makers used to create the color\" (Smith, n.d.). Purple is a secondary color. It is a combination of the two primary colors, the warmest, stimulus, energetic, and longest" }, { "score": 0.6490267515, "text": "What do purple roses mean? A: Purple roses are sent to an individual to indicate an enchantment or love at first sight. This color is also given to tell the recipient that they are irresistible, but it is not meant to indicate permanence or a seriousness in the relationship." }, { "score": 0.6476905346, "text": "Green – Those who see grace as green think of the life and growth God's grace works in our lives. It represents spiritual growth and the \"renewal of spring!\". Purple – I think those who chose purple did so because the color elicits an emotional response within them as does grace." }, { "score": 0.6429749131, "text": "Prince apparently looks at purple as more than a color or symbol of royalty, but as a sign of divinity and salvation: i.e purpose. In this fashion, the purple banana in combination with all the other lyrics of the song is his metaphorical quest for a higher purpose in life.The song seems to focus on life's imperfection as an absolute, and how he will not let that deter his quest for verve and optimism.rince apparently looks at purple as more than a color or symbol of royalty, but as a sign of divinity and salvation: i.e purpose. In this fashion, the purple banana in combination with all the other lyrics of the song is his metaphorical quest for a higher purpose in life." }, { "score": 0.6414518356, "text": "It is also a contemporary color. Purple has a list of associated feelings, from feeling mournful to creative. Red: This color raises the blood pressure, stimulates appetite and conversation and is often associated with excitement, action, impulse." }, { "score": 0.632345438, "text": "The fact that your friends replied purple to your question may be related to the energies of that particular person. Purple is the color of high spirituality and your friends may have picked up on it." }, { "score": 0.6164813042, "text": "purple - of imperial status; he was born to the purple. noblesse, nobility - the state of being of noble birth. discolour, discolor, color, colour - change color, often in an undesired manner; The shirts discolored." }, { "score": 0.6050339341, "text": "In general, sewing in The Color Purple symbolizes the power women can gain from productively channeling their creative energy. After Sofia and Celie argue about the advice Celie has given Harpo, Sofia signals a truce by suggesting they make a quilt." }, { "score": 0.5700228214, "text": "What is the meaning of the purple heart emoji? what does it mean when someone sends you a purple heart emoji in whatsapp, without any accompaining..? 10% - What does the color purple in a purple heart emoji mean? 2 18% - What does purple heart mean when some one sends it to you on whatappwhat does purple heart mean when some one sends it to you on whatapp? 3 7% - Purple siling devil emoji on whatsapp meaning?" }, { "score": 0.3881978095, "text": "What Does the Albanian Flag Symbolize? 2013-02-27; What Does the Korean Flag Mean? 2012-08-06; What Does the Nazi Flag Represent? 2014-01-06; What does the sycamore tree symbolize? 2013-01-06; What does the red represent on the rebel flag? 2012-08-30; What does the colour and symbol stand for on Japan's flag? 2014-08-12" }, { "score": 0.3558356762, "text": "What does the Nauru flag look like, mean, and represent? Nepal What does the Nepal flag look like, mean, and represent? Netherlands What does the Netherlands flag look like, mean, and represent? New Zealand What does the New Zealand flag look like, mean, and represent? Nicaragua What does the Nicaragua flag look like, mean, and represent? Niger What does the Niger flag look like, mean, and represent? Nigeria What does the Nigeria flag look like, mean, and represent? Niue What does the Niue flag look like, mean, and represent? Norfolk Island What does the Norfolk Island flag look like, mean, and represent? Northern Mariana What does the Northern Mariana flag look like, mean, and represent?" }, { "score": 0.3138118088, "text": "Math SETS – intersection-union-complement-Venn-diagrams by: Staff PART I The question: by Talia I would like for the following math questions to be answered. 1. What does N denote? (1mk) 2. Represent N in tabular form. (2mks) 3. What does Q denote? (1mk) 4. Represent Q in tabular form. (2mks) 5. What does I denote? (1mk) 6. Represent I in tabular form." } ]
average nurse practitioner salary ny
[ { "score": 0.9257993698, "text": "Nurse Practitioner New York, NY Salary. Nurse Practitioner New York, NY average salary is $91,897, median salary is $79,060 with a salary range from $20,530 to $1,926,393. Nurse Practitioner New York, NY salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position." } ]
[ { "score": 0.835606575, "text": "In conducting their annual salary survey of 2011, Advance for NPs & PAs, a peer reviewed industry journal, showed that NPs in Syracuse and Buffalo earned an average of $86,711 and $85,227, respectively. Nurse Practitioners in New York City reported the highest salaries in the state, earning $117,775 on average.n conducting their annual salary survey of 2011, Advance for NPs & PAs, a peer reviewed industry journal, showed that NPs in Syracuse and Buffalo earned an average of $86,711 and $85,227, respectively. Nurse Practitioners in New York City reported the highest salaries in the state, earning $117,775 on average." }, { "score": 0.822609663, "text": "Average Nurse Practitioner Per Hour salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Nurse Practitioner Per Hour salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Nurse Practitioner Per Hour salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Nurse Practitioner Per Hour salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.8046022654, "text": "Registered Nurse New York, NY Salary. Registered Nurse New York, NY average salary is $91,897, median salary is $79,060 with a salary range from $20,530 to $1,926,393. Registered Nurse New York, NY salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position." }, { "score": 0.7953199148, "text": "As of Jan 2018, the average pay for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in New York, NY is $23.85 /hr or $44,811 annually." }, { "score": 0.7919194698, "text": "(United States). The average salary for a Registered Nurse (RN) in New York, New York is $69,072 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field.The highest paying skills associated with this job are Critical Care, Oncology, and Telemetry. $48,003 - $88,775.United States). The average salary for a Registered Nurse (RN) in New York, New York is $69,072 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field." }, { "score": 0.7914370894, "text": "(United States). The average salary for a Registered Nurse (RN) in New York, New York is $69,072 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field.The highest paying skills associated with this job are Critical Care, Oncology, and Telemetry.$48,003 - $88,775.United States). The average salary for a Registered Nurse (RN) in New York, New York is $69,072 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field." }, { "score": 0.7839574814, "text": "How much does a Licensed Practical Nurse make in New York City, NY? The average salary for a Licensed Practical Nurse is $52,440 in New York City, NY. Salaries estimates based on 408 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Licensed Practical Nurse employees in New York City, NY. Find a Job like this *Estimated Range" }, { "score": 0.7819338441, "text": "Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average. Atlanta was next, with an annual salary of $101,000 and an hourly rate of $48.56." }, { "score": 0.7815140486, "text": "Allied Health World reports that nurse practitioner salaries varied according to metro area as of June of 2012. Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average." }, { "score": 0.7803449631, "text": "Allied Health World reports that nurse practitioner salaries varied according to metro area as of June of 2012. Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average.urse Practitioner Salaries. Salaries for nurse practitioners can vary widely, depending on factors such as the specialty or location. Job postings on Indeed.com show the annual income of a nurse practitioner as of June 2012 ranged from $52,000 to $122,000." }, { "score": 0.7786221504, "text": "Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in New York Salary The average rate for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in New York, New York is $23.95 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this career. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least." }, { "score": 0.7771384716, "text": "Allied Health World reports that nurse practitioner salaries varied according to metro area as of June of 2012. Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average. nurse practitioner with less than five years of experience earned an average of $40.84, while a nurse practitioner with 20 years or more of experience earned $42.56. Male nurse practitioners earned considerably more, at $48.23 an hour." }, { "score": 0.7733610272, "text": "Allied Health World reports that nurse practitioner salaries varied according to metro area as of June of 2012. Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average.egion and Work Setting. The average hourly wage in the West in 2012 was $44.88 based on a standard 40-hour work week, according to The Clinical Advisor. Nurse practitioners in the Northeast averaged $44.93 an hour, those in the South averaged $42,68 and those in the Midwest earned an average of $41.14 an hour." }, { "score": 0.7722269297, "text": "$189,000. Average Nurse Anesthetist salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Nurse Anesthetist salaries for job postings nationwide.urse Anesthetist in New York, NY. Average Nurse Anesthetist salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Nurse Anesthetist salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.7716938257, "text": "Pay Difference by Location. New York is home to an above-average pay rate for Nurse Practitioners, 17 percent higher than the national average. Nurse Practitioners will also find cushy salaries in San Francisco (+13 percent), Los Angeles (+11 percent), Houston (+6 percent), and Boston (+6 percent).arnings for Nurse Practitioners in the United States come in at around $86K per year on average. Total cash earnings of Nurse Practitioners range from $68K on the low end to $114K on the high end; the final amount can include bonuses and profit sharing proceeds that occasionally exceed $10K and $17K, respectively." }, { "score": 0.7714601755, "text": "If the nurse practitioner worked a standard 40-hour week, those salaries would translate to $58.65 and $25.00 an hour, respectively. The average nurse practitioner salary as of June 2012 was $95,000, or $45.67 an hour, according to Indeed.com.llied Health World reports that nurse practitioner salaries varied according to metro area as of June of 2012. Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average." }, { "score": 0.7704530954, "text": "However, the family nurse practitioner salary ranges anywhere between $70,000 and $90,000. States such as New York may offer the highest salary. In addition to salary, there may be bonuses and benefits available.Bonuses may range from $900 to $5000 a year.The general working hours are from 9-5 and are paid salary.owever, the family nurse practitioner salary ranges anywhere between $70,000 and $90,000. States such as New York may offer the highest salary. In addition to salary, there may be bonuses and benefits available." }, { "score": 0.7694826126, "text": "Pay Difference by Location. New York is home to an above-average pay rate for Nurse Practitioners, 17 percent higher than the national average. Nurse Practitioners will also find cushy salaries in San Francisco (+13 percent), Los Angeles (+11 percent), Houston (+6 percent), and Boston (+6 percent).alaries for the relatively untried average out to around $85K, but survey participants with five to 10 years of experience earn a significantly higher median of $93K. Nurse Practitioners see a median salary of $97K after reaching one to two decades on the job." }, { "score": 0.7687572241, "text": "A Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) in New York, New York earns an average salary of $145,020 per year.Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. Pay for this job does not change much between less experienced and more experienced workers. $97,871 - $170,473. Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) in New York, New York earns an average salary of $145,020 per year." }, { "score": 0.7687184215, "text": "Pay Difference by Location. New York is home to an above-average pay rate for Nurse Practitioners, 17 percent higher than the national average. Nurse Practitioners will also find cushy salaries in San Francisco (+13 percent), Los Angeles (+11 percent), Houston (+6 percent), and Boston (+6 percent).urse Practitioners see a median salary of $97K after reaching one to two decades on the job. Folks who have racked up more than 20 years in the field report incomes that aren't that much higher than less experienced individuals' earnings; the veterans make just $98K on average." }, { "score": 0.7684386969, "text": "(United States). The average rate for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in New York, New York is $22.98 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field.United States). The average rate for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in New York, New York is $22.98 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field." }, { "score": 0.7682368159, "text": "The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was $80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation." }, { "score": 0.7670999169, "text": "How much does a Certified Nurse Anesthetist in New York, NY make? The median annual Certified Nurse Anesthetist salary in New York, NY is $211,224, as of January 30, 2018, with a range usually between $194,135-$230,405 not including bonus and benefit information and other factors that impact base pay." }, { "score": 0.7622354031, "text": "Nurse Practitioner Salaries. Salaries for nurse practitioners can vary widely, depending on factors such as the specialty or location. Job postings on Indeed.com show the annual income of a nurse practitioner as of June 2012 ranged from $52,000 to $122,000.llied Health World reports that nurse practitioner salaries varied according to metro area as of June of 2012. Nurse practitioners in both New York and San Francisco, the highest-paying locales, earned $115,000 a year or $55.29 an hour on average." }, { "score": 0.7598521113, "text": "The average Nurse Practitioner salary in the United States is approximately $101,764 per year. Salary information comes from 68,971 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 12 months." }, { "score": 0.7596359253, "text": "Shares & Saves. Save. Licensed practical nurses in New York made an average of $42,280 per year as of 2009, according to the New York State Department of Labor. LPNs who were new to the field made an average of $32,330 each year, while those with the most experience received an average of $47,260 annually.hares & Saves. Save. Licensed practical nurses in New York made an average of $42,280 per year as of 2009, according to the New York State Department of Labor. LPNs who were new to the field made an average of $32,330 each year, while those with the most experience received an average of $47,260 annually." }, { "score": 0.7586880922, "text": "New York is home to an above-average pay rate for Nurse Practitioners, 17 percent higher than the national average. Nurse Practitioners will also find cushy salaries in San Francisco (+13 percent), Los Angeles (+11 percent), Houston (+6 percent), and Boston (+6 percent)." }, { "score": 0.7578595877, "text": "A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013. New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666. The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was. $80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation. National Council for State Board of Nursing makes it mandatory for every aspirant to clear the NCLEX-RN exam for earning a licensure before practicing this profession." }, { "score": 0.7566850781, "text": "A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013. New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666. The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was." }, { "score": 0.7540079951, "text": "Registered Nurse Salary in New York. A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013. New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013.Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666.The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was.$80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation.ew York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666. The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was. $80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation." }, { "score": 0.7537355423, "text": "A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013.New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666.The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was.$80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation.ew York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666. The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was. $80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation." }, { "score": 0.7532961965, "text": "Registered Nurse Salary in New York. A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013. New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013.Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666.The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was.$80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation. survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013." }, { "score": 0.7532792687, "text": "How much does a Registered Nurse make in New York City, NY? The average salary for a Registered Nurse is $63,070. Salaries estimates based on 697 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Registered Nurse employees in New York City, NY." }, { "score": 0.753228724, "text": "A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013.New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666.The figures in indeed.com reveal that the average RN salary in NY was.$80,000 as of Oct 2014. It was 21% greater than the average registered nurse salary for job postings throughout the nation. survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013." }, { "score": 0.7524215579, "text": "$53,000. Average Entry Level Nurse salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Entry Level Nurse salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Entry Level Nurse salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Entry Level Nurse salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.7513456345, "text": "The U.S. Average Nurse Practitioner Salary is $91,450. The latest figures show that the average annual salary for a Nurse Practitioner working in the United States is around $91,450 which works out as $43.97 per hour, $1,758 per week and $7,620 per month." }, { "score": 0.7506594658, "text": "The average registered nurse anesthetist salary in New York-Manhattan, New York is $207,581 or an equivalent hourly rate of $100. This is 20% higher (+$33,951) than the average registered nurse anesthetist salary in the United States. In addition, they earn an average bonus of $6,933. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in New York-Manhattan, New York." }, { "score": 0.7504602075, "text": "The U.S. Average Nurse Practitioner Salary is $91,450. The latest figures show that the average annual salary for a Nurse Practitioner working in the United States is around $91,450 which works out as $43.97 per hour, $1,758 per week and $7,620 per month. The table below shows how this compares to the national average wage." }, { "score": 0.7504400015, "text": "Registered Nurse Salary in New York. A survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the mean wage of a registered nurse in New York was $75,470 and per hour salary was $36.29 in May 2013. New York employed 169,820 RNs in May 2013. Employment per 1000 jobs was 19.666." }, { "score": 0.7497724891, "text": "Wages for registered nurses in metropolitan areas in New York. Registered nurses in the New York-Newark-Jersey City metropolitan area earned an average of $85,260 per year, measurably above the U.S. average of $71,000 for this occupation." }, { "score": 0.7470626831, "text": "The average annual salary of a nurse practitioner is $97,990 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Most earn between $82,720 and $113,470, though the top 10% of wage earners make around $131,050. In many specialties, the average salary is between $95,000 and $120,000." }, { "score": 0.7464644313, "text": "Annual mean wages for registered nurses were significantly below the national average in 9 of the 12 areas in New York, including Syracuse ($60,650), Utica-Rome ($60,250), Elmira ($58,090), and Ithaca ($58,060). Average wages for registered nurses in two areas were not measurably different from the national average." }, { "score": 0.7432203293, "text": "Pay Difference by Location. New York is home to an above-average pay rate for Nurse Practitioners, 17 percent higher than the national average. Nurse Practitioners will also find cushy salaries in San Francisco (+13 percent), Los Angeles (+11 percent), Houston (+6 percent), and Boston (+6 percent)." }, { "score": 0.7420957685, "text": "Entry-Level Registered Nurses in New York, N.Y. pull down an average of $67K annually. Most report receiving medical coverage from their employers and a majority collect dental insurance. Job satisfaction for Entry-Level New York Registered Nurses is high.The vast majority of Entry-Level Registered Nurses in New York, N.Y. (82 percent) who responded to the survey are women. The data in this summary comes from the PayScale salary survey. $44,923 - $83,235.ob satisfaction for Entry-Level New York Registered Nurses is high. The vast majority of Entry-Level Registered Nurses in New York, N.Y. (82 percent) who responded to the survey are women." }, { "score": 0.7417479157, "text": "Average Nurse Practitioner Salaries. The average salary for nurse practitioner jobs is $60,000. Average nurse practitioner salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term nurse practitioner anywhere in the job listing.verage nurse practitioner salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term nurse practitioner anywhere in the job listing." }, { "score": 0.7399205565, "text": "How much does a Nurse Practitioner make in the United States? The average salary for a Nurse Practitioner is $101,987 per year in the United States. Salary estimates are based on 78,709 salaries submitted anonymously to Indeed by Nurse Practitioner employees, users, and collected from past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 24 months. The typical tenure for a Nurse Practitioner is less than 1 year." }, { "score": 0.7340340018, "text": "Nationwide, the average (mean) annual wage for registered nurses was $71,000; for licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses, $44,030; and for nursing assistants, $26,820. (See table A. For comprehensive definitions of metropolitan areas in New York, please see Technical Note.)." }, { "score": 0.7331260443, "text": "Nurse Practitioner Salary in 2016. In the United States, for the year 2016, the median income of a nurse practitioner is estimated to have an average that reaches around $87,508 per year. The starting point in the earnings of these professionals usually is estimated at $68,246 and up to $108,776." }, { "score": 0.732049942, "text": "$89,000. Average Dialysis Nurse salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Dialysis Nurse salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Dialysis Nurse salaries for job postings in New York, NY are 36% higher than average Dialysis Nurse salaries for job postings nationwide." }, { "score": 0.7207514048, "text": "A Registered Nurse in the New York City, NY Area area reported making $101,000 per year" }, { "score": 0.7175549865, "text": "Nurse Practitioner Salary in Connecticut. The average annual salary for nurse practitioners in Connecticut was $105,000 in 2013. Their salary range was between $50-150k." }, { "score": 0.7132751942, "text": "Average nurse practitioner annual salaries according to their work environment are: 1 $65,256-$104,305 in the health care industry. 2 $52,084-$107,105 in a hospital. 3 $72,894-$108,132 in acute care hospitals. $55,000-$111,711 in local and state 1 government. $67,686-$130,893 in federal government." }, { "score": 0.7079856396, "text": "A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Buffalo, New York earns an average wage of $17.38 per hour.A skill in Psychiatric is associated with high pay for this job. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least. $28,581 - $47,010. Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Buffalo, New York earns an average wage of $17.38 per hour." }, { "score": 0.7067196369, "text": "A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Buffalo, New York earns an average wage of $17.38 per hour. A skill in Psychiatric is associated with high pay for this job. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least.$28,581 - $47,010. Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Buffalo, New York earns an average wage of $17.38 per hour. A skill in Psychiatric is associated with high pay for this job. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least." }, { "score": 0.7062807083, "text": "The nurse practitioner salary in the US ranges between $67,416 and $110,485. According to PayScale, the salary of nurse practitioner with less than a year's experience is from $57,252 to $97,978, while one with a year to four years of experience is paid a salary ranging between $61,809 and $97,609.urse practitioner's salary (shortly known as NP salary) is the United States is ranging from $81,310 to $103,310 per year. A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has already attained a master's or a doctoral." }, { "score": 0.7035753727, "text": "In Chicago, nurse practitioners earned an average salary of $94,218, according to Advance for NPs & PAs, a peer reviewed journal." }, { "score": 0.7033492327, "text": "Average Registered Nurse Rn Salaries. The average salary for registered nurse rn jobs in Stony Brook, NY is $63,000. Average registered nurse rn salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term registered nurse rn anywhere in the job listing.his free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The registered nurse rn salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges." }, { "score": 0.7020646334, "text": "The average salary for registered nurse jobs in Buffalo, NY is $12,000. Average registered nurse salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term registered nurse anywhere in the job listing.he average salary for registered nurse jobs in Buffalo, NY is $12,000. Average registered nurse salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term registered nurse anywhere in the job listing." }, { "score": 0.686894536, "text": "Nurse Practitioner Salary in Georgia. The average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Georgia (GA) is $84,930 which is below the national average for Nurse Practitioners.he average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Georgia (GA) is $84,930 which is below the national average for Nurse Practitioners." }, { "score": 0.6864197254, "text": "Top Pay in State of New York. Average salaries for dialysis clinical nurse managers in the Northeast in 2014, according to Indeed, were as high as $96,000 in New York and as low as $68,000 in Maine. Those in the West made $52,000 to $87,000 per year in Hawaii and California, respectively." }, { "score": 0.6646993756, "text": "Average Nurse Practitioner Salaries. The average salary for nurse practitioner jobs in San Antonio, TX is $51,000. Average nurse practitioner salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term nurse practitioner anywhere in the job listing.verage Nurse Practitioner Salaries. The average salary for nurse practitioner jobs in San Antonio, TX is $51,000. Average nurse practitioner salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." }, { "score": 0.6582327485, "text": "Average Family Nurse Practitioner Salaries. The average salary for family nurse practitioner jobs in Atlanta, GA is $76,000.Average family nurse practitioner salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term family nurse practitioner anywhere in the job listing.verage family nurse practitioner salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term family nurse practitioner anywhere in the job listing." } ]
how many degrees celsius is normal for a baby
[ { "score": 0.8333252072, "text": "A baby's temperature is no different. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, normal body temperature for a health baby ranges between 97 degrees and 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees to 38 degrees Celsius).A rectal temperature reading above this range indicates a fever.ontact your doctor immediately if your child is less than three months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above. If your child is older than three months with a fever of 102.2 degrees, call the doctor to inquire if she should be seen." } ]
[ { "score": 0.8288879991, "text": "The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that the normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 97&deg and 100.4&deg Fahrenheit (36&deg to 38&deg Celsius). A fever would be any temperature that rises to 100.4&deg F or above.he American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that the normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 97&deg and 100.4&deg Fahrenheit (36&deg to 38&deg Celsius). A fever would be any temperature that rises to 100.4&deg F or above." }, { "score": 0.8187844157, "text": "Normal body temperature for healthy babies is in the range of 96.8°F to 98.6°F, or 36°C to 37°C. If the baby's body temperature rises above 100.4°F to 101.3°F, then it is considered as indication of fever. If it falls below 96.8°F then the child has low temperature and needs immediate warming up.ody temperature changes throughout the day. It is the lowest in the early morning between 4 and 6 a.m., and the highest in the early evening between 6 and 8 p.m. Normal temperature is about 37°C or 98.6°F." }, { "score": 0.8110761046, "text": "Normal body temperature for healthy babies is in the range of 96.8°F to 98.6°F, or 36°C to 37°C. If the baby's body temperature rises above 100.4°F to 101.3°F, then it is considered as indication of fever. If it falls below 96.8°F then the child has low temperature and needs immediate warming up.ormal body temperature for healthy babies is in the range of 96.8°F to 98.6°F, or 36°C to 37°C. If the baby's body temperature rises above 100.4°F to 101.3°F, then it is considered as indication of fever. If it falls below 96.8°F then the child has low temperature and needs immediate warming up." }, { "score": 0.8047521114, "text": "Normal body temperature for healthy babies is in the range of 96.8°F to 98.6°F, or 36°C to 37°C. If the baby's body temperature rises above 100.4°F to 101.3°F, then it is considered as indication of fever. If it falls below 96.8°F then the child has low temperature and needs immediate warming up.hese temperatures are the core body temperature. It is in the normal range if the orally measured temperature of adults is 98.2°F, with fluctuation of 1.3°F higher or lower. If the adult shows oral temperature of more than 99.5°F, then it is considered as fever or some other medical conditions." }, { "score": 0.7581954002, "text": "The usual temperature range for infants up to 1 year of age is 99.4° F to 99.7° F (37.5° C to 37.7° C). Toddlers/preschoolers. For this age group, use the method that makes the most sense considering the degree of precision of measurement the child's condition warrants." }, { "score": 0.7580835819, "text": "The normal body temperatures for children are the same as an adult human and are considered to be between 36 to 36.8 degrees Celsius or 96.8 to 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit. In a child, any temperature that exceeds 36 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is considered to be high and is medically classed as a fever.he normal body temperatures for children are the same as an adult human and are considered to be between 36 to 36.8 degrees Celsius or 96.8 to 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit. In a child, any temperature that exceeds 36 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is considered to be high and is medically classed as a fever." }, { "score": 0.7559486628, "text": "A fever in a baby this young could mean a serious infection. The AAP suggests calling the doctor if a baby is between 3 months and 6 months old and has a fever of 101&deg F (38.3&deg C) or higher, or is older than 6 months and has a temperature of 103&deg F (39.4&deg C) or higher.he American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that the normal body temperature for a healthy baby is between 97&deg and 100.4&deg Fahrenheit (36&deg to 38&deg Celsius). A fever would be any temperature that rises to 100.4&deg F or above." }, { "score": 0.7491071224, "text": "1 In newborns (younger than 28 days), any body temperature above 38.3 degrees Celsius/101 degrees Farenheit should be treated as a medical emergency. 2 Even up to the age of 3 months, any body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius should be monitored very closely and if possible, immediate medical attention should be sought. A core body temperature (rectal) above 38 degrees Celsius/100.4 degrees Farenheit is considered as a fever in a child. 2 In most cases this is just considered as a mild fever and may be managed in the home environment until medical attention can be sought by the next day." }, { "score": 0.7466483116, "text": "That's why it is good to take your baby's/child's temperature a few times when s/he is fine. It may be that his/her normal temperature is really 97.8, so that 99.8 could signify a fever. Usually we say someone has a fever if the temperature inside the body is 1.5 – 2 degrees higher than usual. Most pediatric providers will call it a fever when the rectal temperature is higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.0 degrees Centigrade." }, { "score": 0.7458295226, "text": "Rectal temperature is thought to be most accurate when determining actual body temperature for children. Normal range runs between 97 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 36.0-37.7 degrees Celsius." }, { "score": 0.7420901656, "text": "A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius). This is because different people have different normal body temperatures." }, { "score": 0.7408860326, "text": "1 your child has other signs of illness as well as a raised temperature. 2 your baby's temperature is 38°C (101°F) or higher (if they're under three months), or. 3 your baby's temperature is 39°C (102°F) or higher (if they're three to six months).f your child's face feels hot to the touch and they look red or flushed then they may have a fever. You can check their temperature with a thermometer. Measured under the arm, normal temperature is about 36.4°C (97.4°F). Under the tongue, normal temperature is slightly higher at about 37°C (98.4°F)." }, { "score": 0.7350263, "text": "Therefore, normal axillary temperature would range between 97.6 degrees and 98.1 degrees Fahrenheit (36.4-36.7 degrees Celsius). Other Measurement Sites. Rectal temperature is thought to be most accurate when determining actual body temperature for children. Normal range runs between 97 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 36.0-37.7 degrees Celsius. Ear temperature (or tympanic temperature) also is very accurate in children and adults. 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5 degrees Celsius) is the normal temperature for this method. Measuring body temperature orally is perhaps the most traditional means of measurement." }, { "score": 0.7333660126, "text": "Body Temperature. A normal temperature is considered to be 99 degrees Fahrenheit or less when taken in your child's mouth. A normal temperature is considered to be 99 degrees Fahrenheit or less when taken in your child's mouth, and 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or less if you take it in your child's bottom, according to HealthyChildren.org." }, { "score": 0.731225729, "text": "What's the right temperature? Anywhere between 16ºC and 20ºC is a good temperature for your baby, and around 18ºC (65ºF) is ideal, says Jennifer Ward Head of support and development at The Lullaby Trust. That's actually cooler than most people would expect the ideal temperature to be." }, { "score": 0.7272145748, "text": "A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius).This is because different people have different normal body temperatures. Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius). This is because different people have different normal body temperatures." }, { "score": 0.72661376, "text": "Rectal temperature is thought to be most accurate when determining actual body temperature for children. Normal range runs between 97 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 36.0-37.7 degrees Celsius. Ear temperature (or tympanic temperature) also is very accurate in children and adults." }, { "score": 0.7240437269, "text": "A Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius).This is because different people have different normal body temperatures. Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius)." }, { "score": 0.7237971425, "text": "A Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius). This is because different people have different normal body temperatures. Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius). This is because different people have different normal body temperatures." }, { "score": 0.7222724557, "text": "A Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius).This is because different people have different normal body temperatures. Intermountain Healthcare answered. A normal temperature measured by mouth is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius) and can be between 97 degrees Fahrenheit to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees Celsius to 37.2 degrees Celsius). This is because different people have different normal body temperatures." }, { "score": 0.7202556133, "text": "Photo Credit Buccina Studios/Photodisc/Getty Images. A normal temperature is considered to be 99 degrees Fahrenheit or less when taken in your child's mouth, and 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or less if you take it in your child's bottom, according to HealthyChildren.org.abies under 12 weeks old who have a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit taken rectally, and children with a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by any method, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit if the temperature is taken in the armpit, should be taken to see the doctor immediately." }, { "score": 0.7113880515, "text": "A normal temperature is about 98.6°F (37°C) when taken orally (in your child's mouth) and 99.6°F (37.5°C) when taken rectally (in your child's bottom). Many doctors define a fever as an oral temperature above 99.5°F (37.5°C) or a rectal temperature above 100.4°F (38°C). How should I take my child's temperature? You can get the most accurate temperature by taking his or her temperature rectally." } ]
why is my dell screen green
[ { "score": 0.6923907399, "text": "When a monitor display shows only a green image, it is usually because the monitor cable is loose. Display signals are outputted in three primary colors: red, green and blue. A monitor may display only green because the red and blue inputs are not connected." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6676030755, "text": "I've had my Toshiba laptop (which I bought brand new) for almost a year with no problems and just today, whenever I try to watch a video on a website, the viewing screen will go completely green. The sound is still working but no pic; just green." }, { "score": 0.6255408525, "text": "When you press the power button to turn it on, do you see any thing on screen, like the Dell boot up screen or something like that. Or is it completely blank (black color) always. 2. Can you see a faint image of your desktop (try to see it in dark place with flash light). This is important to confirm." }, { "score": 0.6239949465, "text": "1. When you press the power button to turn it on, do you see any thing on screen, like the Dell boot up screen or something like that. Or is it completely blank (black color) always. 2. Can you see a faint image of your desktop (try to see it in dark place with flash light). This is important to confirm. 3." }, { "score": 0.6228893995, "text": "1. When you press the power button to turn it on, do you see any thing on screen, like the Dell boot up screen or something like that. Or is it completely blank (black color) always. 2. Can you see a faint image of your desktop (try to see it in dark place with flash light). This is important to confirm." }, { "score": 0.6222505569, "text": "Press the power button and check for any lights on the computer, if none, refer to Dell Knowledge Base article Resolve No Power, No POST, No BOOT or No Video Issues With Your Dell Computer. Adjust the brightness of the LCD screen, while the computer is on. Test the Laptop LCD in the System Setup (BIOS). Turn the computer off. Power on the computer and press the F2 key until you see the System Setup (BIOS). Look for lines, distortion, or any other video issues you have observed within the System Setup (BIOS)." }, { "score": 0.6214914322, "text": "When you press the power button to turn it on, do you see any thing on screen, like the Dell boot up screen or something like that. Or is it completely blank (black color) always. 2. Can you see a faint image of your desktop (try to see it in dark place with flash light)." }, { "score": 0.6197988987, "text": "1. When you press the power button to turn it on, do you see any thing on screen, like the Dell boot up screen or something like that. Or is it completely blank (black color) always. 2. Can you see a faint image of your desktop (try to see it in dark place with flash light)." }, { "score": 0.6134135723, "text": "If the indicator light is flashing green or glowing amber, the problem may not be the screen, but the computer. Disconnect the video cable when the monitor flashes off; if a message such as No Signal Could Be Found appears on the screen, the video adapter could be at fault." }, { "score": 0.6062668562, "text": "Re: I get sound but a green screen instead of picture. zigistardusted. 1/8/11 11:28 AM. Okay, apparently you need to right click on video when paused, go to settings, display menu, uncheck 'hardware acceleration'. Then refresh video URL.Worked right away for me (so far, so good). Not sure why, but it works.e: I get sound but a green screen instead of picture. zigistardusted. 1/8/11 11:28 AM. Okay, apparently you need to right click on video when paused, go to settings, display menu, uncheck 'hardware acceleration'. Then refresh video URL." }, { "score": 0.5927101374, "text": "Re: I get sound but a green screen instead of picture. jclball. 5/21/11 3:55 PM. I also get a green screen with sound on YouTube but I can go to another video without any hardware/software change and it will work fine so I believe it is the video or content that was uploaded.e: I get sound but a green screen instead of picture. zigistardusted. 1/8/11 11:28 AM. Okay, apparently you need to right click on video when paused, go to settings, display menu, uncheck 'hardware acceleration'. Then refresh video URL." }, { "score": 0.5913890004, "text": "Check the indicator light when the monitor flashes off. If the indicator light is flashing green or glowing amber, the problem may not be the screen, but the computer. Disconnect the video cable when the monitor flashes off; if a message such as No Signal Could Be Found appears on the screen, the video adapter could be at fault." }, { "score": 0.5912189484, "text": "I have a Dell Optiplex GX260. The customer said the computer was working fine before vacation and when he came home the computer would not turn on. As soon as the power cord is connected the power button LED turns Yellow. I know most Dells have an amber light but this one is more of a yellow color." }, { "score": 0.5829350948, "text": "Monitor is in power save mode. When I turn my computer on the Num Lock button on my keyboard starts blinking in a green color without stopping. A message then shows up on the monitor that says: INFORMATION, the monitor is in power save mode. It then goes black and the Num Lock button is yet blinking." }, { "score": 0.5819633007, "text": "1 Power on the computer. 2 When you see the Dell logo appear on the screen, press the F8 key until you see the Windows Advanced Boot Menu. 3 Using the Up or Down arrow keys, highlight Enable VGA Mode. 4 Press the Enter key.5 Check if the video is seen in this mode of Microsoft Windows. Power on the computer. 2 When you see the Dell logo appear on the screen, press the F8 key until you see the Windows Advanced Boot Menu. 3 Using the Up or Down arrow keys, highlight Enable VGA Mode. 4 Press the Enter key." }, { "score": 0.5799582005, "text": "It also finds the CD ROM but it won't boot from a CD either. Sometimes when you have a computer black screen on startup and the power switch light will be green and then turns to orange or amber. Everything is running. Everything seems to be running but you can't see anything on the screen, not even a flashing cursor." }, { "score": 0.5774669647, "text": "Use the Dell power button lights to help diagnose problems with your Dell computer, such as a failing hard drive or a bad motherboard. Most newer models of Dell computers now have a diagnostic LED surrounding the power button on the from of the computer." }, { "score": 0.5678309202, "text": "Use the Dell power button lights to help diagnose problems with your Dell computer, such as a failing hard drive or a bad motherboard." }, { "score": 0.5662385225, "text": "1 i press the power button on my tv and it flashes green for like two seconds then it goes right back to red why wont it turn on Forum. 2 SolvedMotherboard green standby LED light blinking; computer won't turn on Forum. 3 SolvedMy phone makes the vibration to show that it turns on but the screen is still black. i press the power button on my tv and it flashes green for like two seconds then it goes right back to red why wont it turn on Forum. 2 SolvedMotherboard green standby LED light blinking; computer won't turn on Forum. 3 SolvedMy phone makes the vibration to show that it turns on but the screen is still black." }, { "score": 0.5578411222, "text": "I've had my iPhone 5 for a few days now and I've noticed this issue more and more. Whenever I wake my iPhone there is a split second where a green glow around the edge of the screen is visible. It's a bit like light leakage but its green and only appears for a fraction of a second after you turn on the screen. It is also sometimes activated by using the slide to unlock, which makes it glow brighter." }, { "score": 0.5545159578, "text": "A monitor or TV screen generates three colors of light (red, green, and blue) and the different colors we see are due to different combinations and intensities of these three primary colors.Each pixel on a computer screen is composed of three small dots of compounds called phosphors surrounded by a black mask.olor from a computer monitor or a TV screen results from a different process than that due to reflection or transmission by a solid or solution." }, { "score": 0.5520806313, "text": "Hold the Fn key and press F4 or F5 to adjust brightness on some Dell laptops, such as their Alienware line of laptops. Related Reading: How to Turn on the Ambient Light Sensor on a Dell. Step 3. Right-click the power icon in your Windows 7 system tray and select Adjust Screen Brightness.." }, { "score": 0.5513484478, "text": "If you have a Dell computer, here is a table showing what lights mean what. For example if your computer won't start and you see a solid amber light this can mean that either the system board is faulty or the devices connected to it. Your power button light and hard-drive activity light may indicate a computer problem." }, { "score": 0.5506516695, "text": "Blinking red/orange when running on the battery (not plugged in) usually means the battery is low and about to run out. EDIT: I found the owner's manual for your computer on Dell's website... Page 68 http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/sy..." }, { "score": 0.5465584993, "text": "When your computer has a black screen in Windows: 1 When the computer will not boot up, it sound like it is booting as the CPU fan is running and the lights are on. 2 Sometimes when you have a computer black screen on startup and the power switch light will be green and then turns to orange or amber." }, { "score": 0.5465506315, "text": "Why does a HP laptop screen go black? A laptop screen may go black for various possible reasons: there is a problem with the computer's operating system, the screen brightness is set to a low setting or there is a problem with the display. The external display and the laptop display are two different things." }, { "score": 0.5458722711, "text": "When you see the large Dell logo on the screen, press the F2 key to enter the BIOS setup screen. Press the Alt and P keys together to page through the BIOS settings until you reach the screen that includes the Power Management settings, on page four or five." }, { "score": 0.5433384776, "text": "Dell Inspiron 11 3000 screen rotation. i bought my dell laptop from the website (malaysia), and after a couple of month using the touchpad seems to be not working." }, { "score": 0.5427546501, "text": "These brightness levels change depending on your power source, so you will have to adjust brightness when plugged in or running on battery power. Step 1. Hold the Fn key and press the up or down arrows to increase or reduce brightness on most Dell laptops.Step 2. Hold the Fn key and press F4 or F5 to adjust brightness on some Dell laptops, such as their Alienware line of laptops.Related Reading: How to Turn on the Ambient Light Sensor on a Dell. Step 3. Right-click the power icon in your Windows 7 system tray and select Adjust Screen Brightness..Move the bottom slider right or left to increase or decrease screen brightness.elated Reading: How to Turn on the Ambient Light Sensor on a Dell. Step 3. Right-click the power icon in your Windows 7 system tray and select Adjust Screen Brightness.. Move the bottom slider right or left to increase or decrease screen brightness." }, { "score": 0.5401631594, "text": "Red Blinking Light on Dell 1505 Laptop. This is a discussion on Red Blinking Light on Dell 1505 Laptop within the Laptop Support forums, part of the Tech Support Forum category. The power access light on my Dell 1505 blinks red constantly with or without the power cord. The laptop works." }, { "score": 0.5352971554, "text": "Yesterday morning I plugged in my computer. I reached for the power button on my Dell Dimension 8400, but then noticed that the tower's power light was flashing orange." }, { "score": 0.530898273, "text": "I have a Dell Dimension E510 that as of yesterday, won't power up anymore. The power light blinks orange and the computer does nothing when the power button is pushed or held in. It's about 16 months old and is out of warranty, so I'm trying to diagnose the problem myself." }, { "score": 0.5295094252, "text": "Advantages of \"Premier Color\" on a Dell 4k Monitor. I am buying a 4k monitor for my workstation. The only difference is Premier Color -- and $340. PremierColor technology delivers vivid, true-to-life color and professional tools for detailed projects." }, { "score": 0.5207270384, "text": "Posted by zoofence on 20 May 2007 21:49. I am about to purchase one of two monitors at Dell: Either the 19 inch SP1908FP Silver Flat Panel Monitor with True Life (Glossy Screen) or the 19 inch Samsung 920NW Widescreen LCD Monitor." }, { "score": 0.5197892785, "text": "Worked fine lastnight, no issues. At the dell screen(just the dell name, black screen) i see this pop up. Start pxe over ipv4 so i wrote that down. Then i get pxe-e18:server response time out." }, { "score": 0.5163693428, "text": "I have a Dell OptiPlex GX520 running Windows XP. The other day someone knocked the tower over, and when I went to turn the computer back on, the power light was blinking amber, as were the two lights on the Ethernet port on the rear of the computer." }, { "score": 0.5149874091, "text": "Instructions. Turn on your Dell 9300 Inspiron laptop. Hold the Ctrl button down and press the F11 button when a blue bar with www.dell.com is displayed in the top part of the screen during the boot process.The PC Restore screen will appear on your screen.nstructions. Turn on your Dell 9300 Inspiron laptop. Hold the Ctrl button down and press the F11 button when a blue bar with www.dell.com is displayed in the top part of the screen during the boot process." }, { "score": 0.5087721348, "text": "How to set default screen resolution and color depth without monitor in windows 7. Currently my windows 7 has screen resolution 1920x1200 with DELL monitor (Intel Graphics Card). How can I make it default even if NO monitor is connected?" }, { "score": 0.5082470179, "text": "The print screen button is found on all standard keyboards, including Dell laptop keyboard. The print screen button is located on the top right side of the keyboard. On Dell laptops the print screen button shares the button with the Insert function. The insert function is the dominant function, so to make the print screen function work, you must use the function key while using the print screen." }, { "score": 0.5057769418, "text": "So i start up my dell today. Worked fine lastnight, no issues. At the dell screen(just the dell name, black screen) i see this pop up. Start pxe over ipv4 so i wrote that down. Then i get pxe-e18:server response time out. Great i think to myself. Next is :Start pxe over ipv6." }, { "score": 0.4913356304, "text": "The 15.6-inch screen on the Dell XPS 15 is just a bit bigger, though. IMAGE: Apple. 4. Dell XPS 15, $1499. Blazing a trail with the highest-res 15.6-inch screen I've ever tested, the Dell XPS 15 run at a stunning 3200x1800 pixels." }, { "score": 0.4897033572, "text": "Firstly, let us make out what cause Blue Screen of Death on desktop and laptop. The blue screen can occur for any reasons, for hardware and software issues. 1 1. 2 Program corruption: If a program gets corrupted or a file contained in this program corrupted, the blue screen may occur as long as you launch this program. 3 2. 4 Hard drive corruption: This is the main cause of Windows blue screen." }, { "score": 0.4894754589, "text": "Best Answer: Avatar. Green-eyed monster: Meaning - Envy. Origin. Green is a colour associated with sickness, possibly because people's skin takes on a slightly yellow/green tinge when they are seriously ill. Green is also the colour of many unripe foods that cause stomach pains." }, { "score": 0.488240391, "text": "Hi Jackdaw13, SATA cables are available in different colors (red, blue, orange). Dell uses orange and blue as standard for most of the systems. Technically speaking, there is no difference and doesn't matter what color they are. The functionality remains the same for all of them." }, { "score": 0.4857678413, "text": "RGB. RGB stands for Red Green and Blue. This model represents how your computer sees colors. In fact you have to know that each pixel in your screen can be 'switched on' like a little 'light-bulb' by means of a 'light-ray' produced by an electronic gun inside your monitor.GB. RGB stands for Red Green and Blue. This model represents how your computer sees colors. In fact you have to know that each pixel in your screen can be 'switched on' like a little 'light-bulb' by means of a 'light-ray' produced by an electronic gun inside your monitor." }, { "score": 0.4832945168, "text": "Power Conservation Function Key Combinations. To preserve the power, Dell incorporates many functions into the keyboard to save power. The FN plus d will turn the display off. The FN plus h keys will turn off the hard drive. The FN plus Esc keys place the computer in standby mode." }, { "score": 0.481908679, "text": "Intro: How to Make and Use a Green Screen. There is nothing much to making a green screen for visual effects movie-making if you have a permanent place to install it. You can buy neon green fabric ... Step 1: Video: Portable Green Screen. Step 2: Cheap Poster Board Green Screen." }, { "score": 0.4776853323, "text": "The most important factor for a key is the colour separation of the foreground (the subject) and background (the screen) – a bluescreen will be used if the subject is predominately green (for example plants), despite the camera being more sensitive to green light." }, { "score": 0.4768927693, "text": "Objective. Green Ethernet is a feature designed to reduce the power consumption of a device, making it more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Unlike Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), Green Ethernet energy-detection is enabled on all ports whereas only devices with gigabyte ports are enabled with EEE." }, { "score": 0.4730589688, "text": "While the Dell Canvas will not be able to escape comparisons with the recently released Microsoft Surface Studio, the innovative device is actually based on the company's smart desk concept introduced back in 2014. The Dell Canvas features a 27-inch Quad HD IPS display with a resolution of 2,560 x 1,440 pixels. In terms of dimensions, it is 446 mm tall, 792 mm wide and weighs 18.5 pounds. It also has anti-glare coating and Corning Gorilla Glass on top for enhanced durability." }, { "score": 0.4690535367, "text": "Color is strange, mainly due to perception. Setting aside complex brain processes, what we see is the result of light absorption, emission, and reflection. Trees appear green because atoms inside the leaves are emitting and/or reflecting green photons. Semiconductor LED brake lights emit single color light when electrical current passes through the devices." }, { "score": 0.4641565979, "text": "Black Screen Issues. A black screen on an HTC EVO generally means that the device's LCD has become defective, but there are also a few other causes. First, a software glitch could cause the screen to stop functioning." }, { "score": 0.4629255831, "text": "Place your lighting in such a way that the subject does not cast a shadow on the green screen. A discussion of chroma keys and how to use the green screen in Windows Movie Maker will follow. You can watch my first green screen movie here. You'll see in it every mistake a green screen movie can have!" }, { "score": 0.4625192881, "text": "Reader Robert has an older Emachines desktop that recently developed a problem: I installed a driver updater tool, and when I deleted it, it did something that changed my BIOS. The black screen appears when I boot up and reads: 'System BIOS shadowed. Check time and date settings. System CMOS checksum bad--default configuration used.'." }, { "score": 0.4598395824, "text": "green means that they're actively using facebook at the moment, the grey moon means that they're away from the computer or that they havent refreshed the facebook homepage in a while. it comes on by itself, you can't change it yourself. the red obviously you've figured out it means offline" }, { "score": 0.4576693177, "text": "The green dot actually means that that certain person is online and has the facebook window currently open. It turns into a half moon when the person minimizes the window so she was probably too busy to respond to your message." }, { "score": 0.4516240954, "text": "For the USB ports on my Dell laptop, the USB 2.0 ports have a USB symbol which is colored white. The 3.0 pots have a USB symbol which is colored red and have SS to the left side of the symbol. If you see SS ,then the USB is a SuperSpeed USB 3.0." }, { "score": 0.4482910931, "text": "New in OS X Yosemite, the green button on the top-left side of the window is now the full screen button. With this change, it's easy to envision many users accidentally entering full screen mode, but the trick is that these same buttons disappear when an app is in full screen mode." }, { "score": 0.4442982674, "text": "Green. Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in green rooms to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.t is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in green rooms to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients." }, { "score": 0.4367096722, "text": "Also, when a flash camera is used on vaseline glass, it will make it appear more green than the eyes do, because the intense flash also 'tickles' the uranium atoms. Vaseline glass (in the USA) is defined by the VGCI to be yellow first and glow green under a blacklight second." }, { "score": 0.4258614182, "text": "iMovie '11: Use a green-screen or blue-screen effect to superimpose video. You can record video in front of a green or blue backdrop, and then \"cut out\" the subject and superimpose it into another video clip. This is called a \"green-screen\" or \"blue-screen\" effect.ecord a moment at the end with the subject out of the frame. This indicates to iMovie what should be cut out when the video is superimposed. Make sure Advanced Tools are turned on. Open the project you want to add the green-screen or blue-screen effect to." }, { "score": 0.4022293091, "text": "Emerald Green Arborvitae is the most popular form of privacy screening in the Pacific Northwest. The trees have a beautiful round and upright shape, a dark green color that stays all year and, planted properly, they will form a solid, low-maintenance, long-living barrier.ote that when we do the planting of your Emerald Green Arborvitae we include at no additional cost a custom-cut double soaker hose (one for each side of the tree). The soaker hose is a very efficient watering system--no evaporation, little wasted water; it won't increase your water bill by much." }, { "score": 0.3747431636, "text": "The film industry has become increasingly better with their special effects. A green screen can make a scene look like it was shot anywhere. CGI can bring imaginary creatures to life." }, { "score": 0.3133473396, "text": "Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae is the most popular fast growing privacy screen tree in America now but, if you live in the hotter parts of the country, consider Carolina Sapphire & the Blue Ice Cypress.huja Green Giant Arborvitae is the most popular fast growing privacy screen tree in America now but, if you live in the hotter parts of the country, consider Carolina Sapphire & the Blue Ice Cypress." } ]
what causes menstrual disorders
[ { "score": 0.8334724307, "text": "The causes of various menstrual disorders can be summarized as follows: 1 Hormonal. 2 Clotting Disorder. 3 Anatomic. Medication and Supplements. The \"Apparently\" Normal 1 Uterus. Miscellaneous causes." }, { "score": 0.7496187687, "text": "Menstrual irregularities can be caused by a variety of conditions, including pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, infections, malignancies, diseases, trauma, and certain medications. Common causes of anovulatory bleeding (absent, infrequent periods, and irregular periods) include: Adolescence. Uncontrolled diabetes." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7316544056, "text": "Menorrhagia can be caused by a variety of factors, many of which aren't serious. Causes of menorrhagia may include: 1 Hormone imbalances. 2 Implantable birth control devices. 3 Disorders of the reproductive system, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, endometriosis. 4 Pelvic infections or tumors." }, { "score": 0.7248529196, "text": "Menorrhagia can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the ovaries, fibroids, polyps, adenomyosis, the use of an IUD, pregnancy complications, medications, or cancer, among other medical conditions. Menorrhagia can cause complications such as anemia and severe pain." }, { "score": 0.7240700126, "text": "menstrual cycle causes physical and emotional symptoms that initiate visits to their health care provider for consul-tation. The following menstruation-related conditions will be discussed in this chapter: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), premenstrual syn-drome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)," }, { "score": 0.7191028595, "text": "Menstrually-related mood disorders are mood disorders associated with the menstrual cycle. Menopause and cycles of menstruation are time of intense hormonal fluctuation that can cause increased vulnerability to depression." }, { "score": 0.7187467217, "text": "Menstrual disorders in adolescents do mirror some common menstrual disorders in adults, but amenorrhea, systemic bleeding disorders, abnormal bleeding due to exogenous hormones, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are more common in this population." }, { "score": 0.703961432, "text": "Menorrhagia Menorrhagia is heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding that can be caused by many problems, including hormonal imbalance, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, or using an IUD. Endometrial cancer Endometrial cancer, a form of uterine cancer, can cause vaginal bleeding and discharge, pelvic pain, and more." }, { "score": 0.7033208609, "text": ", when one of the ovaries releases an egg, occurs around day 14 in a normal menstrual cycle. Changes in hormone levels help trigger ovulation. Certain medical conditions can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. These include: 1 problems. 2 such as. , 3 a mild-to-moderate bleeding disorder. 4 idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a bleeding disorder characterized by too few. 5 in the blood. 6 liver or kidney disease. 7 leukemia." }, { "score": 0.6997089386, "text": "In some cases, the cause of heavy menstrual bleeding is unknown, but a number of conditions may cause menorrhagia. Common causes include: Hormone imbalance. In a normal menstrual cycle, a balance between the hormones estrogen and progesterone regulates the buildup of the lining of the uterus (endometrium), which is shed during menstruation." }, { "score": 0.6988806725, "text": "Causes of irregular periods. Your menstrual cycle can be disturbed if you change your method of contraception or you have an imbalance of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. It's not unusual to have a hormone imbalance for a few years after puberty and before the menopause." }, { "score": 0.6954416037, "text": "Hormonal Fluctuations. There are several hormones involved in the menstrual cycle, including GnRH, estrogen and progesterone. If these levels fluctuate outside of normal values, this may cause irregular or absent periods. An imbalance of the thyroid level can also have an impact." }, { "score": 0.6923161149, "text": "Common causes of ovulatory bleeding (heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding) include: Structural problems, such as uterine fibroids or polyps. Bleeding disorders, such as leukemia, platelet disorders, the various factor deficiencies, or von Willebrand disease." }, { "score": 0.6916818023, "text": "amenorrhea. absence of monthly menstrual periods. it is caused by a hormone imbalance, thyroid disease, or a tumor of the uterus or ovary. poor nutrition, stress, chronic disease, intense exercise, or the psychiatric illness of anorexia nervosa can also cause amenorrhea. Treatment: correct the underlying cause." }, { "score": 0.6863378286, "text": "Menstrual Cramps Causes. Primary dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) occurs in the absence of any anatomic abnormalities or causes for the pain. This type of painful menstruation is most often seen in young women in the years following the onset of menstruation. Secondary dysmenorrhea refers to painful menstrual cramps that occur as the result of another medical condition such as endometriosis." }, { "score": 0.6858376265, "text": "In severe cases, heavy menstruation can interfere with sleep and daily activities. Blood loss from heavy periods can also lead to anemia, causing symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath. There are many possible causes of heavy menstrual bleeding. They include: Hormonal imbalance, particularly in estrogen and progesterone; this is most common in adolescents who recently began their periods and women who are getting close to menopause. Hormonal imbalance may also occur if there is a problem in the function of the ovaries." }, { "score": 0.6851510406, "text": "They send signals to one another to trigger menstruation and ovulation. When the hormonal signals are deregulated, it can cause an early (or irregular) menstrual cycle. Here are some reasons that cause the change in hormonal levels: 1 Stress: Fatigue, too much worrying, and anxiousness can cause the hormonal imbalance." }, { "score": 0.6848837137, "text": "Menorrhagia or hematomunia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at irregular intervals. Menorrhagia can be caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.bnormalities of the endometrium such as adenomyosis (so called internal endometriosis) where there is extension into the wall of the uterus gives rise to an enlarged tender uterus. Note, true endometriosis is a cause of pain (dysmenorrhoea) but usually not alteration in menstrual blood loss." }, { "score": 0.6830421686, "text": "What causes amenorrhoea? Amenorrhoea can be caused by any number of changes in the organs, glands, and hormones involved in menstruation. Possible causes of primary amenorrhoea, when a woman never gets her first period, include: Failure of the ovaries, female sex organs that release eggs. Problems in the central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord) or the pituitary gland (a gland in the brain that makes hormones involved in menstruation)." }, { "score": 0.6809837818, "text": "When the hormonal signals are deregulated, it can cause an early (or irregular) menstrual cycle. Here are some reasons that cause the change in hormonal levels: 1 Stress: Fatigue, too much worrying, and anxiousness can cause the hormonal imbalance." }, { "score": 0.6808946133, "text": "Menorrhagia or hematomunia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at irregular intervals. Menorrhagia can be caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.Depending upon the cause, it may be associated with abnormally painful periods (dysmenorrhea).enorrhagia can be caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus. Depending upon the cause, it may be associated with abnormally painful periods (dysmenorrhea)." }, { "score": 0.6800255775, "text": "A hormonal imbalance during adolescence or menopause is the most common cause of heavy menstrual bleeding. During adolescence, after girls have their first periods and for several years before the onset of menopause, our hormone levels are fluctuating, which often leads to excessive uterine bleeding during our periods." }, { "score": 0.6738016605, "text": "Abnormal or unexpected vaginal bleeding that occurs outside your normal menstrual cycle or causes extreme symptoms during your period can be caused by a wide variety of abnormal conditions, including hormonal imbalances, infection, complications of pregnancy, malignancy, trauma, and certain medications." }, { "score": 0.673391521, "text": "Your body produces hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are found in the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the ovaries. They send signals to one another to trigger menstruation and ovulation. When the hormonal signals are deregulated, it can cause an early (or irregular) menstrual cycle.Here are some reasons that cause the change in hormonal levels: 1 Stress: Fatigue, too much worrying, and anxiousness can cause the hormonal imbalance.everal factors can affect early menstrual cycle or the delayed menstruation. This may include diet, heredity and one's overall health. Reasons for an early menstrual period, irregular, missed or too frequent periods are usually benign." }, { "score": 0.672672987, "text": "1 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and other organs of the reproductive system. Uterine, ovarian, and cervical cancer; these are rare but possible causes of heavy menstrual bleeding." }, { "score": 0.6710343361, "text": "Menstrual cramps may also be caused by: 1 Endometriosis. 2 In this painful condition, the tissue that lines your uterus becomes implanted outside your uterus, most commonly on your fallopian tubes, ovaries or the tissue lining your pelvis. 3 Uterine fibroids." }, { "score": 0.6705269217, "text": "How Stress Affects Menstruation. While many factors can cause irregular periods, a stress-induced hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes. When a woman is under a lot of stress, the adrenal glands produce more of the hormone cortisol in response." }, { "score": 0.668749094, "text": "Excessive bleeding can cause anemia, or iron deficiency, and may signal an underlying medical condition. In most cases, a doctor can successfully treat abnormal periods. What Causes Heavy or Irregular Menstrual Periods? Heavy or irregular periods can be due to a variety of factors, including: Medications" }, { "score": 0.6682009697, "text": "Several underlying medical conditions are also capable of causing menstrual cramps. These include: 1 Endometriosis-the tissue that lines the uterus develops outside the uterus. 2 Uterine fibroids-noncancerous tumors and growths in the wall of the uterus." }, { "score": 0.6681296825, "text": "Heavy menstruation, also known as menorrhagia, is usually the result of a hormonal imbalance. Another common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding is fibroid tumors. Other causes of excessive bleeding that your healthcare provider should consider include: cervical or endometrial polyps." }, { "score": 0.6671776772, "text": "If you are not pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular periods include: 1 Excessive weight loss or gain. Although low body weight is a common cause of missed or irregular periods, obesity also can cause menstrual problems. Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia." }, { "score": 0.6658027172, "text": "A number of underlying issues can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, such as uterine fibroids, noncancerous tissues that grow in and around the uterine wall, explains Steven R. Goldstein, MD, obstetrician and gynecologist at the New York University Langone Medical Center and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York University School of Medicine." }, { "score": 0.6638484597, "text": "1 Fibroids – These non-cancerous muscular growths on the uterus can cause you to have heavy menstrual bleeding and long periods. 2 Submucosal fibroids, which are found in your uterine cavity, cause prolonged, heavy periods. 3 Fibroids are very common in women of reproductive age, since estrogen fuels their growth." }, { "score": 0.663680017, "text": "Many women experience menstrual pain, and one of its common causes is endometriosis. In this condition, some of the lining cells from the inside of the uterus end up in the wrong place. They are attached to the ovaries, intestinal tract, bladder, or elsewhere. And just as the cells inside the uterus swell and are shed each month, these misplaced cells do exactly the same thing." }, { "score": 0.6631964445, "text": "What are the Causes of Early Periods. Early menstrual period reasons happen when hormonal signals are thrown out of sync. Your body produces hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are found in the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the ovaries. They send signals to one another to trigger menstruation and ovulation." }, { "score": 0.6588134766, "text": "Menorrhagia is the most common type of abnormal uterine bleeding characterized by heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. In some cases, bleeding may be so severe and relentless that daily activities become interrupted.Other types of abnormal uterine bleeding (also called dysfunctional uterine bleeding) include:here are several possible causes of menorrhagia, including the following: Hormonal (particularly estrogen and progesterone) imbalance (especially seen in adolescents who are experiencing their first menstrual period and in women approaching menopause). Pelvic inflammatory disease. Uterine fibroids." }, { "score": 0.6587755084, "text": "Stress. Stress may cause the body to stop the menstrual cycle. Stress causes the body to release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin that prevent our fertility hormones from being released at the correct times in the menstrual cycle." }, { "score": 0.6583439112, "text": "Endometriosis is one cause of severe menstrual pain. But the pain can be caused by another condition, such as fibroids, which are noncancerous growths of the muscle tissue of the uterus. Fibroids can cause severe cramps and heavier bleeding during your period." }, { "score": 0.6572200656, "text": "A disorder of an over active thyroid gland is called hyperthyroidism. When you have an under active thyroid gland, the condition is referred to as hypothyroidism. Thyroid/Menstruation Connection. Thyroid issues can cause a variety of menstrual irregularities and changes, including the following:" }, { "score": 0.6567211151, "text": "In some cases, such as with secondary dysmenorrhea, painful menstrual periods can be the result of an underlying medical condition, such as: 1 premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 2 endometriosis (a painful medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus grow in other parts of the body)." }, { "score": 0.6561765671, "text": "Munorrhagia or Hematomunia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period at regular intervals. Menorrhagia can be caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus." }, { "score": 0.6526596546, "text": "Common menstrual cramps usually become less painful as a woman ages and may stop entirely if the woman has a baby. Secondary dysmenorrhea is pain that is caused by a disorder in the woman's reproductive organs, such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, or infection.Pain from secondary dysmenorrhea usually begins earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than common menstrual cramps.enstrual cramps are caused by contractions (tightening) in the uterus (which is a muscle) by a chemical called prostaglandin. The uterus, where a baby grows, contracts throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. During menstruation, the uterus contracts more strongly." }, { "score": 0.6523256898, "text": "The following can all be causes of heavy menstrual bleeding: 1 Uterine cancer: This is a cancer that begins in the uterus and is usually characterized with abnormal bleeding, along with urinary pain or pain during intercourse. 2 Uterine fibroids: These are noncancerous tumors that grow on or in the muscular wall of the uterus." }, { "score": 0.6519495249, "text": "Menorrhagia is a menstrual period with excessively heavy flow and falls under the larger category of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Abnormal uterine bleeding can be caused by structural abnormalities in the reproductive tract, anovulation, bleeding disorders, or cancer of the reproductive tract." }, { "score": 0.651278019, "text": "In some cases, such as with secondary dysmenorrhea, painful menstrual periods can be the result of an underlying medical condition, such as: 1 premenstrual syndrome (PMS) endometriosis (a painful medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus grow in other parts of the body)" }, { "score": 0.651004076, "text": "Fibroids are one cause of severe menstrual pain, but the pain also can be caused by endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when tissue from the inner lining of the uterus grows in other parts of the body -- illustrated here by growths on the outside of the uterus and bladder." }, { "score": 0.6486339569, "text": "Causes. During your menstrual period, your uterus contracts to help expel its lining. Hormone-like substances (prostaglandins) involved in pain and inflammation trigger the uterine muscle contractions. Higher levels of prostaglandins are associated with more-severe menstrual cramps.enstrual cramps may also be caused by: 1 Endometriosis. 2 In this painful condition, the tissue that lines your uterus becomes implanted outside your uterus, most commonly on your fallopian tubes, ovaries or the tissue lining your pelvis. 3 Uterine fibroids." }, { "score": 0.64308846, "text": "In rare cases, uterine cancer, also known as endometrial cancer, can cause constant or irregular menstrual bleeding. This form of cancer is most common in women over age 55 who have entered menopause, but it can develop at any age." }, { "score": 0.6415686607, "text": "Your menstrual cycle is a result of a complex interaction between your ovaries and your brain. The coordinated changes in your hormone levels cause ovulation, and if you don't become pregnant in the days around your ovulation, more hormonal changes result in your period." }, { "score": 0.6395381689, "text": "Problems with your menstrual period. Your thyroid helps control your menstrual cycle. Too much or too little thyroid hormone can make your periods very light, heavy, or irregular. Thyroid disease also can cause your periods to stop for several months or longer, a condition called amenorrhea." }, { "score": 0.6394456625, "text": "Sometimes it can be a more serious problem. The following can all be causes of heavy menstrual bleeding: 1 Uterine cancer: This is a cancer that begins in the uterus and is usually characterized with abnormal bleeding, along with urinary pain or pain during intercourse." }, { "score": 0.6383550167, "text": "The cause of PMDD isn't clear. Underlying depression and anxiety are common in both PMS and PMDD, so it's possible that the hormonal changes that trigger a menstrual period worsen the symptoms of mood disorders. Treatment of PMDD is directed at preventing or minimizing symptoms and may include: Antidepressants." }, { "score": 0.6375607252, "text": "Irregular periods or a stop of menstruation can be due to a condition called premature ovarian failure which causes a woman to stop having her period before age 40. This can be caused by radiation, surgery or chemotherapy, in the case of a woman with cancer." }, { "score": 0.6372582316, "text": "Other menstrual-type cramps can be caused by conditions of the reproductive tract, such as the following: 1 Endometriosis -- uterine tissue that appears outside the uterus. 2 Fibroids and adenomyosis -- noncancerous (benign) growths in the uterus. 3 Infections in the reproductive organs." }, { "score": 0.6356506348, "text": "If you are not pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular periods include: 1 Excessive weight loss or gain. 2 Although low body weight is a common cause of missed or irregular periods, obesity also can cause menstrual problems." }, { "score": 0.6347286701, "text": "If your period is heavy enough to require changing more often than every one or two hours, or if you have a period that lasts more than a full week, you may be experiencing menorrhagia. 1. Hormones. A hormonal imbalance during adolescence or menopause is the most common cause of heavy menstrual bleeding. During adolescence, after girls have their first periods and for several years before the onset of menopause, our hormone levels are fluctuating, which often leads to excessive uterine bleeding during our periods." }, { "score": 0.6331626177, "text": "Late Menstrual Cycle: Woman describe their cycle as being 'late' when there are more days between periods than is normal for them. Cause of a late menstrual cycle: pregnancy, stress, cyst on the ovaries, PCOS, traveling. Chinese herbs that nourish Kidney Yang are often prescribed for women with Late Menstrual Cycles." }, { "score": 0.6277779341, "text": "Regulation of menstrual periods is controlled by a complex hormonal balance. Likewise, the body's reaction to stress involves changes in the levels of many hormones. Because it affects hormone balance and many other processes in the body, psychological stress can also interfere with the menstrual cycle. In fact, stress is considered to be a common cause of missed or late menstrual periods. Thank you for your question." }, { "score": 0.6268466711, "text": "Regulating Your Cycle. Research has shown that a diet high in fiber and low in fat can cause an irregular menstrual cycle. In one study 210 women, between the ages of 17 and 22 years old, were asked to complete a questionnaire about their eating habits and their menstrual histories." }, { "score": 0.6207409501, "text": "(Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue grows and functions outside the uterus.) Adenomyosis is a significant cause of severe pelvic pain and menstrual irregularities. It typically occurs in women who have uterine fibroids, women age 40 - 50, and women who have had children." }, { "score": 0.6170215607, "text": "Menstruation also causes the muscles in the body to relax (an effect produced by progesterone), including those present in the gut and abdomen. When this happens, the stomach takes longer time to digest the food and pass it to the intestine. And this would naturally cause bloating." }, { "score": 0.6154830456, "text": "Up until these stages, women experience years of fluctuating PMS hormones each and every month, causing pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS). These fluctuating hormones regulate the menstrual cycle and subsequently cause undesirable side effects. The main hormones before period onset include estrogen and progesterone. In a basic menstrual cycle, estrogen rises for about two weeks then begins to fall, at which point progesterone begins to rise for about two weeks then falls again. This up and down continues each month." }, { "score": 0.6072276831, "text": "Common signs and symptoms of PCOS include the following: 1 Menstrual disorders: PCOS mostly produces oligomenorrhea (few menstrual periods) or amenorrhea (no menstrual periods), but other types of menstrual disorders may also occur." }, { "score": 0.5857166052, "text": "Menstrual Cramps Article. 1 Menstrual cramps facts. 2 What are menstrual cramps? 3 How common are menstrual cramps? 4 What is dysmenorrhea? 5 What causes menstrual cramps? 6 Why are some cramps so painful? 7 Can menstrual cramps be measured? 8 What other factors influence menstrual cramps? 9 What are the symptoms of menstrual cramps? 10 How are menstrual cramps 11 ... Wha" }, { "score": 0.5297269821, "text": "1 Natural hormonal occurrences among women such as menstrual cycle can also cause itchiness in the vaginal area especially a week before menstruation. 2 A fungus called candida albicans is present in the natural flora of the vagina, and it is balanced by natural hormones and friendly bacteria." }, { "score": 0.4764600396, "text": "What is Urea Cycle Disorders? Urea Cycle Disorders: Any disorder that affects the urea cycle. Urea Cycle Disorders: Introduction Types of Urea Cycle Disorders: Broader types of Urea Cycle Disorders: Genetic conditions; Metabolic conditions; Congenital conditions - metabolic disorders; Congenital conditions; more types...» What causes Urea Cycle Disorders? Causes of Urea Cycle Disorders: see causes of Urea Cycle Disorders. What are the symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders? Symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders: see symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders" }, { "score": 0.4696570039, "text": "Causes of Urea Cycle Disorders: see causes of Urea Cycle Disorders What are the symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders? Symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders: see symptoms of Urea Cycle Disorders" } ]
what does h+ stand for in chemistry
[ { "score": 0.771782577, "text": "H+ means the charge of the hydrogen ion. i.e when a hydrogen ion is formed, more oftan than not, an electron is lost from hydrogens outer sheel giving the ion a charge of +1. H+ ions are also basicaly the thing that makes an acid. e.g Hydrochloric acid (HCl) when in solution seperates into Cl- ions and H+ ions." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7208007574, "text": "A chemical formula uses the elements of a solution to express what it is. The formula then may be used to determine the properties of the solution and thereby predict how it will behave under a variety of circumstances. The term pH is used within chemical formulas to indicate the presence of hydrogen. The H means hydrogen in this formula, just as the H in H2O indicates the presence of hydrogen in water -- two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. What pH Stands For The term pH is used to mean the power of hydrogen within the solution. There is some debate within the scientific community of where the p comes from, but it now is indicative of the word power." }, { "score": 0.6967815161, "text": "The abbreviation pH stands for potential hydrogen. In scientific terms, what pH would stand for is ability of molecules to attract hydrogen ions. An acidic molecule would have a low ability to attract hydrogen ions, while an alkaline molecule would have a high ability to attract hydrogen ions." }, { "score": 0.6955838203, "text": "The abbreviation pH stands for potential hydrogen. This abbreviation is always spelled with a small \"p\" and a capital \"H.\". In scientific terms, what pH would stand for is ability of molecules to attract hydrogen ions. An acidic molecule would have a low ability to attract hydrogen ions, while an alkaline molecule would have a high ability to attract hydrogen ions. The pH of a solution is measured on a scale from zero to 14." }, { "score": 0.695109725, "text": "The abbreviation pH stands for potential hydrogen. This abbreviation is always spelled with a small \"p\" and a capital \"H.\" In scientific terms, what pH would stand for is ability of molecules to attract hydrogen ions. An acidic molecule would have a low ability to attract hydrogen ions, while an alkaline molecule would have a high ability to attract hydrogen ions. The pH of a solution is measured on a scale from zero to 14." }, { "score": 0.6867320538, "text": "Define H+ Ion. H+ Ion synonyms, H+ Ion pronunciation, H+ Ion translation, English dictionary definition of H+ Ion. n. A hydrated hydrogen ion, H3O+. Also called hydronium ion" }, { "score": 0.6840859652, "text": "In the first papers, the notation had the H as a subscript to the lowercase p, as so: p H. The exact meaning of the p in pH is disputed, but according to the Carlsberg Foundation, pH stands for power of hydrogen." }, { "score": 0.6817728281, "text": "the term ph is used within chemical formulas to indicate the presence of hydrogen the h means hydrogen in this formula just as the h in h2o indicates the presence of hydrogen in water two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen" }, { "score": 0.6813679934, "text": "The abbreviation pH stands for potential hydrogen. This abbreviation is always spelled with a small \"p\" and a capital \"H.\". In scientific terms, what pH would stand for is ability of molecules to attract hydrogen ions. An acidic molecule would have a low ability to attract hydrogen ions, while an alkaline molecule would have a high ability to attract hydrogen ions. The pH of a solution is measured on a scale from zero to 14. On the pH scale, zero would stand for the highest possible acidity reading, 7 is neutral, and 14 is the highest alkalinity reading. What pH stands for in the human body is a more specific study of the acid and alkaline environment within your bodily fluids." }, { "score": 0.6797808409, "text": "The scientific term pH is an abbreviation that stands for potential of hydrogen, which is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.The term, which first came into use in 1909, is Germanic in origin and is derived from the word potenz, meaning power, plus H, which is the symbol for hydrogen on the periodic table. Keep Learning." }, { "score": 0.6790708899, "text": "The scientific term pH is an abbreviation that stands for potential of hydrogen, which is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.The term, which first came into use in 1909, is Germanic in origin and is derived from the word potenz, meaning power, plus H, which is the symbol for hydrogen on the periodic table. Continue Reading." }, { "score": 0.679058373, "text": "Related Chemistry Questions. 1 what does HCl aq stand for in chemistry HCl (aq) stands for hydrochloric acid (liquid form) in chemistry. 2 what is the product in chemistry, when NaHC03 is reacted with HCl When sodium bi carbonate comes into contact with Acetic Acid which are the two..." }, { "score": 0.6774245501, "text": "Quick Answer. The scientific term pH is an abbreviation that stands for potential of hydrogen, which is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.The term, which first came into use in 1909, is Germanic in origin and is derived from the word potenz, meaning power, plus H, which is the symbol for hydrogen on the periodic table. Continue Reading." }, { "score": 0.6702342033, "text": "Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have a low pH and solutions with a low concentrations of H+ ions have a high pH. This may seem like a confusion way to express these reationships, and it is, until you understand what pH stands for. the pH is equal to minus the log of the H+ concentration." }, { "score": 0.6693683267, "text": "In chemistry, pH (/ p iː ˈ eɪ tʃ /) (potential of hydrogen) is a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. It is approximately the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration, measured in units of moles per liter, of hydrogen ions." }, { "score": 0.6691124439, "text": "In chemistry, pH (/piːˈeɪtʃ/) (potential of hydrogen) is a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. It is approximately the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration, measured in units of moles per liter, of hydrogen ions." }, { "score": 0.6686223745, "text": "Arrhenius defined an acid is any substance that produces H+ ions or H3O+ ions in water. Compare this with the definition of an alkali or base. H+ ions are called hydrogen ions, H3O+ ions are called hydroxonium ions. You will mostly see acids in reactions forming H+ ions.In reality, H+ is a single proton, and does not exist on its own.ompare this with the definition of an alkali or base. H+ ions are called hydrogen ions, H3O+ ions are called hydroxonium ions. You will mostly see acids in reactions forming H+ ions. In reality, H+ is a single proton, and does not exist on its own." }, { "score": 0.6645151377, "text": "n. The positively charged ion of hydrogen, H + , formed by removal of the electron from atomic hydrogen and found in the form of hydronium ion in all aqueous solutions of acids.ydrogen ion. n. 1. (Elements & Compounds) an ionized hydrogen atom, occurring in plasmas and in aqueous solutions of acids, in which it is solvated by one or more water molecules; proton." }, { "score": 0.6644040346, "text": "n. The positively charged ion of hydrogen, H + , formed by removal of the electron from atomic hydrogen and found in the form of hydronium ion in all aqueous solutions of acids.ydrogen ion-a positively charged atom of hydrogen; that is to say, a normal hydrogen atomic nucleus. cation-a positively charged ion. proton-a stable particle with positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electron. hydrogen atom-an atom of hydrogen." }, { "score": 0.6575382948, "text": "A stands for an Acidic compound and Z stands for a Basic compound. 1 A Donates H to form HZ+. 2 Z Accepts H from A which forms HZ+. 3 A- becomes conjugate base of HA and in the reverse reaction it accepts a H from HZ to recreate HA in order to remain in equilibrium." }, { "score": 0.6544576883, "text": "The clues are actually partly hidden in the scale's name. The 'H' in pH stands for the element, hydrogen. On a simple level, the pH scale can be thought of as a ranking of the amount of hydrogen ions in a solution: the more hydrogen ions, the lower the pH number." }, { "score": 0.6415427923, "text": "pH. Symbol for the negative logarithm of the H + ion concentration (measured in moles per liter); a solution with pH 7.00 is neutral at 22°C, one with a pH of more than 7.0 is alkaline, and one with a pH lower than 7.00 is acid.H. Symbol for the negative logarithm of the H + ion concentration (measured in moles per liter); a solution with pH 7.00 is neutral at 22°C, one with a pH of more than 7.0 is alkaline, and one with a pH lower than 7.00 is acid." }, { "score": 0.6410489082, "text": "pH. Symbol for the negative logarithm of the H + ion concentration (measured in moles per liter); a solution with pH 7.00 is neutral at 22°C, one with a pH of more than 7.0 is alkaline, and one with a pH lower than 7.00 is acid." }, { "score": 0.6402034163, "text": "When put into water, the covalent bonds of HCl break to form H+ and Cl- ions, which increase the concentration of H+ ions in the solution. This creates an acidic solution because there are more H+ ions than OH- ions present. Compounds that add H+ ions to solutions are called acids. In contrast, there are also substances like ammonia (NH3) that are bases because they cause the H+ ion concentration to decrease, resulting in a basic solution." }, { "score": 0.6377677917, "text": "The Hydrogen ion H+ consists of a hydrogen atom missing an electron, in other words its a proton. In water it occurs as the hydronium ion (H3O+) and in higher concentrations m … akes a solution acidic. The Hydroxide ion OH-consists of a hydrogen ion covalently bonded to an oxygen atom that has an extra electron.It makes and aqueous solution basic or alkaline.hen any pure metal from Group 1 of the periodic table comes into contact with water, the water, which is H2O, is torn apart in the reaction, and two things will happen. First hydrogen gas will be liberated, and second, OH ions (hydroxide ions) will be formed when they combine with the metal." }, { "score": 0.6357347965, "text": "Acids-For simplicity, the acids that we will be concerned with naming are really just a special class of ionic compounds where the cation is always H+. So if the formula has hydrogen written first, then this usually indicates that the hydrogen is an H+ cation and that the compound is an acid. When dissolved in water, acids produce H+ ions (also called protons, since removing the single electron from a neutral hydrogen atom leaves behind one proton)." }, { "score": 0.6270587444, "text": "hy·dro·ni·um (hī-drō′nē-əm) n. A hydrated hydrogen ion, H3O+. Also called hydronium ion. [hydr(o)- + (amm)onium.]" }, { "score": 0.6239740849, "text": "Symbol for the negative logarithm of the H + ion concentration (measured in moles per liter); a solution with pH 7.00 is neutral at 22°C, one with a pH of more than 7.0 is alkaline, and one with a pH lower than 7.00 is acid. At a temperature of 37°C, neutrality is at a pH value of 6.8." }, { "score": 0.6235435009, "text": "In this reaction, HF is the species losing the proton (H+), making it the acid. Water is. the species accepting the proton, to form the hydronium ion, H. 3O. +, making it the base. The F- (aq) is called the conjugate base of HF. It can gain a proton in the reverse. reaction." }, { "score": 0.6225404739, "text": "Symbol for the negative logarithm of the H+ ion concentration (measured in moles per liter); a solution with pH 7.00 is neutral at 22°C, one with a pH of more than 7.0 is alkaline, and one with a pH lower than 7.00 is acid. At a temperature of 37°C, neutrality is at a pH value of 6.8." }, { "score": 0.6216837764, "text": "Answer pH is the cologarithm of the activity of dissolved H+ (or sometimes written H3O+) ions (aka. Protons) in a solution, and measures the acidity/basicity of it. The Danish chemist Soeren Søren Peder Lauritz soerensen sørensen came up with the idea. in 1909" }, { "score": 0.6184772253, "text": "pH. Symbol for the logarithm to base 10 of the reciprocal of the hydrogen (H) ion concentration measured in gram molecular weight in an aqueous solution. A solution with a pH 7.0 is neutral, one with a pH of more than 7.0 is alkaline, one with a pH lower than 7.0 is acid." }, { "score": 0.6179760098, "text": "The removal of H + from the HCl produces the chloride ion, Cl − , the conjugate base of the acid. The addition of H + to the H 2 O (acting as a base) forms the hydronium ion, H 3 O + , the conjugate acid of the base. Water is amphoteric —that is, it can act as both an acid and a base." }, { "score": 0.6172181368, "text": "ACIDS AND BASES, GENERAL. Arrhenius defined an acid as a substance that increases the concentration of hydronium ion, H3O+ (usually the designation hydrogen ion or proton, H+, is used) when dissolved in water while a base is a substance that increases the concentration of hydroxyl ion when dissolved in water." }, { "score": 0.6102902293, "text": "A pH of spot on 7 denotes a neutral solution (neither acidic or alkaline). Any pH below 7 is acidic, whilst any pH above 7 is termed alkaline. Water molecules have the chemical formula H2O. However, these molecules are capable of splitting up slightly in solution, in H+ and OH– (hydroxide) ions. In a neutral solution, the concentrations of these two ions are equal." }, { "score": 0.6097514629, "text": "Figure 7-7 The pH values of representative substances. The pH scale represents the number of hydrogen ions in a substance. The concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) and the corresponding hydroxyl concentration (OH–) for each representative substance is also provided. Note that when the pH is 7.0, the amount of H+ and OH– are equal and the solution is neutral. Acid-base balance is what keeps [H+] in normal range." }, { "score": 0.6015006304, "text": "HCl is an oxidizing compound, because 2H+ + 2e- --> H2 ( St. E.P. = 0.00 V) and Chloride ions are a very weak reducing agent (2Cl- --> Cl2 + 2e- at St. E.P. = -1.37 V). I'm an undergraduate in Physical Sciences stream." }, { "score": 0.5983439684, "text": "• The activity of hydrogen ions in solution determines the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. • The pH value is a measure of the H+ activity in a give solution. or if we combine the two previous statements: • The pH value is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. • The range of the pH scale is from 0 to 14. • The pH defintion: the negative logarithm of the H+ activity in a given solution." }, { "score": 0.5924690366, "text": "Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then the water is said to be acid. If OH- ions outnumber the H+ ions then the water is said to be alkaline. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous." }, { "score": 0.5899124146, "text": "Chemical reactions are represented on paper by chemical equations. For example, hydrogen gas (H2) can react (burn) with oxygen gas (O2) to form water (H20). The chemical equation for this reaction is written as: The '+' is read as 'reacts with' and the arrow '' means 'produces'. The chemical formulas on the left represent the starting substances, called reactants." }, { "score": 0.5845814943, "text": "Hydrogen is a chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1. With a standard atomic weight of 1.008, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass." }, { "score": 0.5841780901, "text": "Arrhenius Acid. An Arrhenius acid is a molecule that when dissolved in water will donate an H+ in solution. Simply put, a proton donor. The trick to recognizing an Arrhenius acid is to look for a molecule that starts with an H, and typically contains an oxygen or halogen.ronsted-Lowry Acid Definition: Hydronium is an H+ donor regardless of solution. Bronsted-Lowry Base Definition: Hydroxide attacks and accepts the H+ from hydronium. Lewis Acid Definition: The H+ on Hydronium accepts the attacking electron pair to form a bond." }, { "score": 0.5822461843, "text": "Search BSB. Hydrogen: Chemical element with atomic number 1. Symbol: H H is the lightest, most abundant chemical element H makes up about 75 % of the Universe's elemental mass. Hydrogen = H Hydro = Greek = water gene = Greek = creating Hydrogen has a simple atomic structure-one proton + one an electron." }, { "score": 0.5799480677, "text": "For instance pure H-Cl (hydrogen chloride) is a gas and molecule of one covalent bond and two atoms. In water, though, H+ breaks off and attaches to H2O while Cl- exists as an anion surrounded by the positively charge ends of water molecules." }, { "score": 0.5772607923, "text": "Hydrogen HYDROGEN is a chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1. With a standard atomic weight of circa 7000100800000000000♠1.008, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table . Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass." }, { "score": 0.5762855411, "text": "Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With a standard atomic weight of circa 7000100800000000000♠1.008, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in the plasma state." }, { "score": 0.5749696493, "text": "Hydrogen is a chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1. With a standard atomic weight of circa 7000100800000000000♠1.008, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in the plasma state." }, { "score": 0.5738158822, "text": "What is HHO. HHO stands for 2 parts Hydrogen & 1 part Oxygen. When 2 Hydrogen atoms are bound to 1 Oxygen atom you have water, but when we separate the atoms from each other you have Hydrogen & Oxygen mixed gas. The correct term for this gas is Oxyhydrogen. There are many names for this gas mix such as browns gas, green gas, Hydroxy, Di-Hydroxy and water gas." }, { "score": 0.5728022456, "text": "Answers. Best Answer: Amphoteric means the substance can act as both an acid and a base. NaOH is basic. H2SO4 and HI are acidic. H2O is amphoteric and the correct answer (it can form H3O+ and OH-)." }, { "score": 0.5690710545, "text": "Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table.Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state.ritium (hydrogen-3), produced in nuclear reactors, is used in the production of hydrogen bombs, as an isotopic label in the biosciences, and as a radiation source in luminous paints. The triple point temperature of equilibrium hydrogen is a defining fixed point on the ITS-90 temperature scale at 13.8033 kelvins." }, { "score": 0.564794004, "text": "Hydrogen bromide is the diatomic molecule with the formula H Br. HBr is a colorless gas that condenses to a colorless liquid. Hydrobromic acid is a solution of HBr in water. Hydrogen bromide and hydrobromic acid are, therefore, not the same, but they are related. Commonly, chemists refer to hydrobromic acid as HBr, and this usage, while understood by most chemists, is imprecise and can be confusing to the non-specialist." }, { "score": 0.5627705455, "text": "The compound hydrogen chloride has the chemical formula H Cl. At room temperature, it is a colorless gas, which forms white fumes of hydrochloric acid upon contact with atmospheric humidity.Hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid are important in technology and industry.ince the chlorine atom is much more electronegative than the hydrogen atom, the covalent bond between the two atoms is quite polar. Consequently, the molecule has a large dipole moment with a negative partial charge δ − at the chlorine atom and a positive partial charge δ + at the hydrogen atom." }, { "score": 0.5519745946, "text": "H-Bond. A chemical bond in which a hydrogen atom of one molecule is attracted to an electronegative atom, especially a nitrogen, oxygen, or flourine atom, usually of another molecule." }, { "score": 0.5418505073, "text": "What are some alternative words for h? Synonyms for h This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term h. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: hydrogen, H, atomic number 1 (noun) a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas; the simplest and lightest and most abundant element in the universe. Synonyms: enthalpy, henry, heat content, hydrogen, atomic number 1, total heat" }, { "score": 0.5365372896, "text": "Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), sometimes called prussic acid, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula HCN. It is a colorless, extremely poisonous and inflammable liquid that boils slightly above room temperature, at 25.6 °C (78.1 °F)." }, { "score": 0.5149085522, "text": "The energies of the H atom are given by: where RH is the Rydberg constant, which in units of joules has the value 2.18 x 1018 J. The minus sign in the equation simply means that the energy of the hydrogen atom is lower than that of a completely separated proton and electron for which the force of attraction is zero." }, { "score": 0.5129916668, "text": "Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Science Chemistry What does Ds stand for in Chemistry?" }, { "score": 0.5094374418, "text": "Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Science Chemistry Elements and Compounds What does mmol stand for?" }, { "score": 0.5089652538, "text": "Na+(aqueous) + Cl-(aqueous) + H2O. On addition to water the Na+ section of NaCl is attracted to the oxygen side of the water molecules, while the Cl-side is attracted to the hydrogens' side of the water molecule." }, { "score": 0.4824831486, "text": "It is unnecessary to state that H-hour is on D-day. When used in combination with figures and plus or minus signs, these terms indicate the length of time preceding or following a specific action. Thus, H-3 means 3 hours before H-hour, and D+3 means 3 days after D-day. H+75 minutes means H-hour plus 1 hour and 15 minutes." }, { "score": 0.476331532, "text": "This is because Hg is an abbreviation of the Latin name of the element, which was hydrargium. With this name the Greeks were referring to the fact that mercury is a silvery liquid at room temperature, rather than a solid like other metals." }, { "score": 0.4565163255, "text": "Thus, H-3 means 3 hours before H-hour, and D+3 means 3 days after D-day. H+75 minutes means H-hour plus 1 hour and 15 minutes. Planning papers for large-scale operations are made up in detail long before, specific dates are set." }, { "score": 0.4554839134, "text": "Halides are all gases with the following properties: HF is a colourless fuming gas - b.pt = 20oC. HCl is a colourless gas - b.pt = -85oC. HBr is a colourless gas - b.pt = -69oC." }, { "score": 0.4277576506, "text": "(mûr'kyə-rē) Symbol Hg. A silvery-white, dense, poisonous metallic element that is a liquid at room temperature and is used in thermometers, barometers, batteries, and pesticides. Atomic number 80; atomic weight 200.59; melting point -38.87°C; boiling point 356.58°C; specific gravity 13.546 (at 20°C); valence 1, 2. See Periodic Table." }, { "score": 0.4131735861, "text": "What does oof stand for when texting? 1 33% - Heywhat does pk stand for in texting?read more: what does pk stand for in texting-what does pk stands for in abbreviations for texting :: a? 2 84% - What does tvs stand for in texting? 3 82% - What`s lvl stand for when texting? 4 84% - What does imy stand for in texting? 5 80% - What does yrh stand for when 6 ... 5. 1. I think it is a typo, my friend sent me `Mgm and I replied what and then he said mhm So I think he meant mhm. the letters h and g on the keyboard are close together, I could see how that mistake good be made." }, { "score": 0.4115922153, "text": "Jcrew shoes what does the h stand for. What does preschool and gradeschool in jordan shoe sizes? On the amazon.com website the shoe sizes state `` 8 d (m) us what dies that mean? Woolrich shoes what does the h stand for. What does eee stand for shoe size? What does gp stand for in shoe size? Nike 9h size shoe. What is shoe size 3e stand for?" } ]
what causes carbon footprint
[ { "score": 0.7820269465, "text": "A carbon footprint is historically defined as the total sets of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product or individual.. The total carbon footprint cannot be calculated because of the large amount of data required and the fact that carbon dioxide can be produced by natural occurrences.arbon footprints are much more specific than ecological footprints since they measure direct emissions of gases that cause climate change into the atmosphere. Carbon footprint is one of a family of footprint indicators, which also includes water footprint and land footprint." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7465661168, "text": "A carbon footprint is defined as: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)." }, { "score": 0.7433427572, "text": "The generally accepted definition of \"carbon footprint\" is the amount of carbon dioxide, or greenhouse gases, produced as a result of our daily living. In other words, many things we do creates carbon dioxide, or greenhouse gases." }, { "score": 0.7431410551, "text": "What is a carbon footprint - definition. A carbon footprint is defined as: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)." }, { "score": 0.7425935268, "text": "A carbon footprint is defined as: The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).sually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. The best way is to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions based on the fuel consumption. In the next step you can add the CO2 emission to your carbon footprint." }, { "score": 0.7355200052, "text": "Carbon footprint is a horribly abused phrase, so it's worth spelling out exactly what it means. When talking about climate change, footprint is a metaphor for the total impact that something has. And carbon is a shorthand for all the different greenhouse gases that contribue to global warming. The term carbon footprint, therefore" }, { "score": 0.7254943848, "text": "What is a carbon footprint-definition. The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).sually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. The best way is to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions based on the fuel consumption. In the next step you can add the CO2 emission to your carbon footprint." }, { "score": 0.7221748233, "text": "Definition of CARBON FOOTPRINT. : the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something (as a person's activities or a product's manufacture and transport) during a given period.ADVERTISEMENT.efinition of CARBON FOOTPRINT. : the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something (as a person's activities or a product's manufacture and transport) during a given period. ADVERTISEMENT." }, { "score": 0.722170651, "text": "The term \"carbon footprint\" is used to denote the amount of carbon dioxide produced by your daily activities and use of material goods. Since CO2 is the most common of the greenhouse gases, you can determine your personal participation in Global Warming." }, { "score": 0.7195125222, "text": "What is a carbon footprint-definition. The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)." }, { "score": 0.7168528438, "text": "Best Answer: Your carbon footprint is your contribution to the production of carbon dioxide, the most plentiful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere." }, { "score": 0.7140321136, "text": "The term carbon footprint, therefore, is a shorthand to describe the best estimate that we can get of the full climate change impact of something. That something could be anything – an activity, an item, a lifestyle, a company, a country or even the whole world." }, { "score": 0.7124356627, "text": "Your carbon footprint measures the environmental impact of your lifestyle. Everything you do has an impact --- positive or negative --- on the environment. That's the concept behind your carbon footprint, which is one method of measuring the environmental effect of your lifestyle. A carbon footprint, measured in tons, indicates the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are produced as a result of your daily activities. You can reduce your footprint by changing the way you live your life. Even seemingly tiny changes can make a significant difference." }, { "score": 0.709135294, "text": "A carbon footprint comes down to choices. 1 Your carbon footprint is a rough measure of how many tons of carbon your choices (whether related to your car, your diet, or your environment) put into the atmosphere. Factors will include: 2 The number of people in your household. 3 What kind of home you live in." }, { "score": 0.7047813535, "text": "The total carbon footprint cannot be calculated because of the large amount of data required and the fact that carbon dioxide can be produced by natural occurrences. It is for this reason that Wright, Kemp, and Williams, writing in the journal Carbon Management, have suggested a more practicable definition:" }, { "score": 0.7044997215, "text": "Part of the Smart grid glossary: A carbon footprint is the measure of the environmental impact of a particular individual or organization's lifestyle or operation, measured in units of carbon dioxide. A carbon footprint is composed of two parts, a primary and secondary footprint." }, { "score": 0.7028880119, "text": "Your carbon footprint is a rough measure of how many tons of carbon your choices (whether related to your car, your diet, or your environment) put into the atmosphere. Factors will include: The number of people in your household" }, { "score": 0.700314939, "text": "A carbon footprint is composed of two parts, a primary and secondary footprint." }, { "score": 0.6949301362, "text": "1 Many of our daily activities-such as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of waste-cause greenhouse gas emissions. 2 Together these emissions make up a household's carbon footprint. 3 The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas: home energy, transportation and waste.bout. 1 Many of our daily activities-such as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of waste-cause greenhouse gas emissions. 2 Together these emissions make up a household's carbon footprint. 3 The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas: home energy, transportation and waste." }, { "score": 0.6944218874, "text": "To avoid this, the convention is to express a carbon footprint in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2e. This means the total climate change impact of all the greenhouse gases caused by an item or activity rolled into one and expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide that would have the same impact." }, { "score": 0.6936898232, "text": "Definition. When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family's car, these things create carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas. Many scientists believe that greenhouse gases are making the earth too warm. Your carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 you create. A big carbon footprint is bad for the planet." }, { "score": 0.6908775568, "text": "Part of the Smart grid glossary: A carbon footprint is the measure of the environmental impact of a particular individual or organization's lifestyle or operation, measured in units of carbon dioxide." }, { "score": 0.6907413006, "text": "1. Find out how big your carbon footprint is. A person's carbon footprint is the amount of carbon he or she is responsible for releasing into the atmosphere as a result of his or her daily habits. The more fossil fuels you're responsible for burning, the bigger your footprint." }, { "score": 0.6806350946, "text": "But according to Carbon Footprint, using electricity, coal, gas and oil helps create a large carbon footprint. Time For Change indicates that for every 32 hours you have your computer on, 1 kg of carbon dioxide is emitted into the environment.ravelling by other modes of transportation are also responsible for a large carbon footprint. For every 7 miles you travel using public transportation or every 1.375 miles you travel by air, 1 kg of carbon dioxide is emitted into the air." }, { "score": 0.6773971319, "text": "Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which were induced by your activities in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year.The best way is to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions based on the fuel consumption. In the next step you can add the CO2 emission to your carbon footprint.Below is a table for the most common used fuels: Examples: 1 For each (UK-) gallon of petrol fuel consumed, 10.4 kg carbon dioxide (CO 2) is emitted. 2 For each (US-) gallon of gasoline fuel consumed, 8.7 kg carbon dioxide (CO 2) is emitted.sually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. The best way is to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions based on the fuel consumption. In the next step you can add the CO2 emission to your carbon footprint." }, { "score": 0.6732896566, "text": "Define carbon footprint. carbon footprint synonyms, carbon footprint pronunciation, carbon footprint translation, English dictionary definition of carbon footprint. n. The amount of carbon-containing greenhouse gases released into the environment by an activity, process, individual, or group, expressed usually as the..." }, { "score": 0.6704390049, "text": "The carbon footprint of a food/beverage product or service (sometimes called the carbon foodprint) is the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases emitted over the life cycle of that product or service, expressed as kilograms of CO2 equivalents.inally, waste disposal all along the supply and consumption chain -- from the farm through processing, transport and consumption -- can add significantly to the life-cycle carbon footprint of many food/beverage products." }, { "score": 0.6691519022, "text": "Food's Carbon Footprint. Your carbon foodprint. Food's carbon footprint, or foodprint, is the greenhouse gas emissions produced by growing, rearing, farming, processing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of the food you eat. In the US, each household produces 48 tons of greenhouse gases.ood's Carbon Footprint. Your carbon foodprint. Food's carbon footprint, or foodprint, is the greenhouse gas emissions produced by growing, rearing, farming, processing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of the food you eat. In the US, each household produces 48 tons of greenhouse gases." }, { "score": 0.6671682596, "text": "Most of the carbon footprint emissions for the average U.S. household come from indirect sources, i.e. fuel burned to produce goods far away from the final consumer." }, { "score": 0.6648547053, "text": "It all comes back to the average carbon footprint. The average per capita carbon footprint is 6 tons per year. In the U.S. the average is 20 tons per year, and a third of that is created by automobile emissions -- meaning your car itself can put out over 6 tons of C02 a year -- enough for two people." }, { "score": 0.6625127792, "text": "A carbon footprint for a business could be the emissions produced in the manufacture of a product or the amount of electricity consumed for its daily operation." }, { "score": 0.6600919366, "text": "We all have a carbon footprint... The majority of the energy we use when we perform daily work, social and home activities comes from sources that cause pollution. Just Energy can help you reduce your carbon footprint and achieve a sustainable lifestyle. From our processes and standards to the services offered, we look to create cleaner, more sustainable communities across North America." }, { "score": 0.6568751335, "text": "1 You can get a quick, rough estimate of your carbon footprint by using U.S. average values. 2 They are provided (along with other useful information) in the tool tips throughout the calculator. 3 For a more accurate estimate, use your own numbers.bout. 1 Many of our daily activities-such as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of waste-cause greenhouse gas emissions. 2 Together these emissions make up a household's carbon footprint. 3 The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas: home energy, transportation and waste." }, { "score": 0.6524033546, "text": "How To. 1 You can get a quick, rough estimate of your carbon footprint by using U.S. average values. 2 They are provided (along with other useful information) in the tool tips throughout the calculator. 3 For a more accurate estimate, use your own numbers.bout. 1 Many of our daily activities-such as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of waste-cause greenhouse gas emissions. 2 Together these emissions make up a household's carbon footprint. 3 The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas: home energy, transportation and waste." }, { "score": 0.6520522833, "text": "You can't see your carbon footprint, but you can explain to your child how it impacts the earth and leaves a mark just like the ones in the sand and the mud. When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family's car, these things create carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas." }, { "score": 0.6294429302, "text": "Global Warming Causes. Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere—which acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. As we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy or cut down and burn forests to create pastures and plantations, carbon accumulates and overloads our atmosphere." }, { "score": 0.6247799397, "text": "Top Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint. 1 1. Food's Carbon Footprint: Eat vegetarian. 2 2. Food's Carbon Footprint: Bring back home-cooking. 3 3. Food's Carbon Footprint: Cooking smartly. 4 4. Food's Carbon Footprint: Eat Organic. 5 5. Food's Carbon Footprint: Save water. 6 6. Food's carbon Footprint: Shop wisely. 7 7. Food's Carbon Footprint: Shop local." }, { "score": 0.6118980646, "text": "The cause of global warming is human activity, specifically the burning of fossil fuels which releases millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year.As the amount of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, more of the sun's radiant energy is trapped as heat, causing global warming.Other activities that are contributing to global warming include massive deforestation projects and the emission of methane and several other air pollutants.he cause of global warming is human activity, specifically the burning of fossil fuels which releases millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year." }, { "score": 0.6112890244, "text": "But the FAO says the waste not only causes huge economic losses but is also doing very significant damage to natural resources – climate, water, land and biodiversity. Without accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from land use change, the carbon footprint of food produced and not eaten is estimated at 3.3 billion tons. Credit: Taz/Wikimedia Commons via Climate News Network." }, { "score": 0.6065884233, "text": "We Rank The Killer Energy Sources. Everyone's heard of the carbon footprint of different energy sources, the largest footprint belonging to coal because every kWhr of energy produced emits about 900 grams of CO2. Wind and nuclear have the smallest carbon footprint with only 15 g emitted per kWhr, and that mainly from concrete production, construction, and mining of steel and uranium." }, { "score": 0.6065424085, "text": "Nearly 60 percent of the carbon footprint of the average American diet comes from animal products, and meat is responsible for land degradation, water pollution, and the direct endangerment and death of wildlife.ll animal products have significant environmental footprints. Whether a cow is raised for hamburgers or dairy, or a chicken for meat or eggs, the animal still requires land, feed and water, and produces emissions and waste." }, { "score": 0.5976096392, "text": "Causes of the Greenhouse Effect. 1. Burning of Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas have become an integral part of our life. They are used on large basis to produce electricity and for transportation." }, { "score": 0.5960980654, "text": "According to the National Climate Assessment, human influences are the number one cause of global warming, especially the carbon pollution we cause by burning fossil fuels and the pollution-capturing we prevent by destroying forests." }, { "score": 0.5911558867, "text": "What causes global warming? We do. The primary cause of global warming is human activity, most significantly the burning of fossil fuels to drive cars, generate electricity, and operate our homes and businesses. Tropical deforestation, also by human hands, is another major contributor." }, { "score": 0.5512926579, "text": "and holding heat, which causes earth's temperature to rise. Keywords to explore and know: acidification, alternative energy, atmosphere, biomass, carbon cycle, carbon dioxide, carbon footprint, con-" } ]
cosmetology salary per hour
[ { "score": 0.8394206762, "text": "Cosmetologist Salaries. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employment and wage statistics last compiled in June, 2014, cosmetologists in the United States earn an hourly wage falling somewhere between $8.34 and $23.21.Annual salaries range from $15,530 to $42,460.The average full-time cosmetologist earns about $11.13 per hour, or $23,140 over the course of a year (2080 hours). Most licensed cosmetologists work in \"personal care industries,\" which include full-service salons, day spas and as skin care and nail technicians.ccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employment and wage statistics last compiled in June, 2014, cosmetologists in the United States earn an hourly wage falling somewhere between $8.34 and $23.21. Annual salaries range from $15,530 to $42,460." } ]
[ { "score": 0.793595016, "text": "The average salary for a cosmetologist is $26,460 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The pay scale ranged from $16,710 to $41,490 per year, which includes the Bureau's 10th through 90th percentiles.he highest levels of employment were in the personal care services industry, where the average salary was $26,550 per year. The location of the job can also affect salaries. In the District of Columbia, wages were the highest, with cosmetologists earning an average salary of $48,720." }, { "score": 0.7863120437, "text": "Although many cosmetologists have the same exact tasks, how much they're paid may depend on luck, experience, location, and a few other factors. Average Earnings. Cosmetologists who worked as hairdressers or in other general occupations within the field earned an average of $10.91 in 2012. Those who work as barbers command an hourly wage of about $12.06. Since that is an average, of course, the hourly rate does vary widely from employer to employer and among locations." }, { "score": 0.7826413512, "text": "The average salary for a cosmetologist in Georgia is approximately $22,500 per year or $10.82 per hour. This will vary due to the specialties within the field.This amount is … $3,580 less than the national salary average of $26,460.he average salary for a cosmetologist in Georgia is approximately $22,500 per year or $10.82 per hour. This will vary due to the specialties within the field." }, { "score": 0.7806392908, "text": "Conclusion about cosmetologist salary. As noted by payscale, the average pay per annum of cosmetologist in the United States is from $15,701 – $47,724 with the median average of cosmetologists collecting around $24.421 per year." }, { "score": 0.779083252, "text": "The average salary for a cosmetologist is $22,500 per year. However an experienced cosmetologist with a loyal clientele can make over $30,000." }, { "score": 0.7692114115, "text": "Conclusion about cosmetologist salary. As noted by payscale, the average pay per annum of cosmetologist in the United States is from $15,701 – $47,724 with the median average of cosmetologists collecting around $24.421 per year.s noted by payscale, the average pay per annum of cosmetologist in the United States is from $15,701 – $47,724 with the median average of cosmetologists collecting around $24.421 per year." }, { "score": 0.7675756812, "text": "Conclusion about cosmetologist salary. As noted by payscale, the average pay per annum of cosmetologist in the United States is from $15,701 – $47,724 with the median average of cosmetologists collecting around $24.421 per year.onclusion about cosmetologist salary. As noted by payscale, the average pay per annum of cosmetologist in the United States is from $15,701 – $47,724 with the median average of cosmetologists collecting around $24.421 per year." }, { "score": 0.7642762661, "text": "The national average salary for a Cosmetologist is $21,333 in United States. Filter by location to see Cosmetologist salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 1,641 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Cosmetologist employees. Salaries for Related Job Titles" }, { "score": 0.7630931735, "text": "The workers earned an average annual income of $26,460, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Cosmetologists whose salaries were in the bottom 10 percent were paid $16,710 a year or less. Those in the top 10 percent earned $41,490 a year or more." }, { "score": 0.7589474916, "text": "Average salaries and hourly wage statistics for cosmetologists in Tennessee at various levels of experience are as follows: 1 Entry-level – $17,330/year $8.25/hour. 2 Mid-level – $23,705/year $11.40/hour. 3 Experienced – $32,486/year $15.60/hour." }, { "score": 0.7580127716, "text": "$10.91. The median hourly wage for barbers, hairdressers, and cosmetologists was $10.95 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less.The lowest 10 percent earned less than $8.11, and the top10 percent earned more than $ The median hourly wage for barbers, hairdressers, and cosmetologists was $10.95 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $8.11, and the top10 percent earned more than $20.39." }, { "score": 0.7574549317, "text": "$10.91. The median hourly wage for barbers, hairdressers, and cosmetologists was $10.95 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $8.11, and the top10 percent earned more than $ The median hourly wage for barbers, hairdressers, and cosmetologists was $10.95 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $8.11, and the top10 percent earned more than $20.39." }, { "score": 0.7529853582, "text": "Average Cosmetologist Salaries. The average salary for cosmetologist jobs is $16,000. Average cosmetologist salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term cosmetologist anywhere in the job listing.verage Cosmetologist Salaries. The average salary for cosmetologist jobs is $16,000. Average cosmetologist salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits." }, { "score": 0.7517043352, "text": "Average Cosmetologist Salaries. The average salary for cosmetologist jobs is $16,000. Average cosmetologist salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term cosmetologist anywhere in the job listing.verage cosmetologist salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term cosmetologist anywhere in the job listing." }, { "score": 0.7485410571, "text": "The salary in cosmetology ranges, but the starting salary for a cosmetology job in a salon generally ranges from $15,000 to $25,000, depending on the salon, says Haynam.But don't panic! As a cosmetologist builds clientele and earns a reputation as a professional, the salary will continue to increase, she assures.he salary in cosmetology ranges, but the starting salary for a cosmetology job in a salon generally ranges from $15,000 to $25,000, depending on the salon, says Haynam. But don't panic!" }, { "score": 0.7305166125, "text": "The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the median annual salary for aestheticians as $28,920 annually, which equates to about $13.90 per hour. How to Become a Medical Aesthetician: Aestheticians must complete a training program that is accredited by the State Board of Cosmetology." }, { "score": 0.7245553732, "text": "The national average Cosmetology Instructor salary is $34,544. Filter by location to see Cosmetology Instructor salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 37 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Cosmetology Instructor employees." }, { "score": 0.7245143652, "text": "How much does a Cosmetology Instructor make? The national average salary for a Cosmetology Instructor is $34,544 in United States. Filter by location to see Cosmetology Instructor salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Cosmetology Instructor employees." }, { "score": 0.7201280594, "text": "Cosmetology Instructor Salary Statistics as of 2015. Average annual salary for a Cosmetology Instructor is $32244 based on statistics in the U.S. as of 2015. The highest salary recorded was $47071. The lowest salary reported was $22196. These figures will vary on a state to state basis as these are averages across all 50 states." }, { "score": 0.5882029533, "text": "Hourly. The average Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary is $94 per hour. The lowest 10% earn $58 per hour and those in the upper 10% earn more than $138.00 per hour.ourly. The average Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary is $94 per hour. The lowest 10% earn $58 per hour and those in the upper 10% earn more than $138.00 per hour." } ]
can possums climb up walls
[ { "score": 0.7662477493, "text": "In the photo in the middle, we see a mother opossum with babies down a wall. She actually can climb up and out. They are really good climbers. When I go into an attic to look for opossums, I usually look down all the available walls, and that's where I find them. That was the case in the right photo." } ]
[ { "score": 0.674855113, "text": "Opossums are slow, but excellent climbers, and will live in attics. They will also live under sheds or decks. If the possums are in your attic or under your house or shed, inspect your house to identify the entry points - you'll need to seal these areas shut after the animals are gone." }, { "score": 0.6526762247, "text": "Snake Crawls up a Wall. 02.10.2008 - Many people ask me about the climbing capability of snakes. In particular, people want to know if snakes can get up into their attic. The answer is that yes, some species of snake are excellent climbers, and can climb walls." }, { "score": 0.647419095, "text": "Be sure you check with local legislation to make sure it is legal for homeowners to trap and remove opossums. If all is okay, relocate the animal and then completely seal up and patch your attic. How to Get Rid of Opossums in the Walls. Like most home invaders, opossums are fond of living in walls. Wall damage can be expensive to fix and often requires the services of a contractor." }, { "score": 0.6432344317, "text": "Community Q&A. Possums (sometimes called opossums) are nocturnal marsupials that scavenge for food. Possums are found in the Western Hemisphere and play dead when cornered. Possums can take residency in attics, crawlspaces, under porches and near gardens. It sometimes becomes necessary to trap possums when they become destructive or spread your trash through your yard. Use these tips to trap a possum." }, { "score": 0.6414729953, "text": "1 Possums have semi-prehensile tails. 2 Possums cannot actually hang by their tails, but the tail is useful for helping them balance, curling around thin branches or even telephone cables as the possum moves brtween trees, poles and houses.3 Possums have an opposable first toe on each hind foot which assists in climbing.he predators of true possums, which live in Australia, are eagles, hawks, owls and quolls. Foxes, which have been introduced to Australia, are also predators of possums. Po … ssums should not be confused with opossums, which live in North America, and are not related to possums. + 27 others found this useful." }, { "score": 0.6405665278, "text": "You will need to determine what possum it is or if it is indeed a possum. Another very common invader which builds nests made from leaves in the roof and wall cavities is a Rattus rattus (Black rat). Black rats are noisy at night and you can hear them scurry across the floor." }, { "score": 0.6386402845, "text": "Possums are pests. They eat your pet's food, they crawl into your shed or under your deck or in your attic, and they live there and poop there and make a stink there." }, { "score": 0.6378074884, "text": "In particular, people want to know if snakes can get up into their attic. The answer is that yes, some species of snake are excellent climbers, and can climb walls. But not just any wall. The snake must have something to grab ahold of and push off of." }, { "score": 0.637218833, "text": "Possum Damage & Disease. Although nomadic creatures, opossums DO like to take up residence in your home or on your property – from the attic to decks, sheds or underneath mobile homes. In the attic, possums, like rats and raccoons, can cause significant damage to air ducts and insulation." }, { "score": 0.6351659298, "text": "Possums are pests. They eat your pet's food, they crawl into your shed or under your deck or in your attic, and they live there and poop there and make a stink there. They scavange your garbage, and they are common city animals." }, { "score": 0.6282022595, "text": "The answer is that yes, some species of snake are excellent climbers, and can climb walls. But not just any wall. The snake must have something to grab ahold of and push off of. Not even a rough surface will do-snakes can't stick to walls the way insects, rats, and lizards often do." }, { "score": 0.6228215694, "text": "Depends on the wall. Yesterday, I watched a tree snake (here in Australia) climb a wall that had small protrusions here and there. They weren't much more than rough mortar, but it angled its way up the wall curving from one to another." }, { "score": 0.6222239733, "text": "If a raccoon started out inside my yard, it could climb one of my trees and get up on the fence, but there are no trees for it to use when trying to enter my yard from the outside. I looked up raccoons online and can't find any information regarding them being able to scale a block wall." }, { "score": 0.6186910272, "text": "However, though the opossum does use his prehensile tail to assist in climbing, the adult is far too heavy to support himself by his tail alone. Though young opossums can occassionally be seen hanging by their tails for brief periods, it is far from a common practice. Most people seem to think opossums live in trees. While they will sometimes adopt the high life, even to the point of recycling an old squirrel's nest, they much prefer to inhabit underground dens. Unlike the armadillo, opossums do not dig their own burrows but prefer ready-made accommodations — even those formerly used by armadillos!" }, { "score": 0.6176735163, "text": "How to Trap a Possum. Possums (sometimes called opossums) are nocturnal marsupials that scavenge for food. Possums are found in the Western Hemisphere and play dead when cornered. Possums can take residency in attics, crawlspaces, under porches and near gardens.It sometimes becomes necessary to trap possums when they become destructive or spread your trash through your yard. Use these tips to trap a possum.ossums are found in the Western Hemisphere and play dead when cornered. Possums can take residency in attics, crawlspaces, under porches and near gardens. It sometimes becomes necessary to trap possums when they become destructive or spread your trash through your yard." }, { "score": 0.6152765751, "text": "Possum Damage in House and Attic. Here we see opossum feces and a torn air duct in an attic where an opossum was trapped. Probably the most significant damage caused by possums is their waste that they leave behind." }, { "score": 0.6101770401, "text": "This method can also be used in roof cavities, as possums will typically only shelter in dark undisturbed areas.Restrict movement of your dog and/or cat during the night.Possums are highly territorial and removing a possum will only be temporarily, as new possums will quickly move into the vacated territory." }, { "score": 0.6090116501, "text": "If a caller reports a possum in the roof, the caller will need to find how it is gaining access. A bright light in the roof will deter possums as they are nocturnal and it will also show up the point of entry e.g. loose/broken tile or hole in eaves. During the day sunlight will penetrate from the hole and the entry point should be easily found." }, { "score": 0.6080939174, "text": "The below snake videos show how easily a snake can climb a wall. The use of a glue trap to catch this snake in an attic cost this particular client a lot of money… while still on the glue traps, the snake managed to fall down into a wall. The entire house smelled like dead fish rotting." }, { "score": 0.6071975827, "text": "Behavioural adaptations of a possum include: Structural adaptations of a possum include: 1 They nest in hollows in trees, enabling them to stay clear of predators. 2 When habitat is cleared, they adapt quickly and easily, moving into the roof space in houses, or any other available space such as dog kennels or fireplaces.he predators of true possums, which live in Australia, are eagles, hawks, owls and quolls. Foxes, which have been introduced to Australia, are also predators of possums. Po … ssums should not be confused with opossums, which live in North America, and are not related to possums. + 27 others found this useful." }, { "score": 0.6071266532, "text": "How to Trap a Possum. Possums (sometimes called opossums) are nocturnal marsupials that scavenge for food. Possums are found in the Western Hemisphere and play dead when cornered. Possums can take residency in attics, crawlspaces, under porches and near gardens.It sometimes becomes necessary to trap possums when they become destructive or spread your trash through your yard. Use these tips to trap a possum.mpty the trap when a possum is caught. 1 Call the animal control authorities. 2 Animal control experts will remove the possum from your trap if you live within city limits. 3 The animal control authorities are trained to deal with possums and other animals. 4 Take the trap to a wooded area." }, { "score": 0.6027861238, "text": "Brushtail possums may have a nest of leaves in your ceiling but will just as happily do without, or bed down on ceiling insulation. Rats usually build small nests in sheltered locations, often on the ground, and line them with shredded paper, rags or dry plant material." }, { "score": 0.6024406552, "text": "Opossums can also carry various parasites and diseases. They are not the cleanest of animals, and carry a strong odor. If the possums are in your attic or under your house or shed, inspect your house to identify the entry points - you'll need to seal these areas shut after the animals are gone." }, { "score": 0.6011990309, "text": "1 Possums are one of the easiest animals to trap in a cage, and the only animal that will commonly enter a trap placed in an attic - that said, it's still better to set traps outside. If the opossums are living in your attic, you can often remove them by hand, or with a snare pole." }, { "score": 0.5984224081, "text": "It's unlikely that they climb high block walls; however, many harmless non-venomous snakes can and do climb walls and shrubs. On the other hand, rattlesnakes are adept at swimming and will take to water readily in order to pursue food, mates and refuge, and to escape harassment." }, { "score": 0.5956696868, "text": "Opossums can cause considerable damage when they live in a house or attic. They need nesting material, and as wild animals, have unpredictable and variable behavior. If you've got possums living somewhere in your home, I recommend a full inspection of the area, such as the attic, to check to see for any damage caused." }, { "score": 0.5954090357, "text": "Possums are usually non-aggressive animals, but they can create unsanitary conditions and may turn aggressive if they become diseased. There are several ways to get rid of them, and most simply involve making the environment less appealing. You can also set traps to capture possums and physically remove them." }, { "score": 0.5864588022, "text": "Not even a rough surface will do-snakes can't stick to walls the way insects, rats, and lizards often do. The only times I've seen snakes climb walls are brick walls. I've seen this a few times. The gaps where the brick meets the soffit also provide entry holes to allow the snake in." }, { "score": 0.5847711563, "text": "But not just any wall. The snake must have something to grab ahold of and push off of. Not even a rough surface will do-snakes can't stick to walls the way insects, rats, and lizards often do. The only times I've seen snakes climb walls are brick walls." }, { "score": 0.584764719, "text": "Possums, which are tree-dwellers, are the most widespread marsupial. Like Tasmanian devils, possums give birth to as many as 20 offspring, but only a few survive. There are 13 species of possums in Australia. North America is home to one species, the Virginia opossum, known to play dead when threatened by a predator." }, { "score": 0.5810837746, "text": "The possum is not to be confused with the opossum, which is found in North America and is the only marsupial which inhabits areas outside of Australia and it's surrounding islands. Possums tend to be found inhabiting bush-lands and rainforests where the possums live in hollow trees and logs." }, { "score": 0.574842155, "text": "Possums, which are tree-dwellers, are the most widespread marsupial. Like Tasmanian devils, possums give birth to as many as 20 offspring, but only a few survive. There are 13 species of possums in Australia.North America is home to one species, the Virginia opossum, known to play dead when threatened by a predator.ist of Marsupial Animals. At six feet tall, Australia's red kangaroo is the planet's largest marsupial. Tom Brakefield/Stockbyte/Getty Images. Marsupials are mammals that give birth to underdeveloped embryos, which then climb from the birth canal into a pouch on the front of the mother's body." }, { "score": 0.5731211305, "text": "A Nationwide Directory Of Opossum Control Professionals. If you have a problem with opossums on your property or living in your house, merely setting traps to catch and remove them will not necessarily solve your problem. In the case of possums living in your house, attic, or walls, trapping alone probably won't cut it. have discovered that May is a tricky month for Opossums trapping. This is because the young are starting to drop and move on their own, yet they tend to stick with the mother for a few weeks. When I trap a mother opossum earlier in the spring, I often catch all of the nursing young along with her." }, { "score": 0.572725594, "text": "Most cats are good climbers, but the clouded leopard is near the top of its class. These big cats can even hang upside down beneath large branches, using their large paws and sharp claws to secure a good grip." }, { "score": 0.5671346188, "text": "A Nationwide Directory Of Opossum Control Professionals. If you have a problem with opossums on your property or living in your house, merely setting traps to catch and remove them will not necessarily solve your problem. In the case of possums living in your house, attic, or walls, trapping alone probably won't cut it. Nationwide Directory Of Opossum Control Professionals. If you have a problem with opossums on your property or living in your house, merely setting traps to catch and remove them will not necessarily solve your problem. In the case of possums living in your house, attic, or walls, trapping alone probably won't cut it." }, { "score": 0.566390276, "text": "If you can get someone, like a handyman, to inspect the attic for damage and remove the feces by hand (with proper protection of course) that'd be great. Article topics include: Do possums cause damage in an attic-damage caused by opossums in the house-photographs of possum damage." }, { "score": 0.5617561936, "text": "Climbing a brick wall can be a challenging task and requires you to have a fair amount of upper body strength. You can climb a brick wall bare-handed, but you can also make the process easier on yourself if you have a grappling hook or climbing holds. Keep reading to learn more about each climbing method.ou can climb a brick wall bare-handed, but you can also make the process easier on yourself if you have a grappling hook or climbing holds. Keep reading to learn more about each climbing method." }, { "score": 0.557402432, "text": "show more My question is more related towards how possums get into your house (by what means of travel). Today was the first day I have ever seen a possum (lurking near someone's porch). And my sister told me she saw one on our balcony. Its just so suprising to me (we dont live in an area where possums usually hang out)." }, { "score": 0.5540232658, "text": "As long as the possum is surviving just fine, leave him alone. They very, very rarely carry rabies and don't carry any other disease that any other animal - like a rabbit, etc. - wouldn't carry. In fact, they're really very docile and may hiss, but won't bother you at all if you don't bother them." }, { "score": 0.5531184673, "text": "(into your house)? My question is more related towards how possums get into your house (by what means of travel). Today was the first day I have ever seen a possum (lurking near someone's porch). And my sister told me she saw one on our balcony. Its just so suprising to me (we dont live in an area where possums usually hang..." }, { "score": 0.5506206751, "text": "Fleas, bed bugs and other insect pests can be excluded by checking animals, boxes, luggage etc. before they are brought into the house. Possums and rodents can be excluded from climbing trees by fitting a band of metal around the trunk." }, { "score": 0.5500602722, "text": "Today, possums are considered to be the major ecological and agricultural vertebrate animal pest in New Zealand. Possums are a serious environmental threat because they: 1 browse and destroy native and exotic trees, feeding on leaves and berries and stripping bark." }, { "score": 0.5436064005, "text": "Instructions. Plant thick and prickly shrubs surrounding the perimeter of the walls to make them less accessible. Good choices include rose and hawthorn bushes. Paint the wall with anti-climbing paint. Check with your local council to determine the legal restrictions of using anti-climbing paint.Anti-climbing paint leaves an oily and slippery surface on the wall that is extremely difficult to climb. Add barbed wire or anti-climbing spikes to the upper ledge of the wall to discourage climbers.Anti-climbing spikes are attached to the top of a wall using cement.nstructions. Plant thick and prickly shrubs surrounding the perimeter of the walls to make them less accessible. Good choices include rose and hawthorn bushes. Paint the wall with anti-climbing paint. Check with your local council to determine the legal restrictions of using anti-climbing paint." }, { "score": 0.5351212025, "text": "Take control of your Bed Bug problem with the eco-friendly ClimbUp®. The ClimbUp® Insect Interceptor forms a barrier between floor and bed. Bed bugs approaching bed from room will climb up exterior surface and fall into the outer pitfall ring. Bed bugs climbing down from bed will be found in center well." }, { "score": 0.5164504051, "text": "Adaptation-mountain lion can climb up and down trees. The cougar can also jump up cliffs that are up to 18 ft. tall as well cover ground with incredible speed and grace. It has a distinctive call midway between a cough or a snarl. Despite its large size it is incapable of roaring." }, { "score": 0.5140801072, "text": "Northland's biggest pests. Possums: There are estimated to be 10 million possums in Northland-that's 72 possums for every person in the region! Some experts think there might be up to 15 million possums in the region. Northland possums eat nearly three tonnes of leaves, twigs and berries every night." }, { "score": 0.5129474401, "text": "Best Answer: All cats can climb trees, it is just that some do it better and more often than others. With Jags they climb with the best of them same with puma (same thing as a panther). However big cats such as lions and tigers are not so much of a chill in the tree species.They have the ability to and lord knows they have the strength, it is just that it is something they do not do too often.ll cats can climb, it's just that some are better at it than others. Tigers (Panthera tigris) and lions (Panthera leo) rarely climb simply because of their size and weight, but they are still able to scramble into the lower branches if they really want to (I have seen a lion climb a tree to steal a leopard's kill)." }, { "score": 0.5081661344, "text": "Please try again later. Published on Sep 22, 2013. Blacky climbing over fence, thwarted... This will keep the cats in, but I will have to put more plastic panels on the other side to help keep the raccoons out, but that's a whole other challenge, because raccoons can find many other way in.Worst case: I'll cover the whole thing with string netting.ow to keep your cats from climbing a fence-They can't climb this cat proof fence." }, { "score": 0.5008838177, "text": "The method you choose to use to keep people from climbing on the block wall will depend on the severity of the threat the climbers pose.If neighborhood children are climbing over the wall or vandalizing the property, place a permanent, non-harming barrier if possible.nstructions. Plant thick and prickly shrubs surrounding the perimeter of the walls to make them less accessible. Good choices include rose and hawthorn bushes. Paint the wall with anti-climbing paint. Check with your local council to determine the legal restrictions of using anti-climbing paint." }, { "score": 0.5002233982, "text": "Report Abuse. Kids will always climb a fence but not a smooth wall that's 10 feet high with barb wire on top like you see in prison camps. If they have something to step on they will climb.A fence is a toy to them, even if you make it 10 feet they will still climb but a wall is different especially if it has barbed wires on top.eport Abuse. Kids will always climb a fence but not a smooth wall that's 10 feet high with barb wire on top like you see in prison camps. If they have something to step on they will climb." }, { "score": 0.4999774396, "text": "In New Zealand, possums are taking over native bushland, pushing out native species of birds, for which New Zealand is unique. Possums eat the birds' foods, nest in their trees, and are one of the greatest threats to native bird species." }, { "score": 0.4912872314, "text": "1 Sticky, disk-like appendages on its tendrils adhere to wall siding, making it difficult to remove. Removal could, in fact, cause damage to the wall. 2 Virginia creeper will climb trees and cast shade on their leaves, thus depriving them of needed sunlight. Do not allow it to grow on specimen trees!" }, { "score": 0.4887802005, "text": "English ivy (Hedera helix) is one of the most commonly used ivy plants for growing up walls and the sides of houses. English ivy is an evergreen creeping vine that can climb walls up to 50 feet high." }, { "score": 0.4855119884, "text": "The grease is the way i went to stop adults climbing over my garden wall to retrieve their kids footballs. They thought it was quicker that walking around and knocking on my door..... Was amusing watching one attempt to climb my wall so he could get in the neighbours garden.he problem with grease on a fence or wall is if you have a cat that likes to use it as a thoroughfare, and then make himself a nest on your bed. Trellis would be my preferred option, though I've also got some hawthorn that's growing on my boundary too. MLH. 406 posts." }, { "score": 0.4811921716, "text": "Get some cement, paste it along the top of your wall, then get some thick broken glass and securely fit it in. Make sure you supervise the wall until it's dry and set, because bits could fall into your garden etc.hey keep climbing the wall and kicking their footballs over several times a day. They've knocked my two year old son off his slide, ruined plants, and covered my washing in mud from their footballs. But when I ask them to stop they get cheeky and answer me back." }, { "score": 0.4526017308, "text": "Wall Jump. Artwork of the Wall Jump for Super Metroid. The Wall Jump (also referred to as the Kick Climb or Triangle Jump in other instances) is a technique that speed runners use in the 2-D Metroid games to gain access to areas that would normally require a special upgrade such as the High Jump Boots." }, { "score": 0.4475029111, "text": "Answers. Best Answer: Clematis need support to climb. If the wall is concrete, you could drill mortar screws in the mortar of the concrete and attach the vine to the screws with plant tape.The wall bricks should be more than sufficient support.nswers. Best Answer: Clematis need support to climb. If the wall is concrete, you could drill mortar screws in the mortar of the concrete and attach the vine to the screws with plant tape." }, { "score": 0.446269989, "text": "The drawback, however, is that a skeleton might shoot over the wall, a creeper could explode if a player is standing near the wall and a spider could still climb over the wall. Unlike fences, if two cobblestone walls are placed one block apart diagonally, you cannot walk between them." }, { "score": 0.4457057714, "text": "Tommy Caldwell, 36, and Kevin Jorgeson, 30, could become the first to free climb the Dawn Wall. They are propelling themselves up this 3,000-foot section of Yosemite's El Capitan using only fingers and toes wedged into the granite's tiniest cracks and indentations. They use ropes only to catch themselves when they fall — which they do often — and not to aid in their ascent." }, { "score": 0.4317901134, "text": "Wall-Jumping is a technique used in Scratch to make sprites bounce off walls. This allows a character in a project, for instance, to scale up massive heights of walls rather than jumping on individualized sections like stairs. It is commonly used in platformers. This is just one of the ways for wall jumping to work." }, { "score": 0.4257183671, "text": "In January 2015, Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell became the first to free-climb Dawn Wall, one of the routes up the face of El Capitan. It took them 19 days. They were not climbing without protection, as Honnold did, but the route is much more difficult, rated 5.14d as compared to 5.12d for Freerider, the route Honnold climbed Saturday. In November 2016, Adam Ondra free-climbed Dawn Wall in eight days." }, { "score": 0.4085351229, "text": "This is an interesting concept. Exoskel Urban Climber X2 shin guards look like they would be right at home in a \"Mad Max\" movie – or on infantrymen climbing through windows and scrambling over walls on a house-to-house search operation." }, { "score": 0.4015242159, "text": "I have a real problem with the kids who use the park behind me. They keep climbing the wall and kicking their footballs over several times a day. They've knocked my two year old son off his slide, ruined plants, and covered my washing in mud from their footballs.But when I ask them to stop they get cheeky and...hey keep climbing the wall and kicking their footballs over several times a day. They've knocked my two year old son off his slide, ruined plants, and covered my washing in mud from their footballs. But when I ask them to stop they get cheeky and answer me back." }, { "score": 0.3868905306, "text": "I need to find rock climb. Im at mt coronet near the end. I just set free the three pokemon from the galactic hq. but u need to rock climb a wall and i cant find the HM to climb it. i beat the leader so i can use it but i cant find it." }, { "score": 0.2940064669, "text": "Bathtub liners are relatively expensive, costing as much as $1,300 – $1,500 just to cover up a tub. Add in a wall liner system to cover up the surrounding walls and the cost can climb well above $3,000… which approaches the cost of total replacement!Along with the initial cost, bathtub liners can cost you in the long run, too.dd in a wall liner system to cover up the surrounding walls and the cost can climb well above $3,000… which approaches the cost of total replacement! Along with the initial cost, bathtub liners can cost you in the long run, too." } ]
where is ferlach
[ { "score": 0.7288495302, "text": "Ferlach (Slovene: Borovlje) in the district of Klagenfurt-Land in Carinthia is the southernmost town in Austria. It is known for its centuries-old gunsmith tradition, part of the Austrian intangible cultural heritage since 2010." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6394392252, "text": "Includes those firearms manufactured in Ferlach, Austria from 1558 to present. The Ferlach Guild (Genossenschaft) represented most of Ferlach's gunmakers until it was dissolved in 2004. Many people mistakenly believe that Ferlach is a trademark-it is not. Rather, it is a small village in Austria where a gun guild was started as early as 1558. At that time, it was absolutely necessary that all the people involved in fabricating a firearm were located together in close proximity." }, { "score": 0.6114110351, "text": "The present-day municipality was established as Oberferlach in 1850. Ferlach received town privileges in 1930 and today is a centre for the production of hunting rifles. The history of the town is depicted in its coat of arms: it features a pine tree with a cone, two crossed silver nails, and a rifle." }, { "score": 0.6058033109, "text": "Ferlach hotels map. The location of each Ferlach hotel listed is shown on the detailed zoomable map. Moreover, Ferlach hotel map is available where all hotels in Ferlach are marked. You can easily choose your hotel by location." }, { "score": 0.5831815004, "text": "Ferlo is a respected progressive leader in Pittsburgh and a strong advocate for a single-payer healtch care system. In the savanna of the Sahel region at Ferlo in the north, the countryside is covered in pale green foliage at the end of the rainy season." }, { "score": 0.5768081546, "text": "Maplandia.com in partnership with Booking.com offers highly competitive rates for all types of hotels in Ferlach, from affordable family hotels to the most luxurious ones. Booking.com, being established in 1996, is longtime Europe's leader in online hotel reservations." }, { "score": 0.5742907524, "text": "Ferlo is a respected progressive leader in Pittsburgh and a strong advocate for a single-payer healtch care system. LIVE from Pittsburgh: Netroots Nation 2009 kicks off with morning panels. In the savanna of the Sahel region at Ferlo in the north, the countryside is covered in pale green foliage at the end of the rainy season." }, { "score": 0.5464468002, "text": "Ferlo, relict river valley and region of interior northern Senegal. It lies south of the fertile valley of the Sénégal River and the Fouta region and east of the peanut (groundnut) basin of the western plains. Ferlo is a dry, featureless expanse of savanna with only a few small scattered settlements." }, { "score": 0.5259691477, "text": "Luxury hotels (including 5 star hotels and 4 star hotels) and cheap Ferlach hotels (with best discount rates and up-to-date hotel deals) are both available in separate lists. Always bear in mind that with Maplandia.com and Booking.com the best price is guaranteed!" }, { "score": 0.5019171834, "text": "- Ferdork The famous trading city on the Great River, south of Angbar Lake, is the center of activity in The Dark Eye: Drakensang. The trading city in the County of Ferdok in the Principality of Kosh is an important economic and political center at the heart of Middlerealm." }, { "score": 0.4947829247, "text": "Ferlo is an uncommon surname in the United States. In 2010, there were only 102 people with the last name Ferlo living in the US. Popularity in the United States" }, { "score": 0.4870713949, "text": "The pie chart shows the ethnic breakdown of the surname Ferlo as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau in . It is heavily skewed towards the Caucasian population in the United States (89.22%). Caucasian: 89.22%. Hispanic: 4.9%. Native American: Reported as 0%. Asian: Reported as 0%" }, { "score": 0.4818709493, "text": "Ferlo was born to Italian immigrant parents in the small upstate town of Rome, and credits part of his legislative effectiveness as being one of ten siblings. Ferlo was a liberal community activist in the City of Pittsburgh before being elected to Pittsburgh City Council in 1987. He served on council for 15 years until his election to the State Senate in 2002." }, { "score": 0.4787450135, "text": "Jim Ferlo, born in 1951, in Rome, N.Y., son of the late Thomas Henry and Isabella Ferlo; frmr. mem.: Pgh. City Cncl.; mem.: FLAG, ARTEZ, VIP, Amer. Pub." }, { "score": 0.4782778323, "text": "Felandaris is a tier 3 rare herb in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Acquisition. Found in Suledin Keep and Pools of the Sun in Emprise du Lion and in Arbor Wilds. Found at Judicael's Crossing in Emprise du Lion. Found in front of the ruins that are just North of the Crystal Cascade landmark in Emprise du Lion." }, { "score": 0.4742979109, "text": "Herzogenaurach (East Franconian: Herziaura) is a town in the district of Erlangen-Hoechstadt, höchstadt In, Bavaria. Germany it is best known for being the home of the sporting goods Companies adidas And, puma as well as the large car parts Manufacturer Schaeffler. group" }, { "score": 0.4709846079, "text": "Copyright GRUPO FERLO 2008 | Disclaimer | Data Protection | Polígono Industrial El Florio. un-2 The Centre has official working and cooperation relationships with UNESCO, UNDP and FAO in the context of a biodiversity project launched in Ferlo, in northern Senegal, over an area of 50,000 hectares." }, { "score": 0.4708661437, "text": "See history of Fermoy Fermoy is located on the crossroads between the Rosslare/Killarney and Dublin/Cork routes. Today it is a small modern industrial town of about 5,000 people. It is an attractive base to explore the history and amenities of North and East Cork and West Waterford.Fermoy is renowned as an inland fishing centre and has an international appeal for trout, salmon and coarse fishing. The rivers Blackwater, Funcheon and the Bride being particularly famous.ee history of Fermoy Fermoy is located on the crossroads between the Rosslare/Killarney and Dublin/Cork routes. Today it is a small modern industrial town of about 5,000 people. It is an attractive base to explore the history and amenities of North and East Cork and West Waterford." }, { "score": 0.4683168828, "text": "The Town of Fermoy. Fermoy, built on the River Blackwater, is a Garrison Town. Leading up to the Nepolionic Wars it accommodated the largest Military Establishment on the Island of Ireland.ee history of Fermoy Fermoy is located on the crossroads between the Rosslare/Killarney and Dublin/Cork routes. Today it is a small modern industrial town of about 5,000 people. It is an attractive base to explore the history and amenities of North and East Cork and West Waterford." }, { "score": 0.466049552, "text": "Ferring's marketing, medical services and sales teams, led by the corporate headquarters in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, operate from nearly 60 countries and employ over 6,000 people throughout the world, while treatments are available in 110 countries." }, { "score": 0.4645780027, "text": "Source: Florida East Coast Railway. FECR is a 351-mile freight rail system located along the east coast of Florida, and is the exclusive rail provider to South Florida's seaports and connects with other railway systems to move freight throughout the country. Services provided include intermodal and carload solutions." }, { "score": 0.4633092582, "text": "James Jim Ferlo (born June 19, 1952) is a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate who has represented the 38th Senatorial District since 2003. His district consists of parts of Allegheny County, Westmoreland County and Armstrong County. Background and Career" }, { "score": 0.4481815696, "text": "Obersalzberg is a mountainside retreat situated above the market town of Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, Germany, located about 120 kilometres (75 mi) southeast of Munich, close to the border with Austria.bersalzberg is a mountainside retreat situated above the market town of Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, Germany, located about 120 kilometres (75 mi) southeast of Munich, close to the border with Austria." }, { "score": 0.445494771, "text": "Engraving from 1540. Feldsher (German: Feldscher, Polish: Felczer, Czech: Felčar, Russian: фельдшер, Swedish: Fältskär) is a health care professional who provides various medical services limited to emergency treatment and ambulance practice, according to the World Health Organization." }, { "score": 0.4435290992, "text": "Example sentences with Ferlo, translation memory Giga-fren Utilisation des TIC pour la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans la zone du Ferlo (Last modified: 2006/03/15) Project number 100372 Total amount CAD$198,400 Duration 24 months 84." }, { "score": 0.4421832263, "text": "Meaning, origin, and popularity of the last name, Ferlo. In the year 2000, Ferlo was the 148,244th most common surname in the United States. Fertility Clinics Death Records" }, { "score": 0.4356358647, "text": "The Location. Located in the Berchtesgaden Alps in the south-eastern corner of Germany, both the Kehlsteinhaus and its connecting mountain road are magnificent pieces of engineering set against one of the most scenic locations in Europe." }, { "score": 0.4270983934, "text": "Utilisation des TIC pour la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans la zone du Ferlo All Basic Detail Common crawl In the event of the user?s domicile being located outside of Spain, Inversiones Ferlo and the user, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction which could be applied, submit themselves to the Jurisdiction of the Judges and Courts of Granada." }, { "score": 0.4257031679, "text": "The Senegal River defines the northern border. The Ferlo desert covers most of Northern Senegal, including the Matam region and eastern Saint Louis and Louga regions. The Ferlo Desert, also known as the Ferio Desert, is a desert in northern-central Senegal. It is inhabited by the Serer and the Fulani. The Ferlo Desert occupies an area of some 70,000 km2, over one-third of the country's total area." }, { "score": 0.4218896925, "text": "Velbert is located on the hills of 'Niederberg' (meaning Lower Berg), part of the Berg region, approx. 20 kilometres north-east of the state capital Düsseldorf and 12 kilometres north-west of Wuppertal on the left side of the Ruhr river. Velbert stands on the highest part of the Niederberg region and also in its centre. Its average elevation is around 230 metres above sea level; its highest point, at 303 metres, is the Hordt-Berg, and its lowest, at around 80 metres, is in Nierenhof am Deilbach." }, { "score": 0.4196538031, "text": "Eisenach, city, Thuringia Land (state), central Germany. It lies on the northwestern slopes of the Thuringian Forest, at the confluence of the Hörsel and Nesse rivers, west of the city of Erfurt. Founded by the landgraves of Thuringia about 1150, Eisenach fell to the Saxon house of Wettin in 1264 and was chartered in 1283." }, { "score": 0.4060317278, "text": "Turlough (turlach), a type of disappearing lake characteristic of Irish karst Uvala, a collection of multiple smaller individual sinkholes that coalesce into a compound sinkhole. Word derives from South Slavic languages." }, { "score": 0.4038183987, "text": "Landeck District topic. The Bezirk Landeck ( Italian : Distretto di Landeck ) is an administrative district ( Bezirk ) in Tyrol , Austria . It borders the district Reutte in the north, the district Imst in the east, South Tyrol ( Italy ) and Graubünden ( Switzerland ) in the south, and the district Bludenz ( Vorarlberg ) in the west." }, { "score": 0.4016335309, "text": "A medieval Castle for rent in Ireland, the spectacular home of the former Viscount of Fermoy and Lords of the Barony of Fermoy, is a truly unique heritage site of international significance." }, { "score": 0.4007889926, "text": "Fnac's head office is in Le Flavia in Ivry-sur-Seine, France. The 6 story building was designed by Jean-Claude Besseau and has 16,400 square metres (177,000 sq ft) of space. The building is a part of the Ivry Port project. Previously the company head office was located in Clichy-la-Garenne, Hauts-de-Seine.nac's head office is in Le Flavia in Ivry-sur-Seine, France. The 6 story building was designed by Jean-Claude Besseau and has 16,400 square metres (177,000 sq ft) of space. The building is a part of the Ivry Port project. Previously the company head office was located in Clichy-la-Garenne, Hauts-de-Seine." }, { "score": 0.3994871974, "text": "Eisenach - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up) On the northwestern slopes of the Thuringian Forest, west of the city of Erfurt, lies the city of Eisenach, Germany. It sits at the confluence of the Horsel and Nesse rivers in Thuringia state." }, { "score": 0.39868325, "text": "Project Profile & Licensee. FERC Project No. 2088 is located on the South Fork Feather River (SFFR), Lost and Slate creeks, in Butte, Yuba, and Plumas counties, California. The 127.2 megawatt (MW) Project is owned and operated by the South Feather Water and Power Agency (Agency) and includes four developments:" }, { "score": 0.3984200656, "text": "The lively town of Echternach is the oldest city in Luxembourg. It boasts the country's most prominent religious structure, the basilica of the Abbey of Echternach where the country's patron saint Willibrord is buried." }, { "score": 0.3944764733, "text": "Image caption The Marble Arch Caves will be turned into an underground cinema to showcase archive footage dating back to 1897 A digital film archive showing the quirky side of rural life is being showcased in an equally quirky venue. The Marble Arch Caves in County Fermanagh is the setting for an unusual underground cinematic experience of footage from Northern Ireland Screen's Digital Film Archive. It contains more than 100 hours of moving images of Northern Ireland dating back to 1897. Sinead Bhreathnach-Cashell is part of the team that manages the archive. 'Rat racing'" }, { "score": 0.3912869096, "text": "Neuschwanstein Castle, one of the most popular destinations in Europe, is located in the German State of Bavaria close to the Germany's border with Austria, not far from the popular ski resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.The closest airport is Munich, 128km to the north east.euschwanstein Castle, one of the most popular destinations in Europe, is located in the German State of Bavaria close to the Germany's border with Austria, not far from the popular ski resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen." }, { "score": 0.3769527078, "text": "Gerlach tonsil - a collection of lymphoid nodules near the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube. Synonym(s): tubal tonsil. Gerlach valve - a fold of mucous membrane, simulating a valve, sometimes found at the origin of the vermiform appendix. Synonym(s): valve of vermiform appendix; valvula processus vermiformis" }, { "score": 0.3768191338, "text": "Little Falls / Slough Gundy. Located in the Flambeau River State Forest, this is a great spot for a picnic, fishing or viewing the rugged whitewater of the South Fork of the Flambeau River.Long before arriving at the river's edge, the roaring rapids can be heard in the distance.ocated in the Flambeau River State Forest, this is a great spot for a picnic, fishing or viewing the rugged whitewater of the South Fork of the Flambeau River. Long before arriving at the river's edge, the roaring rapids can be heard in the distance." }, { "score": 0.3760476112, "text": "A walk across the width of the country clocks in at little more than a couple of hours at one of the narrowest points. Start from Buchs, Switzerland and follow the lowland laneways all the way through to the Austrian border at Feldkirch – approximately an 8-mile hike." }, { "score": 0.3705895543, "text": "Hurlburt Field (ICAO: KHRT, FAA LID: HRT) is a United States Air Force installation located in Okaloosa County, Florida, immediately west of the Town of Mary Esther." }, { "score": 0.3699838519, "text": "A turlough is a unique type of seasonal lake found in Irish karst areas which are formed through the annual welling-up of water from the underground water system. Water supplies from wells in karst topography may be unsafe, as the water may have run unimpeded from a sinkhole in a cattle pasture, through a cave and to the well, bypassing the normal filtering that occurs in a porous aquifer." }, { "score": 0.3668959737, "text": "Vanessa Ferlito was born on December 28, 1977 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress, known for Spider-Man 2 (2004), Death Proof (2007) and Grindhouse (2007). See full bio ». December 28, 1977 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA." }, { "score": 0.3659552932, "text": "SCRL is headquartered at Avenue Adele 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium. We are not affiliated with S.W.I.F.T. SCRL in any manner and we are not the official source of SWIFT codes. We are focused on money transfer related information. Please visit the SWIFT website for official information on SWIFT codes." }, { "score": 0.3544273973, "text": "To name a few: Grindelwald, in the Jungfrau region, is a true paradise for hikers. Brienz is situated on Lake Brienz, and well known for the wood carving industry. In the west of the Bernese Oberland, there's Gstaad, a classy resort with luxerious hotels." }, { "score": 0.3500497341, "text": "Thus, ferruginous quartz can often be found in sedimentary rocks in and near hydrothermal veins and in the iron hat (the weathering zone near the surface that is altered by oxidizing surface waters) of iron ore deposits." }, { "score": 0.3492009342, "text": "Castlebar in County Mayo (in Irish transliterating as Castle of Barry) is on the N60 and is eighteen km west of Westport.he museum is based in Turlough near Castlebar, where you will also find the well-preserved Turlough Round Tower. There are various other offerings of heritage scattered around the Castlebar area. Kiltimagh railway station, 24 kilometres away, has been converted to a museum." }, { "score": 0.348092705, "text": "And the city is famous for two Supreme Courts, the Federal Constitutional Court and Federal Court of Justice. Because of this it's also being called as Home of German Justice. The city was established by Margarve Karl Whilhelm in 1715 (yup, that late) after a clash with the general public of his earlier capital, Durlach. The origin of the city is closely linked to the establishment of the palace." }, { "score": 0.3469296694, "text": "Pirlo was born in Flero, near Brescia, Lombardy, and started his professional career with provincial giants Brescia Calcio. His brother, Ivan, plays for a Serie C2 club in Brescia. Pirlo and his wife Deborah Roversi married in 2001 and have two children: son Niccolo (niccolò born) 2003 and Daughter (angela born). 2006n 2012, Pirlo was named the eighth best footballer in the World by The Guardian, and in 2013, Bloomberg ranked him the fifth best player in Europe. In 2015, France Football rated him as one of the 10 best footballers in the world who are over the age of 36." }, { "score": 0.342238903, "text": "Hurlock is a town in Dorchester County, Maryland, United States. The population was 1,874 at the 2000 census. It is home to WAAI radio. Joyce Spratt is the current mayor, and the town has five council members—Michael E. Henry (District 1), Michael D. Nordstrom (District 2), Parker J. Durham (District 3), Charles T. Cephas (District 4) and Christopher D. Adams (District 5)." }, { "score": 0.3404138684, "text": "Turlock, California. Overview. The city of Turlock, located in Stanislaus County, is nestled in the heart of California's Central Valley. Situated about 93 miles south of the state capital of Sacramento at the intersection of California State Highways 99 and 165, Turlock affords close proximity to Interstate I-5 and State Highways 33, 132 and 140." }, { "score": 0.328904748, "text": "Memmingen is a town in Swabia, Bavaria, Germany. It is the economic, educational and administrative centre of the Danube-Iller region. To the west the town is flanked by the Iller, the river that marks the Baden-Württemberg border. To the north, east and south the town is surrounded by the district of Unterallgäu. With about 42,000 inhabitants, Memmingen is the 5th biggest town in the administrative region of Swabia. The origins of the town go back to the Roman Empire. The old town, with ..." }, { "score": 0.3127292395, "text": "\"Vicente Fernández is the (Frank) Sinatra of ranchera music. He's the supreme singer; the man who does things his way.\". -The Houston Chronicle 10/11/91-. It was early fall 1991 when Vicente Fernández was in Houston, Texas, on another one of his U.S. tours." }, { "score": 0.3018729985, "text": "Treach in 2012 performing at 2012 Supafest in Sydney, Australia. Anthony Criss (born December 2, 1970), better known by his stage name Treach, is an American rapper and actor. He is best known as the lead rapper of the hip hop group Naughty by Nature." }, { "score": 0.3002821207, "text": "For an excavation or depression in the ground, see Trench. Anthony Criss (born December 2, 1970), better known by his stage name Treach, is an American rapper and actor. He is best known as the lead rapper of the hip hop group Naughty by Nature." }, { "score": 0.2834970355, "text": "Tracing pathogens in th food Chain by Fratamico; McMeekin, Tom A. / Food Trade Review. Federal and state officials have found the implicated bacterial strain in cow feces, water, and wild pigs at sites near the four suspected spinach farms in California, but they still don't know how the. got to the greens." }, { "score": 0.2832866013, "text": "Punta Gorda (/ˌpʌntə ˈɡɔːrdə/; English: Fat Point) is a city in Charlotte County, Florida, United States." }, { "score": 0.2808791995, "text": "\"In the 1970s, I identified as a lesbian and wrote about it. Chirlane McCray (born Chirlane I. McCray in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1954) is an American writer, editor, poet, and political figure. She attended Wellesley College in the 1970s. After graduating, she moved to New York City and got a position at Redbook magazine." }, { "score": 0.2738832235, "text": "PHOTOS: Grammys Red-Carpet Arrivals. Feldstein is the brother of Jonah Hill (who was hosting Saturday Night Live in New York City when the food fight broke out) and a childhood friend of Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine. He has been managing the successful pop band for their entire career." }, { "score": 0.2698988318, "text": "La Cucaracha (Spanish : The Cockroach) is a traditional Spanish folk corrido that became popular in Mexico during the Mexican Revolution." }, { "score": 0.2671672702, "text": "Broadbeach is a suburb on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia.At the 2011 Census, Broadbeach had a population of 4,614. Development in the area today mostly incorporates low rise structures, consisting of single bedroom houses and apartment blocks.he suburb contains a major road intersection between Nerang-Broadbeach Road and the Gold Coast Highway. The Blues on Broadbeach Music Festival began in 2002 and continues to draw significant crowds each year." }, { "score": 0.2444713265, "text": "spinach. 1 a la Florentine-Means with spinach. 2 leaf vegetables-Include cabbage and Romaine lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, endive, and cress. 3 rainbow rotelle-A combination of tomato, spinach, and regular twirl-shaped pasta in the colors of the Italian flag." }, { "score": 0.2399652004, "text": "Often cited is the Greek aginares a la polita (artichokes city-style, referring to the city of Constantinople), a hearty, savory stew made with artichoke hearts, potatoes, and carrots, and flavored with onion, lemon, and dill." } ]
distance between zurich & geneva
[ { "score": 0.8526390195, "text": "vacation deals to Geneva, Switzerland. The total driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Geneva, Switzerland is 174 miles or 280 kilometers." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7783172131, "text": "Driving distance from Zug, Switzerland to Zurich, Switzerland. The total driving distance from Zug, Switzerland to Zurich, Switzerland is 22 miles or 35 kilometers. Your trip begins in Zug, Switzerland. It ends in Zurich, Switzerland." }, { "score": 0.7602137923, "text": "Approx distance in miles from Basel to Zurich is 45 miles or 72.41 KMS. This page was designed to give you a good indication of the distance from Basel to Zurich. Distances from Basel to Zurich are a rough measure only showing the shortest distance as the crow flies, using longitudinal and latitudinal points." }, { "score": 0.7581789494, "text": "Driving distance from Zermatt, Switzerland to Zurich, Switzerland. The total driving distance from Zermatt, Switzerland to Zurich, Switzerland is 135 miles or 217 kilometers. Your trip begins in Zermatt, Switzerland. It ends in Zurich, Switzerland." }, { "score": 0.7555635571, "text": "Driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Munich, Germany. The total driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Munich, Germany is 196 miles or 315 kilometers. Your trip begins in Zurich, Switzerland. It ends in Munich, Germany." }, { "score": 0.7539576292, "text": "Distance from Geneva, Switzerland to Venice, Italy. The total distance from Geneva, Switzerland to Venice, Italy is 302 miles. This is equivalent to 486 kilometers or 262 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Geneva, Switzerland." }, { "score": 0.7524648905, "text": "The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between Zurich and Basel. What is the travel distance between Basel, Switzerland and Zurich, Switzerland? How many miles is it from Zurich to Basel. 46 miles / 74.03 km is the flight distance between these two places." }, { "score": 0.7472818494, "text": "Driving distance from ZRH to Basel, Switzerland. The total driving distance from ZRH to Basel, Switzerland is 59 miles or 95 kilometers. Your trip begins at Zurich Airport in Zurich, Switzerland. It ends in Basel, Switzerland. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from ZRH to Basel, Switzerland so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination." }, { "score": 0.7430852652, "text": "vacation deals to Lucerne, Switzerland. The total driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Lucerne, Switzerland is 32 miles or 51 kilometers. Your trip begins in Zurich, Switzerland. It ends in Lucerne, Switzerland." }, { "score": 0.7362074256, "text": "Driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Budapest, Hungary. The total driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Budapest, Hungary is 639 miles or 1 028 kilometers. Your trip begins in Zurich, Switzerland. It ends in Budapest, Hungary." }, { "score": 0.7285704613, "text": "vacation deals to Lucerne, Switzerland. The total driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Lucerne, Switzerland is 32 miles or 51 kilometers." }, { "score": 0.727981627, "text": "Approx distance in miles from Paris to Zurich is 303 miles or 487.53 KMS. This page was designed to give you a good indication of the distance from Paris to Zurich." }, { "score": 0.725169003, "text": "The distance between Zurich, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, Israel is 1744 miles (2807 km). Zurich (ZRH) to Tel Aviv (TLV) Flight Duration 3 hours 45 mins . 2 people found this useful." }, { "score": 0.7179760337, "text": "It Ends at Geneva, SwitzerlandWant to know the distances for your google road map? You can see the Distance from Zurich to Geneva Switzerland!We also have map directions for your street map to help you reach you location exactly and in less time. Refer the Directions from Zurich to Geneva Switzerland!Sometimes Long journeys really test you patience." }, { "score": 0.7077177167, "text": "The total driving distance from London UK to Zurich Switzerland is 628 mi. A road trip from London UK to Zurich Switzerland would take about 10 hours 17 mins." }, { "score": 0.7064886093, "text": "Travel considerations for a journey between Basel and Zurich. By Road: If you were in a road vehicle maintaining an average speed of 40mph (64 kmh), it would take you approximately 1.37 hours to travel from Basel to Zurich for an estimated driving distance of 54.9 miles (88.34 kms) ." }, { "score": 0.7019019723, "text": "What is the travel distance between Singapore, Singapore and Zurich, Switzerland? How many miles is it from Zurich to Singapore. 6403 miles / 10304.63 km is the flight distance between these two places. Use the Distance calculator given below to find distance between any two cities or places." }, { "score": 0.6975293756, "text": "Geneva is roughly 250 miles from Paris, which means taking the train or driving are perfectly feasible options, and can also be more enjoyable and leisurely modes of travel." }, { "score": 0.6906694174, "text": "The distance in kilometers between China and Switzerland is 7,981 km. Traveling from Beijing to Zurich By car, it would take you approximately 99.76 hours to get to Zurich, Switzerland driving non-stop from Beijing, China at a constant speed of 80 kilometers per hour. By plane, it would take you approximately 13.3 hours to get to Zurich, Switzerland taking a direct flight from Beijing, China. Other Links Mass lectures for today July 1 2017: Biblical passages and readings (Psalm, Gospel) for the Catholic mass of yesterday, today and tomorrow." }, { "score": 0.6902651787, "text": "Travel considerations for a journey between Paris and Zurich. By Road: If you were in a road vehicle maintaining an average speed of 40mph (64 kmh), it would take you approximately 9.24 hours to travel from Paris to Zurich for an estimated driving distance of 390.87 miles (594.79 kms) ." }, { "score": 0.6765066981, "text": "It depends from where in the UK to where in Switerland. Assuming you meant London and Zurich, the answer would be that the distance between London (UK) and Zurich (… Switerland) is approximately 780 kilometers (~ 480 miles)." }, { "score": 0.6732640266, "text": "To get to Lucerne from Zurich Airport by car, take the A20 Zurich motorway bypass in a westerly direction before reaching the A1; merge with the A4 south and then merge again with the A14 for Lucerne. The distance is only about 40 miles, which can be achieved easily in less than one hour." }, { "score": 0.6605673432, "text": "Distances to other popular Swiss Destinations: Getting to Zurich: By Plane: Regular scheduled flights from every continent and most countries and major cities of the world land at Zurich's International Airport in Zurich-Kloten, approx. 10 km (6 miles) north of Zurich's city center. Trains departing every quarter of an hour providing convenient transfers to the city center in just 10 minutes; the taxi transfer takes about 15 - 20 minutes." }, { "score": 0.6603463888, "text": "Distance Between Zurich and Singapore Given below is the distance between Singapore, Singapore and Zurich, Switzerland. A map showing location of Singapore and Zurich with air travel direction is also provided. Along with Zurich - Singapore distance, you can also find current time & time difference between Singapore and Zurich, lattitude & longitude of both cities and flight duration." }, { "score": 0.6594712734, "text": "The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line flight distance from New York, NY to Zurich, Switzerland (as the crow flies), which is about 3,941 miles or 6 342 kilometers. Your trip begins in New York, New York." }, { "score": 0.6568565369, "text": "Location: Zurich is located in the heart of Europe in the northern part of Switzerland. At 409 m (1,340 ft) above sea level, the city lies between a couple of hills in the east and the west, and the Alps are within approx. 90 minutes driving distance. Zurich lies on the northern shores of Lake Zurich, and includes a total area of 92 km2 (35.5 square miles) divided into 12 city districts." }, { "score": 0.656821847, "text": "Find great deals on cheap flights from London (LHR) to Geneva (GVA) on all the airlines that fly to Geneva including British Airways, EasyJet, Swiss Air, and British Midland. 1 Total Distance between them: 745.67 km." }, { "score": 0.655534029, "text": "It ends in Venice, Italy. Your flight direction from Geneva, Switzerland to Venice, Italy is East (98 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Geneva, Switzerland to Venice, Italy. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies). It uses the great circle formula to compute the total travel mileage." }, { "score": 0.6494528055, "text": "Answer If you consider the Banhofstrasse to be the 'center' of Zurich, then it is about 11.9 km by car from the airport to downtown, according to Google maps." }, { "score": 0.6449307203, "text": "Should you prefer the train, as you don't need to worry about traveling to/from the airport and paying more money for the transfer, the choice is also between Zurich (€42, 4h 36 min) and Geneva (€39, 3h 25 min). Contrary to what you might expect, taking the bus between Paris and Switzerland is not the cheapest solution." }, { "score": 0.6443511844, "text": "Tweet. If you plan to fly to Geneva and hire a car, the route to Chamonix is relatively straight-forward, covering a distance of 88 km. Chamonix is located 80 km southeast of Geneva, Switzerland, and driving time from Geneva Airport (GVA) to Chamonix is about one hour via the Autoroute Blanche (A40) motorway. There is a short stretch of Swiss autoroute before reaching the French autoroute." }, { "score": 0.6418876052, "text": "Zurich and one other of the airports in Switzerland (Geneva) both are hooked into the rail network. After a short walk from the terminal, you can board a train and be in the city center within twenty minutes. Several trains connect the two cities with many other locations in Switzerland." }, { "score": 0.633148849, "text": "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Geneva, NY to Syracuse, NY is 55Miles or 88 Km. You can get this distance about 56 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 45 Miles or 72 Km, You can get this distance about 35 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 2.55 gallons of gas to get the route between these points. The estimated cost of gas to get between Geneva, NY and Syracuse, NY is $5.79. During the route, an average car will release 49.96 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile." }, { "score": 0.6318284273, "text": "Driving distance from SYR to Geneva, NY. The total driving distance from SYR to Geneva, NY is 55 miles or 89 kilometers. Your trip begins at Syracuse Hancock International Airport in Syracuse, New York. It ends in Geneva, New York." }, { "score": 0.6220275164, "text": "If you were travelling in a mid range car that averaged 40 MPG and were paying £6.36 per gallon (1.40 per litre) for your petrol then the cost for this trip based on an estimated driving distance of 390.87 miles (594.79 kms) , from Paris to Zurich for your fuel would be in the region of £62.15." }, { "score": 0.6192438602, "text": "There are 7.40 miles from South Elgin to Geneva in south direction and 9 miles (14.48 kilometers) by car, following the IL 31 route. South Elgin and Geneva are 14 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop. This is the fastest route from South Elgin, IL to Geneva, IL. South Elgin, IL and Geneva, IL are in the same time zone (CDT)." }, { "score": 0.6184860468, "text": "The total flight duration from New York, NY to Zurich, Switzerland is 8 hours, 23 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots." }, { "score": 0.6170914173, "text": "The total flight duration from New York, NY to Zurich, Switzerland is 8 hours, 23 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing." }, { "score": 0.6159393787, "text": "The catchment area reaches well into neighbouring parts of Germany, Austria and even France, with the German border being only 20 kilometres from the airport terminal. 30 of the largest 100 companies in Switzerland are within 30 kilometres of Zurich, 60 within 50 kilometres and 85 within 100 kilometres." }, { "score": 0.6140890121, "text": "The total flight duration from New York, NY to Zurich, Switzerland is 8 hours, 23 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds." }, { "score": 0.6138494015, "text": "Flying time from New York, NY to Zurich, Switzerland. The total flight duration from New York, NY to Zurich, Switzerland is 8 hours, 23 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots." }, { "score": 0.6125463247, "text": "NEARBY - LIST. 1 Geneva - Airport, Switzerland (0 mi / 0 km) 2 Annemasse, France (4 mi / 7 km) 3 Versoix, Switzerland (4 mi / 7 km) Changins, Switzerland (11 mi / 18 1 km) La Dle, Switzerland (11 mi / 19 km)" }, { "score": 0.6078348756, "text": "Geneva, Switzerland is at 4614'N, 67'E, 412 m (1353 ft). See map. Geneva has a marine west coast climate that is mild with no dry season, warm summers. Heavy precipitation occurs during mild winters which are dominated by mid-latitude cyclones." }, { "score": 0.603956461, "text": "Trains. You can get to Paris from Zurich by train in as little as 4 hours and 30 minutes via direct routes. Trains from Zurich to Paris arrive in central Paris at the Gare de L'Est or Gare de Lyon stations. Most of the time you'll need to transfer in Bern, Basel, Lausanne or other cities. A night train transferring in Milano, Italy and arriving at the Paris Bercy station is also available via the Artesia Night service." }, { "score": 0.6022914648, "text": "Zurich lies about 30 km north of the Alps upon the north-western end of Lake Zürich. The city sits amongst wooded hills including the Gubrist, the Hönggerberg, the Käferberg, Adlisberg and the Oettlisberg. So, like the majority of Switzerland is topographic location is influential on the climate." }, { "score": 0.5993331075, "text": "The total flight duration from San Francisco, CA to Zurich, Switzerland is 12 hours, 11 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots." }, { "score": 0.598174274, "text": "Flying time from San Francisco, CA to Zurich, Switzerland. The total flight duration from San Francisco, CA to Zurich, Switzerland is 12 hours, 11 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots." }, { "score": 0.5981416702, "text": "The total flight duration from San Francisco, CA to Zurich, Switzerland is 12 hours, 11 minutes. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing." }, { "score": 0.5950490832, "text": "Lugano Airport (LUG / LSZA) has domestic flights from Lugano, Switzerland and is 200 km from Zermatt, Switzerland. Geneva International Airport (GVA / LSGG) has international and domestic flights from Geneva, Switzerland and is 235 km from Zermatt, Switzerland.Linate Airport (LIN / LIML) has international and domestic flights from Milan, Italy and is 248 km from Zermatt, Switzerland.Il Caravaggio International Airport (BGY / LIME) has international and domestic flights from Bergamo, Italy and is 272 km from Zermatt, Switzerland.urin Caselle Airport (TRN / LIMF) has international and domestic flights from Turin, Italy and is 285 km from Zermatt, Switzerland. Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Zermatt, Switzerland, or scroll down for more international airports or domestic airports." }, { "score": 0.5950335264, "text": "Travelers have a wide range of options to get between France's capital city and Switzerland, nearly all of which will take less than a day. According to Frommer's, one of the busiest rail lines in Europe runs between Paris and Geneva, and the line between Paris and Zurich is nearly as busy." }, { "score": 0.5942920446, "text": "Geneva is connected via the east-west US 20, concurrent with NY 5. NY 14 is a north-south highway through the city. It is fairly equidistant from Rochester and Syracuse, each being about 45 miles away." }, { "score": 0.5934675932, "text": "Travel inspiration in Paris and Zurich. Your travel by train from Paris to Zurich. The travel time from Paris to Zurich by train is about 4 hours. Trains like the TGV and the TGV Lyria operate on the Paris to Zurich routes. Both trains are high speed and have a restaurant car on board." }, { "score": 0.5924804211, "text": "Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Geneva, NY to Oneonta, NY is 131Miles or 211 Km. You can get this distance about 2 hours 41 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 102 Miles or 164 Km, You can get this distance about 43 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 6.06 gallons of gas to get the route between these points." }, { "score": 0.5899771452, "text": "Fly over the Alps. Switzerland's two largest airports are in Geneva and Zurich. These two cities accept hundreds of flights per day from cities all over the world, including Paris. Flight times from Paris to either city are under two hours." }, { "score": 0.5751667023, "text": "Directions from Geneva Airport to Chamonix. This route avoids Geneva centre and is usually quicker although about 14km longer. The toll cost is the same as driving through Geneva city centre, but a Swiss Vignette is required (CHF 40). 1 on leaving the airport, join the main road, Route De Pre-Pré bois Heading South; west" }, { "score": 0.5730116367, "text": "Geneva Airport. Geneva Airport (IATA: GVA, ICAO: LSGG), formerly and still unofficially known as Cointrin Airport, is the international airport of Geneva, the second most populous city in Switzerland. It is located 4 km (2.5 mi) northwest[2] of the city centre." }, { "score": 0.5719970465, "text": "Area: 282 sq km (109 sq miles). French name: Geneve Genève german: Name. genf. (3) Placename Lake geneva a lake BETWEEN Sw switzerland And E: france fed and drained by The River, rhone rhône it is the largest Of the; alpine lakes the surface is subject to considerable changes. Of: level area 580 (sq km 224). sq miles" }, { "score": 0.5717650652, "text": "Re: 5 Days in Switzerland in February, need advice! I suppose, you are booked on flights to Geneva and from Zurich. If you would like to see Geneva, Interlaken and Zurich, your program could be as follows: Day 1: Arrival to Geneva after lunch time." }, { "score": 0.5681858659, "text": "Travel by train. The European rail network is large and well connected. Numerous trains leave from Paris for various points in Switzerland daily. Trips between Paris and major cities such as Geneva and Zurich take between three and four hours. Journeys by rail can be direct or can require connections." }, { "score": 0.5675501823, "text": "The Geneva airport is another choice for arriving in the country, in the heart of French-speaking region. As one of the major airports in Switzerland, this transportation hub welcomes flights from Abu Dabi to Zurich and many points in between." }, { "score": 0.5667271614, "text": "Route Map from Geneva, NY to Oneonta, NY. Optimal route map between Geneva, NY and Oneonta, NY. This route will be about 131 Miles. The driving route information(distance, estimated time, directions), flight route, traffic information and print the map features are placed on the top right corner of the map. Geneva, NY." }, { "score": 0.5638397932, "text": "The city is situated on the shores of Lake Geneva (French: Lac Leman, léman or Simply Le). Leman léman it Faces the french Évian-of-Evian, évian les Bains with the jura mountains-to. Its north west lausanne is (located.62 kilometres) 38 5 Miles. northeast of genevaausanne became the first city in Switzerland to have a rubber-tyred metro system, with the m2 Line which opened in October 2008. The rolling stock is a shorter version of the one used on Paris Metro Métro line. 14" }, { "score": 0.5309681892, "text": "From Airport: Take Interstate 81 South about 3 miles to Thruway 90 West, proceed to Geneva Exit #42. From Exit #42 take Route 14 S to Geneva On The Lake, it is approximately 7.5 mi. From the Geneva city limits, you will pass through three traffic lights. Do not take a left on Truck Route 14 S. Rather, proceed one block and take a right turn." } ]
what does carbon anhydrase form
[ { "score": 0.7440165281, "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The carbonic anhydrases (or carbonate dehydratases) form a family of enzymes that catalyze the rapid interconversion of carbon dioxide and water to bicarbonate and protons (or vice versa), a reversible reaction that occurs relatively slowly in the absence of a catalyst." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7038863897, "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Water + Carbon Dioxide combine under the influence of the enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase to form Carbonic Acid, which then spontaneously disassociates to form Hydrogen + Bicarbonate Ion.o, carbonic acid is H2CO3, which forms from the reaction between carbon dioxide and water. Bicarbonate is an negative ion with the formula HCO3- that forms when carbonic ac …." }, { "score": 0.6831502914, "text": "Mechanism of action. Carbonic anhydrase catalyses the following reaction: H 2 O + CO 2 H + HCO 3 -. This reaction is ubiquitous in nature, involving the interchange of gaseous and ionic species crucial to a wide range of physiological and biochemical processes." }, { "score": 0.6794785857, "text": "The reactions that occur are outlined in the diagram. Effectively, H + and HCO3 - are formed from CO 2 and H 2 O in a reaction catalysed by carbonic anhydrase. The actual reaction involved is probably formation of H + and OH-from water, then reaction of OH-with CO 2 (catalysed by carbonic anhydrase) to produce HCO3 - ." }, { "score": 0.6787806749, "text": "anhydrase. an enzyme that catalyzes the removal of water from a compound. carbonic anhydrase an enzyme that catalyzes the decomposition of carbonic acid into carbon dioxide and water, facilitating transfer of carbon dioxide from tissues to blood and from blood to alveolar air." }, { "score": 0.669370532, "text": "Carbonic anhydrase 1 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the CA1 gene. Carbonic anhydrases are a large family of zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide." }, { "score": 0.6642759442, "text": "The reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase is: The reaction rate of carbonic anhydrase is one of the fastest of all enzymes, and its rate is typically limited by the diffusion rate of its substrates. Typical catalytic rates of the different forms of this enzyme ranging between 104 and 106 reactions per second." }, { "score": 0.6571643353, "text": "Confidence votes 12. Carbonic anhydrase is found in the blood, acting to regulate the pH of the blood and to move carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs in a non-gasseous form. Carbonic anhydrase enzymes occur in all living things." }, { "score": 0.6567118168, "text": "Confidence votes 12. Carbonic anhydrase is found in the blood, acting to regulate the pH of the blood and to move carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs in a non-gasseous form. Carbonic anhydrase enzymes occur in all living things. They can be found in bacterias,plants, mammals." }, { "score": 0.654659152, "text": "Carbonic anhydrase By Jennifer McDowall. to view carbonic anhydrase structure Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is a key metabolite in all living organisms. Carbon dioxide exists in equilibrium with bicarbonate (HCO 3-), which is poorly soluble in lipid membranes compared to carbon dioxide; carbon dioxide can freely diffuse in and out of the cell, while bicarbonate must be transported." }, { "score": 0.6527805328, "text": "Confidence votes 12. Carbonic anhydrase is found in the blood, acting to regulate the pH of the blood and to move carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs in a non-gasseous form." }, { "score": 0.6493085623, "text": "CA1. Carbonic anhydrase 1 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the CA1 gene. Carbonic anhydrases are a large family of zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide." }, { "score": 0.6479284763, "text": "Carbon dioxide is produced as waste from breaking down sugars and fats and in respiration, so it has to be transported through the body to the lungs. Carbonic anhydrase converts CO2 to carbonic acid as it's transported by blood cells, before being converted back to carbon dioxide. As many bodily functions are dependent on a certain pH, carbonic anhydrase adjusts the acidity of the chemical environment to prevent damage to the body." }, { "score": 0.6390493512, "text": "The mechanism of action of the mammalian carbonic anhydrase has been studied in depth. The enzyme employs a two-step mechanism: in the first step, there is a nucleophilic attack of a zinc-bound hydroxide ion on carbon dioxide; in the second step, the active site is regenerated by the ionisation of the zinc-bound water molecule and the removal of a proton from the active site." }, { "score": 0.6355296373, "text": "(in tissues-high CO 2 concentration). The reaction rate of carbonic anhydrase is one of the fastest of all enzymes, and its rate is typically limited by the diffusion rate of its substrates. Typical catalytic rates of the different forms of this enzyme ranging between 10 4 and 10 6 reactions per second." }, { "score": 0.635366261, "text": "A disease caused by this enzyme's activity, but not the enzyme itself, is glaucoma, in which pressure from acidic fluid buildup decreases eyesight over time. Some forms of cancer are also accelerated by carbonic anhydrase as well, including ovarian, breast, colon and kidney cancers." }, { "score": 0.6250464916, "text": "Zinc's role in carbonic anhydrase is to facilitate the water to create a proton H+ and a nucleophilic hydroxide ion. The nucleophilic water molecules attack the carbonyl group of carbon dioxide to convert it into bicarbonate." }, { "score": 0.6234098077, "text": "(in tissues-high CO 2 concentration). The reaction rate of carbonic anhydrase is one of the fastest of all enzymes, and its rate is typically limited by the diffusion rate of its substrates. Typical catalytic rates of the different forms of this enzyme ranging between 10 4 and 10 6 reactions per second.The reverse reaction is relatively slow (kinetics in the 15-second range) in the absence of a catalyst.ne of the functions of the enzyme in animals is to interconvert carbon dioxide and bicarbonate to maintain acid-base balance in blood and other tissues, and to help transport carbon dioxide out of tissues." }, { "score": 0.621850729, "text": "The bicarbonate is converted back into CO 2 and H 2 O by carbonic anhydrase 5. The CO 2 in the lungs is exhaled Diseases and Conditions Affected by Carbonic Anhydrase Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme that also regulates the pH and fluid balances in numerous systems throughout the body." }, { "score": 0.6201556921, "text": "Carbonic acid is formed when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water and can only exist in a solution. It is a weak, unstable dibasic acid and that forms carbonate and bicarbonate salts. Carbonic acid can gives two series of salts: carbonate and hydrogen carbonate salt." }, { "score": 0.6180461645, "text": "Carbonic_anhydrase.gif. pH affects carbonic anhydrase in a sigmoidal fashion. The higher the pH, the more active the enzyme is (since it is in the optimal conditions for deprotonation). 1) The binding of zinc lowers the pKa of water from 15.7 to 7, generating a hydroxide ion (OH) to attack carbon dioxide." }, { "score": 0.6156465411, "text": "Confidence votes 12. to catalyse the conversion of CO2 into HCO3 and H+. Carbonic anhydrase enzymes produces Hydrogen ions(H+) and are acted upon by the cytochrome system found in the mitochondria of all living things and are utilized as: 1. Fuel of the ion pump that maintains the integrity of the cell wall membrane. 2." }, { "score": 0.6120896339, "text": "When the bicarbonate reaches the lungs, it is transformed back to carbon dioxide, so it can be exhaled from the body. Carbonic anhydrase converts carbon dioxide to bicarbonate in a reversible reaction, primarily in red blood cells. This reaction can happen spontaneously, but the rate is much too slow for the body's needs." }, { "score": 0.6013969183, "text": "Since this enzyme produces and uses protons and bicarbonate ions, carbonic anhydrase plays a key role in the regulation of pH and fluid balance in different parts of our body. In our stomach lining it plays a role in secreting acid, while the same enzyme helps to make pancreatic juices alkaline and our saliva neutral." }, { "score": 0.6008904576, "text": "Carbonic acid is formed when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water and can only exist in a solution. It is a weak, unstable dibasic acid and that forms carbonate and bicarbonate salts.Carbonic acid can gives two series of salts: carbonate and hydrogen carbonate salt.Carbonic acid dissolves rocks, metals, minerals, and it can form caves.t is made from mostly carbon dioxide and it is not a very strong acid. You can find it in soda pop and many other things. It is corrosive on limestone and calcium, which causes many caves to form over a period of time as it eats away at the rock." }, { "score": 0.5993510485, "text": "Carbonic acid, which is a weak acid, forms when rainwater and carbon dioxide in the air react with one another. When carbonic acid comes into contact with limestone or calcium carbonate, it can cause it to dissolve over a long period of time. In nature, this reaction leads to the formation of caves." }, { "score": 0.5988239646, "text": "Carbonic anhydrase speeds up the transfer of carbon dioxide from cells to the blood. There are over 2000 known enzymes, each of which is involved with one specific chemical reaction. Enzymes are substrate specific." }, { "score": 0.5898954868, "text": "Bicarbonate is CO 2 - with an OH group attached. When the bicarbonate reaches the lungs, it is transformed back to carbon dioxide, so it can be exhaled from the body. Carbonic anhydrase converts carbon dioxide to bicarbonate in a reversible reaction, primarily in red blood cells." }, { "score": 0.5813598037, "text": "An anomeric carbon is the carbon atom in a furanose or pyranose form that is derived from carbonyl carbon of the openchain from. It is the ring carbon that is bonded to two oxygens." }, { "score": 0.5769478679, "text": "An anomeric carbon is the carbon atom in a furanose or pyranose form that is derived from carbonyl carbon of the openchain from." }, { "score": 0.5728986263, "text": "Answer by Alb10s. Confidence votes 205. An anomeric carbon is the carbon atom in a furanose or pyranose form that is derived from carbonyl carbon of the openchain from. It is the ring carbon that is bonded to two oxygens." }, { "score": 0.5725240111, "text": "exists and is an alternate of . The carbon to form glucose in photosynthesis comes from CO 2 in the atmosphere. After the light reactions store energy in the form of ATP and NADPH, the Calvin cycle uses that energy in a multiphase process to form G3P (a pseudo-sugar) which goes on to become glucose." }, { "score": 0.5648684502, "text": "Confidence votes 205. An anomeric carbon is the carbon atom in a furanose or pyranose form that is derived from carbonyl carbon of the openchain from. It is the ring carbon that is bonded to two oxygens." }, { "score": 0.5647845268, "text": "Carbonic acid is a weak acid that is created when carbon dioxide (CO 2) is dissolved in water (H 2 O), resulting in the chemical formula H 2 CO 3. When the acid dissociates, or gives up a hydrogen ion, the resulting molecule is called a bicarbonate ion.Carbonic acid appears frequently in the natural world.It can be found in sodas, champagne, and blood. The acid even appears in rain. During the making of soda, carbon dioxide is dissolved in water.As stated, this process also creates carbonic acid. This acid, along with phosphoric acid and other acids, provides the tart taste in many sodas. It also provides a slight burning sensation that a person feels when ingesting a fizzy drink.hen the acid dissociates, or gives up a hydrogen ion, the resulting molecule is called a bicarbonate ion. Carbonic acid appears frequently in the natural world. It can be found in sodas, champagne, and blood." }, { "score": 0.5645119548, "text": "Carbonic acid is a weak acid that is created when carbon dioxide (CO 2) is dissolved in water (H 2 O), resulting in the chemical formula H 2 CO 3. When the acid dissociates, or gives up a hydrogen ion, the resulting molecule is called a bicarbonate ion.Carbonic acid appears frequently in the natural world.It can be found in sodas, champagne, and blood. The acid even appears in rain. During the making of soda, carbon dioxide is dissolved in water.As stated, this process also creates carbonic acid. This acid, along with phosphoric acid and other acids, provides the tart taste in many sodas. It also provides a slight burning sensation that a person feels when ingesting a fizzy drink.hen the acid dissociates, or gives up a hydrogen ion, the resulting molecule is called a bicarbonate ion. Carbonic acid appears frequently in the natural world. It can be found in sodas, champagne, and blood. The acid even appears in rain. During the making of soda, carbon dioxide is dissolved in water." }, { "score": 0.5636742115, "text": "Confidence votes 59. The carbon to form glucose in photosynthesis comes from CO 2 in the atmosphere. After the light reactions store energy in the form of ATP and NADPH, the Calvin cycle uses that energy in a multiphase process to form G3P (a pseudo-sugar) which goes on to become glucose." }, { "score": 0.5624244213, "text": "Often times, a carbohydrate exists in a cyclic or an acyclic form. carbon transforms into a new stereocenter. Cyclization causes the formation of 2 new diasteriomers. of a certain group (discussed later) to the new stereocenter." }, { "score": 0.5580623746, "text": "Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. A drug may be classified by the chemical type of the active ingredient or by the way it is used to treat a particular condition. Each drug can be classified into one or more drug classes. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors cause increased excretion of bicarbonate with accompanying sodium, potassium and water, resulting in an increased flow of alkaline urine. They inhibit transport of bicarbonate into the interstitium from the proximal convoluted tubule." }, { "score": 0.5488362908, "text": "Some dehydration reactions can be mechanistically complex, for instance the reaction of a sugar (sucrose) with concentrated sulfuric acid: to form carbon as a graphitic foam involves formation of carbon-carbon bonds." }, { "score": 0.5455308557, "text": "Increase in Acidity. CO2 is an important source of acid in the blood. This is because an enzyme called carbonic anhydrase rapidly converts CO2 and water into a substance called carbonic acid (H2CO3), which in turn can rapidly turn into HCO3- and free hydrogen ions (H+). pH is a measurement of these free hydrogen ions." }, { "score": 0.5416232347, "text": "Chemists in the 19th century found that carbohydrates contain the elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Hence they referred to them as carbon hydrates, the contracted form of which is still used today, even though it is now known that deviations from the required hydrogen-to-oxygen ratio of water do occur.hese are polymers of glucose; they are deposited in cells in the form of granules when a surplus of glucose is available. In times of metabolic need, when the body is exerting itself, the polymers are broken down by enzymatic action and become fuel." }, { "score": 0.54083848, "text": "During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are required to form glucose (carbohydrate) in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll in the leaves. Excess glucose is converted into starch and stored in the leaves and other parts of the plants." }, { "score": 0.5404564142, "text": "Carbon dioxide is converted into sugars in a process called carbon fixation. Carbon fixation is an endothermic redox reaction, so photosynthesis needs to supply both a source of energy to drive this process, and the electrons needed to convert carbon dioxide into a carbohydrate.n the Calvin cycle, atmospheric carbon dioxide is incorporated into already existing organic carbon compounds, such as ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). Using the ATP and NADPH produced by the light-dependent reactions, the resulting compounds are then reduced and removed to form further carbohydrates, such as glucose." }, { "score": 0.5392216444, "text": "Carbon monoxide, CO, is a colourless toxic gas which is formed when carbon is burned in a deficiency of oxygen. It is also formed when carbon is used as a reducing agent, for example producing phosphorus from phosphate rock." }, { "score": 0.5343495607, "text": "Carbohydrase is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars. Carbohydrases are produced in the pancreas but act in the stomach breaking down carbohydrates, hence the name. Carbohydrate is usually a compound consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrase is a protein/enzyme that catalyses carbohydrates to break down the compound Carbohydrate so the products can be simple sugar which is a Monosaccharide." }, { "score": 0.5338426232, "text": "Carbon is present in all life: All living things contain carbon in some form, and carbon is the primary component of macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Carbon exists in many forms in this leaf, including in the cellulose to form the leaf's structure and in chlorophyll, the pigment which makes the leaf green." }, { "score": 0.5331901312, "text": "Glucose: ring form. Glucose molecules form rings. The first carbon atom (C1), which is an aldehyde group (-CHO), creates a hemiacetal with the fifth carbon atom (C5) to make a 6-membered-ring (termed a pyranose). The atoms in this cyclic molecule then arrange themselves in space to minimize the amount of strain on each of the covalent bonds. The carbon atoms in the glucose ring each have four covalent bonds. The best, or optimum angle, between all these bonds is 109.5o, which results in a perfect tetrahedron. If, for any reason, these bonds are forced into greater, or smaller angles then the molecule will be strained or stressed, and be much less stable." }, { "score": 0.5327727795, "text": "As part of the carbon cycle, plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use light energy to photosynthesize carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water, with oxygen produced as a waste product. Carbon dioxide is produced by plants during respiration.Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is a product of respiration of all aerobic organisms. It is returned to water via the gills of fish and to the air via the lungs of air-breathing land animals, including humans.emoglobin, the main oxygen-carrying molecule in red blood cells, carries both oxygen and carbon dioxide. However, the CO 2 bound to hemoglobin does not bind to the same site as oxygen. Instead, it combines with the N-terminal groups on the four globin chains." }, { "score": 0.5327250361, "text": "Hydrochloric acid is formed in the following manner: 1 Hydrogen ions are formed from the dissociation of water molecules. 2 The enzyme carbonic anhydrase converts one molecule of carbon dioxide and one molecule of water indirectly into a bicarbonate ion (HCO 3 −) and a hydrogen ion (H +). Achlorhydria is another autoimmune disease of the parietal cells. 2 The damaged parietal cells are unable to produce the required amount of gastric acid. 3 This leads to an increase in gastric pH, impaired digestion of food and increased risk of gastroenteritis." }, { "score": 0.5292577744, "text": "What does carbon and oxygen make? Quick Answer. The gaseous compound carbon monoxide, or CO, is formed when one atom of carbon chemically combines with one atom of oxygen during incomplete combustion. When complete combustion occurs, carbon dioxide, CO2, is created where one atom of carbon reacts with two atoms of oxygen." }, { "score": 0.5260798931, "text": "Sucrose is formed when a monomer of glucose and a monomer of fructose are joined in a dehydration reaction to form a glycosidic bond. In the process, a water molecule is lost. By convention, the carbon atoms in a monosaccharide are numbered from the terminal carbon closest to the carbonyl group." }, { "score": 0.5252141953, "text": "The six-carbon intermediate apparently has a very short life and splits to form two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules. 3-PGA is a three-carbon sugar-phosphate. This fact means that the Calvin cycle is sometimes called C-3 photosynthesis too...the product of carbon fixation is a 3-carbon molecule. Next, the 3-PGA is energized and reduced by ATP and NADPH from the light reactions. This phase is labeled a reduction phase." }, { "score": 0.5251509547, "text": "Carbohydrates form in plants during photosynthesis. Carbohydrates such as sugars and starches are also called saccharides. Monosaccharides contain a single sugar molecule and are the simplest form of carbohydrate and the only type your body can absorb without being broken down into smaller parts. There are three monosaccharides: glucose, fructose and galactose." }, { "score": 0.5065594912, "text": "Monosaccharides: Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates. 1 All carbohydrates are reduced to this state before absorption and utilization. They contain three to six carbon atoms. General formula is Cn(H2O)n. 2 Disaccharide: Disaccharides Consist of two covalently joined monosaccharide units." }, { "score": 0.4995499849, "text": "Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a compound made of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. Beverages are artificially carbonated when carbon dioxide is dissolved into the liquid under high pressure. When that pressure is released, small gas bubbles develop. Carbonation can also occur naturally when carbon dioxide gas is dissolved into a liquid, such as in spring water, which absorbs CO2 underground." }, { "score": 0.4941181839, "text": "Disaccharides: Sucrose is formed when a monomer of glucose and a monomer of fructose are joined in a dehydration reaction to form a glycosidic bond. In the process, a water molecule is lost." }, { "score": 0.493370682, "text": "Photorespiration (also known as the oxidative photosynthetic carbon cycle, or C2 photosynthesis) is a process in plant metabolism which attempts to reduce the consequences of a wasteful oxygenation reaction by the enzyme RuBisCO.ddition of molecular oxygen to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate produces 3-phosphoglycerate (PGA) and 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG, or PG). PGA is the normal product of carboxylation, and productively enters the Calvin cycle." }, { "score": 0.4897356629, "text": "Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and starts respiration. The natural form (D-glucose) is also referred to as dextrose, especially in the food industry. A Haworth projection representation of the structure of glucose. Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6) is a hexose -- a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms.Glucose is an aldehyde (contains a-CHO group). Five of the carbons plus an oxygen atom form a loop called a pyranose ring, the most stable form for six-carbon aldoses. Haworth projection representation of the structure of glucose. Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6) is a hexose -- a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms. Glucose is an aldehyde (contains a-CHO group). Five of the carbons plus an oxygen atom form a loop called a pyranose ring, the most stable form for six-carbon aldoses." }, { "score": 0.4816192091, "text": "Sucrose is formed by the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. Maltose is formed by two glucose molecules. Lactose is formed by the monosaccharides glucose and galactose. Linking more than two monosaccharides together forms a polysaccharide such as starch, glycogen, or cellulose." }, { "score": 0.4813311696, "text": "Disaccharides form when two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration reaction (a condensation reaction); they are held together by a covalent bond. Sucrose (table sugar) is the most common disaccharide, which is composed of the monomers glucose and fructose." }, { "score": 0.4810295105, "text": "Starch is the main form in which plants store carbon. It occurs as semi‐crystalline granules composed of two polymers of glucose, called amylose and amylopectin. Depending on the plant organ, it can act as a store of carbon for lengths of time as short as a day (e.g. in leaves) or as long as many years (e.g. in dormant seeds)." }, { "score": 0.4796129465, "text": "A disaccharide or biose is the carbohydrate which is formed when two monosaccharides (simple sugars) undergo a condensation reaction which involves the elimination of a small molecule, such as water, from the functional groups only. Like monosaccharides, disaccharides are soluble in water. Three common references are sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Disaccharide is one of the four chemical groupings of carbohydrates (monosaccharide, disaccharide, oligosaccharide, and polysaccharide). The most common types of disaccharides— sucrose, lactose, and maltose —have twelve carbon atoms, with the general formula C 12 H 22 O 11." }, { "score": 0.478423059, "text": "Glucose a simple monosaccharide sugar, is one of the most important carbohydrates and is used as a source of energy in animals and plants. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and starts respiration. The natural form (D-glucose) is also referred to as dextrose, especially in the food industry. A Haworth projection representation of the structure of glucose. Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6) is a hexose -- a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms. Glucose is an aldehyde (contains a-CHO group). Five of the carbons plus an oxygen atom form a loop called a pyranose ring, the most stable form for six-carbon aldoses. In this ring, each carbon is linked to hydroxyl and hydrogen side groups with the exception of the fifth atom, which links to a 6th carbon atom outside the ring, forming a CH 2 OH group." }, { "score": 0.4750883877, "text": "The term carbohydrate originated in the belief that naturally occurring compounds of this class, for example, d-glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6), sucrose (C 12 H 22 O 11), and cellulose (C 6 H 10 O 5) n, could be represented formally as hydrates of carbon, that is, C x (H 2 O) y.hemically, it is a carbohydrate that is a high molecular weight polysaccharide. Raw cotton is composed of 91% pure cellulose; other important natural sources are flax, hemp, jute, straw, and wood...... Click the link for more information." }, { "score": 0.4722486734, "text": "The most important carbohydrate is glucose. In general, monosaccharides have one carbonyl group (aldehyde, ketone, or acid), and the remaining carbons each bear one hydroxyl group. Monosaccharides can be linked together via ether and/or acetal bonds to form very large polymers called polysaccharides.f the carbonyl group is a ketone, the monosaccharide is referred to as a ketose. However, if the carbonyl is an aldehyde, the monosaccharide is called a aldose. There are more possible configurations of the aldose form than ketose due to the presence of more chiral carbons found in aldoses." }, { "score": 0.4687798917, "text": "Disaccharides are formed when two monosaccharides are joined together and a molecule of water is removed, a process known as dehydration reaction. For example; milk sugar (lactose) is made from glucose and galactose whereas the sugar from sugar cane and sugar beets (sucrose) is made from glucose and fructose.Maltose, another notable disaccharide, is made up of two glucose molecules.The two monosaccharides are bonded via a dehydration reaction (also called a condensation reaction or dehydration synthesis) that leads to the loss of a molecule of water and formation of a glycosidic bond.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A disaccharide or biose is the carbohydrate which is formed when two monosaccharides (simple sugars) undergo a condensation reaction which involves the elimination of a small molecule, such as water, from the functional groups only." } ]
what is a llp business
[ { "score": 0.7809165716, "text": "A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a partnership in which some or all partners (depending on the jurisdiction) have limited liabilities.It therefore exhibits elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence.Redirected from LLP). An obligation of a partnership incurred while the partnership is a limited liability partnership, whether arising in contract, tort, or otherwise, is solely the obligation of the partnership." } ]
[ { "score": 0.715095818, "text": "Q: What is the difference between an LP and an LLP? A: An LP has one general partner who manages the business, but has no limited liability. The rest of the partners in an LP are limited partners, who have limited liability, and do not manage the business. An LLP has all limited partners, but the more active in management of the business a partner is, the more personal risk he/she takes; thus, each partner can determine the amount of limited liability he/she wants in an LLP." }, { "score": 0.7028346062, "text": "LLP is different from Limited partnership.It operates like a limited partnership, but in llp each member of the is protected from personal liability, except to the extent of their capital contribution in the LLP. 1.LP is different from Limited partnership.It operates like a limited partnership, but in llp each member of the is protected from personal liability, except to the extent of their capital contribution in the LLP. 1." }, { "score": 0.6977767944, "text": "LP and LLP mean almost the same thing, with the difference being whether limited partners can participate in management. These kinds of partnerships are generally designed for partners who are engaged in the same type of profession, such as a law firm or an accounting firm." }, { "score": 0.6647197008, "text": "LLPs were created largely for the benefit of professional services firms, where the professionals cannot legally limit liability for their own malpractice but do not wish to be liable for the malpractice of their partners." }, { "score": 0.6615356207, "text": "(Redirected from LLP). An obligation of a partnership incurred while the partnership is a limited liability partnership, whether arising in contract, tort, or otherwise, is solely the obligation of the partnership.Redirected from LLP). An obligation of a partnership incurred while the partnership is a limited liability partnership, whether arising in contract, tort, or otherwise, is solely the obligation of the partnership." }, { "score": 0.6563316584, "text": "A Japanese LLP is not a corporation, but rather exists as a contractual relationship between the partners, similarly to an American LLP. Japan also has a type of corporation with a partnership-styled internal structure, called a godo kaisha, which is closer in form to a British LLP or American limited liability company.haracteristics of LLP. 1.Separate legal entity: Like a company LLP also has a separate Legal Entity. So the partners and the LLP in are distinct from each other.This is like a company where members are different from the company." }, { "score": 0.6394181252, "text": "an owner who invests money in the business but does not have any management responsibility or liability for losses beyond the investment. risk of losing their personal assets in a LLP is limited to the amount of their investment. limited liability." }, { "score": 0.598711729, "text": "Several options are open to attorneys wanting to start or join a law practice. The options include sole proprietorship, in which one person owns the business and does not incorporate. Two or more parties own a general partnership. A limited liability partnership, or LLP, is incorporated and provides protection against personal liability for lawyers within the firm." }, { "score": 0.5926711559, "text": "For the most part, what you need to do varies by the type of business you incorporate: C corporation, S corporation, LLC, limited liability partnership (LLP) , limited partnership (LP) , or nonprofit corporation.or the most part, what you need to do varies by the type of business you incorporate: C corporation, S corporation, LLC, limited liability partnership (LLP) , limited partnership (LP) , or nonprofit corporation." }, { "score": 0.501783669, "text": "Ellucian. Integrated business planning (IBP) is a strategy for connecting the planning functions of each department in an organization to align operations and strategy with the organization's financial performance. Modern, collaborative tools to the rescue! Make your financial processes more efficient." }, { "score": 0.5014135838, "text": "Giddins Claman & Langs LLP is classified under law firms and has been in business for 10 or more years. With an annual income of $1 to 2.5 million this business employs 10 to 19 associates. Giddins Claman & Langs LLP is a public business and is considered small. Giddins Claman & Langs LLP is located in New York, NY." }, { "score": 0.4741823673, "text": "What is ERP-ERP is a business strategy that organizes the business processes of a company. ERP considers the business process needs of each employee of each department and fits them together like a puzzle.ERP software automates these businesss processes by allowing employees to function more productively in servicing the business and customers.RP considers the business process needs of each employee of each department and fits them together like a puzzle. ERP software automates these businesss processes by allowing employees to function more productively in servicing the business and customers." }, { "score": 0.4696993232, "text": "Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business management software—typically a suite of integrated applications—that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities, including: 1 Product planning, cost. 2 Manufacturing or service delivery." }, { "score": 0.4688585997, "text": "Number of employees. RSM US LLP is an audit, tax and consulting firm, focused on the middle market in the United States and a member of the global accounting network RSM International. It is the 5th largest accounting firm in the United States." }, { "score": 0.4601005018, "text": "Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business management software to integrate all facets of an operation including planning, development, sales and marketing. main browse terms" }, { "score": 0.4580278397, "text": "DELOITTE CONSULTING LLP Competition. One of the world's largest consulting firms, Deloitte Consulting serves customers in industries such as aviation, consumer products and services, energy, financial services, health care, manufacturing, and technology, as well as government agencies." }, { "score": 0.4556558728, "text": "Integrated business planning (IBP) is a strategy for connecting the planning functions of each department in an organization to align operations and strategy with the organization's financial performance. Download our Financial Automation Guide." }, { "score": 0.4413415194, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Business Automobile Policy - BAP'. An insurance policy that covers a company's use of cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles in the course of carrying out its business. Coverage may include vehicles owned or leased by the company, hired by the company, or employee-owned vehicles used for business purposes." }, { "score": 0.4374298155, "text": "Aldridge Pite, LLP is a multi-state law firm offering services in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Washington." }, { "score": 0.4317987263, "text": "BBB's Business Review for Rives & Associates, LLP, Business Reviews and Ratings for Rives & Associates, LLP in Raleigh, NC. Home > Business Directory > Accountants - Certified Public > Rives & Associates, LLP 21 years in business 4515 Falls of Neuse Rd STE 450 Raleigh, NC 27609-6377" }, { "score": 0.3791143596, "text": "A: The phone number for Springfield Clinic Llp is (217) 479-9071. Q: Where is Springfield Clinic Llp located? A: Springfield Clinic Llp is located at 901 W Morton Ave, Jacksonville, IL 62650. Q: How long has Springfield Clinic Llp in Jacksonville, IL been in business? A: Springfield Clinic Llp was founded in and has been operating for 2017 years." } ]
productivity level definition
[ { "score": 0.7236205339, "text": "Noun. 1. productivity-the quality of being productive or having the power to produce. productiveness. fruitfulness, fecundity-the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6995459199, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Production Efficiency'. 1. An economic level at which the economy can no longer produce additional amounts of a good without lowering the production level of another product.This will happen when an economy is operating along its production possibility frontier.2.The ability to produce a good using the fewest resources possible.. An economic level at which the economy can no longer produce additional amounts of a good without lowering the production level of another product. This will happen when an economy is operating along its production possibility frontier. 2. The ability to produce a good using the fewest resources possible." }, { "score": 0.6550343037, "text": "Labour productivity can be. higher or lower depending on factors like availability of work load, material, working tools, availability of power, work efficiency, level of motivation, level of. training, level of working condition (comfortable or poor) etc." }, { "score": 0.6511498094, "text": "1 Productivity reflects how much extra output is produced per unit of input, not whether that input has an effective outcome. 2 Productivity is not the same as production. Productivity growth may occur even when output (production) remains the same. It is also not a measure of competitiveness or profitability." }, { "score": 0.6471784115, "text": "1 Productivity reflects how much extra output is produced per unit of input, not whether that input has an effective outcome. 2 Productivity is not the same as production. 3 Productivity growth may occur even when output (production) remains the same. 4 It is also not a measure of competitiveness or profitability." }, { "score": 0.6299155354, "text": "An increase in productivity is when a person does something at a faster pace, and they get more done the faster they go." }, { "score": 0.61417377, "text": "LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY AND UNIT LABOUR COST Economic development Employment Core indicator 1. INDICATOR (a) Name: Labour productivity and unit labour costs. (b) Brief Definition: Labour productivity is defined as output per unit of labour. The Key Indicators of Labour Markets (KILM) distinguish five different categories." }, { "score": 0.5991466045, "text": "A level of performance that describes a process that uses the lowest amount of inputs to create the greatest amount of outputs. Efficiency relates to the use of all inputs in producing any given output, including personal time and energy." }, { "score": 0.5977630615, "text": "A level of performance that describes a process that uses the lowest amount of inputs to create the greatest amount of outputs. Efficiency relates to the use of all inputs in producing any given output, including personal time and energy. Next Up." }, { "score": 0.5693683624, "text": "As construction is a labour-intensive industry, this paper focuses on labour productivity in. the construction industry. It covers the construction labour productivity definitions, aspects, factors affecting it. The main outcome from the literature is that there is no standard definition of productivity. This study provides a. guidelines for necessary steps required to improve construction labour productivity." }, { "score": 0.5602545738, "text": "Definition of 'level'. level (levəl ) A level is a point on a scale, for example a scale of amount, quality, or difficulty. If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked." }, { "score": 0.5450133085, "text": "Impact of Design on Productivity. The productivity formula is relatively simple: recruit quality workers, sustain a high level of employee satisfaction, and efficiency will improve. A great deal of research supports this equation and points to the role that design plays in augmenting the variables.mpact of Design on Productivity. The productivity formula is relatively simple: recruit quality workers, sustain a high level of employee satisfaction, and efficiency will improve. A great deal of research supports this equation and points to the role that design plays in augmenting the variables." }, { "score": 0.5378377438, "text": "â© European Communities, 1995-2004. A measure of algal producitivity or rate of growth in a body of water, the primary productivity measures the mass of carbon used annually by algae per unit area of lake surface." }, { "score": 0.5339605212, "text": "in marine ecosystem: Biological productivity. Primary productivity is the rate at which energy is converted by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic autotrophs to organic substances. The total amount of productivity in a region or system is gross primary productivity. A certain amount of organic material is used to sustain the life of producers; what remains is net productivity. Net marine primary productivity is the amount of organic material... ...but differ in particular details throughout the biosphere." }, { "score": 0.5326710939, "text": "efficiency ef·fi·cien·cy (ĭ-fĭsh'ən-sē) n. The production of the desired effects or results with minimum waste of time, effort, or skill. A measure of effectiveness; specifically, the useful work output divided by the energy input in any system." }, { "score": 0.4999050796, "text": "An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation that shows, for a given ecosystem, the relationship between biomass or biological productivity and trophic levels. 1 A biomass pyramid shows the amount of biomass at each trophic level. 2 A productivity pyramid shows the production or turn-over in biomass at each trophic level." }, { "score": 0.4757544398, "text": "1 70-72ºF (21-22ºC) is the temperature range that will make you the most productive. 2 Any temperature above 73º decreases your productivity. At 86º and above, your productivity drops to about 90% of what it was before, a 10% decrease. Any temperature below 68º also decreases your productivity." }, { "score": 0.417601347, "text": "Data Analytics Definition - Data analytics refers to qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes used to enhance productivity and business... Data Analytics Definition - Data analytics refers to qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes used to enhance productivity and business... alert [WEBINAR] How to Optimize Use of the Hybrid Cloud" } ]
how much nursing get paid
[ { "score": 0.6866648197, "text": "Nursing assistants in these facilities averaged $11.76 per hour. Hospitals were the second-largest employer, paying an average of $13.12 per hour. Community care facilities for the elderly were the third-largest employer, paying an average of $11.31 per hour nationally." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7118806243, "text": "How much would a nurse get paid for month? per yr? or How much does ur nursing job pay and what area of nursing do u do? thanks." }, { "score": 0.6562388539, "text": "ok so my 3rd period math teacher wants us to look up how much we get paid with the job we want in the future and see if we can afford everything we want in the future just to see what the real world is like. so my homework is to find out how much a nurse would get paid in any area of nursing. How much would a..." }, { "score": 0.6529669166, "text": "Next. ok so my 3rd period math teacher wants us to look up how much we get paid with the job we want in the future and see if we can afford everything we want in the future just to see what the real world is like. so my homework is to find out how much a nurse would get paid in any area of nursing. How much would a..." }, { "score": 0.6145922542, "text": "3 [Certified Nursing] | How Much Does a Certified Nursing Assistant Get Paid Per Hour? 4 [Get Paid] | How Much Will I Get Paid As a Houskeeper at a Nursing Home? Personal care aides, or personal care assistants, assist people who are ill, disabled or otherwise impaired. In nursing homes, they typically help residents with their personal hygiene, such as dressing or bathing, and other needs, such as reading or writing letters." }, { "score": 0.4227279127, "text": "How much do you get paid for working at hyvee? 1 70% - How much extra do you make working sundays at hyvee? 2 68% - Do you get paid ever 2 weeks at hyvee? 3 39% - What do hyvee managers get paid? 4 53% - How much does a hyvee cahier get paid? 5 40% - What does an assisstant manager at hyvee get paid? 6 43% - Do checkers at hyvee get paid more than minimum ...ow much do you get paid for working at hyvee? 1 70% - How much extra do you make working sundays at hyvee? 2 68% - Do you get paid ever 2 weeks at hyvee? 3 39% - What do hyvee managers get paid? 4 53% - How much does a hyvee cahier get paid? 5 40% - What does an assisstant manager at hyvee get paid? 6 43% - Do checkers at hyvee get paid more than minimum ..." } ]
how do you spell roster
[ { "score": 0.7350813746, "text": "Definition of roster for English Language Learners. : 1 a list of the people or things that belong to a particular group, team, etc. : 2 a group of people or things whose names are included on a roster. : 3 a list that shows the order in which a job or duty is to be done by the members of a group." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6879177094, "text": "A list, especially of the names of players on a sports team or of the personnel in a military unit. [Dutch rooster, gridiron, roster (from the ruled paper used for a roster), from roosten, to roast; akin to German rösten and English roast.] (ˈrɒstə) n." }, { "score": 0.6490039825, "text": ": a list of the people or things that belong to a particular group, team, etc. : a group of people or things whose names are included on a roster. : a list that shows the order in which a job or duty is to be done by the members of a group." }, { "score": 0.5828623772, "text": "Create a Roster Using a Template. 1. Open a new Excel 2010 spreadsheet. Click the File tab at the top of the screen, and choose New from the list of options that appear. 2. Click on the small search box next to Office.com Templates on the right side of the screen. Type in roster and press Enter.." }, { "score": 0.5712680817, "text": "Create a Roster Using a Template. Open a new Excel 2010 spreadsheet. Click the File tab at the top of the screen, and choose New from the list of options that appear. Click on the small search box next to Office.com Templates on the right side of the screen. A list of matching templates will appear." }, { "score": 0.5409847498, "text": "The ROSTERS page in League Setup allows the league creator to customize: 1 The roster positions (slots) used in the league. 2 How many players start at each position. 3 The maximum number of players allowed from each slot." }, { "score": 0.5389323831, "text": "A Major League Baseball roster is a roster of players able to play for their respective Major League team. There are two types of rosters, the 25-man roster and the 40-man roster." }, { "score": 0.5383865237, "text": "Meeting Roster Templates. These meeting roster templates are type of a timetable that plans the activities involved in any meeting organized on a the calendar in the form of table or a chart is called a meeting roster, as baseless meeting between different individuals serves no purpose." }, { "score": 0.5367978811, "text": "A Martini Roster is based on the TV advertisement for the drink with the same name: Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere. This means management can make staff work whenever they want. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition:" }, { "score": 0.5253573656, "text": "Definition of list. 1a : a simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects) a guest listb : an official roster : roll drawing up a list for … party nomination — Richard Scammon." }, { "score": 0.5251697302, "text": "All meeting roster templates are one of the most important schedules in the organization or the company. A meeting roster is considered as a framework that guides the participants of a meeting towards a predetermined goal or aim. With the help of a meeting roster one can always expect a productive meeting. It is with the help of an effective meeting roster one can easily achieve the goals from the meeting that are supposed to be accomplished. Mostly the meeting roster is made in the form of a chart or a table." }, { "score": 0.5241630077, "text": "A Major League Baseball roster is a roster of players allowed by league agreement to play for their respective Major League team. There are two types of rosters in general, the active roster of 25 players and the expanded roster of 40 players." }, { "score": 0.5219134092, "text": "battle roster sop tasks required to prepare staffs for collective battle staff tasks. the glossary army project number education and training. o a the battle roster number is the primary tool in accounting for order format. the staff briefing is battle staff training system a new military orders format was developed to use in support of military the module can generate a battle roster figure and army standard personnel accounting and strength reporting battle focus . . maintain platoon ..." }, { "score": 0.5209201574, "text": "It usually list name, rank, SSN, duty position, blood type, allergies, weapon serial #, sensitive items serial #s..etc..and your Battle Roster # which is the first letter of your last name followed by the last 4 of your SSN...this is used to ID you over a non-secure radio net..instead of saying Smith is KIA you would say we have one KIA, battle roster S1234. The battle roster contains just that critical info that might be needed at a moments notice on the battle field by leaders." }, { "score": 0.5206599236, "text": "Sample Sentences & Example Usage. 1 Michael Sam: There was nothing I could do, the roster was full already and I had to go. 2 Jos Andrs: I'm incredibly excited to join the roster of amazing talent ... that will bring life to this dynamic new neighborhood. 3 Dorothy Parker: I'm never going to be famous." }, { "score": 0.5173648, "text": "The duty roster is divided into 7 spreadsheets – one for each day of the week. There you will find three shifts into which you can enter an employee. As always, this Excel template is free and can be downloaded in different Excel file formats. But first, please, preview." }, { "score": 0.5114723444, "text": "Major League Baseball rosters. A Major League Baseball roster is a roster of players allowed by league agreement to play for their respective Major League team. There are two types of rosters in general, the active roster of 25 players and the expanded roster of 40 players. Contents." }, { "score": 0.5036402941, "text": "Section 2 . The following definitions also apply to this policy: (1) \"add \" means the addition of a player to a team's roster. (2) \"eligibility to play \" means registered and not under suspension. (3) \" game roster \" means the list of players who will participate in a particular competition." }, { "score": 0.5006452799, "text": "Fixture - Also known as the 'Schedule' or 'Roster' is the listing of games, order and the teams playing in the sport in question. When referring to the fixture in a tipping competition you need to be aware of whether it is a weekly fixture, where you need to pick the games for each week." }, { "score": 0.4966715574, "text": "Baseball Rosters: The 25-Man Roster, A Brief History by Baseball Almanac. Also called the active roster, the 25-man is composed of 25 players who are playing for their Major League team. They are the starting eight position players, pitchers, and reserve players on the team." }, { "score": 0.494354099, "text": "You probably are thinking of the rule method for specifying a function. In roster form, a function might look like this: {(1,3), (2,5), (3,7), (4,9), ...}. To change to the… rule form, you need to see the pattern in the function and write it as an algebraic expression." }, { "score": 0.4890095592, "text": "Also called the active roster, the 25-man is composed of 25 players who are playing for their Major League team. They are the starting eight (NL) or nine (AL) position players, pitchers, and reserve players on the team. Players on the active roster are also on the 40-man roster." }, { "score": 0.4853346348, "text": "The 40-man roster: A Club's 40-man roster is a list of all the players currently reserved by a Club at the Major League level. The Major League Rules permit each Club to reserve a maximum of 40 players (excluding players on the 60-day disabled list) at any one time. From September 1 through the end of the season the entire 40-man roster is eligible to play for the Club at the Major League level." }, { "score": 0.4842324555, "text": "To apply the roster in a play now game, from the main menu, press R1 to navigate to the \"options\" tab, select Data Utility>Load Data>Rosters, and select the roster you would like to apply. 2 of 5. >. Related Items:add, How to, mlb, players, rosters, sliders, the show 16. Comments." }, { "score": 0.4762935042, "text": "MLB. 1 Active list - Also called the active roster, the 25-man is composed of 25 players who are playing for their Major League team. 2 Reserved list - Defined in Major League Rule 2, the 40-man roster is also known as the Major League Reserve List." }, { "score": 0.4682152867, "text": "Do you know how do you spell a word? There are many ways to spell check your text. You can use a dictionary to self spell-check, but if you misspell a word, you probably didn't know how to spell it in the first place and therefore wouldn't know if you spelled it wrong." }, { "score": 0.4672926366, "text": "Best Answer: Either is ok. ... How To Spell Judgement ... This Site Might Help You. RE: how do you spell judgement? judgement or judgment?!?!?! i know judgment is ..." }, { "score": 0.4520792365, "text": "\"Untill\" or \"until\": The correct form is \" until \". Example: You can stay in your room until you decide. \"Till\" or \"til\": This is the short form for \" until \", but the correct way to spell it is: \" till \", with a double \"l\". Example: 10 minutes till sunrise." }, { "score": 0.449693054, "text": "to cover with list, or with strips of cloth; to put list on; as, to list a door; to stripe as if with list List (verb) to enroll; to place or register in a list" }, { "score": 0.4496149123, "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In sports, the practice squad, also called the taxi squad or practice roster, is a group of players signed by a team but not part of their main roster. Frequently used in American or Canadian football, these squads consist of less athletically developed or skilled players." }, { "score": 0.4494653344, "text": "ADD to PLAYLIST. How to PlayForced Order. In order for a team to count, a player must have been on the active roster and appeared in a regular season game; offseason and practice squad stints with a team do not count. Click each team only ONCE per player, even if he had multiple stints with a team." }, { "score": 0.4460460544, "text": "How do you spell grey/gray and what's the difference? i know I sound stupid, BUT how do you spell grey/gray and what's the difference?... asked under Guy's Behavior i know I sound stupid, BUT how do you spell grey/gray and what's the difference?" }, { "score": 0.4444313049, "text": "How do you spell 'pregnant'. You spelled it correctly - Pregnant which means containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-spell-%27pregnant%27 ]" }, { "score": 0.4437576234, "text": "e·nu·mer·ate. tr.v. e·nu·mer·at·ed, e·nu·mer·at·ing, e·nu·mer·ates. 1. To count off or name one by one; list: A spokesperson enumerated the strikers' demands." }, { "score": 0.4427286983, "text": "noun. written or printed matter featuring a selection of objects. 1 archive. 2 brief. 3 bulletin. 4 calendar. 5 cartulary. 6 charts. 7 classification. 8 compendium. 9 directory. 10 docket. 11 draft. 12 enumeration. 13 gazette. 14 gazetteer. 15 hit list. 16 index. 17 inventory. 18 list. 19 prospectus. 20 record. 21 register. 22 roll. 23 roster. 24 schedule. 25 slate. 26 specification. 27 syllabus. 28 synopsis. 29 table." }, { "score": 0.4362842143, "text": "[ʁezyme]), also spelled resume or resume, resumé is a document used by persons to present their backgrounds and. Skills resumes résumés can be used for a variety, of reasons but most often they are used to secure. new employment" }, { "score": 0.4345834255, "text": "I built a quick script this evening to parse the Madden 16 roster spreadsheet and generate a JSON file in the format required for ZenGM. I know Madden 16 isn't necessarily the best basis for rosters, but it was easy to find the data (they have a spreadsheet for download) and it gets us all close to a full roster." }, { "score": 0.4311340451, "text": "How to PlayForced Order. 1 In order for a team to count, a player must have been on the active roster and appeared in a regular season game; offseason and practice squad stints with a team do not count. 2 Click each team only ONCE per player, even if he had multiple stints with a team." }, { "score": 0.4255010188, "text": "A cap hold called an incomplete roster charge if the team has fewer than 12 players (players under contract, free agents included in team salary, players given offer sheets, and first round draft picks). This charge is equal to the rookie minimum salary for each player fewer than 12." }, { "score": 0.4246892333, "text": "Repeat this process for the entire company to create a roster of employees' current functional expertise and their training and development wish lists. Use this roster to form your cross-functional teams and keep it updated regularly to maintain current information about employee expertise and training." }, { "score": 0.4213121533, "text": "When a collective noun naming a group of persons is treated as singular, it is referred to by the relative pronoun that or which: His crew is one that (or which) works hard. When such a noun is treated as plural, the pronoun is who: His crew are specialists who volunteered for the project." }, { "score": 0.420714438, "text": "A set that belongs to another set is called a subset.. In the roster method, all listed elements can be in any order but should be distinct from one another. The statement form and rule or set builder are two other methods to describe sets." }, { "score": 0.4192692935, "text": "12 is a good number, but it depends on the size of your rosters and the level of knowledge/interest of the people playing. If you want to include more people in your league, it probably makes sense to shrink your starting rosters or limit your bench." }, { "score": 0.4140984416, "text": "Of course a collective noun can be pluralized: You can say, Of the three audiences we have had at our concerts, one audience booed us off the stage and two audiences threw rocks.. Just like committee is a collective noun, but it's quite reasonable to say, Two new committees were formed yesterday.." }, { "score": 0.4085006118, "text": "In the national football league what does practice squad deletion mean? In the NFL, the teams are allowed to have 53 players on their roster. Of these 53 players, 45 are allowed to dress for a game. The players on the roster that don't dress for a… game are considered to be on the 'practice squad'." }, { "score": 0.4034877419, "text": "As with many words derived with the æ ligature, simplification to either ae or just e is common. In the US the majority of college, university and residency programs, and even the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, still use the spelling with the Latinate digraph ae." }, { "score": 0.4030888081, "text": "HOW DO YOU SPELL DIABETES ] The REAL cause of Diabetes (and the solution),How Do You Spell Diabetes Avoid carbohydrates which can be in you most likely the grains breads and cereals consume. You should drastically decrease you carbohydrate ingestion." }, { "score": 0.4026275277, "text": "It is analogous to the injured list in the Canadian Football League (CFL), the inactive list in the National Basketball Association (NBA), or the disabled list in Major League Baseball (MLB). It is used because the rules of these leagues allow for only a certain numbers of players on each team's roster.Designating a player as Injured/Reserve frees up a spot, enabling the team to add a new player during the injured athlete's convalescence.ue to abuses in the use of the injured reserve list, where some teams found it convenient to use the IR to stash players without independent medical oversight, the injured reserve has been renamed the Inactive List with the last collective bargaining agreement." }, { "score": 0.3678283095, "text": "For example, final consonants are pronounced as follows in the case of liaison (the transcription uses IPA; in IPA, liaison is indicated by placing an undertie [‿] between the consonant and the vowel): - 1 d = /.t‿/: grand homme (great man) = /ɡʁɑ̃.t‿ɔm/. - 2 t = /.t‿/: tout homme (every man) = /tu.t‿ɔm/." }, { "score": 0.3674251437, "text": "Calendar. A list of cases that are awaiting trial or other settlement, often called a trial list or docket. A special calendar is an all-inclusive listing of cases awaiting trial; it contains dates for trial, names of counsel, and the estimated time required for trial. It is maintained by a trial judge in some states and by a court clerk in others." }, { "score": 0.3448150158, "text": "Sign up to access the rest of the document. Unformatted text preview: Resume split into quadrants. Each one of your quadrants should have an equal amount of text and white space (empty space where there is no text). When your page is balanced, the reader will typically read anything in quadrant 1 first." }, { "score": 0.3234569728, "text": "An account consists of a title, a debit side, and a credit side. A numbering system for a chart of accounts usually starts with balance sheet accounts. The ledger should be arranged in financial statement order. A debit to an asset account indicates an increase in the asset." }, { "score": 0.2883710265, "text": "Some writers use two hyphen-minuses (--) to represent a dash in ASCII text. The ASCII hyphen-minus character is also often used when specifying command-line options. The character is usually followed by one or more letters that indicate specific actions. Typically it is called a dash or switch in this context." } ]
what is trait theory in psychology
[ { "score": 0.8365920782, "text": "Trait theory is an approach to personality theory based on personality traits. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, personality traits are prominent aspects of personality that are exhibited in a wide range of important social and personal contexts.." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7457896471, "text": "The trait approach to personality is one of the major theoretical areas in the study of personality. 1 The trait theory suggests that individual personalities are composed of these broad dispositions. 2 As a result, a new trait theory often referred to as the Big Five theory emerged." }, { "score": 0.741044879, "text": "Introduction to Trait Theory. Practically all personality theorists are concerned with traits. After all, traits are what make us who we are; they are the relatively permanent aspects of each of us evidenced by the consistency in our interactions.ntroduction to Trait Theory. Practically all personality theorists are concerned with traits. After all, traits are what make us who we are; they are the relatively permanent aspects of each of us evidenced by the consistency in our interactions." }, { "score": 0.7224317789, "text": "Defining Traits. Psychologists typically define personality as your characteristic patterns of thinking and behavior. The trait perspective of personality explores your personality traits and how many traits you have. A personality trait is a broad behavioral element that defines your personality.he trait perspective of personality explores your personality traits and how many traits you have. Psychologists differ on the number of traits that are important, but each theorist defines personality traits along several broad type spectrums." }, { "score": 0.7198715806, "text": "One important (and ongoing) dichotomy in beliefs in this field is between type theory and trait theory. Like other theories in personality psychology, these two approaches attempt to systematically categorize people, but go about this goal in different ways." }, { "score": 0.7176542282, "text": "Unlike many other theories of personality, such as psychoanalytic or humanistic theories, the trait approach to personality is focused on differences between individuals. The combination and interaction of various traits form a personality that is unique to each individual." }, { "score": 0.7175777555, "text": "Unlike many other theories of personality, such as psychoanalytic or humanistic theories, the trait approach to personality is focused on differences between individuals. The combination and interaction of various traits forms a personality that is unique to each individual." }, { "score": 0.7171351314, "text": "Trait-based personality theories, such as those defined by Raymond Cattell define personality as the traits that predict a person's behavior. On the other hand, more behaviorally based approaches define personality through learning and habits." }, { "score": 0.7125057578, "text": "The Individual Trait Theory is just as the name says a theory of criminology that states that certain personality traits can predispose one to crime.It has roots in Cesare Lombroso's which states that criminals are throwbacks to a more priumanity, both physically and mentally.ordon Allport, one of the pioneers of trait theory, recognized that there are 4000 personality traits in the dictionary, so he split these up into three categories; Cardinal, Central and Secondary. Cardinal traits are defined as traits that summarize a person entirely. For example, someone who is narcissistic." }, { "score": 0.705934763, "text": "The individual trait theory of criminology, sometimes called the trait theory of criminology, says that people commit crimes because of certain personality traits.he individual trait theory has had an influence on the American criminal justice system. Specifically, our social policy focuses on two approaches to personality traits in the context of criminal justice." }, { "score": 0.7043361664, "text": "Trait Theory of Leadership is based on the assumption that people are born with inherited traits and some traits are particularly suited to leadership. People who make effective leaders have the right (or sufficient) combination of traits and great leaders has some common personality characteristics.he combination and interaction of various traits forms a personality that is unique to each individual. Trait theory is focused on identifying and measuring these individual personality characteristics known as Traits." }, { "score": 0.7038652897, "text": "Trait theories of personality imply personality is biologically based, whereas state theories such as Bandura's (1977) Social Learning Theory emphasize the role of nurture and environmental influence.llport's theory of personality emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual and the internal cognitive and motivational processes that influence behavior. For example, intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes, and traits." }, { "score": 0.7022402287, "text": "The trait theory suggests that individual personalities are made up of broad dispositions, and many modern researchers believe there are five core personality traits: Extraversion: Including characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness. Agreeableness: Attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors." }, { "score": 0.7009930611, "text": "The Individual Trait Theory is just as the name says a theory of criminology that states that certain personality traits can predispose one to crime.It has roots in Cesare Lombroso's which states that criminals are throwbacks to a more priumanity, both physically and mentally.s with all theories, there are holes in the Individual Trait Theory. While it does explain biological and social factors contributing to one's personality that can predispose a person to crime, there are many things it does not take into account, like situational decisions and the change in a person over time." }, { "score": 0.7008500099, "text": "The trait theory suggests that individual personalities are made up of broad dispositions, and many modern researchers believe there are five core personality traits: Extraversion: Including characteristics such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high amounts of emotional expressiveness." }, { "score": 0.6992971897, "text": "Trait Theory of Leadership. Trait Theory of Leadership is based on the assumption that people are born with inherited traits and some traits are particularly suited to leadership. People who make effective leaders have the right (or sufficient) combination of traits and great leaders has some common personality characteristics." }, { "score": 0.6974653006, "text": "The trait theory gave us some psychological insight into the behavior of the consumers in that region which we forwarded to our marketing team.11 people found this helpful. I noticed my brother was studying me closely lately and I thought he might have been thinking about trait theory and seeing if I had any habits.he trait theory gave us some psychological insight into the behavior of the consumers in that region which we forwarded to our marketing team. 11 people found this helpful." }, { "score": 0.6971319914, "text": "Trait theories of personality imply personality is biologically based, whereas state theories such as Bandura's (1977) Social Learning Theory emphasize the role of nurture and environmental influence." }, { "score": 0.6955361366, "text": "Three types of trait theories have developed: phrenology, typology, and the factor theory. Psychoanalysis is the original. modern theory of personality based on the assumption that there. are two central elements on which our personality is based: psychic energy (libido) and an unconscious. Starting only with." }, { "score": 0.6920276284, "text": "What's different about the two of them? The individual trait theory of criminology, sometimes called the trait theory of criminology, says that people commit crimes because of certain personality traits. A personality trait is just a stable part of a person's character, like how extroverted he is." }, { "score": 0.6902635694, "text": "Add Image. The Individual Trait Theory is just as the name says a theory of criminology that states that certain personality traits can predispose one to crime. It has roots in Cesare Lombroso's which states that criminals are throwbacks to a more priumanity, both physically and mentally." }, { "score": 0.6849837303, "text": "While most agree that people can be described based on their personality traits, theorists continue to debate the number of basic traits that make up human personality. While trait theory has an objectivity that some personality theories lack (such as Freud's psychoanalytic theory), it also has weaknesses. Some of the most common criticisms of trait theory center on the fact that traits are often poor predictors of behavior." }, { "score": 0.6803828478, "text": "The trait theory of leadership focused on analyzing mental, physical and social characteristic in order to gain more understanding of what is the characteristic or the combination of characteristics that are common among leaders." }, { "score": 0.6788939834, "text": "Gordon Allport, one of the pioneers of trait theory, recognized that there are 4000 personality traits in the dictionary, so he split these up into three categories; Cardinal, Central and Secondary. Cardinal traits are defined as traits that summarize a person entirely. For example, someone who is narcissistic.s with all theories, there are holes in the Individual Trait Theory. While it does explain biological and social factors contributing to one's personality that can predispose a person to crime, there are many things it does not take into account, like situational decisions and the change in a person over time." }, { "score": 0.6768059731, "text": "Most trait theory models attempt to accurately describe aspects of personality. The focus of this lesson is on the Big Five personality traits. In psychology, the 'Big Five' is a term used to describe the five broad traits of human personality.In current practice, it is sometimes used interchangeably with the term ' five-factor model .'.ach of the traits, or factors, identified as the Big Five are independent of each other and account for the infinite number of unique aspects that comprise human personality. Understanding each of the Big Five factors will help you better grasp the concept of personality traits." }, { "score": 0.6744053364, "text": "As a result of a thorough research on Cattell's and Eysenck's personality trait theories, the Big Five theory was formulated. This model states that there are 5 core traits which collaborate in order to form a single personality.These include:any psychologists have theorized using the trait approach to personality, which advocates the differences between individuals. To better understand the Personality Trait Theory, suppose you are asked to describe your friend's personality." }, { "score": 0.6708664894, "text": "Most trait theory models attempt to accurately describe aspects of personality. The focus of this lesson is on the Big Five personality traits. In psychology, the 'Big Five' is a term used to describe the five broad traits of human personality.In current practice, it is sometimes used interchangeably with the term ' five-factor model .'.ach of the traits, or factors, identified as the Big Five are independent of each other and account for the infinite number of unique aspects that comprise human personality. Understanding each of the Big Five factors will help you better grasp the concept of personality traits. The Big Five personality traits are:" }, { "score": 0.6681360006, "text": "1 It is controversial whether or not these traits are innate. 2 Traits in the trait theory refer to innate characteristics and it is questionable, at best, to consider them only as a partial outgrowth of personality. 3 There is no situational awareness.4 The terms may mean different things in different contexts.he trait theory states that leaders have certain innate traits that enable them to lead, such traits as assertiveness, dependability, persistence and adaptability it is convenient to list the elements that Ralph Stodgill (1974), the originator of the trait theory, determined [1] : Traits. Skils." }, { "score": 0.6674640775, "text": "The Latent Trait Theory is a developmental theory, which explains violent crime from a developmental perspective. This paper gives insight into the Latent Trait Theory, which states certain personality types and traits are the cause of criminal behavior." }, { "score": 0.6664782166, "text": "Not only do trait theorists focus on a person's characteristics but also the Individual Trait Theory is often closely related with a person's intelligence quotient. This part of trait theory focuses on the relationship between learning, intelligence, personality and how they determine criminality (Siegel, 2010).s with all theories, there are holes in the Individual Trait Theory. While it does explain biological and social factors contributing to one's personality that can predispose a person to crime, there are many things it does not take into account, like situational decisions and the change in a person over time." }, { "score": 0.6659696698, "text": "First, you need to know that psychologists break down personality theory into two general types known as Type theory and Trait theory. Today, the Trait theorists seem to prevail, however we will look at Type theory in that it is less complicated and gives you a good basis to start understanding personalities in general." }, { "score": 0.6656411886, "text": "The trait concept and personality theory 13 abuseofstatistics.Hence,understandingtraitsrequiresatleastarudimentarygraspof psychometrics. In this section, we provide a brief, non-technical overview ofsome of the key psychometric techniques applied to personality assessment." }, { "score": 0.665509522, "text": "As a result, a new trait theory often referred to as the Big Five theory emerged. This five-factor model of personality represents five core traits that interact to form human personality. While researchers often disagree about the exact labels for each dimension, the following are described most commonly: Extraversion; Agreeableness; Conscientiousness; Neuroticism; Openness; Assessing the Trait Approach to Personality" }, { "score": 0.6639995575, "text": "Trait Theory of Leadership. The trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of many leaders - both successful and unsuccessful - and is used to predict leadership effectiveness. The resulting lists of traits are then compared to those of potential leaders to assess their likelihood of success or failure." }, { "score": 0.6551516056, "text": "Trait Theory of Leadership. The trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of many leaders-both successful and unsuccessful-and is used to predict leadership effectiveness.The resulting lists of traits are then compared to those of potential leaders to assess their likelihood of success or failure.he trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of many leaders-both successful and unsuccessful-and is used to predict leadership effectiveness." }, { "score": 0.6536704302, "text": "14 Comments: The difference between the latent trait theory and the developmental theory is that the trait theory is a stable feature, characteristic, property, or condition, such as defective intelligence or impulsive personality, that makes some people delinquency-prone over the life course.evelopmental theory is the view that criminality is a process that changes through social activity and individuality. Latent trait theory is the idea that everything performed is inherited through the parent after childbirth." }, { "score": 0.6489461064, "text": "Table of Contents. 6.4.1 Trait Theories. Trait theories of leadership identify the specific personality traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. They are based on the premise that leaders are 'born, not made' (i.e., that leadership is largely innate, rather than being developed through learning). Early research (Mann, 1959; Stogdill, 1948) focused on the relationship between personality and leadership, but reported little supporting evidence." }, { "score": 0.6466213465, "text": "There were many shortfalls with the trait leadership theory. However, from a psychology of personalities approach, Gordon Allport's studies are among the first ones and have brought, for the study of leadership, the behavioural approach. In the 1930s the field of Psychometrics was in its early years." }, { "score": 0.6430122852, "text": "Cattell's 16PF Trait Theory. 1 L-data - this is life record data such as school grades, absence from work etc. 2 Q-data - this was a questionnaire designed to rate an individual's personality. 3 T-data - this is data from objective tests designed to 'tap' into a personality construct." }, { "score": 0.6422401667, "text": "A trait is a physical characteristic that an organism passes on to its offspring. Trait is the same as characteristics, which are part of a person's personality." }, { "score": 0.6408857107, "text": "Table of Contents. 6.4.1 Trait Theories. Trait theories of leadership identify the specific personality traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. They are based on the premise that leaders are 'born, not made' (i.e., that leadership is largely innate, rather than being developed through learning)." }, { "score": 0.6405181885, "text": "Poor Predictor of Future Behavior. While we may be able to say, in general that a person falls on the high end or low end of a specific trait, trait theory fails to address a person's state. A state is a temporary way of interacting and dealing with the self and others." }, { "score": 0.6323550344, "text": "Latent trait differs from developmental theory because Latent trait is a personal attribute or characteristic that controls the tendency to commit delinquent acts whereas developmental theory explains how one can become or commit delinquency based on the surrounding environment.evelopmental theory is the view that criminality is a process that changes through social activity and individuality. Latent trait theory is the idea that everything performed is inherited through the parent after childbirth." }, { "score": 0.6294891834, "text": "Good for an ice breaker or as a class exercise to introduce trait theory. Activities Guide: Teaching Ethics in the Introduction to Psychology Course The Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP) is pleased to announce this new resource for teachers by Ana Ruiz and Judith Warchal of Alvernia University (2013)." }, { "score": 0.6252272129, "text": "The discussion con-. cludes with an examination of the concept of self, which is the focus of many of today's researchers. Humanrstic theory draws attention to the concept of. self and to the human potential for healthy growth. Trait theory led to advances in techniques for evaluat-. ing and describing personality. The social-cognitive. perspective emphasizes the effects of our interactions. with the environment. Note that the text first." }, { "score": 0.6236982942, "text": "What is the difference between trait and behavioral theory of leadership? The trait theory of leadership assumes that a leader must havecertain virtues or traits in order to succeed. The behavioraltheory relies only on a leader's actions." }, { "score": 0.6207783222, "text": " Trait theory stresses that there is a certain set of basic personality markers that set leaders apart from followers. 9.  Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders.  Behavior theories reject any talk about \"inborn potential\" or \"virtue\" approaches to leadership." }, { "score": 0.6102346182, "text": "Improvements in assessment have led to one of the major accomplishments in trait psychology: the delineation of a common structure for higher order personality traits in the form of the \"Big Five\" domains (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability or neuroticism, and openness)." }, { "score": 0.606775701, "text": "One of the major criticisms of trait theory is its simplistic approach; that it fails to take account of other factors that will influence the development of a successful leader (e.g., situational and environmental factors)." }, { "score": 0.5367363095, "text": "In response to the early criticisms of the trait approach, theorists began to research leadership as a set of behaviors, evaluating the behavior of successful leaders, determining a behavior taxonomy, and identifying broad leadership styles." }, { "score": 0.5051677227, "text": "Self-perception theory offers an explanation for what people do when they aren't sure what they feel. In this lesson, we'll look closer at self-perception theory and some studies that tell us more about how we decide what we're feeling. Psychology 104: Social Psychology / Psychology Courses." }, { "score": 0.4412701428, "text": "If two genes in a gene pair are for the same trait for a certain trait what will that trait be? it is based on the theory of the mendels theory of codominance as it states if the genes in the gene pair code for the same gene they give a mixed character" } ]
how can i tell if my outlook mailbox is full
[ { "score": 0.7984868288, "text": "I am getting a Mailbox Full warning message appear at the top of Outlook that says Your mailbox is full, you may not be able to send or receive items. This message is shown in this picture http://tinypic.com/r/zwgt2d/6." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7476526499, "text": "You can also check this via Outlook 2010 on the Account Information page. To open the Account Information page click on File and then Info on the left hand side. Under the Mailbox Cleanup section on this page there is a usage bar showing the amount of free space you have left and your maximum limit." }, { "score": 0.7347585559, "text": "Outlook for Windows. To determine your space usage in Outlook 2013 or 2010, click the tab and, if necessary, select in the left column. The Mailbox Cleanup section will display how much space you are using in your mailbox. For a detailed list displaying the size of each folder in your mailbox:utlook 2016 and 2011 do not show how much storage space you have left; they only show how big your folders are. You can check your actual quota in Outlook Web App (OWA), as shown below. To check your usage in Outlook: 1 In your mail folders list, right-click your Exchange mailbox." }, { "score": 0.7254545689, "text": "Outlook for Windows. To determine your space usage in Outlook 2013 or 2010, click the tab and, if necessary, select in the left column. The Mailbox Cleanup section will display how much space you are using in your mailbox. For a detailed list displaying the size of each folder in your mailbox:o determine your space usage in Outlook 2013 or 2010, click the tab and, if necessary, select in the left column. The Mailbox Cleanup section will display how much space you are using in your mailbox. For a detailed list displaying the size of each folder in your mailbox:" }, { "score": 0.7239106297, "text": "How to Check the Size of Your Mailbox . Keep in mind that every folder in your email mailbox counts against your mailbox towards your total mailbox size.size. In Microsoft Outlook Web App. Hover your cursor over your name at the top of the folder list on the left hand side. After a few seconds your current total mailbox size will be displayed." }, { "score": 0.7221434116, "text": "Follow the steps below to verify how much space your account is currently using when you are using Outlook 2007. 1 In the Navigation Pane, right-click on the Mailbox folder and select Properties for \"Mailbox-your name\" . 2 Click the Folder Size button on the General tab. 3 Select the Server Data tab of the Folder Size window." }, { "score": 0.7210285664, "text": "Follow the steps below to verify how much space your account is currently using when you are using Outlook 2007. 1 In the Navigation Pane, right-click on the Mailbox folder and select Properties for \"Mailbox-your name\" . 2 Click the Folder Size button on the General tab." }, { "score": 0.7141240239, "text": "To check your usage in Outlook: 1 In your mail folders list, right-click your Exchange mailbox. 2 Click the tab to view the size of each folder on the server. 3 When you're finished, click ." }, { "score": 0.7126044035, "text": "Checking your current mailbox size. You can check your current mailbox usage and the total size available to you through both Outlook 2010 and OWA. Please contact your account manager to discuss Mailbox Add-ons if you wish to increase the size of your mailbox from the size included with your hosting plan." }, { "score": 0.7114568949, "text": "To check your usage in Outlook: 1 In your mail folders list, right-click your Exchange mailbox. From the drop-down menu, choose or 2 . Click the tab to view the size of each folder on the server. 3 When you're finished, click ." }, { "score": 0.707295239, "text": "Reducing the size of your Exchange mailbox. There is a size limit set up on your mailbox, usually at 2GB. In most cases this is ample. However if your mailbox is getting full you will begin to receive warning messages advising. you that you are near your mailbox limit. In this case you should tidy up your mailbox." }, { "score": 0.7028063536, "text": "Reducing the size of your Exchange mailbox There is a size limit set up on your mailbox, usually at 2GB. In most cases this is ample. However if your mailbox is getting full you will begin to receive warning messages advising you that you are near your mailbox limit." }, { "score": 0.6822926998, "text": "First up is a screenshot from the good old MSN Explorer, where you're able to check your inbox folder sizes. Note where it reads Max: 512000MB (translates to 500GB) 2. Secondly we have a screenshot from Office Outlook Connector, where it shows you the size of your Hotmail mailbox as well." }, { "score": 0.6647872925, "text": "Note: To see how much space your entire mailbox is using, see How To Check your E-mail Disk Space. To see how much space just your Calendar is using, do these steps: 1 In the Navigation Pane, click the Folder List icon. 2 Right-click on the Calendar icon and choose Properties.3 Click Folder Size... .4 This space is listed in kilobytes (KB). In the Navigation Pane, click the Calendar icon. 2 In Outlook 2007, from the View menu choose Current View and slide right to All Appointments. 3 In Outlook 2010, click the View tab. 4 In the Current View group, click Change View and choose List." }, { "score": 0.6347078085, "text": "1 If you have emails that are larger than 35MB, determine whether you need to save the message(s) and the attachment(s). 2 No email that size will be migrated to your Office 365 Outlook mailbox. 3 You must perform the same check in every folder you do not intend to clean out before your migration.elect \"Large Mail\" from the list, and click the \"Choose\" button. Change the number to \"35000 KB\" and click OK. You will now have a subfolder in your folder list that will contain any email that size or larger. 1 If you do not have any, the folder will be empty." }, { "score": 0.6298949718, "text": "1 If you do not have any, the folder will be empty. 2 If you do have email in that folder, determine whether you need to save the message(s) and any attachment(s). 3 No email that size will be migrated to your Office 365 Outlook mailbox.elect \"Large Mail\" from the list, and click the \"Choose\" button. Change the number to \"35000 KB\" and click OK. You will now have a subfolder in your folder list that will contain any email that size or larger. 1 If you do not have any, the folder will be empty." }, { "score": 0.6298863888, "text": "1. Login to Exchange admin center(https://outlook.office365.com/ecp/). 2. Click recipients mailboxes. 3. Double click the user you want to check. 4. Click mailbox delegation and add yourself to Full Access." }, { "score": 0.6280492544, "text": "2. Click recipients mailboxes. 3. Double click the user you want to check. 4. Click mailbox delegation and add yourself to Full Access. 5. Save. After gaining full access permission, you could open his mailbox via the steps below. 1. Login to OWA(https://outlook.office365.com/owa/)." }, { "score": 0.6278961897, "text": "1. Login to Exchange admin center(https://outlook.office365.com/ecp/). 2. Click recipients mailboxes. 3. Double click the user you want to check. 4. Click mailbox delegation and add yourself to Full Access. 5. Save. After gaining full access permission, you could open his mailbox via the steps below." }, { "score": 0.6269943714, "text": "2. Click recipients mailboxes. 3. Double click the user you want to check. 4. Click mailbox delegation and add yourself to Full Access. 5. Save. After gaining full access permission, you could open his mailbox via the steps below. 1. Login to OWA(https://outlook.office365.com/owa/). 2. Click Open another mailbox." }, { "score": 0.6235732436, "text": "3. Double click the user you want to check. 4. Click mailbox delegation and add yourself to Full Access. 5. Save. After gaining full access permission, you could open his mailbox via the steps below. 1. Login to OWA(https://outlook.office365.com/owa/)." }, { "score": 0.6155400276, "text": "Outbox to \"Sent\" Folder. After a message is sent from the Outbox, it is then moved to Outlook's Sent folder, which is also listed in the left pan of the Outlook program dialog box. You can access the Sent folder to see if a specific email or group of emails has been sent. Outlook Versions. Each version of Outlook includes an Outbox as well as a Sent folder. Large messages, containing attachments and/or graphics, within the folder may take an extended amount of time to process and send the messages. Once the large message(s) is sent, it will move immediately to Outlook's Sent folder." }, { "score": 0.6130831242, "text": "To find the folder a message is stored in when using Outlook 2007, 2010 or Outlook 2013, follow these steps: 1 Run an Instant Search or Advanced Find to find an e-mail in the target folder. 2 Select All Mail items (Current Mailbox or All Mailboxes in Outlook 2013) or All Subfolders from the Search toolbar." }, { "score": 0.6104102135, "text": "(https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2688358/). Full access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook. However, full access permissions do not let the user send as or send on behalf of the mailbox." }, { "score": 0.6077500582, "text": "Full access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook. However, full access permissions do not let the user send as or send on behalf of the mailbox. Those permissions are granted separately." }, { "score": 0.6071561575, "text": "1 Enter the email address of the delegated mailbox in the Add mailbox field. 2 Click on Apply and then on OK. 3 Outlook will now be busy accessing the other mailbox's data, so this may take a while. 4 Back on the Change Account window, click on Next and then on Finish.ow to. Important: You need to have full access rights on the mailbox you wish to add to your profile. To achieve this, follow the steps in the FAQ How to give a user full access to another user's mailbox (Exchange 2007) . Important: You need to have full access rights on the mailbox you wish to add to your profile." }, { "score": 0.6036134958, "text": "Full access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook.However, full access permissions do not let the user send as or send on behalf of the mailbox. Those permissions are granted separately.ull access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook." }, { "score": 0.6034210324, "text": "Their name does NOT appear in 'open additional mailbox'. If I remove full access rights on ESM I can't open the mailbox in Outlook, and if I give myself full access rights again I can. But I can't remove or close it. I tried the REGEDIT HKCU edit and so removed the key with the user's name in it and restarted Oulktook." }, { "score": 0.6007638574, "text": "(https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2688358/). Full access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook. However, full access permissions do not let the user send as or send on behalf of the mailbox.Those permissions are granted separately.ull access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook." }, { "score": 0.5989319682, "text": "If the setting for the maximum message size for sending on a mailbox is more than the maxRequestLength setting, messages that are sent from Outlook Web App that exceed the maxRequestLength value will generate an error that might be confusing to users." }, { "score": 0.5983725786, "text": "(https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2688358/). Full access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook. However, full access permissions do not let the user send as or send on behalf of the mailbox.Those permissions are granted separately.ull access permissions let a user directly sign in to a mailbox by using Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA) and then add that mailbox as a secondary mailbox in Outlook. However, full access permissions do not let the user send as or send on behalf of the mailbox. Those permissions are granted separately." }, { "score": 0.5979813337, "text": "How Do I Add a Shared Mailbox in Microsoft Outlook 2010. How Do I Add a Shared Mailbox in Microsoft Outlook 2010. 1 The shared mailbox should populate under your main mailbox (left panel). If you do not have Send As permissions for the shared mailbox, Exchange will not allow you to send." }, { "score": 0.5970115662, "text": "I'm unable to view a second account on my Outlook. I'm using 2007 and the exchange server is 2003. I've added the account on my Outlook, I've also added full Mailbox rights via Active Directory. I'm pretty sure that's all I've needed to check in the past. The error I get when I try and open the added mailbox is." }, { "score": 0.5944206715, "text": "Q: Additional Outbox folder in hotmail account within Outlook 365 I read my Hotmail email through Microsoft Outlook 365. For some reason I have two outbox folders; one that's normal and one that is called Outbox [1]. It's an empty folder with nothing in it. I've tried deleting it, and it will just come back after a random time period." }, { "score": 0.5912492275, "text": "Q: Additional Outbox folder in hotmail account within Outlook 365. I read my Hotmail email through Microsoft Outlook 365. For some reason I have two outbox folders; one that's normal and one that is called Outbox [1]. It's an empty folder with nothing in it. I've tried deleting it, and it will just come back after a random time period. I've also tried moving it to another folder, and then it still comes back and the copy remains where I moved it." }, { "score": 0.5885944366, "text": "\\u00a0 Here is what's happening: I've given full access to User1's mailbox to User2.\\u00a0 Now, User1 leaves the company so I go in to EMC and remove the full access for User1's mailbox for User2.\\u00a0 I then go into the Outlook account settings on User2's computer and remove User1's mailbox, click apply, next etc..u00a0 Here is what's happening: I've given full access to User1's mailbox to User2.\\u00a0 Now, User1 leaves the company so I go in to EMC and remove the full access for User1's mailbox for User2.\\u00a0 I then go into the Outlook account settings on User2's computer and remove User1's mailbox, click apply, next etc.." }, { "score": 0.5884376764, "text": "How a full-access user of an Exchange (Outlook) Shared Mailbox must change permissions for others to access mailbox folders, and how non-full access users have to add the Shared Mailbox to their own Exchange (Outlook) account in order to see it upon login." }, { "score": 0.5880846977, "text": "The full error message is as follows: Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfil the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Office Outlook and set it as the default mail client.There are a couple of different ways to resolve this – first of all and most simply, a change to the System Registry. To begin with, go to (or on Windows Vista and 7) and Enter regedit to open the System Registry.ither there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfil the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Office Outlook and set it as the default mail client. There are a couple of different ways to resolve this – first of all and most simply, a change to the System Registry." }, { "score": 0.584667325, "text": "By taking a bit of time to get to know your Outlook Mail settings, you can customize the size of your inbox text to make it more comfortable for you to read. In the Mail tab, click on View Settings.. The resulting menu will display the font and font sizes for the Columns and Rows of your inbox." }, { "score": 0.5844137669, "text": "Click Open another mailbox. Type the email address of the other mailbox that you want to open. Another Outlook Web App session opens in a separate window, allowing access to the other mailbox. Tip If you mistype the email address of the mailbox, a second window opens alerting you that the webpage can't be found." }, { "score": 0.5807770491, "text": "Type the email address of the other mailbox that you want to open, and click Open. The other person's mailbox opens in a separate Outlook Web App browser window. If you have only been provided access to specific folders in the other user's mailbox, you will only see the folders for which you have been granted access." }, { "score": 0.5791922808, "text": "In Exchange 2010 SP1, when you assign Full Access permissions to a mailbox, the delegate to which you assign the permissions can also access the user's personal archive. Delegates must use Outlook to access the mailbox, and they must connect to an Exchange 2010 SP1 Client Access server for Autodiscover purposes." }, { "score": 0.577904284, "text": "To disable automapping, use Windows PowerShell to remove full access permissions from the user for the mailbox, and then add back full access permissions to the user. When you add back full access permissions to the user, use the AutoMapping:$false parameter. To do this, follow these steps:f the user has many mailboxes to which he or she has full access, this behavior may cause performance issues when Outlook starts. For example, in some organizations, administrators have full access to all users' mailboxes in their organization." }, { "score": 0.5768360496, "text": "She is using Outlook 2010 and we are on Exchange 2010 SP1. In other words, when you look at her Outlook, her email folders show up as normal and can be expanded by clicking on the arrow next to them. At the bottom of her email folders she has the name of the executive there with an arrow beside the name. When you click on the arrow, you get an error message cannot expand the folder.. She needs to be able to expand the folder.. Thanks in advance." }, { "score": 0.5758118629, "text": "On Exchange 2003, for a user to be able to send email as someone else while the mailbox is open in Outlook, they need two permissions... 1. Full Mailbox Access. This allows them to open the mailbox. It used to also grant Send As permission, but this has now been removed." }, { "score": 0.5724133253, "text": "1 How-To Add a Mailbox to Outlook 2010 A generic account Mailbox can be added to any user's Outlook Mailbox such that every time the user opens his/her Outlook (desktop client) the generic account Mailbox opens too and it appears in the folder list below the user's Mailbox. How-To Add a Mailbox to Outlook 2010 A generic account Mailbox can be added to any user's Outlook Mailbox such that every time the user opens his/her Outlook (desktop client) the generic account Mailbox opens too and it appears in the folder list below the user's Mailbox." }, { "score": 0.5715674162, "text": "The executive's mailbox is properly shared and she can see this in Outlook with no problem however, she can't expand the shared mailbox and see all the subfolders. We are not interested in the process to open another user's mailbox because this causes her to be navigated away from her folders." }, { "score": 0.5711669922, "text": "EXCHANGE (OUTLOOK) SHARED MAILBOX PERMISSIONS. How a full-access user of an Exchange (Outlook) Shared Mailbox must change permissions for others to access mailbox folders, and how non-full access users have to add the Shared Mailbox to their own Exchange (Outlook) account in order to see it upon login.XCHANGE (OUTLOOK) SHARED MAILBOX PERMISSIONS. How a full-access user of an Exchange (Outlook) Shared Mailbox must change permissions for others to access mailbox folders, and how non-full access users have to add the Shared Mailbox to their own Exchange (Outlook) account in order to see it upon login." }, { "score": 0.5579272509, "text": "In the result pane, select the mailbox for which you want to grant Full Access permission. In the action pane, under the mailbox name, click Manage Full Access Permission. The Manage Full Access Permission wizard opens.On the Manage Full Access Permission page, click Add.In Select User or Group, select the user to which you want to grant Full Access permission, and then click OK. Click Manage. On the Completion page, the Summary states whether Full Access permission was successfully granted.The summary also displays the Shell command used to grant Full Access permission.n the result pane, select the mailbox for which you want to grant Full Access permission. In the action pane, under the mailbox name, click Manage Full Access Permission. The Manage Full Access Permission wizard opens." }, { "score": 0.5568510294, "text": "In the result pane, select the mailbox for which you want to grant Full Access permission. In the action pane, under the mailbox name, click Manage Full Access Permission. The Manage Full Access Permission wizard opens.On the Manage Full Access Permission page, click Add.In Select User or Group, select the user to which you want to grant Full Access permission, and then click OK. Click Manage.On the Completion page, the Summary states whether Full Access permission was successfully granted.n the result pane, select the mailbox for which you want to grant Full Access permission. In the action pane, under the mailbox name, click Manage Full Access Permission. The Manage Full Access Permission wizard opens." }, { "score": 0.5537929535, "text": "Outlook 2007: (most) incoming messages do not show up in my Inbox. JohnPublic asked on July 10, 2011. JO. JO. When I use the built in test account settings button in outlook, it sends a test message to me, and then when I do a Send and Receive, the test message shows up correctly in my inbox as expected.At this point you might think that everything is working well... but no other messages arrive in my inbox. Enabling logging in outlook. ( 2 The logs DO show the messages showing up on the server in the POP logs, and I can see that outlook has retrieved them (RETR for the new messages, etc.." }, { "score": 0.553493619, "text": "Right click the user (shared mailbox) and select \"Manage Full Access Permissions. Add the users you wish to allow access. Note this couls also be scripted with Add-MailboxPermission –Identity sharedtest –user \"Lab\\tu12\" –AccessRights \"Full Access\".Then you can log into Outlook Web access (or Outlook) and add them.o create a shared mailbox in Microsoft Exchange 2010 you'll need to use the Exchange Management shell. New-mailbox sharedTest –shared –userprincipalname [email protected]." }, { "score": 0.5520176291, "text": "I have a similar problem with Outlook 2013 trying to connect to an Exchange 2010 server's Public Folders. Further, the message in full says Cannot expand the folder. Note that I did authenticate and can look at email with no issues - only when trying to look at the PFs do I have problems. PFs work fine in OWA as well." }, { "score": 0.5498224497, "text": "1 In earlier versions of Outlook, if you don't see the Folder List, from the menu, click. 2 Then, from the Folder List, right-click the folder you wish to share (this could be your mailbox, Inbox, or calendar, or a subfolder). 3 From the menu that appears, select, and then click the tab." }, { "score": 0.5369253755, "text": "I cannot open additional user's mailboxes in the same domain, same group, same Office365 account, same everything except mailbox/user. ALL permissions were granted, folders shared, FULL mailbox access granted. I have tried using control panel Mail to add the Additional Mail Boxes, Outlook Account Settings, neither work." }, { "score": 0.5363599658, "text": "1 On the Exchange Advanced tab, click Mailbox Rights. 2 Click Add, click the user or group who you want to have access to this mailbox, and then click OK. 3 Be sure that the user or group is selected in the Name box.4 In the Permissions list, click Allow next to Full Access, and then click OK. Click Add, click the user or group who you want to have access to this mailbox, and then click OK. 2 Be sure that the user or group is selected in the Name box. 3 In the Permissions list, click Allow next to Full Access, and then click OK." }, { "score": 0.5360314846, "text": "Q: Outlook inbox not showing latest recent emails After my recent upgrade to Win8.1, my Outlook inbox started having a weird symptom. When I select accounts setting to download emails for a limited period of time eg. last month, my recent and latest emails will be shown in the Inbox." }, { "score": 0.5346842408, "text": "User mailboxes. Resource mailboxes. In the action pane, click Manage Full Access Permission. On the Manage Full Access Permission page, select the users or groups to which you want to grant the Full Access permission or from which you want to remove the permission.Select one of the following options: Add Click this button to open the Select User or Group dialog box.Use this dialog box to select the users or groups to which you want to grant the Full Access permission. Select a user or group, and then click this button to remove the Full Access permission from that user or group.se the EMC to manage full access permissions for a mailbox. You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the Permissions and delegation entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic. In the console tree, click Recipient Configuration." }, { "score": 0.5315150619, "text": "I am using outlook 2007. When I type the letter in the mail, the letter shows too small to read. But the font size is set as 12. But when receiver received my email, it is shown with the actual size." }, { "score": 0.5270761847, "text": "Q: Outlook inbox not showing latest recent emails. After my recent upgrade to Win8.1, my Outlook inbox started having a weird symptom. When I select accounts setting to download emails for a limited period of time eg. last month, my recent and latest emails will be shown in the Inbox. If however I select download emails for any time, the most recent email shown in my Inbox will be 9th Oct. I tried to switch between the settings many times, and it keeps repeating the same problem. I restarted windows, same problem. I sent a new test email to my hotmail account. Same problem. The irony is that I even received a new email notification but my Inbox still does not show the new email when I select download emails from any time setting. I used my Win XP PC and everything works fine! Seems like WIn8.1 is messing up Outlook ..." }, { "score": 0.5255850554, "text": "The Inbox is the main folder all your mail goes into unless you have moved it to a new folder or used a third-party app to filter incoming mail to specific folders. In this case, the Inbox view will not show you all the new mail, and you need to view the folders you have for your accounts.This is easily done and you don't need to install any new applications. Step 1. Tap the Mail icon on the iPhone to launch the email application.Step 2. Scroll down the Mailboxes screen until you see the Accounts section. This is the section below the Inboxes section.ap the Mail icon on the iPhone to launch the email application. Step 2. Scroll down the Mailboxes screen until you see the Accounts section. This is the section below the Inboxes section." }, { "score": 0.5144619346, "text": "If your e-mail recipients see only part of your name, such as your first name, but you want them to see your full name, you can easily make the desired change. The display may show only part of your name if you did not type your full name when you first set up your e-mail account. To display your full name, edit your name in Account Settings. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings. On the E-mail tab, select your Internet service provider (ISP) account, and then click Change. Under User Information, in the Your Name box, type your name the way you want it to appear to people who receive e-mail messages from you." }, { "score": 0.495092988, "text": "If your e-mail recipients see only part of your name, such as your first name, but you want them to see your full name, you can easily make the desired change. The display may show only part of your name if you did not type your full name when you first set up your e-mail account." }, { "score": 0.4940164685, "text": "If your e-mail recipients see only part of your name, such as your first name, but you want them to see your full name, you can easily make the desired change. The display may show only part of your name if you did not type your full name when you first set up your e-mail account.f your e-mail recipients see only part of your name, such as your first name, but you want them to see your full name, you can easily make the desired change. The display may show only part of your name if you did not type your full name when you first set up your e-mail account." }, { "score": 0.492982924, "text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: You can open options, in your email. Then look for where you change to a full header, instead of the the header, that you receive normal. The full header will show all the ports the email passed through before it reached your inbox.f there is an IP address, you can copy & paste and use via google and the IP addess will show. Or if you have what I use, SmartWhois, I can obtain the exact address of the IP location." }, { "score": 0.4609617889, "text": "It does NOT happen if the link opens in the same window, because the page is already full size. If I click a link in my email, whether web based mail or Windows Live Mail, the page opens half screen. Opening up IE from the icon next to the Start menu opens full size.Using the desktop icon, sometimes full size, sometimes half size.I've done this several times, didn't work: Drag the corners of the window until it completely fills the screen. Hold down the Ctrl key, and while holding it down used the mouse to click File and then Exit on the toolbar.I tried it using the Shift key.sing the desktop icon, sometimes full size, sometimes half size. I've done this several times, didn't work: Drag the corners of the window until it completely fills the screen. Hold down the Ctrl key, and while holding it down used the mouse to click File and then Exit on the toolbar. I tried it using the Shift key." } ]
dior capture foundation price
[ { "score": 0.8376341462, "text": "REVIEW: DIOR CAPTURE TOTALE SERUM DE TEINT FOUNDATION. I bought this foundation a while ago, and if you ever tried this at the counter you will know exactly why I bought it. It's not a cheap foundation as it retails for £62.00. That's double the price of most high end foundations and well, that price is incomparable to drugstore foundations to say the least. I tested this out at two different Dior counters, and was on the fence whether or not I wanted to spend the money on it." } ]
[ { "score": 0.73248142, "text": "June 30, 2016, 3:12 p.m. Capture Totale by Dior is a foundation I always keep in my free lance kit. I find it gives the most beautiful flawless airbrush finish and photographs SO WELL. It's a great buildable foundation and I would recommend to anyone that is searching for a new foundation to go pick this one up!" }, { "score": 0.7137977481, "text": "What it does: With its unique blend of anti-aging ingredients (alpha longoza™ and centuline™), broad spectrum SPF 25, optical correctors and HD liquid crystal pigments™, Dior Capture Totale Foundation is a revolutionary serum foundation that offers radiant, high-definition perfection in every dimension. 1 1 oz. 2 Item #94359." }, { "score": 0.704228878, "text": "What it does: With its unique blend of anti-aging ingredients (alpha longoza™ and centuline™), broad spectrum SPF 25, optical correctors and HD liquid crystal pigments™, Dior Capture Totale Foundation is a revolutionary serum foundation that offers radiant, high-definition perfection in every dimension. 1 oz." }, { "score": 0.691459775, "text": "With its unique blend of antiaging ingredients (alpha longoza™ and centuline™), optical correctors, and HD liquid crystal pigments™, Dior Capture Totale Foundation is a revolutionary serum foundation that gives skin a radiant, high definition perfection in every dimension." }, { "score": 0.6205794215, "text": "$65 (Exclusive for Anniversary Sale) BUY NOW. This gorgeous exclusive Dior blush palette is very gently shimmery and almost buttery to the touch. Sweep some onto your cheeks for a pop of coral and pink, and check out some of the matching lip and nail colors that Dior is offering exclusively to Nordstrom." }, { "score": 0.5480146408, "text": "We've put together a full makeup kit for less than the price of a Dior concealer/foundation. We've listed expiration dates, estimated the per use cost, and calculated whether you're likely to use it up by the time it expires. We've done the research and chosen our favorite drug store beauty products." }, { "score": 0.5409365296, "text": "Includes hard protective case and microfiber pouch. Free Shipping & Returns Christian Dior Chicago 2 Sunglasses-Multi $395 Activate Sale Alert Dior's Dior So Real sunglasses feature dark grey and light blue semi-mirrored lenses framed by light blue acetate and metal. Logo-etched hinges." }, { "score": 0.5392612219, "text": "Free Shipping $150+ Christian Dior large 'Lady Dior' tote $3,379 Activate Sale Alert. Black leather large 'Lady Dior' tote from Christian Dior Vintage featuring a square body, a quilted effect, a logo charm, round top handles, a gold-tone top zip fastening and an interior zipped compartment." }, { "score": 0.5352275372, "text": "List of the world's top 10 best selling and most expensive make up brands in 2016-2017. 10. Christian Dior (Net Worth: $2.9 billion) Christian Dior SE is also called Dior commonly was established in 1946 by Christian Dior." }, { "score": 0.5328503847, "text": "We offer motion capture systems that range in price from about $800 (iPiSoft Desktop Motion Capture system with four cameras) to the Animazoo Gypsy 7 system, priced at about $8000 to PhaseSpace systems ranging from about $34,000 (4 cameras) to the IGS-190-M system at around $75,000 to PhaseSpace systems ranging up to $250,000 and more." }, { "score": 0.5302411914, "text": "Christian Dior Diorsnow D-NA DNA Control White Reveal Essence 5ml x 2 = 10ml NIB. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab. | Add to watch list." }, { "score": 0.5166925192, "text": "For $14,000 one might expect Dior or Chanel haute couture. But a little-known brand has trumped the major labels in price with a diamond-encrusted gown that it is marketing as a prom dress. Indulgent parents should start saving now for the design by Dress Goddess, which has the precious stones hand-sewn through the bodice." }, { "score": 0.5132654905, "text": "BareMinerals BareSkin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 20 ($29) Not only does it provide the perfect amount of natural-looking color (which bareMinerals is known for! ), but the foundation is formulated with lilac plant stem cells that boost the skin with antioxidants and shield against free radicals." }, { "score": 0.5129223466, "text": "BareMinerals BareSkin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 20 ($29) Not only does it provide the perfect amount of natural-looking color (which bareMinerals is known for!), but the foundation is formulated with lilac plant stem cells that boost the skin with antioxidants and shield against free radicals." }, { "score": 0.5054175854, "text": ";52mm lens width; 21mm bridge width; 140mm temple length;100% UV protection;Metal;Made in Italy 25% Off Select: THANKYOU Christian Dior Reflected 52MM Modified Pantos Sunglasses $435 Activate Sale Alert. An architectural double-bridge design creates a bold, distinctive silhouette on this iconic style." }, { "score": 0.4937599301, "text": "Step 3: Apply Foundation with a Foundation Brush. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Pro Tip: Use a foundation brush and apply the foundation starting in the center of the face and blend out.. When it comes to choosing a formula, look for something that looks natural, has a flawless finish, and feels weightless. You can't go wrong with Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation ($62)." }, { "score": 0.4720929563, "text": "After making it on stage by coming closest to guessing the retail price of a set of four DXG camcorders (valued at $1260), De Lucia played the Money Game and nailed the correct cost of the Chevy: $19,652. After commenting on the win (\"Aieeee! Ahhhh!\" \"Oh, My Gah-weeee!\"), De Lucia was hustled backstage." }, { "score": 0.4708095789, "text": "A set of Ultegra Di2 electronic components will run you $1,600 in retail, which includes derailleurs, shifters, battery, wires and connectors, but doesn't account for mechanical items like cranks and brakes. By comparrison, the 2012 Dura-Ace Di2 electronic parts selection should retail for around $2,500." }, { "score": 0.4700497389, "text": "Financing options provided in partnership with Prosper. The average national cost of building a foundation is $7,724, with most homeowners spending between $4,224 and $11,669. This data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members." }, { "score": 0.4699019194, "text": "For other uses, see Dior (disambiguation). Christian Dior SE (French pronunciation: ​[kʁis.tjɑ̃ djɔːʁ]), commonly known as Dior, is a French luxury goods company controlled and chaired by French businessman Bernard Arnault, who also heads LVMH – the world's largest luxury group. Dior itself holds 42.36% shares of and 59.01% voting rights within LVMH." }, { "score": 0.4694205523, "text": "By the summer of 1946 word was out that Boussac was backing Christian Dior and 'the smell of fame was strong'. Louis Vuitton was awarded pounds 14million and Christian Dior Couture will receive pounds 15million. Stone models for Christian Dior SA, and the company's Shanghai office issued the statement." }, { "score": 0.4622317553, "text": "Christian Dior SE (French pronunciation: ​[kʁis.tjɑ̃ djɔːʁ]), commonly known as Dior, is a French luxury goods company controlled and chaired by French businessman Bernard Arnault, who also heads LVMH – the world's largest luxury group. Dior itself holds 42.36% shares of and 59.01% voting rights within LVMH." }, { "score": 0.4572560787, "text": "The DuraForce Pro is available in the US on August 31 at AT&T for $419 (or about £319 and AU$557). That's considerably less than Samsung's leading durable handset, the , which costs $795 on US carrier AT&T (that converts to about £610 and AU$1,040)." }, { "score": 0.454003334, "text": "Ex works price: £41,301.94*. Visit the Victory Leisure Homes website for more information. If you would like a quote on the 2015 Victory Capri, check out the static caravan insurance page.*Additional charges will be made by park operators, and/or distributors for transport, siting and annual maintenance.x works price: £41,301.94*. Visit the Victory Leisure Homes website for more information. If you would like a quote on the 2015 Victory Capri, check out the static caravan insurance page. *Additional charges will be made by park operators, and/or distributors for transport, siting and annual maintenance." }, { "score": 0.4532795846, "text": "The price of D onorExpress Lite is a one time licensing fee of $150.00 for a single user workstation. Support. The Lite version comes with 90 days free customer support. Additional Customer support may be purchased for an annual fee of $99.00. DonorExpress Nonprofit and Hospice. The Standard and Hospice versions of DonorExpress Fundraising Software is our most popular software and is designed for the needs of most small to medium size nonprofit organizations." }, { "score": 0.4518885016, "text": "Build a full-body inertial mocap suit for under $400. Friday, August 29th, 2014 | Posted by Jim Thacker. Chinese motion-capture firm Noitom has announced Perception Neuron: an assemble-it-yourself inertial mocap system that aims to give users a complete full-body capture solution for under $400." }, { "score": 0.4500495195, "text": "Build a full-body inertial mocap suit for under $400. Chinese motion-capture firm Noitom has announced Perception Neuron: an assemble-it-yourself inertial mocap system that aims to give users a complete full-body capture solution for under $400." }, { "score": 0.4497525692, "text": "The Zero will stay at $5 (£4) but the Zero W is priced at $10 (£9.60) plus tax. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is also offering new injection-molded cases with interchangeable lids that are smaller versions of the official Raspberry Pi case that went on sale almost two years ago. At $10 (£9.60), the Zero W is still fantastic value for money." }, { "score": 0.4416626096, "text": "Products from Dynaudio Dynaudio Evidence Center (price: 20 900,00 €, VAT excluded) The Evidence Center is the first center channel speaker where choices of materials, craftsmanship and performance have been lavished at the exalted Evidence level. First-rate film productions and fine multi-channel recordings reach a new dimension through the Dynaudio Evidence." }, { "score": 0.441151619, "text": "On Monday, Heritage Auctions is hosting in Beverly Hills a Fine Jewelry and Luxury Accessories Auction that includes 68 Birkins out of 275 bags. The most sought-after item is a crocodile Birkin bag that was custom made with an indigo interior. It's estimated to be worth $60,000 to $70,000." }, { "score": 0.4391109347, "text": "Price Guide. Cost for carpet relay after foundation repair is $100.00 for the first room and $75.00 for each room thereafter. This covers a room up to 175 sq feet. Over this size is an additional $ 0.35 per sq/ft.The carpet has to be in the room with the pad. If the pad is torn-up, repairing will be extra." }, { "score": 0.4309183955, "text": "Disassembly / Reassembly Is always on top of the Cerakote coating prices. It usually ranges between $50 – $75 depending on the Gun and difficulty. Call for accurate pricing. We have a $50.00 Minimum. At the present time we are running between 1 to 2 weeks out AFTER we receive your project in the shop. Cerakote colors that we do not normally stock will add an additional $25 to your order." }, { "score": 0.4290596247, "text": "Pull tests typically cost $6,000 to $20,000 for a site depending on its size, and are usually arranged for or completed by the PV support structure vendor. There are four principal types of foundations commonly utilized." }, { "score": 0.4263209105, "text": "Though the Disto family is made up of many models, I'm going to highlight the D2 (low-end), D5 (mid-range) and D8 (high-end) models. Those looking to buy a serious laser measuring device on the cheap would be interested in the Leica Disto D2 which measures about 200ft for the price of $179.00. The device is also built to be splash and dust proof which could pay for itself the minute you find yourself under a rain tower." }, { "score": 0.4248183966, "text": "Disassembly / Reassembly Is always on top of the Cerakote coating prices. It usually ranges between $25 – $75 depending on the Gun and difficulty. Call for accurate pricing. We have a $50.00 Minimum. At the present time we are running between 4- 6 weeks out AFTER we receive your project in the shop." }, { "score": 0.4152325094, "text": "Components: Clostridium Difficile Toxin/Gdh w/Refl to Pcr, Source: Clostridium difficile Toxin/GDH with Reflex to PCR test cost is between $159.00 and $159.00 Clostridium difficile Toxin/GDH with Reflex to PCR test cost minimal is in TRUE HEALTH Labs (Clostridium difficile Toxins A & B) with price $159.00." }, { "score": 0.4099122286, "text": "Auld D'Leo's waitresses sell their Jell-O shots and watered-down tequila in a plastic test tube, which cost around 15 cents apiece, for $3 or $4 each.uld D'Leo's waitresses sell their Jell-O shots and watered-down tequila in a plastic test tube, which cost around 15 cents apiece, for $3 or $4 each." }, { "score": 0.4097302556, "text": "Top rated Morphe Brushes Coupons and Codes. Pro Members – All the current Pro members can get 20% discount on their entire order. Cost for membership is only $25 for one year and if you are student then you can get that for just $10 discount for your 6 months package." }, { "score": 0.4058120847, "text": "This is an acrylic latex, interior paint designed for \"ultimate hiding.\" Valspar is a Lowe's specific brand and is available nationwide at their retail locations and online. Click here for product details. Price: $14.98 (quart), $33.98 (gallon) – comparable to other paint + primer products." }, { "score": 0.4012966156, "text": "There was an average cost of $7,400 more for the ad-. ditional 1 ft, 3 in. of foundation wall height, compared with. slabs on compacted fill. The raised wood systems cost an. average of 27% more than the raised concrete on fill with. stem wall (as measured by average total cost)." }, { "score": 0.4007968605, "text": "Two or three years ago, building a DIY sensory deprivation tank at your home was a no-brainer unless you had unlimited resources to spend 10-12K (at least) on a commercial float tank adapted for your home. With transportation and construction costs the sum could go up to 15-20K." }, { "score": 0.4004327059, "text": "2015 Victory Capri static caravan review: A well-respected name returns. This new static from long-established company Victory Leisure Homes comes in two versions – a 38ft x 12ft 6in 2-bedroom and the one we look at here, the 3-bedroom 39ft x 12ft 6in.x works price: £41,301.94*. Visit the Victory Leisure Homes website for more information. If you would like a quote on the 2015 Victory Capri, check out the static caravan insurance page. *Additional charges will be made by park operators, and/or distributors for transport, siting and annual maintenance." }, { "score": 0.3984924555, "text": "That is more than a double room at the four-star Hilton Palacio del Rio 70 miles away in San Antonio, which costs $169. Scroll down for video. It costs $231 to house a detainee at the Immigration and Custom's Enforcement family detention center in Dilley, Texas, Daily Mail Online can reveal.It is also higher than the rate ($199) of a luxury King Suite at the four-star Hotel Cantessa-which boasts a rooftop pool and a gym. report by the National Immigration Center suggests alternate methods to detention, including ankle monitoring bracelets, would cost the government between $17 and 17 cents a day." }, { "score": 0.390737623, "text": "Its most expensive suppressor, the Saker, goes for $1,300. Suppressors are for the graduate-level gun buyer, said Schauble, a veteran of the Iraq war and the former Chief Executive Officer of TrackingPoint, a Texas-based maker of smartscope rifles that cost more than $20,000." }, { "score": 0.390491128, "text": "Prepare the financial section of a business case for the Remote Deposit Capture Project. Assume the project will take 6 months to complete and cost about $500,000 (year 0 costs). Annual operating costs would be about $150,000 per year for three years." }, { "score": 0.3880145252, "text": "Prepare the financial section of a business case for the Remote Deposit Capture Project. Assume the project will take 6 months to complete and cost about $500,000 (year 0 costs). Annual operating costs would be about $150,000 per year for three years. Estimated benefits are about $400,000 per year for three years." }, { "score": 0.3842470348, "text": "13W x 13 4/5H x 4 3/10D. Made in Italy. $50 Off $200: SSLOVENM Gucci Sukey Original GG Canvas Tote $990 Activate Sale Alert One side is leather, reversible side is GG canvas. Leather shoulder straps, 7.4 drop." }, { "score": 0.3808731437, "text": "The Foundation Center's Foundation Directory Online is completely searchable by multiple criteria, and is one of the best sources of grant information. If your non-profit expects to raise $25,000 or more from grants this year, than the $40 per month fee for the online directory is well worth the price." }, { "score": 0.3795226216, "text": "5 brokers have issued 1-year target prices for Ichor Holdings Ltd's shares. Their predictions range from $17.00 to $22.00. On average, they expect Ichor Holdings Ltd's share price to reach $19.40 in the next year." }, { "score": 0.3696955144, "text": "Felber confirmed that the Ennis House construction loan had been guaranteed by Burkle and that he had first right of refusal on any bid. But Felber disputed the notion that the foundation was the victim of a deal gone bad: $4.5 million paid for a property that has benefitted from $6.5 million in restoration work." }, { "score": 0.3659684658, "text": "1 Agave Loco LLC will donate three dollars ($3.00) to the Lone Survivor Foundation for every purchase of a six-bottle case of specially marked red, white, and blue RumChata® \"Freedom Bottles\" (or sales of \"Freedom Bottles\" of equivalent quantity in other increments or case volumes) during the time period." }, { "score": 0.3575752378, "text": "In 1998, DiCaprio and his mother donated $35,000 for a state-of-the-art Leonardo DiCaprio Computer Center at the Los Feliz branch of the Los Angeles Public Library (1874 Hillhurst Avenue) which happened to be the site of his childhood home." }, { "score": 0.3522295654, "text": "Prices Of Pancakes - 4060 results from brands Casetify, Minka Aire, Cuisinart, products like Buttermilk Pancake Gift, Update International Update Aluminum Pancake Dispenser PCD-13, Norpro 18/10 S/s Pancake Waffle Crepe Batter Dispenser Pitcher Pourer Stainless" }, { "score": 0.3419781923, "text": "You can keep the original green plastic lenses or you can remove them for light more true to the LED. Prices for classic Mustang LED instrument panel light kits range from $24.95 to $29.95, depending on model year. There are also LED kits for '71-'73 full instrumentation packages that cost $12.95. This is a great investment in your instrument panel because LED lamps outlast regular light bulbs." }, { "score": 0.3419035077, "text": "Peaches!! Nectarines!! Stop by the lot next to Lucky Wishbone, DiTomasos is having their annual fruit sale. $8.00 for a 5lb box, all proceeds benefit Mt. View Coats for Kids program!! Available today only from 9am - 5pm. Be sure to take cash or check, debit and credit cards are not able to be used." }, { "score": 0.3415904045, "text": "By taking a $80 loss up front, they gained over $750 in sales that they would not have realized otherwise. This is a wise marketing effort as far as I see it. Disney is not the only one who uses this tactic. CDs at stores like Walmart and Target are loss leaders. This is what, in part, put Tower Records and other record stores out of business. Target will advertise a CD for $11.99, which is lower than what they paid the manufacturer for it." }, { "score": 0.3384078741, "text": "1 oz .999 Silver PHASE 3 - PRICE CONTROLS LIFTED The Justice Mint Art Bar. $32.95; Buy It Now; Free Shipping" }, { "score": 0.3367872536, "text": "Focusable 3V-5V 980nm 30mw Infrared IR Adjusted Laser Dot Diode Module w/TTL 0-15KHz 12x30mm. by Lilly Electronics. $ 12 69 + $4.99 shipping. 5 out of 5 stars 1. Get 1 of 15 purchased items free." }, { "score": 0.3347796798, "text": "Over the weekend, Terminator Genisys grossed $28.7 million to take the third spot at the box office, behind Jurassic World and Inside Out. FYI: Emilia is wearing Dior. 10+ pictures inside of Emilia Clarke and Arnold Schwarzenegger hitting the Terminator Genisys premiere in Japan…." }, { "score": 0.3347681165, "text": "Price: $249.95. The DeLorme inReach satellite communicator can be used as a standalone device utilizing pre-loaded text messages, SOS signal, remote tracking, and message delivery confirmation. The DeLorme inReach is also able to pair with your Android or iOS phone or device (not included) through a free application.Pairing with your Android or iOS device gives you a two-way satellite messaging service along with the inReach's other features.If your smart phone is damaged, lost, or loses battery power, the inReach is still able to keep you in contact.eLorme also offers the Earthmate PN-60w, a device built specifically to pair with your handheld tracker and unlock all of its additional features. If you already have an Earthmate PN-60w you can purchase the inReach which pairs with it, or we offer a bundle which includes both the DeLorme inReach and Earthmate devices." }, { "score": 0.3332461715, "text": "Posted. Live capturing is the most cost effective way to record your programs onto your HDD. Using the Foxtel auto tune feature alongside a manual timer is a pain but if you want it in DivX, then this is the way for the budget user. I just recently purchased a Gadmei USB TV box on eBay for under $50." }, { "score": 0.3268295228, "text": "Most turn-key gunite pool projects typically cost between $50,000 and $100,000. The disparity in price between concrete and fiberglass isn't in the initial cost, but the cost of owning the pool over time, which we'll discuss more detail in a minute.Vinyl Liner Pools: Initial Cost.ost turn-key gunite pool projects typically cost between $50,000 and $100,000. The disparity in price between concrete and fiberglass isn't in the initial cost, but the cost of owning the pool over time, which we'll discuss more detail in a minute. Vinyl Liner Pools: Initial Cost." }, { "score": 0.3170269132, "text": "Create a lead capture website for real world businesses. You can make $1000s a month with this idea, easily! Think simple Google-friendly content site with a high converting inquiry form for capturing details (maybe even a free report attached to that or something else to boost conversion)." }, { "score": 0.3166993558, "text": "Top Ranking Competitors Base Model. 1 1. 2000 Mitsubishi Galant. Base Price 17,357. 2 2. 2000 Toyota Camry. Base Price 17,518. 3 3. 2000 Mazda 626. Base Price 18,445. 4 4. 2000 Chevrolet Lumina. Base Price 18,790. 5 5. 2000 Buick Century. Base Price 19,840. 6 6. 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix. Base Price 19,935. 7 7. 2000 Nissan Maxima. Base Price 21,049." }, { "score": 0.3100502491, "text": "This item: Tef-Gel, TG-02, 2 OZ Tub Anti-seize, Anyi-gull Lubricant, NSF Food Grade $27.00 Only 11 left in stock - order soon. Sold by RG PRODUCTS and ships from Amazon Fulfillment." } ]
premises identification number
[ { "score": 0.8294032812, "text": "A premises identification number (PIN) is a unique, 7-digit code that includes both letters and numbers. Example: A123R69. The owner of the premises, or a person designated by the owner of the premises, can register his/her location." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7001302242, "text": "premise id information obtaining a premises id number is typically a very simple process that involves contacting your state animal health agency individuals can find their respective state s contact information by accessing the list of state contacts" }, { "score": 0.6965898871, "text": "premise id information how to obtain a premises id number obtaining a premises id number is typically a very simple process that involves contacting your state animal health agency individuals can find their respective state s contact information by accessing the list of state contacts" }, { "score": 0.6599123478, "text": "premises identification pid one of the pillars of traceability links livestock and poultry to land locations or premises alberta s pid program was established to plan for control and prevent the spread of agricultural diseases" }, { "score": 0.6168724298, "text": "PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. A number that is used to identify land of any size. If you need to find the parcel number of your lot or project site, the number can be obtain from one of three places via the internet; the Property Appraisers Online, Tax Collectors Online and GIS Map Objects. It is important to remember that even if the number may be referred to as TAX ID or a PARCEL ID number, it is still the SAME NUMBER." }, { "score": 0.6023166776, "text": "Building Identification Numbers. A Building Identification Number (BIN) is assigned to every building receiving an allocation of IRC §42 credit, or, as described in IRC §42(h)(4), is financed with tax-exempt bonds subject to the volume cap under IRC §146." }, { "score": 0.5923399925, "text": "Building Identification Numbers. A Building Identification Number (BIN) is assigned to every building receiving an allocation of IRC §42 credit, or, as described in IRC §42(h)(4), is financed with tax-exempt bonds subject to the volume cap under IRC §146. The rules for assigning BINs are outlined in Notice 1988-91." }, { "score": 0.5889524221, "text": "Business identification number. Business identification number or BIN is a proposed identification number to replace eighteen different registration numbers required to be obtained by a company to operate in India. Details." }, { "score": 0.5868729949, "text": "A Tax Identification Number (Tax ID), also called an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a nine digit number in the format 12-3456789 that is issued to businesses by the Internal Revenue Service." }, { "score": 0.585339725, "text": "A Tax Identification Number (Tax ID), also called an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a nine digit number in the format \"12-3456789\" that is issued to businesses by the Internal Revenue Service." }, { "score": 0.5830894709, "text": "A Building Identification Number (BIN) is assigned to every building receiving an allocation of IRC §42 credit, or, as described in IRC §42(h)(4), is financed with tax-exempt bonds subject to the volume cap under IRC §146." }, { "score": 0.5816531777, "text": "Quick Answer. A company identification number is a number assigned to the business upon start-up to identify this business for federal taxing and legitimacy. The number is the corporate equivalent to a Social Security number, as reported by the Small Business Administration." }, { "score": 0.5755735636, "text": "Resources & Tools. Step 1 OBTAIN A SPIN (498 ID) A Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) is a unique nine-digit number assigned to service providers by USAC when an FCC Form 498 is filed. This number is also known as the service provider's 498 ID. You may want more than one if you have business units separated by state, type of service, or for other reasons, but you need at least one SPIN/498 ID to participate in the Schools and Libraries Program." }, { "score": 0.5754899979, "text": "A Building Identification Number (BIN) is assigned to every building receiving an allocation of IRC §42 credit, or, as described in IRC §42(h)(4), is financed with tax-exempt bonds subject to the volume cap under IRC §146. The rules for assigning BINs are outlined in Notice 1988-91." }, { "score": 0.5702587366, "text": "The Employer Identification Number, also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. When the number is used for identification rather than employment tax reporting, it is usually referred to as a Taxpayer Identification Number, and when used for the purposes of reporting employment taxes," }, { "score": 0.5698549747, "text": "Employer identification numbers, also called tax identification numbers, are nine-digit numbers the Internal Revenue Service uses to identify businesses for federal tax purposes. Just about any business other than a single-person sole proprietorship needs a tax ID number." }, { "score": 0.5637712479, "text": "Employer Identification Number. The Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification." }, { "score": 0.5628026724, "text": "Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is a nine-digit unique number is used by the IRS to identify businesses operating in the U.S. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is a nine-digit unique number is used by the IRS to identify businesses operating in the U.S." }, { "score": 0.5603314042, "text": "An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a federal tax identification number, identifies a business entity. Generally, all businesses need an EIN. An EIN is a nine-digit number that the Internal Revenue Service assigns to a business. The IRS uses the number to identify taxpayers that are required to file various business tax returns. For additional information, please contact the Internal Revenue Service at 800-829-4933 or www.irs.gov." }, { "score": 0.5597919822, "text": "The Employer Identification Number is a unique 9-digit code assigned by the IRS to all businesses who employ workers. The first two digits of the code preceding the dash identify the IRS campus that assigned the code, while the last seven digits after the dash makes up the code assigned to the employer by that campus." }, { "score": 0.5566557646, "text": "An EPA establishment number is a unique, site specific registration number assigned to an establishment that intends to produce a pesticide, a device or an active ingredient used to produce a pesticide. It contains: For example, 99999-NY-002 indicates that this is the second establishment for EPA FIFRA company number 99999 in New York." }, { "score": 0.5544120073, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a 7 or 8 in the fourth digit, example 9XX-7X-XXXX." }, { "score": 0.5528358817, "text": "● Contact the Division. An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a federal tax identification number, identifies a business entity. Generally, all businesses need an EIN. An EIN is a nine-digit number that the Internal Revenue Service assigns to a business. The IRS uses the number to identify taxpayers that are required to file various business tax returns. For additional information, please contact the Internal Revenue Service at 800-829-4933 or www.irs.gov." }, { "score": 0.5526400805, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine-digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a range of 70-88 in the fourth and fifth digit, example 9XX-70-XXXX." }, { "score": 0.5515024662, "text": "Employer Identification Number. The Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. When the number is used for identification rather than employment tax reporting, it is usually referred to as a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and when used for the purposes of ..." }, { "score": 0.5511755943, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a United States tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine-digit number that begins with the number 9 and generally has a range of 70 to 99 (excluding 89 and 93) in the fourth and fifth digit, example 9XX-70-XXXX or 9XX-99-XXXX." }, { "score": 0.5489631295, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine-digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a range of 70-88 in the fourth and fifth digit." }, { "score": 0.548453927, "text": "by completing a pid application and keeping your information up to date you will take an important step in protecting your animals and those of other alberta and canadian producers regulations requiring premises identification became law january 1 2009 as part of the animal health act" }, { "score": 0.5473459363, "text": "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a United States tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is a nine-digit number that begins with the number 9 and the digits 4 and 5, also known as second section (xxx-xx-xxxx), range from 70 to 88, 90 to 92 and 94 to 99. Temporary identification numbers are issued to the main taxpayer only and these numbers are usually triggered after a 45-day suspension period." }, { "score": 0.5471093655, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a United States tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is a nine-digit number that begins with the number 9, and the 4th and 5th digits, also known as second section (xxx-xx-xxxx), range from 70 to 88, 90 to 92 and 94 to 99." }, { "score": 0.5470944643, "text": "A Livestock Premises Identification number will be voluntary for livestock exhibition at all county, state, 4-H and FFA fairs in Illinois. Register Now Dates Fair County City. A Livestock Premises Identification number will be voluntary for livestock exhibition at all county, state, 4-H and FFA fairs in Illinois." }, { "score": 0.5466144085, "text": "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a United States tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is a nine-digit number that begins with the number 9 and the digits 4 and 5, also known as second section (xxx-xx-xxxx), range from 70 to 88, 90 to 92 and 94 to 99." }, { "score": 0.5444164276, "text": "An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a federal tax identification number, identifies a business entity. Generally, all businesses need an EIN." }, { "score": 0.5421127081, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine-digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a range of 70-88 in the fourth and fifth digit. Effective April 12, 2011, the range was extended to include 900-70-0000 through 999-88-9999, 900-90-0000 through 999-92-9999 and 900-94-0000 through 999-99-9999." }, { "score": 0.541004777, "text": "How to Find a Mortgage Company's Federal Identification Number. A federal identification number is a nine-digit number assigned to businesses by the Internal Revenue Service. The federal ID number is also referred to as an EIN (Employer Identification Number), a Tax Identification Number (TIN), or a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)." }, { "score": 0.5378037691, "text": "In order to help the readers who is not able to identify establishment code of their PF account, here is the information for you. Establish Code is an unique number assigned to your organization by Government of India and Extension Number is for the branch of your organisation if any. Establishment code is part of your PF account number and it's a 5 digit code. Here is a simple illustration that highlights(underlined in red) establishment codes of two PF accounts. For example if your Bangalore PF account number is KN/46753/987 then establishment code of your PF account is 46753. Hope this article helps you to easily identify establishment code of your PF account." }, { "score": 0.536965549, "text": "Taxpayer Identification Numbers. 1 Social Security Number SSN. 2 Employer Identification Number EIN. 3 Individual Taxpayer Identification Number ITIN. 4 Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions ATIN. 5 Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number PTIN." }, { "score": 0.5349656343, "text": "● Organizational tax; taxes on changes of capital. An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a federal tax identification number, identifies a business entity. Generally, all businesses need an EIN. An EIN is a nine-digit number that the Internal Revenue Service assigns to a business. The IRS uses the number to identify taxpayers that are required to file various business tax returns. For additional information, please contact the Internal Revenue Service at 800-829-4933 or www.irs.gov." }, { "score": 0.5338934064, "text": "If the owner code is absent, the container cannot be identified. The registration or serial number consists of six digits. In the examples shown, these numbers are 307007 and 452149. If the container number consists of fewer than six digits, it is preceded by enough zeros to make a six-digit number sequence." }, { "score": 0.5282865763, "text": "The first set of numbers refers to the registrant's company identification number, and the second set of numbers represents the product number. In addition to primary products, distributors may also sell products with identical formulations and identical efficacy as the primary products." }, { "score": 0.5271172523, "text": "1. Presented By – Ms. Shikha Jain Date – Venue - Presentation on D-U-N-S® Number & FEI Number. 2. BACKGROUND  Self identification of generic drug facilities, Sites and organizations:  In GDUFA 2012, FDA's requirement of submission of Self identification information by human generic drug facilities, Sites and organizations is listed." }, { "score": 0.5267783999, "text": "Enter the USPPI's Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN can be obtained by calling the IRS at 800-829-4933 or applying online at" }, { "score": 0.5254061222, "text": "An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), also known as the W7 form, is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS to certain residents and nonresidents who are required for U.S. tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number." }, { "score": 0.5221296549, "text": "'Unique Identification Number' - 15 News Result(s) The government has started the process for issuing Unique Business Identification Numbers (UBINs) to enable budding entrepreneurs to set up their business without any delays, a top official said on Saturday." }, { "score": 0.5176223516, "text": "The `Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number`… in a nutshell. 1. The \"federal work authorization user identification number\" (also known as the \"E-Verify Company ID number\") is the up to seven-digit number that is assigned to businesses when they enroll in E-Verify." }, { "score": 0.5123246908, "text": "International Securities Identification Number. An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) uniquely identifies a security. Its structure is defined in ISO 6166. Securities for which ISINs are issued include bonds, commercial paper, stocks and warrants." }, { "score": 0.5078716278, "text": "What is an ITIN? An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), also known as the W7 form, is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS to certain residents and nonresidents who are required for U.S. tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number." }, { "score": 0.5059134364, "text": "animal health home faqs electronic cvis forms publications adt record keeping additional resources contact traceability premises and animal identification will provide quick and accurate traceability of livestock and locations in the event of an animal health event register for your colorado premises location identification lid number here" }, { "score": 0.5043281913, "text": "Summary. Your address is made up of many parts, sub-building number, dependent thoroughfare, town and postcode to name a few. Every address in the UK contains some of the elements listed below, but not all of them.The only compulsory elements are the town and postcode. building name may be the name of a house or the name of commercial premises. Example: Ocean Towers. Whole building number – P11. This is the number that identifies the premises on a thoroughfare or dependent thoroughfare." }, { "score": 0.4993443489, "text": "The telephone number associated with the location address of the provider being identified. Provider Business Practice Location Address Fax Number 718-773-0883 The fax number associated with the location address of the provider being identified." }, { "score": 0.4969732463, "text": "House numbering. House numbering is the system of giving a unique number to each building in a street or area, with the intention of making it easier to locate a particular building. The house number is often part of a postal address. The term describes the number of any building (residential or not) with a mailbox, or even a vacant lot." }, { "score": 0.4911459088, "text": "House numbering. House numbering is the system of giving a unique number to each building in a street or area, with the intention of making it easier to locate a particular building. The house number is often part of a postal address. The term describes the number of any building (residential or not) with a mailbox, or even a vacant lot. House numbering schemes vary by location, and in many cases even within cities. In some areas of the world, including many remote areas, houses are named but are not assigned numbers." }, { "score": 0.4911448359, "text": "House numbering is the system of giving a unique number to each building in a street or area, with the intention of making it easier to locate a particular building. The house number is often part of a postal address. The term describes the number of any building with a mailbox, or even a vacant lot. House numbering schemes vary by location, and in many cases even within cities. In some areas of the world, including many remote areas, houses are named but are not assigned numbers." }, { "score": 0.4903192222, "text": "The telephone number associated with the location address of the provider being identified. Provider Business Practice Location Address Fax Number 386-736-4188 The fax number associated with the location address of the provider being identified." }, { "score": 0.484578073, "text": "A. 1 Accommodation. 2 Adjudicate/Adjudication. 3 Admissibility. 4 Admission Number or I-94 Number. 5 Alien. 6 Alien Registration Number or Alien Number(A Number or A#) A unique seven-, eight- or nine-digit number assigned to a noncitizen by the Department of Homeland Security." }, { "score": 0.4824385047, "text": "Also known as the Cardholder Verification Value (CVV) or Customer Identification Number (CID/4DBC), these three or four digit numbers help ensure that the physical card is in the cardholders possession while donating or shopping online helping to prevent unauthorized or fraudulent use." }, { "score": 0.480219692, "text": "& Fire code. Building Code Identification Number (BCIN) qualification approvals. When submitting drawings for the permit process, all drawings must include the approval of an individual certified in accordance with the Ontario Building Code." }, { "score": 0.4786276519, "text": "Associated concepts: premises liability. (Hypotheses), noun affirmations, assertions, assumed positions, axioms, bases, foundations, grounds, positions, postulates, principia, terms, theorems, theses See also: apartment, area, building, edifice, land, part, place, property, province, structure. PREMISES. that which is put before." }, { "score": 0.4631430209, "text": "Premises License Premises license in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of premises license.ResourcesSee AlsoLaw Enforcement Officer Police Law Enforcement Agency Further Reading premises license in [...]..." }, { "score": 0.4440011084, "text": "This unique identifier for Mercantile Bank is 1097182. FDIC CERT #: The certificate number assigned to an institution for deposit insurance. The FDIC Certificate Number for Mercantile Bank Branch office of Mercantile Bank in Quincy, IL is 11301. This unique NUMBER is assigned by the FDIC and is used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates by FDIC. Post your Review. Reviews of Mercantile Bank Branch. Be the first one to review Mercantile Bank Branch of Mercantile Bank in Quincy, IL. Find Routing Number, Map Location, Swift Codes, Contact Numbers." }, { "score": 0.4338514507, "text": "important note possible canada post disruption in the event of a possible work disruption from canada post premises identification applications can still be submitted in the following ways" }, { "score": 0.4189679623, "text": "Cranbrook Educational Community: Employer Identification Number (EIN) 382015048: Name of Organization: Cranbrook Educational Community: Address: PO BOX 801, Bloomfld Hls, MI 48303-0801: Activities: Private school, School, college, trade school, etc. Subsection: Educational Organization: Ruling Date: 06/1973: Deductibility: Contributions are deductible: Foundation: School" }, { "score": 0.4011730254, "text": "1,3-diphenylguanidine. The 'Substance identity' section links substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the substance name, substance identifiers (EC and CAS number) and/or the molecular formula." }, { "score": 0.3749734163, "text": "• or a building intruder alarm installation, ask to see the Fsecurity licence of the installer. The security industry register is at www.police.nsw.gov.au/sir or you can. contact their staff on 1300 362 001.• or a car alarm installation, check that the installer is Fexperienced in installing your type of alarm system." }, { "score": 0.3231782913, "text": "If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse, you should report it to BMCHP. 1 Call the Fraud Hotline: 1-888-411-4959. 2 Email the Special Investigations Unit: [email protected]. 3 FAX the Special Investigations Unit: 1-866-750-0947. 4 Mail BMCHP:" }, { "score": 0.3101389706, "text": "Posted on October 7, 2015, in Premises Liability, Wrongful Death and tagged 49800 Southwest Scoggins Valley Road, Antonio Avalos, gaston, lumber mill accident, mcminnville, osha, premise liability, Stimson Lumber Mill, workplace accident, workplace death, wrongful death." } ]
cost of replacing drywall from floods
[ { "score": 0.7068789601, "text": "Fortunately, this can be remedied with a patch job, plus the addition of a door stopper to prevent the problem from happening again in the future. The cost of hiring a contractor to repair damage to drywall ranges between $125 and $1,200, depending on the extent of the damage. Based on over 10,000 customer responses, the average spend was $477. In general, as long as the hole can be covered with what handymen refer to as a patch, the repair will be a flat rate." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6716063619, "text": "The national average cost for drywall installation for the walls and ceilings of a 4,000-square-foot home is $4,400 to $8,600, or $665. The Average Price of Hanging Drywall; How to Price a Drywall Job; Print this article; Things You'll Need.hat Is the Average Cost of a Sheet of Drywall. the average price of professional drywall installation can be anywhere from. The Cost to Drywall a Garage. The materials needed to install the drywall are relatively inexpensive, but if you hire a. The Average Labor Cost for Hanging Drywall." }, { "score": 0.6685720086, "text": "Using this type of method to determine drywall install and finish costs is pretty common in the new construction industry, but does have a place within large remodeling projects as well. Installing and finishing drywall will cost around 85¢ to $1.15 per sq.ft. for drywall prices, with an average of about $1 per sq.ft.You should expect to pay, however, about $30/sheet for a decent quality hanging and finishing job.sing this type of method to determine drywall install and finish costs is pretty common in the new construction industry, but does have a place within large remodeling projects as well. Installing and finishing drywall will cost around 85¢ to $1.15 per sq.ft. for drywall prices, with an average of about $1 per sq.ft." }, { "score": 0.6599174738, "text": "Tape measure;. The national average cost for drywall installation for the walls and ceilings of a 4,000-square-foot home is $4,400 to $8,600, or $665. The Average Price of Hanging Drywall; How to Price a Drywall Job; Print this article; Things You'll Need. Measuring tape; Pencil; Paper;.Drywall Installation Cost.hat Is the Average Cost of a Sheet of Drywall. the average price of professional drywall installation can be anywhere from. The Cost to Drywall a Garage. The materials needed to install the drywall are relatively inexpensive, but if you hire a. The Average Labor Cost for Hanging Drywall." }, { "score": 0.6446825266, "text": "Most contractors include overhead in this estimate, as well as the cost of storing the materials, delivering to the site, paying the workers for the installation, and cleaning up the job. The cost of labor for drywall is typically broken down by square foot, and this number varies by location. As of the time of this article, in the Bay area, drywall labor can cost as much as $1.30 per square foot, especially when choosing a licensed and bonded contractor." }, { "score": 0.6382682323, "text": "Most contractors include overhead in this estimate, as well as the cost of storing the materials, delivering to the site, paying the workers for the installation, and cleaning up the job. The cost of labor for drywall is typically broken down by square foot, and this number varies by location.As of the time of this article, in the Bay area, drywall labor can cost as much as $1.30 per square foot, especially when choosing a licensed and bonded contractor.. Write down each price per square foot for each contractor, deducting any discounts you may be eligible for, and then determine how much each company will charge for drywall labor by multiplying the cost per square foot by the square footage of the walls." }, { "score": 0.6168867946, "text": "Typical costs: Annual premiums for flood insurance on a single-family one-story home average about $400-$450 nationwide but can be as low as $112 in a low-risk area and more than $2,000 a year in flood-prone areas. FloodSmart.gov provides quick quote charts for rough cost estimates and a location risk calculator ." }, { "score": 0.6084475517, "text": "1 Annual premiums for flood insurance on a single-family one-story home average about $400-$450 nationwide but can be as low as $112 in a low-risk area and more than $2,000 a year in flood-prone areas. 2 FloodSmart.gov provides quick quote charts for rough cost estimates and a location risk calculator." }, { "score": 0.5976265669, "text": "If you live in. The average annual cost of flood damage is more than $2 billion. Each year about 100 people lose their lives to floods. Floods usually are local can change the pattern of water flow and increase flooding and flood damage on adjacent property by blocking the flow of water and. New Yorkers are in the climate trenches." }, { "score": 0.5966537595, "text": "Drain problems can interfere with the function of your shower and cause leaks and flooding that lead to costly water damage. Repairing a rusted drain may involve replacing the drain mechanism and refinishing the surface around it, and can cost around $177." }, { "score": 0.596121192, "text": "According FloodSmart, low- to moderate-risk policyholders can expect to pay an annual premium, as of 2015, as low as $44 for a $8,000-contents-only policy, or as high as $452 for a building-and-contents flood insurance policy with maximum coverage of $250,000 for the building and $100,000 for contents, inclusive of a basement or enclosure." }, { "score": 0.5954428911, "text": "Report Abuse. we had 2 cracks in the cement wall (foundation wall) in our basement that was leaking water after snow/rain. it cost about $800 to repair, but comes with a guarantee.feeling your pain right now as we are currently looking at about $4500 repairs for window well drains, new basement windows, sheetrock, and carpet padding as we had water issues a few weekends ago. good luck.eport Abuse. we had 2 cracks in the cement wall (foundation wall) in our basement that was leaking water after snow/rain. it cost about $800 to repair, but comes with a guarantee." }, { "score": 0.5923250914, "text": "How to Repair Drywall Ceiling Water Damage. Water damaged drywall ceiling repair options with step by step instructions for replacing the damaged section and finishing the drywall. Water from the leaky shower drain dripped onto the basement drywall ceiling causing a fair amount of water damage." }, { "score": 0.5811862946, "text": "1 4 Clearance to local drywall our 7 project support!the average drywall. 2 5 Drywall Sheets Price. 3 Average Cost Drywall Installation, Cost of Drywall Per Square Foot, How to Hang Drywall. 4 5.1 Average Cost Drywall Installation." }, { "score": 0.570076108, "text": "New drywall, etc. Basically, with the exception of the toilet and sink, everything in brand new (new faucet & drain on the sink, and new guts in the toilet). The bathroom is smaller than yours. But I did everything for about $700.00. Again, that is why I'm a relentless DIYer." }, { "score": 0.5554177165, "text": "Average Costs to Repair A Broken Water Main. In the event of a water main break, emergency plumbing services will be needed. The average cost of a water main repair following a rupture ranges between $800 and $1,100 per incident. The cost can vary greatly based on the severity of the damage and the location of the repair since plumbing and repair costs are not consistent nation wide." }, { "score": 0.5303215384, "text": "The average cost to replace a cesspool with a conventional septic system is approximately $10,000-$15,000. However, replacements on very small lots, lots in close proximity to wells and water bodies, or lots subject to other constraints might not be feasible with conventional septic systems." }, { "score": 0.5271207094, "text": "The average cost to replace a cesspool with a conventional septic system is approximately $10,000-$15,000. However, replacements on very small lots, lots in close proximity to wells and water bodies, or lots subject to. other constraints might not be feasible with conventional septic systems." }, { "score": 0.5241534114, "text": "In Australia floods are the most expensive natural disasters. In Australia, floods are the most expensive type of natural disaster with direct costs estimated over the period 1967-2005 averaging at $377 million per year (calculated in 2008 Australian dollars)." }, { "score": 0.4885767698, "text": "The first gallon cost of green roofs is significantly higher than that of most other urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs). In comparison, we estimate that cisterns cost about $2 to $5 per first gallon treated, and urban trees about $6 to $8 per first gallon treated." }, { "score": 0.486998111, "text": "The first gallon cost of green roofs is significantly higher than that of most other urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs). 1 In comparison, we estimate that cisterns cost about $2 to $5 per first gallon treated, and urban trees about $6 to $8 per first gallon treated." }, { "score": 0.4336726069, "text": "As formulators of drywall joint compounds and textures for over 30 years, we have found that LEVELCOAT achieves a level 5 finish on drywall while replacing skim coating and eliminating the need for paint primers.s formulators of drywall joint compounds and textures for over 30 years, we have found that LEVELCOAT achieves a level 5 finish on drywall while replacing skim coating and eliminating the need for paint primers." } ]
radon remediation cost portland oregon
[ { "score": 0.8870595694, "text": "The average Radon mitigation cost in Portland, Oregon, or Vancouver, Washington is between $800 to $2,500 with an average of $1,200." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7347333431, "text": "The cost of reducing radon in your house depends on how your home was built and the extent of the radon problem. The average radon remediation process, typically done using a contractor, will cost between $1500 – $3000. The cost is much less if a passive system was installed during construction." }, { "score": 0.7096847296, "text": "Generally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600. For more information on our fees, see our Pricing Estimates Page." }, { "score": 0.7061243653, "text": "Cost are dependent on your needs. Generally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600. For more information on our fees, see our Pricing Estimates Page." }, { "score": 0.7055498958, "text": "Cost are dependent on your needs. Generally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600. For more information on our fees, see our Pricing Estimates Page. See our schematics and photos throughout this site." }, { "score": 0.7008773685, "text": "Cost are dependent on your needs. Generally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600." }, { "score": 0.6984322071, "text": "In this area, it is not that costly to fix. Installation of a radon system runs from $700 - $900 and they come with guarantee to reduce the levels under the EPA recommended level of 4 pCi/L.Radon is something that can be remediated and should not keep you from purchasing a home that you love.nstallation of a radon system runs from $700 - $900 and they come with guarantee to reduce the levels under the EPA recommended level of 4 pCi/L. Radon is something that can be remediated and should not keep you from purchasing a home that you love." }, { "score": 0.696546793, "text": "Cost are dependent on your needs. Generally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600.For more information on our fees, see our Pricing Estimates Page.enerally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600. For more information on our fees, see our Pricing Estimates Page." }, { "score": 0.6962203383, "text": "1 On average, mitigation by a professional can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,900. 2 One of the most common methods or ridding a home of radon is by installing a radon mitigation system; this keeps a constant reading as well as reduces the radon in the air. 3 A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100." }, { "score": 0.6957107782, "text": "A professional licensed by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency's Radon Program can mitigate your radon levels. The average cost of a mitigation system is between $800 to $1200. The most common type of mitigation systems is Active Soil Depressurization. These systems reduce radon by collecting radon prior to entry into the building and discharging it to a safe location." }, { "score": 0.6948502064, "text": "Most homes can be fixed for about the same cost as other common home repairs, like painting or having a new hot water heater installed. The average cost for a certified or licensed mitigation contractor to lower radon levels in a slab or basement home is about $1,500, and a crawl space home is about $3,000 or more. Your costs may vary depending on the size and design of your home and which radon reduction methods are needed." }, { "score": 0.6940697432, "text": "In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500. The PBS series \" Ask This Old House \" visited a home in Minneapolis to install a radon mitigation system. The episode covers how radon systems are properly designed and installed." }, { "score": 0.6924406886, "text": "Nationally, professionally-installed radon mitigation system costs average $1,200, but range from $800 to $1,200 in Colorado, assuming there aren't any problems encountered during installation.*. Costs are highly dependent on what is required to vent the radon and how to route it through the house." }, { "score": 0.692135334, "text": "Cost are dependent on your needs. Generally, radon testing for locations with 20 miles of our office will cost $165. Radon mitigation costs approximately $1,200 to $1,600.For more information on our fees, see our Pricing Estimates Page.he level of Radon in outdoor air is about 0.4 pCi/L. The average indoor Radon level is about 1.3 pCi/L. The EPA has established 4.0 pCi/L as the action level for Radon in homes, schools and workplaces." }, { "score": 0.690959096, "text": "The cost of a radon mitigation system can range between $800 and $2,500 (average $1,200) dependent upon characteristics of the building and the choice of radon reduction method.he cost of a radon mitigation system can range between $800 and $2,500 (average $1,200) dependent upon characteristics of the building and the choice of radon reduction method." }, { "score": 0.6904423833, "text": "A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500." }, { "score": 0.6901367903, "text": "1 On average, mitigation by a professional can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,900. 2 One of the most common methods or ridding a home of radon is by installing a radon mitigation system; this keeps a constant reading as well as reduces the radon in the air.3 A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100. The EPA will recommend that a home with radon present in the past be retested every 1 to 2 years. 2 A professional can give a professional reading for anywhere from $150 to $300. 3 A mitigation system may require maintenance in the future in case it fails. 4 Necessary parts and labor may be required." }, { "score": 0.6894312501, "text": "1 On average, mitigation by a professional can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,900. 2 One of the most common methods or ridding a home of radon is by installing a radon mitigation system; this keeps a constant reading as well as reduces the radon in the air.3 A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100. The EPA will recommend that a home with radon present in the past be retested every 1 to 2 years. 2 A professional can give a professional reading for anywhere from $150 to $300. 3 A mitigation system may require maintenance in the future in case it fails." }, { "score": 0.6887588501, "text": "1 On average, mitigation by a professional can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,900. 2 One of the most common methods or ridding a home of radon is by installing a radon mitigation system; this keeps a constant reading as well as reduces the radon in the air. 3 A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100. A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100. 2 According to this InspectorsJournal.com forum thread, users have stated that this process can cost anywhere from $1,200 to as much as $1,900 depending on the venting and the size of the home. 3 The geographical location will play a rather big role as well." }, { "score": 0.687658906, "text": "The average cost for a certified or licensed mitigation contractor to lower radon levels in a slab or basement home is about $1,500, and a crawl space home is about $3,000 or more. Your costs may vary depending on the size and design of your home and which radon reduction methods are needed." }, { "score": 0.6876431704, "text": "How much is a typical Radon mitigation system? Standard radon mitigation systems from professional, certified, licensed and insured contractors in Missouri have an average cost of $750 - $900, as compared to an average of over $1,000 across the United States." }, { "score": 0.6876108646, "text": "A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500.The PBS series \" Ask This Old House \" visited a home in Minneapolis to install a radon mitigation system. The episode covers how radon systems are properly designed and installed.n general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500. The PBS series \" Ask This Old House \" visited a home in Minneapolis to install a radon mitigation system. The episode covers how radon systems are properly designed and installed." }, { "score": 0.6875678301, "text": "1 On average, mitigation by a professional can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,900. 2 One of the most common methods or ridding a home of radon is by installing a radon mitigation system; this keeps a constant reading as well as reduces the radon in the air.3 A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100. A system can cost upwards of $650 to $2,100. 2 According to this InspectorsJournal.com forum thread, users have stated that this process can cost anywhere from $1,200 to as much as $1,900 depending on the venting and the size of the home. 3 The geographical location will play a rather big role as well." }, { "score": 0.6866661906, "text": "The average cost for a certified or licensed mitigation contractor to lower radon levels in a slab or basement home is about $1,500, and a crawl space home is about $3,000 or more. Your costs may vary depending on the size and design of your home and which radon reduction methods are needed. radon mitigation contractor is a professional who can fix your home to reduce the radon level. Lowering high radon levels requires technical knowledge and special skills." }, { "score": 0.6848071814, "text": "A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500.The PBS series \" Ask This Old House \" visited a home in Minneapolis to install a radon mitigation system. The episode covers how radon systems are properly designed and installed.adon mitigation is any process or system used to reduce radon concentrations in the breathing zones of occupied buildings. The goal of a radon mitigation system is to reduce the indoor radon levels to below the EPA action level of 4 pCi/L." }, { "score": 0.683137536, "text": "A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500.The PBS series \" Ask This Old House \" visited a home in Minneapolis to install a radon mitigation system. The episode covers how radon systems are properly designed and installed.adon Mitigation Systems. Radon mitigation is any process or system used to reduce radon concentrations in the breathing zones of occupied buildings. The goal of a radon mitigation system is to reduce the indoor radon levels to below the EPA action level of 4 pCi/L." }, { "score": 0.6814445257, "text": "A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500.The PBS series \" Ask This Old House \" visited a home in Minneapolis to install a radon mitigation system. The episode covers how radon systems are properly designed and installed. Slab-On-Grade: Slabs built on grade can have many openings that allow radon to enter, just as in a basement. 2 Crawl Space: Homes with crawl spaces can also have elevated radon levels. 3 The vacuum effect can draw radon gas from a crawl space into the home." }, { "score": 0.6802487373, "text": "A quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500. quality radon reduction (mitigation) system is often able to reduce the annual average radon level to below 2 pCi/L. In general, costs can range from approximately $800-$2500, with the average reduction system costing approximately $1500." }, { "score": 0.6793994308, "text": "Some radon reduction systems can reduceradon levels in your home by up to 99%. The cost of fixing a homegenerally ranges from $800 to $2500 (with an average cost of $1200).Your costs may vary depending on the size and design of your home andwhich radon reduction methods are needed." }, { "score": 0.6788152456, "text": "The cost of a mitigation system may vary according to the home's design, size, foundation, construction materials and the local climate. Radon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions." }, { "score": 0.678155005, "text": "Q: How much will it cost to fix my radon problem? A: Your cost will depend a lot on where you are in the US. In areas where there are lot of radon contractors, like the Washington, DC metro area where Infiltec is located, the price may be as low as $800 for a standard subslab depressurization system.: How long will it take to fix my radon problem? A: Most mitigation radon work is done during real estate transactions and must be completed quickly. A typical job takes about one man day, and the retest requires one day of closed house conditions, plus two or more days for the radon test." }, { "score": 0.6777112484, "text": "How much does a radon mitigation system cost? The average cost of a radon system is between $800 – $1200. Homes with a crawl space, no gravel under the slab, or a completely finished lower level, a garage attic installation, etc. cost more." }, { "score": 0.676086247, "text": "If this is the case, the situation can be remedied by a radon mitigation system, which can cost anywhere from approximately $1,000 – $2,000 (at least this has been my experience) depending of the type of system and the specific characteristics of the home. The cost of the actual radon test itself is not expensive. Some home inspectors will provide an AccuStar kit to test the radon for which they charge their clients $65'ish (give or take), while others bring a machine for which they charge $125'ish (give or take)." }, { "score": 0.675998807, "text": "The cost of a mitigation system may vary according to the home's design, size, foundation, construction materials and the local climate. Radon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions. Fan warranties are typically 5 years with life spans from 10-15 years." }, { "score": 0.673682332, "text": "The average cost of a radon system is between $800 – $1200. Homes with a crawl space, no gravel under the slab, or a completely finished lower level, sometimes cost more." }, { "score": 0.6714465618, "text": "1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 3 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. Ventilating the home and crawlspace is a temporary and limited fix. 2 Passive and active suction systems cost $550-$2,500 depending on the size of the house. 3 These systems offer the best radon reduction available." }, { "score": 0.6712046862, "text": "1 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 2 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. 3 It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. Just sealing cracks and holes in the foundation can cost as little as $100, but this method alone has limited effectiveness. 2 Ventilating the home and crawlspace is a temporary and limited fix. 3 Passive and active suction systems cost $550-$2,500 depending on the size of the house." }, { "score": 0.6708078384, "text": "(Subslab Depressurization), which prevents radon from entering your home by drawing the radon from below the. house and venting it through a pipe to the air above the house where it is quickly diluted. The cost of fixing a home. generally ranges from $800 to $2500 with an average cost of $1,200. Refer to the U.S. EPA document, Consumer's. Guide to Radon Reduction, for more information on radon mitigation systems. on the average of two water samples, CT DPH recommends that your home be fixed. reduce radon levels in water: (1) the Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) System and (2) the Aeration System." }, { "score": 0.6655433178, "text": "Systems to reduce radon in air cost from $1000 - $1800. Systems to reduce radon in well water cost from $1800 - $6000. If you are unaware of radon levels when you purchase your home, you may be required to pay for a remediation system when you sell it.This adversely affects the value of your home when it is sold.epairs can cost up to $20,000. An independent Septic Service Company should inspect the system. A complete inspection includes inspecting both the tank and distribution boxes. Septic system inspections cost from $250 to $600." }, { "score": 0.6649963856, "text": "The cost of a mitigation system may vary according to the home's design, size, foundation, construction materials and the local climate. Radon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions.he cost of a mitigation system may vary according to the home's design, size, foundation, construction materials and the local climate. Radon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions." }, { "score": 0.6633769274, "text": "Additional costs: Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually." }, { "score": 0.6632866859, "text": "Radon reduction systems can be designed and installed to reduce radon gas exposure in the home to levels below what is deemed safe by the EPA standards for a reasonable fee. An average fee in Massachusetts is $1000 to $1500 for system design and installation." }, { "score": 0.6612337232, "text": "The cost of a mitigation system may vary according to the home's design, size, foundation, construction materials and the local climate. Radon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions.Fan warranties are typically 5 years with life spans from 10-15 years.n addition, the operating costs include electricity for the fan (similar to running a 60-90 watt light bulb continuously), and potential additional costs for heating and cooling some percentage of air drawn out of the home by the radon system." }, { "score": 0.6605215669, "text": "The cost of a mitigation system may vary according to the home's design, size, foundation, construction materials and the local climate. Radon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions.Fan warranties are typically 5 years with life spans from 10-15 years.adon reduction systems average costs nationally are $1,200 with a range from $800 to $1500 common depending on house and market conditions. Fan warranties are typically 5 years with life spans from 10-15 years." }, { "score": 0.6603406668, "text": "1 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 2 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. 3 It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed." }, { "score": 0.6597056389, "text": "5. The average cost of a radon system is between $800 – $1200. Homes with a crawl space, no gravel under the slab, or a completely finished lower level, sometimes cost more.return to the top.. The average cost of a radon system is between $800 – $1200. Homes with a crawl space, no gravel under the slab, or a completely finished lower level, sometimes cost more." }, { "score": 0.658161521, "text": "1 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 2 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. 3 It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. A radon test kit, including laboratory analysis, costs $15-$35. 2 Short-term test kits cost a little bit less than long-term test kits. 3 Radon test kits are available at most home improvement stores, including Lowes and the home section of Wal-Mart." }, { "score": 0.65815413, "text": "1 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 2 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. 3 It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. The EPA's Installation and Operating Cost Table lists how much a radon mitigation system should cost based on the type of foundation. 2 Operating a radon mitigation system costs from nothing up to $700 per year. 3 Many radon mitigation systems have fans that require continuous electric power that can add to power bills." }, { "score": 0.6569119692, "text": "1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 3 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. The EPA's Installation and Operating Cost Table lists how much a radon mitigation system should cost based on the type of foundation. 2 Operating a radon mitigation system costs from nothing up to $700 per year. 3 Many radon mitigation systems have fans that require continuous electric power that can add to power bills." }, { "score": 0.656468451, "text": "The US EPA estimates costs at about $350 - $500 for mitigation in new homes compared to costs of $800 - $2500 for installing upgrades in existing homes. 14 Removing radon from water can be much more expensive.t is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. 2 The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP) recommends radon testing for all homes in New Jersey. If the radon concentration is 4 pCi/L or higher, a radon mitigation system is recommended. The U.S. unit of radioactivity is the Curie (Ci)." }, { "score": 0.6546981335, "text": "1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 3 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider." }, { "score": 0.6533567905, "text": "1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 3 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. A radon test kit, including laboratory analysis, costs $15-$35. 2 Short-term test kits cost a little bit less than long-term test kits. 3 Radon test kits are available at most home improvement stores, including Lowes and the home section of Wal-Mart." }, { "score": 0.6523902416, "text": "1 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 2 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. 3 It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. 2 Most radon mitigation systems include a fan, which will need to be replaced about every 5 years. 3 Expect to pay $250-$300 to have this necessary maintenance done." }, { "score": 0.6519945264, "text": "1 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 2 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. 3 It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. Check the EPA's list of requirements for a complete, legal, effective radon mitigation system. 2 Be sure that the contractor has performed all the necessary tasks, affixed all labels, and explains the operation and maintenance of the system in detail. 3 Get a copy of the written instruction for future reference." }, { "score": 0.6505872011, "text": "1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 3 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. Check the EPA's list of requirements for a complete, legal, effective radon mitigation system. 2 Be sure that the contractor has performed all the necessary tasks, affixed all labels, and explains the operation and maintenance of the system in detail. 3 Get a copy of the written instruction for future reference." }, { "score": 0.6494019032, "text": "1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. 3 To find out about radon content in a city water system, call the local water provider. It's wise to retest a home's radon level every year or two after a mitigation system is installed. 2 Most radon mitigation systems include a fan, which will need to be replaced about every 5 years. 3 Expect to pay $250-$300 to have this necessary maintenance done." }, { "score": 0.6463240385, "text": "Discounts: 1 Ground water wells can also be tested for radon, then, if needed, can get a water radon mitigation system installed. 2 Installing a water radon mitigation system runs from $1,000-$4,500, and maintenance runs $0 to $150 annually. A radon test kit, including laboratory analysis, costs $15-$35. 2 Short-term test kits cost a little bit less than long-term test kits. 3 Radon test kits are available at most home improvement stores, including Lowes and the home section of Wal-Mart." }, { "score": 0.6341724396, "text": "Because there is some risk at any level of radon exposure, homeowners may want to reduce their exposure to radon, regardless of levels. Population studies based on a survey of 14,000 homes in 19 Canadian cities in the 1970s showed no evidence of a correlation between radon levels in homes and lung cancer.t should also be mentioned that homes that experience readings of high levels of radon gas, can be rectified. There are numerous remedial actions that offer excellent solutions to sealing homes to radon gas as well as diverting or venting solutions. Costs may vary but generally range from $2500 - $5000 for remediation." }, { "score": 0.6319842935, "text": "Costs Radon testing in New Jersey ranges in cost from about $25 to $200. The less expensive options are self-administered short-term tests, which cost about $25 to $55.12 Long-term self-administered tests are slightly more expensive. Having the test done by a professional may cost up to $300.13 Radon mitigation is relatively inexpensive for new construction." }, { "score": 0.6291828752, "text": "1 State data show areas of Oregon at high risk for dangerous radon levels. 2 View Zip Code Table: Radon risk levels in Oregon by Zip Code (pdf). 3 Radon Risk Level Maps: Statewide, NE Oregon, Salem, and Portland Metro. 4 Take action and test your home: Learn more about radon testing." }, { "score": 0.6288961768, "text": "Consolidated Radon (radon inspections*) and our associates at RA Data (radon mitigation) only offers radon services within the State of New Jersey. Call us at 732-329-8570. As a state licensed New Jersey radon mitigation company, our associates at RA Data will be happy to assist you in this matter.Estimates for radon mitigation are free and an important part of the process.OP. How do New Jersey radon mitigation companies come up with their prices? A good rule of thumb would be the following, $1200 to $1600.00 for the radon mitigation (vent) system, consisting of one suction point (each radon suction point can reach out about 40 to 45 feet)." }, { "score": 0.6258785725, "text": "According to Castlight Health, the average cost of a preventive primary care visit in Portland, Oregon is $206. Prices range from $102 to $305. A lower-back MRI carries an average price of $1,654 in Portland. Prices for both a primary care visit and a lower back MRI are higher in Portland than they are in Seattle." }, { "score": 0.5698834658, "text": "Portland's water and sewer rates are going up again - but not quite as much as expected. The typical customer should expect a $4.42 monthly increase in combined water, sewer and stormwater charges, or an increase of 4.7 percent from today's $94.79 monthly bill. The increases, unanimously approved by the Portland City Council on Wednesday, go into effect July 1." }, { "score": 0.5664966106, "text": "An amount below 100 means Portland, Oregon is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Portland, Oregon is more expensive. Overall, Portland, Oregon cost of living is 125.70." }, { "score": 0.4861264825, "text": "Oregon Cost of Living-Portland. Compare average wages and the cost of living index for Portland, Oregon with cities in Oregon or other states. Select one of the cost comparison and wage adjustment tools below." }, { "score": 0.4823192954, "text": "Oregon Cost of Living-Portland. Compare average wages and the cost of living index for Portland, Oregon with cities in Oregon or other states." } ]
mct oil nutrition facts
[ { "score": 0.7276260853, "text": "The MCT's in this oil are lauric acid (C-12), capric acid (C-10), caprylic acid (C-8) and caproic acid (C-6). Together, they constitute 68% of total saturated and 59% of total fat content. Lauric acid, being a 12-carbon saturated fat, constitutes the major portion of MCTs.oconut oil is a dense source of energy; 100 g oil provides 884 calories. Being rich in saturated fats, it is one of the stable vegetable cooking oils featuring a very long shelf life. Its high smoke point temperature at 232 (450 F) degrees allows food items for deep frying." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6899241209, "text": "Since coconut oil is solid at room temperature most MCT oils do not contain any or only contain very little lauric acid. We have a proprietary manufacturing technique that allows Onnit MCT oil to contain 32% lauric acid. This is one of the attributes that sets us apart from others." }, { "score": 0.6754604578, "text": "First, consider what the ratio of MCTs to powder (and other ingredients) by weight a product has. This can vary between 80% – 50% oil to powder ratio, thus providing more or less MCTs per gram. An MCT powder with an 80% oil to powder ratio is providing significantly more MCT oil per gram than its 50% counterpart." }, { "score": 0.6743139029, "text": "Coconut oil is not 100% pure MCTs, which means it is not 100% absorbable – those fats need to be digested before we get to those fatty acids. Coconut oil is roughly 60% MCTs. The tricky thing is that not everyone can efficiently break down fat, even coconut oil, as easy as it is to digest in comparison to other fats." }, { "score": 0.6729326844, "text": "Contains: Milk-Derived Ingredients. Power up! Add the clean energy of MCT oil to any shake or baked treat for a creamy, easy-to-digest boost of fatty acids.Mix into your favorite #CheatClean recipe for a full-flavored custom creation.ontains: Milk-Derived Ingredients. Power up! Add the clean energy of MCT oil to any shake or baked treat for a creamy, easy-to-digest boost of fatty acids." }, { "score": 0.6691204906, "text": "MCT Oil vs. Coconut Oil. Okay, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. There are some key differences between MCT oil and coconut oil. MCT comes from natural sources, like coconut oil. After all, coconut oil contains all four MCTs, as well as a number of longer-chain fatty acids." }, { "score": 0.6625429988, "text": "One thing is for sure, if the MCT oil or liquid coconut oil stays fluid in the refrigerator, it doesn't have much lauric acid in it. Also remember the problem with chemical residues in MCT oil if it wasn't extracted using a physical process only. The bottom line is that MCT oil is a factory fat." }, { "score": 0.6596751213, "text": "MCFA (chain lengths of 10 carbons or less) are found in greatest concentrations in coconut oil, approximately 14% by weight but can also be found in butter (approximately 9.2%) and palm kernel oil (approximately 7.2%) [17]. In the US, the average consumption of MCFA is approximately 2% of total fat intake [18]." }, { "score": 0.6573656797, "text": "The other fats remaining in MCT oil/liquid coconut oil after the high melting point fats like lauric acid are removed are oleic acid (the primary fat in olive oil) and linoleic acid found in vegetable oils." }, { "score": 0.6570016742, "text": "Both groups lost weight (MCT oil, P < 0.0001; olive oil, P = 0.0030); however, percentage change in body weight at week 16 was significantly greater in the MCT group than in the olive oil group (P = 0.011; Figure 1 ⇓)." }, { "score": 0.6521972418, "text": "There are some key differences between MCT oil and coconut oil. 1 MCT comes from natural sources, like coconut oil. MCT oils, while being derived from natural sources, have to undergo a manufacturing process to isolate medium chain fatty acids from other oils." }, { "score": 0.6515280008, "text": "The best source of medium chain triglycerides is coconut oil. Coconuts, like most nuts, contain significant amounts of fat, but unlike other nuts, which contain mostly monounsaturated fat, the fat provided by coconuts is almost all in the form of health-promoting medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).esearchers concluded that long-term substitution of medium chain triglycerides for long chain triglycerides [MCT for LCT] would produce weight loss if energy intake remained constant.. So if you simply substitute coconut oil for sources of LCTs in your diet, you are going to lose weight." }, { "score": 0.6478879452, "text": "MCT Powder: What it is, Benefits vs. MCT Oil, and How to Judge MCT Powder Quality. In this article, we take an in-depth look at medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) powder products. You may already be familiar with MCT oil products. MCT powder products are a more recent innovation that have some benefits." }, { "score": 0.6437040567, "text": "Coconut oil composes of more than 85% of saturated fats. Majority of saturated fats are the medium chain triglycerides (MCT's) of which lauric acid being the predominant fatty acid.oconut oil is a dense source of energy; 100 g oil provides 884 calories. Being rich in saturated fats, it is one of the stable vegetable cooking oils featuring a very long shelf life. Its high smoke point temperature at 232 (450 F) degrees allows food items for deep frying." }, { "score": 0.6405059099, "text": "MCT Oil vs Brain Octane Oil. When starting the Bulletproof Diet, a common question shared by most people is which type of MCT oil is best. In this blog posting, we explain the difference between MCT oil, XCT oil and (Brain) Octane oil in composition, benefit, and taste. Comparing different kinds of MCT oil." }, { "score": 0.6381479502, "text": "To date, virtually all research on the benefits of MCT supplementation has used MCT oil, and not MCT oil powder. Anecdotally, researchers like Dominic D'Agostino have commented that you are typically able to increase blood ketones two fold higher than ordinary MCT oil." }, { "score": 0.6261996031, "text": "Add Emulsified MCT to your morning routine, for a quick energy boost. Stir the emulsified MCT oil in the cottage cheese. Top with blueberries and cinnamon. Enjoy before bed as a sustained protein and fuel source for your body as cottage cheese is a casein (slower digesting) protein source." }, { "score": 0.6213513017, "text": "This is simply due to the ability to consume more MCTs in the powder form by avoiding the greater GI distress potential of the oil form. Nonetheless, the benefits of MCT oil powder should be identical to the benefits of MCT oil since the only difference is the delivery method." }, { "score": 0.6203311086, "text": "MCT for Fat Loss. MCT has been shown to increase calorie burning and reduce blood glucose levels within the body. This can aid weight loss whilst still increasing muscle. As MCTs are an efficient energy source, they are less likely to be stored as fat by the body compared to LCTs." }, { "score": 0.6154807806, "text": "Coconut oil is rich in healthy small to medium chained saturated fats called medium chain triglycerides or MCT's. Most common vegetable or seed oils consist of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), also known as long-chain triglycerides or LCTs. The LCT's put more strain on the pancreas, liver, and GI tract.oconut oil is rich in healthy small to medium chained saturated fats called medium chain triglycerides or MCT's. Most common vegetable or seed oils consist of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), also known as long-chain triglycerides or LCTs. The LCT's put more strain on the pancreas, liver, and GI tract." }, { "score": 0.6089916229, "text": "In this system there are short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). Coconut oil, for example, is composed predominately of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT).ot only do you store less body fat, studies have shown that medium chain fatty acids also increase the oxidation of long chain fatty acids that are already in your body, tucked away in your love handles! So not only does it prevent weight gain, it aids in weight loss." }, { "score": 0.6064924002, "text": "Scientists suspect that coconut oil's interesting effect on hunger may be related to the way the fatty acids in it are metabolized. In a short term study, varying amounts of medium and long chain triglycerides were fed to 6 healthy men The men eating the most MCTs ate 256 fewer calories per day, on average." }, { "score": 0.5756626129, "text": "In this study, done at Massachusetts General Hospital, the diet was modified to also be gluten-free and casein-free, using medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) instead of butter and cream for the fat source. Coconut oil is nature's most abundant source of MCTs after human breast milk. The results of this modified diet in one girl's life was that it reversed autism and stopped seizures." }, { "score": 0.5612733364, "text": "As a dog's and cat's digestive system metabolizes MCTs with great efficiency coconut oil is used as an immediate source of energy and it gently raises the metabolism-there by aiding physical performance and weight loss-for overweight dogs and for dogs suffering from thyroid problems." }, { "score": 0.5195175409, "text": "Cod Liver Oil: Health Benefits, Facts and Research. Cod liver oil is a vitamin D powerhouse. Cod liver oil is one of the richest sources of vitamin D available, providing over 100% of our daily-recommended intake in just one tablespoon. Recent studies have suggested that up to 50% of adults and children worldwide are vitamin D deficient." }, { "score": 0.4863926768, "text": "For the traditional Newfoundland song, see Cod Liver Oil (song) . label on the back of a bottle of cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is a nutritional supplement derived from liver of cod fish. As with most fish oils, it has high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).Cod liver oil also contains vitamin A and vitamin D. It has historically been taken because of its vitamin A and vitamin D content.It was once commonly given to children, because vitamin D has been shown to prevent rickets and other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.or the traditional Newfoundland song, see Cod Liver Oil (song) . label on the back of a bottle of cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is a nutritional supplement derived from liver of cod fish. As with most fish oils, it has high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)." }, { "score": 0.4503287673, "text": "Vitamin E Oil. Vitamin E oil is a special product that contains Vitamin E , either organic or synthetic . But, instead of a capsule, like most vitamins, Vitamin E oil usually comes in a large bottle. It is not 100 % vitamin E as that would be too sticky." }, { "score": 0.4472959042, "text": "Vitamin E oil is a special product that contains Vitamin E, either organic or synthetic. But, instead of a capsule, like most vitamins, Vitamin E oil usually comes in a large bottle. It is not 100 % vitamin E as that would be too sticky." } ]
what is lumbago
[ { "score": 0.7893365622, "text": "10 hilariously insightful foreign words. Lumbago is an umbrella term for lower back pain, which can be caused by a variety of issues from sudden strain to tumors. There are a number of treatments for lumbago, depending on the root cause, including surgical options for very severe cases." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7131351233, "text": "Lower back pain. Lower back pain, also known as lumbago, affects seven out of 10 people at some time in their lives. Lower back pain is a pain or ache on your back, in between the bottom of your ribs and the top of your legs. Lower back pain can come on suddenly or gradually, and is sometimes the direct result of a fall or injury." }, { "score": 0.6988955736, "text": "What should you do if you experience lower back pain – Lumbago. Some people suffer from an occasional or cyclical unrelenting lock-up of the lumbar region. When getting up in the morning, or when making a sudden wrong movement, the person is stricken with immobility accompanied by shooting pains as soon as s/he attempts to move. The lumbar column seems frozen." }, { "score": 0.6970477104, "text": "Symptoms of Lumbago. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Lumbago includes the 3 symptoms listed below: 1 Pain in the small of the back. 2 Back pain worse with movement. 3 Back pain relieved by rest." }, { "score": 0.6902728081, "text": "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Lumbago includes the 3 symptoms listed below: 1 Pain in the small of the back. Back pain worse with movement." }, { "score": 0.6882272363, "text": "Lumbago. 1 ICD-9-CM 724.2 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 724.2 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015." }, { "score": 0.6858482361, "text": "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Lumbago includes the 3 symptoms listed below: 1 Pain in the small of the back. 2 Back pain worse with movement. Back pain relieved by rest." }, { "score": 0.6818056107, "text": "About signs and symptoms of Lumbago: The symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Lumbago. This signs and symptoms information for Lumbago has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Lumbago signs or Lumbago symptoms." }, { "score": 0.6791904569, "text": "Most cases of lumbago have no clear cause. Many a time, excessive stress and strain of the low back can cause minute tears in the ligaments that form a part of the vertebral column and this can cause some degree of pain." }, { "score": 0.6778889298, "text": "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Lumbago includes the 3 symptoms listed below: Pain in the small of the back." }, { "score": 0.6759907603, "text": "2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 724.2. Lumbago. 1 ICD-9-CM 724.2 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 724.2 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015." }, { "score": 0.6753153205, "text": "The symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Lumbago. This signs and symptoms information for Lumbago has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Lumbago signs or Lumbago symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Lumbago may vary on an individual basis for each patient." }, { "score": 0.6744041443, "text": "Dorsalgia is a less commonly used word among non-medical specialists, for back pain. Other names for back pain include lumbago (lower back pain), tailbone pain, low back pain, and neck pain. The meaning of the term can be derived from its Latin parts: Dorsal: relating to the back or posterior of a structure." }, { "score": 0.6740876436, "text": "Lumbar is referring to the lower back L1-L5. An intervertebral disk in which the nucleus pulposus has protruded through surrounding fibrocartilage. This occurs most frequently in the lower lumbar region." }, { "score": 0.6733646393, "text": "Strain is a common cause of lower back pain; a common cause of strain is an activity like heavy lifting without proper support. Lumbago can also be caused by arthritis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, tumors, and herniated discs, among other things." }, { "score": 0.6729370356, "text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum. The lumbar region is sometimes referred to as the lower spine, or as an area of the back in its proximity." }, { "score": 0.6707873344, "text": "Dorsalgia is a less commonly used word among non-medical specialists, for back pain. Other names for back pain include lumbago (lower back pain), tailbone pain, low back pain, and neck pain. Topics and Resources." }, { "score": 0.6687296629, "text": "Dorsalgia is a less commonly used word among non-medical specialists, for back pain. Other names for back pain include lumbago (lower back pain), tailbone pain, low back pain, and neck pain. 1 Topics and Resources. Back Pain Prevention." }, { "score": 0.668718338, "text": "Additional causes of lumbago include spasm of the muscles that lie next to the spinal column i.e.the paraspinal muscles and thinning of the bones of the vertebra resulting in a collapse or fracture (due to osteoporosis)." }, { "score": 0.6653909683, "text": "(January 2017) In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum. The lumbar region is sometimes referred to as the lower spine, or as an area of the back in its proximity. In human anatomy the five vertebrae in the lumbar region of the back are the largest and strongest in the movable part of the spinal column, and can be distinguished by the absence of a foramen in the transverse process, and by the absence of facets on the sides of the body." }, { "score": 0.6634635925, "text": "(July 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum. The lumbar region is sometimes referred to as the lower spine, or as an area of the back in its proximity." }, { "score": 0.6573066115, "text": "Principles of Lumbago. Before discussing the specific types of low back pain, it is important to understand a few important principles. Pain does not always reflect the extent of damage. The severity of pain from low back problems is often unrelated to the extent of physical damage present." }, { "score": 0.6560475826, "text": "(July 2013). In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum.The lumbar region is sometimes referred to as the lower spine, or as an area of the back in its proximity.July 2013). In tetrapod anatomy, lumbar is an adjective that means of or pertaining to the abdominal segment of the torso, between the diaphragm and the sacrum." }, { "score": 0.6551215649, "text": "The lumbar spine refers to the lower back, where the spine curves inward toward the abdomen. It starts about five or six inches below the shoulder blades, and connects with the thoracic spine at the top and extends downward to the sacral spine. Lumbar is derived from the Latin word lumbus, meaning lion, and the lumbar spine earns its name. It is built for both power and flexibility - lifting, twisting, and bending. See Spinal Anatomy and Back Pain. The lumbar spine has several distinguishing characteristics: The lower the vertebra is in the spinal column, the more weight it must bear. The five vertebrae of the lumbar spine (L1-L5) are the biggest unfused vertebrae in the spinal column, enabling them to support the weight of the entire torso." }, { "score": 0.6524845958, "text": "Medical Definition of lumbar. 1: of, relating to, or constituting the loins or the vertebrae between the thoracic vertebrae and sacrum the lumbar region. 2: of, relating to, or being the abdominal region lying on either side of the umbilical region and above the corresponding iliac region." }, { "score": 0.6522963643, "text": "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / lumbar definition Medical Definition of Lumbar Lumbar: Referring to the five lumbar vertebrae, the disks below them, and the corresponding area of the lower back. The lumbar vertebrae and their disks are situated below the thoracic vertebrae and above the sacral vertebrae in the spinal column and are surrounded by soft tissues, including ligaments and large muscles." }, { "score": 0.6478090286, "text": "Medical Definition of lumbar. 1 1: of, relating to, or constituting the loins or the vertebrae between the thoracic vertebrae and sacrum the lumbar region. 2 2: of, relating to, or being the abdominal region lying on either side of the umbilical region and above the corresponding iliac region." }, { "score": 0.6477823257, "text": "Lumbar (Definition). The lumbar part of the spine is the low back. It is made up of five bones (most of the time) stacked one on top of the other. They are connected by disks, facet joints, and ligaments. These soft parts allow for movement controlled by the spinal muscles; the muscles can also keep it stiff when need be." }, { "score": 0.6368916631, "text": "By Michael Perry, M.D. Degenerative disc disease frequently causes lower back pain, otherwise known as lumbago. This condition is one of the most common and can arise due to a variety of factors, including sudden trauma, but the most common reason for developing degenerative disc disease is simply growing older." }, { "score": 0.635119915, "text": "Lumbar refers to the region of the back or spine made up of the lumbar vertebrae. The 1st lumbar vertebra is just under the 12th thoracic vertebra. The easiest way to … find this is to find the first vertebral body not connected to a rib. This is L1 (1st lumbar vertebra)." }, { "score": 0.6290865541, "text": "Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that compresses the nerves traveling through the lower back into the legs, sometimes causing nerve inflammation that results in pain, weakness or numbness, depending on severity." }, { "score": 0.6220110059, "text": "Lumbar - See also. 1 Back belts. 2 Car seat and lumbar support. 3 Lumbar hyperlordosis. 4 Lumbar puncture. 5 Lumbar vertebrae. 6 Loin (also called lumbus) 7 Lumbago." }, { "score": 0.6166735291, "text": "lum·bar. adj. Of, near, or situated in the part of the back and sides between the lowest ribs and the pelvis. n. A lumbar artery, nerve, vertebra, or part." }, { "score": 0.6165306568, "text": "A lumbar herniated disc is a condition of the lower spine causing low back pain, weakness, or numbness. When one of the vertebrae in the spine is broken it causes pain, weakness, numbness and tingling. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer and can cause a cough, chest pain, and more. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease marked by swollen painful joints, a rash, swollen lymph nodes, and more." }, { "score": 0.6108646393, "text": "What Is a Lumbar Laminectomy? A lumbar laminectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a small portion of a vertebra, or back bone in the lower back (lumbar). Lumbar laminectomy is usually done to take pressure off the spinal cord or a spinal nerve. It may also be done to access the spinal cord, bones and discs below the lamina, or the removed part of the bone." }, { "score": 0.6084059477, "text": "The lumbar spine (lower back) is a remarkably complex structure. The L4-L5 are the two lowest vertebrae in the lumbar spine, and together with the attached disc, joints, nerves and soft tissues, it provides a variety of functions, including supporting the upper body and allowing motion in multiple directions. The back of the L4-L5 segment has a nerve that passes through it, from inside the spinal canal down through the back of each leg (as part of the sciatic nerve)." }, { "score": 0.5972100496, "text": "Quadratus Lumborum (QL) – 'The Joker of low back pain'. What is the Quadratus Lumborum (QL)? The Quadratus Lumborum is a quadrangular shaped muscle which attaches to the bottom rib, the verterbrae in your lower back and the top of your pelvis. It acts as a stabiliser of the lower back and can laterally flex the spine." }, { "score": 0.5962711573, "text": "Lumbarization is an anomaly in the spine. It is defined by the nonfusion of the first and second segments of the sacrum. The lumbar spine subsequently appears to have six vertebrae or segments, not five.Conversely the sacrum appears to have only four segments instead of its designated five segments.acralization of the fifth lumbar vertebra (or sacralization) is a congenital anomaly, in which the transverse process of the last lumbar vertebra (L5) fuses to the sacrum on one side or both, or to ilium, or both. These anomalies are observed at about 3.5 percent of people, and it is usually bilateral." }, { "score": 0.5905200243, "text": "A lumbar cushion is a specially designed support pillow used for providing added support to the lower back, thus relieving or reducing lower back pain aggravated by prolonged periods of sitting. Typically, a lumbar cushion is contoured to conform to the natural curve of the lower back when seated. People who have lower back pain or muscle tension may benefit from using a support pillow at their office desk, in the car, or at home." }, { "score": 0.5781295896, "text": "Because lumbago and sciatica are common problems that can usually be resolved by bed rest and use of simple herbal prescriptions (the above formulas have much in common, meaning that they can be summarized in over-the-counter remedies), several pills have been developed to treat these conditions (17, 18).." }, { "score": 0.5606854558, "text": "lumbar tap. see lumbar puncture (above). lumbar vertebrae. the vertebrae between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum, numbering seven in dogs and cats, six in horses and cattle, and six or seven in sheep and pigs." }, { "score": 0.556730032, "text": "Lumbar (or 13th) ribs are a rare anatomical variant and represent transitional vertebrae at the thoracolumbar junction with a prevalence of ~1% 1. It presents as an additional rib coming off T13 or L1 (depending on numbering classification) and may unilateral or bilateral. Lumbar ribs are mostly an asymptomatic incidental finding." }, { "score": 0.5556865335, "text": "Lumbar lymph nodes refer to a group of small organs that are part of the immune system. Lymph nodes are generally circular, bean-like organs that are dispersed throughout the body. The lumbar lymph nodes are located in the region of the body between the diaphragm (a muscle in the lower rib cage that helps with breathing) and pelvis, known as the lumbar region. They are also called the lateral aortic lymph nodes. The nodes are part of the lymphatic system of the human body. They are situated alongside a vein in the torso known as the inferior vena cava and an artery known as the aorta. The common iliac nodes and lymphatic vessels found on the backside of the abdominal wall enter into the lumbar nodes." }, { "score": 0.5407361984, "text": "Lumbarization: a transitional segment in which the first sacral segment becomes like an additional lumbar vertebra articulating with the second sacral segment. Sacralization: 1. Incomplete separation and differentiation of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5) such that it takes on characteristics of a sacral vertebra 2.RANSITIONAL SEGMENT. Transitional segment (transitional vertebral segment): a congenital anamoly of a vertebra in which it develops characteristics of the adjoining structure or region, e.g lumbosacral, cervicothoracic." }, { "score": 0.4602863789, "text": "A Dr. Darshan N. Shah, MD , Neurology, answered on behalf of NorthShore University HealthSystem. Spinal tap (aka lumbar puncture) is used to examine the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to exclude other types of infections and inflammation which can cause symptoms similar to Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)." }, { "score": 0.4283499718, "text": "The most common causes of foot or toe cramps or spasms are lumbago, muscle spasm, and gout.Other possible causes, such as injury to the shoulder, are more rare. Lumbago 9 Muscle spasm 9 Gout 9 Carpal tunnel syndrome 9 Skin polyp 5 Open wound due to trauma 5 Chronic constipation 5 Injury to the shoulder 5.1 Lumbago 9.he most common causes of foot or toe cramps or spasms are lumbago, muscle spasm, and gout. Other possible causes, such as injury to the shoulder, are more rare. Lumbago 9 Muscle spasm 9 Gout 9 Carpal tunnel syndrome 9 Skin polyp 5 Open wound due to trauma 5 Chronic constipation 5 Injury to the shoulder 5. 1 Lumbago 9." }, { "score": 0.4244066477, "text": "Cymbalta (duloxetine) is an antidepressant used for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness." }, { "score": 0.419929713, "text": "Lugia (Japanese: ルギア Rugia) is a Psychic/Flying Legendary Pokémon. It is the Version Mascot for Pokémon Silver and its remake, Pokémon SoulSilver. Lugia is an immense, draconian, mythical Pokémon with avian qualities. It has silver-white feathers over most of its body, except for its blue underbelly." }, { "score": 0.4189933538, "text": "Cymbalta (duloxetine) is an antidepressant used for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness. Cymbalta belongs to a class of medications called serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)." }, { "score": 0.4188838005, "text": "Cymbalta (duloxetine) is an antidepressant used for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness. Cymbalta belongs to a class of medications called serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). The FDA previously approved Cymbalta for the treatment of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain." }, { "score": 0.416244477, "text": "Cymbalta (duloxetine) is an antidepressant used for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness.Cymbalta belongs to a class of medications called serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).The FDA previously approved Cymbalta for the treatment of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain.ibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness. Cymbalta belongs to a class of medications called serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)." }, { "score": 0.4126152098, "text": "Palmarosa essential oil is recommended by aromatherapists for neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, and rheumatic pains. The herb is used to &#40treat&#41 fevers, dyspepsia, and colitis." }, { "score": 0.403215766, "text": "Victoria Lomba Oficial is feeling cool with Sanyam and 8 others at Em Algum Lugar Lugar No Mundo. · Yesterday at 2:07am · Astorga, PR, Brazil · Hi my beautiful friends!!" }, { "score": 0.3793791533, "text": "Zumba is a form of fitness class in which you burn off calories by dancing to different kinds of lively tunes, often Latin-American inspired such as salsa, merengue and samba, but also other types of modern music like hip hop and Bollywood (music from the Indian film industry)." }, { "score": 0.3668001294, "text": "Agogo (a word from the Yoruba language meaning 'bell') are a single or multiple bell now used throughout the world but with origins in traditional Yoruba music and also in the samba baterias (percussion ensembles) of Latin America.pitua and Agogo are metal African bells. Grello are more like castanets as they are played on two of the fingers. All are usually made of iron and are percussion instruments used to establish and drive rhythm and to add texture and variety to music." }, { "score": 0.3654151559, "text": "An agogo (Agogô: yoruba, agogo meaning) bell is a single or multiple bell now used throughout the world but with origins in Traditional yoruba music and also in the samba (baterias percussion). Ensembles the agogo agogô may be the oldest samba instrument and was Based On West african yoruba single or. double bellsattern 1 is used in maculele maculelê and Some candomble Candomblé and. Macumba rhythms bell 2 is used in afoxe afoxê and can be thought of as pattern 1 embellished with. Four additional strokes bell 3 is. Used in batucada pattern 4 is the maracatu bell and can be thought of as pattern 1 embellished with. four additional strokes" }, { "score": 0.360370636, "text": "Trivago N.V., often referred to as trivago, is a German multinational technology company specializing in internet-related services and products in the hotel, lodging and metasearch fields." }, { "score": 0.3566077352, "text": "Cordylobia anthropophaga, the mango fly, tumbu fly, tumba fly, putzi fly or skin maggot fly is a species of blow-fly common in East and Central Africa. It is a parasite of large mammals (including humans) during its larval stage.C. anthropophaga has been endemic in the subtropics of Africa for more than 135 years and is a common cause of myiasis in humans in the region. Its specific epithet anthropophaga derives from the Greek word anthropophagos, human eater.The mode of infection by the Cayor Worm.he larvae of the tumbu fly, Cordylobia anthropophaga, were first described in Senegal in 1862, and Blanchard first described the adult and gave it its name in 1893. In 1903, Grunbert placed the tumbu fly in a new genus, Cordylobia." }, { "score": 0.3524926305, "text": "Goombas /ˈɡuːmbə/, known in Japan as Kuribo (クリボー, Kuribō, [kɯ.ɾʲi.boː]), are a species of sentient mushrooms from Nintendo's Mario franchise. They first appeared in the NES video game Super Mario Bros. as the first enemy players encounter." }, { "score": 0.3490341008, "text": "Zumba, an aerobic dance class set to South American beats, is hot in health clubs and exercise studios from Miami to Los Angeles and everywhere in between. Latin music just tends to make you feel happy and good, says McCalister, 53. Adds McCalister: When I put on Traigo Una Pena, a cha cha, my class just screams." }, { "score": 0.3412304521, "text": "Played in a circle (roda), the game (jogo) of Capoeira Angola is an improvised combination of movements, a mix of acrobatics, rituals, and dance." }, { "score": 0.3375063539, "text": "The Wendigo (also known as Windigo, Weendigo, Windago, Windiga, Witiko, Wihtikow, and numerous other variants) is a mythical creature appearing in the mythology of the Algonquian people. It is a malevolent cannibalistic spirit into which humans could transform, or which could possess humans." }, { "score": 0.3373878002, "text": "Tapioca is a starch extracted from the cassava plant. It is also called as sago or sabudana. It is made by crushing raw tapioca roots in a tank and the juice obtained is stored till it turns into a paste. This paste is then made into small round white balls through a machine.They are soft, spongy and chewy in taste.n the tropics, it is also popular prepared as a pudding with fruit or fruit juice. Sago powder can be used as a thickening agent in gravy dishes, and sago or tapioca flour can be used to make flat-breads. Sago can be made into vadas and boiled and sun-dried and made into pappadums. Nutritional Value." }, { "score": 0.3339664638, "text": "Manchego (officially Queso Manchego) is a cheese made in the La Mancha region of Spain from the milk of sheep of the Manchega breed, which is aged for between 60 days and two years. Manchego has a firm and compact consistency and a buttery texture, and often contains small, unevenly-distributed air pockets.The colour of the cheese varies from white to ivory-yellow, and the inedible rind from yellow to brownish beige.anchego has a firm and compact consistency and a buttery texture, and often contains small, unevenly-distributed air pockets. The colour of the cheese varies from white to ivory-yellow, and the inedible rind from yellow to brownish beige." }, { "score": 0.3311092854, "text": "Played in a circle (roda), the game (jogo) of Capoeira Angola is an improvised combination of movements, a mix of acrobatics, rituals, and dance. The players respectfully demonstrate their skills in Capoeira while singing songs in Portugese and playing instruments." }, { "score": 0.2912092209, "text": "Bongo flava is the nickname for Tanzanian hip hop music. The genre developed in the 1990s, mainly as a derivative of Americanhip hop, with additional influences from reggae, R&B, afrobeat, dancehall, and traditional Tanzanian styles such as taarab and dansi, a combination that forms a unique style of music." } ]
what is an inertia switch
[ { "score": 0.6951924562, "text": "What does the inertia switch reset button do? The intertia switch is designed to kill the power to the fuel pump in the event of an accident in case a fuel line is ruptured in order to keep from pumping fuel all ove…r the site." } ]
[ { "score": 0.5928889513, "text": "This fuel cut off inertia switch was removed from a 2000 Mustang and is in great used condition. 01-04 Ford Focus fuel cut off inertia control module switch XS41-9341-BA. Selling OEM 01-04 Ford Focus inertia fuel cut off switch in good used condition. The connector has 3 pins." }, { "score": 0.5832487345, "text": "This fuel cut off inertia switch was removed from a 1994 Mustang and is in good used condition. OEM Ford Lincoln Mercury fuel cut off inertia control module switch F5AB-9341-AA. Selling OEM Ford inertia fuel cut off switch in good used condition. Part number is F5AB-9341-AA." }, { "score": 0.5722622871, "text": "Inertia is a property of matter that causes it to resist changes in velocity (speed and/or direction). According to Newton's first law of motion, an object with a given velocity maintains that velocity unless acted on by an external force. Inertia is the property of matter that makes this law hold true." }, { "score": 0.571521163, "text": "inertia. n. 1. the state of being inert; disinclination to move or act. 2. (General Physics) physics. a. the tendency of a body to preserve its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force." }, { "score": 0.5701673031, "text": "Part of the Computing fundamentals glossary: Inertia is a property of matter that causes it to resist changes in velocity (speed and/or direction). According to Newton's first law of motion, an object with a given velocity maintains that velocity unless acted on by an external force. Inertia is the property of matter that makes this law hold true. The amount of inertia that an object possesses is proportional to its mass. However, inertia is not the same thing as mass or momentum (the product of velocity and mass). The mass of an object can be measured by observing the extent of its inertia." }, { "score": 0.5696466565, "text": "Inertia is a physics term. Isaac Newtown discovered that a body at rest would stay at rest and a body moving through space would continue moving through space unless an external force (like friction or gravity) caused it to slow down or stop." }, { "score": 0.5690534115, "text": "Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. This is, in essence, the statement of Newton's first law. The concept of inertial is quantified by ma … ss. We say an object with twice the mass has twice the inertia. See also the related question link." }, { "score": 0.5671010017, "text": "Intelligent transfer switch. A transfer switch is an electrical switch that switches a load between two sources. Some transfer switches are manual, in that an operator effects the transfer by throwing a switch, while others are automatic and trigger when they sense one of the sources has lost or gained power. An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is often installed where a backup generator is located, so that the generator may provide temporary electrical power if the utility source fails." }, { "score": 0.5653450489, "text": "Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia. Newton's first law of motion says that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion with a constant speed and direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." }, { "score": 0.5638451576, "text": "inertia in·er·tia (ĭ-nûr'shə) n. The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force. Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change. inertia. The resistance of a body to changes in its momentum. Because of inertia, a body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion continues moving in a straight line and at a constant speed, unless a force is applied to it. Mass can be considered a measure of a body's inertia." }, { "score": 0.563162446, "text": "A switch is a device that is used to make and break the connection in an electric circuit. A switch can also be called a relay. Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, typically when talking about an individual switch it is referred to as a relay and a switch is a combination of relays." }, { "score": 0.5618103743, "text": "Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion. Two objects with the same mass and same velocity will both have the same amount of inertia. However, if they have different velocities, they will have different amounts of inertia. Consider two trains, one moving at 100 kilometers per hour, and the other moving at 120 kilometers per hour." }, { "score": 0.5613330603, "text": "Inertia is the property of a body to remain in rest or motion as long as no force acts on it. Inertia increases with increase of mass. inertia is the property of every object having mass to resist any change in its state of rest or motion unless and until an external force is applied on it." }, { "score": 0.5602469444, "text": "A mercury switch (also known as a mercury tilt switch) is a switch which opens and closes an electrical circuit through a small amount of liquid mercury.Contents.he envelope may also contain air, an inert gas, or a vacuum. Gravity is constantly pulling the drop of mercury to the lowest point in the envelope. When the switch is tilted in the appropriate direction, the mercury touches a set of contacts, thus completing the electrical circuit through those contacts." }, { "score": 0.5598726273, "text": "Inertia is the property of a body which resists a change in its state of rest or of uniform motion. Mass is the measure of inertia. Heavier objects have more inertia than the lighter objects and greater force will be needed to bring a change in the state of heavier objects than the lighter objects." }, { "score": 0.5592347383, "text": "• INERTIA (noun) The noun INERTIA has 2 senses: 1. a disposition to remain inactive or inert. 2. (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain is state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. Familiarity information: INERTIA used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details." }, { "score": 0.5565065145, "text": "Simple: Inertia is the characteristic of an object that resists change in motion. Inertia is quantified as mass. We say a 2 kg object has twice the inertia as a 1 kg object …." }, { "score": 0.555958569, "text": "Inertia is a how much a stationary object resists any change in its motion. As long as all the forces acting on an object are balanced, the object does not move. Thus only an unbalanced force can move a stationary object. The amount of force needed depends on the object's inertia. An unbalanced force applied to the car changes it state of motion. Inertia is a how much a moving object resists any change in its motion, such as a change in direction, increasing or decreasing its speed or stopping it." }, { "score": 0.5550563931, "text": "False - Inertia is NOT a force. Inertia is simply the tendency of an objects to resist a change in whatever state of motion that it currently has. Put another way, inertia is the tendency of an object to keep on doing what it is doing.. Mass is a measure of an object's inertia." }, { "score": 0.5550037026, "text": "Definition of Inertia in Physics. Science. Inertia is the name for the tendency of an object in motion to remain in motion, or an object at rest to remain at rest unless acted upon by a force. This concept was quantified in Newton's First Law of Motion." }, { "score": 0.5546126366, "text": "The definition of inertia is when an object remains still or moves in a constant direction at a constant speed. Inertia will continue unless the object meets some external force. The more inertia an object has, the less the object will change its motion when it meets another force. The ground is the force, the motion, that causes the object to no longer have inertia and to instead stray from its speed and direction." }, { "score": 0.5524392128, "text": "In common usage, the term inertia may refer to an object's amount of resistance to change in velocity (which is quantified by its mass), or sometimes to its momentum, depending on the context." }, { "score": 0.5520012975, "text": "The noun INERTIA has 2 senses: 1. a disposition to remain inactive or inert. 2. (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain is state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. Familiarity information: INERTIA used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details. • INERTIA (noun)." }, { "score": 0.5511385202, "text": "When traveling in a train or any other vehicle, have you noticed how you continue to move forward when it stops. You just experienced INERTIA! Inertia is the tendency of a body to resist a change in motion or rest. When a vehicle stops, you tend to jerk forward before coming to a complete stop. In the same way, you will jerk backwards when the vehicle begins to move." }, { "score": 0.55067873, "text": "Inertia is an object's resistance to changes in its motion. 2. Inertia is directly related to an object's mass. If you put those together and do a bit of inferring, you get: 3. An object's resistance to changes in its motion is directly related to its mass. Let's say that you have three different kinds of balls resting on frictionless carts and a device that can apply a force of 100 Newtons for a period of 10 seconds." }, { "score": 0.5479878187, "text": "Inertia is the tendency of all objects to resist motion and ultimately stop false; Inertia is NOT the tendency to resist motion, but rather to resist changes in the state of motion The mass of an object is dependent upon the value of the acceleration of gravity" }, { "score": 0.5475429893, "text": "inertia - (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. natural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; his favorite subject was physics." }, { "score": 0.5468947291, "text": "Inertia is defined as resistance of any object to any change of state of motion. Mass of a object is the measure of inertia of that object. Inertia is calculated from Newton's second law. If a object has greater mass ,then it means, the object has greater resistance. Written Jun 11." }, { "score": 0.5464496613, "text": "Inertia is the resistance of an object towards energy. Explanation: Hence, objects with a heavier mass would have a higher inertia in comparison to lighter objects. In other words, mass have a direct correlation to inertia." }, { "score": 0.5457803607, "text": "Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. Objects with more mass have more inertia. The more mass an object has the harder it is to change its mot…ion. Thats is how inertia effects and object." }, { "score": 0.5452454686, "text": "Inertia is the tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion. Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object will remain at rest or move at a constant speed in a straight line unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force. The effects of inertia can be felt every day." }, { "score": 0.544230938, "text": "Inertia is a word we use when we talk about matter and movement. Basically, our idea of inertia goes back to Sir Issac Newton's first two laws of physics: 1. An object at rest tends to stay at rest. 2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. Inertia is the quality in matter (matter is anything you can touch) that lets it stay still if it is still, or keeps it moving if it is moving. If you want to overcome inertia, you have to apply a force." }, { "score": 0.5441123247, "text": "Inertia is a scalar, something that only has a magnitude, and is defined as the resistance of an object to its state of motion, which also includes the state of rest. An object's mass is a measure of its inertia. Momentum is a vector, something that has a magnitude and direction." }, { "score": 0.5424503088, "text": "Confidence votes 317. Inertia is rotary momentum; an object's ability to continue spinning when a decelerating force is applied. Just as a heavy object takes more effort to stop from the same speed as a light object, so does a heavy object take more effort to stop from turning at the same speed as a light object. So assuming they are turning at the same angular velocity, the heavier one has a larger inertia." }, { "score": 0.5407491326, "text": "Inertia is a nice and easy physics lessons for kids and children. In physics, inertia is part of Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion simply stating that a particular object at rest will stay in that state unless otherwise a force is put on it for the object to move." }, { "score": 0.5390939116, "text": "inertia - (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force natural philosophy, physics - the science of matter and energy and their interactions; his favorite subject was physics" }, { "score": 0.537276268, "text": "Inertia is not the resistance to movement, it is a resistance to a change in movement. A 2 kg brick traveling at 30 m/s and subjected to a change in direction will have more inertia than a 4 kg cinder block traveling at 10 m/s and undergoing the same change in direction, even though the cinder block weighs twice as much. Yes." }, { "score": 0.5353937745, "text": "An inertial navigation system (INS) is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers), rotation sensors and occasionally magnetic sensors (magnetometers), to continuously calculate by dead reckoning the position, the orientation and the velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references." }, { "score": 0.532093823, "text": "Inertial navigation system. An inertial navigation system (INS) is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers) and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate via dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references." }, { "score": 0.5314555764, "text": "That was enough to trip the inertia switch and shut down the car. When they started using fuel injection in cars, they found that if a car was in an accident, that as long as the key was on, the fuel would continue pumping." }, { "score": 0.5314246416, "text": "Inertia: tendency of an object to resist changes in its velocity. An object at rest has zero velocity - and (in the absence of an unbalanced force) will remain with a zero velocity. Such an object will not change its state of motion (i.e., velocity) unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. An object in motion with a velocity of 2 m/s, East will (in the absence of an unbalanced force) remain in motion with a velocity of 2 m/s, East. Objects resist changes in their velocity." }, { "score": 0.531062305, "text": "Inertia Definition:the property of any body to resist changes in its state of motion. Example: When the person gently pulls the tablecloth, the plate and cup will stay in place due to inertia. The plate and cup will resist a change in motion. Inertia Definition:the property of any body to resist changes in its state of motion. Example: When the person gently pulls the tablecloth, the plate and cup will stay in place due to inertia." }, { "score": 0.5296097398, "text": "Inertia is the resistance of object to change in its current state to the next state. or you can say that ability to resist the acceleration is called inertia. Force = mass* acceleration (here mass gives the quantitative measure of inertia.) while momentum is related to the state of motion of object only. Momentum = mass * velocity ( here mass gives the quantitative measure of inertia but product of inertia and velocity gives quantitative measure of momentum)." }, { "score": 0.5295623541, "text": "inertia is the tendency of an object to resist being moved or, if the object is moving, to resist a change in direction until an outside force acts on the The tendency of objects to resist change in their state of motion is called inertia -Chapter 4: force and the laws of motion. the tendency of objects to resist change in their state of motion is called inertia inertia is measured quantitatively" }, { "score": 0.5288228393, "text": "Inertia is resistance to change. You hate looking at people's feet and yet you stay in your job as a shoe salesman year after year." }, { "score": 0.5278607607, "text": "The definition of the word \"inertia\" doesn't have any reference to an object's speed. Inertia is an object's resistance to changes in velocity…which is just it's mass. (Which we call \"inertial mass\" for this reason)." }, { "score": 0.5273299217, "text": "Inertia will continue until someone picks up one of these balls. Inertia will continue until someone picks up one of these balls. The definition of inertia is when an object remains still or moves in a constant direction at a constant speed. 1 Inertia will continue unless the object meets some external force." }, { "score": 0.522649169, "text": "The automatic transfer switch (ATS) is a critical system component of the emergency power system, and proper maintenance of an ATS depends on the type of switch and its position in the critical power infrastructure. There are four basic ATS types: break-before-make (open transition)" }, { "score": 0.5223562717, "text": "The power steering pressure switch is a device that stabilizes the idle speed of a car while the steering wheel is on full lock, either to the right or left. When the system exceeds power steering load limits, the switch sends a signal to the engine control module to compensate. Keep Learning." }, { "score": 0.5216209888, "text": "Inertia will continue until someone picks up one of these balls. The definition of inertia is when an object remains still or moves in a constant direction at a constant speed. Facts About Inertia." }, { "score": 0.5139060616, "text": "inertia - a disposition to remain inactive or inert; he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work inactiveness, inactivity trait - a distinguishing feature of your personal nature" }, { "score": 0.5128684044, "text": "In regards to physics, INERTIA is the tendency of a body to resist motion or to remain at rest. However, INERTIA, unless acted upon by an outside force, can also be a body mov … ing in a straight line to stay in the motion of a straight line. This question is an inappropriate use of copywrited material." }, { "score": 0.5119784474, "text": "Inertia is dependent on the mass of the object being considered, and sometimes by its momentum - depending on how we are using the term. Recall that inertia is the resistance …of a body to a change in motion. (A body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force. And, a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted on by an outside force.) We think of something massive as resistive to being moved. That's inertia." }, { "score": 0.5047330856, "text": "(motion). The inertia is the mass of the pendulum and the spring is in the gravitational attraction between. the bob and the earth. The tangential component changes direction every time the mass passes through the. midpoint of its swing and thus always acts to restore the mass to its central position." }, { "score": 0.5039858818, "text": "TVS inertia base frames are designed and engineered for use in supporting mechanical equipment. Typically used with Kinetics vibration isolators for support and isolation of: 1 Chillers. 2 Pumps. 3 Compressors. 4 Centrifugal Fans. 5 Air Handling Units." }, { "score": 0.5005545616, "text": "an intermediate switch is a switch of 4 terminals which is used to control devices from more than 2 locations if you want to control a device eg lamp from one locati on you use a normal switch you could see two terminals behind it" }, { "score": 0.5004412532, "text": "An inertial navigation system is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensors, rotation sensors and occasionally magnetic sensors, to continuously calculate by dead reckoning the position, the orientation and the velocity of a moving object without the need for external references. It is used on vehicles such as ships, aircraft, submarines, guided missiles and spacecraft. Other terms used to refer to inertial navigation systems or closely related devices include inertial guidance system" }, { "score": 0.4933773577, "text": "Scientists call these tendencies inertia. Inertia is a way of measuring how hard it is to change the momentum of an object, whether that's getting it to speed up or getting it to slow down. That depends on how much mass the object has. Big heavy things (things with a lot of mass) have more inertia than light things. You have to push a bus harder than a scooter to get it to move. If something has a lot of mass, it's also hard to get it to stop moving. If the bus was moving fast, you'd need good brakes to get it to stop." }, { "score": 0.4899579287, "text": "Remote Switch Actuator (RSA). A remote switch actuator allows service personnel to move, push, pull, charge, close, and/or trip circuit breakers and other electrical equipment from a safe distance in conjunction with a CBS ArcSafe RSO.emote Switch Actuator (RSA). A remote switch actuator allows service personnel to move, push, pull, charge, close, and/or trip circuit breakers and other electrical equipment from a safe distance in conjunction with a CBS ArcSafe RSO." }, { "score": 0.4877615869, "text": "Example Sentences for inertia. It was the last phase, the feebleness, the wanness, the inertia! When I twitched the rope, I suddenly and violently overcame the inertia of the tender. What inertia is to a material body inductance is to an electric current. Before every spiritual illumination, this Inertia, in a measure, must be overcome." }, { "score": 0.464168787, "text": "The property of objects that resists changes in motion is called inertia." }, { "score": 0.4535090625, "text": "Inerting system. An inerting system decreases the probability of combustion of flammable materials stored in a confined space, especially a fuel tank, by maintaining a chemically non-reactive or inert gas, such as nitrogen, in such a space. Inerted fuel tanks may be used on land, or aboard ships or aircraft." }, { "score": 0.4425390959, "text": "the inability of an object to change its state of rest,state of uniform motion in a straight line is called inertia of motion." }, { "score": 0.3943523467, "text": "Is Newton's First Law of Motion related to inertia? What is the relationship between the law of inertia and Newton's first law? Can Newton's first law be understood with an analogy? What role does gravity or inertia play in the application of Newton's 2nd law of motion?" }, { "score": 0.3910262287, "text": "IPS, also known as In-Plane Switching, is a type of monitor display and screen technology. More specifically, an IPS panel is a type of TFT LCD (or \"active matrix\" LCD). LCD, or Liquid Crystal Display, is the use of light modulating properties from unlit liquid crystals for providing a flat panel or electronic visual display." } ]
cost to mail priority mail shoe box
[ { "score": 0.8394696712, "text": "The shoe boxes are not flat rate. The cost is for Priority mail and Priority mail goes by full pounds. So the cost for 18 ounces would be 2 LB. Priority rate. As for your rate, one would need to know where it is being shipped from and where it is being shipped to." } ]
[ { "score": 0.8161684275, "text": "Does anyone happen to know the shipping cost of a Prority Mail 'shoe box'? From what I've researched, it looks like these Priority Mail 'shoe boxes' are NOT FLAT RATE boxes? I guess they are measured by weight instead? But obviously they must be going via Priority Mail, because it says 'Priority Mail' on the boxes. So I'm assuming that I should select 'Priority Mail' as my shipping method? It looks like my shoes will be about 17.4 ounces all packed up, so I'll have to purchase 18 ounces of postage." }, { "score": 0.7722149491, "text": "There is, however, a Priority Mail box made by USPS that is Shoe Box sized and dimensioned (eBay sellers requested it years ago and it is still available). It ships at the Priority Mail ZONED (ie Not Flat Rate) prices." }, { "score": 0.7483404875, "text": "Postage Rates. The least expensive priority mail flat rate envelopes are $5.75. These range in size from 5\" x 10\" up to 12-1/2 x 9-1/2. By comparison, sending a 12-1/2 x 9-1/2 priority envelope that weighs five pounds would cost $21.55 instead of the flat rate of $5.75.btaining USPS Flat Rate Supplies. Order your priority mail shipping envelopes and boxes for free at USPS.com. Not only are priority shipping supplies free, your mail carrier will deliver them to the address you provide. USPS sends the supplies priority mail so they should arrive within 3 days of your order." }, { "score": 0.7373601198, "text": "• Postage is $7.70, regardless of weight or domestic delivery zone. • This is exactly twice the postage of a Priority Mail flat-rate envelope. • Boxes are not prepaid. Each box must bear $7.70 in postage." }, { "score": 0.7357509136, "text": "maximum size in any of the dimensions, you can use parcel rates. If your mailpiece is heavier, you may want to consider a Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope or Box for your shipment. 2 $2.32 $2.32 3 $2.32 $2.32 4 $2.50 $2.50 5 $2.68 $2.68 6 $2.86 $2.86 7 $3.04 $3.04 8 $3.22 $3.22 9 $3.40 $3.40 10 $3.58 $3.58 11 $3.76 $3.76 12 $3.94 $3.94" }, { "score": 0.7327491641, "text": "The medium flat-rate boxes for Priority service are 13 5/8 inches by 11 7/8 inches by 3 3/8 inches and 11 inches by 8 1/2 inches by 5 1/2 inches. Shipping charges are $12.65. There is one small-size box offered for Priority service. It measures 8 5/8 inches by 5 3/8 inches by 1 5/8 inches and costs $5.95 to ship." }, { "score": 0.727843523, "text": "Postage Rates. The least expensive priority mail flat rate envelopes are $5.75. These range in size from 5 x 10 up to 12-1/2 x 9-1/2. By comparison, sending a 12-1/2 x 9-1/2 priority envelope that weighs five pounds would cost $21.55 instead of the flat rate of $5.75. When mailing items over 13 ounces, flat rate options will save you money over the cost of first class mail." }, { "score": 0.7251659036, "text": "You could fit the single book into a Priority Mail Flat Rate envelope and mail it for $4.90. Ten books of the example size would not quite fit into the medium size Flat Rate Box of 11 by 8.5 by 5.5 inches, so you would need a large Flat Rate box, which would cost $14.50 to ship to a domestic address." }, { "score": 0.7242621183, "text": "Priority Mail. The USPS has introduced Flat Rate Priority Mail boxes. Basically whatever you can jam in the box you can ship for one price. So, if you box weighs 5 or 50 pounds you pay the same price.The priority mail boxes are free and are available at your local post office, or you can have them shipped to your door.The Priority Mail Flat Rate chart is below.o, if you box weighs 5 or 50 pounds you pay the same price. The priority mail boxes are free and are available at your local post office, or you can have them shipped to your door. The Priority Mail Flat Rate chart is below." }, { "score": 0.7233872414, "text": "A jacket (or a pair of jeans) may weigh 3lbs to ship and that can be like $8 to a location close to you, but if you use a priority mail box you will pay about $11 to ship it. That's a big difference. On the other hand, using a FLAT RATE envelope for $5 is much cheaper than the Tyvek Priority Mail envelope." }, { "score": 0.7146937847, "text": "Using a customer supplied envelope, an individual can mail a Priority Mail Express letter envelope weighing one ounce up to sixteen ounces for $31.20 plus the extra fee of $12.50 to add Sunday/Holiday Delivery." }, { "score": 0.7120009661, "text": "The Priority Mail International retail pricing rate depends on the weight of your shipment, as well as the destination country. Oversized packages may be subject to a surcharge. Retail pricing starts at $30.75 to ship an item weighing one pound or less to Canada, and increases based on weight and distance." }, { "score": 0.7092422843, "text": "Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express has flat rate options. Here are the prices ranges for each category as at 2015 March. • First Class Mail pricing ranges from $ 0.49 – $ 4.12 at retail. Pricing is based on weight and type of items; that is, whether it is letter, large envelope, or parcel.owever, Express is the costliest of the three options with each parcel costing more than $10. Using Priority and First Class, you can very well send parcels in less than $6. With Express service, you also stand to get an insurance cover of up to $100 should there be loss or damage to your item in transit." }, { "score": 0.7065484524, "text": "The Express Mail Flat Rate Box rounds out the Express Mail Flat Rate product line, which includes an Express Mail Flat Rate Envelope and an Express Mail Flat Rate Legal Envelope, both retailing for $18.95. The same size as the medium Priority Mail Flat Rate Box, the Express Mail Flat Rate Box is available in a top-loading or side-loading design. The boxes can be ordered online at usps.com and also are available at select Post Offices." }, { "score": 0.7053377628, "text": "The next flat rate box is a bit larger . measuring about 13.5 inches by 12 inches by 3.5 inches. The cost for shipping this box anywhere in the United States is $10.35 and you can mail anything legal that will fit in this box up to a weight limit of 70 pounds." }, { "score": 0.7039163113, "text": "U.S. Postal Service Launches Express Mail Flat Rate Box. Overnight Domestic Shipping Up to 70 Pounds for $39.95. WASHINGTON — Expanding on the success of its line of Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes, the U.S. Postal Service has introduced the first Express Mail Flat Rate Box." }, { "score": 0.7024568915, "text": "When to use Priority Mail Use Priority Mail if you are shipping more than 13 ounces, specifically if you want fast delivery for a low price. 2012 Postage Rate Increase for Online Postage • New! Priority Mail Regional Rate Box C rates will start at $14.44 with a maximum weight of 25 pounds." }, { "score": 0.7012747526, "text": "Priority Padded Flat rate at $7.20 (formerly $6.80) Legal Flat Rate rate is at $6.95 (formerly $6.45) To be sendable by the USPS: since Priority Mail Express envelopes are available freely at the Post Office, size restrictions are by what may fit in their standard issue sleeve." }, { "score": 0.7012420893, "text": "Priority mail is a service by the post office that provides free shipping materials and delivery in approximately 2 days. The flat-rate services, which do not require any mailing or calculating, ships in between 2 and 3 days start at approximately $5 for an envelope, depending on your business's volume." }, { "score": 0.7000613213, "text": "U.S. Postal Service Launches Express Mail Flat Rate Box. Overnight Domestic Shipping Up to 70 Pounds for $39.95. WASHINGTON — Expanding on the success of its line of Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes, the U.S. Postal Service has introduced the first Express Mail Flat Rate Box. Ideal for consumers and small businesses selling merchandise online, the Postal Service's Express Mail Flat Rate Box takes the guess work out of shipping, providing overnight delivery — up to 70 pounds — almost anywhere in the country for $39.95." }, { "score": 0.6996694803, "text": "Express Mail Flat Rate Boxes also can be used for international shipments with a maximum weight of 20 pounds. The boxes are priced at $59.95 to Canada and $74.95 for all other countries that accept Express Mail International. The Express Mail Flat Rate Box rounds out the Express Mail Flat Rate product line, which includes an Express Mail Flat Rate Envelope and an Express Mail Flat Rate Legal Envelope, both retailing for $18.95. The same size as the medium Priority Mail Flat Rate Box, the Express Mail Flat Rate Box is available in a top-loading or side-loading design. The boxes can be ordered online at usps.com and also are available at select Post Offices." }, { "score": 0.6996300817, "text": "Each USPS-produced Priority Mail Flat Rate Box is charged a flat rate regardless of the actual weight (up to 70 pounds) of the mailpiece or domestic destination. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices." }, { "score": 0.6981357932, "text": "A 30 pound box costs $ 15.12 to ship via media mail. Three 10 pound boxes costs $19.56. That isn't a huge difference in price, but it will be much easier to pack, much easier to handle (for you and the USPS employees), and greatly reduce the risk of damaging your books. 30 pound box costs $ 15.12 to ship via media mail. Three 10 pound boxes costs $19.56. That isn't a huge difference in price, but it will be much easier to pack, much easier to handle (for you and the USPS employees), and greatly reduce the risk of damaging your books." }, { "score": 0.6972047091, "text": "The price for the small Flat Rate box was raised to $7.15, the medium Flat Rate box was increased to $13.60 and the large Flat Rate Box increased to $18.85. Commercial Base Prices will increase by an average of 4.1 percent, which is 1.7 percent lower than its Priority Mail Express International equivalent." }, { "score": 0.6959834099, "text": "Shipping costs also going up! Read below: This is from Stamps.com. All package rates are also up! If you want to read more information go to Stamps.com, it will give you all the increases! Commercial Base Pricing) Priority Mail will see an average increase of 6.2%. A 1 lb. package going to Zone 8 using Priority Mail will cost $7.76 in 2018 compared to $7.25 currently. Overall, prices for Priority Mail Express will increase by 3.9%." }, { "score": 0.6896576881, "text": "Domestic PRIORITY MAIL FLat rate pricing. Domestic Priority Express Mail Flat Rate Envelopes - $22.95. Please Note: Letter rates are just for normal business envelopes (size 6 and 10), which are no larger than 6-1/8 in height and 11.5 in length. Standard manilla envelopes are considered large envelopes." }, { "score": 0.6893749833, "text": "If using one of the USPS flat rate padded envelopes, the price is fixed, based on the class of service selected. Priority Mail 2-Day - $19.99 plus $12.50 fee for Sunday/Holiday Delivery on 19 January. USPS Supplied Padded Flat Rate Envelope. Dimension: 12-1/2 inches by 9-1/2 inches. Using a customer supplied envelope, an individual can mail a Priority Mail 2-Day letter envelope weighing one ounce up to sixteen ounces for $7.15. If using one of the USPS flat rate padded envelopes, the price is fixed, based on the class of service selected. Priority Mail 2-Day - $19.99 plus $12.50 fee for Sunday/Holiday Delivery on 19 January. USPS Supplied Flat Rate Envelope." }, { "score": 0.6886937618, "text": "As an example, an 8 length x 6 height x 8 width (Tier 3) package weighing 8 pounds and being shipped to Zone 6 would cost $20.79 using Priority Mail Commercial Base rates. The same package would cost only $8.39 with USPS Cubic Pricing. That is a 59% savings!" }, { "score": 0.6884986758, "text": "PRIORITY MAIL FLAT RATE. A 6\" x 9\" envelope will fit in a USPS Priority Mail 9-1/2\" x 12-1/2\" envelope and can be mailed for a domestic flat rate of $5.60." }, { "score": 0.6875187755, "text": "for items sent in a priority mail flat rate box provided by the postal service the domestic shipping rate is the same regardless of weight or destination for packages less than 20 pounds and larger than 84 inches in combined length and girth a balloon price may apply" }, { "score": 0.6862390041, "text": "USPS uses zone-based pricing for Priority Mail Express. There are 9 zones in the United States. Prices are based on the distance from the original package location to the delivery destination. Prices start at $16.95 at the Post Office and $13.09 for Stamps.com customers." }, { "score": 0.6848517656, "text": "Delivery Confirmation Service. Changes were made to fees only. The retail option fee for First-Class Mail parcels and Package Services parcels is now $0.75, and the Priority Mail retail option fee is now $0.65. The Priority Mail electronic option — included with Click-N-Ship service — remains free." }, { "score": 0.6828233004, "text": "USPS uses zone-based pricing for Priority Mail Express. There are 9 zones in the United States. Prices are based on the distance from the original package location to the delivery destination. Prices start at $22.95 at the Post Office and $20.66 and up for Stamps.com customers." }, { "score": 0.6809917688, "text": "The service costs at least $5.60 or more, as of 2014 prices, depending on the size of the package and the distance of the destination. It is available on a retail basis only. Sending a shipment through Standard Post is ideal for deliveries that are not very urgent or are too large for Priority Mail delivery services." }, { "score": 0.680824995, "text": "Ideal for consumers and small businesses selling merchandise online, the Postal Service's Express Mail Flat Rate Box takes the guess work out of shipping, providing overnight delivery — up to 70 pounds — almost anywhere in the country for $39.95." }, { "score": 0.6777350903, "text": "Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate™ Envelopes. From $41.50 at the Post Office. Priority Mail International® From $31.75 at the Post Office. From $30.16 for Commercial Base. From $30.16 for Commercial Plus. Priority Mail International Flat Rate™ Envelopes. From $23.95 at Post Office. From $22.75 for Commercial Base. From $22.75 for Commercial Plus" }, { "score": 0.6764761806, "text": "Medium Flat Rate Boxes cost $12.35 when you purchase the postage at a USPS retail outlet, or $11.30 if you get the postage online. There are two different size boxes that you can choose from: 11 x 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 Inside and 11-1/4 x 8-3/4 x 6 Outside." }, { "score": 0.6754027605, "text": "Medium Flat Rate Boxes cost $12.35 when you purchase the postage at a USPS retail outlet, or $11.30 if you get the postage online. That online cost can be improved if you have a commercial account or use an online discount postage provider. Both access discounts accorded for volume shipments." }, { "score": 0.6716705561, "text": "Medium Flat Rate Boxes cost $12.35 when you purchase the postage at a USPS retail outlet, or $11.30 if you get the postage online. There are two different size boxes that you can choose from: 11 x 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 Inside and 11-1/4 x 8-3/4 x 6 Outside. 13-5/8 x 11-7/8 x 3-3/8 Inside and 14 x 12 x 3-1/2." }, { "score": 0.6705261469, "text": "On the individual package, for any First Class, Priority Mail or Priority Express Mail package, the cost of tracking is very low. It is only $1.05 directly at the post office counter, or you can add it to your online purchase for $0.23." }, { "score": 0.6629890203, "text": "(See 230 .). Priority Mail International — Flat Rate. Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price." }, { "score": 0.660972774, "text": "1 Large envelope-sized pieces that are rigid, nonrectangular, or not uniformly thick pay parcel prices. For keys and identification devices, add $0.82. If more than 13 ounces, see Priority Mail (footnote #4) on page 3." }, { "score": 0.660182476, "text": "please mark each package priority mail in the postage area or use a usps provided priority mail envelope or box priority mail will already appear on the shipping label when you create and print your label on ebay priority mail is a usps trademarkthe maximum weight is 70 poundsriority mail international offers 6 10 day service to most international destinations priority mail international is a usps trademark note the cost of postage will appear on all international shipping labels the maximum weight for flat rate envelopes and small boxes is 4 pounds" }, { "score": 0.6590174437, "text": "Priority Mail—1-3 Business Days. 1 1-3 business day delivery (depending on departure and arrival locations) 2 discounts available when you purchase online. 3 prices start at $5.05 (online) or $5.75 (at post office locations) includes tracking information, and up to $50 of 1 insurance. free pickup at your home or office." }, { "score": 0.658965826, "text": "A: NuShoe provides shipping both to and from our repair facility using our postage-paid mailing bag. Simply place your shoes in the mailing bag and include in your outgoing mail. There is a $12/mailing bag charge for shipping and handling, which is included on the order form." }, { "score": 0.6582989097, "text": "If you were to use USPS for next day delivery, you'd be selecting their Priority Mail Express service. As luck would have it, they offer flat rate envelopes so determining the rate is quite easy if you are mailing something that can fit in a large envelope (up to 15 x 9, legal size). The retail price at the Post Office counter would be $19.99." }, { "score": 0.6570606232, "text": "Priority Mail Regional Rate – Postage will increase for most Priority Mail Regional Rate Boxes in 2017. No change in postage for a Regional Rate Box A going to Zone 5. Postage price will decrease by $0.49 for a Regional Rate Box A being shipped to Zone 8. First Class Package Service – Overall rates will increase by 4.1%. Parcel Select Ground – Rates will increase by 2.7%. Although, rates for some weight & zone groupings will actually decrease. USPS Mailing Services:" }, { "score": 0.6549839973, "text": "1 After three years without a shipping rate increase, Priority Mail will see an average rate increase of 9.4% in 2016. Additionally, Priority Mail Regional Rate Box C will be discontinued in 2016. First Class Package Service will see an average rate increase of 12.8% in 2016." }, { "score": 0.6455284357, "text": "Then pay for additional services, including a fee for USPS Certified Mail ($3.35USD as of 1/22/2017 and Return receipt (PS Form 3811) cost $2.75). Both first-class and priority mail can be sent via certified mail. First-class mail includes envelopes and packages that weigh 13 ounces or less." }, { "score": 0.6446466446, "text": "Items under 70 pounds can be sent through Priority Mail Express to any address in the United States. Priority Mail Express comes with up to $200 in insurance and delivery tracking for free. USPS is the only overnight shipping carrier that is allowed to deliver packages to a P.O. Box address." }, { "score": 0.6432712078, "text": "Return Receipt is available for Priority Mail Express®, Priority Mail®, First Class Mail®, Retail Ground® and Media Mail. The cost of Return Receipt is $2.70 for a mailed receipt or $1.35 for an electronic receipt that is emailed to you. It can be combined with extra services including USPS Tracking, Signature Confirmation™, Special Handling, Restricted Delivery and Parcel Airlift Service." }, { "score": 0.6419512033, "text": "Return Receipt is available for Priority Mail Express®, Priority Mail®, First Class Mail®, USPS Retail Ground® and Media Mail. The cost of Return Receipt is $2.75 for a mailed receipt or $1.45 for an electronic receipt that is emailed to you. It can be combined with extra services including USPS Tracking, Signature Confirmation™, Special Handling, Restricted Delivery and Parcel Airlift Service." }, { "score": 0.6343494654, "text": "Drop your package in the U.S. mail. The cost of using the prepaid return label service is $6.99 and will be deducted from your refund, unless you are returning shoes. We offer free returns for shoes. Refunds will be issued in the form of original payment." }, { "score": 0.6320766211, "text": "Postage for Priority Mail Regional Rate Boxes A and B will be increasing for a large majority of the zones as shown below. Priority Mail Regional Rate Box C will be discontinued in 2016. First Class Package Service. First Class Package Service rates will see an average increase of 12.8% in 2016." }, { "score": 0.6286175251, "text": "PO Box addresses must be shipped to using USPS Priority Mail. Please select the Priority Mail option when checking out for delivery to a Post Office Box. All FedEx, UPS and Lowest Cost Shipping methods must be destined to Physical (Residential, Commercial, etc.) addresses." }, { "score": 0.6270774603, "text": "Priority Mail Regional Rate Box – A1. Priority Mail Regional Rate Box – A2. Priority Mail Regional Rate Box – B1. Priority Mail Regional Rate Box – B2. Find USPS Shipping Zones. USPS.com provides a tool to quickly find out which zone your package falls into depending on the starting location and ending location of where it will travel." }, { "score": 0.6254810095, "text": "The cost depends on weight and distance, just like any other mailing container that is not marked flat rate. The retail cost will range from $5.60 to $11.25 (1 or 2 lbs.), a bit less if you print online prepaid postage. You might want to reconsider and send the poster in a plain mailing tube via First Class Mail if the actual weight is 13 oz. or less. Then the maximum retail cost is $4.12 plus the cost of the tube. ~~C~~" }, { "score": 0.6120790243, "text": "Flats (1 Oz) $0.98 $0.99. Each additional OZ of First Class mail will cost $0.22 per OZ. In summary, USPS Certified Mail postal rates increase +6.5.%, Return Receipt costs increase +7.5% and First Class postage will increase two cents or +4%." } ]
what is financing cash flow
[ { "score": 0.7901616096, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Cash-Flow Financing'. A form of financing in which the loan is backed by a company's expected cash flows. This differs from an asset-backed loan, where the collateral for the loan is based on the company's assets. The schedules or repayments for cash-flow loans are based on the company's projected future cash flows." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7308756709, "text": "A: Cash flow refers to a stream of revenue or expense that alters a cash account over a specified time frame. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a business's financial performance.It is calculated as the difference between cash flow and capital expenditures.Cash inflows result from any of the following three activities: financing, investments or operations. Cash outflows, on the other hand, result from expenses or investments.: Cash flow refers to a stream of revenue or expense that alters a cash account over a specified time frame. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a business's financial performance." }, { "score": 0.7233560681, "text": "Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing Activities Cash flows from noncapital financing activities include borrowing money and repaying the principal and interest on amounts borrowed for purposes other than to acquire, construct or improve capital assets." }, { "score": 0.7219234109, "text": "Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities Cash flows from capital and related financing activities include acquiring and disposing of capital assets, borrowing money to acquire, construct or improve capital assets and repaying the principal and interest amounts." }, { "score": 0.7197110653, "text": "By Investopedia AAA |. A: Cash flow refers to a stream of revenue or expense that alters a cash account over a specified time frame. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a business's financial performance. It is calculated as the difference between cash flow and capital expenditures.Cash inflows result from any of the following three activities: financing, investments or operations. Cash outflows, on the other hand, result from expenses or investments.: Cash flow refers to a stream of revenue or expense that alters a cash account over a specified time frame. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a business's financial performance." }, { "score": 0.7140448689, "text": "Total Cash Flow = Cash Flow from Operations +/- Investing Cash Flow +/- Financing Cash Flow. Total Cash Flow of the entity is the sum of the Cash Flow from all activities including operating, investing, and financing activities. It is the total you find at the bottom of the Cash Flow Statement labeled \"Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents\"." }, { "score": 0.7117561102, "text": "A category in a company's cash flow statement that accounts for external activities that allow a firm to raise capital and repay investors, such as issuing cash dividends, adding or changing loans or issuing more stock. Cash flow from financing activities shows investors the company's financial strength.ash flows from operating activities is a section of the cash flow statement that explains the sources and uses of cash from ..." }, { "score": 0.7116646767, "text": "Cash flow is the amount of cash and cash equivalents entering and leaving a company. Cash flow is what is actually available to pay expenses and make investments. A business derives its cash flow from operations, meaning its regular business activities, as well as from investing and financing." }, { "score": 0.7096185684, "text": "In accounting and finance, free cash flow, or FCF, is the cash a firm produces through its operations, less the cost of expenditures on assets. Theoretically, FCF is the total amount of money that could be returned to its shareholders if no future growth is realized. There are a few competing methods for calculating free cash flow." }, { "score": 0.7067482471, "text": "Free Cash Flow. Once you know the value of your operational cash flow, investment cash flow, and financing cash flow, you can add them all together to calculate your free cash flow (FCF), an important metric used by financial analysts and investors to judge the performance of a company.inancing Cash Flow. Last but not least is financing cash flow. This form of cash flow is related to the equity of the company. If you receive cash for issuing shares, it is a positive entry for financing cash flow." }, { "score": 0.7029112577, "text": "In financial accounting, a cash flow statement, also known as statement of cash flows or funds flow statement, is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities." }, { "score": 0.7009574175, "text": "The third part of a cash flow statement shows the cash flow from all financing activities. Typical sources of cash flow include cash raised by selling stocks and bonds or borrowing from banks. Likewise, paying back a bank loan would show up as a use of cash flow." }, { "score": 0.6995517015, "text": "Financial Cash Flow. In Finance decisions are based upon cash flows. The value of any asset, including the firm's stock, is based upon the cash flows that it is expected to generate. Moreover, a firm needs cash to acquire inventories, to acquire fixed assets, to pay wages, to pay dividends, to pay interest, etc. Accounting income is not cash flow." }, { "score": 0.6981894374, "text": "Free cash flow. In corporate finance, free cash flow (FCF) or free cash flow to firm (FCFF) is a way of looking at a business's cash flow to see what is available for distribution among all the securities holders of a corporate entity." }, { "score": 0.6973247528, "text": "In financial accounting, operating cash flow (OCF), cash flow provided by operations, cash flow from operating activities (CFO) or free cash flow from operations (FCFO), refers to the amount of cash a company generates from the revenues it brings in, excluding costs associated with long-term investment on capital items or investment in securities." }, { "score": 0.6942737103, "text": "In financial accounting, a cash flow statement, also known as statement of cash flows, is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing and financing activities." }, { "score": 0.6925999522, "text": "Financing activities can include sources of cash -- meaning cash inflows -- or uses of cash, which are cash outflows. Small and large businesses generally use financing activities to support operations and strategic initiatives." }, { "score": 0.6924822927, "text": "Financing Activities. Financing activities are transactions or business events that affect long-term liabilities and equity. In other words, financing activities are transactions with creditors or investors used to fund either company operations or expansions. These transactions are the third set of cash activities displayed on the statement of cash flows." }, { "score": 0.6914550066, "text": "Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product.It is usually measured during a specified, limited period of time. Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation.ash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product." }, { "score": 0.6904141903, "text": "The third and final heading on the cash flow statement is titled Cash Flow from Financing Activities.. This section sums all the cash flows from the issuance of debt or stock, the redemption of debt, and dividends paid to shareholders." }, { "score": 0.6901949048, "text": "In financial accounting, a cash flow statement, also known as statement of cash flows, is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing and financing activities.ssentially, the cash flow statement is concerned with the flow of cash in and out of the business. The statement captures both the current operating results and the accompanying changes in the balance sheet." }, { "score": 0.6880711317, "text": "Cash Flow. Definition: The difference between the available cash at the beginning of an accounting period and that at the end of the period. Cash comes in from sales, loan proceeds, investments and the sale of assets and goes out to pay for operating and direct expenses, principal debt service, and the purchase of asset ." }, { "score": 0.68773067, "text": "Free Cash Flow (FCF) is defined as the amount of cash a firm has after the cost of its operations and spending on capital. Free Cash Flow is extremely useful in LBO modeling as it shows how much cash the company will have to pay off the debt used to finance the buyout. Unlevered FCF is the more commonly used of the 2. Free Cash Flow shows the amount of money which a firm is able to generate after taking into account asset expenditures. FCF is essential in order to increase the value of a firm, as without cash a firm is unable to innovate, pay off debt or perform takeovers." }, { "score": 0.687451005, "text": "Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, limited period of time. Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation.he (total) net cash flow of a company over a period (typically a quarter, half year, or a full year) is equal to the change in cash balance over this period: positive if the cash balance increases (more cash becomes available), negative if the cash balance decreases." }, { "score": 0.6857128143, "text": "Components of the Cash Flow Statement. In financial accounting, a cash flow statement, also known as statement of cash flows or funds flow statement, is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities." }, { "score": 0.6839005351, "text": "What is 'Free Cash Flow - FCF'. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a company's financial performance, calculated as operating cash flow minus capital expenditures. FCF represents the cash that a company is able to generate after spending the money required to maintain or expand its asset base." }, { "score": 0.6813195944, "text": "Operating cash flow (OCF) is cash generated from normal operations of a business. As part of the Cash Flow Statement the cash flows of the operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities are segregated so the analyst can get a clear picture of the cash flows of all the company's activities." }, { "score": 0.6805847883, "text": "What is 'Free Cash Flow - FCF'. Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a company's financial performance, calculated as operating cash flow minus capital expenditures. FCF represents the cash that a company is able to generate after spending the money required to maintain or expand its asset base. FCF is important because it allows a company to pursue opportunities that enhance shareholder value." }, { "score": 0.6805758476, "text": "Cash flow. Cash flow is a measure of changes in a company's cash account during an accounting period, specifically its cash income minus the cash payments it makes. For example, if a car dealership sells $100,000 worth of cars in a month and spends $35,000 on expenses, it has a positive cash flow of $65,000." }, { "score": 0.680511713, "text": "Free Cash Flow (FCF) Definition - What does Free Cash Flow (FCF) mean? Free cash flow (FCF) is a financial metric that includes cash flow generated from operations, minus annual capital expenditures required to sustain the business (maintenance capex). It is a key metric used by buyers to evaluate a business. Free cash flow is sometimes calculated on an after tax basis." }, { "score": 0.6800377369, "text": "What is 'Operating Cash Flow - OCF'. Operating cash flow is a measure of the amount of cash generated by a company's normal business operations. Operating cash flow indicates whether a company is able to generate sufficient positive cash flow to maintain and grow its operations, or it may require external financing for capital expansion." }, { "score": 0.679283917, "text": "(February 2015). Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, limited period of time.Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation.he total net cash flow is the sum of cash flows that are classified in three areas: 1 Operational cash flows: Cash received or expended as a result of the company's internal business activities. 2 It includes cash earnings plus changes to working capital." }, { "score": 0.6787801981, "text": "1 Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. The statement of cash flows is a valuable reporting tool for managers, investors, and creditors." }, { "score": 0.677654624, "text": "Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, limited period of time. Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation.1 to determine a project's rate of return or value. 2 The time of cash flows into and out of projects are used as inputs in financial models such as internal rate of return and net present value.easurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation. 1 to determine a project's rate of return or value. 2 The time of cash flows into and out of projects are used as inputs in financial models such as internal rate of return and net present value." }, { "score": 0.6766961813, "text": "Free Cash Flow (FCF) is defined as the amount of cash a firm has after the cost of its operations and spending on capital. Free cash flow comes in 2 forms, levered and unlevered: Levered Free Cash Flow : Cash Flow From Operations - Capital Expenditures + Interest Income & Expense." }, { "score": 0.6741211414, "text": "cash flows that result from debt and equity financing transactions; include incurrence and repayment of debt, cash inflow from the sale of stock, and cash outflows to repurchase stock or pay cash dividend. operating cash flow(OCF)" }, { "score": 0.6737482548, "text": "Cash flow determines the quality of a company's income; if net cash flow is less than net income, that could be a cause for concern. Cash flow statements are divided into three categories: operating cash flow, investing cash flow and financing cash flow.Operating cash flows are those related to a company's operations, that is, its day-to-day business.ree cash flow is defined as a company's operating cash flow minus capital expenditures. This is the money that can be used to pay dividends, buy back stock, pay off debt and expand the business." }, { "score": 0.6732115149, "text": "In corporate finance, free cash flow or free cash flow to firm is a way of looking at a business's cash flow to see what is available for distribution among all the securities holders of a corporate entity. This may be useful to parties such as equity holders, debt holders, preferred stock holders, and convertible security holders when they want to see how much cash can be extracted from a company without causing issues to its operations. Free cash flow can be calculated in various ways, dependi" }, { "score": 0.6727665663, "text": "1 Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. 2 The statement of cash flows is a valuable reporting tool for managers, investors, and creditors. Being profitable does not necessarily mean being liquid." }, { "score": 0.6714999676, "text": "So you've developed an amazing product and are ready to start a business, but you're not exactly a big finance person. The first article in this four-part series on understanding financial statements focuses on cash flow statements.inancing Cash Flow. Last but not least is financing cash flow. This form of cash flow is related to the equity of the company. If you receive cash for issuing shares, it is a positive entry for financing cash flow." }, { "score": 0.6709076166, "text": "Q&A. Financing activities reported on the statement of cash flows (SCF) involve changes to the long-term liabilities, stockholders' equity (sections of the balance sheet), and short-term borrowings during the period shown in the heading of SCF. Sources of cash provided by financing activities include ..." }, { "score": 0.6698800325, "text": "cash flow. The amount of net cash generated by an investment or a business during a specific period. One measure of cash flow is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Because cash is the fuel that drives a business, many analysts consider cash flow to be a company's most important financial statistic." }, { "score": 0.6660802364, "text": "Some cash flows relating to investing or financing activities are classified as operating activities. For example, receipts of investment income (interest and dividends) and payments of interest to lenders are classified as investing or financing activities." }, { "score": 0.6647957563, "text": "cash flow. The amount of net cash generated by an investment or a business during a specific period. One measure of cash flow is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.Because cash is the fuel that drives a business, many analysts consider cash flow to be a company's most important financial statistic.1) In business as in personal finance, cash flows are essential to solvency. They can represent past activities, such as the sale of a particular product, or forecast what a business or a person expects to take in and spend in the future. Cash flow is crucial to an entity's survival." }, { "score": 0.6634705067, "text": "The cash flow statement is a cash basis report on three types of financial activities: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. Non-cash activities are usually reported in footnotes." }, { "score": 0.6553838253, "text": "Cash flow from financing activities shows the flow of cash between and its owners and creditors and was $-2.38B for 2016. Financing activities allow a company to raise capital, and repay bondholders. Key Financial Ratios For Tyson Foods Cash Flow" }, { "score": 0.6542375088, "text": "Cash flow forecasting or cash flow management is a key aspect of financial management of a business, planning its future cash requirements to avoid a crisis of liquidity. Cash flow forecasting is important because if a business runs out of cash and is not able to obtain new finance, it will become insolvent. Cash flow is the life-blood of all businesses—particularly start-ups and small enterprises." }, { "score": 0.6532131433, "text": "A cash flow statement is a financial report that describes the sources of a company's cash and how that cash was spent over a specified time period. It does not include non-cash items such as depreciation. This makes it useful for determining the short-term viability of a company, particularly its ability to pay bills." }, { "score": 0.6526278257, "text": "Free cash flow is a company's operational cash flow with the effect of its current growth rate removed. Cash Flow to Firm Free cash flow can flow to equity or to the firm in general." }, { "score": 0.6471598148, "text": "Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of your business. Ideally, you want to try to have a positive cash flow – meaning that more money is coming in to the business in sales or new orders than goes out in bills and expenses." }, { "score": 0.6453262568, "text": "Cash From Asset Sales. A secondary source of internal funds for financing activities is selling assets. A company can generate investing cash flows by selling their property, plant and equipment. This strategy makes sense if the company has a large amount of obsolete equipment or is changing direction in its operations." }, { "score": 0.6420593858, "text": "The cash flow statement is partitioned into three segments, namely: 1 Cash flow resulting from operating activities. 2 Cash flow resulting from investing activities. 3 Cash flow resulting from financing activities. It also may include a disclosure of non-cash financing activities." }, { "score": 0.6377618313, "text": "Examine the financing section of the cash flow statement. This section will show you the changes in cash due to the financing activities of the company, such as loans or dividends. Look for positive cash flow. Positive cash flow is the lifeblood of any company. A strong cash flow is a sign that the company is healthy." }, { "score": 0.6359333992, "text": "The cash flow statement is broken down into three categories: cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. Operating activities consist of revenue-generating activities of a company.he cash flow statement is broken down into three categories: cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. Operating activities consist of revenue-generating activities of a company." }, { "score": 0.6353930235, "text": "What is Good Cash Flow for Investors? Free cash flow is the measurement of a company's ability to generate excess cash for its investors. It's not the only measurement of a company's financial health. It's only one piece of value investing, but it's very, very important." }, { "score": 0.6341668963, "text": "In addition to the cash amounts being reported as operating, investing, and financing activities, the cash flow statement must disclose other information, including the amount of interest paid, the amount of income taxes paid, and any significant investing and financing activities which did not require the use of cash." }, { "score": 0.6314816475, "text": "A secondary source of internal funds for financing activities is selling assets. A company can generate investing cash flows by selling their property, plant and equipment. This strategy makes sense if the company has a large amount of obsolete equipment or is changing direction in its operations." }, { "score": 0.6245138645, "text": "A cash flow describes a real or virtual movement of money: 1 a cash flow in its narrow sense is a payment (in a currency), especially from one central bank account to another; the term 'cash flow' is mostly used to describe payments that are expected to happen in the future, are thus uncertain and therefore need to be forecasted with cash flows;" }, { "score": 0.623149693, "text": "a cash flow in its narrow sense is a payment (in a currency), especially from one central bank account to another; the term 'cash flow' is mostly used to describe payments that are expected to happen in the future, are thus uncertain and therefore need to be forecasted with cash flows;" }, { "score": 0.6221472621, "text": "To summarize the operating, investing, and financing activities of the business. The cash flow statement helps users to assess a company's liquidity, financial flexibility, operating capabilities, and risk." }, { "score": 0.6212973595, "text": "A cash flow describes a real or virtual movement of money: a cash flow in its narrow sense is a payment (in a currency), especially from one central bank account to another; the term 'cash flow' is mostly used to describe payments that are expected to happen in the future, are thus uncertain and therefore need to be forecasted with cash flows; a ..." }, { "score": 0.6199141145, "text": "Incremental Cash Flow. In capital budgeting, incremental cash flow is the net after-tax cash flow which a project generates over its life. It is also called operating cash flow and it equals the excess of cash inflows over cash outflows on account of operating expenditure and taxes. Capital budgeting decisions require projecting cash flows into future and then using time value of money techniques to identify whether the project is profitable or not." }, { "score": 0.6149926782, "text": "Instructions on Interpreting a Cash Flow Statement. Understand what makes up the cash flow statement. The cash flow statement is comprised of three parts: the operations, investing and financing sections. Each section examines the company's cash flow from a different angle. Examine the operations section first." }, { "score": 0.6138107777, "text": "In finance, discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis is a method of valuing a project, company, or asset using the concepts of the time value of money. All future cash flows are estimated and discounted by using cost of capital to give their present values (PVs)." }, { "score": 0.6066626906, "text": "Cash flow forecasting is one of the most important forecasting tools for business and can help you avoid serious financial problems. It can also help you keep on top of your bills and is useful when seeking finance, as it shows lenders you have the capacity to pay them back." }, { "score": 0.5602149367, "text": "cash flow hedge. A transaction done to offset risks from the variability of cash flow that would otherwise negatively affect profits. For example, an oil importer projects that the price per barrel of oil will decrease in the future, thus reducing his profits." } ]
what is dermafrac
[ { "score": 0.7635234594, "text": "DermaFrac™ is a unique new microneedling system which creates precisely calibrated micro-channels into the skin while simultaneously infusing active topical agents. The depth of the sterile needles is designed to create micro-channels which penetrate just below the outer layers of the skin but just above the capillaries and nerve endings." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6245962381, "text": "Achieve the look of polished perfection! Dermafile™ is a skin polishing and resurfacing tool made of stainless steel and finely crushed cosmetic diamonds. The files lightly polish the skin manually, removing the top layer of dead skin cells, and leaving velvety smooth, fresh, rejuvenated skin. Dermafile™ is a very effective tool for treating aging and sun damaged skin, scars, acne scarring, pigmentation, stretch marks, fine lines, enlarged pores and clogged pores." }, { "score": 0.6210430861, "text": "Some scars may respond to DermaFrac™ and the response varies based on several factors such as the age of the scar, depth of the scar tissue, individual skin types, location and the care given to the area between treatments. Deeper scars are better treated with fractional lasers." }, { "score": 0.611930728, "text": "Fraxel is a well known brand of fractional resurfacing devices. It's used to treat sun damaged skin, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines with a very short healing time.But many want to do more than just even out skin tone, they want to tighten their skin too.ecause both of these are different, many offices have combination procedures. Fraxel is sometimes paired with the popular skin tightening device Thermage for maximum improvement in a treatment termed ThermaFrax. Other popular skin tightening devices include Reaction by Viora and Ulthera." }, { "score": 0.6095712185, "text": "Dermafile™ is a skin polishing and resurfacing tool made of stainless steel and finely crushed diamonds. This file will lightly polish the skin by hand, removing the top layer of dead skin cells, and leaving velvety smooth, fresh, rejuvenated skin." }, { "score": 0.5973755121, "text": "What is microdermabrasion and why is Dermafile™ the perfect alternative? Dermafile is a safe, effective microdermabrasion alternative. But, what is Microdermabrasion, you say? It is a process that sprays microcrystals across the skin's surface, blasting away the top layer of dead skin, leaving healthy, younger-looking skin underneath." }, { "score": 0.5964563489, "text": "Dermafile is a safe, natural, holistic alternative to chemical peels and microdermabrasion. I use Dermafile together with fruit enzymes and the results are amazing! 05.28 | e.p.m" }, { "score": 0.5937670469, "text": "visit www.dermafile.com for more information Dermafile is the perfect alternative to microdermabrasion dermaplaning and chemical peeling! it is natural holistic safe and very effective! Dermafiles™ are skin polishing and resurfacing tools made of stainless steel and finely crushed cosmetic diamonds." }, { "score": 0.5907988548, "text": "Dermabrasion is a procedure in which the skin is cooled and then a specialized high-speed rotary instrument is used to sand the skin. This abrasive or planing action improves your skin contour as a new layer of skin replaces the treated skin, resulting in a smoother, refreshed appearance.ermabrasion is a procedure in which the skin is cooled and then a specialized high-speed rotary instrument is used to sand the skin. This abrasive or planing action improves your skin contour as a new layer of skin replaces the treated skin, resulting in a smoother, refreshed appearance." }, { "score": 0.5872156024, "text": "Dermabrasion is a procedure that uses a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges to remove and level the upper layer of skin.The treated area heals, allowing new skin to grow in its place.ermabrasion is a procedure that uses a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges to remove and level the upper layer of skin." }, { "score": 0.5869187117, "text": "Dermapen® is an advanced skin micro-needling device that works to tighten, lift and rejuvenate the skin." }, { "score": 0.5863708258, "text": "Derma Gel is a gel designed to promote wound healing in all animal species without requiring bandaging or causing excessive tissue granulation or hair discoloration. It can be used on horses, dogs, cats, livestock, birds, reptiles and exotics." }, { "score": 0.5834447742, "text": "Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a technique that uses a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges (called a burr or fraise) to remove the upper layers of the skin.omeone who has a full-face dermabrasion, for example, will have a longer recovery time than someone who has just a small area of skin treated. Deeper abrasions take longer to heal. In general, regrowth of skin occurs in 5 to 8 days. This new skin is a pink or red color, which usually fades in 6 to 12 weeks." }, { "score": 0.5795204043, "text": "A. The derma or skin roller is an instrument consisting of a heavy duty plastic roller head covered in high quality titanium needles. The needles are designed to penetrate the stratum corneum, conium the hard outer surface of the epidermal layer of the skin, body or scalp." }, { "score": 0.5794208646, "text": "The Dermagist cosmeceutical company was formerly known as Dermajuv. The company states that although their name has changed, their all-natural skincare formulas have stayed the same. Dermagist acne treatments rely on resveratrol instead of harsh salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to fight breakouts. Our review finds that these products aren't worth the high price." }, { "score": 0.5788179636, "text": "Dermagist is a company that produces a wide range of age-defying products that the website declares as 'miracle cosmeceuticals'." }, { "score": 0.5776947737, "text": "Dermabrasion for Rosacea. Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure incorporating the manual abrasion of the skin to remove hyperpigmentation, acne scars, wrinkles around the mouth called perioral wrinkles or smoker's lines, tattoo removal and scar revision. Dermabrasion may be used in combination with other types of cosmetic treatments as well." }, { "score": 0.573751092, "text": "Apis Derma is a unique, steroid and cortisone free skincare cream that has been developed especially to control topical skin problems without the fear of side effects traditionally associated with steroid based skin creams." }, { "score": 0.5736843944, "text": "A Dermapen treatment is an advanced non-surgical cosmetic procedure used to reduce wrinkles, smoker's lines, large pores, heal acne, surgical and burn scars as well as rejuvenate and tighten the skin." }, { "score": 0.5726521611, "text": "Dermaplane is a non-laser Skin Rejuvenation treatment provided to patients at Medi-Spa at Knoxville Dermatology Group. Dermaplaning is a highly efficient and safe exfoliation procedure that clears away dry, dead layers of skin to expose a fresh, glowing layer of new skin underneath." }, { "score": 0.5724689364, "text": "Surgery Overview. Dermabrasion is a technique that uses a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges (called a burr or fraise) to remove the upper layers of the skin. The brush or burr rotates rapidly, taking off and leveling (abrading or planing) the top layers of the skin.omeone who has a full-face dermabrasion, for example, will have a longer recovery time than someone who has just a small area of skin treated. Deeper abrasions take longer to heal. In general, regrowth of skin occurs in 5 to 8 days. This new skin is a pink or red color, which usually fades in 6 to 12 weeks." }, { "score": 0.5606129169, "text": "Dermaplaning, also called a dermaplane facial, is a safe and highly effective procedure for physical exfoliation of the skin. This procedure involves the use of a surgical scalpel and gentle shaving of the skin's surface." }, { "score": 0.5500950813, "text": "Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a 10 gauge scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. Sounds scary, right? It really isn't, as long as you're in the right hands." }, { "score": 0.5474822521, "text": "Dermaplaning is a safe, non-invasive treatment that is a simple method of exfoliation designed to remove the dead skin cells on the top layer of skin with a small surgical blade. One session of dermaplaning usually removes up to several weeks of dead skin build-up, leaving you with a fresh layer of skin that looks and feels smooth, radiant, and brand new (at least five sessions are recommended for optimal results)." }, { "score": 0.5446659327, "text": "DermaGran® Wound Cleanser is a gentle skin and wound cleanser that contains both zinc and vitamin B6. Helps to cleanse and prepare the wound bed for healing. More" }, { "score": 0.538695693, "text": "Dermabond is a cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive that forms a strong bond across apposed wound edges, allowing normal healing to occur below. It is marketed to replace sutures that are 5-0 or smaller in diameter for incisional or laceration repair." }, { "score": 0.5341951847, "text": "Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). It has been used for many years, but many estheticians don't even know it exists, and certainly, many don't use it. Explain the procedure to the patient and inform them that, although unlikely, there is a chance that they may obtain a superficial scrape or nick on the skin. 2 Have the patient sign a consent form that states the possibility of complications. 3 Clean the patient's skin thoroughly." }, { "score": 0.5340167284, "text": "Book Your Appointment. A dermaplane treatment is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the face of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). This hair often causes a buildup of dirt and oils in the follicles, so removing the hair gives the patient healthier looking skin." }, { "score": 0.5309001207, "text": "DERMABOND ADVANCED™ is a liquid bonding agent that holds many cuts, wounds, and incisions together as effectively as stitches do. It's the strong, flexible, needle-free wound closure choice that puts you back into your day-to-day life. Exceptional wound protection." }, { "score": 0.5301874876, "text": "Dermaplaning is a safe (provided the person performing it is properly trained) and highly effective physical exfoliation procedure. It requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently shave the skin's surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz)." }, { "score": 0.5216075182, "text": "Dermaplaning is \"blading\" of the skin or \"manual exfoliation.\" A #10 sterile, surgical blade is used against the skin.Dermaplaning removes the outer layers of dead skin cells and unwanted hair, which immediately leaves the skin smooth, supple and vibrant.Dermaplaning is extremely safe when performed by a properly trained professional.ermaplaning is \"blading\" of the skin or \"manual exfoliation.\" A #10 sterile, surgical blade is used against the skin." }, { "score": 0.5112013817, "text": "Rosamaria Corona, MD, DSc. Dermoscopy is a noninvasive, in vivo technique primarily used for the examination of pigmented skin lesions; however, it can also assist observers in assessing many amelanotic lesions. Dermatoscopy, epiluminescence microscopy, incident light microscopy, and skin-surface microscopy are synonyms." }, { "score": 0.5106312037, "text": "Dermawand is a high frequency electrode, the gas does release a smell and this is normal, it works just them same as the spa machines. The machine appears to run at the same levels of intensity as the spa machines. Same feel, smell, sound, and results." }, { "score": 0.5097301006, "text": "Deramaxx (deracoxib) is a prescription drug manufactured by Novartis Animal Health, Inc. It is a non-narcotic, non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) that belongs to the COX-2 inhibitor class of medications (coxib class).eramax can be termed a diaryl substituted pyrazole. Deramaxx is most commonly used for the control of postoperative pain and inflammation associated with orthopedic and dental surgery and for the control of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis in dogs." }, { "score": 0.4803147912, "text": "Dabrafenib is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Dabrafenib is used to treat a certain type of metastatic melanoma (skin cancer that has spread to other parts of the body)." }, { "score": 0.4794856906, "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis (Fig. 1) is a common chronic, superficial inflammatory disease of the scalp, face (especially the eyebrows and nasolabial folds), ears, and central chest, affecting 2% to 5% of the population. Clinically, the disease is characterized by thin erythematous plaques, often with a fine, greasy scale." }, { "score": 0.4786738753, "text": "The treatment is performed quickly and does not cause any pain. Dermaplaning is designed primarily to remove vellous hair, the type of hair that is commonly referred to as 'peach fuzz', a very fine hair that the body develops to stay warm." }, { "score": 0.4669932425, "text": "Be the first to review this Drug. Dabrafenib is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Dabrafenib is used to treat a certain type of metastatic melanoma (skin cancer that has spread to other parts of the body)." }, { "score": 0.4669849277, "text": "Dabrafenib is a cancer medication that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Dabrafenib is used to treat a certain type of metastatic melanoma (skin cancer that has spread to other parts of the body). Dabrafenib may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide." }, { "score": 0.4653174281, "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis (Fig. 1) is a common chronic, superficial inflammatory disease of the scalp, face (especially the eyebrows and nasolabial folds), ears, and central chest, affecting 2% to 5% of the population. Clinically, the disease is characterized by thin erythematous plaques, often with a fine, greasy scale.eborrheic dermatitis (Fig. 1) is a common chronic, superficial inflammatory disease of the scalp, face (especially the eyebrows and nasolabial folds), ears, and central chest, affecting 2% to 5% of the population. Clinically, the disease is characterized by thin erythematous plaques, often with a fine, greasy scale." }, { "score": 0.4621568322, "text": "Seborrheic eczema (also called seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea): is a very common form of mild skin inflammation of unknown cause that presents as yellowish, oily, scaly patches of skin on the scalp, face, ears, and occasionally other parts of the body." }, { "score": 0.4562315941, "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as seborrhea, is a chronic skin condition that causes itchy, flaky, sometimes red patches of skin.It occurs most commonly on parts of the body where there are active oil glands, such as the scalp and on the sides of the nose.eborrheic dermatitis often appears as mild red patches, often with greasy scales, which can appear almost anywhere on the body, but most often occur on the scalp (where it's commonly known as dandruff) and on the sides of the nose. It's believed that about 5% of adults have this condition." }, { "score": 0.4540536106, "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas such as the scalp, face or inside the ear.It can occur with or without reddened skin.A.D.A.M.Cradle cap is the term used when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp of infants.eborrheic dermatitis is a common, inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas such as the scalp, face or inside the ear. It can occur with or without reddened skin. A.D.A.M. Cradle cap is the term used when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp of infants." }, { "score": 0.4509078562, "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas such as the scalp, face or inside the ear. It can occur with or without reddened skin. Cradle cap is the term used when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp of infants.eborrheic dermatitis can occur on different body areas. Usually it forms where the skin is oily or greasy. Common areas include the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, creases of the nose, lips, behind the ears, in the outer ear, and middle of the chest." }, { "score": 0.4459235072, "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis is a rash that appears in patches of redness and scaling around the eyebrows, eyelids, mouth, nose, trunk, and behind the ears. If it happens on your scalp, it is called dandruff in adults and cradle cap in infants." }, { "score": 0.4374233186, "text": "Eczema is a skin condition caused by a deficiency in the amount of oils and moisture in the skin. Normal skin maintains its own balance of these components, creating an effective barrier to environmental damage, irritation, and infection. Scalp eczema can be caused by either seborrheic or atopic (inherited) dermatitis. It is also known as dandruff, seborrheic eczema, seborrheic psoriasis, and (in infants) \"cradle cap.\" These types of dermatitis may also cause eczema on the face, chest, back, under the arms, and in the groin region." }, { "score": 0.4156984985, "text": "For the feline skin condition, see Eosinophilic granuloma. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) (also known as basalioma or basal cell cancer), is the most common skin cancer, and one of the most common cancers in the United States. While BCC has a very low metastatic risk, this tumor can cause significant disfigurement by invading surrounding tissues." }, { "score": 0.3956756592, "text": "Security Division. Mifram's Security Division is a leading developer and provider of physical defense systems. The vast majority of the division's products are original products, designed and manufactured by Mifram using unique technologies adapted to the client's specific needs and expected threats." }, { "score": 0.3842531443, "text": "Basal-cell carcinoma or basal-cell cancer (BCC), a skin cancer, is one of the most common cancers in the United States.It rarely metastasizes or kills. However, because it can cause significant destruction and disfigurement by invading surrounding tissues, it is still considered malignant.asal-cell carcinoma or basal-cell cancer (BCC), a skin cancer, is one of the most common cancers in the United States." }, { "score": 0.3829177022, "text": "Imipramine (Tofranil) is a tricyclic antidepressant that was developed in the last 1950s by Ciba-Geigy and is mainly used for major depression and for the inability to control urination. Although Imipramine showed success in treating depression, it also caused a high rate of manic and hypomanic reactions." }, { "score": 0.3796721101, "text": "Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) BCC is the most common and least dangerous type of skin cancer. BCC often appears as a lump or scaly area that is red, pale or pearly in colour. BCCs grow slowly and are most commonly found on the ears, nose, face and neck. The sooner any type of skin cancer is diagnosed the sooner treatment can begin. This means that not only it is more likely that the skin can be cured, but that the treatment required will be less invasive and result in less scarring. For more information: View the Getting your skin checked information sheet; View the Can you spot skin cancer? pad" }, { "score": 0.3721562922, "text": "As mentioned, robenacoxib is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) of the coxib class. Other members of the coxib class with which one might be familiar are Celebrex® (celecoxib - for humans), Vioxx (rofecoxib - for humans), and Deramaxx (deracoxib - for dogs)." }, { "score": 0.3599694073, "text": "Safranin (also Safranin O or basic red 2) is a biological stain used in histology and cytology.Safranin is used as a counterstain in some staining protocols, colouring all cell nuclei red. This is the classic counterstain in both Gram stains, and endospore staining.It can also be used for the detection of cartilage, mucin and mast cell granules. Safranin typically has the chemical structure shown at right (sometimes described as dimethyl safranin).nother well known safranin is phenosafranine (C.I. 50200, 3,7-diamino-5-phenylphenazinium chloride)widely used as histological dye, photosensitizer and redox probe. In the gram stain test, Safranin is used to identify gram negative bacteria." }, { "score": 0.3580844998, "text": "Soumak Mafrash (bedding bag) panel, from Borchali, Georgia, late 19th century. Soumak (also spelled Soumakh, Sumak, Sumac, or Soumac) rugs are a type of Oriental rug belonging to the family of flat weaves. The name derives from the old town of Shemakja.he technique of making a soumak involves wrapping wefts over four warps before drawing them back under the last two warps. The process is repeated from selvedge to selvedge. Soumaks tend to be finely woven, and although not as durable as piled carpets, they are stronger than kilims." }, { "score": 0.3565712571, "text": "Tofranil for Anxiety. Tofranil is a brand name of the antidepressant medication imipramine. It is used primarily to treat major depression in adults and bed-wetting in children, but is also sometimes used to treat panic disorderobsessive-compulsive disorder. Imipramine was the first tricyclic antidepressant to be developed, back in the 1950s." }, { "score": 0.3417574465, "text": "A dervish or darvesh is someone guiding a Sufi Muslim ascetic down a path or tariqah, known for their extreme poverty and austerity. A tiny percentage of dervishes were Jews. Their focus is on the universal values of love and service, deserting the illusions of ego to reach God. In most Sufi orders, a dervish is known to practice dhikr through physical exertions or religious practices to attain the ecstatic trance to reach God. Their most common practice is Sama, which is associated with the 1" }, { "score": 0.3280675411, "text": "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct. IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses.nvasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct." }, { "score": 0.3262482285, "text": "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct. IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses.nvasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct. IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses." }, { "score": 0.3255875111, "text": "Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct. IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses. As with any breast cancer, there may be no signs or symptoms." }, { "score": 0.3251293302, "text": "Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct.IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses.nvasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is cancer that began growing in the duct and has invaded the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct. IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses." }, { "score": 0.3114257455, "text": "A chiropractic clinical neurologist (DACAN/DACNB) is a member of a select group of chiropractors who have gone beyond general practice. A DACAN/DACNB specializes in the chiropractic treatment of conditions of the nervous system. There are two certification boards for chiropractic neurology. One is the American Chiropractic Neurology Board (ACNB), the other is the International Board of Chiropractic Neurology (IBCN). Both are qualified to certify a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology (DACAN) and a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board (DACNB)." }, { "score": 0.2604105473, "text": "what is: acetic acid, used for; and ... 57. what is: tagamet, used for; and what is ... 58. what is: zantac, used for; and what is ... 59. what is: pepcid, used for; and what is ... 60. what is: bi-citra, used for; and what ..." }, { "score": 0.2524053156, "text": "what is: tagamet, used for; and what is ... 58. what is: zantac, used for; and what is ... 59. what is: pepcid, used for; and what is ... 60. what is: bi-citra, used for; and what ... 61. what is: glucagon, used for; and what ..." }, { "score": 0.2469418645, "text": "what is: zantac, used for; and what is ... 59. what is: pepcid, used for; and what is ... 60. what is: bi-citra, used for; and what ... 61. what is: glucagon, used for; and what ... 62. what is: humulin, used for; and what is ..." }, { "score": 0.2277432233, "text": "What is principles of accounting? What is GAAP? What are accounting principles? What is IFRS? What is a financial statement? What is accounting?" }, { "score": 0.1905397773, "text": "What is Hosting? What do these terms mean? What is a Web Server? What does HTTP stand for? What is a Domain Name? What is an IP Address? What is a URL? What does DNS do? What is FTP? What does..." } ]
minimum definition math
[ { "score": 0.793071866, "text": "Definition of absolute minimum. mathematics. : the smallest value that a mathematical function can have over its entire curve (see 3curve 5a) The function defined by y = 3 - x has an absolute maximum M = 2 and an absolute minimum m = O on the interval 1 < x < 3. — John A. Tierney, Calculus & Analytic Geometry, 1968 — compare minimum 3b." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7283805013, "text": "1 : the least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible Keep expenses to a bare minimum. He was sentenced to a minimum of 10 years in prison. 2 : the least of a set of numbers; specifically : the smallest value assumed by a continuous (see continuous 2) function defined on a closed (see closed 2b) interval." }, { "score": 0.6787877679, "text": "The minimum is the least quantity, degree or value of something. To calculate the maximum of a given set of numbers, students need to locate the relevant statistics and find the greatest amount. In the case of Table 1, the maximum temperature over the five days would be 33 o C (Day 4), since 33 is the largest number.If asked to calculate the maximum temperature over the first three days, then the answer would be 26 o C (Day 2), since 26 o C is greater than 21 o C (Day 1) and 25 o C (Day 3).To calculate the minimum of something, students need to locate the relevant statistics and find the least amount.f asked to calculate the maximum temperature over the first three days, then the answer would be 26 o C (Day 2), since 26 o C is greater than 21 o C (Day 1) and 25 o C (Day 3). To calculate the minimum of something, students need to locate the relevant statistics and find the least amount." }, { "score": 0.6749179363, "text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: bare minimum (Noun). The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose." }, { "score": 0.6644932032, "text": "Definitions for bare minimum. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word bare minimum. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: bare minimum(Noun) The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose." }, { "score": 0.6641718149, "text": "The minimum value of a quadratic function is the low point at which the function graph has its vertex. This lesson will define minimum values and give some example problems for finding those values." }, { "score": 0.654214263, "text": "The minimum value of a quadratic function is the low point at which the function graph has its vertex. This lesson will define minimum values and give some example problems for finding those values. A quiz will complete the lesson." }, { "score": 0.6503093839, "text": "bare minimum (uncountable). 1 The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose." }, { "score": 0.6472200155, "text": "bare minimum. The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose." }, { "score": 0.628934145, "text": "Five-Number Summary. Definitions: 1 The minimum value of a data set is the least value in the set. 2 The maximum value of a data set is the greatest value in the set.3 The range of a data set is the distance between the maximum and minimum value.ive-Number Summary. Definitions: 1 The minimum value of a data set is the least value in the set. 2 The maximum value of a data set is the greatest value in the set." }, { "score": 0.6251448393, "text": "The minimum data value in a data set is simply the lowest value of the set (easily found by arranging the set from lowest-highest values in an excel sheet or by hand). 5 people found this useful. Edit. Share to:" }, { "score": 0.6244538426, "text": "mathematics : the smallest number that can be divided exactly by all the numbers below the lines in a group of two or more fractions." }, { "score": 0.6222787499, "text": "If you do the minimum amount of work at your job, you might not get fired — but you definitely won't get promoted. Minimum is Latin for smallest, so clearly English speakers have done less than the minimum amount of messing with the meaning of this word. Obviously, the opposite is maximum. At minimum, you should know that the word means the smallest limit of something. At most, you should be able to talk about its Latin roots." }, { "score": 0.6211118698, "text": "Minimum Payment. DEFINITION of 'Minimum Payment'. The smallest amount of a credit card bill that a credit card holder must pay each billing cycle." }, { "score": 0.6210744381, "text": "The definition of maximum in regards of math is the biggest number in the set of numbers / data. Example: If you have the numbers 10,5,8,2,60,9,3,and 1 the maximum in this … set of numbers/data is 60." }, { "score": 0.6205531955, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Minimum Payment'. The smallest amount of a credit card bill that a credit card holder must pay each billing cycle." }, { "score": 0.6095386147, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Minimum Investment'. The smallest dollar or share quantity that an investor can purchase when investing in a specific security or fund." }, { "score": 0.6047551036, "text": "Definition of minimum wage for English Language Learners. : an amount of money that is the least amount of money per hour that workers must be paid according to the law." }, { "score": 0.5972850323, "text": "mathematics: the smallest number that can be divided exactly by all the numbers below the lines in a group of two or more fractions — called also (US) least common denominator 2 disapproving — used to say that the quality of something is poor because it is designed or intended to appeal to the largest possible number of people" }, { "score": 0.5927155018, "text": "Minimum mean square error - Definition. 1 Let x {\\displaystyle x} be a n × 1 {\\displaystyle n\\times 1} hidden random vector variable, and let y {\\displaystyle y} be a m × 1 {\\displaystyle m\\times 1} known random vector variable (the measurement or observation), both of them not necessarily of the same dimension." }, { "score": 0.5926892161, "text": "Legal Definition of minimum wage. : a wage fixed by contract or especially by law as the least that may be paid either to employees generally or to a particular category of employees — compare scale." }, { "score": 0.5923912525, "text": "Define Mean for Math. In math, the mean is the average of a set of numbers. To find the mean of a data set, add up all of the numbers in the set, and then divide that total by the number of numbers in the set. In statistics, the mean is one of the three measures of central tendency, which are single numbers that try to pinpoint the central location within a data set." }, { "score": 0.5884528756, "text": "Definition of minimum wage. 1 1 : living wage. 2 2 : the lowest wage paid or permitted to be paid; specifically : a wage fixed by legal authority or by contract as the least that may be paid either to employed persons generally or to a particular category of employed persons." }, { "score": 0.5883590579, "text": "A series of geometric shapes enclosed by its minimum bounding box (in 2 dimensions). In geometry, the minimum or smallest bounding or enclosing box for a point set (S) in N dimensions is the box with the smallest measure (area, volume, or hypervolume in higher dimensions) within which all the points lie." }, { "score": 0.5870469809, "text": "Limit (mathematics) In mathematics, a limit is the value that a function or sequence approaches as the input or index approaches some value. Limits are essential to calculus (and mathematical analysis in general) and are used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals." }, { "score": 0.5865323544, "text": "In mathematics, a limit is the value that a function or sequence approaches as the input or index approaches some value. Limits are essential to calculus (and mathematical analysis in general) and are used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals." }, { "score": 0.5858104229, "text": "Finite Math Examples. The mid-range or mid-extreme of a set of statistical data values is the average of the maximum and minimum values. Substitute the values of maximum () and minimum () into the equation. Add and to get . Convert to decimal to get ." }, { "score": 0.5848046541, "text": "In arithmetic and number theory, the least common multiple, lowest common multiple, or smallest common multiple of two integers a and b, usually denoted by LCM(a, b), is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both a and b." }, { "score": 0.5795365572, "text": "Least common multiple. In arithmetic and number theory, the least common multiple, lowest common multiple, or smallest common multiple of two integers a and b, usually denoted by LCM(a, b), is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by both a and b." }, { "score": 0.5781191587, "text": "Noun. 1. minimum wage-the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay; determined by contract or by law. pay, remuneration, salary, wage, earnings-something that remunerates; wages were paid by check; he wasted his pay on drink; they saved a quarter of all their earnings." }, { "score": 0.5766348243, "text": "Mathematics. 1 Also called relative maximum, local maximum. the value of a function at a certain point in its domain, which is greater than or equal to the values at all other points in the immediate vicinity of the point. Compare absolute maximum. 2 the point in the domain at which a maximum occurs." }, { "score": 0.5765807629, "text": "The minimum or maximum of a function occurs when the slope is zero. Therefore, to find where the minimum or maximum occurs, set the derivative equal to zero. Continue with the sample problem from above: f′(x)=4x−4{\\displaystyle f^{\\prime }(x)=4x-4}. 0=4x−4{\\displaystyle 0=4x-4}." }, { "score": 0.57543993, "text": "The maximum or minimum over the entire function is called an Absolute or Global maximum or minimum. There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum. Calculus. Calculus can be used to find the exact maximum and minimum using derivatives." }, { "score": 0.5748822689, "text": "Mathematics. 1 Also called relative maximum, local maximum. the value of a function at a certain point in its domain, which is greater than or equal to the values at all other points in the immediate vicinity of the point. 2 the point in the domain at which a maximum occurs." }, { "score": 0.5698424578, "text": "Global (or Absolute) Maximum and Minimum. The maximum or minimum over the entire function is called an Absolute or Global maximum or minimum. There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum. Calculus. Calculus can be used to find the exact maximum and minimum using derivatives." }, { "score": 0.5655012131, "text": "The maximum or minimum over the entire function is called an Absolute or Global maximum or minimum. There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum. Assuming this function continues downwards to left or right:" }, { "score": 0.5625089407, "text": "The minimum value of the function is at . This is a minimum value because is greater than . More Steps. The maximum or minimum of a quadratic function occurs at . If is negative, the maximum value of the function is . If is positive, the minimum value of the function is . occurs at. Find the value of equal to . Substitute in the values of and . Remove the extra parentheses from the expression ." }, { "score": 0.5612296462, "text": "(Mathematics) maths the limit of an increasingly large number of increasingly smaller quantities, related to the function that is being integrated (the integrand). The independent variables may be confined within certain limits (definite integral) or in the absence of limits (indefinite integral)." }, { "score": 0.5593980551, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Minimum Deposit'. The smallest amount of money that an investor/trader must initially deposit into a new brokerage account. Minimum deposits are required to cover the baseline costs associated with setting up a new account and maintaining it thereafter. Also referred to as Minimum to Open an Account.. Next Up." }, { "score": 0.5584186316, "text": "The minimum value of the function is at . This is a minimum value because is greater than . More Steps. The maximum or minimum of a quadratic function occurs at . If is negative, the maximum value of the function is . If is positive, the minimum value of the function is . occurs at. Find the value of equal to . Substitute in the values of and ." }, { "score": 0.5582793951, "text": "The maximum or minimum over the entire function is called an Absolute or Global maximum or minimum. There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum." }, { "score": 0.5555995107, "text": "Global (or Absolute) Maximum and Minimum. The maximum or minimum over the entire function is called an Absolute or Global maximum or minimum. There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum." }, { "score": 0.5498027802, "text": "Mathematics. an abstraction of the property of length; a set function assigning to each set of a collection of sets a value, usually having the properties of sigma finiteness and fnite additivity, the functional value of the whole collection being greater than zero. verb (used with object), measured, measuring." }, { "score": 0.5497989655, "text": "The maximum or minimum over the entire function is called an Absolute or Global maximum or minimum. There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum. Assuming this function continues downwards to left or right: The Global Maximum is about 3.7." }, { "score": 0.5466138124, "text": "The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. . The definition's use of the words maximum and minimum means it is decidedly not formulaic." }, { "score": 0.535323441, "text": "Minimum mean square error. In statistics and signal processing, a minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator is an estimation method which minimizes the mean square error (MSE), which is a common measure of estimator quality, of the fitted values of a dependent variable." }, { "score": 0.5346262455, "text": "The concept is based upon the Law of the Minimum, which states that the functioning of an organism is controlled or limited by that essential environmental factor or combination of factors present in the least favorable amount that may not be continuously existing but only at some critical period of time." }, { "score": 0.5306918025, "text": "In other words, the limit of (sin x)/ x as x approaches zero equals 1. In mathematics, the limit of a function is a fundamental concept in calculus and analysis concerning the behavior of that function near a particular input. Formal definitions, first devised in the early 19th century, are given below." }, { "score": 0.5252971649, "text": "Root (of a number) - math word definition. Definition of the root of a number as used in math. Root (of a polynomial) - math word definition. Definition of the roots of a polynomial." }, { "score": 0.5215369463, "text": "Root (of a number) - math word definition. Definition of the root of a number as used in math. Root (of a polynomial) - math word definition. Definition of the roots of a polynomial. (C) 2009 Copyright Math Open Reference." }, { "score": 0.5200841427, "text": "Mathematics. a number or quantity placed (generally) before and multiplying another quantity, as 3 in the expression 3x. Physics. a number that is constant for a given substance, body, or process under certain specified conditions, serving as a measure of one of its properties: coefficient of friction. acting in consort; cooperating." }, { "score": 0.5139855146, "text": "Practice Least Common Multiple (LCM) - normal LCM is the smallest non-zero number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. Least Common Multiple is an important skill for addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators." }, { "score": 0.5139689445, "text": "Practice Least Common Multiple (LCM) - normal. LCM is the smallest non-zero number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. Least Common Multiple is an important skill for addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators. Students will train LCM mental skills for two numbers. The maximum LCM value is 144." }, { "score": 0.5125917792, "text": "With price floor (or minimum price) [math]\\underline{p}[/math], the equilibrium price solves: If [math]\\underline{p}> p^*[/math], then the new equilibrium price will be [math]\\underline{p}[/math]. The corresponding equilibrium quantity is [math]q^{**}=Q_d(\\underline{p})[/math]." }, { "score": 0.5049740076, "text": "1. Boundary beyond which a radically different state of affairs exists. 2. Minimum or maximum value (established for an attribute, characteristic, or parameter) which serves as a benchmark for comparison or guidance and any breach of which may call for a complete review of the situation or the redesign of a system." }, { "score": 0.5024192333, "text": "1.Boundary beyond which a radically different state of affairs exists. 2.Minimum or maximum value (established for an attribute, characteristic, or parameter) which serves as a benchmark for comparison or guidance and any breach of which may call for a complete review of the situation or the redesign of a system." }, { "score": 0.5005694628, "text": "A firm's minimum efficient scale (MES) is the lowest scale necessary for it to achieve the economies of scale required to operate efficiently and competitively in its industry. No further significant economies of scale can be achieved beyond this scale." }, { "score": 0.496296525, "text": "Minimum Efficient Scale. Some industries have characteristics that mean they are dominated by one or two companies while others encourage businesses to be small and flexible. This is a factor in where an industry is located in the BCG Advantages Matrix. At its core is a concept called Minimum Efficient Scale. The Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) is the minimum size of business that will be able to compete effectively with low costs. It is easiest to look at MES in a production example. Imagine a market where businesses had to have two machines. 1." }, { "score": 0.4863954484, "text": "The minimum necessary standard means that people should only access, use or. disclose the health information that is minimally necessary to accomplish a given task or. purpose. For instance, to schedule an appointment, a staff person will need to access. demographic information like name, address, and phone number, but would not need to. look through a patient's lab results. The documents below describe OHSU's minimum. necessary standards for disclosures, or releases of health information outside of OHSU." }, { "score": 0.4861082435, "text": "MinimumIntegerDigits – (default=1) the minimum number of digits to display, padding with leading zeros if necessary. Multiplier – (default=1) multiplies the number by the specified value before converting to string. NegativePrefix – (default='-') the string to display to the left of a negative number." }, { "score": 0.4681072235, "text": "Guaranteed minimum income. Guaranteed minimum income (GMI), also called minimum income, is a system of social welfare provision that guarantees that all citizens or families have an income sufficient to live on, provided they meet certain conditions." }, { "score": 0.4679878354, "text": "Guaranteed minimum income (GMI) (also called minimum income) is a system of social welfare provision that guarantees that all citizens or families have an income sufficient to live on, provided they meet certain conditions." }, { "score": 0.4481383562, "text": "Remember that they are reciprocal functions. When the cosine is zero, the secant is undefined. When the cosine is at a maximum value, the secant is a minimum. When the cosine is at a minimum, the secant is a maximum. Period length is 2p Keep in mind that when a graph is undefined, there is a vertical asymptote." }, { "score": 0.4111885428, "text": "Grigorii Permjakov developed the concept of the core set of proverbs that full members of society know, what he called the paremiological minimum (1979). For example, an adult American is expected to be familiar with Birds of a feather flock together, part of the American paremiological minimum." }, { "score": 0.3682349622, "text": "Students must also have a 3.75 or higher GPA, and a minimum new SAT score of 1310 (critical reading and math) or minimum ACT of 28. If your intended major is Intelligent Systems Engineering, you must also have a 620 minimum new SAT math score or 26 math ACT score." }, { "score": 0.3365471363, "text": "Students applying to IUPUI directly from an Indiana high school are eligible for admission to the School Science if they: 1 Have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. 2 Have minimum SAT scores of 500 math and combined critical reading/math of 1000 OR minimum ACT scores of 19 math and 21 composite.*.tudents applying to IUPUI directly from an Indiana high school are eligible for admission to the School Science if they: 1 Have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. 2 Have minimum SAT scores of 500 math and combined critical reading/math of 1000 OR minimum ACT scores of 19 math and 21 composite.*." } ]
im native american will my husband have to pay tax
[ { "score": 0.7201676369, "text": "Best Answer: People become very confused on this subject. Yes Native Americans pay taxes. It is as simple as that really. We pay federal, state, and income taxes. This is for Natives that are enrolled or not enrolled in their tribe.It comes out of our paychecks like everyone else.o the Native American-Indians pay any taxes (federal, property...)? Any link with some info about the American Indian tax rules would be very helpful." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7165243626, "text": "In general, American Indians pay federal income tax on earnings from personal services or investments whether earned on or off the reservation with the exception that income directly derived from allotted trust land such as agricultural production, rents or mineral extraction is not taxable." }, { "score": 0.6972080469, "text": "American Indians who work on a reservation do not pay state income taxes because of the states inability to govern and tax American Indians within the reservation boundaries, a right reserved to tribes. However, American Indians who live and/or work off of the reservation do pay state income taxes and all other taxes. Tribal lands held in trust by the federal government are not subject to property tax, just as federal forest services lands are not, because states cannot tax federal lands." }, { "score": 0.6940442324, "text": "8 However, outside the boundaries of theirreservations, Native American tribes can be subjectto taxation by the states. 9 Individual Native Americans Despite the tax-exempt status of tribes, indi-vidual Native Americans are U.S. citizens and, likeother citizens, are subject to federal income taxes. 10 This is true even if the income is distributed by atribe and is otherwise tax exempt when received bythe tribe." }, { "score": 0.6870210767, "text": "Indians don't pay taxes. In ordinary affairs as a U.S. citizen, Indians pay taxes. However, when tribes reserved lands and property in treaties, the U.S. often promised that Indians would not have to pay taxes on revenue generated from land held \"in trust.\" This is generally true today." }, { "score": 0.677926302, "text": "It's a misconception that native people in Canada are free of the obligation to pay federal or provincial taxes. First Nations people receive tax exemption under certain circumstances, although the exemptions don't apply to the Inuit and Metis.With Status Indians on reserve earning less than $15,000 a year, their tax burden would be minimal if not zero,\" Joseph notes. Any income earned off-reserve is taxable by the Canada Revenue Agency, and this applies to all native and non-native people." }, { "score": 0.6703011394, "text": "This leads to the impression that natives don't have to pay tax like other Canadians, which isn't true according to Bob Joseph, president of Indigenous Corporate Training, Inc., a British Columbia-based company specializing in helping corporations work with aboriginal people.With Status Indians on reserve earning less than $15,000 a year, their tax burden would be minimal if not zero,\" Joseph notes. Any income earned off-reserve is taxable by the Canada Revenue Agency, and this applies to all native and non-native people." }, { "score": 0.6677035093, "text": "Generally, the state may not tax Indians or Indian tribes in Indian country. The term Indian includes only those persons, and qualifying spouses, who are enrolled with the tribe upon whose territory the activity takes place and does not include Indians who are members of other tribes." }, { "score": 0.6645150185, "text": "It's a misconception that native people in Canada are free of the obligation to pay federal or provincial taxes. First Nations people receive tax exemption under certain circumstances, although the exemptions don't apply to the Inuit and Metis.egal Exemption for Status Indians. \"All Canadians are required to pay taxes, but they can take advantage of various options to reduce the amount they have to pay,\" says Joseph. Section 87 of the Indian Act provides Status Indians with certain benefits." }, { "score": 0.6642137766, "text": "The myth won't go away: Indians don't pay taxes. The roots come from a phrase in the U.S. Constitution, \"... Indians not taxed.\" But that provision wasn't even dealing with taxation, but how Americans are counted for representation in Congress." }, { "score": 0.6637636423, "text": "However, when tribes reserved lands and property in treaties, the U.S. often promised that Indians would not have to pay taxes on revenue generated from land held \"in trust.\" This is generally true today." }, { "score": 0.6573747993, "text": "No we don't, American Indians are held to the same laws, standards, and taxes any other American is held to. We DO NOT get any money from the Federal Government just because we are Native. No we don't, we can get the same Federal Aid that anyone else can sign up for. The only benefits SOME Natives get comes from their TRIBE, not the Federals, and not with your precious tax dollars." }, { "score": 0.6531149149, "text": "It's a misconception that native people in Canada are free of the obligation to pay federal or provincial taxes. First Nations people receive tax exemption under certain circumstances, although the exemptions don't apply to the Inuit and Metis." }, { "score": 0.6454414725, "text": "Since income is personal property, as a Registered (or entitled-to-be-registered) Indian, you may also be exempt from paying income tax on income earned on a reserve. For example, Registered Indians who work on a reserve do not pay federal or provincial taxes on their employment income.ver and over again you have probably heard the claim, \"Aboriginal people do not pay taxes\". It is claimed out so many times by people who attempt to claim somehow that it is some massively unfair advantage that Aboriginal people hold over the rest of Canadians." }, { "score": 0.6424877048, "text": "I am going to focus on the factual aspects of First Nations taxation more than the philosophical discussions of 'who should be taxed' and 'where should my taxes go', so I'm not going to answer your question in its entirety. The first thing you need to know is that most aboriginal peoples don't get tax exemptions. Income is considered 'personal property' if it's earned on reserve. 2 Once you work off reserve, that exemption does not apply and you're paying income taxes… even if your employer is situated on the reserve. 3 If your duties are off-reserve in nature, it's off-reserve income and taxable." }, { "score": 0.6423538923, "text": "It depends. There are some situations in which Registered Indians do not pay taxes. Under sections 87 and 90 of the Indian Act, Registered Indians do not pay federal or provincial taxes on their personal and real property that is on a reserve.ver and over again you have probably heard the claim, \"Aboriginal people do not pay taxes\". It is claimed out so many times by people who attempt to claim somehow that it is some massively unfair advantage that Aboriginal people hold over the rest of Canadians." }, { "score": 0.6402045488, "text": "It depends. There are some situations in which Registered Indians do not pay taxes. Under sections 87 and 90 of the Indian Act, Registered Indians do not pay federal or provincial taxes on their personal and real property that is on a reserve.or example, Registered Indians who work on a reserve do not pay federal or provincial taxes on their employment income. See the CCRA's June 1994 guidelines of \"Indian Exemption on Employment Income.\". Registered Indians do not pay federal or provincial sales taxes on personal and real property on a reserve." }, { "score": 0.6354883909, "text": "Today, we're tackling First Nations taxation! The short answer first. • The Indian Act First Nations tax exemption is very narrow and applies only to personal property and income located on a reserve. • First Nations pay all other taxes not covered by the narrow exemption. Income is considered personal property if it's earned on reserve. Once you work off reserve, that exemption does not apply and you're paying income taxes... even if your employer is situated on the reserve." }, { "score": 0.6283892393, "text": "The Seneca Nation, for instance, prefers nation; rather than tribe. (ie: the Seneca Nation Council; not the Seneca Nation Tribal Council.) Yes, members of the Seneca Nation pay federal income taxes; however individual Senecas who live and work on the Seneca territories do not pay state income tax. Senecas who live and/or work off the territory do pay state income tax, as well as federal tax, and other taxes including property tax, school tax, etc." }, { "score": 0.6278225183, "text": "Many people mistakenly think that Aboriginal people do not pay income tax, GST, PST and property tax. In fact, most aboriginal people pay tax on the same basis as others in Canada, except for some limited exceptions provided to Indians on reserve under section 87 of the Indian Act." }, { "score": 0.6222705841, "text": "Fewer than half of all aboriginal people qualify for tax exemptions-and even less can actually use them. By Aleksandra Sagan, CBC News Posted: Mar 02, 2015 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Apr 24, 2015 4:18 PM ET. The notion that First Nations people in Canada don't pay tax is a myth.Tax exemption applies to less than half of all aboriginal people, and even among those, the number who can claim it is limited to specific living and working scenarios.(Todd Korol/Reuters).Non-First Nations people] feel that no status Indian pays anything in terms of tax, he said. People do pay taxes — excise tax, income tax, sales tax — all of those.. Only some status Indians are exempt from paying taxes, and even then, it's in very specific situations." }, { "score": 0.6189317703, "text": "Many people mistakenly think that Aboriginal people do not pay income tax, GST, PST and property tax. In fact, most aboriginal people pay tax on the same basis as others in Canada, except for some limited exceptions provided to Indians on reserve under section 87 of the Indian Act.or example, Registered Indians who work on a reserve do not pay federal or provincial taxes on their employment income. See the CCRA's June 1994 guidelines of \"Indian Exemption on Employment Income.\". Registered Indians do not pay federal or provincial sales taxes on personal and real property on a reserve." }, { "score": 0.6160989404, "text": "Many people mistakenly think that Aboriginal people do not pay income tax, GST, PST and property tax. In fact, most aboriginal people pay tax on the same basis as others in Canada, except for some limited exceptions provided to Indians on reserve under section 87 of the Indian Act.ver and over again you have probably heard the claim, \"Aboriginal people do not pay taxes\". It is claimed out so many times by people who attempt to claim somehow that it is some massively unfair advantage that Aboriginal people hold over the rest of Canadians." }, { "score": 0.6054612398, "text": "Inheritance Taxes. If you receive an inheritance and your husband can prove that his own income contributed to any taxes you paid on it, he may have a claim to it.In community property states, the same can happen even if you use your own income, because money you earn while you're married is considered community property there.nheritance Taxes. If you receive an inheritance and your husband can prove that his own income contributed to any taxes you paid on it, he may have a claim to it." }, { "score": 0.6049634218, "text": "Likewise, those earnings aren't subject totaxation at the state level. However, there have beenefforts to legislate federal income tax on NativeAmerican tribes on income arising from casinos,bingo, lottery, and other gambling operations." }, { "score": 0.5974050164, "text": "Back to our question of whether you pay or not. No, you do not have to pay inheritance tax if the deceased person is your spouse. There is no inheritance involved if you are inheriting your spouse s property. Yes, you have to pay inheritance tax if you are a direct descendant of the deceased person.ifts have to be less than $10,000 per year to escape a gift levy by the IRS. Inheritance tax is considered similar to a double indemnity. Joe Schmoe pays income tax all his life for his hard earned money. Fine, he doesn t complain." }, { "score": 0.5926721096, "text": "If you file a joint return, you will have to pay taxes if you and your spouse have a total income of more than $32,000. 2. Gift Tax. In addition to paying tax on any large prizes you receive, you must pay taxes on monetary gifts you receive over $14,000 in 2013 (or over $28,000 if the gift is from a married couple)." }, { "score": 0.588855803, "text": "You must pay taxes on your benefits if you file a federal tax return as an \"individual\" and your \"combined income\" exceeds $25,000. If you file a joint return, you must pay taxes if you and your spouse have \"combined income\" of more than $32,000." }, { "score": 0.5824596286, "text": "When you sign an income tax return with your. spouse (husband or wife), you are telling the tax. agency that you agree to pay any tax due on that. return, even if the tax is not caused by your own. income or mistakes. You agree to pay the tax even. if the tax is caused by your spouse. That is what." }, { "score": 0.5817869902, "text": "American Expat Married to Non-US Citizen. If you are an American Living Abroad and are married to a non-US citizen, don't let your taxes confuse you.As a US citizen you may file a joint tax return with a non citizen if you both choose to treat the spouse as a resident on all Expat Taxes from hereon out.This has some drawbacks, but the advantages greatly out weigh it.merican Expat Married to Non-US Citizen. If you are an American Living Abroad and are married to a non-US citizen, don't let your taxes confuse you." }, { "score": 0.5789917111, "text": "The federal income tax is not neutral when it comes to marriage. Get married and you and your spouse may pay less to Uncle Sam. Or you may pay more. It all depends. Whether you get a marriage bonus—your combined tax bill goes down—or suffer a marriage penalty—you pay more as a couple—depends on various factors." }, { "score": 0.5717840791, "text": "Just to verify that some Native Americans do get monthly checks, my friend's son was half NA and located his fathers tribe, became a verified NA and started receiving checks immediately. I don't know how much or who was paying, but he was happy. just now. Report Abuse. I very much would like to see someone post links proving that native Americans get money from the government just for being native American. Those that post about it in here they never do prove it and I know that they can never prove it." }, { "score": 0.568564415, "text": "Husband is allowed $5,000,000 exemption (in 2013) for his one half of community property. Under the marital deduction, if the husband's property over $5,000,000 exemption (in 2013) passes to the surviving wife, then there is no estate tax." }, { "score": 0.5650651455, "text": "When you sign an income tax return with your. spouse (husband or wife), you are telling the tax. agency that you agree to pay any tax due on that. return, even if the tax is not caused by your own. income or mistakes. You agree to pay the tax even. if the tax is caused by your spouse. That is what. \"joint and several liability\" means – you are liable. for the tax as a married couple and as an individual." }, { "score": 0.5643411875, "text": "However, if you and your partner live together with no intent to be married, you may (and should) file as single individuals even if you live in a state recognizing common law marriage. The following discussion focuses on tax issues affecting unmarried couples who are not in a common law marriage.nmarried individuals are each entitled to a $250,000 gain exclusion on their portion of the home owned with someone else. However, in the case of an unmarried couple, both individuals must have owned and lived in the home for two of the five years preceding the sale." }, { "score": 0.5619796515, "text": "In 2015, 45 Percent Of Americans Will Pay No Federal Income Taxes. The number of individuals and married couples paying no federal income tax has risen to 45.3 percent — up five percentage points from the Tax Policy Center's original estimate two years ago." }, { "score": 0.55952847, "text": "If you are a resident of Mexico or Canada or a national of the United States (defined earlier), you can also claim a personal exemption for your spouse if your spouse had no gross income for U.S. tax purposes and cannot be claimed as the dependent on another U.S. taxpayer's return." }, { "score": 0.5581111312, "text": "If you make the choice for your nonresident spouse to be treated as U.S. resident in a particular tax year 1 : You and your spouse are treated as residents for that entire tax year for the purpose of your federal individual income tax return, and for the purpose of withholding U.S. federal income tax from your wages. Refer to Aliens Employed in the U.S. – Social Security Taxes. 2 You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice (but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years). 3 For the year to make the choice, you and your spouse are both taxed on worldwide income." }, { "score": 0.5543119311, "text": "Paying Your Spouse. Some business owners try to get around self-employment tax by paying a spouse as an employee. This can be legal, if the job is real and the spouse provides a vital service to the company." }, { "score": 0.5513350964, "text": "Individuals who are still married, may be considered unmarried for tax purposes if they meet certain requirements established by the IRS. A married taxpayer who wishes to file as Head of Household may not file a joint return. She must have contributed more than 50 percent of the upkeep of her home during the tax year. The taxpayer's spouse may not have lived in the taxpayer's home during the final six months of the tax year." }, { "score": 0.5511124134, "text": "Say that two individuals had taxable income of $100,000 before they married. Their tax will be $21,037 each, for a total of $42,074. However, if they marry, then their combined taxable income of $200,000 will generate tax of $42,986. That adds up to a marriage penalty of $912." }, { "score": 0.5510210991, "text": "Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident. If, at the end of your tax year, you are a U.S. citizen or. resident alien (even if you were NOT for the whole year) and married to a nonresident alien, you can choose to treat your nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident for U.S. Federal Individual Income Tax purposes. Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of your foreign spouse's country for the tax year for which the choice is in effect. 2 However, there may be exceptions on certain tax treaties that allow a resident alien to claim a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income." }, { "score": 0.5465329885, "text": "Phoenix, AZ | May 25, 2012 5:54pm. The IRS website says someone must me married to file a joint tax return. With that said, the IRS also states, You are considered unmarried for the whole year if, on the last day of your tax year, you are unmarried or legally separated from your spouse under a divorce or separate maintenance decree. I have received mixed responses when asking this question to numerous attorneys." }, { "score": 0.5438442826, "text": "As a citizen of the US or a green card holder living outside the US, you are treated at par with a 'US resident' for tax purposes. So you must pay taxes on your global income in the US. At the same time, if you have lived in India for more than 182 days in a financial year, you are treated as a resident of India." }, { "score": 0.5424799323, "text": "1 For the year to make the choice, you and your spouse are both taxed on worldwide income. 2 Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of your foreign spouse's country for the tax year for which the choice is in effect. Refer to Aliens Employed in the U.S. – Social Security Taxes. 2 You must file a joint income tax return for the year you make the choice (but you and your spouse can file joint or separate returns in later years). 3 For the year to make the choice, you and your spouse are both taxed on worldwide income." }, { "score": 0.5402157307, "text": "Assuming that you will have given each of your son and his wife only $13000 or less for the entire year 2009, you would be within the annual federal gift exemption amount for this year ($13000). You would not need to pay any federal gift tax. The recipients of the gifts would not be taxed on the gifts." }, { "score": 0.5400559902, "text": "In general, the individual paying alimony is able to deduct the amount paid from his or her taxes. Conversely, the individual who receives alimony must include the alimony received in his or her income. So assume that John is ordered to pay his ex-wife Jane $2,000 in alimony each month. He has a yearly income of $48,000. When John files his taxes, he is able to deduct $24,000." }, { "score": 0.5392115116, "text": "Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have released their 2015 return and have noted, almost proudly, the taxes they paid. The forms showed that they paid $3.6 million in federal taxes on adjusted gross income of $10.6 million, for a 35 percent tax rate. Even so, the Clintons, like many high-income Americans, have made use of trusts that reduce their estate tax burden and would allow their heirs to inherit more of their wealth." }, { "score": 0.5324725509, "text": "A: No, EROs cannot e-file a tax return for individuals whose filing status is Married Filing Separate and live in the following community property states: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin." }, { "score": 0.5280795097, "text": "There are several questions here. First, the IRS can collect for 10 years following the assessment of any tax. It appears from your post that your soon to be husband doesn't owe any tax for 2009 - If the IRS determines there is a tax due, they will complete his tax return for him (substitute for return or SFR). A tax determined from an SFR does not have a statute of limitations, the IRS can always collect that tax." }, { "score": 0.5271222591, "text": "Marital status: Generally, a dependent can't do their taxes with a spouse (married filing jointly). They also can't be a dependent on someone else's return. Nationality: The person is a United States citizen; or a resident or national of the U.S., Canada or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.5252574682, "text": "For example, say you are a married American citizen or a resident alien with an estate worth $7 million. You can completely avoid the federal estate tax by bequeathing $5.34 million to your children and bequeathing the remaining $1.66 million to your surviving spouse—as long as your spouse is a U.S. citizen.f you bequeath your entire $7 million estate to your non-citizen spouse, the federal estate tax bill is the same $664,000, because the first $5.34 million is sheltered by your federal estate tax exemption while the remaining $1.66 million is unsheltered and taxed at 40%. Ouch again!" }, { "score": 0.5192421675, "text": "You could owe AMT for tax year 2015 if your taxable income is more than: 1 $83,400 for a married couple filing a joint return and surviving spouses. 2 $53,600 for singles and heads of household." }, { "score": 0.5169330239, "text": "You'll also need to file your deceased spouse's taxes using the Married Filing Separately protocol. Your new spouse would be required to file his or her taxes according to this protocol as well. If you don't remarry before the year is out, you can still file your taxes as a single taxpayer.f your spouse was employed at the time of his or her death, you may need to contact their old employer to procure a W-2 form. You may also need to talk to the executor of your spouse's estate to determine what other forms of income or deductions should be included in your spouse's final tax return." }, { "score": 0.5155816078, "text": "If they are giving you $35,000, the rules today are that they can give you up to $12,000 each with no gift tax. therefore, your mother can give you up to $12,000 and your husband up to $12,000 and your uncle can do the same thing so there is no gift tax problem nor is there the need to file a form." }, { "score": 0.5143904686, "text": "It's clear that he'll still be able to get by. Vice President Biden and his wife paid $87,851 in federal income taxes on $385,072 in adjusted gross income, for an effective federal tax rate of 22.8%. They donated $7,190 to charity." }, { "score": 0.5125771165, "text": "By Thomas Lifson. As you file your taxes today, ponder how Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane want income taxes to go up on higher-income folks but managed to pay only a 13.4% effective rate on over two hundred grand of income, according to the 2014 tax returns he released Friday. You can inspect the first pages of the return here." }, { "score": 0.5119150281, "text": "Answers. Best Answer: Because the tax return is filed under penalties of perjury, they want original signatures, or a pin certified electronic filed return. Have your husband sign it and scan it and then print it out and sign your name in black ink.The intent is to submit original signatures, so it probably will be accepted.y husband is in a different state. I need to send our taxes off today. I was planning on having my husband sign the forms, scan it and email them to me. Then I will sign and send them off." }, { "score": 0.5108718276, "text": "No. Your spouse may not sign a tax return for youunless the power of attorney specifically includes the signingof Hawaii income tax returns. If you wish, you may useHawaii Form N-848, Power of Attorney and Declaration ofRepresentative, for this purpose. 19." }, { "score": 0.4874235094, "text": "Frank Burns: I don't see why the American taxpayer has to pay for a wedding between these two *pagans*. Margaret: They're not pagans, Frank. Everyone's going to be wearing clothes." }, { "score": 0.4550757706, "text": "Elizabeth Raitz-Cowboy, an Aetna medical director, said her husband is a full-blooded Navajo. Obama's Unsung Army of Backstage Volunteers at the Inaugural Balls Lauren Ashburn January 22, 2013. I got an Aetna PPO plan with a $3500 deductible, which means I pay out-of-pocket for most things." }, { "score": 0.4481936097, "text": "You only pay tax on your assessable profit, after deduction of your tax free amount which is £5225. The next £2150 is charged at 10% and then you go to 22% and 40% if your taxable profit is above £34k.You also pay class 4 NIC if your profit is above £5225.E: im self employed how much can i earn a year before i am liable to pay tax or do i have to pay tax on everythin is thire a limit to what i can earn before im liable for tax or do i have to pay tax on all my earnings." }, { "score": 0.393019855, "text": "I have bben a GEPf member since 1991/02/05 and my pension benefit is R 1909066 to date. How much tax will I pay on my resignation benefit. I have never resigned and this will be my first time as I do not want to retire in Government.ood day im currently a nurse and a member of GEPF, I have 28 years and 7 months of service. My current resignation benefit is R 2767961 what will be my amount I will get after tax, please and thank you." }, { "score": 0.3476949632, "text": "i have dark brown hair and my husband has even darker brown hair and my son has dirty blonde hair lol. i have blue eyes and my husband has brown eyes and our son has my blue eyes. i wonder what color hair and eyes this one will have:) wow. im not sure. i always thought each parent has different dominent genes." }, { "score": 0.3375350237, "text": "My Husband and i really want to travel to India. My Husband is a teacher, so unfortunately, we dont have much say in when we go, we have to go as the school holidays fall. Can anyone tell me what the weather and temperature is like July/August? Im worried if its too hot, it will ruin my holiday." }, { "score": 0.3331549168, "text": "My dogs like me better than my husband. They just have a stronger bond with me. My husband is just their play toy. I'm sure it's the same with you. Jax (earned her wings 5/30/12) answered on 4/25/10.r is it an affectionette trait. They will even leave very cozy and comfortable spots on the couch next to my husband to lay at my feet on the carpet. They also prefer to lay down near a gate into another room Im in instead of on the couch with my husband." } ]
does onion have fructose
[ { "score": 0.8213387132, "text": "Just an example. A sweet onion is about 7% sugar, in-which about 40% of that is Fructose. A white onion (or any non-sweet type) is about 5% sugar, in-which less than 40% is Fructose. The amount of Fructose you are getting from even a few ounces of onion is minute. This Fructose is also bound with the flesh (Fiber) and other forms of sugar (Sucrose and Glucose)." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7661502361, "text": "Yes, onions contain sugar, just like most fruit and vegetables. It is not simply a common phrase, it is true caramelization. They have 4.24 g of sugar per 100 g in total (wet weight). For dry weight 40% is sugar." }, { "score": 0.7266575694, "text": "up vote 4 down vote. Onion does contain sugars when raw, but they are pretty much indigestible and tasteless. Cellulose (vegetable fiber), for example, is a complex carbohydrate which only ruminants can digest with the aid of bacteria in their stomach." }, { "score": 0.7153812647, "text": "Foods with fructose include asparagus, cauliflower, green peppers, broccoli, leafy greens, celery, mushrooms, cucumber, beans and root vegetables. Tomatoes, corn, carrot and sweet potatoes contain the most fructose, according to the University of Virginia Health System." }, { "score": 0.7089878321, "text": "Fiber is present in all plant-based foods, including onions. Consuming fiber in your diet assists in regulating your blood sugar, decreasing your bad cholesterol, promoting healthy intestinal functioning and maintaining an optimal body weight. Onions also contain a special form of soluble fiber known as fructan." }, { "score": 0.7049893141, "text": "The natural simple sugar you'll get from a small onion -- 3 grams -- is the type of carbohydrate your body prefers to use for energy, especially for working muscles and your brain. The benefit of getting sugar from onions is that the fiber helps prevent a large spike in blood sugar.otal Carbohydrates. One small raw onion, which equals about two large slices, has 6.5 grams of total carbohydrates. The recommended dietary allowance for healthy men and women is 130 grams of total carbohydrates daily, so you'll get 5 percent of your daily carbs from this portion." }, { "score": 0.7048703432, "text": "Onions are a decent source of fiber, which accounts for 0.9-2.6% of the fresh weight, depending on the type of onion. They are very rich in healthy soluble fibers called fructans. In fact, onions are among the main dietary sources of fructans (2, 3). Fructans are so-called prebiotic fibers." }, { "score": 0.6939168572, "text": "No, I meant 40% of the dry matter. The 4 grams are per 100 grams of whole onion, which is mostly water. It has 1.1 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 4.24 g of sugars and almost 5 grams of nonsugar carbohydrates. The sugar is 40% of these nutrients. – rumtscho♦ Apr 17 '15 at 13:44." }, { "score": 0.6806761026, "text": "Each medium onion contains about 0.9 grams of insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber comes from inside plant cells and forms a gel when mixed with fluid in your digestive tract. This gel helps keep food in your stomach longer, increasing feelings of fullness and lowering your blood sugar levels." }, { "score": 0.6806192398, "text": "Vegetables. Heat causes loss of fructose so cooked vegetables may be tolerated better than raw. Foods with fructose include asparagus, cauliflower, green peppers, broccoli, leafy greens, celery, mushrooms, cucumber, beans and root vegetables." }, { "score": 0.6799023151, "text": "Complex Carbs Endure. Starch is the form of carbohydrate usually referred to as complex carbs. Onions and other plants store the sugar they need in the form of starches. These carbs are similar to simple sugar because they consist of molecules of sugar.otal Carbohydrates. One small raw onion, which equals about two large slices, has 6.5 grams of total carbohydrates. The recommended dietary allowance for healthy men and women is 130 grams of total carbohydrates daily, so you'll get 5 percent of your daily carbs from this portion." }, { "score": 0.67925632, "text": "1 Sweets, food and drinks with very high sucrose (table sugar) content and with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 2 Honey, maple syrup. 3 Vegetables in larger quantities (fructan content): artichoke, asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage, chicory, leek, onion, peanuts, tomato, zuccini." }, { "score": 0.6753419638, "text": "Avoid sweeteners that are rich in fructose, especially honey, high-fructose corn syrup and agave syrup. If you want to add a sweet touch to your diet, use lower-fructose alternatives, such as maple syrup, brown sugar, granulated sugar, stevia or artificial sweeteners, to keep your intestines happy.ll other vegetables have a very low fructose content. However, if you are sensitive to fructose, it is possible that you also react to other similar short-chain carbohydrates, such as fructans, polyols and galactans, found in other vegetables, such as cabbage, onions, garlic, broccoli and cauliflower." }, { "score": 0.6732565761, "text": "Very-High-Fructose Sources. Very-high-fructose fruits and vegetables contain the highest fructose content -- greater than 5 percent. These foods include blueberries, lychees, tomato concentrate products, canned berries and plums in syrup, all dried fruits, grapes, persimmons, pickled onions, pomegranates, apples, pears and quinces." }, { "score": 0.6731876135, "text": "All fruits have fructose, though some have more than others. Prunes, pears, peaches, apples, grapes, cherries and dates are especially high in fructose. One cup of grapes has 12,276 mg of fructose, but 1 cup of avocado has only 184 mg of fructose. All vegetables have fructose." }, { "score": 0.6727936268, "text": "3. Diabetes. A high intake of onions could mean the lower the level of glucose. The essential oil of an onion, allyl propyl disulphide, is found to mediate this effect, and lower blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of free insulin that is available." }, { "score": 0.6671565175, "text": "I usually cook meals containing onion and garlic and am finding it difficult to add enough flavour to my meals without them. Garlic and onions are very high in the FODMAP-fructan and so are not suitable on the Low FODMAP diet. However, it is possible to get some of the flavour from onion and garlic in your cooking." }, { "score": 0.6650013924, "text": "High in vitamin C, onions are a good source of dietary fiber, and folic acid. They also contain calcium, iron, and have a high protein quality (ratio of mg amino acid/gram protein). Onions are low in sodium and contain no fat. Onions contain quercetin, a flavonoid (one category of antioxidant compounds)." }, { "score": 0.6639710069, "text": "Complex Carbohydrates. Of the total carbohydrates contained in a 1-cup serving of yellow onions, 1.5 grams are from the complex carbohydrate dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is made up of soluble and insoluble fiber, and onions contain some of both." }, { "score": 0.6619016528, "text": "People who have fructose intolerance should limit high-fructose foods, such as juices, apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini. Some lower fructose foods — such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, avocados, green beans and lettuce — may be tolerated in limited quantities with meals.Read product labels carefully and avoid foods containing: 1 Fructose. 2 High-fructose corn syrup. 3 Honey. 4 Agave syrup. 5 Invert sugar. 6 Maple-flavored syrup.7 Molasses.ome lower fructose foods — such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, avocados, green beans and lettuce — may be tolerated in limited quantities with meals. Read product labels carefully and avoid foods containing: 1 Fructose. 2 High-fructose corn syrup. 3 Honey. 4 Agave syrup." }, { "score": 0.6613520384, "text": "The USDA database has the sugar breakdown for many foods if you select the full report. Here is the result for raw apples, which contain 5.9g fructose per 100 grams. Acorn squash doesn't show the sugar breakdown detail, but butternut is similar and .99g fructose per 100 grams. Sweet potatoes are slightly better on fructose (0.70g per 100g), but higher in other soluble sugars than butternut squash." }, { "score": 0.6563427448, "text": "People who have fructose intolerance should limit high-fructose foods, such as juices, apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini. Some lower fructose foods — such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, avocados, green beans and lettuce — may be tolerated in limited quantities with meals." }, { "score": 0.6551684141, "text": "What are Fructans and Galacto-oligosaccharides? What are Fructans and Galacto-oligosaccharides? Fructans are fructose polymers and are the naturally occurring storage carbohydrates of a variety of vegetables, including onions and garlic, fruits and cereals. Additional sources of fructans are inulin or Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). Inulin and FOS are increasingly being added to foods for their known prebiotic effects." }, { "score": 0.6468468308, "text": "Many foods containing fructose are otherwise healthy and nutritious, such as fruits and some vegetables. High-fructose foods include banana, blackberry, cherry, fig, kiwi, mandarin, mango, star fruit, rockmelon, grapefruit, pineapple and raspberries.ery high fructose foods include blueberries, lychee, tomato concentrate, dried fruits, tinned berries in syrup, grape, persimmon, pickled onion, pomegranate, tinned dark plum, apple, pear and quince." }, { "score": 0.6451166868, "text": "3 Responses to Fructose in Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes and Grains. You really need to fix this list; tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, okra, and peppers are all fruits horticulturally speaking, if it has a seed or many seeds in it, it is a fruit, period." }, { "score": 0.6437044144, "text": "These include: 1 fructose (fruits, honey, HFCS) 2 fructans (wheat, onions) 3 lactose (milk sugar) 4 polyols (sugar alcohols like sorbitol, xylitol & mannitol, along with fruits like apples, pears and plums) 5 galactooligosaccharides (legumes & beans, brussel sprouts, onions) 6 other sweeteners like polydextrose and isomalt." }, { "score": 0.6430925131, "text": "Pure, dry fructose is a very sweet, white, odorless, crystalline solid and is the most water-soluble of all the sugars. Fructose is found in honey, tree and vine fruits, flowers, berries, and most root vegetables. Commercially, fructose is frequently derived from sugar cane, sugar beets, and corn.Crystalline fructose is the monosaccharide, dried, ground, and of high purity. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a mixture of glucose and fructose as monosaccharides.Sucrose is a compound with one molecule of glucose covalently linked to one molecule of fructose.ure, dry fructose is a very sweet, white, odorless, crystalline solid and is the most water-soluble of all the sugars. Fructose is found in honey, tree and vine fruits, flowers, berries, and most root vegetables. Commercially, fructose is frequently derived from sugar cane, sugar beets, and corn." }, { "score": 0.6421491504, "text": "Fructose, Glucose and Sucrose. Fruits and vegetables contain sugars, also called simple carbohydrates. The most common types found in these foods include fructose, glucose and sucrose, which is a combination of fructose and glucose.For example, a medium apple has 10.7 grams of fructose, 4.4 grams of glucose and 3.8 grams of sucrose.Both starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, and nonstarchy vegetables, such as broccoli, also usually contain these three sugars, but in smaller amounts than those found in fruits.oth starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, and nonstarchy vegetables, such as broccoli, also usually contain these three sugars, but in smaller amounts than those found in fruits." }, { "score": 0.6410735846, "text": "Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) also known as oligofructose or oligofructan, is a class of oligosaccharides used as an artificial or alternative sweetener in food products. FOS is extracted from fruits and vegetables like bananas, onions, chicory root, garlic, asparagus, barley, wheat, tomatoes, and leeks. [1]. History." }, { "score": 0.6401728392, "text": "Onions are rich in sulphur, fibers, potassium, calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C and they are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. Here is a detailed Onion Nutrition chart: It is an immediate cure for fever, common cold, cough, sore throat, allergies, etc. A mixture of onion juice and honey can cure these problems easily." }, { "score": 0.6378766894, "text": "An Abundant Sweetener. Fructose is a sugar abundant in honey and fruits such as apples, peaches, pears, and oranges. It's also the main ingredient in high-fructose corn syrup used in hundreds of juices, sodas, condiments, snacks, and other foods. The problems occur because in many people fructose is not easily absorbed by the body." }, { "score": 0.6324427128, "text": "Starchy foods such as grains, beans, flours, and (non-sweet) root vegetables contain little to no fructose and are safe for people with fructose malabsorption. I included one starchy (non-sweet) food (Russet potato) as an example." }, { "score": 0.6258693933, "text": "1 Sweets, food and drinks with very high sucrose (table sugar) content and with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 2 Honey, maple syrup. 3 Vegetables in larger quantities (fructan content): artichoke, asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage, chicory, leek, onion, peanuts, tomato, zuccini. Inulin, a fructan (see Fructose and fructan intolerance), content is high in the following foods generally known to cause bloating and gas: Asparagus, dandelion leaves, garlic, leeks, onion and wheat bran." }, { "score": 0.6258183718, "text": "Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are oligosaccharides that occur naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others.ietary FOS are not hydrolyzed by small intestinal glycosidases and reach the cecum structurally unchanged. There, they are metabolized by the intestinal microflora to form short-chain carboxylic acids, L-lactate, CO(2), hydrogen and other metabolites." }, { "score": 0.6193449497, "text": "Inulin: It is a complex carbohydrate formed by fructose chains. It is a component that appears essentially in the roots of some plants. Among the richest foods in inulin we have the following: Dandelion, chicory, garlic, artichoke, leek, onion or asparagus." }, { "score": 0.6182721853, "text": "Avoid products that list fructose, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, fruit juice concentrate or corn syrup solids among the first five ingredients on the label.Avoid sugar alcohols, including sorbitol, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, xylitol, erythritol and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates.ery high fructose foods include blueberries, lychee, tomato concentrate, dried fruits, tinned berries in syrup, grape, persimmon, pickled onion, pomegranate, tinned dark plum, apple, pear and quince." }, { "score": 0.6168887615, "text": "Raw garlic and onions contain lots of fiber that can cause gas, and onions contain a natural type of sugar called fructose that causes gas, according to ClevelandClinic.com, which recommends discussing your diet with your doctor, since the amount of gas produced by foods varies from person to person.ou may experience gas and the flatulence associated with it from eating onions and garlic, says the Linus Pauling Institute, and eating raw onions and garlic may lead to more gas than eating cooked onions and garlic." }, { "score": 0.6166494489, "text": "They include lactose (found in milk, ice cream and cheese), fructose (found in apples, cherries, mangoes, watermelon and pears), fructans (found in wheat, rye, barley, garlic and onions), sugar alcohols (found in many sugar substitutes in processed foods) and galactans (found in most beans)." }, { "score": 0.613237381, "text": "Fructose is metabolized in the liver and does not require insulin for its metabolism; hence fruits (a source of fructose) are often recommended that diabetics. However, fruits have a mix of fructose, glucose and other sugars; and several fruits have almost equal proportions of fructose and glucose." }, { "score": 0.6084786057, "text": "For this reason, fructans can contribute to bloating, gas and abdominal pain. Wheat accounts for the majority of people's fructan intake, however it also occurs in onion, garlic and many other vegetables. Galactans are carbohydrates are malabsorbed for the same reason as fructans, which is that the intestine does not have the enzyme needed to break them down." }, { "score": 0.6081838608, "text": "1 Onions and artichokes contain fructose, a type of sugar, while another sugar, raffinose, is found in asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage, among others. 2 Vegetables that have soluble fiber, like peas, can cause gas as they're digested in the large intestine. Those with insoluble fiber should pass through without discomfort or excessive gas. 1 Gas-Producing Foods: Fruits Some fruits contain another sugar, called sorbitol, which causes excessive gas." }, { "score": 0.605547905, "text": "Even if you could get pure fructose, which is very unlikely, isolated fructose (as opposed to what occurs naturally in fruit and honey) is very harmful. It causes copper deficiencies and heart problems. Lisa writes: Fructose can be added to all manner of foods unnoticed as an additional sweetener." }, { "score": 0.605333209, "text": "Fructose in Apples. The amount of fructose in an apple depends on its size. A single, medium-sized, raw apple -- approximately 3 inches in diameter -- contains approximately 11 grams of fructose." }, { "score": 0.6040935516, "text": "Fructose in Apples The amount of fructose in an apple depends on its size. A single, medium-sized, raw apple -- approximately 3 inches in diameter -- contains approximately 11 grams of fructose." }, { "score": 0.6037142873, "text": "Onion contains an acrid, volatile principle that stimulates the tear glands and the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Of all the healthy compounds contained in onions, two stand out: sulfur and quercetin-both being strong antioxidants." }, { "score": 0.6037124395, "text": "Fructose in Apples. The amount of fructose in an apple depends on its size. A single, medium-sized, raw apple -- approximately 3 inches in diameter -- contains approximately 11 grams of fructose. A small apple, at 2 and three-quarter inches in diameter, contains 9 grams of fructose, while a large apple -- 3 and one-quarter inches in diameter -- contains 13 grams. Misconceptions Compared to candy or a can of soda, a fructose-filled apple seems like the better choice." }, { "score": 0.6003785133, "text": "1 Onions and artichokes contain fructose, a type of sugar, while another sugar, raffinose, is found in asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage, among others. 2 Vegetables that have soluble fiber, like peas, can cause gas as they're digested in the large intestine.Those with insoluble fiber should pass through without discomfort or excessive gas. 1 Gas-Producing Foods: Fruits Some fruits contain another sugar, called sorbitol, which causes excessive gas.egetables that have soluble fiber, like peas, can cause gas as they're digested in the large intestine. Those with insoluble fiber should pass through without discomfort or excessive gas. 1 Gas-Producing Foods: Fruits Some fruits contain another sugar, called sorbitol, which causes excessive gas." }, { "score": 0.5985222459, "text": "Nothing remotely normal about what was going on there. And then I saw the fructose intolerance posts. ...So there I was a vegetarian living on beans, fruits, onions, garlic and whole grains and...." }, { "score": 0.5972986221, "text": "Onions. Another vegetable that can cause gas and digestive problems are onions. They contain high levels of fructans such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides. While considered a prebiotic, fructans can cause gastrointestinal issues for many people, including bloating, excessive gas and even IBS." }, { "score": 0.5944975615, "text": "For example, a 3-ounce serving of lean beef or pork, or 1 slice of bacon, contains neither sugar, while chicken and turkey meat is also fructose- and lactose-free. Fish is also a good choice if you're fructose- or lactose-intolerant because fish such as salmon, catfish and many other types also lack both sugars. But many meat and fish dishes prepared with certain sauces or other, sugar-containing ingredients may contain fructose or lactose." }, { "score": 0.5904483795, "text": "Another vegetable that can cause gas and digestive problems are onions. They contain high levels of fructans such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides. While considered a prebiotic, fructans can cause gastrointestinal issues for many people, including bloating, excessive gas and even IBS." }, { "score": 0.5885338783, "text": "Onions. Another vegetable that can cause gas and digestive problems are onions. They contain high levels of fructans such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides. While considered a prebiotic, fructans can cause gastrointestinal issues for many people, including bloating, excessive gas and even IBS.imilarly, vegetables like onions and mushrooms usually only cause flatulence in larger amounts. Artichokes though do seem to have strong gas producing effects even at smaller servings and it takes a strong digestive tract to handle them." }, { "score": 0.5875678062, "text": "Some people use it as a diuretic to increase urine output. Onion is applied directly to the skin for insect bites, wounds, light burns, boils, warts, and bruises. In foods, onion is used in many recipes. In manufacturing, the oil is used to flavor foods." }, { "score": 0.5873955488, "text": "Onion Rings (Rehydrated onion, bleached wheat flour, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, water, yellow corn flour, sugar powder, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, sorbitol, natural flavors from plant sources)" }, { "score": 0.5865921974, "text": "The sugars in some vegetables can lead to intestinal gas as they're digested. Onions and artichokes contain fructose, a type of sugar, while another sugar, raffinose, is found in asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage, among others.egetables that have soluble fiber, like peas, can cause gas as they're digested in the large intestine. Those with insoluble fiber should pass through without discomfort or excessive gas. 1 Gas-Producing Foods: Fruits Some fruits contain another sugar, called sorbitol, which causes excessive gas." }, { "score": 0.5842109919, "text": "However, glucose has a six-member ring, and fructose a five-member one. Keep in mind that fructose is an intermediate in glucose metabolism (i.e. glucose is converted into fructose at one stage in glycolysis), but that does not mean they have identical effects on the body." }, { "score": 0.5696022511, "text": "Eating a lot of fructose has been linked to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, cancer and chronic kidney disease (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Researchers have also found that fructose causes inflammation within the endothelial cells that line your blood vessels (16)." }, { "score": 0.5640873909, "text": "Onions are a gas-producing vegetable, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and artichoke. Eating onions causes the formation of gas in your digestive tract, which can make you belch, bloat, feel discomfort in your stomach, and have flatulence. You may take some over-the-counter digestive enzymes to help you better digest onions and prevent the formation of gas and other unpleasant symptoms." }, { "score": 0.5606894493, "text": "Gas Production. Onions are a gas-producing vegetable, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and artichoke. Eating onions causes the formation of gas in your digestive tract, which can make you belch, bloat, feel discomfort in your stomach, and have flatulence.You may take some over-the-counter digestive enzymes to help you better digest onions and prevent the formation of gas and other unpleasant symptoms.as Production. Onions are a gas-producing vegetable, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and artichoke. Eating onions causes the formation of gas in your digestive tract, which can make you belch, bloat, feel discomfort in your stomach, and have flatulence." }, { "score": 0.5491675138, "text": "Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet's body to burst.Symptoms of this condition include breathlessness, lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting.nions are a common ingredient found in many of the foods we eat — including foods you might not consider a danger to your pet. Make sure these foods do not contain any type of onion before you consider letting your pet indulge: 1 Pizza. 2 Tomato sauce. 3 Chinese food. 4 Some baby foods." }, { "score": 0.548707962, "text": "In plants, carbohydrates are stored as starch. This is their main storage of energy, and it's all over the plants, helping it to continue to grow come springtime. 1 person found this useful. Edit.es.. Onions store carbohydrates as glucose(monosaccharide), fructose(monosaccharide), and sucrose(disaccharide), while potatoes store carbohydrates as starch(a polysaccharide … chain of multiple glucose molecules)." }, { "score": 0.5294602513, "text": "1 Go for olive oil instead. Fruits contain the sugar fructose, which can cause issues for IBS sufferers. Fructose is particularly high in apples and pears, and somewhat high in watermelon, concentrated fruit, dried fruit and fruit juice. Fruits with lower levels of fructose include bananas, citrus, grapes and berries." }, { "score": 0.5284214616, "text": "Dr. Anne Eglash Dr. Eglash. Possible stomach flu: Itt is possible that the onion is not really causing the problem. It is possible that you have a viral or bacterial intestinal bug, causing indigestion. When people have the 'stomach flu' they notice bloating, gas, belching, and feel like their food is not digesting well. If you've had this reaction in the past with onions, then you clearly should avoid them, since you don't tolerate onions. ...Read more" }, { "score": 0.5199677348, "text": "Patients with gastroesophageal reflux often describe heartburn after spicy meals.. One ingredient common to most such meals is onion. We investigated the effects of onion on acid reflux and reflux symptoms in 16 normal subjects and 16 heartburn subjects.Subjects were studied with an esophageal pH probe for 2 h after the ingestion of a plain hamburger and a glass of ice water.he effect of raw onions on acid reflux and reflux symptoms. Allen ML(1), Mellow MH, Robinson MG, Orr WC. Author information: (1)Oklahoma Foundation for Digestive Research, Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City." }, { "score": 0.4819845557, "text": "This bulbous relative of the onion also contains allicin and selenium, two powerful nutrients proven to help protect the liver from toxic damage, and aid it in the detoxification process. Grapefruit is rich in natural vitamin C and antioxidants, two powerful liver cleansers." }, { "score": 0.4811718166, "text": "A study done with people with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, showed that onions can affect the pressure within your stomach, which forces the sphincter to open, allowing your last meal along with the acidity of your stomach to come back up and burn your sensitive esophagus at the same time." } ]
how do i know when no longer infectious with chicken pox
[ { "score": 0.7887802124, "text": "Best Answer: Chicken pox is no longer contagious after all the lesions have scabbed over, this is usually about a week after the rash first appears.Source(s): wowaddict · 6 years ago. Thumbs up.o my little sister nine years old got the chicken pox's about the a week ago and she even had the vaccine to prevent it but still got that's because her mom(not my Mom By the way) had the shingles so she was exposed quite often so I stayed at my actual moms house for a few extra days so I would not be..." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7795885801, "text": "It normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days. This is called the incubation period.Someone with chickenpox is most infectious from one to two days before the rash appears, until all the blisters have crusted over. This usually takes five to six days from the start of the rash. Read more about the diagnosis of chickenpox and how to stop chickenpox spreading.owever, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days. This is called the incubation period. Someone with chickenpox is most infectious from one to two days before the rash appears, until all the blisters have crusted over." }, { "score": 0.7750470638, "text": "This can also contaminate surfaces or objects. It normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days. This is called the incubation period.Someone with chickenpox is most infectious from one to two days before the rash appears, until all the blisters have crusted over. This usually takes five to six days from the start of the rash. Read more about the diagnosis of chickenpox and how to stop chickenpox spreading.t normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days." }, { "score": 0.7701451778, "text": "It normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days.This is called the incubation period.Someone with chickenpox is most infectious from one to two days before the rash appears, until all the blisters have crusted over. This usually takes five to six days from the start of the rash. Read more about the diagnosis of chickenpox and how to stop chickenpox spreading.t normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days." }, { "score": 0.770144105, "text": "It normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days. This is called the incubation period.Someone with chickenpox is most infectious from one to two days before the rash appears, until all the blisters have crusted over. This usually takes five to six days from the start of the rash. Read more about the diagnosis of chickenpox and how to stop chickenpox spreading.t normally takes 14 days for the symptoms of chickenpox to show after you have come into contact with the virus. However, this can vary from person to person – from as little as 7 days, up to 21 days. This is called the incubation period." }, { "score": 0.7658689618, "text": "People who get chicken pox can be contagious starting a few days before the rash appears. This usually means that you may be contagious from the 10th to the 21st day after you were exposed to chicken pox. A good way to determine whether or not you are contagious is to fill in the information below.eople who get chicken pox can be contagious starting a few days before the rash appears. This usually means that you may be contagious from the 10th to the 21st day after you were exposed to chicken pox. A good way to determine whether or not you are contagious is to fill in the information below." }, { "score": 0.7519989014, "text": "The incubation for chicken pox is anywhere between 10 and 21 days. This means that a child will show the first symptoms of the disease 10 to 21 days after been in contact with the virus.rom three days before the rash appears till all the chicken pox blisters have turned into scabs this virus can be spread. The illness usually last about 5 to 10 days. In this highly contagious period you should keep your child at home and avoid contact with newborns babies and pregnant woman." }, { "score": 0.7496725917, "text": "The incubation for chicken pox is anywhere between 10 and 21 days. This means that a child will show the first symptoms of the disease 10 to 21 days after been in contact with the virus.hicken pox is highly contagious and is spread by sneezing, coughing, breathing or direct contact with the chicken pox rash. From three days before the rash appears till all the chicken pox blisters have turned into scabs this virus can be spread. The illness usually last about 5 to 10 days." }, { "score": 0.7404194474, "text": "People with chicken pox are contagious a couple days before their rash appears and remain so until all of their blisters have scabbed. A person with shingles, on the other hand, can only spread their infection while their skin rash is still blistering." }, { "score": 0.7349363565, "text": "Chicken pox is a very contagious disease. The scientific name for chicken pox is varicella (vair-ih-SELL-a). The early symptoms of chicken pox include: 1 Fever (usually 101 to 103F). 2 Runny nose and cough.3 Loss of appetite.4 Tired or sick feeling.eople who get chicken pox can be contagious starting a few days before the rash appears. This usually means that you may be contagious from the 10th to the 21st day after you were exposed to chicken pox. A good way to determine whether or not you are contagious is to fill in the information below." }, { "score": 0.73409307, "text": "The first symptoms of chickenpox usually develop about 14 to 16 days after contact with a person infected with the virus. Most people feel sick and have a fever, a decreased appetite, a headache, a cough, and a sore throat. The itchy chickenpox rash usually appears about 1 or 2 days after the first symptoms start. person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms. Chickenpox is most easily spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over. You are at risk for chickenpox if you have never had the illness and haven't had the chickenpox vaccine." }, { "score": 0.7304660082, "text": "Chicken Pox. Chicken pox is a very contagious disease. The scientific name for chicken pox is varicella (vair-ih-SELL-a). The early symptoms of chicken pox include: 1 Fever (usually 101 to 103F). 2 Runny nose and cough. 3 Loss of appetite. 4 Tired or sick feeling.eople who get chicken pox can be contagious starting a few days before the rash appears. This usually means that you may be contagious from the 10th to the 21st day after you were exposed to chicken pox. A good way to determine whether or not you are contagious is to fill in the information below." }, { "score": 0.729339838, "text": "A person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms. Chickenpox is most easily spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over. You are at risk for chickenpox if you have never had the illness and haven't had the chickenpox vaccine." }, { "score": 0.7269058228, "text": "Chickenpox usually sticks around for longer than you'd like. The blisters don't all appear at once. You'll find that some of the rash has blistered and is scabbing over when other parts are just starting to blister. All in all, it seems that it takes about 10 to 14 days for the virus to get out of your system." }, { "score": 0.7264585495, "text": "Chicken pox is a viral infection of childhood. After an incubation period of 10 to 21 days, the child with Chicken pox will break out with a rash which begins as small red bumps and which very quickly form clear blisters. The clear blisters then rupture and form dark crusts." }, { "score": 0.7251014709, "text": "After contracting the virus, the Chicken Pox would usually remain dormant for as long as several weeks. Once they start to move, the carrier would experience fever which could go as high as 108 degrees Fahrenheit. This would usually last for three days before progressing to the more familiar rashes." }, { "score": 0.7198648453, "text": "Chicken pox (Varicella). Chicken pox is a viral infection of childhood. After an incubation period of 10 to 21 days, the child with Chicken pox will break out with a rash which begins as small red bumps and which very quickly form clear blisters. The clear blisters then rupture and form dark crusts." }, { "score": 0.7175729275, "text": "A person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms. Chickenpox is most easily spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over.You are at risk for chickenpox if you have never had the illness and haven't had the chickenpox vaccine. person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms. Chickenpox is most easily spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over." }, { "score": 0.7107744217, "text": "People with chicken pox are contagious a couple days before their rash appears and remain so until all of their blisters have scabbed. A person with shingles, on the other hand, can only spread their infection while their skin rash is still blistering.hingles is less contagious than chicken pox and cannot be passed from person to person. However, the varicella zoster virus can be spread from a person with shingles to someone who has never had chicken pox. The unfortunate recipient might develop chicken pox, but not shingles." }, { "score": 0.7080242038, "text": "Do not use Caladryl lotion to treat chicken pox. It contains diphenhydramine and can cause an overdose. Do not use aspirin to treat symptoms. How long does chicken pox last? Chicken pox usually lasts 7-10 days in children. Adults may be sick longer. Children can return to school or daycare after about 1 week." }, { "score": 0.6957962513, "text": "If you have shingles, you can give another person chickenpox if they haven't had it already. So, if your husband has not had chickenpox yet, you could give him chickenpox, but not shingles. You will be contagious for about a week after the rash appears. If you have shingles, chickenpox is usually transmitted through contact with the open blisters of the rash. The best thing to do is keep your rash covered up so no one will have direct contact with it, and so you won't touch it and then touch someone else." }, { "score": 0.6942469478, "text": "1 If your child's rash is not linked to a fever or other symptoms, he may be able to go if your daycare's rules allow it. 2 Chicken pox. 3 Your child is no longer contagious once all the sores have dried and crusted over. 4 Impetigo. 5 Kids with this skin disease are no longer contagious after 24 hours of antibiotics. 6 Scabies." }, { "score": 0.6894088387, "text": "If you have shingles, you can give another person chickenpox if they haven't had it already. So, if your husband has not had chickenpox yet, you could give him chickenpox, but not shingles. You will be contagious for about a week after the rash appears.If you have shingles, chickenpox is usually transmitted through contact with the open blisters of the rash. The best thing to do is keep your rash covered up so no one will have direct contact with it, and so you won't touch it and then touch someone else.ou will be contagious for about a week after the rash appears. If you have shingles, chickenpox is usually transmitted through contact with the open blisters of the rash. The best thing to do is keep your rash covered up so no one will have direct contact with it, and so you won't touch it and then touch someone else." }, { "score": 0.6757009625, "text": "However, they can catch chickenpox if they haven't already had chickenpox or had the chickenpox vaccine. The varicella-zoster virus (which is the virus that causes chickenpox, shingles and HZO) lives in the blisters from shingles and HZO.The virus can be spread until the blisters are completely healed.If you have blisters that have not crusted over yet, you should stay away from anyone who has never had chickenpox, babies younger than 12 months of age, pregnant women and very sick patients (such as patients who have cancer or AIDS).If you live with children who have not had chickenpox, you should tell your doctor.f you have blisters that have not crusted over yet, you should stay away from anyone who has never had chickenpox, babies younger than 12 months of age, pregnant women and very sick patients (such as patients who have cancer or AIDS). If you live with children who have not had chickenpox, you should tell your doctor." }, { "score": 0.6748531461, "text": "It is highly contagious. If an adult develops chickenpox, the illness may be more severe. After a person has had chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus can remain inactive in the body for many years. Herpes zoster (shingles) occurs when the virus becomes active again." }, { "score": 0.6739648581, "text": "Chicken pox is a relatively harmless illness that causes red, itchy spots or blisters on the skin. In most cases, it affects children and generally poses no serious risk. The virus can live on surfaces outside of the human body. Generally speaking, viruses are unable to live for more than a few hours outside of the human body." }, { "score": 0.6678906083, "text": "If you have shingles, you can give another person chickenpox if they haven't had it already. So, if your husband has not had chickenpox yet, you could give him chickenpox, but not shingles. You will be contagious for about a week after the rash appears.hingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you have chickenpox as a child, the virus lies dormant in your nervous system. Sometimes, for reasons not entirely understood, the virus is activated, causing shingles." }, { "score": 0.666631341, "text": "\"Varicella zoster is one of the most contagious viruses we know,\" says Gershon. \"It's transmitted when someone with chicken pox or shingles scratches the lesions, and the virus gets in the air.\" Shingles is not quite as infectious as chicken pox, she adds. If you've had chicken pox or the immunization for chicken pox, you already have varicella zoster in your nervous system." }, { "score": 0.6652766466, "text": "The virus is spread through the air when someone who has it coughs or sneezes, spreading viral particles that are then inhaled by a nonimmune person. Contact with the fluid of chickenpox blisters can also spread the virus, but it does not live long on inanimate objects, such as doorknobs." }, { "score": 0.6618648171, "text": "Here's why: 1 Chicken pox is no party. 2 If your child gets it, he's likely to develop a rash of itchy, painful blisters accompanied by fever and fatigue. 3 If the blisters get infected, he may need antibiotics." }, { "score": 0.6581160426, "text": "After a chickenpox infection, the virus remains dormant in the body's nerve tissues. The immune system keeps the virus at bay, but later in life, usually in an adult, it can be reactivated and cause a different form of the viral infection called shingles (also known as herpes zoster)." }, { "score": 0.6575478911, "text": "Most chicken pox is very easy to diagnose. Doctors will enquire about exposure to the virus and the symptoms that were present before the onset of the rash, as many people will experience fever and a feeling of malaise before the visible onset of lesions.nce a person has developed chicken pox the virus that causes the illness never goes away but lies dormant in the dorsal column of the spinal cord. If this virus is reactivated later in life (most commonly decades later) a condition called shingles or herpes zoster can occur." }, { "score": 0.6551899314, "text": "Because chickenpox is very contagious, people who never had chickenpox or the vaccine can get it just by being in a room with someone who has it. However, brief exposure is not likely to result in infection. The chickenpox virus stays in the body and can reawaken later to cause shingles. FACT: Adults are more likely than children to die or have serious complications if they get chickenpox. 2 FACT: Chickenpox can be prevented with a vaccine. 3 Sometimes vaccinated persons come down with chickenpox but the illness is usually mild with fewer than 50 lesions." }, { "score": 0.6520131826, "text": "Airborne precautions can be discontinued when skin lesions due to herpes zoster crust because, according to the CDC, crusting signals that a person is no longer contagious. The CDC recommends a mask with a rating of \"N95\" or higher to control the spread of the virus that causes herpes zoster and chicken pox." }, { "score": 0.6513406038, "text": "If you have never had chickenpox, you may avoid getting the virus that causes both chickenpox and later shingles by receiving the varicella vaccine. If you have never had chickenpox and have never gotten the chickenpox vaccine, avoid contact with people who have shingles or chickenpox. Fluid from shingles blisters is contagious and can cause chickenpox (but not shingles) in people who have never had chickenpox and who have never gotten the chickenpox vaccine. If you have shingles, avoid close contact with people until after the rash blisters heal. It is especially important to avoid contact with people who are at special risk from chickenpox, such as: 1 Pregnant women, infants, children, or anyone who has never had chickenpox." }, { "score": 0.6484869123, "text": "After a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health.During an outbreak, only those who have not had chicken pox before are susceptible.fter a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health." }, { "score": 0.6477378607, "text": "Chickenpox: A highly infectious viral disease also known medically as varicella -- in many countries, this disease is always called varicella -- that causes a blister-like rash, itching, fatigue and fever.he name was meant to distinguish this weak form of the pox from smallpox. Chicken is used here, as in chickenhearted, to mean weak or timid. The pox of chickenpox is no major matter unless it becomes infected (through scratching) or occurs in an immunodeficient person." }, { "score": 0.6468029618, "text": "Features. After a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health. During an outbreak, only those who have not had chicken pox before are susceptible." }, { "score": 0.6453034282, "text": "Someone is at risk if they have never been vaccinated or had chickenpox. Chickenpox causes a blister-like rash, itching, tiredness, and fever. This leaves a person feeling very sick and uncomfortable, and may cause sick people to miss a week or more of school or work. Chickenpox can be serious.lthough rare, you can get chickenpox if you have been vaccinated. However, the symptoms are usually very mild, meaning fewer blisters, little or no fever, and quicker recovery. Also, when you get vaccinated, you protect others in your community. This is especially important for people who cannot get vaccinated." }, { "score": 0.6417275667, "text": "Once you've had chickenpox, you're immune to it for the rest of your life. If you're pregnant and you've never had chickenpox, you should try to avoid being around people who have chickenpox or shingles, even if they're just getting over their conditions." }, { "score": 0.6416529417, "text": "Once a person has chicken pox, the virus that causes chicken pox remains in our bodies in a dormant way, and therefore you are immune to getting chicken pox again. However, people who have this dormant virus are at risk of getting shingles any time our immune systems are down or stressed out." }, { "score": 0.6404292583, "text": "No, but if the person has dormant virus and develops shingles then the disease (chickenpox) can be transmitted to non-immune or immunosuppressed people Chicken pox is a viru … s that spreads through the air and by direct contact with a infected person.f you receive the vaccination for Chicken Pox and not the vaccination for Measles, you are … immune to the virus that causes Chicken Pox but have no immunity against the virus that causes Measles. Thus, while while Chicken Pox will not kill you from Reyes Syndrome, you might go blind from Measles." }, { "score": 0.6403157115, "text": "In the majority of cases, the pox marks heal up without scarring. Being an airborne disease, chickenpox spreads easily and rapidly through sneezing and coughing, as well as direct contact with the secretions from the blisters." }, { "score": 0.6380559802, "text": "When you get over chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus stays in your body, but remains dormant, often for many years and possibly for life. As you age, though, there's an increasing risk that the virus will reactivate, resulting in shingles." }, { "score": 0.6370868683, "text": "Features. After a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health. During an outbreak, only those who have not had chicken pox before are susceptible.fter a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health." }, { "score": 0.6363869905, "text": "After a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health.During an outbreak, only those who have not had chicken pox before are susceptible.he exact cause of an outbreak of shingles is unclear. It is more common in older people and those with weakened immune systems. Since it is caused by a reactivation of a latent virus, shingles has no incubation period." }, { "score": 0.629610002, "text": "Once you have had chickenpox, you usually do not get it again, but you can have a secondary infection caused by the same virus which lives inside your nerves for the rest of your life. Many people get this other infection, called Shingles, which is very painful and has a rash that runs along the nerves of the body.ou get chicken pox from a person infected with the virus that causes it, Herpes Zoster. Chickenpox usually occurs on the scalp, face, and torso. That doesn't mean they can't … appear elsewhere-I had them on my legs and arms and bottom! After the initial infection, it goes dormant and may never reappear." }, { "score": 0.6273580194, "text": "Features. After a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health.During an outbreak, only those who have not had chicken pox before are susceptible.he exact cause of an outbreak of shingles is unclear. It is more common in older people and those with weakened immune systems. Since it is caused by a reactivation of a latent virus, shingles has no incubation period." }, { "score": 0.6251162291, "text": "People who have already had chicken pox become immune to virus that causes chicken pox. They will not get it a second time. People who are not immune to chicken pox who come into contact with the virus will almost always get chicken pox." }, { "score": 0.6243326664, "text": "Features. After a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant in the body, in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. It may reappear at any time in the form of shingles---or never, depending on the person's health. During an outbreak, only those who have not had chicken pox before are susceptible.he exact cause of an outbreak of shingles is unclear. It is more common in older people and those with weakened immune systems. Since it is caused by a reactivation of a latent virus, shingles has no incubation period." }, { "score": 0.6234964132, "text": "Shingles: They can be contagious to people who have not had chicken pox if they have direct contact with the lesions. It is the same virus that caused chicken pox earlier in life that stays dormant in your body in nerves and comes out due to a stressor ...Read more." }, { "score": 0.6217364073, "text": "1 If you have not had chicken pox before and are pregnant, you may receive the shot of zoster immune globulin (ZIG) when you come in contact with someone who has chicken pox. 2 ZIG must be given within 4 days of first exposure. 3 This is only given if you do not already have the antibodies against chicken pox.hicken pox is a viral infection also called varicella. It is accompanied by a rash, which appears as small reddish spots or pimples. A fever and body aches usually occur before the rash appears." }, { "score": 0.6196941137, "text": "In contrast, the actual chicken pox virus long ago exited my bloodstream and is not detectable. The 'HIV-Cured Baby' Distorts Hope Kent Sepkowitz March 6, 2014. In other words, imagine being disloyal in a way that was not detectable by the people you were betraying." }, { "score": 0.6017532945, "text": "VZV causes chicken pox and this is an infectious disease, so chicken pox affects the immune system, as all diseases do. Also, Are there any symptoms that are unique to chicken pox or does it share sympoms with any othher diseases you know of ?" }, { "score": 0.5998181701, "text": "A shingles rash isn't forever, and taking good care of your skin while the rash is present can make you feel better and possibly reduce the risk of scarring. Identification Shingles is a viral infection that happens when the chicken pox virus, which can lie dormant in the body for years, reactivates." }, { "score": 0.5897897482, "text": "If you've had chickenpox and are age 50 or over, you should talk to your doctor about possible preventive steps, such as the shingles vaccine. If you have any signs of shingles, such as pain or itching on one side, or a rash, you should also call your doctor.. A RealAge answered. Shingles is a virus caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (the varicella-zoster virus). If you've had chickenpox, the virus can stay in your body in an inactive form until years later, when it becomes active again, causing shingles." }, { "score": 0.5786047578, "text": "If you've ever had the chickenpox -- and almost all adults have -- there's a good chance the virus is still at large in your body. The varicella zoster virus can lie dormant for decades without causing any symptoms. In some people, the virus wakes up and travels along nerve fibers to the skin. The result is a distinctive, painful rash called shingles." }, { "score": 0.5760127902, "text": "Skin problem #8: Shingles Shingles, another viral rash, is a reactivation of the chicken pox virus and can appear when you're worn down. These painful, blistery rashes tend to come on suddenly, can be anywhere on your body and will follow the path of a nerve on just one side of the body. While shingles isn't contagious, a person with it can infect others with chicken pox if they've never had it." }, { "score": 0.5675122142, "text": "These are viral diseases causing respiratory signs as well as other signs such as drop in egg production in layer chickens. Chickens can become sick when they come into contact with droppings of affected chickens or by breathing in infected droplets. The pox virus is spread by mosquito bites. Signs in live chickens. Discharge from the nostrils, difficult breathing, extended neck when breathing, sneezing, swollen sinuses and eye infection (conjunctivitis) Signs in dead chickens. Red windpipe, mucous and plugs of pus in the windpipe and sinuses." }, { "score": 0.5624958277, "text": "Shingles is a very painful disease caused by the same herpes virus that causes chicken pox (varicella zoster virus). Like other herpes viruses, the varicella-zoster virus has an initial infectious stage, (chicken pox) followed by a dormant stage. Then, with no warning, the virus becomes active again." }, { "score": 0.5580331683, "text": "We know what a pox is -- a viral infection that produces widespread blisters that can erupt. What isn't clear is how the chicken got connected with the pox.. The Oxford English Dictionary attributes the chicken to the non-threatening nature of the pox. In other words, that pox was cowardly (or chicken)." }, { "score": 0.5571181774, "text": "What if you have never had chickenpox or have already had a case of shingles? You should still get vaccinated because studies show that nearly all adults 40 years and older have had chickenpox whether they remember having it or not.Also, if you've already had shingles, the vaccine can help protect against recurrence.The vaccine is not safe for all people.ou should still get vaccinated because studies show that nearly all adults 40 years and older have had chickenpox whether they remember having it or not. Also, if you've already had shingles, the vaccine can help protect against recurrence. The vaccine is not safe for all people." }, { "score": 0.5489999652, "text": "After an infection is defeated, the antibodies still remain in the body. They are left there to wait in case that particular antigen returns. For example, after a person gets chickenpox, the antibody that was created by the immune system to get rid of the chickenpox will remain in the body." }, { "score": 0.5413675308, "text": "A rash all over the body can also be a sign of chicken pox which is also known as varicella. Some of the early signs are headache, loss of appetite and fever. Generally after a few days a rash will start to develop, the characteristics are red and sometimes pink bumps which cover the full body." }, { "score": 0.5369462967, "text": "On the other hand, latent chickenpox infections return in later life as the disease called shingles. Some viruses can cause life-long or chronic infections, where the viruses continue to replicate in the body despite the host's defence mechanisms. This is common inhepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections.hese new viruses then infect other cells, with similar results. However the vast majority of the symptoms of viral diseases are not caused by the viruses killing cells directly." }, { "score": 0.4899903834, "text": "Other blood tests. If you're not sure whether you've ever had chicken pox or been vaccinated against it, you can be tested to see if you're immune. If you're at high risk for diabetes, a glucose challenge test may be done at your first visit." } ]
what should you click to select an entire table
[ { "score": 0.7796365023, "text": "Well, here are a couple of quick and easy selection processes for MS Word tables. To select the entire table, you could: Click on the move handle of the table (found in the upper left corner). Click on the resize handle of the table (found in the bottom right corner). And… in older versions of Word I found that I could use Alt key + double-click on the table." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7519391775, "text": "Figure 2.3—6 Drag the dashed borders to choose table. With any selected cell, row, column or table, you can click anywhere outside of the table to cancel the selection. In addition, the functions of selecting a cell, row, column, table etc can be accomplished through the Select command under the Table Tools tab." }, { "score": 0.7508066297, "text": "Selecting a Row or Column. To select a row in a table, move the cursor to the left of the row until it turns into a white arrow pointing up and to the right, as shown in the following image. To select multiple rows this way, drag the mouse down over the other rows once you've selected one row.o select an individual cell, move the mouse to the right side of the cell until you see it turn into a black arrow that points up and to the right. Click in the cell at that point to select it. To use the keyboard to select a cell, put the cursor anywhere in the cell." }, { "score": 0.7158122063, "text": "Select rows and columns in an Excel table. You can select cells and ranges in a table just like you would select them in a worksheet, but selecting table rows and columns is different from selecting worksheet rows and columns. To select. Do this.A table column with or without table headers. Click the top edge of the column header or the column in the table.elect rows and columns in an Excel table. You can select cells and ranges in a table just like you would select them in a worksheet, but selecting table rows and columns is different from selecting worksheet rows and columns. To select. Do this." }, { "score": 0.7138983011, "text": "Select text in different places. You can select text or items in a table that are not next to each other. For example, you can select a paragraph on one page and a sentence on a different page. Select some text or an item in a table. Hold down CTRL while you select any additional text or item in a table that you want." }, { "score": 0.7136672735, "text": "To select a single entire row, click the row number. To select multiple rows, drag across multiple row numbers. To select sequential cells, click the first cell, hold down the Shift key, and click the last cell you want. Optionally, click and drag the mouse over a group of cells to select a sequential area." }, { "score": 0.7128673792, "text": "To select nonsequential cells, click the first cell, hold down the Ctrl key, and click each additional cell (or row or column) you want to select. To select the entire worksheet, click the small box located to the left of column A and above row 1. Optionally, you can select all cells in a worksheet by pressing Ctrl+A." }, { "score": 0.7113553882, "text": "Select text in the body of a document. Note To select an entire document, do one of the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select All.elect text in different places. You can select text or items in a table that are not next to each other. For example, you can select a paragraph on one page and a sentence on a different page. Select some text or an item in a table. Hold down CTRL while you select any additional text or item in a table that you want." }, { "score": 0.7085880041, "text": "Click where you want to begin the selection, hold down the left mouse button, and then drag the pointer over the text that you want to select. A word. Double-click anywhere in the word. A line of text. Move the pointer to the left of the line until it changes to a right-pointing arrow, and then click.elect text in different places. You can select text or items in a table that are not next to each other. For example, you can select a paragraph on one page and a sentence on a different page. Select some text or an item in a table. Hold down CTRL while you select any additional text or item in a table that you want." }, { "score": 0.7071088552, "text": "1 Instead of selecting a range of cells, you can also click on the letter above a column to select the entire column, or the number next to a row to select an entire row. 2 You can also click the small box to the left of A and above 1 to select the entire spreadsheet at once.ip. 1 Instead of selecting a range of cells, you can also click on the letter above a column to select the entire column, or the number next to a row to select an entire row. 2 You can also click the small box to the left of A and above 1 to select the entire spreadsheet at once." }, { "score": 0.699593544, "text": "Open the Word document that contains the table you want to copy and then click in the table. The Table Tools ribbon will display. Step 2. Click the \"Layout\" tab in the Table Tools ribbon, click the \"Select\" button in the Table group to display a list of options and then click \"Select Table\" to highlight the whole table." }, { "score": 0.6988055706, "text": "To select nonsequential cells, click the first cell, hold down the Ctrl key, and click each additional cell (or row or column) you want to select. To select the entire worksheet, click the small box located to the left of column A and above row 1." }, { "score": 0.6869217753, "text": "Select an entire document by using the mouse. To select the entire contents of the document body, do one of the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select All." }, { "score": 0.6864664555, "text": "Select the cell A1 then, pressing the shift key, click in the right-bottom cell. Doing that you will get every table's cells selected which gives the ability to apply global attributes. My guess is that some words are missing in the Help. Select All selects all the text … of the text layer. We must apply the settings to the text layer, to each text box, to each table. Of course, you may _Go to Provide Pages Feedback in the Pages menu_, describe what you wish." }, { "score": 0.6826069355, "text": "1. Select the range, and apply this utility by clicking Kutools > Select > Select Specific Cells. 2. In the Select Specific Cells dialog box, please select the Selection Type: Cell, Entire row or Entire column. Tip: If you want to select entire rows, please select entire row. The same to entire column." }, { "score": 0.6775248051, "text": "Select an entire document by using the mouse. To select the entire contents of the document body, do one of the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select All. Move the pointer to the left of any text until it turns into a right-pointing arrow, and then triple-click. Top of Page." }, { "score": 0.6755256653, "text": "Select an entire document by using the mouse. To select the entire contents of the document body, do one of the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select All. Move the pointer to the left of any text until it turns into a right-pointing arrow, and then triple-click." }, { "score": 0.6682960987, "text": "To select the entire contents of the document body, do one of the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select All. Move the pointer to the left of any text until it turns into a right-pointing arrow, and then triple-click." }, { "score": 0.6670274734, "text": "1 To number columns, select the top row in the table and click Numbering on the Formatting toolbar. 2 To select a row, hover the mouse in the left margin just next to the row you want to click. 3 When Word displays the selection tool (see below) click to select the row. To select a column, hover the mouse over the column until Word displays the selection arrow (see below) and click. 2 In Word 2007, select the column and then click Numbering in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. 3 To number columns, select the top row in the table and click Numbering on the Formatting toolbar." }, { "score": 0.6649341583, "text": "Select entire column. This shortcut will select the entire column of the current selection. If the current selection spans multiple columns, all columns that intersect the current selection will be selected. Download 200+ Excel shortcuts in a handy PDF. Over 200 shortcuts at your fingertips." }, { "score": 0.6569128036, "text": "1 Select the entire column by clicking on the column header. Cut the selected column by pressing Ctlr+X, or right click the column and choose Cut from the context menu. You can actually skip step 1 and simply right click the column's heading to choose Cut." }, { "score": 0.65259552, "text": "To create a table by using the default table style, do this: Select the range of cells you want included in the table. The cells can be empty or can contain data. Click Insert Table. Keyboard shortcut You can also press Ctrl+T or Ctrl+L." }, { "score": 0.6508631706, "text": "Select text in the body of a document. Note: To select an entire document, do one of the following: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select All. Move the pointer to the left of any text until it turns into a right-pointing arrow, and then triple-click." }, { "score": 0.6495718956, "text": "Instructions. Select the Create tab on the top ribbon menu. Click on the Query Design icon to open the Query by Example editor. Select the tables you want to query from the Show Table dialog box by clicking once on the table name, and clicking the Add button for each table." }, { "score": 0.649484992, "text": "I want to make sure all text in my document is a particular font (at least), but Cmd+a only selects any text that is not in a table. There seems to be no way to include text in tables, or even a way to change the format of all text in a particular table (MS Word allows the whole table to be highlighted for example). A double click in a cell selects it so you may enter what you wish in it." }, { "score": 0.6481045485, "text": "Use Table Styles to format an entire table. After you create a table, you can format the entire table by using Table Styles. By resting your pointer over each of the preformatted table styles, you can preview what the table will look like. Click in the table that you want to format. Under Table Tools, click the Design tab. In the Table Styles group, rest the pointer over each table style until you find a style that you want to use. Note: To see more styles, click the More arrow . Click the style to apply it to the table." }, { "score": 0.6451168656, "text": "Use Table Styles to format an entire table. After you create a table, you can format the entire table by using Table Styles. By resting your pointer over each of the preformatted table styles, you can preview what the table will look like. Click in the table that you want to format. Under Table Tools, click the Design tab. In the Table Styles group, rest the pointer over each table style until you find a style that you want to use. Note To see more styles, click the More arrow." }, { "score": 0.6415495276, "text": "Pressing [Ctrl]+a selects the entire document. [Ctrl]+click. To select a sentence (not just a line), hold down [Ctrl] and click any place within the sentence. Click+[Shift]+click. To select a block of text, click at one end of the block. Then, hold down the [Shift] key and click a second time at the opposite end of the block." }, { "score": 0.6396583319, "text": "Insert a table. On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you want to include in the table. The cells can be empty or can contain data. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+L or CTRL+T.ote When you use Format as Table, Office Excel automatically inserts a table. Under Light, Medium, or Dark, click the table style that you want to use. Note Custom table styles are available under Custom after you create one or more of them." }, { "score": 0.6374266148, "text": "Use Table Styles to format an entire table. After you create a table, you can format the entire table by using Table Styles. By resting your pointer over each of the preformatted table styles, you can preview what the table will look like.Click in the table that you want to format.Under Table Tools, click the Design tab.In the Table Styles group, rest the pointer over each table style until you find a style that you want to use. Note To see more styles, click the More arrow.lick in the table that you want to format. Under Table Tools, click the Design tab. In the Table Styles group, rest the pointer over each table style until you find a style that you want to use. Note To see more styles, click the More arrow." }, { "score": 0.6374023557, "text": " Selecting Particular Columns. If you do not want to see entire rows from your table, just name the columns in which you are interested, separated by commas. For example, if you want to know when your animals were born, select the name and birth columns:" }, { "score": 0.6341813207, "text": "You can use the same technique to drag several columns in your Excel table. To select several columns, click the heading of the first column you need to move, press and hold Shift, and then click the heading of the last column. Select any cell in the column and press CTRL+SPACE to select the whole column. 2 Hit Ctrl+X to cut the column. 3 Select the column before which you what to paste the cut column. 4 Press Ctrl together with the Plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad to insert the column." }, { "score": 0.6339703798, "text": "If you want to select entire column except first cell and also excluding blank cells, do as these: 1. Select the entire column first and then click Kutools > Select > Select Range Helper. 2. Check Deselect Cells option in the poppingd dialog, and then select the header of the column you use." }, { "score": 0.633438468, "text": "Enter data in a table. 1 In the Navigation Pane, double-click the table that you want to use. 2 Click or otherwise place the focus on the first field that you want to use, and then enter your data. 3 To move to the next field in the same row, press TAB, use the Right or Left arrow keys, or click the cell in the next field." }, { "score": 0.6331909895, "text": "The first step in creating a query is to specify the table or tables to use and the fields to display. Selecting tables is simple. Just choose the table from the list when the query is first created or use the Add Table command from the Query menu. The selected table is placed on the upper portion of the query design window. From there you can select the fields for the query by double-clicking on them or selecting several fields (by using Shift-Click or Ctrl-Click) and dragging them to the bottom portion of the query by example (QBE) grid." }, { "score": 0.6324298382, "text": "Using the dropdown selectors below you may filter the table so as to display only relevant items. In addition you may klick on a column header to have the column sorted (use ctrl to select more than one). The text input field right above the table (on the right) allows to search for any text in the table." }, { "score": 0.6296922565, "text": "1 If they are in a column, left-click your mouse on the letter above the column to select and format the entire column. 2 If they are in a row, left-click your mouse on the number beside the row to select and format with the section (or cell) highlighted to bring up the editing menu. 3 3 Edit step." }, { "score": 0.6234369278, "text": "Open up the table designer in SQL Server Management Studio (right-click table and select 'Design'). Holding down the Ctrl key highlight two or more columns in the left hand table margin. Hit the little 'Key' on the standard menu bar at the top. You're done.." }, { "score": 0.6221075058, "text": "1 Select your entire table in Word. 2 Open the Find and Replace dialog (e.g., by typing. +. ). 3 In the Find what field, enter ^l. 4 This will select all line breaks. 5 You may select paragraph breaks by entering ^p." }, { "score": 0.6211743355, "text": "First, to create the table: 1 Select a cell in the parts list. 2 On the Ribbon's Insert tab, click Table. 3 Check that the correct range has been selected, and add a check mark to My Table Has Headers. Click OK, to create the table." }, { "score": 0.6137681007, "text": "Insert a table using the default table style. On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you want to include in the table. The cells can be empty or can contain data. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+L or CTRL+T.reate or delete an Excel table (previously a list) in a worksheet. When you create a table (previously known as list) in a Microsoft Excel worksheet, you can manage and analyze the data in that table independently of data outside the table." }, { "score": 0.6137271523, "text": "Selecting Tables and Fields. The first step in creating a query is to specify the table or tables to use and the fields to display. Selecting tables is simple. Just choose the table from the list when the query is first created or use the Add Table command from the Query menu." }, { "score": 0.6130480766, "text": "The Windows keyboard shortcut Ctrl A will perform the Select All action. Select All is a global keyboard shortcut that is usually located in the Edit menu. This keyboard shortcut for Select All is available in Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7." }, { "score": 0.607070446, "text": "Clear the pivot table cells. 1. Select a cell in the pivot table. 2. On the menu bar, click Edit|Clear|All. 3. On the PivotTable toolbar, click PivotTable|Select|Entire Table. This will remove the pivot table, and all its formatting, from the worksheet. Note: After deleting the pivot table, you might temporarily see drop down arrows where the pivot fields were located, but these should disappear when you activate another cell." }, { "score": 0.6047967076, "text": "How to select your main table. 1 Open Excel workbook(s) with the spreadsheets you need to join based on a key column(s). Then open Merge Tables Wizard for Microsoft Excel by clicking on its icon or pressing the Ctrl+Shift+M hotkey. 2 The main table is the one you want to update." }, { "score": 0.6041672826, "text": "To modify table style options: Once you've chosen a table style, you can turn various options on or off to change the appearance of the table. There are six options: Header Row, Total Row, Banded Rows, First Column, Last Column, and Banded Columns. Click anywhere on the table. Click the Design tab on the right side of the Ribbon, then check or uncheck the desired options in the Table Style Options group." }, { "score": 0.6027961969, "text": "1 Select the table. 2 Right-click the table and select Table Properties. 3 In the Table tab, under Text Wrapping, click Around. 4 Click the Positioning button. 5 Under Horizontal, click the drop-down arrow in the Position box and select Center.6 Click the drop-down arrow in the Relative To box and select Page.ollow these steps: 1 Select the table. 2 Right-click the table and select Table Properties. 3 In the Table tab, under Text Wrapping, click Around. 4 Click the Positioning button. 5 Under Horizontal, click the drop-down arrow in the Position box and select Center." }, { "score": 0.602070868, "text": "In Word: 1 Select your entire table in Word. 2 Open the Find and Replace dialog (e.g., by typing. +. ). 3 In the Find what field, enter ^l. 4 This will select all line breaks. 5 You may select paragraph breaks by entering ^p. 6 In the Replace with field, enter ^v." }, { "score": 0.6005111933, "text": "Click any cell in the range of cells or table. Click Insert Recommended PivotTables. In the Recommended PivotTables dialog box, click any PivotTable layout to get a preview, and then pick the one that shows the data the way you want.Click OK.lick any cell in the range of cells or table. Click Insert Recommended PivotTables. In the Recommended PivotTables dialog box, click any PivotTable layout to get a preview, and then pick the one that shows the data the way you want." }, { "score": 0.6004049778, "text": "Open the Word document that contains the table you want to copy and then click in the table. The Table Tools ribbon will display. Step 2. Click the \"Layout\" tab in the Table Tools ribbon, click the \"Select\" button in the Table group to display a list of options and then click \"Select Table\" to highlight the whole table.tep 4. Open the PowerPoint presentation, navigate to the slide, and then click the \"Normal\" button on the status bar. The command ribbon and slide pane will display. Step 5. Click in the slide where you want to insert the Word table." }, { "score": 0.6002445221, "text": "Select the join line in the Diagram pane, and then from the Query Designer menu, choose, selecting the command that includes the table whose extra rows you want to include. Choose the first table to create a left outer join." }, { "score": 0.5965558887, "text": "The first step in creating a query is to specify the table or tables to use and the fields to display. Selecting tables is simple. Just choose the table from the list when the query is first created or use the Add Table command from the Query menu." }, { "score": 0.5936744213, "text": "How to select your main table. 1 Open Excel workbook(s) with the spreadsheets you need to join based on a key column(s). 2 The main table is the one you want to update. 3 On this step you can tick the Create a backup copy of the worksheet checkbox to automatically get an extra copy of your main table." }, { "score": 0.5791069269, "text": "You have probably select whole column/row or even whole sheet into table. So it takes so much time. Convert to table, delete all unnecessary columns/rows that remain, go one table per step, save with other name and it will get faster when you get rid of them all. Register To Reply. 09-20-2011, 04:54 AM #5." }, { "score": 0.5789984465, "text": "instead of going this way each time you can use this select instead all tables inside my user select table name comments from user tab comments where table name my table all tables for all users select table name comments from all tab comments where owner my user and table name my table to select" }, { "score": 0.5776722431, "text": "To select the entire document as a range by using the Select method. Use the M:Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range.Select method of a T:Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range that contains the entire document. The following code example selects the contents of the active document." }, { "score": 0.5742576122, "text": "Open Word or the document where you wish to put a table. You can insert tables into any version of Word. 2. Position the cursor on the area where you want the table to be inserted. Click the \"Table\" button that is located under the \"Insert\" tab. In Word 2003, click the \"Insert\" menu and then select \"Table\". For best formatting results, place the table between paragraphs or on its own line." }, { "score": 0.5735869408, "text": "Instructions. Open the Microsoft Word file that contains the table that you want to copy into your PowerPoint presentation. Click the \"Table\" option if you're using Word 2003. Click the \"Layout\" tab, then click the \"Select\" option for Word 2007.Click the \"Select Table\" option and the entire table will be selected.lose your Word file. Open the PowerPoint file that you want to paste the table into. Click in the slide to which you want to add the table. Click the \"Paste\" button from the top toolbar or press the \"CTRL\" and \"V\" key at the same time." }, { "score": 0.5735716224, "text": "With the input values in place, we're ready to generate the table as follows: Select the entire matrix area. In this case, that's B6:F15. Be sure to select the cell that contains the formula or function. In our example, the link to the function (B6)." }, { "score": 0.5735292435, "text": "To split a table: 1 Place the cursor in a cell which will be in the top row of the second table after the split (the table splits immediately above the cursor). 2 Right-click and select Split Table in the pop-up menu, or select Table > Split Table from the menu bar. 3 A Split Table dialog pops up." }, { "score": 0.5720795393, "text": "Highlight the table and use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C to copy it to your clipboard. Open PowerPoint. Create a new slide. Click on the area in the slide where you want to place your table." }, { "score": 0.5701069236, "text": "To select the entire document as a range by using the Select method. Use the M:Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range.Select method of a T:Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range that contains the entire document. The following code example selects the contents of the active document. To use this code example, run it from the ThisAddIn class in your project. C#." }, { "score": 0.5625315309, "text": "Copy a table from one Office PowerPoint 2007 slide to another slide. Click the table that you want to copy. Rest the pointer on the outer most border of the table (but not on the dots), and then when the pointer becomes a, press CTRL-C. Move to the slide on which you want to add the table, and then press CTRL-V.raw a table. Select the slide that you want to add a table to. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Draw Table. The pointer changes to a pencil." }, { "score": 0.5582538247, "text": "To prevent Word from resizing the columns, insert a table by using the Insert Table dialog box (see Figure 7-1) rather than by clicking the Insert Table button on the Standard toolbar and painting out a table grid. Choose Table » Insert » Table or click the Insert Table button on the Tables and Borders toolbar.Specify the number of columns and rows, select the Fixed column widths option, specify a width in the spinner box if you choose, and click the OK button.he Problem: I can't stand the artificial intelligence built into Word's table feature. You can define how wide the table and/or each column should be in the Table Properties dialog box, but Word then changes the widths according to the text put in the cells." }, { "score": 0.5550660491, "text": "Steps. 1 1. Open Word or the document where you wish to put a table. You can insert tables into any version of Word. 2 2. Position the cursor on the area where you want the table to be inserted. Click the \"Table\" button that is located under the \"Insert\" tab. 3 3. Choose your method of inserting your table." }, { "score": 0.5267953873, "text": "In your second attempt, you grant access only to the two columns. This should, I think, give you what you want -- but then above you issue a SELECT * statement, which implies that you want access to the entire table. But you can't *have* access to the entire table, because you've granted access only to two columns." } ]
what is echo slim
[ { "score": 0.7343357801, "text": "The fusion of multiple genres of music embodied in one individual, EchoSlim is a DJ / Producer who lives for creating new sounds and performing those creations live." } ]
[ { "score": 0.5153330564, "text": "Alexa is the voice behind Echo, Amazon's voice-activated, cloud-connected wireless speaker, who talks back to you and acts as kind of a personal assistant. For now she's somewhat limited in her capabilities, though not without some nifty tricks up her sleeve. And she's improving with age." }, { "score": 0.5100003481, "text": "The Good The Amazon Echo is an attractively designed speaker, and its voice-control system, anchored by soothing and smooth-sounding Alexa, works well within its current limited scope. The speaker's Wi-Fi setup is relatively straightforward, and you can also directly connect to the speaker via Bluetooth." }, { "score": 0.508749783, "text": "It's Amazon Echo, and it dropped Thursday. With its cylindrical shape and blue accent ring light embellishment at the top, it doubles as a speaker and a digital personal assistant reminiscent of Apple's Siri, but it's arguably much better. Stark Insider referred to is as \"the biggest tech surprise of 2014.\"." }, { "score": 0.5074922442, "text": "Amazon's Alexa-controlled Echo speaker is a wireless speaker. But it's capable of much more. Using nothing but the sound of your voice, you can search the Web, create to-do and shopping lists, shop online, get instant weather reports, and control popular smart-home products—all while your phone stays in your pocket." }, { "score": 0.5061658621, "text": "As a result, the Echo has quickly become one of Amazon's best-selling products, even more popular than its Kindle line of e-readers. If the original Echo was Amazon's Trojan Horse to get into your home, the new Echo Dot is Amazon's army coming in behind it. It's smaller and half the price ($89.99 vs. $179.99), yet has all of the same far-field voice recognition technology and voice control capabilities as the larger Echo. You don't need a full-size Echo to use the Dot — it is a fully standalone device." }, { "score": 0.5055792332, "text": "Slim Forte Slimming Coffee Overview. The Slim Forte Slimming Coffee is a weight loss enhancing supplement. The Slim Forte Slimming Coffee weight loss supplement is a product that has been designed to boost the metabolism and thermogenesis levels in your body and in this case increasing the burning of fats deposited in your body." }, { "score": 0.4972299933, "text": "doTerra Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend is an essential oil supplement. It is a propitiatory formula of 100% pure CTPG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) essential oils designed to help manage appetite between meals. Slim & Sassy includes a blend of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger and cinnamon essential oils. This product was so easy to use." }, { "score": 0.4959494174, "text": "Livescribe's Echo Smartpen is the company's most affordable pen, but it lacks some of the more advanced functionality found in the Livescribe 3 and the Sky WiFi Smartpen. Notably, the Echo can't sync your notes wirelessly to your mobile device." }, { "score": 0.4884684682, "text": "Amazon's new Echo Dot is a mini speaker that brings Alexa to any room. The $89 device is meant to be attached to premium speakers for better music. Valentina Palladino - Mar 3, 2016 3:14 pm UTC." }, { "score": 0.4884651303, "text": "The Ubi aims to be a kind of intercom for the smart home, and the Aether speaker aims to combine cloud music streaming with voice input. However, Amazon's strength is that it could combine Echo with its other devices and services to make it a lot more valuable out of the box.." }, { "score": 0.4881125093, "text": "Amazon's new Echo Dot is a mini speaker that brings Alexa to any room. The $89 device is meant to be attached to premium speakers for better music. Valentina Palladino - Mar 3, 2016 3:14 pm UTC. Amazon." }, { "score": 0.480275631, "text": "Amazon makes it easier to build audio adventure games for the Echo. Nucleus is an Alexa-enabled touchscreen intercom. Amazon lets anyone put Alexa voice control in their devices. Amazon released the Alexa Appkit last month in hopes that developers will create cool new features for the voice technology that powers the Echo." }, { "score": 0.4795149565, "text": "The Echo speaker is Amazon's most interesting experiment yet. I poked fun at the marketing efforts around the Echo and its voice-driven assistant, Alexa. But once I had the speaker in my home, I couldn't deny it was extremely fun to use." }, { "score": 0.4788452387, "text": "On 27 September 2017, Amazon launched the Echo Spot, a hemispherical device that has the same functions as an Echo Show. The device has a 2.5-inch circular screen, and looks like an alarm clock. The device sells for $129.99." }, { "score": 0.4785192311, "text": "June 23, 2015. Echo, the voice-activated speaker that Amazon announced last November, is officially going on sale today to the masses. A limited number of the devices became available earlier this year by invitation only. I was one of the lucky few who have been using Echo over the last several months. If you ask me, at $180, it's not worth the money." }, { "score": 0.4774829447, "text": "It's the portable option in Amazon's Alexa family, closer to something like a JBL Flip 3 or UE Boom 2 than one of the Echo devices above. Like those devices, it's a handsome, cylindrical, lightweight Bluetooth speaker with a built-in battery, which here lasts around 8-9 hours just playing music." }, { "score": 0.4768993855, "text": "Amazon Echo: The invisible platform. Sometimes it's the things hidden in plain sight that have the biggest impact in the long run. A version of this essay was originally published at Tech.pinions, a website dedicated to informed opinions, insight and perspective on the tech industry." }, { "score": 0.4757432938, "text": "What's the Difference Between the Amazon Echo and Echo Dot? Amazon recently expanded their stable of Echo products to include the Echo Dot, the tiny sibling of the bigger Echo speaker. Let's take a look at the similarities, differences, and when and where you would want to use each product. There's a bit of confusion over what exactly the Echo Dot is." }, { "score": 0.4577379227, "text": "The Amazon Echo has quietly become the hottest smart home product on the market. Suddenly, every tech company wants to integrate its products with Amazon's customizable virtual assistant, Alexa. The integrations keep coming, at such a pace that it can be hard to know exactly which products work with Alexa." }, { "score": 0.4403995872, "text": "Comfortable enough for daily wear, the Maidenform Flexees Ultimate Slimmer Waist Nipper instantly gives you a sleek, hourglass shape. Made from an extra soft and comfortable microfiber fabric, this waist cincher adjusts comfortably to your body, unlike stiff corsets of the past." }, { "score": 0.4377378821, "text": "Echocardiogram - Echo. 1 The size and shape of your heart, and the size, thickness and movement of your heart's walls. 2 How your heart moves. 3 The heart's pumping strength. 4 If the heart valves are working correctly. 5 If blood is leaking backwards through your heart valves (regurgitation). 6 If the heart valves are too narrow (stenosis)." }, { "score": 0.4298330545, "text": "(Photo: Amazon) 1 Amazon Echo ($129.99, 28% off) The Echo is arguably the most popular smart home device on the market right now. And, of course, on Prime Day, you can get it for a song—$130 song." }, { "score": 0.4021820128, "text": "Pink slime (a dysphemism for lean finely textured beef or LFTB, finely textured beef, and boneless lean beef trimmings or BLBT,) is a meat-based product used as a food additive to ground beef and beef-based processed meats, as a filler or to reduce the overall fat content of ground beef.ox News reported that besides low-grade beef trimmings other meat by-products such as connective tissue, cartilage, and sinew which contain fat were present. US beef that contains up to 15 percent of the product can be labeled as 100% ground beef. Up to 2005, filler could make up to 25 percent of ground meat." }, { "score": 0.4007358849, "text": "Unexplained weight loss that is not caused by reduction in calorific intake or exercise is called cachexia and may be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Intentional weight loss is commonly referred to as slimming." }, { "score": 0.3950666189, "text": "pink slime. A popular term for an inexpensive, low-quality meat filler, which comprises up to 70% of ground beef sold in the US.ink slime. A popular term for an inexpensive, low-quality meat filler, which comprises up to 70% of ground beef sold in the US." }, { "score": 0.3942013085, "text": "Pink slime (a derogatory term for lean finely textured beef or LFTB,[1] finely textured beef,[2] and boneless lean beef trimmings or BLBT[3]) is a meat by-product used as a food additive to ground beef and beef-based processed meats, as a filler, or to reduce the overall fat content of ground beef.[4][5] In the production process, heat and ..." }, { "score": 0.3751804829, "text": "303 pages on this wiki. Slimes are green cubes that move by hopping. There are 3 sizes: big, medium, and small. Upon death, Big and Medium Slimes split into the next smaller size slime, and the small slimes drop 1-3 Slimeballs (which can be used to make Sticky Pistons and Magma Cream) when killed. Small slimes will do no damage to the player, though the Big and Medium slimes will do some damage (more damage for larger slimes)." }, { "score": 0.363984704, "text": "What is the reliability of Stress Echo? If a patient is able to achieve the target heart rate and if the ECHO images are of good technical quality, a Stress Echo is capable of diagnosing important disease in more than 85% of patients with coronary artery disease." }, { "score": 0.363145709, "text": "What is Echo Global Logistics' ticker and where is the stock traded? What was the date of Echo Global Logistics initial public offering and what was the closing price of the stock on the first day of trading? ECHO Began trading on October 2, 2009. It's closing price on this day was $14.06 per share." }, { "score": 0.3228921294, "text": "Slime – sometimes called Gak or Oobleck – is a glob of goo that feels cool and creepy to the touch. In other words, it's gross enough for kids to totally love it. You can buy it at the store, of course, but you can save some money and make slime at home.. Mix 1 teaspoon of powdered fiber with 1 cup of water. Be sure to do this in a microwave-safe bowl as you will be putting the mixture in the microwave later. http://pad2.whstatic.com/images/thumb/d/d5/Make-Slime-Without-Borax-Step-8-preview.jpg/550px-Make-Slime-Without-Borax-Step-8-preview.jpg." }, { "score": 0.2866730094, "text": "DiamondFinish Clear. Ask and Answer Questions about DiamondFinish Clear. DiamondFinish Clear is a permanent, high solids, moisture cured single component Clear Coat. DiamondFinish Clear is the latest development in ultra high performance clear coats with very high solids (over 60%) and low VOCs." }, { "score": 0.2847412229, "text": "The exception to this rule is the above seen ICMP echo request packet. Well what does the response to an ICMP echo request look like though? Not only that, but how does the computer who sent the originating ICMP echo request know that the incoming ICMP response is for its initial echo request? That is a very good question actually." }, { "score": 0.2769033313, "text": "HERZELIYA, Israel -- Optibase (NASDAQ:OBAS), a leading provider of advanced video solutions, today announced the release of the new MGW FlashStreamer encoding and streaming platform, which integrates Adobe[R] Flash[R] technology and is compatible with Adobe Flash Player software." }, { "score": 0.2564754784, "text": "2 Hearts. 1 Reinforced: 10% chance per level of not using durability. 2 Stonebound: The tool mines faster as it wears out, but does less damage. 3 Jagged: The tool does more damage as it wears out, but mines slower. Writable: One extra modifier per 1 piece. Tasty: Sometimes drops food items. Slimy: Randomly spawns small slimes." }, { "score": 0.2283640206, "text": "What is the meaning of HASTE MRI abbreviation? The meaning of HASTE MRI abbreviation is half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging. Q: A: What is HASTE MRI abbreviation? One of the definitions of HASTE MRI is half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging. Q: A: What does HASTE MRI mean? HASTE MRI as abbreviation means half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging. Q: A: What is shorthand of half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging? The most common shorthand of half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging is HASTE MRI." } ]
how much is turbo tax d
[ { "score": 0.6971517801, "text": "However, state tax filing is not free, and the cost of using TurboTax to file state returns is not presented to the user until they've already completed entering their information for federal returns. In 2008, Intuit raised the price of TurboTax for desktop customers by $15 and included a free e-filing for the first return prepared." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6432070732, "text": "The price to file my state tax has doubled this year with no change to the program. This is the last for me. February 12, 2015. Rated 4 out of 5 by PhuocLam Home office deduction not included in the Premier I can not claim the simple home office deduction using the Premier package as before.This year Turbo tax required me to buy the Home & Business package for that which is quite expensive, not worth the cost.et every tax deduction and credit you qualify for. We'll get to know you by asking simple questions about your income, family and changes in your tax situation. Then, based on your answers, we'll search for more than 350 tax deductions and credits to get you the biggest tax refund— guaranteed." }, { "score": 0.6219521165, "text": "1 $0 Upgrade Offer: Valid for customers who filed their 2013 taxes with TurboTax Deluxe (CD or download), completed prior year data transfer this year, and encounter an upgrade to either 2014 TurboTax Premier or 2014 TurboTax Home & Business (CD or download). 4.8 out of 5 stars: Average based on customer ratings on TurboTax.com for TurboTax Online and CD/download products tax year 2014, as of January 2015. 2 Most Popular: TurboTax Deluxe is our most popular product among TurboTax Online users with more complex tax situations." }, { "score": 0.5783100724, "text": "Turbo Tax's 800-446-8848 Intuit Support Number This Turbo Tax phone number is ranked #2 out of 3 because 109,458 Turbo Tax customers tried our tools and information and gave us feedback after they called." }, { "score": 0.5743700266, "text": "Call Turbo Tax Customer Service. Call Customer Service by tapping below if on your phone, or talk to them from your browser. Tap or click to call. Tap or click here to call (800-446-8848); Press 1, then say the department you are trying to reach. Call from your computer. Use our web-phone to save plan minutes." }, { "score": 0.5592243671, "text": "While 800-446-8848 is Turbo Tax's #2 most popular phone number, it's not the only way to get a hold of their customer care team. You already know from reading above that 888-777-3066 is their best customer phone number overall, and we have put together a comparison of their undefined total ways to contact support for you to look at as well." }, { "score": 0.5587241054, "text": "1 Select a new user name and password and wait to have Turbo Tax accept your new sign in. 2 Select and Start a New Turbo Tax Program. 3 Since your desire is to downgrade Turbo Tax, select a lower price program that will suit your budget or you may even select the free program at this point.ere are the steps to downgrade Turbo Tax: 1 Cancel your account with Turbo Tax. 2 The first step that you must do in order to downgrade Turbo Tax is cancel your original account with Turbo Tax. 3 This is very simple to do if you find that you do not want to pay the extra money for the program you are working on." }, { "score": 0.5547771454, "text": "Turbo Tax Premier (Federal and State) for Windows/Mac, Tax Year 2016 [OLD VERSION]" }, { "score": 0.5524884462, "text": "1 Open a new account with Turbo Tax. 2 At the home page of Turbo Tax, sign in as a brand new member in order to start the process to downgrade Turbo Tax. 3 Select a new user name and password and wait to have Turbo Tax accept your new sign in. 4 Select and Start a New Turbo Tax Program.ere are the steps to downgrade Turbo Tax: 1 Cancel your account with Turbo Tax. 2 The first step that you must do in order to downgrade Turbo Tax is cancel your original account with Turbo Tax. 3 This is very simple to do if you find that you do not want to pay the extra money for the program you are working on." }, { "score": 0.4957702756, "text": "Fuel taxes in the United States. The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel. On average, as of January 2017, state and local taxes and fees add 31.04 cents to gasoline and 31.01 cents to diesel, for a total US average fuel tax of 49.44 cents per gallon for gas and 55.41 cents per gallon for diesel." }, { "score": 0.4767505527, "text": "The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon (cpg) and 24.4 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel fuel. On average, as of April 2012, state and local taxes add 31.1 cents to gasoline and 30.2 cents to diesel for a total US average fuel tax of 49.5 cents (cpg) per gallon for gas and 54.6 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel." }, { "score": 0.4703751206, "text": "Car tax (officially known as VED but sometimes referred to as road tax) is a big running cost with cars. It can be anything from zero to £1,000 or more a year, depending on how environmentally-friendly the car is.he rate of tax you pay depends on the car's official CO2 emissions and the type of fuel it uses. Costs can vary from nothing for a non-polluting electric car like the Nissan Leaf, through to £1,100 for the first year of a 6-litre Bentley Flying Spur (£505 for year 2 onwards)." }, { "score": 0.4701473117, "text": "What is the United States national gas tax rate? The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon (cpg) and 24.4 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel fuel. On average, as of April 2012, state and local taxes add 31.1 cents to gasoline and 30.2 cents to diesel for a total US average fuel tax of 49.5 cents (cpg) per gallon for gas and 54.6 cents per gallon (cpg) for diesel." }, { "score": 0.4692555666, "text": "Car tax (officially known as VED but sometimes referred to as road tax) is a big running cost with cars. It can be anything from zero to £1,000 or more a year, depending on how environmentally-friendly the car is." }, { "score": 0.4531453252, "text": "1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $3,950 for the 2014 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. 3 A spouse can never be a dependent.4 If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent.OTE: 1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $3,950 for the 2014 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.4501991272, "text": "1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $3,950 for the 2014 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. 3 A spouse can never be a dependent.4 If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent.OTE: 1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $3,950 for the 2014 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. 3 A spouse can never be a dependent." }, { "score": 0.3925417066, "text": "Motorola Droid Turbo. The Motorola Droid Turbo is one Great Device and has some amazing specs. the idea behind this page is to teach you how to factory reset your device, restore, unbrick, root, install roms and custom OS plus much much more.hopefully we will have some great development on this device really soon.otorola Droid Turbo. The Motorola Droid Turbo is one Great Device and has some amazing specs. the idea behind this page is to teach you how to factory reset your device, restore, unbrick, root, install roms and custom OS plus much much more. hopefully we will have some great development on this device really soon." }, { "score": 0.3415154219, "text": "how much boost w/stock turbo. how much boost will a stock turbo produce. i have a #6 fuel plate the rest is stock.i will get fresh air intake and get rid of cat&muffler next(if it makes a differance).ow much boost w/stock turbo. how much boost will a stock turbo produce. i have a #6 fuel plate the rest is stock." } ]
what are recapped tires
[ { "score": 0.7363905907, "text": "By recapping a tire, its life is doubled and it's not taking up space in a landfill. One of the biggest advantages of buying recaps is the cost. A recap is usually priced ½ to 2/3 the price of a brand new tire, and when you're replacing several tires, that can be quite a bit of savings. There have been several studies done in different states on the safety of recapped tires." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6684907079, "text": "The main reason that recaps separate is not the quality of the materials or the manufacturing process, but heat. Overloading can cause tires to heat up, as can improper tire pressure. Either factor can cause a recap to separate, so you must take care to check your tire pressure whenever you refuel. Recaps are a personal choice, of course, but they are generally considered safe and economical by the truckers that use them. Tagged as: pros and cons of recap tires, recap, recap tires, tires." }, { "score": 0.6164448261, "text": "Word Origin and History for recap Expand. v. 1856, put a cap on again, from re- + cap (n.). Specific sense put a strip of rubber on the tread of a tire is 1920s. As a shortened form of recapitulate, it dates from 1920s." }, { "score": 0.6109511852, "text": "CalRecycle is dedicated to reducing the amount of tires that occupy our landfills by promoting the use of tire-derived products. Rubberized Asphalt. Concrete (RAC) RAC is a road paving material made from ground scrap tires mixed with asphalt concrete." }, { "score": 0.5990333557, "text": "Green Roads: Paving the Way With Recycled Tires. CalRecycle is dedicated to reducing the amount of tires that occupy our landfills by promoting the use of tire-derived products. RAC is a road paving material made from ground scrap tires mixed with asphalt concrete." }, { "score": 0.5883415341, "text": "Check for seals or similar creases along the sidewalls of the tire. Retreads basically place a wrapping of new rubber where the original treads once were, as close to the original as possible and sealed into place before being vulcanized. A tiny seam or a bit of excess rubber is sometimes left after such a process." }, { "score": 0.5832142234, "text": "Recycled rubber is a remarkably durable kind of elastomer that is made from vehicle tires. Rubber floors made from this cost-effective material demonstrate a clear ability to shield existing flooring from physical shock and impact, while also being durable enough to maintain their form." }, { "score": 0.5775331259, "text": "Just as with passenger car tires, several manufacturers specialize in racing tires. I have used just about all of them at some time over the years, including recapped cheater slicks from the 1960s, and don't have an issue with any of them." }, { "score": 0.5745987892, "text": "The Recycled Tyre Rubber is being used in new tyres, in tyre-derived fuel, in civil engineering applications and products, in moulded rubber products, in agricultural uses, recreational and sports applications and in rubber modified asphalt applications." }, { "score": 0.5724850297, "text": "A tire (American English) or tyre (British English) is a ring-shaped vehicle component that covers the wheel's rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance.he bead is the part of the tire that contacts the rim on the wheel. The bead is typically reinforced with steel wire and compounded of high strength, low flexibility rubber. The bead seats tightly against the two rims on the wheel to ensure that a tubeless tire holds air without leakage." }, { "score": 0.5721334219, "text": "Tire recycling has gained enormous popularity in every developed country around the globe. Even tires that can no longer be used for cars are tremendously useful items, once you put your mind to the problem." }, { "score": 0.5655959249, "text": "25 Rad Items Made from Reclaimed & Recycled Tires. Strong and durable, the rubber used to make tires has many uses long after the tires are no longer fit for the road. Unfortunately, more than 290 million tires are dumped or tossed into landfills each year in North America alone." }, { "score": 0.5641168356, "text": "This extends the life of the tire considerably and recycles old rubber. Though most retreads are safe, you should still know how to tell the difference between retreads and new tires. Check the tire's sidewalls for the words bias, bias belted or something similar to indicate their status." }, { "score": 0.5631320477, "text": "Western Tire Recyclers. Bulk Off-The-Road (OTR) Tire Recycling. Western Tire Recyclers is the industry leader for certified off-the-road (OTR) tire recycling. Founded in 2009, the company provides complete tire recycling services to the mining industry." }, { "score": 0.5624727011, "text": "Each year, approximately 100 million tires are processed by the recycling industry. In the past, scrap tires — generated when an old, worn tire is replaced with a new tire — were often dumped illegally in lakes, abandoned lots, along the side of the road and in sensitive habitats." }, { "score": 0.5622974634, "text": "25 Rad Items Made from Reclaimed & Recycled Tires. bySteph. Strong and durable, the rubber used to make tires has many uses long after the tires are no longer fit for the road. Unfortunately, more than 290 million tires are dumped or tossed into landfills each year in North America alone." }, { "score": 0.5543328524, "text": "This is likely due to poor treading, an easy fix when you come to Heartland Tire. Our retreading facility provides an affordable alternative to purchasing a new set of tires. When tread wear becomes noticeable, don't discard your tires. Some tires can be safely retreaded 3-4 times. Most major tire companies would agree that a tire should be pulled for retreading when it reaches 6/32nds tread depth in order to maximize the casing life of the tire. Inspect the condition of your tires and ensure that your current tires are still usable." }, { "score": 0.5524089336, "text": "Familiarize yourself with tire recycling basics. You should have a registered hauler carry the tires to your recycling center where you can either retread them for sale as a used tire or shred them down into crumb rubber. 1 Crumb rubber is shreds of rubber that have been broken down into 3/8-inch (.95 cm) particle size.ow to Start a Tire Recycling Business. Starting a tire recycling business can help the environment. Instead of piling up in the local landfill and potentially starting a hazardous fire filled with pollutants, recycled tires can be broken down for use in other product or be retread." }, { "score": 0.5516952276, "text": "A tire (American English) or tyre (British English) is a ring-shaped vehicle component that covers the wheel's rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance." }, { "score": 0.5499024987, "text": "A: The retread-tire industry insists that the product is as safe as new tires, Dean. And the safety studies I've found appear to back up the claim. You're right, retreads were a fairly common option for passenger-car tire replacements years ago, particularly for budget-minded motorists." }, { "score": 0.5473068953, "text": "Runflat tires are designed to allow the vehicle to continue on the road for a limited distance at reduced speed if there's either a drop in or complete loss of tire inflation pressure." }, { "score": 0.5460613966, "text": "Recycled tires are perfect for cheap and easy backyard fun. With a little work, and almost no cost, you can create a fun and unique playground all the neighborhood kids will want to enjoy." }, { "score": 0.545417428, "text": "The Marathon Tires Pneumatic Tire is the perfect replacement tire for your equipment. This sawtooth, multi-ply pneumatic tire is mounted onto a 4in. rim, with a 2.25in. offset hub, 3/4in. ball bearings and grease fitting. (1) Pneumatic tire and rim." }, { "score": 0.5444277525, "text": "A tire or tyre is a ring-shaped component that surrounds a wheel's rim to transfer a vehicle's load from the axle through the wheel to the ground and to provide traction on the surface traveled over. Most tires, such as those for automobiles and bicycles, are pneumatically inflated structures, which also provide a flexible cushion that absorbs shock as the tire rolls over rough features on the surface. Tires provide a footprint that is designed to match the weight of the vehicle with the bearing" }, { "score": 0.5415745974, "text": "Tires now excluded from the fee are, generally, those tires that are placed on a vehicle that is not. transported or drawn upon a highway, i.e., race cars, fork lifts, all-terrain vehicles, and lawn and garden. tractors. Also, reprocessed tires are not subject to the fee." }, { "score": 0.5405102372, "text": "Disposal of used tires is available at most local recycling facilities as well as at most tire retailers or installers. A small disposal fee (separate from the fees collected on sales discussed above) is typically charged to cover the costs associated with the recycling of tires." }, { "score": 0.5364145041, "text": "Rubber can be recycled using one of three basic methods. First, a rubber product can be refurbished. For example, retreading old tires produces functional refurbished tires. Second, rubber can be broken down and formed into an entirely new product, such as playground surfacing." }, { "score": 0.5308916569, "text": "A spare tire or spare tyre (or stepney) is an additional tire (or tyre - see spelling differences) carried in a motor vehicle as a replacement for one that goes flat, a blowout, or other emergency." }, { "score": 0.5296879411, "text": "When old tires can't be put back into shape, Joe sells them to companies that reuse or. reprocess them. Some are used to make groundrubber products, such as rubberized -. asphalt to pave roads or playground covers that are safe and easy to maintain." }, { "score": 0.5281914473, "text": "Learn the basics of tire recycling. A registered tire transporter should haul tires no longer useful to an authorized facility, such as one dealing in tire recycling. Tires can be turned into crumb rubber--simply rubber shredded to 3/8-inch particle size.et government approval. A business license and proper zoning for your location is only part of the approval process. A tire recycling business may require specific permits or licenses, depending upon the location." }, { "score": 0.5198560953, "text": "Ideas to reuse and recycle old tires Sculptures and garden decorations made of old used tires. Small parts of a used car tire are an excellent material for creating garden decorations. Frogs, colorful birds, snakes, and butterflies enrich and beautify garden designs. Half tires are handy for creating a path border or a flower bed edge." }, { "score": 0.519806087, "text": "Disposing of old tires is a growing problem in the world. A part of them are being recycled, but the other big part are harmful for the environment. There are a lot creative things you can make with already used tires. Here you have some clever ideas how you can re-purpose all that rubber." }, { "score": 0.5183594227, "text": "Tires have small wear bars molded into the tread grooves. When the tread is worn down to the level of the wear bars (indicating. 1/32 inches of tread remaining), the wear bars become exposed and. the tire should be replaced. Some manufacturers recommend replac-." }, { "score": 0.5164805055, "text": "Tires have small wear bars molded into the tread grooves. When the tread is worn down to the level of the wear bars (indicating. 1/32 inches of tread remaining), the wear bars become exposed and. the tire should be replaced. Some manufacturers recommend replac-. ing the tire when there are 2/32 or 3/32 inches of tread remaining." }, { "score": 0.5111927986, "text": "Report Abuse. Yes. You can reseal your tires. Results come near the rim/bead. You did the right thing to find the leak. Now go to a good tire shop and get the rims of your wheels cleaned. They are dirty and not holding the seal between the rims and the beads. They will also slop on some soapy water before inflating.es. You can reseal your tires. Results come near the rim/bead. You did the right thing to find the leak. Now go to a good tire shop and get the rims of your wheels cleaned." }, { "score": 0.5107328296, "text": "Disposing of old tires is a growing problem in the world. A part of them are being recycled, but the other big part are harmful for the environment. There are a lot creative things you can make with already used tires." }, { "score": 0.5099414587, "text": "OTC BB:QTMG), a leading global recycler of used automobile and truck tires, will educate and train minimum security inmates in the environmentally and socially significant waste tire recycling industry under a three-year joint venture agreement signed by the company's subsidiary, QCAL Inc." }, { "score": 0.5092537403, "text": "Flat tire. See also: Run-flat tire. A flat tire on an automobile. A flat tire (British English: flat tyre) is a deflated pneumatic tire, which can cause the rim of the wheel to ride on the tire tread or the ground potentially resulting in loss of control of the vehicle or irreparable damage to the tire." }, { "score": 0.5077902079, "text": "Yes. You can reseal your tires. Results come near the rim/bead. You did the right thing to find the leak. Now go to a good tire shop and get the rims of your wheels cleaned.They are dirty and not holding the seal between the rims and the beads. They will also slop on some soapy water before inflating.es. You can reseal your tires. Results come near the rim/bead. You did the right thing to find the leak. Now go to a good tire shop and get the rims of your wheels cleaned." }, { "score": 0.4971916676, "text": "As of 2003, about 290 million tires are discarded in the U.S. every year (roughly one per person). Nearly 45% of these scrap tires (130 million) are used as Tire Derived Fuel (TDF), which often involves burning the (usually shredded) tires alongside conventional fuels like coal (usually no more than 10-25% TDF is used when co-firing with coal)." }, { "score": 0.4963310659, "text": "If the tire's load rating is insufficient, the tire may become overheated and can self-destruct. For example, if a passenger car performance tire is selected to replace an original equipment light truck tire on an SUV, the new tire must meet or exceed the requirement for the specific vehicle weight." }, { "score": 0.4957829118, "text": "\"Whether as a new tire or a retread, we truly believe that the Endurance WHA will provide superior performance for waste haul fleets. The new Endurance WHA and its matching retread are another important component of the Goodyear Total Solution, which has been designed to help reduce fleet operating costs.\"." }, { "score": 0.4917098284, "text": "Gardening with tires presents several good ways to do just that, while at the same time helping to recycle the old treads from our automobiles and other wheeled conveyances. Stop by your local service station, recycle center, or tire retailer and ask them to save some tires for you. Currently, dealers charge $2 or more to dispose of used tires." }, { "score": 0.4915044904, "text": "If you have work done on your tires, the labor also is subject to sales tax. According to rule 5703-9-20 of the Ohio Administrative Code, anyone engaged in retreading, recapping or relugging of tires is considered to be in the production and sale of tangible personal property.ther labor services that are subject to sales tax in Ohio include lawn care or landscaping, security, janitorial and building maintenance, exterminating and installing personal property. Any sort of repair service, from mechanics to tailors, is subject to sales tax, unless the item under repair is tax exempt." }, { "score": 0.4892525971, "text": "Dear Tom and Ray: What is the cause of cupped tires?. We drive a 1988 Chrysler New Yorker. We rotate the tires every 5,000 miles.At 23,000 miles the Goodyear tires cupped and were replaced by Goodyear. Now, at 45,000 miles, the tires are cupped again. Chrysler blames the tires.ear Tom and Ray: What is the cause of cupped tires?. We drive a 1988 Chrysler New Yorker. We rotate the tires every 5,000 miles." }, { "score": 0.487719357, "text": "This bill established a $1 per tire fee on the retail sale of new vehicle tires for the Vehicle Tire Recycling Account (VTRA). This account provided approximately $14.4 million to clean up 12 million tires around the state. The fee collection ended in 1994 and the account was fully spent in 1998. In 2005, the Washington State Legislature passed SHB 2085, creating a Waste Tire Removal Account with funds for cleanup of unauthorized and unlicensed tire piles." }, { "score": 0.4823793173, "text": "- The tires are replacement tires (PTNA Treadwear Mileage Warranty does not apply to Original Equipment tires). - You have had the tires roatated every 5,000 to 7,000 miles. - The tires are worn evenly across the tread, down to the treadwear indicator (2/32'') at which time they are considered to be 100% worn out." }, { "score": 0.4800212681, "text": "Full-size matching spare tires and wheels should be integrated into the vehicle's tire rotation pattern from the beginning. If the vehicle has all-wheel or four-wheel drive, the spare tire will remain at a similar tread depth to the other tires on the vehicle, reducing driveline stress when called into service." }, { "score": 0.475687921, "text": "Tire rotation refers to the movement of tires to different positions on the vehicle. This is done to equalize tread wear of your tires, and should be part of your vehicle regular maintenance schedule. Because each tire on your car supports a different amount of weight, your tires can wear at different rates. By rotating your tires, you can extend their useful life. Benefits of Regular Tire Rotation: 1 Longer tire life." }, { "score": 0.4624776244, "text": "If you have not received information after 6 weeks, please call 1-855-886-5179 (M-F 9:30am – 6:30pm EST) 9. Purchased tires cannot be returned, or rebate is no longer valid. 10. Commercial, Fleet or Warranty replacement purchases are not eligible for the mail-in rebate. 11. This offer is no longer valid if not fully redeemed within 2 months from purchase date. 12. Hankook Tire America Corp. and its Rebate Processing Center are not responsible for lost, damaged, postage due or misdirected mail." }, { "score": 0.4602015615, "text": "Tire rotation is an important maintenance duty that extends the life of your tires and ensures safe driving. We'll take a look at this simple but effective procedure. Whether you plan on doing the job yourself or having it performed by a certified mechanic, it's important to know why we rotate our tires." }, { "score": 0.4588418901, "text": "Recaro North America Inc. (Recaro) brings this action for damages relating to the recall and replacement of a metal, spring-loaded adjuster, commonly called an A-lock. Pl.'s Ex. A, ¶ 3." }, { "score": 0.4536957443, "text": "For the avoidance of doubt, the terms of this warranty shall not extend to any third party manufactured tires supplied by Michelin or tires retreaded with Non-Michelin materials. In such cases, Michelin will transfer the third party's published warranty for said tires only." }, { "score": 0.4491673112, "text": "Full-size matching spare tires and wheels should be integrated into the vehicle's tire rotation pattern from the beginning. This will essentially create a set of five tires that will last longer than just four, as well as will wear out the spare tire before it ages out.." }, { "score": 0.4400132895, "text": "Recaro North America Inc. (Recaro) brings this action for damages relating to the recall and replacement of a metal, spring-loaded adjuster, commonly called an A-lock. Pl.'s Ex. a, ¶ 3. A-locks, which are used in child safety seats, keep the harness straps tight, and a failure of the A-lock results in an inability to secure a child properly in the safety seat." }, { "score": 0.4366999269, "text": "Furthermore, wheels and tires are unsprung weight, which is supposed to make an even greater difference in vehicle performance than sprung weight. As a result, we've heard that swapping on a set of lighter-weight wheels and tires not only improves acceleration but reduces stopping distances." }, { "score": 0.432482481, "text": "Tags: are run flat tires better than spare tires?, flat tires, how far can I drive on a spare tire, how good are spare tires, I don't have a spare tire, is a spare tire good to go long distance on, Run Flat Tires, spare tires, what is a donut, what is a space saver, what is a spare tire, what to do with a spare tire" }, { "score": 0.4237846136, "text": "Goodyear has a large tire catalog complete with all-season tires, winter tires, sport performance tires, and more. To find information, pricing and store locations for NISSAN tires, select the year. Not sure what Year options are for your NISSAN PATHFINDER?" }, { "score": 0.4128651917, "text": "Split rim wheels are different from standard one piece wheels. Spilt rims are multi-piece wheels, where the tyre is held in place by a locking ring. Split rims are not normally used on cars or light vehicles. They are however found on a number of larger vehicle types. This type of wheel configuration is commonly associated with lorries, tractors, forklifts, and other heavy vehicles used in the construction and mining sectors. A failure to put in place the necessary safety control measures when working with split rim and multi piece wheels can give rise to serious hazards, as there is a risk of failure of the multipiece wheels. Failure of multipiece (Split Rim) wheels can result in violent separation, the explosive release of high pressure air and the ..." }, { "score": 0.4039623737, "text": "20×8.5 XD775 wheels and LT295/60/20 Nitto Terra Grapper tires on a 2008 Tundra. 20x9 ballistic jesters w12mm offset and 33x12.5 mudd grapplers. Ballistic Jester 20x9 w/305-55-20 Cooper Zeon on 2008 Tundra. 1 Show off your awesome wheel and tire setups on your Tundra." }, { "score": 0.4012297094, "text": "Recumbent bicycle. A recumbent bicycle is a bicycle that places the rider in a laid-back reclining position. Most recumbent riders choose this type of design for ergonomic reasons; the rider's weight is distributed comfortably over a larger area, supported by back and buttocks. On a traditional upright bicycle, the body weight rests entirely on a small portion of the sitting bones, the feet, and the hands." }, { "score": 0.3983240128, "text": "Who makes Vanderbilt tires? What are some American-owned tire companies? What do expert reviews of Douglas tires say?" }, { "score": 0.3983065486, "text": "A recumbent bicycle is a bicycle that places the rider in a laid-back reclining position. Most recumbent riders choose this type of design for ergonomic reasons; the rider's weight is distributed comfortably over a larger area, supported by back and buttocks.ost recumbent models also have an aerodynamic advantage; the reclined, legs-forward position of the rider's body presents a smaller frontal profile." }, { "score": 0.3938989341, "text": "The recumbent bike is a piece of cardiovascular equipment that places the user in the seated position with the feet forward and back against a pad, as opposed to the upright bike which is more similar in orientation to a regular bicycle." }, { "score": 0.3705629706, "text": "A recumbent bike is a piece of cardio equipment for individuals with low-back issues or other physical limitations that prevent the use of an upright bike and is good for a warm-up or cool-down. An upright or spin bike is good for simulating an outdoor road bike for a more intense cardio workout than a recumbent." }, { "score": 0.2770018578, "text": "The term \"Man-made\", \"Engineered\" or Reconstituted refers to the process where Quartz is artificially coloured and crushed, and then bonded together with coloured Resin. The result is an \"Engineered\" product – certainly not 100% Natural Stone." } ]
highest mountain in the usa
[ { "score": 0.7661601901, "text": "10 Highest Mountains in the United States. Mount Whitney in the Sierra Nevada Range. 1 Mount Whitney in the Sierra Nevada Range – 14,505 ft. The Sierra Nevada Range (which means snowy mountain range) is located in both California and Nevada, and stretches 400 miles from north to south." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7243312001, "text": "Grand Teton-Wyoming. Mount Elbert is the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains of North America, at 14,440 feet, the second highest mountain in the contiguous United States after Mount Whitney in California. The summit of Mount Elbert is large and broad while the weather can be quite harsh with strong winds." }, { "score": 0.7202087045, "text": "The highest peak in the contiguous U.S. is Mount Whitney at 14,505 feet, located within the Sierra Nevada in California.lamath Mountains The Klamath Mountains are a mountain range in northwest California and southwest Oregon, the highest peak being Thompson Peak, 9,002 ft., in Trinity County, California. They have a very varied geology, with substantial areas of serpentine and marble, and a climate summers with limited rainfall." }, { "score": 0.7185453176, "text": "Main article: List of the highest major summits of the United States. See also: List of the major 4000 meter summits of the United States. The following sortable table lists the 50 highest mountain peaks of the United States with at least 500 meters (1640 feet) of topographic prominence. Of these 50 highest major peaks, 28 are located in Colorado, 14 in Alaska, 7 in California, and 1 in Washington." }, { "score": 0.7134457827, "text": "Mount Elbert is the tallest mountain in Colorado, coming in at 14,440 feet. It's also the second-highest peak in the contiguous United States. With such honors, you can imagine that the Sawatch Range peak is popular with climbers and hikers." }, { "score": 0.7098037004, "text": "The highest peak in the contiguous U.S. is Mount Whitney at 14,505 feet, located within the Sierra Nevada in California. California mountain regions were formed millions of years ago during major geologic movements, though the earth continues to move even inches per day in some parts of California as new mountains slowly form." }, { "score": 0.7051653862, "text": "1. Mount Elbert is the tallest mountain in Colorado, coming in at 14,440 feet. It's also the second-highest peak in the contiguous United States. With such honors, you can imagine that the Sawatch Range peak is popular with climbers and hikers.. Mount Elbert is the tallest mountain in Colorado, coming in at 14,440 feet. It's also the second-highest peak in the contiguous United States. With such honors, you can imagine that the Sawatch Range peak is popular with climbers and hikers." }, { "score": 0.6983394623, "text": "Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the continental United States, is located in Sequoia National Park and Inyo National Forest. Mt. Whitney is also on the east side of the Great Western Divide, a chain of mountains that runs north-south through the Sierra Nevada." }, { "score": 0.6979414225, "text": "Highest Mountain in New England. Mount Washington is the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River; the highest mountain in the 30-mile-long Presidential Range, the White Mountains, and New England; and the 18th highest US state high point." }, { "score": 0.6896461844, "text": "Mt. Whitney at 14,494 ft. (4,418 meters) located in California is the tallest mountain located west of the Mississippi River. The 2nd highest peak is Mt. Elbert, located 10 miles southwest of Leadville, Colorado. It stands at 14,433 ft. (4,399 meters)." }, { "score": 0.6871081591, "text": "The Highest Point in Maine - Maine, USA - Geographic High Points on Waymarking.com. Quick Description: The Highest Point in Maine is located on Baxter Peak, Maine, USA. Mount Katahdin (USGS name) is the highest mountain in Maine at 5,268 feet (1,606 m). Named Katahdin by the Penobscot Indians, the term means The Greatest Mountain. Katahdin is the centerpiece of Baxter State Park: a steep, tall mountain formed from underground magma." }, { "score": 0.6791455746, "text": "1 This mountain has the largest volume, and is hence the most massive mountain in the world – if measured from global mean sea level. Mount McKinley (or Denali), Alaska, USA. This mountain has the highest rise in the world – if measured from global mean sea level." }, { "score": 0.6731113195, "text": "Sort By: It's the highest mountain in northeastern North America: 6,288-foot Mount Washington. Native Americans called it Agiocochook and didn't climb it, believing that its summit was the home of the Great Spirit. Giovanni da Verrazano was the first European to see it, from the waters off New Hampshire's seacoast, in 1524." }, { "score": 0.657050252, "text": "1 This mountain has the largest volume, and is hence the most massive mountain in the world – if measured from its base and you ignore global mean sea level. 2 Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA. This mountain has the highest rise in the world – if measured from its base and you ignore global mean sea level. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania." }, { "score": 0.6561552286, "text": "1 Mount Logan, Canada. This mountain has the largest volume, and is hence the most massive mountain in the world – if measured from global mean sea level. Mount McKinley (or Denali), Alaska, USA. This mountain has the highest rise in the world – if measured from global mean sea level." }, { "score": 0.6427357793, "text": "Harlan County, Kentucky, U.S. Black Mountain is the highest mountain peak in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA, with a summit elevation of 4,145 feet (1,263 m) above mean sea level and a top to bottom height of over 2,500 feet (760 m)." } ]
side effects of azelastine nasal spray
[ { "score": 0.8846814036, "text": "Commonly reported side effects of azelastine nasal include: drowsiness, bitter taste, and dysgeusia. Other side effects include: epistaxis. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects." } ]
[ { "score": 0.8727295995, "text": "Applies to azelastine nasal: nasal spray Along with its needed effects, azelastine nasal may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention." }, { "score": 0.8222981691, "text": "Some side effects of azelastine nasal may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects." }, { "score": 0.8173473477, "text": "Minor Side Effects. Some of the side effects that can occur with azelastine nasal may not need medical attention. As your body adjusts to the medicine during treatment these side effects may go away. Your health care professional may also be able to tell you about ways to reduce or prevent some of these side effects." }, { "score": 0.8050034046, "text": "Azelastine/fluticasone is a nasal spray used to treat symptoms of nasal allergies. Learn about side effects, warnings, dosage, and more." }, { "score": 0.7745577097, "text": "Descriptions. Azelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis. Azelastine is an antihistamine.zelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis." }, { "score": 0.7713906169, "text": "Medical uses [edit]. Azelastine nasal spray is indicated for the local treatment of the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis, such as rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal pruritis in adults and children 5 years of age and older.zelastine has been formulated both as a nasal spray and as eye drops and are available worldwide under many brand names." }, { "score": 0.769012928, "text": "Azelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis.zelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis." }, { "score": 0.767986536, "text": "Uses of This Medicine. Azelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis.Azelastine is an antihistamine.asal Agent (About this-PubMed Health). Azelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis." }, { "score": 0.7637482882, "text": "Nasal Agent (About this-PubMed Health). Azelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis.Azelastine is an antihistamine.asal Agent (About this-PubMed Health). Azelastine nasal spray is used to help relieve symptoms (eg, stuffy or runny nose, itching, sneezing) of seasonal (short-term) or perennial (year-round) allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and vasomotor rhinitis." }, { "score": 0.761547327, "text": "Medical uses [edit]. Azelastine nasal spray is indicated for the local treatment of the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis, such as rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal pruritis in adults and children 5 years of age and older.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Azelastine is a potent, second-generation, selective, histamine antagonist (histamine-H 1 -receptor antagonist) used a a first line therapy of mild intermittent, moderate/severe intermittent and mild persistent rhinitis (new classification system for rhinitis)." }, { "score": 0.7491728663, "text": "Indications and Usage for Azelastine. 1 Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray is indicated for the treatment of the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in adults and pediatric patients 5 years and older, and for the treatment of the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis in adults and adolescent patients 12 years and older." }, { "score": 0.7445265055, "text": "(azelastine hydrochloride) Nasal Spray. Astelin (azelastine hydrochloride) Nasal Spray, 137 micrograms (mcg), is an antihistamine formulated as a metered-spray solution for intranasal administration.Azelastine hydrochloride occurs as a white, almost odorless, crystalline powder with a bitter taste.stelin Nasal Spray contains 0.1% azelastine hydrochloride in an aqueous solution at pH 6.8 ± 0.3. It also contains benzalkonium chloride (125 mcg/mL), edetate disodium, hypromellose, citric acid, dibasic sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, and purified water." }, { "score": 0.7444865704, "text": "DRUG DESCRIPTION. Astelin (azelastine hydrochloride) Nasal Spray, 137 micrograms (mcg), is an antihistamine formulated as a metered-spray solution for intranasal administration. Azelastine hydrochloride occurs as a white, almost odorless, crystalline powder with a bitter taste." }, { "score": 0.7425013185, "text": "FLONASE Nasal Spray may cause serious side effects, including: 1 nose problems. 2 Nose problems may include: 3 nose bleeds. 4 sores (ulcers) in your nose. 5 a certain fungal infection in your nose, mouth, and/or throat (thrush). 6 hole in the cartilage of your nose (nasal septal perforation)." }, { "score": 0.7405164242, "text": "Before using Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray, tell your healthcare provider if you are: 1 allergic to any of the ingredients in Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of ingredients in Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray. 2 pregnant, or plan to become pregnant." }, { "score": 0.7393413186, "text": "Most common side effects of Zomig nasal spray. 1 Unusual taste. 2 Dry mouth. 3 Tingling sensation. Skin sensitivity, particularly around the 1 nose. Drowsiness. 2 Weakness. Dizziness. Nausea." }, { "score": 0.7378599644, "text": "As with many other medications, Flonase® (fluticasone propionate nasal spray) can cause problems. Some of the most common side effects of Flonase include: Headaches. A sore throat. Nosebleeds." }, { "score": 0.7355699539, "text": "(azelastine hydrochloride) Nasal Spray. Astelin (azelastine hydrochloride) Nasal Spray, 137 micrograms (mcg), is an antihistamine formulated as a metered-spray solution for intranasal administration." }, { "score": 0.7315144539, "text": "Overall, adverse reactions were 16% in the DYMISTA treatment groups, 15% in the azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray groups, 13% in the fluticasone propionate nasal spray groups, and 12% in the placebo groups. Overall, 1% of patients in both the DYMISTA and placebo groups discontinued due to adverse reactions." }, { "score": 0.7312181592, "text": "Azelastine in a nasal spray form acts directly on the membranes in the nose. It does not prevent the actual release of histamine from mast cells, but prevents it binding to its receptors. This in turn prevents the release of other allergy chemicals and increased blood supply to the area." }, { "score": 0.7294193506, "text": "The active ingredient is azelastine, the same one as found in the prescription nasal spray Astelin and Astepro. Azelastine has a triple mode of action: anti-histamine effect, mast-cell stabilizing effect, and anti-inflammatory effect.owever, in May 2011, Meda Pharma announced a new anti-histamine nasal spray Rhinolast Allergy that is available over-the-counter." }, { "score": 0.7286757827, "text": "This raises your risk of side effects from azelastine/fluticasone. Sleep drugs When used with azelastine/fluticasone, certain drugs used to help you sleep can cause drowsiness." }, { "score": 0.7242811918, "text": "Infrequent side effects of fluticasone nasal: 1 Bronchitis Severe. 2 Dizzy Severe. 3 Hives Severe. 4 Injury to a Mucous Membrane Severe. 5 Sores In the Nose Severe. 6 Cough Less Severe. 7 Crusting of Nose Less Severe. 8 Dry Mouth Less Severe. 9 Feel Like Throwing Up Less Severe." }, { "score": 0.7199720144, "text": "home drugs a-z list dymista (azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate) side effects drug center dymista (azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate) drug-overdosage and contraindications.cute azelastine hydrochloride overdosage by adults with this dosage form is unlikely to result in clinically significant adverse events, other than increased somnolence, since one (1) 23 g bottle of DYMISTA contains approximately 23 mg of azelastine hydrochloride." }, { "score": 0.716899693, "text": "In these studies, the most common side effects of fluticasone propionate nasal spray included: 1 Headaches -- in up to 16.1 percent of people. 2 Sore throat -- up to 7.8 percent. 3 Nosebleeds -- up to 6.9 percent. 4 Nausea or vomiting -- up to 4.8 percent. 5 Cough -- up to 3.8 percent." }, { "score": 0.715500474, "text": "nasacort aq triamcinolone acetonide nasal spray is a nasal for the nose steroid used to treat sneezing itching and runny nose caused by seasonal allergies or hay fevernasacort aq is available in generic formcommon side effects of nasacort aq include nose throat dryness or irritation cough sneezing after use of the medicine nosebleeds stinging or burning in your nose sore throat stuffy nose watery eyes headache nausea vomiting and unpleasant taste smellall your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects weakness tired feeling nausea loss of appetite weight loss fever chills body aches flu symptoms easy bruising or bleeding unusual weakness white patches or sores inside your nose or mouth or on your lips or" }, { "score": 0.7118077278, "text": "More about azelastine ophthalmic. 1 Side Effects. 2 During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding. 3 Dosage Information. 4 Drug Interactions. 5 Pricing & Coupons. 6 En Español. 7 3 Reviews – Add your own review/rating. 8 Drug class: ophthalmic antihistamines and decongestants." }, { "score": 0.7074249983, "text": "Astelin (azelastine) and other antihistamine nasal sprays can prevent congestion of the nose and sinuses, as well as postnasal drip. They work by blocking the effects of histamine, a chemical released by your immune system during an allergy attack." }, { "score": 0.7059431076, "text": "Azelastine has been formulated both as a nasal spray and as eye drops and are available worldwide under many brand names." }, { "score": 0.7049383521, "text": "Flonase is available as a generic drug, and dosing is usually administered as two sprays in each nostril once daily, or one spray in each nostril twice daily. The most common side effects of Flonase (fluticasone) include: headache, back pain, sore throat, sneezing, cough, nausea, vomiting, menstrual problems, loss of interest in sex, nosebleeds, sinus pain, and" }, { "score": 0.7013158798, "text": "Dymista | azelastine and fluticasone is a nasal spray that is used to treat seasonal allergies in patients who are 12 years of age and older. Azelastine is an antihistamine that prevents symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. Fluticasone is a steroid that prevents imflammation." }, { "score": 0.7011127472, "text": "Suggested Reading on azelastine, Astelin, Astepro by Our Doctors. Related Diseases & Conditions. Chronic Rhinitis and Post-Nasal Drip Chronic rhinitis and post-nasal drip symptoms include: An itchy, Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Hay fever (. Allergy (Allergies) An allergy refers to a misguided reaction by our. Allergy Treatment Begins At Home Avoiding allergy triggers at home is one of the best." }, { "score": 0.6986333728, "text": "When used with azelastine/fluticasone, certain drugs used to treat fungal problems can increase the levels of azelastine/fluticasone in your body. This raises your risk of side effects from azelastine/fluticasone. Examples of these drugs include: ketoconazole ; itraconazole; fluconazole" }, { "score": 0.6952064037, "text": "Ear, Nose and Throat. By Kristin Hayes, RN - Reviewed by a board-certified physician. Dymista (azelastine and fluticasone) is a combination nasal spray medication, containing azelastine hydrochloride (0.1%) and fluticasone propionate (0.037%). It comes in a dose of 50 micrograms (mcg) per spray and is used to treat symptoms related to seasonal allergies." }, { "score": 0.6942117214, "text": "Oral antihistamines, available as over-the-counter and prescription drugs, ease runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, hives, swelling, and other signs or symptoms of allergies. Because some of these drugs can cause drowsiness and fatigue, they shouldn't be taken when driving or doing other potentially dangerous activities.ide effects of antihistamine nasal sprays may include a bitter taste, drowsiness or fatigue. Prescription antihistamine nasal sprays include: 1 Azelastine (Astelin, Astepro)." }, { "score": 0.6905200481, "text": "Uses. This product is used to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms of the nose such as stuffy/ runny nose, itching, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. It contains 2 drugs. Azelastine is an antihistamine that works by blocking certain natural substances called histamines that are responsible for allergic symptoms.ow to use Dymista nasal. Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start using azelastine/fluticasone nasal spray and each time you get a refill. Follow the instructions on how to properly use this medication. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist." }, { "score": 0.6890982985, "text": "Azelastine is an antihistamine that reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of itching or watery eyes. Azelastine ophthalmic (for the eyes) is used to treat itchy eyes caused by allergies (hay fever)." }, { "score": 0.6840906739, "text": "AZELASTINE; FLUTICASONE is a combination of a histamine blocker and a corticosteroid. This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of allergies like sneezing, itching, and runny or stuffy nose.ZELASTINE; FLUTICASONE is a combination of a histamine blocker and a corticosteroid. This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of allergies like sneezing, itching, and runny or stuffy nose." }, { "score": 0.6836408377, "text": "Dymista nasal spray contains two active ingredients, azelastine hydrochloride (an antihistamine) and fluticasone propionate (a corticosteroid). Azelastine controls allergies by blocking the action of histamine. Histamine is a substance produced by the body as part of its defence mechanisms." }, { "score": 0.6795296669, "text": "Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. Dymista nasal spray is indicated for the relief of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in patients 6 years of age and older who require treatment with both azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate for symptomatic relief. The recommended dosage of Dymista is 1 spray in each nostril twice daily." }, { "score": 0.6772422194, "text": "It contains a steroid that helps to reduce inflammation and an antihistamine to block the release of histamines in the body. Dymista ™ (azelastine/fluticasone nasal spray) is a prescription medication approved for treating seasonal nasal allergy symptoms in adults and children as young as 12 years old. It is a combination nasal spray that contains two different active ingredients -- an antihistamine and a steroid." }, { "score": 0.6491057277, "text": "Flonase. This product is used to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms of the nose such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. It contains 2 drugs. Azelastine is an antihistamine that works by blocking certain natural substances called histamines that are responsible for allergic symptoms.Fluticasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages.Fluticasone is used to relieve seasonal and year-round, allergic and non-allergic nasal symptoms such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, and sneezing. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids.luticasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. Fluticasone is used to relieve seasonal and year-round, allergic and non-allergic nasal symptoms such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, and sneezing." }, { "score": 0.6475300789, "text": "Side Effects Common side effects with nasal calcitonin are a runny nose, headache, back pain and nosebleed (epistaxis). Injectable calcitonin may cause an allergic reaction and unpleasant side effects including flushing of the face and hands, urinary frequency, nausea and a skin rash. Due to the possible connection between cancer and the use of calcitonin, the use of this medicine should be reviewed from time to time with your healthcare provider. Download Acrobat Reader" }, { "score": 0.619731307, "text": "Read More. I came down with a bad head cold 2 weeks ago. The doctor prescribed 875 mg Amox-Clav for 10 days & yesterday I picked up another prescription for Azelastine Hydrochloride nasal spray. My head is no longer stopped up but my left ear feels like it all went there. It is not hearing good & I have a dull pain." }, { "score": 0.6170609593, "text": "Children's flu vaccine side effects The flu vaccine for children has a good safety record but like all vaccines, some children may experience side effects. The side effects linked with the flu nasal spray vaccine are almost always mild and short-lived. Common side effects of the flu nasal spray vaccine. a runny or blocked nose headache ; general tiredness loss of appetite ; Rare side effects of the flu nasal spray vaccine As with all vaccines, there's a very small chance of a severe allergic reaction (known medically as anaphylaxis). The overall rate of anaphylaxis after vaccination is around one in 900,000 (so slightly more common than one in a million)." }, { "score": 0.5800609589, "text": "Commonly reported side effects of Azithromycin include pain, nausea, stress and anxiety, breathing difficulty, fever.There are side effects of diarrhea, that can linger. Zantac can also upset the stomach." }, { "score": 0.5791924, "text": "What are the possible side effects of sulfasalazine oral (Azulfidine, Azulfidine EN-tabs, Sulfazine)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat." }, { "score": 0.5789891481, "text": "Azithromycin has active ingredients of azithromycin. It is used in sinusitis, infection, bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia. Commonly reported side effects of Azithromycin include pain, nausea, stress and anxiety, breathing difficulty, fever.There are side effects of diarrhea, that can linger. Zantac can also upset the stomach." }, { "score": 0.5785263777, "text": "Azithromycin 5 Day Dose Pack (azithromycin) side effects. Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. In rare cases, olanzapine may cause a severe skin reaction that can be fatal if it spreads to other parts of the body." }, { "score": 0.576392293, "text": "Azo-Standard Side Effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using phenazopyridine and call your doctor at once if you have: 1 little or no urinating; 2 swelling, rapid weight gain; 3 confusion, loss of appetite, pain in your side or lower back; 4 fever, pale or yellowed skin, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting; or. 5 blue or purple appearance of your skin." }, { "score": 0.5699509382, "text": "Systemic Treatments. Side effects for the oral azole drugs are similar, but some studies show they're more common with Itraconazole. The most common are nausea, vomiting and belly pains. Others include dizziness, drowsiness, fever, diarrhea, headaches, rash and changes in taste." }, { "score": 0.561237514, "text": "A generic formulation is available. The most common side effects of Ambien (zolpidem) are drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, drugged feeling, tiredness, loss of coordination, stuffy nose, dry mouth, sore throat, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, stomach upset, headache, or muscle pain.mbien in Detail-Patient Information: Side Effects. Zolpidem may cause a severe allergic reaction. Stop taking zolpidem and get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat." }, { "score": 0.5607348084, "text": "A generic formulation is available. The most common side effects of Ambien (zolpidem) are drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, drugged feeling, tiredness, loss of coordination, stuffy nose, dry mouth, sore throat, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, stomach upset, headache, or muscle pain.olpidem may cause a severe allergic reaction. Stop taking zolpidem and get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat." }, { "score": 0.5592775345, "text": "A generic formulation is available. The most common side effects of Ambien (zolpidem) are drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, drugged feeling, tiredness, loss of coordination, stuffy nose, dry mouth, sore throat, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, stomach upset, headache, or muscle pain.owever, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing. This is not a complete list of possible side effects." }, { "score": 0.5550236702, "text": "What are the possible side effects of azathioprine (Azasan, Imuran)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using azathioprine and call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms of lymphoma: fever, night sweats, weight loss, tiredness;" }, { "score": 0.554979682, "text": "Azithromycin - Adverse effects. 1 Most common side effects are diarrhea (5%), nausea (3%), abdominal pain (3%), and vomiting. 2 Occasionally, patients have developed cholestatic hepatitis or delirium." }, { "score": 0.5502324104, "text": "A generic formulation is available. The most common side effects of Ambien (zolpidem) are drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, drugged feeling, tiredness, loss of coordination, stuffy nose, dry mouth, sore throat, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, stomach upset, headache, or muscle pain." }, { "score": 0.5358490944, "text": "The accidental swallowing of Latanoprost/Timolol Sandoz Eye drops or the use of too many drops may cause lightheadness or dizziness, you may faint, have a very slow pulse rate or may induce wheezing or difficult breathing. You also feel headache, nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, hot flushes and sweating.our doctor may tell you to use a new container of Latanoprost/Timolol Sandoz Eye drops because of possible contamination of the old one, or may advise you to stop your treatment with Latanoprost/Timolol Sandoz Eye drops." }, { "score": 0.5327832699, "text": "Commonly reported side effects of fluoxetine/olanzapine include: asthenia, drowsiness, edema, eyelid edema, facial edema, facial swelling, hypersomnia, increased serum alanine aminotransferase, increased serum aspartate aminotransferase, joint swelling, lethargy, localized edema, periorbital edema, peripheral edema, sedation, swelling of eye, weight ..." }, { "score": 0.5279477239, "text": "What are the possible side effects of azathioprine (Imuran)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat." }, { "score": 0.5219491124, "text": "One of the most severe potential side effects of L-arginine is anaphylaxis [source: Mayo Clinic]. That's a very severe allergic reaction that can result in shock and potentially even death. In an anaphylactic reaction, you may experience sudden chills, sweating, tremors, hives, vomiting, and diarrhea, shortness of breath and light-headedness or fainting -- all at once." }, { "score": 0.5218881965, "text": "What are the possible side effects of rivastigmine (Exelon)? Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using rivastigmine and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite; black, bloody, or tarry stools;" }, { "score": 0.5179554224, "text": "Side Effect Zanaflex (tizanidine): The main Side Effects include the following: drowsiness or dizziness; feeling anxious or nervous; numbness or tingling; stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting; fever;dry mouth; muscle weakness, back pain;increased muscle tone or spasms ...Read more." }, { "score": 0.5127575397, "text": "Side effects of Zanaflex may include anxiousness or nervousness, numbness or tingling, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, fever, dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, muscle weakness, back pain, increased muscle spasms, sweating, skin rash, and fatigue." }, { "score": 0.4538080692, "text": "In Summary. Commonly reported side effects of capecitabine include: anemia, diarrhea, hyperbilirubinemia, increased serum alkaline phosphatase, increased serum transaminases, nausea, neutropenia, palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia, paresthesia, stomatitis, thrombocytopenia, and vomiting. Other side effects include: erythema." } ]
is prosecco sparkling
[ { "score": 0.7577527165, "text": "The Subtle and bubbly charms of prosecco. Prosecco is easily Italy's most popular sparkling wine. Light, refreshingly effervescent and inexpensive, it is an integral part of most luncheons, weddings, birthday parties and other celebrations throughout Italy." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7205518484, "text": "Prosecco is the perfect aperitif – and the perfect wine for lunchtime entertaining and picnics, due to its lower alcohol level. At 11% it is 1.5% lighter than Champagne, and has a fresher, more delicate style.he other 2 are Prosecco Frizzante and Prosecco Spumante – the difference between the 2 is purely down to the amount of sparkle and fizz in the glass – Frizzante has a lighter, more gentle bubble, but the difference is minimal – Frizzante has 2.5 bars of pressure in the bottle, Spumante has 3." }, { "score": 0.6893821955, "text": "Quickly about Prosecco, most people do not know that \"Prosecco\" is the grape used to make this bubbly wine. It comes from the area around Valdobbiadene in Italy. Prosecco is usually a bit sweeter, is simpler, and is not as Champagne-like as Cava." }, { "score": 0.6723861694, "text": "Prosecco is typically a bit more fruity than Champagne or Cava (we'll get into why in a bit.) This week we'll get into the specifics of what to you'll see on the bottle, how Prosecco is made, how to enjoy it, and a few recommended bottles to pick up before the holidays take over. Reading the Label. Prosecco is produced in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions of Italy, and you might see a few specific locations on the label. For example, some bottles say Treviso, which is a province (also the name of a city in the province) in the Veneto region." }, { "score": 0.6694843173, "text": "It's a way to symbolically raise a glass and mark the shift from your daytime worries and hurries to an evening of friends and family. In this respect, Prosecco has a different purpose than Champagne or Cava: where the former is light and refreshing, often the latter is more yeasty, toasty, and rich.Prosecco is one of the perfect starts to an evening, but is often not suitable for main courses. Great Prosecco is to be light, frothy, clean, and airy.t's a way to symbolically raise a glass and mark the shift from your daytime worries and hurries to an evening of friends and family. In this respect, Prosecco has a different purpose than Champagne or Cava: where the former is light and refreshing, often the latter is more yeasty, toasty, and rich." }, { "score": 0.6678495407, "text": "And true to its home, Prosecco is known throughout Italy as \"The Welcome Wine.\" All are refreshing, with a food-friendly low alcohol content (around 11%). But for hundreds of years the wines from the hills have commanded a premium, prized for their combination of refreshing lightness and yet complexity of flavor.rosecco's home is in postcard-beautiful NE Italy, in between the fun-filled Adriatic Coast to the East, romantic Venice in the South and the breathtaking Dolomite mountains to the North." }, { "score": 0.6646404266, "text": "Whilst Champagne, at an average price point of over £18 is still viewed as a luxury item, sparkling wines such as Cava and Prosecco, which average £7, based on the frequent heavy discounts, have made this sector of the market affordable, and not that much more expensive than still wine.he other 2 are Prosecco Frizzante and Prosecco Spumante – the difference between the 2 is purely down to the amount of sparkle and fizz in the glass – Frizzante has a lighter, more gentle bubble, but the difference is minimal – Frizzante has 2.5 bars of pressure in the bottle, Spumante has 3." }, { "score": 0.6596733928, "text": "Sparkling wines, such as Champagne, Prosecco, lambrusco and vinho verde, aren't exactly low in calories. The brand you buy, along with whether you choose a red, white or rose sparkling wine, can affect the calories your bubbly drink contains." }, { "score": 0.6559125185, "text": "PROSECCO DI VALDOBBIADENE Frizzante (DOC) Made from 100% Prosecco di Valdobbiadene grapes, this has a straw color and small bubbles. A touch of pear and melon in the aroma, this is crisp and clean with nice acidity and has a refreshing dry finish." }, { "score": 0.6261936426, "text": "Prosecco is more popular than ever in the U.S; according to a Nielsen report, sales rose 32% in 2009. Wine retailers told me much the same thing, though Gerald Weisl of Weimax Liquors in Burlingame, Calif., thought that Champagne producers were partly to blame. almost never get a chance to taste Prosecco, he said. By the time Mr. Sohm returned, I'd amassed almost 20 bottles of Prosecco ranging from sweet to dry. They included well-known names like Zardetto and Mionetto as well as more obscure labels like Drusian and Bisol. Most cost between $10 and $15." }, { "score": 0.6248078942, "text": "La Marca - 2011 Prosecco featured as wine of the week by Stacy Slinkard of About.com, With easy going bubbles, sweet citrus fruit, and delicate floral aromas, it's no wonder that this is a very popular Prosecco.ith delicate, golden straw color and lively effervescence, our Prosecco opens with aromas of fresh citrus, honey and white flowers. The palate is fresh and clean, with flavors of ripe lemon, green apple and grapefruit framed by mineral undertones. The light finish is refreshing and crisp." }, { "score": 0.6244550943, "text": "The Consortium recommends serving Prosecco in a tulip-shaped Prosecco glass, rather than the flutes and coupes typically used to serve champagne. This type of glass allows the drinker to experience in full the Prosecco's aromas.rosecco bottles should be stored upright in a cool, dark place (around 10-15⁰C) and kept away from sources of light or heat. For optimum enjoyment, Prosecco should be chilled to around 6-8⁰C before drinking, although the precise temperature will depend on the style of the wine. See Types of Prosecco." }, { "score": 0.6116140485, "text": "Q: What are the real differences between Champagne vs. Prosecco and why does one cost so much more than the other? The quick answer is Champagne is... Q: What are the real differences between Champagne vs. Prosecco and why does one cost so much more than the other? A: The quick answer is Champagne is from France and Prosecco is from Italy, but there are some other things to know about both wines –especially if you like bubbly wine." }, { "score": 0.6067944765, "text": "Still, Proseccos do taste slightly sweeter than traditional Champagne. If you see Prosecco rose, rosé know that the pink color comes from the addition of a touch Of Pinot (Nero Pinot); noir giving them yellow peach and strawberry. flavors" }, { "score": 0.5935330391, "text": "1–3 days in the fridge with a sparkling wine stopper Sparkling wines lose their carbonation quickly after opening. A traditional method sparkling wine, such as Cava or Champagne, will last a little longer than a tank method sparkling wine like Prosecco." }, { "score": 0.5838058591, "text": "The glass is then topped off with sparkling mineral water. It is usually served over ice in a lowball glass (or sometimes a martini glass or wine glass) and garnished a slice of orange, or sometimes an olive, depending on the liqueur. Another variation of the drink uses champagne with the liqueur rather than prosecco.t is usually served over ice in a lowball glass (or sometimes a martini glass or wine glass) and garnished a slice of orange, or sometimes an olive, depending on the liqueur. Another variation of the drink uses champagne with the liqueur rather than prosecco." }, { "score": 0.51366359, "text": "Unsweetened strawberries or served plain with a little sugar. Perfectly ripe berries, especially wild strawberries can be delicious with an off-dry sparkling wine such as Moscato d'Asti, Asti, Extra Dry prosecco or even a sparkling white zinfandel or Australian sparkling rosé like Jacob's Creek." } ]
what is ipas
[ { "score": 0.7489182949, "text": "Ipas (organization) Ipas is a global non-profit organization that works around the world to eliminate deaths and injuries from unsafe abortion and increase women's ability to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6355199814, "text": "IPAC is a way for Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) to transfer funds from one agency to another with standardized descriptive data." }, { "score": 0.6201334, "text": "IPAT is an initiative of Interpeace, an international peacebuilding organization. IPAT draws upon the organization's twenty years of hands-on practical experience and peacebuilding expertise." }, { "score": 0.6190978885, "text": "IPA noun [ U ] (BEER) › abbreviation for India Pale Ale: a type of beer that is not very high in alcohol and has a bitter, hoppy taste. (Definition of \"IPA\" from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) \"IPA\" in American English." }, { "score": 0.6174622774, "text": "An IPA is an Independent Practice Association... a group or association of doctors within a geographic region. So if you have a health plan through a specific IPA, it's an HMO in that you receive all your care within that IPA and you generally have a PCP (primary care physician)." }, { "score": 0.6127986312, "text": "\"IPA\" is an initialism for India Pale Ale, a hoppy style of beer within the pale ale category. Photo Credit: Flickr/ edwin.This style did not originate in India but was first brewed in England in the nineteenth century.epending on the brand and brewer, IPAs are made with varying amounts of hops, malt, and alcohol content. Iconic brads of IPAs include Samuel Adams IPA, Harpoon IPA, Brooklyn East India Pale Ale, Redhook IPA, and Goose Island IPA." }, { "score": 0.6110277176, "text": "Independent Practice Associations (IPAs) can eliminate the isolation, headaches, risks, and expense associated with independent private practice, while preserving your independence." }, { "score": 0.610026598, "text": "The IPA is the organisation that houses the Companies Office of PNG, the Securities Commission of PNG and the Intellectual Property Office of PNG, hence the roles and functions of the IPA is diversed. The IPA is also the point of identification of markets for PNG exports and dissemination of investor- related information about PNG. Upcoming Events." }, { "score": 0.6086981297, "text": "IPA Other Services. The IPA is the organisation that houses the Companies Office of PNG, the Securities Commission of PNG and the Intellectual Property Office of PNG, hence the roles and functions of the IPA is diversed. The IPA is also the point of identification of markets for PNG exports and dissemination of investor- related information about PNG. Upcoming Events." }, { "score": 0.5950081348, "text": "So what is IPA? The initials stand for India pale ale. It was the answer to the problem of providing beer for the British Empire in the east. It was too hot to brew in India, so what was needed was a beer that could survive the gruelling six-month journey from Britain intact." }, { "score": 0.5927117467, "text": "Ipas works to improve women's access and right to safe abortion care and reproductive health services by: 1 Training doctors, nurses, and midwives in clinical and counseling skills for abortion, postabortion care and family planning;" }, { "score": 0.5920385718, "text": "ISBN 9781118085738. The IPA part of FreeIPA stands for identity (identifying and authenticating users and machines), policy (settings for access control of applications and machines), and audit (methods for collecting and auditing security events, logs, and user activities)." }, { "score": 0.5877923965, "text": "About IPA. IPA is concerned with trying to understand lived experience and with how participants themselves make sense of their experiences. Therefore it is centrally concerned with the meanings which those experiences hold for the participants.IPA is phenomenological in that it wishes to explore an individual's personal perception or account of an event or state as opposed to attempting to produce an objective record of the event or state itself.PA is phenomenological in that it wishes to explore an individual's personal perception or account of an event or state as opposed to attempting to produce an objective record of the event or state itself." }, { "score": 0.5875768065, "text": "What does India Pale Ale mean? India Pale Ale –also known as IPA- is a beer style that was created in the mid-1700s in England and arose from the need to take beer on the trips to India. In addition to giving aroma, flavor and bitterness; hops are also a natural preservative." }, { "score": 0.578871429, "text": "Best Answer: IPA stands for India Pale Ale. The answers here are correct but I can add one thing. In the UK the term IPA had become bastardised to the extent that quite ordinary bitters - Such as Greene King's - had become known as IPAs. Drinkers could be forgiven if they wondered what all the fuss was about and, indeed, true IPAs were just about extinct in the UK." }, { "score": 0.5781907439, "text": "During an emergency, alert and warning officials need to provide the public with life-saving information quickly. The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is a modernization and integration of the nation's alert and warning infrastructure and will save time when time matters most, protecting life and property. Watch a video about IPAWS." }, { "score": 0.5768277645, "text": "IPA stands for India Pale Ale. India played a significant role in the development of IPA, as we'll see in a moment. It's not the nation that invented the brew, however. IPA was supposedly devised by the British during their efforts to colonize India." }, { "score": 0.5763526559, "text": "IPA stands for iOS App Store Package, according to Apple them self - read the iOS Developer Library - section Tools Workflow Guide for iOS->Distributing Apps. Sending Your App to Testers." }, { "score": 0.5725998878, "text": "Integration as a Service (IaaS) is a delivery model that puts system integration into the cloud.PaaS (Integration platform as a service). IPaaS (Integration platform as a service) is a set of cloud-based software tools that govern the interactions between cloud and ..." }, { "score": 0.564011693, "text": "Technically, it's not an acronym. Acronyms are words rather than just a collection of letters – like SCUBA, NAFTA, NATO, etc vs. abbreviations like ATM, HTML, etc. IPA is an abbreviation, unless people go around saying that they drink `ippa' beer." }, { "score": 0.5634447932, "text": "Founded in 2011 by craft beer enthusiasts Ashley Rouston and Ryan Ross, IPA day is a celebration of India Pale Ale, the bitter, hoppy, high-alcohol beer that is super popular in today's craft beer culture. IPA Day is celebrated at bars, breweries, and beer retailers throughout the world, albeit unofficially.ounded in 2011 by craft beer enthusiasts Ashley Rouston and Ryan Ross, IPA day is a celebration of India Pale Ale, the bitter, hoppy, high-alcohol beer that is super popular in today's craft beer culture. IPA Day is celebrated at bars, breweries, and beer retailers throughout the world, albeit unofficially." }, { "score": 0.5550878048, "text": "IPA Home. The IPA is the major as well as the oldest representative organisation for phoneticians. It was established in 1886 in Paris. 2016 marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of the IPA, and 2013 marked the 125th anniversary of the first publication of the International Phonetic Alphabet and the formulation of the principles." }, { "score": 0.5489244461, "text": "Muir Medical Group, IPA, Inc. (IPA) is a group of independent primary care and specialty care providers who have joined together to provide medical services to HMO enrollees who have selected John Muir Health as their medical group and Network Select enrollees through the John Muir Health system." }, { "score": 0.547883749, "text": "Generally, IPAs have core four functions: image building of FDI hosting country, investment generation, project management and after care services. Some IPAs have additional advocacy function mostly in developing countries where investment climate is not fully favorite." }, { "score": 0.5432069302, "text": "Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is also known as isopropanol with the chemical formula written as C3-H8-O. A colorless and flammable chemical compound characterized by strong odor. Raw and pure isopropyl alcohol vapor is dense and is highly combustible." }, { "score": 0.5350723863, "text": "Unlimited, Everywhere, Invisible…. iPass is a cloud-based service that provides our customers access to global Wi-Fi, via the world's largest Wi-Fi network, allowing them to stay connected to the information and people that matter most, whenever they need it." }, { "score": 0.534722507, "text": "Cloud-based integration. (Redirected from IPaaS) Cloud-based integration is a form of systems integration business delivered as a cloud computing service that addresses data, process, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and application integration. Description." }, { "score": 0.5283532143, "text": "iPas 2, Chris Jones and the Empower Network. Welcome to iPas 2, the hands-free solution to selling high-ticket Empower Network products." }, { "score": 0.5251797438, "text": "Your guess was correct. .ipa stands for iOS App Store Package. Each .ipa file is compressed with a binary for the ARM architecture that can only be installed on iOS devices. If you change the extension to .zip you will be able to unzip it and view the contents." }, { "score": 0.5187641382, "text": "Your guess was correct. .ipa stands for iOS App Store Package Each .ipa file is compressed with a binary for the ARM architecture that can only be installed on iOS devices. If you change the extension to .zip you will be able to unzip it and view the contents." }, { "score": 0.5072003007, "text": "International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Origin. The IPA was first published in 1888 by the Association Phonétique Internationale (International Phonetic Association), a group of French language teachers founded by Paul Passy. The aim of the organisation was to devise a system for transcribing the sounds of speech which was independent of any particular language and applicable to all languages." }, { "score": 0.5052518845, "text": "IP Address Management (IPAM) in Windows Server® 2012 is an integrated suite of tools to enable end-to-end planning, deploying, managing and monitoring of your IP address infrastructure, with a rich user experience." }, { "score": 0.5034344196, "text": "1 The IPA is used in some foreign language text books and phrase books to transcribe the sounds of languages which are written with non-latin alphabets. 2 It is also used by non-native speakers of English when learning to speak English." }, { "score": 0.5013245344, "text": "These IPAs were - and still are - brewed with English hops and tended toward earthy, woodsy, and spicy flavors. • American India Pale Ales (IPAs) - While the English style of IPAs is still brewed today, American brewers have also put their own spin on it. Our IPAs tend to be even more aggressively hopped, with the balance of hops-and-malts definitely tipping in favor of the hops." }, { "score": 0.4975893795, "text": "1 Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is a common chemical that's found in many cleaning products. When too much IPA is ingested, IPA poisoning can occur. Some of the most serious symptoms of IPA poisoning include slowed breathing, dizziness, and coma." }, { "score": 0.4810557663, "text": "Your public IP address is an external facing IP Address that's provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). A Pubic IP Address is accessible by anyone on the Internet. Internal IP's are known as Private IP's, which are dedicated to the devices connected to your internal network router, such as laptops, desktops, printers, cell phones, smart TV, etc." }, { "score": 0.4798545837, "text": "A holistic iPaaS solution encompasses batch and real-time integration services, a broad range of native connectivity, a robust API framework, master data management, test data management, data quality, and security." }, { "score": 0.4633513689, "text": "These IPAs were - and still are - brewed with English hops and tended toward earthy, woodsy, and spicy flavors. Beers to Try: 400 Pound Monkey from Left Hand Brewing Company and Brooklyn East India Pale Ale from Brooklyn Brewery. • American India Pale Ales (IPAs) - While the English style of IPAs is still brewed today, American brewers have also put their own spin on it. Our IPAs tend to be even more aggressively hopped, with the balance of hops-and-malts definitely tipping in favor of the hops." }, { "score": 0.4373514652, "text": "\"TCP/IP\" is the acronym that is commonly used for the set of network protocols that compose the Internet Protocol suite. Many texts use the term \"Internet\" to describe both the protocol suite and the global wide area network. In this book, \"TCP/IP\" refers specifically to the Internet protocol suite." }, { "score": 0.4245339334, "text": "A peroxisome IPA: is a type of organelle known as a microbody, found in virtually all eukaryotic cells. They are involved in catabolism of very long chain fatty acids, branched chain fatty acids, D-amino acids, and polyamines, reduction of reactive oxygen species – specifically hydrogen peroxide – and biosynthesis of plasmalogens, i.e., ether phospholipids critical for the normal function of mammalian brains and lungs. They also contain approximately 10% of the total activity of two ..." }, { "score": 0.4223237932, "text": "Delegation of Administrative Functions Administrative services which may be delegated to IPAs, medical groups, or other organizations include: Administrative services which may be delegated to IPAs, medical groups, or other organizations. include:" } ]
what is sal volatile
[ { "score": 0.7725041509, "text": "sal volatile. 1. an aromatic alcoholic solution of ammonium carbonate, the chief ingredient in smelling salts. Some say water was thrown into the flame, others that it was Spirits of sal volatile. He disengaged one of them presently, and felt in his pocket for the sal volatile." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6240438223, "text": "Smelling salts. Smelling salts, also known as ammonia inhalants, spirit of hartshorn or sal volatile, are chemical compounds often used to arouse consciousness." }, { "score": 0.6157690287, "text": "• VOLATILE (noun) The noun VOLATILE has 1 sense: 1. a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor. Familiarity information: VOLATILE used as a noun is very rare." }, { "score": 0.6102020741, "text": "1. volatile-a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor; it was heated to evaporate the volatiles. substance-the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists; DNA is the substance of our genes." }, { "score": 0.6073467731, "text": "Volatile Definition: Volatile refers to a substance that vaporizes readily. Volatility is a measure of how readily a substance vaporizes. By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D." }, { "score": 0.6034712791, "text": "volatile (vôˑ·l·tl), n the ability of a substance to change from a solid or a liquid to a vapor or a gas. It provides a foundation for the categorization of aromatic components of essential perfumes and oils into top, middle, and base notes." }, { "score": 0.6023851633, "text": "volatile - a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor; it was heated to evaporate the volatiles. 1 substance - the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists; DNA is the substance of our genes." }, { "score": 0.601608336, "text": "Volatile oil, also known as essential oil, an oil derived from plants with aromatic compounds used in cosmetics and flavoring Volatile acidity, a term used in winemaking to indicate an unacceptably high level of acid or vinegar and baking soda. In computer science: Volatile variables, variables that can be changed by an external process" }, { "score": 0.6011936069, "text": "• VOLATILE (noun) The noun VOLATILE has 1 sense: 1. a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor. Familiarity information: VOLATILE used as a noun is very rare. • VOLATILE (adjective) The adjective VOLATILE has 4 senses: 1. evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures 2. liable to lead to sudden change or violence 3. marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments 4. tending to vary often or widely Familiarity information: VOLATILE used as an adjective is uncommon." }, { "score": 0.601169765, "text": "volatile(adj) a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor. it was heated to evaporate the volatiles. volatile(adj) evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures. volatile oils; volatile solvents." }, { "score": 0.5992151499, "text": "Volatile Definition. In chemistry, the word volatile refers to a substance that vaporizes readily. Volatility is a measure of how readily a substance vaporizes or transitions from a liquid phase to a gas phase. However, the term can also be applied to the phase change from solid state to vapor, which is sublimation." }, { "score": 0.5975283384, "text": "A volatile substance can be defined as (1) a substance that evaporates readily at normal temperatures and/or (2) one that has a measurable vapor pressure. The term volatile usually applies to liquids. However, some solid materials can change directly from solid to vapor without ever becoming liquid, a process called sublimation. The rate at which a substance vaporizes (volatilizes) under a fixed set of conditions is called the evaporation rate." }, { "score": 0.5908460617, "text": "Volatile solids are those solids in water or other liquids that are lost on ignition of dry solids at 1,020°F (550°C). It is a water quality measurement obtained from the loss on ignition of total suspended solids. It has great importance in water and wastewater treatment." }, { "score": 0.5887941718, "text": "Volatility describes how easily a substance will vaporize (turn into a gas or vapor). A volatile substance can be defined as (1) a substance that evaporates readily at normal temperatures and/or (2) one that has a measurable vapor pressure. The term volatile usually applies to liquids." }, { "score": 0.5648440123, "text": "vol•a•tile. 1. evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor: Acetone is a volatile solvent. 2. tending or threatening to break out into open violence; explosive: a volatile political situation. 3. characterized by or liable to sharp or sudden changes; unstable: a volatile stock market." }, { "score": 0.5613744855, "text": "Dictionary entry overview: What does volatile mean? • VOLATILE (noun) The noun VOLATILE has 1 sense: 1. a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor Familiarity information: VOLATILE used as a noun is very rare. • VOLATILE (adjective) The adjective VOLATILE has 4 senses:" }, { "score": 0.5593290329, "text": "Definition of volatile - (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures, liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse, Definition of volatile - (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures, liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse, dictionary thesaurus" }, { "score": 0.5579549074, "text": "The use of volatile substances is unlike most other forms of drug use in that it involves various compounds contained in readily accessible domestic or commercial products. side effect of the use of these compounds can be a severe headache. They interact with the drugs used to treat male erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil (Viagra®) and could cause a decrease in blood pressure." }, { "score": 0.5574358106, "text": "volatile. adj. 1. (Chemistry) (of a substance) capable of readily changing from a solid or liquid form to a vapour; having a high vapour pressure and a low boiling point. 2. (of persons) disposed to caprice or inconstancy; fickle; mercurial." }, { "score": 0.5544786453, "text": "There are a number of special definitions of the terms volatility and volatile commonly used in certain fields of study but which are still within the overall context of chemistry: Wine making The wine industry uses the term volatile acids to refer to organic acids that are water-soluble, have short carbon chains (six carbon atoms or less) and which occur in wine." }, { "score": 0.5526412725, "text": "In planetary science, volatiles are the group of chemical elements and chemical compounds with low boiling points that are associated with a planet's or moon's crust or atmosphere. Examples include nitrogen, water, carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen, methane and sulfur dioxide. In astrogeology, these compounds, in their solid state, often comprise large proportions of the crusts of moons and dwarf planets." }, { "score": 0.5482997894, "text": "Sal ammoniac. Sal ammoniac is a rare mineral composed of ammonium chloride, NH4Cl. It forms colorless, white, or yellow-brown crystals in the isometric-hexoctahedral class. It has very poor cleavage and a brittle to conchoidal fracture. It is quite soft, with a Mohs hardness of 1.5 to 2, and it has a low specific gravity of 1.5." }, { "score": 0.5452206135, "text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Salammoniac. Sal ammoniac is a rare mineral composed of ammonium chloride, NH4Cl. It forms colorless to white to yellow-brown crystals in the isometric-hexoctahedral class. It has very poor cleavage and a brittle to conchoidal fracture. It is quite soft, with a Mohs hardness of 1.5 to 2, and has a low specific gravity of 1.5." }, { "score": 0.5432442427, "text": "› chemistry If a ​substance, esp. a ​liquid, is volatile, it will ​change ​easily into a ​gas: volatile ​chemicals. volatility noun [U] us /ˌvɑl·əˈtɪl·ɪ·t̬i/ › Volatility in ​wheat on ​Wednesday resulted in a single-day ​trading ​record in Kansas City. noun [U] us /ˌvɑl·əˈtɪl·ɪ·t̬i/." }, { "score": 0.5233073831, "text": "Sal Ammoniacus. Sal ammoniac is a mineral composed of ammonium chloride. The Romans called the ammonium chloride deposits they collected from near the Temple of Jupiter Amun in ancient Libya 'sal ammoniacus' (salt of Amun) because of proximity to the nearby temple. It is the earliest known mineral source of ammonia.." }, { "score": 0.5194706917, "text": "volatile definition, meaning, what is volatile: likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly or suddenly become violent or angry: . Learn more." }, { "score": 0.5188269019, "text": "Salty liquorice, also known as salmiak or salmiakki, is a variety of liquorice flavoured with ammonium chloride, common in the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, and northern Germany. Ammonium chloride gives salty liquorice an astringent, salty taste, which has been described as tongue-numbing and almost-stinging. Salty liquorice is an acquired taste and people not familiar with ammonium chloride might find the taste physically overwhelming and unlikeable. Salty liquorice candies are almost always black or very dark brown and can range from very soft to very hard and may be brittle." }, { "score": 0.5184767246, "text": "At room temperature, the G-series nerve agents are volatile liquids, making them a serious risk for exposure from dermal contact with liquid nerve agent or inhalation of nerve agent vapor. GB is the most volatile of these agents and evaporates at the same rate as water; GD is the next most volatile." }, { "score": 0.5168911815, "text": "volatile adjective. › ​likely to ​change ​suddenly and unexpectedly or ​suddenly ​become ​violent or ​angry: Food and ​fuel ​prices are very volatile in a ​war ​situation. The ​situation was made more volatile by the ​fact that ​people had been ​drinking a lot of ​alcohol. He had a volatile ​temper and couldn't have been ​easy to ​live with. › A volatile ​liquid or ​solid ​substance will ​change ​easily into a ​gas. volatility noun [U] uk /ˌvɒl.əˈtɪl.ɪ.ti/ us /ˌvɑː.ləˈtɪl.ə.t̬i/." }, { "score": 0.5168625116, "text": "Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI), also called Vapor Phase Inhibitors (VPI), are compounds transported in a closed environment to the site of corrosion by volatilization from a source." }, { "score": 0.5141570568, "text": "saline. salty; of the nature of a salt. saline solution a solution of salt (sodium chloride) in purified water. See also physiologic saline solution.a solution of salt (sodium chloride) in purified water. Physiological saline solution is a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride and water and is isotonic, i.e. of the same osmotic pressure as blood serum. saline water poisoning. see sodium chloride poisoning.aline. salty; of the nature of a salt. saline solution a solution of salt (sodium chloride) in purified water. See also physiologic saline solution." }, { "score": 0.5065423846, "text": "Part of the Microprocessors glossary: In general, volatile (from the Latin volatilis meaning to fly)is an adjective used to describe something unstable or changeable. In computers, volatile is used to describe memory content that is lost when the power is interrupted or switched off. Your computer's ordinary memory (or RAM) is volatile memory." }, { "score": 0.500385046, "text": "Watch out when a situation becomes volatile — it is likely to change for the worse suddenly. If you and your best friend have a volatile relationship, you frequently fight and make up. Volatile from Latin volatilis fleeting, transitory always gives the sense of sudden, radical change. Think of it as the opposite of stable. A person who is volatile loses his or her temper suddenly and violently. A volatile political situation could erupt into civil war. When the stock market is volatile, it fluctuates greatly. And in scientific language, a volatile oil evaporates quickly." }, { "score": 0.4936227798, "text": "Salbutamol is a highly selective β2-adrenergic receptor stimulating drug that has a bronchodilator effect. It is used to relieve bronchospasm in bronchial asthama, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other airway resistance diseases." }, { "score": 0.4900464118, "text": "The Microsoft source-code annotation language (SAL) provides a set of annotations that you can use to describe how a function uses its parameters, the assumptions that it makes about them, and the guarantees that it makes when it finishes. The annotations are defined in the header file <sal.h>. Visual Studio code analysis for C++ uses SAL annotations to modify its analysis of functions. For more information about SAL 2.0 for Windows driver development, see SAL 2.0 Annotations for Windows Drivers." }, { "score": 0.4860515893, "text": "Methyl salicylate (Oil of Wintergreen, Ben Gay) is one infrequent cause of salicylate poisoning but is the most dangerous salicylate formulation by strength. One teaspoon contains 7,000 mg of salicylate, equivalent to 21 aspirin tablets, and childhood fatalities may occur after ingestion of as little as 4 ml of Oil of Wintergreen." }, { "score": 0.4850494266, "text": "· just now. Report Abuse. Salvia, is a psychoactive herb which can induce strong dissociative effects. It is a member of the sage genus and the Lamiaceae (mint) family.The Latin name Salvia divinorum literally translates to \"sage of the seers\".Its primary psychoactive constituent is a diterpenoid known as salvinorin A, which is a potent κ-opioid receptor agonist.here is only one type of salvia that will induce the 'high' and it's not the one that grows in Mom's garden!!... it's a shaman's drug, for ceremonial use.... the buzz is intense but very short.... and can be scary.... not for a person who has not used weed before, so that the sensation is familiar...." }, { "score": 0.4839792848, "text": "volatile adjective. › ​likely to ​change ​suddenly and unexpectedly, or ​suddenly ​violent or ​angry: It was a volatile ​situation, and the ​police ​handled it well. The ​stock ​market was ​highly volatile in the early ​part of the ​year." }, { "score": 0.4751887619, "text": "Salicylates are chemicals found naturally in plants and are a major ingredient in aspirin and other pain-relieving medications. They are also found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as in many common health and beauty products.ymptoms of a salicylate allergy vary but may include: 1 Asthma-like symptoms, such as trouble breathing and wheezing. 2 Headaches. 3 Nasal congestion. 4 Changes in skin color." }, { "score": 0.471842885, "text": "A sales accepted lead (SAL) is a marketing qualified lead (MQL) that has been reviewed and passed to the sales team for approval. It's important for one to have certain processes in place that allow for everyone to visualize leads moving through the business process." }, { "score": 0.4709036946, "text": "Salvo A salvo is the simultaneous discharge of artillery or firearms including the firing of guns either to hit a target or to perform a salute. Troops armed with muzzleloaders required time in which to refill their arms with gunpowder and shot." }, { "score": 0.469160527, "text": "volatile adjective. › likely to ​change often or suddenly and unexpectedly: American ​technology ​shares remain volatile. a volatile ​fund/​investment/​market Property has always been less volatile than ​shares or ​gilts. volatility noun [U] › Some ​investors are nervous about ​market volatility." }, { "score": 0.4665340185, "text": "1 These are the elements that make up the rock forming silicate minerals. 2 Volatiles are substances, dissolved in the magma, which don't go into minerals as the magma solidifies. 3 They are released in the form of liquids or gasses. 4 H 2 0 is by far the most abundant volatile in magmas. in the magma. 2 Magmas range from about 45% to 75% SiO2. 3 Fe, Mg and Al vary along with SiO2. 4 Magmas with about 50% SiO2, high amounts of Fe and Mg, and low Al are referred to as mafic in composition." }, { "score": 0.4663552642, "text": "A few drops (15 to 30) of ether, with a little tincture of capsicum or spirit of sal volatile, seldom fail to give relief. Cooley's Cyclopdia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I Arnold Cooley." }, { "score": 0.4617812037, "text": "2 CO. , soluble in water and very slightly soluble in alcohol. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odorless powder that absorbs moisture from the air, has an alkaline taste, and forms a strongly alkaline water solution. It is one of the most basic industrial chemicals., is a colorless, transparent crystalline compound commonly called sal soda or washing soda. Because seaweed ashes were an early source of sodium carbonate, it is often called soda ash or, simply, soda. The Solvay process provides most sodium carbonate for industrial use." }, { "score": 0.4617749453, "text": "Volatile fatty acids (VFA) are produced in large amounts through ruminal fermentation and are of paramount importance in that they provide greater than 70% of the ruminant's energy supply." }, { "score": 0.4587848783, "text": "Definition of volatile in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of volatile. What does volatile mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word volatile. Information about volatile in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms." }, { "score": 0.4464086294, "text": "The sesquiterpene (E)-β-caryophyllene [(E)-BCP] (Fig. 1) is a major plant volatile found in large amounts in the essential oils of many different spice and food plants, such as oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.) and black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) (3–5)." }, { "score": 0.4444816411, "text": "Sage, or Salvia officinalis, is a member of the mint family. It is commonly used as an ingredient in stuffing, but it can also make tea." }, { "score": 0.4386617839, "text": "Sage, or Salvia officinalis, is a member of the mint family. It is commonly used as an ingredient in stuffing, but it can also make tea. Sage tea may be used as a gargle and mouthwash for sore throat and to relieve canker sores." }, { "score": 0.4296850562, "text": "Volatile memory is computer storage that only maintains its data while the device is powered." }, { "score": 0.4291555882, "text": "Salla disease an inherited disorder of sialic acid metabolism characterized by accumulation of sialic acid in lysosomes and excretion in the urine, mental retardation, delayed motor development, and ataxia." }, { "score": 0.4233324528, "text": "Definition of volatile in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is volatile? Meaning of volatile as a finance term." }, { "score": 0.4206209481, "text": "Sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) is an inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, extremely potent greenhouse gas which is an excellent electrical insulator.SF 6 has an octahedral geometry, consisting of six fluorine atoms attached to a central sulfur atom. It is a hypervalent molecule.Typical for a nonpolar gas, it is poorly soluble in water but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents. It is generally transported as a liquefied compressed gas.F 6 is used as a contrast agent for ultrasound imaging. Sulfur hexafluoride microbubbles are administered in solution through injection into a peripheral vein. These microbubbles enhance the visibility of blood vessels to ultrasound." }, { "score": 0.4203300476, "text": "Sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) is an inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, extremely potent greenhouse gas which is an excellent electrical insulator.SF 6 has an octahedral geometry, consisting of six fluorine atoms attached to a central sulfur atom. It is a hypervalent molecule.Typical for a nonpolar gas, it is poorly soluble in water but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents.It is generally transported as a liquefied compressed gas.F 6 is used as a contrast agent for ultrasound imaging. Sulfur hexafluoride microbubbles are administered in solution through injection into a peripheral vein. These microbubbles enhance the visibility of blood vessels to ultrasound." }, { "score": 0.414833039, "text": "Salvia miltiorrhiza, which is another name for sage, contains active compounds similar to those developed for modern drugs used to treat Alzheimer's Disease. It just so happens that the chemical in sage which boosted their memory is the same one that is found lacking in Alzheimer's Disease victims." }, { "score": 0.4130975008, "text": "Kathy Parks. Sage (Salvia officinalis) refers to a medicinal herb used in the treatment of digestive problems like flatulence, loss of appetite, diarrhea, heartburn, and bloating among others. In addition, Sage has been used for several years in treating depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer's disease." }, { "score": 0.4129925072, "text": "Salla disease an inherited disorder of sialic acid metabolism characterized by accumulation of sialic acid in lysosomes and excretion in the urine, mental retardation, delayed motor development, and ataxia.targardt's disease An autosomal recessive inherited disorder of the retina occurring in the first or second decade of life and affecting the central region of the retina. A few cases are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait." }, { "score": 0.4124583006, "text": "Salvia officinalis (Sage Leaf, Common Sage, Garden Sage, Black Sage) is a spice in which the leaves are used as an herbal supplement for several conditions. Side effects, drug interactions, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking this herbal supplement." }, { "score": 0.4035115242, "text": "Annie, Edinburgh. Alone, silica gel is non-toxic, non-flammable and chemically unreactive. However, some of the beads may be doped with a moisture indicator, such as cobalt (II) chloride, which is carcinogenic. Cobalt (II) chloride is deep blue when dry (anhydrous) and pink when moist (hydrated)." }, { "score": 0.3757193685, "text": "SAL MINEO is an American icon. In the late 1950's, Sal Mineo, was one of the hottest movie stars in the world. Twice nominated for an academy award for Rebel without a cause, and Exodus, Golden Globe winner for Exodus, Emmy nominated for the TV production of Dino, Sal's brilliant career spans three decades of magnificent work, cut short in 1976 by his tragic murder." }, { "score": 0.3506837487, "text": "Roland Sallinger is an LA cop who after nearly being killed by his greedy partner, and eventually being forced to retire for medical reasons, flees to San Antonio, Texas, after being asked to work as a bodyguard for the daughter of a wealthy businessman." }, { "score": 0.337962985, "text": "The undeservedly 'forgotten' co-star of Rebel Without A Cause, Sal's talents spanned film, stage, and song until his murder in 1976. Sal Mineo, was born on January 19, 1939 in the Bronx, New York. His parents Josephine and Salvatore Sr. (who made caskets for a living) emigrated from Sicily." }, { "score": 0.3227035999, "text": "Salvatore Sal Mineo, Jr. (January 10, 1939 – February 12, 1976), was an American film and theatre actor, best known for his performance as John Plato Crawford opposite James Dean in the film Rebel Without a Cause." }, { "score": 0.3226649761, "text": "Sal Mineo. Salvatore Mineo, Jr. (January 10, 1939 – February 12, 1976), was an American film and theatre actor, known for his performance as John Plato Crawford opposite James Dean in the film Rebel Without a Cause (1955)." }, { "score": 0.3176866174, "text": "Salvatore Sal Mineo, Jr. (January 10, 1939 – February 12, 1976), was an American film and theatre actor, best known for his performance as John Plato Crawford opposite James Dean in the film Rebel Without a Cause (1955)." } ]
what is card sorting
[ { "score": 0.8437002897, "text": "Card Sorting is a technique for exploring how people group items, so that you can develop. structures that maximize the probability of users being able to find items. Card Sorting: 1 Is easy and cheap to conduct. 2 Enables you to understand how 'real people' are likely to group items. 3 Identifies items that are likely to be difficult to categorize and find. 4 Identifies terminology that is likely to be misunderstood." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6539723277, "text": "Sorting is any process of arranging items systematically, and has two common, yet distinct meanings: 1 ordering: arranging items in a sequence ordered by some criterion; categorizing: grouping items with similar properties." }, { "score": 0.6458250284, "text": "Carding. Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing. This is achieved by passing the fibers between differentially moving surfaces covered with card clothing.arding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing." }, { "score": 0.6420691013, "text": "Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing.This is achieved by passing the fibers between differentially moving surfaces covered with card clothing.arding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing." }, { "score": 0.6384958625, "text": "Sorting Insertion Sort One of the simplest methods to sort an array is an insertion sort. An example of an insertion sort occurs in everyday life while playing cards. To sort the cards in your hand you extract a card, shift the remaining cards, and then insert the extracted card in the correct place." }, { "score": 0.6371207237, "text": "Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing.arding can also be used to create blends of different fibers or different colors. When blending, the carding process combines the different fibers into a homogeneous mix." }, { "score": 0.6345930099, "text": "Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing.ommon to all carders is card clothing. Card clothing is made from a sturdy flexible backing in which closely spaced wire pins are embedded. The shape, length, diameter, and spacing of these wire pins is dictated by the card designer and the particular requirements of the application where the card cloth will be used." }, { "score": 0.6059621572, "text": "Top Definition. carding. The act of obtaining someone else's credit card information, by either trashing which hardly works anymore, or hacking an online store, or simply looking at someone else's card and writing down it's number and exp. date.he act of obtaining someone else's credit card information, by either trashing which hardly works anymore, or hacking an online store, or simply looking at someone else's card and writing down it's number and exp. date." }, { "score": 0.6010041237, "text": "One application for stable sorting algorithms is sorting a list using a primary and secondary key. For example, suppose we wish to sort a hand of cards such that the suits are in the order clubs (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥), spades (♠), and within each suit, the cards are sorted by rank." }, { "score": 0.5955370069, "text": "The same could be said of the True Colors Character Card Sort – on the surface it seems like a simple act, yet behind this simple process is decades of personality research and observation. Once you sort the cards into your unique personality spectrum your personality will take on a new light." }, { "score": 0.5887473226, "text": "Carding is the process by which fibers are opened, cleaned and straightened in preparation for spinning. The fingers were first used, then a tool of wood or bone shaped like came into use, then two pieces of wood covered with skin set with thorns or teeth replaced the former two.ain Image: The process of cleaning, separating and straightening out the wool fibers is called Wool Carding. It is the last stage in the process which prepares fleece for spinning. Carding is done either manually or with the help of machines." }, { "score": 0.584892869, "text": "Introduction to Sorting. Sorting is nothing but storage of data in sorted order, it can be in ascending or descending order. The term Sorting comes into picture with the term Searching." }, { "score": 0.5842984915, "text": "Dyed wool processed with Tatham (1949) carding machine at Jamieson Mill, Sandness (Shetland). Carding is a mechanical process that disentangles, cleans and intermixes fibres to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent processing. This is achieved by passing the fibers between differentially moving surfaces covered with card clothing. It breaks up locks and unorganised clumps of fibre and then aligns the individual fibers to be parallel with each other. In preparing wool fibre for spinning, carding is the step that comes after teasing. The word is derived from the Latin" }, { "score": 0.5799494386, "text": "Sorting is ordering a list of objects. We can distinguish two types of sorting. If the number of objects is small enough to fits into the main memory, sorting is called internal sorting. If the number of objects is so large that some of them reside on external storage during the sort, it is called external sorting." }, { "score": 0.5792315006, "text": "A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient sorting is important for optimizing the use of other algorithms (such as search and merge algorithms) which require input data to be in sorted lists; it is also often useful for canonicalizing data and for producing human-readable output." }, { "score": 0.5787953138, "text": "The trademark Wisconsin Card Sorting Test was registered in 2000 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Reg. #2320931, Ser # 75-588988) by Wells Print and Digital Services of Madison, Wisconsin." }, { "score": 0.5759404898, "text": "Sorting Introduction. Sorting is ordering a list of objects. We can distinguish two types of sorting. If the number of objects is small enough to fits into the main memory, sorting is called internal sorting. If the number of objects is so large that some of them reside on external storage during the sort, it is called external sorting." }, { "score": 0.5722246766, "text": "Sorting algorithm. In computer science a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order. Efficient sorting is important for optimizing the use of other algorithms (such as search and merge algorithms) which require input data to be in sorted lists; it is also often useful for canonicalizing data and for producing human-readable output." }, { "score": 0.5700666308, "text": "In computer science, arranging in an ordered sequence is called sorting. Sorting is a common operation in many applications, and efficient algorithms to perform it have been developed. The most common uses of sorted sequences are: 1 making lookup or search efficient; making merging of sequences efficient." }, { "score": 0.5700640082, "text": "Shuffling is the critical first step to every quality card game. Consistent, proper shuffling produces a randomized deck of cards and ensures a fair game for all players. Accordingly, we will discuss:" }, { "score": 0.5690499544, "text": "Data Type Sorting Cards. Different cards outlining what a survey was into and how the data was collected. Allows students to explore the binary opposites in which data are classified, secondary/primary discrete/continuous quantitative/qualitative and generate discussions about biased/unbiased. Presentation." }, { "score": 0.5685127974, "text": "In computer science, arranging in an ordered sequence is called sorting. Sorting is a common operation in many applications, and efficient algorithms to perform it have been developed. The most common uses of sorted sequences are: making lookup or search efficient;" }, { "score": 0.567987442, "text": "sorting-the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories. categorisation, categorization, classification. coordination-being of coordinate importance, rank, or degree. basic cognitive process-cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge.nother fellow and myself did all the work from sorting and washing to ironing the white shirts, collars and cuffs, and the fancy starch of the wives of the professors. John Barleycorn by London, Jack View in context. and to escape from these dreadful thoughts she went to Sonya and began sorting patterns with her." }, { "score": 0.5668885708, "text": "Main Image: The process of cleaning, separating and straightening out the wool fibers is called Wool Carding. It is the last stage in the process which prepares fleece for spinning. Carding is done either manually or with the help of machines.Carding is not applied universally to all fibers, for instance flax is not carded but threshed instead. Wool and cotton are generally carded.Different colors or a mixture of fibers is also possible with carding. Carding can also be used to create mixes of different fibers or different colors.ain Image: The process of cleaning, separating and straightening out the wool fibers is called Wool Carding. It is the last stage in the process which prepares fleece for spinning. Carding is done either manually or with the help of machines." }, { "score": 0.564669013, "text": "A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order." }, { "score": 0.5589814782, "text": "Sorting is ordering a list of objects. We can distinguish two types of sorting. If the number of objects is small enough to fits into the main memory, sorting is called internal sorting. If the number of objects is so large that some of them reside on external storage during the sort, it is called external sorting. In this chapter we consider the following internal sorting algorithms. Bucket sort." }, { "score": 0.5532444715, "text": "sort (Unix) In Unix-like operating systems, sort is a standard command line program that prints the lines of its input or concatenation of all files listed in its argument list in sorted order. Sorting is done based on one or more sort keys extracted from each line of input. By default, the entire input is taken as sort key." }, { "score": 0.550267458, "text": "Individual Development Plan – Training Guide. Lominger Card Sort Process (Cont'd.) Step 3 - Begin reading each of the 67 cards to understand the skill. Read the front of the card as well as. the back of the card (see example slide below). Step 4 - Begin placing each card into the 3 groups listed above (group A, B or C)." }, { "score": 0.5481222272, "text": "In preparing wool fiber for spinning, carding is the step that comes after teasing. The word is derived from the Latin carduus meaning teasel, as dried vegetable teasels were first used to comb the raw wool.arding can also be used to create blends of different fibers or different colors. When blending, the carding process combines the different fibers into a homogeneous mix." }, { "score": 0.5457453728, "text": "Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that is relatively efficient for small lists and mostly sorted lists, and is often used as part of more sophisticated algorithms. It works by taking elements from the list one by one and inserting them in their correct position into a new sorted list." }, { "score": 0.5424966216, "text": "Sorting. The sorting process, according to the USPS glossary, is the act of separating mail by a scheme or ZIP Code, separating and placing mail into a carrier case, or distributing mail by piece, package, bundle, sack or pouch.In short, it means the distribution or separation of mail to route it to its final delivery point.racking. Whenever you ship a package with Priority Mail, Standard Post, Parcel Select, First-Class Package Service, or First-Class Mail, the USPS will provide you with a tracking number. With that tracking number you can enter it on the USPS' Track and Confirm page (link in Resources)." }, { "score": 0.5415785909, "text": "Counting sort. In computer science, counting sort is an algorithm for sorting a collection of objects according to keys that are small integers; that is, it is an integer sorting algorithm. It operates by counting the number of objects that have each distinct key value, and using arithmetic on those counts to determine the positions of each key value in the output sequence. Its running time is linear in the number of items and the difference between the maximum and minimum key values, so it is only suitable fo" }, { "score": 0.5326195955, "text": "In this paper a mathematical model of card shu†ing is constructed, and used to determine how much shu†ing is necessary to randomize a. deck of cards. The crucial aspect of this model is rising sequences of. permutations, or equivalently descents in their inverses. The probability." }, { "score": 0.532458365, "text": "Card counting. Card counting is a casino card game strategy used primarily in the blackjack family of casino games to determine whether the next hand is likely to give a probable advantage to the player or to the dealer." }, { "score": 0.5304097533, "text": "Card check. Card check (also called majority sign-up) is a method for employees to organize into a labor union in which a majority of employees in a bargaining unit sign authorization forms, or cards, stating they wish to be represented by the union." }, { "score": 0.5294049382, "text": "Selection sort. In computer science, selection sort is a sorting algorithm, specifically an in-place comparison sort. It has O(n2) time complexity, making it inefficient on large lists, and generally performs worse than the similar insertion sort. Selection sort is noted for its simplicity, and it has performance advantages over more complicated algorithms in certain situations, particularly where auxiliary memory is limited." }, { "score": 0.5292854309, "text": "Metaplan, Metaplan technique or simply card technique is a system for collecting ideas (or Creativity technique) when a group of people are working together. The method was initiated by Eberhard Schnelle in Hamburg, Germany. The publication of the technique is in German language (Eberhard Schnelle (Hrsg.): Neue Wege der Kommunikation." }, { "score": 0.5206251144, "text": "A bin card is a quantitative record of receipts, issues, and balances of m:'J in stores. The bin card is attached to the bin or rack in which materials are sty. It enables to know the quantity of materials in hand at a glance . Bin card maintained by the store-keeper. This card is used not only for recording receipts issues of stores but also assists the store-keeper to c6ntrol the stock. A bin card the store-keeper to prepare purchase requisition to replenish the exhausted material." }, { "score": 0.5205032229, "text": "A sorting technique that sequences data by continuously merging items in the list. Every single item in the original unordered list is merged with another, creating groups of two. Every two-item group is merged, creating groups of four and so on until there is one ordered list. See sort algorithm and merge." }, { "score": 0.5175706148, "text": "i suggest beginning this lesson by having students use the character trait sort cards on pages included and sorting them into categories recording sheets included each sorting card is a suggested or appropriate answer for one of the task cards i had my high level students do the sort and then put the cards away" }, { "score": 0.5115132332, "text": "It is also very helpful in discriminating frontal from nonfrontal brain lesions. The client's task is to sort stimulus cards according to different principles—by color, form, or number of shapes shown. Shifts in the sorting principle require the client to quickly alter his or her approach." }, { "score": 0.511279881, "text": "1 After the children have seen all of the photo cards, explain that they will now play a sorting game. Take all of the cards down from the chart and pass out a card to each child. Ask the children to look at their photo cards and decide if it shows an object that is diagonal, horizontal, or vertical." }, { "score": 0.5035917163, "text": "A Purchasing Card (P‑Card) is a type of Commercial Card that allows organizations to take advantage of the existing credit card infrastructure to make electronic payments for a variety of business expenses (e.g., goods and services). In the simplest terms, a P-Card is a charge card, similar to a consumer credit card. However, the card-using organization must pay the card issuer in full each month, at a minimum. P-Cards are also known as Procurement Cards (ProCards), Payment Cards, Purchase Cards or similar terms." }, { "score": 0.499581635, "text": "Make a set of sorting cards. Choose the desired vowel pattern, and write each. word on a separate card. Have the students sort the cards, using classifications. such as rhyming words, parts of speech, or various other categories." }, { "score": 0.4973745346, "text": "Excel Sort Order. Definition: Sorting is the process of arranging objects in a certain sequence or sort order according to specific rules. In spreadsheet programs such as Excel and Google Spreadsheets, there are a number of different sort orders available depending on the type of data being sorted.or text or numeric values, the two sort order options are ascending and descending. Depending upon the type of data in the selected range, these sort orders will sort data the following ways: For ascending sorts: 1 Sort A to Z-for text data." }, { "score": 0.4967371225, "text": "Sorting refers to the uniformity of grain size in a sediment or sedimentary rock. Particles become sorted on the basis of density because of the energy of the transporting medium. High energy (high velocity) currents can carry larger fragments." }, { "score": 0.4893399179, "text": "Plastic Divider Cards, 100 Pack. Divider cards are designed for use in medication carts or totes. Organize more effectively with these reusable divider cards. Made of sturdy plastic and measure 6 x 9 in. / 15.2 x 22.8 cm plus 0.38 in. / 1 cm tab." }, { "score": 0.4865548909, "text": "Positive sorting is where you pick the targeted fraction. Negative sorting is where you pick the contamination from the targeted fraction. « Back to Recycling & Sorting FAQs." }, { "score": 0.4774746299, "text": "Cardpool is a service that lets customers buy discounted gift cards for up to 35% off or sell gift cards for cash.All orders and transactions include FREE USPS SHIPPING and are covered by our extensive Purchase Guarantee Program.ardpool is a service that lets customers buy discounted gift cards for up to 35% off or sell gift cards for cash." }, { "score": 0.4772777855, "text": "Iris folding is an attractive paper craft technique used in card making, scrapbooking and other projects.The craft person folds a variety of colored papers to form a shape. This video demonstrates making a Halloween card with iris folding.1 Howto & Style.2 Standard YouTube License.ris folding is an attractive paper craft technique used in card making, scrapbooking and other projects." }, { "score": 0.4687336087, "text": "Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a specialized type of flow cytometry. It provides a method for sorting a heterogeneous mixture of biological cells into two or more containers, one cell at a time, based upon the specific light scattering and fluorescent characteristics of each cell.he acronym FACS is trademarked and owned by Becton, Dickinson and Company. Among the large majority of researchers who use this technology for sorting or analysis, this term has become genericized, much like Xerox for photocopy or Kleenex for facial tissue." }, { "score": 0.466694206, "text": "Cards that are eligible for the First Class postcard price are sorted the same way First Class letters are sorted and use tray tags that say LTR. If your cards are larger than the size shown above, you should use the Standard Class letter or flat price, depending the size of the card.There is not a special postcard price in Standard Class.) See the section on postcards below for the size requirements. Letters that can be sorted on automated equipment get better postage prices than those which can't. Such pieces are called machinable letters." }, { "score": 0.4629014432, "text": "Cardpool is a gift card exchange that makes it easy to buy gift cards for your favorite stores for up to 35% off and to sell your unwanted gift cards for up to 92% of their value. Cardpool offers a simple, safe, and convenient way to buy and sell gift cards. We only carryhassle-free gift cards with no fees, no expiration dates, and FREE shipping via USPS. To provide our customers with peace of mind, we securely process every gift card transaction, and verify the balance of each gift card." }, { "score": 0.4624764621, "text": "Cardpool is a gift card exchange that makes it easy to buy gift cards for your favorite stores for up to 35% off and to sell your unwanted gift cards for up to 92% of their value. All orders and transactions include FREE USPS shipping and are covered by our 1 Year Purchase Guarantee." }, { "score": 0.4590913057, "text": "Report Abuse. The person who will get the letter will get a card through the door telling them to pick it up at the sorting office pay the postage and a fee or they can affix stamps on the card post the card back then wait for the letter. angeleyes · 6 years ago.Thumbs up.eport Abuse. The person who will get the letter will get a card through the door telling them to pick it up at the sorting office pay the postage and a fee or they can affix stamps on the card post the card back then wait for the letter. angeleyes · 6 years ago." }, { "score": 0.4522452056, "text": "Words near sorting in the dictionary. 1 sortileges. 2 sortilegies. 3 sortilegious. 4 sortilegy. 5 sorting. 6 sorting algorithm. 7 sorting-algorithm. 8 sorting-algorithms. 9 sorting needle. 10 sorting-oneself-out." }, { "score": 0.44622612, "text": "Cardpool is a secure gift card exchange where customers can save up to 35% on gift cards for their favorite stores or earn up to 92% cash back when they sell their unwanted gift cards. Cardpool buys all gift cards directly from our customers, verifies the balance of each gift card, and holds on to them until a buyer is found." }, { "score": 0.4441971779, "text": "Popular Terms. Sorting scheme in which the sort starts from the smallest or lowest value (0, 1 or A, for example) and proceeds to the largest or highest value. Descending order, in contrast, starts with the highest and proceeds to the lowest." }, { "score": 0.4372635484, "text": "Print the above template on card stock, laminate, and cut out. Allow children to sort the letters by their visual characteristics; uppercase and lowercase letters, shape, size, length, curvy lines, straight lines, letters that extend below or above the base line, letters with tails and dots, etc." }, { "score": 0.4359106421, "text": "What we do? Sort Codes are a unique number assigned to branches of banks and financial institutions in the United Kingdom and Ireland. United Kingdom's sort codes and bank accounts system provides a number of internal checksum validation methods which are used to verify if a bank account number is correctly composed. We provide data and automation solutions for companies aiming to validate electronic payment details for the UK and Ireland." }, { "score": 0.4296577573, "text": "The Letter Sorting Tool consists of two fields. Into the field above, type in all the letters you got and want to make words from. In the second field below, you can type in an optional pattern from which to create specific words. Please remember that both fields are limited to 15 characters maximum." }, { "score": 0.4276560843, "text": "A code of sorts embedded in the typical 16-digit card number determines where to send the request for payment on a transaction. It's something the system needs to get right — or risk embarrassing the card holder with an unjustified rejection." }, { "score": 0.4272645116, "text": "An A6 card blank is the folded size, while the flat size is A5, and so on. Square card blanks are measured in centimetres or inches, while DL card blanks have one set size: 21cm x 9.9cm (8.3 x 3.7) – they are a third of an A4 sheet of card. A7 - 74mm x 105mm." }, { "score": 0.4099797308, "text": "A card issuer may optionally maintain, for each PIV Card issued, a documentary chain-of-trust for the. 1 identification data it collects. The chain-of-trust is a sequence of related enrollment data records that are. created and maintained through the methods of contemporaneous acquisition of data within each." }, { "score": 0.3871481717, "text": "well my java project is nearly finished, but having one more part to deal with, sorting. I have to use sorting in ascending order based on an ID number of an employee. I'm not sure what kind of s..." }, { "score": 0.3356634974, "text": "Updated weekly, sortingcodes.co.uk ensures you have accurate and reliable bank sort code data to process payments smoothly and efficiently. Using sortingcodes.co.uk online look up you can instantly; check UK bank branch sort codes, branch addresses, contact details and BIC codes. identify which banks and institutions accept faster payments." } ]
where is qlink located
[ { "score": 0.6218378544, "text": "SCOOP: 2016 Polaris RZR XP Turbo EPS First Ride Review. 2016 Can-Am Defender Preview. Founded in 1988, QLINK Motor, located in the Dallas suburb of Grapevine, Tex., offers a full line or motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, side-by-sides and other products. QLINK is one of the few smaller manufactures to make high-displacement ATVs. 1 Email a friend. 2 New Search." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6756408215, "text": "Phone Number of Q Link Wireless is : 1-855-754-6543. (go below for more numbers) Below you find the information about Q Link Wireless, Q Link Wireless customer service number, Q Link Wireless address, Q Link Wireless email id and website. Address 499 E Sheridan St, Ste 200, Dania, Florida, USA" }, { "score": 0.6642320156, "text": "Address detail : Dania, Florida, United States. customer service number : 1-855-754-6543. Email address : [email protected]. Below, we are showing a complaint box, where you can post your experiences, complaints, queries, feedback or any type of problem related to the products and services of the Qlink Wireless." }, { "score": 0.6581115723, "text": "Q Link Wireless is recognized as one of the nation's leading providers of the Lifeline Assistance program. Our company's mission is to wirelessly connect people to their world, regardless of their income." }, { "score": 0.655944109, "text": "What is Q Link (Qlink) Wireless Customer Service Phone Number: If you want to reach customer service representative call: 1-855-754-6543 (Mon-Fri 9 am -5 pm EST). Q Link Wireless Website: www.Q Linkwireless.com." }, { "score": 0.638936162, "text": "The Customer Service Phone Number of Qlink Wireless is 1-855-754-6543 (touch to call)" }, { "score": 0.6348101497, "text": "Qlink Wireless Phone Number Customer Service. 1-855-754-6543 is the Contact Phone Number of Qlink Wireless. (See More Contact Numbers Below).We have briefly described Qlink Wireless with all contact information. Get more customer service numbers of Qlink Wireless." }, { "score": 0.6328369379, "text": "Qlink Wireless Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Qlink Wireless is 1-855-754-6543 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Qlink Wireless Service Center and Qlink Wireless customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Qlink Wireless customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Qlink Wireless Customer Service Phone Numbers" }, { "score": 0.6258635521, "text": "This is QLink Wireless customer service contact details with tips and shortcuts to get the fastest response and/or technical assistance. Learn how to get a live support from Q Link Wireless through calling or chatting. If you want to reach customer service representative call: 1-855-754-6543 (Mon-Fri 9 am -5 pm EST)." }, { "score": 0.6242828369, "text": "BBB's Business Profile for Q-Link Wireless LLC, Business Reviews and Ratings for Q-Link Wireless LLC in Dania, FL. Home > Accredited Business Directory > Cellular Telephone Service & Supplies > Q-Link Wireless LLC" }, { "score": 0.6166422367, "text": "Key Facts. 1 Q Link Wireless is one of America's fastest growing Lifeline service providers. 2 Company provides free cell phones with free monthly minutes to tens of millions low-income Americans. 3 Customers choose from various free monthly minute plans. 4 Cell phone service includes nationwide coverage and the ability to call nationally or 5 ... Subscriber" }, { "score": 0.6105978489, "text": "Q Link Wireless is an approved provider of the Lifeline Assistance Program, and offers free cell phones with free monthly minutes to eligible subscribers. You can qualify if you participate in a government program like Food Stamps, Medicaid or based on your income. Learn More." }, { "score": 0.6097837687, "text": "While Q Link Wireless does offer live chat as a way to get help, they also have a phone number. In total, there are 3 ways to get in touch with them. The best phone number for Q Link Wireless is their 855-754-6543 customer service phone number, and you can get the details and use our free call-back service by finding the link for it above and clicking it. Know any other ways to contact Q Link Wireless?" }, { "score": 0.6090248823, "text": "Q Link Wireless is an approved provider of the Lifeline Assistance Program, and offers free cell phones with free monthly minutes to eligible subscribers. You can qualify if you participate in a government program like Food Stamps, Medicaid or based on your income." }, { "score": 0.5972317457, "text": "QVC's U.S. operations are based in the Studio Park complex, which houses its corporate headquarters, studio and broadcasting facilities. Studio Park is the former corporate offices of Commodore Business Machines. Call center facilities are located in Chesapeake, Virginia, and San Antonio, Texas. QVC's distribution centers are located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Suffolk, Virginia; Florence, South Carolina; Rocky Mount, North Carolina and Ontario, CA. Its 2013 sales were worth $5.84 billion." }, { "score": 0.5962184072, "text": "In the wake of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, NEXTLINK was one of the first Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) in the United States. Its core operations office was located in Bellevue, Wash., and the company at that time served seven markets in three states." }, { "score": 0.5947363973, "text": "QVC is located at 1200 Wilson Drive in West Chester, PA just off the Boot Road exit of route 202. From Philadelphia. If you are traveling from center city Philadelphia — Take I–76/Schuylkill Expressway West to Route 202 South at King of Prussia and Valley Forge." }, { "score": 0.5923205018, "text": "QVC is located at 1200 Wilson Drive in West Chester, PA just off the Boot Road exit of route 202. From Philadelphia. If you are traveling from center city Philadelphia — Take I–76/Schuylkill Expressway West to Route 202 South at King of Prussia and Valley Forge. Take Route 202 South approximately 10 to 12 miles and exit at Boot Road." }, { "score": 0.5889926553, "text": "Q Link Qlink Wireless Customer Service Contact: Phone Number, Website, Technical Support, Chat, Email, Mail, Fax This is QLink Wireless customer service contact details with tips and shortcuts to get the fastest response and/or technical assistance." }, { "score": 0.5853228569, "text": "The company headquarters are located in San Diego, California, United States, and has 224 worldwide locations. The parent company is Qualcomm Incorporated (Qualcomm), which includes the Qualcomm Technology Licensing Division (QTL)." }, { "score": 0.5852805376, "text": "Doc's newly expanded motorcycle sales department is bigger and better than ever before. Doc's is one of Connecticut's newest QLink motorcycle dealer. Founded in 1988, QLINK began as a simple idea to provide working power sports enthusiasts with a high quality, fun, and affordable option for alternative transportation." }, { "score": 0.5800004601, "text": "EasyLink has offices and partners strategically located throughout the world including the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, Demark, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand." }, { "score": 0.5791949034, "text": "My name is Karen Buford and my link phone will not go back to the home page and I have taken the battery out but it still won't work. My q-link number is 940-923-4531, another number to contact me is 940-235-2117, my address is 504 Kemp apt 130, Wichita falls tx 76301.Posted on Sep 02, 2016." }, { "score": 0.5678024292, "text": "As of September 13, 2005, Qwest had 98 retail stores in 14 states. Qwest Communications was headquartered in Denver, Colorado at 1801 California Street, in the second tallest building in Denver at 53 stories." }, { "score": 0.5670727491, "text": "Shielded by trees and surrounded by a pecan orchard, the CenturyLink corporate headquarters are located at 100 CenturyLink Drive near U.S. Highway 165 in Monroe, Louisiana." }, { "score": 0.5660821199, "text": "no customer support service. QLINK WIRELESS has no customer support service which is suspicious, Actually they provide customer support service contact details but it is impossible to contact them because they simply ignore their customers and never respond on calls and mails." }, { "score": 0.5641361475, "text": "Suddenlink operates in 17 states including Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. With its corporate headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, Suddenlink is part of Cequel Communications, LLC." }, { "score": 0.5590876341, "text": "Location: The Lancaster QVC Outlet store is located in Rockvale Square, 35 South Willowdale Drive (Routes 30 & 896), Lancaster, PA 17602." }, { "score": 0.5574530363, "text": "Lancaster, PA Location: The Lancaster QVC Outlet store is located in Rockvale Square, 35 South Willowdale Drive (Routes 30 & 896), Lancaster, PA 17602. Lancaster is about 60 miles from Philadelphia, PA. Designed with an upscale, easy-to-shop theme, our ever-changing selection includes jewelry, apparel, accessories, and home décor." }, { "score": 0.5417380929, "text": "75% off Christmas Decor. Décor: Location The LANCASTER Qvc outlet store is located In Rockvale, square 35 South Willowdale (Drive routes & 30), 896, LANCASTER pa. 17602 lancaster is about 60 miles From, PHILADELPHIA. pa" }, { "score": 0.5372930765, "text": "CenturyLink, Inc. (stylized as CenturyLink) is an American telecommunications company, headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana, that provides communications and data services to residential, business, governmental, and wholesale customers in 37 states." }, { "score": 0.5280905962, "text": "CenturyLink, Inc. , is an American worldwide communications company headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana." }, { "score": 0.523932755, "text": "QuikTrip (abbreviated QT) is a Tulsa, Oklahoma-based chain of convenience stores which primarily operates in the Midwestern, Southern and Southeastern United States. The first QuikTrip was opened in 1958 in Tulsa by Burt Holmes and Chester Cadieux." }, { "score": 0.5237073898, "text": "The sprawling city of Qeynos is located at the west end of Antonica. Direct bridge connections lead from Antonica into the districts of North Qeynos and South Qeynos, and a sewer grate in the moat near Coldwind Point provides access to the low-level adventure yard called The Peat Bog." }, { "score": 0.5199773312, "text": "Founded in 2004, Medlink Technologies Inc. is a small computer integrated systems design company in Jacksonville, Florida. It has 8 full time employees and generates an estimated $670,000 in annual revenue." }, { "score": 0.5148166418, "text": "QVC Studio Park - West Chester, Pennsylvania - television shopping channel tour and studios. Located in West Chester, Pennsylvania, QVC Studio Park is a state of the art guided walking tour of the studios where QVC home shopping network is created and produced. Open year round, the Park offers visitors a chance to see the entire QVC production process from product testing to show production." }, { "score": 0.5147730112, "text": "The Qantas Global Headquarters is an iconic office park, strategically located in Mascot near Sydney Airport.The campus-style facility accommodates thousands of staff and features an auditorium, retail space and a covered atrium linking four buildings.he newly developed facility consists of over 50,000 square metres of refurbished workspace and includes a four-storey hub formed by a steelwork atrium structure, consisting of glazed walls and a partially-glazed roof connecting the refurbished buildings to create a communal undercover street space." }, { "score": 0.5108501315, "text": "QVC, which is based in West Chester, Pa., near Philadelphia, is the nation's largest network, followed by the Home Shopping Network in St. Petersburg, Fla., and the Minneapolis-based Valuevision. QVC earned over $2 billion in sales in 1997, according to the company's Web site." }, { "score": 0.5096904039, "text": "The addition of Qwest allowed CenturyLink to become the third largest telecommunications company in the United States, and the largest landline phone provider in the state of Colorado. The new company has 17 million access lines, 5 million broadband customers, and 1.4 million video subscribers across 37 states." }, { "score": 0.5092321634, "text": "HealthlinkNY is a Qualified Entity (QE), funded by the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH), which operates the health information exchange (HIE) as well as population health improvement programs (PHIP), supports healthcare delivery reform (DSRIP) and fosters collaboration among public and private health plans (CPC) for a 13 county region ..." }, { "score": 0.4995077848, "text": "Locate and compare Eastlink in Newfoundland-and-Labrador, Yellow Pages Local Listings. Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. Expand to view the search menu" }, { "score": 0.4986756146, "text": "CyberLink Corp. (Chinese: 訊連科技股份有限公司; pinyin: Xùn lián kējì gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī) is a multimedia software company headquartered in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The company has regional offices in the United States, Netherlands, and Japan." }, { "score": 0.4867589176, "text": "The central hub for Qantas airlines is located in the Hong Kong Airport. The airline had 54 million people travel through them in 2011. The company was previously named Australian Airlines." }, { "score": 0.484205693, "text": "qaanaaq Qaanaaq is located in the northwest of the country in the Baffin Bay on the Hayes Peninsula at Inglefield Fjord , about 200 kilometers southwest of the geomagnetic North Pole . Near the village, about 90 miles as the crow flies to the south, is the Thule Air Base ." }, { "score": 0.4820025861, "text": "Q was a television network in the Philippines run by GMA Network Inc. through Citynet Network Marketing and Productions, Inc. The network primarily aired lifestyle programs and dramas particularly aimed toward women. Its flagship station was DZOE-TV, which GMA ran as part of a lease with its owner, ZOE Broadcasting Network. On February 20, 2011, Q was discontinued in preparation for the launch of a new secondary network, GMA News TV." }, { "score": 0.4760008156, "text": "Overview. Founded in 1994, Q Investments is a private investment firm based in Fort Worth, Texas, with flexible capital that seeks opportunities across the entire capital structure of companies. Investments are not limited to any particular industry or investment strategy." }, { "score": 0.4752534032, "text": "QFC (Quality Food Centers) is a supermarket chain owned by The Kroger Co. The company is based in Bellevue, Washington in the United States. History. QFC was founded in 1955 in Seattle, Washington by Jack Croco." }, { "score": 0.473248899, "text": "Q (TV network) Q (formerly QTV, standing for Quality TeleVision) was a television network in the Philippines run by GMA Network Inc. through Citynet Network Marketing and Productions, Inc. The network primarily aired lifestyle programs and dramas particularly aimed toward women." }, { "score": 0.4725237787, "text": "Q1 (an abbreviation of Queensland Number One) is a skyscraper in Surfers Paradise, on the Gold Coast, Queensland. It lost its title as the world's tallest residential tower to the 348-metre building The Marina Torch in Dubai on 29 April 2011.hree separate high speed lifts service levels 43 to the penthouse on level 74. The building is supported by 26 piles, each two metres in diameter, that extend 40 metres into the ground passing through up to four metres (13 ft) of solid rock. Q1 contains one, two and three bedroom apartments." }, { "score": 0.4716424644, "text": "If you are currently a member of the Homeland Security Network, your group is active in The Quad. Join today! To access The Quad, login to the ecampus. The Quad link is located on the lower right-hand side of the page, under the Student Services quick links. The Homeland Security Network group page can be found under the Connect tab, in Clubs." }, { "score": 0.469353348, "text": "Qantas Freight Terminals. Select the link below for Qantas Freight locations, opening hours, lodgement and collection times, as well as after hours contact information. 1 Qantas Freight International Terminals located in Australia.2 Qantas Freight Domestic Australia Capital and Major City Terminals.3 Qantas Freight Regional Australia Terminals.elect the link below for Qantas Freight locations, opening hours, lodgement and collection times, as well as after hours contact information. 1 Qantas Freight International Terminals located in Australia." }, { "score": 0.4665235281, "text": "The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Authority is a fully onshore global business and financial centre located in Doha, providing legal and business platform for firms to capitalize on regional opportunities. It was established in 2005. As of September 2015, the CEO is Yousuf Al-Jaida." }, { "score": 0.4484814703, "text": "Queensland (abbreviated as QLD, or less frequently Q) is the second-largest and third-most-populous state in the Commonwealth of Australia. Situated in the north-east of the country, it is bordered by the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales to the west, south-west and south respectively." }, { "score": 0.4465868175, "text": "FoodLink℠ is the resource for anyone who has ever stood in front of produce and wondered, \"What is that?\" or \"What do I do with that?\" Scan the FoodLink℠ QR codes on fresh fruits and vegetables to learn more about them, including how to select, prepare, and care for them. You don't have to be a seasonal produce expert, but now you can get information fast from the experts at Purdue Extension. Wild tomatoes are found in the Andes Mountains in South America. Featured Fruit View All" }, { "score": 0.4443918169, "text": "(Redirected from CyberLink Media Suite) CyberLink Corp. (Chinese: 訊連科技股份有限公司; pinyin: Xùn lián kējì gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī) is a multimedia software company headquartered in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The company has regional offices in the United States, Netherlands, and Japan." }, { "score": 0.435949862, "text": "In 2008, QEP Resources made its initial operated entrance in the basin with an acreage acquisition located on the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation in Dunn and Mclean counties in North Dakota." }, { "score": 0.4359409213, "text": "RPNL. Quality Assurance Nursing Network (QANN) is a notfor-profit group of accreditation and quality nursing specialists from Southeast Michigan hospitals. Membership includes representation from more than 25 hospitals located throughout Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Washtenaw counties." }, { "score": 0.4339998066, "text": "METROLINK TRAIN: A MetroLink station is located directly south of Scottrade Center at 14th Street and Clark Avenue, between the Union Station and Busch Stadium MetroLink stations.t Clark, turn left or right to access area parking. (Turn right at Clark to reach the Scottrade Center Garage.) Or, follow signs to other nearby parking facilities. FROM ILLINOIS: Take I-64 / US 40 westbound to the 9th Street Exit." }, { "score": 0.4285197258, "text": "N8440 County Road Qq is located in the St. Peter area of Malone, WI. At this time, the property has an estimated value of $126,000 and yearly taxes of $2,278. Similar homes nearby sell for around $130,000." }, { "score": 0.4214408696, "text": "Overall User Rating 3 of 6 2013 QLINK ATV Tweet Performance Ride & Comfort Quality & Reliability Value 2013 QLINK FrontRunner 700 EFI Reviews View All 2013 QLINK FrontRunner 700 EFI Reviews View All Photos & Videos MSRP $8,799.00 Specs." }, { "score": 0.4077070951, "text": "The CenturyLink Center Omaha is an arena and convention center in the North Downtown neighborhood in Omaha, Nebraska. The 1,100,000-square-foot (100,000 m2) facility has an 18,975-seat arena, a 194,000-square-foot (18,000 m2) exhibition hall and 62,000 sq ft (5,800 m2) of meeting space." }, { "score": 0.405525893, "text": "CenturyLink Field in Seattle. If you're a football or soccer fan, you'll love staying at the Silver Cloud Hotel – Stadium and visiting the renowned CenturyLink Field (formley Qwest Field) in Seattle." }, { "score": 0.3944326639, "text": "Samarkand is located in the center of Uzbekistan. Qarshi is located 135 km away. Road M37 connects it to Bukhara, 240 km away. Road M39 connects it to Tashkent, 270 km away. The Tajikistan border is about 35 km from Samarkand, the road leading to Dushanbe which is 210 km away. Road M39 connects it to Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan, which is 340 km away." }, { "score": 0.3831503987, "text": "TransLink is the transportation authority in the Metro Vancouver region of British Columbia. It was created in 1998 as a replacement for BC Transit in the city of Vancouver and neighbouring municipalities." }, { "score": 0.3829326928, "text": "The Centrelink Master Program, or more commonly Centrelink, is a master program of the Australian Government that is managed under the authority of the Department of Human Services." }, { "score": 0.3535206318, "text": "The Novello Theatre is situated on Aldwych, off The Strand. The nearest London Underground Stations are: Covent Garden, Charing Cross, Holborn. Take advantage of the Q-Park Theatreland Parking Scheme saving you 50% on parking in theatreland.For terms and conditions and locations visit www.q-park.co.uk/theatreland.he Novello Theatre is situated on Aldwych, off The Strand. The nearest London Underground Stations are: Covent Garden, Charing Cross, Holborn. Take advantage of the Q-Park Theatreland Parking Scheme saving you 50% on parking in theatreland." } ]
did marriage predate religion
[ { "score": 0.7546052933, "text": "The concept of marriage predates Christianity and the other two forms of Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Islam which share a common origin and common values. Marriage is very ancient dating back beyond recorded history and was practiced by all people of many cultures, ethnicities and belief systems on all continents." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7191851735, "text": "Anthropologists have observed that all societies have some form of marriage arrangement or arrangements. Also, most cultures follow one or more religions. It is reasonable to assume that all human cultures, even in pre-historic times, had some form or forms of religiously sanctioned marriage." }, { "score": 0.7046198845, "text": "Is the ritual of marriage derived from religion? Please excuse me if this has been asked before. I recently went to a wedding and the minister kept constantly preaching his religious propaganda and he kept mentioning how the two getting married are entering a covenant before god and blah blah blah." }, { "score": 0.6995235085, "text": "Marriage existed way before Christianity was ever dreamed up. Before Judaism was ever dreamed up. Before Zoroastrianism. Marriage was created by Pagans. It's not a Christian religious institution. WE perfected marriage. WE created marriage. So the Christians should not get a say in what is and is not permissible for our religious rites." }, { "score": 0.6665741801, "text": "Most religions (including some that have been around longer than Christianity) have a marriage or love ritual of some kind. So in that case no Christians were not the first to have marriage ceremonies. Source(s): School. vegangirl88 · 9 years ago." }, { "score": 0.6597165465, "text": "From polygamy to same-sex marriage, here are 13 milestones in the history of marriage. 1. Arranged alliances. Marriage is a truly ancient institution that predates recorded history. But early marriage was seen as a strategic alliance between families, with the youngsters often having no say in the matter." }, { "score": 0.6353574991, "text": "Since a marriage, to be legal, does not require a religious service, there is really not any reason to call marriage a religious term. A few Christians, who are notorious for not reading anything longer than a bumper-sticker, may claim ownership of the term, but it's a claim that would not stand up in court." }, { "score": 0.6327670813, "text": "Though marriage has ancient roots, until recently love had little to do with it. What marriage had in common was that it really was not about the relationship between the man and the woman, said Stephanie Coontz, the author of Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage, (Penguin Books, 2006). It was a way of getting in-laws, of making alliances and expanding the family labor force.." }, { "score": 0.6263173819, "text": "But when the empire collapsed, in the 5th century, church courts took over and elevated marriage to a holy union. As the church's power grew through the Middle Ages, so did its influence over marriage. In 1215, marriage was declared one of the church's seven sacraments, alongside rites like baptism and penance. But it was only in the 16th century that the church decreed that weddings be performed in public, by a priest, and before witnesses." }, { "score": 0.6165141463, "text": "Marriage can have both religious and legal significance. In many countries in Europe and elsewhere, a couple goes to their city hall to have their relationship recognized as a marriage by the government. They may then elect to follow this up with a religious marriage ceremony in a church, mosque, synagogue, etc." }, { "score": 0.6093700528, "text": "Many Christian denominations look upon marriage as being ordained by God, patterned after God's creation of the first couple, Adam and Eve. To some Christians, the relationship between two spouses is considered permanent." }, { "score": 0.6075009108, "text": "Wedding - Religious aspects of weddings. 1 Most religions recognize a lifelong union with established ceremonies and rituals. 2 Many Christian faiths emphasize the raising of children as a priority in a marriage. 3 Different religions have different beliefs as regards the breakup of marriage." }, { "score": 0.6054930091, "text": "A bit of history may help us to understand the nature of the marriage bond. In early colonial America, marriage banns were usually the formal process leading up to the wedding. Notice of the impending marriage was read from the church pulpit or posted at the church door over a set period of time." }, { "score": 0.6029176116, "text": "Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community, or peers. It is often viewed as a contract. When a marriage is performed and carried out by a government institution in accordance with the marriage laws of the jurisdiction, without religious content, it is a civil marriage." }, { "score": 0.600022316, "text": "Depending on the society, marriage may require religious and/or civil sanction, although some couples may come to be considered married simply by living together for a period of time (common law marriage). Marriage serves several functions." }, { "score": 0.5984120965, "text": "The different wedding ceremonies and teachings about marriage among Christian churches. Christians believe that marriage is a gift from God, one that should not be taken for granted. It is the right atmosphere to engage in sexual relations and to build a family life." }, { "score": 0.5979847312, "text": "By contrast, the Bible makes clear that, at the root, marriage and the family are not human conventions based merely on a temporary consensus and time-honored tradition. Instead, Scripture teaches that family was God's idea and that marriage is a divine, not merely human, institution." }, { "score": 0.5979787707, "text": "In earlier times, a marriage bond was given to the court by the intended groom prior to his marriage. It affirmed that there was no moral or legal reason why the couple could not be married and it also affirmed that the groom would not change his mind." }, { "score": 0.5977312326, "text": "With so many disparate religions seeing marriage as a crucial part of the religious life of their adherents, with so many benefits, it was inevitable that government would also see these same benefits. In the end, the goal of good government is maintaining order and providing for its members." }, { "score": 0.5953260064, "text": "In many ways the personal part of a marriage is similar to the religious one in that it is completely the choice of the marrying parties how they celebrate their union. In countries [like the US and UK], where there is a constitutional separation between church and state, the state should only be concerned with the legal aspects of a marriage." }, { "score": 0.5947480202, "text": "As God ordained and defined marriage in the beginning of His Word, all those who disagree with this construct, disagree with God, Almighty. In a day of New Age serving of the lust of the flesh, many endeavor to redefine marriage to suit their own lusts. Such are absolute heresies." }, { "score": 0.5941136479, "text": "The law of marriage. Until the middle of the 18th century marriages could take place anywhere provided they were conducted before an ordained clergyman of the Church of England." }, { "score": 0.5930224061, "text": "For Christians, marriage goes beyond the earthly covenant also, as a divine picture of the relationship between Christ and his Bride, the Church. It is a spiritual representation of our relationship with God." }, { "score": 0.5860767961, "text": "In general there are two types: civil marriage and religious marriage, and typically marriages employ a combination of both (religious marriages must often be licensed and recognized by the state, and conversely civil marriages, while not sanctioned under religious law, are nevertheless respected)." }, { "score": 0.5832998753, "text": "The Church of England considers marriage to be a permanent and lifelong union, but the Church has always sought to combine long-held principles with a response to changes in society in a mature and responsible manner. (See Some Issues in Human Sexuality). See also: Civil marriage ceremonies-religious content." }, { "score": 0.5829809904, "text": "When the marriageable age under a law of a religious community is lower than that under the law of the land, the state law prevails. However, some religious communities do not accept the supremacy of state law in this respect, which may lead to child marriage or forced marriage." }, { "score": 0.5812487602, "text": "Pre-wedding Friends and family would meet up beforehand, get mildly intoxicated, then travel to the church as a group, dressed up in their best clothes. There was a tradition arising in the period of buying entirely new clothes to use on the day, to signify the new beginning. As soon as the couple named the day, all parties get made their wedding clothes, and made provision against the wedding dinner." }, { "score": 0.5802433491, "text": "This restriction was eventually removed by Parliament in the Marriage Act of 1836 which allowed non-conformists and Catholics to be married in their own places of worship. It was also made possible for non-religious civil marriages to be held in register offices which were set up in towns and cities." }, { "score": 0.5789439082, "text": "The marriage customs of Hindus and Muslims had many similarities. Early marriages were much in vogue amongst the Hindus, with seven considered the proper age for a girl to be married. To leave a daughter unmarried beyond twelve years of age was to risk the displeasure of one's caste." }, { "score": 0.5778281093, "text": "First of all, the divine standard for marriage is lifelong commitment to one's spouse, and nothing else. Even though divorce was permitted in some cases under the Old Testament economy, Christ made it plain that this was not God's ideal." }, { "score": 0.5738981962, "text": "For Catholics, marriage is not just a social or family event, but a church event. For this reason, the Church prefers that marriages between Catholics, or between Catholics and other Christians, be celebrated in the parish church of one of the spouses." }, { "score": 0.5680055618, "text": "In 1753, however, the Marriage Act, promoted by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Hardwicke, declared that all marriage ceremonies must be conducted by a minister in a parish church or chapel of the Church of England to be legally binding." }, { "score": 0.5664057732, "text": "Marriage not only reflected order, it was a civilizing influence on which the whole of society depended. Brides, especially in Florence, were typically much younger than grooms. Women as young as fourteen were often married to men in their thirties, partly to ensure the bride's virginity." }, { "score": 0.5653799772, "text": "1881, John Harvey Kellogg, Plain Facts for Old and Young: Among most modern nations, the civil laws fixing the earliest date of marriage seem to have been made without any reference to physiology, or with the mistaken notion that puberty and nubility are identical." }, { "score": 0.5651773214, "text": "Hinduism is perhaps the oldest continuing religion in the world, with sacred texts estimated to date back to 3000 B.C. Many of its traditions have lasted for eons, with origins lost in time. A Hindu wedding, one of the most sacred of rites, incorporates many of these timeless rituals and customs." }, { "score": 0.5636442304, "text": "Whom they marry may be influenced by socially determined rules of incest, prescriptive marriage rules, parental choice and individual desire. In some areas of the world, arranged marriage, child marriage, polygamy, and sometimes forced marriage, may be practiced as a cultural tradition." }, { "score": 0.5626747608, "text": "The physical part of marriage is things like sharing family names and combined finances and assets. Many people may say that marriage is just a piece of paper but it does have a purpose. There is a reason why it is so important to so many people and cultures. The Homosexual society wouldn't be fighting so hard for the right to it if it was not important. Marriage isn't very regarded by people in the 21st century as much as it used to be. It just depends on the kind of person you are and whether you feel that is has a purpose. If a person believes that there is no purpose to marriage it just means that marriage is not a priority for them personally. Finding the purpose in marriage is up to you and your beliefs about love and relationships. Traditionally, marriage was seen as the base unit for creating a family." }, { "score": 0.5623093843, "text": "This Topic Page concerns Marriage. Though not mentioned in the Constitution, marriage has become a constitutional hot-button topic in recent years. Source material for this topic page includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Jannah.org, FaithNet, and the Alternatives to Marriage Project. 1 A Short History. 2 Civil Marriage." }, { "score": 0.5559798479, "text": "The Church's view on marriage. The Church of England considers marriage to be a permanent and lifelong union, but the Church has always sought to combine long-held principles with a response to changes in society in a mature and responsible manner. (See Some Issues in Human Sexuality)." }, { "score": 0.5529891253, "text": "The history of marriage. Marriage vows, in the form To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, have been recited at UK church weddings since 1552." }, { "score": 0.5435760021, "text": "Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting. In the late 20th century, religious rites of marriage without legal recognition became increasingly common. The first law providing for marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was enacted in 2001 in the Netherlands." }, { "score": 0.5431729555, "text": "If homosexuality is a sin, and marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman, then the faithful can be tolerant of a sin but they cannot support it. None of the major Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) support homosexuality or gay marriage." }, { "score": 0.5389849544, "text": "We don't date because we do not believe in having a relationship before marriage. That is why we have respect. The concept of 'dating'is fairly recent in most societies, generally less than 100 years old. Most societies, not only Muslim, are wary of, or prohibitive of, couples of opposite sex going off on their own." }, { "score": 0.5377531052, "text": "He will do everything he can to make sure your own personal beliefs are represented in your wedding ceremomy. His wedding ceremony is spiritual, but not necessarily religious. In the final draft, it is ALWAYS what you want it to be. NOTE: There are no Biblical references of a minister performing a marriage ceremony. This does not mean that it is wrong, but simply that the Bible does not seem to support it as a religious practice. Therefore, it is American culture that has made the officiating of marriages a religious matter." }, { "score": 0.5375878215, "text": "It generally happened in that portion of a person's life before the age of marriage, but as marriage became less permanent with the advent of divorce, dating could happen at other times in peoples lives as well. People became more mobile." }, { "score": 0.5356949568, "text": "Conservative Christians and others argue that they have a sincere religious belief that marriage must be only between one man and one woman. Facilitating or assisting individuals to enter other kinds of marital relationships requires them to act in contravention of their religious beliefs." }, { "score": 0.5350809097, "text": "In Christianity, the oikia was further broadened to include the church community as well: a church is the household of God. Familial relationships are thus models for spiritual relationships. Family & Marriage: The most obvious way that a family expands is through the birth of new members.Perhaps more important, however, is the act of marriage. Through a marriage ritual, not only do two otherwise unrelated people become family, but two families become related as well.Marriage creates important social and familial bonds which, in turn, are part of the basis for society itself.n Christianity, the oikia was further broadened to include the church community as well: a church is the household of God. Familial relationships are thus models for spiritual relationships. Family & Marriage: The most obvious way that a family expands is through the birth of new members." }, { "score": 0.5304101706, "text": "1 The Egyptian religion can also be considered the oldest religion. 2 Its origins date back beyond 3000 BCE. 3 First off, this is a very general question. 4 Religion comes from religare, which is to bind, or have union with, etc. so humans throughout our history have been seeking this union." }, { "score": 0.5220917463, "text": "Exist or occur at a date earlier than (something) 'here parish boundaries seem clearly to predate Roman roads'. 'It dates back for thirty or forty thousand years pre-dating all world religions.'. 'They thought its unusual burial scene - pre-dating the Egyptian practice of mummification - was a fake because it was 'too good to be true'.'." }, { "score": 0.5137595534, "text": "In ages past, these traditions and rituals would extend over several days, but in today's hectic society, such a schedule is difficult to accommodate. Today, many of these traditions are performed the night before and the day of the wedding ceremony. The Hindu ceremony centers not just on the bride, but celebrates the coming together of two families. To illustrate this theme, many customs involve both families." }, { "score": 0.5059863329, "text": "But think more deeply: Congress could make all kinds of laws that aggressively establish an ideology that is not a religion. Gay Marriage Vs. the First Amendment James Poulos August 21, 2014. Sometimes she does it to defame them, other times to make it seem as if they shared her ideology." }, { "score": 0.5025912523, "text": "It's strange to me that so many people from the Judeo-Christian faith are opposed to gay marriage because they believe it is a sin, but yet some of the heroes of the Old Testament were... show more I'm not a supportive of polygamy, but I don't understand why it is illegal if it's between consenting adults." }, { "score": 0.488080889, "text": "This Bible study will examine the teachings of Jesus on this subject and reserve other New Testament teaching as found in the epistles to another study. Our Lord Jesus Christ discussed the issue of marriage and divorce in his day in response to questions asked by the Pharisees." }, { "score": 0.4745531678, "text": "the danger with the explicit legal ban on same sex marriage in the church of england and church in wales is it will anger many supporters of gay marriage who feel she has given far too much ground but some religious groups including quakers unitarians and liberal judaism are in favourhe legislation explicitly stating that it will be illegal for the church of england and the church in wales to marry same sex couples and that canon law which bans same sex weddings will continue to apply" }, { "score": 0.4736070335, "text": "Thus it is not the religion of the biblical prophets, apostles or Jesus. Pagan Origins. Islam's origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia." }, { "score": 0.47342664, "text": "These include health and religiosity, the relationship. between entrepreneurship/work and religion, religion and the American ethos. (individualism), as well as recurring themes such as religion and cultural issues. (e.g. politics, same sex marriage)." }, { "score": 0.4729468226, "text": "mrs miller said the church of england and church in wales had explicitly stated their opposition to offering same sex ceremonies so the government would explicitly state that it will be illegal for the churches of england and wales to marry same sex couplesut she added that the church of england and church in wales had explicitly stated strong opposition and would not be included" }, { "score": 0.4613355994, "text": "(Answer #2). Some religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and to a lesser extent Islam tend to be religions of exclusivity. The First Commandment of the Old Testament states, you shall have no other Gods before me.. The Islamic Creed states there is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger..Answer #2). Some religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and to a lesser extent Islam tend to be religions of exclusivity. The First Commandment of the Old Testament states, you shall have no other Gods before me.. The Islamic Creed states there is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger.." }, { "score": 0.4594359696, "text": "Scholarship Challenges Tradition. In the end, it proved impossible to consummate the marriage of humanism and the Catholic condition. In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, a few humanists thought they could use their skills as scholars to reanimate the church." }, { "score": 0.4409889579, "text": "Charles I and family. Charles' problems revolved around religion and a lack of money. His marriage to the Roman-Catholic French princess Henrietta Maria in 1625 did not please his Protestant subjects and led to suspicions of his motives." }, { "score": 0.4315878451, "text": "The largest religion in China is composed of a number of Folk faiths that predate the introduction of Christianity to China. Although just 5.1% of China's population of 1,341,340,000 are Christian, China has the world's seventh largest Christian population." }, { "score": 0.4269843996, "text": "More states ban same-sex marriage than allow it. But that doesn't tell the whole story. Update (6/26/2015): On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that bans on same-sex marriage were unconstitutional. The ruling effectively legalized gay marriage in every state. Just a few years ago, the fight for marriage equality looked incredibly bleak." }, { "score": 0.4197033644, "text": "History has it that the Greeks did, indeed, wrestle. No doubt. But the Chinese have records that predate the Greeks by at least 500 years and speak to wrestling as a pre … -requisite for military service. Here's something to consider. History has it that the Greeks did, indeed, wrestle. No doubt. But the Chinese have records that predate the Greeks by at least 500 years and speak to wrestling as a pre … -requisite for military service." }, { "score": 0.4194362164, "text": "History has it that the Greeks did, indeed, wrestle. No doubt. But the Chinese have records that predate the Greeks by at least 500 years and speak to wrestling as a pre … -requisite for military service. Here's something to consider. History has it that the Greeks did, indeed, wrestle. No doubt. But the Chinese have records that predate the Greeks by at least 500 years and speak to wrestling as a pre … -requisite for military service. Here's something to consider." }, { "score": 0.4184919894, "text": "Currently Christianity is at the top practiced religion in the world. FOUNDED: Islam began about 1400 years ago in what is now Saudi Arabia. Started by: THE Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). KEY SCRIPTURE: THE QURAAN, the revealed scripture of Islam, and the Hadith, the teachings, sayings and life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)." }, { "score": 0.4171904922, "text": "Traditionally marriage precedes the birth of a child, but not always, so call it what it is: sex. So the question is if a man (genotype AS) has sex with a woman (genotype AS), will the baby be at risk for sickle cell anemia. There is a 25% chance that the child will have the disease (genotype SS)." } ]
Dark Cloud 3 Release Date
[ { "score": 0.8274511695, "text": "Advertisement. I was strolling around IGN about 2-3 years ago and noticed in the Release Date section Dark Cloud 3 was scheduled for December 31st, 2006. But now when I look around IGN there is no more information about it." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7901713848, "text": "Dark Cloud 3 is the upcoming third installment of the real-time role-playing series Dark Cloud. Though the game was scheduled to appear at E3 2004 according to an SCE planning sheet, this was later found to be a misprint." }, { "score": 0.7883756161, "text": "Dark Cloud 3 is the upcoming third installment of the real-time role-playing series Dark Cloud." }, { "score": 0.7847121954, "text": "Synopsis. Dark Cloud 3 is the upcoming third installment of the real-time role-playing series Dark Cloud. Though the game was scheduled to appear at E3 2004 according to an SCE planning sheet, this was later found to be a misprint." }, { "score": 0.7362083793, "text": "We're happy to announce Dark Cloud 3 for the PlayStation 4. We will release more information at E3.Akahiro Hino. I am very interested in a next-gen Dark Cloud. Ni No Kuni has shown that with that the recent slump in japanese videogame companies can be overcome with a good design-and art-direction." }, { "score": 0.7361140847, "text": "We're happy to announce Dark Cloud 3 for the PlayStation 4. We will release more information at E3.Akahiro Hino. I am very interested in a next-gen Dark Cloud." }, { "score": 0.6896445155, "text": "Dark Souls 3 is slated to launch on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One sometime in April 2016, though Japan will get the game a little earlier on March 24, 2016. Update: The Dark Souls 3 's Network Stress Test Ver. appears to have been posted a little early; it's already been pulled from the PlayStation Store.owever, the Dark Souls 3 beta kicks off next week, so it's good to be prepared. From Software's plan is to hold a Dark Souls 3 beta test from Oct. 16-18 in Asia, Europe and the Americas. The developer opened registration — which is now closed — for the beta in September." }, { "score": 0.6868336201, "text": "I think it's great that Sony contacted us to collaborate on creating a new magical world for PlayStation owners.Akahiro Hino. We're happy to announce Dark Cloud 3 for the PlayStation 4. We will release more information at E3.Akahiro Hino. I am very interested in a next-gen Dark Cloud." }, { "score": 0.6700386405, "text": "Dark Souls III. Dark Souls III is an action role-playing video game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. The fourth entry in the Souls series, Dark Souls III was released in Japan in March 2016, and worldwide in April 2016." }, { "score": 0.6527729034, "text": "Dark Cloud (Japanese: ダーククラウド, Hepburn: Dāku Kuraudo) is a 2000 action role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2." }, { "score": 0.6457415819, "text": "Bandai Namco has said Dark Souls 3 is coming in \"early 2016.\" Given that Dark Souls 2 arrived in March, I'd expect Dark Souls 3 is coming around the same time. In other words, we have plenty of time to speculate about what's really going in Dark Souls 3. Theorize away below!" }, { "score": 0.6229906678, "text": "Dark Matter Season 3 Release Date Released for the second time in the previous month, the series remains in the undefined status. Thus, the project is on the hook." }, { "score": 0.6120185852, "text": "Dark Matter Season 3 Release Date. Released for the second time in the previous month, the series remains in the undefined status. Thus, the project is on the hook. So far, we have nothing to worry about, for the official ratings of the second chapter are not known. They are to determine the fate of the project." }, { "score": 0.6024150848, "text": "Call of Duty: Black Ops III was announced on April 9, 2015 as the third installment in the Black Ops series and was revealed on April 26, 2015 with a release date of November 6, 2015." }, { "score": 0.6000121832, "text": "DLC in Dark Souls 3 is downloadable content that is released post launch. All information about any possible DLC will be placed here when known. The first DLC is titled Ashes of Ariandel and was released on October 25th, 2016. It is priced at 15 USD for the single item." }, { "score": 0.5987951159, "text": "At any rate, with the impending launch of Dark Souls 3 DLC, sales for the game are expected to increase further. Venturebeat reports that the sales for Dark Souls 3 reached a total of $45 million in the first month of release alone. The game was released in April 2016." }, { "score": 0.5967538357, "text": "Further details are scarce where the Dark Souls 3 DLC is concerned, but fans are already looking forward to getting a sneak peek at the first set of expansion packs before it is released in the fall. The E3 is happening in Los Angeles, California on June 14-16." }, { "score": 0.5907533169, "text": "A parallel sequel was released on August 14, 2012. An enhanced port of the game called Darksiders: Warmastered Edition was announced to be released at a budget price in 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Wii U, and Xbox One." }, { "score": 0.5854768157, "text": "Dark Tower Release Date: February 2017. What!?! Yep, in a recent press release by Sony, they announced that the first installment of the Dark Tower franchise, \"The Gunslinger\", will hit cinema's on January 13 February 17, 2017." }, { "score": 0.5698379278, "text": "Treyarch has been working on the next Call of Duty title, which was officially announced last night. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One only; support for last-gen platforms have been dropped. Black Ops 3 releases on November 6, 2015." }, { "score": 0.5602588654, "text": "The Dark Tower Release Date -17 February 2017. The Dark Tower is an upcoming, American, horror and fiction movie. which is set to be released on February 17, 2017. The Dark Tower is based on the novel of the same name written by Stephen King. The Film is directed and co-written by Nikolaj Arcel." }, { "score": 0.5578724742, "text": "Dark Matter season 4 – series release date Video The series is officially renewed for season 4, the release date of the new series \"Dark matter\" is scheduled for summer 2018." }, { "score": 0.5576978326, "text": "Sony Pictures originally circled February 17, 2017 as the release date for The Dark Tower, the first chapter in what's expected to be an ongoing saga. But then, that changed. The Dark Tower currently is rumored to be looking for a summer release date in the same year, though nothing has been confirmed." }, { "score": 0.556858778, "text": "UPDATE with more release date changes: Sony Pictures has made several changes to its release schedule, moving some films and dating others for the first time. First up, The Dark Tower, the long-in-the-works adaptation of the Stephen King fantasy series, has been moved off its current February 2017 release date. It will now be released on July 28, 2017." }, { "score": 0.5526964068, "text": "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is not a DLC, it is instead a stand-alone game sold in hard copy (2 Disc Set for Xbox 360) and digital copy. It is sold at $39.99/€29.99/£19.99. The game was released on: 23 April, 2013 in North America." }, { "score": 0.5515419245, "text": "However, it would now appear that Blumhouse and returning writer/director James DeMonaco have instead decided to take their time with The Purge 3, as multiple outlets are reporting that the film has been pushed to a release date of July 1, 2016." }, { "score": 0.5397290587, "text": "The original release date was March 15, 2013, but in early January 2013 the release date was moved to October 18, 2013. Sony held a First Look event at the New York Comic Con on October 13, 2013 that allowed attendees to view the film prior to the release date." }, { "score": 0.5396418571, "text": "«Thor: The Dark World» initial dvd release date is February 25, 2014. Netflix shipping dvd or blu-ray by mail from February 25, 2014. Available at Redbox rental kiosks from February 25, 2014." }, { "score": 0.5389380455, "text": "Around the world: «Thor: The Dark World» dvd release dates for UK (February 24, 2014), Australia (March 5, 2014) and other countries around the world. Dates may be subject to change." }, { "score": 0.5342396498, "text": "As Star Citizen's pot of funding has grown over the past couple of years, so too has its development time. This has naturally resulted in delays - 2014 was the original release date, but Cloud Imperium has given the title a rough launch window of 2016." }, { "score": 0.5307127237, "text": "'The Dark Tower' Has Been Delayed Again. If everything had gone according to plan, we would have seen Nikolaj Arcel's adaptation of Stephen King's The Dark Tower by now. The film was originally scheduled for a January 13, 2017 release date before being pushed back to February 17. From there, it was pushed back to July 28." }, { "score": 0.5302433968, "text": "Key Release Dates. 1 T2: Trainspotting release date: Mar 31, 2017. 2 Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle release date: Dec 22, 2017. 3 The Dark Tower release date: Aug 4, 2017. The Equalizer 2 release date: Sep 14, 2018." }, { "score": 0.5298718214, "text": "Latest News: Spider Game, the next book in my GhostWalker Series, will be released January 26, 2016. Fire Bound, the next in the Sisters of the Heart Sisters, will be released April 26, 2016. I will be releasing the first of a new series titled Shadow Rider on June 28th, 2016. Leopard's Fury, the next in the Leopard Series, will also be released on November 8th, 2016. For the Dark Series I have two new stories coming out in 2016 and a re-issue. Dark Promises, the next book in the Dark Series, is coming out March 15, 2016 followed by Dark Carousel which comes out August 2nd, 2016." }, { "score": 0.5277683139, "text": "Countdown: The release dates for Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Free were announced at CinemaCon, as Feb 10 2017 and Feb 9 2018, respectively. Fifty Shades Darker will hit cinemas on February 10, 2017, while the trilogy will complete on February 9, 2018 with Fifty Shades Freed. Dakota Johnson starred as Anastasia opposite Dornan as Christian in the first movie and they're expected to return for the final two films." }, { "score": 0.5231962204, "text": "His Dark Materials TV Show Release Date. Producer Jane Tranter plans for pre-production on the series to start this autumn, but there is no current start date for the show. If things go as planned, we may be looking at a late-2017 air date for the new adaptation." }, { "score": 0.5218129754, "text": "The Dark Tower, Jumanji, Equalizer 2 & More Get New Release Dates. Sony Pictures has changed the official release date for The Dark Tower – the long-awaited film adaptation of Stephen King's fantasy/western novel series – once already, bumping it from January to February of 2017." }, { "score": 0.5212587118, "text": "dark tower movies .com. Sony has been pretty quiet in when it comes to talking about the upcoming Dark Tower movie. We've found a few scraps of information here and there, along with some photo's from the filming days, but the only direct information from Sony has been a change in the release date; being pushed back from Feb 17 to July 28, 2017." }, { "score": 0.5179644227, "text": "Title: Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ High Resolution Texture Pack Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG Developer: Monolith Productions, Inc. Release Date: Oct 9, 2017" }, { "score": 0.5105587244, "text": "The third arc in the Dark Tower comic series was released by Marvel Comics, and it is called The Dark Tower: Treachery. The first issue of the six issue arc was published on September 10, 2008. A hardcover volume containing all 6 issues was released on April 21, 2009." }, { "score": 0.508423686, "text": "Release. In July 2014, it was announced that the film would be released on August 21, 2015. In May 2015, the film's release date was moved to June 3, 2016. In November 2015, the film's release date was moved back, to March 4, 2016, before being delayed again in January 2016, to its previous June 3, 2016 release date. Reception" }, { "score": 0.5065690279, "text": "by Haleigh Foutch March 30, 2017. Condolences to fans of The Dark Tower. You're going to have to wait just a little bit longer for that movie adaptation you've already waited decades for. Columbia is delaying the release date for the Stephen King adaptation once again, but this time it's just moving a bit down the road to August 4. The studio has swapped The Dark Tower with The Emoji Movie, which will now arrive in theaters on July 28." }, { "score": 0.5064325333, "text": "Dark Tower Movie Poster. Sony has been pretty quiet in when it comes to talking about the upcoming Dark Tower movie. We've found a few scraps of information here and there, along with some photo's from the filming days, but the only direct information from Sony has been a change in the release date; being pushed back from Feb 17 to July 28, 2017." }, { "score": 0.5054887533, "text": "Thor: The Dark World was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment for digital download on February 4, 2014, and on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on February 25, 2014." }, { "score": 0.5027368069, "text": "The Dark Tower. You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Universal Pictures | Release Date: August 4, 2017. Summary: Gunslinger Roland Deschain roams an Old West-like landscape in search of a dark tower, which is rumored to be a magical portal to other worlds. Director: Nikolaj Arcel and Ron Howard." }, { "score": 0.500161767, "text": "(Netflix). UPDATE 6/11/15: The full season will be released at 3 a.m. EDT and PDT on Friday, June 12. The release date for Orange is the New Black season 3 has been announced via Twitter by Uzo Aduba, AKA \"Crazy Eyes.\". Yesterday Uzo Aduba tweeted from her verified Twitter account: June 12th." }, { "score": 0.4956027865, "text": "Horizon Zero Dawn - PlayStation 4. 1 Publisher: Sony. 2 SKU: 9082293. 3 Release Date: 02/28/2017. 4 4.9 (4,711) 5 Be the first to ask a question." }, { "score": 0.4920412302, "text": "The third series, Warriors: Power of Three, was released from 2007 to 2009 and consists of six books: The Sight (April 24, 2007), Dark River (December 26, 2007), Outcast (April 22, 2008), Eclipse (September 2, 2008), Long Shadows (November 25, 2008), and Sunrise (April 21, 2009)." }, { "score": 0.4899659455, "text": "April 2017 Release 'Dark Days' for the Common Working File (CWF) Hosts. In anticipation of the April 2017 Release, the CWF Hosts will not process claims beginning Friday, March 31, 2017 through Sunday, April 2, 2017." }, { "score": 0.4892210364, "text": "An order for 13 episodes was placed for the first season of the series, which premiered on June 12, 2015 on both Space and Syfy. The series was renewed for a 13-episode second season in September 2015, which premiered on July 1, 2016. Dark Matter was renewed for a 13-episode third season in September 2016, which is set to premiere on June 9, 2017." }, { "score": 0.4883443415, "text": "A third film, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, was released on June 29, 2011, in 3-D and went on to gross over $1 billion, despite receiving mixed reviews." }, { "score": 0.4880349636, "text": "Gillum's sophomore album, When It's Dark Out, was released on December 4, 2015. On January 6th, 2016, G-Eazy launched his second world tour. The tour will see G-Eazy cross the United States, Europe, and Australia." }, { "score": 0.482986331, "text": "According to Activision and Treyarch there are a total of 9 different specialists in BO3. So far, only six have been officially revealed. The remaining three will likely be announced within the next couple of months leading up to the official Black Ops 3 release date of November 6th, 2015." }, { "score": 0.4828596115, "text": "Region 1 Edit. On May 20, 2003, 20th Century Fox released Season 1 of Dark Angel on DVD. Season 2 was released on October 21, 2003. Both seasons were re-released on June 5, 2007, with slim packaging.egion 1 Edit. On May 20, 2003, 20th Century Fox released Season 1 of Dark Angel on DVD. Season 2 was released on October 21, 2003. Both seasons were re-released on June 5, 2007, with slim packaging." }, { "score": 0.4827580452, "text": "The third season of 'House of Cards' is set to be released on Friday, February 27, only on Netflix. VPC. Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey in Season 3 of Netflix's House of Cards. (Photo: David Giesbrecht, Netflix)." }, { "score": 0.4809975624, "text": "A third film, Dark of the Moon, was released on June 29, 2011, in 3-D and went on to gross over $1 billion. A fourth entry, Age of Extinction, was released on June 27, 2014, which also grossed over $1 billion. A fifth installment, titled Transformers: The Last Knight, is scheduled for a Summer 2017 release." }, { "score": 0.4804044962, "text": "Charlie the Choo-Choo. Release Date: November 22nd, 2016. Dive deep into the world of the Dark Tower with Charlie the Choo-Choo, a perfect gift for any fan of Stephen King and The Dark Tower, soon to be a motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba." }, { "score": 0.4721975327, "text": "In May 2011, it was announced that Paramount would move Transformers: Dark of the Moon's release date of July 1 to June 29 in order to monitor an early response to footage." }, { "score": 0.471491307, "text": "The Season 3 finale date hasn't been released yet; however, it seems like ABC will air the finale on May 10, 2016. That date coincides with the first two season finales, and since each season is 22 episodes, the timeline makes sense. Update (5/23): Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be on Netflix on June 16. If that is the case, and we expect it to be, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 will be released on June 9, 2016." }, { "score": 0.465360105, "text": "Killjoys, Dark Matter, Sharknado 5 and Others Get Syfy Premiere Dates. 7 April 2017 10:22 AM, PDT | TVLine.com | See recent TVLine.com news ». Syfy's Killjoys will launch their next mission on Friday, June 30 at 8/7, as part of the cabler's robust summer slate." }, { "score": 0.4642727971, "text": "Marvel Reveals Phase 3 Release Dates: BLACK PANTHER in 2017; CAPTAIN MARVEL in 2018; AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR in 2018 and 2019. by Perri Nemiroff October 28, 2014. It's been just two weeks since Warner Bros. unveiled its DC Movie lineup, but Marvel is already stealing back the spotlight with an enormous slate of its own." }, { "score": 0.4527264833, "text": "Common Working File (CWF) Hosts July 2016 Release Dark Days. Posted June 16, 2016 in Part A/B. For the upcoming July 2016 Release, there will be one business \"Dark\" day on Friday, July 1, 2016. This means the CWF online Health Insurance Master Record (HIMR) inquiry will not be available Friday, July 1, 2016." }, { "score": 0.4503209591, "text": "\"Incredibles 2\" and \"Cars 3\" scored release dates from Disney-Pixar on Thursday. Brad Bird 's \"Incredibles\" sequel will hit theaters on June 21, 2019, while the third \"Cars\" movie will roar into theaters on June 16, 2017. Bad news for \"Toy Story\" fans, though. The fourth film in the beloved franchise about talking toys has been bumped back a year from its original release date to June 15, 2018." }, { "score": 0.4477241635, "text": "Common Working File (CWF) Hosts July 2016 Release Dark Days. For the upcoming July 2016 Release, there will be one business \"Dark\" day on Friday, July 1, 2016. This means the CWF online Health Insurance Master Record (HIMR) inquiry will not be available Friday, July 1, 2016." }, { "score": 0.4227862358, "text": "Every Upcoming Stephen King Movie & TV Show Scheduled For Release, Including 'IT', 'The Mist' & 'The Dark Tower'. April 12, 2017 at 08:35AM." }, { "score": 0.3922596872, "text": "The Ruby Gloom Movie. The Ruby Gloom Movie is an upcoming 2017 American CGI animated 2D adventure-comedy family movie from Universal Pictures and Nelvana Films, and it's based on the series of Ruby Gloom that was been created by Mighty Fine. It will be released on August 16, 2017 in Canada and September 7, 2017 in the United States in IMAX. Plot." }, { "score": 0.3872523308, "text": "The CW officially ordered the series in May 2017. Black Lightning is scheduled to premiere in 2018 of the 2017–18 season, for a 13 episode run." } ]
benefits of pears
[ { "score": 0.7408140898, "text": "Researchers found that people who eat one medium pear a day will see positive health benefits - including lower weight. According to the USDA Guidelines for Americans, people who eat more fruit as part of an overall healthy diet are more likely to reduce their risk of chronic diseases." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6944010258, "text": "Reasons to Eat Pears n A ½ cup of sliced pears contains fiber and vitamin C. n The edible skin* of pears is an additional source of fiber**. Pears offer a natural, quick source of energy, due largely to high amounts of two kinds of monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) and levulose." }, { "score": 0.6810413599, "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Pears are fruit. Yes, they're good for you. Pear, raw Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 60 kcal 240 kJ Carbohydrates 15.46 g-Sugars 9.80 g-Dietary fiber 3.1 g Fat 0 g Protein 0.38 g Thiamin (Vit.B1) 0.012 mg 1% Riboflavin (Vit.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Pears are fruit. Yes, they're good for you. Pear, raw Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 60 kcal 240 kJ Carbohydrates 15.46 g-Sugars 9.80 g-Dietary fiber 3.1 g Fat 0 g Protein 0.38 g Thiamin (Vit." }, { "score": 0.6643987298, "text": "Because of the Pear's cooling & moistening effects, eating a certain amount of Pear each day in the hot & dry season is suitable for the symptoms mentioned above. I suggest you have pear with cube sugar and pear with white fungus soup. These two recipes are very popular in beauty therapy for dry skin." }, { "score": 0.6613672972, "text": "One medium-sized pear contains 5.5 grams of fiber toward your daily goal of 21 to 38 grams. When you eat plenty of fiber, your digestive system works the way it's supposed to. Fiber helps your body absorb the vitamins and minerals from your food." }, { "score": 0.6589214802, "text": "Vitamin K. The average pear contains 13 percent of the daily value for vitamin K. Vitamin K is vital to your body's efficient blood clotting. This reduces blood loss and the risk of developing an infection.he average pear contains 13 percent of the daily value for vitamin K. Vitamin K is vital to your body's efficient blood clotting. This reduces blood loss and the risk of developing an infection." }, { "score": 0.6567555666, "text": "Pears come in a range of colors and they're inexpensive, making them a smart addition to your healthy eating plan. One medium-sized pear contains 5.5 grams of fiber toward your daily goal of 21 to 38 grams.When you eat plenty of fiber, your digestive system works the way it's supposed to.ears come in a range of colors and they're inexpensive, making them a smart addition to your healthy eating plan. One medium-sized pear contains 5.5 grams of fiber toward your daily goal of 21 to 38 grams." }, { "score": 0.6473687887, "text": "Apples, pears and bananas are all rich in dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with liquid in your stomach, slowing the digestive process and allowing you to obtain maximum nutrition from your food.t can also lower your risk of several potentially serious chronic diseases. Apples, pears and bananas are three fruits that are beneficial when consumed regularly. Packed with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and healthy dietary fiber, they are good choices any time of day." }, { "score": 0.6391662359, "text": "1 Beta carotene and fibre are the sweet […] Posted in. 2 5 ways pears are good for your health Delicious and versatile, pears are also packed with good-for-you nutrients Posted in Nutrition. 5 health benefits of orange vegetables Health Canada recommends eating at least one serving of orange vegetables per day." }, { "score": 0.5681387186, "text": "Calories in canned pears. Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for canned pears. Canned or Bottled Fruits : Pears, canned in light syrup. Canned or Bottled Fruits : Pears, canned in juice. Canned or Bottled Fruits : Pears, canned in water." }, { "score": 0.5655217171, "text": "5) Reducing your risk of diabetes. Apples could also help lower your risk of diabetes. A study involving 187,382 people found that people who ate three servings per week of apples, grapes, raisins, blueberries or pears had a 7% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not." }, { "score": 0.5648062229, "text": "Ornamental or flowering pear trees provide visual interest in the spring and fall months, and attract birds, bees and other wildlife with their flowers and fruits (inedible to humans). While all ornamental pears have white blossoms and bright fall foliage, cultivars vary by height, cold tolerance, branch strength and smoothness of wood." }, { "score": 0.5619260669, "text": "Health Benefits of Lime. The health benefits of lime include weight loss, skin care, improved digestion, relief from constipation, eye care, and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders, gout, gums, urinary disorders, etc. The first fruit that comes to mind in terms of medicinal uses is the reliable lime." }, { "score": 0.5471669436, "text": "Top 17 Benefits of Lime. The health benefits of lime include weight loss, skin care, improved digestion, relief from constipation, eye care, and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders, gout, gums, urinary disorders, etc. The first fruit that comes to mind in terms of medicinal uses is the reliable lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many advanced medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, has been used for ages in the treatment of various ailments." }, { "score": 0.54136765, "text": "How many calories are in Bartlett Pears? Amount of calories in Bartlett Pears: Calories: Calories from Fat (%) % Daily Value * How much fat is in Bartlett Pears? Amount of fat in Bartlett Pears: Total Fat: How much sodium is in Bartlett Pears? Amount of sodium in Bartlett Pears: Sodium: How many carbs are in Bartlett Pears?" }, { "score": 0.5372232199, "text": "Prickly pears, are nutrient-rich fruits of cactus plants. The nopal, or prickly pear cactus, is among the plants native to the Sonora Desert, which is in Arizona and parts of California and New Mexico. You can eat cactus pears, or prickly pears, after removing their strong, sharp thorns.Raw cactus pears go well in fruit salads and smoothies, and you can cook these fruits into jams or use them in savory dishes, such as chili. They provide health benefits as part of an overall balanced diet.ou can eat cactus pears, or prickly pears, after removing their strong, sharp thorns. Raw cactus pears go well in fruit salads and smoothies, and you can cook these fruits into jams or use them in savory dishes, such as chili. They provide health benefits as part of an overall balanced diet." }, { "score": 0.5212358236, "text": "A benefit of nopal cactus fruit is that it can help you meet your nutrient needs. Each 4-ounce fruit provides 14 milligrams of vitamin C, or 22 percent of the daily value for this antioxidant vitamin. The 4-ounce serving of prickly pear contains 88 milligrams of magnesium, or 22 percent of the daily value." }, { "score": 0.4986251891, "text": "The medicinal value of cactus is immense. Studies reveal that cactus contain anti-tumor, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. In addition, experts opine that cactus has the capacity to prevent cancerous growth of cells.The prickly pear cactus for instance, has enjoyed enough significance with respect to its medicinal value.isted below are some health benefits of prickly pear cactus: 1 Helpful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. 2 Helps in the treatment of hyperlipidemias (increased or abnormal level of lipids in the blood). 3 Contains anti-inflammatory properties. 4 Helps manage conditions of overweight and obesity. 5 Prevents cancer. 6 Heals wounds." }, { "score": 0.4942100644, "text": "Blackberries Description & Health Benefits. Blackberry is a member of the Rosaceae botanical family which includes numerous fruits, trees, and shrubs. The Rosaceae includes apples, pears, apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, and almonds." } ]
what is vertebral column
[ { "score": 0.7373165488, "text": "spinal column. n. 1. (Anatomy) a series of contiguous or interconnecting bony or cartilaginous segments that surround and protect the spinal cord. Also called: spine, vertebral column or rachis Nontechnical name: backbone." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6629038453, "text": "Vertebral Arch. The vertebral arch refers to the lateral and posterior parts of the vertebrae. With the vertebral body, the vertebral arch forms an enclosed hole, called a vertebral foramen. The foramina of the all vertebrae line up to form the vertebral canal, which encloses the spinal cord." }, { "score": 0.6561247706, "text": "The muscles of the vertebral column are exceptionally strong and well designed considering they are required to fight the effects of gravity. These muscles are designed to exhibit flexible motion as well as structural support for one of the most complex areas of the human body.he rectus abdominis is found in the abdominal muscles, but it is also responsible for flexing the vertebral column. It is an elongated muscle that resembles a strap. Along the posterior side of the vertebral column, the extensor muscles can be located." }, { "score": 0.6478511095, "text": "A cervical vertebra is any of the vertebra in the cervical (neck) region of the spinal column. The cervical vertebra are the smallest vertebra in the spine, reflective of the fact that they support the least load." }, { "score": 0.6285259724, "text": "Abnormal Curves of the Vertebral Column Kyphosis is an exaggeration in the sagittal curvature present in the thoracic part of the vertebral column. It can be caused by muscular weakness or by structural changes in the vertebral bodies or by intervertebral discs. Scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the vertebral column." }, { "score": 0.6275048852, "text": "The remaining 9 vertebrae lack the intervertebral disc and form two sets of fused structures. The total length of an adult vertebral column is about 71 cm in men and about 61 cm in women. A detailed account of the number of vertebrae in human beings as well as their names and characteristics have been provided below." }, { "score": 0.6245581508, "text": "secondary curvatures of vertebral column. secondary curvatures of vertebral column. [TA] ventrally convex curves of the vertebral column that develop postnatally in the cervical and lumbar regions: the cervical and lumbar lordoses." }, { "score": 0.6237206459, "text": "The muscles in the vertebral column serve to flex, rotate, or extend the spine. If there are pathology with the aforementioned components of the spine, such as discs, bone, ligaments, and their subsequent alignment, it often falls on the muscles to work hard to compensate.[2]" }, { "score": 0.6234763861, "text": "secondary curvatures of vertebral column. secondary curvatures of vertebral column. ventrally convex curves of the vertebral column that develop postnatally in the cervical and lumbar regions: the cervical and lumbar lordoses." }, { "score": 0.5713182092, "text": "Vertebral augmentation. What is a vertebral augmentation? Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure in which cement designed for use in bones is injected into the vertebral column (spine). You may be recommended for this procedure if you are suffering from pain caused by a vertebral compression fracture." }, { "score": 0.4383151531, "text": "46 terms. muscles and what they do; kinesology for massage therapy; orgins, insertions, actions. External Oblique (A) action: bilaterally - flexes the vertebral column, compresses abdominal contents. unilaterally - laterally flexes the vertebral column to same side, rotates vertebral column to opposite side." } ]
consequential damages defined in construction
[ { "score": 0.7407895327, "text": "consequential damages. Consequential damages are an indirect result of a direct loss. Lost profit, lost rents, and lost business opportunities are examples of consequential damages that could be incurred as a result of a direct physical loss to property. Consequential damages are a troublesome risk for most businesses because of the lack of a ceiling on the amount of the loss." }, { "score": 0.6996822357, "text": "waiver of consequential damages in its contract with the Sands. Contrac-tual waivers of consequential damages have become widespread throughout the construction industry. Indeed, since 1997, the American Institute of Archi-tects has included a mutual waiver of consequential damages in its standard General Conditions for Construction. Many courts and arbitration panels have dismissed lawsuits without hold-ing a trial based on the presence of a consequential damages waiver. These courts and panels generally fi nd that classifi cation of damages is a legal issue for the courts, and a trial is un-" } ]
[ { "score": 0.6972492337, "text": "— consequential loss : a loss that arises as an indirect result of an act or event — called also indirect loss; compare direct loss in this entry — constructive total loss : a loss in marine insurance in which the cost of repairing or recovering a ship or its cargo would be more than the ship or cargo is worth — compare actual total loss in this entry" }, { "score": 0.6913177371, "text": "There are pros and cons to defining consequential loss in a contract. A contract is breached, and you've suffered loss. You look at the terms of the contract, and find the other party doesn't have to compensate you for any consequential loss. What does that even mean? Consequential loss confuses business people and some recent cases have added to the confusion." }, { "score": 0.6779534817, "text": "Accordingly, a consequential damages waiver will exclude any damages, other than direct damages, even if they are reasonably foreseeable because such damages are one or two links down the causal chain." }, { "score": 0.6749251485, "text": "If you are the person benefiting from a clause that. excludes consequential damages, you are obtaining a potentially huge protection. from loss. Consider the situation where a gas plant is destroyed by fire due to a. design error. If the contract excludes consequential damages, then the person." }, { "score": 0.6589833498, "text": "Excluding Consequential Damages Is a Bad Idea. [For a follow-up to this post, see this March 2, 2010 blog post.] I have in front of me a contract—it's for the sale of goods—that contains the following provision excluding certain kinds of damages: Neither party will be responsible or held liable for any consequential, special, or incidental losses or damages." }, { "score": 0.6440118551, "text": "In addition to consequential damages based on lost profits, other forms of consequential. damage could result from losses due to excesses and deficiencies in inventory.18 Such damages. could also be in the form of increased labor costs, such as employee salaries, overtime and." }, { "score": 0.6418397427, "text": "The type of claim giving rise to the damages can affect the rules or calculations associated with a given type of damages, including consequential damages (e.g., breach of contract versus a tort claim). For example, consequential damages are a potential type of expectation damages which arise in contract law." }, { "score": 0.6258455515, "text": "Other Issues with Consequential Damages. ï¿­If one party waives consequential damages, and both parties are aware. of a special circumstance that might lead to damages for that party, that. party is unlikely to recover any damages that would not have occurred in. the absence of the special circumstance." }, { "score": 0.623890996, "text": "The Supreme Court of New Jersey held that consequential damages caused by the subcontract's work was an \"occurrence\" caused by an \"accident\" and was within the subcontractor exception to the \"your work exclusion\" of the GCL policy, and therefore covered by the policy. Cypress Point Condominium Association v." }, { "score": 0.6210178137, "text": "Liquidated damages clauses are a useful tool that should be included in construction contracts when the delay of the project completion is critical for the program or will cost the University unforeseen expense, as, for example, when a delay will impact a research program or the timely completion of a residence hall renovation." }, { "score": 0.6163642406, "text": "And they're often a contentious issue in settlement negotiations, mediation, arbitration, and litigation. So this will be the first installment in a series on consequential damages. Topics in this series will include: Identifying consequential damages – what makes then different from direct damages." }, { "score": 0.6152618527, "text": "The first step is critical since, if damages are considered general/direct, as opposed to consequential, a party could circumvent most limitation-of-liability provisions entirely, and sidestep challenging standards (as in Kenford) to recover consequential damages in cases where they are not contractually precluded." }, { "score": 0.6126229167, "text": "The type of claim giving rise to the damages can affect the rules or calculations associated with a given type of damages, including consequential damages (e.g., breach of contract versus a tort claim)." }, { "score": 0.6099168062, "text": "The definition of consequential is important or something that follows another act. 1 An example of something consequential is the decision to cut education funding. An example of something consequential is the need to get physical therapy after you break your leg." }, { "score": 0.6079572439, "text": "App. 5th Circ. 1990). Furthermore, if both a waiver of consequential damages and liquidated damages clause exist within a contract, the contract should clearly state that the liquidated damages clause is a limited exclusion to the waiver of consequential damages." }, { "score": 0.606274724, "text": "CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. LLP'. There have been various cases on this subject, and in one a man was. going to be married, and his horse cast a shoe, and the smith having. injured the horse in putting it on the man was late, and the lady refused. to marry him; and it was held that the smith was liable for the damages." }, { "score": 0.6061909199, "text": "The damage amount (or formula for computing damages) is specified in a contract clause. In construction contracts, liquidated damages commonly are stated as an amount assessed per day of delay." }, { "score": 0.6016409397, "text": "The \"contemplation of the parties\" rule is, however, easier to state than it is to apply. As a general matter, it appears that the recovery of such consequential damages under a theory of breach of contract is more limited and narrow than under a claim for negligence." }, { "score": 0.6001312733, "text": "Do not take comfort in an exclusion of \"consequential. damages\". If you want an exclusion for lost profits or any other. loss, then specify it or define \"consequential damages\". to include it. Do not use \"including, but not limited to\" after. \"indirect\" or \"consequential\" before reference to. economic loss. Tips for Drafting." }, { "score": 0.5977933407, "text": "For the contractor, delay to the completion of the project may result in a liability for delay damages to the employer. As a result of these risks, most building contracts fix the damages that will be payable to the employer for late completion in advance. These are referred to as 'liquidated damages' (LDs)." }, { "score": 0.5825539231, "text": "\"Liquidated damages\" (sometimes called \"stipulated damages\") are damage amounts the parties designate in the contract for the injured party (Owner) to collect as compensation for breach of contract, and are sometimes tied to project completion or milestone dates." }, { "score": 0.5785248876, "text": "Topics in this series will include: 1 Identifying consequential damages – what makes then different from direct damages. 2 How consequential and direct damages are treated differently. Why consequential and direct damages are treated differently." }, { "score": 0.567700386, "text": "Consequential Injuries. There are many types of consequential injuries that an federal employee may have and not know that they are covered by OWCP. A consequential injury is an injury or medical condition sustained off the job as a result of an employment related injury or illness." }, { "score": 0.5637459755, "text": "It's reasonable to conclude that the term \"delay damages\" is simply. defined as \"damages that are caused by delay.\" But this definition. depends on the how one defines the term \"delay.\". For example, when the term \"delay\" is defined as only critical. project delay (a delay that is responsible for extending the project. duration), then the term!\"delay damages\" can be narrowly defined. as only the damages that result from the project's extended. duration." }, { "score": 0.5581886768, "text": "any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage. The Supplier shall be liable for the following types of loss, damage, cost or expense which shall be regarded. as direct and shall (without in any way, limiting other categories of loss, damage, cost or expense which may." }, { "score": 0.5479759574, "text": "by Lenin V. Perez. There are many types of consequential injuries that an federal employee may have and not know that they are covered by OWCP. A consequential injury is an injury or medical condition sustained off the job as a result of an employment related injury or illness." }, { "score": 0.5473855138, "text": "Damages Definition: Related Terms: Tort, Breach of Contract, Specific Performance, Hedonic Damages, Aggravated Damages, Compensatory Damages, Ad Damnum, Punitive Damages, Quantum, Personal Injury, Mitigation of Damages, Contract, Mesne Profits, Non-pecuniary Damages, General Damages, Special Damages, Pain and Suffering." }, { "score": 0.5466816425, "text": "(12) Noneconomic damages means damages awarded for the purpose of compensating a claimant for physical pain and suffering, mental or emotional pain or anguish, loss of consortium, disfigurement, physical impairment, loss of companionship and society, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment of life, injury to reputation, and all other nonpecuniary losses ..." }, { "score": 0.5450505614, "text": "They are: 1. Compensatory Damages. Compensatory damages (also called \"actual damages\") cover the loss the nonbreaching party incurred as a result of the breach of contract. The amount awarded is intended to make good or replace the loss caused by the breach." }, { "score": 0.5434960723, "text": "this type of loss is not covered under the policy further the only reasonable definition for the term physical loss or damage as used in the ensuing loss provision of the clause is damage that occurs subsequent to and as a result of a design defect this type of loss is covered under the policy" }, { "score": 0.5410357118, "text": "Compensatory Damages. In civil law, the term \"damages\" refers to the sum of money that may be awarded to a party in compensation for an injury, damage to property, or other loss." }, { "score": 0.5402599573, "text": "Compensatory damages, also known as \"actual damages,\" pay for such losses as damage to the plaintiff's car in an accident, injuries sustained in a slip-and-fall accident, or money lost due to the defendant's breach of contract. Punitive damages are awarded as punishment for the misconduct of the defendant." }, { "score": 0.5299167037, "text": "Definition of Compensatory Damages. Noun. An award of money in compensation for actual economic loss, property damage, or injury, not including punitive damages. Types of Damages. In civil lawsuits, damages are classified as either \"compensatory\" or \"punitive.\"" }, { "score": 0.5292491913, "text": "(8) Compensatory damages means economic and noneconomic damages. The term does not include exemplary damages. (9) Future damages means damages that are incurred after the date of the judgment. Future damages do not include exemplary damages." }, { "score": 0.5243185759, "text": "There are two general categories of damages that may be awarded if a breach of contract claim is proved. 1. Compensatory Damages. Compensatory damages (also called \"actual damages\") cover the loss the nonbreaching party incurred as a result of the breach of contract." }, { "score": 0.4996487498, "text": "Unliquidated damages means the amount of damages to be fixed or determined by the Court. 1 The person who commits or is guilty of a tort is called a tortfeasor. ( 2 Gordon v. Lee, 133 Me. 3 361, 178 A. 353, 355)." }, { "score": 0.4807717204, "text": "JUR. 2d Damages § 245 (1965); RESTATEMENT OF CONTRACTS § 342 (1932); 11. S. WILLISTON, CONTRACTS § 1340 (1920); Sullivan, Punitive Damages in the Law of Con-. tract: The Reality and the Illusion of Legal Change, 61 MINN." }, { "score": 0.4622498751, "text": "There are caps on the amount of punitive and. compensatory damages that may be awarded to the plaintiff for \"future pecuniary losses, emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other. nonpecuniary losses.\" 42 U.S.C. § 1981a(b)(3)." } ]
difference between a speculative and hedging situation
[ { "score": 0.8162875175, "text": "What is The Difference Between Hedging and Speculation Hedging involves mainly taking an offsetting position in a derivative in order to regulate balance any gains and losses to the underlying asset. Hedging attempts to get rid of the instability associated with the price of an asset by taking offsetting positions divergent to what the investor currently has. The main principle of speculation, alternatively, is to profit from betting on the direction in which an asset will be moving. Hedgers diminish their risk by taking an opposite position in the market to what they are frustrating to hedge. The ultimate situation in hedging would be to cause one effect to abandon out another." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6975194812, "text": "Speculation in the FX market can be hard to differentiate from hedging, which is when a company or financial institution buys or sells a currency to protect itself from market movements." }, { "score": 0.692512691, "text": "Difference Between Speculative and Hedge Accounts jspittler Nov 6, 2009 I am a new trader and have noticed that when setting up an account, I am asked whether it is to be a speculative or a hedge account. I have no trouble answering this question appropriately for my situation, but... I am very curious what the differences are between accounts set up one way vs. the other. What all does this affect?" }, { "score": 0.6721504927, "text": "However, this situation is unlikely to occur regularly, partly because the periods in which producers carry out hedging operations normally do not coincide with the periods in which consumers try to hedge. The speculator provides the link between these two different periods and interests." }, { "score": 0.6466090083, "text": "Speculation is when you risk everything on the price either rising or falling. Arbitrage is where you identify a difference in price between two markets, buying low and selling high. If done correctly it is a safe profit." }, { "score": 0.6456998587, "text": "Speculation and investment[edit] The view of what distinguishes investment from speculation and speculation from excessive speculation varies widely among pundits, legislators and academics. Some sources note that speculation is simply a higher risk form of investment. Others define speculation more narrowly as positions not characterized as hedging." }, { "score": 0.6250680685, "text": "Speculative risk is a situation that holds out the prospects of loss, gain, or no loss no gain (break-even situation). Speculative risks are very common in business undertakings. For example, if you establish a new business, you would make a profit if the business is successful and sustain loss if the business fails." }, { "score": 0.6238310337, "text": "Hedging is a technique to reduce exposure to measurable types of risk in financial market transactions. Futures are an agreement to purchase a product or currency, on a specific date at a specific price. View slideshow of images above." }, { "score": 0.6146455407, "text": "Hedging. To hedge is to take a futures position that is equal and opposite to a position held in the cash market. The objective is to mitigate the risk of an adverse move in prices. Hedging works in mitigating price risk because futures prices and cash prices are highly correlated." }, { "score": 0.6118290424, "text": "Hedging is defined as taking equal but opposite positions in the cash and futures market. For example, assume a producer who has harvested 10,000 bushels of corn and placed it in storage in a grain bin. By selling 10,000 bushels of corn futures the producer is in a hedged position." }, { "score": 0.6114810705, "text": "Hedging is the practice of taking a position in one market to offset and balance against the risk adopted by assuming a position in a contrary or opposing market or investment. The word hedge is from Old English hecg, originally any fence, living or artificial.f the beta of a Vodafone stock is 2, then for a 10,000 GBP long position in Vodafone an investor would hedge with a 20,000 GBP equivalent short position in the FTSE futures. Futures contracts and forward contracts are means of hedging against the risk of adverse market movements." }, { "score": 0.6069825888, "text": "To hedge is to take a futures position that is equal and opposite to a position held in the cash market. The objective is to mitigate the risk of an adverse move in prices. Hedging works in mitigating price risk because futures prices and cash prices are highly correlated." }, { "score": 0.6063154936, "text": "Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a second investment that you expect to perform in the opposite way.For example, you might sell short one stock, expecting its price to drop. strategy designed to reduce investment risk using call options, put options, short-selling, or futures contracts. A hedge can help lock in profits. Its purpose is to reduce the volatility of a portfolio by reducing the risk of loss." }, { "score": 0.6062231064, "text": "What is 'Speculation'. Speculation is the act of trading in an asset or conducting a financial transaction that has a significant risk of losing most or all of the initial outlay with the expectation of a substantial gain. With speculation, the risk of loss is more than offset by the possibility of a huge gain, otherwise there would be very little motivation to speculate." }, { "score": 0.6046342254, "text": "Hedging. Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a second investment that you expect to perform in the opposite way. For example, you might sell short one stock, expecting its price to drop. strategy designed to reduce investment risk using call options, put options, short-selling, or futures contracts. A hedge can help lock in profits. Its purpose is to reduce the volatility of a portfolio by reducing the risk of loss." }, { "score": 0.6038407683, "text": "A type of transaction that limits investment risk with the use of derivatives, such as options and futures contracts. Hedging transactions purchase opposite positions in the market in order to ensure a certain amount of gain or loss on a trade." }, { "score": 0.603538692, "text": "Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a second investment that you expect to perform in the opposite way. For example, you might sell short one stock, expecting its price to drop." }, { "score": 0.6031835675, "text": "Hedging is the practice of taking a position in one market to offset and balance against the risk adopted by assuming a position in a contrary or opposing market or investment.The word hedge is from Old English hecg, originally any fence, living or artificial.nother way to hedge is the beta neutral. Beta is the historical correlation between a stock and an index. If the beta of a Vodafone stock is 2, then for a 10,000 GBP long position in Vodafone an investor would hedge with a 20,000 GBP equivalent short position in the FTSE futures." }, { "score": 0.601883173, "text": "Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a second investment that you expect to perform in the opposite way.For example, you might sell short one stock, expecting its price to drop.edging. Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a second investment that you expect to perform in the opposite way. For example, you might sell short one stock, expecting its price to drop." }, { "score": 0.6009351611, "text": "Hedging is the practice of taking a position in one market to offset and balance against the risk adopted by assuming a position in a contrary or opposing market or investment. The word hedge is from Old English hecg, originally any fence, living or artificial." }, { "score": 0.5994218588, "text": "What is 'Speculative Risk'. Speculative risk is a category of risk that, when undertaken, results in an uncertain degree of gain or loss. All speculative risks are made as conscious choices and are not just a result of uncontrollable circumstances. Speculative risk is the opposite of pure risk." }, { "score": 0.599024713, "text": "Definition. A risk management strategy used in limiting or offsetting probability of loss from fluctuations in the prices of commodities, currencies, or securities. In effect, hedging is a transfer of risk without buying insurance policies.Hedging employs various techniques but, basically, involves taking equal and opposite positions in two different markets (such as cash and futures markets).t always made Rex a little nervous when his broker Norman was hedging his investments, but Norman assured him it was a common risk management strategy and just involved a little off-setting between accounts. 7 people found this helpful." }, { "score": 0.5979890227, "text": "The noun HEDGING has 2 senses: 1. any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change. 2. an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement. Familiarity information: HEDGING used as a noun is rare.he noun HEDGING has 2 senses: 1. any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change. 2. an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement. Familiarity information: HEDGING used as a noun is rare." }, { "score": 0.5972863436, "text": "In a futures spread, the goal is to profit from the change in the price difference between two futures contracts while hedging against risk. However, future spreads occur infrequently and when they can be identified, the opportunity for arbitrage is quickly removed though a shift of supply and demand conditions." }, { "score": 0.597109437, "text": "1 Hedging is a risk management strategy designed to reduce or offset price risks.2 Hedging involves the use of market instruments, the most common of which are futures, options and averages. Hedging involves the use of market instruments, the most common of which are futures, options and averages." }, { "score": 0.5957345963, "text": "More formally , speculation is also the practice of engaging in risky financial transactions in an attempt to profit from fluctuations in the market value of a tradable good such as a financial instrument , rather than attempting to profit from the underlying financial attributes embodied in the instrument such as capital gains , interest , or ..." }, { "score": 0.5956323743, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Hedging Transaction'. A type of transaction that limits investment risk with the use of derivatives, such as options and futures contracts. Hedging transactions purchase opposite positions in the market in order to ensure a certain amount of gain or loss on a trade." }, { "score": 0.591375947, "text": "Hedging. Definition: Hedging is a risk reduction technique whereby an entity uses a derivative or similar instrument to offset future changes in the fair value or cash flows of an asset or liability.A perfect hedge eliminates the risk of a subsequent price movement.edge effectiveness is the amount of changes in the fair value or cash flows of a hedged item that are offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows of a hedging instrument." }, { "score": 0.5890830159, "text": "A hedge is a type of derivative, or a financial instrument, that derives its value from an underlying asset. Hedging is a way for a company to minimize or eliminate foreign exchange risk. Two common hedges are forward contracts and options." }, { "score": 0.5868732333, "text": "Speculative Buying. When purchasing is done purely from the point of view of taking advantage of a speculated rise in price of the commodity it is called Speculative buying. The intent is not to buy for the internal consumption but to resell the commodity at a later date when the prices have gone up and to make a profit by selling." }, { "score": 0.5843929648, "text": "What is a 'Hedge'. A hedge is an investment to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a related security, such as a futures contract. Hedging is analogous to taking out an insurance policy." }, { "score": 0.5811241865, "text": "Hedging is a technique to reduce exposure to measurable types of risk in financial market transactions. It is a type of insurance, and while it cannot eliminate risk completely, hedging can mitigate the effect." }, { "score": 0.5790706277, "text": "Insurance industry term for a situation where the possibility of either a financial loss or a financial gain exists, such as in purchase of shares or betting on horses. Unlike pure risks, speculative risks are usually not insurable. Use speculative risk in a sentence. You should always break down the speculative risk and figure out if it is worth taking on for this new venture. We analyzed the speculative risk and concluded that taking a calculated risk at this point was advisable as the upside was huge." }, { "score": 0.5784332752, "text": "Basis Risk in Commodities Hedging. The concept of basis risk in the commodities markets is similar to basis risk in financial products. It occurs when spot price and the futures price do not converge when the futures contract expires. This happens in two situations." }, { "score": 0.5748480558, "text": "The main types of hedging tools include futures, options, and forwards — whether on one of the underlying assets in the portfolio, in a currency index, or an asset negatively correlated with the portfolio. Futures are an agreement to purchase a product or currency, on a specific date at a specific price." }, { "score": 0.5738712549, "text": "Definition of hedging: A risk management strategy used in limiting or offsetting probability of loss from fluctuations in the prices of commodities, currencies, or securities. In effect, hedging is a transfer of risk ..." }, { "score": 0.5714720488, "text": "Cross-Hedge: Hedging a cash market position in a futures or option contract for a different but price-related commodity. Cross-Margining: A procedure for margining related securities, options, and futures contracts jointly when different clearing organizations clear each side of the position." }, { "score": 0.568362236, "text": "Speculative risks are those risks where there is a possibility of gain as well as of loss. All the investment have some level of speculative risk, some investment have more speculative risk than other. Investment into stock market has more speculative risk than investing in equity mutual Fund." }, { "score": 0.5677223802, "text": "Hedging is the process that is used to reduce risk of loss against negative outcomes within the stock market. Hedging is a similar concept to home insurance, where you m … ight protect yourself against negative outcomes by purchasing fire and peril insurance." }, { "score": 0.5654349327, "text": "Hedging equity and equity futures. Equity in a portfolio can be hedged by taking an opposite position in futures. To protect your stock picking against systematic market risk, futures are shorted when equity is purchased, or long futures when stock is shorted. One way to hedge is the market neutral approach." }, { "score": 0.5602250099, "text": "Producer hedging involves selling corn futures contracts as a temporary substitute for selling corn in the local cash market. Hedging is a temporary substitute, since the corn will eventually be sold in the cash market. Hedging is defined as taking equal but opposite positions in the cash and futures market. For example, assume a producer who has harvested 10,000 bushels of corn and placed it in storage in a grain bin. By selling 10,000 bushels of corn futures the producer is in a hedged position." }, { "score": 0.5598828197, "text": "Related Terms. A risk management strategy used in limiting or offsetting probability of loss from fluctuations in the prices of commodities, currencies, or securities. In effect, hedging is a transfer of risk without buying insurance policies." }, { "score": 0.5577417016, "text": "Speculative risk is a category of risk that can be taken on voluntarily and will either result in a profit or loss. All speculative risks are undertaken as a result of a conscious choice. Almost all financial investment activities are examples of speculative risk, because such ventures ultimately result in an unknown amount of success or failure. Download this free guide." }, { "score": 0.5567162037, "text": "Hedging is often considered an advanced investing strategy, but the principles of hedging are fairly simple. With the popularity-and accompanying criticism-of hedge funds, the practice of hedging is becoming more widespread.Despite this, it is still not widely understood.SEE: A Beginner's Guide To Hedging.veryday Hedges Most people have, whether they know it or not, engaged in hedging. For example, when you take out insurance to minimize the risk that an injury will erase your income, or you buy life insurance to support your family in the case of your death, this is a hedge." }, { "score": 0.5526713133, "text": "Naive hedging (over hedging) could potentially lead to a substantial gain or loss position from hedging. 6 people found this useful. 1 An Easy Explanation of Idealism With many different schools of philosophical thought to choose from, it can seem like a complex field." }, { "score": 0.5499610305, "text": "Use hedging in a sentence. Show more usage examples... It always made Rex a little nervous when his broker Norman was hedging his investments, but Norman assured him it was a common risk management strategy and just involved a little off-setting between accounts.7 people found this helpful.t always made Rex a little nervous when his broker Norman was hedging his investments, but Norman assured him it was a common risk management strategy and just involved a little off-setting between accounts. 7 people found this helpful." }, { "score": 0.5466187596, "text": "1 Hedging: A primary way to reduce Issuer's risk associated with a Structured Products platform is through hedging. Hedging involves taking a specific position in an Underlying Asset that is opposite to the Issuer's obligation on a Structured Product linked to that Underlying Asset." }, { "score": 0.5450469255, "text": "A very popular form of hedging is the Interest Rate Swap. Interest rate swaps are arrangements whereby two companies located in different countries agree to exchange or swap debt-servicing obligations. This swap helps each company avoid the risks of changes in the foreign currency exchange rates." }, { "score": 0.5422770977, "text": "By Andrew Beattie AAA |. Hedging is often considered an advanced investing strategy, but the principles of hedging are fairly simple. With the popularity-and accompanying criticism-of hedge funds, the practice of hedging is becoming more widespread. Despite this, it is still not widely understood.SEE: A Beginner's Guide To Hedging.veryday Hedges Most people have, whether they know it or not, engaged in hedging. For example, when you take out insurance to minimize the risk that an injury will erase your income, or you buy life insurance to support your family in the case of your death, this is a hedge." }, { "score": 0.5341751575, "text": "Similarly, a stock option is a derivative because its value is derived from that of the underlying stock. Derivatives are used for speculating and hedging purposes. Speculators seek to profit from changing prices in the underlying asset, index or security.y Jean Folger AAA |. A: A derivative is a contract between two or more parties whose value is based on an agreed-upon underlying financial asset, index or security." }, { "score": 0.5265930295, "text": "crude oil futures prices - Google News. As we observed in last week's column, hedging is a form of insurance in which a hedge purchaser can lock in the future price that he may pay for a certain item. A hedge seller, conversely, could lock in the future price at which he could sell the ..." }, { "score": 0.5252883434, "text": "One meaning of hedge is a protective boundary of dense shrubbery. In writing, hedging is the use of cautious language to make noncommittal or vague statements, that is: To evade the risk of commitment, especially by leaving open a way of retreat 1." }, { "score": 0.5235488415, "text": "But our homes are very valuable to us and we would be devastated by their loss. Using options to hedge your portfolio essentially does the same thing. Should a stock or portfolio take an unforeseen turn, holding an option opposite of your position will help to limit your losses. Portfolio hedging is an important technique to learn." }, { "score": 0.5128669739, "text": "Accounting for changes in the fair value of. derivative instruments depends on whether or not the derivative qualifies as a part of a hedging. relationship. Gains and losses on derivatives that are not a part of a hedging relationship -. derivatives held for speculation - are reported directly on the income statement." }, { "score": 0.5127130747, "text": "Hedging can also be used to lock in a profit at the end of a parlay. Say you have bet a five-team parlay and the first four games have won. Instead of sweating the outcome of the fifth game, you could simply make a bet on the other team in the final game of your parlay." }, { "score": 0.5123467445, "text": "A straddle is hedging strategy that involves buying or selling a put and a call option on the same underlying instrument at the same strike price and with the same expiration date. If you buy a straddle, you expect the price of the underlying to move significantly, but you're not sure whether it will go up or down." }, { "score": 0.4941697419, "text": "What is a 'Forward Contract'. A forward contract is a customized contract between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. A forward contract can be used for hedging or speculation, although its non-standardized nature makes it particularly apt for hedging. Unlike standard futures contracts, a forward contract can be customized to any commodity, amount and delivery date. A forward contract settlement can occur on a cash or delivery basis." }, { "score": 0.4875132442, "text": "As the example above illustrates, the use of hedging enables the writer to make claims that are proportionate to the evidence available at the time of writing. In other words, hedging language helps to make statements as accurate as possible." }, { "score": 0.4768915176, "text": "The margin is the difference between the market value of a stock and the loan a broker makes. Related: Security deposit (initial). In the context of hedging and futures contracts, the cash collateral deposited with a trader or exchanged as insurance against default." }, { "score": 0.4681484997, "text": "2. Investing and trading: Probability of loss common to all businesses and investment opportunities, and inherent in all dealings in a market. Also called market risk, it cannot be circumvented or eliminated by portfolio diversification but may be reduced by hedging." }, { "score": 0.4264285862, "text": "1 : existing only in theory : hypothetical gave as an example a theoretical situation. 2a : relating to or having the character of theory : abstractb : confined to theory or speculation often in contrast to practical applications : speculative theoretical physics." }, { "score": 0.4099445343, "text": "Difference between vested and contingent interest. 3. Vested Nature • It is ownership Contingent • Nature Nature • It is only a chance of becoming an owner. 4. Vested Fulfilment of condition • It does not depend upon the fulfilment of any condition. It creates an immediate right, though the enjoyment may be postponed to a future date." }, { "score": 0.3978829384, "text": "Define opportunity cost: the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual… the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual value resulting from…" }, { "score": 0.3947689533, "text": "Features of academic writing. It is often believed that academic writing, particularly scientific writing, is factual, simply to convey facts and information. However it is now recognised that an important feature of academic writing is the concept of cautious language, often called hedging or vague language. In other words, it is necessary to make decisions about your stance on a particular subject, or the strength of the claims you are making." }, { "score": 0.3770613074, "text": "And so envy is a two-person situation whereas jealousy is a three-person situation. Envy is a reaction to lacking something. Jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something (usually someone)." }, { "score": 0.3670657277, "text": "definition of proshares a division of profunds group that manages short and leveraged investment funds that trade on various stock exchanges these funds are designed to allow investors to take hedging and speculative positions without having to purchase derivatives" } ]
a linguistic define
[ { "score": 0.6944590807, "text": "noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the science of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and historical linguistics. Origin of linguistics." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7286770344, "text": "The definition of a linguist is a person who speaks many languages, or a language expert. An example of a linguist is someone who speaks and teaches others to speak Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, English and French. YourDictionary definition and usage example." }, { "score": 0.7271770239, "text": "linguist definition: The definition of a linguist is a person who speaks many languages, or a language expert. (noun) An example of a linguist is someone who speaks and teaches others to speak Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, English and French...." }, { "score": 0.6858282089, "text": "A linguist in the academic sense is a person who studies natural language (an academic discipline known as linguistics)." }, { "score": 0.6462972164, "text": "linguistic relativity. (noun) Hypothesis that people understand the world through the lens of their own type of language. Audio Pronunciation: (lin·guis·tic rel·a·tiv·i·ty). Download Audio Pronunciation: linguistic relativity.mp3. Usage Notes: 1 Also called: 2 linguistic relativity hypothesis. 3 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. 4 Whorfian hypothesis." }, { "score": 0.6398206949, "text": "noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the study of the relationship between language and the cognitive or behavioral characteristics of those who use it. Origin of psycholinguistics." }, { "score": 0.6302679181, "text": "Definition. A dialect is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, and/or vocabulary. Adjective: dialectal. The term dialect is often used to characterize a way of speaking that differs from the standard variety of the language." }, { "score": 0.6173776984, "text": "According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, a dialect is. A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists." }, { "score": 0.6163222194, "text": "Historical Linguistics. an element in a language, as a sound, that has developed from a corresponding element in an earlier form of the language: The (ō) in \"stone\" is a reflex of Old English ā." }, { "score": 0.6060472727, "text": "The definition of dialect is: A variety of a language that is distinguished from other varieties of the same language by features of phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, and by its use by a group of speakers who are set off from others geographically or socially. apex-Local or regional speech patterns.ialect can be one of two different things: A variety of language that is specific to one group of speakers. This can be because of the area they live in, or because of socia … l class.A language that is found within a regional (or national) language Dialect can be distinguished by: vocabularygrammarpronunciation." }, { "score": 0.5913681388, "text": "Define combining form: a linguistic form that occurs only in compounds or derivatives and can be distinguished descriptively from an affix by its…" }, { "score": 0.5891672373, "text": "Medicine. a neurological defect resulting in an inability to use words in grammatical sequence. grammar. 1. the study of the principles by which a language or languages function in producing meaningful units of expression. 2. knowledge of the preferred forms of expression and usage in language." }, { "score": 0.5890930891, "text": "The definition of multilingualism is a subject of debate in the very same way as the definition of language fluency. On one end of a sort of linguistic continuum, one may define multilingualism as complete competence and mastery in another language." }, { "score": 0.5876819491, "text": "Definition. (1) In linguistics, the study of the rules that govern the ways in which words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. Syntax is one of the major components of grammar.(2) The arrangement of words in a sentence. Adjective: syntactic.efinition. (1) In linguistics, the study of the rules that govern the ways in which words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. Syntax is one of the major components of grammar." }, { "score": 0.5821022391, "text": "Analysis of Language. Linguists divide the study of spoken language into two categories--phonology and grammar. Phonology is the study of sounds. Grammar is how the sounds are used to make sense. Phonology. The smallest unit of sound that can be altered to change the meaning of a word is called a phoneme. In English, for example, the words gin, kin, pin, sin, tin, and win all have different meaning due to the fact that the initial sound, or phoneme, is different." }, { "score": 0.5747472644, "text": "For linguists, grammar refers to cognitive information underlying language use. Speakers of a language have a set of internalized rules for using that language. These rules constitute grammar, and the vast majority of the information in the grammar is—at least in the case of one's native language—acquired not by conscious study or instruction, but by observing other speakers." }, { "score": 0.5687304139, "text": "A nonstandard subgroup of a language with its own vocabulary and grammar features. Writers often use regional dialects or dialects that reveal a person's economic or social class. Concrete Diction." }, { "score": 0.5673764944, "text": "Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents. Hypernyms (grammar is a kind of...): descriptive linguistics (a description (at a given point in time) of a language with respect to its phonology and morphology and syntax and semantics without value judgments)." }, { "score": 0.5661079884, "text": "grammar. 1 that part of the study of language which deals with the forms and structure of words (morphology), with their customary arrangement in phrases and sentences (syntax), and now often with language sounds (phonology) and word meanings (semantics) the system of a given language at a given time." }, { "score": 0.5613032579, "text": "Define isogloss. isogloss synonyms, isogloss pronunciation, isogloss translation, English dictionary definition of isogloss. n. A geographic boundary line delimiting the area in which a given linguistic feature occurs. i′so·gloss′al adj. n a line drawn on a map around the area in..." }, { "score": 0.5525733232, "text": "Grammar definition, the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax. See more." }, { "score": 0.5411852002, "text": "Grammar (noun). the science which treats of the principles of language; the study of forms of speech, and their relations to one another; the art concerned with the right use aud application of the rules of a language, in speaking or writing. Grammar (noun)." }, { "score": 0.5196920633, "text": "Grammar. 1 any member of a small class of words distinguished in many languages by their function as connectors between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, as and, because, but, however. 2 any other word or expression of similar function, as in any case." }, { "score": 0.5153571367, "text": "Grammar. a syntactic construction containing a subject and predicate and forming part of a sentence or constituting a whole simple sentence. 2. a distinct article or provision in a contract, treaty, will, or other formal or legal written document." }, { "score": 0.50951159, "text": "Grammar. specifying identity or spatial or temporal location from the perspective of one or more of the participants in an act of speech or writing, in the context of either an external situation or the surrounding discourse, as we, you, here, there, now, then, this, that, the former, or the latter. noun." }, { "score": 0.4890888929, "text": "1 grammar : one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling (such as the words to, too, and two) 2 : a character or group of characters pronounced the same as another character or group." }, { "score": 0.4840058982, "text": "Grammar. a qualifying, explanatory, or appositive word, phrase, clause, or sentence that interrupts a syntactic construction without otherwise affecting it, having often a characteristic intonation and indicated in writing by commas, parentheses, or dashes, as in William Smith—you must know him—is coming tonight." }, { "score": 0.4766523242, "text": "Without using forms of the words to define them (a linguistic no-no), cumulative increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions and accumulative means gathering or growing by gradual increases." }, { "score": 0.4701989591, "text": "In attempting a definition of fitrah, I give an exposition of its linguistic and religious meaning. The religious understanding of fitrah is based on the positive interpretation of fitrah. Suffice it to say that linguistic and positive religious explanations have one thing in common: both define fitrah as an inborn natural predisposition which cannot change, and which exists at birth in all human beings." } ]
highest major league baseball player salaries
[ { "score": 0.8540016413, "text": "He also has the highest career earnings in MLB history. The highest paid player in Major League Baseball (MLB) from the 2013 season is New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguez with an annual salary of $29,000,000, $4 million higher than the second-highest paid player, Cliff Lee." } ]
[ { "score": 0.8058691025, "text": "Salaries continue to soar in Major League Baseball as 25 players will make at least $20 million in base salary this season, up from 21 players in 2014." }, { "score": 0.788028121, "text": "MLB's Highest-Paid Players at Every Position. Baseball contracts have gone from highly valuable to just insane over the last 30 years. Nolan Ryan, one of the greatest pitchers of all time, made headlines in 1979 when the Houston Astros signed him to a four-year, $4.5 million contract, making him the first million-dollar player in MLB history." }, { "score": 0.7803450227, "text": "Top 10 Biggest Contracts in MLB History. Baseball is the highest-paying professional team sport in North America. As of the start of the 2013 season, all thirty Major League Baseball teams paid a combined total of $3.1 billion to their players. This is higher than both the $2 billion paid to NBA players and the $1.7 billion to NHL players." }, { "score": 0.7784347534, "text": "The average salary for a Major League baseball player was set to hit $4.25 million in 2015, and that doesn't include the $100.50 per day in meal money on road trips." }, { "score": 0.7758374214, "text": "The 25 Highest-Paid MLB Players in 2017. 1 25. Freddie Freeman, Atlanta Braves. 2 22. (tie) James Shields, Chicago White Sox. 3 22. (tie) Jayson Werth, Washington Nationals. 4 22. (tie) Johnny Cueto, San Francisco Giants. 5 21. Jacoby Ellsbury, New York Yankees. 6 20. Buster Posey, San Francisco Giants. 7 17. (tie) Jason Heyward, Chicago Cubs." }, { "score": 0.774585247, "text": "Kirby Puckett and Rickey Henderson signed the first contracts which paid an average of $3 million a year in November 1989, while 2010 was the first season where the MLB average salary rose above that same mark. Five of the twenty highest paid players in 2013 were members of the Yankees.Their team payroll for 2013 was $228,835,490, roughly $12 million above the second-largest Los Angeles Dodgers. The Yankees have drawn criticism for their payroll, with some claiming it undermines the parity of MLB.liff Lee was the highest paid player in 2013 not on the Yankees, and the second-highest overall. Though retired since 2007, Barry Bonds' career earnings of over $188 million still ranks fourth highest overall in MLB history." }, { "score": 0.7734595537, "text": "Salaries. The average salary of a professional baseball player on one of the 30 Major League teams was $3.4 million per year, as calculated from the 2012 amounts provided by USA Today. These amounts did not include deferred payments or incentive clauses, nor did they include money paid or received in trades for players who have not been released." }, { "score": 0.7713342905, "text": "According to the Baseball Almanac website, the minimum annual salary for a Major League Baseball player is $400,000 a year, with an average annual salary of more than $3,000,000 a year, as of 2010. Those figures have risen steadily for many years and look to continue doing so in the future." }, { "score": 0.7711701393, "text": "Salaries. The average salary of a professional baseball player on one of the 30 Major League teams was $3.4 million per year, as calculated from the 2012 amounts provided by USA Today." }, { "score": 0.7700639963, "text": "In this list we'll take a look at 19 elite hitters, catchers and pitchers who are raking in serious coin every season. Keep in mind this list is just contract salaries, it does not include money earned from sponsorships and endorsements. When combined, the highest paid baseball players are paid $364 million per year." }, { "score": 0.7675321102, "text": "According to the Baseball Almanac website, the minimum annual salary for a Major League Baseball player is $400,000 a year, with an average annual salary of more than $3,000,000 a year, as of 2010." }, { "score": 0.7668821812, "text": "The average salary of a professional baseball player on one of the 30 Major League teams was $3.4 million per year, as calculated from the 2012 amounts provided by USA Today. These amounts did not include deferred payments or incentive clauses, nor did they include money paid or received in trades for players who have not been released." }, { "score": 0.7660856247, "text": "+. The average salary for a Major Leaguer made its largest jump since 2008, increasing 2.7 percent in 2011 to almost $3.1 million. According to the Major League Baseball Players Assocation's annual report, the 913 players on club rosters and disabled lists on Aug. 31 made an average of $3,095,183." }, { "score": 0.7655081749, "text": "The average salary per season paid to Major League Baseball players has topped the $3 million mark for the first time this year, with the Yankees again far and away leading as a team and three of their players -- Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi and Derek Jeter -- topping the individual list.t the same time, the players earned an average of $2.82 million, a figure that was computed at the close of the 2007 season. This year's Opening Day salary figure is $3.15 million, up 7.1 percent from last year's season-opening figure of $2.94 million." }, { "score": 0.7643123865, "text": "The average Major League Baseball salary increased for the 13th consecutive year, but the rate of growth is slowing - even as industry revenues top the $10 billion mark. USA TODAY Sports' annual salary survey shows the average major leaguer will make $4.47 million in 2017. That's still a record - but just a 1.6% increase over the $4.4 million mark last year. And that's the smallest bump since the last salary decrease - from $2.5 million in 2003 to $2.4 million in 2004, a 3% drop." }, { "score": 0.7635723352, "text": "What is the average salary of a MLB baseball player? Answer That is tough to determine as different teams pay their players more/less money than other teams. According to USA Today, for the 2007 season, the team with the …highest average salary was the Boston Red Sox at $3,591,667. The team with the lowest average salary was the Florida Marlins at $380,000. The highest paid player in 2007 was Jason Giambi of the New York Yankees at $23,428,571." }, { "score": 0.7617205381, "text": "Kirby Puckett and Rickey Henderson signed the first contracts which paid an average of $3 million a year in November 1989, while 2010 was the first season where the MLB average salary rose above that same mark. Five of the twenty highest paid players in 2013 were members of the Yankees. Their team payroll for 2013 was $228,835,490, roughly $12 million above the second-largest Los Angeles Dodgers. The Yankees have drawn criticism for their payroll, with some claiming it undermines the parity of MLB." }, { "score": 0.7594403028, "text": "First base was the highest paid position in 2010; regular starters at that position earned an average salary of $9,504,165 in compared to an overall average of $3,014,572. Pitcher Nolan Ryan was the first player to earn an annual salary above $1 million, signing a $4.5 million, 4-year contract with the Houston Astros in 1979." }, { "score": 0.7567648888, "text": "According to the Major League Baseball Players Association, the average salary of an MLB player rose to $3.2 million in 2012 for roughly 750 players on thirty teams (that's about $2.4 billion in taxable income)." }, { "score": 0.7401181459, "text": "Average MLB salaries remained fairly stagnant until the 1970s, when free agency allowed players to sell their services to the highest bidder after a certain number of years in the big leagues. Consider that in 1964, the average salary for a major league baseball player was just under $15,000 a year.verage MLB salaries remained fairly stagnant until the 1970s, when free agency allowed players to sell their services to the highest bidder after a certain number of years in the big leagues. Consider that in 1964, the average salary for a major league baseball player was just under $15,000 a year." }, { "score": 0.7383383512, "text": "That is tough to determine as different teams pay their players more/less money than other teams. According to USA Today, for the 2007 season, the team with the highest average salary was the Boston Red Sox at $3,591,667.The team with the lowest average salary was the Florida Marlins at $380,000. The highest paid player in 2007 was Jason Giambi of the New York Yankees at $23,428,571. The baseball players' association revised its 2005 salary average on Tuesday, lowering it by abo … ut $2,500 to $2,476,589. Even players not eligible for arbitration do pretty well, but if you can stick around four years, you're pretty much set for life." }, { "score": 0.7350205183, "text": "Cabrera is baseball's third highest-paid player at $30 million, including $2 million off the field. The Detroit Tigers first baseman kicks off an eight-year, $248 million contract extension this season, which he signed back in March 2014." }, { "score": 0.7343719006, "text": "Minimum player salary in Major League Baseball from 2003 to 2016 (in 1,000 U.S. dollars) About This Statistic. This statistic depicts the minimum player salary in Major League Baseball from 2003 to 2019. The 2017 MLB minimum player salary is set at 535 thousand U.S. dollars." }, { "score": 0.7320724726, "text": "Major League Baseball Salaries. Baseball Almanac is pleased to present an eye-opening chart of Major League baseball salaries including in red the minimum wage set forth by the Major League Baseball Player Association and in green, the average salary paid to players during the regular season." }, { "score": 0.7305965424, "text": "Though the Dodgers have a higher payroll, the Yankees are the top team in MLB and No. 2 overall. Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports. Sporting Intelligence notes that while the Dodgers' $241 million total salary was the highest in MLB, by far, that money was given to 31 players." }, { "score": 0.7190488577, "text": "The highest paid general manager in baseball is the Yankees Brian Cashman, whom earns $2 million dollars this season (the final year of his contract). The mean salary fo … r Major League baseball general managers is about $650,000." }, { "score": 0.7031556368, "text": "According to numbers published by the Major League Baseball Players Association, the average player salary in 1969 was $24,909. The league minimum that season was $10,000. Making the world better, one answer at a time." }, { "score": 0.6906017065, "text": "Major League Baseball rosters by average player age in 2017 (in years)*Average age of players in Major League Baseball by club 2017. Highest paid players in Major League Baseball in 2016 (in million U.S. dollars)Major League Baseball - highest paid players 2016." }, { "score": 0.6875194311, "text": "Major League Soccer. Some of the richest athletes on the planet are soccer players, with Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi each earning more than $50 million a year in Europe. In Major League Soccer, salaries aren't as exorbitant, with the league minimum at $35,125 and the average player salary coming in at $160,000.Minor League Baseball. While Major League Baseball enjoys billions in revenues, there is a stark cultural divide between the majors and the minors.n Major League Soccer, salaries aren't as exorbitant, with the league minimum at $35,125 and the average player salary coming in at $160,000. Minor League Baseball. While Major League Baseball enjoys billions in revenues, there is a stark cultural divide between the majors and the minors." }, { "score": 0.5949965715, "text": "Major League Baseball Most Valuable Player Award. The Major League Baseball Most Valuable Player Award (MVP) is an annual Major League Baseball (MLB) award, given to one outstanding player in the American League and one in the National League. Since 1931, it has been awarded by the Baseball Writers' Association of America (BBWAA)." } ]
when was indoor plumbing placed in the white house
[ { "score": 0.7081348896, "text": "The first photograph of the White House, 1846. As the years went on White House residents continued to upgrade their home with modern conveniences and luxuries. In 1833, during Andrew Jackson's second term, pipes were installed to bring in water for bathing." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6795356274, "text": "First Bathtub in White House Best evidence seems to point to Andrew Jackson as installing the first bathtub with running water between 1829 and 1833. Jackson and his designer spoke with pride that, in their bathroom, you could have a warm, cold, or shower bath." }, { "score": 0.671756804, "text": "of 22. The Mystery of the Swimming Pool Beneath the Press Room The indoor pool at the White House, ca 1933. FDR Library In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had an indoor swimming pool built at the White House as therapy for his polio. funded partially by a campaign started by the New York Daily News." }, { "score": 0.6481472254, "text": "1 Abraham Lincoln (1861-65) was credited by the Portsmouth Ohio Times in 1932 to hold the distinction of being the first President of the United States to splash his way to cleanliness in a White House bathtub, the first bathtub having been installed in the White House during his presidency.." }, { "score": 0.6463721395, "text": "President Gerald R. Ford, an avid swimmer, installed an outdoor pool on the White House grounds in 1975. FDR's swimming pool was completed in 1933. The pool has been covered but remains beneath the floor of the press center." }, { "score": 0.6429406404, "text": "President Gerald R. Ford, an avid swimmer, installed an outdoor pool on the White House grounds in 1975. Show Me More. FDR's swimming pool was completed in 1933. The pool has been covered but remains beneath the floor of the press center." }, { "score": 0.6376739144, "text": "1 as saying that \"President Fillmore installed the first bathtub in the White House, while Boston still had a law against taking a bath without medical advice.\". 2 June 1937 The Akron, Ohio. 3 tells the story of America's first bathtub. 4 1937 Lyndon Brown uses \"the slow acceptance of the bathtub\" as an example in his book. ." }, { "score": 0.6357226372, "text": "In 1853 President Franklin Pierce had running water and a hot water heater installed upstairs. He surely had a bathtub but it may have been portable without a built-drain. (There is a legend that Millard Fillmore installed the first tub. .This legend is actually false." }, { "score": 0.6321530342, "text": "Indoor plumbing was first invented by the Indus Valley civilization. Baths were very common and used daily. The floors in their houses were made of bricks laid on their sides to make a water proof platform." }, { "score": 0.6288513541, "text": "Indoor plumbing was first invented by the Indus Valley civilization. Baths were very common and used daily. The floors in their houses were made of bricks laid on their sides to make a water proof platform. The baths were also used for religious services and bathing rituals." }, { "score": 0.6278371811, "text": "In 1975 an in-ground outdoor swimming pool was built on the White House grounds, near the tennis courts. President Ford tried to make swimming a daily habit, and even conducted press conferences while swimming laps in the pool." }, { "score": 0.6215116382, "text": "Before the 1902 renovation of the white house, this was the official laundry room of the building until becoming the servant's locker room. In 1935 it was turned into a library. The space is used for small meetings as well as press conferences and houses over 2700 books on American life which are added to by each president." }, { "score": 0.6210725307, "text": "The White House is also one of the first Washington public buildings to be adapted for wheelchair access, also for Roosevelt. President Harry Truman completely refurbished the property in 1948, after it was declared to be in imminent danger of collapse. Truman moved into Blair House for the course of the rebuilding." }, { "score": 0.6183203459, "text": "While Nixon's lane is less known about, both official White House alleys still exist, but they're seriously outdated and in great need of some TLC…. During Obama's campaign, he said he planned to replace the bowling alley in the White House proper, installed by Nixon in 1969, with an indoor basketball court." }, { "score": 0.6158142686, "text": "President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the White House in 1800, shortly before it was completed. Construction began in 1792." }, { "score": 0.6157196164, "text": "Theodore Roosevelt Renovation: 1902. Goodbye to Victoriana. In 1902, finding the White House somewhat decrepit and cramped, Theodore Roosevelt embarked on an extensive remodeling of the Residence. Plans had been in the works for years to build a new White House or expand the original, including some quite grand designs." }, { "score": 0.6155026555, "text": "Residence Construction: 1792-1800. The White House construction began in 1792. John Adams became the first president to take residence in the building on November 1, 1800. It was a grand mansion in the neo-classical federal style, with details that echo classical Greek Ionic architecture." }, { "score": 0.6127092838, "text": "Hayes has first phone installed in White House. On this day in 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes has the White House's first telephone installed in the mansion s telegraph room. President Hayes embraced the new technology, though he rarely received phone calls." }, { "score": 0.6076775789, "text": "In 1902,Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen. After eight years of construction, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800." }, { "score": 0.6064406037, "text": "The White House was under construction while President George Washington served in office, and because of this he never used it as his residence. President John Adams and his wife Abigail were the first residents when they moved in November 1800, although the White House was still undergoing some final renovations." }, { "score": 0.6059877872, "text": "Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions. The White House is, after all, the Presidents private home." }, { "score": 0.6058496237, "text": "President Harding Installed a Radio in the White House February 8, 1922. February 8, 1922, was a big day at the White House. On this day President Harding had a radio installed. At the time, radio was the hottest technology there was, and the White House was on the cutting edge. Almost two years later, Calvin Coolidge, who followed Harding, was the first president to broadcast from the White House." }, { "score": 0.6028361917, "text": "The Romans invented indoor plumbing. It took America in the late 20th century to uninvent it. The fateful year was 1994, when the federal government mandated that all toilets manufactured and sold in the U.S. have tanks no bigger than 1.6 gallons. It was the new prohibitionism. Gradually over the coming years, the toilets stopped working as they once did. The reality was slow to dawn on Americans, who are rather used to improvement in consumer products, not slow depreciation, devaluation, and even destruction. Over time, the problems were legion." }, { "score": 0.6025524139, "text": "History of Bowling in the White House. White House bowling action dates back to the Truman administration in 1947, when a two-lane alley was installed in the basement as a birthday present for the president." }, { "score": 0.6018520594, "text": "Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions." }, { "score": 0.6016901731, "text": "Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen. After eight years of construction, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800." }, { "score": 0.6003479958, "text": "Although the building was often called the White House, the name did not become official until 1902, when President Theodore Roosevelt adopted it. The next major renovation began in 1824. Appointed by Thomas Jefferson, designer and draftsman Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764-1820) became Surveyor of the Public Buildings of the United States." }, { "score": 0.6001956463, "text": "Step 23 - Interior Rough-in Plumbing. Putting Pipes Inside. The next phase for the interior of the house is the rough-in of the initial plumbing. The bathtubs and showers are set in place and the water and sewer pipes are run throughout the house in preparation for the toilets, faucets, tubs and sinks the will make up your indoor plumbing." }, { "score": 0.5985467434, "text": "During the late 19th century, various proposals were made to significantly expand the President's House or to build an entirely new house for the president, but these plans were never realized. In 1902,Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen." }, { "score": 0.5980983377, "text": "In 1791, President George Washington suggested the site of the building and the next year the cornerstone was placed on site. The building took eight years to build and the first President to live in The White House was John Adams. The building remained as is until 1814, when it was burned during the War of 1812. After the fire, James Hoban, the original architect, was commissioned to lead the rebuilding of the White House. In 1817, the building was completed and President James Monroe moved into the White House." }, { "score": 0.5960261226, "text": "North Portico. The President's Front Door. Added around 1830, the North Portico was added to the White House, in keeping with the Federal Style and the original designs for the building. During the late Victorian era, Louis C Tiffany installed Tiffany glass in the windows, as he had throughout the house, later removed in the 1902 renovation." }, { "score": 0.5956837535, "text": "May 10, 1877, when Rutherford B. Hayes had one installed in the White House telegraph room. The first White House phone number was 1, but the phone was directly connected to just one other early adopter, the Treasury Department." }, { "score": 0.595364511, "text": "Architecture: 1850s-1890s. 1850s. James Buchanan, at the urging of his niece and White House hostess Harriet Lane, added a wooden greenhouse on the roof of the west terrace in 1857, adjacent to the State Dining Room. One could enter a private world of plants and flowers grown for decorating the house." }, { "score": 0.5945966244, "text": "Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen. After eight years of construction, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800. During the War of 1812, the British set fire to the President's House in 1814. James Hoban was appointed to rebuild the house, and President James Monroe moved into the building in 1817." }, { "score": 0.5941148996, "text": "Construction. Construction started in 1792 and in 1800, when the building was almost completed, president John Adams moved in. Ever since, each President of the United States has lived in the White House." }, { "score": 0.5939145088, "text": "1901: US president's house named The White House. The White House, formerly known as the Executive Mansion, is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States." }, { "score": 0.5925251245, "text": "In 1791, President George Washington suggested the site of the building and the next year the cornerstone was placed on site. The building took eight years to build and the first President to live in The White House was John Adams. The building remained as is until 1814, when it was burned during the War of 1812. After the fire, James Hoban, the original architect, was commissioned to lead the rebuilding of the White House. In 1817, the building was completed and President James Monroe moved into the White House. Over time the White House as undergone many changes, additions and renovations. During this time it has been one of the most recognized buildings in Washington and around the world." }, { "score": 0.5920887589, "text": "Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in.Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions. The White House is, after all, the President's private home.t was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. Since that time, each President has made his own changes and additions." }, { "score": 0.5917007327, "text": "President Harding Installed a Radio in the White House February 8, 1922. February 8, 1922, was a big day at the White House. On this day President Harding had a radio installed. At the time, radio was the hottest technology there was, and the White House was on the cutting edge.Almost two years later, Calvin Coolidge, who followed Harding, was the first president to broadcast from the White House.t the time, radio was the hottest technology there was, and the White House was on the cutting edge. Almost two years later, Calvin Coolidge, who followed Harding, was the first president to broadcast from the White House." }, { "score": 0.5914644003, "text": "The Watergate Break-In and the White House Plumbers. On June 17, 1972, five men were arrested at the Watergate Complex by a security guard, who noticed that a taped-open door lock had been re-taped after he had removed it." }, { "score": 0.5906315446, "text": "Truman inaugurates White House bowling alley. President Harry S. Truman officially opens the first White House bowling alley on this day in 1947. The two-lane bowling alley, situated in the West Wing, had been constructed earlier that year. According to Smithsonian Magazine, a group of Truman's fellow Missourians funded the construction of the bowling alley in honor of the president." }, { "score": 0.588553369, "text": "Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President George Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in. 14 people found this useful." }, { "score": 0.5827076435, "text": "A ground floor plan made in 1943 shows the location of the Press Room in the northwest corner of the West Wing and the swimming pool in its original location at the center of the West Terrace. The White House Collection." }, { "score": 0.5826017857, "text": "It turns out that there are not one but two White House bowling alleys. The first White House bowling alley was originally built on the ground floor of the West Wing as a birthday gift to President Truman in 1947. Truman wasn't much of a bowler himself, but the staff were permitted to start a league that competed in tournaments across the country, much to the surprise of their opponents." }, { "score": 0.5814301968, "text": "In 1902,Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen." }, { "score": 0.5808366537, "text": "On June 20, 1979 President Jimmy Carter installed 32 solar panels, used to heat water, on the White House roof. In 1986 under the Reagan administration those panels were taken … down for a routine roof resurfacing and never returned." }, { "score": 0.5802679658, "text": "On June 20, 1979 President Jimmy Carter installed 32 solar panels, used to heat water, on the White House roof. In 1986 under the Reagan administration those panels were taken… down for a routine roof resurfacing and never returned." }, { "score": 0.576312542, "text": "Interestingly enough the White House was designed by James Hoban, an Irish architect, after he won the contest for best design. They began building the White House in 1792 and the first president to live in it was President John Adams and his wife. At that time it was called the \"President's House\"." }, { "score": 0.5751626492, "text": "Architect James Hoban made a floor plan for the house an it was approved by by the Congress in 1792. To know the date or even the year the White House was built, it is essential to look at some details that are significant to the history as well as the construction of this place." }, { "score": 0.5712046027, "text": "The White House Roosevelt Room is located in the middle of the West Wing, which was built in 1902. The West Wing is a set of rooms where the President and staff work. The Roosevelt Room is situation where Theodore Roosevelt's office was located in the West Wing when he was President." }, { "score": 0.5672851801, "text": "Meanwhile, the Carter administration set about adjusting to a new information age by installing the White House's first computer and laser printer. The internet made its debut in the mansion under the watch of George H.W. Bush in 1992." }, { "score": 0.5633476377, "text": "Since September 2002, a grid of 167 solar panels on the roof of a maintenance shed has been delivering electricity to the White House grounds. Another solar installation has been helping to provide hot water. Yet another has been heating the water in the presidential pool." }, { "score": 0.5616722107, "text": "This is not the first time solar panels have graced the White House's roof: President Jimmy Carter had 32 installed in the late 1970s to provide hot water, but President Ronald Reagan removed them in 1986." }, { "score": 0.5591459274, "text": "As part of the agreement, the federal government assumed the states' debts. George Washington oversaw construction of the White House, but never lived in it. John and Abigail Adams became the first occupants of the presidential mansion on November 1, 1800, although only for the last four months of his presidency." }, { "score": 0.5570213795, "text": "Historic Site 706-655-5870. Gift Shop 706-655-2311. Franklin Delano Roosevelt built the Little White House in 1932 while governor of New York, prior to being inaugurated as president in 1933. He first came to Warm Springs in 1924 hoping to find a cure for the infantile paralysis (polio) that had struck him in 1921." }, { "score": 0.5554107428, "text": "Franklin Roosevelt requested the addition of a door with the presidential seal to conceal his leg braces. Many presidents since Hayes have used the desk at various locations in the White House, but it was Jackie Kennedy who brought the desk into the Oval Office in 1961 for President John F. Kennedy for the first time." }, { "score": 0.5551528931, "text": "No, not until Herbert Hoover had one set up in the Oval Office in 1929. And even then, it wasn't a private line until Clinton revamped the White House phone system in 1993. Clinton complained that anyone in the White House could listen in on his calls by picking up an extension and pressing a button." }, { "score": 0.5395009518, "text": "A National Historic Landmark, the Owens-Thomas House in Savannah is known for its English Regency architecture and elaborate indoor plumbing system — an innovative amenity in 1819." }, { "score": 0.5361126661, "text": "Standardized earthenware plumbing pipes with broad flanges making use of asphault for preventing leakages appeared in the urban settlements of the the indus valley civiliations by 2700 B.C. Plumbing originated during the ancient civilizations such as the Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, and Chinese civilizations as they developed public baths and needed to provide portable water, and drainage of wastes." }, { "score": 0.5245512724, "text": "Standardized earthenware plumbing pipes with broad flanges making use of asphault for preventing leakages appeared in the urban settlements of the the indus valley civiliations by 2700 B.C. Plumbing originated during the ancient civilizations such as the Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, and Chinese civilizations as they developed public baths and ..." }, { "score": 0.5228905678, "text": "MusicShawn Mendes Is Back with a Bang on 'There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back'. President Harry S. Truman rolls one down the alley at the formal opening of the White House bowling alley on April 19, 1947 in Washington. The White House Is Renovating Its Bowling Alley. The exclusive bowling lanes reserved for White House employees and their guests are getting an upgrade." }, { "score": 0.5136330128, "text": "Jan. 8, 2003--Evergreen Solar, Inc. today announced the installation of a 9 kW photovoltaic (PV) system at the White House for the National Park Service. The new solar roof in Washington, D.C. is the first solar electric project on the White House grounds. James Doherty, the architect and project manager at the National Park Service Office for White House Liaison, said, We believe in these technologies, and they've been working for us very successfully." }, { "score": 0.496399045, "text": "Following his April 1789 inauguration, President George Washington occupied two executive mansions in New York City: the Samuel Osgood House at 3 Cherry Street (April 1789 – February 1790), and the Alexander Macomb House at 39–41 Broadway (February–August 1790)." }, { "score": 0.487419039, "text": "More Notable Events on February 14: 1971 Richard Nixon installs secret taping system in White House. 1962 1st lady Jacqueline Kennedy conducts White House tour on TV. 1924 IBM Corporation founded by Thomas Watson. 1920 League of Women Voters forms in Chicago." }, { "score": 0.4795522094, "text": "When Bill was four years old, his mother left him with her parents while she trained as a nurse. When Bill was eight, his mother married Roger Clinton. The family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, where they lived in small house with no indoor plumbing." }, { "score": 0.4541264772, "text": "Several times a month, I get calls from real estate agents and home buyers seeking information about polybutylene (PB) plumbing, a product frequently installed in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and nationwide during the 1980s and 1990s." } ]
how fast do mud crabs grow
[ { "score": 0.8090900779, "text": "The megalopa later moults into a stage one crab. Stage one crabs are only about 4 mm wide, but frequent moults mean that they grow very quickly. It is thought that wild mud crabs grow to around 10 cm in width in about a year and become sexual mature in about two years.The typical life span of a mud crab is thought to be three to four years.he megalopa later moults into a stage one crab. Stage one crabs are only about 4 mm wide, but frequent moults mean that they grow very quickly. It is thought that wild mud crabs grow to around 10 cm in width in about a year and become sexual mature in about two years." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7729067802, "text": "Guest. Re:How fast do crabs grow. « Reply #1 on: September 01, 2003, 05:59:20 PM ». Every time they shed they grow about 25% on size, but the time on the intermolt (hard) stage depends on the size of the crab, lets say that a 10cm crab will take about a month to shed again and become a 13cm crab. more less.very time they shed they grow about 25% on size, but the time on the intermolt (hard) stage depends on the size of the crab, lets say that a 10cm crab will take about a month to shed again and become a 13cm crab." }, { "score": 0.7722551823, "text": "Re:How fast do crabs grow. « Reply #1 on: September 01, 2003, 05:59:20 PM ». Every time they shed they grow about 25% on size, but the time on the intermolt (hard) stage depends on the size of the crab, lets say that a 10cm crab will take about a month to shed again and become a 13cm crab.very time they shed they grow about 25% on size, but the time on the intermolt (hard) stage depends on the size of the crab, lets say that a 10cm crab will take about a month to shed again and become a 13cm crab." }, { "score": 0.7344323397, "text": "Molting: How Crabs Grow. Crabs (and other crustaceans) cannot grow in a linear fashion like most animals. Because they have a hard outer shell (the exoskeleton) that does not grow, they must shed their shells, a process called molting.Just as we outgrow our clothing, crabs outgrow their shells.he time between molting (the inter-molt period) gets longer with every molt. A 2-year old crab may molt only 3 times, a 3-year old only twice. By the time they are 4 years old, king crabs will molt only once per year. They become sexually mature at about 5 years of age." }, { "score": 0.7280229926, "text": "Growth Rate: Growth of blue crabs is strongly affected by temperature. For example, up to 18 months is necessary for maturation in the Chesapeake Bay, while blue crabs in the warmer Gulf of Mexico may reach maturity within a year." }, { "score": 0.6995882988, "text": "1 Horseshoe crabs grow by molting and emerge 25 percent larger with each molt. 2 After 16 molts (usually between 9 and 12 years) they will be fully grown adults. 3 Horseshoe crab eggs are important food for migratory shore birds that pass over the Delaware Bay during the spring mating season." }, { "score": 0.6809470654, "text": "Adult females must molt in order to mate but males do not. Adult males often skip a molt and keep the same shell for one or two years. Red king crabs can grow very large with the record female and male weighing 10.5 and 24 pounds, respectively. These large crabs were estimated to be 20–30 years old. The male's leg span was nearly 5 feet across." }, { "score": 0.6790646315, "text": "The species Scylla olivacea can grow up to 150 millimetres in shell width and 1.5 kilograms.Known for their big claws, mud crabs belong to a group of crabs that have the last pair of legs flattened for swimming.age 1 of 4 The magnificent 'muddy' Mud crabs are prized by recreational fishers for their impressive size and delicious taste. Their powerful claws can be dangerous and mud crabs need to be handled with care. Females are often called 'jennies' and males, 'bucks'. In Western Australia there are two species of mud crab." }, { "score": 0.6651313305, "text": "At the end of the final larval stage, the larvae molt into immature crabs. The amount of time spent as a swimming larvae (hatching to true crab stage) varies among species, but ranges from a few weeks to a few months. Early Stage Full Crab. The crabs return to land and begin to grow; juvenile male and female crabs look alike. Juvenile Crabs As they grown larger and turn into adults, the secondary-sexual characteristics (e.g., the asymmetric claws) begin to develop." }, { "score": 0.6631225348, "text": "The larval stage is estimated to last for 2.5 to 4 months and larvae metamorphose and settle during July through early September. Blue king crab molt frequently as juveniles, growing a few millimeters in size with each molt. Unlike red king crab juveniles, blue king crab juveniles are not known to form pods. Female king crabs typically reach sexual maturity at approximately five years of age while males may reach maturity one year later, at six years of age." }, { "score": 0.6598078609, "text": "In their first 2 years Dungeness crab molt as many as 6 times a year! As they become mature (at age 3) this slows to about once a year. When preparing to molt, a crab's old exoskeleton separates from the new one beneath. At this time the new exoskeleton absorbs water and become larger. This causes a split at their \"molt line\", located mid laterally on the carapace. The new and extremely soft crab now has the flexibility to back out of its old shell." }, { "score": 0.6583367586, "text": "Once they have shed the old shell, their soft bodies are exposed and vulnerable, though their thin proto-shell hardens up in about a week. Depending on the age of the crab, they can go anywhere from two months to three years before having to molt again. Over the course of a lifetime, a crab will molt up to 20 times." }, { "score": 0.656719923, "text": "Crabs are crustaceans with five pairs of legs. The first pair is modified as pinchers and the last four pairs are walking legs. The blue crab's carapace (or shell) is about 7 inches (17.8 cm) wide and 4 inches (10.2 cm) long. It weighs 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.9 kg) when fully grown." }, { "score": 0.6543418765, "text": "Soft shell crabs are crabs that are molting, which is when the hard shell of the crab grows about 30 percent. They have to shed their old shell and when they exit that shell, they are soft for about 2 to 3 hours. Then their shell starts to turn hard again." }, { "score": 0.6488108039, "text": "While carrying eggs like this, she is called a sponge or berry crab. Incubation time is 14 days. The megalops (or larvae), pass through eight stages in about two months before they begin to look like crabs.he blue crab's carapace (or shell) is about 7 inches (17.8 cm) wide and 4 inches (10.2 cm) long. It weighs 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.9 kg) when fully grown. The back of the blue crab is dark or brownish green and is drawn out on each side into a large spine. When fully grown the spine may be more than 8 inches wide." }, { "score": 0.6399970055, "text": "Re: How do I cook mud crabs properly? 7 or 8 min is no were near enough for mud crab. sand crabs are good after 7 to 8 min but mud crabs definatley need 15min as there shells are a lot thicker. then dropped into an ice slurry to stop the cooking process. or 8 min is no were near enough for mud crab. sand crabs are good after 7 to 8 min but mud crabs definatley need 15min as there shells are a lot thicker. then dropped into an ice slurry to stop the cooking process." }, { "score": 0.6396901608, "text": "Really tiny crabs may take only days or weeks to molt (One of mine molted within two days). They will mostly likely molt about four to ten times a year. Any larger than a baseball, it could take longer than four-seven months. However this will occur about once to twice every two years. All of this is approximate, use it to determine around how long your crab(s) will take to molt, as well as how often. Also, if you have more then one crab(which is reccommended) remember to isolate them from the other hermit crabs during this time period." }, { "score": 0.6390269399, "text": "They can grow up to 16 inches with a leg span of more than 3 feet and have an average lifespan of 60 years. As juveniles, the coconut crab much like the hermit crab, uses empty shells for protection, but as adults they develop a tough exoskeleton and no longer need the shell." }, { "score": 0.6367247105, "text": "As part of its growth cycle, a hermit crab molts or sheds its exoskeleton usually once a year between May and September. The process can take two weeks or more. Initially, the hermit crab may bury itself in the sand or gravel and stay there for a few days." }, { "score": 0.6363994479, "text": "Hermit crabs with too-small shells cannot grow as fast as those with well-fitting shells, and are more likely to be eaten if they cannot retract completely into the shell. As the hermit crab grows in size, it must find a larger shell and abandon the previous one." }, { "score": 0.6357787251, "text": "The sand fleas do not get very big-most are around a half inch to an inch long. The females grow up to 2 inches long while the males only grow up to about 3/4 inches long. Mole Crabs have five sets of legs on their underbelly." }, { "score": 0.6340970993, "text": "As they get bigger, they eat protozoa, diatoms and smaller crabs that live on the ocean floor. When the crabs reach 2 to 4 years of age, they move to deeper water where they join the adult crabs that eat worms, clams, mussels, snails and sea urchins. They also eat sand dollars, barnacles, fish parts and algae." }, { "score": 0.6296659708, "text": "Coconut crabs (also known as robber crabs, scientific name Birgus latro) typically grow to about 16 inches in length, though there have been reports of specimens double that size. In any case, it is the world's largest species of land-crab and reputedly lives as long as 50 years." }, { "score": 0.6296554804, "text": "There are larger crabs living in the sea, their weight being supported by the water! The adult crabs can reach a leg span of 1 m (3.3 ft), a body length of 40 cm (1.3 ft) and weigh up to 17 kg (38 pound), even if usually they reach 4 kg (9 pound). The largest insects (Goliath beetles) weigh just 100 grams... These crabs can live up to 60 years (!), a lot of time for a crustacean and they grow throughout their entire life. Despite its name, the coconut crab is not a typical crab, but a land-turned hermit crab. But while the sea hermit crabs protect their soft abdomen in snail shells, this huge species hardens it like in lobsters. Typical crabs have a greatly reduced abdomen." }, { "score": 0.6245440841, "text": "Boiled Whole Mud Crab. 1 Bring a large pot of water to the boil, add a teaspoon of sea-salt and place the whole mud crab in and boil for 10-12 minutes. 2 Remove and place in a sink of cold water to cool.3 Then follow the cleaning a mud crab instructions above.dd cleaned and prepared mud crab pieces. Replace lid, simmer for 10 minutes. When mud crabs are done, remove crab pieces with tongs into serving bowl. Include on the table a bowl for shell scraps and napkins. Eat with your hands digging crab meat out with the tip of a crab leg or fork prong." }, { "score": 0.6244041324, "text": "The sand fleas do not get very big - most are. around a half inch to an inch long. The. females grow up to 2 inches long while the. males only grow up to about 3/4 inches long. Mole Crabs have five sets of legs on their. underbelly." }, { "score": 0.6238968372, "text": "How to Cook Mud Crabs. Wash the mud crabs thoroughly. Place live green mud crabs into ICE SLURRY for 35 Minutes in a container or bin, or in the freezer for 35 minutes. They go to sleep and die.Bring pot with a good handful of salt to the boil. Place Mud crabs in pot. Bring to BOIL again and then cook for 22 minutes.In another container or bin add another 3 handfuls of salt to the ice slurry. Once cooked, place mud crabs into this and when cool, clean them in the slurry water.ring to BOIL again and then cook for 22 minutes. In another container or bin add another 3 handfuls of salt to the ice slurry. Once cooked, place mud crabs into this and when cool, clean them in the slurry water." }, { "score": 0.6224665642, "text": "Page 1 of 4 The magnificent 'muddy' Mud crabs are prized by recreational fishers for their impressive size and delicious taste. Their powerful claws can be dangerous and mud crabs need to be handled with care. Females are often called 'jennies' and males, 'bucks'. In Western Australia there are two species of mud crab.Mud crabs are found in Western Australia's north-west from Shark Bay to the Northern Territory border.The mud crab species Scylla serrata can grow up to 300 millimetres in shell width and 2.5 kilograms.age 1 of 4 The magnificent 'muddy' Mud crabs are prized by recreational fishers for their impressive size and delicious taste. Their powerful claws can be dangerous and mud crabs need to be handled with care. Females are often called 'jennies' and males, 'bucks'. In Western Australia there are two species of mud crab." }, { "score": 0.6214914322, "text": "Older hermit crabs get closer and closer to full size. The bigger the crab the longer the molt. The younger crab the more often the molt. If your crab is smaller then a baseball but larger then a golf ball, it should take about a month - 3 months. Probably around once to three times a year." }, { "score": 0.6205984354, "text": "Tanner crabs are considered a short-tailed or true crab. They are decapods with pincer claws on their frontmost pair of legs. They can live over a decade with most adults reaching 1 to 4 pounds (0.45 to 1.81 kg) by the time they reach adulthood, usually after about five years.anner crabs are considered a short-tailed or true crab. They are decapods with pincer claws on their frontmost pair of legs. They can live over a decade with most adults reaching 1 to 4 pounds (0.45 to 1.81 kg) by the time they reach adulthood, usually after about five years." }, { "score": 0.6189278364, "text": "Appearance: Horseshoe crabs grow to two feet in length. They have a hard, rounded, brownish-green exoskeleton, a spike-like tail and five pairs of jointed legs. Their widely spaced eyes look like bumps on the top of their shell.Their gills have folds of membranes that look like the leaves of a book. Just like other arthropods, horseshoe crabs must molt to grow. 2 They leave their old shells behind and grow a new, larger shell. 3 Horseshoe crabs swim upside down and can survive out of the water for an extended period of time if their gills are kept moist." }, { "score": 0.6164110303, "text": "The hardened abdomen protects the coconut crab and reduces water loss on land, but has to be moulted periodically. Adults moult annually, and dig a burrow up to 1 m (3 ft 3 in) long in which to hide while vulnerable. It remains in the burrow for 3 to 16 weeks, depending on the size of the animal." }, { "score": 0.6144682169, "text": "1 Immediately after the molt, the crab's new shell is pliable and easily stretched. 2 In this condition, the crab is called a soft crab or a soft shell crab. 3 Large amounts of water are consumed prior to and shortly after the molt, causing the soft shell to expand and increase in size. These crabs are called sponge crabs and hatching of the eggs occurs in approximately 2 weeks after the formation of the sponge. 2 Over the two weeks the sponge gradually turns from orange to brown and then black as the larval crabs develop inside the egg." }, { "score": 0.6131659746, "text": "Whether steamed or boiled, mud crabs should be placed in a cooking pot once the water is boiling. This will usually stop the water boiling for a few minutes. Once the water is brought back to boiling point, mud crabs should be cooked for ten to twelve minutes then allowed to cool before being eaten.hether steamed or boiled, mud crabs should be placed in a cooking pot once the water is boiling. This will usually stop the water boiling for a few minutes. Once the water is brought back to boiling point, mud crabs should be cooked for ten to twelve minutes then allowed to cool before being eaten." }, { "score": 0.6129307151, "text": "Mudcrabs are large crabs found near almost any body of water and even in sewers in The Elder Scrolls series. The species seems to evolve differently depending on its surroundings. They are tough and territorial, and large groups of mudcrabs may become troublesome. Individually, they are more of a nuisance than an actual danger." }, { "score": 0.6050978899, "text": "Given that a single mangrove area can produce as much as four tons of detritus per year, the mud crab's work as a decomposer is a primary part of the detritus-based food ecology that supports fisheries populations." }, { "score": 0.6050392389, "text": "Although horseshoe crabs look similar to crabs and lobsters, they are actually more closely related to scorpions and spiders. Size: Horseshoe crab females are about 1/3 larger than the males. They can be about 18-19 inches from head to tail, while the males are approximately 14-15 inches. Diet: Horseshoe crabs like to dine on worms and clams. Typical Lifespan: Horseshoe crabs reach sexual maturity at around 10 years of age." }, { "score": 0.6017121077, "text": "Re: Cooking mud crabs. I use sea water and put a hand full of rock salt in. I'm not sure how big my crab cooker is though approximately 10l I guess. I cook them for 12 mins after they come back to the boil.ey all, I was after a bit of help with cooking mud crabs. I have the cooking time right just not the water to salt mix. Last time I cooked them they were very salty. How much salt per L and what sort of salt do you use." }, { "score": 0.5944507122, "text": "It just kept walking, like there was not a care in the world when it crossed the street,\" she told KHON-2. \"Everybody slowed down like it was a pedestrian.\". The largest terrestrial arthropods in the world, coconut crabs can grow as big as nine pounds and three feet wide, and they can live as long as 120 years. They've been known to shred trash cans, eat cats and tear up gardens." }, { "score": 0.5918316841, "text": "STEP 5: Remove crabs from boiling water and place in a big bowl of iced water. to cool them down. STEP 6: Enjoy! HOW TO BOIL LIVE GREEN MUD CRABS. (Based on 1 Green/Raw Mud Crab). STEP 1: Place the Mud Crab in the freezer for approximately 15-18 mins. before cooking.TEP 5: Remove crabs from boiling water and place in a big bowl of iced water. to cool them down. STEP 6: Enjoy! HOW TO BOIL LIVE GREEN MUD CRABS. (Based on 1 Green/Raw Mud Crab). STEP 1: Place the Mud Crab in the freezer for approximately 15-18 mins. before cooking." }, { "score": 0.5870752931, "text": "Jumbo hermit crabs (softball size and larger) are estimated to be between 15 and 50 years old. It is believed the presence or absence of long hair along one side of the abdomen determines the animal's sex. It is assumed that females have this long hair for the purpose of holding eggs." }, { "score": 0.5859333277, "text": "Color: Long-clawed hermit crabs have reddish tan bodies, and their claws are long, thin, and white with a grey or brown median stripe. Broad-clawed hermit crabs are reddish, grey, or tan with flattened, broad claws. Size: Long-clawed hermit crabs grow up to 1 1/2 inches long. Broad-clawed hermit crabs grow up to 4 inches long. Habitat: Rocky tidal zones, tidal pools, salt marshes, and open shores." }, { "score": 0.5858448744, "text": "Lancelot Flowering Crab will grow to be about 8 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 8 feet. It has a low canopy with a typical clearance of 3 feet from the ground. It grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for 50 years or more." }, { "score": 0.5841390491, "text": "Their diets consist of almost anything they can get in their mouths, including insects, earthworms, mollusks, and annelids. Once a female mudpuppy reaches sexual maturity, at six years of age, she can lay an average of 60 eggs. In the wild, the average lifespan of a mudpuppy is 11 years." }, { "score": 0.5806075335, "text": "When harvesting stone crab claws, only one claw is removed from each crab and then the little stinker will grow a new claw and 4 to 5 more claws in its natural lifetime.They can even drop one if it is injured or they need to make a quick get away and need to abandon a claw. You gotta love that y'all.f y'all ever the the chance to get your hands on these beautiful stone crab claws, don't pass them up. Directions: (For Raw Claws). Keep them on ice with lid loose on container till ready to use. They should be cooked within 24 hours, and then have a refrigerated life of 5-7 days." }, { "score": 0.5778422356, "text": "Coralburst Flowering Crab will grow to be about 12 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 10 feet. It has a low canopy with a typical clearance of 4 feet from the ground, and is suitable for planting under power lines. It grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for 50 years or more." }, { "score": 0.5718975067, "text": "The common mudpuppy becomes sexually mature after four to six years of life . An opportunistic feeder , the common mudpuppy has a highly varied diet that is mainly composed of aquatic arthropods, annelids and molluscs, as well as small fish and their eggs, insect larvae and other salamanders ." }, { "score": 0.5688259602, "text": "Most crabs, like stone crabs and spider crabs, walk or run across the bottom. However, crabs in the family Portunidae have specially modified back legs called swimmerettes. These paddle-shaped legs rotate at 20 to 40 revolutions per minute, allowing the crab to quickly swim through the water. One of the most well known crabs in the Portunidae family is the blue crab." }, { "score": 0.5681727529, "text": "Once these basic requirements are met, you will find hermit crabs to be a. relatively simple yet rewarding pet to care for. Provided the proper high humidity and temperature, a substrate they. can dig in, and plenty of fresh and salt water, food, toys, and extra shells, your hermit crab will live up to 25 years. and grow from the size of a marble to the size of a baseball!" }, { "score": 0.5679837465, "text": "If you maintain them at about 85 degrees (and feed them all they can eat) you can raise them up to about 1 inch in 12 to 14 days. You can grow them up to 2 inches in 3 weeks and over 3 inches in just 4 weeks. They receive all their water and nutrients from the chow. Complete instructions are below." }, { "score": 0.5661351681, "text": "After the oysters reach a certain size in the nursery, the crew takes them out of the black bags and scatters them free range on the bottom of the bay. Oysters will continue to grow in the mud for another 1.5 to 2 years before the crew harvests them." }, { "score": 0.5617429018, "text": "Well it depends on the type of catfish. The mudcats just grow until they ate 3-5 pounds. Then the channel catfish that can grow to 2 pounds in just a year. Then there are blue catfish and yellow catfish that can grow from a fingerling to a full-sized adult (75-130 pounds) in just 6 weeks. They'll eat anything so they don't really have a guildline to what to eat so they'll get big. Hope this helped." }, { "score": 0.561730504, "text": "And once established in an ideal setting, dry rot can grow as fast as 9 -10 feet in a year and pass through cracks inside brick! Think about it…while kudzu vines can grow 60 feet a year, even they can't penetrate masonry." }, { "score": 0.5569074154, "text": "Some crabs swim. Most crabs, like stone crabs and spider crabs, walk or run across the bottom. However, crabs in the family Portunidae have specially modified back legs called swimmerettes. These paddle-shaped legs rotate at 20 to 40 revolutions per minute, allowing the crab to quickly swim through the water. One of the most well known crabs in the Portunidae family is the blue crab." }, { "score": 0.5556973219, "text": "The mating season is in late fall, but the females do not lay their eggs until the following spring. Between 50 and 100 eggs are deposited in a nest cavity under a rock or other object. It takes 1 to 2 months for the eggs to hatch. Mudpuppies mature in 4 to 6 years and can live to be more than 20 years old." }, { "score": 0.5549265146, "text": "Coralburst Flowering Crab will grow to be about 12 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 10 feet. It has a low canopy with a typical clearance of 4 feet from the ground, and is suitable for planting under power lines." }, { "score": 0.5471001863, "text": "Genus: Macrocheira. Species: Macrocheira kaempferi. The Japanese spider crab, Macrocheira kaempferi, is the largest living arthropod; fully grown it can reach a leg span of almost 4 m (13 feet), a body size of up to 37 cm (15 inches) and a weight of up to 20 kg (44 pounds)." }, { "score": 0.5442593694, "text": "Within 24 hours of this, the mantis will split its skin and step out of its old shell. Twelve hours or so later, your bug will be ready to eat again, and with a vengeance. A praying mantis will grow about 5 or maybe 6 times before reaching maturity." }, { "score": 0.5366287827, "text": "Status. Biomass: Approximately 68.5 million female adult (age 1+) crabs were estimated to be present in the Bay at the start of the 2014 crabbing season. This number is below the recommended target and just below the recommended threshold number of 70 million female spawning-age crabs.tatus. Biomass: Approximately 68.5 million female adult (age 1+) crabs were estimated to be present in the Bay at the start of the 2014 crabbing season. This number is below the recommended target and just below the recommended threshold number of 70 million female spawning-age crabs." }, { "score": 0.5295908451, "text": "Mud (Kinosternon spp.) and musk (Sternotherus spp.) turtles are two common, hardy species that remain rather small. While most remain less than 5 inches in length, a few individuals may grow slightly larger. Mud and musk turtles are primarily aquatic, though they require a small land area on which they can bask." }, { "score": 0.5139924288, "text": "Giant tortoises move very slowly on dry land, at only 0.17 mph (0.27 km/h). The fastest recorded tortoise speed is 5 mph (8.0 km/h). The tortoise starts digging the ground to form its hybernaculum at the first signs of autumn. It digs with its fore-feet in a very slow motion, and prefers swampy grounds where it could bury itself in mud." }, { "score": 0.5127158165, "text": "Mud (Kinosternon spp.) and musk (Sternotherus spp.) turtles are two common, hardy species that remain rather small. While most remain less than 5 inches in length, a few individuals may grow slightly larger. Mud and musk turtles are primarily aquatic, though they require a small land area on which they can bask. Mud and musk turtles are omnivorous, but they eat insects, fish, worms and carrion in the wild. A note about these relatively small turtles: they can make a pretty big stink. When these turtles feel threatened, they can release a musky odor." }, { "score": 0.4969809055, "text": "[citation needed] Freshwater tortoises, when subjected to the same experiment, continued similarly, but did not live so long. Redi also cut the head off a tortoise entirely, and it lived for 23 days. General information. Giant tortoises move very slowly on dry land, at only 0.17 mph (0.27 km/h). The fastest recorded tortoise speed is 5 mph (8.0 km/h). The tortoise starts digging the ground to form its hybernaculum at the first signs of autumn." }, { "score": 0.4897787273, "text": "Confidence votes 9.8K. They are quick growers and will reach around 5 fairly rapidly. Bristlenose Plecos (Ancistrus temminckii) can get as large as 8-9 in their lifetime of around 20 years though if they do well. They are quick growers and will reach around 5 fairly rapidly." }, { "score": 0.4693793654, "text": "Q: We transplanted 3, 15 year old flowering crabs 3 years ago. The next year they looked excellent. The following year about 1/3 of the branches lost their leaves in the spring. In the fall, the bark on those branches looked like they were suffering from sun scorch or fire blister." }, { "score": 0.4670186639, "text": "The great northern tilefish is the largest species of the family Malacanthidae; male specimens can grow up to 112 centimetres (44 in) FL (fork length) and females to 100 centimetres (39 in) FL. During their first four years of life, they grow at a rate of typically 10cm/yr after which their rate of growth slows down." } ]
meaning of lessees
[ { "score": 0.8392603397, "text": "lessee (plural lessees) 1 An individual or a corporation who has the right of use of something of value, gained through a lease agreement with the real owner of the property. 2 The entity to whom a lease is given, or who takes an estate by lease." } ]
[ { "score": 0.78877002, "text": "What is the Meaning of Lessor & Lessee? A lease is a binding legal contract, so you need to know what you're signing. If you're the person or business that is contracting to rent property, you're the lessee, while your landlord is the lessor. You'll both have certain obligations and responsibilities." }, { "score": 0.7620674968, "text": "Let's Compare Lessee and Lessor. 1 LESSEE VS. Lessee. A lease is a contractual arrangement calling for the (user) to pay the lessor (owner) for use of an asset. Lessee \\Les*see\\ (l[e^]s*s[=e]), n. [F. laiss['e], p. p. of laisser. See {Lease}, v. t.] (Law) The person to whom a lease is given, or who takes an estate by lease. --Blackstone." }, { "score": 0.7534796, "text": "Dictionary entry overview: What does lessor mean? • LESSOR (noun) The noun LESSOR has 1 sense: 1. someone who grants a lease Familiarity information: LESSOR used as a noun is very rare." }, { "score": 0.7502266765, "text": "lessor. a person or entity that grants a lease to another; a person or entity that leases property as a landlord." }, { "score": 0.7501571178, "text": "Noun. 1. lessor-someone who grants a lease. lease giver. owner, proprietor - (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business; he is the owner of a chain of restaurants." }, { "score": 0.7485594153, "text": "Lessor. Lessor is the name of two places in the United States: lessor n: someone who grants a lease [syn: {lease giver}]. Lessor \\Lessor\\ (l[e^]ss[o^]r or l[e^]s*s[^o]r), n. [See {Lessee}, {Lease}, v. t.] (Law) One who leases; the person who lets to farm, or gives a lease. --Blackstone." }, { "score": 0.7478978634, "text": "Lessor (leasing) Lessor is a participant of the leasing contract, who takes possession of the property and provides it as a leasing subject to the lessee for temporary possession. Commercial banks, credit non-bank organizations, leasing companies often act as a lessor." }, { "score": 0.746689558, "text": "lessor meaning, definition, what is lessor: a person who allows someone to use something that they own, such as land, a building, or…. Learn more." }, { "score": 0.7435638905, "text": "Definition of lessor for English Language Learners. law : a person or company that leases property (such as a car or house) to someone." }, { "score": 0.7431991696, "text": "A lessor is someone who grants a lease of something to someone. For example, in a commercial building lease scenario, the lessor is the landlord (building owner), and the tena…nt will be known as the lessee." }, { "score": 0.7427819967, "text": "countable noun. 1 A lessor is a person who owns something such as a house or piece of land and leases it to someone else. 2 a person who grants a lease of property. 3 a person who gives a lease; landlord. 4 A lessor is the owner of an asset such as a car or building, who is renting it out to the lessee. Under a full-service or rental lease, the lessor promises to maintain and insure the equipment and to pay any property taxes due on it. Leases come in many forms, but in all cases the lessee promises to make a series of payments to the lessor. A lessor is the owner of an asset such as a car or building, who is renting it out to the lessee." }, { "score": 0.7420270443, "text": "A lessor is someone who grants a lease of something to someone. For example, in a commercial building lease scenario, the lessor is the landlord (building owner), and the tena … nt will be known as the lessee. 3 people found this useful." }, { "score": 0.7418787479, "text": "The lessor owns the property, and the lessee is the party who uses the assets and makes lease payments. lessee = renter. lessor = owner of property. A lease is an agreement in which the lessor conveys the right to use property, plant, or equipment, usually for a stated period of time, to the lessee. ..." }, { "score": 0.7404963374, "text": "What is a 'Lessor'. A lessor, in its simplest expression, is someone who grants a lease. As such, a lessor is the owner of an asset that is leased under an agreement to a lessee. The lessee makes a one-time or periodic payments to the lessor in return for the use of the asset. Leveraged Lease." }, { "score": 0.73917979, "text": "lessor - someone who grants a lease. lease giver. owner, proprietor - (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business; he is the owner of a chain of restaurants." }, { "score": 0.7379509807, "text": "Definition of lessor: An owner of property who rents it to another party, called a tenant. also called landlord. Definition of lessor: An owner of property who rents it to another party, called a tenant. also called landlord. Use lessor in a sentence. \" I was glad to be a lessor and not a tenant because I could never make any of my payments on time as a tenant. Was this Helpful? YES NO 2 people found this helpful." }, { "score": 0.7362257242, "text": "What is a 'Lessor'. A lessor, in its simplest expression, is someone who grants a lease. As such, a lessor is the owner of an asset that is leased under an agreement to a lessee. The lessee makes a one-time or periodic payments to the lessor in return for the use of the asset. Next Up." }, { "score": 0.7337102294, "text": "Lessor is a participant of the leasing contract, who takes possession of the property and provides it as a leasing subject to the lessee for temporary possession. Commercial banks, credit non-bank organizations, leasing companies often act as a lessor." }, { "score": 0.7306344509, "text": "Define lessee (noun) and get synonyms. What is lessee (noun)? lessee (noun) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary" }, { "score": 0.7286345959, "text": "Definition of lessor. : one that transfers property (such as a house or a car) by a contract." }, { "score": 0.7232241631, "text": "Lessor vs Lessee. A lease is an arrangement in which one party owns an asset that is used by another party for a specific period of time, as per terms on a lease contract in exchange for a periodic rental payment. There are two parties to the lease, known as the lessor and the lessee." }, { "score": 0.7199515104, "text": "a person who grants a lease. [1350–1400; Middle English lesso(u)r < Anglo-French. lessor. a person or entity that grants a lease to another; a person or entity that leases property as a landlord." }, { "score": 0.7140145898, "text": "a lessor is the owner, the one who borrows someone something and the lessee is the user, the borrower. I do understand that you may be trying to assist ?students, in your responses - but no-one...can 'borrow' someone, something!!" }, { "score": 0.7098053098, "text": "For a personalized walkthrough of IRMI Online, Request a Demo. lessee. The person to whom a lease is granted, the tenant. When used in connection with the motor carrier industry, and in particular in connection with owner-operator situations, the term refers to the entity that holds operating authority to operate as a motor carrier for hire. More Commercial Liability Information from IRMI." }, { "score": 0.6781918406, "text": "The lessee is the person or company to. whom the mineral rights are leased. The lessor is the. landowner and/or mineral owner who is leasing his or. her property or some rights in it to another. To keep. this publication in layman's terms, the lessee will be. called the company and the lessor will be called the." }, { "score": 0.6557080746, "text": "Broadly put, a lease agreement is a contract between two parties, the lessor and the lessee. The lessor is the legal owner of the asset, the lessee obtains the right to use the asset in return for rental payments.The narrower term rental agreement can be used to describe a lease in which the asset is tangible property. Language used is that the user rents the land or goods let or rented out by the owner.The verb to lease is less precise because it can refer to either of these actions.he term rental agreement is also sometimes used to describe a periodic lease agreement (most often a month-to-month lease) internationally and in some regions of the United States." }, { "score": 0.6333115697, "text": "The lessee is bound to repair damage to the thing caused by his fault or that of persons who, with his consent, are on the premises or use the thing, and to repair any deterioration resulting from his or their use to the extent it exceeds the normal or agreed use of the thing." }, { "score": 0.6231151223, "text": "A Lessee gives compensation to the Lessor for the rights of use and enjoyment of the land much as one buys fee simple rights; however, the leasehold interest differs from the fee simple interest in several important aspects." }, { "score": 0.610514462, "text": "A conveyance of an estate in real property, such as a lease, to someone for certain length of time. An agreement between a lessee and a lessor for use of a property for a fixed period of time (anywhere from hours to 99 years). The key here is that it has a fixed ending time that is stated in the agreement." }, { "score": 0.6030648947, "text": "Definition. A provision of a lease that will allow for the purchase of leased assets in the future by the person leasing it (lessee) and it at a set price that is usually so low that the lessee is almost guaranteed to use this option." }, { "score": 0.5988866091, "text": "A species of estate less than freehold, where a man has aninterest in lands and tenements, and a possession thereof, by virtue of such interest,for some fixed and determinate period of time; as in the case where lands are let forthe term of a certain number of years, agreed upon between the lessor and tlie lessee,and the lessee enters thereon." }, { "score": 0.5889474154, "text": "Historical Examples. 1 The excuse of the lessees for their failure to pay was the restraint from playing.. 2 After the Fortune was thus closed, the lessees were in a predicament. 3 In 1649 the arrears of the lessees having reached the sum of £974 5s. 4 We are selling on liberal terms to the lessees or their representatives." }, { "score": 0.5670784712, "text": "The lessee, or farmer, tills the soil at his own risk; usually he provides live stock, implements and capital, and has no right to compensation for ordinary improvements, nor for extraordinary improvements effected without the landlords consent." }, { "score": 0.4652494788, "text": "Verb. 1. lessen-decrease in size, extent, or range; The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester; The cabin pressure fell dramatically; her weight fell to under a hundred pounds; his voice fell to a whisper." }, { "score": 0.374352783, "text": "Closed end lease for 2016 Tucson 2.0 FWD SE (Model #84412F45) available from October 13, 2015 through November 2, 2015, to well-qualified lessees approved by Hyundai Motor Finance. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings." }, { "score": 0.3690444231, "text": "Closed end lease for 2016 Tucson 2.0 FWD SE (Model #84412F45) available from October 13, 2015 through November 2, 2015, to well-qualified lessees approved by Hyundai Motor Finance. Not all lessees will qualify." }, { "score": 0.3673399985, "text": "Excludes taxes, title and either dealer fees or documentary service fee. For well-qualified lessees. Closed end lease for 2016 Accord Coupe CVT LX-S (CT1B3GEW) available from February 17, 2017 through May 1, 2017, to well-qualified lessees approved by Honda Financial Services. Not all lessees will qualify." }, { "score": 0.3456403017, "text": "Lease a 2017 Ioniq Hybrid Blue for $219 per month for 36 months with $1,999 due at lease signing. Excludes registration, tax, title and license. Closed end lease for 2017 Ioniq Hybrid Blue (Model # N0502F4S) available from April 4, 2017 - May 1, 2017, to well-qualified lessees approved by Hyundai Motor Finance. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings." } ]
when you eat what structure prevents food from entering your lungs
[ { "score": 0.8459168077, "text": "The structure of the throat is designed to prevent food from entering the lungs. Photo Credit matthewennisphotography/iStock/Getty Images. When food enters the lungs instead of the esophagus, it affects breathing and can cause choking and other problems." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7870441079, "text": "Food enters the lungs on rare occasions, and can be dangerous, or life-threatening. The throat (pharyx). There is a flap of tissue (cartilage) called the epiglottis, its nickname is the guardian of the airways, and it closes the windpipe (trachea) when you swallow. This makes sure no food goes into the lungs. Sometimes, if people eat too fast, talk, or laugh while they are eating, the flap may not close in time and food can go down the trachea, into a bronchus, and into a lung." }, { "score": 0.7511114478, "text": "A small muscular flap (epiglottis) closes to prevent food and fluids from going down the windpipe (trachea) toward the lungs. The back portion of the roof of the mouth (soft palate) lifts to prevent food and fluids from going up the nose." }, { "score": 0.750956893, "text": "When you swallow, your epiglottis covers your voice box (larynx) stopping food from entering your windpipe (trachea). Your voice box is in the front of your neck above your windpipe. It contains your vocal cords and also allows air to pass from your mouth into your windpipe, and from there to your lungs." }, { "score": 0.743812561, "text": "During breathing the valves open to allow air to enter the nose, larynx, and trachea and close to prevent air from entering the esophagus and lower digestive tract. During swallowing the valves open to allow food to enter the digestive tract and prevent food from penetrating the nose and larynx and entering the airway. During swallowing the goal of the system is to move food into the digestive system and keep it out of the respiratory system." }, { "score": 0.7406929731, "text": "The food is thrust from the oral cavity into the throat (pharynx). At the same time, two other events occur: A muscular valve at the bottom of the pharynx opens, allowing food to enter the esophagus, and other muscles close the airway (trachea) to prevent food from entering the airways." }, { "score": 0.7397900224, "text": "The valves created by the false and true vocal folds and the epiglottis prevent food from entering the airway during swallowing. The feeding and respiratory systems share a portion of the pharynx between the area behind the tongue and the area at the entrance to the larynx and the entrance to the esophagus." }, { "score": 0.7395292521, "text": "Air first enters your body through your nose or mouth, which wets and warms the air. (Cold, dry air can irritate your lungs.) The air then travels through your voice box and down your windpipe. The windpipe splits into two bronchial tubes that enter your lungs. A thin flap of tissue called the epiglottis (ep-ih-GLOT-is) covers your windpipe when you swallow. This prevents food and drink from entering the air passages that lead to your lungs." }, { "score": 0.7347778082, "text": "During swallowing the valves open to allow food to enter the digestive tract and prevent food from penetrating the nose and larynx and entering the airway. During swallowing the goal of the system is to move food into the digestive system and keep it out of the respiratory system." }, { "score": 0.7346060276, "text": "How is food prevented from being sucked into the trachea when food is swallowed? Swallowing is a complex mechanism in which many different things happen. Firstly as food is moved by the touch to the back of the oral cavity the soft palate closes off the na…sal cavity (so no food can get back up your nose). Secondly, the epiglottis which normally hangs open above the glottis (first part of the trachea) is closed by a cranial movement of the glotis. This causes the trachea to be closed off and the food to be diverted into the oesophagus. This also explains why people cant swallow and breath at the same time." }, { "score": 0.7317383885, "text": "On the upper part of your voice box there is a flap called the epiglottis. When you swallow, your voice box rises and your epiglottis forms a lid over its opening. This blocks the passageway to your respiratory tract and prevents food and other foreign substances from entering your airways." }, { "score": 0.7311698794, "text": "When food and fluids leave the mouth, they pass through the throat. Swallowing of food and fluids begins voluntarily and continues automatically. A small muscular flap (epiglottis) closes to prevent food and fluids from going down the windpipe (trachea) toward the lungs. The back portion of the roof of the mouth (soft palate) lifts to prevent food and fluids from going up the nose." }, { "score": 0.7240440845, "text": "But more commonly, I think you may be referring to water (and food) getting into your lungs. Our epiglottis keeps water and food out of the airway. When we eat, the epiglottis located in the throat closes. Then reopens to allow the air to get into our lungs. At times, we \"inhale\" food or water." }, { "score": 0.7236280441, "text": "The valve created by the soft palate keeps food out of the nasal airway during swallowing. The valves created by the false and true vocal folds and the epiglottis prevent food from entering the airway during swallowing. Shared Pathways Exist between the Feeding and Respiratory Systems." }, { "score": 0.7228424549, "text": "Epiglottis. The epiglottis moves back and forth to prevent the passage of food and liquids into the lungs. The usual upright position of the epiglottis allows air to flow into the lungs and the larynx." }, { "score": 0.7196509838, "text": "the lidlike cartilaginous structure guarding the entrance to the larynx. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus.he lidlike cartilaginous structure guarding the entrance to the larynx. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus." }, { "score": 0.7181757092, "text": "What is a flexible flap of tissue called the automatically closes over the windpipe when you swallow to prevent food to enter the windpipe and lungs? Why does your epiglottis cover your trachea when you swallow? So food or water will not enter into your windpipe and breathing system (lungs)." }, { "score": 0.7172451019, "text": "Guardian of the airways. On the upper part of your voice box there is a flap called the epiglottis. When you swallow, your voice box rises and your epiglottis forms a lid over its opening. This blocks the passageway to your respiratory tract and prevents food and other foreign substances from entering your airways." }, { "score": 0.7169023156, "text": "According to MedlinePlus, the epiglottis is a flap of skin that prevents food and drink from going down the windpipe and into the lungs. It's located behind the tongue and in front of the voice box, or larynx." }, { "score": 0.7160397768, "text": "The food is thrust from the oral cavity into the throat (pharynx). At the same time, two other events occur: A muscular valve at the bottom of the pharynx opens, allowing food to enter the esophagus, and other muscles close the airway (trachea) to prevent food from entering the airways. This second phase of swallowing takes less than half a second." }, { "score": 0.7135864496, "text": "epiglottis. the lidlike cartilaginous structure guarding the entrance to the larynx. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus.he thin elastic cartilaginous structure located at the root of the tongue that folds over the glottis to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea during the act of swallowing." }, { "score": 0.7119548917, "text": "epiglottis. the lidlike cartilaginous structure guarding the entrance to the larynx. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus. 1 Facebook." }, { "score": 0.7118390799, "text": "The epiglottis, at the upper part of the larynx, is a flaplike projection into the throat. As food is swallowed, the whole larynx structure rises to the epiglottis so that the passageway to the respiratory tract is blocked." }, { "score": 0.7111861706, "text": "Epiglottis Elastic Cartilage. In order to prevent food from entering the air passages of the human larynx and trachea, a thin, leaf-shaped flap of tissue, the epiglottis, closes the opening into the larynx during swallowing.n order to prevent food from entering the air passages of the human larynx and trachea, a thin, leaf-shaped flap of tissue, the epiglottis, closes the opening into the larynx during swallowing." }, { "score": 0.7048465014, "text": "Guardian of the airways. On the upper part of your voice box there is a flap called the epiglottis. When you swallow, your voice box rises and your epiglottis forms a lid over its opening. This blocks the passageway to your respiratory tract and prevents food and other foreign substances from entering your airways. This is why your epiglottis is sometimes called the 'guardian of the airways'." }, { "score": 0.704556942, "text": "The thin elastic cartilaginous structure located at the root of the tongue that folds over the glottis to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea during the act of swallowing.ep′i·glot′tic adj.he muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus." }, { "score": 0.7022394538, "text": "a thin flexible structure, made of CARTILAGE, with a leaf-like shape that guards the entrance to the larynx (the glottis) and prevents food material entering the TRACHEA during swallowing, when the larynx is moved upwards under the epiglottis." }, { "score": 0.7004152536, "text": "Experienced User. There is a flap in your throat that closes off access to your lungs when you swallow preventing food and fluid from going into your lungs. Maybe that is what you are feeling.xperienced User. There is a flap in your throat that closes off access to your lungs when you swallow preventing food and fluid from going into your lungs. Maybe that is what you are feeling." }, { "score": 0.6993395686, "text": "The function of the epiglottis is to block off food and liquids from entering the trachea (windpipe). Allows air to pass through larynx into the rest of the respiratory system.he epiglottis makes sure that food goes down the right tube. When you eat, the epiglottis covers the larynx, so the food or liquid does not enter your lungs. When you brea … th, the epiglottis stays loose to let the air into the lungs. keep food out of the lungs." }, { "score": 0.6990671754, "text": "Pharyngeal stage. Food enters the pharynx (throat). A flap called the epiglottis closes off the passage to the windpipe so food cannot get into the lungs. Next, the muscles in the throat relax, and food and liquid are quickly passed down the pharynx (throat) into the esophagus.The epiglottis opens again to allow for breathing.ood enters the pharynx (throat). A flap called the epiglottis closes off the passage to the windpipe so food cannot get into the lungs. Next, the muscles in the throat relax, and food and liquid are quickly passed down the pharynx (throat) into the esophagus. The epiglottis opens again to allow for breathing." }, { "score": 0.6988772154, "text": "The epiglottis is a flexible flap at the superior end of the larynx in the throat. It acts as a switch between the larynx and the esophagus to permit air to enter the airway to the lungs and food to pass into the gastrointestinal tract. The epiglottis also protects the body from choking on food that would normally obstruct the airway." }, { "score": 0.6981053352, "text": "The epiglottis is a flexible flap at the superior end of the larynx in the throat. It acts as a switch between the larynx and the esophagus to permit air to enter the airway to the lungs and food to pass into the gastrointestinal tract. The epiglottis also protects the body from choking on food that would normally obstruct the airway. The epiglottis is a thin, leaf-shaped structure at the superior border of the larynx, or voice box. In its relaxed position, the epiglottis projects into the pharynx, or throat, and rests just posterior to the tongue." }, { "score": 0.6961475611, "text": "the lidlike cartilaginous structure overhanging the entrance to the larynx. adj., adj epiglot´tic. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus.he thin elastic cartilaginous structure located at the root of the tongue that folds over the glottis to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea during the act of swallowing." }, { "score": 0.6959424615, "text": "The function of the epiglottis is that it allows air to pass through the larynx and into the rest of the respiratory system. When swallowing food or drink, it covers the entrance to the larynx to prevent food and drink from entering the trachea (windpipe)." }, { "score": 0.6944398284, "text": "Term. The cartilaginous structure at the base of the tongue that helps to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea during swallowing is the epiglottis. Definition. True. Term. The respiratory center is located in the medulla oblongata and the hypothalmus of the brain stem." }, { "score": 0.6935304999, "text": "Occasionally, a person may choke when food gets past the epiglottis or sticks to a structure within the pharynx and blocks the airway. The vocal folds contract to catch the blockage before it passes into the trachea. Coughing pushes air out of the lungs to force the blockage out of the airway." }, { "score": 0.691219449, "text": "Epiglottis. The epiglottis is a flap of soft cartilage, covered by a mucous membrane. It is attached to the back of the tongue and acts as a valve during swallowing to prevent food and liquid from entering the lungs. This valve closes when we swallow food, liquid, even saliva, without us having to think about doing so.In other words, it is an unconscious action.t is attached to the back of the tongue and acts as a valve during swallowing to prevent food and liquid from entering the lungs. This valve closes when we swallow food, liquid, even saliva, without us having to think about doing so." }, { "score": 0.6897721887, "text": "epiglottis. 1 the lidlike cartilaginous structure guarding the entrance to the larynx. 2 The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus." }, { "score": 0.6895236969, "text": "the lidlike cartilaginous structure overhanging the entrance to the larynx. adj., adj epiglot´tic. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus.he lidlike cartilaginous structure guarding the entrance to the larynx. The muscular action of swallowing closes the opening to the trachea by placing the larynx against the epiglottis. This prevents food and drink from entering the larynx and trachea, directing it instead into the esophagus." }, { "score": 0.6890381575, "text": "Oval cavity leads to the oesophagus. The oesophagus is a thin and long portion of the alimentary canal which opens into the pharynx. During swallowing the food, a flap-like structure prevents the food entry into the glottis. This flap like structure is called as epiglottis. Stomach." }, { "score": 0.6888418198, "text": "1 of the food put into the mouth before it passes beyond the mouth). 2 the parotid glands, the sublingual glands and the submaxillary glands (which. 3 to help with the process of chewing food). 4 the epiglottis (which prevents food from entering the larynx-at the upper-part of the respiratory system).he mouth (or oral cavity) is important for speech and communication, eating and digestion, and can also be used for breathing. The main structures inside the mouth are the teeth, tongue, tonsils, salivary glands and-at the back of the throat (not shown on the left). the epiglottis." }, { "score": 0.6881334782, "text": "The function of the epiglottis is that it allows air to pass through the larynx and into the rest of the respiratory system. When swallowing food or drink, it covers the entra … nce to the larynx to prevent food and drink from entering the trachea (windpipe). well basically its right.+ 99 others found this useful.he epiglottis makes sure that food goes down the right tube. When you eat, the epiglottis covers the larynx, so the food or liquid does not enter your lungs. When you brea … th, the epiglottis stays loose to let the air into the lungs. keep food out of the lungs." }, { "score": 0.6843845844, "text": "4) Pharyngeal Stage The tongue pushes the food or drink to the back of the mouth, which makes you swallow and the food passes into the tube between the mouth and oesophagus. The voice box closes tightly, you stop breathing to stop the food or drink entering the lungs.) Pharyngeal Stage The tongue pushes the food or drink to the back of the mouth, which makes you swallow and the food passes into the tube between the mouth and oesophagus. The voice box closes tightly, you stop breathing to stop the food or drink entering the lungs." }, { "score": 0.682053566, "text": "The epiglottis is a flap of soft cartilage, covered by a mucous membrane. It is attached to the back of the tongue and acts as a valve during swallowing to prevent food and liquid from entering the lungs.This valve closes when we swallow food, liquid, even saliva, without us having to think about doing so.In other words, it is an unconscious action.t is attached to the back of the tongue and acts as a valve during swallowing to prevent food and liquid from entering the lungs. This valve closes when we swallow food, liquid, even saliva, without us having to think about doing so." }, { "score": 0.6786702871, "text": "The function of the epiglottis is that it allows air to pass through the larynx and into the rest of the respiratory system. When swallowing food or drink, it covers the entrance to the larynx to prevent food and drink from entering the trachea (windpipe). well basically its right." }, { "score": 0.6776192188, "text": "Food pieces that are too large for swallowing may enter the throat and block the passage of air. In addition, when foods or liquids enter the airway of someone who has dysphagia, coughing or throat clearing sometimes cannot remove it. Food or liquid that stays in the airway may enter the lungs and allow harmful bacteria to grow, resulting in a lung infection called aspiration pneumonia." }, { "score": 0.6753833294, "text": "The epiglottis is a structure found in the throat. Specifically, it's located behind the tongue and above the larynx. Elastic cartilage forms this thin, teardrop-shaped flap. A mucous membrane coats the epiglottis.The side facing the mouth is covered in cells similar to those in the rest of the mouth, whereas the backside is covered with cells resembling those of the larynx. The epiglottis is held in place by two ligaments.he esophagus delivers food to the lower digestive system whereas the larynx is the passageway for air to enter the lungs. To prevent food or drink from getting into the lungs, the epiglottis moves to cover the larynx when swallowing. This movement is accomplished by muscles reacting to contact with food or drink." }, { "score": 0.6751983762, "text": "The Epiglottis function in respiratory system is a very important one. It is because of this cartilaginous structure that you do not choke while eating or drinking. It is because the Epiglottis shuts the entrance to the trachea that food and drinks are transferred to the digestive system." }, { "score": 0.6737474799, "text": "Air inhaled through the mouth or nose also passes through the pharynx on its way to the larynx, and then passes through the pharynx on its way out of the body during exhalation. Inside the mouth are several structures that aid in the digestion of food. Teeth are hard structures specialized for the biting and grinding of food (known as mastication, or chewing). They form a continuous row in the bottom of the mouth surrounding the tongue on the lateral and anterior sides, as well as another nearly identical row extending from the roof of the mouth." }, { "score": 0.67129004, "text": "What is the structure difference of the esophagus and trachea? The esophagus is a smooth tube that when we eat food goes trough the esophagus to the stomach. The trachea (windpipe) is made of cartilaginous rings that when we inhale/exhale… air (breath in and out) it goes to the lungs. So if food goes accidentally to your trachea, you choke." }, { "score": 0.6709132195, "text": "It's fairly rare that a piece of food would make it down in to your lungs, but it's certainly possible. Given a solid piece of food in the lungs, a doctor can go in with a bronchoscope (a long tube that goes down your trachea and into your lungs) and remove it." }, { "score": 0.6683456302, "text": "Because both food and air pass through the pharynx, a flap of connective tissue called the epiglottis closes over the glottis when food is swallowed to prevent aspiration. The oropharynx is lined by non-keratinised squamous stratified epithelium." }, { "score": 0.6651046276, "text": "The esophagus or oesophagus, commonly known as the food pipe or gullet, is an organ in vertebrates through which food passes, aided by peristaltic contractions, from the pharynx to the stomach. The esophagus is a fibromuscular tube, about 25 centimetres long in adults, which travels behind the trachea and heart, passes through the diaphragm and empties into the uppermost region of the stomach. During swallowing, the epiglottis tilts backwards to prevent food from going down the larynx and lungs." }, { "score": 0.6650639772, "text": "Only air should enter the airways of the lungs. Sometimes foods, liquids, or vomited stomach contents may accidentally get into these airway. Inhaling can move these substances further into the lungs. This is called aspiration. Once the substances is in the lungs, it will cause an irritation an swelling in the lungs. This creates an opportunity for an infection to develop." }, { "score": 0.6614713073, "text": "Nose or mouth. The nose is the best route for air to get into the lungs, as it is a better filter than the mouth. The nose decreases the amount of irritants that reach the lungs, whilst also heating and adding moisture to the air. Mouth breathing is usually needed when exercising or when more air is needed, because the nose is not the most efficient way of getting large amounts of air into the lungs. Journey down the windpipe. After entering the nose or mouth, air travels down the trachea or windpipe. The trachea is the tube lying closest to the neck. Behind the trachea is the oesophagus or food tube. Air moves down the trachea when we inhale and food moves down the oesophagus when we eat. The path air and food take is controlled by the epiglottis, a gate that prevents food from entering the trachea." }, { "score": 0.6531325579, "text": "Occasionally, a person may choke when food gets past the epiglottis or sticks to a structure within the pharynx and blocks the airway. The vocal folds contract to catch the blockage before it passes into the trachea. Coughing pushes air out of the lungs to force the blockage out of the airway. Sounds are produced in the larynx by the movement of air through the larynx and by the vocal folds, a pair of movable folds in the mucous membrane." }, { "score": 0.6395689845, "text": "Trachea, Bronchi and Bronchioles. Air for the lungs enters the body through the mouth, which leads into the trachea. At the base of the trachea, it breaks into two bronchi which further sub-divide and branch, forming a bronchial 'tree'. Cartilage in the trachea and bronchi keep the airways open and prevent them from collapsing." }, { "score": 0.6367244124, "text": "Epiglottis and Swallowing. The Epiglottis function in swallowing is a very important one. While swallowing food and water, it draws itself back to cover the entry point of the larynx which prevents food and drink from going into the windpipe.piglottis and Swallowing. The Epiglottis function in swallowing is a very important one. While swallowing food and water, it draws itself back to cover the entry point of the larynx which prevents food and drink from going into the windpipe." }, { "score": 0.6347013116, "text": "Ear, Nose and Throat. The epiglottis is a small flap of cartilage attached to the end of the tongue which closes during swallowing. This prevents food particles and secretions from entering the trachea and lungs. Epiglottitis is an infection of the epiglottis and surrounding tissue. The onset and progression of epiglottitis are rapid in children." }, { "score": 0.6331326365, "text": "an inflammation of the small intestine caused by eating or drinking substances contaminated with viral and bacterial pathogens epiglottis a lid-like structure that closes off the entrance to the trachea (windpipe) to prevent food and liquids from moving from the pharynx during swallowing" }, { "score": 0.596557498, "text": "Each lung is surrounded by pleura, sac-like structures which prevent the lungs over-expanding and reduce friction between lungs during their expansion. Go Log In Sign Up" }, { "score": 0.5516149402, "text": "Maintaining Diet and Nutrition. 1 1. Switch to organic foods. Diet can help you protect and heal your lungs through the vitamins and minerals found in certain foods. 2 2. Limit processed and pre-packaged food. When trying to heal and support your lungs, you should limit the amount of pre-packaged and processed foods you eat." }, { "score": 0.54131639, "text": "Best Answer: the only food that you should avoid would be anything that contains milk or cheese, both of which tend to thicken the lung secretions during pneumonia and will make it harder for you to clear the secretions from your lungs." }, { "score": 0.4989033043, "text": "When the airway is blocked, the blood absorbs the air inside the air sacs (alveoli). Without more air, the sac shrinks. The space where the lung was before the collapse fills up with blood cells, fluids and mucus. It may then become infected." } ]
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[ { "score": 0.6654987931, "text": "When contemplating a career in nursing, one of the factors that should be considered is that of a nurse's salary and benefits. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for a registered nurse in 2013 was approximately $65,470." } ]
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what is cnt
[ { "score": 0.7057822943, "text": "The CNT is a private-public partnership between Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the industrial partners Infineon Technologies AG and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), and has clean-room facilities adjacent to Infineon." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6021908522, "text": "CNT files are also associated with Help File Contents and FileViewPro. Additional types of files may also be using the CNT file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the CNT file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly." }, { "score": 0.5244818926, "text": "CNC is the acronym for Computer Numerical Control. It is an outgrowth of the older term NC, which stands for just Numerical Control. It refers to the idea of controlling machine tools programmatically via computer. With the older NC term, a computer need not be involved." }, { "score": 0.5218998194, "text": "CNC is the acronym for Computer Numerical Control. It is an outgrowth of the older term NC, which stands for just Numerical Control. It refers to the idea of controlling machine tools programmatically via computer. With the older NC term, a computer need not be involved. The machine might be controlled using, for example, punched tape." }, { "score": 0.51545012, "text": "CNS is both a community interest company and a user-led organisation, working to promote social justice and equality, personalisation and coproduction." }, { "score": 0.5051522255, "text": "The Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF) is a national user facility that supports a broad range of nanoscale science and technology projects by providing state-of-the-art resources coupled with expert staff support." }, { "score": 0.4944925308, "text": "If your PC opens the CNT file, but it's the wrong application, you'll need to change your Windows registry file association settings. In other words, Windows is associating CNT file extensions with the wrong software program." }, { "score": 0.4850894809, "text": "Who We Are. Who We Are. Community Network Services, Inc. (CNS) is a private non-profit human services agency that provides comprehensive behavioral health services. CNS offers a wide spectrum of community-based support services. Delivered by bachelor- and master-level counselors and psychologists." }, { "score": 0.4844622016, "text": "The primary goals of this NIST Special Publication Series are to outline methods and procedures. that should be employed for the preparation of typical CNT-containing nanocomposites and. characterization of CNT content and subsequent CNT release from these nanocomposite materials." }, { "score": 0.4831169844, "text": "CNC News or China Xinhua News Network Corporation, is a TV News Network. It is operated by the Xinhua News Agency targeting overseas audiences. The news channel started broadcasting in 2010. The headquerter is based in Beijing." }, { "score": 0.4790358543, "text": "Before you can open a CNT file, you'll need to figure out what kind of file the CNT file extension refers to. Tip: Incorrect CNT file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system." }, { "score": 0.4763088226, "text": "The Council for National Policy (CNP), is an umbrella organization and networking group for social conservativeactivists in the United States." }, { "score": 0.4742283821, "text": "As of January 1st, 2016, the Commission des normes du travail (CNT), the Commission de l'équité salariale (CES) and the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) are merged into one. The organization thus created is the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). This new organization provides employers and workers with an integrated source of labour related expertise. All services formerly provided by the 3 previous organizations shall be maintained." }, { "score": 0.4730527997, "text": "Configurable Network Computing (CNC) is the name JD Edwards gave to its technical architecture. It represents the system and networking side of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.DEtips Knowledge Express is a library of 732 articles on functional and technical EnterpriseOne and World topics. The techniques documented will help you unlock the full power of JD Edwards." }, { "score": 0.4643704891, "text": "Centronuclear myopathy (CNM) is an umbrella term for a group of rare genetic muscle disorders. These disorders are characterized by muscle weakness that can range from mild to profound." }, { "score": 0.4631914496, "text": "converged network adapter (CNA) A converged network adapter (CNA) is a single network interface card (NIC) that contains both a Fibre Channel (FC) host bus adapter (HBA) and a TCP/IP Ethernet NIC. It connects servers to FC-based storage area networks (SANs) and Ethernet-based local area networks (LANs). Download this free guide." }, { "score": 0.463059485, "text": "CND stands for Calling Number Delivery and it refers to a service offered by telecommunications companies to customers under the residential and small business categories. This service provides the receiver of the call with the calling party's directory or phone number which is reflected on the phone equipment." }, { "score": 0.4626687765, "text": "Rigid nonmetallic conduit (RNC) is a non-metallic unthreaded smooth-walled tubing. Electrical nonmetallic tubing (ENT) is a thin-walled corrugated tubing that is moisture-resistant and flame retardant. It is pliable such that it can be bent by hand, and is often flexible although the fittings are not." }, { "score": 0.4581896663, "text": "CNC router. CNC router (Or Computer Numerical Control router) is a computer-controlled cutting machine related to the hand held router used for cutting various hard materials, such as wood, composites, aluminium, steel, plastics, and foams. CNC stands for computer numerical control." }, { "score": 0.4457148314, "text": "A CNL is an advanced practice nurse – a nurse with a master's or doctoral degree in clinical practice – who supervises other RNs and hospital staff in a specific area of acute care. show me schools »" }, { "score": 0.4429852962, "text": "CORRELATIONS BETWEEN THE CNT AND TGMA. The VRT and MFa correlate best with the CNT. This suggests that they are measures of what psychologists call \"fluid intelligence.\" The VT, on the other hand, is the best correlated with age and education, and is an indicator of \"crystallized intelligence.\". TABLE 9." }, { "score": 0.4419711232, "text": "A clinical nurse specialist (CNS) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), with graduate preparation (earned master's or doctorate) from a program that prepares CNSs." }, { "score": 0.4360971451, "text": "A Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) is an individual educated in the two disciplines of nursing and midwifery separately, who possesses evidence of certification according to the requirements of the American College of Nurse-Midwives." }, { "score": 0.4343070388, "text": "The Chartered Market Technician (CMT) Program is a certification process in which. candidates are required to demonstrate proficiency in a broad range of technical. analysis subjects. Administered by the Market Technicians Association. (www.mta.org), the main objectives of the CMT Program are:" }, { "score": 0.431986928, "text": "Certified nurse midwife. In the United States, a certified nurse midwife (CNM) is an advanced practice registered nurse in nurse midwifery, the care of women across their lifespan, including pregnancy and the postpartum period, and well woman care and birth control." }, { "score": 0.4308567643, "text": "Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (CNETS) is a support group for carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor patients, family caregivers, researchers and physicians." }, { "score": 0.4308122993, "text": "The acronym CNF stands for Cost and Freight.. The term refers to a common type of shipping agreement where the seller pays for delivering the item to the port closest to the buyer. CFN shipping does not include the cost of insurance. The buyer must pay for insuring the item from the point of origin to the final destination. The buyer also must pay various other fees, such as customs fees and any storage fees." }, { "score": 0.4308030009, "text": "Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) is a broad term used to describe treatments that address the cognitive problems that can arise after a brain injury." }, { "score": 0.4301404357, "text": "Cn is the rotation group of a regular n-sided polygon in 2D and of a regular n-sided pyramid in 3D. If there is e.g. rotational symmetry with respect to an angle of 100°, then also with respect to one of 20°, the greatest common divisor of 100° and 360°." }, { "score": 0.42756778, "text": "In contract law, a non-compete clause (often NCC), or covenant not to compete (CNC), is a clause under which one party (usually an employee) agrees not to enter into or start a similar profession or trade in competition against another party (usually the employer)." }, { "score": 0.4262847006, "text": "Cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) is commonly used to refer to a class of cognitive rehabilitation treatment services designed to improve cognitive function after a brain injury, including traumatic brain injury (TBI)." }, { "score": 0.4259458184, "text": "A certified nursing assistant (CNA) is an entry-level health professional who provides patients with routine daily care while under the supervision of licensed health care professionals. They may provide assistance with dressing, bathing and eating, take vital signs and report patients' concerns to nurses and doctors.any community colleges that offer certificate programs in nursing assistance work closely with their state to ensure that graduates have met the minimum hourly and education requirement for certification. Certified nursing assistants are commonly employed by nursing homes and hospitals." }, { "score": 0.4230599403, "text": "Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is an inherited peripheral nerve disorder. Your peripheral nerves are located on the surface of your brain and your spinal cord. These nerves connect your central nervous system to the rest of your body. CMT was named after the physicians who discovered it in 1886: Jean-Martin Charcot, Pierre Marie, and Henry Tooth." }, { "score": 0.4228719473, "text": "Aircraft communications are being expanded; in fact, in recent years a new abbreviation has surfaced. CNS ATM stands for \"Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance and Air Traffic Management\" which was created to support modernization of the dated and overload prone Air Traffic Control system. Aircraft that are intended to transport passengers are equipped with radios that enable analog voice communications. This is currently and will be for the foreseeable future the primary means for pilots to communicate withdifferent entities of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) system." }, { "score": 0.4219878912, "text": "(Redirected from Nurse midwife) In the United States, a certified nurse midwife (CNM) is an advanced practice registered nurse in nurse midwifery, the care of women across their lifespan, including pregnancy and the postpartum period, and well woman care and birth control." }, { "score": 0.4218597412, "text": "1 Copy number variation (CNV) is a type of mutation where large chunks of DNA are inserted, repeated or lost. These regions of DNA can be between 10,000 and 5,000,000 bases long. Duplication of genes. When there is an increase in the number of copies of a gene." }, { "score": 0.420378983, "text": "CNG is a readily available alternative to gasoline that's made by compressing natural gas to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure. Consisting mostly of methane, CNG is odorless, colorless and tasteless. It's drawn from domestically drilled natural gas wells or in conjunction with crude oil production." }, { "score": 0.4160068631, "text": "A CNA (certified nursing assistant) is a person who has received training to help patients under the close supervision of a licensed practical nurse or a registered nurse. Just after qualifying the competency exam, you will want to do the best preparations for the interview, in order to get hold of your dream job." }, { "score": 0.4155091643, "text": "Certified Medication Technician (CMT) Program. CMT Program Information. The purpose of the Certified Medication Technician (CMT) training program is to prepare individuals for employment as a CMT in an intermediate care or skilled care nursing facility." }, { "score": 0.4127317965, "text": "What is cnext.exe? What is cnext.exe? cnext.exe is part of Radeon Settings and developed by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. according to the cnext.exe version information. cnext.exe is digitally signed by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.. cnext.exe is usually located in the 'C:\\Program Files\\AMD\\CNext\\CNext\\' folder." }, { "score": 0.4111117721, "text": "Introduction. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a group of inherited conditions that damage the peripheral nerves. It's also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN).The peripheral nerves are found outside the main central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).harcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. An expert explains what the disease is, how it affects the nervous system and the possible causes." }, { "score": 0.4104733169, "text": "Cnature is a mobile application designed for the identification of wild plants and animals in real-time. By simply snapping a photo, our user receives a quick and reliable answer to their questions allowing the vast community of nature lovers to explore and learn about the unique wildlife around them." }, { "score": 0.409602344, "text": "What is a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)? A Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) is an individual who is a nurse with a Bachelor's Degree who completes a graduate nurse-midwifery program. CNMs are also trained to support normal pregnancy, labor and birth. They are able to do interventive procedures, such as drugs for pain relief and some operative procedures." }, { "score": 0.4091095924, "text": "Non-compete clause. In contract law, a non-compete clause (often NCC), or covenant not to compete (CNC), is a clause under which one party (usually an employee) agrees not to enter into or start a similar profession or trade in competition against another party (usually the employer). Some courts refer to these as restrictive covenants.." }, { "score": 0.4085938036, "text": "Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a broad term used to describe a group of inherited neurological disorders characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of the muscles in the foot, lower leg, hand, and forearm, and a mild loss of sensation in the limbs, fingers, and toes." }, { "score": 0.4044921398, "text": "Cn is the number of rooted binary trees with n internal nodes (n + 1 leaves or external nodes). Illustrated in following Figure are the trees corresponding to n = 0,1,2 and 3. There are 1, 1, 2, and 5 respectively." }, { "score": 0.4000686109, "text": "A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) is an occupational therapist or physical therapist who has a minimum of five years of clinical experience, including 4,000 hours or more in direct practice in hand therapy." }, { "score": 0.3996386528, "text": "Automated Micro-Needling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or CIT) is a new innovation in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of fine lines, acne scars and improvement of the skin's overall appearance." }, { "score": 0.3986257911, "text": "Automated Micro-Needling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or CIT) is a new innovation in aesthetic medicine for treating the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and improvement of the skin's overall appearance." }, { "score": 0.3948179483, "text": "Card-not-present (CNP) fraud is the unauthorized use of a payment card to conduct a card-not-present transaction when the ... See complete definition. evil twin. An evil twin, in security, is a rogue wireless access point that masquerades as a legitimate hot spot." }, { "score": 0.3925417364, "text": "Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as a Transportation Fuel. Compressed natural gas, or CNG, is natural gas under pressure which remains clear, odorless, and non-corrosive. Although vehicles can use natural gas as either a liquid or a gas, most vehicles use the gaseous form compressed to pressures above 3,100 pounds per square inch. Most natural gas comes from three types of wells: natural gas-and-condensate wells, oil wells, and coal bed methane wells." }, { "score": 0.3859139085, "text": "Canadian National Exhibition. The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), also known as The Ex, is an annual event that takes place at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, during the 18 days leading up to and including Canadian Labour Day Monday." }, { "score": 0.3846566975, "text": "Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) are independent health care providers. In Washington state they are one of the three main subgroups of advanced registered nurse practitioners (see the ARNP fact sheet). CNMs provide health care services for women, including:" }, { "score": 0.3780227304, "text": "The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney. The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron." }, { "score": 0.3779581189, "text": "The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney.The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron.he proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney." }, { "score": 0.3689903319, "text": "The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney.The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron.lomerular filtrate that has not been reabsorbed passes from the proximal convoluted tubule into the proximal straight tubule and into the loop of Henle and the distal convoluted tubule." }, { "score": 0.3545690775, "text": "CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) is the core product of NADRA issued to a valid/legitimate citizen of Pakistan. It is a blend of state-of-the-art technology and well-defined business rules to guarantee its authenticity and validity. Every genuine, 18 Years and above, citizen of Pakistan is eligible for CNIC. No documents are demanded from illiterate applicant for age verification for first time. 2 Residents of FATA/PATA will only be entertained at their native DAUs and their forms will be attested by concerned PA/APA. 3 For further details please refer to the checklist in related downloads or call us on our UAN 111-786-100." }, { "score": 0.3543983102, "text": "4 [Patient Care Technician] | What Is the Difference Between a Patient Care Technician and a CNA? Much of the care a patient receives in a hospital, clinic or long-term care facility requires minimal clinical skills. Rather than allocating nurses to handle routine personal care, many facilities use certified nurses' aides or patient care technicians. Patient care techs and CNAs provide basic nursing care under the supervision of a doctor or nurse, while PCT II technicians have the skills to provide additional clinical services." }, { "score": 0.3447319865, "text": "What is IPT? Industrial Process Tomography (IPT) is a set of instrumentation technologies that aim to provide unparalleled internal information of industrial processes used in many business sectors. In essence it gives data similar to that of the clinical 'body scanner' which has revolutionised modern medicine." }, { "score": 0.3429780602, "text": "What is Peripheral Neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a broad term used to describe a group of inherited neurological disorders characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of the muscles in the foot, lower leg, hand, and forearm, and a mild loss of sensation in the limbs, fingers, and toes." }, { "score": 0.3219849467, "text": "FMT, also known as bacteriotherapy, is a procedure in which fecal matter from a healthy individual is transferred into the gastrointestinal tract of a person who is ill. Most of the time, this transfer occurs during a colonoscopy procedure, and less typically through the use of enemas." }, { "score": 0.3087373376, "text": "Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) is an enzyme that breaks down (metabolizes) a class of drugs called thiopurines. These drugs are used to suppress the immune system and are prescribed to treat various immune-related conditions or blood disorders (e.g., leukemia)." }, { "score": 0.303001076, "text": "Dr. Christopher Pickett, MD is a Doctor primarily located in Farmington, CT, with other offices in Canton, CT and Farmington, CT (and 7 other locations). He has 27 years of experience. His specialties include Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, Cardiovascular Disease and Internal Medicine. Dr." }, { "score": 0.2935131788, "text": "HRT is a treatment used to augment the body's natural hormone levels, either in the form of estrogen-alone therapy (ET), for women who have had a hysterectomy (or surgical menopause) or as estrogen with progesterone therapy (EPT), for women who experience menopause naturally at midlife." }, { "score": 0.2771095037, "text": "Nocturnal penile tumescence (abbreviated as NPT), also known colloquially as morning wood or morning glory, is a spontaneous erection of the penis during sleep or when waking up. All men without physiological erectile dysfunction experience nocturnal penile tumescence, usually three to five times during the night, typically during REM sleep." }, { "score": 0.2766199112, "text": "Nocturnal penile tumescence. Nocturnal penile tumescence (abbreviated as NPT), also known colloquially as morning wood or morning glory, is a spontaneous erection of the penis during sleep or when waking up. All men without physiological erectile dysfunction experience nocturnal penile tumescence, usually three to five times during the night, typically during REM sleep." } ]
how long before my live rock comes back to life
[ { "score": 0.7863118052, "text": "The cycle will probably take you roughly 6-8 weeks, depending on the amount of dead stuff in the dry rock and the amount of dead life on the live rock that didn't survive shipping and handling by the time it gets back into saltwater. If the rock is really clean, it might be less than six weeks." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7096669078, "text": "I was given about 40# of Live rock that has been out of water for about 4 years. The reason it has been out of water is because he had a huge tank crash. The day everything died he did a huge 50% water change. (didn't premix the salt) He also added some shells he got from the ocean." }, { "score": 0.6664532423, "text": "Live rock is generally a piece of reef rock (ancient dead corals) that is pulled directly from wild reefs or culture facilities. It is then boxed and immediately shipped to your local fish store or a distributor. Live rock provides structure for aquascaping and biological filtration in your aquarium. More often than not, live rock rock is still moist from being shipped right after it is collected. The reason for such quick shipment is to avoid the die off of beneficial bacteria and organisms that use the live rock as a host." }, { "score": 0.6614056826, "text": "Method A: Curing process of live rock for the established display aquarium that already contains fish, corals, or any other marine animals. 1 Place the live rock in a new 30-gallon plastic garbage can. Consider adding bottom drains to the container to speed draining and water changes. Completely cover the rock with freshly mixed saltwater, with a specific gravity of 1.021 - 1.025. Use a heater and keep the water temperature near 80 degrees to speed die off." }, { "score": 0.6586403847, "text": "When talking about live rock (LR), it is a misconception that the rock itself is alive. What makes it live are the many forms of micro and macroscopic marine life that live on and inside of it. The rock itself is only made up of the calcium carbonate skeletons of long dead corals, or other calcareous organisms." }, { "score": 0.6479508877, "text": "What is Live Rock Live rock is a major decorative element of the saltwater aquarium and provides nescessary shelter for many marine inhabitants. The different names of rock refer to the island locations where the rock was collected from, such as Fiji live rock, and Tonga live rock.his is simple by either adding your live rock first with your live sand, and waiting a 14 to 28 days till 0 ammonia shows upon water testing; or you may place the live rock in a container with saltwater and a small powerhead for water movement." }, { "score": 0.6431007981, "text": "A. Live rock is pieces of dead coral skeletons which have been harvested from coral reef areas. In the wild, live rock harbors both flora and fauna as well as beneficial (biological) bacteria.ince live rock comes from dead corals, the shape, texture and porosity of the live rock will reflect the corals which were endemic to the area at the time the rock was formed. Live rock will contain flora, fauna and Coralline algae which is endemic to the area from which it is harvested." }, { "score": 0.6371344328, "text": "Live rock. Live rock is rock from the ocean that has been introduced into a saltwater aquarium. Along with live sand, it confers to the closed marine system multiple benefits desired by the saltwater aquarium hobbyist." }, { "score": 0.6363402605, "text": "Live Rock is rubble that has broken off a coral reef structure by natural means such as hurricanes and tropical storms. This broken off rubble is called live rock because of all the living organisms that are found on and within the rock.he many holes and crannies in this rock give it a tremendous amount of surface area for the beneficial aerobic (needs oxygen) and anaerobic (does not need oxygen) bacteria to live on. This is what makes saltwater live rock such a great biological filter for your tank." }, { "score": 0.5856851935, "text": "In the biotic use of the word living, rocks are definitely not alive. But living rock is a semi poetic term for rock in its native position and condition." }, { "score": 0.5655155778, "text": "You are experiencing the first of many algae blooms that happen in a new tank. Make sure your ammonia and nitrites are at 0 before adding any more snails. The diatoms will go away, then you'll likely end up with some kind of green hairy algae.y tank has been set up for 2 and a half weeks. I have a 30 gal and 20 lbs of live rock. (hopefully getting more soon) Yesterday I noticed one piece of my live rock was getting covered in this brown stuff. Went and got some snails to try and control the problem and now it is getting worse." }, { "score": 0.5448207855, "text": "Untreated raw steel gabions may only have a life span of 5yrs or so, before the wire snaps under the load of the rocks. You can also see rust stains on the rocks. Untreated raw steel gabions may only have a life span of 5yrs or so, before the wire snaps under the load of the rocks. SaveLearn more at gabion1.com." }, { "score": 0.5402743816, "text": "As the months turn into years, it's important to hang on to the notion that there is life after death. After the first few months in survival mode, you do begin to feel like living again. For some people it takes a year or less. For others it can take ten years before they feel any sense of happiness." }, { "score": 0.5391799212, "text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. They can moult up to 1 - 2 times every 2 weeks as baby's, as they grow it should add approximately 1 weeks each time and all together can take a few months, once fully mature, they can live for up to 6 months." }, { "score": 0.535466671, "text": "The lifespan of the Plymouth Rock depends on how well they are cared for, and the quality of life that they enjoy. A standard Barred Plymouth Rock will generally live for approximately 6-8 years, but have been known to reach 10-12 years. Plymouth Rock's are classed as a 'dual purpose' breed, meaning they are good for both egg production and as a meat bird." }, { "score": 0.5320423245, "text": "In addition to these considerations, the rock python can live for 25 years. If you get one and find out after a few years that it is more than you can handle, you will not have an easy time getting rid of it. They may seem cool, but not that many people want the job of taking care of a big snake." }, { "score": 0.526068449, "text": "Cornish-rock chickens can live a long life if their diet is controlled. However, due to their fast growth Cornish-rock crosses begin to develop health problems such as arthrit … is after eight weeks old. The chickens were bred specifically to put on a lot of weight in a very short period of time, not for longevity.ornish-rock chickens can live a long life if their diet is controlled. However, due to their fast growth Cornish-rock crosses begin to develop health problems such as arthrit … is after eight weeks old. The chickens were bred specifically to put on a lot of weight in a very short period of time, not for longevity." }, { "score": 0.5259655714, "text": "I have had mine for about 4 years I think it's dieing is that a long life span. just wondering it its old age since i dont know how long they live mine is 4-5 years old. Update: DONT KNOW HOW OLD HE/SHE WAS WHEN I GOT HIM BUT HE WAS A FOOT LONG AT THAT TIME." }, { "score": 0.5202342272, "text": "That includes life on Earth, which will surely be wiped out eventually. But how long does it have? The fossil record tells us that life on Earth has lasted at least 3.5 billion years. In that time it has survived being frozen, clobbered by rocks from space, mass poisoning, and even lethal radiation." }, { "score": 0.5200942755, "text": "They moult seven times until reaching adulthood, and their life span is about eight months. They are very aggressive and should be kept singly except for mating. Males are considerably smaller, just 2.5 to 3 cm long, and have eight abdominal segments. They moult just five times, and live for five to six months only." }, { "score": 0.5085543394, "text": "The life expectancy of snails in the wild is about 3 to 7 years, but in captivity, they can live up to 10-15 years or even more. Snail shell is made of calcium carbonate and keeps growing as long as the snail grows. They keep adding more calcium carbonate to the edge until the snail reaches adult size." }, { "score": 0.4998001456, "text": "There is a limit to how long a DC can be offline and still be brought back successfully, called the tombstone lifetime. It is probably 180 days for your forest though, so you are nowhere near having to worry about it if the DC was out of commission for just over the weekend." }, { "score": 0.4972589016, "text": "Life Cycle. Adults live about one week and lay up to 300 eggs in rich, moist soils. Within 4-6 days tiny larvae emerge and begin feeding on plant roots during their two week period. The pupal stage lasts 3-4 days before young adults leave the soil and begin the next generation." }, { "score": 0.4940756559, "text": "CBS News. A lot of doctors will stop compressions after about 20 minutes, said Dr. Parnia. But we know from research that if you go on for 40 minutes to an hour, your chances of bringing someone back to life is much, much higher.. In Joe Tiralosi's case, it was all by hand.y heart stopped, and the nurse was -- I heard screaming. And that was it.. But that wasn't it. Tiralosi was brought back from the dead. He says it was divine intervention, but it's also a testament to perseverance of his medical team, and the power of some bone-chilling cold." }, { "score": 0.4894350171, "text": "The fossil record tells us that life on Earth has lasted at least 3.5 billion years. In that time it has survived being frozen, clobbered by rocks from space, mass poisoning, and even lethal radiation. Clearly, it's hard to completely sterilise the planet. But there's no shortage of potential apocalypses." }, { "score": 0.4847050011, "text": "His return was within a week. Mine reads accepted 3 weeks, then under review for over a week. Cant get anyone live and from what I read they will only say under review' if you do. They need an office that handles customers properly once returns are past the 21 days they say you can call." }, { "score": 0.4804214537, "text": "Only six weeks for the plantar surface to turn into living leather. BUT......six months for the underlying connective tissues to thicken up in response to the stimuli, and that's where most of the protection from rocks etc. comes from. One full year before the bones reach their optimum strength, so take it easy!" }, { "score": 0.4777475595, "text": "To get Rockantium you need to breed: Musu. &. Terracrank. If you have got the Legendary, you will have to wait 2 days (48 hours) for it to finish breeding, then a further 2 days for the Egg to hatch, this gives you 4 days to get the Legendary Habitat and food for the monster." }, { "score": 0.4749893844, "text": "As for life on Earth... there's much less time. The Sun will begin to boil our oceans away in about 1 billion years as it begins to burn hotter. This planet will be sterile and dead long before the Sun decides it's fate as a rock to be or not to be." }, { "score": 0.4741498828, "text": "Tree snails give birth to live young after they are reproductively mature. It may take up to seven years for a snail to become reproductively mature. Very few snails have such slow reproductive rates. The baby keiki (small snails), are released from the mother shell and all." }, { "score": 0.46497944, "text": "2. Yes, this happens in real life, that is, rocks do get stuck in the rock cycle. Not all rocks go through the complete cycle as depicted in our textbooks. Some rocks stay in a sedimentary layer for millions and millions of years without any changes happening to them.. Yes, this happens in real life, that is, rocks do get stuck in the rock cycle. Not all rocks go through the complete cycle as depicted in our textbooks. Some rocks stay in a sedimentary layer for millions and millions of years without any changes happening to them." }, { "score": 0.4634406567, "text": "It is now known that Precambrian rocks contain evidence of the very beginnings of life on Earth (and thus the record of its evolution for more than 3.5 billion years), the explosion of life-forms without skeletons before the Cambrian, and even the development of sexual reproduction." }, { "score": 0.4597805738, "text": "Why does my Leopard Gecko flick his tongue? How long will my Leopard Gecko live? The average life span of a Leopard Gecko in captivity is 15 to 20 years, though some have been known to live as long as 30 years.hy does my Leopard Gecko flick his tongue? How long will my Leopard Gecko live? The average life span of a Leopard Gecko in captivity is 15 to 20 years, though some have been known to live as long as 30 years." }, { "score": 0.4560988843, "text": "Best Answer: funny thing to wanna no-BUT-by a year, all that is left of the body is the bones with traces of cells on them. underground it takes 40- 50 years for the bones to become dry and brittle." }, { "score": 0.4559748769, "text": "(If the stomach lining was not continually replaced, hydrochloric acid from the stomach juices would burn a hole in the stomach, which would soon cause death.) Skin replaces itself every 30 days. Every three months we have a new skeleton.The red blood cells have a life span of 120 days, and must then be replaced.Each of the different tissues of the body has its own natural life cycle. It is the aim of regeneration therapy to stimulate the process of self-renewal.If the stomach lining was not continually replaced, hydrochloric acid from the stomach juices would burn a hole in the stomach, which would soon cause death.) Skin replaces itself every 30 days. Every three months we have a new skeleton." }, { "score": 0.455725342, "text": "Tubes are like light bulbs—they could go out at any time. Generally, if you're playing hard, tube life can be anywhere from six months to a year, although we've seen tubes last much longer than that. Preamp tubes can last indefinitely. Good quality tubes are the key to keeping your amplifier working great. Should you start to experience strange noises, microphonic squealing, hiss, or other strange and unwanted phenomena, check your preamp tubes." }, { "score": 0.453961581, "text": "Live reviews. The Rolling Stones Sixteen hours after I left my house, and 50 years after forming as a band, The Rolling Stones took the gigantic stage at 9:30pm." }, { "score": 0.4517759085, "text": "It is cheaper than native oysters and is usually available year-round. It grows quickly as our summer temperatures rarely tempt it to spawn, so a rock oyster can reach palatable size in two years (compared with four for a native)." }, { "score": 0.4457574487, "text": "10] Check your advert is live. After creating an advert, it doesn't always go live immediately-can take up to 3 hours, so I'm told by the Gumtree officials. So make sure you look out for when it goes live. If it takes too long (over 4 hours), I would suggest contacting them to see what the hell is going on.PDATE – On the 8th of Feburary 2011, Gumtree has decided to charge landlords for the privilege of refreshing (also known as *bumping*) their adverts, in order to get it back up to the top." }, { "score": 0.4402711689, "text": "Live reviews. 1 The Rolling Stones Sixteen hours after I left my house, and 50 years after forming as a band, The Rolling Stones took the gigantic stage at 9:30pm. 2 I know it's only Rock and Roll but I like it. 3 It doesn't matter where you sit at a Stones show, it's going to be memorable." }, { "score": 0.4390316904, "text": "When a person's kidneys stop working on their own, hemodialysis may be required. How long can someone live on dialysis? Although this is a scary time in a person's life, it is still possible to live a long and fulfilling life before a kidney transplant is needed.hen a person's kidneys stop working on their own, hemodialysis may be required. How long can someone live on dialysis? Although this is a scary time in a person's life, it is still possible to live a long and fulfilling life before a kidney transplant is needed." }, { "score": 0.4369975626, "text": "\"It's a craze,\" said Pachter. It may have a long shelf life for a craze, he said — at least as long as it takes most people to catch every Pokémon— but he doesn't see it lasting forever. \"Pet Rocks lasted more than 100 days, too,\" he said." }, { "score": 0.4319960177, "text": "If an isotope has a half-life of 50 million years and an 1/8 of the sample remaining consists of that isotope, the age of the rock from which it was taken is: A) 400 million years. C) 150 million years." }, { "score": 0.4297727644, "text": "How long do elephants live? When it comes to elephant life expectancy, you can find many sources saying that their life expectancy is somewhere between 60 and 70 years. However, the life expectancy of elephants depends on many factors. For instance, the elephant species play a role in determining how long elephants live." }, { "score": 0.4279327691, "text": "Devotchka - How It Ends (Live at Red Rocks 9 13 08) - Duration: 5 minutes, 33 seconds." }, { "score": 0.4275383353, "text": "\"Only the good die young. Live hard…die young. We can sleep when we're dead.\" These sayings, amongst many others, are utterances that we've heard time and again. In the rock n' roll world, they are cited far too often. And so it is with Kurt Cobain, who would have turned 46 years old today." }, { "score": 0.4253567457, "text": "My bird is a baby, and I've heard that they can live for a long time, but I'm wondering just how long I can expect my bird to be around. How long to pet birds generally live, and is there anything that I can do to make sure that my bird has the longest life possible?" }, { "score": 0.424991399, "text": "At the bottom of the epidermis, new skin cells are forming. When the cells are ready, they start moving toward the top of your epidermis. This trip takes about 2 weeks to a month. As newer cells continue to move up, older cells near the top die and rise to the surface of your skin. What you see on your hands (and everywhere else on your body) are really dead skin cells." }, { "score": 0.4178124666, "text": "I would come out with my hands up first then I would ask questions later. So mate, i'm to busy on yahoo Answers. Give me a few minutes, better still come back in an hour..... I'd say, You'll never take me alive copper! and come out blasting." }, { "score": 0.4170140326, "text": "Watch the video and you will know. 🙂 Rock never dies! Funtwo played and recorded his cover of Canon Rock two years ago, in 2005. He uploaded his video onto the Internet. It was then snatched up by an amazed viewer, who promptly uploaded the video to Youtube under the title \"guitar\". It was not […]" }, { "score": 0.4146209061, "text": "An upward fold in a rock is called a plateau. The half life of a radioactive particle is 20 min. Difference between the points of time when it is 33% disintegrated and 67% disintegrated is approximately : a. 10 min b. 20 min c. 30 min d. 40..." }, { "score": 0.4141416252, "text": "Watch the video and you will know. 🙂. Rock never dies! Funtwo played and recorded his cover of Canon Rock two years ago, in 2005. He uploaded his video onto the Internet. It was then snatched up by an amazed viewer, who promptly uploaded the video to Youtube under the title \"guitar\"." }, { "score": 0.4052540958, "text": "When a geologist says a rock has been dated at 100 m.y. old, the possible error is likely to be: 1 or 2 m.y. 5,000 yrs. 50 m.y. less than 10,000 years. If you have 1 gm of Carbon-14, after two half lives, you will have: none. 1/2 gm. 2 gm. 1/4 gm. An example of a relative age the Civil War began in 1861." }, { "score": 0.4027999341, "text": "4. If a rock sample has 50% of the parent isotope and 50 % of the daughter isotope, and the half-life of the parent isotope is 2 mln years, the age of the rock is: a. 1 mln years b. 2 mln years c. 4 mln years d. 50 mln years" }, { "score": 0.4012562633, "text": "Numerous other, less credible accounts abound, including one of a British woman in 1977 who won a competition to continuously rock in a rocking chair (presumably by a landslide) by doing so for 18 days. Overall, the jury is out on just how long a human could ever stay awake, but perhaps that's a good thing." }, { "score": 0.398658514, "text": "The influence of a figure like the Maharishi can appear and disappear in a matter of months. Talk about old fashioned rock and roll finds itself dead before it begins. Yet some things do remain, while others maintain enough of their former selves so that the logic of their growth at least makes itself obvious." }, { "score": 0.3979226053, "text": "(Except we'll never get them back to plug into a computer on Earth.). New Horizons was scheduled to record an unprecedented amount of measurements and photos with its suite of seven instruments Tuesday morning. How long it will take to trickle that data back to Earth seems a little uncertain. Although Niebur said it'll take 16 months, a NASA press kit states it will take about 9 months." }, { "score": 0.3931966424, "text": "Female or male, alive from the 1950s to the 2000s, each of these rock stars and musicians were tragically taken before they reached their 30th birthdays. They may be gone, but none are forgotten thanks to each of their places on this list of the greatest rock stars who died at 29 years ..." }, { "score": 0.3909563422, "text": "if you know how to play your cards right in life you can live long try my other quizzes tootweetf you know how to play your cards right in life you can live long try my other quizzes too tweet" }, { "score": 0.3791512847, "text": "The Writer: [voiceover] I was 12 going on 13 the first time I saw a dead human being. It happened in the summer of 1959-a long time ago, but only if you measure in terms of years. I was living in a small town in Oregon called Castle Rock. There were only twelve hundred and eighty-one people." }, { "score": 0.3763789237, "text": "New Horizons was scheduled to record an unprecedented amount of measurements and photos with its suite of seven instruments Tuesday morning. How long it will take to trickle that data back to Earth seems a little uncertain. Although Niebur said it'll take 16 months, a NASA press kit states it will take about 9 months. Either way, we should start to see something tantalizing soon." }, { "score": 0.3728944361, "text": "Some of the oldest surface rock can be found in the Canadian Shield, Australia, Africa and in a few other old regions around the world. The ages of these felsic rocks are generally between 2.5 and 3.8 billion years. The approximate ages have a margin of error of millions of years. In 1999, the oldest known rock on Earth was dated to 4.031 ± 0.003 billion years, and is part of the Acasta Gneiss of the Slave craton in northwestern Canada." }, { "score": 0.3669236898, "text": "It all depends on how you define learning. If all you want to do play a steady basic rock 12 hours is more than sufficient, but If you want to go beyond that to be able play at least half as good as legends like Buddy Rich, Terry Bozzio , Gene Krupa , Neil Peart etc it would take a lot more than that." }, { "score": 0.3484352231, "text": "When do you guys think the album will come out? It says spring so if I had to guess I think it will be in April. Typically it's around 3 months after the first single comes out. Can't wait!! And just in time for a summer headlining tour!" }, { "score": 0.3471829295, "text": "Stand By Me. WRITER: I was twelve going on thirteen first time I saw a dead human being. It happened in the summer of nineteen-fifty-nine. A long time ago. But only if you measure in terms of years. I was living in a small town in Oregon called Castle Rock. There were only 1281 people, but to me it was the whole world. WRITER: Teddy Duchamp was the craziest guy we hung around with." }, { "score": 0.332002759, "text": "Stayin' Alive was released one day before the movie, but many theatergoers had already heard the song in trailers for the film. It quickly climbed the charts, reaching the top spot on February 4, 1978 and staying there for four weeks." } ]
who sings soa theme song
[ { "score": 0.7097885013, "text": "(2) This Life is the theme song for the FX television series Sons of Anarchy, written by singer-songwriter Curtis Stigers, Velvet Revolver guitarist Dave Kushner, producer Bob Thiele Jr. and show creator Kurt Sutter while it was performed by Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers." } ]
[ { "score": 0.5561827421, "text": "The theme song for Shameless is The Luck You Got by indie rock group The High Strung. The majority of the music featured throughout the series is generally from indie rock bands. The pilot episode made use of music from artists such as Say Hi, 3OH!3 featuring Ke$ha, The Vines, The Moog and LMFAO.he first episode of the series, Pilot, was watched by 982,000 viewers, making it the network's biggest turnout for a series premiere since Dead Like Me in 2003. The episode airing January 30, Casey Casden, received 1.45 million total viewers, making Shameless the best performing first-year drama on Showtime." }, { "score": 0.5520826578, "text": "The opening theme song of season 1 of Killjoys. Westerley Theme is played at the beginning of each episode of Season 1 of the series. The song was written by show creator and writer Michelle..." }, { "score": 0.5303063989, "text": "What is the theme song to CSI NY? Who are you by the who __ Baba O'Riley, also called Teenage Wasteland by The Who. Who are you is the theme for the original CSI program." }, { "score": 0.5235776901, "text": "About \"So Far Away\". This song was written and composed completely by Synyster Gates, it is also said that this song was originally for Syn's grandfather but with Rev's death he decided to change the lyrics and dedicate it to him." }, { "score": 0.4705691338, "text": "For other uses, see So Sick (disambiguation). So Sick is a song by American singer and songwriter Ne-Yo. The track was produced by Norwegian production team Stargate for Ne-Yo's debut studio album In My Own Words (2006). The song was released as the second single from the album." }, { "score": 0.464936465, "text": "Feels So Right (song) Feels So Right is a song written by Randy Owen, and recorded by American country music band Alabama. It was released in May 1981 as the second single and title track from the band's album Feels So Right ." }, { "score": 0.4548512101, "text": "Valory Music Co. Fans of Reba McEntire 's new song 'Somebody's Chelsea' have Hilary Swank and Harry Connick Jr. to thank for it. The actors didn't write the song, but a scene they shared in the movie 'P.S. I Love You' inspired the newest single from McEntire's 'All the Woman I Am' album." }, { "score": 0.4539904296, "text": "I Told You So (Keith Urban song) I Told You So is a song written and recorded by Australian country music artist Keith Urban. It was released in May 2007 as the third single from his album Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing. This song is used in the Rock Band Country Track Pack." }, { "score": 0.4452807009, "text": "http://youtu.be/YYPc7CRL39o - Love Song, The Butterflys sing You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker featuring singer/ songwriter Justin Nelson. The Butterflys debut EP Pop R&B Soul Love Songs is out now on iTunes http://tiny.cc/j2sdgw. If you like this song please subscribe to our You Tube channel & like us !!" }, { "score": 0.4449765682, "text": "You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker Songfacts. This Billy Preston/Bruce Fisher song was first recorded by Preston on his 1974 album The Kids and Me and was the B-side of his hit single Nothing From Nothing.." }, { "score": 0.4434249997, "text": "I Told You So (Randy Travis song) I Told You So is a song written and recorded by American country music singer Randy Travis from his 1988 album, Always & Forever. It reached number one on the U.S. Billboard and Canadian RPM country singles charts in June 1988. Travis had first recorded it on his 1983 album Live at the Nashville Palace under his stage name Randy Ray." }, { "score": 0.4414839745, "text": "You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker Songfacts. 1 This Billy Preston/Bruce Fisher song was first recorded by Preston on his 1974 album The Kids and Me and was the B-side of his hit single Nothing From Nothing.. Producer Jim Price created a slower arrangement for Cocker's cover." }, { "score": 0.4295584261, "text": "A lot of the best James Bond theme songs sound like they belong in a lounge act. That's not a complaint, just an observation. For whatever reason, the English new wave act Duran Duran was given free reign to provide A View to a Kill with a new and exciting sound all its own." }, { "score": 0.4269918203, "text": "Related Who Sings Questions. Who sings the song I ain't missing you? (I Ain't) Missing You is performed by John Waite. Would you like lyrics? Who sings the song Missing You? The song Missing You is sung by John Waite. Who sings Missed the Boat? The song Missed The Boat is by American indie rock band Modest Mouse from the... Who sings the song,'Me And Misses Jones'? The song, 'Me and Mrs. Jones' was sung by Billy Paul. You can get a CD with his... Who sings aint missing you? John Waite sings I ain't missing you, and Tina Turner sings a song with that title... See All Questions" }, { "score": 0.4257976413, "text": "Tune Jo Na Kaha Lyrics from the album New York - 2009, sung by Mohit Chauhan. The song is composed by Pritam and the lyrics are penned by Junaid Wasi, Sandeep Srivastava." }, { "score": 0.4257270396, "text": "Gerrard sings many of her songs, such as Now We Are Free, Come Tenderness, Serenity, The Valley of the Moon, Tempest, Pilgrimage of Lost Children, Coming Home and Sanvean in idioglossia." }, { "score": 0.4209379554, "text": "Tune Jo Na Kaha Lyrics from the album New York - 2009, sung by Mohit Chauhan. The song is composed by Pritam and the lyrics are penned by Junaid Wasi, Sandeep Srivastava. Discover more Romantic, Sad songs lyrics..." }, { "score": 0.4134094715, "text": "Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Movies Movie Genres Action & Adventure Movies James Bond Who sings theme song goldfinger? What would you like to do? Flag" }, { "score": 0.4068644941, "text": "No Bond Song Topped the Billboard Hot 100 Until 1985. Bond movies are now famous for the songs that go along with each — and we can't wait for the Skyfall theme from Adele — but no Bond theme hit No. 1 on the Billboard Top 100 until 1985, when Duran Duran's \"A View to a Kill\" finally took the top spot." }, { "score": 0.4068096876, "text": "See a Photo of One of the Journal Entries. Brad Paisley, who is co-hosting Thursday's CMA Awards on ABC, also got on the phone and sang Amazing Grace.. You're singing to someone's dying kid, Brad said. And in the middle of it, there's no way that's not real." }, { "score": 0.4061172009, "text": "Prince's song Take Me with U featured vocals by Kotero, and it reached #25 on the Billboard Top 40 chart in the U.S. Kotero left Prince's camp in 1985 to appear on the CBS primetime soap opera Falcon Crest, playing Apollonia, the girlfriend of the character played by Lorenzo Lamas, for ten consecutive weeks.She performed several solo songs, including Red Light Romeo, written and composed by Jon Lind.otero had originally recorded a version of the song Manic Monday for the 1984 album Apollonia 6. Written and composed by Prince, the song would later become a worldwide hit single for girl group The Bangles." }, { "score": 0.4000325799, "text": "Related Who Sings Questions. Who sings the song Summer Breeze Seals & Crofts sing the song Summer Breeze. They were one of the 1970s' most... Who sings the summer breeze The Bee Gees sings the song How Deep is Your Love, which has the lyrics summer... Who sings the song Summer Wind? The song Summer Wind was performed by Frank Sinatra. Summer Wind originally was a... Who sings the song called summer breeze? Jason Mraz sings the song called 'Summer Breeze'. ! We're here 24/7! Who is the original band to sing Summer Breeze...makes me feel fine...? 'Summer Breeze' is a song by Seals and Crofts. It's from their album called..." }, { "score": 0.3992227316, "text": "Tyler Ward-SOS (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3 minutes, 51 seconds." }, { "score": 0.3981048167, "text": "Prince's song Take Me with U featured vocals by Kotero, and it reached #25 on the Billboard Top 40 chart in the U.S. Kotero left Prince's camp in 1985 to appear on the CBS primetime soap opera Falcon Crest, playing Apollonia, the girlfriend of the character played by Lorenzo Lamas, for ten consecutive weeks.She performed several solo songs, including Red Light Romeo, written and composed by Jon Lind.pollonia 6 embarked on a worldwide tour to promote their hit single, Sex Shooter . Kotero had originally recorded a version of the song Manic Monday for the 1984 album Apollonia 6. Written and composed by Prince, the song would later become a worldwide hit single for girl group The Bangles." }, { "score": 0.3940308988, "text": "Ernesto Perez, better known by El Chapo de Sinaloa, is a famous Mexican norteno/banda singer. He is well known for his list of songs. He started playing music in a local gro…up when he was only at the age of eleven. 1 person found this useful." }, { "score": 0.3931274116, "text": "Related Who Sings Questions. Who sings Our Love's In Jeopardy Greg Kihn Band. Who sings the song are loves in jeopardy. The song which contains the lyrics Our love's in jeopardy, baby. is by Greg Kihn... Who sings My Love's in Jeopardy? The Greg Kihn Band sings the song, My Love's In Jeapardy." }, { "score": 0.3885088861, "text": "Life Goes On (5:02) Buy This Track. Related Tags. Popular and emotional song from Pac's album All Eyez On Me / 2Pac: Greatest Hits This lyric, the last part of the hook, sums up the theme of the entire song. Through-out life, there are going to be good experiences, and there are going to be sad times, like the death of a friend." }, { "score": 0.3833274543, "text": "\"All Right Now\" is a rock single by the English band Free. The song, released in the summer of 1970, hit #1 on the UK rock music charts, #2 on the UK singles chart and #4 on the U.S. charts. \"All Right Now\" originally appeared on the album Fire And Water, which Free recorded on the Island Records label, formed by Chris Blackwell. In 1991, the song was remixed and re-released, reaching #8 on the UK singles chart." }, { "score": 0.383117646, "text": "Report Copyright Violation. Who sings that song Fire from the 60s? I really like that song but cant remember who sings it. Re: Who sings that song Fire from the 60s? Jimi Hendrix." }, { "score": 0.3829613328, "text": "I was just so caked on. Try is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat from her fifth studio album, Gypsy Heart. It was released as the lead single on June 9, 2014 via Republic Records. The song was written by Caillat, Babyface and Jason Reeves and was produced by Babyface." }, { "score": 0.3815161884, "text": "Bob Gaudio of The Four Seasons : Songwriter Interviews. Frankie Valli may be the most famous New Jersey-ite in Jersey Boys, but Bob Gaudio, the original keyboard player and tenor voice in The Four Seasons, wrote most of those hit songs and played a big role in helping create these Broadway – and now big screen – legends." }, { "score": 0.3792720139, "text": "Due to the meaning of its title and its lighthearted melody, Vamos a la playa has become a summer and holiday anthem in many countries. However, the song deals with the explosion of a nuclear bomb in the ocean. The people in the song all wear a sombrero to prevent the radioactive wind from messing up their hair." }, { "score": 0.3770553172, "text": "Bob Gaudio of The Four Seasons. Frankie Valli may be the most famous New Jersey-ite in Jersey Boys, but Bob Gaudio, the original keyboard player and tenor voice in The Four Seasons, wrote most of those hit songs and played a big role in helping create these Broadway – and now big screen – legends." }, { "score": 0.3770509958, "text": "i bought a cd ten years ago. edith piaf, all french songs this song from the dove commercial was on it. so, so beautiful. you will also, love the song, la vien rose, lovely! enjoy! i'am now playing it everything! sweet! fun, fun!" }, { "score": 0.3710671663, "text": "Empire (Shakira song) Empire is a song recorded by Colombian singer and songwriter Shakira for her self-titled tenth studio album, Shakira (2014). It was written by Steve Mac and Ina Wroldsen, while production was handled by Mac and Shakira. The song was released as the second single from the album on 22 February 2014." }, { "score": 0.3677831888, "text": "Any one who wants the whole show do-dó-re-ré-mi-fa-fá-sol. La lá si do dó he will find himself with no show better. Play The. Note you know_sponsoredlinksthanks.to bruno smaldino @ Hotmail Com (For submitting One Note Samba) Samba. de um nota so lyrics" }, { "score": 0.3659374714, "text": "5. The songs \"Grease\" (sung by Frankie Valli), \"Hopelessly Devoted to You,\" \"You're the One That I Want,\" and \"Summer Nights\" all became top-10 Billboard hits, but only \"Summer Nights\" came from the original Broadway production. The other three songs had been written specifically for the film. 6." }, { "score": 0.3650524914, "text": "Words & Music by George Weiss / Hugo Peretti / Luigi Creatore. 1 Wise men say only fools rush in. but I can't help falling in love with you. 2 Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling so it goes. 3 Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling so it goes. 4 Recorded: 1960/03/23, first released on Blue Hawaii." }, { "score": 0.3512602448, "text": "Grace Vanderwaal has officially stolen America's heart. The 12-year-old ukulele player, who had the honor of being the closing act, wowed everyone with a performance of her original song \"Clay\" on night one of the America's Got Talent finale Tuesday. And judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie and Mel B gave Vanderwaal a standing ovation with her self-penned tune. \"Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound,\" said Mandel, who chose her as his golden buzzer contestant. \"It's not only a song. It speaks to you. You are amazing. Grace has to win. This is my favorite moment of the night.\"" }, { "score": 0.3487258554, "text": "See The English Patient (soundtrack). As he accepted the Academy Award for Best Song, for You Must Love Me in Evita, Andrew Lloyd Webber joked, Thank heavens there wasn't a song in The English Patient is all I can say. since it had such a strong presence. Best Sound: Walter Murch, Mark Berger, David Parker, and Christopher Newman: Won" }, { "score": 0.3408452272, "text": "Jeff Carson scored three Top 10 singles and two #1 hits with his self-titled album debut. His two #1's - The Car and Not on Your Love - were two of the most played songs on country radio and the video clip for The Car hit #1, winning the ACM Video of the Year Award." }, { "score": 0.3306966126, "text": "Radio host Eddie \"Piolín\" Sotelo has found yet another home. Beginning in January, 2015, Sotelo's \"El Show De Piolín\" will air on American General Media's KLVO-FM (Radio Lobo 97.7/94.7 FM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico and KBET (La Caliente, 96.9 FM) in Bakersfield, Ca." }, { "score": 0.3303976357, "text": "The voice of Cliff Edwards singing When You Wish Upon a Star is piped into the castle. The original dioramas were designed in the style of Eyvind Earle, production designer for Disney's 1959 film Sleeping Beauty, and were then redone in 1977 to resemble the window displays on Main Street, U.S.A.." }, { "score": 0.3235794306, "text": "Ariel also appears as a supporting character in one volume of the Japanese manga Kilala Princess, where she is seen in her pre-movie mermaid form. Jodi Benson provides Ariel's voice for her appearances in the Disney Princess music albums, DVDs and video games. The first original song released for this franchise is If You Can Dream , which featured Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas, Jasmine and Mulan singing together." } ]
average carbs to ingest a day
[ { "score": 0.7183320522, "text": "Sedentary women between the ages of 19 and 30 should consume between 1,800 and 2,000 calories per day. Carbohydrates should account for 810 to 1,300 of your calories each day. As there are 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrates, this amounts to 202.5 to 325 grams of carbohydrates per day. If you are between the ages of 31 and 50, you should consume 1,800 calories per day and 202.5 to 292.5 grams of carbohydrates." } ]
[ { "score": 0.591344893, "text": "I'm on day 4 and still not in ketosis, according to the test strips. How long did it take you to get into ketosis? I'm having on average 15 carbs/day and twice I've had an Atkins snack bar. I drink about a gallon of water every day, and have one diet soda at night.'m on day 4 and still not in ketosis, according to the test strips. How long did it take you to get into ketosis? I'm having on average 15 carbs/day and twice I've had an Atkins snack bar. I drink about a gallon of water every day, and have one diet soda at night." }, { "score": 0.5306415558, "text": "Scientists typically calculate how much mercury a person could ingest each day before bumping up into the danger zone, and then regulatory agencies issue advisories based on those numbers. In the past, using the WHO guideline, EPA has recommended that a person ingest no more than 30 micrograms of mercury per day." }, { "score": 0.4895390272, "text": "Some people might overdose on 300 mg of caffeine, especially if they rarely ingest this drug. Others can ingest 600 mg or more each day without issue, though this is not usually recommended." }, { "score": 0.473544836, "text": "(If you're wondering why G.W. Pharmaceuticals' Sativex, a 1:1 CBD-to-THC plant extract, is rarely perceived by patients as psychoactive, bear in mind that Sativex users, on average, ingest 41.6 milligrams per day of plant cannabinoids —21.6 mg of THC, 20mg of CBD." }, { "score": 0.4571356177, "text": "For the average person it will take about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram/ml treatment of cannabis oil. It is important to remember that the 60 gram/ml 90 day treatment protocol is just a recommendation and starting point." } ]
how much should i pay for breast implants
[ { "score": 0.8180600405, "text": "Implant Fees. The cost of buying the implants themselves will influence the overall costs of the procedure. Silicone implants cost between $1,800 and $2,500 though this may go up to slightly over $3,000.Saline implants will cost anywhere between $1,200 and $1,600.The cost of implants varies due to size and manufacturer though there is usually not much of a difference.Anesthesia Fees. There are various options for your anesthesia and this will have a direct impact on the fee you will be charged.otal Costs of Brest Implants. With all the above factors taken into consideration, the total cost of breast implants generally are somewhere in the range of $5,000 and $15,000. However, it is best for your safety and peace of mind to avoid the lowest-charging surgeons and the ones charging very high fees." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7417558432, "text": "When you first decided on breast augmentation surgery with implants, it likely never occurred to you that you would want or even need to have your breast implants removed down the road. Still, as many as 40,000 women do undergo breast implant removal surgery each year.Their reasons for breast implant removal vary.reast Implant Removal Cost. Breast implant removal costs anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000. Insurance may cover the cost of breast implant removal if it is done for a medical reason such an infection, leakage or cancer." }, { "score": 0.6845607758, "text": "In general, the cost approximately half the amount of a standard dental implant. This means that for a single, straightforward implant, you can expect to pay between $2 500 – $4 000 per implant." }, { "score": 0.677847445, "text": "How much you can expect to pay out of pocket for dental implants, including what people paid in 2017. A single implant typically costs $2,400-$3,000, but can be $4,000-$10,000 or more if additional procedures like extractions, bone grafts, tissue grafts or a sinus lift are needed. 1 CostHelper readers report paying $1,000-$5,000 for an implant with an average cost of $2,488." }, { "score": 0.668397665, "text": "The typical cost for Dental Implants ranges from $25 - $23,000 with an average cost of $6,650. Costs vary by surgeon, geographic region, and the complexity of the procedure. Cost estimates are based on 406 reviews submitted on RealSelf. Costs from 406 RealSelf member reviews." }, { "score": 0.6544929743, "text": "Depending on your personal medical history and current medical condition, contraceptive implants may not be for you and only you physician can approve these implants. The Cost of Contraceptive Implants. Depending on your choice of implant, the average cost in the US is between $300 and $700 plus $100 – $200 for removal.hey slowly release a hormone are effective for up to 5 years. The implant must be inserted by a trained doctor or nurse and is about forty millimeters long. It provides a long term method of hormonal contraception. Contraceptive implants are 99% effective." }, { "score": 0.6501836777, "text": "A single implant with a crown can range from $2,000 to $6,000. An implant in Chicago may be $4,000, whereas an implant in Salt Lake City may be $2,500. It may cost more if a bone graft is required prior to placing the implant. Dentists or oral surgeons may offer financing or may partner with a company or bank that does." }, { "score": 0.6315957308, "text": "There is no expiration date for breast implants, and I have seen patients that have had breast implants trouble-free for as many as 30 years. Nonetheless most breast implants are not lifetime devices, and I tell my patients that we hope that their implants will last approximately 15 years on average." }, { "score": 0.6240696311, "text": "Now let's take a look at dental implant cost. Without a doubt, the cost of dental implants is an important consideration. And for good reason. While the cost of dental implants differ, prices can range from $1000-$3000 per implant.Most dental insurance plans consider the procedure cosmetic and don't cover costs.nd for good reason. While the cost of dental implants differ, prices can range from $1000-$3000 per implant. Most dental insurance plans consider the procedure cosmetic and don't cover costs." }, { "score": 0.6236710548, "text": "Choose from 4 Breast Implants Clinics in China and compare prices, patient reviews, and availability.Find the Best Price for Breast Implants in China. Compare how much Breast Implants cost at all 4 clinics and save money on your treatment.hoose from 4 Breast Implants Clinics in China and compare prices, patient reviews, and availability." }, { "score": 0.622297883, "text": "He or she can best determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. Now let's take a look at dental implant cost. Without a doubt, the cost of dental implants is an important consideration. And for good reason. While the cost of dental implants differ, prices can range from $1000-$3000 per implant.Most dental insurance plans consider the procedure cosmetic and don't cover costs.nd for good reason. While the cost of dental implants differ, prices can range from $1000-$3000 per implant. Most dental insurance plans consider the procedure cosmetic and don't cover costs." }, { "score": 0.6117653847, "text": "Cost Ranges For Dental Implant Treatments. Implant treatments vary widely – from under $3,000 to over $20,000. Therefore, it's important to request an estimate that includes the total cost to complete treatment.mplant treatments vary widely – from under $3,000 to over $20,000. Therefore, it's important to request an estimate that includes the total cost to complete treatment." }, { "score": 0.6110494137, "text": "How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. 23 Mar 2010 The cost of dental implants Clear Choice can vary significantly The costs do not vary very much, but we can probably expect to pay between . How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. The average cost for clear choice ranges between $30,000 and $40,000. The cost of dental implants clear choice can vary significantly. Consult a dentist for. How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. The clear choice for your solution to dental implants is always going to improve your profilo." }, { "score": 0.5959392786, "text": "How the Breast Implant Procedure Is Done. Because breasts can continue to develop until a woman reaches her late teens or early 20s, the FDA requires that women be at least 18 years old to get breast augmentation with saline-filled implants and at least 22 years old to receive silicone implants." }, { "score": 0.5748176575, "text": "How Long Do Breast Implants Last? Pamela Ashworth I have had breast implants for 14 years and I am now developing a large rash under my left breast, and it hurts and I feel alot of air pockets." }, { "score": 0.5630877614, "text": "Mammograms for women with breast implants. If you have breast implants you, can and should get mammograms as recommended. But you might need to have extra pictures taken so the doctor can see as much breast tissue as possible. What does the doctor look for on a mammogram." } ]
what is buttressing bone formation
[ { "score": 0.7912458777, "text": "BACKGROUND: Buttressing bone formation has been described as the development of thickened or exostotic buccal alveolar bone in response to heavy occlusal forces." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6996911764, "text": "CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate a lack of anatomic evidence for the theory of buttressing bone formation and suggest that other factors may be of greater importance in the etiology of buccal bone enlargements." }, { "score": 0.622733295, "text": "A buttress is an architectural structure built against or projecting from a wall which serves to support or reinforce the wall. Buttresses are fairly common on more ancient buildings, as a means of providing support to act against the lateral forces arising out of the roof structures that lack adequate bracing. The term counterfort can be synonymous with buttress, and is often used when referring to dams, retaining walls and other structures holding back earth. Early examples of buttresses are f" }, { "score": 0.6225968599, "text": "A buttress is an architectural structure built against or projecting from a wall which serves to support or reinforce the wall. Buttresses are fairly common on more ancient buildings, as a means of providing support to act against the lateral (sideways) forces arising out of the roof structures that lack adequate bracing. The term counterfort can be synonymous with buttress, and is often used when referring to dams, retaining walls and other structures holding back earth." }, { "score": 0.6219439507, "text": "A buttress is an exterior support projecting from a wall that is used to resist the sideways force, also called thrust, created by the load on an arch or roof. Its name was first adopted into English as butres in the 14th century." }, { "score": 0.6213240027, "text": "A buttress is an architectural structure built against or projecting from a wall which serves to support or reinforce the wall.[1] Buttresses are fairly common on more ancient buildings, as a means of providing support to act against the lateral (sideways) forces arising out of the roof structures that lack adequate bracing. The term counterfort can be synonymous with buttress, and is often used when referring to dams, retaining walls and other structures holding back earth." }, { "score": 0.6196792722, "text": "buttress (plural buttresses) (architecture) A brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it. Anything that serves to support something; a prop. A buttress-root. (climbing) A feature jutting prominently out from a mountain or rock; a crag, a bluff." }, { "score": 0.6186300516, "text": "buttress (plural buttresses) ( 1 architecture) A brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it. 2 Anything that serves to support something; a prop. ( 3 botany) A buttress-root. ( 4 climbing) A feature jutting prominently out from a mountain or rock; a crag, a bluff." }, { "score": 0.6125746369, "text": "Oil painting by Antonio Sicurezza of an alleyway with buttresses between buildings. A buttress is an architectural structure built against or projecting from a wall which serves to support or reinforce the wall." }, { "score": 0.6099569798, "text": "Bone Development: Endochondral Ossification. The process by which bone is formed is termed osteogenesis or ossification. Bone is never formed as a primary tissue: it always replaces a preexisting support tissue. There are two types of bone formation: intramembranous and endochondral ossification." }, { "score": 0.6065048575, "text": "Bone formation ossification Bone formation ossification is the process of adding new bone cells to your bone structure. Bone starts forming in the fetus during the 3rd month of pregnancy from a special type of cell called the mesenchymal cell, which is a type of stem cell.one formation ossification process The bone formation ossification process is initiated and affected by many factors, such as estrogen and PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels in human body." }, { "score": 0.6056655645, "text": "Bone Development: Endochondral Ossification. The process by which bone is formed is termed osteogenesis or ossification. Bone is never formed as a primary tissue: it always replaces a preexisting support tissue. There are two types of bone formation: intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Endochondral ossification involves the." }, { "score": 0.6039165854, "text": "• BUTTRESS (noun) The noun BUTTRESS has 1 sense: 1. a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building. Familiarity information: BUTTRESS used as a noun is very rare. • BUTTRESS (verb) The verb BUTTRESS has 2 senses: 1. reinforce with a buttress. 2. make stronger or defensible. Familiarity information: BUTTRESS used as a verb is rare." }, { "score": 0.5994512439, "text": "A structure, usually brick or stone, built against a wall for support or reinforcement. 2. Something resembling a buttress, as: a. The flared base of certain tree trunks. b. A horny growth on the heel of a horse's hoof." }, { "score": 0.5990902185, "text": "buttress (third-person singular simple present buttresses, present participle buttressing, simple past and past participle buttressed) 1 To support something physically with, or as if with, a prop or buttress. 2 To support something or someone by supplying evidence; to corroborate or substantiate." }, { "score": 0.5986277461, "text": "Bones formed during intramembranous formation are called membranous bones, or occasionally dermal bone, and bones formed during endochondral formation are called cartilage bone.Intramembraneous ossification is the formation of bone on, or in, fibrous connective tissue (which is formed from condensed mesenchyme cells).he process of bone resorption by the osteoclasts releases stored calcium into the systemic circulation and is an important process in regulating calcium balance." }, { "score": 0.5964172482, "text": "Definition of buttress 1 architecture: a projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building 2: something that resembles a buttress: such as" }, { "score": 0.5963046551, "text": "buttress (third-person singular simple present buttresses, present participle buttressing, simple past and past participle buttressed) To support something physically with, or as if with, a prop or buttress. To support something or someone by supplying evidence; to corroborate or substantiate. Translations" }, { "score": 0.5935225487, "text": "Bone Development: Endochondral Ossification. The process by which bone is formed is termed osteogenesis or ossification. Bone is never formed as a primary tissue: it always replaces a preexisting support tissue.There are two types of bone formation: intramembranous and endochondral ossification.Endochondral ossification involves the.. This ossification process can be studied in the. , such as the bones of the limbs.one Development: Endochondral Ossification. The process by which bone is formed is termed osteogenesis or ossification. Bone is never formed as a primary tissue: it always replaces a preexisting support tissue." }, { "score": 0.592643857, "text": "Definition of buttress. 1 1 architecture : a projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building." }, { "score": 0.5893293619, "text": "(ˈbʌ trɪs) n. 1. a projecting support built into or against the outside of a masonry wall to steady a structure by opposing its outward thrusts. 2. any prop or support. 3. something resembling a buttress in shape or position. 4. a bony or horny protuberance, esp. on a horse's hoof." }, { "score": 0.5866594315, "text": "Definition of buttress for Students. 1 1 : a structure built against a wall or building to give support and strength. 2 2 : something that supports, props, or strengthens." }, { "score": 0.5864824057, "text": "Bone is formed by the laying down of an osteoid matrix by osteoblasts, the bone-forming cells, and the mineralization of the osteoid by the development and deposition of crystals of calcium phosphate (in the form of hydroxyapatite) within it.one is a dynamic tissue and is constantly being remodeled by the actions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. After bone removal, the osteoclasts either move on to new resorption sites or die; this is followed by a reversal phase where osteoblasts are attracted to the resorption site." }, { "score": 0.5849973559, "text": "Definition of buttress for Students 1: a structure built against a wall or building to give support and strength 2: something that supports, props, or strengthens" }, { "score": 0.5848086476, "text": "Definition of buttress. 1 transitive verb. 2 architecture : to give support or stability to (a wall or building) with a projecting structure of masonry or wood : to furnish or shore up with a buttress (see 1buttress 1); also : support, strengthen arguments buttressed by solid facts." }, { "score": 0.58241117, "text": "Definition of buttress transitive verb architecture: to give support or stability to (a wall or building) with a projecting structure of masonry or wood : to furnish or shore up with a buttress (see 1 buttress 1); also: support, strengthen" }, { "score": 0.5805220604, "text": "An exostosis (plural: exostoses) is the formation of new bone on the surface of a bone, because of excess calcium forming.Exostoses can cause chronic pain ranging from mild to debilitatingly severe, depending on the shape, size, and location of the lesion.or example, if an extra bone formed on the ankle, it might grow up to the shin. When used in the phrases Cartilaginous exostosis or Osteocartilaginous exostosis, it is considered synonymous with Osteochondroma." }, { "score": 0.5764255524, "text": "The flying buttress (arc-boutant, arch buttress) is a specific form of buttress composed of an arched structure that extends from the upper portion of a wall to a pier of great mass, in order to convey to the ground the lateral forces that push a wall outwards, which are forces that arise from vaulted ceilings of stone and from wind-loading on roofs." }, { "score": 0.563644886, "text": "The formation of new bone begins with the development of a bony matrix made up of bone spicules. These spicules are made up of networks of thin fibers with calcified deposits interwoven throughout. The fibers calcify and enclose some osteoblasts (bone-making cells) and begin to form new bone spicules.he formation of new bone begins with the development of a bony matrix made up of bone spicules. These spicules are made up of networks of thin fibers with calcified deposits interwoven throughout. The fibers calcify and enclose some osteoblasts (bone-making cells) and begin to form new bone spicules." }, { "score": 0.5629585385, "text": "Definition of 'buttress root'. buttress root. noun. a tree root that extends above ground as a platelike outgrowth of the trunk supporting the tree. Buttress roots are mainly found in trees of tropical rain forests. Useful links." }, { "score": 0.5577174425, "text": "The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat.The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease.natomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease." }, { "score": 0.5550425053, "text": "Anatomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease. The gluteus maximus has two insertion points: 1⁄3 superior portion of the linea aspera of the femur, and the superior portion of the iliotibial tractus." }, { "score": 0.5538651943, "text": "The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease." }, { "score": 0.5529482365, "text": "Buttress Dam. a dam in which the water pressure of the headrace, which is absorbed by the pressure floor (in the form of plates or vaults), is transmitted to buttresses and the foundation. Buttress dams are constructed primarily from concrete and reinforced concrete.oth fixed and spillway buttress dams are built. In comparison with massive gravity dams, buttress dams (especially the multiple-arch type) produce savings of 40 percent and more in concrete and costs, depending on the design and local conditions. The height of buttress dams sometimes exceeds 100 m." }, { "score": 0.5518679619, "text": "Anatomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease.natomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease." }, { "score": 0.55125916, "text": "An exterior masonry structure that opposes the lateral thrust of an arch or a vault. A pier buttress is a solid mass of masonry; a flying buttress consists typically of an inclined member carried on an arch or a series of arches and a solid buttress to which it transmits lateral thrust." }, { "score": 0.5418226123, "text": "The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat.The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease.The gluteus maximus has two insertion points: 1⁄3 superior portion of the linea aspera of the femur, and the superior portion of the iliotibial tractus. Pygalgia is soreness in the buttocks, i.e. a pain in the rump. 2 Steatopygia is a marked accumulation of fat in and around the buttocks. 3 Uropygial in ornithology means situated on or belonging to the uropygium, i.e. the rump of a bird." }, { "score": 0.5394575, "text": "Anatomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease.epending on the context, exposure of the buttocks in non-intimate situations can cause feelings of embarrassment or humiliation, and embarrassment or amusement in an onlooker (see pantsing)." }, { "score": 0.5388409495, "text": "In oil field tubing, buttress thread is a pipe thread form designed to provide a tight hydraulic seal. The thread form is similar to that of Acme thread the force is transmitted almost parallel to the axis and thread is about the same strength as standard v threads. French, Thomas Ewing (1918-01-01)." }, { "score": 0.537168026, "text": ") is pathologic ectopic bone formation commonly located in the soft tissue around the big joints, causing range-of-motion limitation, pain, and periarticular warmth, swelling and erythema. It may complicate neurological disorders including traumatic brain injury (." }, { "score": 0.5314832926, "text": "Flying Buttress, The Buttress, Building Systems, The Building, Gothic Architecture, Architectural Drawings, Grow Taller, Vaulting, Chartres. A visual description of just how buttresses work. They take the outward stress from the building and transfer it to the ground, providing support for the walls." }, { "score": 0.5259628296, "text": "an S shaped bone located between the sternum and the scapula. it articulates medially with the manubrium of the sternum and laterally with the acromion process of the scapula; it forms a strut that supports the upper limb; it is frequently fractured; it is the first bone to begin ossification during development." }, { "score": 0.5226892233, "text": "The buttocks (singular: buttock) are two rounded portions of the anatomy, located on the posterior of the pelvic region of apes (including humans), and many other bipeds or quadrupeds, and comprise a layer of fat superimposed on the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles.natomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease." }, { "score": 0.5159826279, "text": "Osteophyte formation on the articular margin of the patella means that there is a bone growth in the joint of the knee. A medical specialist will be able to diagnose the c … ause for this type of bone growth. Answered." }, { "score": 0.5159332156, "text": "Anatomy. The buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or glutes (the gluteus maximus muscle and the gluteus medius muscle) superimposed by a layer of fat. The superior aspect of the buttock ends at the iliac crest, and the lower aspect is outlined by the horizontal gluteal crease.any cultures have also used them as a target for corporal punishment. There are several connotations of buttocks in art, fashion, culture and humor, and the English language is replete with many popular synonyms. In humans they are located between the lower back and the perineum." }, { "score": 0.5156782269, "text": "This is a male screw. In a female screw the screw is cut on the inside of a cylindrical cavity. 2. a colloquial term for a worn out or inferior horse. AISF bone screw. see buttress thread bone screw.buttress thread bone screw. the thread is not a simple V as in the standard thread but has one side of the groove at right angles to the direction of the screw and the other side at a 45° angle.Called also AISF, Howmett compression, Richards-Bechtol. cancellous bone screw.his is a male screw. In a female screw the screw is cut on the inside of a cylindrical cavity. 2. a colloquial term for a worn out or inferior horse. AISF bone screw. see buttress thread bone screw." }, { "score": 0.5149161816, "text": "Osteophyte formation on the articular margin of the patella means that there is a bone growth in the joint of the knee. A medical specialist will be able to diagnose the c … ause for this type of bone growth." }, { "score": 0.5148155689, "text": "The hallmark of osteoporosis is a reduction in skeletal mass caused by an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation. Under physiologic conditions, bone formation and resorption are in a fair balance. A change in either—that is, increased bone resorption or decreased bone formation—may result in osteoporosis." }, { "score": 0.512607038, "text": "development in trees. in tree (plant): Tree roots. Buttress roots are aerial extensions of lateral surface roots and form only in certain species. Buttress roots stabilize the tree, especially in shallow saturated soils, thereby resisting toppling." }, { "score": 0.4969185889, "text": "When a person is in a seated position, his or her weight typically rests on a section of bone called the ischial tuberosity. There are two of these bony swellings, sometimes called the sitting bones, located at the front of the superior ramus of the ischium, which is the lower back portion of the hip bone.rolonged sitting on hard surfaces can cause ischial tuberosity damage. The ischial tuberosity bone lies in front of the lower hip bone. Soccer players are prone to ischial tuberosity damage. Inflammation of the bursa may cause buttocks pain." }, { "score": 0.4893621206, "text": "The gluteus maximus muscles form your buttocks. The muscle attaches to the hip bone and sacrum, which is the bone at the base of the spine, and runs to the top of the femur, or hip bone. The gluteus maximus is a hip extensor, which means it straightens your hip. Squats work them as you raise your torso up." }, { "score": 0.4823748469, "text": "The difference is that the structure of the hips consists of bone: the femur and pelvis, while the underlying structure of the buttocks is muscle, primarily gluteus maximus. \"Buttocks\" indicate the muscles, skin, and often, a good amount of adipose (fat) tissue that comprise the fleshy mass you sit on." }, { "score": 0.4813086689, "text": "any of the three muscles that form the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is a large muscle with an origin in the ilium, the sacrum, and the sacrotuberous ligament and an insertion in the gluteal tuberosity of the femur and the fascia lata. It acts to extend the thigh." }, { "score": 0.4781759381, "text": "Liposuction to help better contour the buttocks is often used before the fat is injected. Butt Implants. During butt augmentation with implants, the surgeon makes an incision overlaying the tailbone, between the buttocks. The butt muscle (gluteus maximus) is lifted up and a pocket is created for the implants." }, { "score": 0.4770947099, "text": "What Is Paget's Disease of Bone? Paget's disease of bone is a chronic disorder in which excessive breakdown and formation of bone tissue can lead to bone enlargement, weakening, and fractures, as well as pain and arthritis in the joints near the affected bones (see box Bone Biology). What Are the Symptoms of Paget's Disease?" }, { "score": 0.4701129198, "text": "Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition in which extra bone grows along one or both of the bones that form the hip joint — giving the bones an irregular shape. Because they do not fit together perfectly, the bones rub against each other during movement." }, { "score": 0.4642224908, "text": "what is osteopenia. bone condition characterized by bone matrix loss that isn't as severe as osteoporosis. what are the bones like in osteoporosis. brittle, porous and prone to fracture. what is the pathophysiology of osteoporosis. bone formation is often normal but the rate of resorption is increased. what should come to mind when you think of osteoporosis." }, { "score": 0.4592506886, "text": "What is alendronate (Binosto, Fosamax)? Alendronate is in the group of medicines called bisphosphonates (bis FOS fo nayts). It alters the cycle of bone formation and breakdown in the body. Alendronate slows bone loss while increasing bone mass, which may prevent bone fractures." }, { "score": 0.4328734279, "text": "Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer that occurs when osteoblasts mutate into cancerous cells. These cancerous cells continue to divide at an increasing rate, forming a tumor. Tumors usually develop in the growth plate, or metaphysis, the wide section of the bone that grows during childhood. Osteosarcoma can develop in any bone of the body. However, it is more likely to develop in the femur, tibia, and humerus. The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma are pain and swelling at the tumor site. Osteosarcoma usually affects patients between the ages of 10 and 20, during the adolescent growth spurt. Males and African-Americans are more likely to develop osteosarcoma." }, { "score": 0.4195659757, "text": "Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition where the bones of the hip are abnormally shaped. Because they do not fit together perfectly, the hip bones rub against each other and cause damage to the joint. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. The socket is formed by the acetabulum, which is part of the large pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone). A slippery tissue called articular cartilage covers the surface of the ball and the socket." }, { "score": 0.4001600444, "text": "Femoroacetabular impingement, also known as hip impingement, is the abutment of the acetabular rim and the proximal femur. Hip impingement is increasingly recognized as a common etiology of hip pain in athletes, adolescents, and adults. It injures the labrum and articular cartilage, and can lead to osteoarthritis of the hip if left untreated. Patients with hip impingement often report anterolateral hip pain. Common aggravating activities include prolonged sitting, leaning forward, getting in or out of a car, and pivoting in sports. The use of flexion, adduction, and internal rotation of the supine hip typically reproduces the pain." }, { "score": 0.3648099899, "text": "(1) Transverse Contraction Joint - a sawed, formed, or tooled groove in a concrete slab that creates a weakened vertical plane. It regulates the location of the cracking caused by dimensional changes in the slab, and is by far the most common type of joint in concrete pavements." }, { "score": 0.3612176478, "text": "The fracture cleavage is the dominating structural element of a slate and greatly influences the bending strength and the way processing. Because of this, the investigation of the fabric of a slate mainly focuses on the nature or character of the fracture cleavage.n slates with a spaced cleavage, the fabric elements are not homogeneously distributed but rather defined by domains of layers with a different composition (mica layers). In a spaced foliation the domainal structures have a spacing of more than 10 µm and most roofing slates show this spaced fracture cleavage." }, { "score": 0.3268005252, "text": ": the surgical formation of an opening into the trachea through the neck especially to allow the passage of air; also : the opening itself." }, { "score": 0.3215084672, "text": ": the surgical formation of an opening into the trachea through the neck especially to allow the passage of air." }, { "score": 0.2782818675, "text": "(Pathology) a neurological disorder, caused by disease of the basal ganglia, in which the muscles of the trunk, shoulders, and neck go into spasm, so that the head and limbs are held in unnatural positions. [from dys- + -tonia from Greek tonos tension, from teinen to stretch]" } ]
how long to roast chicken legs
[ { "score": 0.7894430161, "text": "Baking the Chicken: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the chicken, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink inside. You can bake the chicken legs in a 375°F. oven, if desired.Increase the baking time to 45 to 50 minutes.Tip: An accurate way to check chicken doneness is to insert an instant-read thermometer into the thigh, avoiding the bone. It should read 180°F when the chicken is done.aking the Chicken: Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the chicken, uncovered, for 35 to 40 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink inside. You can bake the chicken legs in a 375°F. oven, if desired." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7977415323, "text": "Put a sheet tray in the oven to preheat. Wash and trim the chicken legs of any excess fat. Mix the garlic, rosemary and panko together in a shallow rimmed dish and season well with salt and pepper. Alternately, crush the garlic and rosemary with some olive oil and salt in a mortar and pestle.oast until the chicken legs are golden and crispy, about 35 to 40 minutes Remove the chicken from the oven to a serving platter." }, { "score": 0.7940089703, "text": "Baked Chicken Legs. 1 1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (204°C). 2 2. Coat the bottom of the roasting pan with olive oil. You should use about 2-3 tbsp. of olive oil to do this. 3 3. Prepare the chicken. Rinse the chicken legs in water and pat them dry with paper towels. 4. Arrange the pieces in the roasting pan skin-side up." }, { "score": 0.7852927446, "text": "Answer by grindylo00 (30). You should bake them for 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Arrange them so that they fatter part is to the outside. After 30 minutes poke one with a fork.If the juice runs clearand thay are browned, they are done.nswer by countrygal (164). I like to bake chicken legs in a preheated oven at 350 degrees to 375 degrees. If you use more then 4 chicken legs at a time then they would require more time. You could also invest in a meat thermoter so you can get the donenss that you like." }, { "score": 0.7750915885, "text": "Quick Answer. Frozen chicken legs should be baked in the oven for approximately 60 to 75 minutes, at a temperature of 350° Fahrenheit. When baked frozen, the chicken legs will need to cook for approximately 50% longer than thawed chicken legs. Thawed chicken legs are usually baked for 40 to 50 minutes. Continue Reading" }, { "score": 0.7622000575, "text": "Roast legs at 350 degrees for one hour and twenty minutes. CAUTION: Do not over bake and since ovens are different, start checking on the turkey leg temperature after one hour. Turkey temperature should be 175 degrees when you take it from the oven. 10." }, { "score": 0.7589176893, "text": "Step 3: Roast the chicken. Put the chicken in the roasting pan into the preheated oven. The chicken cooking times vary by weight and by recipe, but in general, follow these guidelines: 2-1/2- to 3-pound chicken: Roast 1 to 1-1/4 hours. 3- to 3-1/2-pound chicken: Roast 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours.3-1/2- to 4-pound chicken: Roast 1-1/4 to 1-3/4 hours.4-1/2- to 5-pound chicken: Roast 1-1/2 to 2 hours.tep 2: Bake the chicken pieces. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Bake the chicken pieces, uncovered, for 25 to 30 minutes or until no longer pink (internal temperature should be 170 degrees F for chicken breasts, 180 degrees F for thighs and drumsticks). To store: Let the baked chicken stand for 30 minutes to cool." }, { "score": 0.7578766346, "text": "Place turkey legs in pan. 9. Roast legs at 350 degrees for one hour and twenty minutes. CAUTION: Do not over bake and since ovens are different, start checking on the turkey leg temperature after one hour. Turkey temperature should be 175 degrees when you take it from the oven." }, { "score": 0.741085887, "text": "Place turkey legs in pan. 9. Roast legs at 350 degrees for one hour and twenty minutes. CAUTION: Do not over bake and since ovens are different, start checking on the turkey leg temperature after one hour. Turkey temperature should be 175 degrees when you take it from the oven.10.oast legs at 350 degrees for one hour and twenty minutes. CAUTION: Do not over bake and since ovens are different, start checking on the turkey leg temperature after one hour. Turkey temperature should be 175 degrees when you take it from the oven. 10." }, { "score": 0.7370473742, "text": "How Long to Cook a Whole Chicken. Roast chicken is juicy and delicious. Find out how to cook a whole chicken here. Knowing how long to roast a chicken is key -- here are the calculated exact cooking times by weight. 1 2-1/2 to 3 pounds: Roast at 375 degrees F for 1 to 1-1/4 hours. 3 to 3-1/2 pounds: Roast at 375 degrees F for 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours." }, { "score": 0.729174614, "text": "1 On a plate, combine crumbs, cheese, parsley, salt and pepper. 2 Dip chicken in butter/mustard and then pat crumbs on the chicken. 3 Place the chicken in a 9 X 13 baking dish and bake for 45 minutes-Note: if you use the legs with the thigh connected, use more time to cook." }, { "score": 0.7033135891, "text": "Chicken wings or wingettes are deep-fried for 8 to 12 minutes, breasts and drumsticks for 12 to 15 minutes, and legs or thighs for 12 to 17 minutes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that all poultry should be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid the risk of foodborne illness." }, { "score": 0.6587595344, "text": "Trusted Results with How long to roast a 6 lb chicken. Roasting Chicken-Allrecipes. Find out how to roast a whole chicken to juicy perfection. Related Recipe ... The first time was a 4lb bird, for Christmas two 6 lb guys and they were ...How to Roast a Whole Chicken-Allrecipes.Find out how to cook a whole chicken to perfection.More About Roasting a Chicken ...elated Recipe ... The first time was a 4lb bird, for Christmas two 6 lb guys and they were ... How to Roast a Whole Chicken-Allrecipes. Find out how to cook a whole chicken to perfection. More About Roasting a Chicken ..." }, { "score": 0.6382248402, "text": "Related Pages. 1 how long do you roast a 5 lb chicken. 2 how long do you roast a whole chicken. 3 how long do you barbeque a whole chicken. how long do you cook a whole stuffed 1 chicken. how long do you barbeque a whole chicken in the oven. how long do you roast a 5 lb chicken in an elect 1 roaster. how long do you cook a whole chicken at what temperature." }, { "score": 0.6307272911, "text": "Trusted Results with How long does it take to roast a 5 pound chicken. 1 Allrecipes | Recipe Reviews: Spicy Rapid Roast Chicken. 2 All American Roast Beef - All Recipes. 3 How to Roast a Whole Chicken - Allrecipes. 4 Rockin' Roast Pork Shoulder with Spanish Rice Recipe : Review 5 ... Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Rosemary, Chocolate and Wine ..." }, { "score": 0.5651721954, "text": "How long will a roast chicken keep in the fridge? When I roast a chicken, we never finish it right away. How many days can I continue to safely use the leftovers?" } ]
moratoria meaning
[ { "score": 0.8226310015, "text": "moratoria. 1 1a : an authorized period of delay in the performance of an obligation (as the paying of a debt) b : a waiting period set by an authority. 2 2 : a suspension of activity." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7777788639, "text": "Moratorium. A suspension of activity or an authorized period of delay or waiting. A moratorium is sometimes agreed upon by the interested parties, or it may be authorized or imposed by operation of law. The term also is used to denote a period of time during which the law authorizes a delay in payment of debts or performance of some other legal obligation." }, { "score": 0.7674468756, "text": "Define moratorium: a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt — moratorium in a sentence a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt; a waiting period set by an authority…" }, { "score": 0.7663198113, "text": "moratorium [(mawr-uh-tawr-ee-uhm)] A period of delay agreed to by parties to a dispute or parties who are negotiating. A moratorium may also be an authorized delay in the repayment of a loan, especially by a nation (as in a moratorium on war debts)." }, { "score": 0.7655339837, "text": "Moratorium A suspension of activity or an authorized period of delay or waiting. A moratorium is sometimes agreed upon by the interested parties, or it may be authorized or imposed by operation of law." }, { "score": 0.7647446394, "text": "moratorium n. 1875, originally a legal term for authorization to a debtor to postpone payment, from neuter of Late Latin moratorius tending to delay, from Latin morari to delay, from mora pause, delay, from PIE *mere-to hinder, delay." }, { "score": 0.7642474174, "text": "moratorium [(mawr-uh-tawr-ee-uhm)] A period of delay agreed to by parties to a dispute or parties who are negotiating. A moratorium may also be an authorized delay in the repayment of a loan, especially by a nation (as in a moratorium on war debts). The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company." }, { "score": 0.7543619275, "text": "moratorium. 1 a suspension of activity: a moratorium on the testing of nuclear weapons. 2 a legally authorized period to delay payment of money due or the performance of some other legal obligation, as in an emergency. 3 an authorized period of delay or waiting." }, { "score": 0.7521253824, "text": "moratorium - a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be discharged. delay, postponement, time lag, wait, hold - time during which some action is awaited; instant replay caused too long a delay; he ordered a hold in the action." }, { "score": 0.7490698695, "text": "Definition of moratoria in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is moratoria? Meaning of moratoria as a finance term. What does moratoria mean in finance?" }, { "score": 0.7181138992, "text": "Word Origin and History for moratorium Expand. n. 1875, originally a legal term for authorization to a debtor to postpone payment, from neuter of Late Latin moratorius tending to delay, from Latin morari to delay, from mora pause, delay, from PIE *mere- to hinder, delay.. The word didn't come out of italics until 1914." }, { "score": 0.6447627544, "text": "mora (plural morae or moras) ( 1 Scottish law) A delay in bringing a claim. ( 2 poetics) A unit used to measure lines and stanzas of poetry. ( 3 phonology) A unit of syllable weight used in phonology, by which stress, foot structure, or timing of utterance is determined in some languages (e.g. Japanese)." }, { "score": 0.6357712746, "text": "1 Moratorium is the status of a person who is actively involved in exploring different identities, but has not made a commitment. 2 Foreclosure status is when a person has made a commitment without attempting identity exploration. Identity diffusion occurs when there is neither an identity crisis or commitment." }, { "score": 0.6348686814, "text": "MORA, In civil law. This term, in mora, is used to denote that a party to a contract, who is obliged to do anything, has neglected to perform it, and is in default. Story on Bailm. Sec. 123, 259; Jones on Bailm. 70; Poth." }, { "score": 0.6239506602, "text": "This type of moratorium is most often invoked during times of distress, such as war or natural disaster. Government bodies may declare moratoria for a broad range of reasons. For example, a local government may attempt to regulate property development by imposing a moratorium on the issuance of building permits." }, { "score": 0.62064147, "text": "Definition of mora. plural. morae. play \\ˈmȯr-(ˌ)ē, -ˌī\\ or. moras. : the minimal unit of measure in quantitative verse equivalent to the time of an average short syllable." }, { "score": 0.5877639055, "text": "Morah [morah] as a name for girls has the meaning star of the sea. Morah is a version of Maura (Irish, Latin): version of Mary. Associated with: star, sea. Morah has 2 variants: Moira and Mora." }, { "score": 0.5627269745, "text": "the unit of time equivalent to the ordinary or normal short sound or syllable. Origin of mora. 1560-1570. 1560-70; < Latin: delay, hence, space of time." }, { "score": 0.5583485365, "text": "The meaning of the name Mora is Blackberry. The origin of the name Mora is Spanish. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. People who like the name Mora also like: Cora, Audrey, Olivia, Eve, Maura, Faye, Ella. Owen, Benjamin, Oliver, Greyson, Lucas, Silas, Ethan." }, { "score": 0.5471118093, "text": "De la mora Name Meaning. habitational name for someone from any of various places named Mora (from mora 'mulberry'), for example in the provinces of Albacete, León, Navarre, and Toledo, or a topographic name for someone who lived where mulberries grew. ethnic name meaning 'the Moorish woman's son', from mora '(female) Moor'." }, { "score": 0.5439784527, "text": "Thus, Mora is a topographic surname, which is the type of local surname that was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, church, or type of tree. The name was originally derived from the Spanish word mora, which means mulberry.." }, { "score": 0.5430808067, "text": "1 Identity achievement occurs when an individual has gone through an exploration of different identities and made a commitment to one. Moratorium is the status of a person who is actively involved in exploring different identities, but has not made a commitment." }, { "score": 0.532145083, "text": "Recessional moraine definition, a moraine marking a temporary halt in the general retreat of a glacier. See more." }, { "score": 0.5306275487, "text": "Morag is considered to have Latin origins as a derivative of the name \"Mary\", The Latin meaning of Morag is \"moor\". The Gaelic meaning is \"great, sun\". Yet another meaning is \"star of the sea\". Similar names are Morah, Morgan, Moira, and Mora.orag is considered to have Latin origins as a derivative of the name \"Mary\", The Latin meaning of Morag is \"moor\". The Gaelic meaning is \"great, sun\". Yet another meaning is \"star of the sea\". Similar names are Morah, Morgan, Moira, and Mora." }, { "score": 0.5166720152, "text": "Morag /mor-ag/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name. Morag's name origin is Latin, and the meaning of Morag is star of the sea. Morag is an alternate form of Mary (Latin). Moraga is a common last name.Kreatif forms: Marag, Mayrag, Momag.orag's name origin is Latin, and the meaning of Morag is star of the sea. Morag is an alternate form of Mary (Latin)." }, { "score": 0.5159010291, "text": "Definition of moraine. : an accumulation of earth and stones carried and finally deposited by a glacier." }, { "score": 0.5158414841, "text": "Meaning. Morag is considered to have Latin origins as a derivative of the name \"Mary\", The Latin meaning of Morag is \"moor\". The Gaelic meaning is \"great, sun\". Yet another meaning is \"star of the sea\". Similar names are Morah, Morgan, Moira, and Mora. It is also said to be the equivalent to the girl name \"Sarah\".irl's Name Morag. Choosing the name of your baby is one of the greatest gifts that you will ever give to your child. When searching for a fitting name, many parents look to pay tribute to their ancestral roots in their choice. If you are looking for a Scottish name for a girl, Morag is one choice." }, { "score": 0.5152335167, "text": "The name Morag is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Morag is: Blind. The name Morag is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Morag is: Great; sun." }, { "score": 0.5126379728, "text": "Define moraine. moraine synonyms, moraine pronunciation, moraine translation, English dictionary definition of moraine. n. An accumulation of boulders, stones, or other debris carried and deposited by a glacier. mo·rain′al , mo·rain′ic adj. n a mass of debris, carried by..." }, { "score": 0.5112668872, "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Morag is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Morag is: Blind. Gaelic Meaning: The name Morag is a Gaelic baby name.In Gaelic the meaning of the name Morag is: Great; sun.atin Meaning: The name Morag is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Morag is: Blind. Gaelic Meaning: The name Morag is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Morag is: Great; sun. SoulUrge Number: 7." }, { "score": 0.5109023452, "text": "Morag /mor-ag/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name. Morag's name origin is Latin, and the meaning of Morag is star of the sea. Morag is an alternate form of Mary (Latin). Moraga is a common last name.Kreatif forms: Marag, Mayrag, Momag.hown below is an analysis of the popularity of Morag and affiliated names. Prominent related forms of Morag (outside Top 1000) are Mara (#695 the previous year) , Maren, Maria (#115) , Mariam (#568) , Marian, Marie (#579) , Marin, Marla, Marlo, Mary (#120) , Maura, May, Mayra, Miriam (#305) , Moira and Molly (#122) ." }, { "score": 0.5096622109, "text": "Morag's name origin is Latin, and the meaning of Morag is star of the sea. Morag is an alternate form of Mary (Latin).hown below is an analysis of the popularity of Morag and affiliated names. Prominent related forms of Morag (outside Top 1000) are Mara (#695 the previous year) , Maren, Maria (#115) , Mariam (#568) , Marian, Marie (#579) , Marin, Marla, Marlo, Mary (#120) , Maura, May, Mayra, Miriam (#305) , Moira and Molly (#122) ." }, { "score": 0.5090139508, "text": "Latin Meaning: The name Morag is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Morag is: Blind. Gaelic Meaning: The name Morag is a Gaelic baby name.In Gaelic the meaning of the name Morag is: Great; sun. SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 9. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.he name Morag is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Morag is: Blind. Gaelic Meaning: The name Morag is a Gaelic baby name." }, { "score": 0.5065838695, "text": "Morag is considered to have Latin origins as a derivative of the name \"Mary\", The Latin meaning of Morag is \"moor\". The Gaelic meaning is \"great, sun\".Yet another meaning is \"star of the sea\". Similar names are Morah, Morgan, Moira, and Mora.It is also said to be the equivalent to the girl name \"Sarah\".irl's Name Morag. Choosing the name of your baby is one of the greatest gifts that you will ever give to your child. When searching for a fitting name, many parents look to pay tribute to their ancestral roots in their choice. If you are looking for a Scottish name for a girl, Morag is one choice." }, { "score": 0.5044769049, "text": "The name Morag is of Scottish origin. The meaning of Morag is great. Morag is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Mo-rag." }, { "score": 0.5033972263, "text": "Gaelic Meaning: The name Morag is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Morag is: Great; sun. Numerology. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths." }, { "score": 0.4999953806, "text": "Gender: Unisex (Male and Female) Usage: Mora, of Sanskrit origin, is a popular first name. It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name. People having the name Mora are in general originating from France, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America. Name Meaning of Mora." }, { "score": 0.4918990731, "text": "Define moraine: an accumulation of earth and stones carried and finally deposited by a glacier an accumulation of earth and stones carried and finally deposited by a glacier… See the full definition" }, { "score": 0.4858733118, "text": "mor·bid·i·ty. n. pl. mor·bid·i·ties. 1. The quality of being morbid; morbidness. 2." }, { "score": 0.4843111932, "text": "Morag is a rare given name for women. Morag is a unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is an analysis of the popularity of Morag and affiliated names.orag's name origin is Latin, and the meaning of Morag is star of the sea. Morag is an alternate form of Mary (Latin)." }, { "score": 0.4743723869, "text": "Mora, Sweden. Mora is a locality and the seat of Mora Municipality in Dalarna County, Sweden, with 10,896 inhabitants in 2010." }, { "score": 0.4698752463, "text": "Mora knife. A mora knife (Swedish: Morakniv) is a range of small sheath knife similar in design to the Finnish puukko. It is a fixed blade knife, with or without finger guard.The term originates from knives manufactured by the cutleries in Mora, Dalarna, Sweden, but has later come to refer to similar style knives by other brands as well." }, { "score": 0.4662461579, "text": "moraine. 1 a ridge, mound, or irregular mass of unstratified glacial drift, chiefly boulders, gravel, sand, and clay. 2 a deposit of such material left on the ground by a glacier." }, { "score": 0.4643484354, "text": "Girl's Name Morag. Choosing the name of your baby is one of the greatest gifts that you will ever give to your child. When searching for a fitting name, many parents look to pay tribute to their ancestral roots in their choice.If you are looking for a Scottish name for a girl, Morag is one choice.orag is considered to have Latin origins as a derivative of the name \"Mary\", The Latin meaning of Morag is \"moor\". The Gaelic meaning is \"great, sun\". Yet another meaning is \"star of the sea\". Similar names are Morah, Morgan, Moira, and Mora." }, { "score": 0.4598088264, "text": "mor•tise. 1. a notch, hole, or slot made in a piece of wood or the like to receive a tenon of the same dimensions. 2. a deep recess cut into wood for other purposes, as for receiving a mortise lock.3. to join securely, esp. with a mortise and tenon. 4. to cut or form a mortise in.. 1. (Building) a slot or recess, usually rectangular, cut into a piece of wood, stone, etc, to receive a matching projection (tenon) of another piece, or a mortise lock. 2. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing a cavity cut into a letterpress printing plate into which type or another plate is inserted." }, { "score": 0.4559950829, "text": "Comments Share. Marzanna (in Polish) or Morena (in Czech, Slovak, Russian) or also Mara, Maržena, Morana, Moréna, Mora or Marmora is a Slavic goddess associated with seasonal agrarian rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. She is associated with death and winter and often described as the goddess of death." }, { "score": 0.4464235306, "text": "Definition of moray eel. : any of numerous often brightly colored eels (family Muraenidae) that have sharp teeth capable of inflicting a severe bite, that occur in warm seas, and that include a chiefly Mediterranean eel (Muraena helena) sometimes used for food —called also moray." }, { "score": 0.444329083, "text": "Morag is a quintessential Scottish feminine name. Actually a diminutive of Mor, it has always been used more than the original. Commonly heard in Scotland, but could lead to pronunciation problems elsewhere, and the second syllable could prove very confusing. Morag is sometimes used as the Gaelic equivalent of Sarah." }, { "score": 0.443602562, "text": "1. a mixture of lime or cement or a combination of both with sand and water, used as a bonding agent between bricks, stones, etc. 2. to plaster or fix with mortar. mortier mortar 1, hence the mixture produced in it]. mor′tar•less, adj. mor′tar•y, adj." }, { "score": 0.4411537349, "text": "a ridge, mound, or irregular mass of unstratified glacial drift, chiefly boulders, gravel, sand, and clay. 2. a deposit of such material left on the ground by a glacier. Origin of moraine. French. Savoyard dialect." }, { "score": 0.4405233264, "text": "pertaining to or of the nature of a salutation. noun, plural salutatories. 2. a welcoming address, especially one given at the beginning of commencement exercises in some U.S. high schools and colleges by the salutatorian. Origin of salutatory." }, { "score": 0.438367933, "text": "a ridge, mound, or irregular mass of unstratified glacial drift, chiefly boulders, gravel, sand, and clay. 2. a deposit of such material left on the ground by a glacier. Origin of moraine." }, { "score": 0.4369045496, "text": "Definition of moray eel : any of numerous often brightly colored eels (family Muraenidae) that have sharp teeth capable of inflicting a severe bite, that occur in warm seas, and that include a chiefly Mediterranean eel (Muraena helena) sometimes used for food — called also moray" }, { "score": 0.4228855968, "text": "Marzanna (in Polish) or Morena (in Czech, Slovak, Russian) or also Mara, Maržena, Morana... Marzanna (in Polish) or Morena (in Czech, Slovak, Russian) or also Mara, Maržena, Morana, Moréna, Mora or Marmora is a Slavic goddess associated with seasonal agrarian rites based on the idea of..." }, { "score": 0.4219380617, "text": "moraine. a loose pile of soil and rocks that accumulates in the front of a glacier. The soil and rock is transported downslope by the glacier and deposited at the front of the glacier." }, { "score": 0.4127917886, "text": "Define moray eel: any of numerous often brightly colored eels (family Muraenidae) that have sharp teeth capable of inflicting a severe bite, that… any of numerous often brightly colored eels (family Muraenidae) that have sharp teeth capable of inflicting a severe bite, that occur in warm… See the full definition since 1828" }, { "score": 0.4048066735, "text": "―Morag demonstrates her power to Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka. Morag was a Tulgah sorceress who resided on the Forest Moon of Endor. The sworn enemy of the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village, she once stole from them a powerful artifact, the Sunstar-Shadowstone, believing that it would help her conquer the forest moon." }, { "score": 0.3964644969, "text": "This document announces the extension of statewide temporary moratoria on the enrollment of new Medicare Part B non-emergency ground ambulance providers and suppliers and Medicare home health agencies, subunits, and branch locations in Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, as applicable, to prevent and combat fraud, waste ..." }, { "score": 0.3875416815, "text": "Check your grammar now! : any of numerous often brightly colored eels (family Muraenidae) that have sharp teeth capable of inflicting a severe bite, that occur in warm seas, and that include a chiefly Mediterranean eel (Muraena helena) sometimes used for food —called also moray." }, { "score": 0.3421096206, "text": "(comparative more sartorial, superlative most sartorial) ( 1 not comparable) Of or relating to the tailoring of clothing. 2 Of or relating to the quality of dress In his smart suit Jacob was by far the most sartorial of our party. ( 3 anatomy) Of or relating to the sartorius muscle." }, { "score": 0.3409110606, "text": "sartorial. ( 1 not comparable) Of or relating to the tailoring of clothing. 2 Of or relating to the quality of dress In his smart suit Jacob was by far the most sartorial of our party. ( 3 anatomy) Of or relating to the sartorius muscle." }, { "score": 0.3388383985, "text": "Many non-Medicare patients who are not homebound are served. Medicare A Connection – August 2014. Aug 4, 2014 … while also cutting the growth of Medicare costs,\" said CMS … Extension of. provider enrollment moratoria for home health agencies ." }, { "score": 0.3377121091, "text": "sartorius (plural sartorii) A long, thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh; the longest muscle in the human body. Derived terms . sartorial; Translations" }, { "score": 0.3321236968, "text": "sartorius (plural sartorii) (anatomy) A long, thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh; the longest muscle in the human body." }, { "score": 0.3223142028, "text": "Guaria Morada (cattleya skinneri) , one of the most common orchids found in Costa Rica and the flower is so popular there that it had been named the national flower of Costa Rica, officially the flower was adopted as the national flower on June 15, 1939." }, { "score": 0.2970624864, "text": "This project represents the first part of Greater New Orleans, Inc.'s three-part. economic impact analysis of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster, with studies on the Federal. Deepwater Drilling Moratoria and damage to the Louisiana Brand to follow." } ]
what is quarry
[ { "score": 0.6992046237, "text": "Quarry is the story of Mac Conway, a Marine who returns home to Memphis from Vietnam in 1972 and finds himself shunned by those he loves and demonized by the public. As he struggles to cope with his experiences at war, Conway is drawn into a network of killing and corruption that spans the length of the Mississippi River." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6754825711, "text": "A place, typically a large, deep pit, from which stone or other materials are or have been extracted. 'a limestone quarry'. 'Tarmac Northern Limted, which owns the quarry near Helwith Bridge, is seeking planning permission to extend its workings to the west of the existing site.'." }, { "score": 0.6583323479, "text": "quarried. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to dig or take from or as if from a quarry quarry marble. 3 2 : to make a quarry in quarry a hill. 4 intransitive verb. : 5 to delve in or as if in a quarry." }, { "score": 0.6420959234, "text": "A site where sedimentary calcium rock is extracted from the earth in large blocks or sheets. A limestone quarry is a place where large blocks of naturally occurring sedimentary calcite or aragonite rock are cut from the earth, mainly for use in construction.Limestone is a common material for facades, sculptures, and ornamental paving. site where sedimentary calcium rock is extracted from the earth in large blocks or sheets. A limestone quarry is a place where large blocks of naturally occurring sedimentary calcite or aragonite rock are cut from the earth, mainly for use in construction." }, { "score": 0.6342961192, "text": "A quarry rock splitter is someone who splits or separates blocks of rough stone from a quarry mass, using a jackhammer and wedges. It is a highly specialized job that is only done in stone quarries, which are a type of open-pit mine from which rock and minerals are extracted for use as building materials." }, { "score": 0.5996286869, "text": "A stone quarry on the island of Menorca (Spain). Many modern quarries are situated on deserted ancient ones. This means that it is often difficult to determine the age of a quarry. Romans made often use of local quarried materials for the construction of their aqueducts and roads. A small part of the Roman Traconnade aqueduct of Aix-en-Provence (France) is situated at an ancient stone quarry Santa Anna, see the entry Aix-en-Provence at the subsite." }, { "score": 0.5917205811, "text": "Quarrying Process And Quarry Products. Quarrying Process. We take many things in the material world for granted, not realising or appreciating their presence or value. Construction materials that make up the material world around us come into this unconscious, invisible category." }, { "score": 0.5914741158, "text": "Best Answer: The first step in quarrying is to gain access to the limestone deposit. This is achieved by removing the layer of earth, vegetation, and rock unsuitable for product—collectively referred to as overburden—with heavy equipment that is sometimes coupled with small explosive charges." }, { "score": 0.5849818587, "text": "Whether you are looking for DGA for construction jobs or home projects we can help explain quarry process and its benefits to you. Buy Quarry Process in NJ & NY. Quarry process is 3/4″ crushed stone that has been reduced in size and mixed with stone dust. Quarry Process is also known by some of the following names: Dense Grade Aggregate (DGA) QP" }, { "score": 0.555247128, "text": "Quarry tile production has its roots in the brick making industry and uses raw material very similar to that used in the manufacture of brick products. Natural and durable are the words best used to describe hard-fired - high quality - quarry tiles." }, { "score": 0.5532211065, "text": "One of the growing trends in the world of landscaping is quarry stone. Natural quarry stone refers to any type of stone sourced from a quarry. These quarries exist all across the country, and the cost of each paver depends on where it comes from and the type of stone. Types of Quarry Stone Pavers" }, { "score": 0.5519111156, "text": "Preview — Stone Quarry by S.J. Rozan. Stone Quarry (Lydia Chin & Bill Smith #6) Bill Smith's country cabin in upstate New York is far from the city's savage streets--a retreat where a weary P.I. can play Mozart on his upright piano and let nature heal him." }, { "score": 0.5460489988, "text": "Common pheasant, widely introduced and hunted as game. Game or quarry is any animal hunted for sport or for food. The type and range of animals hunted for food varies in different parts of the world. In some countries, game is classified, including legal classification with respect to licences required, as either small game or large game. 1 Description." }, { "score": 0.5425296426, "text": "A durable flooring tile from commercial kitchen floors to outdoor tile. Quarry tile production has its roots in the brick making industry and uses raw material very similar to that used in the manufacture of brick products. Natural and durable are the words best used to describe hard-fired - high quality - quarry tiles." }, { "score": 0.533575654, "text": "Disadvantages. Limestone is a valuable natural resource, used to make things such as glass and concrete. Limestone quarries are visible from long distances and may permanently disfigure the local environment. Limestone quarrying provides employment opportunities that support the local economy in towns around the quarry.Quarrying is a heavy industry that creates noise and heavy traffic, which damages people's quality of life.imestone quarrying provides employment opportunities that support the local economy in towns around the quarry. Quarrying is a heavy industry that creates noise and heavy traffic, which damages people's quality of life." }, { "score": 0.5181385875, "text": "biggest marble quarry - Quarrying Crusher Plant The Vermont Danby quarry is the largest underground marble quarry in the world. The quarry is entered through the same opening that has been ... Marble Quarry Tours | Georgia Marble Festival Marble Quarry Tours for the Georgia marble Festival in Jasper Georgia. ..." }, { "score": 0.5155596733, "text": "Where does the word \"quarry\" come from and What does quarry …. Hunting dogs of the Middle Ages were as well trained as those of today and held [. ... Where Does the Word \"Quarry\" Come From and What Does Quarry Mean In ... »More detailed." }, { "score": 0.5115842819, "text": "what is quarry dust what is the density of quarry dust. ... quarry dust manufacturers amp; quarry dust suppliers directory ☆ find a quarry dust manufacturer and supplier at ec21 ... properties of quarry sand - Quarrying Crusher Plant Moisture content and bulk density of waste are less than the sand properties." }, { "score": 0.4975370765, "text": "Granite Quarry, North Carolina is located in Rowan County. Zip codes in Granite Quarry, NC include 28072, and 28146. More Granite Quarry information." }, { "score": 0.4505027533, "text": "Fantastico Onyx Quarry the Detail Includes Quarry Material,Location,Stock and So On.You Can Contact the Fantastico Onyx Quarry Quarry Owner - Cekicler Marble. Fantastico Onyx Quarry - over stone quarries from all over the world include Granite Quarry, Marble Quarry and so on." } ]
who was the original author of beauty and the beast
[ { "score": 0.8394942284, "text": "◆ About the Author Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, born in Paris in 1695, is considered to be the original author of the tale known as \"Beauty and the Beast.\" The story was drawn from fairy tales and folklore, and was first published in 1740." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7379300594, "text": "Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont was born in Rouen and died in 1780. Her first marriage, in 1743, was annulled after two years. In 1746 she left France to become a governess in London. She was the author of Beauty and the Beast and Other Classic French Fairy Tales. After a successful publishing career in England, she remarried, bore many children, and left England to live the rest of her life in Savoy. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition." }, { "score": 0.712926507, "text": "(based on the 1991 animated film Beauty and the Beast, animation screenplay by) Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve ... (based upon the original tale by) (uncredited) Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont ... (based upon the original story revision by) (uncredited)" }, { "score": 0.6945751309, "text": "The Beast is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991). He also appears in the film's two direct-to-video followups Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Belle's Magical World. Based on the hero of the French fairy tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, the Beast was created by screenwriter Linda Woolverton and animated by Glen Keane." }, { "score": 0.6906047463, "text": "Villeneuve's original tale includes several elements that Beaumont's omits. Chiefly, the back-story of both Beauty and the Beast is given. The Beast was a prince who lost his father at a young age, and whose mother had to wage war to defend his kingdom." }, { "score": 0.6880031824, "text": "(musical) Beauty and the Beast is a musical with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, and book by Linda Woolverton. Adapted from Walt Disney Pictures' Academy Award-winning 1991 animated musical film of the same name – which in turn had been based on the classic French fairy tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont – Beauty and the Beast tells the story of a cold-blooded prince who has been magically transformed into an unsightly creature as punishment for his selfish ways ..." }, { "score": 0.6849413514, "text": "The fairytale of Beauty and the Beast. by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont. Friday 16 October 2009 07.05 EDT First published on Friday 16 October 2009 07.05 EDT. There was once a very rich merchant who had six children: three sons and three daughters. Being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education, but gave them all kinds of masters." }, { "score": 0.6844625473, "text": "(based on the 1991 animated film Beauty and the Beast, animation screenplay by) Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve (based upon the original tale by) (uncredited)" }, { "score": 0.6800358891, "text": "An original character who is not present in the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont upon which the film is based, Gaston was inspired by Avenant, a character filmmaker Jean Cocteau created specifically for his 1946 film adaptation of the story." }, { "score": 0.678255856, "text": "Drawing from the original animated movie screenplay by Linda Woolverton, Beauty and the Beast screenwriters Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being a Wallflower) and Evan Spiliotopoulos (The Huntsman: Winter's War) retain the basic narrative framework of Woolverton's script, while integrating additional character backstory material and subplots that ..." }, { "score": 0.6712206602, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is a song written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for Walt Disney Pictures' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991)." }, { "score": 0.670076251, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is an upcoming 2017 American live action/CGI-animated romantic musical fantasy film directed by Bill Condon and written by Evan Spiliotopoulos and Stephen Chbosky, based on the fairy tale of the same name by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont and the 1991 Disney animated musical film." }, { "score": 0.664575398, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is a song written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for Walt Disney Pictures ' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991)." }, { "score": 0.6589705348, "text": "Disney chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg eventually discontinued the idea and ordered that the film be a musical similar to The Little Mermaid instead. Beauty and the Beast was directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise, with a screenplay by Linda Woolverton story first credited to Roger Allers. Lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken wrote the film's songs." }, { "score": 0.6556147337, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is a song by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson. It was written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for Walt Disney Pictures ' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991), serving as its theme song." }, { "score": 0.6543967724, "text": "For Disney animated film of the same name, see Beauty and the Beast (1991 film). Beauty and the Beast is a musical with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, and book by Linda Woolverton." }, { "score": 0.6537345648, "text": "02:33. Beauty and the Beast is a song by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson. It was written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for Walt Disney Pictures' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991), serving as its theme song." }, { "score": 0.6531175375, "text": "Beauty and the Beast continues to entertain generations of readers and influence popular culture, inspiring an endless series of storybook interpretations as well as numerous adaptations for stage and screen ― most notably, the 1946 version directed by Jean Cocteau and Disney's award-winning 1991 animated feature." }, { "score": 0.6516958475, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song) Beauty and the Beast is a song written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for the Disney animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991)." }, { "score": 0.650493145, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is an American live-action fantasy, musical film directed by Bill Condon and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a remake of the 1991 animated film of the same name, and was written by Evan Spiliotopoulos and produced by Mandeville Films. The script was rewritten by Stephen Chbosky." }, { "score": 0.6496877074, "text": "For the Disney animated film of the same name, see Beauty and the Beast (1991 film). For the Disney live-action film of the same name, see Beauty and the Beast (2017 film). Beauty and the Beast is a musical with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, and book by Linda Woolverton." }, { "score": 0.6485658288, "text": "For other uses, see Beauty and the Beast (disambiguation). Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos, and co-produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films." }, { "score": 0.6466665864, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is a musical with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, and a book by Linda Woolverton produced by Disney Theatrical Productions." }, { "score": 0.6459140778, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (musical) This article is about the stage adaptation. For Disney animated film of the same name, see Beauty and the Beast (1991 film). Beauty and the Beast is a musical with music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, and book by Linda Woolverton." }, { "score": 0.6428477168, "text": "The Real Story Behind The Beauty and the Beast. We all know the fascinating Disney fairytale The Beauty and the Beast, but a few of us know the real story behind it. Disney's \"Beast\" character was actually inspired by a man named Petrus Gonsalvus who was suffering from hypertrichosis (also called Ambras syndrome). This extremely rare disease caused his whole body, including face, to be covered with abnormal hair density and length." }, { "score": 0.6406241655, "text": "The original tale of The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood was written by Charles Perrault, inventor of the modern fairy tale and creator of such timeless characters as Little Red Riding Hood and Puss in Boots." }, { "score": 0.6389635205, "text": "Games: Beauty and the Beast (video game) | Belle's Quest | Roar of the Beast | A Board Game Adventure | Kingdom Hearts II | Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | Disney Infinity | Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition Music: Beauty and the Beast (Original Soundtrack). 33,301 pages on this wiki. Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the soundtrack of Disney 's 1991 Academy Award-winning animated feature Beauty and the Beast. The original songs were composed by Alan Menken; with lyrics by Howard Ashman." }, { "score": 0.6369170547, "text": "In 1987, The Cannon Group and Golan-Globus Productions released Beauty and the Beast, a musical live action version, directed by Eugene Marner, starring John Savage as Beast, and Rebecca De Mornay as Beauty, with original music by Lori McKelvey." }, { "score": 0.6357719302, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film) For other uses, see Beauty and the Beast (disambiguation). Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos, and co-produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films." }, { "score": 0.6333246827, "text": "IMDb page. Beauty and the Beast is an American live-action fantasy, musical film directed by Bill Condon and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a remake of the 1991 animated film of the same name, and was written by Evan Spiliotopoulos and produced by Mandeville Films. The script was rewritten by Stephen Chbosky." }, { "score": 0.6305048466, "text": "1 In 1987, The Cannon Group and Golan-Globus Productions released Beauty and the Beast, a musical live action version, directed by Eugene Marner, starring John Savage as Beast, and Rebecca De Mornay as Beauty, with original music by Lori McKelvey." }, { "score": 0.6303700209, "text": "The free Kindle version is formatted decently but lacking in the original illustrations. If you are a big Beauty and the Beast fan I also recommend Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin McKinley and Beastly by Alex Finn, both are excellent retellings of this wonderful fairy tale." }, { "score": 0.628174305, "text": "Beauty and the Beast Ballroom Dance. Beauty and the Beast is a song by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson. It was written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for Walt Disney Pictures' 30th animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991), serving as its theme song." }, { "score": 0.6279064417, "text": "1. \"Beauty and the Beast\": The Academy Award and Golden Globe winning title song was written by Alan Mencken and Howard Ashman. The song is sung twice in Beauty and Beast. The first time it is a solo by Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Potts." }, { "score": 0.6254013777, "text": "The Beast is the male protagonist of Disney's 1991 film, Beauty and the Beast. As the film is based on the traditional fairy tale of the same name, the Beast is based on the corresponding character from that fairy tale." }, { "score": 0.6253198385, "text": "Before the Disney cartoon, the most famous film version of 'Beauty and the Beast' was the 1946 live-action film by Jean Cocteau. From this classic French film, the Disney version would borrow the ideas of a rival suitor for Belle and household objects in the Beast's castle coming to life." }, { "score": 0.6244348288, "text": "A series of tie-in novels, written by Nancy Holder and published through Titan Books, have been released. The first of the series, Beauty & the Beast: Vendetta was published on November 25, 2014. A second book, Beauty & the Beast: Some Gave All was published afterwards, on March 31, 2015." }, { "score": 0.6209994555, "text": "The title song of the 1991 Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, won the Oscar for Best Original Song as well as Best Original Score. \"Beauty and the Beast\" also won the Golden Globes in both categories and nominated for Best Original Song for \"Be Our Guest\". Disney is currently in production of a live action version of the movie Beauty and the Beast. Emma Watson has been cast as Belle and Luke Evans has been cast as Gaston." }, { "score": 0.6195447445, "text": "The music of the film was composed by Alan Menken and the lyrics for the film were written by Howard Ashman (who also served as the film's executive producer), both of whom had written the music and songs for The Little Mermaid, a previous Disney film. Beauty and the Beast was released on November 13, 1991." }, { "score": 0.6123048663, "text": "1 Beast by Donna Jo Napoli, a retelling set in Persia and told from the Beast's point of view. 2 Beastly, written by Alex Flinn, sets the story in modern-day Manhattan. Beauty, a short story by Tanith Lee, is a science fiction retelling of Beauty and the Beast." }, { "score": 0.6074931026, "text": "Beauty and the Beast was featured in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child. The story is set in Africa and features the voices of Vanessa L. Williams as the Beauty, Gregory Hines as the Beast, Debbie Allen as Precious, Terrence C. Carson as the Tree, and Paul Winfield as the Father." }, { "score": 0.6071999073, "text": "1 Beast by Donna Jo Napoli, a retelling set in Persia and told from the Beast's point of view. 2 Beastly, written by Alex Flinn, sets the story in modern day Manhattan. 3 Beauty, a short story by Tanith Lee, is a science fiction retelling of Beauty and the Beast." }, { "score": 0.6065294147, "text": "Beauty & the Beast is an American television series, very loosely inspired by the 1987 CBS series of the same name, created by Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Jennifer Levin that premiered October 11, 2012 on The CW." }, { "score": 0.6063617468, "text": "Original: Prologue: Beauty and the Beast | Belle | Gaston | Be Our Guest | Something There | Human Again | Beauty and the Beast | The Mob Song." }, { "score": 0.6046887636, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (2017 film). 33,309 pages on this wiki. Beauty and the Beast is an upcoming American live-action fantasy, musical film directed by Bill Condon, and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It will be written by Evan Spiliotopoulos and produced by Mandeville Films." }, { "score": 0.6036112309, "text": "1 Beauty and the Beast, additional folktales of type 425C. 2 Cupid and Psyche, the classic tale of an abandoned wife's search for a lost and enchanted husband, by the Roman writer Lucius Apuleius (born about 124). 3 The Singing, Springing Lark, a version of Beauty and the Beast recorded by the Grimm brothers." }, { "score": 0.5946526527, "text": "Get the 411 on Disney BluRays YouTube. The title song of the 1991 Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, won the Oscar for Best Original Song as well as Best Original Score." }, { "score": 0.5904018879, "text": "Susan Wilson is the bestselling author of books including ONE GOOD DOG, CAMEO LAKE, and BEAUTY, a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, which was made into a CBS-TV movie. She lives on Martha's Vineyard. Susan Wilson. 1 Website: susanwilsonwrites.com/." }, { "score": 0.5867875218, "text": "Anna Sewell (1820-1878) British author who wrote the 'original' pony story, Black Beauty-although it was not written with the intention of being a children's pony story, it's purpose instead being to highlight the treatment of horses in 19th century England." }, { "score": 0.5829045177, "text": "Singles from Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the official soundtrack album to the 1991 Disney animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast." }, { "score": 0.5790183544, "text": "Susan Wilson is the bestselling author of books including ONE GOOD DOG, CAMEO LAKE, and BEAUTY, a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, which was made into a CBS-TV movie. She lives on Martha's Vineyard. Susan Wilson." }, { "score": 0.5778087378, "text": "Beauty and the Beast is an unabashed live-action/CGI homage to the 1991 animated film that inspired it (in terms of both its story and visual style), but incorporates enough fresh material into the mix to stand on its own – if not as firmly as, say, Disney and director Jon Favreau's live-action The Jungle Book before it." }, { "score": 0.5750854015, "text": "Susan Wilson is the bestselling author of books including ONE GOOD DOG, CAMEO LAKE, and BEAUTY, a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, which was made into a CBS-TV movie." }, { "score": 0.5744297504, "text": "Susan Wilson is the bestselling author of books including ONE GOOD DOG, CAMEO LAKE, and BEAUTY, a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, which was made into a CBS-TV movie. She lives on Martha's Vineyard." }, { "score": 0.5738859773, "text": "George R.R. Martin, who would later write the unrelated A Song of Ice and Fire book series, was a writer and producer on the show. In 2004 and 2007, Beauty and the Beast was ranked #14 and #17, respectively, on TV Guide' s Top Cult Shows Ever." }, { "score": 0.5695161819, "text": "Paige O'Hara, Actress: Beauty and the Beast. Paige O'Hara was born on May 10, 1956 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA as Donna Paige Helmintoller. She is an actress, known for Beauty and the Beast (1991), Enchanted (2007) and Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997). She is married to Michael Piontek. See full bio »" }, { "score": 0.5330221057, "text": "Beauty and the Beast (1991)(Plus Bonus Features) Beauty and the Beast (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Beauty and the Beast (1991)(Theatrical Version) Beauty and the Beast: 25th Anniversary Edition - (BD+DVD+DIGITAL HD) [Blu-ray]" }, { "score": 0.5317284465, "text": "In 2008, Percy Bysshe Shelley was credited as the co-author of Frankenstein by Charles E. Robinson in a new edition of the novel entitled The Original Frankenstein published by the Bodleian Library in Oxford and by Random House in the US." }, { "score": 0.5127013326, "text": "Beauty And The Beast (1987)—Ellie. Mayim Bialik: That was done by the same company that produced Blossom. I would have been 11 or 12, I think—right around the time I started acting. I remember… not much." }, { "score": 0.4624601603, "text": "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (or simply, Frankenstein for short), is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley (1797-1851) that tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment." }, { "score": 0.4602430463, "text": "Mary Shelley: real-life author of the novel. Frankenstein. ; she wrote the story while on vacation with Percy Shelley (her husband) and Lord Byron (her friend) while on vacation in Switzerland; both Percy Shelley and Lord Byron became world-famous British poets. William Frankenstein: a young boy who was the creature's first victim." }, { "score": 0.4554097652, "text": "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley that tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition of the novel was published anonymously in London on 1 January 1818, when she was 20. Her name first appeared on the second edition, published in France in 1823. Shelley travelled through Eu" }, { "score": 0.3536401689, "text": "RICHARD LOCKRIDGE, WRITER OF NORTH MYSTERIES. By C. GERALD FRASER. Published: June 21, 1982. Richard Lockridge, the mystery story writer who with his wife, Frances, created the fictional sleuths Mr. and Mrs. North, whose exploits appeared in novels and on the stage, screen, radio and television, died Saturday at his home in Tryon, N.C." } ]
what does radioactive decay occur
[ { "score": 0.7848761082, "text": "Radioactive decay is a natural process that occurs because a given atomic nucleus is unstable. The instability in the nucleus will eventually result in some kind of nucl … ear change (depending on the atom), and we call this radioactive or nuclear decay.adioactive decay is the spontaneous change or disintegration of an unstable atomic nucleus as it transforms itself to lose energy." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7043498158, "text": "5. decay-the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation. radioactive decay, disintegration. alpha decay-radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus that is accompanied by the emission of an alpha particle.beta decay-radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus that is accompanied by the emission of a beta particle.. decay-the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation. radioactive decay, disintegration. alpha decay-radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus that is accompanied by the emission of an alpha particle." }, { "score": 0.6998151541, "text": "Finally, we have gamma decay. Gamma decay occurs when the nucleus of an atom is very high in energy. Just like electrons move out to higher energy levels, protons and neutrons can exist in higher energy levels as well. Also like electrons, when these particles fall back down into lower energy levels, radiation is released." }, { "score": 0.6967846155, "text": "Alpha decay is one type of radioactive decay, in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, and thereby transforms (or decays) into an atom with a mass number decreased by 4 and atomic number decreased by 2.adioactive decay, also known as nuclear decay or radioactivity, is the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation." }, { "score": 0.6950760484, "text": "Alpha decay is one type of radioactive decay, in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, and thereby transforms (or decays) into an atom with a mass number decreased by 4 and atomic number decreased by 2.adioactive decay is a stochastic (i.e. random) process at the level of single atoms, in that, according to quantum theory, it is impossible to predict when a particular atom will decay." }, { "score": 0.6904101372, "text": "This is called radioactive decay. For example, carbon-14 decays to nitrogen-14 when it emits beta radiation. It is not possible to predict when an individual atom might decay. But it is possible to measure how long it takes for half the nuclei of a piece of radioactive material to decay. This is called the half-life of the radioactive isotope." }, { "score": 0.6896368265, "text": "Alpha decay occurs when the nucleus ejects an alpha particle (helium nucleus). This is the most common process of emitting nucleons, but in rarer types of decays, nuclei can eject protons, or in the case of cluster decay specific nuclei of other elements.y contrast, there are radioactive decay processes that do not result in a nuclear transmutation. The energy of an excited nucleus may be emitted as a gamma ray in a process called gamma decay, or be used to eject an orbital electron by its interaction with the excited nucleus, in a process called internal conversion." }, { "score": 0.6893154383, "text": "Alpha decay is one type of radioactive decay, in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, and thereby transforms (or decays) into an atom with a mass number decreased by 4 and atomic number decreased by 2.y contrast, there are radioactive decay processes that do not result in a nuclear transmutation. The energy of an excited nucleus may be emitted as a gamma ray in a process called gamma decay, or be used to eject an orbital electron by its interaction with the excited nucleus, in a process called internal conversion." }, { "score": 0.6648001075, "text": "Beta decay occurs when the nucleus emits an electron or positron and a neutrino, in a process that changes a proton to a neutron or the other way about. The nucleus may capture an orbiting electron, causing a proton to convert into a neutron in a process called electron capture.lpha decay occurs when the nucleus ejects an alpha particle (helium nucleus). This is the most common process of emitting nucleons, but in rarer types of decays, nuclei can eject protons, or in the case of cluster decay specific nuclei of other elements." }, { "score": 0.6599493027, "text": "An alpha-particle decay. In alpha decay, shown in Fig. 3-3, the nucleus emits a 4He nucleus, an alpha particle. Alpha decay occurs most often in massive nuclei that have too large a proton to neutron ratio. An alpha particle, with its two protons and two neutrons, is a very stable configuration of particles. Alpha radiation reduces the ratio of protons to neutrons in the parent nucleus, bringing it to a more stable configuration. Many nuclei more massive than lead decay by this method." }, { "score": 0.6526221037, "text": "Decay chain. In nuclear science, the decay chain refers to a series of radioactive decays of different radioactive decay products as a sequential series of transformations. It is also known as a radioactive cascade. Most radioisotopes do not decay directly to a stable state, but rather undergo a series of decays until eventually a stable isotope is reached. Decay stages are referred to by their relationship to previous or subsequent stages. A parent isotope is one that undergoes decay to form a daughter is" }, { "score": 0.6481058002, "text": "Alpha decay occurs when the nucleus ejects an alpha particle (helium nucleus). This is the most common process of emitting nucleons, but in rarer types of decays, nuclei can eject protons, or in the case of cluster decay specific nuclei of other elements." }, { "score": 0.6475217342, "text": "Alpha decay occurs when the nucleus ejects an alpha particle (helium nucleus). This is the most common process of emitting nucleons, but in rarer types of decays, nuclei can eject protons, or in the case of cluster decay specific nuclei of other elements.he product is called the daughter nuclide. In some decays, the parent and the daughter nuclides are different chemical elements, and thus the decay process results in the creation of an atom of a different element. This is known as a nuclear transmutation." }, { "score": 0.6392790675, "text": "Altogether, there are three major types of nuclear decay that radioactive particles can undergo: alpha, beta, or gamma decay. Each type emits a particle from the nucleus. Alpha particles are high-energy helium nuclei containing 2 protons and 2 neutrons. They're heavy and can be stopped by as little as a piece of paper." }, { "score": 0.6288061142, "text": "Thorium and uranium, their decay product radium, and its decay product radon, will therefore continue to occur for tens of millions of years at almost the same concentrations as they do now. As radon itself decays, it produces new radioactive elements called radon daughters or decay products.horium and uranium, their decay product radium, and its decay product radon, will therefore continue to occur for tens of millions of years at almost the same concentrations as they do now. As radon itself decays, it produces new radioactive elements called radon daughters or decay products." }, { "score": 0.6196321249, "text": "Peter Dedon, a member of the Radiation Protection Committee at MIT, explains: What happens is that the nucleus of radioactive elements undergoes decay and emits high-energy particles. If you stand in the way of those particles, they are going to interact with the cells of your body." }, { "score": 0.5813025236, "text": "What to do about radon. Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive odorless gas generated by the natural breakdown (radioactive decay), radon-222 of uranium-238 radioactive decay, radon-220 of thorium-232." }, { "score": 0.5746269822, "text": "1 Although it is a rare natural element, actinium does occur in uranium ores, where it forms from the radioactive decay of uranium and other radioisotopes, such as radium. 2 Although it is found in ores, actinium is not commercially extracted from minerals. 3 36 isotopes of actinium are known -- all radioactive." }, { "score": 0.5548687577, "text": "stable isotope. (nuclear physics). An isotope which does not spontaneously undergo radioactive decay. 1 Facebook.table isotope. (nuclear physics). An isotope which does not spontaneously undergo radioactive decay. 1 Facebook." }, { "score": 0.5293508768, "text": "Radioactive decay-When atoms lose energy and release it as waves (radiation) of heat from the center towards the outside of Earth. Gravity-When attraction between matter produces heat from pressure External energy comes from solar radiation. Solar radiation warms the Earth's atmosphere and surface." } ]
calculation of blood volume
[ { "score": 0.8163597584, "text": "Body Blood Volume calculator Formula: Man: BV = 0.3669 × h3+ 0.03219 × w + 0.6041. Woman: BV = 0.3561 × h3 + 0.03308 × w + 0.1833. Where: h: Body height, in meters. w: Body weight, in kilograms. BV: Body Total Blood Volume, in liters." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7344518304, "text": "Using these average weights with the Nadler formula gives you the average blood volume for each height. Linear regression on the data (R2 0.9996) gives you an approximate relationship of (6100 x body height in metres) - 5500." }, { "score": 0.731762886, "text": "Since 1962 the standard formula used to predict blood volume is that presented by Nadler (Surgery 1962;51:224-32). This formula, however, has been criticized as being inaccurate for current estimates since today's populations have far more adiposity. and fat tissue requires less vascularization." }, { "score": 0.7190715075, "text": "Blood volume is typically about 8% of body weight. An average sized adult has a blood volume of about 5 liters. Blood volume is typically about 8% of body weight. An average sized adult has a blood volume of about 5 liters." }, { "score": 0.6942526698, "text": "blood volume. the total quantity of blood in the body. The regulation of blood volume in the circulatory system is affected by the intrinsic mechanism for fluid exchange at the capillary membranes and by hormonal influences and nervous reflexes that affect the excretion of fluids by the kidneys." }, { "score": 0.6875169277, "text": "A blood volume test (also called a plasma volume test or a red cell mass test) is a nuclear lab procedure used to measure the volume (amount) of blood in the body.The test also measures the volume of plasma and of red cells in the blood. blood volume test (also called a plasma volume test or a red cell mass test) is a nuclear lab procedure used to measure the volume (amount) of blood in the body." }, { "score": 0.6858676076, "text": "The total blood volume This refers to the amount of blood in the human body. This amount can vary with age, gender, weight, height and different medical conditions." }, { "score": 0.6831943989, "text": "Blood Volume Testing. What is a blood volume test? A blood volume test (also called a plasma volume test or a red cell mass test) is a nuclear lab procedure used to measure the volume (amount) of blood in the body. The test also measures the volume of plasma and of red cells in the blood." }, { "score": 0.6818945408, "text": "The total blood volume for an average 70 kg human (150 pounds) is approximately 5.5 liters (or a little more than 5 1/2 quarts, or a little more than 160 ounces)!!! For a person weighing approximately 150 pounds,the blood volume is on average about 5 litres or 8.8 pints." }, { "score": 0.6787928343, "text": "The estimated volume of blood in the human body is about 7% of your body weight. An average adult weighing 150 to 180 pounds will have 4 - 5 liters or 1.2 to 1 1/2 gallons… of blood, equal to about 5 quarts." }, { "score": 0.6771432757, "text": "Best Answer: In an average healthy adult, the volume of blood is about one-eleventh of the body weight. Most sources state the volume of blood in an average human adult, who is between 150 to 160 pounds, as between 4.7 and 5 liters (around 5 quarts), although the more recent sources state the volume of blood in an average adult as 4.7 liters." }, { "score": 0.6748336554, "text": "Stroke volume is calculated using measurements of ventricle volumes from an echocardiogram and subtracting the volume of the blood in the ventricle at the end of a beat (called end-systolic volume) from the volume of blood just prior to the beat (called end-diastolic volume)." }, { "score": 0.6745179892, "text": "In the rare case of simultaneous trials, the recommendation of 3% remains the maximum. The total volume of blood is estimated at 80 to 90 ml/kg body weight; 3% is 2.4 ml blood per kg body weight.. The guidelines on blood volume are usually based on the amount of blood in percentage of total blood volume (BLV).BLV varies depending on the age and body weight.ational Institute of Health Clinical Center has a guideline M95-9: Guidelines for Blood Drawn for Research Purposes in the Clinical Center, however, the guideline is only accessible for NIH internal use. Two articles from the web actually reflect the limit of blood volume in US." }, { "score": 0.6739937663, "text": "The average volume of circulating blood is approximately 5-6 liters in males and approximately 4-5 liters in females." }, { "score": 0.6680021286, "text": "Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells." }, { "score": 0.6676957607, "text": "Blood Volume. Blood volume is determined by the amount of water and sodium ingested, excreted by the kidneys into the urine, and lost through the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and skin.The amounts of water and sodium ingested and lost are highly variable.o maintain blood volume within a normal range, the kidneys regulate the amount of water and sodium lost into the urine. For example, if excessive water and sodium are ingested, the kidneys normally respond by excreting more water and sodium into the urine." }, { "score": 0.6671894193, "text": "Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m 3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m 3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells." }, { "score": 0.6667429209, "text": "Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m 3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m 3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells.bout 55% of blood is blood plasma, a fluid that is the blood's liquid medium, which by itself is straw-yellow in color. The blood plasma volume totals of 2.7–3.0 liters (2.8–3.2 quarts) in an average human." }, { "score": 0.6652944684, "text": "Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density around 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells." }, { "score": 0.6625345945, "text": "Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m 3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m 3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells.lood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m 3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m 3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells." }, { "score": 0.6623991132, "text": "Stroke volume is calculated using measurements of ventricle volumes from an echocardiogram and subtracting the volume of the blood in the ventricle at the end of a beat (called end-systolic volume) from the volume of blood just prior to the beat (called end-diastolic volume).troke volume is calculated using measurements of ventricle volumes from an echocardiogram and subtracting the volume of the blood in the ventricle at the end of a beat (called end-systolic volume) from the volume of blood just prior to the beat (called end-diastolic volume)." }, { "score": 0.6601014137, "text": "The extra blood delivers additional oxygen to body cells. The heart pumps all the blood in the body each minute when the body is at rest. According to a source from 1973, the volume of blood can be measured one of two ways. Each depends upon putting a known quantity of some substance in the body, and, after it has been distributed uniformly in the whole circulating fluid, measuring the degree of dilution which has taken place." }, { "score": 0.6537721157, "text": "Share. Test: Blood volume/Plasma volume. Indications: The test measures the patient's total circulating volume of blood and/or fractions of the blood volume. Physiology: A component of the blood (e.g., Albumin) is labeled using a radioisotope." }, { "score": 0.6523095965, "text": "The normal plasma volume is 40 ml/kg of body weight. B. Formed Elements (blood cells): 1. Erythrocytes (red blood cells or rbc): occupy about 4045% of the total blood volume or 30 -ml/kg body weight. 2. Leukocytes (white blood cells or wbc) and Platelets: together make up about 12% of the-total blood volume." }, { "score": 0.6504108906, "text": "Stroke volume is a measure of the blood volume pumped out of the left ventricle in one heartbeat. It is calculated by subtracting end systolic volume (ESV; the amount of blood remaining just after ventricular contraction) from end diastolic volume (EDV; the amount of blood in the ventricles just before contraction)." }, { "score": 0.6503995657, "text": "Mean platelet volume is calculated from a regular blood sample obtained from patients vein. It is a parameter that can be calculated along with complete blood count i.e. CBC. The sample is run through a specific machine that calculates the platelet volume based on the values derived from a platelet histogram." }, { "score": 0.6478967667, "text": "Body volume is calculated by subtracting the air volume with the person inside the chamber from the volume of the person inside the chamber from the volume of the empty chamber. Residual lung volume needs to be taken into account." }, { "score": 0.6461219788, "text": "The volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood (hematocrit) is measured by centrifuge or flow cytometry and is 45% of cells to total volume in males and 40% in females." }, { "score": 0.6445313692, "text": "It is calculated by subtracting the volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of a beat (called end-systolic volume) from the volume of blood just prior to the beat (called end-diastolic volume). The term stroke volume applies equally to both left and right ventricles of the heart. These two stroke volumes are generally equal, both approximately 70 ml in a healthy 70-kg man. Stroke volume is an important determinant of cardiac output, which is the product of stroke volume and heart rate." }, { "score": 0.6439137459, "text": "The blood volume depends on the short term on the size of passive bulk-flow fluid shifts. between plasma and interstitial fluid across the capillary walls (12). In the long term, the blood. volume depends on salt and water balance (13), which are hormonally controlled by the renin-." }, { "score": 0.6408206224, "text": "The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells. These blood cells (which are also called corpuscles or formed elements) consist of erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBCs), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets)." }, { "score": 0.6308642626, "text": "Maximum allowable volume (mL) in one blood draw. ( = 2.5% of total blood volume) Total volume (clinical + research) maximum volume (mL) drawn in a 30-day period Minimum Hgb required at time of blood draw Minimum Hgb required at time of blood draw if subject has respiratory/CV compromise." }, { "score": 0.6283029318, "text": "One such estimate or test that is conducted is called mean platelet volume. Here we shall take a look at this in a bit more detail. Mean platelet volume is an average measure of the total number of platelets in the blood. Its value is calculated using specific laboratory equipment. Mean platelet volume is calculated from a regular blood sample obtained from patients vein." }, { "score": 0.6260719895, "text": "Defining Mean Platelet Volume. Mean platelet volume is an average measure of the total number of platelets in the blood. Its value is calculated using specific laboratory equipment. Mean platelet volume is calculated from a regular blood sample obtained from patients vein. It is a parameter that can be calculated along with complete blood count i.e. CBC. The sample is run through a specific machine that calculates the platelet volume based on the values derived from a platelet histogram." }, { "score": 0.6258801222, "text": "Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is the average volume of red cells. It can be directly measured by automated hematology analyzer,or it can be calculated from hematocrit (Hct) and the red blood cell count (RBC) as follows: MCV in fl = (Hct [in L/L]/RBC [in x10 12/L]) x 1000." }, { "score": 0.6258410811, "text": "These instruments obtain the hematocrit indirectly from the equation Hct = MCV × RBC. minute volume (MV) the quantity of gas exhaled from the lungs per minute; tidal volume multiplied by respiration rate." }, { "score": 0.6215823889, "text": ": a normal volume of blood in the body." }, { "score": 0.6208805442, "text": "Interpretation. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is the average volume of red cells. It can be directly measured by automated hematology analyzer, or it can be calculated from hematocrit (Hct) and the red blood cell count (RBC) as follows: MCV in fl = (Hct [in L/L]/RBC [in x10 12 /L]) x 1000." }, { "score": 0.6185028553, "text": "A practical example for a simple case (mono-compartmental) would be to administer D=8 mg/kg to a human. A human has a blood volume of around 0.08 l/kg. This gives a 100 µg/ml if the drug stays in the blood stream only, and thus its volume of distribution is the same as that is 0.08 l/kg. If the drug distributes into all body water the volume of distribution would increase to approximately 0.57 l/kg." }, { "score": 0.6117376089, "text": "1. Calculation of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a cubic millimeter of blood by counting the cells in an accurate volume of diluted blood. 2. The determination of the percentages of various types of white blood cells observed in a stained film of blood.3. Complete blood count.. Calculation of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a cubic millimeter of blood by counting the cells in an accurate volume of diluted blood. 2. The determination of the percentages of various types of white blood cells observed in a stained film of blood." }, { "score": 0.6096087694, "text": "Stroke volume (SV) refers to the quantity of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with every heart beat. The exact volumes are not easily measured, so they are often estimated based on what we know about stroke volume and the factors that it affects such as blood pressure which we can measure. The equation for cardiac output is: HR x SV = Q." }, { "score": 0.6031298041, "text": "3. Cardiac output = Stroke Volume X Heart Rate (bpm). - Stroke Volume = volume of blood pumped by one ventricle during one beat (approx. 75 ml/beat) - Output at rest = 5 liters/minute-Output during heavy exercise = 20 - 30 liters/minute." }, { "score": 0.6010741591, "text": "Interpretation. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is the average volume of red cells. It can be directly measured by automated hematology analyzer, or it can be calculated from hematocrit (Hct) and the red blood cell count (RBC) as follows:MCV in fl = (Hct [in L/L]/RBC [in x10 12 /L]) x 1000.ean corpuscular volume (MCV) laboratory test, as part of a standard complete blood count (CBC), is used along with other RBC indices (MCH and MCHC) to help classify the cause of anemia based on red cell morphology. See also the Interpretation section above." }, { "score": 0.5943374634, "text": "1 Stroke volume (SV) = the amount of blood ejected per beat of the heart (Normally, 70 ml/beat). 2 Heart rate (HR) = heart beats per minute (normally, 70 beats/min)." }, { "score": 0.5890110731, "text": "9) Define the terms end diastolic volume (EDV) and end systolic volume (ESV) and relate them. to the calculation of stroke volume. Answer: EDV is the amount of blood that collects in a ventricle during diastole." }, { "score": 0.5886948705, "text": "These normal ranges can vary by lab. Another common measurement for the volume of blood is cubic millimeter, or mm3. A microliter and cubic millimeter are the same amount. The types of cells that make up WBCs usually fall within a normal percentage of your overall white blood cell count." }, { "score": 0.5852450132, "text": "(December 2009) Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a machine-calculated measurement of the average size of platelets found in blood and is typically included in blood tests as part of the CBC." }, { "score": 0.5835115314, "text": "Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a machine-calculated measurement of the average size of platelets found in blood and is typically included in blood tests as part of the CBC." }, { "score": 0.5803822279, "text": "The measure is attained by multiplying a volume of blood by the proportion of blood that is cellular (the hematocrit (or haematocrit)), and dividing that product by the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in that volume. The mean corpuscular volume is a part of a standard complete blood count.In a laboratory test that computes MCV, erythrocytes are compacted during centrifugation.n patients with anemia, it is the MCV measurement that allows classification as either a microcytic anemia (MCV below normal range), normocytic anemia (MCV within normal range) or macrocytic anemia (MCV above normal range)." }, { "score": 0.5787649155, "text": "Blood draws in infants and children should not exceed 10% of the total blood volume in any one-month period, unless medically necessary. The total blood volume can be estimated from the age and weight of the child. As a rough estimate, for pre-term babies, the amount of blood is about 90 ml per kilogram of body weight.For term newborns, it is about 80 ml per kg. For older babies, 1 to 12 months of age, estimate 75 ml per kg. No more than 2.5% of total blood volume may be drawn solely for research purposes (no benefit to the subject) within a 24-hour period. 2 This is generally 2 ml/kg. 3 No more than 5% of total blood volume may be drawn solely for research purposes (no benefit to the subject) within a 30-day period." }, { "score": 0.5761156082, "text": "1 Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average size of a single red blood cell. 2 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is a calculation of the average amount of hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average size of a single red blood cell. 2 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is a calculation of the average amount of hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell." }, { "score": 0.5742379427, "text": "Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average size of a single red blood cell. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is a calculation of the average amount of hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is a calculation of the average concentration of hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell. Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a calculation of the variation in the size of RBCs." }, { "score": 0.5717096329, "text": "Blood with 60+ answers. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a measurement of the average size of a single red blood cell. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is a calculation of the average amount of hemoglobin inside a single red blood cell. Complete Blood Count. When both are low, it indicates microcytic anemia, including iron deficiency anemia or thalassemias." }, { "score": 0.5686150193, "text": "The mean corpuscular volume indicates the size of the red blood cells in a person's body. MHCH is measured in grams per deciliter (a deciliter is one tenth of a liter). The normal range value for this is 31 to 35 grams per deciliter." }, { "score": 0.5675856471, "text": "Acute body weight loss (1 L of sweat lost = 1 kg BW lost) - Urine osmolarity, volume and color. - Plasma hematocrit, osmolality (increased % of blood made up of RBCs when dehydrated) - infusion of label/dyes can be used to estimate water volume." }, { "score": 0.566986084, "text": "Mean platelet volume. Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a machine-calculated measurement of the average size of platelets found in blood and is typically included in blood tests as part of the CBC. Since the average platelet size is larger when the body is producing increased numbers of platelets, the MPV test results can be used to make inferences about platelet production in bone marrow or platelet destruction problems. MPV is higher when there is destruction of platelets." }, { "score": 0.5626860857, "text": "The percentage of total volume used to determine the number of erythrocytes in a blood sample is referred to as the: hematocrit. The reticulocyte count provides a rough index of the rate of RBC formation, but not the percentage of RBCs in a blood sample. The percentage of RBCs in a given volume of blood is referred to as the hematocrit. The buffy coat that appears after a sample of blood has been centrifuged contains: WBCs" }, { "score": 0.5604624152, "text": "1 Platelet count measures the number of platelets in a volume of blood and usually ranges between 150,000 to 400,000 per cmm. 2 Mean platelet volume (MPV) measures the average size of platelets in a volume of blood.3 The normal range is between 6 to 12 femtoliters (a very small fraction of a liter). RBC (red blood cell) count measures the number of red blood cells in a volume of blood and usually ranges between 4.2 to 5.9 million cells per cmm." }, { "score": 0.550445199, "text": "MPV is the abbreviated form of Mean Platelet Volume. It is a reading which represents the size of the platelets in a blood sample and is determined by a machine. CBC or Complete Blood Profile is the test in which the calculation of this reading is usually included. The use of this reading is made in determining the rate of production of platelets in patients who are suffering from problems or diseases related to platelet destruction or bone morrow." }, { "score": 0.5482569337, "text": "Determined on basis of baseline platelet count, desired platelet count, and estimated blood volume. For 70 kg patient, 4 x 10 11 platelets (about 4 units WB platelets or 1 apheresis platelet), platelet increment of approximately 30,000/ul is expected in the absence of alloimmunization or excessive consumption." }, { "score": 0.5472468138, "text": "MPV is the abbreviated form of Mean Platelet Volume. It is a reading which represents the size of the platelets in a blood sample and is determined by a machine. CBC or Complete Blood Profile is the test in which the calculation of this reading is usually included." }, { "score": 0.537355423, "text": "1 Platelet count measures the number of platelets in a volume of blood and usually ranges between 150,000 to 400,000 per cmm. 2 Mean platelet volume (MPV) measures the average size of platelets in a volume of blood.3 The normal range is between 6 to 12 femtoliters (a very small fraction of a liter).he following lists some of the typical values of the components of the complete blood count: 1 WBC (white blood cell) count signifies the number of white blood cells in the blood and usually ranges between 4,300 and 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter (cmm)." }, { "score": 0.5299576521, "text": "1 Platelet count measures the number of platelets in a volume of blood and usually ranges between 150,000 to 400,000 per cmm. 2 Mean platelet volume (MPV) measures the average size of platelets in a volume of blood.3 The normal range is between 6 to 12 femtoliters (a very small fraction of a liter). Red cell distribution width (RDW) measures the variability in the red blood cells' size and shape and usually ranges between 11 to 15. 2 Platelet count measures the number of platelets in a volume of blood and usually ranges between 150,000 to 400,000 per cmm." }, { "score": 0.4939514995, "text": "RDW is an abbreviated form of 'Red blood cell Distribution Width' and helps in the calculation of different sizes of red blood cells that are present in a particular volume of blood sample." }, { "score": 0.4866461158, "text": "Sometimes the answer is dic-tated by the field of you are in: when measuring blood, sperm, or micro-contaminates, the abso-lute number per unit volume is required. Use a single particle counter and stay with the number distribution." } ]
how long does a pit bull live
[ { "score": 0.8850955963, "text": "What is a pit bull's lifespan? Pit bulls live to be 10 to 16 years old, depending on the type. The American pit bull terrier typically lives to be 10 to 12 years old, while the American Staffordshire terrier and Staffordshire bull terrier live 12 to 16 years and 12 to 14 years respectively. Full Answer >. Filed Under:" } ]
[ { "score": 0.7903447747, "text": "How long do pitbulls live. How long do pitbulls live. American Pit Bull Terriers are faithful, loving and pleased pets with lots of a normal passion along with the power to please their parents. A poor status has been unfortunately gotten by this type within the press because of homeowners who increase them for that reasons." }, { "score": 0.7813692093, "text": "How long do American Pit Bull live? American Pit Bull Terriers are faithful, loving and pleased pets with lots of a normal passion along with the power to please their parents. A poor status has been unfortunately gotten by this type within the press because of homeowners who increase them for that reasons." }, { "score": 0.7680294514, "text": "Answer Wiki. The average life span is 8-12 years. Compare that with a Pitbull which is 10 or German Shepard which is 11. The range is large because it depends entirely on the health of your pup. Some Bulldogs have a LOT of health issues. Some don't. Mine has allergies and will eventually have hip issues. I know someone whos bulldog had to have heart surgery and they still say it will only live 6 years." }, { "score": 0.7678374052, "text": "In this article, you will come to know the how long does a Pitbull live in their life span. Things You Need To Know American Pit Bull Terriers might occasionally show aggressive or defensive instincts around creatures and different pets." }, { "score": 0.7518372536, "text": "12-14 years. Typical Health Problems: Generally healthy, may be subject to Parvo, hip displaysia, hereditary cataracts and allergies. Personality: Pit bulls tend to be very dependent on their humans and crave love and attention. On average, pit bulls tend to be very confident and outgoing dogs. However, their natural confidence can be eroded by severe abuse or long confinement with little human contact." }, { "score": 0.740326941, "text": "The life span of a Bull Terrier is 11 - 14 years." }, { "score": 0.7389726639, "text": "Communities>Dogs>how long will a mixed pit bull live.... how long will a mixed pit bull live.... I have Bo, who is a pit bull great dane mix. We have had him for 8 years, he is my 4th child. He has slowed down a bit, lost some weight. at one time he weighted over 100 pounds but now is around 80 or 85 pound." }, { "score": 0.7345867157, "text": "Communities>Dogs>how long will a mixed pit bull live.... how long will a mixed pit bull live.... I have Bo, who is a pit bull great dane mix. We have had him for 8 years, he is my 4th child. He has slowed down a bit, lost some weight." }, { "score": 0.7298913002, "text": "We want to spend as much time with our new furry family friend as possible and having an idea of just how long do pit bulls live can help prepare us for the future. Today, we're going to answer that question, along with some other blue nose pit bull facts that play a role in how long they live." }, { "score": 0.7260966301, "text": "Ask a question. how long will a mixed pit bull live.... scaredmom330. I have Bo, who is a pit bull great dane mix. We have had him for 8 years, he is my 4th child. He has slowed down a bit, lost some weight. at one time he weighted over 100 pounds but now is around 80 or 85 pound." }, { "score": 0.7226859331, "text": "how long will a mixed pit bull live.... I have Bo, who is a pit bull great dane mix. We have had him for 8 years, he is my 4th child. He has slowed down a bit, lost some weight. at one time he weighted over 100 pounds but now is around 80 or 85 pound." }, { "score": 0.7170413136, "text": "how long will a mixed pit bull live.... scaredmom330. I have Bo, who is a pit bull great dane mix. We have had him for 8 years, he is my 4th child. He has slowed down a bit, lost some weight. at one time he weighted over 100 pounds but now is around 80 or 85 pound." }, { "score": 0.7133808136, "text": "american bull dogs only live for 12-15 years if you takecare of your dog longer by feeding with good only dogs foods and taking for working and jogging everyday then they can live longer almost 12-15 years. but shouldnt not give or feed the dog any humans tables foods because the human foods we buy and eats always have made of sugar and fat, ..." }, { "score": 0.7095347047, "text": "Quick Answer. A pit bull pregnancy lasts about 63 days, but it can take anywhere from 58 to 71 days. A pit bull pregnancy that lasts 72 days or more is not normal, thus a veterinarian usually induces labor. Signs of pregnancy occur about three weeks into pregnancy, with possible nausea and loss of appetite." }, { "score": 0.7061752081, "text": "Pocket Pitbull Weight and Height. According to the American Bully Kennel Club, the height of a fully grown male Pocket Pit bull not to be exceeded from 17 inches and for female height is less than 16 inches. The weight may somewhere between 35 and 60 pounds. The life expectancy of pocket pitbull is 11 years to 13." }, { "score": 0.7048273683, "text": "Quick Answer. According to WebMD and The Real Pit Bull, pit bulls stay in heat for approximately 18 to 21 days, and this is also true for most other dog breeds. Female pit bulls go into heat approximately twice a year every 6 months, beginning when they are 6 months old." }, { "score": 0.7041551471, "text": "As a small dog expected to live 13 years or more, the Pocket Pitbull will need approximately 3/4 to 1.5 cups of dry dog food daily. Proper nutrition is necessary for the dog to grow and thrive. Find and compare options below." }, { "score": 0.6947126985, "text": "A pit bull pregnancy that lasts 72 days or more is not normal, thus a veterinarian usually induces... A pit bull pregnancy lasts about 63 days, but it can take anywhere from 58 to 71 days. A pit bull pregnancy that lasts 72 days or more is not normal, thus a veterinarian usually induces... A pit bull pregnancy lasts about 63 days, but it can take anywhere from 58 to 71 days. A pit bull pregnancy that lasts 72 days or more is not normal, thus a veterinarian usually induces labor. Continue Reading" }, { "score": 0.694169879, "text": "Pocket Pitbull Weight and Height. According to the American Bully Kennel Club, the height of a fully grown male Pocket Pit bull not to be exceeded from 17 inches and for female height is less than 16 inches.The weight may somewhere between 35 and 60 pounds.The life expectancy of pocket pitbull is 11 years to 13.ccording to the American Bully Kennel Club, the height of a fully grown male Pocket Pit bull not to be exceeded from 17 inches and for female height is less than 16 inches. The weight may somewhere between 35 and 60 pounds. The life expectancy of pocket pitbull is 11 years to 13." }, { "score": 0.6826995611, "text": "Pit Bull Growth. Pit bulls can take up to two years to grow into full-size dogs. When they reach full size, females are generally between 30 and 50 pounds and 17 to 20 inches in height, whereas males are 35 to 60 pounds and approximately 18 to 21 inches tall.it Bull Growth. Pit bulls can take up to two years to grow into full-size dogs. When they reach full size, females are generally between 30 and 50 pounds and 17 to 20 inches in height, whereas males are 35 to 60 pounds and approximately 18 to 21 inches tall." }, { "score": 0.6680086851, "text": "Most dogs stop growing around 12-18 months. Although larger dogs may take a little longer than small dogs. The average weight for a red nosed pit bull is around 70 pounds and it may take a couple of years for them to reach their full weight. Height wise they are done in about a year." }, { "score": 0.666954577, "text": "A female pit bull is not ready to breed until she is at least 2 years old and has experienced at least one heat without getting pregnant. Ideally, a female pit bull would be 2 1/2 years old with three previous heats that did not result in pregnancy before she is bred." }, { "score": 0.6643263698, "text": "Staffordshire Bull Terriers have an average lifespan of between 12 and 14 years, whereas Boxers have an average lifespan of between 10 and 12 years. This means that you could … expect a Stafford and Boxer cross to live for around 12 years, if not longer." }, { "score": 0.6621261239, "text": "Bull Boxer - Powerful and Loyal. The Bull Boxer is also known as the Pit Boxer, Bullboxer, American Bull Boxer, Pitoxer, Boxer Pitbull mix,Valley Bulldog and Pitbull Boxer mix. She is a cross between a Bulldog and a Boxer and is a large dog in the breed group of working with talents that include agility, companionship, watching and guarding. She has a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years." }, { "score": 0.656755209, "text": "Males normally are about 18-21 inches (45–53 cm) in height and around 35-60 pounds (15–27 kg) in weight. Females are normally around 17-20 inches (43–50 cm) in height and 30-50 pounds (13–22 kg) in weight. The American Pit Bull is medium-sized, and has a short coat and smooth well-defined muscle structure." }, { "score": 0.6547928452, "text": "From 2005 to 2012, pit bulls killed 151 Americans, about one citizen every 19 days, versus rottweilers, which killed 32, about one citizen every 91 days. Annual data from 2012 shows that 50% (19) of the victims were adults, 21-years and older, and the other half were children, ages 8-years and younger." }, { "score": 0.6474171877, "text": "The Bull Terrier's coat should be brushed periodically with a rubber brush to remove dead hairs. The ears need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Bull Terriers should be given a soft place to lie down. They have a life span of 10-12 years and litters of 4-7 pups. White Bull Terriers should be tested for deafness. Training The Bull Terrier should be given an obedience course when young. Bull Terriers are very strong when fully grown, which makes them difficult to train as adults." }, { "score": 0.6471322179, "text": "Female dogs in heat also have a swollen vulva with bloody discharge. The discharge becomes clear in color when the female is ready to begin breeding. Although female pit bulls stay in heat for approximately 18 to 21 days, they will only attract the attention from male dogs for half of that time, according to WebMD. The primary way to eliminate the chances of an unwanted pregnancy in pit bulls is to have them spayed as early as possible." }, { "score": 0.6463708282, "text": "Do not give an aggressive response to bad behavior. Discourage bad behavior with a firm voice and give treats or other rewards for good actions. Stage Number Seven - Over 1 Year. Your pit bull will reach full sexual and growth development between 1 and 2 years of age. His growth rate will decrease as you begin changing his puppy food to adult dog food. His nutritional needs will change as he matures." }, { "score": 0.6437252164, "text": "After owning a Pit Bull for 16 years and a mix for 15, have to say the mythology around Pit Bulls is bunk. The gentlest, calmest dogs I have ever owned - great with kids, great with dogs, particularly pups. Endless patience with children, you could even say they were kind." }, { "score": 0.6311827898, "text": "Answers. Best Answer: Bulls can live 15+ years, but they are often slaughtered before that. I am not sure how long that they are fertile, but I would guess that they would be for at least 10 years.The oldest that I have ever heard of a bull living was a limousine that lived to 22 years. Source(s): http://www.beef-cattle.com/fertile-bull....nswers. Best Answer: Bulls can live 15+ years, but they are often slaughtered before that. I am not sure how long that they are fertile, but I would guess that they would be for at least 10 years." }, { "score": 0.6237113476, "text": "Stages of Pit Bull Puppy Development: Stage Number One - 1 to 3 Weeks Pit bull puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed and are therefore blind and deaf for the first couple of weeks. They also have no teeth at birth. During this period the puppy will spend most of his time sleeping and eating. This is when most of the puppy's growth occurs." }, { "score": 0.6235663891, "text": "Stages of Pit Bull Puppy Development: Stage Number One - 1 to 3 Weeks. Pit bull puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed and are therefore blind and deaf for the first couple of weeks. They also have no teeth at birth." }, { "score": 0.6162616014, "text": "Female bull sharks have a longer lifespan of about 16 years, compared to 12 years for males. There is no accurate data available about how long a Bull Shark can live to. However, they are known to live to ages of around 15 to 20 years. They reach full size and sexual maturity at around the age of 10." }, { "score": 0.5833414793, "text": "March 4, 2015. The Hulk, formerly known for being an angry green man, is now the moniker for a massive dog of the pit bull breed. The Inquisitr reported in February about the 174 pound cuddly beast. The 174 pit bull is merely 18 months old, but already bigger than typical pit bulls older than him. Hulk the pit bull does normal dog activities, like howl to his human brother's favorite tunes, and lets him ride him through their home like a miniature horse." }, { "score": 0.5714529753, "text": "The bull market turned four Saturday. But no bull lives forever. The average lifespan of a bull is 4 years and 8 months. That short average lifespan is why Wall Street is checking the bull's vital signs.he 2002-2007 bull lasted five years. The decade-long bull that ended in March 2000, the longest bull in history, lasted 113 months, or more than nine years. It was also the biggest-gainer of all-time, posting a return of 417%, more than double the 162% average gain since 1932." }, { "score": 0.5599628687, "text": "Age: 1-2 years. My female pit bull everyday, anytime I lay down on my couch or bed, she jumps up on top of me. She then humps me and is very rough! While doing this she scratches me so hard that it bleeds sometimes and she bites me very hard! She also tries to rip off my blankets that i have to use to protect my body!ge: 1-2 years. My female pit bull everyday, anytime I lay down on my couch or bed, she jumps up on top of me. She then humps me and is very rough! While doing this she scratches me so hard that it bleeds sometimes and she bites me very hard! She also tries to rip off my blankets that i have to use to protect my body!" }, { "score": 0.5599061251, "text": "In most cases, it will become a 'seed bull' (he is mated once with some 30 cows and the offspring are tested after four years for their efficacy in the ring). In these circumstances a bull's lifespan can be 20 to 25 years." }, { "score": 0.5585152507, "text": "In most cases, it will become a 'seed bull' (he is mated once with some 30 cows and the offspring are tested after four years for their efficacy in the ring). In these circumstances a bull's lifespan can be 20 to 25 years.he best bulls are kept for corridas de toros with full matadors. Under Spanish law they must be at least four years old and reach the weight of 460 kg to fight in a first-rank bullring, 435 kg for a second-rank one, and 410 kg for third-rank rings." }, { "score": 0.5428361893, "text": "No one knows for sure, but because bull markets age in what you might call dog years, if it were a human it would be very, very, very old. The average American lifespan, despite a slight decline recently, is about 79 years, or 948 months. The average age of a bull market, meanwhile, is 57 months. So, if you assume that every bull-market year is equivalent to about 16.6 human years (948 months divided by 57 months), this eight-year-old bull market is actually 133 years old. (The oldest person on Earth is currently 117.)" }, { "score": 0.5385030508, "text": "Finally, after three to five long years of growth and development, the tadpole has become an adult bullfrog and reached sexual maturity – and the life cycle begins again. Bullfrogs in the wild live to about 7 to 9 years old; in captivity, they can live as long as 13 years." }, { "score": 0.5325992107, "text": "The adult bullfrog rests by day, and defends and hunts its 3 to 25 meters of shoreline territory by night. Finally, after three to five long years of growth and development, the tadpole has become an adult bullfrog and reached sexual maturity – and the life cycle begins again. Bullfrogs in the wild live to about 7 to 9 years old; in captivity, they can live as long as 13 years." } ]
what do you only see one side of the moon
[ { "score": 0.6456671357, "text": "The time taken for the Moon to spin on its axis is almost exactly the same as the time it takes to orbit the Earth. Hence, the Moon always keeps the same side pointing our way. This is not a coincidence. Over billions of years, the Earth's gravity has forced the Moon to spin synchronously with its orbit. However, things are a bit more complicated than that." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7379486561, "text": "the near side because the moon revolves around the Earth and also rotates on its own axis. The moon rotates on it's own axis the same amount of time it takes it to revolve around the Earth. 1 day on the moon = 1 month on Earth What determines how much of the moon you see? the amount of the sunlit side of the moon faces the earth" }, { "score": 0.6929798722, "text": "Answer: Every side on the moon experiences day and night. Since the moon rotates on its axis once each month (see previous question), any given location on the moon would see a day about two weeks long, followed by a night of the same length." }, { "score": 0.6861957312, "text": "The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and orbits around the Earth. We can only see the Moon because it reflects light from the Sun, just like all other moons and planets are only visible because they reflect light from the Sun." }, { "score": 0.6833204031, "text": "Because of the effect on the Moon of tidal forces due to the Earth, the same side of the moon always faces the Earth. In other words, it takes the Moon the same amount of time to rotate around once as it does for the Moon to go around the Earth once." }, { "score": 0.6830352545, "text": "Viewed from Earth, the Moon appears to rock slowly backwards and forwards so that we see a slightly different face throughout the lunar month. There are two main reasons for this. First, the Moon's orbit around Earth is elliptical not circular so its rotation is sometimes ahead, and sometimes behind, its orbital motion. And second, the Moon's rotation axis is not at right angles to its orbit around the Earth so we can sometimes see 'over' or 'under' its poles. Over time this means we actually get to see about 59 per cent of the Moon's surface." }, { "score": 0.6808905602, "text": "The 'dark' side of the moon. The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this sychronous rotation. The side of the moon that perpetually faces Earth is known as the near side." }, { "score": 0.6808357239, "text": "The 'dark' side of the moon. The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this synchronous rotation. The side of the moon that perpetually faces Earth is known as the near side." }, { "score": 0.6743987799, "text": "Aside from some craters near the lunar poles, such as Shoemaker, all parts of the Moon see around 14.77 days of daylight, followed by 14.77 days of night. (The side of the Moon facing away from Earth is sometimes called the dark side of the Moon, although that is a misnomer" }, { "score": 0.6733412743, "text": "The reflection of sunlight off of the moon's surface can only be seen when the earth is in the path of the reflected light. Essentially when the moon is not full, you see part of the moon that is in shadow. This is the same as looking at a part of the earth where it is night time, from space." }, { "score": 0.6629701853, "text": "The moon appears to be half because the moon is on the side part of the Earth.It is the matter of angle and the position of the moon and Earth." }, { "score": 0.6619471908, "text": "We can see up to 59 per cent of the Moon's surface from Earth. Image Credit: NASA. Asked by Leonard Logan. It is easy to think that – in its captured rotation – the Moon always keeps the same hemisphere turned towards the Earth, resulting in us seeing only 50 per cent of the lunar surface." }, { "score": 0.6616359353, "text": "The phases we see result from the angle the Moon makes with the Sun as viewed from Earth. The diagram below on the right is one you typically see in books. Don't let it confuse you. The images of the Moon show what you see the Moon look like from Earth when it is at given points in its orbit.ut the lit side does not always face the Earth! As the Moon circles the Earth, the amount of the lit side we see changes. These changes are known as the phases of the Moon and it repeats in a certain way over and over. At new moon, the Moon is lined up between the Earth and the Sun." }, { "score": 0.6599587798, "text": "Aside from some craters near the lunar poles such as Shoemaker, all parts of the Moon see around 14.77 days of sunlight followed by 14.77 days of night (the dark side of the Moon is a reference to radio communication darkness, not visible light darkness)." }, { "score": 0.6560453773, "text": "If Sun and Earth are alligned in a line, then the Moon would be slightly above or below that line in the dark side of Earth, such that one complete half of moon gets light fro … m Sun and the same is visible to Earth's night side. 2 people found this useful." }, { "score": 0.6520915627, "text": "First phase. ... The side facing Earth cannot be seen because it…. Less than 1/2 illuminated by the sun (left side dark) Right 1/2 of moon is illuminated. More than 1/2 and less than full moon (on the right side) is i…. 1. New Moon. First phase. ..." }, { "score": 0.6498033404, "text": "But about 41% of the Moon's surface is never visible from the Earth. 41% of the Moon's surface is not visible from Earth. Due to libration we can see a bit more round one edge at some times and a bit more round the opposite edge at other times. The whole libration pattern is more complex than that but that's the gist of it." }, { "score": 0.6494132876, "text": "Both the Earth and the moon are always half illuminated by the sun. But from either world, at any given time, you can see varying portions of that lighted half – or various phases of the Earth or moon. The phases are always the reverse of each other." }, { "score": 0.6491786838, "text": "Half of the moon is illuminated at all times, but to an observer on Earth, the percentage of the bright side that is visible depends on the location of the moon with respect to the sun and Earth When the moon lies between the sun and Earth, none of its bright side faces Earth." }, { "score": 0.6437780857, "text": "Half of the moon is always in sunlight, as seen on the left. The relative positions of Earth, the moon, and the sun determine how much of the lighted half can be seen from Earth, as seen on the right. These forms in which the moon appears are known as phases." }, { "score": 0.6381032467, "text": "The moon reflects sunlight, which is why we are able to see it at all. There are four phases of the moon, or different shapes of the moon as viewed by those of us on Earth: 1 New moon, when the moon is not visible from Earth. 2 First quarter moon, when-after a new moon-one half of the moon is visible. 3 Full moon, when all of the moon is visible from Earth." }, { "score": 0.6357855797, "text": "Phases Edit. In the photo above, the phases of the moon can be seen as it orbits the Earth. The diagram shows that the same side of the moon is always being show, yet the view from Earth differs as it changes location in space over a period of about 28 days. 1 New Moon-this is the first phase of the Moon." }, { "score": 0.6331565976, "text": "So remember New Moon means dark Moon.. Space view of New Moon. New Moon as seen from Earth. During a First Quarter phase the Moon has moved along side the Earth and we can now see the lighted side of the Moon that is facing the Earth (remember the dark side of the Moon is too dark to see).o remember New Moon means dark Moon.. Space view of New Moon. New Moon as seen from Earth. During a First Quarter phase the Moon has moved along side the Earth and we can now see the lighted side of the Moon that is facing the Earth (remember the dark side of the Moon is too dark to see)." }, { "score": 0.632969141, "text": "How much of the moon can you see? Most people would say fifty percent, but they'd be wrong. You can't see more than fifty percent at a time, but look upward for a year, and you can see nearly sixty percent of the moon's surface. We'll tell you how. The A.V. Club" }, { "score": 0.6307830215, "text": "At new moon, on the other hand, the moon isn't even visible from our vantage point. This is when the moon is between the sun and the Earth, so that the side of the moon reflecting sunlight is facing away from Earth.In the days before and after a new moon, we'll see a sliver of the moon reflecting sunlight.he other half of the surface faces away from the sun and is in shadow. The moon is at its brightest when it is 180 degrees away from the sun from our perspective (picture the sun, Earth and moon in a straight line)." }, { "score": 0.6307802796, "text": "New Moon is when the moon isn't at all visible in the sky because the sun is shining on what has falsely been termed the dark side of the moon.. Obviously it isn't always dark; it is just the side of the moon that we can't see from Earth." }, { "score": 0.618432045, "text": "Because it orbits Earth, therefore we can see it. ... Well, that's almost correct, but the real reason we can see the Moon from the Earth is that it (the Moon)… reflects sunlight during most of its orbit around the earth." }, { "score": 0.61584723, "text": "When an eclipse of the Moon takes place, everyone on the night side of Earth can see it. About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type which are very difficult to detect, even with a telescope. Another 30% are partial eclipses which are easy to see with the unaided eye." }, { "score": 0.6127141714, "text": "Comment: It's hard to disagree with that. The answer you need is that the Moon is between the Sun and Earth. The alignment isn't usually exact because the Moon's orb…it is tilted relative to the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Incidentally, you can't actually see the Moon when it's New Moon. 2 people found this useful." }, { "score": 0.6123524904, "text": "Confidence votes 5.0K. Because it orbits Earth, therefore we can see it. ... Well, that's almost correct, but the real reason we can see the Moon from the Earth is that it (the Moon) reflects sunlight during most of its orbit around the earth." }, { "score": 0.6121745706, "text": "The Moon doesn't produce its own light. What you generally see when you look at the Moon is the brightness of the surface of the Moon lit by the Sun in the Moon's daytime. Next time you see the Moon in its very thin crescent phase, look carefully and you will see the whole Moon but the part that's not the bright crescent is very dim, but not black." }, { "score": 0.6114743948, "text": "Full Moon-The Moon's illuminated side is facing the Earth. Waning Gibbous-The Moon appears to be more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight. Last Quarter-One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight." }, { "score": 0.6109688878, "text": "\"New Moon\" means \"no Moon.\" During this phase, the Moon is in the sky all day, but it lies in the direction of the Sun and its night side is facing Earth. That means no lunar surface features will be visible.• During full Moon, patterns of dark and light on its surface are easy to distinguish." }, { "score": 0.6097142696, "text": "New Moon-The Moon's unilluminated side is facing the Earth. Waxing Crescent-The Moon appears to be partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight. First Quarter-One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight." }, { "score": 0.6095120907, "text": "You go outside on a clear night the moon looks like half - circle. About a week later on another clear night you go outside ,and you cannot see the moon. Predict how much of the moon you will see... So today my teacher gave us a paper and i think I got this question wrong." }, { "score": 0.6066647172, "text": "A full Moon occurs when the Moon has moved in its orbit so that Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. Between the new and full Moon, the amount of Moon we see grows — or waxes from its right side toward its left side." }, { "score": 0.6045449972, "text": "Lunar Perigee and Apogee. The Moon's path around the Earth is elliptical, with one side of the orbit closer to Earth than the other. The side closest to the Earth is called the perigee and the side farthest from the Earth is known as the apogee." }, { "score": 0.6037854552, "text": "First Quarter-One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight. Waxing Gibbous-The Moon appears to be more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight. Full Moon-The Moon's illuminated side is facing the Earth." }, { "score": 0.597815454, "text": "· just now. Report Abuse. When you can see the moon during the day it is because there is enough contrast between the white and gray tones of the moon and the blue of the sky for you to detect it. Yes, you will be able to see the moon on same day you see it during the day after the sun sets until the moon sets." }, { "score": 0.5891053677, "text": "During an eclipse of the Moon, the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon, so very little light makes it to the Moon. When there is a new moon phase, the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, so we cannot see any of the illuminated part of the Moon. Yes, but it is not a direct source of its light. The Moon, like the Earth, is illuminated by the light of the Sun. The moonlight that we see is simply the part of the sunlight that is reflected by the lunar surface." }, { "score": 0.5861624479, "text": "A moon that's illuminated on the left side is waxing, while a moon that's illuminated on the right side is waning. Hold out your right hand with your thumb out, palm facing the sky. The thumb and forefingers make a curve like a backward C. If the moon fits in this curve, it's a waning moon (decreasing)." }, { "score": 0.5860657692, "text": "Countries in the different hemispheres see the Moon from a completely different vantage point from each other. In the northern hemisphere the first quarter looks like a growing D, while in the southern hemisphere it looks like a C." }, { "score": 0.5732853413, "text": "1 A waxing moon will be illuminated on the right side, and a waning moon will be illuminated on the left side. Hold out your right hand with your thumb out, palm facing the sky. The thumb and forefingers make a curve like a backward C. If the moon fits in this curve, it's a waxing moon (increasing)." }, { "score": 0.5648224354, "text": "Different parts of the moon are illuminated during waxing and waning. In the Northern Hemisphere, the part of the moon that is illuminated will appear to grow from right to left until it's full, and it will then diminish from right to left. A waxing moon will be illuminated on the right side, and a waning moon will be illuminated on the left side. Hold out your right hand with your thumb out, palm facing the sky. The thumb and forefingers make a curve like a backward C. If the moon fits in this curve, it's a waxing moon (increasing)." }, { "score": 0.5610706806, "text": "With a total eclipse the darkest part of the moon's shadow sweeps across the Earth's surface and if you happen to be in the path of that very small shadow, usually 100 to 200 kilometres diameter, you will see the moon completely block the Sun's disc, he explains." }, { "score": 0.5588875413, "text": "With only 10 minutes before the moon is in total eclipse, a portion of sunlight hitting the moon from one side makes the moon look similar to Mars or a large red planet, he added. \"If you had to pick one time to set the alarm and go out, I'd say do it at 6:15 a.m. EDT,\" he said. Report a Typo" }, { "score": 0.5440324545, "text": "1 If the moon is to the left of the sun in the sky, then use you right hand, and if the moon is to the right of the sun, use your left. If the sky is partly cloudy, keep watching in the part of the sky where you expect to find the moon. As the clouds pass by, you'll be able to see the moon intermittently." }, { "score": 0.5204077959, "text": "At third quarter the moon will be leading the sun across the sky by ninety degrees, so in the morning when the sun is in the eastern part of the sky, the moon will be in the western part of the sky. The moon looks dim and weak during the daylight hours, and is sometimes hard to find in the endless blue sky at first. Once one person spots it and points, it is easy for the others to see it. Make it a game to see who can find it first; kids have sharp eyes." } ]
what is a protime test
[ { "score": 0.7801758647, "text": "Prothrombin time (PT) Prothrombin time (PT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes for the liquid portion (plasma) of your blood to clot. A related blood test is partial thromboplastin time (PTT). A blood sample is needed. If you are taking ant blood-thinning medicines, you will be watched for signs of bleeding." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7167654037, "text": "First let's talk about the PT test. PT stands for prothrombin time. It is a measure of how quickly blood clots. The traditional method for performing a PT test is to have your blood drawn and sent to a lab. At the lab, a substance called a reagent is added to your blood. The reagent causes the blood to begin clotting. The PT result is the time in seconds that is required for the blood to clot." }, { "score": 0.711758554, "text": "PT testing is the most commonly used test to monitor oral anticoagulants. Prothrombin Time measures the effect of a reduction in the vitamin K-dependent. coagulation Factors II, V, VII and X, and it measures the integrity of the extrinsic system." }, { "score": 0.7074128389, "text": "PT refers to prothrombin time, a type of blood test that measures a person's blood clotting time. There are various ways to test PT and because of the differences of testing methods used by laboratories, INR or international normalized ratio is used to standardize the PT test results.T refers to prothrombin time, a type of blood test that measures a person's blood clotting time. There are various ways to test PT and because of the differences of testing methods used by laboratories, INR or international normalized ratio is used to standardize the PT test results." }, { "score": 0.6880401373, "text": "Prothrombin time is typically analyzed by a laboratory technologist on an automated instrument at 37 °C (as a nominal approximation of normal human body temperature). 1 Blood is drawn into a test tube containing liquid sodium citrate, which acts as an anticoagulant by binding the calcium in a sample." }, { "score": 0.6662532091, "text": "Now, the PT--or Prothrombin Time--is a different type of measure of coagulation that's usually used to determine how much Coumadin a person has in their system. And more often, we use the INR as the parameter, which is the second half of that test." }, { "score": 0.6651027799, "text": "The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is used in conjunction with another measure of how quickly blood clotting takes place called the prothrombin time (PT). The prothrombin time measures the speed of clotting by means of the extrinsic pathway (also known as the tissue factor pathway). 1 Methodology." }, { "score": 0.6624063253, "text": "Most people will be working with the drug Warfarin, also known as the brand name Coumadin. Warfarin is a time-tested drug, but it comes with some challenges. The biggest challenge of Warfarin is that you will have to monitor your blood. You do this through the PT-INR test (also known simply as the INR test). What is the PT-INR Test? PT is the abbreviation for \"prothrombin time.\" Prothrombin time is just a measure of how quickly your blood clots. INR is an abbreviation for \"International Normalized Ratio.\" This is the unit of measure that's used to determine how quickly your blood is clotting." }, { "score": 0.6615973711, "text": "The INR comes from the conversion of another value, the prothrombin time (PT). Prothrombin time is the time it takes for blood to clot in a test tube.A high or low PT can suggest bleeding or clotting tendencies. Most often, the PT is checked to monitor a person's response to blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin).he INR comes from the conversion of another value, the prothrombin time (PT). Prothrombin time is the time it takes for blood to clot in a test tube. A high or low PT can suggest bleeding or clotting tendencies." }, { "score": 0.647690773, "text": "INR and APTT are two types of test conducted to measure the coagulation of blood in the patient. INR stands for \"International Normalized Ratio\". It is also called \"ProTime INR\" and \"INR PT\". APTT, on the other hand, stands for \"Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time\". The international normalized ratio is derived form the prothrombin time (PT) and the prothrombin ratio (PR). These are used to measure the extrinsic pathway of coagulation." }, { "score": 0.5967925191, "text": "Aetna considers prothrombin time home testing units/home INR testing (e.g., the Coag-Sense Self-Test PT/INR Monitoring System, the CoaguChek XS Plus System, and the INRatio® 2 PT/INR Monitoring System) medically necessary durable medical equipment for persons who require chronic oral anticoagulation with warfarin for a mechanical heart valve, ..." }, { "score": 0.5932142735, "text": "You could recieve vitamin K, which can help decrese your protime. I would need more information from you to help further. if your protime was high but INR is normal that is the number they should base decisions of care on. protime can vary a lot by method and type of reagent used to perform the test." }, { "score": 0.5707309842, "text": "A Brigham and Women's Hospital answered. Warfarin (Coumadin) is an anticoagulant or blood thinner.. Anti means against, and coagulant refers to blood clotting. An anticoagulant helps reduce the risk of clots forming in the blood. Warfarin treatment will be monitored through regular laboratory testing. The blood test is called a PT or protime and is reported as an INR which stands for International Normalized Ratio." }, { "score": 0.5654158592, "text": "The following tests will be performed before your procedure date: 1 Spiral computed tomography (CT Scan) of the chest. This CT scan involves the use of an intravenous contrast material. 2 Transesophageal echo (TEE) may be needed the day of the procedure if your ProTime/INR result was not therapeutic (ie. less than 2.0) Results of your ProTime (INR) tests for the 4-6 weeks before the procedure." }, { "score": 0.5647399426, "text": "A provocation test, also called a provocation trial or provocation study, is a form of medical clinical trial whereby participants are exposed to either a substance or thing that is claimed to provoke a response, or to a sham substance or device that should provoke no response." }, { "score": 0.5594559908, "text": "Protime and Vitamin K. Vitamin K interacts with warfarin and affects protime. A sudden Increase in your vitamin K intake decreases the effect of warfarin and increases your risk of a blood clot. Conversely, a large decrease in your intake of vitamin K increases the effect of warfarin and increases your risk of bleeding." }, { "score": 0.5337082744, "text": "The Proband Whole Exome Sequencing test is a highly complex test that is newly developed for the identification of changes in a patient's DNA that are causative or related to their medical concerns." }, { "score": 0.4402177036, "text": "Another CPT, the Immediate and Delayed Memory Task is a computer administered test that involves the rapid presentation of 5-digit number. Successful identification of consecutive matching 5-digit numbers are interpreted as representing attentional capacity." }, { "score": 0.4218600988, "text": "Real-time polymerase chain reaction. A real-time polymerase chain reaction (Real-Time PCR), also known as quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), is a laboratory technique of molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It monitors the amplification of a targeted DNA molecule during the PCR, i.e. in real-time, and not at its end, as in conventional PCR." }, { "score": 0.3764987588, "text": "Realtime transcript is an unedited draft transcript that can be sent by the certified realtime reporter (CRR) electronically during the proceedings or given immediately following adjournment. It is not intended to be used in subsequent proceedings for impeachment or for any other purpose, including distribution. The realtime unedited transcript may contain errors, some of which could change the accuracy or meaning of the testimony." } ]
is anoxic brain injury a disability
[ { "score": 0.6603580713, "text": "Brain injury occurs when the tissues of the brain suffer an acute injury that results in temporary, chronic, or permanent damage and/or dysfunction. The brain is a very sensitive organ subject to injury from a variety of insults. Some of the major causes of brain injury include trauma, lack of oxygen (hypoxic/anoxic injury), lack of blood flow (ischemia), infection, and metabolic disorders." } ]
[ { "score": 0.6689647436, "text": "anoxic an no oxia oxygen or hypoxic hypo less oxia oxygen encephalopathy is a condition where brain tissue is deprived of oxygen and there is global loss of brain function the longer brain cells lack oxygen the more damage occurs" }, { "score": 0.6536056399, "text": "The Social Security listing of impairments includes traumatic brain injury as a disabling impairment. Updated March 2, 2017. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an acute injury suffered by the brain and can be caused by various events, the most common causes being falls, car accidents, and firearms." }, { "score": 0.6532392502, "text": "For example, anoxic encephalopathy means brain damage due to lack of oxygen, and hepatic encephalopathy means brain malfunction due to liver disease.or example, anoxic encephalopathy means brain damage due to lack of oxygen, and hepatic encephalopathy means brain malfunction due to liver disease." }, { "score": 0.6470285654, "text": "Brain Injury - Social Security Disability Benefits. If you are disabled and unable to maintain steady employment, the Social Security Administration offers benefits designed to ensure disabled people have an income to maintain their livelihood." }, { "score": 0.6394884586, "text": "There are four types of anoxia, but each can cause the same serious damage to the brain. 1 Anemic anoxia. This form of anoxia results from blood that cannot carry sufficient oxygen to the brain. 2 Toxic anoxia. This form of anoxia is caused by toxins in the system that prevent the blood's oxygen from being used efficiently. 3 Stagnant anoxia." }, { "score": 0.6337571144, "text": "Additionally, the length of disability depends on the condition of the individual before the injury, the immediate damage brought on by the impact of the injury, and secondary brain damage resulting from the body's response to the initial trauma." }, { "score": 0.6268892288, "text": "The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is the largest of several Federal programs to assist people with disabilities. REMEMBER: Apply as soon as you have clear medical evidence of a possible disability from a brain injury. The process can take months or a year to go through. If your TBI is mild, you probably will need a report from a licensed neuropsychiatrist after undergoing a neuropsychological battery." }, { "score": 0.621004045, "text": "Social Security Disability Benefits for TBI. Before October 2016, Social Security evaluated traumatic brain injury under disability listings for other types of medical conditions: stroke, epilepsy, or organic mental disorders. Now, TBI is specifically listed in Social Security's listing of impairments (called the blue book)." }, { "score": 0.61913836, "text": "Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. This condition is a type of brain damage that is caused when the brain doesn't get enough oxygen. This can result in permanent brain damage or dysfunction. It can be caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, such as when a developing baby is exposed to alcohol in the womb." }, { "score": 0.6183670759, "text": "1 Trauma to the brain (i.e. severe head injury caused by a motor vehicle crash, gunshot wound, fall or blow to the head) 2 Cerebrovascular injury (i.e. stroke or aneurysm) Anoxia (i.e. drowning or heart attack when the patient is revived, but not before a lack or blood flow/oxygen to the brain has caused brain death)" }, { "score": 0.6065625548, "text": "acquired brain injury has a variety of causes the most common include trauma to the head caused by traffic accidents falls and assaults but there are many other causes including strokes drug overdoses and anoxia lack of oxygen due to drowning for example" }, { "score": 0.6052469015, "text": "The condition can be detrimental to a newborn, resulting in significant brain damage and possibly death. Brain Damage and Intellectual Disabilities: Several types of brain damage can lead to an intellectual disability (ID, formerly mental retardation).These are: 1) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), 2) congenital brain damage, and 3) progressive brain damage.Congenital conditions are present before birth.he condition can be detrimental to a newborn, resulting in significant brain damage and possibly death. Brain Damage and Intellectual Disabilities: Several types of brain damage can lead to an intellectual disability (ID, formerly mental retardation)." }, { "score": 0.6013275385, "text": "Anoxia can affect any tissue or organ in your body and is always serious. However, cerebral anoxia, or a lack of oxygen supply to the brain, is particularly threatening because brain cells begin to die within several minutes of oxygen deprivation." }, { "score": 0.5975637436, "text": "Psychiatric issues after brain injury. Brain injury can also contribute to psychiatric issues including depression, severe anxiety, substance abuse, or obsessive compulsive disorder. Some survivors experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a consequence of the circumstances and medical events that caused the brain injury." }, { "score": 0.5871473551, "text": "For other uses, see hypoxia (disambiguation). Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen), specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen, it is called cerebral anoxia." }, { "score": 0.5834234953, "text": "Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program. The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program is a comprehensive interdisciplinary program for those with post-acute traumatic brain injury or other acquired neurocognitive impairments. Our Approach." }, { "score": 0.5795768499, "text": "Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy, or HIE, also known as Intrapartum Asphyxia. Oxygen deprivation, or intrapartum asphyxia, can cause cerebral palsy. One of the most common types of brain damage caused by oxygen loss is called hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, or HIE.ypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, or HIE, is the brain injury caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain, also commonly known as intrapartum asphyxia. The newborn's body can compensate for brief periods of depleted oxygen, but if the asphyxia lasts too long, brain tissue is destroyed." }, { "score": 0.5770460963, "text": "When talking to someone with a brain injury have patience, understanding and respect. Their disability depends on what area of the brain suffered injury; it could affect cognitive, neurological and behavioral function. Be prepared to repeat what you just said and don't be afraid to engage in conversation." }, { "score": 0.5767325163, "text": "An Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) occurs at the cellular level. It is most often associated with pressure on the brain. This could come from a tumor. Or it could result from neurological illness, as in the case of a stroke. Both traumatic brain injury and acquired brain injury occur after birth. And neither is degenerative." }, { "score": 0.5686879158, "text": "For other uses, see hypoxia (disambiguation) . Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen) specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen it is called cerebral anoxia.he brain requires approximately 3.3 ml of oxygenated blood per 100 g of brain tissue per minute. Initially the body responds to lowered blood oxygen by redirecting blood to the brain and increasing cerebral blood flow." }, { "score": 0.5686846972, "text": "Brain injuries occur due to a very wide range of conditions, illnesses, and injuries. Possible causes of widespread brain damage include birth hypoxia, prolonged hypoxia (shortage of oxygen), poisoning by teratogens (including alcohol), infection, and neurological illness." }, { "score": 0.5686405301, "text": "The dark side of personality change is at the top of the list. In my recent post, After Brain Injury: Learning to Love a Stranger, I shared my experience of building a new relationship and marriage with my husband Alan. Alan suffered a severe anoxic brain injury following a massive heart attack and cardiac arrest." }, { "score": 0.5660161972, "text": "Painful loss: Natalie Newton, known as Natty, was left with a brain injury after falling in a pool. Traumatic: When doctors couldn't save Natty her feeding tube was removed to allow her to die. Natty was 19 months old when she stumbled into a pool at the family home last year, and suffered an anoxic brain injury." }, { "score": 0.5641767383, "text": "Running outcomes following an intensive exercise program in those with brain injury. First, as hypothesized, the functional impairment as measured by ADLs and IADLS did not influence SRH for the disability group, although it was a strong predictor of SRH for those without a disability. Differences in predictors of self-rated health among people with and without a disability." }, { "score": 0.5633413196, "text": "Email successfully sent. There is a significant diagnostic overlap between 'mild' acquired brain injuries and Asperger's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. While confusion is possible, the dual diagnosis can help recovery from ABI, writes our man at the frontal lobe, Jason Copeland. had obviously suffered, all along, things like loss of emotional self-regulation and cumulative damage to the learning of socioemotional skills; dyssemia, and badly impaired theory of mind; executive function deficits and learning difficulties; memory problems; mood disorders, and marked damage to the self-awareness." }, { "score": 0.5628549457, "text": "When an area of the brain is damaged from a stroke, the loss of normal function of part of the body may occur. This may result in a disability. The brain is divided into 3 main areas: Cerebrum (consisting of the right and left sides or hemispheres). Cerebellum." }, { "score": 0.5590046644, "text": "The level of disability depends on the severity and timing of the brain injury. 1 About 70 percent of cerebral palsy cases are caused by prenatal injuries. 2 About 20 percent are caused by injuries during birth. 3 About 10 percent are caused by injuries after birth." }, { "score": 0.5551315546, "text": "Traumatic brain injury Overview. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is sudden damage to the brain caused by a blow or jolt to the head. Common causes include car or motorcycle crashes, falls, sports injuries, and assaults. TBI is the leading cause of death and disability among people aged 1 to 44." }, { "score": 0.5542712808, "text": "changed the title to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and added Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Autism as disability categories (P.L. 101-476). The federal law defined Traumatic Brain Injury as:" }, { "score": 0.5511586666, "text": "Pathophysiology of brain injury caused by. cardiac arrest. A stop of cerebral circulation depletes the neuronal oxy-. gen stores within 20 seconds and lead to unconsciousness. of the individual.Within 5 minutes of complete cerebral. anoxia, brain glucose and ATP stores are lost.The con-." }, { "score": 0.5503039956, "text": "How long can the brain last without oxygen? Brain cells begin to die if oxygen levels are very low for four minutes or longer, and after five minutes permanent anoxic brain injury can occur. So anything up until 3 minut … es is fine." }, { "score": 0.5487721562, "text": "Often the severity and type of symptoms are related to the severity and cause of the brain disease or damage. For example, alcohol-induced liver damage (alcoholic cirrhosis) can result in involuntary hand tremors (asterixis), while severe anoxia (lack of oxygen) may result in coma with no movement.ther serious symptoms that may occur include: 1 lethargy, 2 dementia, 3 seizures, 4 tremors, 5 muscle twitching and myalgia, 6 Cheyne-Stokes respirations (an altered breathing pattern seen with brain damage and coma), and. 7 coma." }, { "score": 0.5428866148, "text": "Head trauma is a common cause of disability in this country, with vehicular accidents representing the major cause. Of those who die from vehicular accidents, 75% die from the primary and secondary effects of trauma on the vital centers of the central nervous system." }, { "score": 0.5427538753, "text": "Once the blood has run out of oxygen, it can no longer supply oxygen to the brain and heart, and that's when bad things can happen. After a few minutes of cerebral anoxia (no oxygen to the brain), there can be brain damage. I've heard 6-8 minutes until it's permanent, but I'm not going to test it! A lack of oxygen to the heart muscle can cause heart attacks, and even if the individual survives the anoxic event, there may be damage to the heart that proves deadly." }, { "score": 0.5410467982, "text": "Rarely, dementia can result from damage caused by a brain tumor. Anoxia. This condition, also called hypoxia, occurs when organ tissues aren't getting enough oxygen." }, { "score": 0.5305681229, "text": "A learning disability happens when a person's brain development is affected, either before they are born, during their birth or in early childhood. Several factors can affect brain development, including: 1 the mother becoming ill in pregnancy. problems during the birth that stop enough oxygen getting to the brain." }, { "score": 0.5220705867, "text": "Marie Rowland, PhD, EmpowermentAlly. Brain injury is confusing to people who don't have one. It's natural to want to say something, to voice an opinion or offer advice, even when we don't understand. And when you care for a loved one with a brain injury, it's easy to get burnt out and say things out of frustration." }, { "score": 0.5212184191, "text": "Reflex Integration MNRI ® technique was used as therapy for patients with cerebral palsy and other types of brain damage including stroke, anoxic brain injury as well as autistic spectrum disorders. One of the objectives of this paper is a demonstration of the effectiveness of the MNRI® therapy." }, { "score": 0.5155055523, "text": "Head injuries are one of the most common causes of disability and death in children. The injury can be as mild as a bump, bruise (contusion), or cut on the head, or can be moderate to severe in nature due to a concussion, deep cut or open wound, fractured skull bone(s), or from internal bleeding and damage to the brain." }, { "score": 0.5143981576, "text": "Brain cells begin to die if oxygen levels are very low for four minutes or longer, and after five minutes permanent anoxic brain injury can occur. So anything up until 3 minut … es is fine. Digitalis" }, { "score": 0.5134743452, "text": "Head injuries are one of the most common causes of disability and death in adults. The injury can be as mild as a bump, bruise (contusion), or cut on the head, or can be moderate to severe in nature due to a concussion, deep cut or open wound, fractured skull bone(s), or from internal bleeding and damage to the brain." }, { "score": 0.510627389, "text": "5 Games to Help with Brain Injury Recovery. TBI stands for Traumatic Brain Injury. Those who've experienced TBI can tell you, the combination of physical and emotional pain it brings is nothing short of traumatic. When the proper functioning of the brain is compromised, everyday tasks can suddenly become a chore." }, { "score": 0.5033118129, "text": "Therefore, assign code S06.9x0A for documentation of traumatic brain injury (initial encounter) without further specification. However, a more specific code from category S06 should be assigned to identify the documented injuries such as concussion, cerebral edema, contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage." }, { "score": 0.5012233853, "text": "Head injuries are one of the most common causes of disability and death in adults. The injury can be as mild as a bump, bruise (contusion), or cut on the head, or can be moderate to severe in nature due to a concussion, deep cut or open wound, fractured skull bone(s), or from internal bleeding and damage to the brain.ontusion or intracerebral hematoma. A contusion is a bruise to the brain itself. A contusion causes bleeding and swelling inside of the brain around the area where the head was struck. Contusions may occur with skull fractures or other blood clots such as a subdural or epidural hematoma." }, { "score": 0.4994069934, "text": "Parkinson's, acid attack to be considered disability (Getty Images) Persons afflicted with Parkinson's disease and acid attack victims will soon be considered disabled under law, in what will be a big symbolic act in sensitising citizens towards the plight of such people. The 'persons with disabilities bill' (PWD), which is set to be tabled in Parliament, lists 21infirmities." }, { "score": 0.4873537421, "text": "A learning disability is a neurological disorder. In simple terms, a learning disability results from a difference in the way a person's brain is wired.. Children with learning disabilities are as smart or smarter than their peers." }, { "score": 0.4865691662, "text": "The Social Security Administration (SSA) ends up granting disability benefits only for those whose disc disease has progressed into severely impacted vertebrae that cause chronic pain and the inability to sit or stand for periods of time, which can be proven by medical imaging." }, { "score": 0.4742955267, "text": "classic cognitive deficits of brain injury patients, but on the other hand will continue to possess MMSEs main advantages, being brief and requiring limited training to administer, hence its suitability for routine use in the clinic or bedside. The Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination– Revised (ACE-R) tried to address the limitations of" }, { "score": 0.4601868391, "text": "If not treated, meningitis can lead to brain swelling and cause permanent disability, coma, and even death. Meningitis has various causes, including bacterial infection (the most serious cases), viral infection, fungal infection, reactions to medications, and environmental toxins such as heavy metals." } ]
horses clydesdale
[ { "score": 0.790799439, "text": "Characteristics and Origin of the Clydesdale Horse. The Clydesdale is a breed of heavy draft horse developed in and deriving its name from the district in Scotland where it was founded. Its type was evolved by the farmers of Lanarkshire, through which the River Clyde flows. The old name for Lanarkshire is Clydesdale." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7287009358, "text": "Height: The height for this breed is 18 hands. This approximates to 72 inches to the withers of the horse. Average height for horse breeds is 15.0 hands or 60 inches. Therefore, the Clydesdale is taller than most horse breeds. Weight: The Clydesdale weighs 1,950 pounds, which is 925 pounds heavier than the average horse breed." }, { "score": 0.7239923477, "text": "The Clydesdale is named after what is now known as Lanarkshire, Scotland, a region near the river Clyde. It was here in the middle of the 18th century that Flemish stallions were mated with local stock to create the first Clydesdales." }, { "score": 0.7221982479, "text": "Clydesdale-Clydesdales are typically larger than both the Belgian and Percheron breeds, with a mature height of over 18 hands being common.Clydesdales come in a range of colors, with bay, brown, chestnut or sorrel, and black being common.White hairs scattered throughout the body (roan) are common, as are very wide blazes, tall white socks or stockings, and white spots on the body.lydesdales come in a range of colors, with bay, brown, chestnut or sorrel, and black being common. White hairs scattered throughout the body (roan) are common, as are very wide blazes, tall white socks or stockings, and white spots on the body." }, { "score": 0.7129440308, "text": "The Clydesdale is 2in bigger than the horse from Texas currently listed in the Guinness Book of Records, she believes-and dwarfs her own 5ft 3in frame. He lives on Miss Thompson's farm in Tupperville, Ontario, in Canada." }, { "score": 0.7116615772, "text": "The Clydesdale is 2in bigger than the horse from Texas currently listed in the Guinness Book of Records, she believes - and dwarfs her own 5ft 3in frame. He lives on Miss Thompson's farm in Tupperville, Ontario, in Canada." }, { "score": 0.7010837793, "text": "Compared to horses of other breeds, the Clydesdale is going to greatly vary in price and will probably be more expensive than other types of horses. Plan on paying anywhere from $500 for an older horse to as much as $12,000 for a younger Clydesdale that is in show condition. Most purchases are going to be between $2,000 and $5,000. Equine.com is an online website that offers many different types of horses such as Clydesdale horses." }, { "score": 0.6939232349, "text": "A horse is measured from the ground to the withers (the tip of its shoulders), in units called hands (one hand equals 10.2 cm or 4 in.). Adult male Clydesdales measure 17 to 19 hands (1.7-1.9 m or 5.7-6.3 ft.). A male's average weight is between 771 to 998 kg (1,700-2,200 lb.)." }, { "score": 0.6814633608, "text": "How much does a Clydesdale weigh? Mature Clydesdales weigh between 1600 and 2400 pounds, as much as a Volkswagen beetle. One of the most popular colors for Clydesdales is bay or brown. Clydesdales also can be black, sorrel, or Roan (White hair scattered throughout the coat." }, { "score": 0.6798928976, "text": "Clydesdales, Percherons, Belgians, Suffolks and the largest breed of horse, the Shire, all belong to the draft horse group. Draft horses are gentle giants that are employed to pull heavily loaded plows or carts. The Shire originated in England and was developed in the 1800s." }, { "score": 0.676687479, "text": "Size. 1 A horse is measured from the ground to the withers (the tip of its shoulders), in units called hands (one hand equals 10.2 cm or 4 in.). 2 Adult male Clydesdales measure 17 to 19 hands (1.7-1.9 m or 5.7-6.3 ft.). 3 Adult females measure 16 to 18 hands (1.6-1.7 m or 5.3-5.7 ft.)." }, { "score": 0.6756738424, "text": "Plan on paying anywhere from $500 for an older horse to as much as $12,000 for a younger Clydesdale in show condition. Most purchases, however, are going to be between $2,000 and $5,000. A gelding, with very few defects and trained to ride, can cost about $800 to $1,800." }, { "score": 0.6726896763, "text": "OK so my sis is the biggest horse freak she knows everything about horses, and ponies. she is only 11 but she knows about everything about horses and ponies. She says that the Clydesdale is a slightly smaller horse than the Shire." }, { "score": 0.6699203253, "text": "The Largest Type of Horse. A team of Clydesdale horses. Alan Crawford / Getty Images The biggest equines in the world are the draft breeds. These horses were bred to pull or carry large loads. Included in the draft breeds are t Shire, Percheron and Clydesdale horses." }, { "score": 0.6698387861, "text": "Clydesdales vary in price based on many factors. Bloodlines, quality, size, age, color and markings, and level of training all effect prices. Some Clydesdales may sell for as little as $1000, but most sell between $2500 and $5000. The top level of horses can sell for prices equivalent to luxury automobiles." }, { "score": 0.6606827974, "text": "Plan on paying anywhere from $500 for an older horse to as much as $12,000 for a younger Clydesdale in show condition. Remember: This is the just the beginning as the care costs, as we get into below, need to factor in." }, { "score": 0.6548567414, "text": "Digger resides at the ILHP farm in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The World's Biggest Horses : Digger, a Clydesdale gelding was measured at just over 19 hands high at the age of four! Horses Aka, Farm, Horse Compared, Friend, Animals Horses, Biggest Horses. World's biggest horse compared with a normal horse." }, { "score": 0.6534261107, "text": "The lowest price, a back Clydesdale stallion was listed for $350, while the highest price was $8,500 for a registered mare with a foal. Most of the advertisements, as mentioned in our average, were about $3,000 to $5,000. Greatest Collectibles says the average Clydesdale can cost $1,500 to $2,500 on average. Another horse-related classified website, HorseClicks.com, had 11 results at the time of this writing, with prices ranging anywhere from $450 to $5,000. As a fun fact, the most expensive Clydesdale ever sold was for $212,500 at an auction in 2011. What is going to be included? If adopted from a rescue or a private breeder/seller, they should, at a minimum provide a health record, up-to-date vaccinations, deworming evidence, any show-related awards and a temperament description/report, letting you know how this horse acts around strangers and while training." }, { "score": 0.6507372856, "text": "Which of the following is true of Clydesdale and Thoroughbred horses. A.They are different species and have different traits. B.They are the same species and have the same traits. C.They are the same species and have different traits. D.They are different species and have the same traits." }, { "score": 0.6504529715, "text": "I did know one Clydesdale stallion that lived to be 35 yrs, but he is an exception. 10 years is NOT old for any type of horse! They are still in the prime of their life! My draft mare is 11 yrs, and most olympic dressage horses are around 10ish." }, { "score": 0.6504318714, "text": "The average Draft Horse is about 18 hands high or 18 hh. This is multiplied by 4 inches to equal 72 inches, or 6 feet tall from hoof to withers. The average height of a Clydesdale ranges from 16 to 18 hh, while Belgian horses are around 16 hh." }, { "score": 0.6475932598, "text": "It said it will release the winning name after the big game. For 80 years now, Clydesdale horses have been much more than just the Anheuser-Busch mascot. They have been part of the family. PHOTOS: Budweiser Clydesdales: A History." }, { "score": 0.6471351385, "text": "I always wanted to have a good horse that could be fast, but also strong-boned as to reduce the likelihood of injury, so I thought a Clydesdale x Thoroughbred cross would be a good horse to use for everyday riding, not really intended to be used for work or racing. (Kinda like having a type of car." }, { "score": 0.6394298077, "text": "Poe the Clydesdale may be the world's tallest horse – and owner Shereen Thompson wants the Guinness Book of World Records to confirm it. Poe the Clydesdale: the world's tallest horse? Poe the Clydesdale: the world's tallest horse?" }, { "score": 0.6321668029, "text": "Clydesdales can also grow that big, in fact Big Jake stole the world record for tallest horse from a Clydesdale by just two and three-quarters inches. According to my handy encylopedia though, Clydesdales are usually around 16.3, so I guess the biggest natural breed would be the Shire of England." }, { "score": 0.6312667131, "text": "Cash Only Please. One of the only places in the United States where visitors can see fourteen Famous Clydesdale's, close-up and personal. A truly exciting, entertaining, and fun 90 minute guided Tour with a short Grandstand Show. Included in the show is the newest mascot, Mac Gregor, a great Scottie dog. Also don't forget to visit and pet and take pictures of the Rare Baby Clydesdale, museum and Clydesdale gift shop." }, { "score": 0.6278333664, "text": "I ride Clydesdales, and my favorite saddle for them is the late 80's to mid 90's circle y equitation seat. Preferably a richard shrake version, as they have a super wide low profile that fits a draft horse very nicely.y husband bought a Billy Cook roping saddle a few years ago for $100 from a coworker. VERY comfortable saddle, but the stirrups don't go short enough for me and it's very heavy. It fits our paint mare great, but is a little long in the back our other horses." }, { "score": 0.6257971525, "text": "Horses are measured from the shoulders, where the back and neck meet, down to the ground. The average Draft Horse is about 18 hands high or 18 hh. This is multiplied by 4 inches to equal 72 inches, or 6 feet tall from hoof to withers. The average height of a Clydesdale ranges from 16 to 18 hh, while Belgian horses are around 16 hh. Most riding-horse breeds, including thoroughbreds, have an average height of 16 hh." }, { "score": 0.6237202287, "text": "Larsons Famous Clydesdales tourist attraction in Ripon Wisconsin 90 minute tour and show with museum and souvenir shop. Clydesdale Tourist Attraction, Famous Clydesdales for Sale, Draft horses for sale, Clydesdale Horse Show, Clydesdale museum, Clydesdal. Join us on Facebook and become a Fan." }, { "score": 0.6200179458, "text": "Horses are measured from the shoulders, where the back and neck meet, down to the ground. The average Draft Horse is about 18 hands high or 18 hh. This is multiplied by 4 inches to equal 72 inches, or 6 feet tall from hoof to withers. The average height of a Clydesdale ranges from 16 to 18 hh, while Belgian horses are around 16 hh. Most riding-horse breeds, including thoroughbreds, have an average height of 16 hh. Learn more about Barnyard Mammals." }, { "score": 0.6035019755, "text": "B.They are the same species and have the same traits. C.They are the same species and have different traits. D.They are different species and have the... show more homework due today plz help Which of the following is true of Clydesdale and Thoroughbred horses A.They are different species and have different traits. B.They are the same species and have the same traits. C.They are the same species and have different traits. D.They are different species and have the..." }, { "score": 0.5446856022, "text": "A good quality leather bridle though, will fit many different horses, and is a good investment over the long term, although making the Arabian to Clydesdale transition may still send you looking for a bigger bridle." }, { "score": 0.5411872864, "text": "The parks will also continue to serve Anheuser-Busch beers. Perhaps the most noticeable change: Budweiser's iconic Clydesdale horses will be removed from SeaWorld's in-park stables; Atchison said the horses will remain a part of Anheuser-Busch's beer-marketing division." } ]
how do orthodontic rubber bands work
[ { "score": 0.7742879391, "text": "From the beginning, rubber bands were used in orthodontics to transmit force from the upper arch to the lower. These are termed inter-arch elastics. Dental braces work well with rubber bands as rubber bands help with making sure that a bite can be corrected and the jaw can be put into its right place.ther than inter-arch elastics, small rubber bands that are used to surround your braces are called elastic ligatures. These replace wire ligature ties to hold arch wires in the brackets in many applications, and can also be used to apply a force to close spaces within the arches. There are 2 types of elastic ligatures:" } ]
[ { "score": 0.7506501675, "text": "They work with your braces and speeds up the process of the correction of tooth directions. Mostly, people question their dentists that why rubber bands are used with the braces and what affect do rubber bands have on their treatment. Well, this article is an answer to the people who ask such questions." }, { "score": 0.7377338409, "text": "Rubber Bands for Braces. Rubber bands, or elastics, are generally used to help improve how teeth fit together. They are also often used to help close spaces, or make sure spaces are closing in the right direction, and improve cross-bites and midlines. They are simply small rubber bands that are attached to the braces. They are attached by the patient to little hooks that are a part of the braces." }, { "score": 0.7316750884, "text": "How Braces Work. Braces straighten teeth by putting steady pressure on your teeth and by staying in place for a certain amount of time. Most kids just need regular braces with wires and rubber bands doing their jobs to keep pressure on the teeth. The wires on your braces help to move your teeth, and the rubber bands help to correct the alignment (say: uh-LYNE-munt), which is the way your teeth line up. If your teeth need a little extra help, you may have to wear head- or neckgear with wires attached to your teeth." }, { "score": 0.7287933826, "text": "Elastics or rubber bands attach to hooks on brackets and are worn between the upper and lower teeth in various ways. They apply pressure to move the upper teeth against the lower teeth to achieve a perfect fit of individual teeth." }, { "score": 0.7069666982, "text": "Rubber bands: Rubber bands are also called elastics. They are used when more force is needed to move the teeth and jaws into the desired position. You can choose your favorite color. Many kids choose their school colors or decorate their mouth during holidays (for example, orange and black for Halloween)." }, { "score": 0.7037551403, "text": "The Purpose of Elastics Customized for each patient, the rubber bands typically stretch over tiny loops on the top and bottom brackets. If worn consistently, and every day, these tiny elastics will apply the steady pressure needed to guide your teeth into the correct position." }, { "score": 0.7020049691, "text": "An elastic is essentially a small rubber band that your orthodontist will tell you to attach to your braces in a certain configuration/shape. The purpose of an elastic is to allow the patient to assist the orthodontist in the movement of their teeth.n elastic is essentially a small rubber band that your orthodontist will tell you to attach to your braces in a certain configuration/shape. The purpose of an elastic is to allow the patient to assist the orthodontist in the movement of their teeth." }, { "score": 0.698358655, "text": "The final part of braces are interarch rubber bands, which are used to adjust bite and jaw position. These are connected to the brackets with hooks, often connecting the top tooth bracket with the bottom tooth bracket to help adjust the position of the teeth in the mouth and the position of the jaw." }, { "score": 0.6979205608, "text": "Rubber bands on the other hand are somewhat larger, also come in a variety of colors, but are used to apply pressure to the jaw to correct the alignment of your bite and reduce overbite/underbite. They can be applied in number of configurations, but the most common is inter-arch (from the top to the bottom)." }, { "score": 0.692628026, "text": "Rubber bands allow the upper and lower teeth to be connected to each other, that way we are able to fit your teeth together. 1 General Instructions. 2 Vertical Elastics. 3 Class 2 Elastics. Class 3 1 Elastics. Cross Elastics. Front Box Elastics." }, { "score": 0.6900029778, "text": "A typical patient in need of elastics is someone with an excessive overbite. When the overbite exceeds the acceptable measurement (2-3 millimeters or around 1-2 sixteenths of an inch), an orthodontist may decide to implement rubber bands. There are two types of ligatures that an orthodontist may use.n most cases, rubber bands must be worn 24 hours a day. Some dental professionals say that the only times you can take them out are to eat, floss or brush. Wearing elastics 100% is unrealistic in some cases as it is difficult for some people with certain elastic configurations to open their mouth wide enough to eat." }, { "score": 0.6886172295, "text": "How the Invisalign® system works - Aligners, attachments, buttons and elastics. - How removable plastic aligners, tooth attachments (bumps), and buttons with rubber bands are able to straighten your teeth. | Diagrams and pictures. The aligners you wear with the Invisalign® system are entirely different from conventional braces." }, { "score": 0.681897223, "text": "Complete Rubber Brands for Braces Guide. There are two main types of orthodontic elastics: ligatures and inter-arch elastics (rubber bands). Ligatures are small elastics that are placed around each bracket and are used to hold the archwire in the slot on the bracket." }, { "score": 0.6796605587, "text": "A typical patient in need of elastics is someone with an excessive overbite. When the overbite exceeds the acceptable measurement (2-3 millimeters or around 1-2 sixteenths of an inch), an orthodontist may decide to implement rubber bands. There are two types of ligatures that an orthodontist may use." }, { "score": 0.6737343073, "text": "The wires on your braces help to move your teeth, and the rubber bands help to correct the alignment (say: uh-LYNE-munt), which is the way your teeth line up. If your teeth need a little extra help, you may have to wear head- or neckgear with wires attached to your teeth. If you do have to wear headgear, don't panic!" }, { "score": 0.6726090312, "text": "band (orthodontic) A thin metal ring, usually stainless steel, which serves to secure orthodontic attachments to a tooth. The band, with orthodontic attachments welded or soldered to it, is closely adapted to fit the contours of the tooth and then cemented into place." }, { "score": 0.6698290706, "text": "The teeth move when the arch wire puts pressure on the brackets and teeth. Sometimes, springs or rubber bands are used to exert more force in a specific direction. Braces exert constant pressure, which over time, move teeth into their proper positions." }, { "score": 0.6678080559, "text": "The teeth move when the arch wire puts pressure on the brackets and teeth. Sometimes, springs or rubber bands are used exert more force in a specific direction. Braces exert constant pressure, which over time, move teeth into their proper positions." }, { "score": 0.6660957336, "text": "Orthodontic bands are secured to the tooth temporarily, with a cement designed for orthodontic bands. Because the cement is designed to be easily removed, orthodontic bands can become loose fairly easily. Situations that cause an orthodontic band to become loose include: Biting down on hard foods or candy; Eating sticky candy, such as caramel or toffee" }, { "score": 0.662651062, "text": "Report Abuse. the rubber bands keep the wire in place on the braces and they also make it more comfortable. braces only hurt for like a day or two after you get them on or get them tightened." }, { "score": 0.659089148, "text": "Orthodontic spacer. Orthodontic separators (commonly known as spacers) are rubber bands or metal appliances used in orthodontics. Spacers are placed between the molars at the second orthodontic appointment, before molar bands are applied." }, { "score": 0.6548096538, "text": "Loose Orthodontic Bands. It is very common to have an orthodontic band become loose from time to time, so learning what to do when your orthodontic bands come loose is very important. Orthodontic bands are secured to the tooth temporarily, with a cement designed for orthodontic bands. 1 Because the cement is designed to be easily removed, orthodontic bands can become loose fairly easily. Situations that cause an orthodontic band to become loose include: 2 Biting down on hard foods or candy." }, { "score": 0.6500290632, "text": "· just now. Report Abuse. Rubber bands on braces are little things that hook on the top of your braces to the bottom of your braces it doesn't hurt and it is to correct your jaw. Braces don't really hurt that bad." }, { "score": 0.6410190463, "text": "Removable orthodontic appliances. 1 Headgear is a type of orthodontic appliance that puts pressure to the upper teeth and upper jaw to guide the direction of upper jaw growth and tooth eruption. Rubber bands are hooked to the braces and connected to a strap worn around the head." }, { "score": 0.6408896446, "text": "If an orthodontist is unable to see you shortly after your orthodontic band becomes loose, here is what you can do in the mean time: 1 Try to lift the loose band off your tooth with your fingers, or use a clean pair of tweezers." }, { "score": 0.638432622, "text": "Loose Rubber Band. Tiny rubber bands or small, fine wires, known as ligatures or ties, hold the wire to the bracket. If a rubber band should come off, you may be able to put it back in place using sterile tweezers. If a wire ligature comes loose, simply remove it with sterile tweezers." }, { "score": 0.6371096373, "text": "Part of Braces. appliance. Anything that is attached to your teeth that moves your teeth or corrects your bite. archwire. The main wire that is attached to your brackets and runs from bracket to bracket. band (orthodontic) A thin metal ring, usually stainless steel, which serves to secure orthodontic attachments to a tooth. The band, with orthodontic attachments welded or soldered to it, is closely adapted to fit the contours of the tooth and then cemented into place." }, { "score": 0.6362910867, "text": "A lot of people have heard of separators or spacers. Yet, they don't know what they are or how they are used. Some of the items that an orthodontist will use during treatment are separators (spacers) and orthodontic bands. Separators are used to create space between teeth. An orthodontic band is the older style of braces that are usually used in the posterior part of the mouth." }, { "score": 0.631983161, "text": "You may not need spacers, but, if you do, having the rubber bands between your teeth will hurt for the first few days. A week after you get your rubber band spacers, your orthodontist will put on your braces [1].ou may not need spacers, but, if you do, having the rubber bands between your teeth will hurt for the first few days. A week after you get your rubber band spacers, your orthodontist will put on your braces [1]." }, { "score": 0.6262341738, "text": "When you have an loose orthodontic band, the first thing that you should do is call your orthodontist. A loose band can be a dangerous situation. Unlike a loose orthodontic bracket that stays attached to the wire when it becomes loose, a loose orthodontic band can lift off the tooth very easily because it is not generally attached to the archwire with an elastic or wire ligature." }, { "score": 0.6205584407, "text": "If the band comes off the tooth, you could swallow it or choke on it. If your orthodontist is unable to see you the same day as your orthodontic band becomes loose, here is what you can do: Try to lift the loose band off your tooth with your fingers, or a clean pair of tweezers." }, { "score": 0.6203258634, "text": "Giving your teeth a \"break\" from the elastics will only make them feel sore again the next time you wear them. Consistent elastic wear is one of the most critical determinants of whether treatment is completed on time. Wear your rubber bands 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless otherwise instructed." }, { "score": 0.6173439026, "text": "Transseptal Fiberotomy. If one or several of your front teeth were severely rotated prior to orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist may request surgical assistance in retaining your teeth in their new position. A transseptal fiberotomy releases the fibers which attach the teeth to the gum tissue. These fibers are like rubber bands. They are stretched to the new tooth position, and when the braces are removed, these fibers want to relax back and cause the teeth to be pulled back to their original position. A transseptal fiberotomy is done under local anesthetic. An incision is made around the tooth to release the fibers. This allows the fibers to relax to their original position and then reattach to the tooth in its new position." }, { "score": 0.6122800708, "text": "Scammers will try to sell you rubber bands that are not designed to close your gap or be placed in the mouth. They will be either too large to fit around your teeth or too tight. Bands that are too tight can cause your teeth to move too fast and cause serious problems, possibly even causing your teeth to fall out." }, { "score": 0.6094287038, "text": "Orthodontic braces are made of non-magnetized materials of different types, including plastic, metal, ceramic, or a combination. They can be made in fun shapes like stars, hearts, or footballs, with colored rubber bands, or gold-plated for a more ornamental look. Some retainers can even glow in the dark." }, { "score": 0.6067948341, "text": "Types of Braces. Braces fix alignment issues by applying a firm pressure on the teeth, which ultimately shifts them into a straighter position. There are several options when deciding what type of braces use on a child, but typically, kids need braces with wires and rubber bands. The wires aid in shifting the teeth into a straighter position and the rubber bands fix alignment problems. Some kids may need other orthodontic devices as well for optimal results." }, { "score": 0.6021664143, "text": "Once the wire is activated or bent, it is the unloading or deactivating forces that produce orthodontic tooth movement. With current orthodontic treatment, super elastic nickel-titanium wire is often used for phase 1, with beta titanium and stainless steel (SS) wires most frequently used for phases 2 and 3." }, { "score": 0.6021081209, "text": "Regular braces: These use gentle pressure to move your teeth into place over time. Your orthodontist will glue brackets to the front of your teeth and connect them with a wire. He'll tighten that wire every 4 to 6 weeks. This slowly moves your teeth or jaw or both into place." }, { "score": 0.5952808857, "text": "a support projecting from the main structure. An orthodontic bracket is a small metal attachment soldered or welded to an orthodontic band or cemented directly to the teeth, serving to fasten the arch wire to the band or tooth. Also called orthodontic attachment. See also orthodontic appliance, orthodontic band." }, { "score": 0.5919398665, "text": "Type 4: Self-Ligating Braces. Similar to traditional metal and ceramic braces, self-ligating braces make use of the bracket and wire system. This may be the type of braces that most orthodontist use today, but many still use a more traditional system. This type of braces uses brackets with clips or doors that hold on to the wire, instead of the rubber band tie system. These braces are supposed to hold on to less food and be less painful than other types of braces, and they are also supposed to reduce the number of trips to the orthodontist the patient has to make." }, { "score": 0.5910949111, "text": "A rubber band (also known as an elastic or gum band) is a loop of rubber, usually ring shaped, and commonly used to hold multiple objects together. The rubber band was patented in England on March 17, 1845, by Stephen Perry." }, { "score": 0.5861158967, "text": "Glass Ionomer Band Cement. GC Fuji ORTHO BAND is a blue, resin modified glass ionomer for bonding orthodontic bands. It can also be used for the cementation of appliances retained with stainless steel crowns (ex: Herbst or expansion appliances).The new Paste Pak Dispenser saves time and reduces waste.imply adjust the dispenser's metering slide and dispense the exact amount of GC Fuji ORTHO BAND Cement you need with the exact mixing ratio for optimized physical properties. GC Fuji ORTHO BAND Cement mixes within 15 seconds and has about 3½ minutes working time with final set after 3 minutes (in the mouth)." }, { "score": 0.5747765303, "text": "1 15. A life which requires you to change your rubber bands after every single meal... 2 16. And clean your teeth three times a day with one of these... 3 17. And remember never to show your teeth when you smile... 4 18. Or kiss anyone ever... 5 19. You have to go back to the orthodontist to get your wires tightened." }, { "score": 0.5547668934, "text": "Rubber bands are made of rubber because rubber is stretchy so it is able to wrap around materials such papers, pencils, poster boards, etc. Also, it is a strong material so it … usually does not break." }, { "score": 0.5357524753, "text": "How it Works: Rubber band ligation of the internal hemorrhoids consists of placing a specially. designed, surgical-grade band around the neck of the hemorrhoid, which lies just inside the anal. opening. This effectively chokes off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, and over a one to two week. period, the hemorrhoid will disappear. Number of Treatments: Most persons have THREE main hemorrhoid complexes. Because of this, treatment of hemorrhoids by The Band Ligation Method often require more than one treatment to be." }, { "score": 0.5331659317, "text": "Rubber bands are one of the most convenient products of the twentieth century, used by numerous individuals and industries for a wide variety of purposes. The largest consumer of rubber bands in the world is the U.S. Post Office, which orders millions of pounds a year to use in sorting and delivering piles of mail. The newspaper industry also uses massive quantities of rubber bands to keep individual newspapers rolled or folded together before home delivery." }, { "score": 0.5268564224, "text": "THE FIRST elastic bands, made from vulcanised rubber, were patented on March 17, 1845, by Stephen Perry of Messrs Perry & Co, rubber manufacturers of London. Production of rubber bands 'for papers, letters, etc' was inaugurated by the firm at about the same time. Sean Tyler, Orpington, Kent." }, { "score": 0.5262879133, "text": "THE FIRST elastic bands, made from vulcanised rubber, were patented on March 17, 1845, by Stephen Perry of Messrs Perry & Co, rubber manufacturers of London. Production of rubber bands 'for papers, letters, etc' was inaugurated by the firm at about the same time. Sean Tyler, Orpington, Kent. THE ENGLISHMAN Thomas Hancock invented the rubber band in about 1820. The bands invented at that time were not vulcanised and would soften on hot days or harden on cold ones." }, { "score": 0.5245972872, "text": "HOW TO MEASURE A RUBBER BAND. Rubber bands are measured via three dimensions-Lenght (lay flat length), Width (cut width), and Thickness. Pinch a rubber bands at each end as if to lay the band flat. The distance from end to end is the band length. The width of the band measures how wide the band is, perpendicular to the length. The thickness measures the wall of the band. Thickness generally ranges from 1.1 mm - 2.5 mm." }, { "score": 0.5235739946, "text": "Vulcanization causes a complex chemical change to occur in the rubber. But in layman's terms, vulcanizing gives rubber its elasticity and other desirable properties so that it's useful. Step 4: The rubber sleeves are removed from the mandrel, and the vulcanized tubing is cut into rings using a high-speed cutter. These rings are rubber bands.. Step 5: The rubber bands are thoroughly washed and dried to remove chemicals used in the processing steps above." }, { "score": 0.5177228451, "text": "It's amazing what you can do with a few rubber bands. Make letters, shapes or fun designs with cardboard and rubber bands! Craft a braided rubber band bracelet or belt. Create a guitar out of rubber bands and recyclable items. Kids will strengthen their fine motor skills while unwrapping rubber bands from corks in this activity." }, { "score": 0.5145052075, "text": "Rubber bands are the main tool needed when tie-dyeing; they block off certain areas of the fabric from the dye (or in this case, bleach) so that they don't change color. The ways you twist the fabric before securing it with the bands also determine the final design." }, { "score": 0.5122016072, "text": "Our banding procedure works by cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. This causes the hemorrhoid to shrink and fall off, typically within a day or so. You probably won't even notice when this happens or be able to spot the rubber band in the toilet." }, { "score": 0.5027705431, "text": "Treatment Overview. Rubber band ligation is a procedure in which the hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands, cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid. This treatment is only for internal hemorrhoids. To do this procedure, a doctor inserts a viewing instrument (anoscope) into the anus." }, { "score": 0.4906959236, "text": "Rubber band ligation is a popular procedure for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it involves a much lower risk of pain than surgical treatments of hemorrhoids, as well as a shorter recovery period (if any at all). It is a very effective procedure and there are multiple methods available." }, { "score": 0.4710429013, "text": "Experimental Procedure. 1 Cut your rubber band in half with the scissors. 2 Tie a weight or washer to one end. 3 Sit the shoebox so that it stands tall and place the ruler inside. Poke a hole into the middle of the top of the box. Tie the rubber band to a pencil. Be sure to make sure the weight tied to the other end can swing freely." } ]
is there a indefinite pronoun.
[ { "score": 0.7921132445, "text": "Indefinite pronouns include quantifiers (some, any, enough, several, many, much); universals (all, both, every, each); and partitives (any, anyone, anybody, either, neither, no, nobody, some, someone). Many of the indefinite pronouns can function as determiners. See Examples and Observations below." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7314570546, "text": "The personal pronoun it takes the place of a noun for a thing, one thing. Indefinite nouns take the place of nouns for unknown or unnamed quantities, numbers, an … d people.he personal pronoun it takes the place of a noun for a thing, one thing. Indefinite nouns take the place of nouns for unknown or unnamed quantities, numbers, an … d people." }, { "score": 0.7306497693, "text": "When a word like all, any, anyone, etc. is used as an adjective, it is known as an indefinite adjective. (In the examples below, the indefinite pronouns are shaded.) All in the lobby must remain seated." }, { "score": 0.7202287912, "text": "Definition: The indefinite article is just the opposite of the definite article. In English, the indefinite articles are a, an, some, any.. They are indefinite because they do not refer to a particular thing as the does, but simply refer to an object or person in a non-specific way, that is, we do not specify exactly to which person or object we are referring to. For example:" }, { "score": 0.7127818465, "text": "Definition: The indefinite article is just the opposite of the definite article. They are indefinite because they do not refer to a particular thing as the does, but simply refer to an object or person in a non-specific way, that is, we do not specify exactly to which person or object we are referring to." }, { "score": 0.6880116463, "text": "Indefinite adjectives to not refer to an exact number. They refer to undefined numbers or quantities and modifiy a noun.Some of the common indefinite adjectives are: some, all, many, few, more, most, several, any, etc. Remember: Indefinite adjectives and indefinite pronouns are very similar.ndefinite adjectives to not refer to an exact number. They refer to undefined numbers or quantities and modifiy a noun." }, { "score": 0.6859534383, "text": "An indefinite adjective is used to describe a noun in a non-specific sense. The most common indefinite adjectives are any, each, few, many, much, most, several, and some.They are often used to describe a noun to show an element of uncertainty. Indefinite adjectives should not be confused with indefinite pronouns.Indefinite adjectives modify nouns or pronouns.he most common indefinite adjectives are any, each, few, many, much, most, several, and some. They are often used to describe a noun to show an element of uncertainty. Indefinite adjectives should not be confused with indefinite pronouns." }, { "score": 0.6738755703, "text": "indefinite article - a determiner (as `a' or `some' in English) that indicates nonspecific reference. article - (grammar) a determiner that may indicate the specificity of reference of a noun phrase." }, { "score": 0.6728388667, "text": "Subtypes include personal pronouns, reflexive and reciprocal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns. The use of pronouns often involves anaphora, where the meaning of the pronoun is dependent on an antecedent." }, { "score": 0.6643810868, "text": "Definite Article and Indefinite Article. a/an, the. The determiners a/an and the are called articles. They are the most common of all determiners. They come at the very beginning of a noun phrase. We divide them into indefinite and definite like this: We use indefinite to mean non-specific. Indefinite is general. We use definite to mean specific. Definite is particular. When we are talking about something in general, we use a or an. When we are talking about something in particular, we use the." }, { "score": 0.6636143923, "text": "The indefinite article is used to refer to something for the first time or to refer to a particular member of a group or class. Some use cases and examples are given below. Use a to refer to something for the first time." }, { "score": 0.6575936675, "text": "A pronoun is a word that refers to or takes the place of a noun. The noun being referred to is. called the antecedent . The identity of the pronoun is made clear by the antecedent. For exam-. ple: There are many different types of pronouns: personal, possessive, reflexive, in-. tensive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, indefinite , and reciprocal." }, { "score": 0.6536260247, "text": "A pronoun is a word that refers to or takes the place of a noun. called the antecedent . The identity of the pronoun is made clear by the antecedent. tensive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, indefinite , and reciprocal." }, { "score": 0.6515250206, "text": "An indefinite third person pronoun or noun is appropriate here. 1 Indefinite third person nouns common to academic writing include: the writer, the reader, individuals, students, a student, an instructor, people, a person, a woman, a man, a child, researchers, scientists, writers, experts.hen using third person objective, the writer can describe the actions and words of any character at any time and place within the story. 1 There does not need to be a single main character to focus on. 2 Stay away from first person terms like \"I\" and second person terms like \"you\" in the narrative, though." }, { "score": 0.6498722434, "text": "The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number. Rule: A singular pronoun must replace a singular noun; a plural pronoun must replace a plural noun. Thus, the mechanics of the sentence above look like this: Here are nine pronoun-antecedent agreement rules. These rules are related to the rules found in subject-verb agreement. 1. A phrase or clause between the subject and verb does not change the number of the antecedent. Example: 2. Indefinite pronouns as antecedents. Singular indefinite pronoun antecedents take singular pronoun referents. Example: Plural indefinite pronoun antecedents require plural referents." }, { "score": 0.6398277283, "text": "Pronoun[edit] aller m, alles n, alle f, alle (pl.) ( 1 indefinite) in singular without a noun (usually alles): everything. ( 2 indefinite) in singular with a noun: all (the) (+ singular noun) ( 3 indefinite) in plural without a noun: everybody, everyone. ( indefinite) in plural with a noun: all (the) (+ pl. noun)" }, { "score": 0.6394633055, "text": "A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The kinds of pronouns are: personal pronouns; I, you, we, he, she, it, me, us, him, her, they, them. demo … nstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those. possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs." }, { "score": 0.63046211, "text": "Nothing happened. We use else after indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things in addition to the ones we already mentioned. All the family came, but no one else. If Michael can't come we'll ask somebody else. So that's eggs, peas and chips." }, { "score": 0.6225148439, "text": "Personal,Reflexive,and Intensive Pronouns. A pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns. A personal pronoun refers to the one speaking (first person), the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken about (third person)." }, { "score": 0.6202948689, "text": "not definite; without fixed or specified limit; unlimited: an indefinite number. 2. not clearly defined or determined; not precise or exact: an indefinite boundary; an indefinite date in the future. 3. Grammar. indefinite article." }, { "score": 0.6148204803, "text": "The verb comes before the subject. The subject is a collective noun. 1. The Verb is a form of be, have, or do. Make sure a linking verb agrees with its subject, not with the word or phrase that describes the subject. Incorrect: The worst backyard pest are squirrels.Correct: The worst backyard pest is squirrels.2.he subject is an indefinite pronoun. What is an indefinite pronoun? A pronoun that does not replace a specific person, place, or thing; it is general (i.e. someone, anyone, everyone, each, every, some, all). Most indefinite pronouns are either always singular or always plural." }, { "score": 0.6128646135, "text": "Notice that we use the indefinite article a/an ONLY with singular countable nouns: a dog, an egg, a very big man, an extremely delicious meal By contrast, we can use the definite article the with ALL nouns: the dog, the eggs, the big men, the music, the food, the red wine" }, { "score": 0.6128407717, "text": "Dictionary entry overview: What does indefinite mean? • INDEFINITE (adjective) The adjective INDEFINITE has 2 senses: 1. vague or not clearly defined or stated 2. not decided or not known Familiarity information: INDEFINITE used as an adjective is rare." }, { "score": 0.6107800603, "text": "The form an is used before a word that starts with a vowel sound. a girl a cat an eight-year-old girl an engineer The indefinite article is used with si... Read more about 'The indefinite article' Word of the day:" }, { "score": 0.6053665876, "text": "1 (indefinite) in singular without a noun (usually alles): everything. ( 2 indefinite) in singular with a noun: all (the) (+ singular noun) ( 3 indefinite) in plural without a noun: everybody, everyone. ( indefinite) in plural with a noun: all (the) (+ pl. noun)" }, { "score": 0.6046907306, "text": "The accusatives of such nouns are of the same form as the nominative. The number of the nominative pronoun appears to be thus rendered precise, but the objective is still indefinite. There are three cases: the nominative, the objective, and the possessive. In this sentence the are ni va ought to be in the nominative. In these the final d or t of the stem disappears in the nominative Singular before the ending -s. The -m and -r are respectively the signs of cases other than the nominative." }, { "score": 0.6009954214, "text": "Articles with Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Notice that we use the indefinite article a/an ONLY with singular countable nouns: a dog, an egg, a very big man, an extremely delicious meal. By contrast, we can use the definite article the with ALL nouns: the dog, the eggs, the big men, the music, the food, the red wine." }, { "score": 0.5924761295, "text": "Pronouns are classified as demonstrative, personal, relative, reflexive, intensive and interrogative. Interrogative pronouns are used – you guessed it – when you want to ask a question." }, { "score": 0.5914694071, "text": "A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun. Pronouns are one of the eight parts of speech which are: adjectives, adverbs conjunctions, interjections, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, and verbs. Even though they are classified as a different part of speech to nouns, pronouns are nouns." }, { "score": 0.5683672428, "text": "the pronunciation of the indefinite article 'a' as in 'say' for emphasis is disastrous, decreid by alistair cooke for instance. The emphatic is to be pronounced as in the sound in 'pat'. just as you wouldn't alphabetise 'an'. But now these illiterates are saying 'Give me ay apple' or 'Ay article'. pretentious idiots!" }, { "score": 0.5631077886, "text": "Intensive pronouns are used to emphasize another noun or pronoun. They are also called emphatic appositives. That means that they do not need to refer to the subject. They can refer to any old noun or pronoun in the sentence." }, { "score": 0.5607270002, "text": "Interrogative pronouns can also be used as relative pronouns, which may be found in questions. You'll know for certain that a pronoun is classified as an interrogative when it's used in a question, because interrogative pronouns are found only in questions." }, { "score": 0.5061140656, "text": "(informal). It's always the same; Six of one, half a dozen of the other. By Laura K. Lawless. The extremely versatile and useful French word meme même can be an indefinite, adjective indefinite, pronoun or, adverb and is also used in some. expressions" } ]
aina name meaning
[ { "score": 0.8281276822, "text": "Celtic Meaning: The name Aina is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Aina is: Joy. Swedish Meaning: The name Aina is a Swedish baby name.In Swedish the meaning of the name Aina is: Joy.he name Aina is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Aina is: Joy. Swedish Meaning: The name Aina is a Swedish baby name." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7696810365, "text": "[ syll. ai-na, ain-a ] The baby girl name Aina is pronounced as EY-NAH †. A variant transcription of Aina is Ainona. In addition, Aina is a Finnish and Scandinavian variant transcription of Aino (Finnish). Aina is also a Catalan and Hebrew variant transcription of Anna.Aina is a baby girl name of irregular use. It is not listed in the top 1000. syll. ai-na, ain-a ] The baby girl name Aina is pronounced as EY-NAH †. A variant transcription of Aina is Ainona. In addition, Aina is a Finnish and Scandinavian variant transcription of Aino (Finnish). Aina is also a Catalan and Hebrew variant transcription of Anna. Aina is a baby girl name of irregular use." }, { "score": 0.7305855155, "text": "Aine /aine/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name is of Gaelic and Celtic origin, and the meaning of Aine is brilliant; happiness. Though not strictly related, Anne, Anna and Hannah have been used as English versions of Aine. Affiliated girl names: Aithne, Anya and Eithne." }, { "score": 0.7157452106, "text": "Celtic Meaning: The name Aine is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Aine is: Fire or joy. Irish Meaning: The name Aine is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Aine is: Ardent. Little fire, from Irish Gaelic. SoulUrge Number: 6. Expression Number: 2. People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated." }, { "score": 0.6959038973, "text": "Amina /am-i-na/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced ah-MEEN-ah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Amina is honest, faithful. Mother of the prophet Muhammad." }, { "score": 0.6940306425, "text": "Amina [am-i-na] as a girls' name is pronounced ah-MEEN-ah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Amina is honest, faithful. Mother of the prophet Muhammad. Associated with: arabic, faithful (determined), prophet. Amina▲ has 6 variants: Ameena, Ameenah, Amena, Aminah▲, Amineh and Amynah." }, { "score": 0.6879218817, "text": "How popular is Aina? Aina is an unusual given name for females but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#41448 out of 150436, Top 28%).(2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is the birth name popularity of Aina for girls. Aina has yet to be listed in the Top 1000 so far.ow popular is Aina? Aina is an unusual given name for females but a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#41448 out of 150436, Top 28%)." }, { "score": 0.6875318289, "text": "In addition, Ayn is a variant form of Anna in the Russian language. The name Ain is a variant form of Ayn. Variant forms share both the origin and meaning of the name Ayn. See also the related categories, finnish and russian. Ayn is not frequently used as a baby girl name. It is not ranked within the top 1000. In 2016, within the family of girl names directly linked to Ayn, Anna was the most commonly used." }, { "score": 0.6703208685, "text": "Meaning of the name Anya. MEANING: Ancient Irish name from the noun aine that means \"splendor, radiance, brilliance.\" Aine is connected with fruitfulness and prosperity.The queen of the Munster fairies was called Aine as was one of the wives of Fionn Mac Cool (read the legend).eaning of the name Anya. MEANING: Ancient Irish name from the noun aine that means \"splendor, radiance, brilliance.\" Aine is connected with fruitfulness and prosperity." }, { "score": 0.6695190072, "text": "Meaning of the name Anya. MEANING: Ancient Irish name from the noun aine that means \"splendor, radiance, brilliance.\" Aine is connected with fruitfulness and prosperity.The queen of the Munster fairies was called Aine as was one of the wives of Fionn Mac Cool (read the legend).isten and learn how to pronounce Anya so you can get the correct pronunciation for this girl name. MEANING: Ancient Irish name from the noun aine that means \"splendor, radiance, brilliance.\" Aine is connected with fruitfulness and prosperity." }, { "score": 0.6653387547, "text": "American Meaning: The name Ena is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Ena is: Passionate or fiery. English Meaning: The name Ena is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Ena is: A names ending in 'ina' or 'ena' used as a nickname." }, { "score": 0.6608871222, "text": "The name Ena is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Ena is: Nobility, well born. A feminine form of Eugene. Irish Meaning: The name Ena is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Ena is: Ardent, graceful. Little fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also feminine form of Aidan: fire." }, { "score": 0.6598883271, "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Ena is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Ena is: Nobility, well born. A feminine form of Eugene. Irish Meaning: The name Ena is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Ena is: Ardent, graceful. Little fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also feminine form of Aidan: fire." }, { "score": 0.6559201479, "text": "Question from a reader: I checked with a Mufti about the name Anaya. What he says is as follows: \"Inaayah is the name. It means \"Care\" as in one who cares and is cared for etc.One who receives special treatment perhaps.As for Anayah I cannot understand how the site says it is from AWN.I do not see any link. checked with a Mufti about the name Anaya. What he says is as follows: \"Inaayah is the name. It means \"Care\" as in one who cares and is cared for etc. One who receives special treatment perhaps." }, { "score": 0.6549299359, "text": "(If you know more meanings of the name and you would like to contribute click here to submit another name meaning). The different meanings of the name Inaya are: The meaning of the name \"Inaya\" is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available..adslot_1 { width: 336px; height: 280px; } @media (max-width:350px) { .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } }.If you know more meanings of the name and you would like to contribute click here to submit another name meaning). The different meanings of the name Inaya are: The meaning of the name \"Inaya\" is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available." }, { "score": 0.6512153745, "text": "In Greek the meaning of the name Ena is: Nobility, well born. A feminine form of Eugene. Irish Meaning: The name Ena is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Ena is: Ardent, graceful. Little fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also feminine form of Aidan: fire." }, { "score": 0.649441421, "text": "Greek Meaning: The name Ena is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Ena is: Nobility, well born. A feminine form of Eugene. Irish Meaning: The name Ena is an Irish baby name." }, { "score": 0.6478291154, "text": "English Meaning: The name Ainsley is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Ainsley is: Derived from the Brittish Nottinghamshire place name of Annesley. From Ann's meadow. From the awe inspiring one's meadow." }, { "score": 0.647369802, "text": "Ena [ena] as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ena is renewer. From Ednah. Also anglicized form of the Gaelic name Eithne or Enat, and short for names ending with -ena (compare Ina)." }, { "score": 0.644942224, "text": "English Meaning: The name Ainsley is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Ainsley is: Derived from the Brittish Nottinghamshire place name of Annesley.From Ann's meadow.From the awe inspiring one's meadow.n English the meaning of the name Ainsley is: Derived from the Brittish Nottinghamshire place name of Annesley. From Ann's meadow. From the awe inspiring one's meadow." }, { "score": 0.6436800957, "text": "Meaning of Ainsley. English name. In English, the name Ainsley means-my own meadow.The name Ainsley originated as an English name. The name Ainsley is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). English Name Meaning-my own meadow.Origin-England.nglish name. In English, the name Ainsley means-my own meadow.The name Ainsley originated as an English name. The name Ainsley is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). English Name Meaning-my own meadow." }, { "score": 0.6435732841, "text": "English Meaning: The name Ainsley is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Ainsley is: Derived from the Brittish Nottinghamshire place name of Annesley.From Ann's meadow. From the awe inspiring one's meadow.n English the meaning of the name Ainsley is: Derived from the Brittish Nottinghamshire place name of Annesley. From Ann's meadow. From the awe inspiring one's meadow." }, { "score": 0.6378133297, "text": "Meaning of Ainslie. English name. In English, the name Ainslie means-my own meadow.The name Ainslie originated as an English name. The name Ainslie is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female).English Name Meaning-my own meadow. Origin-England.eaning of Ainslie. English name. In English, the name Ainslie means-my own meadow.The name Ainslie originated as an English name. The name Ainslie is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). English Name Meaning-my own meadow." }, { "score": 0.6373858452, "text": "English name. In English, the name Ainsley means-my own meadow.The name Ainsley originated as an English name. The name Ainsley is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female).English Name Meaning-my own meadow.nglish name. In English, the name Ainsley means-my own meadow.The name Ainsley originated as an English name. The name Ainsley is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). English Name Meaning-my own meadow." }, { "score": 0.630905509, "text": "A'isha (Arabic: عائشة‎‎, Āʾisha; also spelled A'aisha , Aisha, Aishah, Aicha, Aishat, Aisya, Aisyah, Ayşe, Aiša, Ajša, Aïcha, or Ayesha) is an Arabic female given name which means She who lives or womanly." }, { "score": 0.6303982735, "text": "A'isha (name) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A'isha (Arabic: عائشة‎‎, Āʾisha; also spelled Aisha, Aishah, Aicha, Aishat, Aisya, Aisyah, Ayşe, Aiša, Ajša, Aïcha, or Ayesha) is an Arabic female given name which means She who lives or womanly." }, { "score": 0.6275366545, "text": "Ainsley /ains-ley/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Ainsley) is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ainsley is only hermitage wood or clearing. Originally a place name: from Annesley or Ansley." }, { "score": 0.6261784434, "text": "Ainslie /ain-slie/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Ainslie). Ainslie's root is Old English, and the name Ainslie means only hermitage wood or clearing; hermitage field. Ainslie is a version of Ainsley (Old English).inslie is a rare first name for males but a very popular surname for all people (#23237 out of 150436, Top 15%). (2000 U.S. Census)." }, { "score": 0.6256322861, "text": "Ainslie /ain-slie/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Ainslie). Ainslie's root is Old English, and the meaning of the name Ainslie is only hermitage wood or clearing. Ainslie is an alternate form of Ainsley (Old English). Originally a place name: from Annesley. Compare last name Ailshie.inslie is an uncommonly occurring given name for females but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#23237 out of 150436, Top 15%). (2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is an analysis of the usage of the girl name Ainslie and related names." }, { "score": 0.6252475381, "text": "Ainsley /ains-ley/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Ainsley) is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ainsley is only hermitage wood or clearing. Originally a place name: from Annesley or Ansley.insley is an uncommon first name for women but a very popular surname for all people (#32609 out of 150436, Top 22%)." }, { "score": 0.6200373173, "text": "AI meaning love (愛藍) - Japanese girl name. AIKA meaning love song (愛佳) - Japanese girl name. AIKO meaning child of love (愛子) - Japanese girl name. AIMI meaning love beautiful (愛美) - Japanese girl name. AINA meaning love vegetables (愛菜) - Japanese girl name." }, { "score": 0.6182507873, "text": "Arabic: [ʕɑːˈiːʃɐ], Turkish: [ɑjʃe]. A'isha (Arabic: عائشة‎‎, Āʾisha; also spelled Aisha, Aishah, Aicha, Aishat, Aisya, Aisyah, Ayşe, Aiša, Ajša, Aïcha, or Ayesha) is an Arabic female given name which means She who lives or womanly." }, { "score": 0.6170941591, "text": "Ainsley /ains-ley/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used more regularly as girls' name Ainsley) is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ainsley is only hermitage wood or clearing. Originally a place name: either Annesley or Ansley." }, { "score": 0.6168958545, "text": "Ameenah /amee-nah/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Ameenah is honest, faithful. Ameenah is an alternate form of Amina (Arabic): mother of the prophet Muhammad. Compare last name Amman. Kreatif forms: Aiameenah, Ameean." }, { "score": 0.6162980795, "text": "Ainsley /ains-ley/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Ainsley) is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ainsley is only hermitage wood or clearing. Originally a place name: from Annesley or Ansley.insley is an uncommon first name for women but a very popular surname for all people (#32609 out of 150436, Top 22%). (2000 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the baby name popularity of Ainsley for girls. Ainsley was first listed in 2001 and reached its apex rank of #332 in the U.S. in 2013, and is at #334 presently." }, { "score": 0.6135958433, "text": "Ainsley /ains-ley/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used more regularly as girls' name Ainsley) is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ainsley is only hermitage wood or clearing. Originally a place name: either Annesley or Ansley.insley has 1 feminine form: Ansley. Ainsley is an uncommonly occurring first name for males but a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#32609 out of 150436, Top 22%)." }, { "score": 0.6107695103, "text": "japanese names with their meanings. AI meaning love (愛藍) - Japanese girl name. AIKA meaning love song (愛佳) - Japanese girl name. AIKO meaning child of love (愛子) - Japanese girl name. AIMI meaning love beautiful (愛美) - Japanese girl name. AINA meaning love vegetables (愛菜) - Japanese girl name." }, { "score": 0.6106623411, "text": "AI meaning love (愛藍) - Japanese girl name. AIKA meaning love song (愛佳) - Japanese girl name. AIKO meaning child of love (愛子) - Japanese girl name. AIMI meaning love beautiful (愛美) - Japanese girl name. AINA meaning love vegetables (愛菜) - Japanese girl name. AIRI meaning love jasmine (愛莉) - Japanese girl name." }, { "score": 0.6086320877, "text": "The first comes from the Arabic female name Amina(h) from \"amina\" (أمن) meaning \"feel safe\". The second is also Arabic in origin, from the masculine name Amin (امين) meaning \"truthful, honest, trustworthy\". Both source names are borne by important figures within the Islamic fa" }, { "score": 0.597273767, "text": "Meanings and history of the name Ainsley : | Edit. means meadow in gaelic. From a surname which was from a place name: either Annesley in Nottinghamshire or Ansley in Warwickshire.--------------------. My name is Ainsley and i love my name, its so unique and not many other people have that name.I kind of didn't like it when i was younger because i thought i was the odd one out with the weird name but now i think its a beautiful name and i wouldn't like or suit any other name." }, { "score": 0.5866513252, "text": "Meanings and history of the name Ainsley : | Edit. means meadow in gaelic. From a surname which was from a place name: either Annesley in Nottinghamshire or Ansley in Warwickshire.The place names themselves mean either Anne's field or hermitage field from Old English ansetl hermitage and leah field.eanings and history of the name Ainsley : | Edit. means meadow in gaelic. From a surname which was from a place name: either Annesley in Nottinghamshire or Ansley in Warwickshire." }, { "score": 0.5788254738, "text": "Ileana /ilea-na/ [3 sylls.] as a name for girls is of Norman, Hebrew and Greek origin, and the meaning of the name Ileana is my God has answered; sun ray; tree; Trojan.Ileana is an alternate form of Aileen (Norman): Scottish version of Eileen. Ileana is also a variation of Eliana (Hebrew).Ileana is also used as a derivative of Helen (Greek), Ilana (Hebrew), Iliana (Greek).leana is an alternate form of Aileen (Norman): Scottish version of Eileen. Ileana is also a variation of Eliana (Hebrew). Ileana is also used as a derivative of Helen (Greek), Ilana (Hebrew), Iliana (Greek). Kreatif forms: Ileara." }, { "score": 0.5726616383, "text": "Muslim Girls Names. Aabira is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means passing by, crossing, travelling on a road, one who interprets dreams/books. It is derived from the AIN-B-R root which is used in many places in the Quran. Honest, upright, just, righteous fem. of Adil. It is a unisex name that is directly mentioned in quran means horizons." }, { "score": 0.5674888492, "text": "Some Irish names have [apparent] equivalents in other languages but are not etymologically related. Áine (meaning brightness or radiance) is accepted as Anna and Anne (Áine was the name of an Irish Celtic Goddess). Some Irish given names may have no equivalent in English ( being simply spelt phonetically in an Anglo-Roman way.) During the Irish revival some Irish names which had fallen out of use, were revived. Some names are recent creations— such as the now-common female name Saoirse which is actually the Irish word for freedom and Aisling meaning vision, dream." }, { "score": 0.5673359632, "text": "Abiha or Abeeha (Arabic: ابیھا‎‎), (Urdu: ابیھا‎) is an Arabic name. Its meaning is her father which was given to Fatima az-Zahra by the Islamic prophet Muhammad as Umm Abiha. Read Story of this name." }, { "score": 0.5592936873, "text": "[04] Ainia was an Amazon who was the enemy of Achilles. Due to this, she fought with Penthesilea at Troy, against Achilles. Her name means, Swiftness.. Ainippe. [05] Ainippe was one of the many Amazons who went after Herakles' captains, after Hippolyte was killed, in order to avenge their Queen's death." }, { "score": 0.5592380166, "text": "2 meanings of AINS acronym and AINS abbreviation. Get the Science definition of AINS by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Approved Item Names In Science dictionary category." }, { "score": 0.5527828932, "text": "Aine is both a Sun Goddess, a Moon Goddess, a Goddess of love and fertility, a Faerie Queen, a Goddess of Agriculture and Patroness of Crops. She rules the solar and lunar year. She is very versitile and popular Goddess and assumes many roles so she can be called upon for help concerning many situations and needs." }, { "score": 0.5508913994, "text": "Indian names or Hindu names are listed in Our Baby Namer under Indian, Hindi and Sanskrit. Other names which may be used my Muslim Indians would be listed under Arabic or Iranian names. Indian names generally contain a given name followed by some number of secondary names.aina is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Nai-na. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 4710 in baby name popularity for girls with 30 occurrences." }, { "score": 0.5459939241, "text": "AGOT: African Luo name meaning mountain.. AINSLEY: Scottish habitational surname transferred to unisex forename use, composed of the Old English elements ansetl hermitage and leah meadow, pasture, hence hermitage meadow.." }, { "score": 0.5435734987, "text": "aine, irish love goddess and faerie queen Aine was both a Celtic Goddess and a Faery Queen. She has been known by other names, such as the Lady of the Lake, the Goddess of the Earth and Nature, and the Goddess of Luck and Magick." }, { "score": 0.5279006362, "text": "Irish Mythology. Áine (áine irish: [pronunciation]) ˈaːnʲə is An irish goddess of, summer wealth and. Sovereignty she is associated with midsummer and the, sun and is sometimes represented by a red. mare" }, { "score": 0.5249334574, "text": "Áine (. [áine]) ˈaːnʲə is An irish goddess of, summer wealth and. Sovereignty she is associated with midsummer and the, sun and is sometimes represented by a red. Mare she is the daughter Of, egobail the sister Of aillen/and Or, fennen and is claimed as an ancestor by Multiple irish. families" }, { "score": 0.5150094628, "text": "Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of AINS? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: ainf - aing - ainh - ainn - ainp - ainsee - aint - ainx - aio - aioa" }, { "score": 0.513810873, "text": "It can be either derived from the Old High German word for precious or from the Irish language term a leanbh or child , in English. In Gaelic Alanna as itself is the term for beauty or serenity .It's sometimes considered a feminine form of Alan.Alana is a common female given name coming from the Goidelic / Hawaiian community meaning fair, beautiful, offering. It also is an Ibo given name which means father land or father's land in Igbo language.Alana or Elana can also be the female name in an English translation of Elan which in Hebrew means tree.t can be either derived from the Old High German word for precious or from the Irish language term a leanbh or child , in English. In Gaelic Alanna as itself is the term for beauty or serenity ." }, { "score": 0.5105154514, "text": "Elma /el-ma/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced EL-mah. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Elma is determined protector . Short form of Wilhelmina, and of names ending in-elma such as Fidelma and Anselma. It may also be a blend of Elizabeth and Mary, a feminine form of Elmer, or a variant of Alma." }, { "score": 0.506072998, "text": "Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of AINS? Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: AINF - AING - AINH - AINN - AINP - AINSEE - AINT - AINX - AIO - AIOA" }, { "score": 0.4751237929, "text": "Parenting / Baby Names / I / Boy / Issa. The name Issa is an Egyptian baby name. In Egyptian the meaning of the name Issa is: God saves. The name Issa is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Issa is: The Biblical Jesus is the English language equivalent. A Prophet's name." }, { "score": 0.4658289552, "text": "In her role as a Moon Goddess, Aine was known as a Goddess of Agriculture and a Patroness of Crops and Cattle. An ancient myth exists which describes how Aine sat in her birthing chair on August 1st, and gave birth to a sheave of grain. It is believed that by performing that act, Aine gave the gift of grain to the people of Ireland." }, { "score": 0.4392313659, "text": "Kaye, your name isn't in the Bible as a biblical name. There is some question about the origin of the name \"Kaye\". As a girl's first name, it likely means \"pure\" (rooted in the meaning of the longer name Catherine)." }, { "score": 0.3737052977, "text": "Why doesn't the prefix \"in\" in \"invaluable\" mean \"un-\" as in other adjectives? [duplicate] The reason for the prefix in- in invaluable is that it originally meant simply impossible to value. It has somehow acquired the more specific meaning that it is impossible to value because its value is infinitely high. So there is no illogicality here." }, { "score": 0.3179529309, "text": "Meaning of the Term \"Integrity\". 2.1 In oxford dictionary, the term \"integrity\" means \"the quality of being honest. and having strong moral principles\" or \"the state of being whole and not. divided\". 2.2 The World Customs Organization has defined the term \"integrity\" as." }, { "score": 0.3020017147, "text": "An inch (abbreviated as \"in\") is a unit of length used mainly in the imperial and U.S. customary systems. Other related units of measurement include centimeter, kilometer and foot (plural is feet). One meter is equal to 100 centimeters, and 100 meters make 1 kilometer." }, { "score": 0.2959142625, "text": "An inch (abbreviated as \"in\") is a unit of length used mainly in the imperial and U.S. customary systems. Other related units of measurement include centimeter, kilometer and foot (plural is feet). One meter is equal to 100 centimeters, and 100 meters make 1 kilometer. Learn more about Measurements." }, { "score": 0.29306373, "text": "An inch (abbreviated as \"in\") is a unit of length used mainly in the imperial and U.S. customary systems. Other related units of measurement include centimeter, kilometer and foot (plural is feet). One meter is equal to 100 centimeters, and 100 meters make 1 kilometer. Learn more about Measurements" }, { "score": 0.285333395, "text": "\"Indian\" Is Confusing and Problematic. While the term \"Oriental\" is almost universally frowned upon by Asians, the same isn't true of the term \"Indian\" when used to describe Native Americans. Award-winning writer Sherman Alexie, who is of Spokane and Coeur d'Alene ancestry, has no objection to the term." } ]
effects of lack of protein
[ { "score": 0.7548367381, "text": "7 Adverse Effects of Protein Deficiency | Free Fitness Tips [Health] 7 Adverse Effects of Protein Deficiency | Free Fitness Tips. Protein deficiency is a very serious condition that can lead to muscle wasting, organ failure and more. In this article I will be discussing these adverse effects in greater detail. Fitness, Health, Health, protein deficiency, protein deficiency causes, protein deficiency diseases, protein deficiency signs and symptoms, protein deficiency symptoms, what is protein deficiency, importance of protein, disadvantages of protein, what is p. [ X ]" }, { "score": 0.7135782242, "text": "Weakness and lethargy may be caused by a lack of protein in the diet. Over time, as your stores of protein are depleted, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue, which can lead to a feeling of general weakness or lethargy." } ]
[ { "score": 0.707713604, "text": "Low protein intake can lead to loss of muscle mass. All the cells of your body contain protein, and, because your body needs it every day for a variety of functions and does not store it, you need adequate amounts of protein in your daily diet." }, { "score": 0.7024964094, "text": "Proteins are the essential building blocks of your muscles. For this reason, weight lifters and athletes often consume greater -- than -- average amounts of protein. Similarly, a low protein diet can cause muscle weakness and a loss of your body's lean muscle mass, according to Northwestern University." }, { "score": 0.6637240052, "text": "Bone Health. The amount of protein in your diet can affect your body's calcium levels. A low-protein diet can impact your digestive tract's ability to absorb this mineral, resulting in increased excretion into your urine. With a net effect of too little calcium taken up by your body, your skeletal system can then serve as a backup source, because your cells need to maintain a critical level of this nutrient for proper function." }, { "score": 0.6561650038, "text": "Protein deficiency falls into two categories: Kwashiorkor protein deficiency, which occurs when you consume too little protein but still consume enough calories, and Maramus protein deficiency, which occurs when you consume too little protein as well as too few calories." }, { "score": 0.6552384496, "text": "Eating too little protein can lead to hunger and cravings, as well as feelings of tiredness, and may cause hair loss. Refer to the table below to find out how much protein your body needs every day. 1200 cals. 120 to 420 cals. 30 to 105g. 1500 cals." }, { "score": 0.6395925283, "text": "Other negative side effects of high protein diet are developing cancer, reduced ketosis, and gout. Cancer can be developed from eating too much animal proteins. Most high protein dieters resort to eating beef. No matter how lean the beef cut is, it is still laced with fats that are in between the muscle fibers." }, { "score": 0.6375956535, "text": "Protein isn't particularly dangerous, but an over-consumption of protein may be associated with: 1 Weight gain. 2 Intestinal irritation. 3 Dehydration. 4 Seizures. 5 Increase in liver enzymes. 6 Nutritional deficiencies. 7 Risk of heart disease. 8 Kidney problems.rotein isn't particularly dangerous, but an over-consumption of protein may be associated with: 1 Weight gain. 2 Excess calories from excess protein may be stored as body fat. 3 Intestinal irritation." }, { "score": 0.6234303117, "text": "Other Effects of Dietary Protein. In one of the stranger studies, males eating 3.0 g/kg of bodyweight (1.4 g/lb of bodyweight) improved reaction times more so than those eating 1.5 g/kg of bodyweight (0.7 g/lb of bodyweight), over a 3 week period." }, { "score": 0.6215153337, "text": "Poor dietary intake is probably the principal cause of protein deficiency in. liver disease. Decreased dietary intake is caused by symptoms of anorexia. and nausea in association with liver disease, often compounded by minimal. appeal of the special diets, restricted in salt and protein, that are prescribed." }, { "score": 0.618768096, "text": "In addition to becoming protein deficient, vegetarians can also become deficient in vitamin B. Here are some symptoms associated with general B complex deficiency: 1 Acne. 2 Anemia will cause fatigue. 3 Bad breath. 4 High cholesterol. 5 Poor circulation. 6 Constipation. 7 Dark tongue color. 8 Depression and anxiety." }, { "score": 0.6181095243, "text": "As a result of starvation or a protein-deficient diet, blood protein concentration A. increases and water accumulates in tissue spaces. B. decreases and water accumulates in tissue spaces. C. increases and water accumulates in cells. D. decreases and water accumulates in cells. E. increases and the person urinates uncontrollably." }, { "score": 0.6177247167, "text": "A classic sign of severe protein malnutrition is a distended belly that results from weakened abdominal muscles and swollen intestines. The abdominal cavity fills with fluids, leading to a pregnant belly look." }, { "score": 0.6174942255, "text": "Protein-energy malnutrition has two severe forms: marasmus (a lack of protein and calories) and kwashiorkor (a lack of just protein). Common micronutrient deficiencies include: a lack of iron, iodine, and vitamin A.During pregnancy, due to the body's increased need, deficiencies may become more common.rotein-energy malnutrition has two severe forms: marasmus (a lack of protein and calories) and kwashiorkor (a lack of just protein). Common micronutrient deficiencies include: a lack of iron, iodine, and vitamin A." }, { "score": 0.6172240376, "text": "Protein isn't particularly dangerous, but an over-consumption of protein may be associated with: 1 Weight gain. 2 Excess calories from excess protein may be stored as body fat. 3 Intestinal irritation.4 Too much protein has been linked to constipation, diarrhea and/or excessive gas. 5 Dehydration.rotein isn't particularly dangerous, but an over-consumption of protein may be associated with: 1 Weight gain. 2 Excess calories from excess protein may be stored as body fat. 3 Intestinal irritation." }, { "score": 0.6032246351, "text": "The list of effects from poor nutrition and lack of exercise is seemingly endless. Both generally result in considerable weight gain, which puts you at risk for a myriad of health problems, whether physical, mental or emotional." }, { "score": 0.602055788, "text": "There are two main types of undernutrition: protein-energy malnutrition and dietary deficiencies. Protein-energy malnutrition has two severe forms: marasmus (a lack of protein and calories) and kwashiorkor (a lack of just protein).Common micronutrient deficiencies include: a lack of iron, iodine, and vitamin A.During pregnancy, due to the body's increased need, deficiencies may become more common.rotein-energy malnutrition has two severe forms: marasmus (a lack of protein and calories) and kwashiorkor (a lack of just protein)." }, { "score": 0.5923528075, "text": "Protein can also play a role in weight loss. Research shows that eating adequate amounts of protein may help prevent muscle loss, promote satiety (fullness), and increase thermogenesis, which helps the body digest and absorb nutrients." }, { "score": 0.58753407, "text": "Kidney function can be compromised by too much protein in older people and in patients with kidney disease; also, a high protein intake may adversely affect calcium balance and contribute to mineral loss from bone.est Answer: The previous poster is correct. I found this: Excessive protein consumption may be associated with health risks." }, { "score": 0.5761239529, "text": "High protein diets can cause loss of: 1 Water Weight-weight loss from high protein diets has been found to be mainly water loss. 2 Calcium-calcium can be lost for a variety of reasons: 3 The diuretic response of a high protein diet actually creates a loss of essential minerals, like calcium, from your body." }, { "score": 0.5703234673, "text": "Low levels of dietary protein can cause bloating. Photo Credit AnaBGD/iStock/Getty Images. Protein binds with your cells to help keep water inside of them. The National Academies Press reports that low levels of dietary protein can cause bloating of the extremities and the stomach as your cells release their water." }, { "score": 0.5585149527, "text": "DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May result in nervousness, insomnia, skin eruptions, loss of muscular control, anemia, mouth disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm & leg cramps, loss of hair, slow learning, and water retention.IOTIN. IMPORTANCE: Aids in the utilization of protein, folic acid, Pantothenic acid, and Vitamin B-12, promotes healthy hair. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: May lead to depression, extreme exhaustion, drowsiness, loss of appetite, muscle pain, grayish skin color." }, { "score": 0.5578671098, "text": "Excess protein: The body uses excess protein for energy. However, as protein is burned for energy, it produces sulfate. Sulfate increases the amount of calcium excreted in the urine, which decreases the amount of calcium in the body. Excess protein creates excess sulfate." }, { "score": 0.5565017462, "text": "The patient's weight loss, weakness, fatigue, low-grade fever, and symptoms of vitamin deficiencies (peripheral neuropathy, edema) suggest an underlying diagnosis of malnutrition with protein loss. The question remains as to the etiology of her malnutrition. Possible categories (with significant overlap) include:" }, { "score": 0.5541164279, "text": "Eating too much protein can overwork these organs, contributing to existing disease. In a study of women published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2003, participants with mild kidney impairment saw increased damage with high protein intake, particularly after eating meat.ating too much protein can overwork these organs, contributing to existing disease. In a study of women published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2003, participants with mild kidney impairment saw increased damage with high protein intake, particularly after eating meat." }, { "score": 0.5523172617, "text": "Protein–energy wasting (PEW) is the state of decreased body stores of protein and energy fuels (that is, body protein and fat masses). This abnormality is often associated with diminished functional capacity related to metabolic stresses." }, { "score": 0.5430588722, "text": "Note that the reverse is not true: if a study had keto dieters losing lean mass, that doesn't imply that protein intake was inadequate. Other factors, such as mineral intake [23], and activity level and type [24] can effect muscle retention." }, { "score": 0.5388537645, "text": "Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, and stomach discomfort are symptoms manifested from specific protein food allergy, for e.g. cow milk protein allergy in an infant and child. Cough, wheezing, breathlessness, asthma sneezing and watery nasal discharge are some of the protein allergy symptoms." }, { "score": 0.5350029469, "text": "Protein may be particularly beneficial for getting rid of stubborn abdominal fat during weight loss. A study published in Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases in 2009 found that high protein diets resulted in greater total fat and abdominal fat losses than diets with a more standard amount of protein, helping people to improve their body composition as they lose weight. (res 2) Not getting enough protein may make you more likely to lose muscle instead of fat. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2013 found that low protein consumption while on a weight-loss diet is associated with increased loss of muscle and other lean tissue. (res 3)" }, { "score": 0.5333521962, "text": "Due either to real or perceived deficiency/lack of insulin, the body=s ability to use the glucose, protein, and fat are affected. Note: Metabolic consequences of Type 1 and 2 diabetes are different, however, the metabolic effects are more severe in Type 1." }, { "score": 0.5197323561, "text": "The basic nutrients of food include arbohydrate, protein, fat, vitaminc s, and. minerals. The body needs to obtain appropriate vitamins from food to maintain. the normal functions of cells and organs, to promote growth and development. and. Any lack or excess amounts of vitamins in the body may have side effects." }, { "score": 0.5112270117, "text": "In well-controlled diabetes, large amounts of protein have the potential to contribute to glucose production, minimally increase blood glucose levels, and require additional small amounts of insulin. If protein is decreased, insulin doses may also need to be decreased." }, { "score": 0.4579893053, "text": "Lack of motivation, Lightheadedness, Memory problems and Poor concentration. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms lack of motivation, lightheadedness, memory problems and poor concentration including Depression (Adult), Medication reaction or side-effect, and Alzheimer's disease." }, { "score": 0.4501540065, "text": "Most likely, the lack of reported DIM side effects reflects a lack of studies large enough to find side effects (or a lack of studies that were designed to look for side effects); it probably does not indicate that DIM really is free of side effects." }, { "score": 0.4191194177, "text": "Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is an uncommon disorder characterized by an allergic reaction to food that affects the gastrointestinal system. The term enterocolitis specially refers to inflammation of the small and large intestines. Individuals with FPIES experience profuse vomiting and diarrhea that usually develops approximately 2-6 hours after ingesting the offending food. Additional symptoms include pallor, lethargy, and abdominal swelling (distension)." } ]
warrant classification
[ { "score": 0.5622205734, "text": "Search Warrant – A search warrant is a warrant to search a specific premise for evidence of a specific crime. The warrant is issued by the judge if he or she finds probable cause to believe such evidence exists based on information presented by police to the judge in the form of a signed and sworn affidavit." }, { "score": 0.5790715218, "text": "Warrant for Arrest – An arrest warrant is issued by a judge or magistrate and must be supported by a signed and sworn affidavit showing probable cause that a specific crime has been committed, and that the person(s) named in the warrant committed said crime." }, { "score": 0.5175324678, "text": "Third-party warrant is a derivative issued by the holders of the underlying instrument. Suppose a company issues warrants which give the holder the right to convert each warrant into one share at $500. This warrant is company-issued." }, { "score": 0.5491064191, "text": "Alias Warrant - An Alias Warrant is issued when the subject fails to appear in court for a scheduled court date before any plea has been entered or fails to respond to a citation in person or by mail. Failure to appear is an added charge. Bench Warrant -A Bench Warrant is a variant of the arrest warrant." }, { "score": 0.5486789942, "text": "Traditional warrants are issued in conjunction with a bond (known as a warrant-linked bond) and represent the right to acquire shares in the entity issuing the bond. In other words, the writer of a traditional warrant is also the issuer of the underlying instrument." } ]
[ { "score": 0.5605267882, "text": "Cash Bonds, Warrants. Warrant of Arrest: This is an order in writing, issued and signed by a Judge or Magistrate, stating the substance of the Complaint and directed to a proper officer, commanding him to arrest the Defendant. (Section 15-7-4, Code of Alabama, 1975)." }, { "score": 0.5539968014, "text": "Quick Answer. An alias warrant is an order of the court issued when the defendant has failed to appear, usually to enter a plea. According to the City of Fort Worth, the alias warrant is one of two types the court may issue; it is typically issued in misdemeanor cases. Continue Reading." }, { "score": 0.5503386855, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Warrant Coverage'. An agreement between a company and its shareholders whereby the company issues warrants equal to some percentage of the dollar amount of the shareholder's investment. Next Up." }, { "score": 0.548899889, "text": "CLASS 6(B) WARRANT EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS. To: Brokers, dealers, commercial banks, trust companies and other nominees. (\"Broker/Dealer\") Re: Exercise of Class 6(B) Warrants of Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. This letter is intended to instruct Broker/Dealers regarding the exercise of. Common Stock Purchase Warrants, dated August 23, 2004 (each a \"Warrant\"), issued by." }, { "score": 0.5415518284, "text": "Subdivision (a) is amended to make explicit the fact that a warrant may issue upon the basis of an information only if the information or an affidavit filed with the information shows probable cause for the arrest." }, { "score": 0.5376842022, "text": "A Warrant Officer is a highly specialized expert and trainer in his or her career field. make up the technical foundation of the U.S. Army. Throughout their careers, they specialize in a technical area like intelligence, aviation, or military police. A Warrant Officer is a highly specialized expert and trainer in his or her career field." }, { "score": 0.5303857923, "text": "What is a Tax Warrant. A tax warrant, also referred to as a Tax Lien or Judgment, is issued administratively by the New York State Tax Department and has the same force and effect as a money judgment within New York State. The tax warrant serves two primary purposes." }, { "score": 0.5204635859, "text": "Warrant/Capias Activity Codes (on LQY9 and warrant screens) The following codes are used on the LQY9 Case Transaction screen to signify warrant, capias, summons, attachment, commitment, subpoena, and other activities. The codes followed or preceded by a slash {/} are always followed or preceded by another code." }, { "score": 0.5198526978, "text": "Best Answer: a warrant officer is between the ranks of the enlisted and the officers. Most warrant officers are mustangs meaning they were enlisted at one point and moved to a billet that required them to to hold an officers position but were too old to go through ocs to gain commisioned officers status." }, { "score": 0.5171892047, "text": "Warrant Officers are technical and tactical leaders who specialize, throughout an entire career, in a specific technical area. The Army Warrant Officer Corps comprises less than three percent of the total Army. Although small in size, the level of responsibility is immense and only the very best will be selected to become Warrant Officers." }, { "score": 0.5163382292, "text": "As described above, sergeant-major is not a rank, but an appointment held by a warrant officer class 1 or warrant officer class 2. Regardless of the appointment, the warrant officer is addressed as \"sergeant-major\". The rank was established in the Union Defence Forces in 1913, in a single class." }, { "score": 0.5156878233, "text": "WARRANT OFFICER 1 (WO1). Appointed by warrant from the Secretary of the Army. WO1s are technically and tactically focused officers who perform the primary duties of technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and advisor. CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 2 (CW2). Upon promotion to this rank, Chief Warrant Officers receive commissions by the President of the United States." }, { "score": 0.5143345594, "text": "( 4 ) ( a ) A search warrant may be issued by a judge of a superior court or a court of limited jurisdiction under Titles 3 , 35 , and 35A RCW to a code enforcement official of the state or of any county , city , or other political subdivision for the purpose of allowing the inspection of any specified dwelling unit and premises to determine the ..." }, { "score": 0.4981507659, "text": "The Royal Australian Navy rank of warrant officer (WO) is the navy's only rank appointed by warrant and is equivalent to the army's WO1 (the equivalent of the army's WO2 rank is a chief petty officer).hief warrant officers are commissioned by the President of the United States and take the same oath as regular commissioned officers. They may be technical experts with a long service as enlisted personnel, or direct entrants, notably for U.S. Army helicopter pilots." }, { "score": 0.4947203994, "text": "(d) Only the specifically described property or items set forth in a search warrant issued under Subdivision (10) of Article 18.02 of this code or property, items or contraband enumerated in Subdivisions (1) through (9) or in Subdivision (12) of Article 18.02 of this code may be seized." }, { "score": 0.4940716624, "text": "US Army Warrant Officers are self aware and adaptive technical experts, combat leaders, trainers, and advisors who specialize, throughout an entire career, in a specific technical area. The US Army Warrant Officer cohort comprises less than three percent of the total US Army strength.. US Navy E-7 or higher (E-5 and E-6 must request a waiver to be enrolled in Phase 1 DL. Verification of operational leadership schooling/ experience must be provided to the Registrar, US Army Warrant Officer Career College (USAWOCC)." }, { "score": 0.492598772, "text": "(1) VA contracting officers, regardless of grade level, who currently hold Level I, Level II, or Level III (Senior Limited or Unlimited) warrants are considered as having met the Experience, Education, and Training requirements for their respective warrant levels." }, { "score": 0.4925451577, "text": "United States Army Warrant Officers Association USAWOA Formal delineation and recognition of Warrant Officer Field Grade Status BLUF: warrant officers in the MP WOAC recently initiated a discussion to have Army protocol policy changed, to clearly identify levels of precedence for field grade and company grade level warrant officers." }, { "score": 0.4907795787, "text": "In the United States Navy, the chief warrant officer (CWO) rank is a technical specialist who directs specific activities essential to the proper operation of the ship, which also require commissioned officer authority. Navy CWOs serve in 30 specialties covering five categories. WO1 is an officer appointed by warrant with the requisite authority pursuant to assignment level and position given by the Secretary of the Army. CW2s and above are commissioned officers with the requisite authority pursuant to assignment level and position as given by the President of the United States." }, { "score": 0.4897725582, "text": "(Redirected from Chief Warrant Officer) Chief Warrant Officer is a military rank used by the United States Armed Forces, the Canadian Armed Forces, the Pakistan Air Force, the Israel Defense Forces, the South African National Defence Force, the Lebanese Armed Forces and, since 2012, the Singapore Armed Forces." }, { "score": 0.4844788313, "text": "The Royal Australian Navy rank of warrant officer (WO) is the navy's only rank appointed by warrant and is equivalent to the army's WO1 (the equivalent of the army's WO2 rank is a chief petty officer)." }, { "score": 0.4825614989, "text": "the original classification authority. A concise reason for classification that cites the applicable classification categories in section 1.4 of the Order. Declassification instructions. 32 CFR Part 2001, \"Classified National Security Information\" §2001.21(a) states: At the time of . original classification, the followin. shall be indicated…" }, { "score": 0.4781038165, "text": "The United States Patent Classification is an official patent classification system used and maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It has been replaced with the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) as of January 1, 2013." }, { "score": 0.4778880775, "text": "The National Motor Freight Classification ® (NMFC ®) is a standard that provides a comparison of commodities moving in interstate, intrastate and foreign commerce. It is similar in concept to the groupings or grading systems that serve many other industries. Commodities are grouped into one of 18 classes—from a low of class 50 to a high of class 500—based on an evaluation of four transportation characteristics: density, handling, stowability and liability." }, { "score": 0.4746157527, "text": "The Royal Australian Air Force rank of warrant officer (WOFF) is the air force's only rank appointed by warrant and is equivalent to both the army's WO1 and the navy's WO (the equivalent of the army's WO2 is a flight sergeant)." }, { "score": 0.4671718478, "text": "FINGERPRINT CLASSIFICATION-the sorting of fingerprints into file groups so that a file may be set upon the basis of fingerprints alone." }, { "score": 0.4664273262, "text": "The Part Submission Warrant or PSW is a document that summaries the whole 'PPAP Package'. It needs to include details such as: 1) Part Information." }, { "score": 0.4650743604, "text": "Exemption 1. Exemption 1 protects national security. information that is properly classified. under the procedural and substantive. requirements of the current Executive. Order on classification. Proper classification markings are:" }, { "score": 0.4606214762, "text": "The Part Submission Warrant or PSW is a document that summaries the whole 'PPAP Package'. It needs to include details such as:" }, { "score": 0.4602968097, "text": "Part Submission Warrant (PSW) This is the form that summarizes the whole PPAP package. This form shows the reason for submission (design change, annual revalidation, etc.) and the level of documents submitted to the customer." }, { "score": 0.4583486319, "text": "Device Classification. There are 3 FDA regulatory classifications of medical devices: Class I, Class II and Class III. The classifications are assigned by the risk the medical device presents to the patient and the level of regulatory control the FDA determines is needed to legally market the device.here are 3 FDA regulatory classifications of medical devices: Class I, Class II and Class III. The classifications are assigned by the risk the medical device presents to the patient and the level of regulatory control the FDA determines is needed to legally market the device." }, { "score": 0.4583384395, "text": "US Military Careers. Navy Chief Warrant Officers (CWOs) are technical specialists who perform knowledge and skills of a specific occupational field at a level beyond what is normally expected a Master Chief Petty Officer (E-9). The Chief Warrant Officer Program provides commissioning opportunities to qualified senior enlisted personnel. Chief Petty Officers (E-7 through E-9), and E-6 personnel who are selection board eligible for E-7 may qualify for this program." }, { "score": 0.4556482434, "text": "The FDA classification of medical devices is based upon classifications for devices currently legally marketed in the United States. The FDA determines the device classification by the device intended use and risk the device presents to the patient.here are 3 FDA regulatory classifications of medical devices: Class I, Class II and Class III. The classifications are assigned by the risk the medical device presents to the patient and the level of regulatory control the FDA determines is needed to legally market the device." }, { "score": 0.4539017677, "text": "Medical devices are classified into Class I, II, and III. Regulatory control increases from Class I to Class III. The device classification regulation defines the regulatory requirements for a general device type. Most Class I devices are exempt from Premarket Notification 510(k); most Class II devices require Premarket Notification 510(k); and most Class III devices require Premarket Approval." }, { "score": 0.4522993863, "text": "The question of classification of such an accessory is whether the hose should take on the classification of the device (which could be Class IIa or higher). The directive states that accessories can be classified in their own right. In the case of the flexible hose, this would considered a Class I product." }, { "score": 0.4515836835, "text": "chief warrant officer 3 (cw3) Advanced-level experts who perform the primary duties that of a technical and tactical leader. They provide direction, guidance, resources, assistance, and supervision necessary for subordinates to perform their duties." }, { "score": 0.4510257244, "text": "Chief Warrant Officer 5 Army Military Ranks. Chief Warrant Officer 5 (CW5) is the fifth, and highest, Warrant Officer rank in the Unites States Army. They are officially appointed by the the Secretary of the Army. They are master level experts of both the technical and tactical aspects of leading in their field." }, { "score": 0.4374521971, "text": "As the classification level increases, the risk to the patient and FDA regulatory control increase. Accessories to medical devices, devices used with a medical device to support use of the device, are considered the same classification as the medical device.The FDA classification of medical devices is based upon classifications for devices currently legally marketed in the United States.The FDA determines the device classification by the device intended use and risk the device presents to the patient.here are 3 FDA regulatory classifications of medical devices: Class I, Class II and Class III. The classifications are assigned by the risk the medical device presents to the patient and the level of regulatory control the FDA determines is needed to legally market the device." }, { "score": 0.4159674644, "text": "The following information is provided as general guidance to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of medical devices. The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) is the division of FDA responsible for medical device regulation.here are 3 FDA regulatory classifications of medical devices: Class I, Class II and Class III. The classifications are assigned by the risk the medical device presents to the patient and the level of regulatory control the FDA determines is needed to legally market the device." }, { "score": 0.3765444458, "text": "The Bosniak classification is a well-accepted means of triaging renal incidentalomas. Lesions at category IIF or greater require serial monitoring or surgery. Benign or probably benign ovarian cysts 3 cm or smaller in premenopausal women or 1 cm or smaller in postmenopausal women do not require follow-up." }, { "score": 0.3740142584, "text": "Limited Lifetime Warranty. Collections included in the Limited Lifetime Warranty are – Tweed Belting, Hudson Belting, Intensity Belting, Wings Belting. Hartmann products are rigorously tested to ensure that the travel products you trust meet stringent standards." }, { "score": 0.3578888476, "text": "Here are some basics of the military retirement pay system that you should be aware of: For Navy and Marine Corps members, you are considered to be a retired member for classification purposes if you are an enlisted member with over 30 years service, or a warrant or commissioned officer." }, { "score": 0.3500312567, "text": "If you're interested in a used car with a warranty, you might find yourself trying to decide between two different types of plans: a manufacturer-backed certified pre-owned (CPO) warranty or an aftermarket extended warranty, which is usually a third-party warranty sold by dealers to drivers who buy used cars that don't include a manufacturer warranty." }, { "score": 0.3492895067, "text": "Abstract. Bosniak classification type 1 renal cysts (Type 1 renal cyst) are very frequent and do not warrant follow-up or specific treatment. Here, however, we report two cases of type 1 renal cysts that were diagnosed on CT, US, and gross pathology without a solid component." }, { "score": 0.3238561153, "text": "Seaweed form. Until recently seaweeds were described as simple plants that grew in the sea, but scientists now consider that the structure and chemistry of seaweeds is so distinctive that they warrant their own classification.eaweed form. Until recently seaweeds were described as simple plants that grew in the sea, but scientists now consider that the structure and chemistry of seaweeds is so distinctive that they warrant their own classification." }, { "score": 0.2677422166, "text": "Up until the late 20th century Bacteria and Archaea were part of the same domain and were viewed as very similar organisms. It wasn't until Carl Woese identified in 1977 that Archaea were unique enough to warrant their own classification with their own phylogenetic ancestry." }, { "score": 0.2651464939, "text": "Children with ADHD are more likely than other children to have additional psychiatric conditions, including anxiety disorders. Research published in 1999 noted this relationship. A 2001 study suggested that ADHD with anxiety might warrant classification as an ADHD \"subtype.\"." }, { "score": 0.2260098755, "text": "Ahlstrom TenderGuard(TM) is a high performance, cost-effective fabric for medical apparel, offering the same protection as regular treated SMS but with added comfort. It's softness and comfort is comparable to spunlace nonwovens but with the added benefits of lower basis weights and better protection." } ]
what is a sar system
[ { "score": 0.6561412215, "text": "Synthetic-aperture radar. Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) is a form of radar that is used to create two- or three-dimensional images of objects, such as landscapes. SAR uses the motion of the radar antenna over a target region to provide finer spatial resolution than conventional beam-scanning radars. SAR is typically mounted on a moving platform, such as an aircraft or spacecraft, and has its origins in an advanced form of Side-looking airborne radar (SLAR)." } ]
[ { "score": 0.604927659, "text": "SAR Support and Implementation Project is to describe the all-crimes approach to gathering, processing, reporting, analyzing, and sharing of suspicious activity (SAR process) by the local police agency. This report and its recommendations are important for establishing national guidelines that will allow for the timely sharing" }, { "score": 0.5922065973, "text": "What is a 'Stock Appreciation Right - SAR'. A stock appreciation right (SAR) is a bonus given to employees that is equal to the appreciation of company stock over an established time period." }, { "score": 0.5878676772, "text": "Suspicious activity report. In financial regulation, a Suspicious Activity Report (or SAR) is a report made by a financial institution about suspicious or potentially suspicious activity." }, { "score": 0.5773643255, "text": "In financial regulation, a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) or Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) is a report made by a financial institution about suspicious or potentially suspicious activity." }, { "score": 0.5634921789, "text": "Sar (river), Galicia, Spain; Sar, Tibet, Tibet Autonomous Region of China; SAR may refer to: General acronyms. Search and rescue; Sample of Anonymised Records, based on the UK Population Census; Student Aid Report, sent to applicants of U.S. federal financial aid for college; Special administrative region, of the People's Republic of China; Business" }, { "score": 0.5620023012, "text": "1 Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR), was invented in the early 1950s at Goodyear Aircraft Corporation. 2 Using a single, relatively small antenna carried on an aircraft, a SAR combines the returns from each pulse to produce a high-resolution image of the terrain comparable to that obtained by a much larger antenna.he most widespread radar device today is undoubtedly the radar gun. This is a small, usually hand-held, Doppler radar that is used to detect the speed of objects, especially trucks and automobiles in regulating traffic, as well as pitched baseballs, runners, or other moving objects in sports." }, { "score": 0.5558404922, "text": "Specific Absorption Rate. (SAR) The Specific Absorption Rate is defined as the RF power absorbed per unit of mass of an object, and is measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg). The SAR describes the potential for heating of the patient's tissue due to the application of the RF energy necessary to produce the MR signal." }, { "score": 0.5518678427, "text": "DEFINITION of 'Suspicious Activity Report - SAR' One of the tools provided under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) as a way of monitoring suspicious activities that would not ordinarily be flagged under other reports (such as the currency transaction report.)" }, { "score": 0.5448524952, "text": "SAR in Israel is the responsibility of the IDF Home Front Command Search and Rescue (SAR). The unit was established at its current strength in 1984, combining all the specialist units that were involved with SAR until that time." }, { "score": 0.5399819016, "text": "A SAR operation is initiated by the Search Director, generally as a result. of receiving a distress signal, either directly from a distressed vessel or aircraft, or via. a third party. It is probable that the distress signal will be passed via other agencies. which have an operational role in SAR." }, { "score": 0.5331623554, "text": "Radarsat 2 RADARSAT does not have these limitations. At the heart of RADARSAT is an advanced radar sensor called Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). SAR is a microwave instrument that sends pulsed signals to Earth and processes the received reflected pulses.adarsat 9 RADARSAT Image Products RADARSAT image products are designed to provide operational and scientific users with a wide range of resolution, format and delivery options. For each RADARSAT beam mode, image products are processed to different levels of geometric accuracy and radiometric calibration." }, { "score": 0.5324034691, "text": "The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is a community-based team that coordinates the response to victims of sexual assault. The team may be comprised of SANE's, hospital personnel, sexual assault victim advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and any other professionals with a specific interest in assisting victims of sexual assault." }, { "score": 0.5240501165, "text": "What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness that first infected people in parts of Asia, North America, and Europe in late 2002 and early 2003." }, { "score": 0.5230810642, "text": "Student Accounts Receivable. SAR is responsible for preparing tuition statements, issuing student account bills, collecting outstanding tuition and/or loan balances, generating 1098-T Tax forms, and addressing students' questions related to their student account activity." }, { "score": 0.5214858055, "text": "4. warrants A stock appreciation rights (SAR) plan is usu-ally set up in conjunction with the ESOP employer stock purchase transaction for the benefit of either the selling shareholder or the key executives of the company (or both). This discussion summarizes (1) how a SAR plan is used in an ESOP transaction, (2) how SARs are" }, { "score": 0.5193289518, "text": "Sedra Emergency Response (SER) is responsible for coordinating the response to a disaster or an attack on the planet that threatens Sedra's populace. Sedra Environmental Security (SES) is an agency responsible for monitoring the Sedran environment and ecosystem." }, { "score": 0.5167238712, "text": "A SARSEP is a simplified employee pension (SEP) plan set up before 1997 that includes a salary reduction arrangement. Under a SARSEP, employees can choose to have the employer contribute part of their pay to their Individual Retirement Account or Annuity (IRA) set up under the SARSEP (a SEP-IRA). A SARSEP may not be established after 1996. However, for SARSEPs set up before 1997, eligible employees hired after 1996 must be allowed to participate. See IRS Publication 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business (SEP, SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans) for detailed information." }, { "score": 0.516030252, "text": "Search and Rescue (SAR) is one of the Coast Guard's oldest missions. Minimizing the loss of life, injury, property damage or loss by rendering aid to persons in distress and property in the maritime environment has always been a Coast Guard priority.oast Guard SAR response involves multi-mission stations, cutters, aircraft and boats linked by communications networks. The National SAR Plan divides the U.S. area of SAR responsibility into internationally recognized inland and maritime SAR regions. The Coast Guard is the Maritime SAR Coordinator." }, { "score": 0.5156884193, "text": "VA Circular 26-13-14: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Sta ff Appraisal Reviewer (SAR) Online Training Program. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this circular is to announce the VA SAR online training program known as the SAR Training and Performance Support System (SAR TPSS)." }, { "score": 0.5134805441, "text": "What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that was first reported in Asia in February 2003. Over the next few months, the illness spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe and Asia." }, { "score": 0.5134248734, "text": "What is SARS?Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a recently identified respiratory illness that first infected people in parts of Asia, North America, and Europe in late 2002 and early 2003. SARS is caused by a previously unknown type of coronavirus, a family of viruses that often cause mild to moderate upper respiratory illness, such as the common cold." }, { "score": 0.5094227195, "text": "SARS: Introduction. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an infectious respiratory condition with initial outbreak in February 2003. The symptoms of SARS start out with flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, headache, etc.) and then either the disease subsides or it progresses to a severe respiratory phase. This second phase is dangerous and can lead to acute respiratory failure and death." }, { "score": 0.5089818239, "text": "BREAKING DOWN 'Suspicious Activity Report - SAR'. SARs and the other provisions of the BSA are part of the anti-money laundering statutes and regulations, which have become much stricter since 2001. The customer is not told that an SAR is being filed." }, { "score": 0.5043456554, "text": "SART. 1. Sexual assault response team, see there. 2. Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology A voluntary organization dedicated to improving the quality and delivery of assisted reproduction. 3." }, { "score": 0.5037864447, "text": "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Last Reviewed: October 2011. What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that was first reported in Asia in February 2003. Over the next few months, the illness spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. By late July 2003, no new cases were being reported and the outbreak was considered contained." }, { "score": 0.5031812191, "text": "What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness that first infected people in parts of Asia, North America, and Europe in late 2002 and early 2003. SARS is caused by a type of coronavirus, which can cause mild to moderate upper respiratory illness, such as the common cold. This virus is known as SARS-CoV." }, { "score": 0.5030328631, "text": "In this issue, let's focus on the number two cause of SAR system activation: the flight plan. The flight plan is sometimes filled out in haste and with little thought as to how crucial it may become a few hours later. But aviators should realize that it circulates deep within NAV CANADA after it is submitted." }, { "score": 0.5002371073, "text": "Consider an airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging perpendicular to the aircraft velocity as shown in the figure below. Typically, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) produces a two-dimensional (2-D) image." }, { "score": 0.4995562434, "text": "SARE is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's primary means of studying and publicizing sustainable agriculture practices. Through a competitive grants program that works with teams of agencies, organizations, and farmers, more than 3000 (8/23/07) projects have been implemented." }, { "score": 0.4994283617, "text": "SARMS stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. These androgens are a type of hormones that tie to cellular androgen receptor (involved in a compound signal operation and leads to better expression of specific genes)." }, { "score": 0.4957879782, "text": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that was first reported in Asia in February 2003. Over the next few months the illness spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia." }, { "score": 0.4929848611, "text": "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) SARS is a respiratory disease with symptoms ranging from mild illness to severe pneumonia. Signs and symptoms include fever (over 100.4° Fahrenheit) with cough or shortness of breath generally appearing from two to ten days after exposure." }, { "score": 0.4911144078, "text": "SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is a viral disease caused by the SARS Coronavirus. It's actually a very severe form of pneumonia. Its symptoms resemble influenza, causing things like aches, fever, coughing, sore throat etc." }, { "score": 0.4872455597, "text": "The term SARMS stands for \"Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators .\" Androgens are a class of hormones that serve as ligands that bind to cellular androgen receptors. The androgen receptor is involved in a complex signal transduction pathway that ultimately results in greater expression of specific genes." }, { "score": 0.4871892333, "text": "What does SAR stand for? What does SAR mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: SAR." }, { "score": 0.4863348305, "text": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease of zoonotic origin caused by the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV)." }, { "score": 0.4836365581, "text": "SARS is an infectious respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. The first cases of SARS occurred in late 2002 in the Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China. Because of the contagious nature of the disease and the delayed public-health response, the epidemic spread rapidly around the globe." }, { "score": 0.4820190072, "text": "A société à responsabilité limitée (short SARL and variations thereof; lit. society with limited responsibility) is a form of private company that exists mainly in French-speaking countries, such as France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macau, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, Lebanon, and Switzerland (where it is also designated by GmbH or Sagl)." }, { "score": 0.481980443, "text": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that first emerged in China in November 2002, and later spread through international travel to 29 countries worldwide causing large outbreaks in Hong Kong; Taiwan; Singapore; Hanoi, Vietnam; and Toronto, Canada." }, { "score": 0.4780721664, "text": "The SAR rules require that a SAR be electronically filed through the BSA E-Filing System no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the initial detection of facts that may constitute a basis for filing a SAR. If no suspect can be identified, the time period for filing a SAR is extended to 60 days. Organizations may need to review transaction or account activity for a customer to determine whether to file a SAR. The need for a review of customer activity or transactions does not necessarily indicate a need to file a SAR." }, { "score": 0.4756807983, "text": "The Society For Assisted Reproductive Technology. SART is the primary organization of professionals dedicated to the practice of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the United States. ART includes the practice of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The mission of our organization is to set up and help maintain the standards for ART in an effort to better serve our members and our patients. One of the most important functions of our site is to help patients locate and contact infertility clinics and view national and individual clinic IVF success rates." }, { "score": 0.4754134417, "text": "A (inPortuguese), also known by the acronym (sometimes, , or), is a private limited liability corporate entity that exists in France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Maca... and whose purpose is commerce. A SARL is a company whose liability is limited to the contributions of its members.ll S.a.r.l. means is LTD (i.e. Limited liability) but obviously in a different language. The German equivalent for Ltd for example is GMBH, France is LLC and so on." }, { "score": 0.4730640054, "text": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious form of pneumonia. It is caused by a virus that was first identified in 2003. Infection with the SARS virus causes acute respiratory distress (severe breathing difficulty) and sometimes death. SARS is caused by a member of the coronavirus family of viruses (the same family that can cause the common cold). It is believed the 2003 epidemic started when the virus spread from small mammals in China. When someone with SARS coughs or sneezes, infected droplets spray into the air." }, { "score": 0.4725281, "text": "SARS is an airborne virus, which means it's spread in a similar way to colds and flu. The SARS virus is spread in small droplets of saliva coughed or sneezed into the air by an infected person. If someone else breathes in the droplets they can become infected." }, { "score": 0.4712988436, "text": "A société à responsabilité limitée is a form of private company that exists mainly in French-speaking countries, such as France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macau, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, Lebanon, and Switzerland. The primary purpose of a SARL is the conduction of commercial activity. Proprietary interests in a SARL are represented by shares, which are not freely transferable; unless the intended recipient is a spouse, descendent, or other close relative, transfers require the ..." }, { "score": 0.4679113626, "text": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a serious form of pneumonia. It is caused by a virus that was first identified in 2003. Infection with the SARS virus causes acute respiratory distress (severe breathing difficulty) and sometimes death. Causes SARS is caused by a member of the coronavirus family of viruses (the same family that can cause the common cold). It is believed the 2003 epidemic started when the virus spread from small mammals in China. When someone with SARS coughs or sneezes, infected droplets spray into the air." }, { "score": 0.4654847383, "text": "SARMs are selective androgen receptor modulators that were designed to have the same effects as anabolic steroids." }, { "score": 0.4626389146, "text": "Application: geosynchronous orbit synthetic aperture radar (GEO-SAR) 1 The raw data acquired is segmented or drawn into sub-apertures for simplification of speedy conduction of procedure. 2 The range of the data is then compressed, using the concept of Matched Filtering for every segment/sub-aperture created." }, { "score": 0.4626042843, "text": "The sarod (or sarode) (सरोद) is a lute-like stringed instrument of India, used mainly in Indian classical music.Along with the sitar, it is among the most popular and prominent instruments in Hindustani classical music.The sarod is known for a deep, weighty, introspective sound, in contrast with the sweet, overtone-rich texture of the sitar, with sympathetic strings that give it a resonant, reverberant quality.nother type is that designed by Allauddin Khan and his brother Ayet Ali Khan. This instrument, referred to by David Trasoff as the 1934 Maihar Prototype, is larger and longer than the conventional instrument, though the fingerboard is identical to the traditional sarod." }, { "score": 0.4562346637, "text": "A Building Management System (BMS) or a (more recent terminology) Building Automation System (BAS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building's mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems.n addition to controlling the building's internal environment, BMS systems are sometimes linked to access control (turnstiles and access doors controlling who is allowed access and egress to the building) or other security systems such as closed-circuit television (CCTV) and motion detectors." }, { "score": 0.4557285309, "text": "The financial institution is not allowed to inform the client or the parties to the transaction that a SAR has been lodged. For example in United States suspicious transaction reports must be reported to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), an agency of the United States Department of the Treasury." }, { "score": 0.4526259005, "text": "Federal Communications Commission. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for Cellular Telephones. Working closely with federal health and safety agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the FCC has adopted limits for safe exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy." }, { "score": 0.4526177645, "text": "(b) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which is a disease associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, is transmitted from person to person predominantly by the aerosolized or droplet route, and, if spread in the population, would have severe public health consequences." }, { "score": 0.4511010349, "text": "These limits are given in terms of a unit referred to as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which is a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile phone. The FCC requires cell phone manufacturers to ensure that their phones comply with these objective limits for safe exposure." }, { "score": 0.4495441616, "text": "Sarcin is a monomeric protein secreted by the fungus Aspergillus giganteus that has been shown to inhibit protein synthesis in cell-free systems. More precisely, sarcin belongs to a family of fungal ribotoxins, with specific RNA endonuclease activity centring on the sarcin–ricin loop of 28S rRNA." }, { "score": 0.4488701224, "text": "A Building Management System (BMS) or a (more recent terminology) Building Automation System (BAS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building's mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems.uilding Management Systems are most commonly implemented in large projects with extensive mechanical, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems. Systems linked to a BMS typically represent 40% of a building's energy usage; if lighting is included, this number approaches to 70%." }, { "score": 0.446962148, "text": "Karen is an active Airedale SAR trainer. * http://www.worldgate.com/~dognyard/ Karen also provides pictures of working SAR dogs, and explains what training a SAR dog means. The people that choose to train SAR must be a dedicated as the dogs that they are training." }, { "score": 0.4427365065, "text": "The Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) is a Mediterranean, Middle Eastern country with an area of 185,180 square km, situated between 32 0 19 and 37 0 30 N and 35 0 45 and 42 0 E (see Figure 1)." }, { "score": 0.4263989329, "text": "The SARL pluri-personnelle is a society with a minimum of two associates, but in accordance with French business law this no more than 100. In addition, the SARL model is chosen by those who wish to invest but who do not wish to be taxed. History" }, { "score": 0.421164155, "text": "SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) originated in animals and made the leap from animal to human infection somewhere in the Guangdong province of China in late 2002. The condition was relatively contained for several months." }, { "score": 0.4077906311, "text": "Irlen Syndrome, also known as Scotopic Sensitivity System (SSS) is a type of visual perceptual problem. It is not an optical problem. It is a problem with how the nervous system encodes and decodes visual information." }, { "score": 0.396445334, "text": "Irlen syndrome prevents many people from reading effectively and efficiently. Irlen Syndrome, also known as Scotopic Sensitivity System (SSS) is a type of visual perceptual problem. It is not an optical problem. It is a problem with how the nervous system encodes and decodes visual information." }, { "score": 0.3828341663, "text": "LEUKINE® (sargramostim) is a recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhu GM-CSF) produced by recombinant DNA technology in a yeast (S. cerevisiae) expression system. GM-CSF is a hematopoietic growth factor which stimulates proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells." } ]
why do nonmetals behave as they do?
[ { "score": 0.7245184183, "text": "In terms of non-metals, the electrons are held tightly by the nucleus. Therefore nonmetals are very unwilling to give their electrons away. Nonmetals don't donate electrons as easily as metals, so society and chemists from the early ages distinguished between metals and nonmetals, Regards, Mike" } ]
[ { "score": 0.6855854392, "text": "1 are poor conductors of heat and electricity. 2 don't like to lose electrons. 3 Most nonmetals are gases at room temperature; however, a few are solids and only one (bromine) is a liquid. 4 The noble gases are an unreactive group of nonmetals that like to exist as independent atoms, or be monatomic." }, { "score": 0.6789921522, "text": "Nonmetal, substance that does not exhibit such characteristic properties of metals as hardness, mechanical adaptability, or the ability to conduct electricity. This classification is generally applied to the chemical elements carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur, selenium, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and the noble-gas elements." }, { "score": 0.6582071185, "text": "From left to right in the periodic table, the nonmetals can be subdivided into the polyatomic nonmetals which, being nearest to the metalloids, show some incipient metallic character; the diatomic nonmetals, which are essentially nonmetallic; and the monatomic noble gases, which are almost completely inert." }, { "score": 0.6579142809, "text": "Because the main group elements consist of both metals and nonmetals, their physical properties are going to be quite different. For example, elements on the left (in groups 1, 2 and 13) are going to be solid, very metallic and tend to lose electrons, whereas many of the elements on the right are non-metallic gases that will tend to gain electrons." }, { "score": 0.6521797776, "text": "These elements have similar chemical properties that differ from the elements considered metals. The nonmetal element group is a subset of these elements. The nonmetal element group consists of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur and selenium.Hydrogen acts as a nonmetal at normal temperatures and pressure and is generally accepted to be part of the nonmetal group. Properties of nonmetals include: 1 dull, not shiny.he nonmetal element group consists of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur and selenium. Hydrogen acts as a nonmetal at normal temperatures and pressure and is generally accepted to be part of the nonmetal group. Properties of nonmetals include: 1 dull, not shiny." }, { "score": 0.6460123062, "text": "Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images. Metals and nonmetals differ from each other in more ways than they are similar. In most cases, their properties oppose each other. Their similarities exist in their most basic aspects, such as structure and the way they combine with other elements to form molecules.homas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images. Metals and nonmetals differ from each other in more ways than they are similar. In most cases, their properties oppose each other. Their similarities exist in their most basic aspects, such as structure and the way they combine with other elements to form molecules." }, { "score": 0.6434981823, "text": "Chemical Properties. Metals. Nonmetals. 1 Usually have 1-3 electrons in their outer shell. 2 Lose their valence electrons easily. 3 Form oxides that are basic. 4 Are good reducing agents. 5 Have lower electronegativities. 6 Usually have 4-8 electrons in their outer shell. 7 Gain or share valence electrons easily.8 Form oxides that are acidic.etals. Nonmetals. 1 Usually have 1-3 electrons in their outer shell. 2 Lose their valence electrons easily. 3 Form oxides that are basic. 4 Are good reducing agents. 5 Have lower electronegativities. 6 Usually have 4-8 electrons in their outer shell." }, { "score": 0.6398016214, "text": "189 pages on this wiki. Nonmetal is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal.(A few elements with intermediate properties are referred to as metalloids .).The elements generally regarded as nonmetals are: 1 hydrogen (H). 2 In Group 14: carbon (C).n the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal. (A few elements with intermediate properties are referred to as metalloids .). The elements generally regarded as nonmetals are: 1 hydrogen (H). 2 In Group 14: carbon (C)." }, { "score": 0.6366804838, "text": "We can also consider a fourth classification, the metalloids (marked with *). The transition from metallic properties and behavior to nonmetallic properties and behavior is not a simple matter of stepping over a line that can be drawn on the periodic table. In some ways germanium behaves like a nonmetal, and arsenic has some metallic properties." }, { "score": 0.6332095861, "text": "Nonmetal, or non-metal, is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal.onmetal, or non-metal, is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal." }, { "score": 0.6319416761, "text": "Technically the halogens and noble gases are nonmetals, but the nonmetal element group usually is considered to consist of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium. Properties.y Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. The nonmetals are in the minority on the periodic table, mostly pushed to the righthand side of the periodic table. Here's a look at how to locate them on the table and their common properties. Location on the Periodic Table. The nonmetals are located on the upper right side of the periodic table." }, { "score": 0.6316931844, "text": "Metalloids may act either like metals or nonmetals in chemical reactions. Most metalloids have some physical properties of metals and some physical properties of nonmetals. They fall between metals and nonmetals in their ability to conduct heat and electricity.They are shiny like metals but brittle like nonmetals.etalloids may act either like metals or nonmetals in chemical reactions. Most metalloids have some physical properties of metals and some physical properties of nonmetals. They fall between metals and nonmetals in their ability to conduct heat and electricity. They are shiny like metals but brittle like nonmetals." }, { "score": 0.6292155981, "text": "Except for Germanium (Ge) and Antimony (Sb), all the elements to the left of that line can be classified as metals. These metals have properties that you normally associate with the metals you encounter in everyday life: They are solid (with the exception of mercury, Hg, a liquid).onmetals have properties opposite those of the metals. The nonmetals are brittle, not malleable or ductile, poor conductors of both heat and electricity, and tend to gain electrons in chemical reactions. Some nonmetals are liquids." }, { "score": 0.6288318634, "text": "Are nonmetals nonconductors? Most non-metals are in fact considered to be non-conductors. Some non-metals however do have the ability to conduct heat and electricity." }, { "score": 0.6209126711, "text": "Noun. 1. nonmetal-a chemical element lacking typical metallic properties. chemical element, element-any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter.. nonmetal-a chemical element lacking typical metallic properties. chemical element, element-any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter." }, { "score": 0.6193935275, "text": "The definition of nonmetal is an element that doesn't have the characteristics of metal including: ability to conduct heat or electricity, luster, or flexibility. An example of a nonmetal element is carbon. any of those elements lacking the characteristics of a metal; specif., any of the electronegative elements (e.g., oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur) whose oxides form acids and stable compounds with hydrogen. noun." }, { "score": 0.6183023453, "text": "Metalloids: have properties of both metals and nonmetals: they are solids, shiny or dull, ductile, malleable, conduct heat and electricity better than nonmetals but not as well as metals. Their chemical reactions are typical of both metals and nonmetals." }, { "score": 0.6150068045, "text": "Displacement of one nonmetal by another from a salt solution : Like metals, nonmetals also differ in their re-activities. This is better observed among elements with similar properties, which are said to form a family. For example, fluorine (F), chlorine (CI), bromine (Br) and iodine (I) constitute the halogen family." }, { "score": 0.604536891, "text": "The definition of nonmetal is an element that doesn't have the characteristics of metal including: ability to conduct heat or electricity, luster, or flexibility. An example of a nonmetal element is carbon. nonmetal. nonmetal." }, { "score": 0.6004690528, "text": "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of nonmetal is an element that doesn't have the characteristics of metal including: ability to conduct heat or electricity, luster, or flexibility.An example of a nonmetal element is carbon.onmetal. any of those elements lacking the characteristics of a metal; specif., any of the electronegative elements (e.g., oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur) whose oxides form acids and stable compounds with hydrogen." }, { "score": 0.5984212756, "text": "Nonmetals. Metalloids. Silicon for example appears lustrous, but is not malleable or ductile (it is brittle-a characteristic of some nonmetals). It is a much poorer conductor of heat and electricity than the metals.Metalloids are useful in the semiconductor industry.etalloids. Silicon for example appears lustrous, but is not malleable or ductile (it is brittle-a characteristic of some nonmetals). It is a much poorer conductor of heat and electricity than the metals." }, { "score": 0.5959431529, "text": "The line that separates metalloids from nonmetals in the periodic table is referred to as the amphoteric line.[citation needed] There is no rigorous definition of the term, but the following properties are usually considered characteristic of metalloids: metalloids often form amphoteric oxides.est Answer: non-metals do not conduct electricty at all metals-conduct is well metalloid is more complicated: Metalloid is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. The term semimetal is sometimes used synonymously, but this is sometimes defined differently." }, { "score": 0.5936579108, "text": "A diagonal line of elements separates the metals from the nonmetals. These are called. metalloids. The metalloids—elements like boron, silicon, and antimony—have some. properties of metals and other properties of nonmetals. When you think of nonmetals, you might think of materials made of plastic or polystyrene." }, { "score": 0.5777911544, "text": "Alternatively, non-polar molecules do not have these charges, and so they do not have a similar attraction or bonds with one another. One reason that polarity matters in chemistry is that polar and non-polar molecules do not mix to form a solution." }, { "score": 0.5672069788, "text": "Answers. Best Answer: ionic compounds always form from metals and nonmetals. thats what makes them an ionic compound. the metals have a postive charge and need more electrons to be neutral, while the nonmetals have a negative charge and need more protons to be neutral. So the metal and nonmetal combine having a net charge of 0 to make an ionic compound." }, { "score": 0.5645575523, "text": "There are a few properties which can be used to tell metals and nonmetals apart: Luster (i.e. shininess): If you see something that's shiny in a metallic sort of way, it's probably a metal. Electrical conductivity: If something conducts electricity as a solid, it's probably a metal. State of matter: If it's a gas at room temperature, it's not a metal." }, { "score": 0.5644040704, "text": "Best Answer: Solid Iodine does not conduct electricity, like most nonmetals in solid form. The reason why solid iodine is a non-conductor is because its electrons are not free to move around like metals. Its localization of electrons are due to the electrons being occupied to hold up its orthorhombic lattis structure." }, { "score": 0.5583803654, "text": "Best Answer: Solid Iodine does not conduct electricity, like most nonmetals in solid form. The reason why solid iodine is a non-conductor is because its electrons are not free to move around like metals." }, { "score": 0.555187881, "text": "Best Answer: C-H bonds are considered non-polar because if you look at the electronegativities, they are relatively equal. This means that each atom pulls about the same on the pair of electrons, leaving them somewhere inbetween the two atoms." }, { "score": 0.5370664597, "text": "A semimetal or a metalloid is a chemical element. Metalloids are elements that have the propeties of both metal and non-metal elements. It might be shiny, but brittle. It might be dull, but conducts electricity. The most common semimetal is silicon. Silicon has electrical conductivity between metals and nonmetals." }, { "score": 0.5301503539, "text": "Best Answer: Sodium chloride is composed of a metal and nonmetal so it is ionic. Both citric acid and sucrose are composed of C, H and O all nonmetals so these are covalently bonded.Nonmetals with other nonmetals are covalent because even the more electronegative element cannot completely pull the electrons off the second (or third) element so the result is electron sharing (a covalent bond).'m looking for either covalent or ionic bond and a short explanation as to why. I've also heard that sucrose is automatically covalent because all of its elements are nonmetals and would appreciate an explanation on that. Follow. 2 answers 2." }, { "score": 0.509824872, "text": "The behavior of an object that has been charged is dependent upon whether the object is made of a conductive or a nonconductive material. Conductors are materials that permit electrons to flow freely from particle to particle." }, { "score": 0.5072767735, "text": "So, at low temperatures gases behave non-ideally. As for volume, volume is an extrinsic property. Low volume in and of itself does not tell you anything about the gas's behavior. It just means that whatever gas you do have is in a smaller box." }, { "score": 0.4915114641, "text": "When molecules have an even charge distribution and no dipole moment then they are nonpolar molecules. CO2 is a linear molecule, so our dipoles are symmetrical; the dipoles are equal in magnitude but point in opposite directions." }, { "score": 0.4838046134, "text": "A semimetal also differs from an insulator or semiconductor in that a semimetal's conductivity is always non-zero, whereas a semiconductor has zero conductivity at zero temperature and insulators have zero conductivity even at ambient temperatures (due to a wider band gap)." }, { "score": 0.481134057, "text": "When molecules have an even charge distribution and no dipole moment then they are nonpolar molecules. CO2 is a linear molecule, so our dipoles are symmetrical; the dipoles are equal in magnitude but point in opposite directions. Generally, when dipole distribution is symmetrical there is no dipole moment." }, { "score": 0.4407031834, "text": "No. 95; December 2011. Many parents do not understand why their teenagers occasionally behave in an impulsive, irrational, or dangerous way. At times, it seems like they don't think things through or fully consider the consequences of their actions.any parents do not understand why their teenagers occasionally behave in an impulsive, irrational, or dangerous way." }, { "score": 0.4387514889, "text": "Many parents do not understand why their teenagers occasionally behave in an impulsive, irrational, or dangerous way.At times, it seems like they don't think things through or fully consider the consequences of their actions.any parents do not understand why their teenagers occasionally behave in an impulsive, irrational, or dangerous way." }, { "score": 0.3862197995, "text": "Explain why the velocity and acceleration vectors behave as they do for the preset motions (linear acceleration I, II, circular motion, & harmonic motion)." }, { "score": 0.3723649085, "text": "Why Psychologists Do Research. Psychology is a branch of medicine which mainly deals with the investigations of the functions, depths and complexities of the mind so as to get an understanding on why humans and even animals behave in the manner they do." }, { "score": 0.3608486652, "text": "The branch of ecology that focuses on the evolutionary causes of variation in behavior among populations and species. Thus it is concerned with the adaptiveness of behavior, the ultimate questions of why animals behave as they do, rather than the proximate questions of how they behave." } ]
can a nonresident canadian claim dependents
[ { "score": 0.8209159374, "text": "Posted. Normally, parents are not considered dependents unless the situations in this document apply: http://www.cra-arc.g...5/lgbl-eng.html. For non-resident dependents (such as the spouse or children of a newcomer to Canada who is still residing in their home country), you are able to claim them as dependents.osted. Normally, parents are not considered dependents unless the situations in this document apply: http://www.cra-arc.g...5/lgbl-eng.html. For non-resident dependents (such as the spouse or children of a newcomer to Canada who is still residing in their home country), you are able to claim them as dependents." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7496446371, "text": "You may claim this credit if, at any time in the year: and if, at that time (when the above conditions are true), the dependant is. The situation of your child not being resident in Canada but qualifying for the equivalent to spouse tax credit may occur, for instance, if you are a deemed resident.n the case of shared custody, if both parents are required to make support payments for a child, then one parent can claim the amount for an eligible dependant for the child, as long as both parents paying support agree that this person will make the claim." }, { "score": 0.7398709059, "text": "If your spouse or common-law partner is a non-resident of Canada during any part of the year, you will have to fill out Form CTB9, Canada Child Benefit – Statement of Income, for each year or part of a year that they are a non-resident of Canada." }, { "score": 0.7280000448, "text": "You may be able to claim all or part of your dependant's (other than your spouse's or common-law partner's) disability amount if all the following apply: 1 your dependant is eligible for the disability tax credit; 2 your dependant was resident in Canada at any time in 2014; and.ou should also enter a person as your dependant in the following situations: 1 to claim a tuition transfer from your child or grandchild. 2 The student can be over 18 and does not need to live with you. 3 to claim the infirm amount from your child or grandchild." }, { "score": 0.7177407742, "text": "1 To claim someone as a dependent, the person must be a US citizen, US resident alien, US national or resident of Canada or Mexico. 2 Where my clients have had trouble before is when their parents visit the US, but their visas are only for 6 months, no longer. 3 Then they don't qualify as US residents." }, { "score": 0.7160072327, "text": "Rules that Apply to Your Dependents. 1 You can't claim a dependent who is married and files a joint return — with one exception. 2 Your dependent must be a U.S. citizen, a national or resident alien of the United States, or a resident of Canada or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.7145785689, "text": "Rules that Apply to Your Dependents. 1 You can't claim a dependent who is married and files a joint return — with one exception. 2 Your dependent must be a U.S. citizen, a national or resident alien of the United States, or a resident of Canada or Mexico. 3 A dependent can be claimed by one and only one taxpayer in any given year." }, { "score": 0.7125192881, "text": "Here is the canadian answer. You cannot claim a child that does not live with you for at least part of the year. If you are paying support for a child, you are specifically exempt from making a claim for that child on your tax return." }, { "score": 0.7114914656, "text": "1 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. 2 A spouse can never be a dependent. 3 If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent." }, { "score": 0.7112849951, "text": "Who Can I Claim as a Dependent on My Tax Return? You can claim a person as your dependent if all 3 of these statements are true: They are a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, resident alien, or resident of Canada or Mexico. There is an exception for legally adopted children." }, { "score": 0.7094941139, "text": "You can claim this exemption even if your spouse has not been a resident alien for a full tax year or is an alien who has not come to the United States. You can claim an exemption for each person who qualifies as a dependent according to the rules for U.S. citizens. The dependent must be a citizen or national of the United States or be a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico for some part of the calendar year in which your tax year begins." }, { "score": 0.7082493305, "text": "There are two types of dependents -- a qualifying child and a qualifying relative -- and each are subject to different rules. However, before determining if you can claim either type of dependent, you must first make sure the person is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, U.S. resident or a resident of Canada or Mexico. Additionally, dependents cannot already take a personal exemption for themselves or claim another dependent on their tax form." }, { "score": 0.7077897787, "text": "1 Generally, you may not claim a married person as a dependent if they file a joint return with their spouse. 2 Also, to claim someone as a dependent, that person must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, U.S. national or resident of Canada or Mexico for some part of the year." }, { "score": 0.7070925832, "text": "As a non-resident of Canada, you pay tax on income you receive from sources in Canada. The type of tax you pay and the requirement to file an income tax return depend on the type of income you receive. Generally, Canadian income received by a non-resident is subject to Part XIII tax or Part I tax." }, { "score": 0.7055308223, "text": "They can claim this exemption even if the spouse has not been a resident alien for a full tax year or is an alien who has not come to the United States. They can claim an exemption for each person who qualifies as a dependent according to the rules for U.S. citizens.The dependent must be a citizen or national of the United States or be a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico for some part of the calendar year in which the tax year begins.hey can claim this exemption even if the spouse has not been a resident alien for a full tax year or is an alien who has not come to the United States. They can claim an exemption for each person who qualifies as a dependent according to the rules for U.S. citizens." }, { "score": 0.7047439814, "text": "1 If a resident of Mexico or Canada or a national of the United States. 2 They can also claim a personal exemption for their spouse if the spouse had no gross income for U.S. tax purposes and was not the dependent of another taxpayer.3 In addition, they can claim exemptions for their dependents who meet certain tests.hey can claim this exemption even if the spouse has not been a resident alien for a full tax year or is an alien who has not come to the United States. They can claim an exemption for each person who qualifies as a dependent according to the rules for U.S. citizens." }, { "score": 0.7043476105, "text": "1 Generally, you may not claim a married person as a dependent if they file a joint return with their spouse. 2 Also, to claim someone as a dependent, that person must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, U.S. national or resident of Canada or Mexico for some part of the year. If someone else – such as your parent – claims you as a dependent, you may not claim your personal exemption on your own tax return. 2 Some people cannot be claimed as your dependent. 3 Generally, you may not claim a married person as a dependent if they file a joint return with their spouse." }, { "score": 0.703510046, "text": "Claiming the eligible dependant credit is not as straightforward as many of the other credits parents and caretakers can claim.While all parents can claim their children's medical expenses, tuition and the Canada child tax benefit, only a select few may claim the eligible dependant credit.In some cases, you may be able to claim this credit for a dependant who is not a minor.laiming the eligible dependant credit is not as straightforward as many of the other credits parents and caretakers can claim." }, { "score": 0.7023909092, "text": "U.S. residents who are subject to Canadian income tax must file a return known as the \"Income Tax and Benefit Return for Non-Residents and Deemed Residents of Canada.\" Canadian residents subject to U.S. income tax must file Form 1040-NR, also known as the \"U.S." }, { "score": 0.7015113831, "text": "There are generally two types of dependents: a qualifying child and a qualifying relative. -- They must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, U.S. resident or resident of Canada or Mexico. -- You can't claim someone who takes a personal exemption for himself or claims another dependent on his own tax form. -- You cannot claim someone who is married and files a joint tax return. [See: 7 Most-Missed Tax Deductions and Credits.] Qualifying child." }, { "score": 0.6986321211, "text": "Your tax obligations. As a non-resident of Canada, you pay tax on income you receive from sources in Canada. The type of tax you pay and the requirement to file an income tax return depend on the type of income you receive.Generally, Canadian income received by a non-resident is subject to Part XIII tax or Part I tax.art XIII tax is deducted from the types of income listed below. To make sure the correct amount is deducted, it's important to tell Canadian payers: 1 that you're a non-resident of Canada for tax purposes; and. 2 your country of residence." }, { "score": 0.6928958297, "text": "For the 2014 tax year, you can still claim a non-refundable tax credit in the amount of $2,255 for each of your children who are under 18 years old at the end of the year. If 2 or more families share a home, each eligible parent can claim the credit with respect to their own children.his non-refundable tax credit of up to $2,000 will be for eligible couples who live with children under 18 (at the end of the year). In order to be eligible, you must: 1 not be separated for more than 90 days including December 31, 2014, 2 both be residents of Canada on December 31, 2014, and." }, { "score": 0.69230932, "text": "If you are a resident of Mexico or Canada or a national of the United States (defined earlier), you can also claim a personal exemption for your spouse if your spouse had no gross income for U.S. tax purposes and cannot be claimed as the dependent on another U.S. taxpayer's return." }, { "score": 0.6915688515, "text": "If you are a resident of Mexico or Canada or a national of the United States (defined earlier), you can also claim a personal exemption for your spouse if your spouse had no gross income for U.S. tax purposes and cannot be claimed as the dependent on another U.S. taxpayer's return.ou can claim personal exemptions and exemptions for dependents according to the dependency rules for U.S. citizens. You can claim an exemption for your spouse on a separate return if your spouse had no gross income for U.S. tax purposes and was not the dependent of another taxpayer." }, { "score": 0.6877136827, "text": "Citizen or resident test. A dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, U.S. national or a resident of Canada or Mexico, for some part of the year. Qualifying Child You can claim a child as dependent only if the following requirements are met. 1. Relationship. The child must be your son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child, brother, sister, half brother, half sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a descendant of any of them. 2." }, { "score": 0.6873384714, "text": "First and foremost, whether they are your child or your Valentine: • You cannot claim them if you can be claimed as a dependent by another person. • They cannot file a joint tax return (in most cases). • They must be a U.S. citizen, resident alien, national, or a resident of Canada or Mexico.In order to claim a child as a dependent, these five additional tests must be met:• Relationship: Must be your child, adopted child, foster-child, brother or sister, or a descendant of one of these (grandchild or nephew). • Residence: Must have the same residence for more than half the year.irst and foremost, whether they are your child or your Valentine: • You cannot claim them if you can be claimed as a dependent by another person. • They cannot file a joint tax return (in most cases). • They must be a U.S. citizen, resident alien, national, or a resident of Canada or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.6848173738, "text": "In general, dependents are exemptions that reduce a taxpayer's taxable income. Taxpayers typically can take an exemption for each of his or her dependents. Spouses are not considered dependents from a tax perspective. To claim someone as a dependent, the dependent must be a U.S. citizen, a U.S. resident alien, a U.S. national resident, or a resident of Canada or Mexico for some part of the year. Adopted children have some special exceptions to this rule. The filer must provide Social Security numbers for all dependents." }, { "score": 0.6802793741, "text": "Children can be included as dependents in a spousal or partner sponsorship application, but an application must be filed for each child in addition to the main applicant (the spouse or partner). Of, if you are already a permanent resident or citizen of Canada, you may sponsor a child living outside of Canada.amily Class and Spousal Sponsorship to Canada. Anyone who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident can sponsor an eligible family member to live in Canada as a permanent resident. As a permanent resident, they can live in Canada indefinitely, work, go to school, and receive other benefits such as health care." }, { "score": 0.6786981821, "text": "Sign in to your return. Start Tax Return Sign In. Claim Children and Dependents on Your Tax Return If you support children, relatives, or even non-relatives, then you may be able to claim them as dependents (or dependants, as the word is often misspelled) on your tax return.The IRS definition of a dependent is: a Qualifying Child or Qualifying Relative for whom you can claim a tax exemption.What Are the IRS Dependent Rules? If someone is your Qualifying Child or Qualifying Relative, then you can claim a tax exemption for them, and you may qualify for additional tax benefits.ou can claim a person as your dependent if all 3 of these statements are true: They are a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, resident alien, or resident of Canada or Mexico. There is an exception for legally adopted children." }, { "score": 0.6718510389, "text": "Generally, if you are a nonresident alien engaged in a trade or business in the United States, you can claim only one personal exemption. You may be able to claim an exemption for a spouse and a dependent if you are described in any of the following categories." }, { "score": 0.6713261604, "text": "As a result, it is generally desirable to pay income tax only in the United States and not in Canada. By remaining a resident of Canada for income tax purposes all United States source personal income is subject to Canadian tax, which may be partially or wholly offset by foreign tax credits.enerally, a foreign citizen is treated as a non-resident for United States tax purposes, unless he or she meets one of the statutory tests for residency. These tests are: (a) the Lawful Permanent Resident test, and the Substantial Presence Test." }, { "score": 0.6679777503, "text": "In order to claim your elderly loved one as a dependent on your taxes, you must meet certain preliminary criteria: You (the caregiver) cannot be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer. Your dependent must be a resident of the U.S., Canada or Mexico. Your dependent cannot file a joint tax return with a spouse." }, { "score": 0.6677241921, "text": "1 A spouse can never be a dependent. 2 If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent. 3 If you had a child on December 31, you can claim them as an exemption for the entire year.OTE: 1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $3,950 for the 2014 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.6629582644, "text": "In order to claim your elderly loved one as a dependent on your taxes, you must meet certain preliminary criteria: You (the caregiver) cannot be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer. Your dependent must be a resident of the U.S., Canada or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.6627552509, "text": "A non-custodial parent cannot claim the child care credit even if he or she is able to claim the qualifying child as a dependent and take the dependency exemption on his or her tax return." }, { "score": 0.6615112424, "text": "Neither the tax filer or spouse can be claimed ad dependents on another person's tax return. Noncustodial parent The issue of whether a noncustodial parent, or the parent with whom the child spent less than six months of the year living with, can claim the child as dependent and receive the personal exemption on his or her taxes can be complicated." }, { "score": 0.6609423161, "text": "Children can be included as dependents in a spousal or partner sponsorship application, but an application must be filed for each child in addition to the main applicant (the spouse or partner). Of, if you are already a permanent resident or citizen of Canada, you may sponsor a child living outside of Canada. be at least 18 years old; be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, 2 live in Canada or be able to prove that you will live in Canada when the sponsorship application is approved, 3 prove that you can meet the basic financial needs of the person you are sponsoring and their dependent children." }, { "score": 0.6587745547, "text": "NOTE: 1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $4,050 for the 2016 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. 3 A spouse can never be a dependent. If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent. If you had a child on December 31, you can claim them as an exemption for the entire year. You are only allowed one exemption for each person that you claim as a dependent." }, { "score": 0.6570441723, "text": "1 If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent. 2 If you had a child on December 31, you can claim them as an exemption for the entire year. 3 You are only allowed one exemption for each person that you claim as a dependent.OTE: 1 The standard deduction for a dependent is $3,950 for the 2014 tax year. 2 A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.6565625668, "text": "The standard deduction for a dependent is $4,050 for the 2016 tax year. A qualifying dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a resident of the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. A spouse can never be a dependent. If you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return, you cannot claim anyone as a dependent. If you had a child on December 31, you can claim them as an exemption for the entire year. You are only allowed one exemption for each person that you claim as a dependent." }, { "score": 0.6473259926, "text": "This means that if you meet the requirements of being the head of household, you can claim your parents as tax dependents; but before you do so, you must pass the test set out by the IRS to determine if your parents qualify as non-child dependents." }, { "score": 0.6417188048, "text": "Dependent Child(ren) Visa Entitlements. Any dependent children, who are granted permanent residence under the Family Class, will have the right to live, work and study in Canada indefinitely.Permanent residents can access Canada's unique government-funded health care, subsidized education, language training programs and assistance for finding employment.hy Us. Established in 2002, Migration Expert is a private immigration company with a team of highly experienced ICCRC regulated migration consultants who represent clients from across the globe wishing to apply for a Canadian visa." }, { "score": 0.628739655, "text": "If your children become disabled, age is not a factor in claiming them. Age is only one factor in deciding whether you can claim a dependent and take an exemption on your taxes. In that sense there is no specific age limit for claiming dependents, although all dependents must meet certain IRS requirements.For example, dependents typically have to be U.S. citizens, resident aliens, or citizens of Canada or Mexico. The IRS rules are complex and you must be sure you are following them.n that sense there is no specific age limit for claiming dependents, although all dependents must meet certain IRS requirements. For example, dependents typically have to be U.S. citizens, resident aliens, or citizens of Canada or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.6232939959, "text": "The decree or agreement must state all three of the following. 1 The noncustodial parent can claim the child as a dependent without regard to any condition, such as payment of support. 2 The other parent will not claim the child as a dependent. 3 The years for which the claim is released." }, { "score": 0.6224333644, "text": "The noncustodial parent may claim the dependency exemption for a child if the custodial parent releases a claim to exemption. Also, the noncustodial parent may claim the child tax credit for the child if the requirements for the child tax credit are met.f parents are divorced, may the noncustodial parent claim the dependency exemption and the dependent care credit and the custodial parent claim the EITC?" }, { "score": 0.6180752516, "text": "A dependent must be either a qualifying child or qualifying relative.. Only qualifying children have an age test. A qualifying child must be under 19 at the end of the year. If your child is a full-time student, you can claim an exemption until she's 24 years old.If she becomes permanently and totally disabled, you can potentially claim her as a dependent at any age.n that sense there is no specific age limit for claiming dependents, although all dependents must meet certain IRS requirements. For example, dependents typically have to be U.S. citizens, resident aliens, or citizens of Canada or Mexico." }, { "score": 0.6152749658, "text": "A taxpayer cannot claim a dependency exemption for a person who can be claimed as a dependent on another tax return. The term dependent means a qualifying child or a qualifying relative.. A. To claim a dependency exemption for a qualifying child, all of the qualifying child dependency tests must be met:age 1 of 16. In this tax tutorial, you will learn about dependents. A dependent is a person other than the taxpayer or spouse who entitles the taxpayer to claim a dependency exemption. Each dependency exemption decreases income subject to tax by the exemption amount. 1 For 2014, the exemption amount is $3,950." }, { "score": 0.6151009202, "text": "A non dependant is someone who normally lives with the Housing Benefit claimant such as an adult son, daughter, relative or friend. Boarders, sub-tenants and joint tenants are not non-dependants." }, { "score": 0.609171629, "text": "Dividends paid by a publicly traded Canadian corporation to non-resident shareholders are subject to a 25 per cent withholding tax. The general rate of 25 per cent can be reduced if Canada has a tax treaty with the non-residents' country." }, { "score": 0.6056751013, "text": "If you support your nondisabled adult child age 24 or older, you cannot claim him or her as a \"qualifying child\" to be a dependent by IRS definitions. However, you may be able to claim him or her as a \"qualifying relative.\" Every dependent you claim on your return reduces your taxable income by $3,900." }, { "score": 0.6053168774, "text": "The amendments specify that spouses, common-law or conjugal partners who are in a relationship with their sponsor for two years or less and have no children in common with their sponsor at the time of the sponsorship application are subject to a period of conditional permanent residence.f your dependent child is a minor of whom you have joint or sole custody, that child is considered a dependant. The child will have to undergo a medical examination even if he lives with the other parent and will not be joining you in Canada." }, { "score": 0.6030344963, "text": "General Rule. A person cannot claim his or her spouse as a dependent on their tax return. The IRS makes this clear in Publication 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information, where they write, Your spouse is never considered your dependent.. But here we need to draw a distinction." }, { "score": 0.5993515253, "text": "However, you may not claim them as dependents if someone else has a superior claim. First, there are particular requirements to claim someone as a dependent child: You can receive a dependent exemption for each qualifying child, who could include: Your child, stepchild or foster child. Brother, sister, half brother, half sister, stepbrother, stepsister. Or a child or grandchild of any of these." }, { "score": 0.5944572091, "text": "This is because you can't claim an adult dependent if their gross income—which is the total of all income that isn't tax-exempt-is $3,700 ($3,800 in 2012) or more." }, { "score": 0.5926135778, "text": "If you are a nonresident alien filing Form 1040NR, you may be able to use one of the filing statuses discussed below. If you are filing Form 1040NR-EZ, you can only claim Single nonresident alien or Married nonresident alien as your filing status." }, { "score": 0.5924736857, "text": "Eligible Dependant. March 1, 2013 By Liz O'Dowd Leave a Comment. An individual may claim, under certain circumstances, the \"amount for an eligible dependent\" (equivalent to spouse) tax credit for a dependent child, or other dependent relatives, on line 305 of the tax return.The equivalent to spouse tax credit.ligible Dependant. March 1, 2013 By Liz O'Dowd Leave a Comment. An individual may claim, under certain circumstances, the \"amount for an eligible dependent\" (equivalent to spouse) tax credit for a dependent child, or other dependent relatives, on line 305 of the tax return." }, { "score": 0.5866371393, "text": "Who is Eligible. An individual can claim one personal exemption for oneself plus one exemption for each person claim as a dependent. Married people who file jointly can claim two personal exemptions (one for each spouse), plus exemptions for each of their dependents. If filing separately, one spouse can claim the other spouse's personal exemption only in limited circumstances. Dependents cannot claim their own personal exemption." }, { "score": 0.5857977867, "text": "The Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return, and its shorter version Form 1040NR-EZ, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents, are used by nonresident aliens who have U.S. source income and therefore have to file a U.S. tax return." }, { "score": 0.5744788647, "text": "How Do I Claim Dependents on My Taxes? You can claim dependents when you prepare your tax return on 1040A efile it or 1040A efile it (Find out which type of Form 1040 to file here). It is easy to claim dependents when you prepare your return on efile.com." }, { "score": 0.5678052902, "text": "Hello there carlosacosta711, It is my goal to answer your tax quetions and make filing easier. To answer your first question your mother can still claim you as a dependent. When you file your own return you will just need to answer Yes to the question Can anyone claim you as a dependent?. As for the American Opportunity Credit I will be including more information about that." }, { "score": 0.5655070543, "text": "Since 1976, working taxpayers have been able to claim a nonrefundable tax credit for employment-related care expenses for children and other dependents. The maximum credit is 35 percent (the credit rate) of $3,000 for one qualifying child ($1,050) and of $6,000 for two or more qualifying children ($2,100)." }, { "score": 0.5520918965, "text": "1 a nonresident alien, you must file Form IL-1040 if your income is taxed under federal income tax law. 2 You must attach a copy of your U.S. 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return, or U.S. 1040NR-EZ, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents." }, { "score": 0.5337439179, "text": "Non-Dependency Court Litigation. 1 317(e) Claim A type of claim filed by the attorney representing the child in a dependency action. The claim contains a statement of injury to a dependent child and, in some cases, the person or entity that has caused the injury." }, { "score": 0.521949172, "text": "Guide to Ontario Non-Resident (Foreign Buyer) Speculation Tax. This page provides information relevant to people who have paid or are concerned about paying Ontario's foreign buyer real estate tax, or the Non-resident Speculation Tax (\"NRST\") as it's officially called. For additional information on the NRST, read an earlier post on our Tax Blog. 1. What is the Non-Resident Speculation Tax? The NRST is a new 15% tax that the province of Ontario has imposed on certain foreign buyers of real estate. The NRST applies to all affected purchases that close on or after April 21, 2017 (\"closing\" refers to the formal transfer of title which takes place after signing the agreement of purchase and sale)." }, { "score": 0.5199323297, "text": "Canada's universal health-care system. All Canadian citizens and permanent residents may apply for public health insurance. When you have it, you do not pay for most health-care services as health care is paid for through taxes. When you use public health-care services, you must show your health insurance card to the hospital or medical clinic." }, { "score": 0.4917325675, "text": "Your parents are still subject to being removed from the country, regardless of their good record. But you can definitely petition for them, and try to claim them as dependents, and through that to seek to get their inadmissibility waived under I-601." } ]
how much is a seat belt ticket
[ { "score": 0.7418237329, "text": "Primary Seat Belt Law. Minnesota's seat belt law is a primary offense, meaning drivers and passengers in all seating positions — including in the backseat — must be buckled up or in the correct child restraint. Law enforcement will stop and ticket unbelted drivers or passengers. A seat belt ticket is $25 but can cost more than $100 with fees. Drivers will be ticketed for unbelted passengers ages 14 and younger. Unbelted passengers age 15 and older will be ticketed directly." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7971503735, "text": "1 Typical penalty is a ticket with a fine of up to $50 (non-moving violation). 2 If the person not wearing a seat belt is under 16, the driver gets up to a $100 fine and 3 driver violation points on their license (moving violation).n 49 states you can be issued a violation for not using a seat belt. (New Hampshire has no mandatory seat belt requirement.) The enforcement of state belt laws may depend on which seats -- front or back -- are not buckled." }, { "score": 0.7897949815, "text": "My husband was just ticketed today for not wearing a seat belt as he was leaving a Union Square parking garage. He had only driven half a block when he was stopped. We called … the phone number on the ticket and found out that the cost of the ticket is $160. ticket can easily cost $50 + $85 surcharge. This is for adults over 16. I have no idea what the surcharge is if a person under 16 is in your car not wearing a seatbelt... It could be ghastly expensive since the base there is $100 rather than $50." }, { "score": 0.7693428993, "text": "Under Texas seat belt laws, the fines for not wearing a seat belt depend on the age of the passenger. If the passenger is over 17 and in the front seat of a vehicle without a belt on, the fine can be anywhere from $25 to $50. If the passenger is under 17 and riding without a seatbelt, the fine is much higher: $100-200.Of course, there are also court costs, which can vary depending on where you got ticketed. A judge may also order you to complete a driving safety course that focuses on the importance of using a seat belt.f the passenger is under 17 and riding without a seatbelt, the fine is much higher: $100-200. Of course, there are also court costs, which can vary depending on where you got ticketed. A judge may also order you to complete a driving safety course that focuses on the importance of using a seat belt." }, { "score": 0.7652514577, "text": "Seatbelt fines. If you are driving, you can face a fine if you or anyone in your vehicle under age 16 is not wearing a seatbelt or secured in a proper child seat. If you are convicted, you will: be fined between $200 and $1,000. receive two demerit points - demerit points remain on your driving record for two years." }, { "score": 0.7616769671, "text": "Under Texas seat belt laws, the fines for not wearing a seat belt depend on the age of the passenger. If the passenger is over 17 and in the front seat of a vehicle without a belt on, the fine can be anywhere from $25 to $50. If the passenger is under 17 and riding without a seatbelt, the fine is much higher: $100-200.Of course, there are also court costs, which can vary depending on where you got ticketed. A judge may also order you to complete a driving safety course that focuses on the importance of using a seat belt.owever, many people choose not to wear a seatbelt on purpose, possibly due to one of the following misconceptions: 1 Seat belts can trap you in a burning or flooded vehicle, so it's safer not wear one. 2 If I have a car with airbags, I don't need to wear a seat belt, too." }, { "score": 0.7612646818, "text": "The cost for a seatbelt violation is $30. Below is a summary of the Florida seat belt law. For a child that is not properly restrained the violation is $60.he law states that the front seat passengers must wear seat belts. This law applies to any car manufactured since 1968. in addition, all passengers under 18 years old must wear a seat belt or be otherwise restrained by a child car seat." }, { "score": 0.746260643, "text": "For those that will not believe state law, how about the Texas Department of Public Safety saying that seat belt violations do not count (other than child safety seat violations). http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/director_staff/public_information/pr081903c.htm So to answer your question, expect about $150 to $170.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Here is the law, not opinion. Under Texas law you can be fined $100 to $200. Texas Transportation Code Sec. 545.413. SAFETY BELTS; OFFENSE Code See (d) http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Do..." }, { "score": 0.7435618639, "text": "Coley says out of the $116 seat belt fine in Jackson County, only a $30 base fine will go to the legislature with the rest accounting for court fees and other costs. But drivers like Nuta disagree with how the money flows in the two states." }, { "score": 0.7295229435, "text": "By not wearing your seat belt, you have decided that discomfort, or other costs, are a more important factor in determining your behavior than the $1.7 million you are adding to society throughout your life. But in St. Louis County, the cost for getting caught not wearing a seat belt is $10.y not wearing your seat belt, you have decided that discomfort, or other costs, are a more important factor in determining your behavior than the $1.7 million you are adding to society throughout your life. But in St. Louis County, the cost for getting caught not wearing a seat belt is $10." }, { "score": 0.7285741568, "text": "If it is only a seatbelt ticket then it is not worth fighting. Just pay it off. There are no insurance points or license points for this. Also, the ticket cost will not be much more than $100, so why would you want too hire a lawyer or miss work for that??? Ask a similar question" }, { "score": 0.7192063928, "text": "Seat Belt Rules for Front-Seat Riders. Drivers and front-seat passengers must wear a seat belt, even if air bags are available. Drivers can get hit with a $30 fine, and passengers with a $20 fine, for ignoring the rule." }, { "score": 0.715028584, "text": "Texas law now requires drivers and all passengers in vehicles to be secured by a safety belt. A safety belt violation can result in fines ranging from $25 to $250, plus court costs. Safety Seat Guidelines. Safety belts are designed for adults, not children." }, { "score": 0.694590807, "text": "Children under the age of four must ride in safety seats. Children age four, five or six must ride in child restraint systems. The penalty for a seat belt or car seat violation is a fine of up $50. If a conviction includes a person under the age of 16, the driver receives a maximum fine of $100 and 3 points on the driver license record." }, { "score": 0.6907712221, "text": "1 All drivers must wear a seat belt. 2 All passengers in the front must wear a seat belt. 3 All passengers in the back under 18 years old must wear a seat belt. Violators can be fined up to $25." }, { "score": 0.6807892323, "text": "Seat belt laws are divided into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary seat belt laws allow law enforcement officers to ticket a driver or passenger for not wearing a seat belt, without any other traffic offense taking place.econdary seat belt laws state that law enforcement officers may issue a ticket for not wearing a seat belt only when there is another citable traffic infraction." }, { "score": 0.6778376698, "text": "Air Bag Investigation Widens: Aging Parts' Reliability Questioned. The average maximum cost of a ticket for reckless driving is $742, according to WalletHub, with the lowest being $100 in Kentucky, Mississippi and New Mexico. The highest is approximately $5,000, in Washington state." }, { "score": 0.6700092554, "text": "From 1960 to 1963 sales nearly quadrupled. All auto companies offered seat belts as optional equipment at minimal cost — from about $17 to $22. Gas stations were in the business of installing belts at a charge of $6 per belt, and sales were brisk. Whereas in the mid-fifties there were eight belt manufacturers, by 1963 their numbers swelled to more than eighty." }, { "score": 0.6665084958, "text": "The California DMV has a mandatory seat belt law that requires most drivers and passengers to wear seat belts while driving. However, CA traffic tickets can still win seat belt tickets which are traffic ticket infractions. Mandatory Seat Belt Law. 27315." }, { "score": 0.6657114625, "text": "You typically have a maximum of 30 days to pay a seat belt ticket in the state of Indiana. If you need more time, you must contact the court in your county.o pay online, you will need your citation number (located on the ticket), or you can use the online system to look up the citation number by defendant name. The online vendor that processes the payments will charge a fee on top of the ticket cost." }, { "score": 0.6634566784, "text": "Seat Belts Seat belt laws are divided into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary seat belt laws allow law enforcement officers to ticket a driver or passenger for not wearing a seat belt, without any other traffic offense taking place." }, { "score": 0.6614589691, "text": "TX Seat Belt Laws. To increase the safety of all motor vehicle drivers and passengers, seat belts are mandatory in Texas, according to state law. Failure to abide these laws may result in fines up to $200 for the driver and passenger. Child Safety Seats." }, { "score": 0.6603577137, "text": "Highlights of New York State's occupant restraint law: In the front seat, the driver and each passenger must wear a seat belt, one person per belt. The driver and front-seat passengers aged 16 or older can be fined up to $50 each for failure to buckle up." }, { "score": 0.6543819904, "text": "New York State's mandatory seat belt law-the first in the nation-went into effect today. Drivers and front-seat passengers must wear seat belts or face fines of up to $50." }, { "score": 0.6540515423, "text": "State of Florida Seat Belt Laws. In a car crash you are much more likely to be killed if you are not wearing a seat belt. That is why Florida has seat belt laws. The law states that the front seat passengers must wear seat belts.This law applies to any car manufactured since 1968. in addition, all passengers under 18 years old must wear a seat belt or be otherwise restrained by a child car seat.It is against the law to operate a vehicle if all the passengers do not meet these standards. The cost for a seatbelt violation is $30.Below is a summary of the Florida seat belt law. For a child that is not properly restrained the violation is $60.his law applies to any car manufactured since 1968. in addition, all passengers under 18 years old must wear a seat belt or be otherwise restrained by a child car seat. It is against the law to operate a vehicle if all the passengers do not meet these standards. The cost for a seatbelt violation is $30." }, { "score": 0.6529464126, "text": "To protect yourself and those around you, make sure you're familiar with these laws BEFORE getting behind the wheel. TX Seat Belt Laws. To increase the safety of all motor vehicle drivers and passengers, seat belts are mandatory in Texas, according to state law. Failure to abide these laws may result in fines up to $200 for the driver and passenger. Child Safety Seats" }, { "score": 0.651487112, "text": "Many laws require all children to ride in the rear seat whenever possible, and most states permit children over a particular age, height or weight to use an adult safety belt. First offense fines for not complying with a state's child passenger safety laws vary from $10 to $500." }, { "score": 0.6507262588, "text": "There are specific circumstances, where individuals are exempt from the seat belt law. By using these exemptions we will likely win your California Seat Belt Ticket. If we don't win, you don't pay! We offer a 100% GUARANTEED refund if we can't dismiss or reduce your ticket to no points.Call Us Toll Free For Quote: 1 800 203 6606. The California DMV has a mandatory seat belt law that requires most drivers and passengers to wear seat belts while driving.However, CA traffic tickets can still win seat belt tickets which are traffic ticket infractions.here are specific circumstances, where individuals are exempt from the seat belt law. By using these exemptions we will likely win your California Seat Belt Ticket. If we don't win, you don't pay! We offer a 100% GUARANTEED refund if we can't dismiss or reduce your ticket to no points." }, { "score": 0.6405874491, "text": "Driver-no seat belt. To successfully challenge a seat belt ticket you must either create reasonable doubt about whether you were wearing your seat belt or mount a due diligence defence. If you don't know what this is, read Step 5 which provides considerable detail on the subject.river-no seat belt. To successfully challenge a seat belt ticket you must either create reasonable doubt about whether you were wearing your seat belt or mount a due diligence defence. If you don't know what this is, read Step 5 which provides considerable detail on the subject." }, { "score": 0.6271157265, "text": "1 The national seat belt use rate is at 87 percent, and in California it's over 97 percent, which is good, but we can do better. That still leaves over a half million drivers and passengers on California roadways unbuckled or kids not in safety seats. Click It or Ticket isn't about the citations; it's about saving lives." }, { "score": 0.6264703274, "text": "Published: December 1, 1984. New York State's mandatory seat belt law - the first in the nation - went into effect today. Drivers and front-seat passengers must wear seat belts or face fines of up to $50. Drivers will be liable for any passengers under 16 who are not strapped in the front seat." }, { "score": 0.6234413981, "text": "State Seat Belt Law Takes Effect Today. Published: December 1, 1984. New York State's mandatory seat belt law - the first in the nation - went into effect today. Drivers and front-seat passengers must wear seat belts or face fines of up to $50. Drivers will be liable for any passengers under 16 who are not strapped in the front seat." }, { "score": 0.6224236488, "text": "\"Click It or Ticket\" debuted in California in 2005, and since then the state's seat belt use rate has increased from 92.5 percent in 2005 to a record high of 97.4 percent in 2014, representing over 1.5 million more vehicle occupants who have started buckling up." }, { "score": 0.6016450524, "text": "Compulsory seat belts for rear passengers arrived in 1989 for children and in 1991 for adults. Some 94 per cent of drivers and front seat passengers wear belts, and 96 per cent of children on the back are strapped in, but only 69 per cent of us wear our rear seat belts. Perhaps that's because the fine for defying the law is usually only £30, with no points on your licence." }, { "score": 0.5968976021, "text": "\"Click It or Ticket\" debuted in California in 2005, and since then the state's seat belt use rate has increased from 92.5 percent in 2005 to a record high of 97.4 percent in 2014, representing over 1.5 million more vehicle occupants who have started buckling up.eat Belt Facts. Be a Part of the Progress. 1 The national seat belt use rate is at 87 percent, and in California it's over 97 percent, which is good, but we can do better. 2 That still leaves over a half million drivers and passengers on California roadways unbuckled or kids not in safety seats." }, { "score": 0.5934973359, "text": "Children must use a child seat or booster. A child can use an adult belt when they reach 135cm (4ft 5ins) or their 12th birthday, whichever comes first. The driver can be fined up to £500 if a child under 14 years does not wear a seat belt or child restraint as required." }, { "score": 0.5898649096, "text": "Seat Belt Facts. Be a Part of the Progress. 1 The national seat belt use rate is at 87 percent, and in California it's over 97 percent, which is good, but we can do better. 2 That still leaves over a half million drivers and passengers on California roadways unbuckled or kids not in safety seats.Click It or Ticket\" debuted in California in 2005, and since then the state's seat belt use rate has increased from 92.5 percent in 2005 to a record high of 97.4 percent in 2014, representing over 1.5 million more vehicle occupants who have started buckling up." }, { "score": 0.5784802437, "text": "Frequently Asked Questions. A. Tickets range in price from $50 to $100 per seat. Prices are based on the view, side of the street, and the position on the parade route. Some of the lower priced seats may have some sort of obstructed view; such as a tree, pole, building, etc. affecting only part of your view. A. We sell all tickets at face value." }, { "score": 0.5733208656, "text": "FDL2-604-UT-AD-908 12. BENEFIT PROVISIONS. (Applicable to Basic and Voluntary AD&D) SEAT BELT BENEFIT. We will pay an additional benefit, the Seat Belt Benefit, of the lesser 10% of Your Principal Sum or $50,000 to. Your designated beneficiary if the Principal Sum under the AD&D Benefit is payable for Loss life as the result of an." }, { "score": 0.57019943, "text": "Cost. Unless you're a member of AAA, which entitles you to the free use of one car seat with every rental through Hertz, renting a car seat is bound to cost you something. Most major companies charge between $10 and $15 per seat per day, and cap those fees at a maximum of $60 to $70 per seat per rental. For us, this would mean a vacation-length surcharge of at least $120 (for two kids)." }, { "score": 0.5679405928, "text": "If a normal box ticket with a seat costs US$500 per ticket then standing room tickets might be around US$250–US$300 per ticket. These tickets will allow more people in a box, but they won't have seats and will have to stand in the box or sit in the lounge area." }, { "score": 0.567679584, "text": "1 Universal-fit car seat covers typically cost $10-$70 each or $40-$150 for a packaged set, depending on the size and style, the quality of the materials, and whether the closures are Velcro or zippers; some packaged sets also include rubber floor mats." }, { "score": 0.5654686093, "text": "Typical costs: 1 Universal-fit car seat covers typically cost $10-$70 each or $40-$150 for a packaged set, depending on the size and style, the quality of the materials, and whether the closures are Velcro or zippers; some packaged sets also include rubber floor mats." }, { "score": 0.5593180656, "text": "Safety: Most of the mobility scooters we sell can have safety belts added to the seats for under $50.00, and belts sizes are available in lengths up to 70 inches. Other features, such as turning signals and headlights, may not be available on all models." }, { "score": 0.5578168035, "text": "This site tells you exactly what needs to be replaced and how to access them (seat belts & all) on over 3500 cars. It's a pay site ($14.95 / day), but it's little money well spent to get the correct answers and to see exactly what you're after...it uses pictures, not text, so you can see what you're looking for." }, { "score": 0.5368459821, "text": "How much is it? 1 The cost of Wrestlemania tickets vary anywhere from $25 for nosebleed seats (seats in the upper-level section) all the way up to $850 or more for seats closest to the ringside (ringside seats)." }, { "score": 0.5350678563, "text": "1 The cost of Wrestlemania tickets vary anywhere from $25 for nosebleed seats (seats in the upper-level section) all the way up to $850 or more for seats closest to the ringside (ringside seats)." }, { "score": 0.5324140787, "text": "Ticket prices for adults are up $3, to $56.95, and parking has increased from $10 to $12 per vehicle. That means a trip for a family of four — without discounted tickets, which are widely available at grocery and other stores — will cost roughly $239.80." }, { "score": 0.5322979689, "text": "For a passenger car, CostHelper readers report costs of $300-$1,570 for a timing belt package, with an average of $750. For an SUV, minivan or pickup, readers report paying $610-$1,565, with an average cost of $1,048." }, { "score": 0.529104948, "text": "Three listings share the most expensive ticket cost at $25,000. Two of the listings are for floor seats, and the third is for fifth-row seats in the lower deck. Three additional listings had asking prices of $20,000 each, all of which are for courtside seats." }, { "score": 0.5289257169, "text": "Keep safe in your go kart by adding proper seats, seat belts, and padding. BMI Karts has the best selection of seats, seat belts, & padding for your go-kart, race kart, or mini bike. 3 Point Seatbelt. $25.45." }, { "score": 0.5287312865, "text": "Tickets vary from $5-$225, at least where I've sat before(everywhere except for directly behind home plate). I'm actually heading home from a game right now, in a section which cost $150 a seat. I sat in a VIP suite. Some tickets I think are worth it though." }, { "score": 0.5278363824, "text": "1 For a passenger car, CostHelper readers report costs of $300-$1,570 for a timing belt package, with an average of $750. 2 For an SUV, minivan or pickup, readers report paying $610-$1,565, with an average cost of $1,048." }, { "score": 0.5259127021, "text": "Kids tickets are 34.99, adults tickets are 54.99, and 2 and under is free -- buy your tickets online officially and adult tickets are only 34.99. Season tickets are 74.99. You … can't forget the parking which is $15 in the back and $25 in the front. Get season parking in the front for 70.99." }, { "score": 0.5249391794, "text": "1 Child seats or booster seats Rates vary by location but average about $10.00 per day. 2 Child seats are available at some locations, but cannot be reserved online at this time. 3 Please contact the Enterprise office in the city you wish to rent from to discuss the availability of child seats." }, { "score": 0.5240117311, "text": "Seat belts are made for adults. Children should stay in a booster seat until adult seat belts fit correctly, typically when children reach about 4 feet 9 inches in height and are 8 through 12 years of age. Most children will not fit in a seat belt alone until 10 to 11 years of age." }, { "score": 0.523634851, "text": "For a passenger car, CostHelper readers report paying $179-$942 to replace the timing belt, at an average cost of $449. For an SUV or minivan, CostHelper readers report paying $502-$950, with an average of $736." }, { "score": 0.5175378323, "text": "1 For a passenger car, CostHelper readers report paying $179-$942 to replace the timing belt, at an average cost of $449. 2 For an SUV or minivan, CostHelper readers report paying $502-$950, with an average of $736." }, { "score": 0.5066411495, "text": "The reduced food-and-beverage prices hardly suggest Mercedes-Benz Stadium will be easy on fans' budgets overall. Personal seat licenses, priced at $500 to $45,000, will be required in order to buy Falcons season tickets, which will cost from $55 to $385 per game on top of the one-time PSL fees." }, { "score": 0.506280899, "text": "You'd expect tickets for this game to be hard to get, but if you're willing to pony up a little cash, you can be there. You can even sit courtside for the game with VIP courtside access. All it will cost you is around $122,000 for each seat. The good news is there are up to five tickets available next to each other, so you and your friends can check out Game 7. This is the deal on Seat Geek right now:" }, { "score": 0.4978291988, "text": "Early pricing is through the roof, but it is not clear if it is realistic, as no tickets have been sold yet through SeatGeek, according to Connor Gregoire, an analyst with the company. The cheapest seat listed for the fight is $4,116 with a median price of $9,218. Floor seats start at $22,441. This compares to an average secondary price of $2,168 for Mayweather-Alvarez. Gregoire expects tickets for Mayweather-Pacquiao to eventual settle in at least twice as high The One." }, { "score": 0.4864926934, "text": "1st class ticket prices ranged from 400 to 870 pounds for a one way ticket. The top 1st class ticket price was $3,100 dollars, equivalent to $124,000 dollars today. The cheapest 3rd class ticket was 7 pounds, 15 shillings. The average 3rd class ticket cost $32.00, equivalent to $1,300 dollars today." }, { "score": 0.4766519368, "text": "BLACK WIDOW 3 PERSON REAR BENCH SEAT XP 1000 4 SEATER. WE TEAMED UP WITH TRIPLE X SEATS TO COME UP WITH THE PERFECT REAR BECH SEAT. THIS SEAT ALLOWS YOU TO ADD A REAR PASSENGER. CONVERTING THE XP 1000 4 SEATER TO A 5 SEATER. (DOES NOT WORK WITH FACTORY BELTS ) (4 POINT HARNESSES SOLD SEPARATE ) Price: $799.00." }, { "score": 0.4759832621, "text": "Frontier, which last year joined Spirit and Allegiant in charging for carry-on bags that don't fit underneath the seat, is not raising its carry-on bag fees. They range from $30 to $40, depending on the time of purchase. Southwest Airlines is the only major carrier not charging for the first two checked bags." }, { "score": 0.41770643, "text": "In order to use miles to upgrade, you'd need to book at least a K class ticket, which currently is available for $360.25. By spending just over $100 extra (plus 12,500 miles), you can snag a ticket in first class that currently retails for $651.60, a value of 2.33 cents per SkyMile. You'll also be traveling in a lie-flat seat! Availability on the most popular routes isn't great, but other routes are much better:" } ]
chest congestion meaning
[ { "score": 0.7753171921, "text": "Chest Congestion. Chest congestion is a common symptom of respiratory tract infections (like the common cold). Chest congestion is an accumulation of fluids and mucus in the lungs, which can cause symptoms of pain, discomfort, tenderness, coughing and difficulty breathing. Coughing is a way for your body to get rid of irritants in your airways or an accumulation of extra mucus that's stuck inside your lungs." } ]
[ { "score": 0.7385373712, "text": "Symptoms of Chest Congestion. The symptoms of chest congestion can cause a lot of discomforts and tiredness as it reduces the supply of oxygen. There are some common signs such as cough, difficult breathing with shortness of breath, and tightened chest with mild pain, throat irritation and dizziness." }, { "score": 0.7350380421, "text": "Symptoms of Chest Congestion. Symptoms of chest congestion are not very difficult to identify. One feels very tired due to the short supply of oxygen and labored breathing. Tightened chest and chest pain along with coughing are the common symptoms of chest congestion. Coughing is the most common and natural response of lungs and throat to clear out the thick mucous deposited in the chest area." }, { "score": 0.731459558, "text": "Chest congestion is not only uncomfortable and unpleasant, but can cause hazardous health issues like bronchitis or pneumonia if not cleared up. It is wise to do all you can do to relieve and clear up congestion before it worsens." }, { "score": 0.730432272, "text": "People who are suffering from chest congestions might experience chest pains, cough and difficulty in breathing. Chest congestion can be caused by bronchitis, pneumonia, post-nasal drip and allergic reactions. Treatment of chest congestion focuses on removing the mucus or excess fluid in the lungs. This can be done with the help of medications and nebulization." }, { "score": 0.7281963825, "text": "congestion. abnormal accumulation of fluid, usually blood, in a body part, organ, or area. (kon-jes'chÅ­n), This word does not refer to the presence of excessive mucous secretions in respiratory passages. Nasal and tracheobronchial congestion is due to vascular engorgement, usually induced by inflammation." }, { "score": 0.7208766937, "text": "Tightened chest and chest pain along with coughing are the common symptoms of chest congestion. Coughing is the most common and natural response of lungs and throat to clear out the thick mucous deposited in the chest area. This mucous or phlegm is produced to trap pathogens and pollutants." }, { "score": 0.7201632261, "text": "The symptoms of chest congestion can be listed as under. 1 Coughing. 2 Shortness of breath. 3 Labored breathing. Chest 1 pain. Dizziness. Runny 1 nose. Wheezing. 2 Discomfort. Blood in cough. Loud noises while breathing." }, { "score": 0.7180484533, "text": "The symptoms of chest congestion can be listed as under. 1 Coughing. 2 Shortness of breath. 3 Labored breathing. 4 Chest pain. 5 Dizziness. 6 Runny nose. 7 Wheezing. 8 Discomfort. 9 Blood in cough. 10 Loud noises while breathing." }, { "score": 0.7100726962, "text": "Congestion in the upper respiratory system leads to several unpleasant symptoms, including cough and difficulty breathing. Chest congestion typically stems from inflammation in the bronchial tubes, soft passageways that move air in and out of the lungs. Home remedies are often adequate to clear up minor cases of bronchial congestion." }, { "score": 0.7087702751, "text": "Pollution: The most common yet unavoidable cause of chest congestion is exposure to pollution. With industries cropping up everywhere, the release of harmful chemicals and obnoxious odur into the atmosphere is high putting you at high risk of suffering from breathing problems." }, { "score": 0.7074514627, "text": "Chest congestion is often painful. Some people may experience a constant dull ache that is made worse when one takes a deep breath. The pain can be severe at times, especially during coughing fits. Typically, the center of the chest is where the pain is focused." }, { "score": 0.7066721916, "text": "Allergens, bacteria and fungi can also cause chest congestion and infection. Some other causes include asthma, bronchitis, the flu, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Symptoms of chest congestion can make you very uncomfortable and tired due to the short supply of oxygen." }, { "score": 0.70553267, "text": "When you're congested in the chest you usually know it. Cough and chest pain are all too common, and heavy breathing, a common symptom of chest congestion, is a huge cause for fatigue. The seven most common symptoms of chest congestion are: 1. Coughing. 2. Chest Pain." }, { "score": 0.7043025494, "text": "Congestion: Introduction. The term 'congestion' is a general medical term, that may refer to nasal congestion (i.e. runny nose or stuffy nosed), pulmonary congestion, congestive heart disease, and various other types of congestion....more ». » Review Causes of Congestion: Causes | Symptom Checker »." }, { "score": 0.7015395761, "text": "The most popular factor which triggers chest congestion is common cold. Also fungi, bacteria and allergens can also trigger chest congestion as well as infection. Some other medical conditions such as pneumonia, the flu, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma do contribute to the occurrence of chest congestion." }, { "score": 0.6984391212, "text": "This article talks about congestion as related to the ear, nose, throat and lungs. Cardiac congestion is a different medical term that usually refers to a weak heart muscle which is unable to pump blood sufficiently." }, { "score": 0.6974437833, "text": "Many people will have a difficult time breathing if they have chest congestion. This could be for a number of different reasons, but generally it is due to liquid built up in or around the lungs. That liquid could also be a number of different things." }, { "score": 0.6943442225, "text": "con•ges•tion. 1. overcrowding; clogging: traffic congestion. 2. clogging in a blood vessel, duct, or other body part due to an accumulation of fluid, mucus, etc.: nasal congestion. a gathering or accumulation; a heap or pile." }, { "score": 0.6936321259, "text": "What causes chest congestion? Chest congestion can be caused by many different things. When the body triggers an immune response against viruses, bacteria, and other infections, it can lead to chest congestion. A cold is the most common cause of chest congestion, but other factors can cause mucus buildup as well as other associated symptoms. The following list covers some well-known chest congestion causes: Smoking" }, { "score": 0.6928082705, "text": "Congestion (noun). overfullness of the capillary and other blood vessels, etc., in any locality or organ (often producing other morbid symptoms); local hyper/mia, active or passive; as, arterial congestion; venous congestion; congestion of the lungs. Origin: [L. congestio: cf." }, { "score": 0.6916985512, "text": "Noun. 1. congestion-excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part. symptom - (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease." }, { "score": 0.6893703938, "text": "Chest Congestion Going Deeper. CHEST CONGSTION – GOING DEEPER. When you breathe, you inhale particles that are floating around in the air, like dust, allergens, bacteria or viruses. Usually these particles are trapped in the mucus that covers the mucus membranes of your nose and airways. Then tiny hairs called cilia transport the mucus (with the trapped particles) toward the throat." }, { "score": 0.6839219332, "text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: congestion (Noun). The act of gathering into a heap or mass; accumulation. congestion (Noun). An excess of traffic. congestion (Noun). Overfullness of the capillary and other blood vessels, etc., in any locality or organ (often producing other morbid symptoms); local hypermic, active or passive; as, arterial congestion; venous congestion; congestion of the lungs. congestion (Noun)." }, { "score": 0.6828296185, "text": "Congestion in the nose, sinuses, and chest is due to swollen, expanded, or dilated blood vessels in the membranes of the nose and air passages. These membranes, with a great capacity for expansion, have an abundant supply of blood vessels. Once the membranes swell, you start to feel congested." }, { "score": 0.6804629564, "text": "Commonly, western medical diagnosis for this presentation would be sinusitis and chest congestion. Nasal sinusitis is a disease of inflammation of nasal sinus membranes. Just as with a head cold that moves into the chest, sinusitis and chest congestion often occur together. This is because the respiratory system (the system of organs that process air in the body, including the nose, throat and lungs) of the chest and sinuses are connected to one another." }, { "score": 0.6798428297, "text": "How to Break up Chest Congestion. If you're feeling sick, you want to know how to break up chest congestion fast. Chest congestion is the accumulation, due to over production, of mucus in the lungs and bronchial passages. Chest congestion is often accompanied by a low fever, dry cough and minor aches and pains.It can be a result of the flu, a common cold, an allergy or pneumonia among other things.ow to Break up Chest Congestion. If you're feeling sick, you want to know how to break up chest congestion fast. Chest congestion is the accumulation, due to over production, of mucus in the lungs and bronchial passages. Chest congestion is often accompanied by a low fever, dry cough and minor aches and pains." }, { "score": 0.677692771, "text": "A chest cold is a virus that causes congestion in the lungs. These can often only be cured by time, but a steady diet of vitamin C and adequate fluids can speed up the hea … ling. Answered." }, { "score": 0.6749156117, "text": "It is a symptom and not a disease. Nasal congestion is the swelling of your nose tissue lining due to filled blood vessels. It can cause nasal drainage of mucus to become congested. Sinus congestion is blood gathering in the lining of air filled cavities in your forehead, cheekbones and behind your nose. This impedes the flow of sinus produced mucus into your nose. Insufficient mucus drainage creates sinus pressure that causes symptoms similar to a headache. Chest congestion occurs when your alveolar walls and lung capillaries become distended with blood. This allows for too much phlegm to collect in your lungs, which causes chest pain and breathing difficulty." }, { "score": 0.6730952859, "text": "Although common cold is one of the common causes of chest congestion, other factors that increase your risk are –. Smoking: In a smoker, when the cigarette smoke enters the wind pipe and bronchioles, the cilia (processes that prevent the foreign particles from entering the lungs) get damaged." }, { "score": 0.6730905771, "text": "And finally, a very annoying cause of nasal and/or sinus congestion are pollen, mold, dust mites or animal dander allergens. The cause of chest congestion can be instigated by a viral, bacterial and fungal infection in your respiratory system or some other cause for blood accumulation." }, { "score": 0.6705988646, "text": "pulmonary congestion. an excessive accumulation of fluid in the lungs, usually associated with either an inflammation or congestive heart failure. pulmonary congestion. The accumulation of an abnormal amount of blood in the vascular bed of the lungs. It usually occurs in association with heart failure. See also: congestion. congestion. abnormal accumulation of blood in a part. pulmonary congestion. see pulmonary congestion. caused by engorgement of the pulmonary vascular bed and it may precede pulmonary edema when the intravascular fluid escapes into the parenchyma and the alveoli. There is a loss of air space and the development of respiratory embarrassment." }, { "score": 0.6658124924, "text": "Congestion is a general term which refers to a feeling of stuffiness in the nasal or breathing passageways. Nasal congestion, stuffiness, or a runny nose is generally caused by increased blood volume to the vessels that line the passages inside the nose. Sinus congestion refers to a feeling of fullness in the sinuses." }, { "score": 0.6644119024, "text": "pulmonary congestion. The accumulation of an abnormal amount of blood in the vascular bed of the lungs. It usually occurs in association with heart failure. See also: congestion. congestion. abnormal accumulation of blood in a part. pulmonary congestion. see pulmonary congestion. caused by engorgement of the pulmonary vascular bed and it may precede pulmonary edema when the intravascular fluid escapes into the parenchyma and the alveoli. There is a loss of air space and the development of respiratory embarrassment." }, { "score": 0.6622238755, "text": "Severe shortness of breath and chest congestion can be signs of pneumonia, bronchitis or many other serious conditions which can become emergencies if home remedies alone are relied on for treatment." }, { "score": 0.6505906582, "text": "Nasal congestion Nasal congestion is a stuffy nose, and can be accompanied by blocked ears, sore throat, and more. Pleural effusion Pleural effusion is buildup of fluid in the pleura and can cause difficulty breathing or chest pain." }, { "score": 0.6438609362, "text": "A heavy chest is a common term to describe a feeling of heaviness in the chest often associated with difficulty breathing (dyspnea) or a tight or crushing sensation in the chest (chest pain). Two situations where this feeling occurs repeatedly is with asthma (lung) and angina pectoris (heart) but there are a host of other causes." }, { "score": 0.6397010684, "text": "Chest congestion can cause a feeling of tightness or pressure in the upper part of the patient's chest. The severe coughing caused by bronchitis can also cause a patient to develop pain in the chest and abdominal muscles." }, { "score": 0.6396602988, "text": "Home Remedies for Chest Congestion Chest congestion is a very common symptom noticed in most of people, including toddlers, young children, and adults. We always refer a doctor, if we are suffering with chest congestion. Very few people take out time to utilize some home remedies for treatment of chest congestion. We never know that some ingredients, present in the kitchen, can work so effectively for health problems, like chest congestion. Take a look at some easy and natural home remedies for chest congestion. 1. Salt Water Gargle" }, { "score": 0.6388549805, "text": "Sinus and chest congestion can be very uncomfortable. They are often caused by seasonal allergies, but they can also be a symptom of bacterial or viral infections (such as the common cold or the flu). Sinus congestion can cause pain (including a sinus headache) and make it difficult to breathe through the nose. Chest congestion can cause a persistent cough, difficulty breathing and wheezing. These two conditions can easily be treated, even without prescription medication." }, { "score": 0.6384348273, "text": "Most chest congestion after eating is the result of inflammation that causes swelling in the airways or lungs. If you experience chest congestion after eating, see your doctor. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat based solely on your symptom. Common causes of chest congestion after eating are pollen-food allergy syndrome, chronic tonsillitis and a food allergy. Congestion after eating from a food allergy may be a sign of a severe allergic reaction that needs to be evaluated by a physician. Video of the Day" }, { "score": 0.6358665228, "text": "Nasal congestion, or stuffy nose, is a term that refers to the obstruction to the flow of air in and out of the nose. In contrast, the term runny nose refers to a discharge (fluid) coming from the nasal passages." }, { "score": 0.635084033, "text": "Nasal congestion, or stuffy nose, is a term that refers to the obstruction to the flow of air in and out of the nose. In contrast, the term runny nose refers to a discharge (fluid) coming from the nasal passages." }, { "score": 0.6343946457, "text": "**Bottom Line Viewpoint:**. ** **. Chest congestion is often accompanied by a nagging cough and when the two show up together, Robitussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion is an effective means for control. It breaks up mucus with a good deal of effectiveness so that coughs are more productive than before." }, { "score": 0.6204879284, "text": "A chest infection refers to an infection that occurs in either the airways to the lungs. The airways are a series of tubes that gradually get smaller and more numerous to deliver oxygen taken in through your nose or mouth to your lungs. The largest tube is the trachea, or windpipe, in your neck." }, { "score": 0.6136066914, "text": "pulmonary vascular congestion is seen when you have problem with your heart, but once it is mild I think it is not serious. it means there is plaque in one or more of the veins hear the heart this is congestion because the plaque is not causing a complete blockage, yet!" }, { "score": 0.6135134697, "text": "IV. 14 Home Remedies For Chest Congestion – Natural Ways To Cure Chest Congestion. When it comes to treating chest congestion, not everyone knows that some ingredients, presenting in their kitchen, could work so efficiently for health issues, such as chest congestion." }, { "score": 0.5998158455, "text": "Definitions: 1. overfilling and distention of the veins with blood as a result of mechanical obstruction or right ventricular failure. The definition information for venous congestion is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here." }, { "score": 0.5021494627, "text": "The following are health and medical definitions of terms that appear in the Pulmonary Hypertension article. Angina: Chest pain due to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. The pain is ... Apnea: The absence of breathing (respiration). Artery: A vessel that carries blood high in oxygen content away from the heart to the far... Arthritis: Inflammation of a joint. When joints are inflamed they can develop stiffness, w..." }, { "score": 0.4439611435, "text": "dextromethorphan / guaifenesin ( OTC ) Brand and Other Names : Mucinex DM , Robitussin Peak Cold Cough + Chest Congestion DM , more ... Delsym Cough + Chest Congestion , Children 's Delsym Cough + Chest Congestion , Robitussin Peak Cold Maximum Strength Cough + Chest Congestion DM , Vicks 44E , Coricidin HBP Chest Congestion & Cough , Diabetic ..." } ]