--- dataset_info: features: - name: repo dtype: string - name: pull_number dtype: int64 - name: instance_id dtype: string - name: issue_numbers sequence: string - name: base_commit dtype: string - name: patch dtype: string - name: test_patch dtype: string - name: problem_statement dtype: string - name: hints_text dtype: string - name: created_at dtype: string - name: PASS_TO_PASS sequence: 'null' - name: FAIL_TO_PASS sequence: 'null' splits: - name: train num_bytes: 2500852534 num_examples: 64689 download_size: 728489913 dataset_size: 2500852534 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* --- SWE-Gym Raw contains 64,689 instances sourced from 358 Python repos. Most of the instances there doesn't have associated python environment configured and is not validated with SWE-Bench verification process. If you are working to scale training environments, these instances might be helpful. Otherwise, please take a look at [SWE-Gym](https://huggingface.co/datasets/SWE-Gym/SWE-gym) and [SWE-Gym Lite](https://huggingface.co/datasets/SWE-Gym/SWE-gym_Lite) , why are ready to be used for agent training. **Get started at project page [github.com/SWE-Gym/SWE-Gym](https://github.com/SWE-Gym/SWE-Gym)** | Repository | Frequency | |------------|-----------| | pandas-dev/pandas | 2328 | | Qiskit/qiskit | 2252 | | dbt-labs/dbt-core | 2029 | | Transpile-AI/ivy | 1550 | | python/mypy | 1186 | | getmoto/moto | 1002 | | modin-project/modin | 994 | | mne-tools/mne-python | 990 | | Project-MONAI/MONAI | 964 | | dask/dask | 921 | | bokeh/bokeh | 892 | | iterative/dvc | 888 | | pylint-dev/pylint | 854 | | conan-io/conan | 754 | | pantsbuild/pants | 732 | | spyder-ide/spyder | 719 | | googleapis/google-cloud-python | 712 | | numba/numba | 698 | | ansible/ansible | 673 | | great-expectations/great_expectations | 645 | | oppia/oppia | 640 | | google/jax | 628 | | saleor/saleor | 615 | | hpcaitech/ColossalAI | 579 | | scipy/scipy | 566 | | statsmodels/statsmodels | 565 | | edgedb/edgedb | 557 | | rotki/rotki | 544 | | pydantic/pydantic | 530 | | tobymao/sqlglot | 523 | | certbot/certbot | 492 | | Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightning | 484 | | ibis-project/ibis | 479 | | cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian | 476 | | python-pillow/Pillow | 467 | | pypa/pip | 461 | | django-cms/django-cms | 430 | | numpy/numpy | 425 | | dask/distributed | 423 | | mesonbuild/meson | 419 | | netbox-community/netbox | 413 | | biolab/orange3 | 410 | | ansible-collections/community.general | 408 | | HypothesisWorks/hypothesis | 408 | | deepset-ai/haystack | 402 | | privacyidea/privacyidea | 402 | | aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint | 398 | | apache/airflow | 380 | | wagtail/wagtail | 379 | | litestar-org/litestar | 377 | | open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python | 369 | | quantumlib/Cirq | 367 | | fossasia/open-event-server | 360 | | freqtrade/freqtrade | 359 | | matrix-org/synapse | 356 | | DataBiosphere/toil | 353 | | nilearn/nilearn | 352 | | nautobot/nautobot | 343 | | pypi/warehouse | 342 | | freedomofpress/securedrop | 338 | | learningequality/kolibri | 338 | | ipython/ipython | 323 | | chainer/chainer | 314 | | zulip/zulip | 306 | | pytorch/ignite | 298 | | encode/django-rest-framework | 296 | | scikit-image/scikit-image | 288 | | sunpy/sunpy | 286 | | pex-tool/pex | 285 | | bridgecrewio/checkov | 283 | | vyperlang/vyper | 280 | | readthedocs/readthedocs.org | 273 | | streamlink/streamlink | 268 | | conan-io/conan-center-index | 264 | | mitmproxy/mitmproxy | 259 | | ckan/ckan | 258 | | aio-libs/aiohttp | 256 | | hedyorg/hedy | 253 | | networkx/networkx | 252 | | psf/black | 251 | | scrapy/scrapy | 248 | | localstack/localstack | 244 | | qutebrowser/qutebrowser | 243 | | python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot | 242 | | streamlit/streamlit | 239 | | geopandas/geopandas | 238 | | getsentry/sentry | 232 | | hylang/hy | 231 | | conda/conda | 231 | | cupy/cupy | 221 | | pyca/cryptography | 221 | | Kinto/kinto | 217 | | spack/spack | 206 | | facebookresearch/hydra | 205 | | buildbot/buildbot | 201 | | mlflow/mlflow | 200 | | py-pdf/pypdf | 199 | | xonsh/xonsh | 199 | | googleapis/python-bigquery | 199 | | allenai/allennlp | 197 | | sktime/sktime | 196 | | huggingface/datasets | 194 | | ray-project/ray | 189 | | celery/celery | 188 | | pre-commit/pre-commit | 186 | | cython/cython | 177 | | open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python-contrib | 175 | | wemake-services/wemake-python-styleguide | 175 | | pypa/pipenv | 174 | | pallets/werkzeug | 173 | | docker/docker-py | 171 | | Textualize/textual | 170 | | huggingface/transformers | 162 | | urllib3/urllib3 | 158 | | pypa/setuptools | 158 | | strawberry-graphql/strawberry | 158 | | falconry/falcon | 154 | | nipy/nipype | 154 | | encode/httpx | 154 | | secdev/scapy | 153 | | joke2k/faker | 151 | | liberapay/liberapay.com | 144 | | obspy/obspy | 142 | | internetarchive/openlibrary | 141 | | aws/aws-cli | 141 | | ethereum/web3.py | 139 | | mkdocs/mkdocs | 138 | | pyro-ppl/pyro | 137 | | piskvorky/gensim | 137 | | pallets/click | 136 | | kornia/kornia | 135 | | StackStorm/st2 | 131 | | MongoEngine/mongoengine | 129 | | sanic-org/sanic | 128 | | opsdroid/opsdroid | 128 | | CTFd/CTFd | 127 | | redis/redis-py | 126 | | meltano/meltano | 126 | | PrefectHQ/prefect | 125 | | jupyterhub/jupyterhub | 121 | | kserve/kserve | 120 | | deis/deis | 117 | | tensorflow/addons | 116 | | feast-dev/feast | 115 | | jazzband/pip-tools | 114 | | emissary-ingress/emissary | 114 | | paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx | 114 | | gradio-app/gradio | 112 | | ManimCommunity/manim | 112 | | beetbox/beets | 110 | | python-poetry/poetry | 107 | | gratipay/gratipay.com | 107 | | fonttools/fonttools | 105 | | PyGithub/PyGithub | 105 | | SciTools/cartopy | 104 | | django-oscar/django-oscar | 104 | | biopython/biopython | 104 | | Theano/Theano | 104 | | twisted/twisted | 98 | | kedro-org/kedro | 97 | | tornadoweb/tornado | 97 | | pyinstaller/pyinstaller | 96 | | getredash/redash | 95 | | pyodide/pyodide | 93 | | cocotb/cocotb | 93 | | optuna/optuna | 93 | | cobbler/cobbler | 92 | | kubeflow/pipelines | 91 | | crytic/slither | 91 | | vispy/vispy | 90 | | goauthentik/authentik | 90 | | Pylons/pyramid | 86 | | dmlc/dgl | 86 | | grafana/oncall | 85 | | praw-dev/praw | 85 | | google/flax | 84 | | encode/starlette | 84 | | arviz-devs/arviz | 83 | | psychopy/psychopy | 83 | | frappe/frappe | 82 | | googleapis/google-auth-library-python | 80 | | vacanza/python-holidays | 80 | | plotly/dash | 79 | | qutip/qutip | 78 | | translate/translate | 78 | | keras-team/keras | 78 | | canonical/snapcraft | 77 | | beeware/toga | 73 | | plotly/plotly.py | 73 | | pypa/virtualenv | 72 | | holoviz/panel | 71 | | holoviz/holoviews | 70 | | qtile/qtile | 70 | | boto/botocore | 70 | | horovod/horovod | 70 | | getpelican/pelican | 69 | | huggingface/diffusers | 68 | | mindsdb/mindsdb | 67 | | python-trio/trio | 67 | | openmc-dev/openmc | 67 | | sublimelsp/LSP | 66 | | flairNLP/flair | 65 | | boto/boto | 65 | | cookiecutter/cookiecutter | 65 | | DataDog/dd-agent | 64 | | mosaicml/composer | 64 | | python-discord/bot | 63 | | ludwig-ai/ludwig | 58 | | nltk/nltk | 58 | | dj-stripe/dj-stripe | 57 | | encode/uvicorn | 57 | | ansible/ansible-lint | 56 | | getnikola/nikola | 56 | | vega/altair | 56 | | celery/kombu | 55 | | jazzband/django-debug-toolbar | 52 | | pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph | 52 | | fail2ban/fail2ban | 51 | | wandb/wandb | 51 | | googleapis/google-api-python-client | 51 | | sopel-irc/sopel | 50 | | locustio/locust | 48 | | typeddjango/django-stubs | 48 | | awslabs/gluonts | 48 | | spotify/luigi | 47 | | lk-geimfari/mimesis | 42 | | nonebot/nonebot2 | 42 | | tinygrad/tinygrad | 42 | | google/timesketch | 41 | | apache/tvm | 40 | | open-mmlab/mmdetection | 40 | | OCA/server-tools | 40 | | kivy/kivy | 39 | | CenterForOpenScience/osf.io | 38 | | DataDog/integrations-core | 38 | | benoitc/gunicorn | 37 | | cloudtools/troposphere | 37 | | Textualize/rich | 37 | | aws/aws-sam-cli | 36 | | ytdl-org/youtube-dl | 36 | | pwndbg/pwndbg | 36 | | angr/angr | 35 | | MycroftAI/mycroft-core | 35 | | cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django | 34 | | searx/searx | 34 | | coala/coala | 34 | | vnpy/vnpy | 33 | | prowler-cloud/prowler | 32 | | aio-libs-abandoned/aioredis-py | 32 | | elastic/elasticsearch-py | 31 | | ansible/molecule | 31 | | facebookresearch/ParlAI | 30 | | microsoft/DeepSpeed | 29 | | bentoml/BentoML | 29 | | ethereum/consensus-specs | 28 | | ansible/awx | 27 | | PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot | 27 | | huggingface/accelerate | 27 | | zalando/patroni | 27 | | AnalogJ/lexicon | 26 | | Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot | 25 | | pyg-team/pytorch_geometric | 24 | | tiangolo/fastapi | 24 | | autogluon/autogluon | 23 | | lisa-lab/pylearn2 | 23 | | elastic/ecs | 23 | | explosion/spaCy | 23 | | openai/gym | 22 | | ros/ros_comm | 21 | | koxudaxi/datamodel-code-generator | 21 | | flask-admin/flask-admin | 21 | | ManageIQ/integration_tests | 21 | | activeloopai/deeplake | 20 | | electricitymaps/electricitymaps-contrib | 20 | | zigpy/zha-device-handlers | 20 | | pytorch/text | 19 | | kivy/python-for-android | 19 | | yt-dlp/yt-dlp | 19 | | pennersr/django-allauth | 17 | | aws-powertools/powertools-lambda-python | 17 | | systemd/mkosi | 17 | | blakeblackshear/frigate | 16 | | sagemath/sage | 16 | | speechbrain/speechbrain | 16 | | searxng/searxng | 15 | | pyscript/pyscript | 15 | | aws/aws-sdk-pandas | 15 | | PaddlePaddle/models | 14 | | open-mmlab/mmpose | 14 | | open-mmlab/mmcv | 13 | | open-mmlab/mmengine | 13 | | Mailu/Mailu | 13 | | chaoss/augur | 12 | | ktbyers/netmiko | 12 | | aws/serverless-application-model | 12 | | NVIDIA/NeMo | 12 | | OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py | 11 | | PaddlePaddle/PaddleSpeech | 11 | | Chia-Network/chia-blockchain | 10 | | adap/flower | 10 | | diofant/diofant | 10 | | onnx/onnx | 10 | | microsoft/nni | 9 | | pwr-Solaar/Solaar | 9 | | canonical/cloud-init | 9 | | Bitmessage/PyBitmessage | 9 | | castorini/pyserini | 8 | | lutris/lutris | 8 | | mozilla/kitsune | 8 | | InstaPy/InstaPy | 8 | | nerfstudio-project/nerfstudio | 7 | | canonical/microk8s | 7 | | TheAlgorithms/Python | 7 | | cognitedata/cognite-sdk-python | 7 | | lnbits/lnbits | 7 | | facebookresearch/fairseq | 6 | | cowrie/cowrie | 6 | | PaddlePaddle/PaddleNLP | 6 | | open-mmlab/mmdeploy | 5 | | mantl/mantl | 5 | | open-mmlab/mmsegmentation | 5 | | GoogleCloudPlatform/professional-services | 5 | | OctoPrint/OctoPrint | 4 | | python/typeshed | 4 | | quantopian/zipline | 4 | | bramstroker/homeassistant-powercalc | 4 | | ultrabug/py3status | 3 | | magenta/magenta | 3 | | jupyter/docker-stacks | 3 | | google-parfait/tensorflow-federated | 3 | | jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s | 3 | | borgbackup/borg | 3 | | OWASP/owasp-mastg | 2 | | VATSIM-UK/UK-Sector-File | 2 | | home-assistant/operating-system | 2 | | frappe/hrms | 2 | | kevoreilly/CAPEv2 | 2 | | lra/mackup | 2 | | dcos/dcos | 2 | | ultralytics/yolov5 | 2 | | Pycord-Development/pycord | 2 | | wenet-e2e/wenet | 2 | | mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule | 2 | | amundsen-io/amundsen | 2 | | pyload/pyload | 1 | | openstates/openstates-scrapers | 1 | | Gallopsled/pwntools | 1 | | sherlock-project/sherlock | 1 | | PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR | 1 | | talonhub/community | 1 | | python/peps | 1 | | AppDaemon/appdaemon | 1 | | openedx-unsupported/configuration | 1 | | conda-forge/staged-recipes | 1 | | triton-inference-server/server | 1 | | mozilla-services/socorro | 1 | | openedx/edx-ora2 | 1 | | kovidgoyal/kitty | 1 |