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questionnaires/posttask_highlight_results.csv CHANGED
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
  77,eng-ita,oracle,t1,oracle_t2,3,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.4,0.6,2,1,"I barely looked at the highlighted terms, since the sentences were in need of restoration as a whole.",2,"So many aspects to improve: impossibility to save segments after translation, editing was clumsy due to the highlights, no context available whatsoever, saving system negligible, annoying system crashes.",3,3,1,4,1,5,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,"NOTHING! :D","EVERYTHING! :D","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
- 175,eng-ita,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t3,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology,omissions",,0.4,0.6,2,2,"Most of the times the highlighted terms or expressions were actually correct. It was useful to find real errors just in a few cases.",3,"The interface is user-friendly but it omitted entire sentences.",4,4,3,4,2,3,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,2,"I did not find any relevant advantages in post-editing with highlights. It was useful to spot real errors in a very few cases.","I waisted time trying to spot an error that actually did not exist.","spellcheck,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  69,eng-ita,oracle,t3,oracle_t3,3,"syntax,no_context",,0.6,0.6,2,2,"Highlights were useful only to spot typos/extra spaces, but they were hardly useful to spot other error types.",2,"There was no TM/glossary available, also it was not possible to leave comments.",5,5,5,4,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,"I liked the fact that highlights were useful to spot typos and extra spaces that otherwise I might not have noticed.","Highlights did not help me to spot the vast majority of mistakes (accuracy, omissions, style etc.). Also, the different categories of highlights (minor and major mistakes) were not correctly reflected in the texts to be post-edited.","mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
- 448,eng-ita,supervised,t4,supervised_t3,3,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.6,2,2,"The highlights provided within the copy were more of an eye distraction as they often weren’t actual mistakes.",1,"major issue: impossible to save work if page needs refreshing, nor to edit segments once saved - no glossaries",2,2,1,4,2,5,2,1,1,1,4,4,1,1,"nothing. I found them quite unuseful and distracting","See previous answer","spellcheck,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
- 115,eng-ita,unsupervised,t5,unsupervised_t2,3,"syntax,terminology,no_context",,0.6,0.6,3,3,"Highlights were not much accurate in indicating mistakes",3,"There was no spell checker. We had to log in each time we had to upload a new text",5,4,5,4,4,3,2,3,2,2,1,1,3,2,"Highlights did not make a significant difference","Same as above","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
- 201,eng-ita,supervised,t6,supervised_t2,3,"syntax,terminology,no_context",,0.4,0.4,2,2,"Highlights were often unnecessary because the term/sentence wasn't wrong or because they didn't focus on the real issues",3,"The interface was basic, it provided just the target translation and highlights, but no other useful features, such as glossary, matches, a.s.o.",5,5,3,4,2,5,3,2,2,4,3,3,4,4,"They helped me identify possible errors","Highlights were often unnecessary","spellcheck,tm_lexicon"
  192,eng-ita,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,3,"omissions",,0.8,0.6,3,2,"Very often I found the presence of the highlighted words to be of little use because either it was not necessary to change them or because it did not change much in the individuation of the error.",4,"simple and intuitive.",5,5,5,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,"As already mentioned, having the words highlighted did not change or affect much in my translation experience.","The experience of highlighting the words was of no benefit because sometimes it happened that you had to edit not just the highlighted word but the entire sentence.","spellcheck"
  87,eng-ita,supervised,t8,supervised_t1,3,"syntax,terminology,no_context",,0.4,0.4,2,1,"Often the highlights concerned correct terms and, at the same time, incorrect words were unmarked. In my editing process I therefore ended up disregarding the highlights in order to focus on the check of each sentence.",2,"The interface was very basic and did not allow the user to act on the text in a fluid manner or to make use of translation memories for text editing.",2,2,2,5,2,5,1,1,3,3,1,2,2,2,"The presence of highlights did not enhance the post-editing experience for the reasons explained above.","Highlights simply proved to be of little use in the post-editing process. ","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
- 80,eng-ita,oracle,t11,oracle_t1,5,"inflection,terminology",,0.4,0.8,4,4,"It helped me a lot, making the editing process faster and somehow easier. ",4,"Compared to the other interfaces I used (and I still use) for translating or editing texts, this one was better because the outputs were of better quality than average and the editing process was faster.",5,5,5,3,3,3,5,2,1,1,1,1,4,4,"I liked it because it made the editing process faster and somehow easier. ","Nothing, overall I liked post-editing with highlights :) ","mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
- 890,eng-nld,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t2,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology,additions,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.6,4,3,"Sometimes it was useful and other times important mistakes were not highlighted, so I'd say it's not quite accurate enough to rely on them as a suggestion.",2,"most translation software I've used is more user friendly, especially because you have to upload each section of the assignment manually and re-type your name/password every time. Also it's hard to get back into it and if you refresh the page by mistake, it won't have saved your project mid-way through.",4,2,1,4,1,4,3,3,2,4,3,2,3,3,"The highlights would in theory speed up the process of translation, but when you get tempted to rely on them too much, this pro becomes a con, because it just isn't good enough yet.","The fact that the highlights are not that reliable yet and miss some crucial mistakes. E.g. some words/sentences were missing from the target language, which you wouldn't notice if you rely too much on highlights (given the fact that you won't see highlighted empty space).","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,other_mt"
- 81,eng-nld,unsupervised,t3,unsupervised_t3,1,"syntax,terminology,omissions",,0.4,0.4,2,4,"The highlights often showed that a change was needed, but they by far didn't cover everything",1,"I missed a lot of options usually available in translation tools, such as for in-between saving, glossaries, reverting to previous translations, concordance search options, etc.",4,3,5,5,1,1,4,4,4,3,2,2,3,4,"The highlights showed where edits were (mostly) needed, but they were insufficient as an indication of all required edits.","I didn't dislike the highlights as such","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
  127,eng-nld,oracle,t4,oracle_t1,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology",,0.6,0.6,2,1,"I didn't look at the highlighting. Too confusing.",3,"Not translator friendly",2,2,3,3,3,4,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,"I didn't like it","They were confusing and annoying","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline"
- 76,eng-nld,supervised,t6,supervised_t3,5,"syntax,terminology,additions,omissions,no_context",,0.8,1,4,3,"They were accurate about 50% of the time. so they are 50% useful :)",2,"No integrated tools such as glossary, translation memory, spelling and grammar checks.",5,5,4,5,4,5,3,3,3,2,2,2,4,3,"It's new to me, which added interest. If they become a bit more accurate, it could be a nice feature.","They draw attention, but are not always accurate.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  97,eng-nld,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,3,"terminology,additions,omissions,other",Sometimes an entire sentence or part was missing.,0.6,0.8,3,2,"The highlighting did not always indicate an actual flaw. I think maybe in 10% of the cases it was an actual mistake, in other cases just something MT thought was wrong but was not.",4,"There were some hiccups with logging in, until I found the browser that worked. It was a bit unconvenient that the login code/user name could not be saved (and that this had to be re-entered for every individual task.",4,5,3,4,3,3,1,3,1,1,1,2,1,1,"I felt neutral about them. Mostly they were distracting, but I did look at them and sometimes they were useful.","They were not accurate most of the time.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  89,eng-nld,supervised,t8,supervised_t2,3,"syntax,additions,no_context",,0.4,0.6,2,2,"It seemed that the highlights were mostly false positives, yet other issues were not highlighted, but did need attention, such as structural errors.",2,"The biggest issues: a) it was not possible to save your work in between editing, or even edit anything after saving. b) lack of glossary, which could be very useful, especially for specific areas of expertise, such as medical translations. c) the process of loading a new document seemed time consuming, because you have to go back to the main page, log in again and upload a new document. It would be better to load all the documents in one go and then have button to go back and forth to the next or previous document. Also the warning message seemed unnecessary that all progress would be lost if going back to the main page, because you cannot edit anything after saving anyway.",4,2,3,3,2,5,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,2,"Highlights can be very useful if they are indeed indicating an error. ","The highlights were usually false positives and didn't seem useful in indicating actual mistakes","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
- 71,eng-nld,oracle,t10,oracle_t3,3,"syntax,terminology",,0.6,0.4,3,1,"Emphasizing the errors proved to be of limited utility, as modifications were necessary in nearly every section.",3,"The interface was average at best; it didn’t have any remarkable features, but it wasn’t lacking either.",4,4,5,3,2,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,"My feelings towards post-editing with highlights were neutral; I neither favored it nor disfavored it in comparison to traditional post-editing methods","Highlighting the mistakes turned out to be somewhat ineffective.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline"
- 175,eng-nld,oracle,t11,oracle_t2,3,"syntax",,0.8,0.6,4,3,"3 because they were not always positioned correctly",3,"the interface provided an acceptable modus operandi, I disliked the fact that for every single file I had to check in again.",4,5,2,5,2,3,3,3,2,3,3,2,3,3,"I have to admit that to me the presence of the highlights did not change my way of working, maybe they prompted me to check the completeness of my revision","did not dislike their presence, just they did not prove themselves to be very useful to me","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
- 290,eng-nld,supervised,t12,supervised_t1,3,"terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.4,2,2,"Bad context, sentence structure and translations.",3,"Interface is good but limited.",5,5,5,1,2,5,1,1,1,5,3,1,1,1,"It does draw your attention to potential problems.","The highlights are usually false positive.","multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
+ 80,eng-ita,oracle,t11,oracle_t1,5,"inflection,terminology",,0.4,0.8,4,4,"It helped me a lot, making the editing process faster and somehow easier. ",4,"Compared to the other interfaces I used (and I still use) for translating or editing texts, this one was better because the outputs were of better quality than average and the editing process was faster.",5,5,5,3,3,3,5,2,1,1,1,1,4,4,"I liked it because it made the editing process faster and somehow easier. ","Nothing, overall I liked post-editing with highlights :) ","mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
  77,eng-ita,oracle,t1,oracle_t2,3,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.4,0.6,2,1,"I barely looked at the highlighted terms, since the sentences were in need of restoration as a whole.",2,"So many aspects to improve: impossibility to save segments after translation, editing was clumsy due to the highlights, no context available whatsoever, saving system negligible, annoying system crashes.",3,3,1,4,1,5,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,"NOTHING! :D","EVERYTHING! :D","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  69,eng-ita,oracle,t3,oracle_t3,3,"syntax,no_context",,0.6,0.6,2,2,"Highlights were useful only to spot typos/extra spaces, but they were hardly useful to spot other error types.",2,"There was no TM/glossary available, also it was not possible to leave comments.",5,5,5,4,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,"I liked the fact that highlights were useful to spot typos and extra spaces that otherwise I might not have noticed.","Highlights did not help me to spot the vast majority of mistakes (accuracy, omissions, style etc.). Also, the different categories of highlights (minor and major mistakes) were not correctly reflected in the texts to be post-edited.","mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
  192,eng-ita,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,3,"omissions",,0.8,0.6,3,2,"Very often I found the presence of the highlighted words to be of little use because either it was not necessary to change them or because it did not change much in the individuation of the error.",4,"simple and intuitive.",5,5,5,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,"As already mentioned, having the words highlighted did not change or affect much in my translation experience.","The experience of highlighting the words was of no benefit because sometimes it happened that you had to edit not just the highlighted word but the entire sentence.","spellcheck"
+ 115,eng-ita,unsupervised,t5,unsupervised_t2,3,"syntax,terminology,no_context",,0.6,0.6,3,3,"Highlights were not much accurate in indicating mistakes",3,"There was no spell checker. We had to log in each time we had to upload a new text",5,4,5,4,4,3,2,3,2,2,1,1,3,2,"Highlights did not make a significant difference","Same as above","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
+ 175,eng-ita,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t3,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology,omissions",,0.4,0.6,2,2,"Most of the times the highlighted terms or expressions were actually correct. It was useful to find real errors just in a few cases.",3,"The interface is user-friendly but it omitted entire sentences.",4,4,3,4,2,3,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,2,"I did not find any relevant advantages in post-editing with highlights. It was useful to spot real errors in a very few cases.","I waisted time trying to spot an error that actually did not exist.","spellcheck,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  87,eng-ita,supervised,t8,supervised_t1,3,"syntax,terminology,no_context",,0.4,0.4,2,1,"Often the highlights concerned correct terms and, at the same time, incorrect words were unmarked. In my editing process I therefore ended up disregarding the highlights in order to focus on the check of each sentence.",2,"The interface was very basic and did not allow the user to act on the text in a fluid manner or to make use of translation memories for text editing.",2,2,2,5,2,5,1,1,3,3,1,2,2,2,"The presence of highlights did not enhance the post-editing experience for the reasons explained above.","Highlights simply proved to be of little use in the post-editing process. ","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
+ 201,eng-ita,supervised,t6,supervised_t2,3,"syntax,terminology,no_context",,0.4,0.4,2,2,"Highlights were often unnecessary because the term/sentence wasn't wrong or because they didn't focus on the real issues",3,"The interface was basic, it provided just the target translation and highlights, but no other useful features, such as glossary, matches, a.s.o.",5,5,3,4,2,5,3,2,2,4,3,3,4,4,"They helped me identify possible errors","Highlights were often unnecessary","spellcheck,tm_lexicon"
+ 448,eng-ita,supervised,t4,supervised_t3,3,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.6,2,2,"The highlights provided within the copy were more of an eye distraction as they often weren’t actual mistakes.",1,"major issue: impossible to save work if page needs refreshing, nor to edit segments once saved - no glossaries",2,2,1,4,2,5,2,1,1,1,4,4,1,1,"nothing. I found them quite unuseful and distracting","See previous answer","spellcheck,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
  127,eng-nld,oracle,t4,oracle_t1,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology",,0.6,0.6,2,1,"I didn't look at the highlighting. Too confusing.",3,"Not translator friendly",2,2,3,3,3,4,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,"I didn't like it","They were confusing and annoying","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline"
+ 175,eng-nld,oracle,t11,oracle_t2,3,"syntax",,0.8,0.6,4,3,"3 because they were not always positioned correctly",3,"the interface provided an acceptable modus operandi, I disliked the fact that for every single file I had to check in again.",4,5,2,5,2,3,3,3,2,3,3,2,3,3,"I have to admit that to me the presence of the highlights did not change my way of working, maybe they prompted me to check the completeness of my revision","did not dislike their presence, just they did not prove themselves to be very useful to me","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
+ 71,eng-nld,oracle,t10,oracle_t3,3,"syntax,terminology",,0.6,0.4,3,1,"Emphasizing the errors proved to be of limited utility, as modifications were necessary in nearly every section.",3,"The interface was average at best; it didn’t have any remarkable features, but it wasn’t lacking either.",4,4,5,3,2,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,"My feelings towards post-editing with highlights were neutral; I neither favored it nor disfavored it in comparison to traditional post-editing methods","Highlighting the mistakes turned out to be somewhat ineffective.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline"
  97,eng-nld,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,3,"terminology,additions,omissions,other",Sometimes an entire sentence or part was missing.,0.6,0.8,3,2,"The highlighting did not always indicate an actual flaw. I think maybe in 10% of the cases it was an actual mistake, in other cases just something MT thought was wrong but was not.",4,"There were some hiccups with logging in, until I found the browser that worked. It was a bit unconvenient that the login code/user name could not be saved (and that this had to be re-entered for every individual task.",4,5,3,4,3,3,1,3,1,1,1,2,1,1,"I felt neutral about them. Mostly they were distracting, but I did look at them and sometimes they were useful.","They were not accurate most of the time.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
+ 890,eng-nld,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t2,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology,additions,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.6,4,3,"Sometimes it was useful and other times important mistakes were not highlighted, so I'd say it's not quite accurate enough to rely on them as a suggestion.",2,"most translation software I've used is more user friendly, especially because you have to upload each section of the assignment manually and re-type your name/password every time. Also it's hard to get back into it and if you refresh the page by mistake, it won't have saved your project mid-way through.",4,2,1,4,1,4,3,3,2,4,3,2,3,3,"The highlights would in theory speed up the process of translation, but when you get tempted to rely on them too much, this pro becomes a con, because it just isn't good enough yet.","The fact that the highlights are not that reliable yet and miss some crucial mistakes. E.g. some words/sentences were missing from the target language, which you wouldn't notice if you rely too much on highlights (given the fact that you won't see highlighted empty space).","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,other_mt"
+ 81,eng-nld,unsupervised,t3,unsupervised_t3,1,"syntax,terminology,omissions",,0.4,0.4,2,4,"The highlights often showed that a change was needed, but they by far didn't cover everything",1,"I missed a lot of options usually available in translation tools, such as for in-between saving, glossaries, reverting to previous translations, concordance search options, etc.",4,3,5,5,1,1,4,4,4,3,2,2,3,4,"The highlights showed where edits were (mostly) needed, but they were insufficient as an indication of all required edits.","I didn't dislike the highlights as such","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon"
+ 290,eng-nld,supervised,t12,supervised_t1,3,"terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.4,2,2,"Bad context, sentence structure and translations.",3,"Interface is good but limited.",5,5,5,1,2,5,1,1,1,5,3,1,1,1,"It does draw your attention to potential problems.","The highlights are usually false positive.","multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  89,eng-nld,supervised,t8,supervised_t2,3,"syntax,additions,no_context",,0.4,0.6,2,2,"It seemed that the highlights were mostly false positives, yet other issues were not highlighted, but did need attention, such as structural errors.",2,"The biggest issues: a) it was not possible to save your work in between editing, or even edit anything after saving. b) lack of glossary, which could be very useful, especially for specific areas of expertise, such as medical translations. c) the process of loading a new document seemed time consuming, because you have to go back to the main page, log in again and upload a new document. It would be better to load all the documents in one go and then have button to go back and forth to the next or previous document. Also the warning message seemed unnecessary that all progress would be lost if going back to the main page, because you cannot edit anything after saving anyway.",4,2,3,3,2,5,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,2,"Highlights can be very useful if they are indeed indicating an error. ","The highlights were usually false positives and didn't seem useful in indicating actual mistakes","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
+ 76,eng-nld,supervised,t6,supervised_t3,5,"syntax,terminology,additions,omissions,no_context",,0.8,1,4,3,"They were accurate about 50% of the time. so they are 50% useful :)",2,"No integrated tools such as glossary, translation memory, spelling and grammar checks.",5,5,4,5,4,5,3,3,3,2,2,2,4,3,"It's new to me, which added interest. If they become a bit more accurate, it could be a nice feature.","They draw attention, but are not always accurate.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
questionnaires/posttask_no_highlight_results.csv CHANGED
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 181,eng-ita,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,3,"terminology,omissions",,0.8,0.8,2,Because no work could be saved during revision,4,1,3,5,4,5,3,3,3,Not sure what highlight means in this context,Not sure what highlight means in this context,"spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  75,eng-ita,no_highlight,t10,no_highlight_t1,4,"inflection,additions,omissions",,0.8,0.8,4,Intuitive and clear,4,5,5,1,4,1,1,1,3,"I think that post-editing with highlights can be useful to first identify the most important elements to be post-edited but on the other hand can overshadow other elements that might still need post-editing. It's like a double-edged sword but if you are careful, highlights can be useful.","The possibility of being visually distracted by the highlighted elements, while still wanting to check the whole sentence, i.e. also the non-highlighted elements.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save"
  94,eng-ita,no_highlight,t12,no_highlight_t2,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.4,2,Cumbersome to upload and download files. No spellcheck included. I liked that it was simple and so it's easy to concentrate on the actual translation job.,2,2,5,4,5,5,5,1,1,Highlights were not helpful at all. I just deleted them at the beginning of the post-editing process. ,"As I said above, just a way to lose time :) as they were not highlighting anything that required any particular attention.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,tm_lexicon"
  460,eng-nld,no_highlight,t1,no_highlight_t1,3,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.2,0.4,2,"Not being able to save your work, no spell check. Zero context provided about texts.",5,4,5,4,1,3,4,3,3,I didn't really notice much of a difference.,I didn't really notice much of a difference.,"spellcheck,mid_edit_save"
  98,eng-nld,no_highlight,t5,no_highlight_t2,2,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.4,0.6,1,"I couldn't see the name of the file that I was editing. It often took ages for the Download button to be available. When I pasted copy from elsewhere, the formatting was preserved and there was no way (that I could see) to paste without formatting.",5,4,1,5,1,4,3,1,1,Nothing,The highlights only distracted from my work. I didn't think they had any added value.,spellcheck
  472,eng-nld,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,2,"terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.2,0.4,1,It had none of the functions that the average CAT-tool has.,5,3,1,5,1,5,5,4,3,"Highlights can help, but everything has to be checked anyway.",Nothing much except (see previous answer) they could provide a false sense of security.,"multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  75,eng-ita,no_highlight,t10,no_highlight_t1,4,"inflection,additions,omissions",,0.8,0.8,4,Intuitive and clear,4,5,5,1,4,1,1,1,3,"I think that post-editing with highlights can be useful to first identify the most important elements to be post-edited but on the other hand can overshadow other elements that might still need post-editing. It's like a double-edged sword but if you are careful, highlights can be useful.","The possibility of being visually distracted by the highlighted elements, while still wanting to check the whole sentence, i.e. also the non-highlighted elements.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save"
  94,eng-ita,no_highlight,t12,no_highlight_t2,3,"syntax,inflection,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.6,0.4,2,Cumbersome to upload and download files. No spellcheck included. I liked that it was simple and so it's easy to concentrate on the actual translation job.,2,2,5,4,5,5,5,1,1,Highlights were not helpful at all. I just deleted them at the beginning of the post-editing process. ,"As I said above, just a way to lose time :) as they were not highlighting anything that required any particular attention.","spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,tm_lexicon"
+ 181,eng-ita,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,3,"terminology,omissions",,0.8,0.8,2,Because no work could be saved during revision,4,1,3,5,4,5,3,3,3,Not sure what highlight means in this context,Not sure what highlight means in this context,"spellcheck,multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
  460,eng-nld,no_highlight,t1,no_highlight_t1,3,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.2,0.4,2,"Not being able to save your work, no spell check. Zero context provided about texts.",5,4,5,4,1,3,4,3,3,I didn't really notice much of a difference.,I didn't really notice much of a difference.,"spellcheck,mid_edit_save"
  98,eng-nld,no_highlight,t5,no_highlight_t2,2,"syntax,terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.4,0.6,1,"I couldn't see the name of the file that I was editing. It often took ages for the Download button to be available. When I pasted copy from elsewhere, the formatting was preserved and there was no way (that I could see) to paste without formatting.",5,4,1,5,1,4,3,1,1,Nothing,The highlights only distracted from my work. I didn't think they had any added value.,spellcheck
  472,eng-nld,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,2,"terminology,omissions,no_context",,0.2,0.4,1,It had none of the functions that the average CAT-tool has.,5,3,1,5,1,5,5,4,3,"Highlights can help, but everything has to be checked anyway.",Nothing much except (see previous answer) they could provide a false sense of security.,"multidoc_streamline,mid_edit_save,tm_lexicon,other_mt"
questionnaires/pretask_results.csv CHANGED
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
  133,eng-ita,oracle,t1,oracle_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,7.5,1,7.5,0.2,5,"like_A,like_B",,4,5,3,4,3,3,4,"Post-editing translation can be a useful instrument when it comes to fine-tuning a technical document. On the other hand, if the content is very articulated and its syntax and context are tricky, machine translation can become a real nuisance, since it is not able to infer from certain contexts yet. At the very end, it all depends on the machine translation output quality."
- 158,eng-ita,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t3,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,3.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,5,4,2,2,2,5,"From my point of view, MTPE is a helpful tool for linguists, allowing them to focus on the more context related part of their translation projects. it is useful especially when translating short sentences, even if MT does not recognize a correlation between related sentences in different segments. It indeed forms grammatically correct sentences but does not see the potential meaning hidden behind words, that’s why sometimes the result cannot sound as natural as a human translation. It transfers texts into target languages but can’t be creative. It does not localize texts to adapt it to the culture of the target audience. It transfers words but cannot rewrite the text to imply a meaning instead of simply saying it. Overall, on the one hand, MT helps translators improving speed, consistency and effectiveness but, on the other hand, it does not grasp context, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances. Personally, I find it an essential foundation to build my translations on. It saves me time, but I believe that a careful review process is fundamental to deliver a high-quality target-centred result. "
  76,eng-ita,oracle,t3,oracle_t3,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,3.5,1,3.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_D",,5,5,5,4,3,1,4,"I find post-editing machine translation to be extremely useful, as it enables me to manage larger volumes of work efficiently while dedicating more attention to complex linguistic nuances. This allows me to work in a faster and more productive way in many translation tasks. However, there are instances in which the creativity of human translation is irreplaceable, especially in marketing texts, in which style and tone are paramount. In such cases, I prefer to translate from scratch, as it gives me the freedom to be more creative and ensure the message resonates perfectly with the target audience."
- 169,eng-ita,supervised,t4,supervised_t3,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,3.5,1,5,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,5,2,4,1,3,3,"What comes to mind is that, even though I never stopped reading in my free time, I feel that, over the years, the constant use of MT has somehow reduced my problem solving skills, creative thinking and ability to produce translation alternatives in terms of syntax and terminology. I believe the drastic decline of output quality in any given translated advertisement and marketing materials I happen to see on TV or over the Internet may be due to translators fear (or maybe not enough paid time) to detach from the original, once a MT translation has been unanimously approved within a translation team. This was true when I first started working with MT and got worse over time, especially when working with big translation agencies and teams. On one hand, this standardization has undoubtedly improved consistency for certain copy types, while on the other hand it has produced a consistent decline in quality, making us translators less and less creative and independent from it. "
- 252,eng-ita,unsupervised,t5,unsupervised_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,7.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,5,3,3,4,1,5,"I view it as an opportunity for translators to work with this technology. Of course, much depends on the subject matter of the translation project, language pair and quality of the MT output. Adaptive MT is much improved."
- 167,eng-ita,supervised,t6,supervised_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,7.5,0.2,5,"like_A,like_C,like_D,like_E",,5,5,4,4,2,3,4,"Generally speaking, I think that MT is a helpful tool because it speeds up the translation process, especially when the content is repetitive and technical, as it often includes glossaries and translation matches. So, I don't need to translate the content from scratch and I can just post-edit the translations proposed. However, MT is less helpful when content is creative and contains wordplay, idioms, jargons, aso because most of the time, it translates them literally or wrongly. In such cases, I prefer to use dictionaries or other tools to double check the meaning. In general, I work on Matecat, but I often use Deepl to post-edit translations because I can rework them by checking synonyms, changing the structure of the sentence, checking the dictionary, choosing the ToV, also. In this way, I can quickly and easily improve my translations. "
  88,eng-ita,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,2,1,2,0.6,4,"like_A,like_B,dislike_A",,5,5,3,3,3,1,4,"I don't believe those who say ""the machine will replace humans"" or ""the profession of translator will disappear."" 1, in part the last statement is true but I believe that, as in any technological evolution in history, a technology leads to the evolution of a profession and I think we should not fear the progress that the machine is making. We should not perceive the machine as a threat but an ""opportunity"" to focus in other aspects of translation."
  89,eng-ita,supervised,t8,supervised_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,parttime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,3.5,0.4,4,"like_A,like_B,like_D,like_E",,5,5,4,4,3,4,3,"Machine translation provides an excellent basis for translation work. The functionalities offered by these technologies make it possible to increase the quality of translated texts, especially in terms of uniformity and consistency, and particularly when adherence to a specific glossary is required. The human mind can freely interact with the machine's results, improving readability and fluency, based on the specific context of each text, the required tone of voice and the most appropriate style. It is therefore not a matter of replacing human work with machine translations, but of finding the right balance between the automatic results and the individual translator's ability to understand the source language and localise it for the target audience."
- 487,eng-ita,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,ita,,other,Both English to Italian and Italian to English,parttime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,3,like_C,,5,5,4,3,3,3,4,In reality I don't have a strong opinion on this. I feel confident post-editing both MT work or human one. Often MT work can provide a different creative input but that not necessarily (at least in my experience) constitutes a time saving solution.
- 220,eng-ita,no_highlight,t10,no_highlight_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,3.5,1,3.5,1,4,"like_A,like_D,like_E,other",,4,5,5,3,4,3,3,"I think post-editing surpasses translation from scratch for documents that require a lot of consistency and on large volumes of work as long as it is done with great care and precision. Translation memory or not, I always note those terms that require consistency, for me quality always comes first."
- 241,eng-ita,oracle,t11,oracle_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,7.5,1,7.5,0.6,3,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,4,2,4,2,3,1,"I think that post-editing machine translation can be very useful to be more productive and to work faster, especially for repetitive work that requires consistency and in case of tight deadlines. However, also with the help of MT, the work of a professional translator is (and always will be :) ) necessary in order to deliver top-quality translations."
- 257,eng-ita,no_highlight,t12,no_highlight_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,parttime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,2,0.2,4,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,3,4,2,2,2,1,4,"""It could be very challenging, as sometimes terminology is not correct or consistent. Also, I noticed that sentences are not that natural, and after a while I tend to loose the ability to produce a """"normal"""" or good quality text. That's why I need to break big MTPE jobs into smaller bits: this helps me to write in a natural and fluent way. Personally, I sometimes use MT to get an overall overview of a text prior to accept it."""
- 50,eng-nld,,t0,,Dutch,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,4,"dislike_C",,5,5,4,2,1,3,3,"The biggest problem with post editing machine translation for me, apart from the translations being poor and not adapted to the target market, is that they're inconsistent: tone, formal/informal (je/jij and u), terminology etc."
  219,eng-nld,no_highlight,t1,no_highlight_t1,nld,,eng-nld,,other,"Full-time freelance translator, copywriter and journalist",C1,10,1,10,0.4,4,"like_A,like_B,dislike_A",,5,5,2,2,2,2,2,"It's an integral part of the job, and one I don't mind at all. Sometimes an MT gets you further than a human translation, as it tends to be a more exact translation. However it can be quite a bit too literal and leaves no room for transcreation, which is also quite important in the work."
- 199,eng-nld,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t2,other,"Dutch, Italian, English",nld-eng,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,7.5,1,3.5,0.6,3,"like_A,like_B,like_D,like_E,dislike_C",,4,4,4,4,2,2,3,"I love its potential to speed up the work that needs to be done. However, in many programs like MateCat it's trickier to make the sentences or parts of the sentence match in a coherent way. When dealing with long sentences it's often easier to rely on one's own (human) translation capabilities because once the sentences are broken up, their syntax and word order often no longer makes sense in the target language."
- 219,eng-nld,unsupervised,t3,unsupervised_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,5,"like_A,like_B,like_D",,5,5,3,3,2,4,4,"I believe that MTs can speed up large-scale translation projects and provide consistency when approved translations are used for this purpose. At the same time, context and/or reference documents must be provided as well to ensure that the MTs are used and post-edited properly within the required context. As for technical aspects, propagation of approved/edited segments to 100% matches should be part of the program or platform that is used."
- 71,eng-nld,oracle,t4,oracle_t1,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,7.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_B,like_D,like_E",,5,5,4,4,3,3,1,"I really enjoy doing this for more product descriptions and more technical translations. I do a lot of legal work and MT can be a big help. I loose less time with translating the repetitive, easier parts, I can concentrate more on the correct terminology,..."
  90,eng-nld,no_highlight,t5,no_highlight_t2,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,5,"like_D,dislike_A,dislike_C,dislike_D",,5,4,2,1,1,1,4,"MT advocates mostly promote the increased productivity of using MT. While MT does increase productivity, other, more negative aspects are often overlooked. First, translating while using MT requires a different skill set from regular translation, i.e. you are a translator & reviewer at the same time. Not all translators are good reviewers. Second, translating while using MT tends to be a lot more tedious than regular translation. Third, MT is often applied without taking the type of source text into account. Not all content is suitable for MT. Fourth, MT rates are usually lower than the rates for regular translation. Combined with the third aspect mentioned above, translators may have to comprise on quality just to stay within budget. Fifth, MT tends to play havoc with tags, punctuation, placeholders, etc. Correcting this type of errors is time-consuming & error-prone."
- 416,eng-nld,supervised,t6,supervised_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,7.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_D",,5,5,1,2,3,2,4,"When the output of the MT is good, it increases my productivity. Especially self-learning MT improves consistency across files, which is a plus. It does sometimes cripple my creativity, because seeing a more or less ready translation tends to focus my brain in that direction, making it harder to divert from it completely."
- 152,eng-nld,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,other,"Dutch, but also fluent in English.",eng-nld,,other,I would say full-time freelance translator but my availability can differ per week/month.,C2,7.5,1,3.5,0.4,3,"like_A,like_B,like_C,like_D,like_E,dislike_C,dislike_D,other","It really depends on the quality of the output, but I cannot deny that there are advantages to using MT. However, a human touch is very often still required so it's best to always be vigilant I think.",5,5,5,3,2,3,3,"""It definitely has benefits, just for the mere fact that you have a translation (of whatever quality) to begin with. I like working with it, but the truth is that you should always remain extra alert of errors because there are often strange errors that are 'logical' to a machine but make no sense to humans. The benefit of doing a translation 'from scratch' is the fact that you are much more in touch with the entire text, whereas with PE there is the risk that you gloss over things, because it is so 'easy' to oversee something because it was pre translated; in particular with repetitive segments an extra sharp focus is needed when it comes to MT (PE) content. In general the rate for PE is often quite low and sometimes the workload is quite high if the quality is poor. Human output is overall better (of course), but I am a fan of the technology and the possibilities it provides. """
- 119,eng-nld,supervised,t8,supervised_t2,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,10,0.6,3,"like_B,dislike_C",,4,5,3,1,4,1,4,"I'm generally not fond of using MT for work-related tasks, but sometimes it can help speed up the post-editing process when there is much text to review. I would occasionally use it to see if I can get a better translation for a certain phrase or expression, and adapt the grammar accordingly if I find a somewhat suitable translation. "
  233,eng-nld,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,7.5,1,4,"like_B,like_C,like_D,like_E",,5,5,5,1,1,5,4,"I almost always make use of machine translation, but I wouldn't necessarily call what I do 'post-editing'. With DeepL, for example, you can have the MT rephrase any sentence in multiple ways, allowing you to search for the right word and the best construction. This, combined with online dictionaries (Van Dale), in-context translation websites (Linguee, Reverso), and general web searches, ensures the translator remains fully in control — far from being a 'slave to the machine'. These are just tools to aid the process."
- 250,eng-nld,oracle,t10,oracle_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_D,other","I don't like using MT because of its lack of cultural understanding. Unlike human translators, machines struggle to grasp cultural nuances, idioms, and expressions. ",5,5,5,4,3,5,5,"""One of the primary advantages of MTPE is its ability to enhance efficiency, facilitating swift translation production while significantly reducing my workload. By participating in the post-editing phase, I can focus on enhancing the quality of the text rather than initiating the translation process from the beginning. This approach streamlines the translation workflow, leading to greater productivity. On the other hand, achieving accuracy is one of the foremost challenges in machine translation, with errors frequently occurring in idiomatic expressions and cultural nuances. Additionally, the lack of cultural insight poses a significant hurdle, as language is deeply intertwined with culture, making it difficult for machines to fully understand idiomatic phrases and cultural contexts. Lastly, machine translation is often inadequate for handling specific text types, particularly those that contain specialized jargon or technical terminology. A major strength of AI translation lies in its relentless ability to learn and grow. Through ongoing analysis of training data, these systems refine their accuracy and remain attuned to the constantly shifting world of language."""
  275,eng-nld,oracle,t11,oracle_t2,nld,,other,Italian to Dutch,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,5,"dislike_A,dislike_B,dislike_C",,4,5,2,2,1,3,3,"Currently my work consists for the most part (75%) of Italian-Dutch translations in the technical sector/automotive industry. The MT projects for now always severely lack in quality, resulting me having to work more for lower rates. So for the moment I cannot be considered a big fan of post-editing machine translations, on the contrary, but I'm well aware that the evolution is inevitable and that it only can be improved through human contribution."
  438,eng-nld,supervised,t12,supervised_t1,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,7.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_C,like_D",,5,3,1,1,1,3,5,"It makes the job easier, but I also worry that it may eventually replace me."
- 47,eng-nld,no_highlight,t13,no_highlight_t4,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,7.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_D",,5,5,4,4,3,4,4,"-"
+ 220,eng-ita,no_highlight,t10,no_highlight_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,3.5,1,3.5,1,4,"like_A,like_D,like_E,other",,4,5,5,3,4,3,3,"I think post-editing surpasses translation from scratch for documents that require a lot of consistency and on large volumes of work as long as it is done with great care and precision. Translation memory or not, I always note those terms that require consistency, for me quality always comes first."
+ 257,eng-ita,no_highlight,t12,no_highlight_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,parttime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,2,0.2,4,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,3,4,2,2,2,1,4,"""It could be very challenging, as sometimes terminology is not correct or consistent. Also, I noticed that sentences are not that natural, and after a while I tend to loose the ability to produce a """"normal"""" or good quality text. That's why I need to break big MTPE jobs into smaller bits: this helps me to write in a natural and fluent way. Personally, I sometimes use MT to get an overall overview of a text prior to accept it."""
+ 487,eng-ita,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,ita,,other,Both English to Italian and Italian to English,parttime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,3,like_C,,5,5,4,3,3,3,4,In reality I don't have a strong opinion on this. I feel confident post-editing both MT work or human one. Often MT work can provide a different creative input but that not necessarily (at least in my experience) constitutes a time saving solution.
+ 241,eng-ita,oracle,t11,oracle_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,7.5,1,7.5,0.6,3,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,4,2,4,2,3,1,"I think that post-editing machine translation can be very useful to be more productive and to work faster, especially for repetitive work that requires consistency and in case of tight deadlines. However, also with the help of MT, the work of a professional translator is (and always will be :) ) necessary in order to deliver top-quality translations."
  133,eng-ita,oracle,t1,oracle_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,7.5,1,7.5,0.2,5,"like_A,like_B",,4,5,3,4,3,3,4,"Post-editing translation can be a useful instrument when it comes to fine-tuning a technical document. On the other hand, if the content is very articulated and its syntax and context are tricky, machine translation can become a real nuisance, since it is not able to infer from certain contexts yet. At the very end, it all depends on the machine translation output quality."
  76,eng-ita,oracle,t3,oracle_t3,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,3.5,1,3.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_D",,5,5,5,4,3,1,4,"I find post-editing machine translation to be extremely useful, as it enables me to manage larger volumes of work efficiently while dedicating more attention to complex linguistic nuances. This allows me to work in a faster and more productive way in many translation tasks. However, there are instances in which the creativity of human translation is irreplaceable, especially in marketing texts, in which style and tone are paramount. In such cases, I prefer to translate from scratch, as it gives me the freedom to be more creative and ensure the message resonates perfectly with the target audience."
  88,eng-ita,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,2,1,2,0.6,4,"like_A,like_B,dislike_A",,5,5,3,3,3,1,4,"I don't believe those who say ""the machine will replace humans"" or ""the profession of translator will disappear."" 1, in part the last statement is true but I believe that, as in any technological evolution in history, a technology leads to the evolution of a profession and I think we should not fear the progress that the machine is making. We should not perceive the machine as a threat but an ""opportunity"" to focus in other aspects of translation."
+ 252,eng-ita,unsupervised,t5,unsupervised_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,7.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,5,3,3,4,1,5,"I view it as an opportunity for translators to work with this technology. Of course, much depends on the subject matter of the translation project, language pair and quality of the MT output. Adaptive MT is much improved."
+ 158,eng-ita,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t3,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,3.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,5,4,2,2,2,5,"From my point of view, MTPE is a helpful tool for linguists, allowing them to focus on the more context related part of their translation projects. it is useful especially when translating short sentences, even if MT does not recognize a correlation between related sentences in different segments. It indeed forms grammatically correct sentences but does not see the potential meaning hidden behind words, that’s why sometimes the result cannot sound as natural as a human translation. It transfers texts into target languages but can’t be creative. It does not localize texts to adapt it to the culture of the target audience. It transfers words but cannot rewrite the text to imply a meaning instead of simply saying it. Overall, on the one hand, MT helps translators improving speed, consistency and effectiveness but, on the other hand, it does not grasp context, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances. Personally, I find it an essential foundation to build my translations on. It saves me time, but I believe that a careful review process is fundamental to deliver a high-quality target-centred result. "
  89,eng-ita,supervised,t8,supervised_t1,ita,,eng-ita,,parttime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,3.5,0.4,4,"like_A,like_B,like_D,like_E",,5,5,4,4,3,4,3,"Machine translation provides an excellent basis for translation work. The functionalities offered by these technologies make it possible to increase the quality of translated texts, especially in terms of uniformity and consistency, and particularly when adherence to a specific glossary is required. The human mind can freely interact with the machine's results, improving readability and fluency, based on the specific context of each text, the required tone of voice and the most appropriate style. It is therefore not a matter of replacing human work with machine translations, but of finding the right balance between the automatic results and the individual translator's ability to understand the source language and localise it for the target audience."
+ 169,eng-ita,supervised,t4,supervised_t3,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,3.5,1,5,"like_A,like_D,dislike_A",,5,5,2,4,1,3,3,"What comes to mind is that, even though I never stopped reading in my free time, I feel that, over the years, the constant use of MT has somehow reduced my problem solving skills, creative thinking and ability to produce translation alternatives in terms of syntax and terminology. I believe the drastic decline of output quality in any given translated advertisement and marketing materials I happen to see on TV or over the Internet may be due to translators fear (or maybe not enough paid time) to detach from the original, once a MT translation has been unanimously approved within a translation team. This was true when I first started working with MT and got worse over time, especially when working with big translation agencies and teams. On one hand, this standardization has undoubtedly improved consistency for certain copy types, while on the other hand it has produced a consistent decline in quality, making us translators less and less creative and independent from it. "
+ 167,eng-ita,supervised,t6,supervised_t2,ita,,eng-ita,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,10,1,7.5,0.2,5,"like_A,like_C,like_D,like_E",,5,5,4,4,2,3,4,"Generally speaking, I think that MT is a helpful tool because it speeds up the translation process, especially when the content is repetitive and technical, as it often includes glossaries and translation matches. So, I don't need to translate the content from scratch and I can just post-edit the translations proposed. However, MT is less helpful when content is creative and contains wordplay, idioms, jargons, aso because most of the time, it translates them literally or wrongly. In such cases, I prefer to use dictionaries or other tools to double check the meaning. In general, I work on Matecat, but I often use Deepl to post-edit translations because I can rework them by checking synonyms, changing the structure of the sentence, checking the dictionary, choosing the ToV, also. In this way, I can quickly and easily improve my translations. "
  219,eng-nld,no_highlight,t1,no_highlight_t1,nld,,eng-nld,,other,"Full-time freelance translator, copywriter and journalist",C1,10,1,10,0.4,4,"like_A,like_B,dislike_A",,5,5,2,2,2,2,2,"It's an integral part of the job, and one I don't mind at all. Sometimes an MT gets you further than a human translation, as it tends to be a more exact translation. However it can be quite a bit too literal and leaves no room for transcreation, which is also quite important in the work."
  90,eng-nld,no_highlight,t5,no_highlight_t2,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,5,"like_D,dislike_A,dislike_C,dislike_D",,5,4,2,1,1,1,4,"MT advocates mostly promote the increased productivity of using MT. While MT does increase productivity, other, more negative aspects are often overlooked. First, translating while using MT requires a different skill set from regular translation, i.e. you are a translator & reviewer at the same time. Not all translators are good reviewers. Second, translating while using MT tends to be a lot more tedious than regular translation. Third, MT is often applied without taking the type of source text into account. Not all content is suitable for MT. Fourth, MT rates are usually lower than the rates for regular translation. Combined with the third aspect mentioned above, translators may have to comprise on quality just to stay within budget. Fifth, MT tends to play havoc with tags, punctuation, placeholders, etc. Correcting this type of errors is time-consuming & error-prone."
  233,eng-nld,no_highlight,t9,no_highlight_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,7.5,1,4,"like_B,like_C,like_D,like_E",,5,5,5,1,1,5,4,"I almost always make use of machine translation, but I wouldn't necessarily call what I do 'post-editing'. With DeepL, for example, you can have the MT rephrase any sentence in multiple ways, allowing you to search for the right word and the best construction. This, combined with online dictionaries (Van Dale), in-context translation websites (Linguee, Reverso), and general web searches, ensures the translator remains fully in control — far from being a 'slave to the machine'. These are just tools to aid the process."
+ 47,eng-nld,no_highlight,t13,no_highlight_t4,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,7.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_D",,5,5,4,4,3,4,4,"-"
+ 71,eng-nld,oracle,t4,oracle_t1,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,7.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_B,like_D,like_E",,5,5,4,4,3,3,1,"I really enjoy doing this for more product descriptions and more technical translations. I do a lot of legal work and MT can be a big help. I loose less time with translating the repetitive, easier parts, I can concentrate more on the correct terminology,..."
  275,eng-nld,oracle,t11,oracle_t2,nld,,other,Italian to Dutch,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,5,"dislike_A,dislike_B,dislike_C",,4,5,2,2,1,3,3,"Currently my work consists for the most part (75%) of Italian-Dutch translations in the technical sector/automotive industry. The MT projects for now always severely lack in quality, resulting me having to work more for lower rates. So for the moment I cannot be considered a big fan of post-editing machine translations, on the contrary, but I'm well aware that the evolution is inevitable and that it only can be improved through human contribution."
+ 250,eng-nld,oracle,t10,oracle_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_D,other","I don't like using MT because of its lack of cultural understanding. Unlike human translators, machines struggle to grasp cultural nuances, idioms, and expressions. ",5,5,5,4,3,5,5,"""One of the primary advantages of MTPE is its ability to enhance efficiency, facilitating swift translation production while significantly reducing my workload. By participating in the post-editing phase, I can focus on enhancing the quality of the text rather than initiating the translation process from the beginning. This approach streamlines the translation workflow, leading to greater productivity. On the other hand, achieving accuracy is one of the foremost challenges in machine translation, with errors frequently occurring in idiomatic expressions and cultural nuances. Additionally, the lack of cultural insight poses a significant hurdle, as language is deeply intertwined with culture, making it difficult for machines to fully understand idiomatic phrases and cultural contexts. Lastly, machine translation is often inadequate for handling specific text types, particularly those that contain specialized jargon or technical terminology. A major strength of AI translation lies in its relentless ability to learn and grow. Through ongoing analysis of training data, these systems refine their accuracy and remain attuned to the constantly shifting world of language."""
+ 152,eng-nld,unsupervised,t7,unsupervised_t1,other,"Dutch, but also fluent in English.",eng-nld,,other,I would say full-time freelance translator but my availability can differ per week/month.,C2,7.5,1,3.5,0.4,3,"like_A,like_B,like_C,like_D,like_E,dislike_C,dislike_D,other","It really depends on the quality of the output, but I cannot deny that there are advantages to using MT. However, a human touch is very often still required so it's best to always be vigilant I think.",5,5,5,3,2,3,3,"""It definitely has benefits, just for the mere fact that you have a translation (of whatever quality) to begin with. I like working with it, but the truth is that you should always remain extra alert of errors because there are often strange errors that are 'logical' to a machine but make no sense to humans. The benefit of doing a translation 'from scratch' is the fact that you are much more in touch with the entire text, whereas with PE there is the risk that you gloss over things, because it is so 'easy' to oversee something because it was pre translated; in particular with repetitive segments an extra sharp focus is needed when it comes to MT (PE) content. In general the rate for PE is often quite low and sometimes the workload is quite high if the quality is poor. Human output is overall better (of course), but I am a fan of the technology and the possibilities it provides. """
+ 199,eng-nld,unsupervised,t2,unsupervised_t2,other,"Dutch, Italian, English",nld-eng,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,7.5,1,3.5,0.6,3,"like_A,like_B,like_D,like_E,dislike_C",,4,4,4,4,2,2,3,"I love its potential to speed up the work that needs to be done. However, in many programs like MateCat it's trickier to make the sentences or parts of the sentence match in a coherent way. When dealing with long sentences it's often easier to rely on one's own (human) translation capabilities because once the sentences are broken up, their syntax and word order often no longer makes sense in the target language."
+ 219,eng-nld,unsupervised,t3,unsupervised_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,5,"like_A,like_B,like_D",,5,5,3,3,2,4,4,"I believe that MTs can speed up large-scale translation projects and provide consistency when approved translations are used for this purpose. At the same time, context and/or reference documents must be provided as well to ensure that the MTs are used and post-edited properly within the required context. As for technical aspects, propagation of approved/edited segments to 100% matches should be part of the program or platform that is used."
  438,eng-nld,supervised,t12,supervised_t1,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,7.5,0.6,4,"like_A,like_C,like_D",,5,3,1,1,1,3,5,"It makes the job easier, but I also worry that it may eventually replace me."
+ 119,eng-nld,supervised,t8,supervised_t2,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,10,0.6,3,"like_B,dislike_C",,4,5,3,1,4,1,4,"I'm generally not fond of using MT for work-related tasks, but sometimes it can help speed up the post-editing process when there is much text to review. I would occasionally use it to see if I can get a better translation for a certain phrase or expression, and adapt the grammar accordingly if I find a somewhat suitable translation. "
+ 416,eng-nld,supervised,t6,supervised_t3,nld,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C1,7.5,1,7.5,0.8,5,"like_A,like_D",,5,5,1,2,3,2,4,"When the output of the MT is good, it increases my productivity. Especially self-learning MT improves consistency across files, which is a plus. It does sometimes cripple my creativity, because seeing a more or less ready translation tends to focus my brain in that direction, making it harder to divert from it completely."
+ 50,eng-nld,,t0,,Dutch,,eng-nld,,fulltime_freelancer,,C2,10,1,3.5,0.4,4,"dislike_C",,5,5,4,2,1,3,3,"The biggest problem with post editing machine translation for me, apart from the translations being poor and not adapted to the target market, is that they're inconsistent: tone, formal/informal (je/jij and u), terminology etc."