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{"Query": "Visual Search领域的Andrew Zhai发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Andrew Zhai in Visual Search field?", "Answer": ["Visual Search at Pinterest", "Toward Transformer-Based Object Detection", "Classification is a Strong Baseline for Deep Metric Learning", "Visual Discovery at Pinterest.", "Learning a Unified Embedding for Visual Search at Pinterest", "MultiSage: Empowering GCN with Contextualized Multi-Embeddings on Web-Scale Multipartite Networks", "User-Driven Geolocation of Untagged Desert Imagery Using Digital Elevation Models", "Billion-Scale Pretraining with Vision Transformers for Multi-Task Visual Representations", "Making Classification Competitive for Deep Metric Learning.", "Shop The Look: Building a Large Scale Visual Shopping System at Pinterest"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Andrew Zhai", "organization": "Pinterest", "interest": "Visual Search"}}
{"Query": "Community Detection领域的Konstantinos Sotiropoulos发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Konstantinos Sotiropoulos in Community Detection field?", "Answer": ["Node Embeddings and Exact Low-Rank Representations of Complex Networks", "Triangle-aware Spectral Sparsifiers and Community Detection", "DeepWalking Backwards: From Embeddings Back to Graphs", "Hyperbolic Embedding for Efficient Computation of Path Centralities and Adaptive Routing in Large-Scale Complex Commodity Networks.", "On the Power of Edge Independent Graph Models.", "TwitterMancer: Predicting Interactions on Twitter Accurately.", "Hyperbolic Traffic Load Centrality for large-scale complex communications networks", "TwitterMancer - Predicting User Interactions on Twitter.", "Enhancing Community Detection for Big Sensor Data Clustering via Hyperbolic Network Embedding"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Konstantinos Sotiropoulos", "organization": "Computer Science Department, Boston University", "interest": "Community Detection"}}
{"Query": "Time Series领域的Tim Oates发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Tim Oates in Time Series field?", "Answer": ["Time Series Classification From Scratch With Deep Neural Networks: A Strong Baseline", "Imaging Time-Series To Improve Classification And Imputation", "Efficient progressive sampling", "The Effects of Training Set Size on Decision Tree Complexity", "Detecting spam blogs: a machine learning approach", "Cooperative information-gathering: a distributed problem-solving approach", "Identifying distinctive subsequences in multivariate time series by clustering", "Searching for Structure in Multiple Streams of Data", "A Method for Clustering the Experiences of a Mobile Robot that Accords with Human Judgments", "A Flexible Multichannel EEG Feature Extractor and Classifier for Seizure Detection"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Tim Oates", "organization": "University of Maryland Baltimore County", "interest": "Time Series"}}
{"Query": "Lower Bound领域的Henry C. Lin发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Henry C. Lin in Lower Bound field?", "Answer": ["Eradication of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.", "Structure-based discovery of opioid analgesics with reduced side effects", "Lower frequency of MMC is found in IBS subjects with abnormal lactulose breath test, suggesting bacterial overgrowth.", "Identification of a prodromal period in Crohn's disease but not ulcerative colitis.", "Chemical informatics and target identification in a zebrafish phenotypic screen.", "Jejunal brake", "Normalization of lactulose breath testing correlates with symptom improvement in irritable bowel syndrome", "A pharmacological organization of G protein-coupled receptors.", "Robust optimization of contaminant sensor placement for community water systems", "AGORA: Assembly Guided by Optical Restriction Alignment."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Henry C. Lin", "organization": "Facebook Core Data Science", "interest": "Lower Bound"}}
{"Query": "Prescriptive Analytics领域的Timothy Winters发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Timothy Winters in Prescriptive Analytics field?", "Answer": ["Price Investment using Prescriptive Analytics and Optimization in Retail"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Timothy Winters", "organization": "Walmart Labs", "interest": "Prescriptive Analytics"}}
{"Query": "Recommender System领域的Jiaxi Tang发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Jiaxi Tang in Recommender System field?", "Answer": ["Personalized Top-N Sequential Recommendation via Convolutional Sequence Embedding.", "Sequential Recommendation with User Memory Networks.", "Ranking Distillation: Learning Compact Ranking Models With High Performance for Recommender System.", "Understanding and Improving Knowledge Distillation", "Towards Neural Mixture Recommender for Long Range Dependent User Sequences", "Off-policy Learning in Two-stage Recommender Systems", "Revisiting Adversarially Learned Injection Attacks Against Recommender Systems", "Distributionally-robust Recommendations for Improving Worst-case User Experience", "Browsing Regularities in Hedonic Content Systems."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Jiaxi Tang", "organization": "Google Deepmind", "interest": "Recommender System"}}
{"Query": "Canonical Scene-based Contextual Model领域的Sangdon Park发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Sangdon Park in Canonical Scene-based Contextual Model field?", "Answer": ["PAC Confidence Sets for Deep Neural Networks via Calibrated Prediction", "Calibrated Prediction With Covariate Shift Via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation", "Comparison of a drug-eluting balloon first and then bare metal stent with a drug-eluting stent for treatment of de novo lesions: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial.", "iDECODe: In-Distribution Equivariance for Conformal Out-of-Distribution Detection.", "PAC Confidence Predictions for Deep Neural Network Classifiers.", "PAC Prediction Sets Under Covariate Shift", "Abnormal object detection by canonical scene-based contextual model", "Clinical Characteristics And Predictors Of In-Hospital Mortality In Patients With Cardiogenic Shock", "Sequential Covariate Shift Detection Using Classifier Two-Sample Tests.", "Successful coronary stent retrieval from the ascending aorta using a gooseneck snare kit."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Sangdon Park", "organization": "School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology", "interest": "Canonical Scene-based Contextual Model"}}
{"Query": "Security领域的Nicolas Christin发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Nicolas Christin in Security field?", "Answer": ["Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance", "Traveling the silk road: a measurement analysis of a large anonymous online marketplace", "Guess Again (and Again and Again): Measuring Password Strength by Simulating Password-Cracking Algorithms", "Beware the Middleman: Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange Risk.", "Measuring the Longitudinal Evolution of the Online Anonymous Marketplace Ecosystem.", "Encountering stronger password requirements: user attitudes and behaviors", "How does your password measure up? the effect of strength meters on password creation", "Secure or insure?: a game-theoretic analysis of information security games", "An Empirical Analysis of Traceability in the Monero Blockchain.", "Fast, Lean, And Accurate: Modeling Password Guessability Using Neural Networks"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Nicolas Christin", "organization": "Department of Engineering and Public Policy, College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University", "interest": "Security"}}
{"Query": "State-of-the-art Performance领域的Bailin Wang发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Bailin Wang in State-of-the-art Performance field?", "Answer": ["RAT-SQL: Relation-Aware Schema Encoding and Linking for Text-to-SQL Parsers", "Neural Segmental Hypergraphs for Overlapping Mention Recognition.", "A Neural Transition-based Model for Nested Mention Recognition.", "Learning Latent Opinions for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification.", "UnifiedSKG: Unifying and Multi-Tasking Structured Knowledge Grounding with Text-to-Text Language Models", "GraPPa: Grammar-Augmented Pre-Training for Table Semantic Parsing", "Meta-Learning for Domain Generalization in Semantic Parsing", "Meta-Learning to Compositionally Generalize.", "Learning Semantic Parsers from Denotations with Latent Structured Alignments and Abstract Programs", "Learning to Synthesize Data for Semantic Parsing"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Bailin Wang", "organization": "CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "interest": "State-of-the-art Performance"}}
{"Query": "Self-supervised Learning领域的Yu-An Chung发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Yu-An Chung in Self-supervised Learning field?", "Answer": ["An Unsupervised Autoregressive Model for Speech Representation Learning.", "w2v-BERT: Combining Contrastive Learning and Masked Language Modeling for Self-Supervised Speech Pre-Training", "Audio Word2vec: Unsupervised Learning Of Audio Segment Representations Using Sequence-To-Sequence Autoencoder", "Semi-Supervised Training For Improving Data Efficiency In End-To-End Speech Synthesis", "Disentangling Correlated Speaker And Noise For Speech Synthesis Via Data Augmentation And Adversarial Factorization", "Unsupervised Cross-Modal Alignment of Speech and Text Embedding Spaces.", "Cost-Aware Pre-Training for Multiclass Cost-Sensitive Deep Learning.", "Towards Unsupervised Speech-To-Text Translation", "Unsupervised Clinical Language Translation.", "libact: Pool-based Active Learning in Python."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Yu-An Chung", "organization": "MIT", "interest": "Self-supervised Learning"}}
{"Query": "Pre-trained Language Model领域的Ningyu Zhang发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Ningyu Zhang in Pre-trained Language Model field?", "Answer": ["Long-tail Relation Extraction via Knowledge Graph Embeddings and Graph Convolution Networks.", "KnowPrompt: Knowledge-aware Prompt-tuning with Synergistic Optimization for Relation Extraction", "Knowledge-Driven Stock Trend Prediction and Explanation via Temporal Convolutional Network", "Attention-Based Capsule Network with Dynamic Routing for Relation Extraction.", "Meta-Learning with Dynamic-Memory-Based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Event Detection.", "PRGC: Potential Relation and Global Correspondence Based Joint Relational Triple Extraction.", "Document-level Relation Extraction as Semantic Segmentation.", "Differentiable Prompt Makes Pre-trained Language Models Better Few-shot Learners.", "Contrastive Triple Extraction With Generative Transformer", "CBLUE: A Chinese Biomedical Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Ningyu Zhang", "organization": "College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University", "interest": "Pre-trained Language Model"}}
{"Query": "Urban Computing领域的Sijie Ruan发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Sijie Ruan in Urban Computing field?", "Answer": ["Planning Bike Lanes based on Sharing-Bikes' Trajectories", "UrbanFM: Inferring Fine-Grained Urban Flows.", "Just: Jd Urban Spatio-Temporal Data Engine", "Detecting Vehicle Illegal Parking Events using Sharing Bikes' Trajectories.", "Trajmesa: A Distributed Nosql Storage Engine For Big Trajectory Data", "Learning To Generate Maps From Trajectories", "Fine-Grained Urban Flow Inference", "What is the Human Mobility in a New City: Transfer Mobility Knowledge Across Cities", "Cloudtp: A Cloud-Based Flexible Trajectory Preprocessing Framework", "Doing in One Go: Delivered Time Inference Based on Coueriers' Trajectories"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Sijie Ruan", "organization": "School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University", "interest": "Urban Computing"}}
{"Query": "Policy Gradient领域的Jincheng Mei发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Jincheng Mei in Policy Gradient field?", "Answer": ["On the Global Convergence Rates of Softmax Policy Gradient Methods", "Locality Preserving Hashing", "Leveraging Non-uniformity in First-order Non-convex Optimization", "Escaping the Gravitational Pull of Softmax", "On Principled Entropy Exploration in Policy Optimization.", "Maximum Entropy Monte-Carlo Planning", "On the Optimality of Batch Policy Optimization Algorithms.", "Memory-Augmented Monte Carlo Tree Search.", "Identifying and Tracking Sentiments and Topics from Social Media Texts during Natural Disasters.", "Frequency-based Search-control in Dyna"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Jincheng Mei", "organization": "Google DeepMind", "interest": "Policy Gradient"}}
{"Query": "Spiking Neural Networks领域的Hang Yin发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Hang Yin in Spiking Neural Networks field?", "Answer": ["Energy-Efficient Models for High-Dimensional Spike Train Classification using Sparse Spiking Neural Networks", "Gaussian Mixture Graphical Lasso With Application To Edge Detection In Brain Networks"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Hang Yin", "organization": "Worcester Polytechnic Institute", "interest": "Spiking Neural Networks"}}
{"Query": "Graph Neural Networks领域的Weiping Song发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Weiping Song in Graph Neural Networks field?", "Answer": ["AutoInt: Automatic Feature Interaction Learning via Self-Attentive Neural Networks.", "Session-Based Social Recommendation via Dynamic Graph Attention Networks.", "DisenHAN: Disentangled Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network for Recommendation", "TIMME: Twitter Ideology-detection via Multi-task Multi-relational Embedding", "Explainable Knowledge Graph-based Recommendation via Deep Reinforcement Learning.", "KGNN: Harnessing Kernel-based Networks for Semi-supervised Graph Classification", "Deep Graph Mutual Learning for Cross-domain Recommendation."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Weiping Song", "organization": "Peking University", "interest": "Graph Neural Networks"}}
{"Query": "Gene Expression领域的Rahul V. Kulkarni发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Rahul V. Kulkarni in Gene Expression field?", "Answer": ["The Small RNA Chaperone Hfq and Multiple Small RNAs Control Quorum Sensing in Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio cholerae", "CsrA and three redundant small RNAs regulate quorum sensing in Vibrio cholerae: Regulation of quorum sensing in Vibrio cholerae", "Transcriptional Bursting In Gene Expression: Analytical Results For General Stochastic Models", "Prediction Of Csra-Regulating Small Rnas In Bacteria And Their Experimental Verification In Vibrio Fischeri", "Ab Initio Molecular-Dynamics Study Of The Structural And Transport Properties Of Liquid Germanium", "Exact Distributions For Stochastic Gene Expression Models With Bursting And Feedback", "Intrinsic Noise In Stochastic Models Of Gene Expression With Molecular Memory And Bursting", "Regulatory Targets Of Quorum Sensing In Vibrio Cholerae: Evidence For Two Distinct Hapr-Binding Motifs", "Connecting protein and mRNA burst distributions for stochastic models of gene expression.", "Structural rearrangement in an RsmA/CsrA ortholog of Pseudomonas aeruginosa creates a dimeric RNA-binding protein, RsmN."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Rahul V. Kulkarni", "organization": "Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts Boston", "interest": "Gene Expression"}}
{"Query": "Inverse Reinforcement Learning领域的Matthias Schultheis发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Matthias Schultheis in Inverse Reinforcement Learning field?", "Answer": ["POMDPs in Continuous Time and Discrete Spaces", "Inverse Optimal Control Adapted to the Noise Characteristics of the Human Sensorimotor System.", "Receding Horizon Curiosity", "Reinforcement Learning with Non-Exponential Discounting", "Probabilistic Trajectory Segmentation by Means of Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Switching Linear Dynamical Systems."], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Matthias Schultheis", "organization": "Self-Organizing Systems Lab, Technische Universitat Darmstadt", "interest": "Inverse Reinforcement Learning"}}
{"Query": "Domain Critic领域的Ching-Yao Chuang发表的论文有哪些", "Query_en": "What are the papers published by Ching-Yao Chuang in Domain Critic field?", "Answer": ["Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Samples", "Debiased Contrastive Learning", "Leveraging Video Descriptions to Learn Video Question Answering.", "Show, Adapt and Tell: Adversarial Training of Cross-Domain Image Captioner", "Fair Mixup: Fairness via Interpolation", "Learning to Act Properly: Predicting and Explaining Affordances from Images.", "Robust Contrastive Learning against Noisy Views", "Estimating Generalization under Distribution Shifts via Domain-Invariant Representations", "Measuring Generalization with Optimal Transport.", "Tree Mover's Distance: Bridging Graph Metrics and Stability of Graph\n Neural Networks"], "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX发表的论文有哪些", "Base_Question_en": "What are the papers published by XXX in XX field?", "Inputs": "name, interest", "Outputs": "title", "Entity_Information": {"name": "Ching-Yao Chuang", "organization": "Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "interest": "Domain Critic"}}