diff --git "a/lingspam/lingspam/test.tsv" "b/lingspam/lingspam/test.tsv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/lingspam/lingspam/test.tsv" @@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ +sentence label +"Subject: summary on anglicization of names hi - i posted a query a while ago about how non - english names get anglicized . what i got in response was quite interesting , though most of it was anecdotal , as the responders themselves noted . most of the research cited was not in sociolinguistics but in speech technology . i still think this would be an interesting topic to work on . in any case , i ' m including the responses i got , with thanks to all and apologies for the typographical irregularities - best , larry rosenwald , wellesley college 1 ) > from margaret luebs < maluebs @ umich . edu > i saw your message on the linguist list and wanted to share a story with you ( probably not scholarly enough for your summary , though ) . my last name is german and is spelled "" luebs "" . people always assume it is pronounced "" lubes "" which is pretty close to the expected german pronunciation ( though that may not have been how my great-grandparents said it ; see below ) . instead , irritatingly enough , we say "" lebbs "" . the story i ' ve been told ( which may be partly apocryphal ) is that when my grandfather ( the first of 12 siblings to make it off the farm that their parents settled on in the 1880 's ) arrived at the university of nebraska in 1910 , he went to a professor in the german department and asked "" what is the american pronunciation of my name ? "" ( because up till then his family had just pronounced it the old way - - they spoke german at home and lived among lots of other germans ) . the professor , for some reason , said "" lebbs "" so that 's what we got stuck with . then a few years later another brother made it to the university , and * he * went to a * different * professor in the german department and asked the same question . the answer he got was "" leebs "" so that 's how his descendants pronounce the name . other cousins seem to have just used their own common sense , because there are some out there who pronounce it "" lubes "" . however we have an old letter from germany addressed to my great-grandfather , and it refers to him as "" h . libs "" , ( a misspelling perhaps inspired by the actual pronunciation ) so the original pronunciation may have been closer to "" leebs "" . it still does n't explain "" lebbs "" , but oh well . i know this is n't what you asked for - - it 's not phonetic factors or even normal sociolinguistic ones , but rather the dreaded influence of university professors ! 2 ) > from lexo @ lsi . sel . sony . com ( lex olorenshaw ) hi , the anglicization topic interests me , too , but more from a speech technology point of view . for example , what ways can we anticipate the anglicized pronunciation of names in order to produce better synthesized speech , or to automatically recognize speech better ? some research has been done in this area for text - to - speech synthesizers . but i have n't looked into it too much . there are a couple of references to "" name pronunciation "" on this web site that might serve as a starting point - http : / / www . bellcore . com / orator / oref . html since i ' ve been wondering about this , i also did a quick search for "" name pronunciation "" in linguistics abstract online ( currently on a free trial basis ! ) , and came up with the following items - - - - - - - - - - - title : variant grapheme-phoneme correspondences in unfamiliar polysyllabic words author : robert l . trammell journal : language and speech vol : 33 ( 4 ) , 1990 , 293-323 subdiscipline : phonology abstract : ten college students and ten phds read aloud 30 unfamiliar english words , two to five syllables in length , of greek , latin , and germanic origin . the average number of different subject pronunciations per word was five ( range one to ten ) . each response was compared to the rule-predicted , dictionary-prescribed , and most frequent pronunciation for that word . the subjects agreed more with each other than with the dictionary , and with the latter more than with the rules . however , the rules predicted half of the prescribed pronunciations , which was better than the average number of individual subject ` s responses agreeing with the dictionary . the most frequent response to each word demonstrated considerably more agreement with both the dictionary and the rules than did the average number of responses for the subjects individually . the etymological source of the test words had no effect . while the phds as a group did significantly better than the students on most measures , the differences were small . in view of previous research , the frequent vowel laxing in open third and fourth syllables from the end was unexpected . several models of reading are examined in the light of these results . - - - - - - - - - title : novel - word pronunciation : a cross-language study author : k . p . h sullivan & r . i . damper journal : speech communication vol : 13 ( 3 - 4 ) , 1993 , 441-452 subdiscipline : computational linguistics abstract : in the case of a ' novel word ' absent from a text-to - speech system ` s pronouncing dictionary , traditional systems invoke context-dependent letter-to - phoneme rules to produce a pronunciation . a proposal in the psychological literature , however , is that human readers pronounce novel words not by using explicit rules , but by analogy with letter-to - phoneme patterns for words they already know . in this paper , a synthesis-by - analogy system is presented which is , accordingly , also a model of novel-word pronunciation by humans . it employs analogy in both orthographic and phonological domains and is applied here to the pronunciation of novel words in british ( received pronunciation ) english and german . in implementing the system , certain detailed questions were confronted which analogy theory is at present inadequately developed to answer . thus , a major part of this work concerns the impact of implementational choices on performance , where this is defined as the ability of the system to produce pronunciations in line with those given by humans . the size and content of the lexical database on which any analogy system must be based are also considered . the better performing implementations produced useful results for both british english and german . however , best results for each of the two languages were obtained from rather different implementations . authors of abstract : authors - - - - - - - - - - - 3 ) " 0 +Subject: cfp nlp + ia ' 98 / taln ' 98 moncton , canada * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * call for papers & exhibits * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = appel aux communications & expositions = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = international conference on natural language processing and industrial applications nlp + ia 98 > > > special accent on computer assisted language learning < < < conference internationale sur le traitement automatique des langues et ses applications industrielles tal + ai 98 > > > attention speciale portee a l ' enseignement de la langue < < < august / aout 18 - 21 , 1998 moncton , new - brunswick , canada come to canada this summer . . . iwnlg august 5 - 7 in niagara - on-the - lake coling - acl & workshops august 10-16 in montreal nlp + ia / call august 18-21 in moncton topics of interest : the nlp study group ( gretal ) at l ' universite de moncton is organizing its second international conference on nlp and industrial applications . this year a special attention is given to computer assisted language learning & teaching . papers are invited on all aspects of natural language processing , including , but not limited to , * computer assisted language learning & teaching , * natural language understanding and generation of textual , spoken and hand-written language , * natural language interfaces to databases , expert systems , or industrial applications * machine translation , computer aided translation , translation aids , * syntax , semantics , pragmatics , lexicon , morphology , * dictionaries , corpora , & other language resources * multimodality * multilinguality * nlp industrial applications * papers of every kind that can help bridge the gap between the theory and practice of nlp in general and language learning in particular . language : authors are invited to submit preliminary versions of their papers not exceeding 400 words ( exclusive of references ) either in english or in french , the two official languages of the conference . proceedings would be published in the language of the submitted texts . final versions would be around 7 - 8 pages . submission : 1 ) the first page should be an identification page containing the title , the authors ' names , affiliations , addresses , a five ( 5 ) keyword list specifying the subject area , a five ( 5 ) line summary , and the name and address of the contact person . title / titre : authors info / auteurs et infos : keywords / mots clefs : summary / resume : contact person / personne contact : 2 ) abstracts should not exceed 400 words in length excluding references ( 12 pt , times roman , 1 inch margins ( 2 , 5 cm ) all around ; if using a4 please keep text within 19cm x 25 , 5 cm ) . 3 ) the identification page and the abstract should be submitted in 4 hard copies ( 12 pt , times roman , 1 inch margins ( 2 , 5 cm ) all around ; if using a4 please keep text within 16 , 5 cm x 23 cm ) to : nlp + ia 98 / tal + ai 98 pr . chadia moghrabi geta , clips , imag 385 rue de la bibliotheque bp 53 x 38041 grenoble cedex 9 france phone : + 33 4 76 51 4369 fax : + 33 4 76 51 4405 e - mail : nlp + ia-98 @ imag . fr 4 ) the identification page should also be e-mailed in plain text . refereeing : all submissions shall be refereed by three members of the program committee . international program committee : anne de roeck ( essex , uk ) arnold smith ( nrc , canada ) chadia moghrabi ( moncton , canada ) christian boitet ( geta , grenoble , france ) chrysanne dimarco ( logos , waterloo , canada ) eric wehrli ( geneva , switzerland ) eva hajicova ( charles u . , prague ) genvieve caelen - haumont ( geod , grenoble , france ) graeme hirst ( toronto , canada ) harry bunt ( tilburg , netherlands ) henry hamburger ( george mason , usa ) howard hamilton ( regina , canada ) jean - pierre chanod ( xerox , france ) johanna moore ( pennsylvania , usa ) john hutchins ( east anglia , uk ) john tait ( sunderland , uk ) junichi tsujii ( umist & tokyo , japan ) kathleen mccoy ( delaware , usa ) margaret king ( issco , switzerland ) manfred stede ( tu - berlin , germany ) marcel cori ( paris-7 , france ) mark seligman ( geta-clips & red pepper , usa ) michael levison ( queens , canada ) nocoletta calzolari ( pisa , italy ) pierre isabelle ( rali , montreal , canada ) pierrette bouillon ( geneva , switzerland ) paul tarau ( moncton , canada ) remi chadel ( inxight , xerox , france ) roberto basili ( roma , italy ) ruddy lelouche ( laval , canada ) susan armstrong ( issco , geneva , switzerland ) thierry chanier ( franche - comte , france ) thierry van steenberghe ( louvain - la - neuve , belgium ) veronica dahl ( simon fraser , canada ) yael ravin ( ibm , usa ) yorick wilks ( sheffield , uk ) schedule : submissions are due on april 28th 1998 . notification of receipt will be mailed to the contact person soon after receipt . authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 june 1998 . camera - ready copies of final full papers must be received by the 1st of august 1998 along with registration fees . participants are also requested to indicate their intention to participate in the conference as soon as possible to the same e-mail address with the single word intention in the subject line . exhibits : anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration should send a brief electronic description along with a specification of physical requirements ( table size , power , telephone connections , number of chairs , etc . ) to the same address with the single word exhibit in the subject line . other activities : accompanying persons can enjoy the lovely outdoor living in new - brunswick and visit the highest tides in the world . moncton is only 20km away from the sandy beaches of shediac , la capitale mondiale du homard . conference organization : the conference is organized by gretal , groupe d ' etude sur le traitement automatique des langues at the universite ' de moncton in cooperation with geta-clips at l ' universite ' joseph fourier in grenoble . the members of the organizing committee are : chadia moghrabi , professor of computer science , conference chair jalal almhana , director & professor of computer science julien chiasson , professor of computer science sadek eid , professor of industrial engineering , director manufacturing technology centre boubaker meddeb - hamrouni , researcher geta & winsoft paul tarau , professor of computer science 0 +Subject: very large corpora sixth workshop on very large corpora when : august 15-16 , 1998 ( immediately following acl / coling-98 ) where : university of montreal , montreal , quebec , canada workshop description : as in past years , the workshop will offer a general forum for new research in corpus-based and statistical natural language processing . areas of interest include ( but are not limited to ) : - robust parsing , phrase structure analysis - part of speech tagging - term and name identification - word sense disambiguation - morphological analysis - anaphora resolution - event categorization - discourse structure identification - alignment of parallel texts and bilingual terminology - language modelling - lexicography - machine translation - spelling and grammar correction program chair : eugene charniak brown university program committee : steven abney lillian lee eric brill christopher manning ted briscoe dan melamed rebecca bruce scott miller claire cardie raymond mooney bob carpenter james pustejovksy glen carroll lance ramshaw ken church adwait rathnaparkhi michael collins ellen riloff joshua goodman hinrich schutze vasilis hatzivassiloglou ralph weischedel mark johnson janyce wiebe andrew kehler dekai wu john lafferty david yarowsky sponsor : sigdat ( acl 's special interest group for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to nlp ) web sites : for coling-acl ' 98 - http : / / coling-acl ' 98 . iro . umontreal . ca format for submission : only hard-copy submissions will be accepted . authors should submit six ( 6 ) copies of their full-length paper ( 3500-8000 words ) to eugene charniak at the johns hopkins university address below . papers should describe original work . a paper accepted for presentation cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting . papers submitted to other conferences will be considered , as long as this fact is clearly indicated in the submission . schedule : submission deadline : april 20 , 1998 notification date : june 1 , 1998 camera ready copy due : june 22 , 1998 contact : eugene charniak e-mail ec @ cs . brown . edu address : before february 1 , 1998 and after june 1 , 1998 department of computer science brown university providence ri 02912-1910 address : from february 1 , 1998 until june 1 , 1998 department of computer science johns hopkins university neb 224 , 3400 n . charles street baltimore , md 21218-2694 0 +"Subject: re : 8 . 836 , galore ? i just read , belatedly , alan harris 's communication re punctuation . what struck me was not the inappropriate "" ' "" , but the word ' galore ' . what the heck is that ? is it an obligatorily post-posed adjective ? is it unique in english ? it can't be a matter of idiomatic phrases , since it seems to me it can be added to noun plural or mass noun : come out to our ranch , we ' ve got horses galore , cattle galore , sheep galore , etc . jules levin " 0 +Subject: lecturer position ( temporary ) california state university , fresno academic vacancy announcement the school of arts & humanities department of linguistics postion : lecturer ( temporary appointment ) 1 . proposed appointment : initial appointment is for one year . subsequent appointments to a second or third year may be considered based on performance and budget . 2 . available academic year : 1997-98 3 . salary : placement on the salary schedule is dependent upon academic preparation and professional experience . 4 . teaching load : 12 semester units 5 . course level : undergraduate and graduate 6 . specific characteristics : the successful candidate is expected to participate fully in the teaching , strengthening and further development of our course offerings . preference will be given to candidates capable of teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in two or more of the following areas : bilingualism , first and second language acquisition , structure of english and general linguistics offerings in other areas of need . qualifications 1 . academic prparation : the minimum requirement for appointment to this position is a master 's degree in linguistics . candidates with the doctorate or with abd status are preferred . 2 . teaching or other professional experience : preference will be given to candidates who can demonstrate excellence in teaching and scholarship . strong preference will be given to candidates with the ability to relate to an ethinically diverse student population . applications : correspondence , applications , and confidential papers should be sent to : shigeko okamoto , chair , search committee department of linguistics california state university 5245 n . backer m / s 92 fresno , ca 93740-8001 phone : ( 209 ) 278-2441 fax : ( 209 ) 278-7299 email : shigeko _ okamoto @ csufresno . edu deadline for filing application : june 30 , 1997 0 +Subject: a proven wealth building system . - ( 9113 ) innovative publically traded company offers full or part-time home-base business opportunity , with the potential to earn thousands from the comfort of your own home . * this business is not multi-level marketing or a get rich quick scheme . * your customers will pay you directly . * this is a proven turn-key system . * excellent training and support are included . i ' m looking for serious minded entrepreneurs with a burning desire to improve their present financial situation and who are committed to earning several thousand dollars per month and changing the quality of their life - today ! ! ! call only if you are serious and leave your name and telephone number . 1-888 - 248-1137 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to be removed from future mailings email email judge708 @ mail . md with remove as the subject . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 38026 1 +Subject: european language resources association european language resources association elra news = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * new catalogue & new resources * * * elra is happy to announce the update of its catalogue of language resources for language engineering and research . it currently consists of : 1 ) spoken resources : 39 databases in several languages ( recordings from microphone , telephone , continuous speech , isolated words , phonetic dictionaries , etc . ) . 2 ) written resources : * 14 monolingual and multilingual corpora * 28 monolingual lexica * around 60 multilingual lexica * a linguistic software platform and grammars development platform 3 ) terminological resources : over 360 databases with a wide range of domains and several languages ( catalan , danish , english , french , german , italian , latin , polish , portuguese , spanish , turkish ) . we would like to inform you that a new resource ( from itc-irst , italy ) is now available via elra . a brief description is given herein : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * elra-s0039 apasci ( itc-irst ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * apasci is an italian acoustic database recorded in insulated room with a sennheiser mkh 416 t microphone . it includes ca . 16090 utterances and digits , 58924 words ( 2191 different words ) , 641 minutes of speech . the data is uttered by 100 italian speakers ( 50 male and 50 female ) . each of them uttered 1 calibration sentence , 4 sentences having a wide phonetic coverage , 15 or 20 sentences having a wide diphonic coverage . six speakers ( 3 male and 3 female ) uttered 26 occurrences of the calibration sentence , 104 sentences having a wide phonetic coverage , 390 sentences having a wide diphonic coverage . 54 of the speakers ( 42 male and 12 female ) repeated 20 times 10 isolated digits . the linguistic annotations of the database are given at the phonemic and orthographic levels . this database aims to design , train and evaluate continuous speech recognition systems ( speaker independent , speaker adaptive , speaker dependent , multispeakers ) . it is also designed for research on acoustic and linguistic models , and for research on new acoustic parameters for speech recognition . o format : 16 bit linear o standard : nist sphere o sampling rate : 16 khz o medium : cd-rom * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * for more information , please contact : elra / elda 87 , avenue d ' italie 75013 paris tel : + 33 1 45 86 53 00 fax : + 33 1 45 86 44 88 e - mail : info-elra @ calva . net http : / / www . icp . grenet . fr / elra / home . html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . khalid choukri elra / elda tel . + 33 1 45 86 53 00 fax . + 33 1 45 86 44 88 87 , avenue d ' italie , 75013 paris email : elra @ calvanet . calvacom . fr web : http : / / www . icp . grenet . fr / elra / home . html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 +Subject: multilingua 16 : 4 ( 1997 ) multilingua journal of cross - cultural and interlanguage communication volume 16 - 4 ( 1997 ) mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york special issue language contact through trade in the late middle ages : middle low german and other north european languages edited by laura wright and ernst hakon jahr mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york laura wright and ernst hakon jahr preface james milroy internal vs external motivations for linguistic change ernst hakon jahr new perspectives on the language contact between middle low german and mainland scandinavian in the late middle ages , and about a footnote on mixed languages which gave rise to a ` detective story ' laura wright the records of hanseatic merchants : lgnorant , sleepy or degenerate ? harry c . b . perridon is the definite article in jutlandic a borrowing from low german ? kurt braunmueller communication strategies in the area of the hanseatic league : the approach by semi-communication rolf h . bremmer , jr . bad frisian and bad low german : interference in the writings of a medieval west frisian muriel norde middle low german - middle scandinavian language contact and morphological simplification book reviews announcements publications received contents volume 16 ( 1997 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: distributing and accessing linguistic resources * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * call for participation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * distributing and accessing linguistic resources * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * may 27th , this workshop is part of first international conference on language resources and evaluation at the university of granada , may 26th to 30th 1998 ( see http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html for details and how to register ) . the workshop will discuss ways to increase the efficacy of linguistic resource distribution and programmatic access , and work towards the definition of a new method for these tasks based on distributed processing and object-oriented modelling with deployment on the www . organizers : yorick wilks , wim peters , hamish cunningham , remi zajac provisional programme - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - panel discussion : distributing and accessing linguistic resources khalid choukri , eduard hovy , judith klavans , yorick wilks , antonio zampolli full papers : common formats of mt user dictionaries and environments for exchanging them as a part of aamt activities s . kamei , e . itoh , m . fujii , t . hirai , y . saitoh , m . takahashi , t . hiyama , k . muraki nec / toshiba / sharp / fujitsu / kyushu matsushita , japan distributed thesaurus storage and access in a cultural domain application s . boutsis , b . georgantopoulos , s . piperidis institute for language and speech processing , athens linguistic research utilizing the edr electronic dictionary as a linguistic resource t . ogino edr , japan corpus - based research using the internet d . broeder , h . brugman , a . russel , p . wittenburg , r . piepenbrock max planck institute for psycholinguistics / celex centre for lexical expertise , nijmegen an architecture for distributed nlp objects r . zajac new mexico state university a new model for language resource access and distribution w . peters , h . cunningham , y . wilks , c . mccauley university of sheffield posters : tractor : telri research archive of computational tools and resources r . krishnamurthy university of birmingham the cue corpus access tool o . mason university of birmingham web - surfing the lexicon d . cabrero , m . vilares , l . docampo , s . sotelo ramon pineiro research centre / universities of coruna and santiago exploring distributed mt o . streiter , a . schmidt - wigger , u . reuther , c . pease iai saarbruecken a proposal for an on - line lexical database p . cassidy micra , inc . workshop scope and aims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in general the reuse of of nlp data resources ( such as lexicons or corpora ) has exceeded that of algorithmic resources ( such as lemmatisers or parsers ) . however , there are still two barriers to data resource reuse : 1 ) each resource has its own representation syntax and corresponding programmatic access mode ( e . g . sql for celex , c or prolog for wordnet , sgml for the bnc ) ; 2 ) resources must generally be installed locally to be usable ( and of course precisely how this happens , what operating systems are supported etc . varies from case to case ) . the consequences of 1 ) are that although resources share some structure in common ( lexicons are organised around words , for example ) this commonality is wasted when it comes to using a new resource ( the developer has to learn everything afresh each time ) and that work which seeks to investigate or exploit commonalities between resources ( e . g . to link several lexicons to an ontology ) has to first build a layer of access routines on top of each resources . so , for example , if we wish to do task-based evaluation of lexicons by measuring the relative performance of an information extraction system with different instantiations of lexical resource , we might end up writing code to translate several different resources into sql or sgml . the consequence of 2 ) is that there is no way to "" try before you buy "" : no way to examine a data resource for its suitability for your needs before licencing it . correspondingly there is no way for a resource provider to expose limitted access to their products for advertising purposes , or gain revenue through piecemeal supply of sections of a resource . this workshop will discuss ways to overcome these barriers . the proposers will discuss a new method for distributing and accessing language resources involving the development of a common programmatic model of the various resources types , implemented in corba idl and / or java , along with a distributed server for non-local access . this model is being designed as part of the gate project ( general architecture for text engineering : http : / / www . dcs . shef . ac . uk / research / groups / nlp / gate / ) and goes under the provisional title of an active creole server . ( creole : collection of reusable objects for language engineering . currently creole supports only algorithmic objects , but will be extended to data objects . ) a common model of language data resources would be a set of inheritance hierarchies making up a forest or set of graphs . at the top of the hierarchies would be very general abstractions from resources ( e . g . lexicons are about words ) ; at the leaves would be data items that were specific to individual resources . programmatic access would be available at all levels , allowing the developer to select an appropriate level of commonality for each application . note that although an exciting element of the work could be to provide algorithms to dynamically merge common resources what we ' re suggesting initially is not to develop anything substantively new , but simply to improve access to existing resources . this is not a new standards initiative , but a way to build on previous initiatives . of course , the production of a common model that fully expressed all the subtleties of all resources would be a large undertaking , but we believe that it can be done incrementally , with useful results at each stage . early versions will stop decomposing the object structure of resources at a fairly high level , leaving the developer to handle the data structures native to the resources at the leaves of the forest . there should still be a substantial benefit in uniform access to higher level strucures . program committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yorick wilks hamish cunningham wim peters remi zajac roberta catizone paola velardi maria teresa pazienza roberto basili bran boguraev sergei nirenburg james pustejowsky ralph grishman christiane fellbaum " 0 +Subject: aiml ' 98 : first call for papers first call for papers aiml ' 98 advances in modal logic ' 98 october 16-18 , 1998 uppsala university , uppsala , sweden advances in modal logic is an initiative aimed at presenting an up-to - date picture of the state of the art in modal logic and its many applications . the initiative consists of a workshops series together with volumes based on those workshops . advances in modal logic ' 98 is the second workshop organized as part of this initiative . aiml ' 98 will be held from october 16-18 , 1998 in uppsala , sweden . the workshop is intended for users of modal logic in cognition , computing , and language , as well as for logicians working in modal logic . topics . aiml ' 98 will be organized around a number of thematic areas : - modal logics of agency and normative systems - algebraic and model-theoretic aspects of modal logic - modal approaches to grammar and natural language semantics - computational aspects of modal logic - philosophical aspects of modal logic - modal logic and belief revision . papers on related subjects will also be considered . special session . during the workshop there will be a special afternoon session on modal logic and belief revision ; this session will be chaired by sven - ove hansson and sten lindstrom . invited speakers . invited speakers include j . van benthem , k . fine , j . horty , m . kracht , and r . parikh . paper submission . authors are invited to submit a detailed abstract of a full paper of at most 10 pages by e-mail to heinrich wansing ( e-mail address : wansing @ rz . uni-leipzig . de ) , using ` aiml98 submission ' as the subject line . the cover page should include title , authors , and the coordinates of the corresponding author . following this it should be indicated which of the thematic areas best describes the content of the paper ( if none is appropriate , please give a set of keywords that best describe the topic of the paper ) . to be considered , submissions must be received no later than june 1 , 1998 . the preliminary version of the full paper to be included in a planned volume from the workshop should be available at the workshop ; the volume will be submitted to csli publications . authors will be notified of the acceptance of their papers by december 1 , 1998 . sponsors . aiml ' 98 is generously sponsored by neurotec hochtechnologie gmbh , the computational logic group at the university of amsterdam , the compulog net network for computational logic , the swedish royal academy of science , and the university of uppsala . important dates submission deadline : june 1 , 1998 notification : august 1 , 1998 workshop : october 16-18 , 1998 preliminary version for workshop volume due at the workshop notification of acceptance for publication : december 1 , 1998 programme committee maarten de rijke , amsterdam krister segerberg , uppsala heinrich wansing , leipzig michael zakharyaschev , moscow programme chair michael zakharyaschev institute of applied mathematics russian academy of sciences miusskaya square 4 125047 moscow russia ( e-mails : mishaz @ math . fu-berlin . de and mz @ spp . keldysh . ru ) aiml steering committee maarten de rijke , heinrich wansing , michael zakharyaschev aiml advisory board johan van benthem , amsterdam max cresswell , wellington luis farinas del cerro , toulouse larry moss , indiana krister segerberg , uppsala colin stirling , edinburgh further information . email enquiries about aiml ' 98 should be directed to krister . segerberg @ filosofi . uu . se . information about the aiml initiative can be obtained on the world - wide web at http : / / www . wins . uva . nl / ~ mdr / aiml . 0 +"Subject: wow ! a college degree on the internet ? ! ? a college business degree in months ? ? ? that 's right ! you could "" earn "" a bachelors , masters or doctorate degree from a well known , prestigious university in months instead of years and it is completely legitimate ! ! how ? by enrolling in one of the many non-traditional degree programs offered by many of the countries top accredited schools . schools such as american university , brigham young , colorado state university , dartmouth , drake , george washington and 100 's of others are all currently offering non-traditional degree programs in almost every field of study ( business , accounting , medical , law etc . . ) and they can , in some cases , be earned in months instead of years and many through correspondence or internet studies . you will never have to leave your home and here 's the best part - - no one will ever know how you earned it unless "" you "" tell them . * * * competition with technical trade schools have forced the main stream universities to offer alternative degree programs and now "" you "" can benefit from it ! ! i have compiled a packet that lists over 700 accredited and non-accredited universities that offer such programs and for the small fee of $ 29 . 95 i will send it to you . here 's what you will get : a 270 page document containing - 1 ) a comprehensive list of over 700 us and foreign schools ( over 500 are state or otherwise accredited ) that offer traditional & non-traditional degree programs from a bachelors to a doctorate in almost every field of study . 2 ) information on each school listed that will include degrees offered , how to apply , who to contact and what are the fees and loan / grant information . 3 ) a list of over 50 state agencies that govern university education programs . therefore you can investigate concerns of legitimacy yourself for each individual school . 4 ) finally , just for fun , i will include a list of over 200 universities , commonly known as "" diploma mills "" which will sell you any degree or diploma you wish . prices range from $ 5 - $ 100 . "" is there a doctor in the house ? "" simply send $ 29 . 95 in us funds only ( check or money order ) to : john wallace dba wallace sales grp . 341 bittersweet henderson ky 42420 * * don ' t forget your e mail address ! ! i will e-mail it within 48 hrs . after receiving your order . thank you . further questions ? drop me a line at the address above . * * the reason there is no valid e - mail address attached to this offer is due to the fact that it has been disabled on several occasions by an illegal practice called "" mail bombing "" . * * the "" physical address "" above is that of the wallace sales grp , and home office of it 's ownership . scams almost always use a p . o . box . this address can be verified through are code 502 information . just ask for "" wallace "" on bittersweet ln . . henderson ky * * all customers will be given a valid e-address upon ordering . * * if you would like to be excluded from other offers , please respond to the address above . a confirmation letter of your removal will be sent to you as well as a refund of your stamp . i will honor all requests for removal ! ! . " 1 +"Subject: cliticization call for papers : cliticization a conference on cliticization will be held at bordeaux ( france ) from the 24 to the 26th of september 1998 . the conference should focus on "" special clitics "" . communications bearing on diachronic as well as synchronic problems are welcome . i if you want to submit a paper , please send a ( provisory ) title and a short summary before the 15th of april 98 . informations and summaries : muller @ montaigne . u-bordeaux . fr or fax : + 33 556 84 52 93 postal address : claude muller universite de bordeaux-3 sciences du langage f-33405 talence cedex ( france ) . claude muller universite de bordeaux-3 ufr lettres domaine universitaire f-33405 talence fax : + ( 33 ) 556845293 e-mail : muller @ montaigne . u-bordeaux . fr " 0 +"Subject: multimedia language education the second international conference on multimedia language education ( rocmelia ' 98 ) the first notification of rocmelia ' 98 : call for papers and courseware on multimedia language education hosts : chinese military academy rocmelia conference theme : multimedia computer assisted language education chairs : president yue - heng chang of chinese military academy . president yuangshan chuang of rocmelia conference dates and location : december 18-20 ( friday , saturday , and sunday ) , 1998 chinese military academy ( feng - shan city of kaohsiung county , taiwan ) important dates : final date for abstracts : july 10 , 1998 date for notice of acceptance : august 10 , 1998 final date for full papers : september 10 , 1998 final date for registration : november 20 , 1998 rocmelia ' 98 is the second one of the international multimedia language education conference series which is organized by rocmelia . the conference serves to foster and encourage the creation and application of computer assisted multimedia technology in language education . the first international conference on multimedia language education ( rocmelia ' 97 ) was held at the chinese navy academy in kaohsiung city in 1997 , which enjoyed participation from different expertise ranging from computer technology to language education . and the contents consisted of six languages : english , spanish , german , japanese , mandarin chinese , and taiwanese . conference formats : 1 . keynote speeches 2 . paper presentation 3 . hypermedia workshops 4 . courseware presentation language of presentation : english or chinese finished or near-finished papers and courseware which address well-founded theories and creative practices are especially encouraged . there are 30 suggested topics of interest related to language education and listed below for your reference : 1 . artificial intelligence and language instruction 2 . authoring systems 3 . collaborative learning 4 . communicative instruction 5 . corpus linguistics and language instruction 6 . courseware design 7 . courseware evaluation models 8 . culture and language instruction 9 . educational simulation and gaming 10 . expert systems and language instruction 11 . global education 12 . hypermedia and language instruction 13 . intelligent language instruction 14 . intelligent tutoring systems 15 . interactive language instruction 16 . language instruction modeling 17 . language instruction strategies 18 . learning motivation and language instruction 19 . linguistics and hypermedia 20 . linguistics and multimedia 21 . linguistics and language instruction 22 . literature and hypermedia 23 . literature and multimedia 24 . literature and language instruction 25 . multimedia and distance language instruction 26 . multimedia language instruction 27 . networked resources and language instruction 28 . society and language instruction 29 . virtual reality and language instruction 30 . world wide web and language instruction * * * correspondence information * * * for further information , please contact us at rocmelia 's : email : rocmelia @ acer . net rocmelia @ yahoo . com http : / / www . rocmelia . com . tw * rocmelia stands for "" the multimedia english learning and instruction association at the republic of china . "" * * * please pass this notification to your colleagues and friends . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * paper presentation proposal form * * * please complete this form and have it emailed together with your abstract at : email : rocmelia @ acer . net rocmelia @ yahoo . com title of presentation : name of principal presenter : affiliation and position : fax number : email address : mailing address : telephone number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( office ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( home ) " 0 +Subject: summer school in behavioral and cognitive neurosciences the groningen graduate school for behavioral and cognitive neurosciences ( bcn ) announces its second summer school in behavioral and cognitive neurosciences 30 june - 11 july 1997 groningen , the netherlands scope brain , behavior and cognition traditionally are studied by various disciplines , ranging from linguistics and experimental psychology through behavioral biology , biophysics and biochemistry to the preclinical and clinical neurosciences . within the groningen graduate school for behavioral and cognitive neurosciences ( bcn ) , established in 1991 at the university of groningen , researchers join efforts to study these different areas of brain research . the summer school brings together international expertise in this multidisciplinary field , with a focus on the interaction between the disciplines . program the summer school program consists of 12 master classes and 4 general lectures . they are taught each morning ( advanced classes ) and each afternoon ( introductory classes ) in four parallel sessions , and provide an excellent opportunity for in-depth discussions . the general lectures will be held in the afternoon , after the afternoon sessions . week 1 ( 30 june - 4 july ) parallel morning sessions ( advanced courses ) : - neural networks as models for neuronal phenomena invited speakers : j . p . draye , mons , belgium w . gerstner , university of lausanne , switserland d . bullock , boston university , usa p . g . morasso , university of genova - neurobiology of cns damage invited speakers : a . arutjunyan , lab . perinatal biochemistry , st . petersburg , russia r . i . hogenesch , norway e . a . j . joosten , departent of neurology , university hospital utrecht , the netherlands m . de ryck , janssen research foundation , beerse , begium r . a . i . de vos , laboratorium pathologie oost - nederland , enschede , the netherlands - topics in constraint - based natural language processing invited speakers : suresh manandhar , department of computer science , university of york , united kingdom from the university of tuebingen , germany : dale gerdemann , thilo goetz , gerald penn , detmar meurers , guido minnen and shuly wintner parallel afternoon sessions ( introductory courses ) : - clinical neuropsychology invited speakers : e . de haan , utrecht , the netherlands p . w . halligan , oxford , united kingdom p . de kort , tilburg , the netherlands d . t . stuss , ontario , canada - color vision invited speakers : k . arikawa , cuy , yokohama , japan t . w . cronin , umbc , baltimore , usa m . kamermans , uva , amsterdam , the netherlands d . g . stavenga , rug , groningen , the netherlands j . walraven , tno , soesterberg , the netherlands c . m . m . de weert , nici , nijmegen , the netherlands - foundations of cognitive science invited speakers : b . von eckardt , university of nebraska , usa m . r . ter hark , groningen , the netherlands e . i . stiekema , groningen , the netherlands - multidisciplinary microdialysis invited speakers : dr . a . m . j . young , dr . m . h . joseph , institute of psychiatry , london , uk dr . t . obrenovitch , insititute of neurology , london , uk week 2 ( 7 - 11 july ) morning session ( advanced course ) : - methodology for neuroimaging invited speakers : c . aine , los alamos , usa h . duifhuis , department of biohysics , groningen , the netherlands n . leenders , paul scherrer institut , villigen , switzerland parallel afternoon sessions ( introductory courses ) : - basics to developmental neurology invited speakers : j . - r . cazalets , cnrs , laboratoire de neurobiologie et mouvement , marseille , france m . van gelder - hasker , department of obstetry , hospital of the free university amsterdam , the netherlands e . a . j . joosten , department of neurology , utrecht university , the netherlands r . w . oppenheim , the bowman gray school of medicine , wake forest university , winston - salem , usa h . b . m . uylings , netherlands institute for brain research , amsterdam , the netherlands l . de vries , department of paediatrics , utrecht university hosital , the netherlands - developmental dyslexia in multidisciplinary perspective invited speakers : h . lyytinen , niilo maki institute , department of psychology , university of jyvaskyla , finland r . nicolson , department of psychology , university of sheffield , united kingdom f . j . koopmans - van beinum , institute for phonetic sciences , university of amsterdam , the netherlands - flexible syntax invited speaker : ad neeleman , department of linguistics , university of utrecht , the netherlands special hands-on course , each day both in the morning and afternoon : - cognitive modeling with act - r invited speakers : john r . anderson , department of psychology , carnegie mellon university , usa christian lebiere , department of psychology , carnegie mellon university , usa fees * graduate and undergraduate students dfl 200 , - * bcn staff and postdocs dfl 300 , - * non - bcn staff and postdocs dfl 400 , - * industrial participants dfl 1 . 000 , - registration * as soon as possible . ask for the program booklet with regsitration form or use the electronic registration form at our web - site inquiries further information regarding the summer school or bcn can be obtained by contacting : bcn office nijenborgh 4 9747 ag groningen the netherlands tel : + 31-50 - 363 . 47 . 34 fax : + 31-50 - 363 . 47 . 40 e-mail : bureau @ bcn . rug . nl see for more details our web - site : http : / / www . bcn . rug . nl / bcn / events / index . html 0 +"Subject: "" langues et grammaire "" proceedings langues et grammaire ii&iii : phonologie papers presented to languages and grammar conferences ( colloques langues et grammaire : saint denis 1995 , paris 1997 ) edited by patrick sauzet a publication of departement sdl ( universite de paris 8 ) circ . 150 p . - to appear : may 1998 price ff 120 , 00 ( after april the 30th , end of the subscription : ff 150 , 00 ) table of contents ( subject to alteration ) : - sabrina bendjaballah ( paris 7 ) : aspects apophoniques de la vocalisation du verbe berbere ( kabyle ) . - marie - helene cote ( mit ) : saillance phonetique et constraste dans la reduction des groupes consonantiques : le cas du franczais quebecois . - elsa gomez - imbert ( cnrs ) : nasality in barasana . - esther herrera - zendejas ( el colegio de mexico ) : les palatales dans la phonologie du mixe : un cas de segments simples et complexes . - haike jacobs ( universite de nimegue - universite libre d ' amsterdam ) : changement linguistique : optimalite et articulation secondaire . - uffe bergeton larsen ( usc ) : vowel length , ' raddoppiamento sintattico ' and the selection of the definite article in italian . - long peng ( hongkong polytechnic university ) : syllable structure constraints and their implications for [ - nasal ] . - patrick sauzet ( paris 8 - ura ) ' enamourer ' , ' enivrer ' , ' enorgueillir ' : le statut des prefixes . - tobias scheer ( paris 7 - nice ) : la structure interne des consonnes . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * subscription to langues et grammaire ii&iii phonologie please send me . . . . . cop ( y / ies ) of langues et grammaire ii&iii phonologie . select an option for payment : option 1 : [ ] please find enclosed a cheque * or an international postal money order of ff 120 . 00 x . . . = . . . . . . . . or ( ff 120 . 00 + 18 . 00f * * ) x . . . = . . . . . . . . . . to the order of : arlv * in francs and drawn against a french bank . we cannot accept eurocheques . * * add ff 18 per copy for postage in case you do not wish to come and get the book from the departement des sciences du langage ( universite de paris 8 ) . option 2 : [ ] i have paid the equivalent of ff 120 . 00 x . . . . = . . . . . . . . . or ( ff 120 . 00 + ff 18 . 00 * * ) x . . . = . . . . . . to the rlv correspondent in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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marilyn mcmeniman and robyn evans 2 computer mediated communication : technology for enhancing foreign language / culture education . meena singhal 10 the social dimensions of call roland sussex . 16 towards meaningful interaction in multimedia programs for language teaching . uschi felix 20 multifocal german program for beginners : progress report . kristina brazaitis 30 alsic : a new electronic journal for french . thierry chanier 41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - past issues of on - call can be found on the world wide web at http : / / www . cltr . uq . oz . au : 8000 / oncall for further details regarding on - call , send email to : on - call @ cltr . uq . oz . au 0 +"Subject: "" circumcision "" in african languages 13 june 1997 linguist - l and arcling subscribers , towards the end of last year i requested assistance in finding terms for "" circumcision "" in african languages . the paper that resulted from that query and related work is now in press as "" aspects of male circumcision in subequatorial african culture history "" in _ health transition review _ . the paper is available through the health transition centre web site : http : / / www-nceph . anu . edu . au / htc / htr . htm ( then "" find "" "" marck "" ) the main text is in rft format and seems to be readable by most word processing softwares . there are five maps which are in "" pdf "" format and can be read with the freeware "" acrobat reader "" for which a link is provided after the title of the paper . the main conclusions were suggestive rather than diagnostic and i was able to make no higher level reconstructions than vansina 's western bantu reconstructions . but a strong typological argument emerged suggesting that bantu speaking peoples who do not practice male circumcision have abandoned a former practice and it was noted that the bantu speaking peoples who have done so are contiguous guthrie groups . along with abandonment of male circumcision , these groups have also abandoned male adolescent rites of initiation and age grades except on some of the margins of the non-circumcising area . the purpose of the project was to ask what male circumcision means to africans and why it has the distribution it does as circumcising groups in africa have consistently lower hiv rates ( i work in the third world unit of an epidemiology centre ) . thanks to those people who offered information or encouragement . jeff marck linguistics - rspas and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jeff marck health transition review ( htr ) publications officer health transition centre ( htc ) jeff . marck @ anu . edu . au national centre for epidemiology 61 - 6-249 - 5626 and population health ( nceph ) 61 - 6-249 - 5614 ( fax ) australian national university ( anu ) canberra act 0200 australia nceph : http : / / www-nceph . anu . edu . au htc : http : / / www-nceph . anu . edu . au / htc . htm htc publications : http : / / www-nceph . anu . edu . au / htc / htcpub . htm health transition review ( journal ) health transition series ( books ) bibliographies and other links personal homepage : http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / ~ marck / marck . htm austronesian on - line : http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / ~ marck / anhmpg . htm european society for oceanists australian mirror site : http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / ~ marck / esfo / esfo . htm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 0 +Subject: happy holidays from capital fm happy holidays from everyone at 95 . 8 capital fm ! this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com over the holidays : - christmas with . . . . - read about how the stars will be spending their holidays . - end of year quiz - take our quizzes for some great year end prizes . - predictions 1999 - who ' ll be big at the end of the century ? 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cfmx1 / 1 +"Subject: anthropological linguistics , vol . 39 , no . 4 * * anthropological linguistics , volume 39 , number 4 ( winter 1997 ) * * mary r . haas : a memorial issue contents editor 's introduction , douglas r . parks bibliography of mary r . haas background mary r . haas : a life in linguistics , sally mclendon mary r . haas : teacher , katherine turner the formative influences on mary r . haas 's career , victor golla mary r . haas and the "" first yale school of linguistics "" , regna darnell differing opportunity in language : a glimpse of relativity , eric p . hamp descriptive studies mary r . haas 's contributions to wakashan linguistics , william h . jacobsen , jr . the contribution of mary r . haas to the study of southeastern languages , pamela munro mary r . haas and southeastern ethnography , raymond d . fogelson mary r . haas and ethnology , william c . sturtevant remembering mary r . haas 's work on thai , james a . matisoff mary r . haas and linguistic anthropology , william bright mary rosamond haas ( 1910-1996 ) , karl van duyn teeter mary haas : a real linguist of the nth degree , r . m . w . dixon teaching mary r . haas and "" berkeley linguistics "" , murray b . emeneau mary r . haas : lessons in and out of the classroom , sydney m . lamb the teaching of mary r . haas , william shipley mary r . haas as anthropological linguist , allan r . taylor mary r . haas at berkeley in the sixties , mauricio j . mixco recollections of mary r . haas as teacher , supervisor , and inspiration , brent galloway historical comparison mary r . haas and historical linguistics , lyle campbell mary haas , algic , and the scientific consensus , joseph h . greenberg mary r . haas 's legacy for historical linguistics , catherine a . callaghan haas 's hokan : dead end , or gateway to the future ? , mauricio j . mixco epilogue a 1978 interview with mary r . haas , stephen o . murray * * * * * * * annual subscription rates ( for 4 issues ) : $ 30 for u . s . individuals ; $ 38 for non - u . s . individuals ; $ 65 for u . s . institutions ; $ 75 for non - u . s . institutions . payment should be in u . s . funds by check or postal money order made payable to anthropological linguistics . visa and mastercard are also accepted . subscriptions and inquires should be sent to : anthropological linguistics , student building 130 ( c ) , indiana university , bloomington , in 47405 usa ; fax : ( 812 ) 855-7529 ; e-mail : < anthling @ indiana . edu > . for abstracts and more information , visit our website at : http : / / www . indiana . edu / ~ anthling " 0 +"Subject: sum : expressions like ' put them away yet ? ' a big thank you to the persons who commented on my query ( linguist , vol . 8-808 ) on expressions like ' put them away yet ? ' : j . atkinson , r . m . brend , b . clark , c . davenport , d . dee , m . donohue , m . farris , n . frishberg , d . harris , j . hilferty , l . horn , d . houghton , p . lesourd , r . mc callister , c . d . nilep , j . reighard , p . svenonius , m . swart , g . h . toops , l . trask , r . wright the result is quite definite . a ) my impression that ( 2 ) see them yet ? ( 3 ) get them yet ? ( 4 ) write him yet ? ( 5 ) hear it yet ? will have a present tense reading , and that a simple past reading is not possible , has been rejected almost unanimously by my informants ( only a couple of british english speakers among them ) . for most of them the simple past interpretation is in fact dominant over the present tense interpretation ; some informants even have difficulties in imagining an appropriate situation for a present tense reading ; others , though , have reported no problems here . b ) when expressions such as ( 2 ) - ( 5 ) are used with a non-present tense meaning , there is no distinction made and perceived between meanings associated with simple past in contrast to present perfect in other constructions . ( this , then , supports bolinger saying with respect to ' put them away yet ? ' : "" i do not force you to an either-or choice between the two compatible meanings ' did you put them away yet ? ' and ' have you put them away yet ? ' , in spite of formal differences , elsewhere in the structure between _ see _ , and _ seen _ , _ do _ and _ done _ , _ go _ and _ gone _ , etc . "" . and this is what i referred to in my query as ' indeterminedness ' of meaning in contrast to ' ambiguity ' . ) c ) a number of further comments have been made , e . g . concerning the influence of context on the interpretation of these expression ; concerning the influence of the semantic class of the verbs in these expressions on their interpretation ; concerning the influence of the presence of _ yet _ . meanwhile i have found the following note in quirk et al . 's _ comprehensive grammar of the english language _ : "" in ame , the simple past is often preferred to the present perfective for the variants of the indefinite past discussed in this section [ 4 . 22 ] . compare [ _ have the children come home yet ? _ ] , for example , with _ did the children come home yet ? _ < esp ame > . "" dr . carsten breul englisches seminar universitaet bonn regina - pacis - weg 5 53113 bonn germany e-mail : c . breul @ uni-bonn . de " 0 +"Subject: summary : sao tome creole some weeks ago , i posted the following query : is there any information about work done on s . tome creole ? i am writing this message on behalf of a friend but i will post a summary of the answers to the list . thanks to all who answered : michael aceto edward h . bendix israel cohen lance eccles gerardo a . lorenzino mikael parkvall norval smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dear ana lucia , i do n't know of very many recent things on sao tome , but there is some excellent work from the last 30 years or so : 1 ) studies in portuguese and creole / marius f . valkhoff 2 ) miscelanea luso - africana / edited by valkhoff 3 ) the creole of sao tome / luis ivens ferraz i hope this helps . best wishes , michael aceto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the following has done linguistic fieldwork on sao tome and can give you good information : gerardo lorenzino < lorenz @ minerva . cis . yale . edu > . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ana lucia santos , john holm in his pidgins and creoles ( cambridge up , 1988-89 ) , vol . 2 pp . 278-280 , mentions sao tome creole . he makes reference to the following book : l ivens ferraz . the creole of sao tome . witwatersrand university press , johannesburg , 1979 . lance eccles &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& &&& &&& lance eccles &&& &&& school of modern languages &&& &&& macquarie university &&& &&& nsw 2109 &&& &&& australia &&& &&& fax + 61 2 9797 0003 &&& &&& phone + 61 2 9797 9925 &&& &&& lance . eccles @ mq . edu . au &&& &&& voicemail 9850 7023 &&& &&& &&& &&& my homepage : &&& &&& http : / / www . ocs . mq . edu . au / ~ leccles / &&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i will be happy to send you a bibliography on the language and history of sao tome creole . it 's part of the bibliography i compiled for my dissertation on angolar creole portuguese , one of the three creole dialects spoken on sao tome and principe . i can't send it to you via email because it will arrive garbled and difficult to read . if you are interested let me know and send me your address . as a preview , tell your friend that the standard reference on sao tome creole is ferraz ( 1979 ) "" the creole of sao tome "" . cheers gerardo gerardo augusto lorenzino department of spanish and portuguese yale university lorenz @ minerva . cis . yale . edu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dear ana , here are some suggestions for further reading on sao tomense : carvalho , jose goncalo herculano de ( 1981 ) : deux langues creoles : le criol du cap vert et le forro de s . tome . biblos 57 , pp 1-15 ferraz , l . & m . f . valkhoff ( 1975 ) : a comparative study of so - tomense and cabo - verdiano creole . in valkhoff ( ed . ) ( pp 15-39 ) . ferraz , luis ( 1976 ) : a origem e desenvolvimento de quatro crioulos portugueses do golfo da guine . rev . bras . ling . 3 ( 2 ) ( pp 70-76 ) . ferraz , luis ivens ( 1974 ) : a linguistic appraisal of angolar . in memoriam antonio jorge dias , vol . 2 ( pp 177-186 ) . lisbon : inst . de alta cultura / junta de investigacies do ultramar . ferraz , luis ivens ( 1979 ) : the creole of sao tome . johannesburg : witwatersrand university press . ferraz , luis ivens ( 1983 ) : the origin and development of four creoles in the gulf of guinea . ellen woolford & william washabaugh ( eds . ) : the social contaxt of creolisation ( pp 120-125 ) . ann arbor : karoma . ferraz , luiz ( 1976 ) : the origin and development of four creoles in the gulf of guinea . african studies 35 ( 1 ) , pp 33-38 . ferraz , luiz ivens ( 1978 ) : the creole of sao tome . african studies 37 , pp 3-68 + 234-84 ferraz , luiz ivens ( 1987 ) : portuguese creoles of west africa . gilbert , glenn ( ed ) : pidgin and creole languages : essays in memory of john e . reinecke ( pp 337-360 ) . honolulu : university of hawaii press . granda , german de ( 1976 ) : un planteamiento sociohistorico del problema de la formacion del criollo portugues de africa occidental . rev . ling . rom . 40 ( pp 299-310 ) . lucchesi , dante ( 1993 ) : the article system of cape verde and sao tome creole portuguese : general principles and specific factors . jpcl 8 : 1 , pp 81-108 maurer , philippe ( 1992 ) : l ' apport lexical bantou en angolar . afrikanistische arbeitspapiere 29 , pp 163-174 . morais - barbosa , jorge ( 1975 ) : cape verde , guinea - bissau and sao tome and principe : the linguistic situation . in valkhoff ( ed . ) ( pp 133-151 ) . negreiros , almada ( 1895 ) : o dialecto de s . thom . vocabulario . almada negreiros : historia ethnographico da ilha de s . thom . negreiros , almada ( 1928 ) : etnografia de sao tome e outros elementos linguisticos . anurio comercial , industrial e agrecola da provencia de sao toma e principe . schuchardt , hugo ( 1882 ) : kreolische studien 1 : ueber das negerportugiesische von s . thom ( westafrika ) . sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen akademie der wissenschaften zu wien 101 ( pp 889-917 ) . tenreiro , f . ( 1956 ) : as ilhas de sao tome , de principe e o territorio de sio joio batista de ajuda . lisboa : sociedade de geografia de lisboa , semana do ultramar . thiele , petra ( 1989 ) : zur spezifizierung von substrateinflussen auf die entwicklung der portugiesisch-basierten kreolsprachen westafrikas . perl - matthias ( ed . ) : beitrage zur afrolusitanistik und kreolistik , pp 93-103 . bochum : brockmeyer valkhoff , marius ( 1966 ) : studies in portuguese and creole . johannesburg : witwatersrand university press . valkhoff , marius ( ed ) 1975 miscel = e2na luso - africana . lisbon : junta de investigacies do ultramar . valkhoff , marius f . ( 1975 ) : miscelena luso - africana . colectrea de estudos coligidos por m . f . valkhoff . lisbon : junta de investigacio cientificas do ultramar . you could also advice your friend to address his / her query to creolist , which is a discussion on list specifically devoted to pidgins and creoles . to join the list , send the command "" % subscribe "" in the _ subject field _ ( important ! ) of an otherwise empty message to < creolist @ ling . su . se > . best , mikael parkvall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - you 'd be better posting this question to the creolist list : creolist @ ling . su . se with a request to let you know the answer as you ' re not a member of that list . norval smith " 0 +"Subject: new service for linguist subscribers dear subscribers : the linguist list has just instituted a new service , which we ' re calling "" the notice board . "" the notice board can be found at : http : / / linguistlist . org / ~ notice / it is intended to help linguists make professional contacts and find practical information - - the kind of information that facilitates our professional activities but is not directly related to linguistic research . for example , you might post a notice on the notice board if : - you ' re spending your sabbatical in another city and want to find a house to rent - you need crash space or a roommate for a linguistics conference . - you want information about living conditions in a region where you ' ll be doing fieldwork . this is the kind of information-gathering that used to be one of the great advantages of email distribution lists . and , having benefited from it ourselves in the past , we have often regretted that the size of linguist 's subscriber list ( now over 9000 ) makes it impossible to post such inquiries in linguist issues . we hope that this "" linguist notice board "" on the world wide web will partly take the place of such postings . we will , of course , continue to post queries having to do with linguistic research and announcements of general interest ( jobs , fellowships , conferences , etc . ) on linguist . so you should continue to send these to the list . the notice board is designed for more personal requests and announcements ( but not "" lonely linguist seeks attractive , adventurous informant . . . "" the notice board won't be quite that personal . . . . ) please let us know if you have suggestions for its improvement . helen , anthony , daniel linguist moderators reminders : 1 ) linguist dissertation abstracts are now searchable . if you have n't yet entered your dissetation abstract , please do so at : http : / / linguistlist . org / dissop . html ( if you do n't have web access , send us an email message and we will be happy to enter your information for you . ) 2 ) linguist is in the process of creating a searchable directory of linguists . if you have n't done so , please enter informaion about yourself at : http : / / linguistlist . org / persop . html thanks ! " 0 +Subject: linguistics 36 : 1 ( 1998 ) linguistics volume 36 - 1 ( 1998 ) mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york andrew spencer and marina zaretskaya . . . . . . . . . verb prefixation in russian as lexical subordination thomas berg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the resolution of number conflicts in english and german agreement patterns kersti borjars and carol chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . agreement and pro-drop in some dialects of english jose hualde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a gap filled : postpostinitial accent in azkoitia basque robin hooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . universals of narrative pragmatics : a polynesian case study nikolaus p . himmelmann . . . . . documentary and descriptive linguistics book reviews notice from the board of editors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: tsd98 workshop - - 2nd call for papers second announcement and call for papers a workshop on text , speech and dialog ( tsd ' 98 ) brno , czech republic , 23-26 september 1998 the workshop is organized by the faculty of informatics , masaryk university , brno , and the faculty of applied sciences , university of west bohemia , pilsen , under the auspices of the dean of the faculty of informatics of masaryk university . please visit the workshop 's homepage : http : / / www . fi . muni . cz / tsd98 / venue brno , czech republic topics tsd ' 98 will be concerned with topics in the field of natural language processing , in particular : - corpora , texts and transcription - speech analysis , recognition and synthesis - their intertwining within nl dialog systems . topics of the workshop will include ( but are not limited to ) : - text corpora and tagging - transcription problems in spoken corpora - sense disambiguation - links between text and speech oriented systems - parsing issues , especially parsing problems in spoken texts - multilingual issues , especially multilingual dialog systems - information retrieval and text / topic summarization - speech modeling - speech segmentation - speech recognition - text - to-speech synthesis - dialog systems - development of dialog strategies - assistive technologies based on speech and dialog - applied systems and software program committee baudoin genevieve ( france ) ferencz attila ( romania ) hanks patrick ( great britain , chair ) hermansky hynek ( usa ) kopecek ivan ( czech republic ) krishnamurthy ramesh ( great britain ) matousek vaclav ( czech republic ) mueller johannes ( germany ) noeth elmar ( germany ) pala karel ( czech republic ) pavesic nikola ( slovenia ) rubio antonio ( spain ) schukat - talamazzini e . guenter ( germany ) skrelin pavel ( russia ) organizing committee bartek ludek batusek robert komarkova dana ( secretary ) e-mail : dkomar @ fi . muni . cz kopecek ivan ( chair ) e-mail : kopecek @ fi . muni . cz matousek vaclav pala karel smrz pavel staudek jan zackova eva ( principal contact ) e-mail : glum @ fi . muni . cz zizka jan submission of papers abstracts of no more than 500 words [ plain ascii text only , please ] should be submitted to the following e-mail address on or before may 15 , 1998 : glum @ fi . muni . cz submissions should include , in addition to the abstract itself , the name of the author ( s ) , affiliation , address , telephone number , fax number , and e-mail address . electronic submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail , so please contact us if no acknowledgement is received . acceptance of submissions will likewise be notified by e-mail . accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of tsd ' 98 . authors of abstracts that are accepted will be requested to send their papers in postscript form ( in llncs format ) to the above by e-mail before august 17th . latex word processor is preferred but not required . format instructions ( and llncs latex format ) will be sent to authors together with the notification of acceptance . requests for participation will be processed on a "" first come first served "" basis . important dates friday , may 15 , 1998 . . . . . submissions of abstracts due tuesday , june 30 , 1998 . . . . . notification of acceptance sent to the authors monday , august 17 , 1998 . . . . . final papers ( camera ready ) due wednesday , september 23 , 1998 . . . . . . workshop date fees and costs registration fee : 80 . - usd ( includes proceedings , refreshments , social events and trip ) accommodation and food : double room ( shared with other participant ) : 130 . - usd single room : 190 . - usd the full cost of the workshop will therefore be either 210 , - usd or 270 , - usd , depending on whether accommodation is shared . further details will be announced later . official language the official language of the event will be english , but papers on issues relating to text and speech processing in languages other than english are strongly encouraged . address all correspondence regarding the workshop should be addressed to : dana komarkova faculty of informatics masaryk university botanicka 68a 60200 brno czech republic tel . : + 420 5 41 512 359 fax : e-mail : dkomar @ fi . muni . cz outline of the programme all sessions of the workshop will be plenary ( no parallel sessions ) . the format will consist of paper presentations ( generally 20 minutes ) followed by discussion ( 10 minutes ) . the workshop will also include social events , an excursion to the faculty of informatics , masaryk university brno , and a trip in the vicinity of brno ( the moravian karst , including the beautiful macocha chasm ) . location hotel myslivna , where the workshop will take place , is a comfortable hotel in beautiful woods on a hill near a natural reservation area very close to brno . the surrounding is very quiet and suitable for walks and hiking ( jogging ) routes . brno is the capital of moravia , which is in the south-east part of the czech republic . it is the second-largest town in the czech republic ( with a population of about half a million ) . it had been a royal city since 1347 . there are six universities in brno . historical and artistic places of interest include : - - brno castle ( now called spilberk ) - - veveri castle - - the old and new city halls - - the augustine monastery , with st thomas ' church and crypt of moravian margraves - - the church of st james - - the "" bishops ' church "" of st peter & st paul - - the famous villa tugendhadt , designed by mies van der rohe - - many other important examples of czech architecture between the wars ( 1918-38 ) . in the immediate surroundings of brno are the moravian karst . with macocha chasm and punkva caves ; the site of the "" battle of the three emperors "" ( napoleon , alexander of russia , and franz of austria ) , commonly known as the battle of austerlitz ; the chateau of slavkov ( austerlitz ) ; pernstejn castle ; and many other attractions . how to reach brno brno can be reached easily by direct trains from prague , vienna , bratislava , and budapest , or by plane to vienna and then by coach or train ( 130 km ) . another possibility is to go by plane to prague and then travel about 200 km by coach or train . further travel details will be given in future announcements . ivan kopecek kopecek @ fi . muni . cz http : / / www . fi . muni . cz / ~ kopecek / " 0 +"Subject: senseval 2nd call for participants and papers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * second call for participation * * wsd evaluation exercise * * ( senseval ) * * * * workshop announcement * * "" senseval and the lexicography loop "" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sponsored by acl siglex and euralex there are now many automatic word sense disambiguation ( wsd ) programs but it is currently very hard to determine which are better , which worse , and where the strengths and weaknesses of each lie . there is widespread agreement that the field urgently needs an evaluation framework . under the auspices of acl siglex and euralex , a pilot will take place in the course of 1998 . as in arpa evaluation exercises , the framework comprises : 1 ) definition of task and scoring metric 2 ) preparation of a set of manually tagged correct answers 3 ) a dry run , with sample data distributed to participants 4 ) distribution of test data to participants ; participants sense-tag and return ; taggings scored against correct answers 5 ) workshop to discuss results , lessons learned , way forward we shall be undertaking evaluation for at least english , french , italian and spanish . the workshop will be held at herstmonceux castle , sussex , uk on sept 2 - 4 1998 if you have a working wsd program ( or will have one by summer 1998 ) , and would like to subject it to objective , quantitative evaluation , or if you have skills or resources that you would like to contribute to the exercise , first look at http : / / www . itri . bton . ac . uk / events / senseval / exp-interest . html and then mail your expression of interest to senseval-coord @ itri . bton . ac . uk timetable = = = = = = = = = as soon as possible : expressions of interest to be registered by end of : april 98 : 'd ry run ' data samples distributed to participants june 98 : test data distributed to participants , and , one week later , returned with taggings july 98 : correct answers and scores made available sept 98 : workshop the workshop will comprise : ( 1 ) reports / papers on the manual tagging and other aspects of the evaluation exercise ( 2 ) reports / papers from participants on the design and performance of their system ( 3 ) other related research papers ( 4 ) working sessions on the way ahead for wsd evaluation the deadline for "" other related research papers "" is 16th april 1998 * preference will be given to papers discussing wsd , with particular attention to evaluation issues * maximum submission length : 6 pages * first page to include title , abstract , and author 's name ( s ) and contact details * electronic submission of postscript documents permitted but must be supported by hard copy to arrive not later than 23rd april ( in case of printing problems ) . email : senseval-submissions @ itri . bton . ac . uk hard copy : senseval submissions itri university of brighton lewes road brighton bn2 4gj , uk full details available at http : / / www . itri . bton . ac . uk / events / senseval / adam kilgarriff senseval co-ordinator " 0 +"Subject: voted # 1 online business hi , i thought i would drop you a quick note and let you know that there is an exciting and very profitable self-run online business that you may be interested in . it is truly the hottest and the easiest home business today ! voted as # 1 online business in a major business magazine ! you can make up to $ 14 , 000 per month in your spare time ! for more information , send e-mail to : wintraders @ iname . com and put "" interested "" in the subject . you will receive more free information by return mail . / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / if you wish to be removed from future mailings , please reply with the subject "" remove . "" / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / " 1 +"Subject: paulston and tucker : early days of sociolinguistics the early days of sociolinguistics : memories and reflections ( 1997 ) christina bratt paulston and g . richard tucker ( eds . ) dallas , tx : summer institute of linguistics . 162 pages , $ 37 ( paper ) . reviewed by joyce milambiling at some point in the 1960 's , along with social and political upheaval , landmark court decisions in education and a host of other social events , the discipline of sociolinguistics emerged . scholars from various other disciplines and places had of course , been doing sociolinguistic research for some time , but it was only in that decade that a group of people started systematically calling it sociolinguistics . why did this happen and who was responsible for the coming together of a talented group of people who often did not ( and to some extent still do n't ) consider themselves to be a cohesive group ? some answers to these questions can be found in this new volume edited by christina bratt paulston and g . richard tucker . the book is sub-titled "" memories and reflections , "" which describes very well the tone of the more than 30 contributions to this book . the contributions range from the editors ' introduction and epilogue , personal accounts from the practitioners and supporters of early sociolinguistic research , and short essays in memory of several important figures in the field . most of the contributions are reflections by a wide range of scholars who were instrumental in the launching of sociolinguistics . the line-up of these early participants in the enterprise of sociolinguistics is impressive ( including joshua fishman , susan ervin - tripp , wallace lambert , dell hymes , charles ferguson and others ) , and creates high expectations on the part of the reader from the outset . these expectations are , for the most part met , with the reader coming away with a real sense of the zeitgeist which allowed sociolinguistics to blossom . the book is based on the premise that if you want to find out what a certain historical period was like , you talk to the the people who were there . the editors provided the contributors with a list of 18 questions , all of which are listed in the introduction of the early days of sociolinguistics ( tedos ) . the main group of contributors , those that the book calls "" pioneers "" in sociolinguistics , come from a wide variety of disciplines and countries ( although the majority are from north america ) . the method by which the editors chose to elicit these memories has many advantages . the range of questions allows the contributors to choose which aspects of the beginning of sociolinguistics they wish ( or are able ) to talk about . most of the questions , in fact , are useful and important for the task at hand . one of these key questions was : "" please characterize for us the intellectual , social and economic ' climate ' of the time . . . "" ( pp 6 ) . this question received a great deal of attention from the contributors , and taken together their responses convince the reader that the 1960 's were an exciting time to be doing and hearing about research on language and its social context . another question asked the writers to identify "" a critical milestone - - a conference , a publication , an event . . . that marks for you the beginning of sociolinguistics "" ( page 6 ) . many of the contributors identified as milestones the conference at the university of california at los angeles ( ucla ) on sociolinguistics in 1964 which later resulted in william bright 's edited volume of the proceedings . many of them also mentioned the linguistic society of america 's ( lsa ) summer seminar that same year in bloomington , indiana . another frequently mentioned milestone was the creation of the committee on sociolinguistics of the social science research council ( ssrc ) , also in 1964 . however , an overview of the articles that were written for this book ( there were also a couple of reprinted articles ) reveals that the authors focused only on a handful of the questions that the editors said they might consider . some , such as the two mentioned above , provide fascinating information about the people and events at that time . other questions , for example the one that asked who received the first doctorate in sociolinguistics , seem to be less germane to the purpose of the book and were not answered ( at least not definitively ) by many of the contributing authors . the articles in tedos vary greatly in terms of length and personal involvement of the author with the subject . susan ervin tripp 's article ( the development of sociolinguistics ) deals mostly with the history of organizations that were crucial to the early development of sociolinguistics , in particular the sociolinguistics committee at the social science research council ( ssrc ) . basil bernstein included his remembrances of the beginnings of the discipline and his part in the difference / deficit debate , which he pointedly states "" was of little theoretical significance and , indeed , obscured more than it revealed "" ( page 47 ) . as an appendix to his article , bernstein adds a point-by - point critique of william labov 's paper , "" the logic of non - standard english . "" dell hymes credited noam chomsky with the development of the field of sociolinguistics "" because of his statement in aspects of the theory of syntax . . . which defined the goal of linguistic theory in such a way as to eliminate people and use ( page 122 ) . these contributions give the reader important insights into what the contributors were doing and thinking about over 30 years ago , as well as how they see that involvement today . not all of the contributors were positive about what was happening in sociolinguistics at the time , which adds balance and a touch of reality to the book . an interesting feature of tedos is the inclusion of some of the institutional actors in the development of sociolinguistics . without adequate funding , research and interaction among scholars and practitioners happens haphazardly or not at all , and institutions like the ford foundation , the u . s . department of education , the center for applied linguistics and the summer institute of linguistics were all key players in the early era of sociolinguistics . dick thompson of the department of education added his own voice to the group , saying that the launching of sputnik was , for him , "" the beginning of ' modern sociolinguistics ' "" in that funds for education and language study skyrocketed ( pun intended ) and thus deeply impacted educational attitudes and projects . another important feature of this volume is the effort taken by the editors to include as diverse a group as possible , especially scholars who represent third world countries . bonifacio sibayan talks about the serious problem of funding in countries like his philippines , and how collaboration with foreign institutions and researchers allowed some third world countries to better investigate language issues and problems within their own borders . e . annamalai discusses the development of sociolinguistics in india , and how linguistic research done in india ( both by indigenous and outside researchers ) has contributed to a greater understanding of sociolinguistic phenomena . the editors also do a fine job of introducing their book and providing final comment on its contents . taken together , these chapters function as conceptual bookends . bratt paulston 's introduction provides explanations for their rationale and choice of contributors , as well as what the contributors were asked to address , and tucker 's epilogue sums up the major themes that emerged . these five themes were : the interdisciplinary nature of the field and the events that launched it ; the social issues that sparked the emergence of socio - linguistics as a discipline of study ; the importance of a number of key individuals ; the difference between the north american / european perspective and that of researchers from developing countries ; and the important role of a few funding organizations in supporting sociolinguistic research and dialogue . the book is generally well edited with few errors . the bibliography is valuable in that it combines the references from all of the contributed articles into one collective group of books and articles . the one disadvantage to this is that the references have come from scholars working in different fields and thus using different bibliographic styles . a result is that some of the first names are abbreviated while others are written using the full names . this is minor if your discipline abbreviates first names , but is more of a problem if you want to cite or look up a reference and do not have the full first name . there are also a couple of typographical errors : for example , on page 302 in an article commemorating the work of heinz kloss , the term "" abstand "" is misspelled ( although it is spelled correctly elsewhere in the article ) , and on page 217 the biographical note on sibayan should read that he is on the "" komisyon sa wikang filipino . "" as a final note , the publishers of tedos say that the audience of the book should include people in the fields represented by the contributors ( such as sociolinguists , social psychologists , linguistic anthropologists and applied linguists in general ( back cover ) . they also speculate that historians of science will be interested in reading about the evolution of the discipline of sociolinguistics as an academic discipline which has grown over the decades in importance and visibility . a problem with this is that researchers and practitioners who are involved with sociolinguistic issues may not be interested in how the field came about unless this history is somehow explicitly folded into their own disciplines . i would like to see tedos on the syllabus for a history of linguistics course , for example , but am not optimistic that that it would generally be accepted as such . i do believe , however , that this is an important book for anyone interested in the people and institutions that were responsible for the existence and growth of sociolinguistics . references : bright , william , ed . 1966 . sociolinguistics : proceedings of the ucla sociolinguistics conference , 1964 . janua linguarum , series major 20 . the hague : mouton . chomsky , noam . 1965 . aspects of the theory of syntax . cambridge , ma : mit press . labov , william . 1970 . the logic of non-standard english . proceedings of the georgetown university round table on language and linguistics , 1969 . washington , d . c . : georgetown university press . " 0 +"Subject: claw98 preliminary program claw98 call for participation the second international workshop on controlled language applications ( claw98 ) may 21-22 1998 language technologies institute carnegie mellon university 5000 forbes ave . pittsburgh , pa . 15213 usa http : / / www . lti . cs . cmu . edu / claw98 / context the 2nd international workshop on controlled language applications will be held may 21-22 at carnegie mellon university , pittsburgh , pa , usa . since the first claw workshop , held at university of leuven in 1996 , there has been continued strong interest in the research and development of controlled language applications . initial industrial development and deployment of controlled english systems ( aecma , caterpillar 's cte ) are now being followed by developments in other languages . on the research front , we are grappling with issues like standardization , design , and evaluation of controlled language systems . we are particularly interested in studies regarding author productivity and document usability . the workshop will give equal emphasis to the academic and industrial perspectives , while bringing together researchers , developers , users , and potential users of controlled language systems from around the world . workshop format the language technologies institute at cmu ( home of the center for machine translation ) is pleased to sponsor claw ' 98 . the two-day workshop will feature paper presentations , panel discussions , and a poster / demonstration session . evolving information regarding the workshop format and content can be found at the workshop web site . paper presentations ( preliminary list ) "" gifas rationalised french : designing one controlled language to match another "" barthe , kathy ( aerospatiale aeronautique , france ) "" issues related to realistic evaluation of controlled language checkers "" barthe , kathy , g . g . bes , j . escande , d . pinna , e . rodier ( gril , france ) "" easyenglish : preprocessing for mt "" bernth , arendse ( ibm , usa ) "" controlling the business environment for controlled language "" godden , kurt ( general motors , usa ) "" compounds nouns in simplified english "" heald , isobel , r . zajac ( universite d ' angers , france ; new mexico state university , usa ) "" controlled language - an introduction "" huijsen , willem - olaf ( university of utrecht , netherlands ) "" controlled language for multilingual document production : experience with caterpillar technical english "" kamprath , christine , e . adolphson , t . mitamura and e . nyberg ( caterpillar inc . ; carnegie mellon university , usa ) "" controlled language and machine translation "" knops , uus , b . depoortere ( lant nv , belgium ) "" modular controlled language design "" lalaude , myriam , v . lux , s . regnier - prost ( aerospatiale , france ) "" definition of a controlled language based on semantic dependency relations "" lehtola , aarno , c . bounsaythip , j . tenni ( vtt information technology , finland ) "" a linguistic framework for controlled language systems "" nasr , alexis , o . rambow and r . kittredge ( laboratoire d ' informatique d ' avignon , france ; cogentex inc . ) "" controlling language in an industrial application "" reuther , ursula ( iai , germany ) "" grammar and style checking for german "" schmidt - wigger , antje ( iai , germany ) "" automatic rewriting method for internal expressions in japanese to english mt and its effects "" shirai , satoshi , s . ikehara , a . yokoo , y . ooyama ( ntt ; tottori university ; atr , japan ) "" boeing technical english : an extension of aecma se beyond the aircraft maintenance domain "" wojcik , richard , h . holmback , j . hoard ( boeing shared services group , usa ) "" construction of a controlled chinese lexicon "" zhang , wei , y . shiwen ( peking university , china ) poster / demonstration session we have already arranged a number of systems for demonstration ; if you would like to arrange a system demonstration , we still have some room available . to arrange a poster or demonstration , please send a one-page description to eric nyberg , ehn @ cs . cmu . edu , by april 27 , 1998 . registration the registration fee is $ 120 / person . the registration fee covers the cost of the cost of the workshop , plus continental breakfast , refreshments , and one copy of the workshop proceedings . participants should pre-register by may 8 . payment may be sent separately from the registration or settled on-site ( see details below ) . banquet the workshop banquet will be held on the evening of may 21 . the fee is $ 50 / person , which includes a bus service to / from the banquet site . please indicate whether you plan to attend the banquet on your registration form . accommodation we have reserved a number of rooms in two nearby hotels . please contact these hotels directly to make a reservation ; be sure to mention that you are coming for the ' claw98 workshop ' to receive the discounted rate . note : the holiday inn is a 10 - minute walk from the workshop ; the hampton inn is a 20-25 minute walk away . shuttle buses are available from the hampton inn to the university area . * holiday inn select university center 100 lytton avenue pittsburgh , pa 15213 phone : ( 412 ) 682-6200 fax : ( 412 ) 681-4749 rate : $ 103 / per night ( rate guaranteed until april 28 , 1998 ) * hampton inn 3315 hamlet street , pittsburgh , pa 15213 phone : ( 412 ) 681-1000 reservations : ( 800 ) hampton fax : ( 412 ) 681-3022 rate : $ 72 / per night ( rate guranteed until may 6 , 1998 ) for further assistance , please contact the claw98 secretary , martha june puzio , mpuzio + @ andrew . cmu . edu , ( 412 ) 268-7498 . workshop committee teruko mitamura ( carnegie mellon university ) geert adriens ( l&h and university of leuven , belgium ) eric nyberg ( carnegie mellon university ) linda schmandt ( carnegie group ) rick wojcik ( boeing ) remi zajac ( new mexico state university ) for more information contact : martha june puzio claw98 secretary email : mpuzio + @ andrew . cmu . edu phone : ( 412 ) 268-7498 fax : ( 412 ) 268-6298 or teruko mitamura language technologies institute carnegie mellon university 5000 forbes ave . pittsburgh , pa , 15213 . email : teruko @ cs . cmu . edu phone : ( 412 ) 268-6596 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = cut here = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = how to send your claw98 registration and banquet fees for wire transfer , send funds by may 12 , 1998 . to : mellon bank cash management university financial center fifth avenue and craig street pittsburgh , pa 15213 account # : 197-9003 please indicate that this is for : claw98 you may also send a us $ money order or check , payable to claw98 . we regret that we cannot accept credit cards . payment must received by may 12 , 1998 . send checks or money orders to : claw 98 registration language technologies institute carnegie mellon university 5000 forbes avenue , pittsburgh , pa 15213 usa claw98 registration form please complete the following form and return either by fax to ( 412 ) 268-6298 or by email to mpuzio + @ andrew . cmu . edu ( subject line should read : claw98 registration ) before may 8 , 1998 . mr / ms : first name : family name : title / position : affiliation / organization : mailing address : postal code : country : telephone : fax : e - mail address : fees ( check those which apply ) : registration only : $ 120 [ ] banquet : $ 50 [ ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - total $ mode of payment : bank transfer ( no later than may 12 ) [ ] check / money order sent by mail [ ] payment on-site [ ] " 0 +"Subject: just released vol . 2 just released ! ! ! introducing . . . the cd vol . 2 the cd - vol . 2 , is the absolute best product of its ' kind anywhere in the world today . there are no other products anywhere that can compete with the quality of this product . we took a total of over 190 million email addresses from many of the touted cd 's that are out there ( bought them all - some were $ 300 + ) ! we added the millions we had in storage to those . when we combined them all , we had in excess of 300 + million addresses in one huge file . we ran a super "" sort / de-dupe "" program against this huge list . it cut the file down to less than 20 million ! ! ! can you believe that ? it seems that most people that are selling cd 's are duping the public by putting numerous files of addresses in the cd over and over . this created many duplicate addresses . they also had many program "" generated "" email addresses like compuserve , mci , anon 's , etc . this causes a tremendous amount of undeliverables . after completion of removal of duplicates and initial filtering we were left with the base of 10 million addresses worth fine tuning to finish the project . remember , we are not here to produce the cd with the gad zillion millions that our competitors are so proud to put their names on these days . we are here to produce the very best cd list as far as quality of addresses go we then ran a program that contained 300 + keywords to remove addresses with vulgarity , profanity , sex-related names , postmaster , webmaster , flamer , abuse , spam , etc . , etc . also eliminated all . edu , mil , . org , . gov , genie , delphi , gnn , wow etc . we also filtered out all addresses found in any of our 1300 + domains list . we also filtered out addresses in excess of 30 , 000 which have proven to be affiliated with anyone found to be opposed to our using direct bulk email as a advertising medium . we have also purged the list to be free of any "" web poison "" addresses created by those who are opposed to us conducting legitimate business on the internet today . if you do not know what web poisoned addresses are , please look it up now . one list we recently purchased had over 90 % poisoned addresses . the "" bottom line "" here is that you can go out on the world market today and purchase every lists for thousands of dollars and not have anymore worth owning than what we have compiled for you here today . you use these addresses , you will experience increased response , increased sales , and a host of other positives that far exceeds any hoped for results when using the competitor 's inferior products . our customers purchase our products over and over and over . most of the competition ever succeeds is selling a second product to anyone after they purchase the first . so , you see , our list will save people hundreds of dollars buying all others that are out there on cd and otherwise . using ours will be like using the 200 + million that we started with , but a lot less money and a lot less time ! ! we have always said , "" you can buy from the rest or you can buy from the best "" . your choice . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ what others are saying : "" i received the cd on friday evening . like a kid with a new toy , i immediately started bulking out using the new email addresses . over the course of the weekend , i emailed out over 500 , 000 emails and i received less than twenty undeliverables ! ! i am totally satisfied with my purchase ! ! thanks premier ! ! "" dave buckley houston , tx "" this list is worth it 's weight in gold ! ! i sent out 100 , 000 emails for my product and received over 55 orders ! ann colby new orleans , la * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * here ' s the bottom line the cd is comprised of 7 million premium & super clean addresses - ready for mailing upon receipt of the cd . each file contains exactly 100 , 000 email addresses . there are only aol & mixed addresses on this cd . you have 50 files of 100 , 000 each of aol to equal 5 , 000 , 000 addresses . the aol addresses are less than 6 weeks old and have been collected throughout the production schedule . the remaining files are comprised of general internet addresses . there are 20 files of 100 , 000 each , totaling 2 , 000 , 000 premium addresses . no compuserve ! no delphi ! no genie ! no prodigy ! no filler addresses ! simply the best of the best ! ! ! > > > only $ 200 . 00 ! this price is effective for the next seven days , thereafter the price will be $ 299 . 00 so order now ! remember , bottom-line you always get what you pay for ! all lists are completely free of any duplicates . we also on a continual basis , add new names and remove undeliverables and remove requests . the result is the cleanest email addresses available anywhere to use over and over again , for a fraction of the cost that other companies charge . typical rates for acquiring email lists are from 1cent to as high as 3 cents per email address - that 's "" information highway "" robbery ! . we continually work on our cd . who knows when those other cds were made . we ' re constantly adding and deleting addresses , removes . etc . it all comes back to quality . do n't even hesitate on this one or you will miss out on the most effective way to market anywhere . . . period ! if you have any further questions or to place an order , you can call toll free at : 800-600 - 0343 ext . 2693 to order our email package , simply print out the ez order form below and fax or mail it to our office today . we accept visa , mastercard , amex , checks by fax . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ez order form _ _ _ _ _ yes ! i would like to order millions vol . 2 email addresses for only $ 200 . 00 . * please select one of the following for shipping . . _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package overnight . i ' m including $ 15 for shipping . ( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package 2 day delivery . i ' m including $ 10 for shipping . ( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city , state , zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of credit card : _ _ _ _ _ _ visa _ _ _ _ _ mastercard credit card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name on card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( required ) signature : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you may fax your order to us at : 1-212 - 504-8192 check by fax services ! if you would like to fax a check , paste your check below and fax it to our office along with all forms to : 1-212 - 504-8192 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24 hour fax services * * * please paste your check here and fax it to us at 1-212 - 504-8192 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if you fax a check , there is no need for you to send the original check . we will draft up a new check , with the exact information from your original check . all checks will be held for bank clearance . ( 7-10 days ) make payable to : "" gd publishing "" " 1 +Subject: phonetics texts i am about to put together a course on practical phonetics for future high school english language teachers in taiwan . the course is also supposed to include pronunciation and intonation practice , with the intention of helping to break the cycle of poor pronunciation being passed down from teacher to student , generation after generation . does anybody have any suggestions regarding what textbooks to use ? please write to me privately and i will post a summary . happy estivating , karen steffen chung national taiwan university karchung @ ccms . ntu . edu . tw 0 +Subject: tislr - 6 ( theoretical issues in sign lang . research ) [ for information , please use : info _ tislr @ gallua . gallaudet . edu instead . ] tislr 6 the sixth international conference on theoretical issues in sign language research http : / / www . gallaudet . edu / ~ aslweb / tislr98 / for info by email : info _ tislr @ gallua . gallaudet . edu kellogg conference center gallaudet university washington , dc , usa november 12-15 , 1998 call for papers abstracts are invited for the tislr 98 conference to be held november 12-15 at gallaudet university in washington , d . c . submissions are invited on any aspect of research and theory about sign language including linguistic structure , language acquisition , language contact and bilingualism , variation , discourse analysis , poetics and metaphor , psycholinguistic and neuropsychological processing , language assessment , gesture / sign relations , research methodology ( including transcription and coding systems , and computer-based data management and networking ) , and language attitudes . * presentation modes will be 40 - minute papers , special interest workshops , research symposia , and posters . * research symposia will be 2 hours and will consist of 3 30 - minute papers on a given topic followed by a 30 - minute general discussion involving the audience . organizers of a symposium should submit a 150 - word abstract summarizing the topics and goals of the symposium along with a 250 - word abstract for each research paper . * forty - minute papers will be 30 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion . poster sessions will be 2 hours long . paper and poster authors should submit a 250 - word abstract . * workshop sessions will be 90 minutes and geared toward a special interest topic . workshop organizers should submit a 250 - word abstract stating the workshop topic , goals , intended audience , and method ( e . g . discussion , hands - on etc . ) . for information on submitting abstracts , see the web site at http : / / www . gallaudet . edu / ~ aslweb / tislr98 / call . html all submissions must be received by friday april 17 , 1998 * to assist the interpreters in preparing for your presentation and thereby ensuring the quality of the presentations , drafts of accepted papers must be submitted by october 1 , 1998 . please feel free to share this message with anyone who may be interested . finally , all of this information will also be on the conference website by the end of march . that address is http : / / www . gallaudet . edu / ~ aslweb / tislr98 information may be requested by email to info _ tislr @ gallua . gallaudet . edu keynote speakers dr . william c . stokoe dr . stokoe earned his doctorate in old and middle english and classical languages from cornell university in new york . he taught at gallaudet university for 29 years , from 1955 to 1984 . he has received honorary degrees from gallaudet university , copenhagen university , and madonna university . dr . stokoe 's research interests are : culture , cognition , and language , and especially how they began . his presentation at the tislr conference will stress the need for looking to the production and reception of language signs when they are visible instead of audible . early research on signed languages had to stress its similarities to spoken languages . now we must study the differences , as having two reference points in understanding language is far superior to having only one . dr . karen emmorey karen emmorey is a specialist in the psychology and neurobiology of language . she received a ph . d . in linguistics in 1987 from the university of california , los angeles , and she is currently a senior staff scientist in the laboratory for cognitive neuroscience at the salk institute for biological studies . dr . emmorey studies signed languages as a window into the nature of human language , into the relation between language and spatial cognition , and into the determinants of brain organization for language . her current research focuses on several questions : what are the ramifications of using space to express linguistic contrasts in referential and spatial domains ? how are sign languages understood in real time ( specifically , what mechanisms are required to interpret co-reference conveyed spatially ? what are the effects of late language acquisition on language processing ? how does experience with a signed language impact non-linguistic visual-spatial cognition ( specifically , face processing , memory , and imagery ) ? what is the nature of working memory for sign language ? what is the neural organization for signed and spoken language ? specifically , what brain areas are involved in the comprehension and production of spatial language ( i . e . , describing space with classifiers or prepositions ) ? dr . emmorey 's keynote address will focus on only a small subset of these questions . she will address the consequences of using signing space to describe physical space for language and cognitive processing . dr . carol padden dr . padden received her bachelor of science degree in linguistics from georgetown university , and her ph . d . , also in linguistics , from the university of california at san diego . her current work is in the area of reading ability in signing deaf children , and areas of interest include : culture and language , representational systems in sign languages ( for example , fingerspelling ) , and reading development in young deaf children . the topic of her keynote presentation will be : reading research with signers : a new research direction . dr . lars wallin dr . wallin is a faculty member at the university of stockholm , in stockholm , sweden , in the department of sign language . he was born deaf and attended a deaf school growing up . he got his phd in sign language , 1994 , at stockholm university , writing his thesis on polysynthetic signs in swedish sign language . his phd was the first phd in sign language in the world ( others took phd in linguistics or other subjects , but not in sign language . ) he was also the first deaf person in sweden to get his phd . his current work is researching and training in sign language linguistics at stockholm university . his current research is on : the use of classifier signs as free forms in noun phrases in narrative discourse in swedish sign language ; the use of handshapes and movements as bound morphemes in signs describing shape and size of the entities in swedish sign language . pre-conference workshop thursday , november 12 , 2 : 00 - 5 : 00 p . m . we are offering a workshop for those who are not familiar with theoretical linguistic issues . we will define phonology , morphology , syntax , language acquisition , and sociolinguistics , and discuss what each discipline is all about . this will give participants an opportunity to catch up with current , hot issues that conference presenters will be discussing . we will also briefly describe the presenters works , views and arguments and compare how each presenter s works are similar or different from others . the workshop will take place before the conference begins . it is designed to help you gain confidence and be able to participate effectively during the conference . please note that if you plan to participate in the pre-conference workshop , you must pre-register for the conference by october 9 . registration deadline : october 9 , 1998 . you must pre-register for this workshop . workshop fee : $ 30 conference registration for information related to registration and accommodations . college for continuing education attn : tislr ' 98 gallaudet university kellogg conference center 800 florida avenue , ne washington , dc 20002-3695 u . s . a . ( 202 ) 651-6060 tty / voice ( 202 ) 651-6074 fax conference @ gallua . gallaudet . edu 0 +"Subject: uil-ots ( utrecht ) second announcement call for papers the utrecht congress on "" storage and computation in linguistics "" * * * * * utrecht institute of linguistics ots utrecht , the netherlands , october 19th , 20th and 21st , 1998 deadline for submission of abstracts : may 15th , 1998 * * * * * on the occasion of its tenth anniversary , the utrecht institute of linguistics ots is organizing a three-day international congress from october 19th through october 21st 1998 . the theme of this congress is "" storage and computation in linguistics "" . invited speakers include : steve pinker , evening lecture ; ray jackendoff ( keynote lecture ) / frans zwarts , the architecture of the language faculty ; harald clahsen / steven gillis , language acquisition ; john ohala / geert booij , language change ; sarah thomason / pieter muysken , language variation ; nicholas asher / frans van eemeren , discourse analysis ; ed keenan & ed stabler / jan koster , grammar design . two distinct cognitive resources that people may employ in interpreting and producing linguistic utterances are , on the one hand , memory , and , on the other , computational procedures . an utterance may be assigned a certain structure and interpretation because it is recognized as an instance of a pattern that is stored in memory , or because computational procedures build up a complex representation of that pattern . in linguistics , this contrast is usually identified with the contrast between lexicon and grammar . in the context of this congress , the distinction is broadly conceived as a tool for exploring our understanding of language structure and language use . the relation between storage and computation will be analysed on the basis of a broad range of empirical questions , concerning issues in the representation and acquisition of linguistic knowledge , the foundations of language and information , and the cognitive and computational aspects of language use and processing . implications of the distinction between storage and computation will be discussed for six different domains of linguistic inquiry : - the architecture of the language faculty - language acquisition - language change - language variation - discourse analysis - grammar design the format of the congress is as follows : ( 1 ) a number of well-known linguistic scholars of different persuasions and from different subdisciplines are asked to contribute invited papers relating to the congress theme . there will be two invited speakers for each of the six domains of linguistic inquiry mentioned above . ( 2 ) there will be around twenty slots for presentations of selected papers . each selected paper will be allotted 25 minutes , including discussion . there will only be plenary sessions . abstract submission to submit a paper , participants are requested to send one original and four anonymous copies of a one-page abstract , by regular mail . each abstract should at least contain the following information : names of authors , title of the paper , brief description of the content of the paper , and an indication of how this paper is related to the theme of the congress the abstract should preferably be printed in times new roman on white paper of a4 size , with top and bottom margins of 2 . 54 cm and left and right margins of 3 . 17 cm . the total number of words in the abstract should not exceed 500 . together with the abstract please send a 3 "" x 5 "" index card with the following information : - title of the paper ; - name ( s ) of author ( s ) ; - mail address of ( first ) author ; - affiliation ; - phone number ; - electronic mail address of ( first ) author . deadline the abstract must have reached us before may 15th 1998 . on the basis of abstracts , selection will take place during the month of june 1998 . notification of acceptance or rejection will be given before july 1st 1998 . practical information organizing institute : utrecht institute of linguistics ots congress committee : sieb nooteboom ( chairman ) , leslie dijkstra ( secretariate ) , jan don , ton naaijkens , henriette de swart , arie verhagen , fred weerman , frank wijnen dates : deadline abstracts : may 15th 1998 notification : before july 1st early registration : before october 1st 1998 congress : october 19th , 20th , and 21st 1998 fees : registration before october 1st 1998 : dfl 100 , - ( dfl . 50 , - for students with proof of studentship ) registration after october 1st 1998 : dfl . 150 , - ( dfl . 75 , - for students with proof of studentship ) registration a registration form is available from our secretariate ( for address see above ) or can be found at our website http : / / www-uilots . let . ruu . nl / uil - ots / conferences / sc _ home . htm * * * * * the utrecht congress on storage and computation in linguistics 1998 utrecht institute of linguistics ots trans 10 3512 jk utrecht the netherlands phone : # 31 30 253 6006 fax : # 31 30 253 6000 e-mail : uil-ots @ let . ruu . nl * * * * * " 0 +"Subject: disc : grammar in uk schools i was disturbed to find some traditional fallacies in geoffrey sampson 's discussion of the teaching of grammar in schools . though i no longer have a copy of prof . cameron 's original post , i do recall the essentials of it , and found that mr . sampson had passed over the valid point it was making in favour of a prescriptivist , "" back to basics "" defense of traditional grammatical education . prof . cameron is perfectly correct in ridiculing the inflexible , rote and prescriptive approach to grammar which is conventionally inflicted on students throughout the english speaking world . the issue of being able to use standard english ( or perhaps _ a _ standard english ) correctly is entirely separate from the reliance on traditional "" rules "" which are frequently unhelpful , and often grossly inaccurate . the rule regarding finishing sentences with prepositions , as one glaring example , is a total misunderstanding of both the history of english , and an unhelpful preoccupation for effective communication . > strikes me as akin to suggesting that teachers of > french should forget about teaching the past participle of "" vivre "" in > favour of getting their pupils to develop considered opinions about > the theories of derrida . though mr . sampson has used an interesting rhetorical image here , it is in fact a false analogy . teaching students to get a feel for the function of grammar and language is a far cry from teaching them gb theory or hpsg . an understanding of how sentences , clauses , verb tenses , adverbs , etc . actually function on a basic level is a very reasonable educational goal , and far more worthy then just creating a bunch of "" do n't "" 's and "" never "" 's and calling that grammatical education . > beyond that , though , teaching orthography and grammar at school level > has a much broader educational value . one of the lessons we all have > to learn is that nothing big and worthwhile is ever achieved in this > life without careful attention to endless tedious and often arbitrary > details . at the risk of making a gross national stereotype , i feel compelled to quote george bernard shaw : "" the british believe that they are moral when they are merely uncomfortable . "" this notion that education ( or work , for that matter ) must be unpleasant to produce results is a puritanical relic . in my personal experience , the very successful people tend to be precisely the ones who know how to delegate , slough off or avoid wasting time with "" tedious and arbitrary details "" . ( please read the preceding paragraph with the tongue planted in the general vicinity of the cheek . ) in a spirit of greater seriousness though , i would like to second prof . cameron 's call to educators to abandon prescriptive , rule-based approaches to grammar , and embrace a more general approach based on a comprehension of more fluid and meaningful principles . i believe that the result would be students with a better grasp of the form and function of language rather than a shallow and inflexible mastery of facile rules . - - - - marc hamann " 0 +Subject: new publications from the pacific linguistics for ordering details see the end of the file . blake , barry , j . wathawurrung and the colac language of southern victoria 1998 , isbn 0 85883 498 7 , x + 177pp . softcover . pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-147 . key words : australian aboriginal languages ; victorian languages , wathawurrung ; colac ; grammar ; lexicon . this book comprises a classification of victorian aboriginal languages illustrated with a comparative word list , a summary of what can be gleaned of the grammar and vocabulary of wathawurrung ( geelong - ballarat area ) from nineteenth-century sources , and a similar , shorter summary of the colac language . ( in press , available in january 1999 ) a $ 32 . 50 [ us $ 22 . 80 ] clark , ross a dictionary of the mele language ( atara imere ) , vanuatu 1998 , isbn 0 85883 504 5 , xv + 158pp . softcover . [ weight 350g ] pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-149 . key words : polynesian ; vanuatu ; mele . this dictionary describes the mele dialect of the ifira - mele language of efate , in central vanuatu . this polynesian outlier language has been extensively influenced by the neighbouring non - polynesian languages of efate which have contributed at least one-third of its total vocabulary . a $ 31 . 80 [ us $ 22 . 25 ] fabian , grace , edmund fabian and bruce waters morphology , syntax and cohesion in nabak , papua new guinea 1998 , isbn 0 85883491 x , x + 490pp . softcover . [ weight 1000g ] pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-144 . key words : nabak ; non - austronesian languages ; png ; huon peninsula ; cohesion ; morphophonemics ; morphology ; syntax ; texts ; dictionary . this is a grammar of the nabak language of the huon peninsula , png ; a non - austronesian language . it is a language with extensive morphophonemics . the grammar includes numerous glossed examples , together with several texts and a dictionary . a major focus is an informal account of nabak cohesion . a $ 59 . 00 [ us $ 41 . 30 ] jones , a . a . towards a lexicogrammar of mekeo ( an austronesian language of west central papua ) 1998 , isbn 0 85883 472 3 , xx + 600pp . softcover . [ weight 1200g ] pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-138 . key words : mekeo ; austronesian ; oceanic ; papua new guinea ; grammar ; lexicogrammar ; head-marking language . in this volume jones compares the four dialects of mekeo , which vary widely in terms of mutual intelligibility , and suggests that mekeo is a predominantly head-marking language in which ' non-verbs ' function as topics or predicates . a high level of referential indeterminacy complicates discourse . a $ 62 . 90 [ us $ 41 . 00 ] peiros , ilia , comparative linguistics in southeast asia 1998 , isbn 0 85883 489 9 , ix + 320pp . softcover . [ weight 700g ] pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-142 . key words : kadai languages ; miao - yao languages ; mon - khmer languages ; sino - tibetan languages ; languages of southeast asia ; comparative linguistics . this book is about the linguistics prehistory of major language families of mainland southeast asia : kadai ( tai - kadai ) , miao - yao , mon - khmer and sino - tibetan . for each family ilia peiros discusses internal structure , classification and results of its comparative investigation . special attention is paid to various hypotheses of remote relations of the families . the book also contains proto kadai and proto mia - yao phonological reconstructions . a $ 46 . 10 [ us $ 32 . 30 ] ross , malcolm , andrew pawley and meredith osmond , the lexicon of proto oceanic : the culture and environment of ancestral oceanic society , vol . 1 material culture 1998 , 0 85883 507 x , xxi + 350pp . ( include 10 maps ) . softcover . [ weight 800g ] pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-152 . key words : proto oceanic ; technology ; cultural reconstruction . this volume , the first of a planned series of five , consists of a number of essays , each dealing with a particular semantic field within the domain of technology and material culture : settlement and building terms , household artifacts including pottery , gardening practices , food preparation , canoes , and fishing and hunting implements . over 1000 reconstructions are listed with supporting evidence . also included are a brief outline of protooceanic derivation and morphology , a number of maps and an index of reconstructions . a comprehensive reference for anyone working in oceanic linguistics and archaeology . a $ 59 . 00 [ us $ 41 . 30 ] schieffelin , bambi b . and steven feld in collaboration with ho : ido : degelo : , ho : nowo : degili , kulu fuale , ayasilo ha : ina , and da : ina hawaba . bosavi - english - tok - pisin - dictionary 1998 , isbn 0 85883 513 6 , xx + 209pp . softcover . [ weight 500g ] pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-153 . key words : bosavi ; tok pisin ; dictionary . this volume describes the bosavi language which is spoken on the great papuan plateau , southern highlands province , papua new guinea . translations are in english and tok pisin . new and old usages , and etymologies , are indicated . also included are grammatical notes , topical appendices containing ethnographic information on family and relationship terms , body terms and counting , flora , fauna and environment , way of talking , sound words , and an english finder list . a $ 31 . 60 [ us $ 22 . 20 ] pacific linguistics publications can be obtained in any one of four easy and convenient ways : e-mail e - mail : mosmond @ coombs . anu . edu . au over-the - counter : mail : the australian national university pacific linguistics department of linguistics rspas 3rd floor , room 1208 the australian national university coombs bld . , fellows road canberra act 0200 acton , canberra australia phone order : fax : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / publications / coombsguide . html 0 +Subject: disc : evolution analytic > synthetic as far as i can tell , melanie misanchuk 's query > i once read that the natural evolution of a language is from > analytic to synthetic . i ' ve been unable to find that assertion > since , and am wondering if i made it up . has been answered very inadequately . since her summary was posted on linguist , i feel that some corrections are necessary . judging from some of the replies melanie received , the view is still widespread that linguistic evolution can go in both directions , i . e . that there is no inherent directionality in language change . this is wrong . at the same time , we can't say globally that languages tend to change either from synthetic to analytic ( as some 19th century linguists thought ) or vice versa . what is going on is quite simple : we have to look at constructions , not at languages . we then see that there is a universal directionality of change : analytic constructions always turn into synthetic constructions ( unless they die out ) , and synthetic constructions are always replaced by newly created analytic constructions . ) that is , synthetic constructions never turn into analytic constructions , and analytic constructions are never replaced by newly created synthetic constructions . ( so both synthetic > analytic and analytic > synthetic are universal , but in different senses . ) when quite a few synthetic constructions are simultaneously replaced by analytic constructions , then one can get the impression that the language as a whole changes from the synthetic type to the analytic type - - this is what 19th century linguists such as august schlegel , wilhelm von humboldt , august schleicher , max mueller and others emphasized . ( the cycle mentioned by rob pensalfini was first described by georg von der gabelentz in 1891 . ) at the same time , 19th century linguists ( e . g . franz bopp and william d . whitney ) also recognized that the development from analytic to synthetic ( which they called agglutination , now called grammaticalization ) is possible and common , but they were confuded because they tended to think in terms of languages rather than constructions . it is true that 19th century linguists had some preconceptions about their own languages ( actually , latin and greek ) being the best languages , but this does not mean that all their insights are totally discredited . martin haspelmath , free university of berlin / university of bamberg 0 +Subject: syntax soas working papers in linguistics and phonetics vol . 7 soas working papers in linguistics and phonetics vol . 7 is now available , contents listed below . price including world air postage : us $ 10 or uk sterling stlg6 cheques or money orders should be made payable to ` soas ' please send orders to : soas working papers in linguistics and phonetics , dept . of linguistics , soas , university of london , russell sq , london wc1h oxg england contents semantics and syntax a generalised rightward movement analysis of antecedent contained deletion jun abe and hiroto hoshi pychological reality revisited andrew davidson complement anaphora , monotonicity and dynamic binding rodger kibble implementing ldsnl : strategies for pronoun and wh - gap resolution rodger kibble , wilfried meyer viol and ruth kempson an hpsg account of antecedent contained ellipsis shalom lappin when does the english object shift ? anna pettiward on subject - object ( a - ) symmetries in greek stavroula tsiplakou soas dissertations in linguistics the following dissertations are also now available : syntax levels of representation and argument structure in turkish . asli goksel , 1993 focus and copular constructions in hausa melanie green , 1997 movement and optionality in syntax anna pettiward , 1997 wh - movement , licensing and the locality of feature - checking andrew simpson , 1995 a study of chinese reflexives xian fu yu , 1996 price including world surface postage : us $ 10 . 00 per volume , or ukstlg6 . 00 price including world air postage : us $ 15 . 00 per volume please make cheques or money orders payable to : soas orders should be sent to : soas dissertations in linguistics , dept . of linguistics , soas , university of london , russell sq , london wc1h oxg england 0 +"Subject: available for review : educating eve the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . philosophy of linguistics sampson , geoffrey "" educating eve : the language instinct debate "" . london : cassell . this book is a reply to steven pinker 's 1994 book the language instinct . pinker 's book argued that detailed knowledge of language is biologically innate in human beings . educating eve examines all of pinker 's arguments , as well as the older arguments on which pinker relies . it claims that each strand of argument either is logically fallacious , or is based on false premisses . " 0 +"Subject: no suits , no commutes ! ! ! greetings , the opportunity of a lifetime is knocking on your door . will you answer ? ? ? now for the first time ever , you have the opportunity to join the most extraordinary and most powerful wealth building program in the world ! it has never been offered to the general public before . if you ' re skeptical , that 's ok . all you have to do is make one toll free phone call to see for yourself . our current associates are making an average of $ 2 , 000 to $ 5 , 000 per week . . in as little as 3 weeks ! ! ! this is a highly ethical and lucrative home business opportunity . with desire and effort , you can not fail ! ! if you did n't earn $ 200 , 000 last year , you owe it to yourself and your family to take a look . do n't let this opportunity pass you by ! ! ! this is "" not "" multi level marketing , so please , serious inquiries only ! ! "" call now "" for all the exciting details : ( 888 ) 313-2139 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ please accept our apologies if you received this message in error . this is a "" one time "" mailing . to be placed on a remove list , return to "" cikely @ usa . net "" with "" remove "" in the subject heading . merry christmas and a peaceful new year ! ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1 +Subject: postdoc position groningen , the netherlands job position : postdoc dept . social pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology , groningen institute for drug studies , faculty of mathematics and natural sciences , the netherlands . description the working group social pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology performs fundamental and applied research on epidemiological and medical literature databases in order to determine effectiveness / side-effects profiles of drugs . a post-doc is asked for to participate in the program to develop computer text analysis and pattern recognition techniques for the extraction of ( side ) effect profiles of drugs from pharmaceutical and medical electronic literature databases : ( 1 ) as a source of information for finding new leads in innovative drug research ; and ( 2 ) as a new way of determining benefit-risk profiles of drugs . a phd - student is assigned to this program as well . requirements a computer linguist or computer scientist , who has completed a phd - project with expertise in corpus linguistics , mathematical linguistics or intelligent information retrieval ; interest in pharmaceutical sciences and innovative drug research ; expertise in data mining or pattern recognition methods is desired . remarks the salary is on the basis of ministry guidelines at the minimum dfl . 3844 , - and at the maximum dfl . f . 7 . 125 , - ( schaal 10 / 11 rwoo ) bruto pro month , dependent on education and experience . the working group social pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology is part of the dutch school ' groningen - utrecht institute for drug exploration ' ( guide ) , acknowledged by the royal dutch academy of the sciences . the appointment is for two years . information on this project : prof . dr . r . vos , email : r . vos @ farm . rug . nl ; tel . + 31 . 50 . 3633331 / 3633272 ; fax . + 31 . 50 . 3633311 . reactions a . s . a . p . , and preferably before july 1st , 1997 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - marc weeber http : / / www . farm . rug . nl / marc / home . html groningen university centre for pharmacy marc @ farm . rug . nl social pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology tel : + 31 50 3637571 _ _ _ a . deusinglaan 2 fax : + 31 50 3633311 | 9713 aw groningen , the netherlands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 +"Subject: the syntax of semitic languages ( final program and address correction ) the syntax of semitic languages university of southern california may 1 - 3 , 1998 hedco auditorium for further information and for registration , please consult the conference website ( note the address correction ) at http : / / www . usc . edu / dept / las / linguistics / semitic-itin . html or write to professor hagit borer at borer @ rcf . usc . edu . final program friday , may 1st 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 registration 9 : 30-10 : 30 edit doron and shraga assif , the hebrew university "" the wackernagel position in syriac "" 10 : 30-11 : 00 coffee break 11 : 00-12 : 00 ibtissam kortobi , usc "" gapping and vp deletion in moroccan arabic "" 12 : 00 - 2 : 00 lunch break 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 elabbas benmamoun , university of illinois at urbana - champaign "" pf merger "" 3 : 00 - 4 : 00 sharon armon - lotem , university of maryland "" on acquiring agreement without agreement nodes : verbal agreement in child hebrew "" 4 : 00 - 4 : 30 coffee break 4 : 30 - 5 : 30 idan landau , mit "" on possessor raising in hebrew "" 5 : 30 - 6 : 30 jamal ouhalla , queen mary college , london university "" expletive determiners in definite relatives "" saturday , may 2nd 9 : 00-10 : 00 joseph aoun , usc "" parasitic wh - in-situ "" 10 : 00-11 : 00 asya perelzvaig , mcgill university "" cognate objects in hebrew "" 11 : 0-11 : 30 coffee break 11 : 30-12 : 30 tal siloni , tel - aviv university "" adjectival complexes and inalienable constructions "" 12 : 30 - 2 : 00 lunch break 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 mohammad mohammad , university of florida "" just how complex is the arabic agreement system "" 3 : 00 - 4 : 00 moha ennaji and fatima sadiqi , university of fes "" negation , tense and agreement in modern standard arabic "" 4 : 00 - 4 : 30 coffee break 4 : 30 - 5 : 30 lina choueiri , usc "" resumption in adverbial relatives of time and place in lebanese arabic "" 5 : 30 - 6 : 30 elizabeth ritter , university of calgary "" agreement in the semitic prefix conjugation "" party sunday , may 3rd 9 : 30-10 : 30 ur shlonsky , university of geneva "" copular constructions and subject positions in hebrew "" 10 : 30-11 : 00 coffee break 11 : 00-12 : 00 abdesslam elomari , usc "" the determinism of resumption "" 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch break 1 : 30 - 2 : 00 business meeting 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 miriam engelhardt , the hebrew university "" nominalizations and control theory "" 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 coffee break 3 : 30 - 4 : 30 hagit borer , usc "" the argument structure of causatives : a top - down approach "" 4 : 30 - 5 : 30 abdelkader fassi fehri , mohammad v university "" are semitic genitives [ a definite ] ? "" " 0 +"Subject: re : 8 . 859 , disc : punctuation > there have been several postings recently decrying the use of > apostrophe-s to make an english plural form , e . g . "" dyslexic 's "" , > "" sonata 's "" . well to me it looks like a possessive rather than a plural , so it would be misleading if used to mean a plural . as far as i know , on nouns apostrophes only mean plurals except for a few odd cases where there is some problem in separating symbols , these are n't those cases since they are just ordinary words , i . e . anglicized borrowings long since integrated into english . - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - susan m . ervin - tripp tel ( 510 ) 642-7137 psychology department fax ( 510 ) 642-5293 university of california ervin-tr @ cogsci . berkeley . edu berkeley ca 94720 - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - " 0 +"Subject: 1998 international lexical functional grammar conference lfg98 program tuesday 30 june 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 coffee 9 : 00-10 : 00 keynote talk avery andrews 10 : 00-10 : 30 break 10 : 30-11 : 00 joan bresnan pidgin genesis in ot 11 : 00-11 : 30 rens bod and ron kaplan grammaticality , robustness , and specificity in a probabilistic approach to lexical functional analysis 11 : 30-12 : 00 josef van genabith , anette frank , and michael dorna transfer constructions 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 - 2 : 00 kersti bo "" rjars clitics , affixes and parallel correspondence 2 : 00 - 2 : 30 yehuda n . falk case : interaction between syntax and discourse grammar 2 : 30 - 3 : 00i rachel nordlinger the case of subordinate clauses in australian languages : a constructive approach 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 break 3 : 30 - 6 : 30 correspondences workshop organizers : kersti bo "" rjars and nigel vincent wednesday 1 july 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 coffee 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 miriam butt and tracy holloway king interfacing phonology with lfg 9 : 30-10 : 00 farrell ackerman constructions and co - headedness : determining the grammatical function status of person / number marking 10 : 00-10 : 30 break 10 : 30-11 : 00 kumara henadeerage anaphoric binding in colloquial sinhala 11 : 00-11 : 30 maria lapata anaphoric binding in modern greek 11 : 30-12 : 00 wayan arka and christopher d . manning on the three subjects in indonesian : evidence from binding 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 - 6 : 30 austronesian workshop organizer : peter austin thursday 2 july 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 coffee 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 anette frank , tracy holloway king , jonas kuhn , and john maxwell optimality theory style constraint ranking in large - scale lfg grammars 9 : 30-10 : 00 caroline brun terminology finite - state preprocessing for computational lfg 10 : 00-10 : 30 break 10 : 30-11 : 00 yukiko morimoto dative objects in japanese - sa nominalization 11 : 00-11 : 30 george aaron broadwell directionals as complex predicates in choctaw 11 : 30-12 : 00 yo matsumoto a reexamination of the cross - linguistic parameterization of causative predicates : japanese perspectives 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 - 2 : 00 peter sells scandinavian clause structure and object shift 2 : 00 - 2 : 30 judith berman , stefanie dipper , christian fortmann , and jonas kuhn argument clauses and correlative ` es ' in german - - deriving discourse properties in a unification analysis 2 : 30 - 3 : 00 louisa sadler on the analysis of celtic noun phrases 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 break 3 : 30 - 6 : 30 chinese workshop organizers : patrizia pacioni alternates : norbert bro "" ker a projection architecture for dependency grammar and how it compares to lfg lian-cheng chief , chu-ren huang , keh-jiann chen , mei-chih tsai , and lili chang what can near synonyms tell us maria lapata anaphoric binding in modern greek " 0 +Subject: phd dissertations soas dissertations in linguistics the following dissertations are now available from soas ( the school of oriental and african studies , university of london ) . abstracts are included further below . syntax levels of representation and argument structure in turkish . asli goksel , 1993 focus and copular constructions in hausa melanie green , 1997 movement and optionality in syntax anna pettiward , 1997 wh - movement , licensing and the locality of feature - checking andrew simpson , 1995 a study of chinese reflexives xian fu yu , 1996 phonology conditions on nuclear expressions in phonology margaret cobb , 1997 the role of the element i in khalkha mongolian phonology margaret ann denwood the phonological basis of speech recognition geoffrey williams , 1998 on pitch accent phenomena in standard japanese yuko yoshida , 1995 price including world surface postage : us $ 10 . 00 per volume , or ukstlg6 . 00 price including world air postage : us $ 15 . 00 per volume please make cheques or money orders payable to : soas orders should be sent to : soas dissertations in linguistics , dept . of linguistics , soas , university of london , russell sq , london wc1h oxg england syntax levels of representation and argument structure in turkish . asli goksel , 1993 this is a study of the argument structure of complex predicates in turkish . the thesis argues for a mono-stratal grammar where configurational hierarchy and linear precedence are characterised separately . the first chapter introduces the issues relating to the representation of complex predicates and argues against a particular multi-stratal approach , verb - incorporation . the second chapter lays the foundations of characterising syntax and logic separately . the third chapter introduces labelled deductive systems , the framework used in the remainder of the thesis . part ii is an analysis of morphological causatives , passives and reflexives in turkish . it is proposed that the causative affix in turkish has declarative content and behaves like a predicate . a unitary account is provided for passivisation and reflexivization whereby both processes are characterised in terms of logical dependency . the sixth chapter is on the combination of causatives , passives and reflexives . the final chapter discusses the status of the projection principle , theta theory , case theory , the mirror principle ) in a mono-stratal grammar . one of the main issues that is discussed is case-marking . it is proposed that case gives instructions for structure building in the combinatorial process . the proposed properties of case are tested in causative constructions and verified in passives , reflexives and their various combinations . focus and copular constructions in hausa melanie green , 1997 this thesis examines the syntax of focus constructions in hausa within a principles and parameters / minimalist framework ( chomsky 1995 ) . a unified analysis is presented to account for the properties of focus - fronting constructions in hausa , and also the properties of ( apparently unrelated ) copular constructions which are also shown to have focus properties . it is argued that the ` copula ' found in both focus - fronting and copular constructions in hausa is not a verbal or inflectional element as argued by mcconvell ( 1973 ) and tuller ( 1986a ) respectively , but instead the spellout of a functional category f ( ocus ) in the sense of brody ( 1990 ) . the thesis presents an introduction to the main syntactic characteristics of hausa , as well as a general introduction to the phenomenon of focus , including typological and comparative discussion to show the various cross-linguistic syntactic manifestations of focus . the fp analysis is also considered from a cross-linguistic perspective to see how it might account for focus and copular constructions in a range of languages related to hausa , and it is shown that although some languages present challenging cases for an fp analysis , there is considerable support for an approach of this nature . movement and optionality in syntax anna pettiward , 1997 can the operation move , construed as a copying operation ( chomsky 1993 , 1995 ) , be assumed to apply in principle to any element ( as was the operation move - alpha in the gb framework ) ? and if move is constrained by economy conditions , rather than applying or not at will , how can one characterize phenomena appearing to involve optional movement ? these are the two questions which this thesis attempts to answer ( parts i and ii respectively ) . part i proposes that all copies in a chain - as opposed to some ( cf . chomsky 1995 ) - are active in the computational system . this assumption is argued for at length on both theoretical and empirical grounds . part ii develops a multiple optimal derivations ( cf . chomsky 1991 ) theory of syntactic optionality . a detailed analysis is provided of optionality ( plus associated non-optionality ) effects from a number of languages including french ( participle agreement ) , english and swedish ( optional partial associate movement with non - case / agreement-checking expletives there and det ' it ' ) , and icelandic , german and dutch ( optional overt object shift ) . wh - movement , licensing and the locality of feature - checking andrew simpson , 1995 investigating the syntax of wh-constructions across a wide variety of languages , this thesis re-examines the assumption that feature-checking relations may only be effected within the strict locality of spec - head / head-adjoined configurations . a range of evidence from apparently optional wh-movement languages such as hindi and iraqi arabic is argued to provide a strong empirical challenge to the strict locality hypothesis and indicate instead that feature-checking relations may in fact be non - spec - head-local and effected without movement to the relevant licensing head . integrating such results with the patterning of wh-questions in english , japanese and romanian - type languages , the basic account developed is shown to allow for a model in which dynamic syntax terminates at spell - out and also permits an analysis of partial movement questions which avoids the severe problems such structures pose for standard minimalist approaches . including also a final chapter on n - word licensing and the possible parasitic relation of scrambling to feature-checking , the thesis provides a critical overview of minimalism , an introduction to the wide variety of wh-construction - types present in natural language and in depth discussion of the opacity effects created by tense for various licensing relations . a study of chinese reflexives xian fu yu , 1996 this thesis is an in-depth investigation of the distribution and interpretation of the reflexive pronouns ziji , ziji-benshen and ta-ziji and reflexive-marked verbs ( zi-verb ) in mandarin chinese . it argues that all types of reflexive pronouns can be either locally-bound or long-distance bound under certain circumstances . making reference to aspects of lexical , pragmatic and discourse structure , as well as drawing on work in traditional chinese syntax and data from historical and literary sources , the thesis provides an explanation for the local and long-distance binding effects in terms of different internal structures hypothesized for reflexive elements . local - binding is a function of being assigned an anaphoric theta role by a verb and lf adjunction to vp , whereas long-distance logophoric interpretations result when the internal structure of a reflexive incorporates a pro element . phonology conditions on nuclear expressions in phonology margaret cobb , 1997 this thesis is a principled examination of the distribution of ` tense / lax ' and ` high / low ' vowels in harmony systems . i exploit the interaction of the parameter settings of three universal mechanisms in the framework of government phonology . first i present the type of language data the thesis accounts for and evaluate other approaches in the literature to ` height ' / ' atr ' harmony . then i present the theoretical tools used in my analysis : licensing constraints ( parameters on element distribution ) , head licensing ( a condition on the distribution of headed expressions in harmony systems ) , and the complexity condition ( a condition on phonological government ) . licensing constraints and head - licensing combine to provide a four-way typology of ` atr ' - type harmony . this is illustrated with data from zulu , pulaar , turkana and akan . the basic mechanism is then also suggested to be subject to the complexity condition . i examine the harmony systems of languages which have this parameter switched ` on ' , manifesting ` height ' / ' atr ' harmony effects : natal portugese , lena bable , yoruba and ogori . finally i explore the implications the thesis has for the treatment of other harmony languages which have been discussed in the literature e . g . chukchee , chichewa , pasiego and kera . the role of the element i in khalkha mongolian phonology margaret ann denwood this thesis , which is written within the framework of government phonology , revolves around phenomena related to the element i in khalkha mongolian . the all-pervasive influence and the structural requirements of i explain the relationship between palatal and palatalised consonants and umlaut as well as vowel harmony . relationships between syllabic constituents and evidence that these do not branch lay a fopundation for the proposal that mongolian , like chinese , has a basic four position template . the number and nature of consonants involved in sequences suggest that inter-onset government takes place between onsets belonging to stem and suffix templates . the distribution and behaviour of palatal and palatalised consonants , showing that a special relationship exists between a nucleus dominating ( i ) and the preceding onset , has implications for the representation of mongolian consonants . vowel harmony is analysed as head-licensing , the revised gp analysis of atr - harmony . licensing constraints generate nuclear expressions , whilst additional constraints on a nucleus dominating a doubly-linked i element explain umlaut and related phenomena , also supporting the head-licensing analysis against an i - harmony analysis . the phonological basis of speech recognition geoffrey williams , 1998 this thesis explores an alternative approach to speech recognition based on the theory of government phonology ( gp ) . the main aim is to test a fundamental claim of the theory , that phonology is central to human speech recognition , by means of implementation and theoretical argumentation . a further claim of the thesis is that the application of gp to automatic speech recognition ( asr ) can provide insights into the nature of phonology . analysis of the central problems of speech recognition leads to the conclusion that decoding by the linear segmental model central to previous phonologically motivated work , cannot succeed since it constitutes neither an accurate nor computationally feasible model of speech processing . we propose an alternative approach based on a combination of a phonological parser and the gp elements as recognition targets . we first explore the mapping between elements and the speech signal and show that there is some support for the direct mapping hypothesis between gp elements and the signal and that they therefore can form plausible recognition targets . we then motivate the use of a gp parser in asr , claiming that constituent structure as understood in gp can be recovered fairly directly from the signal and allows for reconstruction of speech segments which are corrupted by noise or other effects . an implementation of both the parser and the element detectors , based on neural networks , is described in some detail . the final chapter proposes functional explanations for the nature of phonological licensing , and for certain distributional anomalies in a number of languages , as well as addressing the computability of phonological derivations in gp in comparison to finite-state models . we show that the limited derivational machinery of gp ensures the tractability of phonological interpretation without sacrificing explanatory power . on pitch accent phenomena in standard japanese yuko yoshida , 1995 this thesis aims to demonstrate the merits of a theoretical approach to accent assignment in standard japanese . furthermore , it attempts to show that the formal treatment of pitch accent assignment is identical to that of stress assignment in languages such as english . the proposed analysis is based on a model of government-licensing , and rejects the idea of an ' inter-syllabic foot ' construction in favour of the phonological notions of 'd omain ' and ' inter-nuclear licensing ' . another goal of this work is to expand the definition of a licensing domain - - from its minimal form , a binary licensing domain within an onset or nucleus ( rhyme ) constituent , as proposed in kaye , lowenstamm & vergnaud ( klv ) ( 1990 ) , to its maximal form , a phrase . at all levels of phonological representation ( including the skeletal level - - projection zero ) the government / licensing relation is maximally binary ( klv 1990 ) , and it is around this binarity of inter-nuclear licensing that accent assignment in standard japanese is constructed . among the issues addressed are ( i ) an explanatory account of accent assignment in so-called compounds , and ( ii ) a new approach to the assignment of pitch within sentences . these issues elucidate how high-pitch assignment reflects the syntactic structure of the compound or sentence in question . 0 +Subject: english ` a ' versus ` some ' could someone direct me to literature concerned with the semantics of english ` a ' contrasted with english ` some ' ? of course , details of relevant literature dealing with any language other than english would also be most welcome . i would appreciate it if you could e-mail me directly , i will post a summary if appropriate . many thanks in advance , - shravan vasishth university address : dept . of linguistics , osu , 1712 neil ave . , columbus , oh 43210 , ( usa ) office phone : ( 1-614 ) - 292-3802 home [ and preferred mailing ] address : 549 harley drive # 10 , columbus , oh 43202 , ( usa ) home phone / fax : ( 1-614 ) - 268-8217 0 +Subject: names ( socioling journal ) the june 1999 issue of names : a journal of onomastics will be devoted to the sociolinguistics of names and naming . papers should relate names and / or naming to one or more of the standard areas of sociolinguists : regional or social variation , stylistic or situational variation , ethnic or other cultural variation , changes in names or naming practices over time , the pragmatics of naming . manuscripts submitted for this special should be empirical rather than philosophical and should be based upon original or existing research . potential contributors should send a proposal of one or two paragraphs describing the paper as soon as convenient to : edward callary , editor names english department northern illinois university dekalb il 60115 proposals by email are welcome . send to : tb0exc1 @ mvs . cso . niu . edu make sure that 's a zero after the tb and a letter o after the cs . regards to all * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * edward callary , editor phone : 815-753 - 6627 names : a journal of onomastics fax : 815-753 - 0606 english department email : ecallary @ niu . edu northern illinois university dekalb , il 60115-2863 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * visit the american name society homepage at http : / / www . wtsn . binghamton . edu / ans / 0 +Subject: child language seminar 1998 child language seminar 1998 first announcement and call for papers 4 - 6 september 1998 the 1998 child language seminar will be hosted by the department of human communication sciences , university of sheffield , uk . proposals are invited for papers of 30 minutes duration and for posters on issues related to first language acquisition and language disorders in children . * keynote speakers will include laurence leonard and john locke * conference location the conference will be held at halifax hall at the university of sheffield . halifax hall is centred around a sheffield steel baron 's house , dating back to 1830 and set in extensive grounds just a few minutes ' drive from the peak district national park . modem facilities are available in delegates ' rooms . * publication of proceedings selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings . * how to submit abstracts abstracts should be up to 250 words in length ( excluding references ) and may be submitted preferably by e-mail or e-mail attachment , or by mail or fax . submissions should be received by 1 may 1998 . at the top of the abstract please include name ( s ) of author ( s ) , institutional affiliation , full address , e - mail address , telephone and fax numbers , paper or poster , equipment requirements . please leave several lines between this information and the title and body of the abstract so that the header information can be removed for anonymous review . send your abstract to : mrs pat millington department of human communication sciences university of sheffield sheffield s10 2ta e-mail : p . millington @ sheffield . ac . uk fax : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114-279 - 9473 * for questions or more information on the conference please check our conference website : http : / / www . shef . ac . uk / uni / academic / r - z / spsu / conf . html or contact : mick perkins sara howard tel : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114-222 - 2408 tel : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114-222 - 2448 fax : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114-273 - 0547 fax : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114-273 - 0547 e-mail : m . perkins @ sheffield . ac . uk e-mail : s . howard @ sheffield . ac . uk 0 +Subject: posts in spanish and italian university of salford , united kingdom department of modern languages and european studies research institute lectureship in spanish ( vacancy no . : ml / 184 ) temporary lectureship in italian ( vacancy no . : ml / 185 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lectureship in spanish ( vacancy no . : ml / 184 ) salary : gbp 16045 - 27985 we seek to appoint from september 1997 a lecturer capable of teaching spanish history and contemporary society and the spanish language at all levels from ab initio to postgraduate level . the successful candidate will be actively involved in research in an area related to the centres of the european studies research institute ( esri ) , viz . contemporary history and politics , language and linguistics , literary and cultural studies , policy studies . esri was awarded a grade of 5a in the 1996 research assessment exercise . it is anticipated that the successful candidate will have at least a near-native command of spanish , and native speakers are encouraged to apply . he / she will be expected to participate fully in the teaching and administrative responsibilities of the spanish section and the department as a whole . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ temporary lectureship in italian ( vacancy no . : ml / 185 ) salary : gbp 16045 - 21016 we seek to appoint from september 1997 an experienced lecturer for a ten month period who is capable of teaching all areas of italian language , including translation into english . the successful candidate will be flexible enough to adapt to changing patterns of study in higher education and will also be expected to carry out an appropriate amount of sectional and / or departmental administration . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ informal enquiries may be made to professor richard towell , head of department of modern languages ( tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 5648 , e - mail : r . j . towell @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk ) or to professor geoffrey harris , director of european studies research institute ( tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 5275 , e - mail : g . t . harris @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk ) . further details and an application form may be obtained from the personnel office ( tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 2121 - 24 hour answering service ) . completed forms to be returned to this office by 23 june 1997 quoting the appropriate reference number . the university is committed to excellence in higher education , teaching and research . the university aims to ensure that no student , member of staff or applicant : ( a ) receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender , colour , ethnic or national origin , socio-economic background , disability , religious or political beliefs , family circumstances , sexual orientation or other irrelevant distinction ; ( b ) is shown to be disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - applied linguistics / sociolinguistics at hiroshima shudo univeisty , japan associate professor / lecturer in english language applications are invited for a permanent position in the department of english language and literature , faculty of humanities and sciences , hiroshima shudo university , hiroshima , japan , starting april 1 , 1998 . the successful applicant will initially be expected to teach oral english , grammar , and composition at undergraduate level , in addition to other courses offered by the department . the ability to make major contributions to teaching , supervision , and research is looked for , as well as to foster good relations with students . experience in curriculum development and test development would be advantageous . preference will be given to a candidate who has ( a ) native-speaker competency in english , ( b ) substantial teaching experience in efl contexts , and ( c ) research interests in a relevant area of applied linguistics or sociolinguistics . holders of an ma , m . ed . , or higher in tefl / tesl are strongly urged to apply . the university offers a generous package of benefits , with salary being dependent on age , qualifications , and experience . subsidized housing is also available . the following materials should be submitted ( deadline sept . 30 , 1997 ) : ( a ) a cv with photograph and a list of publications , ( b ) copies of publications , ( c ) copies of degrees , ( d ) a recent medical report , ( e ) three letters of recommendation , and ( f ) a five-minute tape giving a self-introduction and the candidate 's approach to teaching english . the above materials should be sent to professor izumi morikawa , dean of the faculty of humanities & sciences , hiroshima shudo university , 1717 ozuka , numata - cho , asaminami - ku , hiroshima 731-31 , japan . contact : prof . malcolm benson , tel . + 81 - ( 0 ) 82-830 - 1173 , e-mail < benson @ shudo-u . ac . jp > or personnel division , + 81 - ( 0 ) 82-830 - 1105 , fax : + 81 - ( 0 ) 82-830 - 1325 . 0 +Subject: for your urgent attention if you ' re still so happy with your job , how come you ' re reading this email ? to search our database of over 5000 it , telecoms , finance and sales positions , check out www . taps . com / jobs , europe 's leading online recruitment website . taps . com is a free and confidential service . 1 +Subject: new deadline for abstracts : alaa 98 please note that the deadline for abstracts for the the 23rd annual congress of the applied linguistics association of australia ( alaa ) has been extended to 28 february 1998 . for further details on the congress , please see our web pages at http : / / www . cltr . uq . edu . au : 8000 / alaa / alaa98 . html or contact margaret fletcher ; email : m . fletcher @ edn . gu . edu . au address and tel / fax : margaret fletcher education faculty griffith university nathan qld 4111 phone : ( w ) + 61 ( 0 ) 7 3875 6869 ; ( ah ) + 61 ( 0 ) 7 3890 2571 ; fax : + 61 ( 0 ) 7 3875 5965 please contact margaret and not me ; i ' m merely sending out the notice . regards peter white 0 +Subject: workshop on modality ( second call for papers ) second call for papers workshop on modality in generative grammar sle 31 , st andrews , scotland , 26-30 august 1998 organizers : sjef barbiers ( leiden ) , frits beukema ( leiden ) , olga tomic ( novi sad ) , milena milojevic sheppard ( ljubljana ) , marija golden ( ljubljana ) . closing date for submission of abstract : 1 june 1998 date of acceptance / rejection of abstract : 1 july 1998 please submit abstract ( 1 x a4 max ) to : dr sjef barbiers hil / dep . of dutch studies po box 9515 leiden , nl 2300 ra the netherlands e - mail : barbiers @ rullet . leidenuniv . nl prof . olga miseska tomic bulevar avnoja 109 / iii , stan 16 beograd yu 11070 yugoslavija e - mail : efilb01 @ yubgss21 . bg . ac . yu dr frits beukema hil / dep . of english po box 9515 leiden , nl 2300 ra the netherlands e - mail : beukema @ rullet . leidenuniv . nl 0 +"Subject: conference on linguistic theory in eastern european languages the first conference on linguistic theory in eastern european languages convenes betweeen 19-21 april , 1998 , in szeged , hungary , as organized by the phd program in theoretical linguistics of jozsef attila university . the purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers and students of various east european languages to exchange and discuss ideas relating to theoretical issues , this time mostly in syntax and phonology . we have invited leading experts as keynote speakers , including maria - luisa rivero ( u of ottawa ) , michael brody ( university college london and linguistics institute , budapest ) , marcel den dikken ( u of tilburg ) , and olga miseska tomic ( u of novi sad ) . the sessions of the conference are : verb - movement & clitics clitics&other verb - movement in hungarian movement case & agreement negation & functional categories phonology , and among the speakers are hilda koopman , katalin e . kiss , ljiljana progovac , tobias scheer . the detailed program of the conference is as follows . alexandra cornilescu ( universiry of bucharest ) : case and aspectual structure : investigating romanian nominalizations alexei kochetov ( university of toronto ) : the role of contrast in shaping inventories : palatalized coronals in slavic dalina kallulli ( university of durham , university of vienna ) : on non - active morphology in albanian daniela corina ionescu ( university of bucharest ) : a avea + small clause construction - a case of participle agreement in romanian daniela isac ( university of bucharest ) : on negation in romanian danijela stojanovic ( university of ottawa ) : sentence processing strategies in the adult and child grammar of serbo - croatian david willis ( university of oxford ) : reanalysis in old russian periphrastic verbal constructions e . kiss katalin : the hungarian verbal complex revisited ewa willim ( jagiellonian university , krakow ) : on functional categories - a case study of the det ( erminer ) paradigm in polish , an articeless language galina alexandrova ( university of ottawa ) : control agrees to subordination hilda koopman and anna szabolcsi ( ucla ) : overt syntax and hungarian complex verb formation iliyana krapova ( university of plovdiv ) : subjunctive complements , null subjects and case checking in bulgarian ivanka p . schick ( university of potsdam ) : doubling clitics and information - structure in modern bulgarian jacek witkos : verb movement and clitic auxiliaries in polish revisited joel hoffmann : paratactic movement phenomena ljiljana progovac ( wayne state university ) : eventive "" to "" and the placement of clitics in serbian marcel den dikken ( tilburg university ) : ( anti - ) agreement in clauses and nominal phrases maria luisa rivero ( university of ottawa ) : stylistic verb movement in balkan and slavic languages michael brody : partial chains and bare checking theory olga tomic ( university of novi sad ) : on cliticshood surenyi balezs and csirmaz aniko ( elte , budapest ) : ott there in hungarian : a case of an expletive ? tania avgustinova and bistra andreeva ( university of saarland ) : intonational properties of bulgarian replicated nominal material ( a study based on map task dialogues ) tobias scheer ( universite de nice ) : vowel - zero alternations in czech prefixes uwe junghanns ( universitaet leipzig ) : syntactic positions and discourse functions of adverbials in russian this information and the abstracts can be found at the http : / / www . arts . u-szeged . hu / dep / genlinguistic / clite / www address , too . " 0 +"Subject: linguists needed resource center for cyberculture studies site url : < http : / / otal . umd . edu / ~ rccs > since its initial launch in january 1997 , the resource center for cyberculture studies has more than doubled in size and content . in addition to three new sections / wings - - "" internet interviews , "" "" conversations / collaborations , "" and "" book of the month "" ( coming july 1 ) - - the other sections , including "" courses in cyberculture "" and the "" annotated bibliography "" have grown considerably . what rccs lacks , however , is a healthy amount of essays , links , and research on cyberculture from a * linguistic perspective . * taking this into account , i am inviting all interested linguist list members to visit rccs and send along any comments , questions , and / or suggestions to help improve this avenue . of course , all other suggestions are welcome too ! the site is located at < http : / / otal . umd . edu / ~ rccs > david silver , resource center for cyberculture studies phd student , american studies , university of maryland < rccs @ otal . umd . edu > " 0 +Subject: cahiers de l ' ilsl cahiers de l ' institut de linguistique et des sciences du langage ( universite de lausanne ; suisse ) le dernier numero des cahiers de l ' institut de linguistique et des sciences du langage de l ' universite de lausanne vient de paraitre : jakobson : est / ouest , 1915-1939 edite par patrick seriot et francoise gadet no9 , 1997 , 254 pages , 20 francs suisses ( frais de port compris ) ce numero constitue les actes du colloque < jakobson : est / ouest , 1915-1939 . un episode de la culture europeenne entre les deux guerres > , qui s ' est tenu a cret - berard ( suisse ) les 5 , 6 et 7 septembre 1996 sommaire : - francoise gadet , patrick seriot : presentation - natalja avtonomova : roman jakobson : deux programmes de fondation de la slavistique , 1929 / 1953 - pierre caussat : du libre et du lie dans les references doctrinales et nominales de jakobson et de troubetzkoy - jean - claude chevalier : trubetzkoy , jakobson et la france . 1919-1939 - maryse dennes : l ' influence de husserl en russie au debut du xxeme siecle et son impact sur les emigres russes de prague - lubomir durovic : the ontology of the phoneme in early prague linguistic circle - jacqueline fontaine : s . karcevskij et r . jakobson , grammairiens de la langue russe a l ' epoque du cercle linguistique de prague - francoise gadet : fonctionnalisme et therapeutique - boris gasparov : futurism and phonology : futurist roots of jakobson 's approach to language - elmar holenstein : la place attitree de la russie en europe . cinq reperes historiques - bengt jangfeldt : roman jakobson in sweden , 1940-41 - konrad koerner : remarks on the sources of roman jakobson 's linguistic inspiration - ladislav matejka : jakobson 's duel with saussure - vladimir a . plungian : r . o . jakobson et n . s . troubetzkoy : deux personnalites , deux sciences ? - savina raynaud : the critical horizon of jakobson 's work and its multidisciplinarity - helmut w . schaller : roman jakobson 's conception of < sprachbund > - patrick seriot : des elements systemiques qui sautent les barrieres des systemes - jindrich toman : jakobson and bohemia / bohemia and the east vous pouvez passer votre commande directement par e-mail : florence . eparsheussi @ ling . unil . ch en precisant l ' adresse a laquelle vous desirez etre livre . 0 +Subject: new books in computational linguistics centering theory in discourse edited by marilyn walker , at and t labs research , aravind k . joshi , university of pennsylvania , and ellen prince , university of pennsylvania this edited collection of previously unpublished papers focuses on centering theory , an account of local discourse structure . developed in the context of computational linguistics and cognitive science , centering theory has attracted the attention of an international interdisciplinary audience . as the authors focus on naturally occurring data , they join the general trend towards empiricism in research on computational models of discourse , providing a significant contribution to a fast-moving field . march 1998 464 pp . 0-19 - 823687 - 5 $ 105 . 00 oxford university press computer-assisted language learning : context and conceptualization michael levy , university of queensland so far , the development of computer - assisted language learning ( call ) has been fragmented . in these pages , michael levy sets call in its proper historical and interdisciplinary contexts , providing a comprehensive overview of the topic . drawing on published work as well as an international survey among call practitioners in eighteen countries , he looks at the relationship between call 's theory and application , its conceptual and practical roles as tutor and tool . levy also discusses call 's implications for computer programming . most books on call focus on specific projects , and do so mainly from a theoretical point of view , but this unique text considers call as a whole , analyzing the utility of the computer in language learning and teaching . a detailed review of the current literature is matched with an in-depth examination of the tutor-tool framework . an ideal introduction to the procedure and performance of call as a multi-faceted reflection of today 's ever-evolving technology , levy 's study will appeal to students , researchers , and teachers of applied linguistics . may 1997 320 pp . ; 17 b / w figures , 17 tables 0-19 - 823631 - x paper $ 26 . 00 0-19 - 823632 - 8 cloth $ 65 . 00 oxford university press for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org or visit the oxford university press usa web site : http : / / www . oup-usa . org oxford university press usa 0 +Subject: minimizing the effort for language resource acquisition call for participation a workshop on minimizing the effort for language resource acquisition granada , spain , 26 may , 1998 in conjunction with the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain , 28-30 , may 1998 ( see http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html for details and how to register ) the workshop will be devoted to any technological and administrative facet of economy of acquisition effort . tentative program : ( svetlana sheremetyeva , organizer ) 0 . introduction . s . sheremetyeva full papers : 1 . reusing swedish language processing resources in svensk f . olsson , b . gamback and m . eriksson 2 . a cost - effective approach to multilingual lexicon acquisition e . viegas , s . nirenburg , b . onyshkevych and v . raskin 3 . speeding - up the building of new ontologies using bilingual dictionaries l . griot 4 . matching resource acquisition work to needs of an application s . nirenburg and r . zajac 5 . minimization strategies in neurotran n . koncar , s . pawlowski , d . sipka and v . sipka 6 . refining a bi - lingual mrd using a corpus based tool . j . cowie general discussion . workshop scope and aims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - an applied nlp system must produce adequate results and must be made deployable within reasonable time . gathering and acquiring language resources to build an application system is very time-consuming , and it is imperative to find ways of speeding up acquisition of high quality , useful static knowledge sources such as a variety of grammars , lexicons , corpora , etc . viability of avoiding massive resource acquisition , if possible , must also be carefully considered . resource acquisition should include methods , based both on sound theoretical principles and practical experience , of deciding , among other things , on the amount of knowledge one * really * needs for a given application . increasing the size of knowledge sources or their number and variety does not necessarily lead to a commensurate improvement of output quality in an application , though a correlation between the two certainly exists , but it definitely needs to much increased costs . no matter how large the acquired resources are and how many of them have been acquired , there will always remain a residue of language processing problems which can be tackled only by foregoing the requirement of full automation and involving expensive semi-automatic or even manual acquisition . it becomes imperative , therefore , to assess when the static knowledge source acquisition is no longer profitable . thus , in a system for interactive authoring and automatic generation of patent claim texts , the lexical knowledge base can be restricted to a lexicon of domain-related verbs marked for subcategorization ( as the nominals are provided interactively by the author ) . the technological issues to be discussed at the conference include , but are not limited to : - minimization of effort in acquiring monolingual and multilingual text corpora ; - minimization of effort in acquiring computational lexicons , including phonological , morphological , syntactic , semantic and other ( including application-specific ) information ; - minimization of effort in acquisition of resources for the support of corpus-based language engineering methods ; - minimization of effort in acquiring grammatical coverage of languages and sublanguages ; - methods of determining levels of reusability of existing language resources ; - balancing the needs of the application and the grain size of language description ; - minimization of effort through balancing automatic and interactive methods of knowledge acquisition ; - evaluation of potential utility of resources to applications ; program committee : svetlana sheremetyeva , nmsu crl , usa ( chair ) eduard hovy , usc isi , usa bernardo magnini , irst , italy sergei nirenburg , nmsu crl , usa victor raskin , purdue university , usa frederique segonde , xerox research centre europe , france leo wanner , university of stuttgart , germany 0 +Subject: this is new at capitalfm . com do n't want to receive these e-mails ? click the following link to remove your address from our mailing list : http : / / capitalfm . com / unsubscribe + - 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- a nice discussion can be found , for example in terry crowley 's _ an introduction to historical linguistics _ ( oxford , 1992 ) , and similar discussions can be found in other current texts . geoff geoffrey s . nathan department of linguistics southern illinois university at carbondale , carbondale , il , 62901 usa phone : + 618 453-3421 ( office ) fax + 618 453-6527 + 618 549-0106 ( home ) 0 +"Subject: fasl vii final program seventh annual workshop on formal approaches to slavic linguistics ( fasl ) university of washington , seattle may 8-10 , 1998 friday , may 8th , smith hall 205 1 : 30 registration opens 1 : 45 - 2 : 45 poster session john bailyn and barbara citko , suny at stony brook "" how 0 - heads determine the morphology of ( all ) slavic predicates "" vladimir borschev and barbara partee , viniti , moscow and university of massachusetts , amherst "" semantic types and the russian genitive modifier construction "" steven franks , indiana university "" optimality theory and clitics at pf "" eric s . komar , princeton university "" dative subject in russian revisited : are all datives created equal ? "" alexei kochetov , university of toronto "" phonological contrasts and phonetic enhancements : palatalized and palatal coronals in slavic inventories "" anna kupsc , universite paris 7 "" negative concord and wh - extraction in polish "" 2 : 45 opening remarks : dean michael halleran , university of washington session 1 chair : jindrich toman , university of michigan 2 : 50 - 3 : 30 john bailyn , suny at stony brook "" the status of optionality in analyses of slavic syntax "" 3 : 30 - 4 : 10 irina a . sekerina , university of pennsylvania "" on - line processing of russian scrambling constructions : evidence from eye movement during listening "" 4 : 10 - 4 : 25 break session 2 chair : loren billings 4 : 25 - 5 : 05 edit jakab , princeton university "" farewell to pro in serbian / croatian and hungarian nonfinite and finite constructions "" 5 : 05 - 5 : 45 ilijana krapova and vassil petkov , university of plovdiv and usc "" subjunctive complements , null subjects and case checking in bulgarian "" 5 : 45 - 6 : 00 break 6 : 00 - 7 : 00 invited talk : barbara partee , university of massachusetts , amherst "" copula inversion puzzles in english and russian "" saturday , may 9th , savery hall 239 session 3 chair : cynthia vakareliyska , university of oregon 8 : 45 - 9 : 25 michael b . smith , oakland university "" from instrument to irrealis : motivating a grammaticalized sense of the russian instrumental "" 9 : 25-10 : 05 mirjam fried , university of oregon "" the ' free ' dative in czech : a family of constructions "" 10 : 05-10 : 45 james lavine , princeton university "" subject properties and ergativity in north russian and lithuanian "" 10 : 45-11 : 00 break 11 : 00-12 : 00 invited talk : johanna nichols , uc berkeley "" slavic reflexivization in comparative perspective "" 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch break session 4 chair : george fowler , indiana university 1 : 30 - 2 : 10 darya kavitskaya , uc berkeley "" voicing assimilations and the schizophrenic behavior of / v / in russian "" 2 : 10 - 2 : 50 rami nair , northwestern university "" polish voicing assimilation and final devoicing : a new analysis "" 2 : 50 - 3 : 30 brett hyde , rutgers university "" overlapping feet in polish "" 3 : 30 - 3 : 45 break session 5 chair : catherine rudin , wayne state college 3 : 45 - 4 : 25 ben hermans , tilburg university "" opaque insertion sites in bulgarian "" 4 : 25 - 5 : 05 andrew caink , university of wolverhampton "" the south slavic clitic cluster at the lexical interface "" 5 : 05 - 5 : 45 arthur stepanov , university of connecticut "" the syntax of to - complementation in slavic "" 5 : 45 - 6 : 15 business meeting 8 : 00 party , waterfront activities center sunday , may 10th , savery hall 239 session 6 chair : john bailyn , suny at stony brook 8 : 45 - 9 : 25 barbara citko , suny at stony brook "" an argument for three dimensionality "" 9 : 25-10 : 05 sue brown , harvard university "" negated yes / no questions in russian and serbian / croatian : yes or no , both , either , or neither ? "" 10 : 05-10 : 45 piotr banski and steven franks , indiana university "" approaches to ' schizophrenic ' polish person agreement "" 10 : 45-11 : 00 break session 7 chair : tracy holloway king , xerox parc 11 : 00-11 : 40 marjorie mcshane , princeton university "" the interface of syntactic , lexico - semantic and pragmatic factors in determining the eliptability of russian direct objects with definite reference "" 11 : 40-12 : 20 leonard h . babby , princeton university "" adjectives in russian : primary vs . secondary predication "" 12 : 20-12 : 30 break 12 : 30 - 1 : 30 invited talk : david pesetsky , mit "" lifestyles of the _ which _ and famous : how english is really bulgarian "" 1 : 30 closing remarks : katarzyna dziwirek , university of washington for further conference information , see http : / / darkwing . uoregon . edu / ~ russian / fasl . html " 0 +Subject: computer assisted language learning the international journal computer assisted language learning is seeking submissions for a special edition focusing on the work of scholars based in japan . aims and scope : computer assisted language learning is an international journal which leads the field in its total dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning ( l1 and l2 ) it provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques . the scope of the journal is intentionally wide-ranging and embraces a multitude of disciplines . areas covered : - pedagogical principles and their applications - cognitive modelling - observations on , and evaluation of , call software - intelligent tutoring systems - digitised versions of video and audio - application of ai to language teaching - computer assisted translation - computer assisted composition - multi - lingual systems - simulated - active learning environments audience : teachers and researchers , linguists , computer scientists , psychologists , and educationalists contributions may be e-mailed to mark peterson at japan advanced institute of science and technology ( jaist ) e-mail mark @ jaist . ac . jp . or mailed to the following address : c / o jaist , asahidai , tastunokuchi , ishikawa , japan , 923-1292 the deadline for submissions will be september 30th 1998 . 0 +Subject: new publications from pacific linguistics , rspas , anu ( for ordering details see the end of the file . ) - - papers in southeast asian linguistics - - clark , m . , ed . papers in southeast asian linguistics no . 16 1997 , isbn 0 85883 465 9 , v + 131pp . softcover . a $ 35 . 30 pacific linguistics catalogue number , a-90 . key words : southeast asian syntax and semantics , khmer , thai , cantonese , sudanese , bantawa . papers by edmund a . anderson ' the use of speech levels in sundanese ' , ferdinand de haan ' khmer and the theory of modality ' , judy ho ' socio - semantic aspects of human measure words in cantonese ' , kitima indrambarya ' the status of the word hay in thai ' , charles paus ' variability in cambodian copular ' . this volume contains a selection of papers on various syntactic , semantic and stylistic aspects of some southeast asian languages . included are discussions of modality in khmer ( ferdinand de haan ) , copula constructions in khmer ( charles paus ) , derivative uses of ' give ' in thai ( kitima indrambarya ) , human measure words in cantonese ( judy ho ) , speech levels in sudanese ( edmund anderson ) and verbal adjuncts in bantawa ( novel rai and werner winter ) - - sino-tibetan numeral systems - - matisoff , james a . sino - tibetan numeral systems : prefixes , protoforms and problems 1997 , isbn 0 85883 464 2 , xi + 136pp . softcover . a $ 36 . 30 pacific linguistics catalogue number , b-114 . key words : sino - tibetan ; tibeto - burman ; numerals ; prefixes . this monograph treats the phonological shapes , historical origins and semantic organisation of the numeral systems of dozens of sino - tibetan languages , and presents many newly reconstructed roots . special attention is paid to the use of prefixes , the interinfluence of adjacent numerals , and language contact phenomena . pacific linguistics publications can be obtained in any one of four easy and convenient ways : e-mail e - mail : mxk412 @ coombs . anu . edu . au over-the - counter the australian national university pacific linguistics department of linguistics rspas 3rd floor , room 1208 the australian national university coombs bld . , fellows road canberra act 0200 acton , canberra australia phone order fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 voice mail - message mira kwasik manager , publications centre research school of pacific and asian studies the australian national university canberra 0200 australia ph : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or 3269 fax : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 e - mail : mxk412 @ coombs . anu . edu . au the research school of pacific and asian studies , anu - online catalogue http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / publications / coombsguide . html 0 +Subject: new books : pidgins & creoles the structure and status of pidgins and creoles including selected papers from the society for pidgin and creole linguistics arthur k . spears & donald winford ( eds . ) due 1997 ix , 436 pp . creole language library , 19 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 174 x price : us $ 99 . rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5241 6 price : hfl . 175 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com destined to become a landmark work , this book is devoted principally to a reassessment of the content , categories , boundaries , and basic assumptions of pidgin and creole studies . it includes revised and elaborated papers from meetings of the society for pidgin and creole linguistics in addition to commissioned papers from leading scholars in the field . as a group , the papers undertake this reassessment through a reevaluation of pidgin / creole terminology and contact language typology ( section one ) ; a requestioning of process and evolution in pidginization , creolization , and other language contact phenomena ( section two ) ; a reinterpretation of the sources and genesis of grammatical aspects of saramaccan and atlantic creoles in general ( section three ) ; a reconsideration of the status of languages defying received definitions of pidgins and creoles ( section four ) ; and analyses of aspects of grammar that shed light on the issue of what a possible creole grammar is ( section five ) . contents : intro : on the structure and status of pidgins and creoles : donald winford . section one : 1 . jaargons , pidgins , creoles and koines : what are they ? : salikoko s . mufwene ; 2 . a typology of contact languages : sarah g . thomason . section two : 3 . directionality in pidginization and creolization : philip baker ; 4 . mixing , leveling , and pidgin / creole development : jeff siegel ; 5 . matrix language recognition and morpheme sorting as possible structural strategies in pidgin / creole formation : carol myers - scotton ; 6 . the creolization of pidgin morphophonology : william j . samarin . section three : 7 . saramaccan creole origins : portuguese - derived lexical correspondences and the relexification hypothesis : michael aceto ; 8 . lost in transmission : a case for the independent emergence of the copula in atlantic creoles : john h . mcwhorter . section four : 9 . creole - like features in the verb system of an afro - brazilian variety of portuguese : alan n . baxter ; 10 . the verb phrase in afrikaans : evidence of creolization ? : christa de kleine ; 11 . shaba swahili : partial creolization due to second language learning and substrate pressure : vincent a . de rooij ; 12 . the status of isicarntho , an nguni - based urban variety of soweto : g . tucker childs . section five : 13 . new light on eskimo pidgins : hein van der voort ; 14 . reduplication in ndyuka : mary l . huttar and george l . huttar ; 15 . tense - aspect-mood in principense : philippe maurer . the genesis of a language the formation and development of korlai portuguese clancy j clements 1996 xviii , 282 pp . creole language library , 16 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 171 5 price : $ 79 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5238 6 price : hfl . 140 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com korlai portuguese ( kp ) , a portuguese - based creole only recently discovered by linguists , originated around 1520 on the west coast of india . initially isolated from its hindu and muslim neighbors by social and religious barriers , the small korlai community lost virtually all portuguese contact as well after 1740 . this volume is the first-ever comprehensive treatment of the formation , linguistic components , and rapidly changing situation of this exotic creole . the product of ten years of research , korlai creole portuguese provides an exciting , in-depth diachronic look at a language that is now showing the strain of intense cultural pressure from the surrounding marathi - speaking population . framed in thomason and kaufman 's 1988 model of contact-induced language change , the author 's analysis is enriched by numerous comparisons with sister creoles , apart from medieval portuguese and marathi . this book contrastively examines the following areas : phonemic inventories , phonological processes , stress assignment , syllable structure , paradigm restructuring , paradigm use , lexicon , word formation , semantic borrowing , loan translations , grammatical relation marking , pre - and postnominal modification , negation , subject and object deletion , embedding , and word order . contact languages a wider perspective sarah g thomason ( ed . ) 1996 xi , 487 pp . creole language library , 17 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 172 3 price : $ 165 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5239 4 price : hfl . 275 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this book contributes to a more balanced view of the most dramatic results of language contact by presenting linguistic and historical sketches of lesser-known contact languages . the twelve case studies offer eloquent testimony against the still common view that all contact languages are pidgins and creoles with maximally simple and essentially identical grammars . they show that some contact languages are neither pidgins nor creoles , and that even pidgins and creoles can display considerable structural diversity and structural complexity ; they also show that two-language contact situations can give rise to pidgins , especially when access to a target language is withheld by its speakers . the chapters are arranged according to language type : three focus on pidgins ( hiri motu , by tom dutton ; pidgin delaware , by ives goddard ; and ndyuka - trio pidgin , by george l . huttar and frank j . velantie ) , two on creoles ( kituba , by salikoko s . mufwene , and sango , by helma pasch ) , one on a set of pidgins and creoles ( arabic - based contact languages , by jonathan owens ) , one on the question of early pidginization and / or creolization in swahili ( by derek nurse ) , and five on bilingual mixed languages ( michif , by peter bakker and robert a . papen ; media lengua and callahuaya , both by pieter muysken ; and mednyj aleut and ma ' a , both by sarah thomason ) . the authors ' collective goal is to help offset the traditional emphasis , within contact-language studies , on pidgins and creoles that arose as an immediate result of contact with europeans , starting in the age of exploration . the accumulation of case studies on a wide diversity of languages is needed to create a body of knowledge substantial enough to support robust generalizations about the nature and development of all types of contact language . creole and dialect continua standard acquisition processes in belize and china ( prc ) genevieve escure 1997 x , 307 pp . creole language library , 18 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 173 1 price : $ 89 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5240 8 price : hfl . 150 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com although there is a substantial amount of linguistic research on standard language acquisition , little attention has been given to the mechanisms underlying second dialect acquisition . using a combination of function-based grammar and sociolinguistic methodology to analyze topic marking strategies , the unguided acquisition of a standard by speakers of nonstandard varieties is examined in two distinct linguistic and geographical situations : in a caribbean creole situation ( belize ) , with special attention to the acquisition of acrolects by native speakers of basilects , and in a noncreole situation ( prc ) , documenting the acquisition of standard chinese ( putonghua ) by speakers of nonstandard varieties represented in cultural revolution literature , wuhan chinese , and suzhou wu story-telling style . in both cases psychosocial factors , linguistic bias toward nonnative renderings of the standard varieties , the social status of their speakers , and related political and educational consequences play an important role in the development of second dialects . the broad-ranging analysis of a single feature of oral discourse leads to the formulation of cross-linguistic generalizations in acquisition studies and results in an evaluation of the putative uniqueness of creole languages . related issues addressed include the effect of linguistic bias on the development and use of language varieties by marginalized groups ; the interaction of three major language components - semantics , syntax , and pragmatics - in spontaneous communication ; and the development of methods to identify discourse units . the ultimate goal underlying the comparison of specific discourse variables in belizean and chinese standard acquisition is to evaluate the relative merits of substratal , superstratal , and universal explanations in language development . for further information please e-mail bernadette keck : service @ benjamins . com 0 +Subject: ecai-98 : final cfp and pre-conference programme ecai ' 98 august 23-28 1998 brighton uk the deadline for submission of technical papers to the ecai-98 conference is 23 january 1998 . full details in previous emails and on the website at http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 . the website now includes latex style files for submissions ( nb : now at version 2 , dated 14 january 1998 ) the ecai-98 organising committee is pleased to announce a comprehensive pre-conference programme of tutorials and workshops . 12 tutorials and 23 workshops will take place on 24 and 25 august 1998 , covering a wide range of ai topics . the following lists the titles , principal contact and * provisional * scheduling of the programme . further details are available on the ecai-98 website : http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 / tw / timetable . html tutorials 24 august 1998 - am t1 access and management of information in the web daniele nardi ( nardi @ dis . uniroma1 . it ) t2 applying agent technology nicholas r . jennings ( n . r . jennings @ qmw . ac . uk ) t3 local search techniques for scheduling problems andrea schaerf ( aschaerf @ dis . uniroma1 . it ) 24 august 1998 - pm t4 qualitative spatial reasoning anthony g cohn ( agc @ scs . leeds . ac . uk ) t5 inductive logic programming peter flach ( peter . flach @ cs . bris . ac . uk ) t6 automatic text summarisation udo hahn ( hahn @ coling . uni-freiburg . de ) 25 august 1998 - am t7 intelligent multimedia interface agents elisabeth andre ( andre @ dfki . de ) t8 rough sets for data mining and knowledge discovery jan komorowski ( jan . komorowski @ control . lth . se ) t9 applying case-based reasoning : techniques for enterprise systems ian watson ( i . d . watson @ surveying . salford . ac . uk ) 25 august 1998 - pm t10 agent theory michael wooldridge ( m . j . wooldridge @ qmw . ac . uk ) t11 connectionist models for processing structured information marco gori ( marco @ neuron . ing . unisi . it ) t12 ontological engineering asuncion gomez - perez ( asun @ delicias . dia . fi . upm . es ) workshops 24 august 1998 w1 combining ai and graphics for the interface of the future thomas rist ( rist @ dfki . de ) w2 applications of ontologies and problem-solving methods asuncion gomez - perez ( asun @ delicias . dia . fi . upm . es ) w3 empirical ai toby walsh ( tw @ dai . ed . ac . uk ) w4 constraint techniques for artistic applications frangois pachet ( pachet @ csl . sony . fr ) w5 model based systems and qualitative reasoning john mccardle ( jrm @ pophost . aber . ac . uk ) w6 practical reasoning and rationality john bell ( jb @ dcs . qmw . ac . uk ) w7 binding environmental sciences and artificial intelligence ulises cortes ( ia @ lsi . upc . es ) w8 synthesis of intelligent agent systems from experimental data jan komorowski ( jan . komorowski @ control . lth . se ) w9 machine discovery vincent corruble , ( disco98 @ csd . abdn . ac . uk ) w10 ai / alife and entertainment frank nack ( nack @ darmstadt . gmd . de ) w11 decision theory meets artificial intelligence : qualitative and quantitative approaches jerome lang ( lang @ irit . fr ) w12 monitoring and control of real-time intelligent s ystems abdel - illah mouaddib ( mouaddib @ cril . univ-artois . fr ) 25 august 1998 w13 multilinguality in the lexicon ii lynne cahill ( lynne . cahill @ cogs . susx . ac . uk ) w14 intelligent virtual environments ruth aylett ( r . s . aylett @ iti . salford . ac . uk ) w15 non binary constraints jean - charles regin ( regin @ ilog . fr ) w16 conflicts among agents : avoid or use them ? catherine tessier ( catherine . tessier @ cert . fr ) w17 many - valued logic for ai applications patrick eklund ( peklund @ cs . umu . se ) w18 building , maintaining and using organizational memories stefan decker ( stefan . decker @ aifb . uni-karlsruhe . de ) w19 abduction and induction in ai peter flach ( peter . flach @ cs . bris . ac . uk ) w20 model based reasoning for intelligent education environments bert bredeweg ( bert @ swi . psy . uva . nl ) w21 intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology ( idamap 98 ) riccardo bellazzi ( ric @ aim . unipv . it ) w22 spatial and temporal reasoning hans w . guesgen ( hans @ cs . auckland . ac . nz ) w23 intelligent information integration holger wache ( wache @ informatik . uni-bremen . de ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ecai-98 secretariat centre for advanced software applications university of sussex brighton , bn1 9qh , uk tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 1273 678448 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 1273 671320 email : ecai98 @ cogs . susx . ac . uk url : http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 ecai-98 is organised by the european coordinating committee for artificial intelligence ( eccai ) and hosted by the universities of brighton and sussex on behalf of aisb . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 +Subject: nominalization in spanish can anyone refer us to studies on processes of nominalization , especially of infinitivs , in spanish ? please , send your answers to ebogomil @ estud . colmex . mx i will send a summary of the answers to the list . thanks in advance , elena bogomilova lozanova 0 +"Subject: 3rd machine translation conference amta-98 - - - call for submissions - - - association for machine translation in the americas amta-98 conference , langhorne , pa , october 28-31 , 1998 machine translation and the information soup ( mt in a growing field of language technologies ) following successful amta conferences in 1994 and 1996 , the third conference of the association for machine translation in the americas will be held in langhorne , pa , at the sheraton bucks county hotel , on october 28-31 , 1998 . the mt summit last year commemorated the 50th anniversary of machine translation . during that time , mt grew from a tantalizing dream to a respectable and stable scientific-linguistic enterprise , with users , commercial systems , university research , and government participation . but until very recently , mt has been performed in a relatively isolated manner , as a distinct enterprise . this situation is changing rapidly . the explosive growth of the web has brought multilingual text into the reach of nearly everyone with a computer . it is increasingly urgent that the various types of language processing technologies - - information retrieval , automated summarization , multimodal and multilingual display , and machine translation - - be interconnected . once again there will be something for everyone ! retaining the pattern established by its predecessors , amta-98 will offer a blend of invited talks , panel discussions , research papers , system demonstrations and descriptions , tutorials , workshops , book exhibits , and social events . the four days of the conference will also facilitate gatherings of the special interest groups on topics ranging from interlinguas and ontologies , lexicons , standards and data exchange , mt on pcs , and mt evaluation . the overall intent of the conference is to bring together mt developers , researchers , and users , to share the latest information on mt and to forge partnerships for addressing the challenge of language barriers that impede communication on the information highway . participation by members of amta 's sister organizations in europe and asia is strongly encouraged . invited talks and panel discussions will highlight topical and controversial questions , encouraging lively interactions , as they did at past conferences . in the theory sessions , technical papers will address a wide range of topics , while in practical sessions , the problems of developing and bringing mt systems to market or intergrating mt technology into the workplace will be discussed . in addition , booths can be rented to display systems and products . conference organizers general chair : eduard hovy , usc information sciences institute program chairs : david farwell , crl , new mexico state university laurie gerber , systran software , inc . ( san diego ) local arrangements chair : martha palmer , university of pennsylvania amta-98 : paper and system description / demonstration submissions . authors / system developers are invited to submit three kinds of presentations : 1 . theoretical papers : unpublished papers are requested about original work on all aspects of machine translation . however , given the theme of this year 's conference , special consideration will be given to papers which address advances in multilingual language and information technologies which have a potential impact on machine translation . papers should be in english , not longer than 10 pages , with minimum character font size of 11 pt . 2 . system descriptions with optional system demonstrations : approx . 25 minutes will be allocated per system description / demo . submissions should be in english , not longer than 4 pages . if a system demonstration is included , please provide the following information : - hardware platform , - operating system , - name and contact information of system operations specialist . 3 . studies of users experiences with implementing mt or testing its applicability to some task . users and marketing consultants are especially welcome to submit . studies should be in english , not longer than 8 pages , with minimum character font size of 11 pt . first page : all types of submission should include a separate title page with the following information : - paper title , - author ( s ) ' name ( s ) , address ( es ) , telephone and fax numbers , email address ( es ) , - one-paragraph abstract , - for theoretical papers : subject area keyword ( s ) for user studies : the words "" user study "" for system descriptions / demos : the words "" system description / demo "" . submissions are due at address below on june 1 , 1998 . authors will be notified of acceptance on july 15 , 1998 . final copies of papers are due on august 31 , 1998 . softcopy submissions ( papers that do not print will be returned to the author ) : email address : david @ crl . nmsu . edu subject line : amta-98 submission paper encoding : - ascii plain text - microsoft word ( rtf format ) - postscript hardcopy submissions ( please send four ( 4 ) copies ) : amta-98 : david farwell computing research laboratory box 30001 / 3crl new mexico state university las cruces , nm 88003 usa amta-98 : tutorial and workshop submissions . proposals for tutorials and workshops are also welcome at this time for topics of direct interest and impact for mt researchers , developers , vendors or users of mt technologies . approx . 3 hours will be allocated per tutorial . approx . 7 hours may be allocated per workshop . please state the topic ( s ) to be addressed , the rationale for addressing it and the structure of the activities . submissions should be in english and not longer than 4 pages . please submit proposals as soon as possible to david farwell at the address above . proposals must be submitted on or before april 3 , 1998 . for general conference information and further details as it becomes available , visit : http : / / www . isi . edu / natural-language / amta98 . html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eduard hovy email : hovy @ isi . edu usc information sciences institute tel : 310-822 - 1511 ext 731 4676 admiralty way fax : 310-823 - 6714 marina del rey , ca 90292-6695 project homepage : http : / / www . isi . edu / natural-language / nlp-at - isi . html " 0 +Subject: chicago linguistic society 's 34th annual meeting chicago linguistic society 34th annual meeting will be held april 17-19 , 1998 at the law school of the university of chicago invited speakers include : april 17 : main session : david dowty the status of constraints panel : jerrold sadock , john mccarthy april 18 : main session : diana archangeli chiphon 98 - acquisition of spoken language panel : peter jusczyk , james flege , robert port april 19 : acquisition and the lexicon panel : terry regier , david pisoni and stefan frisch , joan bybee registration begins at 8 : 30 am at the law school on friday , april 17th . persons with disabilities who believe they may need assistance , please contact cls in advance ( 773-702 - 8529 ) . cls 33 volumes are now available . copies will be on sale at the conference or can be ordered through the mail . for more information and a copy of the schedule for cls 34 , please see our website : http : / / humanities . uchicago . edu / humanities / cls / 0 +Subject: non - profit linguistic web site the web site linguistic enterprises is now available at http : / / web . gc . cuny . edu / dept / lingu / enter / this is a non-profit site that aims to help academically trained linguists find private sector employment . it offers down-to - earth advice , how-to information , and an opportunity to discuss prospects and problems with others who have found work or are seeking it . one section of the site is designed to match those wanting linguistic jobs in the private sector with companies looking to hire language specialists . the site is maintained by the ph . d . program in linguistics at the graduate school , city university of new york , in conjunction with the linguistic society of america . please tell others about this forum . if you know of potential employers please encourage them to post opportunities for linguists . if you ' re looking for a job , please post your resume to the site . thank you , janet dean fodor , professor , ph . d . program in linguistics , graduate center , cuny president , linguistic society of america steve hoenisch web developer www . criticism . com shoenish @ interport . net p . o . box 3289 new york , ny 10163-3289 0 +"Subject: nwav ( e ) 27 initial call for papers nwav ( e ) 27 new ways of analyzing variation ( in english and other languages ) nwav ( e ) 27 will be held oct . 1 - 4 , 1998 , in athens , ga , at the georgia center for continuing education of the university of georgia . plenary speakers will include william labov and salikoko mufwene , and the program will include both workshops and separate papers according to standard practice for the meeting . there will also be a poster session . in the two days preceding nwav ( e ) 27 , september 29 and 30 , there will be a state-of - the-art conference on african american vernacular english , hosted by professor sonja lanehart , called "" sociocultural and historical contexts of african american vernacular english "" . this meeting will feature invited presentations by 14 leading scholars in the field . abstracts abstracts are invited in all areas of language variation studies , both synchronic and diachronic , for both 20 - minute presentations and for posters . abstracts will be refereed anonymously . the abstract deadline is june 15 , 1998 ; notification is expected by august 1 . international participants who require certification of participation at an earlier date , to apply for travel funding , should contact the organizers as soon as possible . abstracts should be submitted in two parts . the first part should include the full title and the abstract text of no more than 500 words including bibliography ( i . e . to fit on a single page in appropriate format ) . the author 's name ( s ) should not appear in the text of the abstract or title . the second part should give the full title of the submission and the author 's name ( s ) , with address , e-mail , fax , and phone numbers . please indicate whether you wish your abstract to be considered for presentation , for a poster , or for either . abstracts may be submitted by e-mail ( preferred ) as an ascii message containing both parts of the abstract ( no attachments , please ) . alternatively , authors may send a fully formatted hard copy of the abstract ( six copies of the abstract , and one copy of the separate identification page ) , plus a diskette containing the text file , to the organizers via regular mail . send e-mail abstracts to : nwave27 @ linguistics . uga . edu . send regular mail abstracts to : bill kretzschmar , nwav ( e ) 27 , linguistics program , university of georgia , athens , ga 30602-6205 . if your mail service requires a building name or street name , add "" park hall , baldwin street "" to the address . a web site for nwav ( e ) 27 has been established at http : / / www . linguistics . uga . edu / nwave27 . additional information will posted there as it becomes available . " 0 +Subject: language & cognition lectures the blackwell / maryland lectures in language & cognition may 18-20 , 1998 university of maryland the atrium , adele h . stamp student union 2 - 5 pm presenting the best of contemporary research and debate on language and its ties with cognitive science . these lectures , sponsored by blackwell publishers , will be delivered every other year at the university of maryland , college park . the development of language , lectures by david lightfoot may 18 - marx , darwin & the 19th century linguists may 19 - 20th century historicism may 20 - children as cue - based learners for more information please contact the university of maryland linguistics department at : 301-405 - 7002 0 +Subject: punctuation have just come across your mailing on the 12 may re : punctuation . there is an email punctuation discussion group . the subscription address is ( as far as i can remember ) : punct-l @ milwaukee . tec . wi . us hope that this is of some use . caroline ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ caroline ann leathem ~ ~ msc . in speech and language processing ~ ~ edinburgh university ~ ~ ~ ~ email : cleathem @ ling . ed . ac . uk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 +Subject: info dear ion , i am very happy to have found you . i had no idea so many people also = share this interest in figurative language . i find this very exciting = because it 's the language i work in . the operational language of = computers is binary . the operational language of the human mind is = pictures . i use psychotherapy called metaphor therapy that takes all = figurative statements and treats them literally . if you take an = interest in figurative speech , i thought you might like to know more = about this . it 's an approach that looks for the figures in figurative = speech and uses them to heal or dissolve persistent uncomfortable = feelings . the figures of speech that salt out language reflect the inner figures = of the subconscious mind . so , for example , if someone says there 's a = cloud over his or her head , in the subconscious mind there is a cloud . = the cloud feels real internally because the subconscious mind accepts = what it sees as real ( that 's why dreams appear real when the conscious = mind is turned off during sleep ) . = 20 this is important because it 's the key to the inner mind . treating the = figures ( pictures ) as real opens up the subconscious mind because it = accepted the images as real to begin with . these figures and images = reflect our inner world and bring fascinating information to the = surface . working within the realm of a person 's own symbolic = representation of their problem or issue facilitates profound change . = using words that go to the core of our thinking and feelings helps to = change behavior , decisions and choices . = 20 there is a strong connection between figurative language and healing . = that understanding has produced a new verbal technology for entering the = control center of the mind and healing the psyche . it uses the figures = in language to go to the root of the psyche , where thoughts , feelings = and decisions originate . affecting change from this vantagepoint = produces greater satisfaction in personal life and professional = performance . productivity is , above all , a state of mind ; so we can never = underestimate the power of the mind in affecting all realms of health = and happiness . to best gain an improved control of life , we go to the = control center where thoughts and feelings begin . thoughts and feelings = come to conscious awareness without any effort on our part and they come = directly from the conscious mind . the language of the subconscious is = neither english nor japanese , but pictures and images . metaphor therapy is a unique , innovate approach that speaks the same = operational language as the inner mind . the subconscious mind is not = only the very foundation of our ego , thinking and emotions ; it is also = where most depression , anxiety , eating and compulsive disorders , = phobias , obsessive thoughts , urges and unwanted behavior originate . = while this was already known , what 's new is the understanding that = behind each of these symptoms are persistent uncomfortable feelings . what is also new is the ability to speak a therapeutic picture-language = that goes to the inner mind where obstacles begin , and use these = uncomfortable feelings as a trail that leads to the root of almost any = problem . change occurring at the root is always more dynamic than = change at the surface and leads to outward changes , as well . inner = healing promotes outward change , more control and a stronger mind . going directly into the control center of the mind has an added benefit = of recapturing the wholeness and innate strength we were born with . it = is natural that in the course of growing up we lose parts of self as we = adjust to the demands of the world . as children , we may be subject to = abuse , neglect or trauma . our spirit may be broken or bruised along the = way , but we conform and put our feelings aside . as adults , if we ' re = caught in a life threatening situation where death appears imminent , it = takes even more out of us if the ego dissociates just prior to the = event . shutting down as a way of avoiding the event or the feelings = that go with it , the ego goes somewhere else as a way of not letting it = happen . when qualities and characteristics of self are lost , it leaves = a vague , lingering feeling that something is missing . recovering the missing fragments of self and restoring them is not = esoteric nonsense . it is a concrete discipline based on recent = advancements that permit direct access to our inner mind . speaking the = language of the inner mind affords the best opportunity for healing to = occur . restoration of self dissolves a great many negative feelings , and = makes the mind clearer and the will stronger . metaphor therapy = unleashes the strong , innate power within by using the mind 's ability to heal itself , and creates a base of = self-confidence that is genuine and lasting . = 20 i want to get the word out about metaphor therapy . since this may be = some real hope for some people , please share this letter with others . = as for my part , i would be happy to give you any specific information = about the approach or answer any questions you may have . also , if you 'd = like some examples of healings that were accomplished with the use of = figurative language , please let me know . my best , = 20 = 20 drs www . angelfire . com / ak / drsiegel 1 +Subject: data from : coffee @ northcoastcoffee . com to : date : thu , 07 jan 1999 13 : 55 : 18 pst subject : your free coffee grinder ! reply to remove @ northcoastcoffee . com to remove yourself from our mailing list ( no message or subject necessary ) dear fellow coffee drinker , if you ' ve ever tasted coffee made from beans that were roasted only a few days before , you know what i ' m talking about . we believe that one of life 's simple pleasures is a cup of good coffee . truly great coffee comes from coffee beans ground only moments before being brewed . that 's why north coast coffee would like to give you a free caf mill coffee grinder just for trying our exceptional coffees . here at north coast coffee , we roast your coffee when you order it and not before ! orders that are placed are collected and combined with other orders , and each morning the specific coffees that are needed for that day are roasted . the caf mill coffee grinder has a 1 year warranty and normally retails for $ 25 . it is absolutely free when you join mike 's coffee crew and purchase 2 pounds of the freshest coffee you have ever tasted . to get your free caf mill coffee grinder , go to http : / / www . northcoastcoffee . com / ccrew . htm and look at mike 's coffee crew page . it 's easy to order and within a few days , you ' ll be having fun grinding your own coffee beans and enjoying the best coffee you have ever tasted ! coffee from north coast is not expensive ! for example , columbia supremo is only $ 7 . 50 a pound and guatemalan antigua is $ 7 . 75 per pound . if you like the great flavor of african coffees , look at our kenya aa for $ 12 . 50 a pound and tanzanian peaberry for $ 10 . 00 per pound . becoming part of mike 's coffee crew costs nothing . there are no fees and no commitments that you have to make . when you buy your first 2 pounds of coffee , we ' ll send you the grinder and it is yours to keep , even if you quit after your very first shipment of coffee . how can we make such an offer ? it 's easy . this is great coffee , at a great price and we think that once you try it , you ' re really going to like it . in fact , we think that you ' ll like it so much , you ' ll want to tell your coffee loving friends . sorry ! - - coffee as fresh as north coast 's can't be found in any grocery store nor even at most coffee shops . coffee shops have to stock their coffee for the people that shop for it and that means it sits in their stores for weeks , sometimes even longer ! at north coast coffee , we roast your coffee when you order it and not before ! great coffee is fresh roasted coffee . the freshest coffee ( unless you roast it yourself ) is north coast coffee . so get your free grinder today ! click on http : / / www . northcoastcoffee . com / ccrew . htm and soon you ' ll be drinking the best coffee you have ever tasted ! michael shaffer coffee lover and president north coast coffee company 1 +"Subject: lrec workshop announcement provisional programme and call for participation towards a european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech . a workshop jointly organised by the european network of excellence in language and speech elsnet and the ec language engineering-4 project else to be held on wednesday may 27 , 9 : 00-13 : 00 at the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain right now , a generic framework for semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation of speech and nlp systems does not exist in europe . when confronted to a choice , developers and users prefer to ask the opinion of local experts as any other way of processing is either unrealistic or too costly . the le - 4 project else aims at providing developers with a generic strategy and definition of the primary building blocks needed to implement a semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation scheme . prominent speakers from field the have been invited to present papers addressing motivation , advantages , but also problems in connection with the implementation of such an evaluation scheme at an international scale . provisional programme : 09 : 00 opening ( joseph mariani , steven krauwer ) 09 : 05 confirmed presentations : "" the darpa experience "" ( charles wayne ) "" ethology and sociology of evaluation "" ( lynette hirschman ) "" the aupelf experience "" ( joseph mariani ) "" experience in grace tagging evaluation "" ( patrick paroubek ) "" experience in bilingual text alignment evaluation "" ( jean veronis ) "" best practice and evaluation "" ( ole bernsen / laila dybkjaer ) "" confidence measures and evaluation "" ( lin chase ) "" evaluation within eagles "" ( maghi king ) "" technology vs user - evaluation "" ( marc blasband ) "" organising parser evaluation "" ( richard sutcliffe ) "" evaluation for better products "" ( christian dugast ) "" resources for evaluation "" ( mark liberman ) "" the else project "" ( patrick paroubek ) 12 : 00 panel and discussion ( rob gaizauskas , moderator ) 13 : 00 closing the selected topics include the multilingual nature of evaluation , lessons from the past ( in europe and the us ) , and the need for language resources . at the workshop the first intermediate results of the else project will be presented and discussed . this call serves to invite interested parties to active participation in the workshop . during the workshop , ample opportunity will be provided for the participants to react to the presentation of the else project , and to the talks by the invited speakers . furthermore participants will be given the opportunity to give brief position statements . the workshop is very timely as it takes place when the ec 's 5th framework programme is taking shape . it is clear that the availability of a european evaluation infrastucture can be an important factor in european r&d activities , and that it can only be successful if it is organized and implemented on a european scale . programme committee the workshop is coorganized by elsnet and else . the programme committee will consist of the participants in the else le - 4 project : niels ole bernsen jean - pierre chanod khalid choukri robert gaizauskas steven krauwer isabelle de lamberterie joseph mariani klaus netter patrick paroubek martin rajman antonio zampolli contact steven krauwer trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , the netherlands phone : + 31 30 253 6050 fax : + 31 30 253 6000 email : steven . krauwer @ let . ruu . nl registration information for lrec and pre and post conference workshops conference the registration fees will be 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) per participant , with reduced fees of 20 . 000 pesetas ( about 120 ecu ) for early registration by march 9 , 1998 , and 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) for students . the fees cover the following services : a copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . for accompanying persons , the social dinner will be 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) . pre conference workshops pre conference workshops are 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec and 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec , and include a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and a coffee break . post conference workshop the 2 - day post conference workshop is 10 , 000 pesetas for those attending lrec and 20 , 000 pesetas for those not attending lrec , and includes a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and coffee breaks . registration willbe made only for those persons who have been invited to participate by the organizers . advance registration payment can be made using the registration forms below . registration can be made on-site and must be paid in cash , using pesetas . registration forms first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain , 28-30 may 1998 e-mail or fax to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain , tel + 34 58 24 41 00 , fax + 34 58 24 41 04 , reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ registration payment form registration fees full participant * after march 9 , 1998 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ student * 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * registration fees include one copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . social dinner for accompanying persons 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pre conference workshops , may 26 - 27 , 1998 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec please indicate the workshops you plan to attend ( x ) _ _ _ _ _ "" linguistic coreference "" may 26 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" adapting lexical and corpus resources to sublanguages and applications "" may 26 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" the evaluation of parsing systems "" may 26 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" minimizing the effort for language resource acquisition "" may 26 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" towards an open european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech "" may 27 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" language resources for european minority languages "" may 27 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" speech database development for central and eastern europeanlanguages "" may 27 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" distributing and accessing linguistic resources "" may 27 , afternoon session total number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 5 , 000 ( if attending lrec ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 10 , 000 ( if not attending lrec ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ post conference workshop , may 31 - june 1 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "" translingual information management : current levels and future abilities "" * register only if you have been asked to participate and have confirmed with the organizers 10 , 000 ( if attending lrec ) 20 , 000 ( if not attending lrec ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ grand total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method of payment you may pay by credit card ( visa , mastercard or eurocard only ; we cannot accept american express , diners club , etc . ) . you may also pay by banker 's cheque , bank transfer or by eurocheque . all payments must be in spanish pesetas . if payment is by banker 's cheque , bank transfer or by eurocheque , please send it by regular mail . if payment is by credit card , it may be faxed . please do not e-mail credit card numbers , as we cannot guarantee the security of our e-mail system , and because we require signatures . please indicate ( x ) one of the following four payment options : a ) _ _ _ _ i enclose a banker 's cheque in spanish pesetas payable to "" first international conference on language resources and evaluation "" . b ) _ _ _ _ i have transferred the full fees by bank transfer to your account at : banco central hispano , c / recogidas , 13 , 18002 granada . account name : first international conference on language resources and evaluation . account number : 0049 - 0372 - 18 - 2210856078 . i have told my bank to charge me / us with all bank charges so that "" first international conference on language resources and evaluation "" will receive the full fees . i enclose a copy of the bank transferpapers with the person ( s ) name written on the transfer . c ) _ _ _ _ please debit my visa / mastercard / eurocard account : amount : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ card no : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid from : _ _ _ / _ _ _ to _ _ _ / _ _ _ ( as printed on your card ) cardholder 's name and address : last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ street address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature as on card : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ credit card charges will be processed in spanish pesetas . d ) _ _ _ _ i enclose eurocheque ( s ) for the full fees . i have written my eurocheque number on the back of each eurocheque . mail or fax to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es + 34 58 24 41 04 fax visit our website for further information http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html conference addresses the conference chair is antonio zampolli ( istituto di linguistica computazionale del cnr and president of elra ) . antonio zampolli - lrec istituto di linguistica computazionale del cnr via della faggiola , 32 56126 pisa , italy + 39 50 560 481 tel . + 39 50 555 013 fax pisa @ ilc . pi . cnr . it the secretariat of the conference , who will provide general information on the conference , is : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain + 34 58 24 41 00 tel . + 34 58 24 41 04 fax reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es conference program committee harald hoege , siemens , munich , germany bente maegaard , cst , copenhagen , denmark joseph mariani , limsi-cnrs , orsay , france angel martin municio , president of the real academia de ciencias , madrid , spain antonio zampolli , istituto di linguistica computazionale , pisa , italy exhibition an exhibition will be organised by elra . this exhibition is open to companies and projects wishing to promote , present and demonstrate their language resources products and prototypes to the wide range of experts and representatives from all over the world participating in the conference . for more information on this , please contact the elda office on elra-elda @ calva . net . elra for more information about elra ( the european language resources association ) , please contact : khalid choukri , elra ceo 55-57 , rue brillat savarin f - 75013 paris , france tel . + 33 1 43 13 33 33 fax . + 33 1 43 13 33 39 e - mail : elra @ calva . net web : http : / / www . icp . grenet . fr / elra / home . html " 0 +Subject: facial information processing call for papers pragmatics & cognition announces a special issue on facial information processing : a multidisciplinary perspective guest editors itiel e . dror and sarah v . stevenage in many senses , faces are at the center of human interaction . at a very basic level , faces indicate identity . however , faces are remarkably rich information carriers . for example , facial gestures may be used as means of conveying intentions . faces may also permit a direct glimpse into the person 's inner self ( by unintentionally revealing , for example , aspects of character or mood ) . given their salient role , the processing of the information conveyed by faces and its integration with other sources of interactional information raise important issues in cognition and pragmatics . research on facial information processing has investigated these ( and other ) issues utilizing a variety of approaches and methodologies , and developments in both computer and cognitive sciences have recently carried this research forward . the emerging picture is that there are cognitive subsystems which specialize in different aspects of facial processing . this has been supported by neuropsychological evidence suggesting that brain damaged patients show dissociations between the different aspects of face processing . in addition , research on the development of facial processing abilities , and on aspects of the face itself which affect these processing abilities , has contributed to our understanding of how facial information is perceived . this special issue of pragmatics and cognition is intended to provide a common forum for a variety of the topics currently under investigation . given the breadth of issues and approaches used to investigate faces , we encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines . our aim is that this special issue will tie together the diverse research on faces , and show their links and interdependencies . deadline for submission : august 1 , 1998 editorial decisions : november 1 , 1998 revised papers due : february 1 , 1999 expected publication : october 1999 papers should be submitted according to the guidelines of the journal ( see www url : http : / / www . cogsci . soton . ac . uk / ~ dror / guideline . html ) . all submissions will be peer reviewed . please send five copies of your submission either to : dr . itiel dror ( dror @ coglab . psy . soton . ac . uk ) or : dr . sarah stevenage ( svs1 @ soton . ac . uk ) dept . of psychology southampton university highfield , southampton so17 1bj england for additional and updated information see www url : http : / / www . cogsci . soton . ac . uk / ~ dror / faces . html or contact either of the guest editors . 0 +Subject: reminder : mental lexicon conference deadline first international conference on the mental lexicon edmonton , canada , september 3 - 5 , 1998 * reminder * the deadline for abstract submission is monday , april 6 , 1998 . for details concerning the conference , please check our web page at http : / / www . ualberta . ca / ~ linguis / lexiconf . html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - roberto g . de almeida roberto @ gpu . srv . ualberta . ca department of linguistics almeida @ ruccs . rutgers . edu university of alberta phones ( 403 ) 492-0805 ( office ) edmonton , alberta ( 403 ) 492-5952 ( lab ) canada t6g 2e7 fax ( 403 ) 492-0806 0 +"Subject: linguistics association of great britain linguistics association of great britain spring meeting 1998 , lancaster university programme and booking form programme : tuesday 14 april 1998 1 . 00 lunch 2 . 00 linguistics association lecture 1998 professor frederick j . newmeyer ( university of seattle ) ' formal linguistics and functional explanations : bridging the gap ' 3 . 30 tea 4 . 00 workshop on formalism , functionalism and typology convenor : dr . william croft ( university of manchester ) , with professor frederick j . newmeyer , professor anna siewierska and dr . simon kirby 6 . 30 dinner 7 . 45 workshop continues 9 . 00 wine party wednesday 15 april 1998 session a 9 . 00 anna papafragou ( ucl ) "" another look at short-circuited implicatures "" 9 . 40 richard breheny ( ucl ) "" strongest meaning observations "" 10 . 20 corinne iten ( ucl ) "" concessive conjunction : a procedural account of although "" session b 9 . 00 james hurford ( edinburgh ) "" why linguists should study the evolution of language "" 9 . 40 marisa lohr ( cambridge ) "" genetic classification and biological methodology "" 10 . 20 iraide ibarretxe - antunano ( edinburgh ) "" is metaphor the only explanation for semantic change ? "" session c 9 . 00 adam przepiorkowski ( tubingen ) "" do so and lexical theories of passivisation "" 9 . 40 peter sells ( stanford ) "" japanese postposing involves no movement "" 10 . 20 kook - hee gill ( edinburgh ) "" long - distance binding in korean : a lexicalist perspective "" 11 . 00 coffee 11 . 30 language tutorial : quechua professor pieter muysken ( university of amsterdam ) 1 . 00 lunch session a 2 . 00 david adger & george tsoulas ( york ) "" choice sets in syntactic theory "" 2 . 40 elizabeth mccoy ( york ) "" word order in irish non-finite clauses and the visibility of functional heads "" 3 . 20 nick sobin ( ualr ) "" the comp - trace effect , the adverb effect , and minimal structure "" session b 2 . 00 ludovica serratrice ( edinburgh ) "" access to functional categories : evidence from bilingual to first language acquisition "" 2 . 40 janig stephens ( cardiff ) "" the language development of a child with a cochlear implant "" 3 . 20 eva eppler ( lancaster & ucl ) "" mixed and scrambled subordinations "" session c 2 . 00 nikolas gisborne ( hong kong ) "" force dynamics and the modality of sound - class verbs "" 2 . 40 seiko ayano ( durham & mie ) "" the [ + state ] / [ - state ] ambiguity of the desiderative complex in japanese "" 3 . 20 william mcgregor & xiaokang zhou ( leuven & melbourne ) "" verbal classification in mandarin chinese "" 4 . 00 tea 4 . 30 annual general meeting 5 . 30 language tutorial continues 6 . 30 dinner 7 . 45 language tutorial continues thursday 16 april 1998 session a 9 . 00 joan rafel ( girona ) "" clausal small clauses "" 9 . 40 odile e . cyrille ( salford ) "" inversion in french interrogatives and que questions "" 10 . 20 masayoshi amano ( nagoya ) "" on the licensing condition of pro in nominal adjectives "" session b 9 . 00 jasper holmes ( ucl ) "" resultatives : a semantic analysis "" 9 . 40 richard hudson ( ucl ) "" english subject-verb agreement "" 10 . 20 and rosta ( central lancashire ) "" the syntactic characteristics of interrogative clauses "" session c 9 . 00 dunstan brown ( surrey ) and tore nesset ( tromso ) "" structuring grammatical categories : the place of ` sub-case ' "" 9 . 40 diane nelson ( leeds ) "" universal constraints on inflectional morphology : the importance of nonsyntactic features in the mongolian past tense "" 10 . 20 patrick honeybone ( newcastle ) "" constraint creation and gothic reduplication "" 11 . 00 coffee session a 11 . 30 robert d . borsley ( bangor ) "" weak auxiliaries , compound verbs and inflected complementizers in polish "" session b 11 . 30 shu - ming chen ( essex ) "" an ot analysis of mandarin third tone sandhi "" 12 . 10 raising public awareness of language : ` the world of language ' project roger bowers 1 . 00 lunch session a 2 . 00 stella markantonatou ( ntua & cyprus ) and bjarne oersnes ( copenhagen ) "" group adjectives are not disguised arguments ; they are plain adjectives ! "" 2 . 40 noel burton - roberts ( newcastle ) "" phonology in ug ? "" [ 55 - minute slot - ends 3 . 35 ] session b 2 . 00 alastair butler ( york ) "" comparatives and kratzer 's predicate distinction "" session c 2 . 00 anna siewierska ( lancaster ) "" from pronoun to agreement marker : why objects do n't make it "" 3 . 40 tea and close booking form : ( all amounts are in uk pounds ) please return , with payment , by friday 27 march to : melanie sharratt , lagb 1998 , linguistics dept , lancaster university , lancaster la1 4yt . cheques payable to "" lancaster university "" . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . institution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address for this mailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e-mail address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i enclose remittance as indicated ( select appropriate package ) : 1 . complete conference package ( en suite room ) : ( a ) including tuesday lunch preceding workshop ( i ) if sent to arrive before 27 march ukp 134-60 ukp _ _ _ ( ii ) if sent to arrive after 27 march ukp 149-56 ukp _ _ _ b ) excluding tuesday lunch ( i ) if sent to arrive before 27 march ukp 126-02 ukp _ _ _ _ ( ii ) if sent to arrive after 27 march ukp 140-02 ukp _ _ _ _ ( c ) surcharge for non-members , ukp 5-00 ukp _ _ _ _ total : ukp _ _ _ _ 2 . selected items ( en suite room ) : ( a ) conference fee ( obligatory ) ukp 15-00 ukp 15-00 ( b ) tuesday lunch ukp 9-54 ( c ) tuesday dinner ukp 14-81 ( d ) b&b tuesday / wednesday ukp 38-16 ( e ) wednesday lunch ukp 9-54 ( f ) wednesday dinner ukp 14-81 ( g ) b&b wednesday / thursrday ukp 38-16 ( h ) thursday lunch ukp 9-54 sub-total : ukp _ _ _ _ deduct 10 % if sent to arrive before 27 march ( i ) surcharge for non-members , ukp 5-00 ukp _ _ _ _ total : ukp _ _ _ _ 3 . complete conference package ( standard room ) : ( a ) including tuesday lunch preceding workshop ( i ) if sent to arrive before 27 march ukp 120-40 ukp _ _ _ _ ( ii ) if sent to arrive after 27 march ukp 133-78 ukp _ _ _ _ ( b ) excluding tuesday lunch ( i ) if sent to arrive before 27 march ukp 111-82 ukp _ _ _ _ ( ii ) if sent to arrive after 27 march ukp 124-24 ukp _ _ _ _ ( c ) surcharge for non-members , 5-00 ukp _ _ _ _ total : ukp _ _ _ _ 4 . selected items ( standard room ) : ( a ) conference fee ( obligatory ) ukp 15-00 ukp 15-00 ( b ) tuesday lunch ukp 9-54 ( c ) tuesday dinner ukp 14-81 ( d ) b&b tuesday / wednesday ukp 30-27 ( e ) wednesday lunch ukp 9-54 ( f ) wednesday dinner ukp 14-81 ( g ) b&b wednesday / thursrday ukp 30-27 ( h ) thursday lunch ukp 9-54 sub-total : ukp _ _ _ _ deduct 10 % if sent to arrive before 27 march ( i ) surcharge for non-members , ukp 5-00 ukp _ _ _ _ total : ukp _ _ _ _ 5 . abstracts only , for those not attending : ukp 5-00 uk . . . . . . ukp 6-00 overseas . . . . . . . please tick to receive abstracts with your booking receipt . . . . . . . . . . . . please tick if you would like vegetarian food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . other special requirements ( e . g . diet , accommodation ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 0 +Subject: wac4 world archaeology congress 4 cape town : 10 - 14 january 1999 theme : global archaeology at the turn of the millennium wac , the world archaeology congress , was inaugurated at its first congress in southampton in 1986 , and last met in new delhi in 1994 . its conferences and inter-congresses have continued to develop the global dimension of archaeology and the social role that archaeologists play as interpreters of the past . we expect more than a thousand delegates in cape town , and we are planning an exciting and stimulating programme that will do justice to the turn of the millennium . it is appropriate that wac4 should be held in south africa . the world archaeology congress was formed in opposition to apartheid , highlighting the relationship between the study of the past and the politics of the present . south africa 's first democratic elections in 1994 ended a long , bitter era and archaeologists here are now free to be part of a world community of scholarship . the academic programme of the congress will be organised around symposia . these will be half-day , full-day or running themes , each organised by a symposium convenor . papers will be available electronically to registered delegates prior to the congress , and full details of the programme will be posted on our website as they become available . the congress will be structured around three broad themes : time ; archaeology in a global context , and the future . this will provide a rich vein of intellectual stimulation , offering a truly global perspective on a discipline that has stimulated and satisfied many for well over a century . if you would like to attend the congress , please visit our website ( url below ) and register electronically , or complete the registration form in the second announcement which will be mailed shortly . should you wish to deliver a paper , organise a symposium or workshop , present a poster or screen a film on an archaeological topic , demonstrate an archaeology-related computer program or multimedia product , or rent exhibition space at the congress , please contact the congress secretariat : contact : carolyn ackermann wac4 congress secretariat address : po box 44503 claremont 7735 south africa telephone : + 27 ( 21 ) 762 8600 fax : + 27 ( 21 ) 762 8606 e-mail : wac4 @ globalconf . co . za website : http : / / www . uct . ac . za / depts / age / wac important dates : 30 april 1998 : closing date for submission of abstracts and symposium convenor 's packages with deposits where appropriate . 31 july 1998 : preliminary programme to be mailed . applicants to be notified of acceptance of abstracts / symposia . 15 november 1998 : papers to be made available on the congress website . 0 +"Subject: judicial judgments - child support - investigator - ( 11116 ) thank you for your interest in our training course ! ! success courses offers an extensive audio training course in "" how to collect judicial judgments "" . if you are like many people , you are not even sure what a judicial judgment is and why processing judicial judgments can earn you very substantial income . if you ever sue a company or a person and you win then you will have a judicial judgment against them . you are happy you won but you will soon find out the shocking fact : "" its now up to you to collect on the judgment "" . the court does not require the loser to pay you . the court will not even help you . you must trace the loser down , find their assets , their employment , bank accounts , real estate , stocks and bonds , etc . very few people know how to find these assets or what to do when they are found . the result is that millions of judgments are just sitting in files and being forgotten . "" in 79 % of the cases the winner of a judgment never sees a dime . "" the non-payment of judicial debt has grown to epidemic proportions . right now in the united states there is between 200 and 300 billion dollars of uncollected judicial judgment debt . for every judgment that is paid , 5 more judgments take its place . we identified this massive market 4 years ago and have actively pursued judicial judgments since . we invented this business . we have perfected it into a well proven and solid profession in which only a select few will be trained in the techniques necessary to succeed . with our first hand experience we have built a course which teaches you how to start your business in this new unknown and exciting field of processing judicial judgments . by following the steps laid out in our course and with reasonable effort you can become very successful in the processing of judicial judgments . the income potential is substantial in this profession . we have associates who have taken our course and are now working full time making $ 96 , 000 . 00 to over $ 200 , 000 . 00 per year . part time associates are earning between $ 24 , 000 . 00 and $ 100 , 000 . 00 per year . some choose to operate out of their home and work by themselves . others build a sizable organization of 15 to 25 people in attractive business offices . today success courses and our associates have over 632 million dollars in judicial judgments that we are currently processing . of this 632 million , 36 million is in the form of joint ventures between our firm and our associates . joint ventures are where we make our money . we only break even when our course is purchased . we make a 12 % margin on the reports we supply to our associates . our reporting capability is so extensive that government agencies , police officers , attorneys , credit agencies etc . , all come to us for reports . many of our associates already have real estate liens in force of between 5 million to over 15 million dollars . legally this means that when the properties are sold or refinanced our associate must be paid off . the norm is 10 % interest compounded annually on unpaid judicial judgments . annual interest on 5 million at 10 % translates to $ 500 , 000 . 00 annually in interest income , not counting the payment of the principal . our associates earn half of this amount or $ 250 , 000 . 00 per year . this is just for interest , not counting principle and not counting the compounding of the interest which can add substantial additional income . typically companies are sold for 10 times earnings . just based on simple interest an associate with 5 million in real estate liens could sell their business for approximately 2 . 5 million dollars . 92 % of all of our associates work out of their home ; 43 % are women and 36 % are part time . one of the benefits of working in this field is that you are not under any kind of time frame . if you decide to take off for a month on vacation then go . the judgments you are working on will be there when you return . the judgments are still in force , they do not disappear . the way we train you is non-confrontational . you use your computer and telephone to do most of the processing . you never confront the debtor . the debtor does n't know who you are . you are not a collection agency . simply stated the steps to successful judicial processing are as follows : = b7 mail our recommended letter to companies and individuals with judicial judgments . ( we train you how to find out who to write to ) = b7 8 % to 11 % of the firms and people you write will call you and ask for your help . they call you , you do n't call them unless you want to . = b7 you send them an agreement ( supplied in the course ) to sign which splits every dollar you collect 50 % to you and 50 % to them . this applies no matter if the judgment is for $ 2 , 000 . 00 or $ 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 . = b7 you then go on-line to our computers to find the debtor and their assets . we offer over 120 powerful reports to assist you . they range from credit reports from all three credit bureaus , to bank account locates , employment locates , skip traces and locating stocks and bonds , etc . the prices of our reports are very low . typically 1 / 2 to 1 / 3 of what other firms charge . for example we charge $ 6 . 00 for an individuals credit report when some other companies charge $ 25 . 00 . = b7 once you find the debtor and their assets you file garnishments and liens on the assets you have located . ( standard fill in the blanks forms are included in the course ) = b7 when you receive the assets you keep 50 % and send 50 % to the original judgment holder . = b7 once the judgment is fully paid you mail a satisfaction of judgment to the court . ( included in the course ) quote 's from several of our students : thomas in area code 516 writes us : "" i just wanted to drop you a short note thanking you for your excellent course . my first week , part time , will net me 3 , 700 . 00 dollars . your professionalism in both the manual and the video opened doors for me in the future . there 's no stopping me now . recently thomas states he has over $ 8 , 500 , 000 worth of judgments he is working on . after only having this course for four months , larry s . in area code 314 stated to us : "" i am now making $ 2 , 000 . 00 per week and expect this to grow to twice this amount within the next year . i am having a ball . i have over $ 250 , 000 in judgments i am collecting on now . "" after having our course for 7 months larry s . in 314 stated "" i am now making $ 12 , 000 . 00 per month and have approximately $ 500 , 000 . 00 in judgments i am collecting on . looks like i will have to hire someone to help out "" marshal in area code 407 states to us "" i feel bad , you only charged me $ 239 . 00 for this course and it is a goldmine . i have added 3 full time people to help me after only having your course for 5 months "" > from the above information and actual results you can see why we can state the following : with our course you can own your own successful business . a business which earns you substantial income now and one which could be sold in 3 - 5 years , paying you enough to retire on and travel the world . a business which is extremely interesting to be in . a business in which every day is new and exciting . none of your days will be hum-drum . your brain is challenged . a business which protects you from corporate downsizing . a business which you can start part time from your home and later , if you so desire , you can work in full time . a business which is your ticket to freedom from others telling you what to do . a business which lets you control your own destiny . our training has made this happen for many others already . make it happen for you ! if the above sounds interesting to you then its time for you to talk to a real live human being , no cost or obligation on your part . please call us at 1-500 - 346-2083 ( this is a standard at&t long distance call discounted to 20 cents per minute from any state at any time of the day ) . we have customer support staff available to you from 7 : 00am to 7 : 00pm ( pacific time ) monday through saturday . closed sunday . if you call this number you can talk to one of our experienced customer support personnel . they can answer any questions you may have - with no obligation . sometimes we run special pricing on our courses and combinations of courses . when you call our customer support line they can let you know of any specials we may be running . if you like what you read and hear about our courses , then the customer support person can work with you to place your order . we are very low key . we merely give you the facts and you can then decide if you want to work with us or not . thank you for your time and interest . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + another internet ad campaign produced and distributed by : cyber advertising systems , ny , ny 10011 . please call cyber advertising systems at 1-800 - 409-8302 extension 1284 if you would like us to design and distribute powerful advertising for your company . success courses is pleased with the advertising we have developed for them . if you have a solid well proven product or service then we would be proud to help your company also . if you would like to be removed from cyber advertising systems mailing list then please call toll free 1-800 - 409-8302 extension 1284 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 62487 " 1 +Subject: confs : american indigenous languages ( wail ) wail ' 98 workshop on american indigenous languages university of california , santa barbara may 9-10 , 1998 the linguistics department at the university of california , santa barbara presents the first annual workshop on american indigenous languages ( wail ) . the workshop will be a forum for the discussion of theoretical and descriptive linguistic studies of indigenous languages of the americas . registration is $ 15 . further information is available at the workshop website http : / / humanitas . ucsb . edu / depts / linguistics / wail , or contact the workshop coordinator at wail @ humanitas . ucsb . edu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - workshop program friday , may 8 * * evening ( time tba ) * * welcoming reception saturday , may 9 * * early morning session ( 8 : 30 - 10 : 00 a . m . ) * * invited speaker : wallace chafe , university of california , santa barbara verbal artistry james kari , alaska native language center and dena ' inaq titaztun notes on mnemonic devices and strategy in northern athabaskan geographic names kathleen martin , university of california , santa barbara translation and analysis of a lakota woman 's story * * late morning session ( 10 : 15-11 : 45 a . m . ) * * jack b . martin , college of william and mary ' switch reference ' and temporal distance in creek matthew davidson , state university of new york , buffalo inversion in makah janne underriner , university of oregon nonconfigurationality in klamath * * keynote address ( 1 : 00 - 1 : 45 p . m . ) * * nicola bessell , university of texas , austin / university of california , santa barbara phonetic naturalness in phonology * * early afternoon session ( 2 : 00 - 3 : 30 p . m . ) * * madelaine plauche , university of california , berkeley glottalized sonorants in yowlumne ( yawelmani ) rosemary g . beam de azcona , university of california , berkeley preliminary remarks on tone in coatlan - loxicha zapotec carrie weiman , georgetown university constraint reranking in plains cree * * late afternoon session ( 3 : 30 - 5 : 15 p . m . ) * * loretta o'connor , university of california , santa barbara active case-marking in chontal david beck , university of toronto eliding the obvious : zero subjects in lushootseed pilar m . valenzuela , university of oregon the grammaticalization of the nominative case in wariapano ( panoan ) * * saturday evening * * dinner party - - all invited ! 6 : 30 - 9 : 00 p . m . , chafe / mithun residence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sunday , may 10 * * early morning session ( 9 : 00-10 : 30 a . m . ) * * invited speaker : marianne mithun , university of california , santa barbara noun and verb in possession troi carleton and rachelle waksler , san francisco state university the pronominal system of zenzontepec chatino donna gerdts , simon fraser university the double life of halkomelem suffixes * * late morning session ( 10 : 45-12 : 15 ) * * aaron broadwell , state university of new york , albany ; university of california , los angeles directionals as complex predicates in choctaw suzanne wash , university of california , santa barbara constituency and dependent marking in barbareno chumash tim thornes , university of oregon ' secondary ' verbs in northern paiute * * early afternoon session ( 1 : 30 - 3 : 00 p . m . ) * * veronica grondona , university of pittsburgh location and direction in mocovi jordan lachler , university of new mexico sense development and grammaticization of ' he ' in west virginia mingo ferdinand de haan , university of new mexico on the grammaticalization of visual evidentiality * * late afternoon session ( 3 : 15 - 4 : 45 p . m . ) * * christiane cunha de oliveira , university of oregon functions of apinaje ' o ' : a diachronic perspective heidi johnson , university of texas at austin serial verb constructions in zoque anna berge , university of california , berkeley language reacquisition in a cherokee semi-speaker : evidence from clause construction 0 +Subject: the informational complexity of learning kluwer academic publishers is proud to announce the publication of : the informational complexity of learning : perspectives on neural networks and generative grammar by partha niyogi massachusetts institute of technology among other topics , the informational complexity of learning : perspectives on neural networks and generative grammar brings together two important but very different learning problems within the same analytical framework . the first concerns the problem of learning functional mappings using neural networks , followed by learning natural language grammars in the principles and parameters tradition of chomsky . these two learning problems are seemingly very different . neural networks are real-valued , infinite-dimensional , continuous mappings . on the other hand , grammars are boolean-valued , finite-dimensional , discrete ( symbolic ) mappings . the book 's objective is to bridge this gap . it uses the formal techniques developed in statistical learning theory and theoretical computer science over the last decade to analyze both kinds of learning problems . specific results include model selection in neural networks , active learning , language learning and evolutionary models of language change . the informational complexity of learning : perspectives on neural networks and generative grammar is a very interdisciplinary work . all individuals interested in the interaction of computer science and cognitive science should enjoy the book . researchers in artificial intelligence , neural networks , linguistics , theoretical computer science , and statistics will find it particularly relevant . contents foreword . preface . 1 . introduction . 2 . generalization error for neural nets . 3 . active learning . 4 . language learning . 5 . language change . 6 . conclusions . 1998 248 pp . isbn 0-7923 - 8081 - 9 $ 98 . 00 for more information about this publication , please visit our on - line catalogue at : http : / / www . wkap . nl or you may order directly from : kluwer academic publishers 101 philip drive norwell , ma . 02061 phone : 781-871 - 6600 , fax : ( 781 ) 871-6528 , e - mail : kluwer @ wkap . com kluwer academic publishers p . o . box 322 3300 ah dordrecht , the netherlands phone 31 78 639 2392 , fax : 31 78 6546474 , e - mail : services @ wkap . nl 0 +Subject: toc oncall vol 12 no 1 on - call : the australian journal of computers and language education table of contents : volume 12 , number 1 . january 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - editorial note 1 call through the eyes of teachers and learners of asian languages : panacea or business as usual ? marilyn mcmeniman and robyn evans 2 computer mediated communication : technology for enhancing foreign language / culture education . meena singhal 10 the social dimensions of call roland sussex . 16 towards meaningful interaction in multimedia programs for language teaching . uschi felix 20 multifocal german program for beginners : progress report . kristina brazaitis 30 alsic : a new electronic journal for french . thierry chanier 41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - past issues of on - call can be found on the world wide web at http : / / www . cltr . uq . oz . au : 8000 / oncall for further details regarding on - call , send email to : on - call @ cltr . uq . oz . au 0 +Subject: new book : grammaticalization / english grammar axel huebler the expressivity of grammar grammatical devices expressing emotion across time 1998 . 23 x 15 , 5 cm . vii , 253 pages cloth dm 158 , - / approx . us $ 99 . 00 isbn 3-11 - 015780 - 2 topics in english linguistics 25 mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york on the most elementary level , expressivity has been recognized as a basic communicative function of language . however , on the advanced level of today 's linguistic theorizing , with its focus on the expression of propositions , this fact remains unexplored up to today . modifying and correcting this undue emphasis of ` objectivist ' linguistics on the intellectual dimension of language , this volume presents a ` subjectivist ' reinterpretation of central grammatical categories and constructions in emotive , non-propositional terms . moreover , instead of analysing explicit forms of expressing emotion through identifying and describing them , this volume concentrates on forms of expressivity implicit in grammatical devices , such as , e . g . , the get-passive , the present perfect and the progressive . this way , the author tackles six well-known , and partly notorious , phenomena of english grammar , examines their use in specific periods of english and , where possible , compares it with present-day english . the analysis is based on a wealth of material , including data that objectivists have worked with before . in several instances , instructive in-depth applications of this new approach to texts from old , middle , and early modern english are provided . this volume presents not only a ground-breaking contribution to the field of grammaticalization research but also to ongoing research in the development of expressivity / subjectivity as a cultural / historical phenomenon . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de this and further publications can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: web development offer . . . open immediately do you want to do business on the internet ? do you want your own personal homepage ? the barefoot web development company can fufill your every need ! super secure , reasonably priced unix hosting ? mass mailing or harvesting software ? if you need to be on the internet , then the barefoot web development company is for you ! this is not a get rich plan purcase any web site , mention you heard of us from this e-mail , and recieve $ 100 off immediately ! click here , or go to www . barefootwebs . com if you would like to be removed from this mailing list , please reply this letter with the word "" remove "" in the subject line . please pardon the intrusion . this message is sent in compliance of the new email bill section 301 . per section 301 , paragraph ( a ) ( 2 ) ( c ) of s . 1618 " 1 +"Subject: yan fu 's principles dear sir \ dear madame , i am an italian transalator . m languages are chinese and russian . i am interested in the theory of translation ( fanyi lilun ) . i would like to study yan fu and his principles "" xin , da , ya "" . where can i find materials ? is there anything about yan fu in internet ? thank you for attention . xiexie ni de bangzhu paolo galvagni , bologna , italy " 0 +Subject: labphon6 : registration reminder dear colleagues , this is just a reminder that information regarding registration for the sixth conference on laboratory phonology can be found at our web site : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / regi-info . html with all best wishes , paul carter dept of language & linguistic science university of york heslington , york . yo10 5dd tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 432660 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 432673 pgc104 @ york . ac . uk http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ pgc104 / 0 +"Subject: baby nicknames i am doing a research project on "" standard "" or "" usual "" nicknames for babies ( e . g . , pumpkin in the us mid - west , mduschen in germany and austria , and gordo in spain ) . in particular , i would like examples from lesser known languages - - especially from hunter-and - gatherer societies or horticultural ones . at present , i have over 100 names from over 50 language units ( i . e . , a regional or national expression of a language ) . for each name , i am looking for the original spelling if it is in roman alphabet , phonetic spelling and meaning if any as well as language unit . i also would appreciate as much "" framing "" information as possible : e . g . , sex of baby ( and explanation of relevant linguistic factors such as declination ) , who uses the name , when / where it is used , age of baby , how the baby gets the name , any taboos , who might know the nickname for an individual baby , address or reference or both , is the nickname a normal word in the language of the speakers ( or a non-word that does ( or does not ) follow the phonetic rules , etc . ) or a loan word , how common is the nickname ? what is your source ( ling . fieldwork , ethnographic fieldwork , you are a native of the culture , chancehearing as a tourist , etc . ) ? obviously , this is asking a lot , but even if all you have is the information asked in the preceding paragraph , it will help ! kim dammers , institute of ethnology , university of gvttingen , germany . kdammers @ hotmail . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - get your * web - based * free email at http : / / www . hotmail . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 0 +Subject: language development * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the 23nd annual boston university conference on language development call for papers november 6 , 7 and 8 , 1998 keynote speaker : peter jusczyk , johns hopkins university plenary speaker : jane grimshaw , rutgers university * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * first and second language acquisition all topics in the field of language acquisition will be fully considered , including : bilingualism literacy & narrative cognition & language neurolinguistics creoles & pidgins pragmatics discourse pre - linguistic development exceptional language signed languages input &interaction sociolinguistics language disorders speech perception & production linguistic theory ( syntax , semantics , phonology , morphology , lexicon ) abstracts submitted must represent original , unpublished research . presentations will be 20 minutes long , plus 10 minutes for questions . please submit : 1 ) six copies of an anonymous , clearly titled 450 - word summary for review ; 2 ) one copy of a 150 - word abstract for use in the conference program book if your abstract is accepted . if your paper is accepted , this abstract will be scanned into the conference handbook . no changes in title or authors will be possible after acceptance . 3 ) for each author , one copy of the information form printed at the bottom of this sheet . please include a self-addressed , stamped postcard for acknowledgment of receipt . notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent by early august . pre - registration materials and preliminary schedule will be available in late august , 1998 . all authors who present papers at the conference will be invited to contribute their papers to the proceedings volumes . those papers will be due in january , 1999 . note : all conference papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts submitted . although each abstract will be evaluated individually , we will attempt to honor requests to schedule accepted papers together in group sessions . deadline : all submissions must be received by may 15 , 1998 . send submissions to : boston university conference on language development 704 commonwealth ave . , suite 101 boston , ma 02215 u . s . a . telephone : ( 617 ) 353-3085 e-mail : langconf @ louis-xiv . bu . edu ( we regret that we cannot accept abstract submissions by fax or e-mail . ) information regarding the conference may be accessed at http : / / web . bu . edu / linguistics / applied / conference . html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * author information form ( fill out one form completely for each author ) title : topic area : audiovisual requests : full name : affiliation : current address : summer address if different , and dates : current email : summer email : current phone number : summer phone if different : * to accommodate as many papers as possible , we reserve the right to limit each submitter to one first authorship and if circumstances warrant , to limit each submitter to two papers in any authorship status . * please indicate whether , if your paper is not one of the 90 initially selected for presentation , you would be willing to be considered as an alternate . ( if you indicate that you are willing to be considered , this does not commit you to accepting alternate status if it should be offered to you . ) _ _ _ _ _ yes , consider me as an alternate if necessary _ _ _ _ _ no , please do not consider me as an alternate please indicate how you received the 1998 call for papers : _ _ _ _ email / electronic _ _ _ surface mail _ _ _ _ word of mouth please indicate how you wish to receive the 1999 call for papers : _ _ _ _ email / electronic _ _ _ surface mail _ _ _ _ both 0 +"Subject: sum : references on ' as if / though . . . ' a few weeks ago i sent out a query to ask for references about a possible difference between ' as if ' and ' as though ' constructions in english instantiated by the following . ( 1 ) tony writes as { if / though } he { were / was / is } left-handed . ( 2 ) she looked as { if / though } she { were / was } ill . i ' ve received four replies . here i would like to thank those who took time to give me information , as listed in the following . izzy ( israel ) cohen ( req-telaviv ) < izzy @ telaviv . ndsoft . com > mark campana < campana @ hawaii . edu > david houghton < dh2 @ acsu . buffalo . edu > alessandra bertocchi < bertocchi @ ecn01 . economia . unibo . it > here is a summary . izzy cohen gave a relevant part from the random house dict . the random house online dictionary 1992 contains : though idiom 4 . < as though > as if : it seemed as though the place was deserted . ironically , the same source also contains : as 9 . though : strange as it seems , it is so . so , not only does as if = as though , sometimes as = though . re : were vs . was ( vs . is ) : this is a question of whether the subjunctive should be used . the same source advises : subjunctive ( suhb jungk ' tiv ) adj . 1 . of or designating a grammatical mood typically used for subjective , doubtful , hypothetical , or grammatically subordinate statements or questions , as the mood of be in if this be treason . compare imperative ( def . 3 indicative ( def . 2 ) . n . 2 . the subjunctive mood . 3 . a verb form in the subjunctive mood . [ 1520-30 ; < ll subjunctivus = l subjunct ( us ) , ptp . of subjungere to harness , subjoin ( sub - sub - + jungere to join ) + - ivus - ive ] derived words - - sub-junc ' tive-ly , adv . usage . the subjunctive mood has largely disappeared in english . it survives , though inconsistently , in sentences with conditional clauses contrary to fact and in subordinate clauses after verbs like wish : if the house were nearer to the road , we would hear more traffic noise . i wish i were in florida . the subjunctive also occurs in subordinate that clauses after a main clause expressing recommendation , resolution , demand , etc . : we ask that each tenant take ( not takes ) responsibility for keeping the front door locked . it is important that only fresh spinach be ( not is ) used . the subjunctive occurs too in some established or idiomatic expressions : so be it . heaven help us . god rest ye merry , gentlemen . mark campana gave his intuition : i do n't have any references on your question per se , but my intuitions tell me that ' as though ' can imply a feeling of suspicion - i . e . that [ the subject ] is trying to be something that s / he is not . this intuition is not as strong in the corresponding ' as if ' construction . david houghton gave his intuition as well : i do n't know of any papers you might read concerning this topic , but , for what it 's worth , i can offer my intuitions as a native speaker . it struck me as i contemplated the contrast that the sentences with ' as if ' were better with some past tense form , and best with the subjunctive form . those with ' as though ' were better with the indicative forms . i cannot say that my semantic intuitions on this topic are very firm , but it seems to me that there is a corresponding contrast between counterfactuality with ' as if ' and mere hypotheticalness with ' as though ' . if any or all of these distinctions are real , i suspect they are not very strictly observed in colloquial usage . alessandra bertocchi made a little research and wrote : i ' ve made a little research myself to see the difference ( if any ) between ' as if , as though ' my point of departure is latin ' quasi ' , which is ( apparent - ly ) indifferently translated with both . ' quasi ' refers to an unreal world in any case ( for the speaker ) , which can be real for the subject , in some cases . so i wonder whether this may be the difference also between ' as if / as though ' . i have found only few word on this matter in j . haimann ( 1974 ) , ' foundations of language ' 11 , p . 353 : "" in at least one construction , there is no difference , even aspectual , between the conjunctions ' if ' and ' though ' : max spends money as ( if , though ) it was going out of style i have also asked some native speakers , but no one perceives any difference . the only one who feels that it is possible that they differ ( but he is not sure of it ) is i . sag . he wrote to me that ' as though ' seems to be more counterfactual than ' as if ' . so horn suspension would give : he speaks as if he were in charge , and in fact he is ? he speaks as though he were in charge , and in fact he is but , to say it with haimann , complete mystery surrounds the nature of this construction . so , if you get more certain judgements and if there are references , please , let me know . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thanks again for the contributions and i ' ll let you know of further progress . ken sugayama kensei sugayama dept of english kobe city univ . of foreign studies department of linguistics university of manchester e-mail : xj9k-sgym @ j . asahi-net . or . jp e-mail : k . sugayama @ stud . man . ac . uk " 0 +Subject: a journal of southeast asian languages , vol xxvii a journal of southeast asian languages , vol xxvii john miller , editor ; mon-khmer studies : a journal of southeast asian languages , vol xxvii ; pb . isbn 1-55671 - 053 - 4 ; xviii , 378 pp . ; $ 39 . 00 . summer institute of linguistics . this volume is dedicated to dr . paul k . benedict , and has 28 articles covering a wide range of linguistic topics which reflect the broad interests of dr . bennedict . internet : academic . books @ sil . org available for review http : / / www . sil . org janice cooper academic publications summer institute of linguistics janice _ cooper @ sil . org 0 +Subject: new book : anthropological linguistics lawrence b . breitborde speaking and social identity english in the lives of urban africans 1998 . xii , 227 pages cloth dm 198 , - / approx . us 124 . 00 isbn 3-11 - 014796 - 3 studies in anthropological linguistics 11 mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york this monograph is an anthropological study of the social significance of english among kru residents of monrovia , the capital city of liberia . based on participant-observation ethnography , this study constructs a theoretical approach in which macrolevel and microlevel perspectives are integrated . by viewing the use of english in relation to changing social identity , the monograph contributes to our understanding of how african citizens use language to negotiate conflicts and aspirations based on socioeconomic position and ethnic solidarity . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de this and further publications can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: syntax call for papers second tromsoe syntax workshop ' vo and ov ' may 22-23 , 1998 university of tromsoe invited speakers : michael brody hubert haider roland hinterhoelzl susan pintzuk is the difference between vo languages and ov languages a function of phrase structure , of movement , of directionality of licensing , or of something else ? if movement , is it movement of the verb , of the arguments , of the vp , or some combination of these ? is ov order in a ( n otherwise ) vo language driven by the same factors that lead to the unmarked order in an ov language ? or vice versa ? how do these models account for the change of a language from ov to vo , or vice versa ? these are just some of the questions that might be raised in connection with the theme of this workshop . abstracts ( one page + graphics and examples ) are invited for 45 minute talks . abstracts may be submitted by snailmail or by e-mail . the deadline for receipt of abstracts is april 15 ! hardcopy submissions : a single copy of the abstract , with the author 's name , affiliation , snailmail address , and e-mail address should be sent to : anders holmberg hum fak , linguistics university of tromsoe n-9037 tromsoe norway e - mail submissions : the abstract , with the author 's name , affiliation , and snailmail address , should be sent as an ordinary e-mail document to : peter svenonius : sven @ isl . uit . no e - mail submissions must contain the expression "" vo and ov abstract "" in the subject line . non - ascii characters should be avoided . ascii characters can be used in idiosyncratic ways if a gloss is provided . e - mail submissions received by the deadline will be acknowledged within a day or so . inquiries may also be addressed to peter svenonius , sven @ isl . uit . no . inquiries should not contain the expression , "" vo and ov abstract "" in the subject line . we regret that we do not have funds to finance the travel or lodging expenses of speakers . however , crash space can be arranged . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anders holmberg phone : + 47 77645616 department of linguistics fax : + 47 77645625 university of tromso 9037 tromso norway " 0 +"Subject: re : 8 . 792 , disc : grammar in uk schools - - a response i was fascinated by geoffrey sampson 's defense of traditional educational language standards , and cannot resist commenting on some points . he says : it seems to me that teaching correct usage , the > standard terminology for elements of grammar and punctuation , and the > ability to remedy formal errors in faulty prose are exactly the kinds > of thing that need to be taught in this area at secondary-school > level . to say that school pupils should be taught to engage in > "" explicit , systematic reflection on what it is that we are doing when > we use language "" strikes me as akin to suggesting that teachers of > french should forget about teaching the past participle of "" vivre "" in > favour of getting their pupils to develop considered opinions about > the theories of derrida . even assuming this type of cognitive > achievement is worthwhile in principle , it is quite impractical for > the average secondary-school class to attain it . setting aside the possible implication of elitism in the phrase "" the * average * secondary-school class "" , i view the charge of "" impracticality "" with suspicion , since it is a typical way of dismissing any innovation . it means "" it 's very nice but there 's no time for it . we have already identified the priorities , and we ' re having trouble getting them through in the time we have . "" cf . we have no time or money to investigate the "" so-called "" causes of crime , because there 's so much of it that we can hardly keep up with the demand for more prisons - - that 's the top priority - no time for anything else , thanks anyway . nevertheless , in principle i was not put off , and read on to find out why the top priorities are what they are . i was not disappointed , though the rationale offered seemed predictable to me , and also arguable . > people need to learn to write their national language accurately > because much of modern life depends on complex written communication , > and prose that is full of unsystematic deviations from the conventions > interferes with successful communication , as dirty windows interfere > with successful vision - - the message gets lost amid problems with the > medium . people need a terminology for talking about the bits and > pieces of language , as a car mechanic needs to know the names of the > parts of a motor , in order to provide an apparatus for thinking out > what has gone wrong and how to cure it when prose does n't "" work "" . this all sounds reasonable . and i am indeed in favor of students knowing these things . in fact , prescriptive grammatical terminology and analysis do set a foundation even for what linguists do when they "" engage in explicit , systematic reflection on what it is that we are doing when we use language "" namely , linguists start with the traditional categories , explore their motivations and then discuss where they seem to be inadequate and what would be more adequate , in view of whatever larger linguistic facts are brought to bear on whatever problem of traditional grammar . . . i realise , of course , that geoff is not arguing for this - - and so i wonder if traditional grammatical analysis etc . is either necessary or sufficient for effective "" complex communication "" . probably nobody would defend the "" sufficient "" condition in view of much obscure , if not incomprehensible , ( though "" grammatically "" flawless ) standard writing , but i also wonder about the necessary "" condition "" . that is , do you have to be able to analyse to imitate the standard way of writing ? is the standard that different from a "" natural "" language ( first learned type ) ? ( at least with some good , also professional , creative writers i know , they are not actually aware of some of the key elements of their style , e . g . , one who is very effective in using and even coining nominal compounds , but did not show recognition of this as a characteristic of his style when i mentioned it to him . ) thus , i am not challenging the notion of a standard or necesarily the demand for its use in certain contexts , but how it is presented , esp . is it this great logical thing it 's generally portrayed as , that 's gonna solve all those "" communication "" problems that have alarmed english publishers since the time of caxton ? but even more , does it have to be * explicitly * taught ? ( maybe a lot of teachers screw up teaching "" grammar "" , because that 's where a lot of students complain they get irremediably bored and just want to get the hell out of the classroom . who knows , even linguistics might be more popular , if many students had n't earlier been turned off to "" grammar "" . ) > beyond that , though , teaching orthography and grammar at school level > has a much broader educational value . one of the lessons we all have > to learn is that nothing big and worthwhile is ever achieved in this > life without careful attention to endless tedious and often arbitrary > details . i can't see a better domain for learning this lesson than > the orthography and grammar of one 's national language : it contains > the tedious details , but it relates to material which surrounds the > child in his everyday life . this is the discipline and "" moral fibre "" argument , which is the last ditch attempt at enforcing authoritarianism . as a friend of mine , an english teacher observed , his supervisor is an ambitious man , and a stickler for discipline . night school students should not wear hats in class , says the supervisor . so my friend the teacher told one recalcitrant student that once ( these are night school adults ) . the student took it off and put it right back on . my friend said . that 's it . i ' m here to teach english . he 's not bothering anybody else . i ' m not going to get sucked into some authority game . but school for children is full of such petty discipline things that are insisted upon along with learning "" subjects "" . obediance is more important than understanding . the argument is that the discipline that comes from obedience will lead to understanding in time , if there is any argument at all , cf . learning declensions and conjugations before approaching texts . ( and often the teachers do n't even know why something is insisted on . they just know that they have to be obeyed , or else the authoritarian structure collapses , and their supervisors will come down on them . ) this is what lots of kids resent about school . probably not the same ones who actually like to cause disturbances ( or can't control themselves somehow ) . is anyone unfamiliar from their childhood with what i ' m referring to ? so what basically is this "" discipline "" argument . it seems to me the argument is : the student who has mastered standard english has demonstrated ability ( not necessarily inclination ) to follow relatively complex orders and routines , and therefore can be considered capable for positions in hierarchies where following fairly complex orders is considered necessary ( or at least desirable ) . little wonder some actually call this behavioral skill "" morality "" . but can i question geoff 's rationale without questioning his view of "" ( british ) civilization "" ( that 's a quote from his message ) ? i do n't know . - - benji " 0 +Subject: labelled deduction ld ' 98 the first international workshop on labelled deduction freiburg , germany , september 7 - 9 , 1998 http : / / www . informatik . uni-freiburg . de / ~ ld98 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * final call for papers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aim and format to survey research in the field , and to allow researchers ( in logic , computer science , artificial intelligence , linguistics , etc . ) to exchange ideas , techniques and results . o both finished work and work in progress can be reported . we welcome three classes of submissions with presentation : + system description : 2 pages ( system demo ) + work in progress : 5 pages ( short presentation ) + polished work : 15 pages ( long presentation ) o submissions will be refereed primarily on a basis of relevance , for an informal proceedings distributed only at the workshop . since an intention of the workshop is to survey current work , versions of papers that have been , or may , appear elsewhere are welcome . papers may later be submitted to a planned second round of refereeing , for proper publication as a book or journal special issue . o submissions should be sent by email : please mail + a postscript file , and + a plain text file including title , authors , and contact information to ld98 @ informatik . uni-freiburg . de * topics of interest we welcome papers on current research in all aspects of labelled deduction , including but not limited to : o logical modeling based on labelled deduction o formal metatheory for , or based on , labelled deduction o hybrid reasoners and combinations of logics based on labelling o automated reasoning , implementation , and system support o annotated logic programming o applications * important dates o submission : april 15th , 1998 o notification : june 26th , 1998 o final papers : july 31st , 1998 o workshop : sept 7 - 9 , 1998 * conference site institut fuer informatik of the university of freiburg . freiburg is a town of about 200 , 000 inhabitants at the edge of the black - forest . the city is easily accessible , being within an hour from international airports in strasbourg and basel . there are also good connections ( hourly trains ) to airports in frankfurt and zurich , which are about 2 to 3 hours away . * organizing committee david basin and luca vigano ` * program committee david basin , institut fuer informatik , freiburg , germany marcello d ' agostino , universita ` di ferrara , italy dov gabbay , imperial college , london , uk sean matthews , max - planck - institut fuer informatik , saarbruecken , germany luca vigano ` , institut fuer informatik , freiburg , germany * addresses o the ld ' 98 home page ( http : / / www . informatik . uni-freiburg . de / ~ ld98 / ) o email : ld98 @ informatik . uni-freiburg . de o by post : ld ' 98 c / o luca vigano ` institut fuer informatik universitaet freiburg am flughafen 17 79110 freiburg germany phone : + 49 ( 761 ) 203-8243 fax : + 49 ( 761 ) 203-8242 0 +Subject: toc : cognitive linguistics 8 : 4 ( 1997 ) cognitive linguistics volume 8 : 4 ( 1997 ) mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york joseph e . grady . . . theories are buildings revisited anatol kreitzer . . . multiple levels of schematization : a study in the conceptualization of space pamela s . morgan . . . figuring out figure out : metaphor and the semantics of english verb-particle construction margaret e . winters . . kurylowicz , analogical change , and cognitive grammar contents volume 8 ( 1997 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de this and further publications can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: sum : reactions to synthetic speech a number of weeks ago i asked very informally for people 's reactions to synthetic speech ( also prerecorded speech ) and for studies on emotional reactions to synthetic speech . i wish to thank those who responded : osamu fujimura margaret jackman randall a . major corey miller johanna rubba stephen p . spackman i had hoped for more responses , but i have started to collect information from friends and colleagues as well . i ' ve realized that i need a more structured way of gathering info - with the possiblitiy that this ( up until now ) rather informal approach to the matter may suddenly turn into a more formal study . the respondents react both positively and negatively to synthetic speech ; one may be irritated at the "" bluntness "" of the machine , the lack of flexibility in the programs , etc . but still find the synthetic vocal information handy . > from per egil heggtveit at telenor , norway , i have received a list of references on synthetic speech , but none of the stuides cover emotional reactions . osamu fujimura wrote : > i suggest that you ask the question to marian macchi . i did . she responded the following : > two of the us telephone companies have > introduced a service called "" reverse directory assistance "" , which > is available to telephone customers . this is a telephone service whereby > a customer calls a special number , enters a telephone number using > the touchtone pad , and hears the name and address of the person to > whom that telephone number is listed . a speech synthesizer ( orator , > a text-to - speech synthesizer that we have developed here at bellcore ) > is used to speak the name and address . > before the introduction of this automated service , one of the > telephone companies offered the service with real human operators . > today the complaint rate from customers is no higher than it was > when the service was offered with real operators . > > this is not to say that use of synthetic speech is always acceptable . > in fact , many applications for synthetic speech are not adopted > becasue the speech sounds too robotic . margaret jackman wrote : > my experience with synthetic vocies is with our telephone information > system . it asks what is the name and address of the person for whom > we want the phone number . i am always annoyed since i know i will > usually have to repeat it to a real person later . > > i am also annoyed with voice mail systems that go on forever - giving > me 10 different options , instead of the voice operator who puts me > through to the person i want . > > i suppose the problem is n't the synthetic language - it is generally > very clear and concise . the problem is that when i get one it > generally wastes my time , and for that reason , i have a negative > reaction to them . . randall a . major wrote : > i ' m not sure if they ' ve worked on reactions or not , but you should try > contacting barbara grosz at > grosz @ eecs . harvard . edu > they ' ve done a lot of work on synthetic speech and she may be able to > help you . good luck ! i contacted barbara grosz , who wrote : > sorry , but i have not done any experiments of this sort , though i have > done some work on speech synthesis . my colleague , julia hirschberg , > at at&t research may know of some research in this arena , though > i do n't believe she has done any either . i have n't contacted julia hirschberg yet , but i intend to . corey miller wrote : > you may want to look at an article on the perception of synthetic > speech by david pisoni , in progress in speech synthesis , > van santen , sproat , olive and hirschberg , springer , 1997 . i ' ve tried to get a copy of the article through our university library , but the book is too recent , and i was told no copies are available yet . johanna rubba wrote : > my personal reaction to a synthetic voice on the phone is negative . i > experience > offense ( because the company involved does not care enough to have a > real person staffing the phone line ; they 'd rather downsize and replace > people with machines ) ; irritation ( because i am not going to be able to > get any questions answered , and am going to be obliged to follow the > inflexible program set down by the corporation [ and these are inevitably > not well-desgined , they waste the customer 's time ] . i also experience > irritation because synthetic voices do not sound like real voices , > meaning i have to put forth extra effort to parse their output , and also > because i am a perfectionist and do n't understand why even relatively > simple things like normal list intonation ( not the weird system used on > the [ non-synthetic , just pre-recorded ] directory assistance systems ) > can't be gotten right . > > i know enough about computational linguistics to know that achieving > real-sounding synthetic speech is extremely difficulty , esp . if context > has to be taken into account . is this an excuse for ugly synthetic > speech ? only if you think we really need synthetic speech . do we ? > > oh , it 's not all negative - - i do experience a low level of curiosity and > amusement in hearing how much of the sound of real speech the designers > have managed to capture in the artificial speech , and the particular > distortions that are found in synthetic speech ( my intro ling students > love it when i mimic synthetic speech for them and point out things like > stress and intonation . i think some progress has been made in this area , > but they sure do recognize that flat , syllable-timed , nasal voice ! ) > > i just thought of a good use of synthetic speech that i do like . my word > processor has an auditory editor that reads my texts back to me . though > the speech has some flaws , it 's not too terribly bad , and it is a very > useful function when the eyes are no longer capable of seeing the errors . > note that i like this because it 's not an interaction ; i get to choose > when i use it , and i do n't expect to have a conversation with it . and finally , stephen s . spackman wrote : > myself , i * like * machines . i use bank machines instead of live tellers > whenever practical . but ( and this does n't all bear directly on your > query , but maybe i ' m talking to someone who wants to listen . . . ! ) : > > ( 1 ) no deception . a machine should announce itself as such - ideally by > going "" boing "" or something before it starts to talk . it 's extremely > annoying to find yourself trying to talk * with * a machine thinking it is > human . when you find out otherwise you feel both stupid and annoyed at > your wasted effort . even answering machine messages have this problem . > > ( 2 ) machines are not excused from clearing their throats and saying > hello . again , "" boing "" will do and may even be preferable to "" ahem "" as > just mentioned . but i once nearly died of fright when a computer behind > me in a darkened room in a deserted bulding at 3am suddenly said "" your > printer is out of paper . "" in an extremely calm , pleasant voice but with > inadequate warning . > > ( 3 ) machines are not excused from boundary markers . one of the things i > * loathe * about automated directory assistance systems and talking clocks > is that they use the same recorded digits in all positions . this makes > it extremely hard to copy numbers down and know that you have them > right , as well as being simply annoying . even just having separate > final / nonfinal digits would be an improvement . this is actually * less * > of a problem with synthesised speech , partly because synthesis systems > are more likely to do contour , and partly because they sound uniformly > bad rather than atrociously edited ! > > ( 4 ) machines are not excused from rephrasing . a computer reading phone > numbers should say , "" seven two _ six _ , one _ three _ zero _ three _ "" , but if > asked to repeat itself should use "" seven twenty-six , thirteen oh three "" . > > ( 5 ) speech * recognition * systems , at present , fail * consistently * for > some speakers . the statistics on successfully completed transactions may > be looking great , while some customers are effectively faced with > termination of service ! > > what 's specifically wrong with synthetic speech ? total absence of > pragmatic markers at every level , poor pitch contours , lack of > interactive adaptation with interlocutor at every level , poorly modelled > interaction between adjacent segments ( which decreases noise immunity > rather than increasing it , no matter what one 's engineering intuitions > might say : - ) . thanks again to all respondents ! bente # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # bente henrikka moxness research assistant dept . of linguistics ntnu ( norwegian university of science and technology ) 7055 dragvoll norway tel : + 47 73 59 15 16 fax : + 47 73 59 61 19 e-mail : benmox @ alfa . itea . ntnu . no # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # " 0 +"Subject: publishing company for sale ! ! ! see information about free credit application below ! my multi - million dollar publishing company only $ 149 free pre - approved merchant account application with order ! ! to start your business out right ! ! if you ever wanted "" the easy way out "" to make a lot of money with a business of your own . . . . here is the easiest way to start ! i ' m writing this letter to let you in on something that ' ll blow you away . what i ' m about to present is something i ' ve never done before . . . something that i ' ll never do again . . . . so pay attention ! for the past few years . . . i ' ve have been running ads in newspapers & magazines , by direct mail , and throughout the internet . these ads were always small and very cheap . . . on these ads , we have been selling little manuals . these manuals have sold for anywhere between $ 10 to $ 99 each . we always ran different ads for each manual we were selling . i like selling information because nobody can put a price on it . . . especially when it is your own . . . the sky is the limit ! plus it is very cheap to reproduce how - to manuals . it costs between 40 cents and $ 3 to print the entire print manuals and around 35 cents to copy the manuals on disk . and you can sell them for up to $ 99 each . that is one hell of a markup ! these manuals tell you how to get a car with no money down and no credit . . . another one tells you how to avoid taxes by depositing income offshore . . . now you may not be interested in saving money by going offshore . . . but believe me . . . . there are millions of people who do . . . and they are willing to pay me to teach them ! ! ! well this is where the unbelievable offer comes in . . . i hope you are sitting down for this one . . . because this is a once in a lifetime chance for you . i do not know of an easier way to become financially independent . . . in fact there is no easier way ! ! ! the next few paragraphs will reveal everything to you . i am willing to sell you my entire informational product line with full reprint rights and complete step-by - step instructions on how to start your mail order information business with very little money . remember , these are proven winners . if you are stumped on something to sell or if you are having trouble writing a good ad , i have also included an entire book on disk to help you produce killer ads ! this entire package which i call a publishing company in a box will come on 1 cd containing over 2000 ' hot - selling ' books , reports and manuals ready to print and sell , sell , sell ! it also will come with a signed letter giving you full reprint rights allowing you to sell them for as much as you want and however you want . you can even sell the entire kit to someone else to resale on their own ! you also receive copies of killer ads which can fill your mailbox with cash ! i am not even going to ask you for any of the money either . . . what you make is yours to keep . in fact . . . you get to make a ton of money on these manuals for as long as you wish . . . and you will never have to pay me another red cent in royalties ! i am even going to print out and prepare our # 1 selling report which contains the secrets of obtaining credit without a credit check and producing an offshore income without taxes so that you will be able to take it down to your local copy shop and be ready to sell it the same day you have received it . watch out though - one individual is making $ 70 , 000 a month on this report alone ! ( why - because you can include a free offshore credit application for those with bad or no credit with this report and explode your mailbox with orders ) note : this application is included ! all i ask for is . . . $ 149 and i will include free priority mail shipping ! yes , i said $ 149 . there are no zeros missing . plus if you order before the new year , jan . 1 , 1999 i will include 4 extra special bonuses . . . bonus # 1 - "" search engine magic "" on disk . this report will shoot your web site up to the top of the search engine listings . other web advertisers are selling this manual for $ 99 by itself - but i will give it to you for free with this package . bonus # 2 - the report "" how to make at least $ 1 , 600 a week online . . . starting now ! "" which is taking the internet by storm will be included absolutely free ! bonus # 3 - i will include special details about a secret source for direct mail leads that can produce cash orders along with out killer ads . and another source will be given which allows you to advertise nationwide through newspapers to 70 , 000 , 000 readers for as low as 7 cents per word . bonus # 4 - i also will include a pre-approved application for a merchant account for your business benefit . taking credit cards will increase your business up to 100 % . the normal $ 195 application fee will be waved with this pre-approved application . but there is one drawback . . . i am sending this ad to 10 , 000 other people . . . and i will only allow 50 kits to be sold . it would n't make much sense if i sold this kit to 1 , 000 or 2 , 000 people . . . the market would be saturated with these same manuals . . . and i do n't want to do that . to make sure that the people in this offer get the same results i have . . . only 50 people can have it for $ 149 . 00 ! chances are , i will get all 50 within a week 's time . so if this is something you are interested in . . . rush me a check or money order for $ 149 . 00 today to insure your future business . but , even if you decide to pass this up . . . do n't sweat it . it 's not like i am going to be mad or anything like that . i know i will get my 50 order limit really fast . and anyone who gets their check into me late . . . i will simply send it back . for only $ 149 . 00 , i am going to let you have the easiest money you will ever make . the manuals are written , the ads are presented , the advertising plan is laid out , and all you have to do is print them out for pennies and place the ads . do it today ! rush me your payment of $ 149 . 00 right now . . . and get your very own million dollar publishing company going ! you can start with one or two manuals . . . even the day you receive the package . . . and then expand to include all of them ! for $ 149 . 00 , you have everything you need to make a killing with your very own business . if you want to make real money - then this offer is for you ! "" i took the report "" search engine magic "" and sold over 50 copies on disk within 2 weeks ! they sold for $ 99 and i was able to copy them for under 50 cents each . wait till i start marketing the other products included in this line ! ! ! "" joe fisher - internet marketer to rush order this "" million dollar publishing company in a box "" simply fill out the order form below and fax it to our 24 hour order line at : fax order line : 1 ( 212 ) 504-8032 regular mail to : financial systems p . o . box 301 orange , ma 01364 order form - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - please send to : your name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your city _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone # : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( for problems with your order only . no salesmen will call . ) email address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ we accept checks or money orders along with all major credit cards including visa , mastercard and american express . ( note - we only ship to the address listed on the credit card ) ( please fill out below section and make sure that the above name and address are listed as it appears on the card ) for $ 149 . 00 credit card number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ ] yes ! please rush my publishing company in a box . i understand i have full reprint rights and can sell any of the items for whatever price i desire , even the entire kit . [ ] double yes ! i am order before the new year , jan . 1 , 1999 ! please include the extra special bonuses ! * please check one of the following payment options : [ ] i am faxing a check ( do not send original , we will make a draft from the faxed check ) this option not available on orders outside continental us . [ ] i am faxing or mailing my credit card number . ( note your card will be charged for $ 149 . 00 and we only ship to the address on the card ) [ ] i am enclosing a check or money order for $ 149 . 00 ! ( this option is good in the us only ) note - if ordering outside continental us , please add $ 5 to s&h p . s . do n't forget you will receive 2 , 000 manuals , books , and reports ( some of which are up to 200 pages each ) . . . all for $ 149 . . . you have full reprint and resale rights to make as much money as you want without ever paying any royalties whatsoever ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * you have been carefully selected to receive the following as a person obviously interested in this subject based upon your previous internet postings , or visits to one of our affiliate web sites . if you have received this message in error , reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " 1 +Subject: . international driver ' s license need a new driver 's license ? too many points or other trouble ? want a license that can never be suspended or revoked ? want id for nightclubs or hotel check-in ? avoid tickets , fines , and mandatory driver 's education . protect your privacy , and hide your identity . the united nations gave you the privilege to drive freely throughout the world ! ( convention on international road traffic of september 19 , 1949 & world court decision , the hague , netherlands , january 21 , 1958 ) take advantage of your rights . order a valid international driver 's license that can never be suspended or revoked . confidentiality assured . call now ! ! ! 1-937 - 586-9313 1 +Subject: workshop on natural language generation , final cfp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 9th international workshop on natural language generation 5 - 7 august 1998 niagara - on-the - lake , ontario , canada final call for papers the 9th biennial workshop on natural language generation will be held in the scenic town of niagara - on-the - lake , near niagara falls , in ontario , canada , on 5 - 7 august 1998 . the workshop is in the week immediately prior to the joint conference of coling and acl , in montreal , canada ( 10-14 august 1998 ) . electronic submissions must be received by 28 january 1998 . for more information on topics and submission procedures , visit http : / / logos . uwaterloo . ca / ~ inlg98 workshop organizers general workshop questions : chrysanne dimarco , cdimarco @ logos . uwaterloo . ca , phone + 1 519 888 4443 general paper-submission questions : eduard hovy , hovy @ isi . edu , phone + 1 310 822 1510 x731 0 +"Subject: now available ! cd vol . 4 press release ! our latest & greatest is just released ! the millions cd - vol . 4 10 million of the very best email addresses available anywhere ! ! the millions cd - vol . 4 , is the absolute best product of its kind anywhere in the world today . there are no other products anywhere that can compete with the quality of this cd . after almost 2 years . we ' ve even outdone ourselves with this volume . the millions cd - vol . 4 is comprised of 10 million premium & super clean email addresses - you can start mailing as soon as you receive the cd ! ( see the "" how we do it "" techniques described below ) . each file contains exactly 100 , 000 email addresses . there are only aol & mixed addresses on this cd . aol : you get over 50 files of 100 , 000 each of aol which equals over 5 , 000 , 000 addresses . the aol addresses are verified 100 % deliverable at time of production and were collected throughout the production schedule-then reverified as deliverable . all of the following domains have been removed from vol . 4 . absolutely not included : compuserve . com genie . com delphi . com gnn . com ( dropped by aol and not active at this time ) , edu , . gov , . mil , . org , and no state domains ending in . us no international domains used on this cd . only pure . com & . net ! ! ! no "" duplicate "" addresses . all "" dupes "" were filtered out . here ' s how we get the cleanest email addresses available anywhere ! ! 1 . 190 + million lines of email addresses were filtered and duplicates eliminated . this process , alone , reduces the list into a manageable number . 2 . another filter list of 400 + words / phrases were used to reduce the lists even more . no addresses with profane or inappropriate wording survived . 3 . a special filter file was used to eliminate most of the "" web poisoned "" email addresses from these lists . most of the lists we purged were full of bogus addresses . one list , in particular , had over 90 % poison in it . our exclusive system reduced these types of addresses to zero . 4 . a "" daily updated "" anti bulk email list of terrorists and general anti-internet advertising extremists was used to rid our lists of those people who , in a cowardly and deliberate manner , attack all marketing people who choose to utilize the greatest marketing discovery of all time - direct email . our database of these individuals is the largest one maintained worldwide and it keeps our lists of undesirable and extremist elements . 5 . in addition to the above , we also maintain a database that we update every day . this database contains undeliverable addresses , and addresses of those who have asked to be removed from any and all mailing lists ( this is comparable to the opt-out kind of list maintained by the dma , etc ) . owning this cd . . . is equivalent to you having to buy all lists and other cds of our competitors , plus the huge amount of resources our team secures through private means . the major difference is . . . . ours is thoroughly cleaned & free of all the "" filled "" & "" bogus "" addresses used by our competition to add inflated numbers to their lists . we perform hundreds of hours of production and thousands of dollars in order to offer you the cleanest and purest cd of quality addresses found anywhere worldwide ! sending your marketing letter to any one of our 100 lists of 100 , 000 ( 10 million in all ) is equivalent to sending 1 , 000 , 000 / one million of our competitors addresses to equal the same response , sales ratio , etc . would n't you rather send just 100 , 000 instead of 1 , 000 , 000 letters ? just think what results you would get if you sent 1 , 000 , 000 using our quality lists ! with our lists you will send less and get more results . our list will result in : higher response ratios higher sales ratios more receptive prospects ; less flames & non-buyers less contact with anti-commerce radicals who want the net for themselves ! you ' ll get 100 of the cleanest email files available anywhere ! each of our new volumes improves in quality and content . no competitor even comes close to matching this superior product . you must use it and compare for yourself ! this product will prove to be the best of it 's kind compared to any cd in terms of hours and money spent bringing it to market . no competitor will ever duplicate the effort of what it takes for us to produce this final product . we don t compromise quality , and we surely won't release any product before it passes our "" high standards "" test for quality . "" you can buy the all of the rest or you can buy from the best "" ! the millions cd - vol . 4 is the best ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ here ' s what they ' re saying . . . . "" i received the cd on friday . like a kid with a new toy , i immediately started mailing out using the new email addresses . from the cd . i am 100 % totally satisfied with my purchase ! ! "" david buckley , houston , tx "" this list is worth it 's weight in gold . i sent out only 100 , 000 emails for my product and received over 55 orders ! wow ! 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( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package 2 day delivery . i ' m including $ 10 for shipping . 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( 7-10 days ) make payable to : "" ce networks "" " 1 +Subject: natural language generation workshop , registration open = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 9th international workshop on natural language generation 5 - 7 august 1998 prince of wales hotel niagara - on-the - lake , ontario , canada call for participation for more information and registration forms , visit http : / / logos . uwaterloo . ca / ~ inlg98 preliminary details of the program and registration information and forms are now available for the 9th biennial workshop on natural language generation . the workshop is to be held in the scenic town of niagara - on-the - lake , near niagara falls , in ontario , canada , on 5 - 7 august 1998 . the inlg workshop is the principal gathering for researchers in natural language generation , providing a pleasant atmosphere for stimulating and informative talks on all topics relating to the automated production of natural language , including : discourse structure ; grammar ; lexis and lexical choice ; text planning and schemas ( macroplanning ) ; sentence planning ( microplanning ) ; semantics and knowledge representation ; register , genre , and pragmatics ; generator architecture ; realization ; generator applications ; system descriptions ; generator evaluation ; planning of text formatting ; generation in multimedia planning and presentation systems ; speech synthesis . the program includes approximately 30 papers , demonstrations , and a panel session to be presented over 2 1 / 2 days . ( the complete list of accepted papers is on the conference web site . ) in addition , the social program includes an opening reception on the evening of 4 august and an outing to niagara falls with dinner at the top of the skylon tower . the town of niagara - on-the - lake , easily accessible from toronto international airport , is in the heart of one of canada 's major fruit-growing and wine regions , and is 30 minutes ' drive from niagara falls . it is one of the oldest settlements in canada , with many fine examples of victorian architecture . niagara - on-the - lake bills itself as the prettiest town in canada : its main streets are quaint and picturesque , with many interesting shops , cafes , and restaurants . it is also the home of the shaw festival , one of the top north american repertory theatre companies . the workshop is sponsored by the association for computational linguistics and acl siggen ( special interest group on natural language generation ) . the workshop is to be held in the week immediately prior to the joint conference of coling and acl , in montreal , canada ( 10-14 august 1998 ) . after the workshop , a bus will take participants who wish to attend coling / acl directly to the toronto train station , for an express train to montreal . workshop organizers the workshop is organized by chrysanne dimarco of the university of waterloo , with the assistance of graeme hirst of the university of toronto . the program chair is eduard hovy of usc / isi . general workshop questions : chrysanne dimarco , cdimarco @ logos . uwaterloo . ca , phone + 1 519 888 4443 program committee eduard hovy , usc / isi , marina del rey ( chair ) stephan busemann , dfki , saarbruecken susan haller , university of wisconsin - parkside helmut horacek , university of the saarland xiaorong huang , formal systems , toronto kristiina jokinen , atr , kyoto guy lapalme , university of montreal daniel marcu , usi / isi , marina del rey elisabeth maier , dfki , saarbruecken chris mellish , university of edinburgh marie meteer , bbn jon oberlander , university of edinburgh cecile paris , csiro , sydney owen rambow , cogentex inc . , ithaca ehud reiter , university of aberdeen elke teich , macquarie university , sydney marilyn walker , at&t labs research , florham park for more information , program , and registration forms , visit the inlg-98 website : http : / / logos . uwaterloo . ca / ~ inlg98 0 +"Subject: autumn school 1998 of the gldv [ revised version ] ggggggggg lll ddddddddd vv vv gg lll dd dd vv vv gg lll dd dd vv vv gg gggggg lll dd dd vv vv gg gg lllllllll dd dd vv vv ggggggggg lllllllll dddddddd vvv h e r b s t s c h u l e 1 9 9 8 first call for participation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . aufruf zur teilnahme von montag , den 28 . september bis freitag , den 2 . oktober 1998 veranstaltet die gesellschaft fur linguistische datenverarbeitung ( gldv ) eine herbstschule mit dem thema world wide web & linguistik - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sprachtechnologie fur das internet veranstaltungsort ist die abteilung fur computerlinguistik ( clue ) der friedrich - alexander - universitat erlangen - nurnberg vorldufiges kursprogramm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 . informationsmodellierung in xml und sgml ( henning lobin , universitdt bielefeld ) 2 . hypertext und textdatenbanken im www ( angelika storrer , ids mannheim & roman schneider , oracle ) 3 . text - mining - technologien ( sebastian gvser , ibm stuttgart ) 4 . multimedia nn 5 . unicode ( carl - martin bunz , universitat saarbrucken & koaunghi un , universitat tubingen ) 6 . web - basierte maschinelle ubersetzung ( uta seewald , universitat hannover & rita nubel , universitat saarbrucken ) alle veranstaltungen finden in deutscher sprache statt . zur praktischen vertiefung der vermittelten sachverhalte stehen rechnerarbeitsplatze zur verfugung . teilnahmegebuhren = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = fur studentische mitglieder der gldv . . . . . . . . . . . . . dm 100 , - - fur studentische nichtmitglieder inklusive gldv - schnuppermitgliedschaft . . . . . . . dm 110 , - - fur nichtstudentische nichtmitglieder inklusive gldv - schnuppermitgliedschaft . . . . . . . dm 150 , - - fur studentische nichtmitglieder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dm 200 , - - fur sonstige nichtmitglieder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dm 250 , - - bei anmeldung vor dem 25 . juli erhalten die teilnehmer einen 20 % - igen "" early bird "" - rabatt . adresse des veranstalters = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = friedrich - alexander - universitat erlangen - nurnberg abteilung fur computerlinguistik ( clue ) prof . dr . roland hausser , ph . d . bismarckstr . 6 / 12 d-91054 erlangen unterkunftsmoglichkeiten = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = zur unterbringung sind das hotel frankenhof und die jugendherberge erlangen vorgesehen . reservierungswunsche richten sie bitte an joerg schreiber < joerg @ linguistik . uni-erlangen . de > telefon + 49 9131 85-9250 fax + 49 9131 85-9251 online - information = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = weitere information ( veranstaltungsplan , anreise , . . . ) wird in kurze unter < http : / / www . linguistik . uni-erlangen . de / gldv / herbstschule1998 . html > und < http : / / www . gldv . org / herbstschule > abrufbar sein . - jochen leidner leidner @ linguistik . uni-erlangen . de clue " 0 +"Subject: re : 8 . 836 , disc : punctuation there have been several postings recently decrying the use of apostrophe-s to make an english plural form , e . g . "" dyslexic 's "" , "" sonata 's "" . on what grounds is this held to be bad english ? like everyone else , i learnt at school that the apostrophe was not to be used in english plurals except for a few exceptional cases like numerals and letters ( "" the 1990 's "" , "" three a 's "" ) . this last usage seems to have gone out of fashion recently , but apostrophes are in practice widely used in all sorts of plural forms , and they seem to have a long history of use at least in foreign or unusual words - i ' ve noticed apostrophised plurals in facsimiles of several seventeenth century books recently . exactly what are the grounds for condemning this usage ? john phillips " 0 +"Subject: ws - - discourse relations - - coling / acl , august , montreal call for papers coling / acl 98 workshop discourse relations and discourse markers august 15 , 1998 universite de montreal montreal / canada the notion of discourse relation has received many interpretations , some of which are hardly compatible with one another . nonetheless , there is a consensus among researchers that intersegment relations hold between adjacent portions of a text and that these relations may be signalled by linguistic means , including so-called cue phrases , aspect and mood shifts , theme inversions , and other markers . the workshop intends to bring together researchers working on discourse relations and discourse markers in different linguistic traditions and different nlp applications . the particular focus of the workshop is the issue of discourse relations from the viewpoint of linguistic realization . specifically , contributions should address one or more of the following questions : * what are sound methodologies for comparing similar discourse markers ( contrastive studies , distribution analyses , etc . ) ? * what are sound methodologies for relating discourse relations with potential realizations ? * are there discourse relations that are * always * lexically signalled ? are there any that are * never * lexically signalled ? * what non-lexical ( i . e . , syntactic or prosodic ) means are used to signal a relation ? * in production , how does one decide whether to signal a relation at all ? * in production , how does one motivate a choice among candidate signals for a given relation ? * in production , how does the choice of signal interact with other decisions ( in particular , those of linearizing some tree or graph structure ) ? * in analysis , is it possible to reliably infer discourse relations from surface cues ? * in analysis , how can one disambiguate polysemous signals such as "" and "" , "" since "" ( temporal or causal ) etc . ? * what are useful lexical representations of discourse markers , for both analysis and production ? * what are useful representations of discourse relations ( and the entities they relate ) , such that they facilitate the realization decision ? what features would one like to have handy in a representation so that choices can be made easily ? * are there significant differences between realizations in spoken and written language ? * how do individual languages differ in terms of any of the above issues ? organizing committee the workshop is organized by manfred stede ( technical university , berlin ) leo wanner ( university of stuttgart ) eduard hovy ( isi / usc , marina del rey ) this call for papers as well as future information on the workshop can be found at http : / / www . cs . tu-berlin . de / ~ marker / aclcolingws . html requirements for submission papers are invited that address any of the topics listed above . maximum length is 8 pages including figures and references . please use a4 or us letter format and set margins so that the text lies within a rectangle of 6 . 5 x 9 inches ( 16 . 5 x 23 cm ) . use classical fonts such as times roman or computer modern , 11 to 12 points for text , 14 to 16 points for headings and title . latex users are encouraged to use the style file provided by acl : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / colaclsub . sty . papers can be submitted either electronically in postscript format , or as hardcopies . submission from north america should be sent to : eduard hovy information sciences institute 4676 admiralty way marina del rey , ca 90292-6695 u . s . a . hovy @ isi . edu submissions from elsewhere should be sent to either of the following : manfred stede leo wanner tu berlin computer science department kit project group intelligent systems sekr . fr 6-10 university of stuttgart franklinstr . 28 / 29 breitwiesenstr . 20-22 d-10587 berlin d-70565 stuttgart germany germany stede @ cs . tu-berlin . de wannerlo @ informatik . uni-stuttgart . de timetable deadline for electronic submissions : april 7 , 1998 deadline for hardcopy submissions : april 10 ( arrival date ) notification of acceptance : may 1 , 1998 final manuscripts due : june 12 , 1998 program committee o sandra carberry ( u delaware ) o barbara dieugenio ( u pittsburgh ) o eduard hovy ( usc / isi ) o alistair knott ( u edinburgh ) o alex lascarides ( u edinburgh ) o owen rambow ( cogentex inc . ) o ted sanders ( u utrecht ) o donia scott ( u brighton ) o wilbert spooren ( u tilburg ) o manfred stede ( tu berlin ) o keith vander linden ( calvin college ) o marilyn walker ( att laboratories ) o leo wanner ( u stuttgart ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eduard hovy email : hovy @ isi . edu usc information sciences institute tel : 310-822 - 1511 ext 731 4676 admiralty way fax : 310-823 - 6714 marina del rey , ca 90292-6695 project homepage : http : / / www . isi . edu / natural-language / nlp-at - isi . html " 0 +Subject: lexical generative grammar lexical generative grammar is now available as a pdf file . it is freely available at http : / / members . tripod . com / ~ maeki / index . html . the first of three parts has been loaded at this site . due to space constraints i can only load one part at a time . i will therefore cycle through the parts within a three month period , one part per month . this is lon diehl 's dissertation and he has given me permission to make it available in electronic form . 0 +"Subject: 2nd cfp konvens98 second call for papers konvens 98 computer , linguistik und phonetik zwischen sprache und sprechen computers , linguistics , and phonetics between language and speech 4 . konferenz zur verarbeitung natuerlicher sprache - 4th conference on natural language processing oct . 5 - 7 , 1998 , university of bonn , germany http : / / www . ikp . uni-bonn . de / konvens98 organized by : gesellschaft fuer linguistische datenverarbeitung ( gldv ) ( responsible in 1998 ) deutsche gesellschaft fuer sprachwissenschaft ( dgfs ) gesellschaft fuer informatik ( gi ) , fa 1 . 3 "" natuerliche sprache "" informationstechnische gesellschaft / deutsche gesellschaft fuer akustik ( itg / dega ) oesterreichische gesellschaft fuer artificial intelligence ( oegai ) call for papers subjects of the conference are all areas of language processing dealing with language in its written or spoken form . special attention will be paid to approaches focussing on the structural and the phonological / phonetic aspects of computer-aided / based language research and aimed at bridging the gap between both aspects . please submit proposals for : - lectures , - workshops , - demonstrations and - posters . all proposals will be reviewed anonymously . please add a title page specifying the author 's names and institutions as well as title and form of the contribution . proposals should be submitted in 5 paper copies ( din a4 paper size , times 12pt ) , and in electronic form per e-mail ( preferably latex or ps ) . word and wordperfect format files and latex style files will be available for download after march 15 , 1998 . proposals should not exceed 10 pages for lectures , and 5 pages for workshops . poster contributions will be published as short papers limited to 4 pages . workshop proposals should explain the significance of the subject , and they should name the prospective participants and their contributions . demonstrations should be briefly described ; the equipment needed should be specified . all proposals should contain german and english abstracts of 12 lines max . conference languages are german and english . all proposals are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers nominated by the programme committee . accepted proposals will be published in the conference proceedings which will be available before the beginning of the conference . deadlines march 1 , 1998 deadline for the submission of workshop proposals april 15 , 1998 deadline for the submission of proposals for lectures and posters may 15 , 1998 notification on acceptance june 15 , 1998 submission of the printable contribution to the proceedings july 15 , 1998 deadline for submitting proposals for system demonstrations local organizers prof . dr . wolfgang hess prof . dr . winfried lenders dr . thomas portele dr . bernhard schroeder programme committee dr . ernst buchberger , wien ( oegai ) dr . stefan busemann , saarbruecken ( gi ) prof . dr . dafydd gibbon , bielefeld ( dgfs ) prof . dr . wolfgang hoeppner , duisburg ( gi ) prof . dr . roland hausser , erlangen ( gldv ) prof . dr . wolfgang hess , bonn ( itg / dega ) prof . dr . r . hoffmann , dresden ( itg / dega ) dr . tibor kiss , heidelberg ( dgfs ) prof . dr . winfried lenders , bonn ( gldv ) dr . harald trost ( oegai ) conference office gisela von neffe institut fuer kommunikationsforschung und phonetik der universitaet bonn poppelsdorfer allee 47 d-53115 bonn internet : http / / : www . ikp . uni-bonn . de / konvens98 / index . en . html email : konvens98 @ uni-bonn . de phone : + 49-228 - 735638 fax : + 49-228 - 735639 location konvens 98 will take place at the university of bonn 's central building , which is situated in the city 's centre , in walking distance from the main railway station . world wide web http : / / www . ikp . uni-bonn . de / konvens98 " 0 +Subject: alaa 98 : earlybird extension and program the earlybird rates for alaa ' 98 have been extended to 1st may 1998 . do take advantage of these substantial reductions . the overall program for this 23rd annual congress of the applied linguistics association of australia ( alaa ) , at griffith university , brisbane , queensland , australia on 30 june to 3 july 1998 is listed below . be sure to check the details on the alaa web site ( url below ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tuesday 30th june 4 . 0 - 6 . 00pm - registration 6 . 00pm - guest speaker : diane larsen - freeman 7 . 00pm welcome 7 . 30pm cocktail party wednesday 1st july 9 . 00-10 . 15 plenary anna uhl chamot 10 . 15 - 10 . 45 morning tea 10 . 45-11 . 30 concurrent sessions 11 . 30-12 . 15 concurrent sessions 12 . 15 - 1 . 30 lunch 1 . 30 - 2 . 45 plenary merrill swain 2 . 45 - 3 . 30 concurrent sessions 3 . 30 - 4 . 00 afternoon tea 4 . 00 - 4 . 45 concurrent sessions 4 . 45 - 5 . 30 concurrent sessions thursday 2nd july 9 . 00-10 . 15 plenary geoffrey williams 10 . 15 - 10 . 45 morning tea 10 . 45-11 . 30 concurrent sessions 11 . 30-12 . 15 concurrent sessions 12 . 15 - 1 . 30 lunch 1 . 30 - 2 . 45 plenary peter freebody & des power 2 . 45 - 3 . 30 concurrent sessions 3 . 30 - 4 . 00 afternoon tea 4 . 00 - 4 . 45 agm 7 . 00pm conference dinner qe11 premier lounge featuring ` mood swing ' friday 3rd july : joint alaa / als 9 . 00-10 . 15 plenary wayne o'neill 10 . 15 - 10 . 45 morning tea 10 . 45-11 . 30 concurrent sessions 11 . 30-12 . 15 concurrent sessions 12 . 15 - 1 . 30 lunch 1 . 30 - 2 . 45 plenary michael clyne 2 . 45 - 3 . 00 close ala - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - alaa ' 98 conference manager margaret fletcher faculty of education sclse nathan qld 4111 email : m . fletcher @ edn . gu . edu . au http : / / www . cltr . uq . edu . au : 8000 / alaa / alaa98 0 +"Subject: re : your requested info thank you for your interest in our training course . success courses offers an extensive video tape training course in "" how to collect judicial judgments "" . if you are like many people , you are not even sure what a judicial judgment is and why processing judicial judgments can earn you very substantial income . if you ever sue a company or a person and you win then you will have a judicial judgment against them . you are happy you won but you will soon find out the shocking fact : "" its now up to you to collect on the judgment "" . the court does not require the loser to pay you . the court will not even help you . you must trace the loser down , find their assets , their employment , bank accounts , real estate , stocks and bonds , etc . very few people know how to find these assets or what to do when they are found . the result is that millions of judgments are just sitting in files and being forgotten . "" in 79 % of the cases the winner of a judgment never sees a dime . "" the non-payment of judicial debt has grown to epidemic proportions . right now in the united states there is between 200 and 300 billion dollars of uncollected judicial judgment debt . for every judgment that is paid , 5 more judgments take its place . we identified this massive market 4 years ago and have actively pursued judicial judgments since . we invented this business . we have perfected it into a well proven and solid profession in which only a select few will be trained in the techniques necessary to succeed in this profession . with our first hand experience we have built a course which teaches you how to start your business in this new unknown and exciting field of processing judicial judgments . by following the steps laid out in our course and with reasonable effort you can become very successful in the processing of judicial judgments . the income potential is substantial in this profession . we have associates who have taken our course and are now working full time making $ 96 , 000 . 00 to over $ 200 , 000 . 00 per year . part time associates are earning between $ 24 , 000 . 00 and $ 100 , 000 . 00 per year . some choose to operate out of their home and work by themselves . others build a sizable organization of 15 to 25 people in attractive business offices . today success courses and our associates have over 632 million dollars in judicial judgments that we are currently processing . of this 632 million , 36 million is in the form of joint ventures between our firm and our associates . joint ventures are where we make our money . we only break even when our course is purchased . we make a 12 % margin on the reports we supply to our associates . our reporting capability is so extensive that government agencies , police officers , attorneys , credit agencies etc . all come to us for reports . many of our associates already have real estate liens in force of between 5 million to over 15 million dollars . legally this means that when the properties are sold or refinanced our associate must be paid off . the norm is 10 % interest compounded annually on unpaid judicial judgments . annual interest on 5 million at 10 % translates to $ 500 , 000 . 00 annually in interest income , not counting the payment of the principal . our associates earn half of this amount or $ 250 , 000 . 00 per year . this is just for interest , not counting principle and not counting the compounding of the interest which can add substantial additional income . typically companies are sold for 10 times earnings . just based on simple interest an associate with 5 million in real estate liens could sell their business for approximately 2 . 5 million dollars . 92 % of all of our associates work out of their home ; 43 % are women and 36 % are part time . one of the benefits of working in this field is that you are not under any kind of time frame . if you decide to take off for a month on vacation then go . the judgments you are working on will be there when you return . the judgments are still in force , they do not disappear . the way we train you is non-confrontational . you use your computer and telephone to do most of the processing . you never confront the debtor . the debtor does n't know who you are . you are not a collection agency . simply stated the steps to successful judicial processing are as follows : mail our recommended letter to companies and individuals with judicial judgments . ( we train you how to find out who to write to ) 8 % to 11 % of the firms and people you write will call you and ask for your help . they call you , you do n't call them unless you want to . you send them an agreement ( supplied in the course ) to sign which splits every dollar you collect 50 % to you and 50 % to them . this applies no matter if the judgment is for $ 2 , 000 . 00 or $ 2 , 000 , 000 . 00 . you then go on-line to our computers to find the debtor and their assets . we offer over 120 powerful reports to assist you . they range from credit reports from all three credit bureaus , to bank account locates , employment locates , skip traces and locating stocks and bonds , etc . the prices of our reports are very low . typically 1 / 2 to 1 / 3 of what other firms charge . for example we charge $ 6 . 00 for an individuals credit report when some other companies charge $ 25 . 00 . once you find the debtor and their assets you file garnishments and liens on the assets you have located . ( standard fill in the blanks forms are included in the course ) when you receive the assets you keep 50 % and send 50 % to the original judgment holder . once the judgment is fully paid you mail a satisfaction of judgment to the court . ( included in the course ) quote 's from several of our students : thomas in area code 516 writes us : "" i just wanted to drop you a short note thanking you for your excellent course . my first week , part time , will net me 3 , 700 . 00 dollars . your professionalism in both the manual and the video opened doors for me in the future . there 's no stopping me now . as of february 3rd , 1995 , thomas states he has over $ 8 , 500 , 000 worth of judgments he is working on . after only having this course for four months , larry s . in area code 314 stated to us : "" i am now making $ 2 , 000 . 00 per week and expect this to grow to twice this amount within the next year . i am having a ball . i have over $ 250 , 000 in judgments i am collecting on now . "" after having our course for 7 months larry s . in 314 stated "" i am now making $ 12 , 000 . 00 per month and have approximately $ 500 , 000 . 00 in judgments i am collecting on . looks like i will have to hire someone to help out "" marshal in area code 407 states to us "" i feel bad , you only charged me $ 189 . 00 for this course and it is a gold mine . i have added 3 full time people to help me after only having your course for 5 months "" > from the above information and actual results you can see why we can state the following : with our course you can own your own successful business . a business which earns you substantial income now and one which could be sold in 3 - 5 years , paying you enough to retire on and travel the world . a business which is extremely interesting to be in . a business in which every day is new and exciting . none of your days will be hum drum . your brain is challenged . a business which protects you from corporate downsizing . a business which you can start part time from your home and later , if you so desire , you can work in full time . a business which is your ticket to freedom from others telling you what to do . a business which lets you control your own destiny . our training has made this happen for many others already . make it happen for you ! if the above sounds interesting to you then its time for you to talk to a real live human being , no cost or obligation on your part . please call us at 1-500 - 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409-8302 extension 1284 if you would like us to design and distribute powerful advertising for your company . success courses is pleased with the advertising we have developed for them . if you have a solid well proven product or service then we would be proud to help your company also . if you would like to be removed from cyber advertising systems mailing list then please send an email to : lernerww223 @ yahoo . com and type remove in the subject line . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + % + " 1 +Subject: anthropology the following is a new book that the summer intitute of linguistics has published since our last entries on the internet janice _ cooper @ sil . org subject : anthropology marilyn gregerson and joyce sterner , editors ; symbolism and ritual in irian jaya ; pb . isbn : 1-55671 - 025 - 9 ; ix , 116 pp . ; $ 25 . 00 . summer institute of linguistics . five themes that reveal key elements of four cultures are described : settling the score , the significance of red and white , what defines manhood , sex taboos , and rituals . internet : academic . books @ sil . org available for review http : / / www . sil . org janice cooper academic publications summer institute of linguistics janice _ cooper @ sil . org 0 +"Subject: new on capital fm this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - 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chair of the awards committee : helena halmari , dept . of english , sam houston state university huntsville , texas 77341 e-mail : eng _ shh @ shsu . edu tel : 409-294 - 1990 0 +Subject: cald workshop on mixed media databases the deadline for submissions to the cald workshop on mixed media databases is april the 5th . please send submissions to arrive at the address given below by that date . authors will be notified of paper acceptance by april the 15th if an email address is provided with their submission . the call follows . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - you are invited to participate in the center for automated learning and discovery workshop on mixed media databases . this workshop will be held in conjunction with the conference on automated learning and discovery , being held at carnegie mellon university in pittsburgh from june the 11th to the 13th 1998 . this workshop is intended for researchers with an interest in learning from multiple media . the workshop will emphasize both algorithms and applications of learning with mixed media databases . papers that describe algorithms should cover either novel approaches designed to benefit from mixed-media data , or modifications of standard algorithms that utilize multiple media data sources . application papers should clearly demonstrate the benefits of learning from two or more types of media . different media areas to be addressed include : vision : image , video , and vrml speech and audio text , including ocr , closed - captioning , handwriting , and web-documents olfactory perception haptic and touch sensing if you would like to present at this workshop , please submit a paper describing original research work and results . four copies of the paper should be submitted in hardcopy by april the 5th , 1998 . because of the deadline extension , submissions should be sent , in quadruplicate , to : cald workshop on mixed media databases attn : michael witbrock justresearch 4616 henry st , pittsburgh pa 15213 the ideal paper should cover two or more topics listed above and apply some aspect of learning to the multiple media data . the learning may involve , but is not limited to neural networks , as well as statistical and probabilistic models . all statistical , probabilistic , and learning approaches are welcome . papers submitted to this workshop may also be submitted to other conferences or to journals . detailed submission instructions can be found at the following url , but you should remember the altered deadline and submission address given above : http : / / www . cs . cmu . edu / ~ conald / call . shtml selected papers from the workshop will be considered for publication in an upcoming special issue of ieee expert journal . organizers : shumeet baluja ( baluja @ justresearch . com ) christos faloutsos ( christos @ cs . cmu . edu ) alex hauptmann ( alex + @ cs . cmu . edu ) michael witbrock ( witbrock @ justresearch . com ) the conference main site is at http : / / www . cs . cmu . edu / ~ conald / please visit it soon . and please forward this call to any colleagues who may be interested . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - michael witbrock justresearch research scientist 4616 henry st , pittsburgh , pa 15213 phone : + 1 412 683 9486 fax : + 1 412 683 4175 witbrock @ justresearch . com http : / / www . justresearch . com / 0 +Subject: final cfp / fsmnlp ' 98 workshop final call for papers fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing june 29 - july 1 , 1998 bilkent university , ankara , turkey sponsored by eacl - european chapter of the association for computational linguistics , tubitak - turkish scientific and technological research council ( * ) nato science for stability program tu-language project ( * ) to be confirmed scope : original papers in the theory and applications of finite state techniques in all aspects of natural language processing including , but not limited to : speech , phonology , morphology , tagging , parsing , information retrieval , and discourse , are sought . * * papers accepted to the workshop will also be considered for a future special issue of the computational linguistics journal . * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - programme and organizing committee * lauri karttunen ( xerox research centre europe , france , co - chair ) * kemal oflazer ( bilkent university , turkey , co - chair ) * kenneth r . beesley ( xerox research centre europe , france ) * eric brill ( johns hopkins university , md , usa ) * eva ejerhed ( umea university , sweden ) * jerry hobbs ( sri international , ca , usa ) * ronald m . kaplan ( xerox palo alto research center , ca , usa ) * martin kay ( xerox palo alto research center , ca , usa ) * george kiraz ( bell laboratories , nj , usa ) * andras kornai ( bbn , ma , usa ) * kimmo koskenniemi ( university of helsinki , finland ) * tomasz kowaltowski ( university of campinas , brazil ) * claudio leonardo lucchesi ( university of campinas , brazil ) * mehryar mohri ( att labs research , nj , usa ) * mark - jan nederhof ( university of groningen , the netherlands ) * richard sproat ( bell laboratories , nj , usa ) * emmanuel roche ( teragram corp . , ma , usa ) * yves schabes ( teragram corp . , ma , usa ) * gertran van noord ( university of groningen , the netherlands ) * atro voutilainen ( university of helsinki , finland ) important dates jan . 16 , 1998 submissions due mar . 16 , 1998 authors notified apr . 17 , 1998 camera ready copies due june 29 - july 1 workshop submissions electronic submissions are encouraged . please limit full paper submissions to 12 , and extended abstracts to 8 , single column , single spaced pages . please submit postscript files by e-mail to fsmnlp98 @ cs . bilkent . edu . tr with the subject line containing the first few words of the paper title . we ask that you send postscript files a few days in advance so that if there are any printing problems , you may have time to submit a hard copy version . if you prefer hard copy submissions , please send 4 copies of your manuscript fsmnlp ' 98 workshop department of computer eng . bilkent university bilkent , ankara , tr-06533 , turkey in either case , please send a separate e-mail message to fsmnlp98 @ cs . bilkent . edu . tr containing the title , abstract , keywords for the paper and the relevant contact information , with a subject line similar to above . other activities the workshop will be held just after the 7th turkish symposium on artificial intelligence that will also be held at bilkent university on june 24-26 1998 . if there is sufficient interest , sightseeing trips to the museum of anatolian civilizations in ankara , to the cappadocia region known worldwide for its lunar landscape , fairy chimneys , underground cities , and mystical valleys will be organized during the weekend between the symposium and the workshop . accommodations bilkent university campus has a 4 * hotel on the premises . in addition , a number of free lodging facilities in the university dormitories will be provided on site for conference participants . numerous hotels in downtown ankara are also available . further information information about the workshop will be available at http : / / www . nlp . cs . bilkent . edu . tr / fsmnlp98 / and will be updated regularly . 0 +"Subject: new books in theoretical & descriptive linguistics dialogue and critical discourse : language , culture , critical theory michael macovski , fordham university this interdisciplinary volume of collected , mostly unpublished essays demonstrates how mikhail bakhtin 's theory of dialogic meaning - - and its subsequent elaborations - - have influenced a wide range of critical discourses . with essays by michael holquist , jerome j . mcgann , john searle , deborah tannen , gary saul morson , caryl emerson , shirley brice heath , don h . bialostosky , paul friedrich , timothy austin , john farrell , rachel may , and michael macovski , the collection explores dialogue not only as an exchange among intratextual voices , but as an extratextual interplay of historical influences , oral forms , and cultural heuristics as well . such approaches extend the implications of dialogue beyond the boundaries of literary theory , to anthropology , philosophy , linguistics , and cultural studies . the essays address such issues as the establishment and exercise of political power , the relation between conversational and literary discourse , the historical development of the essay , and the idea of literature as social action . taken together , the essays argue for a redefinition of literary meaning - - one that is communal , interactive , and vocatively created . they demonstrate that literary meaning is not rendered by a single narrator , nor even by a solitary author - - but is incrementally exchanged and constructed . august 1997 288 pp . ; 1 linecuts 0-19 - 507063 - 1 $ 55 . 00 oxford university press projections and interface conditions : essays on modularity edited by anna - maria di sciullo , university of quebec at montreal this collection of previously unpublished papers explores the implications of chomsky 's "" minimalist "" framework for the modularity of grammar , which simplifies the "" modular "" approach he took in his government and binding theory of grammar . according to this theory autonomous grammatical components ( phonological , syntactic , morphological , and semantic ) coexist and interact like building blocks , using a given set of principles at given levels of representation . chomsky 's assertions have sparked a great deal of theoretical debate , especially with regard to the nature and interaction of each of the building blocks . the contributors to this volume join the debate in a series of case studies that compare modularity in english , french , and italian , among other languages . in the process they address such issues as the autonomy and applications of modules and their distribution in theory , as well as the role of functional projects in their derivations . projections and interface conditions will interest researchers in any of the above mentioned languages , as well as the large number of linguists working in the chomskyan tradition . june 1997 272 pp . ; 84 linecuts 0-19 - 510414 - 5 $ 60 . 00 oxford university press semiotic grammar william b . mcgregor , university of melbourne mcgregor proposes and develops a new theory of grammar based on the notion of the linguistic sign . in interpreting language and its structure as a semiotic system consisting of signs , he provides a range of new analyses of well established syntactic and morphological relations , categories , and roles . this book constitutes an important and valuable contribution to linguistic theory , drawing on the author 's extensive knowledge of australian aboriginal languages , as well as discussing data from more familiar languages , such as english . december 1997 448 pp . ; 5 b / w figures 0-19 - 823688 - 3 $ 100 . 00 oxford university press indefinite pronouns martin haspelmath , free university of berlin ( oxford studies in typology and linguistic theory ) oxford studies in typology and linguistic theory offers a forum for promoting research and analysis that is both typologically and theoretically informed . each book in the series will focus on a particular topic , providing an overview of the available cross-linguistic data and , at the same time , engaging such key theoretical issues as the boundaries or limitations of different approaches in dealing with typological data . this book is the first comprehensive and encyclopaedic investigation of indefinite pronouns ( expressions like someone , anything , nowhere ) in the languages of the world . it shows that the range of variation in the functional and formal properties of indefinite pronouns is subject to a set of universal implicational constraints , and proposes explanations for these universals . february 1997 384 pp . ; 25 b / w figures , 1 map 0-19 - 823560 - 7 $ 72 . 00 oxford university press intransitive predication leon stassen , university of nijmegen , the netherlands ( oxford studies in typology and linguistic theory ) stassen makes a major contribution to the study of language typology with intransitive predication . basing his analysis on a sample of 410 languages , he presents a universally applicable model for defining the domain of intransitive predication in natural languages . intransitive predicates are defined in terms of four domains : events ( sarah is walking ) , classes ( sarah is a secretary ) , properties ( sarah is tall ) , and locations ( sarah is in the garden ) . december 1997 800 pp . 0-19 - 823693 - x $ 145 . 00 oxford university press for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org or visit the oxford university press usa web site : http : / / www . oup-usa . org oxford university press usa " 0 +"Subject: < adv > free investment newsletter ! adv : free stock newsletter , diamonds in the rough . . . "" diamonds in the rough "" - july , 1999 based upon your internet interests , i thought that you would be interested in our free monthly newsletter called diamonds in the rough . each month the newsletter contains an undervalued public company that is on the verge of making a big move . having spent countless hours searching for emerging stocks that have the potential to make substantial profits , my goal is to show that big winners can be found where others fear to look . if you no longer wish to receive the newsletter , please click here mailto : remove @ stoc100 . com ? subject = remove and send the e-mail . if you are interested in receiving our free newsletter every month please click here : mailto : subscribe @ stoc100 . com ? subject = subscribe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ letter from the editor : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dear readers : rates hiked a quarter point . summer stock fever ? in the past week the market showed signs of a early summer ralley with the indexes showing strength before the federal reserve conference rapped up on wednesday . the volume trailed off and the market was weak before the fed announced they are raising short-term interest rates by a quarter percentage point in a bid to keep inflation low . this is the first rate hike by the central bank 's policy arm in more than two years . the question is now what ? what will the feds do next ? the answer to these questions won't be known for months , but the fomc will be watching closely for any signs for the future . the market spiked after the news with the dow rising 136 points and nasdaq rising 43 points . internet stocks and interest sensitive stocks were affected the most after the announcement . in internet news this week cmgi agreed to buy a 83 % stake in the altavista search engine for $ 2 . 3 billion from compaq computers . cmgi has established itself as one of the internet 's hottest stock picker 's with early investments in lycos , geocities and critical path . cmgi plans to make altavista the centre of its web empire with stakes in more than 40 internet properties the deal also includes two other compaq internet properties , shopping . com and zip2 . com . softbank partners and a boston - based buyout firm are investing $ 40 million in a new york day trading firm , tradescape . com , in exchange for minority equity stakes . this week we have six small cap emerging companies in various industries in our featured stock report . featured stock report : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ scottsdale scientific , inc . , through it 's wholly owned subsidiary , nutricology , inc . / allergy research group is an innovative leader in research and the formulation of nutritional supplements . scottsdale scientific , inc . is a multi-national company positioned to profit in the $ 92 billion annual neutraceutical market . the company has expanded capacity and established new distribution channels , including the internet through its web site . the company is recognized worldwide for the quality , purity , and efficacy of its nutritional supplement line . this is exemplified by over 6 , 000 physicians and health care practitioners who purchase the products and recommend them to their patients . the company has the management , innovative products , and industry reputation to capitalize on industry trends and growth . this established company is now under taking important initiatives to increase revenues and earnings rapidly over the next few years . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dot com entertainment group , inc . is an internet software company , specializing in the creation , support , maintenance , promotion , licensing and sale of entertainment and gaming software products for use on the internet . dot com is not an internet gaming company , rather it licenses the use of its proprietary commercial software products and trademarks , such as cyberbingotm to independent , arms-length third parties , who are located in jurisdictions who have embraced and licensed internet gaming . dot com 's sales are generated through its assessment of license fees and royalties from the use of its software , based on the gross sales of its licensees . in addition , dot com also provides licensees with technical support , maintenance , software upgrades , back office support , information and systems consulting services and offers marketing and promotional initiatives in order to generate goodwill in its products internationally . the cyberbingo game has already hosted more than 810 , 000 players , who have played more than 50 , 000 games , resulting in more than us $ 560 , 000 being returned to players as winnings . cyberbingotm is dot com 's initial software offering and is the world 's longest running , fully interactive , java based , internet bingo hall . cyberbingotm 's "" scaleable "" design permits unlimited players per game . as dot com promotes and markets cyberbingotm internationally , player levels of 1000 players on average per game are achievable . at these levels , annual royalty income to dot com from this one licensee will exceed $ 16 . 5 million and does not include additional support , maintenance and other fees which will be assessed to each licensee as required . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - global business information directory , inc . was founded to provide a vehicle for businesses to market themselves and establish business contacts around the world by utilizing gbid 's services via the internet and the world wide web . company web sites can be found through gbid . com quest , by selecting search industry categories , searching by continent , by country , by state / province or region , and finally by city or and combination of the four . by marketing this web hosting service to the business community , gbdi offer 's a service that is specific , productive and informative . search engines on the internet are currently word search based . any information in word form , put into the search engine would access vast amounts of information stored on the internet that would contain the search word or combination of words . this method of search becomes frustrating and time consuming , and most importantly for the businessperson , unproductive . gbid has solved this problem with the introduction of the gbid quest ; a geographical based search engine dedicated to helping businesses market themselves . company web sites can be found , by selecting search industry categories , searching by continent , by country , by state / province or region , and finally by city or and combination of the four . by marketing this web hosting service to the business community , gbid offer 's a service that is specific , productive and informative . gbid . com will be seeking qualified associate partners ( ap ) , joint venture partners , licensees and strategic allies and utilize their strengths to further the development of the technologies that gbid has created . these partners will take an active part in the development and marketing of the various applications of the technologies . this marketing strategy will enable gbid . com to focus on distributing the use of its intellectual properties wider , faster and better . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for additional information on any of the featured companies in this newsletter , please click on the following link and tell us which companies that you would like more information on . do n't forget to include your e-mail address or phone number . mailto : moreinfo @ foxlink . net ? subject = more _ information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in store media systems , inc . is a six-year - old denver , colorado based consumer marketing and information technology company . the company 's focus is the consumer oriented , coupon promotions industry . isms has invested over $ 7 million to develop proprietary electronic coupon distribution and redemption systems which solve long-standing problems and provide new capabilities for efficiently marketing products in supermarkets and other types of retail stores . in store media systems , inc . ( isms ) is in position to change the way america shops . isms has developed a proprietary in-lane , electronic coupon clearing system - the in $ taclearing system . the in $ taclearing ( system will clear , right at checkout , virtually all coupons currently being distributed by manufacturers across the country . the in $ taclearing system practically eliminates manual clearing and all but eliminates freight and coupon misredemption ( an $ 800 million per year industry savings ) . today , cents-off coupons are the only cash instruments in america that are not cleared electronically . as a result , it takes approximately 44 days from when the coupon is accepted at the supermarket until they are reimbursed . the current physical clearing process also cost manufacturers in excess of $ 800 million per year in shipping and misredemption costs . isms has developed a patent-pending process that could be installed at every supermarket checkout lane to immediately clear and track every coupon redeemed with no need for further handling . total us coupon spending was $ 6 . 2 billion in 1998 . over 249 billion coupons were distributed last year and 4 . 8 billion were redeemed . consumers saved $ 3 . 6 billion dollars by using coupons in 1998 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - magnum ventures - on april 19 , 1999 , magnum ventures inc . acquired radiotower . com and has applied for a change of name to reflect this event . the expected name will be radiotower . com . the name change is expected to take effect shortly . radiotower . com is a free online directory of radio stations that webcast on the internet . radiotower makes it easy to tune in and listen to over 900 radio stations from around the world in dozens of genres ( top 40 , news , alternative , rock , sports , etc . ) . the company also provides information and descriptions for each station and links to the stations ' own home page . users can select radio stations by name , place , or genre . the company 's mission is to become one of the most informative , entertaining and interactive audio sites on the internet - a full service audio portal to the world . 20 million people currently listen to internet audio . the market is expected to more than double by year 2000 . higher bandwidth and greater pc penetration will fuel additional growth . quality , choices , and reach of internet radio will also increase . much sooner than any of us expect , listening to internet audio will be as commonplace as turning on the radio . radiotower . com launched its service june 9 , 1996 . the company is a pioneer within the industry , developing one of the first web sites with a live audio directory . the company has in depth knowledge of internet and internet audio . the company has regular users , site recognition , and strategic alliances with important industry players . before 1999 , radiotower . com had no marketing budget and already 20 , 000 registered users . the user base has developed from word of mouth , high listings on all major search engines , and links from 1000s of other sites . the site has also received numerous favorable reviews from the l . a . times , hotwired , and the vancouver sun . radiotower . com 's awards include yahoo picks and windows magazine site of the day . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - synergy technologies corporation , through its 75 % - owned subsidiary , carbon resources limited , is developing three proprietary technologies with an estimated combined market potential , through license fees and running royalties , of between $ 400 million and $ 1 . 22 billion over the next ten years . gas - to - liquids ( gtl ) technology gtl is carbon 's revolutionary process for converting the natural gas released during oil production or existing stranded reserves into clean-burning synthetic fuels , which have a $ 7 to $ 10 per barrel premium over conventional fuels . because this process is approximately 30 % less expensive than competing gtl processes and due to mounting political , regulatory and tax pressures on oil and gas companies to help reduce the level of atmospheric co2 ( formed in the atmosphere from released natural gas ) , these companies may now have greatly increased incentive to utilize carbon 's gtl process on a worldwide scale . licensings in the next ten years from just one percent of the current gtl market is estimated to be $ 220 to $ 440 million . heavy oil upgrading carbon owns a 50 percent interest in a proprietary technology that converts so-called heavy oils into lighter oils , which , at current market value , sell for about $ 15 per barrel , twice the price of heavy oils . the current market for heavy oil is now 4 . 5 million barrels per day , six percent of worldwide oil production . many experts believe this market will increase to 25 percent of worldwide oil production by the year 2015 . penetration of only 3 . 5 percent of the current market over the next ten years is anticipated to produce licensing and royalties of at least $ 60 million and could , under most favorable market conditions , reach $ 300 million . microturbine fuel based on recent tests , carbon 's syngen reactor ( a patented and proprietary first phase gtl component ) cheaply and efficiently gasifies crude oil , producing fuel that can be used in microturbines and boilers by oil companies to decrease the cost of power in oil production by eliminating the need for an outside power source . analysts expect the current potential microturbine market to grow by at least 25 percent per year for the foreseeable future . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for additional information on any of the featured companies in this newsletter , please click on the following link and tell us which companies that you would like more information on . do n't forget to include your e-mail address or phone number . mailto : moreinfo @ foxlink . net ? subject = more _ information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - disclaimer : diamonds in the rough is not a registered investment advisor or a broker / dealer . this newsletter was compiled from information provided by the companies herein . readers are advised that this information is issued solely for information purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy . the opinions and analysis included herein are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good faith but no representation or warranty , expressed or implied , is made as to their accuracy , completeness or correctness . this information is not intended to be used as the sole basis of any investment decisions , nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor . the foregoing discussion contains forward-looking statements which are based on current expectations and differences can be expected . the information contained herein has been provided by the companies to diamonds in the rough for information purposes only ; in addition , the information contained in this report is not intended to be a complete discussion of information regarding some of the current and / or intended business activities of the companies . readers are urged to consult with independent financial advisors with respect to an investment in the shares mentioned herein . investors should review a complete information package on the companies which should include , but not be limited to , the company 's annual report , quarterly report , press releases , as well as all regulatory filings . all information contained in this report should be independently verified with the company mentioned herein . any opinions expressed in this report are statements of judgment as of the date of publication and are subject to change without further notice , and may not necessarily be reprinted in future publications or elsewhere . neither diamonds in the rough nor its officers , directors , partners or employees / consultants accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this report or its contents . in order to be in full compliance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , diamonds in the rough advises the readers of this document that it has received a fee of $ 10 , 000 usd for its efforts in researching , writing , presenting and disseminating the information contained herein . the reader should verify all claims and do their own due diligence before investing in any securities mentioned . investing in securities is speculative and carries a high degree of risk . " 1 +Subject: sigphon98 workshop the second cfp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < < c a l l - - - - - f o r - - - - - p a p e r s > > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the computation of phonological constraints = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the 4th meeting of the acl special interest group in phonology ( http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ sigphon / 98 ) in conjunction with the coling-acl ' 98 joint conference montreal , canada , 15th august 1998 the meeting - - - - - - - - - - constraint - based theories of phonology have become enormously popular in recent years . such theories express generalizations by stating how and when a language 's phonological forms are constrained , rather than relying on rules that actively modify the forms . computational ideas have often provided an impetus for these innovations . koskenniemi 's ( 1983 ) 2 - level morphophonological processor introduced parallel constraining relations as an alternative to an ordered system of rewrite rules . declarative phonology ( c 1990 ) focusses on the unity of representations and rules as constraints , drawing on various computational ideas from unification to temporal logic to finite-state calculi . one current constraint-based theory is optimality theory ( ot ) ( prince&smolensky 1993 ) . this theory found , at least partial , inspiration in computational work by smolensky on the relation between symbolic and subsymbolic computation . although this link with connectionism has been left largely unexplored , ot has proved to be a computationally productive theory , giving rise to several theoretical papers on computational issues related to complexity and learnability , as well as inspiring a number of implementations . this workshop is designed to foster the link between computational work and constraint-based phonology in general . to this end , it invites submissions on topics related to the computation of any constraint-based phonological formalism , including but not limited to the three mentioned above . here are some example topics : * the computational interpretation of phonological theories , * constraint ranking and interaction , eg . as in ot , * implementations of particular analyses , * results in the complexity of constraint application , * algorithms for learning constraints or constraint ranking , * results on the learnability of such constraints , * novel formalisms for constraint-based phonology , * representational issues raised by constraint-based approaches . in short , papers are invited which address computational issues in constraint-based theories of phonology . submission - - - - - - - - - what : original research , not published elsewhere a completed study is prefered to proposals and progress reports originality , topicality and clarity will be the assessment criteria how : submissions must be sent by email to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk when : april 20 submissions due may 22 notification of acceptance june 23 final ( accepted ) versions due submission format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( note that apart from the medium and length sections , these requirements are as for submissions to coling-acl98 . ) medium : postscript , emailed to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk please check postscript compatibility using either ghostview , or by printing the postscript file before sending length : 10 pages maximum ( including references and appendices ) optional extra page for abstract in a second language paper size : please use a4 page-size typesetting : latex is encouraged , but not required . layout : set margins so that text lies centred within a rectangle of 6 . 5 x 9 inches ( 16 . 5 x 23 cm ) use times roman or computer modern font 11 to 12 point for text 14 to 16 point for headings and title centred page numbers in footers 2 columns after title and abstract figures may range across columns since reviewing will be blind , a separate identification notice should be emailed ( in ascii ) to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk . it should include : title author ( s ) name ( s ) affiliation ( s ) complete addresses abstract in english submission to other conferences ( ' none ' or list ) and author of record ( for correspondence ) . authors should not identify either themselves or their affiliations , either directly or indirectly in the body of the text ( the postscript file ) . authors should use the coling-acl98 style files and templates for preparing submissions ( see http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html ) . this will help ensure that the layout requirements are met , and that the effort required to format the final version will be minimized . registration - - - - - - - - - - - registration is open only to those registered for the main coling / acl conference ( see http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / mainpage . html ) . there will be an additional fee for the workshop ( yet to be determined ) . the 1997 acl workshop fee was us $ 60 . acl / eacl reserves the right to cancel any workshop if the number of participants is below 25 persons . organisation - - - - - - - - - - - organiser : t . mark ellison ( edinburgh ) organising / program committee : steven bird ( edinburgh ) jason eisner ( pennsylvania ) bruce tesar ( rutgers ) markus walther ( duesseldorf ) correspondence - - - - - - - - - - - - - should be sent to : sigphon98 centre for cognitive science edinburgh university 2 buccleuch place edinburgh eh8 9lw , uk tel . + 44 ( 131 ) 650-4416 fax . + 44 ( 131 ) 650-6626 email : sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk web : http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ sigphon / 98 0 +Subject: happy new year from 95 . 8 capital fm happy new year from everyone at 95 . 8 capital fm ! this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com in the next two weeks . - your stars - is this going to be a good year ? check out your horoscope ! - studio tour - come take a look around our studio ! - job finder - find your next job here . - another level - watch out for chances to win tickets . - 54 - the disco wave continues and we have the movie news . - howard hughes reviews 1998 - howard takes a look back at last year 's news . - it ' s a girls ' night out - a new show coming to capital fm saturday nights . - trek namibia - follow the progress of the trekkers . - brits - listen this weekend for highlights and check online for the nominees on monday . + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - - your stars - is this going to be a good year ? check out your horoscope ! we have your future all mapped out . come online to find out what 's in store this week . - studio tour - come take a look around our studio ! have you always wanted to know what it 's like on the inside ? come check out where chris tarrant and foxy and all the other djs work . - job finder - find your next job here . want to start the year fresh ? this is a good place to find a great new job for the millennium . - another level - watch out for chances to win tickets . keep an eye on the site over the next couple of weeks for your chance to win tickets to all uk dates of the another level tour this spring . - 54 - the disco wave continues , we have the movie news . neve campbell is back in the movie about the infamous disco in new york . watch out for our competition for your chance to win a movie goodie bag . - howard hughes reviews 1998 - howard takes a look back at last year 's news . the capital fm newsman looks back at the stories that shaped the year that went . - it ' s a girls ' night out - a new show coming to capital fm saturday nights . hosts francine lewis ( the sun 's ' top telly totty ' ) and lorraine morton will be on air at midnight from january 23rd . to get a sneak preview of the girls - come online ! - trek namibia - follow the progress of the trekkers . in the name of charity , our volunteers are making their way across namibia . we have an audio diary and pictures - brits - listen this weekend for highlights and check online for the nominees on monday the all brits weekend is coming over the airwaves this weekend . listen out for highlights from the past . and to vote in the official best single category keep an eye on the site for the only place to make yourself heard . all this and much , much more at http : / / capitalfm . com + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - do n't want to receive these e-mails ? click the following link to remove your address from our mailing list : http : / / capitalfm . com / unsubscribe + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - advertisement new years revolution ! it 's different . . . it 's delicious and it could be yours - free ! because it 's non-alcoholic brewed beverage made from pure fruit and barley , your body will welcome the break . so , click below an win a case now or phone the hotline to have bbsoda delivered directly to your door . http : / / capitalfm . com / bbsoda / + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - advertisement you want to be a winner ? the competition zone - where everyone should go and where many have gone before . . . free holidays , cinema tickets , playstations , games , computer hardware . you still here ? well click below now and enter one of the fabulous competitions with prizes just waiting to be won . http : / / capitalfm . com / compzone / 1 +"Subject: usd $ $ - cash is king - the secret reports ! ! this is it ! ! "" as s e e n on usa n a t i o n a l t . v . "" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ usdollars $ $ cash is king . . . . . . . this is the program you ' ve been reading about in the news lately . the ultimate ca $ h internet business * * * the average ' little ' person can still make heaps of usd $ $ $ $ $ $ 's in cash . you may have seen it before , why are you seeing it again ? ? ? ? because it really works ! try it $ $ due to the popularity of this program on the internet , a major nightly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of the program described below to see , if it really can make people money . the show also investigated whether or not the program was legal . their findings proved once and for all that there are absolutely no laws prohibiting the participation in the program . this has helped to show people that this is a simple , harmless and fun way to make some extra ca $ h money at home . the results of this show has been truly remarkable . so many people are participating that those involved are doing , much better than ever before . since everyone makes more as more people try it out , its been very exciting to be a part of lately . you will understand once you experience it . "" here it is below "" you may have heard this story before , but over the last summer donald trump made an appearance on the david letterman show . dave asked him what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over from scratch . without hesitating , trump said he would find a good network marketing opportunity and get to work . the audience started to hoot and boo him . he looked out at the audience and dead-panned his response "" that 's why i ' m sitting up here and you are all sitting out there ! "" this is for real ! ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enclosed is the f r e e information on easiest , ca $ h - repeat - $ $ * c a $ h * $ $ , home business ever ! ! print it or save it in a file for reference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this is a legitimate marketing money making opportunity , which you have total control of yourself . you receive your cash up front . it is absolutely , positively legal ! ! ignore anyone saying different - it is legal ! ! ! ! ! l - e - g - a - l it does not require you to come in contact with people , do any hard work , and best of all , you never have to leave the house , except to get the mail . . . . and . . . . . all your customers pay you in u . s . dollars cash $ $ $ $ $ by mail ! ! ! your computer and the internet are the key to $ $ $ $ 's . many times over , it has demonstrated and proven its ability to generate large amounts of cash . this program is showing fantastic appeal with a huge and ever-growing on-line population desirous of additional income . you do not have to rely on an "" organization "" to be around to pay you commission ! ! there is no confusing computer disc program which you have to get unlock codes for , no confusing mlm matrix type schemes which would baffle a quantum mathematician . . . . . . . forget it ! ! this is very simple and successful . . . . . . and . . . . . it really works ! ! ! like any mlm business your level of involvement and effort and also the involvement and efforts of your customers will determine how much you will make - the figures shown are examples only . you could make less - you could make a whole lot more . please re - read this important message a few times to make sure you can follow it . it is not at all complicated ! ! it will only take a few minutes of your time . . . . and . . . it really works 100 % every time . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is started with just usd $ 20 - twenty dollars - $ 20 only total outlay ever . . . . . and the potential income return is exceptional ! ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ basically , this is what we do : as with all multi-level business , we build our business by recruiting new partners and selling our products . every state in the usa and most countries allows you to recruit new multi-level business partners , and we offer a product for every dollar sent . this is not a get rich quick scheme , or a chain letter - it is a legitimate multi level marketing business that you can promote and operate very efficiently via the internet . - you advertise by bulk email and customers send their orders and $ cash to you by snail mail . the products we sell are a series of four ( 4 ) special financial and business reports . they come with reprinting and reselling rights . the information in these reports has been well researched and is valuable for many other business applications . your orders come by snail mail and are filled by you through email ( preferably - quicker ) or by snail mail , so you are not involved in personal selling or any type of face to face meeting . you do business privately in your own home , store or office via email and snail mail . this is a great multi - level mail order marketing opportunity : step ( 1 ) order all four 4 reports listed by name and number . do this by ordering the report from each of the four 4 names listed below . for each report , send us $ 5 cash and a self-addressed , stamped envelope ( business size # 10 - approx . 22cm x 11cm or 4 . 5 inch x 8 . 5 inch ) to the person listed for the specific report . * * * * except if sending to another country ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you are sending to another country for your report - you must include $ 2 extra for postage in place of stamped envelope . ( include self addressed envelope without stamp ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wrap the $ 5 ( + $ 2 if international ) cash in the letter ordering the specific report name and number . important for security ! ! ! choose to get you reports back by email preferably - it is a lot quicker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you want the report emailed * * to you please state it and enclose your email address , still send stamped self address envelope or extra $ 2 ( international - non stamped envelope ) sender will have the option to email it or snail mail it * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it is essential that you specify the name and number of the report requested to the person you are ordering from . you will need all four 4 reports because you will be reprinting and reselling them . important : always provide same-day service on all orders . * * * * * * * * * step ( 2 ) replace the name and address under report # 1 with yours , moving the one that was there down to report # 2 . drop the name and address under report # 2 to report # 3 , moving the one that was there to report # 4 . the name and address that was under report # 4 is dropped from the list and this party has no doubt made some serious $ $ $ $ ' s . important - - do not alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report , or their sequence on the list , in any way other than is instructed or you will lose out on the majority of your profits . once you understand the way this works , you ' ll also see how it does n't work if you change it . remember , this method has been tested , and if you alter it , it will not work . when doing this , make certain you type the names and addresses accurately ! do not mix up moving product & report positions ! ! ! step ( 3 ) having made the required changes in the name list , then save this letter as a text ( . txt ) file in it 's own directory to be used with whatever bulk email program you like . again , . . . report # 3 will tell you the best methods of bulk emailing and acquiring email lists . step ( 4 ) email a copy of the entire program the one you are reading here , now ( all of this is very important ) to everyone and anyone whose email address you can get your hands on , . . . . . . repeat email to anyone and everyone ! use your imagination ! you can get email addresses from companies on the internet who specialize in email mailing lists . these are very cheap , millions of addresses for around $ 190 or less . if you have your own email extractor program - all the better ! ! important : you won't get a good response if you use an old list , so always request and ask for fresh , new lists . you will find out where to purchase these lists when you order the four 4 reports . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ required reports ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * order each report by number and name * * * * * * * important * * read * * * * always send a self-addressed , stamped envelope and $ 5 cash u . s . funds for each order requesting the specific report by name and number - plus extra $ 2 for international postage . . . . specify if you want it emailed including your email address . always make sure the us $ 5 cash ( + $ 2 if international postage ) is wrapped in the letter for security ! ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * * * report # 1 "" how to make $ 250 , 000 through multi-level sales "" order report # 1 from : valhalla publications dept . smm197 p . o . box 189 s-190 46 stockholm - arlanda sweden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * * * report # 2 "" major corporations and multi-level sales "" order report # 2 from : jaxxo reports letterbox # 2 p . o . box 189 s-190 46 stockholm - arlanda sweden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * * * report # 3 "" sources for the best mailing lists "" order report # 3 from : cj marketing mailbox # 3 p . o . box 189 s-190 46 stockholm - arlanda sweden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * * * report # 4 "" evaluating multi-level sales plans "" order report # 4 from : cybernet publishing maildrop # 4 p . o . box 189 s-190 46 stockholm - arlanda sweden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ here ' s an example of how this amazing mlm plan can make you $ money $ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . let 's say you decide to start small just to see how it goes . assume your goal is to get only 20 sales for report # 1 . also let 's assume that everyone else in your downline ( that ' s each of those first 20 gets only 10 orders each for their respective reports . follow this example for the staggering results below . report # 1 - - your 20 orders with $ 5 = $ 100 report # 2 - - 10 orders from each those 20 ( 200 x $ 5 ) = $ 1 , 000 report # 3 - - 10 orders from each those 200 ( 2 , 000 x $ 5 ) = $ 10 , 000 report # 4 - - 10 orders from each those 2 , 000 ( 20 , 000 x $ 5 ) = $ 100 , 000 this totals - - - - - - - - - - - > $ 111 , 100 remember , this is assuming that the people who participate only get 10 sales each for their respective reports . dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone got 20 sales each ! some people who really go for it get 100 's of sales . think about it ! do the numbers yourself ! ! ! scary huh ? alternatively , do the numbers if you get 20 orders and everyone else gets only 5 orders each . . . . . . $ 16 , 500 is nothing to sneeze at ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i am enjoying the 100 % cash income that i make by sending out this program . you too , will be making money in from 3 to 20 days ( depending on the speed of the snail mail ) , if you follow the simple steps outlined in this mailing . to be financially independent is to be free . free to make financial decisions as never before . go into business , get into investments , retire or take a vacation . no longer will a lack of money hold you back . buy that new well needed car , help your family , get into your own home , do those extensions on your home . . . . . . whatever . ? ? ? however , very few people reach financial independence , because when opportunity does knock , they choose to ignore it . it is much easier to say "" no "" than "" yes "" , and this is the question that you must answer . will you ignore this amazing opportunity or will you take advantage of it ? if you do nothing , you have indeed missed something and nothing will change . thousands of people have used this program to : - raise capital to start their own business - pay off debts - buy homes , cars , etc . , - dine out more often ! - get those teeth capped ! ! - even retire ! this is your chance , so please do n't pass it up ! please re-read this material , this is a special opportunity ! ! ! my method is simple . i sell thousands of people a product for $ 5 that costs me pennies to produce and email . i should also point out again that this mlm program is legal and every person who participates will make money . you are offering a legitimate valuable and useful product to your customers . after they purchase the product from you , they reproduce more and resell them . it 's simple free enterprise . as you learned from the enclosed material , the product is a series of four 4 financial and business reports . the information contained in these reports will not only help you in making your participation in this program more rewarding , but will be useful to you in many other business decisions you make in the years ahead . you are also buying the rights to reprint all of the reports , which will be ordered from you by those to whom you mail or email this program . by the way , your cost to participate in this is practically nothing . you obviously already have an internet connection and email is free ! ! ! ( apart from time on air ) report # 3 will show you the best methods for bulk emailing and purchasing email lists . the best method of sending the purchased reports back to your customers is by email ! ! all purchasers should be certain to include their email addresses to receive their reports ! ! best wishes with the program and good luck ! remember : approx . 200 , 000 new people get online weekly ! you will never ever run out of potential customers ! order your reports now ! ! ! you will not believe the income potential ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a personal note from the originator of this program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by the time you have read the enclosed information and looked over the enclosed program and reports , you should have concluded that such a program , could not have been created by an amateur . let me tell you a little about myself . i had a profitable business for many years . then in 1979 my business began falling off . i was doing the same things that were previously successful for me , but it was n't working . finally i figured it out . it was n't me , it was the economy . inflation and recession has now replaced the stable economy that had been with us since 1945 . i do n't have to tell you what has happened to the unemployment rate . . . because many of you know from first hand experience . there have been more failures and bankruptcies than ever before . the age of computerization has added to jobs disappearing also . the middle class is vanishing . those who know what they are doing invest wisely and move up . those who do not , including those who have never had anything to save or invest , are moving down into the ranks of the poor . as the saying goes , "" the rich get richer and the poor get poorer . "" the traditional methods of making money will never allow you to "" move up "" or "" get rich "" , inflation and deflation and taxation will also see to that . you have just received information that can give you some financial freedom , with "" no risk "" and "" just a little bit of effort . "" you could make more $ $ ca $ h $ $ money in the next few months than you have ever imagined ! ! here ' s your chance to make the age of computerization and the limitless opportunities of the internet really work for you ! ! ! ! follow the program exactly as instructed . do not change it in any way . it works exceedingly well as it is now . remember to email a copy of this exciting program that you are reading now to everyone that you can think of . one of the people you send this to may send out 500 , 000 or 2 million , or more . . . and your name will be on every one of them ! remember , the more you send out , the more potential customers you will reach . it is a pure numbers business ! ! so my friend , i have given you the ideas , information , materials , and opportunity to become financially better off . it is up to you now - think about it - your total risk is only $ 20 ? ? ? ? ! ! how much do you spend on lotto tickets per week - for no return ? ? ? ? ! w h a t d o y o u h a v e t o l o s e ? ? ? ? ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ testimonials "" it is truly amazing "" my name is frank . my wife doris and i live in bel - air , md . i am a cost accountant with a major u . s . corporation and i make pretty good money . when i received the program i grumbled to doris about receiving "" junk mail "" ! i made fun of the whole thing , spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved . i "" knew "" it would n't work . doris totally ignored my supposed intelligence and jumped in with both feet . i made merciless fun of her , and was ready to lay the old "" i told you so "" on her when the thing did n't work . . . well , the laugh was on me ! within 14 days she had received over 50 responses for report # 1 . within 45 days she had received over $ 147 , 200 in $ 5 bills ! i was stunned . i was sure that i had it all figured and that it would n't work . . . i am a believer now . i have joined doris in her "" little "" hobby . i did have seven more years until retirement , but i think of the "" rat race "" and it 's not for me . . . we owe it all to this simple but incredible mlm program . frank t . , bel - air , md i just want to pass along my best wishes and encouragement to you . any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in . it really works ! ! ! paul johnson , raleigh , nc this is the only realistic money-making offer i ' ve ever received . i participated because this plan truly makes sense . i was surprised when the $ 5 bills started filling my mail box . by the time it tapered off i had received over 8 , 000 orders with over $ 40 , 000 in cash . dozens of people have sent warm personal notes too , sharing the news of their good fortunes ! it 's been wonderful . carl winslow tulsa , ok the main reason for this letter is to convince you that this system is honest , lawful , extremely profitable , and is a way to get a large amount of money in a short time . i was approached several times before i checked this out . i joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required . initially i let no one in the organization know that i was an attorney and , to my astonishment , i received $ 36 , 470 in the first 14 weeks , with money still coming in . sincerely yours , phillip a . brown this plan works like gang-busters ! ! ! so far i have had 9 , 735 total orders . . . over $ 48 , 000 ! ! ! i hope i have sparked your own excitement , if you follow the program exactly , you could have the same success i have , if not better . your success is right around the corner , but you must do a little work . good luck ! g . bank not being the gambling type , it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan . but conservative that i am i decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that i would n't get enough orders to at least get my money back . boy i was surprised when i found my medium-size post office box crammed with orders . after that it got so over-loaded that i had to start picking up my mail at the window . i ' ll make more money this year than any years of my life before . the nice thing about this deal is that it does n't matter where in the u . s . or the world for that matter , the people live . there simply is n't a better investment with a faster return . mary rockland , lansing , mi i had received this program before . i deleted it , but later i wondered if i should n't have given it a try . of course , i had no idea who to contact to get another copy , so i had to wait until i was e-mailed another program . . 11 months passed then it came . . . i did n't delete this one ! . . . i made $ 41 , 000 on the first try ! ! d . wilburn , muncie , in this is my third time to participate in this plan . we have quit our jobs , and quite soon we will buy a home on the beach and live off the interest on our money . the only way on earth that this plan will work for you is if you do it ! ! for your sake , and for your family 's sake do n't pass up this golden opportunity . good luck and happy spending ! charles fairchild , spokane , wa $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ tips for success $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ send for your four 4 reports immediately so you will have them when the orders start coming in . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ while you wait for the reports to arrive : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 . name your new business . you can call it anything you wish . 2 . get a post office box ( preferred ) . 3 . edit the names and addresses on the program . you must remember , your name and address go next to report # 1 and the others all move down one , with the fourth one being bumped off the list . 4 . obtain as many email addresses as possible to send until you receive the information on mailing list companies in report # 3 . 5 . decide on the number of programs you intend to send out . the more you send , and the quicker you send them , the more money you will make . i suggest at least 100 , 000 plus by bulk email initially , and then more if you need to . if you want to make this a really big business , then send out 500 , 000 or more . the more you send the more you will make ! ! ! don ' t forget - fresh targeted lists ! ! 6 . after mailing the programs , get ready to fill the orders . the check point which guarantees your success is simply this : you must receive at least 20 orders for report # 1 . this is a must ! ! ! if you do n't within two weeks , email out more programs until you do . then a couple of weeks later you should receive at least 100 orders for report # 2 , this is a must also ! ! ! if you do n't , send out more programs until you do . once you have received 100 or more orders for report # 2 , ( take a deep breath ) you can sit back and relax . . . . . . . if you want to , because you should make at least $ 50 , 000 cash . mathematically it is a proven guarantee . of those who have participated in the program and reached the above guarantees - all have reached their $ 50 , 000 goal . also , remember , every time your name is moved down the list you are in front of a different report , so you can keep track of your program by knowing what people are ordering from you . it ' s that easy , really , it is ! ! ! g o f o r i t - g o o d l u c k ! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( * * ps . don ' t forget to include extra $ 2 cash for international postage if you are ordering your report from someone in another country * ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) again , how much do you spend on lotto tickets weekly for $ 0 return ? ? " 1 +Subject: comparative germanic syntax workshop call for papers the 14th comparative germanic syntax workshop january 8 - 9 , 1999 lund , sweden send 3 copies of an anonymous two-page abstract , plus a camera-ready original with author \ 185s name , address , and affiliation , to 14th cgsw c / o asa wikstrom institutionen for nordiska sprak helgonabacken 14 s-223 62 lund sweden deadline for submission of abstracts : august 1 , 1998 enquiries can be addressed to : christer . platzack @ nordlund . lu . se 0 +Subject: syllable conference call for papers the syllable : typology and theory a conference on the representation and the typology of the syllable will be held in tuebingen , germany , from june the 30th till july the 2nd 1998 . there will be 9 slots for papers . travel expenses of speakers will be partially reimbursed . in addition to the 9 open slots there are seven invited speakers : stuart davis ( indiana university ) tracy allan hall ( zentrum fuer allgemeine sprachwissenschaft , berlin ) harry van der hulst ( hil / rijksuniversiteit leiden ) junko ito ( university of california at santa cruz ) john mccarthy ( university of massachusetts at amherst ) armin mester ( university of california at santa cruz ) marc van oostendorp ( hil / rijksuniversiteit leiden ) . abstracts are invited which focus on the following topics : - - the status of the syllable in the phonological theory - - phonotactics - - syllable weight - - interaction between the syllables and higher prosodic constituents - - diachronic studies papers will be 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for discussion . abstract submission . abstracts may not exceed 2 pages with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should use a font not smaller than 12 pt . five anonymous copies accompanied by a camera-ready original with author \ 180s name , address , and affiliation should be sent to : syllable conference seminar fur sprachwissenschaft wilhelmstrasse 113 72074 tuebingen germany deadline : 31st march1998 phone : + 49-7071 - 77304 , or + 49-7071 - 77315 email : caroline . fery @ uni-tuebingen . de , or ruben . van-de - vijver @ uni-tuebingen . de ruben van de vijver universitaet tuebingen seminar fuer sprachwissenschaft wilhelmstrasse 113 72074 tuebingen germany + 49-70712977315 0 +Subject: we have made bold new strides in natural health herbal energy regeneration we have made bold new strides in natural health most important , this program , gives you the ability to take control of your own health ! ! ! natural is the way ! ! we invite you to enjoy the first of many gifts from the earth perfected and formulated over many years by dr . inella ford morgan , rn , nd , bt naturopathic physician . made for your health every one of dr . morgan s products has been carefully thought out , researched , tested and are the purest of herbal products you will find . no side-effects ! ! ! visit our website click here for more information click here or call 619-423 - 8342 herbal energy regeneration 2222 coronado ave . suite e # 442 san diego , ca 92154-2037 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = interested in bulk mailing ? click here under bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105th u . s . congress this letter can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information & a remove link click here to be removed from this mailing http : / / www . globalremove . com prevent bulk emailers from mailing you in the future . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 +Subject: host your adult site here adult website hosting only $ 29 . 95 per month ! call 407-599 - 5253 everyone knows adult websites generate more revenue than other internet businesses , and it 's hard to find a good host . whether you are starting a new site or you are looking to get better service for your existing site and save some money , we are the place . our starter account : $ 29 . 95 per month . call 407-599 - 5253 get your www . myadultwebsite . com 1 gb of traffic 10mb of disk space full ftp access full cgi ( we use all the latest compilers ) unlimited pop email accounts , email aliases and forwarding full online management of your account . call 407-599 - 5253 for information on our higher volume accounts we can also assist you in getting a merchant account for real time credit card processing right over the net ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if you do not want to receive any further messages from us , please call 1 ( 800 ) 409-8312 and spell your email address if necessary . thank you 1 +"Subject: lexical semantics systems second workshop on lexical semantics systems ( wlss98 ) april 6 - 7 final program monday , april 6th 9 . 00 - 9 . 10 opening 9 . 10 - 9 . 50 j . pustejovsky ( brandeis university ) title to be defined 9 . 50 - 10 . 20 e . klipple & j . gurney ( army research laboratory , adelphi ) "" verb modification and the lexicon in the natural language and virtual reality system "" 10 . 20 - 10 . 50 p . buitelaar ( dfki , saarbruecken ) "" the acquisition of defaults in lexical semantic representations "" 10 . 50 - 11 . 10 coffee break 11 . 10 - 11 . 50 c . fellbaum ( princeton university ) title to be defined 11 . 50 - 12 . 20 p . bouillon ( issco , university of geneva ) & f . busa ( brandeis university ) "" where 's the polysemy ? a study of adjective - noun constructions "" 12 . 20 - 12 . 50 n . guarino ( ladseb-cnr , padova ) "" some ontological principles for designing upper level lexical resources "" lunch 15 . 00 - 15 . 30 m . slodzian ( crim-inalco , paris ) "" trade offs between generic and domain specific lexical resources "" 15 . 30 - 16 . 00 j . veronis , v . houitte & c . jean ( lpl , universite ' de provence & cnrs ) "" methodology for the construction of test material for the evaluation of word sense disambiguation systems "" 16 . 00 - 16 . 30 f . segond , e . aimelet & l . griot ( xerox research center europe , grenoble ) "" ' all you can use ! ' or how to perform wsd with available resources "" 16 . 30 - 16 . 50 coffee break 16 . 50 - 17 . 30 h . schuetze ( xerox parc , california ) "" automatic word sense discrimination "" 17 . 30 - 18 . 00 p . m . alcouffe ( hachette encyclopedies et dictionnaires , vanves ) "" do ' what / where / when ' make sense ? building a semantic net from three thematic indexes "" 18 . 00 - 18 . 30 n . dufour ( university of liege ) "" turning two commercial dictionaries into a single lexical data base for nlp "" social dinner tuesday , april 7th 9 . 00 - 9 . 40 g . chierchia ( university of milan ) np structure and semantic variation 9 . 40 - 10 . 10 r . aranovich ( university of texas , san antonio ) "" restructuring in hpsg and the lexical semantics of causation : evidence from spanish "" 10 . 10 - 10 . 40 l . gracia & l . turon ( university of girona ) "" on appreciative suffixes "" 10 . 40 - 11 . 00 coffee break 11 . 00 - 11 . 40 h . uszkoreit ( dfki , saarbruecken ) title to be defined 11 . 40 - 12 . 10 a . m . di sciullo ( uqam , montreal ) "" lexical semantic systems based on natural language asymmetries and consequences for ir "" 12 . 10 - 12 . 50 e . klein ( university of edinburgh ) title to be defined lunch 15 . 00 - 15 . 30 g . ferrari ( university of east piemonte , vercelli ) "" semantic interpretation , reasoning , and lexicon "" 15 . 30 - 16 . 00 j . veronis ( lpl , universite ' de provence & cnrs ) p . langlais ( kth-ctt , stockholm & ceri-lia , avignon ) "" progress in parallel text alignment techniques for multilingual lexical acquisition : the arcade evaluation exercise "" 16 . 00 - 16 . 30 e . viegas & remi zajac ( new mexico state university , las cruces ) "" inheritance and genericity in a multilingual knowledge base "" 16 . 30 - 16 . 50 coffee break 16 . 50 - 17 . 20 s . montemagni & v . pirrelli ( ilc-cnr , pisa ) "" asymmetries in the causative / inchoative alternation : theoretical accounts and corpus evidence "" 17 . 20 - 17 . 50 n . moreno ( instituto universitario ortega y gasset , madrid ) j . romero ( universidad autonoma de madrid ) "" denominal verbs and the theory of lexicon "" alternates 1 . m . stede ( technische universitaet berlin ) "" dimlex : a lexical approach to discourse markers "" 2 . t . hamon ( universite ' paris - nord ) "" does the general semantic information help the terminology structuration ? "" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * conference venue : scuola normale superiore piazza dei cavalieri 7 56126 pisa tel . + 39 50 509219 fax . + 39 50 563513 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the workshop is free . people who intend to partecipate are invited to register by sending a message to the following address : wlss98 @ celi . sns . it for every information concerning hotels , travel , and workshop location , please refer to the webpage : http : / / celi . sns . it / ~ wlss98 or contact : alessandro lenci scuola normale superiore lenci @ alphalinguistica . sns . it vittorio di tomaso celi ditomaso @ sns . it " 0 +Subject: partially automated techniques for transcription acl / coling-98 workshop on partially automated techniques for transcribing naturally occurring , continuous speech august 16 , 1998 ( following acl / coling-98 ) university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) call for papers description - - - - - - - - - - the development of robust systems for speech analysis and synthesis depends crucially on the availability of well-annotated corpora of naturally occurring , continuous speech . yet existing speech corpora are rarely well-annotated . a key to proper annotation is the availability of partially automated systems for linking selected portions of a visual display of speech to the corresponding transcriptions . to be of practical use , such systems must be able to handle large files of digitized speech and they should permit transcriptions at different levels of analysis . this workshop will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of papers and software demonstrations which reflect the current state of the art . we invite proposals of up to 800 words which address the development , use , evaluation , or potential commercial application of such systems . submissions - - - - - - - - - - only email submissions in latex or ascii will be accepted . authors should submit an abstract of no more than 800 words to : trans98 @ cs . concordia . ca style files and templates for latex submissions can be found at http : / / colingacl98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html the official language of the conference is english . important deadlines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - submission deadline : april 15 , 1998 notification date : may 15 , 1998 camera ready copy due : june 15 , 1998 program committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nancy belmore concordia university , canada sabine bergler concordia university , canada john esling univ . of victoria , canada eric keller univ . of lausanne , switzerland roland kuhn panasonic technologies , inc . , u . s . a . douglas o'shaughnessy inrs - telecommunications , canada ching y . suen concordia university , canada organizers - - - - - - - - - nancy belmore concordia university , canada sabine bergler concordia university , canada douglas o'shaughnessy inrs - telecommunications , canada registration - - - - - - - - - - - there is a discounted workshop fee for participants of coling / acl . participants who are not registered for coling / acl will have to pay the full workshop fee ( to be announced shortly ) . information - - - - - - - - - - any requests for information should be sent to trans98 @ cs . concordia . ca 0 +"Subject: re : 8 . 774 , disc : punctuation in the san fernando valley , on chatsworth blvd at balboa , is a sign with "" salad 's galore . "" i have often mused about what a ' galore ' might be and why 's alad ' owned it ! the error of inserting the apostrophe for a plural ( nonpossessive ) is seemingly endemic amongst college students in southern california , too . even though i give them fact sheets warning against such a usage , i get the error quite regularly on term papers - - especially with "" longer "" or less frequently used plurals , i . e . , "" boys "" or "" names "" comes out all right but "" linguist 's "" ( pl . ) or "" dyslexic 's "" do not fare so well . i would submit that it is not only endemic but epidemic ! however , it is a part and parcel of orthographic change in this part of the twentieth century and probably rates right up there with "" alright , "" alot , "" and "" nitelite . "" cheers , ach = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = alan c . harris , ph . d . telnos : main off : 818-677 - 2853 professor , communication / linguistics direct off : 818-677 - 2874 speech communication department california state university , northridge home : 818-366 - 3165 spch csun fax : 818-677 - 2663 northridge , ca 91330-8257 internet email : alan . harris @ csun . edu www homepage : http : / / www . csun . edu / ~ vcspc005 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " 0 +Subject: ijb web site correction the web address for the international journal of bilingualism ( including content page of no . 2 vol . 1 ) is : http : / / www . ncl . ac . uk / ~ nspeech / resijb . htm ( a wrong puctuation was included in an earlier posting . ) 0 +Subject: linguistics 35 : 6 ( 1997 ) linguistics volume 35 - 6 ( 1997 ) special issue parameters of inflectional heads edited by wim de geest , eric hoekstra , and guido vanden wyngaerd mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york wim de geest , eric hoekstra , and guido vanden wyngaerd . . . . . introduction hans bennis , frits beukema , and marcel den dikken . . . . . . . . . getting verb movement jonathan david bobaljik . . . . . . . if the head fits . . . : on the morpholo - gical determination of germanic syntax marcel den dikken and eric koekstra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . parasitic participles joost zwarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . comples prepositions and p - stranding in dutch author index to linguistics , volume 35 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: cuny conference next week this is a reminder that the 11th annual cuny conference on human sentence processing will be held march 19-21 , hosted by rutgers university in new brunswick , new jersy . the conference program begins at 1 : 00pm on march 19th , with the registration desk opening at 11 : 00am . all conference activities will be held in the hyatt regency , new brunswick . the special session on "" the lexical basis of syntactic processing : formal and computational issues "" will be held friday , march 20th , beginning at 8 : 50am . for more information , including the detailed conference program of talks and posters , see http : / / ruccs . rutgers . edu / cuny98 we gratefully acknowledge our generous sponsors : rutgers university center for cognitive science laboratory for language and cognition department of computer science faculty of arts and science national science foundation city university of new york linguistics program the ohio state university center for cognitive science university of pennsylvania institute for research in cognitive science university of rochester center for the sciences of language university of southern california gordon w . wilcox , ph . d . suzanne stevenson cuny ' 98 organizing committee " 0 +"Subject: query summary : tense dear linguist subscribers , a month ago i sent out an e - mail inquiry on tense in complement clauses . i would like to thank the following people for their kind replies . i will enclose a summary of their answers . special thanks to linguists who answered my questionnaire : frederik fouvry deborah miliam berkley david houghton annabel cormack gordon nicholson eleanor batchelder keira ballantyne gerald b mathias peter keiser deepest gratitude goes to linguists who sent their own or friends ' papers : raphael salkie "" time reference in reported speech , "" by salkie , r . and s . reed , to appear in a new journal , english language and linguistics . renaat declerck "" constraints on tense choice in reported speech , "" by declerck , r . and k . tanaka , in studia linguistica 50 - 3 , 1996 . nobue mori "" tense restrictions on interclausal quantifier - binding , "" by nunes , j . and e . thompson , in proceedings of the tenth eastern states conference on linguistics , 1993 . "" the discourse representation of temporal dependencies , "" by nunes , j . and e . thompson , in temporal reference , aspect , and actionality , vol . 1 : semantic and syntactic perspectives by bertinetto , v . , j . bianchi , and m . higginbotham , rosenberg & sellier , 1995 . i am also greatful to a linguist who let me know some pieces of information concerning declerck & tanaka 's paper : kaneaki arimura the summary is as follows : my question was "" is the present tense ok ? "" , so i will use "" yes "" ( the present tense is ok ) and "" no "" ( not ok ) . note that some linguists answered all questions , while the others did not . the numerals show the number of the linguists who have had the opinion . as for ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) , ( 17 ) and ( 18 ) , i will just write down the opinions . ( 1 ) a . they thought oxford was / is in london . ( yes 1 ; no 5 ; was is better 1 ) b . they thought oxford university was / is in london . ( yes 1 ; no 4 ; was is better 1 ) c . they thought oxford street was / is in london . ( yes 1 ; no 4 ; was is better 1 ) ( 2 ) a . john said mary was / is a liar . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) b . i said mary was / is a liar . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; ok if said is stressed 1 ) c . i said i was / am a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ) d . john said i was / am a liar . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) ( 3 ) a . john thought mary was / is a liar . ( yes 1 ; no 5 ; ? 1 ) b . i thought mary was / is a liar . ( yes 1 ; no 5 ; ? 1 ) c . i thought i was / am a liar . ( yes 1 ; no 5 ; weird even if the past tense 1 ) d . john thought i was / am a liar . ( yes 2 ; no 5 ) ( 4 ) a . john told me mary was / is a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; past is a little better 1 ) b . i told myself mary was / is a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; past is a little better 1 ) c . i told myself i was / am a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; past is a little better 1 ) d . john told me i was / am a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; past is better 1 ) e . john told mary she was / is a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; past is better 1 ) f . i told mary she was / is a liar . ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; past is a little better 1 ; marginally acceptable 1 ) g . i told mary i was / am a liar . ( yes 3 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ; past is a little better 1 ; marginally acceptable 1 ) h . john told mary i was / am a liar . ( yes 3 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ; past is a little better 1 ) ( 5 ) in ( 2 ) - ( 4 ) above , you must have found some examples where the complement clause can have a present tense . is your judgment still the same if we put "" always "" in the main clause ? [ yes - 2 ] [ no ] [ less acceptable - 2 ] [ the present tense is acceptable with all but ( 3 ) ] [ a little odder ] a linguist has made an example where the present tense is ok : ( i ) john always told me that mary has her head in the clouds , and now i think he 's right . ( 6 ) in ( 2 ) - ( 4 ) above , you have found other examples where the complement clause can accept only a past tense . what will happen if we change the situation in the complement clause to "" someone be lying , "" e . g . she is lying ? or "" someone be still lying "" ? is the present tense ok in such a case ? [ no - 5 ] [ only in ( 2 ) ] [ ok in all but ( 3 ) ] ( 7 ) a . i thought scotlant was / is too far . ( yes 2 ; no 5 ; odd 1 ; past is better 1 ) b . scotland , i thought , was / is too far . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) c . scotland was / is , i thought , too far . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) d . scotland was / is too far , i thought . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) ( 8 ) a . he thought scotland was / is too far . ( yes 2 ; no 4 ; odd 1 ; past is better 1 ) b . scotland , he thought , was / is too far . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) c . scotland was / is , he thought , too far . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) d . scotland was / is too far , he thought . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) ( 9 ) a . you thought scotland was / is too far . ( yes 2 ; no 4 ; odd 1 ; past is better 1 ) b . scotland , you thought , was / is too far . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) c . scotland was / is , you thought , too far . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) d . scotland was / is too far , you thought . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; odd 1 ) ( 10 ) a . galileo believed the earth moved / moves . ( yes 5 ; no 2 ; a little odd 1 ) b . i believed the earth moved / moves . ( yes 5 ; no 2 ; a little odd 1 ) c . john believed the earth moved / moves . ( yes 5 ; no 2 ; a little odd 1 ) ( some point out that the past tense implies a specifc movement , whereas the present tense implies a general movement . ) ( 11 ) a . galileo believed the sun moved / moves . ( yes 4 ; no 3 ; a little odd 1 ) b . i believed the sun moved / moves . ( yes 4 ; no 3 ; a little odd 1 ) c . john believed the sun moved / moves . ( yes 3 ; no 4 ; a little odd 1 ) ( 12 ) a . i said i was / am going to do it . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; ok if said is stressed 1 ) b . i said you were / are going to do it . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) c . i said she was / is going to do it . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) d . you said i was / am going to do it . ( yes 4 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ) e . you said you were / are going to do it . ( yes 4 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ) f . you said she was / is going to do it . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) g . she said i was / am going to do it . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) h . she said you were / are going to do it . ( yes 4 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ) i . she said she was / is going to do it . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) ( 13 ) a . did you know i had / have come ? ( yes 3 ; no 5 ; came is better 1 ) b . did you know tom had / has come ? ( yes 3 ; no 2 ; ? ? 2 ; came is better 1 ) c . did you know i had / have lost a tooth ? ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; lost is better 1 ) d . did you know tom had / has lost a tooth ? ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; lost is better 1 ) ( 14 ) a . did you know i was / am here ? ( yes 2 ; no 6 ; was is better 1 ) b . did you know tom was / am here ? ( yes 4 ; no 1 ; less acceptable 1 ; ? ? 1 ; was is better 1 ) c . did you know i was / am in tokyo ? ( yes 4 ; no 3 ; was is better 1 ) d . did you know tom was / is in tokyo ? ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ; was is better 1 ) ( 15 ) a . they told me you were / are in london . ( yes 4 ; no 3 ; distinct nuance 1 ) b . they told me tom was / is in london . ( yes 6 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) c . they told me you were / are here . ( yes 4 ; no 4 ) d . they told me tom was / is here . ( yes 7 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) ( 16 ) a . they said you were / are in london . ( yes 2 ; no 4 ; distinct nuance 1 ) b . they said tom was / is in london . ( yes 5 ; no 1 ; ? ? 1 ) c . they said you were / are here . ( yes 2 ; no 5 ) d . they said tom was / is here . ( yes 4 ; no 2 ; ? ? 1 ) ( 17 ) in ( 13 ) - ( 16 ) above , we have found some examples where the complement clause can accept only a past tense . what will happen if we put "" still "" in the complement clause ? is the pressent tense ok ? [ the present tense is not ok - 6 ] [ only for 3rd person ] [ "" still "" introduces a duration - some present tense is ok ] ( 18 ) in ( 13 ) - ( 16 ) above , the speaker is addressing to the hearer directly . are your judgments still the same if we change the situations like this : the speaker is talking on the phone to the hearer , who is in a distant place ? [ the same ] [ no - 2 ] [ yes for ( 13a ) and ( 14a ) - 2 ] [ for some of them the present would be possibly acceptable ] a linguist points out that for ( 13a ) and ( 14a ) to be ok , there should be some ill feeling between the participants , e . g . the hearer will be angered or surprised by the presence of the speaker . sorry for anything which might have been missed out . i will present a paper at the 114th meeting of the linguistic society of japan to be held at gakushuin university , tokyo , japan , on june 15 . i will take some of these results into consideration . others will contribute my future research immensely . i would like to thank again those who have helped me in various ways . minako nakayasu assistant professor kagoshima women 's college 1904 uchi hayato - cho , aira - gun , kagoshima 899-51 japan nakayasu @ kwc-u . ac . jp " 0 +"Subject: re : 8 . 792 , disc : grammar in uk schools - - a response having been engaged in the same sort of debate for several decades on this side of the atlantic , i tend to agree with professor sampson 's remarks on the value of teaching grammar in the uk schools . but because we do not all agree on _ what _ "" grammar "" should be taught , and because the public , even the educated public , even school teachers and administrators , are , at least in the u . s . , ignorant of the last century 's work in linguistics , teaching grammar does not turn out to be as easy as professor sampson seems to imply it is . for example , for many , probably most , linguists "" correct usage "" is not part of grammar . as a sociolinguist , i would prefer that correct usage be taught in secondary schools - - but clearly labeled as something other than grammar . and even within what nearly all of us would consider "" grammar , "" what should be taught . most educators ( sic ) in the u . s . and most politician would seem to prefer traditional grammar , which we linguists have misnamed "" prescriptive grammar "" ( when it is actually mostly proscriptive ) . to me , teaching traditional grammar has all the attraction of teaching phlogiston theory to non-scientists and passing it off as serious science . many of my colleagues in linguistics disagree . so the question is not "" should grammar be taught in uk schools ? "" but rather "" what sort of grammar should be taught ( everywhere , i think ) ? "" carl mills university of cincinnati " 0 +Subject: child language seminar 98 deadline child language seminar 1998 sheffield , uk , 4 - 6 september 1998 * reminder * the deadline for abstract submission is 1 may , 1998 . for details concerning the conference , please check our web page at http : / / www . shef . ac . uk / uni / academic / r - z / spsu / conf . html _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dr mick perkins senior lecturer in clinical linguistics department of human communication sciences university of sheffield 18 / 20 claremont crescent sheffield s10 2ta uk phone : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114 2222408 / 2222400 fax : ( + 44 ) ( 0 ) 114 2730547 http : / / www . shef . ac . uk / uni / academic / r - z / spsu / staff / mick . html 0 +Subject: new publications from pacific linguistics , rspas , anu ( for ordering details see the end of the file . ) - - grammar of tawala - - ezard , bryan a . grammar of tawala : an austronesian language of the milne bay area ; papua new guinea . 1997 , isbn 0 85883 458 8 , xvi + 320pp . softcover . a $ 59 . 60 pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-137 . key words : austronesian languages ; png ; grammar ; head-marking ; derivational processes ; function ; non-verbal clauses . this volume presents a grammar of the tawala language . tawala is a radically head-marking language and this grammar takes explicit account of attendant analytic issues . considerable attention is also given to derivation which , in tawala , is a function of the grammar rather than the lexicon . also a holistic model of the clause accounts for both verbal and non-verbal construction . - - boundary rider : essays in honour of geoffrey o ' grady - - tryon , darrell and michael walsh , eds boundary rider : essays in honour of geoffrey o'grady 1997 , isbn 0 85883 440 2 , viii + 444pp . softcover . a $ 65 . 00 pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-136 . key words : australian aboriginal languages ; historical linguistics ; pama - nyungan . this volume contains papers written in honour of geoffrey o'grady . a number of papers deal with aspects of the historical phonology and reconstruction of proto pama - nyungan and some of its lower order subgroups . others deal with polysemy , complex kinterms , australian aboriginal lexicography , and the original number and distribution of australian aboriginal languages . - - materials on languages in danger of disappearing in asia-pacific region - - wurm , s . a . , ed . materials on languages in danger of disappearing in the asia - pacific region no . 1 . some endangered languages of papua new guinea : kaki ae , musom , and aribwatsa 1997 , isbn 0 85883 467 7 , vi + 183pp . softcover . a $ 40 . 00 pacific linguistics catalogue number , d-89 . key words : key words : endangered languages ; papua new guinea ; kaki ae ; musom ; aribwatsa . papers by s . a . wurm ' materials on languages in danger of disappearing in the asia - pacific region ' , s . a . wurm ' kaki ae ( formerly known as raepa tati ) a potentially endangered language in southern papua new guinea ' , john m . clifton ' the kaki ae language ' , s . a . wurm ' musom , an endangered language in northeastern papua new guinea ' , susanne holzknecht ' musom morphology and grammar sketch ' , susanne holzknecht ' musom word list ' , s . a . wurm ' aribwatsa , an almost extinct language in northeastern papua new guinea ' , susanne holzknecht ' aribwatsa : a ' lost ' language of the markham family papua new guinea ? ' , susanne holzknecht ' aribwatsa word list ' , s . a . wurm ' publications on languages in danger of disappearing in the asia - pacific region ' . this volume , the first of similar volumes of reports on endangered languages in the pacific and southeast asian area , contains grammatical outlines , word lists and texts with interlinear translation of three papua new guinea languages in danger of disappearing : kaki ae ( papuan , potentially endangered ) , musom ( austronesian , endangered ) and aribwatsa ( austronesian , almost extinct ) . pacific linguistics publications can be obtained in any one of four easy and convenient ways : e-mail e - mail : mxk412 @ coombs . anu . edu . au over-the - counter the australian national university pacific linguistics department of linguistics rspas 3rd floor , room 1208 the australian national university coombs bld . , fellows road canberra act 0200 acton , canberra australia phone order fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 voice mail - message mira kwasik manager , publications centre research school of pacific and asian studies the australian national university canberra 0200 australia ph : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or 3269 fax : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 e - mail : mxk412 @ coombs . anu . edu . au the research school of pacific and asian studies , anu - online catalogue http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / publications / coombsguide . html 0 +"Subject: genre in digital documents , hicss 32 note : the deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to april 15 , 1998 call for papers for the minitrack "" genre in digital documents "" part of the digital documents track of the thirty - second annual hawai ' i international conference on systems sciences ( hicss ) maui , hi - january 5 - 8 , 1999 we invite papers for a minitrack on "" genre in digital documents "" as part of the digital documents track at the hawaii international conference on system sciences ( hicss ) . it is becoming increasingly clear that the successful use of digital media requires the emergence of new or transformed genres of digital communication . by genres we mean not just particular technologies or modes of communication or presentation ( e . g . , hypertext , email , the web , and so on ) , but complex communicative forms anchored in specific institutions and practices - - the digital analogues , that is , of print forms like the newspaper , the annual report , the how-to manual , the scholarly journal . this includes not just genres replicated from print form , but new and emergent genres that may not have existed in print form . topics the minitrack will address include , but are not restricted to , * issues in the transformation of print genres to digital form * genres in digital search and classification * genre theory and its application to digital documents * investigations of genre in use * analyses of particular document genres * designing in support of genre * evolution of genres of digital documents we invite two kinds of submissions : "" position papers "" that take on the broad questions of the role of genre in our understanding of digital documents , and case studies , designs , or reports that shed light on particular aspects of digital genres . please submit your paper to : michael shepherd geoffrey nunberg faculty of computer science xerox palo alto research center dalhousie university 3333 coyote hill road p . o . box 1000 palo alto , ca 94304 halifax , nova scotia nunberg @ parc . xerox . com canada b3j 2x4 fax : 415-812 - 4777 shepherd @ cs . dal . ca fax : 902-492 - 1517 deadlines : april 15 , 1998 : 300 - word abstract submitted to track chairs or minitrack chairs for guidance and indication of appropriate content . june 15 , 1998 : full papers submitted to the appropriate minitrack chair aug . 31 , 1998 : notification of accepted papers mailed to authors . oct . 1 , 1998 : accepted manuscripts , camera-ready , sent to minitrack chair ; author ( s ) must register by this time . nov . 15 , 1998 : all other registrations must be received . registrations received after this deadline may not be accepted due to space limitations . hicss-32 consists of eight tracks : collaboration systems and technology track digital documents track emerging technologies track health care track internet and the digital economy modeling technologies and intelligent systems organizational systems and technology track software technology track for more information about these tracks and a list of minitracks each consist of , please check the hicss web page for full listing of the minitracks : http : / / www . cba . hawaii . edu / hicss or contact the track administrator , eileen dennis , at edennis @ uga . edu " 0 +Subject: 5th iawe conference call for papers 5th international conference on world englishes at the university of illinois at urbana champaign on november 5 - 7 , 1998 the main theme of this years conference is : world englishes and african identities . in addition to this theme , we invite abstracts of 20 minute papers and 3 hr . colloquia on all aspects of world englishes , including : african - american varieties of english / ebonics caribbean varieties of english colloquia / workshop on themes related to world englishes discourse strategies english as a medium of literary creativity evaluating and testing impact / influence of english on the structures of indigenous languages pedagogy involving english as an international language power , ideology , and identity the bi - / multi-lingual creativity in english ( including code-switching involving english ) the politics of english in english - using countries . one ( 1 ) - page abstracts on any of the above topics or combination thereof are welcome . the abstracts must include , on a separate 3 x 5 index card , presenters full name , affiliation , mailing address , phone number , e-mail , and fax-number ( if available ) . please submit seven ( 7 ) copies of the abstract by june 30 , 1998 , to : professor eyamba g . bokamba , chair 5th iawe conference department of linguistics university of illinois at urbana - champaign 707 south mathews av . , 4088 flb urbana , il 61801 tel : ( 217 ) 333-3563 / 244-3051 email : deptling @ uiuc . edu program committee : co - chairs : rakesh m . bhatt ( university of south carolina ) e - mail : rakesh @ utk . edu kimberly brown ( portland state university ) e - mail : kim @ nh1 . nh . pdx . edu 0 +Subject: esslli-99 eleventh european summer school in logic , language and information esslli-99 august 1999 , utrecht , the netherlands first call for proposals the main focus of the european summer schools in logic , language and information is the interface between linguistics , logic and computation . foundational , introductory and advanced courses together with workshops cover a wide variety of topics within six areas of interest : logic , computation , language , logic and computation , computation and language , language and logic . previous summer schools have been highly successful , attracting around 500 students from europe and elsewhere . the school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of logic , language and information . esslli-99 is organized under the auspices of the european association for logic , language and information ( folli ) . the esslli-99 programme committee invites proposals for foundational , introductory , and advanced courses , and for workshops for the 11th annual summer school on a wide range of topics in the following fields : logic language computation language and logic logic and computation language and computation in addition to courses and workshops there will be a student session . a call for papers for the student session will be distributed separately . the programme committee welcomes proposals in all of the above areas . proposal submission : all proposals ( subjset : esslli-99 ) should be submitted by electronic mail to the program chair , at wansing @ rz . uni-leipzig . de , in plain ascii text as soon as possible , but no later than june 15 , 1998 . authors of proposals will be notified of the committee 's decision no later than september 1 , 1998 . proposers should follow the guidelines below while preparing their submissions ; proposals that deviate substantially will not be considered . guidelines for submission : anyone interested in lecturing or organizing a workshop during esslli-99 , please read the following information carefully . foundational courses : these are really elementary courses not assuming any background knowledge . the number of foundational courses will be 4 - 6 . foundational courses are taught by 1 or max . 2 lecturers . they consist of five sessions ( a one-week course ) or ten sessions ( a two-week course ) each session lasts 90 minutes . timetable for foundational course proposal submission jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadlines sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of title , abstract , lecturer ( s ) information , course description and prerequisites jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready course material introductory courses : introductory courses are central to the activities of the summer school . they are intended to equip students and young researchers with a good understanding of a field 's basic methods and techniques , and to allow experienced researchers from other fields to acquire the key competences of neighboring disciplines , thus encouraging the development of a truly interdisciplinary research community . the introductory courses in the three basic disciplines should provide introductions to the field for non-specialists ( an introductory course on logic , for instance , should address linguists and computer scientists , not logicians ) . introductory courses in the interdisciplinary fields , on the other hand , can build on knowledge of the respective fields ( an introductory course in computational linguistics should address an audience which is familiar with the basics of linguistics and computation ) . introductory courses are taught by 1 or max . 2 lecturers . they consist of five sessions ( a one-week course ) or ten sessions ( a two-week course ) each session lasts 90 minutes . proposals for introductory courses should indicate the level of the course as compared to standard texts in the area . for ease of reference a list of standard texts will be made available electronically . timetable for introductory course proposal submission jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadlines sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of title , abstract , lecturer ( s ) information , course description and prerequisites jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready course material advanced courses : advanced courses should be pitched at an audience of advanced masters or phd students . proposals for advanced courses should specify the prerequisites in some detail . advanced courses are taught by 1 or max . 2 lecturers . they consist of five sessions ( a one-week course ) or ten sessions ( a two-week course ) each session lasts 90 minutes . timetable for advanced course proposal submissions jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadline sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of title , abstract , lecturer ( s ) information , course description and prerequisites jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready course material workshops : the aim of the workshops is to provide a forum for advanced ph . d . students and other researchers to present and discuss their work . a workshop has a theme . at most one organizer is paid . the organizers should be specialists in the theme of the workshop and give a general introduction in the first session . they are also responsible for the programme of the workshop , i . e . , for finding speakers . each workshop organizer will be responsible for producing a call for papers for the workshop by november 15 , 1998 . the call must make it clear that the workshop is open to all members of the lli community . it should also note that all workshop contributors must register for the summer school . a workshop consists of five sessions ( a one-week workshop ) or ten sessions ( a two-week workshop ) . sessions are normally 90 min . timetable for workshop proposal submissions jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadline sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of call for papers dec 1 , 98 : send out call for papers mar 15 , 99 : deadline for papers ( suggested ) may 1 , 99 : notification of workshop contributors ( suggested ) may 15 , 99 : deadline for provisional workshop programme jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready copy of workshop notes jun 1 , 99 : deadline for final workshop programme format for proposals : please submit your proposal in the following format : name : - - - name ( s ) of proposed lecturer ( s ) / organizer . address : - - - contact addresses of proposed lecturer ( s ) / organizer . where possible , please include phone and fax numbers . title : - - - title of proposed course / workshop . type : - - - state whether this is a workshop , an foundational course , an introductory course , or an advanced course . section : - - - which of the six sections ( language , logic , computation , logic & computation , language & computation or language & logic ) does the proposal belong to ? please just name one . description : - - - a description of the proposed contents . not more than 150 words . external - - - state whether ( and if so : how ) you will be able to find funding : external funding to subsidize your travel and accommodation expenses . further - - - any further information that is required by the above particulars : guidelines should be included here . financial aspects : prospective lecturers and workshop organizers should be aware that all teaching and organizing at the summer schools is done on a voluntary basis in order to keep the participants fees as low as possible . lecturers and organizers are not paid for their contribution , but are reimbursed for travel and accommodation . in case of two lecturers , a lump sum is paid to cover travel expenses . the splitting of the sum is up to the lecturers . ( however , please note that the organizers appreciate it if , whenever possible , lecturers / organizers find alternative funding to cover travel and accommodation expenses . ) workshop speakers are required to register for the summer school ; however , workshop speakers will be able to register at a reduced rate to be determined by the organizing committee . finally , it should be stressed that while proposals from all over the world are welcomed , the summer school can only afford to reimburse travel costs for travel from destinations within europe to saarbruecken . program committee : heinrich wansing ( chair ) attn : esslli-99 institute of logic and philosophy of science university of leipzig augustusplatz 9 04109 leipzig germany tel : + 49 341 9735 773 ( 770 ) or + 49 351 463 5489 fax : + 49 341 9735 798 email : wansing @ rz . uni-leipzig . de n . n . ( language and computation ) lev beklemishev ( logic ) ulrich furbach ( computation and logic ) alex lascarides ( language and computation ) antonio di nola ( computation ) henriette de swart ( logic and language ) organizing committee : michael moortgat ( chair ) utrecht institute of linguistics ots utrecht university trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht the netherlands tel : + 31 30 2536043 ( secretary : + 31 30 2536006 ) fax : + 31 30 2536000 email : moortgat @ let . ruu . nl further background information : to obtain further information , please visit the web site for esslli-98 ( http : / / www . coli . uni-sb . de / esslli / ) or folli 's home page on the web ( http : / / www . wins . uva . nl / research / folli / ) . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * heinrich wansing university of leipzig institute of logic and philosophy of science augustusplatz 9 04109 leipzig germany tel : + 49 ( 0 ) 341 9735773 fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 341 9735798 www : http : / / www . uni-leipzig . de / ~ logik / wansing / index . htm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 +Subject: ecai-98 # 8 : accepted papers and registration details _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | / \ / \ | | | - - - | | _ _ _ | / _ _ \ | _ _ _ | _ _ , - | - - - | | | / \ | | / | | | | _ _ _ _ _ _ | \ _ _ _ _ _ / / _ _ _ _ _ _ \ | _ _ _ | ` - / \ ' / / \ august 23-28 1998 brighton uk ( ` - ' accepted papers and registration details http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 the ecai-98 website now contains the following new information : - list of papers accepted for the technical programme - registration and fees information - hotel accommodation information - instructions for authors preparing camara-ready copy additional information about the programme , and a more comprehensive email version , will be provided soon after easter . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ecai-98 secretariat tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 1273 678448 centre for advanced software applications fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 1273 671320 university of sussex email : ecai98 @ cogs . susx . ac . uk brighton , bn1 9qh , uk url : http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 ecai-98 is organised by the european coordinating committee for artificial intelligence ( eccai ) and hosted by the universities of brighton and sussex on behalf of aisb . 0 +Subject: new review of hypermedia and multimedia ( nmrh ) the new review of hypermedia and multimedia 1998 call for submissions on the themes of ' adaptivity and user modeling in hypertext / hypermedia systems ' , and ' hypermedia for museums and cultural heritage ' . nrhm ( previously hypermedia , one of the original journals on the subject ) is a refereed annual review journal covering research on practical and theoretical developments in hypermedia , interactive multimedia and related technologies . the new editorial team has introduced themed issues , each issue ( normally 10-12 papers ) will review and explore one or two topical themes from a variety of perspectives . the main theme of the 1997 issue was the evaluation of hypermedia and multimedia systems . the themes for the 1998 issue of the new review will be : - hypermedia for museums and cultural heritage theme editors douglas tudhope and daniel cunliffe - adaptivity and user modeling in hypertext / hypermedia systems : guest editors peter brusilovsky and maria milosavljevic ( also see adaptive hypertext and hypermedia home page http : / / www . education . uts . edu . au / projects / ah / index . html ) papers should be submitted to the appropriate theme editors no later than june 1st 1998 . for instructions to authors , see http : / / www . comp . glam . ac . uk / ~ nrhm / or contact the editor . submissions are welcomed on all aspects of the two themes , including but not restricted to : adaptive hypermedia user modeling in adaptive hypermedia adaptive educational hypermedia systems adaptive information systems adaptive museum hypermedia adaptive navigation support natural language techniques for dynamic hypertext generation adaptive www navigation aids adaptive visualization of hypertext structure empirical studies of adaptive hypermedia content adaptation in hypertext and hypermedia personalized information spaces adaptivity and adaptability in a hypermedia context adaptive information retrieval guest editors peter brusilovsky - plb @ cs . cmu . edu school of computer science , carnegie mellon university , pittsburgh , pa 15213 , usa . maria milosavljevic - mariam @ mpce . mq . edu . au mri language technology group , macquarie university , sydney , nsw 2109 , australia . hypermedia for museums and cultural heritage hypermedia link services networked access time-varying interactive presentations image , audio and video databases navigation design intelligent hypermedia and agents web-based museum hypermedia spatial and temporal models evaluation and studies of use metadata and intellectual access thesauri and semantic representations copyright / ipr for digital multimedia standards editor douglas tudhope - dstudhope @ glamorgan . ac . uk department of computer studies university of glamorgan pontypridd , mid - glamorgan cf37 1dl wales , uk fax + 1443-482715 tel + 1443-482271 associate editor ( us ) andrew dillon - adillon @ ucs . indiana . edu associate editor ( uk ) daniel cunliffe - djcunlif @ glamorgan . ac . uk for subscription information , contact taylor graham publishing , 500 chesham house , 150 regent street , london w1r 5fa , uk . 0 +Subject: symposium on literacy and writing systems in asia : the center for advanced study university of illinois at urbana - champaign announces symposium on literacy and writing systems in asia : commemorating the 600th anniversary of king sejong of korea may 1 - 2 , 1998 illini union 1401 west green street urbana university of illinois at urbana - champaign there is no registration fee , but space is limited so early registration is recommended . please include your name , institutional affiliation , address , phone number , and email address . jackie r . jenkins administrative secretary 912 w . illinois mc-064 urbana il 61801 jrjenkin @ uiuc . edu ph : 217-333 - 6729 fax : 217-244 - 3396 sponsored by the center for advanced study in conjunction with the china studies council , center for east asian and pacific studies , uiuc the korea studies council , center for east asian and pacific studies , uiuc the department of east asian languages and cultures , uiuc the department of linguistics , uiuc the international society for korean studies , osaka , japan the institute of language and information , korea university , seoul , korea the center for advanced study is a special unit of the graduate college of the university of illinois at urbana - champaign . the center is charged with promoting the highest levels of cross-disciplinary scholarship and discourse . symposium schedule friday , may 1 , 1998 room 407 , illini union 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 registration 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 opening remarks chin a . kim , chair , organizing committee braj b . kachru , director , center for advanced study jesse delia , dean , college of liberal arts and sciences 9 : 30-10 : 25 king seojong and his legacy king sejong 's theory of literacy : young - key kim renaud , george washington university 10 : 40-12 : 30 typography of writing systems alphasyllabaries and abugidas : william bright , professor emeritus , ucla on writing syllables : four episodes of script transmission : peter t . daniels , professor emeritus , university of chicago 2 : 00 - 3 : 50 literacy and writing systems in the pacific sociolinguistic factors in writing and literacy : the micronesian case : stanley yunick , jr . , uiuc literacy and writing systems in the pacific : larry e . smith , the east - west center , honolulu , hi saturday , may 2 , 1998 general lounge , room 210 , illini union 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 registration 9 : 00-10 : 50 literacy and writing systems in south asia literacy and writing systems in indonesia and malaysia : peter lowenberg , san jose state university , ca literacy , minority languages , and multilingual india : kamal k . sridhar , suny - stony brook , ny and yamuna kachru , uiuc 11 : 05-12 : 00 literacy and technology from pencils to pixels : literacy and the new technologies of writing : dennis baron , uiuc 1 : 30 - 4 : 15 writing , literacy and minority languages in east asia modelling the processing of kanji and hiragana in japanese : kim aisworth - darnell , the ohio state university literacy , minority languages and writing systems in japan : a critical perspective : yukio tsuda , nagoya university , japan bridging research and practice in literacy work among minority language groups in the philippines : maria l . s . bautista , de la salle university , the philippines 4 : 15 - 5 : 00 general discussioni for further information or to register please contact jackie jenkins ( 217 . 333 . 6729 ) , fax ( 217 . 244 . 3396 ) , e-mail jr-jenkins @ uiuc . edu or consult www . cas . uiuc . edu . center events are posted on our world wide web page : http : / / www . cas . uiuc . edu 0 +"Subject: home based travel biz ! free cruise ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ up to $ 10k + 1st mo income our home - based business is booming ! [ this is not mlm ] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * earn $ 2 , 000 - $ 5 , 000 + weekly - - starting within 1 - 4 weeks ! * commissions paid daily * 78 % profit to you on each order * no selling , no sales presentations * work from home , no overhead , no employees , etc . * no prior experience required * high tech training & support * not mlm , 100x more profitable * our industry has a 19 % annual growth rate "" i have no college education , no formal vocational training , and i have never owned my own business . i firmly believed that someday i would get the break i deserve . now i earn more than all of my professionally trained friends . last week i banked $ 17 , 500 . . . in one week ! my friends are still paying for student loans and i ' m shopping for a new bmw . "" mary jontz , jacksonville , fl as an independent associate . . . no need to give a sales pitch , no need to send information & no costs incurred . ( telephone usage is free ) do n't let this opportunity pass you by . if you ' re an entrepreneur or have always wanted to be your own boss , this is the one . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 24 - hour toll - free introductory message call now ! 1 - ( 800 ) 851-6989 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + to be removed from our mailing list reply to : happy69 @ yeehaa . com . any vulgarity will be filtered and your request for removal deleted . thank you . " 1 +Subject: pragmatics : critical concepts pragmatics : critical concepts edited by asa kasher , tel aviv university , israel published by routledge hb 1998 isbn / issn : 0-415 - 11734 - 8 2653 pages vols . i-vi dimensions : 6 1 / 4 x 9 1 / 4 inches ; 234 x 156 mm price : us $ 905 . 00 price : uk 550 . 00 this timely collection , for the first time together in one place , gives students and researchers access to the major works of the history of pragmatics as the science of language use . readers can mow critically assess the subject matter , methods , theories and applications that have shaped this exciting area of language study . this work also provides highly useful references and suggestions of additional papers to be consulted . table of contents volume one part one : dawn part two : delineation volume two part three : speech act theory part four : particular speech acts volume three part five : indexicals and reference volume four part six : presupposition part seven : implicature part eight : indirect speech acts volume five part nine : communication part ten : talk in interaction part eleven : discourse volume six part twelve : pragmatics and grammar part thirteen : pragmatics and psychology part fourteen : pragmatics and sociology for the table of contents , please contact prof . asa kasher asa0425 @ vm . tau . ac . il 0 +"Subject: nwlc - - second call for papers second call for papers northwest linguistics conference 1998 ( nwlc 98 ) simon fraser university , burnaby bc march 7 - 8 , 1998 the northwest linguistics conference is a graduate student conference which was started in 1983 with the dual purpose of encouraging interaction among students in the region ( ubc , sfu , uvic , uw , unbc ) and providing a chance for people to present their work in a friendly and lively forum . requirements for submission please submit 4 anonymous copies of a one page abstract ( 250 words ) with an additional page for figures and references . papers may deal with any area of linguistics . presenters will give a 20 minute talk which will be followed by a 10 minute discussion period . address all submissions to : simon fraser university department of linguistics 8888 university drive burnaby , bc v5a 1s6 canada attn : jean wang / nwlc 98 committee sorry , no e-mail submissions will be accepted . attach to the anonymous abstract a 3x5 "" card with your name , affiliation , address , phone number , fax number , and e-mail address . receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged via e-mail within 48 hours . northwest linguistics students will be given preference in continuance with previous years ' tradition , however all abstracts from outside the area are strongly encouraged . timeline deadline for abstract submission : february 6 , 1998 program announcement : february 13 , 1998 acceptance notification : february 13 , 1998 final manuscripts due : may 8 , 1998 proceedings available starting : june 5 , 1998 this call for papers as well as future information on the conference can be found at http : / / www . sfu . ca / ~ lgs / nwlc98 . htm please direct e-mail inquiries to lgs @ sfu . ca nwlc 98 committee kyoung - ja lee herman li caroline morgan krista muller nathalie schapansky miguel oliveira connie so jean wang " 0 +"Subject: new books in general linguistics different games , different rules : why americans and japanese misunderstand each other haru yamada , university of westminster , uk with a foreword by deborah tannen japan and the united states are in closer contact politically and economically than ever before , yet in many ways our nations are as far from mutual understanding as ever . misconceptions and miscommunications between east and west continue to plague this important relationship , frustrating the best efforts of both cultures to work together . stereotypes abound : americans see japanese as evasive and inscrutable , while japanese see americans as pushy and selfish . what causes these persistent misunderst andings , and what can be done to avoid them ? fluent in both languages and at home in both cultures , haru yamada brings an insiders perspective and a linguists training to this difficult question , illuminating the many reasons why americans and japanese misunderstand one another . social organization , she explains , shapes the way we talk . because american and japanese cultures value different kinds of social relationships , they play different language games with different sets of rules . in america , for instance , aesop 's fable about the grasshopper and the ants ends with the ants scorning the foolhardy grasshopper . in japan , however , the story has a very different ending : the ants invite the grasshopper in to share their winter meal , as they appreciate how his singing spurred them on during their summer labors . in the difference between these two endings , argues yamada , lies an important lesson : americans , because of their unique political history , value independence and individuality , while japanese value mutual dependency and interconnectedness . the language of both cultures is designed to display and reinforce these values so that words , phrases and expressions in one language can have completely different connotations in another , leading to all manner of misunderstanding . yamada provides numerous examples . in japan , for instance , silence is valued and halting speech is considered more honest and thoughtful than fluid speech , while in america forthright , polished speech is valued . likewise , the japanese use word order to express emphasis , while americans use vocal stress : a listener unaware of this difference may easily misunderstand the import of a sentence . in a lucid and insightful discussion , yamada outlines the basic differences between japanese and american english and analyzes a number of real-life business and social interactions in which these differences led to miscommunication . by understanding how and why each culture speaks in the way that it does , yamada shows , we can learn to avoid frustrating and damaging failures of communication . different games , different rules is essential reading for anyone who travels to or communicates regularly with japan , whether they are scientists , scholars , tourists , or business executives . but as deborah tannen notes in her foreword to the book , even those who will never travel to japan , do business with a japanese company , or talk to a person from that part of the world , will find the insights of this book illuminating and helpful , because the greatest benefit that comes of understanding another culture is a better and deeper understanding of one 's own . april 1997 192 pp . 0-19 - 509488 - 3 $ 24 . 00 oxford university press an introduction to the languages of the world anatole v . lyovin , university of hawaii at manoa "" the author succeeds in covering a broad range of important and interesting information , and i am not aware of any other work that could serve as an all-round textbook for a course on the languages of the world . "" - - bernard comrie , university of southern california , author of the world 's major languages "" . . . clearly exhibits the author 's very considerable erudition in several language areas . "" - - joseph grimes , cornell university the only textbook of its kind , an introduction to the languages of the world is designed to introduce beginning linguistics students , who now typically start their study with little background in languages , to the variety of the languages of the world . it is ideal for use in courses where students have mastered the basic principles of linguistics but lack background in the broad range of language phenomena found in the world 's languages , such as vowel harmony and ergative constructions . it offers students an opportunity to explore , at various levels , structures of very different , highly interesting languages without necessarily possessing a speaking or reading knowledge of these languages . lyovin explains the classification of languages , discussing not only genetic classification but typological and sociolinguistic classification as well . he follows this with an explication of writing systems . a chapter is devoted to each of the world 's continents , with in-depth analyses of representative languages of europe , asia , africa , oceania , and america , and a separate chapter covers pidgins and creoles . helpful features include an appendix of nineteen maps , student exercises , and suggestions for further reading . march 1997 512 pp . ; 18 linecuts , 19 maps 0-19 - 508116 - 1 paper $ 35 . 00 oxford university press linguistic change in french rebecca posner , oxford university rebecca posner explores the history of the french language in all its manifestations . within the framework of modern linguistic theory , she concentrates on how french acquired its distinctive identity and how different varieties of french relate to each other . this book richly illustrates the more technical aspects of linguistic change , and sets evidence of social history against the way the language has changed over time . december 1997 536 pp . ; 31 tables 0-19 - 824036 - 8 $ 120 . 00 oxford university press a practical dictionary of german usage k . b . beaton , university of sydney one of the most difficult tasks confronting the english speaker learning german is that of finding exactly the right german word to translate an english word in a particular context . many common english words have several german equivalents . thus it is all too easy to find yourself saying the equivalent of have you extinguished the trash ? instead of have you taken out the trash ? bilingual dictionaries list equivalents , but give little or no information about their use . the articles in this practical dictionary are much longer than those to be found in a bilingual dictionary , and the number of words treated is fewer , with a concentration on those which cause particular difficulties for speakers of english . january 1997 944 pp . 0-19 - 824002 - 3 $ 153 . 00 oxford university press language teacher education john roberts , university of reading ( an arnold publication ) this book is an introduction to the training and development of language teachers . the author provides an overview of the theories of how trainees learn to teach , supported by case studies of various training programs and discussions of the fundamental issues involved . 1998 ( paper 1997 ) 352 pp . 0-340 - 64625 - x paper $ 19 . 95 0-340 - 64626 - 8 cloth $ 70 . 00 oxford university press a student ' s dictionary of language and linguistics r . l . trask , university of sussex ( an arnold publication ) "" its coverage of the terminology of linguistics as a mature academic discipline is thorough and informative . a field that , although it deals with a phenomenon all of us enagage in daily has developed a vocabulary as abstract as the vocabulary used to describe fine wines or beautiful music , needs good dictionaries . it has another in trask 's student 's dictionary . "" - - rettig on reference the terminology used in linguistics can be confusing for those encountering the subject for the first time . this dictionary provides accessible and authoritative explanations of the terms and concepts currently in use in all the major areas of language and linguistics , ( pronunciation , word structure , sentence structure , meaning ) as well as in the study of the social , anthropological , psychological and neurological aspects of language . 1997 256 pp . 0-340 - 65266 - 7 paper $ 16 . 95 0-340 - 65267 - 5 cloth $ 60 . 00 oxford university press the concise oxford dictionary of linguistics p . h . matthews , cambridge university ( oxford paperback reference ) the concise oxford dictionary of linguistics is the most authoritative and up-to - date dictionary of linguistics available . written by distinguished and highly respected scholar peter matthews , this handy reference contains over 3 , 000 concise and informative entries on everything from phonetics to formal semantics . including world-wide coverage of languages and language families , the concise provides grammatical terms in english as well as grammatical categories in other languages . matthews also offers extensive coverage of the theory of language , language history , and important ideas and figures in linguistics . a directory of symbols is included for quick and easy reference . with entries ranging from epiglottal and morpheme to austronesian and navajo , the concise oxford dictionary of linguistics is the ideal reference for anyone with an interest in language and its study . january 1998 432 pp . 0-19 - 280008 - 6 paper $ 13 . 95 oxford university press lexicography and physicke : the record of sixteenth - century english medical terminology r . w . mcconchie , university of helsinki ( oxford studies in lexicography and lexicology ) medical practitioners of the sixteenth century had their own body of special terms , just like the doctors of this century . mcconchie here examines medical terminology used in a selection of thirteen medical works published between 1530 and 1612 , and compares it with the treatment of these words in the oed and other dictionaries of today . his study reveals errors , omissions , and biases that raise important questions for lexicograp hical tools in general . december 1997 464 pp . 0-19 - 823630 - 1 $ 100 . 00 oxford university press introduction to indo-european linguistics oswald j . l . szemere9nyi , university of freiburg this translation of the german edition first published in 1970 , introduces the standard text on the comparative-historical method to an english - speaki ng audience . after surveying the general principles of diachronic-comparati ve linguistics , the book uses these principles to analyze the phonological and morphological structure of the indo - european language group . each section of the book has a detailed bibliography , so readers can progress from the general overview to a more in-depth examination of particular topics . april 1997 390 pp . 0-19 - 824015 - 5 $ 98 . 00 oxford university press inside language vivian j . cook ( an arnold publication ) what makes human language unique ? how did language begin ? this book is a wide-ranging and stimulating introduction to language which students and general readers alike will read for enjoyment as well as instruction . it explores the most intriguing questions about the nature of human language , drawing on basic insights that have been developed by linguistics this century . 1997 304 pp . 0-340 - 60761 - 0 paper $ 22 . 95 0-340 - 69 ' 0 - 7 cloth $ 70 . 00 oxford university press john palsgrave as renaissance linguist : a pioneer in vernacular language description gabriele stein ( oxford studies in lexicography and lexicology ) when henry viii charged john palsgrave with teaching his sister french , there were no dictionaries or grammars of either french or english . in lesclarcissement de la langue francoyse , a vast work of over 1000 pages , this brilliant priest and linguist , with a dramatist 's eye for contempora ry life and an ear for colloquial idiom , provided the first bilingual dictionary and contrastive grammar of the two languages . stein presents a detailed study of his achievement . october 1997 528 pp . 0-19 - 823505 - 4 $ 145 . 00 oxford university press principles and parameters : an introduction to syntactic theory peter w . culicover , ohio state university ( oxford textbooks in linguistics ) this authoritative new survey shows readers how specific methodological assumptions underlie the core analyses on which syntactic theory is based . the author , an internationally respected figure in the field , gives extensive treatment of government and binding ( gb ) theory , and summarizes the major proposals and results of case theory , theta theory , x ' theory , binding theory , the theory of a - and a ' movement , locality conditions , and the theory of logical form ( lf ) . he also provides an up-to - date introduction to a number of more recent proposals , including chomsky 's minminalist program , larsonian shells , and kaynes 's antisymmetry theory . the most coherent and organized account of syntactic theory currently available , this volume is further enhanced by carefully selected and extensive sets of exercises , annotated suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter , and a comprehensive glossary of technical terms . february 1997 464 pp . 0-19 - 870014 - 8 paper $ 28 . 95 oxford university press for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org or visit the oxford university press usa web site : http : / / www . oup-usa . org oxford university press usa " 0 +Subject: multilingual text - to - speech synthesis multilingual text-to - speech synthesis the bell labs approach edited by richard sproat bell labs , lucent technologies foreword by louis pols , university of amsterdam multilingual text-to - speech synthesis : the bell labs approach is the first monograph-length description of the bell labs work on multilingual text-to - speech synthesis . every important aspect of the system is described , including text analysis , segmental timing , intonation and synthesis . there is also a discussion of evaluation methodologies , as well as a chapter outlining some future areas of research . while the book focuses on the bell labs approach to the various problems of converting from text into speech , other approaches are discussed and compared . this book serves both the function of providing a single reference to an important strand of research in multilingual synthesis , while at the same time providing a source of information on current trends in the field . contents and contributors : foreword , louis pols . 1 . introduction , jan van santen , richard sproat ; 2 . methods and tools , jan van santen , richard sproat ; 3 . multilingual text analysis , richard sproat , bernd m \ 246bius , kazuaki maeda , evelyne tzoukermann ; 4 . further issues in text analysis , richard sproat ; 5 . timing , jan van santen ; 6 . intonation , jan van santen , chilin shih , bernd m \ 246bius ; 7 . synthesis , joseph olive , jan van santen , bernd m \ 246bius , chilin shih ; 8 . evaluation , jan van santen ; 9 . further issues , richard sproat , jan van santen , joseph olive ; a . character set encodings . b . glossary of grammatical labels , references , name index , subject index . 1998 336 pp . isbn 0-7923 - 8027 - 4 price : $ 110 . 00 order your copy today ! phone customer service at ( 781 ) 871-6600 . orders by fax to ( 781 ) 871-6528 for information about all our publications , please visit our on-line catalogue at : http : / / www . wkap . nl 0 +Subject: second call for papers : fasl 1998 second call for papers : seventh annual workshop on formal approaches to slavic linguistics ( fasl ) conference dates : may 8-10 , 1998 , at the university of washington , seattle guest speakers : johanna nichols and barbara partee conference co-sponsors : university of washington department of slavic languages and literature ; university of oregon department of russian deadline for receipt of abstracts : february 18 , 1998 abstracts are invited for 20 - minute presentations on topics dealing with formal aspects of any area of theoretical slavic linguistics ( synchronic or diachronic ) , including syntax , semantics , morphology , phonology , discourse analysis , and psycholinguistics . presentations will be followed by a 10 - minute discussion period . send 6 copies of a one-page anonymous abstract to the postal address below . no fax or e-mail submissions will be accepted . please include one 3x5 card with : 1 ) title of paper 2 ) your name 3 ) address and affiliation 4 ) telephone and / or fax numbers 5 ) e-mail address mail to : fasl vii committee dept . of slavic languages and literature box 353580 university of washington seattle , washington , wa 98195 usa questions ? e - mail : fasl7 @ u . washington . edu telephone : 206-543 - 6848 fax : 206-543 - 6009 persons interested in attending fasl vii are invited to register their e-mail and / or mailing addresses at the conference address above . e - mail is the preferred means of communication for all business except abstract submission , for which a hard copy is required . 1998 fasl website : http : / / darkwing . uoregon . edu / ~ russian / fasl . html fasl vii committee : katarzyna dziwirek , james augerot , herbert coats ( university of washington ) ; cynthia vakareliyska ( university of oregon ) 0 +Subject: book : language acquisition language acquisition proceedings of the 22nd annual boston university conference on language development edited by annabel greenhill , mary hughes , heather littlefield , and hugh walsh issn 1080-692x isbn 1-57473 - 032 - 0 ( 2 volume set ) $ 50 . 00 paperback , 796 pages published in 1998 by cascadilla press these proceedings contain 71 papers from last november 's conference , covering a wide range of areas in language acquisition and language development . the volumes include the keynote address by annette karmiloff - smith and the plenary address by luigi rizzi . the table of contents and other details can be found on our web site at http : / / www . cascadilla . com / bucld . html or you can send a blank e-mail at bucld22 @ cascadilla . com to have the order form and table of contents automatically sent to you by e-mail . cascadilla press phone : 1-617 - 776-2370 fax : 1-617 - 776-2271 sales @ cascadilla . com http : / / www . cascadilla . com 0 +Subject: - gry for linguists in linguist 8 . 929 , alan harris wrote : > here are the responses to my request for other words that end in - gry > in english . . . the ' - gry ' puzzle makes a nice assignment for undergrads who have had a few weeks of phonology and morphology . with a little thought ( and training in linguistic analysis ) , resourceful students should be able to come up with the principles for forming dozens of new words ending in - gry . my own favorite is ' lemmingry ' ( place where lemmings are kept ) . see my homework assignment for introduction to linguistics , at http : / / www . georgetown . edu / cball / ling001 / gry . html - cathy ball o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | catherine n . ball * assoc . prof . linguistics , georgetown university | cball @ gusun . georgetown . edu http : / / www . georgetown . edu / cball / cball . html o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 +Subject: hello university degree programs increase your personal prestige and money earning power through an advanced university degree . eminent , non-accredited universities will award you a degree for only $ 200 . degree granted based on your present knowledge and experience . no further effort necessary on your part . just a short phone call is all that is required for a ba , ma , mba , or phd diploma in the field of your choice . for details , call 602-230 - 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( see the "" how we do it "" techniques described below ) . each file contains exactly 100 , 000 email addresses . there are only aol & mixed addresses on this cd . aol : you get over 50 files of 100 , 000 each of aol which equals over 5 , 000 , 000 addresses . the aol addresses are verified 100 % deliverable at time of production and were collected throughout the production schedule-then reverified as deliverable . all of the following domains have been removed from vol . 5 . absolutely not included : compuserve . com genie . com delphi . com gnn . com ( dropped by aol and not active at this time ) , edu , . gov , . mil , . org , and no state domains ending in . us no international domains used on this cd . only pure . com & . net ! ! ! no "" duplicate "" addresses . all "" dupes "" were filtered out . here ' s how we get the cleanest email addresses available anywhere ! ! 1 . 190 + million lines of email addresses were filtered and duplicates eliminated . this process , alone , reduces the list into a manageable number . 2 . another filter list of 400 + words / phrases were used to reduce the lists even more . no addresses with profane or inappropriate wording survived . 3 . a special filter file was used to eliminate most of the "" web poisoned "" email addresses from these lists . most of the lists we purged were full of bogus addresses . one list , in particular , had over 90 % poison in it . our exclusive system reduced these types of addresses to zero . 4 . a "" daily updated "" anti bulk email list of terrorists and general anti-internet advertising extremists was used to rid our lists of those people who , in a cowardly and deliberate manner , attack all marketing people who choose to utilize the greatest marketing discovery of all time - direct email . our database of these individuals is the largest one maintained worldwide and it keeps our lists of undesirable and extremist elements . 5 . in addition to the above , we also maintain a database that we update every day . this database contains undeliverable addresses , and addresses of those who have asked to be removed from any and all mailing lists ( this is comparable to the opt-out kind of list maintained by the dma , etc ) . owning this cd . . . is equivalent to you having to buy all lists and other cds of our competitors , plus the huge amount of resources our team secures through private means . the major difference is . . . . ours is thoroughly cleaned & free of all the "" filled "" & "" bogus "" addresses used by our competition to add inflated numbers to their lists . we perform hundreds of hours of production and thousands of dollars in order to offer you the cleanest and purest cd of quality addresses found anywhere worldwide ! sending your marketing letter to any one of our 100 lists of 100 , 000 ( 10 million in all ) is equivalent to sending 1 , 000 , 000 / one million of our competitors addresses to equal the same response , sales ratio , etc . would n't you rather send just 100 , 000 instead of 1 , 000 , 000 letters ? just think what results you would get if you sent 1 , 000 , 000 using our quality lists ! with our lists you will send less and get more results . our list will result in : higher response ratios higher sales ratios more receptive prospects ; less flames & non-buyers less contact with anti-commerce radicals who want the net for themselves ! you ' ll get 100 of the cleanest email files available anywhere ! each of our new volumes improves in quality and content . no competitor even comes close to matching this superior product . you must use it and compare for yourself ! this product will prove to be the best of it 's kind compared to any cd in terms of hours and money spent bringing it to market . no competitor will ever duplicate the effort of what it takes for us to produce this final product . we don t compromise quality , and we surely won't release any product before it passes our "" high standards "" test for quality . "" you can buy the all of the rest or you can buy from the best "" ! the millions cd - vol . 5 is the best ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ don t hesitate on this one or you will miss out on the most effective way to market anywhere . . . period ! if you have any further questions or to place an order , you can call us direct at : 1-800 - 242-0363 ext . 1226 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the millions cd - volume 5 * * * * * now only $ 225 . 00 ! * * * _ this price is effective for the next seven days , thereafter the price will be $ 299 . 00 so order now ! remember , bottom-line you always get what you pay for ! to order our email package , simply print out the ez order form below and fax our office today . we accept visa , mastercard , amex , and checks by fax . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ez order form _ _ _ _ _ yes ! i would like to order millions vol . 5 email addresses for only $ 225 . 00 . * please select one of the following for shipping . . _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package overnight . i ' m including $ 15 for shipping . ( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package 2 day delivery . i ' m including $ 10 for shipping . ( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city , state , zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of credit card : _ _ _ _ _ _ visa _ _ _ _ _ mastercard credit card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name on card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( required ) signature : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you may fax your order to us at : 1-603 - 452-6269 check by fax services ! if you would like to fax a check , paste your check below and fax it to our office along with all forms to : 1-603 - 452-6269 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24 hour fax services * * * please paste your check here and fax it to us at 1-603 - 452-6269 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if you fax a check , there is no need for you to send the original check . we will draft up a new check , with the exact information from your original check . all checks will be held for bank clearance . ( 7-10 days ) make payable to : "" eb services "" = - = - = - = - - = - = - = - = - = - = - = remove instructions = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * do not reply to this message - to be removed from future mailings : mailto : takeoff17 @ usa . net ? subject = remove * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " 1 +Subject: facial information processing call for papers pragmatics & cognition announces a special issue on facial information processing : a multidisciplinary perspective guest editors itiel e . dror and sarah v . stevenage in many senses , faces are at the center of human interaction . at a very basic level , faces indicate identity . however , faces are remarkably rich information carriers . for example , facial gestures may be used as means of conveying intentions . faces may also permit a direct glimpse into the person 's inner self ( by unintentionally revealing , for example , aspects of character or mood ) . given their salient role , the processing of the information conveyed by faces and its integration with other sources of interactional information raise important issues in cognition and pragmatics . research on facial information processing has investigated these ( and other ) issues utilizing a variety of approaches and methodologies , and developments in both computer and cognitive sciences have recently carried this research forward . the emerging picture is that there are cognitive subsystems which specialize in different aspects of facial processing . this has been supported by neuropsychological evidence suggesting that brain damaged patients show dissociations between the different aspects of face processing . in addition , research on the development of facial processing abilities , and on aspects of the face itself which affect these processing abilities , has contributed to our understanding of how facial information is perceived . this special issue of pragmatics and cognition is intended to provide a common forum for a variety of the topics currently under investigation . given the breadth of issues and approaches used to investigate faces , we encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines . our aim is that this special issue will tie together the diverse research on faces , and show their links and interdependencies . deadline for submission : august 1 , 1998 editorial decisions : november 1 , 1998 revised papers due : february 1 , 1999 expected publication : october 1999 papers should be submitted according to the guidelines of the journal ( see www url : http : / / www . cogsci . soton . ac . uk / ~ dror / guideline . html ) . all submissions will be peer reviewed . please send five copies of your submission either to : dr . itiel dror ( dror @ coglab . psy . soton . ac . uk ) or : dr . sarah stevenage ( svs1 @ soton . ac . uk ) dept . of psychology southampton university highfield , southampton so17 1bj england for additional and updated information see www url : http : / / www . cogsci . soton . ac . uk / ~ dror / faces . html or contact either of the guest editors . # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = # | itiel e . dror , ph . d . http : / / www . cogsci . soton . ac . uk / ~ dror / | | department of psychology dror @ coglab . psy . soton . ac . uk | | university of southampton office 44 ( 0 ) 1703 594519 | | highfield , southampton lab . 44 ( 0 ) 1703 594518 | | england so17 1bj fax . 44 ( 0 ) 1703 594597 | # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 +Subject: re : your request for an overview yes we do purchase uncollected judicial judgments ! ! if you , your company or an acquaintance have an uncollected judicial judgment then please call us and find out how we can help you receive the money that the court states you are rightfully due . we have strong interest in acquiring uncollected judicial judgments in your city and area . itc is the largest firm in the world specializing in the purchase and collection of judicial judgments . currently we are processing over 637 million dollars worth of judgments in the united states alone . we have associate offices in virtually every city in the us and in most foreign countries . you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by calling . there is absolutely no cost to you . we can be reached toll free at 1-800 - 409-8302 extension 1279 . you can call 24 hours per day . thank you for your time + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + another internet ad campaign produced and distributed by : cyber advertising systems , ny , ny 10011 . please call cyber advertising systems at 1-800 - 409-8302 extension 1284 if you would like us to design and distribute powerful advertising for your company . success courses is pleased with the advertising we have developed for them . if you have a solid well proven product or service then we would be proud to help your company also . to be removed from our mailing list please reply to us at smithhammel66 @ yahoo . com and type the word remove on the subject line only . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 +Subject: semantics conference at mit salt 8 semantics and linguistic theory eighth annual meeting massachusetts institute of technology may 8-10 , 1998 invited speakers : angelika kratzer fred landman richard larson tanya reinhart salt 8 features talks on topics in the semantic analysis of natural language emphasizing the connection to linguistic theory . on the day before salt ( thursday , may 7 ) , there will be a french / american colloquium on the syntax / semantics interface . a full conference program can be found on the web at http : / / web . mit . edu / linguistics / www / salt8 . html . pregistration is available until april 25 . the contact address for salt 8 is : salt 8 organizing committee department of linguistics & philosophy massachusetts institute of technology e39-245 , 77 massachusetts avenue cambridge , ma 02139 u . s . a . inquiries are welcome to the address above , or send e-mail to salt8 @ mit . edu = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = semantics & linguistic theory ( salt 8 ) organizing committee : kai von fintel , irene heim , sabine iatridou department of linguistics & philosophy e39-245 massachusetts institute of technology cambridge , ma 02139 77 massachusetts avenue u . s . a . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e-mail : salt8 @ mit . edu world wide web : http : / / web . mit . edu / linguistics / www / salt8 . html = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 +"Subject: code separation / mixing with minority langs summer course : code separation and code mixing in early bilingualism with minority languages san sebastian 9-11 july 1998 this course aims to show data from different bilingual countries in europe where we can find cases of early bilingual acquisition involving a majority and a minority language ( basque - spanish , irish - english , gaelic - english , french - breton ) . bilingual language acquisition , and especially the mixing and / or separation of grammars , will be the main topic of the course . course directors : andoni barrena maria - jose ezeizabarrena dpto . lengua espanola euskal filologia saila universidad de salamanca filologi , geografi eta historia fak . plaza de anaya , 1 unibertsitateko ibilbidea 5 e-37001 salamanca e-01006 vitoria - gasteiz spain spain e - mail : e - mail : fepezsem @ vc . ehu . es andoni @ gugu . usal . es invited speakers : prof . alison henry ( univ . of ulster at jordanstown . ireland ) prof . francis favereau ( univ . of rennes ii . france ) prof . janig stephens ( univ . of wales . united kingdom ) prof . itziar idiazabal , kristina elosegi , margareta almgrem ( univ . of the basque country . spain ) prof . pablo sotes & prof . juanjo zubiri ( univ . of navarra . spain ) registration form for summer course "" code separation and code mixing in early bilingualism with minority languages "" last name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . first name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . position : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . affiliation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . city : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . phone : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fax : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . registration fee early registration ( until 1 june ) 8 , 700 ptas . late registration ( from 2 june ) 10 , 440 ptas . accommodation you can reserve accommodation through the upv-ehu summer courses in hall of residence ( university dorm ) or hotel : hall of residence single double vat 4 , 500 ptas . 6 , 000 ptas . + 7 % hotel single double vat hotel codina 7 , 500 ptas . 8 , 500 ptas . + 7 % hotel san sebastian 9 , 500 ptas . 10 , 500 ptas . + 7 % hotel costa vasca 10 , 000 ptas . 11 , 000 ptas . + 7 % hotel aranzazu 9 , 200 ptas . 10 , 000 ptas . + 7 % hotel orly 7 , 000 ptas . 10 , 000 ptas . + 7 % if you wish to reserve accommodation through the upv-ehu summer courses , please fill in the following form : type of accommodation ( hall of residence or hotel ? ) : . if you chose hotel : 1st choice : hotel . . 2nd choice : hotel . room : ( single or double ? ) : . arrival date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . departure date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number of nights : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . an accommodation deposit of 10 , 000 ptas . per room is required . payment please fill in the table below to compute total payments due : registration fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . accommodation deposit 10 , 000 ptas / room ( if required ) total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please charge my credit card : american express visa eurocard / mastercard card number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiry date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i would like to pay by foreign currency draft or bank remittance . in that case make your payment to the following address : b3 summer course banco bilbao vizcaya avda de la libertad , 36 20005 san sebastian account number : 0182-5709 - 0010010034 please return registration forms to : b3 summer course cursos de verano / udako ikastaroak apdo 1042 20080 san sebastian date and signature date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signature : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for further information about this course , please contact course directors . web pwage for information about san sebastian : http : / / www . donsnsn . es application form for grants ( deadline 30 april 1998 ) summer course ' code separation and code mixing in early bilingualism with minority languages ( july 9-11 1998 ) a limited number of grants is available . participants who obtain a upv / ehu summer courses grant will have to pay 50 % of the course registration or / and accommodation . european union citizens can apply for a european union grant that covers 80 % of the registration and accommodation expenses . type of grant ( please circle the appropriate option ) european union grant / upv-ehu summer courses grant last name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . first name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . institution : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . city : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . phone : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f ax : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please fill in the following sentences by saying ' yes ' or ' no ' : i would like to apply for a european union grant . . . . . . . . . . i would like to apply for a grant for registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . i would like to apply for a grant for accommodation . . . . . . . . . i would like to apply for a grant for registration and accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . observations : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 0 +Subject: frontiers of combining systems preliminary call for papers second international workshop frocos ' 98 frontiers of combining systems october 2 - 4 , 1998 , amsterdam in various areas of logic , computation , language processing , and artificial intelligence there is an obvious need for using specialized formalisms and inference mechanisms for special tasks . in order to be usable in practice , these specialized systems must be combined with each other , and they must be integrated into general purpose systems . recently , the development of general techniques for the combination and integration of special systems has been initiated in many areas . after frocos ' 96 , ` frontiers of combining systems ' 98 ' ( frocos ' 98 ) is the second workshop intended to offer a common forum for these research activities . it also aims to offer the possibbility of presenting results on particular instances of combination and integration , and on their practical use . topics - - - - - suggested , but not exclusive topics of interest for the workshop are : * combination of constraint solving techniques and combination of decision procedures * integration of equational and other theories into deductive systems * integration of data structures into clp formalisms and deduction processes * combinations of logics and of term rewriting systems * hybrid systems in computational linguistics , knowledge representation , natural language processing , and human computer interaction * logical modeling of multi-agent systems . programme commitee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - franz baader , david basin , jacques calmet , dov gabbay ( co-chair ) , natasha kurtonina , aart middeldorp , istvan nemeti , maarten de rijke ( co-chair ) , christophe ringeissen , klaus schulz , amilcar sernadas , michael wooldridge invited speakers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - names of invited speakers will be released shortly . paper submissions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - authors are invited to submit a detailed abstract of a full paper of at most 10 pages to the second programme co-chair , either by e-mail ( preferred ) or regular mail . results must be unpublished , and not submitted for publication elsewhere . the cover page should include title , authors , and the coordinates of the corresponding author . following this it should be indicated which of the thematic areas best describes the content of the paper . to be considered , submissions must be received no later than may 15 , 1998 . all submissions will be thoroughly evaluated . on the basis of the referee reports , papers will be selected for presentation at the workshop and for the proceedings . authors will be notified by july 15 , 1998 . we intend to publish the proceedings as a volume of the kluwer series on ` ` applied logic ' ' . addresses for submissions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - electronic submissions should be sent to frocos98 @ wins . uva . nl , using ` submission ' as the subject line . paper submissions should be sent to maarten de rijke attn : frocos ' 98 illc , university of amsterdam plantage muidergracht 24 1018 tv amsterdam the netherlands important dates - - - - - - - - - - - - - - submission deadline : may 15 , 1998 notification : july 15 , 1998 workshop : october 2 - - 4 , 1998 local arrangements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - carlos areces , christof monz , maarten de rijke , marco de vries further information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - email inquiries about frocos ' 98 should be directed to frocos98 @ wins . uva . nl . information about frocos ' 98 can be obtained on the world wide web at http : / / www . wins . uva . nl / ~ mdr / frocos98 . sponsors - - - - - - - frocos ' 98 is sponsored by the computational logic project at illc , university of amsterdam . 0 +Subject: lecturership natural language processing the department of computing of the manchester metropolitan university has four 4 - year research lectureships on offer . one of the specialisms sought is in the area of natural language processing . the successful candidate would be attached to the mmu natural language processing research group , details of the posts at : http : / / www . doc . mmu . ac . uk / staff / s . oakey / lectres . html details of the nlp group at : http : / / www . doc . mmu . ac . uk / research / nlpgp / nlpgp . html - sophia ananiadou s . ananiadou @ doc . mmu . ac . uk department of computing effie @ ccl . umist . ac . uk mmu john dalton building chester street tel : + 44 . 161 . 200 . 3082 ( direct ) manchester , uk fax : + 44 . 161 . 200 . 3099 m1 5gd http : / / www . doc . mmu . ac . uk / research / nlpgp / nlpgp . html 0 +Subject: sociolinguistics the following is a new book that the summer intitute of linguistics has published since our last entries on the internet janice _ cooper @ sil . org subject : sociolinguistics christina bratt paulston and g . richard tucker , editors . the early days of sociolinguistic : memories and reflections ; pb . isbn : 1-55671 - 022 - 4 ; xii , 362 pp . ; $ 37 . 00 . summer institute of linguistics . the beginnings of sociolinguistics are recounted in the words of scholars who were imporant in the formation of this discipline . charles ferguson , dell hymes , roger shuy , kenneth pike , john gumperz , and joshua fishman are among the many eminent scholars who contributed to this volume . internet : academic . books @ sil . org available for review http : / / www . sil . org janice cooper academic publications summer institute of linguistics janice _ cooper @ sil . org 0 +Subject: hello university degree programs - - - - increase your personal prestige and money earning power through an advanced university degree . eminent , non-accredited universities will award you a degree for only $ 200 . degree granted based on your present knowledge and experience . no further effort necessary on your part . just a short phone call is all that is required for a ba , ma , mba , or phd diploma in the field of your choice . for details , call 713-866 - 4087 1 +Subject: docdes98 call for papers on december 17 and 18 , 1998 , tilburg university will host the first international conference on document design . the conference will address research on the design of informative , instructive , and persuasive texts . aim the aim of the conference is to bring together researchers who are interested in document design and who are working in the field of discourse studies , ( cognitive ) linguistics , educational psychology , speech communication , technical documentation , communication science , social psychology , cognitive psychology , marketing communication , and so on . contributions the organizers invite contributions on how document design decisions and the choice of message variables affect the function and use of informative , instructive , or persuasive documents . methodologies methodologies used may range from experimental and ( corpus ) analytical to case studies . message variables may concern content , structure , style , lay-out , audience , and so on . deadline for abstracts : may 15 , 1998 for further information you can visit our website : http : / / cwis . kub . nl / ~ fdl / research / tw / docdes98 / index . htm or contact document . design98 @ kub . nl 0 +"Subject: third utrecht biannual phonology workshop programme third utrecht biannual phonology workshop workshop theme : typology and acquisition thursday , june 11 10 : 00 young - mee yu cho ( rutgers university ) "" syllable typology and acquisition of clusters "" 10 : 45 ioanna kappa ( university of crete ) "" acquisition of prosodic structure : evidence from modern greek "" 11 : 30 coffee break 12 : 15 claartje levelt ( hil / free university amsterdam ) & ruben van de vijver ( universitat tuebingen ) "" syllable types in cross - linguistic - and developmental grammars "" 13 : 00 lunch 14 : 00 janet grijzenhout & sandra joppen ( heinrich - heine - universitat , dusseldorf ) "" german child language and phonological features "" 14 : 45 discussion session 15 : 30 tea break 16 : 15 joe pater ( university of alberta ) - tba friday , june 12 10 : 00 a . j van rooy ( university of south - africa , pretoria ) "" constraints and language specific conflict resolution in sotho and afrikaans "" 10 : 45 shigeko shinohara ( university of sorbonne - nouvelle ) "" emergence of ug in foreign word adaptations "" 11 : 30 coffee break 12 : 15 isao ueda ( osaka university of foreign studies & indiana university ) "" some formal and functional typological properties in developing phonologies "" 13 : 00 lunch 14 : 00 paul boersma ( university of amsterdam ) "" typology and language acquisition in functional phonology "" 14 : 45 discussion session 15 : 30 tea break 16 : 15 bruce hayes ( university of california , los angeles ) - tba the workshop will be held at the cbs - gebouw , kromme nieuwegracht 39 , at 5 minutes from u . i . l . / ots " 0 +Subject: iccip ' 98 iccip ' 98 call for papers 1998 international conference on chinese information processing ( iccp ' 98 ) , beijing , china november 18-20 , 1998 you are invited to participate in the 1998 international conference on chinese information processing to be held on november 18-20 , 1998 at tsinghua university in beijing . sponsored by : chinese information processing society in china cosponsored by : tsinghua university , natural science foundation of china starlink publishing co . , ltd conference : iccip * 98 is an international conference on chinese information processing . the conference will provide a forum for the researchers , developers , and practitioners to exchange their ideas and discuss future directions of chinese information processing . the past six conference ware held at beijing ( 1983 . 1987 ) , changsha in china ( 1990 ) , beijing ( 1992 ) , singapore ( 1994 , 1996 ) . topics : papers presenting original research in chinese information processing are being sought . suggested topics include ( but are on limited to ) : - - - - - information retrieval and information extraction - - - - - document image analysis and ocr - - - - - multi - lingual computing - - - - - speech understanding and generation - - - - - natural language processing - - - - - intelligent input methodologies - - - - - machine translation - - - - - novel font design and generation - - - - - research on language models - - - - - electronic typesetting and desk top publishing - - - - - corpus and corpus - based method - - - - - minorities languages information processing - - - - - language information processing system on internet - - - - - artificial intelligence and education - - - - - computer - aided chinese instruction information for authors : original unpublished papers of up to 6000 words in length are invited . to submit a paper . send three copies in chinese or english . the first part of paper should include a title , anabstract , keywords and phrases , author 's name ( s ) , affiliation , complete mailing address , phone number and signed statement of commitment that if the paper is accepted , one of the authors will present the paper at iccip * 98 . email address or fax number is welcome if possible . important dates : may 31 , 1998 paper submission due july 1 , 1998 notification of acceptance aug . 15 , 1998 final camera ready manuscript due address : submissions and information to : ms . pan yangke p . o . box 8718 100080 , beijing china . tel : 86-10 - 62562916 fax : 86-10 - 62562533 email : cips @ ns . ict . ac . cn 0 +Subject: call now ! hi there ! have you ever wondered : what 's in store for tomorrow ? who you ' re going to meet ? whether or not you ' re going to get that great new job you applied for ? = 20 will you meet that genuinely significant other ? = 85just about anything else that involves future events ? why not find out now ? know what to expect ! call the psychic hotline now a = t = 20 1-900 - 435-3541 or 1-888 - 303-6456 ! need help finding a date ? want to meet that significant other , or just h = ave fun with the right person for you in your area , without the trial and = error hassles of dating ? call the dateline at 1-900 - 435-3541 or 1-888 - 30 = 3-6456 ! that 's not all ! there are 4 , count them , four other services to choose f = rom when you call ! that 's just the beginning ! find out by picking up the = phone and giving us a call ! those numbers again are 1-900 - 435-3541 or 1 - 8 = 88-303 - 6456 . start now fulfilling your fantasies and dreams ! give us a call ! = 20 your soul mate may just be at the other end of the line ! just a phone ca = ll away ! do n't miss out ! call now ! ( 18 or older only please . $ 2 . 99 to $ 5 . 99 / minute ) 1 +Subject: code - switching in conversation code-switching in conversation : language , interaction , and identity i would like to inform readers about the publication of a new volume on code-switching . the book is already being distributed : peter auer , ed . 1998 . _ code - switching in conversation : language , interaction , and identity _ . london : routledge . the book includes theoretical chapters and analyses from a broad range of language pairs and sociolinguistic situations . an ample description of the volume 's contents , including a presentation and chapter abstracts , can be found at : http : / / www . udc . es / dep / lx / cac / c-s this page includes a link to routledge 's web pages for orders . disclaimer : i am not affiliated with the publishers , commercially or otherwise . celso alvarez - caccamo universidade da corunha , galiza , spain lxalvarz @ udc . es calvarez @ socrates . berkeley . edu 0 +Subject: journal of amazonian languages the second issue of volume 1 of the journal of amazonian languages is now in press and should be mailed out the second week of march . the articles in this issue are : ' the use of coreferential and reflexive markers in tupi - guarani languages ' , by cheryl jensen . ( pp1 - 49 ) ' aspects of ergativity in marubo ( panoan ) , by raquel guimaraes r . costa . ( pp50 - 103 ) ' the acoustic correlates of stress in piraha ' , by keren m . everett . ( pp104 - 162 ) . requests for subscriptions may be sent to : ms . carolyn anderson department of linguistics 2816 cl university of pittsburgh pittsburgh , pa 15260 0 +Subject: semitic langs - - coling-acl ' 98 workshop on computational approaches to semitic languages coling-acl ' 98 sunday august 16 , 1998 , university of montreal final call for papers * * * submission deadline extended to 15th april * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - workshop description although there exists a considerable body of cl research specifically targeted to semitic languages , much of the work to date has been the result of initiatives undertaken by individual researchers or research establishments . a direct consequence is that there is comparatively little awareness amongst practitioners of either the state of the art as practiced outside their own locality , the common challenges faced by all practitioners , or the potential for developing a coordinated approach . the aims of this workshop are therefore : * to provide a forum where current work in a broad range of subfields can be presented , collected and diffused . * to assess the state of the art with a view to identifying promising areas for future collaborative research . * to set up initiatives to explore the possibilities of supporting such research through national and international funding agencies . subtopics areas of interest include ( but are not limited to ) : * educational applications * empirical methods * orthographic represention * language modelling * language resources * lexicon and lexical represention * machine translation * morphology and phonology * multilinguality * syntax , parsing and generation * speech applications workshop programme committee michael rosner , university of malta , malta ( coordinator ) mohamed abd - elsalam , sakr software , egypt ken beesley , xerox research centre europe , france khalid choukri , elra / elda , france yaacov choueka , bar ilan university , israel fathi debili , cnrs-crlao ( paris ) / irmc , tunis mamoun hattab , arabic textware , amman , jordan george kiraz , bell labs , usa chadia moghrabi , univerity of moncton , canada mori rimon , hebrew university , israel sponsor mid - med bank , malta submission requirements deadlines * * * new * * submission deadline : april 15 , 1998 * notification date : june 1 , 1998 * camera ready copy due : june 22 , 1998 format * electronic submissions only , postscript format . * provide a list of keywords and indicate the best fitting subtopic from the above list . * latex users are encouraged to use the style file provided by acl : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / colaclsub . sty * maximum length is 8 pages including figures and references . * please use a4 or us letter format and set margins so that the text lies within a rectangle of 6 . 5 x 9 inches ( 16 . 5 x 23 cm ) . * use classical fonts such as times roman or computer modern , 11 to 12 points for text , 14 to 16 points for headings and title . * please submit papers to mros @ cs . um . edu . mt . all submissions will be acknowledged . contact michael rosner : mros @ cs . um . edu . mt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mike rosner ( mros @ cs . um . edu . mt ) last modified : fri feb 20 15 : 08 : 23 met 0 +"Subject: lrec workshop announcement adapting lexical and corpus resources to sublanguages and applications a workshop to be held at the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain , 26 may 1998 the workshop will provide a forum for those researchers involved in the development of methods to integrate corpora and mrds , with the aim of adding adaptive capabilities to existing linguistic resources . organisers : roberto basili ( university of roma "" tor vergata "" ) , roberta catizone ( university of sheffield ) , maria teresa pazienza ( university of roma "" tor vergata "" ) , paola velardi ( university of roma "" la sapienza ) , yorick wilks ( university of sheffield ) workshop scope and aims lexicons , i . e . , those components of a nlp system that contain "" computable "" information about words , cannot be considered as static objects . words may behave very differently in different domains , and there are language phenomena that do not generalize across sublanguages . lexicons are a snapshot of a given stage of development of a language , normally provided without support for adaptation changes , whether caused by language creativity and development or the shift to such a previously unencountered domain . the divergence of corpus usages from lexical norms has been studied computationally at least since the late sixties , but only recently has the availability of large on-line corpora made it possible to establish methods to cope systematically with this problem . an emerging branch of research is now involved in studies and experiments on corpus-driven linguistics , with the aim of complementing and extending earlier work on lexicon acquisition based on machine readable dictionaries ( mrd ) : data are extracted from texts , as embodiments of language in use , so as to capture lexical regularities and to code them into operational forms . the purpose of this workshop will be to provide an updated snapshot of current work in the area , and promote discussion of how to make progress . central topics will be ( though this list is in no way exclusive ) : * corpus-driven tuning of mrds to optimize domain-specific inferences , * terminology and jargon acquisition , * sense extensions , * acquisition of preference or subcategorization information from corpora * taxonomy adaptation , * statistical weighting of senses etc . to domains * use of mrds to provide explanations of linguistic phenomena in corpora * what is the scope of "" lexical tuning "" * the evaluation of lexical tuning as a separate task , or as part of a more generic task industrial panel * * * new * * * * automatic adaptation of lexicons to new domains through the use of application corpora makes nlp applications more adaptable and portable . the program commettee is organizing a joint panel to discuss this ( and other ) issues concerning next generation information extraction systems . the panel intends to bring industrial representatives to confront expectations in ie from their viewpoint and degree of maturity of the offering . the following ( and other ) issues will be discussed : - is there a market for ie ? - what is the demand in domains such as new services for the citizens , telecommunications , management support , etc ? - what are the technical requirements ? is the technology near to the market ? program committee yorick wilks university of sheffield roberta catizone university of sheffield paola velardi university of roma "" la sapienza "" maria teresa pazienza university of roma "" tor vergata "" roberto basili university of roma "" tor vergata "" bran boguraev brandeis university sergei nirenburg new mexico state university james pustejowsky brandeis university ralph grishman new york university christiane fellbaum princeton university paper submission formatting guidelines : papers should not exceed 4000 words or 10 pages . hard copies : three hard copies should be sent to : paola velardi dipartimento di scienza dell ' informazione via salaria 113 00198 roma italy electronic submission : electronic submission will be allowed in poscript or word per mac or rtf . an ftp site will be available on demand . authors should send an info email to paola velardi ( velardi @ dsi . uniroma1 . it ) even important dates * * * * * ( please note extended deadline ) * * * * * * paper submission deadline ( hard copy / electronic ) march 10 paper notification april 1 camera - ready papers due april 20 l&ct workshop may 26 prof . paola velardi dipartimento di scienza dell ' informazione via salaria 113 universita ' "" la sapienza "" 00198 roma ph . + 39 - ( 0 ) 6-49918356 fax + 39 - ( 0 ) 6-8541842 8841964 " 0 +Subject: . international driver ' s license need a new driver 's license ? too many points or other trouble ? want a license that can never be suspended or revoked ? want id for nightclubs or hotel check-in ? avoid tickets , fines , and mandatory driver 's education . protect your privacy , and hide your identity . the united nations gave you the privilege to drive freely throughout the world ! ( convention on international road traffic of september 19 , 1949 & world court decision , the hague , netherlands , january 21 , 1958 ) take advantage of your rights . order a valid international driver 's license that can never be suspended or revoked . confidentiality assured . call now ! ! ! 1-937 - 586-9313 1 +"Subject: new on 95 . 8 capital fm this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - brits vote - the only place to cast your vote for best single . - golden globes - all the glitz and glamour of the "" little oscars "" . - 911 - win signed copies of the single and pre-order the album . - showtime online - the inside track to who 's coming to see us ! - ultra - win signed copies of the album . - britney spiers - the us teen star answers your questions . - dj spotlight - margherita taylor . + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - - brits vote - the only place to cast your vote for best single . this is the only place where you can cast your vote on-line for the official brits best single . make sure to have your voice heard and be counted . - golden globes - all the glitz and glamour of the "" little oscars "" . the movies and actors that win at the golden globes usually end up winning oscars , so be the first to know all the winners by checking the site on sunday . - 911 - win signed copies of the single and pre-order the album . a signed copy of the number one single "" a little bit more "" can be yours if you win in our competition . and you can also pre-order the album so that you are sure to get a copy as soon as it 's released . - showtime online - the inside track to who 's coming to see us ! be the first to know who 's coming in to see us and catch up on what you missed in our all star gallery filled with behind the scenes pictures and audio clips . - ultra - win signed copies of the album . the debut album from the london based ultra is all yours if you win in our competition , so come to the site and try your luck . - britney spiers - the us answer to billie is rocketing up the billboard chart . she ' ll be here in february and will answer your questions . - dj - this weeks dj under the spotlight is margherita taylor . read all about our golden girl . all this and much , much more at http : / / capitalfm . com + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - do n't want to receive these e-mails ? click the following link to remove your address from our mailing list : http : / / capitalfm . com / unsubscribe + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - advertisement looking for a book ? come and visit amazon . co . uk and get up to 40 % off on thousands of popular books . find the book you want in seconds by author , title or subject , then order with just one click of the mouse . with a choice of well over a million books , including hundreds of thousands of us titles , you ' re bound to find the book you ' re looking for . click on this link to see for yourself : http : / / www . amazon . co . uk / exec / obidos / redirect-home / capitalmailuk1 + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - advertisement you want to be a winner ? the competition zone - where everyone should go and where many have gone before . . . pub tours , cinema tickets and much more . there are always new and exciting competitions appearing on the competition zone . you still here ? well click below now and enter one of the fabulous competitions with prizes just waiting to be won . http : / / capitalfm . com / compzone / + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - advertisement trust capital to bring you the best . shopping could n't be simpler with shoppingcapital . com . interflora can send flowers to your loved ones , orange keep you in touch , innovations touch on tomorrow and elonex bring tomorrow 's world to you - today ! it 's the only place to be for the latest nad greatest services and products . click on the link below and make shoppingcapital your first choice . http : / / shoppingcapital . com + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - " 1 +"Subject: french - american colloquium french-american colloquium "" the syntax - semantics interface "" thursday , may 7 , 1998 massachusetts institute of technology note : the french - american colloquium is made possible by the french scientific mission in washington , with additional funding from mit working papers in linguistics . the colloquium will be immediateled followed by salt ( mit , may 8-10 , 1998 ) for additional information , consult our webpage at http : / / web . mit . edu / linguistics / www / conferences / salt8 / french . html or contact prof . david pesetsky at pesetsk @ mit . edu , or philippe schlenker at schlenk @ mit . edu . [ information about salt 8 can be found at http : / / web . mit . edu / afs / athena . mit . edu / org / l / linguistics / www / salt8 . html ] program 8 : 45 : welcome 9 : 00 - 9 : 55 : alain rouveret ( u . de paris-8 ) "" feature - fission and the syntax of argument clitics "" 9 : 55 - 10 : 50 : tba 10 : 50-11 : 10 : coffee break 11 : 10 - 12 : 05 : daniele godard ( cnrs & u . de lille-3 ) "" syntax - semantics mismatches and constraint - based lexicalism "" 12 : 05 - 13 : 00 : viviane deprez ( rutgers ) "" french negative concord "" 13 : 00-14 : 30 : lunch break 14 : 30 - 15 : 25 : jacqueline gueron ( u . de paris-10 ) "" the passive , the middle , and the person feature "" 15 : 25 - 16 : 20 : jacqueline lecarme ( u . de paris-7 ) "" the temporal structure of noun phrases "" 16 : 20-16 : 40 : coffee break 16 : 40 - 17 : 35 : lea nash ( u . de paris-8 ) "" placement of dative arguments "" 17 : 35 - 18 : 30 : dominique sportiche ( ucla ) title to be announced " 0 +"Subject: computers and the humanities : vol . 31 no . 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * just published just published just published just published * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * computers and the humanities volume 31 no . 2 1997 the most recent issue of computers and the humanities includes a special section entitled "" debates in humanities computing "" . this issue 's debate addresses a fundamental question underlying work on automatic word sense disambiguation : the viability of definitively distinguishing senses of polysemous words . yorick wilks , a well-known researcher in the area of automatic sense disambiguation and computational semantics , presents his view of word senses which supports the viability of current approaches to automatic word sense disambiguation . an opposing position is taken by lexicographer adam kilgarriff , who argues that definitive sense division is so difficult , even for humans , as to be virtually impossible , and describes an empirical study supporting his claim . table of contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - special section - - - - - - - - - - - - - - debates in humanities computing : the viability of automatic word sense disambiguation senses and texts yorick wilks i do n't believe in word senses adam kilgarriff other articles in this issue : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - an estonian morphological analyser and the impact of a corpus on its development heiki - jaan kaalep mtscript : a multi lingual text editor malek boualem and stephane harie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - computers and the humanities the official journal of the association for computers and the humanities editors - in - chief : nancy ide , dept . of computer science , vassar college , usa daniel greenstein , executive , arts and humanities data services , king 's college , uk for subscriptions or information , consult the journal 's www home page : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / or contact : dieke van wijnen kluwer academic publishers spuiboulevard 50 p . o . box 17 3300 aa dordrecht the netherlands phone : ( + 31 ) 78 639 22 64 fax : ( + 31 ) 78 639 22 54 e - mail : dieke . vanwijnen @ wkap . nl members of the association for computers and the humanities ( ach ) receive a subscription to chum at less than half the price of an individual subscription . for information about ach and a membership application , consult http : / / www . ach . org / , or send email to chuck _ bush @ byu . edu . " 0 +Subject: malay / indonesian symposium : final call institut keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan ujung pandang the association for linguistic typology final call for abstracts : the second symposium on malay / indonesian linguistics 11-12 july 1998 ujung pandang , indonesia * * * the co-organizers of the second symposium on malay / indonesian linguistics wish to inform interested linguists that following the conclusion of the general assembly of the mpr , indonesia 's electoral college , the situation in indonesia has calmed down and no problems are anticipated that might affect the symposium or its participants . the symposium will accordingly be held as scheduled . due to the uncertainty which characterized the past several months , the deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended until may 1 . * * * persons who wish to present a paper at the symposium but have not yet submitted an abstract are invited to do so now . a one-page abstract should be submitted by regular mail , email , or fax , to david gil , at any of the following addresses : department of audiology and speech sciences , fakulti sains kesihatan bersekutu , universiti kebangsaan malaysia , jalan raja muda abdul aziz , 50300 kuala lumpur , malaysia email : dgil @ strauss . udel . edu tel / fax : 60 - 3-291 - 4230 extended deadline for submission of abstracts : 1 may 1998 * * * papers to be presented at the symposium should be concerned with the malay / indonesian language in all of its varieties . in addition to the standardized versions of bahasa melayu and bahasa indonesia , papers are particularly welcome dealing with non-canonical varieties such as peranakan malay , bazaar malay , and regional dialects of malay and indonesian . papers may be in any of the subfields of linguistics , and may represent variegated approaches and diverse theoretical persuasions . presentations at the symposium will be delivered in english . * * * the following persons have already submitted abstracts and will be among those presenting their papers at the symposium : azmi abdullah , bambang kaswanti purwo , peter cole , david gil , gabriella hermon , norhaida aman , gloria r . poedjosoedarmo , alan stevens , uri tadmor , johnny tjia , yap foong ha , janet y . yong , h . m . zarbaliyev , zifirdaus adnan . in addition , the symposium will feature two panel discussions , on the following topics : 1 . formal and colloquial varieties of malay / indonesian 2 . geographical and ethnic varieties of malay / indonesian * * * for further information , and occasional updates , visit the symposium webpage : http : / / www . udel . edu / pcole / malay _ indon / symp2 . html * * * co - sponsors linguistics department university of delaware department of audiology and speech sciences universiti kebangsaan malaysia center for southeast asian studies university of hawai ' i 0 +Subject: re : 8 . 810 , sum : french loan words , language evolution just saw your summary on french loanwords in english . i think baugh took the 10 , 000 word figure from jespersen 's _ growth and structure of the english language _ . it would be more like jespersen than baugh to actually try to count them , in fact . it 's worth looking at jespersen for all sorts of facts like these , in his chapter on the french influence in that book . - - suzanne kemmer 0 +Subject: twendial ' 98 call for participation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - twendial ' 98 13th twente workshop on language technology is the 2nd workshop on formal semantics and pragmatics of dialogue may 13-15 , 1998 university of twente , enschede , the netherlands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http : / / wwwseti . cs . utwente . nl / parlevink / conferences / twlt13 . html we distribute the program for twendial ' 98 . twendial ' 98 aims at bringing together researchers from various backgrounds that apply formal methods to the study of dialogue phenomena . in particular , we hope to bridge the widely recognised gap between theory and practice in the design of dialogue systems . twendial ' 98 is organized by joris hulstijn and anton nijholt of the university of twente , enschede , the netherlands . invitation researchers and students with an interest in dialogue phenomena and formal methods are invited to take part in the workshop . fees include a copy of the proceedings , lunches , coffee and tea during breaks and an informal reception . regular fee for the workshop is dfl . 175 , - to register , please fill in the registration form that can be obtained from our website and send or email it to the address below . more information for more information on the workshop we refer to our website at http : / / wwwseti . cs . utwente . nl / parlevink / conferences / twlt13 . html . for specific information regarding the program or the proceedings , contact joris hulstijn ( joris @ cs . utwente . nl ) or anton nijholt anijholt @ cs . utwente . nl ) . for registration , accommodation and travel inquiries please contact the parlevink secretariat : mrs . alice hoogvliet and mrs . charlotte bijron : dept . of computer science ( seti ) p . o . box 217 , nl-7500 ae enschede phone : + 31 53 4893680 fax : + 31 53 4893503 e-mail : hoogvlie @ cs . utwente . nl program wednesday 13th of may 12 . 00 registration 13 . 30 opening 13 . 35 nicholas asher ( university of texas at austin ) to be announced 14 . 15 robin cooper ( goteborg university ) mixing situation theory and type theory to formalize information states in dialogue exchanges 14 . 55 break 15 . 15 wolfgang heydrich ( universitat hamburg / universitat bielefeld ) theory of mutuality ( syntactic skeleton ) 15 . 55 jelle gerbrandy ( illc / universtity of amsterdam ) some remarks on distributed knowledge 16 . 35 break 17 . 00 henk zeevat ( illc / universtity of amsterdam ) to be announced 17 . 40 drinks thursday 14th of may 9 . 00 thomas clermont , marc pomplun , elke prestin , hannes rieser ( universitat bielefeld ) eye - movement research and the investigation of dialogue structure 9 . 40 wolfgang heydrich and peter kuhnlein and hannes rieser ( universitat bielefeld ) a drt - style modelling of agents ' mental states in discourse 10 . 20 break 10 . 50 mieke rats ( delft university / looking for a job ) making drt suitable for the description of information exchange in a dialogue 11 . 30 soo - jun park , keon - hoe cha , won - kyung sung , do gyu song , hyun - a lee , jay duke park , dong - in park ( seri , korea ) , jorg hohle ( gmd / fit birlinghoven ) malbot : an intelligent dialogue model using user modeling 12 . 10 lunch break 14 . 00 steve pulman ( cambridge sri ) to be announced 14 . 40 wieland eckert ( at&t ) automatic evaluation of dialogue systems 15 . 20 break 15 . 45 ian lewin ( sri international ) formal design , verification and simulation of multi - modal dialogues 16 . 25 marc blasband ( nederlandse spoorwegen ) to be announced 17 . 05 friday 15th of may 9 . 00 stefan van oord and rieks op den akker ( university of twente ) fuzzy natural language dialogue systems 9 . 40 john barnden ( university of birmingham ) uncertain reasoning about agents ' beliefs and reasoning , with special attention to metaphorical mental state reports 10 . 20 break 10 . 40 jean - louis dessalles ( enst , paris ) the interplay of desire and necessity in dialogue 11 . 20 nicolas maudet and fabrice evrard ( irit-enseeiht , toulouse ) a generic framework for dialogue game implementation 12 . 00 lunch break 13 . 30 jonathan ginzburg ( hebrew university , jerusalem ) to be announced 14 . 10 robert van rooy ( illc / university of amsterdam ) presupposed questions 14 . 50 jeroen groenendijk ( illc / universtity of amsterdam ) issues in update semantics 15 . 20 break 15 . 50 stafan larsson ( goteborg university ) questions under discussion and dialogue moves 16 . 30 massimo poesio ( university of edinburgh ) and david traum ( umiacs , university of maryland ) towards an axiomatization of dialogue acts 17 . 00 closing also to be included in the proceedings is : adam zachary wyner ( bar ilan university ) adverbs and anaphora twendial ' 98 is the 13th twente workshop on language technology ( twlt13 ) . twendial is hosted by the parlevink linguistic engineering group and is sponsored by ipa , ns and ctit . 0 +Subject: when voices clash : a study in literary pragmatics , j . l . mey jacob l . mey when voices clash a study in literary pragmatics 1998 . 23 x 15 , 5 cm . xv , 454 pages cloth dm 208 , - / approx . us $ 130 . 00 isbn 3-11 - 015820 - 5 trends in linguistics . studies and monographs 115 mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york what is the basic difference between a good and a bad novel ? what makes us lose the ` thread ' of the story ( and interest in the plot and the character ) ? what is it that interrupts the necessary process of continuously re-creating the text that are so crucial for text consumption and successful readership ? the answer to these questions revolves around the notion of voice , understood not only as the way a character speaks but , even more so , the way a character expresses a particular view of the world . a voice represents an ( implicit or explicit ) point of view , a focus . vocalization implies focalization , as the author says in the book . the clashing of voices that the title highlights happens when characters run off the story track and , by doing so , derail the entire narrative engine . the book inquires into the ways in which those collisions and derailments are caused , observed , and possibly repaired . the role of the reader is here paramount in making or breaking the narrative . the book examines the various linguistic and narrative-technical ` tricks ' that the reader has at his or her disposal in order to successfully follow the narrative and keep the thread of the narrative intact . while dealing with a pragmatic problem in literary theory , the book nevertheless is written in such a fashion that also non-initiated readers , taking an interest in the machinery of the reading process , may consult it with profit . whatever claims are made in the book are shored up by lenghty extracts from literary works , from horace to fupz aakesson , from caesar to tolstoy , by way of woolf , bulgakov , wesley , byatt , and numerous others . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . com 0 +Subject: new book - concise encyclopedia of philosophy of language concise encyclopedia of philosophy of language edited by peter v . lamarque , university of hull , uk isbn : 0-08 - 042991 - 2 pages : 620 hardback the concise encyclopedia of philosophy of language will be an essential reference tool for all those interested in the philosophy of language , as well as cognitive science and psychology . based on the foundation provided by the award winning encyclopedia of language and linguistics , this volume will be of exceptional value to libraries and individuals looking for a single volume that provides both a comprehensive overview and introduction to any topic within philosophy of language . publication : december 1997 . pergamon - an imprint of elsevier science . contact elsevier science email : l . roberts @ elsevier . co . uk 0 +Subject: language instinct isbn : 0 304 33908 3 , are we creatures who learn new things ? or does human mental development consist of awakening structures of thought ? a view has gained ground - powerfully advocated , for example , by stephen pinker 's book the language instinct - that language in much of its detail is hard wired in our genes . others add that this holds too much of the specific knowledge and understanding expressed in language . when the first human eve evolved from pre-human apes ( it is claimed ) , her biological inheritance comprised not just a distinctive anatomy but a rich structure of cognition . despite the impressive roll of converts that these ideas have gained , there is no good reason to believe them . pinker 's and other 's arguments depend on earlier and more technical contributions , by writers such as noam chomsky . many readers take these foundations on trust , not realising how weak they are . this book examines the various arguments for instinctive knowledge , and finds that each one rests on false premises or embodies a logical fallacy . a different picture of learning is suggested by karl popper 's account of knowledge growing through ' conjectures and refutations ' . the facts of human language are best explained by taking language acquisition to be a case of popperian learning . eve was not born a know-all . she was born knowing nothing , but able to learn anything . that is why we can find ways to think and talk about a world that goes on changing today . geoffrey sampson is a reader in computer science and artifical intelligence at the unibersity of essex , uk . this book is priced 45 pounds and is available at any good bookshop or in case of difficulty contact cassell on 01202 665432 . thanks very much joanne coen , cassell 0 +"Subject: emnlp3 conference program and registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - call for participation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - third conference on empirical methods in natural language processing ( emnlp - 3 ) sponsored by acl sigdat tuesday , june 2 , 1998 granada , spain following the first international language resources and evaluation conference ( lrec ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference program 9 : 00-11 : 00 session 1 dynamic coreference - based summarization breck baldwin and thomas s . morton multilingual robust anaphora resolution ruslan mitkov and lamia belguith aligning clauses in parallel texts sotiris boutsis and stelios piperidis automatic insertion of accents in french text michel simard 11 : 00-11 : 30 coffee break 11 : 30 - 1 : 00 session 2 valence induction with a head - lexicalized pcfg glenn carroll and mats rooth metrics for corpus similarity and homogeneity adam kilgarriff and tony rose word - sense distinguishability and inter - coder agreement rebecca bruce and janyce wiebe 1 : 00 - 2 : 45 lunch 2 : 45 - 3 : 30 invited speaker statistical translation : where it went kevin knight , usc information sciences institute 3 : 30 - 4 : 30 session 3 category levels in hierarchical text categorization stephen d ' alessio , keitha murray , robert schiaffino , and aaron kershenbaum an empirical approach to text categorization based on term weight learning fumiyo fukumoto and yoshimi suzuki 4 : 30 - 5 : 00 coffee break 5 : 00 - 6 : 30 session 4 an empirical evaluation on statistical parsing of japanese sentences using lexical association statistics shirai kiyoaki , inui kentaro , tokunaga takenobu and tanaka hozumi japanese dependency structure analysis based on lexicalized statistics fujio masakazu and matsumoto yuji a natural criterion for maximum entropy / minimum divergence feature selection adam berger and harry printz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration information registration forms are also available at http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / emnlp3 . html registration fees : registration before may 13 : 8 , 500 pesetas ( $ 55 usd ) on - site registration : 11 , 000 pesetas ( $ 70 usd ) registration fees include one copy of the proceedings , coffee breaks and refreshments . methods of payment : * check in us dollars made payable to "" acl "" on a us bank ( address below ) * cash ( for on-site registrations only ) . * visa / mastercard - in us dollars . credit card payments using the form below may be faxed , sent by regular mail or emailed . note , however , that we cannot guarantee the security of credit card numbers in transit via email . payments may be sent to : email : emnlp3 @ cs . jhu . edu fax : + 1 410-516 - 6134 regular mail : emnlp3 c / o david yarowsky - sigdat department of computer science johns hopkins university 3400 n . charles street baltimore , md 21218-2694 usa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration form last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if paying by credit card : please debit my visa / mastercard account : amount : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ card no : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid from : _ _ _ / _ _ _ to _ _ _ / _ _ _ cardholder 's name ( as printed on your card ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature as on card : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ credit card charges will be processed in us dollars . * pre - registrations cannot be accepted after may 13 , 1998 . any registration after this date must be made on site . * when submitting registrations , keep in mind the possibility of postal delays . e - mail registration avoids these delays . * registration fees are not refundable . * all registrants will receive a confirmation by e-mail . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - program chairs nancy ide ( chair ) department of computer science vassar college 124 raymond avenue poughkeepsie , new york 12604-0520 usa tel : ( + 1 914 ) 437 5988 fax : ( + 1 914 ) 437 7498 e - mail : ide @ cs . vassar . edu atro voutilainen ( co-chair ) research unit for multilingual language technology department of general linguistics p . o . box 4 ( keskuskatu 8 , 7th floor ) fin-00014 university of helsinki finland tel : ( + 358 9 ) 191 23 507 fax : ( + 358 9 ) 191 23 598 e - mail : atro . voutilainen @ ling . helsinki . fi program committee : steven abney , at&t laboratories - research , usa susan armstrong , issco , geneva , switzerland pascale fung , hong kong univ . of science and technology , hong kong gregory grefenstette , xerox research centre europe , france eduard hovy , usc / isi , usa dan jurafsky , university of colorado , boulder , usa kimmo koskenniemi , university of helsinki , finland hwee tou ng , dso national laboratories , singapore kemal oflazer , bilkent university , turkey peter schauble , eth zurich , switzerland keh yih su , national tsing - hua university , taiwan dan tufis , romanian academy of sciences , romania evelyne viegas , new mexico state university , usa further information : email : emnlp3 @ cs . vassar . edu web : http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / emnlp3 . html http : / / www . cs . jhu . edu / ~ yarowsky / sigdat . html " 0 +"Subject: just in time for summer . . . non-surgical liposuction with overnight , guaranteed results ! ( 2525 ) dateline : june 1999 , columbia , sc sparks international , an import company based in south carolina , announces a breakthrough herbal product that creates immediate , permanent fat-loss for a fraction of the cost of liposuction surgery and is now available in the united states for the first time and backed by a full satisfaction guarantee . "" now americans do n't have to resort to the pain and expense of liposuction surgery to get immediate results on stubborn fat and cellulite . "" explained sparks president james yates . "" our revolutionary herbal gel is gently rubbed into the skin . the liposome formula quickly penetrates to the fatty tissue where it liqefies the excess fat on contact . the body then treats the liquefied fat as a waste product and eliminates it naturally through urination . "" another great advantage , "" yates continued , "" is that our product retails for under $ 200 and produces real fat loss - - not water loss - - in 24 hours . "" although our product is new in the united states , it has been sold internationally for four years . the statistics on over one million international customers show an average permanent fat loss of 1 to 1 - 1 / 2 inches in each fat-prone area - - midriff , stomach , hips , thighs , and upper arms - - with just one application . "" yates further explained that the herbal gel is safe and effective to use as many times as needed to achieve individual fat-loss goals , whether people are slightly overweight or extremely overweight . "" we ' re very excited about our product because now people on limited budgets can enjoy the immediate , dramatic results that once only the rich could afford - - without surgery - - and without spending a fortune . "" for more information , click here to visit our web site http : / / homepages . go . com / ~ shana342434 to speak directly to a fat-loss specialist , call toll-free , 1-888 - 689-3097 . limited time only ! ! big savings when you order by june 30 , 1999 : * * save $ 33 . 95 when you buy two products * * save $ 58 . 95 when you buy three products to be removed , call toll-free , 888-689 - 3097 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 39624 " 1 +"Subject: sum : ' i 'd love to . ' & ' lovely ' several weeks ago i sent out the following questionnaire about the expressions with ' i 'd love to . . . ' and ' lovely ' , specifically in terms of their gender-linked difference . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - please tick english variety : american english speaker [ ] , british english speaker [ ] , others [ ] ( please describe what variety you speak . ( ) ) sex : male [ ] , female [ ] age : - 20 [ ] , 20-30 [ ] , 30-40 [ ] , 40-50 [ ] , 50-60 [ ] , 60 + [ ] please read the following expressions and put into each parenthesis the number 1 , if you think that the expression has been and still is preferred by women . 2 , if you think that it used to be preferred by women but there is no preference now ( or there is less and less preference between the sexes . ) 3 , if you feel that there has been no preference as far as you know . expressions : a . [ ] "" i 'd love to . "" ( in response to "" would you like to come to the party ? "" ) b . [ ] "" i 'd love to . "" ( in response to "" would you like to dance ? "" ) c . [ ] i 'd love to see you act hamlet . d . [ ] i 'd love you to come with us . e . [ ] what a lovely view ! f . [ ] we ' ve had a lovely dinner / time . g . [ ] it 's lovely and warm in here . h . [ ] is n't it a lovely day ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i ' ve received 32 replies . here i would like to thank those who took time to give me information including a lot of comments and intuitions , although i can't list their names because of the limited space . here is a summary . first of all , i must admit that , as some respondents claim , this type of survey is dangerous from a methodological point of view . that is , people do n't speak as they think they do . however , i also think that this kind of survey at least shows how they perceive certain expressions , which i think is very important and meaningful for the study of certain expressions . the following table shows the numbers of people , according to their responses for each expression , and the sexes . in this table , i do n't include those whose variety of english is neither british nor american because i think the number of the respondens ( 5 ) is too small to make any proper judgement . the same is true of the results of british speakers ( the number is also 5 ) but i include them just for information . thus , in the following analysis , i will deal with only american english . 1 2 3 am brit am brit am brit m f m f m f m f m f m f a 1 3 2 0 4 4 0 1 6 5 1 1 b 6 6 2 1 2 2 0 0 3 4 1 1 c 3 3 2 0 2 1 0 0 6 8 1 2 d 5 6 3 2 2 3 0 0 3 3 1 0 e 6 5 1 0 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 f 8 8 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 2 1 g 9 6 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 h 7 6 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 4 1 1 there is a great difference among the respondents and it is quite difficult to generalize the sexual preference in a decisive way . for example , some respondents do n't see any gender-linked difference at all , while some think all the expressions are preferred by women . i also admit that , from a strict statistical point of view , i may not give any strong judgement from this data . despite these limitations , it is safe to say that this data suggests at least the following tendencies . 1 ) expression a and c have not been thought to be preferred particularly by women . they may have changed in their usage . 2 ) expression b and d have been thought to be preferred by women . however , as many respondents point out , the reason expression b is preferred by women is not linguistic but pragmatic . that is , it is still customary for men to ask women to dance . 3 ) as for expressions e to h ( with ' lovely ' ) , most people think that they are preferred by women . 4 ) there is little difference between the male respondents and female respondents in the perception of most of the expressions . 5 ) it is noteworthy that there are a number of people who feel there is a change in sexual preference for most of the expressions . as some respondents point out , there may be a difference between american english and british english concerning these expressions , although i cannot give any judgement on that point because of the small number of british english speaking respondents as i mentioned above . in addition , some respondents suggest that there may be difference between age groups . i will pursue these points in a further survey . thanks again for the contributions . junichi murata dept . of english kobe city univ . of foreign studies - - - - - - - - - - junichi murata kobe city university of foreign studies " 0 +Subject: natural language processing in computer - assisted language learning * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * natural language processing in computer - assisted language learning one - day conference umist , manchester , 9 may 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * call for papers + + please forward to other people who might be interested . + + date and venue saturday 9 may 1998 at umist , manchester , uk . centre for computational linguistics , renold building , f5 . the conference is organised by the centre for computational linguistics in association with eurocall . programme committee allan ramsay , umist tony hartley , brighton bernd rueschoff , karslruhe christoph zaehner , cambridge organisers marie - jose hamel , umist mathias schulze , umist aims natural language processing ( nlp ) tools and techniques are used in computer - assisted language learning ( call ) . this conference aims to look at their use and integration in call software . nlp tools supporting all areas of language learning and all linguistic skills can be discussed . who should participate ? researchers in call , computational linguistics , second language acquisition , linguistics and artificial intelligence who are interested in combining natural language processing and computer - assisted language learning . researchers who have designed or are designing call software which makes use of any kind of nlp tools ( tagger , parser , conceptual dictionary , speech synthesis and speech recognition systems , etc . ) . your contribution a presentation of 30 minutes which will be followed by 10 min . for questions . please send an abstract of about 500 words , by email ( see the address below ) . please include title of presentation , name , affiliation , contact address . deadline : 28 february 1998 possible topics - use of nlp tools in call programs - nlp techniques and sla - linguistics for nlp in call - notion of intelligence in call - assessment and feedback with nlp tools publication papers presented at this conference will be refereed for the recall journal . cost the conference fee is 40 pounds , to cover registration , light lunch and refreshments . accomodation can be arranged through the conference organisers . further details / questions / abstracts all correspondence regarding this conference should be sent to : mjhamel @ ccl . umist . ac . uk or mathias @ ccl . umist . ac . uk marie - jose hamel & mathias schulze department of language engineering umist po box 88 manchester , uk m60 1qd http : / / www . ccl . umist . ac . uk / whatsnew / nlpcall . html mathias mathias @ ccl . umist . ac . uk 0 +Subject: disc : grammar in uk schools forwarded message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i have recently received , by a rather roundabout route , just a few of the contributions to this discussion . i do n't , therefore , know everything that has been said . i teach advanced level english language ( as well as a separate course in english literature ) at a sixth form college - i . e . to students aged 16 + . they come to us from 80 + different schools , so have a wide range of previous educational experience . far from arriving having been taught to avoid splitting infinitives and ending sentences with prepositions , most arrive having never been taught what infinitives and prepositions are . they lack the ` reasonably precise vocabulary for analysis ' referred to by larry rosenwald in his contribution of 5 june . i can teach them the terminology from scratch , but find that it does not ` bed down ' as it would have done if they had been familiar with basic grammatical concepts from a much earlier age . a few days ago , i spent a whole lesson teaching my students to distinguish between active and passive verbs ( something which i myself could have done easily at the age of 12 , thanks to the ` old-fashioned ' grammar teaching which i received ) because i wanted them to try an old exam question where the knowledge would have helped them to see which of two texts would have been harder for young children to read . i ended up nursing them through the . exercise , doing much of the work for them . in the next lesson , i gave them another old exam question with extracts from ` animal farm ' to analyse in the light of orwell 's own suggestion ( amongst others ) that one should prefer the active to the passive . many of the students took so long to decide which verbs were active and which passive that they had no time to write an analysis . a recurring problem on the course is that students struggle with higher-order analysis because they lack lower-order skills . teachers in the past at least had the grace to teach children how to recognise infinitives and prepositions : they described before they prescribed or proscribed . now , however , most teachers seem so anxious to avoid prescription and proscription that they avoid even description . like larry rosenwald , i think that the prescriptivist / descriptivist dichotomy has been taken too far . jennifer chew - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of forwarded message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 +Subject: noun 's restriction on its clausal modifier in english my colleague from new zealand pointed out that ( 1 ) sounds much more natural than ( 2 ) while ( 2 ) is also grammatically acceptable . can anybody provide a formal account of why ( 1 ) sounds more natural than ( 2 ) ? please respond directly to me at kuchida @ nova . co . jp . i will post a summary if appropriate . thank you . ( 1 ) this is the first time that i have sent a message to the mailing list . ( 2 ) this is my first time to send a message to the mailing list . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = kaz uchida nova , inc . email : kuchida @ nova . co . jp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 +Subject: sigphon98 workshop - - - 2nd call for papers the third cfp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < < c a l l - - - - - f o r - - - - - p a p e r s > > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the computation of phonological constraints = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the 4th meeting of the acl special interest group in phonology ( http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ sigphon / 98 ) in conjunction with the coling-acl ' 98 joint conference montreal , canada , 15th august 1998 the meeting - - - - - - - - - - constraint - based theories of phonology have become enormously popular in recent years . such theories express generalizations by stating how and when a language 's phonological forms are constrained , rather than relying on rules that actively modify the forms . computational ideas have often provided an impetus for these innovations . koskenniemi 's ( 1983 ) 2 - level morphophonological processor introduced parallel constraining relations as an alternative to an ordered system of rewrite rules . declarative phonology ( c 1990 ) focusses on the unity of representations and rules as constraints , drawing on various computational ideas from unification to temporal logic to finite-state calculi . one current constraint-based theory is optimality theory ( ot ) ( prince&smolensky 1993 ) . this theory found , at least partial , inspiration in computational work by smolensky on the relation between symbolic and subsymbolic computation . although this link with connectionism has been left largely unexplored , ot has proved to be a computationally productive theory , giving rise to several theoretical papers on computational issues related to complexity and learnability , as well as inspiring a number of implementations . this workshop is designed to foster the link between computational work and constraint-based phonology in general . to this end , it invites submissions on topics related to the computation of any constraint-based phonological formalism , including but not limited to the three mentioned above . here are some example topics : * the computational interpretation of phonological theories , * constraint ranking and interaction , eg . as in ot , * implementations of particular analyses , * results in the complexity of constraint application , * algorithms for learning constraints or constraint ranking , * results on the learnability of such constraints , * novel formalisms for constraint-based phonology , * representational issues raised by constraint-based approaches . in short , papers are invited which address computational issues in constraint-based theories of phonology . submission - - - - - - - - - what : original research , not published elsewhere a completed study is prefered to proposals and progress reports originality , topicality and clarity will be the assessment criteria how : submissions must be sent by email to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk when : april 20 submissions due may 22 notification of acceptance june 23 final ( accepted ) versions due submission format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( note that apart from the medium and length sections , these requirements are as for submissions to coling-acl98 . ) medium : postscript , emailed to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk please check postscript compatibility using either ghostview , or by printing the postscript file before sending length : 10 pages maximum ( including references and appendices ) optional extra page for abstract in a second language paper size : please use a4 page-size typesetting : latex is encouraged , but not required . layout : set margins so that text lies centred within a rectangle of 6 . 5 x 9 inches ( 16 . 5 x 23 cm ) use times roman or computer modern font 11 to 12 point for text 14 to 16 point for headings and title centred page numbers in footers 2 columns after title and abstract figures may range across columns since reviewing will be blind , a separate identification notice should be emailed ( in ascii ) to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk . it should include : title author ( s ) name ( s ) affiliation ( s ) complete addresses abstract in english submission to other conferences ( ' none ' or list ) and author of record ( for correspondence ) . authors should not identify either themselves or their affiliations , either directly or indirectly in the body of the text ( the postscript file ) . authors should use the coling-acl98 style files and templates for preparing submissions ( see http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html ) . this will help ensure that the layout requirements are met , and that the effort required to format the final version will be minimized . registration - - - - - - - - - - - information about registration procedures will be available as soon as possible . organisation - - - - - - - - - - - organiser : t . mark ellison ( edinburgh ) organising / program committee : steven bird ( edinburgh ) jason eisner ( pennsylvania ) bruce tesar ( rutgers ) markus walther ( duesseldorf ) correspondence - - - - - - - - - - - - - should be sent to : sigphon98 centre for cognitive science edinburgh university 2 buccleuch place edinburgh eh8 9lw , uk tel . + 44 ( 131 ) 650-4416 fax . + 44 ( 131 ) 650-6626 email : sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk web : http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ sigphon / 98 0 +Subject: berkeley women and language conference announcement the 1998 berkeley women and language conference will be held from aoril 24-26 at the berkeley conference center in berkeley , ca . invited speakers are : deborah cameron , department of english studies , strathclyde university , glasgow janice gould , department of english , university of northern colorado jeri jaeger , department of linguistics , state university of new york at buffalo leslie milroy , program in linguistics , university of michigan patricia nichols , department of linguistics & language development , san jose state university suzanne romaine , merton college , oxford university ana celia zentella , hunter college and the graduate center , city university of new york and a special presentation by ursula k . leguin , author please visit our website at http : / / linguistics . berkeley . edu / bwlg / conf98 . html for more information , or email bwlg @ socrates . berkeley . edu 0 +Subject: available for review the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . philosophy of language lamarque peter ( 1997 ) concise encyclopedia of philosophy of language . pergamon ( elsevier science ) this book presetns a acollection of 152 articles based on the philosophy section of the encyclopedia of language and lingusitics . the articles cover a wide range fo topics including : language and mind , reference , formal semantics , pragmatics , truth , philosophical approaches to language , language & ontology etc . 0 +"Subject: dutch acquisition errors - summary for those who expressed interest , here 's a summary of work on dutch language acquisition . i 'd like to thank the following for leads : annick de houwer , university of antwerp , belgium laura walsh dickey , max planck instituut sandra peters , utrecht ? ( ruu ) rick ruhland , fac . ppsw rug groningen frank wijnen , utrecht institute of linguistics ots i 'd like to thank the respondents who pointed out that i used the wrong article with markt - * het instead of de - but i ' m not looking at second language errors : i know all about them from personal experience ! the references that arose from the query are the following : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g . bol 's and f . kuiken 's 1988 dissertation ( in dutch ) ` grammaticale analyse van taalontwikkelingsstoornissen ' . annick de houwer has some data on gender errors , i believe , in her book on bilingual language acquisition ( 1990 , cambridge ) . textbook by gillis & schaerlaekens "" kindertaalverwerving : een ori ! tatie op nederlandstalig onderzoek "" ( groningen : wolters ) is a useful source of references . willem kaper ( 1985 ? ) : child language : a language which does n't exist ? "" , published by , i think , foris . charlotte koster . errors in anaphora acquisition . about 4 years ago . susan powers has worked in that area , and reported on it in her 1995 ? dissertation . see also her contribution to the bu 19 proceedings ( volume 2 ; somerville , ma : cascadilla , 1995 ) and her paper ` the acquisition of case in dutch ' ( in m . verrips & f . wijnen ( eds . ) , ` papers from the dutch - german colloquium on language acquisition ' - - amsterdam series in child language development # 3 ( ascld @ let . uva . nl ) . l . schlichtings 1996 dissertation , the title of which i can't remember . published by nijmegen university press . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * annick de houwer also writes that : > an overview of dutch child language acquisition that i ' m co-editing > with steven gillis is currently under review with john benjamins , and > in our preparatory work for that volume we really did n't find much > that could address your query . so there you have it . plenty of room for more work in many fields . - mark " 0 +Subject: public service notification notification ! ! . . government reports indicate that personal bankruptcies have recently increased 300 % . if you , a friend , or a relative are considering the possibility of bankruptcy , . . . . before spending hundreds or thousands of dollars with an attorney , we urge you to visit the website at : http : / / server8 . hypermart . net / bankam $ 99 . . . . american bankruptcy will prepare your personal bankruptcy petition for just . . . $ 99 . life is short ! give yourself a break ! get a fresh start for just $ 99 . there is no need to reply to be removed from this mailing . pursuant to proposed federal legislation , you will be notified only once . thank you for your thoughtful consideration ; american bankruptcy 1 +"Subject: re : new medical technology company : pdc innovative industries symbol : p d c i d price : 8 ( $ 8 . 00 / share ) pdcid has announced priority production of their proprietary hypo - sterile 2000 which render medical contaminants harmless . analysts indicate there is "" almost limitless demand in the market place for this revolutionary stand-alone medical device "" . pdcid is rated an immediate and "" strong buy "" . go to : http : / / quote . yahoo . com / q ? s = pdcid&d = v1 " 1 +Subject: diachronic generative syntax conference the fifth diachronic generative syntax conference ( digs 5 ) york , uk 30 may - 1 june 1998 we are pleased to announce that the fifth diachronic generative syntax conference will be held in york ( uk ) , 30 may - 1 june 1998 . york is a historic town of interest with excellent facilities and communications . invited speakers : monique dufresne and fernande dupuis ( universite du quebec a montreal ) ans van kemenade ( vrije universiteit , amsterdam ) anthony kroch ( university of pennsylvania ) david lightfoot ( university of maryland ) ian roberts ( university of stuttgart ) nigel vincent ( university of manchester ) we have scheduled a half-day session ( monday morning , 1 june ) on syntactic change and learnability . plans are in progress to publish an edited volume of papers from the conference . note that all of the information below , with links to additional information , can be found on the digs 5 web site : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang13 / . if you wish to be added to the digs 5 mailing list , please send a message to digs @ york . ac . uk ; the message should contain a request to be added to the list , and it should include your name , affiliation , postal address , e-mail address , telephone number , and fax number . conference programme session 1 ( saturday morning , 30 may ) nigel vincent , university of manchester ( invited speaker ) ' syntactic change and optimality theory : null arguments in latin and romance ' eric haeberli , university of geneva ' on the syntax of non-pronominal subjects in old and middle english ' alexander williams , university of pennsylvania ' there 's no there there : the diachrony of dummies in middle english ' jaklin kornfilt , syracuse university ' moving relative agreement in turkic over time ' session 2 ( saturday afternoon , 30 may ) tony kroch , university of pennsylvania ( invited speaker ) ' statistical fingerprints of grammatical parameter settings ' chung - hye han , university of pennsylvania ' the evolution of do-support in english imperatives ' eir \ 237kur rognvaldsson , university of iceland ' the syntax of the imperative in old scandinavian ' thorbjorg hroarsdottir , university of tromso ' interacting movements in the history of icelandic ' lars - olof delsing , lund university ' ov / vo - variation in old swedish ' session 3 ( sunday morning , 31 may ) ian roberts , university of stuttgart ( invited speaker ) ' the theoretical implications of syntactic infixation ' anna roussou , university of wales , bangor ' wh - interrogatives : from classical greek to modern greek ' miriam butt and aditi lahiri , universitat konstanz ' the status of light verbs in historical change ' ana maria martins , university of lisbon ' polarity items in romance : underspecification and lexical change ' session 4 ( sunday afternoon , 31 may ) ans van kemenade , hil / vrije universiteit ( invited speaker ) ' negation and verb position in gothic and early west - germanic ' frank beths , vrije universiteit ' reconsidering the loss of v - to - i movement ' jacob hoeksema , university of groningen ' verb positions in dutch present participle clauses ' bettelou los , vrije universiteit ' the categorial status of old english infinitives ' business meeting session 5 ( monday morning , 1 june ) learnability session david lightfoot , university of maryland ( invited speaker ) ' cues , contingency , and change ' mark d . arnold , university of maryland ' wherefore lost english v - raising ? ( new evidence for syntactic triggers in acquisition ) ' john s . lumsden , universite du quebec a montreal ' analogical change and the acquisition of inflectional paradigms ' ted briscoe , university of cambridge ' evolutionary perspectives on diachronic syntax ' session 6 ( monday afternoon , 1 june ) monique dufresne and fernande dupuis , universite du quebec a montreal ( invited speakers ) ' the role of verbal prefixes and the status of grammatical change ' thorhallur eythorsson , university of manchester ' the development of syntactic affixation in baltic ' david willis , university of oxford ' reanalysis in old russian periphrastic verbal constructions ' john whitman , cornell university ' relabelling ' alternates : 1 . montse battlori dillet and francesc roca urgell , universitat de girona ' the value of ds from old spanish to modern spanish ' 2 . gertjan postma , leiden university ' the negative polarity of the syntactic ghe - particle in middle - dutch ' 3 . nancy mae antrim , university of texas at el paso ' on becoming a clitic : the prenominal possessive in romance ' 4 . redouane djamouri and waltraud paul , ehess-cnrs ' fundamental changes in the vp structure of chinese as reflected in the distribution of adverbial pps ' conference location : all activities except the conference banquet will be held at king 's manor , a mediaeval building in the centre of york , very close to the minster . king 's manor is part of the university , but it is not located on the main campus . no conference activities are being held on the main campus of the university . most campus buildings are closed on saturday and sunday ; do not come to the main campus to attend the conference . on - site conference registration : friday 29 may , 6 . 00 - 9 . 00 pm , king 's manor , huntingdon room ( same time and place as the wine party reception ) saturday 30 may , 9 . 00 am - 6 . 00 pm , king 's manor , huntingdon room conference social activities : wine party reception and registration : friday 29 may , 6 . 00 - 9 . 00 pm , king 's manor , huntingdon room . saturday evening dinner : king 's manor . menu : smoked salmon terrine , chicken cacciatore , chocolate mousse ; a vegetarian option is available . cost : gbp 12 . 00 , with drinks purchased separately . this dinner must be booked before 8 may ; use the registration form attached below . sunday evening banquet : grand assembly rooms , a beautiful georgian building in the centre of york . menu : vegetable terrine , breast of duck , fruit jelly / coulis with brandy snaps ; a vegetarian option is available . cost : gbp 20 . 00 , including wine . this banquet must be booked before 8 may ; use the registration form attached below . accommodation . you will need to book your own accommodation in a hotel or guest house in york , preferably in the area around king 's manor . york is a popular tourist destination , so we strongly recommend that you make reservations early . unless you use budget accommodation ( see below ) , bed and breakfast will cost gbp 16 . 00 and up . a list of hotels and guest houses convenient to king 's manor can be found on the digs web site at http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang13 / accommodation . html . if you would like us to send you by post a more complete list of over 150 hotels and guest houses in york , please send a message to digs @ york . ac . uk ; the message should request the list of hotels , and it should include your name and postal address . if you need additional help in finding and booking accommodation , contact the tourist information centre , de grey rooms , exhibition square , york yo1 2hb , + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 621756 . budget accommodation . 1 ) york international youth hostel , tel . + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 653147 . you must be a member of the youth hostel association to use this facility . the hostel has a good reputation . it is located on the north side of the city , about a mile from the railway station . 2 ) bishophill house youth hotel , tel . + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 625904 . dorm accommodation , with some single and twin rooms . it is located in bishophill senior , in the city centre . funding aid : the british council may have funds available for travel to conferences in great britain . we suggest that participants apply directly to their local british council . travel to york . travel by train : york is a major railway junction , with good connections from most cities in britain . you can buy a railway ticket at the station immediately before you start your train journey , or by telephone + 44 ( 0 ) 345 225225 . a seat reservation often comes with the ticket if you request it . trains take two hours from london ( king 's cross station ; trains leave every half hour during the working day ) ; two hours from manchester airport ( trains leave every hour at 20 past during the working day , every two hours during the night ) ; an hour and ten minutes from hull . york railway station is a short walk or taxi ride from king 's manor and the surrounding area . travel by bus . long distance buses stop at rougier street close to the railway station and / or at exhibition square , right beside king 's manor . travel by air : the easiest route is to fly to manchester , which has direct connections to many european and north american cities . in manchester , the airport and the train station are in the same place , so you can easily walk from the plane to the train . a train ticket with return between manchester and york costs about gbp 21 . 00 . see information above for travel time and train frequency . you can fly to the leeds / bradford airport , which is about 30 miles from york . although there is train service between leeds and york , you must take a taxi from the airport to the train station . an easier option is a prebooked taxi from leeds / bradford to york , which costs about gbp 40 . 00 with return . we will prebook taxis if you request it ; send a message to digs @ york . ac . uk ; the message should request a taxi booking , and it should include your name , e-mail address , flight numbers , and date and time for arrival and departure . you can fly to heathrow airport , but it is a bit more difficult to get from heathrow to york . from heathrow , take the underground ( piccadilly line ) to king 's cross station , and then take the train from king 's cross to york . the underground trip takes about an hour , and the train trip takes about two hours ; overall travel time is therefore about three hours , plus time for connections . tickets from london ( king 's cross ) to york are priced according to a bewildering system . if you are traveling on friday ( which is more expensive than other working days ) , you will pay about gbp 61 . 00 for a ticket with return , which may have some restrictions . you will pay more than gbp 100 . 00 for a ticket that is valid on any train . see information above for travel time and train frequency . for maps and additional travel information , visit the web site http : / / www . york . gov . uk / outabout / getting / index . html digs registration . the registration fee includes the conference pack and coffee and tea during the conference , but does not include lunch or dinner . the registration fee for students and for unwaged participants is gbp 10 . 00 , whether or not you register in advance . for waged participants , the registration fee is gbp 35 . 00 if received before friday 8 may , gbp 45 . 00 after that date or on site . you may preregister by post , using the form attached below , or you may register in person at the conference . you must preregister by friday 8 may in order to attend the king 's manor dinner on saturday evening and / or the conference banquet on sunday evening . payment must be made in pounds sterling by cheque drawn on a british bank or by eurocheque , made payable to university of york , digs 5 , ref . 041c10137 01 . payment may also be made by credit card ( visa , mastercard , or access ) , but note that the university levies a 5 % surcharge on credit card payments . summary of costs ( excluding transportation ) : registration fee : gbp 10 / 35 / 45 , depending on status and preregistration optional conference dinner ( saturday ) : gbp 12 optional conference banquet ( sunday ) : gbp 23 accommodation ( per day ) : gbp 16 and up meals ( lunch + dinner , per day ) : gbp 15 and up . note that this amount is for non-conference dinners . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - digs 5 preregistration form please print out this form , complete it and return it to the address below . name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . affiliation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mailing address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telephone : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fax : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ student / unwaged | _ | waged | _ | payment details = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = _ | _ | i enclose a cheque payable to the university of york ( digs 5 , ref . 041c10137 01 ) for the total shown below . _ | _ | please debit my visa / mastercard / access with the total shown below . credit card details = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = name on card : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . card number : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . expiry date : . . . . . . . . . billing address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signature : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fill in the appropriate boxes and the total amount . registration fee : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ student / unwaged gbp10 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | waged , before 8 may gbp35 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | waged , after 8 may gbp45 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | dinner , saturday 30 may ( respond before 8 may ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gbp12 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | conference banquet , sunday 31 may ( respond before 8 may ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gbp23 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ total | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 % surcharge for payment by credit card | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ total | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | dietary requirements ( e . g . vegetarian ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please return the completed form as soon as possible to : digs 5 department of language and linguistic science university of york heslington , york yo1 5dd united kingdom 0 +Subject: colloque sur les parties du discours please find below the schedule of the colloque le systeme des parties du discours , organised by the fonds gustave guillaume on the occasion of the 66th annual meeting of the association canadienne-francaise pour l ' avancement des sciences ( acfas ) , and which will take place on may 12 , 13 and 14 , at universit laval , in quebec city ( quebec , canada ) . any request for information on the colloque can be forwarded to patrick j . duffley ( telephone : ( 418 ) 656-2309 , fax : ( 418 ) 656-2622 , email : patrick . duffley @ lli . ulaval . ca ) . veuillez afficher et distribuer 9e colloque du fonds gustave guillaume le systeme des parties du discours mardi , 12 mai 1998 president de seance : patrick duffley 9h20 patrick duffley , universite laval . ouverture du colloque . 9h30 peter enns , universit laval . le systeme des parties du discours et la place du modal will . 10h00 pierrette vachon - l ' heureux , office de la langue francaise . l ' adjectivation et la montre vers la partie du discours . 10h30 pause 11h00 roch valin , universite laval . cinematique des parties du discours . 12h00 diner prsident de seance : andre bourcier 14h00 barbara bacz , universite laval . trois cas , une preposition : une etude des cas prepositionnels polonais avec za et po . 14h30 patrick duffley , universite laval . verbe ou adjectif : le probleme de l ' appartenance de la forme en - ing une partie du discours donnee . 15h00 pause 15h30 louise guenette , universite laval . le mot comme : une nature ambigue . 16h00 joseph pattee , universite laval . la preposition sur : essai d ' analyse . mercredi , 13 mai 1998 president de seance : walter hirtle 9h30 michal pawica , universite de cracovie . pour une description proprement semantique du cas . 10h00 ren e tremblay , universite laval . le fondement du systeme des parties du discours : les categories d ' entendement nom et verbe . 10h30 pause 11h00 jacqueline picoche , universite d ' amiens . structures actancielles et parties du discours . 12h00 diner president de seance : joseph pattee 14h00 walter hirtle , universite laval . saisie radicale et saisie lexicale . 14h30 andre bourcier , universite laval . la partie du discours : concept lexical ou grammatical ? 15h00 pause 15h30 john hewson , memorial university . le systeme verbal du grec ancien : trois distinctions de temps , ou deux ? jeudi , 14 mai presidente de seance : renee tremblay 9h30 susan rush , universite laval . les prefixes anglais non - et un - et leur rapport avec plusieurs parties du discours . 10h00 pierre larrivee , universite de moncton . la structuration conceptuelle des parties du discours et ses impacts referentiels . 10h30 pause 11h00 john gallup , universite laval . la position des parties du discours dans le premier tableau de l ' architectonique du temps dans les langues classiques . 12h00 diner presidentes de seance : louise guinette et pierrette vachon - l ' heureux 14h00 louise guinette et pierrette vachon - l ' heureux , universite laval . atelier de synthese sur la systematique des parties du discours . 15h00 patrick duffley , universit laval . cloture du colloque . 15h30 rencontre avec jacqueline picoche , universite d ' amiens au fonds gustave guillaume . l ' idiogonose : la semantique lexicale en psychomcanique . 17h00 vin et biscuits . 0 +Subject: south asian linguistics on / off the net table of contents of the 2nd issue of the south asian linguistics on / off the net ( salon ) published march ' 98 , is given below . the url for the on - line version is : http : / / www . ucl . ac . uk / ~ uclytbh / newslet / newslet2 . htm editorial archive fever : kinship expressions friends of south asian linguistics : an interview with alice davison - - talking about early years and recent years of sa linguistics , sa linguistics in the us and in south asia , minimalism and sa linguistics work-in - progress : hindi lg & linguistics , computational analysis of kashmiri , portugese - konkani dictionary , lg in assam tea plantation , dravidian in fiji notices report : parallel glow report from the heartland of indian linguistics for hard-copy versions , write to t . bhattacharya @ ucl . ac . uk 0 +Subject: what have you been up to lately ? to be removed from this mailing list go to http : / / victorian . fortunecity . com / kingston / 80 / removepage . htm ` , , ` , , ` , , ` florida / bahamas / cancun family holiday ! ! ! ! ` , , ` , , ` , , ` you have been selected to enter for a limited time only ! family getaway for 2 adults 3 children or 4 adults ! offer now available world wide for a limited time only ! for more information go to : http : / / victorian . fortunecity . com / kingston / 80 / trip . html 1 +"Subject: european languages an encyclopedia of the languages of europe edited by glanville price university of wales , aberystwyth 1998 ~ 6 3 / 4 x 9 3 / 4 ~ 480 pages 13 figures 22 maps 0-631 - 19286 - 7 ~ hardcover ~ $ 99 . 95 this is an authoritative reference guide to all european languages . it focuses on extant contemporary languages , but it examines all european languages spoken now and in the past . the book includes coverage of the major "" immigrant "" european languages , such as chinese in britain and arabic in france . the volume also examines major dialects as part of general geographic surveys . to order please call blackwell publishers at : 1-800 - 216-2522 " 0 +"Subject: sum : 8 . 797 language identification in linguist # 8 . 797 i asked : > an acquaintance of my daughter 's writes : > > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > > identify this language please ? > > "" idolem urodo iatu a wi rot > ukufu kush onuoy nehawuoch > etia di ukoik ura nakurah > enadu yoimi nnesar urugem > eteako ich atak > ureatu tso oodah > amia wibo koro yonneie "" > > i think i have a pretty good idea of what languages this is * not * ( not > a romance language , not germanic , not slavic , not chinese , japanese , > vietnamese . . . ) . also , if it translates to something really corny , > lemme know so i can stop embarrassing myself every time i sing it . i received replies from five people , four of whom offered information . gregory f . roberts < robertsg @ gusun . georgetown . ed > and douglas dee < douglas . dee @ us . coopers . com > pointed me to a web site maintained by nora e . stevens , www-personal . umich . edu / ~ nstevens / harukanaru . html , that shows the text and explains it as the reverse of > tori wa utai odoru melodi , > chouwa hen no shukufuku . > harukanaru kioku idaite , > meguru rasen ni mioyudane . > katachi o kaete - - > hadoo o tsutaeru . > eien no yorokobi wa ima roberts adds : > they are lyrics from a role playing game called the final > fantasy by squaresoft . [ and indeed , that is what the web site is dedicated to . the main page of the site http : / / www-personal . umich . edu / ~ nstevens / fflyrics . html is titled > welcome to the opera house > featuring the lyrics to the sweet melodies > of the final fantasy series and it gives lyrics in english , japanese ( romaji ) , portuguese , italian , french , and saami , as well as many audio files of music ( without words ) . ] leon a serafim < serafim @ hawaii . edu > also recognized it as "" japanese written in mirror image . "" the fullest response came from tomoyuki kubo < kubo @ fukuoka-edu . ac . jp > , who kindly gave me permission to quote this response : > it is the esenapaj language , > which is the mirror image of japanese , > with different word boundaries . > > the mirror image of this language is ; > > tori wa utai odoru melodii * > chou wa hen ' you no shukufuku * > harukanaru kioku idaite > meguru rasen ni mi o yudane * > katachi o kaete > hadoo o tsutaeru > eien no yorokobi wa ima ( asterisks added . ) apart from punctuation , kubo 's reversal differs from stevens 's ( which kubo did not appear to be aware of ) in the starred lines . i am inclined to prefer kubo 's analysis , which i infer is native while stevens credits several other people for help with her translations . [ * damn and blast indo - european obligatory pronoun gender ! just because i do n't know whether kubo is male or female , i have to contort my syntax to avoid specifying it . ] none of the respondents attempted to translate the text . i took kubo 's version to a japanese co-worker , who shook her head over it and chuckled . "" it is n't really coherent sentences , "" she said [ approximately ] , "" and in some places it 's ambiguous . it could be a joke on someone trying to be pompous , but it sounds about as stupid as a lot of japanese lyrics . "" here is my transcription of her translations : the bird sings and dances to the melody . butterfly blesses the metamorphosis hoarding far memory entrusting the body to a spiraling helix changing shape transmit the wave [ or "" undulation "" ] eternal happiness is here thanks to all who replied ! mark a . mandel : senior linguist : mark @ dragonsys . com dragon systems , inc . : speech recognition : + 1 617 965-5200 320 nevada st . , newton , ma 02160 , usa : http : / / www . dragonsys . com / personal home page : http : / / world . std . com / ~ mam / " 0 +Subject: negation conference - final call european studies research institute centre for language and linguistics university of salford , greater manchester , uk north-west centre for linguistics first annual conference negation : syntax , semantics and pragmatics 30 october - 1 november 1998 final call for papers keynote speakers : liliane haegeman ( geneva ) william ladusaw ( ucsc ) jean - yves pollock ( picardy ) conference organiser : paul rowlett ( salford ) this is the first annual conference of the recently established north - west centre for linguistics comprising researchers primarily from the universities of bangor , lancaster , manchester , salford and umist and presided by professor nigel vincent ( manchester ) . abstracts should be sent to the following address as soon as possible and no later than 30 april 1998 . negation conference c / o wendy pickles european studies research institute university of salford salford m5 4wt greater manchester united kingdom tel : ( + 44 ) 161 295 5275 fax : ( + 44 ) 161 295 5223 enquiries can be addressed to : w . pickles @ esri . salford . ac . uk or p . a . rowlett @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk 0 +Subject: call for papers secol / samla call for papers - - deadline april 24 , 1998 secol lix at samla 1998 the southeastern conference on linguistics will meet with the south atlantic modern language association in atlanta georgia november 5 - 7 1998 . secol requests abstracts on any topic in linguistics . please send six copies ( 6 ) of an abstract of your paper - - not to exceed 300 words - - to the secol office for consideration by the program committee . do not put your name on the abstracts , please , so that they may be judged anonymously . the abstracts must be type written and double-spaced . the abstracts must arrive at the secol office no later than april 24th . we invite authors whose papers are selected for presentation to submit four ( 4 ) hard copies of their final versions to be considered for publication in the secol review ( soon to be renamed the southeastern journal of linguistics ) . send six copies of your abstract to : marvin ching or joan weatherly southeastern conference on linguistics department of english the university of memphis memphis , tn 38152 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ robert l . trammell , department of languages and linguistics the schmidt college of arts and letters florida atlantic university , boca raton , fl 33431-0991 ( 561 ) 297-3867 , 297-3860 , fax 297-2657 , e - mail : trammell @ fau . edu 0 +Subject: computers and the humanities v . 30 no . 6 computers and the humanities volume 30 no . 6 the sixth number of volume 30 ( 1996 ) of computers and the humanities ( chum ) has just been published by kluwer academic press . of particular interest to readers of this list is an extensive survey article on the treatment of punctuation in computational linguistics , covering past and current approaches to the problem : current approaches to punctuation in computational linguistics b . say , v . akman other articles in this issue : machine learning applications in anthropology : automated discovery over kinship structures sally jo cunningham the charrette project : manipulating text and image in an electronic archive of a medieval manuscript tradition gina l . greco , toby paff , peter w . shoemaker invalidation reappraised thomas merriam the enemy within : autocorrelation bias in content analysis of narratives robert hogenraad , dean p . mckenzie , colin martindale ten desiderata for computer - assisted language learning programs : the example of else john robin allen * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * information about computers and the humanities computers and the humanities the official journal of the association for computers and the humanities editors - in - chief : nancy ide , dept . of computer science , vassar college , usa daniel greenstein , executive , arts and humanities data services , king 's college , uk for subscriptions or information , please contact : dieke van wijnen kluwer academic publishers spuiboulevard 50 p . o . box 17 3300 aa dordrecht the netherlands phone : ( + 31 ) 78 639 22 64 fax : ( + 31 ) 78 639 22 54 e - mail : dieke . vanwijnen @ wkap . nl members of the association for computers and the humanities ( ach ) receive a subscription to chum at less than half the price of an individual membership . for information about ach and a membership application , consult http : / / www . ach . org / . or send email to chuck _ bush @ byu . edu . 0 +Subject: grammar in schools i 'd like to second herb stahlke 's plea , following his brief survey of the decline in grammar teaching ( which mirrors the events in uk ) . > i also teach an undergrad english linguistics course that , for many > students , is the only brush with grammar in the entire english ed . > program . i find that these students , many of them well prepared and > highly motivated , have had little or no grammar in k12 . this is not > surprising , since they were taught by teachers who were taught to > believe that the teaching of grammar served no purpose . if they were > taught it at all , little effort was made to make grammar make sense or > seem relevant and interesting . they will become teachers with > probablly less understanding of and ability to teach grammar than even > the generation before them . > > how do we reverse this ? certainly not by either replacing grammar > with even more abstract and difficulty linguistic subject matter . > we ' re not going to see change without concerted efforts by linguists > to work together with educators , school boards and legislators to make > people aware of the nature of grammar as an academic subject . the lsa > has a standing committee on this topic , but i havent ' been able to > find out much about their activities or positions from the lsa > literature or web page . we have the responsibility and the knowledge > to bring about change in grammar education , but we do n't have any sort > of unified , concerted effort to do so . the same posting also carried a similar message from larry rosenwald , who describes his attempts to help students to write better : > what i do care about is having a > reasonably precise vocabulary for analysis . since this strand arose out of a discussion of a recent trial in uk of some materials for testing pupils ' knowledge of grammar , readers may be interested in the background . recent developments in uk are interesting and ( to my mind ) potentially very positive , in spite of having been introduced for quite the wrong reasons ( by a right-wing government aiming at a return to ` basics ' ) . the official national curriculum requires * all * schools to teach grammar . the most obvious statement of this requirement is under the heading ` writing ' for secondary schools ( specifically , leading up to ages 14 and 16 ) : ` pupils should be encouraged broaden their understanding of the principles of sentence grammar and be taught to organise whole texts effectively . [ note the stress on understanding grammar as well as on applying this understanding . ] pupils should be given opportunities to analyse their own writing , reflecting on the meaning and clarity of individual sentences , using appropriate terminology , and so be given opportunities to learn about : - discourse structure - the structure of whole texts - paragraph structure ; how different types of praragraphs are formed ; openings and closings in different kinds of writing ; - phrase , clause and sentence structure - the use of complex grammatical structures and the linking of structures through appropriate connective ; the use of main and subordinate clauses and phrases ; - words - components including stem , prefix , suffix , inflection ; grammatical functions of nouns , verbs , adjectives , adverbs , pronouns , prepositions , conjunctions and demonstratives ; - punctuation - the use of the full range of punctuation marks , including full stops , question and exclamation marks , commas , semi-colons , colons , . . ' as a linguist i have very few arguments with this list ( given its purpose etc ) . it 's also recognised that teachers themselves need to be trained to do this kind of work . but it 's rather ambitious , and the teachers ( and teacher-trainers ) need help from the professionals - i . e . us . i think a lot of us in the uk would be interested to hear from colleagues in other countries where school grammar is fed more directly by academic grammar . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = richard ( = dick ) hudson department of phonetics and linguistics , university college london , gower street , london wc1e 6bt work phone : + 171 419 3152 ; work fax : + 171 383 4108 email : dick @ ling . ucl . ac . uk web-sites : home page = http : / / www . phon . ucl . ac . uk / home / dick / home . htm unpublished papers available by ftp = . . . . uk / home / dick / papers . htm 0 +Subject: csdl 2nd call for abstracts second call for abstracts - - csdl - 4 the fourth conference on conceptual structure , discourse , and language ( csdl - 4 ) will take place october 10-12 , 1998 at emory university , atlanta , georgia . the deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended from march 16 to monday , march 23 , 1998 . for further information on the conference and abstract submission guidelines , please see our website at : http : / / www . emory . edu / college / linguistics / csdl / alan cienki chair of the organizing committee for csdl - 4 e-mail : csdl - 4 @ learnlink . emory . edu 0 +"Subject: 8 . 859 , disc : punctuation john phillips ( 8 . 859 ) asks , with respect to apostrophised plurals , e . g . "" dyslexic 's "" , "" sonata 's "" , < < exactly what are the grounds for condemning this usage ? > > one of the joys of linguistlist is that only here could such a question be asked , and from an academic address . it was , i think , benji wald who perceptively remarked , in the ebonics debate , that linguists , and only linguists , believe in the equal value of all language forms . perhaps i might widen the question to "" what are the grounds for condemning particular variations in human symbolic behaviour ( vocabulary , accent , spelling , non - si units , facial hair , clothes , tied or untied laces ) ? "" alas , the answer is not universalistic , and comes down to one of two tyrannical reasons : because it ' ll harm your job prospects ; and , even more tyrannical : because your peers will make fun of you . it depends on who you take as your reference group ( "" whom "" for american readers ) , and how much you feel like a fight . a lot of academic linguists are in fact not neutral on this issue - - they want a sort of compensatory justice for the usage of disadvantaged groups , "" threatened languages "" like their biologist colleagues ' "" threatened species "" . ( there are , of course , self-serving as well as moral reasons for this . ) and this may go some way to explain the gulf of incomprehension between them and other people . it is hard to find common ground between those who believe in "" bettering oneself "" and those who think this invidious rubbish . roger depledge freelance translator toulouse " 0 +"Subject: ecology of language acquisition ecology of language acquisition international research workshop university of amsterdam , netherlands 11 - 15 january 1999 second announcement and call for papers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ this workshop re-examines certain assumptions implicit in much language acquisition research to date , such as the primacy of the one-speaker - one-hearer interaction ; a static interpretation of ' context ' and participant roles ; and the presupposition of a monolingual / monocultural social matrix . the focus of the meeting is thus the complexity of circumstances in which the language acquirer operates , addressed in such questions as : * how should discourse-analytic and anthropological descriptions of communicative interaction be integrated to account not only for ' conversation ' , multi-party and ritual talk , but also man-machine interaction and forms of virtual participation in the networks of cyberspace ? * how should the notion of 's hared context ' be extended to capture the floor shifts and on-line construction of meaning that take place over the progress of an unfolding discourse ? * how can theories of acquisition be made more sensitive to complex linguistic and sociocultural environments that are to varying degrees plural , mixed , and in flux ? the intention is to bring together people and paradigms from l1 and l2 acquisition research with the aim of exploring from an empirical base how the multiple contexts of language acquisition are interrelated , and how , with ecosystemic validity , such interrelations may be theoretically modelled . in the planning of the programme the organizers are assisted by a scientific advisory board consisting of eve clark ( max planck insitute / stanford ) , claire kramsch ( berkeley ) , leo van lier ( monterey ) , ben rampton ( thames valley ) and remco scha ( amsterdam ) - all of whom have also agreed to contribute keynote talks . if you would like to propose a paper , please send in an abstract ( maximum 300 words ) by e-mail before 30 april . the address is : ecolang @ hum . uva . nl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ although we are obliged to limit ' real ' participation to 30 people , we are making provision for a form of remote partial participation via e-mail ( with possible audio links ) . if you think you will be interested in participating in either capacity , please let us know by e-mail . the workshop fee ( for "" live "" participants ) will be dfl . 160 ( approximately us $ 75 ) . the workshop is organized by jet van dam , jonathan leather , anne bannink ( faculty of humanities , university of amsterdam ) http : / / www . hum . uva . nl / ~ ecolang " 0 +Subject: e-gift certificate # 212-6587900 - 82936699 it 's our pleasure to send you this gift certificate from the passion shoppe that can be applied toward the purchase of any item at our online catalogue . this is an automatic e-mail notification to inform you that an e-gift certificate was just purchased for you . the generous person who gave you this gift is listed below . don ' t delete this message ! you ' ll need the claim code below to place your order . happy shopping ! your friends at the passion shoppe . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * amount : $ 20 . 00 from : a secret admirer gift message : i saw this stuff on the news and i thought you 'd get a kick out of it . supposedly , it really works . . . can't wait to hear what you think ! claim code bdjb-dg5m52 - 4pl4 order # 212-6587900 - 8293668 expiration date 15 - jun-99 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * using your gift certificate is easy : 1 . visit the passion shoppe web site . 2 . select the items you want . 3 . when you have selected the items you want , hit the order button . you can redeem your gift certificate by entering its claim code on the order form . to claim your e-gift certificate , you may visit the passion shoppe 's web site below . for your protection , the site is e-commerce secure and encrypted for ordering online : http : / / freehosting2 . at . webjump . com / ku / kuretake-scientist / index . html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the fine print : gift certificates must be redeemed at the passion shoppe web site . gift certificates are not redeemable for cash . gift certificates and unused portions of gift certificates expire on the date listed on the e-gift certificate or the earliest date permitted under applicable law , whichever occurs later . any unused balance will be placed in your gift certificate account . if your order exceeds the amount of your gift certificate , you must pay for the balance with a credit card or check on tps 's e-commerce secure web site or by mail with a money order . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the legal stuff funds from unclaimed gift certificates become property of tps . if you do not wish to receive reminder notifications that a gift certificate in your name is being held in tps 's gift certificate account , you may remove your name from future reminder mailings by entering entering your name below . off221 @ excite . com although e-mail requests are updated automatically , ca and wa residents may do this by voicemail at 888-294 - 0356 . voice mail requests are checked and updated once per month . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 +"Subject: great job ! adults only nothing "" butt "" pure sex this adult site gives you a free xxx video every month http : / / www . wilderhotsex . com / indexe . html click this " 1 +Subject: labphon6 : draft programme and registration info a draft programme for the sixth conference on laboratory phonology ( york , july 2 - 4 ) has now been posted on our web site : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / real-draft - prog . html registration forms in various formats ( postscript , pdf , rtf , plain text ) can also be downloaded via our home page : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / labphon . html or our registration information page : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / regi-info . html paul carter ( on behalf of the organising committee ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ labphon6 department of language and linguistic science university of york york yo1 5dd uk e-mail : labphon6 @ york . ac . uk web : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / labphon . html telephone : + 44 1904 432658 / 2672 / 2671 / 2660 fax : + 44 1904 432673 0 +Subject: sociolinguistics tetsuya kunihiro , fumio inoue , and daniel long ( editors ) takesi sibata - - sociolinguistics in japanese contexts 1998 . 23 x 15 , 5 cm . xvi , 489 pages cloth dm 248 , - / approx . us $ 155 . 00 isbn 3-11 - 014979 - 6 contributions to the sociology of language 81 mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york the book presents a collection of papers by takesi sibata , one of the leading linguists in japan and a pioneer in the field of japanese sociolinguistics . while incorporating numerous ideas from western linguistics , japanese sociolinguistics has developed largely independently from western tradition . the volume not only makes accessible the work of a most influential scholar but , at the same time , provides an overdue introduction to the field of japanese sociolinguistics . contents foreword * dr . takesi sibata and the principal trends in japanese sociolinguistics * i . the study of sociolinguistics * 1 . the language life of the japanese * 2 . the survey of a speech community and its methodology * 3 . a 24 hour survey of the language life of the japanese * 4 . individual differences among investigators of linguistic geography * ii . honorifics * 5 . honorifics and honorifics research * 6 . the honorific prefix ` o - ' in contemporary japanese * 7 . learning to say ` haha ' * 8 . the language life of machino * 9 . honorifics in a community * iii . language change * 10 . the rise and fall of dialects * 11 . the age structure of the speech community * 12 . 20 years of the itoigawa dialect * 13 . the evolution of common language in hokkaido * 14 . dialect formation in a settlement * 15 . place names as evidence of japanese settlement in ainu areas * iv . sociolect and idiolect * 16 . group language * 17 . group language and its emergence * 18 . fad words and language bosses * 19 . urbanization and language differences in social classes * 20 . changes in life and changes in language * 21 . the microtoponymy of a limited area considered as part of the vocabulary of an idiolect * v . norms of language * 22 . consciousness of language norms * 23 . standards of pronunciation * 24 . discriminatory words and linguistic taboos * notes * references * complete works of takesi sibata * sources of original publications * index _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . com 0 +Subject: available for review the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , ph . d . , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . do not include an electronic cv or a url linking to a personal homepage . these will be ignored . * * * please also send a surface mail address for us to send the book to . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * syntax / typology siewierska , anna and jaejung song ( eds ) ( 1998 ) . case typology and grammar . typological studiesn in langauge 38 . john benjamins publishing co . ny syntax / discourse birner , betty and gregory ward ( 1998 ) information status and noncanonical word order in english . studies in langauge companion series . john benjamins publishing co . ny . 0 +Subject: new book : cognitive linguistics angeliki athanasiadou and elzbieta tabakowska ( editors ) speaking of emotions conceptualisation and expression 1998 . xxii , 444 pages cloth dm 198 , - / approx . us 124 . 00 isbn 3-11 - 015767 - 5 cognitive linguistics research 10 mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york by illustrating the diverging research methods and procedures possible within the cognitive-linguistic scene , this volume reveals the contribution cognitive linguistics offers to the study of emotions . at the same time , the papers contained in this volume confirm one of the basic assumptions of cognitive linguistics , viz . that conceptualization is governed by ecological , environmental , culture-specific and universal factors . in addition to its great empirical value , the volume is outstanding in that it represents a wide spectrum of cognitive trends so that it testifies to the pluralism within the cognitive-linguistic paradigm : metaphorical-metonymical lakoffian approach , semantic primitives approach , semasiological-structure approach . contents angeliki athanasiadou , the conceptualization of the domain of fear in modern greek * stefan grondelaers and dirk geeraerts , vagueness as a euphemistic strategy * gabor gyori , cultural variation in the conceptualization of emotions : a historical study * rie hasada , onomatopoeic emotion words in japanese * zoltan kovecses , are there any emotion-specific metaphors ? * agnieska mikolajczuk , the metonymic and metaphorical conceptualization of anger in polish * henrietta mondry and john taylor , the cultural dynamics of ` national character ' : the case of the new russians * anna mostovaja , on emotions that one can ` immerse into ' , ` fall into ' and ` come to ' : the semantics of a few russian prepositional constructions * gary palmer and rick brown , the ideology of honor , respect , and emotion in tagalog * gunter radden , the conceptualization of emotional causality by means of prepositional phrases * mechthild reh , the language of emotion in dholuo : an analysis on the basis of grace ogot 's novel ` miaha ' * elzbieta tabakowska , go to the devil : some metaphors we curse by * john taylor and t . mbense , red dogs and rotton mealies : how zulus talk about anger * catherine travis , omoiyari as a core japanese value : japanese - style empathy ? * p . werth , tired and emotional : on the semantics and pragmatics of emotion verb complementation * anna wierzbicka , ` sadness ' and ` anger ' in russian : the non-universality of the so-called ` basic human emotions ' * index _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de this and further publications can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: comparative slavic morphosyntax the fifth and final position paper has been posted to the www page for the comparative slavic morphosyntax www page ( url below ) : gilbert c . rappaport , "" the slavic noun phrase "" . to mark the posting of these new position papers , we enclose below a third call for papers . george fowler 3rd call for papers indiana university invites you to submit abstracts to a workshop ( funded by the u . s . department of education ) on comparative slavic morphosyntax the workshop will be held at canyon inn , in mccormick 's creek state park , spencer , indiana ( near bloomington ) on friday - sunday 5 - 7 june 1998 . papers are solicited in response to five invited "" position papers "" : leonard babby : "" voice and diathesis in slavic "" zeljko boskovic : "" wh - phrases and wh-movement in slavic "" greville corbett : "" agreement in slavic "" steven franks : "" clitics in slavic "" gilbert rappaport : "" noun phrases in slavic "" these position papers are intended to summarize the variation in data across the slavic languages , define the "" state of the art "" in existing analysis for each area , communicate innovations and on-going research , and identify an agenda for future investigation . as such , they are meant to serve as springboards for discussion , rebuttal , response , and debate . this call for papers solicits responses in two categories : 10 minute presentations ( + 5 minute discussion ) or 20 minutes ( + 10 minute discussion ) . you may respond to one or several position papers , but must submit an advance abstract for each response ; there is no set limit on the number of responses which may be accepted from any one individual . the position papers can be downloaded via the internet in platform-independent . pdf and . ps formats from : < http : / / www . indiana . edu / ~ slavconf / linguistics / index . html > if you cannot download or use electronic versions of the position papers , you may request a printed copy of any of the papers from the address below . however , however , in view of our limited budget and staff resources , we urge you to utilize the electronic versions if possible ( please use adobe acrobat reader 3 . 0 . x , which may be downloaded free of charge from < http : / / www . adobe . com / > ) . proposals for reponses may be submitted to the address below . abstracts should be no more than one page , including examples and references . include your name and affiliation directly on the abstract , and please attach a card with your name , address , e-mail , phone , title , and position paper to which you are responding . also , please send 4 copies and indicate the length category for your response . we will also accept submissions via email to < slavconf @ indiana . edu > or fax ( to 1-812 - 855-2107 ) . paper submission is preferable , however , as these abstracts will be used as camera-ready copy in making the abstract book for the workshop . deadline for receipt of abstracts : 24 april 1998 a volume of proceedings will be published by slavica publishers . all requests for information , inquiries about position papers , and abstracts should be sent to : george fowler dept . of slavic languages ballantine 502 indiana university bloomington , in 47405-6616 usa [ email ] gfowler @ indiana . edu [ dept . tel . ] 1-812 - 855-9906 / - 2608 / - 2624 [ dept . fax ] 1-812 - 855-2107 [ home phone / fax ] 1-317 - 726-1482 / - 1642 [ slavica phone / fax ] 1-812 - 856-4186 / - 4187 " 0 +Subject: req university degree programs increase your personal prestige and money earning power through an advanced university degree . eminent , non-accredited universities will award you a degree for only $ 200 . degree granted based on your present knowledge and experience . no further effort necessary on your part . just a short phone call is all that is required for a ba , ma , mba , or phd diploma in the field of your choice . for details , call 602-230 - 4252 1 +"Subject: discourse across languages and cultures the 24th university of wisconsin-milwaukee linguistics symposium discourse across languages and cultures september 10 - 12 , 1998 our 24th symposium will be what we believe to be one of the first conferences to bring together scholars from fields such as contrastive rhetoric , rhetorical typology , translation studies , and discourse analysis . although these scholars work in related fields , little opportunity has existed for interaction among them . the goal of this symposium is to provide such an opportunity and to facilitate the sharing of knowledge about cross-cultural and cross-linguistic patterns in discourse , whether that discourse be spoken or written . featured speakers include : ruth berman ( tel - aviv university ) wallace chafe ( university of california - santa barbara ) susanna cumming ( university of california - santa barbara ) william eggington ( brigham young university ) robert longacre ( university of texas at arlington ) carol lynn moder ( oklahoma state university ) ronald scollon ( georgetown university ) dan i . slobin ( university of california - berkeley ) sonja tirkonnen - condit ( university of joensuu ) all sessions will be held on our campus in the university of wisconsin - milwaukee student union . the first plenary session is scheduled to begin thursday afternoon . a full program will be provided at a later date . registration : pre - registration fees are $ 20 for students , $ 45 for regular registration . on - site registration fees are $ 25 for students , $ 50 for regular . all pre-registration forms must be accompanied by a check or money order in u . s . dollars and received by august 1 , 1998 . ( we cannot , unfortunately , accept credit cards . ) if you wish to pre-register , please send the following information to the address below . name address affiliation email address cassandra stephens uwm linguistics symposium dept . of english university of wisconsin - milwaukee milwaukee , wi 53201-0413 accommodations : blocks of rooms have been reserved at two hotels near uwm . both have special rates for the symposium , but require mention of the uwm linguistics symposium , and must be secured by credit card , or one-night 's stay in advance . some van service from the hotels will be available . the park east hotel ( $ 63 for single , $ 73 for double , until aug . 18 ) 916 e . state st . milwaukee , wi 53202 phone : 1-800 - 328-7275 the astor hotel ( $ 54 for single , $ 59 for double , until aug . 9 ) 924 e . juneau ave . milwaukee , wi 53202 phone : 1-800 - 558-0200 we may have a limited amount of "" crash space "" available . if you are interested , please indicate this on your pre-registration letter . we cannot , however , guarantee such space . for additional information , or questions , contact mike darnell at darnell @ csd . uwm . edu " 0 +"Subject: fsmnlp ' 98 preliminary program and call for participation the preliminary program for fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing is now available . the program and the text version of a registration form follows . more information as well as postscript and pdf forms of the registration form can be obtained from http : / / www . nlp . cs . bilkent . edu . tr / fsmnlp98 - kemal oflazer e-mail : ko @ cs . bilkent . edu . tr http : / / www . cs . bilkent . edu . tr / ~ ko / ko . html bilkent university tel : ( 90-312 ) 266-4133 ( sec ) computer engineering department 266-4000 x1258 ( off ) bilkent , ankara , 06533 turkiye 240-1627 ( home ) fax : ( 90-312 ) 266-4126 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing sponsored by : eacl - european chapter of the association for computational linguistics , tubitak - turkish scientific and technological research council , nato science for stability program - tu-language project june 29 - july 1 , 1998 bilkent university ankara , turkey preliminary program june 29 , 1998 monday 9 : 00 - 18 : 00 tutorial a one - day practical introduction to finite - state computing instructor : ken beesley , xerox research centre europe grenoble , france scope : the course will include an introduction to regular languages , finite-state machines , finite state transducers , the xerox fst interface , and the lexc compiler . participants will get hands-on experience with the software , using exercises in natural-language morphology and phonology . all instruction and documentation will be in english . target : linguists and computer scientists interested in how finite-state technology can be applied to natural language processing . prerequisites : participants should know some basic unix commands and be able to edit text files using an editor like emacs or vi . although we assume no previous experience in finite-state computing , finite-state computing is a kind of computer programming , and participants should have some kind of programming experience . tentative contents - a gentle introduction to finite - state automata finite - state machines regular languages lookup finite - state automata lookup and generation - key finite - state operations union intersection subtraction concatenation iteration composition - finite - state morphology / phonology morphotactics phonological / orthographical variation - xerox extended regular expressions the xfst interface the stack read regex apply up , apply down exercises : esperanto verbs - simple replace rules ( extended regular expressions ) rule exercises : kanpat , brazilian portuguese - review : lexicons , rules , composition , the stack lexicon + rules exercise : bambona - the lexc language and compiler lexicons , continuation classes interface exercises : esperanto nouns , adjectives - lexc plus replace rules exercise : irish lenition - other tools and tricks twolc ( "" two - level "" rules and morphology ) separated dependencies and composition exercise : esperanto ge - nouns other filtering via composition - a large system : finite - state arabic morphology lexical databases finite - state lexicon ( lexc ) separated dependencies ( replace - rule filters ) variation ( rules ) designing "" languages "" modifications , tags , character encodings overall lookup and generation www interface ( java ) - questions , review of exercises june 30 , 1998 tuesday 9 : 45 opening remarks 10 : 00 - 11 : 00 plenary talk the proper treatment of optimality in computational phonology lauri karttunen xrce grenoble , france 11 : 00 11 : 30 break regular papers morning session 11 : 30 12 : 30 context-free parsing through regular approximation mark - jan nederhof dfki saarbrucken germany does tagging help parsing ? a case study on finite state parsing atro voutilainen university of helsinki , finland 12 : 30 14 : 00 lunch afternoon session 1 14 : 00 15 : 30 robust parsing using a hidden markov model wide r . hogenhout yuji matsumoto nara institute of tech . japan incremental construction of minimal acyclic finite state automata and transducers richard e . watson ribbit software , canada jan daciuk , university of gdansk , poland bruce e . watson ribbit software , canada treatment of e - moves in subset construction gertjan van noord groningen univ . the netherlands 15 : 30 - 16 : 00 break afternoon session 16 : 00 - 17 : 00 learning finite state models for language understanding david pico enrique vidal polytechnic university of valencia , spain a multilingual natural language interface to regular expressions aarne ranta xrce grenoble , france july 1 , 1998 wednesday morning session 10 : 00 - 12 : 00 implementing voting constraints with finite state transducers kemal oflazer gokhan tur bilkent university , turkey feature structures , unification and finite state transducers remi zajac crl / nmsu usa using genericity to create customizable finite state tools hoffman marcus sandro pedrazzini idsia switzerland constraining separated morphotactic dependencies in finite state grammars ken beesley xrce grenoble , france 12 : 00 13 : 30 lunch 13 : 30 16 : 30 visit to museum of anatolian civilizations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing june 29 - july 1 , 1998 bilkent university ankara , turkey registration form last name : first name : organization : address : : : telephone : fax : e - mail : web page url : workshop : june 29 - july 1 1998 [ ] tutorial registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usd 40 [ ] workshop registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usd 60 total usd . . . registration fee includes : copy of the proceedings , reception , coffee and tea during breaks , and visit to the museum of anatolian civilizations . social event : june 27 - 28 , 1998 [ ] visit to cappadocia region known for its lunar landscape , fairy-chimneys and underground cities . includes transportation , one night at a 3 * hotel , breakfast , and dinner , guided tour of all major sites . 99 usd / person * _ _ persons usd . . . accommodation [ ] hotel bilkent ( 4 * hotel on campus with transportation to the workshop site ) . special rates for workshop participants are ( including vat ) : single room usd 65 / night double room usd 80 / night will arrive on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and depart on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hotel bill is payable during check-out . [ ] university dormitory room very close to workshop site , with shared showers and facilities . 1 person per room free of charge ( * * only linens and blankets will be provided . * * ) payment for the workshop registration and cappadocia trip can only be made by credit card . please provide the information below : card type visa [ ] mastercard / eurocard [ ] card number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ / _ _ my signature below will be considered to have been made on the applicable credit card or charge card bill form for the amount indicated , for registration to fsmnlp ' 98 workshop . amount to be paid : usd _ _ _ _ name of the card holder : signature of the card holder : please send your registration forms by fax to fsmnlp ' 98 registration c / o kemal oflazer fax no : + 90 + 312-266 4126 or by mail to : fsmnlp ' 98 registration c / o kemal oflazer bilkent university department of computer engineering and info . sci . tr-06533 ankara turkey no electronic submissions will be possible as we have been requested to require signatures for credit card transactions . " 0 +"Subject: linguistics association of great britain linguistics association of great britain spring meeting 1998 : lancaster university the 1998 spring meeting will be held from tuesday 14 to thursday 16 april at lancaster university . the local organisers are melanie sharratt and julia glass ( m . sharratt @ lancaster . ac . uk and j . a . glass @ lancaster . ac . uk ) . enquiries about the meeting should be addressed to : melanie sharratt , lagb 1998 , linguistics department , lancaster university , lancaster la1 4yt . accommodation : en suite and standard rooms available . standard rooms have wash basins . rooms are in john creed - cartmel and lonsdale buildings , a short walk from the george fox building where the talks will be given . rooms will be allocated strictly on a "" first-come first-served "" basis . registration : begins at 12 noon on tues . 14th april at lonsdale porters lodge . bar : will be open at lunchtimes and evenings ( until 23 . 00 ) every day . food : please indicate vegetarian / other dietary requirements on booking form . childcare : if you require childcare , please contact the local organiser for further details . travel : lancaster is easily accessible by train ( trains from london can be caught at euston station ) . by car , the university is easily accessible from junction 33 of the m6 when travelling from the north or the south . car parking vouchers will be available free of charge on request . further travel details will be sent out with booking receipts events : the linguistics association 1998 lecture on tuesday afternoon will be delivered by professor frederick newmeyer of the university of washington , and is entitled ' formal linguistics and functional explanation : bridging the gap ' . professor newmeyer will also be participating in a workshop entitled ' formalism , functionalism and typology ' on tuesday afternoon and evening . the workshop is organised by bill croft ( university of manchester ) ; other contributors are anna siewierska ( university of lancaster ) and simon kirby ( university of edinburgh ) . there will be a language tutorial on quechua , given by pieter muysken ( university of amsterdam ) . there will be a wine party on tuesday evening , sponsored by the dept of linguistics . bookings : should be sent to the local organisers , address above , to arrive by friday 27 march . cheques should be made payable to "" lancaster university "" . guests : members may invite any number of guests to meetings of the association , upon payment of a \ 1635 guest invitation fee . members wishing to invite guests should photocopy the booking form . abstracts : are available to members who are unable to attend the meeting . please order using the booking form below . annual general meeting : this is to be held on the afternoon of wednesday 15 april . items for the agenda should be sent to the honorary secretary . nominations for speakers : nominations are requested for future guest speakers ; all suggestions should be sent to the honorary secretary . changes of address : members are reminded to notify the membership secretary ( address below ) of changes of address . committee members : president : prof . richard hudson , university college london ( dick @ ling . ucl . ac . uk ) honorary secretary : dr . david adger , university of york ( da4 @ tower . york . ac . uk ) membership secretary : dr . kersti borjars , university of manchester ( k . e . borjars @ manchester . ac . uk ) meetings secretary : dr . marjolein groefsema , university of hertfordshire ( m . groefsema @ herts . ac . uk ) treasurer : dr . paul rowlett , university of salford ( p . a . rowlett @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk ) assistant secretary : dr . april mcmahon , university of cambridge ( amm11 @ hermes . cam . ac . uk ) internet home page : http : / / clwww . essex . ac . uk / lagb . electronic network : the lagb electronic network is used for disseminating lagb information and for consulting members quickly . to subscribe send the message "" add lagb "" to : listserv @ postman . essex . ac . uk . future meetings : 10-12 september 1998 university of luton . 8-10 april 1999 university of manchester . autumn 1999 ( provisional ) university of york . spring 2000 ( provisional ) university college london . autumn 2000 ( provisional ) university of wales bangor . other dates : genes , languages and peoples . 1 - day workshop on the interfaces between genetics , linguistics and archaeology , to be held at selwyn college , cambridge , saturday 5 september 1998 . sponsored by the lagb and the genetical society . speakers include don ringe , roger lass , merritt ruhlen , svante paabo , antonio torroni , rob foley . contact april mcmahon at selwyn college , cambridge , cb3 9dq ; phone 01223 335830 ; e-mail amm11 @ hermes . cam . ac . uk . international conference : negation : syntax , semantics and pragmatics friday 30 october - sunday 1 november 1998 , university of salford . invited speakers : liliane haegeman , william ladusaw , jean - yves pollock conference organiser : paul rowlett abstract submission : max . 300 words by 30 april 1998 to wendy pickles , negation conference administrator , european studies research institute , university of salford , salford m5 4wt . e - mail : w . pickles @ esri . salford . ac . uk 5th conference on diachronic generative syntax , may 30 - june 1 1998 . contacts : susan pintzuk , george tsoulas , anthony warner , the organising committee , digs 5 , department of language and linguistic science , university of york , york yo1 5dd . uk . tel : + 44 1904 432661 / 432664 / 432667 . fax : + 44 1904 432673 . email : digs @ york . ac . uk . www : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang13 the meetings secretary would very much like to receive offers of future venues , particularly from institutions which the lagb has not previously visited or from places with newly established linguistics programmes . " 0 +Subject: new book on speech recognition the following is a book which readers of this list might find of interest . for more information please visit http : / / mitpress . mit . edu / promotions / books / jelshf97 statistical methods for speech recognition frederick jelinek this book reflects decades of important research on the mathematical foundations of speech recognition . it focuses on underlying statistical techniques such as hidden markov models , decision trees , the expectation-maximization algorithm , information theoretic goodness criteria , maximum entropy probability estimation , parameter and data clustering , and smoothing of probability distributions . the author 's goal is to present these principles clearly in the simplest setting , to show the advantages of self-organization from real data , and to enable the reader to apply the techniques . language , speech , and communication series . a bradford book january 1998 $ 35 . 00 cloth 300 pp . isbn 0-262 - 10066 - 5 mit press 0 +"Subject: evolution analytic > synthetic linguist @ linguistlist . org wrote : > > 1 ) > date : wed , 04 jun 1997 09 : 16 : 25 - 0500 > from : "" geoffrey s . nathan "" < geoffn @ siu . edu > > subject : re : 8 . 826 , disc : evolution analytic > synthetic > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - message 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > date : wed , 04 jun 1997 09 : 16 : 25 - 0500 > from : "" geoffrey s . nathan "" < geoffn @ siu . edu > > subject : re : 8 . 826 , disc : evolution analytic > synthetic > > just to add a little more to the value judgment part of martin > haspelmath 's very clear explication of current views of the evolution of > typology , i should point out that otto jespersen believed that the > evolution from synthetic to analytic ( such as has happened between old and > modern english ) was an overall improvement , with an assumption that totally > isolating languages like chinese represented the ideal goal of languages . > i do n't have my copy easily available , but i believe this view can be found > in the philosophy of grammar . i have heard it suggested that the reason j > believed this was he believed english was close to an ideal language . > > i second martin 's claim that the view that there is a fairly clear > consensus among historical linguists about the directionality he discusses . current introductory texts certainly include discussion of this view - - a > nice discussion can be found , for example in terry crowley 's _ an > introduction to historical linguistics _ ( oxford , 1992 ) , and similar > discussions can be found in other current texts . > geoff > > geoffrey s . nathan > department of linguistics > southern illinois university at carbondale , > carbondale , il , 62901 usa > phone : + 618 453-3421 ( office ) fax + 618 453-6527 > + 618 549-0106 ( home ) > dear geoff and linguist - listers : i believe the distinction made between synthetic and analytic languages is , at best , superficial . whether a language marks a transitive subject by first position in the sentence ( s1 ) or with an ie - s , markers are always present if total meaninglessness is not the result . in my studies of earliest language , i have discovered that there were no synthetic-type markers in it . word - order , ov , established the relationship between ( / among ) elements in the simplest sentences ; and tone delimited the sentences . the synthetic elements that still characterize many languages started but as analytic elements . for example , the b - past tense prefix in basque began life as a a simple adverb , ba , meaning "" already "" , and before that , simply "" over "" . the ie e-augment for non-concommitant verbal forms started out as simply the adverb * e , "" then "" , and before that "" there ( 3rd p . deixis ) "" . the formant - i / y , which forms adjectives in so many languages , was first the noun "" word "" , which acquired the meaning "" like "" . many languages like ie have factitive forms that are simply - - at origin - - combinations of the verb stem and an element meant "" it "" , in ie yo . the aa second person singular - k is simply a word for "" male "" . with this history behind us , it is difficult to believe that constructions like "" have done "" will not , at some some future , develop into v-prefix perfects . nietzsche , of course , said it far more eloquently , but the modern phrase "" what goes around , comes around "" expresses it quite well also . language , like all of existence , is not unidirectional . it has a direction only in the same sense that a very small segment of a circle appears to be straight . what really separates "" primitive "" languages from advanced ones , is the insistence of nominative-type ( g . a . klimov ) languages on an overtly expressed transitive subject . the mindset that this produces is directly responsible for the scientific approach that has resulted in the technology of the late 20th century . however we may wish to theorize , it is a fact that the scientific advances that have us all in a state of perpetual uneasiness , have come about through scientists who speak nominative-type languages , or who got their training in nominative-type languages . science is simply a matter of correctly linking cause and effect . nominative - type language are used to organizing their thoughts by reflex into a cause and effect algorithm . that is not to say that speakers of other languages cannot organize their thoughts logically . but logic and what constitutes a logical approach is culturally determined . factors that nt - speakers would reject as not directly causal would be difficult to eradicate from the "" logic "" of thinkers in other non - nt - speaking cultural matrices . the single advantage that synthetic languages have is freer word order , which can be economically employed for emphasizing or topicalizing selected elements of the sentence . but every analytic language with rigid word order has other devices to accomplish the same purpose . pat - patrick c . ryan < proto-language @ worldnet . att . net > ( 501 ) 227-9947 ; fax / data ( 501 ) 312-9947 9115 w . 34th st . * little rock , ar 72204-4441 * usa webpage : < a href = "" http : / / www . geocities . com / athens / forum / 2803 "" > < / a > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' veit ek , at ek hekk , vindga meidhi , naetr allar niu , geiri undadhr . . . a theim meidhi er mangi veit hvers hann af rotum renn . ' * ( havamal 138 ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " 0 +Subject: re : 5 . 939 binary comparison i am sure doerfer never said that only binary comparison should be allowed ( e . g . , turkic and mongolic but not turkic , mongolic , and ( manchu - ) tungusic all at once ) . on the contary , what he said over and over again was that binary comparison would not prove the existence of genetic relationship for the whole group . marcel erdal 0 +"Subject: history of linguistics conference - leuven ( b ) , 2 - 4 july xi . international colloquium of the studienkreis ' geschichte der sprachwissenschaft ' "" the history of linguistic and grammatical praxis "" catholic university of leuven ( belgium ) , 2nd - 4th july 1998 organizing committee : pierre swiggers , piet desmet , lieve jooken , alfons wouters ( k . u . leuven ) annie boone ( v . u . brussel ) peter schmitter ( universitat munster , hankuk university of foreign studies , seoul ) * second circular * conference programme wednesday 1 july 16 . 00-19 . 00 registration in the hall of the erasmus building , faculty of arts , blijde - inkomststraat 21 . 20 . 00 informal get-together . thursday 2 july venue : house of chievres , great beguinage . 09 . 00 registration opens at house of chievres . 09 . 30 opening address session i antiquity to renaissance 10 . 00 muriel lenoble , pierre swiggers , alfons wouters ( leuven , b ) l ' enseignement grammatical entre latin et grec : le manuel de dosithee 10 . 30 pieter a . m . seuren ( nijmegen , nl ) the notion of transformation in antiquity 11 . 00 coffee 11 . 30 nico lioce ( oostende , b ) aspects grammaticographiques de l ' ouvre rhetorique de joan de castellnou ( xive siecle ) 12 . 00 willy van hoecke ( leuven , b ) la ' declaration des abus ' ( 1578 ) d ' honorat rambaud : la pratique de l ' enseignement de l ' ecriture et la necessite d ' un systeme universel de transcription phonetique 12 . 30 bernard colombat ( grenoble , f ) les outils pour l ' apprentissage du latin en france a la renaissance et a l ' age classique 13 . 00 lunch session ii xviith and xviiith century 14 . 00 werner hullen ( essen , d ) textbook - families for the teaching of vernaculars between 1450 and 1700 14 . 30 cristina marras ( munster , d & tel aviv , isr ) grammatica rationalis und lingua philosophica bei g . w . leibniz ( 1646-1716 ) 15 . 00 astrid gobels ( essen , d ) die "" brightland "" grammatik ( 1711 ) : nationalsprachliche vs . rationale grammatik 15 . 30 brigitte lepinette ( valencia , s ) les concepts de ' methode ' , ' grammaire ' , ' art ( grammatical ) ' et ' cle ' ( pour apprendre le francais ) au xviiie siecle dans l ' enseignement du francais langue etrangere en espagne 16 . 00 coffee 16 . 30 serge vanvolsem ( leuven , b ) the first italian grammar in dutch ( anon . , amsterdam , 1672 ) 17 . 00 jan de clercq ( zottegem , b ) la grammaire francaise de jean des roches 17 . 30 jutta steinmetz ( paderborn , d ) ' wissenschaft ' , ' sprache ' , und ' sprachwissenschaft ' in deutschen lexika und enzyklopadien des 18 . jahrhunderts 18 . 00 edeltraud dobnig - julch & helmut weib ( regensburg , d ) georg frantzlin : versuch einer neuen lehre . . . der deutschen sprachlehre 18 . 30 joseph reisdoerfer ( luxembourg , l ) un mythe pedagogique : les etudes de grec dans les colleges jesuites 20 . 00 reception offered by peeters publishers & booksellers at peeters bookshop , bondgenotenlaan 153 . friday 3 july venue : house of chievres , great beguinage . session iii xixth & xxth century 09 . 00 richard steadman - jones ( cambridge , gb ) etymology and language learning at the start of the 19th century 09 . 30 dan savatovsky ( paris , f ) the interlinear translation techniques in latin and french language learning 10 . 00 jan goes ( gent , b ) la "" grammaire generale "" et l ' enseignement des langues : la "" grammaire arabe "" de silvestre de sacy 10 . 30 els elffers ( amsterdam , nl ) content words and function words in dutch 19th - century school grammars 11 . 00 coffee 11 . 30 erika hultenschmidt ( bielefeld , d ) traduction , jugement pratique et ordre des mots : henri weil , eleve juif d ' august boeckh et lecteur de k . f . becker en france 12 . 00 pierre boutan ( montpellier , f ) langues maternelles et langue nationale a l ' ecole primaire francaise de la iiie republique : retour sur un conflit 12 . 30 marie - helene claveres ( montpellier , f ) la "" methode maternelle "" et le ministere de victor duruy ( 1863-1869 ) 13 . 00 lunch 14 . 00 annie boone & michel berre ( brussels , b ) de l ' influence de la "" grammaire generale "" de p . burggraff ( 1803-1881 ) sur les grammaires scolaires de la langue francaise publiees en belgique entre 1863 et 1890 14 . 30 edeltraud werner ( halle - wittenberg , d ) giovanni romani : projekt einer rationalen beschreibung des italienischen und umsetzungsvorschlage fur den unterricht 15 . 00 klaus rob ( duisburg , d ) sprachkunde oder sprachwissenschaft im lexikon ? eine historisch-systematische analyse der artikel ' sprache ' und ' gebardensprache ' am beispiel dreier ausgaben von brockhaus und meyer 15 . 30 jacqueline leon ( paris , f ) langues auxiliaires , traduction , et modeles de traduction automatique ( 1950-1970 ) 16 . 00 coffee 16 . 30 sergej a . romaschko ( moscow , rus ) title to be announced session iv missionary grammars & non indo - european languages 17 . 00 christopher alake ( leuven , b ) early descriptions of the yoruba language . the work of samuel ajayi crowther . 17 . 30 william b . mcgregor ( melbourne , aus ) fr . alphonse tachon 's research into nyulnyul ( dampier land , western australia ) , 1890-1900 18 . 00 matti leiwo ( jyvaskyla , fin ) presentation of the finnish case system in school grammars 19 . 00 guided tour of the university library saturday 4 july venue : justus lipsius room , faculty of arts , 8th floor , blijde - inkomststraat 21 . session v structuralism 09 . 00 brigitte bartschat ( leipzig , d ) baudouin de courtenay in tartu / dorpat ( 1883-1893 ) ( entwicklung seiner sprachtheoretischer ansatze 09 . 30 jorg hardy ( munster , d ) semiologie und linguistik bei f . de saussure 10 . 00 markus linda ( essen , d ) ansatze zu einer semiologie des sprechens und horens in den nachgelassenen papieren ferdinand de saussures 10 . 30 coffee 11 . 00 klaas - hinrich ehlers ( berlin , d ) zeit der zirkel . deutsche slawistische forschung nach dem organisatorischen modell des fruhen strukturalismus . 11 . 30 michael hanke ( bonn , d ) die "" angewandte sprachwissenschaft "" der bonner schule , ca . 1950-1965 12 . 00 maria herrlich ( paderborn , d ) der einflub leo weisgerbers auf die auffassungen von ' muttersprache ' und sprachpflege 12 . 30 lunch 14 . 00 guided tour of leuven ( ca . 21 hours ) . end of conference * registration * the conference registration fee is 1000 bef and covers all conference costs ( including programmes , booklet with abstracts , tourist information , coffee and lunch during all sessions , and guided tour of leuven ) . advance payment is not necessary . you will be asked to pay your conference fee in cash on the premises . if you are interested in participating , please send your name , address and possibly e-mail address by mail , fax or e-mail to the following address before april 15 , 1998 : lieve jooken xi . sgds colloquium department of linguistics faculty of arts k . u . leuven p . o . box 33 b-3000 leuven fax : + 32-16 - 32 . 47 . 67 e - mail : lieve . jooken @ arts . kuleuven . ac . be travel information , a map of leuven ( louvain ) and a list of hotels and b&b 's will be sent to you on receipt of your registration . please also let us know whether you would like to join the following activities , included in the conference fee : * the informal get-together with buffet on wednesday 1 july , * the guided tour of leuven on saturday afternoon , 4 july . " 0 +Subject: final offer final offer exclusivly for entreprenuers ! do you have an incredible product , buy no one knows about it ? > > we have the solution for you ! bulk e - mail . it 's the most powerful advertising medium today . imagine being able to instantly tell 1 , 000 , 000 people about your website for a fraction of the cost for other more traditional forms of advertising . well stop imagining and make it happen . you will be glad you did when the checks start pouring in ! we are the leader in email marketing and we are ready to help you get the exposure that you deserve . we have over 3 years experience in bulk email and have helped many small sites become extremely profitable . we take time with each individual customer to customers their email campaign and get the response that they are looking for . our advertising services have helped increase gross sales by 15 percent up to 60 percent ! limited special half - price offer . now only $ 399 ! offer ends july 16th . call ( 734 ) 670-0200 and we will contact you immediately ! media solutions 310 koch ave ann arbor mi 48103 reply to rewasd @ eastmail . com with remove in subject to remove . 1 +"Subject: turkish grammar to all linguists interested in turkish : my grammar of turkish has recently been published by routledge , in its descriptive grammars series ( edited by bernard comrie ; isbn : 0-415 - 00010 - 6 ) . between the date of my receiving my author 's copies and the official publication date , i discovered a number of typos and other mistakes , and an omission of a passage . i have put together a list of addenda and corrigenda to rectify these shortcomings and have made it available as an insert for the book . i am sending this message to inform past and future buyers and readers of the availability of the insert . i will be glad to send it free of charge to anyone interested ; just send me a message ( not to the linguist list ) , to either my e-mail or my "" snail mail "" address . jaklin kornfilt e-mail : kornfilt @ syr . edu "" snail mail "" : syracuse university dept . of languages , literatures and linguistics 340 hbc syracuse , ny 13244-1160 usa * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * jaklin kornfilt syracuse university department of languages , literatures and linguistics 340 hbc syracuse , ny 13244-1160 tel . : 315 / 443-5375 fax : 315 / 443-5376 " 0 +"Subject: financial freedom ! ! follow me to financial freedom ! ! i am looking for people with a good work ethic and extraordinary desire to earn at least $ 10 , 000 per month working from home ! no special skills or experience required . we will give you all the training and personal support you will need to ensure your success ! this legitimate home-based income opportunity can put you back in control of your time , your finances , and your life ! if you ' ve tried other opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their promises , this is different than anything else you ' ve seen ! this is not multi-level - marketing or a get-rich - quick scheme ! your financial past does not have to be your financial future ! call only if you are serious ! 1-800 - 263-2563 ext . 7859 don ' t go to sleep without listening to this ! "" all our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them "" - walt disney please leave your name and number and best time to call . do not respond by email . to be removed from this list , send an email to : nothanku @ crosswinds . net and type "" remove "" in the subject line . " 1 +"Subject: storage and computation in linguistics second announcement / call for papers congress on : "" storage and computation in linguistics "" utrecht institute of linguistics ots utrecht , the netherlands , october 19th , 20th and 21st , 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * deadline for submission of abstracts : may 15th , 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * on the occasion of its tenth anniversary , the utrecht institute of linguistics ots is organizing a three-day international congress from october 19th through october 21st 1998 . the theme of this congress is "" storage and computation in linguistics "" . invited speakers include : steve pinker , evening lecture ; ray jackendoff ( keynote lecture ) , frans zwarts , the architecture of the language faculty , harald clahsen , steven gillis , language acquisition ; john ohala , geert booij , language change ; sally thomason , pieter muysken , language variation ; nicholas asher , frans van eemeren , discourse analysis ; ed keenan & ed stabler , jan koster , grammar design . two distinct cognitive resources that people may employ in interpreting and producing linguistic utterances are , on the one hand , memory , and , on the other , computational procedures . an utterance may be assigned a certain structure and interpretation because it is recognized as an instance of a pattern that is stored in memory , or because computational procedures build up a complex representation of that pattern . in linguistics , this contrast is usually identified with the contrast between lexicon and grammar . in the context of this congress , the distinction is broadly conceived as a tool for exploring our understanding of language structure and language use . the relation between storage and computation will be analysed on the basis of a broad range of empirical questions , concerning issues in the representation and acquisition of linguistic knowledge , the foundations of language and information , and the cognitive and computational aspects of language use and processing . implications of the distinction between storage and computation will be discussed for six different domains of linguistic inquiry : - the architecture of the language faculty - language acquisition - language change - language variation - discourse analysis - grammar design the format of the congress is as follows : ( 1 ) a number of well-known linguistic scholars of different persuasions and from different subdisciplines are asked to contribute invited papers relating to the congress theme . there will be two invited speakers for each of the six domains of linguistic inquiry mentioned above . ( 2 ) there will be around twenty slots for presentations of selected papers . each selected paper will be allotted 25 minutes , including discussion . there will only be plenary sessions . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lot landelijke onderzoekschool taalwetenschap netherlands graduate school of linguistics trans 10 3512 jk utrecht phone : + 31 30 2536006 fax : + 31 30 2536000 " 0 +"Subject: communication for special purposes dear linguists , subsequent to the gal congress ( german association of applied linguistics ) in dresden ( september 24-26 ) ( infos : gal @ mailgate . urz . uni-wuppertal . de ) , a conference on communication for special purposes ( csp ) will take place at chemnitz university of technology ( germany ) from september 27 until october 1 , 1998 . it will focus mainly on issues in german as a foreign language . that is why the following announcement will be made in german . we apologize for any inconvenience . fachkommunikation 2000 kompetenzprofile fuer lehrende und lernende an universitaeren und ausseruniversitaeren einrichtungen des in - und auslandes idv - fachsprachensymposium im auftrag des fadaf tu chemnitz angewandte sprachwissenschaft sonntag , 27 . september 1998 bis donnerstag , 1 . oktober 1998 ziel : diskussion von fragen der fach - und wissenschaftskommunikation des 21 . jahrhunderts adressatinnen : theoretisch und praktisch in der fachkommunikationsforschung und - didaktik taetige personen , inbesondere im bereich "" deutsch als fremdsprache "" inhalt der tagung : theoretische auseinandersetzung mit "" lehrenden "" und "" lernenden "" - als den tragenden groessen der unterrichtskommunikation - vor allem im hinblick auf deren vorhandene bzw . anzustrebende "" kompetenzprofile "" ( "" welche kompetenzen f \ 252r welche lehrende und f \ 252r welche lernende ? "" ) themengebiete ( auswahl ) : allgemeinsprachliche / fachsprachliche / fachliche / fremd - und interkulturelle kompetenzen ( in ihren wechselseitigen beziehungen ) fachkommunikative kompetenz in der muttersprache / in der fremdsprache uebersetzungskompetenz / rezeptive mehrsprachigkeit sprachliche fertigkeiten / sprachbewusstheit ( language awareness ) fachinterne / fachexterne kommunikationsfaehigkeit ( experten - laien - kommunikation ) muendliche / schriftliche diskursf \ 228higkeit auswahl von wissen ( informationen ) f \ 252r lehr - und lernmittel ( curricula ) neue lehr - und lernformen ( inkl . nutzung neuerer und neuester medien ) aus - und weiterbildungsmoeglichkeiten f \ 252r fachsprachenlehrende informationen bei : prof . dr . martin stegu angewandte sprachwissenschaft tu chemnitz d-09107 chemnitz tel . + 49 371 531 4551 fax : + 49 371 531 2950 e-mail : martin . stegu @ phil . tu-chemnitz . de " 0 +Subject: toc : linguistic typology 1 : 3 ( 1997 ) linguistic typology volume 1 - 3 ( 1997 ) mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york articles aleksandr e . kibrik . . . . . beyond subject and object : toward a comprehensive relational typology mark donohue . . . . . . . . . . . . tone systems in new guinea book reviews jan rijkhoff . . . . . . . . . . . . linguistic typology , edited by maria koptjevskaja - tamm yaron matras . . . . . . . . . . . . a handbook of vlax romani , by ian hancock yaron matras . . . . . . . . . . . . das romanes : grammatik und diskursanalyse der sprache der sinte , by daniel holzinger _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +Subject: mental lexicon call for papers international conference on the mental lexicon september 3 - 5 , 1998 university of alberta edmonton , alberta , canada hosted by : the mcri international mental lexicon research group department of linguistics , university of alberta sponsored by : social sciences and humanities research council of canada the university of alberta local organizer : gary libben submission deadline : march 16 , 1998 the international conference on the mental lexicon is soliciting abstracts for papers or posters that bear on the question of how morphologically simple and complex words are represented in the mind ( their morphological , phonological , syntactic , and semantic properties ) , how they are linked to one another , and how they are accessed in the processes of language production and comprehension . we welcome submissions of theoretical , psycholinguistic , neurolinguistic , and computational research . * conference location the conference will be held on the campus of the university of alberta . the university is located in the city of edmonton and is one the largest reseach-intensive universities in canada . the canadian rockies and the mountain towns of banff and jasper are a 3 - 4 hour drive from the city . * scientific committee gonia jarema , chair , university of montreal , canada ria de bleser , universitat potsdam , germany bruce derwing , university of alberta , canada eva kehayia , mcgill university , canada gary libben , university of alberta , canada jussi niemi , university of joensuu , finland loraine obler , cuny graduate center , u . s . a . * publication of proceedings selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings . * how to submit abstracts abstracts should be less than 500 words in length ( excluding references ) and may be submitted by mail , e-mail , or fax . submissions must be received by march 16 , 1998 . at the top of the abstract please include your name , affiliation , address , telephone and fax numbers , and e-mail address . please leave several lines between this information and the title and body of the abstract so that the header information can be removed for anonymous abstract review . also indicate at the top of your abstract , your preference for paper or poster presentation ( i . e . , paper only , poster only , paper or poster ) . send your abstract to : gonia jarema centre de recherche institut universitaire de geriatrie de montreal 4565 chemin queen mary montreal , quebec canada h3w 1w5 e-mail : jarema @ ere . umontreal . ca fax : ( 514 ) 340-3548 * for questions or more information on the conference please check our conference website : http : / / www . ualberta . ca / ~ linguis / lexiconf . html or contact gary libben tel : ( 403 ) 492-3434 fax : ( 403 ) 492-0806 e-mail : gary . libben @ ualberta . ca 0 +Subject: calls : 6th manchester phonology meeting call for papers the north - west centre for linguistics and the universities of toulouse - le mirail and paris x - nanterre announce the 6th manchester phonology meeting university of manchester ( uk ) thursday 21 may to saturday 23 may 1998 we are pleased to announce our 6th manchester phonology meeting . for the past five years , this meeting has been one of the important venues for phonologists from all corners of the world . in an informal atmosphere , we discuss a wide range of topics , from the phonological description of languages to the acquisition of phonology by children . we , therefore , invite papers from phonologists , phoneticians , psychologists , sociolinguists , computational linguists - in short , anyone interested in exploring current models of phonological theory and the ( cognitive , phonetic , sociological , computational . . . ) implications of such work . talks on a variety of languages are welcome . the conference venue is the hulme hall lecture suite ( close to the university of manchester campus , which is located only a couple of miles south of the city centre ) . we would ask participants to arrange their own accommodation , and details of inexpensive local hotels ( rooms from gbp20 . 00 per night , incl . breakfast ) can be found on the accommodation page ( url : http : / / www . art . man . ac . uk / german / 6mfm / accomm . htm ) of the 6th manchester phonology meeting web site . unfortunately , we are unable to offer crash space . prospective speakers should e-mail a title and a short abstract no later than monday 9 march 1998 to : wiebke . brockhaus @ man . ac . uk abstracts should be no longer than ten lines of text ( 12pt , 2 . 5 cm margins ) . we would prefer abstracts to be included in normal e-mail messages . if that is not possible , please attach your abstract as a word or wordperfect file . each speaker will be allocated a 45 - minute slot - 35 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for discussion . if you are unable to submit your abstract by e-mail , please post or fax it to : dr wiebke brockhaus department of german [ not linguistics , please note ! ] university of manchester oxford road manchester m13 9pl uk fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 275 3031 all abstracts will be reviewed by members of the organising committee , but we reserve the right to set up a panel for anonymous reviewing , should the number of abstracts received make this necessary . there is much more information about the 6th manchester phonology meeting available on our web pages ( url of the call for papers , which provides links to the other meeting pages and to several others : http : / / www . art . man . ac . uk / german / 6mfm / call . htm ) . if there is anything else you need to know , please contact wiebke brockhaus at the address given above ( tel . + 44 ( 0 ) 161 275 3180 ) or by e-mail . best wishes , the organisers : wiebke brockhaus ( university of manchester ) jacques durand ( universite de toulouse - le mirail ) bernard laks ( universite paris x - nanterre ) nigel vincent ( university of manchester ) 0 +Subject: syllable conference call for papers the syllable : typology and theory a conference on the representation and the typology of the syllable will be held in tuebingen , germany , from june the 30th till july the 2nd 1998 . there will be 9 slots for papers . travel expenses of speakers will be partially reimbursed . in addition to the 9 open slots there are seven invited speakers : stuart davis ( indiana university ) tracy allan hall ( zentrum fuer allgemeine sprachwissenschaft , berlin ) harry van der hulst ( hil / rijksuniversiteit leiden ) junko ito ( university of california at santa cruz ) john mccarthy ( university of massachusetts at amherst ) armin mester ( university of california at santa cruz ) marc van oostendorp ( hil / rijksuniversiteit leiden ) . abstracts are invited which focus on the following topics : - - the status of the syllable in the phonological theory - - phonotactics - - syllable weight - - interaction between the syllables and higher prosodic constituents - - diachronic studies papers will be 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for discussion . abstract submission . abstracts may not exceed 2 pages with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should use a font not smaller than 12 pt . five anonymous copies accompanied by a camera-ready original with author 's name , address , and affiliation should be sent to : syllable conference seminar fuer sprachwissenschaft wilhelmstrasse 113 72074 tuebingen germany deadline : 31st march1998 phone : + 49-7071 - 77304 , or + 49-7071 - 77315 email : caroline . fery @ uni-tuebingen . de , or ruben . van-de - vijver @ uni-tuebingen . de ruben van de vijver universitaet tuebingen seminar fuer sprachwissenschaft wilhelmstrasse 113 72074 tuebingen germany + 49-70712977315 0 +"Subject: iascl congress international congress for the study of child language 12-16 july 1999 university of the basque country san sebastian - donostia basque country - spain call por papers special emphasis topic : child language acquisicion : educational and crosslinguistic perspectives papers in the following areas will be included : bilingualism and second language acquisition discourse language disorders lexicon literacy metalinguistic awareness morphology parent - child communication phonology pragmatics pre - linguistic communication signed languages speech perception and production syntax papers on the acquisition of minority languages are particularly welcome congress languages presentations to be made in basque , english , french and spanish . simultaneous translation into english will be provided for the plenary sessions but only papers read in basque will be translated into english . local committee : itziar idiazabal , jasone cenoz , marma josi ezeizabarrena , margareta almgren ( university of the basque country ) ; andoni barrena ( university of salamanca ) e - mail : fvcongre @ vh . ehu . es http : / / www . vc . ehu . es / iascl99 / iascl . htm plenary speakers dorothy bishop , university of cambridge jean paul bronckart , university of geneva itziar idiazabal , university of the basque country luis enrique lspez , san simon university brian macwhinney , carnegie mellon university jurgen meisel , university of hamburg miquel siguan , university of barcelona papers , posters and symposia the organizers welcome submissions for 20 minute paper presentations , posters and symposia . symposia are expected to last two hours ( including discussion ) and involve at least three and at most six participants ( including the organizer ) . abstracts abstracts for papers , posters and symposia should be submitted in the following format : ( 1 ) for papers and posters five copies of an anonymous abstract ( 200-300 words ) with title , and the area of study in the upper right hand corner for symposia : five copies of an anonymous abstract ( up to 1000 words ) describing briefly each contribution as well as the relations among the individual presentations , with title and the area of study in the upper right hand corner . ( 2 ) all abstracts should include an english translation . ( 3 ) one 10 x 15 cm ( 4 x 6 inch ) card stating : ( i ) title , ( ii ) topic area , ( iii ) audiovisual / computer request , and ( iv ) for each author : a . full name and affiliation b . current address c . e - mail address d . fax number abstracts submitted should represent unpublished work . all submissions will be peer-reviewed anonimously by members of the scientific committee . notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent out by december 1998 ( 4 ) a pc compatible diskette of the abstract is required ( ascii , word6 , word7 , wp5 . 1 , wp6 ) . ( 5 ) abstracts must be received by june 1 , 1998 . ( 6 ) send to : 1999 - iascl congress university of the basque country p . o . box 2111 01006 vitoria - gasteiz basque country spain we regret that we cannot accept electronic submissions . registration the registration fee until february 15 , 1999 is 35 , 000 pts for iascl members ; 23 , 000 pts for students , and 19 . 000 pts for accompanying persons ( includes participation in all social events offered to iascl members ) . late registration will increase the fee with an additional 7 , 500 pts for each category . the fee includes the congress facility , program and abstracts , coffee and refreshments during the meeting , the opening reception , the conference dinner , a sightseeing tour , a "" basque evening "" , and membership in the iascl until the 2002 congress . participants from countries with currency problems can contact the organizers in order to apply for a registration reduced fee . accommodation five , four and three star hotels near the congress venue in the town area will be available at reduced rates . limited accommodation will also be available in students dorms . the range of prices is given below ( without reduced rates ) : single double five star hotels 24 , 000 pts 30 , 000 pts four star hotels 16 , 800 pts 21 , 000 pts three star hotels 14 , 400 pts 18 , 000 pts two star hotels 11 , 500 pts 14 , 000 pts student dorms 5 , 000 pts detailed information and reduced rates will be given in the third announcement . excursions arrangements for daily excursions may be made during the week of the congress upon request . options include tours to various places of interest such biarritz , st . jean de luz , pamplona - iruqea , bilbao - bilbo , zarautz , loiola , etc . pre - and post-congress tours to france or to spain may be arranged for those who would like to use this opportunity . travel arrangements for special rates for flights are being negotiated with some airlines . the nearest airports are : biarritz at 40 km from san sebastian - donostia , bilbao at 100 km and san sebastian at 20km ( only a limited number of national flights ) . trains from paris , arrive at hendaye / irun and have frequent connections with san sebastian - donostia . trains and couches also run from madrid or barcelona to san sebastian - donostia . deadlines submission of abstracts : june 1 , 1998 . registration fee and hotel deposit : february 15 , 1999 . sponsors university of the basque country basque government : dept . of education and research ; dept . of language policy ; dept . of industry and agriculture . county council fo gipuzkoa city council of san sebastian - donostia gipuzkoa - donostia kutxa bank " 0 +Subject: macro - siouan hello , i have just joined linguistics . i am interested in macro - siouan , especially chiwere and proto - siouan . i would be interested exchanging information with any-one else working in this area . kim dammers , institute for ethnology , university of goettingen , germany . ( mailing address : gutenbergstra _ e 18 , nr . 2 , 37075 gvttingen , germany ) kdammers @ hotmail . com 0 +Subject: the syntax of nonfinite complementation ( corrected url ) for more information about this book , please visit : http : / / mitpress . mit . edu / promotions / books / bosspf97 the syntax of nonfinite complementation an economy approach zeljko boskovic economy considerations have always played an important role in the generative theory of grammar . indeed , the very development of the theory has been characterized by natural considerations of simplicity and economy . in the minimalist program , the operations of the computational system that produce linguistic expressions must satisfy general considerations of simplicity referred to as economy principles . in the syntax of nonfinite complementation : an economy approach , the author completes two major research projects that solidify the foundation of the minimalist program : the elimination of c-selection and government . he then investigates in detail the nature of the economy principles in syntax . the discussion , which focuses on infinitival and participial complements , shows that a number of facts that previously have either not been accounted for or have received unsatisfactory treatment can be explained in a principled way once economy principles and , more generally , the minimalist program are adopted . linguistic inquiry monograph 32 december 1997 * $ 25 . 00 original in paperback * $ 50 . 00 cloth 440 pp . * isbn 0-262 - 52236 - 5 * mit press 0 +Subject: tag + workshop ( final call for papers ) and * deadline for abstracts has been extended to april 30 , 1998 * tag tutorials - - announcement july 28 to july 31 , 1998 tag + workshop - - final call for papers august 1 to august 3 , 1998 philadelphia , pa , usa url : http : / / www . cis . upenn . edu / ~ ircs / mol / tag98 . html the fourth workshop on tree-adjoining grammars and related frameworks ( hence the + after tag ) will be held at the institute for research in cognitive science at the university of pennsylvania in august 1998 , from august 1 to august 3 . previous workshops were held at dagstuhl ( 1990 ) , upenn ( 1992 ) , and univ . paris 7 ( 1994 ) . prior to the workshop there will be a tutorial ( including labs and demos ) from july 28 to july 31 1998 . information about the tutorial is below , followed by information about the workshop . tutorial attendance = = = = = = = = = = the tutorial is open to anyone interested , though we request a pre-registration and we may limit attendance . we therefore suggest you indicate interest in attending to jennifer macdougall at the earliest date possible . ( see contact information below . ) travel stipends = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = a limited number of travel stipends will be available for graduate students ( i . e . , people studying towards a master 's or doctorate degree ) . this stipend will be limited to a maximum of us $ 600 . if you are interested in obtaining such a stipend , please send a message to jennifer macdougall at the address below . please include a one-page summary ( in ascii text format ) of your educational background and of your planned or present research , and indicate how the tutorial would enhance your education and / or planned research . ( information about accommodations will be provided at a later date . ) contact information = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = jennifer macdougall 553 moore building university of pennsylvania philadelphia , pa 19104-6389 usa telephone : ( 215 ) 898-3191 fax : ( 215 ) 898-0587 email : jmacdoug @ central . cis . upenn . edu proposed schedule = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = tuesday july 28 overview and introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning lectures * general introduction * formal overview * linguistic overview * lexicalized grammars afternoon lab session * intro to the xtag system * lab session with xtag wednesday july 29 computation and applications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning lectures * parsing * supertagging and other stochastic approaches * synchronous tag * generation afternoon demos : * xtag - - second lab session * supertagger * other parsers * tag - based generation systems note : if you would like to demo a system , please let us know and we will include it . thursday july 30 tag , linguistic issues , and related grammatical systems - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning lectures * tag and generative grammar * tag and hpsg * tag and categorial grammars * tag and lfg afternoon lecture * grammar organization demos * grammar organization demos * mt demo friday july 31 selected advanced topics - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning and early afternoon lectures * advanced topics : formal and linguistics issues + coordination + scrambling + clitic climbing + lexical semantics + d - tree grammars + other topcis workshop papers on all aspects of tag ( linguistic , mathematical , computational , and applicational ) , as well as papers relating tags to other frameworks , are invited . as in the past there will be some invited talks on other grammar formalisms which have interesting relationships to tags ( for example , categorial grammars and hpsg ) . guidelines for abstracts : abstracts should be at most two pages ( exclusive of references ) , and should be submitted in ascii format , as a . ps file , or as self-contained latex file to jmacdoug @ central . cis . upenn . edu . ( if email is not available , please send the abstract to the address given below . ) please indicate on the abstract if you would prefer to give a short presentation ( 10 minutes ) or a long one ( 30 minutes ) . the abstract should contain your name , address , and email address . proceedings including extended versions ( 4 pages ) of accepted abstracts will be available at the workshop . deadline for submission for abstracts : april 30 ( extended ) notification of acceptance : may 15 deadline for submission of camera-ready extended abstract : july 6 workshop dates : august 1 to august 3 if you do not want to submit an abstract , but would like to attend , we would appreciate it if you could inform us by email by july 6 ( unless you have already done so ) . if you would like to present a demo , please let us know as soon as possible , including information about required hard and software . program committee : anne abeille ( universit ' e paris 7 ) tilman becker ( dfki ) christy doran ( university of pennsylvania ) robert frank ( johns hopkins university ) klaus netter ( dfki ) richard oehrle ( university of arizona ) owen rambow ( cogentex , inc . ) giorgio satta ( universita di padova ) yuka tateisi ( university of tokyo ) k . vijayshanker ( university of delaware ) david weir ( university of sussex ) contact address : jennifer macdougall 553 moore building university of pennsylvania philadelphia , pa 19104-6389 usa telephone : ( 215 ) 898-3191 fax : ( 215 ) 898-0587 email : jmacdoug @ central . cis . upenn . edu organizing committee : anne abeille ( paris 7 ) tilman becker ( dfki ) owen rambow ( cogentex , inc . ) giorgio satta ( universita di padova ) k . vijayshanker ( university of delaware ) 0 +Subject: journal of african languages and linguistics ( jall ) journal of african languages and linguistics volume 18 : 2 ( 1997 ) mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york jean alain blanchon . . . . . . . . . . . les formes nominales de citation a prefixe haut en pounou ( bantu b43 ) hendrik j . kockaert . . . . . . . . . . . vowel harmony in siswati : an experimental study of raised and non-raised vowels anne storch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . where have all the noun classes gone ? a case study of jukun book reviews azeb amha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . colloquial amharic : a complete language discourse , by david appleyard anneke breedveld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . english-fula dictionary ( fulfulde , pulaar , fulani ) , a multidialectal approach , by paul p . de wolf kasangati kikuni w . kinyalolo a lega and english dictionary , with an index to proto-bantu roots , by robert botne gerda rossel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . swahili plants . an ethnobotanical survey , by bernd heine and karsten legere nina pawlak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . referenzgrammatik des hausa : zur begleitung des fremdsprachenunterrichts und zur einfuehrung in das selbststudium , by h . ekkehard wolff m . e . kropp dakubu . . . . . . . . . . . . . standardisierung internationaler afrikanischer verkehrssprachen , by helma pasch recent publications in african linguistics _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: twd ' 98 call for papers thinking with diagrams ' 98 ( twd ' 98 ) * * * call for papers * * * the university of wales aberystwyth , united kingdom august 22-23 , 1998 http : / / www . aber . ac . uk / ~ plo / twd98 / twd98 . htm - 1 may , submission of full papers - 15 july , submission of summary papers - 22-23 august , twd ' 98 diagrams are essential in most fields of human activity . there is substantial interest in diagrams and their use in many academic disciplines for the potential benefits they may confer on a wide range of tasks . are we now in a position to claim that we have a science of diagrams ? that is , a science which takes the nature of diagrams and their use as the central phenomena of interest . a science which is attempting to understand how diagrams differ from other representational systems and trying to develop principles for the design of effective graphical representations . a science which considers how diagrams communicate information and how they are used to solve problems . if we have a science of diagrams it is certainly constituted from multiple disciplines , including : cognitive science , psychology , artificial intelligence , logic , mathematics , and others . if there is a science of diagrams , then like other sciences , there is an applications or "" engineering "" discipline that exists alongside the science . applications and engineering provide tests of the theories and principles discovered by the science and extend the scope of the phenomena to be studied by generating new uses of diagrams , new media for presenting diagrams , or novel classes of diagram . this applications and engineering side of the science of diagrams also comprises multiple disciplines , including : education , architecture , computer science , mathematics , human - computer interaction , knowledge acquisition , graphic design , engineering , history of science , statistics , medicine , biology , and others . two authoritative figures in the field have agreed to be the workshop 's guest speakers : prof . arthur i miller professor of history and philosophy of science university college london . prof . aaron sloman professor of ai cognitive science university of birmingham . the theme of twd98 will be - is there a science of diagrams ? by providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of quality research on diagrams and diagram use , we not only try to answer this question , but more importantly attempt draw together the many different approaches , theories and results that we have in the many diverse disciplines that are concerned with diagrams . the question provides a vehicle on which to attempt to integrate what is currently a disparate and disordered set of activities into a more rational and coherent programme of research . is there any common core to the activities which provides a basis for the claim that the "" thinking with diagrams "" community could constitute a science ? for further information : patrick olivier ( plo @ aber . ac . uk ) home page : http : / / www . aber . ac . uk / ~ plo / twd98 / twd98 . htm - patrick olivier department of computer science university of wales , aberystwyth ceredigion , uk sy23 3db tel : + 44 1970 622447 fax : + 44 1970 622455 plo @ aber . ac . uk http : / / www . aber . ac . uk / ~ plo / " 0 +"Subject: affordable new cars on the internet ? this is not spam . you have received this e-mail because you expressed a desire in purchasing an automobile , or you recently visited one of our affiliates web sites . we apologize if this e-mail is unsolicited . please scroll down to the bottom of this message for instructions on declining targeted e-mail . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + hello , my name is kevin cross . i have put the the auto program together to show people methods that i have used to obtain vehicles with no down payment or security deposit needed . i had bad credit , but i did not want to drive a junker ; i wanted to drive a nice late model vehicle . i have always liked nice automobiles as long as i can remember . i have obtained my last two automobiles without having to put any money down and with my less than desirable credit . an automobile is the single biggest expense most people make besides there home . unlike homes , most automobiles depreciate in value . that is why putting out no money on downpayments or security deposits on a car purchase or lease is smart . although the auto program was initially put together for people like myself whom have bad or no credit , this program is also valuable to people with excellent or good credit , since you will be saving the money you would normally have to pay in downpayment money or security deposits . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + + + read what others have to say : + + + "" i ordered the auto program monday and that friday i had obtained a 1995 geo tracker 4x4 with no money down and my monthly payments are only $ 179 per month "" e . b . columbus , ohio . 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"" we apologize for the inconvenience . " 1 +"Subject: re : 8 . 764 , disc : noam chomsky : a life of dissent i read robert f . barsky 's reply to postal 's and pullum 's comments about feargul murphy 's review of his ( barsky 's ) book and found it odd , to say the least . about three quarters of barsky 's reply do ( does ? ) not deal with the postal - pullum comments about murphy 's review for the linguist but with a review by pullum for ' nature ' of barsky 's book . i can understand that barsky feels the need to defend himself against pullum ( who would n't ) , but most of what he says is simply irrelevant to the issue at hand . postal & pullum wrote a reply to murphy , not to barsky . but even granting that this was a welcome opportunity for barsky to reply to pullum 's ' nature ' review , i see no justification for the fact that this reply deals almost exclusively with chomsky 's non-linguistic activities , which were not at issue in p&p 's reply to murphy . p&p are concerned with what they take to be inaccuracies being spread by murphy ( and barsky ) about one specific issue : the politics of the mit linguistics department at a certain point in history . p&p mention chomsky 's non-academic political activities only very briefly , and only insofar as they are relevant to chomsky the linguist : they concern murphy 's strangely irrelevant remark that "" chomsky was at this time simply very busy with other issues like the vietnam war "" . ( i can only understand this remark , which is quoted by p&p as paraphrasing barsky , as insinuating that one ought not criticize chomsky 's academic politics because from someone who has the courage to speak out against the vietnam war anything goes ) . the following comment by barsky summarizes for me the tone and tenor of his entire reply : "" pullum seems to want to tell all of us what to do and how to think . "" this is not an argument , it 's low-level denigration . it reminds me of presidential debates . to quote barsky : "" this is extremely unnerving . "" knud lambrecht department of french & italian university of texas , austin " 0 +Subject: linguistic typology 2 : 1 ( 1998 ) linguistic typology volume 2 - 1 ( 1998 ) mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york articles anna siewierska . . . . . . . . . on nominal and verbal person marking peter cole and gabriella hermon . . . . . . . . long distance reflexives in singapore malay : an apparent typological anomaly johan van der auwera and vladimir a . plungian . . . . modality 's semantic map book reviews ferdinand de haan . . . . . . . modality in grammar and discourse , edited by joan bybee and suzanne fleischman martin haspelmath . . . . . . . historical syntax in cross-linguistic perspective , by alice c . harris and lyle campbell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: sum : particle movement dear linguist listers , about a month ago i posted a query regarding literature on ' particle movement ' in english or , to be more precise , literature on factors contributing to the position of the particle in transitive phrasal-verb constructions such as ( 1 ) a . john brought back the book . b . john brought the book back . in the beginning , i 'd like to thank very much all of those who responded and shared their knowledge with me . apart from some very valuable hints i even received offers to send me unpublished papers or to share the up to now unpublished results of recent research concerning the topic in question . additionally , some answers were suggestions concerning methodological matters or exceptions from the rules generally cited . now that i have managed to mail my answers to all of them individually ( my sincere apologies to those who had had to wait unexpectedly long for their answers ) i want to post the summary of all those who contributed to my research followed by their suggestions or references ( in alphabetical order ) : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - aarts , bas ( b . aarts @ ucl . ak . uk ) : dear stefan gries , regarding your query on linguist , you may want to have a look at a paper of mine in the journal of linguistics , 25 . 2 , 1989 , 277-290 : ` verb - preposition constructions and small clauses in english ' ( and references cited there ) . this article also appears in modified form in my book _ small clauses in english : the nonverbal types _ . new york and berlin : mouton de gruyter . 1992 . hope this is helpful . bas aarts cameron , richard ( rcameron @ uic . edu ) for an article which investigates "" the factors contributing to the position of the particle "" , see : kroch , anthony and cathy small . 1978 . grammatical ideology and its effect on speech . in david sankoff ( ed . ) linguistic variation : models and methods . new york : academic press . pp . 45-55 . good luck . richard cameron durham . linguistics @ durham . ac . uk ( durham linguistics ) you might like to look at : johnson , k . 1991 . object positions . _ natural language and linguistic theory _ 9 : 577-636 . fischer , susan ( currently : fischer @ sal . tohoku . ac . jp ) i did my 1971 - 2 mit dissertation on the acquisition of verb-particle constructions as well as double-object constructions in english . i do not have a copy of my dissertation ( the acquisition of verb - particle and dative constructions ) with me here on sabbatical , but the main point of the structure chapter was that unstressed pronoun direct objects are cliticized to the verb - - so you must say "" i gave it up "" rather than "" i gave up it "" . however , if the pronoun has inherent or contrastive stress , the particle can intervene between the verb and the object : "" ok i gave up that a long time ago "" , "" i gave up him , he did n't give up me . "" good luck with your work . susan fischer foster , joseph f . ( joseph . foster @ uc . edu ) mr . gries , re your query on linguist re bring np back and structures of that ilk , i believe chomsky actually used this as one of his examples motivating transformations in syntactic structures . nelson francis also did in his structure of american english which was basically an immediate constituent analysis a la rulon wells . my chief reason for returning your signal however is to let you know if you do n't already ( as your signal suggests you may not ) that there is certainly a dialect of english in which the particle must always follow a pronoun direct object . thus your ( 2 ) b * * * john picked up him . is never grammatical in my english ( i speak natively ozark english but am fluent in standard southern american and pretty fair in midwestern . ) even if the him be contrastively stressed , it can never follow the particle . on the other hand , your 1 a and b are both ok . joe foster fraser , bruce ( bfraser @ bu . edu ) if you get any answers to your query , i would appreciate learning of the article . good luck . bruce fraser hagstrom ( hagstrom @ scf . usc . edu ) try hawkins ' "" performance theory of order and constituency "" cambridge university press 1994 for a processing approach to word order . cynthia hawkins , john ( hawkins @ almaak . usc . edu ) hi stefan : i saw your question on the linguist list re particle positioning . i have quite a bit of discussion on the ordering of verb , particle and np in my 1994 book a performance theory of order and constituency , cup , pp . 180-182 , and also some textual data . in the meantime i have collected a whole bunch more data , and have examined the constituent structure of v-np - part sequences in greater detail , and have found ordering evidence for two quite distinct structures here : one i analyze as a predication structure in which the part is semantically a predication ( e . g . lift the child up = the child is up ) ; one in which it is not and which i analyze as a discontinuous verb-particle structure ( look the number up does not equal the number is up ) . the proposed constituency difference predicts different orderings in conjunction with the basic ordering principle of my book ( early immediate constituents ) . i have n't got this stuff written up yet , but i ' ll be happy to share it with you when i have . best wishes , john hawkins kemmer , suzanne e . ( kemmer @ ruf . rice . edu ) i ' m happy to hear you ' re going to work on english particles . i do n't have any references to give you , only a suggestion : the generative work on particles was not very empirical , and never actually looked at the distribution of the verb adjacent vs . the postnominal particle . the distribution is highly lexically governed . ( for example , i have many times heard ' look over it ' instead of ' look it over ' , although all the generative literature assumes only ' look it over ' , because of the pronoun . the fact is , ' look over ' is coalescing into a single unit that overrides the pronoun-first preference . ) so , my suggestion is , get yourself a concordance program and actually look at large samples of english . it 's true , it will be written data ( unless you have a spoken corpus ) , and as such more conservative and somewhat less open to the innovations people actually make ; but some real generalizations will emerge . you can search on the various particles ( throwing out the prepositional uses ) and get an idea of which verbs like which particles . ( if you need suggestions on inexpensive concordance programs , let me know ) good luck , suzanne mills , carl ( carl . mills @ uc . edu ) at the 21st forum of the linguistic association of canada and the united states ( lacus ) , i presented a paper entitled "" ' obligatory particle movement ' in english , "" which is available on pp . 195-204 of the papers from the 21st lacus forum , ed . by mava jo powell . i wrote the paper because i had come across several examples in normal english conversation that violated your starred example : ( 2 ) a . john picked him up . b . * john picked up him . because these were examples that i overheard , some on national public radio , i knew that your stipulation "" ( 2b ) is starred unless ' him ' is contrastively stressed "" did not hold : the pronoun around which the particle was supposed to have been "" moved "" was not contrastively stressed . within a matter of days , i overheard three sentences : he wanted to help out them . he went in the house and put down something . can you ring up this ? i added 21 more sentences , some that i made up and some that had been starred in various linguistics publications , and conducted an acceptability judgment survey using a written questionnaire . statistically , the results indicated that speakers accept the sort of rule that underlies your starring of ( 2b ) above , but they do n't always obey the rule . there is more , but you can read the paper for that . good luck . carl mills nathan , geoff ( geoffn @ siu . edu ) dear stefan , a number of years ago we had a student work on this problem , and she wrote a thesis using an early version of cognitive grammar . she finished her thesis , and unfortunately dropped out of linguistics - - i do n't even know where she is now . but i could send you a copy of her thesis if that would be of use to you . best , geoff nathan nolan , brian ( bnolan @ iol . ie ) you may find what you need in the works of talmy , listed below . talmy explores the windowing of attention and the linguistic correlates which pertain to this phenonema . he explains how we can bring to attention , or focus , certain features in a dialogue and how these can manifest themselves linguistically via foregrounding and backgrounding , gapping etc . , etc . talmy 's ( 1996a ) , or his ( 1985 ) work is probably a good place to start talmy , leonard . ( 1996a ) . windowing of attention in language in grammatical constructions , their form and meaning by shibatani & thompson ( publisher ? ) talmy , leonard . ( 1996b ) . fictive motion in language and "" ception "" : the emanation type , in p . bloom et al ( eds . ) , language and space . mit press . cambridge ma . talmy , leonard . ( 1985 ) . lexicalisation patterns : semantic structure in lexical forms in t . shopen ( ed ) , language typology & syntactic description iii : grammatical categories and the lexicon . cambridge university press . cambridge ma . talmy , leonard . ( 1978 ) . figure and ground in complex sentences , in j . h . greenberg ( ed ) . universals of human language iv : syntax . stanford university press . stanford , california . talmy , leonard . ( 1972 ) . semantic causative types in syntax and semantics no . 6 . academic press . new york . talmy , leonard . ( 1996 ) . semantics and syntax of motion in syntax and semantics no . 4 . academic press . new york . also , the following book is also very , very useful as an intro to the area of cognitive linguistics and may also be of interest to you : ungerer , f . and schmid , h . , j . ( 1996 ) . an introduction to cognitive linguistics . learning about language series . longman . have fun , brian nolan rohrbacher , bernhard ( bernhard @ zora . ling . nwu . edu ) ich nehme an , du bist mit den diversen artikeln von kyle johnson zu diesem thema vertraut . siehe auch mein papier "" * english verbs move never "" in volume 1 der university of pennsylvania working papers in linguistics . alles gute , bernhard rohrbacher svenonius , peter ( sven @ isl . uit . no ) i can give you a quick rundown of the major syntactic accounts of particle shift . i realize this may not really be what you ' re looking for , but all of the following references do treat the alternation in word order , although not from a functional or cognitive perspective . richard kayne has a 1985 article in which he adopts a "" small clause "" configuration for the particle construction ( i . e . "" the book back "" would be a small clause , in your example ) and relates particle shift to heavy np shift ; the particle moves to the right when it is phonologically "" heavy "" . i adopted the small clause configuration from kayne but criticized the heavy np shift approach to the word order variation in a 1992 article , and proposed a technical syntactic solution for particle shift ( based on the particle "" incorporating "" into the verb ) . den dikken , in his 1992 dissertation ( later published as den dikken 1995 ) agreed with my rejection of kayne 's analysis but tendered some accurate criticism of my approach , and offered a different syntatic analysis , which also adopts the small clause structure but which in which shift is characterized as np movement across the particle for case reasons . in my 1994 dissertation , i accept den dikken 's criticism of my 1992 analysis but show some evidence that the base structure he assumes is incorrect . i propose another syntactic account based on two alternative movements ; either the particle moves or the np moves . in later work i have developed this approach and extended it to the scandinavian languages . i have one article published in 1996 in working papers in scandinavian syntax and a longer one that has n't been published anywhere ( yet ! ) . i also have a review of den dikken 's book published in the journal language . two additional recent references are johnson 's 1991 ( ? ) article in natural language and linguistic theory , in which the verb plus particle start out as a constituent , and the verb moves from the particle ( as in most analyses of german and dutch ) , and collins & thrainsson 's 1996 linguistic inquiry article , in which the particle first moves up to attach to the verb , as in my 1992 article , and then the verb moves away , as in johnson . all of the above works deal to some extent with the basic pattern of shift , which is that pronouns precede the particle and modified particles ( and particles with complements ) follow the noun phrase - - with greater or lesser degrees of success . for example , pronouns are often considered to have special properties with respect to case , and this has been exploited in several of the above works . in my dissertation , i speculate somewhat inconclusively that the special positioning of pronouns may be due to their prosodic lightness , and i expand on that possibility in the wpss article , where i show that destressed nps are best before the particle , while stressed nps are better after the particle , e . g . ( 1 ) how with the girls get here ? a . i ' ll pick the girls up b . * i ' ll pick up the girls c . i ' ll pick up the girls ( 2 ) who will you pick up ? a . i ' ll pick up the girls b . * i ' ll pick the girls up c . i ' ll pick the girls up in each case , the ( a ) example is best , because the natural right-edge pitch increase coincides with an element that is not old information . the ( b ) examples are bad because salient old information should not be stressed . the ( c ) examples are acceptable , because sentence stress does n't fall on the old information , but are less good than the ( a ) examples , because the stress has been shifted away from the right edge of the sentence . in the article i provide a technical formal account of this fact . the same kind of account might extend to the pronouns and modified particles , but some more work is needed , since examples with particle before pronoun or modified particle after np are worse than the ( c ) examples above , even with stress shift to the left . however , the fact that stress on a pronoun ( or coordination of pronouns , which also makes them phonologically heavy ) allow it to follow the particle suggests a prosodic account . i realize this has been rather breezy , but it 's because i do n't know how much of it really is of interest to you . if you me to expand on something , just ask . if you want more complete references , or if you would like me to send any of my own papers , i 'd be happy to oblige . best , peter svenonius - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - again , thanks very much to all of you stefan th . gries " 0 +Subject: hello university degree programs - - - - increase your personal prestige and money earning power through an advanced university degree . eminent , non-accredited universities will award you a degree for only $ 200 . degree granted based on your present knowledge and experience . no further effort necessary on your part . just a short phone call is all that is required for a ba , ma , mba , or phd diploma in the field of your choice . for details , call 713-866 - 4087 1 +Subject: attention smokers quit smoking immediately be a non-smoker in 7 days ! ! ! with kick-it * kick - it works 96 % of the time ! * supresses your craving for smoking , and eating ! * significant smoking reduction in just 48 hours ! * your system detoxified & nicotine - free in 7 days ! * the patch works only 22 % of the time * the gum works only 6 % of the time * a percentage of each sale donated to project dare ! click on the link below to learn more about kick - it http : / / www . freeyellow . com / members6 / vesl99 / to be removed from our mailing list click whitehores7 @ hotmail . com and place remove in the subject 1 +"Subject: fhcg98 - final call for papers fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 joint conference on formal grammar , head-driven phrase structure grammar , and categorial grammar august 14-16 , 1998 , saarbruecken , germany final call for papers fhcg-98 combines the 4th conference on formal grammar and the 5th conference on head - driven phrase structure grammar . it precedes the 10th european summer school in logic , language , and information ( esslli x ) . aims and scope fhcg-98 hopes to provide a platform for presentation of new and original research on formal grammar , head-driven phrase structure grammar , and categorial grammar . themes of interest include , but are not limited to , * formal and computational syntax , semantics , and pragmatics ; * head-driven phrase structure grammar and categorial grammar ; * model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics ; * constraint-based and resource-sensitive approaches to grammar ; * foundational , methodological and architectural issues in grammar . special events the conference features a symposium on unbounded dependencies as well as a special session on information packaging . symposium on unbounded dependencies : empirical problems and formal techniques invited speakers : anne abeille ( paris 7 university ) bob carpenter ( bell labs , murray hill ) michael moortgat ( utrecht university ) ivan sag ( stanford university ) ed stabler ( ucla ) annie zaenen ( xerox , grenoble ) the symposium provides a comparison of recent work on unbounded dependencies from various theoretical angles . relevant empirical issues include , but are not limited to , parasitic gaps , relative clauses , pied-piping , atb - phenomena , weak and strong islands , comparatives , and the semantics of wh-questions . there will be presentations focussing on recent work in hpsg , lfg , tag , cg , and the minimalist framework , followed by a panel discussion . special session on information packaging invited speakers : elisabeth engdahl ( university of gothenburg ) enric vallduvi ( universitat pompeu fabra , barcelona ) this session is concerned with formal approaches to information packaging - - - those linguistic strategies which allow information to be encoded in different ways , appropriate to different contexts , emphasizing the interpretive significance of basic information packaging distinctions and their grammatical realization within and across natural languages . the special session will consist of two invited lectures and contributed papers appropriate to its theme . submission details we invite e-mail submissions of abstracts for 30 - minute papers ( including questions and comments ) . a submission should consist of two parts : - an information sheet ( in ascii ) , containing the name of the author ( s ) , affiliation ( s ) , e-mail and postal address ( es ) , a title , and an indication whether the paper is to be considered for the special session on information packaging ; - an abstract , consisting of a description of not more than 5 pages ( including figures and references ) . abstracts may be either in plain ascii or in ( unix-compatible encoded ) postscript , pdf , or dvi . please avoid using binhex or mime . abstracts can be sent to fg @ ufal . mff . cuni . cz ( geert - jan m . kruijff ) abstract submission deadline march , 31 , 1998 notification of acceptance may , 15 , 1998 proceedings a full version of the accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings , to be distributed at the conference . full papers are due july , 1 , 1998 . publication pending final approval by the publisher , a selected number of papers will be published as a volume of the recently started csli - series "" studies in constraint - based lexicalism "" , with series editors andreas kathol , jean - pierre koenig and sam mchombo . there will be a separate round of submission and reviewing for this volume after the conference . programme committee gosse bouma ( groningen , chair ) richard oehrle ( arizona , chair ) klaus netter ( dfki , local arrangements ) geert - jan kruijff ( prague , submissions ) anne abeille ( paris ) bob kasper ( ohio state ) bob carpenter ( bell labs ) andreas kathol ( uc berkeley ) john coleman ( oxford ) shalom lappin ( london ) ann copestake ( csli ) glyn morrill ( barcelona ) mary dalrymple ( xerox parc ) tsuneko nakazawa ( tokyo ) elisabeth engdahl ( gotenborg ) anton nijholt ( twente ) daniele godard ( paris ) gertjan van noord ( groningen ) erhard hinrichs ( tuebingen ) carl pollard ( ohio state ) jack hoeksema ( groningen ) further information web site for esslli x : http : / / top . coli . uni-sb . de / esslli / web site for fhcg-98 : http : / / www . dfki . de / events / hpsg98 / the organizers : gosse bouma ( chair ) gosse @ let . rug . nl dick oehrle ( chair ) rto @ chol . douglass . arizona . edu klaus netter ( local arrangements ) klaus . netter @ dfki . de geert - jan kruijff ( paper submissions ) gj @ ufal . mff . cuni . cz fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 fhcg-98 - gosse bouma , alfa - informatica , rug , postbus 716 , 9700 as groningen gosse @ let . rug . nl tel . + 31-50 - 3635937 fax + 31-50 - 3636855 " 0 +Subject: new books : morphology new from holland academic graphics : syntactic and lexical deverbal morphology in dutch by frans van der putten abstract : _ matter and mind in morphology _ investigates the nature and place of morphology . the underlying assumption is that morphology can be both lexical and syntactic , and that the distinctive properties of the two types of morphology follow from the nature of the lexicon and the syntax respectively . the human language system is argued to consist of a matter - domain and a mind - domain . the matter - domain comprises the syntax as well as the lf and pf modules . its properties ( governing principles , vocabulary , type of categorization ) are those commonly assumed in generative linguistics , and operations taking place in this domain are unconscious and fast . the mind - domain , on the other hand , is a conceptual module where language utterances are matched with a speaker 's knowledge of the world . it makes use of semantic notions ( thematic roles , features like [ + / - human ] or [ + / - animate ] and aspectual notions ) and prototype categorization . processes in this domain are slower and semi-conscious . the lexicon is the interface between the two domains , its main function being the translation of information from one domain into the format of the other . this language model is the basis on which distinctive properties of syntactic and lexical morphology are formulated . in the remaining part of the dissertation , these distinctive properties are used to identify a variety of morphological processes in dutch as either 's yntactic ' , ' lexical ' or ' mixed ' . since the distinction between lexical and syntactic morphology is primarily relevant in the case of word formation based on verbs , the discussion focuses on deverbal processes deriving nouns , adjectives and verbs . the book is aimed at linguists interested in the place and nature of morphology in general and at those investigating dutch deverbal morphology . paperback , xiii + 379 pp . ( 16x24cm ) isbn 90-5569 - 039 - 2 [ hil dissertations , 36 ] with summary in dutch . price : nlg 40 ( = approx . $ 20 ) excl . p&p information and orders : < mailto : mail @ hag . nl > or http : / / www . hag . nl holland academic graphics [ scientific [ document ] processing ] po box 53292 2505 ag the hague the netherlands phone : + 31 70 448 0203 fax : + 31 70 448 0177 e-mail : rene @ hagpub . com http : / / www . hag . nl 0 +Subject: multilinguality workshop : ( ecai-98 ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * second call for papers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ecai98 second multilinguality in the lexicon workshop august 25th 1998 a workshop held as part of the 13th biennial european conference on artificial intelligence ( ecai-98 ) august 23rd - 28th , 1998 , brighton , uk organising committee : lynne cahill ( university of sussex ) susan armstrong ( issco ) pierette bouillon ( issco ) roger evans ( itri , university of brighton ) web site : http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 / tw / w13 . html the 1st multilinguality in the lexicon workshop took place in april 1996 as part of the aisb workshop series at sussex , and brought together researchers with a wide range of experiences in multilingual lexicon development . in this second mll workshop , we invite papers illustrating progress made since the first meeting , as well as papers on new approaches and applications . as before , the workshop will provide an opportunity for people working on all aspects of multilingual lexicons , both theoretical and practical , to focus on the particular problems and questions associated with multilingual lexical representation . papers are invited on any aspects of multilinguality in the lexicon including but not limited to : pragmatics , semantics , syntax , morphology , phonology , orthography ; machine translation , generation , understanding ; bilingual and multilingual issues ; related and unrelated languages ; issues of representation and access . the workshop will run for one day as part of ecai-98 in brighton , uk . to ensure a workshop rather than mini-conference format , presented papers will be interspersed with substantial discussion sessions . in order to maximise participation , attendees not presenting papers ( and perhaps some who are ) may be asked to lead the discussion sessions . submission format : extended abstracts of not more than 6 pages ( a4 ) are invited . submissions should be either hard copy or ( preferably ) electronic in self-contained latex or postscript files . submissions should include authors ' name , affiliation , email and full postal address and should be sent to : lynne cahill school of cognitive and computing sciences , university of sussex , falmer , brighton bn1 9qh , uk email : lynne . cahill @ cogs . susx . ac . uk important dates : 1 apr submission deadline 1 may notification of acceptance 1 jun deadline for final papers 25 aug workshop further information : to obtain further information about ecai-98 and the workshop please visit the ecai-98 web site at http : / / www . cogs . susx . ac . uk / ecai98 / 0 +"Subject: "" metalangage et terminologie linguistique "" colloque internationa merci de diffuser sur votre reseau . = = = = = appel a participation = = = = = colloque international "" metalangage et terminologie linguistique "" deuxieme circulaire date : jeudi 14 , vendredi 15 , samedi 16 mai 1998 . secteur disciplinaire : sciences du langage . lieu : universite stendhal grenoble 3 , 1180 , avenue centrale , bp 25 x , f-38040 grenoble cedex 9 . entree sud . amphitheatres 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ; salles f002 , 003 , 004 . instances organisatrices : centres de recherche "" histoire de la grammaire et de la rhetorique "" , ufr de lettres classiques et modernes , & "" metagram , metalangage grammatical "" , ufr des sciences du langage . adresses personnelles des responsables : bernard colombat ( colombat @ u-grenoble 3 . fr ) , 14 , allee de la praly , f-38240 meylan [ tel . 04 76 90 61 89 ] & marie savelli , domaine saint georges , f-38410 uriage [ tel . 04 76 89 09 20 ] frais d ' inscription : 200 francs ; cheque a libeller a l ' ordre de monsieur l ' agent comptable de l ' universite stendhal et a adresser ( ainsi que tout courrier ) a : mme pirkko albrand , secretariat a la recherche de l ' ufr de lettres , universite stendhal grenoble 3 , 1180 , avenue centrale , bp 25 x , f-38040 grenoble cedex 9 , france . ( voir fiches d ' inscription et de prereservation ci-jointes ) le suivi financier est assure par mme emilia rostaing , responsable du lidilem , ufr des sciences du langage . orientation generale du colloque et attendus ( lignes directrices ) : le but du colloque est de confronter des specialistes venus de differents horizons sur la question du metalangage et de la terminologie linguistiques . apres la proliferation terminologique observee dans la seconde moitie du xxe siecle , il nous semble que les linguistes eprouvent le besoin d ' une reflexion sur le role de la terminologie dans l ' activite metalinguistique , qu ' elle soit descriptive ou didactique . les linguistes occidentaux ont herite d ' une terminologie dont les origines sont lointaines , mais qui manifeste une stabilite remarquable , bien superieure en tout cas a certaines creations plus recentes . cette terminologie est fondee sur une specialisation du langage naturel : il s ' agit de faire un bilan sur l ' histoire de cette specialisation , en la comparant avec l ' evolution des terminologies liees a d ' autres langues de culture . au dela de ce retour sur un passe lointain ou plus recent et des confrontations avec d ' autres traditions , il conviendrait de s ' interroger sur la recherche d ' une adequation plus grande de l ' outil terminologique avec l ' activite metalinguistique . d ' abord en ce qui concerne la langue maternelle : quelle terminologie coherente pour une representation metalinguistique coherente ? mais dans une europe qui se construit sur le plan economique et politique , il serait dommage de renoncer a une harmonisation de la terminologie linguistique . celle - ci est pourtant loin d ' etre acquise . l ' un des buts de ce colloque sera de faire un bilan des tentatives effectuees dans ce domaine . axes principaux : 1 . les fondements de la terminologie linguistique : une terminologie est-elle necessaire a l ' activite metalinguistique ? peut-elle / doit-elle etre universelle ? pourquoi vehicule-t - on des terminologies ? quelles solutions sont offertes au terminologue ? concepts et metatermes cruciaux . 2 . histoire de la terminologie linguistique . 2a . l ' heritage du long terme de la tradition occidentale et les creations terminologiques du xxe siecle . 2b . rapport avec l ' ecriture , archeologie . les traditions non-occidentales . langues internationales . 3 . place de la terminologie dans l ' activite metalinguistique . 3a . linguistique et apprentissage , didactique du francais et des langues etrangeres , liens avec l ' institution ( programmes scolaires , nomenclatures officielles , etc . ) . 3b . terminologie des sciences connexes . 3c . linguistique contrastive . programme les communications sont d ' une duree de 20 minutes et sont suivies d ' une discussion de 8 minutes . 79 participants seront repartis en : - 12 communications en seance pleniere ; - 56 communications en seances paralleles ; - 11 communications sous forme de "" poster sessions "" ( exposition de leurs travaux par les participants grenoblois accompagnee d ' une table ronde ) . organisation des journees : mercredi 13 mai 1998 : a partir de 18 heures : accueil des participants . jeudi 14 mai 1998 : matin : accueil des participants ( suite ) ; 9 h : ouverture du colloque ; 5 communications en seance pleniere ( 9h30 - 10h30 & 11h - 12h30 ) apres-midi : 6 x 3 = 18 communications en seances paralleles ( 14h30 - 16h & 16h30 - 18h ) vendredi 15 mai 1998 : matin : 2 communications en seance pleniere ( 9-10 h ) et 4 x 3 = 12 communications en seances paralleles ( 10h30 - 12h30 ) apres-midi : sessions paralleles : 5 x 3 = 15 communications ( 14h30 - 16h & 16h30 - 17h30 ) samedi 16 mai 1998 : matin : 2 communications en seance pleniere ( 9-10 h ) et 4 x 3 = 12 communications en seances paralleles ( 10h30 - 12h30 ) apres-midi : 3 communications en seance pleniere ; table ronde : conclusions du colloque . comite international : ahlqvist , anders , universite de galway ( irlande ) ; auroux , sylvain , directeur de l ' ens saint - cloud , directeur de l ' ura 381 ; blanche - benveniste , claire , directrice de l ' upresa 6060 "" corpus "" , universite de provence ; chevalier , jean - claude , universites de paris vii et paris viii ; colombo - timelli , maria , universite de milan ( italie ) ; creissels , denis , universite louis lumiere ( lyon ii ) ; dabene , louise , directrice du lidilem , universite stendhal - grenoble iii ; fuchs , catherine , directrice de l ' upres - a 6047 , elsap , ens ( montrouge ) ; kibbee , douglas a . , universite de l ' illinois , urbana ( usa ) ; lazard , gilbert , membre de l ' institut , ephe ; lepinette , brigitte , universite de valencia ( espagne ) ; mota , antonia , universite de lisbonne ( portugal ) ; niederehe , hans - joseph , universite de treves ( allemagne ) ; orlandi , eni , universite de campinas ( unicamp ) , bresil ; reichler - beguelin , marie - jose , universite de neuchatel ( suisse ) ; willems , dominique , universite de gand ( belgique ) . comite d ' organisation ( universite stendhal - grenoble iii ) : antoniadis , georges , departement d ' informatique pedagogique ; boe , louis - jean , institut de la communication parlee , briot , madeleine , ufr des sciences du langage ; colombat , bernard , histoire de la grammaire et de la rhetorique ; cuq , jean - pierre , directeur du cedifleg ; degache , christian , centre de didactique des langues ( cdl ) ; fournier , nathalie , histoire de la grammaire et de la rhetorique ; furno , martine , histoire de la grammaire et de la rhetorique ; grossmann , francis , centre ivel ; lavault , elisabeth , directrice du gremuts ; letoublon , francoise , iuf , "" les langages scientifiques "" ; savelli , marie , directrice de metagram , lidilem . colloque international "" metalangage et terminologie linguistique "" 14-15 - 16 mai 1998 universite stendhal - grenoble 3 fiche d ' inscription ( a retourner au secretariat du colloque ) nom : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prenom : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adresse : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . code postal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ville : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pays : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . droits d ' inscription au colloque : 200 f 50 f ( etudiant ) assistera au repas officiel du jeudi soir ( nous vous demandons une participation de 100 f ) inscription et repas : cheque de 200 f cheque de 300 f cheque a retourner , au secretariat du colloque , avant le 20 mars 1998 cheque a libeller a l ' ordre de : agent comptable de l ' universite rappel : secretariat a la recherche colloque "" metalangage et terminologie linguistique "" mme pirkko albrand ufr de lettres universite stendhal bp 25 f-38040 grenoble cedex 9 colloque international "" metalangage et terminologie linguistique "" 14-15 - 16 mai 1998 universite stendhal - grenoble 3 prereservation ( a retourner au secretariat du colloque ) nom : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prenom : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adresse : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . code postal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ville : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pays : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . souhaite reserver , par mes propres moyens , les chambres d ' hotel o delegue la reservation au comite d ' organisation du colloque ( tarif collectivite , maximum 250 f la nuit avec petit dejeuner , dans un hotel a proximite de la gare ) souhaite reserver : chambre pour les nuits du : o mercredi 13 mai 98 o jeudi 14 mai 98 o vendredi 15 mai 98 o samedi 16 mai 98 rappel : secretariat a la recherche colloque "" metalangage et terminologie linguistique "" mme pirkko albrand ufr de lettres universite stendhal bp 25 f-38040 grenoble cedex 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ georges antoniadis de ' partement informatique pe 'd agogique / equipe cristal-gresec universite ' stendhal tel : + 33 . ( 0 ) 4 76 82 77 61 + 33 . ( 0 ) 4 76 82 43 97 bp 25 fax : + 33 . ( 0 ) 4 76 82 41 26 38040 grenoble cedex 9 , france georges . antoniadis @ u-grenoble 3 . fr " 0 +Subject: phonology soas working papers in linguistics and phonetics vol . 7 soas working papers in linguistics and phonetics vol . 7 is now available , contents listed below . price including world air postage : us $ 10 or uk sterling stlg6 cheques or money orders should be made payable to ` soas ' please send orders to : soas working papers in linguistics and phonetics , dept . of linguistics , soas , university of london , russell sq , london wc1h oxg england contents phonology ` atr ' / ' height ' harmony : the manifestaton of complexity effects in the vowel harmony of natal portuguese , yoruba and ogori margaret cobb harmony : three for the price of one ann denwood why this article is not about the acquisition of phonology jonathan kaye the nasal fallacy stefan ploch a pattern recognition model for the phonetic interpretation of elements geoff williams phonetics some articulatory characteristics of the three types of alveolar stops and alveolo - palatal affricates in korean katrina hayward and jiyoung shin can phonation types be reliably measured from sound spectra ? some data from wa and burmese justin watkins soas dissertations in linguistics the following dissertations are also now available : phonology conditions on nuclear expressions in phonology margaret cobb , 1997 the role of the element i in khalkha mongolian phonology margaret ann denwood the phonological basis of speech recognition geoffrey williams , 1998 on pitch accent phenomena in standard japanese yuko yoshida , 1995 price including world surface postage : us $ 10 . 00 per volume , or ukstlg6 . 00 price including world air postage : us $ 15 . 00 per volume please make cheques or money orders payable to : soas orders should be sent to : soas dissertations in linguistics , dept . of linguistics , soas , university of london , russell sq , london wc1h oxg england 0 +Subject: new publications from pacific linguistics , rspas , anu ( for ordering details see the end of the file . ) - - a dictionary of kwoma - - bowden , r . a dictionary of kwoma : a papuan language of north - east new guinea 1997 , xxxi + 337pp . isbn 0 85883 441 . softcover . a $ 61 . 00 pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-134 . key words : papua new guinea ; sepik ; kwoma ; dictionary ; ethnography ; history . this dictionary presents vocabulary and longer texts drawn from diverse areas of kwoma social life such gardening , housebuilding , kinship terminologies , social organisation , warfare marriage practices , art mythology and ritual . kwoma words and texts are translated into tok pisin as well as english . the book contains a substantial body of original ethnographic data collected during twenty years of field research in the sepik and it is also intended as a contribution to the ethnography and history of the kwoma and several neighbouring groups in the ambunti area of east sepik province of papua new guinea . - - dictionary of yugambeh - - sharpe , margaret , dictionary of yugambeh ( including neighbouring dialects ) 1998 , isbn 0 85883 480 4 , xix + 223pp . softcover . a $ 42 . 20 pacific linguistics catalogue number , c-139 . key words : aboriginal languages ; yugambeh , dictionary ; grammar . this book brings together all published or recorded information known to the compiler on the language of the gold coast , queensland and its hinterlands , and neighbouring dialects extending to minyangbal ( minjungbal ) in the brushwick river area , new south wales , and the dialects spoken around warwick , queensland . dialects of the same language were spoken in new south wales , e . g . gidhabal and bundjalung . while yugambeh appears to have gone out of widespread use possibly sixty years ago , there are many valuable word lists and grammars dating back to the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century . all entries in the dictionary are in modern phonemic transcription ( with pronunciation guides ) , with all sources and source spellings included under each entry . the dictionary includes grammatical notes and an english finder list . pacific linguistics publications can be obtained in any one of four easy and convenient ways : e-mail e - mail : mxk412 @ coombs . anu . edu . au over-the - counter the australian national university pacific linguistics department of linguistics rspas 3rd floor , room 1208 the australian national university coombs bld . , fellows road canberra act 0200 acton , canberra australia phone order fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or fax + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 voice mail - message mira kwasik manager , publications centre research school of pacific and asian studies the australian national university canberra 0200 australia ph : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 2742 or 3269 fax : + 61 ( 0 ) 2 6249 4896 e - mail : mxk412 @ coombs . anu . edu . au the research school of pacific and asian studies , anu - online catalogue http : / / coombs . anu . edu . au / publications / coombsguide . html 0 +"Subject: disc : functionalism 8 . 798 this is in response to benji wald 's comments on ( 8 . 736 , disc ) functionalism : i fear that we may be talking a little at cross-purposes here . my main interest is in clarifying the position of natural phonology on the issue of so-called contradictory processes . benji seems a little more focused on the question of what it means to call something a "" cluster "" in phonetic terms . < deleted : elaboration on the nature of phonetic clusters , particularly [ pt ] > > > the question , if i remember correctly , > > was why speakers should be able to pronounce the reduced [ pt ] > > if they could n't pronounce the unreduced one . > > in view of what i have said above , i understand that the phonological > processes involved are not consciously controllable , and that reduction ( or > whatever ? ) of the first vowel in "" potato "" reflects a process which normally > occurs when speech is not deliberate or conscious , but when it is > relatively spontaneous . so we ' re dealing with unconscious stylistic > effects , in my view . i can agree with you here . this is yet another reason for believing that the fast speech reduction of [ p @ t ] to [ pt ] ( or whatever ) poses no problem at all for natural phonological theory . the fortition that breaks up a controlled attempt to pronounce initial [ pt ] would not necessarily have to apply to what is loosely described as "" [ pt ] "" ( i . e . reduced [ p @ t ] ) in fast speech . > > > > the fact that you can't pronounce the cluster in no way means that the > > > > cluster is banned as a side-effect in the pronunciation of some other > > > > phonetic target . > > that just goes along with what i just said , but sounds absurd because it > does not explicitly acknowledge the difference between consciously > controllable phonological processes , and unconscious , spontaneous , but > nevertheless learned / acquired , processes . am i missing that somehow the > theory at issue does indeed account for this distinction ? does it even > recognise it ? or , should it ? yes on all counts . thank you for clarifying that . natural phonology is a theory about pronounceability . that was part of baudouin 's original vision when he founded modern phonological theory . it is no longer necessarily part of the modern vision of what phonology is about . basically , baudouin observed that phonetic alternations all fell into just two types - - those that involved phonetic variants of a single "" phoneme "" and those that involved two distinct phonemes . as stampe has pointed out many times , the latter are consciously manipulable . the former are quite unconscious and difficult to control . by the way , it is interesting that later generations seem to have lost their way , thanks due in no small part to baudouin 's influential student shcherba . it was shcherba who seemed to have influenced the concept of the phoneme among british ( thence american ) linguists . shcherba limited the phoneme to be just a perceptual unit , which radically changed linguistic analyses of what was includable or excludable from the study of phonology ( i . e . phonemics at the time ) . trubetzkoy retained baudouin 's essential vision of the boundaries of phonology , but he preferred a more "" scherbemic "" conception of the phoneme . so he had to have "" archiphonemes "" in his phonology , which he still considered a separate branch of linguistic theory from morphophonology . sapir , who carried on a close correspondence with trubetzkoy , also retained this sharp distinction between phonology ( i . e . stampean processes ) and morphophonology ( i . e . stampean rules ) . what ties all of these approaches together is that pronounceability is fundamental to the concept of phonological theory ( although trubetzkoy might not have explicitly agreed with this claim ) . > ( self - conscious speech is indeed the suppression of some phonetic > realisation rules , but depending on how deep your phonology - - > morphophonemics ? - - is , it is never the elimination of everything short of > "" deep "" phonotactics , right ? in fact , i ask : is self-conscious speech ever > anything but the suppression of some realisation rules , i . e . , does it ever > * really * include the addition of a rule ? that might be an interesting > question for some theorists . ) there are some hidden assumptions in the above that make it difficult to comment on , so i ' ll just tackle the one red flag that you raised for me . a theory of phonology need not have any phonotactics , deep or otherwise . since generative theory is about well-formedness , it must address such phenomena as part of the theory . however , natural phonology just sees banned sequences of sounds as those which cannot be directly ( or intentionally ) pronounced during normal speech . unpronounceability need not necessarily be attributable to a single cause . since you do n't need to pronounce nonexistent phonetic structures , you do n't need to suppress any processes that affect them . hence , there can be multiple processes banning so-called phonotactically impermissible sequences . hence , no need for a single generalization in your theory to ban such sequences . < . . . > > > stampean theory predicts > > that very early language learners will have both devoicing of > > vowels between voiceless consonants and voicing of consonants between > > vowels . ( in fact , such processes do occur in l1 acquisition , but they > > are not observed - - may not even be manifested - - in all learners . having > > them does n't mean that they actually have to become dominant during > > phonological acquisition . they do in some learners , but not all . ) > > again , are these established facts ? or are we just going to hear somebody > say what they think they heard their little daughter say in the playpen or > in the highchair the other day ? this issue desrves serious study , and i > would like to know what actual observations have been made , and what > documentation exists for these "" facts "" admittedly crucial to this theory > ( and relevant to any other theory ) . the quote has so much hedging , i > wonder if its evidence is distinguishable from grasping at straws . i refer you to stampe 's writings on phonological acquisition , particularly the 1973 published version of his dissertation . much of his early work was based on an explanation of longitudinal studies of child speech . indeed , there are plenty of studies on the subject , the seminal one being jakobson 's "" child language , aphasia , and phonological universals "" monograph . what i ' m not sure about is what you will accept as "" established fact "" . if you want spectrograms , then i ' m not sure that this body of literature is going to impress you much . however , if you accept that body of literature as basically accurate in how it recorded child phonetics , then you won't find many linguists other than stampe who can explain the recorded evolutionary stages . > > i know that stampean theory is very different - - quite strange to some > > people . it requires one to treat acquisition as a kind of "" loss "" of > > pre-existing rules . > > it 's not strange to any theory based on a "" universal grammar ( include > phonology ) "" approach . but what does a universal phonology claim about > surface ( presumably observable ) phonetics ? oops ! red flag again . : ) universal grammar is about the construction of grammars , not behavioral systems . stampean derivations are not "" grammatical "" in the generative sense . for example , there are no restrictions on what you can plug into a phonological derivation in np ( no phonotactic conditions , remember ? ) . you can try to pronounce any phonetic target , so anything can be run through the "" filter "" that the process system represents . that includes surface phonetics . presumably , that is how both children and adults acquire new phonologies . they try to say things . generative theory just tells you what people think is legal . it does n't have anything to say about how people pronounce things . one can * speculate * about a connection between the grammar and pronounceability , but there is nothing inherent in generativism that makes you go there . < . . . > > > if markedness > > theory were really correct , then why did n't the human race converge on > > the same phonology ages ago ? what keeps phonologies different if there > > is some kind of gold standard that we all use to arrive at grammatical > > analyses with ? > > good question . what 's the answer ? i ' m glad you enjoyed the question . i leave it up to proponents of markedness theory to answer it . ; - ) natural phonology holds that no such standard exists . there is no "" universal grammar "" . just a lot of sometimes contradictory constraints on pronunceation that have to be put in order by the language learners . basically , phonology exists to coordinate articulatory gestures during speech . ( that explains a lot , by the way . it explains sapir 's famous conundrum about the difference between blowing out a candle and producing a speech sound . ) acquisition is the act of coordinating your mouth to pass just those phonetic structures that you need to get out . > natural phonology simply takes the view that we put > > naturally-occuring , but chaotic behavioral constraints , into some kind > > of order , depending on what challenges the target language poses for > > the articulators . what you do with contradictory processes depends on > > what you have to say . > > was that the answer ? what are examples of "" naturally-occurring , but > chaotic behavioral constraints "" ? can i get away with just referring you to examples in the donegan & stampe "" the study of natural phonology "" paper ? they do a pretty good job of talking about contradictory processes in that work . by "" chaotic "" , i mean that the way in which processes interact during l1 is not predictable . it depends on what they child attempts to pronounce . there need not be any single correct path to a properly coordinated speech tract . - rick wojcik bellevue , wa rickw @ eskimo . com http : / / www . eskimo . com / ~ rickw " 0 +Subject: language and cognitive processes east asian langs special issue of language and cognitive processes on the processing of east asian languages call for papers language and cognitive processes invites contributions to a special issue on the processing of east asian languages . in recent years , there has been an upsurge of interest in the processing of major east asian languages such as chinese , japanese , and korean . these languages , due to their salient differences in structure from european languages , provide challenging opportunities to explore both language-specific processes involved in comprehension and communication , and the universality of theories developed from the study of european languages . papers in the special issue will report new , unpublished empirical research on the processing of chinese , japanese , or korean . the deadline for submissions is august 31 , 1998 . all manuscripts will be submitted to the usual language and cognitive processes peer review process . four copies of the manuscript should be sent to the coordinating guest editor for this special issue : h . - c . chen department of psychology the chinese university of hong kong shatin , n . t . hong kong this special issue will be guest-edited by hsuan - chih chen and xiaolin zhou ( birkbeck college , university of london ) . e - mail inquiries may be directed to hcchen @ psy . cuhk . edu . hk or x . zhou @ psychology . bbk . ac . uk . hsuan - chih chen department of psychology the chinese university of hong kong shatin , n . t . hong kong office phone : ( 852 ) 2609-6485 lab . phone : ( 852 ) 2609-6489 fax : ( 852 ) 2603-5019 e - mail : ikechen @ cuhk . edu . hk or hcchen @ psy . cuhk . edu . hk 0 +"Subject: discourse , anaphora and reference resolution 2 - final cfp call for papers daarrc2 - discourse , anaphora and reference resolution colloquium lancaster university , 1 - 4th august , 1998 invited speakers - branimir boguraev "" anaphora in computational linguistics "" prof . michael hoey "" grammatical constraints on the reference functions of lexical signals : a corpus perspective "" prof . pieter seuren "" a discourse - semantic account of donkey anaphora "" anaphora and problems of reference resolution have received a great deal of attention from workers in linguistics , computational linguistics , artificial intelligence and information retrieval for a number of decades . such problems have proved a major challenge for all of these fields , and a great many differing theories and solutions have been proposed and implemented with varying degrees of success . this colloquium aims to fill a need for researchers in this field to meet . our hope is that this meeting will allow all of the different strands of work to be identified , with a view to producing an up-to - date review of the field . to this end , a coloquium will take place from the 1st to the 4th of august , 1998 at lancaster university , uk , organized jointly by the department of linguistics , lancaster university and the institute for english studies , lodz university , poland . this colloquium is a follow up to the highly succesful daarc colloquium held at lancaster in 1996 . our aim this time is specifically geared towards encouraging a cross-fertilization of ideas between theoretical linguistics , corpus linguistics and computational linguistics . papers are requested for presentation on all aspects of anaphora and reference resolution . the following research areas are of particular interest , but do not constitute an exhaustive list : corpus-based studies of anaphora in natural language , statistical approaches to reference resolution , cognitive and psychological perspectives , discourse and text-processing perspectives , information retrieval and other computer applications , pragmatics and anaphor resolution , and linguistic-theoretical approaches . papers reporting work in any language are welcome . the official language of the conference , for purposes of publication and presentation , is english . research may be work in progress , or work that has already been completed . abstracts ( 500 - 1000 words ) may be sent either electronically , by email or fax , or by traditional surface mail . email submission of abstracts is , however , strongly encouraged . details below . abstracts should arrive at lancaster by 1st february , 1998 , and notification of acceptance will be sent by 14th february , 1998 . draft versions of full papers should arrive by 30th june , 1998 . the proceedings will be published in time for the colloquium . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the daarc2 organizing committee simon botley , lodz university , poland tony mcenery , lancaster university , uk ruslan mitkov , wolverhampton university , uk pieter seuren , nijmegen university , netherlands andrew wilson , chemnitz university , germany surface mail submissions : daarc2 , department of linguistics and mel , lancaster university , bailrigg , lancaster la14yt email : eiaamme @ msmail . lancaster . ac . uk fax : + 44 1524 843 085 " 0 +"Subject: new books in psycholinguistics & neurolinguistics the ascent of babel : an exploration of language , mind , and understanding gerry t . m . altmann , university of york "" altmann has written a cross between a textbook for beginning psycholinguistic students and a popular science book for laypersons . . . . altmann explains in lay terms what psycholinguistics is and how its findings affect what we know of human experience . "" - - booklist language is one of the faculties that sets humans apart from animals , the crucial thing which makes our complex social interactions possible . it is a faculty which demands fantastically intricate mental and physical coordination , yet babies possess a remarkable ability to learn its complexities from a very early age . the ascent of babel explores the ways in which the mind produces and understands language : the ways in which the sounds of language evoke meaning , and the ways in which the desire to communicate causes us to produce those sounds to begin with . the "" ascent "" symbolises different things : the progression from sound to meaning , the ascent that we each undergo , from birth onwards , as we learn our mother tongue , and the quest to understand the mental processes which underlie our use of language . gerry altmann leads the reader on this ascent , which comprises a fascinating tour : from how babies learn language and how we discriminate between different sounds , through comprehension of the sounds and structures of language ( and the pitfalls along the way ) , to the production of spoken and written language , the effects of brain damage on language , and finally the ways in which computer simulations of interconnecting nerve cells can learn language . it is a journey of discovery , written in an engaging and witty style , at the end of which it becomes clear that babel 's summit - the secret of language - may actually lie at its foundations , where babies play and language is learned . december 1997 272 pp . ; 46 linecuts 0-19 - 852378 - 5 $ 27 . 50 oxford university press cognitive foundations of grammar bernd heine , university of cologne , germany the main function of language is to convey meaning . therefore , argues bernd heine in these pages , the question of why language is structured the way it is must first of all be answered with reference to this function . linguistic explanations offered in terms of other exponents of language structure ( for example , syntax ) are likely to highlight peripheral or epi-phenomenal - - rather than central - - characteristics of language structure . heine provides a solid introductory treatment of the ways in which language structure ( that is , grammar ) and language usage can be explained with reference to the processes underlying human conceptualization and communication . exploring an area of linguistics that has developed only recently and is rapidly expanding , cognitive foundations of grammar will appeal to students of linguistics , psychology , and anthropology , especially those interested in grammaticalization processess . november 1997 200 pp . ; 11 linecuts 0-19 - 510252 - 5 paper $ 19 . 95 0-19 - 510251 - 7 cloth $ 45 . 00 oxford university press narrative comprehension : a discourse perspective catherine emmott , university of glasgow there has so far been relatively little research by cognitive linguists on the comprehension of narrative texts . this book draws on insights from discourse analysis and artificial intelligence to explore how readers construct and maintain mental representations of fictional characters and contexts , and goes on to consider the implications of cognitive modelling for grammatical theory and a literary-linguistic model of narrative text-types . june 1997 336 pp . ; 5 text-figures 0-19 - 823649 - 2 $ 80 . 00 oxford university press the inheritance and innateness of grammars edited by myrna gopnik , mcgill university , canada ( vancouver studies in cognitive science 6 ) is language somehow innate in the structure of the human brain , or is it completely learned ? this debate is still at the heart of linguistics , especially as it intersects with psychology and cognitive science . in collecting papers which discuss the evidence and arguments regarding this difficult question , the inheritance and innateness of grammars considers cases ranging from infants who are just beginning to learn the properties of a native language to language-impaired adults who will never learn one . these studies show that , while precursors of language exist in other creatures , the abilities necessary for constructing full-fledged grammars are part of the biological endowment of human beings . the essays that comprise this volume test the range and specificity of that endowment , while also contributing to our understanding of the intricate and complex relationship between language and biology . june 1997 240 pp . ; 44 linecuts 0-19 - 511534 - 1 paper $ 29 . 95 0-19 - 511533 - 3 cloth $ 60 . 00 oxford university press for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org or visit the oxford university press usa web site : http : / / www . oup-usa . org oxford university press usa " 0 +"Subject: educating eve linguist list subscribers may have been puzzled on 7th february by a posting in which a publisher included a notice of a new book , but omitted its title and other relevant details . the book was my educating eve . since there were some omissions in the original posting , i would like to briefly say what was left out . educating eve , subtitled "" the ' language instinct ' debate "" , 160 pp . , hardback , isbn 0304339083 , is available in the usa from cassell / books international , herndon va , tel . 1-800 - 561-7704 or 703 661 1501 ; and in the uk from cassell of london , + 44 171 420 5555 . it is a reply to steven pinker 's widely-read 1994 book the language instinct . pinker 's book argued that detailed knowledge of language is biologically innate in human beings . my educating eve examines all of pinker 's arguments , as well as the older arguments on which pinker relies . i show that each strand of argument either is logically fallacious , or is based on false premisses ( or , sometimes , both at once ) . there is no "" language instinct "" . the language use discussion list , based at temple university , has carried a contribution ( by donald carroll , not previously known to me ) which commented that educating eve "" has got to be the definitive response to pinker 's book and chomskyan nativism in general . . . a wonderful book "" . i hope my publisher 's internet - naivety will not prevent educating eve being read . geoffrey sampson school of cognitive & computing sciences university of sussex falmer , brighton bn1 9qh , gb e-mail geoffs @ cogs . susx . ac . uk tel . + 44 1273 678525 fax + 44 1273 671320 web site http : / / www . grs . u-net . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ moderators ' note : since mistakes were made in the original posting , linguist is reposting the full text of the announcement below . ] title : educating eve author : geoffrey sampson author affiliation : lecturer at the school of computer science and artificial intelligence at the university of sussex , uk publisher : cassell field : linguistics , format : hardback price # 45 . 00 / $ 67 . 95 order details : uk and rest of world please call + 44 1202 665432 usa : please contact books international , po box 605 , herndon , virginia 20172-0605 on tel 703 661 1589 , fax 703 661 1501 synopsis of the book : are we creatures who learn new things ? or does human mental development consist of awakening instinctive structures of thought ? a view has gained ground - powerfully advocated , for example , by steven pinker 's book the language instinct - that language in much of its detail is hard-wired in our genes . others add that this also holds true for much of the specific knowledge and understanding expressed in language . when the first human eve evoleved from pre-human apes ( it is claimed ) , her biological inheritance comprised not just a distinctive anatomy but a rich structure of cognition . despite the impressive roll of converts which these ideas have gained , there is no good reason to believe them . the arguments of pinker and others depend on earlier and more technical contributions , by writers such as noam chomsky . many readers take these foundations on trust , not realizing how weak they are . this book examines the various arguments for instinctive knowledge , and finds that each one rests on false premises or embodies a logical fallacy . a different picture of learning is suggested by karl popper 's account of knowledge growing through ' conjectures and refutations ' . the facts of human language are best explained by taking language acquisition to be a case of popperian learning . eve was not born a know-all . she was born knowing nothing , but able to learn anything . that is why we can find ways to think and talk about a world that goes on changing today . 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by making language itself the subject of ordinary reflexive discourse : that is , by characterizing it , explaining it , categorizing it , criticizing it , evaluating it , qualifying it , prescribing it , etc . language theory must recognize itself as merely a derivative ( albeit culturally authoritative ) form of reflexive discourse . publication : november 1997 . pergamon - an imprint of elsevier science - elsevier science email : l . roberts @ elsevier . co . uk - 0 +"Subject: toc : ijglsa volume 2 , number 2 ( fall 1997 ) interdisciplinary journal for germanic lingusitics and semiotic analysis contents : askedal , john ole : typological and semiotic aspects of certain morphosyntactic differences between norwegian and swedish goblirsch kurt gustav : from voice to length in high german consonants hess - luttich , ernest w . b . : gotthelf 's didactic dialogues : the uli novels and films rauch , irmengard : on the bbc / a&e bicentennial "" pride and prejudice "" warren , denise : out of the past : semiotic configurations of the femme fatale in film noir willemyns , roland : religious fundamentalism and language planning in 18th century flanders reviews - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - subscription ( 2 issues per year ) : students $ 15 ; individuals $ 20 ; institutions $ 30 subscribe to : irauch @ socrates . berkeley . edu back issues available at $ 10 per issue or full year at subscription cost " 0 +Subject: here university degree programs increase your personal prestige and money earning power through an advanced university degree . eminent , non-accredited universities will award you a degree for only $ 200 . degree granted based on your present knowledge and experience . no further effort necessary on your part . just a short phone call is all that is required for a ba , ma , mba , or phd diploma in the field of your choice . for details , call 602-230 - 4252 1 +"Subject: unesco / esperanto symposium in montpellier , france ( august 98 ) international league of esperanto teachers - ilei universal esperanto association - uea with the support of unesco dear colleague , we are sending you the programme of an international meeting organized by the international league of esperanto teachers and the universal esperanto association with the support of unesco . the meeting will be held in montpellier , france at the beginning of next august . we would be very glad if you could take part . if you are interested in giving a talk on one of the programme points , please let us know . universal esperanto association < uea @ inter . nl . net > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * montpellier , france 7 - 8 august 1998 language policy and intercultural education : what does esperanto offer ? 1st session languages and intercultural education models of intercultural education unesco projects for intercultural education unesco projects for education for peace the role of languages in intercultural education esperanto 's possible role in education for peace 2nd session language learning in schools preparing and monitoring language learning processes experiments in esperanto learning - ease of learning - as a tool to aid learning in other subjects - psychological impact - attitudes towards peace and other cultures learning a planned language - teaching aids - teaching methods - tools for testing 3rd session the ilei-uea - project "" interkulturo "" aims of the ilei-uea project , as part of unesco 's project "" linguapax "" , for intercultural education and education for peace . network of participating schools - common traits - specific traits - communication between participating schools tools for teaching and testing in the project teaching experiments to be included in the project * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * internacia ligo de esperantistaj instruistoj - ilei universala esperanto - asocio - uea kun la subteno de unesko e-poshto < uea @ inter . nl . net > kara kolego , ni sendas al vi la programon de internacia kunveno organizata de internacia ligo de esperantistaj instruistoj kaj universala esperanto - asocio kun la subteno de unesko . la kunveno okazos en montpeliero , francujo , je la komenco de augusto . ni estus tre kontentaj se vi povus partopreni . se vi interesighas kontribui pri unu el la program-temoj , bonvolu informi nin . sincere * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * montpeliero , francujo 7 - a , 8 - a de augusto 1998 - a lingvo-politiko kaj interkultura edukado : perspektivoj por esperanto 1 - a sesio lingvoj kaj interkultura edukado modeloj de interkultura edukado la unesko - projektoj pri interkultura edukado la unesko - projektoj pri edukado al paco la roloj de lingvoj en interkultura edukado la eblaj roloj de esperanto en la edukado pri paco 2 - a sesio lingvo-lernado en lernejoj antauaranghado kaj kontrolado de lingvo-lernaj procedoj eksperimentoj pri lernado de esperanto : - pri facileco - pri lern-faciligo al aliaj fakoj - pri emociaj efikoj - pri sintenoj al paco kaj al respekto de aliaj kulturoj plani la lernadon de planlingvo : - lern-rimedoj - instru-metodoj - testiloj 3 - a sesio la ilei-uea - projekto "" interkulturo "" celoj de la uea - projekto "" interkulturo "" , en la kadro de la unesko - projekto linguapax , pri interkultura edukado kaj edukado al paco reto de partoprenantaj lernejoj : - komunaj ecoj - specifecoj - komunik-rimedoj lernilaro kaj kontrolilaro por la projekto instru - eksperimentoj kadre de la projekto * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * internacia ligo de esperantista instruistoj - ilei universala esperanto - asocio - uea nieuwe binnenweg , 176 nl-3015 rotterdam nederland tel . + 31-10 - 4361044 fax + 31-10 - 4361751 < uea @ inter . nl . net > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - renato corsetti colle rasto i-00036 palestrina italia tel . + 39 - 6-9575713 < corsetti @ itelcad . it > " 0 +"Subject: sum : frequency some weeks ago , i made a query on linguist list about frequency vocabularies on english , french , german and spanish . many people responded with helpful comments , which are summarised below . thanks to everybody who wrote to me . your suggestions and information are very important for my work . my name is erik willis and i attend brigham young university as a masters student in spanish . one of our professors is very active in frequency counts , his name is orlando alba . ( orlando _ alba @ byu . edu ) i know his teacher humberto lopez morales was very active in that field also . their respective corpora are based on the dom . rep . puerto rico and i believe mexico and were based on availability ( lexico disponible ) . hasta ahora no creo que tengan algo en el net . el que mejor conoce los recursos del net el francisco marcos marin en la autonoma de madrid . no tengo su e-mail . i am also working with frequency counts but at a phonological level . i am looking at written and oral narratives which i believe has not been done . ojala podamos ayudarnos mutuamente con bibliografias etc . erik willis willisew @ itsnet . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - estimado marcial : hay varios recuentos existentes ya , entre ellos : helen eaton , ca . 194 ? . ( me olvido del ti ' tulo , pero es algo como : frecuency counts in 5 european languages . no se ' quie ' n lo publico ' originariamente , pero la dover press lo volvio ' a publicar en ' paperback ' por eso de los 60s o 70s . luis fernando lara en el colegio de me ' xico ha hecho mucho en este sentido ( con base en textos seleccionados de un total de [ creo ] 2 millones de palabras de texto corrido ) . e ' l esta ' en el dem [ diccionario del espan ~ ol de me ' xico ] , y actualmente es el director del cell [ centro de estudios de lingu "" i 's tica y literatura ] de el colegio de me ' xico ( e-mail : lara @ colmex . mx , aunque no estoy 100 % seguro del prefijo ) . e ' l te puede asesorar mucho al respecto . tb . hay muchos investigadores del ana ' lisis de corpus en la propia espan ~ a , aunque no me acuerdo en estemomento de sus nombres . yo a mediano plazo emprendere ' un proyecto con propo 's ito similar , pero con un corpus de gigapalabras , para poder investigar el uso de formas de palabras ( por ej . , el futuro del subjuntivo , etc . ) con algo de detalle , asi ' como los nombres propios , etc . sin embargo , no tengo mucho hecho al respecto hasta la fecha . jim james l . fidelholtz e-mail : jfidel @ siu . cen . buap . mx a ' rea de ciencias del lenguaje o : jfidel @ cca . pue . udlap . mx instituto de ciencias sociales y humanidades universidad auto ' noma de puebla , me ' xico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - estimado marcial , un colega mio de la universidad de oviedo acaba de publicar un diccionario de frecuencias del castellano . su direccion es : jose ramon alameda < jalameda @ sci . cpd . uniovi . es > en cuanto al diccionario que ud . va a recopilar , ud . piensa etiquetear las palabras . es decir , va a distinguir entre en numero de casos de ' casa ' que son del sustantivo ' casa ' y los que viene del verbo ' casar ' ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - david eddington mississippi state university i used two frequency lists in research i conducted almost 20 years ago : one is the keniston list , 2000 words divided into groups of 500 for frequency of words in print in peninsular spanish . the other is rodriquez and bou for frequency of words in print for puerto rican spanish . joel walters department of english bar - ilan university ramat gan , israel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i produced the frequency list for longman 's dictionary . both the paper and assorted frequency lists are available from my web page ( see below ) . if you have troubel accessign the paper , feel free to email me again and i ' ll send it , happy surfing , adam % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % adam kilgarriff = 20 senior research fellow tel : ( 44 ) 1273 642919 = 20 information technology research institute ( 44 ) 1273 642900 = 20 university of brighton fax : ( 44 ) 1273 642908 lewes road = 20 brighton bn2 4gj email : adam . kilgarriff @ itri . bton . ac . uk uk http : / / www . itri . bton . ac . uk / ~ adam . kilgarriff % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - entra por ftp anonimo en ftp-lsi . upc . es cambia al directorio pub / lluisp alli encontraras los ficheros spanish . freq ( frecuencias de palabras en espa = f1ol sacadas de un corpus de 3m de palabras ) wsj . freq ( frecuencias de palabras en ingles sacadas de 1 . 1m de palabras del wsj ) tienes que uudecodear y gzunzipar los ficheros suerte lluis padro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hola marcial : aunque es muy probable que ya las tengas , te envio las referencias que tengo a mano sobre frecuencias lexicas del castellano , por si te pueden ayudar : patterson , william ; y urrutibeheity , hector , _ the lexical structure of spanish _ , mouton , la haya - par = eds , 1975 . = 20 juilland , alphonse ; y chang-rodriguez , eugenio , _ frequency dictionary of spanish words _ , mouton , londres - la haya - par = eds , 1964 . patterson , william t . , "" on the genealogical structure of the spanish vocabulary "" , en ? ? ? , pp . 309-339 . garcia hoz , victor , _ estudios experimentales sobre el vocabulario _ , csic , madrid , 1977 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ javier gomez guinovart < uvifejgg @ cesga . es > http : / / www . uvigo . es / departamentos / dep / h06 / webh06 / sli / index . html univ . de vigo - fac . de humanidades - apartado 874 - e-36200 vigo tel : + 34 + 86 + 812360 - fax : + 34 + 86 + 812380 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i have a copy of : an english - french - german - spanish word frequency dictionary subtitle : a correlation of the first 6000 words in four single-language frequency lists compiled by helen s . eaton , teachers college , columbia univ ; visiting instructor , univ of new mexico ; diplomee , sorbonne , universite de paris 441 pages , paperback , dover publications , inc , new york . copyright 1940 , 1967 by helen s . eaton there are separate indexes for english , french , german and spanish words . appendix ii is a conceptual analysis of substantives , verbs and adjectives in the list . pub in canada by general publ co ltd , 30 lesmill road , don mills , toronto , ontario pub in uk by constable and co , ltd , 10 orange st , london , w . c . 2 pub in us by dover publications inc , 180 varick st , new york , ny 10014 lccn : 61-4487 / s / israel cohen new dimension software ltd izzy @ telaviv . ndsoft . com " 0 +Subject: spanish tts on the web we are pleased to announce a new addition to our text-to - speech ( tts ) website , namely an interactive demo of our spanish tts system . the address is : http : / / www . bell-labs . com / project / tts / spanish . html ( the address for the main tts page is http : / / www . bell-labs . com / project / tts / ) - richard sproat language modeling research department multimedia communications research laboratory bell laboratories , lucent technologies | tel ( 908 ) 582-5296 700 mountain avenue , room 2d - 451 | fax ( 908 ) 582-3306 murray hill , nj 07974 , usa | rws @ bell-labs . com http : / / www . bell-labs . com / project / tts / 0 +Subject: available for review : speech recognition the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . speech recognition : frederick jelinek ( 1998 ) statistical methods for speech recognition . mit press this book reflects decades of important research on the mathematical foundations of speech recognition . it focuses on underlying statistical techniques such as hidden markov models , decision trees , the expectation-maximization algorithm , information theoretic goodness criteria , maximum entropy probability estimation , parameter and data clustering , and smoothing of probability distributions . the author 's goal is to present these principles clearly in the simplest setting , to show the advantages of self-organization from real data , and to enable the reader to apply the techniques . language , speech , and communication series . a bradford book january 1998 $ 35 . 00 cloth 300 pp . isbn 0-262 - 10066 - 5 mit press 0 +Subject: the evaluation of parsing systems call for participation the evaluation of parsing systems granada , spain , 26 may 1998 this workshop is part of the first international conference on language resources and evaluation at the university of granada , may 26th - 30th 1998 ( see < http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html > for details and how to register ) . this workshop will provide a forum for researchers interested in the development and evaluation of natural language grammars and parsing systems , and in the creation of syntactically annotated reference corpora . organisers : john carroll , roberto basili , nicoletta calzolari , robert gaizauskas , gregory grefenstette accepted papers a survey of parser evaluation methods john carroll , ted briscoe university of sussex & university of cambridge , uk evaluating a robust parser for italian language roberto basili , maria teresa pazienza , fabio massimo zanzotto universita ' di roma tor vergata , rome , italy evaluation of the syntactic analysis component of an information extraction system for german thierry declerck , judith klein , guenter neumann dfki , saarbruecken , germany chunking italian . linguistic and task-oriented evaluation stefano federici , simonetta montemagni , vito pirrelli ilc-cnr pisa , italy modifying existing annotated corpora for general comparative evaluation of parsing rob gaizauskas , mark hepple , chris huyck university of sheffield , uk dependency - based evaluation of minipar dekang lin university of manitoba , canada evaluating parses for spoken language dialogue systems wolfgang minker , lin chase limsi , france corpus - based parse pruning sonja mueller - landmann ibm , heidelberg , germany the tosca parsing system reviewed nelleke oostdijk katholieke universiteit nijmegen , the netherlands grammar & parser evaluation in the xtag project srinivas bangalore , anoop sarkar , christine doran , beth ann hockey at&t labs - research & ircs , university of pennsylvania , usa workshop scope and aims the aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of evaluation methods for parsing systems , and proposals for the development of syntactically annotated language resources . with increased attention to evaluation of component technology in language engineering , evaluation of parsing systems is rapidly becoming a key issue . numerous methods have been proposed and while one , the parseval / penn treebank scheme , has gained wide usage , this has to some extent been due to the absence of workable alternatives rather than to whole-hearted support . parseval / ptb evaluation has several limitations and drawbacks , including a commitment to a particular style of grammatical analysis , and oversensitivity to certain innocuous types of misanalysis while failing to penalise other common types of more serious mistake . also , the original published description of the scheme - - and the evaluation software widely distributed as a follow-up to it - - is specific to the english language . it may be that there are currently no alternative more workable schemes or proposals , but this needs to be more fully discussed : this workshop will provide an opportunity for such a debate . this workshop is particularly timely given the large number of cec language engineering projects that involve parsing in one form or another and which need to evaluate and share the results of their efforts . parsing is an essential part of many larger applications , such as information extraction , which have gained in importance over the last few years . often in such systems , the strength of the parser and grammar has a direct effect on the desired results , and thus achieving good results rests on being able to determine and improve weaknesses in the parser / grammar . without a reliable parser evaluation method this cannot be done effectively . a parsing evaluation workshop is also appropriate at this time given the imminent creation of large-scale syntactically annotated resources for european languages . contributions from those involved in such activities are welcomed , so as to improve communication between the resource construction and the resource utilisation communities . this should ensure that the resources constructed are maximally useful to the general language engineering community . the workshop is jointly organised by the cec language engineering 1 projects sparkle and ecran programme committee roberto basili gregory grefenstette ted briscoe mark hepple nicoletta calzolari tony mcenery john carroll maria teresa pazienza roberta catizone paola velardi robert gaizauskas yorick wilks 0 +"Subject: sle conference programme societas linguistica europaea xxxist annual meeting st andrews , 26-30 august 1998 second circular enclosed is the provisional programme of the xxxist annual meeting of the societas linguistica europaea , to be held in st andrews , scotland , on 26-30 august 1998 , under the general theme : langue and parole in synchronic and diachronic perspective . some of the section papers listed are dependent on funding becoming available . if you have submitted an abstract you will also find enclosed a slip giving the decision of the selection committee . the deadline for registration is 30 april 1998 . a registration form was sent out with the first circular . papers will be given in the quadrangle of st salvator 's college , on north street . participants will be accommodated in st salvator 's hall of residence and in new hall . those staying at new hall will have breakfast in new hall but lunch and dinner in st salvator 's hall of residence . there will be a book exhibition . registration will take place in st salvator 's hall of residence from 14 . 00-18 . 00 on wednesday 26 august . members staying at new hall may check in to their accommodation first - between 14 . 00 and 22 . 00 - and then go to registration ( from new hall to st salvator 's is a pleasant 15 mins . walk ) . there will be a wine reception , hosted by the department of german , in st salvator 's hall of residence from 18 . 00 to 19 . 00 . dinner will be at 19 . 00 in st salvator 's hall of residence for all residential participants , i . e . both for those staying at st salvator 's and those staying at new hall . registration will continue from 18 . 00-22 . 00 , and will continue again on thursday 27 august from 8 . 00-11 . 00 . the addresses of the two halls of residence are as follows : st salvator 's hall , north street , st andrews , fife ky16 9az new hall , north haugh , st andrews , fife ky16 9xw travel to st andrews air : the nearest airport is edinburgh . take the airport bus to the main railway station , waverley station , which takes approx . 20 mins . and costs 3 . 50 . or take a taxi , which will cost approx . 14 . then take the train to leuchars railway station , which is on the london ( king 's cross ) - edinburgh - aberdeen main line . trains run between about 7 . 00 and 23 . 00 . the journey takes approx . 1 hr . and costs approx . 13 return . from leuchars take the bus ( 95 , x59 , x60 , direction leven or edinburgh ) to st andrews bus station ; the journey takes 10 mins . and costs 1 . 20 ; buses run every 1 / 2 hour between about 7 . 00 and midnight . to walk from the bus station to both halls of residence takes about 5 mins . or else from leuchars take a taxi , which will cost about 8 . 00 ; there are usually taxis to meet every train . rail : the nearest railway station is leuchars ( 4 miles away ) , on the london ( king 's cross ) - edinburgh - aberdeen main line . see above under air . road : the main route to st andrews by road from the south is via the forth road bridge . continue along the m90 motorway , turning off on the a91 to st andrews . a third circular with updated programme and map of st andrews will be sent out at the end of july to all those registered for the conference . the conference 's home page contains links to the home pages of st andrews , the scottish tourist board , and edinburgh international festival . local organisers : dr christopher beedham dr isabel forbes postal , e-mail , fax , and internet addresses : sle 1998 , department of german , school of modern languages , the university , st andrews , fife ky16 9ph , scotland / uk e-mail : cb1 @ st-and . ac . uk fax : ( 01334 ) 463677 home page : http : / / www . st-and . ac . uk / academic / modlangs / sle98 / sle98 . html 20 march 1998 enc . : provisional programme decision slip ( if you have submitted an abstract ) xxxist annual meeting of the societas linguistica europaea university of st andrews , scotland , 26-30 august 1998 provisional programme presidential address rissanen , matti ( helsinki ) : [ title to be announced ] plenary speakers harweg , roland ( bochum ) : [ title to be announced ] koerner , e . f . k . ( ottawa ) : three saussures - one 's tructuraliste avant la lettre ' robins , r . h . ( london ) : possible landmarks in twentieth century linguistics tobin , yishai ( be ' er sheva , israel ) : one size does not fit all : a semantic analysis of "" small / large "" vs . "" little / big "" workshops spoken vs . written languages : their structural and typological differences . organised by werner abraham ( groningen ) modality in generative grammar . organised by sjef barbiers ( leiden ) , frits beukema ( leiden ) , olga tomic ( novi sad ) , milena sheppard ( ljubljana ) , marija golden ( ljubljana ) grammatical categories . organised by kazimierz a . sroka ( gdan ( sk ) section papers andersson , sven - gunnar ( goteborg ) : register - motivated variation of tense and mood in german final clauses introduced by damit ash , sharon ( pennsylvania ) : weakening distinctions in support of dialect differences askedal , john ole ( oslo ) : grammaticalization and the german "" recipient passive "" with bekommen / erhalten / kriegen bergs , alexander ( dusseldorf ) : social networks in pre - 1500 britain : problems , perspectives , examples bednarikova , bozena ( palacky , czech republic ) : system description or systematic prescription ? bermel , neil ( sheffield ) : can one language have two langues ? claims about literary and common czech burgarski , ranko ( belgrade ) : language and war in yugoslavia buniyatova , isabella ( kiev ) : on the history of non - finite clauses in english and other languages darski , jozef ( poznan ( ) : was ist stamm ? diewald , gabriele ( erlangen ) : the integration of the german modals into the paradigm of verbal mood dobrovol ' skij , dmitrij ( moscow ) : on cross-linguistic equivalence of idioms donadze , natalia ( moscow ) : types of semantic transformations in atlas linguarum europae motivation maps dorodnych , anatolij ( kharkov & poznan ( ) : mentality through language : contrasting associative networks drubig , h . bernhard ( tubingen ) : some general characteristics of morphosyntactic focus marking farkas , judit & veronika kniezsa ( budapest ) : mediaeval street-names of the cities york and lincoln : grammar and orthography fatima , eloeva ( st petersburg ) : pontic dialect : interference on langue and parole levels ( synchronic and diachronic perspective ) fava , elisabetta ( padova ) : the relevance of some methodological distinctions in considering the role of variation in the illocutionary force devices fenk , august , ( klagenfurt ) : picture language - just a metaphor ? fenk-oczlon , gertraud ( klagenfurt ) : german , russian , turkish - a typological comparison forbes , isabel & gabor kiss ( st andrews & budapest ) : colour categorization and colour naming in french and hungarian gamkrelidze , thomas v . ( tbilisi ) : "" langue "" and "" parole "" in proto - indo - european reconstructions gruntfest , yaakov ( haifa ) : accusativus / ablativus limitationis in transformational interpretation guermanova , natalia ( moscow ) : perceptions of native languages : cultural-value vs communicative perspectives haftka , brigitta ( potsdam ) : gradadverbiale und subjektbezogene adverbiale im vorfeldtest hajicova , eva ( prague ) : contextual boundness in language system and context dependency in communication hartmann , ralph a . ( st andrews ) : gegen eine lehrbuch - interpretation von saussures langage , langue und parole - ein merkzettel hundsnurscher , franz ( mfcnster ) : phraseologische paarformeln jurewicz , magdalena ( poznan ( ) : interpreted conversations between poles and germans kim , a . ( tomsk ) : on the problem of linguistic universals : semantic cult paradigm kleiner , yuri ( st petersburg ) : epic formula : langue and parole klimonow , wladimir ( berlin ) : einfluss der aspekte auf die umgestaltung der futurparadigmen im russischen komarnitska , larisa ( chernivtsy , ukraine ) : a quantitative approach to investigating semantically related words kotin , mikhail l . ( moscow ) : possessive constructions and the auxiliarization of haben in german kotorova , elizaveta ( tomsk ) : the main factors to identify the equivalent relations in langue and parole krier , fernande ( rennes ) : approach to linguistic dynamics : aspects of standard german in an autobiography of 1905 nedzad , leko ( sarajevo & oslo ) : quantified phrases in russian and bosnian : similarities and differences levitsky , v . , v . drebet , b . ginka , n . kapatruk , j . kiyko , s . kiyko , a . oguy ( chernivtsy , ukraine ) : the problem of polysemy under synchronic , diachronic and panchronic aspects malikouti-drachman , angeliki ( salzburg & cyprus ) : on the formation of hypocoristics in modern greek marle , jaap van ( amsterdam ) : langue and parole in morphological productivity matsumori , akiko ( tokyo ) : reconstruction of the proto - accent - system for mainland japanese dialects mautner , gerlinde ( vienna ) : globalisation . reviewing a megatrend from the perspective of linguistics and elt musolff , andreas ( durham ) : dinosaurs , metaphors and dangerous theories nagle , stephen j . & sara l . sanders ( south carolina ) : redundant complementation in english : pseudo - resumptive that naiditch , larissa ( jerusalem ) : associative and semantic word fields in bilinguals ogourechnikova , natalia ( moscow ) : old icelandic pronominal system in the mythological songs of the edda oguy , a . ( chernivtsy , ukraine ) : polysemy in the panchrony and its regular character omdal , helge ( kristiansand , norway ) : implementation of language norms in norway - success or confusion ? osipova , o . ( tomsk ) : the mystery of consonantal nominal stem-building markers in ancient germanic paducheva , elena v . ( moscow ) : on dynamic approach to systematic polysemy panitz , florian ( oldenburg ) : iterative and habitual perspectivization in texts : a note on the competence - performance interface pantaleo , nicola ( bari , italy ) : constraint and ecart ( langue and parole ) in pre - early modern english translational practices : the vocabulary of ' folly ' in william barclay 's the ship of fools petric , teodor ( maribor , slovenia ) : zum syntaktischen verhalten von funktionsverbgefugen in dialogferneren textsorten platzer , hans ( vienna ) : the loss of oe / me object ellipsis poupynin , youri ( st petersburg ) : aspect , voice and deixis in russian ratkeviciute-miseviciene , joana ( kaunas , lithuania ) : speechology : theory and practice reiter , norbert ( berlin ) : vom nutzen der kombinationskarte und ihrer problematik schellinger , wolfgang ( konstanz ) : the malto noun phrase meets typology : dravidian suffixaufnahme and aufnahme universals schick , ivanka p . ( potsdam ) : doubling clitics and information - structure in modern bulgarian schwarzwald , ora rodrigue ( ramat - gan , israel ) : the adjectival suffix - i in hebrew seuren , pieter a . m . ( nijmegen ) : eubulides as a 20th century semanticist sevic , radmila b . ( novi sad ) : early collections of private documents : the missing link in the diachronic corpora ? sgall , petr ( prague ) : on the interface between langue and parole shimomiya , tadao ( tokyo ) : langue and parole in interdependence skrzypiec , andrzej m . ( wroclaw ) : language and cultural identity in diachronic perspective souleimanova , olga ( moscow ) : the case for dative case sovran , tamar ( tel aviv ) : vagueness as a challenge for natural language semantics tarnyikova , jarmila ( palacky , czech republic ) : discourse perspectives on syntax : the case of sentence adverbials terzan-kopecky , carmen ( maribor , slovenia ) : die sprachokonomie und der konstruktionelle ikonismus durch das prisma des translatorischen handelns valentin , paul ( paris ) : nebensatze als c4udferungen : parole gegen langue ? vezzosi , letizia & dieter stein ( florence & dusseldorf ) : restitutive processes in linguistic change vuckovic , petar ( belgrade ) : on cognitive independence of meaning and form of nouns wasik , zdzislaw ( wroclaw ) : parole and the bilateral sign : between platonism and cartesianism in ferdinand de saussure 's cours de linguistique generale yariv-laor , lihi ( jerusalem ) : notes on the translation of the hebrew bible into chinese : a cross - cultural view zabotkina , vera ( kaliningrad ) : new euphemisms in english : pragmatic approach " 0 +"Subject: shor the revival of the shor literaly language . irina nevskaya , mainz . summary the article is devoted to the present-day sociolinguistic situation in mountain shoriya ( russia , the south of western siberia , the kemerovo region ) . the indigenous population of mountain shoriya are the shors who speak one of the siberian turkic languages . the shor language has survived in spite of unfavourable circumstances . until very recently , it was neither written nor taught at school for half a century . at present , the shors try to restore social functions to the language . the turcological traditions at the novokuznetsk state pedagogical institute have facilitated ( and even instigated ) the revival of the shor literary language . the article touches upon the history of literary shor and of shor language research in novokuznetsk , and analyzes recent developments in shoriya : the revival of shor language school teaching , and of written shor . special attention is paid to problems facing shor turcologists who were providing the revival process with scientific back-up . the article will be fully published in one of the next issues of the journal turkic languages here we present some extracts of it . general information the shors are one of the minor indigenous turkic peoples of siberia . in the former ussr there were slightly over 16 , 000 shors . 12 , 585 of them , according to the census of 1989 , lived in kuzbass ( the kemerovo region ) , in the south of western siberia [ itogi 1989 , 42 ] . . . the shors inhabit mountain shoriya , the northern part of the sayan - altay mountain region . the ethnonym was introduced by the academician v . v . radlov at the end of the nineteenth century . the ethnonym , which came to be used officially , was originally the name of one of the turkic family clans or tribes ( sooks ) who spoke rather similar turkic dialects . the turks of altay also used the terrn ' shor ' for the turkic - speaking population of the kondoma ( shor lfondumj , mrassu ( shor pras ) and tom ( shor tom ) river basins . at that time , this population did not have a general native name . as the official and native name oftthis ethnos , the ethnonym spread in the mid - 1 ^ 30 's , during the beginning of the national cansolidation of the turkic sayan - altay ethnic groups . the ethnic group formed from various turkic and non - turkic sources . the ethnonym ' aba ' , the name of one of tolax sooks , is encountered in chinese sources dating from 603 [ pritsak 1959 , 630 ] . the shors are considered to be turkicized ob - ugrians : linguistic , ethnographic and anthropological research shows thz presence of an ob - ugric substratum in the ethnos : in the toponymy of shoriya there are a lot of ket names ( e . g . the river names ending in * zas / + sas ) , indicating that the region was inhabited earlier by the kets . many questions of shor ethnic history have not yet been solved . as a separate nation with selfidentification and national sentiment , it formed within the turkic - speaking population of this region during the last three centuries . the shor ethnologist dr . valery kimeev delineates 3 periods of the ethnos history [ kimeev 1994 , 4 - 6 ] . 1 . the formation of territorial ethnic groups of the shors within the administrative ethnic territory ( russian kuzneckij uezd ) , from the beginning of the seventeenth until the beginning of the twentieth century . 2 . national and cultural consolidation in the framework of the autonomous national district ( cor / lo-swo / skij nacional ' nyj / ajon ) , 1926 - 1939 . at that time , the processes of national development were very intensive . the most important contributing factors were the development of the literary language , school instruction in shor and the spreading of literacy among the shor population . 3 . from the early 1940 's until very recently , the shor nation in the conditions of active spreading of the dominant russian culture . within these years the shors lost their literary language and were at the brink of full assimilation . socio - linguistic situation in shordya in the late 1980 's the shor language has survived despite unfavourable circumstances . the fast industrial development of the area in the twentieth century almost destroyed the traditional shor way of life and had a profound influence on the area . the mass inflow of mainly russian speaking migrants initiated assimilation processes which threatened not only the shor language but also the very existence of the shor nation . beginning in the 1950 's , the following new economic and social factors emerged : small farms were merged , and many shor villages disappeared ; people , in search of work , had to move to cities ( where the processes of assimilation moved even faster ) ; the rural population was reduced , the urban population in mountainshoriya grew ; schools in small shor villages were closed ; shor boarding schools were opened ( these were primary and secondary educational establishments in big villages and industrial centers where shor children lived apart from their families during the academic year and were instructed in russian ) . as a result , by the end of the 1980 's , shor came to have a lower social status it was not a written language , nor a language of school education . furthermore , its transmission to younger generations had almost stopped , and the number of speakers had dramatically diminished . the language competence of speakers was reduced , especially of urban shors ( only 3 % of urban shors could speak shor fluently in 1986 versus 20 . 1 % in 1976 ) , while their competence in russian increased . in 1989 only 59 . 4 % of the shors considered shor to be their mother tongue , versus 76 . 6 % in 1970 . the number of shors who considered russian to be their mother tongue increased from 24 . 4 % up to 39 . 1 % [ itogi , 1989 , 42 ] . we see that people preferred to give up their mother tongue . the history of the shor literary language is important for the analysis of the factors which led to this situation . general information on the history of the shor litera / y language shor could be called one of the "" oppressed languages "" of the former ussr . within the twentieth century alone , the shor language lost its literary tradition twice . the first time was just after the october revolution in russia , when the church schools founded by the altay missionaries were closed . the altay missionaries preached in the native languages of siberia 's aborigines . they published books in indigenous languages of the siberian people , founded primary , secondary schools , and religious tertiary schools where they trained national priests and teachers for shor schools . one of the first primary schools in shoriya was opened in the village of kuzedeevo by the wellknown missionary and linguist v . 1 . verbitsky who taught at this school . by the time of the october revolution there were schools in all the larger villages . in the northern part of shoriya , about 40 % of the population was literate . shor was the language of school teaching , written communication , literature . the shor literature of the time was sparse ; there were only shor translations of religious literature , and original works . after 1917 , with the outbreak of the revolution and civil war , all schools were closed , and hence the literary tradition was interrupted . in 1927 the shor national district was formed . though the district did not exist long ( it was annulled in 1939 ) , this was an important period for the development of the shortliterary language . it was taught at schools ; a considerable number of books in shor were published ( more th , an 150 titles ) and the language , folklore and ethnology of the shors were studied intensively . however , the tragic events of 1937-45 had a devastating effect on the culture of the shors . in 1942 , the last issue of the shor language newspaper "" kyzl sor "" ( ' red shoriya ' ) was published , and all the shor schools closed . frqm this time on , the shor language was no longer written or taught at schools for half a century . the sphere of its functioning was minimal : it was only used at home for everyday topics . all other cultural needs were met by russian , which was the language of education , of literary works , of the mass media , as well as of administrative , political , and economic relations . during this period , several generations of urban shors grew up with at best minimal competence in shor . at present , history gives the shor language a chance ( probably the last one ) to become a literary language . the active growth of shor national sentiment and political activity , their interest in the national culture and language , and changes in the country as a whole can contribute to this . the revival of literary shor began with the publishing of textbooks of shor , the training of shor language teachers , and the teaching of shor at schools and in shor language circles . the revival of teaching shor at schools in 1988 , a chair of the shor language and literature was created at the novokuznetsk state pedagogical institute ( ngpi ) . the first head was prof . andrey chudoyakov . the same year a shor department was established in the faculty of philology and teacher training in shor language and literature began . a year later , teachers of different subjects who were shors themselves began to teach shor in a number of schools . they were graduates of a 2 - year course of training leaders for shor language circles . the course was organized in novokuznetsk by dr . alisa esipova . the shor alphabet book and textbooks for the primary years were written by dr . nadezhda kurpeshko ( kemerovo ) and members of the department . in 1994 , the first graduates of the national department ( 5 people ) began to work at schools in the kemerovo region . at present , about 20 teachers of shor work at schools in the tashtagol and mezhdurechensk districts of mountain shoriya , both in cities and villages . some schools which were closed 10-30 years ago resumed teaching . some schools were rebuilt . turcology in novokuznetsk the revival process was facilitated ( or , perhaps , even instigated ) by turcological traditions at the novokuznetsk state pedagogical institute . during the 50 crucial years of shor language history , the collecting , compiling and describing of all still available material has not stopped . the shor language research has been carried out mainly by university foreign-language teachers at the novokuznetsk state pedagogical institute . when in late eighties we witnessed the uprise of shor national sentiment and the desire to restore social functions to the language , there had already been qualified people ( among them also shors ) who could cope with this task . initially , the most important task facing such linguists was to provide the revival process with scientific back-up : to create a modern orthography for shor , to choose a standard dialect , and to work out literary norms . references itogi vsesojuznoj perepisi naselenija 1989 goda . vypusk 4 . nacional ' nyj sostav . 1990 . kemerovo : kemerovskoe kniznoe izdatel 's tvo . patruseva , g . m . 1994 . sovremennye etniceskie processy u sorcev . in : kimeev , v . m . & lavrent ' eva , l . a . & tokmasev , j . k . & sogrina , n . a . & bobrov , v . v . & nevskaja , i . a . & tivjakov , s . d . ( eds . ) 1994 . sorskij sbornik . vypusk 1 . kemerovo : kem . gu . 216-222 . pritsak , o . 1959 . das schorische . in : deny , jean & scheel , helmuth & togan , zeki validi ( eds ) . philologiae turcicae fundamenta . 1 . wiesbaden : steiner . 598-640 . dr . irina a . nevskaya ( novokuznetsk , russia ) currently has a scholarship from the conference of the german academy of sciences . she is working at the research project entitled converb clauses in shor under the guidance of prof . dr . lars johanson . she will stay at mainz university at the institute of oriental studies until july 1997 . for those interested in siberian turkic languages her address is : dr . irina nevskaya seminar fur orientkunde universitat mainz , d-55099 mainz tel . + 49-6131 - 393885 e - mail : turcolog @ mzdmza . zdv . uni-mainz . de fax : + 49-6131 - 394380 " 0 +"Subject: western conference on linguistics teresa wells research assistant to dr . elly van gelderen arizona state university - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - call for papers wecol ' 98 western conference on linguistics 9-11 october , 1998 arizona state university , tempe , arizona deadline for abstracts : 1 june 1998 abstracts are invited for 20 - minute talks in all areas of linguistic theory . abstracts should be anonymous , and should be no longer than one page , with one inch margins , in typeface no smaller than 12 characters per inch . an additional page with examples and references may be included . please provide 7 copies of the abstract . authors should identify themselves on a separate 3x5 "" index card , and should include the title and author 's address , affiliation , telephone number , and e-mail address . no e-mail or fax abstracts will be accepted . however , subsequent correspondence will be via e-mail . invited speaker : james mccloskey , university of california at santa cruz . abstracts should be sent to the following address : elly van gelderen , chair , abstracts committee wecol ' 98 po box 870302 department of english arizona state university tempe , az 85287-0302 " 0 +"Subject: just released vol . 2 just released ! ! ! introducing . . . the cd vol . 2 the cd - vol . 2 , is the absolute best product of its ' kind anywhere in the world today . there are no other products anywhere that can compete with the quality of this product . we took a total of over 190 million email addresses from many of the touted cd 's that are out there ( bought them all - some were $ 300 + ) ! we added the millions we had in storage to those . when we combined them all , we had in excess of 300 + million addresses in one huge file . we ran a super "" sort / de-dupe "" program against this huge list . it cut the file down to less than 20 million ! ! ! can you believe that ? 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( 7-10 days ) make payable to : "" gd publishing "" " 1 +"Subject: "" creating sense : texts and realities "" * * * call for papers * * * creating sense texts and realities organized by the department of english language & literature national university of singapore with cambridge university press and materials development association ( matsda ) 7 - 9 september , 1998 venue : orchard hotel , singapore keynote presenters : david nunan ( university of hong kong ) liz hamp - lyons ( hong kong polytechnic university ) mario rinvolucri ( pilgrims , canterbury ) jane arnold ( university of seville ) the conference organisers invite papers , both theoretical and practical , that explore and characterise some of the main ways in which language is used to create "" sense "" in contemporary life . we encourage papers that present recent developments and address significant theoretical issues in studies of language and discourse , and that explore ideas and applications in the broad domains of language education and media studies . some possible areas of focus ( the list is not meant to be exclusive ) include the development of creative thinking and critical awareness , current issues in the teaching and assessment of listening , speaking , reading and writing , relations between language , literacy and curriculum "" content "" , the principled development and evaluation of educational materials and activities , and the impact of different media ( newspapers , television , computers and the internet ) on contemporary ideas about literacy , education and citizenship . papers from invited keynote speakers will last for 60 minutes . parallel papers will last for 40 minutes . speakers in parallel sessions are asked to limit their presentation time to 30 minutes , leaving 10 minutes for discussion of their paper . papers will normally be presented in the morning sessions of the conference . intending paper presenters who are interested in developing ideas in afternoon workshop sessions are especially encouraged to submit their proposals . * * * call for workshops * * * the organisers invite proposals for workshop sessions from intending conference participants ( not only paper presenters ) who are willing to take on the role of workshop leader . parallel workshops will be held as afternoon sessions , each lasting 3 hours , and some of these workshops will extend over more than one afternoon . the main aim of workshops at this conference is to provide participants with opportunities to become actively involved in developing , adapting or evaluating educational materials in language education and media studies , along lines that each workshop leader will first have related to some of the major theoretical issues arising from the conference theme . intending workshop leaders who can make links between workshop activities and paper presentations at the conference are especially encouraged to submit their proposals . the organisers assume that each workshop will comprise approximately thirty participants , and will be arranged such that at least 2 hours out of 3 will be spent by workshop participants working in pairs or groups , as the workshop leader arranges , on tasks corresponding to the workshop theme . please send abstracts of about 200 words to the programme committee , in accordance with the guidelines that follow . write or ( preferably ) e-mail to : programme committee ( attention : d . allison ) "" creating sense "" conference department of english language & literature national university of singapore 10 kent ridge crescent singapore 119260 departmental fax : ( 65 ) - 7732981 e - mail : ellconlk @ nus . edu . sg guidelines for submissions : your abstract must specify the category ( paper or workshop ) of the proposed presentation . please submit three anonymous copies of the abstract ( including the title of your paper or workshop ) for review purposes , plus a fourth copy that includes the author 's name and affiliation . please also include a notecard ( size 3 "" by 5 "" ) , stating author 's name , affiliation , title of paper or workshop , contact telephone and fax numbers , e-mail address , and postal address . paper presenters are asked to specify any special requirements for their presentation . ( all rooms will have overhead projectors . ) workshop presenters are asked to specify the intended length of the workshop ( a workshop may run for 3 , 6 or 9 hours ) and to specify any special requirements for their workshop session . deadline for abstracts : 15 may 1998 replies will be sent by end may 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference theme - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the focus of this conference will be on notions of "" creating "" or "" making "" sense , both in education and more widely throughout society . "" making sense "" sounds reassuringly uncontroversial , and it has taken the insights of jerome bruner in the 1960s , and of michael halliday and his associates in recent years , to bring out the richness of meaning that this expression can carry . it is now widely accepted that sense is not simply "" there "" in the world , waiting to be discovered and documented , but that it is actually created by human beings in societies . the idea that "" reality "" is "" created "" in language also implies that there must be more than one reality , and that a number of realities can be articulated and compared . these possibilities carry major implications for language education , social identity and participation - - - or , less reassuringly , for educational and social exclusion . the thematic emphasis of this conference on "" creating sense "" , then , includes the essential notions that any single form of sense can also be questioned and "" unmade "" , and that alternative kinds of sense can be remade or "" re-created "" through texts . making , unmaking and remaking meanings are fundamental aspects of social and educational experience , from infancy through primary and secondary school years and beyond , continuing into adulthood and maturity . much education has to do with learning to think , talk and write about things in ways that differ from the initial "" commonsense "" knowledge or belief that children have already acquired in their communities . to bring this about without undermining what is valid and valued in children 's lives is an enormously challenging and problematic social and cultural activity . that it is also a necessary one can be argued both in terms of mainstream rationality ( the development of scientific thinking being a prime example here ) and of critical awareness , which includes learning to deconstruct powerful people 's accounts of how the world is and ought to be , and to propose alternative accounts . full participation in social and political life is only possible when people have learned , as ronald carter has put it , how to "" see through language "" . these concerns over creating , questioning and re-creating sense are explored in this conference in relation to two domains , those of language education and media studies . in the context of formal education , learners have both to discern meaning in what is offered to them and actively to make "" their own "" meanings as they interpret and analyse experience from a variety of perspectives which may be proposed to them or discovered by them . all this raises important issues of participation and exclusion relating to learners ' personal and social explorations of language , and the ways in which these two modes of exploration may be related . the conference will pursue these concerns in the broad context of language education as its first domain . the second conference domain is that of media studies , with particular attention to media discourse and reality construction . the conference seeks to bring to light some of the ways in which realities , like stories , are invented , told , represented and mediated through available technologies . diverse experiences and accounts of reality are constructed through the interplay of language and image . these can , for instance , be presented as fantasies , fictional explorations of experience , docu-dramas or documentary coverage of events , among other things . the impact of such accounts on audiences and "" the public "" depends on many social , cultural and educational factors , but the need for modern citizens to be able to make their own sense of accounts that are offered to them , and also to offer accounts of their own , increasingly appears fundamental to effective social participation as well as to social critique . the conference looks to stimulate debate that is grounded in - - - or informedly set against - - - current theories , practices and findings of teaching and research communities in language and communication studies . another main aim is to suggest guidelines for informed , responsible and reflective practice in the domains of language education and mediaoa studies . a theme of particular interest , to be developed especially in workshop mode , is that of materials writing for educational purposes in both conference domains . 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1st of all , send your e . mail with the stealth mass mailer . this program will protect your email address while sending your e . mail at speeds of up to 250 , 000 messages per hour ( 28 . 8 connection ) . 2nd , collect your inquiries and remove requests via autoresponders . using autoresponders , you do n't even have to read the flames . just move them to your remove list and forget about them ! start earning mega money and get started now ! to order our email package , simply print out the ez order form below and fax or call us anytime . we accept visa , mastercard , american express , personal check or money order . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ez order form please fax your order form to : 1-561 - 625-1432 ( orders only ) _ _ _ _ _ yes ! i would like to order your 27 , 000 , 000 email addresses plus all the bonuses for only $ 149 . 00 _ _ _ _ _ i am ordering within 48 hours ! please deduct $ 50 . 00 from the price making the total only $ 99 . 00 * please select one of the following for shipping . _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package overnight . i ' m including $ 12 for shipping . _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package proirity delivery . i ' m including $ 4 for shipping . _ _ _ _ please add $ 10 . 00 for all orders from outside the u . s . date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city , state , zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of credit card : _ _ _ _ _ _ visa _ _ _ _ _ mastercard _ _ _ _ american express credit card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name on card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - best of luck ! we apologize if this e . mail was sent to you in error . to be permanently removed from all mailing lists simply send any e . mail to : remove @ bulkcenter . com thank you ! " 1 +"Subject: cfp : language resources for european minority languages workshop on language resources for european minority languages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - granada , spain - may 27 1998 ( morning ) call for papers this workshop will be held in conjunction with the international conference on language resources and evaluation ( lrec ) , granada , spain : may 28-30 , 1998 . the workshop will provide a forum for researchers working on the development of speech and language resources for the indigenous minority languages of europe . workshop scope and aims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the minority or "" lesser used "" languages of europe ( e . g . basque , welsh , breton ) are under increasing pressure from the major languages . some of them ( e . g . gaelic ) are becoming endangered , but others ( e . g . catalan ) are in a stronger position , with a certain amount of official recognition and funding . however , the situation with regard to language resources is fragmented and disorganised . some minority languages have been adequately researched linguistically , but most have not , and the vast majority do not yet possess basic speech and language resources ( such as text and speech corpora ) which are sufficient to permit commercial development of products . if this situation were to continue , the minority languages of europe would fall a long way behind the major languages , as regards the availability of commercial speech and language products . this in turn will accelerate the decline of those languages that are already struggling to survive , as speakers are forced to use the majority language for interaction with these products . to break this vicious circle , it is important to encourage the development of basic language resources . the workshop is a very small first step towards encouraging the development of such resources . the aim is to share information , so that isolated researchers will not need to start from nothing . an important aspect will be the forming of personal contacts , which at present do not exist . the aim is to make it easier for isolated researchers with little funding and no existing corpora to begin developing a usuable speech or text database . there will be a balance between presentations of existing language resources , and more general presentations designed to give background information . technical areas covered will include : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - presentation of existing speech and text databases for minority languages , with particular emphasis on their design and their annotation . presentation of existing lexicons for minority languages , with particular emphasis on fast production methods . encouragement of standardisation , using the recommendations formulated by the eagles working groups . presentation of the eu 's policy towards minority languages , and the situation of minority languages in europe . papers are invited that will describe existing speech and language resources for minority languages ( speech databases , text databases , and lexicons ) , also papers based on the analysis of these resources . presentations will last 20 minutes each . all presentations will be given in english , since it cannot be assumed that each listener will speak all the minority languages discussed . organizers : briony williams university of edinburgh , scotland , uk climent nadeu universitat politecnica de catalunya , catalunya , spain alex monaghan dublin city university , ireland paper submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - papers should not exceed 4000 words or 10 pages . they can be submitted in one of two ways : hard copy or electronic submission . they should be in a4 size and in english . a ) hard copies : three hard copies should be sent to : dr . briony williams cstr 80 south bridge edinburgh eh1 1hn scotland , uk please also send an email to briony williams ( briony @ cstr . ed . ac . uk ) informing her of the hard copy submission . this is in case the hard copy does not reach its destination . this email should contain the information specified in the section below . b ) electronic submission : electronic submission may be in self-contained latex , postcript or ms - word format . submissions should be sent to briony @ cstr . ed . ac . uk . an electronic submission should be accompanied by a plain ascii text email message giving the following details : # name : name of first author # title : title of the paper # pages : number of pages # note : any relevant instructions about the format etc . # abstr : abstract of the paper # email : email address of the first author # addr : postal address of the first author # tel : telephone number of the first author # fax : fax number of the first author important dates paper submission deadline february 27 paper notification march 27 camera - ready papers due april 22 workshop may 26 conference information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - general information about the main conference is at : http : / / www . icp . inpg . fr / elra / conflre . html specific queries about the conference should be directed to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain tel : + 34 58 24 41 00 - fax : + 34 58 24 41 04 reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 0 +Subject: have you seen this one yet ? to be removed from this mailing list go to http : / / www . angelfire . com / ks / theman11 / removepage . html ` , , ` , , ` , , ` florida / bahamas / cancun family holiday ! ! ! ! ` , , ` , , ` , , ` you have been selected to enter for a limited time only ! family getaway for 2 adults 3 children or 4 adults ! offer now available world wide for a limited time only ! for more information go to : http : / / www . angelfire . com / ks / theman11 / trip . html 1 +"Subject: new books in semantics , pragmatics , & philosophy of languages ( 4 titles ) aspect and predication : the semantics of argument structure gillian catriona ramchand , oxford university this book investigates the systematic correspondences between syntactic structure and semantic interpretation in the domain of predicate-argument relationships . taking scottish gaelic as its empirical base , the book provides a detailed working out of a semantic system of argument classification which moves away from lexically-driven thematic roles in the traditional sense and towards a more constrained , syntactically motivated , set of primitives . may 1997 264 pp . 0-19 - 823651 - 4 $ 55 . 00 oxford university press lexical semantics : the problem of polysemy edited by james pustejovsky , brandeis university , and branimir boguraev , natural language program , apple computer inc . , california lexical ambiguity presents one of the most intractable problems for language processing studies and , not surprisingly , it is at the core of research in lexical semantics . originally published as two special issues of the journal of semantics , this collection focuses on the problem of polysemy , from the point of view of practitioners of computational linguistics . january 1997 224 pp . ; 25 linecuts 0-19 - 823662 - x paper $ 29 . 95 oxford university press parts and wholes in semantics friederike moltmann , city college of new york graduate center this book develops a unified account of expressions involving the notions of "" part "" and "" whole "" in which principles of the individuation of part structures play a central role . moltmann presents a range of new empirical generalizations with data from english and a variety of other languages involving plurals , mass nouns , adnominal and adverbial modifiers such as as a whole , together , and alone , nominal and adverbial quanitfiers ranging over parts , and expressions of completion such as completely and partly . she develops a new theory of part structures which differs from traditional mereological theories in that the notion of an integrated whole plays a central role and in that the part structure of an entity is allowed to vary across different situations , perspectives , and dimensions . august 1997 272 pp . 0-19 - 509574 - x $ 39 . 95 oxford university press diachronic prototype semantics : a contribution to historical lexicology dirk geeraerts , katholieke universiteit leuven , belgium ( oxford studies in lexicography and lexicology ) prototype theory makes a crucial distinction between central and peripheral sense of words . geeraerts explores the implications of this model for a theory of semantic change , in the first full-scale treatment of the impact of the most recent developments in lexicological theory on the study of meaning change . he identifies structural features of the development of word meanings which follow from a prototype-theoretical model of semantic structure , and incorporates these diachronic prototypicality effects into a theory of meaning change . may 1997 224 pp . ; 20 b / w figures 0-19 - 823652 - 2 $ 65 . 00 oxford university press for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org or visit the oxford university press usa web site : http : / / www . oup-usa . org oxford university press usa " 0 +"Subject: news from linguist dear subscribers : we would like to announce a number of new features on linguist and to request your help in establishing a web-searchable directory of linguists . to initiate the latter , we have set up a submission form on our website at : http : / / linguistlist . org / cgi-bin / pers . cgi we ask that you access the form and submit the information requested about your affiliation , addresses , and research and teaching interests . the form is also accessible from the directory page at : http : / / linguistlist . org / persop . html the data collected will shortly be made keyword - and field-searchable , so that you will be able to use the directory to find , e . g . , all the linguists in sweden who teach discourse , or all the american linguists in psychology departments , as well as information on a specific linguist . linguists who submit information will be asked to choose a password and use it to update the information periodically . like all linguist list data-collection efforts , however , the success of the directory depends on your cooperation . if many linguists submit information , it will be a very useful resource . so please take the time to enter information about your professional interests , as well as to spread the word among your colleagues . we would also like to call your attention to some new linguist services and web-site improvements : 1 ) the ask - a - linguist service is now in operation . we ' ve been very pleased at the public response ( we received questions even before we announced it officially ) and we think the quality of the panel 's answers is impressive . take a look at "" review past questions and answers "" at the url http : / / linguistlist . org / ask . html and see for yourself . 2 ) some months back we put in place a new homepage , which contains links to all the linguist list datasources . some of you told us that it 's useful to have links to everything from a single page , but that it would be helpful to have more information about the links . so we have been writing "" index pages "" for each of the subcategories , e . g . , the profession , research and research support , publication , pedagogy . if you click on one of these headers on the linguist homepage , you will access an index page which offers a fuller description of the linked resources in each category , as well as cross-listings to other categories . please take a look at the index pages currently available at : in the usa : http : / / linguistlist . org / http : / / www . emich . edu / ~ linguist / http : / / linguist . tamu . edu / linguist / in western europe : http : / / www . sfs . nphil . uni-tuebingen . de / linguist / in russia : http : / / www . philol . msu . ru / linguist / we would appreciate your comments and suggestions for improvement . 3 ) we now have year-by - year indexes of the job announcements posted on linguist . these can be accessed via our homepage or directly at : http : / / linguistlist . org / jobsindex . html http : / / www . emich . edu / ~ linguist / jobsindex . html http : / / linguist . tamu . edu / linguist / jobsindex . html http : / / www . sfs . nphil . uni-tuebingen . de / linguist / jobsindex . html http : / / www . philol . msu . ru / linguist / jobsindex . html the job listings can be displayed in either chronological or reverse chronological order . 4 ) and , finally , we have set up a topics page on altaic . it can be found at : http : / / www . emich . edu / ~ linguist / topics / altaic / http : / / linguistlist . org / topics / altaic / http : / / linguist . tamu . edu / linguist / topics / altaic / http : / / www . sfs . nphil . uni-tuebingen . de / linguist / topics / altaic http : / / www . philol . msu . ru / linguist / topics / altaic if any of you have suggestions or material that would enhance the usefulness of this page ( e . g . , bibliographies or reference lists , short articles on altaic , maps ) , we would be grateful for these . we hope these innovations will make linguist more useful to you . - helen , anthony , daniel linguist moderators " 0 +Subject: unfolding perceptual continua - - bisca-98 istituto mitteleuropeo di cultura - mitteleuropaeisches kulturinstitut bisca-98 bolzano international school in cognitive analysis unfolding perceptual continua bolzano , september 7-11 recent problems raised by cognitive science , such as the perception of forms , the recognition of natural languages , the problems of common sense , na \ 239ve physics , and consequently the need for direct and non-propositional reference to the objects of experience - as cited , for example by scientists working in robotics - has proposed new areas of inquiry for psychophysics . the bolzano school in cognitive analysis of 1998 will analyze the problem of perceptual continua ( in particular space , time , sound , colour and touch ) from the point of view of neurophysiological , of phenomenic and of philosophical enquiry . moreover , a parallel reading of the theories developed at the beginning of this century and of contemporary ones might be useful not only in philosophy but also in various areas of cognitive sciences . speakers of bisca 1998 are : liliana albertazzi the experimental phenomenology standpoint jan j . koenderinck multiply extended continua in vision guerino mazzola grouping paradigms in music ruggero pierantoni sensory perception : touch and cognition general information : 1 . attendance to the school will be limited to about 30 participants . 2 . a hotel list will be sent upon notification of acceptance . hotel costs in bolzano range between 70 , 000 and 250 , 000 italian liras per day , full board . 3 . each speaker will give 4 lectures , with ample time for discussion . 4 . all lectures will be in english . 5 . a small number of boursaries are available to qualified students to meet the costs of participation . bisca 's board of directors includes : l . albertazzi ( trento ) , r . langacker ( la jolla ) , j . petitot ( paris ) , r . poli ( trento ) and l . talmy ( buffalo ) for more information write to liliana albertazzi : alberta @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it and see the imc web site : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * roberto poli department of sociology and social research 26 , verdi street 38100 trento - - italy tel . + + 39-461 - 881-403 fax : + + 39-461 - 881-348 e-mail : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it axiomathes : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / axiomathes / axiomathes . htm imc : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm 0 +Subject: call for papers : transcription acl / coling-98 workshop on partially automated techniques for transcribing naturally occurring , continuous speech august 16 , 1998 ( following acl / coling-98 ) university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) call for papers description - - - - - - - - - - the development of robust systems for speech analysis and synthesis depends crucially on the availability of well-annotated corpora of naturally occurring , continuous speech . yet existing speech corpora are rarely well-annotated . a key to proper annotation is the availability of partially automated systems for linking selected portions of a visual display of speech to the corresponding transcriptions . to be of practical use , such systems must be able to handle large files of digitized speech and they should permit transcriptions at different levels of analysis . this workshop will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of papers and software demonstrations which reflect the current state of the art . we invite proposals of up to 800 words which address the development , use , evaluation , or potential commercial application of such systems . submissions - - - - - - - - - - only email submissions in latex or ascii will be accepted . authors should submit an abstract of no more than 800 words to : trans98 @ cs . concordia . ca style files and templates for latex submissions can be found at http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html a copy of this call for papers can be found at : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / workshops . html the official language of the conference is english . important deadlines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - submission deadline : april 15 , 1998 notification date : may 15 , 1998 camera ready copy due : june 15 , 1998 program committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nancy belmore concordia university , canada sabine bergler concordia university , canada john esling univ . of victoria , canada eric keller univ . of lausanne , switzerland roland kuhn panasonic technologies , inc . , u . s . a . douglas o'shaughnessy inrs - telecommunications , canada ching y . suen concordia university , canada organizers - - - - - - - - - nancy belmore concordia university , canada sabine bergler concordia university , canada douglas o'shaughnessy inrs - t \ ' el \ ' ecommunications , canada registration - - - - - - - - - - - there is a discounted workshop fee for participants of coling / acl . participants who are not registered for coling / acl will have to pay the full workshop fee ( to be announced shortly ) . information - - - - - - - - - - any requests for information should be sent to trans98 @ cs . concordia . ca 0 +"Subject: llt v . 1 , n . 2 is available ( fwd ) we are happy to announce the publication of volume 1 , number 2 of language learning & technology , an international refereed online journal for second and foreign language educators , available at < http : / / polyglot . cal . msu . edu / llt > . feature articles : input vs . output practice in educational software for second language acquisition , noriko nagata "" to gloss or not to gloss "" : an investigation of reading comprehension online , lara l . lomicka effects of electronic mail on spanish l2 discourse , manuela gonzalez - bueno using the world wide web to integrate spanish language and culture : a pilot study , maritza osuna and carla meskill plus reviews of shockwave player , vivoactive , and technology enhanced language learning , and our regular emerging technologies and on the net columns . we look forward to receiving your submissions for our next issue . mark warschauer , editor language learning & technology ( http : / / polyglot . cal . msu . edu / llt ) markw @ hawaii . edu " 0 +Subject: call : lasso-27 call for papers lasso xxvii 27th annual meeting of the linguistic association of the southwest ( meeting jointly with wecol , western conference on linguistics ) october 9-11 , 1998 arizona state university tempe , arizona invited speaker : jane h . hill ( u of arizona ) presidential address : robert d . king ( u of texas - austin ) proposals for papers in any area of linguistics will be considered . for the 1998 meeting at arizona state university , submissions regarding languages of the southwest are particularly encouraged . we also especially solicit graduate student papers , which may be submitted following the meeting for consideration for the helmut esau prize , a $ 250 cash award made annually by lasso . presentation time for papers will be limited to twenty minutes plus ten minutes for discussion . the deadline for receipt of abstracts is june 15 , 1998 . notification of acceptance of papers will be sent out by august 1 , 1998 . only one abstract as single author and a second as co - author will be accepted from any individual . abstracts must be no longer than one page ( maximum of 250 words ) and should summarize the main points of the paper and explain relevant aspects of the data , methodology , and argumentation employed . keep use of special font items ( e . g . phonetic symbols , diacritic marks , branching diagrams , logical notation ) to a bare minimum . abstracts of accepted papers will be published exactly as received in a booklet for distribution at the meeting . at the beginning of your abstract place the paper title , and at the end of an e-mailed abstract ( or on a separate page of a mailed abstract ) repeat the title along with your name , affiliation , mailing address , telephone number , and e-mail address . it is strongly preferred that abstracts be submitted by e-mail . send to : gajill @ unix1 . sncc . lsu . edu in the absence of e-mail , or if your abstract contains any special symbols , send one hard copy of the abstract with a diskette ( labeled for operating system and word processing program ) to : jill brody department of geography & anthropology louisiana state university baton rouge , la 70803-4105 usa tel . 504-388 - 6171 lasso presenters are encouraged to submit their polished papers to be considered for publication in the _ southwest journal of linguistics _ . presentation of papers at the lasso annual meetings is a privilege of membership in lasso ; 1998 dues must be paid by june 15 in order for your abstract to be considered . annual dues for individuals are us $ 15 . 00 ( us $ 7 . 50 for students , retired persons , and those not employed ) . to pay dues or for additional information , contact : garland d . bills , executive director , lasso department of linguistics university of new mexico albuquerque , nm 87131-1196 usa tel . : 505-277 - 7416 fax : 505-277 - 6355 e - mail : gbills @ unm . edu 0 +"Subject: language conflict conference announcing : an interdisciplinary conference "" when languages collide : sociocultural and geopolitical implications of language conflict and language coexistence "" november 13-15 , 1998 ohio state university columbus , ohio rationale for conference : to discuss issues relating to language or dialect hegemony within societies including , but not limited to , language planning , designation of national or official languages , orthographic reform , dialect and language prestige , language endangerment and death , minority language status , gender or race-based linguistic hegemony , and the spread of english as the international language of science , business , etc . , and the reaction of non - english speaking peoples to this . in other words , we seek a discussion of all areas in which conflict or disputes arise as the result of competition between different languages or between dialects within a single language . moreover , our interest is in the social , political , historical , and linguistic dimensions of these issues , with a broad geographic coverage that is global in scope . conference themes : state - imposed linguistic unity and its implications ; the linguistic legacy of colonialism ; international languages , their positive and negative consequences ; contentious issues regarding national or local languages ; race - , ethnic - , gender - , and class-based dialects under siege by the dominant linguistic paradigm ; diglossia ; orthographies in competition ; conflicting romanizations of languages . featured plenary speakers : joshua fishman , stanford university victor a . friedman , university of chicago featured panelists : s . robert ramsey , university of maryland , college park yona sabar , university of california at los angeles lachman kubchandani , center for communication studies , pune ( india ) other invited speakers may be added in the next few weeks . call for papers : please send five copies of a one-page anonymous abstract ( no more than 500 words ) with a second page allowable for references and data , together with a 3 "" x 5 "" file card with your name , title of paper , address ( plus summer address , if different ) , phone number , fax , and e-mail address by may 15 , 1998 to : office of international studies for more information , call : attn : language conference 614-292 - 8770 300 oxley hall or write to : 1712 neil avenue wolf . 5 @ osu . edu columbus , ohio 43210-1219 we anticipate publishing selected papers from the conference with a major university press . " 0 +"Subject: review of boguraev and pustejovsky branimir boguraev and james pustejovsky . 1996 . corpus processing for lexical acquisition . mit press : cambridge , massachusetts . 245 pages . $ 32 . 50 . the term "" acquisition "" in the title of this book refers to automatic learning - - - acquisition not by human children , but by natural language systems . the papers in this book deal with the topic of building and refining lexica for natural language systems automatically - - i . e . by computer , with little or no human intervention - - from large corpora . building lexica for natural language systems by hand is difficult , expensive , and labor-intensive , and the result may be out of date before it is completed . furthermore , by the standards of earlier systems , lexica have become enormous . continuous speech dictation systems ship with active vocabularies in the range of 30 , 000 lexical items . lexica in production by one company are expected to have 200 , 000 entries for american english and 700 , 000 entries for german . so , from an industrial point of view , work on the automatic acquisition of lexical knowledge is very welcome . this is not to say that automatic lexical acquisition should be of interest only to applied linguists . lexical information is also necessary in psycholinguistic research , and some of the work in this volume shows such application . furthermore , the sorts of data that researchers in this field are attempting to acquire is just the sort of data that is needed for large-scale applications of formalisms like head - driven phrase structure grammar . so , the work described in this book should be of interest to academic , as well as industrial , linguists . this book is the result of a workshop , and as such , it has the usual scattering of topics seen in proceedings . this should be seen as a feature , not a bug : the result is that there is something here for everyone . various papers come from the fields of corpus linguistics , statistical analysis of language , psycholinguistics , rule acquisition , semantics , and lexical acquisition . the papers are divided into five broad categories : ( 1 ) unknown words , ( 2 ) building representations , ( 3 ) categorization , ( 4 ) lexical semantics , and ( 5 ) evaluation . in addition , a paper by the editors lays out the reasons for , and challenges of , automatic acquisition of lexical information . ( 1 ) introduction issues in text-based lexicon acquisition , branimir boguraev and james pustejovsky . this paper presents an in-depth answer to the question with which lexicon builders are perenially plagued by anyone to whom they try to explain their work : why not just use an on-line dictionary ? the short answer is that such dictionaries are static and do not evolve at the same pace as the language that they are attempting to describe . the long answer is that natural language systems require information that is not reflected in traditional dictionaries-semantic feature geometries , subcategorization frames , and so on . so : "" the fundamental problem of lexical acquisition . . . is how to provide , fully and adequately , the systems with the lexical knowledge they need to operate with the proper degree of efficiency . the answer . . . to which the community is converging today . . . is to extract the lexicon from the texts themselves "" ( 3 ) . automatic lexical acquisition can trivially solve the short-answer problem by allowing updating as frequently as new data can be acquired . more importantly , it allows the linguist to define the questions that they would like the lexicon to answer , rather than having those questions chosen for them by the dictionary maker . ( 2 ) dealing with unknown words consider a spell-checking program that encounters the ( unknown ) word "" horowitz . "" the spell checker would like to know the best action to take with this word : is it a mis-spelling that should be replaced with something else , or is it a precious datum that should be added to its lexicon ? the spell-checker asks its user ; the papers in this section discuss attempts to answer these questions automatically . linguists tend not to pay much attention to proper nouns . as mcdonald puts it in an epigram to his paper in this volume , "" proper names are the rodney dangerfield of linguistics . they do n't get no respect "" ( 21 ) . thus , it might surprise the reader to find that all three of the papers in this section deal with names . the identification and classification of names is , in fact , of considerable interest in natural language systems . for relatively uninflected languages like english , names may constitute the majority of unknown words encountered in a corpus . names raise special issues for classification , including the facts that they may have multiple forms ; multiple forms may have the same referent in a single text , raising problems for reference and coindexation ; and , on a less theoretically interesting but no less morally and legally compelling level , they may require special treatment in the corpus . for instance , proper names are routinely removed from medical data , and may need to be removed from sociolinguistic data , as well . internal and external evidence in the identification and semantic categorization of proper names . david d . mcdonald . this paper is written in the language of artificial intelligence . it describes the proper name facility of the sparser system . it describes the use of context-sensitive rewrite rules to analyze "" external evidence "" for proper names , e . g . their combinatorial properties . a surprising and impressive aspect of the system described here is that it does not use stored lists of proper nouns . identifying unknown proper names in newswire text . inderjeet mani , t . richard macmillan . this paper describes a method of using contextual clues such as appositives ( "" < name > , the daughter of a prominent local physician "" or "" a niloticist of great repute , < name > "" ) and felicity conditions for identifying names . the contextual clues themselves are then tapped for data about the referents of the names . categorizing and standardizing proper nouns for efficient information retrieval . woojin paik , elizabeth d . liddy , edmund yu , and mary mckenna . this paper deals with discovering and encoding relationships between groups and their members . paik et al . state the problem as follows : "" proper nouns are . . . important sources of information for detecting relevant document in information retrieval . . . . group proper nouns ( e . g . , "" middle east "" ) and group common nouns ( e . g . , "" third world "" ) will not match on their constituents unless the group entity is mentioned in the document "" ( 61 ) . the problem , then , is to allow a search on "" health care third world "" to find a document on "" health care in nicaragua . "" the paper includes a short but useful discussion of the problems that can arise with respect to prepositions when noun phrases containing proper nouns are parsed as common noun phrases . ( the authors solved this problem by changing the ordering of two bracketing routines . ) ( 3 ) building representations customizing a lexicon to better suit a computational task . marti a . hearst , hinrich schuetze . as mentioned above , lexicon building is expensive ; this paper describes a method for reducing development costs by customizing a pre-existing lexicon , rather than building a new one . the project described here uses as its pre-existing lexicon wordnet , an on-line lexicon that contains information about semantic relationships such as hypernymy , hyponymy , etc . this was customized by reducing the resolution of the semantic hierarchies to simple categories , and by combining categories from "" distant parts of the hierarchy . . . . . we are interested in finding grouping of terms that contribute to a frame or schema-like representation . . . this can be achieved by finding associational lexical relations among the existing taxonymic relations "" ( 79 ) . crucially , these relations should be derived from a particular corpus . the paper includes a nice description of the algorithm used for collapsing semantic categories . towards building contextual representations of word senses using statistical models . claudia leacock , geoffrey towell , and ellen m . voorhees . this paper describes a method for differentiating amongst the multiple senses of a polysemous word . the authors discuss using "" topical context , "" or content words occurring in the vicinity , and "" local context , "" which includes not just content words but function morphemes , word order , and syntactic structure . they test three methods of acquiring topical context : bayesian , context vector , and a neural network . they also give the results of a psycholinguistic experiment comparing human performance with machine performance , given the topical contexts created by the three types of "" classifiers . "" local context acquisition is based on acquiring "" templates , "" or specific sequences of words . this paper gives a particularly nice description of its algorithms , and is so clearly written as to be suitable for presentation in courses on statistics or psycholinguistics . ( 4 ) categorization a context driven conceptual clustering method for verb classification . roberto basili , maria - teresa pazienza , paola velardi . this paper describes a method of categorizing verbs with respect to thematic roles , drawing on the cobweb and ariosto _ lex systems . its aim is to do categorization without relying on "" defining features , "" and to categorize with respect to the domain of discourse . the authors describe their algorithms , and the paper has a nice literature review , covering both psycholinguistic and computational perspectives on classification . distinguished usage . scott a . waterman . this paper tackles the syntax / semantics interface . the author attempts to give a linguistic grounding to systems that map text to some knowledge base by means of pattern matching : "" by relating lexical pattern-based approaches to a lexical semantic framework , such as the generative lexicon theory [ pustejovsky , 1991 ] , my aim is to provide a basis through which pattern-based understanding systems can be understood in more conventional linguistic terms . . . . . my main contention is that such a framework can be developed by viewing the lexical patterns as structural mappings from text to denotation in a compositional lexical semantics . . . obviating the need for separate syntactic and semantic analysis "" ( 144 ) . this paper features an excellent presentation of background ideas and explication of the issues that it discusses . ( 5 ) lexical semantics detecting dependencies between semantic verb subclasses and subcategorization frames in text corpora . victor poznanski , antonio sanfilippo . this paper describes "" a suite of programs . . . . which elicit dependencies between semantic verb classes and their . . . subcategorization frames using machine readable thesauri to assist in semantic tagging of texts "" ( 176 ) . the system uses a commercially available thesaurus-like online lexicon to do semantic tagging . a "" subcategorization frame "" is then automatically extracted , and the subcategorization frames are analyzed and classified . acquiring predicate-argument mapping information from multilingual texts . chinatsu aone , douglas mckee . the authors hold predicate-argument mapping to be equivalent to conceptual representation ; as such , it is clearly important to language understanding . this is the only paper in the volume that deals with bilingual corpora . ( 6 ) evaluating acquisition evaluation techniques for automatic semantic extraction : comparing syntactic and window based approaches . gregory grefenstette . this paper proposes techniques for comparing "" knowledge-poor "" approaches to determining the degree of semantic similarity between two words . a syntax-based method is compared to a windowing technique . the syntax-based method is shown to perform better for high-frequency words , while the windowing method is the better performer for low-frequency words . conclusion this is by no means an introductory text on automatic lexical acquisition . nonetheless , this volume contains papers that will appeal to workers in a variety of linguistic disciplines . the reviewer k . bretonnel cohen is a linguist at voice input technologies in dublin , ohio , where his responsibilities include the construction of tools for lexicon building and analysis . " 0 +"Subject: journal announcement announcing the publication of a new sociolinguistics journal : working papers in discourse studies : language , gender , and culture the format of this semi-annual journal has a dual focus . the first issue each year will be devoted to issues of language , gender , and culture ; the second issue will address topics in discourse analysis . the journal is referreed by the editors , by a review board , and by the editor in chief , dr . lioba moshi . the papers are written by graduate students , and the journal is produced solely by graduate students as well . following is the table of contents of the first issue : frank bramlett . "" the concept of the self and the lexicon : language in and about gay communities . "" anne marie hamilton . "" politeness disparity : the role of parents in the transmission of gender communication stereotypes . "" katherine montwieler . "" constructing womanhood in contemporary american magazines . "" e . frances reese . "" language , gender , and power . "" carol spurgeon . "" strategies for increasing girls ' knowledge and options . "" seretha d . williams . "" linking the individual to the voice of the community : metaphors and images in black women 's narratives . "" for more information about this journal , please email the editors : anne marie hamilton [ anneh @ atlas . uga . edu ] or frank bramlett [ fbramlet @ atlas . uga . edu ] . or contact us via snail-mail at the university of georgia linguistics program , park hall , athens , georgia , 30602 . frank bramlett linguistics program frankb @ atlas . uga . edu http : / / www . linguistics . uga . edu " 0 +"Subject: australian linguistics institute final call papers for presentation ali ' 98 workshops as part of the australian linguistics institute ( ali ' 98 ) 6-16 july , 1998 . host : university of queensland , brisbane australia http : / / www . cltr . uq . edu . au : 8000 / ali98 workshops 1 . research issues for cognitive linguistics ( july 10 / opening plenary : july 9 ) convenor : june luchjenbroers , u . queensland , australia . [ junel @ lingua . cltr . uq . edu . au ] abstracts are invited from ali participants for paper presentations at this workshop . it is the convenor 's aim that this workshop will attract as many papers as possible from around australasia and beyond that investigate extra-linguistic cognitive processes in language and communication , to illustrate the diversity of research interests encompassed by the cognitive linguistics enterprise . invited speakers include : wallace chafe ( who will give the opening plenary ( thurs evening after classes ) , eve sweetser and arie verhagen . final date for abstract consideration : : : : : : : 12 january 1998 . send abstracts to the convenor , dr . june luchjenbroers preferably by email - - junel @ lingua . cltr . uq . edu . au notification of acceptance will sent in ( or before ) the first week of february 1998 . * * please also indicate if you ' re willing to have your abstract considered for inclusion at the als ( australian linguistics conference - - 3 - 5 / 7 / 95 , u . queensland ) if it cannot be included for this workshop . 2 . symposium on language contact & change : "" when languages meet "" ( july 10-11 ) convenors : patric mcconvell , northern territory u . australia [ p _ mcconvell @ banks . ntu . edu . au ] jeff siegel , u . new england , australia . [ jsiegel @ metz . une . edu . au ] the aim of this two-day symposium is to examine data on language contact and change in australia and the asia - pacific region in light of various theories proposed by scholars working in other parts of the world . it will focus on two areas : ( 1 ) code-switching and ( 2 ) the processes involved in the formation of contact languages , such as pidgins , creoles , and koines , with special emphasis on the role of the substrate languages . invited participants include michael clyne , jenny cheshire , claire lefebvre and carol myers - scotton . others interested in either presenting a paper or being a discussant should contact one of the convenors by 24 november : jeff siegel ( for contact languages ) and patrick mcconvell ( for code-switching ) . abstracts for papers are due by 12 january . those not accepted for the symposium may be considered for a special session on language contact at the australian linguistics society conference , preceding ali . 3 . new directions in language & gender research ( july 11 ) convenors : janet holmes , victoria u . , nz . [ janet . holmes @ vuw . ac . nz ] scott kiesling , anne pauwels , u . new england , australia . [ apauwels @ metz . une . edu . au ] joanne winter , monash u . , australia . this workshop will allow a range of women and men working at the forefront of current gender research to contribute their views about the directions they see the field developing in over the next ten years specifically in relation to theoretical models and methdological frameworks . the workshop will be organised in such a way as to facilitate discuss and input from others interested in the field will be encouraged . there will be limited scope for short presentations by ali participants working in the area of language & gender . if you wish to make a contribution to this workshop , please send a short abstract ( max . 100 words ) to janet holmes [ janet . holmes @ vuw . ac . nz ] and anne pauwels [ apauwels @ metz . une . edu . au ] by 10 february 1998 . * * * * * other ali workshops : : : : : : 1 . language and the law ( july 10 ) convenors : diana eades , u . hawaii , usa . [ deades @ metz . une . edu . au ] michael cook , u . new england , australia . [ mcook @ metz . une . edu . au ] the aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to the growing field of the applications of linguistics to legal contexts , with a particular focus on developments in australia . there are a number of areas in which linguistics is focusing on either the analysis of data from legal contexts ( such as police interviews , courtroom hearings , written statutes ) , or the presentation of linguistic analysis as expert evidence in court ( eg the analysis of recorded voices , or of the grammatical and discourse structure of answers in police interviews . ) participation will be invited from a number of australian linguists working on language in legal contexts . 2 . ethnosyntax ( july 11 ) convenor : nick enfield , u . melbourne , australia . [ enfield @ coombs . anu . edu . au - - or n . enfield @ linguistics . unimelb . edu . au ] the aim of this workshop is to explore , with an emphasis on empirical research , the hypothesis that the grammatical structuring of meaning in a language may be influenced by cultural preoccupations of its speakers . study of the language-culture relationship has its background in anthropological linguistics and later in cognitive anthropology ( see review in d ' andrade 1995 ) . many studies have tended to focus on lexicon , with the dominant modern approach to syntax showing little interest in conceptual , and particularly cultural , issues . however , the exploration of a language-culture relationship has enjoyed a recent resurgence of interest ( gumperz & levinson 1996 , lucy 1992 , inter alia ) . while work on linguistic relativity has been concerned with the relationship between language and * thought * ( with "" culture "" at the periphery ) , ethnosyntax focusses more on the relationship between language and * culture * . individual contributors may show some variation as to how they see "" culture "" best defined and described . this workshop will be suitable for anyone interested in general linguistics , semantics , anthropological linguistics , cultural and / or cognitive anthropology . expressions of interest by propective ali participants are welcome . please contact the convenor . 3 . machine translation ( july 11 ) convenor : francis bond , ntt japan . [ bond @ cslab . kecl . ntt . co . jp ] a brief overview of commercial machine translation systems , focussing on the language problems they face . then an introduction to the state of art of research , including rule and example based methodologies . an on-line analysis of example sentences , with the intermediate representations , lexicon and rule available , would be used to give a detailed description of the rule-based japanese - to - english machine translation system alt - j / e . the various stages of segmentation and morphological analysis , parsing and semantic analysis will all be introduced , followed by a discussion of how to transfer from one language to another , and the problems of generation of the target language . the workshop will conclude with an interactive demonstration of the system allowing participants to input ( japanese ) sentences of their choice , and examine the results . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * other conferences in brisbane to promote prospective ali participation , we wish to not only draw attention to the range of courses that will be on offer at the ali ' 98 , but also the range of options open to you for paper presentations . these include scope for formal participation at some of the workshops being offered at the ali ' 98 , as well as at any of the other linguistics and applied linguistics conferences that will be held here in brisbane either just before or after the ali ' 98 . june july = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 30 - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 6 - - - - - - - - - - - ( 13 ) - - - - - - - - 16 17 alaa , als ali australex lfg w 's hop world-call = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = if you would hope to combine the ali with an opportunity to present a paper , please consider ( in addition to the ( the first 3 ) workshops listed above ) , the linguistics and applied linguistics conferences that piggy-back the ali : 1 . australian linguistics society conference , ( als ' 98 ) 3rd - 5th july , 1998 host : the university of queensland , brisbane australia . contact : jingram @ lingua . cltr . uq . edu . au [ http : / / www . cltr . uq . oz . au : 8000 / als98 / ] 2 . applied linguistics association of australia , ( alaa ' 98 ) annual congress : 30 june - 3rd july , 1998 . host : griffith univ . , brisbane australia . contact : g . birch @ edn . gu . edu . au [ http : / / www . cltr . uq . oz . au : 8000 / alaa / ] 3 . australex 1998 17th july , 1998 . host : the university of queensland , brisbane australia . contact : bill _ krebs @ macmail . bond . edu . au [ http : / / www . anu . edu . au / linguistics / alex / ] 4 . lexical functional grammar workshop , 1998 30th june - 3rd july , 1998 . host : the university of queensland , brisbane australia . contact : cmanning @ ucc . su . oz . au 5 . world-call : call to creativity . inaugural world conference on computer - assisted language learning 13 - 17 july 1998 host : the university of melbourne , melbourne australia . contact : the conference secretariat , fauth royale & associates pty ltd , po box 895 , north sydney , nsw 2060 , australia . tel : 61 2 9954 4544 fax : 61 2 9954 4964 e - mail : fauroy @ ozemail . com . au [ http : / / adhocalypse . arts . unimelb . edu . au / ~ hlc / worldcall / ] " 0 +"Subject: language resources and evaluation provisional programme and call for participation towards a european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech . a workshop jointly organised by the european network of excellence in language and speech elsnet and the ec language engineering-4 project else to be held on wednesday may 27 , 9 : 00-13 : 00 at the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain right now , a generic framework for semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation of speech and nlp systems does not exist in europe . when confronted to a choice , developers and users prefer to ask the opinion of local experts as any other way of processing is either unrealistic or too costly . the le - 4 project else aims at providing developers with a generic strategy and definition of the primary building blocks needed to implement a semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation scheme . prominent speakers from field the have been invited to present papers addressing motivation , advantages , but also problems in connection with the implementation of such an evaluation scheme at an international scale . provisional programme : 09 : 00 opening ( joseph mariani , steven krauwer ) 09 : 05 confirmed presentations : "" the darpa experience "" ( charles wayne ) "" ethology and sociology of evaluation "" ( lynette hirschman ) "" the aupelf experience "" ( joseph mariani ) "" experience in grace tagging evaluation "" ( patrick paroubek ) "" experiences in bilingual text alignment evaluation and word sense disambiguation "" ( jean veronis ) "" best practice and evaluation "" ( ole bernsen / laila dybkjaer ) "" confidence measures and evaluation "" ( lin chase ) "" evaluation within eagles "" ( maghi king ) "" technology vs user - evaluation "" ( marc blasband ) "" organising parser evaluation "" ( richard sutcliffe ) "" evaluation for better products "" ( christian dugast ) "" resources for evaluation "" ( mark liberman ) "" the else project "" ( patrick paroubek ) 12 : 00 panel and discussion ( rob gaizauskas , moderator ) 13 : 00 closing the selected topics include the multilingual nature of evaluation , lessons from the past ( in europe and the us ) , and the need for language resources . at the workshop the first intermediate results of the else project will be presented and discussed . this call serves to invite interested parties to active participation in the workshop . during the workshop , ample opportunity will be provided for the participants to react to the presentation of the else project , and to the talks by the invited speakers . furthermore participants will be given the opportunity to give brief position statements . the workshop is very timely as it takes place when the ec 's 5th framework programme is taking shape . it is clear that the availability of a european evaluation infrastucture can be an important factor in european r&d activities , and that it can only be successful if it is organized and implemented on a european scale . programme committee the workshop is coorganized by elsnet and else . the programme committee will consist of the participants in the else le - 4 project : niels ole bernsen jean - pierre chanod khalid choukri robert gaizauskas steven krauwer isabelle de lamberterie joseph mariani klaus netter patrick paroubek martin rajman antonio zampolli contact steven krauwer trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , the netherlands phone : + 31 30 253 6050 fax : + 31 30 253 6000 email : steven . krauwer @ let . ruu . nl registration information for lrec and pre and post conference workshops conference the registration fees will be 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) per participant , with reduced fees of 20 . 000 pesetas ( about 120 ecu ) for early registration by march 9 , 1998 , and 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) for students . the fees cover the following services : a copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . for accompanying persons , the social dinner will be 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) . pre conference workshops pre conference workshops are 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec and 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec , and include a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and a coffee break . post conference workshop the 2 - day post conference workshop is 10 , 000 pesetas for those attending lrec and 20 , 000 pesetas for those not attending lrec , and includes a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and coffee breaks . registration willbe made only for those persons who have been invited to participate by the organizers . registration can be made on-site and must be paid in cash , using pesetas . for registration forms and more info : http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html " 0 +Subject: cross - language informational retrieval kluwer academic publishers is proud to announce the publication of : cross-language information retrieval edited by gregory grefenstette rank xerox european research centre , france cross - language information retrieval is the first book that addresses the problem of accessing multilingual information through a single-language query . this research problem is receiving growing attention by us and foreign governments . the universal adoption of the internet and the www have created an enormous , multilingual virtual textual database . rather than looking upon foreign language documents as distracting noise , one can consider these documents as untapped sources of information . cross - language information retrieval describes the problem , highlighting the differences between the field and the related areas of machine translation and information retrieval . researchers from europe , japan and america present a wide variety of techniques and experimental results . the life-size experiments are run on modern large-scale retrieval testbeds , running up to hundreds of megabytes of texts . the techniques involve using bilingual dictionaries , machine translation systems , parallel text corpora , comparable but non-parallel text corpora , latent semantic indexing , and weighted boolean interrogation . this volume is suitable as a secondary text for a graduate level course on cross - language information retrieval , and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry . contents and contributors preface . 1 . the problem of cross - language information retrieval ; g . grefenstette 2 . on the effective use of large parallel corpora in cross - language text retrieval ; m . w . davis 3 . statistical methods for cross - language information retrieval ; l . ballesteros , w . b . croft 4 . distributed cross - lingual information retrieval ; c . fluhr , et al 5 . automatic cross - language information retrieval using latent semantic indexing ; m . l . littman , et al . 6 . mapping vocabularies using latent semantics ; d . a . evans , et al . 7 . cross - language information retrieval : a system for comparable corpus querying ; e . picchi , c . peters . 8 . a language conversion front - end for cross - language information retrieval ; y . kiyoshi , et al . 9 . the systran nlp browser : an application of machine translation technology in cross - language information retrieval ; d . a . gachot , et al . 10 . a weighted boolean model for cross - language text retrieval ; d . hull . 11 . building a large multilingual test collection from comparable news documents ; p . sheridan , et al . 12 . evaluating cross - language text filtering effectiveness ; d . w . oard , b . j . dorr . references . index . the kluwer international series on information retrieval , volume 2 kluwer academic publishers , boston hardbound , isbn 0-7923 - 8122 - x , march 1998 , 200 pp . , $ 115 . 00 for more information about this publication , please visit our on - line catalogue at : http : / / www . wkap . nl or you may order directly from : kluwer academic publishers 101 philip drive norwell , ma . 02061 phone : 781-871 - 6600 , fax : ( 781 ) 871-6528 , e - mail : kluwer @ wkap . com kluwer academic publishers p . o . box 322 3300 ah dordrecht , the netherlands phone 31 78 639 2392 , fax : 31 78 6546474 , e - mail : services @ wkap . nl 0 +Subject: fwd : adult website hosting only $ 39 . 95 per month ! turn key adult websites : we do all the work , you make 100 % of the comissions ! call 407-599 - 5253 instantly become an adult webmaster ! get into the lucrative online adult industry today ! with the adult entertainment industry generating over $ 9 billion dollars in 1998 and averaging $ 1 billion per month so far in 1999 , it 's not hard to figure out where the money is really made on the internet . we can move your existing site onto our high speed servers , or we can give you a fully loaded site for one price . our starter account : $ 39 . 95 per month . call 407-599 - 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( 16x24cm ) isbn 90-5569 - 040 - 6 [ hil dissertations , 37 ] with summary in dutch . price : nlg 40 ( = approx . $ 20 ) excl . p&p information and orders : < mailto : mail @ hag . nl > or < http : / / www . hag . nl > . - - - - - - - - - - - - - the phonology of campidanian sardinian : a unitary account of a self-organizing structure _ the phonology of campidanian sardinian _ presents a theoretical account of the phonological system of the phonological system of southern sardinian . in addition to a description of the rich variety of phonological facts of the language , a unitary framework is developed which is based on three existing theories : the dependency - based approach to segmental structure , metrical prosody and optimality theory . major revisions and extensions of the three theories are proposed which lead to a unitary account of an entire phonological system , from the segmental level to the level of higher prosodic constituents . the phonological component of the grammar is argued to be subject to two conflicting and complementary requirements : faithfulness to the underlying representation of lexical and phrasal inputs , and wellformedness requirements on the outputs . the former preserves the interpretive task of phonology , while the latter aims at the maximal regularity and predictability of sound patterns . conflict resolutions between faithfulness and wellformedness constraints give rise to a phonological system which allows for both distinctiveness and learnability . as this book provides a description of an entire phonological system , as well as a theoretical account of the mental organization of sound patterns which underlies the observed phenomena , _ the phonology of campidanian sardinian is of interest both for descriptive and theoretical phonologists . paperback , xxii + 516 pp . ( 16x24cm ) isbn 90-5569 - 043 - 0 [ hil dissertations , 38 ] with summary in dutch . holland academic graphics [ scientific [ document ] processing ] po box 53292 2505 ag the hague the netherlands phone : + 31 70 448 0203 fax : + 31 70 448 0177 e-mail : rene @ hagpub . com http : / / www . hag . nl 0 +Subject: text - new editors call for papers - announcement of new editors t e x t an interdisciplinary journal for the study of discourse mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york since its inception in 1981 , text has established itself as an internationally recognized forum for interdisciplinary research on all aspects of discourse ( e . g . , the situational and historical nature of text production , the cognitive and sociocultural processes of language practice , participant-based structures of negotiation and linguistic selection ) . under the new editorship of srikant sarangi and john wilson , text aims to actively encourage submissions on these issues , not only about the theoretical dimensions of discourse but also their practical outcomes . text aims : * to challenge through critique and debate the tenets of discourse research across disciplinary boundaries , both in terms of theoretical output and practical outcomes . * to encourage dissemination of scholarly work in under-represented domains ( e . g . , communication science , artificial intelligence , forensic linguistics , rhetoric and composition , stylistics , narratives , institutional ethnography , sociology of science ) . * to remain independent of any individual or group ideology , while encouraging in equal measure the use of discourse to challenge discourse orthodoxy . * to establish a revitalized specialist board and an expanded advisory board consisting of well-known discourse scholars . * to produce annual text review issues to consolidate discourse-related research publications , including relevant book series . * * * to submit a contribution to text , please contact the editors at text @ cardiff . ac . uk or at the addresses given below . editors : dr . srikant sarangi centre for language and communication research university of wales , cardiff p . o . box 94 cardiff cf1 3xb united kingdom professor john wilson school of behavioural and communication sciences university of ulster at jordanstown shore rd , newtownabbey co . antrim bt37 0qb united kingdom review editor : david graddol school of education open university walton hall milton keynes mk7 6aa united kingdom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : mouton @ degruyter . de 0 +"Subject: wecol ' 98 cfp call for papers wecol ' 98 western conference on linguistics 9-11 october , 1998 arizona state university , tempe , arizona deadline for abstracts : 1 june 1998 abstracts are invited for 20 - minute talks in all areas of linguistic theory . abstracts should be anonymous , and should be no longer than one page , with one inch margins , in typeface no smaller than 12 characters per inch . an additional page with examples and references may be included . please provide 7 copies of the abstract . authors should identify themselves on a separate 3x5 "" index card , and should include the title and author 's address , affiliation , telephone number , and e-mail address . no e-mail or fax abstracts will be accepted . however , subsequent correspondence will be via e-mail . invited speaker : james mccloskey , university of california at santa cruz . abstracts should be sent to the following address : elly van gelderen , chair , abstracts committee wecol ' 98 po box 870302 department of english arizona state university tempe , az 85287-0302 " 0 +Subject: learner corpora international symposium on computer learner corpora , second language acquisition and foreign language teaching the chinese university of hong kong 14-16 december , 1998 first circular we are pleased to announce an international symposium on computer learner corpora ( clc ) to be held in hong kong from 14-16 december , 1998 . the symposium is intended as a multi-disciplinary forum for discussion and presentation of research on clcs . particular importance will be attached to examining its links with second language acquisition theory and foreign language teaching . computer learner corpora : a new source of data for sla and fl teaching interest in computer learner corpora is growing fast and there is a widespread acknowledgement among sla specialists and foreign language teaching professionals of their theoretical and practical value . several large computer learner corpora representing a range of mediums and genres either have been or are currently being compiled . the symposium will be an ideal opportunity to review progress and set new research goals . the programme of papers , poster presentations and software demonstrations will cover six broad topic areas : 1 . contribution of computer learner corpora ( clc ) to second language acquisition research 2 . learner corpus building 3 . software tools for learner corpus analysis 4 . clc methodology 5 . clc - based studies of learner grammar , lexis and discourse 6 . computer learner corpora and language teaching : tools and methodology although much of the current research up to the present has been carried out on english as a foreign / second language , papers reporting on clc research into different learner languages will also be welcome . symposium organizers professor joseph hung , the chinese university of hong kong professor sylviane granger , universit catholique de louvain , belgium organizational aspects - opening : monday 14 december , 1998 , 9 am - closing : wednesday 16 december , 1998 , 5 pm - max . 80 participants ( first come , first served ) - symposium fee ( including coffee breaks and meals ) : 200 us dollars - accommodation : 80 rooms available on / off cuhk campus : 60-90 us dollars for a twin room and 50-70 for a single room - a multi-media centre will house the software demonstrations - post - symposium tours of china and macau will be organized . deadlines - submission of preliminary notice of participation ( see attached form ) : 30 april 1998 - submission of 1 page ( a4 ) abstract : 8 may 1998 . electronic submission as a word file is encouraged , but a hard copy should be mailed or faxed to the local organizer - notification of acceptance / rejection : 15 may 1998 - registration and transfer of room deposit : 31 may 1998 - submission of an extended abstract ( c . 1 , 500 words ) to be included in the symposium proceedings : 30 september 1998 language the symposium working language ( including abstracts and presentations ) will be english . address all enquiries , requests and submissions should be directed to the local organizer , j . hung , preferably by email < josephhung @ cuhk . edu . hk > with an electronic copy to s . granger < granger @ etan . ucl . ac . be > . professor j . hung professor sylviane granger english department universit catholique de louvain the chinese university of hk centre for english corpus linguistics shatin , new territories place blaise pascal 1 hong kong 1348 louvain - la - neuve tel : + 852 2609-7004 belgium fax : + 852 2603-5270 tel : + 32 10 474947 ; 32 10474034 email : josephhung @ cuhk . edu . hk fax : + 32 10472579 email : granger @ etan . ucl . ac . be 0 +"Subject: second call for papers second announcement / call for papers congress on : "" storage and computation in linguistics "" utrecht institute of linguistics ots utrecht , the netherlands , october 19th , 20th and 21st , 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * deadline for submission of abstracts : may 15th , 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * on the occasion of its tenth anniversary , the utrecht institute of linguistics ots is organizing a three-day international congress from october 19th through october 21st 1998 . the theme of this congress is "" storage and computation in linguistics "" . invited speakers include : steve pinker , evening lecture ; ray jackendoff ( keynote lecture ) , frans zwarts , the architecture of the language faculty , harald clahsen , steven gillis , language acquisition ; john ohala , geert booij , language change ; sally thomason , pieter muysken , language variation ; nicholas asher , frans van eemeren , discourse analysis ; ed keenan & ed stabler , jan koster , grammar design . two distinct cognitive resources that people may employ in interpreting and producing linguistic utterances are , on the one hand , memory , and , on the other , computational procedures . an utterance may be assigned a certain structure and interpretation because it is recognized as an instance of a pattern that is stored in memory , or because computational procedures build up a complex representation of that pattern . in linguistics , this contrast is usually identified with the contrast between lexicon and grammar . in the context of this congress , the distinction is broadly conceived as a tool for exploring our understanding of language structure and language use . the relation between storage and computation will be analysed on the basis of a broad range of empirical questions , concerning issues in the representation and acquisition of linguistic knowledge , the foundations of language and information , and the cognitive and computational aspects of language use and processing . implications of the distinction between storage and computation will be discussed for six different domains of linguistic inquiry : * the architecture of the language faculty * language acquisition * language change * language variation * discourse analysis * grammar design the format of the congress is as follows : ( 1 ) a number of well-known linguistic scholars of different persuasions and from different subdisciplines are asked to contribute invited papers relating to the congress theme . there will be two invited speakers for each of the six domains of linguistic inquiry mentioned above . ( 2 ) there will be around twenty slots for presentations of selected papers . each selected paper will be allotted 25 minutes , including discussion . there will only be plenary sessions . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lot landelijke onderzoekschool taalwetenschap netherlands graduate school of linguistics trans 10 3512 jk utrecht phone : + 31 30 2536006 fax : + 31 30 2536000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 0 +"Subject: speech sounds of spontaneous speech the esca workshop sposs the deadline for submissions to the sposs workshop is april the 15th . please , send submissions at the adress given below . authors will be notified of paper acceptance by may the 31st . you are invited to participate in the esca workshop on the speech sounds of spontaneous speech . the workshop will emphasize on the production and perception of assimilatory and reduction processes in various languages and dialects . if you would like to present at this workshop , please submit a paper describing original research and results . five copies of the abstract ( in english ) should be sent to : sposs laboratoire parole et langage universite de provence 29 , avenue r . schuman 13621 aix en provence france - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - organisation committee : danielle duez , lpl , marie - helene casanova , lpl , martin brousseau , lpl , bernard teston , lpl , annie rival , lpl , invited speakers : * anne cutler ( max planck institute ) "" variable representations and the recognition of spoken words "" * klaus kohler ( university of kiel ) "" the phonetic representation of words in utterance phonology "" * bjorn lindblom ( university of stockholm ) "" untitled "" * jacqueline vaissiere ( universite de paris iii ) "" untitled "" themes : - articulatory and acoustic analysis of spontaneous-speech processes - spontaneous - speech processes in relation to prosodic information - perception of reduction and assimilatory processes and context effects - reduction and assimilatory processes : comparison between read speech and spontaneous speech - reduction and assimilatory processes : comparison between languages - modelling of spontaneous-speech processes - sound changes in light of spontaneous speech processes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - danielle duez e-mail : duez @ lpl . univ-aix . fr fax : 33 + 04 42 59 50 96 tel : 33 + 04 42 95 36 23 " 0 +"Subject: lfg ' 98 lfg98 : international lexical functional grammar conference 30 june - 2 july 1998 the university of queensland , brisbane , australia further information : * registration * : http : / / www . cltr . uq . edu . au : 8000 / ali98 / rego2 . html we strongly encourage advanced registration ! general : http : / / www . sultry . arts . usyd . edu . au / lfg98 lfg98 @ sultry . arts . usyd . edu . au workshops : http : / / www . sultry . arts . usyed . edu . au / lfg98 / workshops . html correspondences workshop : nigel vincent nigel . vincent @ man . ac . uk kersti borjars kersti . borjar @ man . ac . uk austronesian workshop : simon musgrave s . musgrave @ linguistics . unimelb . edu . au peter austin p . austin @ linguistics . unimelb . edu . au chinese workshop : patrizia pacioni p . pacioni @ asian . unimelb . edu . au tuesday 30 june 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 coffee 9 : 00-10 : 00 keynote talk avery andrews 10 : 00-10 : 30 break 10 : 30-11 : 00 joan bresnan pidgin genesis in ot 11 : 00-11 : 30 rens bod and ron kaplan grammaticality , robustness , and specificity in a probabilistic approach to lexical functional analysis 11 : 30-12 : 00 josef van genabith , anette frank , and michael dorna transfer constructions 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 - 2 : 00 kersti bo "" rjars clitics , affixes and parallel correspondence 2 : 00 - 2 : 30 yehuda n . falk case : interaction between syntax and discourse grammar 2 : 30 - 3 : 00 rachel nordlinger the case of subordinate clauses in australian languages : a constructive approach 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 break 3 : 30 - 6 : 30 correspondences workshop organizers : kersti bo "" rjars and nigel vincent * if you are interested in participating in this workshop , please see above website for details and contact the organizers . * wednesday 1 july 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 coffee 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 miriam butt and tracy holloway king interfacing phonology with lfg 9 : 30-10 : 00 farrell ackerman constructions and co - headedness : determining the grammatical function status of person / number marking 10 : 00-10 : 30 break 10 : 30-11 : 00 kumara henadeerage anaphoric binding in colloquial sinhala 11 : 00-11 : 30 maria lapata anaphoric binding in modern greek 11 : 30-12 : 00 wayan arka and christopher d . manning on the three subjects in indonesian : evidence from binding 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 - 6 : 30 austronesian workshop organizers : simon musgrave and peter austin peter austin and simon musgrave introduction : the problem of voice in austronesian languages bill foley symmetrical voice systems and precategoriality in philippine languages paul kroeger response to foley bill foley reply to kroeger i wayan arka and jane simpson control of complex arguments in balinese mike dukes evidence for grammatical functions in tongan thursday 2 july 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 coffee 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 anette frank , tracy holloway king , jonas kuhn , and john maxwell optimality theory style constraint ranking in large - scale lfg grammars 9 : 30-10 : 00 caroline brun terminology finite - state preprocessing for computational lfg 10 : 00-10 : 30 break 10 : 30-11 : 00 yukiko morimoto dative objects in japanese - sa nominalization 11 : 00-11 : 30 george aaron broadwell directionals as complex predicates in choctaw 11 : 30-12 : 00 yo matsumoto a reexamination of the cross - linguistic parameterization of causative predicates : japanese perspectives 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 - 2 : 00 peter sells scandinavian clause structure and object shift 2 : 00 - 2 : 30 judith berman , stefanie dipper , christian fortmann , and jonas kuhn argument clauses and correlative ` es ' in german - - deriving discourse properties in a unification analysis 2 : 30 - 3 : 00 louisa sadler on the analysis of celtic noun phrases 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 break 3 : 30 - 6 : 30 chinese workshop organizers : patrizia pacioni one-soon her lexical mapping in chinese inversion constructions chu-ren huang classifying event structure attributes : a verbal semantic perspective from chinese . haihua pan an lfg account of chinese passive construction . discussants : * please contact the organizer if you wish to be a discussant . * alternates : norbert bro "" ker a projection architecture for dependency grammar and how it compares to lfg lian-cheng chief , chu-ren huang , keh-jiann chen , mei-chih tsai , and lili chang what can near synonyms tell us " 0 +Subject: palc97 proceedings announcing the following publication : practical applications in language corpora the proceedings of palc97 editors : barbara lewandowska-tomaszczyk & patrick james melia includes papers given at the conference by : barbara lewandowska - tomaszczyk , tony mcenery , andrew wilson , michael hoey , lou burnard , guy aston , patrick hanks , philip king , stig johansson , bengt altenberg , bernhard kettermann and many others . to order this 578 - page volume , which includes 39 papers , please contact : patrick james melia at pjmelia @ krysia . uni . lodz . pl barbara lewandowska - tomaszczyk at blt @ krysia . uni . lodz . pl or write to : ' palc97 ' professor b . lewandowska - tomaszczyk , chair of english language , university of lodz , al . kosciuszki 65 , lodz 90-514 poland 0 +Subject: acl / coling workshop on translingual information management ! ! ! ! submission deadline march 23 ! ! ! ! coling-acl998 workshop on translingual information management current levels and future abilities august 16 , 1998 ( following acl / coling-98 ) university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) call for papers description - - - - - - - - - - the development of natural language applications which handle multi-lingual and multi-modal information is the next major challenge facing the field of computational linguistics . over the past 50 years , a variety of language-related capabilities has been developed in areas such as machine translation , information retrieval , and speech recognition , together with core capabilities such as information extraction , summarization , parsing , generation , multimedia planning and integration , statistics-based methods , ontologies , lexicon construction and lexical representations , and grammar . the next few years will require the extension of these technologies to encompass multi-lingual and multi-modal information . extending current technologies will require integration of the various capabilities into multi-functional natural language systems . however , there is today no clear vision of how these technologies could or should be assembled into a coherent framework . what would be involved in connecting a speech recognition system to an information retrieval engine , and then using machine translation and summarization software to process the retrieved text ? how can traditional parsing and generation be enhanced with statistical techniques ? what would be the effect of carefully crafted lexicons on traditional information retrieval ? this workshop is a follow-on to an nsf - sponsored workshop held in conjunction with the first international conference on language resources and evaluation in granada , spain ( may 1998 ) , at which an international panel of invited experts will consider these questions in an attempt to identify the most effective future directions of computational linguistics research - - especially in the context of the need to handle multi-lingual and multi-modal information . the follow-on acl workshop is intended to open the discussion to the computational inguistics community as a whole . the workshop will include ample time for discussion . a report summarizing the discussions at granada will be available before the acl workshop . topics - - - - - the workshop will focus on the following fundamental questions : 1 . what is the current level of capability in each of the major areas of the field dealing with language and related media of human communication ? 2 . how can ( some of ) these functions be integrated in the near future , and what kind of systems will result ? 3 . what are the major considerations for extending these functions to handle multi-lingual and multi-modal information , particularly in integrated systems of the type envisioned in ( 2 ) ? in particular , we will consider these questions in relation to the following areas : o multi-lingual resources ( lexicons , ontologies , corpora , etc . ) o information retrieval , especially cross-lingual and cross-modal o machine translation o automated ( cross-lingual ) summarization and information extraction o multimedia communication , in conjunction with text o evaluation and assessment techniques for each of these areas o methods and techniques ( both statistics-based and linguistics - based ) of pre-parsing , parsing , generation , information acquisition , etc . we invite submissions which report on work in these areas . all papers should clearly identify how the work addresses the issues and questions outlined above . submissions - - - - - - - - - - only hard-copy submissions will be accepted . authors should submit six ( 6 ) copies of the full-length paper ( 3500-5000 words ) . submissions should be sent to : nancy ide department of computer science vassar college 124 raymond avenue poughkeepsie , new york 12604-0520 usa style files and templates for preparing submissions can be found at http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html the official language of the conference is english . important deadlines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - submission deadline : march 23 , 1998 notification date : may 15 , 1998 camera ready copy due : june 15 , 1998 scientific committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - charles fillmore university of california berkeley , usa robert frederking carnegie mellon university , usa ulrich heid university of stuttgart , germany eduard hovy information sciences institute , usa nancy ide vassar college , usa lauri karttunen ( tentative ) rank xerox research , france kimmo koskenniemi university of helsinki , finland mun kew leong national university of singapore joseph mariani limsi / cnrs , france mark maybury the mitre corporation , usa sergei nirenburg new mexico state university , usa akitoshi okumura nec , japan martha palmer university of pennsylvania , usa james pustejovsky brandeis university , usa peter schaueble eth , switzerland oliviero stock irst , italy felisa verdejo uned , spain piek vossen university of amsterdam , netherlands wolfgang wahlster dfki , germany organizers - - - - - - - - - robert frederking , carnegie mellon university , usa eduard hovy , isi , university of southern california , usa nancy ide , vassar college , usa information - - - - - - - - - - information on the workshop can be found at http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / translingual . html inquiries may be addressed to the organizers : robert frederking < ref @ nl . cs . cmu . edu > eduard hovy < hovy @ isi . edu > nancy ide < ide @ cs . vassar . edu > 0 +"Subject: twente workshop on language technology twendial ' 98 13th twente workshop on language technology is the 2nd workshop on - - formal semantics and pragmatics of dialogue - - may 13-15 , 1998 university of twente , enschede , the netherlands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the mundial ' 97 workshop on formal semantics and pragmatics of dialogue was a success . many interesting approaches and phenomena were discussed . therefore we organize a follow-up . again , the workshop aims at bringing together researchers from various backgrounds that apply formal methods to the study of dialogue phenomena . contributions can for instance be based on drt , situation theory , dynamic semantics , agent theories , database theory and game theory . in particular , we hope to bridge the widely recognized gap between theory and practice in the design of dialogue systems . therefore we welcome both theoretical work as well as formal methods used in designing , building and testing applications of dialogue technology . twendial ' 98 is organized by joris hulstijn and anton nijholt ( university of twente , enschede , the netherlands ) . invited speakers * nicholas asher ( university of texas at austin ) * jonathan ginzburg ( hebrew university , jerusalem ) * steve pulman ( cambridge sri ) * henk zeevat ( university of amsterdam ) abstracts are invited for 30 minute presentations ( with 10 additional minutes for discussion ) on any topic related to formal semantics and pragmatics of dialogue . potential topics include , but are not limited to : * common ground in communication * modelling information of agents * inter-speaker reference * ' questions-under - discussion ' * designing and evaluating dialogue models please send two anonymous abstracts ( no more than two a4 or 8 1 / 2 "" by 11 "" pages in a 12 pt proportional font , possibly with an additional page for figures and references ) together with a separate page specifying author 's name , affiliation , address , phone number , e-mail address , and title of the abstract . e - mail submissions of abstracts written in plain ascii or latex are welcome . the submission deadline will be february 1st ( unlike in some earlier postings ) . joris hulstijn computer science , university of twente po box 217 , 7500 ae enschede the netherlands joris @ cs . utwente . nl abstracts will be refereed by an international programme committee . there will be a proceedings volume in the "" twlt "" series containing full papers based on these abstracts . for previous volumes in these series see ( http : / / wwwseti . cs . utwente . nl / parlevink / conferences ) . the proceedings will be distributed at the workshop . final submission of papers is therefore at least one month before the start of the workshop . important dates * deadline for submission 2 - page abstract : february 1st , 1998 * notification of acceptance : february 16 , 1998 * deadline for accepted papers : april 13 , 1998 * workshop : may 13-15 , 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - twendial ' 98 is the 13th twente workshop on language technology ( twlt13 ) . the twlt series is hosted by the parlevink linguistic engineering group and is sponsored by the centre of telematics and information technology ( ctit ) . " 0 +"Subject: new books in syntax & morphology ( 3 titles ) negation and clausal structure : a comparative study of romance languages raffaella zanuttini , georgetown university ( oxford studies in comparative syntax ) "" zanuttini is absolutely at the cutting edge of research both in romance languages and in theoretical syntax . . . . a significant contribution to the field . "" - - donna jo napoli , swarthmore college every human language has some syntactic means of distinguishing a negative from a non-negative sentence ; in other words , every speaker 's syntactic competence provides a means to express sentential negation . this ability , however , may be expressed in different ways , as shown by the fact that individual languages employ different syntactic strategies for the expression of the same semantic function of negating a sentence . zanuttini 's goal here is to characterize the range of such variation by comparing the different syntactic means for expressing sentential negation exhibited by the members of one language family - - the romance languages - - and by reducing the differences we witness to a constrained set of choices available to the particular grammars of these languages . this sort of analysis is a first step towards the ultimate goal of determining and understanding what limits there are on the syntactic options that universal grammar imposes on the expression of sentential negation . september 1997 216 pp . ; 18 charts 0-19 - 508055 - 6 paper $ 39 . 95 oxford university press clause structure and word order in hebrew and arabic : an essay in comparative semitic syntax ur shlonsky , university of geneva ( oxford studies in comparative syntax ) shlonsky uses chomsky 's government and binding approach to examine clausal architecture and verb movement in hebrew and several varieties of arabic . he establishes a syntactic analysis of hebrew and then extends that analysis to certain aspects of arabic clausal syntax . through this comparative lens of hebrew , shlonsky hopes to resolve a number of problems in arabic syntax . his results generate some novel and important conclusions concerning the patterns of negations , verb movement , the nature of participles , and the gamut of positions available to clausal subjects in both languages . june 1997 304 pp . 0-19 - 510867 - 1 paper $ 45 . 00 0-19 - 510866 - 3 cloth $ 75 . 00 oxford university press tense and aspect : from semantics to morphosyntax alessandra giorgi , university of bergamo , italy , and fabio pianesi , institute for technology and scientific research ( irst ) , trento , italy ( oxford studies in comparative syntax ) this book examines the interactions between the morphosyntax and the semantic interpretation of tense and aspect in the germanic and romance languages . these languages diverge not only in their variety of tense and aspectual forms , but also in the distribution and interpretation of given forms . adopting noam chomsky 's minimalist framework , alessandra giorgi and fabio pianesi attempt to provide theoretical explanations for the observed patterns of form and meaning which link the morphosyntactic properties of languages in both universal and language-particular constraints on interpretation . december 1997 336 pp . 0-19 - 509193 - 0 paper $ 35 . 00 0-19 - 509192 - 2 cloth $ 85 . 00 oxford university press for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org or visit the oxford university press usa web site : http : / / www . oup-usa . org oxford university press usa " 0 +Subject: aspect , eventuality types and nominal semantics ; filip , hana filip , hana ; aspect , eventuality types and nominal semantics ; 0-8153 - 3271 - 8 , cloth ; 321 pages , $ 71 ; garland publishing ; outstanding dissertations in linguistics this book examines the interplay between the semantics of noun phrases and verbal predicates , with an emphasis on data drawn from czech and english , and comparisons to german and finnish . the primary focus is on shifts in readings assigned to verbal predicates between event-readings and process-readings , often called ' aspect shift ' or ' coercion ' , and how these shifts are related to the semantics of constituent noun phrases . the book examines quantificational and definite interpretations of determinerless noun phrases in czech that are induced by the semantics of grammatical aspect ( perfective and imperfective ) , and by semantic properties of verbal affixes . three main these are defended in this book . the first is that grammatical aspect and eventuality types ( state , event , and process ) are related in so far as some of their semantic properties can be modeled in terms of mereological ' part-of ' relation ( her , as a complete join semilattice ) , and this is what accounts for their systematic interactions . a second thesis is that the thematic structure of verbs governs the seemingly disparate ways in which the interactions between verbal predicates and nominal arguments are manifested . and third , we can provide a unified analysis for the various interactions between verbal predicates and nominal arguments within a constraint-based ( or unification-based ) approach to natural language description . the book also gives a detailed analysis of certain verbal affixes ( chiefly prefixes ) in slavic languages , arguing that they have the semantic properties of quantifiers , with the variable ( event or individual ) they bind also determined by the thematic structure of verbs . this book will be of interest to a wide range of linguists concerned with aspect and how it interacts with lexical semantics , morphology , syntax and quantification . available for review e - mail : infor @ garland . com 0 +Subject: semitic languages workshop on computational approaches to semitic languages coling-acl98 sunday august 16 , 1998 , university of montreal final call for papers * * submission deadline : april 6 , 1998 * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - workshop description although there exists a considerable body of cl research specifically targeted to semitic languages , much of the work to date has been the result of initiatives undertaken by individual researchers or research establishments . a direct consequence is that there is comparatively little awareness amongst practitioners of either the state of the art as practiced outside their own locality , the common challenges faced by all practitioners , or the potential for developing a coordinated approach . the aims of this workshop are therefore : * to provide a forum where current work in a broad range of subfields can be presented , collected and diffused . * to assess the state of the art with a view to identifying promising areas for future collaborative research . * to set up initiatives to explore the possibilities of supporting such research through national and international funding agencies . subtopics areas of interest include ( but are not limited to ) : * educational applications * empirical methods * orthographic represention * language modelling * language resources * lexicon and lexical represention * machine translation * morphology and phonology * multilinguality * syntax , parsing and generation * speech applications workshop programme committee michael rosner , university of malta , malta ( coordinator ) mohamed abd - elsalam , sakr software , egypt ken beesley , xerox research centre europe , france khalid choukri , elra / elda , france yaacov choueka , bar ilan university , israel fathi debili , cnrs-crlao ( paris ) / irmc , tunis mamoun hattab , arabic textware , amman , jordan george kiraz , bell labs , usa chadia moghrabi , univerity of moncton , canada mori rimon , hebrew university , israel sponsor mid - med bank , malta submission requirements deadlines * submission deadline : april 6 , 1998 * notification date : june 1 , 1998 * camera ready copy due : june 22 , 1998 format * electronic submissions only , postscript format . * provide a list of keywords and indicate the best fitting subtopic from the above list . * latex users are encouraged to use the style file provided by acl : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / colaclsub . sty * maximum length is 8 pages including figures and references . * please use a4 or us letter format and set margins so that the text lies within a rectangle of 6 . 5 x 9 inches ( 16 . 5 x 23 cm ) . * use classical fonts such as times roman or computer modern , 11 to 12 points for text , 14 to 16 points for headings and title . * please submit papers to mros @ cs . um . edu . mt . all submissions will be acknowledged . contact michael rosner : mros @ cs . um . edu . mt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mike rosner ( mros @ cs . um . edu . mt ) last modified : fri feb 20 15 : 08 : 23 met 0 +"Subject: syntax of semitic languages the syntax of semitic languages university of southern california may 1 - 3 , 1998 hedco auditorium conference program for additional information , consult the conference website at http : / / www . usc . edu / dept / las / linguistics / semitic-itin . html / or contact prof . hagit borer at borer @ rcf . usc . edu friday , may 1st 9 : 00 - 9 : 30 registration 9 : 30-10 : 30 edit doron and shraga assif , the hebrew university "" the wackernagel position in syriac "" 10 : 30-11 : 00 coffee break 11 : 00-12 : 00 ibtissam kortobi , usc "" gapping and vp deletion in moroccan arabic "" 12 : 00 - 2 : 00 lunch break 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 joseph aoun , usc "" parasitic wh - in-situ "" 3 : 00 - 4 : 00 sharon armon - lotem , university of maryland "" on acquiring agreement without agreement nodes : verbal agreement in child hebrew "" 4 : 00 - 4 : 30 coffee break 4 : 30 - 5 : 30 asya perelzvaig , mcgill university "" cognate objects in hebrew "" 5 : 30 - 6 : 30 jamal ouhalla , queen mary college , london university "" expletive determiners in definite relatives "" saturday , may 2nd 9 : 00-10 : 00 elabbas benmamoun , university of illinois at urbana - champaign "" pf merger "" 10 : 00-11 : 00 idan landau , mit "" on possessor raising in hebrew "" 11 : 0-11 : 30 coffee break 11 : 30-12 : 30 tal siloni , tel - aviv university "" adjectival complexes and inalienable constructions "" 12 : 30 - 2 : 00 lunch break 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 mohammad mohammad , university of florida "" just how complex is the arabic agreement system "" 3 : 00 - 4 : 00 moha ennaji and fatima sadiqi , university of fes "" negation , tense and agreement in modern standard arabic "" 4 : 00 - 4 : 30 coffee break 4 : 30 - 5 : 30 lina choueiri , usc "" resumption in adverbial relatives of time and place in lebanese arabic "" 5 : 30 - 6 : 30 elizabeth ritter , university of calgary "" agreement in the semitic prefix conjugation "" party sunday , may 3rd 9 : 30-10 : 30 ur shlonsky , university of geneva "" copular constructions and subject positions in hebrew "" 10 : 30-11 : 00 coffee break 11 : 00-12 : 00 abdu elomari , usc "" the determinism of resumption "" 12 : 00 - 1 : 30 lunch break 1 : 30 - 2 : 00 business meeting 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 miriam engelhardt , the hebrew university "" nominalizations and control theory "" 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 coffee break 3 : 30 - 4 : 30 hagit borer , usc "" the argument structure of causatives : a top - down approach "" 4 : 30 - 5 : 30 abdelkader fassi fehri , mohammad v university "" are semitic genitives [ a definite ] ? " 0 +"Subject: amsterdam series in child language development vol . 6 as of now is available volume 6 of the "" amsterdam series in child language development "" : anne baker , mieke beers , gerard bol , jan de jong & geertje leemans ( eds ) "" child language disorders in a cross - linguistic perspective . proceedings of the fourth symposium of the european group on child language disorders . "" ( 1997 ) ascld no . 6 dfl 15 . 00 contents : gerard bol "" preface ' ( 5 - 7 ) anne baker , annette scheper , bart siebelink & philip treffers ' morphosyntactic problems in children with psychiatric disturbance ' ( 9-31 ) laura bosch & miquel serra ' grammatical morphology deficits of spanish - speaking children with specific language impairment ' ( 33-45 ) gina conti - ramsden ' what is the nature of specific language impairment ? is sli really specific ? ' ( 47-64 ) esther dromi , laurence leonard & galit adam ' evaluating the morphological abilities of hebrew - speaking children with sli ' ( 65-78 ) jan de jong ' verbal argument structure in specifically language impaired children ' ( 79-98 ) melita kovaevi , hermann schler and marta ljubei ' controlled sentence production in sli children : german and croatian studies ' ( 99-115 ) geertje leemans ' the acquisition of subj - v - agreement and v2 in dutch sli children - first results ' ( 117-141 ) eeva leinonen & carolyn letts ' why pragmatic impairment ? a case study in comprehension of inferential meaning ' ( 143-157 ) anne - marie schaerlaekens ' language loss and language recovery in landau - kleffner syndrome ' ( 159-177 ) the "" amsterdam series in child language development "" ( issn 1382-5550 ) was established in 1993 . the series editors are maaike verrips ( now utrecht ) and frank wijnen ( utrecht ) . publisher is the institute for general linguistics at the university of amsterdam ( where orders can be placed - - see below ) . more information on the "" amsterdam series in child language development "" can be found on ascld 's web-page : http : / / www-uilots . let . uu . nl / ~ frank . wijnen / ascld-info . html = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = amsterdam series in child language development = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ordering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ascld requires prepayment . as soon as your payment reaches us , we will send out your copies and an invoice . our dutch customers can order ascld 6 by transferring the amount of dfl 15 . 00 to ( postal ) account no . 5032250 of : vakgroep algemene taalwetenschap , universiteit van amsterdam , spuistraat 210 , 1012 vt amsterdam . ( postbank n . v . , amsterdam ) . please mention : "" bestelling ascld 6 "" . ascld 6 can be ordered from abroad in the following ways . please make sure you choose the right mode of payment and mention : "" ascld 6 "" . ( a ) [ all customers : ] send an international money order to the amount of dfl 15 . 00 to : vakgroep algemene taalwetenschap , uni - versiteit van amsterdam , spuistraat 210 , 1012 vt amsterdam , the netherlands . or : ( b ) [ all customers : ] you can also pay by american express card or visa - card . send us your creditcard number and the expiring date . ( c ) [ european customers : ] if you have a postal account ( europe ) , transfer dfl 15 . 00 to ( postal ) account no . 5032250 of : vakgroep algemene taalwetenschap etc . ( see ( a ) ) ( postbank n . v . , amsterdam , the netherlands ) . ( d ) [ european customers : ] send an euro cheque written out in dutch guilders ( amount : dfl 15 . 00 ) to vakgroep algemene taalweten - schap , spuistraat 210 , 1012 vt amsterdam . attention : due to extra bank charges other cheques or money orders cannot be accepted . please specify the required item . linguistics dept . / university of amsterdam / spuistraat 210 / 1012 vt amsterdam / the netherlands phone : + 31-20 - 5253864 fax : + 31-20 - 5253021 e-mail : atw @ let . uva . nl if you have any problems concerning your order of ascld 6 , please do not hesitate to contact the series editors at : ascld @ let . uva . nl [ or : ] ascld @ hum . uva . nl = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = ! ! ! ! ! ! attention ! new e-mail address : frank . wijnen @ let . uu . nl . ! ! ! ! ! ! please update your address books + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | fra n k wijnen | | utrecht institute of linguistics ots | | trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , netherlands | | tel + 31 30 253 6334 fax + 31 30 253 6000 | | http : / / www-uilots . let . uu . nl / ~ frank . wijnen / | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + " 0 +Subject: angels - sent to serve mankind learn to put angels to work ! angels are another race of beings occupying the same space and time as mankind . you can command angels to keep your children safe , to cause money to come into your hands , to protect your property , and to protect you from disease and disaster ! you may find this hard to believe , but i can prove it ! angels are exceedingly strong and of superior intelligence . their history and present mission are plainly described in the bible . they will serve and protect you , but you must take a few minutes to learn how to put them to work . to receive , via e-mail , secrets of putting angels to work in your life , send $ 4 . 00 ( cash , check or money order ) to northeastern associates , po box 278 , woburn , ma 01801 . please include a slip of paper along with your $ 4 . 00 requesting secrets of putting angels to work in your life and including your name , e-mail address and street address ( in case the e-mail should bounce for some reason ) . you owe it to yourself , and to your family , to understand and to put into practice the secrets of putting angels to work in your life ! these secrets have radically improved the life of everyone who has dared to put them into practice ! 1 +Subject: aiml ' 98 : final call for papers final call for papers advances in modal logic ' 98 aiml ' 98 october 16-18 , 1998 uppsala university , uppsala , sweden advances in modal logic is an initiative aimed at presenting an up-to - date picture of the state of the art in modal logic and its many applications . the initiative consists of a workshop series together with volumes based on those workshops . advances in modal logic ' 98 is the second workshop organized as part of this initiative . aiml ' 98 will be held from october 16 - - 18 , 1998 in uppsala , sweden . the workshop is intended for users of modal logic in cognition , computing , and language , as well as for logicians working in modal logic . topics : the aiml ' 98 workshop will be organized around a number of thematic areas : * modal logics of agency and normative systems * algebraic and model-theoretic aspects of modal logic * modal approaches to grammar and natural language semantics * computational aspects of modal logic * philosophical aspects of modal logic * modal logic and belief revision . papers on related subjects will also be considered . special session : during the workshop there will be a special afternoon session on modal logic and belief revision ; this session will be chaired by sven ove hansson and sten lindstrom . invited speakers : invited speakers include j . van benthem , k . fine , d . m . gabbay , j . horty , m . kracht , and r . parikh . paper submission : authors are invited to submit a detailed abstract of a full paper of at most 10 pages by e-mail to heinrich wansing at wansing @ rz . uni-leipzig . de , using ` aiml98 submission ' as the subject line . the cover page should include title , authors , and the coordinates of the corresponding author . following this it should be indicated which of the thematic areas best describes the content of the paper ( if none is appropriate , please give a set of keywords that best describe the topic of the paper ) . to be considered , submissions must be received no later than june 1 , 1998 . the preliminary version of the full paper to be included in a planned volume from the workshop should be available at the workshop ; the volume will be submitted to csli publications . authors will be notified of the acceptance of their paper by december 1 , 1998 . sponsors : the aiml ' 98 workshop is generously sponsored by neurotec hochtechnologie gmbh , the computational logic group at illc , university of amsterdam , compulog net network for computational logic , the swedish royal academy of science , and the university of uppsala . important dates : submission deadline : june 1 , 1998 notification : august 1 , 1998 workshop : october 16-18 , 1998 preliminary version for workshop volume due at the workshop notification of acceptance for publication : december 1 , 1998 programme committee : maarten de rijke , krister segerberg , heinrich wansing , michael zakharyaschev programme chair michael zakharyaschev institute of applied mathematics russian academy of sciences miusskaya square 4 125047 moscow russia ( e-mails : mishaz @ math . fu-berlin . de and mz @ spp . keldysh . ru ) aiml steering committee : maarten de rijke , heinrich wansing , michael zakharyaschev aiml advisory board : johan van benthem , max cresswell , luis farinas del cerro , larry moss , indiana krister , uppsala colin stirling further information : email enquiries about the aiml ' 98 workshop should be directed to krister . segerberg @ filosofi . uu . se . information about the aiml initiative can be obtained on the world - wide web at http : / / www . wins . uva . nl / ~ mdr / aiml . 0 +Subject: new journal - - information call for papers and articles ! first announcement for a new journal i n f o r m a t i o n issn : 1343-4500 an international journal for publishing original research papers and survey articles in chinese , japanese and english covering all areas of sciences and technologies . high quality research papers and survey articles are solicited , covering the scope of the journal outlined below . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = aims and scope = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the journal presents the latest information and research papers concerning high technologies and modern sciences . the journal introduces up-to - date trend concerning the forefront researches in all areas of science and technology , provides a spot to presents original and novel ideas , outlines present research activities , forecasts future research directions , discusses some research themes , and presents some high-level research papers . the journal covers all areas of science and technology with three sections : ( 1 ) natural science ( 2 ) cultural and social sciences ( 3 ) engineering and technology prospective papers and articles include : commentary , the latest trend , open problems , forecast , discussion , research papers , news , book review , project 's introduction , etc . catalog and abstracts will be published in chinese , japanese and english simultaneously . the papers and articles may be written in either chinese , japanese or english . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = contribution details = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = according to the essential points for preparing papers ( see the homepage : http : / / www . sv . cc . yamaguchi-u . ac . jp / ~ informat / indexe . html ) , the language of manuscripts can be one of chinese , japanese and english . only original papers ( not published or not simultaneously submitted to another journal ) will be considered for publication . copyright for published papers should be transfered to the journal . for electronic contribution , the latex source files or ps files are welcomed . please e-mail the manuscripts to informat @ po . cc . yamaguchi-u . ac . jp . for postmail contribution , four copies of the manu script should be airmailed to information secretariat faculty of science yamaguchi university , yoshida 1677 - 1 , yamaguchi 753-8512 , japan . manuscripts must include : ( 1 ) the title , author 's name ( s ) and affiliation in chinese or japanese ( if preparing the manuscripts in chinese or japanese ) , ( 2 ) the title , author 's name ( s ) , affiliation and abstract in english , ( 3 ) the body of the manuscripts , ( 4 ) references , ( 5 ) brief curriculum vitae for the author ( s ) . submission letters must include the correspondent author 's name , e-mail and street address , field of the manuscript , and offprints number to order . the journal has no page charges , but all authors are requested to buy at least 50 offprints of their papers . in some cases , it is possible , to discount or exempt from offprints charge when publishing committee approves . the offprints charge includes basic charge with 50 offprints and additional charge for more than 50 offprints . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = publishing committee = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = an internationally repected advisory editorial board has been appointed , members details are as follows : advisory board : h . hironaka , yamaguchi university , japan c . bai , chinese academy of sciences , china t . sawa , kyoto university , japan f . cao , peking university , china k . ushijima , kyushu university , japan d . qu , tsinghua university , china w . f . mccoll , university of oxford , uk editor-in - chief : l . li , yamaguchi university , japan associate editors : natural science : f . ren , hiroshima city university , japan cultural and social sciences : n . zhang , hiroshima shudo university , japan engineering and technology : j . cheng , kyushu university , japan editing and publishing : n . zhong , yamaguchi university , japan editorial board : y . yuan , chinese academy of sciences , china z . li , national sun yat - sen university , taiwan w . sun , city university of hong kong , hong kong j . wang , the institute of statistical math . , japan j . y . nie , university of montreal , canada k . t . lua , national univ . of singapore , singapore z . wang , sapporo university , japan m . jin , sapporo gakuin university , japan z . wang , miyazaki municipal university , japan h . ohnishi , kyoto university , japan g . yi , peking university , china t . torii , nagoya university , japan s . ma , ibaraki university , japan z . wu , ibaraki university , japan y . hong , chinese academy of sciences , china y . jiang , kyushu university , japan t . nakamura , tohoku university , japan j . chen , tsinghua university , china j . zeng , kyushu institute of technology , japan h . matsuno , yamaguchi university , japan n . wu , hokkaido university , japan s . liu , hiroshima city university , japan = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = subscription details = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the information journal issn : 1343-4500 4 issues per volume : jp \ 6000 ( in the japan ) jp \ 8000 ( all other countries ) volume 1 ( 1998 ) 2 issues : jp \ 3000 ( in the japan ) jp \ 4000 ( all other countries ) prices include postage / air speeded delivery the information journal will be published quarterly starting from july , 1998 . all correspondence should be sent to : information secretariat faculty of science , yamaguchi university yoshida 1677 - 1 , yamaguchi 753-8512 , japan tel : + 81-839 - 335687 , fax : + 81-839 - 335768 email : informat @ po . cc . yamaguchi-u . ac . jp http : / / www . sv . cc . yamaguchi-u . ac . jp / ~ informat / indexe . html 0 +"Subject: afro - asiatic languages fourth conference on afro-asiatic languages centre of african studies school of oriental & african studies london 25-27 th june 1998 invited speakers * : robert hoberman , suny john saeed , tcd baye yimam , aau * paul newman regrets that due to unforeseen circumstances he will be unable to attend as guest speaker as previously advertised . thursday , june 25 welcome by prof . r . j . hayward 09 : 00-10 : 00 robert hoberman , state university of new york : what is a binyan : maltese verb morphology 10 : 00-10 : 20 break 10 : 20-11 : 00 tali siloni , tel - aviv university : phonological case checking domain : the case of genitive 11 : 00-11 : 40 nili mandelblit , university of paris 7 : blending in hebrew causatives 11 : 40-12 : 20 mohamed naji , universities of paris x & viii : on the nature of the participial structures : the case of the semitic active participle 12 : 20 - 2 : 00 lunch 2 : 00 - 2 : 40 ruth kempson & malcolm edwards , soas & birkbeck college : resumptive pronouns in arabic & english 2 : 40 - 3 : 20 sabrina bendjaballah , university of paris 7 : some aspects of palatalization in somali 3 : 20 - 4 : 00 alain kihm , cnrs , paris : the berber construct state as subject marking 4 : 00 - 4 : 20 break 4 : 20 - 5 : 00 sharon rose , university of california - san diego : triple take : tigre and the case of internal reduplication 5 : 00 - 5 : 40 giuliano lancioni , university of rome 1 : noun phrases in amharic & standard arabic 5 : 40 - 6 : 20 hagit borer , university of southern california : the argument structure of causatives : a top - down approach 6 : 30 drinks party hosted by soas linguistics dept . friday , june 26 09 : 00-10 : 00 john saeed , trinity college dublin : 10 : 00-10 : 20 break 10 : 20-11 : 00 chris reintges , holland institute of generative linguistics : the correlation of verb movement , event semantics and subject agreement in older egyptian 11 : 00-11 : 40 david swinburne , soas : ' copular pronouns ' and the dynamics of hebrew 11 : 40-12 : 20 jamal ouhalla , queen mary & westfield , london : possession in sentences & in noun phrases 12 : 20 - 2 : 00 lunch 2 : 00 - 2 : 40 jacqueline lecarme , cnrs , nice : gender ' polarity ' and the nature of nominal number 2 : 40 - 3 : 20 james roberts , summer institute of linguistics - chad : feature spreading in mokulu noun plurals 3 : 20 - 4 : 00 mara frascarelli , university of rome 3 : long movement , "" that-trace "" effects and antiagreement in somali 4 : 00 - 4 : 20 break 4 : 20 - 5 : 00 degif petros , mit : classifying the subject agreement suffixes of semitic 5 : 00 - 5 : 40 edit doron , hebrew university , jerusalem : the passive participle in hebrew 5 : 40 - 6 : 20 business meeting 8 : 00 dinner saturday , june 27 09 : 00-10 : 00 baye yimam , addis ababa university : agreement phenomena in amharic 10 : 00-10 : 20 break 10 : 20-11 : 00 miriam engelhardt , hebrew university , jerusalem : definiteness and the construct form 11 : 00-11 : 40 shuly wintner , university of tbingen : definiteness agreement & inheritance in hebrew 11 : 40-12 : 20 melanie green , queen mary & westfield , london : the focus properties of copular sentences 12 : 20 - 2 : 00 lunch 2 : 00 - 2 : 40 ur shlonsky , university of geneva : copular constructions & subject positions in hebrew 2 : 40 - 3 : 20 philippe sgral , university of paris 7 : on phonological processes in the "" 3rd conjugation "" of somali 3 : 20 - 4 : 00 marco svolacchia & annarita pugielli , university of rome 3 : polysynthesis in east cushitic 4 : 00 - 4 : 20 break 4 : 20 - 5 : 00 abdellah chekayri & tobias scheer , al - akawayn university : the appearance of glides in classical arabic defective verbs 5 : 00 - 5 : 40 jean lowenstamm , university of paris 7 : the feminine & impersonal in chaha 5 : 40 - 6 : 20 abdelkader fassi fehri , mohammed v university : on strict adjacency in vs & nposs sequences conference site the conference * is hosted by the school of oriental and african studies . conference sessions will take place in the lower ground floor lecture theatre of the main building at soas . soas is located on the north-west corner of russell square . the nearest tube station is russell square on the piccadilly line . goodge st . on the northern line , euston square on the circle and metropolitan and euston main line station are 10 minutes walk away . * the conference is financed through the research committee of the school of oriental & african studies and the summer institute of linguistics . local committee : prof . r . j . hayward , dr . b . ingham , dr . j . ouhalla , ms . d . perrett . fees participants will be asked to pay a daily fee of 5 to cover conference expenses . accommodation accommodation will be arranged at dinwiddy house , the soas students residence , in single study bedrooms with en-suite shower , toilet and handbasin . rooms will be available from wednesday 24th june at 22 per night for bed & breakfast . please confirm your reservation as soon as possible using the accommodation form below . dinwiddy house is located on pentonville road not far from kings cross station 10-15 minutes walk from soas . participants will need to make their own way , on foot or by local transport ( 73 bus ) , to the conference site each day . details of hotel accommodation in the russell square area can be supplied on request . all correspondence should be addressed to : denise perrett , centre of african studies , school of oriental & african studies , russell square , london , wc1h 0xg tel : 0181-964 - 9141 fax : 0171-323 - 6254 e-mail : cal @ soas . ac . uk accommodation form please indicate below which accommodation options you want to take . it may also help us to know your travel plans . please complete the form and e-mail it to cal @ soas . ac . uk name : e-mail address : 1 . i wish to book bed & breakfast accommodation at dinwiddy house at 22 / twenty two pounds sterling per night ( payable on arrival ) for the following nights - 24th june yes / no 25th june yes / no 26th june yes / no 27th june yes / no 2 . i would like to receive information on hotel accommodation in the russell square area . yes / no 3 . i have made independent accommodation arrangements . yes / no 4 . i plan to travel by - airport : arrival date : arrival time : flight no : air _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ train _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 . i require information on ( other , please specify ) : travel to london ( directions designed for destination soas residence . ) arriving by air : heathrow - underground piccadilly line to king 's cross . gatwick - rail link to king 's x . luton - rail link train to king 's x . city - docklands railway & underground connections . arriving by rail : waterloo - from eurostar terminal change to underground for king 's x ( northern line to leicester square change to piccadilly for king 's x or bakerloo changing to piccadilly line at piccadilly circus ) . other main line stations - change to underground for connections to king 's x . arriving by car : directions available on request . car parking is a major problem in central london . taxis : metered cab ranks at all airports and main line stations . the walk from king 's cross station to dinwiddy house is 0 . 5 km . those with heavy luggage may prefer to take a taxi from the station . " 0 +"Subject: scil 10 call for papers . student conference in linguistics 10 special theme : linguistics in cognitive science keynote speaker : lila gleitman june 6 - 7 , 1998 northwestern university the 10th annual student conference in linguistics will be held at northwestern university in june 1998 . scil is a student-run conference run which aims to bring together graduate students from around the world to present their research and build connections with other students . the proceedings are published in the mit working papers in linguistics . we invite original , unpublished work in any area of linguistics . we would particularly like to encourage submissions which border other disciplines , in keeping with the conference theme . this includes , but is not limited to , psycholinguistics , computational linguistics , anthropological linguistics , speech perception and language acquisition . guidelines for submission : please submit ten copies of a one-page , 500 - word , anonymous abstract for a twenty-minute paper ( optionally , one additional page for data and / or references may be appended ) , along with a 3 "" by 5 "" card with : ( 1 ) your name , ( 2 ) your affiliation , ( 3 ) your address , phone number , and e-mail address , ( 4 ) the title of the paper , and ( 5 ) an indication of which subdivision of linguistics best describes the topic ( e . g . , phonetics , phonology , syntax , semantics , psycholinguistics , anthropological linguistics , computational linguistics , etc . ) the abstract should be as specific as possible , and it should clearly indicate the data covered , outline the arguments presented , and include any broader implications of the work . the deadline for receipt of abstracts is friday march 13 . send abstracts to : scil 10 department of linguistics northwestern university 2016 sheridan road evanston , il 60208 e - mail abstracts will be accepted in ascii only . the email message should also contain your name , affiliation , address , phone number , and e-mail address , the title of your paper , and the area of linguistics within which it falls . email abstracts should be submitted to scil @ ling . nwu . edu by 5pm on march 13 . further information is available at http : / / www . ling . nwu . edu / ~ scil . questions can be directed to scil @ ling . nwu . edu . " 0 +Subject: language and cognitive processes the following is the list of contents of the forthcoming issue of the journal language and cognitive processes . vol . 12 5 / 6 pages 505-892 october / december 1997 preface gerry t . m . altmann 505 on the inseparability of grammar and the lexicon : evidence from acquisition , aphasia , and real - time processing elizabeth bates and judith c . goodman 507 reflections on phonological bootstrapping : its role in lexical and syntactic acquisition anne christophe , teresa guasti , marina nespor , emmanuel dupoux and brit van ooyen 587 integrating form and meaning : a distributed model of speech perception m . gareth gaskell and william d . marslen - wilson 615 syllabification in speech production : evaluation of weaver ardi roelofs 659 the time course of activation of semantic information during spoken word recognition helen e . moss , samantha f . mccormick and lorraine k . tyler 697 semantic errors as neuropsychological evidence for the independence and the interaction of orthographic and phonological word forms gabriele miceli and rita capasso 735 structure and function in the lexical system : insights from distributed models of word reading and lexical decision david c . plaut 767 a connectionist model of the arabic plural system kim plunkett and ramin charles nakisa 809 abstracts 839 volume 12 contents , author index 891 further information and subscription details from the psychology press , 27 church road , hove , e . sussex bn3 2fa , uk . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = dr . gerry t . m . altmann g . altmann @ psych . york . ac . uk department of psychology university of york tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 434362 heslington , york y01 5dd . uk . fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 1904 433181 homepage : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ gtma1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 +Subject: books on functional linguistics john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new title in the field of functional linguistics : grammatical relations a functionalist perspective t . givon ( eds . ) 1997 viii , 350 pp . typological studies in language , 35 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 645 8 price : us $ 86 . 00 paper : 1 55619 646 6 price : us $ 29 . 95 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2931 7 price : hfl . 165 , - - paper : 90 272 2932 5 price : hfl . 60 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this volume presents a functional perspective on grammatical relations ( grs ) without neglecting their structural correlates . ever since the 1970s , the discussion of grs by functionally-oriented linguists has focused primarily on their functional aspects , such as reference , cognitive accessibility and discourse topicality . with some exceptions , functionalists have thus ceded the discussion of the structural correlates of grs to various formal schools . ever since edward keenan 's pioneering work on subject properties ( 1975 , 1976 ) , it has been apparent that subjecthood and objecthood can only be described properly by a basket of neither necessary nor sufficient properties - thus within a framework akin to rosch 's theory of prototype . some gr properties ar functional ( reference , topicality , accessibility ) ; others involve overt coding ( word-order , case marking , verb agreement ) . others yet are more abstract , involving control of grammatical processes ( rule-governed behavior ) . building on keenan 's pioneering work , this volume concentrates on the structural aspects of grs within a functionalist framework . following a theoretical introduction , the papers in the volume deal primarily with recalcitrant typological issues : the dissociation between overt coding properties of grs and their behavior-and - control properties ; grs in serial verb constructions ; grs in ergative languages ; the impact of clause union and grammaticalization on grs . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +Subject: morphology and syntax describing morphosyntax : a guide for field linguists thomas e . payne ( university of oregon ) ; describing morphosyntax : a guide for field linguists ; isbn : 0-521 - 58224 - 5 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 430 pp . ; pub . date : 10 / 31 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 64 . 95 ; this book is a guide for linguistic fieldworkers who wish to write a description of the morphology and syntax of one of the world 's many underdocumented languages . it offers readers who work through it one possible outline for a grammatical description , with many questions designed to help them address the key topics . appendices offer guidance on text and elicited data , and on sample reference grammars that readers might wish to consult . this will be a valuable resource to anyone engaged in linguistic fieldwork . ; contents : introduction ; 1 . demographic and ethnographic information ; 2 . morphological typology ; 3 . grammatical categories ; 4 . constituent order typology ; 5 . noun and noun-phrase operations ; 6 . predicate nominals and related constructions ; 7 . grammatical relations ; ! 8 . voice and valence adjusting operations ; 9 . other verb and veb-phrase operations ; 10 . pragmatically marked structures ; 11 . clause combinations ; 12 . conclusions : the language in use ; appendix 1 : on text and elicited data ; appendix 2 : sample reference grammars ; references ; indexes ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html parameters of morphosyntactic change parameters of morphosyntactic change ; isbn : 0-521 - 58402 - 7 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 556 pp . ; ans van kemenade , ed . ( free university of amsterdam ) ; pub . date : 6 / 30 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 74 . 95 ; the relationship between changes in ( inflectional ) morphology and the consequences of these changes in syntax has been a perennial issue in historical linguistics . the contributors to this volume address the issue of how to model the phenomena of syntactic and morphological change within recent frameworks , including the minimalist programme . topics addressed include the way categories like aspect and mood interact over time with the valency of verbs ; the nature of changes in verb placement ; the changing division of labor between different types of argument marking - - case , word order , clitics , agreement . ^ l the volume contains chapters by many of the leading scholars in the field . there is a substantial introduction which reviews the development of ideas in generative histori ! cal syntax over the last fifteen years , and assesses the distinctive properties of the generative position . the volume will appeal to those working in theoretical syntax , and also to specialists in the history of german , french and the romance and germanic languages more broadly . ; contents : introduction : parameters and morphosyntactic change ans van kemenade and nigel vincent ; part i . aspect , argument structure and case selection : 1 . the interdependence of cas , aspect and referentiality in the history of german werner abraham ; 2 . the rise of the article in the germanic languages julia philippi ; 3 . the diachronic development of a modal verb of necessity paola beninca and cecilia poletto ; 4 . auxiliary verbs in old and middle french philip h . miller ; 5 . commentary on part i : aspect , argument structure and case selection alessandra tomaselli ; part ii . clitics : 6 . the emergence of the d - system in romance nigel vincent ; 7 . on two locations for complement clitic pronouns maria luisa ! rivero ; 8 . on the integration of second position phenomena josep m second and comp : 9 . shifting triggers and diachronic reanalyses david lightfoot ; 10 . viewing change in progress alison henry ; 11 . verb movement in old and middle english anthony kroch and ann taylor ; 12 . v2 and embedded topicalization in old and middle english ans van kemenade ; 13 . qu ' est-ce que ce que : the diachronic evolution of a french complementizer laurie zaring and paul hirschbuhler ; 14 . the structure of parametric change , and v - movement in the history of english anthony warner ; part iv . scrambling and morphological change : 15 . directionality and word orderchange in the history of english ian roberts ; 16 . on the relation between morphological and syntactic case fred weerman ; 17 . the rise of positional licensing paul kiparsky ; the papers by kiparsky , roberts and weerman : an epilogue hoskuldur thrainsson ; references ; index . ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html a notional theory of syntactic categories john m . anderson ( university of edinburgh ) ; a notional theory of syntactic categories ; isbn : 0-521 - 58023 - 4 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 365 pp . ; pub . date : 4 / 28 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 69 . 95 ; this book presents an innovative theory of syntactic categories and the lexical classes they define . it revives the traditional idea that these are to be distinguished notionally ( semantically ) . the author proposes a notation based on semantic features that accounts for the syntactic behavior of classes . the book also presents a case for considering this classification - - again in a rather traditional vein - - to be basic to determining the syntactic structure of sentences . ; contents : 1 . prelude ; 2 . fundamentals of a notional theory ; 3 . the syntax of categories . ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html the raising of predicates : predicative noun phrases and the theory of clause structure andrea moro ( istituto scientifico h san raffaele , milan ) ; the raising of predicates : predicative noun phrases and the theory of clause structure ; isbn : 0-521 - 56233 - 3 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 328 pp . ; pub . date : 1 / 13 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 64 . 95 ; one of the basic premises of the theory of syntax is that clause structures can be minimally identified as containing a verb phrase , playing the role of predicate , and a noun phrase , playing the role of subject . in this study andrea moro identifies a new category of copular sentences , namely inverse copular sentences , where the predicative noun phrase occupies the position that is canonically reserved for subjects . in the process , he sheds new light on such classical issues as the distribution and nature of expletives , locality theory and cliticization phenomena . ; contents : 1 . the anomaly of copular sentences : the raising of predicates ; 2 . the syntax of ci ; 3 . are there parameters in semantics ? the defining properties of e ! xistential sentences ; 4 . the ' quasi-copula ' : on the role of finite clauses in seem-sentences ; 5 . a view beyond : unaccusativity as an epiphenomenon ; appendix : a brief history of the copula . ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html 0 +"Subject: non - lexical semantics conference schedule ( preferably ) non-lexical semantics the conference will take place at the university of paris 7 , 2 place jussieu , 75005 paris ( metro : jussieu ) , conference room of the "" insititut monod "" at the ground level of the tour 42 . schedule : thursday , may 28 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 registration 9 : 00 - 9 : 35 alexander grosu ( tel aviv ) "" the ' filter ' status of carlsonian contexts "" 9 : 35-10 : 05 roger schwarzschild and karina wilkinson "" quantifier scope in clausal comparatives "" 10 : 05-10 : 40 : philippe schlenker ( ucla ) "" clausal equation : a solution to the connectivity problem "" break 11 : 00-11 : 35 j . marc authier ( penn state ) "" on some properties of structure based semantic conditions "" 11 : 35-12 : 10 vivienne fong ( singapore ) and arto antila ( boston ) "" two cases of partitivity "" 12 : 10-12 : 45 claire gronemeyer ( lund ) "" the syntactic basis of evidentiality in lithuanian "" break 14 : 30-15 : 05 richard breheny ( london ) "" a quantificational approach to weak and strong interpretation of definites "" 15 : 05-15 : 40 robert van rooy ( amsterdam ) "" in situ interpretation of definites , indefinites and presuppositions by indexedactuality operators "" break 16 : 00-16 : 35 lisa matthewson ( mit ) "" the interpretation of wide-scope indefinites : evidence from st ' t ' imcets "" 16 : 35-17 : 10 ilena comorovski ( nancy ) "" adverbial quantification and backwards anaphora "" 18 : 00-19 : 00 ede zimmermann invited lecture friday , may 29 9 : 00 - 9 : 35 almerindo ojeda ( davis ) "" the interpretation of singularity "" 9 : 35-10 : 10 martin hackl and jon nissenbaum ( mit ) "" variable modal force in for - infinitival clauses "" 10 : 10-10 : 45 r . zuber ( cnrs ) "" atomicity and semantics "" break 11 : 05-11 : 40 frederike moltmann ( new york ) "" apparent quantifiers of higher types and nonreferential complements "" 11 : 40-12 : 15 georges rebuschi ( paris 3 ) "" e - type pronouns and quantification "" 12 : 15-12 : 50 henriette de swart ( utrecht ) "" pragmatics of scope "" break 14 : 30-15 : 05 kristin m . eide and tor a . aafarli ( norway ) "" generalized multifunctionality : how language recycles meaning "" 15 : 05-15 : 40 : zygmunt frajzyngier ( bulder ) "" towards a methodology for discovery of meaning of grammatical forms "" break 16 : 00-16 : 35 daniel lacombe ( paris7 ) "" la creativite logico-syntaxique du francais non-standard "" 16 : 35-17 : 10 arthur merin ( stuttgart ) "" the relevance of relevance : political economy of presupposition in a probability theory "" 17 : 10-17 : 45 joseph quer ( utrecht ) "" the contribution ofmood shift to interpretation : free relatives and conditional readings "" break 18 : 00-19 : 00 pauline jacobson ( brown ) invited lecture 19 : 00 : wine and cheese party saturday may 30 9 : 00-10 : 00 savas tsohatzidis ( saloniki ) invited lecture break 10 : 15-10 : 50 : jacques jayez ( paris ) "" a proof-theoretic non-scalar account of scalar inferences "" 10 : 50-11 : 25 regine eckardt ( konstanz ) "" the proper scope of event quantification "" 11 : 25-12 : 00 xiao lu ( rochester ) "" verb class , aspect , and the chinese verb de - construction "" 12 : 00-12 : 35 markus kracht ( berlin ) "" on the semantics of locatives "" alternates : 1 . akira ikeya ( toyo gakuen university ) : the predicate - argument structure of english and japanese adjectives "" 2 . rusudan asatiani ( tbilisi ) : the semantics and functions of yes / no particles ( on the date of the georgial language ) 2 . resistration fee : 90 ff ( this includes the wine and cheese party ) " 0 +Subject: coling / acl workshop on multi - lingual information retrieval coling - acl ' 98 workshop multilingual information management : current levels and future abilities august 16 , 1998 universiti de montrial montrial / canada the coling / acl workshop on multilingual information management is a follow-on to an nsf - sponsored workshop held in conjunction with the first international conference on language resources and evaluation in granada , spain ( may 1998 ) , at which an international panel of invited experts considered these questions in an attempt to identify the most effective future directions of computational linguistics research - - especially in the context of the need to handle multi-lingual and multi-modal information . the follow-on workshop is intended to open the discussion to the computational linguistics community as a whole . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * registration deadline is july 1 ! ! ! ! * * * * to register , consult the coling / acl home page at * * * * http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / mainpage . html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * workshop description the development of natural language applications which handle multi-lingual and multi-modal information is the next major challenge facing the field of computational linguistics . over the past 50 years , a variety of language-related capabilities has been developed in areas such as machine translation , information retrieval , and speech recognition , together with core capabilities such as information extraction , summarization , parsing , generation , multimedia planning and integration , statistics-based methods , ontologies , lexicon construction and lexical representations , and grammar . the next few years will require the extension of these technologies to encompass multi-lingual and multi-modal information . extending current technologies will require integration of the various capabilities into multi-functional natural language systems . however , there is today no clear vision of how these technologies could or should be assembled into a coherent framework . what would be involved in connecting a speech recognition system to an information retrieval engine , and then using machine translation and summarization software to process the retrieved text ? how can traditional parsing and generation be enhanced with statistical techniques ? what would be the effect of carefully crafted lexicons on traditional information retrieval ? the workshop will be organized as a series of panels reporting on the outcome of discussions in the granada workshop ( a report summarizing the discussions at granada will be available before the coling - acl workshop ) . ample time for discussion will be included . the discussion will focus on the following fundamental questions : 1 . what is the current level of capability in each of the major areas of the field dealing with language and related media of human communication ? 2 . how can ( some of ) these functions be integrated in the near future , and what kind of systems will result ? 3 . what are the major considerations for extending these functions to handle multi-lingual and multi-modal information , particularly in integrated systems of the type envisioned in ( 2 ) ? in particular , we will consider these questions in relation to the following areas : o multi-lingual resources ( lexicons , ontologies , corpora , etc . ) o information retrieval , especially cross-lingual and cross-modal o machine translation o automated ( cross-lingual ) summarization and information extraction o multimedia communication , in conjunction with text o evaluation and assessment techniques for each of these areas o methods and techniques ( both statistics-based and linguistics-based ) o parsing , generation , information acquisition , etc . o speech recognition and synthesis o language and speaker identification and speech translation program committee khalid choukri , european languages resource association charles fillmore , university of california berkeley , usa robert frederking , carnegie mellon university , usa ulrich heid , university of stuttgart , germany eduard hovy , information sciences institute , usa nancy ide , vassar college , usa mun kew leong , national university of singapore joseph mariani , limsi / cnrs , france mark maybury , the mitre corporation , usa sergei nirenburg , new mexico state university , usa akitoshi okumura , nec , japan martha palmer , university of pennsylvania , usa james pustejovsky , brandeis university , usa peter schaueble , eth zurich , switzerland oliviero stock , irst , italy felisa verdejo , uned , spain piek vossen , university of amsterdam , netherlands wolfgang wahlster , dfki , germany antonio zampolli , istituto di linguistica computazionale , italy organizers bob frederking center for machine translation carnegie - mellon university schenley park pittsburgh , pa 15213-3890 tel : ( + 1 412 ) 268-6656 fax : ( + 1 412 ) 268-6298 email : ref @ nl . cs . cmu . edu eduard hovy information sciences institute of the university of southern california 4676 admiralty way marina del rey , ca 90292-6695 tel : ( + 1 310 ) 822-1511 fax : ( + 1 310 ) 823-6714 email : hovy @ isi . edu nancy ide department of computer science vassar college 124 raymond avenue poughkeepsie , new york 12604-0520 usa tel : ( + 1 914 ) 437 5988 fax : ( + 1 914 ) 437 7498 e - mail : ide @ cs . vassar . edu 0 +"Subject: logic course on the internet call for participation logic course on the internet : dynamic semantics the institute for logic , language and computation and the dutch graduate school in logic hereby announce the second electronic course on dynamic semantics . this is lectured mainly over the internet and is intended for an international audience . the course is given by david beaver ( csli , stanford ) , paul dekker and willem groeneveld ( both illc , amsterdam ) . the course is meant for phd students and advanced undergraduates who are familiar with basic notions of logic and model-theoretic semantics , and who share an interest in the formal analysis of the semantics and pragmatics of natural language . the course consists of two parts . the first part ( may 25 to july 10 ) is given entirely on the world wide web . all communication ( including an electronic classroom , readers , collaboration on exercises etc . ) then takes place over the internet . after a five weeks break , the course continues on a face to face basis at the summer school ( august 17 - - 28 in saarbruecken ) . the course offers room for a limited number ( 20 ) of participants . people who are interested are adviced to subscribe before may 5 - th to "" dekker @ philo . uva . nl "" , and include a sketch of background , education and interests . for more information the reader may consult the course plan at : http : / / turing . wins . uva . nl / ~ pdekker / course / plan . html david beaver , paul dekker , willem groeneveld institute for logic , language and computation university of amsterdam " 0 +Subject: adv : y2k . . . pristine , remote wilderness acreage . the perfect get-a - way is just a click away . . . http : / / www . envst100 . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - note : we mail to people whom we feel are interested in what we have to offer and do not allow anyone else to use our list . once in a while we ' ll notify you of web sites , products , services and promotions that could be of special interest to you . we respect your right to privacy . if you do not wish to receive these notices and prefer never to hear from us , simply click on the link provided and put remove in the subject line mailto : tmedia1 @ idmail . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - error - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 +Subject: euralex ' 98 - revised programme euralex ' 98 - liege , belgium ( 4 - 8 august 1998 ) dear colleagues , the final programme of the 8th international congress of the european association for lexicography ( euralex ' 98 ) is now available at the following web address : http : / / engdep1 . philo . ulg . ac . be / euralex . htm ( click on euralex ' 98 final programme ) or directly at http : / / engdep1 . philo . ulg . ac . be / michiels / final . htm best wishes , thierry fontenelle 0 +Subject: sociolinguistics social influences on vocal development social influences on vocal development ; isbn : 0-521 - 49526 - 1 ; hardback , 7 1 / 2 x 9 3 / 4 , 362 pp . ; charles t . snowdon , ed . ( university of wisconsin , madison ) ; pub . date : 3 / 28 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 90 ; both song and language require species-specific stimulation at a sensitive period in development , as well as subsequent practice ( subsong and plastic song in birds and babbling in infant humans ) that leads to the development of characteristic vocalizations for each species . this book illustrates how social interactions during development can shape vocal learning and extend the sensitive period beyond infancy , and how social companions can induce flexibility even into adulthood . this book shows how social companions in a wide range of species including birds and humans as well as cetaceans and nonhuman primates play important roles in the shaping of vocal production as well as the comprehension and appropriate use of vocal communication . ; contents : 1 . introduction , c . t . snowdon & ; m . hausberger / 2 . social interaction and sensitive phases for song learning : a critical review , d . a . nelson / 3 . social interaction and vocal development in birds , l . f . baptista & ; s . l . l . gaunt / 4 . building a social agenda for the study of bird song , m . j . west , a . p . king & ; t . m . freeberg / 5 . field observations , experimental design and the time and place of learning in bird songs , r . b . payne & ; l . l . payne / 6 . vocal learning in wild and domesticated zebra finches : signature cues for kin recognition or epiphenomena ? , r . zann / 7 . what birds with complex social relationships can tell us about vocal learning : vocal sharing in avian groups , e . d . brown & ; s . m . farabaugh / 8 . social influences on song acquisition and sharing in the european starling ( sturnus vulgaris ) , m . hausberger / 9 . social influences on the acquisition of human-based codes in parrots and nonhuman primates , i . m . pepperberg / 10 . vocal learning in captive bottlenose dolphins : a comparison to humans and nonhuman animals , b . mccowan & ; d . reiss / 11 . vocal learning in cetaceans , p . l . tyack & ; l . s . sayigh / 12 . social influences on vocal development in new world primates , c . t . snowdon , a . m . elowson & ; r . s . roush / 13 . some general features of vocal development in nonhuman primates , r . m . seyfarth & ; d . l . cheney / 14 . social influences on vocal learning in human and nonhuman primates , j . l . locke & ; c . snow / 15 . the resilience of language in humans , s . goldin - meadow / 16 . reciprocal interactions and the development of communication and language between parents and children , annick jouanjean - l ' anto ^ d" ; ene / 17 . crafting activities : building social organization through language in girls ' and boys ' groups , m . harness goodwin ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html interaction and the development of mind a . j . wootton ( university of york ) ; interaction and the development of mind ; isbn : 0-521 - 57341 - 6 ; hardback , 5 1 / 2 x 8 1 / 2 , 230 pp . ; pub . date : 4 / 13 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 54 . 95 ; this study identifies key mechanisms through which a young child operates with external knowledge in his / her immediate social context . central to this is the child 's capacity to draw on discourse-based understandings that have become evident in prior interaction . in contrast to studies that analyze development under different headings , such as language , emotions and cognition , tony wootton links these aspects in his examination of the state of understanding that exists at any given moment in interaction . the result is a distinctive social constructionist approach to children 's development . ; contents : 1 . overview of arguments and procedures ; 2 . requesting at 12-24 months : an overview ; 3 . imperatives and sequential knowledge ; 4 . distressing incidents ; 5 . the emergence of two request forms ; 6 . general skills involved in early requesting . ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html language shift and cultural reproduction : socialization , self and syncretism in a papua new guinea village don kulick ( stockholm university ) ; language shift and cultural reproduction : socialization , self and syncretism in a papua new guinea village ; isbn : 0-521 - 59926 - 1 ; paperback , 6 x 9 , 335 pp . ; pub . date : 4 / 28 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 24 . 95 ; don kulick 's book is an anthropological study of language and cultural change among a small group of people living in the sepik region of papua new guinea . he examines why the villagers of gapun are abandoning their vernacular in favor of tok pisin , the most widely spoken language in papua new guinea , despite their attachment to their own language as a source of identity and as a tie to their lands . he draws on an examination of village language socialization process and on marshall sahlins 's ideas about structure and event . ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html 0 +"Subject: free copy of "" selling it products to the government marketplace "" hi , over 100 , 000 sales professionals have read our informative white paper report "" selling it products and services to the government marketplace "" . this is a free report . there are no ifs , ands or buts , it 's free . now i ' m announcing the completion of the updated and new report . just call me at 1-800 - 537-3786 and receive information on how to get the report on the internet within 5 minutes , at no cost and no obligation . i hope you enjoy it . feel free to forward this message to other interested parties . thank you , john raymond executive vice president ps : my research shows that this information is of interest to you . if you prefer , place "" remove "" in the subject line and you will be promptly removed . sorry for the inconvenience . " 1 +Subject: ellipsis in conjunction call for papers , focus group , zas , berlin , oct . 2 - 3 , 1998 workshop on ellipsis in conjunction in view of the growing interest in conjunction ellipsis this workshop is an attempt to promote the communication and bridge the gaps between different approaches within the framework of generative syntax . the workshop will concentrate on the following issues : ( 1 ) the structure of a conjunction construction . is the base-generated structure of a coordinate construction a double-headed structure ( williams 1994 ) , or does it have the second conjunct right-adjoined to the first conjunct ( reinhart 1991 ) , or is it a projection of a conjunction word ( &p ) ( munn1987 ) , or something else ? ( 2 ) the possible categories to be conjoined . must a conjunct be a clause or an extended projection ( excluding smaller xp - types ) ? must a conjunct be an xp ( excluding head and x ' ) ? and how are ' asymmetrical coordinations ' analyzed if only ' like ' categories can be conjoined ? ( 3 ) the analyses of ellipsis and gapping constructions . the verb gapping construction , for instance , has been analyzed as rightward np movement followed by an identical constituent deletion ( jayaseelan 1990 ) , across - the - board verb movement ( johnson 1996 ) , and deletion licensed in lf ( wilder 1997 ) . in addition , it remains to be shown how to account for the relationships between vp ellipsis , pseudogapping and gapping . furthermore , a general study of sluicing is required to cover wh in-situ languages where slucing does not alternate with an overt movement to eliminate strong features of a wh question ( lasnik 1997 ) . ( 4 ) the analysis of similarities and differences among various types of reduction . how and why do coordinative , comparative , and exception conjunction ellipses share properties and differ from each other syntactically , and / or semantically ? are the properties of forwad deletion and backward deletion related to lf and pf respectively , as claimed by wilder ( 1997 ) ? ( 5 ) the constraints on the ellipsis constructions . what are the language-specific properties that might interact with the representations of conjunction ellipsis ? are there any ellipsis or gapping rules in ug ? ( 6 ) the connection between conjunction ellipsis and information structure . to what extent are such ellipses determined by information structural aspects like focus background structuring ? ( 7 ) studies of conjunction ellipsis of a greater variety of languages . invited speakers : danny fox tilman hoehle kyle johnson jason merchant alan munn craig thiersch chris wilder organizers : kerstin schwabe , niina zhang , horst - dieter gasde , and andre meinunger the deadline for receipt of abstracts is july 1 , 1998 . please send your abstract ( 1 a4 / letter - size max ) to : dr . niina zhang zas jaegerstr . 10-11 10117 berlin germany tel : 49-30 - 20192572 fax : 49-30 - 20192402 email : ellipsis @ zas . gwz-berlin . de we accept abstracts by fax , email , as well as regular mail . the selection of the abstracts for presentation will be finished by the end of august . zentrum fur allgemeine sprachwissenschaft ( zas ) http : / / www . zas . gwz-berlin . de 0 +"Subject: mt special issue on slt : reminder reminder - - deadline is july 1 1998 call for submissions machine translation special issue on spoken language translation guest editor : steven krauwer ( utrecht university ) guest editorial board : doug arnold ( university of essex ) pascale fung ( hkust , hong kong ) walter kasper ( dfki , saarbrucken ) alon lavie ( cmu , pittsburgh ) lori levin ( cmu , pittsburgh ) hermann ney ( rwth , aachen ) harold somers ( umist , manchester ) some 15 years ago , when machine translation had become fashionable again in europe , few people would be prepared to consider seriously embarking upon spoken language translation research . after all , where both machine translation of written text , and speech understanding and production ( despite important achievements ) were still quite far from showing robustness in domain-independent applications , it seemed clear that putting three not even halfway understood technologies together would be premature , and bound to fail . since then , the world has changed . many researchers , both in academia and in industry , have taken up the challenge to build systems capable of translating spoken language . does that mean that most of the problems involved in speech-to - text , text-to - text translation , and text-to - speech have been solved ? the answer is no : although we have made a tremendous progress , both from a scientific and from a technological point of view , many of the fundamental problems in mt and in speech understanding remain unsolved . yet a certain degree of optimism is justified here . first of all , it is clear that on the whole general expectations of what mt will do are changing . where in the past the ultimate goal of mt seemed to be to provide a perfect , but cheaper and faster alternative to the human translator , there is now a clear shift from the ideal of fully automated high quality translation of unrestricted texts to the more practical problem of overcoming the language barriers we encounter in various situations . this shift of focus allows us to partition the problem we address into a series of smaller ones , the solution to which may be within our reach . this applies both to spoken and written language translation . if we look at spoken communication between human beings with different native languages , very often the main success criterion for this communication is not whether or not the individual utterances produced by the participants have been expressed or understood without errors ( which will rarely be the case ) , but rather whether the intended goal of the communication has been attained ( hotel room reservation , airline information , etc ) . this observation is extremely important when we try to set our goals for spoken translation systems . once we have realized that communication takes place in a specific context , with a specific goal , and have accepted that sentence-by - sentence linguistically correct translation is not a necessary condition for successful multilingual communication , we can start exploiting the full potential of spoken dialogues in human-human and human-machine interaction : the basic structure of dialogues , the ways to control dialogue flow , the possibility for repair . a workshop dedicated to spoken language translation , organized in conjunction with eacl / acl 1997 in madrid , showed that there was a keen interest in the topic , and that many acedemic and industrial research teams have interesting results to report . therefore we feel that the time has come to dedicate a special issue of the journal machine translation to this topic , and we are inviting high-quality , previously unpublished research papers addressing problems in the whole field of spoken language translation . ( note : authors who had papers accepted for the madrid workshop are especially encouraged to submit papers which have developed out of their workshop contributions , though they should note that we do not intend simply to reprint the workshop papers in their original form . ) we are especially interested in papers addressing problems or solutions that are typical for spoken language translation ( as opposed to written language translation ) . format for submission : please consult the journal 's web pages : home page : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / journalhome . htm / 0922-6567 instructions for authors : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / kaphtml . htm / ifa0922-6567 latex style files : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / jrnlstyle . htm / 0922-6567 articles should be submitted directly to the publishers , either by e-mail to ellen . klink @ wkap . nl , with the subject header "" submission to coat speech special issue "" , or in hard-copy to either of the following addresses : machine translation editorial office , machine translation editorial office kluwer academic publishers kluwer academic publishers p . o . box 990 , p . o . box 230 3300 az dordrecht , accord , ma 02018-023 the netherlands u . s . a . the journal is typeset using latex , so the preferred medium for submission of articles in electronic format is latex source ( using the kluwer style file ) or gzipped postscript . if submitting hard-copy , four copies of the paper are required . the length of the papers should be approximately 10-20 pages if using the kluwer style file ( around 20k words ) . authors are requested to send a copy of an abstract of not more than 200 words to the guest editor steven . krauwer @ let . ruu . nl or in hard-copy to steven krauwer , utrecht institute of linguistics ots , trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , the netherlands submission deadline : submissions and abstracts should be received by july 1 1998 . papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the editorial board . we are aiming for publication as issue 3 or 4 of volume 13 ( autumn or winter , 1998 ) . " 0 +Subject: new books : historical linguistics historical linguistics anna giacalone ramat and paolo ramat , eds . the indo-european languages not since 1937 has a classic reference work appeared for indo - european . this new work , however , steps forth to fill a major gap in this rapidly changing field by making full use of the recent achievements in linguistic theory . useful as both an introductory survey and a reference for advanced students and scholars , the volume provides insight into the variations in the way indo - european is studied while at the same time presenting a unified overview of indo - european . the only work available which combines the historical understanding of indo - european with a survey of its various sub-groups , this volume will be useful to a broad range of readers including students of historical linguistics and comparative philology , modern language students interested in the background on the languages they are studying , and anyone interested in the processes of language change and evolution . routledge language family descriptions routledge : 1998 : 552 pp cl : 0 415 06449 x : # c0977 : $ 160 . 00 : 95 . 00 for more information on these and other titles from : routledge london * new york in north america : www . routledge-ny . com elsewhere : www . routledge . com 0 +"Subject: workshop on morphological case workshop announcement dear colleagues , we are happy to announce the programme of the workshop "" effects of morphological case , to be held at the utrecht institute of linguistics ots , utrecht university , 28-29 august 1998 . organizers : helen de hoop , olaf koeneman , iris mulders , and fred weerman invited speakers : paul kiparsky , joan maling , alec marantz the aim of this workshop is to bring together theoretical and empirical considerations on the effects of morphological case beyond its mere phonological characteristics . issues for discussion involve the implications of morphological case for abstract case theory , the difference between structural and inherent case , agreement , word order phenomena , grammaticalization processes , discourse theory , and semantics . 1 . programme friday , august 28th : 9 . 00 opening remarks 9 . 30 invited speaker : paul kiparsky ( stanford university ) ` cases as complementizers ' 10 . 30 denis bouchard ( university of montreal ) ` fixed positions , functional markers and the concept of "" universal "" ' 11 . 15 break 11 . 30 inghild flaate & kristin m . eide ( norwegian university of science and technology ) ` interpretive effects of morphological case : norwegian and german predicatives ' 12 . 15 marjon helmantel ( leiden university ) ` on the relation between structural position and morphological case : adpositions in german ' 13 . 00 lunch break 14 . 15 stephen wechsler & larisa zlatic ( university of texas ) ` case realization in serbo - croatian ' 15 . 00 lynn nichols ( harvard university ) ` non - uniform effects of morphological case ' 15 . 45 break 16 . 00 carson t . schutze ( ucla ) ` on the nature of default case ' 16 . 45 josef bayer , markus bader & michael meng ( friedrich - schiller university jena ) ` morphological underspecification meets oblique case : syntactic and processing effects in german ' saturday , august 29th 9 . 15 invited speaker : alec marantz ( mit ) ` in defense of "" spell-out "" : why morphological case should indeed only have an indirect , reflective relation to the syntax ' 10 . 15 amanda seidl ( university of pennsylvania ) ` non - segmental morphological case : the case of consonant mutation in kpa mende ' 11 . 00 break 11 . 15 miriam butt ( university of konstanz ) & tracy holloway king ( ( nltt / istl ) ` licensing semantic case ' 12 . 00 dieter wunderlich ( heinrich heine university , duesseldorf ) ` on the interaction of structural and semantic case ' 12 . 45 lunch break 14 . 00 angela ralli ( university of patras ) & manuel espanol - echevarria ( ucla ) ` feature mismatch in dislocated constituents ' 14 . 45 eric haeberli ( university of geneva ) ` deriving effects of morphological case by eliminating abstract case ' 15 . 30 break 15 . 45 david lightfoot ( university of maryland ) ` middle english split genitives and the loss of case ' 16 . 30 invited speaker : joan maling ( brandeis university ) ` morphological case is not ( always ) to blame ' alternate : sandra joppen ( heinrich heine university , duesseldorf ) ` structural arguments with semantic case : the case of causees and recipients in 4 - place verbs ' 2 . registration registration at the site will cost 60 dutch guilders . if you preregister , you only pay 50 guilders and you will receive the workshop booklet in advance . please use the following form for preregistration : name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city and zipcode : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( state : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i wish to pay by : 0 eurocheck 0 eurocard 0 mastercard 0 visa credit card details : cardnumber : expiry date : transaction date : name and address as registered by credit card company ( if different from above ) : please send by email-reply or by regular mail to : utrecht university utrecht institute of linguistics trans 10 3512 jk utrecht the netherlands 3 . hotel information some of the speakers will stay at hotel de biltsche hoek in de bilt , which is approx . 15 minutes from the city centre by bus . tel # 31302205811 , fax # 31302202812 . single : f 112 , 50 , double f 135 , - ( breakfast included ) . here is the list of accommodation information in utrecht . please note that actual bookings are the participant 's own responsibility . hotel smits * * * * , vredenburg 14 , tel # 31302331232 , fax # 31302328451 single : 180 . - , double for single : 195 . - , double 247 . - ( breakfast included ) . city centre , app . 5 minutes walk to congress site . maliehotel * * * * , maliestraat 2 , tel # 31302316424 , fax # 31302340661 single with shower / bath 150 . - / 160 . - ; double shower / bath 185 . - / 195 . - ( breakfast included ) . eastern part of town , nice quiet residental area , app . 20 minutes walk to congress site . hotel mitland * * * * , ari ? nslaan 1 , tel # 31302715824 , fax # 31302719003 single 140 . - , double 180 . - on the north-eastern outskirts of town , quiet environment , bus stop close by . tulip inn utrecht centre * * * , janskerkhof 10 , tel # 31302313169 , fax # 31302310148 single ( shower or bath ) 195 . - , double ( shower or bath ) 250 . - ( buffet breakfast included ) . city center , app . 5 minutes walk to congress site . early reservations reccommended ! hotel ibis * * * , bizetlaan 1 , tel # 31302910366 , fax # 31302942066 single / double 140 . - , breakfast 18 . - per person . west of city centre , regular buses or tram to centre city , app . 15 minutes walk to congress site . hotel de admiraal * * , admiraal van gentstraat 11 , tel # 31302758500 , fax # 31302758501 single : 135 . - , double 155 . - ( breakfast included ) . north - east of city centre , quiet residential area , app . 25 minutes walk tocongress site . hotel bunschoten * * , balijelaan 1 , tel # 31302941420 , fax # 31302961934 single : 125 . - , double 145 . - ( breakfast included ) . south - west of city centre , app . 25 minutes walk to congress site . ouwi hotel * * , fc donderstraat 12 , tel # 31302716303 , fax # 31302714619 single ( shower ) 102 . - , double ( shower ) 122 . - ( breakfast included ) . north - east of city centre , quiet residential area , app . 20 minutes walk to congress site . parkhotel eijtinger * , tolsteegsingel 34 , tel # 31302516712 , fax # 31302516712 single / double 95 . - southern edge of city centre , on canal , app . 15 minutes walk to congress site . if you need more information , do not hesitate to contact olaf koeneman ( koeneman @ let . ruu . nl ) . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * olaf koeneman * * utrecht institute of linguistics ots * * trans 10 ( room 2 . 20 ) , 3512 jk utrecht * * tel . + 31 30 253 8304 * * email : koeneman @ let . ruu . nl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " 0 +"Subject: books : a survey of american linguistics the publishing house of moscow state university has just released a groundbreaking 455 - page hard cover book in russian which is a collection of surveys on the state of modern american linguistics . "" fundamental trends of modern american linguistics "" ( "" fundamental ' nye napravlenija sovremennoj amerikanskoj lingvistiki "" ) is unique in its scope since it is the first ever comprehensive publication in russian which presents diverse disciplines within american linguistics to russian - speaking audience . the book consists of three major parts : part i : generative grammar chapter 1 . brief history of the generative grammar ( john bailyn , suny at stony brook ) chapter 2 . a study of syntactic conditions in the generative grammar ( konstantin kazenin & yakov testelec , mgu ) chapter 3 . the generative grammar and the free word order problem ( natasha kondarshova , cornell u ) chapter 4 . the generative grammar and russian linguistics : aspect and case ( natal ' ja isakadze & irina kobozeva , mgu ) part ii : other formal theories : phonology , semantics , psycholinguistics , and acquisition chapter 5 . phonology ( katya zubritskaya , nyu ) chapter 6 . formal semantics ( roumyana izvorska , u of pennsylvania ) chapter 7 . psycholinguistics ( irina sekerina , u of pennsylvania ) chapter 8 . acquisition ( sergey avrutin , yale u ) part iii : functional and cognitive theories chapter 9 . functionalism ( andrey kibrik and vladimir plungjan , mgu ) chapter 10 . semantics in cognitive linguistics ( alan cienki , emory u ) chapter 11 . main concepts of cognitive semantics ( ekaterina rakhilina , viniti ) appendix : the grammaticala relevance of theme / rheme partition ( george fowler , indiana university ) index of languages index of terms the authors and the editors made every attempt to concisely and accurately translate the linguistic terms without which it modern american linguistics will not be comprehensible . the reader will find russian translations and definitions of such syntactic terms as "" subjacency principle "" , "" spellout "" , "" island constraints "" , phonological terms such as "" underspecification theory "" , "" onset principle "" , "" the ocp "" , "" optimality theory "" , and many others included in the comprehensive 47 - page russian - english index . most of the phenomena discussed are illustrated with russian examples . please address your inquires to dr . irina sekerina at sekerina @ linc . cis . upenn . edu . more information is posted at the following url : http : / / www . cis . upenn . edu / ~ sekerina / book . htm . " 0 +Subject: sound patterns of spontaneous speech sposs sound patterns of spontaneous speech : production and perception aix en provence , france , 24-25 - 26 september 1998 the european speech communication association ( esca ) has identified the area of sound patterns of spontaneous speech as an important area of current research . an esca workshop is being organised in aix en provence with this focus . contributions should describe and explain spontaneous speech processes and their perception at the word , phrase and sentence level in a wide variety of languages . workshop theme : during the last decades , descriptions of spontaneous speech mainly focused on the reduction and assimilation of speech segments to adjacent segment . reduction and assimilatory processes of spontaneous speech are the products of gesture economy and physical constraints . they are also constrained by the phonetic , phonological , and prosodic specificities of languages and dialects . therefore , this workshop is aimed at contributing to the description and the understanding of the production and perception of spontaneous speech processes in various languages . the workshop will be centred around the following topics : - acoustic and articulatory analysis of spontaneous-speech processes - prosodic information and spontaneous-speech processes - perception of reduction and assimilatory processes - modelling format of the workshop : this will be an international workshop within a limited number of active participants , i . e . priority will be given to persons with accepted papers . each session will be introduced by a tutorial presentation by an invited expert . most papers will be presented in plenary sessions with time for demonstration and discussion . other papers will be presented in poster sessions followed by plenary discussions . workshop site : sposs will take place in a conference centre located in the area of aix en provence in ten minute ` s drive from aix en provence . bus transportation to and from the centre will be provided every day . detailed logistic information will be distributed to all registered participants . proceedings and languages : the contributions to the workshop will be published in a workshop proceedings which will be available to participants at the time of the workshop . as the new french law ( loi toubon ) requires , they will include french abstracts . the official languages of the workshop will be english and french . registration fees : the fee for the workshop , including proceedings , lunches , bus tranportation to and from the conference centre and the sposs reception is 1700 ff , with a 300 ff reduction for esca members . students with a certificate of their status will pay 750 ff with a 100 ff reduction for esca student members . registration for non - esca members includes a complementary membership for 1998 . important dates : march 31 , 1998 : preliminary registration and deadline for submission of title and abstract . may 15 , 1998 : notification of acceptance , imstructions for authors , information on accomodation . september 1 , 1998 : imperative deadline for early registration and for 4 page camera-ready paper . september 10 , 1998 : preliminary program e-mailed . september 24-25 - 26 : worshop . european speech communication association ( esca ) : esca is a non-profit organisation for promoting speech communication science and technology in a european context . a limited number of grants for participation is available . more information is available though : e-mail : esca @ icp . inpg . fr hrrp : / / ophale . icp . inpg . fr / esca / international scientific committee : andrew butcher ( aust ) olle engstrand ( sw ) wolfgang hess ( ger ) klaus kohler ( ger ) florien koopmans - van beinum ( ned ) bjorn lindblom ( sw ) joaquim llisterri ( sp ) francis nolan ( uk ) john ohala ( usa ) louis pols ( ned ) willy serniclaes ( bel ) jacqueline vaissiere ( fr ) organising committee : danielle duez , lpl bernard teston , lpl marie - helene casanova-rossi , lpl annie rival , lpl martin brousseau , lpl worshop secretariat : for all correspondence concerning the workshop , please use the following address : sposs att . danielle duez laboratoire parole et langage , cnrs esa-6057 universite de provence 29 , avenue robert shuman 13621 aix en provence france . phone : + 33 04 42 95 36 23 fax : + 33 04 42 59 50 96 e-mail : sposs @ lpl . univ-aix . fr furteher information will only be sent to ( preliminary ) registerd participants . updated information will also be available on : http : / / www . lpl . univ-aix . fr . 0 +"Subject: coling / acl ' 98 worshop on processing of dependency - based grammars coling-acl ' 98 workshop call for papers + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + processing of dependency - based grammars + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + august 15 , 1998 universite de montreal montreal , quebec , canada http : / / tornade . ere . umontreal . ca / ~ polguera / eng / dgworkshop . html http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca this one-day workshop will be a meeting point for researchers interested in the implementation of dependency - based grammars ( dgs ) . it will be a forum for presenting different theoretical approaches to dgs , as well as strategies adopted for their implementation . although the focus of this workshop is on dgs , it also aims at establishing connections between different approaches to the modeling and implementation of grammatical phenomena . tou are invited to submit papers on the following , or related , topics : theoretical aspects - correspondence between semantic and syntactic structures ; - correspondence between syntactic structures and the surface text ; - interaction between lexical and grammatical knowledge ; - comparison between different dg approaches . implementations - natural language generation with dgs ; - parsing with dgs ; - building dependency-annotated corpora . additional issues - are "" pure "" dependency formalisms sufficient to account for all syntactic phenomena or do they need to be augmented with phrase structures ? - should dgs be considered as a simple notational variant of other types of formal grammars or are there deep reasons for adopting them ? each speaker will be given 30 minutes to present a paper followed by 15 minutes for questions / discussions . organizing committee sylvain kahane ( talana , universite paris 7 ) < sk @ ccr . jussieu . fr > alain polguere ( universite de montreal ) < polguera @ ere . umontreal . ca > requirement for submission - maximum length of 10 pages including figures and references - a4 or us letter format ; set margins so that the text lies within a rectangle of 6 . 5x9 inches ( 16 . 5x23 cm ) . - classical fonts such as times roman or computer modern , 11 to 12 points for text , 14 to 16 points for headings and title - latex users are encouraged to use the style file provided by acl : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / colaclsub . sty - papers should be submitted as hardcopies - - five ( 5 ) are required . - submissions should be sent to : alain polguere departement of linguistics and translation c . p . 6128 , succ . centre - ville montreal ( quebec ) h3c 3j7 canada deadlines - submissions due : march 15 , 1998 - notifications of acceptance : may 1 , 1998 - final manuscript due : june 15 , 1998 program comittee anne abeille ( u . paris 7 ) michael a . covington ( u . of georgia ) michel elhadad ( ben - gurion u . ) sylvain kahane ( u ; paris 7 ) dick hudson ( u . college london ) igor mel ' cuk ( u . de montreal ) alexis nasr ( u . d ' avignon ) alain polguere ( u . de montreal ) petr sgall ( charles u . ) jacques vergne ( u . de caen ) " 0 +Subject: sle 98 st . andrews invitation to workshop during the 31st sle conference at st . andrews , 26-30 august , 1998 workshop organizer : werner abraham , groningen ( e - mail : abraham @ let . rug . nl , fax : + 31-50 - 363 58 21 ) workshop topic : ` spoken and written languages ; their structural and typological differeences ' the workshop aims at presentations in the following subfields to the general title : parsing strategies divided between spoken and written vernaculars ; typological differences and historical changes initiated by parsing rather than logical-structu - ral triggers ( such as , as the underwritten himself will claim in a contribution to the workshop , the upper german preterite decay ) ; typological differences be - tween genetically closely related languages such as afrikaans , yiddish and dial - ectal germans ( more or less strongly svo ) vs . written german ( sov ) ; what me - diates between sov and svo other than ( charles fries ' claim ) distinctions of mor - phological case ? it will be shown in the paper referred to above that distinctions of a discourse-functional sort and their prerequsites in structural terms ( wide middle field ! ) can contribute to the upkeeping of sov despite the fact that case morphology is rather weak ( dialectal german and dutch ) . organization : ( especially younger ) colleagues interested should contact organizer at groningen with an abstract covering an adjacent topic no longer than one page ( for a 20-30 minutes presentation ) . the intention is to submit a collection of the - matically unified papers to fol as a self-contained volume . heed : to attend the conference you need to be a member of the societas linguistica europaea . please contact the local organizers , dr . christopher beedham and dr . isabel forbes , dept . of german , school of modern languages , the university , st . andrews , fife ky16 9ph , scotland / uk , cb1 @ st-and . ac . uk , fax ( 01334 ) 46 36 77 , home page : http : / / www . st-and . ac . uk / academic / modlangs / sle98 / sle98 . html mail to : werner abraham , duits - letteren - rug , oude kijk in ' t jat straat 26 , nl-9712 ek groningen 0 +"Subject: language and gender project : the de / construction of gender roles through language variation and change : international perspectives marlis hellinger and hadumod bussmann ( eds . ) dear linguists , actually , we had already closed the list of languages / authors ( with some 30 languages now on the project ) , but recently three languages "" dropped out "" , and we are looking for someone who could contribute on chinese , romanian , or yiddish . maybe hungarian could still be added . the original call for contributions ran as follows : since the establishment of feminist linguistics more than two decades ago a wealth of theoretical and empirical information has become available and we believe it is time for a collection that looks across individual language boundaries . we are therefore compiling a volume on the structural and functional aspects of gender-related variation and change in different languages . we are primarily concerned with structural properties of a language ( categories of gender , word-formation , pronominalization ) and speakers ' linguistic choices in talking about or as women and men . we are also interested in learning about the tendencies of variation and change ( including , where applicable , language politics ) as these reflect changes in the relationship between the sexes . would anyone be interested in participating ? or could someone suggest potential authors to us ? details on the project would then be made available . reply to : hellinger @ em . uni-frankfurt . de " 0 +"Subject: adv : get paid to surf the net ! ( 8820 ) earn while you learn ! call toll - free 1-877 - 271-4562 authorization code : lb100 we are looking for people who would like to get paid for starting their own business on the world wide web . if you are like millions of other families , you have already considered making money on the internet , but were afraid to spend $ 3000 . 00 to $ 4000 . 00 just to get started ! the simple truth is , as one of the fastest growing internet service providers ( isp ) on the web , we get paid for generating traffic . the more traffic , the more money , more traffic , more money and so on . you pick the business you would like to start , and we will provde all the tools and secrets to earning the kind of money you have only heard about . if you do n't have a business in mind , we have one for you ! we pay 15 % to 75 % for every referral you generate ? did you know most poeple want to sit at their computer and earn money ? do you know anyone , who would n't work for themselves if the money were right ? do you know anyone who does n't have less than $ 100 . 00 to start his or her own busness ? the internet is still just in the infancy stage , where anything will sell with the right marketing strategies . our program is specifically designed for beginners , looking for step-by - step instruction for internet profits ! you get : free internet access ( up to 56k connection ) free web site and hosting ( s ) free html and cgi programs for custom built sites ! free programs and software ! plus free advertising for the next 12 months . now here is the key : knowledge is the key to success , which is why you receive all of these products and services for free ! all you pay is $ 97 . 00 which will include the next 12 strategies , marketing solutions , and personal consultation . while the internet changes very quickly , so does the effectiveness of your advertising efforts , although some secrets remain constant , certainly the most important protocols do change . this could mean the difference between being listed as # 1 to # 32 , 567 on the search engines . have you ever seen # 32 , 567 on the search engines ? well , neither does anyone else ! the real question : "" are you willing to spend thirty minutes a day workin for yurself ? "" we are so confident you will start earning immediate income , we gurarantee it . if you are not earning income within the first 45 days of using this program , return everything with the first 60 days to recive a complete refund . you have nothing to lose , and everything to gain . tor order call toll-free 1-877 - 271-4562 live operators are waiting to take your call in interested in becoming a distributor , call toll-free 1-888 - 883-7086 . save the trees ! advertise via email - - the way to the new millenium delete with one easy keystroke . thank you ! this mailing is being done by an independent advertising company . we apologize if this message has reached you in errorclick here to be removed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 90397 " 1 +"Subject: stock market information for you sender : trinity ventures , inc . address : 1911 westmead # 2710 , houston , tx 7707 call or fax toll free : 877-393 - 7237 hours : 9 am to 5 pm cst hi , we received your e-mail address as someone who is interested in stock market information . this e-mail is for informational purposes only . it is not an offer to sell or solicit securities . if you do not wish to receive this type of information , please click on "" reply "" and put "" remove "" in the subject . we will permanently remove your address from our database . to get more news and to help with your due diligence on abrg , go to www . yahoo . com and click on "" stock quotes "" . then put abrg in the symbol lookup area and click on "" get quotes "" . happy investing ! - dean casias president trinity ventures , inc . news release ambra resources group inc . # 610-800 west pender street vancouver , b . c . canada v6c 2v6 symbol abrg ( otc : bb ) acquisition of venture oil & gas , inc . by ambra resources group inc . adds new projects for ambra vancouver , british columbia - may 4 , 1999 ambra resources group inc . 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" 1 +Subject: knowledge about language bibliography association for language awareness knowledge about language and language awareness : an annotated bibliography by richard aplin isbn 0 9530906 0 4 over 600 items listed descriptive annotations for books full indexing under auther name classified under : teaching materials language in education the study of language the study of the english language articles in periodicals works of reference price 10 pounds sterling ( post free in uk and europe ) 2 pounds extra for postage elsewhere available from richard aplin at the address below . please make cheques payable to association for language awareness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | richard aplin | tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 116 252 3692 | university of leicester | school of education | fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 116 252 3653 | 21 university road | leicester le1 7rf | e-mail : trwa1 @ le . ac . uk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 +Subject: available for review : discourse , vietnamese the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . discourse & cognitive linguistics : liebert , wolf and g . redeker and l . waugh . discourse and perspective in cognitive linguistics . john benjamins publishing co . 1997 narrative & vietnamese : daley , karen ann , ( 1998 ) vietnamese classifiers in narrative texts . summer institute of linguistics . arlington tx . 0 +Subject: cilca vii how long does it take for this to come out on the list ? ? ? ? ? ? cilca vii septimo congreso internacional de literatura centroamericana in nicaragua march 17 - 19 , 1999 special call for papers although this conference is principally geared toward central american literature , we are making a special call to linguists for research on central american linguistics . we were quite succesful with our special linguistics sessions in the 1995 conference . please submit abstracts ( one page ) and proposals for special sessions no later than november 16 , 1998 to : alberto rey department of modern languages & literatures howard university washington , d . c . 20059 office : ( 202 ) 806 - 4926 fax : ( 202 ) 806 - 4514 you may also email the abstracts to me at : arey @ fac . howard . edu alberto rey , ph . d . arey @ fac . howard . edu / alrey @ erols . com associate professor dept . modern languages & literatures howard university office : ( 202 ) 806-4952 / 6758 washington , dc 20059 fax : ( 202 ) 806-4514 0 +Subject: xi int . selim conf : medieval english language & literature xi international selim conference : medieval english language & literature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - final call for papers the 11th international conference of selim will be held at the university of vigo from 24 to 26 september 1998 . prof . david denison ( university of manchester ) , prof . matti rissanen ( university of helsinki ) , dr stuart lee ( oxford university computing services ) and dr andrew breeze ( universidad de navarra ) have already confirmed their participation as plenary lecturers . proposals of communications are welcome , with a deadline of may 31 , 1998 . papers will last 20 minutes with a 10 - minute discussion period to follow . abstracts should be no longer than 200 words and should be submitted in print and on a floppy disk ( microsoft word or word perfect ) to the following address : secretara de selim98 facultade de humanidades . universidade de vigo aptdo . 874 . e-36200 vigo ( spain ) submissions should include name ( s ) and institutional affiliation ( s ) of the author ( s ) , telephone , fax and e-mail address . please indicate if you need an overhead projector , a computer or any other facilities . acceptance of proposals will be communicated in june 1998 . the third circular will be sent around june 1998 and will carry fuller information on the arrangements for the conference . for any enquiries about accomodation or travel arrangements please contact bives tour at info @ conbives . com . for further information visit the conference website at : http : / / www . uvigo . es / eventos / congresos / selim98 / or send and e-mail to : selim98 @ uvigo . es the organising committee , may 1998 ana m bringas lpez dolores gonzlez alvarez javier prez guerra eduardo varela bravo 0 +Subject: aaal - - colloquium on translation a colloquium on translation is being proposed to the american association for applied linguistics ( aaal ) . if approved , it will be presented at its annual conference held from march 6 to march 9 , 1999 in stamford , connecticut , u . s . a . the theme and content of the colloquium have not been pre-determined . contributors ' papers and ideas contained in them will set its topic and define its central thought . the aim is to put together a set of about five quality works which complement each other , forming a coherent whole . it is an open-minded approach with no preference for particular languages or sub-fields . the organizer intends to be the discussant . if you would like to participate , please provide the materials listed below . kindly note that only traditional paper copy is acceptable to aaal . hence do not submit anything via facsimile or e - mail . please be sure that the print is sharp and dark , since photocopying will be necessary . as aaal allows only one submission per person , if you choose to be considered for this colloquium you should not be submitting a separate paper to aaal , directly or indirectly . ( 1 ) an abstract which is titled , typed , and no more than 300 words in length . if references are necessary , incorporate them into the text of the abstract ; do not attach a separate list of works cited . in the top left-hand corner list the author 's name , address , telephone number , facsimile number ( if available ) , e-mail address ( if available ) , and institutional affiliation . fit everything on one single page ; leave the reverse side blank . the organizer will prepare the anonymous copy aaal requires . ( 2 ) a sheet on which appears the author 's name , title of paper , and specification of twenty , twenty-five , or thirty minutes as the delivery time desired . be prepared to stay within that stated time limit during the presentation . if a slide projector , tv monitor , vcr , audio player , or over-head projector is needed , please so state on this sheet as well . note , however , that there is an estimated charge of us $ 35 for the first item , and us $ 70 for the second and third items ; the last two items require no fee . individual presenters will be billed for the charges after the conference . ( 3 ) if no e-mail address is given , or if acknowledgement is not to be sent via e-mail , supply an addressed envelope or mailing label so that you could be informed of the receipt of your packet . the deadline for receipt of the above materials by the colloquium 's organizer is july 31 , 1998 . authors will be notified of selection results around august 20 . those abstracts selected will be submitted as a group proposal to aaal for blind evaluation . once their decision is received - - most likely in november - - it will be relayed to the authors . if aaal accepts the proposal , authors are required to submit drafts of their papers to the discussant by february 15 , 1999 . a fifty-word summary will also be necessary for inclusion in the conference programme . send listed items to : helen chau hu , department of english , california state university , long beach , california 90840-2403 , u . s . a . [ telephone : 562-985 - 4229 ; e-mail : hchauhu @ csulb . edu . ] presenters must register for the conference . the registration fee and membership dues will total about us $ 160 . to make enquiries regarding aaal , please contact them directly at : p . o . box 21686 , eagan , minnesota 55121-0686 , u . s . a . their web site is at : http : / / igor . lis . wisc . edu / aaal . helen chau hu assistant professor department of english california state university long beach , california 90840 voice mail : 562-985 - 4229 0 +"Subject: distributing and accessing linguistic resources * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * distributing and accessing linguistic resources * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * may 27th , this workshop is part of first international conference on language resources and evaluation at the university of granada , may 26th to 30th 1998 ( see http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html for details and how to register ) . the workshop will discuss ways to increase the efficacy of linguistic resource distribution and programmatic access , and work towards the definition of a new method for these tasks based on distributed processing and object-oriented modelling with deployment on the www . organizers : yorick wilks , wim peters , hamish cunningham , remi zajac papers the following papers will be presented in order of enumeration . after each 15 minute presentation there will be 5 minutes for discussion . distributed thesaurus storage and access in a cultural domain application s . boutsis , b . georgantopoulos , s . piperidis institute for language and speech processing , athens a new model for language resource access and distribution w . peters , h . cunningham , y . wilks , c . mccauley university of sheffield reuse and integration of nlp components in the calypso architecture r . zajac new mexico state university corpus - based research using the internet h . brugman , a . russel , p . wittenburg max planck institute for psycholinguistics , nijmegen the cue corpus access tool o . mason university of birmingham linguistic research utilizing the edr electronic dictionary as a linguistic resource t . ogino edr , japan posters the following posters will be on display during the workshop , and presentations are planned during the breaks : tractor : telri research archive of computational tools and resources r . krishnamurthy university of birmingham web - surfing the lexicon d . cabrero , m . vilares , l . docampo , s . sotelo ramon pineiro research centre / universities of coruna and santiago exploring distributed mt o . streiter , a . schmidt - wigger , u . reuther , c . pease iai saarbruecken a proposal for an on - line lexical database p . cassidy micra , inc . panel discussion : the final part of the workshop will consist of a panel discussion on : distributing and accessing linguistic resources the panel participants are : khalid choukri , eduard hovy , judith klavans , yorick wilks , and antonio zampolli . workshop scope and aims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in general the reuse of of nlp data resources ( such as lexicons or corpora ) has exceeded that of algorithmic resources ( such as lemmatisers or parsers ) . however , there are still two barriers to data resource reuse : 1 ) each resource has its own representation syntax and corresponding programmatic access mode ( e . g . sql for celex , c or prolog for wordnet , sgml for the bnc ) ; 2 ) resources must generally be installed locally to be usable ( and of course precisely how this happens , what operating systems are supported etc . varies from case to case ) . the consequences of 1 ) are that although resources share some structure in common ( lexicons are organised around words , for example ) this commonality is wasted when it comes to using a new resource ( the developer has to learn everything afresh each time ) and that work which seeks to investigate or exploit commonalities between resources ( e . g . to link several lexicons to an ontology ) has to first build a layer of access routines on top of each resources . so , for example , if we wish to do task-based evaluation of lexicons by measuring the relative performance of an information extraction system with different instantiations of lexical resource , we might end up writing code to translate several different resources into sql or sgml . the consequence of 2 ) is that there is no way to "" try before you buy "" : no way to examine a data resource for its suitability for your needs before licencing it . correspondingly there is no way for a resource provider to expose limitted access to their products for advertising purposes , or gain revenue through piecemeal supply of sections of a resource . this workshop will discuss ways to overcome these barriers . the proposers will discuss a new method for distributing and accessing language resources involving the development of a common programmatic model of the various resources types , implemented in corba idl and / or java , along with a distributed server for non-local access . this model is being designed as part of the gate project ( general architecture for text engineering : http : / / www . dcs . shef . ac . uk / research / groups / nlp / gate / ) and goes under the provisional title of an active creole server . ( creole : collection of reusable objects for language engineering . currently creole supports only algortihmic objects , but will be extended to data objects . ) a common model of language data resources would be a set of inheritance hierarchies making up a forest or set of graphs . at the top of the hierarchies would be very general abstractions from resources ( e . g . lexicons are about words ) ; at the leaves would be data items that were specific to individual resources . programmatic access would be available at all levels , allowing the developer to select an appropriate level of commonality for each application . note that although an exciting element of the work could be to provide algorithms to dynamically merge common resources what we ' re suggesting initially is not to develop anything substantively new , but simply to improve access to existing resources . this is not a new standards initiative , but a way to build on previous initiatives . of course , the production of a common model that fully expressed all the subtleties of all resources would be a large undertaking , but we believe that it can be done incrementally , with useful results at each stage . early versions will stop decomposing the object structure of resources at a fairly high level , leaving the developer to handle the data structures native to the resources at the leaves of the forest . there should still be a substantial benefit in uniform access to higher level strucures . program committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yorick wilks hamish cunningham wim peters remi zajac roberta catizone paola velardi maria teresa pazienza roberto basili bran boguraev sergei nirenburg james pustejowsky ralph grishman christiane fellbaum " 0 +"Subject: symposium meaning , metaphor & religion symposium announcement meaning , metaphor & religion : cognitive semantics and the bible the importance of a cognitive theory of meaning for the study of religious language university of leuven , 6 - 8 july 1998 aim of the meeting this symposium aims at determining how a cognitively inspired theory of meaning ( taken in the broad sense ) provides the study of religious language with new valuable insights . specifically , it will be investigated to what extent established and ongoing research into the semantics of bible texts is supported and / or questioned by the cognitive semantic paradigm . although this meeting is primarily conceived from a linguistic point of view , it is not meant for linguists alone . instead , it explicitly aims to bring together semantic expertise from both linguistics and theology in order to explore some of the possibilities and limitations of a combined study of religious language . where ? the symposium takes place in leuven ( b ) at the historical begijnhof site ( chievre house & faculty club ) program - ralph bisschops ( brussel / duisburg ) : "" metaphors disclosing new religious experiences : lover , bride and adulteress in hosea and ezekiel "" - lieven boeve ( leuven ) : "" linguistica ancilla theologiae : the interest of fundamental theology in cognitive linguistics "" - kristin de troyer ( breda / leuven ) : "" ' and god was created . . . ' on translating hebrew concepts into greek . "" - rene dirven ( duisburg ) : "" a metonymic view of the world and religion , contrasted to a metaphorical one "" - brian doyle ( leuven ) : "" how do isotopes meet ? a rare word - play metaphor in isa . 25 : 6 - 8 . "" - james francis ( sunderland ) : "" ' i am lowly as a child ' - child metaphor in the ancient world "" - katrin hauspie ( leuven ) : "" a cognitive approach to the septuagint ? placing the septuagint in its original context in alexandria "" - joel hoffman ( new york ) : "" identifying , understanding and translating the metaphors of a dead language : how to move beyond the denotation of the words to the connotation of the words . "" - olaf jaekel ( hamburg ) : "" the cognitive theory of metaphor : an explanation on the basis of biblical language "" - kjell magne yri ( oslo ) : "" recreating religion - semantic theories and the problem of theologically central terms in ( "" exotic "" ) bible translation . "" - ken mcelhanon ( arlington ) : "" explorations in prototype theology "" - nelly stienstra ( utrecht ) : "" conceptual vs . individual metaphors in the old testament : a matter of interpretation "" - david tuggy ( tucson ) : "" literal vs . idiomatic translation in cognitive linguistics "" - pierre van hecke ( leuven ) : "" the metaphorical use ( s ) of the hebrew verb ra ' ah . a cognitive approach to the shepherd - metaphor "" registration if you wish to register , please complete ( a hardcopy of ) this form and send it back ( hard copy ) with ( evidence of ) payment to the following address : kurt feyaerts dept . of linguistics katholieke universiteit leuven blijde - inkomststraat 21 , b-3000 leuven name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address for correspondence : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i would like to register for ( please circle a or b ) : a . the whole conference package ( conference fee + all lunches ) : 2900 , - bef ( see below ) b . the conference fee + the lunch options as indicated below ( please put a tick on the line next to your chosen options ) conference fee ( obligatory ) 500 , - bef [ staff members of the belgian unversities and students are exempt from paying the conference fee . ] options : lunch ( 6th july ) 800 , - bef _ _ _ _ lunch ( 7th july ) 800 , - bef _ _ _ _ lunch ( 8th july ) 800 , - bef _ _ _ _ total : _ _ _ _ payments must be made before the end of may 1998 methods of payment ( return a hard copy of this form ) : 1 . o visa o eurocard / mastercard complete and sign the following instruction : card number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name of cardholder : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address of cardholder : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "" please debit _ _ _ _ _ _ bef of my visa / / eurocard / mastercard "" signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 . international eurocheque ( please fill out all sums in bef and make payable to "" kuleuven - congres theosemantiek "" ) 3 . direct bank transfer to "" ku leuven - congres theosemantiek "" , blijde - inkomststraat 21 , 3000 leuven , belgium - bank ( name & address ) : kredietbank , ladeuzeplein 27 , 3000 leuven - account number : 431-0375511 - 91 - bank code ( swift ) : kred . bebb 100 ( please enclose a bank receipt ) please make sure your payment reaches us in due time . your registration will be confirmed by , and made effective with your payment only . accomodation please note that accomodation cannot be arranged by the organizers . information about hotels in leuven ( prices , phone numbers , addresses , map of leuven , . . . ) will be sent immediately after registration ( or on demand before registration ) . information can also be obtained directly from the tourist office in leuven : phone : + 32 . 16 . 211539 ; fax : + 32 . 16 . 211549 . the average price for a single room ( with breakfast ) in leuven is 2300 bef ( with 950 and 4900 bef as extremes ) and 3000 bef for a double room ( with 1700 and 5400 bef as extremes ) . organization / correspondence kurt feyaerts & dirk geeraerts katholieke universiteit leuven department of linguistics blijde - inkomststraat 21 b-3000 leuven phone : + 32 . 16 . 32 48 05 fax : + 32 . 16 . 32 47 67 email : kurt . feyaerts @ arts . kuleuven . ac . be dirk . geeraerts @ arts . kuleuven . ac . be " 0 +"Subject: new at capitalfm . com this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - fierce - the hottest r&b girls chat online next wednesday . - texas - a massive competition and awesome bargains . - hot offers - save a fortune on the newest releases . - another level - we report from their soulful live shows . - wired for sound - we surf for the best music on the web . - winning lines - win mariah carey videos in our weekly comp . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - fierce - the hottest r&b girls chat online next wednesday . the newest r&b sensation are already hitting the charts with their second single ' dayz like that ' and the trio will be here at 6 . 30pm on wednesday 5th may to chat live . get your searching questions ready for the friendly fierce and pop in ! - texas - a massive competition and awesome bargains . their much anticipated new album ' the hush ' is out soon and we ' ve got a texas extravaganza to celebrate . you could win signed copies or a mysteriously spectacular first prize , pre-order the album for only 11 . 99 and pick up their classics from only 7 . 99 . - hot offers - save a fortune on the newest releases . it 's a great week to pick up some bargains , as we round up the latest albums from 11 . 99 . scoop up new music from the likes of the pretenders , ace of bass , electronic and ben folds five or check out our parade of the best compilation albums . - another level - we report from their soulful live shows . it 's hard to believe , but the guys get more sexy and swinging with each new release . having offered you the chance to win tickets to their concerts we report back on the event so no one misses out . - wired for sound - we surf for the best music on the web . we crank up the volume and track down what 's hot on the musical web . from realaudio to mp3 , from alanis morissette to the beastie boys , we root out exclusive sounds and the future of music . - winning lines - win mariah carey videos in our weekly comp . every week we have a new set of lyrics for you to ponder . if you can tell us which song they come from you could win a wonderful prize . in our prize cupboard right now are mariah carey videos and dvds and they could be yours . all this and much , much more at http : / / capitalfm . com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ advertisement cash chaos today at www . beeb . com * win every hour * "" congratulations , you are the lucky winner of 500 this hour in cash chaos at beeb . com "" . to be in with a chance of receiving this email make sure you go to www . beeb . com from 12pm - 9pm wednesday 28th april . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ advertisement the latest on the greatest with uefa and mastercard keep a close eye on the uefa champions league site and check out the latest news on the games , teams and players . don t miss out on the greatest football spectacular in europe . click below now ! http : / / capitalfm . com / mastercard / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ advertisement you want to be a winner ? the competition zone - where everyone should go and where many have gone before . . . free holidays , cinema tickets , beer , beverages and weekend breaks . you still here ? well click below now and enter one of the fabulous competitions with prizes just waiting to be won . http : / / capitalfm . com / compzone / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1 +"Subject: new uci dissertations in linguistics irvine linguistics students association is pleased to announce the publication of the following two uci dissertations in linguistics . feature attraction and category movement brian k . agbayani university of california , irvine , 1998 this dissertation presents a new theory of movement in generative grammar within the framework of the minimalist program ( chomsky 1993 , 1994 , 1995 ) . the most important aspect of the new theory is that it departs from the standard view of move a as a unitary operation . the dissertation has three main goals . the first goal is to simplify the theory of feature checking in such a way that a single structural configuration ( namely , the head-adjunction structure ) holds for feature checking in both overt and covert syntax . the second goal is to present evidence for the split movement hypothesis , according to which a set of formal features and its associated category move to separate structural positions in syntax . the claim is that ug makes both attract and move available in the form of attract f and category movement , respectively . the former satisfies the formal requirement of feature checking , and the latter yields the phonological "" displacement "" effect of overt movement . the theory thus abandons the treatment of move a as a unitary operation . the third goal is to explore consequences for the proper characterization of locality in syntax . the split movement approach opens up a novel way to account for the traditional subjacency and condition on extraction domain effects ( huang 1982a ) that do not fall under chomsky 's ( 1995 ) attract f theory . it is argued that attract f and category movement are subject to different types of economy conditions , and that the traditional subjacency and condition on extraction domain effects should not be given a unified account , contrary to the barriers approach ( chomsky 1986a ) . the theory also derives a number of previously mysterious properties related to cross linguistic variation in extractability out of islands , the relative strength of island effects , and the nature of successive-cyclic movement . this dissertation presents a new approach to movement in syntax which overcomes the conceptual and empirical shortcomings of the traditional approach , while gaining new insights into previously mysterious phenomena and properties of natural languages . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : parametrization of features in syntax sze - wing tang university of california , irvine , 1998 the major focus of this study is to propose a restrictive theory of parameters of universal grammar in terms of the principles-and - parameters approach . i propose that semantic features are invariant across languages ; only features that may play a role in the derivation from n to the pf interface level including phonetic features , categorial features , and affix features are subject to parametric variation , which is called the ' overt parametrization hypothesis ' ( oph ) . it is argued that where affix features are associated with a word is subject to parametric variation . movement is largely determined by morphology : movement in the overt component can be signaled by ' impoverished ' morphology ; movement of morphologically ' rich ' elements takes place in the phonological component . under this approach , a variety of syntactic differences among chinese ( cantonese and mandarin ) , english , french , japanese , navajo , and hebrew can be accounted for . based on the idea of parametrization of affix features , i claim that t has an affix feature [ - v ] in english . such an affix feature is missing in chinese . consequently , there is no v - to - t movement in chinese and v moves out of vp in english . a number of apparently disparate differences between these two languages , including postverbal no-phrases , the distribution of focus elements , binominal each , the ' sov ' focalization construction , scopal ambiguity of quantifiers , definiteness of preverbal numeral phrases , gapping , and heavy np shift , receive a unified explanation . the data presented as evidence for the claim that categorial features are subject to parametric variation are primarily based on small clauses in chinese , english , and japanese . it is argued that chinese small clauses are bare , english small clauses are ' not-so - bare ' , and japanese allows both types of small clauses . the major typological differences among these languages regarding the structure of small clauses are derived from a parameter related to the combination of categorial features of nouns and adjectives . the findings lend support to the oph . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : also available : > uci dissertations in linguistics griffith , teresa a . 1996 projecting transitivity and agreement ikawa , hajime 1996 overt movement as a reflex of morphology ishii , toru 1997 an asymmetry in the composition of phrase structure and its consequences li , xiaoguang 1997 deriving distributivity in mandarin chinese takano , yuji 1996 movement and parametric variation in syntax zoerner , cyril edward 1995 coordination : the syntax of &p us $ 14 each , plus shipping and handling > uci working papers in linguistics , volume 3 ( 1997 ) . edited by luther > chen - sheng liu and kazue takeda articles appearing in the third volume are : brian agbayani : category raising , adjunction , and minimality lisa lai - shen cheng : "" partial "" wh - movement naoki fukui : attract and the a - over - a principle toru ishii : the "" crossing "" constraint and the minimal link condition luther chen - sheng liu : light verb and accusative - ing gerund in taiwanese yuji takano : scrambling and partial object shift kazue takeda : a note on locality of category movement and feature movement sze - wing tang : the parametric approach to the resultative construction in chinese and english miyoko yashui : identification of ellipses and other empty categories us $ 14 , plus shipping and handling > uci working papers in linguistics , volume 2 : proceedings of the south > western optimality theory workshop ( swot ii ) . edited by brian agbayani > and naomi harada us $ 12 , plus shipping and handling > uci working papers in linguistics , volume 1 . edited by brian agbayani , > kazue takeda and sze - wing tang us $ 12 , plus shipping and handling shipping and handling ( per item ) domestic : $ 4 ; canada : $ 6 ; mexico : $ 7 ( airmail ) , $ 5 ( surface ) ; elsewhere : $ 12 ( airmail ) , $ 7 ( surface ) * international shipping and handling rates are subject to the numbers of items ordered and location . please contact < ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu > in ordering more than one item from abroad . prepayment required . please make checks or money orders payable to ' ilsa-asuci ' . we cannot accept credit card payment . payment must be in us funds , drawn on a us bank . please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery . send order form and payment to : irvine linguistics students association , school of social sciences , university of california , irvine , irvine , ca 92697 , u . s . a . please address inquires to ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu order form customer information name : street address : city , province / state : country , zip code : telephone number : e - mail : item quantity price per item total uciwpl - 2 $ 12 $ uciwpl - 1 $ 12 $ uciwpl - 3 $ 14 $ agbayani $ 14 $ griffith $ 14 $ ikawa $ 14 $ ishii $ 14 $ li $ 14 $ takano $ 14 $ tang $ 14 $ zoerner $ 14 $ shipping : $ total : $ for more information about uci working papers in linguistics and uci dissertations in linguistics , please contact < ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu > or see ilsa 's homepage < http : / / www . socsci . uci . edu / ling / ilsa / ilsahp . html > . tables of contents of uciwpl and abstracts of ucidl are available in ilsa 's homepage . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ irvine linguistics students association ( ilsa ) school of social sciences university of california , irvine irvine , ca 92697-5100 , u . s . a . ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu http : / / www . socsci . uci . edu / ling / ilsa / ilsahp . html " 0 +Subject: historical linguistics historical linguistics and language change roger lass ( university of cape town ) ; historical linguistics and language change ; isbn : 0-521 - 45924 - 9 ; paperback , 6 x 9 , c . 471 pp . ; pub . date : 04-13 - 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 29 . 95 ; language change happens in the spatio-temporal world . historical linguistics is the craft linguists exercise upon its results , in order to tell coherent stories about it . in a series of linked essays roger lass offers a critical survey of the foundations of the art of historical linguistics , and its interaction with its subject matter , language change , taking as his background some of the major philosophical issues that arise fromthese considerations . the paradoxical conclusion is that our historiographical methods are often better than the data they have to work with . ; contents : preface ; general prologue ; 1 . the past , the present and the historian ; 2 . written records : evidence and argument ; 3 . relatedness , ancestry and comparison ; 4 . convergence and contact ; 5 . the nature of reconstruction ; 6 . time and change : the shape ( s ) of history ; 7 . explanation and ontology ; references ; index . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html 0 +Subject: transcription workshop coling-acl98 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * call for participation call for participation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coling-acl 98 the 17th international conference on computational linguistics ( coling-98 ) and the 36th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics ( acl-98 ) workshop on partially automated techniques for transcribing naturally occurring , continuous speech august 16 , 1998 ( following acl / coling-98 ) university of montreal , montreal , quebec ( canada ) description - - - - - - - - - - the development of robust systems for speech analysis and synthesis depends crucially on the availability of well-annotated corpora of naturally occurring , continuous speech . yet existing speech corpora are rarely well-annotated . a key to proper annotation is the availability of partially automated systems for linking selected portions of a visual display of speech to the corresponding transcriptions . to be of practical use , such systems must be able to handle large files of digitized speech and they should permit transcriptions at different levels of analysis . this workshop is devoted to the presentation and discussion of papers and software demonstrations which reflect the current state of the art . the presentations address the development , use , and evaluation of such systems . registration - - - - - - - - - - - registration is now open for this workshop . registration details can be found at http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca registration before july 1 is can $ 50 ( can $ 35 students ) for participants of the main conference . anybody wishing to attend only this workshop can do so by pre-registering the same way and submitting a fee of can $ 150 . preregistration is strongly advised . workshop program - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - session 1 9 : 15 - 9 : 30 opening remarks nancy belmore , research professor of applied linguistics concordia university , montreal , quebec ( canada ) 9 : 30-10 : 05 recognition of spontaneous speech ( invited talk ) peter stubley , advisor , speech and language processing technology , nortel advanced technology , montreal , quebec ( canada ) 10 : 05-10 : 30 break session 2 10 : 30-11 : 05 towards multimodal spoken language corpora : transtool and synctool joachim nivre , elisabeth ahlsen , jens allwood , leif gronqvist , jenny holm , dario lopez - kasten , sylvana sofkova , kristina tullgren department of linguistics gothenburg university , gothenburg ( sweden ) 11 : 05-11 : 40 speech annotation by multi - sensory recording robert luk department of computing hong kong polytechnic university , ( hong kong ) 11 : 40-12 : 15 how phone duration and segmental processing improve continuous speech signal labeling andre - obrecht , n . parlangeau , f . pellegrino institut de recherche en informatique de toulouse universite paul sabatier - cnrs , toulouse ( france ) 12 : 15 - 1 : 15 lunch session 3 1 : 15 - 1 : 50 grapheme - to-phoneme transcription rules for spanish with application to automatic speech recognition and synthesis patrizia bonaventura , fabio giuliani , juan m . garrido , isabel orten centro studi e laboratori telecommunicazioni , turin ( italy ) and departament de filologia espanyola , universitaet autonoma de barcelona ( spain ) 1 : 50 - 2 : 25 the value of minimal prosodic information caroline lyon and jill hewitt computer science department university of hertfordshire , hatfield , herts . ( uk ) 2 : 25 - 3 : 00 taped demonstrations 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 break session 4 3 : 30 - 4 : 00 on - line demonstrations 4 : 00 - 5 : 00 round table discussion workshop organization sabine bergler . associate prof . of computer science department of computer science concordia university 1455 de maisonneuve blvd west montreal , qc h3g 1m8 e-mail trans98 @ cs . concordia . ca program committee nancy belmore , research professor of applied linguistics , concordia university , montreal ( canada ) sabine bergler , associate professor of computer science , concordia university , montreal ( canada ) john esling , associate professor of linguistics , university of victoria , victoria , british columbia ( canada ) and secretary , international phonetic association eric keller , professor of computer science and director , laboratoire informatique de la parole , university of lausanne , lausanne ( switzerland ) roland kuhn , speech technology laboratory , panasonic technologies , inc . santa barbara , california ( u . s . a . ) douglas o'shaughnessy , professor , institut national de la recherche scientifique ( inrs ) - telecommunications , montreal , quebec ( canada ) ching y . suen , professor of computer science and director , centre for pattern recognition and machine intelligence , concordia university , montreal , quebec ( canada ) . 0 +"Subject: tense and mood selection conference on syntax and semantics of tense and mood selection 2 - 4 july , 1998 department of education and communications sciences university of bergamo organisers : alessandra giorgi , university of bergamo , giorgi @ ibguniv . unibg . it fabio pianesi , irst , trento , pianesi @ irst . itc . it local organisation : dott . a molani sig . ra michela perrottelli secretary of the department : sig . ra flora drago flora @ ibguniv . unibg . it tel : + 39 - ( 0 ) 35-277421 registration : wednesday , 6 - 7 . 30 pm , room 14 , piazza vecchia 8 ( bergamo alta ) thursday , july 2nd , 1998 registration and conference site : room 15 , piazza vecchia 8 ( bergamo alta ) 9 . 00 - 9 . 15 opening address - prof . a . castoldi ( dean of the faculty ) and prof . m . ceruti ( head of the department ) 9 . 15 - 10 . 15 j . higginbotham ( invited speaker - somerville college , oxford ) - "" temporal subordination in english "" 10 . 15 - 10 . 30 break 10 . 30 - 11 . 10 m . hackl & j . nissenbaum ( mit ) - "" variable modal force in for - infinitival relative clauses "" 11 . 10 - 11 . 50 a . giannakidou ( amsterdam ) & f . zwarts ( groeningen ) "" semantic restrictions on tense / aspect combinations with temporal connectives "" 11 . 50 - 12 . 50 a . von stechow ( invited speaker - tuebingen ) - "" where is anteriority in ( german ) perfect constructions ? "" 12 . 50 - 14 lunch 14 . 00 - 15 . 00 a . bonomi ( invited speaker - milano ) - "" semantical considerations on the progressive reading of the imperfective . "" 15 . 00 - 15 . 40 s . rothstein ( bar - ilan ) - "" achievements and progressives "" 15 . 40 - 16 . 20 g . a . broadwell ( albany ) & g . brugger ( ucla ) - "" variability in aspectual orientation : the perfective in choctaw "" 16 . 20 - 16 . 40 break 16 . 40 - 17 . 20 r . amritavalli ( hyderabad ) - "" tense , aspect and mood in kannada "" 17 . 20 - 18 . 00 kiyomi kusumoto ( amherst ) - "" a theory of sequence of tense : evidence from a non - sequence-of - tense language "" 18 . 00 - 19 . 00 t . stowell ( invited speaker - ucla ) - "" sequence of tense and indexicality "" friday , july 3rd , 1998 conference site : room 15 , piazza vecchia 8 ( bergamo alta ) 9 . 00 - 10 . 00 p . molinelli ( invited speaker - bergamo ) - "" sequence of tense and mood selection in late latin "" 10 . 00 - 10 . 40 a . mittwoch ( jerusalem ) - "" tense for the quick and the dead "" 10 . 40 - 11 . 00 break 11 . 00 - 11 . 40 t . moia ( lisboa ) - "" on the semantics of temporal connectives expressing anteriority and posteriority "" 11 . 40 - 12 . 40 s . iatridou ( invited speaker - mit ) - "" the role of tense , mood and aspect in the expression of counterfactuality "" 12 . 40 - 14 . 00 lunch 14 . 00 - 15 . 00 g . cinque ( invited speaker - venezia ) - "" on the order of tense and aspect heads "" 15 . 00 - 15 . 40 h . demirdache ( vancouver ) & m . uribe - etxebarria ( vitoria - gasteiz ) - "" towards a restrictive theory of the diversity of temporal systems "" 15 . 40 - 16 . 20 t . bhattacharya ( ucl , london ) - "" the subjunctive in bangla "" 16 . 20 - 16 . 40 break 16 . 40 - 17 . 40 d . abusch ( invited speaker - stuttgart ) - "" toward a compositional representation for tense , infinitivals and futurity . "" 17 . 40 - 18 . 00 break 18 . 00 - 19 . 30 plenary discussion - chairs : i . heim ( mit ) & j . higginbotham ( oxford ) 20 . 30 social dinner saturday , july 4th , 1998 conference site : room 15 , piazza vecchia 8 ( bergamo alta ) 9 . 30 - 10 . 30 a . giorgi ( bergamo ) & f . pianesi ( itc-irst , trento ) - "" generalised double access reading "" 10 . 30 - 11 . 10 b . hollebrandse ( umass , amherst ) - "" the acquisition of sequence of tense "" 11 . 10 - 11 . 30 break 11 . 30 - 12 . 10 g . katz ( tuebingen ) - "" present - oriented constructions and the perfectivity parameter "" 12 . 10 - 13 . 10 h . kamp ( invited speaker - stuttgart ) - "" deixis and context dependence of time denoting nps and temporal adverbs "" alternates c . gronemeyer ( lund ) - "" the syntactic basis of evidentiality in lithuanian "" m . r . manzini ( firenze ) - "" the syntax of the subjunctive "" m . ippolito ( mit ) - "" reference time and tense anaphora "" organising support by : dott . a molani sig . ra michela perrottelli secretary of the department : sig . ra flora drago flora @ ibguniv . unibg . it tel : + 39 - ( 0 ) 35-277421 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - how to get to bergamo : milano linate and milano malpensa are the closest international airports . bergamo is about 30 miles away from milan . a taxi from linate to bergamo would cost approximately 80 $ . a taxi from malpensa would cost approximately 120 $ . - if you arrive at milano linate take the bus to "" milano centrale "" station ; the bus leaves every 20 minutes and takes 15 minutes to arrive at the station . - if you arrive at milano malpensa take the bus to "" milano centrale "" station ; the bus leaves every half an hour and takes almost an hour to arrive at the station . - from milano centrale there are some trains to bergamo . otherwise , take the metro from centrale to milano porta garibaldi station ( two stops on the green line ) ; here you find more trains to bergamo . some trains go directly from milan to bergamo , others stop in carnate usmate , where you have to get a connection train to bergamo : both ways take the same time ( 50 minutes ) and cost the same . just take the first train leaving either to carnate or to bergamo . - from venice ( or padua ) : take a train going toward milan and get off in brescia . take the first train to bergamo ( 50 minutes ) . please notice that there are no trains during the night ( after 11pm ) ! more detailed information about trains can be found at the www of ferrovie dello stato ( italian railways ) , where train schedule , bookings , etc . . are also available . the address is : http : / / www . fs-on - line . com / - there is a small airport in bergamo : orio al serio . check at your travel agency whether there are connecting flights which might be useful to you . - once in bergamo : the conference site is in bergamo alta ( the ancient town ) . buy a bus ticket ( about $ 1 ) , take the bus number 1 to the funicolare and then with the same ticket you can take the funicular to the top . if you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us : giorgi @ ibguniv . unibg . it fax 39-35 - 235136 ; from june 19 : 39-035 - 235136 pianesi @ irst . itc . it fax 39-461 - 302040 ; from june 19 : 39-0461 - 302040 secretary , ms flora drago : flora @ ibguniv . unibg . it fax 39-35 - 235136 ; from june 19 : 39-035 - 235136 please notice that starting from june 19 you have to insert a "" 0 "" before the area code . best wishes and see you soon alessandra giorgi & fabio pianesi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hotels sr = single room dr = double room bergamo alta ( the ancient town , where the conference will take place ) . hotel name san lorenzo , piazza mascheroni 9 sr : itl 138 . 000 breakfast incl . tel . 035-237383 ; fax 035-261661 dr : itl 198 . 000 breakfast incl . san vigilio , via san vigilio 15 dr : itl 170 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-253179 ; fax 035-402081 agnello d ' oro , via gombito 22 sr : itl75 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-249883 ; fax 035 - 235612 dr : itl 125 . 000 no breakfast incl . bergamo bassa ( very close to bergamo alta , 10 minutes by bus / funicular , and very well connected even at night ) arli , largo porta nuova 12 sr : itl 128 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-222014 ; fax 035-239732 dr : itl 160 . 000 no breakfast incl . piemontese , p . le g . marconi 11 sr : it l96 . 000 breakfast incl . tel . 035-242629 ; fax 035-230400 dr : itl 136 . 000 breakfast incl . commercio , via tasso 88 sr : ilt 77 . 000 breakfast incl . tel . 035-224096 ; fax 035-220451 dr : itl 110 . 000 breakfast incl . san giorgio , via san giorgio 10 sr : itl 55 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-212043 ; fax 035 - 310072 dr : itl 90 . 000 no breakfast incl . youth hostel , via galileo ferraris 1 , tel & fax : 035-361724 for further travel information you can contact : agenzia viaggi lorandi , tel . 035-222244 ; fax 035-225053 please notice that it is necessary to reserve in advance , because summer is "" high season "" and last minute arrangements might fail . important : if you want to attend the conference , please send us an e-mail message , or a fax ! we hope to see you in bergamo ! alessandra giorgi & fabio pianesi addresses and fax numbers : a . giorgi dept . of education and communications sciences university of bergamo piazza vecchia 8 24 100 bergamo , italy giorgi @ ibguniv . unibg . it fax 39-35 - 235136 ; from june 19 : 39-035 - 235136 pianesi @ irst . itc . it fax 39-461 - 302040 ; from june 19 : 39-0461 - 302040 secretary , ms flora drago : flora @ ibguniv . unibg . it fax 39-35 - 235136 ; from june 19 : 39-035 - 235136 " 0 +Subject: nlp + ia ' 98 on all aspects of nlp a number of colleagues have been wondering if nlp + ia ' 98 is mainly about language learning & teaching . the answer is no ! call is getting a special attention not the exclusivity . all aspects of nlp are welcome ! 400 word abstract submissions may 5th 1998 . notification : june 15 , 1998 camera - ready of full papers : august 1st , 1998 chadia moghrabi call for papers & exhibits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = appel aux communications & expositions = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = international conference on natural language processing and industrial applications nlp + ia 98 > > > special accent on computer assisted language learning < < < conference internationale sur le traitement automatique des langues et ses applications industrielles tal + ai 98 > > > attention speciale portee a l ' enseignement de la langue < < < august / aout 18 - 21 , 1998 moncton , new - brunswick , canada come to canada this summer . . . iwnlg august 5 - 7 in niagara - on-the - lake coling - acl & workshops august 10-16 in montreal nlp + ia / call august 18-21 in moncton topics of interest : the nlp study group ( gretal ) at l ' universite de moncton is organizing its second international conference on nlp and industrial applications . this year a special attention is given to computer assisted language learning & teaching . papers are invited on all aspects of natural language processing , including , but not limited to , * computer assisted language learning & teaching , * natural language understanding and generation of textual , spoken and hand-written language , * natural language interfaces to databases , expert systems , or industrial applications * machine translation , computer aided translation , translation aids , * syntax , semantics , pragmatics , lexicon , morphology , * dictionaries , corpora , & other language resources * multimodality * multilinguality * nlp industrial applications * papers of every kind that can help bridge the gap between the theory and practice of nlp in general and language learning in particular . language : authors are invited to submit preliminary versions of their papers not exceeding 400 words ( exclusive of references ) either in english or in french , the two official languages of the conference . proceedings would be published in the language of the submitted texts . final versions would be around 7 - 8 pages . submission : 1 ) the first page should be an identification page containing the title , the authors ' names , affiliations , addresses , a five ( 5 ) keyword list specifying the subject area , a five ( 5 ) line summary , and the name and address of the contact person . title / titre : authors info / auteurs et infos : keywords / mots clefs : summary / resume : contact person / personne contact : 2 ) abstracts should not exceed 400 words in length excluding references ( 12 pt , times roman , 1 inch margins ( 2 , 5 cm ) all around ; if using a4 please keep text within 19cm x 25 , 5 cm ) . 3 ) the identification page and the abstract should be submitted in 4 hard copies ( 12 pt , times roman , 1 inch margins ( 2 , 5 cm ) all around ; if using a4 please keep text within 19 cm x 25 , 5 cm ) to : nlp + ia 98 / tal + ai 98 pr . chadia moghrabi geta , clips , imag 385 rue de la bibliotheque bp 53 x 38041 grenoble cedex 9 france phone : + 33 4 76 51 4369 fax : + 33 4 76 51 4405 e - mail : nlp + ia-98 @ imag . fr 4 ) the identification page should also be e-mailed in plain text . refereeing : all submissions shall be refereed by three members of the program committee . international program committee : anne de roeck ( essex , uk ) arnold smith ( nrc , canada ) chadia moghrabi ( moncton , canada ) christian boitet ( geta , grenoble , france ) chrysanne dimarco ( logos , waterloo , canada ) eric wehrli ( geneva , switzerland ) eva hajicova ( charles u . , prague ) genvieve caelen - haumont ( geod , grenoble , france ) graeme hirst ( toronto , canada ) harry bunt ( tilburg , netherlands ) henry hamburger ( george mason , usa ) howard hamilton ( regina , canada ) jean - pierre chanod ( xerox , france ) johanna moore ( pennsylvania , usa ) john hutchins ( east anglia , uk ) john tait ( sunderland , uk ) junichi tsujii ( umist & tokyo , japan ) kathleen mccoy ( delaware , usa ) margaret king ( issco , switzerland ) manfred stede ( tu - berlin , germany ) marcel cori ( paris-7 , france ) mark seligman ( geta-clips & red pepper , usa ) michael levison ( queens , canada ) nicoletta calzolari ( ilc / cnr , pisa , italy ) pierre isabelle ( rali , montreal , canada ) pierrette bouillon ( geneva , switzerland ) paul tarau ( moncton , canada ) remi chadel ( inxight , xerox , france ) roberto basili ( roma , italy ) ruddy lelouche ( laval , canada ) susan armstrong ( issco , geneva , switzerland ) thierry chanier ( franche - comte , france ) thierry van steenberghe ( louvain - la - neuve , belgium ) veronica dahl ( simon fraser , canada ) yael ravin ( ibm , usa ) yorick wilks ( sheffield , uk ) schedule : submissions are due now on may 5th 1998 . notification of receipt will be mailed to the contact person soon after receipt . authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 june 1998 . camera - ready copies of final full papers must be received by the 1st of august 1998 along with registration fees . participants are also requested to indicate their intention to participate in the conference as soon as possible to the same e-mail address with the single word intention in the subject line . exhibits : anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration should send a brief electronic description along with a specification of physical requirements ( table size , power , telephone connections , number of chairs , etc . ) to the same address with the single word exhibit in the subject line . other activities : accompanying persons can enjoy the lovely outdoor living in new - brunswick and visit the highest tides in the world . moncton is only 20km away from the sandy beaches of shediac , la capitale mondiale du homard . conference organization : the conference is organized by gretal , groupe d ' etude sur le traitement automatique des langues at the universite ' de moncton in cooperation with geta-clips at l ' universite ' joseph fourier in grenoble . the members of the organizing committee are : chadia moghrabi , professor of computer science , conference chair jalal almhana , director & professor of computer science julien chiasson , professor of computer science sadek eid , professor of industrial engineering , director manufacturing technology centre boubaker meddeb - hamrouni , researcher geta & winsoft paul tarau , professor of computer science 0 +"Subject: csdl - 4 preliminary schedule the fourth conference on conceptual structure , discourse , and language ( csdl - 4 ) october 10-12 , 1998 emory university , atlanta , georgia , usa general information : all talks will be held in the geosciences / anthropology building on the emory university campus . please note there will be a discount for early registration ( before june 10 ) . we also strongly encourage you to book your hotel reservations before that time , as a limited block of rooms has been reserved at the emory inn near the campus . detailed information about preregistration , transportation , and accomodations can be found at the conference web site : http : / / www . emory . edu / college / linguistics / csdl / preliminary schedule friday , october 9 7 : 30 pm : pre - conference symposium on primate communication . harold gouzoules , dario maestripieri , and susan savage-rumbaugh will discuss their research at the yerkes regional primate reseach center on vocal and gestural communication engaged in by our nearest primate relatives . saturday , october 10 9 : 00 ron langacker ( uc san diego ) , "" what wh means "" 9 : 25 liang tao ( ohio u ) , "" switch reference and zero anaphora : emergent reference in discourse processing "" 9 : 50 mira ariel ( tel aviv u ) , "" the cognitive basis of resumptive pronouns "" 10 : 15 michael israel ( uc san diego ) , "" argument structure and scalar argumentation "" 10 : 40 break 11 : 00 david danaher ( u of denver ) , "" metonymy in cognition , literature , and phenomenology : a case study "" 11 : 25 phyllis wilcox ( u of new mexico ) , "" two dogs and a metaphorical chain : an intertropic cognitive phenomenon "" 11 : 50 carol lynn moder ( oklahoma state u ) , "" metaphors in context : linguistic form and conceptual mapping "" 12 : 15 anna papafragou ( univ . college london ) , "" metaphor and cognition : evidence from english and modern greek "" 12 : 40 poster session and buffet lunch the following posters will be on display and presenters will be available for discussion ; a buffet lunch will be available in the same room . tamer amin ( clark u ) , "" the syntax and semantics of heat and temperature : a cognitive linguistics approach to the layperson 's understanding of scientific terms . john barnden ( u of birmingham ) , "" conceptual blending and an implemented system for metaphor - based reasoning "" benjamin bergen ( uc berkeley ) , "" the experiential foundations of metaphors for society : metaphorical analogy and the personification of society "" roberta corrigan ( u of wisconsin - milwaukee ) , "" semantic factors influencing the attribution of causality in interpersonal events "" lourdes de leon and john haviland ( ciesas & reed college ) , "" the emergence of the participant : gesture , verbs , and interaction in early tzotzil 's peech ' "" galina dobrova ( state pedagogical u . of russia ) , "" what is more important in the study of language acquisition : form or function ? ( children 's references to self in perception and production ) "" michele emanatian ( five colleges , amherst ) , "" metaphor clustering in discourse "" sharon hutchins ( emory u ) , "" phonesthemes as classifiers within the english root : revisiting manner and path in english and spanish "" scott liddell ( gallaudet u ) , "" reification in spatial blends "" mei - chun liu ( national chiao tung u ) and chu - ren huang ( academia sinica ) , "" from nonimals to temporal targets : a lexical invitation for conceptual transfer and discourse participation "" paul maglio ( ibm ) and teenie matlock ( uc santa cruz ) , "" emergent structure in information space "" todd oakley ( case western reserve u ) , "" syntactic error as conceptual disintegration "" misumi sadler ( u of arizona ) , "" grammaticization of the direct object marker ' o ' in japanese : a discourse-based study "" kiyoko takahashi ( chulalongkorn u ) , "" functions and forms of access path expressions in thai "" sarah taub ( gallaudet u ) , "" multiple metaphors in single asl signs "" longxing wei ( montclair state u ) , "" complex lexical structure and interlanguage development "" section on discourse and computer mediated communication ( cmc ) : victor balaban ( emory u ) , "" self and agency in face - to - face and on - line discourse "" sage graham ( georgetown u ) , "" ' hello , welcome to my world ! ' : the emergence of conversational style in personal homepages "" alexandra jaffe ( u of southern mississippi ) , "" virtual greeting cards "" diane schallert , ronald benton , melissa dodson , nicole amador , maria lissi , joylynn reed , and fan - ni liu ( u of texas , austin ) , "" individual cognition and social construction of discourse in cmc classroom discussions "" 2 : 15 theme session - - grammatical constructions : form and function joan bybee ( u of new mexico ) , "" constructions as processing units "" brian macwhinney ( carnegie mellon u ) , "" embodiment , perspective , and argument structure "" t . givon ( u of oregon ) , "" the grammar of perspective in fiction "" 4 : 15 break 4 : 30 regina pustet ( u of munich ) , "" copula and time - stability "" 4 : 55 patrick juola ( u of oxford ) , "" text distortion as a measure of communicative function and complexity "" 5 : 20 steven fincke ( uc santa barbara ) , "" three levels of core - oblique distinction in bikol "" 5 : 45 kristine jensen de lopez ( aarhus u ) , "" learning to organize space by use of body part terms , prepositions , and verbs of motion and disposition "" 6 : 10 asli ozyurek ( max planck inst . ) , "" differences in speech and gesture organization in turkish and english spatial discourse "" sunday , october 11 9 : 00 dieter hillert ( uc san diego ) , "" access to idiomatic and literal meanings during real - time sentence processing "" 9 : 25 michael barlow and suzanne kemmer ( rice u ) , "" idioms and blending "" 9 : 50 roderick jacobs ( u of hawai ' i ) , "" discourse cueing and the idealized reader "" 10 : 15 miguel oliveira ( simon fraser u ) , "" the function of self - aggrandizement in storytelling "" 10 : 40 break 11 : 00 soteria svorou ( san jose state u ) , "" regions in language "" 11 : 25 barbara malt ( lehigh u ) , steven sloman and silvia gennari ( brown u ) , meiyi shi and yuan wang ( lehigh u ) , "" similarity and the linguistic categorization of common objects "" 11 : 50 sherman wilcox ( u of new mexico ) , "" cognitive iconicity and signed language universals "" 12 : 15 michael smith ( oakland u ) , "" some aspects of path - like iconicity in german separable verb constructions "" 12 : 40 lunch 2 : 00 theme session - - functional and cognitive approaches to the study of first language acquisition eve clark ( stanford u ) , "" the uptake of words and semantic relations "" nancy budwig ( clark u ) , "" perspective , deixis , and the development of voice "" michael tomasello ( max planck inst . & emory u ) : "" acquiring and constraining verb - argument constructions "" 4 : 00 break 4 : 15 satoshi uehara ( tohoku u ) , "" subjective predicates in japanese : a cognitive approach "" 4 : 40 michel achard ( rice u ) , "" conceptual raising "" 5 : 05 sally rice ( u of alberta ) and hubert cuyckens ( u of hamburg & antwerp ) , "" does ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny in the emergence of infinitival ' to ' ? a developmental and diachronic case study "" 5 : 30 break 5 : 45 christopher johnson ( uc berkeley ) , "" constructional grounding : on the relation between deictic and existential there - constructions in acquisition "" 6 : 10 benjamin bergen and madelaine plauche ( uc berkeley ) , "" voila voila : metaphorical extensions of deictic constructions in french "" 6 : 35 kevin moore ( uc berkeley ) , "" deixis and the ' front / back ' component of temporal metaphors "" 7 : 00 conference dinner party monday , october 12 9 : 00 shannon mcewen and sally rice ( u of alberta ) , "" ' they all went to go play ' : serial verb constructions in children 's narratives "" 9 : 25 ivo sanchez ( uc santa barbara ) , "" prosodic integration in spanish complement clauses "" 9 : 50 tom skold and maria wiktorsson ( lund u ) , "" compositional and non - compositional aspects of written and spoken texts "" 10 : 15 barbara luka ( u of chicago ) and lawrence barsalou ( emory u ) , "" syntactic accomodations in discourse and the implicit memory for syntactic structures "" 10 : 40 break 11 : 00 ferdinand de haan ( u of new mexico ) , "" on the grammaticalization of visual evidentiality "" 11 : 25 susan duncan ( u of chicago ) , "" evidence from gesture for a conceptual nexus of action and entity "" 11 : 50 lunch 1 : 10 theme session - - conceptual blending and metaphor eve sweetser ( uc berkeley ) , "" performativity and blended spaces "" gilles fauconnier ( uc san diego ) , "" the great chain of blending "" george lakoff ( uc berkeley ) , title tba 3 : 10 ( conference ends ) " 0 +"Subject: wholes and their parts wholes and their parts ( w / p ) bolzano , maretsch castle , 17-19 june 1998 1 . presentation science is connected to the complementarity of analysis and synthesis . it may be said that classical physics is characterized by an in-built analysis of the world into constituent parts ( such as atoms or elementary particles ) . these are then recomposed together to provide , by means of synthesis , any system ; interactions are linearly and locally described ; the resulting hierarchy of structures is grounded on such constituent parts . in contemporary science , the age of "" pure "" analysis seems to have ended . there are deep mathematical reasons for this . non - linear systems have properties that , in general , cannot be expressed in terms of decomposition into ultimate , unstructured , pointlike parts plus a suitable sets of relations among them . moreover , the "" dialectic "" of quantity and quality is subtler than was previously thought and this dialectic is needed in the explanation of all sorts of phenomena . it arises not only in physics , but also in the study of cognitive systems and natural and programming languages . within psychology , it is said that "" gestalten "" are cohesive wholes and that "" the whole is more than the sum of its parts "" . but what does this mean exactly ? similar questions emerge in other contexts as well . what is relevant for the foundations of science , the need for a clear understanding of the part / whole relationships , emerges even in logic and mathematics , since these provide the tools for organizing our rational image of the world , in its multi-stratified complexity . thus , we are faced with the problem of relating in a possibly coherent way the various forms of part / whole relationships arising in different branches of science . we have not only to classify the different kinds of wholes and their inherent "" grammars "" , but also to take into account the process of formation for wholes , in order to describe precisely in which sense the whole emerges out of its parts and is irreducible to an aggregate of autonomous , more or less pointlike , entities . what makes ( in part , at least ) the difference between mere aggregates and cohesive wholes ? the members of the whole do not simply hang together : they hang together in the whole , and the structure of the whole influences the description of the parts and their local interactions . in view of the growing interest in this sort of pattern , of so deep relevance for theoretical and applied sciences , it is therefore suitable to clarify the whole / part issues in crucial fields of research , to compare different approaches and to develop a foundational discussion . 2 . program june 17 9 registration 10 bill lawvere , opening lecture 11 , 30 coffee break 12 john bell , w / p in algebraic and logical structures 13-15 lunch 15 ieke moerdjik , w / p in geometry , topology and topos theory 16 coffee break 16 , 30 colin mclarty , w / p in foundations of mathematics 17 , 30 carlo cellucci , w / p in logical analysis june 18 9 steve vickers , w / p in semantics for programming languages 10 gonzalo reyes , w / p in categorical analysis of language 11 coffee break 11 , 30 john mayberry , w / p in set theory 12 , 30-15 lunch 15 niles eldredge , w / p in biology 16 coffee break 16 , 30 alberto peruzzi , w / p in epistemology and semantics 17 , 30 roberto poli , w / p in ontology june 19 9 ettore casari , w / p in phenomenology 10 alf zimmer , w / p in gestalt psychology 11 coffee break 11 , 30 ron langacker , w / p in linguistics 12 , 30-15 lunch 15 george lakoff , w / p in cognitive sciences ( to be confirmed ) 16 coffee break 16 , 30 chris isham , w / p in quantum topology 17 , 30 basil hiley , w / p in mechanics and cosmology 3 . updates to keep you updated with more information on the conference this is the url for the w / p home page : http : / / www . gelso . unitn . it / ~ poli / 4 . registration fees registration fees only cover the participation in this conference . miscellaneous expenses ( accomodation , meals and social activities ) are in addition . the registration deadline to get the early registration fare is : march 1998 , 31st . students must enclose with the registration form a photocopy of their student card . status early registration ( before 3 / 31 / 98 ) late registration student 50 , 000 100 , 000 scholar 100 , 000 200 . 000 industrial 200 , 000 300 . 000 5 . accomodation participants should book their own accomodation . a selected hotel list is the following one : parkhotel laurin * * * * . 4 , laurinstrasse single-room and breakfast : 180 , 000-265 , 000 tel . + 39 471 31 10 00 , fax + 39 471 31 11 48 citta \ 146 * * * . 21 , waltherplatz single-room and breakfast : 110 , 000 tel . + 39 471 97 52 21 ; fax : + 39 471 97 66 88 feichter * * . 15 , via weintraubengasse single-room and breakfast : 60 , 000-80 , 000 tel . + 39 471 978 768 ; fax : + 39 471 974 803 regina angelorum * * . 1 , rittnerstrasse single-room and breakfast : 65 , 000-85 , 000 tel . : + 39 471 972195 ; fax : + 39 471 97 89 44 kolpinghaus * * ( student house ) . 3 , spitalgasse single-room and breakfast : 50 , 000-65 , 000 tel . : + 39 471 97 11 70 ; fax . : + 39 471 97 39 17 ( all the above hotels are at a walkable distance from both the railway station and maretsch castle . ) for more information : city tourist office . 8 , waltherplatz tel . : + 39 471 307 000 / 001 / 002 fax . : + 39 471 98 01 26 or + 39 471 98 03 00 time table : 8 . 30-18 . 00 ; saturday 9-12 . 30 closed on sunday and holidays . 6 . methods of payment cheques : made out in italian liras , payable to istituto mitteleuropeo di cultura , vicolo gumer 7 , 39100 bolzano , italy . bank transfers : sorry but you will have to pay the banking charges ( if you do n't , your registration will be considered as incomplete ) . please enclose with this form a copy of your transfer . this copy should mention the name and adress of your bank . do not forget to write down your name on the transfer . the bank transfer must be done in italian liras on the account : bank : cassa di risparmio di bolzano account number : 873900 swift codes : abi : 06045 ; cab : 11601 references : w / p conference / your name address : istituto mitteleuropeo di cultura vicolo gumer 7 39100 bolzano , italy if these methods of payment are inconvenient , it will be possible for you to pay cash once you are in bolzano . in this case , you will have to pay the late registration fee . some exceptions to these arrangements can be made for people coming from countries which do not allow any of the long distance methods of payment above . 7 . cancellation cancellations received before april 1998 , 15th : running costs : 20 , 000 it liras cancellations received after may 1998 , 15th : running costs : 50 % of the registration fees 8 . registration form name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ institution : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to return by e-mail to : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it a copy of this registration form together with the justificatory of payment and the copy of the student card has to be sent by surface mail to : istituto mitteleuropeo di cultura , vicolo gumer 7 , 39100 bolzano , italy 9 . conference committee alberto peruzzi : peruzzi @ dada . it roberto poli : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * roberto poli department of sociology and social research 26 , verdi street 38100 trento - - italy tel . + + 39-461 - 881-403 fax : + + 39-461 - 881-348 e-mail : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it axiomathes : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / axiomathes . htm imc : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc . htm " 0 +"Subject: foreign language culture conference organizer : faculty of foreign languages laboratory of communicative teaching through cultural interaction . kursk state pedagogical university . 33 radischev street , kursk 305004 , russia tel . ( 071 22 ) 2-73 - 61 fax . ( 0712 ) 568461 e-mail : kgpu @ home . sovtest . ru international conference : the voice of the foreign language culture tentatively scheduled for october 12-16 , 1998 at kursk state pedagogical university , russia . goal : defining general approaches taken by russian and foreign methodologists to the problem of communicative pronunciation teaching . foreign language pronunciation , vital for communication , is a complex phenomenon difficult to investigate and not readily yielding to teaching guidance . no wonder , occasionally it will be declared irrelevant and the attention of the methodologists and teachers is concentrated on more learnable items : grammar and vocabulary . indeed , either the intuitive - imitative approach with its attention to the accuracy of pronunciation or the analytic - linguistic approach with its articulatory and contrastive information , or the cognitive approach which gives emphases to grammar , or the natural approach and the silent way with the attention to the supra - segmental structures have not met the needs of communication . however , this kind of neglect of pronunciation teaching is of short duration and it could not be otherwise for evident reasons . it is pronunciation that reflects the national character , culture and spirit of the nation , the social characteristics of the speaker , their aims , motives and emotions . you would not really respond adequately to what is being said without the proper awareness of the implications of the pronunciation system . moreover , even in the recognition of grammar and lexical units we mainly depend on pronunciation parameters . in fact , all speech activities have pronunciation roots . that is why we can not neglect teaching pronunciation if we want to prepare our students for actual communication . in the communicative approach adhered to in this institution , we demand a communicative paradigm of pronunciation teaching . it implies both the communicative aim of teaching and structuring the teaching process in accordance with the natural mechanisms of pronunciation acquisition . there is evidence that communicative approach to teaching pronunciation is gaining universal support . according to m . celces - murcia , d . m . brinton , j . m . goodwin in "" teaching pronunciation , "" _ cup _ , 1996 . . . teaching supra-segmental features ( rhythm , stress and intonation in a discourse context was the optimal way to organize a short - term pronunciation course . this idea sounds promising for a more fundamental course if we take into account the psychological nature of pronunciation acquisition . the objectives of the conference are as follows : emphasize social importance and necessity of correct pronunciation point out general problems of teaching fl pronunciation develop a communicative syllabus for teaching fl pronunciation and specify the teaching units and the context of teaching definine communicative strategies for pronunciation teaching specify the communicative model for teaching pronunciation and its correlation with natural speech mechanisms define the links of fl culture and pronunciation teaching analyze the communicative model of pronunciation teaching as a component of teacher education outline the linguistic foundation of communicative fl pronunciation teaching identify the links between pronunciation and grammar , vocabulary and pragmatic context . discussion groups on suggested topics : 1 . the social load and the status of pronunciation in multi-cultural society . 2 . pronunciation as an indicator of language proficiency and cultural level . 3 . communicative teaching of pronunciation as a basis for teaching fl speech . 4 . functional and linguistic aspects of pronunciation teaching . 5 . techniques of communicative teaching of fl pronunciation . we would be delighted to discuss the problems and share our experience with those of similar interests . we sincerely hope that the integral efforts of the participants of the conference will result in solving some of the problems and enrich our practical competence . first call for papers . the faculty of foreign languages and the laboratory of communicative fl teaching through cultural interaction at kursk state pedagogical university ( russia ) cordially invite colleagues from asia , africa , america and europe to participate in their international conference . we desire to share achievements , concerns and exchange expertise in teaching english , german and french phonetics and pronunciation . all teachers and methodologists are welcome to attend . papers of 2000 words will be published subsequently in the conference proceedings . final date for acceptance of applications and papers to the above address by 1 july 1998 . kursk , a city lacated 450 km to the south of moscow , is one of the oldest cities in russia with a number of attractions interesting from historical and cultural points of view . accomodation will be provided at the hotel kursk ( 40-60 $ per night ) . participants will also be offered to live in the appartments with russian families and the students ' dormitory . foreign particapants will be met in moscow and accompanied to kursk if required . we look forward to hearing from you . sincerely , nickolay smakhtin dean of the faculty of foreign languages vyacheslav buzhinsky head of the english language department " 0 +Subject: come see the sunshine ! a vacation just for you ! to the most exotic place on earth . . . . . . florida ! special online promotional vacation package is brought to you for a limited time only , so don ' t wait ! vist our website now for more information on price and package info . ( sorry , offer not available to travel agents for resale ) offer now available world wide ! ! ! for full details go to : http : / / % 361 % 36 % 340 % 35 % 36 % 365 @ 3438189349 / ak2 / robber9 / trip . html to be removed from these promotional mailings go to : http : / / % 361 % 36 % 340 % 35 % 36 % 365 @ 3438189349 / ak2 / robber9 / removepage . html 1 +Subject: conference announcement southern illinois university edwardsville and carbondale invite submission of abstracts for the 1998 mid - american linguistics conference we will continue the 33 year tradition of accepting papers on all linguistic topics . linguists in all areas of specialization are encouraged to submit abstracts . this year 's meeting will feature special interest sessions on prosody and bilingualism . it will also feature an excursion to cahokia mounds historic site . plenary speaker : professor gregory ward , northwestern university location : the conference will be in the university center on the campus of southern illinois university edwardsville . edwardsville is located at the junctions of i-270 and highway 157 about 25 miles east of downtown st . louis . guidelines for submission of papers contributed papers will be allowed a maximum of 20 minutes for presentation . published proceedings of the conference will be available if there is sufficient demand ordering information will be provided in september . instructions for the preparation of manuscripts will be sent along with notification of acceptance . please submit 4 copies of a 1 - page abstract no later than august 21 , 1998 . e - mail submissions will < italic > not < / italic > be accepted . submissions faxed to meet the deadline must be followed immediately by mailed abstracts on regular paper . mail abstracts to the address given below . send abstracts and / or requests for additional information about program content to : ron schaefer , department of english , siue , edwardsville , il 62026-1431 telephone : ( 618 ) 650-2060 ; fax : ( 618 ) 650-5050 or e - mail : rschaef @ siue . edu for registration information contact : southern illinois university conferences & institutes at ( 618 ) 650-2660 . for more information , including hotel and travel accomodations , consult our web page ( still under construction ) at < < http : / / www . siu . edu / departments / cola / ling01 / midamerica98 . html > geoffrey s . nathan department of linguistics southern illinois university at carbondale , carbondale , il , 62901 usa phone : + 618 453-3421 ( office ) fax + 618 453-6527 + 618 549-0106 ( home ) 0 +Subject: sociolinguistics women changing language anne pauwels , professor of linguistics in the department of linguistics at the university of new england , armidale , australia . paper 0-582 - 09962 - 5 hardback 0-582 - 09961 - 7 280 pages 1998 real language series longman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' women changing language ' documents and discusses feminist language reform , looking at the initiatives and actions of women around the world to change the biased representation of the sexes in language . the book pays tribute to the activities of many women who have helped debunk myths about the relationship between women and language , for example that women are ' consumers ' of language and men are ' makers ' of meaning and creators of language rules . the study reverses this view , concentrating on women as meaning ' makers ' . women are shown to be language activists who readily challenge sexist language assumptions and practices . the discussion around feminist language reform is approached from a language planning perspective , which has until now been given little recognition . moreover , for the first time , this study adopts multilingual and multicultural dimensions , drawing examples from europe and asia . the extensive collection of multilingual data reveals diversity as well as similarities between languages in the expression and coding of sexism . the study also stresses the need to bear in mind that different cultural attitudes can have varied effects on the acceptance and success of language reform . this book is highly recommended for students and lecturers in sociolinguistics , women 's studies , critical discourse analysis as well as the sociology of language . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - further information on the books published in this series , and the table of contents for this title can be viewed at the longman linguistics on-line catalogue at : http : / / www . awl-he . com / linguistics for a complete listing of our world-wide offices , please click below : http : / / www . awl-he . com / offices 0 +Subject: submit 600 this is not spam ; you are receiving this message because you are a member of a safemail list . if you do not wish to be a part of this listclick here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if you want your site to be found submit 600 is definitely for you your web site is of little use unless it can be found by those who might be interested in it . submit your web site to up to 600 different search engines and directories . guaranteed submission to the major search engines including : alta vista aol netfind excite hotbot infoseek lycos , magellan northernlight planet search web crawler yahoo ! netscape snap . com save yourself time and trouble and promote your web site using submit600 today ! ! ! there are more than 40 million web sites and 400 million web pages with more being added every day . thus , today it is more challenging than ever for your site to be easily found . if you want your site to be found click here if have trouble logging on to our url please email us requesting information regarding submit 600 click here 1 +Subject: going romance 1998 call for papers going romance 1998 twelfth symposium on romance linguistics utrecht university , december 10-11 utrecht institute of linguistics ots ( uil ots ) holland institute of generative linguistics ( hil ) invited speakers : hans georg obenauer maria luisa rivero raffaella zanuttini abstracts are invited for thirty minutes talks ( with an additional ten minutes for discussion ) in all areas of romance linguistics from all theoretical perspectives . a selection of the papers will be published . abstracts should be anonymous , and should be no longer than two pages , including references and examples , with margins of at least 1 - inch , letter size 11 / 12 . submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author . please provide 7 anonymous abstracts and one camera-ready original containing title , author 's name and affiliation . submissions by e-mail or fax can be accepted , provided a camera-ready original is received within one week after the deadline . a separate card should contain the title of the paper , author 's name , affiliation , address , telephone number and e-mail address . deadline for receipt of abstracts : september 18 , 1998 abstracts should be sent to the following address : going romance 1998 phone : 31-30 - 2536006 utrecht institute of linguistics ots fax : 31-30 - 2536000 utrecht university e - mail : going . romance @ let . uu . nl trans 10 3512jk utrecht the netherlands a workshop on ` acquiring and using the lexicon ' will be held on december 12 . this workshop is organized in collaboration with the cnrs ( france ) . a separate call for papers will follow . organizing committee : sergio baauw ( uil ots ) , denis delfitto ( uil ots / dept . of italian ) frank drijkoningen ( uil ots / dept . of french ) paola monachesi ( uil ots ) johan rooryck ( hil / leiden university ) jan schroten ( uil ots / dept . of spanish ) henriette de swart ( uil ots / dept . of french ) 0 +Subject: 6th manchester phonology meeting - programme provisional programme the north - west centre for linguistics and the universities of toulouse - le mirail and paris x - nanterre present the 6th manchester phonology meeting university of manchester ( uk ) thursday 21 may to saturday 23 may 1998 the provisional programme for the 6th manchester phonology meeting is now available on our web site ( http : / / www . art . man . ac . uk / german / 6mfm / prog . htm ) . there are 18 papers and 15 posters , including presentations by jacques durand ( universite de toulouse - le mirail ) , john harris ( university college london ) , francis katamba ( university of lancaster ) , glyne piggott ( mcgill university ) , john rennison ( university of vienna ) and norval smith ( university of amsterdam ) . if you would like to attend , please contact us by e-mailing wiebke . brockhaus @ man . ac . uk before 8 may 1998 . details of conference fee , travel and accommodation arrangements etc . can be accessed from the above web page . best wishes , the organisers : wiebke brockhaus ( university of manchester ) jacques durand ( universite de toulouse - le mirail ) bernard laks ( universite paris x - nanterre ) nigel vincent ( university of manchester ) 0 +Subject: 8th international conference on functional grammar the eighth international conference on functional grammar ( icfg8 ) is being held at the vrije universiteit amsterdam ( netherlands ) from july 6th through 9th . for full details , including the conference program and abstracts of all papers , as well as information on travel and accommodation , see : http : / / www . mis . coventry . ac . uk / fgis / 8thicfg . html to register as a participant in the conference , please contact : icfg8 @ let . vu . nl lachlan mackenzie free university amsterdam 0 +Subject: generative approaches to sla iv second call for papers the university of pittsburgh department of linguistics and the carnegie mellon university department of modern languages present : the fourth international conference on generative approaches to second language acquisition iv september 25-26 - 27 , 1998 pittsburgh , pennsylvania , usa confirmed plenary speakers : o lydia white , mcgill university o usha lakshmanan , southern illinois university o peter gordon , university of pittsburgh all papers in generative approaches to sla are welcome , including interdisciplinary links with : second language sentence / input processing neuroimaging and second language acquisition links between language change , language contact , and sla links between generative approaches to sla and social / cognitive factors affecting sla please send 5 copies of an anonymous abstract ( single-spaced , 2 pages maximum including examples and references ) and a 3 x 5 index card with name ( s ) of author ( s ) , title of paper , affiliation , phone number , and e-mail address to : gasla iv 2816 cathedral of learning university of pittsburgh pittsburgh , pa 15260 usa no e - mail submissions , please deadline for abstracts : may 31 , 1998 deadline for pre - registration : september 5 , 1998 http : / / verb . linguist . pitt . edu / ~ gasla / 0 +Subject: coling-acl ' 98 computerm workshop acl / coling-98 ( association for computational linguistics / conference on computational linguistics ) computerm workshop first workshop on computational terminology august 15 , 1998 ( immediately following acl / coling-98 ) university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) preliminary call for papers description the workshop will provide a forum to bring together researchers from the fields of computational linguistics , terminology , automated translation , information retrieval and lexicography who share an interest in computational aspects of terminology processing : acquisition , extraction , indexing , machine-aided thesaurus building , dictionary construction , etc . the aim of the workshop is to stimulate the exchange of innovative ideas and results of diverse aspects of automatic term processing in order to bridge the gap between these fields . topics the topics of the workshop include ( but are not limited to ) : - construction of terminology resources - semi - or automatic acquisition of terms - semi - or automatic acquisition of conceptual knowledge - thesaurus construction and maintenance - use of terminology resources ( term banks , thesauri , specialized lexicons , . . . ) - terms in information retrieval ( stemming , automatic indexing , query expansion , . . . ) - multi - lingual terminological resources for cross-language ir - terminology management in machine-aided translation - terminology and nlp ( parsing , tagging , text understanding , generation , . . . ) - terminology processing for other applications submissions only hard-copy submissions will be accepted . authors should submit six ( 6 ) copies of their full-length paper ( 3500-5000 words ) . submissions should be sent : didier bourigault laboratoire de linguistique informatique universite paris xiii avenue j . - b . clement f-93430 villetaneuse france style files and templates for preparing submissions http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html the official language of the conference is english . however , papers can also be submitted in french . the final version of the papers will be accompanied by two long abstracts in two different languages . all the presentation at the workshop will be given in english . important deadlines submission deadline : march 23 , 1998 notification date : may 15 , 1998 camera ready copy due : june 15 , 1998 scientific committee khurshid ahmad ( university of surrey , uk ) sophia ananiadou ( manchester metropolitan university , manchester , uk ) peter anick ( digital equipment corporation , usa ) teresa cabre ( university pompeu fabra , barcelone , spain ) ken church ( at&t labs research , usa ) anne condamines ( cnrs , toulouse , france ) bruce croft ( university of massachusetts , usa ) ido dagan ( bar ilan university , israel ) beatrice daille ( irin nantes , france ) pascale fung ( hong kong university of science and technology , hong kong ) eric gaussier ( xerox research centre europe , france ) gregory grefenstette ( xerox research centre europe , france ) stephanie haas ( university of north carolina , usa ) benoit habert ( limsi & ens fontenay - st cloud , france ) ulrich heid ( universitaet stuttgart , stuttgart , germany ) kyo kageura ( nacsis , tokyo , japan ) judith klavans ( columbia univesity , usa ) robert krovetz ( nec research institute , usa ) robert losee ( university of north carolina , usa ) ingrid meyer ( university of ottawa , ottawa , canada ) jian - yun nie ( university of montreal , montreal , canada ) padmini srinivasan ( the university of iowa , usa ) tomek strzalkowski ( general electric company , usa ) evelyne tzoukermann ( bell labs innovations , lucent technologies , usa ) richard wojcik ( boeing company , usa ) pierre zweigenbaum ( ap-hp & universite paris 6 , france ) organizers didier bourigault ( cnrs and universite paris xiii , paris , france ) christian jacquemin ( iut de nantes , france ) marie - claude l ' homme ( universite de montreal , montreal , canada ) email contact mailto : db @ lli . univ-paris 13 . fr , christian . jacquemin @ iut-nantes . univ-nantes . fr , lhommem @ ere . umontreal . ca 0 +"Subject: cssi conference on spatial cognition mind iii : annual conference of the cognitive science society of ireland theme : spatial cognition dublin city university , dublin , ireland august 17-19 , 1998 you are invited to participate in the annual conference of the cssi , on the theme of spatial cognition , at dublin city university from august 17-19 , 1998 . this conference will bring together researchers from different cognitive science disciplines ( psychology , computer science , linguistics , and cognitive geography ) who are studying different aspects of spatial cognition . the conference will provide a forum for researchers to share insights about different aspects of spatial cognition and from the perspective of different disciplines . the academic programme will begin at 9 : 00 a . m . on august 17th and end on 19th . the social programme will include a barbecue and ceili ( traditional irish dance ) on tuesday 18th and a tour and concert on wednesday after the end of the academic programme . for information on registration and accommodation , please visit the web page at : http : / / www . psych . ucsb . edu / ~ hegarty / cssi / the deadline for early registration is july 15th ( after that the price increases significantly ) . for questions about the programme , contact mary hegarty : hegarty @ psych . ucsb . edu for questions about registration and local arrangements , contact sean o nuallain : sonualla @ compapp . dcu . ie programme keynote speakers : michel denis , groupe cognition humaine , limsi-cnrs , universite de paris - sud andrew frank , department of geoinformation , technical university wien talk presentations : environmental spatial cognition g . allen , university of south carolina men and women , maps and minds : cognitive bases of sex-related differences in reading and interpreting maps c . christou & h . bulthoff , max - planck institute for biological cybernetics , tubingen using virtual environments to study spatial encoding d . jacobson , r . kitchin , t . garling , r . golledge & m . blades , university of california , santa barbara , queens university of belfast , gotenborg university learning a complex urban route without sight : comparing naturalistic versus laboratory measures p . peruch , f . gaunet , c . thinus - blanc , m - d . giroudo , cnrs , marseille & cnrs - college de france , paris real and imagined perspective changes in visual versus locomotor navigation m . j . sholl , boston college the accessibility of metric relations in self-to - object and object-to - object systems language and space t . baguley & s . j . payne , loughborough university and cardiff university of wales given - new versus new-given ? an analysis of reading times for spatial descriptions k . c . coventry & m . prat - sala , university of plymouth the interplay between geometry and function in the comprehension of spatial propositions j . gurney & e . kipple , army research laboratory , adelphi , md composing conceptual structure for spoken natural language in a virtual reality environment s . huang , national taiwan university spatial representation in a language without prepositions s . taub , gallaudet university iconic spatial language in asl : concrete and metaphorical applications c . vorwerg , university of bielefeld production and understanding of direction terms as a categorization process computation and spatial cognition m . eisenberg & a . eisenberg , university of colorado designing real-time software advisors for 3 - d spatial operations j . gasos & a . saffiotti , iridia , universite libre de brruxelles fuzzy sets for the representation of uncertain spatial knowledge in autonomous robots r . k . lindsay , university of michigan discovering diagrammatic demonstrations p . mckevitt , aalborg university and university of sheffield chameleon meets spatial cognition d . r . montello , m . f . goodchild , p . fohl & j . gottsegen , university of california , santa barbara implementing fuzzy spatial queries : problem statement and behavioral science methods s . o nuallain & j . kelleher , dublin city university spoken image meets vrml and java spatial reasoning and problem solving m . gattis , max planck institute for psychological research , munich mapping relational structure in visual reasoning j . n . mcgregor , t . c . ormerod & e . p . chronicle , university of victoria and lancaster university spatial and conceptual factors in human performance on the traveling salesperson problem p . d . pearson , r . h . logie & k . j . gilhooly , university of aberdeen verbal representations and spatial manipulation during mental synthesis l . rozenblit , m . spivey & j . wojslawowicz mechanical reasoning about gear-and - belt systems : do eye-movements predict performance ? c . sophian & m . crosby , university of hawaii at manoa ratios that even young children understand : the case of spatial proportions theoretical perspectives : r . h . logie , department of aberdeen constraints on visuo-spatial working memory n . h . narayanan , auburn university exploring virtual information landscapes : spatial cognition meets information visualization a . smith , national research council , canada spatial cognition without spatial concepts c . speed & d . g . tobin , university of plymouth space under stress : spatial understanding and new media technologies m . tiressa , a . caressa and g . geminiani , universita di torino & universita di padova a theoretical framework for the study of spatial cognition poster presentations m . betrancourt , a . pellegrin & l . tardif , research institut , inria rhone - alpes using a spatial display to represent the temporal structure of multimedia documents m . bollaert , limsi-cnrs , university de paris - sud a connectionist model of mental imagery k borner & c vorwerg , university of bielefeld applying vr technology to the study of spatial perception and cognition a . caressa , a . abrigliano & g . geminiani , universita de padova & universita di torino . describers and explorers : a method to investigate cognitive maps . e . p . chronicle , t . c . ormerod & j . mcgregor . lancaster university and university of victoria when insight just won't come : the failure of visual cues in the nine-dot problem . r . coates , c . j . hamilton & t . heffernan , university of teeside and university of northumbria at newcastle in search of the visual and spatial characteristics of visuo-spatial working memory g . fernandez , lmsi-cnrs individual differences in the processing of route directions r . hornig , b . claus & k . eyferth , technical university of berlin in search for an overall organizing principle in spatial mental models : a question of inference m - c . grobety , m . morand & f . schenk cognitive mapping across visually disconnected environments n . gotts , university of wales , aberystwyth describing the topology of spherical regions using the "" rcc "" formalism x . guilarova , moscow m . v . lomosonov state university polysemy of adjective "" round "" via lakoff 's radical category structuring j . s . longstaff , laban center , london cognitive structures of kinesthetic space : reevaluating rudolph labanus choreutics u . schmid , s . wiebrock & f . wysotzki , technical university of berlin modeling spatial inferences in text understanding programme committee : ruth byrne , trinity college dublin jerome feldman , university of california , berkeley mary hegarty , university of california , santa barbara ( program chair ) christopher habel , university of hamburg george lakoff , university of california , berkeley robert h . logie , university of aberdeen jack loomis , university of california , santa barbara paul mc kevitt , aalborg university and university of sheffield daniel r . montello , university of california , santa barbara n . hari naryanan , auburn university and georgia institute of technology patrick olivier , university of wales , aberystwyth sean o nuallain , dublin city university ( co - chair ) terry regier , university of chicago keith stenning , edinburgh university michael spivey , cornell university arnold smith , national research council , canada barbara tversky , stanford university " 0 +Subject: workshop annoncement and call for papers - clitics workshop announcement and call for papers c l i t i c s 24th - 26th february 1999 konstanz university , germany we are pleased to announce our workshop on ' clitics ' during the 21st annual meeting of the german society of linguistics in konstanz ( germany ) . in linguistic research , clitics play an increasingly prominent role . the status of clitics is under discussion in phonology , morphology , and syntax , as well as in the respective interfaces . in these fields , the discussion on clitics gives rise to controversial analyses . one open question is whether we need in fact a separate linguistic category ' clitic ' , or whether these elements can be subsumed under different linguistic categories , such as affixes . - with respect to phonology , it is undetermined how clitics are incorporated into phonological structure . should we distinguish a clitic group in the prosodic hierarchy , are clitics part of prosodic words , or are they left outside prosodic structure ? how is their phonological deficiency best accounted for ? - concerning the morphology of clitics , especially regarding the occurrence of opaque clitics in clitic clusters , analyses within the framework of distributed morphology compete with those which propose an optimality theoretic solution . - also , the morphosyntactic status of clitics is unclear . is it possible to capture the order of clitics in clitic clusters in a more explanatory way than in terms of templates ? the complex conditions on clitic doubling give rise to the question whether clitics should be analysed as agreement markers or as arguments . - syntactic aspects of clitics play a major role in recent analyses in different theoretical frameworks . for instance , there is no agreement on the explanation of clitic climbing and it is an unsettled issue whether clitic placement should be accounted for in a syntactic , prosodic , prosodic-syntactic , or optimality-theoretic approach . the workshop intends to bring together phonologists , morphologists , and syntacticians and provides an ideal opportunity to share insights and to discuss the issues mentioned above . in addition to the invited speaker presentations , there are 9 slots for 30 - minute presentations , and 3 slots for 1 hour presentations ( including discussion ) . invited speakers : geert booij ( free university amsterdam ) jane grimshaw ( rutgers university ) juan uriagereka ( university of maryland ) please send a one-page abstract before 15th august 1998 to : birgit gerlach & janet grijzenhout , seminar fuer allgemeine sprachwissenschaft , heinrich - heine - universitaet , universitaetsstr . 1 , 40225 duesseldorf , germany . we may be contacted by e-mail at gerlach @ phil-fak . uni-duesseldorf . de , or grijzenh @ phil-fak . uni-duesseldorf . de 0 +Subject: survey study survey study - call for participation the purpose of this qualitative survey study is to collect information from language teachers about their experiences in developing multimedia instructional materials . if you are a language teacher and have created multimedia intructional materials such as - web pages , hypercard or hyperstudio stacks , digital - sound / image / video files , or projects created with advanced authoring - software like authorware , toolbook , or director , we welcome you to spend some time to complete the survey . i will post a summary of the results of the survey to the lisxt when it 's done . the survey can be accessed at : http : / / www . coe . missouri . edu / ~ cjw / survey / username : teacher password : survey if you know of any pre-service and / or in-service language teachers , please invite them to participate in the survey . thanks to you all ! c . james wong college of education | columbia , mo 65211 university of missouri - columbia | http : / / www . coe . missouri . edu / ~ cjw / 0 +"Subject: nels 29 - - call for papers * * * * * * * * * * * * n e l s 29 * * * * * * * * * * * * * annual meeting of the northeastern linguistic society * * * university of delaware , newark , de october 16-18 , 1998 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = call for papers = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = one - page anonymous abstracts for talks or posters on any aspect of theoretical linguistics are requested . references , but no examples may be included on a separate page . individuals may submit no more than on abstract for which they are the primary author . submissions deadline : july 1 , 1998 paper and electronic submissions will be accepted ; fax submissions will not . abstracts should be single-spaced in 12 - pt times font ( except for phonetic transcriptions ) and sized for 8 . 5 "" x11 "" paper . top margins should be at least 1 . 5 inches , with at least one inch for the bottom and side margins . submissions should include : the title , the name ( s ) of the author ( s ) , affiliation ( s ) , mailing and email addresses where the primary author can be reached over the summer , subfield of linguistics which the abstract represents , and whether the abstract is being submitted for consideration as a talk , poster , or both . for paper submissions , ten anonymous copies should be submitted , and the author information should be typed ona 3 "" x5 "" index card . for electronic submissions , follow the instructions at the nels 29 website : < http : / / sun . ling . udel . edu / nels - 29 > address for correspondance : * * * nels 29 abstracts committee department of linguistics 46 e . delaware avenue newark , de 19716 usa email : nels - 29 @ udel . edu unless otherwise indicated , acknowledgement of receipt will be via e-mail . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = registration information = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = preregistration fees * * * $ 20 ( us ) for students and $ 40 ( us ) for others before september 16 , 1998 . on - site registration fees * * * $ 25 ( us ) for students and $ 50 ( us ) for others for further information , please consult the nels 29 website or contact us at the e-mail address listed above . " 0 +"Subject: coling-acl 98 workshop "" discourse relations and discourse markers "" coling-acl 98 workshop "" discourse relations and discourse markers "" august 15 , 1998 opening 9 . 00 session 1 : discourse structure parsing uses introduction daniel marcu ( usc / isi ) a surface-based approach to identifying discourse markers and elementary textual units in unrestricted texts 9 . 10 - 9 . 30 simon h . corston - oliver ( microsoft research ) identifying the linguistic correlates of rhetorical relations 9 . 30 - 9 . 50 j . burstein , k . kukich , s . wolff , c . lu , m . chodorow ( educational testing service and hunter college ) enriching automated essay scoring using discourse marking 9 . 50 - 10 . 10 discussion 10 . 10 - 10 . 25 coffee break session 2 : cue words introduction 10 . 40 b . grote ( otto - von - guericke universitt magdeburg ) representing temporal discourse markers for generation purposes 10 . 45 - 11 . 05 l . degand ( university of louvain ) on classifying connectives and coherence relations 11 . 05 - 11 . 25 c . soria , g . ferrari ( university of pisa and university of east piemonte ) lexical marking of discourse relations - some experimental findings 11 . 25 - 11 . 45 s . teufel ( university of edinburgh ) meta - discourse markers and problem-structuring in scientific texts 11 . 45 - 12 . 05 discussion 12 . 05 - 12 . 20 lunch poster session : 13 . 00 - 14 . 00 l . danlos ( universite paris ) linguistic ways for expressing a discourse relation and lexicalized text generation system a . knott ( university of edinburgh ) similarity and contrast relations and inductive rules f . schilder ( universitt hamburg ) temporal discourse markers and the flow of events n . ward ( university of tokyo ) some exotic discourse markers of spoken dialogue session 3 : grammar , semantics , and formalism introduction 14 . 00 b . webber , a . joshi ( university of pennsylvania ) anchoring a lexicalized tree - adjoin grammar for discourse 14 . 05 - 14 . 25 j . jayez , c . rossari ( ehess and universite de geneve ) discourse relations versus discourse marker relations 14 . 25 - 14 . 45 m . pery - woodley ( universite de toulouse ) textual signalling in written text : a corpus-based approach 14 . 45 - 15 . 05 k . dahlgren ( inquizit technologies , inc . ) lexical marking and the recovery of discourse structure 15 . 05 - 15 . 25 discussion 15 . 25 - 15 . 40 break session 4 : speech and dialogue introduction 16 . 00 m . kawamori , t . kawabata , a . shimazu ( ntt research and jaist ) discourse markers in spontaneous dialogue : a corpus based study of japanese and english 16 . 05 - 16 . 25 y . nakano , t . kato ( ntt labs ) cue phrase selection in instruction dialogue using machine learning 16 . 25 - 16 . 45 k . fischer , h . brandt - pook ( universitt bielefeld ) automatic disambiguation of discourse particles 16 . 45 - 17 . 05 d . jurafsky , e . shriberg , b . fox , t . curl ( university of colorado and sri ) lexical , prosodic , and syntactic cues for dialog acts 17 . 05 - 17 . 25 discussion 17 . 25 - 17 . 55 closing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eduard hovy email : hovy @ isi . edu usc information sciences institute tel : 310-822 - 1511 ext 731 4676 admiralty way fax : 310-823 - 6714 marina del rey , ca 90292-6695 project homepage : http : / / www . isi . edu / natural-language / nlp-at - isi . html " 0 +Subject: pragmatics understanding pragmatics verschueren , jef ( belgian national science foundation , belgium ) ; understanding pragmatics ; publication september 1998 c . 288pp pb 0 340 64623 3 c . 13 . 99 hb 0 340 64624 1 c . 40 . 00 arnold publishing this is the most comprehensive and current introduction to pragmatics . presupposing no background in pragmatics , the author sketches out the theoretical basis of the subject and systematically develops the major theoretical perspectives , to provide a full description of pragmatics as a coherent field of inquiry . the text explores methodological issues , guiding the reader into the existing spectrum of pragmatics-related work . focusing on pragmatics in its broadest sense , the book covers the whole range of social , cultural and cognitive aspects of pragmatics . contents : introduction / overview / the pragmatic perspective / aspects of the meaningful functioning of language / topics and trends . readership : students of linguistics / english language . available on inspection for lecturers ( quote linglist598 ) tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6355 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6325 e - mail : milly . neate @ hodder . co . uk 0 +"Subject: you have been asked to join bancuri the list owner of : "" bancuri "" has invited you to join their mailing list at listbot . you must reply to this message to join the list . = = simply reply with a blank message to join . = = the list owner has included the following welcome message : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = vrei sa primesti in fiecare zi un e-mail cu cel mai tare banc al zilei ? tot ce trebuie sa faci , este sa te inscrii la lista de bancuri a celui mai tare site in domeniu : http : / / bancuri . hypermart . net vrei sa razi ? vrei sa te simti bine ? esti trist ? ti se pare ca nimic nu merge cum trebuie ? vino la adresa de mai sus si nu vei regreta . tarif 3 zambete / minut . web master = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = this verification message is used to confirm that we are able to send you mail , and protects you in case someone forges a subscription request in your name . if you believe this was a forged subscription request , ignore this message and you will not be added to the mailing list . if you are having problems using the reply function in your e-mail client , the address to respond to is : v - 8ea7f93f5be42d59 @ listbot . com listbot puts you in control , letting you manage all of your list subscriptions from a single web site . visit http : / / www . listbot . com / cgi-bin / subscriber if you wish to unsubscribe or manage your list subscription for this or other listbot lists . visit this list 's home page at : http : / / bancuri _ glume . listbot . com thanks ! sincerely , the listbot team part of the linkexchange family at http : / / www . linkexchange . com / " 1 +Subject: consciousness john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following title in the field of consciousness : language structure , discourse and the access to consciousness maxim i . stamenov , ( ed . ) 1997 xii , 340 pp . advances in consciousness research , 12 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 192 8 price : us $ 49 . 95 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5132 0 price : nlg 100 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the focus of this collective volume is on the mutual determination of language structure , discourse patterns and the accessibility to consciousness of mental contents of different types of organization and complexity . the contributions address the following problems , among others : the history of the interpretation of ' conscious ' and ' unconscious ' mind in the theoretical discourse of modern linguistics ; the determination of the structure of access of grammatical and lexical information to consciousness ; the development of cognitive complexity and control in ontogeny ; the pathologies of consciousness access in discourse comprehension and production the cognitive contextual prerequisites for the representation of meaning in consciousness ; the relationships between language structure and qualia in the phenomenology of experience ; the dialogical structure of intentionality and meaning representation , etc . contributions by : r . de beaugrande ; p . butchvarov ; s . chapman & h . ulatowska ; t . van dijk ; d . hillert ; r . langacker ; i . markova ; m . stamenov ; p . zelazo & d . frye . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +Subject: corpus - based and statistical nlp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - absolutely last call for papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sixth workshop on very large corpora note that the deadline for submissions has been extended by 1 week because acl / coling is late in sending out notification and we wish to encourage submissions from the affected group . the new deadline of april 27 is absolutely firm . when : august 15-16 , 1998 ( immediately following acl / coling-98 ) where : university of montreal , montreal , quebec , canada workshop description : as in past years , the workshop will offer a general forum for new research in corpus-based and statistical natural language processing . areas of interest include ( but are not limited to ) : - robust parsing , phrase structure analysis - part of speech tagging - term and name identification - word sense disambiguation - morphological analysis - anaphora resolution - event categorization - discourse structure identification - alignment of parallel texts and bilingual terminology - language modelling - lexicography - machine translation - spelling and grammar correction program chair : eugene charniak brown university program committee : steven abney lillian lee eric brill christopher manning ted briscoe dan melamed rebecca bruce scott miller claire cardie raymond mooney bob carpenter james pustejovksy glen carroll lance ramshaw ken church adwait rathnaparkhi michael collins ellen riloff joshua goodman hinrich schutze vasilis hatzivassiloglou ralph weischedel mark johnson janyce wiebe andrew kehler dekai wu john lafferty david yarowsky sponsor : sigdat ( acl 's special interest group for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to nlp ) web sites : for coling-acl ' 98 - http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / format for submission : only hard-copy submissions will be accepted . authors should submit six ( 6 ) copies of their full-length paper ( 3500-8000 words ) to eugene charniak at the johns hopkins university address below . papers should describe original work . a paper accepted for presentation cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting . papers submitted to other conferences will be considered , as long as this fact is clearly indicated in the submission . schedule : submission deadline : april 27 , 1998 notification date : june 1 , 1998 camera ready copy due : june 22 , 1998 contact : eugene charniak e-mail ec @ cs . brown . edu address : before february 1 , 1998 and after june 1 , 1998 department of computer science brown university providence ri 02912-1910 address : from february 1 , 1998 until june 1 , 1998 department of computer science johns hopkins university neb 224 , 3400 n . charles street baltimore , md 21218-2694 0 +Subject: prepositions workshop workshop on prepositions organized by hubert cuyckens and guenter radden , englisches seminar , universitaet hamburg friday , june 26 , 1998 14 . 00 - 14 . 15 welcoming address 14 . 15 - 14 . 40 dagmar haumann , paedagogische hochschule erfurt the projections of temporal prepositions 14 . 40 - 15 . 05 stefan schierholz , universitat gottingen regierte praepositionen des deutschen 15 . 05 - 15 . 30 niina ning zhang , zas , berlin locative prepositions in chinese 15 . 30 - 15 . 45 discussion of section papers 16 . 15 - 16 . 40 britta mondorf , universitaet paderborn the effect of prepositional complements on the choice of synthetic or analytic comparatives and superlatives 16 . 40 - 17 . 05 gunter rohdenburg , universitaet paderborn grammatische variation im englischen : zur variablen verwendung von prepositionen 17 . 05 - 17 . 30 priska - monika hottenroth , universitaet hamburg lexical subordination und die rolle der praepostionen im franzoesischen 17 . 30 - 17 . 45 discussion of section papers 18 . 00 - 18 . 25 annette leimllmann , universitaet hamburg getting across 18 . 25 - 18 . 50 hubert cuyckens , universitaet hamburg & antwerpen the preposition to : prepositional and infinitival uses 18 . 50 - 19 . 15 frank brisard and dominiek sandra , antwerp university spatial prepositions and their functional implications 19 . 15 - 19 . 40 birgitta meex , antwerp university die uebertragenen bedeutungen der praeposition ueber 19 . 40 - 20 . 00 discussion of section papers saturday , june 27 , 1998 9 . 00 - 9 . 25 claudio di meola , universitaet koeln praepositionaler rektionswechsel im deutschen unter dem gesichtspunkt der grammatikalisierung 9 . 25 - 9 . 50 kristine jensen de lpez and chris sinha , aarhus university the grammatical and psychological status of zapotec body-part terms : a developmental and cognitive linguistic study 9 . 50 - 10 . 15 tania kuteva , universitaet koeln be + loc . preposition + main verb auxiliation in the languages of europe 10 . 15 - 10 . 40 mechtild reh , universitaet hamburg the story of the southern lwoo preposition * kuom 11 . 40 - 11 . 00 discussion of section papers 11 . 15 - 11 . 40 guenter radden and elisabeth mathis , universitaet hamburg prepositional construal of similarity 11 . 40 - 12 . 05 olaf jaekel , universitaet hamburg prepositions from an onomasiological perspective : the logic of mental containment 12 . 05 - 12 . 30 ren dirven , universitaet duisburg about aboutness 12 . 30 - 12 . 55 elena bellavia , universitaet giessen das lehren der polysemie der praepositionen in deutsch als fremdsprache 12 . 55 - 13 . 15 discussion of section papers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dr . hubert cuyckens universitaet hamburg englisches seminar von - melle - park 6 d-20146 hamburg tel : + 49-40 - 4123-4853 / - 5972 fax : + 49-40 - 4123-4856 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 +"Subject: languages of the world , institute of linguistics , moscow languages of the world publication - languages of the world , institute of linguistics , moscow languages of the world is an encyclopedic multi-volume publication . each volume is devoted to one particular genetic or areal group of languages . all articles are written in russian by the leading authorities of russia and some other countries ( depending on volume ) , specializing in the respective languages . the articles of all volumes of languages of the world are written in accordance with a standard typologically oriented template that is imposed on each language . thus descriptions of all languages are comparable to one another . the articles on specific languages consist of the following main divisions : - sociolinguistic characterization - phonology and phonetics - detailed morphosyntactic characterization - account of the peculiarities of the lexicon - the dialectal system the books of the series are both fundamental studies and reference sources . the books are addressed to linguists , historians , ethnographers , and interested in language studies . so far five volumes have been published . the first one , "" uralic languages "" , was published in 1993 by "" nauka "" , and is not available at this time . in 1997 , the publishing house "" indrik "" published four volumes : - turkic languages , including all ancient and modern languages known to the science ; 542 pp . - mongolic , tingusic , korean , and japanese ; 407 pp . - paleoasiatic languages ( including chukchi - kamchatkan , yeniseian , eskimo - aleut , copper island aleut - russian mixed language , nivkh , yukagir , ainu , and burushaski ) ; 230 pp . - iranian languages , vol . 1 : southwestern group ( volumes 2 and 3 will follow ) ; 206 pp . in 1998 , the following volumes are expected to be published . - iranian languages , vol . 2 - dardic and nuristani languages - caucasian languages volumes on other branches of indo - european are currently being worked on . those who are interested in obtaining those book are requested to contact : andrej kibrik institute of linguistics russian academy of sciences b . kislovskij per . , 1 / 12 russia kibrik @ iling . msk . su fax : [ 7 ] ( 095 ) 290 05 28 we are now working on the problem of how to get books to foreign scholars ; having a list of those interested would make this work easier . prices on books will be in the range of $ 20 , depending on size of a specific book . " 0 +"Subject: tsd98 - - 3rd call for papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - please pay attention : deadline for submissions is may , 15 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - third announcement and call for papers a workshop on text , speech and dialog ( tsd ' 98 ) brno , czech republic , 23-26 september 1998 the workshop is organized by the faculty of informatics , masaryk university , brno , and the faculty of applied sciences , university of west bohemia , pilsen , under the auspices of the dean of the faculty of informatics of masaryk university . please visit the workshop 's homepage : http : / / www . fi . muni . cz / tsd98 / venue brno , czech republic topics tsd ' 98 will be concerned with topics in the field of natural language processing , in particular : - corpora , texts and transcription - speech analysis , recognition and synthesis - their intertwining within nl dialog systems . topics of the workshop will include ( but are not limited to ) : - text corpora and tagging - transcription problems in spoken corpora - sense disambiguation - links between text and speech oriented systems - parsing issues , especially parsing problems in spoken texts - multilingual issues , especially multilingual dialog systems - information retrieval and text / topic summarization - speech modeling - speech segmentation - speech recognition - text - to-speech synthesis - dialog systems - development of dialog strategies - assistive technologies based on speech and dialog - applied systems and software program committee baudoin genevieve ( france ) ferencz attila ( romania ) hanks patrick ( great britain , chair ) hermansky hynek ( usa ) kopecek ivan ( czech republic ) krishnamurthy ramesh ( great britain ) matousek vaclav ( czech republic ) mueller johannes ( germany ) noeth elmar ( germany ) pala karel ( czech republic ) pavesic nikola ( slovenia ) rubio antonio ( spain ) schukat - talamazzini e . guenter ( germany ) skrelin pavel ( russia ) organizing committee bartek ludek batusek robert komarkova dana ( secretary ) e-mail : dkomar @ fi . muni . cz kopecek ivan ( chair ) e-mail : kopecek @ fi . muni . cz matousek vaclav pala karel smrz pavel staudek jan zackova eva ( principal contact ) e-mail : glum @ fi . muni . cz zizka jan submission of papers abstracts of no more than 500 words [ plain ascii text only , please ] should be submitted to the following e-mail address on or before may 15 , 1998 : glum @ fi . muni . cz submissions should include , in addition to the abstract itself , the name of the author ( s ) , affiliation , address , telephone number , fax number , and e-mail address . electronic submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail , so please contact us if no acknowledgement is received . acceptance of submissions will likewise be notified by e-mail . accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of tsd ' 98 . authors of abstracts that are accepted will be requested to send their papers in postscript form ( in llncs format ) to the above by e-mail before august 17th . latex word processor is preferred but not required . format instructions ( and llncs latex format ) will be sent to authors together with the notification of acceptance . requests for participation will be processed on a "" first come first served "" basis . important dates friday , may 15 , 1998 . . . . . submissions of abstracts due tuesday , june 30 , 1998 . . . . . notification of acceptance sent to the authors monday , august 17 , 1998 . . . . . final papers ( camera ready ) due wednesday , september 23 , 1998 . . . . . . workshop date fees and costs registration fee : 80 . - usd ( includes proceedings , refreshments , social events and trip ) accommodation and food : double room ( shared with other participant ) : 130 . - usd single room : 190 . - usd the full cost of the workshop will therefore be either 210 , - usd or 270 , - usd , depending on whether accommodation is shared . further details will be announced later . official language the official language of the event will be english , but papers on issues relating to text and speech processing in languages other than english are strongly encouraged . address all correspondence regarding the workshop should be addressed to : dana komarkova faculty of informatics masaryk university botanicka 68a 60200 brno czech republic tel . : + 420 5 41 512 359 fax : e-mail : dkomar @ fi . muni . cz outline of the programme all sessions of the workshop will be plenary ( no parallel sessions ) . the format will consist of paper presentations ( generally 20 minutes ) followed by discussion ( 10 minutes ) . the workshop will also include social events , an excursion to the faculty of informatics , masaryk university brno , and a trip in the vicinity of brno ( the moravian karst , including the beautiful macocha chasm ) . location hotel myslivna , where the workshop will take place , is a comfortable hotel in beautiful woods on a hill near a natural reservation area very close to brno . the surrounding is very quiet and suitable for walks and hiking ( jogging ) routes . brno is the capital of moravia , which is in the south-east part of the czech republic . it is the second-largest town in the czech republic ( with a population of about half a million ) . it had been a royal city since 1347 . there are six universities in brno . historical and artistic places of interest include : - - brno castle ( now called spilberk ) - - veveri castle - - the old and new city halls - - the augustine monastery , with st thomas ' church and crypt of moravian margraves - - the church of st james - - the "" bishops ' church "" of st peter & st paul - - the famous villa tugendhadt , designed by mies van der rohe - - many other important examples of czech architecture between the wars ( 1918-38 ) . in the immediate surroundings of brno are the moravian karst . with macocha chasm and punkva caves ; the site of the "" battle of the three emperors "" ( napoleon , alexander of russia , and franz of austria ) , commonly known as the battle of austerlitz ; the chateau of slavkov ( austerlitz ) ; pernstejn castle ; and many other attractions . how to reach brno brno can be reached easily by direct trains from prague , vienna , bratislava , and budapest , or by plane to vienna and then by coach or train ( 130 km ) . another possibility is to go by plane to prague and then travel about 200 km by coach or train . further travel details will be given in future announcements . please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this cfp : it was sent to several mailing-lists . " 0 +"Subject: special issue machine translation : final call for papers final call for papers the machine translation journal special issue on anaphora resolution in machine translation guest editor : ruslan mitkov ( university of wolverhampton ) the interpretation of anaphora is crucial for the successful operation of a machine translation system . in particular , it is essential to resolve the anaphoric relation when translating into languages which mark the gender of pronouns . unfortunately , the majority of mt systems developed in the seventies and eighties did not adequately address the problems of identifying the antecedents of anaphors in the source language and producing the anaphoric "" equivalents "" in the target language . as a consequence , only a limited number of mt systems have been successful in translating discourse , rather than isolated sentences . one reason for this situation is that in addition to anaphora resolution being itself a very complicated task , translation adds a further dimension to the problem in that the reference to a discourse entity encoded by a source language anaphor by the speaker ( or writer ) has not only to be identified by the hearer ( translator or translation system ) but also re-encoded in a coreferential expression in a different language . the nineties have seen an intensification of research efforts in anaphora resolution in machine translation . this can be seen in the growing number of related projects which have reported promising new results ( e . g . wada 1990 ; leass & schwall 1991 ; nakaiwa & ikehara 1992 ; chen 1992 ; saggion & carvalho 1994 ; preuss et al . 1994 ; nakaiwa et al . 1994 ; nakaiwa et al . 1995 ; nakaiwa & ikehara 1995 ; mitkov et al . 1995 ; mitkov et al . 1997 ; geldbach 1997 ) . however , we still feel that additional work is needed to highlight and further explore the specifics of the problem in operational mt environments , including fully automatic machine translation and machine - aided translation . we are inviting high-quality , original research papers describing recent advances in anaphora resolution in machine translation . topics to be addressed include ( but are not limited to ) - operational anaphora resolution components in machine translation - resolution of zero pronouns in mt environments - lexical transfer of anaphors across languages - to what extent have the latest trends towards knowledge-poor , corpus - driven and robust approaches in anaphora resolution , been called upon in machine translation ? - what are the most scalable contributory factors / resolution strategies in mt ? - what makes anaphora resolution a more complex task in machine translation ? - multilingual anaphora resolution submission and format articles should be submitted directly to the publishers , either by e-mail to ellen . klink @ wkap . nl , with the subject header "" submission to coat anaphora special issue "" , or in hard-copy to machine translation editorial office kluwer academic publishers p . o . box 990 3300 az dordrecht the netherlands or machine translation editorial office kluwer academic publishers p . o . box 230 accord , ma 02018-023 u . s . a . the submission deadline is 15 may 1998 . the journal is typeset using latex , so the preferred medium for submission of articles in electronic format is latex source ( using the kluwer style file ) or gzipped postscript . for more details , please consult the journal 's web pages : home page : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / journalhome . htm / 0922-6567 instructions for authors : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / kaphtml . htm / ifa0922-6567 latex style files : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / jrnlstyle . htm / 0922-6567 if submitting hard-copy , four copies of the paper are required . the length of the papers should be approximately 10-20 pages if using the kluwer style file ( around 20k words ) . authors are also requested to send a copy of an abstract of not more than 200 words to the guest editor r . mitkov @ wlv . ac . uk or in hard-copy to ruslan mitkov , school of languages and european studies , university of wolverhampton , stafford st . , wolverhampton wv1 1sb , united kingdom . guest editor : ruslan mitkov school of languages and european studies university of wolverhampton stafford st . wolverhampton wv1 1sb telephone ( 44-1902 ) 322471 fax ( 44-1902 ) 322739 email r . mitkov @ wlv . ac . uk guest editorial board : breck baldwin ( university of pennsylvania , philadelphia ) david carter ( sri international , cambridge ) guenter goerz ( university of nuernberg / erlangen ) lynette hirschman ( mitre , mclean ) richard kittredge ( university of montreal ) susan luperfoy ( mitre , mclean ) tony mcenery ( lancaster university ) ruslan mitkov ( university of wolverhampton ) frederique segond ( ranx xerox , grenoble ) harold somers ( umist , manchester ) keh - yih su ( national tsing hua university , taiwan ) yorick wilks ( university of sheffield ) " 0 +Subject: sigphon98 workshop - - - extended deadline the fourth cfp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < < c a l l - - - - - f o r - - - - - p a p e r s > > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the computation of phonological constraints = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the 4th meeting of the acl special interest group in phonology ( http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ sigphon / 98 ) in conjunction with the coling-acl ' 98 joint conference montreal , canada , 15th august 1998 * * * due to popular request , we have extended the deadline for * * * submissions to this workshop by 3 weeks . the new deadline * * * is may 10 . the meeting - - - - - - - - - - constraint - based theories of phonology have become enormously popular in recent years . such theories express generalizations by stating how and when a language 's phonological forms are constrained , rather than relying on rules that actively modify the forms . computational ideas have often provided an impetus for these innovations . koskenniemi 's ( 1983 ) 2 - level morphophonological processor introduced parallel constraining relations as an alternative to an ordered system of rewrite rules . declarative phonology ( c 1990 ) focusses on the unity of representations and rules as constraints , drawing on various computational ideas from unification to temporal logic to finite-state calculi . one current constraint-based theory is optimality theory ( ot ) ( prince&smolensky 1993 ) . this theory found , at least partial , inspiration in computational work by smolensky on the relation between symbolic and subsymbolic computation . although this link with connectionism has been left largely unexplored , ot has proved to be a computationally productive theory , giving rise to several theoretical papers on computational issues related to complexity and learnability , as well as inspiring a number of implementations . this workshop is designed to foster the link between computational work and constraint-based phonology in general . to this end , it invites submissions on topics related to the computation of any constraint-based phonological formalism , including but not limited to the three mentioned above . here are some example topics : * the computational interpretation of phonological theories , * constraint ranking and interaction , eg . as in ot , * implementations of particular analyses , * results in the complexity of constraint application , * algorithms for learning constraints or constraint ranking , * results on the learnability of such constraints , * novel formalisms for constraint-based phonology , * representational issues raised by constraint-based approaches . in short , papers are invited which address computational issues in constraint-based theories of phonology . submission - - - - - - - - - what : original research , not published elsewhere a completed study is prefered to proposals and progress reports originality , topicality and clarity will be the assessment criteria how : submissions must be sent by email to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk when : may 10 submissions due may 25 notification of acceptance june 23 final ( accepted ) versions due submission format - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( note that apart from the medium and length sections , these requirements are as for submissions to coling-acl98 . ) medium : postscript , emailed to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk please check postscript compatibility using either ghostview , or by printing the postscript file before sending length : 7 pages maximum ( including references and appendices ) optional extra page for abstract in a second language paper size : please use a4 page-size typesetting : latex is encouraged , but not required . layout : set margins so that text lies centred within a rectangle of 6 . 5 x 9 inches ( 16 . 5 x 23 cm ) use times roman or computer modern font 11 to 12 point for text 14 to 16 point for headings and title centred page numbers in footers 2 columns after title and abstract figures may range across columns since reviewing will be blind , a separate identification notice should be emailed ( in ascii ) to sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk . it should include : title author ( s ) name ( s ) affiliation ( s ) complete addresses abstract in english submission to other conferences ( ' none ' or list ) and author of record ( for correspondence ) . authors should not identify either themselves or their affiliations , either directly or indirectly in the body of the text ( the postscript file ) . authors should use the coling-acl98 style files and templates for preparing submissions ( see http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / styles . html ) . this will help ensure that the layout requirements are met , and that the effort required to format the final version will be minimized . registration - - - - - - - - - - - information about registration procedures will be available as soon as possible . organisation - - - - - - - - - - - organiser : t . mark ellison ( edinburgh ) organising / program committee : steven bird ( edinburgh ) jason eisner ( pennsylvania ) bruce tesar ( rutgers ) markus walther ( duesseldorf ) correspondence - - - - - - - - - - - - - should be sent to : sigphon98 centre for cognitive science edinburgh university 2 buccleuch place edinburgh eh8 9lw , uk tel . + 44 ( 131 ) 650-4416 fax . + 44 ( 131 ) 650-6626 email : sigphon98 @ cogsci . ed . ac . uk web : http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ sigphon / 98 0 +Subject: table of contents the instituto universitario ortega y gasset of madrid has edited the fith issue of iuog - working papers in linguistics / cuadernos de linguistica del iuog with the following contents : cuadernos de linguistica v ( 1997-1998 ) contents : eva berkes : a minimalist approach to negative concord violeta demonte barreto : a minimal account of spanish adjective position and interpretation olga fernndez - soriano : on impersonal sentences in spanish : locative and dative subjects dionisio hernndez cmara : condiciones estructurales mnimas del movimiento explcito isabel nieto herranz : prepositional prefix co - : syntactic and semantic properties teresa mara rodrguez ramalle : bases para un estudio sintctico-semntico de la interpretacin del adverbio natalia snchez - lefebvre : stylistic movement in the dp : evidence from possessive constructions price : $ 10 ( price do not include shipping and handling charges . prices in u . s . dollars are subject to change without notice ) orders and information ( for current volumen as well as previous ones ) must be sent to the following address : cuadernos de lingstica instituto universitario ortega y gasset ( i . u . o . g . ) c / fortuny 53 28010 madrid espaa / spain ph . # : ( 34 ) - 91-310 - 44-12 fax # : ( 34 ) - 91-308 - 40-07 purchase method : transfer bank account : send the total amount of your purchase ( copies of the current number as well of the previous ones ) to the following bank account ( ccc ) : banco exterior de espaa ( bex ) c / serrano 49 28006 madrid spain 0104-0306 - 55-0304028330 please , include a copy of the receipt with your order form and send it to the aforementioned address . for orders from spain , check in spanish currency , for order out of spain , check in u . s . dollars payable to instituto universitario ortega y gasset with the total amount and include it in the order form . cash on delivery ( c . o . d . ) . in this case , the purchase amount will include shipping and handling charges . 0 +Subject: special issue jetai call for papers journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence special issue on memory-based language processing memory - based language processing ( mblp ) views language processing as being based on the direct reuse of previous experience rather than on the use of abstractions extracted from that experience . in such a framework , language acquisition is modeled as the storage of exemplars , and language processing as similarity-based reasoning . mblp derives from work in artificial intelligence ( case-based reasoning , memory-based reasoning , instance-based learning , lazy learning ) , linguistics ( analogical modeling ) , computational linguistics ( example-based machine translation , case-based language processing , data-oriented parsing ) , and statistical pattern recognition ( k-nn models ) . in recent research , it has been shown that the application of algorithms based on this framework leads to accurate and efficient language models in diverse language processing areas ( phonology , morphology , syntax , semantics , discourse ) . we invite theoretical papers on models , algorithms and metrics for memory-based language processing , and empirical studies comparing mblp variants to each other or to alternative non-memory - based approaches for specific language processing tasks . time table deadline for submissions : september 1 , 1998 notification date : november 1 , 1998 deadline for final versions : january 1 , 1999 special issue : summer or autumn 1999 instructions for authors : 1 . the original manuscript and three clear copies should be submitted to : walter daelemans ( guest editor ) ilk research group , computational linguistics tilburg university warandelaan 2 5037 gc tilburg building b , room 307 the netherlands + 31 13 4663070 ( phone ) + 31 13 4663110 ( fax ) walter . daelemans @ kub . nl all papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers . 2 . all papers must be in english . the entire manuscript should be typed on one side only of plain paper , either a4 or 8 . 5 x 11 inch , with double spacing used throughout . 3 . the first page of the manuscript should carry the title , the names , institutional addresses , and institutional telephone numbers of the authors , and a short title of no more than 50 characters ( including spaces ) to be used as a running head . the second page of the manuscript should carry an abstract of about 200 words . the remainder of the text should not exceed 30 double spaced pages , including references but excluding figures and tables . all figures and tables must be referred to by number in the text . 4 . an original set of professional quality figures should accompany the manuscript . line drawing may be india ink originals or glossy prints . halftone illustrations must be submitted as glossy prints . illustrations cannot be printed in color . 5 . tables should be typed on separate pages , which should accompany the text . 6 . the text should be written in third person to facilitate blind reviewing . the names of the authors or their institutions should appear only on the title page . 7 . the name-date style should be used for all references . all authors ' names should be included in the reference list . journal names should not be abbreviated . inclusive page numbers must be given for all references to articles in journals , proceedings volumes , or books . with the exception of theses or dissertations , unpublished works should not be included as references . 8 . footnotes may not be used . endnotes may be used if necessary ; they should be collected on separate sheets at the end of the text . 9 . fifty free offprints will be provided to the first author of each paper . there will be no page charges . 0 +"Subject: program joint conf . formal grammar , hpsg and categorial grammar 1998 please post joint conference on formal grammar , head-driven phrase structure grammar and categorial grammar august 14-16 , 1998 saarbruecken program in august 1998 , the tenth european summer school in logic , language and information ( esslli x ) will be held in saabr \ "" { u } cken , germany , august 17-28 . the esslli summer schools have become a forum for work on formal grammar , encompassing the overlapping interests of work in formal linguistics , computational linguistics , and the role of logic and grammar formalisms . the joint conference on formal grammar , head - driven phrase structure grammar , and categorial grammar ( fhcg-98 ) , combining the 4th conference on formal grammar and the 5th conference on head - driven phrase structure grammar , will be held the weekend preceding the summer school , august 14-16 . the conference will include a special session on information packages with contributed papers and invited lectures by o enric vallduvi ( universitat pompeu fabra , barcelona ) o elisabet engdahl ( gothenborg university ) it will also contain a symposium on unbounded dependencies , with presentations by o anne abeille ( university of paris ) o michael moortgat ( utrecht university ) o ivan sag ( stanford university ) o ed stabler ( ucla ) o annie zaenen ( xerox research centre europe ) themes of interest include formal and computational syntax , semantics , and pragmatics ; head-driven phrase structure grammar and categorial grammar ; model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics ; constraint-based and resource-sensitive approaches to grammar ; and foundational , methodological and architectural issues in grammar . on the following pages , a detailed program of the conference is provided . registration for the conference should be done via the esslli x secretariat . the conference fee of dm 80 includes a copy of the conference proceedings . online registration for fhcg-98 can be arranged at http : / / www . dfki . de / events / hpsg98 / hpsg98 - mailform . html for joint registration covering both fhcg-98 and esslli x , consult http : / / www . dfki . de / lt / esslli / summerschool . html accommodation can be arranged via esslli x . program committee gosse bouma ( groningen , co - chair ) richard oehrle ( arizona , co - chair ) \ \ klaus netter ( dfki , local arrangments ) geert - jan kruijff ( prague , submissions ) anne abeille ( paris ) bob carpenter ( lucent bell labs ) john coleman ( oxford ) ann copestake ( csli ) mary dalrymple ( xerox parc ) elisabet engdahl ( g \ "" { o } teborg ) daniele godard ( lille ) erhard hinrichs ( t \ "" { u } bingen ) jack hoeksema ( groningen ) bob kasper ( ohio state ) andreas kathol ( uc berkeley ) shalom lappin ( london ) glyn morrill ( barcelona ) tsuneko nakazawa ( tokyo ) anton nijholt ( twente ) gertjan van noord ( groningen ) carl pollard ( ohio state ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * fhcg-89 program friday , august 14 , 1998 special session on information packaging i 9 . 30-10 . 00 rhematicity as a default information status enric vallduvi , universitat pompeu fabra , barcelona ( invited lecture ) 10 . 00-10 . 30 information packaging and information states elisabet engdahl , university of gothenburg ( invited lecture ) 10 . 30-11 . 00 a strong theory of link and focus interpretation herman hendriks , university of utrecht 11 . 00-11 . 30 break special session on information packaging ii 11 . 30-12 . 00 linkhood and multiple definite marking dimitra kolliakou , university of newcastle / hebrew university of jerusalem 12 . 00-12 . 30 unbounded dependencies and the syntactic realisation of information packaging theodora alexopolou , university of edinburgh 12 . 30-13 . 00 information repackaging petr kubon , simon fraser university 13 . 00-14 . 30 break special session on information packaging iii 14 . 30-15 . 00 topic , adverbial quantification , and backwards anaphora ileana comorovski , universite de nancy 2 15 . 00-15 . 30 information packaging in japanese john fry and stefan kaufmann , csli stanford 15 . 30-16 . 00 topic and focus structures : the dynamics of tree growth wilfried meyer - viol & ruth kempson , imperial college / university of london 16 . 00-16 . 30 break regular session i 16 . 30-17 . 00 french subject inversion and extraction contexts olivier bonami , daniele godard , jean - marie marandin , cnrs 17 . 00-17 . 30 towards a general theory of partial constituent fronting in german kordula de kuthy and detmar meurers , university of the saarland / university of tuebingen 17 . 30-18 . 00 a relational approach to relativization in turkish zelal gungordu and elisabet engdahl , bilkent university / university of gothenburg saturday , august 15 , 1998 regular session ii 9 . 30-10 . 00 minor and expletive pronouns frank van eynde , university of leuven 10 . 00-10 . 30 noun phrases as nps - - - the case of hebrew shuly wintner , university of tuebingen 10 . 30-11 . 00 determiners as nominal heads andreas kathol , university of california , berkeley 11 . 00-11 . 30 break regular session iii 11 . 30-12 . 00 case , obliqueness , and linearization in korean chan chung , dongseo university ( seoel ) 12 . 00-12 . 30 an informal sketch of a formal architecture for construction grammar paul kay , university of california , berkeley 12 . 30-13 . 00 ` a unified theory of scope ' revisited adam przepiorkowski , university of tuebingen / polish academy of sciences 13 . 00-14 . 30 break regular session iv 14 . 30-15 . 00 on certain properties of romanian auxiliary ( and modal ) verbs paola monachesi , university of utrecht 15 . 00-15 . 30 categories , prototypes , and default inheritance robert malouf , stanford university 15 . 30-16 . 00 looks like a trojan horse got into the argument structure emily bender and dan flickinger , stanford university 16 . 00-16 . 30 break regular session v 16 . 30-17 . 00 a point-based event phonology for the phonetics-phonology interface peter kuehnle and petra wagner , university of bielefeld 17 . 00-17 . 30 how to match the mismatch : prosody-syntax interface for japanese spoken sentences kei yoshimoto , tohoku university ( sendai , japan ) 17 . 30-18 . 00 morphosyntactic and morphological paradoxa in fox berthold crysmann , university of the saarland sunday , august 16 , 1998 regular session vi 10 . 30-11 . 00 a weakly context free facet of ligs jens michaelis , christian wartena , university of potsdam 11 . 00-11 . 30 a formal interpretation of relations and quantifiers in hpsg frank richter , manfred sailer , university of t "" ubingen 11 . 30-12 . 00 island effects in type-logical approaches to the minimalist program tom cornell , university of t "" ubingen 12 . 00-14 . 00 break symposium on unbounded dependencies 14 . 00-14 . 40 ivan sag , stanford university 14 . 40-15 . 20 annie zaenen , xerox research centre europe 15 . 20-16 . 00 anne abeille , university of paris 16 . 00-16 . 30 break 16 . 30-17 . 10 michael moortgat , university of utrecht 17 . 10-17 . 50 ed stabler , ucla 17 . 50-18 . 30 discussion : bob carpenter , lucent bell labs " 0 +Subject: diachronica xv : 1 the spring 1998 issue of diachronica , vol . 15 , no . 1 , has just been published . it contains : _ articles _ michel ferlus , les syste ` mes de tons dans les langues viet-muong martin haspelmath , the semantic development of old presents : new futures and subjunctives without grammaticalization tomas riad , the origin of scandinavian tone accents donald winford , on the origins of african american vernacular english : a creolist perspective , part ii : linguistic features _ reviews _ gary bevington , where do words comes from ? an introduction to etymology . rev . by rex wallace jose ' del valle , el trueque s / x en el espan ~ ol antiguo . rev . by dieter wanner gereon franken , systematische etymologie : untersuchung einer ' mischsprache ' am beispiel des shakespeare - wortschatzes . rev . by terence odlin andreas jucker , historical pragmatics . rev . by nick nicholas christian lehmann , thoughts on grammaticalization . rev . by bernard comrie . _ miscellenea _ j . c . smith , report on the 13th international conference on historical linguistics saul levin , reply to bomhard 's review of levin ( 1996 ) _ publications received _ for subscription information , contact john benjamins publishers at < customer . services @ benjamins . nl > ; for submission information , contact konrad koerner < koerner @ uottawa . ca > or brian joseph < bjoseph @ ling . ohio-state . edu > 0 +Subject: bilingualism 2nd international symposium on bilingualism 15-17 april , 1999 ( provisional dates ) university of newcastle upon tyne , uk 1st announcement submissions are invited for oral or poster presentations , on all aspects of bilingualism . papers which are based on empirical research and which seek to forge new links between established fields ( e . g . linguistics , psychology , speech & language pathology , sociology , and education ) or to develop new sub-fields are particularly welcome . all submissions will be peer-reviewed , anonymously , and selected on the grounds of originality , clarity , and significance of findings and conclusions . special features of the symposium include panel sessions on : i ) cross-linguistics studies of language acquisition and disorder ; ii ) bilingual social interaction ; iii ) trilinguals ; iv ) grammar and code-switching ; v ) childhood bilingualism ; vi ) acquired communication disorders in bilinguals ; and vii ) bilingualism and the deaf community , and a round - table on \ 145issues of identification and intervention in multilingual / multicultural speech therapy clinics \ 146 . important dates : 31 january , 1998 : 2nd announcement 1 september , 1998 : deadline for submission of abstract 31 october , 1998 : notice of acceptance 1 january , 1999 : closing date for registration for further details , please contact : mrs gillian cavagan , isb organising committee , department of speech , university of newcastle upon tyne , ne1 7ru , uk , e - mail : gillian . cavagan @ ncl . ac . uk ; fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 191 222 6518 ; or consult : http : / / www . ncl . ac . uk / ~ nspeech zhu hua editorial assistant international journal of bilingulism 0 +"Subject: claw 98 program claw98 workshop announcement the second international workshop on controlled language applications ( claw98 ) may 21-22 1998 language technologies institute carnegie mellon university 5000 forbes ave . pittsburgh , pa . 15213 usa http : / / www . lti . cs . cmu . edu / claw98 / context the 2nd international workshop on controlled language applications will be held may 21-22 at carnegie mellon university , pittsburgh , pa , usa . since the first claw workshop , held at university of leuven in 1996 , there has been continued strong interest in the research and development of controlled language applications . initial industrial development and deployment of controlled english systems ( aecma , caterpillar 's cte ) are now being followed by developments in other languages . on the research front , we are grappling with issues like standardization , design , and evaluation of controlled language systems . we are particularly interested in studies regarding author productivity and document usability . the workshop will give equal emphasis to the academic and industrial perspectives , while bringing together researchers , developers , users , and potential users of controlled language systems from around the world . workshop format the language technologies institute at cmu ( home of the center for machine translation ) is pleased to sponsor claw ' 98 . the two-day workshop will feature paper presentations , panel discussions , and a poster / demonstration session . evolving information regarding the workshop format and content can be found at the workshop web site . workshop site : mcconomy auditorium , first floor of the university center demo site : rangos hall , 2nd floor of the university center paper presentation schedule : ( preliminary ) may 21 , 1998 thursday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 : 30 registration , coffee 9 : 00 welcome 9 : 15 invited speaker : karen hassen ( boeing commercial airplane group , usa ) 10 : 15 huijsen , willem - olaf ( university of utrecht , netherlands ) "" controlled language - an introduction "" 10 : 45 coffee break 11 : 00 lehtola , aarno , c . bounsaythip , j . tenni ( vtt information technology , finland ) "" definition of a controlled language based on semantic dependency relations "" 11 : 30 bernth , arendse ( ibm , usa ) "" easyenglish : preprocessing for mt "" 12 : 00 lunch and demo 1 : 30 knops , uus , b . depoortere ( lant nv , belgium ) "" controlled language and machine translation "" 2 : 00 kamprath , christine , e . adolphson , t . mitamura and e . nyberg ( caterpillar inc . ; carnegie mellon university , usa ) "" controlled language for multilingual document production : experience with caterpillar technical english "" 2 : 30 shirai , satoshi , s . ikehara , a . yokoo , y . ooyama ( ntt ; tottori university ; atr , japan ) "" automatic rewriting method for internal expressions in japanese to english mt and its effects "" 3 : 00 coffee break and demo 3 : 20 panel discussion : topic : standardization and acceptance of controlled language remi zajac ( chair ) 4 : 35 demo at lti 6 : 00 leave for banquet station square / mt . washington lookout 7 : 00 banquet may 22 , 1998 friday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 : 30 coffee 9 : 00 barthe , kathy ( aerospatiale aeronautique , france ) "" gifas rationalised french : designing one controlled language to match another "" 9 : 30 lalaude , myriam , v . lux , s . regnier - prost ( aerospatiale , france ) "" modular controlled language design "" 10 : 00 wojcik , richard , h . holmback , j . hoard ( boeing shared services group , usa ) "" boeing technical english : an extension of aecma se beyond the aircraft maintenance domain "" 10 : 30 coffee break 10 : 45 heald , isobel , r . zajac ( universite d ' angers , france ; new mexico state university , usa ) "" compounds nouns in simplified english "" 11 : 15 barthe , kathy , g . g . bes , j . escande , d . pinna , e . rodier ( gril , france ) "" issues related to realistic evaluation of controlled language checkers "" 11 : 45 nasr , alexis , o . rambow and r . kittredge ( laboratoire d ' informatique d ' avignon , france ; cogentex inc . ) "" a linguistic framework for controlled language systems "" 12 : 15 lunch and demo 1 : 30 panel discussion : topic : current status of aecma richard wojcik ( chair ) 2 : 45 schmidt - wigger , antje ( iai , germany ) "" grammar and style checking for german "" 3 : 15 coffee break 3 : 30 zhang , wei , y . shiwen ( peking university , china ) "" construction of a controlled chinese lexicon "" 4 : 00 reuther , ursula ( iai , germany ) "" controlling language in an industrial application "" 4 : 30 godden , kurt ( general motors , usa ) "" controlling the business environment for controlled language "" 5 : 00 closing poster / demonstration session we have already arranged a number of systems for demonstration ; if you would like to arrange a system demonstration , we still have some room available . to arrange a poster or demonstration , please contact eric nyberg , ehn @ cs . cmu . edu , before may 8 , 1998 . registration the registration fee is $ 120 / person . the registration fee covers the cost of the cost of the workshop , plus continental breakfast , refreshments , and one copy of the workshop proceedings . participants should pre-register by may 8 . payment may be sent separately from the registration or settled on-site ( see details below ) . banquet the workshop banquet will be held on the evening of may 21 . the fee is $ 50 / person , which includes a bus service to / from the banquet site . please indicate whether you plan to attend the banquet on your registration form . accommodation we have reserved a number of rooms in two nearby hotels . please contact these hotels directly to make a reservation ; be sure to mention that you are coming for the ' claw98 workshop ' to receive the discounted rate . note : the holiday inn is a 10 - minute walk from the workshop ; the hampton inn is a 20-25 minute walk away . shuttle buses are available from the hampton inn to the university area . * holiday inn select university center 100 lytton avenue pittsburgh , pa 15213 phone : ( 412 ) 682-6200 fax : ( 412 ) 681-4749 rate : $ 103 / per night ( rate guaranteed until april 28 , 1998 ) * hampton inn 3315 hamlet street , pittsburgh , pa 15213 phone : ( 412 ) 681-1000 reservations : ( 800 ) hampton fax : ( 412 ) 681-3022 rate : $ 72 / per night ( rate guranteed until may 6 , 1998 ) for further assistance , please contact the claw98 secretary , martha june puzio , mpuzio + @ andrew . cmu . edu , ( 412 ) 268-7517 . workshop committee teruko mitamura ( carnegie mellon university ) geert adriens ( l&h and university of leuven , belgium ) eric nyberg ( carnegie mellon university ) linda schmandt ( carnegie group ) rick wojcik ( boeing ) remi zajac ( new mexico state university ) for more information contact : martha june puzio claw98 secretary email : mpuzio + @ andrew . cmu . edu phone : ( 412 ) 268-7517 fax : ( 412 ) 268-6298 or teruko mitamura language technologies institute carnegie mellon university 5000 forbes ave . pittsburgh , pa , 15213 . email : teruko @ cs . cmu . edu phone : ( 412 ) 268-6596 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = cut here = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = how to send your claw98 registration and banquet fees for wire transfer , send funds by may 12 , 1998 . please bring the record of wire transfer to the registration desk . to : mellon bank cash management university financial center fifth avenue and craig street pittsburgh , pa 15213 account # : 197-9003 please indicate that this is for : claw98 you may also send a us $ money order or check , payable to claw98 . we regret that we cannot accept credit cards . payment must received by may 12 , 1998 . send checks or money orders to : claw 98 registration language technologies institute carnegie mellon university 5000 forbes avenue , pittsburgh , pa 15213 usa claw98 registration form please complete the following form and return either by fax to ( 412 ) 268-6298 or by email to mpuzio + @ andrew . cmu . edu ( subject line should read : claw98 registration ) by may 8 , 1998 . mr / ms : first name : family name : title / position : affiliation / organization : mailing address : postal code : country : telephone : fax : e - mail address : fees ( check those which apply ) : registration only : $ 120 [ ] banquet : $ 50 [ ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - total $ mode of payment : bank transfer ( no later than may 12 ) [ ] please bring a record of the transfer . check / money order sent by mail [ ] payment on-site [ ] please try to avoid this option , unless absolutely necessary . " 0 +"Subject: afro - asiatic languages fourth conference on afro-asiatic languages centre of african studies school of oriental & african studies london 25-27 th june 1998 invited speakers * : robert hoberman , suny john saeed , tcd baye yimam , aau * paul newman regrets that due to unforeseen circumstances he will be unable to attend as guest speaker as previously advertised . thursday , june 25 welcome by prof . r . j . hayward 09 : 00-10 : 00 robert hoberman , state university of new york : what is a binyan : maltese verb morphology 10 : 00-10 : 20 break 10 : 20-11 : 00 tali siloni , tel - aviv university : phonological case checking domain : the case of genitive 11 : 00-11 : 40 nili mandelblit , university of paris 7 : blending in hebrew causatives 11 : 40-12 : 20 mohamed naji , universities of paris x & viii : on the nature of the participial structures : the case of the semitic active participle 12 : 20 - 2 : 00 lunch 2 : 00 - 2 : 40 ruth kempson & malcolm edwards , soas & birkbeck college : resumptive pronouns in arabic & english 2 : 40 - 3 : 20 sabrina bendjaballah , university of paris 7 : some aspects of palatalization in somali 3 : 20 - 4 : 00 alain kihm , cnrs , paris : the berber construct state as subject marking 4 : 00 - 4 : 20 break 4 : 20 - 5 : 00 sharon rose , university of california - san diego : triple take : tigre and the case of internal reduplication 5 : 00 - 5 : 40 giuliano lancioni , university of rome 1 : noun phrases in amharic & standard arabic 5 : 40 - 6 : 20 hagit borer , university of southern california : the argument structure of causatives : a top - down approach 6 : 30 drinks party hosted by soas linguistics dept . friday , june 26 09 : 00-10 : 00 john saeed , trinity college dublin : 10 : 00-10 : 20 break 10 : 20-11 : 00 chris reintges , holland institute of generative linguistics : the correlation of verb movement , event semantics and subject agreement in older egyptian 11 : 00-11 : 40 david swinburne , soas : ' copular pronouns ' and the dynamics of hebrew 11 : 40-12 : 20 jamal ouhalla , queen mary & westfield , london : possession in sentences & in noun phrases 12 : 20 - 2 : 00 lunch 2 : 00 - 2 : 40 jacqueline lecarme , cnrs , nice : gender ' polarity ' and the nature of nominal number 2 : 40 - 3 : 20 james roberts , summer institute of linguistics - chad : feature spreading in mokulu noun plurals 3 : 20 - 4 : 00 mara frascarelli , university of rome 3 : long movement , "" that-trace "" effects and antiagreement in somali 4 : 00 - 4 : 20 break 4 : 20 - 5 : 00 degif petros , mit : classifying the subject agreement suffixes of semitic 5 : 00 - 5 : 40 edit doron , hebrew university , jerusalem : the passive participle in hebrew 5 : 40 - 6 : 20 business meeting 8 : 00 dinner saturday , june 27 09 : 00-10 : 00 baye yimam , addis ababa university : agreement phenomena in amharic 10 : 00-10 : 20 break 10 : 20-11 : 00 miriam engelhardt , hebrew university , jerusalem : definiteness and the construct form 11 : 00-11 : 40 shuly wintner , university of tbingen : definiteness agreement & inheritance in hebrew 11 : 40-12 : 20 melanie green , queen mary & westfield , london : the focus properties of copular sentences 12 : 20 - 2 : 00 lunch 2 : 00 - 2 : 40 ur shlonsky , university of geneva : copular constructions & subject positions in hebrew 2 : 40 - 3 : 20 philippe sgral , university of paris 7 : on phonological processes in the "" 3rd conjugation "" of somali 3 : 20 - 4 : 00 marco svolacchia & annarita pugielli , university of rome 3 : polysynthesis in east cushitic 4 : 00 - 4 : 20 break 4 : 20 - 5 : 00 abdellah chekayri & tobias scheer , al - akawayn university : the appearance of glides in classical arabic defective verbs 5 : 00 - 5 : 40 jean lowenstamm , university of paris 7 : the feminine & impersonal in chaha 5 : 40 - 6 : 20 abdelkader fassi fehri , mohammed v university : on strict adjacency in vs & nposs sequences conference site the conference * is hosted by the school of oriental and african studies . conference sessions will take place in the lower ground floor lecture theatre of the main building at soas . soas is located on the north-west corner of russell square . the nearest tube station is russell square on the piccadilly line . goodge st . on the northern line , euston square on the circle and metropolitan and euston main line station are 10 minutes walk away . * the conference is financed through the research committee of the school of oriental & african studies and the summer institute of linguistics . local committee : prof . r . j . hayward , dr . b . ingham , dr . j . ouhalla , ms . d . perrett . fees participants will be asked to pay a daily fee of 5 to cover conference expenses . accommodation accommodation will be arranged at dinwiddy house , the soas students residence , in single study bedrooms with en-suite shower , toilet and handbasin . rooms will be available from wednesday 24th june at 22 per night for bed & breakfast . please confirm your reservation as soon as possible using the accommodation form below . dinwiddy house is located on pentonville road not far from kings cross station 10-15 minutes walk from soas . participants will need to make their own way , on foot or by local transport ( 73 bus ) , to the conference site each day . details of hotel accommodation in the russell square area can be supplied on request . all correspondence should be addressed to : denise perrett , centre of african studies , school of oriental & african studies , russell square , london , wc1h 0xg tel : 0181-964 - 9141 fax : 0171-323 - 6254 e-mail : cal @ soas . ac . uk accommodation form please indicate below which accommodation options you want to take . it may also help us to know your travel plans . please complete the form and e-mail it to cal @ soas . ac . uk name : e-mail address : 1 . i wish to book bed & breakfast accommodation at dinwiddy house at 22 / twenty two pounds sterling per night ( payable on arrival ) for the following nights - 24th june yes / no 25th june yes / no 26th june yes / no 27th june yes / no 2 . i would like to receive information on hotel accommodation in the russell square area . yes / no 3 . i have made independent accommodation arrangements . yes / no 4 . i plan to travel by - airport : arrival date : arrival time : flight no : air _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ train _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 . i require information on ( other , please specify ) : travel to london ( directions designed for destination soas residence . ) arriving by air : heathrow - underground piccadilly line to king 's cross . gatwick - rail link to king 's x . luton - rail link train to king 's x . city - docklands railway & underground connections . arriving by rail : waterloo - from eurostar terminal change to underground for king 's x ( northern line to leicester square change to piccadilly for king 's x or bakerloo changing to piccadilly line at piccadilly circus ) . other main line stations - change to underground for connections to king 's x . arriving by car : directions available on request . car parking is a major problem in central london . taxis : metered cab ranks at all airports and main line stations . the walk from king 's cross station to dinwiddy house is 0 . 5 km . those with heavy luggage may prefer to take a taxi from the station . " 0 +Subject: understanding phonology ( update ) understanding phonology gussenhoven , carlos ( university of nijmegen , the netherlands ) and jacobs , haike ( university of nijmegen and the free university of amsterdam , the netherlands ) ; understanding phonology ; publication march 1998 304pp pb 0 340 69218 9 14 . 99 / us $ 19 . 95 hb 0 340 69217 0 40 . 00 / us $ 70 . 00 arnold publishing ( american edition is co-published with oup ) this book gives a clear and accurate picture of current phonological theory in a small number of pages . john goldsmith , university of chicago this skilfully written new text provides a broad , yet up-to - date , introduction to phonology . assuming no previous knowledge of phonology or linguistic theory , the authors introduce the basic concepts and build on these progressively , discussing the main theories and illustrating key points with carefully chosen examples . a wide range of phenomena are covered : speech production , segmental contrasts , tone , quality , prosodic structure , metrical relations and intonation . the main theories are introduced and their contributions to our understanding of phonology , as well as their shortcomings , are discussed objectively . contents : the production of speech / some typology : sameness and difference / making the form fit / two levels of representation / distinctive features / ordered rules / the diminutive suffix in dutch / levels of representation / representing tone / skeletal slots and moras / feature geometry / complex segments / stress / iambic and trochambic rhythm in optimality theory . readership : students of linguistics . available on inspection for lecturers ( quote linglist598 ) tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6355 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6325 e - mail : milly . neate @ hodder . co . uk 0 +"Subject: creating sense * * * second call for papers * * * creating sense : texts and realities organized by the department of english language & literature national university of singapore with cambridge university press and materials development association ( matsda ) 7 - 9 september , 1998 venue : orchard hotel , singapore keynote presenters : david nunan ( university of hong kong ) liz hamp - lyons ( hong kong polytechnic university ) mario rinvolucri ( pilgrims , canterbury ) jane arnold ( university of seville ) our conference web-site : http : / / nusinfo . nus . sg / nusinfo / fass / ell / createsense98 * * * call for papers * * * the conference organisers invite papers , both theoretical and practical , that explore and characterise some of the main ways in which language is used to create "" sense "" in contemporary life . we encourage papers that present recent developments and address significant theoretical issues in studies of language and discourse , and that explore ideas and applications in the broad domains of language education and media studies . parallel papers will last for 30 minutes , with 10 additional minutes for discussion . * * * call for workshops * * * the organisers invite proposals for 3 - hour afternoon workshop sessions , from intending conference participants ( not only paper presenters ) who are willing to take on the role of workshop leader . the main aim of workshops is to provide participants with opportunities to become actively involved in developing , adapting or evaluating educational materials in language education and media studies , on topics related to the major theoretical issues arising from the conference theme . workshops can be planned for 3 , 6 , or 9 hours . please send abstracts of about 200 words to the programme committee , in accordance with the guidelines that follow . write or ( preferably ) e-mail to : programme committee ( attention : d . allison ) "" creating sense "" conference department of english language & literature national university of singapore 10 kent ridge crescent singapore 119260 departmental fax : ( 65 ) - 7732981 e - mail : ellconlk @ nus . edu . sg guidelines for submissions : your abstract must specify the category ( paper or workshop ) of the proposed presentation . please submit three anonymous copies of the abstract ( including the title of your paper or workshop ) for review purposes , plus a fourth copy that includes the author 's name and affiliation . please also include a notecard ( size 3 "" by 5 "" ) , stating author 's name , affiliation , title of paper or workshop , contact telephone and fax numbers , e-mail address , and postal address . paper presenters are asked to specify any special requirements for their presentation . ( all rooms will have overhead projectors . ) workshop presenters are asked to specify the intended length of the workshop ( a workshop may run for 3 , 6 or 9 hours ) and to specify any special requirements for their workshop session . deadline for abstracts : 15 may 1998 replies will be sent by end may 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference theme - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the focus of this conference will be on notions of "" creating "" or "" making "" sense , both in education and more widely throughout society . "" making sense "" sounds reassuringly uncontroversial , and it has taken the insights of jerome bruner in the 1960s , and of michael halliday and his associates in recent years , to bring out the richness of meaning that this expression can carry . it is now widely accepted that sense is not simply "" there "" in the world , waiting to be discovered and documented , but that it is actually created by human beings in societies . the idea that "" reality "" is "" created "" in language also implies that there must be more than one reality , and that a number of realities can be articulated and compared . these possibilities carry major implications for language education , social identity and participation - - or , less reassuringly , for educational and social exclusion . the thematic emphasis of this conference on "" creating sense "" , then , includes the essential notions that any single form of sense can also be questioned and "" unmade "" , and that alternative kinds of sense can be remade or "" re-created "" through texts . making , unmaking and remaking meanings are fundamental aspects of social and educational experience , from infancy through primary and secondary school years and beyond , continuing into adulthood and maturity . much education has to do with learning to think , talk and write about things in ways that differ from the initial "" commonsense "" knowledge or belief that children have already acquired in their communities . to bring this about without undermining what is valid and valued in children 's lives is an enormously challenging and problematic social and cultural activity . that it is also a necessary one can be argued both in terms of mainstream rationality ( the development of scientific thinking being a prime example here ) and of critical awareness , which includes learning to deconstruct powerful people 's accounts of how the world is and ought to be , and to propose alternative accounts . full participation in social and political life is only possible when people have learned , as ronald carter has put it , how to "" see through language "" . these concerns over creating , questioning and re-creating sense are explored in this conference in relation to two domains , those of language education and media studies . in the context of formal education , learners have both to discern meaning in what is offered to them and actively to make "" their own "" meanings as they interpret and analyse experience from a variety of perspectives which may be proposed to them or discovered by them . all this raises important issues of participation and exclusion relating to learners ' personal and social explorations of language , and the ways in which these two modes of exploration may be related . the conference will pursue these concerns in the broad context of language education as its first domain . the second conference domain is that of media studies , with particular attention to media discourse and reality construction . the conference seeks to bring to light some of the ways in which realities , like stories , are invented , told , represented and mediated through available technologies . diverse experiences and accounts of reality are constructed through the interplay of language and image . these can , for instance , be presented as fantasies , fictional explorations of experience , docu-dramas or documentary coverage of events , among other things . the impact of such accounts on audiences and "" the public "" depends on many social , cultural and educational factors , but the need for modern citizens to be able to make their own sense of accounts that are offered to them , and also to offer accounts of their own , increasingly appears fundamental to effective social participation as well as to social critique . the conference looks to stimulate debate that is grounded in - - - or informedly set against - - - current theories , practices and findings of teaching and research communities in language and communication studies . another main aim is to suggest guidelines for informed , responsible and reflective practice in the domains of language education and media studies . a theme of particular interest , to be developed especially in workshop mode , is that of materials writing for educational purposes in both conference domains . " 0 +"Subject: review : watt , phonology of intonation . watt , david l . e . 1994 . _ the phonology and semology of intonation in english : an instrumental and systemic perspective . _ bloomington : indiana university linguistics club publications . 192pp . paper . reviewed by karen steffen chung < karchung @ ccms . ntu . edu . tw > good books on intonation are not that easy to come by , in this reviewer 's opinion , but this should be considered one of them . it is not an introductory text that will take you through english intonation in a systematic way . and the book 's ostensible main thesis , which concerns the semantic interpretation of various intonation ' melodies ' , is not its primary attraction , either . what it offers is a solid collection of valuable observations , in bits and pieces , on english intonation . so i think that the best way to do justice to a book like this in a review is to simply pick out what i found to be some of the more interesting points and condense them here , without too much additional commentary . * * * * * * * * intonation as a subfield of linguistics is still wide open to pioneering work . the author describes intonation as one of the ' most puzzling and idiosyncratic ' aspects of human speech within the sphere of language as behavior , and he points out the role of intonation in the 'd ynamism of discourse ' ( from the preface ) . unlike another work in this series recently reviewed for linguist , taylor 's _ a phonetic model of intonation in english _ , this book focuses mainly on * language * as we speak and hear it , rather than on mechanical - and often difficult-to - interpret - computer models , though computer recorded and analyzed data is also used to help analyze stretches of speech in this study . watt concludes that since instrumentation is far from infallible , and the human ear can also be quite subjective in what it hears , the most reliable method is to use auditory impressions for the initial recording of data , and instrumentally collected data as a supplement . the book starts out with a useful introduction , in which terms are defined and goals set . the two sections of the main body stress the development of a phonological and semantic model of intonation , respectively . these are divided into two chapters each , entitled ( part i ) : "" the phonology of intonation "" , and "" tones in sequences "" ; and ( part ii ) : "" intonation and meaning "" , and "" the semantics of phonological gradience "" . two appendices of instrumental data from recorded speech consist of selected examples taken from halliday 's _ course in spoken english : intonation _ ( 1970 ) , and from a corpus compiled by the author . the book concludes with 14 pages of references . the data come from ' non-surreptitious ' but unmonitored , casual 'd iadic conversations ' between native speakers of ' educated standard toronto english ' - rather rare in a field where most of the works are based on british rp or standard us english . the author points out that the data are not intended to contrast with those taken from other varieties of english ; his main goal was to achieve consistency in the speech form used . among the power and distance parameters of social and personal relations , the author chooses for his data collection ' equal ' , over 's uperordinate ' and 's ubordinate ' ; ' acquainted ' , as opposed to ' intimate ' or ' foreign ' ; and ' face-to - face ' rather than 'd istance ' ( i . e . phone conversations , subject to various kinds of distortion , were excluded ) . intonation is a suprasegmental ( i . e . ' a feature whose domain extends over more than one segment ' ) feature of language , and the author adopts a _ prosodic _ ( ' the use of pitch contours to realize linguistic meaning ' ) approach in analyzing it . below follow some a few other terms as watt uses them in his study . _ tonality _ refers to the division of the message into phonological tone groups or ' information units ' ( iu ) . _ tonicity _ involves a process of locating the salient syllable in a tone group , the ' focal point of ideational meaning in the information unit ; each group must contain at least one tonic syllable , which is located at the onset of pitch movement associated with nuclear tone contour ' . _ tone _ refers to the selection of one of five simple or two compound tone contours that phonologically realize interpersonal meanings in the iu . particular tone choice can mediate speaker / hearer relations ( e . g . indicate the need for a response , change of turn , or continuation ) or mediate speaker-message relations : i . e . attitudes toward a message , such as reservation , certainty or assertion ( pp . 18-20 ) . also defined is _ paratone _ , a larger intonational unit , which cannot extend beyond a breath group ; and no larger intonational unit was found in this study . section one begins by proposing that a theory of intonation must strive to make two different kinds of descriptions , namely , ( 1 ) a phonological one , which emphasizes identification of nuclear tones and other refinements derived from instrumental analysis , and ( 2 ) a semantic description of the functional impetus responsible for motivating language behavior , which includes tone sequences , intertonal relations , paratones , and connected speech . section one concentrates on ( 1 ) . watt describes _ simple tones _ - namely ( 1 ) simple falling , ( 2 ) simple high rise ( with fall-rise option ) , and ( 3 ) low rise - and _ complex tones _ , which consist of more than one pitch movement and are naturally more complicated . these are : ( 4 ) , which occurs on the last two syllables of the final word of an utterance and reaches the top level of pitch , then falls sharply , and ( 5 ) , which consists of a rise-fall movement , with the intensity on the rise . there are also _ compound tones _ , i . e . combinations of simple tones fused into a single tone group . there are two compound tones , 1 + 3 , and 5 + 3 . watt notes that some researchers have proposed a model of intonational meaning similar to that of grammar , in which one compound tone is linked with one particular meaning or function . but intonation in fact does * not * function like this - intonation is a realization of * semantics * rather than syntax . the interpretation of intonation must be made within the context of grammar , but it is not linked element by element to the syntax . as g . brown ( only first initials are given in the references ) puts it : ' the phonological resources for signaling meaning are far fewer than the semantic functions which "" exploit "" them ' ( p . 73 ) . a notable pattern revealed by instrumental analysis of spoken data is _ downdrift _ , a declining of the fundamental frequency ( f0 ) over the span of short utterances for a wide range of languages . it oscillates between the two extremes of an equally descending and slightly narrowing bandwidth with sentence final fall and slight prolongation at the breath group boundary . the declination slope is not always constant , but it can be a series of descending plateaux , or sets of declination lines . this model is not as 's usceptible ' to errors of data interpretation as following individual nuclear tones can be ( pp . 66-71 ) . section two concentrates on developing a semantic model of intonation , i . e . providing an initial account of meaning often attributed to intonation . watt here advances his view that intonational meaning can be derived both from phonological contrasts of tone and tonicity and from the phonetic gradience characteristic of these contrasts . there is less consistency in generalizing the meaning of intonation than with a phonological description of sound substance due to ( 1 ) the nature of intonation and ( 2 ) the variety of inferences people draw from voice-related cues . as members of a speech community , we make inferences about what is meant both by what is said and how it is said . we must draw conclusions on discrete meanings from only * part * of the speech continuum ( and not include e . g . physical appearance of the speaker in our analysis ) . to deal with the semantics of intonation , you can take either a linguistic approach , in which you look at meaning * contrasts * and form-to - function correspondences , or you can take a psychological approach , in which ' polar clines ' are posited , e . g . bored vs . interested , or timid vs . confident ; watt addresses only the * linguistic * contribution of ' tonicity ' and ' tone ' ( p . 76 ff . ) . watt refers to halliday , who stresses the ideation function of intonation , how it highlights information for specific attention , i . e . given vs . new , also fresh vs . contrasted . the stressing of new information is an outcome of 's peaker assessed importance ' . the tonic of unmarked utterances will tend to fall on the last lexical item of the tone group ; this results in a broad , ' unspecified ' focus ; this focus is narrowed in a ' contrastive ' utterance ( p . 79 ) . intonation has an ' interpersonal metafunction ' by serving as a channel for linguistic expression of * attitude * , though it is not the only such channel . other channels include register and lexicon ; and sometimes certain stylistic effects can be achieved by combining incongruous linguistic content and intonations , e . g . imagine ' put that goddam pipe away ! ' uttered in a smiling , gentle tone of voice . so the listener 's perception of the speaker 's attitude may be based on two or more signals combined ( p . 87 ) . intonation adds information to disambiguate speech function . speech function is identified and interpreted through the cumulative effect of contextual , morpho-syntactic and phonological cues ( p . 91 ) . it can include competition for turns ( an initiating peak can be used for this ) , initiating a topic ( marked by an initial peak of intensity and high pitch ) , continuing ( upward drift ) , responding ( the second speaker approximates the relative pitch height of the baseline of the last utterance produced by the previous speaker , i . e . an accommodation of one speaker 's melodic pattern to that of another ) , terminating ( fall to the lowest level of the speaker 's voice range ; a termination often falls well above the baseline before its final fall ) , checking function ( conversation monitoring with sporadic checks on the status of the conversation , i . e . checking that the hearer understands , agrees on the appropriateness of what is being expressed , and is still engaged ; this is intended to elicit a response from the hearer , but usually involves no change of turn , e . g . ' is n't it ? ' , ' right ? ' , ' you know ' , ' eh ' ) , certainty ( speakers can indicate ' certainty known / absolute ' , ' certainty irrelevant / conditional ' , or ' certainty unknown / assumed ' ) . watt points out that a major difficulty of doing description of intonation is the inherently gradient characteristic of the spoken medium . there is a gradient between the linguistic and the paralinguistic , as well as a division between what constitutes a linguistic contrast and what signals a modification of the phonological cline within that contrast . watt offers a revealing quote from bolinger : ' the higher the rise , the greater the exasperation if it is a statement , the greater the surprise of curiosity if it is a question . the lower the fall the greater the certainty or finality if the utterance is a statement , and the greater the confidence if it is a question ' [ 1986 : 240 ] . that is , in watt 's own words : ' . . . the greater the degree of the rise , or the height of a given contour , the greater the strength of the contextual meaning assumed for that contour ' ( p . 109 ) . watt sums his work up nicely - and what he says could easily be applied to just about any worthy field of inquiry - in the final chapter thus : ' there is a certain fractal logic that seems to pervade the investigation of intonation . the more we magnify the field under scrutiny , in the hopes of reaching an explanation of its details , the more we find new and unexpected details in need of explanation . the deeper we probe into the next level of detail , the more difficult it becomes to extricate ourselves from its detail with a parsimonious description of the new possibilities ' ( p . 121 ) . in addition to recapping the highlights of his book in the conclusion , watt offers his vision for what his work has to contribute to the field in general , namely , a ' compatible point of departure from which to further the description of discourse ' ( p . 122 ) . he believes that accurate synthesizing of intonations may possibly add to our knowledge about our auditory perceptions , and that can also help further develop our models of synthesized speech . * * * * * * * * although the book 's basic structure is clearly set out in the section and chapter titles , the contents of each subdivision are diverse and often hard to incorporate into a coherent , linear narrative on intonation ; one must content oneself with the fragments one is able to latch onto . yet one has the feeling that much is being said in this motley collection of ideas , observations , and analyses , much more than in many other of the works on intonation available . and for this reason , the interested reader is advised to bear with the author , take notes , and enjoy the ride . this book has a rather amateurish , low-budget look , perhaps to be expected from university publications of this kind . the instrumental graphs bordered by thick black outlines and incorporated into the chapters in many places seem stuffed in a little too close to the written text , though there is no problem of clarity . the text itself is set in a relatively large serif typeface , which makes for comfortable reading , though occasionally some startlingly inconsistent type sizes turn up . new concepts ( e . g . _ paratone _ , _ concord _ ) appear in bold and are easily spotted . minor typos appear here and there . the diy look of the design is not a serious flaw , though , for anyone after unalloyed content , of which you get plenty in this book . overall , this is a worthwhile and rather refreshing book for someone seriously interested in intonation . the reader had better be ready , however , to invest a bit of work to mine it of its wealth . reviewed by karen steffen chung , department of foreign languages and literatures , national taiwan university , taipei . " 0 +Subject: need a photomask ? search no further . . . adtek photomask has been looking for you ! adtek is a photomask supplier that offers extended services and guarantees quality products at a competitive price . exrended services at adtek photomask . . . facilitating the photomask order process from the very beginning and promoting your understanding of the cad procedure this is our specialty and so , it is our priority ! eager to assist you in every possible way experienced in servicing universities worldwide adtek photomask meets all of your photomask needs . interested ? please reply to : serveu @ adtekphotomask . com please visit our web site : www . adtekphotomask . com 1 +Subject: germanic generative syntax newsletter germanic generative syntax newsletter , spring 1998 . call for contributions the editors of the germanic generative syntax newsletter invite contributions for the spring 1998 issue . we are especially interested in : - dissertation abstracts - book notices - calls for papers and conference announcements - conference reports - paper abstracts ( 15-20 lines max . ) - titles of unpublished papers - bibliographic details of articles that have appeared or will appear in edited volumes or working paper volumes all these contributions should be related to the field of germanic generative syntax . please send your contributions in ascii format to the following email address : zwart @ let . rug . nl deadline : may 21 , 1997 subscription information : the germanic generative syntax newsletter is published in electronic form and is distributed via email . to subscribe to the ggsn mailing list , send an email message to majordomo @ lists . uib . no with subscribe ggsn < your email address > in the body of the message . jan - wouter zwart editor 0 +"Subject: sla conference paris 1999 call for papers xi th international conference "" acquisition of a foreign language : perspectives and research "" pragmatic uses & acquisition of foreign languages "" acquisition d ' une langue etrangere : perspectives et recherches "" usages pragmatiques et acquisition des langues etrangeres at the universite de la sorbonne nouvelle - paris iii april 15 - 17th 1999 theme second language acquisition in different contexts , pragmatic processes in sla , models of acquisition , social , cognitive , linguistic and affective dimensions in sla , didactic implications of research in sla . discussions will be held in the following workshops : workshops workshop 1 : communication strategies in classroom and / or naturalistic acquisition contexts . workshop 2 : variables reflecting contextualization and learning ( paralinguistic clues , prosody , lexicon ) workshop 3 : cognitive functions and verbal interactions in a learning context workshop 4 : types of discourse and sla workshop 5 : variety of didactic situations and sla * authors are asked to send 2 copies of their abstract in french ( max . 2 pages ) before june 15th 1998 . put your name , address and affiliation on 1 copy only . include title , information on methodology and corpus . specify the workshop in which your paper could be presented . * decisions on acceptance will be communicated on july 15 th 1998 . * complete paper ( hard-copy and disk ) must be received before november 30 th 1998 . max . 12 pages . all papers will be available on disk for the participants . * deadline for registrations : 13 / 2 / 1999 . maximum number of papers : 40 . all abstracts should be sent to : daniel veronique / francine cicurel colloque "" usages pragmatiques et acquisition des langues "" ufr didactique du francais langue etrangere 46 , rue saint - jacques 75230 paris cedex 05 telephone : ( 0 ) 1 40 46 29 25 fax : ( 0 ) 1-40 46 29 30 e-mail : daniel . veronique @ paris3 . sorbonne . fr e-mail : francine . cicurel @ paris3 . sorbonne . fr " 0 +Subject: atelier des doctorants de linguistique ( adl ) call for papers fifth meeting of the adl 4 - 5 december 1998 university of paris 7 - denis diderot the atelier des doctorants de linguistique ( adl ) is an organisation created and run by students . with the support of the university of paris 7 , it aims at developing exchanges between students from different theoretical backgrounds . the fifth meeting provides an opportunity for young linguists to present their works and exchange ideas through : * papers on miscellaneous areas of linguistics * workshops on interdisciplinary topics * friendly breaks providing an opportunity for informal discussions . this meeting is organised by students and is student-oriented . papers , preferably delivered in french , should deal with the following fields : computational linguistics , history of linguistics , lexicology , phonetics , phonology , pragmatics , psycholinguistics , semantics , sociolinguistics , syntax and morphology . a three-page abstract setting out the theoretical background , hypotheses , examples and results which are to be presented at the meeting should be sent by october 15th . abstracts should be submitted , ( by email in rtf-format if possible ) , to sabrina . bendjaballah @ linguist . jussieu . fr ( for macintosh ) patricia . cabredo - hofherr @ linguist . jussieu . fr ( for pc formats ) . if you send your abstact by mail please enclose three anonymous copies along with a separate listing of name , institutional affiliation , preferred mailing address , phone , e-mail address and paper title to the following address : 5emes rencontres de l ' adl universite paris 7 - denis diderot ufr de linguistique - case 7003 tour centrale , piece 911 2 , place jussieu 75251 paris cedex 05 accepted speakers will be notified by the program committee in early november . the meeting will be free of charge . furthermore , we will try to arrange accommodation for speakers . for further information , join us at http : / / www . linguist . jussieu . fr / ~ leglise / adlp7 / adlp7 . htm or at cabredo @ ccr . jussieu . fr . program committee : nicolas ballier , sabrina bendjaballah , patricia cabredo hofherr , emmanuelle canut , pierre jalenques , isabelle leglise , helene le guillou de penanros ( coordination ) , tobias scheer , kim stroumza . abstract deadline : october 15th , 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - appel a communications cinquiemes rencontres de l ' atelier des doctorants de linguistique de l ' universite paris 7 4 - 5 decembre 1998 universite de paris 7 - denis diderot structure creee et geree par des doctorants , l ' atelier des doctorants de linguistique ( a . d . l . ) de paris 7 , avec le soutien de son ecole doctorale , a pour objectif de favoriser les echanges entre etudiants travaillant dans des domaines et dans des cadres theoriques differents . dans cette optique , il organise pour la cinquieme annee consecutive des rencontres , occasion pour de jeunes linguistes de presenter leurs travaux et de confronter leurs points de vues a travers : * des presentations dans des domaines varies de la linguistique * des ateliers-debats autour de themes transversaux * des pauses conviviales laissant le temps aux discussions la particularite de ces rencontres est leur caractere etudiant : organisation , comite de lecture et intervenants . les communications se situeront dans les domaines suivants : histoire des idees linguistiques , lexicologie , linguistique et informatique , morphologie , phonetique , phonologie , pragmatique linguistique , psycholinguistique , semantique , sociolinguistique et syntaxe . les etudiants interesses enverront un resume de 3 pages avant le 15 octobre 1998 , comprenant : une explicitation de leurs presupposes theoriques , les hypotheses , exemples et resultats exposes lors de la presentation . ce resume est a soumettre , si possible par email en format rtf a : sabrina . bendjaballah @ linguist . jussieu . fr ( format macintosh ) patricia . cabredo - hofherr @ linguist . jussieu . fr ( format pc ) ou a adresser , en 3 exemplaires anonymes accompagnes d ' une fiche personnalisee ( nom , universite de rattachement , adresse personnelle et professionnelle , telephone , email , titre de la communication ) a l ' adresse suivante : 5emes rencontres de l ' adl universite paris 7 - denis diderot ufr de linguistique - case 7003 tour centrale , piece 911 2 , place jussieu 75251 paris cedex 05 l ' acceptation des communications sera notifiee par le comite de lecture debut novembre . la participation a ces rencontres est gratuite . nous essaierons , de plus , de mettre en place des possibilites d ' hebergement . les personnes souhaitant des renseignements complementaires peuvent nous contacter a la meme adresse ou par email , ou www : http : / / www . linguist . jussieu . fr / ~ leglise / adlp7 / adlp7 . htm organisation : nicolas ballier , sabrina bendjaballah , patricia cabredo hofherr , emmanuelle canut , pierre jalenques , isabelle leglise , helene le guillou de penanros ( coordination ) , tobias scheer , kim stroumza . date limite pour les resumes : 15 octobre 1998 0 +"Subject: last cfp : wecol ' 98 last call for papers wecol ' 98 western conference on linguistics 9-11 october , 1998 arizona state university , tempe , arizona deadline for abstracts : 1 june 1998 abstracts are invited for 20 - minute talks in all areas of linguistic theory . abstracts should be anonymous , and should be no longer than one page , with one inch margins , in typeface no smaller than 12 characters per inch . an additional page with examples and references may be included . please provide 7 copies of the abstract . authors should identify themselves on a separate 3x5 "" index card , and should include the title and author 's address , affiliation , telephone number , and e-mail address . no e-mail or fax abstracts will be accepted . however , subsequent correspondence will be via e-mail . invited speaker : james mccloskey , university of california at santa cruz . abstracts should be sent to the following address : elly van gelderen , chair , abstracts committee wecol ' 98 po box 870302 department of english arizona state university tempe , az 85287-0302 thank you for your interest . teresa wells research assistant arizona state university " 0 +Subject: optimality theory optimal viewpoints , stuart davis , editor . 138 pp . prepaid orders by u . s . check or money order . $ 15 . 00 + p&h : $ 3 . 50 us , $ 5 . 00 can , $ 5 . 50 other . iulc publications , 720 e . atwater ave . , bloomington , in 47401 usa . < iulc @ indiana . edu > http : / / php . indiana . edu / ~ iulc / this year the indiana university linguistics club celebrates its 30th anniversary with the publication of _ optimal viewpoints _ representing current work on optimality theory by students , faculty and alumni of the department of linguistics at indiana university . the papers in the volume cover phenomena of current theoretical interest in morphology , first language acquisition , phonology and syntax . contents are as follows : _ the optimal compound : optimality theory and the typology of synthetic compounds _ . heather anderson offers an ot analysis of word order in synthetic compounds by demonstrating how the difference between vo and ov languages with respect to synthetic compounds falls out from the ranking of the relevant constraints in an optimality-theoretic grammar . _ the representation of on - glides in american english : evidence from phonologically disordered systems _ . in this ot application to english acquisitional phonology , jessica barlow examines the productions of consonant-glide clusters from several children over a period of time , and relates her findings to the issue of whether the glide in a consonant-glide sequence functions as part of the onset or part of the nucleus . _ output configurations in phonology : epenthesis and syncope in cairene arabic _ . stuart davis and bushra adnan zawaydeh examine the output configurations created by syncope and epenthesis processes in cairene arabic . in cases where the ot prediction that the output shapes of syncope and epenthesis processes should be symmetrical is not maintained , there is an overriding base-identity constraint that plays a key role . _ variation in acquisition : an optimal approach _ . in this paper , katherine demuth shows than an ot analysis can account for multiple optimal outputs in acquisitional phonology in terms of partially ordered constraint rankings , or stratified domination hierarchies . _ topic - oriented null arguments in korean and optimality theory _ . jong - kyoo kim offers an ot analysis of null arguments , both subject and object arguments , in korean based on the domination of topic-related constraints over projection-related constraints . kim also develops a general pro-drop typology which reflects a differential ranking of constraints . _ correspondence in kyungsang korean truncation _ . seung - hoon shin examines a range of data on truncated words in the kyungsang dialect of korean including hypocoristics , truncated compounds , and loanword truncation . shin shows clear evidence that truncated words can be based on the underlying input rather than on a fully syllabified output . 0 +Subject: lrec workshop announcement call for participation towards a european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech . a workshop jointly organised by the european network of excellence in language and speech elsnet and the cec language engineering-4 project else to be held on wednesday may 27 , 9 : 00-13 : 00 at the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain right now , a generic framework for semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation of speech and nlp systems does not exist in europe . when confronted to a choice , developers and users prefer to ask the opinion of local experts as any other way of processing is either unrealistic or too costly . the le4 project else aims at providing developers with a generic strategy and definition of the primary building blocks needed to implement a semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation scheme . prominent speakers from the field will be invited to present papers addressing motivation , advantages , but also problems in connection with the implementation of such an evaluation scheme at an international scale . topics include e . g . the multilingual nature of evaluation , lessons from the past ( in europe and the us ) , the need for language resources . at the workshop the first intermediate results of the else project will be presented and discussed . this call serves to invite interested parties to active participation in the workshop . during the workshop , ample opportunity will be provided for the participants to react to the presentation of the else project , and the talks by the invited speakers . furthermore participants will be given the opportunity to give brief position statements . the workshop is very timely as it takes place when the ec 's 5th framework programme is taking shape . it is clear that the availability of a european evaluation infrastucture can be an important factor in european r&d activities , and that it can only be successful if it is organized and implemented on a european scale . programme committee the workshop will be coorganized by elsnet and else . the programme committee will consist of the participants in the else le project : niels ole bernsen jean - pierre chanod khalid choukri robert gaizauskas steven krauwer isabelle de lamberterie joseph mariani klaus netter patrick paroubek martin rajman antonio zampolli contact steven krauwer trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , the netherlands phone : + 31 30 253 6050 fax : + 31 30 253 6000 email : steven . krauwer @ let . ruu . nl registration the registration fee for the workshop will be : 10 , 000 pesetas for those not attending lrec 5 , 000 pesetas for those attending lrec these fees will include a coffee break and the proceedings of the workshop . participation in the workshop will be limited by the venue . requests for participation will be processed on a first come first served basis . conference information general information about the conference can be found at : http : / / www . icp . inpg . fr / elra / conflre . html specific queries about the conference should be directed to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain tel : + 34 58 24 41 00 fax : + 34 58 24 41 04 email : reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es 0 +"Subject: review of perez - leroux & glass ( ed ) contemporary perspectives . . . ana teresa perez-leroux and william r glass , editors . 1997 . _ contemporary perspectives on the acquisition of spanish _ . volume 1 : developing grammars edited by perez - leroux and glass , 217 + xi pp ( isbn 1-57473 - 016 - 9 ) ; volume 2 : production , processing , and comprehension edited by glass and perez - leroux , 166 + xi pp ( isbn 1-57473 - 017 - 7 ) . cascadilla press , somerville , ma . ( set : isbn 1-57473 - 015 - 0 ) lc : pc4074 . 85 . c66 1997 . reviewed by h . stephen straight , < sstraigh @ binghamton . edu > this two-volume work contains nineteen papers ( seventeen in english , two in spanish ) by an international set of 31 authors ( including eighteen at us universities and five each at universities in spain & canada ) , ranging in length from fifteen to 34 pages . they comprise revised versions of papers delivered at a conference held at pennsylvania state university in october 1995 . with separate sections on child and adult language acquisition ( 5 papers each ) and on second language production ( 5 papers ) and comprehension and input processing ( 4 papers ) , this work provides exactly the current and wide-ranging overview of issues suggested by its title . prominent senior scholars ( such as james p lantolf , james f lee , juana liceras , susana lopez - ornat , barbara lust , and bill vanpatten ) lend the work a rightful air of authority , while numerous junior contributors ( including a dozen phd candidates ) provide a welcome promise of more good work to come . highlights include lopez - ornat 's fascinating case study of the role of spanish - specific morphological patterning in l1 emergence of nominal and verbal forms and functions ( 1 : 3-20 ) , virginia c mueller gathercole & cecilia montes 's paradigm-challenging study of the emergence in bi - and monolingual children of grammaticality judgments regarding the opposing que / * that complementizer patterns in wh-extracted embedded clauses ( 1 : 75-95 ) , christina sanz 's finely nuanced account of the changing role of controlled versus automatized processes in l2 production as a function of performance task variables ( 2 : 41-56 ) , jeffrey reeder 's remarkable findings regarding the dissociation of phonetic perceptual skill and pronunciation accuracy in both beginning and advanced second language learners ( 2 : 77-90 ) , and bill vanpatten 's authoritative overview of his path-breaking research on input processing in second language learning and teaching ( 2 : 93-108 ) . specialist readers will appreciate the currency , range , and depth of the studies presented here . they will also appreciate their overall quality , rare in a collection of conference papers . both volumes contain a comprehensive index of mentioned authors and topics , while notes and full lists of references appear as they should at the end of each paper . advanced students will find the expositions quite uniformly accessible and clear , and the findings well presented and thoroughly discussed . the editors and anonymous reviewers did their jobs well . non - specialist readers will however find these volumes rather heavy going . although all of the papers successfully avoid jargon-mongering , even papers with enticing titles like "" the function of language play in the acquisition of l2 spanish "" ( james p lantolf , 2 : 3-24 ) contain theoretical discussion of great erudition and the analysis of empirical data of considerable complexity . ( lantolf 's 75 - item list of references includes works by vera john - steiner , alexei leontiev , david olson , lev vygotsky , and other important authors usually neglected in l2 research . ) although few readers will find all of the papers of interest , every paper makes a contribution to our understanding of its topic , and taken together these volumes contain something worth the close attention of every conceivable reader in linguistics , developmental and experimental psycholinguistics , and second language theory and pedagogy . given the longstanding facts of 1 ) the prominence of spanish as a national language in the new world , 2 ) the preeminence of spanish as the first language of bilinguals in the us , and 3 ) the ubiquity ( and , more recently , the predominance ) of spanish and english as the languages studied in schools and colleges throughout the americas , spanish language acquisition and spanish - english child and adult bilingualism ought to be among the most common and well-supported areas of basic and applied psycholinguistic research . without going into the cultural , economic , and political factors that have held back such research , and that have pushed the study of spanish - english bilingualism almost entirely into the politically charged domain of ( mostly spanish - subtractive ) "" bilingual education "" , we can be grateful to p&g for bringing together an impressive array of high-quality studies that should stimulate many to pay more attention to these widely available sources of data on critical issues in l1 and l2 acquisition theory and in the psycholinguistics ( as opposed to the sociolinguistics ) of bilingualism . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h stephen straight ( phd chicago 1972 ) , professor of anthropology and of linguistics , directs the programs in linguistics and in languages across the curriculum at binghamton university ( suny ) , where he has taught since 1970 . his research includes study of yucatec maya l1 acquisition , comparative sociolinguistics , translation theory , l2 pedagogy , multilingual education , and the role of the reception-expression dialectic in models of language and cognitive processes . " 0 +Subject: lexical functional grammar conf : final call for papers final call for papers lfg98 1998 international lexical functional grammar conference 30 june - 2 july 1998 the university of queensland , brisbane , australia - - - - > submission receipt deadline : 30 january 1998 < - - - - url : http : / / www . sultry . arts . usyd . edu . au / lfg98 / enquiries : lfg98 @ sultry . arts . usyd . edu . au you are invited you to participate in lfg98 which will take place from 30 june till 2 july 1998 at emmanuel college , the university of queensland , brisbane , australia . lfg98 , the third in a series of international conferences , will take place just before the australian linguistic society annual meeting and the two week australian linguistic institute . the conference welcomes work both within the formal architecture of lexical - functional grammar and typological , formal , and computational work within the 's pirit of lfg ' , as a lexicalist approach to language employing a parallel , constraint-based framework . the conference aims to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers interested in nonderivational approaches to grammar , where grammar is seen as the interaction of constraints from multiple levels , including category information , grammatical relations , and semantic information . further information about the syntactic theory lfg can be obtained from : http : / / clwww . essex . ac . uk / lfg / participation lfg98 will be attended by most of the leading figures in the international lfg community including farrell ackerman , avery andrews , kersti borjars , joan bresnan , mary dalrymple , ron kaplan , k . p . mohanan , tara mohanan , nigel vincent , annie zaenen , . . . submissions the conference will involve 20 - minute talks , poster / system presentations , and workshops . talks and poster presentations will focus on results from completed as well as ongoing research , with an emphasis on novel approaches , methods , ideas , and perspectives , whether descriptive , theoretical , formal or computational . we particularly welcome papers and suggestions for workshops on languages of the asia - pacific region . abstracts and papers must be received by 30 january 1998 , and should be submitted to the program committee chairs at the address given below . organisers and their contact addresses send paper / abstract / poster submissions and inquiries about submissions to : program committee chairs : tracy king < thking @ parc . xerox . com > miriam butt < miriam . butt @ uni-konstanz . de > mail : tracy holloway king information sciences and technologies laboratory xerox parc 3333 coyote hill road palo alto ca 94304 usa contact the conference organisers at : organisers : christopher manning < cmanning @ mail . usyd . edu . au > jane simpson < jhs @ mail . usyd . edu . au > email : lfg98 @ sultry . arts . usyd . edu . au mail : christopher manning or jane simpson linguistics f12 university of sydney nsw 2006 australia more information ( registration , abstract specifications , etc . ) more information is available in the full call for papers , available at the conference website : http : / / www . sultry . arts . usyd . edu . au / lfg98 / 0 +Subject: correction to issue 9 . 870 dear linguist subscribers , in issue 9-870 ( http : / / linguistlist . org / issues / 9 / 9-870 . html ) , a call for reviewers , we incorrectly omitted a publisher from the following citation . barbosa , fox , hagstrom , mcginnis and pesetsky eds . 1998 . optimality and competition in syntax . mit press and mitwpl . cambridge . this book is published jointly by mit press and the mit working papers in linguistics ( mitwpl ) . our sincere apologies to mit press and mitwpl for any inconvenience this may have caused . andrew carnie , review editor , the linguist list . 0 +Subject: 2nd workshop on interlinguas cfp second workshop on interlinguas : call for papers from text to representation : second workshop on interlinguas tuesday , october 27 , 1998 ( preceding the amta 98 conference ) sheraton bucks county hotel , langhorne , pennsylvania [ http : / / crl . nmsu . edu / events / fwoi / secondworkshop / index . html ] the focus of this workshop will be a multi-lingual text and the task of representing aspects of that text using an interlingual representation ( il ) . the format is meant to encourage concrete discussion on how ils handle particular challenges , including , but not limited to , representation of : basic predicate / argument structure noun phrases / referents proper nouns prepositional meaning non-literal language temporal relations textual organization lexical divergences syntactic divergences submitters are invited to select some aspect or section of the text , in a single language , or a language pair / set , and submit a short position paper , describing the il representation for that aspect . in addition to providing concrete il representations and terms ( ontological entities / atoms ) , submitters are encouraged to focus also on the reasons why one would choose to define these particular terms , and the justification for defining in a particular way the relations , slots , and fillers of the term . papers should define the aspect to be discussed , identify instances in the text , provide a representation for these instances , and categorize the instances according to the treatment proposed . the papers will be collected and published as the proceedings of the workshop . submission of end-to - end output of an il system ( including and identifying relevant hand-crafted elements ) is especially encouraged . submissions could also propose theoretical justification for a particular framework , in particular how the building blocks of the system work in handling an aspect of the text . the workshop itself will consist of panels organized around the representational aspects selected by the participants . the panel presentations will be supplemented by periods for general discussion and other activities . ideally , the result of the workshop will be - in some cases , a consistent set of il expressions for the various problematic issues raised by the text and - in other cases , a clearer delineation of ( 1 ) how the various problematic issues in the text are treated in different ils and ( 2 ) the fundamental differences in approach that motivate these different il treatments . a final product of the workshop will be an outline of the issues discussed in determining whether combined il approaches are possible and / or desirable . these results will provide a basis for further workshops . the multi-lingual text will be available at http : / / crl . nmsu . edu / events / fwoi / secondworkshop / text . html in glossed english , french , spanish , chinese , arabic , german , russian , persian , italian , catalan , vietnamese , malay , greek , bulgarian , tamil , and portuguese versions , as they become available . notice of interest in participation : july 10 , 1998 ( to shelmrei @ crl . nmsu . edu ) ( please identify specifically what aspect of il representation you intend to address ) position paper submission : august 10 , 1998 notifications : september 10 , 1998 final copies of papers : october 10 , 1998 workshop : october 27 , 1998 submission may be in printed or electronic form ( latex , framemaker ) , but should follow acl style sheet ( available at http : / / www . cs . columbia . edu / ~ acl / home . html ) . submissions should be sent to : stephen helmreich computing research laboratory new mexico state university po box 30001 / 3crl las cruces , nm 88003 ( usa ) phone : ( 505 ) 646-2141 fax : ( 505 ) 646-6218 e-mail : shelmrei @ crl . nmsu . edu the registration fee for the conference is $ 50 . non - presenters will be accepted on a first-come , first served basis . a copy of the registration form is available at : http : / / crl . nmsu . edu / events / fwoi / secondworkshop / registration . html 0 +Subject: esslli-99 , final call for proposals [ an html version of the call for proposals will be made available via the folli web page at http : / / www . wins . uva . nl / research / folli / . the usual apologies apply if you receive multiple copies of this message . ] eleventh european summer school in logic , language and information esslli-99 august 9-20 , 1999 , utrecht , the netherlands final call for proposals the main focus of the european summer schools in logic , language and information is the interface between linguistics , logic and computation . foundational , introductory and advanced courses together with workshops cover a wide variety of topics within six areas of interest : logic , computation , language , logic and computation , computation and language , language and logic . previous summer schools have been highly successful , attracting around 500 students from europe and elsewhere . the school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of logic , language and information . esslli-99 is organized under the auspices of the european association for logic , language and information ( folli ) . the esslli-99 programme committee invites proposals for foundational , introductory , and advanced courses , and for workshops for the 11th annual summer school on a wide range of topics in the following fields : logic language computation language and logic logic and computation language and computation in addition to courses and workshops there will be a student session . a call for papers for the student session will be distributed separately . the programme committee welcomes proposals in all of the above areas . proposal submission : all proposals ( subjset : esslli-99 ) should be submitted by electronic mail to the program chair , at wansing @ rz . uni-leipzig . de , in plain ascii text as soon as possible , but no later than june 15 , 1998 . authors of proposals will be notified of the committee 's decision no later than september 1 , 1998 . proposers should follow the guidelines below while preparing their submissions ; proposals that deviate substantially will not be considered . guidelines for submission : anyone interested in lecturing or organizing a workshop during esslli-99 , please read the following information carefully . foundational courses : these are really elementary courses not assuming any background knowledge . the number of foundational courses will be 4 - 6 . foundational courses are taught by 1 or max . 2 lecturers . they consist of five sessions ( a one-week course ) or ten sessions ( a two-week course ) each session lasts 90 minutes . timetable for foundational course proposal submission jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadline sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of title , abstract , lecturer ( s ) information , course description and prerequisites jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready course material introductory courses : introductory courses are central to the activities of the summer school . they are intended to equip students and young researchers with a good understanding of a field 's basic methods and techniques , and to allow experienced researchers from other fields to acquire the key competences of neighboring disciplines , thus encouraging the development of a truly interdisciplinary research community . the introductory courses in the three basic disciplines should provide introductions to the field for non-specialists ( an introductory course on logic , for instance , should address linguists and computer scientists , not logicians ) . introductory courses in the interdisciplinary fields , on the other hand , can build on knowledge of the respective fields ( an introductory course in computational linguistics should address an audience which is familiar with the basics of linguistics and computation ) . introductory courses are taught by 1 or max . 2 lecturers . they consist of five sessions ( a one-week course ) or ten sessions ( a two-week course ) each session lasts 90 minutes . proposals for introductory courses should indicate the level of the course as compared to standard texts in the area . for ease of reference a list of standard texts will be made available electronically . timetable for introductory course proposal submission jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadline sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of title , abstract , lecturer ( s ) information , course description and prerequisites jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready course material advanced courses : advanced courses should be pitched at an audience of advanced masters or phd students . proposals for advanced courses should specify the prerequisites in some detail . advanced courses are taught by 1 or max . 2 lecturers . they consist of five sessions ( a one-week course ) or ten sessions ( a two-week course ) each session lasts 90 minutes . timetable for advanced course proposal submissions jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadline sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of title , abstract , lecturer ( s ) information , course description and prerequisites jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready course material workshops : the aim of the workshops is to provide a forum for advanced ph . d . students and other researchers to present and discuss their work . a workshop has a theme . at most one organizer is paid . the organizers should be specialists in the theme of the workshop and give a general introduction in the first session . they are also responsible for the programme of the workshop , i . e . , for finding speakers . each workshop organizer will be responsible for producing a call for papers for the workshop by november 15 , 1998 . the call must make it clear that the workshop is open to all members of the lli community . it should also note that all workshop contributors must register for the summer school . a workshop consists of five sessions ( a one-week workshop ) or ten sessions ( a two-week workshop ) . sessions are normally 90 min . timetable for workshop proposal submissions jun 15 , 98 : proposal submission deadline sep 1 , 98 : notification nov 15 , 98 : deadline for receipt of call for papers dec 1 , 98 : send out call for papers mar 15 , 99 : deadline for papers ( suggested ) may 1 , 99 : notification of workshop contributors ( suggested ) may 15 , 99 : deadline for provisional workshop programme jun 1 , 99 : deadline for receipt of camera-ready copy of workshop notes jun 1 , 99 : deadline for final workshop programme format for proposals : please submit your proposal in the following format : name : - - - name ( s ) of proposed lecturer ( s ) / organizer . address : - - - contact addresses of proposed lecturer ( s ) / organizer . where possible , please include phone and fax numbers . title : - - - title of proposed course / workshop . type : - - - state whether this is a workshop , an foundational course , an introductory course , or an advanced course . section : - - - which of the six sections ( language , logic , computation , logic & computation , language & computation or language & logic ) does the proposal belong to ? please just name one . description : - - - a description of the proposed contents . not more than 150 words . external - - - state whether ( and if so : how ) you will be able to find funding : external funding to subsidize your travel and accommodation expenses . further - - - any further information that is required by the above particulars : guidelines should be included here . financial aspects : prospective lecturers and workshop organizers should be aware that all teaching and organizing at the summer schools is done on a voluntary basis in order to keep the participants fees as low as possible . lecturers and organizers are not paid for their contribution , but are reimbursed for travel and accommodation . in case of two lecturers , a lump sum is paid to cover travel expenses . the splitting of the sum is up to the lecturers . ( however , please note that the organizers appreciate it if , whenever possible , lecturers / organizers find alternative funding to cover travel and accommodation expenses . ) workshop speakers are required to register for the summer school ; however , workshop speakers will be able to register at a reduced rate to be determined by the organizing committee . finally , it should be stressed that while proposals from all over the world are welcomed , the summer school can only afford to reimburse travel costs for travel from destinations within europe to utrecht . program committee : heinrich wansing ( chair ) attn : esslli-99 institute of logic and philosophy of science university of leipzig augustusplatz 9 04109 leipzig germany tel : + 49 341 9735 773 ( 770 ) or + 49 351 463 5489 fax : + 49 341 9735 798 email : wansing @ rz . uni-leipzig . de barbara partee ( language ) lev beklemishev ( logic ) ulrich furbach ( computation and logic ) alex lascarides ( language and computation ) antonio di nola ( computation ) henriette de swart ( logic and language ) organizing committee : michael moortgat ( chair ) utrecht institute of linguistics ots utrecht university trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht the netherlands tel : + 31 30 2536043 ( secretary : + 31 30 2536006 ) fax : + 31 30 2536000 email : moortgat @ let . ruu . nl further background information : to obtain further information , please visit the web site for esslli-98 ( http : / / www . coli . uni-sb . de / esslli / ) or folli 's home page on the web ( http : / / www . wins . uva . nl / research / folli / ) . 0 +Subject: ld ' 98 - call for participation ld ' 98 the first international workshop on labelled deduction freiburg , germany september 7 - 9 , 1998 http : / / www . informatik . uni-freiburg . de / ~ ld98 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * call for participation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * advanced program , registration , travel and accomodation information are available at the homepage of the workshop http : / / www . informatik . uni-freiburg . de / ~ ld98 aim and format to survey research in the field , and to allow researchers ( in logic , computer science , artificial intelligence , linguistics , etc . ) to exchange ideas , techniques and results . both finished work and work in progress will be reported . topics of interest papers on current research in all aspects of labelled deduction , including but not limited to : o logical modeling based on labelled deduction o formal metatheory for , or based on , labelled deduction o hybrid reasoners and combinations of logics based on labelling o automated reasoning , implementation , and system support o annotated logic programming o applications conference site institut fuer informatik of the university of freiburg . freiburg is a medieval town of about 200 , 000 inhabitants at the edge of the black forrest . the city is easily accessible , being within an hour from international airports in strasbourg and basel . there are also good connections ( hourly trains ) to airports in frankfurt and zurich , which are about 2 to 3 hours away . organizing committee david basin and luca vigano ` program committee david basin , institut fuer informatik , freiburg , germany marcello d ' agostino , universita ` di ferrara , italy dov gabbay , king 's college , london , uk sean matthews , max - planck - institut fuer informatik , saarbruecken , germany luca vigano ` , institut fuer informatik , freiburg , germany 0 +"Subject: meaning change - meaning variation = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = call for papers = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = meaning change - meaning variation university of konstanz , germany february 24-26 , 1999 invited speakers : nicholas asher ( austin , usa ) johannes dlling ( leipzig , germany ) peter gaerdenfors ( lund , sweden ) dirk geeraerts ( leuven , belgien ) ulrike haas - spohn ( konstanz , germany ) ekkehart knig ( berlin , germany ) brigitte nerlich ( nottingham , uk ) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = we are pleased to announce the workshop ' meaning change - meaning variation ' as part of the 21st annual meeting of the german society of linguistics ( dgfs ) in konstanz , germany ( http : / / dgfs99 . uni-konstanz . de ) . the workshop ' meaning change - meaning variation ' aims at bringing together researchers in formal semantics , cognitive semantics , historical linguistics and analytical philosophy in order to discuss questions of meaning change and meaning variation . historical linguists have developed impressing inventories of examples of meaning ( and other ) changes , documented in etymological lexica . cognitive semanticists often offer richer notions of "" meaning "" than the one traditionally used in formal semantics , notions which seem better fit to integrate a creative dimension . on the other hand , people working in a formal semantic framework should face the challenge posed to their completely static picture by diachronic meaning change . changes are , we think , not instances of common confusion or error . on the contrary , they are one evidence that language itself has to be seen as an ever evolving object , adapting to our ever changing view of the ( "" real "" ) world . specific areas of inquiry include , but are not limited to the following : * semi-productive lexical processes ( metonymy , polysemy , etc . ) * interaction of psychological , historical and linguistic facts in the development of new language stages * case studies in diachronic meaning change * grammaticalization and meaning change * polysemy and semantic fields * formal treatments of metaphor papers in german or english are invited from any of the mentioned fields . the papers should address semantic change or semantic variation from more than one aspect . papers that indicate an inherent interest in the perspective of other disciplines or that intend to bridge the approaches from different subfields are preferred . the deadline for receipt of abstracts is august 15 , 1998 please , send a one-page abstract ( preferably by email ) to : regine eckardt / klaus von heusinger fg sprachwissenschaft fach d 185 d-78457 konstanz germany email : { regine . eckardt ; klaus . heusinger } @ uni-konstanz . de we will also be happy to answer all further questions which might arise . " 0 +"Subject: vilem mathesius lecture series 13 - prague , nov . 98 the vilem mathesius centre for research and education in semiotics and linguistics presents the vilem mathesius lecture series 13 november 9 - - 20 , 1998 prague , czech republic call for participation & call for grant applications the thirteenth cycle of the vilem mathesius lecture series , organized by the vilem mathesius centre for research and education in semiotics and linguistics ( charles university ) , will be held in prague , czech republic , from november 9 until 20 , 1998 . the scientific program will consist of the following invited courses ( usually three 90 minutes lectures ) : * emmon bach ( canada ) : "" problems of universal and parochial grammar "" * joan bresnan ( usa ) : "" optimal syntax "" * nicoletta calzolari ( italy ) : "" corpus based lexicon building "" * bernard comrie ( germany ) : "" ( 1 ) advances in our understanding of relative clauses . ( 2 ) form and function in reference-tracking systems . ( 3 ) agreement in tsez ( ne caucasian ) : a typological assessment . "" * edward l . keenan ( usa ) : < tba > * christian lehmann ( germany ) : "" typology of possession "" * karen sparck - jones ( england ) : "" information retrieval and language processing "" * hans uszkoreit ( germany ) : "" modelling of linguistic performance "" * bonnie webber ( usa ) : < tba > we are still waiting for confirmation from m . a . k . halliday , and h - j . lieb . among the czech lecturers invited to vmc 13 are frantisek cermak , miroslav cervenka , jan firbas , jan hajic , eva hajicova , jaroslav peregrin , and petr sgall . the exact time schedule will be announced later . grants ( deadline : may 31 , 1998 ) a limited number of grants is available for students from post-communist countries . the deadline for application is * may 31 , 1998 * . ideally , an application for a grant should include a letter of motivation and a letter of recommendation by a supervisor . applications should be send to professor eva hajicova at the address below . applicants will be notified by the end of june regarding approval of their application . participation ( deadline : september 15 , 1998 ) the participation fee for vmc 13 is usd 350 , which includes tuition fee , accommodation , and lunches . in order to ensure accommodation , ( paying ) participants should register before * september 15 , 1998 * . please contact mrs . brdickova or prof . hajicova at the following address for registration or further information . mrs . libuse brdickova institute of formal and applied linguistics ufal mff uk malostranske nam . 25 cz-11800 praha 1 czech republic { hajicova , brdickov } @ ufal . mff . cuni . cz ( phone ) + + 420 - 2-2191 - 4278 ( fax ) + + 420 - 2-2191 - 4309 check our website at http : / / kwetal . ms . mff . cuni . cz / ~ gj / vmc / . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - geert - jan m . kruijff institute of formal & applied linguistics / linguistic data laboratory faculty of mathematics and physics , charles university malostranske nam . 25 , cz-118 00 prague 1 , czech republic phone : + + 420 - 2-2191 - 4255 fax : + + 420 - 2-2191 - 4309 email : gj @ ufal . ms . mff . cuni . cz , gj @ acm . org www : http : / / kwetal . ms . mff . cuni . cz / ~ gj / " 0 +Subject: a theory of predicates a theory of predicates ackerman , farrell ( university of california , san diego ) and webelhuth , gert ( university of north carolina , chapel hill ) ; a theory of predicates ; isbn : 1-57586 - 087 - 2 ( cloth ) , 1-57586 - 086 - 4 ( paper ) ; 402 pp . csli publications 1998 : http : / / csli-www . stanford . edu / publications / email : pubs @ roslin . stanford . edu in this work two linguists from different theoretical paradigms develop a new general theory of natural language predicates . this theory is capable of addressing a broad range of issues concerning ( complex ) predicates , many of which remain unresolved in previous theoretical proposals . grounded in empirical evidence from a wide variety of genetically and geographically unrelated languages ( german , hungarian , fox , nenets , tzotzil , malayalam , among others ) , this new theory synthesizes conceptual and representational assumptions from several different theoretical traditions . the authors focus on cross-linguistically recurring patterns of predicate formation where identical contentive notions ( i . e . , lexical semantic , grammatical function , and morphosyntactic information ) are expressed by predicates consisting of a single morphological word or by combinations of independent words that need not form a single syntactic unit . they provide a detailed implementation of their theory for german tense-aspect , passive , causative , and verb-particle predicates . in addition , the authors discuss extensions of these representative analyses to the same predicate constructions in other languages . beyond providing a formalism for the analysis of language-particular predicates , they demonstrate how the basic theoretical mechanisms they develop can be employed to explain universal tendencies of predicate formation . for this purpose , ackerman and webelhuth introduce the construct ` grammatical archetype ' into linguistic theory , relating universal patterns of predicate formation to language-particular patterns in a principled fashion . this book will be of interest to linguists and grammarians from any generative , cognitive / functional , or traditional perspective . in addition , it is accessible to interested philosophers , psycholinguists , cognitive scientists , computational linguists , anthropological linguists , and philologists . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * csli publications ventura hall stanford university stanford , ca 94305-4115 telephone ( 650 ) 723-1839 fax ( 650 ) 725-2166 http : / / csli-www . stanford . edu / publications 0 +Subject: document design on december 17 and 18 , 1998 , tilburg university will host the first international conference on document design the conference will address research on the design of informative , instructive , and persuasive texts . aim the aim of the conference is to bring together researchers who are interested in document design and who are working in the field of discourse studies , ( cognitive ) linguistics , educational psychology , speech communication , technical documentation , communication science , social psychology , cognitive psychology , marketing communication , and so on . contributions the organizers invite contributions on how document design decisions and the choice of message variables affect the function and use of informative , instructive , or persuasive documents . methodologies methodologies used may range from experimental and ( corpus ) analytical to case studies . message variables may concern content , structure , style , lay-out , audience , and so on . deadline for abstracts : may 15 , 1998 for further information you can visit our website : http : / / cwis . kub . nl / ~ fdl / research / tw / docdes98 / index . htm or contact document . design98 @ kub . nl 0 +Subject: adcs ' 98 the following is a one day intensive symposium preceeding sigir ' 98 . it will have involvement from academic and commercial presenters and it offers an unusual range of different presentation styles . call for papers third australian document computing symposium ( adcs ' 98 ) august 21 1998 university of sydney , sydney , australia http : / / www . cmis . csiro . au / conferences-seminars / adcs98 / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - important dates scope - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - submission of papers : adcs ' 98 is an opportunity for june 19 , 1998 researchers and practitioners in document management and information retrieval to meet and present their submission of posters : work . the symposium aims to cover all june 26 , 1998 aspects of document computing - issues ranging from the fundamentals of document architectures and submission of standards for markup , through demonstrations : storage , management , retrieval , june 26 , 1998 authentication and workflow , to active and virtual documents . notification of acceptance : july 19 , 1998 allette systems , csiro mathematical and information sciences and the university of sydney are pleased to final versions due : host the third australian document july 31 , 1998 computing symposium , to be held at the department of computer science , the university of sydney , immediately symposium : preceding the 21st international acm august 21 , 1998 sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval ( sigir ' 98 ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - topics of interest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - these include ( but are not restricted to ) : * resource discovery * document workflow * document databases * document management * document architectures * standards for markup * innovative applications of xml * multimedia * hypermedia * adaptive hypertext * virtual documents * digital libraries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - submissions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - there are four categories of submissions : long papers : maximum length 3000 words . short papers : maximum length 1500 words . posters : maximum length 1000 words . demonstrations : abstract only required . submitted papers / posters must be in english , should be available as html documents . papers / posters must include the author 's name , affiliation and e-mail address , a 200 word abstract , and keywords preferably from the above list identifying the paper 's area . submissions and queries should be mailed to either program committee chair : judy kay maria milosavljevic basser dept of computer science csiro-mis , madsen f09 intelligent interactive technology university of sydney locked bag 17 , north - ryde nsw australia 2006 australia 2113 ph : + 61 - 2-9351 - 4502 ph : + 61 2 9325 3100 fax : + 61 - 2-9351 - 3838 fax : + 61 2 9325 3200 www . cs . usyd . edu . au / ~ judy www . cmis . csiro . au / maria . milosavljevic / 0 +Subject: new books : pragmatics & discourse we would like to bring to your attention to two new publications from john benjamins publishing in the field of pragmatics & discourse : deixis and information packaging in russian discourse . lenore grenoble 1998 xviii , 338 pp . pragmatics & beyond new series , 50 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 812 4 price : us $ 85 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5063 4 price : nlg 170 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the role deixis plays in structuring language and its relation to the context of utterance provides the focus for an examination of information packaging in russian discourse . the analysis is based on a model which interprets discourse as constituted by four interrelated frameworks - the linguistic text , the text setting , the text content and the participant framework . the function of discourse particles . a study with special reference to spoken standard french maj - britt mosegaard hansen 1998 xii , 418 pp . pragmatics & beyond new series , 53 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 815 9 price : us $ 85 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5066 9 price : nlg 170 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this monograph aims to contribute to linguistic knowledge about the distribution and function of discourse particles , particularly with respect to a small group of particles which are highly frequent in contemporary spoken standard french . the author discusses categories of particles , instructional semantics , the difference between speech and writing , the delimitation of discourse units , competing approaches to discourse structure and to coherence , and methodology are discussed extensively . this is followed by an-depth corpus-based analyses of six french discourse particles , namely bon , ben , eh bien , puis , donc , and alors , as used in non-elicited native-speaker interaction . hedging in scientific research articles ken hyland 1998 x , 308 pp . pragmatics & beyond new series , 54 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 816 7 price : us $ 69 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5067 7 price : nlg 138 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this is a comprehensive study of hedging in academic research papers , relating a systematic analysis of forms to a pragmatic explanation for their use . the study shows that the extensive use of possibility and tentativeness in research writing is intimately connected to the social and institutional practices of academic communities , and is at the heart of how knowledge comes to be socially accredited through texts . the study identifies the major forms , functions and distribution of hedges and explores the research article genre in detail to present an explanatory framework . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +"Subject: euralex ' 98 - keynote lectures , tutorials euralex ' 98 - european association for lexicography - 8th international congress university of liege ( belgium ) , 4 - 8 august 1998 . web site : http : / / engdep1 . philo . ulg . ac . be / euralex . htm information : amichiels @ ulg . ac . be book exhibition : please contact v . doppagne @ ulg . ac . be * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the euralex ' 98 programme committee is pleased to announce the titles of the three plenary lectures which will be read in addition to the standard parallel session papers , the workshop on dictionary use , the book exhibition and the computer demonstrations : keynote lectures : ( a ) marie - hlne corrard ( xerox research centre europe , grenoble , formerly oxford university press ) : "" traduire avec un dictionnaire , traduire pour un dictionnaire "" ( b ) anthony p . cowie ( university of leeds ) : "" a . s . hornby : a centenary tribute "" ( c ) gregory grefenstette ( xerox research centre europe , grenoble ) : "" the future of linguistics and lexicographers : will there be lexicographers in the year 3000 ? "" it is still possible to register for either of the two pre - euralex tutorials which will be organised on 4 august 1998 ( see second circular for details and fees ) : ( 1 ) creating a bilingual dictionary tutors : michela clari & jeremy butterfield ( harpercollins publishers ) ( 2 ) preparing a terminological data base tutor : alain reichling ( european commission translation service ) all relevant information ( list of parallel session papers , 1st and 2nd circulars , registration forms and fees , phone , fax and email addresses . . . ) can be found on the euralex ' 98 congress web site : http : / / engdep1 . philo . ulg . ac . be / euralex . htm for practical reasons , the local organizers ask people who intend to attend the congress to register as soon as possible if they have not yet done so . on behalf of the programme committee , thierry fontenelle " 0 +Subject: icgi-98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - call for participation fourth international colloquium on grammatical inference ( icgi-98 ) http : / / www . cs . iastate . edu / ~ icgi98 / icgi98 . html program co - chairs : vasant honavar and giora slutzki iowa state university july 12-14 , 1998 iowa state university ames , iowa , usa . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cosponsored by international institute of theoretical and applied physics iowa state university and in cooperation with american association for artificial intelligence ieee systems , man , and cybernetics society acl special interest group on natural language learning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - grammatical inference , variously refered to as automata induction , grammar induction , and automatic language acquisition , refers to the process of learning of grammars and languages from data . machine learning of grammars finds a variety of applications in syntactic pattern recognition , adaptive intelligent agents , diagnosis , computational biology , systems modelling , prediction , natural language acquisition , data mining and knowledge discovery . traditionally , grammatical inference has been studied by researchers in several research communities including : information theory , formal languages , automata theory , language acquisition , computational linguistics , machine learning , pattern recognition , computational learning theory , neural networks , etc . perhaps one of the first attempts to bring together researchers working on grammatical inference for an interdisciplinary exchange of research results took place under the aegis of the first colloquium on grammatical inference held at the university of essex in united kingdom in april 1993 . this was followed by the ( second ) international colloquium on grammatical inference , held at alicante in spain , the proceedings of which were published by springer - verlag as volume 862 of the lectures notes in artificial intelligence , and the third international colloquium on grammatical inference , held at montpellier in france , the proceedings of which were published by springer - verlag as volume 1147 of the lecture notes in artificial intelligence . following the success of these events and the workshop on automata induction , grammatical inference , and language acquisition , held in conjunction with the international conference on machine learning at nashville in united states in july 1997 , the fourth international colloquium on grammatical inference will be held from july 12 through july 14 , 1998 , at iowa state university in united states . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the conference seeks to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of original research papers on all aspects of grammatical inference including , but not limited to : * different models of grammar induction : e . g . , learning from examples , learning using examples and queries , incremental versus non-incremental learning , distribution-free models of learning , learning under various distributional assumptions ( e . g . , simple distributions ) , impossibility results , complexity results , characterizations of representational and search biases of grammar induction algorithms . * algorithms for induction of different classes of languages and automata : e . g . , regular , context-free , and context-sensitive languages , interesting subsets of the above under additional syntactic constraints , tree and graph grammars , picture grammars , multi-dimensional grammars , attributed grammars , parameterized models , etc . * theoretical and experimental analysis of different approaches to grammar induction including artificial neural networks , statistical methods , symbolic methods , information-theoretic approaches , minimum description length , and complexity-theoretic approaches , heuristic methods , etc . * broader perspectives on grammar induction - - e . g . , acquisition of grammar in conjunction with language semantics , semantic constraints on grammars , language acquisition by situated agents and robots , acquisition of language constructs that describe objects and events in space and time , developmental and evolutionary constraints on language acquisition , etc . * demonstrated or potential applications of grammar induction in natural language acquisition , computational biology , structural pattern recognition , information retrieval , text processing , adaptive intelligent agents , systems modelling and control , and other domains . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - invited papers 1 . j . feldman , international computer science institute and university of california , berkeley , ca , usa . topic : natural language acquisition ( exact title to be announced ) . 2 . a . brazma , european bioinformatics institute , cambridge . topic : pattern discovery in biosequences . ( exact title to be announced ) . list of accepted papers 1 . stochastic regular tree language inference , rafael c . carrasco , jose oncina and jorge calera 2 . the data driven approach applied to the ostia algorithm , jose oncina 3 . approximate learning of random subsequential transducers , antonio castellanos 4 . how considering incompatible state mergings may reduce the dfa induction search tree , francois coste and jacques nicolas 5 . learning regular grammars to model musical style : comparing different coding schemes , p . p . cruz - alcazar and e . vidal - ruiz 6 . using symbol clustering to improve probabilistic automaton inference , pierre dupont and lin chase 7 . learning a subclass of context - free languages j . emerald , k . subramanian , and d . thomas 8 . learning a determinisitic finite automaton with a recurrent neural network , l firoiu , t oates , and p r cohen 9 . learning feature - based phrase - structure rules with the grammar inference tool , b . geistert 10 . learning stochastic finite automata from experts , colin de la higuera . 11 . a stochastic search approach to grammar induction hugues juille and jordan pollack 12 . grammar model and grammar induction in the system nl page , keselj 13 . results of the abbadingo one dfa learning competition and a new evidence driven state merging algorithm k . j . lang , b . a . pearlmutter and r . price 14 . transducer - learning experiments on language understanding pics and e . vidal 15 . learning k-variable pattern languages efficiently stochastically finite on average from positive data peter rossmanith and thomas zeugmann 16 . locally threshold testable languages in strict sense : application to the inference problem , jose ruiz , salvador espana , and pedro garcia 17 . grammatical inference in document recognition , saidi , tayeb - bey 18 . learning a subclass of linear languages from positive structural information , jose sempere and g . nagaraja 19 . why meaning helps learning syntax , isabelle tellier 20 . a performance evaluation of automatic survey classifiers , viechnicki 21 . applying grammatical inference by learning a language model for oral dialogue jacques chodorowski and laurent miclet 22 . a polynomial time incremental algorithm for learning dfa , r . parekh , c . nichitu , v . honavar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference format and proceedings the conference will include oral and possibly poster presentations of accepted papers , a small number of tutorials and invited talks . all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by springer - verlag as a volume in the lecture notes in artificial intelligence which is part of the springer - verlag lecture notes in computer science series . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - financial support limited financial support might be available , subject to the availability of funds , for : * scientists ( especially junior researchers ) from developing countries , especially for those who can find other sources of support for extended visit at a us institution * graduate students and postdocs from us institutions additional details will be posted as they become available . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration information early registration deadline : may 21 , 1998 . presenting authors of accepted papers should register by may 11 , 1998 . registration fees : the conference registration includes the conference proceedings and the banquet ( on monday , july 13 , 1998 ) . * author / conference attendee o by may 21 , 1998 : us $ 200 o after may 21 , 1998 : us $ 250 * full - time student o by may 21 , 1998 : us $ 100 o after may 21 , 1998 : us $ 150 * airport shuttle : us $ 15 ( one way ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - program committee technical program chairs : vasant honavar and giora slutzki , iowa state university , usa . technical program committee : r . berwick , mit , usa a . brazma , european bioinformatics institute , cambridge , uk . m . brent , johns hopkins university , usa c . cardie , cornell university , usa w . daelemans , tilburg university , netherlands d . dowe , monash university , australia p . dupont , university jean monnet at st . etienne , france . d . estival , university of melbourne , australia j . feldman , international computer science institute , berkeley , usa l . giles , nec research institute , princeton , usa j . gregor , university of tennessee , usa c . de la higuera , university jean monnet at st . etienne , france a . itai , technion , israel t . knuutila , university of turku , finland j . koza , stanford university , usa k . lang , nec research institute , princeton , usa . m . li , university of waterloo , canada e . makinen , university of tampere , finland l . miclet , enssat , lannion , france . g . nagaraja , indian institute of technology , bombay , india h . ney , university of technology , aachen , germany j . nicolas , irisa , france r . parekh , allstate research and planning center , menlo park , usa l . pitt , university of illinois at urbana - champaign , usa d . powers , flinders university , australia l . reeker , national science foundation , usa y . sakakibara , tokyo denki university , japan . c . samuelsson , lucent technologies , usa a . sharma , university of new south wales , australia . e . vidal , u . politecnica de valencia , spain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - local arrangements committee dale grosvenor , iowa state university , usa . k . balakrishnan , iowa state university , usa . r . bhatt , iowa state university , usa j . yang , iowa state university , usa . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - further details are available at : http : / / www . cs . iastate . edu / ~ icgi98 / icgi98 . html 0 +Subject: wml : deadline extended workshop on mathematical linguistics ( wml ) pennsylvania state university , april 17 , 1998 submissions deadline extended : january 24 information at http : / / www . urv . es / centres / grups / grlmc / index . html ( . ps files are preferred ) 0 +Subject: conference announcement : talc 98 * * * * * call for registration : talc98 * * * * * * * * the 3rd international conference on teaching and language corpora will be held at keble college , oxford between 24 and 27 july 1998 . the use of large computer-held corpora of real language , no longer novel in linguistic research , is increasingly a focus of attention for language teachers . experiments in data driven learning and corpus-based methods are beginning to bear fruit in a wide range of language teaching environments . this international conference will bring together practitioners and theorists with a common interest in the usability of corpus data for such purposes as : * language teaching and learning * student-centred learning and investigation * cross-linguistic comparison * cultural and historical studies the conference programme includes : * a choice of pre-conference workshops classroom corpora ( chris tribble ) ; parallel corpora ( knut hofland ) ; the battle of the giants : boe vs . bnc ( jem clear and guy aston ) * invited lectures from jem clear ( cobuild ) , and from professsor jean aitchison ( oxford ) * about 40 formal papers * poster sessions * book and software exhibits full details of the speakers and the programme , including rates and registration forms , are available at the conference website : http : / / users . ox . ac . uk / ~ talc98 note registrations received before 29th may will qualify for a discount an additional registration fee will be charged for workshops workshop registration will close on 30 june ; places are limited 0 +"Subject: new linguistics journal - syntaxis announcement and call for papers january 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - syntaxis new international journal for the study of syntax editor : montserrat martinez vazquez ( university of huelva , spain ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in 1998 the university of huelva press will start publishing a new international journal : syntaxis . syntaxis will be a forum to report results of research in the area of syntax . it will accept for publication high-quality papers following any approach to syntax - - functionalist or formalist . both synchronic and diachronic studies will be accepted , as well as analyses of one particular language or cross-linguistic studies . papers dealing with the acquisition of syntax will also be considered for publication . one of the goals of this journal is to serve as a medium for the transaction of ideas between linguists working within different theoretical frameworks . thus , honoring its greek name syntaxis which means "" putting together . "" further ideas for the journal are welcome from all members of the international community of syntax scholars . post it please help to make this new journal known to others by forwarding this message to colleagues and / or by posting it on the mailing lists or discussion groups you subscribe to . call for papers please send in your contributions ( preferably in english ) to the editor by the end of november 1998 . for further information , contact the editor , or visit the journal 's web page : montserrat martinez editor of syntaxis servicio de publicaciones de la universidad de huelva av . de las fuerzas armadas s / n e - 21007 huelva montse @ uhu . es http : / / philologia . uhu . es / philologia / revistas / syntaxis / framesyn . htm " 0 +Subject: cognitive linguistics possession : cognitive sources , forces and grammaticalization bernd heine ( university of cologne ) ; possession : cognitive sources , forces and grammaticalization ; isbn : 0-521 - 55037 - 8 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 290 pp . ; pub . date : 6 / 30 / 97 publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 64 . 95 ; bernd heine argues that the structure of grammatical categories is predictable to a large extent once we know the range of possible cognitive structures from which they are derived . the author uses as his example the structure of predicative possession , and shows how most of the possessive constructions to be found in the world 's languages can be traced back to a small set of basic conceptual patterns . using grammaticalization theory heine describes how each affects the word order and morphosyntax of the resulting possessive construction . ; contents : 1 . the state / 2 . the process / 3 . on attributive possession / 4 . from possession to aspect / 5 . evaluation / appendix : a world-wide survey of have-constructions / references ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html color categories in thought and language color categories in thought and language ; isbn : 0-521 - 49693 - 4 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 414 pp . ; c . l . hardin , ed . ( emeritus , syracuse university ) ; pub . date : 7 / 30 / 97 publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 74 . 95 ; twenty - five years ago , berlin and kay argued that there are commonalities of basic color term use that extend across languages and cultures , and probably express universal features of perception and cognition . in this volume , a distinguished team of contributors from visual science , psychology , linguistics and anthropology examine how these claims have fared in the light of current knowledge , surveying key ideas , results and techniques from the study of human color vision as well as field methods and theoretical interpretations drawn from linguistic anthropology . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html mappings in thought and language gilles fauconnier ( university of california , san diego ) ; mappings in thought and language ; isbn : 0-521 - 46062 - x ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 217 pp . ; pub . date : 4 / 30 / 97 publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 54 . 95 ; meaning in everyday thought and language is constructed at lightning speed . we are not conscious of the staggering complexity of the cognitive operations that drive our simplest behavior . this book reveals the creativity that underlies our effortless use of language in everyday life , when we engage in conversation , understand humor , or solve puzzles . the capacities and principles that we develop from infancy for ordinary thinking and talking are also the ones that drive scientific and artistic thought , high-level reasoning , and conceptual change . ; content : 1 . mappings / 2 . mental space connections / 3 . tense and mood / 4 . analogical counterfactuals / 5 . matching / 6 . blends ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html language and conceptualization language and conceptualization ; isbn : 0-521 - 55303 - 2 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 289 pp . ; jan nuyts , ed . ( university of antwerp ) ; pub . date : 5 / 31 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 59 . 95 ; to what extent is conceptualization based on linguistic representation ? and to what extent is it variable across cultures , communities or even individuals ? of crucial importance in the attempt to develop a comprehensive theory of human cognition , these remain among the most difficult questions in the cognitive sciences . this volume brings together ten new contributions from leading scholars working in a wide cross section of disciplines , including linguistics , anthropology , psychology and philosophy . ; contents : 1 . overview : on the relationship between language and conceptualization , jan nuyts and eric pederson / 2 . from outer to inner space : linguistic categories and non-linguistic thinking , stephen c . levinson / 3 . spatial operations in deixis , cognition and culture , balthasar bickel / 4 . remote worlds : the conceptual representation of linguistic would , paul werth / 5 . role and individual representations of change predicates , eve sweetser / 6 . changing place in english and german : language-specific preferences in the conceptualisation of spatial relations , mary carroll / 7 . mapping conceptual representations into linguistic representations : the role of attention in grammar , russell s . tomlin / 8 . growth points cross-linguistically , david mcneill / 9 . on the modularity of sentence processing : semantical generality and the language of thought , jay atlas / 10 . the contextual basis of cognitive semantics , ronald w . langacker / 11 . the cognitive foundations of pragmatic principles : implications for theories of linguistic and cognitive representation , edward a robinson . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html comprehension : a paradigm for cognition walter kintsch ( university of colorado , boulder ) ; comprehension : a paradigm for cognition ; isbn : 0-521 - 58360 - 8 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 461 pp . ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 69 . 95 ; in this book , walter kintsch presents a theory of human text comprehension and extends his analysis to related areas . comprehension is conceptualized as a two-stage process : first , approximate , inaccurate representations are constructed via context insensitive construction rules , which are then integrated via a spreading activation constraint satisfaction process . in part i , the general theory is presented and an attempt is made to situate it within the current theoretical landscape in cognitive science . the second part addresses many of the topics that are typically found in a cognitive psychology text , including how word meanings are identified in a discourse context ; how words are combined to form coherent representations of texts , both at the local and global level ; what the role is of working memory in comprehension ; how relevant knowledge is activated during reading ; and what is the distinction between remembering a text and learning from a text . ; contents : 1 . introduction / part i . the theory / 2 . cognition and representation / 3 . propositional representations / 4 . modeling comprehension processes : the construction - integration model / part ii . models of comprehension / 5 . word identification in discourse / 6 . textbases and situation models / 7 . the role of working memory in comprehension / 8 . memory for text / 9 . learning from text / 10 . word problems / 11 . beyond text ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html 0 +"Subject: amta workshop on embedded mt systems - cfp workshop announcement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - workshop on embedded mt systems call for papers design , construction , and evaluation of systems with an mt component wednesday , october 28 , 1998 ( preceding the amta 98 conference ) sheraton bucks county hotel , langhorne , pennsylvania introduction as the strengths and weaknesses of machine translation ( mt ) engines have become better understood and accepted , there has been a marked increase in the development of computer systems with anembedded mt component . one consequence of this shift to "" embedded mt "" is that researchers , developers , as well as users have begun pushing the limits on the input that such systems will accept for translation . in so doing , a new class of problems has surfaced : any input - - - whether it appears in physical form on paper , in electronic form on-line , or mixed in with another modality such as graphics or video - - - will bring with it some unknown mix of noisy natural language data as well as non-linguistic data . how are systems with an mt component to be designed and evaluated given the challenge this input brings ? the objective of this workshop is to examine and evaluate techniques for adjusting this "" linguistic impedance mismatch "" between the real-world input and the natural language input expected by various mt engines . thus the workshop will focus on computational approaches to preprocessing system input for mt engines andon statistical methods for evaluating systems with an embedded mt component . linguistic preprocessing in image data for researchers working with image data , there is currently underway an effort to augment ocr ( optical character recognition ) engines with linguistic data as they recognize and convert bitmap data into characters - - - similar to what has already been done in speech recognition with linguistic data in hmms ( hidden markov models ) . other ocr researchers have also experimented with image-level early topic detection using word-shape recognition . in principle , this could provide a first-step filtering of documents into a more homogeneous mt input set , a desirable goal for mt evaluation . thus we expect that individuals working with or intending to incorporate ocr into their computer systems will be interested in this new area . linguistic preprocessing in online data for those working with online input , even though the characters are already present , there often still remains the task of preprocessing meaningful , symbolic character strings that are not a part of the text to be translated . for some systems , the rules for identifying and encapsulating or removing such strings may need to be hand-crafted over time as mt engine limitations surface . for others , a combination of hand-crafted rules and statistically trained nl models has worked . many have observed that the html annotations , alphanumeric items , spreadsheet and word processing codes are harder to weed out than originally expected . research efforts with the low-density and less-commonly taught languages , as well as more common ones , encounter a substantial problem with variation in spelling conventions and transcription preferences . for those natural languages that are primarily spoken and not written , for example , this is frequently the case . researchers working on this class of problem have built variants on spell checkers ( sc ) , components that standardize words to one orthography ( spelling convention ) before submitting it to an mt engine . an idea that has arisen for this component is to build in an option to adjust the level of sc correction - - - as would be relevant when input after ocr nonetheless varies from very noisy to relatively clean . evaluation of embedded mt systems among those working on statistical methods for evaluating systems with an embedded mt component , we have seen two distinct trends . one group of statisticians has begun looking for appropriate models from outside the world of mt evaluation , examining the efforts by others to take distinct metrics for components and combine them for an overall system-level metric using fuzzy mathematics . another group of researchers is looking instead at developing a one-dimensional scale for ranking mt engines along a continuum defined by system-level function . that approach , for example , might rank one engine as good enough for filtering documents , while another engine deemed more linguistically robust would be ranked higher because it could generate a good enough initial translation for subsequent post-editing . we welcome other functional evaluations of mt components and computer systems with embedded mt components as well . submissions submitters are invited to send in a short paper , not more than 5 pages , addressing one or more of the three areas discussed above . papers should define the problem in an embedded mt system that is the focus of the work , describe the embedded mt system design ( a simple sketch ) with sample input data where relevant , and present their approach to the problem . work at various stages of completion is acceptable ; we expect the current status of the work to be made clear . submission of end-to - end output of an embedded mt system is especially encouraged . the papers will be collected and distributed to participants of theworkshop . ideally , the result of the workshop will be a clearer delineation of : ( 1 ) the range of linguistic preprocessing problems ( 2 ) the range of designs in embedded mt systems ( 3 ) how these problems aretreated in different embedded mt systems and ( 4 ) the metrics that are being used to evaluate these systems and their components . dates notice of interest in participation : july 10 , 1998 ( to voss @ arl . mil ) please identify which of the three areas you intend to address : preprocessing in image data , preprocessing in online data , evaluation of embedded mt systems . position paper submission : august 10 , 1998 notifications : september 10 , 1998 final copies of papers : october 10 , 1998 workshop : october 28 , 1998 submissions may be in printed or electronic form . submissions should be sent to : clare voss army research laboratory amsrl-is - ci 2800 powder mill road adelphi , md 20783 phone : ( 301 ) 394-5615 fax : ( 301 ) 394-3903 e-mail : voss @ arl . mil the registration fee for the conference is $ 50 . non - presenters will be accepted on a first-come , first served basis . we strongly encourage the participation of embedded mt system users , as well as members of the research and development communities . after july 11 , 1998 , a copy of the call , the registration form , and further update information will be available via a link at : < http : / / rpstl . arl . mil / isb / > florence reeder | phone : ( 703 ) 883-7156 the mitre corporation | ( 703 ) 883-6750 ( secretary ) ms w640 | fax : ( 703 ) 883-1279 1820 dolley madison blvd . | email : reeder @ azrael . mitre . org mclean , va 22102 | " 0 +"Subject: tromsoe conference on vo and ov conference roster what : "" vo and ov "" where : university of tromsoe when : 22-23 may , 1998 who : sjef barbiers , leiden university / hil the right-periphery in sov languages : english and dutch michael brody , hungarian academy of science mirror theory and word order hubert haider , university of salzburg ov is more basic than ov alison henry , university of ulster at jordanstown ov phenomena in vo languages - belfast english and ulster irish roland hinterhoelzl , university of southern california licensing movement and stranding in the west germanic ov languages anders holmberg , university of tromsoe ov in finnish thorbjoerg hroarsdottir , university of tromsoe parameter change in icelandic matt pearson , ucla two types of vo languages susan pintzuk , university of york verb - complement word order in old english vaijayanthi sarma , mit a derivational analysis of non-canonical word orders in certain sov languages peter svenonius , university of tromsoe negative object fronting in icelandic tarald taraldsen , university of tromsoe v - movement versus vp - movement in derivations leading to vo order for further information contact peter svenonius , sven @ isl . uit . no " 0 +Subject: new books in syntax & morphology syntax & morphology spontaneous spoken language : syntax and discourse jim miller , university of edinburgh , and regina weinert , university of sheffield the authors examine the types of clauses used by people when they are speaking off the cuff . they also analyze the devices speakers use when organizing larger chunks of language , such as conversations . using data from english , german , and russian , they develop a systematic analysis of spoken english and highlight cross-language properties . they argue that there are major and systematic differences between spoken and written language , and conclude by exploring the implications of their findings for typology , first-language acquisition , and education . may 1998 472 pp . ; 1 linecut 0-19 - 823656 - 5 $ 115 . 00 oxford university press coordination janne bondi johannessen , university of oslo ( oxford studies in comparative syntax ) johannessen focuses on coordination , i . e . structures with conjunctions such as and , but , and or . these are important words in their constructions because they have many properties in common with categories like verbs and prepositions . she has analyzed thirty-three languages and has found many striking similarities , presenting the first study of coordination from a cross-linguistic perspective . her theory of syntactic coordination aims to be general and universal , and is broadly compatible with chomsky 's minimalist framework . june 1998 304 pp . 0-19 - 823772 - 3 paper $ 35 . 00 0-19 - 823709 - x cloth $ 85 . 00 oxford university press _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : visit the oxford university press usa web site at http : / / www . oup-usa . org or e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org 0 +Subject: new books : sociolinguistics sociolinguistics _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ harold f . schiffman linguistic culture and language policy linguistic culture and language policy examines how language policy in three very different nations evolved and how it is not merely the specific embodiment of rule , but rather primarily a social construct that rests on other conceptual elements such as belief systems , attitudes and myths . by scrutinizing the multilingual democracies of india , france and the us , schiffman examines how language policies are formed within a broader framework and are heavily influenced by the covert and implicit grass-roots of its linguistic culture . by seeing language policy as culture-specific , we understand why language policies evolve , why they work - - or not - - and how people 's lives are affected by them . politics of language routledge : 1998 : 368 pp pb : 0 415 18406 1 : # d5174 : $ 29 . 99 : 18 . 99 salikoko s . mufwene , john r . rickford , guy bailey , and john baugh , african-american english structure , history and use african american english provides a timely , comprehensive , state of the art survey of linguistic research . the book examines the linguistics features of african american english ( aae ) , as well as the sociological , political and educational issues connected with it . the editors are leading experts in the field and along with other key figures , notably william labov , geneva smitherman and walt wolfram , they provide an authoritative , diverse guide to this topical subject area . drawing on many contemporary references , the oakland school controversy , the rap of ice - t , the contributors reflect the state of current scholarship on african american english , and actively dispel many misconceptions , address new questions and explore new approaches . routledge : 1998 : 328 pp cl : 0 415 11732 1 : # d4952 : $ 85 . 00 : 50 . 00 pb : 0 415 11733 x : # d4956 : $ 24 . 99 : 15 . 99 for more information on these and other titles from : routledge london * new york in north america : www . routledge-ny . com elsewhere : www . routledge . com 0 +Subject: new series : studies in corpus linguistics john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to a new series ; studies in corpus linguistics studies in corpus linguistics aims to provide insights into the way a corpus can be used , the type of findings that can be obtained , the possible applications of these findings as well as the theoretical changes that corpus work can bring into linguistics and language engineering . the main concern of scl will be to present findings based on , or related to , the cumulative effect of naturally occurring language and on the interpretation of frequency and distributional data . general editor : elena tognini - bonelli consulting editor : wolfgang teubert terms in context jennifer pearson 1998 xii , 246 pp . studies in corpus linguistics , 1 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 342 4 price : us $ 69 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2269 x price : nlg 138 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com terms in context applies the methodology that has been developed over the last two decades in corpus linguistics to the relatively new and still little developed field of corpus-based terminography . while corpora are already being used by some terminologists fro the identification of terms and retrieval of contextual fragments , his book describes the first attempt to use corpora for terminography in much the same way as large general reference corpora are already being used for general language lexicography . the author goes beyond the standard problem of identifying terms , as opposed to non-terminological lexical items in text and focuses on identifying metalanguage patterns which point to the presence in text of ( parts of ) reusable definitions of terms . the author examines these and shows how the information which they contain can be retrieved and used as input for terminological entries . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +Subject: we created this just for you ! a vacation just for you ! to the most exotic place on earth . . . . . . florida ! special online promotional vacation package is brought to you for a limited time only , so don ' t wait ! vist our website now for more information on price and package info . 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"" ottawa congress centre , ottawa , canada november 5 , 6 and 7 , 1998 information : suzanne fournier , acpi tel : 613 567 2223 fax : 613 230 5940 email : acpi @ magi . com ( preliminary programme available in july ; please contact acpi ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ drenie @ uottawa . ca _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dr delphine renie institut des langues secondes * second language institute universite d ' ottawa university , 600 king edward ottawa , on , k1s 4p6 , canada tel : 613 562 5800 ext 3414 fax : 613 562 5126 " 0 +Subject: strengthen your marriage or relationship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - increase your sexual potential - strengthen your marriage or relationship - increase lust and romance - better foreplay - exercises anyone can do - increase passion and desire - be able to have sex more times a day - satisfy your partners needs its time to put futher enjoyment into your life , time is limited so use it to its full pleasure . order our informational guide to strengthen your marriage or relationship for our print value of $ 9 . 00 . we will rush your guide to you within days of receiving your payment . ordering instructions are below . order by mail send payment to : k . c . smith 10 east louisiana evansville , in 47711 make sure to write your address twice to ensure delivery . 1 +Subject: books on terminology john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the field of terminology : handbook of terminology management volume 1 : basic aspects of terminology management sue ellen wright & gerhard budin ( comps . ) 1997 xiv , 370 pp . us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 508 7 price : us $ 94 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2154 5 price : hfl . 188 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this unique work is designed to meet the practical needs of terminologists , translators , lexicographers , subject specialists ( e . g . , engineers , medical professionals , etc . ) , standardizers and others who have to solve terminological problems in their daily work . in more than 700 pages , the handbook brings together contributions from approximately 50 expert authorities in the field . the handbook covers a broad range of topics integrated from an international perspective and treats such fundamental issues as : - practical methods of terminology management - types and applications of terminology management creation and use of terminological tools ( terminology databases , on-line dictionaries , etc . ) - terminological applications in : - technical writing , translation and information management - natural language processing - language planning and legal , ethical concerns - terminology training . the high level of expertise provided by the contributors , combined with the wide range of perspectives they represent , results in a thorough coverage of all facets of a burgeoning field . the lay-out of the handbook is specially designed for quick and for cross reference , with hypertext and an extensive index . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +"Subject: sociolinguistics endangered languages : current issues and future prospects endangered languages : current issues and future prospects ; isbn : 0-521 - 59102 - 3 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 380 pp . ; lenore a . grenoble , ed . ( dartmouth college ) ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 69 . 95 ; the issue of language loss is currently the focus of much linguistic research . this edited volume brings together work by theoretical linguists , field linguists and nonlinguist members of minority communities to provide an integrated view of how language is lost , from sociological and economic as well as from linguistic perspectives . it maps out some of the strategies applied by native communities and professional linguists in the face of language endangerment . several authors address the understudied issue of what ( beyond a linguistic system ) is lost when a language becomes obsolescent . contents : preface part i . general issues : 1 . western language ideologies and small-language prospects nancy dorian ; 2 . toward a typology of language endangerment lenore grenoble , lindsay whaley ; part ii . language community responses : 3 . technical , emotional , and ideological issues in reversing language shift : examples from southeast alaska nora and richard dauenhauer ; 4 . mayan efforts toward language preservation nora england ; 5 . a chronology of mohawk language instruction at kahnaw : ke kaia ' titahkhe annette jacobs ; 6 . language endangerment in south america : a programmatic approach colette grinevald ; part iii . what is lost : language diversity : 7 . the significance of diversity in language endangerment and preservation marianne mithun ; 8 . on endangered languages and the importance of linguistic diversity ken hale ; 9 . living words and cartoon translations : longhouse "" texts "" and the limitations of english christopher jocks ; 10 . documenting rhetorical , aesthetic , and expressive loss in language shift anthony woodbury ; part iv . mechanisms of language loss : 11 . impact of language variation and accomodation theory on language maintenance : an analysis of shaba swahili andr ^ d ' e kapa ! nga ; 12 . a way to dusty death : the matrix language turnover hypoth 13 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steers even-handedly through the minefield of political debate about the cultural hegemony of english , and will appeal to anyone with an interest in language issues , whatever their political views on the subject . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html " 0 +Subject: scitech international , inc . - your resource for scientific , engineering and technical software hello , welcome to scitech international , your source for more than 2 , 000 of the most popular and some of the most obscure tools for scientific , engineering , education , and technical computing . if you wish to be removed from this list , please let us know immediately . we would be happy to do so . whether you ' re interested in astronomy or zoology , we can almost guarantee that you ' ll find at least one tool that will satisfy your needs . please check out our web site : http : / / www . scitechint . com you can browse our web site and do full text keyword searches of all the information in our product 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you the right product , quickly , at the best price . best regards , christian staudinger senior product manager scitech international , inc . phone : 773-486 9191 / ext . 252 web : http : / / www . scitechint . com 1 +Subject: books on latin linguistics john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following titles in the field of latin linguistics : on latin linguistic and literary studies in honour of harm pinkster rodie risselada , jan r . de jong , a . machtelt bolkestein ( eds . ) 1996 xii , 202 pp . jc gieben , publisher us / canada only : cloth : 90 5063 137 1 price : $ 54 . 00 for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com contents : bakkum , g . : capenate esu cil i2 . 476 , 6 = xi . 6707 , 6 , cil i2 . 2496 , 9 bolkestein , m . : free but not arbitrary : ' emotive ' word order in latin ? garcia - hernandez , b . : modificacion prefijal y regimen sintactico . el testimonio de arusiano mesio hengst , d . den : hidden polemics . ammianus ' digression on egypt ( res gestae 21 . 15-16 ) herman , j . : remarques sur l ' histoire du futur latin - et sur la prehistoire du futur roman kroon , c . & p . rose : atrociter corruptus ? the use of ' narrative ' tenses in ammianus marcellinus ' res gestae lavency , m . : rex qui fuit - rex qui esset - rex cum esset risselada r . : and now for something completely different ? temporal discourse markers : latin ' nunc ' and english ' now ' rosen , h . : ' eam vitam vivere quae est sola vita nominanda ' . reflections on cognate complements smolenaars , h . : ' on went the steed , on went the driver ' . an intertextual analysis of valerius flaccus ' argonautica ' 6 . 256-264 , statius ' thebias ' 7 . 632-639 and silius ' punica ' 7 . 667-679 . touratier , c . : les temps dans un recit ( virgile , ' ecloga ' 7 . 1-20 ) wisse , j . : the presence of zeno . the date of philodemus ' ' on rhetoric and the use of the ' citative ' and ' reproducing ' present in latin and greek . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +Subject: technology & foreign language teaching transformations : technology , foreign languages , and undergraduate education the consortium for language teaching and learning and the section on foreign languages & literatures at the massachusetts institute of technology are pleased to announce a national conference , october 23-25 , 1998 . intended for foreign language faculty , administrators , directors of humanities computing , and language laboratory directors , this conference will examine the transformations of the foreign language classroom , the role of the teacher , the institutional mission , the curriculum , and the infrastructure in the light of developments in multimedia computer technology . the conference will not be an occasion for demonstrating hardware and software . instead , it seeks to pose new questions about fundamental changes that all foreign language programs and all institutions are currently undergoing . speakers will include jacqueline brown ( princeton university ) , gilberte furstenberg ( massachusetts institute of technology ) , henry jenkins ( massachusetts institute of technology ) , william a . johnson ( bucknell university ) , yoko koike ( haverford college ) , claire kramsch ( university of california at berkeley ) , karen landahl ( university of chicago ) , james s . noblitt ( university of north carolina at chapel hill ) , slava paperno ( cornell university ) , and thomas thornton ( massachusetts institute of technology ) . the conference will be held at the massachusetts institute of technology , cambridge , massachusetts , beginning friday afternoon , october 23 , 1998 , and concluding mid-day , sunday , october 25 , 1998 . the registration form is available as a downloadable adobe acrobat . pdf file , 49k . at : http : / / web . mit . edu / fll / www / conf98 / 0 +"Subject: franklin clipper ( esl / efl , etc . ) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = call for papers for the franklin clipper . the benjamin franklin institute of global education is dedicated to lifelong learning opportunities , whether thro traditional school divisions ( k-12 , college and university ) , or thro on-the - job training , whether for personal enrichment , career advancement or whichever other reasons seem reasonable to the individual learner . to that end , it announces its second annual "" virtual voyage , "" around the world on the franklin clipper , to set sail on columbus day weekend ( oct 11-12 , 1998 ) , in celebration of the independent learner and learning opportunities . our theme this year is : a return voyage to the world of distance education : its challenges and opportunities . this is the official call for papers for that internet-based conference , which plans to have a web-presence , chatrooms , and live participation from around the globe , making its way from the pacific rim to europe , across the atlantic to the usa , and ending its voyage where it began , 24 hours later . your participation is invited , as indicated below , in the form of papers discussing training and educational theory and practice , especially utilizing the internet and related technologies , to be submitted to the appropriate chairs below , by may 30 , 1998 . these papers should be approximately 2000-2500 words in length , and may be submitted in paper or electronic form , following discussion with the appropriate chair . the following "" masts "" or conference strands on the franklin clipper have been identified for your consideration and submission of papers : esl / efl : to teach or not to teach ? given the variety of cultural responses internationally to english as a second language , this "" mast "" will discuss not only how , but whether , to teach english in its various manifestations as a second language , as a vocational skill or a lingua franca for the 21st century . any level of educational experience and involvement may be appropriate for discussion . papers may be submitted to : duane p . flowers , purple dolphin language academy , 3-23 - 1-817 mitsuishidai , hashimoto - city , wakayama 648-0094 , japan . email submission to : < dpf @ wcsnet . or . jp > . access : primarily addressing issues of physical disability and adaptive technology for access to the internet , for example its use by deaf , blind or wheel-chair students and teachers , this mast may also concern itself with those issues of literacy and poverty that will also engage the attention of other "" masts "" on this ship . papers may be sent to : norman coombs < nrcgsh @ rit . edu > the appropriate technology : given differential technology between different sites , for example between students ' homes and institutional capabilities , this "" mast "" will discuss and display various possibilities of instructional capabilities in distance education and in residential campus enrichment of classes by current and predicted technology . papers may be sent to : roger boston , houston area community college system , 4310 dunlavy st . , room 116 , houston tx 77006 ( usa ) phone : 713 / 718-5224 ; fax : 713 / 718-5301 ; email : < boston _ r @ hccs . cc . tx . us > k-12 and k-99 : this mast will consider significant issues relevant to learning / training as a much needed lifelong activity . specific emphasis will be given to k-12 ( pre-college ) , adult , and senior-aged learning / training issues , including increasingly busy high school student schedules , business / industry needs for frequent retraining , and life-style enrichment . use of the www and other technology to enrich and successfully deliver frequently updated learning / training conveniently , according to the needs of the learners , will be considered . papers may be sent to : dr cliff layton < layton @ rogersu . edu > globalization : as a culture-changing phenomenon and an economic force , the multi-national economics of business has defenders as well as critics , from a free-market and an ecological point of view . this "" mast "" hopes to engage them in positive dialogue with one another . papers may be sent to : john mclaughlin , phd , dept of english , east stroudsburg university , e . stroudsburg , pa , 18301 ; email : < johnmc @ esu . edu > "" running thro the rigging , "" as we say in nautical language , will be skipper john hibbs ' "" conferencing and virtual exhibitions "" series of discussions , meant to engage the corporate interests who are fully aware of the educational and training implications of multi-site synchronous and asynchronous hosting in cyberspace , thro listservs , chatrooms , websites and other forms of electronic presentation . crossing with our masts , these discussions will involve all of the above thematic contents , as they matter to business and industry on the verge of the 21st century . correspondence may be addressed to : john hibbs < hibbs @ bfranklin . edu > john mclaughlin , phd chair , program committee gld-ii , aka the franklin clipper benjamin franklin institute of global education 241 jutland avenue , suite 2000 san diego , california 92117 ( usa ) website : http : / / www . bfranklin . edu email : hibbs @ bfranklin . edu = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = gld2 is provided world-wide by rogers university to all interested in distance learning . postings to gld2 express thoughts of the gld2 subscribers , and have not been endorsed by rogers university . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " 0 +"Subject: * time share * * time share * in beautiful british columbia , canada studio apartment * for sale * the owner of this beautiful condo time share has decided to sell to the public one of his personal time shares in canada . this offer will not last for ever so please act now , go to http : / / www . maxcyber . net / grande . htm to see it . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * this time share can be used as a investment or any thing under the sun . the value of it is over $ 7 , 500 . the owner only wants $ 2 , 600 please remember that you pay only once and enjoy it for life time . so go on and visit , this opportunity might pass you buy , if you do n't act now ! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * http : / / www . maxcyber . net / grande . htm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this message was composed by a cybermailagent service . if you wish to be removed from this advertiser 's future mailings , please reply with the subject "" remove "" and this service will automatically block you from their future mailings . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1 +"Subject: brazilian international conference on cognitive science ( iii ebicc ) iii brazilian international conference on cognitive science ( iii ebicc ) e - mail : eliane @ cle . unicamp . br homepage : http : / / www . unicamp . br / cle / projesp . htm 13 - 18 april 1998 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = state university of campinas ( unicamp ) - campinas , s . p . brazil organized by the brazilian society for cognitive science and centre for logic , epistemology and history of science = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = following areas : - - philosophy of mind - - connectionism - - psycolinguistics - - self - organization - - cognitive neuroscience - - artificial intelligence - - neurolinguistics - - philosophy of language - - cognitive psychology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - minicourses auto - organizacion professores : osvaldo pessoa jr . ; maria eunice quilici gonzales ; itala maria loffredo d ' ottaviano ; ettore bresciani ; carmem beatriz milidoni ; jonatas manzolli . modelos de inteligencia artificial para processos cognitivos professores : aluizio araujo ; clara santos ; gerson zaverucha . neurociencia cognitiva professores : antonio carlos guimar \ 227es de almeida ; vitor geraldi haase ; henrique sch \ 252tzer del nero ; vera maura fernandes de lima ; wolfgang hanke . filosofia da linguagem "" pragmatica e ciencias cognitivas "" professores : marcelo dascal . cognitivo e linguagem professores : edson francozo ; adriana benevides soares . workshop "" metaphors we move by "" professora : varda dascal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - organizing committee : michael b . wrigley ( chairman ) adriana benevides soares ana maria pellegrini aloisio araujo carlos alberto lungarzo edson francozo jonatas manzolli jose roberto piqueira maria eunice q . gonzales walter a . carnielli - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - participating institutions : state university of campinas ( unicamp ) , university of sao paulo ( usp ) , state university of sao paulo ( unesp ) , state university of north rio de janeiro ( uenf ) , national association of postgraduate programmes in philosophy ( anpof ) funding organizations : capes , cnpq , faep-unicamp , fapesp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " 0 +Subject: console 7 : cfp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - console 7 - call for papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the seventh meeting of the student organisation of linguistics in europe ( console ) will be held at the university of bergen , norway , from 9 to 11 december 1998 . sole aims at providing students of generative linguistics with a possibility of gaining international experience and a publication forum of their own . furthermore , sole strives to enhance contacts and cooperation between students of generative linguistics in europe and around the world . papers are solicited from students in the field of generative linguistics , more specifically in , but not limited to , phonology , morphology , semantics , sign language , language acquisition and syntax . submissions may be sent either by regular mail or e-mail . if regular mail is used , please send five copies , of which four should be anonymous and one should contain your name , affiliation , address and e-mail address . abstracts should be set in at least 10 point and must not exceed two pages , including references , diagrams , and examples . please send abstracts to : console 7 department of linguistics and comparative literature section for linguistic studies sydnesplass 7 n-5007 bergen norway e - mail submissions must be text only ( ascii format ) . abstracts submitted in this way should not exceed 1300 words , including references , diagrams , and examples , and they may be sent to : abstracts @ babel . ling . uib . no the deadline for submission is 1 august , 1998 ( regardless of mode of submission ) . abstracts received after 1 august will not be considered . submissions by fax will not be accepted . questions regarding submissions and the conference in general can be addressed to the local organisers at the following e-mail address or fax number : e - mail : console7 @ babel . ling . uib . no fax : + 47-55 58 93 54 or to the sole board at the following e-mail address : sole @ rullet . leidenuniv . nl information regarding the conference can be found at the following website : http : / / www . ling . uib . no / console - 7 local organisers : sole board : oystein alexander vangsnes michael redford dagmar bendt tina cambier - langeveld inger marie berntzen aniko liptak torodd kinn martha thunes 0 +Subject: junk mail : books for linguists plurabelle books has a new catalogue of second hand and out of print books in linguistics and history of linguistics available . it contains 250 titles . please ask for your free copy of the catalogue ( please include your mailing address if you want a paper copy ) or visit us on the net http : / / www . plurabelle . co . uk / lingu . htm or write to dr michael cahn plurabelle books 77 garden walk cambridge cb4 3ew tel 0044 - 1223 - 366680 , fax - 571105 lingu @ plurabelle . co . uk we only sell books we would like to read open anytime at http : / / www . plurabelle . co . uk 1 +"Subject: acm sac ' 99 - track on coordination preliminary call for papers and referees = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ( apologies if you receive multiple copies ) 1999 acm symposium on applied computing ( sac ' 99 ) special track on coordination models , languages and applications february 28 - march 2 , 1999 the menger , san antonio , texas , u . s . a . ( http : / / www . ucy . ac . cy / ucy / cs / sac99 . html ) sac ' 99 : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ over the past thirteen years , the acm symposium on applied computing ( sac ) has become a primary forum for applied computer scientists and application developers from around the world to interact and present their work . sac ' 99 is sponsored by the acm special interest groups sigada , sigapp , sigbio , and sigcue . authors are invited to contribute original papers in all areas of experimental computing and application development for the technical sessions . there will be a number of special tracks on such issues as programming languages , parallel and distributed computing , mobile and scientific computing , internet and the www , etc . coordination models , languages and applications track : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a new special track on coordination models , languages and applications will be held at sac ' 99 . the term "" coordination "" here is used in a rather broad sense covering traditional models and languages ( e . g . ones based on the shared dataspace and cham metaphors ) but also other related formalisms such as configuration and architectural description frameworks , systems modeling abstractions and languages , programming skeletons , etc . this track on coordination is held for the second time as part of acm sac 's events . the cfp for the acm sac ' 98 track attracted 33 submissions from 18 countries ; 8 of those submissions were accepted as regular papers and 4 more as short papers . major topics of interest include but are not limited to the following : * novel models , languages , programming and implementation techniques . * relationship with other computational models such as object oriented , declarative ( functional , logic , constraint ) programming or extensions of them with coordination capabilities . * applications ( especially where the industry is involved ) . * theoretical aspects ( semantics , reasoning , verification ) . * software architectures and software engineering techniques . * middleware platforms ( e . g . corba ) . * all aspects related to the modeling of information systems ( groupware , internet and the web , workflow management , cscw ) . track program chair : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ george a . papadopoulos department of computer science university of cyprus 75 kallipoleos str . , p . o . b . 537 cy-1678 , nicosia , cyprus e - mail : george @ cs . ucy . ac . cy tel : + 357 2 338705 / 06 , fax : + 357 2 339062 guidelines for submission : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will be considered . this includes three categories of submissions : 1 ) original and unpublished research ; 2 ) reports of innovative computing applications in the arts , sciences , engineering , business , government , education and industry ; and 3 ) reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains . each submitted paper will be fully refereed and undergo a blind review process by at least three referees . the accepted papers in all categories will be published in the acm sac ' 99 proceedings . there will also be a special issue of the journal of programming languages , chapman & hall ( http : / / www . chapmanhall . com / jp / default . html ) with expanded versions of selected papers from those that will be accepted for this special track as regular papers . submission guidelines must be strictly followed : * submit six ( 6 ) copies of original manuscripts to the sac ' 99 coordination models , languages and applications track program chair ( address shown above ) . alternatively , submit your paper electronically in uuencoded compressed postscript format ; this is strongly encouraged . fax submissions will not be accepted . * the author ( s ) name ( s ) and address ( es ) must not appear in the body of the paper , and self-reference should be in the third person . this is to facilitate blind review . * the body of the paper should not exceed 5 , 000 words ( approximately 15 pages , double-spaced ) . * a separate cover sheet ( in the case of electronic submission this should be sent separately from the main paper ) should show the title of the paper , the author ( s ) name ( s ) and affiliation ( s ) , and the address ( including e-mail , telephone , and fax ) to which correspondence should be sent . * all submissions must be received by august 17 , 1998 . anyone wishing to review papers for this special track should contact the track program chair at the address shown above . important dates : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * august 17 , 1998 : paper submission . * october 15 , 1998 : author notification . * december 1 , 1998 : camera - ready copy . " 0 +"Subject: new books in sociolinguistics & anthropological linguistics sociolinguistics & anthropological linguistics the sociolinguistics reader volume 1 : multilingualism and variation edited by peter trudgill , university of lausanne , switzerland , and jenny cheshire , queen mary and westfield college , university of london ( arnold linguistics readers ) ( an arnold publication ) this two-volume text presents a state-of - the-art account of the discipline in the closing years of the twentieth century . the books chart the liveliest areas in contemporary sociolinguistics : variation , multilingualism , gender , and discourse and include helpful introductions and other aids to the student and specialist . volume 1 explores the macro-social aspects of sociolinguistics , covering cross-cultural communication problems , the linguistic behavior of bilingual speakers , language contact , the social psychology of language , variation , and the mystery of linguistic change . may 1998 296 pp . ; 37 linecuts 0-340 - 65206 - 3 paper $ 19 . 95 0-340 - 65207 - 1 cloth $ 75 . 00 oxford university press the sociolinguistics reader volume 2 : gender and discourse edited by jenny cheshire , queen mary and westfield college , university of london , and peter trudgill , university of lausanne , switzerland ( arnold linguistics readers ) ( an arnold publication ) volume 2 of this two-volume text looks first at patterns of language variation , how gender identities are accomplished through language , and the importance of gender in accounting for language behavior . it goes on to examine sociolinguistic issues surrounding discourse , with reference to the communication of affective meaning , conversational routines , grammaticalization and language change , intertextuality , and cross-cultural discourse patterns and their social implications . may 1998 416 pp . ; 23 linecuts 0-340 - 69999 - x paper $ 19 . 95 0-340 - 69182 - 4 cloth $ 85 . 00 oxford university press claiming power in doctor-patient talk nancy ainsworth - vaughn , michigan state university ( oxford studies in sociolinguistics ) nancy ainsworth - vaughn studied stories , topic control , "" true "" questions , and rhetorical questions in 101 medical encounters in us private-practice settings . in exceptionally lucid and accessible style , ainsworth - vaughn explains how power was claimed by and co-constructed for both patients and doctors ( previous studies have focused upon doctors ' power ) . the discourse varied along a continuum from interview-like talk to conversational talk . six chapters are organized around data and include extended examples of actual talk in detailed transcription ; four of these data-oriented chapters focus upon dynamic , moment-to - moment use of speech activities in emerging discourse , such as doctors ' and patients ' stories that co-constructed selves , and a patient 's sexual rhetorical questions . two more chapters offer non-statistical quantitative data on the frequency of questioning and sudden topic changes in relation to gender , diagnosis , and other factors . contributing to discourse theory , ainsworth - vaughn significantly modifies previous definitions for topic transitions and rhetorical questions and discovers the role of storytelling in diagnosis . the final chapter provides implications for physicians and medical educators . june 1998 224 pp . ; 3 halftones 0-19 - 509607 - x paper $ 19 . 95 0-19 - 509606 - 1 cloth $ 45 . 00 oxford university press language ideologies : practice and theory edited by bambi b . schieffelin , new york university , kathryn a . woolard , university of california , san diego , and paul v . kroskrity , university of california , los angeles ( oxford studies in anthropological linguistics 16 ) "" language ideologies "" are cultural representations , whether explicit or implicit , of the intersection of language and human beings in a social world . mediating between social structures and forms of talk , such ideologies are not only about language . rather , they link language to identity , power , aesthetics , morality and epistemology . through such linkages , language ideologies underpin not only linguistic form and use , but also significant social institutions and fundamental notions of person and community . the essays in this new book examine definitions and conceptions of language in a wide range of societies around the world . contributors focus on how such defining activity organizes language use as well as institutions such as religious ritual , gender relations , the nation-state , schooling , and law . this timely volume will be the first collection of work to appear in this rapidly growing field , which effectively bridges linguistic and social theory . may 1998 352 pp . ; 4 linecuts 0-19 - 510562 - 1 paper $ 35 . 00 0-19 - 510561 - 3 cloth $ 75 . 00 oxford university press oral traditions of anuta : a polynesian outlier in the solomon islands richard feinberg , kent state university ( oxford studies in anthropological linguistics 15 ) anuta is a small polynesian community in the eastern solomon islands that has had minimal contact with outside cultural forces . even at the end of the twentieth century , it remains one of the most traditional and isolated islands in the insular pacific . in oral traditions of anuta , richard feinberg offers a telling collection of anutan historical narratives , including indigenous texts and english translations . this rich , thorough assemblage is the result of a collaborative project between feinberg and a large cross-section of the anutan community that developed over a period of twenty-five years . the volume 's emphasis is ethnographic , consisting of a number of texts as related by the island 's most respected experts in matters of traditional history . feinberg 's annotations , which arm the reader with essential ethnographic and historical contexts , clarify important linguistic and cultural issues that arise from the stories . the texts themselves have important implications for the relationship of oral tradition to history and symbolic structures , and afford new evidence pertinent to polynesian language sub-grouping . further , they provide insight into a number of anutan customs and preoccupations , while also suggesting certain widespread polynesian practices dating back to the pre-contact and early contact periods . may 1998 304 pp . ; 5 linecuts 0-19 - 510683 - 0 $ 85 . 00 oxford university press language obsolescence and revitalization : linguistic change in two sociolinguistically contrasting welsh communities mari c . jones , university of cambridge ( oxford studies in language contact ) mari c . jones 's book is the first to examine developments in contemporary welsh with reference to both language death and standardization . she bases her study on extensive fieldwork in two sociolinguistically contrasting communities she also examines agents of revitalization , such as immersion schools and the media , and the effect they are having on welsh . she explores and discusses the position of breton and cornish by way of comparison . june 1998 464 pp . ; 110 maps and linecuts 0-19 - 823711 - 1 $ 135 . 00 oxford university press _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : visit the oxford university press usa web site at http : / / www . oup-usa . org or e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org " 0 +Subject: translation translation into the second language stuart campbell paper 0 582 30188 2 224 pages 1998 applied linguistics and language study series longman the dynamics of immigration , international commerce and the postcolonial world make it inevitable that much translation is done into a second language , despite the prevailing wisdom that translators should only work into their mother tongue . this book is the first study to explore the phenomenon of translation into a second language in a way that will interest applied linguists , translators and translation teachers , and esol teachers working with advanced level students . rather than seeing translation into a second language as deficient output , this study adopts an interlanguage framework to consider l2 translation as the product of developing competence ; learning to translate is seen as a special variety of second language acquisition . through carefully worked case studies , separate components of translation competence are identified , among them the ability to create stylistically authentic texts in english , the ability to monitor and edit output , and the psychological attitudes that the translator brings to the task . while the case studies mainly deal with arabic speakers undergoing translator training in australia , the conclusions will have implications for translation into a second language , especially english , around the world . ' translation into the second language ' is firmly grounded in empirical research , and in this regard it serves as a stimulus and a methodological guide for further research . it will be a valuable addition for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied linguistics , translation theory , bilingualism and second language acquisition as well as those involved in teaching or practising translation at a professional level . stuart campbell associate professor in language studies , and director of the language acquisition research centre at the university of western sydney macarthur . further information on the books published in this series , and the table of contents for this title can be viewed at the longman linguistics on-line catalogue at : http : / / www . awl-he . com / linguistics for a complete listing of our world-wide offices , please click below : http : / / www . awl-he . com / offices available for review 0 +Subject: computationally - intensive methods in quantitative linguistics second workshop in computationally-intensive methods in quantitative linguistics department of statistics university of glasgow , uk 7 - 9 september 1998 announcement and call for registration in recent years techniques from disciplines such as computer science , articficial intelligence and statistics have found their way into the pages of journals such as the journal of quantitative linguistics , literary and linguistic computing and computers and the humanities . while this influx may bring more advanced methods of analysis to the fields of quantitative linguistics , stylometry and stylistics , the demands upon researchers to understand and use these new techniques are great . familiarity with the appropriate software and the ear of a sympathetic expert are pre-requisites without which the technique may seem out of reach to the average researcher . the humanities advanced technology and information institute and the department of statistics of the university of glasgow are hence supporting this practical workshop in computationally - intensive methods in quantitative linguistics . the workshop is designed to introduce the participants to four such techniques in a practical environment . each half-day session will be divided into an introductory session in a lecture theatre and a longer period spent working with software and practical examples . all of the speakers have published papers using the analyses they will present and their aim in this workshop is to enable the participants to return to their home institutions able to carry out these techniques in the course of their own research . the sessions and speakers are as follows : harald baayen ; max planck institute for psycholinguistics , nijmegen , the netherlands . large number of rare event models walter daelemans ; university of tilburg , the netherlands . linguistics as data mining : using machine learning techniques to discover linguistic generalizations michael oakes ; university of lancaster , unted kingdom . multivariate statistics in corpus linguistics fiona tweedie ; university of glasgow , united kingdom . time series models in linguistics the workshop will be held in the mathematics building of the university of glasgow , commencing on monday 7 september at 1pm . the four workshop sessions will take place on monday afternoon , tuesday 8 september and the morning of wednesday 9 september . there will also be a half day tour on the wednesday afternoon and a reception in the hunterian art gallery on monday evening . accommodation has been arranged in university accommodation with some en suite facilities . the reception , tea and coffee , lunches on 8 and 9 september and evening meals on 7 and 8 september are included in the registration fee . the registration fee , until 15 july , is gbp150 . 00 and gbp100 . 00 for students . participants who are also attending the digital resources in the humanities conference , 9-12 september are eligible for a discount in the registration fees . for more information about the workshop and to register , please consult the web site at http : / / www . stats . gla . ac . uk / ~ cimql or send email to the conference organisers at cimql @ stats . gla . ac . uk . please note that the organisers will be attending the allc / ach conference in debrecen from 2-11 july , so responses during this time may be sparse . 0 +"Subject: language education about language : tasks for teachers of english scott thornbury ; about language : tasks for teachers of english ; isbn : 0-521 - 42720 - 7 paperback , 6 x 9 , 287 pp . ; pub . date : 3 / 28 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 22 . 95 ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html exploring spoken english ronald carter ; exploring spoken english ; isbn : 0-521 - 56860 - 9 ; paperback , 7 x 9 , 160 pp . ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 18 . 95 ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html society and the language classroom hywel coleman ( university of leeds ) ; society and the language classroom ; isbn : 0-521 - 49616 - 0 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 249 pp . ; pub . date : 1 / 28 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 49 . 95 ; this book provides a new perspective on classroom research . through a series of case studies , the book examines the ways that learners and teachers behave in english language classrooms in different parts of the world , including australia , south africa , indonesia , japan , kenya , china and pakistan , and at primary , secondary and tertiary levels . content : 1 . autonomy and ideology in the english language classroom ; 2 . safe - talk : collusion in apartheid education ; 3 . english language education in japan ; 4 . shadow puppets and language lessons : interpreting classroom behaviour in its cultural context ; 5 . large and small class cultures in egyptian university classrooms : a cultural justification for curriculum change ; 6 . learner resistance to innovation in classroom methodology ; 7 . the effect of institutional and national cultures on examinations : the university in kenya ; 8 . through language to learning : preparing overseas students for study in western universities ; 9 . cultures of learning : language classrooms in china ; 10 . social and pedagogic pressures in the language classroom : the role of socialisation . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html immersion education : international perspectives immersion education : international perspectives ; isbn : 0-521 - 58385 - 3 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 332 pp . ; robert keith johnson , ed . ( the university of hong kong ) ; pub . date : 4 / 30 / 97 publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 52 . 95 immersion , a relatively new approach to bilingual education , orginated in canada . it uses the target language as a medium of instruction in order to achieve "" additive bilingualism "" - - a high level of second language proficiency added to normal development in the l1 . the wide range of languages and purposes now served by immersion worldwide is illustrated by case studies of thirteen programs presented and discussed in this book . the introductory chapter defines immersion education theory and practice and shows how this approach differs from other forms of bilingual education . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html " 0 +"Subject: journees de rochebrune 99 1st call for papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - journes de rochebrune 1999 : rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les systmes complexes naturels et artificiels appel communications thme des journes 1999 toutes indications disponibles : http : / / www . idiap . ch / ~ glotin / rb99 . html conflits des interprtations et interprtation des conflits le robert dfinit l ' interprtation comme l ' activit de donner une signification que ce soit aux signes en gnral ou aux phnomnes . la connaissance que nous avons de cette activit est relativement peu structure au contraire de l ' activit de modlisation qui est spcifique quoique dominante dans la science occidentale contemporaine . l ' interprtation peut se comprendre la fois comme un processus et comme son rsultat . elle peut donc tre difficilement spare de sa dynamique d ' laboration . c ' est pourquoi nous voulons explorer plus prcisment le rle des conflits et antagonismes dont hraclite disait qu ' ils sont les seuls moteurs d ' volution . le conflit ne doit pas forcment tre compris dans le sens de la logique classique dans laquelle il est source d ' incohrence ; ni dans le sens tymologique de forces qui se heurtent ce qui rendrait le conflit source de destruction , mais au contraire comme dynamique cratrice une fois place dans un mcanisme d ' quilibration , possiblement par interprtation du conflit lui-mme . nous souhaitons poser les questions ( non-exhaustives ) suivantes : * le vivant interprte-t - il son environnement et quel sens donner cette assertion ? entre adn et organisation cellulaire , qu ' en est-il de l ' embryogense comme hermneutique du vivant ? * quelle diffrence y a-t - il entre l ' interprtation par le vivant , l ' homme et la machine ? quels modles en avons-nous et sont-ils conflictuels ? que nous apprend l ' ordinateur comme machine universelle traiter le signe ? * quel est le rle des conflits et antagonismes dans la construction d ' interprtation ? pourquoi les viter et comment les utiliser ? * comment une interprtation individuelle est-elle possible ou qu ' en est-il de l ' interprtation collective et du rle de la multiplicit des points de vue , qu ' ils soient mthodologiques , contextuels ou de niveaux , et donc des conflits qui peuvent en rsulter ? qu ' en est-il de l ' interprtation comme rsolution des conflits et donc moteur d ' volution ? * si , comme dans la deuxime dfinition du greimas ( voir notes ) , les signes sont toujours dj signifiants , comment peuvent-ils avoir ce statut ? qu ' est-ce qui les rend signifiants ? qu ' en est-il de la pense symbolique des civilisations anciennes ou orientales et qui a t cultive chez nous jusqu ' au moyen - age ( g . durand ) ? comment cette forme d ' interprtation s ' articule-t - elle avec les signes dcontextualiss , jusqu ' tre calculables et la conception de l ' interprtation qui en dcoule ? * de quels processus de lgitimation des interprtations disposons-nous ? quelles relations l ' interprtation entretient-elle avec l ' action ou l ' argumentation que ce soit avant , par ou aprs coup ? comment l ' interprtation s ' articule-t - elle la controverse , la ngociation , l ' ajustement ? * puisque la simulation joue un rle de plus en plus grand dans l ' activit du modlisateur : comment s ' articulent la simulation et l ' interprtation ? ces questions sont au coeur de la plupart des sciences et plus particulirement la smiotique , l ' hermneutique , les sciences cognitives et neurosciences , la philosophie , la psychologie , la linguistique et psycholinguistique , l ' intelligence artificielle , l ' anthropologie et la sociologie . elles sous-tendent galement l ' activit scientifique , tant dans la modlisation que dans l ' exprimentation . elles sont insparables des activits des concepteurs - ingnieurs , informaticiens , architectes . . . - dont les productions proviennent de la rsolution de conflits d ' interprtations du monde , et sont soumises des conflits d ' interprtation . notes : selon "" smiotique - dictionnaire raisonn de la thorie du langage "" de greimas et courts , on distingue au moins deux acceptions de l ' interprtation , l ' interprtation comme attribution de significations des signes qui en sont dpourvus et l ' interprtation comme paraphrase ( au sens large ) de signes dj remplis de significations . cette deuxime acception fait cho au "" dictionnaire de la psychanalyse "" de laplanche et pontalies qui dfinit l ' interprtation comme dgagement , par l ' investigation analytique , de sens latent dans le dire et les conduites d ' un sujet ; faisant donc rfrence la fois au sens dj l et , en plus , sa modalit d ' obtention . soumission des contributions les propositions de communication , de 4 12 pages , devront parvenir en trois exemplaires ou sous forme lectronique ( word attach vivement souhait ) l ' adresse suivante : christophe parisse , inserm , laboratoire de neuropsychologie de l ' enfant , btiment pharmacie 3me tage , hpital de la salptrire , 47 bd de l ' hpital , 75651 paris cedex 13 , france e - mail : parisse @ ext . jussieu . fr dates importantes rception des manuscrits : 31 septembre 1998 notification d ' acceptation : 9 novembre 1998 remise des versions finales : 10 dcembre 1998 toutes indications disponibles : http : / / www . idiap . ch / ~ glotin / rb99 . html ffrom mailer-daemon mon may 25 13 : 59 : 16 1998 received : from linguist . ldc . upenn . edu ( linguist . ldc . upenn . edu [ 158 . 130 . 16 . 169 ] ) by linguistlist . org ( 8 . 8 . 8 / 8 . 8 . 8 ) with esmtp id naa14645 for < linguist @ linguistlist . org > ; mon , 25 may 1998 13 : 59 : 15 - 0400 ( edt ) received : from linguist . ldc . upenn . edu ( linguist . ldc . upenn . edu [ 158 . 130 . 16 . 169 ] ) by linguist . ldc . upenn . edu ( 8 . 8 . 5 / 8 . 8 . 5 ) with esmtp id naa17535 for < linguist @ linguistlist . org > ; mon , 25 may 1998 13 : 59 : 15 - 0400 ( edt ) message - id : < 199805251759 . naa17535 @ linguist . ldc . upenn . edu > " 0 +Subject: xth conference of nordic and general ling . the tenth conference of nordic and general linguistics will be held in reykjavik , iceland , from saturday june 6 , to monday june 8 , 1998 . it is organized by the institute of linguistics , university of iceland . the deadline for pre-registration at a reduced price is january 31 , 1998 . pre - registration forms and further information can be found on our web site ( http : / / www . rhi . hi . is / ~ nordconf ) and can also be mailed or e-mailed upon request . papers on any linguistic topic are invited , especially papers on synchronic and diachronic aspects of the nordic languages . invited speakers : anders holmberg , tromsoe ( syntax ) tomas riad , stockholm ( phonology ) inge lise pedersen , copenhagen ( dialectology ) interest groups can ask to arrange special sessions ( workshops ) and at present the following are planned ( names of the workshop organizers in parentheses ) : comparative semantics for nordic languages ( elisabet engdahl ) optimality theory and nordic languages ( kersti boerjars ) the time allotted to each paper ( except for the invited talks ) is 30 minutes ( including discussion ) . participants who want to present a paper are requested to submit an abstract no later than january 31 , 1998 . abstracts may not exceed 2 pages with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should employ a font not smaller than 12 pt . they should be sent anonymously in five copies , accompanied by a camera-ready original with the author 's name , address and affiliation . abstracts sent by e-mail will not be accepted . the authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers by february 28 , 1998 . those interested in presenting papers in the special sessions ( workshops ) should consult the organizers of these ( engdahl @ ling . gu . se , k . borjars @ man . ac . uk ) . otherwise , correspondence should be addressed to : the xth conference of nordic and general linguistics institute of linguistics university of iceland arnagardi vid sudurgoetu \ 193rnagar \ 240i vi \ 240 su \ 240urg \ 246tu 101 reykjavik , iceland tel . + 354 525 4408 fax + 354 525 4242 e - mail : nordconf @ rhi . hi . is url : http : / / www . rhi . hi . is / ~ nordconf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h \ 246skuldur \ 222r \ 225insson hoskuldur thrainsson heimspekideild department of icelandic h \ 225sk \ 243la \ 205slands university of iceland \ 193rnagar \ 240i v . su \ 240urg \ 246tu arnagardi v . sudurgoetu 101 reykjavik 101 reykjavik , iceland netfang : hoski @ rhi . hi . is e-mail hoski @ rhi . hi . is simi : 525-4420 ( i vinnu ) phone : ( 354 ) 525-4420 ( office ) 566-7141 ( heima ) ( 354 ) 566-7141 ( home ) br \ 233fsimi : 525-4242 ( i vinnu ) fax : ( 354 ) 525-4242 ( work ) 566-8141 ( heima - ( 354 ) 566-8141 ( home - ef l \ 225ti \ 240 er vita fyrirfram ) if notified in advance ) 0 +Subject: computationally - intensive methods in quantitative linguistics second workshop in computationally-intensive methods in quantitative linguistics department of statistics university of glasgow , uk 7 - 9 september 1998 announcement and call for registration in recent years techniques from disciplines such as computer science , articficial intelligence and statistics have found their way into the pages of journals such as the journal of quantitative linguistics , literary and linguistic computing and computers and the humanities . while this influx may bring more advanced methods of analysis to the fields of quantitative linguistics , stylometry and stylistics , the demands upon researchers to understand and use these new techniques are great . familiarity with the appropriate software and the ear of a sympathetic expert are pre-requisites without which the technique may seem out of reach to the average researcher . the humanities advanced technology and information institute and the department of statistics of the university of glasgow are hence supporting this practical workshop in computationally - intensive methods in quantitative linguistics . the workshop is designed to introduce the participants to four such techniques in a practical environment . each half-day session will be divided into an introductory session in a lecture theatre and a longer period spent working with software and practical examples . all of the speakers have published papers using the analyses they will present and their aim in this workshop is to enable the participants to return to their home institutions able to carry out these techniques in the course of their own research . the sessions and speakers are as follows : harald baayen ; max planck institute for psycholinguistics , nijmegen , the netherlands . large number of rare event models walter daelemans ; university of tilburg , the netherlands . linguistics as data mining : using machine learning techniques to discover linguistic generalizations michael oakes ; university of lancaster , unted kingdom . multivariate statistics in corpus linguistics fiona tweedie ; university of glasgow , united kingdom . time series models in linguistics the workshop will be held in the mathematics building of the university of glasgow , commencing on monday 7 september at 1pm . the four workshop sessions will take place on monday afternoon , tuesday 8 september and the morning of wednesday 9 september . there will also be a half day tour on the wednesday afternoon and a reception in the hunterian art gallery on monday evening . accommodation has been arranged in university accommodation with some en suite facilities . the reception , tea and coffee , lunches on 8 and 9 september and evening meals on 7 and 8 september are included in the registration fee . the registration fee , until 15 july , is gbp150 . 00 and gbp100 . 00 for students . participants who are also attending the digital resources in the humanities conference , 9-12 september are eligible for a discount in the registration fees . for more information about the workshop and to register , please consult the web site at http : / / www . stats . gla . ac . uk / ~ cimql , or send email to the conference organisers at cimql @ stats . gla . ac . uk . 0 +"Subject: sampson : educating eve g . sampson , ( 1997 ) educating eve : the language instinct debate , cassell , london , 184pp . reviewed by feargal murphy , university college dublin . the rise of generative linguistics in 60s gave a new lease of life to the old nature vs . nurture debate . the behaviourist model of language was judged a failure at explaining the process of language acquisition and a new theory of language acquisition emerged . it was rooted in the philosophy of descartes in the 17th century as well as humboldt and , ultimately , plato . it came to be known as linguistic nativism or rationalist linguistics and is most associated with noam chomsky . the central tenet of this theory is that children are born with some kind of language acquisition device already in place in their brains which allows them to acquire the language of their environment . within linguistic nativism there has been some debate as to whether this device provides merely general rules that allow for the acquisition of language or whether it is a rich innate system that provides a complete basis for language acquisition so that a child can acquire the complexities of a language at a time when its general cognitive development could not possibly cope with such complexity . the rationalist tradition behind linguistic nativism has always been in contrast with empiricism which states that all ideas and knowledge ( including knowledge of language ) come from experience obtained through the senses and that there can be no innate knowledge . a view that goes back to the 17th century and the writings of locke , berkeley and hume and in the modern era has also been associated with the philosophers of the vienna circle and karl popper . _ educating eve _ will certainly not determine the outcome of the nature vs . nurture debate , nor will it , in my opinion , lead to any productive insight into the debate . the book fails to understand the scope and import of the nativist arguments and consequently falls short of presenting a genuine criticism of it . as it stands the book will be applauded by those who are already favourably disposed towards its conclusions and derided by those who are not . _ educating eve _ ( henceforth _ ee _ ) argues against the writings of chomsky , as well as pinker 's ' the language instinct ' , bickerton 's ' language and species ' and jackendoff 's ' patterns in the mind ' . these three books are essentially aimed at the general rather than the specialist reader . the result of targeting these three books is to make the arguments against nativism appear weak and superficial . the desire to rescue public opinion from the wrong path is a recurring theme in the author 's work . in his _ language and liberty _ , which also argued for a non-nativist view of language , the main aim was to discourage people from following left wing politics . the author 's politics , unfortunately , emerge as a strong force in this book . given the importance of the nativism debate i shall focus primarily on the more important linguistic issues , leaving aside politics except when they cloud the issues surrounding nativism the alternative to nativism that this book argues for is essentially a version of karl popper 's empiricism . according to this view the ability to learn may be innate but there are no domain specific innate mechanisms involved in learning . people learn the language of the community they belong to in the same way that they learn anything else , by trial and error . they ' make original though fallible conjectures and test them against objective reality ' ( p . 137 - all quotes are from _ ee _ unless otherwise indicated ) . eventually , using this method , each individual comes to learn a language . what they learn are ' wholly cultural constructs ' ( p . 137 ) , an e - language rather than an i - language , to use chomsky 's terminology . note that the conception of language in _ ee _ is totally different from those of chomsky , jackendoff , bickerton or pinker . for these nativists , language cannot belong to a society rather than to the individual . this issue is not actually addressed in the book . _ ee _ merely states that language is a cultural artifact and not biological , but does not furnish any evidence for this claim . the book also states popper 's belief that the mind is not amenable to scientific theorising ( p . 138 ) . i am unable to find any evidence in the book to support this claim . however , if one assumes that the mind is outside the domain of scientific inquiry then it simply becomes impossible to engage in a debate about the merits of the specifics of any nativist theory . the first task this book undertakes is to demolish chomsky 's arguments for nativism ( only sourcing material up to 1991 ) and then to demolish the 's econd wave ' nativists - with pinker foremost in the second wave . the book utilises many arguments , some more noteworthy than others , and it would be beyond the scope of this review to examine them all . i will look at a few of the arguments , more or less at random . the arguments against chomsky centre on what sampson perceives as the basis of nativism : 1 : speed of acquisition 2 : age - dependence 3 : poverty of data 4 : convergence among grammars 5 : language universals 6 : species - specificity _ ee _ claims the first argument ( speed of acquisition ) is hollow as there is no way of determining what exactly 's peed ' could be in this area . however , it seems uncontroversial enough that children acquire language faster than adults and that they do so without the problems that adults encounter . there is no attempt in the book to address the notion of whether different languages are acquired at different speeds or whether different children acquiring the same language do so in radically different sequences . this would seem to be a distinct possibility if we do not have an innate language specific faculty but rather rely on some generalised learning mechanism . a look at the evidence regarding language acquisition across languages would have helped make the case conclusive . the book should have dealt more with data available in order to show that only a non-nativist account of language acquisition could capture the facts . instead _ ee _ relies on the notion that the popperian account can cope just as well as a nativist account and is closer to the ' common sense ' view of language . but this does not prove that a popperian account is right . chomsky 's second argument ( age - dependence ) is dismissed because , the book states , humans can learn language at any age "" if they see the task as worthwhile "" ( p . 36 ) . however , the author does not describe any procedure for assessing the worthwhileness of the task . why a child would find it worthwhile to learn a language when its needs are being met by compliant adults responding to non-linguistic communication is not addressed . if the early vocalisations of children are evidence of the beginnings of language acquisition , then the child is deciding at a very early age that language is ' worthwhile ' , at a stage when it seems difficult to believe the child is weighing up any options to see what may or may not be worthwhile . following this logic we could extend the criterion of "" worthwhileness "" to other ' learning ' such as ' learning to walk ' and eliminate the innate component from that as well . the book states that there are "" plenty of cases on record of adults mastering a second language to native-speaker standard apart from accent "" ( p . 36 ) ; i am not quite sure what it might mean to achieve native-speaker standard apart from accent . what the book suggests - without providing any crucial evidence - - is that "" learning as a general process is for biological reasons far more rapid before puberty than after "" ( p . 37 ) . this is supposed to show that age dependence is not proof of a critical period for language acquisition using some innate language acquisition device - - a critical period being one of the features that is characteristic of innate behaviour . the age dependence , according to the book , falls out from the slowing down of the learning process in general after puberty . this , however , seems to contradict the other argument against age dependence ; that an adult can master a second language to native speaker standard . the author also states that "" susan curtiss herself regarded genie as refuting the strong version of lenneberg 's claim , that natural language acquisition cannot occur after puberty "" ( p . 37 ) . susan curtiss might want to respond to that one herself . my understanding of her work on genie is that genie did have language ( that is , rule-governed creative linguistic behaviour ) but was not able to achieve anything close to native speaker competence while under observation ( curtiss , p . 204 ) even though it would indeed have been ' worthwhile ' to do so . furthermore her linguistic development did not follow the same course as children acquiring language normally . this suggests that genie 's ability to learn language was diminished due to her age but the important point is that her cognitive development in other areas seemed not to be so affected . it would also have been worthwhile for chelsea to have learned language , yet chelsea did not achieve native speaker standard ( see jackendoff 's _ patterns in the mind _ ) . the third argument presented by chomsky for nativism , according to the book , is poverty of data during acquisition . the arguments against chomsky presented in the book do not bear close scrutiny . according to the book , motherese provides a "" graded series of language lessons "" ( p . 39 ) and is not at all degenerate , as the poverty of data argument states . this is not particularly new ( the references cited by the author are from the early 70s ) . the fact is , however , that we really do not yet know what role - if any - motherese plays in learning / acquiring a language . but one thing worth noting is that there is no language teaching theory that proposes that adults could be most effectively taught a second language through being taught in motherese . it is also true that there do not yet exist conclusive studies on the universality of motherese ( although the wide variety of language groups studied show a high degree of similarity ) . in some cultures motherese seems to play less of a role and is different to the motherese we see in the english speaking world . in fact motherese or child directed speech seems not to make the task of learning / acquiring language all that much easier but what it does is allow for a high degree of socialisation . this can be seen in the fact that the simplification of structure decreased greatly when the parent and child were no longer in the presence of the observer but merely being taped . the motherese wa s not for the benefit of the child only . of course , if language is not in any way innate we are left with the problem of explaining how child directed speech is so perfectly a "" graded series of language lessons "" for the infant , despite the fact that adults are not taught how to give language lessons , perhaps empiricist would have to say that the ability to give "" a graded series of lessons "" in language is innate . the author states that a popperian account of language learning would allow for a child to determine the general principles from the input ( as it would for an adult who wants to learn a language ) . this is important as the nativist account holds that the basic principles of language are innate and thus are available for use in determining what is going on in the language input . individuals learning a language via a popperian method would use their learning abilities to work out the general principles from the input without any of these principles being already available in the head . but what are we to make of cases of * specific language impairment * where the rate of learning / acquisition a language seems different from other areas of learning ? the whole basis of a popperian analysis is that language acquisition is not different from any other domain where learning occurs . consequently , it predicts that there could be no difference between the acquisition of language and learning in other cognitive domains . this prediction runs counter to reported facts as clearly presented in yamada 's 1990 book ' laura : a case study for the modularity of language ' . in arguing against chomsky , the author takes chomsky 's much used example of english speaking children determining how to ask yes / no questions . he is seeking to show that chomsky is being dishonest in his analysis by not verifying the data . a child working out how to make a yes / no question in english has to work out that if any verb is to be moved it has to be the verb in the main clause and not just the first verb encountered in the sentence . to work this out , a child has to distinguish between verbs and other words and also between main verbs and auxiliary verbs as well as knowing the structure of the phrases in the sentence . then the child has to work out that auxiliary verbs in the main clause can move to the beginning of the sentence but that main verbs appear in the infinitive while a tensed 'd o ' occurs at the beginning of the sentence . chomsky 's point is that children learn to make these distinctions and move the appropriate verb from the appropriate position to form a yes / no question with great ease . both the author and chomsky agree on the analysis of the rule involved in forming a yes / no question but where they differ is in their belief about the * exposure * of children to yes / no questions where the main clause is not the first clause in the sentence but rather a subordinate clause appears first , as in : is the man who is talking to bill wearing gloves ? chomsky 's claim is that a child may not encounter such a question in the language s / he hears before determining the rule of yes / no question formation . _ ee _ argues that such sentences are indeed present in the language that children hear . what the book actually has to prove is that all children hear this crucial form of yes / no question before they determine the yes / no question formation rule . this is not shown but instead it is argued that such structures are available to children who read ; but children who do n't read learn language as well . indeed it is quite possible that children form the rule about yes / no question formation before the ever learn to read . the author claims that he shows that chomsky is ' wildly mistaken ' ( p . 42 ) , he paraphrases the situation as follows : "" . . the man who is the world 's leading living intellectual , according the cambridge university a second plato is basing his radical reassessment of human nature largely on the claim that a certain thing never happens ; he tells us that it strains his credulity to think that it might happen , but he has never looked , and people who have looked find that it happens a lot . "" ( p . 42-43 ) the people who have looked are sampson himself and geoff pullum ( p . 42 ) but they have only checked sources of written language but as i have said this ignores the fact that illiterate children can also speak . in fact , so enamoured is the author with the written word that he argues that , historically , hypotaxis emerges as literacy develops . somehow the organisation involved in writing leads to great leaps forward in language . he does finally admit that there is no great research on this topic but blames linguistics departments for this ( "" this is not a popular topic of research in linguistics departments "" , p . 75 ) . there is nothing to prevent the taping of the speakers of modern pre-literate languages - if one can find any cultures that could be classed as pre-literate without any qualifications - in order to test for the occurrence of hypotaxis but the author does n't seem to have u ndertaken this task . the book does n't opt fully for the idea that there was little or no hypotaxis in the languages of ancient pre-literate cultures as the author states , hedging his bets : "" if there was little or no hypotaxis in these languages "" [ the hebrew of the old testament etc . ] "" that is a real difference between them and more recent languages "" . ( p . 75 ) for obvious reasons we can never answer the question of whether or not there was hypotaxis in hebrew before writing or indeed while writing was still a fairly recent innovation . it is true that serious investigation into parataxis and subordination in various languages has been carried out and goes back over one hundred years . the book claims that "" it was a cliche of late nineteenth century linguistics that the early stages of languages with a long recorded history showed a development from what was called parataxis to hypotaxis "" ( p . 74 ) . it cites great linguists like karl brugmann , hermann paul and eduard hermann as support for the notion that languages go from a paratactic stage to a hypotactic stage . but there are two problems with this . firstly , not all nineteenth century linguists would have been happy with the notion that hypotaxis emerged as writing developed . hermann jacobi 's 1897 work ' composition und nebensatz ' concluded that "" maori , like early stages of pie may not have had contained a relative particle "" in subordination ( lehmann , p . 60 ) . so jacobi is claiming that pie did have subordination which is the basis of hypotaxis for brugmann , paul and hermann . secondly , there is really no reason to believe that nineteenth century linguists got everything right in comparative and historical linguistics . the idea that hypotaxis emerged from a previous stage must be seen alongside other ideas in nineteenth century linguistics about the development of languages from primitive systems to more complex systems . the fourth argument the book looks at is convergence among grammars - the notion that people of varying levels of intelligence and exposure to different language inputs , converge on the same grammar . the book claims ( p . 46 ) that chomsky has admitted that educated people may know their mother tongue better . this does not fit in with an i - language approach and so is obviously not representative of chomsky 's theory of language . an i - language approach excludes the possibility of a mother tongue ( an e - language ) that people have mastered to varying degrees . for chomsky such things as english or hungarian or swahili do not exist in any meaningful way . this is controversial , but the point is that for chomsky there is no mother tongue divorced from an individual 's knowledge of it . the second line of argument identified by sampson is that people do not actually converge on the same grammar as they give different grammatical judgments in response to the same data . the book refers to labov 's work - presented in austerlitz ( 1974 ) - where respondents varied in their judgments about the grammaticality of presented sentences . the really interesting thing here is that the people taking the test understood the instructions - oral and written - which they were given concerning the test . it is hard to see how they could all have the same understanding of what was said to them unless they had pretty much the same grammars . the language that was used in their instructions would most likely have contained a variety of syntactic constructions , but there are no reports of the people completing the test remarking on the ungrammaticality of any of the instructions they were given . it is easy to find people varying in groups and even as individuals over time when you ask them to assess sentences such as : ' every one of the boys did n't go there ' . the fact that individuals will differ in their judgment over time shows that what is being tested is not the individual 's competence because an adult 's competence does not vary - although their performance might . a large number of factors determine whether an individual would judge a sentence like the one given above as perfectly grammatical or borderline or totally ungrammatical . but the fact that there is a variation in the reported judgments does not in fact constitute an argument against convergence among grammars it is not a test of grammars but rather a test of performance . intuitions about sentences involving scope relations of quantifiers and negation vary because of the many factors that bear on performance . the book also contends ( pp . 107 - 137 ) that the existence of language universals can be explained by the fact that a popperian learning system will automatically yield such universals . they are not the result of the nature of the language faculty but instead derive from the popperian system of learning . again , the author does not show that a popperian account is better than a nativist account at capturing the facts . if the case against nativism is to be proven , then those language universals that we can agree to exist must be explicable either within a popperian system * only * or at least they should be explained better by a popperian learning theory . the book does not do this . the book targets pinker 's ' the language instinct ' . why sampson decides to devote so much effort to the book is somewhat puzzling . pinker 's book is aimed at a fairly general audience and as such is not really a worthwhile target . among the arguments against pinker we find the assumption that surnames are actual words in individual languages . this means that the existence of a person in england with 's ri ' as the first three letters in his surname means that 's ri ' is a possible initial consonant cluster in english ( p . 83 ) . the author also can't resist taking a pot-shot at what he imagines pinker 's political views to be . the tone of his response to pinker is one of condescension which can be irritating and detracts from any points that the author may be trying to make as well as being irrelevant to the substantive issues . but the worst attack is saved for bickerton . the book seeks to portray him as an intellectual lightweight in a most unappealing way ( p . 76 ) : "" [ bickerton 's ] stuff must be a real hit with green students on hawaii "" . it is surely not too much to expect that personal abuse would be kept out of the realm of intellectual debate . the book also takes on jackendoff stating that jackendoff writes well : "" jackendoff is one of the best writers among the linguistic nativists "" ( p . 76 ) , but not forgiving him for being a nativist . "" if jackendoff reaches for the word ' instinct ' so hastily in these cases , how can we trust him to use the word judiciously where there are real questions to be resolved "" ( p . 79 ) . the main issue picked up on in jackendoff 's work relates to sign language . at one stage the author says ( arguing against jackendoff 's analysis of universal grammar ) : "" jackendoff has shortly beforehand pointed out that one aspect of american sign language grammar is not paralleled in any spoken language . the sign-language equivalent of the third person pronouns ( she , they , his ) consists of gesturing ( with hand shapes and movements that depend on whether the reference is singular , plural or possessive ) to locations in the signing space which have been assigned to successive topics of conversations . ' the effect is that there are as many different third-person pronouns available as there are discernible locations in the signing space ' . no spoken language has a pronoun system remotely like this , so how can it be part of our innate knowledge . "" ( p . 78 ) the author is missing the point here . sign language expresses person , number , gender and possession as spoken language does and not some other features not found in spoken language . so the system the same as spoken language . the use of pronouns in sign language is exactly the same as the use of pronouns in spoken language and is based on universal grammar , what is different is the modality . the availability of the signing space means that a signer can introduce a greater number of pronouns into the discourse as each pronoun can be allocated a location in the signing space without leading to any confusion . this is the same as the fact that i could use as many second person singular pronouns as i wanted as long as i looked at the individual that i was addressing with that pronoun . looking at the person that i was referring to with the pronoun is really the same as the signer using the sign space to tag pronouns . this is not just true of second person pronouns . i could be talking about , say , the members of a football team and refer to each individual using a third person pronoun . i could be quite clear in my own head who is being picked out each time , it would just be confusing to the person i was talking to . this is because there would be no way for them to distinguish the referents of each of the pronouns . in sign language i can exploit the possibility of the signing space by tagging each meaning of a pronoun with a location in space so that the whole thing does not get confusing . the potential in both oral and sign language is the same , but sign can exploit the signing space in a way that oral language cannot . the point is that the limitations are not imposed by language but by the modality . what jackendoff is saying is that the same universal grammar underlies language no matter what the modality . the last chapter in the book ( ' the creative mind ' ) presents sampson 's view of popper . it is not without problems and the author devotes much time to arguing that popper did n't always mean what he said and that sampson 's analysis of popper is the best . however , the crucial lines in the chapter for the purposes of nature vs . nurture are : "" minds are not a topic open to scientific theorising . "" ( p . 139 ) and "" the position adopted in this book is that conscious human minds are not physical entities . talking about minds is not a way of talking about high-level aspects of brain functioning . minds and bodies are different and separate things which act on one another . "" ( p . 138 ) for all those people who believe that minds are indeed a topic open to scientific theorising this will render anything else the book has to say suspect . modern nativists ( as well as most non-nativists ) view the mind as amenable to scientific theorising . for chomsky there is no other possible way to study the mind ( chomsky 1993 , 1995 ) . it is hard to see how a significant debate can take place between two such opposite points of view . the author is committed to the cause of a popperian analysis of language learning / acquisition but will never be able to convert a nativist to his way of thinking until he can gain an understanding of the motivations for adopting a nativist position or reconcile himself with the possibility that nativism may be a stance that an intelligent person can adopt . the author seems to imagine himself fighting a rear guard action against the hordes of misguided nativists who , as he sees it , are close to winning the hearts and minds of the masses . one important aspect of this book is that it can be read as a means of testing how one feels about linguistic nativism . unfortunately for sampson 's crusade , it had the effect of making me prefer the nativist analysis even more than before . ( more background information about the author , geoffrey sampson , and the book ' educating eve ' is available at : http : / / www . grs . u-net . com / ) bibliography : r . austerlitz ( ed ) ( 1974 ) , the scope of american linguistics , peter de ridder press . n . chomsky ( 1993 ) , "" naturalism and dualism in the study of language "" , international journal of philosophical studies , 2 ( 2 ) : 181 - 209 . n . chomsky ( 1995 ) , "" language and nature "" , mind , 104 ( 403 ) : 1 - 61 . s . curtiss ( 1977 ) , genie : a psycholinguistic study of a modern day "" wild child "" , academic press . p . fletcher and b . macwhinney ( eds ) ( 1995 ) , the handbook of child language , blackwell . w . p . lehmann ( 1974 ) , proto - indo - european syntax , university of texas press . g . sampson ( 1979 ) , liberty and language , oup . g . sampson ( 1980 ) , schools of linguistics , hutchinson . j . yamada ( 1990 ) , laura : a case for the modularity of language , mit press . feargal murphy , lecturer in the department of linguistics , university college dublin . http : / / www . ucd . ie / ~ linguist / gogs2 . html " 0 +Subject: our knowledge of human language : current perspectives nuestro conocimiento del lenguaje humano : perspectivas actuales our knowledge of human language : current perspectives chomsky , noam ( 1998 ) : nuestro conocimiento del lenguaje humano : perspectivas actuales . our knowledge of human language : current perspectives . a spanish / english bilingual edition by sally barros and emilio rivano . spanish translation and notes by german westphal . isbn 956-7003 - 46 - 7 ediciones universidad de concepcion & bravo y allende editores , santiago , chile , 1998 . the book is based on the lecture noam chomsky gave at the universidad de concepcion , chile , in november of 1996 , and it includes his remarks and comments during the follow-up discussion . for further information , contact : emilio rivano programa de doctorado en linguistica universidad de concepcion casilla 82 - c , correo 3 concepcion , chile fax : ( 56 ) 41 25 91 08 erivano @ udec . cl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dr . german f . westphal * office : no summer office hours * * modern languages & linguistics * tel : 410-455 - 2109 * * 134 academic building iv , b wing * fax : 410-455 - 1025 * * university of maryland * pager : 410-389 - 6049 * * baltimore county , md 21250 , u . s . a . * e - mail : < westphal @ umbc . edu > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * webpage w / scholarship , art work , short stories & poetry http : / / research . umbc . edu / ~ westphal 0 +"Subject: ecdl98 - final call for papers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ call for papers second european conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries european european ics-forth university of union research crete consortium for informatics and mathematics 19 - 23 september , 1998 heraklion , crete , greece http : / / www . csi . forth . gr / 2eurodl ecdl @ cc . uch . gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be sure to check the following categories : papers , posters , accepted tutorials , panels and demos , invited speakers , special sessions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - objectives this conference is the second of a series of european conferences on research and technology for digital libraries funded by the european commission 's tmr programme . its objectives are : to bring together researchers from multiple disciplines whose science relates to the development of digital libraries ; to provide an opportunity for these scientists to form a research community in europe specific to digital library development and to enable them to discuss issues and strategies specific to the european context ; to assist young researchers in establishing relationships with senior scientists in their areas of interest ; to enable review and discussion of research under way in europe , the us , japan and other countries on digital libraries ; to stimulate researchers , especially young scientists , to explore new areas of interest in digital library development ; to establish a forum for discussion of issues specific to europe such as interoperability , multilinguality , intellectual property policy , and information commerce ; to provide an opportunity for researchers in the relevant enabling technologies and information sciences , to discuss issues related to interoperability between world wide distributed digital libraries . > from a technical point of view , the european conferences series aims to contribute to the definition of those digital library parameters which especially influence issues of access , retrieval , and interaction with information ; to identify key problems which must be solved to make digital library services an effective reality ; to identify a general structure or framework for integrating research and solutions ; and to propose and encourage specific , high priority research directions within such a framework . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - topics the conference organisers solicit papers on topics related to digital libraries , including but not limited to the following list : o digital library models , frameworks , and system requirements o metadata o system integration and architecture issues o interoperability , scalability o networked information discovery , agent technologies o information retrieval , organisation , navigation - tools and paradigms o multilinguality o role of knowledge representation systems in digital library interactions o collecting , capturing , filtering , cataloging , indexing , o preserving o intellectual property rights , terms and conditions , rights management o authoring , electronic publishing , electronic commerce and information economies o economic and social implications and issues o user interfaces o handling of graphics , gis , medical data , multimedia information , experimental data and o scientific models _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conference programme the conference will be held in heraklion , crete , greece . tutorials will be organised on the 19th and 20th of september 1998 ( for a list of accepted tutorials please consult the relevant section below ) . the opening session will take place at 9 . 00a . m . on monday the 21th of september 1998 and the final session will take place on wednesday afternoon , the 23th of september 1998 . full details on the scientific programme of the conference will be published on our web site by the 1st of july 1998 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - important dates 15 may 1998 papers and proposals for posters deadline 25 june 1998 notification of paper and poster acceptance 1 july 1998 scientific programme on the web 25 july 1998 final papers due 19 , 20 september 1998 tutorials 21-23 september 1998 conference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - posters during the conference a space will be reserved for poster sessions . research projects of any scale are invited to illustrate innovative concepts and prototype systems . poster proposals should include title , names of presenters and outline ( max . 500 words ) . electronic submissions are obligatory ; proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the conference secretariat , ecdl @ cc . uch . gr . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - papers - submission details papers ( max 20 pages , double spaced ) should be submitted electronically in html format , either by e-mail to the conference secretariat , ecdl @ cc . uch . gr , or to our ftp site , ftp : / / ftp . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl . in either case please follow the guidelines below : 1 . in your submission there should be exaclty one html file containing the paper text , suitable for review printing 2 . each figure ( or other material except text ) should be in a separate file 3 . all files consisting your paper should be gathered in a single file ( zip or tar format ) 4 . submit your paper ( please note that electronic submissions are obligatory ) either by e-mail or ftp 5 . send a separate e-mail message to ecdl @ cc . uch . gr containing the title , abstract , keywords for the paper and the relevant contact information . - the deadline for paper submissions is may 15 , 1998 . - important information - best papers will be proposed for publication in a special issue of the ijodl the best papers of the conference will be proposed for publication ( after a new revision and refereeing process ) in a special issue of the international journal on digital libraries ( http : / / link . springer . de / link / service / journals / 00799 / index . htm ) - accepted papers will be published by springer all accepted papers for the conference will be published by springer . upon selection of your paper you are also obliged to provide us another copy of your paper , in latex2e or ms word format , following the guidelines provided by springer . the final date for the preparation of the accepted papers will be july 15 , 1998 . detailed information on preparing accepted papers for publishing can be found at the springer - verlag web site , http : / / www . springer . de . please be sure to read the "" information for authors "" ( http : / / www . springer . de / comp / lncs / authors . html ) , as well as the new version of the "" authors 's instructions "" ( you may retrieve this file in pdf format from http : / / www . springer . de / comp / lncs / instruct / typeinst . pdf or in postscript format from http : / / www . springer . de / comp / lncs / instruct / typeinst . ps ; you may also retrieve all related files from our web site ; information will be available from our web pages shortly ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - panels , tutorials and demos detailed information regarding tutorials , demos and panels can be found at the conference web page http : / / www . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl / highlights . html . in brief , accepted tutorials for the conference are the following ( http : / / www . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl / highlights / tutorials . html ) : 1 . standards for interfacing with a digital library by larry masinter 2 . thesauri for knowledge-based assistance in searching digital libraries by dagobert soergel 3 . visual information system by babu m . mehtre 4 . multimedia information retrieval , categorisation , and filtering by pasquale savino and fabrizio sebastiani 5 . designing content for the web of tomorrow , world wide web consortium sponsored tutorial by bert bos 6 . metadata on the web : the resource description framework ( rdf ) , world wide web consortium sponsored tutorial by janne saarela 7 . metadata for networked resources by renato iannella , carl lagoze and stuart weibel a tutorial registration form will be available shortly from our web pages . accepted panels for the conference ( http : / / www . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl / highlights / panels . html ) : 1 . interaction design in digital libraries panelists : constantine stephanidis , david benyon , mark maybury , daniel dardailler , dan diaper 2 . digital video libraries : providing access to the moving image panelists : richard paterson , rachel hughes , robin wright , bruce tonkin 3 . digital library technologies in health care panel coordinator : prof . stelios orphanoudakis 4 . architectures and services for cultural heritage information panel coordinator : panos constantopoulos 5 . metadata and content-based approaches to resource discovery panel organizers : thomas baker and judith klavans accepted demos for the conference ( http : / / www . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl / highlights / demos . html ) : 1 . liberation by robert stubenrauch 2 . aquarelle by vassilis christophides 3 . aontas : the cabernet technical report and abstracts service by frank siqueira 4 . the low - cost digital library by philip konomos 5 . multilingual informedia : a demonstration of speech recognition and information retrieval across multiple languages by howard wactlar 6 . arhon : a multimedia database design for image documents by kostas chandrinos 7 . nara institute of science and technology ( naist ) digital library system by hideki sunahara 8 . the document management system saros / mezzanine by norbert lossau 9 . unicode - based digital library interface by sarantos kapidakis 10 . ercim technical reference digital library by stefania biagioni 11 . cibit : biblioteca telematica italiana . a digital library for the italian cultural heritage by eugenio picchi 12 . intex : searching information in full text by maurice gross 13 . calliope : an experiment in digital libraries by catherine alauzun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - invited speakers http : / / www . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl / highlights . html # speakers * dr . donald f . ferguson senior manager ibm t . j watson reseach center , ibm academy , usa software systems and middleware for information economies and digital libraries * dr . james j . o'donnell professor of classical studies , vice provost for computing university of pennsylvania , usa the digital library in the university : how we use it * dr . amy friedlander cnri , editor of the d - lib magazine dr . william y . arms cnri , publisher of the d - lib magazine publishing at the speed of web - light ; experiences from d - lib magazine * mark t . maybury advanced information systems center , the mitre corporation intelligent multimedia information access _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - special sessions http : / / www . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl / highlights . html # sessions a special session on "" digital library technologies for libraries "" will be held during the conference . detailed information can be found at the conference web site . session organiser : ann okerson speakers : diann rusch - feja , john price - wilkin , chris rusbridge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - proceedings the proceedings will be published by springer as a volume in their lecture notes in computer science series and will be distributed at the conference . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - fellowship for young researchers a limited number of fellowships for the conference and also for tutorials are available for young researchers who are citizens of european union countries or liechtenstein , norway and iceland . the fellowship offers free registration for the participants and , in special cases where necessary and appropriately justified , may pay for or reimburse travel and lodging expenses . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - programme chair christos nikolaou , university of crete & ics-forth leoforos knossou , gr-71110 heraklion , crete , greece tel : + 30 81 393199 , fax : + 30 81 210106 e - mail : nikolau @ cc . uch . gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - programme committee serge abiteboul inria , france robert b . allen bellcore , usa thomas baker asian institute of technology , thailand william birmingham university of michigan , usa panos constantopoulos university of crete & ics-forth , greece bruce croft university of massachusetts , usa costis dallas hellenic ministry of foreign affairs , greece edward a . fox virginia technical university , usa norbert fuhr university of dortmund , germany hector garcia - molina stanford university , usa keith jeffery ral-clrc , uk martin kersten cwi , netherlands judith klavans columbia university , usa carl lagoze cornell university , usa clifford a . lynch coalition for networked information , usa jeff mackie - mason university of michigan , usa a . desai narasimhalu national university of singapore , singapore ann okerson yale university , usa olle olsson sics , sweden andreas paepcke stanford university , usa nicholas patrikalakis mit , usa carol peters iei-cnr , italy jakka sairamesh ibm - t . j . watson research center , usa peter schauble eth zurich , switzerland hans joerg schek eth zurich , switzerland eric simon inria , france ingeborg t . solvberg university of science and technology , norway constantine stephanidis ics-forth , greece shigeo sugimoto university of library and information science , japan costantino thanos iei-cnr , italy ulrich thiel gmd-ipsi , germany stuart weibel oclc , usa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - local organising committee sarantos kapidakis ics-forth , greece penelope constanta ics-forth , greece spyros lalis university of crete , greece gioylh koraoy university of crete , greece stella vourou university of crete & ics-forth , greece mixalhs tzekakhs university of crete , greece maria stavrakaki university of crete , greece rena kalaitzaki university of crete , greece maria prevelianaki ics-forth , greece liana kefalaki ics-forth , greece dimitris papadakis university of crete , greece manolis marazakis university of crete , greece anastasia anastasiadi ics-forth , greece stavros papadakis university of crete , greece _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - contact info for more information regarding this conference contact the conference secretariat , rena kalaitzaki and maria stavrakaki university of crete , computer science department , tel : + 30 81 393504 fax : + 30 81 393501 e - mail : ecdl @ cc . uch . gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you can subscribe to the announcement list of the "" second european conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries "" by sending electronic mail to ' majordomo @ csi . forth . gr ' with body 's ubscribe ecdl2 - announce < your email address > ' " 0 +Subject: new on 95 . 8 capital fm this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com from the 17th of feb to the 3rd of mar . - live reviews - we take you to sheryl crow , robbie williams and the corrs . - grammy awards - more pop , awards and speeches on feb 24 . - b * witched - get a preview of the book ! - winning lines - guess the song and win the brits video . - new releases - madonna , alanis and other great new music ! - showtime - e-17 , cher and martine mccutcheon on air . - how to be a dj - get tips from the top . - eddie izzard - win tickets ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - live reviews - we take you to sheryl crow , robbie williams and the corrs . spring is coming and the stars are taking to the stage . we take you to sheryl crow 's only uk gig this time around , golden boy robbie is following up his amazing run at the brits with live gigs at wembley and the corrs come back to the london arena after winning best international group at the brits . - grammy awards - more pop , awards and speeches on feb 24 . it 's that time again . the us brings out all the stops and all the stars . we will keep you up to date on the winners and losers and we have some amazing cd offers on grammy nominated artists . keep coming back so you do n't miss out ! - b * witched - get a preview of the book ! the official book is not released until the middle of april , but you can find out what 's in it now ! we will publish an excerpt from the book every week starting on thursday february 18 . be the first to read it ! - winning lines - guess the song and win the brits video . our weekly ' winning lines ' competition has a great prize up for grabs this week . the official brits video can be yours if you know your lyrics . - new releases - madonna , alanis and other great new music ! as always , we keep you up to date on all the new music that is coming out . some heavy weight artists such as madonna , alanis , steps , eagle eye cherry and cleopatra weigh in with new songs . - showtime - e-17 , cher and martine mccutcheon on air . who will be on showtime next ? coming up we have e-17 , cher , martine mccutcheon , jerry springer and kathy burke . showtime on air runs from monday till friday 7 . 30 - 8pm on 95 . 8 capital fm , showtime on-line is available 24 hours a day . tune in , log on or miss out . - how to be a dj - get tips from the top . our superstar djs give you tips on how to join their ranks at the top . this week chris tarrant gives you the inside scoop and on march 1 our very own dr . fox spills the beans . not to be missed if you want to get into radio . - eddie izzard - win tickets to his london show ' dressed to kill ' . watch the site next week for your chance to a free laugh . all this and much , much more at http : / / capitalfm . com * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * do n't want to receive these e-mails ? click the following link to remove your address from our mailing list : http : / / capitalfm . com / unsubscribe * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * advertisement the best brewed beverage ! it 's different . . . it 's delicious and it could be yours - 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( steve nicolle ) relevance theory workshop - provisional programme tuesday 8 sept 11 . 00 registration begins ( set up posters ) 1 . 00 lunch 2 . 15 - 4 . 00 panel on conceptual and procedural encoding jaqcues moeschler ( anne reboul ) - directional inferences and the conceptual / procedural encoding distinction tomoko matsui - implicature , explicature , higher-level explicature and procedural constraints : japanese connectives dakara and sorede thorstein fretheim - are there at least two at least ' ? 4 . 30 - 4 . 50 corinne iten - procedural meaning : the cases of ' although ' and ' but ' 4 . 50 - 5 . 30 invited talk : diane blakemore - procedural meaning : ' nevertheless ' , ' yet ' and ' but ' ( again ) 5 . 35 - 6 . 00 discussion 6 . 15 - 7 . 00 invited talk : robyn carston - truth - conditional semantics and what is communicated 8 . 15 keynote speech : deirdre wilson wed 9 september ( at university of luton conference centre , putteridge berry ) 9 . 30-11 . 15 panel on non - truth conditional meaning reiko itani - on sentence particle ne joo peres / rui marques - narrowing and structuring the domain of conversational implicature cassandre cresswell - non - argument reflexives in english : a pragmatic analysis 11 . 45-12 . 55 panel on reference anne reboul - a relevance theoretic approach to reference george powell - the deferred use of proper names 2 . 00 - 2 . 45 vicky escandell - vidal - metapropositons as metarepresentations 3 . 00 - 4 . 45 panel on relevance theory and literature ian mackenzie - relevance and deconstruction john constable - metre as an engine of unstructured implication christoph unger - on the influence of genre on the deduction of implicatures 5 . 15 - 6 . 25 panel on relevance theory and philosophy lszl tarnay - how to kleiber a sperber - wilson ? tams plya - on rationality and relevance 7 . 45 - 9 . 30 panel on reformulations of relevance theory richard breheny - reformulations in relevance theory and stronger meaning ernst - august gutt - relevance and effort : a paper for discussion milena nuti - the cary - anne situation thurs 10 sept - a . m . 9 . 00-10 . 00 panel on non - truth conditional meaning anna papafragou - the comprehension of indirect requests : pragmatic and developmental perspectives nathalie franken - speech acts in relevance theory : a critical assessment 10 . 20-11 . 00 peter grundy - explicature , implicature and cultural affiliation 11 . 00 - 1 . 30 papers on applications of relevance theory robin setton - relevance theory and simultaneous conference interpretation alex klinge - context construction and conventionalisation guylaine gonel / bernard levrat - taking relevance into account in question-answering systems : an approach of relevance theory modelling followed by lagb workshop on experimental pragmatics . registration form if you wish to register , please complete this form and send it back with ( evidence of ) your payment to the following address : vlad zegarac dept . of linguistics university of luton faculty of humanities 75 castle street luton bedfordshire lu1 3aj united kingdom name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address for correspondence : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e-mail address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i would like to register for : ( please circle a or b ) a - - - - - - - - - - the whole conference package b - - - - - - - - - - the conference fee + the options as indicated below ( please put a tick on the line next to your chosen options ) the "" package "" price : stlg95 ( if sent to arrive by the end of june 1998 ) this includes : conference fee ( obligatory ) stlg20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ options ( included in the package ) : lunch ( 8th sept . ) stlg7 , 50 _ _ _ dinner ( 8th sept . ) stlg7 . 50 _ _ _ accommodation ( inc . breakfast ) ( 8 / 9 sept . ) stlg20 _ _ _ _ _ lunch ( 9th sept . ) stlg10 _ _ _ _ _ dinner ( 9th sept . ) stlg10 _ _ _ _ _ accommodation ( inc . breakfast ) ( 9 / 10 sept ) stlg20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ extra options ( not included in the package ) : accommodation ( inc . breakfast ) ( 7 / 8 sept . ) stlg20 _ _ _ _ _ accommodation ( inc . breakfast ) ( 10 / 11 sept . ) stlg20 _ _ _ _ _ lunch ( 10 sept . ) stlg7 , 50 _ _ for payments made after the end of june 1998 add an extra stlg5 methods of payment : return a hard copy of this form and either : 1 . enclose a cheque ( made payable to university of luton ) or 2 . complete and sign the following instruction : please debit stlg _ _ _ _ _ _ from my visa / mastercard number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid until _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name in print : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or 3 . pay by direct bank transfer to the university of luton , midland bank plc . , george street , luton , beds , united kingdom account number : 81276360 sort code : 40 - 30 - 32 ( please encolse a bank receipt ) " 0 +"Subject: fsmnlp ' 98 student grants call for participation the program for fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing is now available . the program and the text version of a registration form follows . more information as well as postscript and pdf forms of the registration form can be obtained from http : / / www . nlp . cs . bilkent . edu . tr / fsmnlp98 the program includes a one-day hands-on tutorial on finite state computing by dr . ken beesley of xerox research centre europe , on the 29th of june . in order to encourage attendance especially by full-time students pursuing programs in computational linguistics / natural language processing , we have limited funds that would ( i ) let us waive workshop registration fees for students if they register for and attend the tutorial , or ( ii ) let us waive half the workshop registration fee if they do not register for the tutorial if you are full-time student and would like to be considered for these options , please indicate so on your registration form and attach recently dated letter from your department confirming your full-stime student status to the registration form when you send it . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing sponsored by eacl - european chapter of the association for computational linguistics , tubitak - turkish scientific and technological research council , nato science for stability program - tu-language project june 29 - july 1 , 1998 bilkent university ankara , turkey program june 29 , 1998 monday 9 : 00 - 18 : 00 tutorial a one - day practical introduction to finite - state computing instructor : ken beesley , xerox research centre europe grenoble , france scope : the course will include an introduction to regular languages , finite-state machines , finite state transducers , the xerox xfst interface , and the lexc compiler . participants will get hands-on experience with the software , using exercises in natural-language morphology and phonology . all instruction and documentation will be in english . target : linguists and computer scientists interested in how finite-state technology can be applied to natural language processing . prerequisites : participants should know some basic unix commands and be able to edit text files using an editor like emacs or vi . although we assume no previous experience in finite-state computing , finite-state computing is a kind of computer programming , and participants should have some kind of programming experience . tentative contents - a gentle introduction to finite - state automata finite - state machines regular languages lookup finite - state automata lookup and generation - key finite - state operations union intersection subtraction concatenation iteration composition - finite - state morphology / phonology morphotactics phonological / orthographical variation - xerox extended regular expressions the xfst interface the stack read regex apply up , apply down exercises : esperanto verbs - simple replace rules ( extended regular expressions ) rule exercises : kanpat , brazilian portuguese - review : lexicons , rules , composition , the stack lexicon + rules exercise : bambona - the lexc language and compiler lexicons , continuation classes interface exercises : esperanto nouns , adjectives - lexc plus replace rules exercise : irish lenition - other tools and tricks twolc ( "" two - level "" rules and morphology ) separated dependencies and composition exercise : esperanto ge - nouns other filtering via composition - a large system : finite - state arabic morphology lexical databases finite - state lexicon ( lexc ) separated dependencies ( replace - rule filters ) variation ( rules ) designing "" languages "" modifications , tags , character encodings overall lookup and generation www interface ( java ) - questions , review of exercises june 30 , 1998 tuesday 8 : 30 - - 9 : 30 registration 9 : 45 opening remarks 10 : 00 - 11 : 00 plenary talk the proper treatment of optimality in computational phonology lauri karttunen xrce grenoble , france 11 : 00 11 : 30 break regular papers morning session 11 : 30 12 : 30 context-free parsing through regular approximation mark - jan nederhof dfki saarbrucken germany does tagging help parsing ? a case study on finite state parsing atro voutilainen university of helsinki , finland 12 : 30 14 : 00 lunch afternoon session 1 14 : 00 15 : 30 robust parsing using a hidden markov model wide r . hogenhout yuji matsumoto nara institute of tech . japan incremental construction of minimal acyclic finite state automata and transducers jan daciuk , university of gdansk , poland bruce e . watson ribbit software , canada university of pretoria , south africa richard e . watson ribbit software , canada and treatment of e - moves in subset construction gertjan van noord groningen univ . the netherlands 15 : 30 - 16 : 00 break afternoon session 16 : 00 - 17 : 00 learning finite state models for language understanding david pico enrique vidal polytechnic university of valencia , spain a multilingual natural language interface to regular expressions aarne ranta xrce grenoble , france july 1 , 1998 wednesday morning session 10 : 00 - 12 : 00 implementing voting constraints with finite state transducers kemal oflazer gokhan tur bilkent university , turkey feature structures , unification and finite state transducers remi zajac crl / nmsu usa using genericity to create customizable finite state tools sandro pedrazzini marcus hoffman idsia switzerland constraining separated morphotactic dependencies in finite state grammars ken beesley xrce grenoble , france 12 : 00 13 : 30 lunch 13 : 30 16 : 30 visit to museum of anatolian civilizations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fsmnlp ' 98 international workshop on finite state methods in natural language processing june 29 - july 1 , 1998 bilkent university ankara , turkey registration form last name : first name : organization : address : : : telephone : fax : e - mail : web page url : tutorial : june 29 1998 workshop june 30 - july 1 1998 [ ] tutorial registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usd 40 [ ] workshop registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usd 60 [ ] tutorial + workshop ( full - time students only ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usd 40 [ ] workshop only ( full - time students only ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usd 30 ( please attach a letter from your department confirming your full-time student status . ) total usd . . . workshop registration fee includes : copy of the proceedings , reception , coffee and tea during breaks , and visit to the museum of anatolian civilizations . social event : june 27 - 28 , 1998 [ ] visit to cappadocia region known for its lunar landscape , fairy-chimneys and underground cities . includes transportation , one night at a 3 * hotel , breakfast , and dinner , guided tour of all major sites . 99 usd / person * _ _ persons usd . . . accommodation [ ] hotel bilkent ( 4 * hotel on campus with transportation to the workshop site ) . special rates for workshop participants are ( including vat ) : single room usd 65 / night double room usd 80 / night i will arrive on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and depart on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hotel bill is payable during check-out . [ ] university dormitory room very close to workshop site , with shared showers and facilities . 1 person per room free of charge ( * * only linens and blankets will be provided . * * ) payment for the workshop registration and cappadocia trip can only be made by credit card . please provide the information below : card type visa [ ] mastercard / eurocard [ ] card number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ / _ _ my signature below will be considered to have been made on the applicable credit card or charge card bill form for the amount indicated for registration to fsmnlp ' 98 workshop . amount to be paid : usd _ _ _ _ name of the card holder : signature of the card holder : please send your registration forms by fax to fsmnlp ' 98 registration c / o kemal oflazer fax no : + 90 + 312-266 4126 or by mail to : fsmnlp ' 98 registration c / o kemal oflazer bilkent university department of computer engineering and info . sci . tr-06533 ankara turkey no electronic submissions will be possible as we have been requested to require signatures for credit card transactions . " 0 +Subject: typology we would like to bring to your attention recent publications from john benjamins publishing in the field of typology . the typology and dialectology of romani edited by : yaron matras , peter bakker and hristo kyuchukov university of manchester / aarhus universitet / university of shumen , bulgaria 1997 xxxii , 224 pp . current issues in linguistic theory , 156 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 872 8 price : us $ 65 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 3661 5 price : nlg 130 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com contributions to this collection focus on the unity and diversity of the language of the roma ( gypsies ) , the only indic language spoken exclusively in europe . properties discussed include the distinct inflectional and derivational patterns applied to asian and european lexical layers , the distribution of inflectional , agglutinative , and analytic formation among syntactic categories , regularities in the ongoing shift from inflectional to analytic case formation , suppletion , aspects of syntactic convergence , and patterns of morphological transitivization and de-transitivization ( causatives and passives ) . these phenomena are considered in the light of contemporary discussions on language universals , with reference to a variety of different approaches including prague school typology , functional sentence perspective , functional grammar , functional-pragmatic typology , and general grammaticalization theory . chapters partly adopt a comparative approach covering all major dialects of the language , and are partly devoted to single-dialect corpuses . special attention is given to the czech / slovak and hungarian varieties , to previously undescribed dialects from bulgaria and turkey , to codified varieties in macedonia , and to the variety of dialects discussed in the popular works of the victorian author george borrow . an extensive introduction outlines the principal morphosyntactic features of the language and provides a classification of romani dialects , including an overview of those mentioned in the volume . contributions by : peter bakker ; norbert boretzky ; vit bubenik ; petra cech ; viktor elsik ; victor a . friedman ; ian f . hancock ; mozes f . heinschink ; milena hubschmannova ; birgit igla ; yaron matras . coding the hypothetical a comparative typology of russian and macedonian conditionals . jane f . hacking the university of kansas 1997 , vi , 156 pp . studies in language companion series , 38 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 849 3 price : us $ 63 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 3041 2 price : nlg 125 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com conditionals encode speculation . they convey how events could have been different in the past or present , or might be different in the future if particular conditions had been or will be met . while all languages afford the means to speculate or hypothesize about possible events , the ways in which they do so vary . this work explores some of this variation through an analysis of the structure and semantics of complex conditional sentences in russian and macedonian . it addresses typological questions about the general properties of natural language conditionals and examines the role of the grammatical categories tense , aspect , mood and status in the coding of conditional meaning . the book also discusses the relationship between the use of these categories and the shape of a language 's conditional system . for example , the use of tense in counterfactual contexts in macedonian correlates with the grammaticalization of more shades of conditional meaning than are grammaticalized in russian , which does not employ tense forms in this way . the book addresses issues of concern to slavists and raises questions for those interested in conditionals and the coding of hypothetical meaning . case , typology and grammar . in honor of barry j . blake edited by anna siewierska and jae jung song lancaster university / university of otago 1998 395 pp . typological studies in language , 38 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 651 2 price : us $ 85 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2937 6 price : nlg 170 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this collection of fifteen original articles includes descriptive , typological and / or theoretical studies of a number of morphosyntactic phenomena , such as case , transitivity , grammaticalization , valency alternations , etc . , in a variety of languages or language groups , and discussions concerning theoretical issues in specific grammatical frameworks . the collection , written in honor of the australian linguist , barry j . blake on his 60th birthday , thematically reflects the field that professor blake has worked in over the past three decades . the volume will be of special interest to researchers in morphosyntax and linguistic typology . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +Subject: australian linguistics society final call for papers als-98 australian linguistics society conference als-98 july 3 - 5 , 1998 university of queensland brisbane , queeensland , australia local organizer : john ingram submission deadline : february 28 , 1998 the 1998 annual conference of the australian linguistics society ( als ) will be held at emmanuel college , the university of queensland , 3 - 5 july , just prior to ali-98 ( australian linguistics institute ) . the conference organizers invite submissions on any area of contemporary linguistic research . papers will be given as oral presentations , 25 minutes , plus 5 minutes for questions . abstracts will be reviewed for suitability as conference presentations . selected papers will be published electronically as refereed conference proceedings . * how to submit abstracts abstracts ( approx . 300 words ) may be submitted by mail , e-mail , or fax . submissions must be received by february 28 , 1998 . at the top of the abstract please include your name , affiliation , address , telephone and fax numbers , and e-mail address . email submission of abstracts is preferred to : als98 @ cltr . uq . edu . au otherwise , mail abstracts to : the organizers , als-98 department of english university of queensland brisbane , 4072 , australia fax : + 61 7 3365 2799 * for questions or more information on the conference please check our conference website : http : / / www . cltr . uq . oz . au : 8000 / als98 / or contact john ingram department of english university of queensland brisbane 4072 australia jingram @ lingua . cltr . uq . edu . au fax : + 61 7 3365 2799 0 +Subject: using and acquiring the lexicon call for papers using and acquiring the lexicon utrecht university , december 12 ( workshop incorporated in going romance , december 10-12 ) . organizing committee : francis corblin ( paris 7 / rennes 2 ) , francine melka ( uil - ots / french ) , lea nash ( paris 8 ) , philip miller ( lille 3 ) , jan schroten ( uil - ots / spanish ) , henriette de swart ( uil - ots / french ) . invited speaker : hans kamp ( ims / stuttgart ) the workshop focuses on the lexicon in the romance languages . we welcome contributions from different theoretical perspectives . the following questions are of special interest : * how does the lexicon pair up syntax and meaning ? * what are the semantics and pragmatics of content categories and functional / grammatical categories ? * what is the role of the lexicon in the acquisition process ? abstracts are invited for thirty minute talks . abstracts should be anonymous , and should be no longer than two pages , including references and examples , with margins of at least 1 - inch , font size 11 / 12 . submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author . please provide 8 anonymous abstracts and one camera-ready original containing title , author 's name and affiliation . submissions by e-mail or fax can be accepted , provided a camera-ready original is received within one week after the deadline . a separate card should contain the title of the paper , the author 's name and affiliation , address , telephone number , e-mail address and the indication ` lexicon ' . deadline for recept of abstracts : september 18 , 1998 abstracts should be sent to the following address : workshop lexicon going romance phone : 31-30 - 2536006 utrecht institute of linguistics ots fax : 31-30 - 2536000 utrecht university e - mail : workshop . romance @ let . uu . nl trans 10 web site : 3512 jk utrecht http : / / www-uilots . let . ruu . nl / conferences the netherlands 0 +"Subject: review massaro 1998 massaro , d . w . ( 1998 ) . perceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principle ( mit press , cambridge , mass . ) . 552 pp . , 212 illus . , 1 cd-rom . $ 55 . 00 . reviewed byl noel nguyen , laboratory for psycholinguistics , fpse , university of geneva , switzerland ( nnguyen @ fapse . unige . ch ) . 1 synopsis 1 . 1 general outline this book is concerned with how multiple sources of information are processed in speech perception and , more generally , in pattern recognition . it is based upon an important research programme conducted by massaro and his colleagues over the last two decades . the book focuses on the perception of so-called bimodal speech , addressing a wide range of issues about the way in which visual information ( as provided by the speaker 's face ) and auditory information are combined with each other by the perceptual system . the scope of the book is much larger , however , as massaro 's purpose here is to describe and defend a new psychological law relevant to a wide variety of domains . in contrast to already well-established laws of the same kind ( e . g . weber 's law of perception ) , which are all unidimensional , the new principle is multidimensional , in that it describes how several factors impact behaviour . this principle is embodied in a computational model of pattern recognition , the fuzzy logical model of perception ( flmp ) , whose latest version is presented and discussed in detail . the flmp is systematically contrasted with alternative computational models , using a broad perceptual database as benchmark throughout the book . in a separate part , the book also deals with methods for synthesizing talking faces in experiments on bimodal speech perception , and introduces baldi , the talking face developed by massaro and his coworkers . the book is accompanied by a cd-rom which contains a series of demonstrations relating to many of the topics dealt with . the book is divided into four main sections . section 1 , "" perceiving talking faces "" , focuses on the perception of speech by ear and eye . massaro reviews the most significant empirical findings in that domain , discusses the main methodological issues , and presents a general classification of the existing computational models of bimodal speech perception . central to this section is the idea that speech perception obeys a general behavioural principle of integration between different sources of information . section 2 , "" broadening the domain "" , aims at assessing how well this principle holds up across broad individual and situational variability . the author demonstrates that inter-individual variations in how bimodal speech is perceived , depending on the listener 's age or native language for instance , can be accounted for within the flmp framework . using examples taken from different perceptual and cognitive situations , massaro also defends the idea that the flmp adequately describes information processing irrespective of these situational differences . section 3 , "" broadening the framework "" , opens with a presentation of an extended and more explicit version of the flmp , designed in particular to account for the dynamics of speech processing . the section also includes a detailed analysis of the methodological issues involved in assessing quantitative predictions in psychology , along with a discussion of the critiques expressed by other investigators about the flmp over the years . finally , section 4 , "" creating talking faces "" , is specifically dedicated to the synthesis of visual speech . 1 . 2 the new behavioural principle although many readers may already be familiar with massaro 's fuzzy logical model of perception , i shall here assume the contrary , and proceed to present a brief outline of the model . a central assumption of the flmp is that pattern recognition involves a common set of processes regardless of the specific nature of the patterns . speech is not seen as being associated with a dedicated processing module , as in the motor theory of speech perception ( liberman , 1996 ) for instance . on the contrary , the sensory information is assumed to be processed in the same way whether our brain is busy recognizing speech sounds , letters , or manual gestures , to take but a few examples . in any of these cases , the flmp postulates that mapping a stimulus into a unique perceptual category entails going through three main stages of processing , the feature evaluation stage , the feature integration stage , and the decision stage . the evaluation stage consists of converting the available sources of information into a set of properties referred to as features . each feature is given a continuous ( fuzzy truth ) value , and represents the degree to which the stimulus corresponds to each of a set of internal prototypical patterns , along a particular perceptual dimension . thus , one important visual feature in the perception of cv syllables is the degree of opening of the lips . the model therefore assumes that the internal prototypes available to the perceptual system will specify that the lips are open at the onset of the syllable for / da / , closed for / ba / , etc . in a second stage , the features are integrated with each other , so as to determine the overall degree of match of the sensory input with each of the prototypes ( e . g . each of the syllables known to the receiver ) . in the third and final stage , a decision is taken , on the basis of the relative goodness of match of the input with each prototype . the flmp makes a number of specific assumptions at each stage in this process . first , it hypothesizes that all of the available sources of information are simultaneously brought into play in pattern recognition . thus , visible speech and auditory speech are both assumed to have an influence on how bimodal speech is perceived . second , different sources of information are assumed to be evaluated independently of each other . this means for example that visible speech does not have any effect on how auditory speech is converted into a set of features , the two sources of information being combined at a later stage of processing only . the model also makes specific assumptions about how sources of information are integrated with each other ( multiplicative rule ) , and about how decisions are taken ( relative goodness rule ) . a major prediction of the model is that "" the influence of one source of information is greatest when the other source is neutral or ambiguous "" ( 19 ) . this prediction is best illustrated by an experiment whose results served as a database for testing models of pattern recognition on several occasions in the book ( chapters 2 and 11 ) . in this experiment , synthetic auditory stimuli ranging on a continuum between / ba / and / da / were crossed with visual stimuli also varying between / ba / and / da / . the bimodal stimuli were presented to subjects in a forced-choice identification task , along with each of the unimodal stimuli . ( this expanded factorial design is shown by massaro to be the most appropriate experimental design for determining how two sources of information are combined with each other in pattern recognition . ) for the bimodal stimuli , the main results are typically depicted as a two-factor plot , with the proportion of / da / responses on the ordinate , the levels of the auditory source of information on the abscissa , and a different curve for each of the levels of the visual source of information . when represented in that way , the results clearly show a statistical interaction between the two sources of information . specifically , the influence of one source of information proves to be larger in the middle , ambiguous range of the other source . this interaction graphically takes the shape of an american football , which is for this reason presented throughout the book as the hallmark of the the fuzzy logical model of perception . in summary , massaro proposes a universal principle of perceptual cognitive performance to explain pattern recognition . according to this principle , "" people are influenced by multiple sources of information in a diverse set of situations . in many cases , these sources of information are ambiguous and any particular source alone does not usually specify the appropriate interpretation . the perceiver appears to evaluate the multiple sources of information in parallel for the degree to which each supports various interpretations , integrate them together to derive the overall support for each interpretation , assess the support of each alternative based on all of the alternatives , and select the most appropriate response . "" ( p . 291 ) . 2 critical evaluation 2 . 1 general evaluation this book is clearly a major contribution to the study of speech perception and , more generally , to cognitive psychology . it is admirably clear and is written in quite an elegant manner . i do not doubt that the book will be read with great interest by research scientists from many different fields . this work is the result of an ambitious intellectual endeavour aimed at introducing a new behavioural law , which is placed by massaro on an equal footing with weber 's law of perception , or the power law of learning . speech scientists are presented with an extensive series of experiments on the perception of bimodal speech . whatever stance they take in that domain , they should find quite challenging massaro 's view that speech perception constitutes but one aspect of a much more general form of cognitive processing , namely pattern recognition . computer scientists working in the field of speech technology should be particularly interested in the book 's final section about the synthesis of visual speech . regardless of their background , readers should also find the book worth using as a tutorial on the experimental methods available for investigating speech perception . a great variety of experimental paradigms and tasks are discussed at length by massaro , who also extensively discusses the methods for assessing computational models of pattern recognition and , in particular , for fitting these models to observed results . in that respect , using the results of the experiment described above as a reference database was quite a good initiative in my view , as this allows the reader more easily to understand massaro 's point as new issues are raised , without having again to go through the details of the experimental design each time . the book should also prove an invaluable resource for teaching . care was taken to select prototypical results , as well as to set this work in its historical context . a number of rather fascinating anecdotes and historical references are given , going from mcgurk 's personal account of the discovery of the mcgurk effect , to an audio-visual rendition of the introduction to george miller 's seminal article on the ubiquitousness of the number 7 plus or minus 2 , with miller 's face texture-mapped onto baldi 's wire-frame head . the cd-rom that accompanies the book enables the reader directly to experience the psychological illusions associated with the perception of bimodal speech , and constitutes as such a most useful research and teaching tool . on the negative side , massaro 's use of the / ba / - / da / experiment as a leading strand throughout obviously results in the book being focused on the perception of non-sense syllables . although the interaction of visible speech and audible speech in word recognition is mentioned on a number of occasions ( e . g . pp 21-23 and pp . 181-182 ) , the book contains few suggestions as to how we perceive isolated words , let alone connected speech . i also was surprised by the fact that little place was devoted to presenting other current theories and models of speech perception . although models such as trace are mentioned on several occasions in the book , i think it is fair to say that the flmp is still given the lion 's share . the book also has some minor defects such as the absence of a list of figures , and the fact that some of the cd-rom bands ( 1 . 4 , 1 . 5 and 1 . 6 ) are referred to incorrectly in the text . the list of the cd-rom selections should have pointed to the pages where each band is referred to . in another domain , it would have been quite interesting to have the perceptual database used in the book made available on the cd-rom . although this would have probably required a substantial amount of additional work , i should also have found it useful to be provided with an interactive version of the main computational models discussed in the book ( flmp , the race model , the single channel model , etc . ) . the flmp model can be downloaded from massaro 's laboratory web site at santa cruz ( http : / / mambo . ucsc . edu ) , but it is currently distributed in fortran code which has to be modified and recompiled for each new set of data , an operation which is probably out of reach of many students in psychology or linguistics . 2 . 2 specific comments i am not familiar with all of the areas dealt with in this book , and will not hide the fact that this review is biased towards my own interests , namely the production and perception of auditory speech . the following comments more specifically concentrate on two issues relating to this area of research , the role of features in speech processing and the time course of speech processing . 2 . 2 . 1 features most useful are the extensive comments made by massaro about the status of features in his model ( see in particular chapter 2 and chapter 10 ) . i long have found it difficult to determine how close these features were to classical phonetic features . the book makes it clear to me that there is no direct relation between the former and the latter . as indicated above , the flmp postulates that there are three main stages of processing in pattern recognition : the feature evaluation stage , the feature integration stage , and the decision stage . specific assumptions are made in the model about how features are integrated with each other , and how a decision is taken depending on the outcome of this integration . from a set of feature values , therefore , the model will predict the probability of occurrence of each possible response ( e . g . "" ba "" and "" da "" ) . however , attention should be paid to the fact that these feature values are in no way derived from the stimulus . they are actually determined in an posteriori manner , from the subjects ' observed responses , using an algorithm ( stepit ) which allows the deviation between these responses and the predicted ones to be minimal . features are seen in the model as * free parameters * , whose values are set on the basis of the actual performance of the subject in the pattern recognition task , so as to make the model perform at its best , i . e . to maximize its goodness of fit . according to massaro , "" [ the model is ] * predicting * the exact * form * of the results , but * postdicting * the actual quantitative * values * that make up the overall predictions "" ( p . 294 , his emphasis ) . in other words , the stimulus is on no occasion explicitly mapped onto the internal features of the flmp model . in that respect , features as defined in the flmp look markedly different from phonetic features . let us take for example the opposition between / ba / and / da / , on which much emphasis is put in the book . acoustically , / b / and / d / are said to differ from each other according to the feature grave-acute , / b / being classified as grave and / d / as acute . as is the case with flmp features , grave and acute can be viewed as target values referring to prototypical stops . however , the grave-acute feature is explicitly defined in acoustical terms ( e . g . slope of the short-term spectrum at the release of the stop , see stevens & blumstein , 1978 ) . on the contrary , the exact nature of the flmp features remains undetermined , their values being subject to one main constraint which is to make the model account for the subjects ' responses as accurately as possible . thus , the acoustic structure of the stimulus is not directly taken into consideration in the estimation of the feature values . in the experiments using audible speech , flmp features do lend themselves to an acoustic interpretation . in the / ba / - / da / experiment for example , the prototypes for / ba / and / da / are assumed to include one auditory feature , namely the variations in frequency of the second ( f2 ) and third ( f3 ) formants at the onset of the vowel ( slightly falling f2-f3 for / da / , rising f2-f3 for / ba / ) . however , this interpretation stems from the fact that f2 and f3 onset frequencies were precisely the acoustic parameters manipulated by the experimenters to synthesize the auditory continuum between / ba / and / da / . in other words , the acoustic significance of the flmp features is derived from the way in which the experiment has been designed . the model does rely on a particular system of acoustic features ( see for example stevens & blumstein , 1978 , for an alternative system ) , but this system is embodied in the experimental design , and is as such external to the model itself . in practice , therefore , the issue of how speech sounds are mapped onto features is not addressed in the model . why this is so is not clear to me . on several occasions , massaro suggests that determining in advance how a given individual will convert a given stimulus into a set of feature values is simply out of our reach . this stimulus-to - feature mapping shows a variability which is said to be analogous to the variability of the weather : there are just too many previous contributions and influences to allow quantitative prediction ( 135 ) . a fundamental distinction is in fact established in the flmp between the intake of * information * , i . e . the stimulus-to - feature mapping , and * information processing * , i . e . how features are combined with each other and mapped into a response ( cf . p . 135 ) . while the flmp predicts that the information will be processed in the same way from one individual to the other , regardless of whether it relates to speech sounds , facial movements , manual gestures , etc . , it is assumed that the way in which this information is extracted from the stimulus is on the contrary subject to too many sources of variations to be accurately characterized ahead of time . in my understanding , this means that the so-called evaluation stage cannot be accounted for by the model , or at least not with much accuracy . however , at least on one occasion massaro does suggest that this limitation is not consubstantial with every model of perception and pattern recognition , and could be circumvented in some way . according to him , one could indeed "" easily hypothesize functions relating the feature values to the stimulus levels , [ although ] that would represent a * model of information * in addition to one of information processing "" ( 294 , my emphasis ) . this suggests that building such a model of information is feasible . whether there is a possibility of the flmp being completed with a model of this kind , i . e . an explicit stimulus-to - feature mapping stage , is an issue which remains to be addressed . 2 . 2 . 2 the time course of speech processing time plays quite a central role in different ways in the book . first , massaro shows how the flmp can be explicitly formalized to account for the dynamics of perceptual processing ( chap . 9 ) . this formalization is presented in reply to criticisms expressed by a number of investigators ( e . g . mcclelland , 1991 ) , who have pointed out that the flmp accurately characterizes the asymptotic outcome of the perceptual system ( e . g . the probability for a particular response to occur ) , but has little to say about the time course of processing . the dynamic version of the flmp is intended to address these reactions . in this version , the stimulus-to - feature mapping is assumed to take a certain amount of time . during this interval , the information about the stimulus gradually accumulates , and becomes increasingly accurate . it is assumed that accuracy increases as a negatively accelerated function of processing time , so that more information is gleaned early than late in the processing of the stimulus . one further assumption is that "" integration of the separate features [ is ] updated continuously as the featural information is being evaluated . similarly , decision [ can ] occur at any time after the stimulus presentation "" ( 259 ) . thus , there is a partial temporal overlap between the different stages of processing , in the sense that one process can begin before a previous process is finished ( see also figure 2 . 1 , p . 41 ) . these assumptions about the time course of information processing are supported by a number of experiments concerned with the effect of backward masking in the recognition of pure tones , and in the recognition of letters . speech obviously raises a number of specific issues in that domain , however . unlike written words , speech is a temporal phenomenon , it is continuous ( i . e . there are no systematic acoustic boundaries between phonemes , syllables , or words ) and , furthermore , time per se serves as a source of information in speech , as pointed out by massaro ( e . g . vowel duration is a major cue to the voicing of the following obstruent , to take but one example ) . somewhat regrettably , few indications are given about how the model could be assessed in the speech domain ( see remarks p . 194 and p . 263 ) . in addition to discussing the dynamics of processing , massaro examines how the temporal relations between sources of information are dealt with in pattern recognition . chapter 3 focuses on our sensitivity to temporal asynchronies between visible and audible speech . in the experiments reported in this chapter , bimodal cv syllables with various degrees of onset asynchrony between the auditory synthetic speech and the visible synthetic speech were presented to subjects in a forced-choice identification task . the results show that integration between the two sources of information still occurs when these sources of information are made asynchronous , provided that the time shift does not exceed a certain duration . one major challenge for phoneticians and psycholinguists alike is to characterize the relationship between what could be called the * external * dynamics of speech , i . e . the temporal organization of the speech signal , and the * internal * time course of speech processing . both play a role in the perception of speech , and it is most difficult to tell apart their respective influences on the listener 's behaviour ( samuel , 1996 ) . for example , in a gating study investigating the role of vowel duration as a cue to the voicing of the post-vocalic stop in cvc syllables , warren and marslen - wilson ( 1988 ) found that the proportion of voiced-coda responses increased as the listeners were presented with increasingly long portions of the initial cv sequence . one obvious interpretation is that longer vowels were perceived as being associated with voiced coda rather than voiceless ones . in keeping with massaro 's dynamical flmp , however , it may also be assumed that evaluating the information provided by the vowel takes time , and that the evidence pointing to a voiced coda gradually accumulates as more processing time is made available to the listener , all other things being equal . thus , the above finding raises the issue of how to differentiate the effect of vowel duration per se on the listener 's response , from that of the internal dynamics of processing . although this issue is not directly addressed in the book , there is no doubt that the flmp would constitute a most appropriate framework for further investigations in this domain . 2 . 3 general conclusion this book provides us with quite an extensive review of the work carried out by the author and others on the use of multiple cues in speech perception and , more generally , pattern recognition . it is aimed at a very large audience , and constitutes a most useful tool both for teaching and research purposes . i do not doubt that it will soon become a major reference for researchers in phonetics , psycholinguistics , and cognitive psychology . 4 bibliography liberman , a . m . ( 1996 ) . speech : a special code ( mit press , cambridge , mass . ) . mcclelland , j . l . ( 1991 ) . "" stochastic interactive processes and the effect of context on perception "" , cognitive psychology 23 , 1-44 . samuel , a . g . ( 1996 ) . "" the role of time during lexical access "" , journal of the acoustical society of america 100 , 4 / 2 , 2572 . stevens , k . n . , and blumstein , s . e . ( 1978 ) . "" invariant cues for place of articulation in stop consonants "" , journal of the acoustical society of america 64 , 1358-1368 . warren , p . , and marslen - wilson , w . ( 1988 ) . "" cues to lexical choice - discriminating place and voice "" , perception and psychophysics 43 , 21-30 . 5 biographical details the reviewer is a lecturer in the laboratory for psycholinguistics , fpse , university of geneva , switzerland . his current research covers a variety of topics ranging from the dynamics of articulatory movements in speech production to the phonetic bases of word recognition . thanks are due to uli frauenfelder for helpful comments . a latex version of this document is available upon request ( nnguyen @ fapse . unige . ch ) . " 0 +"Subject: confs : scil 10 - linguistics in cognitive science scil-10 june 6 & 7 northwestern university annenberg hall 10th annual student conference in linguistics "" linguistics in cognitive science "" june 6 and 7 , annenberg hall , northwestern university . registration information at http : / / www . ling . nwu . edu / ~ scil / send questions to scil @ ling . nwu . edu schedule : saturday , june 6 semantics session sat 9 : 00 jya - lin hwang university of hawaii , manoa on chinese resultative verb compounds : a lexical subordination approach sat 9 : 30 anna goy universita ' di torino ( italy ) lexical semantics of emotional adjectives sat 10 : 00 masaaki fuji rutgers university a stage - level e - type pronoun in japanese - - - - - - - break syntax session a sat 11 . 00 keiko murumatsu university of maryland the count / mass distinction and the ordering of adjectives sat 11 : 30 kleanthes k . grohmann university of maryland syntactic inquiries into discourse restrictions on multiple interrogatives sat 12 : 00 ralph c . blight university of texas at austin vp ellipsis , predicate fronting , and verb positions in english - - - - - - - lunch break psycholinguistics session sat 2 : 00 barbara j . luka university of chicago judgment fatigue : when metacognition and linguistic data crash and burn sat 2 : 30 julie hilliard university of kansas the perception of lexical stress in auditory word recognition sat 3 : 00 john grinstead ucla jeffrey macswan ucla susan curtis ucla rochel gelman ucla the independence of language and number sat 3 : 30 aida martinovic - zic university of wisconsin at milwaukee jelena jovanovic university of california at berkeley conceptualization of motion and language - specific constraints in first language acquisition - - - - - - break sat 4 : 30 - 6 : 00 keynote address lila gleitman university of pennsylvania more surprises about word learning : the human simulation paradigm - - - - - - - dinner break sat 8 : 00 scil party omni orrington hotel ( until midnight ) sunday , june 7 syntax session b sun 9 : 00 masao ochi university of connecticut multiple spell - out , pf merger and adjunction sun 9 : 30 satoshi oku university of connecticut english genitive "" pronouns "" as isomorphs of anaphor and pronominal sun 10 : 00 mika kizu mcgill university resumptive a ' - dependencies in cleft constructions - - - - - break language acquisition and discourse analysis session sun 11 : 00 vaijayanthi sarma mit acquisition of condition a and agreement : the developmental syntax of tamil sun 11 : 30 hikyoung lee university of pennsylvania the production and perception of discourse marker use in korean americans sun 12 : 00 laurel stvan northwestern university how about it ? the influence of accent and context in determining discourse function - - - - lunch break phonology session sun 2 : 00 caroline jones university of massachusetts , amherst licit vs . illicit responses in meinhof 's rule phenomena sun 2 : 30 walcir cardoso mcgill university resolving hiatus in picard : an optimality account sun 3 : 00 tao - yuan li university of minnesota effects of phonetic duration and phonological complexity on short - term memory " 0 +Subject: ez finance we never send e-mail unsolicited . if you want to unsubscribe you from our listing , send e-mail to tiamo @ looksmart . com with the subject . ez finance mortgage and loan call 808-942 - 2224 or stop by http : / / www . mortgage2u . com / good credit bad credit o . k do n't worry about your credit . we will get you money to start new . 1 +Subject: stocks on the move ! pdc innovative industries inc . ( symbol pdci ) , otc bulletin board is prepared for a big move says stock market analysts . recently reverse split 40 for 1 and currently trading at 4 dollars per share . if the stock hits 3 split level the price could easily hit 10 to 12 dollars per share . pdci recently announces major news concerning production and sales projections . for more info check dow jones historical new . 1 +"Subject: 1998 nic symposium 1998 nic symposium on intercultural communication november 25-27 , 1998 g \ 246teborg , sweden hosted by the department of linguistics , g \ 246teborg university ( with support by kim and the immigrant institute in bor \ 229s ) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # background # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # the nordic network for intercultural communication ( nic ) was founded in 1994 for the promotion of intercultural research and education in the nordic and baltic countries . the objectives of nic are to support active interaction and to support information exchange concerning higher education and research projects in the nordic countries , and in the new , baltic countries . in addition , nic supports development of research and training in intercultural communication in different locations . the present activities of nic include mainly : \ 183 to hold annual symposia or conferences on intercultural communication \ 183 to keep an address list of interested researchers and organizations \ 183 to maintain an internet based forum for discussion . the first nic symposium on intercultural communication was held in 1994 , in stavanger , norway , subsequently symposia have been held in jyv \ 228skl \ 228 , finland , november 1995 ; in aalborg , denmark , november 1996 ; and in tartu , estonia , november 1997 . the fifth nic annual conference on intercultural communication will take place in g \ 246teborg , sweden , hosted by the department of linguistics at g \ 246teborg university , sweden and supported by kim ( inderdisciplinary center for research on cultural and intercultural migration ) and the immigrant institute in bor \ 229s . # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # first call for papers # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # the 1998 nic symposium on intercultural communication committee now invites all prospective participants to send abstracts of proposed papers or full papers , research-in - progress papers , and proposals for panels or other activities pertaining to the conference . the main theme suggested for the 1998 nic symposium will be "" intercultural communication through multimodal media "" , which may include spoken intercultural communication , nonverbal intercultural communication , long distance intercultural communication ( e . g . telephone , email , internet ) , etc . the following and other suggested topics are also welcome . 1 . icc and the internet 2 . political rhetoric 3 . intercultural conflict handling 4 . spoken language and icc 5 . intercultural business communication 6 . educational aspects of icc 7 . icc and nonverbal communication 8 . icc and sign - language 9 . immigration and icc 10 . managing cultural diversity # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # submission of abstracts ( deadline : june 1 , 1998 ) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # please prepare your abstract within 250 words . the abstract should contain the title , name ( s ) and address ( es ) of the author ( s ) , e-mail address , and fax numbers of the author to whom the acceptance / rejection notice should be sent . the abstract for each presentation should be received by june 1 , 1998 . please send your abstract to one of the following addresses . jens allwood , g \ 246teborg university , department of linguistics box 200 , se 405 30 g \ 246teborg , sweden email address : jens @ ling . gu . se fax : + 46 ( 0 ) 31 773 4853 youhua tong , g \ 246teborg university , department of linguistics box 200 , se 405 30 g \ 246teborg , sweden email address : youhua @ ling . gu . se fax : + 46 ( 0 ) 31 773 4853 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # paper presentation # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # the symposium committee will select papers for presentation and will organize the final program and inform you whether or not your paper proposal is accepted by september 1998 . if your paper proposal is accepted , you will be invited to present a paper for about twenty minutes . please note that the working language of the conference is english . # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # publication of papers # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # publication of papers will be considered according to various circumstances as well as conditions of funding at a later stadium of the conference organization . decisions concerning publication will be announced later at the web homepage for the 1998 nic symposium at the following address : http : / / www . ling . gu . se / events / icc98reg . html # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # registration ( deadline : august 31 , 1998 ) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # payment received before august 31 , 1998 students : 300 sek nonstudents : 700 sek payment received after august 31 , 1998 students : 400 sek nonstudents : 800 sek welcome to the 1998 nic symposium on intercultural communication ! " 0 +Subject: lexical semantics systems - date changes change of date and extended deadline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wlss98 ii workshop on lexical semantics systems pisa , 6 - 7 april 1998 scuola normale superiore - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - organized by celi , ilc , itc-irst and scuola normale superiore with the support of university of pisa and xerox research centre europe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http : / / celi . sns . it / ~ wlss98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - invited speakers ( provisional list ) gennaro chierchia ( university of milan ) christiane fellbaum ( princeton university ) ewan klein ( university of edimburgh ) hinrich schuetze ( rank xerox ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - call for papers wlss98 is organized by centro per l ' elaborazione del linguaggio ed informazione ( celi ) , istituto di linguistica computazionale ( ilc ) , istituto per la ricerca scientifica e tecnologia ( itc-irst ) and scuola normale superiore ( pisa ) , and will take place in pisa on the 6 - 7 april 1998 ( instead of the 19-20 march , as it was announced in previous messages ) . wlss workshops aim at bringing together italian and international scholars , active in both theoretical and applicative domains of research in lexical semantics , with the goals of : - providing an overview of the state of the art and exchanging information on ongoing and planned activities ; - bridging the gap and enhance the trade-off between theoretical models of lexical knowledge and applications in nlp systems . these goals are justified : - by the increasingly central position that lexical knowledge , and in particular lexical semantics , is assuming within the general architecture of cognitive systems , both as a dynamic module which interact with other non-linguistic sources of knowledge , and as a component playing a major role in interfacing syntax and semantics ; - by the fact that lexical resources ( such as tagged corpora , computational dictionaries , machine readable dictionaries , wordnets ) are among the most crucial aspects of practical nlp systems . issues concerning the structure , the representation , the development , and the acquisition of lexical knowledge are thus of the uttermost importance when building nlp systems . lexical systems also play a crucial role in the design and construction of multilingual systems , a key feature at least for applications designed to operate in a distributed , non - centralized environment such as the world wide web . this second edition of wlss will focus on the portability and reusability of lexical systems , and on the issue of word sense disambiguation and semantic tagging . we also encourage the submission of papers concerning more general issues about linguistic lexical semantics and its interaction with computational lexicography . abstracts are invited for 30 - minute talks . here follows a non - exhaustive list of topics which could be addressed : * lexical resources for semantic tagging and word sense disambiguation . * use of lexicons and thesauruses to improve information retrieval / extraction techniques . * automatic acquisition and management of lexical resources . * reusability and tuning of existing lexical resources for novel tasks . * trade offs between generic and domain specific lexical resources . * multilingual lexical resources . * description and evaluation of existing tools and systems . * evaluation of different representation formats . * issues in computational lexical semantics and computational lexicography . * issues in the design , construction and use of lexical resources . * architecture for a cognitive plausible lexicon * lexical representation and the interface with syntactic processes * * change * * extended deadline for submissions * * change * * only electronic submissions are accepted . abstracts should not exceed 2 pages in length , in postscript or ascii format , and should be sent to the following address : wlss98 @ celi . sns . it . separate information should be sent , including the title of the talk , author 's name , address and affiliation . submissions must be limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author . the deadline is : 20 january 1998 . the program committee intends to publish a selection of the papers presented at the conference . * * change * * important dates * * change * * submission of abstracts : 20 january 1998 notification of acceptance : 28 february 1998 conference : 6 - 7 april 1998 program committee pier marco bertinetto ( scuola normale superiore ) nicoletta calzolari ( ilc ) luca dini ( celi ) vittorio di tomaso ( celi ) alessandro lenci ( scuola normale superiore ) bernardo magnini ( irst ) fabio pianesi ( irst ) frederique segond ( xrce ) antonio zampolli ( ilc ) contact persons for every further information please contact the conference secretariat : vittorio di tomaso celi ditomaso @ sns . it alessandro lenci scuola normale superiore lenci @ alphalinguistica . sns . it scuola normale superiore laboratorio di linguistica piazza dei cavalieri 7 56126 pisa ( italy ) tel . + 39 50 509219 fax : + 39 50 563513 more information on the workshop and a copy of this call for papers is available on the web at the following address : http : / / celi . sns . it / ~ wlss98 0 +"Subject: secrets the travel agents won't tell you ! get 65 % off airline tickets + save over 72 % hotels rooms wordlwide * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * want to know where to get get 65 % off airline tickets + save over 72 % hotels rooms wordlwide just go to : * which travel * which travel * which travel * which travel * at : http : / / 208 . 196 . 56 . 134 / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ this text is placed here as stipulated in us bill s . 1618 title 3 . http : / / www . senate . gov / ~ murkowski / commercialemail / emailamendtext . html sender : travelnews , bevere , worcester . email : boney @ hosted2u . net tel : + 33 4 94 60 10 65 per section 301 , paragraph ( a ) ( 2 ) ( c ) of s . 1618 , further transmissions to you by the sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply to this email address with the word "" remove "" in the subject line . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 1 +Subject: new book : dialects and variation american english dialects and variation walt wolfram and natalie schilling - estes north carolina state university and stanford university 1998 ~ 6 x 9 ~ 464 pages , 30 figures , 13 maps , 6 tables 0-631 - 20487 - 3 ~ paperback ~ $ 29 . 95 0-631 - 20486 - 5 ~ hardcover ~ $ 59 . 95 this book provides a readable , up-to - date description of language variation in american english , ranging from regional to ethnic to gender-based variation . the authors describe dialect situations that range from historically isolated and rural dialects to developing , urban ethnic varieties as they consider the descriptive , theoretical , and applied ramifications of dialects in american society . an appendix of major dialect structures in american english and a glossary of terms for non-specialists is included . to order please call blackwell publishers at : 1-800 - 216-2522 0 +"Subject: call for papers - pragma99 call for papers pragma99 international pragmatics conference on pragmatics and negotiation june 13-16 , 1999 tel aviv university and hebrew university of jerusalem tel aviv and jerusalem israel the main theme of this conference is the pragmatics of negotiation , interpreted in a very broad sense . interlocutors engage in negotiations about every aspect of their interaction - such as floor access and topic selection , contextual assumptions , conversational goals , and the ( mis ) interpretation and repair of their messages . topics such as cross-cultural and cross-gender ( mis ) communications , conversational procedures in disputes and collaborations , argumentation practices , and effects of assumptions and goals on the negotiating strategies of interlocutors are of special interest for this conference . the conference will be interdisciplinary , bringing together pragmaticists , linguists , philosophers , anthropologists , sociologists and political scientists . we are soliciting papers on all issues relevant to the theme of the conference , as well as papers in other areas of pragmatics and dialogue analysis . the conference will include plenary addresses , regular session lectures , and organized panels around any of the relevant topics . among the plenary speakers : elinor ochs ( ucla ) , itamar rabinovitch ( tel aviv university ) , emanual schegloff ( ucla ) , thomas schelling ( university of maryland ) , deborah schiffrin ( georgetown university ) , deborah tannen ( georgetown university ) , ruth wodak ( university of vienna ) . presentation of regular session lectures is 30 minutes long , with a subsequent discussion of 10 minutes . panels take the form of a series of closely related lectures on a specific topic , which may or may not be directly related to the special topic of the conference . they may consist of one , two or three units of 120 minutes . within each panel unit a maximum of four 20 - minute presentations are given consecutively , followed by a minimum of 30 minutes of discussion ( either devoted entirely to an open discussion , or taken up in part by comments by a discussant or discussants ) . panels are composed of contributions attracted by panel organizers , combined with individually submitted papers when judged appropriate by the program committee in consultation with the panel organizers . typically , written versions or extensive outlines of all panel contributions should be available before the conference to facilitate discussion . submissions abstracts for papers and panels should be submitted in the following format : 1 . for papers - five copies of an anonymous abstract ( up to 300 words ) . 2 . for panels - a preliminary proposal of one page , detailing title , area of interest , name of organizer ( s ) and invited participants to be sent by august 1 , 1998 . organizers of approved panels will then be invited to submit a full set of abstracts , including : a . a brief description of the topic area , b . a list of participants ( with full details , see below ) , c . abstracts by each of the participants by november 1 , 1998 . 3 . in all cases , a page stating : a . title , b . audiovisual / computer request , and c . for each author : i . full name and affiliation ; ii . current address ; iii . e - mail address ; iv . fax number . deadline for submission of abstracts : nov . 1 , 1998 . abstracts may be sent by hard copy , disk , or e-mail to pragma99 , faculty of humanities , tel aviv university , tel aviv 69978 , israel . e - mail : pragma99 @ post . tau . ac . il date of notification : march 1 , 1999 . program committee : mira ariel , hava bat - zeev shyldkrot , jonathan berg , anat biletzki , shoshana blum - kulka , marcelo dascal , nomi erteschik - shir , tamar katriel , ruth manor , george - elia sarfati , elda weizman , yael ziv . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = pragma99 registration form please send the following information , accompanied by cheque payable to tel - aviv university in the amount of us $ 75 if paid before november 1 , 1998 , otherwise us $ 100 , to pragma99 faculty of humanities tel aviv university tel aviv 69978 , israel dr . / mr . / mrs . / ms . / name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ university / organization : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( home ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( office ) telephone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( home ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( office ) signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ those wishing to pay by credit card should provide the following information : type of credit card : mastercard / visa / american express name as it appears on credit card : sum of paymnt : us $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ card no . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * * * * * * * * * those wishing to present a paper should follow the instructions above . hotel information will be provided after registration . the international association for dialogue analysis is co-sponsoring a part of our conference , which will be devoted to "" negotiation as a dialogic concept . "" for further information , contact edda weigand ( e-mail : weigand @ uni-muenster . de ) . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [ forms can also be returned by fax to 972 - 3-6407839 , or by e-mail to pragma99 @ post . tau . ac . il . ] " 0 +"Subject: workshop announcement call for papers distributing and accessing linguistic resources workshop immediately before the first international conference on language resources and evaluation ( lrec ) , may 27 1998 granada , spain http : / / www . icp . grenet . fr / elra / conflre . html short description : this workshop will discuss ways to increase the efficacy of linguistic resource distribution and programmatic access , and work towards the definition of a new method for these tasks based on distributed processing and object-oriented modelling with deployment on the www . organizers : yorick wilks , hamish cunningham , wim peters , remi zajac workshop scope and aims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in general the reuse of of nlp data resources ( such as lexicons or corpora ) has exceeded that of algorithmic resources ( such as lemmatisers or parsers ) . however , there are still two barriers to data resource reuse : 1 ) each resource has its own representation syntax and corresponding programmatic access mode ( e . g . sql for celex , c or prolog for wordnet , sgml for the bnc ) ; 2 ) resources must generally be installed locally to be usable ( and of course precisely how this happens , what operating systems are supported etc . varies from case to case ) . the consequences of 1 ) are that although resources share some structure in common ( lexicons are organised around words , for example ) this commonality is wasted when it comes to using a new resource ( the developer has to learn everything afresh each time ) and that work which seeks to investigate or exploit commonalities between resources ( e . g . to link several lexicons to an ontology ) has to first build a layer of access routines on top of each resources . so , for example , if we wish to do task-based evaluation of lexicons by measuring the relative performance of an information extraction system with different instantiations of lexical resource , we might end up writing code to translate several different resources into sql or sgml . the consequence of 2 ) is that there is no way to "" try before you buy "" : no way to examine a data resource for its suitability for your needs before licencing it . correspondingly there is no way for a resource provider to expose limitted access to their products for advertising purposes , or gain revenue through piecemeal supply of sections of a resource . this workshop will discuss ways to overcome these barriers . the proposers will discuss a new method for distributing and accessing language resources involving the development of a common programmatic model of the various resources types , implemented in corba idl and / or java , along with a distributed server for non-local access . this model is being designed as part of the gate project ( general architecture for text engineering : http : / / www . dcs . shef . ac . uk / research / groups / nlp / gate / ) and goes under the provisional title of an active creole server . ( creole : collection of reusable objects for language engineering . currently creole supports only algortihmic objects , but will be extended to data objects . ) a common model of language data resources would be a set of inheritance hierarchies making up a forest or set of graphs . at the top of the hierarchies would be very general abstractions from resources ( e . g . lexicons are about words ) ; at the leaves would be data items that were specific to individual resources . programmatic access would be available at all levels , allowing the developer to select an appropriate level of commonality for each application . note that although an exciting element of the work could be to provide algorithms to dynamically merge common resources ( e . g . connect wordnet to celex ) , what we ' re suggesting initially is not to develop anything substantively new , but simply to improve access to existing resources . this is not a new standards initiative , but a way to build on previous initiatives . of course , the production of a common model that fully expressed all the subtleties of all resources would be a large undertaking , but we believe that it can be done incrementally , with useful results at each stage . early versions will stop decomposing the object structure of resources at a fairly high level , leaving the developer to handle the data structures native to the resources at the leaves of the forest . there should still be a substantial benefit in uniform access to higher level strucures . draft program committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yorick wilks hamish cunningham wim peters remi zajac roberta catizone paola velardi maria teresa pazienza louise guthrie roberto basili bran boguraev sergei nirenburg james pustejowsky ralph grishman christiane fellbaum paper submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - formatting guidelines : papers should not exceed 4000 words or 10 pages . hard copies : three hard copies should be sent to : gill callaghan , fao yorick wilks dept . computer science university of sheffield regent court 211 portobello st . , sheffield s1 4dp uk electronic submission : electronic submission will be allowed in poscript or html . an ftp site will be available on demand . authors should send an info email to ( yorick wilks ) even if they submit in paper form . an electronic submission should be accompanied by a plain ascii text . # name : name of first author # title : title of the paper # pages : number of pages # files : name of file ( if also submitted electronically ) # note : anything you 'd like to add # keys : keywords # email : email of the first author # abstr : abstract of the paper # . . . . . . important dates paper submission deadline ( hard copy / electronic ) february 15th 1998 paper notification april 1st camera - ready papers due may 1st dalr workshop may 27st " 0 +Subject: books on historical linguistics john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new title in the field of historical linguistics : tense and aspect in indo-european languages theory , typology and diachrony john hewson & vit bubenik 1997 xii , 403 pp . current issues in linguistic theory , 145 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 860 4 price : $ 89 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 3649 6 price : hfl . 178 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this monograph presents a general picture of the evolution of ie verbal systems within a coherent cognitive framework . the work encompasses all the language families of the ie phylum , from prehistory to present day languages . inspired by the ideas of roman jakobson and gustave guillaume the authors relate tense and aspect to underlying cognitive processes , and show that verbal systems have a staged development of time representations ( chronogenesis ) . they view linguistic change as systemic and trace the evolution of the earliest tense systems by ( a ) aspectual split and ( b ) aspectual merger from the original aspectual contrasts of pie , the evidence for such systemic change showing clearly in the paradigmatic morphology of the daughter languages . the nineteen chapters cover first the ancient documentation , then those families whose historical data are from a more recent date . the last chapters deal with the systemic evolution of languages that are descended from ancient forbearers such as sanskrit , greek , and latin , and are completed by a chapter on the practical and theoretical conclusions of the work . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +"Subject: i can ' t stand it ! ! ! ! ! ! ! dear internet user : dear internet user : sound familiar ? you = 92re relaxing in front of your tv , enjoying your f = avorite program when all of a sudden it cuts to a screaming voice and = booming music of some commercial that makes your hair stand on end ! y = ou scramble for the remote to lower the volume . then your program returns = and you can barely hear them talking , so you grab = the remote and re-adjust the volume once again . annoying isn = 92t it ? how about when you = 92re changing channels from station to station . = some programs are loud , some you can hardly hear at all . you = 92re consta = ntly adjusting the volume = 96 up , down , up , down , up , down ! automatic television sound regulator &trade = ; - manufactured by sony tm wouldn = 92t it be great if your volume always stayed exactly whe = re you want it ? have we got good news for you ! the automati = c television sound regulator &trade ; ( "" tvsr "" ) has solved the problem . new technology breakthrough = 96 = the tvsr is a patented computerized device that fits in the palm of your = hand . easy to install . simply plug the tvsr into the jacks on the back of your tv set = and attach it to your vcr , satellite dish , cable box , or surround sound s = ystem , any combination , or all four simultaneously . simple to set = 96 once installed = , just hit the volume button on your remote control to the level that = 92s = right for you . that = 92s it ! the tvsr takes over from there . even while c = hannel surfing , when program sound levels can vary from channel to channe = l , the tvsr automatically and instantly raises or lowers audio levels to = your preset level . it is so sophisticated ; it knows the difference betwee = n a whisper and a shout , so it won = 92t interfere with dramatic moments in = your program ! you will never have to adjust your tv volum = e ever again ! even when you turn your tv set off , the tvsr is = so smart it remembers your previous setting , so when you turn your tv bac = k on , the volume remains exactly where you put it . of course , if you eve = r want to change your setting , just hit the volume button ( up or down ) on = your remote and the tvsr will instantaneously adjust to your new setting = . there = 92s nothing to lose = 96 th = e tvsr comes with one - year manufacturer = 92s warranty . try the tvsr for 60 days , risk free ! if you ar = e not completely satisfied , simply return it ( = "" no questions asked "" ) for a full refund of your purchase price = - to order click here> ; http : / / www . tvsr . com . we own the technology the tvsr is the only patented device of its kind worldwide = that can be added to your existing television set and auxiliary equipment = , i . e . , vcr , satellite dish , cable , surround sound , etc . manufacturers li = ke rca tm = , sony tm , zenith tm , sharp tm , and panasonic tm , just to name a few , are cu = rrently utilizing our patented technology , why spend $ 600 to $ 1 , 000 for a = new television set that incorporates our technology internally , when for = a fraction of the cost you can own the tvsr . promotional offer ( sorry , currently the tvsr is available for united states and canada r = esidents only ) order the tvsr for only $ 59 . 80 plus s& ; h . limited time offer ! ! ! order the tvsr withi = n the next 48 hours and get the tvs = r for $ 44 . 85 plus s& ; h , = that = 92s a 25 % saving ! order two or more units and receive the tvsr for = only $ 39 . 95 each plus s&a = mp ; h , plus we will give you an extra year of warranty service free on eac = h tvsr ordered ! that = 92s an additional $ 6 . 00 value per unit . once y = ou experience the tvsr you = 92ll never want to watch tv without it ! ! ! remember : there is absolutely nothing to lose = 96 60 da = y unconditional money back guarantee . click here > ; http : / / www . tvsr . com = to or = der the tvsr via our secure on-line shopping web site .   ; important points : for those of you with dmx systems or a multip = le cd player , the tvsr ( via the audio input / output jacks ) also works great ! we own the worldwide patent rights , that = 92s why we can of = fer you such a reasonable price . the tvsr is not available in stores . we = 92ve developed the technology ; sony &trade ; provided the manufactu = ring . thousands and thousands of tvsrs have been sold to satisfied customer = s , nationwide . sales of tvsrs are increasing dramatically everyday . we have only a limited inventory of our tvsrs available at this = promotional price . please o = rder today ! ! ! to order : visit our secure on li = ne shopping web site at click here> ; http = : / / www . tvsr . com or you may order by calling us at 1-800 - 235-2154 or t = o place your order by fax or mail , please print out the form at the end o = f this letter . ( all major credit cards are accepted ) . what do people have to say about their tvsr = . . . . steven taylor , private investigator , farmington , ny " ; upon inspection , i was surprised to find that my tv does indeed = have video in and l / r audio in . when connected as per your manual ( betwe = en the cable box and the tv ) , the tvsr works as advertised = 96 and very n = icely so ! what a great device ! " ; dr . frank pisano , clearwater , fl " ; my television sound regulator works beautiful ! prompt service = 96 = great pr . your company stands behind its product . " ; carl lattimer , passaic , nj " ; i first read about the tvsr in technology update . being a prod = uct design engineer , at first i doubted that the information presented in = the article was technically accurate . being originally form missouri , t = he show me state , i had to see for myself . i ordered one . it was easy t = o connect . believe me , you don = 92t have to have a ph . d . in engineering t = o install it ! i do a lot of channel surfing so i was the perfect person = to test it . well , i was very , very surprised at the results . when you s = ay that the " ; tvsr instantly increases or decreases the sound output = to a preset level" ; , you are not kidding . even with sophisticated ti = ming equipment , the interval with which the sound level is adjusted is so = short that the human ear can = 92t even register it ! i still can = 92t defi = ne how the tvsr functions . but who cares , as long as it works ! the negative thing about the tvsr is that i didn = 92t invent it ! " ; = kathy kurtis , pasadena , ca " ; i just had to write to you about our newest second favorite arr = ival . our first is our brand new son , kevin . he is going to be six week = s old soon . our second newest favorite is the tv sound regulator . you s = ee , kevin , like all newborns is very sensitive to noise , especially at ni = ght when it = 92s so quiet you can hear a pin drop . before we got the tv s = ound regulator i couldn = 92t watch television while i nursed him . he woul = d just have fallen asleep when one of those loud commercials would wake h = im up . then it would take forever before he fell asleep again , i would b = e sitting there rocking him to sleep . although i love my son , i was left = with nothing to do . but now , with the tv sound regulator , i can turn th = e volume so it is soft enough to lull him to sleep , and i can catch up on = watching my favorite programs too ! the vcr even records the programs wi = thout that awful volume jump each time a commercial plays ! " ; " ; ps& # 9 ; i also wanted to thank your technical support department , = when i had a question about connecting it , they were so nice and friendl = y . they walked me through the entire installation process in only a few = minutes . "" " ; lisa russo , monroe , ct " ; i thought i = 92d write you this short letter to let you know jus = t how pleased we are with the automatic tv sound regulator . my husband a = nd i have a three-year - old boy . believe me he is extremely active and en = ergetic . in the evening , after we have put our son to sleep , we now can = truly relax in front of our tv . in the past , before we purchased your pr = oduct , it used to be extremely annoying watching television . the commerc = ials would come on so loud that we could hardly hear ourselves think . we = would always have to turn the television down during the commercials and = up again when our show came on . your product really works ! " ; robert pelikan , phoenix , az " ; excellent product ! i customarily do not take the time to write = a letter such as this . it took me less than ten minutes to install the = tv sound regulator ( i have a tv , vcr , and satellite dish ) . this thing ac = tually works ! amazing ! also , thank you for replacing the damaged unit s = o quickly . your customer service is great ! harold j . c . ferrer , ph . d . , glendale , ca " ; i am a very busy psychologist . my days , often twelve-hour days = , are spent listening to emotion filled voices . because of the specializ = ed work i do , the majority of my patients are emotionally and psychologic = ally overwhelmed . their lives are out of control . they often have lost = their jobs , homes , and marriages . they are inundated by life shattering = stress . needless to say , by the end of my day , i need to relax . i need = peace and quiet . i usually channel surf for a while , until i settle in t = o watching cnn . but , until i bought a tvsr , i found myself scrambling fo = r the remote control each time a commercial was about to come on . when i = couldn = 92t reach it in time the increased commercial volume literally ma = de me jump . this is not the way to relax ! the worse stress , and stress = is always there , is the stress that we cannot control . but , with the tvs = r , i can just set the volume control to the level i want . i now know tha = t whenever an advertiser has decided that sh ! ! ! ! ! outing is the only way to get my attention , i can rest assured that i will literally have the upper hand . = i no longer feel that i am at the mercy of those blaring commercials . = at least i can now control my television ! thanks tvsr . " ; dave defer , bedford , oh " ; i just wanted to pass on this comment : the television sound re = gulator is a great device for the hearing impaired . " ; to review :   ; the tvsr increases and decreases television sound levels instantaneou = sly to your pre-set level , avoiding increases and decreases in sound leve = ls during commercials , program viewing , and while changing channels . the tvsr is easy to install , even for the electronically challenged . = anyone can install it in minutes . the tvsr is a computerized unit that automatically controls the sound = level of the tv set and any one , combination , or all auxiliary equipment = ( tv , vcr , cable , or satellite remote ) , that = 92s it , the tvsr takes over = from there . the tvsr is so sophisticated it understands the difference between a = whisper and a shout and automatically adjusts itself accordingly . the tvsr fits in the palm of your hand . the tvsr works great with multiple disc players , as well as dmx syste = ms . the tvsr is constructed of quality components and should last a lifet = ime , if the unit ( or ac adapter / cables included with the unit ) fails to p = erform during the first year ( during this promoti = onal offer , the warranty service period increases to tow years with the p = urchase of two or more units ) from the date of purchase it will be = replaced or repaired free of charge . we are pleased to be offering the tvsr at this reduced price . thanks = for your time and have a great day ! sincerely yours ,   ; nelson crespo executive vice president international control systems , llc   ; all major credit cards accepted ! order your tvsr today ! visit our web site at = 96 click here> ; http : / / www . tvsr . com and order via our secure on-line shopping site . ( currently , the = tvsr is only available to united states and canadian residents . ) to order by : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; phone - 1-800 - 235-2154 & # 9 ; & # 9 ; important note - mention promotion code - tvsr2848 & # 9 ; & # 9 ; fax or mail - please print out the order form at the bottom = of this email and & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; complete all necessary blanks . & # 9 ; & # 9 ; ( credit cards only ) & # 9 ; & # 9 ; fax to : 1-800 - 498-9203 & # 9 ; & # 9 ; ( by check ) & # 9 ; & # 9 ; mail to : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; tv sound regulator & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; po box 2894 & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; maple plain , mn 55592-2894 note : to receive this promotional price , your order ( if by mail ) m = ust be postmarked within 48 hours of the date that you received this = email . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( for united states and canadian residents only ) order form regular price $ 59 . 80 each , plus s& ; h promotional price ( if ordered within 48 hours of this limited promotio = nal offer ) $ 44 . 85 plus s&a = mp ; h . buy two or more tvsrs within this promotional period and your p = rice is $ 39 . 95 each , plus = s& ; h , plus you will receive an extra year of warranty service on each = tvsr purchased free ! that = 92s an extra $ 6 . 00 value per unit ! remember , there = 92s nothing to lose , 60 day money back g = uarantee . personal information : name ( first & ; last ) : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . billing address : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . street : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . city : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; state : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; zip : & # = 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . country : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . mailing address ( if different ) : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . street : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . city : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; state : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; zip : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . country : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . phone : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; fax : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; email : & = # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . credit card information : & # 9 ; visa& # 9 ; & # 9 ; mastercard& # 9 ; & # 9 ; discover& # = 9 ; & # 9 ; amex name on card : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . number : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; exp . date : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . & # 9 ; & # 9 ; quantity desired : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . & # 9 ; & # 9 ; pre - shipping total : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . & # 9 ; & # 9 ; shipping and handling for one unit - $ 6 . 95 & # 9 ; & # 9 ; shipping and handling for two or more units - $ 5 . 95 & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; grand total : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; . signature : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; date ordered : & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & # 9 ; & = # 9 ; .   ; " 1 +"Subject: new on capitalfm . com this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - b * witched - read the book extracts and win a signed copy ! - pop auctions - your chance to own a piece of pop history . - kavana - kav 's here to answer all your questions . - help a london child - donate online to join the fun . - london awards - vote for the city 's favourites . - new singles - the word on the latest new releases . - how to be a dj - pick up tips from the djs and win ! - millennium - the stars pick their favourite tunes ever . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - b * witched - read the book extracts and win a signed copy ! every week until its launch in april we have extracts from b * witched 's new book , with everything you could possibly want to know about edele , keavy , sinead and lindsay . come back each week to pick up your b * witched book tokens and you could win a signed copy ! - pop auctions - your chance to own a piece of pop history . 95 . 8 capital fm has teamed up with qxl , europe 's leading online auction house , to bring you exclusive pop memorabilia auctions to raise money for help a london child . right now you can join the frantic bidding for a watch from sheryl crow 's globe sessions tour . next up is a special 1998 life thru a lens tour t-shirt signed by the man of the moment , robbie williams . come to http : / / capitalfm . com and click the qxl icon in the right hand toolbar . - kavana - kav 's here to answer all your questions . you sent in virtual mountains of questions for kavana and he ' ll be here to answer the very best questions as his new album , ' instinct , ' is released . did he answer you . . . ? - help a london child - donate online to join the fun . halc is of course about helping london 's kids and we could n't do that without your support . you ' ll be able to donate online and keep check on the total amount raised for the big event . - london awards - vote for the city 's favourites . it 's that time of year again , and we need you to vote online for your favourites from the worlds of music , showbiz and sport . at the end of the month you ' ll be able to watch the winners live with our exclusive webcast from the ceremony . - new singles - the word on the latest new releases . we ' ll be taking our regular look at the very latest singles . this week we serve up new slices of pop from b * witched , manic street preachers , the beautiful south and the return of roxette . - how to be a dj - pick up tips from the djs and win ! 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where everyone should go and where many have gone before . . . free holidays , cinema tickets , beer , beverages and weekend breaks . you still here ? well click below now and enter one of the fabulous competitions with prizes just waiting to be won . http : / / capitalfm . com / compzone / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1 +Subject: icgi-98 call for papers call for participation fourth international colloquium on grammatical inference ( icgi-98 ) http : / / www . cs . iastate . edu / ~ icgi98 / icgi98 . html program co - chairs : vasant honavar and giora slutzki , iowa state university july 12-14 , 1998 iowa state university ames , iowa , usa . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cosponsored at iowa state university by international institute of theoretical and applied physics complex adaptive systems group iowa computational biology laboratory artificial intelligence research laboratory department of computer science in cooperation with american association for artificial intelligence ieee systems , man , and cybernetics society acl special interest group on natural language learning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - introduction grammatical inference , variously refered to as automata induction , grammar induction , and automatic language acquisition , refers to the process of learning of grammars and languages from data . machine learning of grammars finds a variety of applications in syntactic pattern recognition , adaptive intelligent agents , diagnosis , computational biology , systems modelling , prediction , natural language acquisition , data mining and knowledge discovery . traditionally , grammatical inference has been studied by researchers in several research communities including : information theory , formal languages , automata theory , language acquisition , computational linguistics , machine learning , pattern recognition , computational learning theory , neural networks , etc . perhaps one of the first attempts to bring together researchers working on grammatical inference for an interdisciplinary exchange of research results took place under the aegis of the first colloquium on grammatical inference held at the university of essex in united kingdom in april 1993 . this was followed by the ( second ) international colloquium on grammatical inference , held at alicante in spain , the proceedings of which were published by springer - verlag as volume 862 of the lectures notes in artificial intelligence , and the third international colloquium on grammatical inference , held at montpellier in france , the proceedings of which were published by springer - verlag as volume 1147 of the lecture notes in artificial intelligence . following the success of these events and the workshop on automata induction , grammatical inference , and language acquisition , held in conjunction with the international conference on machine learning at nashville in united states in july 1997 , the fourth international colloquium on grammatical inference will be held from july 12 through july 14 , 1998 , at iowa state university in united states . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - topics of interest the conference seeks to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of original research papers on all aspects of grammatical inference including , but not limited to : * different models of grammar induction : e . g . , learning from examples , learning using examples and queries , incremental versus non-incremental learning , distribution-free models of learning , learning under various distributional assumptions ( e . g . , simple distributions ) , impossibility results , complexity results , characterizations of representational and search biases of grammar induction algorithms . * algorithms for induction of different classes of languages and automata : e . g . , regular , context-free , and context-sensitive languages , interesting subsets of the above under additional syntactic constraints , tree and graph grammars , picture grammars , multi-dimensional grammars , attributed grammars , parameterized models , etc . * theoretical and experimental analysis of different approaches to grammar induction including artificial neural networks , statistical methods , symbolic methods , information-theoretic approaches , minimum description length , and complexity-theoretic approaches , heuristic methods , etc . * broader perspectives on grammar induction - - e . g . , acquisition of grammar in conjunction with language semantics , semantic constraints on grammars , language acquisition by situated agents and robots , acquisition of language constructs that describe objects and events in space and time , developmental and evolutionary constraints on language acquisition , etc . * demonstrated or potential applications of grammar induction in natural language acquisition , computational biology , structural pattern recognition , information retrieval , text processing , adaptive intelligent agents , systems modelling and control , and other domains . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - program committee technical program chairs : vasant honavar and giora slutzki , iowa state university , usa . technical program committee : r . berwick , mit , usa a . brazma , european bioinformatics institute , cambridge , uk . m . brent , johns hopkins university , usa c . cardie , cornell university , usa w . daelemans , tilburg university , netherlands d . dowe , monash university , australia p . dupont , university jean monnet at st . etienne , france . d . estival , university of melbourne , australia j . feldman , international computer science institute , berkeley , usa l . giles , nec research institute , princeton , usa j . gregor , university of tennessee , usa c . de la higuera , university jean monnet at st . etienne , france a . itai , technion , israel t . knuutila , university of turku , finland j . koza , stanford university , usa k . lang , nec research institute , princeton , usa . m . li , university of waterloo , canada e . makinen , university of tampere , finland l . miclet , enssat , lannion , france . g . nagaraja , indian institute of technology , bombay , india h . ney , university of technology , aachen , germany j . nicolas , irisa , france r . parekh , allstate research and planning center , menlo park , usa l . pitt , university of illinois at urbana - champaign , usa d . powers , flinders university , australia l . reeker , national science foundation , usa y . sakakibara , tokyo denki university , japan . c . samuelsson , lucent technologies , usa a . sharma , university of new south wales , australia . e . vidal , u . politecnica de valencia , spain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - local arrangements committee dale grosvenor , iowa state university , usa . k . balakrishnan , iowa state university , usa . r . bhatt , iowa state university , usa j . yang , iowa state university , usa . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - invited papers 1 . j . feldman , international computer science institute and university of california , berkeley , ca , usa . topic : natural language acquisition ( exact title to be announced ) . 2 . a . brazma , european bioinformatics institute , cambridge . topic : pattern discovery in biosequences . ( exact title to be announced ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tutorial ( s ) 1 . kolmogorov complexity and its applications , jack lutz , iowa state university . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - list of accepted papers 1 . stochastic regular tree language inference , rafael c . carrasco , jose oncina and jorge calera 2 . the data driven approach applied to the ostia algorithm , jose oncina 3 . approximate learning of random subsequential transducers , antonio castellanos 4 . how considering incompatible state mergings may reduce the dfa induction search tree , francois coste and jacques nicolas 5 . learning regular grammars to model musical style : comparing different coding schemes , p . p . cruz - alcazar and e . vidal - ruiz 6 . using symbol clustering to improve probabilistic automaton inference , pierre dupont and lin chase 7 . learning a subclass of context - free languages j . emerald , k . subramanian , and d . thomas 8 . learning a determinisitic finite automaton with a recurrent neural network , l firoiu , t oates , and p r cohen 9 . learning feature - based phrase - structure rules with the grammar inference tool , b . geistert 10 . learning stochastic finite automata from experts , colin de la higuera . 11 . a stochastic search approach to grammar induction hugues juille and jordan pollack 12 . grammar model and grammar induction in the system nl page , keselj 13 . results of the abbadingo one dfa learning competition and a new evidence driven state merging algorithm k . j . lang , b . a . pearlmutter and r . price 14 . transducer - learning experiments on language understanding pics and e . vidal 15 . learning k-variable pattern languages efficiently stochastically finite on average from positive data peter rossmanith and thomas zeugmann 16 . locally threshold testable languages in strict sense : application to the inference problem , jose ruiz , salvador espana , and pedro garcia 17 . grammatical inference in document recognition , saidi , tayeb - bey 18 . learning a subclass of linear languages from positive structural information , jose sempere and g . nagaraja 19 . why meaning helps learning syntax , isabelle tellier 20 . a performance evaluation of automatic survey classifiers , viechnicki 21 . applying grammatical inference by learning a language model for oral dialogue jacques chodorowski and laurent miclet 22 . a polynomial time incremental algorithm for learning dfa , r . parekh , c . nichitu , v . honavar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference format and proceedings the conference will include oral and possibly poster presentations of accepted papers , a small number of tutorials and invited talks . all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by springer - verlag as a volume in the lecture notes in artificial intelligence which is part of the springer - verlag lecture notes in computer science series . instructions for preparation of camera - ready versions of accepted and invited papers for publication - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - financial support limited financial support might be available , subject to the availability of funds , for : * scientists ( especially junior researchers ) from developing countries , especially for those who can find other sources of support for extended visit at a us institution * graduate students and postdocs from us institutions additional details will be posted as they become available . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for additional details , see http : / / www . cs . iastate . edu / ~ icgi98 / icgi98 . html 0 +Subject: germanic and romance modals second call for papers international conference of the linguistic society of belgium modal verbs in germanic and romance languages 11 - 12 december 1998 university of antwerp - uia ( campus wilrijk ) organizers : patrick dendale ( universities of metz and antwerp ) and johan van der auwera ( university of antwerp ) send a one-page abstract to : patrick dendale university of antwerp ( uia ) romaanse universiteitsplein 1 b - 2610 wilrijk belgium deadline : august 15 , 1998 for further information contact patrick dendale johan van der auwera tel + 32 ( 0 ) 3 820 . 28 . 13 tel + 32 ( 0 ) 3 820 . 27 . 76 fax + 32 ( 0 ) 3 820 . 28 . 23 fax + 32 ( 0 ) 3 820 . 27 . 62 pdendale @ uia . ua . ac . be auwera @ uia . ua . ac . be or consult the conference 's homepage http : / / rom-www . uia . ac . be / u / pdendale / colleng . html 0 +Subject: computers and linguistics learner english on computer edited by sylviane granger , professor of english linguistics and language at the catholic university of louvain , belgium paper 0 582 29883 0 256 pages 1998 studies in language and linguistics series the first book of its kind , learner english on computer is intended to provide linguists , students of linguistics and other language and elt professionals with a highly accessible and comprehensive introduction to the new and rapidly-expanding field of corpus-based research into learner language . edited by the founder and co-ordinator of the international corpus of learner english ( icle ) , the book contains articles on all aspects of corpus compilation , design and analysis . * provides a comprehensive overview of the field , explaining links with corpus and applied linguistics , second language acquisition and elt * reviews the software tools which are currently available for analysing learner language and contains useful examples of how they can be used * contains eight case studies in which computer learner corpora are analysed * the articles contain a wide range of methodologies with broad general application * contains chapters which look at how computer learner corpus ( clc ) based studies can help improve pedagogical tools : efl grammars , dictionaries , writing textbooks and electronic tools . * implications for classroom methodology are also discussed . further information on the books published in this series , and the table of contents for this title can be viewed at the longman linguistics on-line catalogue at : http : / / www . awl-he . com / linguistics for a complete listing of our world-wide offices , please click below : http : / / www . awl-he . com / offices 0 +Subject: lucky you ! congratulations ! you ' ve been selected to enter for a vacation adventure to florida ! for a limited time we bring to you the vacation of a lifetime to promote tourism in florida ! and you ' re the lucky one who might get to take it ! do n't waste time wondering if you ' ll make it , just go for it ! not everyone who registers will qualify ! all names are kept confidential , and never sold in lists . click below to secure your name today ! http : / / 3498702899 / travel22 pleasen reply to : mailto : remlst @ 2bmail . co . uk to be removed from this list ! have a great day ! 1 +"Subject: special stream at cognitive society special "" stream "" at the 20th annual meeting of the cognitive science society madison , wisconsin , august 1 - 4 , 1998 co - chairs : sean o nuallain dublin city university , dublin , ireland & national research council , ottawa , canada ( sonualla @ compapp . dcu . ie ) robert l . campbell department of psychology , clemson university , clemson , sc usa ( campber @ clemson . edu ) what the stream is about though deep and contentious questions of theory and metatheory have always been prevalent in cognitive science - - they arise whenever an attempt is made to define cognitive science as a discipline - - they have frequently been downrated by researchers , in favor of empirical work that remains safely within the confines of established theories and methods . our goal to is redress the balance . we encourage participants in this stream to raise and discuss such questions as : * the adequacy of computationalist accounts of mind * the adequacy of conceptions of mental representation as structures that encode structures out in the environment * the consequences of excluding emotions , consciousness , and the social realm from the purview of cognitive studies * the consequences of newell and simon 's "" scientific bet "" that developmental constraints did not have to be studied until detailed models of adult cognition had been constructed and tested * the consequences of attempting to reconcile contemporary psychology ( which includes developmental psychology ) with formal linguistics of the chomskyan variety ( which appears to be resolutely anti-developmental if not anti-psychological ) * the relationship between cognitive science and formal logic a wide range of theoretical perspectives is welcome , so long as the presenters are willing to engage in serious discussion with the proponents of perspectives that are different from their own : * vygotskian approaches to culture and cognition * dynamic systems theories * piagetian constructivism * interactivism * situated cognition * neuroscience accounts such as those of edelman and grossberg * accounts of emergence in general , and emergent knowledge in particular * perception and action robotics * functional linguistics * genetic algorithms * information processing * connectionism * evolutionary epistemology contributors should make their submissions to the cognitive science society , following the standard rules for formatting their papers ( if you have not received the hard-copy call for papers , check the css web site at http : / / www . umich . edu / ~ cogsci / cogsci . html ) . the deadline is february 6 , 1998 . contributors should attach a * separate cover page , * indicating that their submissions are intended for the stream chaired by sean o nuallain and robert campbell . otherwise papers will be reviewed by cognitive science society 's regular reviewers , and are not likely to get a sympathetic response . the "" stream "" will consist of at least two paper sessions ( a total of 8 papers , 20 minutes each ) at the cognitive science society . * if we get enough good submissions , we can request more paper sessions * . all submissions to our stream will be reviewed by * our special reviewers * . besides the co-chairs , these are : ken aizawa ( kaizawa @ beta . centenary . edu ) mark bickhard ( mhb0 @ lehigh . edu ) selmer bringsjord ( brings @ rpi . edu ) andrew brook ( abrook @ ccs . carleton . ca ) brian cox ( psybdc @ vaxc . hofstra . edu ) terry dartnall ( terryd @ cit . gu . edu . au ) mary hegarty ( hegarty @ condor . psych . ucsb . edu ) ken livingston ( livingst @ vaxsar . vassar . edu ) eoghan mac aogain ( eoghan @ ite . ie ) karl f . macdorman ( kfm @ gull . me . es . osaka-u . ac . jp ) paul mc kevitt ( pmck @ kom . auc . dk ) ronan g . reilly ( rreilly @ ollamh . ucd . ie ) tony veale ( tveale @ compapp . dcu . ie ) robert l . campbell professor , psychology brackett hall 410a clemson university clemson , sc 29634-1511 usa phone ( 864 ) 656-4986 fax ( 864 ) 656-0358 http : / / hubcap . clemson . edu / ~ campber / index . html " 0 +Subject: typology and theory call for papers the syllable : typology and theory a conference on the representation and the typology of the syllable will be held in teubingen , germany , from june the 30th till july the 2nd 1998 . there will be 9 slots for papers . travel expenses of speakers will be partially reimbursed . in addition to the 9 open slots , there are six invited speakers : stuart davis ( indiana university ) tracy allan hall ( zentrum fuer allgemeine sprachwissenschaft , berlin ) junko ito ( university of california at santa cruz ) john mccarthy ( university of massachusetts at amherst ) armin mester ( university of california at santa cruz ) marc van oostendorp ( hil / rijksuniversiteit leiden ) . abstracts are invited which focus on the following topics : - - the status of the syllable in the phonological theory - - phonotactics - - syllable weight - - interaction between the syllables and higher prosodic constituents - - diachronic studies papers will be 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for discussion . abstract submission . abstracts may not exceed 2 pages with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should use a font not smaller than 12 pt . five anonymous copies accompanied by a camera-ready original with author \ 180s name , address , and affiliation should be sent to : syllable conference seminar f \ 252r sprachwissenschaft wilhelmstrasse 113 72074 t \ 252bingen germany deadline : 31st march1998 phone : + 49-7071 - 77304 , or + 49-7071 - 77315 email : caroline . fery @ uni-tuebingen . de , or ruben . van-de - vijver @ uni-tuebingen . de ruben van de vijver universitaet tuebingen seminar fuer sprachwissenschaft wilhelmstrasse 113 72074 tuebingen germany + 49-70712977315 0 +Subject: iatl 14 israel association for theoretical linguistics forteenth annual conference we enclose details about accommodation , travel and the schedule for iatl 14 , to be held be held in ben gurion university , beer sheva , on june 8 - 9 1998 . we hope you will be able to join us . accommodation : people wishing to book accommodation should contact ariel cohen ( arikc @ bgumail . bgu . ac . il ) asap . there are three main options : * beersheva hilton : single 95 $ , double 115 $ , suite 220 $ ( all prices per night and include breakfast , the prices do not include 17 % vat ) . * neot midbar hotel : single 56 $ , double 74 $ , triple 104 $ , lunch 13 $ , dinner 22 $ ( at the red sand grill restaurant ) . * bgu dorms : shared apartment : 179 nis ( approx 50 $ ) for one night , or 330 nis ( = 93 $ approx ) for up to a week . own apartment ( suitable for a couple ) : 265 nis for one night , or 549 nis for up to a week . travel : beersheva is well connected to both telaviv and jerusalem by fast , air conditioned egged buses ; ask driver for ben gurion university stop . once you ' re safely off the bus , cross the road , main entrance becomes visible immediately . drivers : turn left to ben gurion ave . , which is the street running south of the university and north of a big hospital . take the second left turn ( a turn without a traffic light ; if you hit a light , you have driven too far ) . you will see two gates with barriers ; pick the one on the left - this is the visitors ( paid ) parking . schedule : monday morning ( june 8 ) ( conference hall ) 10 : 30-11 : 00 registration and coffee 11 : 00-11 : 10 greetings 11 : 10-12 : 20 invited talk : g . cinque ( venice ) adverbs and functional heads 12 : 20-13 : 00 s . zuckerman ( groningen ) no true optionality 13 : 00-14 : 30 lunch monday afternoon ( june 8 ) ( conference hall ) 14 : 30-15 : 10 j . quer ( utrecht ) free relatives and the contribution of mood shift 15 : 10-15 : 50 i . landau ( mit ) on possessor raising in hebrew 15 : 50-16 : 30 a . grosu ( tel aviv ) carlsonian contexts are all ` filters ' not ` plugs ' 16 : 30-17 : 00 coffee 17 : 00-17 : 40 d . kolliakou ( newcastle / jerusalem ) linkhood and the syntax of definites 17 : 40-18 : 20 s . wintner ( tuebingen ) definiteness agreement and inheritance in hebrew 20 : 00 dinner tuesday morning ( june 9 ) ( conference hall ) 10 : 30-11 : 00 coffee 11 : 00-11 : 40 k . wexler ( mit ) , j . schaeffer ( beersheva ) , g . bol ( groningen ) verbal syntax and morphology in dutch normal and sli children 11 : 40-12 : 20 i . elisha ( bar ilan ) the minimal competence hypothesis in functional categories and child language 12 : 20-13 : 00 w . sandler ( haifa ) / m . nespor ( amsterdam ) prosodic phonology in sign language 13 : 00-14 : 40 lunch tuesday afternoon ( june 9 ) ( conference hall ) 14 : 40-15 : 20 s . rothstein ( bar ilan ) achievements and progressives 15 : 20-16 : 00 g . brugger ( los angeles ) time points and temporal modification 16 : 00-16 . 30 coffee 16 : 30-17 : 10 b . ritter ( calgary ) agreement in the semitic prefix conjugation : evidence for a non-linear approach to person , number and gender agreement 17 . 10-17 . 50 a . sherman ( santa cruz ) roots and correspondence : denominal verbs in modern hebrew 0 +"Subject: augias , linguistic special issue the recent number 52 of the journal augias has just appeared . it is the first linguistic special issue , edited by volkmar engerer , and contains 3 papers : - volkmar engerer : haben die inlands - und auslandsgermanistik verschiedene ( grammatische ) regeln ? ( do germanist studies in germany and abroad have different ( grammatical ) rules ? ) - nathalie nicolay : "" ich bin hier auf ' m flur , da is ' keiner mehr "" : zur verwendung raeumlicher deiktika in telefongespraechen "" ( use of local deixis on the telephone ) - frank beckmann : ereignisse , thematische rollen und die lizensierung von adverbialen in mittelkonstruktionen ( events , thematic roles and licensing adverbials in middle constructions ) for questions concerning the subscription of augias contact volkmar engerer . an augias website is in preparation . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dr . volkmar engerer , associate professor - lecturer in german / tysk lektor / deutscher lektor - the department of german / institut for germansk filologi university of aarhus / aarhus universitet ndr . ringgade , bygn . 326 dk-8000 arhus c denmark tel ( + 45 ) 8942 2109 fax ( + 45 ) 8619 1699 e - mail gerve @ hum . aau . dk homepage http : / / www . hum . aau . dk / dk / germansk / gerve / home . htm " 0 +Subject: syntax understanding syntax tallerman , maggie ( university of durham , uk ) ; understanding syntax ; published september 1998 c . 192pp pb 0 340 60377 1 c . 12 . 99 hb 0 340 70000 9 c . 35 . 00 arnold publishing provides a complete introduction to the main categories and constructions associated with sentence structure - the syntactic component of the grammar of human language . assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics , the book discusses and illustrates all the major terms and concepts . contents : what is syntax ? / words belong to different classes / looking inside sentences / head words and phrases / how do we identify constituents ? / relationship within the clause / syntactic processes . readership : undergraduates in linguistics tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6355 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6325 e - mail : milly . neate @ hodder . co . uk 0 +Subject: books on interpreting john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the field of interpreting : the critical link . interpreters in the community . papers from the first international conference on interpreting in legal , health and social service settings . geneva park , canada , 1 - 4 june 1995 silvana carr , roda roberts , aideen dufour & dini steyn ( eds . ) 1997 viii , 322 pp . benjamins translation library , 19 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 701 2 price : $ 79 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1620 7 price : hfl . 158 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com what is community interpreting ? what are the roles of the community interpreter ? what are the standards , evaluation methods and accreditation procedures pertaining to community interpreting ? what training is available or required in this field ? what are the current issues and practices in community interpreting in different parts of the world ? these key questions , discussed at the first international conference on community interpreting , are addressed in this collection of selected conference papers . the merit of this volume is that it presents the first comprehensive and global view of a rapidly growing profession , which has developed out of the need to provide services to those who do not speak the official language ( s ) of a country . both the problems and the successes related to the challenge of providing adequate community interpreting services in different countries are covered in this volume . contributions by : sherrill j . bell ; virginia benmaman ; carolyn bullock & brian harris ; silvana carr ; terry chesher ; ann corsellis ; birgitta englund dimitrova ; sabine fenton ; julia puebla fortier ; yvonne fowler ; nathan garber & louise mauffette - leenders ; adolfo gentile ; sandra hale ; elizabeth lascar ; suzanne michael & marianne cocchini ; holly mikkelson & hanne mintz ; christine penney & susan sammons ; franz pochhacker ; roda p . roberts ; nancy schweda nicholson & bodil martinsen ; roy thomas ; cecilia wadensjo . conference interpreting : current trends in research proceedings of the international conference on interpreting : what do we know and how ? yves gambier , daniel gile & christopher taylor ( eds . ) 1997 iv , 246 pp . benjamins translation library , 23 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 707 1 price : us $ 75 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1626 6 price : hfl . 150 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com ' conference interpreting : what do we know and how ? ' is the title of a round-table conference ( turku , 1994 ) organised to assess the state of the art in conference interpreting research . the result is collected in this volume with fully coordinated reports on the round tables . the book presents an exciting coverage of the field , touching on methodology , communication , discourse , culture , neurolinguistic and cognitive aspects , quality assessment , training and developing skills . contributions by : john dodds and david katan ; franco fabbro and laura gran ; daniel gile ; masaomi kondo and helen tebble ; per linell ; barbara moser - mercer ; miriam shlesinger ; david snelling ; charles tijus ; jorma tommola ; carol taylor torsello and all those who participated in the round table discussion . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +Subject: the evaluation of parsing systems - workshop call for papers the evaluation of parsing systems a workshop jointly organised by the cec language engineering 1 projects sparkle and ecran to be held at the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain , 26 may 1998 this workshop will provide a forum for researchers interested in the development and evaluation of natural language grammars and parsing systems , and in the creation of syntactically annotated reference corpora . organisers : john carroll , roberto basili , nicoletta calzolari , robert gaizauskas , gregory grefenstette workshop scope and aims the aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of evaluation methods for parsing systems , and proposals for the development of syntactically annotated language resources . with increased attention to evaluation of component technology in language engineering , evaluation of parsing systems is rapidly becoming a key issue . numerous methods have been proposed and while one , the parseval / penn treebank scheme , has gained wide usage , this has to some extent been due to the absence of workable alternatives rather than to whole-hearted support . parseval / ptb evaluation has several limitations and drawbacks , including a commitment to a particular style of grammatical analysis , and oversensitivity to certain innocuous types of misanalysis while failing to penalise other common types of more serious mistake . also , the original published description of the scheme - - and the evaluation software widely distributed as a follow-up to it - - is specific to the english language . it may be that there are currently no alternative more workable schemes or proposals , but this needs to be more fully discussed : this workshop will provide an opportunity for such a debate . this workshop is particularly timely given the large number of cec language engineering projects that involve parsing in one form or another and which need to evaluate and share the results of their efforts . parsing is an essential part of many larger applications , such as information extraction , which have gained in importance over the last few years . often in such systems , the strength of the parser and grammar has a direct effect on the desired results , and thus achieving good results rests on being able to determine and improve weaknesses in the parser / grammar . without a reliable parser evaluation method this cannot be done effectively . a parsing evaluation workshop is also appropriate at this time given the imminent creation of large-scale syntactically annotated resources for european languages . contributions from those involved in such activities are welcomed , so as to improve communication between the resource construction and the resource utilisation communities . this should ensure that the resources constructed are maximally useful to the general language engineering community . the organisation of this workshop brings together two european language engineering projects which are closely related and whose partners share similar research interests : sparkle and ecran . the organisers solicit contributions from the general community on the following topics : - descriptions of generic syntactic annotation schemes - methodologies and metrics for parsing system evaluation - reports and analyses of the results of utilising particular parser evaluation schemes - description / analysis / experience of language-dependent ( especially for languages other than english ) and task-dependent syntactic annotation schemes programme committee roberto basili gregory grefenstette ted briscoe mark hepple nicoletta calzolari tony mcenery john carroll maria teresa pazienza roberta catizone paola velardi robert gaizauskas yorick wilks paper submission papers should not exceed 4000 words or 10 pages . submission may be in either hard copy or electronic form . the submission deadline is february 15th , 1998 . hard copy submission : three copies of the paper should be sent to : dr john carroll cognitive and computing sciences university of sussex brighton bn1 9qh uk electronic submission : electronic submission may be in either self-contained latex , postscript , or rtf formats , to john . carroll @ cogs . susx . ac . uk . for each submission - - whether hard copy or electronic - - a separate plain ascii text email message should be sent to john carroll , containing the following information : # name : name of first author # title : title of the paper # pages : number of pages # note : any relevant instructions # keys : keywords # email : email of the first author # abstr : abstract of the paper . . . . . . important dates paper submission deadline ( hard copy / electronic ) february 15th notification of acceptance march 10th camera - ready papers due april 10th workshop may 26th conference information general information about the conference is at : http : / / www . icp . inpg . fr / elra / conflre . html specific queries about the conference should be directed to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain tel : + 34 58 24 41 00 - fax : + 34 58 24 41 04 reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es 0 +Subject: workshop on embodied conversational character 2nd call for papers the first workshop on embodied conversational characters granlibakken resort & conference center at lake tahoe tahoe city ( north shore ) california , usa october 12-15 , 1998 with the support of aaai cooperation of acm / sigchi recent advances in several core software technologies have made possible a new type of human-computer interface : the conversational character . conversational characters are autonomous , anthropomorphic , animated figures that have the ability to communicate through multiple modalities , including spoken language , facial expressions , and gestures . unlike textual natural language interfaces , conversational characters have the ability to perceive and produce the verbal and non-verbal signals that identify discourse structure and regulate the flow of information between interlocutors . such signals include intonational patterns , gestures , back-channel feedback signals , and turn-taking protocols . these capabilities enable them to engage in complex interactions with human users via natural speech rather than complex command languages , menus or graphical manipulations . research on conversational characters has emerged from a number of disciplines , including , among others , artificial intelligence , computational linguistics , computer animation , computer vision , psychology , cognitive science , virtual reality , cscw , and hci . this diversity is naturally reflected in the broad range of active research areas in conversational character interfaces . the primary goal of this workshop is to advance the state of conversational character research and development by identifying novel approaches to the topics and issues listed below , and integrating them into a framework for embodied , conversational human-computer interaction . selected contributors will be invited to expand and refine their papers for inclusion in a book to be published by addison - wesley . the aims of this book will be to introduce , define , and advance the field ; to give a snapshot of current work in it ; and to suggest future challenges and opportunities . particular topics of interest include , but are not limited to : * multi - modal interaction * autonomy * recognition & perception of speech , * behavior / dialogue planning gesture , facial expressions , etc . * distribution of semantic information * reactivity and opportunism across multiple modalities * rendering techniques * representation * semantic representations for * character individuation non-verbal communication * dialogue planning * affect and personality * turn - taking and back-channel signals * user studies * spoken language processing * tools for character * discourse structure building / authoring * intonation * architectures & applications papers should address one or more of these topics . demonstrations and video presentations of working systems are strongly encouraged . format the two and a half-day workshop will include several paper sessions , organized around emerging themes , with follow-up panel discussions . in addition , there will be a demonstration session for authors to present working systems . attendance attendance will be limited to 35-40 people . preference will be given to authors whose papers have been selected for presentation at the workshop . submission requirements paper submissions are due on june 15 , 1998 , and should be no longer than 6 pages ( 10-12 point font ) . upon acceptance , authors will be given the opportunity to expand their papers to 8-10 pages . electronic submissions in postscript or microsoft word formats are preferred , and should be sent to prevost @ pal . xerox . com . otherwise , send four hardcopies to : scott prevost attn : embodied conversational characters workshop fx palo alto laboratory 3400 hillview avenue , bldg . 4 palo alto , ca 94304 voice : 650 / 813-7701 deadlines submissions due june 15th notification of acceptance august 17th final papers due september 14th workshop october 12th - 15th workshop organizers joseph w . sullivan , fx palo alto lab , usa ( sullivan @ pal . xerox . com ) justine cassell , mit media laboratory , usa ( justine @ media . mit . edu ) workshop program committee committee co - chairs : scott prevost , fx palo alto lab , usa ( prevost @ pal . xerox . com ) elizabeth churchill , fx palo alto lab , usa ( churchill @ pal . xerox . com ) committee members : elisabeth andr , dfki gmbh , germany ( elisabeth . andre @ dfki . de ) gene ball , microsoft research , usa ( geneb @ microsoft . com ) phil cohen , oregon graduate institute , usa ( pcohen @ cse . ogi . edu ) barbara hayes - roth , stanford univ . , usa ( hayes-roth @ cs . stanford . edu ) kenji mase , atr international , japan ( mase @ mic . atr . co . jp ) clifford nass , stanford university , usa ( nass @ leland . stanford . edu ) mark steedman , university of pennsylvania , usa ( steedman @ cis . upenn . edu ) kris thorisson , lego a / s , denmark ( kris @ digi . lego . com ) demos chair : timothy bickmore , isii inc . , usa ( bickmore @ pal . xerox . com ) additional information for more information , please consult the workshop web page : www . fxpal . com / wecc98 / 0 +"Subject: call : nystesol applied linguistics winter conference first call for proposals ( please forward to interested lists and individuals ) 21st annual nystesol applied linguistics winter conference lehman college / cuny bronx , ny saturday , january 23rd , 1999 esol standards : achievements , assessments - - - - - - - keynote speaker : eric nadelstern of the international h . s . at laguardia community college , queens will talk on "" performance - based assessment standards for esol students and their teachers . "" - - - - - - - proposals due : * * * weds . sept . 23 * * * mail to ms . bhar arsoy , proposal chair fort george station , ps box 251 new york , ny 10040 general suggested topics * academic achievement of esol students in language learning and other content areas * articulation efforts across grades or levels * standards for admission , retention , promotion , and graduation of esol students and their impact at all levels of education * assessment practices , models , and instruments for esol students in language learning and other content areas : analyses , innovations , and critiques * esol teacher education : standards for entrance , retention , promotion , and graduation * using technology to support and assess achievement * achieving and assessing progmatic and sociolinguistic development instructions for proposal submissions : please follow exactly ! individual papers , workshops , and publishers demonstrations are alloted 45 minutes ( publishers and other commercial presenteras are required to pay the exhibitor 's fee ) panel sessions ( several speakers - - one theme ) can be scheduled as either one 45 minute session or one 1 1 / 2 hour session . all presenters must register for the conference . while all presentations will be considered , those which deal directly with the topic will be given preference . 1 . submit 8 copies of a summary of your proposals , maximum length 1 page double spaced . neither your name nor affiliation should appear anywhere on these 8 copies . however , in the upper left hand corner of each copy , you should give the following information : ( 1 ) title , ( 2 ) type of presentation ( paper , workshop , publisher , or panel ) ; ( 3 ) length ( 45 min . or 1 1 / 2 hours ) ; ( 4 ) intended audience ( s ) ( prek , elementary , secondary , adult , higher ed , bilingual , mainstream , teacher educators , materials / curriculum developers , researchers ) ; and ( 5 ) av equipment needed 2 . on a 9th copy ( identical to the copies in # 1 ) , in the upper-right hand corner , place your name , affiliation , mailing address , phone , fax & e-mail , and times you will not be available to present on january 23 ( a . m . or p . m , ) 3 . in addition , submit a 50 word ( max ) abstact of your presentation to appear in the conference program . include the name ( s ) of presenter ( s ) , affiliation ( s ) , title and type of presnation , length , and intended audience ( s ) . 4 . absolutely no e-mail or faxes accepted . snail mair only . please ensure that your proposal packet reaches the proposal chair no later than wed . . sept . 23 , 1998 . questions should be addressed to dr . joye smith , alsig chair 718 960 7242 5 . some presentations submitted may look promissing , but the summary and title are occasionally unclear , unattractive to the intended audience or inconsistent with one another . please make every effort to create clear , well-written , engaging , and appropriate titles and summaries . please forward this message to interested lists or individuals michael newman assistant professor of applied linguistics dept . of linguistics and communications disorders queens college / cuny flushing , ny 11367 " 0 +Subject: a vacation just for you ! for full details go to : http : / / 3480473412 / web22b5f / trip . html to the most exotic place on earth . . . . . . florida ! special online promotional vacation package isbrought to you for a limited time only , so don ' t wait ! vist our website now for more information on price and package info . ( sorry , offer not available to travel agents for resale ) offer now available world wide ! ! ! for full details go to : http : / / 3480473412 / web22b5f / trip . html 1 +Subject: avail for review : phonology , semantics , dong , interpreting the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . please do not simply provide a url for an electronic cv or web page . these will be ignored . phonology pier marco bertinetto , livio gaeta , georgijetchev & david michaels ( eds ) , certamen phonologicum iii . papers from the third cortona phonology meeting , april 1996 . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp . 291 , price lit . 63 . 000 ( approximately us $ 37 ) . isbn 88-7011 - 717 - 0 . semantics pier marco bertinetto , il dominio tempo-aspettuale . demarcazioni , intersezioni , contrasti . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp 252 , price lit 48 . 000 isbn 887011726x ( approximately us $ 25 . 50 ) contents - introduzione i . demarcazioni - aspect vs . actionality - statives , progressives , habituals - the progressive as a ' partialization ' operator ii . intersezioni - neutralizations and interactions in temporal-aspectual categories - metafore tempo-aspettuali - l ' interazione tra azionalita e aspetto nella perifrasi ' continua ' iii . contrasti - le strutture tempo-aspettuali dell ' italiano e dell ' inglese - le perifrasi abituali in italiano e in inglese - l ' espressione della ' progressivita / continuita ' : un confronto tripolare ( editor 's note : the reviewer of this book must be fluent in both italian and english ) . dong language long yaohong and zheng guoqiao ( translated by d . n . geary ) ( 1998 ) the dong langauge in guizhou province china . sil / u texas austin . interpreting / translation harris , brian ( compiler ) ( 1997 ) translation and interpreting schools . language international world directory . john benjamins : amsterdam . 0 +"Subject: chicago phonetics and phonology ( chiphon ) 98 call chiphon - - the phonetics and phonology group at the university of chicago - - provides a forum for discussing fundamental questions in spoken language research . last year , over 100 people joined us for a day-long panel on whether speech is special . this year , as part of the 34th annual meeting of the chicago linguistic society , we examine how language acquisition data should be incorporated into phonological and phonetic theory . chiphon ' 98 saturday , april 18 , chicago , illinois the acquisition of spoken language "" the ideal relationship between central and developmental portions of a field would be one in which the investigators in each . . . would construct model children who were capable of developing into adults and , conversely , model adults who could have developed from children "" ( menn , 1980 ) . * which provides a better measure of a speaker 's successful acquisition of speech - - perceiving contrasts or producing them ? how are perception & production related to linguistic competence ? * how should acquisition data be used when formulating and evaluating phononological theories of tone and stress ? what are the prosodic primitives , and are they innate or can they be bootstrapped from the signal ? * what speech processing mechanisms are responsible for second-language development ? are they the same as those for adults processing l1 or for infants acquiring it ? what does disordered phonology tell us about these mechanisms ? we invite abstracts that treat the acquisition of spoken language as integral to the development of linguistic theory . invited speakers : james flege ( university of alabama at birmingham ) peter jusczyk ( johns hopkins university ) robert port ( indiana university ) conference info like last year , this year 's symposium will provide ample opportunities for discussion with talks throughout the day , a box lunch , and an hour-long discussion at the end . other events that weekend include a panel on language acquisition and the lexicon on april 19 . * sophisticated connectionist models of language and acquisition provide an ideal framework for constructing linguistic theories that incorporate the complex interactions between sounds , symbols and meanings . * the ways in which we conceptualize the organization of morphology have different implications for first and for second language acquisition . * ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny and for mature organisms we look at lexical access convinced cognition then recapitulates ontogeny . invited speakers : joan bybee ( university of new mexico ) david pisoni ( indiana university ) terry regier ( university of chicago ) the cls conference will also host a panel on the status of constraints in linguistic theory on april 17 , with john mccarthy and jerrold sadock . papers on phonology , morphology , and syntax , among others , will be presented during the main sessions on april 17-19 , with diana archangeli and david dowty . send your 500-word abstract via email to rmhemphi @ midway . uchicago . edu by january 31 , 1998 . for further information , http : / / humanities . uchicago . edu / humanities / cls or http : / / gsbdrl . uchicago . edu / cls " 0 +Subject: computers and the humanities : vol 31 , no 3 computers and the humanities volume 31 no . 3 1997 table of contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - feature articles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - high - quality imaging at the national gallery : origins , implementation and applications david saunders pp . 153-167 plata : an application of legal , a machine learning based system , to a typology of archaeological ceramics engelbert mephu nguifo , marie - salome lagrange , monique renaud , jean sallantin pp . 169-187 digital preservation : a time bomb for digital libraries margaret hedstrom pp . 189-202 adding new words into a chinese thesaurus ji donghong , gong junping , huang changning pp . 203-227 notes and discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - language independent statistical software for corpus exploration john sinclair , oliver mason , jackie ball , geoff barnbrook pp . 229-255 book review - - - - - - - - - - dickens on disk eric johnson pp . 257-260 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - computers and the humanities the official journal of the association for computers and the humanities editors - in - chief : nancy ide , dept . of computer science , vassar college , usa daniel greenstein , executive , arts and humanities data services , king 's college , uk for subscriptions or information , consult the journal 's www home page : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / or contact : dieke van wijnen kluwer academic publishers spuiboulevard 50 p . o . box 17 3300 aa dordrecht the netherlands phone : ( + 31 ) 78 639 22 64 fax : ( + 31 ) 78 639 22 54 e - mail : dieke . vanwijnen @ wkap . nl members of the association for computers and the humanities ( ach ) receive a subscription to chum at less than half the price of an individual subscription . for information about ach and a membership application , consult http : / / www . ach . org / , or send email to chuck _ bush @ byu . edu . 0 +Subject: conference ' lexicon in focus ' the conference ' lexicon in focus ' , which is held by the sonderforschungsbereich ' theory of the lexicon ' ( located at the universities in duesseldorf , wuppertal and cologne - germany ) , takes place from august 17th through 19th , 1998 , in wuppertal . there will be three sections : - economy principles in the lexicon - lexical constraints and the generation of candidates - semantic composition within and outside of the lexicon for further details see http : / / www . phil-fak . uni-duesseldorf . de / sfb282 / lif98 . htm to register as a participant in the conference , please contact : stiebels @ phil-fak . uni-duesseldorf . de barbara stiebels heinrich - heine - universitaet duesseldorf 0 +"Subject: encyclopedia the cambridge encyclopedia of language david crystal ; the cambridge encyclopedia of language ( second edition ) ; isbn : 0-521 - 55050 - 5 ; hardback , 8 1 / 2 x 11 , 488 pp . ; pub . date : 1 / 28 / 9 ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 69 . 95 ; this second edition of "" the cambridge encyclopedia of language "" presents a mass of new information and introduces the subject of language to a fresh generation of students and general readers . probably the most successful general study of language ever published , "" the cambridge encyclopedia of language "" covers all the major themes of language study , including popular ideas about language , language and identity , the structure of language , speaking and listening , writing , reading , and signing , language acquisition , the neurological basis of language , and languages of the world . exposing this work to a new generation of readers , the second edition extends the range of coverage to include advances in areas such as machine translation , speech interaction with machines , and language teaching . there is new material on acoustics , physiological concepts of language , and world english , and a complete update of the language distribution maps , language-speaking statistics , table of the world 's languages , and further reading . all geopolitical material has been revised to take account of boundary changes . the book has been redesigned and is presented for the first time in full color , with new pictures and maps added . contents : i . popular ideas about language / 1 . the prescriptive tradition / 2 . the equality of languages / 3 . the magic of language / 4 . the functions of language / 5 . language and thought / ii . language and identity / 6 . physical identity / 7 . psychological identity / 8 . geographical identity / 8 . ethnic and national identity / 10 . social identity / 11 . contextual identity / 12 . stylistic identity and literature / iii . the structure of language / 13 . linguistic levels / 14 . typology and universals / 15 . the statistical structure of language / 16 . grammar / 17 . semantics / 18 . dictionaries / 19 . names / 20 . discourses and text / 21 . pragmatics and listening / 22 . the anatomy and physiology of speech / 23 . the acoustics of speech / 24 . the instrumental / 25 . speech reception / 26 . speech interaction with machines / 27 . the sounds of speech / 28 . the linguistic use of sound / 29 . suprasegmentals / 30 . sound symbolism / v . the medium of language : writing and reading / 31 . written and spoken language / 32 . graphic expression / 33 . graphology / 34 . the process of reading and writing / vi . the medium of language : signing and seeing / 35 . sign language / 36 . sign language structure / 37 . types of sign language / vii . child language acquistion / 38 . investigating children 's language / 39 . the first year / 40 . phonological development / 41 . grammatical development / 42 . semantic development / 43 . pragmatic development / 44 . languagedevelopment in school / viii . language , brain , and handicap / 45 . language and the brain / 46 . language handicap / ix . the languages of the world / 47 . how many languages ? / 48 . how many speakers ? / 49 . the origins of language / 50 . families of languages / 51 . the indo - european family / 52 . other families / 53 . language isolates / 54 . language change / 55 . pidgins and creoles / x . language in the world / 56 . the language barrier / 57 . translating and interpreting / 58 . artificial languages / 59 . world languages / 60 . multilingualism / 61 . language planning / 62 . foreign language learning and teaching / 63 . language for special purposes / xi . language and communication / 64 . language and other communication systems / 65 . linguistics / appendices : i . glossary ; ii . special symbols and abbreviations used in the encyclopedia ; iii . table of the world 's languages ; iv . further reading ; v . references ; vi . index of languages , families , dialects , and scripts ; vii . index of authors and personalities ; viii . index of topics . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html the cambridge encyclopedia of the english language david crystal ; the cambridge encyclopedia of the english language ; isbn : 0-521 - 59655 - 6 ; paperback , 8 5 / 8 x 11 , 500 pp . ; publisher : cambridge university press $ 27 . 95 this celebrated book offers a unique experience of the english language in all its richness and diversity . clear and accessible , it abounds with insights into how the language evolved and how it works . superbly illustrated in color throughout , and updated for this first paperback edition , "" the cambridge encyclopedia of the english language "" is the most comprehensive general reference book on the history , structure , and worldwide use of english ever written . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html " 0 +"Subject: welcome to jokes internet magazine - cn : 80924609220 confirmation number : 80924609220 if you wish to subscribe to jokes free daily ezine please press reply and then send for confirmation ( please make sure you leave the confirmation line : "" confirmation number : [ number ] "" above in the email ! ! ) the above confirmation number line ( including the label confirmation number : ) must be left in the return message for our robot to process . if you have signed up in error or someone else has attemped to sign you up , please either ignore this email or type "" cancel "" in the subject heading of a reply to this message and press send . you will then be removed from our records . you should receive your first issue shortly . enter the jokes4u $ 100 , 000 sweepstakes and you can be that much richer ! ! ! hurry up and enter today before the big drawing ! ! ! no purchase necessary - no strings attached ! ! ! http : / / www . jokes4u . com / sweepstakes . html http : / / www . jokes4u . com / sweepstakes . html note you will never be charged for jokes4u , and we will never give or sell your address to anyone . please note by replying to this message you are agreeing with our disclaimer : jokes4u is not liable for the content in each issue . you should be of mature age in order to receive this ezine ! please note . this confirmation was sent because it was requested by someone at ip : 141 . 85 . 99 . 7 claiming to be you . if you did not ask to subscribe to this magazine then please email abuse @ jokes4u . com . regards john jokes4u magazine " 1 +Subject: maryland working papers in linguistics the university of maryland linguistics department proudly presents : university of maryland working papers in linguistics volume 6 : papers in syntax , the syntax - semantics interface , language acquisition and psycholinguistcs . volume 7 : papers in phonology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * volume 6 editors : elixabete murguia , acrisio pires , lucia quintana - sharon armon - lotem : what to do with have and be : auxiliary verbs in child second language acquisition . - larisa avram : remarks on the english modals . - juan carlos castillo : the syntax of container - content relations . - stephen crain and rosalind thornton : the truth value judgment task : fundamentals of design . - kleanthes grohmann : speculations on the syntax and semantics of german multiple interrogatives . - norbert hornstein : adjunct control and parasitic gaps . - mari broman olsen , amy weinberg , jeffrey p . lilly and john drury : acquiring grammatical aspect via lexical aspects : the continuity hypothesis . - lucia quintana : meaningful motivation behind the syntax of reciprocals . - yi - ching su : the representation of compounds and phrases in the mental lexicon : evidence from chinese . - maria emma ticio quesada : a minimalist analysis of intensive consecutives . - juan uriagereka : a note on rigidity . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * volume 7 editors : haruka fukazawa , frida morelli , caro struijke , yi - ching su - haruka fukazawa : new evidence for sympathy theory . - linda lombardi : constraints versus representations : some questions from laryngeal phonology . - linda lombardi : evidence for max feature constraints from japanese . - itziar san martin : an ot account of the formation of definite forms in the vizcayan basque dialect of markina . - viola miglio : epenthesis and deletion in mantuan . - frida morelli : onset obstruent clusters and syllabic obstruents in lushootseed - nisqually . - bruce moren : the puzzle of kashmiri stress . - caro struijke : reduplicant and output tetu in kwakwala : a new model of correspondence . for contents of previous volumes check our website at : http : / / www . inform . umd . edu / linguistics / dept / wp . html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * umdwpl order form name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ volume number : _ _ number of copies : _ _ _ @ $ 15 . - per copy $ _ _ _ _ _ _ please add postage and handling : - each volume ( us , canada , mexico $ 3 . 00 ) ( all other countries $ 6 . 00 ) $ _ _ _ _ _ _ total : $ _ _ _ _ _ _ please make your check ( drawn on a us bank ) or money order payable to ' university of maryland working papers in linguistics ' and mail your order to : university of maryland working papers / orders department of linguistics 1401 marie mount hall university of maryland college park , md 20742-7515 usa 0 +Subject: sociolinguistics mediated discourse as social interaction : a study of news discourse ron scollon , professor in the department of english , city university of hong kong . paper 0 582 32725 3 hardback 0 582 32726 1 336 pages 1998 language in social life series ' mediated discourse as social interaction ' makes an explicit link between media studies and social interactionalist discursive research where previously the two fields of study have been treated as separate disciplines . this text presents an integrated theory illustrated by ample concrete examples , bringing together the latest research in these two fields . it offers a critique to the sender-receiver model implicit in media studies , and argues for an analysis of media discourse as social interaction , on the one hand among journalists and newsmakers as a community of practice , and among readers and viewers as a spectating community of practice on the other . the book also argues for a coherent and interdiscursive methodology for the ethnographic study of the role of the news media in the social construction of identity and is based on a considerable body of ethnographic and textual analysis of both print and television news media . the theory of mediated discourse presented in this volume will be of great interest to advanced undergraduates and postgraduates studying media studies , sociology of language , discourse analysis , interactional sociolinguistics , ethnography of communication and applied linguistics . it will also be welcomed by scholars and professionals involved in research in these areas . further information on the books published in this series , and the table of contents for this title can be viewed at the longman linguistics on-line catalogue at : http : / / www . awl-he . com / linguistics for a complete listing of our world-wide offices , please click below : http : / / www . awl-he . com / offices 0 +Subject: lucky you ! congratulations ! you ' ve been selected to enter for a vacation adventure to florida ! for a limited time we bring to you the vacation of a lifetime to promote tourism in florida ! and you ' re the lucky one who might get to take it ! do n't waste time wondering if you ' ll make it , just go for it ! not everyone who registers will qualify ! all names are kept confidential , and never sold in lists . click below to secure your name today ! http : / / members . xoom . com / 278549 pleasen reply to : mailto : mailinbox88 @ usa . net to be removed from this list ! have a great day ! 1 +Subject: colloque : plurilinguisme et enseignement integrated in teh activities promoted by the grif ( groupe de reflexion interdisciplinaire sur le franais ) , the language department of the university of the algarve , faro , portugal , has promoted a scientific meeting on plurilingualism and teaching , to be held on the 4th and 5th of june . this meeting aims to foster the debate and the reflection of students , teachers , educators and supervisors on the subject of teaching a foreign language in multilingual and multicultural contexts . communications to be presented focus on the isuues of foreign language acquisition and development and also on the analysis of factors related to the foreign language learning and teaching process . invited professors : daniel coste - ens - saint cloud bernard py - universit de nuchatel more informations : http : / / www . ualg . pt / uceh / noticias . html 0 +Subject: avail for review , phonology , semantics , mon khmer the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . please do not simply provide a url for an electronic cv or web page . these will be ignored . phonology pier marco bertinetto , livio gaeta , georgijetchev & david michaels ( eds ) , certamen phonologicum iii . papers from the third cortona phonology meeting , april 1996 . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp . 291 , price lit . 63 . 000 ( approximately us $ 37 ) . isbn 88-7011 - 717 - 0 . semantics pier marco bertinetto , il dominio tempo-aspettuale . demarcazioni , intersezioni , contrasti . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp 252 , price lit 48 . 000 isbn 887011726x ( approximately us $ 25 . 50 ) ( note reviewer of this volume must be fluent in both english and italian ) mon khmer mon khmer studies volume 28 . sil / u of texas arlington . 0 +Subject: get your bills under control with monthly bill manager 98 / 99 look for a great program to get your bills under control . then look no futher , it is here and it 's called monthly bill manager 98 . download . com gives it most popular and top picks . review from zdnet ( 5 out of 5 stars ) monthly bill manager 98 is a personal-finance management system . it enables you to easily track your bills , payments , credit cards , \ loans , savings , and checking on a monthly basis . set your own groups to link bills , then budget your payments . the attractive interface offers lots of power , with a multipane window tabbed and indexed to put all of the controls at your fingertips . drag and drop payments into envelopes for the current month or preset your payments and transfers to minimize routine activities . you can choose from an editable icon library to mark your various accounts and payments . reports summarize your data to quickly show what your financial status is . the wizard-style setup sequence gets you up and running quickly by establishing your accounts , payments , and groups . on - 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7 , 1999 . this book , edited by arthur bronstein , john ohala , and william weigel , will be the first of its kind and promises to be a reference work of continuing value . we seek volunteers to contribute short biographical entries ( c . 200 to 800 words ) including a bibliography on about 75 americans who have played a significant role in the development of the phonetic sciences . the deadline for submission is june 30 , 1998 . you can find a style sheet , a sample contribution , and a list of suggested subject individuals at our website : http : / / trill . berkeley . edu / icphs / history / in order to avoid duplication of effort , contributors should inform us as soon as possible ( preferably by email , at the following address ) of the subjects of their proposed contributions . for further information , please email us at : icphs99 @ trill . berkeley . edu or write to us at : icphs99 university of california department of linguistics 1203 dwinelle hall berkeley , ca 94720-2650 " 0 +Subject: tag + workshop registration and accommodations registration and accommodation information for the tag + workshop ( aug . 1 - 3 ) and tutorials ( july 28-31 ) to be held at the institute for research in cognitive science in philadelphia , pa is now available on the web at : http : / / www . cis . upenn . edu / ~ ircs / mol / tag98 . html . for your convenience in registering , the registration form is also included at the end of this message . best regards , jennifer macdougall tag + workshop assistant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration form for tag + 1998 workshop and tutorials name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mailing address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ telephone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ citizenship : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you are a non - us participant , what kind of visa have you obtained to come here ? b - 1 visa ( tourist business ) _ _ _ _ _ b - 2 visa ( tourist pleasure ) _ _ _ _ _ j - 1 visa _ _ _ _ _ f - 1 visa _ _ _ _ _ other ( please specify ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ will you be attending : workshop ( aug . 1st - 3rd ) _ _ _ _ tutorials ( july 28th - 31st ) _ _ _ _ both _ _ _ _ are you a student ? yes _ _ _ _ _ no _ _ _ _ _ are you receiving a stipend ? yes _ _ _ _ no _ _ _ _ do you need dorm housing ? yes _ _ _ _ no _ _ _ _ _ for how many nights ? _ _ _ _ please send or fax your completed registration forms to : jennifer macdougall institute for research in cognitive science suite 400a , 3401 walnut street philadelphia , pa 19104-6228 + 1-215 - 573-9247 0 +Subject: tag + 1998 * deadline for abstracts - april 30 , 1998 * tag tutorials - - announcement july 28 to july 31 , 1998 tag + workshop - - final call for papers august 1 to august 3 , 1998 philadelphia , pa , usa url : http : / / www . cis . upenn . edu / ~ ircs / mol / tag98 . html the fourth workshop on tree-adjoining grammars and related frameworks ( hence the + after tag ) will be held at the institute for research in cognitive science at the university of pennsylvania in august 1998 , from august 1 to august 3 . previous workshops were held at dagstuhl ( 1990 ) , upenn ( 1992 ) , and univ . paris 7 ( 1994 ) . prior to the workshop there will be a tutorial ( including labs and demos ) from july 28 to july 31 1998 . information about the tutorial is below , followed by information about the workshop . tutorial attendance = = = = = = = = = = the tutorial is open to anyone interested , though we request a pre-registration and we may limit attendance . we therefore suggest you indicate interest in attending to jennifer macdougall at the earliest date possible . ( see contact information below . ) travel stipends = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = a limited number of travel stipends will be available for graduate students ( i . e . , people studying towards a master 's or doctorate degree ) . this stipend will be limited to a maximum of us $ 600 . if you are interested in obtaining such a stipend , please send a message to jennifer macdougall at the address below . please include a one-page summary ( in ascii text format ) of your educational background and of your planned or present research , and indicate how the tutorial would enhance your education and / or planned research . ( information about accommodations will be provided at a later date . ) contact information = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = jennifer macdougall 553 moore building university of pennsylvania philadelphia , pa 19104-6389 usa telephone : ( 215 ) 898-3191 fax : ( 215 ) 898-0587 email : jmacdoug @ central . cis . upenn . edu proposed schedule = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = tuesday july 28 overview and introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning lectures * general introduction * formal overview * linguistic overview * lexicalized grammars afternoon lab session * intro to the xtag system * lab session with xtag wednesday july 29 computation and applications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning lectures * parsing * supertagging and other stochastic approaches * synchronous tag * generation afternoon demos : * xtag - - second lab session * supertagger * other parsers * tag - based generation systems note : if you would like to demo a system , please let us know and we will include it . thursday july 30 tag , linguistic issues , and related grammatical systems - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning lectures * tag and generative grammar * tag and hpsg * tag and categorial grammars * tag and lfg afternoon lecture * grammar organization demos * grammar organization demos * mt demo friday july 31 selected advanced topics - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - morning and early afternoon lectures * advanced topics : formal and linguistics issues + coordination + scrambling + clitic climbing + lexical semantics + d - tree grammars + other topcis workshop papers on all aspects of tag ( linguistic , mathematical , computational , and applicational ) , as well as papers relating tags to other frameworks , are invited . as in the past there will be some invited talks on other grammar formalisms which have interesting relationships to tags ( for example , categorial grammars and hpsg ) . guidelines for abstracts : abstracts should be at most two pages ( exclusive of references ) , and should be submitted in ascii format , as a . ps file , or as self-contained latex file to jmacdoug @ central . cis . upenn . edu . ( if email is not available , please send the abstract to the address given below . ) please indicate on the abstract if you would prefer to give a short presentation ( 10 minutes ) or a long one ( 30 minutes ) . the abstract should contain your name , address , and email address . proceedings including extended versions ( 4 pages ) of accepted abstracts will be available at the workshop . deadline for submission for abstracts : april 30 ( extended ) notification of acceptance : may 15 deadline for submission of camera-ready extended abstract : july 6 workshop dates : august 1 to august 3 if you do not want to submit an abstract , but would like to attend , we would appreciate it if you could inform us by email by july 6 ( unless you have already done so ) . if you would like to present a demo , please let us know as soon as possible , including information about required hard and software . program committee : anne abeille ( universit ' e paris 7 ) tilman becker ( dfki ) christy doran ( university of pennsylvania ) robert frank ( johns hopkins university ) klaus netter ( dfki ) richard oehrle ( university of arizona ) owen rambow ( cogentex , inc . ) giorgio satta ( universita di padova ) yuka tateisi ( university of tokyo ) k . vijayshanker ( university of delaware ) david weir ( university of sussex ) contact address : jennifer macdougall 553 moore building university of pennsylvania philadelphia , pa 19104-6389 usa telephone : ( 215 ) 898-3191 fax : ( 215 ) 898-0587 email : jmacdoug @ central . cis . upenn . edu organizing committee : anne abeille ( paris 7 ) tilman becker ( dfki ) owen rambow ( cogentex , inc . ) giorgio satta ( universita di padova ) k . vijayshanker ( university of delaware ) 0 +Subject: conference on maintenance and loss of minority languages third international conference on maintenance and loss of minority languages koningshof conference center , veldhoven , the netherlands november 26 - november 27 , 1998 programme the conference will consist of three sections . the first section addresses the sociological and social-psychological explanatory context in which language shift processes take place . the second section deals with language attrition from a psycholinguistic perspective , and the third is fully devoted to the building of an integrated explanatory framework for processes of language shift and loss . in memory of willem fase , one of the initiators of the first and second conference on maintenance and loss of minority languages , who died in 1997 , a new forum called the willem fase lecture has been set up . this plenary lecture forum will be granted to a promising scholar , to be selected from the abstracts submitted . thursday , november 26 , 1998 08 . 30-09 . 30 registration at koningshof conference center , veldhoven , the netherlands tea / coffee 09 . 30-10 . 00 conference opening section i : language shift from a sociological and social-psychological perspective 10 . 00-11 . 00 plenary session : lesley milroy 11 . 00-12 . 00 plenary session : richard bourhis 12 . 00-13 . 00 lunch 13 . 00-13 . 45 parallel sessions of free papers 13 . 45-14 . 30 parallel sessions 14 . 30-15 . 15 parallel sessions 15 . 15-16 . 00 tea / coffee section ii : language loss from a psycholinguistic perspective 16 . 00-17 . 00 plenary session : kees de bot 17 . 00-17 . 45 parallel sessions 17 . 45-18 . 30 parallel sessions 19 . 00-20 . 30 dinner friday , november 27 , 1998 section ii continued : language loss from a psycholinguistic perspective 08 . 30-09 . 30 plenary session : joel walters 09 . 30-10 . 15 parallel sessions 10 . 15-10 . 45 tea / coffee 10 . 45-11 . 30 plenary session : willem fase lecture 11 . 30-12 . 30 concluding remarks on section i and ii by joshua fishman 12 . 30-13 . 30 lunch section iii : towards an integrated explanatory framework for processes of language shift and loss 13 . 30-15 . 30 preparatory workshops 15 . 30-16 . 00 tea / coffee 16 . 00-17 . 30 round table chaired by michael clyne general information conference secretariat tilburg university research group on language and minorities c / o heleen strating - keurentjes p . o . box 90153 nl-5000 le tilburg the netherlands tel : + 31 13 4662588 fax : + 31 13 4663110 e - mail : language . loss . 98 @ kub . nl organizing committee - dr . ton ammerlaan , arnhem school of business - madeleine hulsen , university of nijmegen - dr . jetske klatter - folmer , institute for the deaf / tilburg university - heleen strating - keurentjes , tilburg university - piet van avermaet , university of leuven - dr . kutlay yagmur , tilburg university scientific committee - prof . kees de bot , university of nijmegen - prof . michael clyne , monash university , melbourne - prof . joshua fishman , stanford university , california / yeshiva university , new york - prof . koen jaspaert , university of leuven - dr . sjaak kroon , tilburg university location the conference will be held at koningshof conference center , veldhoven , the netherlands . this modern conference center is situated in forested areas , only fifteen minutes from the city of eindhoven and eindhoven airport . all rooms have a shower , toilet , television and telephone . koningshof offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor sports and leisure facilities , including a swimming pool , sauna , fitness club and squash court . registration and fees for registration , all participants ( including authors of submitted abstracts of papers ) are requested to mail the attached registration form before august 1 , 1998 . the registration fees are : dfl 410 conference programme and full board , before july 1 , 1998 . dfl 460 conference programme and full board , after july 1 , 1998 . dfl 235 conference programme , before july 1 , 1998 . dfl 285 conference programme , after july 1 , 1998 . please add an additional dfl 10 to cover international transfer charges if subscribing from abroad . the fee for the programme covers the conference fee , lunches on thursday and friday , tea / coffee during breaks , and the foreseen conference publication . the fee for full board additionally covers a single-room accommodation for one night including breakfast at koningshof conference center on thursday / friday as well as dinner on thursday . you will receive confirmation of registration , and the final programme at the end of august , 1998 . those who arrive earlier or wish to stay longer must take care of further accommodations themselves . they can contact the conference secretariat . payment of fees all payments should reach us either before july 1 , 1998 or ultimately by august 1 , 1998 ( see registration and fees ) . fees should be paid in dutch guilders to : kub / flw , account number 2386602 , mentioning ' code 1 . 8210 . w334 ' . cancellations the conference secretariat should be notified of cancellations in writing . if cancellations are received before august 1 , 1998 all fees , minus a cancellation charge of 25 % will be refunded . if cancelled after august 1 , but before september 1 , 1998 the cancellation charge will be 50 % . no refunds will be made for cancellations received later than september 1 , 1998 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ registration form third international conference on maintenance and loss of minority languages , koningshof conference center , veldhoven , the netherlands , november 26 - november 27 , 1998 . please fill out completely and return to the conference secretariat before july 1 , or ultimately before august 1 , 1998 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o male / o female name , initials : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . first name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . institution : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mailing address : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tel . / fax : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please register me for : o conference programme and full board , before july 1 , 1998 . dfl 410 o conference programme and full board , after july 1 , 1998 . dfl 460 o conference programme , before july 1 , 1998 . dfl 235 o conference programme , after july 1 , 1998 . dfl 285 i hereby confirm that the fees have been remitted to the kub / flw account ( see payment of fees ) . special requests or requirements : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . place / date : signature : piet van avermaet centre for language and migration department of linguistics katholieke universiteit leuven blijde inkomststraat 7 , 3000 leuven tel : 32 + 16 + 325365 fax : 32 + 16 + 325360 e-mail : piet . vanavermaet @ arts . kuleuven . ac . be 0 +"Subject: computerm ' 98 workshop computerm ' 98 workshop announcement first workshop on computational terminology when : august 15 , 1998 ( just after coling-acl98 ) where : university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) http : / / tornade . ere . umontreal . ca / ~ lhommem / coling / computerm . html context the workshop provides a forum to bring together researchers from the fields of computational linguistics , terminology , automated translation , information retrieval and lexicography who share an interest in computational aspects of terminology processing : acquisition , extraction , indexing , machine-aided thesaurus building , dictionary construction , etc . registration the number of participants to the workshop is limited . it is advisable to pre-register as soon as possible : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / fees . html additional information ( travel , accomodation , tourism . . . ) see the coling-acl98 conference main page at : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / mainpage . html paper presentation schedule : ( preliminary ) august 15 , 1998 saturday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 : 45 - - 9 : 00 opening address 9 : 00 - - 9 : 30 david hull : "" a practical approach to terminology alignment "" 9 : 30 - - 10 : 00 akiko n . aizawa , kyo kageura : "" an approach to the automatic generation of multilingual keywords clusters "" 10 : 00 - - 10 : 30 ralf brown : "" automatically - extracted thesauri for cross-language ir : when better is worse "" 10 : 30 - - 10 : 45 coffee break 10 : 45 - - 11 : 45 first poster session 11 : 45 - - 12 : 15 fidelia ibekwe - sanjuan : "" building a prototype system for trends survey in a knowledge extraction program "" 12 : 15 - - 12 : 45 anne condamines , josette reyberolle "" ctkb : a corpus-based approach to a terminological knowledge base "" 12 : 45 - - 14 : 15 lunch 14 : 15 - - 14 : 45 toru hisamitsu ; yoshiki niwa : "" extraction of useful terms from parenthetical expressions by using simple rules and statistical measures - - a comparative evaluation of bigram statistics "" 14 : 45 - - 15 : 15 paul bowden , lindsay evett , peter halstead "" automatic acronym acquisition in a knowledge extraction program "" 15 : 15 - - 15 : 45 laura davidson , judy kavanagh , kristen mackintosh , ingrid meyer , douglas skuce : "" semi - automatic extraction of knowledge-rich contexts from corpora : examples and issues "" 15 : 45 - - 16 : 00 coffee break 16 : 00 - - 17 : 00 second poster session 17 : 00 - - 17 : 30 dekang lin : "" extracting collocations from text corpora "" 17 : 30 - - 18 : 00 hiroshi nakagawa , tatsunori mori : "" nested collocation and compound noun for term extraction "" posters : ( preliminary ) lee - feng chen , min - chan chen , chun - liang chen , bo - ren bai : "" internet - based chinese text corpus classification and domain-specific keyterm extraction "" hongyan jing , evelyne tzoukerman : "" improving retrieval with semantics and morphology "" kyo kageura , masaharu yoshioka , teruo koyama , toshihiko nozue : "" towards a common testbed for corpus-based computational terminology "" diana maynard , sofia ananiadou : "" acquiring contextual information for term disambiguation "" michael p . oakes , chris d . paice : "" term extraction for automatic abstracting "" antje schmidt - wigger : "" building consistent terminologies "" hinrich schuetze : "" hypercondex - - a hypertext concordance as a back-of - the-rule index "" scientific committee khurshid ahmad ( university of surrey , uk ) sophia ananiadou ( manchester metropolitan university , manchester , uk ) peter anick ( digital equipment corporation , usa ) teresa cabre ( university pompeu fabra , barcelone , spain ) ken church ( at&t labs research , usa ) anne condamines ( cnrs , toulouse , france ) bruce croft ( university of massachusetts , usa ) ido dagan ( bar ilan university , israel ) beatrice daille ( irin nantes , france ) pascale fung ( hong kong university of science and technology , hong kong ) eric gaussier ( xerox research centre europe , france ) gregory grefenstette ( xerox research centre europe , france ) stephanie haas ( university of north carolina , usa ) benoit habert ( limsi & ens fontenay - st cloud , france ) ulrich heid ( universitaet stuttgart , stuttgart , germany ) kyo kageura ( nacsis , tokyo , japan ) judith klavans ( columbia univesity , usa ) robert krovetz ( nec research institute , usa ) robert losee ( university of north carolina , usa ) ingrid meyer ( university of ottawa , ottawa , canada ) jian - yun nie ( university of montreal , montreal , canada ) padmini srinivasan ( the university of iowa , usa ) tomek strzalkowski ( general electric company , usa ) evelyne tzoukermann , ( bell labs innovations , lucent technologies , usa ) richard wojcik ( boeing company , usa ) pierre zweigenbaum ( ap-hp & universite paris 6 , france ) workshop organizers didier bourigault ( cnrs and universite paris xiii , paris , france ) christian jacquemin ( limsi , france ) marie - claude l ' homme ( universite de montreal , montreal , canada ) mailto : db @ lli . univ-paris 13 . fr , jacquemin @ limsi . fr , lhommem @ ere . umontreal . ca " 0 +Subject: semantics : il dominio tempo-aspettuale il dominio tempo-aspettuale author : pier marco bertinetto publisher : torino , rosenberg & sellier pier marco bertinetto , il dominio tempo-aspettuale . demarcazioni , intersezioni , contrasti . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp . 252 , price lit . 48 . 000 ( approximately us $ 25 . 50 ) . isbn 88-7011 - 726 - x . introduzione i . demarcazioni - aspect vs . actionality - statives , progressives , habituals - the progressive as a ' partialization ' operator ii . intersezioni - neutralizations and interactions in temporal-aspectual categories - metafore tempo-aspettuali - l ' interazione tra azionalit e aspetto nella perifrasi ' continua ' iii . contrasti - le strutture tempo-aspettuali dell ' italiano e dell ' inglese - le perifrasi abituali in italiano e in inglese - l ' espressione della ' progressivit / continuit : un confronto tripolareorino ' 0 +Subject: fourth mid-continental workshop on phonology ( mcwop 4 ) where : university of michigan , ann arbor , michigan . when : beginning afternoon on friday , october 16 , and ending sunday morning , october 18 , 1998 . what : as in the three previous workshops , we intend this to be a fairly informal gathering , open to students and faculty , but especially suitable for graduate students presenting work in progress . we hope it will be possible , as before , to accept all abstract submissions , but if the number of submissions received exceeds the capacity of the workshop , we will find a solution then . presentations dealing with any of the various areas of phonological investigation ( broadly construed ) are welcome . presentations are planned to be approximately 20 minutes in length with an additional period of discussion . who : you , hopefully . what to do to present : provide us with a title which clearly indicates the paper 's topic and scope , your name and affiliation , and , if possible , a brief ( 1 - 2 paragraph ) summary of the content of the talk before september 20 . e - mail submissions to the mcwop organizing committee at mcwop4 @ umich . edu further information : email to mcwop4 @ umich . edu 0 +"Subject: conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries second european conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries european european ics-forth university of union research crete consortium for informatics and mathematics 19 - 23 september , 1998 heraklion , crete , greece web page http : / / www . csi . forth . gr / 2eurodl e - mail ecdl @ cc . uch . gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - objectives this conference is the second of a series of european conferences on research and technology for digital libraries funded by the european commission 's tmr programme . its objectives are : to bring together researchers from multiple disciplines whose science relates to the development of digital libraries ; to provide an opportunity for these scientists to form a research community in europe specific to digital library development and to enable them to discuss issues and strategies specific to the european context ; to assist young researchers in establishing relationships with senior scientists in their areas of interest ; to enable review and discussion of research under way in europe , the us , japan and other countries on digital libraries ; to stimulate researchers , especially young scientists , to explore new areas of interest in digital library development ; to establish a forum for discussion of issues specific to europe such as interoperability , multilinguality , intellectual property policy , and information commerce ; to provide an opportunity for researchers in the relevant enabling technologies and information sciences , to discuss issues related to interoperability between world wide distributed digital libraries . > from a technical point of view , the european conferences series aims to contribute to the definition of those digital library parameters which especially influence issues of access , retrieval , and interaction with information ; to identify key problems which must be solved to make digital library services an effective reality ; to identify a general structure or framework for integrating research and solutions ; and to propose and encourage specific , high priority research directions within such a framework . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - topics the conference organisers solicit papers on topics related to digital libraries , including but not limited to the following list : o digital library models , frameworks , and system requirements o metadata o system integration and architecture issues o interoperability , scalability o networked information discovery , agent technologies o information retrieval , organisation , navigation - tools and paradigms o multilinguality o role of knowledge representation systems in digital library interactions o collecting , capturing , filtering , cataloging , indexing , o preserving o intellectual property rights , terms and conditions , rights management o authoring , electronic publishing , electronic commerce and information economies o economic and social implications and issues o user interfaces o handling of graphics , gis , medical data , multimedia information , experimental data and o scientific models _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - conference programme the conference will be held in heraklion , crete , greece . tutorials will be organised on the 19th and 20th of september 1998 . the opening session will take place at 9 . 00a . m . on monday the 21th of september 1998 and the final session will take place on wednesday afternoon , the 23th of september 1998 . full details on the scientific programme of the conference will be published on our web site by the 1st of july 1998 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - important dates 15 march 1998 proposals for tutorials , panels and demos due to the programme chair 15 april 1998 notification of tutorial , panel and demo acceptance 15 may 1998 papers and proposals for posters due to the programme chair 25 june 1998 notification of paper and poster acceptance 1 july 1998 scientific programme on the web 25 july 1998 final papers due 19 , 20 september 1998 tutorials 21-23 september 1998 conference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - panels suggestions for the organisation of panel sessions on one of the proposed topics or on related topics are welcomed . proposals should include a short cv and position paper for each panelist . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - posters during the conference a space will be reserved for poster sessions . research projects of any scale are invited to illustrate innovative concepts and prototype systems . poster proposals should include title , names of presenters and outline ( max . 500 words ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - tutorials tutorial days will be held before the conference , on saturday the 19th and sunday the 20th of september 1998 . proposals for tutorials are solicited . tutorials would be either half day ( 3 hours ) or full day ( 6 hours ) . each proposal should include a title , a summary ( intentions , objectives , etc . ) , duration and a short cv of the instructor ( s ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - demos result demonstrations of on-going projects are strongly encouraged . those interested should submit a description of the intended demo to the programme chair . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - papers papers ( max 20 pages , double spaced ) should be submitted electronically in html format , either by e-mail to the conference secretariat , ecdl @ cc . uch . gr , or to our ftp site , ftp : / / ftp . ics . forth . gr / 2eurodl . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - proceedings the proceedings will be published by springer as a volume in their lecture notes in computer science series and will be distributed at the conference . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - fellowship for young researchers a limited number of fellowships for the conference and also for tutorials are available for young researchers who are citizens of european union countries or liechtenstein , norway and iceland . the fellowship offers free registration for the participants and , in special cases where necessary and appropriately justified , may pay for or reimburse travel and lodging expenses . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - programme chair christos nikolaou , university of crete & ics-forth leoforos knossou , gr-71110 heraklion , crete , greece tel : + 30 81 393199 , fax : + 30 81 210106 e - mail : nikolau @ cc . uch . gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - programme committee serge abiteboul inria , france robert b . allen bellcore , usa thomas baker asian institute of technology , thailand william birmingham university of michigan , usa panos constantopoulos university of crete & ics-forth , greece bruce croft university of massachusetts , usa costis dallas hellenic ministry of foreign affairs , greece edward a . fox virginia technical university , usa norbert fuhr university of dortmund , germany hector garcia - molina stanford university , usa keith jeffery ral-clrc , uk martin kersten cwi , netherlands judith klavans columbia university , usa carl lagoze cornell university , usa clifford a . lynch coalition for networked information , usa jeff mackie - mason university of michigan , usa a . desai narasimhalu national university of singapore , singapore ann okerson yale university , usa olle olsson sics , sweden andreas paepcke stanford university , usa nicholas patrikalakis mit , usa carol peters iei-cnr , italy jakka sairamesh ibm - t . j . watson research center , usa peter schauble eth zurich , switzerland hans joerg schek eth zurich , switzerland eric simon inria , france ingeborg t . solvberg university of science and technology , norway constantine stephanidis ics-forth , greece shigeo sugimoto university of library and information science , japan costantino thanos iei-cnr , italy ulrich thiel gmd-ipsi , germany stuart weibel oclc , usa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - local organising committee sarantos kapidakis ics-forth , greece penelope constanta ics-forth , greece spiros lalis university of crete , greece gioylh koraoy university of crete , greece stella vourou university of crete & ics-forth , greece mixalhs tzekakhs university of crete , greece maria stavrakaki university of crete , greece rena kalaitzaki university of crete , greece maria prevelianaki ics-forth , greece liana kefalaki ics-forth , greece dimitris papadakis university of crete , greece manolis marazakis university of crete , greece anastasia anastasiadi ics-forth , greece stavros papadakis university of crete , greece _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - contact info for more information regarding this conference contact the conference secretariat , rena kalaitzaki and maria stavrakaki university of crete , computer science department , tel : + 30 81 393504 fax : + 30 81 393501 e - mail : ecdl @ cc . uch . gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you can subscribe to the announcement list of the "" second european conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries "" by sending electronic mail to ' majordomo @ csi . forth . gr ' with body 's ubscribe ecdl2 - announce < your email address > ' " 0 +Subject: phonology certamen phonologicum iii pier marco bertinetto , livio gaeta , georgijetchev & david michaels ( eds ) , certamen phonologicum iii . papers from the third cortona phonology meeting , april 1996 . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp . 291 , price lit . 63 . 000 ( approximately us $ 37 ) . isbn 88-7011 - 717 - 0 . general issues : hans basboll , on danish schwa . judith m . broadbent , a review of hume 's account of consonant vowel interactions in maltese arabic . bruce l . derwing , testing phonological universals in the laboratory . tobias scheer , vowel - zero alternations and their support for a theory of consonantal interaction . prosodic theory : caroline fery , the mora as a measure of weight and syllabic constituent . karijn helsloot , poetic meter is metrical prosody : phonological phrasing in italian bound and free verse . michael kenstowicz & hyang - sook sohn , phrasing and focus in northern kyungsang korean . italian dialects and phonological theory : matthew absalom & john hajek , raddoppiamento sintattico : wath happens when the theory is on too tight ? . mirco ghini , segments , prosodic units , and ambisyllabicity in ligurian . michele loporcaro , on vowel epenthesis in alguer catalan . michael l . mazzola , from stress in latin and romance to lexical stress in italian . stephan schmid , a typological view of syllable structure in some italian dialects . edward f . tuttle , preferential and pseudo-metathesis ( in italo - romance dialects ) . 0 +"Subject: teaching linguistics ( grammar ) * * * call for papers * * * * * * call for papers * * * "" teaching linguistics "" symposium on teaching grammar in conjunction with the twenty - second annual conference on the teaching of foreign languages and literatures . youngstown state university youngstown , ohio , october 24 , 1998 plenary speaker : * robert dekeyser , university of pittsburgh , linguistics dept . dr . dekeyser will speak on "" focus on form "" proposals on topics related to the teaching of grammar in first , second and foreign languages are welcomed . college and university faculty , high school teachers , and graduate students are invited to submit proposals . possible areas of focus might include , but are not limited to : pedagogical grammars , history of grammatical teaching , normatism / prescriptivism , pros and cons of formal instruction , and all aspects of grammatical teaching , such as methods , social aspects , audiences , situations of teaching ( l1 , l2 , fl ) , goals and objectives , etc . special attention will be given to papers dealing with the position and role of grammatical instruction within the curriculum . * all disciplinary approaches are welcome , such as language arts teaching ; second language acquisition : theory , research and practice ; pedagogical approaches and classroom strategies ; techniques and materials ; innovations in media technology ; testing and assessment ; ethnographic studies . this is not , however , a symposium on universal grammar . * abstracts : presentations should be 30 minutes long , including time for questions . send three copies of a one - page , double spaced abstract to the symposium committee ( address below ) by june 1 , 1998 . e - mail submissions ( ascii only , no attachments ) are ok . include contact information on a cover sheet attached to the abstract . the abstract should contain no information that identifies the presenter . notification will be mailed no later than july 1 , 1998 . * registration : all participants , including presenters , are required to register to the conference , however , a lower fee for the symposium day alone will be available . registration materials will be mailed in early august 1998 . all accepted presenters will receive the conference registration mailings . those interested in attending , but not presenting need only request to be put on the mailing list . graduate students needing crash space or with financial problems should mention this fact in the cover sheet . * the conference on the teaching of foreign languages and literatures will feature two plenary speakers : helena curtain ( u . of wisconsin ) who will speak on fles and david d . herren ( middlebury college ) who will speak on call . besides the plenary speakers the conference will feature over thirty presentations and workshops on various aspects of teaching foreign languages and literature . * abstracts and requests for information about the teaching grammar symposium should be sent to : salvatore attardo & steven brown english department , debartolo hall 202 youngstown state university youngstown oh 44555 usa sattardo @ cc . ysu . edu srbrown @ cc . ysu . edu " 0 +"Subject: internet pc user group internet pc user group ( "" ipcug "" ) newsletter first quarter 1999 table of contents ( 1 ) general   ;   ;   ; ( 1a ) introduction   ;   ;   ; ( 1b ) update   ;   ;   ; ( 1c ) news ( 2 ) review   ;   ;   ; ( 2a ) # 1 - tufftest - lite - free pc diagnostics utility  ;   ;   ;   ; [ download @ www . ipcug . org ]   ;   ;   ; ( 2b ) call for reviews / reviewers ( 3 ) contact information ( 1 ) general ( 1a ) introduction   ; the purpose of the ipcug is to bring together people interested in the fast paced and constantly changing world of computers & the internet . ipcug is designed as an open club to people of all disciplines . ipcug offers a variety of interesting services to its members , such as :   ;   ; offering a resource base for users . fellow members can learn from each other in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere , anywhere there is access to the internet .   ;   ; operating a web site , which enables a great number of people to communicate through messages and realtime chat .   ;   ; we are always looking for pc owners ( this includes mac users ! ) to suggest products or do reviews .   ;   ; whenever possible we will try to secure member discounts for products and services .   ;   ; and lastly there is more to ipcug than just the internet ! the ipcug is a synergistic forum made up by it 's incredibly diverse user base . ( 1b ) update   ; our website continues to expand and grow . thank you for all your help and suggestions . our search for new mailing list software continues . ( 1c ) news ipcug is working on creating local chapters and monthly meetings . ipcug is also working on details that would enable our group to have yearly gatherings . ipcug would like to attend an upcoming comdex . as the ipcug continues to grow , there will be more reviews , & user contribution . it 's an exciting time to be an ipcug member . ( 2 ) review ( 2a ) # 1 - tufftest - lite - free pc diagnostics utility  ;   ;   ;   ; [ download @ www . ipcug . org ]   ; you arrive home with your new computer . sure , it hurt paying $ 1 , 800 , but you have it all - - large cardboard boxes , yards of cables , oceans of foam packing . assembly is a snap . as they told you in the store , every cable only fits one way . you follow all the instructions , turn it on and everything is perfect - you are very proud of yourself .   ; months later you start to experience mysterious problems and occasional system lock ups . probably some software tsr or driver has conflicted with windows again . as before , you spend endless hours trying to track it down , but this time to no avail . then one day , unfortunately just after the warranty runs out , it stops working . when you boot , you see a cryptic error message that says something about memory , or parity , or some such thing .   ; maybe you ' ll spend a lot of time swapping parts and playing with your computer 's insides - but if you do n't have the time or the skills , you ' ll lug the beast down to the repair shop and wait hours for their low-cost "" instant "" diagnostic service . then you ' ll pay "" more "" to get it fixed . it 's moments like these that you need # 1 - tufftest - lite .   ; # 1 - tufftest - lite by # 1-pc diagnostics company simply makes sure that your equipment is connected and working . before you set off on a software wild goose chase , # 1 - tufftest - lite blows the whistle on faulty hardware , in this case a bad memory simm in main memory .   ; sophisticated operating systems blur the line between hardware and software . when a program wants to access a drive , memory or port , windows manages the request . many test programs tell you that they are testing the hardware , but they can't really tell if the problem lies with the hardware , the software that controls it or windows . # 1 - tufftest - lite eliminates the problem by eliminating the complex operating system .   ; the program fits on a floppy disk and contains its own super slim operating system and device drivers . when it runs tests , nothing stands between them and the pc hardware . # 1 - tufftest - lite can directly attack drives , controllers , ports and memory , giving them a stiff workout and telling you whether they pass muster .   ; interestingly , this handy little utility reports fewer hardware faults than conventional diagnostic programs - - because it virtually eliminates the false positives that can be generated when software gets in the way . when it does report a problem with your equipment , you can be confident that it is worthwhile dismantling the system and making the trip back to the shop . when # 1 - tufftest - lite gives the all clear , it is sensible to assume that the issue is a software or setup one .   ; for the technically minded , # 1 - tufftest - lite runs a range of standard hardware checks . it starts with the motherboard and looks at the processor , math coprocessor , dma controller and real time clock . from there , it moves through a series of video and alignment and color tests , and onto the video adapter itself . after that , parallel and serial ports , floppy and hard drives and main memory are run through their paces .   ; one advantage of its small size is that # 1 - tufftest - lite automatically relocates from lower main memory to upper main memory and then back again on every pass . thus all of main memory is tested . no other diagnostics can do this because they have to occupy a large chunk of it themselves . after finishing with a check of extended memory , # 1 - tufftest - lite reports on your pc and its components . it produces a results display with a simple pass or fail for each component . if everything checks out , you have the satisfaction of knowing that your pc 's internals are a-ok .   ; the product does n't assume that you are technically minded . to run it , you turn off your pc , place the # 1 - tufftest - lite diskette in the floppy drive a and turn your pc on . the proprietary boot loader and operating system boots your pc and then automatically runs all the tests , with no user intervention if you like . the tests do n't alter any system settings , so even a novice can use it without fear of doing damage . return after 5-10 minutes and the report will be ready .   ; there is more to pc problem solving than a basic hardware check , but if you can't do that , you can spend a lot of time looking under the wrong rocks .   ; best of all , # 1 - tufftest - lite is freeware with no restrictions on its use or distribution so you really can't go wrong giving it a try . [ download your free pc diagnostic @ www . ipcug . org ] ( 2b ) call for reviews / reviewers   ; we are always looking for member recommendations on new pc and macintosh products to review . and we also invite members to submit their product reviews . ( 3 ) contact information jason president @ ipcug . org megan vicepresident @ ipcug . org manny secretary @ ipcug . org website www . ipcug . org address ipcug376 grant blvd . suite 116syracuse , ny 13206 phone ( 315 ) 431-9571 fax ( 315 ) 431-9571 ( c ) 1998-99 internet pc user group . all rights reserved . you have received this e-mail newsletter as a result of your registration to the ipcug . you may leave this e-mail newsletter service at any time by sending an e-mail to list-unsubscribe @ ipcug . org . the subject line and message body are not used in processing the request , and can be anything you like . for more information on the ipcug please visit http : / / www . icpug . org / " 1 +"Subject: amta ' 98 * * deadline postponed * * deadline postponed * * deadline postponed * * - - - call for submissions - - - association for machine translation in the americas amta-98 conference , langhorne , pa , october 28-31 , 1998 machine translation and the information soup ( mt in a growing field of language technologies ) the association for machine translation in the americas is pleased to convene its third conference in the biennial series , to be held at the sheraton bucks county hotel in langhorne , pa , on 28-31 october , with tutorials and welcoming reception on wednesday , october 28 , and pre-conference workshops scheduled for tuesday october 27th . following on the success of last year 's mt summit , which commemorated the 50th anniversary of machine translation , amta invites all who are interested in any aspect of machine translation - - developers , researchers , users , and watchers - - to attend the conference in october . at amta-98 we will focus on the multilingual aspects of the diverse language technologies being used increasingly on the web : information retrieval , text summarization , speech recognition , and so on . as usual , the conference will feature invited speakers , panel discussions , papers by researchers and developers , workshops , tutorials , and more . participation by members of amta 's sister organizations , aamt in asia and eamt in europe , is strongly encouraged . and people working in related areas , such as information retrieval and summarization , are very welcome to attend . more information about the conference can be found at http : / / www . isi . edu / natural-language / amta98 . html registration form a copy of the amta-98 registration form will soon be posted on the web at : http : / / www . isi . edu / natural-language / amta98 . html alternatively , please contact debbie becker association for machine translation in the americas 1201 pennsylvania avenue , n . w . , suite 300 washington , dc 20004 usa tel / fax : + 1-703 - 716-0912 email : amta @ clark . net conference organizers general chair : eduard hovy , usc information sciences institute program chairs : david farwell , crl , new mexico state university laurie gerber , systran software , inc . ( san diego ) local arrangements chair : martha palmer , university of pennsylvania amta-98 : paper and system description / demonstration submissions . authors / system developers are invited to submit three kinds of presentations : 1 . theoretical papers : unpublished papers are requested about original work on all aspects of machine translation . however , given the theme of this year 's conference , special consideration will be given to papers which address advances in multilingual language and information technologies which have a potential impact on machine translation . papers should be in english , not longer than 10 pages , with minimum character font size of 11 pt . 2 . system descriptions with optional system demonstrations : approx . 25 minutes will be allocated per system description / demo . submissions should be in english , not longer than 4 pages . if a system demonstration is included , please provide the following information : - hardware platform , - operating system , - name and contact information of system operations specialist . 3 . studies of users experiences with implementing mt or testing its applicability to some task . users and marketing consultants are especially welcome to submit . studies should be in english , not longer than 8 pages , with minimum character font size of 11 pt . first page : all types of submission should include a separate title page with the following information : - paper title , - author ( s ) ' name ( s ) , address ( es ) , telephone and fax numbers , email address ( es ) , - one-paragraph abstract , - for theoretical papers : subject area keyword ( s ) for user studies : the words "" user study "" for system descriptions / demos : the words "" system description / demo "" . submissions are due at address below on june 15 , 1998 . * new deadline * authors will be notified of acceptance on july 15 , 1998 . final copies of papers are due on august 31 , 1998 . softcopy submissions ( papers that do not print will be returned to the author ) : email address : david @ crl . nmsu . edu subject line : amta-98 submission paper encoding : - ascii plain text - microsoft word ( rtf format ) - postscript hardcopy submissions ( please send four ( 4 ) copies ) : amta-98 : david farwell computing research laboratory box 30001 / 3crl new mexico state university las cruces , nm 88003 usa " 0 +"Subject: new books : translation john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the field of translation : translation and creation . readings of western literature in early modern china , 1840-1918 david e . pollard ( ed . ) 1998 vi , 336 pp . benjamins translation library , 25 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 709 8 price : us $ 85 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1628 2 price : nlg 170 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com in the late qing period , from the opium war to the 1911 revolution , china absorbed the initial impact of western arms at first , then manufactures , science and culture - in that order . this volume of essays deals with the reception of western literature in china , on the evidence of translations made . having to overcome chinese assumptions of cultural superiority , the perception that the west had a literature worth notice grew only gradually . it was not until the very end of the 19th century that a translation of a western novel ( la dame aux camelias ) achieved popular acclaim . but this opened the floodgates ; in the first decade of the 20th century , more translated fiction was published than original fiction . translators ' strategies and creativity . selected papers from the 9th international conference on translation and interpreting . in honor of jiri levy and anton popovic ann beylard - ozeroff , jana krlov & barbara moser - mercer ( eds . ) 1998 xiv , 230 pp . benjamins translation library , 27 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 711 x price : $ 65 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1630 4 price : nlg 130 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this volume brings together a selection of papers presented at the ixth international conference on translation and interpreting , prague , september 1995 , co-organized by the institute of translation studies , charles university , prague , and the ecole de traduction et d ' interprtation , university of geneva . the conference was dedicated to the work of jiri levy and anton popovic and focused on the vital role played by translators ' strategies and their creativity in the translation process . contributions by : j . krlov and b . moser - mercer ; r . voyat ; g . quillard ; e . osers ; o . carbonell cortes ; e . hung ; m . morris ; d . tellinger ; z . jettmarova ; a . kruger ; j . milton ; a . pym ; r . van den broeck ; f . chaume varela ; z . fiser ; c . jurchott ; k . kinga ; e . nida ; g . hansen ; v . ivir ; l . gran ; i cenkova ; k . jonason ; r . mackenzie ; m . piotrowska ; a . riccardi ; s . roiss and j . weatherby ; b . alexieva . the changing scene in world languages . issues and challenges . marian b . labrum , ( ed . ) 1997 160 pp . ata scholarly monographs series , ix us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 628 8 price : $ 49 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 3184 2 price : nlg 98 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the 1997 ata volume brings together articles on translation practice into the 21st century . contributions deal with the information age , multilingualism in europe , english as a lingua franca , terminology standardization , translating for the media , and new directions in translator training . a comprehensive bibliography of dissertations makes this a useful reference tool . contributions by : p . bush ; t . cabre ; m . del camino ; c . dollerup ; o . diaz fouces ; m . gaddis rose ; d . hague ; m . labrum ; r . mayoral and d . kelly ; e . nida ; j . and d . smart . text typology and translation . anna trosborg , ( ed . ) 1997 xvi , 342 pp . benjamins translation library , 26 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 710 1 price : $ 89 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1629 0 price : nlg 178 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this book breaks new ground in translation theory and practice . part i deals with methodological aspects and offers a typology of translations both as product and as process . part ii is devoted to domain-specific texts in a cross-cultural perspective , while part iii is concerned with terminology and lexicon as well as the constraints of mode and medium involving dubbing and subtitling as translation methods . sonnets , sagas , fairy tales , novels and feature films , sermons , political speeches , international treaties instruction leaflets , business letters , academic lectures , academic articles , medical research articles , technical brochures and legal documents are but some of the texts under investigation . in sum , this volume provides a theoretical overview of major problems and possibilities as well as investigations into a variety of text types with practical suggestions that deserve to be weighted by anyone considering the relation between text typology and translation . the volume is indispensable for the translator in his / her efforts to become a "" competent text-aware professional "" . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com " 0 +Subject: books on the history of linguistics john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the history of linguistics : the emergence of semantics in four linguistic traditions hebrew , sanskrit , greek , arabic wout van bekkum , jan houben , ineke sluiter , kees versteegh 1997 ix , 322 pp . studies in the history of the language sciences , 82 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 617 2 price : us $ 99 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 4568 1 price : hfl . 198 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the aim of this study is a comparative analysis of the role of semantics in the linguistic theory of four grammatical traditions , sanskrit , hebrew , greek , arabic . if one compares the organization of linguistic theory in various grammatical traditions , it soon turns out that there are marked differences in the way they define the place of 's emantics ' within the theory . in some traditions , semantics is formally excluded from linguistic theory , and linguists do not express any opinion as to the relationship between syntactic and semantic analysis . in other traditions , the whole basis of linguistic theory is semantically orientated , and syntactic features are always analysed as correlates of a semantic structure . however , even in those traditions , in which semantics falls explicitly or implicitly outside the scope of linguistics , there may be factors forcing linguists to occupy themselves with the semantic dimension of language . one important factor seems to be the presence of a corpus of revealed / sacred texts : the necessity to formulate hermeneutic rules for the interpretation of this corpus brings semantics in through the back door . the noblest animate motion speech , pysiology and medicine in pre-cartesian linguistic thought jeffrey wollock 1997 xlvi , 470 pp . studies in the history of the language sciences , 83 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 620 2 price : us $ 160 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 4571 1 price : hfl . 320 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the body of theory on speech production and speech disorder developed prior to descartes has been so neglected by historians that its very existence is practically unknown today . yet it provides a framework for understanding the speech process which is not only comprehensive and coherent , but of great relevance to current debates on issues of language performance and applied linguistics . this is because , the author contends , current theoretical difficulties stem largely from initial errors of descartes ; whereas earlier theoretical formulations , while outlining a bio-mechanics of speech , retain the central role of the human agent . the discussions explicated in this book come mainly from the natural - philosophic and medical literature of greco - roman antiquity , the middle ages , and the renaissance and early 17th century . this uncharted territory is mapped for the first time by tracing its textual history and diffusion as well as explaining the theory on its own terms but in language that will be clear and comprehensible to non-specialists . interdisciplinary in perspective , the book encompasses topics of interest not only to the language sciences , but also to the biosciences , medicine , philosophy of human movement , psychology and behavioral sciences , neurosciences , speech pathology , experimental phonetics , speech and rhetoric , and the history of science in general . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +"Subject: final programme workshop on distributing and accessing linguistic resources * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * distributing and accessing linguistic resources * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * may 27th , this workshop is part of first international conference on language resources and evaluation at the university of granada , may 26th to 30th 1998 ( see http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html for details and how to register ) . the workshop will discuss ways to increase the efficacy of linguistic resource distribution and programmatic access , and work towards the definition of a new method for these tasks based on distributed processing and object-oriented modelling with deployment on the www . the workshop will take place in the afternoon after the scheduled lunch break ( 13 . 20 - 14 . 40 ) . organizers : yorick wilks , wim peters , hamish cunningham , remi zajac papers presentations are 15 minutes each with 5 minutes for discussion . 14 . 45 - 15 . 05 distributed thesaurus storage and access in a cultural domain application s . boutsis , b . georgantopoulos , s . piperidis institute for language and speech processing , athens 15 . 05 - 15 . 25 a new model for language resource access and distribution w . peters , h . cunningham , y . wilks , c . mccauley university of sheffield 15 . 25 - 15 . 45 reuse and integration of nlp components in the calypso architecture r . zajac new mexico state university 15 . 45 - 16 . 05 corpus - based research using the internet h . brugman , a . russel , p . wittenburg , r . piepenbrock max planck institute for psycholinguistics , nijmegen 16 . 05 - 16 . 30 the cue corpus access tool o . mason university of birmingham 16 . 30 - 17 . 00 coffee break 17 . 00 - 17 . 20 linguistic research utilizing the edr electronic dictionary as a linguistic resource t . ogino edr , japan 17 . 20 - 19 . 00 ( room available until 20 . 00 ) panel discussion : distributing and accessing linguistic resources the panel participants are : khalid choukri , eduard hovy , judith klavans , yorick wilks , and antonio zampolli . 14 . 00 - 14 . 45 and 16 . 30 - 17 . 00 poster presentations the presentation of the posters will happen in 2 sessions , at the end of lunch and during afternoon coffee . the posters will also be on display during the workshop . tractor : telri research archive of computational tools and resources r . krishnamurthy university of birmingham web - surfing the lexicon d . cabrero , m . vilares , l . docampo , s . sotelo ramon pineiro research centre / universities of coruna and santiago exploring distributed mt o . streiter , a . schmidt - wigger , u . reuther , c . pease iai saarbruecken a proposal for an on - line lexical database p . cassidy micra , inc . workshop scope and aims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in general the reuse of of nlp data resources ( such as lexicons or corpora ) has exceeded that of algorithmic resources ( such as lemmatisers or parsers ) . however , there are still two barriers to data resource reuse : 1 ) each resource has its own representation syntax and corresponding programmatic access mode ( e . g . sql for celex , c or prolog for wordnet , sgml for the bnc ) ; 2 ) resources must generally be installed locally to be usable ( and of course precisely how this happens , what operating systems are supported etc . varies from case to case ) . the consequences of 1 ) are that although resources share some structure in common ( lexicons are organised around words , for example ) this commonality is wasted when it comes to using a new resource ( the developer has to learn everything afresh each time ) and that work which seeks to investigate or exploit commonalities between resources ( e . g . to link several lexicons to an ontology ) has to first build a layer of access routines on top of each resources . so , for example , if we wish to do task-based evaluation of lexicons by measuring the relative performance of an information extraction system with different instantiations of lexical resource , we might end up writing code to translate several different resources into sql or sgml . the consequence of 2 ) is that there is no way to "" try before you buy "" : no way to examine a data resource for its suitability for your needs before licencing it . correspondingly there is no way for a resource provider to expose limitted access to their products for advertising purposes , or gain revenue through piecemeal supply of sections of a resource . this workshop will discuss ways to overcome these barriers . the proposers will discuss a new method for distributing and accessing language resources involving the development of a common programmatic model of the various resources types , implemented in corba idl and / or java , along with a distributed server for non-local access . this model is being designed as part of the gate project ( general architecture for text engineering : http : / / www . dcs . shef . ac . uk / research / groups / nlp / gate / ) and goes under the provisional title of an active creole server . ( creole : collection of reusable objects for language engineering . currently creole supports only algortihmic objects , but will be extended to data objects . ) a common model of language data resources would be a set of inheritance hierarchies making up a forest or set of graphs . at the top of the hierarchies would be very general abstractions from resources ( e . g . lexicons are about words ) ; at the leaves would be data items that were specific to individual resources . programmatic access would be available at all levels , allowing the developer to select an appropriate level of commonality for each application . note that although an exciting element of the work could be to provide algorithms to dynamically merge common resources what we ' re suggesting initially is not to develop anything substantively new , but simply to improve access to existing resources . this is not a new standards initiative , but a way to build on previous initiatives . of course , the production of a common model that fully expressed all the subtleties of all resources would be a large undertaking , but we believe that it can be done incrementally , with useful results at each stage . early versions will stop decomposing the object structure of resources at a fairly high level , leaving the developer to handle the data structures native to the resources at the leaves of the forest . there should still be a substantial benefit in uniform access to higher level strucures . program committee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - yorick wilks hamish cunningham wim peters remi zajac roberta catizone paola velardi maria teresa pazienza roberto basili bran boguraev sergei nirenburg james pustejowsky ralph grishman christiane fellbaum " 0 +Subject: cfp : icsnl ' 98 announcement and call for papers 33rd international conference on salish and neighboring languages university of washington , seattle , wa august 5 - 7 , 1998 papers on all aspects of the study , preservation , and teaching of salish and neighboring languages are welcome . the conference will be three full days : 9 : 00 a . m . through 5 : 00 p . m . on wednesday and friday , 9 : 00 a . m . through 9 : 00 p . m . on thursday . native language program presentations and papers of practical interest to teachers will be interspersed throughout the program on all days . all sessions will be plenary . reports on language programs will generally be 20 minutes long ; discussion will follow . every author of a preprint paper will be expected to present a 5 - minute , non-technical introduction to her / his work , geared toward a general audience unfamiliar with the paper . presenters may add an optional 5 minutes of technical introduction . discussion of the paper will follow . information on conference organizers , housing , submission , deadlines , and formats is available at : http : / / humanities . byu . edu / icsnl / icsnl . htm 0 +Subject: semitic languages workshop workshop on computational approaches to semitic languages coling-acl98 sunday august 16 , 1998 , university of montreal * * call for pre - registration * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - workshop description although there exists a considerable body of cl research specifically targeted to semitic languages , much of the work to date has been the result of initiatives undertaken by individual researchers or research establishments . a direct consequence is that there is comparatively little awareness amongst practitioners of either the state of the art as practiced outside their own locality , the common challenges faced by all practitioners , or the potential for developing a coordinated approach . the aims of this workshop are therefore : * to provide a forum where current work in a broad range of subfields can be presented , collected and diffused . * to assess the state of the art with a view to identifying promising areas for future collaborative research . * to examine the possibilities of supporting such research through national and international funding initiatives . accepted papers concern arabic , hebrew , maltese and akkadian , in following subject areas : tagging , orthography , morphology , syntax / parsing / generation . the programme comprises a session for each of these themes , together with a short supplementary session for short papers . final programme : http : / / www . cs . um . edu . mt / ~ mros / casl / prog . html pre-registration : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / mainpage . html programme committee members michael rosner , university of malta , malta ( workshop coordinator ) ken beesley , xerox research centre europe , france joe caruana , university of malta , malta khalid choukri , elra / elda , france yaacov choueka , bar ilan university , israel fathi debili , cnrs-cellma ( paris ) / irmc , tunisia ray fabri , university of malta , malta mamoun hattab , arabic textware , amman , jordan george kiraz , bell labs , usa ray fabri , university of malta chadia moghrabi , univerity of moncton , canada mori rimon , hebrew university , israel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mike rosner ( mros @ cs . um . edu . mt ) last modified : fri feb 20 15 : 08 : 23 met 0 +"Subject: new at capitalfm . com this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - another level - chat live with the group this tuesday ! - whitney houston - win whitney 's entire back catalogue . - b * witched - read the book extracts and win a signed copy . - latest bargains - pick up the very latest cds from only 9 . 99 . - westlife - ronan 's band go under the spotlight . - how to be a dj - pick up tips from the djs and win ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - another level - chat live with the group this tuesday ! there 's no stopping wayne , dane , bobak and mark . not only are they off on a uk tour in april and have a stream of fab new releases , they ' ll be here for a webchat on the evening of tuesday 23rd march . start thinking up your tough questions now ! - 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" 1 +Subject: anglo - american studies first announcement and call for papers for the 1999 issue of op . cit . : a journal of anglo - american studies , published by apeaa , the portuguese association for anglo - american studies modernisms and postmodernisms in english studies : accounting for the century the 20th century has witnessed the growth , developments and border-crossings of english studies as a major , complex , multidisciplinary , multicultural field . alongside ( not seldom in dialogue and confrontation with ) the established english of literary studies , for many decades dominant in many ways and places , also language and culture studies have , with their various disciplines , methods and perspectives , moved centre-stage and re-shaped , re-defined , and re-orientated the field . it is the history of english studies in the century now drawing to its close that op . cit . : a journal of anglo - american studies invites prospective contributors to focus on and study : its significant chapters , individual authors and intellectual formations , periods and theoretical constellations ; its disciplinary , interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary modes and approaches , its dominant , residual and emergent strategies and discourses ; its established and new linguistic codes ( english vs . english ) ; its horizons , mappings and accents ; its institutionally constituted scholarship ( s ) and its innovative projects . the theme proposed , modernisms and postmodernisms in english studies : accounting for the century , offers one version of the narrative of beginnings , transitions and changes in english studies in our century , one starting point for analysis , and one opportunity for alternative versions . deadline for 2 - 3 , 000 - word position and 7 - 8 , 000 - word papers : sept . 30 , 1998 . submissions in diskette and two hard copies . op . cit . is a refereed journal . all contributions should be submitted anonymously ( author 's name and address , and full title of the article on a separate sheet ) for more information contact alvaro pina , editor , ferpi @ mail . telepac . pt carlos a . m . gouveia , assistant editor , carlosmg @ fc . ul . pt material mail address : prof . alvaro pina ( or prof . carlos a . m . gouveia ) depto estudos anglsticos , faculdade de letras , universidade de lisboa cidade universitaria 1699 lisboa codex , portugal fax no . + 351 - 1-7960063 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - carlos a . m . gouveia dept . estudos anglisticos faculdade de letras da univ . de lisboa cidade universitaria 1699 lisboa codex portugal fax : ( 351 ) ( 1 ) 796 00 63 e-mail : carlosmg @ fc . ul . pt 0 +Subject: available for review : massaro 98 - the book listed below is in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . speech perception massaro , dominic ( 1998 ) perceiving talking faces : from speech perception to a behavioral principle . cambridge : mit press . pattern recognition is deemed central to cognition . it appears to follow an optimal algorithm in a wide variety of behaviors and situations . _ perceiving talking faces _ proposes an invariant law of pattern recognition to describe how multiple sources of continuously perceived information , such as auditory and visual speech input are processed to achieve perception of a category . the book details the author 's extensive series of experiments on the use of multiple cues in speech perception and other domains , and unifies teh results under the fuzzy logical model of perception . the volume includes a cd rom . the reviewer of this volume will be expected to review both the book and the cd rom . 0 +Subject: icslp ' 98 call for papers for the 5th international conference on spoken language processing icslp ' 98 sydney convention & exhibition centre november 30th - december 4th 1998 the icslp ' 98 conference will continue the eight year tradition of the icslp series in bringing together professionals from all the diverse disciplines that contribute to spoken language processing . it will be the premier international display of the state-of - the-art in this broad field in 1998 . the conference will build bridges between people and sub-disciplines in order to create and nurture synergies that are important for the future of the field . keynote presentations and other plenary events which bring both experience and vision of multi-disciplinary attacks on grand challenges in spoken language processing in both humans and machines will contribute to our aims . a student day at which full-time student registrants may present their ideas under the guidance of senior mentors is also planned . however , it is the quality of the delegate presentations which will be the major factor in making icslp ' 98 a truly landmark event . this call for papers offers to you the opportunity to be a part of this significant event . co-sponsoring societies acoustical society of america acoustical society of china acoustical society of japan acoustical society of korea association for computational linguistics association for computational linguistics and chinese language processing audiological society of australia inc . australian linguistic society european speech communication association ieee signal processing society international phonetic association international society for phonetic sciences international advisory board souguil j . m . ann , seoul national university , korea jens p . blauert , ruhr - universitaet , germany michael brooke , university of bath , united kingdom timothy bunnell , university of delaware , usa anne cutler , max - planck - institute for psycholinguistics , netherlands hiroya fujisaki , science university of tokyo , japan julia hirschberg , at&t bell laboratories , usa bjorn granstrom , royal institute of technology , sweden lin - shan lee , national taiwan university , taiwan roger moore , defence research authority , united kingdom john j . ohala , university of california , berkeley , usa louis c . w . pols , university of amsterdam , netherlands christel sorin , centre nationale d ' etude des telecommunications , france yoh ' ichi tohkura , atr , japan jialu zhang , academia sinica , china conference secretariat tour hosts conference & exhibition organisers gpo box 128 sydney nsw 2000 australia tel : + 61 2 9262 2277 fax : + 61 2 9262 3135 email : icslp98 @ tourhosts . com . au submission procedure submissions are invited in any of the following technical topic areas : a . human speech production , acoustic - phonetics and articulatory models b . human speech perception c . language acquisition : first and second languages d . spoken language and dialogue modelling ; dialogue systems e . isolated word recognition f . large vocabulary continuous speech recognition g . utterance verification and word spotting h . speaker adaptation and normalisation in speech recognition i . speaker and language recognition ; dialects and speaking styles j . multilingual perception and recognition k . signal processing , speech analysis and feature extraction l . robust speech processing in adverse environments m . hidden markov model techniques n . artificial neural networks , fuzzy and evolutionary algorithms o . spoken language understanding systems p . text - to - speech synthesis q . prosody and emotion ; focus , stress and accent r . speech coding s . spoken language generation systems ; concept - to - speech t . spoken language translation systems u . analysis of speech and hearing disorders v . speech processing for the speech - impaired and hearing - impaired w . segmentation , labelling and speech corpora x . speech technology applications and human - machine interfaces y . spoken language processing and multimodality z . other areas of spoken language processing format of submission acceptance of papers for presentation at the conference will be on the basis of reviewed summaries . you should submit a summary of your paper comprising approximately 500 words . at the top of the page , please specify the following : corresponding author contact details : full name full postal mail address email address fax number phone number proposed paper details : paper title author list topic id ( a - z ) four additional keywords presentation preference ( oral , poster , student day ) the topic id should be a single category from the topic list specified as an alphabetic letter ; if your submission falls within the broad area of spoken language processing but is not explicitly represented in the topic list , please use the z category . the four additional keywords are requested in order to assist the programme committee in assigning reviewers . means of submission electronic submission of summaries via the world wide web is preferred . a summary submission form is available via url at http : / / cslab . anu . edu . au / icslp98 alternatively , a pro-forma for email submission can be obtained from this url or by emailing icslp98 @ tourhosts . com . au . email submissions should be sent to icslp98 @ one . net . au . if electronic submission is not possible , postal submissions ( 4 copies ) to the icslp ' 98 secretariat address specified below will be accepted provided that they adhere to the above format . please do not fax submissions . restrictions on submissions please note that only ascii summaries written in english will be accepted . do not include any attachments , graphics , or embedded formatting commands . given the large number of submissions we expect to receive , anything that cannot be printed directly will be rejected without consideration . acknowledgment of receipt you should receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 72 hours of electronically submitting your summary . if this does not happen , then you should resend your submission by email to icslp98 @ one . net . au with the word resubmission at the beginning of the subject line . if an acknowledgment is still not forthcoming , an email problem should be assumed , and the summary submitted by fax . please do not resubmit or send by fax for any other reasons than lack of acknowledgment from the conference . conditions of acceptance all papers must be presented in english by one of the listed authors . that author will be required to register no later than the full-paper submission date . summaries will not be accepted after the submission date . student day submissions students wishing to submit papers for the sst student day should submit summaries as above . these submissions will be separately reviewed and published under the banner of the 7th australian speech science & technology conference and will also be included on the cdrom containing the icslp ' 98 proceedings . submission addresses world wide web : url = http : / / cslab . anu . edu . au / icslp98 e - mail submission : icslp98 @ one . net . au postal : icslp ' 98 secretariat , gpo box 128 , sydney , nsw 2001 , australia technical queries : robert dale - email : rdale @ mpce . mq . edu . au general information : email : icslp98 @ tourhosts . com . au important dates friday 1st may , 1998 paper summaries due for review friday 26th june , 1998 acceptance notification friday 21st august , 1998 deadline for full-paper submission 0 +Subject: tami , was that yu ? bobby , is this you ? this is john , your cousin . call or email me immedaitly . found a company who will build , and host our site for free . call me today . if this is not you bobby i ' m sorry if you recieved this by mistake . 1 +"Subject: syntax and semantics of tense and mood selection conference on syntax and semantics of tense and mood selection 2 - 4 july , 1998 department of education and communications sciences university of bergamo organisers : alessandra giorgi , university of bergamo , giorgi @ ibguniv . unibg . it fabio pianesi , irst , trento , pianesi @ irst . itc . it local organisation : dott . a molani sig . ra michela perrottelli secretary of the department : sig . ra flora drago flora @ ibguniv . unibg . it tel : + 39 - ( 0 ) 35-277421 registration : wednesday , 6 - 7 . 30 pm , room 14 , piazza vecchia 8 ( bergamo alta ) thursday , july 2nd , 1998 registration and conference site : room 5 , via salvecchio 19 ( bergamo alta ) 9 . 00 - 9 . 15 opening address - prof . a . castoldi ( dean of the faculty ) and prof . m . ceruti ( head of the department ) 9 . 15 - 10 . 15 j . higginbotham ( invited speaker - somerville college , oxford ) - "" temporal subordination in english "" 10 . 15 - 10 . 30 break 10 . 30 - 11 . 10 m . hackl & j . nissenbaum ( mit ) - "" variable modal force in for - infinitival relative clauses "" 11 . 10 - 11 . 50 a . giannakidou ( amsterdam ) & f . zwarts ( groeningen ) "" semantic restrictions on tense / aspect combinations with temporal connectives "" 11 . 50 - 12 . 50 a . von stechow ( invited speaker - tuebingen ) - "" where is anteriority in ( german ) perfect constructions ? "" 12 . 50 - 14 lunch 14 . 00 - 15 . 00 a . bonomi ( invited speaker - milano ) - "" semantical considerations on the progressive reading of the imperfective . "" 15 . 00 - 15 . 40 s . rothstein ( bar - ilan ) - "" achievements and progressives "" 15 . 40 - 16 . 20 g . a . broadwell ( albany ) & g . brugger ( ucla ) - "" variability in aspectual orientation : the perfective in choctaw "" 16 . 20 - 16 . 40 break 16 . 40 - 17 . 20 r . amritavalli ( hyderabad ) - "" tense , aspect and mood in kannada "" 17 . 20 - 18 . 00 n . duffield ( mcgill , montreal ) - "" deriving temporal and modal interpretation in vietnamese "" 18 . 00 - 19 . 00 t . stowell ( invited speaker - ucla ) - "" sequence of tense and indexicality "" friday , july 3rd , 1998 conference site : room 5 , via salvecchio 19 ( bergamo alta ) 9 . 00 - 10 . 00 p . molinelli ( invited speaker - bergamo ) - "" sequence of tense and mood selection in late latin "" 10 . 00 - 10 . 40 a . mittwoch ( jerusalem ) - "" tense for the quick and the dead "" 10 . 40 - 11 . 00 break 11 . 00 - 11 . 40 t . moia ( lisboa ) - "" on the semantics of temporal connectives expressing anteriority and posteriority "" 11 . 40 - 12 . 40 s . iatridou ( invited speaker - mit ) - "" the role of tense , mood and aspect in the expression of counterfactuality "" 12 . 40 - 14 . 00 lunch 14 . 00 - 15 . 00 g . cinque ( invited speaker - venezia ) - "" on the order of tense and aspect heads "" 15 . 00 - 15 . 40 h . demirdache ( vancouver ) & m . uribe - etxebarria ( vitoria - gasteiz ) - "" towards a restrictive theory of the diversity of temporal systems "" 15 . 40 - 16 . 20 t . bhattacharya ( ucl , london ) - "" the subjunctive in bangla "" 16 . 20 - 16 . 40 break 16 . 40 - 17 . 40 d . abusch ( invited speaker - stuttgart ) - "" toward a compositional representation for tense , infinitivals and futurity . "" 17 . 40 - 18 . 00 break 18 . 00 - 19 . 30 plenary discussion - chairs : i . heim ( mit ) & j . higginbotham ( oxford ) 20 . 30 social dinner saturday , july 4th , 1998 conference site : room 5 , via salvecchio 19 ( bergamo alta ) 9 . 30 - 10 . 30 a . giorgi ( bergamo ) & f . pianesi ( itc-irst , trento ) - "" generalised double access reading "" 10 . 30 - 11 . 10 b . hollebrandse ( umass , amherst ) - "" the acquisition of sequence of tense "" 11 . 10 - 11 . 30 break 11 . 30 - 12 . 10 g . katz ( tuebingen ) - "" present - oriented constructions and the perfectivity parameter "" 12 . 10 - 13 . 10 h . kamp ( invited speaker - stuttgart ) - "" deixis and context dependence of time denoting nps and temporal adverbs "" alternates kiyomi kusumoto ( amherst ) - "" a theory of sequence of tense : evidence from a non - sequence-of - tense language "" c . gronemeyer ( lund ) - "" the syntactic basis of evidentiality in lithuanian "" m . r . manzini ( firenze ) - "" the syntax of the subjunctive "" m . ippolito ( mit ) - "" reference time and tense anaphora "" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - how to get to bergamo : milano linate and milano malpensa are the closest international airports . bergamo is about 30 miles away from milan . a taxi from linate to bergamo would cost approximately 80 $ . a taxi from malpensa would cost approximately 120 $ . - if you arrive at milano linate take the bus to "" milano centrale "" station ; the bus leaves every 20 minutes and takes 15 minutes to arrive at the station . - if you arrive at milano malpensa take the bus to "" milano centrale "" station ; the bus leaves every half an hour and takes almost an hour to arrive at the station . - from milano centrale there are some trains to bergamo . otherwise , take the metro from centrale to milano porta garibaldi station ( two stops on the green line ) ; here you find more trains to bergamo . some trains go directly from milan to bergamo , others stop in carnate usmate , where you have to get a connection train to bergamo : both ways take the same time ( 50 minutes ) and cost the same . just take the first train leaving either to carnate or to bergamo . - from venice ( or padua ) : take a train going toward milan and get off in brescia . take the first train to bergamo ( 50 minutes ) . please notice that there are no trains during the night ( after 11pm ) ! more detailed information about trains can be found at the www of ferrovie dello stato ( italian railways ) , where train schedule , bookings , etc . . are also available . the address is : http : / / www . fs-on - line . com / - there is a small airport in bergamo : orio al serio . check at your travel agency whether there are connecting flights which might be useful to you . - once in bergamo : the conference site is in bergamo alta ( the ancient town ) . buy a bus ticket ( about $ 1 ) , take the bus number 1 to the funicolare and then with the same ticket you can take the funicular to the top . addresses and fax numbers : a . giorgi dept . of education and communications sciences university of bergamo piazza vecchia 8 24 100 bergamo , italy giorgi @ ibguniv . unibg . it fax 39-35 - 235136 ; from june 19 : 39-035 - 235136 pianesi @ irst . itc . it fax 39-461 - 302040 ; from june 19 : 39-0461 - 302040 secretary , ms flora drago : flora @ ibguniv . unibg . it fax 39-35 - 235136 ; from june 19 : 39-035 - 235136 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hotels sr = single room dr = double room bergamo alta ( the ancient town , where the conference will take place ) . hotel name san lorenzo , piazza mascheroni 9 sr : itl 138 . 000 breakfast incl . tel . 035-237383 ; fax 035-261661 dr : itl 198 . 000 breakfast incl . san vigilio , via san vigilio 15 dr : itl 170 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-253179 ; fax 035-402081 agnello d ' oro , via gombito 22 sr : itl 75 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-249883 ; fax 035 - 235612 dr : itl 125 . 000 no breakfast incl . bergamo bassa ( very close to bergamo alta , 10 minutes by bus / funicular , and very well connected even at night ) arli , largo porta nuova 12 sr : itl 128 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-222014 ; fax 035-239732 dr : itl 160 . 000 no breakfast incl . piemontese , p . le g . marconi 11 sr : itl 96 . 000 breakfast incl . tel . 035-242629 ; fax 035-230400 dr : itl 136 . 000 breakfast incl . commercio , via tasso 88 sr : ilt 77 . 000 breakfast incl . tel . 035-224096 ; fax 035-220451 dr : itl 110 . 000 breakfast incl . san giorgio , via san giorgio 10 sr : itl 55 . 000 no breakfast incl . tel . 035-212043 ; fax 035 - 310072 dr : itl 90 . 000 no breakfast incl . youth hostel , via galileo ferraris 1 , tel & fax : 035-361724 for further travel information you can contact : agenzia viaggi lorandi , tel . 035-222244 ; fax 035-225053 please notice that it is necessary to reserve in advance , because summer is "" high season "" and last minute arrangements might fail . important : if you want to attend the conference , please send us an e-mail message , or a fax ! " 0 +"Subject: 1999 genetic and evolutionary computation invitation to become a member of the program committee for the 1999 genetic and evolutionary computation conference ( gecco-99 ) http : / / www-illigal . ge . uiuc . edu / gecco / greetings : the 1999 genetic and evolutionary computation conference ( gecco ) would like to invite recent authors of papers related to genetic and evolutionary computation ( gec ) to become members of the program committee of the gecco conference to be held on july 13-17 , 1999 in orlando , florida . as you may know , the 1999 genetic and evolutionary computation conference ( gecco ) will be a combined meeting of the eighth international conference on genetic algorithms ( icga ) and the fourth annual genetic programming conference ( gp ) in cooperation with the american association for artificial intelligence ( aaai ) , parallel problem solving from nature ( ppsn ) steering committee , the international conference on evolvable systems ( ices ) steering committee , and other organizations and conferences to be announced . gecco will be held in lieu of icga-99 and gp-99 , and as such , it combines the oldest continuously running gec conference , and the two largest gec conferences . we believe that the gecco conference in 1999 will be a unique opportunity to bring together an exceptionally large number of people from all facets of genetic and evolutionary computation . being on the program committee will involve reading , reviewing , and ranking about half a dozen submitted papers on genetic and evolutionary computation or related areas during the month of february 1999 . ( the paper submission deadline for gecco-99 is wednesday , january 27 , 1999 ) . the willingness of active contributors to help the conference in this way is absolutely critical to the success of gecco . in the past , some have complained that their point of view has been excluded from the review process . by agreeing to join us , active gec researchers will help make the gecco review process fair , open , and broadly participatory . as part of the charter establishing this conference , extraordinary steps have been taken to ensure that ( 1 ) review representation is exceptionally broad and ( 2 ) the traditions , norms , and standards of the different flavors of gec are respected . let us take a brief moment to explain how this will be done . first , the charter of the conference says that reviewers are automatically invited based on their recent contribution of a peer-reviewed publication : a person may be a reviewer for the conference if he or she is an author of at least one peer-reviewed paper in a journal , conference proceedings book , or collected book of papers published since january 1 , 1995 involving any aspect or combinations of aspects of [ genetic and ] evolutionary computation . thus , becoming a reviewer is even-handedly based on recency of peer-reviewed contribution . second , gecco explicitly recognizes and respects the different traditions of different sub-fields within gec and related disciplines . as such , the conference has established six different tracks each with its own chair / editor : 1 . evolution strategies / evolutionary programming ( es / ep ) . a . e . eiben , gusz @ wi . leidenuniv . nl 2 . genetic algorithms / classifier systems ( ga / cs ) . robert e . smith , rsmith @ btc . uwe . ac . uk 3 . genetic programming / evolvable hardware ( gp / eh ) . wolfgang banzhaf ( also proceedings editor - in - chief ) , banzhaf @ ls11 . informatik . uni-dortmund . de 4 . artificial life , adaptive behavior , and agents ( aaa ) . vasant honavar , honavar @ cs . iastate . edu 5 . dna and molecular computing ( dna / mc ) . max h . garzon , mgarzon @ memphis . edu 6 . real - world applications ( rwa ) . mark jakiela , mjj @ mecf . wustl . edu these separate "" demes "" will establish separate rules and standards for paper acceptance based on the practices within the sub-discipline . in this way , we hope to more closely group "" birds of a feather "" and thereby avoid the rejection of high quality papers by reviewers who are less than familiar with the standards that should apply to a particular kind of paper . with this kind of carefully constructed process , we believe that a large number of recent gec authors will choose to join the program committee . if you are willing to be a member ( reviewer ) of the program committee , please email gecco @ aaai . org ( note : please do not use a "" reply "" command to respond to this message since dave goldberg will be out of town for most of june ) and send the following information : ( 1 ) the exact way you want your name listed , ( 2 ) the institutional affiliation you want listed with your name , ( 3 ) your physical mailing address , ( 4 ) your phone number ( for courier address labels ) , ( 5 ) your preferred e-mail address , ( 6 ) which of the six committees you would like to join ( gp / eh , ga / cs , or es / ep , aaa , dna / mc , or rwa ) , and if you have a preference for one of the sub-categories within that committee ( gp and / or eh , ga and / or cs , es and / or ep , alife and / or adaptive behavior and / or agents , dna and / or mc ) . ( 7 ) the title , date , and publication name of a peer-reviewed gec or related paper ( published after january 1 , 1995 ) that qualifies you as a member of the gecco committee ( a complete citation is unnecessary ) . authors who choose to join the gecco program committee will be acknowledged in the conference proceedings as well as in various editions of the calls for papers , the conference brochure , and advertising . physical copies of the papers will be sent to reviewers by ups courier service in late january 1999 , and the review form will be sent by e-mail . reviewers will be given several weeks to read and review the papers . reviews are returned by e-mail directly to the aaai . the reviewer 's name is removed from the message by the aaai before the review is forwarded to the chair of the appropriate track and ( eventually ) the submitting author . if a reviewer 's physical mailing address or e-mail address changes between now and february 1999 , the conference office ( gecco @ aaai . org ) should be notified as soon as possible . although the conference is over a year away , we already have an outstanding lineup of chairs , editors , senior members , and tutorial speakers ( see http : / / www-illigal . ge . uiuc . edu / gecco / ) . the editors / chairs have already been mentioned , but among those joining us as senior committee members are thomas baeck , hans - georg beyer , michael conrad , ingo rechenberg , guenter rudolph , bir bhanu , bill p . buckles , runwei cheng , marco colombetti , herbert dawid , marco dorigo , emanuel falkenauer , mitsuo gen , randy l . haupt , sue ellen haupt , john h . holland , kim f . man , dirk c . mattfeld , zbigniew michalewicz , melanie mitchell , k . s . tang , michael d . vose , david andre , vladan babovic , forrest h bennett iii , tobias blickle , dimitris c . dracopoulos , frank d . francone , andreas geyer - schulz , wolfgang a . halang , hitoshi iba , christian jacob , martin keane , robert e . keller , john r . koza , sam kwong , w . b . langdon , peter nordin , and moshe sipper . among those joining us for an extensive offering of tutorials are rik belew , forrest h bennett iii , lawrence davis , kalyanmoy deb , ken dejong , stephanie forrest , max garzon , tetsuya higuchi , john r . koza , w . b . langdon , jean - arcady meyer , melanie mitchell , randy c . murphy , peter nordin , i . c . parmee , guenter rudolph , hans - paul schwefel , leigh tesfatsion , michael vose , darrell whitley , and stewart wilson . other workshop and tutorial proposals as well as ideas for invited speakers and other activities may be sent to the business committee ( deg @ uiuc . edu or koza @ cs . stanford . edu ) . as active researchers ourselves , we understand that it is difficult to take time away from research for the "" administrivia "" of the reviewing process . but researchers are often the first to complain when their conferences are guided by "" political "" not "" scientific "" considerations . therefore we ask that all qualified committee candidates take this invitation very seriously , and we urge you to step up to the plate to make sure that the technical content of this conference is guided by our field 's active contributors ( qualified reviewers should send an email with the requested information above to gecco @ aaai . org ; please do not use a "" reply "" command to answer this message ) . names of reviewers who respond before july 1 , 1999 will be published in the first call for papers . moreover , we issue a special invitation to past authors to consider submitting to gecco 99 . although gecco is a new entity it is the combine of the oldest and the two largest , high-quality conferences in the field of genetic and evolutionary computation . with six separate demes for different styles of work and a participatory review process , we expect an unusually author-friendly conference . additionally , past attendance at icga and gp suggests that we should have over 600 researchers in attendance , but we will take steps to make sure that there is plenty of time for face-to - face meeting and interaction as well . in short , we believe that gecco-99 will be a special event for the community of genetic and evolutionary computation . we hope you can take the time to join us in the review process and we welcome your paper submission , but in any event we look forward to seeing you in orlando , july 13-17 , 1999 at gecco-99 . thank you , david e . goldberg ( illinois ) gecco-99 conference chair and business committee and john r . koza ( stanford ) gecco-99 business committee note : again , please do not use a "" reply "" command to answer this message . instead , respond to gecco @ aaai . org for fastest handling . " 0 +Subject: transcription of continuous speech workshop coling-acl 98 workshop on partially automated techniques for transcribing naturally occurring , continuous speech august 16 , 1998 ( following acl / coling-98 ) university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) description - - - - - - - - - - the development of robust systems for speech analysis and synthesis depends crucially on the availability of well-annotated corpora of naturally occurring , continuous speech . yet existing speech corpora are rarely well-annotated . a key to proper annotation is the availability of partially automated systems for linking selected portions of a visual display of speech to the corresponding transcriptions . to be of practical use , such systems must be able to handle large files of digitized speech and they should permit transcriptions at different levels of analysis . this workshop is devoted to the presentation and discussion of papers and software demonstrations which reflect the current state of the art . the presentations address the development , use , and evaluation of such systems . registration - - - - - - - - - - - registration is now open for this workshop . registration details can be found at http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca registration befroe july 1 is 50 can ( 35 can for students ) for participants of the main conference . anybody wishing to attend only this workshop can do so by pre-registering the same way and submitting a fee of 150 can . preregistration is strongly advised . workshop program - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - session 1 9 : 15 - 9 : 30 opening remarks nancy belmore concordia university 9 : 30-10 : 05 recognition of spontaneous speech ( invited talk ) peter stubley nortel 10 : 05-10 : 30 break session 2 10 : 30-11 : 05 towards multimodal spoken language corpora : transtool and synctool joachim nivre , elisabeth ahlsen , jens allwood , leif gronqvist , jenny holm , dario lopez - kasten , sylvana sofkova , kristina tullgren goteborg university 11 : 05-11 : 40 speech annotation by multi - sensory recording robert luk hong kong polytechnic university 11 : 40-12 : 15 how phone duration and segmental processing improve continuous speech signal labeling andre - obrecht , n . parlangeau , f . pellegrino universite paul sabatier - cnrs 12 : 15 - 1 : 15 lunch session 3 1 : 15 - 1 : 50 grapheme - to-phoneme transcription rules for spanish with application to automatic speech recognition and synthesis patrizia bonaventura , fabio giuliani , juan m . garrido , isabel orten cluster reply consultant , turin and universitat autonoma de barcelona 1 : 50 - 2 : 25 the value of minimal prosodic information caroline lyon and jill hewitt university of hertfordshire 2 : 25 - 3 : 00 taped demonstrations 3 : 00 - 3 : 30 break session 4 3 : 30 - 4 : 00 on - line demonstrations 4 : 00 - 5 : 00 round table discussion workshop organization sabine bergler department of computer science concordia university 1455 de maisonneuve blvd west montreal , qc h3g 1m8 e-mail trans98 @ cs . concordia . ca program committee nancy belmore sabine bergler john esling eric keller roland kuhn douglas o'shaughnessy ching y . suen 0 +Subject: labphon6 registration and schedule dear colleagues , this message is a reminder that registration is still open for the sixth conference on laboratory phonology at the university of york ( uk ) on 2nd - 4th july , 1998 . for information on how to register , please see our web site http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / labphon . html places are also still available for the conference banquet on friday , 3rd july at the historic assembly rooms in the centre of the medieval city of york . if you have difficulty accessing the web site , or have any other query , please do not hesitatate to e-mail us at labphon6 @ york . ac . uk draft programme invited speakers mary beckman ( ohio state ) , john harris ( university college london ) terrance nearey ( university of alberta ) , francis nolan ( university of cambridge ) oral presentations s . hawkins & n . nguyen : effects on word recognition of syllable-onset cues to syllable-coda voicing j . pierrehumbert , j . hay & m . beckman : speech perception , well - formedness and lexical frequency r . wright : factors of lexical competition in vowel articulation b . gick : articulatory correlates of ambisyllabicity in english glides and liquids p . carter : extrinsic phonetic interpretation : spectral variation in english liquids k . de jong : temporal constraints and characterizing syllable structuring b . zawaydeh : the interaction of the phonetics and phonology of gutturals d . silverman : pitch discrimination during breathy versus modal phonation k . hayward & j . watkins : the phonetic interpretation of register k . tajima & r . f . port : speech rhythm in english and japanese j . rodgers : segmental and suprasegmental influences on the realization of voicing in english m . d ' imperio & b gili fivela : how many levels of phrasing ? evidence from two varieties of italian p . keating , t . cho , c . fougeron & c . hsu : domain - initial articulatory strengthening in four languages d . r . ladd & j . scobbie : postlexical phonology does not reduce to phonetics : the case of sardinian external sandhi conference schedule * registration on campus from wednesday lunchtime * conference begins thursday morning * wine reception thursday evening * programme continues friday ( poster session in afternoon ) * conference banquet friday evening * programme continues saturday morning * programme concludes with saturday lunch best wishes , the organising committee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ labphon6 department of language and linguistic science university of york york yo1 5dd uk e-mail : labphon6 @ york . ac . uk web : http : / / www . york . ac . uk / ~ lang15 / labphon . html telephone : + 44 1904 432658 / 2672 / 2671 / 2660 fax : + 44 1904 432673 0 +"Subject: conf : computerm workshop at coling-acl ' 98 computerm ' 98 workshop announcement first workshop on computational terminology when : august 15 , 1998 ( just after coling-acl98 ) where : university of montreal , montreal ( quebec , canada ) http : / / tornade . ere . umontreal . ca / ~ lhommem / coling / computerm . html context the workshop provides a forum to bring together researchers from the fields of computational linguistics , terminology , automated translation , information retrieval and lexicography who share an interest in computational aspects of terminology processing : acquisition , extraction , indexing , machine-aided thesaurus building , dictionary construction , etc . registration the number of participants to the workshop is limited . it is advisable to pre-register as soon as possible : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / fees . html additional information ( travel , accomodation , tourism . . . ) see the coling-acl98 conference main page at : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / mainpage . html paper presentation schedule : ( preliminary ) august 15 , 1998 saturday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 : 45 - - 9 : 00 opening address 9 : 00 - - 9 : 30 david hull : "" a practical approach to terminology alignment "" 9 : 30 - - 10 : 00 akiko n . aizawa , kyo kageura : "" an approach to the automatic generation of multilingual keywords clusters "" 10 : 00 - - 10 : 30 ralf brown : "" automatically - extracted thesauri for cross-language ir : when better is worse "" 10 : 30 - - 10 : 45 coffee break 10 : 45 - - 11 : 45 first poster session 11 : 45 - - 12 : 15 fidelia ibekwe - sanjuan : "" building a prototype system for trends survey in a knowledge extraction program "" 12 : 15 - - 12 : 45 anne condamines , josette reyberolle "" ctkb : a corpus-based approach to a terminological knowledge base "" 12 : 45 - - 14 : 15 lunch 14 : 15 - - 14 : 45 toru hisamitsu ; yoshiki niwa : "" extraction of useful terms from parenthetical expressions by using simple rules and statistical measures - - a comparative evaluation of bigram statistics "" 14 : 45 - - 15 : 15 paul bowden , lindsay evett , peter halstead "" automatic acronym acquisition in a knowledge extraction program "" 15 : 15 - - 15 : 45 laura davidson , judy kavanagh , kristen mackintosh , ingrid meyer , douglas skuce : "" semi - automatic extraction of knowledge-rich contexts from corpora : examples and issues "" 15 : 45 - - 16 : 00 coffee break 16 : 00 - - 17 : 00 second poster session 17 : 00 - - 17 : 30 dekang lin : "" extracting collocations from text corpora "" 17 : 30 - - 18 : 00 hiroshi nakagawa , tatsunori mori : "" nested collocation and compound noun for term extraction "" posters : ( preliminary ) lee - feng chen , min - chan chen , chun - liang chen , bo - ren bai : "" internet - based chinese text corpus classification and domain-specific keyterm extraction "" hongyan jing , evelyne tzoukerman : "" improving retrieval with semantics and morphology "" kyo kageura , masaharu yoshioka , teruo koyama , toshihiko nozue : "" towards a common testbed for corpus-based computational terminology "" diana maynard , sofia ananiadou : "" acquiring contextual information for term disambiguation "" michael p . oakes , chris d . paice : "" term extraction for automatic abstracting "" antje schmidt - wigger : "" building consistent terminologies "" hinrich schuetze : "" hypercondex - - a hypertext concordance as a back-of - the-rule index "" scientific committee khurshid ahmad ( university of surrey , uk ) sophia ananiadou ( manchester metropolitan university , manchester , uk ) peter anick ( digital equipment corporation , usa ) teresa cabre ( university pompeu fabra , barcelone , spain ) ken church ( at&t labs research , usa ) anne condamines ( cnrs , toulouse , france ) bruce croft ( university of massachusetts , usa ) ido dagan ( bar ilan university , israel ) beatrice daille ( irin nantes , france ) pascale fung ( hong kong university of science and technology , hong kong ) eric gaussier ( xerox research centre europe , france ) gregory grefenstette ( xerox research centre europe , france ) stephanie haas ( university of north carolina , usa ) benoit habert ( limsi & ens fontenay - st cloud , france ) ulrich heid ( universitaet stuttgart , stuttgart , germany ) kyo kageura ( nacsis , tokyo , japan ) judith klavans ( columbia univesity , usa ) robert krovetz ( nec research institute , usa ) robert losee ( university of north carolina , usa ) ingrid meyer ( university of ottawa , ottawa , canada ) jian - yun nie ( university of montreal , montreal , canada ) padmini srinivasan ( the university of iowa , usa ) tomek strzalkowski ( general electric company , usa ) evelyne tzoukermann , ( bell labs innovations , lucent technologies , usa ) richard wojcik ( boeing company , usa ) pierre zweigenbaum ( ap-hp & universite paris 6 , france ) workshop organizers didier bourigault ( cnrs and universite paris xiii , paris , france ) christian jacquemin ( limsi , france ) marie - claude l ' homme ( universite de montreal , montreal , canada ) mailto : db @ lli . univ-paris 13 . fr jacquemin @ limsi . fr lhommem @ ere . umontreal . ca " 0 +"Subject: multimedia indexing and retrieval acm sigir ' 98 post - conference workshop multimedia indexing and retrieval melbourne , australia , august 28 , 1998 call for participation background : this workshop will focus on the required functionality , techniques , and evaluation criteria for multimedia information retrieval systems . researchers have been investigating content-based retrieval from non-text sources such as images , audio and video . initially , the focus of these efforts were on content analysis and retrieval techniques tailored to a specific media ; more recently , researchers have started to combine attributes from various media . the goal of multimedia ir systems is to handle general queries such as "" find outdoor pictures or video of clinton and gore discussing environmental issues "" . answering such queries requires intelligent exploitation of both text / speech and visual content . multimedia ir is a very broad area covering both infrastructure issues ( e . g . efficient storage criteria , networking , client-server models ) and intelligent content analysis and retrieval . since this is a one-day workshop , we have chosen three focus areas in the intelligent analysis and retrieval area . about the workshop : the first focus of this workshop is on integrating information from various media sources in order to handle multimodal queries on large , diverse databases . an example of such a collection would be the www . in such cases , a query may be decomposed into a set of media queries , each involving a different indexing scheme . the interaction of various media sources that occur in the same context ( e . g . , text accompanying pictures , audio accompanying video ) is of special interest ; such interaction can be exploited in both the content analysis and retrieval phases . the second focus deals with examples of research using content and organization of multimedia information into semantic classes . users pose and expect a retrieval to provide answers to semantic questions . in practice this is difficult to achieve . building structures that encode semantic information in a fairly domain independent and robust manner is extremely difficult . a quick review of computer vision research over the last few years points to this difficulty . in many cases , image content can be used in conjunction with user interaction and domain specificity to retrieve semantically meaningful information . however , it is clear that retrieval by similarity of visual attributes when used arbitrarily cannot provide semantically meaningful information . for example , a search for a red flower by color red on a very heterogeneous database cannot be expected to yeild meaningful results . on the other hand retrieval of red flowers in a database of flowers can be achieved using color . in context therefore , examples of research using content and organization of multimedia information into semantic classes will be discussed . many systems , particularly image and video based ones require an example picture which can be used as a query ( alternatively , the user may be required to draw a picture ) . it may be unrealistic to expect an example image to be always available . thus , it would be useful to find ways of generating new queries . can nlp techniques be combined with computer vision techniques to generate such queries ? or can multimodal retrieval techniques be combined to create queries suitable for image , video and audio retrieval ? in general , a question is how can we create realistic queries for realistic systems . the third focus of this workshop is on evaluation techniques for multimedia retrieval . currently , most researchers are using the standard evaluation measures defined for text documents ; these need to be extended / modified for multimedia documents . there is also a high degree of subjectivity involved that needs to be addressed . we will focus on the following specific topics : - content analysis and retrieval from various media ( text , images , video , audio ) - interaction of modalities ( e . g . text , images ) in indexing , retrieval - effective user interfaces ( permitting query refinement etc . ) - evaluation methodologies for multimedia information . we have found that researchers pay insufficient attention to it . - techniques for relevance ranking - multimodal query formation / decomposition - logic formalisms for multimodal queries - indexing and retrieval from scanned documents - e . g extracting text from images , word spotting - as a retrieval technique for both handwritten and printed documents . - testbeds for evaluating multimodal retrieval : it would be nice to have some resource sharing here since annotating these , and coming up with a good query set are difficult participation : two types of participation are expected . those interested in making a presentation at this workshop should submit their full papers either in online postscript version or in hardcopy by regular mail to the address given below . the papers should not exceed 5 , 000 words , including figures , tables , and references . those interested in participating , but not presenting papers , should submit a statement of interest , not to exceed 500 words . this should clearly state what aspect ( s ) of the workshop reflect their research interest . these will be used to select panelists . both types of submissions are due on friday , june 5th . decisions will be made no later than friday , june 26th . in the case of paper submission , the final camera-ready papers are due on july 24th . working notes will be made available to all participants at the workshop . all the submissions should be sent to : prof . rohini k . srihari , cedar / suny at buffalo ub commons 520 lee entrance , suite 202 amherst , ny 14228 - 2583 rohini @ cedar . buffalo . edu organization : workshop chairs ( also program chairs ) rohini k . srihari , suny at buffalo ( rohini @ cedar . buffalo . edu ) zhongfei zhang , suny at buffalo ( zhongfei @ cedar . buffalo . edu ) r . manmatha , university of massachussetts ( manmatha @ cs . umass . edu ) s . ravela , university of massachussetts ( ravela @ cs . umass . edu ) program committee members : shih - fu chang ( columbia u . , usa ) david harper ( robert gordon university , u . k . ) alex hauptmann ( cmu , usa ) rakesh kumar ( sarnoff , usa ) desai narasimhalu ( isi , singapore ) candace sidner ( lotus , usa ) peter schauble ( eth , switzerland ) timetable : paper or statement of interest submission : june 5th , 1998 decision : july 3rd , 1998 camera - ready paper due : july 24th , 1998 sigir conference : august 24th - 28th , 1998 workshop : august 29th , 1998 further information : further questions may be directed to the address above , or go to the web page of this workshop at http : / / www . cedar . buffalo . edu / sigir98 / mmtr . html or the sigir conference main web page at http : / / www . cs . mu . oz . au / sigir98 / " 0 +Subject: making sense of language series making sense of language series series editor : a / prof jill burton making sense of functional grammar the introductory workbook for every teacher linda gerot and peter wignell this workbook is the most innovative workbook available in systemic-functional grammar . designed to be used by teachers and teacher educators coming to grips with functional grammar , it also is the essential textbook for introductions to bachelor or masters degree level courses . it answers your questions about functional grammar and genre , how to describe the language used in your classroom , how to teach about differences in spoken and written language , how to increase students ' awareness of how language is used , and much more . isbn 0 646211 60 9 , pb 268p , aud $ 24 . 95 plus freight , trade welcome . making sense of text the contexttext relationship linda gerot volume 2 explores whole texts with reference to lexicogrammar , and how genre , field , tenor , mode and ideology contribute to our understanding of spoken and written texts . readers will learn how to apply the grammar to contrasting texts through the author 's analysis of a range of authentic material from a variety of contexts . although it builds on volume 1 , readers new to this kind of grammatical explanation can still use this volume as an introduction to systemic-functional grammar . the book will assist any reader 's understanding of the all-important contexttext relationship . isbn 0 646241 44 3 , pb 152p , aud $ 24 . 95 plus freight , trade welcome . for further information and orders for this latest teaching resource , contact your local educational book seller ( please give them our contact details ) , or the publisher directly ( we dispatch daily , word-wide ) : gerd stabler , aee publishers po box 5806 , gold coast mail centre queensland 9726 , australia tel : 07 5562 1130 , fax : 07 5562 1140 mobile : 041 923 1998 e-mail : aeegerd @ onthenet . com . au volume 3 , making sense of teaching reading also by dr . linda gerot is forthcoming and should be available late 1998 . please record your interest in this title , and we will notify you the moment it is available and deduct a 20 % discount especially for you when ordering volume 3 . in the meantime , please enjoy volume 1 and 2 , bestsellers on both sides of the horizon . additionally , we are looking for new authors to contribute to this series : making sense of language please contact the publisher : aee ( aeegerd @ onthenet . com . au ) thank you united states clients may like to contact : dominie press , inc 1949 kellogg ave , carlsbad ca 92008 tel . 619 431 8000 , fax . 619 431 8777 e-mail : rayuen @ dominie . com canadian clients should contact : pippin publishing c / - general distribution services 325 humber college blvd toronto , ontario m9w 7c3 tel . 416 502 1262 , fax . 416 502 1101 middle east , please contact : the kuwait bookshop co ltd po box 2942 13030 safat kuwait tel : 965 242 4266 & 242 4289 fax : 965 242 0558 uk clients : we need your help , please ! to - date we have been unable to locate a bookseller to distribute these titles in the uk and beyond . thank you for your time and interest . 0 +Subject: 3rd annual interdisciplinary conference - - - - - - - - - - - call for papers - - - - - - - - - - announcing our 3rd annual interdisciplinary conference border surjects 3 : ( dis ) locations of culture october 8-10 , 1988 , ay illinois state university , normal il papers and presentations invited on the following topics : * the politics of official language policy * the ebonics controversy * immigration history and language policy in the u . s and other countries * the threat to other dialects and ethnic groups to learn the surrounding majority language in the u . s . and other countries . * social and political pressures on bilingualism including the ramifications for such programs as bilingual education the conference welcomes diverse and creative interpretations of its topics . send abstracts proposals for papers ans panels ( 250 words ) to : ron strickland english department illinois state university normal il 61790-4240 e-mail : rlstrick @ ilstu . edu please send abstracts and proposals via email if possible . dealine for abstracts and proposals : june 30 , 1998 for more information , contact ron strickland : ph : 309-438 - 7907 email : rlstrick @ ilstu . edu 0 +"Subject: international summer school on speech processing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * international summer school "" neural nets e . r . caianiello "" 3rd course "" a course on speech processing , recognition , and artificial neural networks "" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * web page : http : / / wsfalco . ing . uniroma1 . it / speeschool . html the school is jointly organized by : international institute for advanced scientific studies ( iiass ) vietri sul mare ( sa ) italy , ettore majorana foundation and center for scientific culture ( emfcsc ) erice ( tr ) , italy supported by : european speech communication association ( esca ) sponsored by : salerno university , dipartimento di scienze fisiche e . r . caianiello ( italy ) directors of the course directors of the school and organizing committee : gerard chollet ( france ) . maria marinaro ( italy ) m . gabriella di benedetto ( italy ) michael jordan ( usa ) anna esposito ( italy ) maria marinaro ( italy ) place : international institute for advanced scientific studies ( iiass ) via pellegrino 19 , 84019 vietri sul mare , salerno ( italy ) dates : 5th - 14th october 1998 student fee : 1500 dollars student fee include accommodations ( arranged by the school ) , meals , one day of excursion , and a copy of the proceedings of the school . transportation is not included . a few scholarships are available for students who are otherwise unable to participate at the school , and who cannot apply for the grants offered by esca . the scholarship will partially cover lodging and living expenses . day time : 3 hour in the morning , three hour in the afternoon . day free : one day with an excursion of the places around . aims : the aim of this school is to present the experiments , the theories and the perspectives of acoustic phonetics , as well as to discuss recent results in the speech literature . the school aims to provide a background for further study in many of the fields related to speech science and linguistics , including automatic speech recognition . the school will bring together leading researchers and selected students in the field of speech science and technology to discuss and disseminate the latest techniques . the school is devoted to an international audience and in particular to all students and scientists who are working on some aspects of speech and want to learn other aspects of this discipline . major topics the school will cover a number of broad themes relevant to speech , among them : 1 ) speech production and acoustic phonetics 2 ) articulatory , acoustic , and prosodic features 3 ) acoustic cues in speech perception 4 ) models of speech perception 5 ) speech processing ( preprocessing algorithms for speech ) 6 ) neural networks for automatic speech recognition 7 ) multi - modal speech recognition and recognition in adverse environments . 8 ) speech to speech translation ( vermobil and cstar projects ) 9 ) applications ( foreign language training aids , aids for handicapped , . . . . ) . 10 ) stochastic models and dialogue systems format the meeting will follow the usual format of tutorials and panel discussions together with poster sessions for contributed papers . the following tutorials are planned : abeer alwan ucla university ( ca ) usa "" models of speech production and their application in coding and recognition "" andrea calabrese university of connecticut ( usa ) "" prosodic and phonological aspects of language "" gerard chollet cnrs - enst france "" alisp , speaker verification , interactive voice servers "" piero cosi cnr - padova italy "" auditory modeling and neural networks "" renato de mori universite d ' avignon , france "" statistical methods for automatic speech recognition "" m . gabriella di benedetto universita ' degli studi di roma "" la sapienza "" , rome , italy ` ` acoustic analysis and perception of classes of sounds ( vowels and consonants ) "" bjorn granstrom royal institute of technology ( kth ) sweden "" multi - modal speech synthesis with application "" jean p . haton universite henri - poincare , crin-inria , france "" neural networks for automatic speech recognition "" hynek hermansky oregon graduate institute , usa "" goals and techniques of speech analysis "" hermann ney computer science department , aachen germany "" algorithms for large vocabulary speech recognition "" "" text and speech translation using statistical methods "" john ohala university of california at berkeley ( ca ) usa "" articulatory constraints on distinctive features "" jean sylvain lienard limsi-cnrs , france "" speech perception , voice perception "" "" beyond pattern recognition "" proceedings the proceedings will be published in the form of a book containing tutorial chapters written by the lecturers and possibly shorter papers from other participants . one free copy of the book will be distributed to each participant . language the official language of the school will be english . poster submission there will be a poster session for contributed presentations from participants . proposals consisting of a one page abstract for review by the organizers should be submitted with applications . duration participants are expected to arrive in time for the evening meal on sunday 4th october and depart on tuesday 15th october . sessions will take place from monday 5th - wednesday 14th . costs the cost per participant of 1 . 500 $ dollars covers accommodation ( in twin rooms ) , meals for the duration of the course , and one day of excursion . - a supplement of 40 dollars per night should be paid for single room . payment details will be notified with acceptance of applications . grants - a few esca grants are available for participants ( which cover tuition and , maybe , part of the lodging ) . see http : / / ophale . icp . inpg . fr / esca / grants . html for further information . individual applications for grants should be sent to wolfgang hess by e-mail : wgh @ sunwgh . ikp . uni-bonn . de eligibility the school is open to all suitably qualified scientists from around the world . application procedure : important date : application deadline : may 30 1998 notification of acceptance : june 15 1998 registration fee payment deadline : july 10 1998 people with few years of experience in the field should include a recommendation letter of their supervisor or group leader places are limited to a maximum of 60 participants in addition to the lecturers . these will be allocated on a first come , first served basis . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * application form title : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ family name : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ other names : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ name to appear on badge : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mailing address ( include institution or company name if appropriate ) : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ phone : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fax : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e - mail : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ date of arrival : date of departure : will you be applying for a esca grant ? yes / no * * ( please delete the alternatives which do not apply ) will you be applying for a scholarship ? yes / no * * ( please delete the alternatives which do not apply ) * ( please include in your application a justification for scholarship request ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * please send the application form together the recommendation letter by electronic mail to : iiass @ tin . it , subject : summer school ; or by fax : + 39 89 761 189 ( att . ne prof . m . marinaro ) or by ordinary mail to the address below : iiass via pellegrino 19 , i84019 vietri sul mare ( sa ) italy for further information please contact : anna esposito international institute for advanced scientific studies ( iiass ) via pellegrino , 19 , 84019 vietri sul mare ( sa ) italy fax : + 39 89 761189 e-mail : annesp @ vaxsa . csied . unisa . it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * michelina ( elina ) savino dee - politecnico di bari via orabona , 4 - 70125 bari italia tel : + 39 80 5460253 fax : + 39 80 5460410 e-mail : esavino @ poliba . it " 0 +Subject: submit 600 this is not spam ; you are receiving this message because you are a member of a safemail list . if you do not wish to be a part of this listclick here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if you want your site to be found submit 600 is definitely for you your web site is of little use unless it can be found by those who might be interested in it . submit your web site to up to 600 different search engines and directories . guaranteed submission to the major search engines including : alta vista aol netfind excite hotbot infoseek lycos , magellan northernlight planet search web crawler yahoo ! netscape snap . com save yourself time and trouble and promote your web site using submit600 today ! ! ! there are more than 40 million web sites and 400 million web pages with more being added every day . thus , today it is more challenging than ever for your site to be easily found . if you want your site to be found click here if have trouble logging on to our url please email us requesting information regarding submit 600 click here 1 +Subject: endangered languages - edinburgh , sept 98 - call for registration endangered languages - what role for the the specialist ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - edinburgh , scotland - 25-27 september 1998 call for registration the conference will provide a forum for researchers and activists working for the maintenance of indigenous languages that face an uncertain future . conference scope and aims in recent years , number of support organizations have established themselves , all aiming to mobilize research effort , popular opinion and money in defence of declining languages . the question is often raised of how these outsiders can really help the cause that they have identified . language communities must have inner strength in order to survive , or at least the will and the means to go on using their traditional tongues . outside organizations , however well-meaning , cannot supply such qualities directly . some ask whether the organizations even have the right to try to interfere . this conference , the second organized by the foundation for endangered languages , is seeking answers to one part of this question . how can language specialists , whether professional linguists , educators , media professionals or whoever , actually contribute to language maintenance ? we shall be hearing of the actual effects of professional involvement on small language communities throughout the world . we do not expect a common set of conclusions to emerge from this sharing of experience and analysis . but we shall be looking at the variety we find , and asking if it points to a good way to define the roles of the support organizations : how they can complement one another , perhaps sharing techniques , perhaps transmitting knowledge ? some themes that will be addressed : when does the professional best act as an external consultant , when as a team-player ? what are useful relations : among grammarians , lexicographers and sociolinguists ? among community-leaders , language-activists and language-scientists ? among ordinary speakers , creative users , broadcasters and publishers ? what have been great successes in specialist language work , and what motivated the people responsible ? how does local work benefit from el support organizations with a global or continental view ? is the need for technical assistance , production of materials , publicity , funding , political agitation ? should el support organizations themselves specialize ? if so how : regionally , or by function ? the dates will be 25-27 september 1998 , and the venue the pollock halls in edinburgh . there will be a preliminary volume of proceedings distributed at the conference . all presentations should be accessible in english , but there may well be use of the languages of interest , for quotation or exemplification . organizers : dr nicholas ostler - foundation for endangered languages , bath , england mrs margaret allen - foundation for endangered languages , york , england dr briony williams - university of edinburgh , scotland programme committee : akira yamamoto , andrew woodfield , anthony woodbury , tasaku tsunoda , jane simpson , mari rhydwen , jon reyhner , nicholas ostler , david nash , christopher moseley , john clews , margaret allen . intended programme friday , 25 september session 1 endangered languages : what role for the specialist ? keynote speaker : donna b . gerdts : the linguist in language revitalization programmes ( salishan , canada ) session 2 un peu d ' histoire kim hardie role of specialists : the case of flemish in belgium jens e . jahn istria : between ethnic awakening & nationalism ken mackinnon the past and future of scots gaelic ( celtic ) saturday , 26 september session 3 successful interactions mick mallon a partnership : two old men eskimo jon reyhner , gina cantoni what educators can do session 4 understanding the language from the inside louanna furbee two kinds of expert in language renewal ( siouan ) rob . bolognesi standardization : the case of sardinian v . grondona speakers and the language specialist : mocovi ( waikuruan , argentina ) session 5 annual general meeting ( foundation for endangered languages ) session 6 understanding the language from the outside diego quesada competing interpretations : what if they are wrong ? ( chibchan , costa rica ) tapani salminen minority languages in a society in turmoil ( north of russian fed . ( ural . / tungus . / turk / paleosib . ) lynn landweer indicators of vitality : labu and vanimo ( austronesian / sko , niugini ) sunday , 27 september session 7 the new role of information technology bojan petek slovenian language in the information age rc macdougall effects and defects of e - mail ( mohawk , us ) mari rhydwen strategies for doing the impossible ( australia ) session 8 taking stock h . valiquette first things first akira yamamoto language community , scientific community & mutually supported community the conference will feature social events , including a conference dinner and an expedition in the edinburgh area . there is a discount of 10 . 00 ( pounds sterling ) for registrations made before 1 july 1998 . attendees at the conference ( including speakers ) need to be paid-up members of the foundation . payment of subscriptions will be possible at the conference . registration form - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - name address for correspondence designation area ( s ) of interest phone number e - mail fax number booking option [ please choose option 1 , 2 , 3 or 4 from the list of packages below ] booking options : [ all prices in pounds sterling - uk currency ] each package includes 3 lunches / 2 dinners / tea / coffee , registration ( proceedings , conference folders , excursion ) ; for residents , it also includes 2 nights ' bed & breakfast ( 25-27 sept ) . package regular student 1 . single room , without en-suite shower 100 . 00 90 . 00 2 . single room , with en-suite shower 130 . 00 120 . 00 3 . shared double room , with en-suite shower 120 . 00 110 . 00 4 . non - resident ( meals + breaks only ) 55 . 00 45 . 00 note ; . we will try as far as possible to accommodate any special requirements you may have . please send details as early as possible about the following : special dietary requirements , partial attendance at the conference , or accommodation for more than 2 nights etc . [ for non-members ] standard unwaged [ ] please enrol me as a member of the foundation : 20 . 00 [ ] please enrol me as a member of the foundation : 10 . 00 [ enclose proof of unwaged ( e . g . student ) status . ] important : remember to deduct 10 pounds if you are paying before july 1st , 1998 ! further note : we have endeavoured to keep costs to an absolute minimum , to maximize access . however , any surplus in the fund which is paying for this will go to support our work in documentation and promotion of endangered languages . if you can , please add a donation , marking the item below . possible donation [ pounds ] please write the total amount of your payment [ pounds ] methods of payment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . uk cheques ( in pounds sterling ) should be made payable to : foundation for endangered languages 2 . for cheques in other currencies please add 10 % to cover bank charges . 3 . the appropriate amount may be transferred directly to : foundation for endangered languages account 50073456 . sort code 08-90 - 02 . co - operative bank , 16 st . stephen street , bristol , bs1 1jr , england 4 . to pay by by credit card [ visa / mastercard ] please complete the following name as on c / card . . . . address as on c / card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . credit card number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c / card date of expiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please return this form with your payment to : margaret j . allen treasurer , foundation for endangered languages 14 , newland park close , york y010 3hw england josallen @ compuserve . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nicholas ostler managing director president linguacubun ltd foundation for endangered languages http : / / www . bris . ac . uk / depts / philosophy / ctll / fel / batheaston villa , 172 bailbrook lane bath ba1 7aa england + 44-1225 - 85-2865 fax + 44-1225 - 85-9258 nostler @ chibcha . demon . co . uk 0 +Subject: offering closes march 31 , 1999 offering closes march 31 , 1999 this announcement is not an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities . the offering is made only by the prospectus . net world marketing , inc . 10 , 000 , 000 common shares _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ price $ 0 . 10 per share _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ copies of the prospectus may be obtained directly from the company . copies of the prospectus may be obtained only in such states where the offering may be legally distributed . net world marketing , inc . 400 n . woodlawn , suite 18 wichita , ks 67208 tel : ( 800 ) 992-6616 fax : ( 316 ) 688-0998 1 +"Subject: kornfilt : turkish jaklin kornfilt ( 1997 ) , turkish . london and new york : routledge . xxxi + 575 pp . 110 , us $ 180 . reviewed by steve seegmiller , montclair state university . jaklin kornfilt 's grammar of turkish ( hereafter referred to as turkish ) is the first new , comprehensive grammar of this language to be published in english in more than two decades . as such , its appearance is a significant event , especially since its author is a well known and respected authority on turkish . this is the latest title in the descriptive grammars series , edited by bernard comrie and published by routledge . the goals of the works in this series are different from those of most grammars : the descriptive grammars are intended for linguists rather than general users . all of the grammars in the series address the same issues in a uniform format so that a given feature may be easily compared across languages , and they contain information of a sort that is often absent from more traditional grammars . toward the end of the review i will comment briefly on the potential utility of this grammar for non-linguists , but for the most part i will focus on usefulness of the grammar for linguists . the descriptive grammars series now includes nearly 30 titles . according to the editorial preface , the series gives preference to languages for which comprehensive descriptions are not presently available ( iv ) . the aim of the series is to provide information to linguists who are interested in language typology , language universals , and comparative grammar , employing a terminology and a notation that will make the information accessible to linguists regardless of their particular specialization or orientation . authors of the grammars in the series are expected to organize their descriptions as answers to a series of questions ( originally published in lingua vol . 42 , no . 1 , 1977 ) . turkish contains over 600 pages , including the prefatory material , the table of contents , and the bibliography . the grammatical description alone amounts to just over 550 pages . it is thus roughly twice as long as lewis ( 1967 ) and about 100 pages longer than underhill ( 1976 ) . the book contains five chapters of widely varying lengths . chapter 1 ( syntax ) contains 211 pages , chapter 2 ( morphology ) 270 pages , chapter 3 ( phonology ) 32 pages , chapter 4 ideophones and interjections ) just 3 pages , and chapter 5 ( lexicon ) 16 pages . thus approximately 90 per cent of the book is devoted to morphology and syntax . furthermore , a good deal of the information in the morphology chapter deals with syntactic matters , giving the book an especially heavy bias toward syntax . . this distribution of information no doubt reflects both the interests of the author and the current emphasis of typological research . the chapters on phonology and the lexicon are both very well done and very useful ( more on this below ) , but they do not address all of the issues that might be of interest to a phonologist or a lexical semanticist . a notable feature of the book is the extensive and detailed table of contents . it is eleven pages long and , used in conjunction with the fourteen-page index , provides easy access to the an extensive body of information about turkish . how well does turkish accomplish its goals ? i think it handles syntax and morphology marvelously well , phonology and the lexicon adequately , and ideophones and interjections in a cursory fashion . the chapters on syntax and morphology provide the best , most detailed descriptions of these parts of the language available . the analyses are up to date and insightful , and kornfilt has done a superb job of bringing clarity to some of the most difficult parts of the language . in concept and terminology , the description straddles the line between generative and traditional or non-generative approaches . for instance , kornfilt uses the terms ' possessive adjective ' ( 105 ) and 'd emonstrative adjective ( 106 ) rather than the more usual ' possessive ' and 'd emonstrative . ' similarly , the descriptions are stated in terms of surface phenomena and grammatical constructions and not in any recognizable theoretical framework . this is probably the right choice , given the diverse backgrounds of the probable users of the grammar . the range of coverage is broad and thorough . kornfilt deals with sentence types , both simple and complex ; with negation and questions ; with grammatical categories and phrase types ; and with most of the other grammatical phenomena that might interest linguists . the morphology chapter contains information not just on inflection and derivation , but also on the uses of the various morphological forms . cross - referencing is extensive , making it easy for the reader to find all of the relevant information on a topic even if it is not found in the same section of the book . this approach of interrelating syntax and morphology is very useful and allows kornfilt to clarify some of the cloudy areas of turkish grammar . perhaps most notable are her treatments of the participial and nominal systems and their relation to subordination ( pp . 323-413 and at various places in chapter 1 ) . finite subordination is rare in turkish . a far more frequent pattern of subordination involves the use of a participial or nominalized verbal stem . the complexity of the system is mind-boggling to students of the language , but kornfilt 's description makes it coherent and intelligible . her treatment of other aspects of turkish morphology and syntax are equally well done . a very useful feature of turkish is the inclusion of information about what does * not * occur in the language . this is often essential information for linguists ( whether studying typology , syntax , or morphology ) and is rarely included in more traditional grammars . thus we find on page 104 the statement that postpostitions govern only one case ( with the lone exception of ' kadar ' ) . in lewis ( 1967 ) , this information can be inferred from the discussion of cases on pages 85-95 , but it is not so easy to find and not so categorically stated . there are many similar examples , especially in the syntax chapter . the chapter on phonology is short , clear , and precise , but it does not contain the amount of detail found in the syntax and morphology chapters . while the information presented will be adequate for many purposes , phonologists will no doubt wish for more elaborate discussions of issues like vowel harmony , stress assignment , and phonological ( or morphophonemic ) alternations . i found one omission in this chapter . on page 491 , the final devoicing rule is described as applying to syllable-final plosives and affricates , yet on page 487 there are examples of final devoicing of liquids as well , described as being standard but not universal . a cross-reference would have been useful here . for the most part , transcriptions in the phonology chapter follow the ipa norms . one exception , though , is the transcription of palatalized consonants by means of a comma rather than a raised j . ' while this may have been done for typographical reasons , it might confuse a casual user . chapter 4 , ideophones and interjections , is only 3 pages long and provides only the briefest commentary on these phenomena . while many linguists ( myself included ) will not mind the short shrift given to these topics , some will no doubt be disappointed that the list of ideophones occupies less than a page and a half . chapter 5 , lexicon , is a short but interesting sample of the lexicon of turkish . the chapter contains lists of words organized by semantic field . these include kinship terminology , color terms , body parts , and cooking terminology . also included is a list of just over 200 items of "" basic vocabulary , "" which seems to correspond to the so-called swadesh list . linguists interested in historical linguistics and language classification will be grateful to find this set of words conveniently collected together . setting aside some minor qualifications , as a reference work on turkish for linguists , turkish has no equal . it is more comprehensive , more up to date , and more effectively organized than any other description of the language . the method of organization , as well as the detailed table of contents and the index , make a wealth of information available almost instantaneously . it is , simply put , an admirable reference work on turkish for linguists . the same can not be said about the utility of turkish for non-linguists . there are two main reasons why the book will not be accessible to non-linguistic audiences . first , kornfilt assumes familiarity with linguistic terminology . in the very first paragraph on page 1 , for example , she uses the terms ' nominalized clause ' and ' constituent clause , ' neither of which is likely to be familiar to non-linguists . second , turkish presupposes an interest in and a knowledge of certain linguistic questions . kornfilt has little to say , for example , about questions of stylistic variation , formal versus colloquial speech , or any of a range of topics that the typical student or scholar of turkish might be interested in . this is not really a criticism , since the descriptive grammar series has a well defined audience that excludes non-linguists . nevertheless , it is unfortunate that the grammar will not be useful to a wider audience . it will supplement but will not replace lewis ( 1976 ) and underhill ( 1976 ) . i have just two complaints about turkish . first , there is a relatively large number of errors and inconsistencies . most are minor and consist of missing ' - s 's on verbs , using ' of ' for ' or , ' etc . , but some will cause confusion . on page 27 , for example , turkish is described as a 's ubject-verb - object language . ' ( it is actually s - o - v . ) a sentence on page 30 , which addresses the of question whether pied-piping of postpositions is obligatory , leaves the reader unsure of the answer . there are also some contradictions . on page 142 , the claim is made that the reflexive can never occur in subject position , but on page 305 we learn that the reflexive can occur as an honorific subject and on page 542 three references are given to works that discuss reflexive subjects in subordinate clauses . other inconsistencies are found in the bibliography , where some turkish titles are translated into english and others are not . the author is aware of some of the errors and has prepared an addendum which contains a short list of errata , but many of the errors that i found are not included . the addendum is available free of charge from the author or the publisher . my other complaint concerns the cost of turkish . at us $ 180 , the grammar is unlikely to find its way into many private libraries . this is unfortunate ; since the book is so useful , linguists interested in turkish will want to have it close at hand . references lewis , g . l . ( 1967 ) , turkish grammar . oxford : oxford university press . underhill , robert ( 1976 ) , turkish grammar . cambridge , ma , and london : mit press . steve seegmiller is interested universal and comparative grammar . he has been working on turkish and the other turkic languages for many years , and published the first grammar in english of the turkic language karachay . he is presently at work on a comparative syntax of english and japanese . steve seegmiller linguistics department montclair state university upper montclair , nj 07043 u . s . a . e - mail : seegmillerm @ alpha . montclair . edu " 0 +Subject: available for review : syntax , optimality , acquisition the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . please do * not * simply point to an online cv or website , such messages will be ignored . syntax beerman , leblanc and van riemsdijk . 1997 . rightward movement . john benjamins . philadephia syntax , semantics and acquisition : crain and thornton . 1998 . investigations in universal grammar . a guide to experiments on the acquisition of syntax and semantics . mit press . cambridge . optimality and syntax barbosa , fox , hagstrom , mcginnis and pesetsky eds . 1998 . optimality and competition in syntax . mit press . cambridge . 0 +Subject: meeting notice fourth mid-continental workshop on phonology ( mcwop 4 ) where : university of michigan , ann arbor , michigan . when : beginning afternoon on friday , october 16 , and ending sunday morning , october 18 , 1998 . what : as in the three previous workshops , we intend this to be a fairly informal gathering , open to students and faculty , but especially suitable for graduate students presenting work in progress . we hope it will be possible , as before , to accept all abstract submissions , but if the number of submissions received exceeds the capacity of the workshop , we will find a solution then . presentations dealing with any of the various areas of phonological investigation ( broadly construed ) are welcome . presentations are planned to be approximately 20 minutes in length with an additional period of discussion . who : you , hopefully . what to do to present : provide us with a title which clearly indicates the paper 's topic and scope , your name and affiliation , and , if possible , a brief ( 1 - 2 paragraph ) summary of the content of the talk before september 20 . e - mail submissions to the mcwop organizing committee at mcwop4 @ umich . edu further information : email to mcwop4 @ umich . edu 0 +Subject: wecol ' 98 - - western conference on linguistics arizona state university cordially invites you to attend wecol ' 98 ( western conference on linguistics ) , to be held in conjunction with lasso xxvii , 9-11 october 1998 . information about the conference ( s ) may be found at our websites : http : / / www . public . asu . edu / ~ teresalw / wecol . htm http : / / www . public . asu . edu / ~ teresalw / lasso . htm these sites include preliminary programs as well as information about the meeting site , lodging , nearby areas of interest , and your host institution arizona state university . please feel free to contact the pagemaster of the site , teresa . wells @ asu . edu , with any questions . teresa wells research assistant to dr . elly van gelderen english department arizona state university 0 +Subject: 2nd ws on interlinguas second workshop on interlinguas : call for papers from text to representation : second workshop on interlinguas tuesday , october 27 , 1998 ( preceding the amta 98 conference ) sheraton bucks county hotel , langhorne , pennsylvania [ http : / / crl . nmsu . edu / events / fwoi / secondworkshop / index . html ] the focus of this workshop will be a multi-lingual text and the task of representing aspects of that text using an interlingual representation ( il ) . the format is meant to encourage concrete discussion on how ils handle particular challenges , including , but not limited to , representation of : basic predicate / argument structure noun phrases / referents proper nouns prepositional meaning non-literal language temporal relations textual organization lexical divergences syntactic divergences submitters are invited to select some aspect or section of the text , in a single language , or a language pair / set , and submit a short position paper , describing the il representation for that aspect . in addition to providing concrete il representations and terms ( ontological entities / atoms ) , submitters are encouraged to focus also on the reasons why one would choose to define these particular terms , and the justification for defining in a particular way the relations , slots , and fillers of the term . papers should define the aspect to be discussed , identify instances in the text , provide a representation for these instances , and categorize the instances according to the treatment proposed . the papers will be collected and published as the proceedings of the workshop . submission of end-to - end output of an il system ( including and identifying relevant hand-crafted elements ) is especially encouraged . submissions could also propose theoretical justification for a particular framework , in particular how the building blocks of the system work in handling an aspect of the text . the workshop itself will consist of panels organized around the representational aspects selected by the participants . the panel presentations will be supplemented by periods for general discussion and other activities . ideally , the result of the workshop will be - in some cases , a consistent set of il expressions for the various problematic issues raised by the text and - in other cases , a clearer delineation of ( 1 ) how the various problematic issues in the text are treated in different ils and ( 2 ) the fundamental differences in approach that motivate these different il treatments . a final product of the workshop will be an outline of the issues discussed in determining whether combined il approaches are possible and / or desirable . these results will provide a basis for further workshops . the multi-lingual text will be available at http : / / crl . nmsu . edu / events / fwoi / secondworkshop / text . html in glossed english , french , spanish , chinese , arabic , german , russian , persian , italian , catalan , vietnamese , malay , greek , bulgarian , tamil , and portuguese versions , as they become available . notice of interest in participation : july 10 , 1998 ( to shelmrei @ crl . nmsu . edu ) ( please identify specifically what aspect of il representation you intend to address ) position paper submission : august 10 , 1998 notifications : september 10 , 1998 final copies of papers : october 10 , 1998 workshop : october 27 , 1998 submission may be in printed or electronic form ( latex , framemaker ) , but should follow acl style sheet ( available at http : / / www . cs . columbia . edu / ~ acl / home . html ) . submissions should be sent to : stephen helmreich computing research laboratory new mexico state university po box 30001 / 3crl las cruces , nm 88003 ( usa ) phone : ( 505 ) 646-2141 fax : ( 505 ) 646-6218 e-mail : shelmrei @ crl . nmsu . edu the registration fee for the conference is $ 50 . non - presenters will be accepted on a first-come , first served basis . a copy of the registration form is available at : http : / / crl . nmsu . edu / events / fwoi / secondworkshop / registration . html 0 +Subject: the inside scoop ! this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - australia - chris tarrant and crew down under . - geri - hear the new single ! - beautiful south - we take you to the gig . - dj winner - we have one lucky winner who will meet a dj . - another level - win tickets , special offers and live review . - backstreet boys - end of the century record . - the cardigans - win tickets and pick up some good deals . - martin collins - takes you on a video tour . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - australia - chris tarrant and crew down under . the breakfast show are in australia . follow their antics and enter to win a trip to the biggest millennium party ever - right in sydney harbour . - geri - 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mail : milly . neate @ hodder . co . uk 0 +Subject: wholes and their parts wholes and their parts castel maretsch , 17-19 june 1998 , bolzano ( italy ) june 17 9 registration 10 bill lawvere , categorical analyses of the whole / part relation 11 : 30 coffee break 12 john bell , whole and part in mathematics 13-15 lunch 15 steve vickers , w / p in semantics for programming languages 16 coffee break 16 : 30 colin mclarty , w / p in foundations of mathematics 17 : 30 carlo cellucci , w / p in logical analysis june 18 9 gonzalo reyes , a category-theoretic approach to aristotle 's term logic , with special reference to mass nouns 10 ettore casari , on husserl 's theory of wholes and parts 11 coffee break 11 : 30 john mayberry , the classical notion of number and the modern notion of set 12 : 30-15 lunch 15 niles eldredge , hierarchical biological systems 16 coffee break 16 : 30 alberto peruzzi , wholes and their parts in semantics and epistemology : local / global and internal / external 17 : 30 roberto poli , wholes and their parts : the ontological stance june 19 9 basil hiley , w / p in mechanics and cosmology 10 ron langacker , wholes and their parts in natural language 11 coffee break 11 : 30 alf zimmer , w / p in gestalt psychology 12 : 30-15 lunch 15 ellis d . cooper , wholes and parts in quale mechanics 15 : 20 , holger schmid - schnbein , in resonant physiological systems , the whole is less complicated than the sum of its parts 15 : 40 irina dobronravova , parts and elements of the wholes in synergetics 16 coffee break 16 : 30 nili mandelblit , the notion of dynamic unit : conceptual developments in cognitive science 16 : 50 anthony atkinson , wholes and their parts in cognitive psychology 17 : 10 lawrence d . roberts , sentential meaning and its parts 17 , 30 frederik stjernfeld , mereology and semiotics 17 , 50 ariel meirav , plato 's theaetetus and the notion of a gestalt further information and abstracts of ( some of ) the talks are available at the imc web site : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * roberto poli department of sociology and social research 26 , verdi street 38100 trento - - italy tel . + + 39-461 - 881-403 fax : + + 39-461 - 881-348 e-mail : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it axiomathes : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / axiomathes / axiomathes . htm imc : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm 0 +"Subject: 3rd emnlp cfp call for participation - emnlp3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - call for participation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - third conference on empirical methods in natural language processing ( emnlp - 3 ) sponsored by acl sigdat tuesday , june 2 , 1998 granada , spain following the first international language resources and evaluation conference ( lrec ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference program 9 : 00-11 : 00 session 1 dynamic coreference - based summarization breck baldwin and thomas s . morton multilingual robust anaphora resolution ruslan mitkov and lamia belguith aligning clauses in parallel texts sotiris boutsis and stelios piperidis automatic insertion of accents in french text michel simard 11 : 00-11 : 30 coffee break 11 : 30 - 1 : 00 session 2 valence induction with a head - lexicalized pcfg glenn carroll and mats rooth metrics for corpus similarity and homogeneity adam kilgarriff and tony rose word - sense distinguishability and inter - coder agreement rebecca bruce and janyce wiebe 1 : 00 - 2 : 45 lunch 2 : 45 - 3 : 30 invited speaker statistical translation : where it went kevin knight , usc information sciences institute 3 : 30 - 4 : 30 session 3 category levels in hierarchical text categorization stephen d ' alessio , keitha murray , robert schiaffino , and aaron kershenbaum an empirical approach to text categorization based on term weight learning fumiyo fukumoto and yoshimi suzuki 4 : 30 - 5 : 00 coffee break 5 : 00 - 6 : 30 session 4 an empirical evaluation on statistical parsing of japanese sentences using lexical association statistics shirai kiyoaki , inui kentaro , tokunaga takenobu and tanaka hozumi japanese dependency structure analysis based on lexicalized statistics fujio masakazu and matsumoto yuji a natural criterion for maximum entropy / minimum divergence feature selection adam berger and harry printz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration information registration forms are also available at http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / emnlp3 . html registration fees : registration before may 13 : 8 , 500 pesetas ( $ 55 usd ) on - site registration : 11 , 000 pesetas ( $ 70 usd ) registration fees include one copy of the proceedings , coffee breaks and refreshments . methods of payment : * check in us dollars made payable to "" acl "" on a us bank ( address below ) * cash ( for on-site registrations only ) . * visa / mastercard - in us dollars . credit card payments using the form below may be faxed , sent by regular mail or emailed . note , however , that we cannot guarantee the security of credit card numbers in transit via email . payments may be sent to : email : emnlp3 @ cs . jhu . edu fax : + 1 410-516 - 6134 regular mail : emnlp3 c / o david yarowsky - sigdat department of computer science johns hopkins university 3400 n . charles street baltimore , md 21218-2694 usa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration form last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if paying by credit card : please debit my visa / mastercard account : amount : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ card no : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid from : _ _ _ / _ _ _ to _ _ _ / _ _ _ cardholder 's name ( as printed on your card ) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature as on card : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ credit card charges will be processed in us dollars . * pre - registrations cannot be accepted after may 13 , 1998 . any registration after this date must be made on site . * when submitting registrations , keep in mind the possibility of postal delays . e - mail registration avoids these delays . * registration fees are not refundable . * all registrants will receive a confirmation by e-mail . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - copies of the proceedings are available for $ 25 each and may be ordered from the above addresses . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - program chairs nancy ide ( chair ) department of computer science vassar college 124 raymond avenue poughkeepsie , new york 12604-0520 usa tel : ( + 1 914 ) 437 5988 fax : ( + 1 914 ) 437 7498 e - mail : ide @ cs . vassar . edu atro voutilainen ( co-chair ) research unit for multilingual language technology department of general linguistics p . o . box 4 ( keskuskatu 8 , 7th floor ) fin-00014 university of helsinki finland tel : ( + 358 9 ) 191 23 507 fax : ( + 358 9 ) 191 23 598 e - mail : atro . voutilainen @ ling . helsinki . fi program committee : steven abney , at&t laboratories - research , usa susan armstrong , issco , geneva , switzerland pascale fung , hong kong univ . of science and technology , hong kong gregory grefenstette , xerox research centre europe , france eduard hovy , usc / isi , usa dan jurafsky , university of colorado , boulder , usa kimmo koskenniemi , university of helsinki , finland hwee tou ng , dso national laboratories , singapore kemal oflazer , bilkent university , turkey peter schauble , eth zurich , switzerland keh yih su , national tsing - hua university , taiwan dan tufis , romanian academy of sciences , romania evelyne viegas , new mexico state university , usa further information : email : emnlp3 @ cs . vassar . edu web : http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / emnlp3 . html http : / / www . cs . jhu . edu / ~ yarowsky / sigdat . html " 0 +Subject: lasso call for papers lasso xxvii 27th annual meeting of the linguistic association of the southwest ( meeting jointly with wecol , western conference on linguistics ) october 9-11 , 1998 arizona state university tempe , arizona invited speaker : jane h . hill ( u of arizona ) presidential address : robert d . king ( u of texas - austin ) proposals for papers in any area of linguistics will be considered . for the 1998 meeting at arizona state university , submissions regarding languages of the southwest are particularly encouraged . we also especially solicit graduate student papers , which may be submitted following the meeting for consideration for the helmut esau prize , a $ 250 cash award made annually by lasso . presentation time for papers will be limited to twenty minutes plus ten minutes for discussion . the deadline for receipt of abstracts is june 15 , 1998 . notification of acceptance of papers will be sent out by august 1 , 1998 . only one abstract as single author and a second as co - author will be accepted from any individual . abstracts must be no longer than one page ( maximum of 250 words ) and should summarize the main points of the paper and explain relevant aspects of the data , methodology , and argumentation employed . keep use of special font items ( e . g . phonetic symbols , diacritic marks , branching diagrams , logical notation ) to a bare minimum . abstracts of accepted papers will be published exactly as received in a booklet for distribution at the meeting . at the beginning of your abstract place the paper title , and at the end of an e-mailed abstract ( or on a separate page of a mailed abstract ) repeat the title along with your name , affiliation , mailing address , telephone number , and e-mail address . it is strongly preferred that abstracts be submitted by e-mail . send to : gajill @ unix1 . sncc . lsu . edu in the absence of e-mail , or if your abstract contains any special symbols , send one hard copy of the abstract with a diskette ( labeled for operating system and word processing program ) to : jill brody department of geography & anthropology louisiana state university baton rouge , la 70803-4105 usa tel . 504-388 - 6171 lasso presenters are encouraged to submit their polished papers to be considered for publication in the _ southwest journal of linguistics _ . presentation of papers at the lasso annual meetings is a privilege of membership in lasso ; 1998 dues must be paid by june 15 in order for your abstract to be considered . annual dues for individuals are us $ 15 . 00 ( us $ 7 . 50 for students , retired persons , and those not employed ) . to pay dues or for additional information , contact : garland d . bills , executive director , lasso department of linguistics university of new mexico albuquerque , nm 87131-1196 usa tel . : 505-277 - 7416 fax : 505-277 - 6355 e - mail : gbills @ unm . edu 0 +"Subject: books on written language & literacy john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the field of written language & literacy : writing and identity the discoursal construction of identity in academic writing roz ivanic 1997 xiv , 346 pp . studies in written language and literacy , 5 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 322 x price : us $ 89 . 00 paper : 1 55619 323 8 price : us $ 29 . 95 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1797 1 price : nlg 178 paper : 90 272 1798 x price : nlg 60 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com writing is not just about conveying ' content ' but also about the representation of self . ( one of the reasons people find writing difficult is that they do not feel comfortable with the ' me ' they are portraying in their writing . academic writing in particular often poses a conflict of identity for students in higher education , because the 's elf ' which is inscribed in academic discourse feels alien to them . ) the main claim of this book is that writing is an act of identity in which people align themselves with socio-culturally shaped subject positions , and thereby play their part in reproducing or challenging dominant practices and discourses , and the values , beliefs and interests which they embody . the first part of the book reviews recent understandings of social identity , of the discoursal construction of identity , of literacy and identity , and of issues of identity in research on academic writing . the main part of the book is based on a collaborative research project about writing and identity with mature-age students , providing : o a case study of one writer 's dilemmas over the presentation of self ; o a discussion of the way in which writers ' life histories shape their presentation of self in writing ; o an interview-based study of issues of ownership , and of accommodation and resistance to conventions for the presentation of self ; linguistic analysis of the ways in which multiple , often contradictory , interests , values , beliefs and practices are inscribed in discourse conventions , which set up a range of possibilities for self-hood for writers . the book ends with implications of the study for research on writing and identity , and for the learning and teaching of academic writing . the book will be of interest to students and researchers in the fields of social identity , literacy , discourse analysis , rhetoric and composition studies , and to all those concerned to understand what is involved in academic writing in order to provide wider access to higher education . writing development . an interdisciplinary view edited by : clotilde pontecorvo , universita di roma , "" la sapienza "" , italy 1997 xxxii , 338 pp . studies in written language & literacy , 6 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 324 6 price : us $ 69 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 1799 8 price : nlg 138 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this volume presents a selection of papers presented at a series of three workshops organized by the network "" written language and literacy "" as launched by the european science foundation . the main topics making up writing development are : ( 1 ) writing and literacy acquisition : links between speech and writing , with contributions by david r . olson , claire blanche - benveniste , emilia ferreiro , ruth berman , liliana tolchinsky & ana teberosky ; ( 2 ) writing and reading in time and culture , with contributions by collette sirat , francoise desbordes , harmut gunther , peter koch , & jean hebrard : ( 3 ) written language competence in monolingual and bilingual contexts , with contributions by michel fayol & serge mouchon , georges ludi , & ludo verhoeven ; ( 4 ) writing systems , brain structures and languages : a neurolinguistic view , with contributioris by giuseppe cossu , heinz wiimmer & uta frith , & brian butterworth . the volume heads off with an extensive introduction "" studying writing and writing acquisition today : a multidisciplinary view "" . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com " 0 +"Subject: icslp abstracts due 1 may 98 second call for papers for icslp ' 98 the 5th international conference on spoken language processing sydney convention & exhibition centre darling harbour , sydney australia 30th november 1998 - - 4th december 1998 hosted by the australian speech science & technology association inc . ( incorporating the 7th australian speech science & technology conference ) conference url http : / / cslab . anu . edu . au / icslp98 note : note : note : note : friday 1st may , 1998 paper summaries / abstracts due submission procedure submissions are invited in any of the following technical topic areas . a . human speech production , acoustic - phonetics and articulatory models b . human speech perception c . language acquisition : first and second languages d . spoken language and dialogue modelling ; dialogue systems e . isolated word recognition f . large vocabulary continuous speech recognition g . utterance verification and word spotting h . speaker adaptation and normalisation in speech recognition i . speaker and language recognition ; dialects and speaking styles j . multilingual perception and recognition k . signal processing , speech analysis and feature extraction l . robust speech processing in adverse environments m . hidden markov model techniques n . artificial neural networks , fuzzy and evolutionary algorithms o . spoken language understanding systems p . text - to - speech synthesis q . prosody and emotion ; focus , stress and accent r . speech coding s . spoken language generation systems ; concept - to - speech t . spoken language translation systems u . analysis of speech and hearing disorders v . speech processing for the speech - impaired and hearing - impaired w . segmentation , labelling and speech corpora x . speech technology applications and human - machine interfaces y . spoken language processing and multimodality z . other areas of spoken language processing format of submission acceptance of papers for presentation at the conference will be on the basis of reviewed summaries . you should submit a summary of your paper comprising approximately 500 words . at the top of the page , please specify the following corresponding author contact details : full name full postal mail address email address fax number phone number proposed paper details : paper title author list topic id ( a - z ) four additional keywords presentation preference ( oral , poster , student day ) the topic id should be a single category from the topic list specified as an alphabetic letter ; if your submission falls within the broad area of spoken language processing but is not explicitly represented in the topic list , please use the z category . the four additional keywords are requested in order to assist the programme committee in assigning reviewers . means of submission ( of summaries / abstracts ) electronic submission of summaries via the world wide web is preferred : a summary submission form is available at http : / / cslab . anu . edu . au / icslp98 . alternatively , a pro-forma for email submission can be obtained from this url or by emailing "" icslp98 @ tourhosts . com . au "" ; email submissions should be sent to "" icslp98 @ one . net . au "" . if electronic submission is not possible , postal submissions ( 4 copies ) to the icslp ' 98 secretariat address specified below will be accepted provided that they adhere to the above format . please do not use fax . restrictions on submissions ( of summaries / abstracts ) please note that only ascii summaries written in english will be accepted : do not include any attachments , graphics , or embedded formatting commands . given the large number of submissions we expect to receive , anything that cannot be printed directly will be rejected without consideration . acknowledgement of receipt you should receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 72 hours of electronically submitting your summary . if this does not happen , then you should resend your submission by email to "" icslp98 @ one . net . au "" with the word resubmission at the beginning of the subject line . if an acknowledgement is still not forthcoming , an email problem should be assumed , and the summary submitted by fax . please do not resubmit or send by fax for any other reasons than lack of acknowledgement from the conference . conditions of acceptance all papers must be presented in english by one of the listed authors ; that author will be required to register no later than the full-paper submission date . summaries will not be accepted after the submission date . please note : the deadline of may 1st for receipt of submissions is firm . the tight scheduling of our review process means that late submissions cannot be accepted . student day submissions students wishing to submit papers for the sst student day should submit summaries as above . these submissions will be separately reviewed and published under the banner of the 7th australian speech science & technology conference and will also be included on the cdrom containing the icslp ' 98 proceedings . submission addresses world wide web : via "" http : / / cslab . anu . edu . au / icslp98 e - mail submission : icslp98 @ one . net . au postal : icslp ' 98 secretariat , gpo box 128 , sydney nsw 2001 , australia technical queries : robert dale ( rdale @ mpce . mq . edu . au ) general information : "" icslp98 @ tourhosts . com . au "" conference secretariat tour hosts conference & exhibition organisers gpo box 128 sydney nsw 2001 , australia important dates friday 1st may , 1998 paper summaries due for review friday 26th june , 1998 acceptance notification friday 21st august , 1998 deadline for full-paper submission conference coordinating committee peter blamey ( financial ) university of melbourne bruce millar ( technical ) australian national university julie vonwiller ( organisation ) university of sydney / appen technical programme committee robert dale ( chair ) microsoft research institute roberto togneri ( deputy chair ) university of western australia denis burnham university of new south wales michael wagner university of canberra sst student day committee franz clermont ( co - chair ) university of new south wales michael barlow ( co - chair ) university of new south wales ingrid ahmer university of south australia robin king university of south australia parham mokhtari university of new south wales international advisory board souguil j . m . ann , seoul national university , korea jens p . blauert , ruhr - universitaet , germany michael brooke , university of bath , united kingdom timothy bunnell , university of delaware , usa anne cutler , max - planck - institute for psycholinguistics , netherlands hiroya fujisaki , science university of tokyo , japan julia hirschberg , at&t bell laboratories , usa bjorn granstrom , royal institute of technology , sweden lin - shan lee , national taiwan university , taiwan roger moore , defence research authority , united kingdom john j . ohala , university of california , berkeley , usa louis c . w . pols , university of amsterdam , netherlands christel sorin , centre nationale d ' etude des telecommunications , france yoh ' ichi tohkura , atr human information processing laboratories , japan jialu zhang , academia sinica , china australian consultative committee yianni attikiouzel , university of western australia robert bogner , university of adelaide john clark , university of western sydney mary o'kane , university of adelaide roger wales , university of melbourne and representatives of financial sponsors . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - karen croot school of communication sciences & disorders faculty of health sciences , university of sydney po box 170 lidcombe nsw australia 2141 phone : 02 9351-9694 ( within australia ) , + 61 2 9351-9694 ( international ) . facsimile : 02 9351-9977 " 0 +"Subject: new books in phonetics & phonology phonetics & phonology the phonology of armenian bert vaux , harvard university ( the phonology of the world 's languages ) this study presents the first contemporary linguistic treatment of armenian , an indo - european language whose distinct dialects range geographically from poland to india . the book documents a rich linguistic ( and literary ) history dating from the fourth-century translation of the bible into classical armenian . data are drawn from classical , middle , and standard eastern and western armenian , and from the author 's fieldwork on non-standard dialects . june 1998 296 pp . ; 105 linecuts , 1 map 0-19 - 823661 - 1 $ 105 . 00 oxford university press understanding phonology carlos gussenhoven , university of nijmegen , the netherlands , and haike jacobs , free university of amsterdam , the netherlands ( understanding language ) ( an arnold publication ) "" this book gives a clear and accurate picture of current phonological theory in a small number of pages . "" - - john goldsmith , university of chicago this text provides a broad yet up-to - date introduction to phonology . assuming no previous knowledge of phonology or linguistic theory , the authors introduce the basic concepts and build on these progressively , discussing the main theories and illustrating key points with carefully chosen examples . the book covers a wide range of phenomena , including speech production , segmental contrasts , tone , quantity , prosodic structure , metrical relations , and intonation , as well as such key theories as feature geometry and optimality theory . june 1998 304 pp . ; 2 linecuts 0-340 - 69218 - 9 paper $ 19 . 95 0-340 - 69217 - 0 cloth $ 75 . 00 oxford university press _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for more information about linguistics titles from oxford university press : visit the oxford university press usa web site at http : / / www . oup-usa . org or e-mail : linguistics @ oup-usa . org " 0 +Subject: view the hollander collection view the hollander collection t h e h o l l a n d e r c o l l e c t i o n f i v e a r t i s t s . o n e f a m i l y gino hollander . painting jim hollander . photography siri hollander . sculpture to view : http : / / www . hollanderart . com scott hollander . photography barbara hollander . writing 1 +Subject: usc ea syntax workshop : reminder usc workshop on syntax of east asian languages november 6 - 8 , 1998 this workshop is an attempt to intergrate the diachronic and synchronic study of chinese , japanese and korean syntax , concentrating on the issues of the structures and interpretations of nominal expressions and the syntax and morphology of function words . the list of invited speakers currently includes : james huang ( university of california , irvine ) yafei li ( university of wisconsin ) tsulin mei ( cornell university ) alain peyraube ( crlao , ehess ) naoki fukui ( university of california , irvine ) satoshi kinsui ( kobe university and osaka university ) s . - y . kuroda ( university of california , san diego ) yukinori takubo ( kyusyu university ) hee - don ahn ( kon kuk university ) william o'grady ( university of hawaii ) james yoon ( seoul national university , university of illinois ) there is a limited number of open slots available and we invite the submission of abstracts . each presentation will be 40 minutes , followed by 15 minutes of discussion . it is planned that the proceedings of the workshop will be published . please send to the organizing committee no later than june 1 , 1998 one copy of your abstract with your name and affliliation , plus five anonymous copies . abstracts should be limited to two pages with the font size not smaller than 11 . we cannot accept abstracts sent by email or fax . the presenters at the workshop will be partially subsidized for travel and accommodation . all submissions should be sent to : usc workshop organizing committee department of east asian languages and cultures university of southern california los angeles , ca 90089-0357 usa for further inquiries , please write to : hoji @ usc . edu , nkim @ usc . edu , audreyli @ usc . edu . 0 +"Subject: 6th dgfs - summer school : ` language typology in mainz 6th dgfs - summer school 1998 : "" language typology "" from august , 31 - september , 11 1998 at the johannes gutenberg - university mainz organizers : walter bisang / bernhard hiegl the 6th summer school of the german linguistic society ( dgfs ) will take place at the johannes gutenberg - university of mainz from august , 31 to september , 11 1998 . 1 . contents - 14 courses of 2 hours a day from monday to friday - plenary lectures and discussions every day - distinguished guest speakers participation will be certified . courses : courses entitled in german will be held in german ; courses entitled in english will be held in english - auer , peter ( hamburg ) : sprachtypologie und phonologie ( language typology and phonology ) - bisang , walter ( mainz ) : grammatikalisierung ( grammaticalization ) - cinque , guglielmo ( venice ) : the syntax and typology of adverbs and tense / mood / modality / aspect - comrie , bernard ( leipzig ) : typology of reference tracking - corbett , greville ( surrey ) : typology of gender systems and number systems - croft , william ( manchester ) : typology and cognition - foley , william ( sidney ) : comparative grammar of papuan languages - haspelmath , martin ( bamberg ) : morphologische typologie ( morphological typology ) - kornfilt , jaklin ( syracuse ) : theoretical perspectives in syntactic change - lehmann , christian ( bielefeld ) : typologie des yukatekischen ( typology of yucatec ) - plank , frans and lahiri , aditi ( konstanz ) : co - variation of phonology , morphology , and syntax ? the prospects for holistic typology - siewierska , anna ( lancaster ) : word order typology : synchrony and diachrony - stassen , leon ( nijmegen ) : typology as a reductionist method - stolz , thomas ( bremen ) : sprachliche konvergenz : areale und typologie ( linguistic convergence : areals and typology ) plenary lectures : - lehmann , christian ( bielefeld ) : sprachdokumentation : ein programm ( language documentation-a programme ) - foley , william ( sidney ) : the problem of precategoriality and symmetrical voice languages in the philippines - cinque , guglielmo ( venice ) : the universal structure of the clause : adverb phrases and tam heads - lahiri , aditi ( konstanz ) : grammaticalisation in germanic - stolz , thomas ( bremen ) : komitative - global und areal ( comitatives - globally and areally ) - siewierska , anna ( lancaster ) : agreement markers vs . bound pronouns - kornfilt , jaklin ( syracuse ) : remarks on types of agreement and case : a study in the historical morphosyntax of turkic languages - comrie , bernard ( leipzig ) : typology and the history of language - stassen , leon ( nijmegen ) : black and white languages : parameter clusters from a typological and areal perspective guest speakers : - haider , hubert ( salzburg ) : sprachvergleich in der formalen linguistik ( language comparison in formal linguistics ) - johanson , lars ( mainz ) : aspekt ( aspect ) - ramat , paolo ( pavia ) : sprachliche kategorien und kategorisierungen - van der auwera , johan ( antwerpen ) : areality in language typology ( with special reference to the problem of standard average european languages ) for a detailed schedule of the summer school please look at our homepage . however , it has been determined that the courses will be assigned to three timeblocks . the planned assignments to the individual blocks look like follows : 10 : 45 - 12 : 15 auer , corbett , comrie , siewierska , haspelmath 13 : 45 - 15 : 15 cinque , croft , foley , stolz 15 : 30 - 17 : 00 bisang , kornfilt , lehmann , plank / lahiri , stassen 2 . costs students / persons without income : non-member : dm 280 / 350 * dgfs - member : dm 252 / 315 * university employees / persons with income : non-member : dm 560 / 650 * dgfs - member : dm 504 / 585 * participants from ` countries with low salaries have to pay half of the students fees . * = participants fee after june , 30 1998 . 3 . accomodation there are accomodation possibilities on campus at very reasonable prices ( approximately 100 beds ) : 1 bed in a double room : approx . dm 170 , - for 2 weeks + deposit of dm 50 , - - the assignment follows after application in chronological order of requests . mediation of hotel rooms is also possible . 4 . application / information johannes gutenberg - universitat mainz institut fur allgemeine und vergleichende sprachwissenschaft fb 14 . 20 dgfs - summer school bernhard hiegl d-55099 mainz , germany phone / fax : + + 49 ( 0 ) 6131 / 39-3980 e-mail : lingtyp @ mail . uni-mainz . de homepage : http : / / www . uni-mainz . de / ~ lingtyp ( latest information and course descriptions here ! ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 0 +Subject: corrected conference announcement southern illinois university edwardsville and carbondale invite submission of abstracts for the 1998 mid - american linguistics conference october 23-24 , 1998 we will continue the 33 year tradition of accepting papers on all linguistic topics . linguists in all areas of specialization are encouraged to submit abstracts . this year 's meeting will feature special interest sessions on prosody and bilingualism . it will also feature an excursion to cahokia mounds historic site . plenary speaker : professor gregory ward , northwestern university location : the conference will be in the university center on the campus of southern illinois university edwardsville . edwardsville is located at the junctions of i-270 and highway 157 about 25 miles east of downtown st . louis . guidelines for submission of papers contributed papers will be allowed a maximum of 20 minutes for presentation . published proceedings of the conference will be available if there is sufficient demand ordering information will be provided in september . instructions for the preparation of manuscripts will be sent along with notification of acceptance . please submit 4 copies of a 1 - page abstract no later than august 21 , 1998 . e - mail submissions will not be accepted . submissions faxed to meet the deadline must be followed immediately by mailed abstracts on regular paper . mail abstracts to the address given below . send abstracts and / or requests for additional information about program content to : ron schaefer , department of english , siue , edwardsville , il 62026-1431 telephone : ( 618 ) 650-2060 ; fax : ( 618 ) 650-5050 or e - mail : rschaef @ siue . edu for registration information contact : southern illinois university conferences & institutes at ( 618 ) 650-2660 . for more information , including hotel and travel accomodations , consult our web page ( still under construction ) at http : / / www . siu . edu / departments / cola / ling01 / midamerica98 . html geoffrey s . nathan department of linguistics southern illinois university at carbondale , carbondale , il , 62901 usa phone : + 618 453-3421 ( office ) fax + 618 453-6527 + 618 549-0106 ( home ) 0 +Subject: did you get your information yet ? a vacation just for you ! to the most exotic place on earth . . . . . . florida ! special online promotional vacation package is brought to you for a limited time only , so don ' t wait ! vist our website now for more information on price and package info . ( sorry , offer not available to travel agents for resale ) offer now available world wide ! ! ! for full details go to : http : / / 3438189349 / ma / nutty2 / trip . html ( must use internet explorer ) 1 +"Subject: semantics we would like to bring to your attention to two new publications from john benjamins publishing in the field of semantics : adverbs of degree in dutch and related languages henny klein 1998 x , 232 pp . lingvistic aktuell / linguistics today , 21 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 905 8 price : us $ 62 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2742 x price : nlg 124 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com adverbs of degree form an intriguing part of the lexicon : numerous , multiform and ever-changing with a great variety in distribution . in this study , the characteristics of adverbs of degree are investigated from a semantic point of view . the main focus is on dutch , but previous studies about english and german adverbs of degree are used to compare with and to build on . topics include absoluteness versus gradability , positive versus negative evaluation , the strengthening of negation , polarity sensitivity , the logical properties of the adverbs themselves , and restrictions to reduplication and stacking . besides the main text , three case studies are presented in which the peculiarities of some of the adverbs are investigated in depth to show more in detail the complexities of their distribution . recent trends in meaning-text theory leo wanner , ed . 1998 xx , 202 pp . studies in language companion series , 39 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 925 2 price : us $ 59 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 3042 0 price : nlg 118 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the present volume contains articles of well-known representatives of meaning - text theory ( mtt ) and other related linguistic theories . the focus of the volume is on semantics , semantic representation and relation of semantics to surface in mtt . founded by i . mel ' cuk and a . zholkovsky in the sixties in moscow , mtt soon became known in the west as a "" prominent outsider "" theory . the picture has changed since then , though , as mtt gained importance in several areas of linguistics and computational linguistics . it has influenced the design of new grammar formalisms such as dependency tree grammars . also , specific parts of mtt have been directly taken into other theories ; as , for example , the work on integrating lexical functions into pustejovsky 's generative lexicon . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com " 0 +"Subject: asia - pacific language special issue call for papers special issue : "" language research in the pacific - asia region "" http : / / hiplab . newcastle . edu . au / pacific / language / south pacific journal of psychology http : / / hiplab . newcastle . edu . au / pacific / language editorial group : max coltheart ( behavioural science , macquarie ) malti patel ( computing , macquarie ) marcus taft ( psychology , new south wales ) paul watters ( psychology , newcastle ) . on behalf of the editorial board of the south pacific journal of psychology , the language editorial group is soliciting contributions for a special issue , volume 10 ( 2 ) , on language research in the pacific - asia region . the high density of indigenous and non-indigenous languages spoken and written in the pacific - asia region makes it a fertile area for language research , especially in psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics . in addition , important advances in more general areas of language processing and linguistics , such as the computer modelling of language , are increasingly being made in the pacific - asia region . this special issue is intended as an inter-disciplinary showcase for research on all aspects of language being conducted in the region . all submissions will be peer-reviewed . the special issue will also be technologically innovative , with both paper and full-article electronic formats available to subscribers . papers should be written in apa style , doubled spaced , and submitted in triplicate to : paul a . watters department of computing school of mathematics , physics , computing and electronics macquarie university nsw 2109 australia alternatively , manuscripts prepared in text , adobe postscript or acrobat , or microsoft word format can be submitted electronically to pwatters @ mpce . mq . edu . au using an appropriate encoding format ( uuencode or metamail ) . the deadline for submission is 31st august , 1998 , with the special issue available in november / december , 1998 . " 0 +"Subject: conference on catalan studies ( linguistic section ) fifteenth german conference on catalan studies university of freiburg im breisgau october 2 - october 4 , 1998 provisional program of the linguistic section the linguistic sections of the 15th german conference on catalan studies ( 15 . deutscher katalanistentag / xv col . loqui germano - catala ) , organized by the department of romance languages of freiburg university and the german association of catalan studies ( deutscher katalanistenverband / associacio germano - catalana ) and to be held on the premises of freiburg 's albert - ludwigs - university , will include the following papers on linguistic , sociolinguistic and translation topics : * heiner boehmer ( wiesbaden ) : "" alguns reflexos de contactes interculturals europeus en les etimologies de joan coromines "" * vicent cabanes fitor ( alcoi ) : "" varietats diatopiques en la traduccio catalana de la vita christi de st . joan bonaventura de 1522 "" * jaume corbera / brauli montoya ( palma de mallorca ) : "" la utilitat dels enregistraments audiovisuals per a l ' estudi del llenguatge no verbal "" * annette endruschat ( leipzig ) : "" funktionen und verwendung der katalanischen praeposition amb im vergleich mit den komitativen praepositionen in anderen romanischen sprachen "" * gottfried ernst ( freiburg i . br . ) : "" die neue katalanische sprachgesetzgebung und ihr quebecker vorbild "" * cristina gelpi-arroyo ( barcelona ) : "" la lexicografia bilingue catala-alemany , alemany-catala : proposta d ' avaluacio "" * thomas gergen ( poitiers / saarbruecken ) : "" pau e treva in den usatges de barcelona "" * ulrich gierth ( kehl ) : "" anmerkungen zu einigen vogelnamen in den woerterbuechern "" * josep r . guzman pitarch ( castello de la plana ) : "" modalitat i traduccio : particules modals i traduccions al catala de das fraeulein von scuderi "" * brenda laca ( strasbourg ) : "" les perifrasis catalanes "" * birgit lotz ( frankfurt am main ) : "" katalanischlernen im internet "" * joan - antoni mesquida cantallops ( palma de mallorca ) : "" el llenguatge cientific i tecnic en catala al segle xvii "" * christian muench ( munich ) : "" normalitzacio linguistica : einige bemerkungen aus der sicht der schreibforschung "" * constanze noufal ( tuebingen ) : "" diachronische betrachtungen der kenntnis der katalanischen sprache in catalunya nord "" * adolf piquer / birte ulig ( salamanca ) : "" sobre els marcadors discursius en el relat : una aproximacio contrastiva catala / alemany "" * artur quintana ( heidelberg / speyer ) : "" manuel sanchis guarner i la descoberta del carxe "" * carsten sinner ( potsdam / mallorca ) : "" mallorquinisch : ein unbekannter dialekt ? - ueber die mallorquinischkenntnisse der katalanen "" * joan m . vallve ( brussel / barcelona ) : "" la llengua a les institucions de la unio europea "" * antonio vano-cerda ( palma de mallorca ) : "" untersuchungen zum themenkomplex von ser und estar im katalanischen "" in order to get a complete program of the conference , including abstracts of the above mentioned papers , a list of papers on literature topics , plenary speeches and round tables , general information and a registration form , please write to : * albert - ludwigs - universitaet , romanisches seminar / lektorat fuer katalanisch , werthmannplatz 3 , d-79085 freiburg im breisgau ( germany ) , fax + 49 / 76 61 / 63 10 , e-mail : pusch @ uni-freiburg . de or have a look at the following url : http : / / www . uni-muenster . de / romanistik / dkv / colloqui . htm claus d . pusch * * * * * * * * * * * * * * albert - ludwigs - universitaet freiburg romanisches seminar werthmannplatz 3 - d-79085 freiburg i . br . ( germany ) tel . ( + 49 ) 0761-203 - 3172 - fax ( + 49 ) 0761-203 - 3195 http : / / omnibus . uni-freiburg . de / ~ pusch / " 0 +"Subject: recent publications on pragmatics we would like to bring to your attention recent publications from john benjamins publishing in the field of pragmatics : relevance theory . applications and implications . edited by robyn carston , nam sun song and seiji uchida university college london / nara women 's university 1998 x , 299 pp . pragmatics & beyond new series , 37 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 330 0 price : us $ 70 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5049 9 price : nlg 140 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this collection of papers arises from a meeting of relevance theorists held in osaka , may 29-30 , 1993 . speakers at the conference included both of the originators of the theory , dan sperber and deirdre wilson , the editors of this volume and several other japanese linguists and pragmatists , all of whose work is included . the full breadth and richness of relevance theory is represented here , both in its applications to problems of utterance interpretation , that fall squarely within the domain of pragmatics , and its implications for linguistic semantics . several papers investigate and assess the theory 's account of figurative uses of language , such as irony , metaphor and metonymy . other central pragmatic issues include a relevance-driven account of generalized implicature , the role of bridging implicatures in reference assignment , the way in which different intonation patterns contribute to the relevance of an utterance and the application of the theory to literary texts . the recently developed semantic distinction between conceptually and procedurally encoded meaning , motivated by relevance-theoretic considerations , is employed in new accounts of several japanese particles and in a fresh perspective on the phenomenon of metalinguistic negation . the volume comes with a comprehensive glossary of relevance-theoretic terms . contributions by : dan wilson & deirdre sperber ; keiko tanaka ; reiko itani ; kunihiko imai ; nam sun song ; akiko yoshimura ; tomoko matsui ; seiji uchida ; robyn carston ; ken - ichi seto ; hideki hamamoto ; masa - aki yamanashi ; dan sperber & deirdre wilson . political discourse in transition in europe ( 1989-1991 ) edited by : paul a . chilton , mikhail v . ilyin and jacob l . mey university of warwick / moscow institute of international relations / odense university 1998 x , 272 pp . pragmatics & beyond new series , 36 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 329 7 price : us $ 69 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5048 0 price : nlg 138 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the year 1989 brought political upheavals in central , eastern and southern europe , the effects of which have not yet ended . the political discourse of the cold war period disintegrated and gave way to competing alternatives . the contributors to this book are linguists , discourse analysts and social scientists , from all corners of the continent , whose tools of analysis shed light on the crucial two years of transition during which political concepts and political interaction changed in dramatic and sometimes violent ways . contributions by : mikhail v . ilyin ; paul chilton ; jacob mey ; victor sergeyev and nikolai biryukov ; georgii pocheptsov ; alexandre bourmeyster ; ludmila minaeva ; marina kaul ; elena borisova ; anatolii baranov ; christina schiffner and peter porsch ; kay richardson ; pierre achard ; ida kurcz ; christina teichmann ; jasna levinger . discourse of silence dennis kurzon university of haifa 1998 vi , 162 pp . pragmatics & beyond new series , 49 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 811 6 price : us $ 48 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 5062 6 price : nlg 96 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com this book deals initially with the interpretation of the silent answer to a question . from a semiotic approach to the contrast between silence and speech mainly within a greimasian framework - an approach which shows insights into the general relationship between silence and speech , the discussion then turns to the application of pragmatic tools such as conversational analysis and adjacency pairs to the interpretation of silence . a model is presented which attempts to explain the observer 's cognitive competence , and its limits , in being able to interpret the silent answer . a basic distinction is also made between intentional silence ( the refusal to answer ) and non-intentional silence ( the psychological inability to answer ) . the interpretation of silence is then extended from a theoretical viewpoint to an analysis of various discourse types . firstly , silence in the legal world is discussed mainly in terms of the accused 's and the witness 's right of silence , especially their intentionally silent answers to lawyers ' questions . this develops into the "" transitivization "" of silence - the right of courts to silence lawyers ' references to the silence of witnesses , and the right of legal authorities to silence the broadcasting of direct speech . the study gradually moves away from the direct application of the model to the silent answer , and addresses the silencing of characters in a literary text ( jane austen 's pride and prejudice ) , in a biblical text ( moses and speech impediment in exodus ) , in opera ( moses ' silence in schoenberg 's opera , moses und aron ) , and in the final chapter , in the cinema . here , after the initial discussion of ingmar bergman 's the silence , focus is shifted to the generation gap and the representation of silence by song in mike nichols ' the graduate . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com " 0 +Subject: 10th icehl 10th international conference on english historical linguistics manchester , 21-26 august 1998 our conference website is now , apparently , fully operational again after having been wholly or partly unobtainable outside manchester for a few days , for technical reasons we do n't yet know . apologies to anyone who was inconvenienced . please let us know if there are still any problems . on the www you will find a list of plenary and ordinary papers , many of the abstracts , a * * provisional * * programme , information on workshops and associated activities , and lots of other stuff on the venue and the city . detailed travel information will be added later this month . if you have any queries , please address them to 10icehl @ man . ac . uk thank you . ( prof . ) david denison < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > organising committee , 10icehl dept of english and american studies university of manchester | manchester m13 9pl | u . k . http : / / www . art . man . ac . uk / english / projects / 10icehl . htm ( www ) 10icehl @ man . ac . uk ( e-mail ) + 44 ( 0 ) 161-275 3256 ( fax ) 0 +Subject: read this ! ! what have you done with your dreams ? as a member of our team , you can earn a 6 - figure income and travel for pennies on the dollar while working from home . make your vocation . . . . . . your vacation ! ! ! ! ! $ 100 , 000 + first year income * earn $ 2000 - $ 5000 weekly - - starting within 1 - 4 weeks ! * 78 % profit paid daily * no selling * work from home , no overhead , or employees * high tech training and support * not mlm , 100x more profitable * multitrillion dollar travel industry the most incredible part of our business is that all my clients call me ! ! this is not a hobby ! serious inquireies only call the number below for more information there is no obligation ! 24 hour toll free message ! 1-800 - 345-9688 ext 2058 1 +Subject: win a free trip to antigua win a free trip to antigua just by visiting our site http : / / www . kingscasino . com anitgua 's largest casino and # 1 entertainment center now offers online gambling . open over 10 years with over 3 million visitors . king 's casino is a real casino ; it 's not just in cyberspace . located in downtown antigua where the cruise ships dock . so next time in antigua visit us in person during your cruise or from your hotel . or now on-line so click here at http : / / www . kingscasino . com featuring the finest graphics and the most fun to play . to be removed from receiving any more information click here mailto : remove @ kingscasino . com 1 +Subject: honored by two keynote speakers international conference on natural language processing and industrial applications nlp + ia 98 > > > special accent on computer assisted language learning < < < conference internationale sur le traitement automatique des langues et ses applications industrielles tal + ai 98 > > > attention speciale portee a l ' enseignement de la langue < < < august / aout 18-21 , 1998 moncton , new - brunswick , canada we are honored that two renouned speakers have accepted our invitation / nous sommes honores par deux conferenciers de grande renommee qui ont accepte notre invitation : margaret king : issco , university of geneva , switzerland talk on language resources and evaluation / ressources et evaluation linguistiques thierry chanier : universite franche - comte , france presentation sur l ' enseignement de la langue et le tal / talk on language learning and nlp make sure not to miss them . . . soyez - la ! official languages : english and french are the official languages of the conference . proceedings would be published in the language of the submitted texts . conference organization : the conference is organized by gretal , groupe d ' etude sur le traitement automatique des langues at the universite ' de moncton and geta-clips in grenoble . organizing committee chadia moghrabi , professor of computer science , chair jalal almhana , professor and director of computer science julien chiasson , professor of computer science sadek eid , professor of industrial engineering , director manufacturing technology centre , boubakeur meddeb - hamrouni , researcher geta-clips and winsoft paul tarau , professor of computer science * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dr . chadia moghrabi , professeure * * nlp + ia / tal + ai 98 * * departement d ' informatique * * faculte des sciences * * universite de moncton tel : ( 506 ) 858-4521 * * moncton , n . - b . fax : ( 506 ) 858-4541 * * e1a 3e9 , canada e-mail : nlp + ia - 98 @ imag . fr * * sabbatique au geta-clips / tel : + 33 476 51 4369 / fax : + 33 476 51 4405 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 +Subject: prolamat 98 : call for participation and program - - - - call for participation and program - - - - - i i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i i i i i i i i > > > ifip prolamat 98 < < < i i - - - - - - - i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i - - - - - - - i i i trento - italy september 9-11 , & 12 1998 i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the call for papers has been very succesful : over 140 refereed papers will be presented at the conference in three technical tracks : 1 sharing experience from telecom use in industry for agility and innovation 2 human and machine communications , modeling , standard representation , reuse 3 telecom and agility impact on software technology for discrete manufacturing the program will include keynote speeches , an applied track organised in thematic sessions , and a selection of r&td projects co-financed by the european community on subject areas related to prolamat 98 . for information about program , registration fees , accomodation and forms , please find the call for participation and preliminary program on the prolamat 98 weekly updated web site : http : / / prolamat . cs . unitn . it please note that the deadline for the reduced registration fee is may 10 , 1998 , and that early registration and early travel & hotel booking is advisable . prof . gianni jacucci , conference chair 0 +Subject: bisca-98 bisca-98 - bolzano international school in cognitive analysis unfolding perceptual continua > from ecology of perception to cognition recent problems raised by artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences such as the perception of forms , the recognition of natural languages , the problems of common sense , naive physics , and consequently the need for direct and non-propositional reference to the objects of experience ( as cited , for example by scientists working in robotics ) have opened new areas of inquiry for psychophysics . bisca-98 will analyze the morphogenesis of the perceptive fields of vision , sound and touch , starting from the microstructure of intuitive continua , and therefore from a semiology of primitives as boundaries , points , angles , blobs , pointers , denotators , local signs , etc . the lectures , which from a general point of view will adopt an ecological perspective on perception , will proceed along the parallel tracks of psychophysical experimental research and the conceptual development of a theory of the intentionality of consciousness speakers of bisca 1998 are : liliana albertazzi , the experimental phenomenology standpoint jan j . koenderinck , multiply extended continua in vision guerino mazzola , grouping paradigms in music ruggero pierantoni , sensory perception : touch and cognition general information : 1 . attendance to the school will be limited to about 30 participants . 2 . a hotel list will be sent upon notification of acceptance . hotel costs in bolzano range between 70 , 000 and 250 , 000 italian liras per day , full board . 3 . each speaker will give 4 lectures , with ample time for discussion . 4 . all lectures will be in english . 5 . a small number of boursaries are available to qualified students to meet the costs of participation . for more information write to liliana albertazzi : alberta @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it and see the imc web site : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * roberto poli department of sociology and social research 26 , verdi street 38100 trento - - italy tel . + + 39-461 - 881-403 fax : + + 39-461 - 881-348 e-mail : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it axiomathes : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / axiomathes / axiomathes . htm imc : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm 0 +Subject: phonology understanding phonology gussenhoven , carlos ( university of nijmegen , the netherlands ) and jacobs , haike ( university of nijmegen and the free university of amsterdam , the netherlands ) ; understanding phonology ; publication march 1998 304pp pb 0 340 69218 9 14 . 99 hb 0 340 69217 0 40 . 00 arnold publishing ' this book gives a clear and accurate picture of current phonological theory in a small number of pages . ' john goldsmith , university of chicago this skilfully written new text provides a broad , yet up-to - date , introduction to phonology . assuming no previous knowledge of phonology or linguistic theory , the authors introduce the basic concepts and build on these progressively , discussing the main theories and illustrating key points with carefully chosen examples . a wide range of phenomena are covered : speech production , segmental contrasts , tone , quality , prosodic structure , metrical relations and intonation . the main theories are introduced and their contributions to our understanding of phonology , as well as their shortcomings , are discussed objectively . contents : the production of speech / some typology : sameness and difference / making the form fit / two levels of representation / distinctive features / ordered rules / the diminutive suffix in dutch / levels of representation / representing tone / skeletal slots and moras / feature geometry / complex segments / stress / iambic and trochambic rhythm in optimality theory . readership : students of linguistics . available on inspection for lecturers ( quote linglist598 ) tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6355 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6325 e - mail : milly . neate @ hodder . co . uk 0 +"Subject: "" language resources for european minority languages "" pre - final programme and call for participation workshop on "" language resources for european minority languages "" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - wednesday may 27 1998 ( morning ) , granada , spain in association with the first international conference on language resources and evaluation , may 28-30 1998 , granada , spain programme : 8 : 00 registration 8 : 30 welcome and introduction 8 : 40 "" overview of minority languages in europe "" . marc alemany ( catalan sociolinguistic institute ) . 9 : 00 "" vocatel and vogatel : two telephone speech databases of spanish minority languages ( catalan and galician ) "" . luis villarrubia , paloma leon , luis hernandez ( speech technology group , telefonica i&d , madrid , spain ) ; climent nadeu , ignasi esquerra , javier hernando ( dept . tsc , universitat polite ' cnica de catalunya , barcelona , spain ) ; carmen garcia - mateo , laura docio ( etsit de telecomunicacio ' n , universidad de vigo , vigo , spain ) . 9 : 20 "" written linguistic resources in catalan : the dcc project "" . joan soler bou ( institut d ' estudis catalans , barcelona , spain ) . 9 : 40 "" the melin project "" . donncha o ' cro ' ini ' n ( institiu ' id teangeolai ' ochta e ' ireann / linguistics institute of ireland , dublin , ireland ) . 10 : 00 coffee 10 : 30 "" a framework for the automatic processing of basque "" . i . aldezabal , o . ansa , j . m . arriola , a . di ' az de ilarraza , n . ezeiza , a . maritxalar , m . oronoz , k . sarasola ( euskal herriko unibertsitatea , spain ) ; i . aduriz , m . urkia ( uzei , donostia , spain ) . 10 : 50 "" towards the creation of new galician language resources : from a printed dictionary to the galician wordnet "" . fernando magan ( ramo ' n pin ~ eiro research center for humanities , santiago de compostela , spain ) . 11 : 10 poster session 1 ( odd-numbered authors at posters ) 11 : 50 poster session 2 ( even-numbered authors at posters ) 12 : 30 plenary 13 : 30 end = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = poster papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 "" a tagger environment for galician "" . m . vilares , j . gran ~ a ( universidad de corunna , spain ) ; t . araujo , d . cabrero , i . diz ( ramo ' n pin ~ eiro research center for humanities , santiago de compostela , spain ) . 2 "" a bilingual spanish - catalan database of units for concatenative synthesis "" . i . esquerra , a . bonafonte , f . vallverdu ' , a . febrer ( universitat polite ' cnica de catalunya , barcelona , spain ) . 3 "" methods and tools for building the catalan wordnet "" . l . beni ' tez , s . cervell , g . escudero , m . lo ' pez , g . rigau , m . taule ' ( universitat polite ' cnica de catalunya , barcelona , spain ; universitat de barcelona ) . 4 "" lemmatisation of the corpus of cornish "" . j . mills ( university of luton , england , uk ) . 5 "" speechdat cymru : a large-scale telephony welsh database "" . r . j . jones , j . s . mason ( univ . of wales , swansea , wales , uk ) ; l . helliker , m . pawlewski ( bt labs , ipswich , england , uk ) . 6 "" kgb project : tools and resources for breton language learning "" . j . siroux , h . gourmelon , g . mercier , j - p . messager ( enssat , lannion , france ) . 7 "" a speech database in basque language "" . k . lo ' pez de ipin ~ a , i . torres , l . on ~ ederra ( euskal herriko unibertsitatea , spain ) . 8 "" an overview of the existing language resources for ' gallego ' "" . c . garci ' a - mateo ( universidade de vigo , spain ) ; m . gonza ' lez - gonza ' lez ( universidade de santiago , spain ) . 9 "" language standardisation and linguistic resources : the case of central ladin ( dolomites ) "" . f . ciochetti ( istitut ladin , vigo di fassa , italy ) ; f . pianesi ( irst , trento , italy ) . 10 "" the le-parole project and the national corpus of irish "" . d . o ' cro ' ini ' n , e . ui ' dhonnchadha ( institiu ' id teangeolai ' ochta e ' ireann / linguistics institute of ireland , dublin , ireland ) . 11 "" design of a phonetic corpus for speech recognition in catalan "" . i . esquerra , c . nadeu ( universitat polite ' cnica de catalunya , barcelona , spain ) ; l . villarrubia , p . leo ' n ( telefo ' nica investigacio ' n y desarrollo , madrid , spain ) . 12 "" levels of annotation for a welsh speech database for phonetic research "" . b . williams ( university of edinburgh , scotland , uk ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - workshop scope and aims : the minority or "" lesser used "" languages of europe ( e . g . basque , welsh , breton ) are under increasing pressure from the major languages . some of them ( e . g . gaelic ) are becoming endangered , but others ( e . g . catalan ) are in a stronger position , with a certain amount of official recognition and funding . however , the situation with regard to language resources is fragmented and disorganised . some minority languages have been adequately researched linguistically , but most have not , and the vast majority do not yet possess basic speech and language resources ( such as text and speech corpora ) which are sufficient to permit commercial development of products . if this situation were to continue , the minority languages of europe would fall a long way behind the major languages , as regards the availability of commercial speech and language products . this in turn will accelerate the decline of those languages that are already struggling to survive , as speakers are forced to use the majority language for interaction with these products . to break this vicious circle , it is important to encourage the development of basic language resources . the workshop is a very small first step towards encouraging the development of such resources . the aim is to share information , so that isolated researchers will not need to start from nothing . an important aspect will be the forming of personal contacts , which at present do not exist . the aim is to make it easier for isolated researchers with little funding and no existing corpora to begin developing a usuable speech or text database . there will be a balance between presentations of existing language resources , and more general presentations designed to give background information . organisers : briony williams university of edinburgh , scotland , uk climent nadeu universitat politecnica de catalunya , catalunya , spain alex monaghan dublin city university , ireland contact ( on * academic * matters only - registration information is below ) : briony williams cstr 80 south bridge edinburgh eh1 1hn scotland , uk email : briony @ cstr . ed . ac . uk tel : + 44 1 31 650 2790 fax : + 44 1 31 650 6351 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration information for lrec and pre and post conference workshops conference the registration fees will be 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) per participant , with reduced fees of 20 . 000 pesetas ( about 120 ecu ) for early registration by march 9 , 1998 , and 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) for students . the fees cover the following services : a copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . for accompanying persons , the social dinner will be 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) . pre conference workshops pre conference workshops are 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec and 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec , and include a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and a coffee break . post conference workshop the 2 - day post conference workshop is 10 , 000 pesetas for those attending lrec and 20 , 000 pesetas for those not attending lrec , and includes a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and coffee breaks . registration willbe made only for those persons who have been invited to participate by the organizers . advance registration payment can be made using the registration forms below . registration can be made on-site and must be paid in cash , using pesetas . registration forms first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain , 28-30 may 1998 e-mail or fax to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain , tel + 34 58 24 41 00 , fax + 34 58 24 41 04 , reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ registration payment form registration fees full participant * after march 9 , 1998 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ student * 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * registration fees include one copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . social dinner for accompanying persons 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pre conference workshops , may 26 - 27 , 1998 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec please indicate the workshops you plan to attend ( x ) _ _ _ _ _ "" linguistic coreference "" may 26 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" adapting lexical and corpus resources to sublanguages and applications "" may 26 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" the evaluation of parsing systems "" may 26 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" minimizing the effort for language resource acquisition "" may 26 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" towards an open european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech "" may 27 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" language resources for european minority languages "" may 27 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" speech database development for central and eastern europeanlanguages "" may 27 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" distributing and accessing linguistic resources "" may 27 , afternoon session total number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 5 , 000 ( if attending lrec ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 10 , 000 ( if not attending lrec ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ post conference workshop , may 31 - june 1 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "" translingual information management : current levels and future abilities "" * register only if you have been asked to participate and have confirmed with the organizers 10 , 000 ( if attending lrec ) 20 , 000 ( if not attending lrec ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ grand total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method of payment you may pay by credit card ( visa , mastercard or eurocard only ; we cannot accept american express , diners club , etc . ) . you may also pay by banker 's cheque , bank transfer or by eurocheque . all payments must be in spanish pesetas . if payment is by banker 's cheque , bank transfer or by eurocheque , please send it by regular mail . if payment is by credit card , it may be faxed . please do not e-mail credit card numbers , as we cannot guarantee the security of our e-mail system , and because we require signatures . please indicate ( x ) one of the following four payment options : a ) _ _ _ _ i enclose a banker 's cheque in spanish pesetas payable to "" first international conference on language resources and evaluation "" . b ) _ _ _ _ i have transferred the full fees by bank transfer to your account at : banco central hispano , c / recogidas , 13 , 18002 granada . account name : first international conference on language resources and evaluation . account number : 0049 - 0372 - 18 - 2210856078 . i have told my bank to charge me / us with all bank charges so that "" first international conference on language resources and evaluation "" will receive the full fees . i enclose a copy of the bank transferpapers with the person ( s ) name written on the transfer . c ) _ _ _ _ please debit my visa / mastercard / eurocard account : amount : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ card no : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid from : _ _ _ / _ _ _ to _ _ _ / _ _ _ ( as printed on your card ) cardholder 's name and address : last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ street address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature as on card : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ credit card charges will be processed in spanish pesetas . d ) _ _ _ _ i enclose eurocheque ( s ) for the full fees . i have written my eurocheque number on the back of each eurocheque . mail or fax to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es + 34 58 24 41 04 fax visit our website for further information http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html conference addresses the conference chair is antonio zampolli ( istituto di linguistica computazionale del cnr and president of elra ) . antonio zampolli - lrec istituto di linguistica computazionale del cnr via della faggiola , 32 56126 pisa , italy + 39 50 560 481 tel . + 39 50 555 013 fax pisa @ ilc . pi . cnr . it the secretariat of the conference , who will provide general information on the conference , is : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain + 34 58 24 41 00 tel . + 34 58 24 41 04 fax reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es conference program committee harald hoege , siemens , munich , germany bente maegaard , cst , copenhagen , denmark joseph mariani , limsi-cnrs , orsay , france angel martin municio , president of the real academia de ciencias , madrid , spain antonio zampolli , istituto di linguistica computazionale , pisa , italy exhibition an exhibition will be organised by elra . this exhibition is open to companies and projects wishing to promote , present and demonstrate their language resources products and prototypes to the wide range of experts and representatives from all over the world participating in the conference . for more information on this , please contact the elda office on elra-elda @ calva . net . elra for more information about elra ( the european language resources association ) , please contact : khalid choukri , elra ceo 55-57 , rue brillat savarin f - 75013 paris , france tel . + 33 1 43 13 33 33 fax . + 33 1 43 13 33 39 e - mail : elra @ calva . net web : http : / / www . icp . grenet . fr / elra / home . html " 0 +Subject: conferrence ' minority languages in context ' minority languages in context : diversity and standardisation the provisional programm of the ' colloque 1998 de la vals / asla ' , 21st - 23rd september 1998 , in chur , switzerland , about ' minority languages in context : diversity and standardisation ' is available on the following website : http : / / www . romsem . unibas . ch / vals _ asla / colloque98 / colloque98eng . htm the final programm of the congress will be available around mid june . eva roos aal , university of berne , switzerland eva . roos @ aal . unibe . ch 0 +Subject: intelligent industrial automation ( iia ' 99 ) third international icsc symposia on intelligent industrial automation ( iia ' 99 ) http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / iia99 . htm and soft computing ( soco ' 99 ) http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / soco99 . htm june 1 - 4 , 1999 at the palazzo ducale in genova , italy introduction the international symposia on intelligent industrial automation ( iia ' 99 ) and soft computing ( soco ' 99 ) intend to encompass short-to - long-term effects of advanced information technology , soft computing and other related ' intelligent technolgies ' in application fields such as industrial automation , control , diagnostics , computer vision , robotics , speech recognition and machine translation . the general aim of the symposia is to address and underline the existing and emerging relationships between automation , manufacturing and intelligent technolgies , with particular emphasis on soft computing . contributions are sought on intelligent automation and manufacturing with emphasis on current and potential applications , with a broad interest in all the engineering disciplines , computer science and related technology fields . following the success of iia / soco ' 96 ( reading , england ) and iia / soco ' 97 ( nmes , france ) , the third symposium will be held in genova , italy . the iia / soco series have established themselves as a platform for scientists and practitioners from academic , governmental and industrial institutions to discuss new developments and results in the field of intelligent technologies . a further follow-up conference has already been scheduled for the year 2001 in paisley , scotland . purpose of iia ' 99 and soco ' 99 advances in soft computing and related techniques : theory and applications . ait ( advanced information technology ) is one of the major technological drivers in the advancement of modern society . nowadays any major achievement , related to any field of research , is strongly supported by proper ait based tools . very often , such achievements have only been possible after a proper ait approach has been designed and implemented . it is widely known that ait has a very strong impact on society itself , radically changing the skills and competencies required in order to contribute to the everyday human environment . given that nowadays the major effort in ait development is spent in the so called ' soft - computing ' arena and that some of the major and indeed , surprising , achievements in industrial applications come from the application of soft-computing techniques , the two symposia ( iia ' 99 and soco ' 99 ) will have many common areas of interest , namely : - neural networks - fuzzy logic - genetic algorithms - chaos theory - ai and expert systems - machine learning - pattern recognition and image understanding the programs of the two conferences will , however , reflect different themes : - iia ' 99 will be directed toward the medium-to - short term , application driven , research area in intelligent technologies . - soco ' 99 is directed toward the long term research in area of soft computing in order to try to overcome the usual borderline existing between theory and application , the two symposia are run jointly , organized in a way to have partial overlap with some joint sessions and some common plenary sessions . aim of iia ' 99 / soco ' 99 1 . to give both a wide and a deep view of advances in ait advancement offered by soft-computing technologies . 2 . to give both the industrial and academic researcher the opportunity to discuss together real problems and opportunities . 3 . to collect ' best practice ' and information on how to perform experiments , tests and design products and processes embedding and / or using soft-computing technologies . 4 . to explicitly and actively function as a ' technology broker ' , giving the opportunity for people to become aware of new problems and possible solutions and giving the possibility of finding technological partners for joint research and / or future application programs . topics of iia ' 99 iia ' 99 will include contributions in the research area of soft computing application and , more in general , related to medium-to - short term and application driven developments advanced information technology and industrial intelligent technology . particular emphasis will be laid on industrial realization , experimental application , application methodology development and / or formalization , quantitative and qualitative problem modeling . contributions are sought mainly in the areas based on the list below : a ) industrial area - industry - energy - transportation - services - consumer - etc . b ) high - tech area - innovative control and diagnostics - computer vision - robotics and remote sensing - speech recognition and machine translation - etc . c ) green - tech area - intelligent resource management - intelligent pollutant management - user behavior modeling - intelligent traffic control - etc . topics of soco ' 99 soco ' 99 will include contributions on long term research ( theory development , enhanced approaches , formal methods comparisons , applications , etc . ) in the area of soft-computing . contributions are sought in areas based on the list below , which is indicative only . - neural networks - fuzzy logic - rough sets - genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing - chaos theory - ai and expert systems - probabilistic reasoning - machine learning - learning algorithms and intelligent control - pattern recognition and image understanding - distributed intelligence - self - organizing systems - fuzzy databases and information retrieval - educational aspects of soft computing special session a special session on ' intelligent systems in control and process optimization ' including a plenary lecture is sponsored by the ifs network and organized by alberto servida , italy . contributions are welcome . conference location the symposia will be held at the palazzo ducale , a beautiful historic building in the city centre of genova , italy sponsors iia ' 99 and soco ' 99 are sponsored by : - ansaldo s . p . a . - disi - department of computer and information sciences at the university of genoa , italy - commune di genova , italy - university of genova , italy - cybernetics and biophysics national group of the national research council - ieee neural network council italian regional interest group - international neural networks society and inns special interest group italy - thematic network ifs ( intelligent forecasting system for refineries and power systems ) - icsc international computer science conventions , canada / switzerland iia ' 99 symposium committee - honorary chair yutaka kuwahara , r & d centre , hitachi europe ltd . - symposium chair riccardo parenti , ansaldo ricerche , genova , italy - symposium vice chair colin fyfe , university of paisley , scotland , u . k . - scientific secretary carla penno , ansaldo ricerche , genova , italy - international scientific committee roberto baratti , italy zeungnam bien , korea piero bonissone , usa pierre borne , france hans - heinrich bothe , switzerland / germany abhay bulsari , finland daniele caviglia , italy vincent chapurlat , france raja chatila , france richard d . colbaugh , usa anna maria colla , italy clarence w . de silva , canada h . a . donegan , u . k . jos r . dorronsorro , spain patrick gallinari , france edoardo gilardi , italy madan m . gupta , canada henry h . hexmoor , usa r . j . howlett , u . k charles mclean , usa antony a . maciejewski , usa janine magnier , france franco masulli , italy fazel naghdy , australia saeid nahavandi , australia charles c . nguyen , usa david pearson , france duc t . pham , u . k . brian roffel , netherlands alberto servida , italy peter vas , u . k . leonello zaquini , italy jacek m . zurada , usa soco ' 99 symposium committee - honorary chair antonio di nola , university di napoli federico ii , naples , italy - symposium chair francesco masulli , university of genoa , italy - symposium vice chair colin fyfe , university of paisley , scotland , u . k . - international scientific committee henry abarbanel , usa ethem alpaydin , turkey peter g . anderson , usa valeriu beiu , usa gerardo beni , usa franco bignone , italy freimut bodendorf , germany andrej dobnikar , slovenia marco dorigo , belgium gerard dray , france marco gori , italy hans hellendoorn , netherlands laszlo koczy , hungary mohammad jamshidi , usa james keller , usa bart kosko , usa ludmila kuncheva , u . k . franz kurfess , usa sadaaki miyamoto , japan claudio moraga , germany pietro morasso , italy francesco carlo morabito , italy david w . pearson , france rjean plamondon , canada henrik saxen , finland george d . smith , u . k . nigel steele , u . k . leonard studer , switzerland yoshinori uesaka , japan call for papers prospective authors are requested to send a draft paper ( maximum 7 pages ) for review by the international scientific committee . all submissions must be written in english , starting with a succinct statement of the problem , the results achieved , their significance and a comparison with previous work , as well as a list of references . the submissions should also include : - title of conference ( soco ' 99 or iia ' 99 ) - type of paper ( regular , demonstration , tutorial or invited ) - title of proposed paper - authors names , affiliations , addresses - name of author to contact for correspondence - e - mail address and fax # of contact author - topics which best describe the paper ( max . 5 keywords ) - short c . v . of authors contributions are welcome from those working in industry and having experience in the topics of this symposium as well as from academics . symposium language is english . invited sessions , tutorial papers , demonstrations and contributions to the special session on ' intelligent systems in control and process optimization ' are also encouraged . submission of papers submissions must be sent by september 10 , 1998 either by - electronic mail ( recommended ) to operating @ icsc . ab . ca ( text , postscript or word files ) or - fax to icsc canada + 1-403 - 387-4329 or - airmail ( 2 copies ) to : icsc canada p . o . box 279 millet , ab t0c 1z0 canada important dates submission of draft papers : september 10 , 1998 notification of acceptance : november 30 , 1998 delivery of final papers : january 31 , 1999 tutorials and workshops : june 1 , 1999 iia ' 99 / soco ' 99 symposia : june 2 - 4 , 1999 further information for more detailed information , please consult the following websites : - iia ' 99 : http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / iia99 . htm - soco ' 99 : http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / soco99 . htm or forward any questions to the conference organizer mailto : operating @ icsc . ab . ca conference organizer icsc international computer science conventions p . o . box 279 millet , alberta t0c 1z0 canada email : mailto : operating @ icsc . ab . ca url : http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca fax : + 1-403 - 387-4329 ( after january 25 , 1999 : + 1-780 - 387-4329 ) phone : + 1-403 - 387-3546 ( after january 25 , 1999 : + 1-780 - 387-3546 ) 0 +"Subject: hokan - penutian conference the 1998 hokan - penutian conference at the university of oregon , june 26-28 , 1998 . papers are invited on all aspects of languages customarily referred to under the rubrics of "" hokan "" or "" penutian "" , or other orphan languages of california and oregon . please send titles / abstracts by june 1 to : scott delancey dept . of linguistics university of oregon eugene , or 97403 or by e-mail : delancey @ darkwing . uoregon . edu " 0 +Subject: anthropological linguistics , vol . 40 , no . 1 * * anthropological linguistics , volume 40 , number 1 ( spring 1998 ) * * contents tohono o ' odham ( papago ) plurals , jane h . hill and ofelia zepeda ethnolinguistic dimensions of northern arapaho language shift , jeffrey anderson semantic categorization in tibetan honorific nouns , scott delancey noun specification and classification in uzbek , christopher i . beckwith book reviews handbook of north american indians , volume 17 : languages ( ives goddard , editor , and william c . sturtevant , general editor ) , jeffrey heath athabaskan language studies : essays in honor of robert w . young ( eloise jelinek , sally midgette , keren rice , and leslie saxon , editors ) , victor golla northern haida songs ( john enrico and wendy bross stuart ) , charlotte j . frisbie quebec 's aboriginal languages : history , planning , development ( jacques maurais , editor ) , lynn mcalpine relating events in narrative : a crosslinguistic developmental study ( ruth a . berman and dan isaac slobin , et al . ) , wallace chafe untying the knot : on riddles and other enigmatic modes ( galit hasan - rokem and david shulman , editors ) , thomas a . green the linguistic individual ( barbara johnstone ) , neal r . norrick language use and language change in brunei darussalam ( peter w . martin , conrad ozog , and gloria poedjosoedarmo , editors ) , geoffrey c . gunn literacy and script reform in occupation japan : reading between the lines ( j . marshall unger ) , roy andrew miller ideology and status of sanskrit : contributions to the history of sanskrit language ( jan e . m . houben , editor ) , peter m . scharf * * * * * * * annual subscription rates ( for 4 issues ) : $ 30 for u . s . individuals ; $ 38 for non - u . s . individuals ; $ 65 for u . s . institutions ; $ 75 for non - u . s . institutions . payment should be in u . s . funds by check or postal money order made payable to anthropological linguistics . visa and mastercard are also accepted . subscriptions and inquires should be sent to : anthropological linguistics , student building 130 ( c ) , indiana university , bloomington , in 47405 usa ; fax : ( 812 ) 855-7529 ; e-mail : < anthling @ indiana . edu > . for abstracts and more information , visit our website at : http : / / www . indiana . edu / ~ anthling 0 +Subject: third international icsc symposia third international icsc symposia on intelligent industrial automation ( iia ' 99 ) http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / iia99 . htm and soft computing ( soco ' 99 ) http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / soco99 . htm june 1 - 4 , 1999 at the palazzo ducale in genova , italy introduction the international symposia on intelligent industrial automation ( iia ' 99 ) and soft computing ( soco ' 99 ) intend to encompass short-to - long-term effects of advanced information technology , soft computing and other related ' intelligent technolgies ' in application fields such as industrial automation , control , diagnostics , computer vision , robotics , speech recognition and machine translation . the general aim of the symposia is to address and underline the existing and emerging relationships between automation , manufacturing and intelligent technolgies , with particular emphasis on soft computing . contributions are sought on intelligent automation and manufacturing with emphasis on current and potential applications , with a broad interest in all the engineering disciplines , computer science and related technology fields . following the success of iia / soco ' 96 ( reading , england ) and iia / soco ' 97 ( nmes , france ) , the third symposium will be held in genova , italy . the iia / soco series have established themselves as a platform for scientists and practitioners from academic , governmental and industrial institutions to discuss new developments and results in the field of intelligent technologies . a further follow-up conference has already been scheduled for the year 2001 in paisley , scotland . purpose of iia ' 99 and soco ' 99 advances in soft computing and related techniques : theory and applications . ait ( advanced information technology ) is one of the major technological drivers in the advancement of modern society . nowadays any major achievement , related to any field of research , is strongly supported by proper ait based tools . very often , such achievements have only been possible after a proper ait approach has been designed and implemented . it is widely known that ait has a very strong impact on society itself , radically changing the skills and competencies required in order to contribute to the everyday human environment . given that nowadays the major effort in ait development is spent in the so called ' soft - computing ' arena and that some of the major and indeed , surprising , achievements in industrial applications come from the application of soft-computing techniques , the two symposia ( iia ' 99 and soco ' 99 ) will have many common areas of interest , namely : - neural networks - fuzzy logic - genetic algorithms - chaos theory - ai and expert systems - machine learning - pattern recognition and image understanding the programs of the two conferences will , however , reflect different themes : - iia ' 99 will be directed toward the medium-to - short term , application driven , research area in intelligent technologies . - soco ' 99 is directed toward the long term research in area of soft computing in order to try to overcome the usual borderline existing between theory and application , the two symposia are run jointly , organized in a way to have partial overlap with some joint sessions and some common plenary sessions . aim of iia ' 99 / soco ' 99 1 . to give both a wide and a deep view of advances in ait advancement offered by soft-computing technologies . 2 . to give both the industrial and academic researcher the opportunity to discuss together real problems and opportunities . 3 . to collect ' best practice ' and information on how to perform experiments , tests and design products and processes embedding and / or using soft-computing technologies . 4 . to explicitly and actively function as a ' technology broker ' , giving the opportunity for people to become aware of new problems and possible solutions and giving the possibility of finding technological partners for joint research and / or future application programs . topics of iia ' 99 iia ' 99 will include contributions in the research area of soft computing application and , more in general , related to medium-to - short term and application driven developments advanced information technology and industrial intelligent technology . particular emphasis will be laid on industrial realization , experimental application , application methodology development and / or formalization , quantitative and qualitative problem modeling . contributions are sought mainly in the areas based on the list below : a ) industrial area - industry - energy - transportation - services - consumer - etc . b ) high - tech area - innovative control and diagnostics - computer vision - robotics and remote sensing - speech recognition and machine translation - etc . c ) green - tech area - intelligent resource management - intelligent pollutant management - user behavior modeling - intelligent traffic control - etc . topics of soco ' 99 soco ' 99 will include contributions on long term research ( theory development , enhanced approaches , formal methods comparisons , applications , etc . ) in the area of soft-computing . contributions are sought in areas based on the list below , which is indicative only . - neural networks - fuzzy logic - rough sets - genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing - chaos theory - ai and expert systems - probabilistic reasoning - machine learning - learning algorithms and intelligent control - pattern recognition and image understanding - distributed intelligence - self - organizing systems - fuzzy databases and information retrieval - educational aspects of soft computing special session a special session on ' intelligent systems in control and process optimization ' including a plenary lecture is sponsored by the ifs network and organized by alberto servida , italy . contributions are welcome . conference location the symposia will be held at the palazzo ducale , a beautiful historic building in the city centre of genova , italy sponsors iia ' 99 and soco ' 99 are sponsored by : - ansaldo s . p . a . - disi - department of computer and information sciences at the university of genoa , italy - commune di genova , italy - university of genova , italy - cybernetics and biophysics national group of the national research council - ieee neural network council italian regional interest group - international neural networks society and inns special interest group italy - thematic network ifs ( intelligent forecasting system for refineries and power systems ) - icsc international computer science conventions , canada / switzerland iia ' 99 symposium committee - honorary chair yutaka kuwahara , r & d centre , hitachi europe ltd . - symposium chair riccardo parenti , ansaldo ricerche , genova , italy - symposium vice chair colin fyfe , university of paisley , scotland , u . k . - scientific secretary carla penno , ansaldo ricerche , genova , italy - international scientific committee roberto baratti , italy zeungnam bien , korea piero bonissone , usa pierre borne , france hans - heinrich bothe , switzerland / germany abhay bulsari , finland daniele caviglia , italy vincent chapurlat , france raja chatila , france richard d . colbaugh , usa anna maria colla , italy clarence w . de silva , canada h . a . donegan , u . k . jos r . dorronsorro , spain patrick gallinari , france edoardo gilardi , italy madan m . gupta , canada henry h . hexmoor , usa r . j . howlett , u . k charles mclean , usa antony a . maciejewski , usa janine magnier , france franco masulli , italy fazel naghdy , australia saeid nahavandi , australia charles c . nguyen , usa david pearson , france duc t . pham , u . k . brian roffel , netherlands alberto servida , italy peter vas , u . k . leonello zaquini , italy jacek m . zurada , usa soco ' 99 symposium committee - honorary chair antonio di nola , university di napoli federico ii , naples , italy - symposium chair francesco masulli , university of genoa , italy - symposium vice chair colin fyfe , university of paisley , scotland , u . k . - international scientific committee henry abarbanel , usa ethem alpaydin , turkey peter g . anderson , usa valeriu beiu , usa gerardo beni , usa franco bignone , italy freimut bodendorf , germany andrej dobnikar , slovenia marco dorigo , belgium gerard dray , france marco gori , italy hans hellendoorn , netherlands laszlo koczy , hungary mohammad jamshidi , usa james keller , usa bart kosko , usa ludmila kuncheva , u . k . franz kurfess , usa sadaaki miyamoto , japan claudio moraga , germany pietro morasso , italy francesco carlo morabito , italy david w . pearson , france rjean plamondon , canada henrik saxen , finland george d . smith , u . k . nigel steele , u . k . leonard studer , switzerland yoshinori uesaka , japan call for papers prospective authors are requested to send a draft paper ( maximum 7 pages ) for review by the international scientific committee . all submissions must be written in english , starting with a succinct statement of the problem , the results achieved , their significance and a comparison with previous work , as well as a list of references . the submissions should also include : - title of conference ( soco ' 99 or iia ' 99 ) - type of paper ( regular , demonstration , tutorial or invited ) - title of proposed paper - authors names , affiliations , addresses - name of author to contact for correspondence - e - mail address and fax # of contact author - topics which best describe the paper ( max . 5 keywords ) - short c . v . of authors contributions are welcome from those working in industry and having experience in the topics of this symposium as well as from academics . symposium language is english . invited sessions , tutorial papers , demonstrations and contributions to the special session on ' intelligent systems in control and process optimization ' are also encouraged . submission of papers submissions must be sent by september 10 , 1998 either by - electronic mail ( recommended ) to operating @ icsc . ab . ca ( text , postscript or word files ) or - fax to icsc canada + 1-403 - 387-4329 or - airmail ( 2 copies ) to : icsc canada p . o . box 279 millet , ab t0c 1z0 canada important dates submission of draft papers : september 10 , 1998 notification of acceptance : november 30 , 1998 delivery of final papers : january 31 , 1999 tutorials and workshops : june 1 , 1999 iia ' 99 / soco ' 99 symposia : june 2 - 4 , 1999 further information for more detailed information , please consult the following websites : - iia ' 99 : http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / iia99 . htm - soco ' 99 : http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca / soco99 . htm or forward any questions to the conference organizer mailto : operating @ icsc . ab . ca conference organizer icsc international computer science conventions p . o . box 279 millet , alberta t0c 1z0 canada email : mailto : operating @ icsc . ab . ca url : http : / / www . icsc . ab . ca fax : + 1-403 - 387-4329 ( after january 25 , 1999 : + 1-780 - 387-4329 ) phone : + 1-403 - 387-3546 ( after january 25 , 1999 : + 1-780 - 387-3546 ) 0 +Subject: new reflections on grammaticalization universitat potsdam am neuen palais 10 , 14469 potsdam pd dr . ilse wischer institut fur anglistik / amerikanistik universitat potsdam , postfach 601553 , 14415 potsdam sekr . : ( + 49 ) 0331-977 - 2524 tel . : ( + 49 ) 0331-977 - 2533 fax : ( + 49 ) 0331-977 - 2069 e-mail : wischer @ rz . uni-potsdam . de call for papers april 1998 new reflections on grammaticalization an international symposium at potsdam university 17-19 june 1999 since meillet 's first mentioning of the term grammaticalization in 1912 several generations of scholars have contributed to a better understanding of this process of linguistic change . recent studies are closely connected with the names of paul hopper and elizabeth traugott . further major impulses came from a number of works in cologne , from an international symposium at the university of oregon at eugene in 1988 , or from empirical research based on computer corpora edited in a collective volume by matti rissanen et al . numerous publications and conference contributions in the last ten years have revealed a growing interest in the theory of grammaticalization . people have worked on several topics reaching from theoretical investigations on its status with respect to various theories of grammar up to its practical application to linguistic phenomena in many languages of the world . this has led , on the one hand , to new insights and a deeper understanding , it has also revealed , however , new questions that call for an answer and require further research . the aim of this symposium is to bring together scholars who are working in this area to present their findings and discuss such topics as e . g . whether there are two different types of grammaticalization , one on the propositional level and another one on the discourse level , whether there are convincing examples of the reversability of grammaticalization , what kind of relationship holds between grammaticalization and lexicalization , or which internal and external factors can accelerate or retard grammaticalization . papers are invited on all aspects related to grammaticalization in its synchronic or diachronic perspective , with respect to theoretical reflections or practical findings . studies based on linguistic phenomena in english are particularly welcome . academic programme : opening lecture : christian lehmann , university of bielefeld , germany plenary lectures ( so far ) : joan bybee , university of new mexico , united states talmy givn , university of oregon , united states bernd heine , university of cologne , germany ekkehard knig , free university berlin , germany social programme : there will be a conference dinner , a guided tour through the city of potsdam including a visit of one of its famous castles , a visit of the potsdam film studios or a boat tour on the havel . details about the social programme will be given in the 2nd circular . accomodation : accomodation will be in hotels in town at conference rates . a limited number of moderately priced rooms will be available in the guest house of the university . you will have to book the rooms on your own , mentioning your participation in the symposium . addresses will be given in the 2nd circular . about the city of potsdam and potsdam university : in 1993 brandenburg s capital celebrated the 1000th anniversary of its founding . potsdam 's distinctive appearance began to emerge when the town became the residence of prussian royalty . to this day the capital attracts many visitors . the grounds of the three royal parks , the palace of sans souci and the new palace , schinkel 's charlottenhof , an architectural gem , the cecilienhof palace as well as numerous churches and italianate villas continue to charm visitors today . cafs , restaurants , museums and galeries are an integral part of the capital 's unique cityscape . among 140 , 000 potsdamers , there are 11 , 000 university students , most of whom live in halls of residence on the outskirts of town . potsdam 's location could not be more ideal for leisure time activities : it is surrounded by forests , lakes and rivers and a short commuter train ride takes you to the nation 's nearby capital , berlin . since the last century , potsdam has been a centre for research in the natural sciences . today potsdam is again the home of respected research institutes . for a few years now it has also been a university town . the university of potsdam was founded on 15 july 1991 . located on three campuses - am neuen palais , golm and potsdam - babelsberg - the university absorbed most of the staff of brandenburg state college ( previously the potsdam college of education ) and a few members of the staff of the college of law and administration ( previously the academy of government and law of the gdr , dissolved in 1990 ) 0 +Subject: 14th comparative germanic syntax workshop second announcement call for papers the 14th comparative germanic syntax workshop january 8 - 9 , 1999 , lund , sweden invited speakers : kenneth j . safir , rutgers jan - wouter zwart , groningen deadline for submission of abstracts : august 1 , 1998 the time allotted to each paper is 30 minutes , with an additional 10 minutes for discussion . send 3 copies of an anonymous two-page abstract , plus a camera-ready original with authors name , address , and affiliation , to 14th cgs c / o asa wikstrom institutionen fr nordiska sprk helgonabacken 14 s-223 62 lund sweden enquiries can be addressed to : christer . platzack @ nordlund . lu . se http : / / www . nordlund . lu . se / cgs 0 +Subject: new books : language instruction language instruction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ daniel abondolo , colloquial finnish the complete course for beginners colloquial finnish is easy to use and completely up-to - date . specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use , the course offers you a step-by - step approach to written and spoken finnish . colloquial series routledge : 1998 : 0 pp 0 415 11391 1 : # d3439 : $ 44 . 99 : 25 . 76 daniel abondolo colloquial finnish the complete course for beginners these cassettes are recorded by native finnish speakers and can be used on their own or to accompany the book , helping you with pronunciation and listening skills . colloquial series routledge : 1998 : 0 pp cs : 0 415 11390 3 : # d3338 : $ 27 . 99 : 12 . 76 for more information on these and other titles from : routledge london * new york in north america : www . routledge-ny . com elsewhere : www . routledge . com 0 +Subject: workshop sposs preliminary program sposs sound patterns of spontaneous speech production and perception 24-26 september , la baume les aix , aix en provence , france preliminary program thursday 24 10h - 10h30 registration 10h30 - 11h opening , presentation of the communications 11h - 11h30 coffee break 11h30 - 12h30 * invited lecture : making sense of the infinite variety of natural speech patterns b . lindblom , stockholm university and austin university 12h30 - 13h30 lunch 13h30 - 14h30 * invited lecture : the phonetic manifestation of words in spontaneous speech k . kohler , university of kiel 14h30 - 15h coffee break 15h - 15h20 * between - word processes in early multi-word speech c . newton , university college , london 15h20 - 15h40 * phonological and phonetic aspects of brazilian portugese : a study of / r / variants r . cruz and l . messias , ufpa , brazil 15h40 - 16h * distribution and acoustical characteristics of the / r / allophones in french : laboratory / spontaneous speech d . autesserre and m . chafcouloff , lpl , aix en provence 16h - 16h20 * assimilatory behavior of tongue-tip trills m . j . sole , laboratoria de fonetica , barcelona 16h20 - 16h40 * consonant reduction in spontaneous polish speech r . gubrynowicz * and p . durand * * , * sal , warsaw and * * lpl , aix en provence 16h40 - 17h * quasi - homorganic v1 # # v2 sequencies in austrian german s . moosmuller , acoustic research departement , wien friday 25 9h - 10h * invited lecture : synchronic variations and prosodic changes : the influence of prosodic structuring j . vaissiere , ilgla , paris 10h - 10h20 coffee break 10h20 - 10h40 * what is deleted in spontaneous finnish : segmental interaction with word stress , vowel harmony and moras r . valimaa - blum , cnrs ua 1027 , universite de lille 10h40 - 11h * aspects of the reduction and contextual assimilation of consonant sequences in spontaneous french speech d . duez , lpl , cnrs esa 6057 , aix en provence 11h - 11h20 * preaspiration and pre-stopped laterals : historical change in light of spontaneous speech p . helgason , institute of phonetics , stockholm 11h20 - 11h40 * casual speech : a rich source of intriguing puzzles s . manuel , research laboratory of electronics , mit cambridge 11h40 - 12h * language dependent and independent spontaneous speech phenomena p . basset and t . su , ilpga , paris 12h30 - 13h30 lunch 13h30 - 14h30 * invited lecture : the recognition of spoken words with variable representation a . cutler , max planck institute , nijmegen 14h30 - 14h50 * perception of ` reduced ` forms by non-native speakers of english l . shockey , university of reading 14h50 - 15h10 * listening to nonnative language which violates native assimilation rules a . weber , mpi , nijmegen 15h10 - 15h30 * lexical access in spontaneous speech : reduced forms prime . . . less e . g . bard , m . l . kelly and c . sotillo , hcrc , edinburgh 15h30 - 15h50 * disfluent speech : the transcriber problem r . lickley and e . g . bard , hcrc , edinburgh 15h50 - 16h10 coffee break 16h10 - 17h30 poster session : 16h10 - 16h30 oral presentation of the posters by j . vaissiere 16h30 - 17h30 poster session : discussion with authors posters : * is hypo-articulation lexically constrained ? c . f . sotillo and e . g . bard , hcrs , edinburgh * the use of alisp for automatic acoustic-phonetic transcription j . cernocky * , g . baudoin * * and g . chollet * * , * tu of brno , * * esiee and * * enst paris * multilingual detection of specific sound patterns : the case of vowels and plosives n . parlangeau and f . pellegrino , irit toulouse * we talk like meh ? no , lah : intonation patterns on discourse particles in spontaneous singapore english l . lim , university of singapore * palatalized plosives in french and palatal in korean : a comparative study h . z . kim , dankook university * extent of context and vowel identification in speech variation s . m . williams and r . l . diehl , university of texas * vowel quality in spontaneous speech : what makes a good vowel ? m . aylett and a . turk , hcrc , edimburgh * dual - route encoding : a synthesis of acoustic evidence from normal speech s . p . whiteside and r . a . varley , university of sheffield * acoustic - prosodic cues of speech repairs in spontaneous speech s . c . tseng , university of bielefeld * disentangling multiple sources of stress in word segmentation h . borfeld and j . morgan , brown university , providence saturday 26 9h - 9h20 * speaker strategies in the use of prosodic means in spontaneous discourse in dutch m . van donzel , f . j . koopmans - van beinum , l . c . w . pols , university of amsterdam 9h20 - 9h40 * global and local characteristics of dutch questions in play-acted and spontaneous speech j . haan * and v . j . van heuven * * , nijmegen university * and leiden university * * 9h40 - 10h10 * effects of prosodic constraints on the lengthening of syllable constituent in french : a comparison between spontaneous and french speech c . astesano , universite de provence , aix en provence 10h10 - 10h30 * coffee break 10h30 - 10h50 * direct and indirect measurement of the articulation of intervocalic stop consonants in french a . soquet , universite libre de bruxelles 10h50 - 11h10 * comparison of aerodynamic and epg data in spoken and spontaneous speech d . demolin , universite libre de bruxelles 11h10 - 11h30 * effect of emphasis and irritation on jaw opening o . fujimura , d . erickson and b . pardo , the ohio state university 11h30 - 11h50 * selection of pronunciation variants in spontaneous speech : comparing the performance of man and machine m . wester , j . m . kessens , c . cucchiarini and h . strik 11h50 - 12h50 panel session : achievements and perspectives of research on spontaneous speech more information on la baume les aix and the workshop can be found on our web site : http : / / www . lpl . univ-aix . fr / sposs 0 +"Subject: dependency - based grammars at coling - acl coling - acl ' 98 workshop "" processing of dependency - based grammars "" program saturday , august 15 , 1998 universit de montral montral , canada this one-day workshop will be a meeting point for researchers interested in the implementation of dependency - based grammars ( dgs ) . it will be a forum for presenting different theoretical approaches to dgs , as well as strategies adopted for their implementation . although the focus of this workshop is on dgs , it also aims at establishing connections between different approaches to the modeling and implementation of grammatical phenomena . nine papers have been selected for presentation at the workshop . additionally , four "" short "" papers will be included in the worhsop proceedings . this is the pre-final program for the workshop . the schedule is tentative and may vary slightly . remember that you have to register for the workshop . information about registration can be found at the coling - acl site : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca / mainpage . html . schedule for presentations 9h15 - 9h30 opening address 9h30 - 10h00 towards an implementable dependency grammar timo jrvinen and pasi tapanaimen 10h00 - 10h30 unit coordination and gapping in dependency theory vincenzo lombardo and leonardo lesmo 10h30 - 11h00 a type of natural measures of word order freedom toms holan , vladislav kubon , karel oliva and martin pltek 11h00 - 11h15 coffee break 11h15 - 11h45 how to define a context-free backbone for dgs : an experiment in grammar conversion norbert brker 11h45 - 12h15 types of syntagmatic grammatical relations and their representation elke teich 12h15 - 13h30 lunch 13h30 - 14h00 movement rules revisited eva hajicov 14h00 - 14h30 integration of syntactic and lexical information in a hierarchical dependency grammar cristina barbero , leonardo lesmo , vincenzo lombardo and paola merlo 14h30 - 14h45 coffee break 14h45 - 15h15 on parsing binary dependency structures deterministically in linear time harri arnola 15h15 - 15h45 decision procedures for dependency parsing using graded constraints wolfgang menzel and ingo schrder 15h45 - 16h00 closing address short papers * a case study in implementing dependency-based grammars marie bourdon , lyne da sylva , michel gagnon , alma kharrat , sonja knoll and anna maclachlan * parsing with dependency relations and robust parsing jacques courtin and damien genthial * complements and adjuncts in depending grammar parsing emulated by a constrained context - free grammar tom b . y . lai and huang changning * an annotated corpus in japanese using tesnire 's structural syntax yves lepage , ando shin - ichi , akamine susumu and iida hitoshi for information concerning the workshop , please contact either member of the organizing committee . organizing committee sylvain kahane ( talana paris vii / universit paris x ; email : sk @ ccr . jussieu . fr ) alain polgure ( omtl universit de montral ; email : polguera @ ere . umontreal . ca ) program committee * anne abeill ( universit paris vii ) * michael a . covington ( university of georgia ) * michael elhadad ( ben - gurion university ) * sylvain kahane ( talana universit paris vii / universit paris x ) * dick hudson ( university college london ) * igor mel ' cuk ( universit de montral ) * alexis nasr ( universit d ' avignon ) * alain polgure ( omtl universit de montral ) * petr sgall ( charles university ) * jacques vergne ( universit de caen ) " 0 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345-9688 ext 2050 1 +Subject: webmining free white paper on data mining web data : http : / / www . webminer . com / paper . htm 1 +Subject: phonetics , phonology : intonational phonology intonational phonology d . robert ladd ( university of edinburgh ) ; intonational phonology ; isbn : 0-521 - 47498 - 1 ; $ 64 . 95 hardback , 6 x 9 , 349 pp . ; pub . date : 1 / 13 / 97 ; publisher : cambridge university press intonation is becoming increasingly prominent in areas from phonology to speech recognition . ladd gives an exceptionally clear overview of the key ideas of pierrehumbert 's autosegmental-metrical theory to intonational phonology , and discusses alternative approaches . he also looks critically at the version put forward by generativists , and offers his own solutions . this book will appeal to phonologists as an original contribution , and will be welcomed by students and researchers , who will find in it the ideal overview of recent work . ; contents : 1 . introduction to intonational phonology ; 2 . fundamental concepts of the autosegmental-metrical theory ; 3 . phonological representation of pitch in the am theory ; 4 . cross - language comparison of intonation ; 5 . patterns of prominence ; 6 . prosodic structure ; 7 . pitch range ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html 0 +Subject: beyond boundaries ii european studies research institute university of salford with the universit de toulouse - le mirail call for papers international conference 19-21 february 1999 ' beyond boundaries ii : new europe . . . pan europe ? trajectories and destinations ' following the success of the first ' beyond boundaries ' cross-disciplinary conference in this series , the european studies research institute ( esri ) , with the universit de toulouse - le mirail , is inviting proposals for papers for the above conference . esri comprises four centres : contemporary history and politics , language and linguistics , literary and cultural studies and policy studies . among the themes to be discussed across these centres and in a series of parallel sessions are : discourses and communities , languages , literatures and cultures , ethnicity and national identity . . . the centre for language and linguistics invites submissions for : sociolinguistically orientated papers on themes including : * language , ethnicity and identity * language and variation * linguistic minorities , language politics and language contact * translation , cultures and discourses and for papers to be presented at a : * ' time and space in language and cognition workshop ' , organised by diane blakemore ( esri ) and jasques durand ( equipe de recherche en syntaxe et smantique , cnrs , and dpartement d ' etudes du monde anglophone , toulouse - le mirail ) in association with the north west centre for linguistics . the centre 's keynote speaker will be professor jenny cheshire , who is professor of linguistics at queen mary & westfield college , university of london with a special interest in sociolinguistics . for further information , please contact : professor diane blakemore , department of modern languages , university of salford , salford , greater manchester , m5 4wt uk . telephone : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 4948 facsimile : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 5223 . e - mail : d . blakemore @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk or : ms charlotte hoffmann , department of modern languages , university of salford , salford , greater manchester , m5 4wt , uk . telephone : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 4390 . facsimile : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 5223 e - mail : c . hoffmann @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk abstracts ( maximum 300 words ) with title , name , address , institution and status ( where applicable ) should be sent by friday 4 september 1998 to : professor geoff harris , director european studies research institute ( esri ) university of salford salford , greater manchester m5 4wt , uk telephone : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 5275 facsimile : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 295 5223 e - mail : g . t . harris @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk 0 +"Subject: gala ' 97 proceedings ( change of address ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dr antonella sorace tel : + 44 131 650-3493 / 3864 university of edinburgh , fax : + 44 131 650-6526 department of applied linguistics antonella @ ling . ed . ac . uk 14 buccleuch place , edinburgh eh8 9ln , scotland http : / / www . ling . ed . ac . uk / ~ antonell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - proceedings of the gala ' 97 conference on language acquisition * * * * * * * * * change of address * * * * * * * * * the highly successful gala ' 97 conference on language acquisition took place in edinburgh in april 1997 , attracting some 200 researchers in language acquisition from around the world . information about the conference and abstracts of the papers may be found at the gala ' 97 website http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / gala / the printed proceedings of that conference are now available . they contain 93 6 - page papers covering first language syntax and semantics , acquisition of phonetics and phonology , cognitive modelling , second language syntax and semantics , second language psycholinguistics , impaired acquisition , bilingual acquisition . all of these papers were presented at the conference either as papers or posters . the volume ( 540 pp . isbn 1 902242 00 9 ) can be ordered directly . to order , please make a cheque or money-order , in uk pounds sterling , payable to "" the university of edinburgh "" . also , print out and fill in the order form below and address them to : gala ' 97 proceedings human communication research centre the university of edinburgh 2 buccleuch place edinburgh eh8 9lw uk note that this address is different from that included in a previous announcement . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + gala ' 97 proceedings . order form . please send me . . . . . copies of the gala ' 97 proceedings . send them to : ( name and address ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the cost per copy is 16 . 00 pounds sterling . please tick your postal requirements ( cost is per copy ) tick cost destination . . . . 4 . 15 pounds . within uk . ( first class , one price ) . . . . 5 . 29 pounds anywhere in the rest of europe ( airmail ) . . . . 12 . 03 pounds usa and rest of the world ( airmail ) . . . . 5 . 21 pounds usa and rest of the world ( surface mail - allow 4 - 6 weeks ) total the cost of the book ( s ) and the ( combined ) postage . please add 35p for each copy if you are paying by credit card ( see below ) . i enclose cheque / money order to the value of . . . . . . . . we are able to accept payment from a variety of credit cards ( visa , mastercard , switch , and delta ) . payments made by credit card incur an additional charge of 2 % of the total amount due ( see above ) . if you wish to pay by credit card , please print out the following form , complete it and return it to us by post . 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the competition zone - where everyone should go and where many have gone before . . . free holidays , cinema tickets , beer , beverages and weekend breaks . you still here ? well click below now and enter one of the fabulous competitions with prizes just waiting to be won . http : / / capitalfm . com / compzone / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 +"Subject: thinking with diagrams 1998 twd98 thinking with diagrams : is there a science of diagrams ? workshop call for participation university of wales , aberystwyth , uk 22-23 august 1998 registration deadline : 22nd july 1998 diagrams are essential in most fields of human activity . there is substantial interest in diagrams and their use in many academic disciplines for the potential benefits they may confer on a wide range of tasks . are we now in a position to claim that we have a science of diagrams ? that is , a science which takes the nature of diagrams and their use as the central phenomena of interest . a science which is attempting to understand how diagrams differ from other representational systems and trying to develop principles for the design of effective graphical representations . a science which considers how diagrams communicate information and how they are used to solve problems . if we have a science of diagrams it is certainly constituted from multiple disciplines , including : cognitive science , psychology , artificial intelligence , logic , mathematics , and others . if there is a science of diagrams , then like other sciences , there is an applications or "" engineering "" discipline that exists alongside the science . applications and engineering provide tests of the theories and principles discovered by the science and extend the scope of the phenomena to be studied by generating new uses of diagrams , new media for presenting diagrams , or novel classes of diagram . this applications and engineering side of the science of diagrams also comprises multiple disciplines , including : education , architecture , computer science , mathematics , human - computer interaction , knowledge acquisition , graphic design , engineering , history of science , statistics , medicine , biology , and others . the theme of twd98 will be - is there a science of diagrams ? by providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of quality research on diagrams and diagram use , we not only try to answer this question , but more importantly attempt draw together the many different approaches , theories and results that we have in the many diverse disciplines that are concerned with diagrams . the question provides a vehicle on which to attempt to integrate what is currently a disparate and disordered set of activities into a more rational and coherent programme of research . is there any common core to the activities which provides a basis for the claim that the twd community could constitute a science ? more information and the workshop registration form can be found at the thinking with diagrams home page : http : / / www . aber . ac . uk / ~ plo / twd98 or contact : patrick olivier ( plo @ aber . ac . uk ) thinking with diagrams ( twd98 ) department of computer science university of wales , aberystwyth ceredigion , uk sy23 3db tel : + 44 1970 622424 / fax : + 44 1970 622455 the twd98 programme will include : ( i ) technical sessions for the presentations of papers ; ( ii ) invited talks on issues relevant to the twd community as a whole ; ( iii ) a panel session on the theme of twd98 . invited presentations : 1 . arthur i miller university college london "" visual representations of nature "" 2 . aaron sloman university of birmingham "" diagrams in the mind ? "" 3 . clive richards , school of art and design , coventry university "" diagrammatics "" other presentations : 1 . peter cheng ( university of nottingham ) avow diagrams : a novel representational system for understanding electricity 2 . mateja jamnik , alan bundy & ian green ( university of edinburgh ) verification of diagrammatic proofs 3 . maria kozhevnikov , mary hegarty & richard mayer ( techion & uc santa barbara ) visual / spatial abilities in problem solving in physics 4 . sun - joo shin ( university of notre dame ) multiple readings of pierces alpha system 5 . alan blackwell & yuri engelhardt ( cambridge apu and university of amsterdam ) a taxonomy of diagram taxonomies 6 . robert kosara , silvia miksch , yuval shahar & peter johnson ( vienna university of technology & stanford university ) asbru - view : capturing complex , time - oriented plans 7 . jo calder ( university of edinburgh ) how to build a ( quite general ) linguistic diagram editor 8 . adam vile & simon polovina ( south bank university ) thinking of or thinking through diagrams ? 9 . mark minas ( university of erlangen ) specifying diagram languages by means of hypergraph grammars 10 . simon ungar , mark blades & christopher spencer ( glasgow caledonian university & university of sheffield ) can a tactile map facilitate learning of related information by visually impaired people ? 11 . daniela m . bailer - jones ( universitt paderborn ) sketches and visualisation as mental reifications of theoretical scientific treatment 12 . leon rozenblit , michael spivey - knowlton & julie wojslawowiz ( cornell university ) mechanical reasoning about gear-and - belt diagrams : do eye - movements predict performance ? 13 . nadine lucas & nathalie coussin - rittemard ( limsi & utrecht university ) acting with diagrams : how to plan strategies 14 . herman j . adr ( vrije universiteit ) diagramming research designs posters 15 . william godwin ( cheltenham and gloucester college ) a tectonic theory for graphical notation design 16 . jean - louis giavitto & erika valencia ( lri - universit paris sud ) using simplicial complexes to model internal diagrammatic representations 17 . hernan casakin ( techion ) diagrams , sketches , and the use of analogy in design problem - solving : experts and novices 18 . glen bell & david wilson ( university of technology , sydney ) diagramming issue surrounding application architectures 19 . andrew basden ( university of salford ) researching the with in thinking with diagrams " 0 +"Subject: history of linguistic ideas the henry sweet society for the history of linguistic ideas fifteenth annual colloquium : amsterdam , 16th - 19th september 1998 second circular date and venue the colloquium is scheduled to begin with registration at 1 p . m . on wednesday 16 september , and to finish with breakfast on saturday 19 september . there will be associated events on wednesday and thursday evenings . registration and papers will take place in amsterdam university 's doelenzaal and its oudemanhuispoort facility . both locations are in the centre of amsterdam and can be easily reached by public transport . there will be a special bus on thursday and friday mornings for participants from hotel casa 400 . amsterdam , the capital of the netherlands , has the largest historical inner city in europe and the beautiful canals , monumental buildings , museums , world famous art galleries , open air markets and shopping streets can easily be explored on foot , should you have time before or after the colloquium . accommodation and travel a number of rooms have been booked for colloquium participants at hotel casa 400 . a list of low budget or more expensive hotels will be provided on request . amsterdam is easily accessible by air , rail and road . there is a direct rail connection to amsterdam from schiphol international airport located about 10 miles from the city centre . the city of amsterdam discourages its citizens from using cars , which means that there is no free parking either at the hotel or in the vicinity . detailed travel arrangements will be sent to those who have made bookings . keynote speaker we are delighted to announce that reinier salverda , professor of dutch at university college london , has agreed to be our keynote speaker . his topic will be "" dutch linguists around 1900 : a critical reappraisal "" . a book of abstracts will be made available to participants at the beginning of the colloquium . speakers who wish to make any adjustments to their abstracts should do so before 31 may . provisional lecture programme wednesday 16 september . 13 00arrival and registration 14 30r . schreyer ( aachen ) , "" john wilkins , the man in the moone and everything : on links and hyperlinks in the history of ideas "" . 15 00m . m . iserman ( heidelberg ) , "" sounds and their signs in john wilkin 's essay "" . 15 30n . wilding ( rome ) , "" galilean linguistics "" . 16 00tea 16 30i . zwiep ( amsterdam ) , "" hebrew studies at the time of the counter - refomation : the reception of bellarmine 's institutiones "" . 17 00a . j . klijnsmit ( amsterdam ) , "" vossius , spinoza and schultens : the application of analogia in hebrew grammar "" . 18 00dinner 20 00r . salverda ( london ) , "" dutch linguistics around 1900 : a critical reappraisal "" . thursday 17 september 09 30j . privratska ( prague ) , "" the reflections of comenius language endeavours in the encyclopaedia comeniana "" . 10 00j . mills ( luton ) , "" twentieth - century cornish lexicography and language revival "" . 10 30p . j . lucas ( dublin ) , "" john minshew , polymath and poseur : old english in an early seventeenth-century dictionary "" . 11 00coffee 11 30l . kelly ( cambridge ) , "" michel foucault , richard mckeon and grammatica speculativa "" . 12 00j . murphy ( davis , ca ) , "" early modern grammarians who write about rhetoric "" . 13 15lunch 14 30w . e . mcmahon ( akron , oh ) , "" revisiting the concept of logical form "" . 15 00b . godart - wendling ( paris ) , "" la place de la semantique dans les premieres grammaires categorielles "" . 15 30l . shi - xu ( singapore ) , "" the poetics of formalism and functionalisn : understanding linguistic science as discourse "" . 16 00tea 16 30m . j . van der wal ( leiden ) , "" feral children in the netherlands : an eighteenth-century case within its european context "" . 17 00l jooken ( louvain ) , "" james hutton 's synthesis of epistemolinguistic issues at the end of the scottish enlightenment "" . 17 30r . steadman - jones ( cambridge ) , "" face and race in the early nineteenth century : european grammars of wolof and urdu "" . friday 18 september 09 30s . a . romaschko ( moscow ) , "" transferring grammars : how german grammarby jacob grimm was converted into russian historical grammar by fedor buslaev "" . 10 00t . becker ( munich ) , "" hermann paul , the post-generative morphologist "" . 10 30n . helsloot ( amsterdam ) , "" nietsche 's tone "" . 11 00coffee 11 30h . gwosdek ( tuebingen ) , "" the english grammars for st paul 's school , london "" . 12 00p . loonen ( groningen ) , "" the production of french grammars by hugenot refugees in the dutch republic "" . 12 30i . tieken - boon van ostade ( leiden ) , "" towards an edition of lowth 's correspondence "" . 13 15lunch 14 30e . h . jahr ( tromso ) , "" clara holst ( 1868-1935 ) : norwegian historical linguist and woman pioneer "" . 15 00a . linn ( sheffield ) , "" towards a stylistics of standardisation : the case of norwegian and faroese "" . 15 30j . m . morris ( london ) , "" linguistic ideas for literacy in english "" . 16 00tea 16 30b . collins ( leiden ) & i . m . mees ( copenhagen ) , "" daniel jones role in the development of a prestige variety of british english pronunciation "" . 17 00m . k . c . macmahon ( glasgow ) , "" the beginnings of phonetics in the british university system "" . 17 30annual general meeting - - - conference dinner on behalf of the organising committee : dr . robin smith department of english language and literature university of leiden p . o . box 9515 2300 ra leiden the netherlands e-mail : rdsmith @ rullet . leidenuniv . nl those who want to attend the conference are kindly requested to print the following registration form and hotel reservation form , complete them , and send them by fax or regular mail to the addresses mentioned on the forms . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the henry sweet society for the history of linguistic ideas * * * * * * fifteenth annual colloquium , amsterdam , september 16-18 , 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * registration form ( please print or use a typewriter ) * * * o mr o mrs family name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . first name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . title ( prof . / dr . etc . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . institution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . code / city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please tick the appropriate boxes and fill in the appropriate amount i wish to attend the conference and register members of the henry sweet society ( or participants who wish to become a member of the henry sweet society , and will pay the membership fee of 9 british pounds ( approx . dfl 32 ) at the registration desk on the first day of the conference ) o before august 1 , 1998 dfl 300 o after august 1 , 1998 dfl 325 non-members o before august 1 , 1998 dfl 400 o after august 1 , 1998 dfl 425 students o before august 1 , 1998 dfl 135 social event o conference dinner on fridaydfl 80 the registration fee includes access to all sessions , coffee and tea , two ( dutch ) lunches , two dinners and a reception . students must enclose a copy of their student card . total amount to be paid ( please fill in ) dfl . . . . . i will pay this amount o by remitting the amount to the postbank amsterdam , account number 6391427 , in favour of "" uva gio congresbureau "" ( * ) o by sending eurocheques to the conference office ( * ) ( max . amount per cheque : dfl 300 ; each cheque complete with signature and bank card number ) o please charge my credit card . ( this will add an additional dfl 25 to the total amount ) o master / eurocard o visa o american express credit card number : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . expiry date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exact name on card : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( * ) please state "" hss "" and the full name of the participant on the bank transfer or cheque ! payments should be made in dutch guilders and without charges to the beneficiary . by sending in this registration form , i acknowledge that i commit myself to the immediate payment of the full conference fee . i have taken notice of the cancellation terms on this form . date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cancellations and refunds the conference office should be notified of cancellations in writing . if cancellations are received by the conference office before august 1 , 1998 , the total conference fee will be refunded , less dfl 45 administration costs . after august 1 , 1998 , no refunds will be made . please note that refunds will only be made after the completion of the conference . please return this form : by fax or by regular mail ( as a hard copy ) to : conference office , universiteit van amsterdam p . o . box 19268 , 1000 gg amsterdam , the netherlands fax : + 31 525 4799 , tel : + 31 525 4791 * * * end of registration form hss amsterdam conference * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the henry sweet society for the history of linguistic ideas * * * * * * fifteenth annual colloquium , amsterdam , september 16-18 , 1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * hotel reservation form ( please print or use a typewriter ) * * * * hotel prices can only be guaranteed , if the hotel reservation form is returned before july 15 . * since the year 1998 is a very busy year in amsterdam , we strongly advise you to take care of your hotel reservation as soon as possible . family name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . first name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . code / city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telefax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please fill in and tick the appropriate boxes i would like to make the following reservation at the hotel casa 400 james wattstraat 75 amsterdam . . . . single room ( s ) dfl 132 per night . . . . twin-bedded room ( s ) dfl 176 per night date of arrival : . . . . . . . . . date of departure : . . . . . . . . . above rates are per room , per day and include breakfast , services and taxes . all rooms have private facilities . in order to guarantee the reservation , a deposit of dfl 200 per room is required and must be remitted in advance . after receipt of this amount the hotel reservation will be confirmed and a hotel deposit voucher will be sent , less dfl 25 for reservation and bank charges . the value of the voucher will be deducted from your final hotel bill . for cancellations received before september 2 , 1998 , refunds will be made less dfl 50 administration fee . please note that it can take a few weeks before you receive a confirmation of your hotel reservation . i have paid the deposit of dfl . . . . . . . . . . o by remitting the amount to the abn / amro bank amsterdam , account number 41 . 11 . 55 . 210 , in favour of "" carlson wagonlit travel "" o by sending a cheque to carlson wagonlit travel o please charge my credit card o master / eurocard o visa o american express o other : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . credit card number : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . expiry date : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exact name on card : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please return as a hard copy by regular mail or fax to : carlson wagonlit travel dam 19 1012 js amsterdam the netherlands fax + 31 20 623 5107 tel + 31 20 624 1361 e-mail agm @ keytours . nl * * * end of hotel reservation form hss amsterdam conference * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " 0 +Subject: coling-acl ' 98 registration deadline early registration for coling-acl ' 98 ends july 1 . to benefit from reduced rates , your registration form and your payment must be received by that date . for further information on the conference and on how to register , consult the conference web site at : http : / / coling-acl 98 . iro . umontreal . ca 0 +"Subject: lagb autumn meeting linguistics association of great britain autumn meeting 1998 : university of luton first circular and call for papers the 1998 autumn meeting will be held from thursday 10 to saturday 12 september at the university of luton , on its park square campus . the local organiser is vlad zegarac ( vladimir . zegarac @ luton . ac . uk ) . the conference immediately follows the relevance theory workshop , which takes place at the university of luton from 8th to 10th september ( for further information contact : s . nicolle @ mdx . ac . uk ) luton is the largest town in the county of bedfordshire and is situated 30 miles north of london on the edge of the chilterns . luton is surrounded by pleasant countryside with famous walks such as the icknield way . within easy reach of town are public parks for picnics , boating , mini-golf and more . by the late 19th century the town had become a centre for hat and lace manufatcure , but a century on luton is chiefly known for its connections with the motor vehicle industry , as home of vauxhall motors . the park square campus is located in the town centre , close to many pubs , restaurants and the arndale shopping centre . the former luton college of higher education was granted university status in 1993 and underwent significant expansion ( a 30 milion investment programme has provided new teaching , learning and residential facilities for about 15 , 000 students ) . part of this expansion was a new faculty of humanities , including a department of linguistics . accommodation : will be in the university halls of residence , within 5 - 7 minutes walking distance from the park square bilding where the talks will take place . all bedrooms are single . each bedroom is part of a flat , which consists of a bathroom , kitchen and five bedrooms . travel : the university of luton is at the hub of national and international travel networks . it is just off junction 10 of the m1 . london luton airport is ten minutes away by car , and it taks five minutes to walk to the rail station ( the thaneslink rail network with direct trains to london kings cross and to gatwick airport ) . london heathrow airport is 40 minutes away ( by car ) , and london gatwick is an hour and a half from luton either by car or by train . events : the henry sweet lecture 1998 on the thursday evening will be delivered by dan sperber ( cnrs , and crea , ecole politechnique , paris ) . there will be a workshop on experimental pragmatics organised by billy clark ( middlesex university ) . there will be a language tutorial on roshani , a pamir language of the eastern iranian group of indo - european , given by john payne ( university of manchester ) . there will be a wine party on the thursday evening , following dan sperber 's lecture . enquiries about the lagb meeting should be sent to the meetings secretary ( address below ) . full details of the programme and a booking form will be included in the second circular , to be sent out in june . call for papers : members and potential guests are invited to offer papers for the meeting ; abstracts are also accepted from non-members . the lagb welcomes submissions on any linguistics or linguistics-related topic . abstracts must arrive by 5 june 1998 and should be sent in the format outlined below to the following address : professor r . hudson , department of phonetics and linguistics , university college london , gower street , london , wc1e 6bt . papers for the programme are selected anonymously - only the president knows the name of the authors . abstracts must be presented as follows : submit seven anonymous copies of the abstract , plus one with name and affiliation , i . e . camera-ready . the complete abstract containing your title and your name must be no longer than one a4 page ( 21cm x 29 . 5cm / 8 . 27 "" x 11 . 69 "" ) with margins of at least 2 . 5cm ( 1 "" ) on all sides . you may use single spacing and type must be no smaller than 12 point . type uniformly in black and make any additions in black . use the best quality printer you can , since if the paper is accepted the abstract will be photocopied and inserted directly into the collection of abstracts sent out to participants . write your name and address for correspondence on the back of the abstract which has your name on . the following layout should be considered as standard : ( title ) optimality and the klingon vowel shift ( speaker ) clark kent ( institution ) department of astrology , eastern mars university the following guidelines may be useful : 1 . briefly state the topic of your paper . 2 . if your paper is to involve an analysis of linguistic material , give critical examples , along with a brief indication of their critical nature . 3 . state the relevance of your ideas to past work or to the future development of the field . if you are taking a stand on a controversial issue , summarise the arguments which lead you to take up this position . the normal length for papers delivered at lagb meetings is 25 minutes ( plus 15 minutes discussion ) . offers of squibs ( 10 minutes ) or longer papers ( 40 minutes ) will also be considered : please explain why your paper requires less or more time than usual . n . b . abstracts submission dates : these are always announced in the first circular for the meeting in question . any member who fears that they may receive the first circular too late to be able to submit an abstract before the deadline specified can be assured that an abstract received by the president by january 1 or june 1 will always be considered for the next meeting . conference bursaries : there will be a maximum of 10 bursaries available to unsalaried members of the association ( e . g . phd students ) with preference given to those who are presenting a paper . applications should be sent to the president , and must be received by 5 june 1998 . please state on your application : ( a ) date of joining the lagb ; ( b ) whether or not you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student ; ( c ) if a student , whether you receive a normal grant ; ( d ) if not a student , your employment situation . students who are submitting an abstract and wish to apply for funding should include all the above details with their abstract . nominations for speakers : nominations are requested for future guest speakers ; all suggestions should be sent to the honorary secretary . changes of address : members are reminded to notify the membership secretary ( address below ) of changes of address . an institutional address is preferred ; bulk mailing saves postage . committee members : president professor richard hudson , department of phonetics and linguistics , university college london , gower street , london , wc1e 6bt . e - mail : dick @ ling . ucl . ac . uk honorary secretary professor anna siewierska , department of linguistics , university of lancaster , bailrigg , lancaster la1 4yw . e - mail : a . siewierska @ lancaster . ac . uk membership secretary dr . kersti brjars , department of linguistics , university of manchester , manchester m13 9pl . e - mail : k . e . borjars @ manchester . ac . uk meetings secretary dr . marjolein groefsema , department of linguistics , university of hertfordshire , watford campus , aldenham , herts . wd2 8at . e - mail : m . groefsema @ herts . ac . uk treasurer dr . paul rowlett , dept . of modern languages , university of salford , salford m5 4wt . e - mail : p . a . rowlett @ mod-lang . salford . ac . uk assistant secretary dr . april mcmahon , dept . of linguistics , university of cambridge , sidgwick avenue , cambridge cb3 9dq . e - mail : amm11 @ hermes . cam . ac . uk internet home page : the lagb internet home page is now active at the following address : http : / / clwww . essex . ac . uk / lagb . electronic network : please join the lagb electronic network which is used for disseminating lagb information and for consulting members quickly . it can be subscribed to by sending the message "" add lagb "" to : listserv @ postman . essex . ac . uk . future meetings : 8-10 april 1999 university of manchester . 7 - 9 september 1999 university of york . spring 2000 ( provisional ) university college london . autumn 2000 ( provisional ) university of wales , bangor . the meetings secretary would very much like to receive offers of future venues , particularly from institutions which the lagb has not previously visited or from places with newly established linguistics programmes . " 0 +Subject: korean linguistics - - ickl conference 1998 meeting of the international circle of korean linguists ( ickl ) july 6 - 9 , 1998 university of hawaii at manoa , center for korean studies > > > > > > > > > > > > program draft : revised 5 / 21 / 98 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > july 6 , 1998 ; monday 7 : 30 to 8 : 30 registration 8 : 30 to 9 : 30 opening ceremony - - auditorium 9 : 30 to 9 : 45 break 9 : 45 to 11 : 45 special vi : issues in historical linguistics - - auditorium speaker : dr . samuel martin reviewer : dr . alexander vovin 11 : 45 to 1 : 00 lunch 1 : 00 to 3 : 00 special vi : issues in historical linguistics # 1 - - auditorium monophthongization and vowel shifts in korean , eung - jin baek language change and lexical stratification , young - mee yu cho different layers of lexical borrowing : sino - korean characters with multiple readings , ik - sang eom the korea - japonic word for pheasant and special semantic marking of natural-world nouns , leon serafim general : sociolinguistics # 1 - - conference room topic marking of korean in an experimental paradigm of attention , jong - bai hwang focus marking , alternatives triggering and negative meaning of nun in korean , juliet wai - hong du and hansang park a study of developing topic-prominence by english learners of korean , euen hyuk ( sarah ) jung korean language interference in the acquisition of english discourse markers , hikyoung lee general : syntax # 1 - - classroom korean type iv nominalizations : syntactic versus morphological phrasal affixations , lizanne kaiser default case and ecm constructions , seung - man kang on modality in korean , nam - kil kim predicate and nominal phrase gerunds in korean , jun ho cho 3 : 00 to 3 : 15 break 3 : 15 to 5 : 15 special vi : issues in historical linguistics # 2 - - auditorium a common korean and japanese noun particle : korean ulo : : japanese to , bjarke frellesvig hyangchal : a modern view of an ancient script , marc hideo miyake a new look at paekche and korean , john bentley a comparative note on special particles : old japanese namu and korean lang / nun , alan hyun - oak kim general : sociolinguistics # 2 - - conference room strategies in korean presidential candidates live tv debates , kyung - sook song korean address terms : resolving a conflict in rank and age , haejin e . koh gendered practice in topic organization and face management , kyu - hyun kim and kyung - hee suh negation in korean : a matter of volition , virginia k . mcclanahan general : syntax # 2 - - classroom local obviation as a relative phenomenon , gunsoo lee feature movement and korean raising constructions , sunwoo lee clausal adjuncts occurring higher than negp , gwangrak son on korean right node raising and english right node raising , sungshim hong > > july 7 , 1998 , tuesday 8 : 30 to 10 : 30 special iii : complex predicates - - auditorium speaker : dr . peter sells reviewer : dr . ho - min sohn special v : reduplication - - conference room speaker : dr . chin - w . kim reviewer : dr . young - mee yu cho 10 : 30 to 10 : 45 break 10 : 45 to 12 : 15 special iii : complex predicates # 1 - - auditorium varying levels of complex predicatehood in korean , miho choo semantic restrictions of complex predicates : focusing on the multi-verb constructions with the suffix e , woo - hyoung nahm types of nouns in the light verb constructions in korean : concerning the formation of complex predicates , miok park special iii : reduplication # 1 - - conference room the emergence of the unmarkedness in korean loanword phonology , hyeonkwan cho fixed segmentism in korean partial reduplication : three instances of the emergence of the unmarked , chin wan chung case alternation in korean focalization ( in minimalism ) , eunsung do general : syntax # 3 - - classroom the multiple subject constructions and the expletive constructions in minimalist syntax , gui - sun moon the non - qr approach to the scope interpretation in negation , jinhee suh korean denominal verbs , in - seok yang 12 : 15 to 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 to 3 : 00 special iii : complex predicates # 2 - - auditorium korean causatives in a hierarchial lexicon : an hpsg approach , hanjung lee korean causatives and a double tier theory of argument structure , nakamura wataru a conceptual semantic analysis of the so-called auxiliary verb construction in korean , younghwan suh special v : reduplication # 2 - - conference room grassmans law in korean reduplication , se - kyung kim what looks like a cv must be a cv : evidence for paffx from korean partial reduplication , soohee kim an ot approach to korean partial reduplication , hansang park general : syntax # 4 - - classroom vp analysis of ha causative constructions in korean , il - ho lee and myoung - hi chai case - marking properties of verbal nouns and ha in korean , namgeun lee and saeyoun cho a study on the korean passive constructions in comparison with their english counterparts , young - ok lee 3 : 00 to 3 : 15 break 3 : 15 to 5 : 15 general : phonology # 1 - - auditorium phonological phrasing of sov sentences in korean : an optimality - based account of a quantitative sample survey , david james silva domain - initial articulatory strengthening in the prosodic hierarchy in korean : an epg study , taehong cho phonetic versus phonological rules in korean , michael j . kim patterns of nasalization in korean , soo - jung kim general : sociolinguistics # 3 - - conference room the clause connective nuntey : what else is new ? , joe j . ree causation patterns in korean : a functional approach , seok - hoon you it just happened that way : the grammaticalization of accidentality in a / e pelita and ko malta as markers of completive aspect and affective stance , susan strauss a discourse analysis of the korean connective ketun , yong - yae park general : syntax # 5 - - classroom contiguity as a constraint on possessor-ascension in korean , jaehoon yeon a minimalist account of categorical prototypicality : based on korean syntactic nominalizations , yeun - jin jung what x - bar theory tells us about vp - shell analysis , joung - ran kim the negative polarity item licensing , doo - won lee 5 : 15 to 5 : 30 break 5 : 30 dinner reception > > july 8 , 1998 ; wednesday 8 : 30 to 10 : 30 special i : case markers - - auditorium speaker : dr . william o'grady reviewer : dr . james h . s . yoon special iv : syllable - - conference room speaker : dr . robert ramsey reviewer : dr . eung - do cook 10 : 30 to 10 : 45 break 10 : 45 to 12 : 15 special i : case markers # 1 - - auditorium comps and case realizations , yongkil jeong the path marker ulo in korean , keedong lee a polysemy network of the korean instrumental case , jeong - woon park special iv : syllable - - conference room on the status of on-glides in korean within optimality theory : evidence from child korean , meesook kim and sun - hoi kim two - root theory of korean geminate consonants , eun - suk ko the syllable structure of consonant clusters in korean , duck - young lee general : sociolinguistics # 4 - - classroom korean romanization in computer-mediated communication , esther hyunzee kim english loan words in korean , jeewon hahn corpus - based analysis of english newspapers published in korea , kyutae jung 12 : 15 to 1 : 30 lunch 1 : 30 to 3 : 00 special i : case markers # 2 - - auditorium an optimality-theoretic account of korean nominal inflection , sungdai cho the korean topic marker and activation , kyung - shim kang a pragmatic study of particle ( i ) na in korean , chang - bong lee general : phonology # 2 - - conference room the correlation between onset types and tone in chonnam korean , mi - ryoung kim and san duanmu tone and intonation in hamkyung korean : a bottom-up approach , sung - a kim korean labial laterality and articulation theory , kyoung - ja lee and e . wyn roberts general : syntax # 6 - - classroom a reanalysis of dependent nouns in korean as grammatical nouns , mi - jeung jo on what how behaves like and why , daeho chung minimalist interpretation of the visibility condition , kiyong choi 3 : 00 to 3 : 15 break 3 : 15 to 5 : 15 general : sociolinguistics # 5 - - auditorium the intersection of diachronic syntax and current morphology : an analysis of ey and eyse in korean , sung - ock sohn and susan strauss two types of noncausative psych-verbs in korean and argument / adjunct case particles , sang - geun lee the grammaticalization of particles in korean , sung - ock sohn a study on the semantic change in korean , seung myong lee general : phonology # 3 - - conference room restriction on consonant clusters , jongho jun the merger of back vowels in north korean dialects , soon - kyong kahng is vowel length distinctive in modern korean ? an acoustic analysis , hyunsoon kim and jeong - im han an alternative view on so-called suffixal harmony in korean , eunjin oh general : syntax # 7 - - classroom [ ends at 4 : 45 ] word order preferences for direct and indirect objects in children learning korean , sookeun cho et al . constituent order in korean : antisymmetry and mirror theory , kook - hee gill et al . case alternations in korean coordination , saeyoun cho 5 : 15 break 5 : 30 to 6 : 00 ickl general meeting - - auditorium july 9 , 1998 ; thursday 8 : 30 to 10 : 30 special ii : relative clauses - - auditorium speaker : dr . john whitman reviewer : dr . byung - soo park 10 : 30 to 10 : 45 break 10 : 45 to 12 : 45 special ii : relative clauses - - auditorium against gapless relative clause constructions , jong - bok kim relative clause or noun complement clause : the diagnoses , jong - yul cha the structure of noun-complementation in korean : a vew typology , hyo sang lee demonstratives and relative clauses in korean , hyeson park general : phonology # 4 - - conference room the contextual phonetic palatalization of the korean affricate / c / in comparison with the russian consonants , hyunsoon kim optimality - theoretic approach to tensification in korean , sechang lee synchronic umlaut and palatalization in korean , minsu shim cerebral lateralization and korean , japanese , and chinese orthographies : the critical factors for lateralization in reognizing the orthographies , kiseong park general : sociolinguistics # 6 - - classroom some notes on binding relations in korean , kyoun - kook kim grammaticalization of korean agent-oriented modality , sangsuk oh yo1 / yo2 selceng-oy sahoy-enehak - ceck pwunsek , heesook kim does center-embedding lead to garden-path ? , sungku suh 0 +"Subject: semantics the dynamics of focus structure nomi erteschik - shir ( ben - gurion university of the negev ) ; the dynamics of focus structure ; isbn : 0-521 - 59217 - 8 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , 294 pp . ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 64 . 95 ; all modes of perception ( vision , hearing , etc . ) are organized into foreground or focus and background constituents . natural language sentences are no different . this book explores the role of focusing in natural language sentences and the role of this basic cognitive mechanism in explaining sentence stress , meaning and structure . the result is an innovative view of our linguistic competence . ; contents : introduction ; 1 . the interpretation of f-structure ; 2 . reference and coreference ; 3 . negation , questions and contrast ; 4 . the phonological interpretation f-structure ; 5 . scope and r-dependencies ; 6 . i - dependencies in da s-structure ; conclusion ; references ; index of names ; index of subjects . order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html focus and natural language processing : linguistic , cognitive , and computational perspectives focus and natural language processing : linguistic , cognitive , and computational perspectives ; isbn : 0-521 - 58305 - 5 ; hardback , 6 x 9 , c . 300 pp . ; p . bosch , ed . ( institute for logic and linguistics , ibm , germany ) ; publisher : cambridge university press ; $ 59 . 95 ; this books presents a collection of papers on the issue of focus in its broadest sense . while commonly considered as being related to phenomena such as presupposition and anaphora , focusing is much more widely spread , and it is this pervasiveness that the current collection addresses . the work loosely originates from a conference held in 1994 in schloss wolfsbrunnen in germany , although only a small subpart of the proceedings papers presented are included here . the contributed papers have been reworked for the current volume to present a coherent study of the subject . ; contents : introduction ; part 1 ; intonation and syntax ; 1 ; contrastive stress , contrariety and focus ; 2 ; the processing of information structure in synphonics ; 3 ; focus and sentence accents in english ; 4 ; informational autonomy ; 5 ; focus and operator scope in german ; 6 ; subject - prodrop in yiddish ; 7 ; remarks on intonation and "" focus "" ; part 2 ; semantics ; 8 ; what is the alternative ? ; 9 ; topic ; 10 ; focus with nominal quantifiers ; 11 ; dependencies in focus-structure ; 12 ; topic , focus and negation ; 13 ; topic , focus and weak quantifiers ; 14 ; focus , quantification , and semantics-pragmatic issues ; 15 ; association with focus or association with presupposition ? ; 16 ; time adverbials in sentence and discourse ; part 3 ; discourse ; 17 ; focusing particles and ellipsis resolution ; 18 ; discourse and the focus / background distinction ; 19 ; on different kinds of focus ; 20 ; stressed and unstressed pronouns : complementary preferences ; 21 ; frame shifts : indefinite reference to familiar referents ; 22 ; discourse linking and discourse subordination ; 23 ; domain restriction ; 24 ; updates , files and focus-ground ; order info : http : / / www . cup . org / order . html " 0 +Subject: 2nd language acquisition strategies in learning and using a second language andrew d . cohen professor in the department of english as a second language , university of minnesota . paper 0-582 - 30588 - 8 312 pages 1998 applied linguistics and language study series longman ' strategies in learning and using a second language ' explores the topic of learner strategies - the ways in which language learners engage with the process of learning and communicating in a new language . the introduction to the book sets out the main theoretical issues , distinguishing language learning from language use strategies , and describing the main research methods for their investigation . the author presents innovative research linking the use of task-specific strategies with language performance . the volume then presents empirical research investigating the languages multilinguals select for their verbalized thoughts during language learning and language use . finally , the author presents empirical research focusing on the strategies learners use in language test-taking contexts . the volume is intended primarily for language teachers and researchers , as well as for administrators of second language programs . it is also highly suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied linguistics and will be of interest to foreign language students , stimulating them to reflect on their strategies for learning and using a second language . the chapters present questions and raise areas for further discussion and study , making the book suitable for those new to the field . at the same time , the provision of important new research will appeal to those with more advanced knowledge in the field . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - errors in language learning and use carl james senior lecturer in the linguistics department at the university of wales , bangor . paper 0-582 - 25763 - 8 320 pages 1998 applied linguistics and language study series longman ' errors in language learning and use ' is an up-to - date introduction and guide to the study of errors in language , and is also a critical survey of previous work . error analysis occupies a central position within applied linguistics , and seeks to clarify questions such as ` does correctness matter ? ' , ` is it more important to speak fluently and write imaginatively or to communicate one 's message ? ' this book provides a scholarly and well-illustrated theoretical and historical background to the field of error analysis . a range of relevant questions is addressed such as whether native speakers make errors , and whether ` good english ' for the native speaker is also good for the foreign learner . the reader is led from definitions of error and related concepts , to categorization of types of linguistic deviance , discussion of error gravities , the utility of teacher correction and towards writing learner profiles . throughout , the book is guided by considerable practical experience in language education in a range of classroom contexts worldwide . further information on the books published in this series , and the table of contents for these titles can be viewed at the longman linguistics on-line catalogue at : http : / / www . awl-he . com / linguistics for a complete listing of our world-wide offices , please click below : http : / / www . awl-he . com / offices 0 +Subject: free gift catalog look no further if you want the perfect gift for somebody special . for free gift catalog e-mail your mailing address please pardon the intrusion . to be removed type in the subject : remove 1 +Subject: nlp + ia ' 98 deadline extension may 5th * * * deadline extension * * * deadline extension * * * deadline extension * * * * * * * * one week till may 5th 1998 * * * * * call for papers & exhibits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = appel aux communications & expositions = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = international conference on natural language processing and industrial applications nlp + ia 98 > > > special accent on computer assisted language learning < < < conference internationale sur le traitement automatique des langues et ses applications industrielles tal + ai 98 > > > attention speciale portee a l ' enseignement de la langue < < < august / aout 18 - 21 , 1998 moncton , new - brunswick , canada come to canada this summer . . . iwnlg august 5 - 7 in niagara - on-the - lake coling - acl & workshops august 10-16 in montreal nlp + ia / call august 18-21 in moncton topics of interest : the nlp study group ( gretal ) at l ' universite de moncton is organizing its second international conference on nlp and industrial applications . this year a special attention is given to computer assisted language learning & teaching . papers are invited on all aspects of natural language processing , including , but not limited to , * computer assisted language learning & teaching , * natural language understanding and generation of textual , spoken and hand-written language , * natural language interfaces to databases , expert systems , or industrial applications * machine translation , computer aided translation , translation aids , * syntax , semantics , pragmatics , lexicon , morphology , * dictionaries , corpora , & other language resources * multimodality * multilinguality * nlp industrial applications * papers of every kind that can help bridge the gap between the theory and practice of nlp in general and language learning in particular . language : authors are invited to submit preliminary versions of their papers not exceeding 400 words ( exclusive of references ) either in english or in french , the two official languages of the conference . proceedings would be published in the language of the submitted texts . final versions would be around 7 - 8 pages . submission : 1 ) the first page should be an identification page containing the title , the authors ' names , affiliations , addresses , a five ( 5 ) keyword list specifying the subject area , a five ( 5 ) line summary , and the name and address of the contact person . title / titre : authors info / auteurs et infos : keywords / mots clefs : summary / resume : contact person / personne contact : 2 ) abstracts should not exceed 400 words in length excluding references ( 12 pt , times roman , 1 inch margins ( 2 , 5 cm ) all around ; if using a4 please keep text within 19cm x 25 , 5 cm ) . 3 ) the identification page and the abstract should be submitted in 4 hard copies ( 12 pt , times roman , 1 inch margins ( 2 , 5 cm ) all around ; if using a4 please keep text within 19 cm x 25 , 5 cm ) to : nlp + ia 98 / tal + ai 98 pr . chadia moghrabi geta , clips , imag 385 rue de la bibliotheque bp 53 x 38041 grenoble cedex 9 france phone : + 33 4 76 51 4369 fax : + 33 4 76 51 4405 e - mail : nlp + ia-98 @ imag . fr 4 ) the identification page should also be e-mailed in plain text . refereeing : all submissions shall be refereed by three members of the program committee . international program committee : anne de roeck ( essex , uk ) arnold smith ( nrc , canada ) chadia moghrabi ( moncton , canada ) christian boitet ( geta , grenoble , france ) chrysanne dimarco ( logos , waterloo , canada ) eric wehrli ( geneva , switzerland ) eva hajicova ( charles u . , prague ) genvieve caelen - haumont ( geod , grenoble , france ) graeme hirst ( toronto , canada ) harry bunt ( tilburg , netherlands ) henry hamburger ( george mason , usa ) howard hamilton ( regina , canada ) jean - pierre chanod ( xerox , france ) johanna moore ( pennsylvania , usa ) john hutchins ( east anglia , uk ) john tait ( sunderland , uk ) junichi tsujii ( umist & tokyo , japan ) kathleen mccoy ( delaware , usa ) margaret king ( issco , switzerland ) manfred stede ( tu - berlin , germany ) marcel cori ( paris-7 , france ) mark seligman ( geta-clips & red pepper , usa ) michael levison ( queens , canada ) nicoletta calzolari ( ilc / cnr , pisa , italy ) pierre isabelle ( rali , montreal , canada ) pierrette bouillon ( geneva , switzerland ) paul tarau ( moncton , canada ) remi chadel ( inxight , xerox , france ) roberto basili ( roma , italy ) ruddy lelouche ( laval , canada ) susan armstrong ( issco , geneva , switzerland ) thierry chanier ( franche - comte , france ) thierry van steenberghe ( louvain - la - neuve , belgium ) veronica dahl ( simon fraser , canada ) yael ravin ( ibm , usa ) yorick wilks ( sheffield , uk ) schedule : submissions are due now on may 5th 1998 . notification of receipt will be mailed to the contact person soon after receipt . authors will be notified of acceptance by 15 june 1998 . camera - ready copies of final full papers must be received by the 1st of august 1998 along with registration fees . participants are also requested to indicate their intention to participate in the conference as soon as possible to the same e-mail address with the single word intention in the subject line . exhibits : anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration should send a brief electronic description along with a specification of physical requirements ( table size , power , telephone connections , number of chairs , etc . ) to the same address with the single word exhibit in the subject line . other activities : accompanying persons can enjoy the lovely outdoor living in new - brunswick and visit the highest tides in the world . moncton is only 20km away from the sandy beaches of shediac , la capitale mondiale du homard . conference organization : the conference is organized by gretal , groupe d ' etude sur le traitement automatique des langues at the universite ' de moncton in cooperation with geta-clips at l ' universite ' joseph fourier in grenoble . the members of the organizing committee are : chadia moghrabi , professor of computer science , conference chair jalal almhana , director & professor of computer science julien chiasson , professor of computer science sadek eid , professor of industrial engineering , director manufacturing technology centre boubaker meddeb - hamrouni , researcher geta & winsoft paul tarau , professor of computer science 0 +Subject: new books : bilingualism john benjamins publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the field of language acquisition : government and code switching explaining american finnish helena halmari 1997 xvi , 276 pp . studies in bilingualism , 12 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 546 x price : us $ 89 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 4118 x price : hfl . 178 , - - john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com bilingual codeswitching is a complex , multifaceted phenomenon , which calls for explanations on several different linguistic levels . this volume focuses on one such level : the level of syntax . an explanation for the regularities and consistencies in the codeswitching patterns of american finns in their spontaneous conversations is sought for in the universal grammar - based principle of government as realized in case-assignment and agreement relations . a bulk of the finnish - english intrasentential data get their explanation on the structural , hierarchical level , but this level of syntax is found to be interestingly intertwined with sociolinguistic , psycholinguistic , and discourse levels , which all contribute to variation in codeswitching patterns . the proposed principle of government is seen as one important explanation in typologically certain kinds of language pairs such as finnish and english ; however , this principle is not treated as a monolithic constraint , bur rather as the leading tendency which is occasionally overridden by other than syntactic forces . the volume is intended as a complement - not as a contradiction - to earlier explanations of codeswitching phenomena . its main message is : while all linguistic levels contribute to the construction of bilingual speech , the importance of syntax can not be ignored . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com 0 +"Subject: program & info : workshop on comparative slavic morphosyntax workshop on comparative slavic morphosyntax program and practical information mccormick 's creek state park spenser , indiana 5 - 7 june 1998 indiana university and the u . s . dept . of education are pleased to sponsor this workshop . earlier this winter and spring five "" position papers "" were published at our www site < http : / / www . indiana . edu / ~ slavconf / linguistics / index . html > the position papers aimed to summarize the state of knowledge on five crucial topics within the general rubric of comparative slavic morphosyntax , and responses were solicited addressing these papers . the workshop brings together the authors of the position papers and the respondants in an intimate , retreat-like setting . non - respondants are welcome to attend ; see below for details . the position papers and responses will be published by slavica publishers . friday , 5 june 1998 session 1 : wh - phrases and wh - movement in slavic 1 : 00 pm zeljko boskovic , u . of connecticut ( position paper ) 1 : 30 discussion responses : 1 : 45 norvin richards , u . of massachusetts focusing on serbo - croatian and not on bulgarian 2 : 10 jeong - seok kim , university of connecticut superiority effects in multiple wh - fronting 2 : 35 michael yadroff , indiana university wh - movement and superiority in russian 2 : 50 sandra stjepanovic , university of connecticut movement of wh - phrases in serbo - croatian matrix clauses 3 : 15 general discussion 3 : 45 arthur stepanov , university of connecticut scope - marking interrogatives in slavic 4 : 10 sue brown , harvard university attract - all and its relevance for negative concord 4 : 35 piotr banski , indiana university and warsaw university wh - movement in polish 5 : 00 loren billings , carnegie - mellon university catherine rudin , wayne state college animacy and focus in bulgarian wh - questions 5 : 25 general discussion 6 : 15 picnic dinner ( see below ) saturday , 6 june 1998 : session 2 : agreement in slavic 8 : 30 am greville g . corbett , u . of sussex ( position paper ) 9 : 00 discussion responses : 9 : 15 wayles browne , cornell university agreement with infinitive subjects in slavic 9 : 40 jens norgard - sorensen , university of copenhagen animacy as an agreement category 10 : 05 stephen wechsler , university of texas larisa zlatic , university of texas sentential and discourse agreement in serbo - croatian 10 : 30 natasha borovikova , depauw university and indiana university first - conjunct agreement with unaccusative verbs in russian 10 : 55 kim gareiss , university of chicago linguistic ideology and the loss of slavic agreement : the case of the macedonian relativizer 11 : 20 discussion 12 : 00 lunch session 3 : voice and diathesis in slavic 1 : 15 leonard h . babby , princeton university 1 : 45 discussion responses : 2 : 00 james lavine , princeton university stephanie harves , princeton university loren billings , carnegie mellon university syntax and diathesis : a response to l . h . babby 's "" voice and diathesis in slavic "" 2 : 25 george fowler , indiana university - sja , - en , and the vagaries of diathesis : why should aspect have anything to do with it anyway ? 2 : 40 marina yu . chertkova , lomonosov moscow university the passive voice , and by - aspectual verbs 3 : 05 milena slavcheva , bulgarian academy of sciences some reflections on voice and diathesis 3 : 20 general discussion session 4 : the slavic noun phrase 4 : 00 gilbert c . rappaport , university of texas , austin 4 : 30 discussion responses : 4 : 45 larisa zlatic , university of texas slavic noun phrases are nps , not dps 5 : 10 michael yadroff , indiana university the structure of np in slavic and ug 5 : 25 miriam engelhardt , jerusalem helen trugman , cteh , holon double genitive constructions in russian 5 : 50 george fowler , indiana university what 's at the top of np : kp , pp , and the nature of transitional categories 6 : 05 sandra stjepanovic , university of connecticut extraction of adjuncts out of nps 6 : 20 general discussion sunday 7 june 1998 session 5 : clitics in slavic 8 : 30 steven franks , indiana university 9 : 00 discussion responses : 9 : 15 ljiljana progovac , wayne state university clitic - second and verb - second 9 : 40 olga tomic , university of novi sad against clitic lowering 10 : 05 peter kosta , universitaet potsdam on the syntax of negation and clitics in slavic 10 : 30 iva schick , universitaet potsdam clitic doubling constructions in balkan - slavic languages 11 : 05 geraldine legendre , johns hopkins university generalized optimality - theoretic alignment : the case of macedonian clitics 11 : 30 general discussion 12 : 00 karel oliva , university of saarland just czech clitics data , or a closer look at the "" position paper : clitics in slavic "" ( 10 ) 12 : 15 matthew richardson , yale university czech clitics as phrasal inflection 12 : 40 piotr banski , indiana university and warsaw university verbal clitics in polish 1 : 05 general discussion location the workshop will be held at mccormick 's creek state park , near spenser , indiana , about 15 miles west of bloomington , indiana ( home of indiana university ) along highway 46 . practical arrangements there is no registration fee for the workshop , but we ask that you inform us in advance if you plan to attend , so that we can make appropriate arrangements for the included meals ( see below ) . we will have a single large room , with classroom-style seating ( tables facing the front ) . we will have an overhead projector , so speakers may prepare transparencies if they like , as well as an easel with poster-sized paper to write on if you prefer . we recommend that you bring 40 handouts with you if possible . limited xeroxing facilities are available for 10 cents / copy at the site , but it is better not to count on this . air : you should fly in and out of indianapolis . we will provide free airport transportation if you communicate your arrival and departure information in advance . as an emergency backup ( in case of serious flight delays or if your ride 's car should break down and strand you at the airport ) , there is reasonably priced shuttle service to bloomington from the ground transportation center at the airport . we do n't expect this to be an issue , but just in case , the shuttle schedule is given below . if you are not met as expected call the slavica publishers office at 1-812 - 856-4186 to communicate your problem . driving : if you arrive by car from the north or east , exit i-465 ( the circle road around indianapolis ) onto highway 67 at the sw corner of the city , and head south about 45 miles ; turn south ( left ) only highway 231 about 10 miles north of spenser , and at the first stoplight in spenser ( one of only three ! ) turn left ( east ) onto highway 46 . go two miles , then turn left into the park at a well-marked entrance . at the gate , state that your are arriving for the slavic workshop , and they will admit you without the $ 2 admission charge ) . the canyon inn is about 1 km into the park along the main road , and it is well marked . if you arrive from the south , take i-65 to highway 46 at columbus , indiana . exit west ( left ) and travel 50-60 miles through bloomington to the park , which will be on the right just before spenser . > from the west , take i-70 towards indianapolis , and exit onto highway 231 . travel about 30 miles south to spenser , then follow the directions above . > from bloomington , spenser is 15 miles to the west along highway 46 ( drive west on 17th st , which becomes 46 as it leaves bloomington ) . email me if you require additional transportation information ! accommodations the workshop will be held at the canyon inn on the territory of mccormick 's creek state park . two types of rooms are available : 1 double bed ( $ 60 / night ) 2 single beds ( $ 60 / night as single , $ 30 / person / night as double ) the rooms are small but quite nice , all with air conditioning , private bath , color tv , and the usual furnishings . we have contracted to pay the inn directly for our block of rooms ( thus saving all taxes , since we are a tax-exempt organization ! ) , and therefore you should make reservations with us via email , fax , etc . , and plan to pay us for your room upon arrival at the workshop . we prefer checks , if possible , but will take cash happily and can take credit cards if there is no other alternative ( we will have to handle this through slavica , as if you were purchasing books instead of paying for the room ) . the canyon inn has a swimming pool , and various outdoor recreation facilities are available ( hiking through the woods , horseback riding for a fee , etc . ) , so pack accordingly if you plan to take advantage of these opportunities during the workshop ! expect hot and humid weather , with daily temperatures reaching or exceeding 30 degrees celsius . overflow rooms are available at the patriot inn , about 1 km from the park entrance . these rooms cost about $ 44 single plus $ 4 - 5 per additional person in room . they are not as nice as the canyon inn rooms , and staying away from the workshop diminishes the coziness of the workshop experience , so we will not use them unless we run out of space at the canyon inn ( and this does not appear to be a problem at the moment ) . if you have to stay there , we will provide transportation to and from the conference site . if you want to stay in bloomington for a few days before or after the workshop , we have blocked some rooms in eigenmann hall , a graduate dormitory with single rooms , on-premises cafeteria , and within walking distance of our library . rooms cost about $ 28 / day ( food is not included ) , and may be paid for by credit card , cash , or checks . you should request these rooms through me in advance of the workshop , specifying arrival and departure dates . food the conference will provide the following meals at no charge to participants ( if you are accompanied by a spouse or children , they are welcome to join us but you must pay for their food ; email me for details ) . it is very important that i have an exact count before the conference , as i must provide this information to the canyon inn , so please keep me informed of your plans friday evening : outdoor picnic dinner ( barbecue chicken and ribs , various other dishes ; vegetarians can feast on salads etc . ; indoors if it rains ) saturday morning : coffee / juice / pastries / fruit at the conference room saturday lunch : buffet with sandwiches , salads , beverages , etc . sunday morning : same as saturday morning . saturday evening and sunday lunch are not provided for . i figure many people might want to go to a restaurant in bloomington , but there is a decent restaurant in the canyon inn as well , and one pleasant-looking hilltop restaurant in spenser as well . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * george fowler [ email ] gfowler @ indiana . edu dept . of slavic languages [ dept . tel . ] 1-812 - 855-9906 / - 2608 / - 2624 ballantine 502 [ dept . fax ] 1-812 - 855-2107 indiana university [ home phone / fax ] 1-317 - 726-1482 / - 1642 bloomington , in 47405-6616 usa [ slavica phone / fax ] 1-812 - 856-4186 / - 4187 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " 0 +"Subject: language resources and evaluation = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = call for paper adapting lexical and corpus resources to sublanguages and applications granada may 26 , 1998 this workshop will be held in conjunction with the first international conference on language resources and evaluation ( lrec ) , to be held in granada , spain on may 28 - 30 , 1998 . the workshop will provide a forum for those researchers involved in the development of methods to integrate corpora and mrds , with the aim of adding adaptive capabilities to existing linguistic resources . workshop scope and aims lexicons , i . e . , those components of a nlp system that contain "" computable "" information about words , cannot be considered as static objects . words may behave very differently in different domains , and there are language phenomena that do not generalize across sublanguages . lexicons are a snapshot of a given stage of development of a language , normally providedwithout support for adaptation changes , whether caused by language creativity and development or the shift to such a previously unencountered domain . the divergence of corpus usage 's from lexical norms has been studied computationally at least since the late sixties , but only recently has the availability of large on-line corpora made it possible to establish methods to cope systematically with this problem . an emerging branch of research is now involved in studies and experiments on corpus-driven linguistics , with the aim of complementing and extending earlier work on lexicon acquisition based on machine readable dictionaries ( mrd ) : data are extracted from texts , as embodiments of language in use , so as to capture lexical regularities and to code them into operational forms . the purpose of this workshop will be to provide an updated snapshot of current work in the area , and promote discussion of how to make progress . central topics will be ( though this list is in no way exclusive ) : * corpus-driven tuning of mrds to optimize domain-specific inferences , * terminology and jargon acquisition , * sense extensions , * acquisition of preference or subcategorization information from corpora * taxonomy adaptation , * staistical weighting of senses etc . to domains * use of mrds to provide explanations of linguistic phenomena in corpora * what is the scope of "" lexical tuning "" * the evaluation of lexical tuning as a separate task , or as part of a more generic task organizers : roberto basili ( university of roma "" tor vergata "" ) , roberta catizone ( university of sheffield ) , maria teresa pazienza ( university of roma "" tor vergata "" ) , paola velardi ( university of roma "" la sapienza ) , yorick wilks ( university of sheffield ) preliminary program committee yorick wilks university of sheffield roberta catizone university of sheffield paola velardi university of roma "" la sapienza "" maria teresa pazienza university of roma "" tor vergata "" roberto basili university of roma "" tor vergata "" bran boguraev brandeis university sergei nirenburg new mexico state university james pustejowsky brandeis university ralph grishman new york university christiane fellbaum princeton university paper submission formatting guidelines : papers should not exceed 4000 words or 10 pages . hard copies : three hard copies should be sent to : paola velardi dipartimento di scienza dell ' informazione via salaria 113 00198 roma italy electronic submission : electronic submission will be allowed in poscript or word per mac or rtf . an ftp site will be available on demand . authors should send an info email to paola velardi ( velardi @ dsi . uniroma1 . it ) even if they submit in paper form . an electronic submission should be accompanied by a plain ascii text . # name : name of first author # title : title of the paper # pages : number of pages # files : name of file ( if also submitted electronically ) # note : anything you 'd like to add # keys : keywords # email : email of the first author # abstr : abstract of the paper important dates paper submission deadline ( hard copy / electronic ) february 20 paper notification march 20 camera - ready papers due april 15 l&ct workshop may 26 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = prof . paola velardi dipartimento di scienza dell ' informazione via salaria 113 universita ' "" la sapienza "" 00198 roma ph . + 39 - ( 0 ) 6-49918356 fax + 39 - ( 0 ) 6-8541842 8841964 " 0 +"Subject: kbcs-98 call for papers k b c s-98 call for papers international conference on knowledge based computer systems national centre for software technology mumbai , india december 17-18 , 1998 the international conference on knowledge based computer systems will be held in mumbai , india during december 17-18 , 1998 . the conference is intended to act as a forum for promoting interaction among researchers in the field of artificial intelligence in india and abroad . there will be a one and a half day conference during december 17-18 , 1998 followed by a half day of post-conference tutorials on december 18 , 1998 . papers are invited on substantial , original and unpublished research on all aspects of artificial intelligence , including , but not limited to the following : o ai applications o ai architectures o automatic programming o cognitive modeling o expert systems o foundations of ai o genetic algorithms o information retrieval o intelligent agents o intelligent tutoring systems o knowledge acquisition o knowledge representation o machine learning o machine translation o natural language processing o neural networks o planning and scheduling o reasoning o robotics o search techniques o speech processing o theorem proving o uncertainty handling o vision format of submission authors should submit their papers , not to exceed 5000 words ( including figures and references ) either electronically or in hard copy . papers should be in english . papers should include an abstract of about 100-200 words in length . papers outside the specified length are subject to rejection without review . since reviewing will be "" blind "" , the authors ' names and affiliations along with the main area of the paper should be given only on a separate cover sheet . hard copy submissions should be sent in triplicate . papers in electronic form can be in any of the following formats : plain text , postscript , latex , microsoft word ( rtf format ) or wordstar . submissions in electronic form are preferred . call for tutorials proposals are invited for post-conference tutorials . tutorials will be half-day and will be held on december 18th , 1998 . the proposal should be presented in the form of a 200 - word abstract , one page topical outline of the content , description of the proposers and their qualifications relating to the tutorial content . send papers and tutorial proposals to the kbcs-98 secretariat . submission deadlines papers : o due : august 15 , 1998 o acceptance notification : october 10 , 1998 o camera ready copy due : november 15 , 1998 tutorial proposals : o due : august 30 , 1998 o acceptance notification : september 15 , 1998 o materials due : november 25 , 1998 for further information please refer to the kbcs-98 home page or write to the kbcs-98 secretariat . address kbcs-98 secretariat phone : + 91 ( 22 ) 620 1606 national centre for software technology fax : + 91 ( 22 ) 621 0139 gulmohar cross rd no . 9 e - mail : kbcs @ konark . ncst . ernet . in juhu , mumbai 400 049 , india url : http : / / konark . ncst . ernet . in / ~ kbcs / kbcs98 / " 0 +Subject: semcom : webnet journal : announcement & call for participation webnet journal : internet technologies , issues , business & education * * http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet * * > > 1st announcement & call for articles & reviewers < < the webnet journal is a new quarterly print magazine focusing on www , internet , and intranet - based technologies , applications , research , and issues . published by aace , the organizer of the successful and respected webnet conference series ( http : / / www . aace . org / conf / webnet ) , the premiere issue will be available november 1998 . the webnet journal is designed to be an innovative international collaboration between and forum for the top academic and corporate laboratory researchers , developers , business people , and users . * * * * * * * * * * the journal is seeking contributors as authors , columnists , book reviewers , editorial review board members , and associate editors . * * * * * * * * * * major article topics include : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - educational applications - commercial , business , professional , and community applications - general web tools and facilities - societal issues , including legal , standards , and international issues - ergonomic , interface , and cognitive issues - electronic publishing and digital libraries - personal applications and environments - web technical facilities ( for a list of subtopics , see http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / scope . htm ) all feature articles are carefully peer-reviewed and selected by a respected international editorial review board based on merit and perceived value of the content for readers . columnists offer how-to articles and expert commentary on the latest developments . the corporate development department showcases the latest products and discusses new developments . the abbreviated online version of the webnet journal will offer timely publication of article abstracts , columns , and related news . > links < webnet journal main page - - http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet scope - - http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / scope . htm call for authors & reviewers - - http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / call . htm author guidelines - - http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / guidelines . htm article submission form - - http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / submit how to subscribe - - http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / subscribe . htm if you are interested in contributing as an author , article or book reviewer , columnist , or associate editor , please return the form at http : / / www . aace . org / pubs / webnet / call . htm or contact : webnet journal / aace p . o . box 2966 charlottesville , va 22902 usa e - mail : aace @ virginia . edu ; 804-973 - 3987 ; fax : 804-978 - 7449 http : / / www . aace . org 0 +"Subject: 8th seals , kuala lumpur , programme universiti kebangsaan malaysia south east asian linguistics society eighth annual meeting of the south east asian linguistics society 20 , 21 and 22 july 1998 brisdale value inn , 65 jalan haji hussein , 50300 kuala lumpur , malaysia for additional information , please contact david gil jabatan audiologi dan sains pertuturan fakulti sains kesihatan bersekutu universiti kebangsaan malaysia jln raja muda abdul aziz kuala lumpur , 50300 , malaysia telephone / facsimile : 60 - 3-291 - 4230 email : dgil @ copland . udel . edu programme monday , 20 july 0800 - 0850 registration 0850 - 0900 opening session 1 malay grammar 0900 - 0930 interrogatives in the malay classical text of sejarah melayu rogayah a . razak universiti malaya , kuala lumpur , malaysia 0930 - 1000 on valence relations in malay verbal prefixation jyh wee sew university of otago , dunedin , new zealand 1000 - 1030 the accessibility hierarchy revisited : the syntax and semantics of resumptive pronouns in malay patrick a . schindler universitat tubingen , tubingen , germany 1030 - 1100 refreshments session 2 malay discourse and pragmatics 1100 - 1130 taboo in malay : a relevance theoretic approach nor hashimah jalaluddin universiti kebangsaan malaysia , bangi , malaysia 1130 - 1200 a comparison of topic selection and organisation and discourse strategies employed in the malay news broadcasts of four countries gloria r . poedjosoedarmo nanyang technological university , singapore 1200 - 1230 prosody and the segmentation of malay discourse zuraidah mohd don universiti malaya , kuala lumpur , malaysia 1230 - 1400 lunch session 3 malay phonology 1400 - 1430 word stress in malay janet y . yong universiti malaya , kuala lumpur , malaysia 1430 - 1500 the syllabification of high vowels in malay : a constraint - based analysis zaharani ahmad universiti kebangsaan malaysia , bangi , malaysia 1500 - 1530 fusion and alignment in malay ann delilkan new york university , new york , usa 1530 - 1600 refreshments session 4 malay psycholinguistics and malay dialects 1600 - 1630 the acquisition of long distance wh questions in singaporean malay norhaida aman and gabriella hermon university of delaware , newark , usa 1630 - 1700 morphological structure of bahasa melayu : psycholinguistic analyses of rated familiarity lee lay choo , susan j . rickard liow , and wee may ling olivia national university of singapore , singapore 1700 - 1730 malayic variants in southwestern borneo : gerai and sepotong jim collins universiti kebangsaan malaysia , bangi , malaysia 1730 - 1800 kuala lumpur malay as a mainland southeast asian language david gil universiti kebangsaan malaysia , kuala lumpur , malaysia and university of delaware , newark , usa 1930 - dinner tuesday , 21 july session 5 malay , thai and vietnamese grammar 0830 - 0900 kata majmuk dalam bahasa melayu dan bahasa thai suatu analisis perbandingan morfologi sumalee nimmanupap ramkhamhaeng university , bangkok , thailand 0900 - 0930 grammaticalization of deverbal markers in thai : toward a crosslinguistic study in semantic extension of path verbs ruetaivan kessakul and toshio ohori university of tokyo , tokyo , japan 0930 - 1000 a typological and semantic analysis of the relationship between causatives and passives in the periphrastic ' give ' constructions of some east and southeast asian languages yap foong ha and shoichi iwasaki ucla , los angeles , usa 1000 - 1030 refreshments session 6 mon - khmer 1030 - 1100 aslian and the other branches of mon - khmer gerard diffloth nongkhai , thailand 1100 - 1130 reduplication in m ' nong language dinh le thu vietnam national university , ho chi minh city , vietnam 1130 - 1200 tai and vietnamese irrigated rice technology and culture : a preliminary comparative linguistics study of borrowing john hartmann northern illinois university , de kalb , usa 1200 - 1230 some remarks on the thai word "" na "" in the muong languages in hoa binh tran tri doi vietnam national university , hanoi , vietnam 1230 - 1400 lunch session 7 vietnamese and languages of vietnam 1400 - 1430 a comparison of some old thai orthographies in west nghe an , vietnam tran tri doi vietnam national university , hanoi , vietnam 1430 - 1500 a unified analysis of some vietnamese reduplication patterns sonny x . vu massachusetts institute of technology , cambridge , usa 1500 - 1530 the ' softeners ' in some modal structures in vietnamese when teaching overseas students nguyen thien nam vietnam national university , hanoi , vietnam 1530 - 1600 notes on the nghe an dialect of central vietnam mark j . alves and nguyen duy huong university of hawai ' i , honolulu , usa and institute of linguistics in hanoi , hanoi , vietnam 1600 - 1630 refreshments session 8 tibeto - burman 1630 - 1700 nominal auxiliaries in lai george bedell international christian university , tokyo , japan 1700 - 1730 the phonology and syntax of mizo language s . l . chhangte government college , serchhip , india 1730 - 1800 is chakma language facing extinction ? s . ganguly north - eastern hill university , tura , india 1930 - dinner wednesday , 22 july session 9 austro - tai , austronesian , and malayo - polynesian 0830 - 0900 evolution of the scale of notation in the austronesian languages h . m . zarbaliyev baku institute of public administration and political sciences , baku , azerbaijan 0900 - 0930 demonstratives in proto - malayo - polynesian and proto - austronesian joseph c . finney monterey , usa 0930 - 1000 a western malayo - polynesian metaphor bernd nothofer universitat frankfurt , frankfurt , germany 1000 - 1030 pl , pr > t ? a note on benedict 's ' austro - tai ' walter schuhmacher roskilde technical college , gadstrup , denmark 1030 - 1100 refreshments session 10 peranakan languages 1100 - 1130 malay lexicalised items in penang peranakan hokkien teo boon seong and lim beng soon national university of singapore , singapore 1130 - 1200 socio - phonology : the case of the language of the peranakan chinese of kelantan , malaysia teo kok seong universiti kebangsaan malaysia , bangi , malaysia 1200 - 1230 business meeting 1230 - 1400 lunch session 11 austronesian categories ; philippine dictionaries 1400 - 1430 problems in tagalog morphological categorisation carl rubino australian national university , canberra , australia 1430 - 1500 are there ' precategorial ' morphemes in austronesian languages ? adrian clynes universiti brunei darussalam , brunei darussalam 1500 - 1530 lsp and the need for monolingual dictionaries gunter schaarschmidt university of victoria , victoria , canada 1530 - 1600 concordances in the study of english and philippine languages curtis d . mcfarland waseda university , chiba - shi , japan 1600 - 1630 refreshments session 12 austronesian languages of borneo , sulawesi and vietnam 1630 - 1700 lexical decomposition and locative predicates in bonggi michael boutin institut linguistik sil , kota kinabalu , malaysia 1700 - 1730 ' case ' particles in bolaang mongondow : towards an unitary account ruben stoel leiden university , leiden , the netherlands 1730 - 1800 the development of contrastive accent in makassarese uri tadmor university of hawai ' i , honolulu , usa 1800 - 1830 the direction of monosyllabicity in the language of raglai nguyen van hue vietnam university , ho chi minh city , vietnam 1930 - dinner " 0 +"Subject: lrec workshop , pre-final programme pre-final programme and call for participation towards a european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech . a workshop jointly organised by the european network of excellence in language and speech elsnet and the ec language engineering-4 project else to be held on wednesday may 27 , 9 : 00-13 : 00 at the first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain right now , a generic framework for semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation of speech and nlp systems does not exist in europe . when confronted to a choice , developers and users prefer to ask the opinion of local experts as any other way of processing is either unrealistic or too costly . the le - 4 project else aims at providing developers with a generic strategy and definition of the primary building blocks needed to implement a semi-automatic quantitative black-box evaluation scheme . prominent speakers from field the have been invited to present papers addressing motivation , advantages , but also problems in connection with the implementation of such an evaluation scheme at an international scale . programme : 09 : 00-09 : 10 opening ( steven krauwer / joseph mariani ) 09 : 10-09 : 30 "" the darpa experience "" ( charles wayne ) 09 : 30-09 : 40 "" ethnology and sociology of evaluation "" ( lynette hirschman ) 09 : 40-09 : 50 "" the aupelf experience "" ( joseph mariani ) 09 : 50-10 : 00 "" experience in grace tagging evaluation "" ( patrick paroubek ) 10 : 00-10 : 10 "" experiences in bilingual text alignment evaluation and word sense disambiguation "" ( jean veronis ) 10 : 10-10 : 20 "" best practice and evaluation "" ( ole bernsen / laila dybkjaer ) 10 : 20-10 : 40 break 10 : 40-10 : 50 "" confidence measures and evaluation "" ( lin chase ) 10 : 50-11 : 00 "" evaluation within eagles "" ( maghi king ) 11 : 00-11 : 10 "" technology vs user - evaluation "" ( marc blasband ) 11 : 10-11 : 20 "" evaluation for better products "" ( christian dugast ) 11 : 20-11 : 30 "" resources for evaluation "" ( mark liberman ) 11 : 30-11 : 40 "" organising parser evaluation "" ( richard sutcliffe ) 11 : 40-11 : 50 "" specification and infrastructure for text summarization evaluation "" ( beth sundheim ) 11 : 50-12 : 00 break 12 : 00-12 : 10 "" else "" ( patrick paroubek ) 12 : 10-13 : 00 panel session ( chair : rob gaizauskas ) 13 : 00 closing the selected topics include the multilingual nature of evaluation , lessons from the past ( in europe and the us ) , and the need for language resources . at the workshop the first intermediate results of the else project will be presented and discussed . this call serves to invite interested parties to active participation in the workshop . during the workshop , ample opportunity will be provided for the participants to react to the presentation of the else project , and to the talks by the invited speakers . furthermore participants will be given the opportunity to give brief position statements . the workshop is very timely as it takes place when the ec 's 5th framework programme is taking shape . it is clear that the availability of a european evaluation infrastucture can be an important factor in european r&d activities , and that it can only be successful if it is organized and implemented on a european scale . programme committee the workshop is coorganized by elsnet and else . the programme committee are the participants in the else le - 4 project : niels ole bernsen jean - pierre chanod khalid choukri robert gaizauskas steven krauwer isabelle de lamberterie joseph mariani klaus netter patrick paroubek martin rajman antonio zampolli contact steven krauwer trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , the netherlands phone : + 31 30 253 6050 fax : + 31 30 253 6000 email : steven . krauwer @ let . ruu . nl registration information for lrec and pre and post conference workshops conference the registration fees will be 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) per participant , with reduced fees of 20 . 000 pesetas ( about 120 ecu ) for early registration by march 9 , 1998 , and 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) for students . the fees cover the following services : a copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . for accompanying persons , the social dinner will be 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) . pre conference workshops pre conference workshops are 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec and 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec , and include a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and a coffee break . post conference workshop the 2 - day post conference workshop is 10 , 000 pesetas for those attending lrec and 20 , 000 pesetas for those not attending lrec , and includes a copy of the proceedings of the workshop and coffee breaks . registration willbe made only for those persons who have been invited to participate by the organizers . advance registration payment can be made using the registration forms below . registration can be made on-site and must be paid in cash , using pesetas . registration forms first international conference on language resources and evaluation granada , spain , 28-30 may 1998 e-mail or fax to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain , tel + 34 58 24 41 00 , fax + 34 58 24 41 04 , reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ registration payment form registration fees full participant * after march 9 , 1998 25 . 000 pesetas ( about 150 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ student * 12 . 000 pesetas ( about 70 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * registration fees include one copy of the proceedings , a social dinner , coffee breaks and refreshments . social dinner for accompanying persons 6 . 000 pesetas ( about 35 ecu ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pre conference workshops , may 26 - 27 , 1998 5 , 000 pesetas each for those attending lrec 10 , 000 pesetas each for those not attending lrec please indicate the workshops you plan to attend ( x ) _ _ _ _ _ "" linguistic coreference "" may 26 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" adapting lexical and corpus resources to sublanguages and applications "" may 26 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" the evaluation of parsing systems "" may 26 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" minimizing the effort for language resource acquisition "" may 26 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" towards an open european evaluation infrastructure for nl and speech "" may 27 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" language resources for european minority languages "" may 27 , morning session _ _ _ _ _ "" speech database development for central and eastern europeanlanguages "" may 27 , afternoon session _ _ _ _ _ "" distributing and accessing linguistic resources "" may 27 , afternoon session total number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 5 , 000 ( if attending lrec ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 10 , 000 ( if not attending lrec ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ post conference workshop , may 31 - june 1 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "" translingual information management : current levels and future abilities "" * register only if you have been asked to participate and have confirmed with the organizers 10 , 000 ( if attending lrec ) 20 , 000 ( if not attending lrec ) sub total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ grand total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method of payment you may pay by credit card ( visa , mastercard or eurocard only ; we cannot accept american express , diners club , etc . ) . you may also pay by banker 's cheque , bank transfer or by eurocheque . all payments must be in spanish pesetas . if payment is by banker 's cheque , bank transfer or by eurocheque , please send it by regular mail . if payment is by credit card , it may be faxed . please do not e-mail credit card numbers , as we cannot guarantee the security of our e-mail system , and because we require signatures . please indicate ( x ) one of the following four payment options : a ) _ _ _ _ i enclose a banker 's cheque in spanish pesetas payable to "" first international conference on language resources and evaluation "" . b ) _ _ _ _ i have transferred the full fees by bank transfer to your account at : banco central hispano , c / recogidas , 13 , 18002 granada . account name : first international conference on language resources and evaluation . account number : 0049 - 0372 - 18 - 2210856078 . i have told my bank to charge me / us with all bank charges so that "" first international conference on language resources and evaluation "" will receive the full fees . i enclose a copy of the bank transferpapers with the person ( s ) name written on the transfer . c ) _ _ _ _ please debit my visa / mastercard / eurocard account : amount : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ card no : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valid from : _ _ _ / _ _ _ to _ _ _ / _ _ _ ( as printed on your card ) cardholder 's name and address : last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ street address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state / province : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ postal / zip code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e - mail : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ web : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature as on card : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ credit card charges will be processed in spanish pesetas . d ) _ _ _ _ i enclose eurocheque ( s ) for the full fees . i have written my eurocheque number on the back of each eurocheque . mail or fax to : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es + 34 58 24 41 04 fax visit our website for further information http : / / ceres . ugr . es / ~ rubio / elra . html conference addresses the conference chair is antonio zampolli ( istituto di linguistica computazionale del cnr and president of elra ) . antonio zampolli - lrec istituto di linguistica computazionale del cnr via della faggiola , 32 56126 pisa , italy + 39 50 560 481 tel . + 39 50 555 013 fax pisa @ ilc . pi . cnr . it the secretariat of the conference , who will provide general information on the conference , is : lrec secretariat facultad de traduccion e interpretacion dpto . de traduccion e interpretacion c / puentezuelas , 55 18002 granada , spain + 34 58 24 41 00 tel . + 34 58 24 41 04 fax reli98 @ goliat . ugr . es conference program committee harald hoege , siemens , munich , germany bente maegaard , cst , copenhagen , denmark joseph mariani , limsi-cnrs , orsay , france angel martin municio , president of the real academia de ciencias , madrid , spain antonio zampolli , istituto di linguistica computazionale , pisa , italy exhibition an exhibition will be organised by elra . this exhibition is open to companies and projects wishing to promote , present and demonstrate their language resources products and prototypes to the wide range of experts and representatives from all over the world participating in the conference . for more information on this , please contact the elda office on elra-elda @ calva . net . elra for more information about elra ( the european language resources association ) , please contact : khalid choukri , elra ceo 55-57 , rue brillat savarin f - 75013 paris , france tel . + 33 1 43 13 33 33 fax . + 33 1 43 13 33 39 e - mail : elra @ calva . net web : http : / / www . icp . grenet . fr / elra / home . html " 0 +Subject: new on capitalfm . com this is new at http : / / capitalfm . com - extravaganza 1999 - keep up to date with the action . - win notting hill tix - you could be at a special preview ! - live music - all the best gigs from boyzone to the beasties . - s club 7 - get the lowdown on the multimedia sensation . - new singles - this week 's hottest few minutes of new music . - westlife - we put the freshest boy band under the spotlight . - capitalfm . com shop - the very newest and best bargains . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - extravaganza 1999 - keep up to date with the action . between may 29th and june 1st , earls court will be jam-packed with the best bands , top djs , awesome activities , the most fun technology and the latest styles . book your tickets online and keep up with the latest info . - 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where everyone should go and where many have gone before . . . free holidays , cinema tickets , beer , beverages and weekend breaks . you still here ? well click below now and enter one of the fabulous competitions with prizes just waiting to be won . http : / / capitalfm . com / compzone / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 +Subject: inversion in romance call for papers twenty years after the publication in linguistic inquiry of richard kayne and jean - yves pollock 's influential article on stylistic inversion , the university of amsterdam will host a workshop on inversion in the romance languages . the goal of this workshop is to get a clear picture of the insights the last twenty years have produced with respect to the syntactic and interpretative principles that govern inversion and the way they interact . inversion in romance university of amsterdam 28 - 29 may 1998 holland institute of generative linguistics ( hil ) utrecht institute of linguistics ( uil ) keynote speakers : richard kayne & jean-yves pollock adriana belletti k . tarald taraldsen maria luisa zubizarreta also scheduled are presentations by sergio baauw , joao costa , joost dekkers , vieri samek - lodovici and maarten de wind . to enhance the scope of the workshop , the program will include 6 presentations by selected speakers . these presentations are allotted approximately 30 minutes . those who are interested in submitting a paper containing original work on any aspect of inversion in romance are invited to send 5 anonymous copies of an abstract not exceeding 2 pages , plus one camera-ready original containing the author 's name , address , affiliation and e-mail address . abstracts submitted by e-mail or fax within the deadline are accepted on condition that a camera-ready original is received within 1 week . deadline for submission of abstracts is 5 february 1998 abstracts should be sent to the following address : aafke hulk university of amsterdam e - mail : inversion @ let . uva . nl department of french phone : 31-20 - 5254635 spuistraat 134 fax : 31-20 - 5254429 1012 vb amsterdam , the netherlands more information can be found on the www : http : / / www . leidenuniv . nl / hil / confs / inversion organizing committee : aafke hulk , denis delfitto , joost dekkers , petra sleeman , els verheugd , maarten de wind . sponsors : royal dutch academy of sciences ( knaw ) , holland institute of generative linguistics ( hil ) , netherlands organization for scientific research ( nwo ) , utrecht institute of linguistics ( uil ) . 0 +"Subject: new books : generative studies we would like to bring to your attention to two new publications from john benjamins publishing in the field of generative studies : minimal words in a minimal syntax . word formation in swedish . gunlg josefsson 1998 ix , 199 pp . lingvistic aktuell / linguistics today , 19 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 903 1 price : us $ 75 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2740 3 price : nlg 150 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com in minimal words in a minimal syntax the author combines a detailed description of the morphological structure of words in swedish with a new approach to theoretical morphology based on the minimalist program of chomsky ( 1995 ) ( as developed for syntactic structure ) . the x - bar theoretic approach to word structure of the principles and parameters framework is replaced by a rule free approach incorporating only merge and move as structure building devices . comparative studies in word variation . adverb , pronouns and clause structure in romance and germanic christopher laenzlinger 1998 x , 371 pp . linguistic aktuell / linguistics today , 20 us / canada : cloth : 1 55619 904 x price : us $ 79 . 00 rest of the world : cloth : 90 272 2741 1 price : nlg 158 john benjamins publishing web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com for further information via e-mail : service @ benjamins . com the present book is a typological study in crucial portions of the grammars of french / romance and german / germanic . it starts by asking : "" what do adverbs , pronouns and full noun phrases have in common ? "" the work finds promising solutions to this question within the principles & parameter framework , on the basis of a well-defined formalization of ( i ) xbar - theory , ( ii ) checking theory , ( iii ) clause structure composition , and ( iv ) locality constraints on syntactic operations and relations . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bernadette martinez - keck tel : ( 215 ) 836-1200 publicity / marketing fax : ( 215 ) 836-1204 john benjamins north america e-mail : bernie @ benjamins . com po box 27519 philadelphia pa 19118-0519 check out the john benjamins web site : http : / / www . benjamins . com " 0 +"Subject: nels 29 - - final call for papers * * * * * * * * * * * * n e l s 29 * * * * * * * * * * * * * annual meeting of the northeastern linguistic society * * * university of delaware , newark , de october 16-18 , 1998 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = final call for papers = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = one - page anonymous abstracts for talks or posters on any aspect of theoretical linguistics are requested . references , but no examples may be included on a separate page . individuals may submit no more than on abstract for which they are the primary author . submissions deadline : july 1 , 1998 paper and electronic submissions will be accepted ; fax submissions will not . abstracts should be single-spaced in 12 - pt times font ( except for phonetic transcriptions ) and sized for 8 . 5 "" x11 "" paper . top margins should be at least 1 . 5 inches , with at least one inch for the bottom and side margins . submissions should include : the title , the name ( s ) of the author ( s ) , affiliation ( s ) , mailing and email addresses where the primary author can be reached over the summer , subfield of linguistics which the abstract represents , and whether the abstract is being submitted for consideration as a talk , poster , or both . for paper submissions , ten anonymous copies should be submitted , and the author information should be typed ona 3 "" x5 "" index card . for electronic submissions , follow the instructions at the nels 29 website : < http : / / sun . ling . udel . edu / nels - 29 > address for correspondance : * * * nels 29 abstracts committee department of linguistics 46 e . delaware avenue newark , de 19716 usa email : nels - 29 @ udel . edu unless otherwise indicated , acknowledgement of receipt will be via e-mail . registration information preregistration fees * * * $ 20 ( us ) for students and $ 40 ( us ) for others before september 16 , 1998 . on - site registration fees * * * $ 25 ( us ) for students and $ 50 ( us ) for others for further information , please consult the nels 29 website or contact us at the e-mail address listed above . " 0 +Subject: corrected announcement of the syllable conference final and corrected conference announcement the syllable : typology and theory to be held at tuebingen , germany june 30th 1998 to july 2nd 1998 monday , 29 june 1998 18 . 00-20 . 00 welcome and informal registration ( hotel am schloss ) tuesday , 30 june 1998 ( schloss hohentuebingen , fuerstenzimmer ) 9 . 30 - 9 . 45 opening remarks 9 . 45 - 10 . 45 stuart davis , university of indiana , bloomington the controversy over geminates and syllable weight . 11 . 00 - 12 . 00 haruo kubozono , kobe university syllable weight and asymmetries in a mora language . 1 . 30 - 2 . 30 frida morelli , university of maryland , college park the onset / coda asymmetry in obstruent clusters . 2 . 45 - 3 . 45 junko ito and armin mester , uc , santa cruz and university of tuebingen issues in german syllabification . 4 . 00 - 5 . 00 steven mccartney , university of helsinki and university of texas , austin opacity in finnish and an account of the ` ` exceptions ' ' . 5 . 15 - 6 . 15 paul kiparsky , stanford university syllables and moras in arabic . wednesday , 1st july 1998 9 . 30 - 10 . 30 ruben van de vijver , tuebingen university civ - lengthening and the syllable contact law 10 . 45 - 11 . 45 joao costa and m . joao freitas , university of lisbon v and cv as unmarked syllables : evidence from the acquisition of portuguese . 1 . 30 - 2 . 30 antony dubach green , zentrum fr sprachwissenschaft , berlin extrasyllabic consonants in onset position . 2 . 45 - 3 . 45 caroline wiltshire , university of florida , gainesville beyond codas : word and phrase final alignment . 4 . 00 - 5 . 00 john mccarthy , university of massachusetts , amherst prosodic theory and prosodic templates . party thursday , 2nd july 1998 ( max - plank - haus , spemannstr . 26 ) 9 . 30 - 10 . 30 harry van der hulst , leiden university syllable structure and segmental structure are one . 10 . 45 - 11 . 45 marc van oostendorp , leiden university fricatives and final devoicing in frisian and dutch . 1 . 30 - 2 . 30 richard wiese , marburg university root shapes as syllable constraints . 2 . 45 - 3 . 45 draga zec , cornell university , ithaca prosodic weight . for more information , please see our website : http : / / coletrane . sfs . nphil . uni-tuebingen . de / lehrstuhl / ruben / conference . html mail to author or ruben-van - de-vijver @ uni-tuebingen . de * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * caroline fery phone : + 7071-29 - 77304 seminar fuer sprachwissenschaft fax : + 7071-550 520 wilhelmstr . 113 caroline . fery @ uni-tuebingen . de 72074 tuebingen germany * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 +"Subject: nlp + ia 98 / tal + ai 98 registration info international conference on natural language processing and industrial applications nlp + ia 98 > > > special accent on computer assisted language learning < < < conference internationale sur le traitement automatique des langues et ses applications industrielles tal + ai 98 > > > attention speciale portee a l ' enseignement de la langue < < < august / aout 18-21 , 1998 moncton , new - brunswick , canada official languages : english and french are the official languages of the conference . proceedings would be published in the language of the submitted texts . conference organization : the conference is organized by gretal , groupe d ' etude sur le traitement automatique des langues at the universite ' de moncton and geta-clips in grenoble . organizing committee chadia moghrabi , professor of computer science , chair jalal almhana , professor and director of computer science julien chiasson , professor of computer science sadek eid , professor of industrial engineering , director manufacturing technology centre , boubakeur meddeb - hamrouni , researcher geta and winsoft paul tarau , professor of computer science international program committee : susan armstrong ( issco , geneva , switzerland ) roberto basili ( roma , italy ) christian boitet ( geta , grenoble , france ) pierrette bouillon ( geneva , switzerland ) harry bunt ( tilburg , netherlands ) nicoletta calzolari ( ilc / cnr , pisa , italy ) remi chadel ( inxight , xerox , france ) thierry chanier ( franche - comte , france ) jean - pierre chanod ( xerox , france ) marcel cori ( paris-7 , france ) veronica dahl ( simon fraser , canada ) anne de roeck ( essex , uk ) chrysanne dimarco ( logos , waterloo , canada ) eva hajicova ( charles u . , prague ) henry hamburger ( george mason , usa ) howard hamilton ( regina , canada ) graeme hirst ( toronto , canada ) john hutchins ( east anglia , uk ) pierre isabelle ( rali , montreal , canada ) margaret king ( issco , switzerland ) ruddy lelouche ( laval , canada ) michael levison ( queens , canada ) kathleen mccoy ( delaware , usa ) chadia moghrabi ( moncton , canada ) johanna moore ( pennsylvania , usa ) yael ravin ( ibm , usa ) larry reeker ( national science foundation , usa ) mark seligman ( geta-clips & red pepper , usa ) arnold smith ( nrc , canada ) manfred stede ( tu - berlin , germany ) john tait ( sunderland , uk ) paul tarau ( moncton , canada ) junichi tsujii ( umist & tokyo , japan ) thierry van steenberghe ( louvain - la - neuve , belgium ) eric wehrli ( geneva , switzerland ) yorick wilks ( sheffield , uk ) invited speakers : margaret king : issco , university of geneva , switzerland talkk on language resources and evaluation / ressources et evaluation linguistiques thierry chanier : universite franche - comte , france presentation sur le lien entre l ' enseignement de la langue et le tal / talk on relationship between call and nlp make sure not to miss them . . . soyez - la ! papers & posters to be presented : ( in no special order ) modeles humains dans un systeme multi-agents orientes apprentissage et detection-correction d ' erreurs ; jacques menezo ; france multilingual lexical resources for large-scale text generation cornelia m . verspoor , vicente uceda and cecile paris ; australia speech and language interaction in a ( virtual ) cultural theatre a . van hessen , a . nijholt , et al . ; netherlands un systme d ' apprentissage assist par ordinateur de la gnration de phrases en arabe riadh zaafrani ; france structuring a network of lexical cooccurrences into topic representations by analyzing texts olivier ferret and brigitte grau ; france producing nlp - based on - line contentware francis wolinski , frantz vichot , olivier grmont ; france integration of nlp tools in an intelligent computer assisted language learning environment for basque : idazkide . daz de ilarraza , a . maritxalar , m . maritxalar & m . oronoz ; spain using constraints for suppressing dead ends in grammars . cyril garde & claude lai ; france improving tagging accuracy by using voting taggers l . mrquez , l . padr , h . rodrguez ; catalonia , spain translation examples browser : japanese to english translation aid for news articles tadashi kumano , hideki tanaka , noriyoshi uratani & terumasa ehara ; japan a statistics - based approach to chinese prepositional phrase disambiguation kam - fai wong & wen - jie li ; hong kong minori - fra : logiciel d ' enseignement du francais en milieu minoritaire chadia moghrabi ; canada safran - grammaire marie - josee hamel & anne vandeventer ; uk & suisse learning spanish and catalan verbs through eurowordnet m . antonia marti & roser morante ; spain error diagnosis for language learning systems wolfgang menzel & ingo schroeder ; germany computer - assisted writing system : improving readability with respect to information structure nobo komagata ; usa limination de la redondance dans la gnration automatique de descriptions de comportement de systmes dynamiques nicole tourigny et laurence capus ; canada un systme automatique de diagnostic d ' erreurs pour l ' elao anne vandeventer ; suisse gnrer de faon automatique des rsums grce des expriences similaires laurence capus et nicole tourigny ; canada a syntactic verification system for arabic texts based on a robust parser and using a large compressed lexicon riadh ouersighni ; france natural language technology in precision content retrieval jacek ambroziak and william a . woods ficus - un agent dictionaire coopratif extensible mathieu lafourcade & jacques chauche ; france a two - stage model for robust parsing erik oltmans ; netherlands analyse morphologique et voyellation assiste par ordinateur de la langue arabe malek ghenima ontologies - based relevant information retrieval f . - y . villemin ; france delegating actions from texts in a virtual environment fabrice tabordet , fabrice pied , and pierre nugues ; france an autonomous , web-based , multilingual corpus collection tool jim cowie , eugene ludovik & ron zacharski ; usa problmes scientifiques intressants en traduction de parole christian boitet ; france centering theory and resolving it in business texts gregory f . roberts ; usa tr-aid : a memory - based translation aid framework stelios piperidis , christos malavazos , ioannis triantafyllou ; greece a transformational approach to nl understanding in dialogue systems danny lie , joris hulstijn , rieks op den akker , anton nijholt ; netherlands reluctantly paraphrasing text mark dras ; australia improving robust domain independent summarization jim cowie , eugene ludovik , & hugo molijna - salgado ; usa language learning data : online confusion lisa harper and florence reeder ; usa nlp and radiology reports gees c stein & tomek strzalkowski ; usa blak , un assistant de dcouverte des caractres chinois , fonctionnement par accs dynamique des ressources lexicales varies l . fischer , g . fafiotte ; france text expansion using temporal and causal relations yllias chali ; canada automatic generation of on - line help : a practical approcah cecile paris and keith vander linden ; australia &usa to integrate your language web tools - call web ct sabine siekmann ; usa l 'd ition lexicographique dans un systme gnrique de gestion de bases lexicales multilingues g . srasset , m . mangeot ; france how the construction of a computer system may influence language teaching practices : the communication situation variables r . lelouche , d . huot ; canada concordances avances sur corpus spcialis pour l ' enseignement de l ' anglais technique p . - y . foucou & n . kbler ; france cross - linguistic resources for mt evaluation and language training lisa hale decrozant , dr clare r . voss ; usa nlp for text classification : the trevi experience r . basili , m . v . marabello , l . mazzucchelli , & m . t . pazienza ; italy dictionnaires lectroniques et analyse morphologique jerzy sitko ; france integrating language generation and prosody control pierre larey , nadine bigouroux , & guy prennou ; france mulinex multilingual web search and anvigation joanne capstick , abdel kader diagne , gregor erbach , & hans uszkoreit ; germany , italy , france & belgium kurdish language technology and planning siamak rezaei durroei ; uk intonation , vowel length , and ' well ' : thhe intersection of phonology and discourse analysis and its effects on meaning interpretation in conversation jason miller ; usa reprsentation smantique oriente - objets de requtes en langage naturel abdelmajid benhamadou ; tunisia programme of activities : tuesday august 18 : 19 : 00-21 : 00 registration wednesday august 19 : 8 : 30-15 : 15 opening plenary session oral presentations 15 : 30-17 : 30 posters and demo sessions 18 : 30-19 : 15 cashbar 19 : 30 - banquet thursday august 20 : 8 : 30-15 : 30 oral presentations 15 : 30 - outing and dinner friday august 21 : 8 : 30-17 h30 invited speaker oral presentations closing plenary session exhibits : anyone wishing to arrange an exhibit or present a demonstration can still send a brief electronic description along with a specification of physical requirements ( table size , power , telephone connections , number of chairs , etc . ) to nlp + ia - 98 @ imag . fr with the single word exhibit in the subject line . other activities : accompanying persons can enjoy the lovely outdoor living in new - brunswick and visit the highest tides in the world . moncton is only 20km away from the sandy beaches of shediac , la capitale mondiale du homard . registration fees : the registration fees are 475 canadian dollars per participant . they include : conference proceedings continental breakfast for three days coffee breaks for three days banquet on wednesday evening taxes optional additional fees : 65 c $ : lunches for three days 110 c $ : outing and dinner * subject to number of participants * hotel & lodging : hotel fees and reservations are not included in the conference fees and are to be arranged separately by the participants , the information cited here is for convenience , you have to contact them yourself and confirm the prices . hotel beausejour 750 main street , moncton . 130 c $ ( including taxes ) for one or two people per room , one or two beds 15 c $ ( including taxes ) per additional person ( max 4 per room ) , two beds . * the hotel 's restaurant has won a 4 diamond award . . . * fax : ( 506 ) 858-0957 , tel : ( 506 ) 854-4344 . keddy 's brunswick hotel : 1005 main street , moncton . 92 c $ including taxes one person one bed 105 c $ "" "" for one person one bed 115 c $ "" "" for two persons two beds * fax : ( 506 ) 382-8923 , tel : ( 506 ) 854-6340 . rodd 's park house inn - travelodge : 434 main street , moncton . 75 c $ including taxes for one double bed . 85 cs "" "" for two double beds . * prices were given by bed and not by person * fax : ( 506 ) 855-9494 , tel ( 506 ) 382-1664 hotel canadiana : 46 archibald street , moncton . 75 c $ including taxes per room * tel : ( 506 ) 382-1054 these hotels are in downtown moncton and are less than 10km from the airport . the taxi cab from there costs around 12-15 c $ . please e-mail , fax or mail the following form : please cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference registration international conference on natural language processing and industrial applications nlp + ia 98 conference internationale sur le traitement automatique des langues et ses applications industrielles tal + ai 98 august / aout 18-21 1998 moncton , new - brunswick , canada participant name ( mr . ( ) , ms . ( ) ) only one person per form . family name : first name : title / profession : institution : postal address : city : country : telephone : fax : e - mail : amount enclosed : conference fee $ 475 lunchs $ 65 yes ( ) no ( ) outing $ 110 yes ( ) no ( ) total : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( hotel fees and reservations are not included ) payment : all payments must be made in canadian dollars and paid to : universite de moncton , c / o nlp + ia / tal + ai 98 . all transfer fees are the participant 's responsibility . payments must be remitted as follows ( choose one option ) : ( ) by bank transfer to the national bank of canada / banque nationale du canada account # : 00007-25 transit # : 10351-006 . * the transit number indicates the branch in moncton with which the university deals . it is a must . * nlp + ia / tal + ai should also be indicated . it is a must . * transaction / transfer id number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is a must * a copy of of your transfer receipt with all the above information should be faxed to us for reference / claims puposes . if you have an accepted submission , you can send it with your camera-ready version of your paper . it is a must . ( ) credit card * visa or mastercard only * this form * must be faxed or mailed not e-mailed * if registration is paid by credit card . visa ( ) mastercard ( ) card no . : expiry date : cardholder 's name : cardholder 's phone : cardholder 's signature : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dr . chadia moghrabi , professeure * * nlp + ia / tal + ai 98 * * faculte des sciences * * universite de moncton tel : ( 506 ) 858-4521 * * moncton , n . - b . fax : ( 506 ) 858-4541 * * e1a 3e9 , canada e-mail : nlp + ia - 98 @ imag . fr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * please cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - we would appreciate receiving a copy of your hotel reservations for reference purposes ( not the credit card information . . . ) . hope to see you in moncton . . . " 0 +Subject: wow . . . this is incredible ! a vacation just for you ! to the most exotic place on earth . . . . . . florida ! special online promotional vacation package is brought to you for a limited time only , so don ' t wait ! vist our website now for more information on price and package info . ( sorry , offer not available to travel agents for resale ) offer now available world wide ! ! ! for full details go to : http : / / 3438189349 / al / blackkeys / trip5 . html 1 +Subject: armenian linguistics * * * call for papers * * * sixth international conference on armenian linguistics - institut national des langues et civilisations orientales ( inalco ) , paris , july 5 - 9 , 1999 papers will not be restricted in terms of topic or theoretical approach . workshops will be organized according to paper proposals . we invite papers on the following topics ( the list is not exhaustive ) - typological and descriptive armenian linguistics ( morphology , syntax , phonetics , pragmatics ; synchrony , diachrony and dialectology ) - history of armenian linguistics ; armenian and theoretical linguistics - sociolinguistics and language policy - the computer in armenian linguistics - comparative grammar and indo - european studies - study of texts and translation questions ( only from a linguistic point of view ) deadline for submission of proposals : september , 30 , 1998 proposals for presentations should be sent to : anaid donabedian , 57 , bd jourdan , 75014 paris , france fax + 33 1 44 15 10 61 e-mail : donabed @ ext . jussieu . fr the fee for participating in the conference will be 500 ff ( roughly us $ 100 ) ( students : 150 ff ) to receive the application form and the complete announcement : donabed @ ext . jussieu . fr 0 +"Subject: yale working papers volume announcing a yale working papers volume : * * * * * * * yale * a - morphous * linguistics essays * * studies in the morphosyntax of clitics * * * * * * * contents : stephen r . anderson : - "" towards an optimal account of second position phenomena . "" - "" remarks on agreement and incorporation phenomena . "" k . david harrison : - "" the morphology of special np clitics : the definite article in albanian . "" stanley insler : - "" the phonological organization of the rigvedic clitic chain . "" lizanne kaiser : - "" cpr for korean type iii nominalizations . "" - "" the morphological cliticization of object - shifted weak pronouns in swedish . "" matthew richardson : - "" czech clitics : 2p or not 2p that is the question . "" jennifer vanloon : - "" pronominal morphology in sulimani kurdish . "" ordering information : $ 10 . 00 / volume . includes shipping within the u . s . please add an additional $ 2 . 00 for international orders . checks should be made out to "" yale university "" . for orders or inquiries , please contact : department of linguistics yale university p . o . box 208236 new haven , ct 06520-8236 e-mail : linguist @ yaleads . ycc . yale . edu telephone : ( 203 ) 432-2450 fax : ( 203 ) 432-4087 " 0 +"Subject: acm sigir98 workshop on multimedia indexing and retrieval * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * note that the deadline for initial submission has been extended to june 19 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * acm sigir ' 98 post - conference workshop multimedia indexing and retrieval melbourne , australia , august 28 , 1998 call for participation background : this workshop will focus on the required functionality , techniques , and evaluation criteria for multimedia information retrieval systems . researchers have been investigating content-based retrieval from non-text sources such as images , audio and video . initially , the focus of these efforts were on content analysis and retrieval techniques tailored to a specific media ; more recently , researchers have started to combine attributes from various media . the goal of multimedia ir systems is to handle general queries such as "" find outdoor pictures or video of clinton and gore discussing environmental issues "" . answering such queries requires intelligent exploitation of both text / speech and visual content . multimedia ir is a very broad area covering both infrastructure issues ( e . g . efficient storage criteria , networking , client-server models ) and intelligent content analysis and retrieval . since this is a one-day workshop , we have chosen three focus areas in the intelligent analysis and retrieval area . about the workshop : the first focus of this workshop is on integrating information from various media sources in order to handle multimodal queries on large , diverse databases . an example of such a collection would be the www . in such cases , a query may be decomposed into a set of media queries , each involving a different indexing scheme . the interaction of various media sources that occur in the same context ( e . g . , text accompanying pictures , audio accompanying video ) is of special interest ; such interaction can be exploited in both the content analysis and retrieval phases . the second focus deals with examples of research using content and organization of multimedia information into semantic classes . users pose and expect a retrieval to provide answers to semantic questions . in practice this is difficult to achieve . building structures that encode semantic information in a fairly domain independent and robust manner is extremely difficult . a quick review of computer vision research over the last few years points to this difficulty . in many cases , image content can be used in conjunction with user interaction and domain specificity to retrieve semantically meaningful information . however , it is clear that retrieval by similarity of visual attributes when used arbitrarily cannot provide semantically meaningful information . for example , a search for a red flower by color red on a very heterogeneous database cannot be expected to yeild meaningful results . on the other hand retrieval of red flowers in a database of flowers can be achieved using color . in context therefore , examples of research using content and organization of multimedia information into semantic classes will be discussed . many systems , particularly image and video based ones require an example picture which can be used as a query ( alternatively , the user may be required to draw a picture ) . it may be unrealistic to expect an example image to be always available . thus , it would be useful to find ways of generating new queries . can nlp techniques be combined with computer vision techniques to generate such queries ? or can multimodal retrieval techniques be combined to create queries suitable for image , video and audio retrieval ? in general , a question is how can we create realistic queries for realistic systems . the third focus of this workshop is on evaluation techniques for multimedia retrieval . currently , most researchers are using the standard evaluation measures defined for text documents ; these need to be extended / modified for multimedia documents . there is also a high degree of subjectivity involved that needs to be addressed . we will focus on the following specific topics : - content analysis and retrieval from various media ( text , images , video , audio ) - interaction of modalities ( e . g . text , images ) in indexing , retrieval - effective user interfaces ( permitting query refinement etc . ) - evaluation methodologies for multimedia information . we have found that researchers pay insufficient attention to it . - techniques for relevance ranking - multimodal query formation / decomposition - logic formalisms for multimodal queries - indexing and retrieval from scanned documents - e . g extracting text from images , word spotting - as a retrieval technique for both handwritten and printed documents . - testbeds for evaluating multimodal retrieval : it would be nice to have some resource sharing here since annotating these , and coming up with a good query set are difficult participation : two types of participation are expected . those interested in making a presentation at this workshop should submit their full papers either in online postscript version or in hardcopy by regular mail to the address given below . the papers should not exceed 5 , 000 words , including figures , tables , and references . those interested in participating , but not presenting papers , should submit a statement of interest , not to exceed 500 words . this should clearly state what aspect ( s ) of the workshop reflect their research interest . these will be used to select panelists . both types of submissions are due on friday , june 5th . decisions will be made no later than friday , june 26th . in the case of paper submission , the final camera-ready papers are due on july 24th . working notes will be made available to all participants at the workshop . all the submissions should be sent to : prof . rohini k . srihari , cedar / suny at buffalo ub commons 520 lee entrance , suite 202 amherst , ny 14228 - 2583 rohini @ cedar . buffalo . edu organization : workshop chairs ( also program chairs ) rohini k . srihari , suny at buffalo ( rohini @ cedar . buffalo . edu ) zhongfei zhang , suny at buffalo ( zhongfei @ cedar . buffalo . edu ) r . manmatha , university of massachussetts ( manmatha @ cs . umass . edu ) s . ravela , university of massachussetts ( ravela @ cs . umass . edu ) program committee members : shih - fu chang ( columbia u . , usa ) david harper ( robert gordon university , u . k . ) alex hauptmann ( cmu , usa ) rakesh kumar ( sarnoff , usa ) desai narasimhalu ( isi , singapore ) candace sidner ( lotus , usa ) peter schauble ( eth , switzerland ) timetable : paper or statement of interest submission : june 5th , 1998 decision : july 19th , 1998 camera - ready paper due : july 24th , 1998 sigir conference : august 24th - 28th , 1998 workshop : august 29th , 1998 further information : further questions may be directed to the address above , or go to the web page of this workshop at http : / / www . cedar . buffalo . edu / sigir98 / mmtr . html or the sigir conference main web page at http : / / www . cs . mu . oz . au / sigir98 / " 0 +"Subject: re : major acquisition ! company : mark i industries symbol : mkii price : 7 / 8 ( $ . 875 / share ) mkii will be completing the acquisition of a major restaurant franchise system with over 40 units . management projects a $ 100 million revenue goal with "" the company 's stock to trade in the $ 4 range . "" mkii is rated an immediate and "" strong buy "" . * click on the following website address or cut and paste it into your website browser : http : / / money . go . com / quote ? ticker = mkii " 1 +Subject: understanding syntax ( update ) understanding syntax tallerman , maggie ( university of durham , uk ) ; understanding syntax ; published september 1998 c . 192pp pb 0 340 60377 1 c . 12 . 99 / us $ 19 . 95 hb 0 340 70000 9 c . 35 . 00 / us $ 60 . 00 arnold publishing ( american edition is co-published with oup ) provides a complete introduction to the main categories and constructions associated with sentence structure - the syntactic component of the grammar of human language . assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics , the book discusses and illustrates all the major terms and concepts . contents : what is syntax ? / words belong to different classes / looking inside sentences / head words and phrases / how do we identify constituents ? / relationship within the clause / syntactic processes . readership : undergraduates in linguistics tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6355 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 171 873 6325 e - mail : milly . neate @ hodder . co . uk 0 +"Subject: minority languages in context * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * minority languages in context diversity and standardisation congress to be held in chur ( switzerland ) , 21st - 23rd september 1998 provisional program themes addressed by the congress the aim of the congress is to stimulate the study and discussion of contextual dimensions within which minority languages are spoken , shared and taught . the congress will provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of descriptive and comparative reports from a variety of regional and national settings including those in switzerland . the contexts within which minority languages evolve can be described from differing points of view along a continuum between two opposing poles . at one end of the continuum lay attempts to achieve stability and homogeneity which are usually articulated through projects aiming at the planning and normalisation of minority languages in order to present these codes as having equal status to adjacent majority languages . at the other end of the continuum we find destabilisation and heterogeneity observable at points of contact and overlap between minority and majority languages and often leading to hybrid forms which challenge traditional notions of linguistic code . these two poles involve a variety of actors and agents of differing social and institutional status , all exercising varying degrees of influence on the language situation in question . the congress will address three thematic areas highlighting the full range of this continuum . thematic area one : standardisation of minority languages thematic area two : minority and majority languages : coexistence , relationships and overlap . thematic area three : minority languages at school * * * * * * * congress events * * * * * * * * * * * * keynote speakers florian coulmas ( tokyo ) for theme 1 ; bernard poche ( grenoble ) and ben rampton ( london ) for theme 2 ; mehandra verma ( york ) for theme 3 . * * * * sessions the thematic development of each day will be provided by speakers reporting on data and research from numerous and diverse linguistic situations around the world . titles of contributions e . agurtzane ( eusal herriko unibertsitatea ) , compensatory linguistic strategies in the gradual death process of a minority language : evidence from some dying dialects of basque m . auzanneau ( paris 5 ) , pluralit et dynamiques socio-culturelles et linguistiques saint - louis du sngal r . bernardi ( spell urtiyei ) , spell - standardisierungsprojekt der ladinischen idiome in den dolomiten d . bradley ( la trobe ) , standardisation of transnational minority languages in asia : lisu and lahu r . cathomas ( fribourg ) , spracherhaltung und immersion ? r . coray ( fribourg ) , "" sprachliche minderheiten "" - eine sozialhistorische analyse eines grundbegriffs der schweizerischen sprachenpolitik h . correia ( paris 5 ) , regards croiss sur une varit migrante : le portugais s . dal negro ( bergamo ) , il ruolo dell ' italiano in alcuni sviluppi della morfosintassi walser j . - f . de pietro , c . de goumons , d . jeannot , c . perregaux , a . - m . broi ( irdp neuchtel ) , des activits d ' veil au langage et d ' ouverture aux langues l ' cole : vers une prise en compte des langues minoritaires s . dingwall , h . murray ( zrich ) , the future of english in switzerland : a majority / minority problem ? a . duchne , f . rosenbaum ( neuchtel ) , la consultation logopdique comme espace de rencontre des langues minoritaires et majoritaires e . m . eckkrammer ( salzburg ) , the standardization of papiamentu : new trends , problems and perspectives l . elle ( bautzen ) , mehrsprachige kommunikation aus der sicht einer kleinsprachen sorbisch im alltag der lausitz r . franceschini ( basel ) , la creativit dei margini linguistici di una citt : quali competenze di lingue minoritarie presso gli ' indigeni ' ? g . fuchs ( bern ) , "" . . . un pas vers la remise en cause du statut linguistique de notre commune "" . reaktionen auf die einfhrung von projekten mit zweisprachingen unterricht ab kindergarten - und grundschulstufe j . fnfschilling , l . mondada , k . mller ( basel ) , les processus de majorisation / minorisation dans des interactions scientifiques plurilingues j . - j . furer ( roveredo ) effets de la langue d ' enseignement sur la diffusion et l ' ancrage du romanche dans son aire traditionnelle r . furness , j . suls ( barcelona ) , the occitan language on both sides of the franco - spanisch border : problems in aranese occitan language codification m . heller , n . labrie , c . quell , s . roy ( toronto ) , prise de parole : la mondialisation et la transformation des discours identitaires chez une minorit linguistique c . m . kieffer ( paris ) , die arabische minderheitssprache in baktrien ( nord - afghanistan ) c . leralu ( argizabal ) , attitudes envers le basque dans le pays basque franais m . maquillo larruy ( poitiers ) , les choix linguistiques de la minorit lusophone en andorre m . matthey ( neuchtel ) , le code-switching rig en norme ? : a propos de l ' europanto h . - p . meier - dallach ( zrich ) , kleinsprachen in der touristischen marketing landschaft j . mills ( luton ) , cornish lexicography in the twentieth century : standardisation and divergence c . d . pusch ( freiburg ) , die standardisierung des aranesischen - zur komplexitt der sprachplanung in einer romanischen kleinsprache , dargestellt an der verschriftungspraxis c . riatsch ( bern ) , literarische reaktionen auf puristischen normdruck im bndnerromanischen s . m . shannon ( denver ) , changing status of irish as experienced through the all - irish schools movement : implications for minority / majority language bilingualism g . vermes , e . huet ( paris 8 ) , problmes de comptences mtalinguistiques en langue minorise et difficults d ' apprentissage de la lecture en langue dominante * * * * activities of the lia rumantscha and other projects from the graubnden region of switzerland the lia rumantscha will organise a visit to their institute where they will present their current theoretical and practical research projects addressing languages and education in graubnden . * * * * * activities of the swiss association of applied linguistics ( vals / asla ) during the congress the association will hold its annual general meeting . the vals / asla special interests groups ( sigs ) will organise parallel sessions focussing on their own topics : sig teaching languages for academic purposes : anton lachner ( anton . lachner @ aal . unibe . ch - http : / / www . aal . unibe . ch / vals ) ; sig fachsprachenforschung : jrg niederhauser ( juerg . niederhauser @ germ . unibe . ch ) ; sig lehrwerkautoren : francesca roncoroni ( francesca . roncoroni @ aal . unibe . ch ) . * * * * * a report from the federal commission on language learning and teaching in switzerland this commission was set up to investigate language learning and teaching in switzerland and make specific recommendations for the future to the cantonal education authorities . during the congress the commission will present its final report . ( see : http : / / www . romsem . unibas . ch / sprachenkonzept / ) * * * * * * activities of the fondazione lingue e culture this foundation will present its manifesto on languages and cultures in the multilingual and multicultural switzerland . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * practical organisation * * * * dates / venue : 21st - 23rd september 1998 , regional assembly building in chur ( switzerland ) * * * * accommodation : participants are kindly requested to book their own hotel rooms . the enclosed brochure lists hotels and prices . further information can be obtained through chur turismus , grabenstrasse 5 , ch 7002 chur , tel . + 41 / 81 / 252 . 18 . 18 , fax . + 41 / 81 / 252 . 90 . 76 . * * * * * enrolment : students : 70 . - ; members of vals / asla : 110 . - ; non-members : 130 . - ; dinner on tuesday evening : 50 . - . please pay using the the enclosed payment slip ( within switzerland ) or by bank transfer to the post giro account of the vals / asla : post office account no . 45-311 - 4 . * * * * * definitive program the definitive program will be sent out to all those who have enroled by around mid june . it will contain summaries of the all contributions as well as a detailed description of all other congress events . * * * * * for more informations , contact : lorenza mondada , romanisches seminar , stapfelberg 7 / 9 , ch 4051 basel . fax : + 41 / 61 / 267 . 12 . 86 , email : mondada @ ubaclu . unibas . ch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enrolment form minority languages in context diversity and standardisation 21st - 23rd september 1998 , chur , switzerland name : office address : private address : tel . : fax : email : i enrol as : [ ] student ( 70 . - chfr . ) [ ] member of vals / asla ( 110 . - chfr ) [ ] non-member ( 130 . - chfr ) [ ] i will attend dinner on tuesday evening ( 50 . - chfr ) total payable to vals / asla : . . . . . . . . . . . post office account no . 45-311 - 4 . 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" 1 +"Subject: 9th intl congress of linguists istituto di glottologia universit degli studi via festa del perdono 7 , 20122 milano ix international congress of linguists milan , 8-10 october 1998 milan , april 1998 s e c o n d c i r c u l a r dear colleague , on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation and of the centenary of vitt pisani 's birth , the "" sodalizio glottologico milanese "" , with the support of the "" istituto lombardo accademia di scienze e lettere "" , and of the catholic and the state universities of milan is organizing the 9th international congress of linguists which will take place on october 8th , 9th , 10th , 1998 . we remind you that the topic is : 50 years of linguistic researches : its problems , results , and prospects for the third millenium . there will be 5 official reports and some other shorter speeches . meetings will take place at the state university - via festa del perdono 7 , at the "" istituto lombardo "" - via borgonuovo 25 , and at the c atholic university - largo gemelli 1 , according to the following schedule : october 8th 1998 , 9 . 00 a . m . , state university - room 211 g . bolognesi , opening of activities , welcome message , and introductive speech . e . coseriu , la linguistica europea dopo saussure discussion communications room 211 and room 113 october 8th , 1998 , 15 p . m . , state university - room 211 r . arena , titolo da definire discussion communications room 211 and room 113 october 9th , 1998 , 9 . 00 a . m . , istituto lombardo r . gusmani , recenti progressi nel campo delle lingue anatoliche del i millennio a . c . discussion communications october 9th , 1998 , 15 p . m . , istituto lombardo c . hannick , systeme et fonction du slavon ecclesiastique comme langue crite supranationale au moyen age et dans les temps modernes . discussion communications october 10th , 1998 , 9 . 00 a . m . , catholic university , room pio xi p . ramat , nuovi approcci metodologici ? discussion communications room pio xi and room san paolo close of the congress the application fee of l . 100 . 000 , refundable as susbsistance money , can be paid either at the opening of the congress or into the postal account n . 11507209 invoiced to dr . roberto giacomelli . here enclosed you will find a list of hotels and hostels for your accomodation and some useful information . best regards . yours sincerely the president giancarlo bolognesi % ud " 0