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- LICENSE.txt +4 -0
- data/he_iahltwiki-ud-dev.conllu +0 -0
- data/he_iahltwiki-ud-test.conllu +0 -0
- data/he_iahltwiki-ud-train.conllu +0 -0
- eval.log +46 -0
- stats.xml +137 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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# Contributing
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Please do not make pull requests against master, any such pull requests will be
4 |
closed. Instead make them against the dev branch.
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For full details on the branch policy see
7 |
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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The treebank is licensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
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The complete license text is available at:
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
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Running the following version of UD tools:
2 |
commit e9726a6a7d6913193d90edb45a4cb549235c5b16
3 |
Author: Dan Zeman <[email protected]>
4 |
Date: Sat Nov 4 17:10:55 2023 +0100
5 |
Evaluating the following revision of UD_Hebrew-IAHLTwiki:
6 |
commit de5b5eb874996cf4ff6e767fc435f03bc8ff0a4c
7 |
Merge: 7407c7e ecece83
8 |
Author: Dan Zeman <[email protected]>
9 |
Size: counted 140950 of 140950 words (nodes).
10 |
Size: min(0, log((N/1000)**2)) = 9.89681043512024.
11 |
Size: maximum value 13.815511 is for 1000000 words or more.
12 |
Split: Found more than 10000 training words.
13 |
Split: Did not find at least 10000 development words.
14 |
Split: Found at least 10000 test words.
15 |
Lemmas: source of annotation (from README) factor is 1.
16 |
Universal POS tags: 16 out of 17 found in the corpus.
17 |
Universal POS tags: source of annotation (from README) factor is 1.
18 |
Features: 82720 out of 140950 total words have one or more features.
19 |
Features: source of annotation (from README) factor is 1.
20 |
Universal relations: 35 out of 37 found in the corpus.
21 |
Universal relations: source of annotation (from README) factor is 1.
22 |
23 |
TOTAL 9700
24 |
Udapi: found 9700 bugs.
25 |
Udapi: worst expected case (threshold) is one bug per 10 words. There are 140950 words.
26 |
Genres: found 1 out of 17 known.
27 |
/net/work/people/zeman/unidep/tools/ --lang he --max-err=10 UD_Hebrew-IAHLTwiki/he_iahltwiki-ud-dev.conllu
28 |
*** PASSED ***
29 |
/net/work/people/zeman/unidep/tools/ --lang he --max-err=10 UD_Hebrew-IAHLTwiki/he_iahltwiki-ud-test.conllu
30 |
*** PASSED ***
31 |
/net/work/people/zeman/unidep/tools/ --lang he --max-err=10 UD_Hebrew-IAHLTwiki/he_iahltwiki-ud-train.conllu
32 |
[Line 12340 Sent iahltwiki_penicillin-112 Node 13]: [L3 Warning fixed-gap] Gaps in fixed expression [13, 19] 'ืขื * * * * * ื'
33 |
Warnings: 1
34 |
*** PASSED ***
35 |
Validity: 1
36 |
(weight=0.0769230769230769) * (score{features}=1) = 0.0769230769230769
37 |
(weight=0.0769230769230769) * (score{genres}=0.0588235294117647) = 0.00452488687782805
38 |
(weight=0.0769230769230769) * (score{lemmas}=1) = 0.0769230769230769
39 |
(weight=0.256410256410256) * (score{size}=0.716355026735874) = 0.183680776086121
40 |
(weight=0.0512820512820513) * (score{split}=0.67) = 0.0343589743589744
41 |
(weight=0.0769230769230769) * (score{tags}=0.941176470588235) = 0.0723981900452489
42 |
(weight=0.307692307692308) * (score{udapi}=0.311812699538844) = 0.095942369088875
43 |
(weight=0.0769230769230769) * (score{udeprels}=0.945945945945946) = 0.0727650727650728
44 |
(TOTAL score=0.617516423068274) * (availability=1) * (validity=1) = 0.617516423068274
45 |
46 |
UD_Hebrew-IAHLTwiki 0.617516423068274 3
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 |
3 |
<!-- tokens means "surface tokens", e.g. Spanish "vรกmonos" counts as one token
4 |
words means "syntactic words", e.g. Spanish "vรกmonos" is split to two words, "vamos" and "nos"
5 |
fused is the number of tokens that are split to two or more syntactic words
6 |
The words and fused elements can be omitted if no token is split to smaller syntactic words. -->
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
<lemmas unique="9316" /><!-- ื, ื, ,, ., ืืื, ื, ื, ", ืฉ, ืฉื, ื, ืืช, ืขื, -, ืื -->
14 |
<forms unique="14235" /><!-- ื, ื, ื, ,, ., ื, ", ืฉ, ืฉื, ื, ืขื, -, ืืช, ), ( -->
15 |
<fusions unique="13067" /><!-- ืืืฉืคื, ืืฉื ืช, ืืขืืืื, ืืจืืฉืื, ืื, ืืืฉืจืื, ืืืืช, ืืืืขืื, ืืื ืงืื, ืืื ืกืช, ืืืืคื, ืืืืื ื, ืืืืชื, ืืฉื, ืืื ืื -->
16 |
<!-- Statistics of universal POS tags. The comments show the most frequent lemmas. -->
17 |
<tags unique="16">
18 |
<tag name="ADJ">8711</tag><!-- ืจื, ื ืืกืฃ, ืจืืฉืื, ืขืืืื, ืืืืื, ืืฉืจืืื, ืฉืื ื, ืืืจ, ืืืื, ืืืฉ -->
19 |
<tag name="ADP">23005</tag><!-- ื, ื, ืฉื, ื, ืืช, ืขื, ื, ืขื, ืืื, ืืืืจ -->
20 |
<tag name="ADV">3529</tag><!-- ืื, ืื, ื, ืืืชืจ, ืื, ืจืง, ืืฃ, ืืืืชืจ, ืื, ืขืื -->
21 |
<tag name="AUX">961</tag><!-- ืืื, ืืื ื, ืืื, ืขืืื, ืฆืจืื, ืขืฉืื, ืืืืจ, ืจืฉืื, ืืืื, ืืกืืื -->
22 |
<tag name="CCONJ">4706</tag><!-- ื, ืื, ืื, ืืืื, ืืื, ืืื, ืืฃ, ืืืื, ืึท, ืืืฉื -->
23 |
<tag name="DET">14177</tag><!-- ื, ืืื, ืืกืคืจ, ืจืื, ืืื, ืืจืืืช, ืขืื, ืืื, ืืื, ืฉืืจ -->
24 |
<tag name="INTJ">4</tag><!-- ืฉืืื, ื ื -->
25 |
<tag name="NOUN">34625</tag><!-- ืฉื ื, ืืืช, ืฉืืจ, ืื, ืืฉืคื, ืืืืื, ืืืง, ืืืื ื, ืืขืื, ืืืง -->
26 |
<tag name="NUM">3126</tag><!-- ืืืช, ืฉืชืืื, ืฉืืืฉ, 2, 1, ืืจืืข, ืืืืืื, ืืื, ืขืฉืจ, ืืืฃ -->
27 |
<tag name="PRON">5633</tag><!-- ืืื, ืื, ืืืชื, ืื, ืื, ืขืฆืื, ืื, ืื, ืืืื, ืืืื -->
28 |
<tag name="PROPN">10448</tag><!-- ืืฉืจืื, ืืืื ืฉืืืื, ืื ืกืช, ืืจืฅ, ืืจืืฉืืื, ืืจืื ืื, ืืืืื, ืชื, ืื ืง, ืฉืืืจืื -->
29 |
<tag name="PUNCT">16613</tag><!-- ,, ., ", -, ), (, :, โ, ', ึพ -->
30 |
<tag name="SCONJ">4317</tag><!-- ืฉ, ื, ืื, ืืฉืจ, ืื, ืืืฉืจ, ืืื, ืืฉ, ืืืืื, ืืื -->
31 |
<tag name="SYM">146</tag><!-- %, โ, -, /, =, +, :, ยฐ, &, ( -->
32 |
<tag name="VERB">10645</tag><!-- ืืฉ, ืืื, ื ืืชื, ืืื, ืืืืข, ืืื, ืืชื, ืืฆื, ืงืืื, ื ืืฆื -->
33 |
<tag name="X">304</tag><!-- ืื, ืื'ืืจ, ืืื ืืจ, ืกืืืืก, ืงืื, GCS, the, ABA', ABABA', ืืืื -->
34 |
35 |
<!-- Statistics of features and values. The comments show the most frequent word forms. -->
36 |
<feats unique="50">
37 |
<feat name="Abbr" value="Yes" upos="ADJ,ADP,ADV,NOUN,PROPN">515</feat><!-- ืืื ืจ"ื, ืืง"ื, ืื"ื, ืื"ื, ืื"ืฅ, ืืขื"ืฃ, ืฉ"ื, ืฆื"ื, ื"ืจ, ื "ื -->
38 |
<feat name="Aspect" value="Prog" upos="VERB">47</feat><!-- ื ืืชื, ืคืืืขืช, ืืืจื, ืืืจืืื, ืืืจืืช, ืืืืืช, ืืกืขืืจื, ืืืืข, ืืืชืืื, ืืจืืื -->
39 |
<feat name="Case" value="Acc" upos="ADP,PRON">792</feat><!-- ืืช, ืืืช, ื, ืืืชื, ื, ืืืชื, ื, ื ื, ืึถืช, ืึนืช -->
40 |
<feat name="Case" value="Gen" upos="ADP,PRON">4606</feat><!-- ืฉื, ื, ื, ื, ืื, ื, ืื, ื, ื ื, ื -->
41 |
<feat name="Definite" value="Cons" upos="ADJ,DET,NOUN,NUM,PROPN">10858</feat><!-- ืืืช, ืฉื ืช, ืืื, ืคื, ืฉื ืืช, ืื, ืฉื ื, ืืจืฅ, ืกืื, ืืขืืช -->
42 |
<feat name="Definite" value="Def" upos="ADP,DET,PRON">18504</feat><!-- ื, ื, ื, ื, ื, ืืืชื, ืื, ื, ื, ืืืชื -->
43 |
<feat name="Foreign" value="Yes" upos="X">118</feat><!-- the, District, Pottery, ืืืืจื, Allegro, Bank, Commissioner, Palestine, Penicillium, Studio -->
44 |
<feat name="Gender" value="Fem" upos="ADJ,AUX,DET,NOUN,NUM,PRON,PROPN,VERB">22243</feat><!-- ื, ืฉื ืช, ืืื, ืืื, ืื, ืกืืืจืช, ืฉื ืื, ืืืืชื, ืื, ืืืช -->
45 |
<feat name="Gender" value="Fem,Masc" upos="AUX,NOUN,NUM,PRON,VERB">171</feat><!-- ืืื, ืืื, ืคื ื, ืื ื, ืืืื, ื ืขืจืื, ืขืืื, ืืืืขื, ืืขื ื, ื -->
46 |
<feat name="Gender" value="Masc" upos="ADJ,AUX,DET,NOUN,NUM,PRON,PROPN,SYM,VERB">37525</feat><!-- ื, ืื, ื, ืืืช, ืืื, ืื, ืืฉืคื, ืืื, ืืืง, ืืืืื -->
47 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="HIFIL" upos="VERB">1853</feat><!-- ืืืืื, ืืื, ืืืื, ืืืื, ืืืฆืื, ืืืืขื, ืืืืข, ืืงืืื, ืืืืขื, ืืืื -->
48 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="HITPAEL" upos="VERB">717</feat><!-- ืืฉืชืชืฃ, ืืฉืชืชืคื, ืืืฉืชืืฉ, ืืชื ืืื, ืืชืืจืจ, ืืชืงืืื, ืืฆืืจืฃ, ืืฆืืจืคื, ืืชืืื, ืืชืคืจืกื -->
49 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="HUFAL" upos="VERB">600</feat><!-- ืืืงืื, ืืืงื, ืืืฆืื, ืืืฉืื, ืืืืื, ืืืขืืจื, ืืืืฉื, ืืืขืื, ืืืงืื, ืืืื -->
50 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="NIFAL" upos="VERB">1538</feat><!-- ื ืืชื, ื ืืฆื, ื ืงืืข, ื ืขืฉื, ื ืขืจืื, ื ืงืจื, ื ืขืจื, ื ืจืื, ื ืืฉื, ื ืืืจ -->
51 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="NITPAEL" upos="VERB">17</feat><!-- ื ืชืืื, ื ืชืืืชื, ื ืชืงืืื, ืืืชืขื ืืื, ืืฉืชืืข, ื ืฉืชืืจ, ื ืชืืจืจ, ื ืชืงืืื -->
52 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="PAAL" upos="AUX,VERB">3923</feat><!-- ืืื, ืืื, ืืืืชื, ืืชื, ืืฆื, ืืื, ืืืืืช, ืืืื, ืืื, ืฉืจ -->
53 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="PIEL" upos="VERB">1642</feat><!-- ื ืืฆื, ืืงืื, ืืืืื, ืงืืื, ืคืจืกื, ืงืืืื, ืฉืืืฉ, ืืืฆืข, ืชืืืจ, ืืืฆืขื -->
54 |
<feat name="HebBinyan" value="PUAL" upos="VERB">563</feat><!-- ืืืืืจ, ืืืื ื, ืืืฆืขื, ืืืฆืข, ืืื ื, ืืื ืชื, ืคืืจืกื, ืืื ื, ืืืืขืืช, ืืืฆืขื -->
55 |
<feat name="Mood" value="Imp" upos="VERB">34</feat><!-- ืกืข, ืจืื, ืฆื, ืืื ืืกื, ืขืืฃ, ืงื, ืฉืืืจ, ืืืื, ืืืื, ืืืจ -->
56 |
<feat name="Number" value="Dual" upos="NOUN,NUM">27</feat><!-- ืฉื ืชืืื, ืืืืืื, ืฉืขืชืืื, ืคืขืืืื, ืฉื ื, ืฉื ืืื, ืืืชืืื, ืืืืฉืืื, ืืขืื, ืฉืืืขืืื -->
57 |
<feat name="Number" value="Plur" upos="ADJ,AUX,DET,NOUN,NUM,PRON,PROPN,SYM,VERB">15966</feat><!-- ืื, ื, ืืื, ืืื, ืฉื ืื, ืฉืืจืื, ืื, ืืืืื, ืจืืื, ืื ืงืื -->
58 |
<feat name="Number" value="Plur,Sing" upos="NOUN,SYM">9</feat><!-- % -->
59 |
<feat name="Number" value="Sing" upos="ADJ,AUX,DET,NOUN,NUM,PRON,PROPN,SYM,VERB">43601</feat><!-- ื, ื, ืืื, ืืืช, ืฉื ืช, ืื, ืืฉืคื, ืืื, ืืื, ืื -->
60 |
<feat name="NumType" value="Card" upos="NUM">756</feat><!-- ืฉื ื, ืืื, ืฉืชื, ืืืช, ืฉืืืฉื, ืฉืืืฉ, ืืืืืื, ืืจืืข, ืืจืืขื, ืืืืฉื -->
61 |
<feat name="NumType" value="Ord" upos="ADJ">381</feat><!-- ืจืืฉืื, ืจืืฉืื ื, ืฉื ื, ืฉื ืืื, ืืืืฉืืช, 20, ืฉืืืฉื, 19, ืจืืืขื, ืจืืฉืื ืืช -->
62 |
<feat name="Person" value="1" upos="AUX,PRON,VERB">221</feat><!-- ื, ื ื, ืื ื, ืืขื ื, ืืืืชื, ืื ืื ื, ื ื, ืืืื, ืืจืืืฉ, ื ืชื ื -->
63 |
<feat name="Person" value="2" upos="AUX,PRON,VERB">115</feat><!-- ื, ืืชื, ืกืข, ืจืื, ืืช, ื ืืชื, ืืืช, ืฆื, ืืืื, ืืื ืืกื -->
64 |
<feat name="Person" value="3" upos="AUX,PRON,VERB">14527</feat><!-- ื, ื, ืื, ื, ืืื, ืื, ืืื, ืืื, ืื, ืืื -->
65 |
<feat name="Polarity" value="Neg" upos="ADV,AUX,VERB">405</feat><!-- ืื, ืืื ื, ืืื ื, ืืื ื, ืืื, ืืื ื, ืื, ืืืชื, ืืื ื ื, ืืื ื ื -->
66 |
<feat name="Polarity" value="Pos" upos="AUX,PRON,VERB">871</feat><!-- ืืื, ืืื, ืืื, ืืื, ืืืืชื, ืืฉ, ืืืืืช, ืื, ืืฉื ื, ืชืืื -->
67 |
<feat name="Poss" value="Yes" upos="PRON">2131</feat><!-- ื, ื, ื, ืื, ื, ืื, ื, ื ื, ื, ืึผ -->
68 |
<feat name="Prefix" value="Yes" upos="ADV,NUM">125</feat><!-- ืื, ืืืชื, ืืื, ืืจืื, ืคืืกื, ืชืช, ืื, ืืื , ืื, ืงืื -->
69 |
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71 |
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72 |
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73 |
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75 |
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77 |
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78 |
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87 |
88 |
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117 |
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118 |
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119 |
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120 |
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121 |
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122 |
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126 |
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127 |
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129 |
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130 |
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131 |
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132 |
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133 |
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134 |
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135 |
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136 |
137 |