stringlengths 30
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translate English to French: The flax is hackled through coarse combs and then through finer combs. | On passait les fibres de lin sur ces peignes pour en régulariser le sens et les nettoyer des derniers déchets après le broyage. | 26 | 41 |
translate English to French: I was a computer technician and my salary had topped out. | J'étais technicien en informatique et mon salaire était plafonné. | 20 | 21 |
translate English to French: Furthermore, the accused must not have been tried by foreign courts, except where a trial has taken place and the accused avoided sentence. | Il faut également que le suspect n'ait pas été jugé par un tribunal étranger ou qu'ayant été jugé, il ait échappé à la condamnation. | 33 | 43 |
translate English to German: I hope that one day, the gender pay gap day will be on 1 January, which would mean that there would be equal pay at that moment. | Ich hoffe, dass der "Gender Pay Gap Day" eines Tages auf den 1. Januar fallen wird, was bedeuten würde, dass die Bezahlung dann gleich wäre. | 36 | 39 |
translate English to French: The search began on Tuesday, October 23, after Mr. Boychuk failed to land at his intended destination, Qualicum... » | L'opération de recherche a commencé le mardi 23 octobre, lorsque l'avion de M. Boychuk n'a pas atterri... » | 32 | 38 |
translate English to German: Before you leave, we offer refresher courses in English at home to fill your gaps and be more comfortable. | Bevor Sie gehen, bieten wir Auffrischungskurse in Englisch zu Hause auf Ihre Lücken zu füllen und mehr Komfort. | 28 | 31 |
translate English to French: The definition of marketable risks may evolve over time. The 1997 communication defined only commercial risks as being marketable risks, whereas the 2001 communication included political risks. | La définition des risques cessibles peut évoluer avec le temps : la communication de 1997 définissait comme étant risques cessibles les seuls risques commerciaux, la communication du 2001 y incluait les risques politiques. | 39 | 54 |
translate English to French: ◦ MAIN Estimates (MAINS), incl. the publishing of the ‘Blue Book’ | ◦ Budget principal des dépenses, y compris l’édition du « Livre bleu » | 29 | 21 |
translate English to French: Item 5 of the motion for a resolution calls on the Commission, in implementing MEDIA Plus, to draw attention to the Europa Cinemas network of cinemas, and item 6 calls on the Commission to support the 'Shooting Stars' initiative of the organisation European Film Promotion. | Au point 5, la proposition de résolution invite la Commission, dans le cadre de la mise en uvre du programme Media Plus, à mettre l'accent sur le réseau de salles Europa Cinema ; au point 6, elle l'invite à soutenir l'initiative Shooting stars de l'organisation European film production. | 68 | 77 |
translate English to French: The EC was somewhat concerned by the large number of fora dealing with these issues at present, and believed that WIPO would be the most appropriate body to deal with intellectual property issues. | Quelque peu préoccupée par le fait que ces questions sont actuellement examinées dans un grand nombre d’instances, la CE estime que l’OMPI est l’institution la plus appropriée pour aborder les aspects qui touchent à la propriété intellectuelle. | 44 | 65 |
translate English to German: (The President cut off the speaker) | (Unterbrechung durch die Präsident.) | 14 | 11 |
translate English to French: The voting was as follows: In favour: Argentina, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Tunisia, Venezuela, Zambia. | Ont voté pour : Argentine, Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Botswana, Brésil, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Cuba, El Salvador, Équateur, Fédération de Russie, Guatemala, Inde, Indonésie, Libéria, Madagascar, Maroc, Maurice, Mexique, Népal, Niger, Nigéria, Pakistan, Pérou, Philippines, Qatar, République du Congo, Rwanda, Sénégal, Soudan, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tunisie, Venezuela, Zambie. | 108 | 132 |
translate English to French: The Forum had before it summaries prepared by the Chairman on the panel discussion on “Asia and the Pacific Day”; the discussion on the High-level Ministerial segment; the discussion on Round Table I, “Restoring the World's Forests” and the discussion on Round Table II, “Forest Law and Governance for sustainability”. | Le Forum est saisi des résumés préparés par le Président sur la table ronde sur le thème “Journée de l'Asie et du Pacifique”; sur le débat ministériel de haut niveau; sur le débat de la table ronde I, “Reconstruction des forêts dans le monde” et le débat de la table ronde II, “Lois et gouvernance forestières pour la durabilité”. | 80 | 101 |
translate English to French: • Canadian Railway Network - Transport Canada | • Le réseau ferroviaire canadien - Transports Canada | 14 | 13 |
translate English to French: It is difficult to say at the moment what the level of energy wastage is in the European Union. | Il est difficile de dire pour le moment quel est le niveau de gaspillage d'énergie au sein de l'Union européenne. | 27 | 31 |
translate English to French: The SSE provides some interesting information on why individuals are no longer paid employees. | L’ETI nous fournit des données intéressantes sur les raisons pour lesquelles les répondants ne sont plus des employés salariés. | 22 | 35 |
translate English to French: Figure 1 - Interactive Roles and Time Lines In Transition Planning (continued) | Figure 1 - Rôles interactifs et calendrier de planification de la transition (suite) | 25 | 25 |
translate English to French: In some fields, such as the use of foetal tissue, I preferred the text produced by the specialist committee - but since this was rejected in plenary, I broadly welcome the adoption of the amendment that I tabled as the second alternative. | Dans certains domaines, tels que l'utilisation du tissu f?tal, je préférais le texte de la commission spécialisée mais, au vu du rejet en plénière, je me félicite de l'adoption de l'amendement auquel j'ai souscrit en tant que deuxième solution alternative. | 58 | 83 |
translate English to French: • Participated in a joint services study with Prince Edward Island to assess the viability of CCRA assisting the province with the administration of its revenue programs | • Participation à une étude sur les services conjoints avec l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard pour évaluer si l’ADRC devrait aider la province quant à l’administration de ses programmes de recettes. | 38 | 58 |
translate English to French: His file does not demonstrate that he has experience beyond that of intramural teacher. | La lecture de son dossier ne permet pas de voir d’autres expériences que celle de l’enseignement intramural. | 24 | 30 |
translate English to French: Parliamentarians agreed that, as a result, our conception of accountability must also evolve. | Par conséquent, les parlementaires reconnaissent que notre conception d’obligation de rendre compte doit elle aussi évoluer. | 25 | 29 |
translate English to French: The treatment of large-volume (~ 125 m3) in situ lake enclosures with fenvalerate at realistic field levels of agricultural contamination by drift or overspray (0.4–4.0 g fenvalerate | Le traitement in situ de grands enclos lacustres d'environ 125 m3 avec du fenvalerate à des teneurs correspondant à une contamination agricole par dérives ou surpulvérisations (0,4–4,0 g | 57 | 64 |
translate English to French: Funds may be provided as Band Support Funding if maximum funding levels based on the Band Support formula have not been reached. | Ces fonds peuvent être accordés à titre de financement du soutien des bandes (FSB) si le niveau maximum de financement selon la formule n’a pas été atteint. | 33 | 42 |
translate English to German: Reset Break/Recover: Deletes all information concerning Löscht alle gespeicherten Information eines unterbrochenen Cosimalaufes. | Standby: Bei gesetztem Häkchen wird der Rechner nach Beendigung des Cosimalaufes in den Standbymodus versetzt. | 41 | 37 |
translate English to French: The program can be adapted to the needs of the user. | Le programme peut s'adapter aux nécessités de l'utilisateur (Programmation au fur et à mesure). | 19 | 30 |
translate English to French: There were concerns that time-limited project funding is often not realistic in the context of HIV/AIDS requirements and that some mechanism must be built in for review, assessment and/or evaluation at the completion of the project - and "transitional" funding be provided, where appropriate. | D’aucuns ont mentionné que le financement de projets d’une durée limitée n’était souvent pas réaliste dans le contexte des besoins à l’égard du VIH/sida et qu’un mécanisme devait être prévu pour examiner et évaluer les résultats à la fin du projet afin qu’un financement de « transition » soit fourni, le cas échéant. | 64 | 98 |
translate English to French: "We have gone as far as it is practicable to go in meeting the desires of French-speaking Canadians." | Selon Simonds, il aurait été impossible de faire la guerre dans les deux langues; il prétendait même ne pas connaître d’armée bilingue efficace. | 30 | 46 |
translate English to French: In February 1982, Dr. Habib therefore gave him a prescription for
Tegretol, an anti-convulsant drug, which he was to take three times daily. |
Constatant que le sergent Robinson était «en excellente santé» et qu'il
n'avait jamais souffert de «blackout» ou de perte totale de conscience
comme telle (R-1, ong. | 45 | 52 |
translate English to French: If your fiscal period is less than 365 days, you have to prorate your claim. | Vous n'êtes pas obligé de demander le maximum de la déduction annuelle permise pour une année donnée. | 25 | 30 |
translate English to German: In the "New World", this is second only to the U.S. Nevertheless, it remains a wine region basically unknown to most, and up until just recently, practically all of its wines were consumed internally. | Die Appellation Mendoza ist historisch das Gebiet, in dem Argentiniens feinste Weine produziert werden. | 51 | 27 |
translate English to French: “35. The Chairperson pointed out that the work of the Financial Stability Forum had shown that international financial crises originated in weak domestic financial systems. | Le Président du Forum sur la stabilité financière a indiqué que les travaux de ce dernier avaient montré que les crises financières internationales trouvaient leur origine dans des systèmes financiers nationaux déficients. | 37 | 47 |
translate English to French: Question Sheet What was it like being 15 years old? | Questionnaire C’était comment d’avoir 15 ans ? | 17 | 16 |
translate English to German: Welcome to the press service of ELSA, The European Law Students' Association! | Herzlich Willkommen im Pressebereich von ELSA, The European Law Students' Association! | 23 | 20 |
translate English to French: However, the issue is whether a nylon textile would still meet the definition of "plastic" in Appendix C to the final determination of dumping and subsidizing even if not in primary form. | Toutefois, la question est celle de savoir si un textile de nylon répond toujours à la définition de « plastique » énoncée à l’annexe C de la décision définitive de dumping et de subventionnement même lorsqu’il n’est pas sous sa forme primaire. | 48 | 71 |
translate English to French: Prince Edward Island A. Wayne Beaton , CA Beaton Fitzpatrick Murray 155 Belvedere Av., Suite 200, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 2Y9 (physical address) P.O. Box 2158, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 8B9 (mailing address) Phone: 902-892-5365 Fax: 902-892-0383 Email: [email protected] Website: | C1A 2Y9 (adresse physique) C.P. 2158, Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 8B9 (adresse postale) Téléphone : 902-892-5365 Télécopieur : 902-892-0383 Courriel : [email protected] Site Web : | 111 | 84 |
translate English to French: Compared with the Canadian population, divorced/separated people are overrepresented among those who file for bankruptcy and who file proposals. | En comparaison avec la population canadienne, les divorcés/séparés sont surreprésentés dans la population de faillis et dans la population de ceux qui ont déposé une proposition. | 35 | 49 |
translate English to French: Seating capacity: 175 persons Please do not call the Justice Institute directly. | Capacité : 175 personnes Prière de ne pas appeler le Justice Institute. | 22 | 22 |
translate English to German: Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes | Genehmigung des Protokolls der vorangegangenen Sitzung: siehe Protokoll | 21 | 22 |
translate English to French: The horizontal corneal diameter was greater in eyes with thicker corneas (r = 0.917). | Le diamètre horizontal de la cornée est plus grand dans le cas d'yeux à cornée plus épaisse (r = 0,917). | 27 | 36 |
translate English to French: The Program will continue to be guided by the mandate of the Radiocommunication Act, including where relevant, the policy objectives of the Telecommunications Act. | L'orientation du Programme continuera d'être fondée sur le mandat de la Loi sur la radiocommunication et, le cas échéant, sur les objectifs de la politique énoncés dans la Loi sur les télécommunications. | 36 | 58 |
translate English to French: Wheeler had initially been hired as a producer/director, but was expected to drop her directing role in order to keep her position. | Anne Wheeler, embauchée comme productrice/réalisatrice, doit normalement abandonner son titre de réalisatrice pour garder son poste. | 35 | 33 |
translate English to French: Past studies have shown that temporal changes in the emissions of chemicals into the environment are reflected in the concentration of chemical contaminants in animals from affected ecosystems. | Des études antérieures révèlent que les changements temporels des rejets de substances chimiques dans l'environnement se reflètent dans la concentration de contaminants chimiques observée chez les animaux provenant des écosystèmes touchés. | 38 | 63 |
translate English to French: Exports to destinations categorized by Human Development Index (HDI) level High HDI countries 7 | Destination des exportations en fonction de l’Indicateur du développement humain (IDH) Pays à IDH élevé 7 | 26 | 32 |
translate English to French: • The following special instructions apply to this RFA: | • Les directives particulières suivantes s'appliquent au présent appel de demandes : | 17 | 24 |
summarize: Anchorage, Alaska (CNN) -- It's 3 degrees and snowing outside the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, but inside the operations center, things are heating up. Geologist Michelle Coombs monitors the Redoubt volcano from the Alaska Volcano Observatory. "This is kind of the nerve center, if you will," says geologist Michelle Coombs, who is at the helm of a bank of video monitors showing readouts from sensors on Mount Redoubt, a volcano about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage. The sensors measure seismic activity on the volcano's summit. Scientists at the observatory combine that information with data gathered from daily airplane flights to the volcano to measure gases and try to figure out if and when Redoubt is going to blow. "We're seeing lots of little earthquakes right now," says Coombs. "As that magma rises, it breaks rock as it gets to the surface, and it also it gives off gases, and that leads to the seismic activities were seeing now." When the magma, or molten rock, makes it to the surface, the volcano will erupt. A siren goes off, and one of the video monitors goes haywire. Is the mountain erupting? Learn more about Mount Redoubt ». "That's just a little alarm. There was just a little bit of increased seismic activity," Coombs says reassuringly. "It's a special kind of earthquake particular to volcanoes called a long-period earthquake. It has more to do with fluid and gases than with breaking rock." Watch Coombs keeping an eye on Redoubt ». Since the monitors first showed increased activity on January 23, the observatory has been staffed 24 hours a day. Scientists here are calling in reinforcements; several geologists from the Lower 48 have been making their way north to help. Coombs thinks Redoubt will erupt within days or weeks. No one lives near the mountain, which sits on the Cook Inlet and is largely surrounded by glacier ice. That means there is no direct danger from lava flows, but huge clouds of ash could spread throughout Alaska. When Redoubt last erupted in 1989, it spread ash across Alaska for five months. "Geologists like to use the past as a key to the future, and previous historical eruptions of Redoubt have produced ash clouds of up to 40,000 feet above sea level," says Coombs. She notes that at current weather conditions, "it would take about three hours for that ash to leave the volcano and arrive in Anchorage." The ash is composed largely of silica, which is similar to tiny fragments of glass. Down on the ground, the ash can be dangerous to breath in and can damage cars as their engines draw the ash into their engines. But it is usually a nuisance. However, in the sky, the ash clouds can create very dangerous flying conditions for jets. "For jet aviation, it's a very severe hazard because jet engines run at a very high temperature. And once that silica-rich ash gets ingested into the engine, it can remelt and coat the insides of the engines and freeze up those engines," says Coombs. "That's really the major thing we are trying to avoid here." The day after the 1989 eruption of Redoubt, a 747 flew into an ash cloud near Anchorage and all four engines stalled. The pilot was able to get two of the engines restarted, and the plane landed safely. Coombs says airspace around the volcano and Anchorage may be closed if Redoubt erupts. When the alarms aren't blaring, Coombs sends out the official Twitter feeds from the observatory and tries to stay warm. She is eight months' pregnant. "People have been joking, 'Are you going to name him redoubt?' " she says with a laugh, then shakes her head and gets back to her monitors. | In the cold Alaskan winter, geologist keeps watch on Mount Redoubt.
Michelle Coombs thinks the volcano will erupt within days or weeks.
The biggest danger could be ash getting in a jetliner's engines.
At Alaska Volcano Observatory, they're getting extra help, monitoring 24/7. | 928 | 71 |
translate English to French: Participating countries shall submit to the Commission a report on the impact of the programme three years after the adoption of the programme and three months after the end of the programme on 30 June 2015 and a report on the implementation of the programme. | Les pays participant au programme transmettent à la Commission, trois ans après l'adoption du programme et trois mois après la fin du programme le 30 juin 2015 un rapport sur l'impact du programme PA\569002FR.doc | 55 | 56 |
translate English to French: Mr. Wilson stated, inter alia, that all four coastal States could have made potentially overlapping, separate submissions. | M. Wilson a déclaré notamment que les quatre États côtiers auraient pu soumettre séparément des demandes qui auraient risqué de se chevaucher. | 31 | 40 |
translate English to French: The letter listed 10 items that LGS was being asked to clarify. | La lettre énumérait 10 articles au sujet desquels LGS devait fournir des éclaircissements. | 20 | 28 |
translate English to German: Fitness center in hotel , Services of SPA-salons, SPA salons, Restaurant in hotel . | Fitnesszentrum im Hotel, Dienstleistungen der Spa-Salons, SPA-Salons, Restaurant im Hotel. | 31 | 26 |
translate English to French: Type and characteristics of the brakes (as defined in Annex I, item 1.6 to Directive 71/320/EEC) with a drawing (e.g. drums or discs, wheels braked, connection to braked wheels, make and type of shoe/pad assemblies and/or linings, effective braking areas, radius of drums, shoes or discs, mass of drums, adjustment devices, relevant parts of the axle(s) and suspension): | Type et caractéristiques des freins (au sens du point 1.6 de l'annexe I de la directive 71/320/CEE), accompagnés d'un dessin (exemple: tambours ou disques, roues freinées, accouplement aux roues freinées, marque et type des montages mâchoire/plaquette et/ou des garnitures, surfaces de freinage effectives, rayons des tambours, mâchoires ou disques, masse des tambours, dispositifs de réglage, parties concernées des essieux et de la suspension): ........ | 110 | 155 |
translate English to French: LA HULPE, 2 July 2009 – More efficient communication between securities trading and clearing venues has received a significant boost with the agreement and publication of market practice measures designed to standardise the exchange of electronic information between them. | LA HULPE, 2 juillet 2009 – Une communication plus efficace entre les lieux d'échange et de compensation de titres a été favorisée considérablement avec l'accord et la publication de mesures de pratique du marché destinées à standardiser l'échange des informations électroniques entre eux. | 53 | 74 |
translate English to French: The Bermuda Turtle Project hosted the eleventh annual International Course on the Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles, in August, 2007. | Le Bermuda Turtle Project de protection des tortues des Bermudes a organisé en août 2007 le onzième programme annuel international sur la biologie et la protection des tortues marines. | 31 | 50 |
summarize: (CNN) -- An Afghan soldier shot and killed a NATO soldier Monday in southern Afghanistan, high-ranking officials from the country's National Directorate for Security said. NATO's International Security Assistance Force said an "individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform turned his weapon against" an ISAF service member, "killing the service member." Afghan officials confirmed that the man who did the firing was an Afghan soldier. In another incident, two ISAF service members died after an improvised explosive device attack in eastern Afghanistan, NATO said. The nationalities of the service members were not immediately released. Separately, Afghan and coalition forces repelled an attack on the provincial reconstruction team headquarters in the Herat district of Herat province on Monday, ISAF Joint Command said in a statement. Insurgents trying to get inside the compound attacked the headquarters with a vehicle-borne IED and small-arms fire, but Afghan and coalition forces returned fire, killing several insurgents, it said. Several ISAF service members were wounded. The incidents took place a day after NATO apologized for an airstrike that killed nine civilians in southern Afghanistan. Maj. Gen. John Toolan, head of the ISAF command in southwest Afghanistan, apologized "on behalf of the coalition" and its top leaders, including U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus. He also pleaded with Afghans to work with coalition forces to bolster security. Earlier, Afghan and NATO officials said the attack -- an airstrike Saturday in Helmand province --had killed a dozen children and two women. There was no immediate explanation for the disparity between these figure and the toll of nine civilians offered Sunday by Toolan, who also noted that a U.S. Marine was killed immediately before the strike. Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the airstrike and said he was warning the U.S military and government "for the last time" on behalf of the Afghan people about civilian deaths. He called the operation a mistake. Journalist Reshad Fazel contributed to this report. | NEW: An attack on Afghan and coalition forces in the Herat district is repelled.
A shooter who kills an ISAF service member is part of the Afghan army, officials say.
The incident is under investigation.
Two ISAF service members die after an IED attack. | 452 | 59 |
translate English to French: At its second session, the Committee continued discussions on that matter. | À sa deuxième session, il a poursuivi l'examen de la question. | 19 | 24 |
translate English to French: Elaboration on the scope of Q7A could be supplemented with further clarification in policy and guidance documents. | • Médicaments vétérinaires : | 30 | 13 |
translate English to French: It is not just young people: there are also many older Community citizens and, given the current demographic trends, there are going to be more and more of them. | Les jeunes ne sont pas les seuls concernés: on trouve aussi de nombreux citoyens plus âgés de la Communauté et, vu les tendances démographiques actuelles, ces derniers seront toujours plus nombreux. | 39 | 54 |
translate English to French: Ibid., para. | Ibid., par. | 12 | 7 |
translate English to German: The hotel bar offers a variety of cocktails and liqueurs. | In der Hotelbar wird eine Vielzahl an Cocktails und Likören serviert. | 20 | 20 |
translate English to French: For the purpose of obtaining patents in those countries where the granting authority did not have resources for substantive examination in general, it should still be possible to request examination as an option. | Lorsqu’il s’agit d’obtenir un brevet dans les pays où l’administration chargée de la délivrance des brevets n’a pas les ressources nécessaires pour pouvoir procéder à un examen quant au fond, il devrait toujours être possible de demander un examen. | 44 | 65 |
translate English to German: Walk to house K, the most convenient way is through the bamboo hall. | Gehen Sie bis zum Haus K, am besten durch die Bambushalle. | 21 | 18 |
translate English to French: The article should use internationally accepted wording (eg, no cross-examination). | L’article devrait employer la terminologie reconnue au niveau international (pas de contre-interrogation, par exemple). | 25 | 27 |
translate English to French: The Government and partners have carried out campaigns on malaria, poliomyelitis and provide free mosquito nets for pregnant mothers and children under 5 to reduce infant mortality rates. | Le gouvernement et ses partenaires ont mené des campagnes contre le paludisme et la poliomyélite, et fournissent gratuitement des moustiquaires aux femmes enceintes et aux enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans pour réduire le taux de mortalité infantile. | 42 | 74 |
translate English to French: Information is provided by other institutes such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Risoe Centre (<>) (URC), Denmark, and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan, using direct data streaming from the CDM information system. | Des informations sont fournies par d'autres institutions comme le Centre de Risoe du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) ( (Danemark) et l'Institut des stratégies environnementales mondiales (IGES) (Japon), à partir des flux directs de données du système d'information du MDP. | 72 | 96 |
translate English to French: Other U.S. State Taxes Canadian trucking companies currently face an increasing level of activity by various U.S. state tax authorities. | Autres taxes imposées par des États américains Les entreprises canadiennes de camionnage constatent une activité accrue des autorités fiscales dans les divers États américains. | 36 | 57 |
translate English to German: We revised it in 2004, and now either we take it seriously or, in 2020, we will once again be saying that it did not work. | Wir haben die Methode im Jahr 2004 überarbeitet, und entweder wir nehmen sie jetzt ernst oder wir werden im Jahr 2020 wieder sagen, dass sie nicht funktioniert hat. | 35 | 43 |
translate English to French: There are specific problems of non-reporting, over-reporting and under-reporting, as well as measurement, and these are related to a range of broader problems: for example, inconsistency in use of the concepts (race, violence, motivation), or issues of police training and relations between the police and public. | Il existe des problèmes spécifiques de non-signalement, de surestimation et de sousestimation du nombre de cas, ainsi que de mesures, et ils sont liés à une série de difficultés plus générales: par exemple, l’incohérence dans l’utilisation des concepts (race, violence, motivation, ou les questions de formation policière et de relations entre la police et le public. | 79 | 104 |
translate English to French: OHCHR/Cambodia continued its study of large-scale agricultural plantations - a term which includes both land concessions and rubber plantations operated by the State - to identify their effect on the human rights of people living within or close to their boundaries. | Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme a poursuivi son étude relative aux grandes exploitations agricoles, terme qui désigne à la fois les concessions et les plantations de caoutchouc exploitées par l'État, pour déterminer quels effets ces exploitations ont sur les droits de l'homme des populations vivant sur ces terres ou à proximité. | 63 | 99 |
translate English to German: Unfortunately, scientists in the US are running up against such barriers more and more often. | Unglücklicherweise werden Wissenschafter in den USA immer häufiger mit Hindernissen dieser Art konfrontiert. | 23 | 25 |
translate English to French: They also remove over 99% of particulate matter. | Ces convertisseurs éliminent également plus de 99 % des particules. | 18 | 22 |
translate English to French: EPA-HQ-OPP-2004-0239-0006). Available at: U.S. EPA (2004b) R.E.D. Facts: | EPA-HQ-OPP-2004-0239-0006). Disponible à : U.S. EPA (2004b) R.E.D. Facts: | 63 | 62 |
translate English to French: EcbI− mutant strains did not produce an autoinducer detected by the indicator strains. | Ces mêmes souches indicatrices ont révélé que les mutants EcbI− ne produisaient pas d'auto-inducteur. | 27 | 37 |
translate English to French: ** Do not include: | ** N’incluez pas les montants suivants : | 11 | 15 |
translate English to German: I think that before the start of this vote - regardless of what caused this tragic accident - we should briefly remember those who have lost their lives in this tragedy. | Ich glaube doch, dass wir vor dem Beginn dieser Abstimmung - unabhängig von der Ursache dieses tragischen Unglücks - ganz kurz derer gedenken sollten, die bei diesem tragischen Unglück ums Leben gekommen sind. | 40 | 54 |
translate English to French: People's Tel Limited Partnership 4091E 3500-3525 3600-3625 4092D 3475-3500 3575-3600 4093D 3475-3500 3575-3600 2007-03-02 Bell Canada Inukshuk Wireless Partnership All Licences 2007-03-02 Rogers Wireless Partnership Inukshuk Wireless Partnership All Licences 2007-03-15 Amtelecom Inc. | People's Tel Limited Partnership 4091E 3500-3525 3600-3625 4092D 3475-3500 3575-3600 4093D 3475-3500 3575-3600 2007-03-02 Bell Canada Inukshuk Wireless Partnership Toutes les licences 2007-03-02 Rogers Wireless Partnership Inukshuk Wireless Partnership Toutes les licences 2007-03-15 Amtelecom Inc. | 92 | 89 |
translate English to French: Guarantees for detainees | Garanties offertes aux détenus | 13 | 9 |
translate English to German: With the License Management, which is part of the DCMS Basic Package, you can reveal hidden costs and reduce risks for the company. | Mit dem Lizenzmanagement aus dem Basis Paket der DeskCenter Management Suite können Sie verdeckte Kosten einsparen sowie Risiken für das Unternehmen begrenzen. | 33 | 37 |
translate English to French: The EU as a whole continues to underutilise its labour force potential, and inactivity remains high in most Member States, with the unemployment rate four percentage points higher than in the US or Japan. | Dans son ensemble, l’UE persiste dans la sous-utilisation de son potentiel de main-d’œuvre, tandis que l’inactivité demeure importante dans la plupart des États membres, le taux de chômage étant de quatre points de pourcentage supérieur à celui des États-Unis ou du Japon. | 46 | 77 |
translate English to French: First, the protection of minors. | Premièrement, la protection de la jeunesse. | 14 | 11 |
translate English to French: • Requirements for obtaining a filing date were standardized in order for applicants to minimize the loss of the filing date, which is of utmost importance in the entire procedure. | • Les exigences relatives à l’attribution de la date de dépôt ont été normalisées afin de réduire au minimum le risque de perte de la date de dépôt pour les déposants, qui revêt une importance fondamentale tout au long de la procédure. | 47 | 61 |
translate English to French: The report is also available on Dofasco's external website. | Le rapport est aussi accessible sur le site Web externe de Dofasco. | 21 | 17 |
translate English to French: ◦ (i) fee, if payment is made on or before the nineteenth anniversary: | ◦ (i) taxe, si elle est payée au plus tard au 19e anniversaire : | 25 | 25 |
translate English to French: The international community, especially the Europeans and the Americans, would gain more trust from the Iranian elite if they agreed to recognise and promote the regional and potentially stabilising role to which the Iranians aspire and to respond to Iran’s security concerns. | La communauté internationale, et en premier lieu les Européens et les Américains, gagneraient en confiance auprès des élites iraniennes s’ils acceptaient de reconnaître et de favoriser un rôle régional potentiellement stabilisateur auquel les Iraniens aspirent, et de répondre aux préoccupations sécuritaires de l’Iran. | 59 | 97 |
translate English to French: Alternatives Amending the Regulations is the only legislative means to authorize these changes. | Solutions envisagées La seule façon législative d'autoriser ces changements est de modifier le règlement. | 23 | 28 |
translate English to French: Before Mark Isfeld died in Croatia in 1994, his mother created them for him to hand out to Croatian children. | La mère d'Isfeld les avait fabriquées avant la mort de son fils pour qu'il les distribue aux enfants de ce pays. | 31 | 34 |
translate English to German: First of all, the people were never consulted to find out if they were in favour of replacing their national currency. | Erstens sind die Menschen zu keinem Zeitpunkt befragt worden, ob sie eine Ablösung ihrer nationalen Währung befürworten. | 31 | 34 |
translate English to French: In 1929, the Sclavo Institute begins producing the anatoxin against diphtheria and tetanus and later, the smallpox vaccine. | En 1929, l'Institut Sclavo met au point la production de l’anatoxine diphtérique et tétanique et, ensuite, du vaccin antivariolique. | 43 | 52 |
translate English to French: The people in the camps, whom Algeria described to the international community as refugees, did not meet the criteria set out in article 1 of the United Nations Convention on Refugees of 28 July 1951. | La population des camps, que l'Algérie a décrit à la communauté internationale comme étant formée de réfugiés, ne répond pas aux critères définis à l'article premier de la Convention relative au statut des réfugiés du 28 juillet 1951. | 46 | 64 |
translate English to French: Perhaps, with this being the Commission's ultimate intention, they have put the cart before the horse. | Peut-être, si c'est cela l'intention arrêtée de la Commission, la charrue a-t-elle été mise avant les bœufs. | 27 | 46 |
translate English to French: The Committee still has to deal with the issue of the examination for the promotion from general service to the Professional category, contractual arrangements, recruitment and placement, and the application of the principle of equitable geographic distribution. | Il lui reste encore à étudier la question de l'examen pour la promotion à la catégorie des administrateurs des membres des services généraux, les arrangements contractuels, le recrutement et le placement, et l'application du principe de la répartition géographique équitable. | 47 | 71 |
translate English to German: Amendments 2, 3 and 4 expand on or slightly strengthen the existing provisions and are acceptable to the Commission. | Durch die Änderungsanträge 2, 3 und 4 werden die geltenden Bestimmungen ausgedehnt oder etwas gefestigt. Die Kommission kann sie daher akzeptieren. | 27 | 42 |
translate English to French: Agreeing to use condoms before the passion starts will make you both a lot more confident. | Vous serez tous les deux beaucoup plus confiants si vous vous êtes mis d’accord sur l’utilisation des préservatifs avant la grande passion. | 29 | 36 |
translate English to French: We believe that the two processes of nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation are substantively interrelated and mutually reinforcing and that these two processes must go hand in hand in a sustainable, balanced, coherent and effective manner. | Il est convaincu que les deux processus du désarmement nucléaire et de la non-prolifération nucléaire sont intimement liés et se renforcent mutuellement, et qu'ils doivent progresser de concert, de façon viable, équilibrée, cohérente et efficace. | 58 | 87 |
translate English to German: Significant steps have recently been made in that direction, thanks to the work of Ariel Sharon and Abu Mazen. | In letzter Zeit wurden dank des Einsatzes von Ariel Scharon und Abu Mazen bedeutende Fortschritte in dieser Richtung erzielt. | 29 | 32 |
translate English to French: The roles and responsibilities with respect to project needs assessment and planning are well described by the IIP Program Handbook. | Les rôles et les responsabilités en ce qui a trait à l’évaluation des besoins et à la planification des projets sont bien décrits dans le manuel du programme IDP. | 29 | 48 |
translate English to French: We recommend 1 chaperone to 10 students (minumum). | Nous recommandons un surveillant par groupe de 10 élèves (minimum). | 20 | 22 |
translate English to French: Every three years, on the first occasion no later than 31 December 2014, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of this Directive, including the appropriate information about developments in the sector, particularly concerning economic, social, employment patterns and technological aspects, as well as about quality of service. | Or. fr Justification Le secteur postal est une industrie qui recourt essentiellement à la main d'œuvre et compte aujourd'hui 5 millions d'emplois. | 72 | 43 |
translate English to French: Medium-term plan for the period 2002-2005 and programme of work, 2002-2003 | Plan à moyen terme pour la période 2002-2005 et programme de travail pour 2002-2003 | 24 | 22 |
translate English to French: All summer long, the City of Strasbourg, ... | Découvrez toutes les activités offertes ... | 17 | 10 |
translate English to French: Therefore, Parliament is willing to agree with Council on a sufficient funding to finance priorities under objective and long term circumstances, through the use of the provision of the Interinsitutional Agreement 83 | Le budget 2006 doit assurer le passage à une nouvelle période de programmation.Il devrait remplir sa fonction de transition et prendre en compte anticipativement l'augmentation du volume des crédits envisagée, pour 2007 et après, pour les domaines politiques essentiels au renforcement de l'innovation, de la recherche et de la compétitivité. | 47 | 94 |
translate English to French: In a randomized survey of 4,000 households conducted by the California Health Department, 6.3% of respondents said they had been diagnosed by a physician as having MCS or environmental illness, a finding that surprised the questionnaire’s designers. | Dans une enquête sur échantillon aléatoire effectuée auprès de 4 000 ménages par le California Health Department, 6,3 p. 100 des répondants ont précisé qu’ils avaient été diagnostiqués par un médecin comme ayant la PSC ou une maladie environnementale, conclusion qui a surpris les concepteurs du questionnaire. | 55 | 82 |