name: Bluemoon description: "Bluemoon 1-1 Fandom RP+ERP cleaned and formatted for Fastchat" readers: - reader: &bluemoon type: csv config: fields: conversation: 'thread_href' from: 'message_username' message: 'message' writers: - writer: &fastchat_pretty type: fastchat config: indent: 2 debug_steps: - step: &extract_ooc type: RegexExtract description: "Extract OOC matches for examination" config: path: 'out/ooc.txt' dotAll: true multiLine: true escape: true overwrite: true patterns: [ '\{.*\}', '\[.*?\]', '\(\(.*?(\)|\W)\)+', '^\(.*?\){1}', '\n\n\(.*?\){1}$', '(OOC|ooc|OoC|OCC|ooc|Ooc)(:| |-|;)\n?.*?(\n|$)', '(\n\nSee more|See more\n\n)', '^(RE|Re):.*?\n', '^NSFW:.*?\n$', '^Note to everyone.*\)\)\n', '_*Author.*\n*_', 'x{3,}.*TEST?x*', '^- Let me.*-\B\s+', ] - step: &extract_links type: RegexExtract description: "Extract links for examination." config: path: 'out/links.txt' escape: true overwrite: true patterns: [ '\[img|video.*\[\/img|video\]+', 'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+' ] - step: &extract_trim_nonwords type: RegexExtract description: "Extract leading non-word data for examination." config: path: 'out/trim-nonwords.txt' dotAll: true multiLine: true escape: true overwrite: true patterns: [ '^(-|,|\||\.|=|_|])\W*(s|\W)+\W(\b|\n)', '^([w_=x]{5,}|~\+\+~)(\b|\n)', '^(_|])+(\b|\n)', '^(\s|\.|,|\|)+' ] steps: - step: &html_linebreaks type: ExactReplace description: "Convert html
line breaks to \n" config: replacements: [ [ '
', "\n" ] ] - step: &html_strip type: HtmlStrip description: "Strip HTML" config: stripAnchorPatterns: [ '/', '.jpg', '.JPG', '.png', '.PNG', '.gif', '.GIF' ] - step: &ooc_strip type: RegexReplace description: "Strip OOC content and some HTML errors." config: dotAll: true multiLine: true replacements: [ # This might be a bit overzealous. [ '\{.*\}', "" ], [ '\[.*?\]', "" ], [ '\(\(.*?(\)|\W)\)+', "" ], # Match for (...) but only at the beginning and end of messages. [ '^\(.*?\){1}', "" ], [ '\n\n\(.*?\){1}$', "" ], [ '(OOC|ooc|OoC|OCC|ooc|Ooc)(:| |-|;)\n?.*?(\n|$)', "" ], [ '(\n\nSee more|See more\n\n)', "" ], [ '^(RE|Re):.*?\n', "" ], [ '^NSFW:.*?\n$', "" ], # More author's notes and the like [ '^Note to everyone.*\)\)\n', "" ], [ '_*Author.*\n*_', "" ], [ 'x{3,}.*TEST?x*', "" ], [ '^- Let me.*-', "" ], [ '^.*\^\^;.*\){1}', "" ], ] - step: &links type: RegexReplace description: "Remove all links" config: replacements: [ [ '\[(img|video).*\].*\[(\/img|video)\]', "" ], [ '[hH]ttp[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', "" ] ] - step: &reduce_whitespace type: ExactReplace description: "Reduce standalone tabs that do not affect formatting, and newlines to maximum of two consecutive." config: recursive: true replacements: [ [ "\t\n", "\n" ], [ "\n\n\n", "\n\n" ], [ ' ', ' ' ], [ " \n", "\n" ] ] - step: &reduce_separators type: ExactReplace description: "Reduce nonsensical separators to a maximum of 3 consecutive." config: recursive: true replacements: [ [ "~~~~", "~~~" ], [ "----", "---" ], [ "<>", "*" ], [ "****", "***" ], [ ".....", "...." ] ] - step: &reduce_punctuation type: ExactReplace description: "Reduce excessive punctuation" config: recursive: true replacements: [ [ "!!!!", "!!!" ], [ "????", "???" ], [ "?!?!?!", "?!?!" ], [ "!?!?!?", "!?!?" ] ] - step: &trim type: Trim description: "Trim leading and trailing whitespace." - step: &ooc_prune type: FullMatch description: "Prune fully OOC messages with known content." config: action: drop caseSensitive: false patterns: [ "BUMP", "-BUMP-", "~BUMP~", "Closed...", "Closed", "This thread is closed", "bump.", "*DELETED*", "...", "Okay... so you didn't make a starting post??", "-----", "~~~~~", "The End ^^\nshortest RP ever XDD", "the end^^", "i think so^^", "Fin^^", "Fin ^^", "-Placeholder-", "Molly was", ] - step: &strip_unicode type: Encoding description: "Strip unicode sequences not present in ascii. This doesn't affect output encoding." config: invalid: "" codec: us-ascii - step: &strip_nonwords type: RegexReplace description: "Consecutive non-word characters" config: dotAll: true multiLine: true replacements: [ [ '^(-|,|\||\.|=|_|])\W*(s|\W)+\W(\b|\n)', "" ], [ '^([w_=x]{5,}|~\+\+~)(\b|\n)', "" ], [ '^(_|])+(\b|\n)', "" ], [ '^(\s|\.|,|\|)+', "" ], [ '([^a-zA-Z0-9 !?\.])\1{4,}', "" ], ] - step: &spelling type: ExactReplace description: "Spelling mistakes and typos." config: caseSensitive: false replacements: [ [ 'bow staff','bo staff' ] ] - step: &empty type: FullMatch description: "Drop empty messages." config: action: drop patterns: [ "" ] - step: &two_alternating_participants type: Participants description: "Require exactly 2 alternating participants" config: min: 2 max: 2 alternating: true - step: &rename_participants type: RenameParticipants description: "Rename participants to their conversation roles." config: names: [ "human", "gpt" ] - step: &edge_cases type: ExactReplace description: "Remove a few edge cases." config: replacements: [ [ "TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT\nTEXT TEXTTEXTTEXT", "" ], [ "hvlr\n/\n", "" ], [ "' s ,\ns s.\ns s, ,\ns.\n", "" ], [ "I'll post first\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n", "" ], [ "Moved from PMs to threads", "" ], [ "I'll start out a with an opening post.", "" ], [ "\nOOC\n", "" ], [ "NSFW\n\n", "" ], [ "Kinda short -- sorry!", "" ], [ "\nthe end?^^", "" ], [ '\nThe end.^^', "" ], [ '\nthe end?', "" ], [ '\nThe end?', "" ], [ '\nThe end.', "" ], # We can probably hit more end of message (ooc ...) with regex. [ "\nThe End. (awwww lol)", "" ], [ "\nThe End.", "" ], [ "The End?", "" ], [ "\n~The End~", "" ], [ "The End ^^\nshortest RP ever XDD", "" ], [ "Just gonna toss this here so I don't have to hunt for it again.", "" ], [ "If you want to hurry it up and get to the smut, just let me know XD I'm fine with whatever pace you like best.", "" ], [ "???OCC. I intentionally jumbled it around a bit to make it more of a blur.???\n", "" ], [ "IC: ", "" ], [ "BiC: ", "" ], [ "bic; ", "" ], [ "ON:\n", "" ], [ "nighty night^^ see you in the morning.)", "" ], [ "oh yes, Abandoned is a good one^^ Lets do the Time Warm Again is really funny too!)", "" ], [ "i dunno, lol do you want to?^^ we could always have it that Lucius and Narcissa HAVE to get married or Lucius risks the disinheratance from his family or something like an arranged marraige or something?)", "" ], [ "i thought he was a vampire? oh well. ^^", "" ], [ "don't frget about Love and Lies!^^)", "" ], [ "If I manage to catch your eye, please post. ^^", "" ], [ "(couldn't think of anything else. ^^", "" ], [ "g'night! sleep well^^", "" ], [ "going to bed ^^ g'night.", "" ], [ "(and yes, there is a difference^^)", "" ], [ "going to bed. see you in the morning!^^)", "" ], [ "going to bed^^ see you in the morning.)", "" ], [ "going to bed^^)", "" ], [ "wanna see Harry's Animagus form?^^ it's so cute you get Three pics!^^\nRawrandLazyandHungry", "" ], [ "\n^^^ her shorts are just a little longer lol", "" ], [ "*Edit: Plus a tank top and a spandex/latex pants blend.", "" ], [ "THE END? or maybe THAT'S ALL FOLKS! or even better AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER! (ok, you may kill me now^^)", "" ], [ "OOC. you remember that not i sent explaining changing and half bloods? now is when it comes in handy XDD)", "" ], [ "(HAD TO SAY IT)", "" ], [ "now what?))", "Continue." ] ] input: - path: "data/rentry/bluemoon/bluemoon-fanbased-roleplays-1x1.csv" description: "Bluemoon 1-1 Fandom RP+ERP" sha512: f31d6bd278bc4211736d6aace3917cd0c1d0143bec9bf9d07054f5f9b32060e17399b6ea0935774b2271ac45a88309a60ef8eec8c4ac5283d1b353a255529cc5 reader: *bluemoon steps: [ *html_linebreaks, *html_strip, *links, *trim, *reduce_whitespace, *ooc_strip, *ooc_prune, *reduce_separators, *reduce_punctuation, *spelling ] output: - name: 'Bluemoon' path: 'out/bluemoon.json' description: 'Bluemoon 1-1 Fandom RP+ERP cleaned and formatted for Fastchat' sha512: b7ee2b95034c85cab506d30865beba7e6e68969f4b8e45348ed227b3917824a75428301aae106acd3dc1e7e5ee85124c3ed872cfd823f3ec7a89fc0b01f0759b writer: *fastchat_pretty steps: [ *strip_unicode, *reduce_whitespace, *strip_nonwords, *edge_cases, *trim, *empty, *two_alternating_participants, *rename_participants ]