import os |
import re |
import io |
import requests |
from zipfile import ZipFile |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import chess.pgn as pgn |
import pandas as pd |
from datasets import Dataset, DatasetInfo |
tqdm.pandas() |
ZIP_URLS = [ |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-01.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-02.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-03.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-04.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-05.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-06.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-07.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-08.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-09.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-10.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-11.zip", |
"https://database.nikonoel.fr/lichess_elite_2023-12.zip", |
] |
def download_and_unzip(url, save_directory, force_download=False): |
filename = url.split("/")[-1] |
file_path = os.path.join(save_directory, filename) |
if force_download or not os.path.exists(file_path): |
print(f"Downloading {filename}...") |
response = requests.get(url) |
with open(file_path, "wb") as file: |
file.write(response.content) |
print(f"Downloaded {filename}.") |
else: |
print(f"{filename} already exists. Skipping download.") |
with ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_ref: |
print(f"Unzipping {filename}...") |
zip_ref.extractall(save_directory) |
print(f"Unzipped {filename}.") |
def parse_pgn_dataset_to_dataframe(pgn_file_path): |
header_pattern = re.compile(r"\[([A-Za-z0-9]+) \"(.+?)\"\]") |
games_list = [] |
current_game = {} |
transcript = [] |
with open(pgn_file_path, "r") as file: |
for line in file: |
line = line.encode("utf-8").decode("ascii", "ignore") |
header_match = header_pattern.match(line) |
if header_match: |
if header_match.group(1) == "Event" and current_game: |
current_game["transcript"] = " ".join(transcript).strip() |
games_list.append(current_game) |
current_game = {} |
transcript = [] |
current_game[header_match.group(1)] = header_match.group(2) |
else: |
clean_line = line.strip() |
if ( |
clean_line |
and not clean_line.startswith("1-0") |
and not clean_line.startswith("1/2-1/2") |
and not clean_line.startswith("0-1") |
): |
transcript.append(clean_line) |
if current_game: |
current_game["transcript"] = " ".join(transcript).strip() |
games_list.append(current_game) |
df = pd.DataFrame(games_list) |
return df |
def pgn_to_uci_transcript(pgn_transcript): |
game = pgn.read_game(io.StringIO(pgn_transcript)) |
if game is None: |
return |
board = game.board() |
move_list = [] |
for move in game.mainline_moves(): |
move_list.append(board.uci(move)) |
board.push(move) |
return " ".join(move_list) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
save_directory = "." |
if not os.path.exists(save_directory): |
os.makedirs(save_directory) |
for url in ZIP_URLS: |
download_and_unzip(url, save_directory) |
pgn_files = [file for file in os.listdir( |
save_directory) if file.endswith(".pgn")] |
file_dfs = [] |
for pgn_file in pgn_files: |
print(f"Parsing PGN from: {pgn_file}") |
df = parse_pgn_dataset_to_dataframe(pgn_file) |
df = df[df["EventType"] == "rapid"] |
file_dfs.append(df) |
df = pd.concat(file_dfs) |
for column in df.columns: |
if df[column].str.isnumeric().all(): |
df[column] = df[column].astype(int) |
df["transcript"] = df["transcript"].progress_apply(pgn_to_uci_transcript) |
df = df[df["Result"] != "*"] |
df.to_feather("elite_dataset.feather") |
ds_info = DatasetInfo( |
description="The Lichess Elite Dataset includes all (rapid) games from Lichess by players rated 2500+ against players rated 2300+ played during the year 2023. Only games with an outcome of 1/2-1/2, 1-0, or 0-1 are included." |
) |
ds = Dataset.from_pandas(df, info=ds_info) |
ds.push_to_hub("austindavis/chess_world_lichess_elite") |