However , taxation on flamable resources might backfire by conducing to inflation . To be precise , the more costly petrol is , the higher the price of necessary product : rice , meat or even vegetable . Consequently , people have to turn to cheaper alternatives , which might cause the abundance in goods and later on , economic crisis .
Another point that should be taken into account is countries that import oil will be more dependent on the exporters , both politically and financially . Suppose that the those countries cut down on its oil support , other nations will have to pay more as well as release beneficial policies for them . America , for example , has recently drawn its intervention in Russian crisis only due to the influx of oil .
Secondly , police force carries guns only in high crime societies . Hence , people and police in those ones usually deal with dangerous diverse crime ' s categories such as theft , robbery , murder , rape , vandalism , arson . Obviously , Those are possibly the strongest evidences to determine a society suffering a high level of violence .
Another point that students may benefit from technology is the shortened time for learning . The modern world provides learners with the mp3 , the mobile phone or the laptop that help them , especially language learners , listen to recordings everywhre or read documents anytime . Therefore , students will develop their skills at a greater pace . Moreover , the internet again , is an inexhaustible resource of visual aids , such as educational games , sounds or images with which students may absorb abstract concepts taught at school more briskly and thoroughly .
However , some negative aspects of technological process need to be mentioned clearly . In spite of bring fantastic advantages , technological products have devastated the natural environment indirectly through its production process . This is because exploiting and collecting raw materials as well as essential fuels to serve the production of technological products have destroyed nature seriously . Last but not least , technology may decrease a great deal of creativity in certain groups of people especially children and the youth due to the dependence upon available achievements .
Admittedly , reducing the proportion of violent content in TV shows could , to some degree , decrease the overall crime rate . However , in order to tackle this problem more effectively , governments must first prohibit any types of violent content in all children ' s television programs . As a result of mental immaturity , most youngsters are incapable of distinguishing right from wrong . Little wonder , then , that by watching these violent TV programs and videos , juveniles will become very aggressive and offensive and have a great tendency to commit crimes . Therefore , it would be rather necessary for governments to establish an intensive law that prevents teenagers from watching these violent and brutal TV Shows and movies .
On the one hand , I agree that a police holds a responsibility to tackle of violence in the urban or suburban areas using a gun . An obvious example of this happens in The United State , a man killed more than ten people in the cinema using a weapon , while a police shot in the foot to paralyze him . Obviously , police officers can force a criminal to surrender , because they have a weapon which will prevent an escaping criminal who poses a serious danger to the public . As a result , some military weapons need encouraging for police officers to protect the public and minimize the rate of violence .
On the other hand , there are some reason why the level of bloody increases significantly in the communities . Firstly , the number of unemployment rate has risen to 15 percent in several globalized and non-globalized countries . Many well-qualified and well-educated person cannot earn some money to live comfortably . Secondly , cost of living in the big city is extremely expensive , so this problem impresses some people who live under the poverty line to do anything to pay their basic needs . Many baggers chose to be a pickpocket in the public transport , for instance .
To begin with , the classmates themselves creat a competitive atmoshphere which incent the children . In high school , for instance , an individual cannot resist studying painstakingly through day and night when the others who are astoundingly ambitious and set sights on prestigious universities around the globe are doing the same . From a psychological perspective , the feeling of being subordinate to their peers exert enormous pressure on the children , which subsequently transforms into some sort of stimulants and boosts the children ' s academic performances .
"To add up , when it comes to knowledge and the acquisition of such , classmates are second to none . It is a matter of fact that students share even more time together than with their parents , explaining a great deal of wisdom they absorb from each others ; it can be , for example , lessons on the class , social skills or general etiquettes that are sometimes overlooked by parents . Sharing the same age , children are at their most comfort to exchange ideas , to query and interpret abstract concepts without fear of parental punishments , resulting in deeper comprehension . "
Environment pollution one of the primary reasons why life in cities is becoming worse than ever before . Exhaust from transportation , especially cars , and factories ' tosix fumes can lead people to face with various respiratory deseases . Besides , water pollution makes people ' s health become more critical . The fact is that dangerous bacterias and germs in polluted water can go indirectly into people ' s bodies and create severe problems , which may result in death if the patients are not treated in time .
Moreover , it is likely that many foods in big cities are not safe for people to eat or drink . Recent investigations reveal that toxic foods are sold pervasively in today ' s market . Also , overpopulation may make people suffer from infectious deseases , especially cough , sneezing and illness . Furthermore , living in such cities also means living in high crime rate areas . Unemployed workers or school dropouts can easily commit crime from petty offence to felony such as burglary , pickpocketing , trickery , vandalism , smuggling or even murder . Earning money for living becomes more difficult , living healthy in such places is getting harder also .
Moreover , there will be law non-abiding people anywhere in the world , either polices or common citizens . As a result , the root of violence is criminal mind not the weapon itself . Therefore , if a government wants to control crime in a community , it is important to manage their people ' s actions rather than gun used in violent crimes .
In a developing country , not many can afford to send their children to school . There are government schools where tuition fees are practically free but they are not aplenty and mostly are situated in the cities . They are not reachable by children who live in the mountains or islands . These children whose parents are either farmers or fishermen , can hardly eat three meals a day , let alone afford to pay for transportation to get to these schools everyday . As a result , these children remain uneducated and will have the same fate as their parents .
Development through education does not necessarily mean raising a country full of doctors , lawyers or engineers . Basic education teaches one child to read and write . Supplementary education provides him with useful knowledge and information . A further specific education can teach an individual with skills enough to make a living and be self-sufficient . A well-informed man can act sensibly and make sound judgment . In the same way , a skillful man contributes favorably and is valuable to the society . Collectively , the benefits of education can make a man , a society and a developed country .
First of all , it is true that people use their money to become an inspiration are definitely not a good mirror for young people . We definitely do not want our children to spend money on luxurious custom or lifestyle just to be similar to someone , especially when these people are not symbols of any talent but showing off . However , the young generation these days is very conscious toward positive lifestyles . They are mostly being educated at very early ages by family or schools as to distinguish what is benefit for them . Therefore , it is not easy to influence young people these days when they are well equipped of life skills .
"Moreover , it seems to me that not many people can exist in the celebrities ' world without any talents or achievements . We are giving chances to many teenagers to show their intelligence in different talent shows , for example ; The Voice , X Factor or Next Top Models etc . As a result , to become a star and an inspiration for people , a person need to have real talent to compete with other candidates . Thus , only money and glamour look are not enough for a person to be recognized anymore , it is importance that they have to have achievements in order to be a muse to youngsters . "
In the first place , spending too much time on mobiles phones many exert an adverse effect on our social skills . For example , as people , especially teenagers increasingly tend to focus on their phones , they may lose their interests on daily activities such as meeting with friends , and this lack of communication may impair their future negotiation and interpersonal skills . Moreover , continuous use of mobile phones may also damage children ' s eyesight and physical posture . As a result , it is harmful for us to use mobile phones frequently .
Furthermore , the growing number of mobiles games will impact their mental development . For instance , there many game applications available online and many of them are quite aggressive in nature . In these games , children are rewarded to help their characters to kill or shoot monsters or characters controlled by other players , and this many lead to development of aggressive feelings , thoughts and behaviors . Consequently , frequent conflicts may occur during communication .
However , we may perceive this issue from different viewpoints . Mobile phones , such as smart phones , has made our communication easy and convenience . The reason is that , as most of the telecommunication companies provide us with access to the internet via our phones , people are able to enjoy sending instant messages and making international calls free of charge . Thus , mobile phones have shortened the distance of communication .
On one hand , solving some environmental problems needs large budgets and various technologies , and the government and corporations have the ability to deal with these problems . For example , air pollution and water quality has concerned many countries , and the government is able to implement some policies and invest money to reduce air pollution , while companies also can enhance their technologies to curb emission of contaminated water and substances . However , individuals are unable to cope with these things .
Besides , the government and firms could have significant influences on environmental awareness of people . It is necessary for every citizen to have the awareness and knowledge of environment protection . This means that we should convey corresponding policies and knowledge to the public and society , and the government controls many influential media , such as TV stations and newspapers , which can provide plenty of environmental knowledge and related policies to citizens .
On the other hand , it is possible for ordinary people to participate in some actions of environment protection , and they also can benefit from the improvement of environment . For instance , many people driving private cars could cause air pollution , and overusing plastic packages would affect the environment . If people can gradually change some lifestyles in these daily activities , this will have many significant impacts on environmental improvement .
It is widely known that the press provide the public with criminal content in order to increase newspaper circulation and TV rating . These days the primary purpose of journalists covering the details of criminal acts is , more often than that , to boost newspaper circulations and TV ratings . Consequently , a great deal of crime coverage is rather biased , exaggerated or fraudulent , which only result to terrorize communities and leave law-aiding people increasingly apprehensive of about crimes .
Most importantly , particular coverage of heinous crimes may further traumatize the victims of crimes because they have already suffered greatly for what they have experienced . Without their consent , this could only add to theses innocent people ' s mental suffering and they may do some extreme actions .
Despite the convenience from up-to-date facilities , handwriting still plays a vital role in students ' learning . Firstly , this approach is a basis tool used in several fields such as taking notes , doing homework and writing . It enables to improve learners ' spelling capacity and accompany reading or writing disabilities as well . Under the guidance of parents or teachers , children can benefit from practicing handwriting . This way of writing will encourage them to pay more attention on content , elaborate in details and develop their organization abilities .
Firstly , by paying taxes for public school , affluent people effectively contribute to narrowing down the gap between rich and poor . It is true that many poor families are not able to afford tuition fees for their kids to attend a course . With the the tax amount for which they pay , the rich may help a vast number of students from families with poverty background to continue their studies , and earn a better quality of life .
"Secondly , the tax reduction for parents of children studying in private schools would lead to a waste of public capital . Obviously , this reduction would cause a difficulty to the tax calculation ; therefore , the government would have to recruit a greater workforce in order to handle this sophisticated issue . In addition , the government would also pay the salary for the excessive officials , and this would result in insufficient investments in other crucial public sectors such as education or health care . "
Many parents supporting for the idea of tax discounts claim that such tax payments are unfair for them . They point out that it is irrational to require them to pay for the taxes they do not use . Nevertheless , we also pay for the public services that we even do not experience a chance to employ like police or fire brigade . We certainly do not hope for a reduction for these sorts of taxes .
But our standard of living also depend on another factor - spiritual life which is related closely with arts . Arts include many forms and music as well as cinema are the most typical . These two art forms not only provide the public with entertainment but also contribute significantly to the economy . The income of film and music industries produce millions of dollars each year for the Goverment , for instance K-pop and Hollywood , and these industries can not survive without goverment ' s financial assistance .
Thanks to modern technology , our life has been improved with many gadgets . The invention of mobile phone and internet has changed our traditional ways of communicating as well as working , it has also been much less labourous than in the pass with the assistance of electrical machineries . However , these newfangled practices has replaced many old traditional ones . For instance , factories equipped with new and highly-productive system has replaced old handmade products , the exchange of letters among friends is so hard to be seen as we have had emails and social network instead , new video games has superseded the old-physical ones . Many old traditionally cultural things have long gone as a result of modern technology .
However , despite the drawback mentioned above , technology has also made some contributions to the maintenance and study of traditional cultures in some ways . Internet has aided to assess the young generations to the cultural identity of many nations from all around the world . With the help of advanced methods , many art masterpiece has been well restorated and well preserved . Modern devices also assist the scientists to study the ancient societies much more deeply , hence discovering more cultural traces .
On one hand , boys and girls have the diversity in psychological modes and individuality . Most of male students tend to use their left brain to think and act , and they are more rational and logical than girls in many cases . For instance , there are more male scientists and engineers in comparison with females around the world . Many boys are interested in science and technology , while a number of girls like to learn literature , education and arts . Besides , girls are more likely to prefer some jobs related to emotion and communication , such as teacher , singer and interpreter . This means that girls differ from boys in mind and behaviour to a large extent , and they both have better ability in the specific aspect .
Furthermore , it can have a negative affect on these students to require them to choose a subject in equal proportion of gender , and that does not conform to students ' personality traits and mental development . For example , a girl , who is interested in literature , is arranged into an engineering department , but she is unlikely to focus on her subject , and this also can block the girl ' s future development and career prospect .
The first impression of the celebrities seems that they are rich while not having to work hard . This gives children the idea that it is not necessary to study hard at school for a better career and earning a living . Further more , they will not value other people ' s hard work and take everything for granted .
Of course , some celebrities , e . g . writers , passionate entrepreneurs are good examples to children for they share fascinating stories or how to pursue their goal by doing something that has a meaning to them and may change the world .
The first reason why education and preventative measures should receive a greater budget is the potential improvements in health system . I believe that decreasing the number of patients in the health system can lead hospitals and healthcare centers to be managed effectively which will result in better treatments for current patients . Therefore , society should be educated and became aware of health issues so that the potential precautions on the way of illnesses can be taken instead of trying to provide treatment for the increasing number of patients .
The first reason why the father ' s role should be equal to the mother ' s role is the nature of parantage . In my view , the role models within a family play a significant role in the development of the child ' s characteristics . For example , in a traditional Turkish family , while a mother has a sincere and thoughtful approach to the child , a father role must be present as authoritarian and conversative to raise a well-behaved child .
The second reason why I believe that fatherood is as important as motherhood is the dynamics of the relationships today . In my opinion , we are living in a society that puts a significant importance to gender equality in every aspect of the life , including relationships . For instance , a family formed by a woman with a housewife role who looks after the home and takes care of children and a man who brings money home can not be seen anymore in today ' s society . Instead , all of the couple duties are performed equally and interchangeably by individuals . Therefore , I believe that having and raising children should not be different than any other daily activity .
At the same time , playing sports will give good effects on children . There are many popular sports among children such as football , basketball , and volleyball . Also , there are many benefit when children doing sport . Firstly , children who always playing sport like football , they will be active as a person and learn to become team-player . It will be good for children , because indirectly they will learn how to socialize each other as a team . That will make children getting lots of friends , so they can contribute positively to community . Secondly , playing sport makes children getting healthy and become children ' s well-being .