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She should ask a few native Americans what their take on this is. 1
Go home you’re drunk!!! MAGA Trump2020 URL 1
Amazon is investigating Chinese employees who are selling internal data to third-party sellers looking for an edge in the competitive marketplace. URL Amazon MAGA KAG CHINA TCOT 0
"Someone should'veTaken"" this piece of shit to a volcano. """ 1
Obama wanted liberals & illegals to move into red states 0
was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups. it’s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism 1
Buy more icecream!!! 0
Canada doesn’t need another CUCK! We already have enough LooneyLeft Liberals f**king up our great country! Qproofs TrudeauMustGo 1
It’s not my fault you support gun control 0
What’s the difference between Kavanaugh and One of these men admitted to groping a 15 year old girl years ago. The other is going to be confirmed to the SCJ DemsareFrauds DemsAreDone WalkAwayDemocrats2018 redwave VoteRedSaveAmerica trumptrain MAGA URL 0
you are a lying corrupt traitor!!! Nobody wants to hear anymore of your lies!!! DeepStateCorruption URL 1
It should scare every American! She is playing Hockey with a warped puck! 0
I like my soda like I like my boarders with a lot of ICE. 0
you are also the king of taste 0
MAGA Sing like no one is listening Love like you've never been hurt Vote GOP when no one is watching And don't listen to Liberals' dirt URL 0
"5/5: The time is right for this House to respond to the concerns of all Canadians. Four out of five Canadians support stronger gun control and with good reason.” guncontrol cdnpoli cdnhist""" 0
Besides Jax’s mom and maybe Ope he is hands down my favorite he’s like the only good person on the show 0
gun control! That is all these kids are asking for! 1
LOL!!! Throwing the BULLSHIT Flag on such nonsense!! PutUpOrShutUp Kavanaugh MAGA CallTheVoteAlready URL 1
You are correct. 0
Kind of like when conservatives wanna associate everyone to their left as communist antifa members? 1
Da fuck is going on people? There's the men's room and the women's room Pick one and stick w it 1
Been a Willie fan since before most of you were born....LOVE that he is holding a rally with Beto.... Exactly WHICH fans are furious? Could you give some specifics? URL 0
Tbh these days i just don't like people in general i just don't connect with people these days just a annoyance.. 1
"South Korean Official: “Leaders will discuss specific denuke measures in Pyongyang”"" URL TCOT MAGA RedNationRising""" 0
You can tell he is a hooper too 0
I feel like he is better chasing the title 0
She? To whom are you referring to? Hillary? You know what is tiresome? Bernie supporters bashing Hillary Clinton. She is an actual Democrat who raises money for the Democratic Party and doesn’t bash them. She has a positive message. So who is dividing the left? 1
Glad to see your friends are supporting Metis rights as much as you are supporting Zionists. URL 0
Yes you are but I was asking what is it about the movie ?‍ 0
The only thing the Democrats have is lying and stalling to stop Trump from being President. What have they done for you lately. Trump Kavanaugh MAGA DEMSUCK 1
No wonder he is being apologetic and more social these day.... 0
Any updates re ending your blatant racism as Windrush & Grenfell proves you are alloutpolitics politicslive PMQs URL 0
Do you know what’s going to happen now? I’m going to have to lay in bed and cry while I listen to Kelly Clarkson. Thanks free speech antifa. 0
You are not very smart are you? Why do you think Gen Flynn’s sentencing keeps being rescheduled? URL 1
That's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists. KavanaughConfirmation woke 1
Blow hard 0
That means you are a max lvl. Twitter user and maybe should try a new game 0
"Please explain what controlled opposition"" means. As for Bernier escaping, he split with the rest of the Conservatives because he's even more racist and exclusionary than they want to be.""" 0
Socialists politics that stand up for the downtrodden. And well done for conflating criticism of Israel with anti semitism. You are also part of the problem. 0
3. Nina One of the reasons I didn't read this book for so long was because I was SO WORRIED about her character. I should've trusted everyone. Nina is a goddamn goddess I would die for a thousand times over. She is big and bold and lovely and PERFECT. HER ARC. IS. PERFECT. 0
. PLEASE vote NO on Kavanaugh. He is not fit for SCOTUS and allegations about women and shady financials should disqualify him. RuleOfLaw matters. MeToo CountryOverParty WithdrawKavanaugh StopKavanaugh 0
"Ppl who say I'm not racist"" are racist. You Are A Racist. Repeat after me""" 0
Wow you liberals really don’t have a sense of humor. 0
Holy moly!! If the catholic people haven't been awakened by this ..... FalseProphet Lunatic 0
Lol yeah per dina he is There everyday per claudia no horse got vet care unless it was for donation example limping etc 0
What a surprise.... same as antifa. BLM and so on and so on. Soros is Americas worst enemy in HISTORY. He believes the only way to take down the USA is from withing. And hes right. But it's not gunna happen. 0
Me too! Her wedding was the best! She is very pretty! 0
No conflict here—don’t look at this. Soros involved in violent left agenda of Antifa also. 0
URL any of your announcements every come to fruition or is it basically stealing Labour's ideas to get a few more votes 0
4 out of 10 British people are basically full-on racists. 4 out of 10 voters vote for the Conservatives. Coincidence!???!??? 1
GUNCONTROL advocates must STOP falling all over themselves to assure electorate that they too love the HORRIFIC 2A URL 0
Hi there! We love what a huge fan of Camila Mendes you are! Would it be alright if we used your tweet about her in our promotional material? 0
Fuck off 1
Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities. I’d like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion 0
"The prison system is so fucked. Why are they still getting away with what is potentially murder with intent if the prisoners die in the hurricane? They did this in Louisiana and like 500 inmates went missing""""" 1
She is useless. Attempts to do the right thing but never follows through. 1
WalkAway liberals......Your party is POISON. URL 0
Grateful Trump doesn’t have a dog in the White House. He is a cruel man. 1
You are lying. Stick with the facts. We pay more than that now. 0
Trump kicks dem butt - its so fun. 1
He is dumb and dumber all in one president. It's a two for one. 1
Toxictory minister attempted to expense £50 charity donation! It's what do!! Toriesmustgo DissolveTheUnion URL 0
ur so straight forword man i saw u in dance dewwane and ur just talk free ky ap kitnay porrany ho industry mein and i really like ur this quality that u even gather with ur senior artist love for Manmarziyaan 0
And this from the clown that should be in prison? 1
did Twitter silence alex jones in retaliation of him asking Twitter jack questions URL 0
Thats because you are an old man. 1
They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga! 1
"No you're're here 2 represent the Alinskyite Orwellian Leftist Tool&Fool view on 99.9% of the Marxists&Antifa similar 2U..psst! And B4U use the words fascist or fascism again go ahead & read D'Souza's book The Big Lie""..right now U know SQUAT about either..""" 0
"I do remember. :( But somehow centrist"" antifa-haters can never quite seem to bring themselves to condemn such things.""" 0
I mean it worked for gun control right? URL 1
I think the last thing on the WH or Trump's mind is April Ryan. She needs to stop flattering herself. She's not as important as she thinks she is. 0
Principled conservatives are Hypocrickets 0
Don't forget & Democrat backed Antifa 0
She is a beautiful person to teach values to her kids. Teaching them they are royalty but keep to keep it from going to their heads. Stay real 0
Bring out his Antifa criminal son to campaign for him 0
I didn’t watch and will not watch Watching the September 11th stories and how we came together and stood shoulder to shoulder made me proud even with all of our issues yet the people playing a damn game cannot stand for this moment—protest on a Saturday. 0
A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings. 0
"Trump addresses gun control representing the NRA. I will not let you down"" he says. URL" 0
She is drinking so much koolaid she’s bloated. 1
Holder needs to be prosecuted 0
The Institution only let her tweet when she behaves. She is a Window Licker!!!! 1
*babysitting 3 kids* people*dont get mad. don’t get mad. they don’t know. they don’t know* 0
well...? URL 0
WTC This is a threat!!! .. Maga QAnon WakeUpAmerica URL 1
"It's easily digestible content. There's no need for nuance or to even understand the story. They can show a picture of an ANTIFA"" and get the base level emotional response their content requires in order to be profitable.""" 0
Try looking for plain old democrats. The liberals are the ones which you can’t have a conversation with. 0
Great news! Old moonbeam Just went into a coma! 0
Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH! 1
Unfortunately in America a system like that would be called racist. Liberals believe exams are racist against minority groups. 0
I know! She is still alive....but wondering if her career was railroaded? Odd! Loved her...especially that day! 0
Guy you are always why? Lol 0
what a baby! URL 0
you are very persuasive fam 0
Burt. A cool dude. 0
thank u!! i’m finally at the point where i’m okay with using heat on it again i’m so happy 0
Kind of like what trump does all the time huh? 0
Because a former Antifa in the white house and they do not arrest her and a citizen if they arrest someone explain to me. 0
Fuck em 1
Good move....he is the big loser 1
Let's get to the bottom of this! DM me your zipcode and I'll check it out. We have your back and we will make sure you are enjoying the BEST that TV has to offer ASAP! *NevinBruce 0
For the record I know Doug Jones personally and he is only a Sen. Bc we had no other credible choice. He won’t be at the next election. 0
The president’s feelings are totally opposite of CNN’s feelings. So what does that say about CNN? They’re all liberals. 0
"it's literally a narrative that is on par with Nazis punch, antifa punch, they are two sides of the same coin."" noooOOoOo one of these groups wants to exterminate or deport all PoC and Jews, the other just wants to prevent them from doing that, and this comparison benefits fash""" 1
There are many dumb arguments for gun control but this may be the dumbest and most common. 1
she is idk what's going on 0
Yall need to chill he is having a really abysmal 2nd half. Rizzo had an abysmal 1st half. Its baseball it happens. Does he have things he still needs to work on yes. Has the power numbers dropped yes..... but he could bounce back at anytime. URL 0
Dude you are old!!! Lmao. PS: Go Pack Go!!! 0
That's why Trump supporters can't even wear a hat without being abused. If they meet the animals on the left attack them. Antifa is a branch of the Communist-Socialist-Nazis Democrat Party. 0
The laughs I’ve gotten from you are enough. 0
well? 0
First of all— they don’t even have pizza at Panera 0
please don't kill me. antifa on the other hand... 1
Did you see Shanahan say Spoon was not 100% healthy this game? Obviously no excuses if you’re out there BUT maybe it’s not the “all is doom” sort of thing it seemed during the game. Maybe he is still pretty good. 0
Good girl 0
She is an ugly black hearted troll URL 1
You are clearly not a pokemon master! I have almost 400 in rare candy alone. Over 150 legacy moveset pokemon. It just all depends on what you like to keep as collection pieces and what you value in the game. 0
Dont believe the hype. 1
Followed all new - MAGA. Please follow back. 0
Protests Reported in Sunderland Except these are football fan and one flag says WestBrom on it?! Getting worse now even as I type?! MAGA MEGA MBGA MCGA Conservatives Patriots Muslims FarLeft Leftists (doomed to lose but do not realises it) CivilWar soon? URL 0
"Liberals would still vote for him. They'll claim his comments were Taken out of context and that he is still a man of integrity.""""" 0
We have been saved from you! MAGA! 1
You are bringing up honor and decency? With that yoyo in the picture? That's rich. 0
Good riddance. 0
She is a goddess 0
"Omg xD The worst (or the best, in my case is the best cuase it made me laught) part was her asking is he dead? does that hurts? poor thing..."" and the rest standin there like ""....nope he is no suffering"" ""so he is dead!"" ""...yeah, pretty dead""""" 0
"You can probably imagine all the SJW snowflakes that don't feel safe"" working where there might be conservatives lurking in the shadows. Conservatives are now the Ruskies of the 21st century.""" 1
I see May in the same light as yourself. Even the last election was about her and not the Conservatives. A split is coming to the Tory partyvery soon! 0
This all I get damn these haters deleting you IG for no reason... URL 1
Do you think Canadian liberals will actually blame Trudeau if he costs them this? Or as per standard push it off on us? 0
You warned everyone about Josh Gordon the last 4 months on a daily basis. I'm sure you are as shocked as I am of what transpired today. 0
Why can't liberals read?????? READ it AGAIN URL 0
Do they discuss Haiti? 0
What part of NO COLLUSION don't you get??? This is why you are a dumocrat 1
He is very skilled 0
You are amazing 0
Fist pump was for the troops. 0
"if the reason for Farakans illegal values are because he is black or Muslim, that would be a reason to detest him. I believe his illegal values are simply a result of bad character, like his supporters!""" 1
Let the leftist democrats riot in the streets with their antifa counterparts. 1
I thought Canada had strict gun control. Help me understand what is happening. 0
They don’t want you following people because they don’t like conservatives! Sickening how biased Twitter’s management is. TwitterLeftBias 0
He is doing life tho 0
It's SO VERY IMPORTANT between now and the midterms to get the word out that all the democrats want people of color to believe is they support them - which as you know is SO false. How can the word spread even more to those who need to know? MAGA NAACP 0
ANTIFA is not giving death threats to professor Ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or Spanky is impeached. 1
Have you seen or listened to your ANTIFA pals? 0
In case of antifa take a little bat or something. Good for you- more of should do that kind of thing. 0
Your titles scare me a little bit. ;-) 0
>Eradicating HIV and Malaria in the middle of Africa Good bloody luck 0
The only interaction of Tory volunteers with FCP volunteers that I witnessed today was the one demanding that our float be moved to the back of the parade. ableg cdnpoli 0
And who seems to be getting things done. 0
I added a video to a playlist URL Combat mon frere vs Ismael et Maga assassin vs David le boxer (YFC 2) 0
So has the Law just make an allegation now days and your guilty until proven innocent. Liberals are mentally ill! 1
Straight up different. Thank Joe Biden for that one. I also wonder the outcome if her name had been Antifa Hill. 0
This game sucks donkey balls 1
Yo for real you are gorgeous 0
Absolutely should be a nail in the coffin.... for Hilliary 1
I hope he gets on twitter so I can tell him how amazing he is. 0
Who are “they” Gun control has been tried and is a proven failure. This is why people don’t vote democrat. They refuse to admit reality. Gun control doesn’t work. 0
So the overwhelming liberals in the populated states can make policy for the rest of America with whom they have no clue about. Just because California has the biggest population does not mean the U.S. shares in their values. Get a clue Hillary. 0
Doesn't he partly fund Antifa? 0
He is a DUMBASS !!!!! 1
...and LeviStrauss wanting gun control How many of us wonder why the heck do they want our freedoms taken away ~ or is it just selective freedoms? URL 1
At this point in time... I don't think Pres. Trump gives a sh*t... and neither do I! LOL URL 1
O.K. Conservatives get to the polls. Vote red. 0
donnie jr. you and your family owe the country an apology for taking your criminal activities into OUR White House You are lining your pockets while your father is unfit and making a mockery of our republic. Shame on you and your family. Justice will prevail 1
"A Harvard/Harris Poll conducted this year found that 48 percent of black Americans said they would like to see between only one and 250,000 legal immigrants brought to the U.S. a year."" URL MAGA tcot""" 0
Any doubt that have officially become The National Socialist American Workers Party is gone. With ppl like those on and acting as Der Sturmer and Antifa as their Einsatzgruppen/Waffen SS detachment. 0
Oh my Carmen. He is SO FRICKING CUTE 1
Chelsea is as crazy as her mother 1
It's time the Conservatives binnedBoris and sent 'lyin Lynton back to Australia. 0
The 2015 manifesto promised me my vote back. So where is it? You think Brexit would have gone through if all the Brits in the EU27 had been allowed to vote? The referendum was gerrymandered. 0
you are awesome! Thank you. You give humanity hope! 0
Another uninformed 0
I forgot he is their foster child! 0
"And the brainless DEMS wants us to believe that he doesn't have the majority. Liberals is just like their leaders"" the corrupts Obama and CrookedHillary both are real bad losers MAGA TRUMP""" 1
No fucking way he said this! 0
Such supposedly smart people didn't think for one moment that in the audience there are people who voted Trump and are scared shitless hearing the top brass speak that way. 0
I'm not surprised. It takes a sick woman to make this type of accusations. The kind you can only find on the far left. Liberals are praying that the really weak members of the GOP like Collins and Flake will pull back their support. 0
California gun control is direct result of white people scared of Black Panthers using their right to bear arms. NRA had no problem with that gun control! 1
or where 25 Oct 2005 Brazil citizens overwhelming voted “No” on the government implementing strict gun control by a factor of 63.9% And the Brazilian government still violates that referendum everyday as Brazilians are murdered w/zero effective method of self defense 0
"...If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:5-9)""" 0
And yet millions of permit holding people carried legally concealed firearms that same day and didn’t hurt themselves or anyone else. But yet they want to have stronger gun control. Idiots! Our wonderful media has to hype incidents that fits their agenda. 1
Yes do hurt your selves gun control freaks. 1
You get more like this guy with every hysterical tweet URL 0
He always shows dedication at what he does no wonder he is the best URL 0
Bullshit! Regulations are good because it keeps conservatives from striping our land into the Abyss 1
the owner of my culo 1
Now she scarred herself for life lol MAGA URL 1
you fucking - 1
Confirm the MAN! THE LEFT WING ACTIVIST IS A LIAR WHO'S STORY CHANGES! NO HARD EVIDENCE! ChristineBlaseyFord Innocent until proven guilty! ConfirmKavanaugh MAGA WeakRinos Republicans 1
Reagan also signed the first gun control bill as governor of CA 0
Awe Hogwash do we really need you to overstate the obvious? 0
30+ years as a JUDGE...6 Extensive backgrounds...NOT a to TRUMP...BOOM... Do conservatives only rape liberals??? URL 0
I'm Assuming I'm Not Going to Get an Answer': Brainless Liberal Stooge Ocasio-Cortez . on $40T Policy Plan URL WakeUpAmerica THIS is NOT America's future VOTE Republican or surrender America to these DEM morons MAGA 1
"(1) This man seriously needs mental health treatment and should have his firearms confiscated until he is no longer a danger to himself or others. (2) I'm waiting for gun control advocates to add this to their list of school shootings."" (3) Who buys .22 caliber handguns? Why? URL" 0
Leftists showing yet again how vile they can be 1
He is a drunk crazy man. 1
Please shut up Ontario is seeing what conservatives stand for is not helping you loose this province your never going anywhere.. Not they you will any way your completely out of tune with Canadian Mr. Harper oops I mean Mr. Scheer common mistake you so much alike. 0
You are not alone. I was sexually assaulted by a fellow law student in 1978. I never reported it because I didn't think I would be believed. However something happened that made me realize I wasn't his only victim. Then I felt I'd made a colossal mistake. 0
But Liberals do. 0
Another terrorist attack not reported by msm 0
dont know who you are so imma just URL 0
All that money hadn't made u smarter. 1
Yes!! He is from Gilmer!! It makes me laugh so much! 0
U both r my lifeline 0
Always thought H Ford was a level headed guy! Guess not! Note to Ford: climate change is summer-fall- winter-spring!! Happens every year! Get over it! 0
Yeah we need some more made up bullshit protestors and antifa lol time for an epic beatdown 1
Unfortunately you're right. Keep it real. SHE is the assault weapon! 0
She is Real Rocky Oh My God !! 0
Thank you to everyone for making this possible you are amazing and so are the beautiful bears. I'm a member of Olivers Army and I appreciate everything you do to make lives better. 0
“Yeah we got everything sorted that needed to be sorted” she is still only taking small sips of her wine unusual for Emily but she guessed JJ wouldn’t profile her 0
By the way why don’t you move to Haiti ? You liberals seem to make shit holes out of large cities. So go somewhere where it’s already a shit hole so you don’t have to do any work ! 1
Yes she is 0
He tried this before and it went nowhere. He's 100% pro gun control. Done. 0
He could have killed as many with a hunting rifle with the time and vantage he had. He had close to an hour before police entered his room. His actual shooting was over 10 min. Making this about gun control is just going to get more people killed. We need to be smarter. 0
"Aha yes, I see that. The individual sense of needing to belong to a winning team"" because of the constant conditioning of self-devaluation. I see a strong sense of this on the Q side but on the left/hillary/antifa side as well regardless if they think they're winning or not.""" 0
Oh no I know why that I just don't know what she is talking about because I don't see a tweet she is repling too lol 0
And here we have another demonstration that gun free zones don’t work. Brought to you by a liberal who more than likely supports stricter gun control. 0
Shouldn't pussy grabbing be the one wearing the gloves while handling food? MAGA URL 1
You have no plan for the environment. Even conservatives should be able to understand that you have to be able to live on the planet to make money there. 0
This is what happens when you tell white liberals that they don't get to congratulate themselves on how woke they are until they put their money where their mouth is. That simple fact of life breaks their brains. 0
"Antifa doesn't beat facsists to try to get them to change their mind - they know it's a lost cause to try to change a fascist's mind. They do it to scare them into hiding, to demoralize them, and to stop the spread of their hateful ideology. There is no forcing views on others"".""" 1
SOROS is at the root of everything and anything anti American. He has his money in Hollywood all the way to Islam and ANTIFA to illegals . URL 0
FireMorningJoe he is cut from the same cloth as all other conservatives. His misogyny and bigotry are always on display. He is responsible for Trump. URL 1
Truly has got to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. 1
Brigitte Gabriel has experienced a life that most would have nightmares from. She is sounding the alarm for Americans. Buy her book pay attention to what she is warning America about 0
It does work. If you want to control a population. Australian gun control had no effect on homicides. 1
Poor baby. 0
Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK URL URL 0
Liberals ruin everything! 1
"And don't forget his telling a primarily black liberal audience conservatives want to put them back in chains""""" 0
Sad for both!!! To be exploited and also to have a reputation destroyed! Now I’ve read she’s part of Antifa! ????! 0
That's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. That would be a good place to start gun control. Ban liberals from getting guns. 1
You look happy .MAGA 1
Trump proposes racial profiling as a tactic 'to start thinking about' URL 0
Introducing my sweet sweet baby king! He is always sooo nice! And when I try to sit on the sofa he NEVER attacks me! URL 0
There all gone tho and Inputed them from bottom to top with the first 20seconds of your tweet ! You good 1 Tmart 0
"Exactly. He is on record basically saying the President is above the law."" It should be noted that the gop is fine with this. Rudy has his own issues. URL" 0
KamalaHarris The New Dem Emperor with No Clothes Taxpayers Funded ‘Unprecedented’ Armed Protection for Gun Control Sen. Kamala Harris URL via 0
Yet she is fat herself. 1
There was plenty of evidence that he was guilty of what Hill accused him of but since conf hearings aren't about guilty/innocence got on the bench. Times are diff now. Why as a journalist you don't call out white supremacy/alt-right but Antifa and pick on 0
You don’t understand who he is and is capablities. Despite the proof in the economy. My hypothesis is that you have been lied to by liberals your entire life and are believing what you are told. The liberal media made bill Clinton look good and could do the same with trump. 0
..oath must be subpoenaed to testify. There is a lifetime appointment at stake here. Please do it right this time & do not allow Orrin Hatch who has already made up his mind she is lying be allowed to question her. His kind of questions could invite a lawsuit. 0
Y’all are the best 0
What a joke! She is a Gem alright!! She is a Racist phony! Right along with this Racist Phony. That thinks she will follow me from her second account. And block me. Because I speak the truth. I could care less about follower's. Like it's a big party. I care that they discriminate URL 1
Indeed he is. 0
Because i'm a little concerned about the Q followers because they slowly become more and more a sort of right wing sjw antifa thingie (Also excuse me for my horrible English it's not my native languase and didn't had much schooling in it so i'm sorry if it sucks. ) 0
Yep Antifa are literally Hitler. 0
Wow you are so hot 0
she is the most deserving woman to be happy !! 0
I've noticed a lot of conservatives are thoroughly disingenuous when engaging in twitter. 0
May be you have forgotten that at the moment we are EU citizens and so all rights afforded to us are the same as for other EU citizens. Don’t believe all the shit that goes on in your head. 1
That's just modelling. Plenty of women make shit tons of money just for looking good 0
Just watching a Horizon show about scientists that discovered a DNA mix between humans and Neanderthals.Would have thought Trump getting elected would have been proof enough. MAGA 0
I hope there is a way to watch it on TV. Ted spanking liberals is always enjoyable. 0
Just looked up his work History he is listed on the Board of Leading Age Services Aust (LASA) and comes from Medicare Local Alliance...what ever the hell that is 1
He should look in a mirror! 0
I’m sure he is. 0
Send him this party manifesto where they promised they will help families maybe that will remind him his duties. HostileEnvironment PriceOnLove SkypeFamilies URL 0
"Families being separated at the border. In fact, the picture of children in cages that Liberals were using to show how evil"" Trump is was actually taken while OBAMA was President""" 0
But antifa is her people 0
We had a Peoples Vote on 23 June 2016. The people rejected the craven worship which you stand for - by a majority of over 1m. You’re contemptuously defying the will of the people & 2017 GE manifesto & supporting Soros in undermining democracy instead 0
Cause who bitches be playing with god aint give me the gift for nothing 1
she is free as a bird to return to her Muslim homeland 0
*mom speaks into her phone to compose a text for my brother* she is angry so she yells at the phone while telling it what to type like my brother will be able to tell she was even yelling ‍ 0
Melting snow flakes 0
Who’s the victim? That remains to be seen. Liberals have turned Kavanaughs hearings into a circus from the first minute it started. 0
Coming from the man that threatened to try and kick Turmps ass now don't that take a set of ball's 1
You're shocked to hear that liberals want to centralize power at the federal level? 0
WhatILearnedToday liberals can’t win without lying 0
Fast and Furious Holder lol 0
Getting scared ugly man? 1
is one of the only shows that are a Progressive that I can stand to watch. He dislikes the right and left evenly and you know who he is right from the start. If you've never seen his show check it out on YouTube. Insightful MAGA 0
He is NOT Supreme Court worthy 0
God I hope not! URL 0
Yes he is 0
Bitch.. URL 1
& terroism & starvation & Flint & poverty & climate change & global warming & sex trafficking & bullying & body shaming & police brutality & feminism & gun control & marches & protests 1
+++ I can't prove causation either but while the CONservatives in CDA surely love the idea of (¬ bashing PM can't help but think they're also egging the former to continue the bashing to boost their fortune(s) vainly. URL 0
2 Republican Men in a picture 85 and 84 what are men of that age are Law Makers too old no sorry young Republicans are like young Conservatives they are all born at 40 years of age 0
Liberals can’t meme. They have no sense of humor or knowledge of meme-ing philosophy. 0
any she is stunning 0
yea your the bitch on the right getting smacked URL 1
"Why the focus on the Proud Boys? I know you're not a real journalist, Kelly, but why not focus on the ones doing all of the violence? ANTIFA If you want a story; focus on why journalists"" (leftist activists) are constantly ignoring Antifa's attacks on people.""" 0
Hahaha BIG thighs is not going to make it 1
It’s called educating liberals. 0
"maga christineford trump2020 tcot ccot AmericaFirst Patriots BrettKavanaugh had this to say about Bill Clinton during Whitewater: It's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece."" Indeed. URL" 1
"MAGA people are very low IQ. GDP Growth"" means LITERALLY NOTHING. In no way does this translate to higher income for white familes or individuals. All that billions goes to companies or government. And what jobs did he create? Labour which pays less than living wage lmao? URL" 1
IF YOU WONNA GET PAID...Pick up the energy people!!!! Scream and shout like you’re at the Kavanaugh hearing! URL 0
Bro go watch how he hold his backwood in the interview like that shit was irritating lmao nigga is mad suspicious 1
A bitch built like that could beat my ass all she wants URL 1
Trash 0
Very pathetic man ! 1
She is new psychology thinker who think about religion and so aggressive on her thought before deeply think on hinduism 0
Shouldve played saint marie instead of london docks. Saint was ass for me 0
Thank goodness he is not MN passive aggressive. Love it!! 0
We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic. 0
She is an angel! Much love to her! 0
For what? Why are you asking for his arrest? Liberals being butthurt for 19 months is not an impeachable offense. 0
The tolerant Left 0
You must be talking about hateful conservatives. 1
Thats correct!!! MAGA 1
Show me a single case where antifa have actually murdered someone. Because the far right murdered someone at Charlottesville Hypocrisy works both ways. 0
If bobby is fit thats exactly what i would say but not sure if he is or not 0
"The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans & ex-crackheads"" - so say America-hating liberals about Christians. Many ex-Dems thank Jesus too- & many former Emmys watchers. We thank Jesus DAILY for our country, our & the ability to TURN YOU OFF!" 0
Does skip realize that by saying you should become a professional tweeter that he is kind of shitting on sports casters? How many TD receptions skip have this year? 0
This leftist is what is wrong in liberal colleges. More ppl and students will come out and will unmask this corrupt woman who is determined to destroy a good judge because she wants only liberals in the courts. 1
She is just feeling his touch first time 0
"This is great! Mark The Great One"" Levin and Candace ""The Great"" Owens together! This team is unbeatable! They just sent liberals into a frenzy again! A whole block of liberal voters just had their heads explode! And...sadly, Alyssa Milano just wet her pants again! Great team!""" 1
StrataData AI data hairball: TDavis touring the application of Cognitive and machinelearning techniques to speed Governance of data URL 1
You are grossly misinterpreting who is against this. People across all parties condemn this action. Look no further than Bill Davis and Brian Mulroney to see that even conservatives think this is a horrible decision. 0
I wasn't proposing scare tactics. I really meant what I said. Trump can easily pull the good maga Republicans and can easily steal enough votes from GOP Dem and independents and will bring fresh breath to our rotten politics. Think about it. 1
Only a liberal would support a liberal that spent a MILLION to get liberals elected to office. LibFAIL! URL 1
Notice how everyone avoids this tweet They might think you are referring to them. But not me comrade. I stalk everyone. 0
It’s so weirdly vicious and bitter to extrapolate from ‘everyone should have access to decent healthcare’ to ‘Liberals think all criminals should be free.’ It reveals a pretty brutalist and impenetrable mind. 1
What the fuck game are you watching? 1
He is all grown up 0
Health & Nature under threat from UK US URL 0
Why didn't Kavanaugh need terms? Guilty people they're worried that she is going to make a terrible impression and will not be believable. They're trying to manage that concern. 0
don’t perpetuate colonialism. If you are going to talk about puertorico you must have Puerto Ricans in the panel! Jeezuz.fucking.christ! How difficult can that be? diásporaenresistencia URL 0
An Anonymous message to Antifa Q QAnon TheGreatAwakening CommieClowns ResistanceRises Resistance URL 0
Antifa has no place in society! 0
has two votes in our home! West Texas is stoked about him! He is inspiring! He can do this! 0
Why? Why are liberals so trashy? 1
Grape! 0
He never did show much intelligence. 0
Yes I saw this and I will say tapper kept basket her and she kept coming back with stupid answers And he finally gave up I don’t think he is a big fan of her policies he’s not that stupid please 1
If you go by anything other than he or she you are fucked in the head. 1
Are you sure she was't just thinking about herself. 0
URL It's a guy. Guy looks like a Sheila. QANON MAGA GREATAWAKENING -Crocodile Dundee URL 0
Here's the problem...if you go back to Fast and Furious you have proof that the ATF was looking to influence gun control in the US. It may be preposterous that the government would fake Sandy Hook isn't facilitating a drug war somewhat similar? 0
All you need to know is he is empty inside 1
Oh dear. I’m so sorry you are having migraine. I have them as well. Sending up prayers for you. 0
"My sister by far. She is the kindest, sweetest person alive. Use to be my grandma but she passed in May. That woman was a saint. Even had a song written about her, My mom's a saint"". Written by her children of course. URL" 0
The Liberals are mentally unstable!! 1
Who authorized a search warrant of mr Jean home? Racist what about her drug test. This is premediated murder. He will not be slandered. He is the victim. 1
What would this line putz know about what conservatives think? 0
Dude.. Why r u trolling Ash rock z? .. He is our guy.. Just in a hurry to see bjp govt in state. 0
She’s said before that she will always be praying for him even tho she can’t do anything. I’m sure she is heart broken as well at the events 0
Which one is it? Is there an active threat that you could be shot that is driving the need for gun control? Or is the idea that the threat exists hypothetical so I have an excuse to carry a big scary gun? 0
Get a life! 0
Containers of Hurricane Donations Found Rotting in Puerto Rico Parking Lot URL 0
Followed All Fantastic MAGA Patriots Look forward to you following back. Thank you & have a wonderful day 0
The suicide rate in America is similar to other countries that have strict gun control.They use other URL the U.K. jumping from cliffs and bridges is a common method. 0
Are you joining ANTIFA? 0
Apparently durbin has amnesia 0
5/5 Canada has regulated firearms since the last quarter of the 19th century. Those laws have probably contributed to Canada having only 1% as many handguns in circulation as in the US. URL 0
i have heard he is making waves 1
It’s Anita Hill versus Clarence Thomas all over again. I hope this confirmation process has the same end result. MAGA ‍ 0
Boi if you don't 0
3rd time in my teacher career that I’ve had a parent tell me that he/she is praying for me. I always consider that a win teacherlife prayalloftheprayers URL 0
you are most welcome!!! WhysJamesCryin??? 0
Funny watching these liberals all of a sudden do a 180 on being transparent. Warner had no problems with leaks. Now when the truth is out he has issues. Its over. Some people are in big trouble. Warner is likely one of them. 0
Brown like you 0
You ladies always make me smile..if you know what I mean 0
ThursdayThoughts- FUCK liberals. Forever. 1
Did you have to scalp Custer ? 0
Once again it's been proven that all gun control laws are intended to disarm the law abiding citizens and subvert the 2A. Criminal *don't* care about gun laws. 1
"Nothing abusive should ever be done to anyone! Including the women and people of this country she is putting under horrible stress worrying about what she is going to do. This should have been an easy NO"" from her if she is who she says she is. And I agree with you Gabby!""" 0
Mxm nigger thinks we give a fuck URL 1
She is a fake. Vote her out. Now she wants sympathy. 1
Ask Antifa - Which one they like & respect 0
10kids from different women from this American jobless men? Nigerian men you are the bomb!!! 1
By banning ammunition guns are still legal. Why not instate gun control to keep 24 /7 watch on all firearms. 0
Dont have anything to do with Trump or any conservatives. Refuse to trade with them in business 0
got him signing my book......he is a cute URL 0
This Russian agent is a DISGRACE. Hey old creep you are going to die in prison. You and Trump sold America to the Russians and it’s time you do the time for your years of crimes. Scumbag. 1
Wow more Salinsky tactics 0
What insanely ridiculous bullshit. 1
Nhs is only the way it is because we have a over populated country Conservatives have privertised were nhs buys from 0
We shouldn’t be surprised. These same pigs worked with neonazis to unmask antifa protestors. And the local coverage by shit journos like didn’t cover that AT ALL. We had to rely on for investigative coverage URL 1
Gun control anyone? DisarmHate 0
I’m not for gun control....practice reading comprehension first 0
I am beginning to believe that all liberals are sociopaths. None of the people here believe in rule of law. You have to have evidence of a crime to go any further ConfirmBrettKavanaughNow 0
Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote. Non-voters skew liberal. And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers. Next question? 1
I can't wait to see his MAGA tat across his chest with a picture of Mueller. 0
"I'm sure he doesn't call his gated community's private security firm Bull Connors"" though. It's funny: Now liberals LOVE privatization of police!""" 1
Wonder how many children he molested 1
You are amazing. I admire you so much for always being able to raise above the ugliness & hatred. You show us what grace is. 0
Oh you are in England? Your views on gun control stopped mattering in 1776. 1
This is the ANTIFA party & all of a sudden they expect us to believe they care about anyone besides themselves. Nope. 1
Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They... URL via 0
Ouch! 1
Wonder if he apologized to Diamond and Silk for calling them a “minstrel show?” He should have been fired but there he is making faces. 1
Which is why it’s awesome that Kavanaugh didn’t shake that gun control dads hand. Sorry for kid was killed by a gun but it’s not the future judges fault it happened...... omg white people in cities are silly 1
John Podesta is a spirit cooking pedo. Here's a photo of him and Valerie Jarrett in a rather compromising situation. MAGA qanon DrainTheDeepState DrainTheSwamp URL 1
Somebody's terrified. What will happen when the American public knows the truth about what you've been doing? DrainTheDeepState MAGA Trump2020 KAG URL 0
I love the way this pisses off liberals. URL 1
Was? I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!! 0
My auto correct Gggrrr she is a *crazy witch* 1
"When I turned the speech on it sounded to me like Liberals becoming another nasty party"" with his personal attacks on various individuals.""" 1
SJW crap and/or Paedophilia .. Hollywood TV Movies Gaming Politics Comics Police PublicAuthorities like Councils .. DWP DWPCrimes CatholicChurch or Church Vatican Islam and Muslims used as a weapon .. Missed anything?! NHS maybe? MBGA Conservatives 0
Who she thinks she is to talk to a referee like that and expect everyone to support her! Or treat her specially? 0
Another negative Democrat who refuses to disappear! 1
. As my elected MP could you please explain why is still promoting ideas that the EU have already rejected? We've 6 months to go and nothing appears to be moving onward. are like the blind leading the blind brexitshambles BrexitMeansBrexit URL 1
Getting out of the Paris Climate Agreement is what 64m voters wanted! Obama committed us to $100B towards that agreement! We keep paying for the third world countries and we are going broke! It does not help when places like Cal. have 3m illegals either! 0
He’s gonna tip him two new assholes 0
So she can’t be effected by the radiation but killed. I hope he mentions Lady Gaga witch. Since she is the only known immortal witch and supreme 1
He Mike what country are you living in my country is a Constitutional REPUBLIC not a democracy 0
(2020 election season) Trump prove it you Russian puppet! Trump *vote Trump to victory* 1
science ecology health nature The Problem of the One and the Many in Gun Control URL URL 0
Interesting when Demoncraps aren't even inventive enough to create their own cartoons. This is originally put out by Republicans - liberals are the Koolaide drinkers and always have been. Liberals are also the scum of the earth and prove it daily through their lies 1
Can you believe we just had a President with a fake ID? 0
Old article but its going to be relevant very soon....ClintonFoundation MAGA ClintonCrimes URL 0
He needs to go just as Joe P did 0
All of them! URL 0
I don't think you have a clue what leadership and liberals have the temperament of 2 year old children being told have the intellectual brilliance of a goat.. please stop tweeting. TDS is making look quite the fool.. 0
"As a gun control leftist: I'd rather a child had a responsible parent that locked the front door and didnt let her get involved in the neighbors DV. Shir, if the .22 was where she could grab"" it, but couldnt leavem shes lucky he didnt find it first.""" 0
Someone please show this and front and center tonight unless we get the declass out today MAGA URL 0
ajsjjsjdkkdjdk i want him so much he’d literally tell me to die and i’d obey him 1
Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend :( 0
Characterizations of famous people are very funny. But not if they are black. Cue the race baiters in 3...2...1... 0
He’s dead. So you are a necrophiliac as well? Good to must suck at chess never mind 3 dimensional can’t even think one move ahead let alone many...Change your twitter handle to DumbAF not even ish 1
Funny how the Conservatives didn't like it when one of there's defected but they sure didn't mind when a Liberal defected. Where's there integrity in this? 0
"They get testy and decide you're a paid shill"" a lot, if you end up hanging around QAnon you'll get used to it.""" 1
How could anyone want to vote for a Democrat who wants open borders and gun control 0
He is in a full blown temper tantrum over Manafort. 0
Trump is a very sick man. He is toxic and mean spirited. 1
VA10 voters know is the right side of the gun issue. Gun control or gun rights? The answer may help determine whether NRA-financed Rep. Comstock wins reelection URL 1
oshaeterry ThugLife Criminal Behaved as an Ordinary Disposable Criminal. MAGA MAGA2020 MAGARallyRules TexasPolice 1
Didn’t watch and don’t care. MAGA 0
She is full of bunk. 1
"So wait. Conservatives are crying about needing their safe spaces"" all of the sudden. How liberal elite college of them.""" 0
Hell did they boycott McEnroe.....this is too much!! 1
Those that do not respect the Constitution need to be driven out of office. VoteDemsOut VoteRed2018 TheRainMakers QAnon MAGA WWG1WGA URL 0
I believe you are correct Chico the wise chihuahua!! 0
I hope you are right 0
She is xx 0
Only if the self-serving don't stand and reject Mrs May's de facto remain surrender. Now begone with that insurgent hashtag. 0
I used to do signifing monkey by heart. Played it for the wife and she is like what the hell? 1
Yeah but I think what he is saying is addiction is a life long battle. Regardless of if he relapsed or not Josh has to keep those demons at bay every day. 0
"in other words, im not speaking on your behalf, i just can't sit idly by while people make an ass out of themselves because i feel like people can be better than that.""" 0
I think she is the one mad. She didnt like being called out so she is trying to make them bully me. 1
He is too cute. 0
so she is disgusting to you because she is a Rangers fan! you are disgusting to me because you support breaking up the union! proudtobeBritish 1
"It's almost as if 50 years ago (1968) something changed about how gun control was discussed by the NRA. How the NRA went from backing gun control to America’s most powerful lobby group"" URL" 0
They should. Hopefully voters will realise that they could have ended this shitshow well before the midterms. 1
"13/? BOOOM. The MAC telling the to pay the public sector properly. Have that There's no magic money tree"". But this is a disaster. It means the NHS is in crisis and competing with other sectors. URL" 0
You are absolutely right smdh 0
I thought they said numbers were up? Someone lied. 0
He is pitiful! Reason economy is soaring is that he is out of office and President Trump is get rid of his pen and phone regulations! His legacy is being shattered and he knows it. His speeches are only about him. Democrats have no message vote Republican in November! 0
It’s never been about that!!Everything about Color If public safety was a concern there would be MORE GUN CONTROL e.g Assault Rifles 0
Rich you are my OG follower..i had 2 311 fans follow me first but they have hardly ever u get the honors 0
All those fund raising dinner party's with oligarchs and their stories of ripping the old Soviet Union to pieces for their own personal gain was a light bulb moment for many . Brexit will be a very lucrative endeavor for most of them. 0
Some antifa types might even show: sort of like a mini-G8 donybrooke then? 0
2018 charts she is. Overall fuck no. Cardi got ways to go to catch niki 1
i think i missed a few replies here (im on a conference call) but most of the anti jihadi muslim vets i know would disagree with gun control. so this seems odd...? 1
Look at all these racist white liberals freaking out because I said Tom Arnold has white privileged. 1
Hubby rushed me *shakes fist* will flick a pic thru this evening when I feed em again. By the way he is still the boss 1
All that does is reinforce the fact that is as much in the gutter as 0
OMG !!!! Really !!! FrankOz ... Liberals ruins Everything ... DefundPBS.. 1
Lies on top of lies that is the antifa and democrats way 0
You can't lump small l Liberal conservatives in with the far right nutbags....... 0
Wow!!! Never thought I'd see the left actually admitting they want to shut down free speech unless it's their own. At least they are admitting they are the facist. After all they did create the 2 most facist groups...ANTIFA and KKK. 1
Rip lmao who knows that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway 1
Bullshit!!! 1
Because the non-citizens are looking for a free ride on the backs of the American taxpayer and liberals are looking for votes. It's like a pyramid. They need to bring new people in at the bottom to support them at the top. 0
Bono is gone to the dark side ..Globalism 0
I feel pretty fucked then cuz I started out fine 1
"What's a ten commandments?""""" 0
We are most definitely Better off now than under the previous administration.. I still believe most sane people will vote with their head and wallet. There are many closet Republicans who when the chips are down will VoteRedToSaveAmerica and ignore the MSM. KAG2018 MAGA URL 0
An excellent idea She is so intelligent and relentless. 0
Awful 1
I don't know anything about the kkk although I believe the democrats fund them like they always did. I think the Dems main terror group these days is antifa. 1
Liberal MP Leona Alleslev’s decision to cross the floor & join the Conservatives would seem to be a betrayal of her supporters. Did she consult those who voted her in? Seemingly it’s legal? Imagine if DougFord decided to cross the floor & become the Liberal Premier. 0
Most modern conservatives aren't very bright. A lot of our founding fathers were slave-owners who wanted to end slavery in the US. Their principles were far more nuanced and granular than modern conservative principles: shallow principles cannot withstand the test of time. 0
She is absolutely useless. Everyone knows it except for her and the media. 1
OHIO we have to make sure we get Jim Renacci elected for Senate. America is here for you. Let's all MAGA together - URL URL 0
Does anyone care what that dirtbag says??? 1
NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL DIMWIT DEM. Start taking losing like a a....uhm? Whatever you identify as today. WE WILL MAGA NOT TIRED OF WINNING SEE YOU IN NOVEMBER FOR THE REDWAVERISING2018 YOU CAN'T STOP ScotusKavenaugh 1
"You're asking Liberals to use Reason and Logic. Look at these people, they have been suffering a collective psychosis for almost 2 yrs and get crazier by the hour. If their educated elite"" are Batsht crazy, their sheep/foot soldiers are likely certifiable. They are beyond help. URL" 0
Guess she knows who you are too much like by not watching you ‍ go figure:) have a great night Brett! 0
Hope she serves as a beacon to other Liberals who feel the same way....there must be more of them...I hope there's more of them..there must be more with morals and a conscience 0
I hope the voters of the UK won’t forget what a shambles and have made of this. Lack of leadership has left us in the doldrums and betrayed both those who voted Leave and the rest of the UK. BrexitBritain 0
Hopefully your obesity catches up with you by then 1
I think he is one a higher portion of the sidewalk 0
That’s why conservatives are so afraid of weed. They think it will make them love black people. 0
no shhhh he is proud of u 0
Couldn't care less about either one of them. 0
My Stoned Wheat Crackers! Where the hell did they put the Stoned Wheat Crackers? 1
Remember when OK was OK. Tcot ccot MAGA KAG Qanon WalkAway WWG1WGA Kavanaugh URL 0
fordnation onpoli Conservatives Conservative onpc Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Great power comes with great responsibility. By invoking art. 33 and overriding our judicial processes you're overriding our democracy. URL 1
"Common sense gun control"" would indicate Looney Leftists should not be in possession of firearms. For their own safety.""" 0
I hadn't really thought of it since I only really worship the Aesir. Though lots of people like to use the Vanir in arguments as examples of this or that. Modern liberals saying it is race mixing for instance. Theologically we don't recognize much different between tribes though. 0
Thank you for your fortitude and perseverance. Please give McConnell a kick in the butt from some of us conservatives. 1
1. Six year-old tweet from an account I don't control referencing my previous time slot 2. Refers to Bloomberg's call for gun control. Not mine. Michael Bloomberg. 0
Exactly this Anna! She is full of it. 0
Hi has me energized. He is such an idiot! I can’t believe he “surfaced” again. 0
Get another disgrace. 0
YESSSSSHHHHH who else call you shitgull if it were not me or ryme 1
"I want to make clear I don't think gun control"" is the answer people are looking for as far as gun violence is concerned. I do find that people should focus on mental health and bullying in schools if they want to address the root of the problem.""" 0
She's been active on Instagram lately. And she is dropping an album sometime this year. 0
Makes you realize how good he is with words. Too bad the PC crowd keeps him toned down. 0
She’s one of those ‘kooky’ liberals. 1
Like if you didn’t get fired from ESPN 1
I don't understand how it's racist tho.. 0
It’s (she) is a real problem. 0
those students not traumatised by having live shooter drills or distracted by fear of being killed at school are already doing their best. Send YOUR kid to one of those schools and we might get some action on gun control. Hypocrite. 1
Poor sad liberals. No hope for them. 1
I got more common sense than all of my followers :) 1
CBS sez CEO Leslie Moonves' out on his ass after several allegations he was chasing ass... COO Joseph Iannello will be interim CEO until somebody accuses him of the same thing... This 'shit' never ends... Ooops... 1
sorry for so much bs to get to this but here is the article i read URL 0
You're absolutely insane if you think a hearing for a supreme court judge is a appropriate place for a mourning father to talk about gun control. He doesn't enact laws....he upholds them. He should have demanded his state senator shake his hand 0
"ATTENTION! is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET list comprised of Trump Supporters' names. Some are high profile names and MANY are random everyday Trump supporters. Twitter has NOT suspended his account. Check out his Lists"".""" 0
Even if the devil did make every single one of those priests rape children... Why does the pope refuse to condemn it? Why didn't he remove from leadership the rapist brought to him? 1
"I do like your tweets!, But maybe you should be more focused on consolidating them and sending fewer out, I miss many of them and you leave yourself open to the New Liberal Fascist Movement Antifa?""""" 0
I didn’t tweet this lol I needa get my Twitter off this shit 1
Because he hates 0
The hypocrisy of the NEverTrump movement exposed. We hate Trump but thumbs up for his vile policies and anti abortion SCOTUS pick. Why liberals claim them as our allies boggles my mind. 0
“Yes you are.. ” 0
ok say less im ready whenever he is 0
21k dong 0
She is. Ur screwed. Trump owns scotus and he will exact a wrath upon enemies after the midterms 1
No one cares about her gold digging and possibly illegal recordings. 0
You mean you didn’t see AntiFa there? 0
You are only believing her Because she is a Women. 0
Yup hahaha she is cute 0
He knows you’ll deny him a fair exchange - Based on recent and past interactions with Conservatives - Speaks to your poor ratings. 0
I really think he is going to be GOOOOOOOOOOOOD. 0
we need more unity to grow our voices.........libs seem to band together much better than right........FOLLOW ALL MAGA patriots please!!! URL 0
"Trump MAGA | Jack Dorsey, to his credit, has openly acknowledged that he has a culture within his company that is hostile to conservatives. Now the question is, what is he going to do about it?"" URL URL |""" 0
He was the victim. Now let’s hear about her blood test since she is the perpetrator. What shape was she in? 0
They will be cheating if she gets it! 0
You both look lovely! FLOTUSrocks MAGA 0
Sorry right wingers ”Look for a Kaepernick sales 'bump' in Nike's earnings next week” NikeAd BoycottNFL BoycottNike maga URL 0
"No she hasn't. What reform""? She is getting Trump to free particular famous people, in exchange for attention. The policies are worse now.""" 0
You are 100% correct 0
Anyone can say or write anything about themselves. Suppose tomorrow she says that she is a prophet and human race needs to follow her. What does that tell about her ? Once I see someone as useless moron I stop giving them any attention. You do the same brother. She is nobody. 1
". What say you now? I guess it's for liberals to use the so called white power"" gesture. URL" 0
Hahaha by telling me to stfu? So hurt 0
Loool. It is he’s half Jamaican isn’t he? Does he resonate more with African culture? I know the rest of you are African. It’s just that I didn’t feel there was a strong representation from anyone Caribbean to be able to share their thoughts on a Caribbean carnival that’s all. 0
You are definitely living outside DC. I can’t get this book through Amazon in VA for two weeks becaus it’s back ordered. The first print is 1 M copies! 0
"its so cool that the blind idiot god"" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred""" 1
‘.... it’s ALL about MAGA for a very dear friend says •1Million followers and $1.95 will buy you FACT 0
The tourist on holiday with his parents place a sticker on a pole in Turkey while his parents ate a restaurant and you call that support 0
He is delirious! 1
How is this possible? Brady gave California a A+ rating on gun control. 0
I love that she is using her platform for something positive and meaningful.. 0
Rezz is a dumb bitch who will get a rude awakening from BNF in Mexico lol URL 1
Alert: Candace Owens Was Just Attacked By Antifa URL 1
Breibart=Comic section! 0
Got beat by WWE....take another knee. 0
I don't think he is 0
Another dumbass Democrat. One thing you have to say about this president is he’s not lazy. Another bullshit story as usual 1
"The tenet of our American Justice system...accompanies to liberals GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT!"" URL" 0
Thank you Secretary Pompeo for all your hard work! You sir are a true patriot! God bless America! MAGA 0
So the FBI is a hotbed of liberals and leftists???? you are no Brian Dennehy. 0
when robyn posts a selfie the world stops for a moment to appreciate it 1
The Democrats are so desperate all those ppl threatening Sen Collins are from CA. They will do anything to delay or halt confirmation and re-election is on the line she is desperate. The ppl & GOP are quite aware of what is going on. 1
Who is Flake? If Flake wants to be someone & heard stand for Senate race! 0
So it moves forward. Damn the facts as long as you keep up the narrative! The Dangerous line is the sliding scale line that you bunch of liberal idiots use to vilify Conservatives or justify the actions of liberals 1
So black people need white liberals like you to keep them from turning to violence based on things they perceive to be offensive? 0
Poor Baby. This is why you and your entire network CAN NOT be trusted. The only people still watching CNN are brainwashed liberals and demonrats. URL 1
Get the hell out of my country that u hate the u have trashed & weaponized OUR GOVT for 8 yrs to destroy us & quit telling our kids to hate the best county your a disgrace! 0
He’s going down with the rest of them deepstate ObamaWorstPresidentEver 0
Parents of Parkland victims call for stricter gun control at rally - Sep 8 11:29 PM ET URL 0
"She's right, she's not one of,"" she is ""the one and only.""""" 0
"Best part is if you read the exchange he had in that thread, a year later this dude comes back on his same blm and Antifa caused nazis"" bullshit lmao. And by ""best"" i mean saddest.""" 0
and that was all done before I was 25 younger then this moron at 18 I was at Parris Island and at 25 I was at the New Jersey State Police Academy for a municipal class for 14 weeks she was tending bar at 25 and listening to all her drinking customers she is a joke 0
(She is clearly agitated in a defensive stance) Shit- what is she doing here 1
I think they meant to write Michael. 0
Who is ok with Antifa? I’m not. There are medicines for your condition ma’am... 0
"You are suggesting that it is not the law and policy (sanctions regime) that informs rates of benefit sanctions. The graph would suggest that is true as by 2017 the sanctions rate was lower than it was under the previous sanctions regime. Good observations about pressure""++""" 0
Then your gonna get bitten 1
"For example, I don't think that liberal imposition or inauthenticity"" is the issue here. The issue is that of borders and citizenship - liberals assume the same rights and equalities arguments apply across borders that apply within borders. But that is not a widely shared view.""" 0
He looks like the ANTIFA President? 0
Alaska Girl chiming in...if Murkowski votes yes she is done for!! From what I know most native tribes have told her to vote no! Kavanaugh on scotus would decimate Alaska Natives!! 0
send in some of your antifa super soldiers to sort these Tommy Robinson fans out. 0
is for everyday working men and women. Vote Republican and keep Trump and his policies. A vote for a will cost you money folks. MAGA WINNING URL 0
Woodword's book is slander. He is nothing but a Clown Tool! 1
How many more??? This country MUST address sensible gun control! This is more than ENOUGH!!! VOTE BLUE! GET THIS GARBAGE CLEANED OFF OUR STREETS! 1
It appears to be paired with a WOO-HOO so he must think he is on his way to a brothel. 1
She is mentally unstable. 1
Character and Clinton. Cartoon maybe 1
Yup total gun control works just fine. Well not in Mexico. 0
--; Good friends are like stars: You don’t always see them but you know they are there. You are a star in my life. ☆ URL 0
I like that they aren't mincing around with her. I do not understand why she is denying doing porn. 1
"How many are willing to testify under oath that they actually knew Kavanaugh? How many would testify to having said NO"" to Kavanaugh? Until you have said ""no"" to man, you do not know what he is like.""" 0
"FEMA has contacted the Senator and was told.its a TV hit you take them when you can"" He Is a liar. If he had a set... he would put on his big girl panties and tell the truth!""" 1
But I thought Antifa were actually fascists but this shows Rethuglicans are the actual fascists in the room. 1
What you thinking about ? 0
So absurd. The left has been fielding violent feminists and communists in the form of Antifa to attack the very peaceful transition of power for more than two years. I wonder if it will ever occur to you that you are the bad guys? I doubt you have the moral fortitude. 1
Why r u still pushing this. He is burnt. He has been outed as a sexual predator and Feinstein is ur new hero. Mondy there will be a list of women a mile long that he raped or worse. It's all Trumps fault. 0
Anyone surprised? CloserNation MAGA QAnon URL 1
Reports reaching you? But you tweeted earlier that you are at the Kaduna Stadium 0
You are an amazing mom URL 0
Not if you are from Wisconsin. And it’s a bubbler. And duck duck goose. 1
Followed all MAGA 0
Can we please now be honest with ourselves and acknowledge this trans stuff is a mental disorder? And NOT normal human behavior? 0
"Good liberals will allow a rapist"" to continue serving on a federal district court while his victim continues to suffer? said....""" 1
Then why are you pretending to be something your not???You are a phony and all your lies won't change that! 1
No it's genetic. Being racial isn't racist This was co opted by the liberals and twisted into something it's not. The actual definition of racism is thinking one race is better or inferior to another race So (looking out for your own race) doesn't meet the definition 0
Beer can red cabbage also owns the conservatives URL 0
Give me a break!! Unbelievable liberallosers Trumpman MAGA DrainTheSwamp URL 0
So is Marr really a member of the Labour Party? And Attlee and Orwell said they were conservatives? I am interested in why you think Labour is conservative. However I don't see liberal as the opposite of conservative. Liberal poltics and economics are both right wing. Imho :) 0
Seriously no word of a lie though I am all done with live feeds after she is evicted. I cannot handle another second of all the other houseguests 0
"She is never been tortured"" She was ans still be a crminal, terrorist, must be in jail!""" 0
Behar..Aren’t you Jewish? Do you really “NOT KNOW”...that you are supporting and siding with Nazis? The Dems have been running Hitler’s Playbook for years! WHY DO NEW YORK JEWS SIDE WITH NAZIS ? You Speak Against Israel.. WHY? Are you Pandering in case they do take over? WHY? 0
I feel as guys we rush into something because of how a girls looks. Without really knowing how she is. And once having her. Knowing her for who she is and realizing you dont want that without thinking of the implications or damage it can do to the girls mind. 0
She mocked SJWs and the KKK with extremely clever satire. The fact you don’t have a sense of humor or are too stupid to get it is our fault. None of that means you get to denigrate or lie about her or her motives. She is a Native American woman and you are a bigoted misogynist. 1
"Medically this kind are known as Histrionic Personality Disorder"".BTW If she is brave enough to continue this heroineics with other holy books,then I will accept that India is definitely changing.""" 0
"However if by at the top"" you mean Senior Engineers generally, then you are *once again* confusing individual competence - which surprise surprise hasn't changed - with organisational structure and competence. Good people thrive in a structure that allows things to get done""" 0
Are you saying he is a turkey chocker 1
I'd trust mark Dobson over you sorry lot running ( I use that term loosley) our fine city. Stop behaving like a petulant 6 year old and start doing what you are elected for. 0
Such delusional liberals..! So twisted with hate you can't even acknowledge the U.S. Airforce..!! 1
She is better than all this shit. She is better than anything. 1
Comes with the territory but I’m going to say it’s the same leftist that control antifa...just to make more out of it than it actually is! Just saying 0
This is why I don’t like liberals they don’t have a civil conversation or come with evidence just feelings and out of context quotes. 0
damn what i would do to be able to eat that pussy 1
I think liberals call that a front hole now. Been having fun with that one. 0
What exactly is it about Willy that anyone with half a brain would consider conservative? The guy is literally a poster child for Liberals 1
No worries Lou God’s Hand is directing the TRUMP AGENDA and He will not be thwarted by Satan GOD’s timing is not our timing. He is slowly revealing the Deep State SWAMP creaturesREDtsunami2018 TRUMP2020 0
He is correct 0
Sharyl Attkisson is NOT the MSM! She is a truth-teller. 0
Queen Of Rap Other Bitches can knot relate 1
Well your a tool for the liberals so I’m not surprised you don’t see. Pretty much a tool in general... 0
She is great 0
I love her! She is the sweetest! 0
Ah that’s shite. Can’t understand why people go to a football match to do their best impression of a mute. I’m trying for tickets in the Kop next chance I get because I assume the Main Stand has more or less the same atmosphere as the Kenny. 0
I would be worse than her licking that ass 1
So a pathological liar is going to give the Judge a lecture on credibility because the judge won’t admit to something he didn’t do... and we are the stupid ones.... And liberals have no shame in the ignorance of their elected representatives. 1
We have a stupid problem. Conservatives don’t just hate studies by smart people (smart people suck) that show data (data schmata) and facts (fakenews) but just being near one can turn somebody into a nitwit. cdnpoli 1
Funny how liberals change their tune about women accusers based SOLEY on their political persuasion! Isn’t there a term for that? Oh yeah! HYPOCRITICAL! 0
Kisses! 0
Welcome guys!!! 0
He is not to be trusted 0
If Jamie Oliver fucks with my £3 meal deals at Tesco I’ll kill the cunt 1
I CARE THAT HE WAS MURDERED. I don't care whether he had some weed in his home (like a whole lot of Americans do) any more than I'd care if you said he had 100 pairs of socks. He is the victim. You are trying to smear the victim. You are despicable. 1
He is like a cheap plastic version of a real president. 0
They didn't actually they engaged in an extortion racket via austerity and borrowed like no other 0
If its a papercup where is the cake URL 0
You are agent of Crypt agentofChaurch . So don’t speak on temples. 0
Haven't set any expectations on him... he has set his own goals chasing his own dreams.. he has asked those questions from the doctor and making decisions with advisement from me his parent... he is growing to be his own man 0
. Medicare is NOT Medicaid ... Liberals STEAL from the elderly and disabled to pay for WelfareFoAll 0
He shall know your ways as if born to them. 0
I should wash your mouth out with soap for saying that! I have the utmost respect and admiration for our cops. I don’t have that for dirt bags who would break into my home. Gun control means a steady hand not an empty one. Go talk to Antifa buddies about being a drain 1
Sexy 0
She's not who she claims she is. That's the logical (and humanitarian) explanation. 0
Well he's a liberal so that explains it. Who knows the shooter may be a liberal as far as he knows. Liberals are very hateful violent people and must be defeated! 1
That strict gun control is sure helping in California 0
You are not alone. I am here with you. Razzinfrazzinmaggle 0
No news. orgs. are giving Faith Goldy the time of day. That's simply wrong. She may not have the experience of the other two useless fools but she cares and she is no one's fool. 1
10th duet with my cutiee angel she is damn awesomee in this her expressions just killing love to do this nly for u mybubblygirl anupama dreamgirl BCO love u my cutiee doll URL 0
Can you show me gun control organisations that are exclusively trying to take away guns from black people?? 0
i just gave Beto $100 and you all should as well. Trump called Ted's wife ugly and he is still licking his boots for help with reelection. 1
GOP in striking distance to retake Franken seat MAGA URL 0
Prayers for your wife. I too had Colon Cancer..having bowel problems so apt w/GI after my Oncologist. So I know what she is going thru. Prayers for you both. Remember God is in control. 0
Was this a threat from DangerousDemocrats maga URL 1
Please tell the type of suede you are using for these pants to be $474.00. Must be shipped straight from Russa GAPBeLike URL 0
Liberals cannot imagine a circumstance where they are forced to defend themselves or their family from violence. They imagine such an eventuality to be beyond the realm of possibility and they foolishly believe that the police will arrive quickly enough to save them. 1
. talks books + she is giving away a copy of her new book writerwednesday URL 0
liberals know how the avg voter feels like with the bs govts says n dnt do after 0
Liberals own education in this country. The faults of education lies on the federal socialization of our schools and the unions power over school boards. Look where the worst schools are... 0
I didnt know my statement was for your entertainment but the root of this problem is conservatives dont root for Serena even though she is the greatest America female tennis player to play the game. So of course they will side with the ref and it all stems from racial resentment 0
great job winning this debate tonight !!!! You are clearly the best candidate for us. Can’t wait to vote for you on Tuesday. 0
She is beautiful 0
Let me borrow yo shit first 1
It seems that holds the whip hand when it comes to governing the and Brexit. 0
WOW! That lie'n bitch is at it again. URL 1
55-YO UP Woman Sells Portion of Her Own House to Rebuild Road In Village! - The Better India URL 0
Shocking Undercover Video Exposes Communists Inside Government: “I Break Rules Every Day” - Sara A. Carter URL MAGA WWG1WGA 0
14. how kind she is 0
Oooohohohohohoh you are in for a wild ride! 0
I got on and saw only 5 ratings. Where's the one you posted? Are you having internet connection problems? Is the DeepState on to you too? 0
All the news outlets can continue to write stories about Michael Moore and what he says but I’m one of the millions that don’t really give a hoot about Michael Moore and what he says 0
Stfu bitch lol why u Salty I’m tryna get twitter famous ya know 1
The fact he committed perjury in confirmation hearings should have got him booted out by now. Unfortunately the GOP seems to think it is OK to lie if you are on their team. 0
Gosh dangit!!! IF we only had reasonable replica gun control this craziness wouldn’t happen!! 0
... is 100% correct and should be applauded for criticizing our inept and corrupt President - not denounced for it..... 1
You turn a dull Tuesday night into a super sexy one! So hot! 1
But not as despicable as her own. 1
it’s too bad california doesn’t have any common sense gun control laws that prevent criminals from doing illegal things. 0
Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite. Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years. This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation. MAGA 1
He is both evil and delusional. He eats those high quality paint chips. 1
shut that wanker up 1
The vast majority of guns on Chicago streets come from neighboring Indiana. States with toughest laws & a way to keep guns out have lowest gun-related murder rates. (ala Hawaii) Smart gun control works! 0
you are so beautiful 0
has this tropics update for us now... but she'll have the very latest details on Florence with the new 11 p.m. advisory. Be sure to join us TONIGHT at 11 for News. NBCCT URL 0
i’m in hetero with you 0
Of course Swalwell and pencil neck will probably go into hiding like all liberals do when their BUSTED.... Melt down liberal watching it 0
Here he is doing a demo URL 0
Liberals still don’t understand what evidence is. Color me shocked 0
She’ll have a total mental breakdown when he is re-elected!!!! 1
22 kids a day shot in USA ? statues of children hiding under desks to silently plead with voters for protection URL URL 0
What if she is saying lies? Were you present? 0
is broadcast sewage! URL 0
Jonah hill ratted your sorry ass out wdym 0
You are welcome! URL 0
"Al Franken had a photo of him assaulting a woman and liberals called it mock groping"". The woman accusing Kavanaugh already changed her story from four guys to two at the alleged incident and won't even testify.""" 0
You are the cup holder. 0
that is about the saddest existence I have ever been privy to reading. Sucks to be you man 1
He is one of strongest supporter in Washington. The Primary is over The President & Senator Have put the past to rest. Ask yourself are you Supporting our POTUS By talking about fellow conservatives 0
We've had millions of people marching peacefully in the streets without incident. A small group of far left people got violent on a couple occasions when confronting alt-right hate groups. Antifa is not part of the Resistance any more than the KKK is part of the GOP. G'night. 0
Americans have had enough of liberals at ESPN and the NFL 0
Just want you to look at her face the bright enthusiastic happy person she is ! 0
I guess Antifa will get the same treatment when they decide to loot. 0
So... Did Angela hook up with a younger guy so she has someone to wipe her butt when she is 75? 1
Good!!! This will surely show us how croocked he is. 1
just love this meme is all a lil levity for a heavy day of cognitive dissonance QAnon MAGA Trump WWG1WGA GreatAwakening pray URL 0
Animal Mother! You are the man! URL 0
Exactly Hat are true Feckers ! I detest them 1
still waiting for mine fat 1
Sam was singing and they DiDNT tell her to stop singing and she thanked them!! Unbelievable!!! Who the hell is she talking to?! It's bad enough when she is talking to one of the houseguest !! But to keep talking to herself! Wonder what her family think about her going nuts! 1
Did you just replace the n-word with Dude? 0
I think he could be called a turncoat talking out of both sides of his fucking mouth Lindsey Graham can no longer be trusted URL 1
The left are the ones spending all our money. It wasn't the right that gave us 325 billion in debt that was the left. Remember when the liberals screamed to high heavens when Harris taklked about privitizing Hydro one? The liberals did it. 0
Funny and Hilarious Meme for Brexit people to deal with Remainers .. as they simply have failed to put up a single argument and I am sure they are all Leftists HardBrexit MBGA MAGA MCGA MEGA Conservatives Patriots URL 0
Oh boo you sound so ignorant with your words. We are on Top. All of America is on Top now. How about stop resisting and try to help make our nation the best for everyone not just liberals. Wake up and Walk Away. 1
Super President like Multiversity? Good ideia 0
This Witch Hunt against Kavanaughs is pitiful. I can't believe anyone could find this story is believable. Why didn't she come forward in 36 years? It's crazy...set up by Liberals. 0
Why isn’t the media reporting the “Soros” connection. I saw only you tweet yesterday in regard to the lawyer of the alleged victim? Conservatives need to follow the money! 0
please be aware that the following person who has confirmed attending fordfestND is the guest list , is Canada's top antifa anarchist and intends to disrupt event . His name is Alex hundert URL 0
"Hawd me back. Hawd me back "". """ 0
Sucks 1
Fuckkk I know I seen bitch that’s a slapper lmao 1
Socialist Liberals Clarify: 'We Only Want Socialism For Everyone Else'. Emmys TuesdayThoughts GlobalCitizen Elections2018 URL 0
Everyone should vote regardless of the candidates and parties they support. 0
Boy was that photoshopped 0
Lefty Pope should also! He is Not worthy rep for true christian roman catholics!! He failed his flock! 1
The party of Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy are accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct while he was in high school. Think about that Irony for a moment. MAGA 0
Ryan's wife was from a famously conservative Blue Dog Democrat family in Oklahoma. The conservatives that have left the Dems. She herself has always known to be conservative. She campaigned against Obama nationally in '08 and '12. URL 0
Lol you are representing your case well I'm gonna give call to my lawyer Matt Murdock. Wait don't say he isn't coming back . 0
"Of course. Self defense. The well-known standing someone else's ground"" rule. She was the only one armed, the one entering his property, the one starting the interaction, how the actual fuck is it self defense? Seriously dude, don't you have a cross to burn or something?""" 0
And honestly it’s ridiculous.. you are grocery shopping there is no need to be like That 1
Little known fact Balaam raced donkeys and gambled on races. One day his fastest ass was winning the Jerusalem sweepstakes. And right before the finish the ass lost control running over a Samaritan and two Africans . Local antifa saw the whole thing and blamed the fastest ass! 1
watch it again. For crying out loud he is talking about Joe within the first few minutes. 0
if she were a true Krishn bhakt she wouldn't even care about presence or absence of such laws... she would be above such issues... a typical Chandigarh mentality of one up manship she is caged in... call her anything but Krishn bhakt.. like who cares about what she is doing ... 1
It's been up since Sunday night. He is a sloth. 1
SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE! In 1991 SCOTUS Clarence Thomas’s HighTechLynching by & MAGA FIGHT BACK against these lies! ConfirmKavanaugh DJT Kavanaugh MeToo URL 1
You are awesome! I am so thankful I know you! 0
Bitch shut up he building his self esteem 1
This hand signal is used by ignorant people as a signal of white supremacy and by evil people who get a lot of satisfaction in the idea of pissing off liberals. We should ignore both because displays of ignorance and hatefulness don’t deserve our time and attention. 1
Doesn't any remember John McEnroe? What's wrong with people today? 0
USA UK and probably Europe and Australia With their level of intelligence? Weez all stoopid y'all! MAGA MEGA MBGA MCGA Conservatives Patriots Celebrities URL 1
When are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .Vote Thursday 1
I thought this was more Antifa training at first... 0
Good thinking 0
It's a political hit job gleefully pushed by FakeNews and their puppet little Jimmy Liberals always finding new lows!!! 0
Isn’t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa? 1
She is very beautiful also her hair. 0
Lie about what? Certainly not about you throwing gun control & accountability out the window once an illegal is involved. And “a” hollering? Are you seeing shit AND hearing voices? 1
Neither do conservatives with May at the helm 0
"The letter could be seen as a dog whistle to ANTIFA to inform them about the event and jeopardize the safety of possible attendees."" Except it was an internal email. How is that a dog whistle?""" 0
Democracy doesn't have a finishing point & ! It is an ongoing process! URL 0
Just one more proof that the dnc hates the cosnstitution. this is exactly what pres. Washington warned us of in his farwell address. the dnc hates the constitution because it stands in the way of their totalitarain agenda. maybe that i why they push both socialism and gun control 1
Hillary is a good reason to keep the electoral college. 0
Crazy man 0 marginalizing conservatives politically (not civically) for a generation. Relegated to minority status. Ideas thoroughly disproven and ignored. 0
About 1/3 of the conservatives I know are pro LGBTQ. 0
Yes sir! 0
He is a beast 1
Canada Spiralling Out of Control URL trudeau qanon cbc maga ctv bbc tcot 0
I will retweet anything to do with the terrorists that call themselves antifa 0
You are all brothers 0
Did you even read the article in the link? 0
The NFL is still a thing? 0
You you have committed so many crimes. No care what a liar has to say. You belong in prison. MAGA URL 1
You are too kind sweetie x 0
The off and on gun control debate starts again. 0
HAHAHAHA omg these people. They thought they would have their way FOREVER. Idiots 1
"inb4 antifa isn't an extremist group!"" Source The Anti-Fascist Handbook"" by Mark Bray URL" 0
Fool on the Hill ! 1
Why of course. Liberals reject truth and accept falsehoods. That's why they don't believe Kanaugh and believe Ellison. 1
I’m very excited to buy more lol. The lady at the con all her manga was $6 and she told me some other cons she’s gonna be at so I wanna go to this one in Chicago next year 0
the nose distracts from the news 1
Thank you Ms Desanctis! I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience. Sexual assault/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause! 1
Buh Buh snowFlake 0
You are TRIPPIN. Stop jumping to conclusions. 1
actualy im pretty sure if you banned all guns that would definitely stop criminals from getting them. But no one wants to do that. but by your logic aren't Gun Control laws better than not having gun control laws? 0
This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel’s famous quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste” 1
2 battering rams used by liberals; sex & racism. It is sinister & desperate BeneathHumanity 1
Apparently this POS doesn’t know that Viacom bought out BET. It went from black ownership to white ownership 1
The SPLC have also listed Antifa and BLM as well soooo... 0
"Has your network/organization put out a report on actress Li BingBing??? Some reports say she is missing"", other reports say the Chinese Government has abducted her???? What the heck is going on????""" 1
2 of 2 Vote her butt right out of office. DianeFeinstein is part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Her old ideas and ClarenceThomas tricks will not work this time. VoteRed2018 KAG ConfirmKavanaugh ConfirmCoachK MAGA URL 0
Congratulations! 0
The war on free speech = ANTIFA URL 0
50% of the refugees coming into Canada, for all the PMs handouts already have legal status in US, (therefore not refugees) but they still come and happily as the Liberals welcome them with Canadian... URL 0
Desperation! Abuse of my power cause he is losing his mind 1
beaboutit anyone in California see how utterly defenseless their gun control agenda makes people? Bravery backed by effective tools prevents loss of life. Good on this guy! Be willing to win at any cost! 0
Gonna be a bitch to re-write this one. 1
So ist es! TheDeepState Jesuiten Cabal satanists NWO KalergiPlan ~ KalergiPreis WhiteGenocide COMMUNISM Antifa AlbertPike1871 DrainTheSwamp LockThemAllUp Guantanamo EXPROPRIATE QAnon POTUS45 Trump2020 0
I bet she`s had more prick`s than a second-hand pincushion! MAGA 1
She should but probably can’t stay awake long enough to leave the country. Said she would move to New Zeland but I see she is still here. Too bad 0
You are in my top 3. Among the syndicate boss are and I'm sure the 3 of you are ready to retire happy knowing this. Lol. Been a fan since lgn&f! We have all grown up. 0
Meme was circulated during times antifa rioted and the left either ignored or celebrated them and of course not fool. 0
Antifa- haha it’s not exactly a big movement but ok. 0
2018-09-14 23:56 Congratulations! You are on no blocklists that we can find by scraping publicly available blocktogether lists Please check my follows for people incorrectly blocked - URL 0
I think it’s a political impasse- Conservatives aren’t going to vote to force a GE and TM isn’t going to allow remain on the ballot paper ? 0
". The referendum wasn't about whether GDP goes up by 1% or down by 1%, it was about leaving political union and becoming an independent country! That is the issue that neither the Conservatives nor the Labour party wishes to address."" URL" 0
Just like gun control...Obozo is a conservatives greatest asset to win elections...when he talks we win! RedWave 0
Maybe he is making amends before OpenSelection passes at conference. 0
If they admitted they are lead by and cater to sex criminals exclusively it would be harder to condemn liberals and leftists as degenerate deviant cultural marxists 0
I’m SO GLAD you left! You didn’t deserve that disrespect and it was in all likelihood just going to get worse. You deserve someone who’s PROUD of how smart and amazing you are. Someone who doesn’t want to dim your shine to make themselves feel better. 0
Doomentio 0
She is fucking delusional 1
Isn't it great how liberals ignore the pain of their victims because they are democrats. It is really sick. 1
He is such a good ad for conservatives 0
No we can’t be losing AB he is literally our whole offense 1
noticed you broke away as soon as the senate started talking about the great 4.2 growth rate and salary increases for employees. Your station is so crooked!!!! Also negative on the conservatives and praise the liberals! DrainTheDeepState crookedmedia 1
I am not an anime fan by any means but I do like her. She is a cutie 0
Intruder alarm went off in my house this morning but I have a powerful weapon that this guy wants to take away from me leaving me defenseless. It's called gun control aka ban the guns. 0
You are an absolute dick 1
Well duh. That’s who he is. He defends other abusers so they’ll defend him. 0
Well then I guess it's totally fine to attack his character then. My mistake. I mean what right does an American who was the victim of gun violence have to call for stricter gun control laws anyway? 1
He is mocking non-victims claiming victim hood. 0
Either way NY is screwed!!!!! 0
I quite enjoy these tweets you are liking 0
He's qualified. 0
You missed the point. You don’t like being called a white supremecists bc you support Trump. So please don’t generalize that all Dems support antifa and violence. 0
You can convert but it's very hard and discouraged. If just your father is Jewish you are not Jewish 0
Liberals act out of emotion. Not understanding the law. Then they go around condemning every1 who does not agree with their completely fucked rational. “Nobody believed women for 250 years. So let’s believe all women! Oh and screw the legal system! Men are pigs. He’s guilty!” Smh 1
its all about you ... trying to sell your stuff don't worry that everything is going to shit politically you must be Liberals 0
Sis she is. And I did answer u but u are to focused on bashing me. Sis that's just ur opinion. Mine is that she is a versatile artist and has many good albums. Say the truth for what it is. Just say u hate selena and go URL 0
He and Obama must be copying each other does any democrat have their own thought PLEASE !!! 1
"It wouldn't surprise me a bit. Just like they falsely call conservatives, Fascists"" and justify physically attacking them. ""Trump's a Nazi, kill him!"". It's just a matter of time before they suggest it.""" 1
Hey I don’t actually really care about celebs. I’m 9/10 out of the loop with celeb news because I don’t have any interest in western celebs. If anything you should re’evaluate how you view celebs since you are the one placing a personal vendetta against someone for something- 0
You are amazing! Hope you have an incredible future. Thank you for your contributions to this community 0
Your reply makes no sense 0
Yes!!! Love it! You are gold! 0
Shush it makes the ship make more sense 0
he is 0
Actually she was having a tantrum. 0
She is! 0
Of course you are!! 0
When is LVMPD and MGM going to be held accountable for VegasShooting and it's subsequent coverup & knee jerk Gun Control? Anyone else find it curious that the first surveillance video released by MGM was in an exclusive to the New York Times ? 0
DueProcess not permitted for Conservatives but documented evidence against Democrat can’t be believed DoubleStandards ConfirmKavanaughNow URL 0
Check in at the Fake Shooting. URL 0
Its a shame that you are not on TV 0
Why would you do this on a weekend with a major festival in Stanley Park as well as closing down Nelson street off burrard? 0
RSSReachesOut so called Liberals exposed ..Want talk with Terror State .. But Boycott RSS covention. 0
Lol they have no idea Nazis were socialist. Their complete inability to grasp reality is so mind blowing. Antifa is no shit calling for a civil war to defend slavery. The confederacy considered Lincoln a fascist too... hmmmm. 1
"Lol these are exciting times..."" God he is the worst""" 1
(Good for you Gov) Gov. Cuomo gets endorsement of nation's largest gun control group: URL 0
Sam’s act is working. I swear she is acting! 0
That is Rachel Madcow's mother. No doubt about it ! 0
Don't think she did much to accomplish that goal! 0
So will this all be hidden like the liberals hid everyrhing about the failed Nipigon bridge?!?! Huh? Our money and we are barred from the truth sickens me. They are communists 0
Congratulations POTUS MAGA 0
Too bad life sucks 4 u schiff4brains ur going down along wi ur other CRIMINAL friends. Only red line crossed is the LIES U TELL. U will never b anything more than the belly of a SNAKE MAGA TRUMP2020 schiff4brains URL 1
"Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks."" Try to focus.""" 1
She is going to be heartbroken to see you and you 6 followers go. Bot bot bot. 0
prouduncle she is the finest cheerleader of them all te amo stinky butt URL 1
She is done out here. 0
Thank you for your support 0
what is this shit right over here? I also showed to my polish friends and they are quite triggered 1
Remember Tina. You can always sleep when you are dead! URL 0
can you please tell jimin even if he knows just how amazing he is and that he actually saved my life no joke we're really thankful and please be safe and healthy i pray for you every single day and minute to be protected and safe Thank you 0
Its fault..she is cheat 0
Hold up this for real? Am I reading that right? Everything is free? 0
Oh and higher unemployment and witch hunts and lynch mobs and antifa communist parades can have all that shit and let Hollywood decide how you feel. 1
wow are these the types of folks we want teaching the already confused millennials? 0
I think he is hurt 0
Awesome Job Mr. President Trump!! MAGA 0
EVERYTHING is an issue with Muslims..go live in another country like Iran.. 1
I did not admit anything! Read my Tweet again please! English is my 3rd language but I am rather good at it! Antifa are the Nazis! They can name them self the Messiah they would still be thugs fighting against freedom and free speach! BTW free speach is not hate speach. Man up! 1
Yeah we need gun laws like Europe so it's really hard for bad people to get guns. URL You people are clueless about guns 0
Holder was held in contempt of congress. Why isn't in prison for Fast and Furious? How about for murder? 1
EXPOSE these demons violating our Constitution with violence & threats to run govt instead of winning at the polls! Name them domestic terrorists & jail them all. 1
Now do Black Lives Matter. And Antifa. 0
Kavanaugh was on the short list over a year ago. If liberals think this is a good idea just imagine how many people in the future with zero evidence 30+ yrs later including where and year can accuse people then ruin their lives including these liberals and politicians. 0
Here’s helping improve how women are to be watched in sports. URL 0
gun control fun a statue of a stupid child under a desk are going to change peoples if that is the case they are stupid because i for will not give up my firearms or free speech or my rights to no one or no government! Fuck you! 1
Republicans platform -take away healthcare -harm the environment -take away children -take away women’s rights -do not believe in rule of law -voter suppression -gerrymandering -take away social security -no limits to gun control -explodes the budget VoteBlue2018 1
Then maybe we can talk about the double standards between liberals and conservatives at Somebody is always a victim. 1
She is so beautiful but looks like dad 0
QAnon MAGA For those who think nothing is happening! URL 1
Rosenstein’s 300 Attorneys ‘Helped’ Vet Kavanaugh – Now Sexual Abuse Charges URL which go back to his highschool days and can't be proven & Named witness DENIES Pathetic ConfirmKavanaugh PJNET CCOT maga KAG2018 Trump2020 NoMoreProgressiveLiberals 1
sorrynotsorry If you breastfeed your child who ends up having a milk allergy and so you just SWITCH to formula are you really putting your 100% into parenting?! No you are being lazy! Change your diet go lactose and soy free so your baby can have the best of the best. 0
Sorry to read this. You’re doing the right thing to report it and warn us all about them. Needless to say you are none of the things they say. Stay strong. 0
"It is not a crisis"" . The Conservatives think everything is a crisis- the asylum seekers, the economy, TMX now NAFTA. Just relax guys the adults are in the room.""" 0
Has any ex Obama administration personal not yet? See a pattern here folks! Their actually doing this publicly. The msm is their partner in this treason. It’s a attempted coup d'etat!!! 1
Thanks for keeping us in your thought and being so kind to fans. Just know this cool cat is gonna drag many great thing into our fans life! 0
Fuck u 1
"... She is our north star, amongst the many stars that pass away to fill the night sky with brilliancy."" I cannot begin 2 imagine this as a parent but am so grateful & humbled for the time however brief w/ so many shining stars who continue to guide all of us... URL" 0
Remember: You're talking about the same media that never questions the assertions that everyone on the Right is a Nazi and Antifa is just a group of protesters. 0
Yep this is the world the liberals want to live in. 0
Niggaz buying pussy bitches trying to buy love... 1
I don't think he's guilty....this is what you leftwingers do...make up sexual assault claims about conservatives. 0
Yeah dangerous to question a scattered 35 year old account pushed on the eve of a nomination with the liberals saying they will stop at nothing to derail judge Kavanagh or any of Trumps picks? Delete your account... 0
TBT That time when gave us a shout-out on their blog & we felt like the coolest kids in town. From blog: Creating a Welcoming Environment with Conservatives with The Village Square - ReviveCivility ToTheVillageSquare URL 0
Rimmy4Antifa Can this young working class proletarian join your cause URL 0
I'm also a Prohibited Possessor thanks to Obama and his every soldier has PTSD crazy administration.Can't get life insurance either.Still support the NRA and the work they do for gun rights.Hoping Trump will fix the wrongs of labeling veterans as a means to back-door gun control 1
Does not suffer fools and has seen enough shit to last nine lives. 1
He is the eggman. 0
Sorry my love I know you will be disappointed maybe I'll stand in my next life time 0
Awww his poor pocket. Try something else 0
"GOP, Conservatives, Evangelicals, Traditionalists"" Catholics are all hypocrites.""" 1
"Well, they'll cut out 299 pages and replace it with 1 saying everyone needs more chlorine"" C'mon are you chicken?""" 1
Believe the woman. What person would volunteer for the shit show she is about to experience if it weren’t true. I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. 1
All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans. 1
Hmmm...they piss off the portion of the population that actually supported football and are shocked their numbers took a nose dive? Shocking! 1
*Gets Period* You are the cause of my 1
Good grief. So this is how we calm antifa people? Throw chicken nuggets at them? How ridiculous are they? I’d think it was funny if it wasn’t rewarding bad behavior. 0
Just because it isn't a sexy diagnosis doesn't mean it gets low quality care. You are making an incorrect assumption. 0
Keep it going let’s all remember VOTE!!! VOTE RED!! Let’s do the MAGA for our . Yaay!! MAGA!! 0
Antifa took over for them. 0
This is why Gun Control is such a horrible idea no matter what the reasoning it it results in this kind of thing. 0
Thus far the only people getting shot and kicked out of places are conservatives. MAGA WalkAway ConfirmKavanaugh 1
lol.. why don't they ever do it in the head to protest trump.. also aren't these people all for gun control? tweet tweet. URL 0
Yeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company. Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part 1
hmm.. closest emoji to a shovel go figure... 0
Let’s not discuss fault rn. If this happened he is 10000% to blame. Let’s first get reasonable amount of evidence before presuming he is guilty 0
Donald Trump as President 0
At least he is trying he is not busy tweeting hate tweets like u n your buddy aka Bishop Jonso!! 0
YESonKavanaugh Yes because it is the right thing to do Yes because conservatives are in power Yes because Democrats are miserable humans Yes because we are sick and tired of the tantrums from the Democrats Yes because they FREAKING LOST THE ELECTION! Please add more reasons!!!! 1
Why because Ford accused him of something 36 years ago and won’t testify. Liberals he’d this for months and came out now. I think liberals are the ones who took a gamble 0
Manitoba - NDP leader Wab Kinew on the carbontax URL Are you proud of yourselves and You allow the NDP to come at you from the right? You're all as insane as the Trudeau Liberals Winnipeg Canada MBpoli 1
Hello !! You used to date Anthony Weiner !!! What does that tell us about you ? 0
& sicking their attack dogs ( antiFa / resist ) and blaming the right. 0
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She may need to change her strategy. Acting like a spoiled child... throwing a tantrum and showing the world what a sore loser she is... on national television... isn't a great way to improve how anyone"" is viewed.""" 1
Oh it’s ok because 45 reversed the most important issue on mental health he got rid of the mental health conditions on gun control. Great job! What a guy! He is a liar proven over & over again. But you worship away that’s your right 1
People will get it regardless of the wall. Kind like gun control argument. 0
You are hilarious and way too good to me. 0
A quick way to get yourself killed. Thanks Antifa! 1
Republicans are underestimating the fever of the liberals to get rid of Trump. 0
this cant be legal ... Right? KAG MAGA URL 0
WAPO what an idiot comment you are a disgrace to journalism VERY SAD 1
He is. We’ve been saying it for years. Uncle Christopher is Tristan while Aunt Carla is Bickle. 0
That sucks 1
Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cause he is anti-drug and honestly I think his music is good. 0
Happy Birthday(s)! 0
Funny how liberals and liberal stars hate the folks that make them and give them the very fame and power which they can’t live without 0
Both sides have promised wall SINCE ever y should ANYONE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY????? ?promised since 1986 1
To be fair. I’m positive most liberals are just blobs of cells.. 1
You aren’t a member. Butt out 0
I don’t think jack knows too many conservatives. I’ve never met one that didn’t want to lecture me on how everything should be “run like a business” and we should all just work harder and follow the rules. 0
Then it’s time to indict trump if you are pro-law. 0
Target environment keeps getting richer. 0
She is such a disgusting hypocrite! 1
As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.) 1
Don’t expect common sense from Liberals. 0
Nobody cares what thinks or wants. She wasn’t elected haha. And she’s not helping her party either so stay out there your only helping the conservatives Progressives DONT LIKE YOU 0
I FUCKING love this!!!! so so true. and actually it’s in those types of jobs you will learn the most 1
Best not stray off message. We need to be using every death to blame guns and push for gun control. Talking about actual causes distracts from that. gunsense 0
Huh! The pot grows as council this case it is a reduction...and that amount $25m is going right back to the city for police gun control...already announced! 0
nope... With Mm no way...maybe is time to ask Sky what has gone wrong? Because Foster from CNN have the book first than KP tweeted about the book... Liberals... From Trump for Americans to Mm for British... I don't known who is worst 1
Oh my heart! She is beautiful. MUCH more beautiful than the immersion blender. 0
A new bill aims to send masked Antifa activists to jail for 15 years URL 0
It’s so sad where we are in America now Liberals should be against this kind of McCarthyism All u have to do us accuse Yet there was a Chinese spy in a dem office for 20 years n the media just shrugs 0
President Trump is fighting for the American worker and American Jobs! MAGA URL 0
It’s laughable that you parade China with its shocking human rights record. In China extreme Gun Control only meant death for millions of Chinese citizens at the hands of the state ... The History is well known. 0
"how does what I'm saying relate to gun control. if police departments will not prosecute their own family"" then it's time to limit their access to all weapons. A police department reluctant to acknowledge their own wrong doings and correct them dont deserve access to weapons.""" 1
Don’t ever stop lil ma *COUGH* “eddandflow” *COUGH* oh shit is that my Snapchat how’d that slip out?! ...add me 1
Did Chuck think Juanita Broderick credible-Keith Ellison’s girlfriend domestic abuse credible? The truth is Chuck is a sh*t stirrer for a cause. In this case- ruin a mans impeccable career-embarrass his wife & daughters-all in a sleazy days work. Y?Liberals destroy what dont like 0
all you want is gun control while you let corporations rip us Americans off you don’t stand up against cops assassinating unarmed black Americans cops are enemies of Americans that’s why their against because they want to kill blacks in America thanks 1
1. Killshot 2. Gun control 3. Rap devil 0
Hollywood’s finest. 0
"MondayMotivation Liberals backing Kavanaugh Accuser"" high school episode to attack SCOTUSpick - but praised Adultery superstar McCain - logic much? MAGA LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder URL" 0
Epic fail 0
Antifa would put nails in the pillows so I dont recommend it 0
I hope she stays safe and she is a brave soul. I'm on the coast of NC and will be staying put for now. I am scared but I can't leave without my hubs. He has to stay and man the prison he works for. 0
A bitch is complaining to corporate about me in our lobby lmaooo 1
I saw some shit today that made me want to her and politely ask her if I could be her stylist.... because I'm not here for these early 2000 bangle bracelets and unnecessary accessories like who's responsible? I have a few words. URL 1
yyyy fuck no bitch we decided we both was gone steepppp 1
Liberals grasp at unproven straws ... NotPlastic URL 1
"So is a BJP leaning intellectual"" but so called liberals are not Congress leaning ""intellectual"" and you are definitely not Congress karyakarta....""" 0
You said your complains for Fox News is nothing like Trump’s war against news media. You are right. Trump didn’t use “Espionage act of 1917” to spy reporters he doesn’t like. Yours is much worse and scary!! 0
So only people that own firearms are allowed to comment on the Gun Control Debate??!! 0
Funny Human Rights He is Pro Abortion That settles it He lies pacified deceives Playboy 1
"DEMOCRACY Civil Disobedience is Paramount"" DumpFord Dictatorship CONservatives Liars Fascists ONpoli TOpoli It’s time for Ontario’s other municipalities to stand up for local democracy URL via" 0
Christina would have been a better choice than Courtney . Hadwin has done this and is not as much of an amateur that she is making America believe 0
is clearly racist and anti senior citizen. How do you allow this? Conservatives will never take you seriously if you don't start being fair. 1
I mean he is worth it 0
*a shooting happens in a country with gun control laws for the first time in literally decades* Y'all: BUT THE GUN LAWS SHOULD'VE PREVENTED THIS UNGA BUNGA THIS IS WHY GUN CONTROL SUCKS BET YOU DUMMIES WISH YOU HAD GUNS *meanwhile another school shooting happens in America* 0
He is. 0
Follow along.. Conservatives paid Fusion Fusion paid Orbis (Steele's company). It's not that hard.. seriously 0
Antifa isn’t after her. 0
It matters less than swaying the political slant of the SCOTUS by both parties. That’s a fact. This is only important to lib’s and conservatives as to the Court makeup. 0
"It's up there with the bumper sticker liberals"", just more expensive.""" 0
Damn he fell victim to a little thing called TOS much like the ones on his own site URL URL 1
If Kavanaugh is confirmed there will be two sexual deviants sitting on the Supreme Court. Both Conservatives and nominated by Republicans. Democrats put women on the SCOTUS and Republicans put perverted men there. FOR THEIR LIFETIME! StopKavanaugh StopTrump SaveSCOTUS 1
Liberals have no shame. To them the outcome justifies the mean 1
Tippi Hedren was in Julie and Jack (which rifftrax also did). The scene from Birdemic that she is credited for was from that movie playing on the tv in the hotel. 0
Coming from a guy who worries more about straws than cleaning up failed 'shitty' he knows 1
I hope they were Reporting on Gun Control 0
Popular side doesn’t equal winning side. Facts are that private schools do a much better job educating students than public schools. Public school teachers get unfair perks that they don’t deserve. It’s unfair to private school teachers. 1
Jeff Flake looks like he is flaking out on the confirmation. 0
How fucking sad 1
Bull...she is probably in debt and Soros is paying're never afraid if this happened...give us a break.. 0
I suppose you think the way liberals attacked Sarah Palin was courageous also. You’re just another hypocrite. 1
Ilegal Invader Kills 13-Year-Old Canadian Girl 0
20 million dollars from cbs to metoo can buy a lot of lies from a lot of professional witnesses with a lot of axes to grind. Antifa is fully financed by BLM millions they collected from Obama’s Justice dept and look at the antiamerican havoc they create. metoo is warming up. 0
WTF was that other than a waste of a minute and change of my life 0
I much prefer the latter option. 0
you are not alone/ I am here with you 0
Bill I do not consider Democrats as Americans. Our Constitution does not mean anything to them. Most of them are uncultured uneducated and violent like Antifa. Some have already declared Judge Kavanaugh Guilty of Rape. 0
Eject him from the Senate. What rule will he break next time. If you can’t follow rules you shouldn’t be a Senator. 0
I want to adopt this dog. He/She is so precious 0
All great American Patriots are the dregs of society in the warped and delusional perspective of Joe Blow Biden. He is a disgrace to America. 1
What a joke. Another dirty tricks Democrat on the George Soros payroll. The Democrat Party knows no shame. MAGA 1
she is 0
You are very welcome Gordon and Shirley xxx 0
Clearly as long as she is safe no one else matters lol 0
Always looking for faults and forgetting to look at the whole picture. Journalism (objective reporting) is dead as now everyone is a pundit (subjective expert). 0
what the actual fuck..ill report them this is so fucked up 1
He should leak that shit anyways lol 1
-____- No other 1st world country has bullshit like this because they don't have BULLSHIT problems like this Fuck the gun industry and fuck the dipshits enabling them preventing sensible gun control URL 1
You are right Joe. I can do an interview with Fox when I get back from Iowa. 0
Itne me too liberals ko BURNOL khana padega.... 0
We need gun control! Lol 0
Following maga 0
She is absolutely adorable what a good mommy you take good care of her. 0
"Yes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble. This papers have proper journalistic ethics"" - it's funny ; and Magyar Nemzet or Népszabadság had ""highest circulation"" - it's also funny /only in the communistic past (before 1989)/ ! URL" 1
Tip. He is no franchise QB. 0
Great Gun Control! Takes Concentration and Steady Hand! Way to Go Girl! URL 1
Disgusting! That tells you more than anything that we need law n order and that's conservatives n Kavanaugh! 1
So... what did The Big O accomplish on gun control in his 8 year disaster?? 0
Anyone besides me think he is angling for Sessions job saw today statement made only sitting Senator would be approved as replacement otherwise Senators wouldn't stab Session in back well not sure how it makes a difference but LG may be angling then send Mueller packing 0
"Aurora is growing and learning stuff quickly! She is really good at drawing and counting! Such a intelligent baby ~ "" He laughts playfully at kiss being breaked. Pecks his nose.""" 0
He is so underrated and I love how pure he is as a person 0
Or he raised a hand. SMH 0
-You would never guess that this employee plays Covet (a fashion game) on her iPad in her free time. -She has a strange phobia of dogs. -She is amazingly weird! She can jump over her foot while it is in... URL 1
Go back to Canada you freak. 1
yep bc not agreeing with forcing adult memes and choices on individuals not developed enough to comprehend them means I am homophobic 1
Americans are smarter than you think. MAGA VoteRed2018 RedWaveRising2018 SaveOurCountry VoteDemsOut URL 0
He just doesn’t fit the team now. Agholor should stay in the slot because that’s where he is successful. JMatt is not an outside threat. 1
Nike lost $3.75 billion after kaepernick was named face of “just do it” bullshit. 1
. has proved to us a second time she is undeniably a force to be reckoned with in the industry with the release of LOTWVideo. Check it out here; URL 0
I stand corrected! Guess the only memorable thing about her to me is how hateful she is lmfao. 0
Google go to hell! 1
Its her job to do that he is not her pr guy. 0
She is better than everyone at everything because she is a literal angel who can do no wrong 0
Unless you live in Sweden the Gang Rape capital of the world. Where 1 million migrants were welcomed with open arms. Not vetted thanks to the liberals in power . 0
then you are not equipped to adopt. period 0
woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh of physical and sexual assault should not be ignored or insulted,WhiteHouse senior counselor saysred_exclamation_mark:tcot pjnet maga URL 0
Chicago has been ran by Democrats for decades. Why is it up to the GOP to solve the problems they created to begin with? Act is absolutely code for gun control and that's not happening nor would it help anyway. You need 1000 detectives. Start hiring. 1
I think Judge Kavanaugh will be voted through next week after Mondays hearing unfortunately for him his reputation has tarnished by these vicious lies MAGA WWGIWGA URL 0
You are welcome Casey. 0
"If only he were the craziest MF out there. Sadly, he is NOT. There are far worse examples of good Christians.""""" 1
So innocent until PROVEN guilty only applies to liberals????? 0
I am in an interracial marriage you liberals throw that word around so easily you might want to look it up and see what it means URL 0
What was the average wage to average house price when Thatcher was in charge? That ratio is the fundamental reason. Build as many as you like but if they are not genuinely affordable you're just wasting resources. 0
Bruh ita gonna be ok You will have to go it without your parents being there 24/7 which can be hella scary. But you are more ready than you think. Its gonna be more fun than you could bet 0
LMFAOOO baby you just as young as she is 0
It’s fine. The liberals made sure that we use as much carbon as possible to make electricity. 0
She is she blocked me URL 0
He is not working for Texas he is paid by the Soros cartel. Not fond of Cruz but Beto is a dangerous person! Just another DNC sheeple! 1
I want to kiss your ass. 1
A person’s stance on gun control is a telling statement on if they believe in the rights of the individual. Might as well stamp “Statist” on their forehead. Please vote accordingly. 0
Beto also wants open borders so illegals can come an go as they please an also more gun control espically on semiautomatic weapons...BetoNotForTexas 1
Doesn't Canada need it's comedians back. 0
There is absolutely no point in debating a liberal. Your party has swung so far left and have nothing but hate... All rationale has fleeted your side. Trump could create world peace and a utopian society and liberals would still resist for no other reason than your hatred. 1
You do know antifa is far left republicans are peaceful we just only use violence to protect ourselves from antifa. 0
F Hope! Since he’s ‘NOT smarter than a 5th grader’ maybe she is! 1
It is metallic color. Tomorrow I go to get it It was my birthday gift 0
100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral. URL 1
Good thing California has all those gun control laws ?!?! 0
"joebiden calls Trump supporters dregs of society. biden organized a coup in ukraine. His son steals $B from ukrainian people as they leave their country in search of jobs. maga potus zog""" 1
He needs to lose some weight 0
Destroying me???? Excuse me I beat you all the time why you bullshitting that?? Also I love you more 1
you are the only motherfucker with common sense on this website 0
For what??? Lies and rumors being spread by liberals with their known pattern? Hell NO. 1
Shes so old that shes been pushing gun control since the Lincoln assassination. 1
Blue Jamie Lee!! We won't miss ya.... 0
Corrupt period...last week u liberals were saying he won’t release bc he has something to hide o boy u pple those pple that depend on an actor for info Wow! U pple scare me is it green today or is it yellow 0
Grew up listening to K.I.D.S shit breaks my heart RIP 1
Delusional idiot and the traitor! 1
happy birthday dad ily thanks for being the best man you can be and for caring for all of us. we love you and appreciate all that you are and all that you do 0
Reminder: It's in Trump's best interests to have that SCOTUS seat empty during the mid terms and even the next election. It's his only trump card _against challenges from his own party/conservatives_ these days. 0
Oh she is doing that all by herself 0
You mean like the Democrats do to push their gun control agenda? 0
Not if it's unwanted by the mother. Then the left flushes it down the toilet and goes to an ANTIFA rally to celebrate. 1
jimin-ssi i hope you know you are an angel. i love you so much. you are always amazing 0
Ur head bout big as shit 1
"That solidarity with Israel"" banner photo of ""Antideutsch"" infiltrators was originally used in an online mag Bunker which has connections to fashy pro-Žižek types from the 8chan /leftypol/ board. It's a go-to image for the ""anti-antifa"" crowd. Archived: URL" 0
"They've morphed into Antifa. Antifa gets better coverage and that all important Soros cash! ie: I'm so upset about you know racist stuff and Trump and children in cages and everything the like that, ya know?""""" 0
Complete and utter waste of time. Liberals 1
...and what plan might that be? The discredited Chequers Plan or crash out without a plan? URL 0
Blame Trump for the weather and the corruption that existed for decades in PR. What an ass typical democratic 1
"and no one is attacking Trump supporters at large"" Ever heard of Antifa? I thought you were leaving long ago anyway? Why are you still wasting my time?""" 0
Cats are the Antifa of the animal world 0
Do yourself a favor and watch this There is still time for you to spit that kool aid out and pay attention to what is happening. You right leaning conservatives are so brainwashed it is sickening. 0
He's quite beautiful for what he is 0
That nigga snitched and added spice on top of his snitching 1
"ATTENTION. is publicizing the names of Trump supporters on his Twitter Account on Lists"". Some names are high profile and some are just random Trump supporters. The list is a ANTIFA TARGET LIST. Please help report him. Twitter needs to SUSPEND HIS ACCOUNT.,""" 0
"Unfortunately, the report is riddled with errors. It fabricates connections between influencers that simply don't exist, and categorizes liberals as far-right"" if they even openly debate conservatives: URL" 0
Far right bastards. They are literally everywhere. Luckily we have far left extremists like Antifa and Jeremy Corbyn's supporters to act as a counter balance. URL 1
Liberals believe in the Constitution. It's just ultra leftists that don't 0
Well if she truly thought he was an intruder in her home I would suppose she would revert to her police training. What sickens me is all the media hype that she is going to get off strictly because she is white and he is black. Horrible all the way around. 0
Ben is a terrible person that probably raped some people. He is a vial human being in my book. Has nothing to do with his on the field play. I don’t like him personally. 1
An idiot. Where the fuck do they get these people? 1
honestly ya when i talk about my opinions on gun control ppl are taken aback. 0
Indie: (noun) a place where people as talented as you are working just as hard as you to get to the spot you're at. Opportunity doesn't knock for everybody. 0
Breitbart is dead 0
Won't be legalized federally since it can be used as back door gun control. 0
Start by not tweeting pussy ass shit 1
Ya and it looks like he is in a lit of the same MMA accounts as we have. Weird. 0
Thanks DBC! Love reading your books! I’ve heard that 51 is pretty epic too - looking forward to *finally* getting to read it soon!!! 0
He is why I stopped watching football 0
Ntknetwork News 'RNC Has Raised Over $250 Million for the 2018 Midterms' 2A Prolife URL 0
You can't help it because you are AMAZING! 0
...her background is being kept under wraps...chance she is a rabid most cops are! Law enforcement entities are attempting to keep quite those who are in trouble and who are MAGA's... 1
Bird ass URL 1
I did not know this. Great job california ! MAGA URL 0
I would name my dogs breed but I have no fucking clue what he is 1
"Liberals don't care anymore about democracy"". They will burn the country before let trump to govern two more years. Remember that the objective was to throw trump out of power within the first six months.""" 0
What a start to the week for our adults Krav Maga classes!! Keep up the awesome work guys. It is a pleasure see old faces coming back to training and many of you utilising the new timetable See you in class The Elite Team 0
you are no patriot if you actively try and disrupt the will of the People simply because you lost the election. When has it ever been patriotic to undermine the Presidency? He is working to bring prosperity to every American. 0
I thought liberals got rid of high school shop class 0
Can you say DESPERATE?!?!?! 0
Many arrests have taken place. Socialist media not covering of course. The coming arrests will make socialists heads explode. WWG1WGA! MAGA! DRAIN THE SWAMP! BUILD THE WALL! 1
At least brennan is smart enough to recognize that Trump is a lion. He's not smart enough to know that he can't hurt Trump. Hurting Trump is what that idiot fantasies about. 1
Holy shit of all people to say that a Nebraska fan. Please take your dead program somewhere else and keep your VCR around to watch highlights from the 90s. 1
that explains it then: she is an alien! LOL 0
He needs to speak to someone about all that anger he is harboring!! Cause that should not have made him explode like that. He has some underlying issues. Lordt 0
I mean gun control so you can't defend yourself 0
poor Godless liberals 1
I think it was found that less well educated conservatives were more inclined to accept the Government directive at face value 0
He is such a good dude! Where do you work? 0
people are awake. Projection is no longer a tactic that Liberals can successfully use. 0
(But look how cranky she is! URL ) 0
We've had a good conversation. Many will condemnations me for my part from both sides. It does not matter. This is what gun control is about. Discussion. 0
CORRECTION: The Liberals won a false-majority on the backs of a lot of close races – emphasis on “false.” ElectoralReform 0
Thanks for Following. We're glad to be connected. 0
GGG knows he is going to knock him out no way this goes to judges. 0
Its called espionage. He is doing it in plan site to help his bosses in Moscow. 0
Following all patriots. PLEASE follow back. Thank you. MAGA KAG WalkAway Witchhunt RedWaveRising VoteRed VoteDemsOut VoteRedToSaveAmerica 0
He is so confused. One of the liberals running loose Beaware URL 0
Tyler! On Thursday! Go girls! I think Tyler believes he is the mastermind and he needs to take a seat. Angela or Kaycee for the win! 0
Bono ..get out of town 0
Says the person who refused the idea of having differant views on things? You really are a product of the US system. US antifa-lite. Is your world really that small? 0
She is going to pull it out of her A-crooked-letter-crooked-letter. 0
i had a man tell me their body count was 40+ but refused to be with a woman who had more than 5. what the FUCK. 1
My dumbass was really thinking how in the hell is she been pregnant for the last 6 years 1
Have you all seen this from Antifa about disarming people in open carry states? URL 0
So you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense. 1
"And while yes, hate groups"" is ill defined, we KNOW of hate groups on the right, and there is antifa, but they are not anywhere near the level of the modern conservative ""hate groups"" but then again, its subjective, so I guess neither of us can actually make a valid statement""" 0
Would any of the three offer a PeoplesVote on Brexit? 0
Exactly! Ford is just a damn pawn for the Baby-Adults of America / aka Democrats. SheIsALiar - I that Conservatives will control the highest court for 20+ years. 0
"Liberals today R VERY different from Classical Liberals. Liberals today have gone so far left they R Marxists. You're burying your head in the sand if you think neo & classical Libs are the same. Trump is so authoritarian"" people can say what they want about him & not be killed.""" 1
and is inciting VIOLENCE towards Trump supporters on lists to be targeted by ANTIFA. 1
"Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading"" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do""" 1
Poorly worded but he's not talking about the actual shooting. He means the aftermath with the gun control aspect. 1
She is in witness protection. I wish this cow had a mobile phone so she could call other cows and share her escape. GoVegan 1
Liberals are dangerous. They'll say and do anything to push their agenda. The victims are judge Kavanaugh's wife and daughters. 0
need more ladies to spread out their pussy's on cam 1
Bullshit there's rich liberals too so what are you saying ??? 0
Wow you really think this works I am going to tell my wife she is going to hell lol 1
How he is still batting 1
Love ya girl!! Never change!! Your perfect as you are! 0
Liberals at there lowest 0
Brennan probably wrote that NYT op-ed 0
ANTIFA DEMOCRATS are gonna pay so YUGE in November it will be the final nail in the coffin. You are FruitCake Trust Funded FakeNews Journalism. 1
So let me get this right. Mogg is attacked and you are accusing him of profiting from it? 0
Boi he is bts and so is all of the other members 0
Paul Manafort is a legit trader but because he works(ed) for Trump. I guess it's not a big deal to conspire against your country anymore. MAGA 0
Exactly what I think. 0
Sex is work 0
GOOD BITCH!!! The hood missed you crazy thing is i just was saying how em smoke out by your house used to be lit everyday 1
Chelsea she is so freaking beautiful I can't believe her skin color so beautiful! I live Aubree she is such a great little lady! 0
You are such a great friend. 0
50 Year Mandatory Federal Sentence for ANY crime committed with a gun. Stop the gun control nonsense and punish the guilty ! NO politician today will support this !! Gun control and safe zones DON'T work. Pols don't want less crime only Hot Air !! URL 0
Nonsense people want stricter gun control laws.. Your response is buy more guns. How is that rational debate? 0
It's just getting so predictable. 0
I hope you are right for everyone’s sake. I want your voice to be heard more often. 0
What dos this have to do with the NRA? California has lot and lots of worthless gun control laws already. Gun control does NOT work because crazy people don’t obey the law. 1
We are busy MAGA love our president 0
Glad to follow Don. Great that he is Trump supporter. 0
"death threats"". Where are the police complaint forms, where are the field notes from the police, where are the recordings? Sounds to me like Antifa is staging it to push the narrative of the SocialistDemocrats URL" 0
Anything he does right now will be over shadowed by Florence. I think he is holding till after the storm. 0
Amen.............. 0
LOL you escaped some shit then... even if I don't regret watching it for a minute. LoyalWolf 1
I know who she is but I've never seen her watch a Benfica games this takes shit to a new level 1
And has NOTHING to do with math! 0
Thanks for the resistance boycott any means nessasary losers they Hollywood MSM Rinos Google Facebook and Twitter China Jack Black haters ANTIFA are ruining our country enough we need a wall 0
It's time for the common sense conservatives to take a day off and march on Washington. 0
Even if suspended ...he is an absolute game changer. makeithappen 0
You go girl! God bless you and all the survivors and for getting young people out there to vote for common sense gun control 0
"Populism - political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want"" - Cambridge Dictionary Yes I too think the liberals and conservatives must unite to prevent ordinary people from getting want they want Collusion """ 0
More than likely she forgot because her mental capacity is dropping each and everyday. This woman is not fit to serve any longer just like she said Trump was not. Remember she is part of the problems and not a solution at all. MAGA URL 1
Because he is the reason for it. 0
LIBERALS; It’s Trumps Fault. 1
Out on the next tide would be more appropriate 0
Following because she is not only a tacozt bit a sociopath and a moron all lethal combos 1
If your a Democrat and you love this great country how can you standby and watch as the liberal arm of your Democratic party tries to destroy everything we love about our country. Walkaway no actually Runaway. LibsHateAmerica CommiesSuck MAGA and KAG for everyone 1
Shameful. NRA is spending over a million $ to get Kavanaugh installed. Gun control isn't his pot of Tea. URL 1
Good. We don’t want your vote. Why don’t you want to see the corruption? It shouldn’t matter what side you are on! Shame on you! 0
Good Democracy is overrated. Read Hans Hermann Hoppe- Democracy: The God that Failed 1
I guess u all looking wrong or looking for wrong thing... my girl was walking when started dating... about 2 yrs in she is physically handicapped... I'm still w her... no sex... just love for her and her spirit... 0's not gun control we need. It's Leftist Liberal Control. Guns don't kill people. Idiotic Immoral Leftists do. LiberalismIsaMentalDisorder DemsAreDangerous WalkAway 1
Oh yes 0
Conservatives are 1000x funnier than Liberals. 0
What does she think she has done to Kavanaugh family? You can’t throw crap out there and not back it up. Nothing but a stall tactic. Liberals would fight anyone being appointed 0
yeah. Peaceful because the right ..Well..know they're right. No counter protests. Unlike fascist Antifa. As for 7k .. who counted? Dianne Abbott??? 1
MAGA Make Alcatraz Great Again 0
"The pit bull debate is just like gun control. Pit bull kills someone and here comes pictures here's my loving pit."" gun kill's someone and its ""I have 4 guns and they never killed anyone.""""" 0
That's the plan for next summer actually. We need it for shade and I was thinking that could be a fun side project. 0
sis Mandys no nose havin ass from the grim adventures of billy and Mandy can smell that shit wheeew URL 1
You should investigate Antifa's connections to the Nazis. 0
"If the conservatives"" aren't standing up against Dumpster's unconstitutional and illegal activities, then they are just as complicit as he, and henceforth, supporting the tangerine toddler's policies and actions. FFS, be Americans before party loyalists. Or else we all lose.""" 0
"......Oh What about Kyle's since he is one of your many adoptive dads""""" 0
Liberals don't live in the real world. 0
living up to his nickname tonight! Fucking nightmare. UFC228 1
Happy now liberals! 0
No wonder liberals are so messed up! Watching and supporting trash tv! 0
She is the gift that keeps on giving! We conservatives just love her ! 0
Yh he is 0
Our only option to SAVE our Country... Is to NEVER stop FIGHTING for her... Vote MAGA Red URL 0
Dividing us is no longer working for hollyweird Demoncraps or liberals race card no longer helping you 0
. tells us she is an unserious attention seeker URL iphone 1
Mom says finish up those Antifa posters and get upstairs. Dinner's ready. 0
I think other countries are following MAGA People are sick of being overrun & then have to pay for it all! 1
You bring up a great point. These morons really look at life like it's the movies. They do it in the gun control debate all the time. They seriously think that a shootout with a bad guy will never hurt bystanders. It's why they want to arm teachers. Idiots! 1
Yeah this series only has 3 books. I got the sword art online novels too and some other mangas 0
Good for her! 0
You just described Antifa and the Black Block as well as the Democrats and big tech. Why do you defend fascists? 0
"Hahahahahaha......Said the idiot who handed over billions to the Iranians in what was likely the worst deal in the history of US foreign policy.... You are the poster child for someone not qualified to do a job""....""" 1
These people are the worst kind of criminal playing off the emotions of their base fueling hatred in this country with insane rhetoric. Playing constant mind games to cause anger is not helping their cause some liberals are catching on. 1
Antifa will sign anything if they’re paid enough. 0
"MAGA great thing about hurricane Florence: did not have to hear the bionic woman with the amazing memory"" talk about a party 3 million years ago URL" 0
Let her come to DC and testify by being safely surrounded by the DNC’s street army Antifa and even let them wear those cute black masks. That way Americans can see the diversity of the Democrat party and how they protect their own. Good? 1
"1. AFTER she lost, she focused on her opponent. So you're when they lose..."" Serena wasn't losing. She is never losing until that last point. 2. You can say she screamed (it was loud there), I use the word DEFENDED her integrity.""" 0
but nice 0
Okay violent liberal ANTIFA with your KKK hoods beating up strangers you know nothing about! 1
Made my wife take the Egghead Bible Challenge. Our two kids are obviously more obnoxious than that loop because this shit isnt phasing her at all. 1
Liberals and Democrats are Psychopaths! Yep! Something wrong with all of them. 1
. Congratulations! Thank you for being a role model for so many young conservatives. The conservative movement cannot thanknyou enough. Thank you for everything you have taught me. URL 0
"removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem"" we have in this country.""" 0
Ask the liberals who have seemingly forgotten that you're a war criminal. 1
Hmm cats and dogs are not raised as food. But I understand what you are saying. 0
I can’t believe you replaced the American flag with the Antifa flag!! 1
She is the bomb!! 0
I would Starfleet Antifa was here to witness. RIP 0
The lies i keep hearing everyday sigh *INHALES* IM TIRED OF YOU PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN AND IF PPL DONT SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL MY BESTFRIEND IS THEN ITS THEIR PROBLEM You are beautiful ive seen iT so its my place to tell you you are beautiful and i accept nothing less. If not more 1
I do not believe Erick Erickson exists. I do believe he is a Democrat PR firm creating a “Republican” persona to have it say idiotic things to discredit conservatives. 1
Don't know who he is and don't really care.... Some rich dude that probably hates our President and our country... 1
You are phinnaly there! 0
I teach my grown sons theres winners and losers...see Serena temper tantrums she is a 1
"Step 1: Approach the fascist from behind."" I see two problems with this, the first being that it would require the antifa member to recognize their own projection.""" 0
It all makes sense now that’s why he is wondering around omg I was thinking why is he becoming so local he needs to head back and make that album I am stressing 0
Shooting in USA is so common no one is talking about gun control any more. 1
Liberals be like URL 0
Please stop! You're making it TOO EASY for right-wing conservatards to mock those of us on the Left! NotHelping 1
Looks Like The Jokes On Liberals Again. FortTrump Poland BoomingEconomy URL 0
"I think you are gravely mistaken You can't blame the rise of fascism collective struggle of black people. All politics is identity politics and nobodies freedom"" has priority over an other. Capitalism has multiple axis of exploitation and if you ignore one you fail!""" 0
The team even know he is Ass 1
I suggest using handcuffs to remove you! 1
obama gun control will prevent killings by criminals (and terrorists?) WalkAway 1
republicans /conservatives are the most disgusting people 1
The more Antifa BS average Americans see in the news the more repulsed they are by their antics. 1
Nope. I lived in the middle of a country's civil war. Gunfire and all. What I did see was Antifa hitting the elderly and children passing by one of their rallies. 0
Isn’t it funny how they want gun control but they partner up with snoop dog 0
So we seek answers from the leadership of our country that is this our new South Africa. Mr President if you are the leader of S.A you will surely make an example of them. We are tired. 0
I love you so much yoongi you are the reason that i could be happy all day .youre smile is the most beautiful think that i ever see in my hold life URL 0
Schumer also wanted the IRS to go after conservatives and the Tea party organizations during the Obama administration. Chucky the clown wants President Trump impeached so stop voting for Democrats. Tell Chuck to confirm 400 nominees still waiting to do their job. 0
Happy Birthday again Namjoon! thank you for always sharing your thoughts and feelings with us! you are a beautiful person with a beautiful mind and heart URL 0
What law will you pass that will get people who ignore all other laws to obey? A murderer ignores a ton of laws but somehow he will obey gun control laws? 0
her opinion. she is not a Feminist. 0
"Monte McNaughton, who once accused the government of failing “uphold the rule of law” when he sided with campers over an Indigenous group so, surely he is equally concerned about a government trying to rig an election you can’t pick and choose who is subject to the rule of law""" 0
hope you are having a great day honey. Can't wait to talk to you I love you 0
And now we're off to get milk and cookies 0
Because he is talking to an idiot. Liberals have a mental disorder. In his book The Liberal Mind URL 1
. We did a great job of electing and a terrible job of who we sent to congress to support him Conservatives left frustrated as Congress passes big spending bills URL 0
God + MAGA = Block. Buhbye. 0
Apart from the fact that if Lib Dems had been in Coalition again Brexit would have never happened. The were a moderating force on the Conservatives. More Lib Dems in 2015 would have meant no Brexit 0
"Democrats would love to see mob rule."" That's why they like Antifa.""" 0
‍ she’s dead ass serious too. Smdh 0
">500 comments, and all negative, slamming Chris Hayes for promoting vote suppression via Michael I love rapist & Putin-puppet Assange"" Moore & his latest ""kill the Dems"" movie. How about a town hall on women's repro rights & gun control on eve of Kavanaugh vote instead? URL" 1
Boner hasn't lived in real world for 40 years. 0
A candidate for governor that is friends with an individual that supports ANTIFA? trump MAGA Syria Israel AlternativeFacts WalkAway WalkAwayFromDemocrats LiberalismIsAMentalDisease NEWS Kavanaugh sugardaddyneeded for Democratic socialists=taxpayers Working Families URL 0
You say she is your kind of woman. Why don't you do that with the Quran? I would say then that you are my kind of woman. 0
Her products cause dandruff? KC you are the one 0
The men senators should allow citizens to question the ACCUSER. The citizens should be women and conservatives who love America and fairness. 0
It's SOP for conservatives defend every Republican fully no matter the seriousness of the charge or evidence. Demand every Democrat resign no matter what. 0
"Actually, since you believe blindly when it's what you want to believe, you would've learned"" it is a free speech symbol due to social media platforms censoring conservatives. It shows who is being censored. You wouldn't know that or care. Bet if were being censored you would.""" 0
Serena not upset for losing. She is upset because Penalty given the her that men’s tennis does same action but not penalized. 0
Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying Brexit even is it’s just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain’s society and economy. 0
VA10 voters will not accept a Congresswoman who stands with the NRA as shooting after shooting devastates communities across the country. We need common sense gun safety laws and we need them now. URL 0
Cause if she got the shot she is clearly the MVP I’ve needed of course and there is no use fighting her. 0
This is not the first time she has expressed this dismissive attitude toward public outcry against her votes. Those people will be a factor when they vote her ass out of office in 2 years. I think she is toast. 1
And they say big tech isn’t biased! Give me a break! Wake up people! 0
I don’t know who she is but she don’t sound too hot in the video lol 0
Oh my god you are joking right? 15 hours? Most officers and fire work 24 and sometimes back to back. 15 hours? Give me a break. 0
do you recall what was said about moss when the patriots got him? do you even remember what he did in the few years before that? gordon isnt a hall of famer but name a 5th rounder as good as he is today. 0
These people in the MSM are DISGUSTING MAGA 0
. I have been watching the committee hearings for Judge Kavanaugh. is using this particular session on birth control & Roe vs Wade as a window to gun control legislation. Her comments were very clear. I will not allow a politician deprive me of 2A 0
Oh fuck this is me. I am a tmi queen on some things because it controls the conversation subtly but god help you if you comment in my habits or decisions I swear to god 1
liberals got to crap all over everything. 1
Dint pay any attention to her...she's yet to say anything of interest... meme jerk. 1
There you are! 0
The Liberals same old playbook. It is so old... yawn 1
Sorry Howie she is horrible. I have been to Vegas multiple times and know the people whom spend their hard earned money for a vacation aren't going to waste said money on a scrawny kid whom will scream them into a migraine!! They come to Vegas to see REAL talent!AGTResults AGT 0
All you do is lie. All congress does us lie. MAGA. 1
She is soooo pretty!!!!!! 0
Never nigga 1
We are so glad we don’t know anyone like those miscreant. Pitiful bunch. 1
Well...he is now firmly part of the establishment....let's see how that goes for him. 0
Elon has been smoking too much dope and he apparently got a bad batch. Even I knew that vessel he sent would not work to rescue the ThailandChildren. quit. 0
Sure hope Maxi marches with Antifa. She will cover her head 0