Browse files
@@ -23,13 +23,21 @@ The original dataset consisted of ~90K samples. Light filtering striped that dow
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Some effort was made to remove OOC, links, and other miscellanous fluff, but more work still needs to be done. This isn't a "completed" dataset so much as a test to see if the data gathered is conducive to training LLMs for roleplay purposes. If determined to be useful, I will continue to scrape more data.
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In here are several files:
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* `
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* `
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* `
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* `
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* `opencai_rp.json` - Original dataset filtered for an average token length of 125 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 10 messages, then processed. Contains descriptions of characters, summary, scene, and genre tags provided by `gpt-3.5-turbo-16k`.
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* `opencai_rp_metharme.json` - Original dataset filtered for an average token length of 125 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 10 messages, then processed, filtered to 1229 samples, and converted to metharme format.
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Explanation of Properties:
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* `timestamp
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* `
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Some effort was made to remove OOC, links, and other miscellanous fluff, but more work still needs to be done. This isn't a "completed" dataset so much as a test to see if the data gathered is conducive to training LLMs for roleplay purposes. If determined to be useful, I will continue to scrape more data.
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In here are several files:
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* `discord_logs_unsquashed.json` - The original dataset without squashing consecutive messages from the same author. All subsequent files are squashed.
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* `discord_logs.json` - The original dataset and default option.
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* `discord_logs_two_users.json` - The original dataset limited to conversations to those with only two users. **I recommend using this file.**
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* `discord_logs_split_threads.json` - The original dataset with threads split by timestamp like channels.
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* `discord_logs_anonymized.json` - The original dataset with usernames replaced with randomized substitutes.
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* `125_tokens_6_messages.json` (Strictest) - Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 125 and a minimum conversation length of 6 messages.
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* `80_tokens_6_messages.json` (Stricter) - Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 80 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 6 messages. The latter contains the former, so use one or the other, but not both.
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* `80_tokens_3_messages.json` (Light) - Original dataset filtered for an average and median token length of 80 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 3 messages. The latter contains the former, so use one or the other, but not both.
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* `opencai_rp.json` - Original dataset filtered for an average token length of 125 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 10 messages, then processed. Contains descriptions of characters, summary, scene, and genre tags provided by `gpt-3.5-turbo-16k`.
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* `opencai_rp_metharme.json` - Original dataset filtered for an average token length of 125 tokens and a minimum conversation length of 10 messages, then processed, filtered to 1229 samples, and converted to metharme format.
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Explanation of Properties:
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* `timestamp`: Date of the interaction in YYYY-MM-DD format
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* `type`: Whether the interaction originated from a channel (`GuildTextChat`) or thread (`GuildPublicThread`). Threads were parsed differently than channels and use a static timestamp of `1776-07-04` to differentiate them.
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* `token_length`: The total token length of all messages in the conversation, calculated using `tiktoken`.
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* `average_token_length`: The average token length of all messages in the conversation.
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* `median_token_length`: The median token length of all messages in the conversation.
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* `conversations`: The conversation between the users in the chat. This is represented as a list of dictionaries, each dictionary representing a single utterance and containing two key-value pairs: `message`, referring to the utterance itself, and `author` referring to their discord username.