Soldier 1: "Your Highness!" Soldier 1: "It'll be half a day until we reach the location where the monster was sighted." Princess: "Yes, I understand. We've still got some way to go, but remain vigilant—" Soldier 3: "It's here!" Soldier 1: "That can't be! The monster came this way to attack us?! We're not prepared to go into combat!" Princess: "Looks like we're in luck." Soldier 1: "What?!" Princess: "We've been saved a half-day's worth of walking." Soldier 2: "It's no use! This thing's stronger than they said!" Soldier 3: "W-We can't even get close!" Princess: "Ex Seque Duel!" Soldier 3: "A-A single blow!" Soldier 3: "Your Highness!" Soldier 1: "Well done, Your Highness!" Soldier 2: "What fine swordsmanship!" Soldier 3: "Our princess, and Commander of the Third Legion!" Group: "Princess! Princess! Princess!" Soldier 3: "A shout of victory!" Group: "Princess! Princess! Princess!" Ex: "Many moons have passed since the Imperial Army went to war with the Hellhorde." Ex: "I fell into the hands of the Hellhorde, and find myself imprisoned with Her Highness. Her Highness has seen her fair share of war, proving herself on the battlefield time and time again." Ex: "These indignities are hardly enough..." Ex: "to break her will!" Torture: "Princess. Is there no way to get you to reveal the Royal Empire's secrets?" Ex: "Save your breath. Her Highness is not only a princess, but Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. She would not so easily divulge imperial secrets." Torture: "Is that so?" Torture: "In that case, though it pains me greatly..." Ex: "Torture?!" Ex: "Wait! War prisoner conventions prohibit the use of torture!" Torture: "Those are human laws, are they not?" Princess: "Ex." Princess: "Don't worry about me." Ex: "Your Highness!" Princess: "Sear me with flames and burn my body, but I will keep my silence." Ex: "Your Highness." Torture: "In that case..." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "What?" Ex: "What in the world?" Torture: "'Tis toast." Ex: "Toast?!" Ex: "And what exactly do you plan to do with that?! Don't tell me you plan on enticing her with food! She's not a child, you know!" Princess: "Looks yummy..." Ex: "Your Highness?" Princess: "D-Don't get me wrong, Ex! I'm not feeling tempted at all! I simply gave my honest impression of how good it looks! All human beings would feel the same way! So I definitely didn't give in to temptation here..." Princess: "I would never give in to the likes of mere toast!" Princess: "Ah, I can see it..." Princess: "I can just see it!" Princess: "A carpet of gold!" Princess: "The heads of wheat, heavy with grain..." Princess: "just waiting to be harvested!" Princess: "The yeast and unsalted butter performing in perfect harmony!" Princess: "And most of all, that snow-white angel, the flour, with its fragrant aroma!" Ex: "Your Highness?" Princess: "You've got it wrong, Ex! This is, um, you know! Ah yes! That's it! What I mean is not what you're thinking! It's something else entirely! See, don't you get it now?! That's what I'm talking about!" Torture: "Shh." Princess: "I-I can hear it! It sounds... It sounds so tasty!" Princess: "The crunchy, flame-seared surface. A little burnt, which only makes it better!" Princess: "As it's torn open, it refuses to stay silent and emits those dulcet tones!" Princess: "And its chewy, moist interior!" Princess: "Thank you! Thank you, tasty sounds!" Princess: "A hearty meal for the ears!" Ex: "Your Highness?" Ex: "Your Highness!" Princess: "Curses..." Princess: "I am Commander of the Imperial Third Legion." Princess: "I-I will never give in..." Princess: "to your pathetic torture!" Torture: "The torture isn't over yet." Torture: "'Tis a bowl of beef stew that has been eaten." Princess: "You wouldn't dare!" Princess: "You fiend!" Princess: "That has to taste amazing!" Princess: "I'll talk..." Torture: "I see." Torture: "So that's the weak point of the Imperial Army." Ex: "Your Highness..." Torture: "It appears to be reliable information." Princess: "I did it. I spilled the beans." Princess: "So let me have some toast. Just one slice. One slice is all I ask for!" Torture: "One slice?" Torture: "What are you saying? You've already divulged your secrets. In other words, we're done with you." Torture: "You won't get just one slice..." Torture: "We'll throw a toast party!" Princess: "Yay!" Ex: "What..?" Princess: "So yummy! Untz, untz, untz! Untz, untz, untz!" Torture: "What was that?" Torture: "Our army is too feeble to win with a meager secret like that?" Kanadge: "Yes." Torture: "Understood. We will delay the princess's release until I obtain information that our army can use." Torture: "Don't take it personally, Princess." Torture: "I'm doing this all for the sake of His Majesty." Torture: "Starting today, the princess will be tortured on a daily basis." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "Grand Inquisitor Torture Tortura. Her Highness may have been bested yesterday due to her hunger, but thanks to your bread torture from yesterday, she's all bready today!" Princess: "As in, full of bread!" Ex: "Today's the day that Her Highness, Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion, stands up to your torture!" Ex: "Yes, no matter what you may subject her to..." Ex: "Takoyaki?" Ex: "Don't kid me with that takoyaki! Like I said, Her Highness is all bready for you! Besides, Her Highness was raised on the finest meals, so she'd never be done in by such low-brow food! Your Highness?" Princess: "Th-That's right! You can't sway me with something I've never eaten, like takoyaki!" Princess: "I know what it is, at least." Princess: "I'd always gaze out of the palace windows alone at the festivals." Princess: "The citizens bought them from stalls..." Princess: "to eat with family! Lovers! Friends!" Princess: "With smiles on their faces!" Princess: "H-Honestly, I was so jealous of them..." Ex: "She's crying!" Torture: "Princess." Torture: "Would you like to try one?" Ex: "You mustn't, Your Highness!" Ex: "If you stuff your face with freshly-made takoyaki..." Ex: "Your Highness!" Ex: "But she looks happy!" Batter: "Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!" Princess: "Crispy on the outside!" Batter: "Yum!" Princess: "Gooey on the inside!" Princess: "Plump octopus right in the middle..." Princess: "Mingling!" Princess: "The octopus and batter mingling as they dance in your mouth!" Princess: "The way it asserts itself as it passes down your throat! Its faint warmth even as it reaches your stomach!" Princess: "A carnival of joy in every bodily organ!" Princess: "So this is..." Princess: "T-A-K-O-yaki!" Torture: "I see." Torture: "So that's where the Imperial Army hid its ultimate weapon." Princess: "Take a look, Ex!" Princess: "I grilled this one myself! There's cheese inside!" Princess: "Crispy and gooey! Plump and gooey!" Torture: "Excuse me?" Torture: "His Majesty said what?" Kanadge: "He said, "I'm too scared to use a weapon that powerful."" Torture: "I see." Torture: "I suppose that's that if he's scared. I shall have to come up with a different torture." Torture: "'Tis quite late already. I must retire for the night soon." Torture: "That's it!" Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "Torture this late at night? Does the Hellhorde know no manners?" Torture: "I do apologize. However, I chose this time for a reason." Princess: "I've got it, Ex. She must plan on using sleep deprivation to torture me." Ex: "I see! It's true that sleep deprivation would be excruciating for the average person." Ex: "However, Your Highness is Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. You've faced fierce battlefields with no room to rest, fighting for nights on end without sleep." Princess: "Yeah. I also pulled four all-nighters in a row once playing video games." Ex: "You can leave that part out!" Princess: "Anyway, I'm used to going without sleep! I can handle however many hours you throw at me!" Torture: "Unfortunately, Princess, today's torture does not involve depriving you of sleep." Princess: "What?" Princess: "This smell! This warmth! This devastating power!" Princess: "S-Surely you wouldn't! Not this late at night!" Princess: "Ramen?!" Stomach: "Growl..." Princess: "My stomach was getting ready to go to sleep, but it's bolted awake from the visual stimulation and smell of the ramen! My stomach is like an excited little kid now!" Stomach: "Gimme that ramen!" Ex: "You mustn't, Your Highness! Take a closer look!" Ex: "That's not just any ramen! That rich and creamy ramen broth!" Ex: "Eating that this late at night is bad for you! You'll upset your stomach!" Princess: "Ex, I know all too well..." Princess: "How criminal it is to eat ramen in the middle of the night." Princess: "How stupid it is." Princess: "The inevitable guilt." Princess: "That's what makes it taste so good!" Ex: "Your Highness!" Torture: "'Tis time to eat." Princess: "I want some!" Ex: "Your Highness!" Ex: "Your Highness! Y-Y-Your Highness! Y-Y-Your..." Princess: "Kill me now." Ex: "Seriously?" Ex: "Your Highness, have a little patience. Ramen is a meal enjoyed quickly. Which means the torture shouldn't last long." Princess: "Y-You're right, Ex." Princess: "Besides, I've gotten used to the ramen's impact. I'll tough it out." Princess: "I will never give in!" Princess: "What?!" Princess: "A small bowl of rice?! Y-You fiend! Just what are you planning?! Topping that piping hot rice with chili bean paste and garlic, and wrapping it up in the nori that's soaked up the ramen broth!" Princess: "She ate it!" Ex: "Your Highness?" Ex: "Y-Y-Your Highness?!" Ex: "Your Highness!" Princess: "Firm noodles, extra dashi, spinach topping..." Ex: "She's putting in an order while turning white as ash!" Princess: "Delish!" Torture: "It's almost closing time, so these scrap ends of pork chashu are on the house." Princess: "Awesome! This is the best part of eating at late-night ramen shops right before they close!" Ex: "We're in a prison cell." Torture: "Well?" Torture: "Was His Majesty pleased with the secret I brought him today?" Torture: "What?" Torture: "Ah... Yes, as always." Torture: "Yes. I'll do my best tomorrow." Youki: "Grand Inquisitor." Youki: "Why don't you leave tomorrow's torture session to us?" Torture: "You two!" Princess: "Bread... Takoyaki... Ramen..." Princess: "Flour is so great!" Princess: "The greatest!" Soldier 3: "It's here!" Soldier 1: "That can't be! The monster came this way to attack us?! We're not prepared to go into combat!" Princess: "Looks like we're in luck." Soldier 1: "What?!" Princess: "We've been saved a half-day's worth of walking." Princess: "I can go home early and play video games!" Princess: "After I save that character, should I tackle the Blazing Dungeon?" Princess: "No, there was that subquest that caught my eye. Ex Seque Duel! I might be able to get a rare item out of it! That definitely comes first!" Soldier 3: "Your Highness!" Princess: "All that sudden movement after drinking water gave me a stitch on my side." Princess: "It hurts like hell. So much pain, but everyone's looking at me." Princess: "I can't let them know I have a side stitch. It'd affect the soldiers' morale." Princess: "I know." Princess: "I heard that stretching can help the pain." Soldier 3: "A shout of victory!" Group: "Princess! Princess! Princess!" Princess: "Nope."
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 1 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "1", "Untitled" ] }
: "The war between the Imperial Army and the Hellhorde has raged on for many years... In the midst of battle, the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion falls into the hands of the Hellhorde." : "The Hellhorde, seeking to extract Imperial secrets from the princess..." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." : "...mercilessly subjects her to torture, day after day." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess. I shan't be your torturer for today. Two others shall be taking my place." Ex: "The horrors! What manner of wicked inquisitors await us?!" Torture: "Come in..." Torture: "Lieutorments..." Torture: "Youki and Inki." Youki: "Heya!" Inki: "H-Hello there..." Youki: "Nice to meetcha, Princess!" Youki: "Lieutorment Youki, at your service!" Inki: "A-And I'm Lieutorment Inki." Ex: "Lieutorments?! The princess would never submit to a pair of junior officers!" Torture: "They may be of lower rank, but they work as a team to use tactics unavailable to me." Torture: "All to torment our princess here." Game Narration: "Super Jump+Brawlers!" Youki: "All right! Today's the day I beat you!" Inki: "I'd like to see you try!" Game Narration: "Ready, go!" Youki: "Take this!" Game Narration: "Inki wins!" Youki: "Let me land at least, In-chan!" Youki: "Okay! I'll get you next time!" Inki: "I won't lose to you, You-chan." Game Narration: "Ready, go!" Torture: "'Tis a video game." Ex: "A video game?!" Ex: "A childish diversion!" Ex: "You stand before the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. Her gallant figure leading the charge has won the admiration of all she commands. A mere video game... stands no chance... of acting... as temptation!" Princess: "That looks fun..." Ex: "Your Highness?" Princess: "That's right." Princess: "From a young age... I underwent strict training to grow stronger." Princess: "I devoted everything to improving myself. The only talking I did was with my sword! The truest form of communication!" Princess: "I have no need for friends..." Ex: "Your Highness." Inki: "W-Wanna play together?" Princess: "I... I won't give in!" Princess: "Besides... I don't know what to say to someone I've just met." Torture: "Princess." Torture: "You can play this game with four people." Ex: "What...?" Youki: "Oh, you're doing good!" Princess: "This is fun!" Princess: "Being next to someone feels so warm, even if we don't make contact!" Princess: "When my smile is met by a smile next to me, it's double the happiness!" Princess: "My happiness is multiplied by theirs..." Princess: "Ultra happy!" Youki: "Powerful Miracle..." Youki: "Tornado Spin!" Youki: "I'm not done yet!" Inki: "G-Grumbly Griping... Gloomy Fire!" Inki: "H-How about this?!" Torture: "Cool Beauty Ice Storm!" Princess: "Pretty Princess... Special Strong Shine!" Game Narration: "Princess wins!" Youki: "Nice one, Princess!" Inki: "Th-That was great!" Torture: "Fine work indeed." Youki: "All right, one more round!" Torture: "I see. Security at the eastern gate is light on Wednesdays." Princess: "U-Um... Can we play— No, never mind." Princess: "We're mortal enemies." Youki: "What are you talking about?" Youki: "We're friends, aren't we?" Inki: "W-We'll be back for more torture." Princess: "I-It's not like I gave in to you fiends!" Youki: "Yeah, yeah." Youki: "Let's add each other as friends." Inki: "A-Add me too." Princess: "Um..." Youki: "I'll bring up the QR code, so you scan it, Princess-chan." Princess: "Yeah, okay." Kanadge: "I've received a report." Hell-Lord: "Cram school is on Wednesdays." Torture: "We can't do anything if there's cram school. We'll need a new torture to get the princess to divulge another secret." Torture: "That reminds me. We sent her out on an expedition to the town out west, but she's just about to return after completing her mission." Princess: "They read my message!" Krall: "Princess, time for some torture!" Krall: "Hey there, Princess." Ex: "Beasts, you say?!" Ex: "When Her Highness was faced with a pack of humongous, frenzied beasts..." Ex: "She was completely undaunted and made short work of them!" Ex: "Her Highness will not submit to any ordinary beast!" Krall: "Can you still put on a brave face in front of this fella?" Krall: "Hngy-Baby!" Hngy-Baby: "Hngh?" Princess: "Cute!" Princess: "A polar bear cub? So cute!" Princess: "H-Hngy-Baby? Hngy-Baby!" Princess: "You're so cute! Oh! So cute!" Ex: "Your Highness?" Princess: "I suppose it is adorable, but do you think I would give in at its cuteness and fess up? You sure do think little of me." Ex: "You were real close to giving in." Krall: "Well, then..." Krall: "Can you handle this, then?" Princess: "You heartless demon!" Princess: "Give that ball back right now!" Krall: "It's all in your hands, Princess." Princess: "What?!" Krall: "If you feel sorry, then start talking!" Princess: "Curse you..." Princess: "That's real low, Hellhorde..." Princess: "Wait, does doing this hurt you?" Krall: "H-Hurt me?! And why exactly would I feel hurt?! Are you saying I feel bad about stealing this ball, but I'm just enduring the pain because it's my job?! This bear is my servant! I don't feel a scrap of sympathy—" Krall: "I'm sorry, Hngy-Baby! Sorry for being so mean! I'm so sorry!" Krall: "I love you! I love you! Love you lots!" Krall: "So, so much! Hngy-Baby! I love you!" Ex: "I don't exactly follow, but it looks like we've won today." Princess: "She refused to betray her friend, mission or not." Princess: "Her conviction has touched my heart! I will reveal my secret!" Ex: "Wait, why?" Princess: "So fluffy!" Princess: "Can I give it a hug?" Krall: "You betcha, baby!" Princess: "Yay! Whoa, so soft!" : "The information from today didn't prove to be any use, either, so the torture continues." : "Incidentally..." : "The job Krall just finished was demolition work with beasts." Krall: "Oh, your shift's up already?" Krall: "Okay! Nice job!" Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess. Today's torture will take place in a different location, so we'll have you wear these to maintain our secrecy." Giant: "Hey!" Giant: "You must be the princess!" Giant: "My name is Giant. Nice to meet you!" Princess: "You..." Princess: "You're huge." Giant: "It's not nice to call a lady huge." Ex: "What's going on? What's your reason for bringing us to a hot spring?" Giant: "Huh? Reason?" Giant: "Hot springs feel so nice! The hot springs are way better than torture for a good talk!" Ex: "I see. Your plan is to use kindness to trap Her Highness." Ex: "Too bad, though." Ex: "Her Highness is Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. Since infancy, she was raised in an environment free of indulgence." Ex: "A heart of steel, ready at all times to wield the blade." Ex: "That is the unconditional requirement for a knight. Your plot must be to gently appeal to her emotions, so you can coax the empire's secrets out of her, but it won't work! Her Highness will never succumb to..." Princess: "This rules!" Ex: "Your Highness? Your Highness!" Princess: "Don't worry, Ex." Princess: "My first bath in ages. I must admit that it feels good. It can't be beat." Princess: "But nothing more than that!" Ex: "Your Highness!" Princess: "It's just as Ex says. I grew up in an environment where I was not allowed to act spoiled. I've never let anyone pamper me. Your kindness and sympathy are wasted on me." Princess: "The likes of that won't make me give in!" Giant: "What? You've never been pampered, even once?" Princess: "Huh? Yeah." Giant: "Oh, is that right?" Giant: "In that case..." Giant: "C'mere." Giant: "Mama's here." Giant: "It's fine. You don't have to try so hard." Giant: "It's important to let yourself be spoiled. Don't think of it as running away." Princess: "W-Wait, I never asked to..." Giant: "There!" Princess: "S-So warm... Being gently embraced by someone bigger than you, and having her whisper words of encouragement." Princess: "It feels so nice!" Giant: "Walkie-walkie. Walkie-walkie." Princess: "Mama..." Princess: "The terrifying power of kindheartedness..." Torture: "How do you find this information?" Torture: "I understand." Child Demon: "Mama! I want that!" Mother Demon: "No can do. It's almost time for dinner." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "What the heck is that?" Torture: "'Tis Gorilla's March." Torture: "A very tasty cookie snack filled with chocolate." Ex: "Oh, it's just a snack for commoners!" Ex: "Her Highness has enjoyed only the finest of snacks since infancy. Even when venturing outside for lessons," Ex: "closely monitoring her." Ex: "As a knight out in the field, there were times when she ate rations and instant noodles." Ex: "But I've never laid eyes on that snack!" Princess: "Drool..." Ex: "Your Highness?" Ex: "Has Your Highness ever eaten..." Princess: "Ah! Well..." Princess: "We would stop by the candy store on my way back from lessons..." Jimochi: "Here, Your Highness." Jimochi: "It's our little secret." Princess: "Yay!" Ex: "That damn geezer!" Princess: "Please don't tell Mother! Jimochi was doing it for my sake!" Ex: "You think I'd do that, like a little kid? I'm a sacred sword, darn it!" Princess: "No need to worry, Ex. I'm not particularly attached to that snack. One box costs more than 100 yen, so I basically never had it. I usually bought a bunch that cost 10 to 20 yen, along with one special 30-yen snack. That's the secret to enjoying cheap snacks." Ex: "How plebeian of you, Your Highness." Princess: "Besides... I want more!" Jimochi: "Not happening! It's mine!" Princess: "Jimochi would only ever share a few with me. Please!" Jimochi: "Upsy-daisy!" Ex: "Just give her some, you old crank! Honored Knight, my ass!" Torture: "Now then, let us begin the torture." Princess: "Ex. To be honest, I'm jealous, and I want some. But it's not stirring up any other emotions. This torture session is in the bag!" Princess: "I'll never give in!" Princess: "Hey, Gorilla's March has a cute picture on every piece. You need to appreciate..." Princess: "Wait, you fiend! You're not going to look at the pictures?! Stop it! The gorilla wearing a ribbon, the gorilla sticking its tongue out... Do you know how many variants there are?!" Princess: "That indescribable fuzzy feeling when you get the mommy and baby gorilla! Or the big-browed gorilla that brings good luck to those who find it! There's all sorts of fun gimmicks in there!" Princess: "S-Stop..." Princess: "Everyone!" Princess: "Stop it..." Princess: "You monster!" Princess: "I'm begging you..." Princess: "Stop..." Princess: "Stop it already!" Princess: "I'll talk!" Torture: "I see. The queen's shoe size is 23cm." Torture: "If His Majesty is not pleased with this information, I'll be back tomorrow." Ex: "Yeah, she'll be back." Princess: "The big-browed gorilla! Maybe something good is in store for me!" Princess: "Yummy!" Louch: "So that's Hellholm." Louch: "I'm here to save you..."
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 2 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "2", "Untitled" ] }
: "The war between the Imperial Army and the Hellhorde has raged on for many years... In the midst of battle, the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion falls into the hands of the Hellhorde." : "The Hellhorde, seeking to extract Imperial secrets from the princess..." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." : "...mercilessly subjects her to torture day after day." Louch: "So that's Hellholm." Louch: "I'm here to save you..." Louch: "Your Highness!" Princess: "A theme park?" Youki: "Yeah! We just found out we have tomorrow off." Inki: "S-So we were thinking of going." Inki: "Wanna tag along, P-Princess-chan?" Princess: "There's no way! I'm a prisoner here!" Youki: "You should see if the grand inquisitor will let you go!" Youki: "C'mon!" Princess: "Okay! I'll ask!" Group: "Awesome!" Princess: "I shouldn't just assume she'll say no!" Youki: "That's right!" Inki: "I-I'm sure it'll be real fun with you there." Youki: "You said it!" Ex: "C'mon, it's not happening." Torture: "You cannot go." Ex: "Well, duh." Princess: "You heartless monster! Are you saying that as a prisoner subject to torture, I don't have the freedom to visit a theme park?!" Ex: "I'm shocked that you thought you did." Torture: "That said, how does this sound?" Torture: "I shall consider it in exchange for an imperial secret." Ex: "You dirty scoundrel! So this is your torture for today?!" Ex: "I bet there is no theme park trip. It was all a trick to make Her Highness talk!" Torture: "On the contrary." Torture: "I would not stoop so low." Torture: "I imagine they invited you with naught but pure intentions." Ex: "Don't let her fool you, Your Highness!" Torture: "Right then, onto business..." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Torture: "You've been silent for an hour and counting now." Torture: "Are you sure about this? The park is almost about to open." Torture: "If you confess, I can send you to the park with a teleportation spell." Torture: "Don't you want to enjoy yourself with the others?" Ex: "Your Highness, Youki and Inki were simply acting on her orders. Their invite was nothing but a sham." Princess: "Rest assured, Ex." Princess: "I am Commander of the Imperial Third Legion." Princess: "I've seen my fair share of battles." Princess: "There are times when those I considered comrades..." Princess: "ended up betraying me." Princess: "This is nothing new to me. I won't give in, by any means." Torture: "'Tis time for the park to open." Torture: "I regret to say that you have bested me on this day." Ex: "Y-Your Highness. Please don't let it get to you." Princess: "I'm totally fine! I told you, I'm used to it!" Princess: "That said..." Youki: "We're friends, aren't we?" Inki: "I-I'm sure it'll be real fun with you there." Youki: "You said it!" Princess: "I might have wanted to go on that trip a little bit..." Ex: "Your Highness..." Youki: "We'll be waiting outside until you get here!" Inki: "We'll be waiting!" Princess: "Our friendship is the real deal!" Princess: "I'll tell you!" Torture: "I told you they weren't lying..." Youki: "Did Princess-chan reply yet?" Princess: "I'm here!" Youki: "Oh, there you are!" Inki: "Th-That outfit..." Youki: "You look super cute!" Princess: "Really?" Youki: "All right! Let's have ourselves a blast today!" Group: "Yeah!" Princess: "This is so fun! I'm so happy! What a brand-new experience!" Princess: "It's so nice to have friends! Having fun with others makes it two, three, four, five times as fun!" Princess: "My heart won't stop dancing with joy!" Princess: "Welcome to Tokyo..." Torture: "Yes." Torture: "It took until the very end, but we've finally obtained a useful piece of intelligence." Torture: "Their king... prefers sea over land." Torture: "Will the secret we've coaxed out of her today suffice?" Torture: "What?" Torture: "Oh, yes. The same as always." Torture: "What?!" Torture: "Understood." Torture: "Tomorrow's torture session..." Torture: "will be handled personally by His Majesty's daughter?" Louch: "Earthen cradle under heaven's watchful gaze." Louch: "Hush-a-bye baby. March thee onward, to the city cloaked in night eternal." Princess: "Besties for life!" Princess: "Why are you kneeling?" Princess: "Oh, is it me? Have you realized how great I am?" Ex: "I'm pretty sure it's not that." Torture: "I kneel not in deference to you, Princess. Today's torture will be performed by His Majesty's daughter." Ex: "The daughter of the Hell-Lord?!" Torture: "Indeed." Torture: "The only daughter of His Majesty the Hell-Lord." Torture: "Hyper Cadet Harm-Marshal..." Torture: "Her Highness Princess Maomao-chan." Princess: "So cute! Oh, what a cutie pie! So small! How old are you, Maomao-chan? Go on, go on! Ask me whatever you want!" Princess: "I-It's not what you think, Ex. I was just trying to get some information out of the Hell-Lord's daughter." Ex: "Look me in the eye and say that." Ex: "She's the daughter of none other than the Hell-Lord. Don't let her age catch you off guard!" Maomao-Chan: "Nuh-uh." Maomao-Chan: "I'm no good at all." Maomao-Chan: "Everyone has big hopes for me because of my dad..." Maomao-Chan: "but I've never gotten anything out of anyone with torture." Maomao-Chan: "I... must not be cut out to be a torturer..." Princess: "That's not true! That's not true at all, Maomao-chan! Even if it seems like nothing ever goes your way, I promise your efforts will pay off one day!" Ex: "Your Highness, why are you encouraging the enemy?" Princess: "So be a brave girl now, and torture me!" Maomao-Chan: "Thanks, missy!" Princess: "Oh, you're adorable! I'll talk!" Ex: "Don't jump the gun, Your Highness!" Maomao-Chan: "Okay! Well then..." Maomao-Chan: "It's time for torture, Princess!" Maomao-Chan: "Um, this is bubble wrap. I love popping the bubbles. So popping them in front of you should make you jealous!" Maomao-Chan: "Well? Aren't you so jealous?!" Princess: "God, she's cute. To be honest, I don't feel jealous at all. And yet, I want to tell her a secret so badly!" Ex: "Keep it together, Your Highness!" Torture: "Princess Maomao-chan, you're almost there." Maomao-Chan: "How about this, then?" Maomao-Chan: "My awesome move where you pop a whole bunch at once! This bold move uses up a ton of bubbles in no time," Maomao-Chan: "so I only use it on very special days!" Princess: "This is killing me more than any of the previous tortures!" Ex: "Hang in there, Your Highness! Get a hold of yourself!" Maomao-Chan: "Okay, just a little more! Um, next is..." Maomao-Chan: "I'm all out of bubbles to pop..." Maomao-Chan: "I messed up at torturing again..." Maomao-Chan: "After I tried so hard, too..." Princess: "I'll tell you everything!" Torture: "I see." Torture: "So this is the Imperial Army's secret code." Maomao-Chan: "Am I done with all my work now?" Torture: "Yes, that's right." Torture: "'Twas perfect, Princess Maomao-chan. And now that she's divulged her secret, we're done with the princess." Torture: "Feel free to do as you wish with her." Maomao-Chan: "Um, then..." Maomao-Chan: "Let's play a game of tag!" Princess: "Sure!" Princess: "Maomao-chan! Look, I'm right here!" Maomao-Chan: "Wait for me!" Princess: "C'mon, catch me if you can!" Maomao-Chan: "Okay! I'll get you!" Ex: "Your Highness, did you just undo your chains?" Maomao-Chan: "Tag!" Princess: "Ah, you got me!" Maomao-Chan: "Now you're it!" Hell-Lord: "Well, well." Hell-Lord: "So this is their secret code." Kanadge: "Yes, sir." Kanadge: "Let us make haste and deliver that note to the Chief Officer of Combat." Hell-Lord: "Not a chance!" Hell-Lord: "This is Maomao-chan's first accomplishment at work! I'm going to frame it and hang it in my home." Hell-Lord: "I won't let anyone else see it!" Louch: "March thee onward, to the city cloaked in night eternal." Louch: "Head yonder to dreams impossible." Louch: "Earthen cradle under heaven's watchful gaze." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "What's with the getup?" Torture: "You see, today's torture..." Torture: "is xiaolongbao." Ex: "Wha—?! Chinese food! This is bad. Truth be told, Her Highness loves Chinese cuisine!" Ex: "It might be hard for her to overcome today's torture! Not that she ever overcomes them!" Ex: "Huh?" Ex: "Is something the matter, Your Highness? What happened to your usual dumb face?" Princess: "Looks good... Dumb face?!" Princess: "It's true that I love Chinese food. Jimochi would secretly take me to Baminyan, the Chinese restaurant, after my lessons." Ex: "Not again, you old fart!" Princess: "Mapo, gyoza, fried rice... I can't pick just one!" Jimochi: "Then let's order everything and put it all on one plate!" Princess: "Yeah!" Princess: "But even for a Chinese cuisine die hard like me..." Princess: "Xiaolongbao are another story! After all, xiaolongbao are filled with soup, and always burn the inside of my mouth!" Ex: "What a pathetic reason." Ex: "But if that's the case, we stand a chance of prevailing!" Princess: "Yeah." Torture: "Princess." Torture: "That's because you don't know the proper way to eat xiaolongbao." Princess: "The proper way to eat them?" Torture: "Instead of simply putting one whole into your mouth, you begin by placing it atop your soup spoon," Torture: "and then break open the skin." Ex: "Your Highness!" Ex: "Keep your composure! Your Dumb Face-o-Meter just shot up to 70%!" Princess: "Dumb Face-o-Meter?!" Princess: "Don't you worry, Ex." Princess: "I simply let my guard down for a moment. It won't happen again!" Princess: "It looked tasty for a second there, but that's not the case. I mean, if you break open the skin, all that precious broth is going to come spilling out!" Torture: "Indeed. This overflowing broth is what you drink first." Princess: "Wha—?!" Princess: "That looks amazing!" Ex: "Watch out, Your Highness!" Princess: "H-Hold it. If you drink the broth first, what about the actual bun?! Xiaolongbao without the soup..." Princess: "is just a mangled mess!" Torture: "Why, of course you mustn't drink up all the soup just yet." Torture: "Watch carefully." Princess: "I-Inside the soup spoon, the skin, filling, and soup are mixed together in perfect balance!" Princess: "Wh-Why, that's..." Princess: "guaranteed to taste amazing!" Princess: "You fiend! You're going to devour that incredible-looking morsel in one bite?!" Torture: "I see. The guards change shift every Sunday morning, resulting in lax security..." Princess: "What?!" Princess: "Put on a bit of julienned ginger on at the end?! You're telling me there are greater heights of joy to be had?!" Princess: "I'm so happy!" Hell-Lord: "Flimsy security on Sunday mornings, you say?" Kanadge: "Yes. I believe it'd be the perfect time to strike." Hell-Lord: "No way!" Hell-Lord: "There are so many Sunday morning anime I want to watch. I prefer to watch them while they're airing." Kanadge: "As you wish." Louch: "Earthen cradle under heaven's watchful gaze. Hush-a-bye baby. March thee onward, to the city cloaked in night eternal." Louch: "Head yonder to dreams impossible." Princess: "White rice..." Princess: "...piled sky-high..." Louch: "Your Highness." Princess: "Huh? Huh?!" Louch: "Please keep it down. I've cast a sleeping spell throughout the castle, but we should act with the utmost silence." Louch: "White Knight of the Imperial First Legion, Louch Brittan. I've come here to fetch Your Highness." Louch: "Your Highness?" : "The princess was raised from an early age to grow up strong," girl A: "Oh, my dear knight!" : "and as girls her age dreamed of finding their Prince Charming..." girl B: "Look this way!" girl C: "Marry me!" Princess: "I have no need for that. I shall serve as the sword who protects all!" : "Or so she said." : "But the truth is..." : "she was squeeing at shoujo manga. What's more..." : "she dreamed of being saved by Prince Charming." : "No..." : "She dreamed about it like crazy!" Princess: "Y-You came to save me?" Louch: "That's right." Princess: "What, is this a dream? Am I still dreaming?" Louch: "Come now, let us flee at once." Princess: "Nope, it's reality." Louch: "Huh?" Princess: "No, I apologize. You're not to blame here. In fact, I'd prefer to marry someone with unassuming looks." Louch: "I see..." Princess: "Ex is still asleep." Princess: "So, how will we escape?" Louch: "Yes. Actually, I spent quite some time searching for Your Highness," Louch: "so the sleeping spell is about to run out in a few minutes." Louch: "As such, we'll use a return spell to head straight back to the palace." Princess: "Makes sense." Louch: "Um, well..." Louch: "About that return spell..." Louch: "For the two of us to use it, we'll need to cling tightly to each other..." Princess: "How innocent of you. I don't mind a bit of close contact. Don't hesitate to touch me." Louch: "Thank you very much." Louch: "Okay, Your Highness. Let me take you by the waist." Princess: "Go on." : "Needless to say, while the princess was quick to call him innocent, she was no better." Princess: "So close! His face is so close! His voice is so close! A man, so close to me! I can feel the warmth from his fingertips! This is a brand-new experience! My heart is pounding to the point where he's starting to look handsome! And is it me, or is his voice pretty manly?" Princess: "His dead serious profile as he recites his incantation... So handsome!" Princess: "He's grabbing onto me even tighter!" Princess: "I hear transportation magic requires intense focus. I guess it was true. He's gripping me with a lot of force." Princess: "It hurts a little, but I'm no delicate maiden. I'm the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. This is nothing." Princess: "And well, more importantly... his hand keeps on creeping upward. He's about to reach my boobs—" Princess: "U-Um, excuse me..." Princess: "It's no use! He's concentrating as hard as he can!" Princess: "He's completely unaware of his own hand!" Princess: "Calm down. I threw away my womanhood when I became a knight. Even if his hand does touch my boobs— it's not a big deal!" Princess: "It would take more than that..." Princess: "to make me give in!" Princess: "Nope, ain't happening!" Louch: "Head yonder as thou art guided..." Princess: "I'm sorry, Louch." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "Bear with it. I'm sure help will come some day!" Hell-Lord: "I will say... The grand inquisitor just hasn't brought me any information I can use." Hell-Lord: "I suppose the princess is just too formidable a foe." Hell-Lord: "No, or perhaps..."
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 3 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "3", "Untitled" ] }
: "The war between the Imperial Army and the Hellhorde has raged on for many years... In the midst of battle, the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion falls into the hands of the Hellhorde." : "The Hellhorde, seeking to extract Imperial secrets from the princess..." : "...mercilessly subjects her to torture day after day." Torture: "Torture Tortura, at your service." Hell-Lord: "The location of the empire's ultimate weapon. The days when security is lax. Their secret military code. All utterly worthless." Hell-Lord: "You haven't managed to get any useful information out of the princess." Hell-Lord: "Could it be that you've lost your touch?" Torture: "No, I dare say not." Hell-Lord: "I could strip you of your title of grand inquisitor right here." Hell-Lord: "But I'll offer you a chance." Hell-Lord: "Have a stab at torturing me." Kanadge: "Y-Your Majesty! I can't allow that!" Hell-Lord: "We will begin in one hour. I'll see if you have what it takes. And I think it should be clear what will happen..." Hell-Lord: "if you disappoint me." Torture: "Yes." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Your Majesty." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh." Kanadge: "Torturing His Majesty? How foolhardy!" Kanadge: "His Majesty stands above all of demonkind. His mental resilience is far above average! What exactly does she have planned?" Torture: "I shall be using this for today's torture session." Torture: "'Tis beer." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. You should cater your torture method to your victim." Kanadge: "It's not working on him!" Hell-Lord: "I enjoy a drink every night with the queen in the privacy of my home, and you offer me beer?" Hell-Lord: "Not a bad choice!" Kanadge: "It's not?!" Hell-Lord: "However, you stand before the Hell-Lord." Hell-Lord: "I've sampled the finest alcoholic beverages across the lands. Do you think you can defeat me with that low-brow canned beer?" Kanadge: "It's totally working!" Torture: "'Tis but canned beer. Yet 'tis mighty indeed. Your Majesty, do you know the tastiest way to pour a can of beer?" Torture: "The tastiest way?" Torture: "First, when pouring it into the glass..." Torture: "As you begin, immediately raise the can as high as you can." Hell-Lord: "If you do that, you'll get nothing but foam!" Torture: "That is fine." Torture: "That is what we want." Torture: "Once it reaches the very top, we wait for the head to settle." Torture: "A vigorous pour results in fine bubbles that become compacted even further." Torture: "Once the head is stable, slowly pour in beer from the rim of the glass." Torture: "Finally, once you've poured enough that the foam covers the top of the glass..." Torture: "'Tis complete." Hell-Lord: "Wha—?!" Hell-Lord: "J-Just look at this fluffy foam... No, fluffoam!" Kanadge: "He gave it a name!" Hell-Lord: "A far cry from the flaccid head you get from pouring mindlessly! It stands out like a dollop of whipped cream! Fluffoam! Fluffoam!" Kanadge: "Is he pleased with himself for that?" Kanadge: "Your Majesty!" Hell-Lord: "It can't be! To think that I..." Hell-Lord: "would tremble with temptation!" Kanadge: "Please endure it, Your Majesty! Even when you faced the Hero, strongest soldier in the Imperial Army, in a duel, you shrugged off all of his attacks, held firm," Kanadge: "and came out standing strong! You are the pinnacle of all demonkind! The strongest monster of all!" Kanadge: "The Hell-Lord himself!" Kanadge: "Your Majesty!" Kanadge: "Y-Your Majesty?" Hell-Lord: "Heh." Hell-Lord: "That's right." Hell-Lord: "I am the Hell-Lord." Hell-Lord: "This torture is nothing to me!" Torture: "Incidentally, this beer with the fluffy foam... or rather, this fluffoam beer... The longer you wait, the more foam will dissipate." Torture: "'Tis best to enjoy it immediately after pouring." Hell-Lord: "My weakness is light magic!" Torture: "Enjoy." Hell-Lord: "Yes." Hell-Lord: "It's so light, with a creamy mouthfeel that's downright criminal. And the golden nectar of life blanketed in fluffoam... rushes through my body!" Hell-Lord: "So divine, it's like my throat is in heaven!" Hell-Lord: "Foam fizzing like herald angels singing!" Hell-Lord: "I'm filled with joy!" Hell-Lord: "This is no mere canned beer!" Hell-Lord: "It's light magic!" Kanadge: "His Majesty is being purified!" : "Don't drink until you come of age." Torture: "His Majesty granted me permission to continue the torture." Torture: "But I must admit that as it stands, the intelligence we can gain is limited in scope." Torture: "I suppose I could try something different." Torture: "Fluffoam..." Torture: "Princess." Torture: "'Tis time for torture. We'll be trying something a little different today." Ex: "It doesn't matter what torture you throw at us." Ex: "I'm sure Her Highness will spill the beans." Princess: "What?! Did Ex's faith in me plummet thanks to my constant slip-ups?!" Princess: "Just you wait, Ex! Today's the day I finally resist!" Ex: "Hmph." Princess: "What?!" Torture: "I shan't be torturing you today, Princess." Princess: "What?" Torture: "Please come in." Torture: "Weaponsmith Gilga-chan." Gilga: "Hey there." Ex: "A weaponsmith?" Gilga: "Aw, man. Being stuck here has left you in awful condition." Torture: "Yes. Sacred Blade Ex, today we'll be..." Torture: "torturing you instead." Ex: "Don't underestimate me." Ex: "I am Ex, the sacred blade. In my long service to the royal family, alongside generations of noble knights, I've braved a countless number of battles." Ex: "I would never submit to any means of torture!" Gilga: "Alrighty." Ex: "Hey! Unhand me! I'm a sacred blade, you know!" Princess: "Ex?" Ex: "You've got it wrong, Your Highness! That was a battle cry! I was letting out a manly battle cry! It wasn't because of any pleasure I felt at all! I simply let out a battle cry! All sacred blades would do the same! I'm definitely not the only one who'd cry out..." Gilga: "Next, I'll use this rotary grindstone..." Gilga: "and sharpen you real nice and gentle." Ex: "What a refreshing shave. And the perfect level of sharpening!" Ex: "I can feel it." Ex: "I don't need to test out my blade to tell." Ex: "While retaining the bashing force a sword needs to smash through armor..." Ex: "it boasts the sharp edge of a katana to cut through flesh!" Ex: "I am a sacred blade! The sacred blade Ex!" Princess: "Ex! Ex, snap out of it!" Princess: "Ex!" Ex: "It's okay, Your Highness." Ex: "I admit that felt good. However, I feel no obligation to share my secrets! I will endure this torture!" Princess: "Great! I'm impressed, Ex! I would have spilled the beans three times by now!" Ex: "Your Highness?" Gilga: "Well, that's a shame, but it looks like I'm done here." Ex: "Y-You've still only done a coarse pass over my surface!" Gilga: "I know. I'd love to give you the full treatment as well." Gilga: "But this is supposed to be torture." Gilga: "Well, if you were to reveal a secret..." Gilga: "I wouldn't mind giving you a nice finish." Princess: "Ex..." Ex: "Rest assured, Your Highness." Ex: "I am the sacred blade Ex. Your trusty sword." Ex: "I wouldn't dare act out of my own personal interest." Princess: "Ex!" Ex: "Getting polished up with a nice, sharp edge..." Ex: "That would benefit Your Highness as well!" Princess: "Ex!" Gilga: "Okay, let's finish you up!" Torture: "I see." Torture: "So the Demon Sword Murasa and Fire Sword Amon are lovers." Ex: "Magnificent! I feel superb!" Princess: "Glare..." Ex: "U-Um... Your Highness, well... I'm sorry." Princess: "Sorry for letting you down as well." Ex: "N-No, I never..." Princess: "I'll try harder than ever before to endure the torture!" Ex: "Yes! I'll be rooting for you!" Krall: "Princess, time for some torture!" Princess: "Krall-chan!" Princess: "Where's Hngy-Baby?" Krall: "He's keeping watch back home!" Princess: "Aw, I was hoping to see him again!" Krall: "For real?" Princess: "I mean, Hngy-Baby's adorable!" Krall: "I know, right? Hngy-Baby's totes adorbs! You should come hang out at my place! You can meet all the others, too!" Princess: "What, really? I'm totally down!" Ex: "Your Highness?" Krall: "That's right, Princess. No more goofing around! Unlike last time, today's torture is totally the real deal! Prepare yourself!" Krall: "Come on in!" Ex: "That's..." Krall: "That's a good boy, Mad Wolf." Ex: "A mad wolf!" Ex: "Be careful, Your Highness! Wolves are known as the strongest of all monster families when it comes to pure fighting power!" Princess: "Have you forgotten, Ex? I've defeated wolves in the past." Princess: "It wasn't an easy fight, but they're not unbeatable." Ex: "However, mad wolves are a different beast altogether, even among wolves. They're twice as strong as the gran wolves you struggled to defeat." Princess: "What? That's strong as hell!" Krall: "All right, Princess." Krall: "Let's start the torture!" Ex: "What enormous, thick legs! If that thing lands a hit on you..." Krall: "Mad Wolf's allure lies in his big, cute paw pads for sure!" Krall: "Not to mention..." Krall: "Ah, it smells so nice! The unique scent of their paw pads! You can't beat it, baby!" Princess: "That's so specific that I'm not jealous at all." Krall: "Okay, Princess! If you're dying of envy, then let's hear that secret!" Princess: "No, I'm not jealous." Krall: "What?" Krall: "M-Mad wolf paw pads have a stronger scent than doggies or kitties do..." Princess: "I've never sniffed an animal's paw pads to begin with." Krall: "No way! That's like missing out on half of life itself!" Ex: "Paw pads make up half of our lives now?" Krall: "Here, give it a whiff." Princess: "What?" Princess: "Smells like animal funk." Krall: "It's a nice smell! C'mon, try sniffing it again!" Princess: "Ugh, no thanks." Krall: "Please! I'll let you in on my secret!" Ex: "How the tables have turned." Princess: "What secret?" Krall: "The grand inquisitor has her newborn niece as her phone wallpaper!" Torture: "Hey, Krall! How do you know that?!" Krall: "Look, I shared my secret!" Princess: "What?" Princess: "Fine, I'll give it another whiff." Krall: "W-Well?" Princess: "Ah! Underneath the animal funk, it smells a bit like popcorn..." Krall: "Yeah! Yeah!" Princess: "The pad itself feels so nice and squishy..." Princess: "Huh? Ah, wait..." Princess: "I could get hooked on this!" Krall: "Welcome." Krall: "To the world of paw pads!" Princess: "Thanks, Krall-cchi. For opening my eyes to a brand new world!" Krall: "Nah, I'm just glad you get the paw hype now!" Krall: "Oh, I know! Let's have a paw party back at my place!" Princess: "I'm down! Let's invite everyone else!" Krall: "How about it, Grand Inquisitor?" Torture: "I swear, you two..." Torture: "Will there be bunnies?" Krall: "You betcha, baby!" Torture: "Ah, so cute..." Princess: "Hngy-Baby!" Inki: "So warm and relaxing..." Youki: "How's it going?" Parrot: "How's it going?" Youki: "Whoa, you're a clever one!" Ex: "What about the torture?" Demon Boy: "Hurry up!" Demon Girl: "I can't wait!" Maomao-Chan: "It's time for torture, Princess!" Maomao-Chan: "I really like playing at the park! So seeing me play should make you jealous!" Maomao-Chan: "Just watch me!" Princess: "Yeah, I'm watching." Princess: "Wait up!" Maomao-Chan: "Careful, careful..." Maomao-Chan: "So fast!" Princess: "Ah, so cute." Princess: "Everything's cute about her. She really is so cute." Ex: "She's gonna talk, isn't she? And join in on the fun." Princess: "Don't worry, Ex." Princess: "That won't happen." Princess: "Maomao-chan may be cute, but that doesn't mean I want to join in." Princess: "I've never liked parks very much." Ex: "What do you mean?" Princess: "I was..." Princess: "forbidden from playing in parks when I was younger." Princess: "Parks are not a place for royalty to play. That's the lesson I had deeply ingrained in me." Princess: "Which is why..." Princess: "I don't feel the desire to play here at all!" Ex: "Magnificent, Your Highness!" Ex: "Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion! You've fully taken those childhood royal lessons to heart!" Princess: "Of course. I've had to lead a distinguished life since birth." Princess: "Even as a child... I-I understood this..." Ex: "Your Highness?" Princess: "Truth is, I wanted to play with everyone else..." Ex: "You gave in awfully fast!" Princess: "I wanted to play... And go on the seesaw... And climb up the jungle gym... And make castles in the sandbox..." Ex: "Calm down, Your Highness. Don't let your own memories be your downfall." Maomao-Chan: "Missy!" Princess: "Maomao-chan!" Maomao-Chan: "Let's play together!" Princess: "Sure!" Ex: "Your Highness?!" Maomao-Chan: "C'mon, missy!" Princess: "Not so fast!" Princess: "Man, that was fun!" Maomao-Chan: "Yep!" Krall: "I played my heart out!" Youki: "We should hang out again!" Inki: "Yeah." Princess: "What was the most fun part, Maomao-chan?" Maomao-Chan: "Huh?" Maomao-Chan: "Why do I need to pick?" Princess: "So everything was fun, then?" Maomao-Chan: "Yeah!" Maomao-Chan: "Everything was fun!" Princess: "Same for me!" Kanadge: "Your Majesty." Kanadge: "The Royal Empire's security password we obtained from the princess." Kanadge: "The Chief Officer of Combat was asking for it." Kanadge: "Would you be so kind as to lend me the note with the password on it?" Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. That note, you say? The video filled with scenes of Maomao-chan playing. I was so engrossed in watching that..."
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 4 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "4", "Untitled" ] }
: "The war between the Imperial Army and the Hellhorde has raged on for many years... In the midst of battle, the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion falls into the hands of the Hellhorde." : "The Hellhorde, seeking to extract Imperial secrets from the princess..." Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." : "...mercilessly subjects her to torture day after day." Mad Kaiser: "At long last..." Mad Kaiser: "Vengeance will be mine." Mad Kaiser: "Princess!" Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Princess: "What did you bring us all the way out here for? I know. I bet we're playing in the river, yeah." Princess: "Let's just get this over with already. Well, I'm the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. It's not like I'd ever give in for splashing around in the river!" Ex: "Your Highness, you're way too excited." Torture: "Today's torture shan't be playing in the river." Princess: "Guh... Ah, I see. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. Do what you want." Torture: "We've come to the river today for today's torture, marshmallows." Princess: "Marshmallows? Sorry to say, but I'm not a huge fan. I don't like how they stick to your teeth." Princess: "There's zero reason why I'd lose to today's torture! It's not too late to do something else!" Princess: "Like playing in the river!" Ex: "Do you want to play in the river that badly?" Torture: "I say marshmallows, but these are no ordinary marshmallows." Torture: "They're roasted marshmallows!" Princess: "Roasted marshmallows?" Torture: "Indeed. We came all the way out here so as to safely start an open fire." Princess: "Hmph! What good will roasting the marshmallows do?" Ex: "Yeah, that's right! You tell her, Your Highness!" Ex: "Ah! Wait, Your Highness! Stop!" Torture: "Princess. Would you care to try one, just this once?" Ex: "You mustn't, Your Highness! Don't fall for it! She's trying to teach you what roasted marshmallows taste like, so that you won't be able to resist their temptation!" Princess: "How devious!" Torture: "Why, I would never. 'Twas simply a gesture of goodwill." Torture: "Not to mention..." Torture: "She's the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. That title is a testament to her strict self-discipline and training." Torture: "Would she really succumb without resistance to the taste of roasted marshmallows?" Ex: "Your Highness won't fall for such an obvious ploy!" Princess: "That's right. Such an obvious ploy... I'd never succumb to some lousy roasted marshmallows!" Princess: "Even if it turns out to be good..." Princess: "I will never give in!" Princess: "The soft texture of the marshmallow... Roasting has browned the surface and turned it crispy!" Princess: "And the heat has made the inside all gooey! The gooeyness is filling my mouth!" Princess: "A delight for the mouth!" Torture: "Well, Princess? If you reveal a secret, I can let you have one more." Ex: "Don't do it, Your Highness! Pull yourself together!" Princess: "It's okay, Ex. I'm as calm as can be." Ex: "Your Highness!" Princess: "Hmph! One more if I tell you a secret?" Ex: "Keep it up, Your Highness! You've triumphed over the marshmallows!" Princess: "In other words..." Princess: "Will I get four marshmallows for four secrets?!" Ex: "She caved immediately!" Torture: "One secret, and you can have as many as you like." Princess: "So big! I didn't know they made marshmallows this big!" Princess: "Delicious! So gooey..." Torture: "Princess, while we're here, shall we play in the river?" Princess: "Wait, can I?!" Torture: "Of course." Torture: "We're all done with you." Princess: "Take that!" Princess: "How's that?!" Torture: "What do you think of today's secret?" Kanadge: "The castle guards are weak against fire attacks..." Kanadge: "But you know, it's normal for humans to be weak to fire." Torture: "I suppose. Most creatures are weak against fire." Torture: "What did you just say?!" Kanadge: "Like I said..." Kanadge: "If you're still by the river, get another secret out of the princess." Kanadge: "His Majesty's orders." Princess: "You've done it now!" Torture: "Two torture sessions on the same day... I can only imagine the toll it will take!" Torture: "The princess's body might even give out." Princess: "What's with the long face?" Ex: "The Hell-Lord was unsatisfied with her work yet again." Princess: "Huh?" Ex: "I kept an ear turned to her conversation on the phone." Princess: "Ear? Where are your ears?" Ex: "It looks like she was ordered to carry out a second torture today." Princess: "Wha—?! I-I can't handle two tortures in one day!" Ex: "Isn't that why she looks so troubled?" Ex: "Don't do it, Your Highness. Don't offer her a secret just because you feel bad." Princess: "Y-You know I wouldn't do that! I'm the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. I've been in countless battles," Princess: "cutting down my foes without any mercy." Princess: "I would never take pity on my enemy!" Princess: "Worrying her pretty little head about me..." Princess: "She sure is a big ol' softie!" Princess: "She really is..." Princess: "as soft as they come." Torture: "I never imagined he'd instruct me to torture her twice in one day. The Hell-Lord truly is evil incarnate." Torture: "No, a professional must perform her duty. His Majesty has the right idea here." Torture: "Maybe... I'm not cut out to be a torturer." Princess: "Nice weather we're having today." Torture: "Y-Yes, we are." Princess: "The laundry dries faster on sunny days, too. Speaking of laundry..." Princess: "The king prefers wearing briefs." Torture: "Princess! Why would you tell me such an important secret?!" Princess: "Huh? Did I let something slip just now?" Torture: "Are you taking pity on me, Princess?!" Princess: "I don't have a clue what you're talking about." Princess: "But I like that look on your face." Princess: "That depressed look really didn't suit you." Torture: "Princess..." Princess: "Let's make the most of this perfect weather!" Princess: "Come play with me!" Ex: "I swear..." Youki: "Hey!" Youki: "Princess-chan!" Princess: "You-chan! In-chan!" Inki: "W-We're here." Youki: "Done with torture for the day?" Princess: "Yep! I resisted for a while, but then I gave in. What are you doing here?" Inki: "W-We got a call from the grand inquisitor." Torture: "Princess!" Ex: "So cold!" Torture: "What do you think?" Torture: "About the second secret for today." Torture: "Huh? No good?" Giant: "Wow, check out that tan! It might sting if you soak in the hot springs, so let's go to the sauna instead today!" Princess: "The sauna?" Giant: "Wait, have you never been?" Princess: "Nope." Giant: "What? You're missing out on something amazing! Okay, off we go!" Princess: "I followed her after she said all that..." Princess: "But it's so hot! My entire body is dripping with sweat! This is supposed to feel good? Really? This is practically torture..." Princess: "So that's her deal! Mama... no, Giant!" Princess: "Her sweet words lured me into this torture!" Princess: "If your average person were faced with this heat... I'm sure they wouldn't be able to bear it, and they'd end up talking. But I'm the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. Be it a scorching desert or a frigid snowy mountain, I've fought while maintaining a clear head! I will never give in to this torture!" Princess: "Come to think of it, I haven't sweated this much in a long time. Lately, I eat three meals a day, get tortured, and spend the rest of my time lazing around and sleeping. Munch, munch, munch... I'd forgotten how this felt." Princess: "It feels good to sweat it out." Princess: "Feels good?!" Princess: "That can't be right! At first, this was nothing more than a blistering hell! Yet now, it feels good?! Being placed in this unusual situation is making my earthly suffering and troubles evaporate away!" Princess: "Ah, I see now, Giant... No, Mama!" Princess: "Saunas feel so nice!" Giant: "Okay, I think it's about time we got out." Princess: "Huh? Not yet..." Giant: "Staying in there too long's not good for you. Especially on your first time." Princess: "Makes sense..." Princess: "The air outside feels so nice and cool!" Giant: "Okay, next up is the cold bath!" Princess: "C-Cold bath?!" Princess: "The water's at 17 degrees?! There's no way I can get in... No, I thought the sauna was hot, too, but it ended up being really nice." Princess: "All right!" Princess: "N-N-N-Nope, still cold!" Princess: "Huh?" Princess: "After getting used to it... the cold water feels nice on my warm body. The heat is slowly melting away from my body. I'm melting away, too!" Princess: "Ah, I'm becoming one with the water." Princess: "It feels so good!" Giant: "After a cold bath, take a nice, long break." Princess: "Ah, my arms and legs are tingling. I can feel the blood flowing through me." Princess: "My body is being set free!" Princess: "Just now, I have become complete." Princess: "Thank you, Mama. I've learned the truth of the universe... no, of the sauna." Giant: "They say lots of things about saunas and their detox effect," Giant: "or how they may or may not help you lose weight." Giant: "But none of that really matters." Giant: "Saunas feel good! End of story!" Princess: "Yes, Mama! No... Master Mama!" Torture: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Ex: "Where are we? And..." Ex: "who are they?" Princess: "Mad Kaiser!" Ex: "What?" Princess: "I've fought him in the past." Ex: "Is that true, Your Highness?" Princess: "He was the boss of the Western Tower. I remember him well." Princess: "This was him!" Ex: "You sliced him clean in half. No way that's him." Princess: "Hey there! Is that you, Mad Kaiser?" Mad Kaiser: "That's right!" Ex: "She was right!" Mad Kaiser: "Princess. The wound you gave me... It throbs with pain to this day." Ex: "That sure healed up nicely." Princess: "I see. So that's what this is." Princess: "Everyone here is someone I've defeated in the past!" Ex: "You can't be serious!" Torture: "That's not true at all." Ex: "It wasn't true at all..." Torture: "Mad Kaiser just happened to be here. It's completely unrelated. Today's torture comes courtesy of Lieutorment Youki:" Torture: "a test of courage!" Youki: "Yay!" Torture: "These demons will act as the ghosts and hide in the school building. Lurking inside this abandoned school building, these scaring experts will provide you with a night of terror!" Torture: "Will you be able to withstand it, Princess?" Ex: "How underhanded..." Mad Kaiser: "This is revenge for my wound! I'll scare you real good!" Ex: "You're scarier without the mask." Mad Kaiser: "All right, everyone! Let's get started!" Group: "Yeah!" Princess: "Hold on." Princess: "Courtesy of You-chan? Where's You-chan, then?" Torture: "Youki can't make it out today." Princess: "What?!" Torture: "After sleeping with her stomach exposed, she's caught a cold." Princess: "Oh, no!" Torture: "Which is why I'm administering this in her stead." Princess: "You-chan's out with a cold?! Please, let me go and pay her a visit!" Torture: "I cannot." Torture: "You're in the middle of being tortured. You shan't have freedom until it's over." Torture: "But to put it in other words... You're free to go once it's over." Ex: "Hmph. Do you think that helps the chances of Her Highness confessing? It's no use!" Ex: "Her Highness is the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. From a young age... That was quick! I didn't even get to the flashback!" Torture: "Very well! You've told us your secret, so we're done with you!" Torture: "Let's go and visit the sick!" Princess: "Seriously..." Princess: "You really made me worry." Youki: "Sorry." Princess: "But it was a pretty good torture idea. I gave in before I knew it." Princess: "Here, drink up." Youki: "Thanks." Princess: "Do you have a fever? Does it hurt anywhere?" Youki: "Nah, I'm fine." Inki: "It looks like her fever's gone down." Princess: "I see, that's a relief." Youki: "That feels so nice!" Torture: "Can you handle eating some congee?" Princess: "Here, You-chan." Youki: "It's good!" Youki: "I might give in before I know it." Princess: "Today's the one day where that's fine! Here, open up!" Torture: "How did you find today's secret?" Torture: "What? Is the hidden passage lit up? His Majesty would be scared in the dark? Yes, I'll ask." Kanadge: "Also, the guys you took with you today. Administration is telling me they haven't clocked out for the day yet." Torture: "What?"
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 5 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "5", "Untitled" ] }
Hell-Lord: "Congratulations on passing the Hellhorde Promotion Exam." Hell-Lord: "You've gone from Hyper Cadet Harm-Marshal to Awesome Great Cadet Inquisitor. That's my daughter for you." Maomao-Chan: "Thank you very much, Papa. I mean, Your Majesty." Hell-Lord: "I will give you a reward. Whatever you want. A magic crystal skeleton? An evil dragon fang? Or perhaps a hydra scale?" Hell-Lord: "State your wish." Maomao-Chan: "In that case..." Maomao-Chan: "I..." Maomao-Chan: "I want a piggyback ride..." Hell-Lord: "What?!" Maomao-Chan: "I know you're the Hell-Lord, and appearances are important, so I held back all this time..." Maomao-Chan: "But deep down, I want piggyback rides and stuff." Maomao-Chan: "Ah! No, I'm sorry! I was asking for too much." Hell-Lord: "Of course!" Maomao-Chan: "Eh?" Hell-Lord: "I had been concerned about appearances, too..." Hell-Lord: "but you know I'd love to give you a piggyback ride!" Maomao-Chan: "Papa!" Hell-Lord: "Okay! You can ride piggyback as much as you want!" Maomao-Chan: "I'm so high up!" Maomao-Chan: "I can almost reach the ceiling!" Maomao-Chan: "You sure are tall, Papa!" Hell-Lord: "But right now, you're even taller, Maomao-chan." Maomao-Chan: "Does that make me the tallest in the world?!" Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. Make sure you hold on tight. Watch out for the pointy bits of my horns." Maomao-Chan: "'Kay!" Maomao-Chan: "Yay!" Maomao-Chan: "Thank you very much, Papa. I had fun." Hell-Lord: "Me too." Hell-Lord: "That was nice. Letting loose instead of holding yourself back, that is. Until now, to keep up appearances, I watched quietly in the back with my arms folded at concerts." Hell-Lord: "Starting next time, I'll go a bit closer to the front! Geh-heh-heh..." Maomao-Chan: "That's for the best, Papa!" Hell-Lord: "By the way, daughter of mine. Earlier, you said, "piggyback rides and stuff." It sounds like there's more that you desire." Maomao-Chan: "Huh? I couldn't..." Hell-Lord: "It's fine by me! Tell me what you want!" Maomao-Chan: "Then..." Maomao-Chan: "Playing house." Hell-Lord: "Mama! Food! I'm hungry, Mama!" Maomao-Chan: "Okay, it'll be ready in no time!" Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh..." Maomao-Chan: "Next up, a horsey ride!" Hell-Lord: "Neigh! Clip-clop, clip-clop... Neigh!" Maomao-Chan: "Welcome to my blue underground lake house!" Maomao-Chan: "Right this way." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. Thank you for inviting me over." Maomao-Chan: "Hellvanian Families!" Maomao-Chan: "Also, also..." Hell-Lord: "There's still more? You truly are the Hell-Lord's daughter. Your desires are endless! Geh-heh-heh!" Maomao-Chan: "Is that bad?" Maomao-Chan: "It's been so long since we played together, Papa..." Hell-Lord: "It's fine by me! I am the Hell-Lord! All desires are mine for the taking! I will devour every last craving you have!" Hell-Lord: "Go on." Hell-Lord: "Whoa there." Kanadge: "Ah! Your Majesty!" Kanadge: "Where have you been? As for the secret that Torture found out today..." Hell-Lord: "Shh." Hell-Lord: "I'm retiring for the night." Kanadge: "As you wish." Maomao-Chan: "I love Papa!" Princess: "Bell Mall." Ex: "Leaf." Princess: "Fukudaya." Ex: "Ashcan. Ah! I ended my word with an N! I'm impressed, Your Highness. You're even strong at shiritori! What a wide vocabulary you have." Princess: "Who do you think you're dealing with here? Thanks to the advanced education I received from the royal family's exclusive tutors, I happen to possess an extensive vocabulary. Winning at shiritori is as easy as pie! No, as easy as torture!" Ex: "Wow, Your Highness!" Ex: "But now that you mention it, it's almost time for your torture. Is it really okay to be relaxing like this?" Princess: "It's fine, it's fine." Princess: "I'm sure the torture won't be anything scary." Ex: "The jig is up if you admit that part." Torture: "Apologies for the wait." Princess: "Wha—?!" Princess: "'Tis time for torture, Princess." Princess: "She's brought out the big guns!" Ex: "A hot iron... Looks like the Hellhorde's not playing around anymore." Ex: "However, you've faced death many times only to come out on top." Ex: "It'll take more than that! Isn't that right, Your Highness?" Princess: "You betcha!" Ex: "You're shaking like a leaf!" Ex: "Are you okay, Your Highness? Could it be that your fortitude has weakened from your prolonged imprisonment?" Princess: "You can't be serious, Ex. I'm the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. Have faith in me!" Ex: "Your words sound promising, but not with that look on your face!" Torture: "Now, Princess. Today's torture will be..." Torture: "Raclette cheese! I'll use this iron to heat up the cheese, so that it can be enjoyed in a melty and delicious state." Princess: "What a relief! I'm so... I'm so relieved..." Princess: "I thought I was going to die..." Ex: "Your Highness, the torture hasn't begun yet." Princess: "After being faced with the terror of that hot iron, I can easily hold out against that cheese." Princess: "It looks so good!" Princess: "Cheese! Cheese!" Princess: "I bet it's amazing!" Princess: "The cheese! The cheese is oozing down!" Princess: "Where are you going, cheese?!" Princess: "Cheesy-cheesy yum-yum!" Princess: "Delish!" Torture: ""Cheese and Kabao share the same voice actor."" Torture: "His Majesty wasn't satisfied with today's secret, either." Torture: "It's true that His Majesty is a big fan of voice actors. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew already." Torture: "Which means for tomorrow... Ah." Torture: "That's right. I can't torture her tomorrow." Princess: "Cheese..." Torture: "'Tis time for your routine physical, Princess." Ex: "Routine physical?" Torture: "Yes. It'll soon be one month since the princess was captured. In order to lead a healthy life in captivity, the Hellhorde conducts monthly health check-ups on all prisoners." Ex: "Now that's an unexpected benefit." Torture: "And so, I shan't be torturing you today. I'll be administering a routine physical instead." Princess: "Routine... physical..." Ex: "Oh, does that go for that big guy as well?" Torture: "Indeed." Torture: "Datarma has his check-up as well, which is why I'm by myself today." Torture: "Now, to begin, I'll be drawing your blood." Princess: "I'll talk." Ex: "What?! Wh-Wh-What's wrong, Your Highness? You're not being tortured today." Ex: "Wait, are you scared of needles?" Princess: "Eep! C'mon! There's no way I'd be scared of needles! I just happened to almost confess out of habit!" Ex: "Confess out of habit?" Ex: "That's right. Your Highness may be royalty, but you were always at the very front on the battlefield, receiving the most wounds in battle." Ex: "You even reached the position of Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. You couldn't possibly be scared of needles!" Princess: "Of course not, Ex!" Torture: "Now then, Princess, let's get started..." Ex: "Your Highness?!" Ex: "You were so calm on the battlefield, receiving wound after wound..." Princess: "I mean, c'mon! C'mon!" Princess: "Whoops... You're fine when you cut your finger on paper by accident..." Imaginary Man: "Cut your finger." Princess: "But it's scary if someone tells you, "Cut your finger with paper right now!"" Princess: "First things first! Do you even know your way around a needle?!" Princess: "How do I know you won't mess up trying to find a vein and make a huge mess?!" Torture: "I'll be fine." Torture: "I used to work as a nurse." Princess: "What?!" Torture: "Incidentally, this uniform is the one I used to wear back then." Torture: "So please, rest assured." Princess: "Oh, I know. What if I defected? And joined the Hellhorde." Ex: "Your Highness?!" Princess: "No! No needles! I'm scared of pain!" Torture: "I'm not here to try and hurt the princess, either." Torture: "I do have this local anesthetic patch." Torture: "I can use this to make the needle painless. But if I go to the trouble of using it, I'd want a secret in exchange..." Princess: "The royal treasures are hidden in a room on the east side of the castle!" Ex: "That was instant!" Princess: "Tell me when you're gonna poke me! Promise! No taking me by surprise! I'll spank you if you do that!" Torture: "You were really brave, so you get a bear sticker." Princess: "It didn't hurt! Hooray for modern medicine!" Hell-Lord: "I see. The royal treasures are in a room on the east side." Kanadge: "What do you think?" Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh." Hell-Lord: "I'd feel bad if we stole their royal treasures." Louch: "Your Highness. I apologize for being unable to save you last time." Louch: "I was so focused on my spell that I didn't notice I had let go of you. This time, with my newly-acquired spell," Louch: "I, Louch Brittan, the White Knight, will be sure to save you!" Louch: "Please wait for me, Your Highness!" Louch: "Your Highness." Louch: "Your Highness." Louch: "Your Highness." Louch: "It's been quite some time. Louch Brittan, White Knight of the Imperial First Legion, has arrived to fetch Your Highness once again." Louch: "I'm sorry for letting my hands slip off you halfway through last time." Princess: "Ah, no, don't worry about it! I should be the one apologizing!" Louch: "This time, I've come with a spell that can teleport Your Highness, no contact needed." Princess: "Oh, a new spell in so little time? You're not in the First Legion for nothing!" Louch: "Oh, please, no. A genius, you say?" Princess: "I didn't go that far." Louch: "Ah, if you'll excuse me for a moment." Louch: "Now then, Your Highness." Louch: "I've cast a sleeping spell throughout the castle tonight as well. That said, let's act as silently as possible." Princess: "How will we make our escape this time?" Louch: "Allow me to explain." Louch: "My new spell, Entity Displacement." Princess: "Entity Displacement?" Louch: "This spell creates an expanding aura of mana, which teleports all matter within its range." Princess: "Huh, that sure is a handy spell." Louch: "However, the drawback is that living things and objects can't travel at the same time, so your clothes and body end up being teleporting separately." Princess: "Eh?" Louch: "Your clothes will be teleported first." Princess: "Huh? Hold it right—" Princess: "He's already in concentration mode!" Princess: "Clothes and body separately, he says..." Princess: "My clothes are starting to be teleported by themselves! If this keeps up... I'll end up buck naked!" Princess: "Heya. Wait, don't panic. Calm down. Let's just calm down!" Princess: "That's right. I'm the Princess and Commander of the Imperial Third Legion." Princess: "I've faced all sorts of hardships in the past. In comparison, exposing my naked body is no big deal!" Princess: "I won't give in to the likes of being stripped naked!" Princess: "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope! Stop, stop, stop! Damn it, he's completely ignoring me! Seriously, how can he focus so intently?!" Princess: "He's like a shogi player mid-match!" Princess: "Wait, yeah. If he's concentrating this hard, I don't need to worry about being seen, even if I'm naked." Princess: "I almost panicked there. If that's the case, I just need to sit tight until the teleportation finishes... Wait a second! Where am I being teleported to?!" Princess: "Wherever it is, I'm sure there are people waiting there to act as support!" Royal Physician B: "Your Highness! Welcome back!" Royal Physician A: "She's naked!" Royal Physician B: "She's naked as a jaybird!" Princess: "No way, not happening!" Princess: "I'm left with no choice but to defeat Louch yet again!" Princess: "But if I do that, I'll remain a prisoner here. However..." Princess: "I'm sure Louch will come to save me one more time. Then I defeat him." Princess: "He comes to save me again." Princess: "Defeat him. Again and again." Princess: "The very definition of sennichite!" : "Sennichite. When the same position is repeated four times in a game of shogi. If this happens, the game is deemed a draw." Princess: "No deal!" Princess: "It doesn't count as a draw in real life!" Princess: "I need to do something about this." Louch: "I'll save Her Highness!" Louch: "I swear it." Louch: "I'll be her savior!" Princess: "Stop, stop!" Louch: "I'll be the one to save her!" Princess: "My belly button!" Princess: "I can't bear ending up buck naked..." Princess: "Mordred Sword!" Princess: "I'm sorry, Louch." Torture: "My word. How did you manage to tear up your clothes like this in your sleep?" Princess: "Thanks for getting me new clothes." Ex: "What in the world happened last night?" Princess: "Well, you know, stuff." Kanadge: "His Majesty is... working out..." Hell-Lord: "I need to slowly get my body warmed up again. I wouldn't want to suffer a fall during the parent participation events."
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 6 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "6", "Untitled" ] }
: "Many moons have passed since the Imperial Army went to war with the Hellhorde. The royal princess, Commander of the Imperial Third Legion, ends up being taken prisoner in the midst of fierce battle. Subjected to all manners of torture day in and day out, she endures these indignities without so much as a peep. She reveals not the secrets of the Royal Empire." : "Yes, by no means will she speak." : "The princess does not give in. No, she will never give in!" : "And so, the torture continues today, yet again..." Princess: "So cute!" Princess: "They're healing my soul!" Princess: "Purr-haps you wanna hear a secret? Actually, the king..." Ex: "Why are you offering secrets?!" Princess: "That was close! They're just too darn cute!" Krall: "Isn't it a bit late to be taking that attitude?" Krall: "Princess, it's time for some torture!" Krall: "Princess, it's time for some torture! How about it, Princess? For today's torture, Callie loves to snuggle up," Krall: "and Snowball loves sleeping in people's laps!" Krall: "It's totally impossible to hold out against such cuteness!" Princess: "Curses!" Ex: "I bet Her Highness is going to spill the beans again..." Princess: "Hey!" Princess: "It's true that in the past, I almost gave in to Maomao-chan and Hngy-Baby's cuteness..." Princess: "But I've never once confessed because they were cute!" Ex: "Now that you mention it!" Ex: "Wait, you were about to talk just now..." Princess: "A testament to my willpower!" Ex: "Oh..." Princess: "Anyway, Krall-chan!" Princess: "Cuteness alone..." Princess: "won't be enough to make me fold!" Krall: "I see. But you haven't seen the worst part of this torture yet!" Princess: "Bluffing, I see. Kitties are at their max cuteness from the very beginning." Princess: "It can't go any higher!" Krall: "I knew that all along, baby!" Ex: "What's the matter, Your Highness?" Princess: "Well..." Krall: "Looks like it's started." Krall: "Your legs have gone numb!" Princess: "You fiend! Could it be that from the moment you placed Snowball in my lap..." Krall: "Yep! This was my goal all along!" Ex: "If your legs are numb, can't you just move the white cat off you?" Princess: "Ex." Princess: "I can't do that." Ex: "What?" Princess: "If I did that..." Princess: "I would wake Snowball up!" Krall: "What are you gonna do, Princess? I can gently take Snowball into my arms without waking her up, if you want." Princess: "Don't underestimate me. I am Commander of the Imperial Third Legion. I've fought my way to victory while enduring serious wounds." Princess: "Compared to that, these numb legs are no big deal!" Princess: "I'll withstand the pain until Snowball wakes up!" Krall: "Really? Don't forget, Snowball's not the only kitty here." Princess: "Callie!" Krall: "Callie loves to snuggle up..." Princess: "Don't do it, Callie!" Princess: "I know you want to, but please... I'm begging you, Callie! Spare me! Please, spare me!" Ex: "Are you okay, Your Highness?!" Princess: "Darn you, Callie! You may look cute, but that's downright mean!" Princess: "Unforgivable!" Princess: "I'll never forgive you!" Princess: "All forgiven!" Ex: "Your Highness?!" Princess: "Krall-chan, can I play with Callie?" Krall: "You betcha, baby!" Princess: "Here, this is payback! Nuzzle, nuzzle!" Krall: "Princess, wanna give her a snack?" Princess: "Yeah, totally!" Princess: "You're so adorable!" Krall: "Did you get sick of being held, Snowball?" Ex: "Ah! A little higher!" Torture: "They truly are elite members of the therapeutic unit." Torture: "What did he think of today's secret?" Kanadge: "His Majesty actually left early today to prepare for important business tomorrow." Torture: "What?" Kanadge: "Tomorrow is Princess Maomao-chan's field day." Kanadge: "His Majesty's waking up early to line up and secure a spot for his family." Torture: "I see. That is of the utmost importance." Torture: "Field day..." Torture: "I'll need to go to cheer her on!" Torture: "I must make a packed lunch and invite the princess!" Song Recording: "Pom-pom, Hellholm, pom pom-pom Pom-pom, Hellholm, pom pom-pom Pre Pre-School Pre Pre-School" Emcee: "That was the second-year class with the Hellholm Pre-School March!" Princess: "Ah, so adorable! I don't know them, but they're cute. I'll talk." Ex: "Your Highness?" Princess: "When's Maomao-chan's event?" Torture: "Let's see... It's coming up next, actually." Torture: "See, she's waiting at the entrance gate." Princess: "You're right! Hey! Maomao-chan!" Emcee: "The next event will be the third-year class race!" Hell-Lord: "Blast it! How maddening!" Hell-Lord: "Maomao-chan's big moment is here, yet this camera is broken!" Hell-Lord: "Curse you, humans!" Kanadge: "Your Majesty, the humans are not to blame here. You forgot to take the lens cap off." Emcee: "Okay, everyone who's up next, please wait at the starting line!" Makki: "I won't lose!" Youki: "Oh! Insuke's next to Princess Maomao-chan!" Princess: "Insuke?" Inki: "M-My little brother." Inki: "Look, over there." Princess: "I see him! He looks like you!" Torture: "They're about to begin." Teacher: "On your marks!" Teacher: "Get set!" Emcee: "They're off to a good start!" Hell-Lord: "You can do it!" Emcee: "Okay, everyone! Best of luck!" Torture: "Princess Maomao-chan..." Group: "Insuke! Go get 'em!" Princess: "Go Maomao-chan!" Emcee: "Goal!" Youki: "Awesome!" Inki: "Insuke's the winner!" Ex: "Huh? Is that okay? Winning against the Hell-Lord's daughter." Youki: "She may be His Majesty's kid, but this is a fair race!" Youki: "Insuke! You did great!" Princess: "Maomao-chan! You tried your best!" Hell-Lord: "That's my daughter for you. Excellent running." : "The field day continues!" Princess: "So cute, so cute!" Torture: "It's great seeing these young kids try their best. Princess. We're going to go help move some equipment for the afternoon events." Youki: "We'll be back soon." Princess: "Sure, see you later!" Emcee: "Next up, the third-year class parent participation event," Emcee: "Tag Team Kangaroo!" Princess: "Ah! There's Maomao-chan!" Ex: "Parent event? So that must mean..." Princess: "That's..." Princess: "the Hell-Lord!" Princess: "The Hell-Lord." Emcee: "Guardians, please line up at the starting position!" Princess: "It's my first time seeing him." Emcee: "Get set!" Princess: "So that's the empire's..." Princess: "No, humanity's enemy!" Princess: "The embodiment of evil!" Princess: "Ruler of all monsters!" Princess: "Their fearsome leader! A symbol of absolute power!" Princess: "Nah, that can't be him. There's no way that's the Hell-Lord." Ex: "Yes, I'm sure he's just a body double. The Hell-Lord would never come to a school field day." Kanadge: "Excellent work out there, Your Majesty." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh." Hell-Lord: "I see the princess has come to watch." Kanadge: "Yes. It seems she's enjoying the proceedings." Hell-Lord: "Not a care in the world, I see." Hell-Lord: "Unaware of the hellish fate that awaits her in the afternoon." Kanadge: "Hellish fate?" Hell-Lord: "After hearing that the princess was here, I made some preparations." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. For a face-to-face battle between the two of us!" Emcee: "We will now be taking a break for lunch." Princess: "Wow, lunchboxes!" Insuke: "Whoa, that looks great!" Youki: "What a feast!" Princess: "Did you make this yourself, Torture?" Torture: "I hope you find it agreeable." Inki: "Y-You're awesome, Grand Inquisitor!" Youki: "Yeah, yeah!" Princess: "Torture!" Princess: "Thanks!" Insuke: "Yay! Let's dig in already!" Princess: "Is this another torture method?!" Torture: "Today is Saturday. We've never tortured you on weekends, have we?" Ex: "No toxic overwork in the Hellhorde, huh?" Princess: "I guess that's true!" Princess: "Time to eat!" Group: "Let's eat!" Princess: "First, some fried chicken!" Princess: "Mm, so good!" Torture: "I'm afraid the fried chicken is frozen rather than homemade." Princess: "Frozen fried chicken usually isn't crispy or tender, but it's still good somehow!" Youki: "What do you like best, Insuke?" Insuke: "The salmon rice ball for me!" Inki: "I think I like the sausages the best. They're twice as delicious when they're shaped like octopuses!" Youki: "You're right! Octopus sausages rule!" Princess: "It's nice eating lunch outside like this." Princess: "Oh!" Princess: "Maomao-chan's eating lunch with her surrogate guardian, too!" Ex: "That's quite the prime location. Do you think they used the Hell-Lord's authority?" Youki: "Last one's all mine!" Inki: "Ah, there's no more fried chicken!" Princess: "You don't hold back, You-chan!" Youki: "Yummy!" Insuke: "The shrimp patty's mine!" Princess: "Meat, meat!" Youki: "Fried shrimp for me!" Insuke: "Me too!" Torture: "Hey!" Torture: "Make sure you all eat your veggies as well!" Group: "Yes!" Emcee: "We will now begin the field day afternoon program." Krall: "Hngy-Baby, they're having their field day!" Emcee: "Our next event is the third-year class borrowing race!" Insuke: "All right, time for our final battle!" Maomao-Chan: "Insuke-kun, I won't lose this time!" Princess: "Maomao-chan, you got this!" Group: "Go Insuke!" Kanadge: "Please let me handle the camera." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh." Hell-Lord: "It seems you've managed to work it out." Hell-Lord: "This borrowing race is where the princess and I will have our face-to-face battle!" Kanadge: "I had no idea!" : "What is a "borrowing race"? You run until you reach the piece of paper placed on the track, borrow the item written on the piece of paper from the audience, and run with it to the finish line! In other words, a scavenger hunt!" Hell-Lord: "I arranged beforehand the prompt that Maomao-chan will get." Kanadge: "What?!" Hell-Lord: "Her prompt is "someone you like."" Hell-Lord: "I'm certain that Maomao-chan will choose me!" Hell-Lord: "I hear the princess gets along with Maomao-chan, but friendship only goes so far." Hell-Lord: "I'll show her our unbreakable bond and put her in her place!" Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh-heh." Emcee: "Okay, they're all off to a good start!" Emcee: "They're starting to pick up the papers with their prompts. What will they find written on there?" Maomao-Chan: "Someone you like?" Insuke: "Minivan?" Emcee: "Oh! It looks like Princess Maomao-chan's prompt is "someone you like!"" Princess: "Huh? What if she ends up picking me? If the enemy empire's princess showed up at the Hellhorde's field day, you think that'd cause problems?" Ex: "What? Isn't it a bit late for that?" Makki: "Hey! Does anyone here have a sacred blade?" Ex: "You rang?" Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. Guess I should get going." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh." Maomao-Chan: "Come with me!" Emcee: "Now then, who has Princess Maomao-chan picked?" Emcee: "It's Her Majesty! No one can challenge a mother's throne!" Maomao-Chan: "Mama, hurry up!" Lulune: "I won't lose!" Hell-Lord: "I really am quite busy, with my address at the closing ceremony and all, so I would have been at a loss if she asked me in the first place. Maomao-chan was just being thoughtful, so it's not that she prefers Lulune over me. Any Hell-Lord would feel the same way..." Princess: "Maomao-chan's mom is so pretty!" Inki: "You can do it, Insuke!" Princess: "Maomao-chan, don't give up!" Preschooler A: "Hey missy, can I borrow that bear?" Krall: "You betcha, baby!" Maomao-Chan: "We're gonna get first place together, Mama!" Ex: "What kind of punishment is this?!" Insuke: "Hey! Why can't this thing go any faster?" Emcee: "Everyone's running toward the finish line! Who will take first?" Emcee: "It's Princess Maomao-chan!" Princess: "You did it, Maomao-chan!" Torture: "What a close race!" Maomao-Chan: "Mama!" Lulune: "You did great." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh-heh..." Emcee: "To wrap things up, let's all dance to the Hellholm Pre-School March!" Emcee: "Everyone in the audience, please feel free to join in!" Princess: "Huh? Can I dance as well?" Youki: "Yeah, go for it!" Inki: "We do it every year!" Torture: "We're all ready to go, too!" Group: "Pom-pom, Hellholm, pom pom-pom! Pom-pom, Hellholm, pom pom-pom! Pom-pom, Hellholm, pom pom-pom!" Group: "Pre Pre-School! Pre Pre-School!" Emcee: "And now for the closing ceremony address from His Majesty." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. I've witnessed all of your growth here today. Today's field day was a success thanks to the hard work each and every one of you put in." Hell-Lord: "I hope you all take pride in that fact." Princess: "The Hell-Lord's body double gives a good speech." Ex: "Absolutely." Hell-Lord: "All of you here..." Hell-Lord: "get these bear medals as a reward!" Maomao-Chan: "Missy!" Princess: "Maomao-chan!" Maomao-Chan: "Yay!" Princess: "I saw how great you did out there!" Maomao-Chan: "Yeah! I got to be number one!" Princess: "Mm-hmm!" Lulune: "Hello there." Lulune: "Thank you for always looking after my daughter." Princess: "Not at all! It's always a pleasure to be tortured by her." Princess: "Maomao-chan's mother..." Princess: "She seems so nice." Maomao-Chan: "Bye-bye, missy! See you later!" Princess: "Bye-bye!" Torture: "'Tis time for us to make our return, Princess." Inki: "Princess-chan, if you don't hurry up..." Youki: "We'll leave you behind!" Princess: "Sorry! I'll be right there!" Princess: "That was so much fun!" Ex: "Why?" Hell-Lord: "Maomao-chan!" Hell-Lord: "Which picture book should I..." Lulune: "Shh!" Lulune: "She's already fast asleep." Hell-Lord: "Geh-heh-heh. Looks like I don't get to read her a picture book tonight." Lulune: "Good night."
{ "raw_title": "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess Episode 7 – Untitled", "parsed": [ "'Tis Time for \"Torture,\" Princess", "7", "Untitled" ] }
Konoha: "E-Excuse me! What year is it right now?" Uni Student B: "Um, it's the year 1992..." Konoha: "1992?" Konoha: "What?!" Konoha: "This is the worst of the worst!" Konoha: "Deep breaths! Deep breaths!" Konoha: "U-Um... My name is Konoha Akisato! I-I-I'm from the year 2023, and I ended up in Akiba in 1992! Something's weird here! You've got the wrong person! I'm just a poor, lowly illustrator! I can't handle this at all!" Konoha: "It's freezing! L-Listen! You, watching this video right now! If I end up dying here, take the PC in my apartment, and completely demolish it, without looking at the contents of the hard drive! Please, do it for me! My home address is Tokyo-to, Musashino-shi—" Konoha: "I'm out of battery..." Konoha: "This is the worst of the worst!" Konoha: "I'm Konoha Akisato! I work as an illustrator at Blue Bell, a bishojo game company! In the near future, I plan on becoming a super-popular artist, who brings cute, cheerful heroines to life, one after another! But the truth is..." President: "Listen up, everyone! This is going to be our next work! The title is, that's right, Welcome! MILF Hypnosis Salon!" President: "Oh, just look at the time. We'll go through the rest tomorrow, so read over the proposal." Konoha: "The bishojo game industry these days is doing really badly, with light novels, gacha games, and VTubers clobbering it left and right, and my company, Blue Bell, is the worst of the worst! Our prez has given up on selling full-priced games, and he's going all in on the bargain market! And in this two-bit bishojo game company..." Konoha: "I'm nothing more than a sub-illustrator!" Konoha: "As for the company's main artist... He's completely shattered after getting dragged on social media, and lost all his will to draw..." Konoha: "I joined this company because I love cute girls and bishojo games..." Konoha: "I'm gonna be a star illustrator! That's what I said back then..." Konoha: "So why am I stuck coloring in back views of men?!" Konoha: "Reality is just a crappy game!" Employee A: "Done for the day!" Employee B: "Let's get out of here." Employee C: "Yep, time to leave." Konoha: "Good work today! I'll be heading out!" Main Artist: "Good work..." Cashier: "Can you please confirm that this is the item you pre-ordered?" Konoha: "Ah, yes, th-that's the one. Yep, th-thanks, um, a lot..." Cashier: "Thank you very much!" Konoha: "The latest Purple game! I can't wait to play it!" Konoha: "Oh, that's cute! Have a like!" Konoha: "Whoa, this one's sick, too!" Konoha: "This one's also good!" Announcement: "The next station is Nishi-Ogikubo. Nishi-Ogikubo. The doors on the right side will open." Announcement: "The next station is Nishi-Ogikubo." Announcement: "The doors on the right side will open." Konoha: "Grr..." Announcement: "Mitaka. Mitaka." Konoha: "Just you wait, world! One day, I'll have a game with my art on this shelf! But before that..." Konoha: "I've gone down in the rankings!" Konoha: "It came out really good this time, too... What am I missing?" Konoha: "Dang it! Next time for sure!" Konoha: "Now, then..." President: "Okay, continuing where we left off yesterday, have you all taken a look at the proposal?" Konoha: "I have a suggestion!" President: "Oh, it's just you. A suggestion, you say? An idea for our new game?" Konoha: "Yes! It's a way better idea than what you have now!" President: "So what's it about?" Konoha: "It begins, well, in the midst of battle!" Konoha: "On a far-off planet, there's a war underway! I think every story needs to start in a super-distant location! Is this Earth in the future? Or are we in a different dimension altogether?! My, oh my!" Konoha: "Meanwhile, you have a girl who attends school in the Japanese countryside!" Konoha: "But then, half of her body melts away to nothing!" President: "Hey, now!" President: "How long is this story?!" Konoha: "Um, this is still the opening, so the heroine hasn't shown up yet. So far, I've talked about the heroine's friend—" President: "That's enough of that! How many minutes are you going to waste on explaining the opening?! What kind of game are you trying to make here?! Do you know how much it'd cost to make a game like that?! Are you trying to bankrupt us with your dream game?!" President: "The days when people would buy monumental games are long gone!" President: "This 4,500 yen MILF hypnosis game is all we can manage now!" Konoha: "It's still cold. Is the microwave busted?" Konoha: "I'm gonna go buy some lunch!" Konoha: "Making a MILF hypnosis game because you have no funds... You're gonna have plenty of rivals, and there's no way you can compete with the ones that specialize in hypnosis plots..." President: "The days when people would buy monumental games are long gone!" Konoha: "I know. In times like these..." Konoha: "When you're in trouble, turn to the gods!" Announcement: "I wish for a full-priced game, with me as main artist!" Konoha: "If you can grant that wish, I'll do whatever..." Konoha: "Well, maybe not. But I'll do almost whatever you ask! So please consider it!" Konoha: "Game Shop BiBi?" Konoha: "A used video game store? Here?!" Konoha: "I had no clue. I can't believe I hadn't noticed!" Konoha: "Not a very exciting selection." Konoha: "They sell bishojo games here! What do we have here?" Konoha: "A hundred yen for Kanon?!" Konoha: "A hundred yen for ComiPa, too?! A hundred yen for Rance?! What?!" Konoha: "It's not an empty box. It comes with everything inside..." Konoha: "U-Um, excuse me!" Granny: "Oh, welcome." Konoha: "You see, I'm not trying to buy this. Um, why is this game so cheap?" Granny: "Oh, I thought the box looked a little grimy." Konoha: "This much is nothing! This is a first press edition of Kanon! If you sell this for 100 yen, resellers are going to snatch it up!" Granny: "Resellers?" Granny: "I don't know much about all that business..." Konoha: "Granny, this here is a masterpiece! It's very valuable! Even if you didn't dump it in the bargain bin, plenty of people would..." Granny: "What kind of game is it?" Konoha: "Huh? What kind of game?" Konoha: "You want me to talk about it? Me?" Granny: "Yes." Konoha: "Really?!" Granny: "Of course. Tell me all about it." Konoha: "Ahem! Well, you see, Kanon was released in 1999, and it's a really entertaining game! This girl's name is Ayu, and she goes "uguu"! "Uguu"!" Granny: ""Uguu"?" Konoha: "This bin is filled with all of these incredible games! So please give them some higher prices..." Granny: "You sure do love video games, don't you, young lady?" Konoha: "O-Oh, well... A-All of this is common knowledge for bishojo game otaku!" Konoha: "I-I'm so sorry! I went off and blabbed on all by myself for so long... I need to get back to the office." Granny: "Konoha-chan, do you like games with girls in them?" Konoha: "Huh? I-Is that weird?" Granny: "No, not at all." Konoha: "Seeing cute girls really cheers me up." Konoha: "But the girls in these games are more than just cute. They cry, laugh, face lots of worries," Konoha: "but despite that, they stay strong and try their best..." Konoha: "These girls shine brightest within a game!" Konoha: "There's a girl who I want to star in her own game." Konoha: "I want her to go on a grand adventure!" Konoha: "Which is why I want it to be a game, and not just illustrations. Bishojo games are where cute girls can truly come alive!" Granny: "I don't know much about video games, but I'm sure that any game you make would be very fun to play." Konoha: "Granny!" Granny: "Goodness, what's wrong?" Konoha: "No one at work will listen to what I have to say. I'm just as aware as everyone else! Our company could never make a full-priced game!" Konoha: "Even so, I just want someone to hear me out a little, just a little!" Konoha: "Games are supposed to be fun and fill you with excitement..." Konoha: "But no one at our company dares to dream!" Konoha: "A game that doesn't dare to dream isn't a game at all! I don't care if it's a game about hypnosis! I want to make a game that dares to dream!" Granny: "And you can't stop working at that company?" Konoha: "Well, um... I don't have it in me to be so assertive... Quitting would be too scary, so that's gonna be a no sirree from me..." Granny: "Dearie me..." Konoha: "But thanks to you, it feels like I managed to shake off some of my gloom! Um, may I come back here?" Granny: "Yes, of course. Feel free to visit whenever we're open." Konoha: "Thanks, granny!" Konoha: "Maybe I'll stop by that BiBi game store I found during lunch." Taiyaki Man: "Thank you very much!" Konoha: "Taiyaki..." Konoha: "Maybe I should bring something to thank her for listening to me earlier." Konoha: "Excuse me!" Konoha: "Eh? Huh?" Konoha: "Wasn't this the place?" Konoha: "It's unlocked..." Konoha: "A paper bag?" Granny: "For Konoha-chan. Thank you for the fun chat." Konoha: "Granny... Everything looked normal during lunchtime. Did she fly the coop in the afternoon? No, that's impossible! No way she cleared this place out so quickly!" Konoha: "Don't tell me that this is a parting gift from her..." Konoha: "Wait! These are the games I talked about back then!" Konoha: "All masterpieces! It must have been so thrilling back then. The golden age of bishojo games!" Konoha: "Look at all of these cute girls out in the world..." Konoha: "Am I going to spend my entire life without accomplishing anything?" Konoha: "Doukyuusei..." Konoha: "The DOS version..." Konoha: "Huh? Wh-What?!" Konoha: "Huh?!" Radio Host: "We're almost at the end of 1992. How did the year turn out for everyone? As for me, this was finally the year..." Radio Host: "that I still didn't get a boyfriend!" Manager: "Kaori, turn that radio off. It's bumming me out! Here we are on Christmas, busy with working instead of out on a date!" Kaori: "If that's how you feel, get to debugging, Manager!" Meiko: "Kyonshi-san, are you done with the text for Scene 33?" Kyonshi: "I'm on it right now!" Meiko: "Um, Mamoru-kun. I'm getting an error. Do you know why?" Mamoru: "Hey!" Mamoru: "Can't you read this?" Meiko: "Um... PBA?" Kaori: "What's that mean?" Mamoru: "Programming skills, bozos! Acquire them!" Mamoru: "My program is flawless. You're the ones meddling with it without thinking, forcing it to error out, and then I have to clean up after you!" Meiko: "W-Well..." Mamoru: "Think about how this 98 must feel! The 9801 is working as hard as it can! Don't make wonky files and make it spit out errors!" Mamoru: "Things used to be better... Back when everyone was a programmer..." Kaori: "There goes Mamocchi's 98-itis acting up again. Only 15 and already missing the good old days." Meiko: "U-Um... We're all counting on you, Mamoru-kun." Meiko: "I'm learning how to program, too." Meiko: "So help me debug it! Pretty please!" Mamoru: "The file size on save is probably what's causing the error." Mamoru: "I'll fix it later." Kaori: "Where are you going, Mamocchi?" Mamoru: "I'm going outside for some coffee." Kaori: "You know 100 yen isn't enough anymore! Not with the consumption tax now!" Mamoru: "I know that!" Mamoru: "What's so great about bishojo games?" Manager: "Why are we still debugging?" Manager: "We should have finished a long time ago!" Kaori: "That's how game programming works!" Mamoru: "Grown-ups should really know better! If I didn't have to help out Dad with his company, there's no way I'd bother with this!" Mamoru: "I'm calling it quits. Once this game is finished, I'll call it quits with these no-good bishojo games!" Mamoru: "What was that?" Mamoru: "Ouch!" Mamoru: "Ow, ow, ow..." Mamoru: "Wh-Who are you?!" Konoha: "Ah! Sorry! Sorry! I-I was just in a bit of a panic..." Konoha: "I-It's gone! My workplace!" Uni Student B: "Um, it's the year 1992... The year 1992..." Konoha: "Seriously? For real?" Konoha: "I traveled back in time?!"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 1 – I Traveled Back in Time?!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "1", "I Traveled Back in Time?!" ] }
Mamoru: "Are you awake?" Konoha: "Who's there? Is that Mamoru-kun's voice?" Mamoru: "Sounds like you're fine. Guess we won't need a doctor." Konoha: "I had the weirdest dream." Konoha: "I came back to the year 2023, and then a wrecking ball smashed into Radio Kaikan... After that, I ran into Mamoru-kun as an old man." Konoha: "And in a slightly different way from the manager..." Mamoru: "Hey! What are you mumbling about?" Mamoru: "If you're fine, then get up." Konoha: "Y-You're still old!" Mamoru: "Quit your screaming." Konoha: "O-Old... Old man..." Mamoru: "Be quiet for a minute." Mamoru: "Computer, call Matsubara-san." Computer: "Right away." Matsubara: "Yes, Matsubara speaking." Mamoru: "Rokuta here." Matsubara: "Good evening, President." Mamoru: "I'm sorry, but please move the rest of my appointments and meetings to tomorrow at the earliest. Some urgent business came up." Matsubara: "Understood. I'll be sending over your revised schedule shortly." Mamoru: "Thank you very much." Matsubara: "Take care now." Mamoru: "It's been twenty years. No, longer? You haven't shown your face for a while now. Why did you travel back in time again?" Konoha: "I-I didn't! I didn't travel back in time! This is the era I came from! 2023 is the year I was in originally! But after making my way back from 1999, the Akiba I know is nowhere to be found! No concept cafés or people handing out flyers, and not an otaku in sight! There's nothing that I recognize!" Mamoru: "I'm not sure I understand, but otaku-related stuff disappeared from this town ages ago." Konoha: "What?" Mamoru: "Akiba's been a high-end residential area for the past several years. Redevelopment plans have led to high-rise apartments and office buildings being built left and right." Konoha: "S-So you're telling me all of it is gone? Akiba doesn't have any otaku, games, or bishojo left?!" Mamoru: "Bishojo are still here, aren't they?" Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "Look, the building over there." Konoha: "What?!" : "A tale of heroes that you create." : "All Heroic Spirits assemble!" : "America's number one hit game is finally being released in Japan!" : "Fate Gears of Order." Saber: "Let us join forces in battle, Master!" Konoha: "F-F-F-F-Fate?! You're telling me that's Fate?! Th-That can't be right!" Konoha: "Ph-Phew... This one's the real deal..." Saber: "Master!" Saber: "Welcome back!" Konoha: "Wait, no!" Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "Well, it's been ten years. The electric town disappeared, and the radio tower took its place. Right now, they're in the middle of building a stadium here." Konoha: "What about shops aimed at otaku? Where do you buy games and doujinshi?" Mamoru: "All the shops that sell those are in Ikebukuro now. If you want to find otaku, you'll need to go to Ikebukuro or Shibuya." Konoha: "What about arcades?" Mamoru: "Nope." Konoha: "Maid cafés?" Mamoru: "Nope." Konoha: "Jangara?!" Mamoru: "Inside the train station." Konoha: "Kebabs!" Mamoru: "Go to Ueno instead." Konoha: "C-Canned oden?! Gachapon machines?!" Mamoru: "We're almost there." Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun. What about Alcohol Soft? What happened to Alcohol Soft?!" Mamoru: "Alcohol Soft is in the US now." Konoha: "What?! Wh-Why the US?" Mamoru: "The game that we created, The Last Waltz, became a hit as I expected. No, it was more than I imagined. It got ported to consoles, and adapted into a TV anime and drama." Mamoru: "But that's not all. American corporations happened to take notice, and the game's development got moved there. W-Wow! Everyone except for me is in the US now making games." Mamoru: "And I don't mean just Alcohol Soft. There's also Elf, Aquaplus, Type-Moon, Nitroplus... The Chiyoda Ward Alliance, or Chiyoren, is now the LAA." Konoha: "LAA?" Mamoru: "The Los Angeles Alliance. The big names are all in America now." Mamoru: "It's easier to raise big capital over there." Mamoru: "Nowadays, the bishojo of the world come from the US west coast." Mamoru: "Alicesoft is just about the only big player still left in Japan." Konoha: "S-So are you saying this is what bishojo look like now?!" Mamoru: "That's right." Konoha: "Wh-Why did this happen?! Wh-What happened to Japanese bishojo games, then?" Mamoru: "Japanese bishojo... I guess you'd say they're on the brink of extinction." Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "They can't compete with the overwhelming amount of bishojo from overseas." Konoha: "Y-You can't call this bishojo!" Mamoru: "People argued about the same thing about 15 years ago. But that debate has been settled." Mamoru: "Times have changed." Konoha: "These changes are news to me! This must be a different world line!" Mamoru: "What the hell is a world line?" Konoha: "A world line is, well, you know! Like in Steins;Gate or YU-NO— Wait... do those games not exist in this world?" Konoha: "I-I'm going back! To the world I came from!" Mamoru: "What do you mean by that?!" Mamoru: "Hey!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, what do you do now?" Mamoru: "You're as restless as ever, I see. My job here is to supervise American bishojo content." Konoha: "Even though you're not in the US?" Mamoru: "I have a number of things left to do here." Konoha: "Does that mean you don't make games anymore?" Mamoru: "No, I don't." Konoha: "I see..." Konoha: "Hey, Mamoru-kun. The food from back then..." Konoha: "No, never mind. See you around, old man Mamoru-kun! Thanks a lot for your help!" Konoha: "A taxi, huh?" Taxi: "Thank you for riding with us." Taxi: "This is a self-driving taxi. Please state your desired destination." Konoha: "U-Um, can I use mobile payment for this?" Taxi: "We accept all forms of mobile payment." Konoha: "U-Um... Is there any place left of the old Akihabara?" Taxi: "I'm sorry. Please repeat your destination." Konoha: "Well... Um, please drive around Akihabara in a circle!" Taxi: "Understood." Konoha: "Th-This can't be real. There's no way this could be happening. I mean, all I did was make a single game. How could that lead to all of this?!" Konoha: "Um, taxi! Is there anywhere around here that sells games?" Taxi: "Understood." Mamoru: "The world Konoha came from?" Mamoru: "Where exactly did she come from?" Mamoru: "Konoha's trip through time..." Mamoru: "My trip through time..." Mamoru: "That's right. After I went back in time, I returned to the place where I was at that moment," Mamoru: "as though a part was being drawn to its original location." Mamoru: "It should be the same system for Konoha." Mamoru: "Which means... Konoha should have been dragged back to the original location where she began her time travel. But if it worked like it does in the movies, and we're talking parallel worlds or diverging timelines," Mamoru: "Konoha should have returned to the 2023 where history didn't change. Since that's her original location." Mamoru: "But that's not what happened." Mamoru: "Konoha ended up here, in this world that's foreign to her." Mamoru: "That doesn't make sense if these are parallel worlds." Mamoru: "In other words, what Konoha thinks of as her original location... no longer exists." Mamoru: "Konoha has..." Mamoru: "nowhere to go back to." Afro Owner: "Well? Isn't it amazing?" Konoha: "What?!" Afro Owner: "Huh? Is something wrong? More importantly, what do you think? A first edition of The Last Waltz! And a sealed copy at that! Ever laid your eyes on that before? It's this shop's precious big treasure!" Konoha: "Is this game really that amazing?" Afro Owner: "Huh? Y-You don't know? Why, it was really something else!" Afro Owner: "It sold like hotcakes, not only in Japan but in America as well! This game founded a culture over there! Man, I can't imagine what the world would be like without this game! Over in the US, they call this game the "OC"! "Original Cuu", that is! Cuu! Oh, "cuu," you see, stands for "cute"! It's a little hard to explain. The word "cute" in America got shortened into "cuu," they say." Afro Owner: "Nowadays, everyone uses it like any other word!" Konoha: "Is it something like "moe"?" Konoha: "This is a timeline of games from this world!" Konoha: "I've never heard of these..." Konoha: "There's not a single title here I recognize!" Customer A: "Huh! So this is The Last Waltz!" Customer B: "So cute!" Customer C: "The old art style's good in its own way!" Customer D: "You can really tell this is where it all started!" Afro Owner: "Ahem. Well? Do you understand now, just how amazing this game really is? The video game that united the world! Don't you think it's wonderful? Today, Alcohol Soft is a global corporation! No one would believe that they got their start right here in Akihabara!" Afro Owner: "Honestly, Alcohol Soft is the pride of Japan! Its pride and joy!" Afro Owner: "As you can see, cuu has become a downright phenomenon! Cuu!" Group: "Cuu!" Afro Owner: "Cuu!" Group: "Cuu!" Konoha: "It really is this game's fault..." Afro Owner: "Excuse me, miss?" Afro Owner: "U-Um, hello?" ewscaster: "Breaking news. Game development company Shooting Stars has announced a merger agreement." Toya: "We at Shooting Stars have decided to enter a merger with Planet Games, the world-renowned game company. With this deal, we hope to create even more captivating games that a greater number of players can enjoy." ewscaster: "This merger will result in a domestic company that ranks as one of the world's biggest in terms of market capitalization." Konoha: "Toya-chan?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun said that everyone from Alcohol Soft is in the US now." Konoha: "What about the Alcohol Soft building, then?" Konoha: "Oh no..." Mamoru: "How long are you going to keep crying?" Konoha: "I mean... I mean..." Konoha: "This is all my fault, isn't it?" Konoha: "None of the games I know ended up coming out!" Konoha: "History changed because we put out that game! Akihabara and bishojo are both gone now!" Mamoru: "Hey, are you really still saying that?" Mamoru: "Thanks to your game, Alcohol Soft didn't go under. In fact, it's wildly successful." Mamoru: "Akihabara is developing greatly as well. Isn't that a good thing?" Mamoru: "Aren't you the one who told me back then? That it's okay to change history?" Konoha: "I did! But I didn't know it'd turn out this way! I was so stupid!" Mamoru: "It just means the game we made was that good." Konoha: "That's not it! I mean, the only reason I was able to make that game was because of the amazing games that existed! All I did was use those games as an example!" Konoha: "But thanks to me, all of those amazing games stopped existing!" Mamoru: "There's something I want to show you." Mamoru: "This way." Konoha: "Huh? Wh-What is this place?!" Konoha: "Hey, M-Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "You said earlier that it's your fault that history changed." Mamoru: "So how are you going to take responsibility for this?" Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "Do you know why I stayed behind here in Akiba?" Mamoru: "It's all for the PC-98. I can't leave the PC-98 behind and go to America." Mamoru: "And yet! No matter what I do, the PC-98 remains obsolete! Campaigning on social media! Creating doujinshi! I've tried everything, but the PC-98 won't make a comeback! And all of it is your fault!" Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "Because you created this world, the PC-98 has completely died out!" Konoha: "Huh? Wait, no!" Mamoru: "You murdered the PC-98! I'm holding you responsible for it!" Konoha: "What?! Th-That's totally unfair!" Mamoru: "You don't know what to say to that, right?" Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "What I just said requires some preposterous logic." Mamoru: "But how do you know it wasn't your fault that the PC-98 went obsolete?" Mamoru: "It could have been caused by your game, couldn't it?" Mamoru: "Likewise, no one can say whether you caused Akihabara and bishojo to decline." Mamoru: "Listen up. You're just conveniently picking out facts to feel guilty about." Konoha: "That's not true!" Mamoru: "I'm saying that you don't have to feel guilt over it. Everyone in this era took part in deciding on this outcome. What you're doing now is being just plain arrogant!" Mamoru: "Look." Konoha: "Meiko-san." Mamoru: "Meiko is now considered a living legend." Mamoru: "And it began with that game of yours. Are you saying that was a mistake?" Mamoru: "Were the efforts of everyone at Alcohol Soft a mistake?" Mamoru: "Or are you saying that you still prefer your original world? Is the world you came from better than this?" Konoha: "It's not good at all. Akiba is obscene, noisy, and a crowded mess. In the summer, it's packed with sweaty people. It's totally chaotic, and not a great place at all." Konoha: "But that's what I liked about it! It was a place for people like me to have fun! This squeaky clean Akiba isn't the Akiba I know!" Konoha: "But in my short time here, after wandering around Akiba, I can tell. There are lots of people who enjoy Akiba as it is now." Konoha: "And..." Konoha: "I don't want to erase all of the work that everyone at Alcohol Soft put in." Konoha: "I want to go back to my world, but I can't get rid of this one, either." Konoha: "What should I do?" Mamoru: "I wasn't done talking." Mamoru: "We're about to get down to business. Pay attention." Mamoru: "I can't guarantee that what I'm about to suggest will work out. But if it does, you might be able to go back to your world." Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "You used to carry those games around with you, right?" Mamoru: "The ones from that used video game store." Mamoru: "Do you still have them?" Konoha: "Huh? Y-Yeah." Konoha: "This is the only one that's left." Mamoru: "Comic Party. A game from 1999." Mamoru: "Okay!" Mamoru: "You're going to make another game." Konoha: "Excuse me?" Mamoru: "And not just any ordinary game. A game that's fun enough to stand against The Last Waltz, which we made back in '99. You'll take that game and go back to 1999 one more time. And immediately after The Last Waltz is released, you'll release this game from a company other than Alcohol Soft, so it can compete as a rival game. By doing that, Alcohol Soft's success will still exist, while preserving the course of video games in Akiba. In other words, we'll create the course of events that leads to the 2023 you know, here in this 2023." Mamoru: "We'll bring both histories into existence simultaneously!" Konoha: "What?! I-Is that even possible?" Mamoru: "I don't know. Either way, it's impossible to perfectly bring about the same future, even with this." Mamoru: "However, we should be able to preserve bishojo culture in Akiba." Mamoru: "Now all that's needed is passion. As long as the passion is there, bishojo games can continue to exist in Akiba. You're the one who needs to create that passion." Mamoru: "Make a game that's capable of that much, one more time." Konoha: "O-One more time..." Konoha: "There's only one of me! You want to me to make a game all by myself this time?" Mamoru: "I never said you had to do it alone. I'll be there to help you out." Mamoru: "And that's not all." Mamoru: "You have these to help you, too!" Konoha: "Huh? Ah..." Mamoru: "They can do anything that you ask of them! These PC-98s, that is!" Mamoru: "Well? They're the most reliable partners you could ask for!" Konoha: "You're amazing, Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Huh?" Konoha: "You haven't changed a bit!" Konoha: "You may be an old man, but you haven't changed, even a little!" Mamoru: "Of course not. Listen. The world hasn't changed as much as you think. It just looks a little different on the surface." Mamoru: "And your job is to change it just a little again." Mamoru: "You can pull off that much, can't you?" Konoha: "Yeah." Mamoru: "Now it's a matter of motivation." Mamoru: "Do you still have some motivation left in you?" Konoha: "Yeah!" Mamoru: "You're facing off against your past self." Mamoru: "Can you beat her?" Konoha: "Okay, Mamoru-kun."
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 10 – I'll Give It All I've Got!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "10", "I'll Give It All I've Got!" ] }
Mamoru: "We'll create the course of events that leads to the 2023 you know, here in this 2023. We'll bring both histories into existence simultaneously!" Mamoru: "You're facing off against your past self." Mamoru: "Can you beat her?" Konoha: "Okay, Mamoru-kun." Konoha: "I'll give it all I've got!" Konoha: "Hey, Mamoru-kun. I know you said it'll just be the two of us making this game, but we need writing and music to make a game, not to mention the hundreds of illustrations we'll need! Trying to do all that with just two people..." Mamoru: "Other than system-related support, I can't help you with any of that, either. I'm just a programmer." Mamoru: "You need to do it all by yourself." Konoha: "That's asking for way too much!" Mamoru: "Game development has evolved. Now, if you really want to, you can make a game all by yourself, with the help of AI." Konoha: "AI?!" Mamoru: "AI is responsible for creating the bulk of illustrations in video games today." Konoha: "Wait, these are..." Mamoru: "That's right. These are your drawings from the past. As a test, I'm going to train the AI on this data." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Don't worry. This is a private AI that I created. It hasn't been released to the public." Mamoru: "If we load in these images..." Mamoru: "The AI will analyze them and create similar-looking pictures." Konoha: "Whoa, that's amazing!" Mamoru: "You can easily change the coloring style as well. From standard illustration coloring, to anime-style coloring..." Mamoru: "You can even make it look like watercolor art." Mamoru: "It can automatically correct issues with proportions as well." Konoha: "What?! That's super handy!" Mamoru: "And it's not just art. AI can assist you with the story and music, both indispensable for a game." Mamoru: "This method of utilizing AI is now mainstream for game development." Mamoru: "With this, you can make a game by yourself, right?" Konoha: "If AI is so advanced, can't it just make games without humans doing anything?" Mamoru: "It's true that, as a whole, that's where game development is headed right now." Mamoru: "But even as AI evolves, there's one thing that it can't create." Mamoru: "Do you know what that is?" Konoha: "Huh? What could it be?" Mamoru: "Passion." Mamoru: "AI can create games quickly, cheaply, and at a high level of quality." Mamoru: "But there's no passion in them. An AI doesn't have a reason to create games, and it can't feel conflicted or afraid about what it's made. It simply carries out the instructions that it's been given." Mamoru: "As a result, the games it spits out end up lacking the passion of a creator." Mamoru: "That said... Games without passion sell just fine. Since they still appear to be well-made. That's why we're flooded with games made by AI." Mamoru: "Well, Meiko and the others still do the majority of their work manually." Mamoru: "But what we need now is no ordinary game." Mamoru: "It's a game that can change history. You can't make a game like that with just AI. You need human hands for that." Mamoru: "Which means it's up to you to create it." Konoha: "So much pressure..." Mamoru: "No need to look so grim." Mamoru: "We also have plenty of items to combat fatigue now. For example..." Mamoru: "Office chairs with massaging built in!" Konoha: "Is it supposed to be that intense?!" Mamoru: "Mammoth Energy, to jolt you fully awake!" Konoha: "Look at those messed-up colors!" Mamoru: "Happy Supplements, to magically reduce your stress to zero! Now available in packs with a needle-free injector as an add-on!" Konoha: "This seems fishy in so many ways! S-So many items that all scream "crunch time"..." Mamoru: "It's this late already?" Mamoru: "This lock will open with fingerprint authentication. You can go out any time you'd like, but make sure you don't let anyone else in here. Also, don't go near the shelves of PC-98s. The PC-98s are very delicate!" Konoha: "I'm not gonna touch them!" Mamoru: "Well then, I'm leaving." Konoha: "Huh? You're leaving? Where to?!" Mamoru: "Work, where else? Didn't I tell you that my job is content supervision? I'm the one who manages everything. I don't intend on racking up debt like Dad." Konoha: "You've grown up into a fine adult!" Mamoru: "Don't you talk down to me." Konoha: "Why not?!" Konoha: "Why, I remember when you used to be this small! You used to be such an obnoxious child!" Mamoru: "I wasn't that small! I was fifteen when we first met!" Konoha: "Oh yeah, Mamoru-kun. Do you live here all by yourself?" Mamoru: "Yeah. There's nothing interesting back at my apartment," Mamoru: "so I spend most of my time here." Konoha: "All alone, huh?" Mamoru: "Is that weird?" Konoha: "Ah, no! It's not weird at all! You're exactly as I expected!" Mamoru: "Okay, I'm going now." Konoha: "Ah, sure!" Konoha: "Have fun at work!" Mamoru: "Y-Yeah." Dj: "How are you all doing? Oh yes, my daughter's about to take her university entrance exams! Time sure does fly!" Konoha: "This really is impossible!" Mamoru: "It's only been a few days." Konoha: "Well, c'mon! I've never made a game to change history before!" Konoha: "This is way harder than creating a game to earn one billion yen! At first, I thought I could do it, but even after thinking real hard, I've got nothing! I used up all my talent on the last game! I'm a one-hit wonder!" Mamoru: "You traveled all the way across time just to make video games, right?" Mamoru: "Are you saying you're done after one measly game? I was sure that you'd be dying to make more." Konoha: "Yeah, yeah! You're just a consumer who's never made anything, and does nothing but criticize! Just keep your mouth shut!" Mamoru: "Who are you calling a consumer?! I did all the programming, didn't I?!" Konoha: "Don't give me that! Reading with the radio on, and listening to music on top of that! Must be nice!" Mamoru: "Ah!" Konoha: "Wh-What the heck?!" Mamoru: "Give it back! It's the sound of a PC-98 running. Listening to it helps me relax." Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "Let's get this straight. I never told you to make a game that will sell well, and I didn't say you had to make an interesting game. What is it that you want to make most in a video game right now?" Mamoru: "That's all you need to think about." Konoha: "I'm going out for a change of pace!" Mamoru: "That reminds me..." Mamoru: "Is it me or do you sound more grown-up lately?" Konoha: "What?" Mamoru: "Before, you used to talk a lot more like a child." Konoha: "Huh?" Konoha: "Haven't I always been like this?" Mamoru: "You..." Mamoru: "should hurry up and make that game." Mamoru: "You're changing as well. You're being influenced by this world. If this keeps up, you might end up losing your memories of your original world." Konoha: "No, I still remember it! It may look completely different now, but I still remember! Like the first time I came to Akiba!" Konoha: "I'd never seen such a weird place in my life." Konoha: "With mountains of games and anime, and tons of cute girls! It was a place that felt like a year-round festival!" Konoha: "So this is Akihabara!" Konoha: "That's right. I should get back soon and work on that game!" Konoha: "Toya-chan?!" Konoha: "Toya-chan..." Konoha: "Hello? Toya-chan?" Toya'S Voice: "Onee-sama?" Toya'S Voice: "Onee-sama!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Toya'S Voice: "I-It's been so long!" Konoha: "Huh? How do you know my phone number?" Toya'S Voice: "We exchanged numbers back in the day at Comiket." Konoha: "Ah, is that so?" Toya'S Voice: "But no matter how many times I called, it wouldn't go through..." Toya'S Voice: "I thought I'd never get to talk to you again." Konoha: "S-Sorry about that, Toya-chan. O-Oh yeah, I saw the news! That's amazing! Looks like things are going well with your company!" Toya'S Voice: "Thank you very much. Um... Onee-sama, where are you right now? Would you like to meet up and chat for old times' sake?" Konoha: "What? Ah, um... Well, I don't mind meeting up at all, but you might be a little surprised." Toya'S Voice: "That's fine by me! Onee-sama, where are you right now? Just name the place, and I'll go and find you!" Konoha: "Huh? Right now?!" Toya'S Voice: "Is that a no?" Konoha: "That's not it at all! I'd love to see you, Toya-chan!" Construction Worker: "That should just about do it, Rokuta-san." Mamoru: "Good work." Construction Worker: "Gosh, I can't believe Radio Kaikan is gone. I used to come here all the time." Construction Worker: "Back in the day, I used to really be into places like this." Construction Worker: "I'm a little sad to see it go." Construction Worker: "Anyway..." Construction Worker: "I wonder when they're going to finish building that stadium. I hear that the company funding it got absorbed, and the parent company is now different or whatnot. Wonder if they ran into some sort of trouble." Mamoru: "Well, at the breakneck speed that this redevelopment is going at, nothing would surprise me at this point." Construction Worker: "I suppose you're right..." Construction Worker: "Well then, Rokuta-san. I'll be leaving now." Mamoru: "Thanks for your hard work." Mamoru: "That goes for you, too." Mamoru: "Even if Konoha manages to finish her game, what should we do after that?" Mamoru: "Just taking the game and going back to 1999 doesn't mean she can get it released. She needs to get copies made in the past, so that the data can become a part of history." Mamoru: "So who can she entrust with that task? Someone who will believe Konoha's bizarre tale, and turn her game into a success..." Barista: "Thank you for waiting!" Mamoru: "Another coffee, please." Barista: "Right away!" Konoha: "When's Toya-chan gonna get here?" Glenn: "What do you think of your new office? We think it's perfect for someone as beautiful and talented as you," Glenn: "Ms. Toya." Toya: "Yes. It's quite a splendid office. There's one thing, though." Toya: "Why won't you let me meet your founder, Mr. Glenn?" Glenn: "My deepest apologies. Our founder is currently dealing with a very important matter. I have word that you'll be the first priority as soon as it's settled, Ms. Toya." Toya: "Is there something that takes priority over our meeting?" Toya: "I thought we were supposed to be equal business partners." Glenn: "Why, of course it's an equal partnership. That's exactly the reason you're sitting at that desk, Ms. Toya. You saw our cuu game development know-how, struck a deal, and agreed to the terms." Toya: "I was..." Glenn: "Ah, yes, I know. I understand how you must feel. That said, you're speaking with the CEO of Planet Games Japan. My authority is nothing to make light of... Oh?" Glenn: "My word. Yes, excellent! Rejoice, Ms. Toya! Konoha Akisato-sama is headed your way." Toya: "Onee-sama?!" Glenn: "You've been dying to meet her, haven't you?" Toya: "Headed my way? Mr. Glenn! Why is Onee— Konoha Akisato-san coming here?!" Glenn: "Why, it's simple. All I did was call her up. A single phone call. Ring, ring! Ah, and I just happened to enlist your help in the matter." Toya: "What?" Toya'S Voice: "Onee-sama, where are you right now?" Toya: "You used my voice..." Toya'S Voice: "In order to get Onee-sama's phone number, I hacked into your cell phone! I'd do anything to meet Onee-sama again." Toya: "But I couldn't reach her, no matter how many times I tried... So how?" Glenn: "Now we've achieved what we set out to do with this merger." Glenn: "It was truly a long process getting here. But now it's finally in our hands: Original Cuu." Glenn: "The genius creator behind The Last Waltz. The mysterious figure sought out by all, so that they might learn the source of her ideas. Konoha Akisato." Glenn: "Even as her name became known around the world, no one knew of her whereabouts. There was nobody who had met her, or spoken with her. With a limited number of exceptions, that is." Glenn: "And you were one of those lucky few, Ms. Toya." Toya: "What are you planning on doing with Onee-sama?!" Toya: "Don't tell me..." Toya: "You're going to subject her to that?! Is that... Is that why you acquired my company?!" Glenn: "Ms. Toya, have you heard the saying, "A flower cannot bloom without secrecy"? Now, we can become the masters of global entertainment. The fame, fortune, and admiration you so desired is practically guaranteed." Toya: "Why are you telling me all of this?" Toya: "If I report this to the police..." Glenn: "You'll do no such thing." Glenn: "We did our research on you going into this merger, Ms. Toya. You're cut from the same cloth as us." Glenn: "Therefore, you won't go to the police. Or rather, you can't! Am I wrong, Ms. Toya?" Glenn: "Let's settle this peacefully, Ms. Toya. I promise we'll make it worth it for you. So long." Toya: "Wait!" Toya: "Onee-sama..." Konoha: "The hospital?" Konoha: "Why am I..." Konoha: "That's right. I was waiting to meet up with Toya-chan, when I was dragged into that van... After that..." Konoha: "What is this?! They put me into a plugsuit-looking thing!" Konoha: "My clothes? They're gone! My phone? Gone! My backpack? Gone! But seriously, what is this place?" Konoha: "Am I going to be sold off to some super rich guy? Like in one of those games... Huh? The door's not locked! In situations like these, when the door is unlocked, in most games, that means there's something waiting outside." Konoha: "E-Excuse me..." Konoha: "Anyway, let's look for a way out." Konoha: "Wait." Konoha: "Is this a life-size figure?" Konoha: "Is that the exit?" Konoha: "What?!" Konoha: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh... What is this place?!" Konoha: "Wait, more figures? It's really creeping me out..." Konoha: "N-No... This isn't a figure!" Konoha: "These are people... There are humans trapped inside!" Konoha: "In all of these tanks?!" Mamoru: "When I saw her..." Mamoru: "It looked like she was waiting for someone." Mamoru: "But in the brief moment that I took my eyes off her, she vanished into thin air. Her words immediately before she disappeared, as well as the vehicle that I saw drive off..." Matsubara: "Yes, Matsubara speaking." Mamoru: "This is Rokuta." Matsubara: "Hello there, President. Is something the matter?" Mamoru: "I need a car. Send over the fastest one we have to the warehouse." Matsubara: "Understood." Mamoru: "Thank you. Good-bye." Mamoru: "Sorry for waking all of you up so suddenly." Mamoru: "But right now, I need your help." Mamoru: "Find out where Konoha went."
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 11 – Original Cuu", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "11", "Original Cuu" ] }
Mamoru: "Sorry for waking all of you up so suddenly. But right now, I need your help." Mamoru: "Find out where Konoha went." Mamoru: "I'm counting on all of you." Mamoru: "You found her? Where is she?" Mamoru: "Akihabara Stadium!" Mamoru: "Akihabara Stadium... The car that abducted Konoha was seen coming here." Mamoru: "That van..." Mamoru: "Who are those people?" Mamoru: "Going by their outfits and gear, they don't look like regular security. What are these guys doing at a construction site?" Mamoru: "What's going on here?" Mamoru: "What's Konoha gotten herself into?" Mamoru: "I don't know why they kidnapped her, or where she is now. I can't just waltz in through the front door." Mamoru: "Now what, then?" Mamoru: "That's right. On top of constructing the stadium, there was one other project that got put on hold." Mamoru: "If that's still around, that can get me part of the way there." Konoha: "Th-There are... There are people trapped inside! What is this place?!" Konoha: "None of this makes any sense!" Konoha: "A robot?" Konoha: "Th-That scared me..." Konoha: "For crying out loud!" Mamoru: "The way forward is..." Mamoru: "That door, huh?" Mamoru: "The security at the Akihabara underground market is as lax as ever." Mamoru: "I can make do with this." Mamoru: "Thanks for your hard work!" Mamoru: "As a kid, I cracked copy protection schemes on games all the time." Mamoru: "Burn hole protection, long track protection, and CRC protection. You could even say that part was more fun than the actual games." Mamoru: "And now that I'm older, this time, I'm hacking my way into Akiba." Mamoru: "I swear. I haven't changed, even as an adult." Mamoru: "No, perhaps I was never an adult to begin with." Mamoru: "This town is like a giant playground for me." Mamoru: "Even after all these decades." Mamoru: "Now then, for this type of card key reader..." Mamoru: "Looks like it's time to use this." Mamoru: "All right!" Mamoru: "No one's gotten in my way so far..." Mamoru: "But that's about to change here." Mamoru: "The abandoned site of the Joban New Line project." Mamoru: "It was supposed to be a railway line to connect to Tokyo, from Tsukuba to Akihabara." Mamoru: "But they made a last-minute decision not to run the line through Akihabara. Construction of the train station was halted, and in its place, they built the radio tower that is Akihabara Sky Tower." Mamoru: "Could there have been a timeline where this line ended up opening?" Mamoru: "If I climb up here..." Mamoru: "What now?" Mamoru: "A rat?" Worker: "What? Is someone there?" Worker: "Wh-What's that music?!" Worker: "Over there!" Lyrics: "Another busy day running around in circles~ I don't mind, I'm used to it by now~" Toya: "Halt!" Konoha: "Th-They stopped." Toya: "O-Onee-sama?" Toya: "Is that really you, Onee-sama? You look exactly the same as back then." Toya: "But how?" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Toya: "Don't come any closer!" Toya: "I-I'm sorry." Konoha: "I-It's fine. Anyway, Toya-chan, what is this place? There's a ton of people trapped here!" Konoha: "Toya-chan?" Glenn: "Welcome to Planet Games." Glenn: "Konoha Akisato-sama. Oh, what a surprise. Just how old are you, Original Cuu? The genius creator behind The Last Waltz!" Glenn: "You should be close to 50 years old, but you look like a young girl! I see, I see..." Glenn: "You truly are an extraordinary being! The perfect fit for this place!" Konoha: "Wh-Who in the world are you?! Take me back to Akiba! And what's the deal with this place?!" Glenn: "Oh, I do apologize, Ms. Konoha. My name is Glenn Faulkner. I'm the CEO of Planet Games Japan. And Ms. Konoha, you happen to find yourself in our development room." Konoha: "D-Development room? You mean for developing video games?" Konoha: "B-But..." Konoha: "I don't see any desks, or even a computer!" Konoha: "S-So what are these people doing, then?! They're trapped in these weird tanks!" Glenn: "Why, they're working for us, of course." Glenn: "You could say that they're something like sustenance for our CI." Konoha: "C-CI? Sustenance?!" Glenn: "Cybernetic intelligence. Our company's glorious integrated entertainment development system." Glenn: "Ms. Konoha. I'll be open with you and tell you everything. As you know, AI has surpassed humanity in the past few years, and all creative matters have been left to AI." Glenn: "At first, there were no problems with that. A game that would take humans several years could be finished by AI in a single day! A bright new future was upon us!" Glenn: "Boo!" Glenn: "However, it wasn't long before we reached a limit. The things AI create end up pretty much all being the same. AI are completely lacking in anything like imagination or spontaneity. And so, the quality of a game ends up depending yet again on time and money spent. Game development goes right back to becoming a numbers game. But then we came up with an idea. It was time once again for humans to be put to work. This CI is hooked up to 200 people. All of them were originally creative professionals." Konoha: "What?!" Glenn: "By connecting their brains and neural networks to computers, the CI becomes able to consult human sensibilities, to create completely original games, the likes of which no one has seen before." Glenn: "24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These people do a great deal of work for the CI. With compensation, of course." Glenn: "AI used to assist human beings. Now it's the other way around. That's all there is to it. It's not a bad deal for these folks, either. The CI get to make use of their talent, without any of it going to waste." Konoha: "S-Still! Say what you will, but this is way too cruel!" Glenn: "Ms. Konoha. That talent of yours... We're the ones who can utilize it 100%." Glenn: "I promise we won't put those phenomenal gifts of yours to waste." Glenn: "Okay, let us proceed, Ms. Toya!" Toya: "Onee-sama. Please enter this CI." Toya: "Starting today, you'll be..." Toya: "hooked up to this system!" Mamoru: "It feels different here than it did earlier. Where could Konoha be?" Zombie Debugger A: "Cuu... Cuu..." Mamoru: "What's the deal with him? Doesn't look like he's dead." Zombie Debugger A: "Cuu... Cuu..." Group: "Cuu... Cuu..." Group: "Cuu... Cuu..." Mamoru: "Wait, is this a debug room? But look at them..." Mamoru: "They're practically zombies! Based on the personnel upstairs and down here, we're not dealing with anyone ordinary here." Mamoru: "Konoha... Is she all right?" Konoha: "I don't wanna!" Toya: "Onee-sama. You won't be in any pain when you enter the CI. You'll just be spending time in a tank for a while. That's all." Konoha: "N-No! No, I don't wanna! Toya-chan, you've completely changed! What's gotten into you?!" Toya: "It's been over twenty years since then." Toya: "To save my company, to survive... I needed to accept this merger. If I didn't, my company would have gone under! But as a result, I ended up getting you involved." Konoha: "Toya-chan..." Toya: "You've... You've always been my idol." Toya: "I still look up to you to this day! Creating such an incredible game and changing the world! I wanted to be just like you!" Toya: "But I couldn't do it." Konoha: "Th-That's not true! Toya-chan, you're amazing! You started your own company! Y-You're way, way more incredible than I ever was! Really... Really!" Toya: "I'm not..." Toya: "I'm not a genius like you are. But I have my employees, and fans with expectations, so I need to keep on creating games!" Toya: "So... Onee-sama..." Toya: "I'm sorry." Toya: "I'm sorry..." Konoha: "Toya-chan..." Konoha: "P-Please don't cry. I'm... I'm not..." Toya: "Onee-sama?" Konoha: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The truth is that I'm no genius! I'm nothing but ordinary! And yet... And yet..." Konoha: "It's my fault that the Akiba I love is gone! That the games I love are gone! Even the bishojo I love are gone! And worst of all, I was causing you so much pain..." Konoha: "I hate this world, and this way of making games!" Toya: "Onee-sama..." Konoha: "I have a lot to thank computers for! I mean, it's thanks to my computer that I became a good artist! It may not be that impressive to anyone else, but I learned to make art that I thought was amazing because of computers and the programs on there!" Konoha: "But if this is where that leads us, then to Hell with computers! There's no joy to be had making games in a world like this!" Konoha: "I'll make sure I rewrite it! I'll make sure I completely overwrite such a world! I'll... I'll..." Konoha: "create a game to make everyone happy!" Toya: "O-Onee-sama..." Glenn: "Goodness gracious. I have places to be, you know. I think that's enough catching up. Please make up your mind, Ms. Toya." Glenn: "If you refuse, then I'll take matters into my own hands. I'll give you three seconds." Glenn: "Three." Glenn: "Two." Glenn: "One." Mamoru: "Konoha!" Konoha: "That voice... Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun? What are you doing here?!" Mamoru: "I'll explain later! Right now, just run!" Konoha: "O-Okay!" Glenn: "Damn it! What happened?!" Glenn: "Ah! They're getting away! What are you doing?! After them!" Toya: "Please let them go! Keep your hands off them!" Glenn: "Don't be ridiculous!" Glenn: "So be it. I'll just assume command directly." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, you came to rescue me?" Mamoru: "I-I'm not very athletic! Besides, do you know how old I am?! I said I would help you, but I never agreed to all this!" Mamoru: "I swear!" Konoha: "Sorry!" Konoha: "The robots from before!" Mamoru: "Don't worry about them." Konoha: "What?" Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "They're on our side now." Konoha: "Our side?" Mamoru: "Yeah." Konoha: "I've hacked them to link them up to the PC-98s in the warehouse. What?!" Mamoru: "I've said it countless times:" Mamoru: "nothing can beat the PC-98!" Guard A: "I see them! There!" Guard A: "Geez, wasting our time like that..." Guard A: "Return to the lab!" Konoha: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What now, Mamoru-kun?!" Konoha: "What?" Konoha: "What?!" Guard C: "H-Hey, look!" Guard D: "Return fire!" Konoha: "D-Don't shoot! I'm just an illustrator!" Mamoru: "This way!" Konoha: "O-Okay!" Mamoru: "Open!" Konoha: "Sesame!" Guard E: "Wait up!" Guard E: "Wh-What?!" Robot: "The doors are closing." Guard E: "Cut the crap! Open up!" Robot: "I can't do that." Guard E: "Why not?!" Mamoru: "Is your next game an action game or something?" Konoha: "I don't wanna make a game full of dead ends like this!" Guard F: "Found them!" Guard F: "A flare?" Guard F: "The hell is this? Trying to create a smokescreen? That's cute." Alert: "Extinguishing fire." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, what was that back there?" Mamoru: "I used a flare to set off the fire extinguisher system. It should buy us some time." Glenn: "What are all of you idiots doing?! How much time are you going to waste capturing two people?! Damn it!" Guard H: "Mr. Glenn!" Glenn: "What now?!" Guard H: "Targets have been spotted!" Guard H: "They're heading to the surface on the cargo lift!" Glenn: "Cut the power to the lift! Shut down all systems other than the CI and this room!" Toya: "Stop it already!" Glenn: "Oh, it's just you." Toya: "Hook me up to the CI! I'll take Onee-sama's place!" Glenn: "And here I was wondering what you'd say. You, take her place?" Glenn: "You'll never be fit to take her place." Glenn: "Beat it." Glenn: "Go and get out of my sight." Konoha: "Yes! We're almost there!" Mamoru: "Yeah, we are." Guard C: "It stopped..." Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun! The lift stopped moving!" Glenn: "You sure have given us a hard time, Original Cuu." Glenn: "But our game of cat and mouse ends here." Glenn: "You have nowhere to run. This is checkmate." Glenn: "I don't see the need to be civil anymore. You're getting in that CI, Konoha Akisato!" Mamoru: "Damn it! After we made it so far!" Konoha: "Stop this already!" Glenn: "Guards, bring both of them along." Group: "Yes, sir!" Glenn: "Wh-What is that?" Mamoru: "H-Hey, look!" Konoha: "What?!"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 12 – U... U-U-U-U-U...", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "12", "U... U-U-U-U-U..." ] }
Pedestrian A: "Hey, look!" Pedestrian B: "Whoa..." Pedestrian C: "What the hell is that?!" Konoha: "A UFO?" Glenn: "Oh my..." Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun! Someone's coming out!" Mamoru: "Is that..." Mamoru: "E-Echo?" Mamoru: "You're... Echo!" Glenn: "What are you standing around for?! Hurry up and capture Konoha Akisato!" Guard: "R-Right away!" Echo Two: "Bang!" Mamoru: "Echo, you saved us?" Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "It's okay. She's not our enemy." Mamoru: "Are you awake?" Konoha: "Y-Yeah. M-More importantly, Mamoru-kun... Where are we?" Mamoru: "Dunno. Don't ask me." Mamoru: "At the very least, it's not where we were a moment ago." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, you're pretty calm about all this." Mamoru: "It beats being chased around by those weird thugs." Echo One: "Have you come to?" Mamoru: "You're..." Echo One: "Oh, if it isn't Mamoru-san." Echo One: "Did you try out the game that we made?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, do you know him?" Mamoru: "It's a long story." Echo One: "I'm glad we made it in time. If something had happened to you here, we would have had to make another long trip." Echo One: "But now we finally get to meet." Konoha: "U-Um... Who exactly might you be?" Echo One: "You could call us many things." Echo One: "I'm afraid I don't have a concise answer." Mamoru: "You..." Echo One: "I have embarked on a long journey to come face to face with you. And to tell you these words." Echo One: "May I have your autograph?" Konoha: "Huh?" Echo One: "I'm a fan of yours." Konoha: "Fan?" Echo One: "Yes, a big one!" Konoha: "U-Um, well, what do you want me to autograph?" Echo One: "Right here." Konoha: "Autograph this? This box?" Echo One: "Yes, please!" Konoha: "H-Here you go." Echo One: "Thank you so much." Konoha: "N-No, it's my pleasure." Echo One: "This is a video game." Echo One: "The game that you'll complete in the future." Konoha: "What?" Echo One: "I believe you should be in the middle of development now. This game is a masterpiece." Konoha: "Thanks for the kind words, but we're in the middle of making it..." Echo One: "That's true. Let me think..." Echo One: "Would you like to see what kind of game it is?" Konoha: "What?" Echo One: "This is what the game you're about to create is like." Echo One: "This is how your game appears to us." Echo One: "Konoha-san, do you know what this light is?" Konoha: "Not really... But there's something mysterious about it..." Echo One: "This is human imagination." Konoha: "Imagination?" Echo One: "Isn't it fascinating? Even as it takes on new form with the passage of time, it continues to live on, as you can see." Echo One: "And it's not just you." Echo One: "Every human being possesses the same faculty." Echo One: "Why, take a look." Echo One: "For humans, it's not any sort of special power." Toya: "Wh-What's this light?!" Echo One: "Children, adults, and the elderly alike. No matter where they may live, it's an ability that they all possess. And depending on how it's used, it can produce enormous power, and make anything possible. Yes, like this game." Echo One: "When I first came across this game, I couldn't understand this sensation. In search of the truth behind this sensation, I've gone on a long, long journey, and finally arrived here. It ended up taking far longer than I had originally planned, but even so..." Echo One: "I'm glad I was able to meet you." Echo One: "Right then." Echo One: "I eagerly await the completion of your game." Echo Two: "Mamoru-kun!" Echo Two: "Bye-bye!" Konoha: "U-Um... Who in the world are you?! Have I met you somewhere before?" Mamoru: "So I passed out?" Konoha: "Huh? Where's the UFO?" Toya: "It disappeared?" Pedestrian A: "That wasn't a dream... was it?" Pedestrian B: "It wasn't." Pedestrian D: "No way! I didn't get any of it!" Mamoru: "Hold on tight." Konoha: "Thanks, Mamoru-kun." Toya: "Onee-sama!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Konoha: "Toya-chan?" Toya: "Here, Onee-sama." Konoha: "Those are mine... Toya-chan, did you find them for me?" Mamoru: "They're finally here." Meiko: "Kono-chan!" Meiko: "Kono-chan!" Kaori: "Mamocchi!" Konoha: "Meiko-san! Kaori-san!" Meiko: "Kono-chan! Sheesh, you had me worried sick!" Kaori: "Seriously! And you, Mamocchi. It's been a while since we've met in person." Mamoru: "You sure came late." Manager: "We're not late!" Manager: "We chartered a scramjet plane to cross the Pacific! Do you know how much it cost me?!" Kyonshi: "Ah, my back's killing me!" Konoha: "Everyone!" Konoha: "But why are you here?" Meiko: "Huh? He didn't tell you, Kono-chan?" Meiko: "Mamoru-kun reached out to all of us. He told us you were in trouble, and asked us to help you make your game." Kaori: "Hey, Mamocchi, what's the big idea?" Manager: "Mamoru! That side of you still hasn't changed, huh?" Kyonshi: "Ah, my back's killing me..." Kyonshi: "Aw man." Kaori: "Mamocchi!" Manager: "Mamoru!" Meiko: "You haven't changed at all." Meiko: "Thank goodness." Kaori: "Kono-chan sure is full of mysteries. How is she the same?" Meiko: "Why, isn't it obvious?" Meiko: "It's because Kono-chan is an angel!" Meiko: "Kono-chan. Can we help out with the game you're making?" Meiko: "We want to make a game with you!" Konoha: "Yes!" Manager: "All right! Now that that's settled, everyone in the chopper!" Manager: "The 90s Alcohol Soft crew is back in action!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Konoha: "Do you want to come with us?" Toya: "I'm sorry, Onee-sama. There are still things I need to take care of here. I'll be staying behind. Besides, after getting you involved in all of this, I have no right to make a game with you..." Konoha: "Sure you do!" Konoha: "Didn't we promise each other? We said we'd make a game together!" Toya: "You remembered our promise?" Konoha: "Of course! I'd never forget my promise to you! So come with us!" Toya: "I'm sorry, Onee-sama. I can't go with you right now." Toya: "That said..." Toya: "I'll call you once everything's settled down." Toya: "I still want to make a game together with you!" Konoha: "Yeah! Sure thing! I'll be waiting for you, Toya-chan!" Dispatcher: "110, emergency services speaking. Are you calling about a crime? An accident?" Toya: "My name is Toya Yamada." Toya: "Can you make your way immediately to Akihabara Stadium?" Dispatcher: "T-Toya Yamada?!" Meiko: "Say, Kono-chan. That was Toya Yamada-san just now, wasn't it? From Shooting Stars." Meiko: "You're friends with that celebrity?" Konoha: "Toya-chan is my dear friend!" Kyonshi: "That's the last one!" Kyonshi: "Ah, my back's killing me..." Kaori: "Good work, Kyonshi." Manager: "That makes all of the desks and PCs I asked for." Mamoru: "Thanks, Dad." Konoha: "Huh? Don't we have a few extra desks here?" Kikiko: "Sorry!" Lalako: "We're late!" Konoha: "What?" Kikiko: "Wow! It's really Kono-chan-san!" Lalako: "You're right!" Hashimoto: "Long time no see, Konoha-san." Kikiko: "It's the manager's fault for getting a helicopter with the wrong number of seats!" Konoha: "Kikilala-san! Hashimoto-san!" Lalako: "It was a real pain in the tush!" Manager: "Didn't I apologize already?" Kaori: "Let's leave the chitchat for later. Everyone, now it's our turn to help out Kono-chan. Let's get Kono-chan's game finished!" Konoha: "We finished it!" Mamoru: "Yeah." Mamoru: "Dad and the others left in a flash, as soon as the game was wrapped up." Konoha: "Still, I had fun making a game with everyone again!" Mamoru: "We spilled the beans in the end. About the time travel stuff." Konoha: "Yeah. There wasn't a way to hide it any longer. I mean, my appearance has stayed exactly the same. But in the end, everyone wished me good luck!" Mamoru: "Yeah." Mamoru: "It's almost time." Mamoru: "You don't have any unfinished business, right?" Konoha: "Nothing. I crammed in everything I wanted to get done! Oh, one last thing!" Mamoru: "You want to walk around Akiba one last time? I can't believe that's the one thing you wanted to do." Konoha: "I-Is that weird?" Mamoru: "No, it's just like you." Mamoru: "More importantly, you made sure to bring the game with you, right?" Konoha: "Sheesh! Don't treat me like a little kid! I have it right here! See?" Mamoru: "The Things I Hold Dear, huh?" Konoha: "I-Is that no good?" Mamoru: "No, I think it's fine." Mamoru: "Besides, I know that the game inside is fun." Konoha: "Yeah!" Mamoru: "Right, I should give this to you while I can." Mamoru: "I wrote down everything you need to do in here." Mamoru: "Give that to me in 1999." Mamoru: "Then pray that 1999 me will figure out the rest." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun." Konoha: "It won't be easy. You're going to spend over twenty years keeping watch over history, all by yourself?" Mamoru: "Yeah." Mamoru: "I guess that's how it's going to be." Mamoru: "Don't feel sorry for me." Konoha: "But..." Mamoru: "I love Akiba as well, you know." Mamoru: "As much as you do." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun..." Mamoru: "That's why this is a two-person plan between you and me." Mamoru: "You've already done everything you can. Just leave the rest to me." Mamoru: "Have faith in the game that you've made." Konoha: "Yeah!" Konoha: "You know, Akiba's so clean now, and the corner stores are gone." Mamoru: "Whenever we pulled all-nighters, you always fell asleep right away." Konoha: "Th-That's not true!" Mamoru: "You didn't mess with the PC-98s, did you?" Konoha: "I didn't touch them!" Mamoru: "You haven't grown up at all." Konoha: "What was that?!" Mamoru: "Here we are." Mamoru: "Well, good luck." Konoha: "Okay." Konoha: "Hey, Mamoru-kun." Mamoru: "What?" Konoha: "I'm about to go to 1999, change history, and then come back to 2023, right? I-In that case, when I come back to 2023 and meet you again..." Konoha: "Will that Mamoru-kun be the same as the one standing here right now?" Mamoru: "Strictly speaking, we'll be two different people." Konoha: "S-So all the things that happened up until now, including this conversation... you're going to forget all of it? Am I going to forget about the Mamoru-kun I'm talking to right now?" Mamoru: "Yeah, that might be the case." Konoha: "Oh no..." Konoha: "I don't want that... I don't wanna forget!" Mamoru: "You won't forget." Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "Back when I met Echo, we had a conversation." Mamoru: "He told me humans are bursting with energy." Konoha: "Energy?" Mamoru: "Yeah." Mamoru: "That energy is what makes everything possible." Mamoru: "So you won't forget." Mamoru: "As long as that energy burns inside us, we'll never forget." Mamoru: "Why don't we test it out?" Mamoru: "Let's see if we still remember each other." Konoha: "Sure! Fine by me! I'll never forget what happened today! No, not just today! All the things we did together!" Mamoru: "Yeah." Konoha: "Okay, Mamoru-kun." Konoha: "See you later!" Mamoru: "See you later, Konoha." Konoha: "This is really the last one." Konoha: "Comic Party." Konoha: "It's fine. I need to have faith in everyone who helped me! In Mamoru-kun. In myself!" ko: ""Hello there, everyone." "Thank you for buying this game." "This game isn't a sweeping epic saga, and it's not full of surprising twists and turns." "But I really wanted to tell all of you my story, so I turned it into a game." "There's so much I want to tell you." "There are fun parts, scary parts, parts to make you laugh," "as well as the story of some very wonderful girls." "It's all jam-packed in here." "I hope you enjoy it!" "Okay, let's get started!"" Konoha: "I-I'm back?" Konoha: "This is... This is the Akiba I remember!" Konoha: "It's back!" Dejiko: "Nyo!" Konoha: "What? What?! This place looks crazier than I remember!" Dejiko: "Welcome to Akihabara, nyo!" Konoha: "That's right, Alcohol Soft. What about Alcohol Soft?!" Konoha: "All the lights are off..." Konoha: "Everyone..." President: "What are you doing?" Konoha: "Ah! Prez!" Konoha: "Oh, that's right! It completely slipped my mind, but it was Blue Bell that was here in the original 2023!" Konoha: "Prez! You wouldn't believe what I've been through! Video games have the power to do great things! No matter the game, I've decided I'll work on them as hard as I can! Just leave it to me, Prez!" President: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Konoha: "What am I talking about?! You know, Blue Bell's latest game!" President: "Blue Bell? My company? We don't make video games." Konoha: "What?" President: "Take a look." Konoha: "M-MILF Café Blue Bell?!" President: "Wait, a game studio? Are you talking about Alcohol Soft?" Konoha: "Alcohol Soft?! Can I find them here?!" President: "That's in the past. After their game became a hit, they all moved over to the US. After Alcohol Soft moved out, a different game studio bought out the entire building." President: "They must have a lot of money to throw around. I should have gone into making games. Damn shame..." Konoha: "I see. Everyone's in the US." Konoha: "Yeah, of course they are." Konoha: "That's good. It's all for the best." Konoha: "This is what I wanted." Konoha: "Thanks, Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "I remember..." Konoha: "I still remember! Mamoru-kun, and everything else!" Konoha: "Thanks, Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "I'll stay here, in Akiba, and make video games!" Konoha: "Forever and ever!" Konoha: "I say that, but what do I do now? Blue Bell turned into a MILF café and all..." Mamoru: "Twenty years without anyone to actually make the games. Small as it may be, it was a real pain to keep this company going." Mamoru: "You sure did take your sweet time..." Mamoru: "Okay, let's make some games." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Konoha." Mamoru: "Why don't we make a game together?"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 13 – The Things I Hold Dear", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "13", "The Things I Hold Dear" ] }
Konoha: "Seriously? For real? I traveled back in time?! Wait! Hold that thought! Let's think about this! Maybe I just made a mistake!" Konoha: "That's right! Let's calm down before I make a fool of myself! There's no way an SSR event like time travel would happen to me!" Konoha: "I must have taken a wrong turn! That's why it's a different building! Tee-hee!" Mamoru: "Hey!" Mamoru: "What's the big deal, running into me like that?! Get off me already!" Konoha: "S-S-S-Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Mamoru: "Seriously, what's wrong with you?" Konoha: "U-Um... Wasn't there a game company here before?" Mamoru: "Game company?" Mamoru: "Yeah, this is the place." Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "Do you see that sign there?" Mamoru: "This is the rock bottom of the game industry, Alcohol Soft. Alcohol Soft?" Mamoru: "What do you want? Are you a customer?" Konoha: "S-S-S... So sorry! So sorry! So sorry! So sorry! So sorry!" Mamoru: "What was that all about?" Meiko: "Bad news, Mamoru-kun!" Meiko: "Kao-san wants you to take a look at a new error we're getting!" Mamoru: "You're not going to find any bugs. My program is perfect." Meiko: "Oh yeah, were you talking with someone outside?" Mamoru: "I bumped into a weirdo." Meiko: "Huh?" Mamoru: "So sad to see, at the end of the year at that." Konoha: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What do I do?! I really, really traveled back in time! My workplace is a different company now, and everyone in Akiba's low key dressed for a funeral! Why did this happen to me?! I'm not cut out for an ordeal like this!" Konoha: "This is the worst of the worst!" Konoha: "What do I do now?" Konoha: "I don't know who I can turn to..." Mamoru: "So damn noisy!" Mamoru: "Oh, it's the girl from earlier." Konoha: "U-Um... I know this is a lot to ask of you, but can you please help me?!" Mamoru: "Huh?" Konoha: "Until recently, I was in the year 2023! For whatever reason, I traveled back in time to 1992, and now I'm in big trouble! I don't have anyone else to ask for help!" Mamoru: "What the hell is she saying?" Kaori: "Friend of yours?" Mamoru: "Not a chance!" Meiko: "She looks so cold. Why don't you let her in?" Mamoru: "Huh? Why, exactly?!" Kaori: "I agree." Mamoru: "Huh?! Hey, stop!" Kaori: "You must be freezing." Kaori: "Come inside." Konoha: "Th-Thank you very much! You're angels! Total angels!" Group: "Traveled back in time?" Konoha: "I don't understand it, either!" Manager: "Traveling back in time, you mean like a time warp?" Kaori: "That takes me back! Reminds me of that old movie!" Meiko: "So you mean this girl came here from the future?" Konoha: "Th-That's right! I was in a shop eating donuts, when Akiba suddenly changed! I can't even use my mobile wallet to get home, or look up a map online, or check my socials! I'm in a real life-or-death situation here!" Kyonshi: "Hey, Mamoru. Did you understand a single word of that? I don't have a clue what she just said." Mamoru: "Nope." Mamoru: "Okay. Let's call the police." Mamoru: "She's just an otaku with anime on the brain. It's obvious looking at her." Konoha: "No! Not the police! Not the polic— Please don't! Don't kick me out of Akiba, pwetty pwease!" Mamoru: "Stop talking like that!" Konoha: "Wh-What do I do? What do I do?! If he calls the cops on me, I know it won't end well! They won't believe me if I say, "I traveled back in time from the future"!" Konoha: "Oh yeah, didn't he say this was a game company?" Konoha: "By games, does he mean bishojo games?! If it is, if it is..." Konoha: "U-Um... D-Do you make bishojo games here?" Mamoru: "Huh?" Meiko: "Y-Yes, we do. We run a computer shop, and also develop games on the side." Konoha: "U-Um... Can you please let me work here?!" Meiko: "What?" Konoha: "I work at a bishojo game studio as an illustrator!" Kaori: "An illustrator?!" Manager: "We're not hiring at the moment..." Konoha: "Um, please take a look at my art! I'm pretty confident in my drawings of cute girls! I may not look it, but I've made my way on the daily rankings countless times! Around 1,000th place!" Konoha: "I-It won't turn on! This stupid tablet!" Kyonshi: "What's that? A PDA?" Mamoru: "They don't make ones that big." Meiko: "What should we do, Kao-san? I'm starting to feel a little sorry for her." Kaori: "Hey, Manager. She seems funn— to be in trouble, so why don't we have her help with painting? We just happen to be short-handed right now." Manager: "Well, I guess we'd take anyone who can paint at this point." Manager: "Is she really going to be useful?" Kaori: "You can paint CGs, right?" Konoha: "Y-Yes! Why, I've painted hundreds in my time!" Kaori: "Okay." Kaori: "Please help us, then." Kaori: "For now, you'll be working unpaid, if that's okay." Konoha: "Yes! I'd be happy to!" Kaori: "Okay, Mamocchi." Kaori: "Please teach her how to use all the tools." Mamoru: "Huh? Why me?!" Kaori: "The two of us still have CGs to work on. Besides, the programmer's got nothing to do without any bugs, right?" Meiko: "Ask if there's anything you need help with." Mamoru: "I know how to use the tools, but I can't teach her anything about painting!" Konoha: "Yes!" Kaori: "She's in your hands." Konoha: "Now I'm stuck with this scary kid! P-Please go easy on me..." Mamoru: "Fine. Let's go upstairs." Konoha: "Wait, upstairs?" Mamoru: "The development room." Konoha: "The development room!" Mamoru: "This is where we make games." Konoha: "That old computer still works! Pog!" Mamoru: "That's a DA. It's not that old." Mamoru: "You'll be sitting over there. Go take a seat." Konoha: "Y-Yes!" Konoha: "Check out these clicking noises! Is that the disk drive?" Mamoru: "What else would it be? You don't own a computer?" Konoha: "I-I sure do! But my computer doesn't have a floppy drive!" Mamoru: "What, are you still using tape drives?" Konoha: "I have an SSD!" Mamoru: "The hell is that?" Konoha: "Anyway, I'll be fine! I've been drawing on my computer since middle school!" Konoha: "Hold it! Everyone in this era is drawing on these ancient machines!" Konoha: "Which means... as an artist from the 21st century with my cutting-edge bishojo art techniques, if I make art in this era..." Konoha: "I could be invincible!" Mamoru: "Have you used a painting program before?" Konoha: "Yeah, more or less." Konoha: "Um, that's a mouse you're using." Mamoru: "Yeah, it's a mouse." Konoha: "Where's the pen display?" Mamoru: "Huh?" Konoha: "Wait, you want me to paint with a mouse?" Mamoru: "Of course. What else are you going to use? Were you expecting a paintbrush?" Konoha: "U-Um, um... I've only ever used Photoshop and a tablet to paint!" Mamoru: "What are those?" Meiko: "We use MaruPaint and a mouse here." Konoha: "This isn't good! I've never done it that way before!" Mamoru: "First, you scan the line art and load it onto the computer." Konoha: "Y-Yes!" Meiko: "Okay, here you go, Kono-chan." Konoha: "Yes!" Konoha: "What a cute drawing!" Konoha: "Um, who drew this?" Meiko: "Well, me..." Meiko: "Please stop staring at it. It's a little embarrassing." Mamoru: "Hey, hurry up and get it on the computer." Mamoru: "Wait, wait! You can't just scan the pencil lines!" Konoha: "What?" Mamoru: "That should do it." Mamoru: "Make a copy of the line art so that you get lines with the right thickness. Then take the copy you made," Mamoru: "scan it in grayscale..." Mamoru: "Look, there you go." Mamoru: "The data's on here." Mamoru: "Meiko's lending it to you, so use that for now." Konoha: "Transferring data with a floppy... Th-That's so 90s!" Mamoru: "Next, convert the grayscale line art into black and white, and redraw all the jagged lines while cleaning everything up." Konoha: "Redrawing all these lines with just a mouse! Wh-What a pain..." Kaori: "Mei-chan, how much longer for that one?" Meiko: "Sorry, I'll be done in a moment." Konoha: "They're both working so fast!" Konoha: "There goes my confidence as a time traveler..." Konoha: "Is this really only 16 colors?" Meiko: "Yeah. The system takes up one color, so actually it's 15." Konoha: "15 colors?! It really looks like it uses a lot more colors..." Konoha: "This spot right here is painted a little differently!" Meiko: "That's called "dithering". You place two colors in a checkerboard pattern, to create the illusion of a color in-between." Konoha: "T-Technology of the ancients!" Kaori: "Mei-chan had the same reaction that you did." Meiko: "Anyone would be surprised." Konoha: "I thought pixel art was only for chibi stuff! They're drawing huge bishojo game graphics with it, representing shades of colors with just pixels! Absolute peak!" Mamoru: "Okay, try using what you just saw to paint this." Konoha: "Yes." Konoha: "Um... this color goes here... And this one... huh? How do I undo? Huh?" Meiko: "How's it going, Kono-chan? Think you can handle it?" Konoha: "Meiko-san!" Meiko: "Wh-What's wrong?!" Konoha: "Look at this! All of my knowledge is completely useless here!" Konoha: "It's just so frustrating! I'm mad salty!" Meiko: "Don't cry, Kono-chan!" Kaori: "You can do it!" Konoha: "Wh-Wh-Wha?! They're so touchy-feely! Is this what it was like at old game studios?!" Konoha: "I-I did it!" Konoha: "I finally finished this CG!" Konoha: "I made it with just 16 colors!" Group: "Congratulations!" Kyonshi: "Huh, you really pulled it off." Konoha: "Thank you very much!" Mamoru: "Does she really have prior experience?" Konoha: "The hot water is melting all my fatigue away!" Meiko: "Kono-chan, do you dye your hair?" Konoha: "Yes, that's right." Kaori: "How unique." Konoha: "When will I be able to go back?" Konoha: "And how did this happen to begin with? If I don't find a way to go back, I wouldn't mind just staying here!" Mamoru: "Did you finally snap?" Mamoru: "You started laughing to yourself at nothing just now." Konoha: "Ah, no..." Mamoru: "You've been here working for days on end. Aren't you getting sick of it?" Konoha: "Well, I don't have anywhere else to go." Konoha: "Not to mention..." Konoha: "Making games is fun!" Mamoru: "You're so weird." Konoha: "Oh, that's right!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, do you want some fruity milk?" Mamoru: ""Mamoru-kun"? Why is it "Mamoru-kun" now?! You called me "Mamoru-san" before!" Konoha: "Hey, I'm 19 years old! You're younger, aren't you?" Mamoru: "And what if I am?!" Kaori: "It looks like those two are getting along." Konoha: "That's why you're Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "I still have seniority here!" Meiko: "Thank goodness." Mamoru: "You're just a temp worker!" Kaori: "The end is finally in sight! I can sleep tonight!" Kyonshi: "I'm stepping out to go buy some cigs." Meiko: "Kono-chan, if you're cold, we have some extra bedding!" Konoha: "I'm fine! Now then, good night!" Mamoru: "Hey, why are you sleeping here?! Go sleep by your own desk!" Konoha: "But it's cold over there! And it's so messy with all the stuff lying around!" Mamoru: "You always sound so timid, but you're incredibly demanding, you know." Kaori: "I'm turning off the lights!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, you're not going home tonight?" Mamoru: "I can do whatever I want." Konoha: "Are you looking at a bug?" Mamoru: "My program has no bugs. This is something I'm working on for fun." Konoha: "Fun?" Konoha: "F-Fun..." Konoha: "Oh yeah, why do you work here, Mamoru-kun? Because you like bishojo games?" Mamoru: "I'm not doing this because I want to." Mamoru: "I just help out because my dad asked me. Well, I've always liked fiddling with computers." Mamoru: "But I'm calling it quits." Konoha: "What?! You're quitting?! What a shame! I think you could become an amazing game programmer!" Mamoru: "I'd rather join a normal game company, then. Bishojo games are made by people who can't make regular games." Mamoru: "These aren't real video games." Konoha: "That's not true! Bishojo games are so much fun!" Mamoru: "They may be selling now, while they're not very common, but people will stop buying them in no time." Konoha: "No, they won't!" Konoha: "Y-You're wrong, Mamoru-kun! Eventually, Akiba is going to be filled with cute 2D girls! No, not just Akiba! Games, anime, and manga, too! Trains, buses, and even bags of rice and bottles of sake! They're all going to be plastered with bishojo characters!" Mamoru: "Like that'll ever happen." Konoha: "It really will happen! I'm telling the real, honest truth here! Mamoru-kun! The future is filled with cute 2D girls because of bishojo games! Even a cringe otaku like me, thanks to bishojo games, can play it off as, "that's just my character trope, tee-hee", and keep on going! Maybe you're right that this company can't make normal video games." Konoha: "But you know, everyone here is making the bishojo games of their dreams! What could be better?! I love this company, and everyone who's a part of it!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, let's make bishojo games together!" Mamoru: "You really do have a screw loose. Go see a doctor." Konoha: "After I tried so hard to talk with him! I thought everyone would be nicer here!" Mamoru: "There, done." Manager: "That's a wrap! Good work!" Kakori: "We did it..." Meiko: "It's over." Konoha: "We're finished?" Kyonshi: "Wait, in that route—" Manager: "Okay, you there! Hands off the keyboard!" Kaori: "Everyone! It's complete! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" Group: "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" Manager: "Well, Mamoru?" Manager: "Think we can use that self-proclaimed time traveler?" Mamoru: "No, she's a total beginner. She definitely lied about having worked at a game company." Manager: "Well, what can you expect from someone who says she's from the future? Boy, oh boy..." Mamoru: "But it might not be a bad idea to hire her." Manager: "Why's that?" Konoha: ""Making games is fun!" "Mamoru-kun, let's make bishojo games together!"" Mamoru: "Not a lot of people would get so passionate about mere bishojo games." Mamoru: "She's an odd one." Kaori: "Does everyone have their drinks? Okay, let's formally celebrate the completion of Sunny with a Chance of Vacation! Cheers!" Group: "Cheers!" Manager: "Good job!" Kyonshi: "Hey!" Meiko: "Good work, Kono-chan! You gave it your all to the very end!" Kaori: "That's right! We wouldn't have been able to make it without you! Our savior!" Konoha: "I did draw with a mouse back in the oekaki board days! No wonder it came so easily to me!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, you worked hard, too!" Mamoru: "S-Stop it! Get off of me!" Konoha: "What? Let's share in this happy moment together!" Konoha: "This is the satisfaction that I needed in my life!" Konoha: "Seriously! I love making games!" Mamoru: "I said, get off me!" Donut Shop Employee: "Miss!" Donut Shop Employee: "Miss!" Donut Shop Employee: "Are you all right, miss?!"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 2 – Let’s Make Bishojo Games Together!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "2", "Let’s Make Bishojo Games Together!" ] }
President: "We've got a hit on our hands for sure! It's real filthy, dirty smut!" President: "Yes, of course! We should definitely go drinking again!" Konoha: "Why this?! I traveled back in time, so why?" Konoha: "Why am I back to doing lowly illustrator work?! I was instantly transported into the world of 1992 Akiba, made a game, and then I came back just as instantly... After that," Konoha: "I sprinted as fast as I could to where Alcohol Soft was..." Konoha: "But all I found was my own workplace!" Konoha: "I'm sick of painting back views of faceless characters!" Konoha: "Good job today. I'll be taking my leave now. Ever since then, to be ready in case I travel back in time again, I packed my bag with some money, a change of clothes, and snacks, but nothing's happened!" Konoha: "This is the worst of the worst..." Konoha: "It wasn't a dream. I really did work on this game! I tried calling Alcohol Soft, but the number didn't work." Konoha: "I finally finished this CG! I made it with just 16 colors!" Group: "Congratulations!" Kaori: "Everyone! It's complete! Hooray!" Group: "Hooray! Hooray!" Konoha: "Maybe it really was all a dream..." Konoha: "I finally had my chance, and all I did was paint some CGs and leave! I'm so stupid! If it was just a dream, I should have drawn some line art!" Konoha: "Huh? What happened to the games I had here?" Afro Owner: "Alcohol Soft? Ah, I seem to remember an old brand with that name. I can't imagine they still exist. There aren't many game companies from the DOS era still around." Afro Owner: "Are you looking for that? We stopped carrying DOS titles a while back. Except for the extremely popular ones..." Employee A: "Alcohol Soft? Never heard of them." Employee B: "I'm not familiar with them." Konoha: "I've checked a bunch of stores, but zero leads. Maybe it was all in my head, because I wanted to make a game so badly. No, no, no, no!" Konoha: "That was real! Totally real! Okay!" Konoha: "I need to remember what I did that day! If I follow the same steps, I might be able to go back in time again! It's just a hunch, though!" President: "I swear..." Konoha: "That day, the prez rejected my idea for a game..." Konoha: "The microwave was broken, so I went out for lunch..." Konoha: "Visited a shrine..." Konoha: "Then..." Konoha: "That's right!" Konoha: "I received those games from that granny here!" Konoha: "But that shop isn't here anymore..." Konoha: "I forgot I had the games she gave me in here." Konoha: "Kizuato..." Konoha: "Hey! Stop!" Konoha: "Stop! That's my copy of Kizuato!" Konoha: "Why, you!" Konoha: "Frigging dog! Making me run all over for you!" Konoha: "E-Excuse me, what year is it?" Swim Team Member A: "What?" Swim Team Member B: "I-It's 1996." Konoha: "1996?!" Konoha: "Could it be?! It very well could be!" Konoha: "Alcohol Soft!" Konoha: "I did it! I traveled back in time again!" Mamoru: "No way in hell!" Konoha: "Magazines?" Mamoru: "I'm done with this place!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun?" Konoha: "You're Mamoru-kun, right?! It's me, Konoha!" Konoha: "Hey! Mamoru-kun!" Meiko: "Mamoru-kun!" Kaori: "Mamocchi!" Konoha: "Meiko-san! Kaori-san!" Kaori: "What?" Meiko: "Kono-chan?!" Konoha: "I've missed you so much!" Meiko: "Kono-chan!" Kaori: "Why are you soaking wet?" Manager: "Who was she, again?" Meiko: "It's Kono-chan! The part-timer from a long time ago!" Kyonshi: "Oh, I remember now. The girl who called herself a time traveler." Manager: "She was still alive?" Meiko: "Why did you suddenly disappear?" Kaori: "That's right. We didn't even get a chance to pay you." Meiko: "We were worried sick about you!" Konoha: "I didn't know how to get here, but I finally made it back!" Meiko: "What?" Kaori: "Are you saying you lost directions to this place for four years? You've gotta be kidding!" Meiko: "We would have come and found you if you'd called us." Konoha: "Four years later..." Konoha: "Um! I know this is sudden, but please let me work here again!" Meiko: "What?!" Konoha: "I want to make games at this company!" Kaori: "That really did come out of nowhere. You went missing for four years, and now you want to work with us again?" Konoha: "But, but... I wanted to work here again! I've been trying all this time to come back here!" Kaori: "All this time, for four years?" Konoha: "Well, you say four years, but it was really more like a week or so... Um..." Manager: "Don't do it. We should kick her to the curb, pronto." Kyonshi: "Yeah, she's only become more of a menace." Meiko: "Listen to me, Kono-chan." Meiko: "The environment we're working in has changed a lot since you were here." Konoha: "Environment?" Meiko: "Yeah. The next Alcohol Soft game is going to be made for Windows." Konoha: "What? Windows?!" Meiko: "You've heard of it, haven't you? It's selling like hotcakes now, so we're thinking of making our next game on Windows instead of just for the PC-98. The way we paint CGs and all has changed, too." Konoha: "I-I know all about Windows! I use Win10 everyday!" Meiko: "Win10?" Konoha: "Looks like the times have finally caught up with me!" Konoha: "Behold! My drawings that I made in Photoshop!" Konoha: "I-It won't turn on! Because I fell into the pool?! No way!" Manager: "Kick her out! Kick her out!" Kaori: "Okay, Kono-chan." Kaori: "Can I ask you to act as detective for Mamocchi?" Konoha: "Detective?" Manager: "Hey! You're hiring her?!" Kaori: "By "detective," I mean someone to bring troublesome employees back to the office. Please find Mamocchi and bring him back here!" Konoha: "What?!" Meiko: "You see, the development of our game is currently on hold. Mamoru-kun says he doesn't want to make games on Windows." Kaori: "He said he'll quit unless it's a PC-98 exclusive." Kaori: "Mamocchi's the only programmer we have. Without him, we can't make any games." Konoha: "Grr... They're sticking me with the chores again! Why am I stuck in this loop of part-time work?! But without Mamoru-kun here, there won't be any game dev to speak of!" Konoha: "I'll take up the mantle of detective for Mamoru-kun! Super cop Konoha is on the case!" Manager: "She really is a menace..." Konoha: "I'll have him back here in a sec!" Meiko: "Kao-san, you're bringing her on?" Kaori: "Just like last time, I can't say no to that energy of hers. She hasn't changed a bit." Meiko: "I wonder what she was up to these past four years..." Dj: "That was PUFFY's hit single, "True Asia." They say, "Wear your finest sandals in search of an older wife." I'm still looking for a marriage partner in sandals!" Konoha: "So hot..." Afro Owner: "Alcohol Soft? Ah, I seem to remember an old brand with that name. I can't imagine they still exist." Konoha: "Is the reason because Mamoru-kun ended up quitting?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun! Where are you?!" Sanoh Employee: "Both of these titles go on sale today!" Konoha: "That's right. Kizuato and Pia Carrot both released on the same day." Konoha: "I've been reading up on old bishojo games on Wiki this past week. I'm practically an authority on eroge by now! The internet sure is handy!" Toya: "U-Um, can I ask you a weird question?" Konoha: "Y-Yes!" Toya: "Um... so..." Toya: "Well... could it be..." Toya: "that you've bought a bishojo game before?!" Konoha: "U-Um... Yeah, lots of them. Pretty much every week." Toya: "I knew it! U-Um, would you come with me to buy some games over there?" Konoha: "G-Go with you? Wh-Why?!" Toya: "H-How do I put it... You seem like you're used to buying those kinds of games." Konoha: "Do I really look like I buy eroge all the time?" Toya: "E-Ero... Th-Th-Th-That's not what I meant! You just looked so confident, even in a place like this." Konoha: "A place like this? You mean a video game store?" Konoha: "C'mon, it's not any kind of seedy shop or anything... Wait, are you under the age of 18?" Toya: "Oh, no, I'm 19! There's no issue with my age! I just can't work up the courage to enter the store..." Konoha: "Then you should just go on Amazon or Getchu... Wait, those don't exist yet!" Konoha: "Wh-What do I do? I should be looking for Mamoru-kun..." Konoha: "Still..." Konoha: "Sure thing!" Konoha: "Let's go in together!" Toya: "Y-Yes!" Konoha: "Okay, off we go." Toya: "U-Um..." Toya: "My name is Toya Yamada. N-Nice to meet you!" Konoha: "Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Konoha Akisato! You'll be fine! There's nothing scary about eroge!" Konoha: "I've actually never been inside Messe Sanoh, either! My first time at Sanoh!" Konoha: "She's shaking in fear! That's adorable! A reward event this juicy is rare even for eroge! Look, they've got lots of games for sale!" Konoha: "Oh, they have them! Pia Carrot and Kizuato!" Konoha: "You got them!" Toya: "Yes!" Toya: "I'm so glad. I read about these two games on the NIFTY forums, and I really wanted to play them!" Konoha: "Good for you!" Toya: "Th-Thank you very much!" Konoha: "It's fine, it's fine! Don't worry about it!" Toya: "Do you come to Akihabara often?" Konoha: "Ah, yeah. I'm always here, I guess?" Konoha: "Oh, yeah! I should really get going! Well, enjoy your games! Bye-bye!" Konoha: "Man, she sure was a cutie. I guess in this era, you didn't find a lot of girls in those kinds of stores." Konoha: "Ah! Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "Stare." Konoha: "Suspect in sight." Konoha: "Mamoru sure has grown up." Konoha: "Last time I met him, he was 15." Konoha: "So now he's... 19?!" Konoha: "We're the same age now!" Mamoru: "Look at you all, real fine and handsome... Oh! What a find! A 98 VM! You must have worked real hard..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun's talking to the used PCs with such kindness in his eyes... What a creepy kid." Konoha: "I hate to interrupt him in the middle of this... Mamoru-kun, you're under arrest! J-Just kidding..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, it's been a while! You still remember me, don't you?" Mamoru: "I've never seen you in my life." Konoha: "What?! Didn't we make a game together?! I've never had so much fun making a game before!" Mamoru: "I don't want to remember any of the games we made in the past." Konoha: "Uguu... I-I guess you don't remember it as fondly..." Mamoru: "So much for that enthusiasm of yours... Disappearing on us like that..." Konoha: "Eh?" Kaori: "Do you think she'll bring him back?" Meiko: "Huh? Oh, you mean Kono-chan and Mamoru-kun?" Kaori: "That's right." Meiko: "Mamoru-kun's passion for the PC-98 is the real deal. But if she doesn't bring him back, we can't transition over to Windows." Kyonshi: "We can just hire someone else. Just because he's the manager's son, we're the ones who have been relying on him all this time." Meiko: "That may be true..." Meiko: "but I know that Kono-chan will bring him back!" Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun! Mamoru-kun, let's go back!" Konoha: "I don't know how long I can stay here. So I wanna go back soon and make some games!" Mamoru: "Just how demanding can you be?! Why do I have to make games for your sake?!" Mamoru: "I won't develop any games for Windows." Mamoru: "I only make games for the PC-98. Go find someone else." Konoha: "Does it really matter that much whether it's PC-98 or Windows?!" Mamoru: "Come over here for a minute!" Mamoru: "Pop quiz." Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "Explain what all of these rear ports are, one by one." Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "If you get everything right, I'll go back." Konoha: "Um... Th-That one's a power plug!" Mamoru: "Anyone could figure that one out." Konoha: "Th-Then there's... Um, um..." Konoha: "Wh-Who cares if I don't know what they are?! I can draw pictures just fine either way!" Mamoru: "That's what they all say. We live in a time where the people buying computers don't know anything about them. And what's more, it's people like them who are making games! It's so messed up! Listen up. Programming is about tinkering with machines! It's a conversation with the machine! Hey there, 98 VM-kun! Can you run this program for me? Your 256KB of memory ought to be enough, right? There, you managed it! You did a great job!" Konoha: "I-I can't stop shivering, Mamoru-kun." Mamoru: "This is what programming is." Mamoru: "But now there's this thing called Windows trying to butt in." Mamoru: "That means you can't talk directly to the PC-98 anymore!" Konoha: "B-But Windows is so convenient! I don't know how to use anything other than Windows!" Mamoru: "That's why you don't understand how computers work! Kaori and Meiko are going to follow suit, right? Help yourselves! I've had enough!" Mamoru: "It's PC-98 or nothing for me!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun..." Mamoru: "What now?" Konoha: "That..." Mamoru: "What?!" Konoha: "That's great!" Mamoru: "Huh?" Konoha: "I think that's really great, Mamoru-kun! You're the best! You love the PC-98 so much! I've never met anyone who was so passionate about making games! No, everyone else at Alcohol Soft is the same! No one at my company ever says anything... None of them would ever argue like this. That's why I wanted to come back here! I wanted to see all of you again!" Mamoru: "What are you saying?" Konoha: "I was assigned as a detective for you! I promised them I'd bring you back!" Mamoru: "I'll do it if they make it a PC-98 exclusive. Other than that, not a chance. That's all there is to it." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Are you really a time traveler?" Konoha: "What?" Mamoru: "Of course I don't actually believe you are one." Mamoru: "But if it's true..." Mamoru: "Don't you dare do anything." Mamoru: "Time travelers aren't supposed to change history, right?" Mamoru: "In that case, don't interfere with what I do, either."
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 3 – I Wanted to See All of You Again!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "3", "I Wanted to See All of You Again!" ] }
Konoha: "Mamoru-kun! Please come back to Alcohol Soft! Everyone wants you back, Mamoru-kun!" Pc-9801 Da: "I'm not going back." Konoha: "Is this... voice synthesis?" Pc-9801 Da: "You don't understand the consequences that Windows will have. The PC-98 carries on a rich, long legacy." Konoha: "I-It's so hard to make out..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "I'm telling you to scram!" Konoha: "D-Does that mean you're okay with the game not being finished?! If a staff boycott ends up pushing back the release date, the round-up blogs are going to eat you alive!" Mamoru: "Stop spouting nonsense!" Konoha: "I don't know how long I have until I go back! I still don't get how this time travel stuff works! So I want to hurry up and make games—" Mamoru: "Seriously! Stop talking about time travel in such a loud voice!" Konoha: "But, but..." Mamoru: "Didn't I tell you? Stop trying to change history!" Konoha: "Grr... He's got some nerve for someone who used to be younger than me not too long ago!" Konoha: "Everyone just ignores what I have to say! History's not going to change!" Konoha: "Okay, have it your way! I'll be back, and fully armored this time! Just you wait!" Kaori: "This music sounds so clear! Did they record the MIDIs into CD-DA for this?" Meiko: "It sounds a lot nicer than the PC-98 version I played!" Kaori: "It looks like they had no problems porting Shizuku to Windows. After Kizuato, I think Leaf's next game will be exclusive to Windows for sure." Meiko: "Alicesoft as well." Kaori: "We've all been turning a blind eye to it, but we need to move on to Windows too." Kaori: "If we want to survive, that is." Meiko: "Kao-san, do you think Mamoru-kun is going to return?" Kaori: "That's up to our detective, I think." Konoha: "I have returned!" Meiko: "Welcome back!" Konoha: "I'm going back in!" Meiko: "What?!" Meiko: "Wait, a sleeping bag?!" Konoha: "I'll hit him with an overnight camp-out! It's a showdown to see who bites it first, me or Mamoru!" Meiko: "Please don't offer up your life so easily..." Kaori: "You've got some guts! I knew you had it in you!" Konoha: "It's so cute!" Meiko: "These are the graphics for our upcoming game." Konoha: "That's moe AF!" Meiko: "Moe AF?" Kaori: "Windows is so nice. You can use lots of colors, Photoshop is great, and tablets are so easy to use. I can't go back to PC-98 after this!" Konoha: "Whoa, a pen tablet! This takes me back! So small! How adorable!" Meiko: "Takes you back? This is the latest tablet. That reminds me, Kono-chan. What kind of stuff do you usually draw?" Konoha: "W-Well, y-you see..." Mamoru: "Don't you dare do anything." Mamoru: "Time travelers aren't supposed to change history, right?" Konoha: "It..." Meiko: "It?" Konoha: "It's a secret!" Konoha: "If I can't tell them that, why the heck did I come to the past?! Mamoru-kun, you idiot!" Konoha: "This bag is so heavy!" Toya: "Konoha-san!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Toya: "You sure are carrying a lot." Toya: "Are you camping out somewhere?" Konoha: "Yeah! I'm prepared to stay there until I complete my mission!" Toya: "Is it the release of a big title? Doesn't seem to be the case..." Konoha: "This is for work! As a super cop..." Konoha: "Ah! That's supposed to be confidential..." Toya: "I see. I'll leave it at that, then. I'm sorry for inviting you to lunch during work." Konoha: "Nah, I hadn't eaten anything yet. Are you sure you're okay paying for me?" Toya: "Yes! I wanted to thank you for last time. Feel free to get extra toppings or noodles!" Konoha: "Yay! Thanks!" Konoha: "Did you buy some more games?" Toya: "Yes. I heard about them on NIFTY a while back, and I've wanted them ever since. I didn't have the courage to enter a video game shop before, but I managed to buy them all by myself today. It's all thanks to you, Konoha-san!" Konoha: "So cute! Toya-chan, you really love bishojo games, huh?" Toya: "Yes! I really like the cute girls, and bishojo games nowadays are really fun to play! People line up outside stores for their release, and there's a lot of art in the magazines. I feel like they're getting more and more mainstream!" Konoha: "Mm-hmm! In these days, people bought them even without any bonuses attached!" Toya: "What do you mean by bonuses?" Konoha: "Extra goodies that come with the game. Um, you know, like telephone cards!" Toya: "Phonecards?" Konoha: "Also, tapestries! Digital design references! Life-size cut-outs! CDs of two older sisters sweetly soothing you to sleep!" Konoha: "Ah, um... Imagine if that's what the future held!" Toya: "I see. It really does feel like the momentum is there, so a future like that wouldn't surprise me." Konoha: "Yeah! It's gonna happen! I guarantee it!" Ramen Shop Employee: "Order up!" Konoha: "That was good! Okay, I've gotta get back to work." Toya: "Yes. I still have some games I want to buy, so I'm off to search for them." Konoha: "All right, see ya!" Toya: "U-Um, Konoha-san..." Toya: "No..." Toya: "Onee-sama!" Konoha: "O-Onee-sama?!" Toya: "W-Well, you're the first person I've met that I could freely discuss bishojo games with. A-And so, if you're okay with it... I'd love to meet up with you like this again!" Konoha: "Yeah, of course..." Konoha: "S-Sure, sounds good. We'll probably run into each other again. Bye!" Konoha: "The future of bishojo games is looking bright! Man, "Onee-sama", huh?" Konoha: "Okay!" Konoha: "That's what happened today, Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "I'm really going to call the cops on you." Mamoru: "You're disturbing the peace! It's 1 in the morning!" Konoha: "This apartment's at the end of the hallway, so no one passes by. And I'm using my inside voice." Mamoru: "You blatantly lowered your voice just now." Konoha: "If you don't want me here, give up and go back to Alcohol Soft! Just to warn you, I've brought plenty of food!" Konoha: "Besides, I'm used to pulling all-nighters! All-nighters are an otaku passive skill! I'm going to stay up and make you change your mind!" Mamoru: "What are you, a land grabber?" Mamoru: "She fell asleep so quickly..." Mamoru: "This is..." Mamoru: "the device from the future she mentioned..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun?" Kaori: "I think our limit is here." Meiko: "We've got most of the writing and CGs wrapped up." Kaori: "All we need now is the programming..." Kaori: "In other words, Mamocchi." Meiko: "Yes..." Kaori: "No, wait!" Kaori: "There's also Comiket! We need people to help us with our cosplay!" Meiko: "In a situation like this?" Kaori: "No matter how busy we are, we can't skip Summer Comiket!" Meiko: "O-Okay, I get it..." Kyonshi: "Sheesh. You want me to write the script without the game system in place? What a backwards way of making games." Kaori: "We have the specs written up, so make sure your script follows them." Kyonshi: "Already on it. Just make sure I don't have to do major rewrites later to match the system." Kaori: "Kyonshi, you want Mamocchi to write our game system, don't you?" Kyonshi: "Guess I do." Kyonshi: "He can implement everything that we ask for, which is great." Manager: "That's because Mamoru's been raised on the PC-98 since he was a kid." Kaori: "Manager." Manager: "The PC-98 is practically a part of him by now." Manager: "He really might not come back." Kaori: "He'll be back. Mamocchi may be a PC-98 devotee," Kaori: "but before that, he's Alcohol Soft's programmer!" Meiko: "Yes, Alcohol Soft speaking. Ah, Kono-chan!" Meiko: "Kao-san!" Meiko: "Kono-chan said Mamoru-kun's gone missing!" Kaori: "Mamocchi's gone missing?!" Konoha: "I-I-I'm so sorry! I ended up taking a teensy nap, you see! And he ran off while I was asleep!" Kaori: "Do you know where he went? Do everything you can to find him!" Konoha: "Got it! I'll look for him as hard as I can!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun! Where are you?!" Junk Shop Employee: "Feel free to take as many as you want." Mamoru: "Thank you very much." Junk Shop Employee: "Moving out?" Mamoru: "No." Mamoru: "I guess... I'm drawing the line." Meiko: "Th-This is embarrassing!" Kaori: "You look great!" Kyonshi: "In the end, Mamoru never showed up." Konoha: "I'm so sorry! It's all my fault! I failed as a detective! I died in the line of duty!" Meiko: "That's not true! Not at all! You did just fine!" Kyonshi: "Looks like we'll need to find another programmer." Kyonshi: "Do any of you have someone in mind?" Kyonshi: "We can't wait any longer." Kaori: "Mamocchi is..." Mamoru: "This is..." Mamoru: "This is my..." Mamoru: "love for the PC-98! Have a good look!" Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "Welcome back!" Meiko: "Welcome back, Mamoru-kun!" Kaori: "I knew you'd come back, Mamocchi!" Mamoru: "Glory to the PC-9801!" Group: "Glory!" Kyonshi: "Everything is proceeding according to the script." Group: "Glory! Glory!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, I thought you would never come back! Serious protag move there! So you were making that cosplay! Wow!" Mamoru: "This is a funeral for the PC-98." Mamoru: "Hey, what year did you come from?" Mamoru: "You're from the future, right?" Mamoru: "What year?" Konoha: "U-Um, you said..." Mamoru: "I believe you. Just tell me." Konoha: "I-I came here from the year 2023." Mamoru: "Normally, there's no way I'd believe any of what you said." Mamoru: "But I knew it was true the moment I held that PDA of yours." Mamoru: "Something like that could never exist in this age." Konoha: "My tablet..." Mamoru: "You came from the future, and you knew about computers, but you didn't know anything about the PC-98." Mamoru: "In the future that you came from, the PC-98 is long gone." Konoha: "U-Um, well..." Mamoru: "I had already known it deep down." Mamoru: "The age of the PC-98 is coming to an end." Mamoru: "I just didn't want to admit it." Mamoru: "I didn't think it'd be your broken PDA that made me realize." Mamoru: "Which is why this is my send-off for the PC-98." Konoha: "And you're fine with that, Mamoru-kun? Wh-Why do you think that because I didn't know about the PC-98, the PC-98 won't exist in the future?" Mamoru: "The fact that you didn't know about it means—" Konoha: "In that case, if the PC-98 doesn't exist in the future, you can just change it!" Mamoru: "Huh?" Konoha: "In movies about time travelers, all of them change the future! You say they can't change the future, but that's a lie!" Mamoru: "That's because we're talking about movies." Konoha: "Is that how little you love the PC-98?!" Konoha: "It's fine to change a future like that, if it sucks!" Mamoru: "No..." Konoha: "It's fine!" Mamoru: "And to make it happen, you need to work your butt off!" Konoha: "To make the PC-98 number one!" Konoha: "I know you can do it! Because you're the one, more than anyone I know, who really loves the PC-98! And you're not alone, Mamoru-kun! Everyone else at Alcohol Soft is there for you!" Konoha: "The people at Alcohol Soft are all super nice! If you all work together as a team, there's nothing you can't do! You love the PC-98, don't you?! Isn't that right?!" Mamoru: "Which is why you want me to go back and make eroge." Konoha: "W-Well..." Mamoru: "You really are a weirdo." Mamoru: "I've never seen anyone get so fired up about eroge." Toya: "Konoha-onee-sama!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Toya: "I've always wanted to see it for myself, so I finally worked up the courage to come this year. It's all because you helped me buy those games, Onee-sama!" Konoha: "Now you're exaggerating..." Toya: "That cosplay is really cute!" Konoha: "Y-You think?" Kaori: "K Works is all sold out!" Toya: "K Works is the circle run by the folks at Alcohol Soft, isn't it?" Toya: "Onee-sama, do you know them?" Konoha: "Well, I did a bit of part-time work for them. Oh, I know!" Konoha: "Here, have a copy!" Toya: "Are you sure?!" Konoha: "Go ahead! Well, it's not like I drew any of it." Toya: "Must be nice... I'd love to be the one selling a doujin one day!" Konoha: "Oh! Yeah, that sounds great!" Mamoru: "I didn't know she had any friends." Konoha: "Toya-chan, you know how to draw as well? What do you draw?" Announcer: "Comic Market 50 has now come to a close." Announcer: "Good work, everyone!" Photographer: "All right, here I go!" Mamoru: "Hey." Manager: "Okay! It's complete!" Group: "We did it!" Kyonshi: "I just wanna go home and sleep..." Group: "Yay!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, it's thanks to you that we finished another game!" Mamoru: "I got suckered into it by that smooth tongue of yours." Konoha: "In the end, I was just a sub-illustrator again, because I spent my time playing detective for you!" Mamoru: "I can't believe you're drunk off this stuff." Mamoru: "Oh yeah." Mamoru: "I fixed that PDA of yours for you." Konoha: "Really?!" Mamoru: "I modified the connector to supply it with power. Doesn't look like anything's wrong with the circuit board." Konoha: "It turned on! Look at this! This is my art!" Mamoru: "What's this? The whole thing is an LCD?" Mamoru: "W-Wait... You're the one who drew this?" Konoha: "That's right! Isn't it cute?" Konoha: "Everyone! Take a look at this!" Mamoru: "Stop it! Don't show them that!" Konoha: "Why not?" Mamoru: "If they see that... Whoa, hey!" Mamoru: "Ow, ow, ow..." Mamoru: "Hey, you!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun..." Konoha: "Let's make a game..." Mamoru: "H-Hey!"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 4 – It's Fine!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "4", "It's Fine!" ] }
Onlooker A: "What happened to her?" Onlooker B: "Well, she just suddenly collapsed... What on earth?" Onlooker C: "Did she faint from some sort of condition?" Konoha: "Huh?!" Afro Owner: "You're the one who visits our store all the time. What's wrong?" Konoha: "Ah, I'm a huge idiot! I ended up back here after doing nothing but part-time work again! If I showed them the drawings on my tablet, I'm sure they'd ask me to make a game with me as head illustrator! I'm not cut out to be a protag at all!" Konoha: "Next time for sure!" Afro Owner: "I-I didn't realize she was so unstable." Konoha: "I still have a chance!" Konoha: "Good things come in threes!" Konoha: "I know I can return to the past again!" Konoha: "The games I got from that granny's shop..." Konoha: "Both times I opened the boxes, I was sent back into the past. The first date was before Christmas 1992, and the second date was..." Konoha: "the day Kizuato came out: July 26, 1996." Konoha: "The release date for Doukyuusei was... December 17, 1992! I knew it! I'm going back to the day that the game I open came out! And whenever I open a package, it disappears! That's right! That must be how it works!" Konoha: "I should try opening another game, just to make sure." Konoha: "I should pick a game that's as close as possible to when I went back before." Konoha: "There!" Konoha: "I can't travel back in time with just any ordinary game. It has to be a game from that shop..." Konoha: "Why are there so many games missing?" Konoha: "What games did I have here again?" Konoha: "Could it be that history has changed?!" Konoha: "Is this because of what I did? Nuh-uh! That can't be it! That can't be it! No way!" Konoha: "I mean, all I did was work part-time for Alcohol Soft!" Konoha: "Seriously, I haven't done a single thing!" Konoha: "But if something I did in the past caused this..." Konoha: "Maybe I should just stop... It's all too..." Konoha: "I'm so sick of my job... No, no! I wanna go back to Alcohol Soft! I wanna see everyone from Alcohol Soft again!" Konoha: "Maybe one more time wouldn't hurt..." Konoha: "I get it now! I won't do anything!" Konoha: "I'll lay nice and low, like a fugitive on the run!" Konoha: "I bet it's just coincidence that my games went missing! That's right! It must have been a burglar who only steals eroge! I'll just lay low this time around!" Konoha: "The game closest to when I went back last time..." Konoha: "This one? Kanon, released on June 4, 1999!" Konoha: "Uguu!" Tv Announcer: "There's one month left until July, when Nostradamus predicted a great King of Terror would appear!" Konoha: "The year 1999!" Konoha: "What?!" Konoha: "Alcohol Soft is gone!" Konoha: "Th-This is my company's..." Konoha: "Blue Bell's office building! Did I fail to go back in time?!" Hashimoto: "Do you have some business with us?" Meiko: "What? Kono-chan?!" Meiko: "Kao-san!" Kaori: "Kono-chan!" Konoha: "Kaori-san!" Meiko: "You went and disappeared on us again! Goodness!" Kaori: "You haven't changed a bit, Kono-chan! It's amazing how you look exactly the same! What have you been up to?!" Konoha: "U-Um... Well, you could say I went to go get a change of clothes..." Meiko: "Three years to go change clothes?" Kaori: "You sure are a joker. Wanna work part-time again?" Konoha: "I always make the weirdest appearances, but they're welcoming me with open arms! I'm so happy! Everyone's so nice here!" Konoha: "Alcohol Soft turned into this huge building?" Kaori: "That's right. As part of the redevelopment here in Akihabara." Meiko: "Just look at how much space we have now in our development room." Kaori: "Ta-dah! Game cabinets!" Konoha: "Arcade! It's an arcade!" Kaori: "All of it is thanks to our game becoming a hit!" Meiko: "You know, the game you helped us make, Horoscope! We ended up selling over 100,000 copies!" Kaori: "We released a sequel as well as a fandisc... I never thought we'd put out a fandisc! Booyah!" Kaori: "We hired more people as well!" Hashimoto: "I'm Hashimoto, in charge of marketing. I also manage the fan club." Kikiko: "I'm Kikiko, scenario writer!" Lalako: "I'm Lalako!" Group: "We're twins!" Konoha: "Are those your real names?" Group: "They're our pen names!" Kikiko: "My real name is Senri Koyama." Lalako: "Mine is Mari." Group: "Call us Kikilala!" Kaori: "We're not done yet!" Yuki: "I'm Yuki, on the graphics team." Kamiyama: "I'm Kamiyama." Minamizato: "I'm Minamizato." Haruhiko: "I'm Haruhiko, in charge of music." Hashimoto: "So is she the legendary phantom staff member?" Meiko: "That's right. Kono-chan is a mysterious graphic artist who shows up once every few years. She may not look it, but she's a real veteran here at this company! Isn't that right, Kono-chan?" Konoha: "Th-That's right! I may not look it, but I'm a real veteran here at this company!" Konoha: "Ahem! Let me introduce myself. My name is Konoha Akisato! My favorite food is anything sweet!" Konoha: "My specialty is doing impressions of a VTuber reading off Super Chats! Wow! Thanks, everyone! It's nice to meet all of you!" Group: "I-It's nice to meet you." Kaori: "And back there, feeling totally out of place, is our veteran old-timer staff member!" Kyonshi: "Who're you calling an old-timer?" Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun... H-Hey there." Konoha: "R-Rocking the glasses look, huh?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun's looking even older now! And way scarier to boot!" Mamoru: "How many times are you going to show up like this?" Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "Vanishing out of the blue like you did, only to show up again, out of the blue. At least tell me how it all works." Konoha: "Y-You see, Mamoru-kun... I figured it out! How the time travel works!" Mamoru: "What?" Konoha: "See, when I open up a game..." Mamoru: "A game?" Manager: "How's it hangin'?! You folks better not be goofing off!" Meiko: "Manager!" Kaori: "The only one goofing off here is you! You're always out of the office partying!" Kaori: "Just look at that awful getup! The spitting image of a president who's suddenly got cash to burn." Manager: "Whoa, harsh words there, missy! But I've got just the thing to shut you up! Hear me out, Kaori! I'm about to say something amazing!" Kaori: "What is it? Spare us the theatrics and spit it out already!" Manager: "Our game..." Manager: "is going to be released on console!" Group: "What?! On console?!" Konoha: "C-Console..." Kaori: "Don't give me that nonsense! I'm not joking here!" Manager: "Take it away, Gaya-san!" Ichigaya: "Heya! I'm Ichigaya, from Diamond Studio!" Kaori: "What?!" Meiko: "Wait, by Ichigaya, do you mean the one and only Ichigaya-san?! He created the Fire Dragon series! Even I've heard of him!" Kaori: "I've spent so much time on those games!" Yuki: "Wow!" Kamiyama: "A celebrity!" Minamizato: "What's he doing here?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, who's that?" Mamoru: "I vaguely recall that name." Ichigaya: "I've been a long time fan of Alcohol Soft! I played your latest game, Horoscope. It was wonderful!" Ichigaya: "I can just see it now! We're about to enter the age of bishojo! Console ports of bishojo games have been thriving for a while now! The Mystery of Nonomura Hospital! Doukyuusei! Kakyuusei! YU-NO! Can Can Bunny Premiere 2! They've all been hits! However!" Ichigaya: "The morons in the industry have been turning a blind eye to that fact! Refusing to acknowledge bishojo while using them to rake in the cash!" Kaori: "You may be right. There are a lot of folks who are ashamed of bishojo." Ichigaya: "However! The times are changing! In this economic recession, bishojo are the one thing continuing to grow! They're booming like crazy! The biggest genre of the 21st century is going to be bishojo! I guarantee it! We at Diamond Studio have a proven record of porting games over to console. Won't you trust us with producing the port of Alcohol Soft's Horoscope? It'll be a masterpiece that surpasses the console version of To Heart! Everyone from Alcohol Soft, let us join hands..." Manager: "Gaya-san!" Ichigaya: "And start a worldwide revolution! That's all from me!" Manager: "Well? Well? Isn't it amazing? The famous Ichigaya!" Meiko: "What a surprise! I had no idea you knew a celebrity like him!" Kaori: "Well... I guess it was a little surprising." Manager: "I wasn't just drinking myself silly for nothing out there! I'm expanding my network every day! You'll say yes to the port, right? I'm all for it!" Kaori: "Well, there doesn't seem to be any downside for us. Sure, why not." Meiko: "Wow! Amazing!" Manager: "We're gonna go mainstream with this!" Kikiko: "A console game!" Lalako: "Wow!" Yuki: "I wonder what platform they'll target!" Meiko: "Kono-chan!" Konoha: "Meiko-san!" Meiko: "We did it!" Konoha: "A console game! Console!" Meiko: "It's like I'm in a dream!" Konoha: "You're not dreaming!" Meiko: "It is my dream, though!" Konoha: "It wasn't just a dream!" Konoha: "And so, when I open up one of these games, I travel back in time. Not that I know why it happens." Mamoru: "And you end up on the day that the game was released?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, do you know how it works?" Mamoru: "How the hell would I?" Konoha: "Maybe I should try opening another one." Mamoru: "Stop it! What if it sends you back further in time?" Konoha: "Y-You're right..." Konoha: "U-Um..." Konoha: "Um, like, you see... There's one teensy thing that's weird." Mamoru: "What is it?" Konoha: "Every time I go back," Konoha: "there are games missing from my place. My eroge." Mamoru: "Do you mean they disappeared?" Konoha: "I-It's probably just a burglar who only steals eroge!" Mamoru: "Are there burglars like that in the future?" Konoha: "N-Not really..." Mamoru: "Then don't mention it!" Konoha: "M-Maybe I've been changing history... The possibility..." Konoha: "made me a little bit scared." Mamoru: "Hey, weren't you the one who told me that it's okay to change history?" Konoha: "M-Maybe I did..." Mamoru: "What was the point of that, then?!" Konoha: "W-Well, seeing those games disappear right off my shelf took me by surprise. I mean, I'm sure it's totally unrelated! Well, I'm sure you wouldn't get it! Guess you could call it a time traveler problem." Mamoru: "You really get on my nerves." Mamoru: "In that case, why did you come here?" Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "If you don't want to change history, why did you come here?" Konoha: "Th-That's because..." Konoha: "I-I wanted to meet the people here! Everyone at Alcohol Soft! The truth is, I came here because I wanted to make a game! Same goes for last time! But it's fine now if I don't get to! I'm trying to behave myself! I won't change history, and I don't mind if all I do is part-time work!" Mamoru: "There's no way you can pull that off." Konoha: "Whoa! You think I'm just a big, fat wimp! That's wimp discrimination!" Mamoru: "It's impossible. Besides, what's the point in doing that? What exactly did you come here to do?" Konoha: "W-Well..." Kaori: "Okay, let's decide on what everyone will be doing for the console port." Kaori: "I'll be the director..." Kaori: "The director of a console game! Next, Mei-chan will do the designs for two new characters." Meiko: "Sure thing!" Meiko: "How nerve-wracking..." Kyonshi: "Hey, how come I'm not in charge of the new scenarios? I did the original scenario for this game!" Kaori: "I know you'll add in sex scenes, so no way! You focus on fixing up the main scenario! The new story segments will be left to Kikilala-chan!" Group: "'Kay!" Kaori: "They're our writers for all-ages content!" Kyonshi: "How wishy-washy!" Kaori: "Mamocchi. You'll handle the system, won't you?" Kaori: "Mamocchi! Are you paying attention?" Mamoru: "Y-Yeah, got it. Diamond will be lending us a specialized development kit, so I don't foresee any problems." Kaori: "You're not going to be developing on a DOS/V machine? It's finally time for you to make your debut, huh?" Mamoru: "I'll be working on a PC-98, of course." Kaori: "Also, for a console release, we'll need to make an animated opening, and hire voice actresses to voice the characters..." Hashimoto: "Um, Konoha-san. You're really okay with performing chores as a part-timer?" Konoha: "Yes! Just let me know if you have any errands for me!" Hashimoto: "Why are you whispering?" Konoha: "Oh, don't mind me! I'm just trying to influence things as little as possible!" Hashimoto: "Influence?" Kaori: "Okay, I think that covers it for today's meeting!" Meiko: "Kono-chan? Why do you have a mop?" Hashimoto: "Konoha-san insisted strongly on being assigned to cleaning duty." Konoha: "That's right." Meiko: "Why? We've got plenty of illustration work for you." Konoha: "Well, it's just for this once..." Meiko: "How should the additional characters look?" Kaori: "Let me think..." Kikiko: "Kyonshi-san!" Lalako: "Please give it some proper thought!" Kyonshi: "I'm thinking!" Group: "Hurry!" Kyonshi: "Yeah, yeah." Group: "One "yes" will do!" Kyonshi: "Yeah, yeah..." Konoha: "This is nice..." Mamoru: "Dad, are you really going forward with the console release?" Manager: "Huh?! You bet I am!" Manager: "Isn't this what you wanted? I know you used to hate eroge. All that talk of working on something way bigger!" Mamoru: "A port wasn't what I had in mind." Manager: "Now's your chance to strut your stuff! Things are about to get busy!" Manager: "Gaya-san!" Manager: "Ah, Gaya-san?" Manager: "I'm down! I'm down! Where are you right now?!" Manager: "See ya!" Konoha: "I am a maid! Your very own maid! Cleaning, laundry, cooking, hm-hm-hmm!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun?" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Hey, didn't you say you were going to steer clear of everyone?" Konoha: "You don't count, Mamoru-kun! I can finally talk normally! Everyone's real fired up about the console game! How nice..." Mamoru: "Yeah. It's been a while since I've seen Dad so motivated. He's been out of the loop on company matters for a while." Mamoru: "He can't keep up with all the changes bishojo games have been going through." Mamoru: "All he does every night is go out drinking. I don't think he knows the first thing about Windows games." Konoha: "I guess the Windows phobia runs in the family!" Mamoru: "Which is why, with this console game offer, Dad must have wanted to show Kaori and Meiko that he could still be useful." Mamoru: "Hey." Mamoru: "What do you think about a console release?" Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "Never mind." Mamoru: "I know I shouldn't ask you." Konoha: "A console release sounds great to me! I'd totally go for it! Everyone in the office is so excited about it!" Mamoru: "Are you really gonna stick to doing menial tasks? I thought you wanted to make a game." Konoha: "Deep down, I want to work on the game, too. But everyone else is trying so hard, without time travel or anything. It doesn't feel right for me to butt in on that." Konoha: "I'm just fine handling the chores! No matter the era I'm in, this is what it's like for me!" Konoha: "Ow, ow..." Konoha: "Ah, this sucks! All of my hard work!" Mamoru: "Wait..." Konoha: "What's that?" Mamoru: "Where'd you get this garbage?" Konoha: "That trash bag is from when I cleaned the garage just now." Mamoru: "This is a cosplay club run by Ichigaya." Mamoru: "I saw it on his website."
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 5 – Good Things Come in Threes!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "5", "Good Things Come in Threes!" ] }
Manager: "Our game... is going to be released on console!" Ichigaya: "Everyone from Alcohol Soft, let us join hands... And start a worldwide revolution!" Mamoru: "This is a cosplay club run by Ichigaya." Mamoru: "Maybe it's time I looked into this Ichigaya..." Konoha: "Alcohol Soft is real busy working on the console port with Diamond Studio! I'm so jealous! I want to make a game with my art, and port it over to console, too!" Konoha: "But look at me..." Konoha: "Why am I out here on a stakeout?! Just to double-check, but I'm a time traveler! I am, right?!" Mamoru: "Starting tomorrow, you'll be staking out this club." Konoha: "Huh? Why me?" Mamoru: "Isn't it obvious? No one will miss you if you're not at the office. I'll lend you one of my cell phones, so let me know immediately if anything happens. Listen to me. Make sure you keep a good lookout. Don't do anything unnecessary." Konoha: "Grr... I know I said I was okay with doing chores... I did, but still! What's the point of staking this place out?" ewscaster: "On the Year 2000 problem, the Prime Minister has issued instructions to take full measures, and prepare for any unforeseen circumstances." ewscaster: "Now for our next story." Kikiko: "First Nostradamus, now the Year 2000 problem!" ewscaster: "Tokyo police have denied alien involvement in the uncovered case from 14 years ago..." Lalako: "One apocalypse after another!" Kaori: "Whoa! That's super cute!" Meiko: "I made so many revisions after getting feedback from everyone!" Kaori: "The CG repaints are proceeding on schedule, too. Now we just need to swap out the hentai scenes for cute ones! Like adding steam to hide the naughty bits, or putting clothes on naked shots." Kaori: "It may be a port, but it's best that we handle the CGs ourselves!" Meiko: "Kao-san, you're really pulling out all the stops here!" Kaori: "That goes without saying! A bishojo game lives and dies by its art!" Kyonshi: "An eroge with no ero, huh?" Kaori: "Call it a bishojo game! Oh, look at the time!" Kaori: "Okay, Mei-chan and I have a meeting to attend!" Group: "Take care now!" Kyonshi: "When did this place turn into such a chick fest?" Mamoru: "The cosplay club that Dad's been hanging out at... There was more stuff from there in the trash." Mamoru: "He has been reckless with his money lately." Mamoru: "But I have a nagging feeling that it's more than that." Mamoru: "He's hiding something. If I asked him directly, I'm sure he'd just dodge the question." Mamoru: "I need some evidence here!" Mamoru: "Boy, searching this Internet sure is a pain, though! Maybe I should whip something up!" Ichigaya: "I see, I see... This character is excellent! Another winner from Meiko-san!" Meiko: "You're too kind!" Ichigaya: "I'm about to head over to a TV network after this. Care to join me?" Meiko: "A-A TV network, Kao-san! What do we do?!" Kaori: "What do you mean? We came here for work, so we need to go in!" Tv Producer: "Hey, Gaya-san! What's going on? How've you been, man?!" Ichigaya: "Hey! Y'know, I'm so sorry! I haven't had any time to call you!" Ichigaya: "He's a producer at this network. He and I go way back." Tv Producer: "I mainly work on TV anime productions. If Gaya-san's scouted you out, I'd be happy to talk showbiz!" Meiko: "T-TV anime!" Kaori: "Th-This is a whole new level here..." Meiko: "Is this the world of console ports?!" Tv Producer: "Anime is great!" Kaori: "But in the future, eroge could very well get turned into TV anime! And that could be us!" Kaori: "We're back..." Meiko: "That sure was mentally draining." Kamiyama: "Ah. Kaori-san, Meiko-san. Welcome back." Kaori: "Sounds like you girls are having a good time. What were you talking about?" Kamiyama: "About Kanon, the game that just came out. It's really something else!" Minamizato: "I can't believe how unique the heroine is." Yuki: "Her trademark phrase is "uguu"! "Uguu"! I could understand "dayomon," at least!" Meiko: "That almost reminds me of Kono-chan." Kaori: "I can see that. You don't know what she's going to say next, and she's got such a unique way of talking." Konoha: "It's still cold out when it gets this late..." Konoha: "Is the manager really going to show up?" Mamoru: "Dad should show up at the club. Let me know as soon as you see him." Konoha: "Is the manager really showing up? I want to go back to the office." Mamoru: "Stay on the lookout for him." Konoha: "What's up with that kid? He looks like he needs help. But right now, I'm in the middle of a stakeout! Mamoru even told me, "Don't do anything unnecessary!"" Konoha: "What's wrong?" Boy: "My coin rolled under the vending machine, and now I can't reach it..." Konoha: "Dang..." Konoha: "Do you mind if I borrow that?" Konoha: "Use this like that and... There, got it!" Boy: "Thanks, lady!" Boy: "Bye-bye!" Konoha: "Yeah!" Konoha: "Ah! My mission!" Toya: "Onee-sama?" Toya: "It's you!" Toya: "Onee-sama!" Konoha: "O-O-Onee-sama?!" Toya: "Do you remember me? You helped me buy Pia Carrot and Kizuato!" Konoha: "Huh?" Konoha: "Toya-chan?!" Toya: "That's right!" Konoha: "You look way different from back then! A total redesign!" Toya: "I actually work for a game studio now! We're making an eroge!" Konoha: "What?!" Toya: "I was tabling for a circle at Comiket, and they invited me to do lineart work. Now I'm a lead illustrator!" Konoha: "What? That's amazing!" Toya: "I'm on my way to an event for our new title, which is why I'm dressed in this cosplay. The artist herself, promoting the game! The game I made is really popular!" Konoha: "What?! That's great, Toya-chan!" Toya: "It's all thanks to you, Onee-sama." Konoha: "Huh? Did I do anything?" Toya: "Yes! You did so much for me! When we met, you talked about the future of bishojo games." Toya: "Hearing that gave me the confidence I needed! That maybe I could do it, too!" Toya: "You were also the one who encouraged me to participate in Comiket. I really can't thank you enough! I used to just be a plain-looking otaku, but now I get treated like a princess. I didn't think it'd be so easy." Konoha: "Huh?" Toya: "Men are such simple creatures." Toya: "Oh yeah, Onee-sama. Are you free after this? Would you care to join me for dinner after the event? There's this one café that I really like," Konoha: "It's the manager!" Toya: "and I'd love to catch up—" Konoha: "I-I'm a little busy right now! See you around, Toya-chan!" Toya: "What?" Toya: "Onee-sama..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun! The manager's here!" Mamoru: "Go after him!" Konoha: "What?! You want me to go in?!" Mamoru: "That's right!" Konoha: "I don't wanna go in a place like that..." Mamoru: "Shut up and get going! That's an order!" Konoha: "R-Roger..." Kogyaru Hostess A: "No one plays with Tamagotchi anymore." Manager: "Don't be like that! You were so happy when I gave you one the other day!" Kogyaru Hostess B: "It's totally out of fashion now." Kogyaru Hostess C: "Is it any fun for a girl, coming to a club like this?" Kogyaru Hostess D: "Whoa, check it out! What's up with this hair? You dyed it blue on the inside?" Konoha: "Shh! Please be quiet!" Kogyaru Hostess B: "Buy me an Aibo instead! That thing's so cute!" Manager: "Hey now, girls! I'm the owner of this joint, you know!" Manager: "You've got some nerve talking to the owner like that!" Konoha: "The owner?" Manager: "You should be a little nicer to me! I'm about to become a big shot real soon!" Kogyaru Hostess A: "For real?" Manager: "Well, I bet you wouldn't get it, anyway! Kaori and Meiko should be thanking me, dammit! They're always looking down on me for not knowing jack about video games! Talking real big for a bunch of artists!" Kogyaru Hostess A: "I don't get it, but that's wack." Manager: "Just you wait! Ichigaya and I are gonna take the video game industry by storm! I'm the one who managed to land the console deal! They don't know... how much money I've invested to make that happen!" Konoha: "Invested?!" Manager: "Screw the artists! The president deserves the most credit!" Manager: "Good job, prez!" Konoha: "I need to let Mamoru know!" Manager: "Wait, that's me! Good job, me!" Manager: "Just you wait! Ichigaya and I are gonna take the video game industry by storm! I'm the one who managed to land the console deal! They don't know... how much money I've invested to make that happen! Screw the artists! The president deserves the most credit!" Manager: "What the hell is this? Am I the one who said that? I was drunk, so I don't remember." Meiko: "Manager..." Kaori: "What investments are these?" Manager: "W-Well, that's not important here..." Kaori: "It damn well is important! Are you saying the console port was in return for putting money up for Ichigaya?" Manager: "Y-You've got the wrong idea. Ichigaya liked the game you guys made..." Manager: "What's the problem with that?! No matter the reason, the game is gonna be on console!" Kaori: "So, how much are we talking?" Manager: "Huh?" Kaori: "How much money did you fork over to Ichigaya?! In exchange for the console port!" Manager: "Sh-Shut your trap! What would you know about doing business?!" Mamoru: "Dad." Mamoru: "You became the owner of that cosplay club, am I right?" Mamoru: "I looked it up." Mamoru: "You took joint ownership with Ichigaya for a number of his businesses. You used company money for that, didn't you?" Kaori: "You didn't raise the pay for any of us... How dare you spend it on that?!" Manager: "Shut up! Shut up! Don't talk back when all you do is make your little games! Are you the ones making the deals? Running the business?! Why do you get to have all the fun making games?!" Manager: "You guys get all the damn credit! I'm the president of this company! When do I... When do I get to do something great?!" Manager: "Have any of you heard about dot-com companies? It's never been a better time for American IT companies! Which is why it's the perfect time for me and Ichigaya to start a new company in the US that combines the Internet and video games! This is gonna be real big!" Hashimoto: "Excuse me, everyone." Manager: "Huh?" Hashimoto: "Please excuse my interruption. If I could ask you all to come to the conference room." Kaori: "I'm sorry, Hashimoto-san. Now's not the time for—" Hashimoto: "This is an urgent matter." Hashimoto: "Ichigaya-san has been arrested." Announcer: "Game creator Hikaru Ichigaya has been arrested on suspected charges of massive fraud. Ichigaya is charged with colluding with those in the television industry. He is said to have approached multiple individuals with false startup business offers, and fraudulently soliciting investments from them. The total losses are estimated to exceed three billion yen. Ichigaya, a renowned game creator known for the hit 1987 series, Fire Dragon, is believed to have been facing financial trouble in recent years..." Konoha: "They arrested Ichigaya-san..." Meiko: "What?!" Kaori: "What's going on here?!" Kyonshi: "Manager. He suckered you out of your money." Manager: "Th-This is some sort of prank. It must be a misunderstanding. He would never lie to me. He said that we were..." Mamoru: "Dad." Mamoru: "He was stringing you along." Kyonshi: "Oh, brother." Manager: "Give it back..." Manager: "Give it back... My one billion..." Kaori: "What?" Group: "O-One billion?!" Konoha: "With the manager a scam victim in an investment fraud scheme, Alcohol Soft suddenly found themselves one billion yen in debt." Meiko: "Kao-san!" Kaori: "I just came back from Ichigaya's Diamond Studio office. It was swarming with debt collectors and policemen, so I didn't manage to get anything back." Kyonshi: "Maybe it's time we closed up shop." Kaori: "In the end, Ichigaya was no better than a scummy eroge company president." Kaori: "Nothing but big talk, while never showing up for work. If only the manager had been content with humbly making games. Having a hit title on his hands completely messed up his life." Kyonshi: "If we had taken a step back, we could have realized something was wrong." Kyonshi: "But we all bought it hook, line, and sinker." Kaori: "Well, come on! Who wouldn't want to see their game on console?!" Meiko: "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly..." Kaori: "You're not to blame at all, Mei-chan! Treating us like your personal wallet! He won't get away with this!" Konoha: "Um..." Konoha: "Kono-chan. Does this mean you're not going to make games anymore?" Kaori: "I'll still make games." Kaori: "Only..." Kaori: "it may not be at this company." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "You're still here, huh?" Konoha: "Well, the development room is where I've been sleeping." Mamoru: "Dad was hospitalized from the shock of it all." Mamoru: "Makes you laugh, doesn't it?" Mamoru: "He's never had an ounce of business sense." Manager: "One billion yen..." Mamoru: "Opening a computer shop after mass retailers started carrying them. Starting a game company, despite never really having played a video game." Mamoru: "I knew all of this, but I let him be, so maybe I'm no better." Konoha: "Was there really nothing more I could have done?" Mamoru: "You did plenty. You even tracked him down." Konoha: "Still! I came back in time again, but I was powerless to do anything..." Konoha: "It's just too awful!" Mamoru: "I had a hunch that something was wrong. When someone from the future like you had no idea who Ichigaya was." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, who's that?" Mamoru: "I didn't take things seriously. I had second thoughts about believing what you said." Mamoru: "However..." Mamoru: "I might have been able to prevent all of this. And even if I couldn't, I could have at least paid attention to what Dad was up to." Mamoru: "If I had done that, maybe I could have kept everyone's dream alive." Konoha: "Everyone's dream? Mamoru-kun, you think this is your fault?" Mamoru: "Maybe it wasn't." Mamoru: "But I can't deny I was a little too unsuspecting." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, you love Alcohol Soft deep down, don't you?" Mamoru: "Not really. I've been..." Mamoru: "just stuck here the whole time." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "Let's make a game! I'll do the art, so let's make a game! We'll use it to save the company!" Mamoru: "Ugh..." Konoha: "Hey! This is the part where you go all whammo, then "yeahhhh"! What's with the "ugh"?!" Konoha: "I've always wanted to make a game with everyone at Alcohol Soft! I knew if I was going to make a game, I wanted it to be with all of you!" Konoha: "But I couldn't say it... I was too afraid of changing the past." Konoha: "But still! If we don't use my powers now, then when?! The game I've always wanted to make! I know that I want to make it right here, right now!" Mamoru: "Ugh..." Konoha: "What?! "Ugh" again?!" Mamoru: "I can't deny that your drawing was amazing." Mamoru: "To be honest, it feels straight out of the future." Mamoru: "But what can you do with just drawings?! We're talking one billion yen! One billion!" Mamoru: "You can't possibly make one billion yen off an eroge..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, you still don't understand the power of bishojo." Konoha: "Bishojo has way more power than you think! As someone from the future, I guarantee it! Besides, I'm not alone! Everyone at Alcohol Soft believes in the power of bishojo! If we all work together, nothing's impossible! The other day, I helped out a boy I met, because he was in trouble! It doesn't matter whether I change the past or future! I want to do whatever I can, right now! Mamoru-kun, are you fine with just giving up?! Are you fine with losing everything?! I don't think you are! I know all too well that your heart is burning with passion deep down! So please! Believe in me! Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Can you do it?" Mamoru: "Can you really make that amazing of a game?" Konoha: "I can! I'm going to make the ultimate game, right here!" Mamoru: "Then have it your way." Mamoru: "Whatever you want to make, I'll bring it to life." Mamoru: "So make the game that you want! You can leave the programming to me!" Konoha: "Really? Whatever I want?" Mamoru: "Yeah." Mamoru: "You name it!" Konoha: "You mean I can activate beast mode?!" Mamoru: "What the heck is beast mode?" Konoha: "Um, beast mode is when, well, you go all out!" Mamoru: "Sure, whatever." Mamoru: "Do it! Go beast mode!"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 6 – Believe in Me!", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "6", "Believe in Me!" ] }
Mamoru: "Can you do it?" Mamoru: "Can you really make that amazing of a game?" Konoha: "I can!" Konoha: "I'm going to make the ultimate game, right here!" Mamoru: "Then have it your way." Mamoru: "Whatever you want to make, I'll bring it to life." Mamoru: "So make the game that you want! You can leave the programming to me!" Konoha: "Really? Whatever I want?" Mamoru: "Yeah." Mamoru: "You name it!" Mamoru: "Do it! Go beast mode!" Konoha: "All right!" Konoha: "I said all that..." Konoha: "but that's a heavy fate to bear..." Konoha: "Hey, Mamoru-kun. What's in this hand cart?" Mamoru: "You wouldn't understand anyway, so I'm not going to tell you." Konoha: "That's mean!" Mamoru: "Worry about yourself first. The agenda that we wrote down. You memorized it, right?" Konoha: "I-I've got it down pat!" Mamoru: "Do you really?" Konoha: "Believe in me!" Mamoru: "Remember now. You're not a time traveler!" Konoha: "Y-Yeah." Mamoru: "Everyone's already in a state of frenzy as is. Don't make things even more complicated." Konoha: "I-I know that!" Mamoru: "The most important thing... is to get them motivated to make your game!" Konoha: "I can't do it! They'll all say stuff like, "I don't get it!" or, "You're such a weirdo!" I know it!" Mamoru: "I can't tell if you're bossy, timid, or what..." Konoha: "That's what we introverts from the future are like!" Mamoru: "Your only choice is to do it." Mamoru: "So do it." Konoha: "I'm going to put on some music to give me confidence!" Mamoru: "You're such a pain in the butt..." Lyrics: "I won't forget the promise we made each other I close my eyes to make sure I'll shake off the surging darkness and move forward" Konoha: "Okay!" Konoha: "Here I go!" Kyonshi: "A game to make us one billion yen?" Kyonshi: "That's impossible!" Kyonshi: "Where's the manager?" Kaori: "Still hospitalized from the shock." Kyonshi: "I wish I was the one in the hospital!" Konoha: "G-Good morning!" Kaori: "You two are late! The meeting's started already." Kaori: "I say that..." Kaori: "but we've just been standing here overwhelmed at the colossal task in front of us." Konoha: "U-Um... Th-There's something I need to tell everyone here!" Konoha: "I've been keeping a secret from all of you. I'm not a mysterious freeloader or a phantom staff member... The truth is, I came from the year 202— I-I mean, um, well..." Konoha: "Th-The truth is, I used to be an illustrator in the US!" Konoha: "USA! USA! Just kidding..." Mamoru: "Go on, keep talking! Lay it on!" Konoha: "E-Everyone! I've got an idea for an amazing game! Here!" Konoha: "Take a look at this!" Kaori: "I wish I could always be as positive as you..." Meiko: "K-Kao-san!" Meiko: "Look at that drawing!" Kaori: "S-So cute..." Meiko: "Did you draw this, Kono-chan?" Konoha: "Yes! I've been doing chores at this company, but I won't lose to anyone when it comes to bishojo! I've wanted to show you this drawing all this time! Ever since the day we first met! I want to make my game at this company! That's why I came back here! Across time!" Group: "Time?" Mamoru: "Not time! The sea!" Konoha: "Across the sea! I came all this way!" Meiko: "Looking at it again, it's still amazing! What program did you use to draw this?" Konoha: "Photoshop!" Meiko: "What? Photoshop?! You're using the same program?!" Konoha: "You can use other programs, too. Like Clip Studio." Meiko: "Clip Studio?" Kaori: "The way you drew these highlights in her eyes is exceptional." Kaori: "You split these highlights up into all these colors." Meiko: "Kono-chan, how many layers did you use for this illustration?" Konoha: "Um, around 200 layers in total!" Meiko: "T-Two hundred?! Kao-san. Don't you think Kono-chan's drawing is incredible? I've never seen anything like this, even in a console game! If we made a game with this art, it really might just sell!" Kaori: "No, it's not going to work." Konoha: "What?!" Kaori: "We don't have the computers." Meiko: "Sure we do!" Kaori: "Our computers can't possibly handle 200 layers. They'll freeze up for sure." Kaori: "It's true that this art is extraordinarily good. But it's impossible for us to replicate. We don't have the computers needed for that." Kaori: "Maybe you could find computers like that where Konoha came from." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun! What do we do now?!" Mamoru: "Hey, all of you. Use this!" Konoha: "What?!" Group: "What?!" Konoha: "M-Mamoru-kun. What's that?!" Mamoru: "Sorry to keep you waiting. It's time to unveil my super machine to solve all your problems at once. Behold! My creation, the most powerful 9821! The PC-9821 MATE! Super Octa-Core!" Group: "Super... Octa-Core?!" Mamoru: "I've linked up PC-9821 Ra models that have been overclocked to the max, so that they can distribute their load. A pseudo-recreation of the "multi-core processor" that Konoha told me about! I've loaded it up with tons of memory as well! If we're talking images at VGA resolution, it can easily handle 200 layers!" Mamoru: "The PC-98 is the future of computing!" Konoha: "Ah!" Konoha: "So that's what was in that hand cart!" Mamoru: "Give it a whirl!" Konoha: "You say that, but..." Konoha: "This isn't Photoshop!" Mamoru: "It's a paint program exclusive to the Super Octa-Core! It's optimized for this machine!" Konoha: "It may look a bit outdated, but it doesn't freeze when I add layers, it feels great to draw with, and it's easy to use!" Konoha: "I can work with this!" Meiko: "I think we can do this, Kao-san!" Konoha: "Please, Kaori-san!" Kaori: "Can I ask you something, Kono-chan?" Kaori: "It's true that your art is amazing. I've never seen such an incredible drawing! It's just..." Konoha: "Y-Yes?" Kaori: "You won't disappear?" Kaori: "This time around, we really can't have you suddenly vanish like always." Kaori: "Will you stay until the end and take responsibility for making this game?" Konoha: "There's a lot of things I want to do." Konoha: "Not just the art. The story! The music!" Konoha: "There are so, so many things I want to do! I almost feel like I'm gonna burst! So cute it makes you scream, like To Heart 2! Makes you bawl your eyes out, like Air! With hot-blooded action, like Fate! That you can keep on replaying over and over, like Rance! Packed to the brim with the sexiest characters! That's the awesome, wonderful game that I want to make! I swear that I won't disappear!" Kaori: "Great! Then I'll give it my all as well!" Kaori: "Is that okay, Mei-chan? If I make Kono-chan the main artist this time?" Meiko: "I want to see it, too! Kono-chan's game!" Kaori: "What about the rest of you?" Group: "We're in!" Konoha: "I'll do my best!" Meiko: "We're counting on you, Kono-chan!" Konoha: "Yes!" Group: "Let's work hard!" Kaori: "All right, everyone! Let's work hard for that one billion yen!" Kaori: "How long are you gonna be down in the dumps?!" Manager: "Shut up! One billion yen! I was robbed of one billion yen! Do you understand how I feel?!" Kaori: "There's no way I'd understand. I've never been conned while refusing to give my employees a raise." Meiko: "Don't say that, Kao-san!" Kaori: "Everyone's already moved on and gone back to working! You need to work your butt off, too, Manager! This next game is going to cost a lot to make, so let's talk budget!" Manager: "I don't have any money! Nothing at all!" Kaori: "Goodness gracious..." Manager: "Nothing at all..." Meiko: "Oh yeah, there was something in the mail for you, Manager." Manager: "Nothing at all..." Meiko: "What could it be?" Meiko: "Lock for Rock?" Manager: "Nothing at all..." Konoha: "Her and her! As well as her, her, and her as well!" Kyonshi: "Hey, who are they?" Konoha: "The heroines!" Kyonshi: "What? All of them?" Konoha: "Yes! I'm confident that they're all cute designs!" Kyonshi: "I-I see. Let me have a look." Konoha: "Wh-What do you think?" Kyonshi: "I admit that they're good character designs." Konoha: "Don't you just want to flirt it up with all of them?" Group: "Yeah, yeah!" Konoha: "Heck yes!" Kyonshi: "But that'll really drag out the length." Konoha: "That's fine! That just means more time to show off how cute the heroines are!" Kyonshi: "With so many heroines, it's gonna require multiple times the text of a normal game." Konoha: "In that case, I can cut down on some of the heroines..." Kikiko: "Is there any need to cut down here?" Lalako: "Nope, nope!" Kyonshi: "Huh?" Kikiko: "These heroines are all cute and shining with life!" Lalako: "So we should pile on the game with all of them!" Kyonshi: "I guess if these heroines all suddenly showed up at once, it'd make for one hell of a fun time in school with them. But won't it be too long and bore the player?" Konoha: "It's the other way around! If you have a story that makes them want to stay in this world forever, they'll never end up getting bored! Past lives, occult, dystopia, lovey-dovey harem, time loops, denpa, the supernatural, anthropomorphism! Let's add it all!" Kyonshi: "Are you performing "Jugemu" here?" Kyonshi: "You're okay even if it ends up running long?" Konoha: "Totally fine! The bishojo will take on the burden!" Kyonshi: "You two there!" Kikiko: "Yes?" Lalako: "You mean us?" Kyonshi: "Go out and buy as much Jolt Cola as you can find." Kikiko: "Again with the Jolt?" Lalako: "Don't you get sick of it?" Kikiko: "It's a real pain to find!" Kyonshi: "Quiet! It's the only thing that gets me going!" Kyonshi: "Okay! Let's start with an all-nighter to hammer out the plot!" Group: "Sure!" Kyonshi: "Hey." Konoha: "Y-Yes!" Kyonshi: "You talked me into this." Kyonshi: "So it's your responsibility." Konoha: "Yes! Just leave it to me!" Yuki: "Animation for the character sprites? Like blinking and lip flaps?" Konoha: "No, not just that. Like this." Minamizato: "Wh-What is this technology?!" Konoha: "Can you do something like this? If we can pull this off, the result will be even cuter!" Kamiyama: "That's asking for way too much! You'd need an animation studio to pull this off..." Konoha: "Please, I'm begging you!" Mamoru: "Hey!" Mamoru: "Will something like this work?" Konoha: "Whoa! She's really moving!" Kamiyama: "Th-That's amazing!" Konoha: "H-How'd you pull it off, Mamoru-kun?!" Mamoru: "Nothing is impossible for the Super Octa-Core!" Minamizato: "Konoha-chan." Minamizato: "We'll try doing what we can as well." Hashimoto: "A body pillow?" Konoha: "That's right! I'd like to add a body pillow as a bonus for the game!" Hashimoto: "And what exactly would a body pillow entail?" Konoha: "Like this! I want one for myself, so I drew the illustrations!" Hashimoto: "What? Illustrations already?" Konoha: "Yes! During my breaks from work!" Hashimoto: "Wouldn't that be work? No, that's all well and fine... Is there anyone who would buy such expensive merch? It would end up costing quite a bit. Phonecards are the mainstream lately for bonuses. Would that not suffice?" Konoha: "Phonecards are a must as well, but otaku want lots of bonuses for characters they like! Body pillows, tapestries, acrylic stands, art books, illustration boards, soundtrack CDs, drama CDs, sleeping voice CDs, phonecards, trading cards, life-size cutouts!" Hashimoto: "Is that "Jugemu"?" Hashimoto: "But if you add these expensive items, will anyone even buy the game?" Konoha: "They will! I know I would! I mean, it's all cute!" Konoha: "Manager?!" Hashimoto: "I thought you were in the hospital." Kaori: "Hey!" Mamoru: "What happened?" Kaori: "I-I'm not sure... The manager got an envelope addressed to him, with a key and a marked map inside." Kaori: "We found a bag inside a locker at the marked location. And then the manager grabbed it and suddenly ran off..." Manager: "It's money. There's money in this bag!" Kaori: "Where'd you get that idea?" Manager: "This envelope! This is Ichigaya's handwriting!" Manager: "This message, "Lock for Rock"... "Lock" here refers to the key for the locker with the bag inside! "Rock" is for Rokuta, my name! In other words, right before Ichigaya was arrested, he left the one billion yen in this bag, to give it back to me! Ichigaya hadn't tricked me after all!" Kaori: "There's no way everything would work out like that." Manager: "Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" Meiko: "Manager! Please calm yourself!" Mamoru: "Everyone, let's get back to work." Manager: "Thank goodness... I got the money back. Now the company is—" Manager: "What's the big idea, Mamoru?!" Mamoru: "Does this look like money to you?" Kaori: "These are..." Meiko: "The materials for the console port?" Meiko: "Everything's in here, including the new characters!" Kaori: "What a relief." Meiko: "Um, Kao-san." Meiko: "Could it be that Ichigaya-san was really trying to make the console version happen?" Kaori: "What?" Meiko: "I mean, all of the design sheets have lots of memos from Ichigaya-san. If he didn't really like our game, I don't think he'd have gone to all that trouble." Kaori: "Looks like you were right. Ichigaya really did love our game, and was trying to get a console version made. He returned them to us in secret, so they wouldn't be lost, even if he was arrested. For your sake, as well as all of ours. Well, I mean, he was as rotten as it gets... but he meant well." Meiko: "You weren't wrong about him!" Meiko: "Isn't that great, Manager?" Kaori: "Stop your crying!" Manager: "Kaori. How much do you need for this new game?" Kaori: "Huh?" Manager: "I'll scrounge up as much as you need!" Manager: "Acquaintances! Bargaining! Extended family! I'll do everything it takes to raise money! I've caused all of you so much trouble... I'll make it up to you, starting now! So please!" Manager: "Let me..." Manager: "come back to this company!" Kaori: "You know that you own this company, right? You can come back at any time!" Meiko: "Manager, welcome back!" Manager: "Mamoru, I was..." Mamoru: "Right now, we've got a super interesting game..." Mamoru: "that she's making." Mamoru: "So get us the budget to make it a reality." Mamoru: "Please, Dad." Manager: "Sure thing!" Kaori: "We're counting on you, Manager!" Manager: "Yeah!" Kyonshi: "They say that every storm hardens the earth." Hashimoto: "This really is a great company." Konoha: "Huh?" Hashimoto: "I came here because the bank I was working at went out of business." Hashimoto: "Everyone at this bishojo game studio is so full of life. Your energy in particular feels like something from another universe." Konoha: "Y-Y-You think so?" Hashimoto: "This is my personal view, but..." Konoha: "Huh?" Hashimoto: "I think this company is slated for success." Hashimoto: "As for our earlier talk about bonuses, I understand. Please send me an e-mail with all the details later. With all the images included in an LHA file attachment." Konoha: "Sure..." Konoha: "LHA?" Hashimoto: "Konoha-san." Hashimoto: "Let's give it all we've got." Konoha: "Yes! And so, Alcohol Soft began to take on the challenge of making a game that would make one billion yen." Konoha: "I let everyone know what I wanted to do." Konoha: "At first, we ran into lots of trouble..." Konoha: "with so many things that needed to get done..." Konoha: "Even so, as we went on group trips to the pool as a change of pace..." Konoha: "And the manager provided extravagant meals for us as we worked..." Konoha: "Time passed by in a flash..." Konoha: "And our game slowly began to take shape. Before we knew it, rather than the pressure of making a game that would make one billion yen, our desire to make a fun game like nothing before it had won out." Mamoru: "One billion... One billion, huh?" Konoha: "Excuse me... This cut looks good, but let's add some variations..." Mamoru: "Hey!" Konoha: "Let the scenario team know..." Mamoru: "I swear..." Mamoru: "What's this?" Mamoru: "Whoa!" Mamoru: "I need to put out the fire right away!" Mamoru: "F-Fire extinguisher!" Mamoru: "It went out?" Mamoru: "That's absurd! It's only burnt the contents!" Mamoru: "What's going on?!" Mamoru: "What's this?" Mamoru: "Gogo no Tenshi-tachi." Mamoru: "It's a pretty old game, I think. And what's with the light coming from it?"
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 7 – Every Storm Hardens the Earth", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "7", "Every Storm Hardens the Earth" ] }
Echo Two: "Hey! Make it stop! What in the world was that?!" Echo Two: "Sensei! What's with him?!" Echo One: "Looks like a guest has dropped in through the ceiling." Echo Two: "Is that how guests are supposed to come in? I heard they used a thing called an "entrance"!" Echo One: "Perhaps you could call it a multidimensional entrance." Echo Two: "Ah, he's awake!" Mamoru: "What year are we in right now?" Echo One: "It's the year 1985." Mamoru: "1985?" Mamoru: "Where is it?" Mamoru: "Not that!" Mamoru: "Where could it be?!" Mamoru: "There!" Mamoru: "The PC-9801 U! Released in May 1985, it's the first model with 3.5" floppy drives!" Mamoru: "Which means..." Mamoru: "What?! It really is the year 1985! Amazing!" Mamoru: "By the way, what is this place?" Echo One: "This is Echosoft, a small, brand-new software company in Akihabara." Echo Two: "Waah!" Mamoru: "When I opened the video game case, there was a bright light and I traveled back in time." Mamoru: "Gogo no Tenshi-tachi is a game from 1985. In other words, you're sent back to the release year of the game you open." Mamoru: "Is that how it works?" Mamoru: "And this place..." Mamoru: "It's the Alcohol Soft building!" Mamoru: "This place was a game studio even before Dad opened up his shop here?" Mamoru: "But how do I get back to the world that I came from?" Mamoru: "How did Konoha go back, again?" Echo One: "Mamoru-san." Echo One: "How about it? Would you like to make games with us?" Mamoru: "Huh?" Echo One: "The truth is, we began creating something called "bishojo games" just the other day." Echo One: "However, we don't have any clue on what makes a good one." Echo Two: "Indeed!" Echo One: "Therefore, Mamoru-san, could we ask you to help us?" Mamoru: "On one condition." Mamoru: "A PC-98. Let me use a PC-98. I'd be happy to work for you then." Echo One: "Very well." Echo One: "I forgot to introduce myself." Mamoru: "Hm?" Echo One: "I'm the head of Echosoft, Echo." Echo Two: "I'm an Echosoft employee, Echo!" Echo One: "Okay, Mamoru-san. We'll have you start working for us right away." Mamoru: "Sure. I started working part-time at Echosoft, a company I came across when I traveled back in time." Mamoru: "Basically the exact same thing that Konoha did. The people at this company know my name for some reason, and had no qualms in letting me work for them. I can't help but worry how Konoha's game will turn out," Mamoru: "but if I'm in the year 1985, you could say that time has basically stopped." Mamoru: "Nothing will come out of worrying about it. Since I don't know how to get back, I had no choice but to stay here." Mamoru: "That said, Echosoft is a strange company." Mamoru: "They call themselves a game studio, but there are only two people working here." Mamoru: "What's more, the president's name is also Echo. His assistant's name is Echo, too. Even their dog's name is Echo. You can't be serious." Mamoru: "Well, I'm not one to butt in on other people's business." Mamoru: "Since I've been hired part-time, I'll put in my wage's worth." Mamoru: "Game programming is a part of my duties. The president, Echo One, gets an astounding amount of work done, and he develops games at an incredible speed. Graphic artist, scenario writer, sound composer, not to mention programmer. Echo One has taken on all of those roles." Mamoru: "Well, that wasn't too uncommon in the 80s." Mamoru: "This is an old technique called "cling wrap scanning"." Mamoru: "You copy the line art, like this..." Mamoru: "and then trace over it in a graphics editor. No mouse involved." Mamoru: "Here, he's actually composing the background music. Music Macro Language, or MML for short, is a specialized description language that he's using to type out the musical score. You can also use dedicated programs to compose music, but for some people, writing MML directly is much faster." Mamoru: "To draw the characters, he's using a special tool called a pattern editor. As you can see, he can use it to make pixel art of the characters, and it also allows you to create animations for them." Mamoru: "Hey, do you have a minute?" Echo One: "Yes, what is it?" Mamoru: "How come you're not using any green?" Echo One: "There are only eight colors available to use." Mamoru: "No, I know that much." Echo One: "This character has blue armor." Echo One: "I'll use green for a different character." Mamoru: "Ah." Mamoru: "So I guess this black part is supposed to be the shadow, then?" Echo One: "That's right." Mamoru: "Can you let me try something?" Echo One: "Sure..." Mamoru: "How's that?" Echo One: "Well, well. It looks just like a commercial game." Mamoru: "This is what's called dithering." Mamoru: "Well, I'm just going off what I've seen." Echo One: "Mamoru-san, could you teach me some other things as well?" Mamoru: "Yeah." Echo One: "Thank you very much." Mamoru: "For example, there's no need to use the PSG for sound effects. If you use system beeps like this..." Echo One: "I see, I see." Echo One: "You're a programmer, but you can do all sorts of stuff." Mamoru: "Of course I can. Programmers are the kings of game development. In the past, it used to be that programmers would have to do everything by themselves." Mamoru: "Incidentally, the games we're making are for PC-88. This may be a shady game company, but what they're doing is no different from a normal studio." Mamoru: "However, their speed is on a different level." Mamoru: "Echo One never goes through trial and error, or makes any corrections. It may sound absurd, but in just one day, he can complete a surprisingly hefty game." Mamoru: "Instant beyond belief. His assistant, Echo Two, always wears weird clothes and asks me to give her a score on how cute she is." Echo Two: "Mamoru-kun! How many points do I get today?" Mamoru: "I don't really get it, so I just make up random numbers. Apparently this is also part of my job." Mamoru: "Maybe I can just stay here..." Mamoru: "Guess not." Mamoru: "Do you really need this many TVs to watch? One should be more than enough. It's all just the same program." Echo One: "Do they look the same to you? To me, they all look quite different." Echo One: "An utter failure, it seems." Mamoru: "What's this?" Echo One: "This is a device to measure the energy that a game has. An interesting game contains lots of energy." Mamoru: "Huh... What an odd device." Echo One: "The games that I make are completely devoid of energy." Mamoru: "Well, I don't know whether fun translates into energy," Mamoru: "but I can't tell from the design of the box that it would be any fun." Echo One: "Is that something that you imagine?" Mamoru: "How can you not imagine it?" Echo One: "I don't have the power to imagine anything. I came from a place where imagination doesn't exist. Therefore, I don't understand it. Every time, my calculations are correct, but when I actually create a game, it doesn't have any of the thermal power that I'd expected." Echo One: "To learn about this thing called imagination..." Echo One: "That's why I'm creating these games." Echo Two: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "Hm?" Echo Two: "How many points do I get today?" Mamoru: "I was surprised at the idea of anyone in the world completely lacking an imagination, but teaching someone what imagination was turned out to be fairly difficult." Mamoru: "It doesn't make any sense to not have an imagination." Mamoru: "You know what a donut tastes like, right?" Echo One: "For the ones that I've eaten, I do." Mamoru: "These two donuts taste basically the same." Mamoru: "Knowing that, you should be able to imagine how this one tastes." Echo One: "That's not imagination. It's reasoning based on experience." Mamoru: "No, that's not my point. Um..." Mamoru: "Now I'm getting confused here..." Echo One: "Mamoru-san. Your kind have the ability to feel that something is interesting." Echo One: "You can sense how other people feel, as if it was yourself. In other words, that's imagination." Mamoru: "You can explain it to me, but not understand it yourself?" Echo One: "This is nothing more than analysis. I wasn't using my imagination." Mamoru: "Hmm..." Mamoru: "Imagination." Mamoru: "What is imagination?" Mamoru: "One day, Echo Two disappeared." Mamoru: "And a full week passed without her return." Mamoru: "Two's been missing for a while." Echo One: "You're right." Mamoru: "Is that all you have to say? Aren't you worried about her?!" Echo One: "Worried? What is that?" Mamoru: "She vanished under unnatural circumstances. What if she's in danger right now?" Echo One: "Echo's just fine." Echo One: "There's zero risk of her being in danger." Mamoru: "Is she really okay?" Echo One: "Yes. That said, it sure is inconvenient without her around." Mamoru: "I'm going to go look for Two." Echo One: "I wonder what kind of games Mamoru-san finds interesting." Mamoru: "Where have you been?" Echo Two: "Mamoru-kun!" Echo Two: "What are you doing here?" Mamoru: "Don't give me that. You didn't come back, so I came looking for you." Echo Two: "Why?" Mamoru: "Why, you ask... Well, I guess it's no big deal since I ran into you here, but of course I'd be worried, after you went missing for a week without a word!" Echo Two: "Worried? What does "worried" mean?!" Mamoru: "What have you been up to over the past week?" Echo Two: "I went on a walk with Echo!" Mamoru: "That's one hell of a trek. Okay, I'm heading back." Echo Two: "Mamoru-kun! I'll go back with you!" Echo Two: "Mamoru-kun! How many points do I get today?" Echo Two: "Akerue!" Mamoru: "Huh?" Echo Two: "Akerue!" Echo Two: "Sensei. I understand what imagination is now." Echo One: "What is it, then?" Echo Two: "I can't explain it. I don't have any way of putting it into words." Echo One: "Is that so? Perhaps I've come to an understanding of sorts as well." Echo Two: "Let us merge into one." Mamoru: "Were there always this many stairs?" Echo One: "Up here, Mamoru-san." Echo One: "Hello, Mamoru-san." Mamoru: "What's with the get-up?" Echo One: "I was performing maintenance on the device." Echo One: "You can see all of Akihabara up here." Mamoru: "Did this building always go up this high?" Echo One: "Mamoru-san. What do you think about this town?" Mamoru: "Compared to '99, it's not as bright." Echo One: "I can see it." Echo One: "The abundance of energy gathering in this town." Echo One: "In time, this will become a place where anything is possible. That's the future that awaits this town." Echo One: "This isn't reasoning based on my observations. It's what I imagine." Mamoru: "You gained the power to imagine things?" Echo One: "Mamoru-san. What do you think about the human power of imagination?" Mamoru: "Beats me. I'm an engineer." Mamoru: "I let people like Konoha or Kyonshi deal with cultural ideas like that." Echo One: "A world where fantastic monsters roam freely." Echo One: "A paradise floating in the sky. The dead rising from their graves. A place that exists nowhere." Echo One: "The power to recall things that don't exist, and give them form. All humans have the power to create things of that nature, as well as to experience them." Echo One: "Perhaps that's what makes them human." Echo One: "Don't you think? The games that we created, along with manga, novels, movies, countless tales dating back to ancient times, not to mention religions, nations, communities," Echo One: "dreams, hopes, and despair. All of these are concepts created through a shared imagination." Mamoru: "You can't just explain every single thing with imagination! Sounds like you're the one imagining things now." Echo One: "I know that you're well aware, Mamoru-san. Of the energy that gathers when imagination is unleashed." Echo One: "You should have experienced it not too long ago. Isn't that right?" Mamoru: "An earthquake?" Echo Three: "An exceedingly rare kind of lifeform." Group: "Through their imagination, humans become multidimensional beings," Echo Two: "and access present, past, future... Different space-times, different events... Gaining massive energy from quantum possibilities." Echo One: "Upheld by thermodynamics as well." Mamoru: "You people..." Mamoru: "What exactly are you?" Echo Three: "Your kind are the future." Echo Two: "As well as the past." Echo One: "And the present." Echo One: "Imagination has the power to alter both time and space. Imagination is what defines reality." Echo One: "I'm a supporter of the games that you all have made." Echo One: "I know we'll meet again someday." Mamoru: "I see. So that's what it's like."
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 8 – Echo", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "8", "Echo" ] }
Group: "What?!" Kikiko: "It's better this way!" Lalako: "You like bad endings way too much!" Kyonshi: "This isn't a bad ending. According to Konoha, it's called a "merry bad ending". It's a little bit different from the games popular now that love to kill the player." Kyonshi: "Guess you're a bit too young to get it." Kikiko: "Kyonshi!" Lalako: "You sound like an old fart!" Kyonshi: "I'm just fine with that!" Yuki: "Meiko-san's fan is here again!" Kamiyama: "To think that we live in an era where there are obsessives for bishojo game artists." Minamizato: "No one calls them "obsessives" these days." Group: "A stalker!" Meiko: "Hey, Kono-chan." Konoha: "What is it, Meiko-san?" Meiko: "Are we going to be adjusting each other's line art or..." Konoha: "Feel free to draw the way that you want! We just need to match the colors that we use." Meiko: "But your art style is so different from mine." Konoha: "As long as the story is interesting, the different art styles will just make it more moe! It's totally normal in gacha games!" Meiko: "Gacha games?" Kaori: "This game is even more amazing than our previous title, Horoscope! First, the sheer amount of story..." Kaori: "We did it!" Girl Character: "I was hoping that I wouldn't have to fight you... but it seems that we must settle this here." Manager: "H-Hey... This looks like a really fun game!" Kyonshi: "We've been working hard to make it fun!" Meiko: "Did we really make all of this?" Kaori: "That's right! And in only five months' time!" Group: "It's a miracle!" Mamoru: "The master copy, a backup copy, and a spare copy on top of that. We've finished burning them all." Konoha: "Which means..." Kaori: "We're done, everyone! Hooray!" Group: "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" Konoha: "And so, the new title that would determine Alcohol Soft's fate, The Last Waltz, was finally complete!" Group: "Cheers!" Kyonshi: "Time to drink and eat our fill!" Kaori: "I couldn't care less about that one billion yen now!" Manager: "You couldn't?!" Kaori: "Making a game like this is more than enough!" Manager: "N-No, it isn't. No, it isn't! Hey!" Meiko: "I really think this game will be a hit, though!" Kaori: "Yeah, everyone's reactions seem really positive! I think we might be onto something here!" Meiko: "Yeah!" Group: "Kyonshi kept saying that we'd never pull it off!" Kyonshi: "I mean, who wouldn't after that insane proposal?" Group: "Sounds like you need..." Group: "a little punishment!" Kyonshi: "Not the arms! Not the arms!" Kikiko: "It's fine!" Lalako: "We'll have Mamo-chan whip up a speech recognition program! Problem solved!" Kyonshi: "Hell no!" Konoha: "This is hell on earth! I-I'm scared..." Manager: "Wait, where is Mamoru, anyway?" Meiko: "Mamoru-kun should still be back at the office." Manager: "I swear! He's as cold as ever!" Hashimoto: "I just remembered. Sofmap already put up their poster for The Last Waltz." Meiko: "I-I want to see it!" Kaori: "Let's go! Let's go!" Group: "I'm so excited." Konoha: "It's so cold out!" Konoha: "Ah! There it is!" Konoha: "Wow, that's great! Seeing it here makes it feel so real!" Meiko: "Yeah." Kikiko: "Hey, let's all take a photo together!" Lalako: "Did anyone bring a camera?" Hashimoto: "I have one." Group: "Let's take it over there!" Meiko: "Kono-chan." Meiko: "You know. I used to be a bit ashamed about making bishojo games." Konoha: "What?!" Meiko: "I mean, a woman drawing cute girls... and hentai at that. Isn't that a little weird?" Konoha: "That's not true!" Meiko: "But now I realize that none of that matters at all." Meiko: "After all..." Meiko: "Right now, I just want everyone to play our game!" Meiko: "I know for sure that this game is fun! We all drew art for it, painted it together, and contributed to the story, the voices, and the audio." Meiko: "We brought it all together." Meiko: "All of you took away a little piece of the shame that I was feeling." Meiko: "Which is why..." Meiko: "Now, I want everyone to see! I want people all over the world to play our game!" Konoha: "Th-The world?!" Meiko: "M-Maybe that's a little much to ask for..." Konoha: "No! That's not true! I like it! The world! We can beat 'em to the punch! Yep! Let's have people around the world play it! We can be the next Nekopara! Nyagan!" Meiko: "Ny-Nyaga..." Konoha: "Nyagan!" Manager: "Hey, get over here! We're about to take a picture!" Group: "'Kay!" Konoha: "Meiko-san, let's hurry up!" Lalako: "Hey, Manager. Once we take the photo, let's go to that place! That place!" Manager: "What place are you talking about?" Kikiko: "We're talking about..." Group: "The Dejiko building!" Meiko: "So this is the Dejiko building! It's my first time seeing it!" Kyonshi: "It really is amazing though, isn't it? I can't believe they let that fly here in Akiba." Kaori: "Bishojo have finally made it to the top of these buildings! Who knows, maybe we'll be able to put up a huge billboard like this!" Konoha: "The Dejiko building! Just after it was built!" Konoha: "Huh?" Manager: "Okay! Off to the next location! Let's go!" Group: "Yeah!" Manager: "Oh, it's snowing!" Kaori: "No wonder it's so cold." Group: "Yay! Snow! Snow!" Toya: "Onee-sama!" Konoha: "Toya-chan!" Toya: "What are you doing out here so late? Oh, the Dejiko building!" Toya: "It really is incredible!" Konoha: "Yeah, it is!" Toya: "Onee-sama, we're about to enter the age of bishojo. Just like you said." Konoha: "Yeah! It'll happen for sure!" Toya: "By the way, Onee-sama." Toya: "I see that you were making a bishojo game, too. With the people over there." Toya: "Those are the Alcohol Soft folks, aren't they?" Konoha: "Th-That's right. Until now, I was just doing part-time work for them." Toya: "Onee-sama, I'm going to start up a new company!" Konoha: "What?!" Toya: "A company to develop games worthy of the era that is coming. I wanted to be the one to start it from scratch." Konoha: "Really?! That's amazing!" Toya: "Yes..." Toya: "And, well..." Toya: "Onee-sama, won't you join me..." Toya: "Won't you join me and make games together?!" Konoha: "What?!" Toya: "Ever since the day we met in Akiba, I've been following in your footsteps the whole time! If I could make games with you by my side..." Toya: "That would make me so happy!" Konoha: "What? D-Don't look at me like that... I-I don't deserve such praise!" Toya: "Onee-sama! I'm begging you!" Konoha: "Yeah, sure!" Konoha: "But now's probably not the time." Toya: "What?" Konoha: "I'm not sure how long I can stay here." Toya: "Do you mean you're going on a trip, or moving somewhere?" Konoha: "Hmm, I'm not sure how to explain it. But, that being said, the next time we meet, let's talk about games! We can make games together, or I'm fine with just eating at Jangara Ramen!" Konoha: "The two of us share a bond through bishojo games!" Toya: "Yes, Onee-sama!" Kaori: "Kono-chan! We're about to go for some more drinks! Wanna join us?!" Konoha: "I'm going to go back to the office!" Konoha: "Okay, Toya-chan." Konoha: "See you later!" Toya: "Yes, Onee-sama!" Mamoru: "Found it." Mamoru: "Echosoft..." Afro Employee: "A discerning eye, I see. Isn't it amazing? A truly cult video game: Echosoft's Welcome to the Game House! A mysterious company that disappeared after that one title. The game itself is utterly incoherent, but it's one of a kind! Surely you've heard the name, at least. I hear they were up to some real shady business and caught the eye of the police!" Mamoru: "Hm? The police?" Afro Employee: "You don't know? I heard it on the grapevine. You could say it's a bit like the Saori incident. Or they say the parent company was, well, you know..." Mamoru: "You could say that about the people in question, I suppose." Afro Employee: "Huh?" Mamoru: "No, it's nothing." Mamoru: "Echosoft..." Mamoru: "I really did travel back in time." Mamoru: "It wasn't a dream or a hallucination." Mamoru: "The games that Konoha got from that used video game store..." Mamoru: "Using those, Konoha, as well as I, were sent back in time." Mamoru: "Could it be that those games were altered by Echo in some way?" Konoha: "The games went up in flames? But why?" Mamoru: "I don't know." Mamoru: "This was the only one left." Mamoru: "All the games that Konoha had burned away. Since I opened up Gogo no Tenshi-tachi, the only one left now is Comic Party. I don't remember the titles too well, but all of the games that disappeared are the ones that had yet to be released." Mamoru: "Was it really okay that I was the one who went back in time?" Mamoru: "Was that game actually meant for Konoha to open?" Mamoru: "Also, meeting them..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Konoha: "I-I thought you were at the office!" Mamoru: "What's wrong?" Konoha: "Here you go!" Konoha: "The food from the drinking party! I had them pack it up! This is your share!" Mamoru: "I'm not hungry." Konoha: "What?!" Mamoru: "In the end, you didn't disappear on us." Konoha: "Of course not! I can't just vanish in the middle of making our game! Man, I sure am glad I didn't get sent back!" Mamoru: "It might be that your desire to make the game is what let you stay here in this era." Konoha: "How exactly would that work?" Mamoru: "I don't know about the mechanics or anything. I just thought that's how it might work." Konoha: "Does that mean I might vanish at any time?" Mamoru: "Maybe so. Or maybe you'll still be here next year." Konoha: "Well, since I don't know when I'll vanish, I'll just tell you now!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun!" Mamoru: "What is it?" Konoha: "It was awesome getting to make a game with everyone! Really, really, really awesome!" Konoha: "I love everyone at Alcohol Soft!" Konoha: "This is exactly what I was hoping to get a taste of!" Konoha: "And if you weren't here, I wouldn't have been able to make such an amazing game. Thank you so—" Mamoru: "Ah, you can spare me all of that." Mamoru: "You're kind of grossing me out." Konoha: "G-Grossing you out?! Hey! I'm trying to thank you honestly here!" Mamoru: "I didn't do any of this for you." Mamoru: "It just happened to benefit both of us." Konoha: "Sheesh, I really wish you'd drop the emotionless act at times like this. Well, we still don't know for sure. I may be satisfied, but it still needs to make one billion yen." Mamoru: "Don't you worry. That game will sell." Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "It'll be a hit for sure. That game has enough energy to accomplish that much." Mamoru: "Eroge still holds so much possibility. It's a barren world out there." Mamoru: "And now a game with this much passion shows up." Mamoru: "There's no way it wouldn't sell." Mamoru: "It's exactly what everyone has been waiting for." Konoha: "You think?!" Mamoru: "Forget paying back one billion yen. I'm more worried that the money will end up driving Dad crazy again." Mamoru: "You sure do have energy to spare." Konoha: "Huh?" Mamoru: "It's people like you who make their own dreams come true." Mamoru: "I don't have the power that you do." Konoha: "That's not true at all! This game, as well as all the previous ones, got made because of you! I know that you can accomplish way bigger things than I can!" Mamoru: "I'm not so sure." Konoha: "Don't you have any dreams?" Mamoru: "Not really." Mamoru: "As long as the PC-98 conquers the world, I don't need anything else." Konoha: "I-I'd say that's a pretty big dream already..." Mamoru: "I just don't want anything to change." Mamoru: "This town, the PC-98..." Mamoru: "I want them all to stay the same." Mamoru: "But people and places change at a terrifying rate." Mamoru: "And no one can stop it." Mamoru: "But this time around, Alcohol Soft will probably survive." Mamoru: "Thanks to you, that is." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun! Look, it's snowing!" Mamoru: "It sure is. Let's hurry on back before you catch a cold." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun, look! There, up in the sky!" Mamoru: "Huh?" Konoha: "I'm back here..." Konoha: "The food... I didn't get a chance to give it to him. Well, nothing I can do about that..." Konoha: "Yeah!" Konoha: "I'm done time traveling! Now I'll do my best here in this world!" Konoha: "Back to being an employee at Blue Bell, huh?" Konoha: "But I've grown during my adventures, and I'm a whole new person!" Konoha: "Huh?" Konoha: "What?" Konoha: "What?!" Konoha: "I'm in Akiba, aren't I?" Konoha: "Where's Animate? Where's Donki?!" Konoha: "What?" Konoha: "I-I-I-Is this the Skytree?!" Konoha: "No, something's off!" Konoha: "Th-The layout is just like Akiba... But still!" Konoha: "Where am I?" Konoha: "Akihabara... Is this really Akiba?" Konoha: "What's going on?!" Konoha: "Wh-What was that?!" Konoha: "This building..." Konoha: "Radio Kaikan!" Construction Manager: "Hey! You there, missy! It's dangerous! Please don't get any closer!" Konoha: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Konoha: "B-But... This is the only place left of the Akiba I remember... My dear Akiba!" Construction Manager: "I'll call the cops on you!" Mamoru: "What is it?" Construction Manager: "Ah! It seems that she wandered in here..." Mamoru: "Leave her to me. If you could return to your work." Construction Manager: "R-Right..." Mamoru: "It's been a while." Konoha: "A while?" Konoha: "What?!" Konoha: "C-C-C-Could it be..." Konoha: "Could it be that you're Mamoru-kun?!" Konoha: "Mamoru-kun..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun's..." Konoha: "Mamoru-kun's..."
{ "raw_title": "16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 9 – Where Am I?", "parsed": [ "16bit Sensation: Another Layer", "9", "Where Am I?" ] }
Knights: "Defend the castle!" Knight 1: "Hasn't the crown prince escaped yet?" Knight 2: "It's not that simple! The princes are too young to flee swiftly!" Yoel: "In any case, we defend this place to the death! Hold until the signal bell rings!" Rishe: "Here is the man who brought about this war, the emperor of Galkhein:" Rishe: "Arnold Hein." Yoel: "Here we go!" Knights: "Sir!" Rishe: "I lived this life to the fullest, too." Rishe: "But..." Rishe: "Next time... Next time, I'll..." Dietrich: "Rishe Irmgard Weitzner! You are a devious woman unworthy of being the fiancée of a crown prince! Today, as of this moment, I annul my engagement to you!" Rishe: "Very well. I understand." Dietrich: "Huh? Hold on. I'm voiding our engagement. You must be worried about what will happen to you now." Rishe: "No, not in the least." Dietrich: "What?" Rishe: "If you'll pardon me." Dietrich: "Huh? W-Wait! Rishe? Where are you going?" Rishe: "Once again, I've returned." Rishe: "I already know how I'm to be treated. After all," Rishe: "this is the seventh time I've relived my life." Rishe: "Even now, I can recall it clearly... My very first life." Dietrich: "Rishe Irmgard Weitzner! You are a devious woman unworthy of being the fiancée of a crown prince! Today, as of this moment, I annul my engagement to you!" Rishe: "Wh-What? You're breaking off our engagement? But... why?" Dietrich: "You will be exiled from this kingdom." Rishe: "Crown Prince Dietrich... Do you really mean what you're saying?" Dietrich: "I will now list your crimes." Rishe: "Crimes?!" Rishe'S Dad: "We are a ducal house, with an oath of loyalty to the crown. To think that you, my only daughter, would betray that oath." Rishe'S Mom: "You should be ashamed, Rishe." Rishe: "They're false accusations! Please, listen to me! Father! Mother!" Rishe: "My engagement was broken. My family abandoned me." Rishe: "With nothing but the clothes on my back, I wandered aimlessly." Rishe: "What do I do now?" Tully: "Is it fun staring at the ground like that, young lady?" Rishe: "That's when it happened. That's when I met that band of traveling merchants." Tully: "You look like you're going through a rough patch. This cart is headed to the next country over. Want a ride?" Chester: "You sure about this, chief? You're a real pushover when it comes to beauties like her." Rishe: "Are these people merchants?" Traders; Background: "That's true!" Tully; Background: "Idiots. I've got a better eye for people than you think." Tully: "Even in the moonlight, that silk shines with an impressive luster." Tully: "It's Vishkulha made, isn't it?" Tully: "So you're from the royal family, or maybe a duke's house. A noble young lady like you out this late can only—" Rishe: "Excuse me!" Rishe: "Would you buy this ring from me?" Tully: "We don't just buy and sell things. We find goods that set our hearts ablaze—that fire us up— and we sell them to people who are just as excited about them as us. Both buyer and seller love the wares, and that's what creates the profit in the trade." Tully: "That's our creed—the creed of the Aria Trading Company." Tully: "That face... You just thought, "that sounds like fun," didn't you?" Rishe: "I-I..." Tully: "Your life's a blank slate right now, isn't it?" Tully: "Why don't you take this opportunity to embark on the path of a merchant?" Rishe: "Me? I've never even considered it." Tully: "You've been freed from your stifling destiny as the wife of a crown prince." Tully: "You can go anywhere." Tully: "You're free to do whatever you want." Rishe: "Free... to do what I want..." Tully: "You have a good eye. And..." Tully: "You possess the kind of amazing luck that led you to a friendly caravan like ours! If you became a merchant, I think things would get pretty interesting." Tully: "How about it? Are you in?" Rishe: "Yes, please! Please teach me how to be a merchant!" Rishe: "My first life." Rishe: "I learned how to trade under Chief Tully." Rishe: "Then I set out on my own as a merchant. I traveled the world, pursuing my newfound dream of visiting every country in it. And then, with just one country left on my list, I was swept up in a war..." Rishe: "and ended up losing my life." Rishe: "What?" Dietrich: "Rishe Irmgard Weitzner! You are a devious woman unworthy of being the fiancée of a crown prince! Today, as of this moment, I annul my engagement to you!" Rishe: "Crown Prince Dietrich?" Rishe: "What is all this?" Rishe: "My dress and ring are just as they were on that day." Rishe: "Is this... a dream?" Dietrich: "You will be exiled from this kingdom." Rishe: "It hurts." Dietrich: "Does the dissolution of our engagement sadden you that much?" Rishe: "If this isn't a dream..." Dietrich; Background: "I see. I see." Rishe: "then I don't have a moment to lose! Soon, they'll lock me out of the mansion!" Rishe: "If you'll pardon me." Dietrich: "Huh? W-Wait! Rishe? Where are you going?" Dietrich; Background: "Listen to me!" Rishe: "Thank you, gods!" Dietrich; Background: "I spent a whole week thinking about how I'd read off your list of crimes!" Rishe: "I don't understand how, but I've been given a second chance at life!" Dietrich; Background: "Listen! Hey! You! Come back here!" Rishe: "The only regret I harbored about that night... was that I wasn't able to bring more of my personal effects with me. If I'd had more seed money as a merchant, I would have been able to grow my enterprise more quickly." Rishe: "Now I just need to meet Chief Tully and everyone from the Aria Trading Company again!" Rishe: "But by the time I arrived, the Company's carts had already passed through." Rishe: "It can't be. Is this because I went back home and gathered my things?" Rishe: "The Pictorial Herbal of Foreign Medicinal Plants my grandmother left me..." Rishe: "Unlike last time, I have money. In which case, I just need to decide what to do with it. In my second life, I sold my possessions, used the proceeds to cross the sea, and chose to study medicine. With information on where medicinal plants grew, and the knowledge of when epidemics would spread, I was able to put the experience I'd gained from my first life to good use. One day, I traveled to a kingdom in the north and saved a sickly prince." Michel: "Your complexion is looking much better, Kyle." Kyle: "Thank you, Weitzner. I feel so well today that I even surprise myself. It's all thanks to your medicine." Rishe: "I'm so glad. My life as an herbalist was fulfilling and incredibly rewarding." Rishe: "But once again in my second life, just as I'd been in my first... I was swept up in a war and died." Dietrich: "Rishe Irmgard Weitzner! You are a devious woman unworthy of being the fiancée of a crown prince! Today, as of this moment, I annul my engagement to—" Rishe: "I understand and comply." Dietrich: "Understand what?!" Rishe: "For my third life, I set my sights on something else: a specialized branch of study that I'd learned of in my previous life," Rishe: "and a genius scholar who specialized in it. For me, his was the familiar face of an acquaintance from my second life, Doctor Michel Evan." Michel: "No matter how perfect you believe your theory to be, it is only through repeated experimentation that you may draw a valid conclusion." Rishe: "Yes, Doctor!" Michel: "You really do seem to enjoy your research." Rishe: "Learning new things is so very exciting! It expands my horizons, and causes me to view even yesterday's sights in a whole new light! After that, the good doctor and I parted ways, and as I continued my research alone, once again..." Rishe: "I was swept up in a war and died. From serving as a handmaid in a duke's household in my fourth life, to disguising myself as a man and fighting as a knight in my sixth life... In each life, I found a sense of fulfillment, and I enjoyed them all very much." Rishe: "But... In each new life of mine, once five years have passed, I die without fail. Even when I didn't die from being swept up in the war, I spent my days so busy I nearly died from overwork!" Rishe: "And now, I find myself reliving my life for the seventh time." Rishe: "I want to spend this go-around taking it easy. And more than anything else," Rishe: "I swear I'll live a long life this time! Now that I think about it, up until this point, I've always left through the main entrance. But as I am now, this way will be quicker—" Rishe: "I'm so very... sorry..." Arnold: "You certainly charged around that corner—" Rishe: "Emperor Arnold Hein!" Arnold: "You know who I am?" Arnold: "This is the first time I've come to this kingdom." Rishe: "My name is Rishe Imgard Weitzner. Though this is the first time we have met, I must say that your reputation precedes you." Arnold: "Just now, you called me "emperor," didn't you?" Arnold: "As my father, the emperor, still lives, I am no more than a crown prince. And yet..." Rishe: "Well..." Rishe: "My deepest apologies, Your Royal Highness." Rishe: "In my flustered state, it seems I misspoke most disrespectfully." Rishe: "However, my engagement has presently been annulled, so I am in no small hurry. I must take my leave now." Arnold: "A broken engagement?" Arnold: "Wait." Rishe: "There." Oliver: "Has something happened?" Arnold: "Oliver, ready my horse." Oliver: "As you command. What are you planning to do?" Rishe: "This body has far too little endurance. I'll have to train all over again." Rishe: "What?" Dietrich: "I've spent a week planning it—my masterpiece!" Ermitte Knight: "Prince Dietrich! It's Lady Rishe!" Dietrich: "What? Out of the way! You, let me pass! You took your time, Rishe. You don't wish to hear your beloved, me, speak more words of condemnation. I understand. However, it won't go as you wish. Bringing the hammer of justice down upon wicked women such as you is one of my duties as the future king of this land!" Rishe: "this is the absolute worst timing of any of my lives." Rishe; Background: "If only I'd arrived later than in my first life, I might have avoided seeing his face again." Dietrich: "It's just as I thought. At the soirée, you reacted indifferently to my proclamation, but it seems to me that you are deeply saddened at heart." Rishe: "Pardon?" Dietrich: "My annulment of the engagement has you in such despair that you don't know what to do. You've been walking, wandering, heartbroken. I can tell that much with a single glance! Your dress is covered in mud, and you have wounds all over your body. To think that the grief of an engagement broken reduced you to such a state—" Rishe: "Are you stupid?" Dietrich: "What?" Rishe: "Grief does not dirty a dress. More importantly, I am not sad that you have broken our engagement." Dietrich: "Wh-What?!" Woman 1: "Has the crown prince been spurned by Lady Rishe?" Man: "But Lady Rishe wasn't the one who broke the engagement, was she?" Woman 1: "Still, the crown prince looks more hurt than she does to me." Man: "You're right!" Dietrich: "You there! You're being disrespectful! The nerve of you peasants!" Rishe: "I am truly glad I did not have to spend any of my lives married to this person." Rishe: "Your Royal Highness, you are meant to protect and cherish your people. You mustn't speak like you just did." Dietrich: "You are the one who needs to correct their demeanor. Don't you have any intention of asking for my forgiveness?" Rishe: "No. Not the slightest. In fact, I'm filled with gratitude to you for breaking our engagement." Dietrich: "What?!" Dietrich: "Don't laugh at me!" Marie: "That's right! You're so mean, Lady Rishe! Please, don't hurt my precious Prince Dietrich any more than you already have!" Rishe: "Lady Marie?" Dietrich: "Rishe, you bullied my darling Marie and made her cry, didn't you? I've heard all about it! Did you think that a woman as twisted as you could become queen?" Rishe: "Please, rest at ease." Rishe: "I will obey your decree regarding our broken engagement." Rishe: "I will never again show myself before either of you." Dietrich: "What?!" Rishe: "Ever since I was a child, I believed that my position as fiancée to the crown prince was all that gave my life worth." Rishe: "But I was mistaken." Rishe: "I can find my worth myself. Now that I know that, I have all I need." Dietrich: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Rishe: "I do not require your presence in my life." Marie: "Prince Dietrich!" Marie: "You're so mean, Lady Rishe!" Rishe: "Lady Marie." Rishe: "Whatever lies you may tell to frame me, I hold no anger toward you." Rishe: "Your marriage to His Royal Highness is for your family's sake, isn't it?" Marie: "How do you know that?" Rishe: "But please don't forget. If your future isn't one you wish for yourself, then there isn't any point to it." Marie: "One I wish for?" Rishe: "Finding happiness for your family, and finding happiness for yourself... You should be able to do both at once." Rishe: "Please lead a life where both you and your family can keep smiling." Rishe: "Now, the nuisance will remove herself." Marie: "Lady Rishe!" Rishe: "All I have is the clothes on my back, just as I did in my first life. Now, where shall I go from here?" Knight 1: "Um, Lady Rishe? If you could wait for just a moment..." Arnold: "As I thought. It seems you're quite the sword master." Arnold: "Where did you learn those sword skills?" Rishe: "Arnold Hein." Rishe: "It's a secret. And my skills are not so great as to be deserving of praise from you." Rishe: "You were holding back with that strike, weren't you?" Dietrich: "Hey, who are you? Get away from Rishe!" Rishe: "Everyone, remain as you are! We mustn't move aggressively against the crown prince of Galkhein." Deitrich: "The crown prince of Galkhein?!" Man 2: "The beast of a prince said to have single- handedly annihilated a troop of knights?" Woman 1: "Stop that! You'll be killed, too!" Rishe: "Prince Arnold, may I ask what brings you here? I assume you didn't draw your sword just for sport." Arnold: "That's right." Rishe: "My sixth life ended at the hands of this man." Rishe: "One day, he will cause a war that will envelop the whole world." Rishe: "The war that causes my death." Rishe: "What?" Rishe: "What are you doing?" Arnold: "I apologize for my sudden discourtesy." Arnold: "I have something I wish to ask of you. Would you please..." Arnold: "do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 1 – The Fiancé Who Killed Me", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "1", "The Fiancé Who Killed Me" ] }
Arnold: "I apologize for my sudden discourtesy." Arnold: "I have something I wish to ask of you." Arnold: "Would you please..." Arnold: "do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Rishe: "What? Your wife?" Arnold: "Yes." Rishe: "Me, become your wife?" Arnold: "That's right." Rishe: "I respectfully decline." Rishe; Internal: "Why?" Rishe; Internal: "Why is he laughing like he's really enjoying this?" Rishe; Internal: "The man who killed me is proposing to me? It doesn't make sense. I don't understand what his aims are." Crowd 1: "It's the king!" Crowd 2: "Why is the king here?" Crowd 3: "Your Majesty!" Dietrich: "Father! Why would you come all this way—" Rishe: "Your Majesty?" King: "Prince Arnold, my idiot son has shown you unthinkable rudeness! Lady Rishe, I truly apologize for the matter of the broken engagement. I offer you my heartfelt apologies. I believe you have heard Prince Arnold's intentions, but I ask it of you as well." Arnold: "This trifling matter will cause no discord in the friendship between our nations." Arnold: "But if at all possible, I would ask for some time to speak with her." King: "P-Please go with him, Lady Rishe." Arnold: "Should you refuse, I will simply proceed to the next tactic." Rishe: "What exactly are you plotting?" Arnold: "Nothing. I've fallen completely in love with you, that's all." Rishe: "Fallen in..." Arnold: "With your engagement broken, you no longer have anyone backing you, correct?" Rishe; Internal: "He's right. In my first life, I would have leaped at this chance." Rishe; Internal: "But as I am now... I know that life holds infinite opportunities." Rishe; Internal: "Still..." Rishe; Internal: "The Savage Emperor. The Invader." Rishe; Internal: "In all of the lives I've lived, he's instigated a war." Rishe; Internal: "Why would he do such a thing?" Rishe; Internal: "If I stay by his side, will I learn the reason?" Rishe: "You say that you've fallen in love with me." Arnold: "That's why I proposed marriage." Rishe: "Then will you agree to a few selfish requests of mine?" Arnold: "If it lies within my power, I swear that I shall make your every wish come true." Rishe: "First, everything needed for the marriage ceremony will be procured through the trading company that I specify." Arnold: "As you like." Rishe: "After we are married, please provide a space where I may receive guests from other countries." Arnold: "As the wife of the crown prince, you would be asked to do such things in any case." Rishe: "I would prefer to live separately from the emperor." Arnold: "If it's for you, I would do anything." Rishe: "Lastly, I have one more very important point." Rishe: "I will absolutely laze around the castle!" Rishe: "I will loaf about, idle my days away, and do no work at all!" Rishe: "Oh. Additionally, I request that you lay not a single finger on me, please." Rishe: "What do you mean to do with that hand?" Rishe: "You promised, didn't you? I asked you not to lay a single finger on me." Arnold: "Don't regard me with such contempt. I was simply trying to retrieve that which you took from me." Rishe: "I'm so terribly sorry!" Arnold: "Slumped over with a sword for support... I'm amazed you could sleep like that." Rishe; Internal: "To think that I used the sword that impaled me in place of a pillow..." Arnold: "It's incredible that you sensed me without my touching you." Arnold: "To reach such a level, you must have trained quite a lot." Rishe: "Y-Yes, I did." Arnold: "I've invited the trading company you selected for a meeting." Rishe: "Thank you." Arnold: "The Aria Trading Company." Arnold: "There's been talk of that company lately. Do you patronize them regularly?" Rishe: "No. I've simply heard that they procure very fine goods." Rishe; Internal: "I want to interact with them as soon as possible in this life, too." Rishe; Internal: "The devastating power of incredibly good looks..." Arnold: "What is it?" Rishe: "Oh! It's nothi—" Knight A: "Stop the horses!" Kamil: "Enemy attack!" Rishe: "Um, I—" Arnold: "You stay here and behave." Rishe: "There are knights here. Why would he go to fight himself?" Rishe: "He told me to behave, but..." Arnold: "Finished already?" Arnold: "And when I took the trouble to face you by myself, too." Arnold: "This didn't even serve to stave off boredom." Arnold: "Arrest the brigands. Those with nothing else to do, see to the wounded." Knights: "Sir!" Rishe; Internal: "He hasn't killed them." Rishe; Internal: "Not a single one of them." Dennis: "What's wrong, Kamil?" Oliver: "Hurry!" Dennis: "Are you all right? Hey!" Rishe: "Is something wrong?" Kamil: "My body... feels numb." Arnold: "Poison, is it? Tie off a spot between the wound and the heart immediately, then suck the poison out." Knight C: "Sir!" Rishe; Internal: "A scent like that of an overripe apple... This is an anesthetic made of shea grass and bluecap rock mushrooms." Arnold: "It's likely something that hunters in this area use. While it won't be fatal, the effect will last for several days." Oliver: "It will take another two days to reach Galkhein. If we look after them as we travel, then..." Arnold: "We passed a hunting settlement along the way. We'll return there and procure the antidote." Rishe: "Excuse me." Rishe: "I can make an antidote." Oliver: "What?" Rishe: "It's lucky that I'm able to make this with the plants I have on hand. It's actually more effective if it's boiled, but as haste is needed here, let's use this." Rishe; Internal: "Could it be that they're suspicious of me?" Arnold: "Hey!" Arnold: "What are you doing?" Rishe: "It's all right. Please don't worry. This antidote is made of liquori grass and luqua flowers with some carilya nuts. Please, make your decision. Will you use this medicine right now," Rishe: "or will you endure that numbness for the next few days? Right, Your Highness?" Oliver: "I'm glad that nothing terrible happened." Oliver: "That aside, for what purpose do you suppose that you have guards with you?" Arnold: "Rather than sustaining losses by having knights fight off the battlefield, stepping in myself better protects our national interests. And we did, in fact, sustain casualties." Oliver: "You say that with the benefit of hindsight. And the fact that you brought Lady Rishe out here with you..." Arnold: "That was not my doing." Arnold: "So, the flowers weren't simply to look at, they were for practical use." Arnold: "How did you get out of the carriage?" Rishe: "It's a secret." Rishe; Internal: "In my life as a maid, my lady would often lock herself in her rooms, and every time, I'd have to unlock the doors." Rishe; Internal: "Is he a child staring at a line of ants?" Rishe: "Is there something on your mind?" Arnold: "I have no hidden purpose. I was simply thinking that you are unfathomable." Arnold: "What means will you use to entertain me next? I'm beside myself with anticipation." Rishe; Internal: "He speaks of me as though I'm some rare beast." Rishe: "I'm not doing this for Your Highness' amusement." Arnold: "I know. One of the knights you pressured into your threat-like choice" Arnold: "is someone who once lived in the slums. Galkhein extols itself as a meritocracy, but there are many who are unfairly judged due to their origins. Even so, he has never caved to outside pressures. He worked hard and became a knight." Arnold: "The knight with the worst case of numbness hasn't been assigned here for very long." Arnold: "He trained himself night and day for the sake of this mission." Arnold: "The older knight was trying to protect that newer knight and was injured alongside him. He's a man who excels at looking after others." Rishe: "You know quite a lot about the knights." Arnold: "Because I've chosen all of them as my retainers." Arnold: "I thank you for saving them." Rishe; Internal: "I don't understand anything anymore. Is this a false face of his? Or is it..." Rishe: "I simply made use of knowledge I happen to have." Arnold: "A noble lady who happens to have knowledge of herbalism? There can't be many of those." Rishe: "Now that I think of it, why were the knights so wary of me?" Arnold: "They heard that you are a lady whose engagement has been broken. They've likely wondered what sort of villainess I'm marrying and have all sorts of notions." Rishe: "I see." Rishe: "Then, what did you say when you told His Majesty the Emperor about me?" Arnold: ""She's from a ducal house with connections to the royal family," "and was fiancée to the crown prince." "She's taken my fancy, so I've stolen her." That's what I told him." Rishe: "Stolen?" Arnold: "Because the empress must be from the royal family of another country." Rishe: "You mean... a hostage." Arnold: "In Galkhein, there may be those who behave rudely toward you. If the worst happens, I will—" Rishe: "But that's splendid!" Arnold: "What is?" Rishe: "If I'm treated as a hostage, then I won't be brought out for official duties, will I?" Arnold: "Well, I suppose not." Rishe: "Wonderful! That means I might actually be able to laze around!" Rishe: "Thank you, Your Highness!" Arnold: "It's nothing." Rishe: "Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, you were about to take my hand earlier, weren't you?" Arnold: "That was unavoidable." Rishe: "A promise is a promise." Rishe; Internal: "Possessing fertile land and abundant resources, Galkhein influences every nation in the world. In all of my previous lives," Rishe; Internal: "it is the only country I've never visited." Rishe: "So this is the imperial capital!" Rishe: "Is something the matter?" Arnold: "Preparations of the imperial villa have been delayed. I'm sorry, but today you'll be staying in a room for noble guests." Rishe: "There's no need for such considerations. I will be quite happy in the villa." Arnold: "It hasn't been used in a long time. It's in a terrible state." Rishe: "I don't mind." Rishe: "Besides, I... am a hostage!" Arnold: "Why do you seem proud of that?" Rishe; Internal: "This place certainly hasn't been used in quite some time. There's so much dust." Rishe: "Now then..." Rishe: "Shall we begin?" Rishe; Internal: "The maid in me finds this quite exciting!" Kamil: "Excuse me, Lady Rishe? Is there anything that we might help with?" Rishe: "I couldn't possibly ask my guards to clean." Kamil: "Then, at least allow us to carry in the furniture." Rishe: "Thank you so much!" Rishe; Internal: "A few years from now, Arnold Hein will kill his father, the emperor. Then, the war will begin. There may not be much point to it, but I'd like to keep him away from his father." Rishe; Internal: "Why did he wage war against the world? In all of my lives, the cause of my death has always been connected to the war started by Arnold Hein." Rishe: "I am firmly opposed to war! If only it weren't for that war! And here's to a long life spent lazing around comfortably and without care!" Laura: "Are you seeing this? The novice is working so hard." Diana: "No matter how hard you try, it won't work!" Diana: "We'll be chosen to be Her Highness the Crown Princess' maids." Rishe: "Are you all right?" Elsie: "Yes." Laura: "I haven't seen you before." Maya: "She must be new. Look at how pretty her hands are." Diana: "Unfortunately for you, the only ones capable of serving the crown princess are us, with our three years of experience working in the palace." Rishe: "Can you stand?" Diana: "Hey!" Laura: "Listen when we're speaking to you." Maya: "If you intend to work as a lady's maid, learn to respect those with more experience." Rishe: "Those curtains. It would be better not to start washing them now." Maya: "What?" Laura: "The days are long in the spring. There's enough time for them to dry." Rishe: "There will be a little rain later." Diana: "What makes you so certain?" Rishe: "The type of clouds. The birds are flying low, too. If you wash large articles now, it might make more work later." Maya: "Nothing a novice like you says could possibly be accurate." Diana: "Enough of this. Let's go." Laura: "This nice weather is definitely going to last all day." Rishe: "Are you hurt anywhere?" Elsie: "No." Elsie: "Thank you... very much. My name is Elsie. Thank you for saving me." Rishe: "That's gotten dirty, hasn't it..." Elsie: "And when they were kind enough to provide me with it, too." Rishe: "It will be all right if we wash it right away." Elsie: "What?" Rishe: "I did say that it would rain, but that fabric dries quickly. Mud gets deep between the threads," Rishe: "so please try tapping at it with this brush to wash it." Elsie: "Who are you?" Rishe: "Come! We have to hurry before it starts raining!" Rishe; Internal: "Traveling to see every country in the world..." Rishe; Internal: "That was the dream I had when I was a merchant. In lifetime after lifetime, I tried to fulfill that dream, but it never came true." Rishe; Internal: "And now, the one country I was never able to visit... I've finally managed to make it here!" Rishe: "Should you really be doing this? Slipping away in the middle of your official duties?" Arnold: "Truly, you surprise me every time we meet. I've suppressed my presence. To think that you could sense me at such a distance." Rishe: "That wasn't kind of you. I know you adjusted the strength of your presence, testing to see when I would notice." Arnold: "What were you looking at?" Rishe: "The city." Rishe: "What's that large building over there?" Arnold: "A library. Books gathered from every other country are held there for safekeeping." Rishe: "Every country?" Rishe: "And that beautiful little tower over there?" Arnold: "A church. It also serves as a clock tower. Its bells ring at appointed times." Rishe: "Oh, how lovely! And there's a large marketplace over there, isn't there?" Arnold: "It's the largest shopping street in the imperial capital. The stalls there handle wares that they receive just that morning." Rishe: "How splendid! Then, Your Highness, what about that pretty—" Rishe: "Wh-What is it?" Arnold: "I was wondering what you find so entertaining." Arnold: "You were pressured into a marriage to one of this country's royals. Would it really inspire such curiosity?" Rishe: "It's something I've longed for." Arnold: "Longed for?" Rishe: "I've wanted to come to this country for a very long time. The final push that made me agree to the marriage might have been the admiration that I've felt for this country." Arnold: "This country doesn't possess anything worth your admiration or longing." Rishe: "That's not true. Even in the information you just gave me... There are so many fascinating places here! And the faces of people in town shine so brightly! And there's also—" Rishe: "Have I said something strange?" Arnold: "I've never seen a person like you before. The substance of your statements, your knowledge, your physical ability..." Arnold: "A simple nobleman's daughter would have no need of such things." Rishe'S Mom: "You've been born to a duke's family. Your personal feelings are unnecessary." Rishe: "But, Mother!" Rishe'S Mom: "Your happiness lies in marrying into the royal family and bearing an heir." Rishe: "There are things I wish to learn!" Rishe'S Mom: "If you have enough knowledge to maintain appearances in social situations, that is enough. Focus on the homemaking arts, not academic study." Rishe: "Even if others may deem such things unnecessary, I treasure every single one of them. They are riches which I will never lose, and each is a precious piece of my life." Rishe: "Whether something has value or not in my life... I will decide that for myself!" Arnold: "I know." Arnold: "You should do whatever you wish, without constraints." Arnold: "I swear to support you in your wishes and continue to assist you." Rishe: "Why?" Arnold: "I told you. I've fallen completely in love with you." Rishe; Internal: "Lies, as usual." Arnold: "And these immeasurable abilities of yours..." Arnold: "I don't find them pointless. I find them delightful, from the bottom of my heart." Arnold: "I thought I'd conveyed that much to you at least." Arnold: "Think of something you want." Arnold: "My agreement not to lay a finger on you. This time, I truly did break it." Rishe; Internal: "I can't read him at all! Arnold Hein..."
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 2 – The Golden Imperial Capital", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "2", "The Golden Imperial Capital" ] }
Oliver: "Lady Rishe, are you awake?" Oliver: "I'm Prince Arnold's aide, Oliver." Rishe: "Y-Yes! Just a moment, please!" Rishe: "Thank you for waiting." Oliver: "My apologies. This is the only time I could manage to get away from the prince's office." Rishe: "Then, you haven't managed any rest?" Oliver: "I'm better off than others are. Prince Arnold hasn't managed even a nap." Oliver: "He's been hard-pressed to complete the work that accumulated while he was away in Hermity." Rishe: "I feel I should apologize." Oliver: "Not at all. The prince said he had no intention to marry," Oliver: "but through these events, he's found a lady to be his wife." Rishe: "Please look as much as you'd like." Oliver: "Pardon?" Rishe: "You were examining me, weren't you?" Oliver: "My apologies! That was terribly rude of me." Oliver: "Your insight is just as keen as the prince said it is." Rishe: "Master Oliver, your worry for His Highness truly is heartfelt." Rishe: "Have you been with him long?" Oliver: "It's been ten years." Rishe: "If you've served him for that long," Rishe: "then would you know why he has decided to marry me?" Oliver: "Well, to be honest, I'm surprised by it as well." Oliver: "However, I've never seen the prince so happy." Oliver: "When he's with you, Lady Rishe, his smile is so honest and open." Rishe: "I feel I'm being treated as some sort of toy." Rishe; Internal: "He isn't denying it." Oliver: "I didn't mean to get absorbed in conversation. His Highness asked me to bring you a list of the honored guests for the wedding ceremony." Rishe: "Thank you." Rishe; Internal: "Princess Harriet of Siguel. Duke Jonal will be in attendance to represent the Kingdom of Domana. And Prince Kyle of Coyolles..." Oliver: "And this is a list of attendees for the party tomorrow evening." Rishe: "The party?" Elsie: "Um, Miss Diana, where do these go?" Diana: "Go and line them up the way I showed you yesterday please." Elsie: "But..." Diana: "I'm in the middle of something right now." Rishe: "It's Rishe. Your Highness, may I have a moment of your time?" Arnold: "Yes." Rishe: "Prince Arnold, I've come to beg something of you. You did tell me to think of something, didn't you?" Arnold: "Think of something you want." Arnold: "My agreement not to lay a finger on you. This time, I truly did break it." Rishe: "Would it be possible to leave the selection of my maids to me?" Arnold: "You can do as you like with that, but..." Arnold: "It seems Oliver didn't tell you." Arnold: "This party tonight... It's meant to say, "The crown prince is looking for someone to marry from the empire." It's a pointless pretense held to keep up appearances." Rishe: "Your Highness, in this country, I am the crown princess only as a hostage." Rishe: "However, I find no dishonor in that. Please," Rishe: "feel free to formally reveal your fiancée at the party." Arnold: "I suppose I have no choice. Especially as I've received your permission to touch you." Rishe: "Well, we are both wearing gloves after all." Rishe: "This seems to be a much grander event than I'd anticipated." Arnold: "This is still on the smaller side." Rishe: "The standards of a large country are different." ble 1: "Prince Arnold! I was honored to receive an invitation to attend this evening!" Arnold: "Thank you for coming." ble 2: "Your Highness, please tell my daughter stories of your travels." Arnold: "Unfortunately, there aren't any points worth speaking of on their own," Arnold: "but I did find good fortune on my trip." Arnold: "As you can see, I've found someone to be my wife." Girl 2: "Did he say wife?" Girl 1: "His Highness is smiling!" Girl 2: "But he's never so much as glanced in our direction!" ble 2: "Then, this beautiful lady is..." Rishe; Internal: "Curiosity, jealousy, ulterior motives... Compared with having my engagement broken in front of everyone, this feels like nothing at all." Rishe: "I am pleased to meet all of you." Rishe: "My name is Rishe Irmgard Weitzner." Arnold: "As my future wife has only just arrived from another country, she has no one to rely on here. I would like for you to help her." ble 1: "Of course we will!" Rishe: ""Future wife"? There's no need to provoke the other ladies that way." Arnold: "It's better to make it apparent now, while we can." Rishe: "Make what apparent?" Arnold: "The fact that I will protect you, no matter what happens." Rishe; Internal: "Protect? Did he just say "protect"? Arnold Hein?" Rishe; Internal: "The man who killed me?" Rishe: "Your Highness is probably the one who is most dangerous to me." Arnold: "In what sense?" Rishe: "Well, I don't think I could match you in swordplay." Arnold: "It might be worthwhile for me to try sparring with you one day." Rishe: "I would like that very much! And I know it's asking a lot, but I'd love to receive training from you!" Arnold: "You always reply in ways that exceed my expectations." Rishe; Internal: "I may learn the attack method behind that fearsome sword technique." Arnold: "No need to force yourself to dance." Rishe: "Oh, but as I'm here anyway, I would like to enjoy myself." Rishe; Internal: "This closeness... It takes me back to that moment." Rishe; Internal: "Perhaps I'll try playing a little trick on him." Rishe; Internal: "If I take the lead, what will he do?" Rishe; Internal: "Then, what about this? He looks like he'd like to say, "No matter what you do, it's no use."" Rishe; Internal: "He's so close, but he hasn't crossed over into my space at all." Rishe; Internal: "Wait..." Rishe; Internal: "Now that I think about it, he's been..." Rishe; Internal: "No. Back then, too, the whole time, he was..." Rishe; Internal: "I'm going to fall!" ble 1: "That was splendid!" ble 2: "The two of you were perfectly in step with each other!" ble 1: "It was as though I was watching a sword dance!" Cornelia: "Lady Rishe?" Cornelia: "Your dance earlier was quite lovely." Rishe: "Thank you." Cornelia: "If you'd like, please accept this wine." Rishe: "Thank you, I will." Rishe; Internal: "That's the aroma of crushed red peppers. To think they'd play pranks with food." Rishe: "This wine has an unusually striking aroma. It's quite intriguing." Cornelia: "Are you displeased with the wine I've brought you?" Rishe: "As I thought, it has a very stimulating flavor." Rishe: "It makes me very happy to have been welcomed in such a way." Cornelia: "Let's go." Rishe: "That's spicy." Arnold: "Spicy?" Rishe: "Your Highness." Rishe: "This wine has peppers in it. It's a special blend." Arnold: "You should just throw that away." Rishe: "No. This wine has lost its chance to be enjoyed for its flavor. The least I can do for it is to drink it all." Rishe: "What? Wait!" Arnold: "Spicy indeed." Rishe: "I did say so, didn't I?" Arnold: "Has this fulfilled your duty to this wine?" Rishe: "Yes." Rishe: "Thank you." Arnold: "What were you thinking about during our dance?" Rishe: "What?" Arnold: "You were thinking of someone other than me, weren't you?" Rishe; Internal: "I can't tell him it was his future self." Rishe: "I was worried for your health, Your Highness." Rishe: "This spot..." Rishe: "You've been wounded there, haven't you?" Rishe; Internal: "The movement of his left shoulder is slightly clumsier than that of his right." Rishe; Internal: "It was back then, too." Arnold: "It's an old wound. It runs all the way along the top of my shoulder. There's a spot where it slightly constricts my skin." Rishe: "How horrible." Rishe; Internal: "It's a very old scar." Rishe; Internal: "He was struck with a blade over and over... with killing intent." Arnold: "Only a few people know about this scar. And no one has ever guessed at its existence." Rishe: "Why do you have a scar like this?" Arnold: "The night wind has grown colder." chole: "Do you think the lady's maids will be chosen soon?" Elsie: "Yes." chole: "But with the way things are, we probably won't be chosen." Diana: "Haven't you finished yet?" chole: "I-I'm sorry, Miss Diana!" Elsie: "I'm sorry." Diana: "And those sheets this morning weren't folded the way I taught you. With skills like that, you'll never be chosen as the crown princess's maids." Rishe: "I'll help you." Maya: "You again?" Diana: "I don't know which group you belong to, but I'm amazed that you have the time to help others." Diana: "And all of you, finish that up quickly." Diana: "It seems that the tablecloths for the villa will arrive today. If we help with that, I'm certain we'll be valued more highly." Diana: "Let's go. Maya? Laura?" Maya; Laura: "Yes." Elsie: "I'm sorry. We're just so bad at remembering things." Rishe: "You haven't been at the palace very long, have you?" Rishe: "No one gets everything right in the beginning." Rishe; Internal: "And it isn't that Elsie and the others are unused to doing laundry. They're completing their work. It's just taking longer, that's all. In that, Diana is right. But the cause of it is very clear." Rishe: "Have you heard anything about Miss Diana's life from before she came here?" Elsie: "I think I heard that she's from a wealthy family that has several shops." chole: "I've heard that, too. But they lost it all because they went into debt." Rishe: "I see." Diana: "It's sparklingly clean. When did that happen? I wonder who did the cleaning here." Maya: "And that girl who always turns up uninvited isn't here, is she?" Laura: "An upstart newcomer like her? Of course she wouldn't be here." Diana: "Indeed. To serve the crown princess, manners are absolutely essential." chole: "My heart's pounding. Is yours?" Elsie: "Yes." chole: "What do you think the crown princess is like?" Oliver: "Lady Rishe is here." Rishe: "I am Rishe Irmgard Weitzner." Rishe; Internal: "I'm sorry. I wanted to learn the truth about your situations, and I thought that speaking to you as a fellow maid was the best way to do it." Rishe: "Now, I will read off some names." Rishe: "Miss Marguerite." Rishe: "Miss Elsie." Rishe: "Miss Nichole." Rishe: "Miss Rosa. Miss Hilde." Rishe: "Miss Amelia." Rishe: "These people will be my maids." Diana: "What?" Rishe: "I look forward to getting to know you better." Oliver: "Now, everyone whose names have been called, come to—" Diana: "But why, Lady Rishe? Everyone you've chosen is new! We have more experience as maids!" Oliver: "Disrespectful." Rishe: "It's all right." Diana: "Yes, what I am saying is disrespectful! But please look at our abilities as maids!" Rishe: "Miss Diana." Diana: "Yes?" Rishe: "As of today, you will no longer hold the position of maid." Diana: "What?" Diana: "But that's..." Rishe: "Say, Diana? When you first came to the palace, can you remember what you had the most trouble with?" Rishe: "Were you able to complete your work the way you do now right from the start?" Diana: "No. In the beginning..." Diana: "it was difficult for me to understand how things were done." Diana: "I couldn't remember after being told only once." Diana: "But everyone who had been there longer was so busy. They'd say, "I don't have time to teach you, so watch and remember."" Diana: "Even so, I've grown into a very competent maid! I'm not like those girls!" Rishe: "You're right. There is one way in which you are very different from those girls." Diana: "What?" Rishe: "You can read and write. You were born into a merchant's family and received a good education, but there are very few ordinary people who have had the same sort of education. You could write down what those with more experience told you and read it again later." Rishe: "But what if you hadn't been able do that?" Diana: "Go and line them up the way I showed you yesterday please." Elsie: "But..." Diana: "And those sheets this morning weren't folded the way I taught you." Diana: "When my family went bankrupt, we lost everything. There was no one to protect me." Diana: "Even so, I made myself into a lady's maid. I kept wondering, why couldn't all of you do it?" Diana: "But it's because I didn't teach you properly." Diana: "I'm sorry." Diana: "I was the one in the wrong." Diana: "I'm really so very sorry." chole: "Lady Rishe, Miss Diana is very skilled, and she always works her hardest!" Elsie: "Please don't make her quit." Diana: "Thank you, but it only makes sense that I wasn't chosen." Elsie: "Miss Diana..." Rishe: "There's something I'd like to ask of you." Rishe: "I'd like to make this villa into a training ground for new maids." Rishe: "While they're learning household skills, I'd also like them to learn their letters. If they learn to read and write along with their work, wherever they go, whatever their situation, it will be an asset to them." Rishe: "Even if they find they must begin a whole new life, it's sure to prove useful." Rishe: "Diana, I'd like for you to help me create their teaching materials." Diana: "Me?" Diana: "Even though I said all of those disrespectful things?" Rishe: "Why, whatever could you be speaking of?" Rishe: "Will you help me?" Diana: "Yes, it would be my pleasure." Albert: "I see." Oliver: "Is it as you predicted?" Albert: "Of course not." Albert: "Though I did think she'd create some sort of havoc." Oliver: "Showing your amusement too openly is disrespectful toward your future wife. Though, I may end up enjoying myself as well... wondering what sorts of things she will accomplish in this country." Arnold: "Oliver." Arnold: "I didn't bring Rishe here to be my wife to benefit the imperial family or the nation." Diana: "As for the first words they'll learn, what do you think about cleaning implements? Since they're used every day, I thought everyone might be able to see how useful it is to memorize them." Rishe: "Yes, I think that's a very good idea." Diana: "Thank you." Diana: "Lady Rishe... Thinking of the best ways to teach everyone is so much fun!" Rishe: "I'm glad to hear that." Elsie: "Excuse me. Lady Rishe, you must get ready soon." Rishe: "Yes." Diana: "Then, I'll take my leave here." Rishe: "I'm counting on you." Elsie: "Oh, Miss Diana? After dinner, will you help me study some more?" Diana: "Of course." Elsie: "Thank you." Elsie: "What a lovely dress." Rishe: "It's the most valuable one I have." Rishe: "Will you help me put up my hair in a style to match?" Elsie: "Yes, my lady." Elsie: "Um, I've heard that your guest is a merchant. Is your most valuable dress really necessary?" Rishe: "Well, it's one potential ingredient, you see?" Elsie: "Ingredient?" Rishe; Internal: "After all, these are the people who drilled what it is to be a merchant into me." Rishe; Internal: "If I can gain them as allies, then my choices moving forward increase dramatically." Rishe; Internal: "The Aria Trading Company has only just been established. A business negotiation with the imperial family of Galkhein... that's something they should want to be successful, no matter what." Rishe; Internal: "Would dressing more gaudily make me seem more like a mark who loves to spend money?" Elsie: "I think it's a shame. Putting your hair in a bun with some trailing tendrils would give you a refined air. I feel it would match this dress better." Rishe: "Thank you, Elsie. But this outfit is for my battle today." Elsie: "Battle?" Kamil: "Your guest has arrived." Tully: "Allow me to congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials."
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 3 – A Thinly Veiled Sword Dance (Rondo)", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "3", "A Thinly Veiled Sword Dance (Rondo)" ] }
Tully: "Allow me to congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials. I am Kaine Tully, from the Aria Trading Company." Rishe: "I'm Rishe Irmgard Weitzner. Thank you for coming such a long way to meet with me." Rishe; Internal: "He's as impressive as I remember. Just meeting his eye makes me feel like he's seen through me." Rishe; Internal: "But since I know him well, I should have the upper hand. In order to avoid the war, and to live a long life, I will have you lend me your aid, chief!" Rishe: "I'm sure you've already heard, but I want everything used in my wedding to be procured by the Aria Trading Company." Tully: "Well, well! You have no idea how much I appreciate such a statement." Rishe: "Then, would it be possible to see your wares right now?" Tully: "Lady Rishe..." Tully: "I haven't a single item I would sell to you." Tully: "A lady such as yourself simply cannot become a customer of ours." Rishe: "May I ask why?" Tully: "The items which we are able to procure aren't in keeping with your level of resolve." Rishe: "Resolve?" Tully: "It seems that, for some reason, you're staking your life on this transaction. I've seen many different people in my time, but you seem to have a stronger resolve than any of them." Tully: "This despite the fact that you're only buying wedding goods from a simple trader, you see?" Rishe: "Well, it is a once-in-a-lifetime event. I've allowed myself to become overenthusiastic. I'm so inexperienced. It's quite embarrassing." Tully: "Please, rest at ease. I'm certain your wedding ceremony will be splendid. However, unfortunately, our wares seem to be inadequate to the task." Tully: "Thank you for your offer. It's been an honor." Rishe: "Ch-Chief Tully!" Tully: "All else aside, Galkhein is quite an impressive country, isn't it?" Tully: "We're thinking of forgetting our work for a while and spending a few days enjoying the sights." Rishe: "Please wait! If we could speak a little longer!" Tully: "Farewell, beautiful future crown princess." Tully: "Listen well, Rishe." Tully: "Become a merchant who can pick her customers." Tully: "Offer wares or other value that they can only get through us. When you do that, then we're the ones who can choose our customers." Rishe; Internal: "I couldn't make the chief choose me." Rishe; Internal: "But I'll need his connections when the Aria Trading Company spreads across the world." Kamil: "Um, Lady Rishe?" Kamil: "Why is the future crown princess working in a garden?" Rishe: "Prince Arnold gave me this plot, so I thought I'd grow medicinal plants. Depending on how I mix them, I'll be able to make all sorts of medicines." Kamil: "I see..." Rishe; Internal: "Still, was he simply being wary of me?" Rishe; Internal: "He is a cautious man, but he also loves an all-or-nothing gamble." Rishe; Internal: "Have I overlooked something?" Tully: "We're thinking of forgetting our work for a while and spending a few days enjoying the sights." Rishe: "That's the end of my gardening this afternoon." Kamil: "A-Already?" Rishe: "I'm going to rest in my room. I'll leave guarding the halls to you." Kamil; Dennis: "Y-Yes, my lady!" Chester: "Still, are you sure about this, chief? You're kicking aside a way to make huge money from the crown princess." Tully: "You dummy. If we took that lady on as a customer, we'd see heavy losses." Rishe: "Welcome back, Chief Tully." Tully: "I did think you might deign to visit us soon, but this?" Rishe: "Then, that was an invitation after all. I'm honored." Tully: "I'm astounded. To think you'd outdrink my men while you waited." Rishe: "Since they're such enjoyable company, the drink just kept flowing." Tully: "Setting that aside, that dye has taken quite beautifully to your hair." Rishe: "My hair color tends to stand out a bit, you see." Rishe: "If I told you I'd sell you the method, would you be open to negotiations with me?" Tully: "I would never! After all, you've brought something even more lucrative, haven't you?" Tully: "And now, just as you wished, we will begin our negotiations. Let's start with a drink." Rishe: "Just one thing first." Rishe: "While we're here, please speak freely." Rishe; Internal: "When he speaks so formally to me, it sets me off-balance." Tully: "Well, if you insist." Tully: "So, milady, no more of this "I want a dress for my wedding" charade, all right?" Rishe: "Of course. It's obvious that trying such tricks on you won't work." Tully: "Good." Tully: "My intuition is telling me something." Tully: "Lady Rishe, it says that I should take you on not as a client, but as a trading partner." Tully: "I won't help with a plan if I don't know the full scope of it. But don't worry, despite appearances, I'm very dedicated to my work. I can promise you whatever profits, no, even greater profits than you've imagined. Now, how about you spill every last detail of this money-making scheme of yours!" Rishe: "I can't tell you." Tully: "What?" Rishe: "I can't tell you about my plan. Even so, I want the Aria Trading Company to become my ally." Tully: "You say the most interesting things, milady. You want me to enter into a contract without being told anything, and it isn't even certain that I'll profit from it. This is the type of offer that traders hate the most." Rishe: "I will, of course, prepare compensation." Tully: "You're telling me to just trust you when you say I'll make a profit? A fine idea!" Rishe; Internal: "Within the next few years, the crown prince of this nation will wage wars on other countries, and I'm formulating a plan to stop him... but it's not as though I can tell him that." Tully: "Listen well, milady, I trust my intuition a great deal, but what I regard as even more important is results and—" Rishe; Overlapped: "Results and proof of performance, right?" Rishe: "I will think of a business which will prove successful here in the capital. If you deem me worthy of your trust because of it, then may I ask that you reevaluate this decision at that time?" Tully: "I like it! You're saying that if your idea seems likely to turn a profit, you want me to acknowledge you. That's exactly the sort of thing I like." Rishe; Internal: "Yes, I know that very well." Tully: "You have a week. I'm looking forward to this, milady." Rishe: "Then it's a promise." Rishe: "Thank you for your time. And when everyone wakes, please have them drink this medicine." Tully: "What is it?" Rishe: "I think you'll understand quickly once you use it." Rishe: "It isn't a simple thing to sneak out of this place." Arnold: "You were out late." Rishe: "Your Highness, why are you here?" Arnold: "I heard that your offer of trade was turned down." Arnold: "It's a strange story. A simple trader rejecting a request from a future crown princess?" Arnold: "I'm the one who said to spend your time as you like. That's why I believe it would be unreasonable of me to criticize your actions, so I awaited your return instead. However..." Arnold: "So, even you look like that when faced with a man alone at night." Rishe: "I... am very sorry." Rishe: "Sneaking out of the villa alone at night is unbecoming of my position as your fiancée. If your reputation were damaged because—" Arnold: "I don't care about that." Arnold: "You're not hurt, are you?" Rishe: "What?" Rishe: "No, I'm not." Arnold: "From now on, whenever you visit town, I will go with you." Rishe: "What?" Arnold: "I told you. You're free to do as you like. I also told you that I would help you in that." Rishe: "Oh, but... I couldn't possibly ask Your Highness to go along with my selfish behavior!" Arnold: "I said that you're free to do as you like. I didn't say you're free to put yourself in danger." Arnold: "What is it?" Rishe: "You're much too indulgent with me." Arnold: "Well, as it's you, if I try to restrict you by saying that you're never allowed to visit town again, you'd just slip out quietly again, wouldn't you?" Arnold: "Even if it meant dyeing your hair." Arnold: "Giving permission with conditions attached seems more likely to work as a restraint." Rishe: "Am I really so easily understood?" Arnold: "Not at all." Arnold: "You're the type that's so difficult to understand that I can't predict you at all." Rishe: "You're enjoying this, aren't you? You and the chief both." Arnold: "The chief?" Arnold: "What has passed between you and the Aria Trading Company?" Rishe: "Your Highness?" Arnold: "Yes?" Rishe: "Do you happen to be hungry?" Rishe: "Um, Y-Your Highness?" Rishe: "There's something I must apologize for." Arnold: "What is it?" Rishe: "I'm terribly sorry, even though I'm the one who proposed it..." Rishe: "I, um..." Rishe: "I'm a terrible cook!" Arnold: "I see." Rishe: "I'm very sorry." Arnold: "Well, it's unusual to find a noble lady who has experience cooking." Rishe; Internal: "In my past lives, meals were just a time when I prioritized putting food in my stomach." Rishe: "I don't think this soup will suit your tastes, Your Highness." Arnold: "It's good." Rishe: "What?" Arnold: "This soup will do just fine." Rishe; Internal: "I don't think he can tell good flavors from bad." Arnold: "You're thinking something disrespectful, aren't you?" Rishe: "No, not at all!" Rishe: "Thank you." Arnold: "It's your fault that I'm hungry." Arnold: "Let's hurry up and set out the dishes." Rishe: "Of course!" Rishe: "Which is why... I now have to propose a new business idea within a week." Arnold: "I understand." Rishe: "Which means?" Arnold: "I said I understand. I comprehend what it is you want to do." Rishe: "You're not going to ask me what I plan to use the Aria Trading Company for?" Arnold: "You kept that a secret from the trading company, didn't you? Then, I can't imagine that you'd tell me." Rishe: "It's just as you say, but..." Arnold: "Have you figured out this business or whatever you're thinking up?" Rishe: "I have several ideas. It's just that I don't know if any of them will work." Rishe: "What kinds of people live in the capital? What sorts of things do they love? There's a mountain of things I need to research." Arnold: "You're saying this will be a difficult fight." Rishe: "Yes." Rishe: "You really are enjoying this, aren't you?" Arnold: "You should do as you like." Arnold: "I have to get back." Rishe: "Yes, of course. Good night." Rishe: "Is something wrong?" Arnold: "Have you met my younger brother?" Rishe: "Your Highness's younger brother? No." Arnold: "That's good. If he approaches you, don't entertain him." Rishe: "Is there something I should know?" Arnold: "There's no need for you to know." Rishe; Internal: "This town's population, its male to female ratio, and its age distribution are the minimum information I need. Changes in its economic development... the state of the surrounding regions... information on traders and travelers entering and leaving, too... I garden in the morning, check teaching materials in the afternoon, and I have to prepare for the wedding ceremony as well. I won't be getting any sleep or rest for a while!" Oliver: "A midnight snack? You, my lord?" Arnold: "What of it?" Oliver: "Nothing. Lady Rishe must be an excellent cook." Arnold: "She said she's terrible at cooking..." Arnold: "but it was good." Arnold: "Hey." Arnold: "Is adding medicinal herbs to soup a standard practice?" Oliver: "To soup? No, that isn't usually done." Arnold: "I see." Kamil: "Were you unable to get much rest last night?" Rishe: "I was doing a little research." Kamil: "Please don't push yourself too hard." Dennis: "Lady Rishe! Please stand back! Let's return to your room." Rishe; Internal: "Black hair is rare on this continent." Dennis: "Lady Rishe!" Theodore: "Rishe?" Dennis: "Oh no!" Theodore: "You are my older brother's..." Theodore: "Pleased to meet you, my lovely older sister!" Theodore: "Finally, we meet! I've sent so many letters saying I wanted to meet you, but my brother hasn't sent a single reply. Isn't that just mean?" Theodore: "There's no need to be so tense." Theodore: "I'm Theodore. Theodore Auguste Hein. I'm second in line to the throne and Arnold Hein's younger brother." Rishe; Internal: "I've been told not to spend time with him, but..." Rishe: "I'm honored to meet you. My name is Rishe Irmgard Weitzner." Rishe: "A twist of fate has allowed me to fill the lowest position in the imperial family. I hope that we will get on well together." Theodore: "I was wondering, what are you doing out here, dear sister?" Rishe: "This garden plot is one that I've created." Theodore: "You made this? That's amazing! It's rare to find a bed so fluffy!" Theodore: "But there is one thing bothering me. Will you look here for me?" Rishe: "Is something the matter?" Theodore: "See? Right here." Rishe: "Well..." Theodore: "I want to save you." Theodore: "You poor thing. Dragged all the way to a place like this. You aren't truly a bride. You're a hostage." Rishe: "I'm aware." Theodore: "You are?" Rishe: "Prince Arnold is more than satisfactorily considerate toward me." Theodore: "I see." Theodore: "I'm glad I was able to meet you today! I'll see you again." Rishe; Internal: "Second in line to the throne? That's not something you say as an introduction to your older brother's fiancée." Rishe: "This may seem apropos of nothing, but earlier, you didn't seem your usual selves." Rishe: "Do you have orders not to let me near his younger brother?" Kamil: "That isn't something we would be able to tell you." Rishe: "Then, do the brothers get along well?" Kamil: "We can't speak to that either." Rishe: "I'm sorry for asking such strange questions." Kamil: "Not at all." Rishe; Internal: "I'll have to deal with this matter eventually, but right now, my negotiation with the chief comes first." Arnold: "Don't make me repeat myself." Arnold: "Our military force will be turned to the protection of the people. The decision has already been made." Earl In Military Affairs: "Ignoring the regional lords in order to tenderheartedly protect the commoners? What's the meaning of this?" Arnold: "The nobility has their private armies, and the nation provides the funds to maintain them. You can say whatever you like." Earl In Military Affairs: "Your Highness, please reconsider!" Earl In Military Affairs: "I can't say that your father will be pleased by this order." Arnold: "I will not argue with you. Know your place." Rishe: "Um..." Arnold: "I'll have separate notices sent to the lords." Earl In Military Affairs: "Notices?" Arnold: "Our protecting the people just needs to end up being in their favor, correct? If our forces are turned to protecting the people and they are able to live in safety, that will ultimately lead to increased tax revenue which should benefit the lords." Earl In Military Affairs: "If that's the case, then the lords will likely accept the change." Arnold: "This conversation is over." Rishe: "The indemnities gained through war are invested locally in revitalization and creating employment. This policy was created by Arnold Hein." Rishe; Internal: "He is forcefully introducing policies which benefit the people." Rishe; Internal: "He really is very different from the impressions I have of him from my past lives." Rishe: "Well then, good night." Dennis; Kamil: "Good night, my lady." Rishe: "Good evening, Prince Theodore." Theodore: "Good evening,"
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 4 – Turning the Knave into a Secret Spice", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "4", "Turning the Knave into a Secret Spice" ] }
Rishe: "Good evening, Prince Theodore." Theodore: "Good evening, my lovely older sister. Impressive. From your demeanor, I take it you knew it would be me?" Rishe: "If you would like to speak, I ask that it be brief." Theodore: "Continuing from this morning, you don't know my older brother very well yet, do you?" Theodore: "So I'll tell you about him." Theodore: "My older brother thinks nothing of killing people. That's the kind of person he is." Rishe; Internal: "I know that. Arnold Hein committed massacres in other countries... and invaded every nation in the world." Theodore: "And, of course, I'm not speaking of times of war." Rishe: "What do you mean?" Theodore: "You see, my brother..." Theodore: "killed his own mother." Theodore: "A horrifying story, isn't it? Striking down his own mother? There's nothing decent about that, is there?" Theodore: "And one day, you'll be killed, too." Rishe: "Is there something wrong with that?" Rishe: "For my part..." Rishe: "I am fully aware of the facts, and I choose to become Prince Arnold's bride." Theodore: "Did you hear what I said?" Rishe; Internal: "I'm not surprised. He's the person who will one day kill his father and usurp the throne." Theodore: "You don't understand anything! My brother is a heartless man who neither cries nor bleeds!" Theodore: "Brother..." Theodore: "Why is my brother here? This is a misunderstanding! What I said just now isn't what I really think! It's all a misunderstanding!" Arnold: "Theodore." Arnold: "I believe I ordered you to stay away from Rishe." Theodore: "I'm sorry, brother." Arnold: "Let's go, Rishe." Rishe: "Please wait, Your Highness. Speak with your brother for a moment or two." Arnold: "There's no need." Rishe: "But..." Arnold: "Rishe." Rishe: "Yes, Your Highness." Theodore: "It truly is just as I thought, my sister." Theodore: "I'm really sorry, brother. I won't say anything mean to your dear bride any more." Theodore: "Good night. It's been a while since I've seen you up close like this. It made me happy." Arnold: "And I believe I told you as well." Rishe: "Since your name was used to call me here, Prince Arnold, I couldn't simply ignore it. Though, I did take a bit of a gamble on your coming here." Arnold: "I received a reply to a letter I never sent." Arnold: "What's wrong?" Rishe: "Why do people say you're a cruel person?" Arnold: "Probably because it's the truth." Rishe: "In the last war, Your Highness took many lives, but from what I've seen of you in this country, you are a considerate, kind person." Arnold: "It seems I've looked after you too well." Arnold: "If you wish to survive in this palace, discard that naïve mindset immediately." Rishe: "I trust what I've seen." Arnold: "You've never seen me on the battlefield. You don't know what you're saying." Rishe: "The person who has shown me such care and consideration was also undeniably you, wasn't it?" Arnold: "Don't be ridiculous. I brought you here to use you." Rishe: "Even so, I can't think of you as a cruel person..." Rishe: "my husband." Arnold: "What is this resolve you carry within you?" Rishe: "Resolve?" Arnold: "I see it in your eyes sometimes." Arnold: "They're the eyes of someone standing on a battlefield. "If it means that I can stay true to my convictions, then I don't care if I die here." You have the eyes of someone with that sort of resolve." Arnold: "Even then, you haven't given up on surviving. You will fight until the very last. The moments when I had to kill such a person... were the most terrifying moments of the war." Rishe; Internal: "He has things that frighten him, too?" Rishe: "I have dreams where I am killed. When I wake, I know that I'm alive, here and now." Rishe: "But sometimes, I feel very afraid." Arnold: "Afraid?" Rishe: "I worry that the truth is I've died and that the world I'm living in now is just a long dream I'm having after my death." Rishe; Internal: "I didn't realize I had these feelings inside me." Rishe; Internal: "Pay it no mind. What does it matter if I'm scared?" Rishe: "Even so, I've made up my mind. No matter how this life may end, I don't want to run away. What I carry within me now is the resolve to live as your wife. No more than that." Arnold: "You fool." Arnold: "The resolve to be my wife? There's no need for that." Rishe; Internal: "What was that yesterday?" Rishe; Internal: "And..." Arnold: "The resolve to be my wife? There's no need for that." Rishe; Internal: "What did those words mean?" Elsie: "Lady Rishe, did you not sleep again last night?" Rishe: "Elsie." Elsie: "You've been working too hard the past few days." Rishe: "I'm all right. No need to worry." Rishe; Internal: "I say that, but I think I've finally reached my limits." Elsie: "So sparkly and smooth..." Rishe: "This is the merchandise I'm proposing to Chief Tully. And what perfect timing!" Rishe: "Will you sit there for me?" Rishe: "In the east, they have a custom of staining their nails with dyes made from flowers. I used that as a hint and tried adding color to nail-strengthening medicine. I thought that this way, you could enjoy being stylish even while scrubbing and washing." Elsie: "This will make my nails stronger? Mine always split right away." Rishe: "This should make them less likely to split." Rishe: "But the most important thing is to eat meat or fish." Elsie: "Meat. Fish." Elsie: "I'll remember that. From now on, I'll be able to use my pay to get some." Rishe: "Elsie, if I remember correctly, your family is..." Elsie: "Yes, my family is poor. It's all I can do to feed my younger brother and sister." Rishe; Internal: "So this nation has a deeply rooted poverty problem, too." Rishe; Internal: "There are households like Elsie's here." Elsie: "It's so beautiful." Elsie: "I've never seen anything so sparkly." Rishe: "Elsie, do you have a favorite color?" Rishe: "I'd like to give you a present." Elsie: "I-I couldn't possibly! If I accepted something as wonderful as this... I believe I should restrain myself." Rishe: "Not at all! Elsie, your using this would make me happy, too." Rishe: "What color would you like?" Rishe: "Any color would suit you very well. Won't you tell me?" Rishe: "Elsie?" Rishe: "Wh-What's wrong? Does something hurt?" Elsie: "I'm... happy." Elsie: "I don't know how to thank you." Elsie: "I'm just... so very happy." Rishe: "Elsie." Elsie: "My family is very poor, and our clothes are always in tatters. We could never dress fashionably. And now, I've not only become your maid, Lady Rishe, I'm to be given something so beautiful..." Elsie: "I'm just so happy!" Maids; Background: "That's amazing! It's so pretty!" Rishe; Internal: "There are other girls in this country doing what Elsie did, suppressing their own longings and dreams for the sake of their families." Rishe; Internal: "That's right." Rishe; Internal: "Right now, I'm not a merchant." Rishe; Internal: "Right now, I am..." Rishe: "Most of the people coming in and out of the capital are working men in their prime." Rishe: "So, I thought this would make the perfect souvenir." Rishe: "And it's a small bottle, so it won't be unwieldy." Tully: "Magnificent! What genius conceived of these wares? I'm certain that many women will want it. Please allow our trading company to handle the sales." Chester: "All right! Let's start promoting it to our clients right away!" Tully: "Now, just wait. If this product were entrusted to us right now, we'd sell it as a highly priced product intended for nobles." Tully: "But it seems that Lady Rishe has a different idea." Rishe: "Yes. This is where our business discussion begins." Rishe: "Three years ago, Prince Arnold established a minimum wage in this country." Tully: "I see. So, that policy was the crown prince's?" Tully: "However, this boon is granted only to those who can find employment, I believe." Rishe: "Yes. This item isn't costly or difficult to make. However, it will require a lot of manpower to create large amounts." Rishe: "I have a suggestion in that area." Tully: "Please allow me to hear it." Rishe: "Large scale hiring from the slums. If you promise me that this will be done, and only if you promise, then I will provide you the technique to create this item." Tully: "What a magnificent idea!" Tully: "However..." Tully: "I'm disappointed in you, Miss Rishe." Kamil: "Kaine Tully, how dare you be so insolent!" Rishe: "It's all right." Tully: "If you wish to perform charitable acts, please feel free to wait until I change professions and become a clergyman." Rishe: "Chief, this is a business proposal." Rishe: "After the war, Galkhein created a number of policies to benefit its people." Tully: "And thanks to those, people's income increased, and their lives became more extravagant?" Rishe: "Yes. However, there are people who don't receive these benefits. Unless some method is provided for them to access these means, the economy will stagnate," Rishe: "and one day, it will lead to a drop in tax revenue." Rishe: "In other words, we share a common destiny within this cyclical loop known as the economy." Tully: "So basically, this is what you're trying to say..." Tully: "Keeping riches isolated in one place won't create abundance. In which case, we should share them with the poor. Is that right?" Rishe: "A long time ago, someone said this to me... "First-class merchants can choose their customers."" Rishe: "But, Chief... instead of choosing our customers, why don't we produce them ourselves?" Tully: "I see! I like it! So, what you're saying is, "Don't choose your customers, cultivate them yourself"!" Chester: "What's that mean?" Tully: "If the people of the slums can earn an income, they'll become our customers. As their number increases, merchants' sales will increase as a result. That's the hidden motivation here." Rishe: "All of your company's wares are splendid. The ones who will see the greatest profits in this market of newly created customers will be the Aria Trading Company." Rishe; Internal: "So their lives aren't only about having enough to eat and so they don't have to give up their dreams," Rishe; Internal: "I want this country to become one that turns the despair of the slums into hope. Right now, what I should be doing as the crown princess is creating businesses that will bring prosperity to the people of this country." Rishe: "This is one of the few proposals I can offer you in my current circumstances." Tully: "Not bad. You seemed to have seen through me, right to my convictions, so this has been entertaining." Tully: "But, Miss Rishe, you're still immature." Tully: "Your behavior is much too earnest. It seems you really want to work with our company." Tully: "I could use that fixation of yours to wring you dry. I've already started plotting how." Chester: "Chief, you're going too far." Tully: "Now, shall I begin finding faults in your proposal?" Rishe: "A proposal made by the likes of me? I never believed that you'd unreservedly approve of it." Tully: "Really? We've only met a handful of times. It makes me happy that you already understand me so well." Rishe; Internal: "I wanted to avoid using this if possible, but..." Tully: "Well! What will appear from your bag of tricks next—" Melvin: "Chief?" Tully: "How?" Tully: "How do you have this?" Rishe: "I'm very sorry. I used a rather special method to look into this." Rishe: "And into your younger sister, Aria Tully's, illness." Tully: "There's nothing strange about word of Aria leaking." Tully: "After all, I've gone around speaking to different doctors about her." Rishe: "At the moment, I am cultivating a number of medicinal plants. Compounding the plants according to the method written there" Rishe: "will create a medicine from the large eastern country of Renhua..." Rishe: "a medicine effective against Miss Aria's illness. If she takes this medicine for a year, she should make a profound recovery." Tully: "And you think I'd believe you? You're not a doctor. No matter what you say, I—" Rishe: "When everyone wakes, please have them drink this medicine." Melvin: "It did. I had a horrible hangover, but after I drank that, I felt better right away." Rishe: "That was something I concocted myself." Tully: ""Become a merchant who can choose your own customers."" Tully: "That's what I've told my subordinates all this time." Tully: "You've turned the tables on me, Miss Rishe." Tully: "Up until now, this maneuvering was all about whether I'd choose you or not. But now, it's about whether you'll choose me." Rishe: "Chief..." Tully: "I'm begging you. I'll give you everything I own. Please, give this medicine to—" Rishe: "Please don't misunderstand me." Rishe: "I'll give you the method and the medicinal herbs needed without any conditions." Rishe: "I have no intention of using your sister to my advantage." Rishe: "But I would like for you to understand. The people of the slums care about their families, too." Rishe: "To make sure their younger siblings don't fall ill... to make sure that they can feed them... so many older brothers and sisters sacrifice their own dreams." Rishe: "This clumsy method was the only way I could bring my proposal to you." Rishe: "I don't believe that the tables have turned." Rishe: "Please, will you help me, Chief Tully?" Rishe: "Won't you please enter into business with me?" Tully: "Please, lift your head, Lady Rishe." Rishe: "Chief Tully! Please don't do that!" Tully: "Trade is meant to bring abundance to everyone involved," Tully: "but I thought to choose my customers." Tully: "It is I who am truly immature here. Until now, the fates of people in the slums have never meant anything to me. That's the honest truth. But there are many children like my sister living there." Tully: "Your business idea is worth far more than anything someone like me could think up." Tully: "Even aside from the matter of my sister's medicine, I feel ashamed of my own arrogance." Rishe: "Then, Chief, you'll..." Tully: "From this moment on, the Aria Trading Company, in the name of Kaine Tully, will prepare everything you have asked for." Rishe: "Thank you so much!" Rishe; Internal: "It was like walking a tightrope. I'm so glad it all turned out well." Rishe; Internal: "But I can't just sit here pleased with myself. I must prepare for what comes next." Kamil: "Lady Rishe!" Dennis: "Are you all right?" Kamil: "Are you feeling unwell?" Rishe: "I'm sorry." Rishe: "Could you call Elsie back for me please?" Kamil; Dennis: "Yes, my lady!" Oliver: "How is Lady Rishe faring?" Dennis: "Her condition seems very poor. Kamil and her maid Elsie are seeing to her now." Oliver: "Lady Rishe!" Dominic: "We've awaited your arrival." Theodore: "It's just so perfect for us that she became indisposed and collapsed!" Theodore: "Thank you, Kamil, Elsie..."
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 5 – Another Kind of Trade", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "5", "Another Kind of Trade" ] }
Theodore: "Hello, dear sister." Theodore: "How are you feeling?" Theodore: "Getting kidnapped by the maid you took such good care of... You poor thing." Rishe: "Why would you do something like this?" Theodore: "To make my dear brother angry, of course." Theodore: "Up until now, my brother hasn't paid any attention to me. It's was only when I interacted with you that he looked at me." Theodore: "When my brother is angry, his emotions turn toward me." Theodore: "That realization gave me a sense of peace deep within my heart." Theodore: "What?" Theodore: "This is stupid." Elsie: "Lady Rishe!" Elsie: "Are you all right?" Elise: "Please don't worry. No matter what happens, I promise I'll protect you. I promise!" Kamil: "Lady Rishe, I swear I will help you." Rishe: "Prince Theodore has ordered you two to do something, hasn't he?" Elise: "How did you know?" Rishe: "The letter I received from Prince Theodore the other day... that was you, Elsie, wasn't it?" Rishe: "You're the only maid here who is from the slums." Rishe: "Sir Kamil, you're from there, too." Rishe: "And for many years, Prince Theodore has been privately supporting the slums." Kamil: "Lady Rishe, we've been ordered to imprison you." Elsie: "But we've been told to make sure you aren't hurt." Rishe: "I see. You can tell me the details later." Rishe: "For now, we should be on our way." Kamil: "On our way?" Rishe: "Of course. I will go and be imprisoned, just as Prince Theodore has ordered." Elsie: "What?" Theodore: "This makes me so happy! To think you'd come all the way here just to see me!" Theodore: "How many years has it been since we've spoken this way, dear brother? Wait, this is the first time!" Theodore: "So, if it's for her sake, you'll do what I say." Arnold: "Get to the point." Theodore: "What I want... is to be next in line for the throne. If you want my dear older sister returned to you, then renounce your claim to the throne." Theodore: "If you don't comply, I can't be bothered to make sure nothing untoward befalls her. You don't want that to happen, do you?" Theodore: "Your expression seems unconcerned, but you're worried, aren't you? You're absolutely beside yourself with worry. Because that's how important she is to you, right?" Theodore: "You treasure her! You show interest and concern for her! You want to keep her by your side! Unlike me! You don't even want to see my face!" Theodore: "I can tell that much, you know?" Theodore: "After all..." Theodore: "I've been watching you all this time." Theodore: "Come on, Brother. Say it. Say, "You win." Say, "This time, you've beaten me."" Theodore: "If you'd just do that..." Theodore: "my life would be complete." Arnold: "Theodore. You said that you'd imprisoned her, but did you put her in a prison?" Theodore: "I put her in a room that's as good as a prison. And the door is locked, of course." Arnold: "Locked, is it? What else?" Theodore: "There are some rough types keeping watch. The room is on an upper floor, so she won't be able to escape out the window." Arnold: "I see. So, there's a window, too." Theodore: "What are you trying to say? No one could possibly escape!" Arnold: "Not normally, no." Theodore: "Let me warn you, if I give just one indication, it will be all too easy to hurt my dear sister." Arnold: "My foolish little brother." Arnold: "There isn't a single path for you to win here." Arnold: "Not from the moment you thought you had captured that girl." Theodore: "What? Brother, you aren't acting like yourself. If you have something to say, then just—" Arnold: "Here it comes." Theodore: "What are you talking—" Theodore: "This can't be real." Rishe: "I've come to settle things between us, Prince Theodore." Theodore: "This isn't possible." Arnold: "I heard you were being held in a room "as good as a prison."" Arnold: "Did you leave through the window? Or, did you do something like punch a hole through a wall?" Rishe: "I left through the door like a normal person!" Arnold: "Through a locked door being watched by guards. That's normal?" Theodore: "How did you do it? Has someone betrayed me?" Rishe: "Prince Theodore." Rishe: "I respectfully offer you the following advice." Theodore: "Advice?" Rishe: "First of all..." Rishe: "when you have captured a prisoner... you must be careful never to take your eyes off them. Even if you lock them into a room by themselves, leaving them alone is completely out of the question. You should always leave at least two guards in the room with them." Rishe: "And second..." Rishe: "the search of the prisoner's body should always be conducted by multiple people." Rishe: "Don't allow them to keep their clothes on. Searching them while they are completely nude is most effective. That way, they won't be able to hide weapons or tools for escape." Rishe: "And third... after you have shackled their hands behind their back, the best thing to do is to tie them to a pillar or a bed, but that's still too lenient." Rishe: "Do you know what the one thing you absolutely must do is?" Rishe: "Break both their arms and both their legs. Restrain their broken limbs, take everything they have, and have a group guard them." Rishe: "That's what it means to take someone prisoner." Arnold: "Why are you instructing the person who took you captive?" Rishe: "Your Highness! I'm perfectly all right!" Arnold: "It's fine. You wear it." Rishe: "But, your neck will be..." Theodore; Internal: "What is that scar?" Theodore; Internal: "I don't know anything about it." Theodore; Internal: "I knew it. I'm not good enough after all." Rishe: "Prince Theodore." Rishe: "Please answer me. What is your aim in this?" Theodore: "To be next in line to the throne. There's no other reason for two people in the line of succession to fight, is there?" Rishe: "I don't believe that to be true." Rishe: "I think it's actually the opposite." Rishe: "Your objective is to abdicate your place in the line of succession, isn't it?" Theodore: "What are you talking about?" Rishe: "I couldn't understand why you would target me." Theodore: "I told you! It's to make my brother suffer! If he couldn't protect his fiancée, then his reputation would be completely destroyed!" Rishe: "Using someone as trivial as me to steal the throne... You don't seriously believe that would work, do you? By playing out this farce of a kidnapping, you intended to create a commotion and disgrace yourself as a criminal, didn't you?" Theodore: "You're wrong." Rishe: "There was a certain moment at which you ceased your public works in the slums, didn't you?" Theodore: "I grew weary of that ludicrous charity work." Rishe: "That's a lie." Rishe: "Even very recently, you've been sending support to the slums, haven't you? There isn't any evidence of public funds being used, so you must be investing your own money. You worry more for the people of the slums than anyone else, and you've approached them with kindness." Rishe: "But you have deliberately neglected your public duties." Theodore: "I just want to beat my brother, that's all." Rishe: "If that were the case, then you'd have attacked Prince Arnold directly." Theodore: "You're wrong." Rishe: "But you couldn't do that. That's because everything you do is for your older brother's sake—" Theodore: "You're wrong! You're wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! Honestly, what is all this nonsense you're spouting? I want my brother to hate me! To despise me! To cast me out! If he'll never accept me, then being killed by him would be so much better!" Arnold: "That's enough. This stops here." Rishe: "Prince Arnold." Arnold: "I've told you, Rishe. Don't interact with him." Rishe: "Please, wait. Your younger brother's true feelings are—" Arnold: "I don't care. Regardless of what his desires may be, they have nothing to do with me." Theodore: "I already knew that all too well." Rishe: "Prince Theodore!" Arnold: "Leave him be." Rishe: "Why do you intentionally try to distance yourself from your brother?" Arnold: "I told you. He doesn't matter to me." Rishe: "If you really felt that way, then you wouldn't order me to stay away from him, would you?" Rishe: "You said something the other day. You said, "The resolve to be my wife? There's no need for that."" Rishe: "I've been trying all this time to understand what your words meant. You are looking at the future which should be yours with the intention of throwing it all away, aren't you?" Rishe: "That's what your younger brother is afraid of, isn't he? That's why he puts on an act of being the second prince with no aspirations to the throne, of being someone who should disappear from the future of this empire." Rishe: "But isn't there some other path for you two brothers?" Rishe: "Please tell me what you're thinking." Arnold: "Oh, I see." Arnold: "And now, I've finally confirmed it." Arnold: "You're quite adorable." Rishe: "What are you..." Arnold: "You can't understand my intentions, so you feel confused, right?" Arnold: "But it's better that you don't understand." Arnold: "I will say it again, leave Theodore alone." Arnold: "He should never have gotten involved with someone like me." Rishe: "You do adore your brother, don't you?" Arnold: "What?" Rishe: "If you didn't treasure him, you would never have said something like that. Your Highness, have you ever considered a future opposite to one where you disappear?" Arnold: "Opposite?" Rishe: "One where your brother disappears. There may be a future like that, too. Please live your life in a way that you have no regrets if that does come to pass." Rishe; Internal: "And if I had my wish, I'd do the same." Rishe; Internal: "So that even if this life is my last..." Rishe: "And I intend to live my life as your wife with no regrets." Arnold: "Damn it." Rishe: "This is just about all I have left in me." Rishe: "But..." Theodore; Narration: "I can still remember what happened on the battlefield." Theodore: "Hang in there! The medicine will be here soon!" Soldier: "Thank you." Man A: "We're being attacked!" Theodore; Narration: "There wasn't anything that someone as useless as me could do. I knew that, but I still..." Theodore: "Brother?" Arnold: "As a member of the imperial family, I can't praise your actions." Arnold: "Next time, don't do anything that puts your life at risk." Arnold: "But the fact that you acted to protect your vassal... That's something to be proud of." Arnold: "Well done." Rishe: "Prince Theodore." Theodore: "Are you planning to follow your lecture on imprisonment with one on escaping?" Rishe: "You weren't planning on escaping, though, were you?" Theodore: "My brother, you see, never shows his achievements to the outside world." Theodore: "On the other hand, his infamy spreads to other countries unnaturally quickly. Why do you think that is?" Rishe: "Prince Arnold is intentionally spreading it himself, isn't he?" Theodore: "I know because I've been watching him all this time. I see him and think, "He's acting in a way that will let him disappear at any moment."" Theodore: "But for a person as wonderful as him to disappear..." Theodore: "that just isn't right. If he intends to entrust the empire to me and disappear, then I just need to disappear first." Theodore: "If I do, then my brother won't be able to do anything stupid anymore." Theodore: "It's the one and only way that I can be useful to my brother." Rishe: "I'm certain that your older brother intends to do something utterly unreasonable." Rishe: "Which is why I plan to use everything I have to stop him." Rishe: "If there are others whose strengths I can call on, I will do so. And, Prince Theodore..." Rishe: "I need your strength, too." Theodore: "Someone like me will never be a strength for you." Rishe: "No, that's not true. After all..." Rishe: "you are the only little brother he has in this whole world, aren't you?" Theodore: "I wanted to help my brother one day." Theodore: "Thank you, Sister." Theodore: "For you to tell me you need me is unexpected, but it makes me happy." Theodore: "But I will decide how I will best be used." Theodore: "I should have done this a long time ago." Rishe; Internal: "He couldn't possibly!" Theodore: "This was all such a huge failure, wasn't it?" Rishe: "Your Highness!" Theodore: "Brother?" Arnold: "What were you thinking?" Theodore: "But..." Theodore: "But... this is the only way I can be useful to you." Arnold: "I have never once done anything to be a big brother to you. What kind of idiot risks his life for someone like that?" Rishe: "The choice your little brother made may not have been the right one," Rishe: "but his desire to become a strength for you isn't wrong, is it?" Theodore: "It's just as she says." Theodore: "I'll wish this over and over again." Theodore: "I want to be a strength to you! I want to be useful to you! If I can be of help to you, then I'll do anything! Because you're my only big brother in the whole world, and I look up to you so much!" Arnold: "Never do anything this foolish ever again." Arnold: "I told you." Arnold: "Don't ever put your life at risk again." Theodore: "You remember?" Arnold: "Of course I do." Theodore: "I'm sorry!" Theodore: "I'm sorry, Big Brother! I'm sorry, Big Sister! I'm sorry..." Arnold: "I understand, so stop crying." Theodore: "But, this is just..." Arnold: "Rishe." Rishe: "You came for him, didn't you?" Arnold: "Because you said something that bothered me." Rishe: "I'm glad you two were able to mend things." Rishe: "I'm so glad..." Arnold: "Rishe?" Theodore: "Sister! What do I do? This is all my fault!" Arnold: "No, it isn't." Theodore: "What?" Arnold: "She's just sleeping." Theodore: "You can't be serious. In these circumstances?" Arnold: "Theodore, you have a carriage at the ready, don't you?" Theodore: "O-Of course I do. I'll call for it right away." Arnold: "I'll leave it to you." Theodore: ""I'll leave it to you," he said." Theodore: "My big brother. To me." Arnold: "You're already awake?" Rishe: "Have you stayed with me all this time? I'm so very sorry!" Arnold: "How are you?" Rishe: "I'm fine now." Arnold: "Good." Theodore: "To my sister," Theodore: "I'm sorry for doing all those awful things to you. There are many things I want to say, but firstly, I promise to repay the debt I owe you." Theodore: "And you said you'd stop whatever it is that my brother is trying to do, didn't you?" Theodore: "Given the way things are now, I'd like to help you with that." Theodore: "To that end, I'll let you borrow my people in the slums." Theodore: "That's what people refer to as a common front, right? Come to me for help any time. With due gratitude to me, of course." Theodore: "Lastly..." Theodore: "thank you, Big Sister." Rishe: "You and Prince Theodore had a talk, didn't you?" Arnold: "Why are you smiling like that?" Rishe: "Because I'm happy, of course." Arnold: "Think of something else you want." Arnold: "My promise not to touch you. I broke it again, didn't I?" Rishe: "I-I don't need anything! More importantly, the reason why Your Highness would do such a—" Arnold: "Do you want to know why?" Rishe: "I do not!" Arnold: "Rishe." Rishe: "What is it now?" Arnold: "Thank you for looking after my little brother." Rishe: "Not at all." Rishe: "He will be my little brother, too, after all."
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 6 – The Only One in the World", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "6", "The Only One in the World" ] }
Rishe: "Thank you." Rishe: "I heard that Sir Kamil and Elsie won't receive punishment." Theodore: "It's nothing to thank me for." Rishe: "While I'm thinking of it, I heard that the policies for improving the slums are going to move forward under your leadership, Prince Theodore." Theodore: "My brother asked me if I wanted to do it." Rishe: "Then, does that mean the both of you will be attending to official matters?" Theodore: "Well, I suppose it does." Theodore: "Now, you didn't take the trouble to come here just to say that, did you?" Rishe: "Actually, I have a favor to ask of you." Theodore: "What?" Rishe: "This is something which will be essential for your brother as well." Theodore: "What do I do? I have no idea what my sister-in-law is saying." Rishe: "Please, Prince Theodore." Rishe: "I'll be off now." Maids: "Yes, my lady!" Oliver: "An official letter from the Kingdom of Coyolles has arrived." Arnold: "Come in." Rishe: "How are you faring, Prince Arnold? Thank you for granting me your time in spite of how busy you are." Arnold: "What sort of business brings you here? You seem too tense to have come simply to see your fiancé's face." Rishe: "A room has been prepared for you at the villa, Your Highness." Arnold: "What?" Rishe: "If you have the time, may I show you the room now?" Arnold: "Why would this errand make you so nervous?" Rishe: "My maids have worked eagerly and diligently on it. It's almost like a graduation exam for them." Rishe: "However, I can confidently assert that the room they've prepared is quite lovely." Arnold: "I had thought it was your wish to live in that villa alone." Rishe: "Of course not! I want to live there with you, Prince Arnold." Arnold: "I see." Arnold: "It seems you're plotting something amusing yet again." Rishe: "You make me sound awful!" Arnold: "Very well." Arnold: "I'll go along with your scheme. Thanks to you, my mood has improved." Rishe: "Your mood?" Arnold: "Let's go." Oliver: "Thank you." Rishe: "This is your private bedroom, Your Highness." Rishe: "What do you think? It's a splendid room, isn't it?" Arnold: "Very impressive. This villa has been left abandoned for many years. You've been here a mere three weeks. To think you've already improved it this much." Rishe: "Thank you!" Arnold: "You taught the novices starting with the basics, didn't you?" Rishe: "Yes. Once they've learned a trade, they'll be able to make their living anywhere." Arnold: "And they'll gain something else, too." Arnold: "Pride. When they accomplish their work and earn the praise of another, it will give them a sense of pride." Arnold: "That sort of pride can help a person make the most of themselves." Arnold: "You have a talent for giving people a sense of self-respect." Arnold: "That's the expression you make when I compliment you?" Rishe: "You're teasing me, aren't you?" Arnold: "It may not seem like it, but it's heartfelt praise." Rishe: "Well, it's just too bad for you. Even if it's a lie, receiving a compliment from you makes me very happy." Rishe: "Out of the whole villa, this room gets the best light. The wind feels wonderful when you open the window, so it's perfect for an afternoon nap, don't you think?" Arnold: "I never return to my chambers during the day." Arnold: "This room is next to yours, isn't it?" Rishe: "Yes. I thought that would make it easier for the guards." Arnold: "And for me." Rishe: "What?" Arnold: "Because I'll get wind of your reckless behavior beforehand." Rishe: "I'm planning to spend my time lazing about, so I won't be doing anything reckless." Rishe: "Not much, anyway." Arnold: "Idiot. You're free to do what you want, but don't do anything as reckless as you did the other day." Rishe: "I'm very sorry." Rishe: "Speaking of which, do you remember what we talked about at the party the other evening?" Arnold: "What do you mean?" Rishe: "When you said that you wanted to try sparring with me." Arnold: "It might be worthwhile for me to try sparring with you one day." Rishe: "I would like that very much!" Arnold: "Yes, we did say that." Rishe: "Just once would be enough. Would you instruct me? Teach me using the special training methods Your Highness and the imperial knights use." Arnold: "What makes you say that they're special?" Rishe: "Since coming to this palace, I've watched everyone train a number of times, but Your Highness' and the imperial knights' movement is clearly different from the rest." Arnold: "All right." Rishe: "What? Are you sure?" Arnold: "I did promise to do anything you wished, after all." Rishe: "Oh, um... Thank you." Rishe: "That makes me incredibly happy." Arnold: "Happy?" Rishe: "As far as I know, your sword work is the most beautiful, most powerful in all the world." Arnold: "In all the world, huh?" Rishe: "Th-That's just a turn of phrase, of course!" Arnold: "A skill that's only meant for killing people can't possibly be beautiful." Rishe: "Your Highness..." Arnold: "I'll head to the practice grounds ahead of you. Change into some clothes that you can move in." Rishe: "Is this how you always practice?" Arnold: "Not always. Once you've acquired an incorrect habit, it's too late to do anything about it." Rishe: "The arm and leg restraints are meant to help closely mimic battlefield conditions, so that you can continue to fight even if you've lost a limb." Rishe: "That's what this training is for, isn't it?" Arnold: "As usual, your observations are impressive." Arnold: "Even if my arm is ripped off, I'll keep swinging my sword. Even if my leg is shattered, I'll continue to advance. And even if I should lose both my eyes, I'll keep looking, to the very last, for a path to cut down my enemy." Arnold: "Doing that will lead to a way for me to survive." Rishe: "I've heard that a knight's path pursues nobility and beauty." Rishe: "However, they will find a way to survive, no matter how unsightly their struggles may be. It's to survive that they kill their enemies." Rishe: "That way of thinking comes from Your Highness, doesn't it?" Rishe; Internal: "It's no wonder I was no match for him." Arnold: "Don't worry. I have no intention of injuring an opponent who's preparing for their marriage ceremony." Rishe: "If I win, will you give me an answer to one question, no matter what it is?" Rishe: "In exchange, if I lose, I'll grant one wish of Your Highness', no matter what it may be." Arnold: "Very well." Rishe: "Then, if you would." Kamil: "Begin!" Rishe; Internal: "The longer our exchange of blows lasts, the greater my disadvantage." Rishe; Internal: "A frontal attack!" Arnold: "What's wrong? Is that all you've got?" Rishe; Internal: "My center of balance is unstable. My instincts are trying to make me move the way I do when I can use my left arm." Rishe; Internal: "If I adjust my center of balance... my reach will change." Rishe; Internal: "I'll have to step in closer!" Arnold: "Your movement's dulled! Don't rely on strength alone!" Arnold: "Your footwork is growing careless!" Arnold: "Make use of your nimbleness." Arnold: "Step in farther!" Arnold: "Another step. Still not there. You see?" Rishe; Internal: "He really is impressive. In this short exchange of blows, he's telling me exactly what points I need to improve upon." Kamil: "It's only been a little while since Lady Rishe crossed swords with His Highness, but..." Dennis: "You're right. In the blink of an eye, her movements have already improved." Rishe; Internal: "Next, he'll come from above!" Rishe; Internal: "The same move as back then." Rishe; Internal: "But even if I understand what's happening, my body can't keep up." Arnold: "Earlier, you said that my sword was the most powerful, didn't you?" Arnold: "But that movement just now was that of someone who knows of a person stronger than me." Arnold: "Even as you're sparring with me, you're thinking of that person, aren't you?" Arnold: "How enviable." Arnold: "I'm on the verge of becoming jealous." Rishe: "You jest." Rishe: "As I told you, you are the strongest person I know, Prince Arnold." Rishe; Internal: "It's true. The prince of five years in the future was even stronger than he is now. He was cruel and overwhelmingly formidable." Arnold: "Come at me." Arnold: "Focus on me a just little more." Rishe: "I'm not done yet!" Arnold: "Very impressive. I wasn't planning on moving a single step." Rishe: "It seems you limited yourself quite a bit for my sake." Arnold: "Though it appears I greatly underestimated you." Rishe: "Thank you for your instruction." Arnold: "You'll do any one thing I want, is that right?" Rishe: "Yes. Ask whatever you like of me. I won't go back on my word." Arnold: "Then, clear your afternoon for two days from now. We're going into town." Rishe: "Into town? To do what?" Arnold: "I'll tell you when the time comes." Arnold: "What's wrong? Stand up." Rishe: "Um..." Rishe: "I'm going to stay like this a little longer. Please go ahead and return without me." Arnold: "Why?" Rishe: "The truth is... due to our sparring just now, my arms and legs are shaking." Arnold: "What?" Rishe: "It seems my body wasn't able to keep up." Rishe: "So I'm going to rest a little." Rishe: "Your Highness?" Arnold: "I'll only be touching you through my gloves, so it won't be a problem, right?" Rishe: "What? What? Wait, Your Highness!" Arnold: "Stop struggling. You'll fall." Rishe: "Um, it's just that this is..." Arnold: "You can't stand, right?" Rishe: "I can stand! I will stand! Please put me down!" Arnold: "I can't go back and just leave my fiancée behind, can I?" Rishe: "That may be true, but..." Arnold: "While I'm thinking of it, what did you want to ask me?" Rishe: "What?" Arnold: "You said that if you won, I'd have to answer one question, right?" Rishe: "Do you really think I can ask you like this?" Rishe: "You're laughing?" Rishe: "I knew it! You're having fun watching my reactions, aren't you?" Arnold: "Am I?" Rishe: "Then, when is your birthday?" Arnold: "The 28th day of the 12th month." Rishe: "Oh, so you were born in the winter! Next, what are your interests?" Arnold: "I don't have any in particular." Rishe: "What sorts of things do you like, Your Highness?" Arnold: "I've never really thought about it." Rishe: "What type of woman do you prefer?" Arnold: "And what are you planning to gain by asking that?" Rishe: "Master Oliver." Oliver: "Well, well. Lady Rishe." Rishe: "Are you moving the office now?" Oliver: "Yes. Thank you for preparing such a wonderful room for His Highness." Rishe: "Not at all." Rishe: "By the way, where is the prince?" Oliver: "Actually, last night he suddenly had to take command of the night watch, so he hasn't slept yet." Rishe: "What?" Oliver: "I've implored him to take a nap, but he has his official duties to perform. He doesn't show any signs of resting." Rishe: "Please rest, Your Highness." Arnold: "Oliver said something unnecessary, didn't he?" Rishe: "Staying up all night will take its toll on your body." Arnold: "I won't be able to sleep anyway." Arnold: "During the day, I can feel all sorts of people's presences in the palace." Rishe: "All right." Rishe: "Then I shall lull you to sleep, Prince Arnold." Arnold: "What?" Rishe: "Now then, I will stay by your side, so please don't worry, just rest." Arnold: "Sometimes you say things that make no sense at all." Rishe: "If I'm here, I don't think you'll be distracted by far off presences." Arnold: "You're right about that." Rishe: "Then please, get some rest." Rishe: "This doesn't seem to be working." Rishe: "May I lie by your side?" Rishe: "Pardon the intrusion." Arnold: "What are you doing?" Rishe: "Imitating a heartbeat like this is a technique for calming the heart and mind." Rishe; Internal: "In my life as a maid, I often used to do this for my lady." Rishe: "If you do this for a young child, they'll quickly fall asleep." Arnold: "A young child?" Arnold: "You're probably the only person who would treat me like that." Arnold: "If you're curious about it, do whatever you like." Arnold: "Stop that." Arnold: "You really..." Rishe: "I-I'm sorry. That must have tickled." Arnold: "If we were going to do this, then I should have worn gloves." Arnold: "If I had, then I could have made a counter-stroke." Rishe: "It isn't as though touching me with gloves or through cloth makes it all right!" Arnold: "It was a joke." Rishe; Internal: "His Highness is so sincere and oddly conscientious." Rishe; Internal: "While I, on the other hand..." Rishe: "Please go ahead." Arnold: "And do what?" Rishe: "I felt I wasn't being fair. If it would make Your Highness feel better, then you should touch me and have your reven—" Arnold: "Are you doing this on purpose?" Rishe: "Honestly, Your Highness!" Arnold: "For my revenge... I'll show mercy and settle for that expression of yours." Arnold: "You're a strange one. You think nothing of sleeping beside me, but meeting my eyes when we're this close unsettles you." Rishe: "I wanted to put a charm on you." Arnold: "A charm?" Rishe: "This palace isn't a battlefield. It's Your Highness' home, isn't it? That's why I hoped you would feel even a little more at ease so that you could sleep." Arnold: "Then stay here until I fall asleep." Arnold: "It's far more pleasant than an empty room." Rishe: "All right." Arnold: "You're awake?" Rishe: "Your Highness..." Rishe: "Prince Arnold, why are you here?" Arnold: "Don't you remember climbing into this bed yourself?" Rishe: "W-Were you able to sleep?" Arnold: "That's the first thing you want to know?" Rishe: "In any case, I do beg your pardon. I'll leave your room right away. Please don't worry. Huh? Wha—" Oliver: "Excuse me, Your Highness!" Arnold: "Stay quiet for just a little while." Arnold: "Come in." Arnold: "What's wrong?" Oliver: "We've received reports. Were you sleeping? Lady Rishe spoke to you, then. If you're able to spend time comfortably in your new chambers, then that's wonderful." Arnold: "Keep it brief. I'll listen to it here." Oliver: "As you command." Oliver: "Then, I'll go back to work. Please be sure to rest thoroughly." Arnold: "Stop nagging. I understand, so hurry up and go away." Oliver: "Yes, of course." Oliver: "Well then, good night." Arnold: "It's all right now." Rishe: "I-I know." Rishe: "I know, but..." Elsie: "Welcome back, Lady Rishe." Rishe: "Thank you, Elsie." Elsie: "A package has arrived from the Aria Trading Company." Rishe: "Thank you." Rishe; Internal: "Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be very busy." Knight Captain: "That will be the ten day training schedule for all of you knight candidates." Knight Captain: "I have high hopes for your progress."
{ "raw_title": "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! Episode 7 – A Lullaby Like the Beat of a Heart", "parsed": [ "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!", "7", "A Lullaby Like the Beat of a Heart" ] }
H: "Handler One to Undertaker. Multiple enemy interceptor groups at points 30 and 50. Battalion-sized units of Löwes and Grauwolfs." H: "All units, advance immediately and take them out." H: "Though, with that many of them, I bet you're all gonna die!" H: "Go! Hurry! Go, pigs!" H: "Fight until you break, Eighty-Six!" H: "Hey, stop it! Stop it! Stay away!" H: "Shut up! Shut up!" Weather: "As you can see, it's another beautiful day today in all 85 districts around the country!" Weather: "Why not go out with your friends and family today? The weather will be a little worse tomorrow, but you won't need an umbrella. Have a great weekend, everyone!" Announcer: "Now for today's update on the war from San Magnolia Military HQ! The Legion mechanized infantry drones belonging to the Giadian Empire that invaded Combat District 17 took severe damage from our own nation's unmanned combat units— the Juggernauts— and were forced to withdraw. Damage taken by our side was minimal, with no human injuries or fatalities! Combat via highly advanced, ethically responsible drones" Announcer: "has resulted in zero fatalities on our side! The day when our nation's righteousness finally smashes the evil remnants of the wicked Empire is not far off! Glory to the Republic of San Magnolia, and to the five-color flag!" Man: "Morning, Major!" Sanders: "Those pigs sure were crying their heads off yesterday." John: "It was a pretty crazy fight. I bet at least five of them died." Tom: "Not that any people were on board!" Sanders: "Hey, everybody! The doll-loving princess is glaring at us!" Tom: "Why do you look so sad, Major Milizé? It's just a few busted-up drones!" Lena: "Listen, you—" Anette: "Morning." L: "Morning, Annette. You're up early. You normally sleep in." A: "I was up working all night. Not like those morons." A: "Forget them!" A: "This isn't the battlefield. We're inside the Gran Mur. And the enemy will be gone in two years. If anything, you're the weirdo for taking it seriously." L: "I just think this country's conscience has—" A: "Right, right. I'm not awake enough to listen to your speeches." Soldierb: "What's that Processor's problem? He's just a part!" Soldierc: "That's right! We're from District 1. Why do we have to listen to bitching from the pigs in District 86?" A: "Why do you care so much about the drones, Lena?" L: "They're not drones." A: "I'll try again, then. Why do you care so much about the Eighty-Six?" A: "The battlefield calls, milady." L: "Initiate ID confirmation. Major Vladilena Milizé. Eastern Theater Forces, Combat District 9. Defense Line 3 Unit Command and Control Officer." L: "Activate Para-RAID. Synchronization target: Pleiades Processor." L: "Synchronization complete. Handler One to Pleiades:" L: "Glad to be working with you today." P: "Pleiades to Handler One:" P: "Synchronization channel clear." L: "Be careful. The enemy's entering firing range. Be careful—" P: "Every time, you're so kind to us inhuman Eighty-Six." P: "It's very sweet, human lady." L: "You're changing my assigned unit, General Karlstahl?" K: "Yes, one of the unit's Handlers is retiring from his post. As such, a new one is needed immediately." L: "If they can't leave their post until a successor is decided, does that mean it's a unit defending an important base?" K: "Yes, Defense Line 1 in Eastern Defense Line Combat District 1. AKA the Spearhead Squadron." K: "It's comprised of veterans from all across the eastern theater. An ace unit, you could say." L: "But... I'm a new major. I don't think I could handle it." K: "And you're also the youngest person ever to make it to the post of major. If you try to be too humble, you'll make unnecessary enemies, Lena." L: "I'm sorry, Uncle Jérôme." K: "I'm sure Václav would be proud if he could see his daughter, too." K: "How is Margareta?" L: "The same as ever. She won't stop telling me to get married." K: "I'm sure." K: "Actually, we can't find anyone willing to take on the role." L: "They're an ace unit, right? Wouldn't it be an honor for any Republic soldier to command them?" K: "Yes, that's true for the unit itself. Its commander unit's name: Undertaker. There's a story behind it." L: "A story?" K: "They call it the Reaper." K: "It destroys any Handler who tries to take it." L: "The Processor destroys the Handler? Not the other way around?" K: "Correct." L: "It's not just a ghost story?" K: "I don't have time in my schedule to share ghost stories with my subordinates. Almost all Handlers for the unit with Undertaker in them request to retire or change units. Some have even committed suicide. It's hard to believe, but they say they're haunted by the "voices of the dead."" L: "The dead?" K: "You're free to refuse, Lena." K: "You work too hard, anyway. A Handler's job is to monitor the unit, keep their commands to a minimum, and let the local commander take control." L: "I'll do it. I'll give my all to managing Spearhead and being its Command and Control Officer." K: "You don't need to do more than your job. Stop trying to interact with the Processors." L: "It's a commander's job to know her men." K: "Well, while I'm lecturing you, let me add one more thing." K: "Stop putting the number of fatalities in your reports. Officially, there are no humans on the battlefield." K: "So there are no fatalities." L: "That doesn't mean we can ignore them. What we're doing shouldn't even be allowed." K: "Lena." K: "You really are just like Václav." K: "All right. I appoint you, Vladilena Milizé, Handler— that is, Command and Control Officer— for Defense Line Combat District 1, Defense Line 1. Have the paperwork done by the time you get there." K: "And do your best." L: "I'll do my best until my final mission." A: "And you accepted it?" A: "Sheesh... You're such a weirdo." L: "It's an honor to be put in charge of an ace unit. And it's an important job. And that stuff about it destroying Handlers is all lies, right? I bet they all just don't care about their jobs, so they lied to get out of it." A: "It's true that some committed suicide." A: "One of Spearhead's Handlers went crazy and blew his own head off with a shotgun. OK, exam's done. No problems, as usual." A: "Thanks for your cooperation." L: "But why commit suicide?" A: "We got a request to look into it." A: "They thought it might be a problem with the Para-RAID. Quitting isn't a big deal, but a suicide needs to be looked into." L: "And?" A: "Dunno." L: "You don't know?" A: "The Handler was dead. How we were supposed to investigate it?" L: "You're the leader of the development team. Is that really okay?" A: "We did our jobs. There was nothing wrong with the RAID Device. End of story. We told them that if they wanted to know more, they'd have to bring us the Undertaker. But those idiots in transport said, "This flight has no seats open for pigs!"" L: "Then you didn't talk to Undertaker?" A: "We just read the report. "No idea," they said. We told them about the dead Handler, and all they said was, "I see."" A: "Well, they're an Eighty-Six." A: "It's not outside the realm of possibility that a Para-RAID could cause insanity. You're putting extra pressure on part of the brain to allow it to share sensory data with a completely different person." A: "And we use it only to share hearing. If you tried to synchronize vision as well, it would burn out your brain." A: "Too much load on the brain, and you don't come back." A: "Using the Para-RAID means accepting those risks." L: "But your father was one of the authorities in this field of research." A: "The fundamental principles were all developed by someone else." A: "There's a lot I don't know, actually." A: "Listen, Lena, you should join us in R&D." A: "The military's just a jobs program right now. When the Legion are gone in two years, "former military" isn't going to mean a thing on your résumé." L: "Thanks. But it's wartime right now." A: "Those Processors are crazy! You don't know what will happen with the Para-RAIDs. The Eighty-Six die quickly anyway, so it doesn't matter." A: "But I don't want that for you." L: "But, still, it's cowardly." A: "Right, right." A: "You really are weird." A: "I changed the settings." L: "Thanks." A: "Oh, Lena! I made chiffon cake. Want some?" L: "Hm... I'll pass today. I'll see you later." A: "I used real eggs." A: "And real milk." L: "It's so good!" A: "How's it feel to actually eat the real thing for once?" L: "Wonderful! But part of me wonders if this is how it really tasted." L: "You forget when you eat only artificial stuff." A: "I've got cream puffs, too." L: "They don't taste like cheese when they don't have cheese in them, or look like they're about to spit out black smoke, right?" A: "Are you talking about the cream puffs I made last time?" A: "It'll be fine, this time!" A: "I gave some to a potential marriage partner yesterday, and he cried tears of joy." L: "Sounds like you got a good match for once. He must've really loved it." A: "Of course! I added a card with a lipstick kiss and the words, "To My Beloved." I dropped them both in the mailbox of the place where he lives with his mistress." L: "What's wrong, Pleiades? Come in! What's wrong?" L: "Handler One to Pleiades!" Voice: "Stop..." Voice: "He's dead!" Voice: "Evasive maneuvers! Damn it!" L: "Handler One to all members of Squadron 3." L: "The enemy unit has begun its retreat." L: "Squadron 4 will take over the patrol mission." L: "Return to base." Voice: "Roger." L: "Pleiades and the other six who died..." L: "I'm so sorry about them." Voice: "As always, thank you for your kind words, Handler One." L: "Just so you're aware, Squadron 3 will be re-formed with a new Handler." L: "Thank you for everything." L: "I'm going to be the Command and Control Officer for Spearhead." Voice: "That's great news." Voice: "You have my deepest sympathies, Handler One." L: "What does that mean—" Voice: "Say hello to the Reaper for me." L: "Para-RAID, activate. Synchronization target:" L: "Spearhead Processor." Men: "Nice, man!" Raiden: "Get cleaning." Kaie: "They're having a good time over there, huh?" Kurena: "Wait! Wait!" Kurena: "Eggs!" Anju: "Welcome back." K: "Huh?" Lecca: "Hey, help me!" Theo: "Coming." Kujo: "And, done!" Kujo: "Hey, have fun out there today." Man: "You mean, "Have fun out there, sir."" Daiya: "Members of Spearhead, it's breakfast time!" Daiya: "Gather round!" Men: "Right, right. Coming, coming. Morning! Morning!" Shin: "Morning." All: "Let's eat!" D: "There are more omelets." K: "Gimme more!" D: "Calm down." K: "Can't you chew your food?" Raiden: "Is it good, Kuro?" Man: "Right." Kino: "Hey, our Handler went crazy, right?" Theo: "The one in the battle yesterday. That one's not coming back." H: "I heard it. "Stay away! Hey, stop!"" Kurena: "Stop it, guys." Theo: "White Pig always does that." Theo: "Whoever comes next, the same thing will happen. Right?" Kaie: "But everybody was able to go yesterday, right, Shin?" S: "Yeah. It's fine." Kujo: "Well, if we're going to die, we'd rather have our Reaper guide us." Kujo: "What?" Kujo: "Here." Kujo: "It hurts... Damn it all!" Kujo: "Damn it!" Kujo: "I don't want to die." Kujo: "Shin..." Kujo: "Promise me..." Kujo: "Don't forget..." Raiden: "Was Kujo able to go?" S: "Yeah." Raiden: "What about Brother's voice?" S: "No." Raiden: "I see." D: "There's none left." Haruto: "You suck." Chise: "I win!" L: "Handler One to all Spearhead units." L: "Greetings. I am your new Command and Control officer." Theo: "A woman?" L: "I've contacted you tonight to introduce myself." S: "Hello, Handler One. This is Spearhead Squadron's combat commander, Personal Name: Undertaker." S: "We've received word of a new Handler coming." S: "We look forward to working with you." L: "As do I." L: "Nice to meet you, Undertaker."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 1 – Undertaker", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "1", "Undertaker" ] }
Raiden: "We can't possibly make it across this, can we?" Shin: "Of course not." Anju: "What, are we talking about our Juggernauts?" Theo: "There are all kinds of little gaps in the cockpits. The water will come flooding right in." Raiden: "Well, Haruto, Daiya, or Kujo might've just jumped in." Kurena: "Right?" Theo: "Man, it's been a long three days." Raiden: "With all those recon units out, it was bound to be tough." Anju: "But we were able to keep the wind and rain off, which was a big help." Kurena: "We've been out on this special recon mission for what, two weeks? We've lasted longer than I thought. I assumed we'd die on the first day." Theo: "Right? So, where are we?" Kurena: "No idea. We shut off our location trackers a long time ago." Theo: "So this is freedom, huh?" Raiden: "So what's the plan? If we want to go forward, we need to use a bridge. But those recon units might come back." Shin: "Well," Shin: "do we really need to go forward right now?" Anju: "That's right. I'd like to do the wash." Raiden: "And we're not in a big hurry." Raiden: "It feels like... we're the last people left alive." Shin: ""If the last thing I see is this, then maybe that's not so bad." Was that it?" Raiden: "How long ago was that?" Shin: "I never took you for a romantic." Raiden: "Shut up." Shin: "I don't think they're dead, but when they die, they just disappear." Shin: "Their mind, their will... They don't stay behind." Raiden: "Like the ones that went before us?" Shin: "Yes." Raiden: "How many are there, now?" Shin: "576." Raiden: "Including your brother?" Shin: "Yes." Raiden: "I see." Raiden: "Hey, what about his name?" Raiden: "Did you leave it?" Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "When?" Shin: "Fido knows." Raiden: "You two really are close." Raiden: "Now it's just a question of how far we can take them." Shin: "Without resupply, there's a limit to how long we can keep going." Raiden: "In other words, how many days we can survive." Shin: "Right." Raiden: "Anything you're going to regret?" Raiden: "The Major asked you once, right? If there was anything you wanted to do, places you wanted to go, things you wanted to see. You said—" Shin: "What did I say?" Raiden: "That you'd never even thought about it." Shin: "Then my answer's still the same." Raiden: "I see." Anju: "We finally got to do the wash. All we really need now is a big barrel or something to put some water in." Kurena: "What are you talking about?" Theo: "What is it, Fido?" Shin: "If you're talking about your container, we might be able to compensate for the lousy welding by patching it with cloth, but we can't heat the amount of water it would take to fill that thing. We don't have the fuel." Shin: "I know we all miss baths, but I don't see how it's possible." Theo: "How can you understand him that well?" Shin: "There's a town nearby?" Shin: "Well, I won't stop you from looking." Theo: "Seriously, how can you tell?" Anju: "Is it okay, Shin? Taking a bath..." Shin: "We're not going anywhere in particular." Shin: "And we should be in old Imperial territory by now." Shin: "I'd like to see what their towns were like." Anju: "Kurena, hurry!" Kurena: "Okay!" Kurena: "Sorry, I'm ready." Anju: "No worries." Raiden: "They look like ordinary kids, walking together like that." Theo: "Anything good?" Kurena: "Something that would've looked good on you." Raiden: "Well, the same goes for me. We were all just ordinary kids from different towns." Raiden: "Without the war, we never would've met." Raiden: "The Giadian Empire... Does it bring back any memories for you?" Shin: "No. My parents were born in Giadian, but I've never been here before." Shin: "I don't really remember my parents at all. It just seems like a strange place to me. What about you?" Raiden: "Well, some really distant ancestors of mine," Raiden: "but it's not our homeland, either, is it?" Raiden: "What is it?" Raiden: "Don't run off on your own. You're not a little kid." Shin: "It's nothing. We're probably fine. They haven't noticed us, and we're not going to run into them." Raiden: "You mean the Legion?" Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "You tired? If you want to rest, that pillbox is a pretty good hiding spot." Raiden: "I think it's safe to relax a bit." Raiden: "Hey..." Shin: "Sorry." Shin: "I told you. I'm used to hearing the Legion's voices. There are more voices now that we're inside their territory, but it's not that bad." Raiden: "You say that, but..." Kurena: "There you are!" Theo: "Don't get lost! Are you little kids?" Anju: "Oh, are we interrupting?" Kurena: "Look, look! Fido found something!" Shin: "Since we're not fighting, it's easier now, actually." Shin: "Don't worry." Raiden: "Roger." Kurena: "It's so warm!" Anju: "Kurena, if you're too loud, the Legion will find you." Kurena: "It feels good, though! And it's probably going to cool off, too. The boys should've joined in." Anju: "That's why, you know..." Anju: "The reason you always get treated like a little sister." Kurena: "I'm not a little sister! If we all got in together, we could wash each other off! It would be efficient and hygienic, right?" Anju: "Are you maybe saying that deliberately?" Kurena: ""Deliberately"?" Anju: "You don't know what that word means?" Raiden: "Shin, why do you think Kurena never matured?" Kurena: "Is it something you can eat? Is it yummy?" Shin: "I have no idea." Theo: "I'm glad we were able to take a bath. It's thanks to Fido finding that boiler." Raiden: "The Imperials ran off and left the fuel." Theo: "Nine years later and it's still usable. They were using the good stuff." Shin: "Thanks to that, we were able to enjoy a bath." Shin: "Good job finding it, Fido." Anju: "I don't think I've ever seen him sleeping that peacefully." Raiden: "He's been laughing a lot lately." Theo: "Yeah. It's like his expression is... Softer now." Anju: "He's telling more jokes." Theo: "And playing along with Raiden's and my dumb comments." Kurena: "I'm sure he's at peace, now that he's finally achieved his goal." Raiden: "His brother?" Raiden: "He spent five years looking for him before finally putting him to rest." Raiden: "And being free." Anju: "And at the very end, he finally found someone he could entrust himself to." Raiden: ""We're going on ahead, Major," was it?" Theo: "Our Reaper was lonely, wasn't he? Having all his comrades die before him and being forced to carry them." Anju: "So it was good for him, being able to leave those words behind." Kurena: "It kind of ticks me off, though." Raiden: "It's good, but..." Kurena: "But?" Raiden: "It feels like he has nothing left." Raiden: "A little, anyway." Raiden: "That idiot!" Raiden: "His Juggernaut's still here. He didn't go on without us." Kurena: "But he took his rifle and handgun." Anju: "What about the Para-RAID?" Raiden: "He turned it off right away." Theo: "Any idea where he might've gone, Fido?" Raiden: "Maybe there?" Theo: "It's a zoo." Kurena: "Why?" Raiden: "Don't ask me. But we don't have any better options." Theo: "This is..." Anju: "They're kind of like us." Kurena: "Shin!" Raiden: "Shin!" Raiden: "What are you doing?" Shin: "It's fine, Raiden. There's no danger." Shin: "It can't move at all." Shin: "I could tell it was approaching us, little by little, for a while now. It didn't seem to be a scout, and we were going in different directions, so I was going to ignore it." Shin: "But it felt like it was calling me. Since yesterday." Raiden: "Calling you? Then it's..." Shin: "An Eighty-Six, just like us. We can't communicate, but I can hear its voice." Raiden: "So, what's it saying? What are its last words?" Shin: ""I want to go home."" Shin: "It's okay." Shin: "You can go home now." Shin: "Raiden, if there are any other surviving countries besides the Republic..." Raiden: "I've heard that story a few times. Beyond the old borders, beyond Legion territory, there are places where the Legion don't go. You mean if there are any survivors there?" Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "You want to go there and live in peace? I couldn't even imagine what that'd be like." Shin: "In a fairy tale, journeys like this end with you arriving in paradise." Raiden: "Paradise? Or heaven? If I could count on something like that, I would've blown my own head off ages ago." Kurena: "Are we going to die like this, too?" Raiden: ""Stop talking and go forward," is that it?" Kurena: "You're being bossy, Fido!" Theo: "What is Fido, really?" Anju: "He's not just a dog that beeps, right?" Raiden: "Are you..." Raiden: "going to the other side of the water alone?" Raiden: "Never mind. Let's go." Shin: "You're still alive?" Shin: "The squadron, your friends... They're all gone, but..." Shin: "Even so..." Shin: "Will you go back with me?" Soldier: "This is your new pigsty." Soldier: "You've got six months left. Work hard until the very last minute, Eighty-Six." Soldier: "You're the last one. Come on." Soldier: "Look this way, pig." Daiya: "Wow!" Soldier: "What do you think you're doing?" Shin: "Can I ask you a favor?" Lev: "So you're the Reaper's buddy, huh?" Lev: "Stay with him until the end, okay?" Kujo: "Yes!" Lev: "No! Wipe that off, you stupid kid." Kujo: "You know what this means?" Kujo: "I bet you don't!" Kurena: "When I tripped today, Shin grabbed me. His hand touched my back! Did you see?" Kaie: "Fido, I have a question for you." Kaie: "Do you know which tastes worst?" Lekka: "A machine wouldn't know." Lekka: "How did he know?" Kaie: "It's so bad that even Fido can tell, huh?" Haruto: "I don't know how we ate that stuff." Lev: "Fido, those parts that came in yesterday..." Lev: "Hey!" Kujo: "That's right now. No meaning at all. The stars, the sky, the wind... They've got nothing to do with any of us. They're just there and always have been." Kujo: "You understand that?" Haruto: "Fido, you get it, right? I just wanted to take a peek!" Daiya: "That's right. Fido gets it." Theo: "Wait, is Fido a guy?" Kaie: "You like pretty flowers? Are you a little girl?" Kaie: "No, I guess boys can like flowers, too." Kaie: "My favorite flower is..." Kurena: "Shin paid me a compliment today! We were fighting and then..." Anju: ""Change your life"? You can't change your life that easily." Anju: "Right?" Daiya: "Fido, the aurora! Let's set off for the north pole!" Daiya: "Well, you can't change your life that easily, though." Daiya: "But something will change." Daiya: "Do you think I can change things for her?" Kurena: "What can I do for him?" Shin: "So, I want you to survive until then." Haruto: "A special recon mission with the five of them would be a ton of fun." Haruto: "You'll come along, right?" Haruto: "Right?" Theo: "I'm amazed I've made it this far." Theo: "I wonder if I'll be next." Theo: "This time, I'll die, right?" Lev: "Thank you for everything." Lev: "Keep them safe." Shin: "I'm happy for you." Haruto: "Everybody smile! This'll be the last photo you ever take! Three, two," Haruto: "one!" Shin: "Yeah." Shin: "Thank you."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 10 – Thank You", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "10", "Thank You" ] }
Theo: "It won't move!" Anju: "Mine, either! I'm getting out!" Shin: "Hide behind your Juggernaut. They're still shooting." Raiden: "Kurena, are you okay?" Theo: "If you can move, hide behind it!" Raiden: "Damn! They got me! Is this the end?" Kurena: "Shin!" Raiden: "You sure that's how you want to handle this?" Shin: "Yeah. We can't take him with us." Shin: "It's the least we can do." Shin: "And..." Shin: "we won't be going much farther ourselves." Theo: "Shin's is the only one that still moves, huh?" Kurena: "We've got rifles and guns, but..." Anju: "Not a lot of ammo." Raiden: "We lost the containers, which hurts. We lost most of our ammo and fuel." Kurena: "And food!" Raiden: "Yup. Food, too." Anju: "I'm all done. What about you?" Theo: "All set." Raiden: "Let's go, then. If we don't get out of here, the Legion will find us again." Shin: "Yeah." Anju: "Who'll pilot? It can't just be Shin all the time." Raiden: "We'll take shifts." Shin: "That's fine." Theo: "But did it have to be Undertaker, of all things?" Kurena: "Is that a problem?" Theo: "Shin sets his parameters so tight that it's scary. And he's got a lot of limiters turned off." Kurena: "I'll go first, then." Theo: "No, I'll do it." Kurena: "You were just complaining. And I lost mine first, so I'm not tired at all." Raiden: "Okay, if we run into any Legion, the one piloting at the time fights them, right?" Shin: "Fine with me." Anju: "Fine!" Shin: "Kurena, stop." Shin: "There's a hole in those cliffs at 10 o'clock. Take us there." Kurena: "Roger." Shin: "Hurry." Kurena: "We avoided them, thanks to Shin." Anju: "There were a whole lot of them, though." Theo: "Is it just me, or are we seeing more of them lately?" Raiden: "I guess we're getting closer to their base." Shin: "Yeah." Theo: "Everybody, eyes front." Theo: "A school?" Kurena: "You think?" Theo: "Probably." Anju: "That's right. You've never been to school, have you?" Raiden: "Even in a totally different country and culture, schools still look basically the same." Kurena: "So this is a school..." Kurena: "Hey, let's sleep here today!" Shin: "Let's." Anju: "Can you read that, Kurena?" Kurena: "Nope." Kurena: "But it looks like they were having fun." Raiden: "This brings back so many memories." Shin: "Did you like school and studying?" Raiden: "Nope." Anju: "Raiden Shuga!" Anju: "Huh? Is Raiden absent today?" Anju: "Raiden Shuga!" Raiden: "Present!" Anju: "Okay. Theoto Rikka." Theo: "Here!" Anju: "Kurena Kukumila." Kurena: "Present!" Kurena: "Anju Emma!" Anju: "Present." Kurena: "Shinei Nouzen!" Shin: "Present." Shin: "If we're not going to study, these are just firewood." Raiden: "I see." Kurena: "Is this something special, too?" Theo: "Tearing down the school, maybe?" Raiden: "Okay. How do we light it?" Theo: "Those are textbooks!" Anju: "I feel kind of guilty." Shin: "Books we can't read are useless." Kurena: "True." Anju: "You still have one left?" Kurena: "Yeah." Kurena: "This is the last one." Kurena: "No more after-dinner desserts!" Raiden: "This is all of it." Raiden: "We'll be lucky if it lasts the full day." Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "I guess our fun hike is at an end." Raiden: "We're leaving!" All: "Okay!" Anju: "It's my turn this morning, right?" Raiden: "Yeah. Thanks." Kurena: "We graduated school in a single day, huh?" Theo: "Wow, we must be really smart!" Raiden: "We've got bright futures ahead of us." Kurena: "Hey!" Theo: "We're going up this?" Kurena: "Don't ask me." Raiden: "Is this right?" Anju: "We keep going forward, right?" Shin: "Yes." Anju: "Roger." Shin: "Anju, let's switch." Anju: "It's still early, isn't it? It was supposed to be my shift until lunch." Shin: "I'm bored." Kurena: "You scared me!" Anju: "How silly!" Theo: "Yeah, I didn't think we'd have so much free time." Kurena: "There's nothing to do but look at the scenery." Anju: "Shin should've brought a picture book from that school." Shin: "Yeah." Theo: "Get some rest." Anju: "I'm not tired at all. We're all set here, Shin." Theo: "You're on watch, Kurena." Kurena: "Take my place!" Shin: "The one piloting fights. That's the rule, right?" Raiden: "You knew from the start!" Shin: "There's a unit we won't be able to dodge." Shin: "And if we can't dodge them, we'll have to fight." Kurena: "So you suggested switching..." Anju: "That's not fair, Shin!" Anju: "You can't do this to us!" Shin: "You keep going." Shin: "They won't find you in the forest for a while." Shin: "Keep going, and you'll get to a point where the Legion's voices disappear." Shin: "If anybody's alive, ask them for help." Theo: "Hell, no! That means you're going to be a decoy, right?" Kurena: "We're all going together, right? You can't leave us at the very end..." Kurena: "and go by yourself!" Kurena: "That's not fair!" Raiden: "Damn! He turned it off!" Raiden: "That idiot!" Theo: "Wait!" Anju: "I'm going, too." Raiden: "You're okay with this, right?" Kurena: "We can't let Shin go by himself, right?" Raiden: "Right." Shin: "That ultra-long-range cannon from before..." Kiriya: "I'll kill you." Kiriya: "The men, the women, the children, the old, the nobles, the peasants... I'll kill everyone... everyone who threatens the princess!" Shin: "Not now..." Shin: "They're after my head, huh?" Raiden: "Shin!" Raiden: "Shit! Look at me, damn it!" Kurena: "I'm coming!" Anju: "Don't give up!" Raiden: "Get moving!" Anju: "Shin! Shin!" Kurena: "Can you hear me?" Anju: "Shin, answer me!" Shin: "You're all fools." Shin: "You can't beat the Legion with those weapons." Theo: "I'm out of ammo!" Kurena: "Theo!" Raiden: "Damn it!" Shin: "Fools..." Shin: "You really are... fools. When I'm part of the Legion," Shin: "whose name will I call out?" Lef: "Fido's not here." Lef: "They took him." Lena: "So he wasn't a dog, huh?" Lev: "Major Milizé, was it?" Lena: "Yes." Lev: "What are you doing all the way out here? You're under house arrest, aren't you?" Lena: "Yes." Lena: "Which gives me time to visit the front lines." Lev: "Along with the next group to be executed?" Lev: "I heard the rumors, but you're really a weirdo, huh?" Lev: "Go see it." Lev: "Not that they left much behind." Lena: "Okay." Lev: "I've been watching the kids go off on their last march for a long time." Lev: "But I've never seen a Handler come out here." Lena: "Lieutenant Aldrecht, you're..." Lev: "An Alba. Just like you." Lev: "My wife was an Eighty-Six. When they were coming to take my wife and daughter, I dyed my hair and went with them." Lev: "I volunteered, hoping to get their rights back." Lev: "But they both died on the battlefield. After Shin came, when nobody was listening, I asked him if there were any Legion out there looking for a shithead who couldn't protect his wife and daughter." Lena: "And what would've you have done if there were?" Lev: "Go out there and let them kill me." Lev: "But he said there weren't." Lev: "He said there weren't any Legion calling my name." Lev: "It made me feel a little better." Lev: "My wife and daughter weren't stuck on the battlefield even after death." Lev: "Once I'm on the other side, I'll see them." Lev: "I always tell them I'm an Alba before they go on their special recon mission." Lev: "I tell them that they're free to hate us. They can even kill me if it'll make them feel better." Lev: "But nobody ever does." Lev: "Not this time, either." Lev: "So I'm still here." Lev: "I've kept you too long." Lev: "Get going." Len: "Thank you." Daiya: "We keep it at the barracks. It's a black cat with white paws." Theo: "And for some reason, it's taken more of a liking to Undertaker than anyone." Anju: "He doesn't play with it at all. It rubs up against him all the time, and he just pats it once in a while." Raiden: "I think it's more like it thinks he's a good bed. I mean... Just look at it right now." Kaie: "Yeah, it doesn't move when he's reading. It'll never get along with Black Dog, though. He's annoying." Daiya: "That's mean! And not fair! I demand you take that back! Boo! Boo!" Lena: "What's its name?" Raiden: "Blackie." Theo: "Whitey." Daiya: "Two-Tone." Anju: "Kitty." Kaie: "Shrimp." Shin: "Remarque." Theo: "Don't name it after the author of whatever book you're reading now. And what are you even reading? You have such bad taste." Raiden: "If you actually went to the trouble of finding this, you're one crazy dumbass." Raiden: "Raiden Shuga." Theo: "I'll put everyone's names down." Theo: "I bet you'd cry because you didn't know who was who, otherwise. Theoto Rikka." Kurena: "Take care of the cat. You might as well, if you're gonna insist on being a saint. Kurena Kukumila." Anju: "We still haven't decided on a name yet. Give it a cute one, okay, Major?" Anju: "Anju Emma." Shin: "If, one day, you make it to our final destination," Shin: "would you please leave flowers?" Shin: "Shinei Nouzen." Lena: "I can keep walking, too." Lena: "They believed that about me, until the very end." Lena: "Let's go." Lena: "What should I call you?" Lena: "I'll fight..." Lena: "until the moment when fate finally comes for me." Rei: "Shin..." Rei: "I'm sorry." Rei: "I kept calling you, and I made you come all the way here." Rei: "Let's go."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 11 – Here We Go", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "11", "Here We Go" ] }
Shiden: "Cyclops to Handler One. They've reached the old high-speed railroad terminal at point 122. Sorry. They were jamming the radar, and it took us a while to find them." Shiden: "This is gonna be a rough fight for the new kids." Shiden: "What do we do?" Lena: "Deploy our main force at 062, then lure them in with another unit. That would put them in range of the remaining howitzers." Shiden: "So we're fighting them right in front of the base, huh? If they make it through, there's nothing but the minefields and the howitzers to keep them out, right?" Lena: "But it's the best location we have, if we're to survive." Shiden: "Yes, my Queen!" ews: "Now for today's update on the war from San Magnolia Military HQ! Our nation's autonomous Juggernaut units intercepted the Legion mechanized infantry drones, dealt critical damage, and forced them to withdraw. Combat via highly advanced, ethically responsible drones has resulted in zero fatalities on our side!" ews: "The day when our righteous nation finally smashes the evil remnants of the wicked Empire is not far off!" ews: "Glory to the Republic of San Magnolia, and to the five-color flag!" Man 1: "Hey, it's the Doll-Crushing Princess! I heard you had another victory against the Legion threat today, stained with the blood of pigs!" Man 2: "That's why they call her Bloody Regina, the bloody queen!" Man 1: "You learn to tell the difference between men and pigs?" Man 2: "She never changes expression. Who knows what she's thinking?" Man 3: "Getting demoted for the sake of those pigs... Wearing a black uniform when nobody else does..." Man 1: "The Legion won't even be around in two years!" Man 2: "Her family's rich and famous, right? Had she just done nothing, she'd have life on easy street." Lena: "Morning." Annette: "Morning." Annette: "There's something I want to check up on from what you asked. The additional settings on the RAID Device." Lena: "Fine." Lena: "I'll be there in two hours." Annette: "Okay, see you then." Lieutenant Colonel: "How many times do I have to tell you, "Captain" Milizé?" Lieutenant Colonel: "Unauthorized use of the howitzers. Unscheduled supply drops. Taking direct command of units not below you." Lieutenant Colonel: "Do you know how many complaints I'm getting?" Lieutenant Colonel: "Don't make me do extra work for the sake of the damn Eighty-Six." Lena: "If you'd give me permission in advance, you wouldn't have to tell me any of this, Lieutenant Colonel." Lieutenant Colonel: "What?" Lena: "You, and all of them, are free to complain all you like, but it has nothing to do with me." Lieutenant Colonel: "You little brat!" Lieutenant Colonel: "Know your place! You're just a captain!" Lena: "Are you sure you want me to know my place?" Lena: "Your subordinates' results reflect on your own career." Lieutenant Colonel: "What?" Lena: "I'm currently the top Handler. If my Legion kill rate goes down, you risk not being promoted." Lena: "Right?" Lieutenant Colonel: "Watch your mouth, Captain." Lena: "Excuse me, Lieutenant Colonel." Lena: "I'll let you handle the supplies." Woman: "Okay." Officer: "Captain, I looked into how many of the howitzers in the rear of Southern Combat District 8 were still functional, and you were right. It was around twenty percent." Lena: "I thought so. Our total attrition rate on the front lines—" Girls: "Hey, look! Look! Snow!" Woman: "Winter's really here, huh?" Shiden: "Cyclops to Handler One. Do you read?" Lena: "Yes. What is it?" Shiden: "We found an enemy unit out on patrol. We need your orders." Lena: "Understood." Lena: "Keep it up." Lena: "Cyclops, give me a report." Lena: "Sorry I'm late." Annette: "You're pretty early." Annette: "Get started with your chat." Lena: "Yeah." Lena: "Understood. Thank you for the report." Shiden: "Yeah. I'll be waiting for those Legion force estimates, Queen." Lena: "Yes, I'll do what I can." Lena: "Let's both work together to do our best." Shiden: "Of course. You're our Handler. We're counting on you." Lena: "You, too. I need the info you give us from the battlefield, Cyclops." Shiden: "It's okay to call me by my real name now, right? If you aren't going to, why did you ask?" Lena: "Because that's..." Lena: "my responsibility as a Handler." Shiden: "You're always so serious and formal, you know?" Lena: "Think what you like." Shiden: "Thanks to you, though, we might live a long time." Shiden: "I appreciate it, but we might be going to Spearhead in a few months." Shiden: "The strongest guy I know finally got sent on Special Recon a while back." Shiden: "He's probably dead now." Shiden: "The headless Reaper who always used blades." Shiden: "Which do you think will be first: us going there or the Legion coming here?" Lena: "I don't know." Lena: "But my job now is to prepare for the large-scale Legion offensive I think is coming." Shiden: "I've already decided to help you, but... no preparations you make will change a thing." Shiden: "You're doing it anyway?" Lena: "I'm doing it anyway." Lena: "But Cyclops, don't forget your reports on patrol." Shiden: "Roger!" Lena: "They told me to survive, anyway." Lena: "They believed in me, and told me to fight, and survive." Lena: "To live up to the hopes of those who are no longer with us..." Rei: "Shin!" Rei: "This is as far as I can go." Rei: "You can go the rest of the way yourself, right?" Rei: "You've got your comrades going with you." Rei: "You've really grown up, too." Rei: "Don't let me keep you a prisoner." Rei: "You can forget about me." Rei: "Oh, no." Rei: "I want you to remember me, just once in a while." Rei: "Live free, be happy..." Rei: "And once in a while, you know?" Rei: "Just once in a while." Rei: "Be well." Rei: "And please be happy." Shin: "Brother!" Ernst: "I know. I just want to chat a little." Ernst: "You're awake, huh? Hello." Ernst: "Will you tell me your name?" Ernst: "Oh! Oh, the generals were all really worried, so they made me wear this biohazard suit." Ernst: "But it's rude to be wearing this, isn't it?" Ernst: "My name is Ernst. And you?" Shin: "Shin Nouzen." Ernst: "Welcome to the Federacy of Giad!" Shin: ""Giad"?" Ernst: "Oh, I should explain. We defeated the Giad "Empire" that created the Legion, and we changed it into a Federal Republic. Well, because of that, we're still fighting the remaining Legion, though." Ernst: "We found you captured by the Legion on the western front of the war." Ernst: "Sorry, sorry. Of course you're worried." Ernst: "You were sleeping, so we turned the windows opaque." Ernst: "Neither you nor we entirely understand what happened." Ernst: "Later, when you remember, if you could..." urse: "Sir! That's enough." Ernst: "Sorry!" Ernst: "The scary lady's going to get mad at me, so I'll be going." Ernst: "But remember this." Ernst: "You're the first foreign visitors we've had since our nation's founding. We were too busy with the Legion to put together customs procedures. But don't worry, we will not harm you. I'm Ernst Zimerman," Ernst: "provisional President of the Giad Federacy." Ernst: "What does our analysis show?" Analyst: "It's safe to say they aren't agents of San Magnolia or any other country." Ernst: "And the odds that they're a new type of Legion, or perhaps a carrier for a Legion bioweapon?" Analyst: "Our tests and the scan we did after they were brought in show nothing irregular." Ernst: "And the things they had with them?" Analyst: "It's a slightly older model, but definitely a Dinosauria." Ernst: "And the things on their ears?" Analyst: "A communication device, as they said." Analyst: "It artificially recreates the mental links that a certain family is capable of." Ernst: "Revolutionary." Giad Officer: "The safest thing for the Federacy would be to eliminate them." Raiden: "Shin," Raiden: "you were out for three whole days." Theo: "Seriously, Kurena was bawling her eyes out." Kurena: "I was not!" Anju: "Shin, I know now's not a good time, but be ready when you get better." Theo: "Sorry, we all feel the same way. If you ever pull that shit again, I will kick your ass." Shin: "I didn't mean to die—" Theo: "You're going to make me mad. Even if you didn't intend to die, you knew you would if you fought alone." Theo: "We've all thought about it once, sure. But that's why we can't forgive it!" Theo: "Because we understand! It's cheating." Theo: "Never do that again!" Kurena: "I was so worried!" Shin: "Sorry." Raiden: "But who knows what happens now..." Ernst: "So yeah, from now on, you're citizens of the Federacy!" Ernst: "Huh?" Raiden: "We haven't seen you for a month, and the first thing you say is "So yeah?"" Ernst: "Yeah?" Theo: "You sure you want to make a bunch of strange kids who were kicked out of their old country into citizens?" Theo: "Wouldn't it be safer just to kill us?" Ernst: "Is that what you want?" Shin: "What benefit do you get from saving us?" Ernst: "A society which refuses to save children because there's no "benefit" is a society which in the end benefits no one. And if humanity can't survive except by killing children because they're "strange,"" Ernst: "humanity would be better off dead." Ernst: "Anyway, I'll be your guardian for a while. So rest a bit, see this country," Ernst: "and then think about what you'll do." Richard: "Those war machines we recovered —the "Juggernauts"? Their capabilities aside, what was done with them is amazing. I'd love to hear more." Grethe: "Hey, I'm first. We won't let you have them." Richard: "What?" Grethe: "High-mobility combat data and people with actual combat experience against the data. They're perfect as operators for my prototypes." Grethe: "They'd be wasted on those slow Vánagandr." Richard: "What did you say, spider woman?" Grethe: "What did you say, beetle?" Ernst: "You're all free to talk to them. But I won't let them be operators. We'd be no different from the Republic." Grethe: "But they're all saying in their counseling sessions that they want to go back to the battlefield." Ernst: "That's because the battlefield is all they know right now." Ernst: "Actions should be met with rewards. If they've fought for so long, they should be given peace." Ernst: "Especially if their homeland refuses to do it." Ernst: "I want the Federacy to be just, at least." Ernst: "Because..." Ernst: "that is the ideal of mankind." Citizen 1: "Let us save our pitiful comrades!" Citizens: "Let's save them!" Citizen 1: "The Eighty-Six are victims!" Citizens: "Victims!" Citizen 1: "Let us save our pitiful comrades!" Ernst: "They were all happy when you were saved," Citizens: "Let's save them!" Ernst: "because they learned there was a surviving country besides our own. But when they learned how you were treated, they became overcome with the desire to save you and your comrades." Ernst: "This is my house, but from now on it's your home." Ernst: "Welcome!" ederica: "Hurry! Push that desk! We need to hurry!" ederica: "Welcome, poor souls who were banished from your country!" ederica: "Great Giad welcomes you with pity and compassion! We don't expect any kind of recompense from low-borns like you, so your thanks are enough!" ederica: "Hey, red-eyes! Why are you looking away?" Shin: "I thought there might be someone else here." ederica: "You shut the door! Are you making fun of me?" Shin: "Yes." ederica: "This is the problem with low-born people from the Republic." Raiden: "Is this your daughter? I hate to say it, but you need to discipline her better." Ernst: "Oh, no. She's not my daughter." ederica: "Do you really think I'm the daughter of this lowly bureaucrat? I'm—" Ernst: "Frederica Rosenfort. Some things happened, and now she's staying here. It's annoying to explain to everyone, so I've got her down on paper as my daughter. But regardless, you'll be living together for a while. So I'd appreciate it if you'd think of her as a slightly naïve little sister." Raiden: ""Little sister," huh?" Ernst: "Oh, on paper, I've adopted you. So you can call me "Dad," if you want." Ernst: "I'm joking." ederica: "What's that on your neck?" Ernst: "Frederica, no." Ernst: "I told you their situation." Ernst: "You have wounds you don't want touched, either." ederica: "I'm the cute little sister you've been given to heal your wounds." ederica: "The family and home and happiness you lost... The noble and compassionate Federacy is willing to give you." ederica: "Be very nice to me!" ederica: "Big brothers and sisters!" ederica: "Theresa, they're being mean!" Theresa: "Right, right. Frederica, everything that just happened was your own fault." ederica: "Was not! Was not!" Theresa: "I'm Theresa. I'll be taking care of you." Theresa: "Welcome home, everyone." ederica: "I'm bored. They all went to sleep so early." Ernst: "Sorry, I know you're tired." Ernst: "I was holding on to this." Ernst: "It was in your war machine." Ernst: "Is it yours?" Shin: "Yes." Ernst: "Thank you, Theresa." Theresa: "Not at all, sir. Kids that age eat a lot. It's fun to cook for them." Ernst: "I'm sorry. This is likely to be difficult." Theresa: "Not at all. Serving you is my job." Ernst: "Do you think it's a stupid way of trying to compensate for things?" Ernst: "That I'm using them as a replacement?" Theresa: "No. They could never be that. Every person is their own, irreplaceable individual." ederica: "But still, people try to bury the past. In whatever way they can." Ernst: "Whom are you talking to," Ernst: "Empress?" ederica: "Kiri..."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 12 – Welcome", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "12", "Welcome" ] }
ews: "The Festival of the Holy Birth is next week, and the whole city's getting ready! Today we'll show you just how much fun everyone's having!" ews: "This is a special ornament set you can get only at this market. It's so cute, isn't it?" Boyfriend Tv: "It's kind of expensive!" Girlfriend Tv: "I want it, though." Boyfriend Tv: "Oh, fine! I'll take it!" ederica: "What?" Woman Tv: "Thank you!" ederica: "Theresa, where's Shinei?" Truck Man 1: "I'm tired!" Raiden: "Really?" Truck Man 1: "You're really tough. You loaded that fridge all by yourself, right?" Raiden: "Oh, that's easy, if you know the trick." Truck Man 1: "No, no." Truck Man 2: "But that delivery to the seventh floor with no elevator yesterday was really rough, right?" Raiden: "It was a three-ring circus filled with fun and excitement." Truck Man 1: "What?" Woman 1: "Want to go to that café?" Woman 2: "Okay!" Girlfriend: "Where are we going now?" Boyfriend: "Hmm... Maybe try on some clothes?" Girlfriend: "Okay!" Glasses Man: "You've got a nice touch." Theo: "Thank you." Cook Woman 1: "Hey, you only ever learned to make desserts, right, Anju?" Cook Woman 2: "You'll want to learn to do normal cooking, or you'll have problems in the future." Anju: "Future?" Cook Woman 2: "When you cook for your kids, for example." Anju: "Kids? No way!" Library Woman 1: "There he is! He's always so cool!" Library Women: "Hi, there!" Eugene: "H-Hey! Nina, when someone does something for you or lets you have something, say "thank you."" Eugene: "Sorry, my sister was very rude." Shinei: "No, it's fine. I wasn't reading it." Eugene: "It's not fine! You need to have them learn at a young age." Eugene: "Come on." : "Thank you..." Eugene: "Hey!" Eugene: "Oh jeez... that girl." Eugene: "Thanks. Sorry to get you involved in that." Shinei: "No, it must be rough being a big brother." Eugene: "I don't know where she got it from, but she's really shy. Um... This may be rude, but you're here a lot at this time of day. Don't you have school?" Shinei: "What about you?" Shinei: "If you see me a lot, that means you're here, too." Eugene: "Oh, yeah. I don't go to school." Eugene: "I can't." Eugene: "We're not that wealthy." Eugene: "Sorry for just talking to you out of nowhere. I'm Eugene Rantz. Nice to meet you." Shinei: "Shinei Nouzen." ederica: "Frederica Rosenfort!" : "Nina Rantz." Shinei: "What are you doing?" ederica: "I read her a book, and she took a liking to me." ederica: "It was a story for little kids, with lots of princes and princesses! I'll read the rest some other time." : "Okay!" Shinei: "Sorry." Eugene: "Your little sister?" Shinei: "Not a chance." ederica: "Shinei!" ederica: "You're not doing anything, right? Come with me." Booth Man: "It's a little early, but why not get it for her as a festival present? I'll give you a discount, since your little sister's so cute." Shinei: "Not a chance." ederica: "Big brother!" ederica: "I want it!" ederica: "I... I... want it..." ederica: "You're more gullible than you look." Shinei: "Where did you learn how to do that stuff?" Ernst: "I want to go home early tomorrow, so I'll stay a little later tonight. It's the Eve of the Holy Birth tomorrow." Secretary: "The Republic has a tradition of exchanging presents, too." Ernst: "Presents, huh?" Ernst: "What would be good, I wonder..." Suit: "They've been here a month," Suit: "and they've all found friends and things to do. They're fitting in well." Ernst: "Yes, it's a good sign that they've made friends." Ernst: "They'll be fine." Ernst: "We're going to have to find a real path for them to take in life, once spring comes around." Kaie: "I know it's an awful thing to ask." Kaie: "You've gone as far as you can go." Kaie: "You've taken us with you." Kaie: "So you should be able to forget about us." Kaie: "But knowing that..." Kaie: "It still hurts." Kaie: "Staying here hurts." Kaie: "I'm dead. I want to go home." Kaie: "So... Shin." Kaie: "Our Reaper..." Kaie: "Please, save us." Eugene: "Shin!" Eugene: "I know the sunlight's nice and warm, but the librarians will get mad at you for sleeping! Did you stay up too late?" Shinei: "No..." Eugene: "It's about time. Want to go see?" Shinei: "What?" Eugene: "The military's Holy Birth Festival Eve Parade! This year it's the Western Theater's 24th Mechanized Infantry Division, so we should be able to see the latest model of third-generation Vánagandrs!" Eugene: "Oh, are you not interested?" Shinei: "No, you just don't seem like somebody who would care about that." Eugene: "I'm joining the service." Eugene: "I volunteered for the Mechanized Infantry. So I wanted to see them." Eugene: "I thought you were the same." Eugene: "You were looking at military documents yesterday and the day before. I thought you were trying to get into the Special Officer's School, too." Eugene: "This place is peaceful, but they're fighting at the border. And we don't know when the war will come here. If there's something I can do to prevent that, to protect my little sister and this town, I want to do it..." Eugene: "And someday, I want my sister to see the ocean." Eugene: "So I need this war to end." Shinei: "Yeah." Eugene: "Okay, I'll be off. Come if you're curious." Shinei: "I've rested too long." Anju: "There you are! You said you were going to Republic Plaza, so I thought you might be here." Theo: "What?" Anju: "I want your help with something. I need to carry some things, and I can't do it all on my own." Theo: "Sure, sure. Need anyone else? Shin's probably free. Shin—" Theo: "These things sure are "convenient," aren't they? Even though you have to carry them around everywhere, and they don't work if the other person turns them off, and you have to punch in the number each time or register it..." Anju: "You preferred the implants?" Anju: "It's weird how the Federacy wanted those things. I know it's odd to say this after we used them for so long, but we know basically nothing about them." Theo: "Well, they're probably useful on the battlefield. These things get jammed easily, I guess. As for the Juggernauts, I don't know what they expect to learn from looking at those walking coffins." Anju: "There wasn't anything I wanted to take from them, though." Theo: "Same." Theo: "He's not answering!" Theo: "You know... Shin wanted his scarf and pistol back." Theo: "Ernst ended up holding on to the pistol." Anju: "It's the pistol he used to end everyone's lives." Anju: "Shin never let anyone else do that." Theo: "I'm sure he had to, because of the voices, but I don't think it would kill him to take it easier." Anju: "There were probably times when being trapped by it helped him survive." Anju: "In a way, it kept him alive. Maybe having the goal of killing his brother kept him here with us." Anju: "Without that, now he's..." Theo: "This place, Republic Plaza, is where the Republic's embassy was." Theo: "I didn't know that when I came here." Theo: "Maybe I'm still trapped, too." Theo: "What about you, Anju?" Theo: "You were supposed to die on that battlefield, but you're still alive. They want us to think about our futures. Have you decided on yours?" Anju: "I thought about it a lot, but it's the same." Anju: "The things I think I should be doing..." Anju: "You're asking me now? Isn't it too late for that?" Theo: "Yeah." Anju: "Anyway!" Theo: "Oh, right." Theo: "Come on, Shin!" Truck Man 2: "Wow! The Vánagandrs are huge!" Truck Man 1: "How do you drive one of those? I'd love to give it a try." Shop Woman: "How about this one? I'm sure you'd look great in it!" Shop Woman: "If you wait till next week, it'll be 20% off!" Kurena: "Next week..." Shop Woman: "Yup, yup!" Kurena: "I don't really know..." Shop Woman: "Come back if you change your mind!" Kurena: "Okay..." Shop Woman: "Come in! Hey, I haven't seen you in a while! What are you looking for today? Want to try on some of our new stuff? You'll love it!" Raiden: "What's wrong?" ederica: "Raiden, welcome back." Raiden: "Where's Theresa?" ederica: "She went shopping and hasn't come back." Raiden: "Nobody's here? So—" ederica: "I'm really hungry! I'm—" Raiden: "Just wait." ederica: "It's delicious! You have my gratitude, Raiden!" Raiden: "Right, right." ederica: "Weren't you going drinking with your work buddies today?" Raiden: "Oh..." Raiden: "I canceled." Raiden: "You're lucky I was the one who came home early. If it were Shin, things would have turned out quite differently." ederica: "What... so Shinei is a bad cook?" Raiden: "Not bad, but he doesn't care, and it shows. He only cares about fighting." ederica: "I see. Sounds like a man who dedicated everything to killing his brother." Raiden: "How did you know about Shin's brother?" ederica: "Well..." Shinei: "Eat your carrots, too." ederica: "How did you get in here without making any noise?" Shinei: "Habit." ederica: ""Habit"?!" Raiden: "What's all this stuff?" ederica: "Stop it! It scares me!" Shinei: "Just get used to it, and it won't be a problem." A: "We went shopping with Theresa, and the car broke down." Theresa: "And since there was a lot to carry..." Anju: "We looked." Theresa: "We called him." Raiden: "Welcome home." Theresa: "Thank you, everyone. I wasn't doing anything anyway. You should've just asked from the start. I'm a servant here. I can't let the master's children carry my things. No, he's not our dad. Oh, welcome home, Kurena." Kurena: "Yeah..." A: "What's wrong?" Kurena: "Um, well..." Kurena: "I... think I've seen everything I need to see!" Shinei: "You've had enough?" Kurena: "Yeah..." Kurena: "Let's go back... to where we belong!" Ernst: "Why?" Theo: ""Why?"" Raiden: "We're sorry for being suspicious at first. This is a good place. So we stayed here a little too long." Anju: "We've had our rest. And want to keep going." Kurena: "So we're going back." Ernst: "But why go back to the battlefield?" Theo: "We said we wanted to from the start." Ernst: "Yes, but..." Shinei: "We were lucky, that's all. If we use that as an excuse to stay here, what can we say to those who died fighting until the end?" Shinei: "We can't pretend to be at peace when we're not." Shinei: "Even if we're going to die either way, we can choose how." Shinei: "If we're going to die someday, we will fight till the end. That's the life we chose." Shinei: "Please don't take that from us." Ernst: "That's not true!" Ernst: "It's not! You made it here because you fought to the end! You have the right to enjoy your reward! That's what your comrades would want! It's not something to be ashamed of!" ederica: "Silence, Ernst." ederica: "They've finally escaped a cage of oppression. Now you're going to trap them in a cage of pity?" ederica: "You're not so stupid to miss that you'd be the same as the Republic." ederica: "They're not young, ignorant children." ederica: "If they want to go, let them go." Raiden: "And it wouldn't do to say you're going on ahead, only to have someone else go first." Ernst: "All right. But on one condition. You need to go through the Special Officer's Training School and become officers. Otherwise, no. When you leave the service, officers will have more opportunities than enlisted soldiers. I want you to have as many choices available to you as possible when this war is over." Theresa: ""When the war is over"?" Anju: "I never thought about that." Ernst: "This war will end someday. If you want to fight until the end, you need to think about what'll happen when it's over." ederica: "You should be able to accept that." ederica: "I understand that you've got nothing but your pride to keep you together." ederica: "But that's no way for a complete human being to live." ederica: "It's blood and soil that make a person who they are. If you have neither, and try to define yourself just by who you personally are, when you lose sight of that, you'll quickly fall apart." ederica: "Never forget that." Shinei: "Who are you talking to, princess?" ederica: "I'm not a princess." ederica: "My true name is Augusta Frederica Adel-Adler. The last Empress of the Empire of Giad, who ordered the Legion to invade the rest of the continent ten years ago." ederica: "I am one of those who took your families and your home from you. If there's anything you want to say to me, go ahead." Raiden: "I don't know if you're the last empress or whatever, but it was the Republic who took everything from us." Raiden: "We're not going to suddenly forget that now. Don't insult us." Raiden: "Also, how old were you ten years ago?" ederica: "I'm sorry." ederica: "I admire your pride, so let me make a request of you Eighty-Six. If you're going back to the battlefield," ederica: "take me with you!" ederica: "And help me destroy my knight's ghost!" Shinei: "He was taken by the Legion?" ederica: "Yes. The Legion who attacked you just before you reached this country." Shinei: "How do you know?" ederica: "The power of the blood I inherited allows me" ederica: "to see glimpses of the present and past of those I meet." ederica: "The wound your brother gave you hurt, didn't it?" ederica: "I'm sorry. I saw." ederica: "But seeing is all I can do!" ederica: "I can't save Kiriya alone!" ederica: "So please... help me! Like the brother you saved, and who saved you in turn... Save my knight!" ederica: "Shin, hurry up!" Ernst: "Have a good trip."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 13 – It's Too Late", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "13", "It's Too Late" ] }
Instructor: "Okay, good!" Instructor: "Now further back! Push them back!" All: "Roger!" Eugene: "Do we go around?" Marcel: "Just wait, you pieces of scrap. I'm gonna blow a giant hole in your ass!" Student: "Hey, Marcel! We're going to crash into it!" Student: "We're saved..." Eugene: "Ow..." Shin: "Sorry, Eugene. You okay?" Eugene: "I think so..." Instructor: "What the hell are you doing?! Get out of there, now!" Instructor: "Cadet Marcel, what the hell was that?" Marcel: "I wanted to get behind the enemy." Instructor: "And so you went over the hill?" Instructor: "Exposing your Feldreß's belly to enemy fire?" Instructor: "Your grade for this exercise is zero! Go back to basic!" Marcel: "Yes, sir." Instructor: "Next, Cadet Nouzen! Jumping in a Vánagandr? Are you insane? Are you trying to destroy it?" Shin: "I judged that it was the only way to avoid a collision." Shin: "It's better to lose the legs on one than losing both altogether." Eugene: "Shin..." Instructor: "True." Instructor: "I'll give you credit for avoiding a collision. But you still engaged in dangerous piloting. So you get a zero, too. Got it?" Shin: "Yes, sir." Marcel: "Nouzen!" Marcel: "I'm not gonna thank you!" Shin: "I don't need you to." Marcel: "For one thing, you didn't need to dodge. I could've—" Shin: "I said you don't need to." Marcel: "Let's go, Eugene." Marcel: "Come with me!" Grethe: "It's nice being young, isn't it?" Shin: "Is that how it looks to you?" Grethe: "You're so cold." Shin: "What is it today?" Grethe: "I want you to come with me again. I got permission." Marcel: "Eugene, you need to put some distance between you and Nouzen." Eugene: "Why?" Classmate: "You know about the new Feldreß those Eighty-Six are working on with R & D." Marcel: "Those things are insane. They're based on the Republic's designs, which don't factor in pilot safety at all!" Student: "They say a dozen of its test pilots have already died." Marcel: "But none of them got hurt at all!" Eugene: "That's just a rumor." Marcel: "Yeah..." Marcel: "But he gives me a bad feeling." Marcel: "Almost as if..." Eugene: "As if what?" Marcel: "He's the Reaper." Grethe: "Are you guys ready for a trip?" Raiden: "How far are we going?" Kurena: "Is this a training exercise?" Theo: "No idea." Anju: "But something's on those trucks, right?" Theo: "Oh, with the tarp over it?" Grethe: "When you came through this place, it was still under Legion control. But we've taken this place back over the last six months." Grethe: "We moved up the battle lines and found these stranded Republic Feldreß." Grethe: "There was a plate among them with names on it. In the Federacy, when someone dies in battle, their name is engraved on a memorial in the National Cemetery. We decided the names of your comrades on the plate, all 575 of them, should be recorded here. So we did this. Don't worry. After we recorded the names on the plate, we returned it to its original spot." Grethe: "What do you think?" Shin: "Thank you for your concern." Grethe: "But you've graduated the Special Officers' School, so now you're part of the Giad Federacy's military." Grethe: "And before long, you'll be sent into battle." Grethe: "You'll be working in the Nordlicht squadron, which is under my command." Grethe: "I am Lt. Colonel Grethe Wenzel, commander of the 1028th Test Unit." Grethe: "Glad to be working with you all." Shin: "Thank you." ederica: "Hey, you didn't need to throw us off!" Anju: "Frederica?" Theo: "What is that?" ederica: "Don't look! This is a surprise!" Kurena: "A surprise?" ederica: "That's right!" Raiden: "What is that?" Theo: "A scavenger?" Anju: "That's Republic tech." Kurena: "Why?" Shin: "Fido?" Anju: "What are you saying, Shin?" Raiden: "Do you name all your pets the same thing?" ederica: "No, this is Fido." ederica: "The one who was with you." ederica: "We investigated when we found it and discovered its core unit was intact. Grethe rebuilt it." ederica: "We've replaced the mechanical parts, but this is the real Fido!" Grethe: "It looks the same, but it's several times stronger." Theo: "No way." ederica: "He also thought he was dead and refused to activate at first." ederica: "He only turned on when I gave him Shinei's name." Shin: "You are the proof that we made it here." Shin: "Perform your mission until you rust away." Shin: "You're still alive?" Shin: "I ordered to do your mission until you rusted away." Shin: "But well..." Shin: "Want to go home together, once more?" Theo: "Saw that coming." ederica: "Shouldn't you be a little worried?" Grethe: "That's right!" Kurena: "It'd take more than that to break Fido." ederica: "I meant Shinei!" Grethe: "Right!" Raiden: "Oh, he'll be fine." Anju: "Shin knows how Fido moves." ederica + Grethe: "Really?" Grethe: "So he does know how to smile, huh?" Theo: "So, Frederica, why are you here?" ederica: "Because I'm your mascot." Anju: ""Mascot"?" ederica: "You didn't know? They have young girls like me join a unit and eat and sleep with them. The unit becomes a found family and becomes willing to risk their lives for their beloved daughter or sister. It's a Giad tradition." Theo: "That's sickening." Anju: "Do you mean..." ederica: "Yup." ederica: "I'll be joining the 1028th Test Unit. Which means I'm your goddess of victory!" ederica: "Why are you laughing?" ederica: "By the way, Shinei. I have another surprise for you." ederica: "I got it from Ernst." ederica: "It's important to you, isn't it?" Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "Welcome back." Anju: "Welcome back." Theo: "Welcome back." Kurena: "Welcome back!" Shin: "Glad to be here." Soldier 1: "Enemy squadron incoming! Forty-five seconds to contact!" Soldier 2: "I'm not dying yet!" Soldier 3: "Damn it!" Soldier 3: "Where's our suppression fire?" Soldier: "Damn it all!" Soldier: "I'm not letting you take me with you!" Marcel: "How many of these damn things are there?" Soldiers: "Stand fast! Even if you run, they'll catch you! I'm honored to die for my homeland and my comrades!" Eugene: "No!" Eugene: "That's the new Reginleif..." Soldier: "The Eighty-Six..." Soldier: "Monsters of the Republic!" Tech: "Lieutenant, you used the high-frequency blade again, didn't you?" Shin: "Yes." Tech: "Stop abusing that thing! We don't have a spare blade yet. And even besides that, the way you use it—" Shin: "It's fine." Shin: "The Legion are going to withdraw." Tech: "Huh?" Tech: "Roger." ederica: "Well done, Shinei!" Shin: "You snuck in here again?" ederica: "You can't get rid of me by begging the repair crew to help you." Shin: "I told you not to follow us onto the battlefield." Shin: "You're just a mascot. Remember that." ederica: "You don't get to tell me that! A commanding officer isn't supposed to go running alone into enemy territory! It's a bad habit! Bernholdt was complaining." ederica: "Are you listening, Shinei? You need to take care of yourself." ederica: "I can't get it off! Help me, Bernholdt!" Bernholdt: "Right, right." Bernholdt: "But you should quiet down. Everybody's tired after days of fighting." ederica: "Yeah. Sorry..." Officer 1: "Hey, what are Nordlicht doing here?" Officer 2: "We sent a request for help yesterday, right?" Officer 1: "A 2nd Lieutenant running a whole battalion?" Officer 2: "Supposedly all his superior officers died. Right now, it's at a squadron's staffing level." Officer 1: "Who killed them, I wonder?" Officer 3: "The headless skeleton, possessed by a Reaper. Creepy." Marcel: "Stop it, Eugene." Eugene: "Sorry, you eat with the others." Eugene: "Can I sit here?" Shin: "Sure... Eugene? You ended up here?" Eugene: "I got here last month." Eugene: "It's good to see you again, Shin." Shin: "Yeah." Shin: "If you can't eat them, don't force yourself." ederica: "But that would be rude to the kitchen staff." Shin: "Then try harder." Eugene: "You saved us yesterday." Shin: "Oh, sorry. There were so many requests for help, I didn't notice." Eugene: "You're busy, huh?" Shin: "Busy enough for the squadron to be split up." Eugene: "That's why it's just the two of you." ederica: "Hey, I remember you!" Eugene: "You remembered me!" ederica: "Of course! I heard you ended up in Shinei's class at school! It must've been hard." Eugene: "Yeah. He's really cold, and he never talks. You never know what he's thinking." ederica: "I know! I know! You talk to him, and he doesn't even look up from his book, or say a word! If it's not something he's interested in, he won't even listen!" Eugene: "And he does really crazy stuff at weird times!" ederica: "That's right! That's right!" Eugene: "I think we'll get along." Eugene: "Let's be friends!" ederica: "Yes! It's a pleasure to meet you!" ederica: "Now!" ederica: "How about we take a photo to remember this day!" Eugene: "Yeah." ederica: "Shinei!" Eugene: "Is this part of the job for a goddess of victory?" ederica: "It's all I can do." ederica: "Now..." ederica: "I don't want to interrupt a meeting between old friends, so I'll be going!" Eugene: "She became a mascot, huh?" Shin: "Yeah." Eugene: "Nobody even likes that old custom anymore." Shin: "Even someone like her, if she's there, we have to protect her." Shin: "We're all strangers, so they must think they need a hostage." Eugene: "That's awful." Shin: "She choose that path." Eugene: "But she doesn't have a reason to fight, right? Family, country, justice, making a living... None of that matters to a kid that age!" Eugene: "So why does she have to fight?" Shin: "You may be right." Shin: "How's your sister? Is she doing well?" Eugene: "Yeah, I think." Eugene: "She's kind of lonely, 'cause she's staying with my aunt." Shin: "Aunt?" Eugene: "Oh, we don't have parents. I want her to go to a good school," Eugene: "so I need to make money." Shin: "It's rough being a big brother." Eugene: "Great, isn't she? You can't have her." Shin: "I've already got a little brat." Eugene: "I'm taking her somewhere on my next leave." Eugene: "A zoo or an amusement park. Maybe shopping. Since she's a little girl, I bet she'd love clothes or shoes." Shin: "Then you really shouldn't have joined the military, right?" Shin: "The war's not going well. And I don't think that's going to change." Eugene: "Yes. My unit lost fifteen people just yesterday." Eugene: "Our commander said this is normal when things get bad." Shin: ""Normal," huh? I don't think that many dead is "normal." The number of dead and the number of destroyed Legion don't match at all." Eugene: "It sure doesn't feel like we're winning." Eugene: "From the generals' perspective, it probably just means fewer mouths to feed." Eugene: "Sorry!" Eugene: "No..." Eugene: "But then what about you? Why did you..." Shin: "Again? They never give up." Eugene: "I bet girls don't like them." Eugene: "Okay, see you later." ederica: "You're safe, right, Shinei?" Shin: "Yeah." ederica: "Good." ederica: "But..." ederica: "I'm sorry. I have bad news." Shin: "Frederica, close your "eyes."" Eugene: "Nina..." Eugene: "The picture..." Eugene: "Nina's..." Eugene: "Please..." Eugene: "Thank you." Marcel: "Eugene..." Marcel: "Did you do that, Nouzen?" Shin: "Good timing. Make the casualty report." Marcel: "Why didn't you save him? You could've done it!" Marcel: "You were too busy fighting those hunks of steel, weren't you?" Marcel: "You battle-mad Eighty-Six!" Officer: "Stop it, Lieutenant Marcel." Officer: "Are you no different from those scum in the Republic?" Officer: "I apologize." Officer: "And thank you for what you did for Lieutenant Rantz." Shin: "No..." Officer: "So let me say this." Officer: "If you joined up out of a desire to repay us for saving you, there's no need." Officer: "We will never force poor children like you to fight." Officer: "It's not too late." Officer: "Leave the army and live happily." Shin: "The Legion are coming. Meet up with your allies while you can." ederica: "Shinei?" Shin: "What's the situation?" ederica: "Not good." ederica: "Nordlicht has new orders." ederica: "Gather up at point 27-32 in preparation for a new attack. Then stand by for further orders." Shin: "Roger." ederica: "Shinei." ederica: "You're okay, right?"
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 14 – Glad to Be Here", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "14", "Glad to Be Here" ] }
Shin: "Last one." Raiden: "Did you actually read those?" Shin: "It's rare for you to end up at the same base as me." Raiden: "Supposedly we'll all be together tomorrow. I don't really care. But do you think they could treat us a little different?" Shin: "These things are prototypes, after all." Raiden: "We took some heavy hits yesterday." Raiden: "Are you thinking it's about time for them to come?" Shin: "No. I guess you could say they could come at any time." Soldier: "Our analysis of the increase in comms traffic, as well as the reports from our autonomous scouts, shows a high probability of a large-scale Legion attack in the coming days. That's the Joint Analysis Team's conclusion." Richard: "So it's finally coming..." Richard: "What is it, Colonel Wenzel?" Grethe: "I assume we'll be reorganizing our units to prepare for the attack. I'd like my men back." Richard: "The Reginleifs are still in the prototype stage. With no idea whether they're capable of operating effectively on their own, it's safest to keep them grouped with Vánagandrs, as we've been doing." Grethe: "Sir, I understand your position, but Nordlicht squadron's total kill count is among the best in the 8th Corps." Richard: "As are their losses." Grethe: "Consider it a filtering process." Officer: "All you're doing is taking advantage of the Eighty-Six's experience! Sending those poor kids right back into the war... You're a merchant of death, desperate to get back your lost position!" Grethe: "My new Feldreß, the MX2 Reginleif, has even greater mobility than the Legion. If we're going to prepare for this large-scale offensive, do we not need to break with traditional tactical doctrine and have a small elite unit capable of battling a much larger force?" Grethe: "To protect the Federacy, and its people... I hope you'll consider allowing my Reginleifs, as well as Nordlicht squadron, to be put to their proper use, General." Bernholdt: "Reporting, Squadron Commander. There were two casualties in the battle yesterday, putting us under twenty men." Bernholdt: "We're just out here on loan from the labs, and a group of foreigners, too. And our commander is the famous spider-woman, the weirdest girl even among the lab weirdos or the brass." Bernholdt: "We're asking for more men, but they won't send anyone." Shin: "I'm used to not having additional men." Bernholdt: "Your life would've been easier if you'd joined one of the regular units." Shin: "I feel more at home here." Bernholdt: "As long as you don't get us killed with idiotic orders, even if you're a bratty little kid who never smiles, or who puts himself at the head of every charge, or a Reaper who'll drive you crazy if you try to sympathize with us, it doesn't matter to me." Bernholdt: "Lieutenant? Lieutenant?" Shin: "Change before your leave your room." ederica: "Kiri, I was combing my hair." Shin: "Frederica!" ederica: "Shinei. Sorry, I got it wrong." Theo: "Yesterday was rough." Shin: "Anju, sorry." Anju: "Frederica?" Anju: "Theo, go get a uniform!" Theo: "Huh?" Theo: "Um..." Theo: "I just got here!" Bernholdt: "Oh, you got another present. The idea of Eighty-Six as poor, helpless children is really getting out of control." Shin: "Get rid of them all. Don't even tell me about them." Bernholdt: "I'd love to," Bernholdt: "but I need to follow the rules. Militaries are organizations filled with inefficient, illogical humans." Bernholdt: "So, this concludes your report, squadron commander." Bernholdt: "Per the rules, please sign here!" Shin: "Eat, Frederica." ederica: "No true lady should let herself be seen like that!" Theo: "Who's a "lady"?" Raiden: "The biggest problem was that you were half-asleep and half-naked, wandering around the base." ederica: "Who told you, Raiden?" Kurena: "Hey, guys!" ederica: "You can be mean." Shin: "All I said was that if you can't even manage to dress yourself out here, you'd be better off at the base." Shin: "Mascots aren't asked to follow military orders. We'd feel better if you were at the rear." ederica: "I can't do that. I'm here to see this to the end." Raiden: "Make sure you don't wander around the base half-asleep and half-naked anymore, then." Kurena: "Half-naked?!" Theo: "Get this—" ederica: "Don't tell her!" Kurena: "Half-naked?" ederica: "Stop talking about that! It's been a long time since all of you have been together, right?" Kurena: "That's right!" Anju: "Kurena, calm down." Raiden: "We won't be together long, though." Anju: "We'll be starting clean-up, I guess." Theo: "Repairing damaged defenses, recovering the remains of allied and enemy weapons... Bodies, too." Theo: "The mechanized units got hit hard. We might get sent on a patrol." Anju: "Even though we know there's no point..." Theo: "We can't explain that, though." Anju: "Yeah..." ederica: "Jeez..." ederica: "You've become used to being lackeys for the whole army. Today, we're heading back to our base!" Grethe: "Welcome back!" Grethe: "First, thank you for all the rescue and support missions you've been doing." Grethe: "It looks like the Reginleifs work better with you and the Foreign units." Grethe: "What do you think, Lieutenant? Do you like them?" Shin: "I've submitted my evaluation alongside that of the Para-RAID." Grethe: "Yup. So now I want to hear how you feel about them. You used Feldreßes of similar types back in the Republic, right?" Shin: "If you're asking about the Juggernauts you made..." Grethe: "Reginleifs." Shin: "Juggernauts." Grethe: "Reginleifs!" Shin: "Juggernauts." Grethe: "Fine." Grethe: "And?" Shin: "They're aluminum coffins, slightly better than the ones the Republic had." Grethe: "Really?" Kurena: "Did she not know?" Theo: "Those things were only designed for mobility, not safety." Anju: "They're responsible for the deaths of several Processors." Raiden: "We only barely manage to use them because we're experienced." Grethe: "They're "slightly better" than the ones that made me doubt the sanity of the idiot who made them? The guys who piloted them were crazy, too!" Shin: "It was all we were given." Grethe: "I see." Grethe: "They're not bad. I don't think. Though they do require a certain sort of Processor. I appreciate their speed, and they're fast, but also very precise. They're highly maneuverable. I see. For some reason I don't think I'm being complimented." Anju: "He's not complimenting her, is he?" Grethe: "So why'd you agreed to be an operator?" Shin: "I'm told it was you who recommended us." Grethe: "As test pilots. I'm actually opposed to child soldiers like you being sent to the front lines. Especially Eighty-Six like you." Grethe: "I was a Vánagandr pilot. When the war with the Legion started ten years ago," Grethe: "I was your age." Grethe: "A lot of my friends died because of those slow-ass Vánagandr." Grethe: "I told myself so many times that a faster Feldreß could've saved their lives. That's why I made the Reginleifs." Grethe: "Thank you for your honest opinion, Lieutenant. I'll make you give me a better one with the next round of upgrades. Look forward to it." Grethe: "Now, I've got good news before I give you the message. The other day we were finally able to confirm the survival of the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia and the Alliance of Wald. According to the wireless transmissions we received," Kurena: "What countries are those?" Grethe: "they've managed to build defensive lines and maintain an area they could survive in." Theo: "They're to the north and south." Anju: "We learned that in officer's school!" Kurena: "Did we?" Grethe: "However, the other surrounding nations, as well as the Republic of San Magnolia to the west, are still not answering our radio messages." Mechanic: "So is the message a bad one, ma'am?" Grethe: "It is, unfortunately. We're predicting a large-scale Legion attack soon. The Western Theater Army will be strengthening its forces and reorganizing its chain of command. The 1028th Test Unit will be placed under the 177th Mechanized, and I will be taking command. It's time for the Nordlicht squadron, and my Reginleifs, to shine!" Grethe: "Any questions?" Shin: "What is the size of the offensive?" Grethe: "We expect to be able to beat it back easily with our current forces." Grethe: "You'd sent me a message about something similar, right? I read it with great interest, but the number of enemies you said were coming is just impossible. It goes far beyond what our analysts are saying." Grethe: "You don't need to be that worried." Grethe: "The Federacy isn't like the Republic. We take recon and analysis seriously. And we prepare properly. And more than anything, the Federacy will never abandon those who fight alongside it." Shin: "What is it?" ederica: "Would you quit your hobby of walking in complete silence?" ederica: "It's so dreary in here. You should put up a painting or a photo or something. It's so desolate." Shin: "All I do here is sleep. If I have more things, it makes it harder to clean." ederica: "It's not just a place to sleep. It's a place to live. A place to call home." ederica: "It's not good to leave it empty." ederica: "Maybe that was okay in the Republic, but..." ederica: "Eugene's room was filled with photos." Shin: "You were the one who cleaned it?" ederica: "There aren't enough hands to do all the work that needs doing. I helped go through his things." ederica: "It was all photos of his sister." Shin: "You shouldn't have talked to him. Then you wouldn't have had to see him die." ederica: "I don't think so. Even if death will eventually tear you apart, it's better to meet someone than not meet them. You can remember that." Shin: "If there's no need, you shouldn't get involved in someone else's death." ederica: "You're one to talk. Mr. Kind and Gentle Reaper." Shin: "Why did you come here?" ederica: "Um, well... I'm sorry about this morning, when I said "Kiri"..." Shin: "Are we that similar?" ederica: "Yeah. Not like twins, but very similar!" ederica: "My knight, Kiriya Nouzen, was a member of the Nouzen clan like you." ederica: "He wasn't a direct descendant of the clan, so he wasn't really related to you. But he was four years older than you... So when I saw him last, he looked how you do now." ederica: "In a fortress filled with adults, he was the only one I could play with." ederica: "He would comb my hair, get me flowers from the garden... No matter what selfish things I asked for, he would never get upset." ederica: "He was really serious about everything. And stubborn, too." ederica: "I'm sure if he met you, you wouldn't get along at all." ederica: "Here." Shin: "Which?" ederica: "This one! "When you talk to someone, close your book!" "Follow the rules and regulations!" He was all about that stuff. I'm sure you'd ignore all that, which would just make him madder." ederica: "I can almost see it." Shin: "Why did he become a Legion?" ederica: "It's my fault." ederica: "The Giad Empire used the Legion to attack our neighbors. But after that, the people rebelled, and the Imperial family was chased to a border fortress. The Legion were supposed to protect us in our soldiers' stead," ederica: "but ironically... Well, I don't know what happened exactly. But the Legion weren't built to fight alongside humans." ederica: "So we had to use human defenders at the fortress. And Kiriya had to fight to protect me" ederica: "against the rebelling people." Shin: "You mean the current Federacy Army." ederica: "Yes." ederica: "He killed many of them. And eventually, he went insane." ederica: "He lost his family, everyone he knew... The home he grew up in was enemy territory. And the other members of the royal guard alongside him fell one after another, like tines falling from a comb." ederica: "I think he lost too much." ederica: "Eventually fighting for my sake became all he had. I would often see him smiling at me, crushing a Federacy soldier beneath his boot, a bloodstained Feldreß at his side..." ederica: "With a calm, bright look on his face..." ederica: "And I was so scared." ederica: "Eventually, the fortress fell, and the Federacy caught us. I was lucky that Ernst was there to inspire his men. Thanks to him, the only thing that was shown to the crowd as proof of my death was the Imperial mantle I wore." ederica: "But Kiriya saw it... And at that moment, the Legion were wandering the battlefield and looking for things they could recycle." ederica: "Kiriya stood there, not moving, and he did not run." ederica: "I turned him into that monster." ederica: "And in the end... the Empire fell, and many died. And only the Legion were left." ederica: "You said they're coming, right?" ederica: "Kiri will be there, too." ederica: "When that happens..." Shin: "I understand." ederica: "You don't." ederica: "If it gets dangerous, run. Don't fight." ederica: "I'd forgotten how easily people die." ederica: "No matter how you want them to have a future..." ederica: "You were right a moment ago." ederica: "I don't want the people I've met to die." ederica: "Saving Kiriya isn't worth your or the others' deaths." ederica: "You all have a future, and that cannot be taken from you." Shin: "A future?" ederica: "I knew it. You've never even thought about it. Jeez..." ederica: "It's not a good example, but you should take a lesson from Eugene. Your next leave. Where you want to go. What you want to do someday. Anything like that will do." ederica: "What's so funny?" Shin: "No, someone once said the same thing to me." ederica: "And what did you say?" Shin: "That I'd never thought about it." ederica: "How boring. Even your heart is dreary. That person must've been disappointed." Shin: "Maybe so." Raiden: "What are you doing?" Raiden: "She likes you, big brother." Shin: "I just remind her of someone." Raiden: "That knight?" Raiden: "But isn't it the same for you? You seem to have taken a real liking to her." Shin: "Maybe." Shin: "She's the same as the old me." Raiden: "I don't know about that." Raiden: "Kurena, come pick up the princess." Raiden: "Hey, wait." Raiden: "You gave them a warning, huh?" Shin: "I figured I may as well try." Raiden: "I told you when we came here to keep that power of yours a secret. You haven't forgotten what they called you when they found out you could hear those voices, Reaper." Raiden: "The Federacy aren't the saints they think they are." Raiden: "And even here, we're not treated as their equals." Raiden: "It isn't just the Legion that likes to take out people's brains. If you want to be a guinea pig, that's up to you, but I don't want to end up a hostage to encourage you. Don't do anything stupid." Shin: "Sorry." Raiden: "The warning you gave them is enough on its own." Raiden: "It's up to them if they want to believe." Raiden: "But... are you okay?" Shin: "What do you mean?" Raiden: "You're not thinking of anything you don't need to be, are you?" Raiden: "Is what Ernst said bothering you?" Shin: "The future?" Raiden: "Yeah." Shin: "Frederica told me to think about it." Shin: "But I never have." Shin: "I've never needed to." Shin: "You?" Raiden: "I think it'll all work out. It can't be harder than fighting the Legion." Raiden: "It was always about this time of day, wasn't it?" Raiden: "You think the Major's doing okay?"
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 15 – Welcome Back", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "15", "Welcome Back" ] }
Face: "No Face to Wide Area Network 1." Face: "We will now begin full-scale combat operations." Face: "All Legion within this network are to cease standby operations." Face: "All Legion within this network are to cease standby operations. Our targets are the Giad Federacy in the eastern region, the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia to the north, the Alliance of Wald to the south, and the Republic of San Magnolia to the west. All Legion attached to this network," Face: "begin the attack." Shin: "Wake up." Raiden: "Listen... At least say "wake up" before you yank out my pillow." Shin: "There's no time." Raiden: "They're finally coming?" Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "How many?" Shin: "I don't want to even try to count." Shin: "If anything, I wish somebody would tell me." Raiden: "This isn't like you." Shin: "This is close to the worst case I'd imagined." Shin: "Some of the forces I'd expected them to send to other nations are headed for the Federacy." Shin: "The West appears to be the most important theater to the Legion." Raiden: "Well, ain't that an honor." Raiden: "You..." Shin: "During the battle today, don't connect to me unless you absolutely have to." Shin: "I thought I was used to it, but what I'm feeling tonight is rough." Raiden: "Roger." Shin: "I'll let you get the unit prepared." Shin: "Wake the others." Raiden: "What about you?" Shin: "This isn't the time to stay quiet." Shin: "I'm waking up the entire army." Processor 1: "Shit. If this turns out to be a drill, that so-called Reaper is gonna get an "accidental" bullet to the back." Processor 2: "I'll shoot him where he stands." Bernholt: "You two wouldn't stand a chance. Stop talking and get ready." Soldier 1: "What?" Soldier 2: "Are those all... There are so many!" Soldier 3: "Incoming fire for effect!" Soldier 4: "Defense Line 1 has taken heavy enemy damage! Requesting reinforcements from the rear!" Soldier 5: "Everybody who's still alive, gather up your weapons and ammo! We're defending this place, no matter what!" Operator: "We've calculated the enemy's total numbers! Displaying on monitor!" Grethe: "No... So every area in the theater is under large-scale assault?" Grethe: "This is far more than we expected. The western front is going to collapse!" Comms: "The United Kingdom of Roa Gracia and the Alliance of Wald are experiencing similar attacks. They're both giving it their all, but I don't know that they'll be able to last." Shin: "Ma'am." Grethe: "Lieutenant Nouzen, what's the situation? When will you be ready to go?" Shin: "Whenever." Shin: "Nordlicht squadron is all ready to go." Grethe: "How are you ready so fast?" Shin: "You did not authorize us to prepare, but please save any lectures for later." Grethe: "All right. Tell me all about this later, Lieutenant. Maintain our combat lines until the other units are ready to go, no matter the cost!" Shin: "Roger." Soldier 6: "Retreat! The Löwes are coming!" Soldier 7: "Commander!" Soldier 8: "Don't go! No one can save them now." Soldier 8: "Follow me!" Soldier 8: "A Reginleif..." Soldier 8: "So this is Nordlicht squadron..." Shin: "Are there any other survivors?" Soldier: "Not any more. We're the last. The others were all killed by those scrapheads." Shin: "I see." Shin: "Withdraw and regroup, please." Shin: "We'll buy you time." Anju: "Okay... Let's get to work." Kurena: "There they are! Look at 'em all! Like ants that had their nest kicked in." Kurena: "I'll start with their commanders. I'll be changing places, so back me up." Raiden: "Roger, Kurena. Leave the little ones to me." Theo: "Okay, here we go!" Pilot: "Don't shoot, Nordlicht squadron. We're allies. That headless skeleton... You're the commander, right?" Shin: "Lieutenant Shinei Nouzen, commander of Nordlicht squadron." Shin: "What's the situation?" Pilot: "It appears we managed to drive off the first wave of Legion attackers. As have the other combat areas." Pilot: "This happened only because your emergency unit managed to hold them off. You saved a lot of lives." Pilot: "The other units have all launched. It's okay now. Fall back and resupply, then follow orders from command. The Federacy will handle this." Shin: "I'm sorry, but that last Legion unit was just an advance force. The second group is the main one. If we fall back now, this area will collapse." Pilot: "What?" Shin: "We'll leave this area to you. We're going to intercept the main wave." Shin: "If we can take down the front line of their advance, it will slow them down." Pilot: "Wait, Lieutenant. What do you mean—" Shin: "Transmission over." Shin: "You all heard that, right?" Shin: "Follow me if you want to live." All: "Right!" Sergeant: "Take all the ammo we've got!" Sergeant: "The minute a truck is full up, it goes!" Supply Guy: "Sergeant, our spares are ready to go!" Sergeant: "Have them ready to go when ordered." Supply Guy: "Yes, ma'am!" Sergeant: "Listen to me! Don't make Fido come get anything!" Sergeant: "He needs to concentrate on supporting the commander!" Sergeant: "Bringing supplies to the front when they're needed is our job!" Shin: "Fire." Raiden: "Looks like we're just getting started." ederica: "If only I knew where Kiri was, I could help them..." ederica: "There!" Operator: "The second wave is being held off in all combat areas! Nordlicht squadron has begun advancing on the enemy's main formation! They're still fighting on the front lines!" Operator: "They're monsters." Shin: "Shinei." Shin: "Shinei, Kiri is..." Shin: "Are you listening, Shinei? Kiri is..." Shin: "What are you doing, Shinei?" Shin: "Shinei..." Shin: "Shinei!" Shin: "No..." Shin: "No!" Kurena: "Shin?" ederica: "You..." ederica: "You mustn't keep fighting like that!" Grethe: "Command to all members of Nordlicht squadron." Grethe: "Good work." Grethe: "The Legion are falling back." Grethe: "Return to base." Shin: "Roger." Anju: "Frederica?" ederica: "Shinei, you fool." ederica: "You're just like Kiri." ederica: "You huge fool!" Soldier: "This is Northern Combat Lines Combat District 1 Squadron 1, Sledgehammer..." Soldier: "To all Eighty-Six Processors hearing this message..." Soldier: "This is Sledgehammer Combat Commander, Blackbird." Soldier: "Our war is over." Soldier: "All Processors hearing this message..." Soldier: "All who fought to the end..." Soldier: "All who survived..." Soldier: "We're finally leaving the service." Soldier: "We all did our best, huh?" Soldier: "You get what you deserve." Rep Officer 1: "What's that?" Rep Officer 1: "A movie?" Rep Officer 2: "Somebody turn off that alarm!" Rep Officer 2: "Quiet!" Lena: "The Gran Mur..." Lena: "The railgun..." Annette: "Lena, that warning!" Shiden: "I may as well let you know, Your Highness. The main attack came from the north! The north side's fallen, and the east and west are under attack from the north, too!" Lena: "Yes, Annette, Cyclops. I'm aware." Lena: "It's finally time." Karlstahl: "What do you think you're doing, Captain Milizé?" Lena: "General Karlstahl... I'm bringing all squadrons from all areas inside the Gran Mur to build a defense line before the Legion reach District 1 and intercept the enemy there. If we do that, we may still survive." Karlstahl: "Forget it. The people of the Republic would be better off being destroyed by the Legion than letting Eighty-Six inside the Gran Mur." Lena: "Are you still—" Karlstahl: "The Eighty-Six will never fight for the Republic." Karlstahl: "The Republic oppressed, abandoned, and slaughtered them. Even if we beg them to protect us now, they have no reason or obligation to do so." Karlstahl: "The most they'll do is laugh and tell us we're getting what we deserve." Lena: "They aren't obligated, but they do have a reason." Lena: "We possess manufacturing and power plants that they don't have. They've spent enough time on the battlefield that when it comes down to it, they'll decide that they need those things to survive." Karlstahl: "They may obey us at first, but they'll soon realize that it would be much easier to fight the Legion alone than protect a bunch of useless citizens who do nothing but complain." Karlstahl: "And what will happen then?" Karlstahl: "If we're lucky, it will just be a massacre." Karlstahl: "But you've studied enough history to know that that won't be the case." Lena: "Even so..." Lena: "I don't want to give up on everything or just wait to die! Even if I'm going to fail and die, I want to fight until that moment comes!" Lena: "Otherwise..." Lena: "The ones who did the same..." Lena: "The ones who believed that I could do the same..." Lena: "I'll never be able to face them!" Announce: "We have an explanation regarding the warning a moment ago." Announce: "Soldiers and officers, please come to the meeting hall. I repeat: We have an explanation regarding the warning a moment ago. Soldiers and officers, please come to the meeting hall." Karlstahl: "Then do what you want." Karlstahl: "Follow your impossible dream until you're satisfied. It's a child's right to dream, Captain Milizé, and until that child wakes up from her dream and is crushed against the rocks of a merciless reality, it's an adult's job to protect her." Karlstahl: "I can buy you time, if nothing else." Lena: "Did you always intend to..." Karlstahl: "It's time for you to be crushed, Lena," Karlstahl: "as you watch your naïve dreams shatter against reality." Lena: "Wait, uncle—" Lena: "Good luck, General Karlstahl." Lena: "I'm going to reach that place." Lena: "Para-RAID, activate." Lena: "Synchronization target: All processors." Lena: "Synchronization complete." Lena: "Bloody Regina to all Processors in all combat areas! A large-scale Legion offensive has begun! You are to gather within the 85 districts and begin combat. All personnel within National Defense HQ, remove anti-personnel mines and open the Gran Mur's gates immediately." Lena: "Everything we've done was for this day..." Lena: "To protect our honor..." Lena: "Let's fight until the end." ederica: "On that day, Kiri attacked the Republic." ederica: "What I saw was a shattered wall and a burning five-color flag." ederica: "And a huge Legion..." Theo: "Which means?" Anju: "They're inside the 85 districts?" Kurena: "It's probably all over then, right?" Raiden: "Yeah." Theo: "Is he still attacking the Republic?" ederica: "No, now he's..." Kiri: "I'll kill you!" ederica: "Get down! Kiri is...!"
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 16 – Even So", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "16", "Even So" ] }
Shin: "Are you okay?" Theo: "I guess..." Kurena: "Where are we?" Raiden: "Their target's the forward base." Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "Shit!" ederica: "What's going on—" Shin: "Don't look." Soldier: "Someone, come help! Over here, too! My arm!" Shin: "Anju, please." Anju: "Of course." ederica: "Kiri did this..." Anju: "Let's go." ederica: "Shinei, you're not going to do this, right?" ederica: "You're not going to end up like Kiri, right?" Shin: "Yeah." Reporting Soldier: "The first barrage hit the 8th Mechanized's forward operating base, FOB14. Seventy-two minutes later, FOB13 was struck. Fifteen hours later, the 5th Infantry's FOB28 and FOB30 were struck. The artillery strikes wiped out all FOBs. The four regiments stationed at these bases— approximately 20,000 people— were wiped out. The ultra-long-range artillery behind this is believed to be a new type of Legion, that we will refer to as the "Morpho." Its estimated specs are as follows: 800 mm caliber, effective range 400 km, initial velocity 8,000 meters per second. This would be impossible for a normal cannon. We believe it to be a railgun." Ernst: "A railgun." Ernst: "This was in their report when we took them in." Man: "Yes. It's incredibly powerful." Man: "We believe the 15 hours between the second and third strikes were used to replace the barrel. During this time, the western front's forces loaded up every cruise missile they had and launched a saturation strike immediately after the fourth volley. The strike seems to have dealt some damage, but did not destroy the railgun." Zafar: "With regard to the damage, our autonomous units infiltrated Legion-held territory and managed to observe the Morpho. You didn't land a direct hit, but you severely damaged it." Bel: "If you could get that close, couldn't your machines have eliminated the Morpho?" Zafar: "Unfortunately, they can't carry that kind of payload. And many have to be destroyed just to get one in." Bel: "I see. So you spent quite a lot on this." Zafar: "We're all about to embark on a joint operation. There's no sense in hiding anything." Zafar: "Mutual trust is the most powerful way to bind two humans, or two nations." Enrst: "The issue at hand is how we deal with the Morpho and these supposedly sentient Legion." Bel: "Sentient Legion commanders. We've seen them here." Zafar: "The Legion's weakness was that they rely on their numbers and strength, but are tactically simple." Bel: "That large offensive may have been an attempt to lure more troops to the front lines." Both: "It makes my head hurt." Reporting Soldier: "Continuing... From its movement speed and last known firing position, the Morpho is likely a train-based weapon that uses the old high-speed railway network. Given the available routes and its movement radius," Reporting Soldier: "every one of our nation's capitals could be within its firing range." Reporting Soldier: "Its current location is the train terminal in Kreutzbek City. We estimate it will take a minimum of eight weeks for repairs and for it to become combat capable again." Reporting Soldier: "If we can't find some countermeasure by then..." Reporting Soldier: "we will be defeated." Ernst: "What countermeasures do we know will work?" Willem: "No we know of." Willem: "Our anti-air guns aren't fast enough to shoot it down, and we don't have enough to try. We're bringing in more cruise missiles from the other war zones, but Legion jamming means we can't guide them. And their slow speed makes them easy targets for Legion AA. The Morpho itself seems to have powerful AA weaponry." Willem: "Another air strike likely would not work any better. Without air superiority, an air-to-surface attack will be extremely difficult, and yet it lies far outside our artillery range." General 1: "Then we'll have to eliminate it directly using ground troops." General 2: "An all-out offensive by every soldier in the western theater into Legion-held territory." General 2: "A strike 100 km deep into enemy territory, swarming with Legion." General 1: "Even if we bring in all our immediately available reserves, we lost 26% of our forces on that front in the last attack. Pulling troops from the other battle lines isn't an option, so we'll have to do it with what we have here." General 3: "We've brought down the numbers of Legion in that area by roughly the same amount, but... They outnumber us by so much to begin with. Their manufacturing plants are unharmed. In two months, there'll be even more of them." General 1: "It's a handy thing to have... The power to predict destruction, but nothing else." General 3: "Whatever unit we choose to eliminate it will die." General 2: "Yes. That's why we should choose those who are most likely to succeed," General 2: "and least likely to be missed." Willem: "So you're the Eighty-Six?" Willem: "Of course, I've seen your ages, but you really are still kids." Willem: "I'm sorry. I've read the reports. You have incredibly strong combat abilities and aren't even afraid of death." Willem: "But you're not in the Republic anymore. Don't do anything reckless." Willem: "The Federacy isn't like the Republic." Willem: "Nobody here is replaceable." Willem: "For better, or for worse." ederica: "Shinei, what's wrong?" Shin: "Nothing." Theo: "You still tired? That last fight was probably really noisy for you. Didn't you get overwhelmed near the end?" Anju: "You didn't even notice the Legion's retreat." ederica: "I knew it. That's not how you usually fight." ederica: "I synchronized with you, but you didn't respond at all." Shin: "Synchronized?" ederica: "You didn't even notice?" ederica: "You should all get some rest, especially Shinei. You know at the bottom of your hearts that you're all exhausted." Theo: "At a time like this? That'd be rough." ederica: "Maintaining a soldier's mental health is an important part of the military. Especially since you're Eighty-Six, you'll be given some special consideration—" Kurena: "I don't want that. I don't want to be treated differently out of pity!" Soldiers: "Eighty-Six..." Raiden: "Kurena." Kurena: "I much prefer to be looked at that way. I'm used to it." Theo: "Well... We got lucky this time, but the whole base could be blown up at any moment. Everyone's on edge." Anju: "They said that it would take two months to repair the Morpho, and we shouldn't expect any attacks until then." Theo: "That estimate's based off five seconds of footage from some shady foreign country and some weird psychic power. I bet they feel like they can't trust it." Kurena: "But Shin knows the truth." Theo: "They didn't believe it till they heard that voice." Anju: "Yeah..." Raiden: "But still, there's been no major trouble or confusion. The Federacy trains its soldiers well." Theo: "The Republic's soldiers would turn tail and run." Theo: "I wonder if the Major's still alive." Anju: "Theo!" Theo: "Oh..." Kurena: "She wouldn't run." Anju: "Kurena!" Shin: "What?" Theo: "Don't tell me he doesn't realize it..." Anju: "Is there anything we can do about the Morpho?" Raiden: "We've got two months to come up with a plan. Even if we do, it probably won't be a good one." Theo: "It'll probably be us again." Raiden: "Probably." ederica: "Are you okay with that?" Kurena: "I just told you!" Marcel: "You want me to give it to him again?" : "There's no answer." Marcel: "Can I take a look?" Marcel: "It's easier to blame it on somebody else." Marcel: "Be careful on your way home." Marcel: "I'll make sure he gets it." : "Why did you abandon him?" : "Why didn't you save my brother?" : "You killed him, right?" Shin: "Yeah." : "I was waiting for him to come back!" : "You knew I was waiting!" : "Give my brother back!" Man 1: "Why is it always you?" Man 2: "Why should you be the one to survive?" Man 3: "You have no reason to live!" Man 1: "You have no one waiting for your return!" Shin: "That's right." Man 1: "If you'd died instead of him..." Lena: "I won't forget!" Shin: "Major..." Grethe: "Lieutenant Nouzen, General Richard wants to speak with you." Shin: "All right." Richard: "You can hear the Legion's voices." Richard: "You know where they are." Richard: "Do I understand that correctly?" Shin: "Yes, sir." Richard: "Where are they?" Richard: "Forget the Republic." Richard: "That's enough." Richard: "It seems you're telling the truth." Richard: "If you have that ability, you're even more suited for this operation. It's quite simple. Our three nations will launch a full assault as a decoy, lure the enemy's main forces to their respective fronts, and then withdraw. A special assault force will then make an aerial entry into Legion-held territory, which will now be less defended." Richard: "They will destroy the Morpho." Richard: "I'm assigning Lt. Shinei Nouzen and the 15 members of Nordlicht to this special offensive." Richard: "You'll be at the vanguard of the largest joint operation in history." Richard: "The edge of the spear that pierces the Legion's defenses. Spearhead." Richard: "Give this your all." Grethe: "Permission to speak, General?" Richard: "What is it, Wenzel?" Grethe: "This is a suicide mission! Why them—" Hart: "Because you're Eighty-Six!" Kaie: "I don't think that's what he's saying." Daiya: "Well, it's what he means." Kujo: "We can't assign anybody with a family to this insane mission, huh?" Myna: "I guess Eighty-Six aren't welcome, no matter where they go." Mikuri: "She knows that, and she's still getting mad. She can't change it! Like that princess." Kujo: "I don't know anything about that!" Rekka: "Wow, I can hear the voices of the Legion all the way in the Republic's capital." Chise: "Did the white pigs all die?" Kino: "They're on their way to hell!" Kuroto: "I don't know if hell exists, but it's all the same when you're dead." Daiya: "Die as scum. Or die with pride." Daiya: "It's how you live that's important, right?" Haruto: "We lived with pride! Right up to the very end!" Kujo: "But that was only because of you, Undertaker." Kujo: "Our Reaper!" Kujo: "Don't forget that! Thanks!" All: "Thanks!" Shin: "I'm left behind... always." Lena: "I won't let you die." Shin: "Then I wanted you to live longer than we did." Lena: "Don't leave me." Shin: "That was my wish." Lena: "I won't forget." Shin: "Goodbye." Richard: "Somebody has to do it. In that respect, you have experience in Legion territory. If you've done it once, you can do it again." Richard: "The Federacy saved you from the battlefield. If you've come back to it," Richard: "it means you were willing to do this." Richard: "War is a soldier's job. Dying in battle..." Richard: "is part of the job." Shin: "Understood." Grethe: "Are you disillusioned, Lieutenant?" Grethe: "That the world you ended up in was no better than this?" Shin: "It's the best solution to the problem at hand. Without taking out the Morpho, no matter the cost, it will be difficult for the Federacy to maintain its battle lines." Grethe: "Yes." Grethe: "But all we need for this mission is your power. As long as the Morpho is destroyed, I'm allowed to say how the operation is done." Grethe: "I'm sending the other foreign units on this mission." Grethe: "You don't have to go yourself. You and your friends must stay here." Grethe: "And when this is over, quit the military." Grethe: "You've fought more than enough for your homeland, which refused to protect you. So—" Shin: "So... You want us to cease being who we are, for the sake of your "pity" and your "sense of justice"? Is that right?" Shin: "I'm grateful that you saved me." Shin: "But that does not give you the right to pity me. It doesn't give you the right to tell me not to fight," Shin: "or to run from the battle and make someone else fight for me. I refuse to be like the Republic or turn my eyes from the war until the day the end comes!" Shin: "We..." Shin: "There may be a time lag that causes the mission to fail." Shin: "I'll take direct command of the assault team." Ernst: "I guess we can't keep quiet about it any longer." Willem: "I'm sorry for making you do the hard job, General." Richard: "It's fine. This is a division commander's responsibility." Richard: "Do you think he'll be able to come back? Even alone." Willem: "Strategic Planning HQ says the odds of survival are close to zero." Willem: "The soldiers would be furious if one of their friends was sent on a mission like that. But they'll accept it if we send the Republic's monsters." Willem: "They'll smirk and say it's an appropriate mission for the Eighty-Six." Willem: "If you're a match for a monster, that means you're a monster yourself." Willem: "If death is so attractive to them, then why don't we let them have it?" Grethe: "Any questions?" Bernhold: "Commander," Bernhold: "I appreciate you not abandoning us, but..." Bernhold: "I can't just watch kids the age of my and my relatives' children going off to die." Bernhold: "If you change your mind, that's fine." Bernhold: "Tell us to go without you." Raiden: "Well, it's a bad enough plan that they're saying that." Shin: "The Lieutenant Colonel has told us we're free to refuse." Kurena: "No way. If we run now, we're no different from the white pigs." Anju: "You snapped at her, too, right?" Anju: "We feel the same way." Theo: "But we were chosen for the most dangerous part because we're Eighty-Six, right?" Raiden: "Yeah." Theo: "Well, we're going 'cause we're Eighty-Six." Theo: "But I feel kind of lonely." Raiden: "Yeah." Raiden: "Shin!" Kurena: "Let's go eat!" Anju: "What's for dinner today?" Theo: "I want something hot. This place is cold." Kurena: "Right!" Raiden: "You think?"
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 17 – I Won't Forget", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "17", "I Won't Forget" ] }
Commander: "For these reasons, we have selected the five Eighty-Six, as well as the rest of Nordlicht, for the mission to destroy the Morpho." Commander: "This is my formal decision as Western Theater commander. Even you don't have the right to overrule—" Ernst: "I know that. I was ready for it." Ernst: "But I want to know one thing." Ernst: "General, this isn't a year-late attempt at a "disinfection," is it? There's no way that those children, especially just the five of them, can break through Legion-controlled territory. Some of the officers had said right when we took them in" Ernst: "that it was better to eliminate them for the safety of the Federacy." Ernst: "You were one of them." Ernst: "I won't deny your wish to protect what you care for." Ernst: "However, this nation is built on justice. It's not acceptable for a human to try to have his way using violence, rather than using words." Ernst: "So I'm asking you." Ernst: "You can assure me this isn't what it looks like, can't you?" Commander: "Of course." Commander: "But... I want to hear your thoughts." Ernst: "On what?" Commander: "They're not poor, pitiful children. They're monsters, created by the madness of the battlefield. Are you willing to take them into your beloved homeland? Is that really what the Federacy should be?" Ernst: "Of course. Those are my ideals and the ideals of the nation I lead." Ernst: "I speak on behalf of the entire Federacy, after all." Ernst: "I am responsible for executing my duties with pride and dignity!" Officer: "Understood." Grethe: "Oh, no, it's pitch black." Grethe: "You'll damage your eyes." Richard: "I'm not willing to listen to alternative plans." Grethe: "I know. So I have a suggestion. The reason you kept Nordlicht split up into smaller platoons was to keep the rest of the military from realizing their strength, wasn't it, Richard?" Richard: "The Republic weapons we captured— Juggernauts, were they? Once you've seen the combat logs on them, it makes you want to do that." Richard: "A blade that cuts too well will either be avoided, or used until it breaks." Richard: "Either way, it won't end well." Grethe: "In the end, your fears came true, though." Richard: "Don't get too attached. Even if we ever-so-kindly took them in, they would never forget the battlefield." Grethe: "I don't know about that." Grethe: "They're still kids in their mid-teens. Right now, they're not used to their new environment. It's all they can do to protect themselves." Grethe: "But... Someday they might get used to this country and long to have the things that were stolen from them. And even if they were still to choose to live on the battlefield," Grethe: "it should be their decision to make." Grethe: "I'll wait until then." Grethe: "However many years it takes." Richard: "Do you have a duty to go that far?" Grethe: "Of course. It's our responsibility for arrogantly trying to save our fellow humans as you would a drowning puppy." Richard: "And you think a bloody blade, forged and honed on the battlefield, can understand human feelings?" Grethe: "We made the same bet before. Do you remember? I won then." Richard: "And the Legion took all your winnings." Grethe: "Yes." Richard: "Grethe, you simply see the dead in them. That's all." Richard: "You see what you can never get back." Grethe: "So what if I do?" Grethe: "If you're that worried, then that'll make this easier." Grethe: "Those slow transport helicopters aren't appropriate for my Reginleifs' big mission." Grethe: "Give me permission to use it." Richard: ""It," huh?" Old Man Staff: "I never thought I'd see the day the sealed door opened." Woman Staff: "Sometimes living a long time has its benefits." Theo: ""The sealed door"?" Grethe: "That's what some call it." ederica: "If it's sealed, then it should be left that way." Grethe: "Now, let's go." ederica: "What is this?" Grethe: "An old Imperial Air Force hangar. For a prototype." Raiden: "A prototype plane?" Grethe: "That's right. It completed its test flights and was about to enter mass production when the war started, and the base was temporarily abandoned." Anju: "This place is right next to the border." Theo: "I guess the Legion took it over real quick, huh?" Shin: "Why is it underground?" Grethe: "A bunch of reasons. It's safer from bombing this way." Grethe: "It also means the Legion didn't take it." Grethe: "This is the X-C1 "Nachzehrer," a prototype ground-effect vehicle." Grethe: "It's still sleeping right now, though." Kurena: "It flies?" Raiden: ""Ground-effect vehicle"?" Grethe: "A plane that uses ground effect— which occurs when you stay right above the ground—to fly." Grethe: "It can get you to the Morpho far faster than a transport helicopter." Anju: "Um, I think I heard you say, "right above the ground."" Grethe: "Yeah. It flies only a few meters above the ground!" Grethe: "It flies lower than a cruise missile, making it hard for radar and AA missiles to locate!" Grethe: "That's the power of the Nachzehrer!" ederica: "What an awful name." ederica: "A Nachzehrer is an old vampire legend from the southeast part of the Federacy. It rises from its grave and wanders the graveyard while dragging its shadow behind it, and rings the church bell." Theo: "Yeah, that is a nasty name. Wait! We'll run into buildings if we're just a few meters off the ground." Grethe: "This mission takes place in former Imperial territory. We have the geographic data. The Legion doesn't make towns or homes. We'll be fine." Raiden: "What about the Legion themselves?" Grethe: "We avoid them, of course. Lieutenant Nouzen can do that, right?" Shin: "I can tell you where they are. But will it really work?" Grethe: "This thing can't exactly turn on a dime, so we'll have problems if we get ambushed. But the three-country alliance will be handling most of the enemies, so we don't need to worry." ederica: "And then what?" ederica: "If we do get to the Morpho, can we win? And even if we do win, we'll be in the middle of enemy territory. How will we get back?" Grethe: "Well—" Shin: "It's more important to take out the Morpho than worry about how we'll get back." ederica: "But—" Shin: "Are you going to ignore it?" Shin: "You don't need me to tell you what the result of that will be." Raiden: "That said, you seem to take it for granted that this thing flies, but..." Kurena: "Who's going to pilot it?" Grethe: "Who else?" Grethe: "Me!" Grethe: "What do you think?" Theo: "This isn't the time for jokes." Raiden: "Who's really going to do it?" Grethe: "Me, as I said!" Grethe: "It's really me!" Officers: "You're joking. That's ridiculous!" Grethe: "It's really me!" ederica: "Come in." Shin: "Frederica." ederica: "I'm not leaving." Shin: "I came because I heard you were throwing a tantrum about not leaving." ederica: "It's not a tantrum. I'm a member of Nordlicht, too. Why do I have to be the only one to leave? It wouldn't be allowed anyway. You haven't forgotten what I said about mascots being hostages, right?" Shin: "An exception would be made for the president's daughter." ederica: "But... Why are you suddenly saying this? You're the one who said that nobody else has the right to decide how you live!" Shin: "I also said it's best not to get involved in someone's death if you don't have to." Shin: "And..." Shin: "I remember its voice. I don't need you to show me." ederica: "It should be the other way around! I'm the one with the relationship to Kiriya!" ederica: "You should be the ones to go home!" ederica: "I'll talk to Grethe. You managed to survive the awful battles in the 86th district." ederica: "You can't die in a plan like this." ederica: "I'll handle this." Shin: "You can see your knight, but not the other Legion. If you head in, you and everyone else will die." ederica: "But—!" Shin: "Why are you so insistent on sending us back to the rear?" Shin: "Didn't you want us to kill your knight?" Shin: "Or maybe you don't really want them dead at all?" Shin: "Then head home. And forget it." Shin: "You don't want to end up like me, right?" ederica: "And what about you? Whom do you think you're talking to?" ederica: "You followed your own brother onto the battlefield and slew his ghost. Why are you telling me now that I can't chase my own ghost?" ederica: "Why are you telling me I can't achieve my goal?" ederica: "You realize on some level, don't you? That having no goal, no place to call "home," clinging only to pride to keep you alive, is what made that pathetic ghost what he is! Do you want to end up the same way?" Shin: "I'm not your knight." Shin: "You're free to see me in him if you like." Shin: "But I don't want to be forced to join in your regret and atonement." ederica: "You don't understand! I'm telling you not to go! Why don't you obey, you impudent fool? You regret not telling your brother not to go, right? You still regret that he went to his death without you saying anything! So why are you trying to do the same thing he did? Why are you trying to make me suffer, as your brother made you suffer?" Shin: "Frederica..." ederica: "Don't go, Shinei..." ederica: "I don't want you to die like Kiri." ederica: "I don't want... I don't want any more people to die." ederica: "I don't want to lose another big brother." Anju: "I'm amazed Frederica agreed not to go." Kurena: "I don't think she agreed." Theo: "She's locked up in her room and not even coming to see us off." Raiden: "She's the only one getting left behind. That's enough reason to be grumpy." Shin: "If she's not going to the rear, it doesn't matter what she is." Mechanic: "Everybody," Mechanic: "get on board!" Raiden: "Let's go." Anju: "Yeah." Theo: "Okay." Kurena: "You're sleepy?" Theo: "Normally I'd be asleep at this hour." Anju: "Sleep on the plane?" Theo: "I can't sleep on planes." Shin: "Let's go." Soldier: "Good luck." Mechanic: "I hope it doesn't need to get used." Grethe: "Everybody strapped in?" All: "Yes, ma'am." Shin: "You were telling the truth about being the pilot, huh?" Grethe: "We don't have another choice. Most of the old Air Force's pilots died in combat. I'm the only one who ever flew it during the test flights." Shin: "You mentioned being a former Air Force pilot." Grethe: "You sound as though you totally forgot until now, Lieutenant." Grethe: "I'm sure you forgot this, too, then." Grethe: "I'm opposed to kids like you going out to fight." Grethe: "To you Eighty-Six, fighting to the end here is your source of pride, your identity. But I'm not giving up on this, either. If you're going to fight to the end, then my job is to fight alongside you as well." Grethe: "The country you finally reached is far from a utopia." Grethe: "But remember this." Grethe: "Not one person in this country wants you to die in battle." Grethe: "We want you to stay alive." Grethe: "That goes for me, the Division Commander, and the rest of the unit." Ernst: "And me, too." Ernst: "Hey, it's been a while. How are you doing?" Raiden: "What are you doing?" Ernst: "I'm here to cheer you on, of course! I'm the highest ranking officer in the Federacy Army, after all." Ernst: "The Federacy's people, its territory, and its neighbors are all in danger. I have to do at least this much." Ernst: "Especially since you're the core of this mission." Ernst: "Yes. Nordlicht's success in this mission will determine the fate of the Federacy, the surrounding countries, and humanity." Ernst: "Keep that in mind. And make sure you destroy the Morpho." Ernst: "We know you can do it." Shin: "Roger." Ernst: "And one more thing." Ernst: "This is your highest-priority mission." Ernst: "Come back alive. All of you." Anju: "We'll do our best, but..." Kurena: "Right?" Theo: "We can't promise." Ernst: "That's not good enough. You need to come back, no matter what." Ernst: "You're fighting to the end, right?" Ernst: "So you need to survive till the end of the war." Ernst: "So... come back. No matter what." Ernst: "That's right." Ernst: "Come back, no matter what." Ernst: "Or I'll..." Ernst: "destroy this world." Officer: "Mr. President." Ernst: "Yes." Ernst: "Let's get started." Ernst: "Attention, comrades!" Ernst: "The Western Theater forces will begin an all-out march into Legion-held territory. This battle will determine not only the fate of the Federal Republic of Giad, but also those of the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia, the Alliance of Wald," Ernst: "and the other nations whose cries for help we haven't even heard yet! This is the greatest operation in the history of mankind! You are the mighty shield that defends your homeland, and the sharp sword that cuts open a future for humanity!" Ernst: "We will be a symbol of justice for the world! Keep our successful battles close to your heart and advance, bravely, valiantly!" Ernst: "Begin the mission." emale Soldier: "Fire!" Soldier 1: "Fire!" Soldier 2: "Fire!" Tank Soldier: "Let's go, men! Advance!" Operator 1: "Flywheels 1 and 2 active. Temporary transformer operating normally." Operator 2: "Initiating cooling of catapult rails. Coolant units operating at 23% and rising." Operator 3: "Opening canopy. Deploying catapult rails." Operator 1: "All joint locks deployed." Operator 1: "Nachzehrer, ready for takeoff!" xhole Soldier 1: "I've been waiting for this, you pieces of scrap." Commander: "They're on the move!" Operator 4: "Phase 1 complete." Operator 4: "We've succeeded in luring the Legion vanguard out of position." Operator 4: "We will now move to phase 2." Operator 4: "Tiwaz HQ to Léraðr HQ. Nachzehrer, you are cleared for take off!" Operator 1: "Roger." Grethe: "Okay, here we go!" Operator 1: "Nachzehrer, take off!" Anju: "Th-This is scarier than I thought." Theo: "Is the person who came up with this crazy?" Grethe: "Oh, it's an honor to have you say that! I thought nothing scared you!" Grethe: "It's a little over 1000 km to our goal. Enjoy our nine minutes or so in the sky!" Operator 4: "Nachzehrer has taken off successfully" Operator 4: "and is proceeding as planned!" Soldier 3: "Unit 4, signal lost!" Soldier 4: "We've lost contact with the 2nd Company!" Soldier 3: "Stay calm! Unit 1, Unit 2, keep going forward! Infantry, after us!" Soldier 4: "Retreat!" Soldier: "Damn it!" Tank Soldier: "Give me a damage report! The battle's not over!" Tank Soldier: "If you have something you want to protect, then fight! Raise your heads and go forward!" Raiden: "The Federacy isn't retreating." Tank Soldier: "Just a little more! Just hang in there a little more! And then those goddamn disgusting Eighty-Six will... Then we'll win!" Kurena: "Yeah. If we take out the Morpho, we win, right?" Raiden: "We have to live up to their expectations." Theo: "Yeah, if they're working that hard."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 18 – The Truth Is", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "18", "The Truth Is" ] }
Frederica: "The Eighty-Six. Branded "less than human" by our neighbors, the Republic of San Magnolia," Frederica: "they were forced to fight on the front lines against the unmanned weapons of the Legion. It all goes back to when their war ended, and they found themselves in the Federacy." Frederica: "Their burdens are heavy and will never disappear." Ernst: "I know. I just want to chat a little." Ernst: "Oh, the generals were all really worried, so they made me wear this biohazard suit." Ernst: "My name is Ernst. And you?" Shinei: "Shinei Nouzen." Frederica: "The Giad Federacy brought five child soldiers who'd been found on the western front" Frederica: "and made them citizens." Giad Officer: "The safest thing for the Federacy would be to eliminate them." Ernst: "If they've fought for so long, they should be given peace." Ernst: "Especially if their homeland refuses to do it." Ernst: "I want the Federacy to be just, at least." Ernst: "Because..." Ernst: "that is the ideal of mankind." Frederica: "Welcome, poor souls who were banished from your country!" Frederica: "They were soon brought to Ernst's mansion." Ernst: "Oh, no. She's not my daughter." Frederica: "Do you really think I'm the daughter of this lowly bureaucrat? I'm— Frederica Rosenfort." Ernst: "Some things happened, and now she's staying here." Ernst: "So I'd appreciate it if you'd think of her as a slightly naïve little sister." Raiden: ""Little sister," huh?" Frederica: "One month passed from when they came to the capital, Sankt Jeder." Frederica: "They all seemed to feel out of place in this peaceful city." Frederica: "And then Shinei met a certain boy." Eugene: "Sorry for just talking to you out of nowhere. I'm Eugene Rantz. Nice to meet you." Shinei: "Shinei Nouzen." Frederica: "Frederica Rosenfort!" Nina: "Nina Rantz." Shinei: "What are you doing?" Frederica: "I read her a book, and she took a liking to me." Frederica: "He said he was enlisting to earn a living and support his little sister." Frederica: "Yes, the battle with the Legion wasn't over." Kaie: "I know it's an awful thing to ask." Kaie: "It still hurts." Kaie: "Staying here hurts." Kaie: "I'm dead. I want to go home." Kaie: "So... Shin." Kaie: "Our Reaper..." Kaie: "Please, save us." Frederica: "They decided this place wasn't for them and chose to go back to the battlefield." Ernst: "Why?" Theo: ""Why?"" Raiden: "We're sorry for being suspicious at first. This is a good place." Raiden: "So we stayed here a little too long." Shinei: "We were lucky, that's all. If we use that as an excuse to stay here, what can we say to those who died fighting until the end? Even if we're going to die either way, we can choose how." Shinei: "If we're going to die someday, we will fight till the end. That's the life we chose." Shinei: "Please don't take that from us." Frederica: "And when I saw that, I revealed that I was the last Empress of the Giad Empire — the ones who had released the Legion onto the continent — and I begged them to fulfill my wish." Frederica: "If you're going back to the battlefield," Frederica: "take me with you!" Frederica: "And help me destroy my knight's ghost!" Shinei: "He was taken by the Legion?" Frederica: "Yes. The Legion who attacked you just before you reached this country." Shinei: "How do you know?" Frederica: "The power of the blood I inherited allows me" Frederica: "to see glimpses of the present and past of those I meet." Frederica: "But seeing is all I can do!" Frederica: "I can't save Kiriya alone!" Frederica: "So please... help me! Like the brother you saved, and who saved you in turn... Save my knight!" Frederica: "After becoming official members of the Giad military," Frederica: "they were taken to the place their comrades had reached in the end." Grethe: "We decided the names of your comrades on the plate, all 575 of them, should be recorded here. So we did this." Gretehe: "I am Lt. Colonel Grethe Wenzel, commander of the 1028th Test Unit." Grethe: "Glad to be working with you all." Shinei: "Thank you." Frederica: "And I had a surprise for them, too! Though Shinei realized it immediately." Shinei: "Fido?" Anju: "What are you saying, Shin?" Raiden: "Do you name all your pets the same thing?" Frederica: "No, this is Fido." Frederica: "The one who was with you." Shinei: "You are the proof that we made it here." Shinei: "Perform your mission until you rust away." Shinei: "Want to go home together, once more?" Theo: "Saw that coming." Frederica: "Shouldn't you be a little worried?" Grethe: "So he does know how to smile, huh?" Frederica: "By the way, Shinei. I have another surprise for you." Frederica: "It's important to you, isn't it?" Shinei: "Yeah." Frederica: "The five were assigned to Nordlicht Squadron, a test unit for a new type of high-mobility Feldreß called the "Reginleif."" Frederica: "But their incredible combat abilities caused others around them to fear them." Officer 1: "Who killed them, I wonder?" Officer 3: "The headless skeleton, possessed by a Reaper." Frederica: "Then Shinei met the boy he'd first encountered at the library, Eugene Rantz." Frederica: "But..." Eugene: "She became a mascot, huh?" Shinei: "Yeah." Eugene: "Nobody even likes that old custom anymore." Shinei: "Even someone like her, if she's there, we have to protect her." Shinei: "How's your sister? Is she doing well?" Eugene: "Yeah, I think." Shin: "Then you really shouldn't have joined the military, right? The war's not going well." Shin: "And I don't think that's going to change." Eugene: "Yes. My unit lost fifteen people just yesterday." Eugene: "But then what about you?" Shinei: "Again? They never give up." Eugene: "I bet girls don't like them." Eugene: "Okay, see you later." Eugene: "Please..." Eugene: "Thank you." Ernst: "But why go back to the battlefield?" Marcel: "Why didn't you save him?" Officer: "It's not too late." Officer: "Leave the army and live happily." Frederica: "Everyone asked, "Why?"" Frederica: "without realizing that it was an insult to them." Frederica: "They were the Eighty-Six." Frederica: "We all met up again at the main camp." Grethe: "Welcome back!" Frederica: "There was news of an upcoming Legion attack." Frederica: "A major battle was approaching. He could already hear their voice, even then." Frederica: "Then I decided to tell him about my knight, Kiriya." Frederica: "My knight, Kiriya Nouzen, was a member of the Nouzen clan like you." Frederica: "But he was four years older than you... So when I saw him last, he looked how you do now." Frederica: "The Giad Empire used the Legion to attack our neighbors. But after that, the people rebelled, and the Imperial family was chased to a border fortress." Frederica: "And Kiriya had to fight to protect me..." ederica: "Kiri fought and fought to protect me... Killing so many people..." Frederica: "I turned him into that monster." Frederica: "And in the end... the Empire fell, and many died. And only the Legion were left." Frederica: "You all have a future, and that cannot be taken from you." Shinei: "A future?" Frederica: "Your next leave. Where you want to go. What you want to do someday. Anything like that will do." Lena: "Is there something you want to do? Somewhere you want to go, or want to see?" Raiden: "But... are you okay?" Shinei: "What do you mean?" Raiden: "You're not thinking of anything you don't need to be, are you?" Shin: "The future? I never have." Shin: "I've never needed to." Raiden: "It was always about this time of day, wasn't it?" Raiden: "You think the Major's doing okay?" Raiden: "How many?" Nshinei: "I don't want to even try to count." Frederica: "And then the Legion launched their all-out attack." Soldier 2: "Are those all... There are so many!" Grethe: "No... So every area in the theater is under large-scale assault?" Shinei: "Ma'am." Grethe: "Lieutenant Nouzen, what's the situation? When will you be ready to go?" Shinei: "Whenever." Shinei: "Nordlicht squadron is all ready to go." Grethe: "Maintain our combat lines until the other units are ready to go, no matter the cost!" Shin: "Roger." Soldier 8: "A Reginleif..." Soldier 8: "So this is Nordlicht squadron..." Shinei: "Withdraw and regroup, please." Shinei: "We'll buy you time." Anju: "Okay... Let's get to work." Kurena: "I'll start with their commanders. I'll be changing places, so back me up." Raiden: "Roger, Kurena. Leave the little ones to me." Frederica: "I don't have the power to go to the battlefield, but if I could use this power to see, I could help them!" Frederica: "There!" Operator: "The second wave is being held off in all combat areas! Nordlicht squadron has begun advancing on the enemy's main formation! They're still fighting on the front lines!" Frederica: "What are you doing, Shinei?" Frederica: "Shinei!" Frederica: "You..." Frederica: "You mustn't keep fighting like that!" Grethe: "Command to all members of Nordlicht squadron. Good work." Grethe: "The Legion are falling back." Grethe: "Return to base." Shinei: "Roger." Frederica: "Shinei, you fool." Frederica: "You're just like Kiri." Frederica: "You huge fool!" Frederica: "On that day, Kiri attacked the Republic." Frederica: "What I saw was a shattered wall and a burning five-color flag." Frederica: "And a huge Legion..." Kiri: "I'll kill you!" Frederica: "Get down! Kiri is...!" Frederica: "The railgun-equipped Legion named "Morpho" was the one that absorbed Kiri." Frederica: "Kiri destroyed the Federacy's front lines, and the Republic as well." Frederica: "The military leaders decided to launch an attack to take it out directly." General 3: "Whatever unit we choose to eliminate it will die." General 2: "That's why we should choose those who are most likely to succeed, and least likely to be missed." Nina: "Why did you abandon him?" Nina: "Why didn't you save my brother?" Nina: "You killed him, right?" Nina: "Give my brother back!" Man 1: "If you'd died instead of him..." Lena: "I won't forget!" Shinei: "Major..." Grethe: "Lieutenant Nouzen, General Richard wants to speak with you." Frederica: "The Division Commander for the Western Forces made the decision to go with a plan which used Shinei's power to destroy the Morpho." Frederica: "It would involve sacrificing Shinei and the other Eighty-Six." Frederica: "Yes. Just as his old country had done." Shinei: "I'm left behind... always." Lena: "I won't let you die." Lena: "I won't forget." Shinei: "Goodbye." Frederica: "A massive transport constructed by the former Imperial Military: the Nachzehrer. This craft flew just above the ground" Frederica: "and would take their Reginleifs into enemy territory." Frederica: "There was no guarantee they'd return." Shinei: "Frederica." Frederica: "I'm not leaving." Shinei: "I came because I heard you were throwing a tantrum about not leaving." Frederica: "It's not a tantrum." Shinei: "Why are you so insistent on sending us back to the rear?" Shinei: "Didn't you want us to kill your knight?" Frederica: "No. No, Shinei!" Frederica: "You regret not telling your brother not to go, right? You still regret that he went to his death without you saying anything! So why are you trying to do the same thing he did? Why are you trying to make me suffer, as your brother made you suffer?" : "Frederica..." Frederica: "You understand that if the battle takes you, you'll become a ghost like Kiriya." Frederica: "You can't go. You can't die." Frederica: "Shinei..." Grethe: "The country you finally reached is far from a utopia. Not one person in this country wants you to die in battle." Grethe: "We want you to stay alive." Grethe: "That goes for me, the Division Commander, and the rest of the unit." Ernst: "And me, too. Nordlicht's success in this mission will determine the fate of the Federacy, the surrounding countries, and humanity." Ernst: "Keep that in mind. And make sure you destroy the Morpho." Ernst: "And one more thing." Ernst: "This is your highest-priority mission." Ernst: "Come back alive. All of you." Ernst: "That's right." Ernst: "Come back, no matter what." Ernst: "Let's get started." Ernst: "Attention, comrades!" Ernst: "The Western Theater forces will begin an all-out march into Legion-held territory. You are the mighty shield that defends your homeland, and the sharp sword that cuts open a future for humanity!" Ernst: "We will be a symbol of justice for the world! Keep our successful battles close to your heart and advance, bravely, valiantly!" Ernst: "Begin the mission." Operator 3: "Opening canopy. Deploying catapult rails." Operator 1: "All joint locks deployed." Operator 3: "Nachzehrer, ready for takeoff!" Anju: "Th-This is scarier than I thought." Theo: "Is the person who came up with this crazy?" Grethe: "Oh, it's an honor to have you say that! I thought nothing scared you!" Grethe: "It's a little over 1000 km to our goal. Enjoy our nine minutes or so in the sky!" Operator 4: "Nachzehrer has taken off successfully" Operator 4: "and is proceeding as planned!" Kurena: "If we take out the Morpho, we win, right?" Raiden: "We have to live up to their expectations." Theo: "Yeah, if they're working that hard." Anju: "Yeah."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 18.5 – If There's Something Worth Dying For", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "18.5", "If There's Something Worth Dying For" ] }
Shin: "Lieutenant Colonel." Grethe: "Yes. I just saw them. They've come to block our path." Shin: "Can we dodge them?" Grethe: "Not easily. I told you. Turning's not this baby's thing." Grethe: "I'll handle them." Grethe: "Don't worry. Just head for the Morpho." Raiden: "How?" Grethe: "I was hoping I could land before you got off, but..." Anju: "Are you going to drop us?" Theo: "From this altitude?" Grethe: "Don't worry! We built it really fast, but it should still work!" Grethe: "Don't worry about us." Grethe: "I brought a spare." Shin: "Lt. Colonel, if you're just distracting the enemy, you don't need to fight." Shin: "After making contact, evacuate to the forest." Grethe: "Oh, thank you. But... don't underestimate me, kid." Grethe: "May the speed of the gods protect us!" Kurena: "The Nachzehrer..." Shin: "Prepare for impact, everyone." Anju: "Lieutenant Colonel..." Shin: "Let's go." Officers: "We've lost contact with the Nachzehrer! All troops were dropped before the signal was lost, and they are still active. But we've just received word from Lt. Nouzen that they've encountered the enemy." Officers: "The enemy has built a defensive perimeter." Officers: "What's Nordlicht's situation? The task force is currently in combat with the Morpho's defenders and is approaching the target." Anju: "Hey, are they leading us somewhere?" Bernhardt: "Well, Commander?" Raiden: "With this many around us, Shin's ears alone can't help." Kurena: "We'll just have to keep going!" Theo: "Here come some more!" Theo: "Shin!" Raiden: "That's it?" Theo: "It's that big?" Anju: "The Morpho's kind of like a millipede." Kurena: "More like a centipede? It's got long legs, and it's kind of squirming around." Theo: "It doesn't matter. It's disgusting either way." Shin: "Læraðr HQ, we've sighted the enemy near the high-speed train terminal at Kreutzbek City." Shin: "It doesn't seem to have finished its repairs." Hq Operator: "This is Læraðr HQ, roger. A United Kingdom observation unit is nearby." Shin: "Roger. We will now begin combat." Kurena: "It moved!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kurena: "It's fixed?" Theo: "What do we do?" Bernhard: "Commander!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll..." ederica: "Get back, Shinei! What you're seeing isn't Kiri!" Kiri: "I'll kill you!" Kiri: "I'll kill you all!" Shin: "Everyone, retreat! Now!" Raiden: "What's wrong?" Shin: "I'll explain later!" Raiden: "Roger!" Officer: "Impact confirmed near Kreutzbek City terminal! Likely a Morpho attack! Impossible! It wasn't supposed to repair itself!" Willem: "If it wasn't a repair, but a swap-out..." Willem: "It would've been faster to put an undamaged core into a spare." Willem: "So they've succeeded in luring us out..." Officer 1: "All United Kingdom observers were lost in the attack." Officer 2: "Those goddamn pieces of scrap!" Officer 3: "We've got no choice but to do a saturation missile strike." Ernst: "It's useless." Ernst: "Where would you fire these missiles? We don't know the enemy's location. Our radar's down. We have no observation drones!" Officer 3: "It's a rail-based cannon! If we can destroy the tracks..." Ernst: "It can hit most of our forward bases from where it is, right? And they'd repair the rails in no time. We'd be wasting missiles." Officer 3: "With Nordlicht's failure, we have no other choice. We need to protect the western front from artillery attack, even if it's just for now." Ernst: "And what will you after "now" passes?" Ernst: "Send in another team? Without even a way to open a path home for them? Abandoning the soldiers you sent into enemy territory to protect yourself, giving up on the rest of the plan... That's disgusting behavior. Beneath humanity. As the Federacy's provisional President and its Commander-in-Chief, do you think I'd allow that?" Ernst: "The Federacy has higher ideals to uphold." Ernst: "If we're talking about giving up on that, we'd be better off destroyed. You allowed me become President, and now you must live with the consequences! If you insist that the only way we can survive is an unethical one," Ernst: "then you'll have to die here along with my ideals." Willem: "It seems that may be unnecessary." Operator: "All members of Nordlicht have survived!" Operator: "They're still attempting to destroy the Morpho!" Raiden: "To think the real one was somewhere else..." Raiden: "Even you couldn't tell?" Shin: "We're changing targets, everyone. Heading 2-8-0. Distance 5000. Equip HEAT rounds." Shin: "Get into position." All: "Roger!" Shin: "Fire!" Theo: "Damn it!" Kiri: "Pale Rider to No-Face. Prescribed firing schedule complete." Kiri: "Special target with the call sign "Baleygr" was successfully lured in and destroyed. The analysis was correct. Baleygr could not detect the spare when it was in sleep mode." Face: "No-Face to Pale Rider. Confirm Baleygr's destruction." Kiri: "Pale Rider to No-Face. Unnecessary. Baleygr was certainly destroyed." Face: "No-Face, roger. Leave your firing position, and return to your designated district." Kiri: "Roger." Kiri: "Survivors?" Kiri: "Maggots." Kiri: "Do you think your little guns can defeat me?" Kiri: "Baleygr! It can still move?" Kiri: "Impossible..." Kiri: "That's..." Kiri: "You're still alive?" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Shin: "Still too far..." Raiden: "Now what? Fire again, Shin?" Raiden: "Shin!" Face: "No-Face to Pale Rider. You are instructed to leave the enemy to your escorts and withdraw." Pale Rider: "Pale Rider to No-Face. That order is unacceptable. I'll destroy the enemy." Face: "No-Face to Pale Rider. I repeat. You are instructed to leave the enemy to your escorts and withdraw from the combat zone." Kiri: "I'll kill you!" Background: "Shin!" Shin: "If you make your desire to kill me that obvious, it's easy." Kiri: "I'll kill you!" Background: "What's wrong? Shin!" Face: "The enemy Feldreß has the advantage at this range." Face: "In addition, your weapons are likely to be fatal to Baleygr." Background: "Shin! What's wrong?" Background: "Shin!" Kiri: "I'll kill you!" Face: "For these reasons, you are not permitted to participate in this battle. You are ordered to return to your designated district and fight there." Face: "I repeat. You are to withdraw from this combat area." Kiri: "Roger." Shin: "I won't let him get away!" Kurena: "Shin!" Theo: "Shin!" Kurena: "What's wrong? Can't you hear me!" Anju: "Shin, can't you hear me?" Raiden: "Shin!" Raiden: "The Legion are back! They're going to surround us! What do we do, Shin?!" All: "Shin! Shin! Shin!" Berhardt: "Follow the Morpho? Are you insane? If we're all together, we can last until the main force gets here!" Shin: "Our objective is to destroy the Morpho, not take this town." Shin: "Let's go." Bernhardt: "Why are you Eighty-Six so willing to risk your lives for a country that isn't even yours?" Bernhardt: "Sheesh... My luck ran out when I got you as my boss! This is gonna get me killed." Bernhardt: "Listen up, everybody! Turn around!" Bernhardt: "You're in luck. You love hell, and you're gonna get it!" Bernhardt: "We'll handle this area. I hate to say it, but even we can't keep up with your mobility. I don't want to be the one to slow you down. Good luck." Shin: "Thanks." Kiri: "That mark..." Kiri: "It belongs to the Nouzen clan." Kiri: "Follow me, Baleygr." Kiri: "You're like me. You have no place, except on the battlefield..." Kiri: "But if you still intend to cling to your pathetic life..." Kiri: "I'll teach you..." Kiri: "I'll destroy your comrades you command, the land you call home... I'll burn them right in front of you!" Kiri: "I'll make it so you're all alone." Willem: "I want to confirm this again." Willem: "Your small force moves much faster than an entire army." Willem: "We can't offer artillery support, let alone air support. Or send reinforcements." Willem: "Will you still continue your pursuit?" Shin: "Fire support and reinforcements from the main force were never part the plan." Shin: "There's no other way." Willem: "It's embarrassing to hear you say that, though. Just because we left it to you once doesn't mean it has to stay that way once the situation has changed. It's not fair." Willem: "If you've changed your mind, you can fall back." Shin: "You're joking. Every minute we spend retreating is a minute the Morpho gets deeper into Legion-held territory" Shin: "and becomes harder to destroy." Willem: "If you withdraw and are sent home, it won't matter how difficult the mission is to accomplish." Shin: "If we can't defeat the Morpho, we'll die anyway." Shin: "Retreating today only to die tomorrow is meaningless." Willem: "I see." Willem: "Very well." Willem: "That's all from me. Any questions?" Shin: "No." Willem: "They weren't even slightly interested. I guess their attention is elsewhere." Willem: "I hate to say it, but they're going to die in battle sooner or later." Willem: "They weren't even worried about you, I'm sad to say." Grethe: "Of course not. If I had kids ten years younger worrying about me, I'd die of shame." Willem: "I'm sure you managed to avoid combat, but I'm still impressed you made it home alive." Willem: "I see your skills are as sharp as ever, Spider-Woman." Willem: "The Black Widow who slays the Legion." Grethe: "Stop that, Murderous Praying Mantis. You know where that name came from, right?" Willem: "Of course. I'm the one who came up with it. There aren't many brides who had to wear mourning clothes for their husband's funeral before they got to wear a wedding dress." Grethe: "You're terrible." Willem: "The Major General and I were ready to annoy you by filling the wedding hall with roses. This is what you get for rejecting me, and going with an idiot who left his wife behind." Willem: "I don't care about the monsters." Willem: "But I don't want to see you crying over them again." ederica: "Meow! Meow! Meow!" Kurena: "A cat?" All: "Are you stupid?" Anju: "She's in heat." Shin: "Open it, Fido." Shin: "That's an order. Open it!" ederica: "No, Fido! Don't open it up!" Theo: "What are you doing?!" Theo: "Why did you follow us?! If something happens, you'll die with us!" ederica: "Because I don't like the way you think, fools! How long are you going to keep thinking you're in District 86, where you have to die? Even Ernst told you to come back!" ederica: "That is your task right now." ederica: "I'm a hostage. Not to keep you from running from the battlefield," ederica: "but to keep you from running from your duty to come home alive!" ederica: "Even you wouldn't want a frail little girl like me to die with you, right?" Shin: "Raiden, if I told you to take her back..." Raiden: "Don't be ridiculous. The only person who could do that would be you." Theo: "Really. I can't get past all the Legion between us and the main force." Kurena: "Want to go with Fido, then?" Anju: "I can't see that working." Raiden: "Fine. I'll take her. She won't fit in anybody else's but mine, right?" Shin: "Thank you." Raiden: "Never do this again." Raiden: "You didn't have to do this. We're not going to die." ederica: "Okay... I'm sorry." Anju: "Okay, let's eat lunch." Theo: "Yeah, we were getting it ready just now." Anju: "We'll need to make another." Shin: "Frederica." Shin: "You know how to use it, right?" Shin: "If we get wiped out, and you can't meet up with the main army..." Shin: "Use it on yourself." ederica: "Are you sure? This is the gun you used on Eugene... your comrades." Shin: "I told you to close your eyes." ederica: "Fool. I saw your memories." ederica: "You carry them all." ederica: "It's too heavy for a frail little girl like me." ederica: "I'm giving it right back to you when we get back to base." ederica: "So make sure you come with me."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 19 – Stay This Way Forever", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "19", "Stay This Way Forever" ] }
Shin: "Hello, Handler One. This is Spearhead Squadron's combat commander, Personal Name: Undertaker." Shin: "We've received word of a new Handler coming. We look forward to working with you." Lena: "As do I." Lena: "Nice to meet you, Undertaker." D: "Hey, there." Shin: "Hey." D: "The new one seems pretty dangerous." Kaei: "The new Handler! Did you forget already?" R: "Shin! Shinei Nouzen! You did it again, you bastard!" Shin: "Old man Aldrecht's about to go off again." Shin: "You need something?" R: "I need to know why you keep smashing up your machines on every mission! I keep telling you they have weak legs! So don't push them!" Shin: "Sorry." R: "We don't have any more spare parts! We won't be able to repair it until the next batch of them comes!" Shin: "Fido should've brought back Kujo's machine." R: "Yeah, I guess we can use the ones from theirs. But are you okay with using parts from a machine someone died in?" R: "I guess it's a little late to ask that." R: "Got it, Undertaker." R: "Kujo was lucky to die in a unit that had you." R: "You take the other Processors, too." R: "By the way, I heard the news. What's the new Handler like?" Shin: "Fine." R: ""Fine"? Listen, you..." Shin: "They synch'd to say "hello," that they want to maintain good lines of communication, and will be calling every day." Shin: "Rare, for a Republic soldier." R: "So, what you'd call an "ordinary person"? They must live a hard life, the poor thing." Unknown Speakershin: "Ready... Go! Got it! Yes!" Raiden: "There!" Raiden: "Big haul, huh?" Kurena: "We'll have a party tonight!" Raiden: "You good to go, Fido?" Daiya: "This isn't bullying, okay?" Kurena: "No telling Shin." Kurena: "Is that a "yes"? Or a "no"?" Theo: "You guys who are out on a walk, can you hear me?" Raiden: "What's up, Theo?" Theo: "Weather report's changed. Rain's coming." Raiden: "Eintagsfliege." Theo: "Jammers, too. That means the radar will be down." Kurena: "When will they get here?" Theo: "In about two hours, I'm told." Raiden: "Got it. Heading back." Theo: "No Shepherds this time, it seems. They'll just try and overwhelm you." Raiden: "Just Sheep? A duck hunt, then." Shin: "Good, everybody's here." Shin: "Attention." Shin: "I'll explain the situation." Shin: "There's one swarm close by, and another linking up with it from the rear." Shin: "Supplying the first, probably. As soon as that's done, they'll attack." Shin: "We'll ambush them at point 304 on their route. Establish a kill zone on Main Street, where we'll eliminate most of the enemy." Haruto: "Even in spring, it gets cold when the sun disappears." Kino: "The cockpit gets awful cold, considering how cramped it is." Theo: "Well, the armor's paper-thin and has plenty of gaps in it." Kurena: "And it's slow." Kaie: "And it breaks easily." Daiya: "Yup. It's a piece of shit." Lena: "Handler One to all units. The enemy appears to be approaching. Deploy to Point 208 and intercept them!" Shin: "Undertaker to Handler One. We're already deployed." Shin: "We'll intercept them at point 304, farther ahead." Lena: "That's fast. You're as good as they say, Undertaker." Raiden: "Here they come." Raiden: "The Legion's out in force again today." Daiya: "Well, they're mostly Ameise." Anju: "They're easy to destroy, but obnoxious." Haruto: "Grauwolfs? What a pain." Theo: "I guess we have to take this seriously." Kurena: "I really hate that guy." Kaie: "A Löwe's main gun is twice as powerful ours." Anju: "It can kill you fast." Raiden: "Okay, time to get to work." Shin: "Open fire." Shin: "Third platoon, withdraw to the southeast, and keep your current targets close to you." Shin: "Fifth platoon, maintain your current position. When an enemy platoon enters the kill zone, wipe them out with coordinated fire." Daiya: "Black Dog, roger. Snow Witch, reload while you can." Anju: "Snow Witch, roger. As always, thanks for the reminder." Theo: "Laughing Fox, same." Theo: "Don't shoot me, Black Dog!" Shin: "All units, cease fire! Split up!" Lena: "Handler One to all units! That's Long-Range-Gunner type Skorpion fire. Be careful. I'm sending you the estimated location of their spotters. Three potential locations. Confirm and take them out." Shin: "Gunslinger, four units at a distance of 1200, heading 0-3-0, on the roof." Kurena: "Roger. On it." Shin: "Handler One, directional laser-based data transmissions can reveal our location. Please limit yourself to verbal communication during operations." Lena: "I'm sorry." Shin: "The next set of observers will be appearing soon. Keep me informed of their location." Lena: "Understood!" Raiden: "There's an awful lot of them today, Undertaker." Shin: "Duck hunt, right? Just enjoy yourself." Shin: "There are definitely more Löwes than expected." Shin: "The restricted vision makes them more dangerous, too." Shin: "We should start whittling down their numbers." Raiden: "You make it sound easy." Shin: "I'll handle the Löwes. You deal with the others and take command." Raident: "Roger that. Don't make Aldrecht scream his head off again!" Lena: "Undertaker, what are you doing?" Lena: "So this is... Undertaker?" Lena: "Handler One to all units! That's Long-Range-Gunner type Skorpion fire. Be careful. I'm sending you the estimated location of their spotters. Three potential locations. Confirm and take them out." Shin: "Handler One, directional laser-based data transmissions can reveal our location. Please limit yourself to verbal communication during operations." Lena: "I'm sorry." Shin: "The next set of observers will be appearing soon." Shin: "Keep me informed of their location." Lena: "Understood!" Teacher: "Stellar Year 2139, nine years ago... War was declared on the Republic of San Magnolia by the neighboring Empire of Giad. They began an invasion with their autonomous combat machines, the Legion. But we estimate that, in fact," Teacher: "Giad had been wiped out by its own out-of-control Legion four years prior. Given that all Legion have an operating time of 50,000 hours—approximately six years— they will completely shut down in about two years." Teacher: "Thus, you new soldiers will have only two years before the war ends. But during that time, we hope you'll do your best to fulfill your duties. After all, the Republic's Juggernauts are vastly superior autonomous units compared to the Legion. Not one fatality has taken place since their introduction." Lena: "That's not true. People have died!" Teacher: "Today, we have a real Handler who serves as a Juggernaut command and control officer. This is Vladilena Milizé. She wants to speak to you." Lena: "What I'm about to tell you is the real history of the Republic. Nine years ago, the Republic's regular army was brought to the point of collapse in just a little over two weeks by the Legion's overwhelming firepower." Lena: "The Republic's government went on to make two decisions." Lena: "The first was to withdraw of all its citizens into 85 administrative districts." Lena: "The other was to pass the Special Wartime Peace Preservation Act. This law stripped citizenship and all rights from anyone who did not have silver hair and eyes like us Alba. They would no longer be considered humans, and instead would be kept in carefully monitored internment camps outside the 85 districts. And due to that, as you're all aware, the now supposedly empty area became known as the 86th district, and the people who live there became known as Eighty-Six. There they were forced to build the fortress Gran Mur— the wall isolating the 86th district— and to pilot the Juggernauts." Lena: "There are humans inside the Juggernauts! But because the ones inside, the Eighty-Six, aren't "human," we say they're autonomous! And even as we speak, they're out there, surrounded by Legion and fighting!" Lena: "The news you see every morning isn't true. People are dying! Dozens can die in a single battle." Student: "But they're not human, right?" Student: "They're humanoid pigs that failed to evolve." Lena: "They're human! I fight with them every day!" Student2: "You say you fight with them. But have you ever gone to the battlefield?" Lena: "I have. Just once." Lena: "I went to the battlefield, but I didn't fight. The only ones who risk their lives in battle are the Eighty-Six," Lena: "the people we stripped all rights from." Teacher: "You can't do this, Major! I told you not to say anything that sounds like you've sided with them!" Lena: "Sir, what does our nation's flag stand for?" Teacher: "What are you..." Lena: "Freedom, equality, brotherhood, justice, and nobility." Teacher: "And those apply only to humans! The Eighty-Six look human, but they aren't! You mustn't misinform my students!" Lena: "The Eighty-Six are teenage boys and girls, just like us! But they don't enjoy entertainment and luxuries the way we do. They can't laugh innocently the way we do. We can't leave them all alone! We can't see them, but if we listen carefully, we can hear the voices of these nameless soldiers!" Lena: "Even apart, we look at the same stars!" Anette: "And you told the new recruits that?" Lena: "Yes." Anette: "This time you'll get punished, right?" Lena: "Don't worry. Uncle Jérôme will tell them how firmly I believe in this." Anette: "You're surprisingly cunning about that. You're being protected, huh?" Lena: "It's not too late to change the Republic's foolish mistake!" Anette: "Right, right." Anette: "So, how was your meeting with the famous Undertaker?" Lena: "We're communicating regularly. We synchronize with the Para-RAID nightly." Anette: "Nightly? What do you talk about?" Lena: "Lots of stuff. Some of it not related to work or the mission." Lena: "Even apart, our hearts are connected." Anette: "I told you not to get too attached." Lena: "A capable leader with solid combat skills, who's a little reckless, but bold. He's a very good soldier." Lena: "Undertaker isn't the scary man they say he is." Anette: "That's just what you think, right?" Anette: "Your heart rate's elevated." Lena: "This, too..." Lena: "And this, and this..." Lena: "Jeez..." Lena: "Para-RAID, activate." Lena: "Synchronization target: Spearhead Processor." Daiya: "Okay, one hit on King Bear, two on Bunny Knight. Haruto gets seven points!" Haruto: "I missed two shots, huh?" Haruto: "I'm just not that good with handguns." Kino: "Fido set the can sideways! Kaie!" Raiden: "What do you think?" Kaie: "Kaie Taniya, initiating mission!" Raiden: "Point 208. That's what that Handler woman said, right?" Shin: "It would've been the ideal deployment point, if we'd left at that moment." Daiya: "Next, Kurena!" Kurena: "Fido, don't line them up! Throw them!" Raiden: "Yeah. It's such a teacher's-pet answer that it makes me want to throw up, but she's not just some spoiled rich kid." Kino: "Raiden, you're up!" Raiden: "Okay!" Raiden: "But how long can she keep up?" Anju: "Hey, Kitty!" Anju: "Here you go." Shin: "Thanks." Daiya: "Anju!" Daiya: "I'll help you." Anju: "Thanks!" Daiya: "Yeah, sure thing." Daiya: "I'll pass out Anju's cake!" Unknown Speaker: "Yay!" Anju: "Is that a good book?" Anju: "When I'm thinking about something else, it stops me from focusing on it." Anju: "I see." Anju: "It's always a lot of stress for you, huh?" Haruto: "Shin, your turn!" Haruto: "At least stand up! You're no fun!" Lena: "All units, may I have a word?" Haruto: "A new record. A full continuous week." Shin: "It's fine." Shin: "Handler One, good work today." Lena: "Yes, you too." Lena: "You all seemed to be having a lot of fun." Shin: "We were just killing time. Don't worry about it." Lena: "I see." Lena: "By the way, Undertaker, I need to scold you today." Shin: "What is it?" Lena: "I went to read the patrol and combat reports you'd filed since your arrival in Spearhead," Lena: "and they were all the same." Shin: "Why do you care what happens on the front lines? You like to waste your time, huh?" Lena: "Part of a Handler's job is analyzing Legion tactics and formation tendencies. I understand that you don't send them because we don't read them. That's our fault, so I'm not mad. But from now on, do it properly. I'll read them." Shin: "I'm not good at reading and writing." Theo: "Well, there were no schools in the camps." Lena: "I'm sorry!" Kaie: "It's not so much "not good at," but more "too lazy to." Right, Undertaker?" Lena: "Undertaker?" Shin: "Very well." Lena: "Send me one for all your missions up to this point as well." Shin: "Will footage from the gun camera do?" Lena: "No. Write them. If we can analyze them, we can counter them. You're an ace unit, so your records are especially valuable. We can lower attrition across the whole battlefield, including your unit. So help me, please." Raiden: "So young." Lena: "No, I'm about the same age as all of you." Lena: "How long has it been since you joined the military?" Kaie: "We're all in our fourth year, I guess?" Raiden: "Undertaker's been here the longest. It's his fifth year." Lena: "So Undertaker's almost done with his term, huh? Is there something you want to do when you leave the army and become a Republic citizen again? Somewhere you want to go, or want to see?" Shin: "I've never thought about it." Lena: "I see." Lena: "But you might want to start thinking about it now. You might come up with something. I'm sure it'll be fun." Shin: "You may be right."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 2 – Spearhead", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "2", "Spearhead" ] }
Willem: "We've started our advance again. According to that boy with the strange powers, the Morpho is stopped on the tracks in southern Legion-held territory. The Federacy's main force, as well as the Alliance, will advance and take the area around the tracks. The United Kingdom will be working with another smaller Federacy unit to take tracks on the north side." Richard: "So the United Kingdom volunteered to be a diversion?" Richard: "But if the Federacy's main army advances, the Legion's not going to miss that." Richard: "What's our plan?" Willem: "The Alliance is going to be using a prototype anti-radar weapon. It disperses clouds of small metal particles into the air, jamming communications among the Legion. If they use everything they have, the hope is they can buy enough time for the Legion to identify the United Kingdom's force as the big one." Richard: "They're going all-in. The Legion learn fast, so this kind of thing only works once." Willem: "If we lose this, it's over. What else could they do?" Willem: "The Federacy's the same, right?" Richard: "Everyone's forced to do whatever it takes, huh?" Shin: "They're on the move." Raiden: "The Legion?" Shin: "They fell for the diversion to the north." Raiden: "A double diversion, huh? The guys to the north and south are desperate, huh?" Raiden: "That means the main force will finally move, too. We won't be that far after all." Shin: "The Federacy's main force will be doing an all-night march. That should get them closer, but..." Raiden: "True." Shin: "I don't care if they can't catch up, but..." Raiden: "Shin. Take Frederica and go back." Shin: "Why?" Raiden: "You know why. Somebody needs to get her past all those Legion without being found. Only you can do that." Shin: "And our pursuit?" Raiden: "If he can move only on the train tracks, we can probably track him just talking through Para-RAID." Raiden: "Fortunately, unlike last time, somebody is making a big distraction for us." Shin: "You think the Legion will be forced to use all their forces to deal with the diversion and the main unit?" Shin: "You know from the last time we passed through Legion territory that fighting means instant death." Raiden: "It'd be better than having you lead us, the way you are now." Raiden: "You've always been crazy, but that last fight was too much." Raiden: "Something had control of you..." Raiden: "I don't know if it's this ghost knight of Frederica's you've never met, but..." Raiden: "What's gotten into you?" Shin: "Nothing." Raiden: "You really think you can fool me that easily? Idiot." Shin: "Fool you?" Raiden: "I'm afraid we've known each other a long time. I can see a few things you yourself can't. You're such a mess that you can barely stand." Raiden: "So you're back to where you were when we met? Never opening up to anyone... Like the name everyone calls you... The Reaper..." Shin: "Then the rest of you can take her and go. I'd rather follow it myself than take someone who'll slow me down." Raiden: "What?" Shin: "If this is a one-way mission, it's better I go myself. If you're intending to go home, there's no need to follow a path of no return." Raiden: "You...!" Raiden: "Don't think you can keep everybody else alive by doing this." Raiden: "What do you mean, "one-way mission"? Don't talk like you're not coming back!" Shin: "I'm not planning to die." Raiden: "Yeah, I bet. But you weren't planning on coming back alive, either!" Raiden: "Why did you kill your brother? Wasn't it so you could keep going forward?" Raiden: "You didn't survive all that just to kill your brother, did you? Don't misunderstand that!" Shin: "Then..." Shin: "Then why..." Shin: "Why did I..." Raiden: "I don't want to die. That's all." Raiden: "And I think that's enough." Raiden: "I'm pretty sure the others feel the same way." Raiden: "It's your path to walk. You decide." Raiden: "But..." Raiden: "We're all traveling the same road together. If you're exhausted, we'll support you." Raiden: "If you're tired, rest!" Raiden: "So..." Raiden: "Don't try to fight on your own." Theo: "It kinda feels like I'm being left out... Like I'm not being treated like a fellow guy." Anju: "They've known each other a long time." Anju: "Supposedly a lot happened before we met them." Anju: "Stay put. It's your fault for trying to run over and interrupt them." ederica: "You were like a little dog!" Theo: "Even if you did go, you'd just make things more complicated. Stay put." Kurena: "That's not true!" Theo: "What Raiden said about something having control of him is probably true. Shin's been acting weird for a while." Theo: "Thinking back, he's been weird ever since then." Theo: "Before, he'd never do anything that meant certain death, or let anybody else do so." Kurena: "Shin is fine. He wouldn't leave us." Theo: "I think you should try to face Shin as he really is and not just see him as an ideal in your head." Theo: "Shin's not going to be our personal Reaper forever, right?" Theo: "You were always worried about that, right, Anju?" Anju: "We're similar, after all. I know a little about what a child feels when their family says they're not needed." Anju: "They wonder if it's their fault. They might know in their head that it isn't, but they still blame themselves." Anju: "Especially since Shin wasn't just told... by his brother." Anju: "You can't get rid of things like that by yourself." Kurena: "Does that mean that our just being there for him isn't enough?" Theo: "All we've been able to do is ask him to stay with us till we die." Theo: "We were just relying on him and intending to leave him someday." Theo: "Even though I'm sure that was the first time he said he'd go on ahead of us..." Anju: "They said the Republic isn't responding to radio calls." ederica: "Essentially, the country must have ceased to exist." Theo: "Probably. So they were wiped out after all." Kurena: "The Major wasn't able to catch up with us, huh?" Theo: "Just so you know, Kurena, this is your big chance. They say when somebody's feeling depressed, it's easier to take advantage of them." Kurena: "Huh?" Anju: "Just so you know, Theo, it's only bad girls who do that. That wouldn't be right for Kurena." Theo: "I suppose that's true." Kurena: "No! I don't..." Kurena: "Do you think Shin knows?" ederica: "I would say he's long-since realized, but thinks it's more of a childish admiration and possessiveness?" ederica: "He seems to think of you as a little sister who is particularly difficult to deal with. I don't think he sees you as a woman at all, to be honest." Theo: "Well... You're someone he can count on." Anju(Background): "Frederica, there are some things you just shouldn't say!" Theo: "That's enough, right?" Kurena: "Y-Yeah. I'm a good sniper! I'm useful!" Shin: "Don't worry. I'm not going to run off on my own." Shin: "I would feel better if I did, though." Willem: "General, it's time to wake up." Richard: "What are the Eighty-Six doing?" Willem: "We were finally able to synchronize with them. This Republic technology is very useful." Richard: "You've finally connected?" Willem: "It routes through your consciousness." Willem: "If you're asleep, you can't be contacted." Willem: "I can't believe a five-man force is able to get any sleep so deep in enemy territory." Richard: "The battlefield is daily life for them, huh?" Willem: "Where do you think they are now?" Willem: "They're 120 kilometers west of the old border. We could march all night and still not catch up. It's a little frustrating." Richard: "I'm surprised. I thought you wanted to ensure they didn't survive this battle." Willem: "You seem to misunderstand me. I just think that a sharp blade should be put to good use." Willem: "If we can use that blade a long time, all the better." Willem: "We can't have the Legion taking them." Willem: "We need to get them back fast." Grethe: "We're starting our march before dawn. Y-You guys..." Bernhart: "Roger. We're ready to go whenever. We're not packing much equipment, as you can see." Grethe: "Are you worried about them, Sergeant?" Bernhart: "I'll ask you the same question." Grethe: "We did all we could. Now we just have to believe." Bernhart: "You say that, but just in case, you've brought extra Reginleifs, ammo, spare parts, along with a repair crew, all the way from the front lines. You even forced the Chief of Staff to authorize their transport by air." Grethe: "And I suggested you go back to the front lines, and you refused." Bernhart: "What kind of man would I be if I did? If the kids come back after catching their big centipede, and all the old men are drinking," Bernhart: "they'd make fun of us till the day we died." Bernhart: "Those little brats would." Theo: "Not good." Anju: "Can you get it out, Theo?" Theo: "I don't think so." Theo: "It's not moving at all. I'm purging it." Raiden: "Laughing Fox was damaged, too, huh?" Raiden: "We're taking more damage than expected." Kurena: "Anju and I got some shrapnel the other day. And when you were blasted back, you lost a machine gun." Raiden: "Only Undertaker's safe, huh?" Raiden: "He's out of spare blades, though." Shin: "No, my engine hasn't been working right since yesterday. I think I put too much stress on it during the first battle." Raiden: "You haven't fixed your bad habit of destroying your Reginleif's legs?" Shin: "I think I can keep it patched up with repairs for a short while. If nothing else, it's not so bad that I can't move." Raiden: "But if you put too much stress on it, it'll break. Don't get too crazy." Shin: "Given the amount of ammo and energy packs we have on hand, tomorrow will be the last day of our pursuit. We'll probably catch up to it before that," Shin: "but it would be a good idea to ensure we last until then." Raiden: "Until we catch up to it, huh?" Raiden: "Roger." ederica: "It's like the sea..." ederica: "Have any of you seen the sea?" Kurena: "I don't think I have." Anju: "I thought I saw it once on a transport between combat districts, but looking back, I may have been wrong." Theo: "Not the sea, but there was a big lake near me. I'd go there to play a lot." Raiden: "My elementary school had a field trip to take kids to the ocean. But the war started first." ederica: "Me, neither." ederica: "I've never seen anything like this before." ederica: "There's so much I don't know." ederica: "I want to go see the ocean. I want to go swimming! I'm sure it's a lot of fun!" Kurena: "The sea, huh?" Kurena: "Yeah, that might be fun!" Theo: "How about a tropical island? Coral, coconut trees, white beaches." Anju: "I'd love to see a sea of ice in the north, too!" Anju: "They say when it's really cold, you can walk across it!" Kurena: "Wow!" Raiden: "Where'd you hear that?" Anju: "I saw it in a pamphlet for a travel company." Kurena: "Let's go!" Kurena: "All of us, when the war's over!" Shin: "Fido." Shin: "I ordered you to switch to standby mode until I wake you up tomorrow." Shin: "Fine. If that's what you want to do." ederica: "I thought it was weird to hear you talking so much. It's cause you're talking to Fido, huh?" Shin: "What is it?" ederica: "I felt that I understood you a little today." ederica: "I looked at the scenery the whole time." ederica: "It was so beautiful. If you've lived your whole lives surrounded by that scenery, then I felt that maybe I could understand the reason." ederica: "The reason you're so disinterested in humanity's survival, and your own lives." ederica: "That beauty exists only because there are no humans here." ederica: "Maybe that scenery is what the Legion want." Shin: "I don't know." Shin: "They may not want anything." Shin: "They're ghosts. Ghosts aren't supposed to want anything." ederica: "How do you know?" Shin: "Because I'm the same." Shin: "That night, I failed to die." Shin: "And I think I'm still dead." Shin: "Ever since then, I haven't been able to want anything." Shin: "I don't want to see the sea." Shin: "I don't have anything I want to do or any place where I want to go. It doesn't really cause me any problems, but I kind of understand now that not even being able to have something small you want to do— like our conversation at dusk—is bizarre." ederica: "But last fall was fun, wasn't it?" ederica: "When you left the eighty-six districts. It was the first time you were able to decide everything for yourself— the first time you had freedom, right?" Shin: "It was fun." Shin: "Because I thought it would be over soon. I thought we'd die without anyone ever knowing what happened to us." Shin: "But we survived, unfortunately..." Shin: "I was supposed to die." Shin: "The future is too long for someone like me." Shin: "I'm not your knight." Shin: "I knew that, but..." Shin: "I'm sorry for using your knight as an excuse." Shin: "I'm still going to go as far as I can." Shin: "But my brother isn't there anymore." Shin: "So I wanted another goal that would take his place for a while." ederica: "I don't think that's all." ederica: "You should be aware that you're looking in the mirror the wrong way." ederica: "You're not nearly as cold as you think you are. You're a softie, Reaper." ederica: "If nothing else, I can release Kiri because you agreed to help me." ederica: "It was so sad, seeing him crying and trapped deep within the battlefield. I wanted to free him. I wanted to be freed from being forced to see his misery." ederica: "But..." ederica: "I'm scared of Kiri dying." ederica: "I'm terrified of losing him." ederica: "The Federacy doesn't need a child like me. It's a republic now. Just by being alive, I could potentially start a war." ederica: "It's better for everyone if I'm not here." ederica: "But I thought I had to stay alive to put an end to my knight's life." ederica: "But when Kiri dies, that excuse will cease to exist." ederica: "And that scares me. The reason you're terrified of going forward right now" ederica: "is that you tried to see the future for what it is! Because you tried to look directly at the dark, untrodden path before you!" Shin: "No." ederica: "It's nothing to be ashamed of, and while you're doing it, at least, you let those who are with you support you. That's what companions are for. That's why people come together." Shin: "Raiden said the same thing." ederica: "Then just admit he was right—" Shin: "I'm not like them." Shin: "Not having any wishes is the same as not wanting to be alive." Shin: "I'm the only one of us who still isn't truly alive." Shin: "I'm just the Reaper." Shin: "And the ones who call me that will someday go on ahead..." Shin: "and leave me behind." Kiriya: "Pale Rider to No-Face. Beginning combat operations." face: "No-Face, roger." face: "There is new information to share from the wide-area network." face: "We've found traces of an enemy unit within our territory. From the available information, it appears they are pursuing you. You are to begin searching for them in the vicinity of your operations area." Kiriya: "Roger."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 20 – Together Unto Death", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "20", "Together Unto Death" ] }
Shin: "Let's go." Raiden: "Frederica." Raiden: "If I told you to ignore everybody but that idiot and go, could you?" ederica: "Yes." Theo: "They just don't give up." Kurena: "What about the Löwes?" Shin: "Still following us." Shin: "They're traveling along the river below the cliffs." Anju: "How much longer until the Morpho?" Shin: "15K as the crow flies." Shin: "It moved a little and stopped." Shin: "I don't know why, but we'll use this opportunity to get close." ederica: "It seems to be after something." Theo: "Below! They're firing!" Theo: "Anju!" Kurena: "Anju!" Kurena: "Anju!" Anju: "I'm fine. I'm not damaged." Anju: "But... sorry. I don't think I can climb back up." Kurena: "Wait! I'll use my wire to..." Anju: "There's no time." Anju: "I'll handle them. You guys go." Anju: "Fido." Anju: "Leave all the spare missile pods you've got." Shin: "More are coming." Shin: "Let's go." Kurena: "Yeah." Kurena: "Stay safe." Anju: "Now then..." Anju: "Time to get to work." Raiden: "How we looking?" Shin: "We shook them off, but another group is trying to block our path." Theo: "They really don't give up." Theo: "They'll get in our way when we're fighting the Morpho, won't they?" Theo: "Once we're past this, it's just open plains, right?" Theo: "I'm only useful in places like this. So I'll be a decoy here." Theo: "I'll be as careful as I can. Hang in there." Kiriya: "They've split their group even more? I'm bringing shame to the Nouzen clan," Kiriya: "letting mere common soldiers like them find me." Kiriya: "However..." Kiriya: "I'll give you credit for being cold enough to abandon your friends as you get closer." Kiriya: "Pale Rider to wide-area network! Now executing the designated bombardment schedule. No further communications will be allowed until the schedule is complete." Kiriya: "I'm about to meet a comrade. No one will interfere!" Kiriya: "No one!" ederica: "Dodge!" Raiden: "He can shoot multiple rounds like that?" Kurena: "Crap!" Kurena: "Go on, quick! That was scattershot. It won't deal heavy damage! A counterattack is incoming!" Raiden: "What about you?" Kurena: "I can provide more support from here, because it's easier to see." Kurena: "Get close while his attacks aren't concentrated! Go!" Raiden: "Understood." Shin: "Thanks." Kurena: "Leave it to me." Kiriya: "I'm tired of these little flies." Kiriya: "Even those who aren't invited are getting close." Kiriya: "Anyone who interferes must be eliminated immediately!" Raiden: "Kurena!" Shin: "Raiden, above us." ederica: "Raiden!" Shin: "What's wrong?" ederica: "He was trying to protect me!" Raiden: "Don't worry." Raiden: "It won't kill me. But... sorry." Raiden: "I'm out of the game now, too." Shin: "Frederica, get aboard Fido." Shin: "Wehrwolf lost the legs on its right side. It can't go any farther." ederica: "Raiden..." Raiden: "Go. The next attack is coming." ederica: "Thank you." Raiden: "Don't worry about it." Raiden: "Don't die." Shin: "Sure." Shin: "Fido." ederica: "What's wrong?" ederica: "What are you doing?" Shin: "You're staying here." Shin: "Fido will stay and hide." ederica: "Shinei!" Shin: "If something happens to me, take Frederica back to base." Shin: "Don't worry about recovering the others." Shin: "Get her back to the Federacy." ederica: "Open up, Fido! I need to tell that idiot directly." Shin: "Frederica." Shin: "You're scared to lose him, but you want to save him anyway, right? Your knight." Shin: "Survive, so you can do that." Kiriya: "I knew you'd come." Kiriya: "I can't wait to rip you apart! Now, come to me! Come! Come! Come! Come!" Raiden: "So... Don't try to fight on your own." Kiriya: "I'll kill you." Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "Incredible moves..." Kiriya: "Just as I was hoping for!" Shin: "I'm still too far away?" Kiriya: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Shin: "When I'm fighting, I can forget everything." Shin: "Yeah. It's nice and peaceful." ederica: "I'm sorry." ederica: "You want to go help your master, right?" ederica: "If it weren't for me..." ederica: "Let's at least watch their battle to the end." Kiriya: "You think I can't shoot you now?" Kiriya: "He was trying to make me overheat from the beginning? A plan worthy of the eldest sons of the Nouzen." Kiriya: "If you'd been by my side, the Empire would yet stand." Kiriya: "I'd love to have your power on our side." Kiriya: "But I guess you're too strong to take that risk." Kiriya: "Yes, you have to get close to pierce my armor with those tiny guns." Kiriya: "But don't you think you're being a little reckless?" Eugene: "Do you know about Shin's legendary point-blank shot?" Eugene: "He sent a Vánagandr flying during a mock battle at school. He did it to avoid a collision, but he failed due to dangerous piloting." ederica: "Oh, yeah? Tell me more." ederica: "That's right. I wasn't surprised then. Because I knew already..." ederica: "There's another person out there who can do the impossible in a Feldreß." ederica: "No, Shinei! Don't get close to him! Kiri was just like you! Close combat was his specialty!" Raiden: "Shin! Get back!" Kiriya: "Don't interfere!" ederica: "Raiden!" Shin: "Enough, Raiden! Run!" Shin: "One round left." Shin: "Engines at their limit." Shin: "Wingmen all down. I'm all that's left." Shin: "The enemy is unharmed. Enemy main guns and subweapons are still functional." Shin: "This may be... the end, yeah." Anju: "Go, everyone." Theo: "I'll leave it to you." Kurena: "I'm on it." Raiden: "Don't die." Lena: "I won't forget!" Shin: "While you still can, huh?" Kiri: "You're still interfering?" Kiri: "Don't you dare!" Shin: "You won't let me get close, no matter what, huh?" Kiriya: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I can fight! Pierce me with a hail of bullets, rip my body apart, and I can still fight! Maybe I'll die here, but... But I can still kill them all!" ederica: "Why?" ederica: "Why do you insist on fighting? Why are you trying to kill everyone?" ederica: "You don't know his name. You don't know his face. But he shares your blood. He's the only comrade you have!" Kiriya: "You know why..." Kiriya: "Because this is all I have left!" Kiriya: "All I have is the battle." Kiriya: "The battlefield that burns in my veins. It burns my soul to ash," Kiriya: "so only the empty, smoldering flames of war remain." Kiriya: "Yes..." Kiriya: "On that day, I lost everything!" Kiriya: "Even you!" Kiriya: "If you..." Kiriya: "If you're going to be the same... If you're going to be like me, then it's better that..." ederica: "Fool!" ederica: "Have you forgotten your master's face, Kiriya Nouzen?" Kiriya: "Princess..." Kiriya: "Stop fighting, Kiri! You have no reason to fight!" Kiriya: "Princess, what are you saying?" ederica: "Enough... You've done enough." ederica: "You've done well, my knight." Kiriya: "You! Not only did you destroy my Empire and steal its crown, but now you're using the young princess as a hostage?" ederica: "Kiri! Stop it, Kiri!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kiriya: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "Look at me, Kiri!" ederica: "What's wrong, my knight? Come on. Save me." Kiriya: "Princess! What are you doing, Princess? Princess! Princess!" Kiriya: "We finally meet again, and you..." ederica: "Kiri!" Kiriya: "Princess!" Kiriya: "Princess!" Lena: "Now!" Shin: "Frederica." Shin: "Where is your knight?" ederica: "Kiri is..." ederica: "Behind the main gun. Between the first pair of wings! Between the first pair of wings!" ederica: "Farewell."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 21 – All That's Left", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "21", "All That's Left" ] }
Raiden: "Ten years ago, the old Giad Empire unleashed autonomous war machines, called Legion, upon the continent. The Legion were nigh unstoppable in combat, and their large-scale offensive did major damage to the surrounding nations. The Giad Federacy held off many of their attacks, but the sudden appearance of the Legion's new ultra-long-range artillery wiped out their forward bases. This new type of Legion, the Morpho, carried a massive railgun. And the capitals of every nation were within its firing range." Reporting Soldier: "We estimate it will take a minimum of eight weeks for repairs and for it to become combat capable again. If we can't find some countermeasure by then..." Reporting Soldier: "we will be defeated." Raiden: "The Federacy's army, facing annihilation, put together a plan to destroy the Morpho." Raiden: "A suicide squad was put together to head into Legion-held territory alone. It was composed of those best capable of the job, and those who would least be missed. The 15 members of Nordlicht Squadron, including the Eighty-Six." Richard: "You'll be at the vanguard of the largest joint operation in history. " Richard: "The edge of the spear that pierces the Legion's defenses." Myna: "I guess Eighty-Six aren't welcome, no matter where they go. " Richard: "Spearhead." Richard: "Give this your all." Haruto: "We lived with pride! Right up to the very end!" Kujo: "But that was only because of you, Undertaker." Kujo: "Our Reaper!" Shin: "I'm left behind... always." Raiden: "Shin's survived countless battles and brought an end" Lena: "I won't let you die." Raiden: "to the lives of many of his comrades. Always alone. He's finally found someone he could entrust himself to, and she left him as well. He felt that he'd lost his will to live." Lena: "I won't forget." Shin: "Goodbye." Raiden: "The operation to destroy the Morpho was exceedingly simple. A joint task force with soldiers from all three militaries would throw its full weight into distracting the enemy, and our suicide squad would head in through the now-undefended areas. We would attack and eliminate the Morpho while it was still under repairs. The most important question was this: How would we get to the Morpho? But..." Kurena: "It flies? " Raiden: ""Ground-effect vehicle"?" Grethe: "A plane that uses ground effect— which occurs when you stay right above the ground—to fly. It can get you to the Morpho far faster than a transport helicopter." Grethe: "That's the power of the Nachzehrer!" ederica: "And then what?" ederica: "If we do get to the Morpho, can we win? And even if we do win, we'll be in the middle of enemy territory. How will we get back?" Grethe: "Well—" Shin: "It's more important to take out the Morpho than worry about how we'll get back." ederica: "You regret not telling your brother not to go, right? You still regret that he went to his death without you saying anything! So why are you trying to do the same thing he did? Why are you trying to make me suffer, as your brother made you suffer?" Raiden: "There was no guarantee we'd make it back alive. The operation itself was insane. But that wasn't all." Raiden: "He'd lost his friends. His brother. And I didn't feel any desire to live from him." Raiden: "His new reason for living was to keep fighting. Maybe Frederica saw in him her old knight." Shin: "Frederica... " ederica: "Don't go, Shinei..." ederica: "I don't want you to die like Kiri." ederica: "I don't want to lose another big brother." Raiden: "Four weeks later, the day of the mission was upon us." Officer: "Mr. President." Ernst: "Yes." Ernst: "Let's get started." Ernst: "Attention, comrades!" Ernst: "The Western Theater forces will begin an all-out march into Legion-held territory. This battle will determine not only the fate of the Federal Republic of Giad, but also those of the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia, the Alliance of Wald," Ernst: "and the other nations whose cries for help we haven't even heard yet! This is the greatest operation in the history of mankind!" Ernst: "We will be a symbol of justice for the world! Keep our successful battles close to your heart and advance, bravely, valiantly!" Ernst: "Begin the mission." emale Soldier: "Fire!" Soldier 1: "Fire!" Soldier 2: "Fire!" Grethe: "Okay, here we go! " Operator 1: "Nachzehrer, take off!" Raiden: "The soldiers of the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia, the Alliance of Wald, and the Giad Federacy gave everything they had in deadly combat against the advancing Legion forces." Tank Soldier: "If you have something you want to protect, then fight! Raise your heads and go forward!" Raiden: "The Federacy isn't retreating." Tank Soldier: "Just a little more! Just hang in there a little more! And then those goddamn disgusting Eighty-Six will... Then we'll win!" Kurena: "Yeah. If we take out the Morpho, we win, right?" Raiden: "But the Legion soon blocked our path." Shin: "Lieutenant Colonel. " Grethe: "Yes. I just saw them. They've come to block our path." Shin: "Can we dodge them?" Grethe: "Not easily. I told you. Turning's not this baby's thing." Grethe: "I'll handle them." Grethe: "Don't worry. Just head for the Morpho." Raiden: "How?" Grethe: "I was hoping I could land before you got off, but..." Grethe: "May the speed of the gods protect us!" Officers: "We've lost contact with the Nachzehrer! The task force is currently in combat with the Morpho's defenders and is approaching the target." Anju: "Hey, are they leading us somewhere?" Bernhardt: "Well, Commander?" Raiden: "With this many around us, Shin's ears alone can't help." Kurena: "We'll just have to keep going!" Raiden: "When we made it past the endless hordes of foes, we finally saw our target: the Morpho. That's it? " Theo: "It's that big?" Anju: "The Morpho's kind of like a millipede." Kurena: "More like a centipede? It's got long legs, and it's kind of squirming around." Theo: "It doesn't matter. It's disgusting either way." Shin: "Læraðr HQ, we've sighted the enemy near the high-speed train terminal at Kreutzbek City." Shin: "It doesn't seem to have finished its repairs. We will now begin combat." Kurena: "It moved!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Raiden: "When we got close, the Morpho, which we thought was undergoing repairs," Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Raiden: "suddenly began to move." Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Kurena: "It's fixed?" Theo: "What do we do?" Berhardt: "Commander!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll..." Raiden: "We were all caught off guard by this unexpected development. And then..." ederica: "Get back, Shinei! What you're seeing isn't Kiri!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!" Shin: "Everyone, retreat! Now!" Raiden: "What's wrong?" Shin: "I'll explain later!" Raiden: "Roger!" Kiri: "That mark... " Kiri: "It belongs to the Nouzen clan." Kiri: "Follow me, Baleygr." Kiri: "You're like me. You have no place, except on the battlefield..." Raiden: "The massive Morpho was a threat to every nation in the world. Inside it was Kiriya Nouzen, Frederica's former bodyguard. He'd lost his home and family during the war" Raiden: "and dedicated everything he had to protecting Frederica." Raiden: "When he lost the one thing keeping him going, the Legion took him." Kiri: "I'll teach you..." Kiri: "I'll make it so you're all alone." Raiden: "We somehow managed to survive the railgun blast and began our pursuit of the Morpho, and Kiriya, once more." Raiden: "But as the battle grew closer, Shin's behavior only grew stranger. Don't think you can keep everybody else alive by doing this. " Raiden: "Why did you kill your brother? Wasn't it so you could keep going forward?" Raiden: "You didn't survive all that just to kill your brother, did you? Don't misunderstand that!" Shin: "Then..." Shin: "Then why..." Raiden: "Frederica lost the Giad Empire," Raiden: "and the knight she looked up to as an older brother was stolen by the Legion. She decided that the reason she would be allowed to live was to be able to release him herself. Seeing Frederica in the same state as himself gradually began to have an effect on Shin's heart, after spending so much time averting his eyes from the past, and his fear." ederica: "But last fall was fun, wasn't it? " ederica: "When you left the eighty-six districts. It was the first time you were able to decide everything for yourself— the first time you had freedom, right?" Shin: "It was fun. Because I thought it would be over soon. I thought we'd die without anyone ever knowing what happened to us." Shin: "But we survived, unfortunately..." Shin: "I was supposed to die." Shin: "The future is too long for someone like me." Shin: "I'm the only one of us who still isn't truly alive." Shin: "I'm just the Reaper." Shin: "And the ones who call me that will someday go on ahead..." Shin: "and leave me behind." Raiden: "Forty-eight hours after the mission began, the damage and attrition to our unit was heavy, and our fuel was running out. But we wouldn't get another chance at this mission." Raiden: "We had to find the Morpho and kill it. But..." Anju: "How much longer until the Morpho? " Shin: "15K as the crow flies." Shin: "It moved a little and stopped." Shin: "I don't know why, but we'll use this opportunity to get close." ederica: "It seems to be after something." Theo: "Below! They're firing!" Theo: "Anju!" Kurena: "Anju!" Kurena: "Anju!" Anju: "But... sorry. I don't think I can climb back up. I'll handle them. You guys go." Raiden: "The Legion forces blocked our progress and split us up." Shin: "We shook them off, but another group is trying to block our path. " Theo: "They'll get in our way when we're fighting the Morpho, won't they?" Theo: "So I'll be a decoy here." Theo: "I'll be as careful as I can. Hang in there." Kurena: "Go on, quick!" Kurena: "I can provide more support from here, because it's easier to see. Get close while his attacks aren't concentrated! Go!" Raiden: "Kurena! One by one, our comrades left us behind to delay the enemy." ederica: "Raiden!" Shin: "What's wrong?" Raiden: "It won't kill me. But... sorry." Raiden: "I'm out of the game now, too." Raiden: "Don't die." Shin: "Sure." Raiden: "And then it was just Shin, heading toward the Morpho alone..." Shin: "Fido." ederica: "What's wrong?" ederica: "What are you doing?" Shin: "You're staying here." Shin: "Fido will stay and hide." ederica: "Shinei!" Shin: "If something happens to me, take Frederica back to base." Shin: "Don't worry about recovering the others." Shin: "Get her back to the Federacy." Shin: "Open up, Fido! I need to tell that idiot directly. Frederica." Shin: "You're scared to lose him, but you want to save him anyway, right? Your knight." Shin: "Survive, so you can do that." Kiri: "I knew you'd come." Kiri: "I can't wait to rip you apart! Now, come to me! Come! Come! Come! Come!" Kiri: "Incredible moves..." Kiri: "Just as I was hoping for!" Shin: "I'm still too far away?" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Shin: "When I'm fighting, I can forget everything." Shin: "Yeah. It's nice and peaceful." Kiri: "Yes, you have to get close to pierce my armor with those tiny guns. But don't you think you're being a little reckless?" ederica: "No, Shinei! Don't get close to him! Kiri was just like you! Close combat was his specialty!" Raiden: "After a flurry of attacks at unimaginable speed, Shin's Reginleif was no longer capable of fighting." Shin: "One round left." Shin: "Engines at their limit." Shin: "Wingmen all down. I'm all that's left." Shin: "The enemy is unharmed." Shin: "Enemy main guns and subweapons are still functional." Shin: "This may be... the end, yeah." Anju: "Go, everyone." Theo: "I'll leave it to you." Kurena: "I'm on it." Raiden: "Don't die." Lena: "I won't forget!" Raiden: "Shin himself probably didn't think he could win. And then..." Shin: "While you still can, huh?" Kiri: "You're still interfering?" Kiri: "Don't you dare!" Shin: "You won't let me get close, no matter what, huh?" Lena? Grethe?: "Attention unknown pilot! If you can hear me, fall back!" Kiri: "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I can fight! Pierce me with a hail of bullets, rip my body apart, and I can still fight! Maybe I'll die here, but... But I can still kill them all!" ederica: "Fool! Have you forgotten your master's face," ederica: "Kiriya Nouzen?" Kiri: "Princess..." ederica: "Stop fighting, Kiri! You have no reason to fight!" Kiri: "Princess, what are you saying?" ederica: "What's wrong, my knight? Come on. Save me." Kiri: "Princess! What are you doing, Princess? Princess! Princess!" Kiri: "We finally meet again, and you..." ederica: "Kiri!" Kiri: "Princess..." Kiri: "Princess!" Lena: "Now!" Shin: "Frederica." Shin: "Where is your knight?" ederica: "Kiri is..." ederica: "Behind the main gun. Between the first pair of wings!" Raiden: "Frederica was once afraid of losing Kiriya. But when she said the words to free her knight from the endless battlefield, there was no uncertainty in her voice. Kiriya Nouzen became part of the Legion" Raiden: "at the end of his battles to protect the young Frederica. What was left of his soul was now about to be released from the battlefield, by none other than her hand." Raiden: "Frederica had made killing Kiriya her reason for living." Raiden: "With her wish fulfilled, what would she see in her future? And first killing his brother Rei, and now Kiriya, Frederica's knight, Shin had made releasing them from the battlefield his reason for living. With that reason fading away, what would he feel now that the battle was over?" Raiden: "Would he find something to keep him connected to this world?" ederica: "Farewell."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 21.5 –", "parsed": [] }
Kiriya: "Princess! Princess! Princess! Princess!" Lena: "Now!" Kiriya: "Princess! Princess!" Shin: "Enough." Shin: "The dead are the past." Shin: "The living can never interact with them." Shin: "Nothing comes of them remaining in this world." Shin: "There’s nowhere for them to go." Shin: "So..." Shin: "It's time for them to disappear." Kiriya: "That goes for you too, doesn't it?" Kiriya: "You're like me. You also have nothing left." Kiriya: "No, you more than me..." Kiriya: "You were planning on dying here, weren't you?" Kiriya: "So..." Kiriya: "Why are you still alive?" Rei: "It's your fault! Everything is your fault!" Rei: "Shin!" Rei: "If it weren't for you..." Rei: "If it weren't for you..." Ghosts: "If it weren't for you... If it weren't for you... If it weren't for you... If it weren't for you... If it weren't for you..." Ghosts: "Reaper!" Rei: "You don't need to let me hold you back anymore." Rei: "You can just forget about me." Shin: "No." Shin: "Wait." Shin: "Brother..." Daiya: "Breakfast time!" Kurena: "Hooray!" Kujo: "Shin!" Kujo: "Shin." Kujo: "Thanks." Shin: "You have nothing." Shin: "Nothing to protect. No place to go home to." Recca: "Thank you." Shin: "Nothing to wish for. Nothing to aim for." Mikuri: "Thanks." Daiya: "Shin, thank you." Shin: "Not even anyone to call out for as you die." Shin: "Not a single reason to live." Kaie: "Thank you, Shin." Shin: "You were kept alive only so you could kill the Morpho." Kino: "Thanks!" Myna: "Shin, thank you!" Shin: "So if no place needs you anymore," Haruto: "Thank you." Shin: "then there's no reason for you to stay alive." Haruto: "Shin." Rei: "No, forget that." Rei: "I'd appreciate it if you could remember me, just once in a while." Rei: "When you're free, when you're happy..." Rei: "Just then... Just once in a while." Shin: ""Free"? "Happy"? Don't tell me what to do!" Shin: "Not when you left me behind..." Shin: "Why does every single one of them..." Shin: "Leave me alone..." Shin: "Die before me..." Shin: "And then tell me that we're the ones who fight to the end..." Shin: "That that's what makes us who we are..." Eugene: "You were looking for a place to die. That's all." Eugene: "And you took them with you on your meaningless journey." Eugene: "Shin." Eugene: "Thank you!" ederica: "Your heart's frozen cold. That's why the warm feelings you shared with your comrades burn you." Theo: "Are they too painful to bear?" Anju: "Then we'll take them from you for a while." Kurena: "Let us help for once!" Raiden: "We've left you alone again, haven't we?" Shin: "Wait!" Shin: "Wait!" Shin: "Wait!" Shin: "You thought it was over, didn't you?" Shin: "You thought it would be over when you killed the Morpho, right?" Shin: "No more..." Shin: "But... Don't leave me! now it's just me again. Will you remember me?" Shin: "But to tell the truth... Kill me! You've been waiting for this." Shin: "This moment." Shin: "I see that you are with the San Magnolia Republic." Shin: "I am with the Giad Federacy 177th Mechanized Infantry Division." Shin: "I was conducting Legion elimination operations to support our defense lines." Shin: "Thank you for your support." Lena: "No, but..." Shin: "Thank you for your concern. However, my main unit is behind me, and I will be able to rendezvous with them." Shin: "Will you come with me?" Shin: "Our main unit is capable of protecting you, if your numbers aren't too large." Lena: "No." Shin: "Fight? Why?" Shin: "Are you in a hurry to die? Then you would've done better not to fight at all." Lena: "I'm fine." Shiden: "If something happens, make a run for it, my Queen! Without any kind of protection, you're just in the way if there's a fight!" Lena: "No." Lena: "And we don't know that something will happen. Even if I'm not strong enough to win, I won't embarrass myself by giving up and falling to my knees." Lena: "I'll keep fighting until the very last moment of my life. I know people who lived that way, and they believed that I could do the same." Lena: "So we..." Lena: "So I..." Lena: "will fight until I reach them, and until I can take them to what lies ahead!" Lena: "I am Captain Vladilena Milizé, the commander of the former Republic's Defense Forces. And I will never" Lena: "run from this war!" Shin: "Major..." Shin: "Those people died a long time ago, didn't they?" Shin: "What duty do you have to the dead?" Lena: "They told me not to forget." Lena: "They told me about what would happen. About the Legion's large-scale assault. And that's how I survived." Lena: "They wanted me to survive. They told me they wanted to see me again. And that's why I can still fight. So I want to be who they thought" Lena: "I could be." Lena: "They're gone now." Lena: "But I want to get to where they are." Lena: "To catch up to them..." Lena: "And this time..." Lena: "Fight with them." Lena: "Because... I want to take them beyond this battlefield!" Lena: "And you..." Lena: "You're the same." Lena: "You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now." Lena: "I think that's something you should be more proud of." Shin: "Major..." Shin: "Major, I..." Richard: "Leave the rest to us." Shiden: "Your Highness, this ain't good." Shiden: "I just got word from the guys at the Gran Mur. There's Legion heading toward us!" Lena: "No! Federacy soldier, come with us!" Shin: "No." Shiden: "Impossible... No, but..." Lena: "Cyclops?" Shiden: "You didn't see it? That marking..." Lena: "That's the Giad Empire's mark, right?" Shiden: "No... Oh, right… I guess there’s no way you could've ever seen it." Richard: "Good work, Lieutenant." Shin: "Thank you." Grethe: "You okay, Lieutenant Nouzen?" Shin: "Lieutenant Colonel..." Shin: "You're alive." Grethe: "Thanks to you." Grethe: "I was worried about you. If you've finished your mission, it's your job to give me a report." Shin: "I'm sorry." Grethe: "This time, the others gave me the report." Shin: "There were survivors?" Kurena: "Shin!" Anju & Theo: "Shin!" Raiden: "Shin!" Raiden: "Listen, that should’ve been the first thing you asked!" Theo: "Really. Kurena was bawling her eyes out again. She said you were the only one she couldn't reach." Anju: "This is the second time you've made her cry! You need to stop being so reckless." Kurena: "I'm not crying!" Bernholdt: "Commander, don't just write us off for dead!" All: "That's right!" Raiden: "You got blown away and stopped moving. So we thought you were dead." Raiden: "We were a little worried." Raiden: "So, miraculously, the whole unit's safe!" Raiden: "Nobody left you behind!" Ernst: "Good work, Shin." Shin: "You're still around, Ernst?" Ernst: "Huh? I'm just worried about my son! Do you have to be so mean? I'm the supreme commander of the allied armies, you know! Why wouldn't I be around? Our advance teams tell me you've already made contact, but after this operation ends, Federacy forces will begin a rescue operation in former San Magnolia territory. Autonomous units intercepted transmissions from within the Republic, and the three nations made the decision jointly. If another Morpho is ever made, it would be a serious threat if it was able to hide in highly-defended Republic territory." Ernst: "And..." Ernst: "It would be unethical to know there were survivors and leave them to die." Ernst: "To the Federacy, they are comrades. This is a rescue operation, the same as what we did for you Eighty-Six. We're glad to do it." Ernst: "But it's not a home you want to go back to, right? If you don't want to fight for the sake of your oppressors, we'll let you head back when we advance." Shin: "No, we'll remain with the army. I have no desire to save the Republic," Shin: "but there are people there who I don't want to die." Ernst: "I see." Shin: "What will happen to the Republic forces I just met?" Ernst: "Our helicopters will take them to the Gran Mur. Escort helis will protect them if they run into Legion." Ernst: "So let our advance teams take over while you rest for a while." Shin: "Roger." Ernst: "And Frederica, you're in for one hell of a punishment when you get home." Shin: "I'll throw her in a container or something and send her back." ederica: "Shinei? You're betraying me?!" Ernst: "Thanks, big brother." ederica: "I'm not heading home even after we meet up with the main unit." Shin: "I don't need a hostage anymore." ederica: "So it seems." Shin: "I'm amazed you're safe." ederica: "Kiri..." ederica: "protected me." ederica: "But... I'm sorry. The gun you gave me..." Shin: "Oh, it's fine. In the end, it was just an excuse to go back to the battlefield." ederica: "You're still carrying them, every single one. How is it an excuse? Fool." ederica: "You're a softie, Reaper." ederica: "You didn't want to give her your name?" ederica: "She was your commander when you were in the Republic, right?" Shin: "I never told you about the Major." ederica: "Did you forget my power?" Shin: "You were eavesdropping?" ederica: "When she gave her name, you were so surprised! I saw there must be some deep connection." ederica: ""Go on ahead," was it?" ederica: "I'm glad she caught up with you. She's come this far out of respect for you." ederica: "Are you sure you didn't want to give her your name?" Shin: "I can't, no." Shin: "She said she was going to catch up with me." Shin: "It wouldn't be right if she caught up with me in this state." Shin: "When she goes forward, what she sees..." Shin: "shouldn't be a battlefield like this." ederica: "I don't know what to say... You're such a boy. You can be so weirdly stubborn when it comes to these things." ederica: "By the way, did you notice?" ederica: "You have your answer. If she's going forward, there needs to be something for her to see down the path she follows. She follows the path that you create." ederica: "So what is your destination?" ederica: "You just found the answer yourself, didn't you?" Shin: "Report." Lena: "They told me not to forget. They told me about what would happen. About the Legion's large-scale assault. And that's how I survived. They wanted me to survive. They told me they wanted to see me again." Lena: "And that's why I can still fight." Theo: "So how'd she look?" Shin: "I couldn't see." Theo: "She didn't know it was you, right?" Shin: "Yeah." Anju: "When did any of us say not to forget?" Theo: "Her voice was different. She sounds bolder now." Raiden: "Of course it's changed." Raiden: "Just like us, she fought and survived." Kurena: "So much happened..." Kurena: "But I'm so glad!" Theo: "Why are you crying?" Kurena: "I'm not crying!" Raiden: "She'd be surprised if she knew we were alive." Anju: "I wish I could've met her, just once."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 22 – Shin", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "22", "Shin" ] }
Ernst: "Welcome back!" Theresa: "Welcome home." Ernst: "I'm so happy you're back safe! It's important to get off the front lines so you can rest. I got you all gifts." Ernst: "Man, the year just flew by! This is your second Holy Birth Festival! I'm happy that this time, I got to give you your presents!" Raiden: "I'm home." Theo: "I'm home." Anju: "I'm home." Kurena: "I'm home." Shin: "I'm home." ederica: "I'm happy for you." Ernst: "Yeah." ederica: "Time for a party!" Ernst: "Are your arithmetic drills done?" ederica: "Your punishments always teach me so much." Theo: "Independent Mobile Force..." Raiden: "Basically it means we kick Legion ass, like we've always done." Ernst: "Yes, this is a proposal from me, as an individual, to grant your request to fight on the front lines." Ernst: "The issue is the foreign officer who will serve as your commander..." Theo: "I'm okay with it." Kurena: "Fine by me." Anju: "Yeah." Raiden: "Yup." Ernst: "Shin, what do you think?" Willem: "Western Theater forces sustained 60% losses. We're speeding up the curriculum at all our officer training schools, specialist training schools, and boot camps to replace the lost manpower. But they won't have the training they need." Richard: "And while the Legion lost their combat forces, their manufacturing facilities are unharmed." Richard: "The war situation's only going to get worse." Ernst: "So unless something changes, humanity will be slowly worn down until we finally lose, correct?" Richard: "Yes." Willem: "We'll maintain our defense lines, as we have been doing, while putting together an independent mobile unit that can bring concentrated firepower down on critical Legion areas." Willem: "I didn't expect you to put together the same plan we had." Richard: "A mobile strike force comprised entirely of Eighty-Six... If you'll forgive my saying so, this doesn't sound like you." Ernst: "Sure, but they're the ones who wanted it." Ernst: "They have their own values. I don't have the right to refuse them out of misplaced pity. If they still choose the battlefield after all that's happened, I'd like them to be able to stay together." Willem: "Will the Eighty-Six accept this foreign officer, though?" Ernst: "I talked to them already." Ernst: "I was worried as well, but I guess I shouldn't have been. After all..." Woman: "This is from me." Shin: "Thank you." Shin: "It's been a long time, Eugene." Shin: "Sorry I couldn't come sooner." Shin: "Eugene, the Western Front is just as it was when you were there." Shin: "It's still hanging in there, somehow." Shin: "You asked me before why I fought, right?" Shin: "To be honest, I still don't know." Shin: "I don't have a reason to fight the way you did." Shin: "But there's one thing I know, and that's that I... I promised to take them all the way to the end," Shin: "and a battlefield isn't what I want them to see when they get there." Shin: "The sea..." Shin: "The thing you wanted your sister to see someday." Shin: "I don't care about seeing it myself." Shin: "But I want them to see it." Shin: "I think if I can show them something new, something they've never seen before..." Shin: "That will be enough of a reason to fight for now." Shin: "I'll come back." Shin: "And when I do, I'll tell you about something you've never seen before." Shin: "Marcel." Marcel: "Nina puts them there." Marcel: "Eugene's little sister." Marcel: "She keeps writing letters to her dead brother." Shin: "It's my fault." Marcel: "Wait!" Marcel: "Why do you just accept it?" Marcel: "It was me! These letters... I was the one!" Marcel: "I was the one who made her write these letters to you! I was just so angry and frustrated," Marcel: "but I didn't want to blame myself!" Marcel: "So I pretended it was all your fault." Marcel: "I'm sorry." Marcel: "I'm so sorry!" Shin: "I'm sorry." Shin: "I need to apologize to you. And to her." Shin: "I..." Marcel: "It's good to see him smiling, huh?" : "Thank you!" Theo: "Shin, you're not gonna change your personal mark?" Shin: "You don't like it?" Theo: "I don't mind painting it. But it's a bit of a bad omen... This is a weird thing to say," Theo: "but do you really need to carry it anymore?" Shin: "Maybe you're right. But it can't be a bad omen after I've had it for six years. And I don't think of it as a heavy burden." Theo: "Sure, sure." Raiden: "Looks like you're over some stuff." Raiden: "That's how it seems to me." Shin: "I couldn't say." Shin: "But..." Shin: "I think I can see them off now." Shin: "Brother..." Shin: "It's hard to envision a future without my brother." Shin: "I don't have anything I wish for. Anything I'm seeking." Shin: "I still don't know what I'm living for." Shin: "But..." Theo: "I'm really going to paint it, okay?" Shin: "I..." Shin: "I have people who don't plan on leaving me behind." Shin: "Who said I'm the one they want by their side." Shin: "So... I think I'm okay." Shin: "I think I can get there alone." Shin: "Thank you." Shin: "I know. I haven't forgotten you." Shin: "I..." Shin: "I'm the Reaper." Shin: "I'll fight." Shin: "Because with the Legion keeping this world closed off, I can't make it happen." Shin: "For their sake." Shin: "For their sake." Shin: "And for her." Lena: "It's thanks to you that I was able to come back." Lena: "I won't forget." Lena: "I've returned, Father." Lena: "A Legion offensive began on the night of the Revolution Festival." Lena: "Many of my comrades fought, as did I." Lena: "Many people of the 86th district answered my call and fought with us." Lena: "I won't forget." Lena: "But the Republic is gone." Lena: "It took only a week. We still managed to keep a defense line going," Lena: "and after two months passed, rescue came." Lena: "From far to the east, past Legion-held territory and our own borders. They—the Giad Federacy—" Lena: "already knew about the oppression and slaughter of the Eighty-Six. The survivors of the 86th district were saved," Lena: "and any one of them who wants to can become a Federacy citizen." Lena: "The awful things have all stopped." Lena: "The rescue forces remain here, providing us a modicum of support, but..." Sanders: "Hey, he got more than I did!" Tom: "Do your jobs." John: "Can't you coloreds treat us equally?" Sanders: "How did it end up like this?" Lena: ""There can be no punishment for a citizenry that's not aware of its crimes."" Lena: "Is Uncle right, Father?" Officer: "Colonel Milizé?" Officer: "Is that..." Lena: "Ignore it, please." Officer: "I see. As you know, it was the brave soldiers of the Federacy, equipped with the latest weaponry, who valiantly pushed back the battle lines and retook the 1st District, where we find ourselves today. Correct?" Lena: "Yes." Officer: "The Federacy has requested that we send an officer to help them break the stalemate north of District 1 and retake the land stolen by the Legion." Officer: "I'm told you've volunteered to lead the unit assigned to this task. Is that correct?" Lena: "It is correct." Officer: "As your superior officer, I knew you'd agree! I feel the same! Good luck out there!" Annette: "So you're going to the Federacy, then?" Lena: "Yup." Lena: "You're not surprised?" Annette: "After all that's happened? If something like that could surprise me, I would've ditched you long ago." Annette: "Ever since that day, you've just been full of surprises." Annette: "I've had a lifetime's worth of surprises already." Annette: "Why? Is that possible?" Lena: "What is it?" Annette: "This RAID device the Federacy made! For some reason, it has the same design as the Republic." Annette: "Is it chance? No, no way in hell it's chance." Lena: "What do you mean?" Annette: "The Federation made it, but it's got our tech in it!" Annette: "You couldn't do this without help from a living Eighty-Six." Annette: "But I can't imagine any Eighty-Six making contact with the Federacy before the Legion offensive..." Annette: "Seriously..." Lena: "Sorry." Annette: "Well, I guess the answers will be waiting for us there." Lena: "Annette, why do you have a Federacy RAID device?" Annette: "'Cause I volunteered." Annette: "I'm being sent as a technology officer." Annette: "I'm going to the Federacy, too. When you said you were going to do everything you could until the end, I stopped feeling as though nothing I did would matter." Annette: "It's not just me." Annette: "The others too, I think." Annette: "So, if you're using a Para-RAID, I'll have to go with you." Annette: "We're together again, Lena!" Lena: "Yeah!" Lena: "Oh jeez, Annette!" Willem: "I'm sorry. We're still putting things together." Lena: "But this..." Willem: "It's not that we don't respect your talents, Colonel Milizé. You and the Eighty-Six survived the Legion offensive. We're glad to have an officer like you." Lena: "Thank you. I'll do my best until the very end." Willem: "I'll see you in the Federacy, then." Karlstahl: "I can buy you time, if nothing else. It's time for you to be crushed, Lena," Karlstahl: "as you watch your naïve dreams shatter against reality." Lena: "Uncle, give me just a bit more time." Lena: "Until my dream shatters." Ernst: "Welcome, welcome! We've been waiting for you, Bloody Regina." Ernst: "Now, let's not waste any time." Ernst: "There's a place I want to show you." Lena: "I won't forget." Lena: "I won't forget!" Lena: "I won't forget..." Lena: "I won't forget..." Lena: "I won't forget..." Lena: "I'll fight... until I reach the place they reached... The place that can be found only by those who kept going to the very end." Lena: "To keep fighting..." Lena: "To live life to the fullest." Lev: "Keep them safe." Raiden: "I saw her too, actually, then." Raiden: "I don't remember it well, though." Raiden: "I can't imagine the look on his face." Anju: "They say there's a black cat with her." Anju: "If only it were Kitty, right?" Anju: "Right?" Theo: "This?" Theo: "What about this?" Theo: "This is her!" Kurena: "Theo, cut it out! That won't happen with Shin! The two of them aren't like that! And I've known him longer! So she's even more of a little sister than me!" Kurena: "Victory's mine!" Raiden: "Theo!" Ernst: "The perfect boy-meets-girl!" Willem: "Beep beep." Willem: "Beep beep." Willem: "Beep!" ederica: "I'll surprise him, too!" Theo: "What was it? "Bloody Regina"? Yuck." Shin: "Is that how it looks to you?" Kurena: "Will she recognize us?" Anju: "I hope she does. But if she doesn't, that might be fun, too." Lena: "I'm sorry I'm late, Mr. President." Ernst: "No, time spent remembering someone lost is time well spent." Ernst: "Now, let me introduce you to your new team." Lena: "Right now?" Ernst: "Yes." Raiden: "Hey, is that really her?" Shin: "I'm sure a lot's happened." Raiden: "You got that right." Lena: "I am Colonel Vladilena Milizé of the San Magnolia Republic." Lena: "It's an honor to meet you for the first time." Shin: "This isn't the first time we've met." Shin: "It's the first time we've seen each other, though." Shin: "It's been a long time, Handler One. I am a Captain in the Giad Federacy, and the former combat commander of Spearhead Squadron," Shin: "Shinei Nouzen." Lena: "Shin..." Anju: "Kitty!" Kurena: "Machiavelli!" Raiden: "Blackie!" Theo: "Whitey!" Raiden: "You really are a fool, huh?" Lena: "Raiden!" Theo: "Is this us?" Lena: "Theo!" Anju: "Thank you for the cat." Lena: "Anju!" Kurena: "I'm glad you're alive!" Lena: "Kurena!" ederica: "How about we take a photo to remember today?" Raiden: "That's a great idea!" Lena: "I followed you for so long." Shin: "I know." Lena: "I've finally caught up." Shin: "You have." Lena: "From now on..."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 23 – Handler One", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "23", "Handler One" ] }
L: "I'm sorry about Kirschblüte." H: "Here's the real pig that lives outside the Gran Mur!" Theo: "That's not funny, Haruto." H: "Looks like that didn't go over well. You're supposed to laugh." Daiya: "I don't think that was in the cards." Theo: "Where's Anju, anyway? I need her to take my turn making dinner." Daiya: "She's on cleaning duty today." Theo: "You would know, huh, Daiya?" Daiya: "All the other girls went, too." Haruto: "When was this?" Daiya: "Right after breakfast, I think." Theo: "It's lunchtime." Daiya: "Yeah, it shouldn't take that long." H: "So they're bathing. And right now, the river is..." Both: "Heaven on earth!" Daiya: "No, no! Absolutely not!" Haruto: "Don't be such a stick in the mud! We might die tomorrow!" Daiya: "You say that all the time, Haruto!" Theo: "Got it. We won't look at Anju." Daiya: "No, you'll definitely see her!" Daiya: "And that's not the issue. I'm not going!" Daiya: "Absolutely not!" Daiya: "Before we're each men and women, we're all staunch comrades!" Daiya: "Staunch comrades!" Girl: "It's so cold!" Girl: "It feels so good!" Kurena: "Kaie, what are you doing? Stop sitting there and join in the fun!" Kaie: "I don't know. I think I can look sexy just fine over here." Kurena: "What are you talking about?" Kaie: "You could look at this place as heaven." Anju: "Just join in the fun!" All: "That's right!" Kaie: "Is it okay for us to be out here having fun, anyway?" Anju: "You're so serious sometimes, Kaie." Anju: "It's fine. We cleaned up like we were supposed to." Mikuri: "And Shin knew we would do this when he gave the okay, right?" Rekka: "Our captain does understand that, even if he never changes expression." Rekka: "Sorry, I should've realized! Both you and Shin don't have any duties today, so we should've given you an excuse to be alone!" Kurena: "No! It's not like that!" Myna: "What do you like about that guy? I can never tell what he's thinking." Kurena: "I said it's not like that!" Anju: "What about you, Kaie?" Kaie: "Shin? He's not bad, I guess. He's the silent type. Stoic. I like that." Kurena: "W-Wait! Kaie!" Kaie: "I see. I see! If nobody else is interested, I can go after him myself, right? Maybe I'll try some traditional Eastern "yobai" tonight..." Kurena: "K-Kaie! Um, well... I don't really care about Shin in the slightest, but..." Kurena: "I don't think that's right. You know, an Eastern lady should be dignified and reserved, so..." All: "You're so cute, Kurena!" Kurena: "Stop it!" Daiya: "How many times do I have to tell you guys? This isn't okay!" Theo: "You're staring more than we are, Daiya." Haruto: "Why are you here, again?" Daiya: "To keep an eye on you two!" Theo: "Multiple targets... Ready!" Haruto: "Fire!" Daiya: "Are you insane?" Daiya: "Ow!" Daiya: "Hey... wait. Oh, no!" Haruto: "Daiya..." Theo: "You will be missed." Girls: "Die! You pervert!" Theo: "Stay out there!" Anju: "So..." Anju: "What is it, Daiya?" Daiya: "You can say, "Are you okay?" in a cute voice, you know, Anju." Anju: "Oh, my. Are you okay, Daiya?" Kaie: "The rest of you need to show yourselves, too!" Theo: "Ow!" Haruto: "Theo!" Kurena: "So, what do you want?" Theo: "Well, um... you know. Right, Haruto?" Haruto: "Right, Daiya?" Daiya: "Me? Um, well... You know. There was something we wanted to ask you." Kurena: "Why didn't you just use your Para-RAID?" Daiya: "Well, we wouldn't want to interrupt the fun you girls were having, right?" Theo: "It'd be awkward if you were talking about romance, right?" Haruto: "For example, if Kurena were saying, "I love Shin!"" Myna: "She was just saying that." Mikuri: "I know! Let's have her say that right before we think Shin will connect! I can't wait to see the reaction!" Rekka: "Kurena's reaction, you mean. You can't expect anything from Shin. That Reaper won't even raise an eyebrow. He's no fun at all!" Kurena: "I did not say that! Stop it, guys!" All: "You're so cute, Kurena!" Kaie: "So, what did you want to ask us?" Theo: "Well..." Haruto: "Daiya?" Daiya: "Me again? Well... um..." Daiya: "What is "yobai"?" Background: "I'm not telling you! I said sorry!" Anju: "We need to retrieve the clean clothes." Background: "Where's Daiya? Over there! Daiya!" Anju: "Hey Daiya, will you carry the wash for me? Will you?" L: "Um, is something wrong?" S: "There was a rat. That's all." L: "A rat?" S: "You can try harder than that." L: "There are rats?" S: "There are." Daiya: "Kurena..." Kurena: "Why does he talk with that woman every night?" Kurena: "He should be spending that time with the rest of us." Kurena: "We might die tomorrow!" Daiya: "It's just for now. The princess will stop calling eventually." Daiya: "They're both just killing time." Kurena: "But why even bother being nice to a white pig? Shin should just break her already." Daiya: "Shin doesn't want to break any of them. And could you tell that to Shin? You don't like her, so you want him to break her? Could you say that to him?" Kurena: "I'm sorry." Kurena: "But I still hate her." Kurena: "Those white pigs killed my mom and dad." Kurena: "They used them as target practice, like garbage." Kurena: "All white pigs are scum." Kurena: "I'll never forgive any of them." L: "Really, Kirschblüte?" Kaie: "Yeah. All these stars came falling down from the sky like rain." Kaie: "There were streaks of light across the whole sky." Kaie: "It was amazing." L: "There were really that many shooting stars?" Kaie: "Yes, I couldn't count them all." Raiden: "A meteor shower? I've seen one of those, too." L: "Really?" Raiden: "Yeah, but it was in the middle of a battlefield, where both my side and the enemy were annihilated, and there was only a single man beside me. Right, Undertaker?" Anju: "Well, that's not very romantic." Raiden: "And to top it off, our Juggernauts all ran out of gas. Until Fido came back from wherever he went and found us, we couldn't even move." L: "Fido?" Raiden: "Our dog." L: "You have a dog, too?" Daiya: "It's a very unusual dog. It doesn't go, "woof." It goes, "beep.""" L: ""Beep"?" Raiden: "Nights on the battlefield are so dark that it's scary." Raiden: "And then these pale, silent lights began to fall from the sky, one after another." Raiden: "I remember I said something weird then, and it was the biggest mistake of my life." Haruto: "What did you say, show-off?" Raiden: "I'm not telling. If the—" S: ""If the last thing I see is this," "then maybe that's not so bad."" Raiden: "Why did you have to tell her? Sheesh." Raiden: "He just snorted!" Kaie: "I doubt we'll ever see something like that again." L: "I wish I could've seen that meteor shower, too..." Kaie: "You couldn't see it where you are?" L: "The lights in town don't shut off at night. You can't really see the stars here." Kaie: "You're right, now that I think about it." Kaie: "Nights here are really dark. There aren't a lot of people here, and we're far from everything." Kaie: "And we shut off all the lights when we sleep." Kaie: "So the stars are usually out. That's one of the good things about this life, definitely." L: "One of the good things?" Kaie: "Yes." L: "Kirschblüte, do you hate us?" Kaie: "Well..." Kaie: "Of course, it hurts being discriminated against, and it makes me mad." Kaie: "Life in the camps was hard." Kaie: "And I'll always be scared when I fight. So as for the people who forced this on us, and say it was okay since the Eighty-Six are livestock and not human... I can't bring myself to like them." L: "But..." Kaie: "But I know that not all you Alba are bad." Kaie: "Just like how not all Eighty-Six are good." Kaie: "I was one of the rarer races among the Eighty-Six." Kaie: "A lot of stuff happened at the camps, and in my previous units. Of course, I wasn't the only one who experienced that." Kaie: "I'm sure that there are good Alba, too." Kaie: "Not that I've ever met any. But a few of my comrades have met them. So I understand that." Kaie: "So I won't hate you just because you're an Alba." L: "I see." L: "I need to thank them, then." Kaie: "Handler One." Kaie: "I'm taking a bit of an interest in you." L: "Really?" Kaie: "Can I ask you something, then?" L: "Yes, go ahead." A: "Why am I doing this, Lena?" L: "I bought you lunch, right?" A: "You'd better buy dinner as well, or it's not worth it." A: "What do you need a map for, anyway?" L: "I want to send it to them. They're fighting without any good maps." A: "You're bragging about them again?" L: "Well, they're amazing. They've been in more battles than the other units in the past two weeks, and they still have zero casualties." A: "Yeah, amazing. Amazing. But would it kill you to tell me about a guy who I can actually see? I'm having an awful time. This new potential marriage partner..." L: "Theobald?" A: "How long ago was that guy? Humbert! His forehead goes up to here. And he just won't give up. I made a huge mistake giving him that handkerchief when we met. He was sweaty all the way up to here. It bothers you, right?" L: "Yes, it does. How do they know when the Legion are going to attack?" A: "She's not listening at all." L: "It really is a mystery." L: "They're always ready to fight before the enemy even shows up." A: "Lena, don't get involved any deeper. They're Eighty-Six." L: "Don't worry. We're all humans. We have a relationship of trust." L: "What?" L: "Are you okay?" A: "I trust you, Major Milizé. Here!" L: "You found one!" A: "You owe me dinner." L: "Thank you! Now I can help them again." A: "You can't even see it." L: "Para-RAID, activate." L: "Synchronization target: Spearhead Processor." L: "Thank you all for your work today." S: "Thank you, Handler One." Daiya: "Hey there." Theo: "Thanks for your call, as always." L: "Undertaker. First, the arrival date for the resupply you requested the other day..." L: "I'm sorry, but it's going to take a little while longer." L: "Is that a cat? Yeah. We keep it at the barracks." Daiya: "I'm the one who found it, by the way. Right after I got here, it was crying in front of a house that'd been blown away by a tank round." Daiya: "Its parents and siblings got flattened, but it was just fine." Theo: "And for some reason, it's taken more of a liking to Undertaker than anyone." Anju: "He doesn't play with it at all. It rubs up against him all the time, and he just pats it once in a while." Raiden: "I think it's more like it thinks he's a good bed. I mean... Just look at it right now." Kaie: "Yeah, it doesn't move when he's reading. It'll never get along with Black Dog, though. He's annoying." Daiya: "That's mean! And not fair! I demand you take that back! Boo! Boo!" L: "What's its name?" Raiden: "Blackie." Theo: "Whitey." Daiya: "Two-Tone." Anju: "Kitty." Kaie: "Shrimp." S: "Remarque." Theo: "Don't name it after the author of whatever book you're reading now. And what are you even reading? You have such bad taste." L: "Um... Are there are a lot of them?" Theo: "Were you listening? There's just one." Daiya: "It's a black cat with white paws. So it's called Blackie or Whitey or Two-Tone. It doesn't really have a particular name. Everybody just calls it whatever they feel like at the moment. Lately, it's started coming whenever you look at it and say something." L: "I see." L: "But why?" L: "Um, is something wrong?" S: "There was a rat. That's all." L: "A rat? You have a dog, too?" Daiya: "It's a very unusual dog." L: "I wish I could've seen that meteor shower, too..." Kaie: "You couldn't see it where you are?" L: "I need to thank them, then." Kaie: "Handler One." Kaie: "I'm taking a bit of an interest in you." L: "Really?" Kaie: "Can I ask you something, then?" L: "Yes, go ahead." Kaie: "Why do you care about us so much?" L: "Well..." L: "A long time ago, I was saved on the battlefield by a Processor. He said to me, "We are members of the Republic. We were born here and grew up here." "It's a citizen's duty to protect his country. I'm proud to do it." "That's why we fight."" L: "I think we need to live up to the example set by his words." L: "We ask you to fight, but don't even watch you do it. We don't try to know you. That goes against what he said." L: "And it's terrible." Kaie: "Handler One." Kaie: "You're a virgin, aren't you?" Kaie: "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that! I meant, "like a virgin"?" Daiya: "That's not any better!" Kaie: "I mean, um... like a young girl who thinks the whole world is made of fields of flowers..." Kaie: "Like you have an untarnished, pure ideal. Um... What I wanted to say is..." Kaie: "You're not a bad person." Kaie: "So I'm going to warn you." Kaie: "You aren't cut out for that job." Kaie: "And you shouldn't get involved with us. We're not fighting for noble reasons like those. So there's no need for you to talk to us." Kaie: "You should get someone else to take your place before you regret it." L: "Handler One to all units. Enemy sighted on radar. Enemy size is..." S: "We're aware, Handler One. We are prepared to engage at point 478." L: "Roger that, Undertaker." Kurena: "Undertaker, Gunslinger in position." Theo: "Laughing Fox to Undertaker. Third Platoon in position." L: "Undertaker, please move Gunslinger 500 from her present position. Direction 2 o'clock. You can't see it where you are, but there's high ground there. You can use the hill to provide cover, and you'll have a wider view." S: "Confirming." S: "Gunslinger, can you see the point from where you are?" Kurena: "Hang on." Kurena: "Yeah, it's there. I'll go." L: "You'll be in the opposite position from the First Platoon, your main attackers. When you move from the suppressive fire phase to defeat in detail, it should help camouflage your main unit's position at the start of the battle." Raiden: "A decoy, basically. You've got a voice like a little princess, but that's pretty impressive." L: "Löwes can't fire at an elevated angle. They can't bombard her directly while she's there, and when she shifts bombardment positions—" Raiden: "Don't get the wrong idea." Raiden: "It's not a bad idea. Right, Gunslinger?" Kurena: "I'll do anything, if it'll help the rest of us." Kurena: "Did you find a new map?" Kurena: "That's helpful." L: "Should I send it later?" Raiden: "Is that okay? Sending classified information such as a map to Eighty-Six." L: "I don't care. What good is information if you don't use it?" Raiden: "You think so, huh?" L: "And you're not Eighty-Six. At least, I've never called you—" Raiden: "Right, right. Here they come." Kurena: "Target down. Fourth Platoon is moving." Lena: "What's that Löwe doing there?" Lena: "Leukosia. I'll hit it from the left. Back me up." Mikuri: "Roger, Kirschblüte." L: "Not that way! Kirschblüte!" L: "Wetlands? Here?" L: "I can't move." L: "No. I don't want to die." L: "Mission complete." L: "Good work, everyone." L: "I'm sorry about Kirschblüte." L: "If I'd only found the map sooner..." L: "If I'd only done a better job..." They: ""Sorry"? Sorry about what? From your perspective, the deaths of a few Eighty-Six are things you can forget by the time you go home for dinner. Sure, we don't have much to do here, so when nothing's going on, we can play along with this act where you say, "I don't discriminate even if other people do. I don't treat you as pigs." But we just lost one of our comrades. Understand that we don't have time to deal with your hypocrisy now." L: "Hypocrisy?" They: "Or what, did you think we don't care when one of our own dies? Yeah, maybe you're right! After all, we're not high-minded humans like you. We're pigs, less than human!" L: "N-No! I didn't—" Theo: "Don't try to deny it! You throw us out here on the battlefield and treat us like weapons, while you get to watch from your warm and safe place inside the walls, and it doesn't bother you at all! If that's not treating us like pigs, what is?" Theo: "You've never called us "Eighty-Six." But all that means is you've left it unsaid. Do you think we're out here fighting because we want to? You locked us out here! Forced us to fight! You've caused the deaths of millions over the last nine years! And you do nothing to stop it. You think that if you just act nice and talk to us every day, that counts as treating us as human, don't you? You've never even asked us for our real names!"
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 3 – I Don't Want to Die", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "3", "I Don't Want to Die" ] }
Theo: "while you get to watch from your warm and safe place inside the walls, and it doesn't bother you at all! If that's not treating us like pigs, what is? You think that if you just act nice and talk to us every day, that counts as treating us as human, don't you?" Theo: "You've never even asked us for our real names!" R: "Theo." T: "Raiden, you don't need to defend this white pig—" R: "Theo!" T: "Got it." R: "Handler One, kill the synchronization." L: "Um—" R: "The battle's over. You don't need to monitor us. Laughing Fox went too far, but none of us are in the mood for a friendly chat with you." L: "I'm sorry." Kaie: "I don't want to die." T: "I'm sorry, Kaie." T: "I did the same thing as the white pigs." T: "And tainted your death." Girls: "Go! Go! Go! You can do it!" Haruto: "Theo!" Voices: "Get him!" Theo: "Sorry..." Voices: "Theo! Next! Next! Don't screw it up!" Voices: "Go!" Theo: "Whitey! Stay put! Whitey!" Daiya: "Theo, that's a fox, not a cat. And it's scary." Haruto: "And it's not laughing! You're supposed to be Laughing Fox." T: "Shut up." Kurena: "Are you bothered by what you said to that woman?" T: "No, I'm not!" Anju: "Well, it bothers me." Lecca: "Yup." Anju: "Theo..." All: "Don't move!" All: "Gotcha! Gotcha!" Anju: "It bugged me the way this came off." Lecca: "Also the way he always has just one button done." T: "Who cares?" Kurena: "It's just like you, but..." T: "Forget it!" Daiya: "What we saw yesterday wasn't like you at all." Anju: "The way you said it wasn't good," Anju: "but it reminded me of the Fox Commander." T: "Just give it up, guys." A: "Well, we're all jealous, because you met someone like that." T: "What's this about?" Anju: "Someone who'll always be important to you." Anju: "They were never like that for me." Lef: "Listen, Shin. You'd better not break it next time! Stay put until we get our new parts shipment!" S: "If I can." Lef: "Hey, Theo. Don't do anything stupid like him. You guys are all such kids!" T: "He looked like he was about to burst a vein, as always." S: "I'd like to keep him from getting mad, once in a while." T: "That's probably impossible." S: "Thank you." T: "What would the commander have said to that Handler?" S: "The Fox Commander?" T: "Yeah. Would the commander have gotten mad?" T: "Well, it doesn't matter. That white pig who thinks she's a saint" T: "is probably never going to use the Para-RAID again." S: "Your commander wouldn't have said that." S: "That's what you think, isn't it?" S: "Do you need something, Handler One?" A: "It just shows that, in the end, you're a citizen of the Republic." A: "We have to accept that we live in our own world." L: "That's not okay." L: "I could never forgive myself if I did that." A: "So what would be okay, then? Go to the 86th District and fight alongside them? You can't do that." A: "What you need to do now is spoil yourself." A: "I made too much pudding." L: "Annette, I'm sorry, but I'm not the mood." A: "That's not healthy. This world is a wonderful place, where you can sneak in a pudding snack in the middle of the day." L: "It's not wonderful. Not at all." A: "Why is it such a big deal that you didn't ask their names? You don't need to know them. You're never going to meet them." L: "Henrietta Penrose." A: "What?" L: "That's your name." L: "I know your name. We're friends." A: "So what?" L: "A name is who you are. And I didn't even think of that." L: "I wasn't treating them as human." A: "You're over-thinking this. You and the Eighty-Six aren't even friends." L: "But we're all human!" A: "If you really thought that, you would've asked their names right away." A: "This is a great time to stop trying to get any closer to them." L: "Why are you so set against them?" A: "Because there's nothing I can do." A: "There's pudding here. And not there." A: "We're different from them. In every way." A: "So any way we get involved just leads to us having regrets." L: "But—" A: "Lena, the war's already started." A: "There's no going back to how things were." A: "Just quit being a Handler and come to the lab!" L: "I said..." L: "I can't quit being a Handler." A: "You should listen when your best friend gives you advice," A: "Vladilena Milizé." Vaclav: "Let's go the battlefield." Vaclav: "And see everything that's happening." L: "You're at war, right, Father?" Vaclav: "That's right. And we're doing something even worse." L: "Something worse?" Vaclav: "Yes." Vaclav: "We have to bring this to an end." Vaclav: "Quickly." Vaclav: "Can you take us a little past the frontline base?" Pilot: "Yes sir, Colonel." Karlstahl: "What's wrong?" L: "Uncle..." Karlstahl: "I still can't forget it." Karlstahl: "The last place my father took me. The battlefield in District 86." Karlstahl: "I'm sad about what happened to him." Karlstahl: "But I'm glad I could see it." Karlstahl: "Glad?" L: "Yes. Because I saw the 86th District with my own eyes, I was able to learn the truth about this country." L: "I was able to hold the ideals that the Republic threw away. So..." Karlstahl: "Vaclav was a kind man who wanted to make the Republic a better place." Karlstahl: "I'm sure he was a good husband and a good father. That's why he decided to teach you the truth about this country. As a friend, I think it's a terrible shame an enemy attack took from us a man with such a strong sense of justice." Karlstahl: "But there's something he didn't realize." L: "What?" Karlstahl: "Just like the rest of the Republic, he wasn't doing any more than watching." Karlstahl: "In the end, no matter how much you talk about equality, it's not you who's fighting." Karlstahl: "He felt, subconsciously, that only the Eighty-Six die on the battlefield." Karlstahl: "That's why he was able to take you to the battlefield. The fact that he did something so reckless for the sake of his ideals" Karlstahl: "proves his ignorance and stupidity." Karlstahl: "Lena, I don't want you to be like him." Karlstahl: "That's enough. You're doing a good job." Karlstahl: "It's also my responsibility for giving you a tough unit to deal with." Karlstahl: "I wanted you to feel for yourself the reality of this nation. But you don't need to do it if it's too much for you." L: "No, I'll continue to act as Spearhead's Handler." Karlstahl: "What does the Republic flag stand for?" L: "Freedom, equality, brotherhood, justice, and nobility... What are you—" Karlstahl: "Are you upholding that?" Karlstahl: "Look at the real world. Those beautiful things are nowhere to be found in the Republic." Karlstahl: "You are too focused on seeking ideals. From others, and yourself." Karlstahl: "Ideals are ideals precisely because they are unattainable. Seeking them when you know they're impossible is foolish and cowardly, don't you think?" ewscaster: "Here's today's update on the war from San Magnolia Military HQ!" Theo: "You throw us out here on the battlefield and treat us like weapons, while you get to watch from your warm and safe place inside the walls, and it doesn't bother you at all! If that's not treating us like pigs, what is?" ewscaster: "Damage taken on our side was minimal, with no human injuries or fatalities!" Theo: "Do you think we're out here fighting because we want to?" ewscaster: "Combat via highly advanced," Theo: "You locked us out here! Forced us to fight!" ewscaster: "ethically responsible drones has resulted in zero fatalities on our side!" Theo: "You've caused the deaths of millions over the last nine years!" ewscaster: "The day when our nation's righteousness finally smashes" Theo: "And you do nothing to stop it. You think that if you just act nice and talk to us every day," ewscaster: "the evil remnants of the wicked Empire is not far off!" Theo: "that counts as treating us as human, don't you?" ewscaster: "Glory to the Republic of San Magnolia, and to the five-color flag!" A: "You're not cut out for that job. You should let someone else take your place." L: "Not that way! Kirschblüte!" A: "Before you regret it." Kiei: "I don't want to die." L: "Para-RAID, activate! Synchronization target:" L: "Undertaker!" S: "Do you need something, Handler One?" L: "Undertaker, can we talk for a moment?" S: "Go ahead." L: "I'm sorry..." L: "About yesterday. And everything before it." L: "I'm really sorry." L: "Um... I'm Lena. My name is Vladilena Milizé." L: "I know I should have asked sooner, but..." L: "Would you please tell me your names?" S: "If you're bothered by what Laughing Fox said to you, then there's no need to be." S: "What he said isn't what we all think. You didn't create this situation, and you can't fix it on your own. We know that." S: "You don't need to blame yourself for not doing the impossible." L: "But it was rude not to ask your names." S: "There was no need to ask. Why do you think it's required to use call signs on the Para-RAID, even though the Legion can't intercept it? And why are the Processors' personnel files locked?" L: "So Handlers won't have to think of Processors as human, right?" S: "Yes." S: "Most Processors die within a year." S: "They probably assumed all that death would be too much for a Handler to bear." L: "But that's cowardly! I..." L: "And I was, too!" L: "Honestly, I was going to run away." L: "But I don't want to stay a coward forever." L: "So please, tell me your names. Your real names!" S: "Kirschblüte, the girl who died yesterday, was Kaie Taniya." S: "Wehrwolf, our XO, is Raiden Shuga." S: "Laughing Fox is Theoto Rikka." S: "Snow Witch, Anju Emma." S: "Gunslinger, Kurena Kukumila." S: "Black Dog is Daiya Irma..." S: "That's all of them." L: "Thank you. Please, call me "Lena."" S: "I've been told your name. What's your rank?" L: "Major. I was just promoted, though." S: "I'll call you Major Milizé from now on, then." S: "Is that okay?" L: "Yes." L: "What are you doing?" S: "Leaving Kaie's name behind." S: "Eighty-Six don't get graves." S: "So in my first unit, we all made a promise. When someone died, we'd carve their name into a fragment of their Juggernaut, and the survivors would carry it." S: "So that the last of us to survive would take the others to their final destination." S: "I was the last. I've always been the last." S: "So that's my job in this unit, too." L: "You've been doing that for five years." L: "How many people have died?" S: "Five hundred sixty-one." S: "Including Kaie." L: "And all of them..." S: "I remember them. Because I have to take them with me." S: "All the ones who died fighting alongside me." S: "Until I reach my final destination." L: "And that's why you're "Undertaker."" S: "That's part of it." L: "I never faced the people I let die. I just felt bad about it." L: "I'm sorry. Truly." L: "Um... If it's possible, I'd like to apologize to everyone." S: "Shall I connect you?" L: "R-Right now? No, I'm fine." S: "One moment." L: "All personnel..." L: "I'm sorry about yesterday, and for the way I've behaved until now." L: "My name is Vladilena Milizé, and I'm a Handler." L: "I wasn't treating you as humans." L: "And I didn't even realize it." L: "Of course you would reject me. But if you would still answer me," L: "then please tell me your names." T: "Shin already told you, right? What a pain." L: "He did. But you didn't tell me yourselves." T: "Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut?" S: "You regretted it, right?" S: "Maybe not what you said, but how you said it." T: "The mark on my Juggernaut is a laughing fox." T: "But I got it from someone else." L: "From who?" T: "The combat commander of the first unit I was attached to." T: "A commander so cheerful and chipper it was almost stupid." T: "A former soldier, and stupidly strong." T: "An Alba, like you. A weirdo who said it wasn't right to make the Eighty-Six fight alone, and came back to the battlefield." T: "I hated them. But they never left." T: "They stayed and died." T: "They died being the rear guard, defending other Processors." T: "I'm not asking you to do the same thing they did. But as long as you're inside the walls, you're not our equal. And we won't accept you as one of us. That's all." L: "That's the good person Kaie was talking about, huh?" T: "It's not just them. She was referring to everybody who fought the hardest they could." T: "Along with this crappy world that was made by the same Alba as them." T: "Okay, I'm done talking. Oh, I'm Theoto Rikka. Call me "Theo" or "Rikka" or "cute little shit-pig," whatever you want." L: "I'm sorry for the way I acted." T: "Enough. Get over it already." Raiden: "XO Raiden Shuga." L: "Yes." Raiden: "First, let me apologize. Your nightly calls made us think of you as a wannabe saint and hypocrite pig not realizing how much of a pig she was, and we laughed at how stupid you were." Raiden: "I apologize for that. I'm sorry." Raiden: "And now that I've said that..." Raiden: "As Theo said, we don't think of you as an equal or a comrade. You're an idiot who's stomping on our faces while lecturing us with platitudes. That won't change no matter what happens. That's how we'll always see you. If that's okay with you, we'll keep talking with you to kill time, but personally, I don't recommend it." Raiden: "You're not cut out to be a Handler. You should quit." L: "If it will help you pass the time, I'll keep calling." Raiden: "You're a moron, too, huh?" Raiden: "Oh, right, send that map. You were too busy crying yesterday to send it, right?" L: "I'll send it right away!" Daiya: "Bye, Major Milizé! This has been Daiya Irma." Haruto: "Haruto. Nice to meet you." Anju: "Anju Emma, Major!" Kurena: "Kurena Kukumila." Lecca: "I'm Lecca!" Chise: "Chise." Kino: "Kino!" L: "Thank you, everyone." L: "I'm sorry, Undertaker." S: "Yes?" L: "I haven't heard your name. Did you not want to give it?" S: "No, I'd just forgotten. I'm sorry." S: "Shinei Nouzen." L: ""Nouzen"?" S: "Is something wrong?" L: "Do you know someone named "Shourei Nouzen"?" L: "His personal name was Dullahan, and his mark was a headless knight." S: "He's my brother."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 4 – Real Name", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "4", "Real Name" ] }
Man: "Colonel Milizé!" L: "Father!" Rei: "If anybody's still alive, cover your ears and get down!" Rei: "You okay?" Rei: "Confirmation complete." Rei: "Returning to base." Rei: "Want some?" Rei: "Even at a time like this, I thought maybe you could eat something sweet. Or do you not like chocolate?" Rei: "Good." L: "Father..." L: "said we were doing horrible things to the Eighty-Six." L: "So why did you protect me?" Rei: "Well..." Rei: "We're part of the Republic. We were born and raised here." Rei: "It's a citizen's duty to fight to protect his country. It's something to be proud of." Rei: "I'm not one of those losers who just talks and does nothing." Rei: "So I fight." Rei: "I'll fight and protect this country to the end." Rei: "I have a brother. I guess he's about your age." Rei: "He's probably grown up big and strong." L: "You haven't seen him?" L: "No. I can't go home yet." L: "Thank you." Rei: "I'm Shourei Nouzen. Call me "Rei."" L: "Such a strange name..." Rei: "It's a rare name in this country." L: "You're not from the Republic?" Rei: "My brother and I were born here, but our parents were from the neighboring country." Rei: "Do you know what the Empire of Giad is?" L: "The country that made the Legion..." L: "Aren't you scared to fight?" Rei: "I am." Rei: "But if I don't fight, I can't survive." Rei: "So I won't die. I can't." Rei: "I have to go back to my brother." L: "What is your brother doing now?" S: "He's dead." S: "He died here on the eastern front, five years ago." L: "I'm sorry." S: "No, it's fine." S: "Remember when you asked me if there was something I wanted to do when I left the army?" L: "Y-Yes." S: "There isn't anything I want to do. But there's something I have to do." S: "I've been searching for him for the past five years." L: "You mean his body?" S: "No." A: "Morning, Lena." L: "Morning." L: "It's so good!" A: "I know, right? The cream is artificial, but the strawberries are real." A: "Oh, right. Want to go look at party dresses next week? For the Revolution Festival." L: "It's that time already? Do I have to go, you think?" A: "Of course. All the good dressmakers will be booked up if you don't act fast." L: "Sorry. I'm a little busy." A: "You haven't been around much lately, Lena." L: "If you're looking for a dress, why not ask a gentleman to go with you? I heard you met another prospective partner." A: "Rudolph, right? He was cute." L: "You have something good to say about one? Does this mean it's finally—" A: "Not a chance." A: "Because..." A: "He's 5." A: "I know they want my family's money, but seriously?" L: "Why did you put up all the photos from your past prospects?" A: "My team did it as a joke." A: "So I won't forget, they said." A: "Lena, are you sure you're not tired? Your face is a mess." L: "Is it?" A: "You're overusing the Para-RAID. I told you that sharing sensory data puts stress on the brain." L: "I just happened to be up all night analyzing combat data." A: "I know I've said this before, but there's no point in doing any favors for the Eighty-Six." S: "So don't you think it's okay to go to the party?" L: "But what if there's a battle during the party?" S: "We'll be fine." L: "Who puts on a party during wartime, anyway?" S: "Nothing that happens inside the walls has any effect on us. We appreciate the analysis of the enemies you provide," S: "but it's not something that needs to take up all your private time." L: "Is my help unwanted, Captain Nouzen?" S: "No, analysis from a larger perspective that encompasses the entire theater is valuable." S: "Your estimates of enemy force composition are accurate and of particular help." S: "Thank you." L: "I'm glad." S: "But you don't need to spend all your time on it." S: "Too much time focusing on the battlefield, and you'll end up like me." L: "What kind of joke is that?" L: "Understood. I'll go enjoy myself then." L: "With the stupid party, and the stuffy dress and high heels." S: "The Revolution Festival?" L: "Do you remember something about it?" S: "I think I saw fireworks." S: "In a garden with a fountain, in front of the palace." L: "The palace? Did you use to live in District 1?" S: "I don't really remember, but I believe so." L: "Oh, wow!" S: "I remember going with my brother." L: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..." S: "It's fine. I can't remember the faces or voices of my family." L: "He said you'd probably grown up big and strong." L: "I could tell he really cared about you." L: "Your brother really wanted to go home and be with you again." S: "I hope that's right, but..." L: "Uh, Captain, you're supposed to be on patrol, aren't you?" L: "Are you in your room?" S: "I apologize." L: "Well, if you've decided it's not necessary, I'll respect that, but..." S: "I thought you'd be angry." L: "I'm not that much of a stuffed shirt." Man: "Nobody will see us here." S: "Hey, stop!" S: "Sorry, Major." S: "Major?" L: "I-It's nothing! Really, it's nothing!" S: "Major, we're beginning preparations for combat." L: "No warnings have been issued here." S: "No, the Legion are coming." Raiden: "Confirmed. We're ready to go at any time." Theo: "Same with the Third Platoon." L: "Captain Nouzen, how did you know the Legion are coming? If you weren't on patrol, how could you find them so fast?" S: "Major, would you please cut your Para-RAID?" S: "There are a lot of Black Sheep this time." S: "It's dangerous to remain synced with me." L: ""Black Sheep"?" S: "If you're curious, I'll explain later. But cut the sync, please." L: "I can't know what's going on without the Para-RAID. I'm not cutting it." S: "I warned you." L: "Undertaker, you're too far ahead! They'll surround you!" Man: "Mommy..." L: "What?" L: "This isn't static." Voices: "Mom. Help me." Voices: "Help me." Voices: "It's so hot." Voices: "No! No!" L: "No!" L: "No!" S: "Major!" S: "Major Milizé!" S: "I'm cutting the link, Major!" Kaie: "I don't want to die." L: "Kaie?" L: "That voice..." Voices: "Mom... Mom... Mom... It's so hot! Help me! No!" L: "What?" Voices: "Mom! Mom! Help me! Mom! No!" Voices: "No!" Voices: "Help me! No!" L: "No!" L: "I don't want to die!" Voices: "Mom." L: "What? It's not static." Voices: "Mom!" Voices: "No! Help me! Help me!" Raiden: "You're even more annoying than usual today!" L: "No!" Raiden: "Are you okay?" L: "No!" S: "Major! Major Milizé!" L: "No... Make it stop..." S: "I'm cutting the link, Major!" Kaie: "I don't want to die." Theo: "Damn. That's Kaie!" Daiya: "How? Didn't you torch her with her Juggernaut?" Voices: "Help me!" Raiden: "They took her? Damn it!" Kaie: "I don't want to die." S: "Gunslinger." S: "Heading 060, distance 800." S: "The enemy's front rank, the third Grauwolf from the right." Kurena: "Roger." Kaie: "I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die." Kurena: "Target silenced." Raiden: "Good work today." S: "Thanks." Raiden: "Everybody was really giving it their all today." S: "They wanted revenge, huh?" Raiden: "It's a nasty thing." Raiden: "But you know, I thought they'd all pass out from exhaustion." Raiden: "Maybe they're all feeling lonely." Raiden: "At this time, normally..." Raiden: "No Handler's ever called after hearing those voices." Raiden: "No more report-writing for you, huh?" S: "Yes, it's fine, Major." Raiden: "I'm impressed." L: "I'm sorry for losing control today." S: "Not at all." L: "Captain..." L: "Those voices I heard during the battle..." L: "What are they?" S: "Once, I almost died..." S: "Actually, I think I did die." S: "So that's why I can hear them." S: "The voices of the ghosts who died as I did, but are still here." L: ""Ghosts"?" L: "But there was just the Legion out there, right?" S: "I think they're ghosts, too. They're the army of a lost country, with no reason to exist now that the Empire's gone." L: "So the reason you know when the Legion are coming..." S: "Yes, it's because I can hear them." S: "When they come, I know." S: "I always hear them, even when I'm asleep." L: "Wait... "Always"? Do you hear them now? Not just during battle, but even now?" Kurena: "Night!" L: "How far away do they have to be?" S: "I don't know the exact distance, but I'm aware of every Legion past the former borders of the Republic." L: "Isn't it... painful?" S: "I'm used to it. It's been a long time since it started." L: "Since when? And did you hear Lieutenant Kaie Taniya's voice" L: "because she became a ghost as well?" L: "Captain?" S: "The Republic government predicts the war will end in two years, right?" L: "How did you know?" S: "Theo heard from the commander we told you about before." S: "The Legion has a timer. In a little under two years, it'll run out. Right?" L: "Yes. The Legion's central processing unit is modeled after a human brain. That design will cause it to stop functioning in two years." S: "If that design won't work," S: "they just need to replace it with another beforehand. Using materials that are readily available on the battlefield where they live." L: "You can't mean..." S: "Human brains." S: "Their central nervous systems are more advanced than other living creatures'." S: "The Republic forbids the burial of Eighty-Six. The brains themselves rot, and I've heard multiple Legion with the same voice. So it's more likely a copy of the brain." L: "Then..." S: "Kaie is probably out there still somewhere. So I don't think it's the same as what you'd call a "soul."" S: "The original human's mind isn't inside. You can't communicate with it." S: "It's just a fading echo of who they were— their thoughts copied at the moment of death." S: "Ghosts that haunt the Legion." L: "And those are the Black Sheep?" S: "Yes." S: "Black Sheep that hide among the white ones." S: "Of course, the Black Sheep are more common now." S: "Major, you're going to lose this war." L: "What do you mean?" S: "The Legion with the new designs won't shut down in two years." S: "But what about the Eighty-Six?" S: "The only ones left are children, and they're all already fighting." S: "We'll all be dead soon. When that happens, will you Alba fight," S: "now that you've learned to push the costs of the war onto someone else?" L: "Well..." S: "You can't." L: "But there are fewer Legion now! They're down to about half their number compared to a few years ago." S: "To the degree you can observe them, right?" S: "It's true that the amount of Legion you can observe has decreased." S: "But that's only because there are more at the rear." L: "They're conserving and building up their forces? That's not possible. The Legion aren't that smart." S: "Or so you thought. That's the other reason you'll lose." L: "What do you mean?" S: "The heads of the dead that the Legion take are all badly damaged." S: "But the Black Sheep are still better at processing than the normal Legion." S: "So what if they got an undamaged brain?" L: "Is that possible?" S: "A ghost commander, who leads and guides the unthinking Legion. We call them Shepherds. And the armies they lead are vastly more powerful than the others." L: "Wait. This isn't a hypothesis? They already exist?" L: "Can you hear their voices?" S: "I can." S: "They're commanders. Their voices travel far." S: "Yes. There's one at the rear of Combat District 1." L: "But the Republic will lose years from now, after you've all been wiped out, right?" S: "That's true." L: "So we just need to wipe out the Legion before then. Let's fight. I'm with you—" L: "No, I'll just do my best. I'll analyze the enemy. Come up with plans. Anything I can do." L: "Captain Nouzen... Your term of service is up this year, right? So let's win before then, and both survive." S: "Yes..." S: "Can we call it a night? It's lights-out here." L: "Sorry for keeping you up late." L: "Goodnight." Rei: "It's your fault!" S: "I'll be going soon," S: "Brother."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 5 – I'm With You", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "5", "I'm With You" ] }
S: "Brother..." Haruto: "It's so hot!" Kurena: "Stop it! You'll make me feel hot, too!" Theo: "It's hot, though." Raiden: "Summer's here." Haruto: "I'm taking my clothes off!" Kurena: "No, you aren't!" Lecca: "You know the saying, "Shinto mekkyaku sureba" or whatever." Kaie: "That sounds like something Kaie would say." Kurena: ""Shinto mekkyaku"?" Daiya: "This is the spot!" Anju: "Where we went to look at the flowers! I remember!" Kino: "We did it right after we got deployed here!" Daiya: "Would you like to dance again, Anju?" Anju: "We're just about to start a battle, Daiya." Daiya: "Okay..." Kaie: "I'm from Luskinia." Kurena: "I was with Shin before, too." Raiden: "Set it there." Kujo: "Got it." Haruto: "What unit are you from?" Kino: "Scale. You?" Haruto: "Luskinia." Kino: "And you, Mr. Daiya?" Daiya: "Just call me "Daiya." Claymore, in my case." Haruto: "And what year are you in?" Kino: "Fourth year." Haruto: "Same as me." Daiya: "Most people here are fourth-years." Kino: "That's the one thing that's equal about all of us." Haruto: "Hey, any girls you've got your eye on?" Kino: "You're asking that after we just met?" Daiya: "Her, maybe? You two seemed close!" Kino: "No! I'm not telling." Haruto: "Why? You like keeping secrets?" Daiya: "No more secrets from anyone." Haruto: "That's right. Daiya does nothing but stare at Anju all day. It's obvious he likes her." Kujo: "You guys seem to be having fun." Theo: "Daiya, you're embarrassing us." Daiya: "Shut up and help!" Theo: "Hey, Daiya says he wants to talk to Anju!" Daiya: "Theo?" Daiya: "Please, no!" Anju: "Did you call me, Daiya?" Daiya: "No, it's not like that." Lecca: "Then what's it like?" Daiya: "Well, it's just kind of a sausage-fest over here, so I thought it..." Kujo: "Hey, speaking of sausage-fests, I heard the craziest thing." Haruto: "What?" Kujo: "There's some rich girl who's working as a Handler." Daiya: "Wow, sounds interesting! Tell me more!" Haruto: "She's obviously a really hot pig princess!" Kino: "With huge tits, too! Since she's a pig, after all." Kurena: "She's a white pig. It's only natural." Theo: "Like this?" Haruto: "I could see her with a big pink rose on her back!" Anju: "And I bet she talks all prim and proper, too." Mikuri: "She'll greet you with, "And a fine morning to you!" And says "very well" instead of "yes."" Theo: "I can tell you for sure I'd snap at her in the first 30 seconds." Haruto: "No, we don't know that. She may be a frail little girl who's never held anything heavier than a knitting needle." Lecca: "She can't handle wind or rain, and she'll wilt in too much sunlight. Like that?" Myna: "Are you talking about a soldier?" Raiden: "If she was mumbling at me in a thin, frail voice," Raiden: "I'd get pretty annoyed." Kino: "Guys, calm down. She's just some ugly woman who has to work 'cause she couldn't get married." Daiya: "What? She's obviously a goddess. She's descended to the land of mortals to save us poor Eighty-Six." Kujo: "Well, I don't know if she's a kind princess or a goddess, but... But I'd like to meet her someday, if she really exists." Theo: "Well, I can tell you she's not either of those. She's a white pig, at the end of the day." All: "Right?" Daiya: "Anju!" Anju: "Daiya..." Kaie: "Commander! Are they drunk?" Shin: "I don't know." Kaie: "There's nothing in those cups but water, right?" Shin: "It's water, yeah." Shin: "But, well, they look like they're having fun. I think it's okay." Kaie: "You mean you don't care. People can tell things like that." Shin: "I guess so." Kaie: "Originally, people who were going off to battle hated the cherry blossoms." Kaie: "The flowers have a short lifespan." Kaie: "They all bloom at the same time and fall at the same time." Kaie: "They leave the branches behind easily, as if there's nothing holding them back at all." Kaie: "But I like the way they're so bold." Kaie: "Look, I made it my mark." Kaie: "What's your mark? There's a story behind it, right?" S: "I think so." Kaie: "You think?" S: "It wasn't mine to begin with." Kujo: "Hey, you two lovebirds! You need to enjoy yourselves while you've got the chance! If you can't laugh anymore, you lose, right?" All: "Right!" Kaie: "Yeah. I was worried there might be a Legion attack while we were out here. I'm glad there wasn't." Kurena: "I told you! He can always tell!" Lecca: "He's the headless Reaper of the Eastern Front. I heard the rumors, but I guess they're true." Myna: "I heard you're looking for your missing head." Mikuri: "If I pull that scarf off, then..." Lecca: "Do you not have a head?" Myna: "That's why the skeleton mark has no head!" All: "I get it!" Lecca: "Well, let's make the next six months good ones, Reaper." Mikuri: "Glad to have you!" Myna: "Glad to have you!" Haruto: "Glad to have you!" Kino: "Glad to have you!" Kujo: "Glad to have you!" Kurena: "Gwad to hawve you..." Kaie: "Yeah, me too, Shin. "Reaper."" Shin: "You, too." Raiden: "You're sure popular." Raiden: "I'm counting on you." Shin: "That's not like you at all. Is it going to rain?" Lecca: "Shooting stars!" Myna: "No way! No way!" Theo: "Shooting stars? Where?" Kujo: "Don't go chasing after them. You're not a kid!" Kaie: "Me, too!" Daiya: "It's been four months since then, huh?" Haruto: "There are a lot of fewer of us." Theo: "The only number that hasn't gone down is the one on Kujo's blackboard." Daiya: "I wish time would just stop." Anju: "That'd be nice." Raiden: "I'm afraid it won't for the next two months." L: "Sorry I'm late. Beginning coordination mission." L: "Um, Captain, today..." Daiya: "Oh, are you scared, Major?" Kurena: "If you're scared, why not quit?" Shin: "Major, if it's too much, you don't have to." L: "I'm fine! I'll do what I can until the very end!" S: "Got it." S: "Skorpions. Incoming artillery fire." K: "They really are in the way!" Theo: "Wait, are those the Skorpions from the next unit over? There are just too many of them!" Raiden: "They've learned that we can anticipate their routes and ambush them." Daiya: "So they start by blasting every hiding spot with artillery and then finish us off with the Löwe when we're flushed out, huh?" Haruto: "That's a lot of effort for a bunch of guys in aluminum coffins like us. I'm so happy I could cry!" L: "If only we could use mortars..." Kurena: "Burnt Tayl!" S: "Can someone from the Sixth Platoon go?" Kurena: "Not now, with all that artillery fire... With this landscape, if we go now..." Anju: "Daiya, wait!" Daiya: "I'm fine!" L: "Black Dog, get away from there! Black Dog!" D: "Anju..." Kurena: "I can go now, Burnt Tayl! I can aim from above!" S: "They'll just shoot back at you, Gunslinger." L: "Laughing Fox, can you circle downstream and come back up?" Theo: "The March Hare could, but..." Lecca: "I'm not ending up a hunk of scrap metal." Myna: "Make it in time!" Lecca: "I'm counting on you," Lecca: "Reaper." L: "Burnt Tayl!" L: "Burnt Tayl..." Myna: "Damn it..." S: "March Hare, come back. Snow Witch, take over command from Black Dog." S: "Can you do it?" A: "Yes, leave it to me." S: "Major." L: "Yes." S: "If I told you to cut your Para-RAID, would you?" L: "Is that..." S: "You've never seen a person get shot, right?" L: "What do you mean?" S: "I can't let Daiya become a Legion." S: "If you think you can't handle it, just cut the link." L: "No... This is all I can do," L: "but it's my responsibility as a Handler." All: "Thank you for the meal." Theo: "I'll carry that." Anju: "I'm fine. It's light. I'm just fine." Theo: "Really?" Anju: "Really, I can carry it myself. Right, Kitty?" Kurena: "Let's play darts." Raiden: "We finally lost Daiya and Lecca, too, huh?" S: "Here, it's just a question of when it happens." Raiden: "Yeah." Raiden: "You'll still fight, even if you're the last one left." Raiden: "Until you make a grave for that..." Raiden: "For your brother, huh?" S: "It's all I can do." S: "My brother hasn't forgiven me." S: "He still blames me. So..." Raiden: "He's obsessed with his brother's head." Raiden: "I guess you really are a Reaper in search of a missing head." Rei: "Shin." Rei: "It's your fault." Rei: "Everything. It's all your fault!" Rei: "That Mom and Dad died." Rei: "The fact that I'm about to die. It's all... All because of your sin!" Rei: "Shin!" L: "It's good. Thanks, Annette." L: "Is this a real egg?" A: "Artificial. The strawberries are real. Sorry, there wasn't time." L: "No, it's fine." A: "I'm glad you came, though. Happy birthday, Lena." L: "But your present was delivered yesterday." A: "Oh, you got it?" L: "Why a rocking chair?" A: ""Why"? Well, you know... I thought it'd be nice. Well, actually, Nicolaus gave it to me, but I'm not going to use it." L: "It seemed like someone older picked it, yeah." A: "But you've looked like you need more sleep lately. It's perfect for a nap, huh?" L: "Annette, you always end up with guys who are in the wrong age range." A: "Well, all the guys my age..." A: "Not a chance. They're too childish." A: "So, what happened?" A: "You came to ask me something, right?" L: "Hey, Annette." A: "What is it?" L: "Just hypothetically," L: "if the Para-RAIDs had some kind of effect on a person's mind..." A: "Oh, then it'd go "pop."" A: "We'd pop the Processor's skull right open and do a thorough exam of their brain. Just like we were gonna do with Undertaker. And when it was done, we'd just throw it away. For a Handler, we'd immediately give them a thorough exam, and then transfer them to another unit." L: "Sorry, I have to go. Leave the cake. I'll come back and eat it later. Lena?" A: "I'll make the usual cake next year." L: "This was just fine." L: "Thanks." S: "I can't let Daiya become part of the Legion." L: "Captain Nouzen has been doing that for years, to keep his comrades from becoming part of the Legion." L: "Two Processors died in the last battle. One was mortally wounded, but it was his combat commander," L: "not the Legion, who dealt the killing blow." S: "How many machines do we have left?" L: "Sixteen people." L: "Our military's mortars have a range close to that of the Skorpion's howitzers. We can use them to provide support at the front lines and save the lives of the Eighty-Six." L: "No, we can lessen attrition at the front lines and defend the nation more efficiently." Karlstahl: "Mortars need to be reloaded after firing. And they're set up in the middle of a minefield." Karlstahl: "It's too close to the front lines." Karlstahl: "You're telling us to take that risk for the Eighty-Six?" Karlstahl: "Eighty-Six can be replaced, but Republic soldiers can't. I can't authorize their use. Both the military and the people want a homeland defense that's technologically advanced and ethical, with zero casualties." Karlstahl: "And the military's job is to follow the will of the people." L: "But..." Karlstahl: "Lena, how many times do I have to tell you? Stop siding with the Eighty-Six." L: "But, they're human..." L: "They must be suffering." Karlstahl: "I have another mission for the Spearheads, actually. A new Legion base has been confirmed to be under construction near their area. As soon as they're ready, they are to advance immediately on the base and destroy it." L: "Wait, even before replacing the ones they lost? Why don't we get new replacements, like the other units?" Karlstahl: "This base exists to support the Legion in their advance. If it's not taken out now, before it's built, it'll be Spearhead that suffers." Karlstahl: "You want to save them, right, Major Milizé?" Karlstahl: "Or am I wrong?" L: "Understood, sir." L: "This concludes the mission briefing." S: "Understood." L: "I'm sorry. I know you don't even have replacements for your casualties yet, and we're already sending you on a new mission." S: "It's nothing new." S: "We're aware of the Legion base as well." S: "It's almost certainly a trap." L: "You know it's a trap, and yet you'll attack anyway?" S: "It may be more dangerous to leave it there." L: "I wish we could've used the mortars to provide support." L: "But I couldn't get authorization." Theo: "Oh, those things? I've never seen them used. I'd be surprised if they still worked." L: "Is that so?" Raiden: "Don't worry about it." Theo: "We weren't counting on them to begin with." Kino: "Stress is bad for your skin!" L: "Yeah. That's all for today, then." L: "Try to get some rest tonight, okay?" T: "Right, right." Kino: "Goodnight!" Haruto: "Bye!" Mikuri: "Goodnight!" Raiden: "Night." L: "Captain?" L: "Major, are you okay?" L: "Your voice sounds a little on edge." L: "Make sure you get some rest tonight." L: "Okay..." S: "You can get sweets inside the walls, right?" S: "Why not eat some and take a break?" S: "What is it?" L: "No..." L: "You just sounded like your brother." L: "He gave me chocolate when things were bad." L: "You really are brothers, huh? It's far worse for you than it is for me." L: "You must like sweets too, right, Captain Nouzen?" S: "Yes. Did my brother say that?" L: "Yes." S: "What was his expression when he said it?" S: "Was he smiling?" L: "Yes." L: "He had such kind eyes." L: "I remember them really well." S: "I'm impressed you remember." L: "It's an important memory for me." L: "I'll never forget it." L: "Of course, this time I spend talking to you is very important as well." S: "Major?" L: "O-Okay, goodnight!" S: "Goodnight."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 6 – Through to the End", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "6", "Through to the End" ] }
Officer: "Supplies for the Spearhead Squadron in Combat District 1?" Officer: "Major, what's inside this box?" L: "S-Special ammunition." Officer: "What's really in it?" L: "Special ammunition." Man: "A little more... A little more to the right." Man: "Stop!" Officers: "Ma'am. Want to join in the festivities, Major?" L: "Initiate ID confirmation. Major Vladilena Milizé. Eastern Theater Combat District 1, Defense Unit 1 Command and Control officer." L: "Activate Para-RAID." L: "Synchronization target: Spearhead Processors." Background: "Whoa!" Background: "Look at this!" Kurena: "If it's that hard, you should just quit." Kurena: "We don't really need you for anything. Nothing really changes if we don't have a control officer." L: "Lieutenant Kukumila..." Kurena: "Listening to you trying to keep from losing it, when you're not even here, is distracting." L: "They don't bother you and the others?" L: "Those... voices." Boy: "It hurts!" Boy: "Mommy!" Mom: "Be more careful! Silly child." Kurena: "Even without Shin, Processors have to listen to dying screams all the time." Kurena: "And dying instantly when your Juggernaut explodes is one of the best ways to go. We've all seen our friends get their limbs blown off, their faces ripped to shreds, their bodies get burned all over, or their stomachs ripped open with guts pouring out," Kurena: "screaming in pain as they died." Kurena: "Compared to that, the voices of the long dead are nothing." Kurena: "Any of us could die at any time." L: "Good evening, everyone." Raiden: "I hear you loud and clear, Major. Sorry, it's just us guys here tonight." L: "Lieutenant Shuga?" L: "Um, where's Captain Nouzen? Did something happen in the battle today?" Raiden: "No, he's just sleeping. He says he's tired." L: "I see." Raiden: "It happens sometimes." Raiden: "I... We don't know the truth. But it's probably exhausting. Never getting a break 24 hours a day." L: "Because of the voices of the Legion?" Theo: "It's not something that you can do anything about. We just get tired sometimes, being out here, is all." L: "He's tired, yes, but the stress on all of you is increasing." L: "With all these casualties." Raiden: "Yeah." L: "You haven't been given one new member since I arrived. I'll make it happen faster. I'll do everything I can to make it a top priority." L: "Lieutenant Shuga?" Raiden: "Yeah, that'd be good." L: "This unit is defending our most important base. It has the right to receive reinforcements first." L: "Until then, I'll continue to request reinforcements from the surrounding units. So please, hang in there a bit longer!" Raiden: "Yeah." Theo: "Thanks, I guess." L: "Of course." Karlstahl: "So you decided to overstep yourself and complain directly to me, Major Milizé?" L: "Sir, I can't wait any longer for replacements for Spearhead. I'll do anything to help them, even beg you for aid." L: "I've gone to every department for help, but..." Karlstahl: "The resupply and Processor replacement plans for the Eastern Theater are a settled matter." Karlstahl: "I've already informed them of your request. You probably don't know, as it's still an internal matter." L: "Really? We're finally getting supplies?" Karlstahl: "So do your duty as best you can." Karlstahl: "Are you ready for the Revolution Festival party?" Karlstahl: "Attend the party in a proper dress. Isn't that the real job of a daughter of the Milizé family?" L: "Understood." A: "Lena, listen..." A: "Why did you think that dress was a good choice? It's pure black, like a mourning dress." L: "It's wonderful, isn't it? Thanks to this, nobody's asking me to dance." A: "I agree this party is stupid and boring. But that doesn't mean looking nice is a bad thing." L: "Well, I think this looks nice enough for me." A: "That's not the issue." L: "One of my fiancés is over there— the one who sent me those fancy new sweets!" L: "See you later, Lena!" S: "Major." L: "Is something wrong, Captain Nouzen? Is it the Legion?" S: "No, you didn't call at the usual time, so I thought I'd check in. Is everything okay?" S: "If you're busy, I can contact you another day." L: "I'm fine." L: "Sorry, this is the time when I always call, isn't it?" L: "What's wrong?" S: "I wanted to let you know that the special ammunition arrived." L: "It got there safely, huh?" S: "Yes. Thank you for the fireworks." L: "Well, it's the Revolution Festival after all." L: "You saw them with your brother and parents once, right?" L: "I'm sure the others have similar memories." S: "It's a Revolution Festival tradition, huh?" S: "Can you see the fireworks from the Palace Luñè where you are?" L: "I can. But the sky's too bright." L: "I'm sure the fireworks where you're at are beautiful." L: "The night is dark, and the air is clean. I wish we could see them—" L: "Someday, let's all watch the fireworks in District 1 together. I'm sure you'll laugh." S: "I don't remember them being that bad. Then see for yourself. When the war's over... When you leave the army, we can all watch them together." S: "I wish Lieutenant Irma and the others could've seen them, too. Sorry, my timing was bad again, huh? No, this is the first time we've ever been able to give them a proper gun salute." S: "I'm sure they're pleased." S: "They never liked the mushy stuff." L: "I see." S: "And... Anju was finally able to cry, just a bit ago." S: "She's the type to keep things to herself, so that meant a lot." L: "She won't forget Lieutenant Irma." S: "None of us will." S: "You remember my brother, right?" S: "That made me happy." S: "Because I wasn't able to remember him." L: "Captain Nouzen..." S: "Will you remember us as well, Major?" L: "Of course I will." L: "But..." L: "Before that, I won't let you die." L: "I won't let anyone else die." Soldier: "Hey, Eighty-Six. This one, too." Soldier: "It's a present from your master, supposedly. As if a pig deserves a present from a human..." Soldier: "How'd you manage to get her to sign off? Beg? We're busy with the festival, too." Theo: "What's up?" Raiden: "What's up, Shin? What is this?" Theo: "So many... From the Major? Wow!" Kurena: "Hey, Anju, um..." Anju: "What is it?" Kurena: "I'm wondering if we can tell her." Kurena: "She's sending us, like, presents and stuff now." Anju: "Are you worried about her?" Kurena: "No! Why would I be worried about her? But, um... She wasn't scared of Shin. So I think it'd be okay. That's all." Kurena: "Shin and Raiden, the others... None of them are saying anything about it." Kurena: "If we told her, she'd stop calling. And that'd be better for all of us." Anju: "Yeah..." Anju: "I remember what Kaie said to her..." Kurena: "She's not a bad person, so she shouldn't get involved with us." Anju: "I think that's why Shin and Raiden can't bring themselves to say it." Anju: "They think it'd hurt her." Kurena: "Anju, are you okay?" Anju: "With what?" Kurena: "You've never taken a shower with anyone before." Anju: "I think it's okay now, honestly. It's just the two of us. There's no need to hide it." Anju: "Daiya... said I had pretty hair when we first met. He knew I was growing my hair out to hide it, but he asked if I was growing out my hair because it was so pretty." Anju: "Daiya's gone now. So I think it's silly to keep worrying about it." Anju: "What about you? Don't you want to tell her?" Kurena: "No." Kurena: "I don't think I have the right." Kurena: "Even if we die, our Reaper will take us there." Kurena: "I know he'll take me there, but..." Kurena: "But then, what about Shin?" Kurena: "Who will carry his heart?" L: "Undertaker, report." S: "All personnel are ready to begin the attack on the Legion forward base. Don't forget. The base is a decoy. Watch for the ambushers in the surrounding area." S: "When we've lured them out of their holes, two teams from the Fourth Platoon will attack." L: "A-Analysis complete! Launch point is 120 kilometers east-northeast. Estimated speed at launch is... 4000 meters per second? It's an ultra-long range artillery cannon. One we've never seen before!" L: "I'm calling off the mission! Retreat, please! Retreat!" S: "Roger." Raiden: "Seems that we shook off our pursuers." L: "I-I'll get you more personnel! I'll make it happen today!" S: "Major." L: "This doesn't make any sense! The General said that they already had a plan to bring in replacements." S: "Major Milizé!" S: "Everyone, you're okay with it, right?" Raiden: "Yeah." L: "Wh-What?" Raiden: "Major, that's enough. Nothing you do will change a thing." S: "Captain Nouzen, what are you saying?" L: "No replacements are coming. Not a single one. Ever." S: "We're going to be wiped out." S: "This unit is an execution ground." L: "Wh-What are you saying?" Anju: "The "replacements" you were just talking about are the Processors that come after us." Theo: "She means, "After we're dead."" Theo: "We just got some brand-new Juggernauts." Theo: "Those are for them." Raiden: "The white pigs don't intend to let a single Eighty-Six out of the 86th District." Theo: "They conscript us with that "five years and you're out" thing as bait. Then they get us killed." Theo: "They really are pigs. It's terrible." L: "That... That's impossible!" Raiden: "The vast majority of Processors die before their term is up. It doesn't matter what you say will happen after their term. It's when you've got guys like us, who manage to survive for years on a battlefield where death is certain." Theo: "The fact that we survived means we're smart, and the other Eighty-Six look up to us as heroes." Theo: "They can't have us leading a rebellion. So anyone like that is sent to the worst of the fighting, to die there." Theo: "And those who still don't die, end up here." Theo: "Combat District 1, Unit 1, Spearhead." Raiden: "The point of this place is to make the soldiers fight until they die." Raiden: "This is the last place we'll serve." Raiden: "We'll all die here." Theo: "Only after the last one is dead will replacements come. The next group, awaiting their own executions." L: "So we're not making you fight to protect us, but just to kill you? That's nothing but slaughter!" L: "Did you all know..." Anju: "Yes, I'm sorry." L: "Since when?" Kurena: "From the start. Nobody who went to war, not my sister or anybody else, came back. And we weren't allowed out of the camps." Kurena: "We all knew from the start that white pigs don't keep their promises." L: "If you knew, then why did you fight? Why not run... or try to get revenge on the Republic?" Raiden: "Revenge wouldn't even be hard. We'd just have to sit back and let the Legion through." Raiden: "We'd die, of course, but we could take the white pigs with us." L: "Then why?" Raiden: "Until I was twelve, an old Alba woman in District 9 looked after me. Shin was raised by an Alba priest, who refused to give up his land and was sent to the camps." Raiden: "Theo told you before about his captain." Raiden: "Kurena knows the very worst of the Alba." Raiden: "Of course, we all know how awful the white pigs can be, but... There are also people like Kaie, who were abused by other Eighty-Six because of the color of their skin." Raiden: "Anju, Haruto, and Shin have white pig or imperial blood. They're the same." Raiden: "There are scum like that among the Eighty-Six, too. And there were a lot of proud Eighty-Six who fought to the very end. Even if most Alba are scum, some of you said there wasn't any reason to just let us die. And not all Eighty-Six are good." Raiden: "And so we all decided which we wanted to be. Just because scum treats you like scum, doing the same makes you no better. If the only two paths are to die fighting the Legion, or to die giving up, we'll survive to the last moment and go down fighting." Raiden: "That's the reason we fight. That's the source of our pride. If that means protecting the white pigs, well, that's not ideal, but it's fine with me." L: "Even if you know that at the end, you'll die?" Raiden: "Is there anybody stupid enough to hang themselves because they know they'll die tomorrow? Even if you know you're going to the gallows, you can choose how you're going to climb up there." Raiden: "We've made our choice." Raiden: "All we have to do now is survive."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 7 – Will You Remember Me?", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "7", "Will You Remember Me?" ] }
S: "All right. If we have to. Thanks." Raiden: "Was that Kino's group?" S: "Yeah." S: "They looked hard, but they said they can't find Chise's Juggernaut." Raiden: "Not even a little piece of it, huh? Well, after that artillery blast..." S: "Yeah." Raiden: "I'm sure it's not bothering you, but I'll say it anyway." Raiden: "It's not your fault." Raiden: "I thought they'd come after our base next, but they haven't." S: "Today's attack had a secondary goal of testing that new weapon." Raiden: "We lost four to a "secondary goal," huh?" S: "If it's completed, we'll lose a lot more than four. The Republic will fall." S: "That doesn't matter to us, but I doubt the Major will agree." S: "What?" Raiden: "Nothing." S: "Either way, the new one's still silent, for now." Raiden: "You can tell?" S: "I memorized its voice." S: "And I doubt the enemy commander will let them use it." S: "I found him." Raiden: "Your brother?!" S: "He found me, too." S: "He'll come for me next." S: "It's good luck for me, but bad for all of you." S: "What will you do?" S: "Hang yourself tonight, before you die tomorrow?" Raiden: "Not a chance in hell. We'll follow you to the end, Reaper." S: "We're going to be wiped out." S: "This unit is an execution ground." L: "Special orders... Target: The deepest part of Legion-held territory. Mission duration: Unlimited. No support..." L: "Immediate execution in the event of retreat?" Raiden: "The point of this place is to make the soldiers fight until they die. This is the last place we'll serve." Raiden: "We'll all die here." A: "What's wrong, Lena?" A: "A final mission with a survival rate of 0%, huh?" A: "I guess that sounds like this country." L: "Please, help me! I need to do something!" A: ""Do something"?" A: "Do what, specifically? Go on TV and give a speech? Find somebody important and yell at them? If that would change minds, this never things wouldn't be like this in the first place." A: "Give it up. We can't fix this. Nothing we do matters, so just—" L: "Stop it!" L: "Stop pretending to be a bad person just to have an excuse to do nothing!" A: "You're the one who needs to stop!" A: "Stop..." A: "I mean it. There's nothing we can do! We can't do a thing to save them!" L: "Annette..." A: "Our next-door neighbors were scientists on my dad's research team. Our families were close. But that all changed when the war started." A: "They were Eighty-Six." A: "Two boys. The older brother was way older, but the younger was my age. We went to the same school and played a lot." A: "We were friends." A: "But the next thing I knew, the Eighty-Six all stopped coming to school. And my classmates were bullying me. They said I was friends with a filthy colored." A: "It hurt! There wasn't anything I could do! But he didn't know anything about it and still wanted to play." A: "I turned him down, and we got in a fight." A: "And I said it... You filthy colored!" A: "I was scared." A: "I was scared of myself for being capable of saying that." A: "So... When my dad was thinking about taking them in, despite the danger, I said I didn't want to." A: "I said he wasn't my friend. I said I wouldn't put myself in danger for him." A: "I think my dad wanted my support." A: "But I gave him a way out." A: "They were sent to the camps the next day." A: "All I could do was tell myself I couldn't do anything. That there was never a chance." A: "But you... You always..." A: "Listen, Lena. You may act like a saint," A: "but you're just as guilty as me." L: "What is this place?" A: "The kids who lived next door, and their mother, had a strange power." A: "They could tell what each other felt without speaking." A: "My dad took an interest in that power." A: "This is where it began. First, they'd put on these little toy-like devices, and try to guess what their mom was thinking behind the curtain. The experiments were like a game. But when the military found out that there was a new kind of communication that could replace wireless, they ordered my dad to perfect it, no matter what the cost." A: "And the result..." A: "was the RAID device you're wearing." A: "How many Eighty-Six do you think died to make it?" A: "It shares words. You can't use animals, right?" L: "You don't mean—" A: "That's right. Human experimentation. Even though they said the Eighty-Six aren't human. Convenient, right?" A: "All the test subjects were children. Results first. Safety last." A: "They all died suffering." A: "My dad couldn't take it. He committed suicide." L: "It wasn't an accident?" A: "You think my dad of all people would screw up the settings on a Para-RAID?" A: "He always told me that he'd abandoned his friends and caused so many deaths. He deserved to suffer and die more than anyone. Which means I'm just as guilty for abandoning my friend, right? So I took over the research my dad did, victims and all!" A: ""Undertaker," was it?" A: "We got the request to investigate because of the dead Handlers, remember?" A: "If I'd had them bring the Processor that was the cause, I might've been able to save him, if nobody else." A: "But that's just hypocrisy. I'm glad those shitheads in Transport refused. See? Nothing we can do. I can't save anyone." A: "But you're no different!" A: "You're even worse!" A: "You interfered and kept them alive, and now they're being ordered to die! If you'd just slacked off and let them die, they wouldn't have gotten that order." A: "And now they will, thanks to you!" A: "I hate you, Lena." A: "Never let me see you again." L: "I won't let them die. I won't let anyone else die." Karlstahl: "What do you want?" L: "Let me cancel the special recon orders given to Spearhead!" Karlstahl: "I told you not to get too involved." L: "This is insane! Must they keep marching into enemy territory until they're dead, for no reason?" Karlstahl: "The Eighty-Six all need to die. That's what's best for the country, according to its government, and indirectly, its people." Karlstahl: "That's the will of the nation. If what we've done to the Eighty-Six gets out at the end of the war, the Republic will become a pariah state and remembered forever as oppressors." Karlstahl: "And to keep that from happening..." L: "And that's why you forbid them from recovering or burying their dead?" Karlstahl: "When they're all dead, they will cease to have existed." Karlstahl: "And thus, the Republic will have done nothing wrong. A very small number know the exact truth. But the vast majority who look the other way, or just don't care, are supporters of this." Karlstahl: "And our job as the army, Lena, is to follow the people's wishes!" L: "The Eighty-Six are part of the Republic as well! The Republican ideals that Saint Magnolia expounded should protect them, too! If they aren't, how can this be the will of the Republic?!" Karlstahl: "It's a country full of fools and villains, who executed Saint Magnolia for the sake of their own wealth and greed." Karlstahl: "What can you expect of them?!" Karlstahl: "Humans were not ready to have freedom and equality." Karlstahl: "And I don't think we'll ever be." L: "You're just saying that to justify your despair! It's wrong to sit back and let this happen!" Karlstahl: "You're free to speak of your hopes and ideals, but you won't persuade anyone." Karlstahl: "That's why you came to me, right?" Karlstahl: "Hope and despair are the same thing. You want something, and you can't have it." Karlstahl: "They're two names for two sides of the same thing." L: "Captain Nouzen, I have a set of special recon orders." S: "I've received them." L: "I'm sorry." L: "I couldn't do anything." S: "I'm sure." L: "There's no need to obey these ridiculous orders. Run away." S: "To where?" S: "Everyone dies someday." S: "You can't blame someone just because that day came a little early." L: "Why do you always just accept it?! You're losing your future, your wishes, even your life..." L: "And you don't hate us? How is that possible?!" S: "Major, we're not going to die. We're finally following the path we wanted to follow, to the place we wanted to go." S: "We can finally be free. I would prefer you didn't disparage that." L: "Then... Then at least don't fight any more." S: "I have to." S: "We need to fight to go forward." S: "We've known it from the start." L: "To kill your brother, right?" S: "Why did you have to realize that?" L: "I can tell... You're sad, but you still laugh coldly" L: "when you talk about your brother." L: "Don't fight, please. Even if he's part of the Legion, you can't fight your brother." S: "My brother is a Shepherd." S: "I can't go anywhere without killing him." L: "Captain!" S: "Major..." S: "There is no need to monitor us anymore." L: "Does that mean—" S: "I don't want you to hear my brother's last words." S: "So please don't contact us again." S: "Go past the eastern border, and you'll no longer hear the Legion's voices." S: "If anyone's left alive, help may come there." S: "When a Shepherd dies, it throws the Legion into chaos for a while. We can buy you that much time." S: "So..." L: "Captain Nouzen..." S: "Survive until then." S: "Well?" Lef: "Provisions, fuel, ammo, and spare parts are all packed." Lef: "I also packed extra spares for the legs, for a certain idiot commander." S: "Thank you." Lef: "You can do simple repairs yourself, right?" S: "Yeah. I break them a lot." Lef: "Act a little ashamed, brat!" Lef: "Don't fight like you usually do." S: "I can't promise." Lef: "It's the last time, so just lie and agree." S: "I'm sorry." Lef: "Jeez..." Lef: "You really are..." Raiden: "I feel bad for Haruto. If he'd lasted a little longer, he could've gone for a fun hike." S: "Yeah." Theo: "Think the rain'll stop?" Anju: "It'd be nice to have clear skies, at least for the first day." Kurena: "I know a trick! Kaie used to do it!" Lef: "Hey, kids! Come here." Raiden: "Now that it's the last time, I realize I'm gonna miss the old guy's lectures." All: "You think?" All: "Let's eat!" Kurena: "We all gathered here on the first day, right?" Theo: "You mean the day we were assigned here?" Kurena: "Yup." Raiden: "Yeah, we all swore to each other again." Anju: ""No matter who calls us pigs, we'll never let ourselves become them."" Kurena: ""Even if we're the last one, we'll fight until the last day."" Raiden: "And all five of us survived. Not bad." Theo: "The Major never did call back." Raiden: "What, you miss her?" Theo: "Not at all." Theo: "I guess it does kind of bug me, though." Anju: "After all the time we've spent together, she could've said goodbye." Theo: "Yeah, like that." Kurena: "We told her a million times to leave us alone, and she finally got it, is all." Theo: "The rain stopped." Kurena: "Clear skies!" Anju: "The trick worked, huh?" Raiden: "It's a good omen!" Kurena: "Look, look! They're all shiny!" Theo: "I cleaned all your marks, too." Raiden: "You're nice and clean, too." Anju: "How cool!" Theo: "He's happy?" Kurena: "He was filthy." S: "I'm happy for you." Raiden: "What's this?" Kurena: "Snacks." Theo: "Is this..." Raiden: "He treated us like kids until the end." Raiden: "Nobody forgot anything, right?" Kurena: "Nope!" Theo: "Nope!" Anju: "No." Raiden: "Shin." S: "Let's go." Rei: "I wanted to protect you." Rei: "That was how it was supposed to be, but..." Rei: "Shin." S: "Brother, are Mom and Dad not coming back?" S: "Why?" Rei: "I could barely keep myself together back then." S: "I can't hear Mom's voice. Brother, why did Mom die?" Rei: "It's your fault! That's not true. Mom went to fight because of you! That's not true. You killed her. Stop it!" Rei: "It's your fault. That's not true. It's all your fault. It's not your fault. That Mom and Dad died. The fact that I'm about to die. It's all your fault, Shin! I... I couldn't handle the hate and rage I felt at my own powerlessness, and I took it out on you," Rei: "the person I was supposed to protect." Rei: "I couldn't protect you." Rei: "But..." Rei: "Shin..." Rei: "Now we'll be together forever." Rei: "I'm coming for you." Rei: "Without my fragile human body." Rei: "This time, your brother will protect you forever." Rei: "So..." Rei: "Come see me, Shin!"
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 8 – Let's Go", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "8", "Let's Go" ] }
Voices: "I'm scared! It hurts so much! No! Help me!" Raiden: "I guess we're dealing with every single Legion in the area." Rei: "Shin!" Raiden: "Shin, that voice...!" Shin: "Keep going." Shin: "If you can hide in the forest, they won't be able to find you easily. Wait for them to pass and then move on." Raiden: "Wait!" Shin: "Raiden, you're in charge." Raiden: "What about you?" Shin: "I'll catch up after I defeat them." Shin: "We can't move on until they're gone. I don't want to, anyway." Shin: "And..." Shin: "I guess he doesn't want to let me get away." Raiden: "If you'd just ask me to fight with you..." Raiden: "Hell no. I'm not following that order." Raiden: "I'll hold off the rest of them. So do this quick!" Shin: "You're a fool." Raiden: "So are you!" Raiden: "Don't die." Shin: "I found you, brother." Anju: "Something's weird! They're trying to pull us away from Shin!" Theo: "This isn't how Legion fight." Raiden: "It's that Shepherd's orders." Raiden: "He wants some private family time." Shin: "Anything I shoot won't get through." Voice: "Help me! Help me! Help me!" Shin: "He wants to kill me with his own hands." Shin: "Is that it?" Shin: "I'm the same, brother." Theo: "Reloading! Back me up!" Kurena: "Again? How much ammo are we using?" Raiden: "I'm not counting!" Anju: "Don't worry. If we can just lower their numbers a bit more..." Anju: "It seems that they're not interested in retreat." Raiden: "Fine by me. Let's do this!" Lena: "Lieutenant Shuga, I'm borrowing your left eye!" Lena: "Here they are." Lena: "Prepare for impact!" Raiden: "Is that you, Major Milizé?" Lena: "Yes. It's me. All personnel, I'm sorry I'm late." Raiden: "Are you an absolute moron?" Raiden: "Trying to share visual perception..." Lena: "I simply confirmed the impact. Oh, I'm sure sharing visual information is distracting, so I'll close my left eye." Raiden: "Don't you know Handlers don't do that because it causes blindness? And those are the mortars! You didn't get permission!" Lena: "So what?" Lena: "Blindness doesn't set in immediately. Breaking orders and using the guns without permission won't kill me! The Republic doesn't play by any sane rules." Lena: "So there's no reason for me to, either. I should've done this a long time ago." Raiden: "You're a real idiot." Lena: "I'm not doing it for you. If this many Legion break through the front lines, the Republic is in danger. I'm just fighting because I don't want to die." Lena: "I'll handle the reinforcements." Lena: "Handle the enemies you're fighting on your own." Raiden: "Fine, leave it to us. This is nothing new for us." Lena: "Where's Captain Nouzen?" Raiden: "Fighting his brother." Raiden: "That's what he's after." Raiden: "He can't hear our voices now." Lena: "Enemy withdrawing!" Raiden: "Yes!" Theo: "We did it." Lena: "Captain Nouzen! Captain Nouzen! Come in!" Kurena: "Shin?" All: "Shin?" Raiden: "Wake up, you fool!" Anju: "What is that?" Raiden: "Damn it! We've got to stop it!" Theo: "But how!" Lena: "Lieutenant Kukumila, determine the enemy's position as accurately as possible and send it to me." Lena: "I'll let you do the final guidance. Just hit it with the targeting waves." Kurena: "Do you mean—" Theo: "Are you going to hit it with artillery?" Anju: "It's too close! You'll hit Shin!" Lena: "I have a plan." Lena: "I don't want to let him die, either." Rei: "I held back a lot, and it was still so fragile. I may have hurt you, but I'll apologize for that, and everything else, later." Rei: "Finally... Finally you're coming back to me. We can be together again." Rei: "I'll read you a book again." Rei: "But first, I'll get rid of your human body!" Rei: "Little insects..." Rei: "You're wasting your time!" Rei: "You pieces of shit... You're going to let Shin die, too?" Rei: "Shin... I'll protect Shin!" Lena: "You want to protect him, but..." Rei: "That's right! I have to protect him!" Rei: "He's my brother! I love him!" Lena: "You want to protect him, but you're going to kill him again?" Rei: "I..." Rei: "I..." Rei: "The rounds are duds?" Kurena: "All rounds landed on target." Theo: "But that won't even slow him down. We have to do something, now!" Lena: "Captain Nouzen's signal is back online!" Raiden: "Shin! Wake up, you fool!" All: "Stop messing around! Get up already! Shin, are you okay?" Rei: "Shin..." Rei: "That Mom and Dad died. The fact that I'm about to die. It's all your fault," Rei: "Shin!" Shin: "My brother hasn't forgiven me." Shin: "He still blames me." Shin: "So..." Lena: "That's why you're going to give him his rest, right?" Lena: "Shin!" Rei: "I..." Rei: "I wanted you to..." Shin: "Goodbye, brother." Rei: "I get it now." Rei: "You don't need me to hold your hand." Rei: "I'm sorry." Shin: "Brother?" Rei: "Shin." Rei: "Shin!" Rei: "Shin..." Rei: "Shin..." Raiden: "Major, cut the connection." Raiden: "He wouldn't want anyone hearing that." Lena: "You're right." Lena: "It's over." Annette: "I told you never to let me see you again, Lena." Lena: "Yeah, I heard you, Annette. But I never said I wouldn't." Lena: "I need to get into the mortar control system." Lena: "As well as the ability to synch vision." Lena: "You'll do it to help Spearhead, right?" Annette: "Of course not. It's not my problem." Lena: "You will. No matter what it takes." Lena: "The boy you abandoned... His name was Shin, right?" Annette: "How do you know that name?" Lena: "There weren't a lot of Eighty-Six in District 1. Especially not our age, with brothers who are much older." Lena: "I know your friend well." Lena: "I talk to him all the time." Annette: "You don't mean..." Lena: "That's right. He's in my unit. Combat commander of the Spearhead Squadron. Personal name: Undertaker." Lena: "That's Shin." Annette: "Did he tell you?! Is he alive? Is he..." Annette: "Does he still hate me?" Lena: "What do you care? It's not your problem." Annette: "It's not my problem?" Annette: "It's not..." Lena: "If that's not the case, then you need to help me. What's your answer?" Lena: "You abandoned him twice." Lena: "Are you going to do it a third time?" Annette: "You're the devil." Lena: "That's right, Officer Penrose." Lena: "I am, and so are you." Lena: "Shin's safe." Lena: "Thanks to you." Annette: "It's not me who saved him." Raiden: "He can talk now." Shin: "Major..." Shin: "I thought I heard a voice. You were there, huh?" Lena: "Of course I am! I'm Spearhead's Handler." Raiden: "Right, right." Theo: "You sure are." Lena: "The battle is over. Good work, Undertaker, and all of you." Shin: "Thank you, Handler One." Theo: "What the hell happened to you, though?" Raiden: "You suddenly turned into a bad girl." Lena: ""A bad girl"? I didn't... I just—" Kurena: "I thought you were trying to blow us up along with the Legion." Lena: "Of course not!" Theo: "She's joking, obviously. You're so serious." Anju: "But don't you think that's a point in her favor?" Raiden: "That's right. We're grateful, you know. You saved our lives." Lena: "You're all teasing me." Shin: "Thank you." Shin: "I was finally able to let my brother rest." Lena: "That's why you're going to give him his rest, right? Shin!" Lena: "No, it was just a coincidence that it worked out." Shin: "I see." Raiden: "I can't believe you fired rounds with deactivated fuses to delay them." Theo: "Pretty clever." Lena: "Half the rounds were duds, so I got the idea..." Raiden: "I see." Lena: "I'll do even better next time!" Anju: "Glad to hear it." Kurena: "I'll set my expectations low." Raiden: "Now then..." Shin: "Yeah." Raiden: "Fido, you got the containers piled up again?" Raiden: "We'll decide on a place to sleep first, and then worry about repairs. It's not good that we used so much ammo on the first day." Theo: "I don't think it's a problem. We certainly took out enough of them." Raiden: "Sure did." Raiden: "Let's get to work, then." Raiden: "Talk to you later, Major. Hope you can do this with the next ones, too." Kurena: "Hey, is it safe to go forward? A lot of those dud rounds landed." Anju: "So it's basically a minefield... It might not be a good idea just to go forward. Shin, can you find us another route?" Shin: "This is Legion territory, but there aren't any Legion around here. We can take any route we want, but... dud rounds?" Theo: "We'll tell you as we go. Shin, you really didn't see anything, did you?" Lena: "Wait... Wait!" Lena: "Don't leave me!" Raiden: "Yeah, I like that." Raiden: "We're not being chased. We're going on our own, as far as we can go." Kurena: "What do you want for dinner? It's our first day, so we should do something special, right?" Theo: "Yeah, but..." Anju: "I don't know if I've got it in me to go hunting." Raiden: "It's rather just go to sleep. I'm tired." Lena: "Wait!" Theo: "Okay, our goal for tomorrow is that building. We've got time. Want to place a bet?" Anju: "Yeah, how about for who does the cooking tomorrow?" Shin: "I don't mind betting, but I won't hear any complaints if Kurena or I end up doing it." Kurena: "Hey!" Raiden: "Fine. You guys suck at cooking, so that's off the table." Theo: "Huh? Do you see something? Like a building?" Kurena: "You're right!" Raiden: "Is that a cathedral?" Shin: "A train station, probably." Anju: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if it's a castle or a mansion? Especially if we can spend the night there." Theo: "I've only ever seen castles from afar on the other side of the combat districts. I've never been in one." Kurena: "Let's hunt for treasure!" Raiden: "Yeah. We're not in a hurry or anything." Anju: "It's beautiful." Raiden: "Pure red all over." Raiden: "What kind of flower is this?" Kurena: "Is it okay to step on these? It feels wrong." Theo: "Just walking by them makes the petals fall off." Anju: "They were close to falling off on their own. All the falling petals are pretty, but kind of sad." Raiden: "Seeing the same color of flowers all around and under you while you fight is actually kind of scary." Theo: "The minute we became free, we got to see something wonderful, huh?" Raiden: "We're right up against the limits of the Republic's control area. Just at the barrier of District 86." Shin: "Yeah." Shin: "We finally made it here." Shin: "We've finally arrived. Outside District 86," Shin: "the battlefield where we lived." Shin: "Major..." Shin: "We're going on ahead, Major."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode 9 – Goodbye", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "9", "Goodbye" ] }
Lena: "Stellar Year 2148. The Republic of San Magnolia was under fierce invasion by the Legion, unmanned, autonomous combat machines created by their neighbor to the East, and the northern part of the continent's largest superpower, the Giadian Empire." Lena: "To fight them, the Republic developed their own autonomous machines, the Juggernauts." Lena: "The Juggernauts kept the threat at bay, without any risk of casualties." Lena: "At least, that's what the public was told. Military HQ forced others to do the actual fighting," Man: "Morning, Major!" Lena: "while they drowned themselves in a false peace." Sanders: "Those pigs sure were crying their heads off yesterday." Lena: "Listen, you—" Anette: "Morning." Lena: "Morning, Annette." Annette: "This isn't the battlefield. We're inside the Gran Mur. And the enemy will be gone in two years. If anything, you're the weirdo for taking it seriously." Lena: "These tiny control rooms were the only battlefields left inside the 85 districts of the Republic." Lena: "Activate Para-RAID. Synchronization target: Pleiades Processor." Lena: "What's wrong, Pleiades? Come in! What's wrong?" Lena: "Handler One to Pleiades!" Voice: "Stop..." Voice: "He's dead!" Lena: "But it wasn't true that no one was dying." Lena: "I wanted to fix this country's mistake." Lena: "That was my job as a Republic soldier." Kujo: "It hurts... Damn it all! Damn it!" Lena: "One day, I was assigned to take command of Spearhead Squadron, You're changing my assigned unit, General Karlstahl? one of the best units made up of Eighty-Six." Karlstahl: "It's comprised of veterans from all across the eastern theater. An ace unit, you could say." Lena: "They were young men and women my age." Kaie: "They're having a good time over there, huh?" Lena: "But their lives were very different from ours." Lecca: "Hey, help me!" Theo: "Coming." Lena: "The Eighty-Six. Young men and women who lived outside the 85 districts of the Republic and were branded "humanoid pigs."" Lena: "They spent their days and nights fighting inside these supposedly "unmanned" units. In this battle, I would witness the astonishing power of Spearhead Squadron's combat commander, Undertaker." Lena: "So this is... Undertaker? Two weeks after becoming their Handler," Lena: "I was calling them on the Para-RAID every night to get to know them better. One of them, named Kaie," Lena: "said something that reminded me of an incident from my childhood." Kaie: "Why do you care about us so much?" Lena: "Well..." Lena: "A long time ago, I was saved on the battlefield by a Processor. He said to me, "We are members of the Republic. We were born here and grew up here." "It's a citizen's duty to protect his country. I'm proud to do it." "That's why we fight."" Lena: "I'd built a relationship of trust with them..." Lena: "or so I thought." Kaie: "Leukosia. I'll hit it from the left. Back me up." Mikuri: "Roger, Kirschblüte." Lena: "Not that way! Kirschblüte!" Kaie: "Wetlands? Here?" Kaie: "I can't move." Kaie: "No." Kaie: "I don't want to die." Lena: "I caused Kaie's death." Lena: "I thought I was treating her like a human." Theo: "Or what, did you think we don't care when one of our own dies?" Theo: "Yeah, maybe you're right! After all, we're not high-minded humans like you. We're pigs, less than human!" Lena: "N-No! I didn't—" Theo: "You think that if you just act nice and talk to us every day, that counts as treating us as human, don't you? You've never even asked us for our real names!" Lena: "I thought I was fighting alongside them." Lena: "That's what I thought, but I was wrong." Lena: "They were right. I didn't know." Lena: "I'd never asked their names. Henrietta Penrose." Annette: "What?" Lena: "That's your name. I know your name. We're friends." Annette: "So what?" Lena: "A name is who you are. And I didn't even think of that. Not that way! Kirschblüte!" Annette: "Before you regret it." Kaie: "I don't want to die." Lena: "Para-RAID, activate! Synchronization target:" Lena: "Undertaker!" Lena: "Treating another human like that was unforgivable." Lena: "Cowardly." Lena: "So I... So please, tell me your names. Your real names!" Shin: "Kirschblüte, the girl who died yesterday, was Kaie Taniya." Shin: "Wehrwolf, our XO, is Raiden Shuga." Shin: "Laughing Fox is Theoto Rikka." Shin: "Snow Witch, Anju Emma." Shin: "Gunslinger, Kurena Kukumila." Shin: "Black Dog..." Lena: "They weren't "unmanned units."" Lena: "They were human beings, alive in this world." Lena: "I haven't heard your name." Shin: "Shinei Nouzen." Lena: ""Nouzen"?" Shin: "Is something wrong?" Lena: "Do you know someone named "Shourei Nouzen"?" Lena: "His personal name was Dullahan, and his mark was a headless knight." Shin: "He's my brother." Rei: "Colonel Milizé!" Lena: "The brother of Spearhead's commander, Shin, had saved my life in the past." Rei: "You okay?" Rei: "But if I don't fight, I can't survive." Rei: "So I won't die. I can't." Rei: "I have to go back to my brother." Lena: "It felt like fate." Lena: "But then I learned something else." Voices: "Mom. Help me." Lena: "No!" Lena: "No!" Shin: "Major!" Shin: "Major Milizé!" Kaie: "I don't want to die." Lena: "Captain... Those voices I heard during the battle..." Lena: "What are they?" Shin: "Once, I almost died..." Shin: "Actually, I think I did die." Shin: "So that's why I can hear them." Shin: "The voices of the ghosts who died as I did, but are still here." Shin: "The Republic government predicts the war will end in two years, right?" Lena: "Yes. The Legion's central processing unit is modeled after a human brain. That design will cause it to stop functioning in two years." Shin: "If that design won't work," Shin: "they just need to replace it with another beforehand." Shin: "Using materials that are readily available on the battlefield where they live." Lena: "You can't mean..." Shin: "Human brains." Lena: "He told me about the Black Sheep. Legion whose brains were copies of humans'. And his own strange ability, which let him hear their voices." Lena: "He was carrying a burden far greater than I'd imagined." Shin: "I'll be going soon," Shin: "Brother." Lena: "Undertaker." Lena: "The personal name that was most beloved— and most hated—on the battlefield." Lena: "He had killed his own friends to keep the Legion from taking them." Raiden: "Until you make a grave for that..." Raiden: "For your brother, huh?" Shin: "It's all I can do." Shin: "My brother hasn't forgiven me." Shin: "He still blames me. So..." Raiden: "He's obsessed with his brother's head." Raiden: "I guess you really are a Reaper in search of a missing head." Rei: "Shin." Rei: "It's your fault." Rei: "Everything. It's all your fault!" Rei: "That Mom and Dad died." Rei: "The fact that I'm about to die. It's all..." Rei: "All because of your sin! Shin!" Lena: "The night of the Revolution Festival, I sent them a present." Lena: "The night sky was dark. The air clear." Lena: "And those watching looked up at them in awe." Lena: "They must have been beautiful." Shin: "You remember my brother, right?" Shin: "That made me happy." Shin: "Because I wasn't able to remember him." Lena: "Captain Nouzen..." Shin: "Will you remember us as well, Major?" Lena: "No matter how strong they were, no matter how many battles they survived..." Lena: "But... Death was still so close to them. Before that, I won't let you die." Lena: "I won't let anyone else die." Raiden: "Major, that's enough. Nothing you do will change a thing." Shin: "We're going to be wiped out." Shin: "This unit is an execution ground." Lena: "The last mission given to Spearhead wasn't a mission, or recon." Lena: "It was to advance until they died." Raiden: "We'll all die here." Lena: "That... That's impossible!" Raiden: "Even if you know you're going to the gallows, you can choose how you're going to climb up there." Raiden: "We've made our choice." Raiden: "All we have to do now is survive." Shin: "Either way, the new one's still silent, for now." Lena: "At last, Shin found the Legion holding the voice of his brother, Shourei Nouzen." Raiden: "You can tell?" Shin: "I memorized its voice. And I doubt the enemy commander will let them use it. I found him." Raiden: "Your brother?!" Shin: "He found me, too." Shin: "What will you do?" Lena: "He'd risked his life through countless battles in order to bring rest to his brother." Shin: "Hang yourself tonight, before you die tomorrow?" Raiden: "Not a chance in hell. We'll follow you to the end, Reaper." Shin: "We're going to be wiped out." Shin: "This unit is an execution ground." Lena: "Special orders..." Lena: "Please, help me! I need to do something!" Annette: "Nothing we do matters, so just—" Lena: "Stop it!" Lena: "Stop pretending to be a bad person just to have an excuse to do nothing!" Annette: "You're the one who needs to stop! Stop..." Annette: "I mean it. There's nothing we can do! We can't do a thing to save them!" Karlstahl: "The Eighty-Six all need to die. That's what's best for the country, according to its government, and indirectly, its people." Karlstahl: "That's the will of the nation." Lena: "The Eighty-Six are part of the Republic as well! The Republican ideals that Saint Magnolia expounded should protect them, too! If they aren't, how can this be the will of the Republic?!" Karlstahl: "It's a country full of fools and villains, who executed Saint Magnolia for the sake of their own wealth and greed." Karlstahl: "What can you expect of them?! You're free to speak of your hopes and ideals, but you won't persuade anyone." Lena: "There's no need to obey these ridiculous orders." Lena: "Run away." Shin: "Major, we're not going to die. We're finally following the path we wanted to follow, to the place we wanted to go." Shin: "We can finally be free. I would prefer you didn't disparage that." Lena: "Then... Then at least don't fight any more." Shin: "I have to." Shin: "We need to fight to go forward. We've known it from the start." Raiden: "Shin." Shin: "Let's go." Rei: "I wanted to protect you." Rei: "That was how it was supposed to be, but..." Rei: "Shin." Rei: "I'm coming for you." Rei: "Without my fragile human body." Rei: "This time, your brother will protect you forever." Rei: "So..." Rei: "Come see me, Shin!" Lena: "At last, Shin faced off with his brother." Raiden: "I guess we're dealing with every single Legion in the area." Shin: "Anything I shoot won't get through." Voices: "Help me! Help me! Help me!" Lena: "Lieutenant Shuga, I'm borrowing your left eye!" Lena: "They would finally be free, Shin had said. Here they are." Lena: "Prepare for impact! The only thing I could do for them was clear their path as best I could," Lena: "to keep them going even a single second longer. Where's Captain Nouzen?" Raiden: "Fighting his brother." Lena: "Captain Nouzen! Come in!" Lena: "I don't want to let him die, either." Rei: "The rounds are duds?" Raiden: "Shin! Wake up, you fool!" All: "Stop messing around!" Lena: "You're going to give him his rest, right?" Lena: "Shin!" Rei: "I..." Rei: "I wanted you to..." Shin: "Goodbye, brother." Rei: "I get it now." Rei: "You don't need me to hold your hand." Rei: "I'm sorry." Lena: "I have a duty to see everything that happens." Lena: "No matter how much pain and sadness there is..." Lena: "Because I am Spearhead's Handler." Raiden: "Let's get to work, then." Raiden: "Talk to you later, Major. Hope you can do this with the next ones, too." Lena: "Wait... Wait! Don't leave me!" Raiden: "Yeah, I like that." Lena: "They're finally going to the place they want to go." Raiden: "We're not being chased." Lena: "To the East. To the unexplored battlefield where the Legion wait." Raiden: "We're going on our own, as far as we can go." Shin: "We finally made it here." Shin: "We've finally arrived. Outside District 86, the battlefield where we lived." Shin: "Major..." Shin: "We're going on ahead, Major." Lena: "I was placed under house arrest," Lena: "and then I traveled to the Spearhead base." Lena: "There I saw..." Raiden: "If you actually went to the trouble of finding this, you're one crazy dumb ass." Raiden: "Raiden Shuga." Theo: "I'll put everyone's names down." Theo: "I bet you'd cry because you didn't know who was who, otherwise. Theoto Rikka." Lena: "I thought I could hear their laughter. Knowing that in the end, they could leave nothing behind at all," Lena: "they still lived as best they could until the day came." Lena: "The laughter of those boys and girls..." Shin: "If, one day, you make it to our final destination," Shin: "would you please leave flowers?" Shin: "Shinei Nouzen." Lena: "I can keep walking, too." Lena: "They believed that about me, until the very end." Lena: "Let's go." Lena: "What should I call you?" Lena: "I'll fight..."
{ "raw_title": "86 EIGHTY-SIX Episode SP – The Poppies Bloom Red on the Battlefield", "parsed": [ "86 EIGHTY-SIX", "SP", "The Poppies Bloom Red on the Battlefield" ] }
Clerk: "All boarders, please come out to the pier!" Man: "Hey, you're in the way! Move it!" Tig: "Sorry, I'm not here to see you off." Av: "We both have jobs to do, huh?" Tig: "Lawless Heaven?" Av: "Yeah." Tig: "You'd make a fortune selling that in Chicago!" Tig: "Corteo was a good guy. Fango probably fed him a line or something..." Tig: "But we still gotta finish it." Tig: "Hey!" Av: "May I go?" Tig: "Yeah." Av: "It looks good on you." Bar: "Corteo didn't show?" Tig: "Yeah. Avilio set off for Chicago alone." ero: "He's not in on it. How many times do I have to tell you?" Av: "It was you, wasn't it?" Gan: "Right answer, Angelo." Av: "Why did you send me that letter?" Gan: "Vincent kept worrying himself over Testa's son, the one who got away." Gan: "He told me to track you down by any means necessary." Gan: "Don't worry. You're dead, as far as he knows." Gan: "To be honest, my hopes weren't high, but you did well." Gan: "You made a few blunders along the way, but the way you killed Vanno had style." Av: "Why do you want the Vanettis dead?" Gan: "Good liquor, good women, and the town of Lawless, all for me." Gan: "It's any man's fantasy." Av: "You killed Nero, right? I can kill Nero any time, but Vincent won't go down that easily." Av: "To kill Vincent, I need you." Av: "You need me, too, right?" Av: "Let me have Corteo. Once he's safe, I'll come back." Gan: "And if I refuse?" Av: "I've entrusted the letter to a certain man. If I die, it gets sent to Nero." Av: "With the name of the man who really sent it." Gan: "For now, you should pick a familiar place to lay low." Woman: "They have the best prices there! Oh, really?" Woman: "Mr. Bruno! Where have you been?" Woman: "Hey, you owe me back rent!" Cor: "Excuse me, will this cover it?" Woman: "This is too much!" Cor: "Take it as an advance on future rent, too." Woman: "What?" Woman: "There's so much..." Cor: "It's quite spartan, isn't it?" Av: "Yeah." Cor: "I'll sleep here for today." Cor: "These are..." Av: "When I lived in this room, I was an empty shell." Av: "Until that letter came..." Cor: "Morning." Av: "Hey." Av: "You slept well." Cor: "I hadn't been sleeping much lately." Av: "Want some?" Av: "This is the only cup I have." Cor: "So sweet..." Cor: "You always did love sweet stuff, didn't you?" Cor: "I need to go shopping." Av: "What do you need?" Cor: "Blankets, utensils... Oh, and as long as I'm here, why not take me to some of your favorite places?" Av: "Yes." Av: "Give my regards to Mr. Strega." Av: "Corteo..." Cor: "You're going back to Lawless, right?" Av: "Yeah. I'll stop by Chicago, then head straight back." Cor: "You will come back here, won't you?" Av: "Yeah." Av: "I'll be back." Cor: "Avilio!" Vin: "How's the playhouse coming?" ero: "Right on schedule. The orchestra we've got rehearsing is saying good things about it, too." Vin: "I see. It's been a long road, but if we can patch up our relationship with the Galassias, that should clear up the last of our worries." ero: "Yeah. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Vin: "What they want is to expand steadily," Vin: "not to destroy and conquer. As long as we're courteous toward them, they won't be unreasonable." ero: "Won't let us live, but won't kill us..." ero: "They'll just hang over us at all times, taking kickbacks and growing fat." Vin: "I understand how you feel, but if the Galassias wanted to, in just a month, they could..." ero: "Don't worry. I'm not so stupid I'd try to do something about it right away." ero: "Think carefully, then walk forward with purpose." ero: "The faster you rush out, the more likely you are to trip and fall. Right?" ero: "Dad..." ero: "No matter what happens, I'll protect the family." Tig: "Jeez, we can't find that guy anywhere." Bar: "I'm concerned about Corteo, but about Avilio, too." Tig: "But he called us from Chicago, remember? He said the deal went great." ero: "The Galassias corroborated, too." Bar: "He's been gone for a week. If he'd gone straight to Chicago, it should have only taken him a day." Tig: "Come on, it's his big trip to Chicago. What's wrong with spending a few days living the high life? The women they've got there ain't like the ones here." Gan: "That's right. The woman I took to bed in Chicago left me limp for a week. Sickly, even." Av: "What are we talking about?" Tig: "Avilio! Hey, want a drink?" ero: "Sounds like business went well." Av: "Yeah. We got almost everything we wanted." Bar: "It took you quite a while." Av: "There was a lot in Chicago that I had to try out." Tig: "See? What'd I tell you? So, how was it? They got good stuff over there?" Av: "Nothing much." Av: "The quality of the alcohol was poor. They can mix it into cocktails to hide it, but the straight stuff is nothing." Tig: "Huh?! You were talking about booze?!" Av: "There's no Chicago booze that can top Lawless Heaven. Don Galassia and his underboss, Strega, both agreed." Tig: "Honest to a fault, are they?" ero: "Anyway, let's have a toast. Avilio, tell us some stories from your trip." Av: "Sure." Gan: "I'm glad you came back." Gan: "You had me worried." Gan: "I was afraid you might run off with Corteo, and then where would I be?" Av: "My revenge isn't finished yet." Gan: "I'm relieved to hear that." Gan: "The playhouse's big opening is in three days." Gan: "Vincent will be leaving his mansion for the first time in a while." Gan: "You'd better keep him safe." Gan: "What's wrong?" Av: "Nothing." Gan: "Avilio." Gan: "Use it well." ero: "Can't believe it's just two days away." Gan: "Don Galassia will come, as promised. That means he officially accepts the Vanettis as friends." Tig: "Nero, this town is yours!" ero: "Not yet. There are still those with lingering loyalty to Fango. There's also Corteo..." Gan: "You and Vincent will need the best security there is to protect the guests. Just leave all that to me." ero: "Sure." ero: "Where's Barbero?" Tig: "He said he was meeting someone at the pier." Bar: "That man..." Bar: "Did he look like this?" Man: "Dunno. Can't seem to remember." Tig: "Can you come now?" Tig: "We've got a lead about Corteo." Av: "Yeah." Jon: "Sorry, but I need to search you." Av: "You found out where Corteo's hiding?" ero: "Nope." Bar: "You let Corteo escape, didn't you?" Bar: "The day you left for Chicago, Corteo was at the pier. Isn't that true?" Bar: "Answer me, Avilio!" Bar: "Someone there saw Corteo." Bar: "What?" Jon: "Well..." Bar: "Save it for later!" Jon: "Hey, wait! Hey!" Woman: "Pardon." Woman: "Are you a friend of Mr. Bruno's?" Woman: "You'd better stay away from him." Cor: "Why?" Woman: ""Why?"" Woman: "He doesn't have a proper job, yet he has all that money..." Woman: "Listen, take my advice. Just stay away from him!" Cor: "I..." Cor: "I'm his brother." Woman: "R-Really? Well, I do beg your pardon." Cor: "Forever." Cor: "No matter what happens." Cor: "This is your favorite place?" Av: "Yeah." Cor: "You came here a lot?" Av: "No. It's my first time. That day, Luce told me" Av: "he wanted to go to the zoo someday." Cor: "We can start over." Cor: "We'll start over together." Woman: "Mr. Corteo? You have a call from a man named Angelo Lagusa!" Cor: "Avilio!" Gan: "Corteo." Gan: "Come back at once." Gan: "You need to save Avilio." Bar: "You sit here." Bar: "Why did you try to kill Nero?" ero: "I don't recall doing anything to earn your hatred." ero: "Why?" Cor: "I wanted to save Avilio from this ridiculous place." Cor: "With you gone..." Tig: "Damn you..." Bar: "Were you and Avilio working together?" Cor: "No. I did it all of my own initiative." Bar: "It was Avilio who got you out of the garage, too?" Cor: "No." Bar: "Someone saw you on the pier the day Avilio left for Chicago." Cor: "I've never been there." Bar: "Liar! You both went after Nero together!" Cor: "Avilio's in your way, isn't he?" Cor: "He could steal your position as Nero's right hand." ero: "Enough." Bar: "But, Nero... These two have always been..." ero: "You kill him." Av: "Why did you come back?" Cor: "Ganzo said that you were in danger..." Cor: "But even if he hadn't, it would end the same way." Cor: "Either way, I'd end up..." Cor: "You can use that gun to clear up their suspicion of you." Cor: "No one will get in your way after that." Av: "I am here to take revenge." Av: "It's not done yet." Cor: "It's been a crazy ride, hasn't it?" Cor: "Has it really only been three months since you came back to this town?" Cor: "But I'm glad I got to see you again." Av: "Why?" Av: "Why did you come back?" Cor: "Angelo... Because we're..." Av: "Because we're brothers, right?"
{ "raw_title": "91 Days Episode 10 – Proof of Good Faith", "parsed": [ "91 Days", "10", "Proof of Good Faith" ] }
Kazu: "What? I'm playing the male god for the festival?!" Sis: "W-Why do I have to do that? What do you mean, "why?" Because the person who wins the Hikonan race is the person who plays the male god in the festival." Sis: "Did nobody tell you?" Kazu: "No. Anyway, Koyori won the race." Sis: "Koyori may be a tomboy, but she's still a girl. There's no way she can play the role of the male god." Kazu: "I guess not." Sis: "That's why the role" Sis: "It's a great honor to represent all the males of Yamabiko," Kazu: "Right... Is it really okay" Sis: "What are you talking about? If anything, that makes it better. Of course the festival" Sis: "By accepting new blood from outside, the village is blessed. Which is why a boy like yourself," Sis: "perfectly fits the role of the male god of this tradition." Kazu: "Isn't it a little too early for talk like this?" Ayu: "What does she mean by "seed"?" Kazu: "Well, uh..." Sis: "Ayumu, what I meant by "seed" is..." Kazu: "Sis!" Dai: "Wow, lucky! You get to play the god in the festival!" Kazu: "Is it that great?" Dai: "Hello! The goddess is played by Tsumugi. You know, with her boing-boing, bouncy..." Kazu: "Do you think about anything else?" Dai: "So, are you going to use" Kazu: "Why do I have to confess anything?!" Dai: "Come on!" Dai: "the person playing the god" Kazu: "Really?" Dai: "Tsumugi's a good example," Dai: "goes to the most beautiful girl in the village." Dai: "Guys would compete in droves" Dai: "to the goddess. Back in our grandparents' time," Dai: "confessed at the festival. There's also this belief that" Dai: "to a couple will be a bumper year for crops." Kazu: "Okay, but why do I have to confess to Tsumugi?" Hin: "Good morning!" Hin: "What are you guys talking about? What's this about Tsumugi? It's nothing." Ui: "Good morning..." Kazu: "G-Good morning..." Dai: "God, my mom sure does talk a lot." Dai: "What are you going to do today, bro? Wanna all go to the Back Pipe?" Hina: "I can't. I've got archery." Kazu: "I can't either. I've got a costume fitting for the festival at the temple today." Dai: "So I guess the same goes for you, too, Ui." Ui: "Yeah." Dai: "Oh well. I guess I'll just go home alone by my lonesome." Voice: "If you're lonely, I'll keep you company. It seems like the impending festival's made you all soft" Voice: "so I'll instill some discipline into you! Me, myself, and you are going to have" Kazu: "I sure wasn't expecting" Ui: "Yeah. I bet it was a shock." Kazu: "Uh..." Ui: "What is it?" Kazu: "You first." Ui: "Oh, it's n-nothing." Sa: "You're not talking." Kazu: "When did you get here? You could've said something!" Hina: "What's wrong? If you don't hurry up, you'll be late." Kas: "Wow! That looks pretty good on you!" Mom: "You certainly look 30% more manly." Kazu: "Thanks." Kas: "Why don't I get a quick picture of that?" Kazu: "Huh? I don't mind if you take some pictures," Kas: "It's for coverage! As the official ears of Yamabiko," Kas: "Just so you know," Kas: "to the high-school boys for loads of cash." Tsu: "I'm sorry I kept you waiting." Kas: "Wow, you look so beautiful!" Tsu: "Thank you, Kasane." Kas: "Hina and Nakatsugawa," Mom: "Thanks for waiting. The tea is ready now. I'm sorry;" Tsu: "It's no problem at all." Mom: "I bet your shoulders are stiff." Kazu: "It wasn't that bad." Mad: "Where's Nakatsugawa?" Kas: "She went to the bathroom. She said she had to go all through the fitting..." Sis: "She could've just said something." Tsu: "I'm going to the bathroom too." Kas: "Aren't you playing the Heavenly Messenger this year?" Mad: "Yes. It's hard. I've got dance practice for it every day." Kas: "Don't you have a costume fitting too?" Mad: "Sure, but it's not right now." Kas: "I can't wait to see you in your outfit!" Kas: "That reminds me! Can I take a picture of you by the front shrine?" Sis: "Why not? You have to get the costume fitted anyway." Kas: "Then it's settled." Mado: "Huh?" Kas: "After we finish our tea," Tsu: "Ui?" Ui: "Tsumugi?" Tsu: "Mind if we have a little chat here?" Tsu: "Did you and Kazuma get into a fight?" Tsu: "Then what's wrong? I feel like there's something strange between you two." Ui: "It's just..." Tsu: "I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. I suddenly understood. What?" Ui: "Until now, I always thought of Kazu as an older brother," Ui: "so it was fun being with him." Ui: "But... But then I realized my older brother is my older brother and Kazu isn't really my brother and then... It was like" Ui: "Just looking at him makes my chest hurt. Just thinking about him" Tsu: "Ui, that means you're in love." Tsu: "But I'm not! I'm definitely not! Just because my heart starts" Tsu: "I'm in l-l-love or anything like that, it's just... It's... it's actually... completely different... I mean..." Kazu: "Ui and Tsumugi are taking a while." Kazu: "I wonder if something's going on?" Sak: "Hoshino, why don't you tell Ui that she's cute?" Kazu: "What is that supposed to mean?" Sak: "When you looked at her before," Sak: "Why?" Kazu: "Why?" Sak: "That time when my dad came to take me home," Sak: "I was so happy then. Though later I realized" Sak: "you really need to tell them yourself. I wanted to apologize for that misunderstanding" Sak: "When I was finally able to say it," Sak: "If there's something you want to say," Kazu: "Sakai..." Tsu: "Ui, that means you're in love." Ui: "Love?" Ui: "I don't know. I just don't..." Ui: "I don't know anything about love!" Ibu: "That's your third yawn. What's wrong with you?" Ui: "I was up late last night." Ibu: "Are you going to be okay? You've got rehearsal for the festival after school today." Ui: "Yeah. I'll take a nap during lunch. I'll be fine." Mom: "Okay, now I'll quickly go over the plan for the real event. I'll explain the little details as we get to them, but for now, I want you all to just have" Mom: "First, Madoka will become the Heavenly Messenger" Mom: "The male god, who has been waiting" Mom: "will receive the scroll from the Heavenly Messenger. The male god will then descend the stone stairs" Mom: "The goddess will change" Mom: "then she should stand-by with the maidens. You've already played the role of a maiden," Tsu: "Yes." Mom: "We'll notify you once the male god has left his cart and then you and the maidens" Mom: "Once the carts are facing each other with the bridge between them, you'll hear the signal from the big drum," Mom: "The male god then reads aloud" Mom: "and the goddess reads the oath given to her" Kas: "Isn't it true that the scroll is written" Mado: "Yes." Kas: "So I guess you know" Kazu: "Uh... I have a question." Mom: "Yes, Kazuma?" Kazu: "By curly characters, she means cursive script, right? I can't read things like that at all..." Mom: "Don't worry." Mom: "written next to the characters." Kazu: "Oh, that's fine then." Mom: "No worries then?" Kazu: "Yeah, I just have to read what's there." Mom: "Just because you're reading don't take this task lightly. Even if you're just reading it," Mom: "when you face the goddess," Tsu: "You have to put your whole soul into it. Then the words will become the truth." Mado: "Then here I go shake shake." Mado: "Turn once... and then..." Mado: "Hello?" Mado: "Hello?" Mado: "Tsumugi?" Mado: "Huh? Feigning illness?" Kas: "They said that it's almost time," Tsu: "All right." Ui: "Okay. Then let's go!" Kas: "Tsumugi, what's wrong?" Tsu: "I suddenly have this terrible pain in my stomach." Ui: "We need to call a doctor! Or better yet, an ambulance!!" Tsu: "It's not that bad, Ui. I think it'll go away if I go lay down a bit." Ui: "But..." Tsu: "But the role of the goddess for the festival..." Kas: "You can't do anything in this state!" Sa: "I think you should ask someone to play the role for you." Tsu: "Ui, would you do it for me?" Ui: "Huh? I can't just step in and play the goddess!" Tsu: "You've been rehearsing with me all along." Tsu: "Just do it like we practiced." Tsu: "Please..." Ui: "But then we'll be short one maiden." Sak: "That shouldn't be a problem." Sak: "We've got someone to play a maiden right here." Kas: "Huh? You don't mean me?! But I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't!" Sak: "Kasane, you've been covering our rehearsals" Sak: "I'm sure you've got it all down." Kas: "I guess so, but..." Sak: "This is an emergency." Sak: "Will you do it, or would you do it? You've got two choices, so pick one." Kas: "It would be an honor to do it!" Ayu: "Snap out of it!" Mom: "Even if you're just reading it," Mom: "when you face the goddess." Sak: "If there's something you want to say," Kazu: "I love Ui. I'm not saying it was always like that," Kazu: "whenever we were together," Kazu: "I mean..." Kazu: "Anyway... I love you!" Ibu: "Ui! Your answer?" Ibu: "We can't hear you! Say it louder!" Ui: "I love him too..." Ibu: "Louder, Ui!" Ui: "I love you too! I love you, I love you, I love you so much!!!" Mado: "I guess we got rejected." Ibu: "I guess so." Ibu: "What am I saying, I never got rejected... I mean..." Ibu: "I guess it's fine." Ui: "Wow!" Kazu: "You can really see it tonight:" Ui: "Yeah." Ui: "So beautiful!" Kazu: "You're right." Kazu: "You really are."
{ "raw_title": "A Bridge to the Starry Skies - Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Episode 12 – A Starry Bridge in the Night Sky", "parsed": [ "A Bridge to the Starry Skies - Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi", "12", "A Starry Bridge in the Night Sky" ] }
Boy: "You look like you're really enjoying that, Ui." Ui: "I love cake! And I love my brother too!" Boy: "Thank you." Boy: "Oh, you've got some cream by your lip." Boy: "Oh..." Boy: "Yesterday, I..." Tea: "Come in, Hoshino." Kaz: "You're that girl from the other day!" Ibu: "What are you doing in our school?" Kaz: "What do you mean, "what am I doing here?" I transferred to this school." Ibu: "That doesn't mean we have to be in the same class!" Tea: "Hinata, what are you talking about? Our school only has one class for each year. There is no other class for juniors." Hin: "That's true, but..." Tea: "I'm surprised that you two know each other." Hin: "I don't know him." Tea: "Then what?" Hin: "Well... umm." Tea: "It doesn't matter." Tea: "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Kaz: "Yes, ma'am." Kaz: "My name is Kazuma Hoshino. I'm here because my parents will be moving here soon." Kaz: "Nice to meet you." Tea: "Good. And you'll sit right next to..." Boy: "Now wait one second, Mom! Aren't we going to grill him for fun and embarrassment, Mom?" Tea: "I am not your mother! We are in school and you will call me "Teacher"." Boy: "C'mon! I am your offspring, after all!" Tea: "That may be," Tea: "idiot son." Boy: "See, what's the big deal? You just called me your son." Tea: "Don't you dare talk back to me!" Boy: "I can see it!" Tea: "You can sit over there, Hoshino." Boy: "Where am I supposed to sit?!" Tea: "Don't you worry about that. I've got just the place." Ui: "Hi, Kazu. Oh... I was thinking I could call you "Kazu", since your name is "Kazuma", but maybe I shouldn't have done that." Kaz: "That's fine, I guess, but who are you?" Ui: "Oh, excuse me! My name is Ui Nakatsugawa." Ui: "You can call me Ui." Ibu: "I'm Ibuki." Ibu: "Ibuki Hinata." Ibu: "Nice. To. Meet. You." Kaz: "Uh..." Tea: "Hinata? As the Class Rep," Hin: "Okay. Will do." Boy: "And now, what you've all been waiting for: time for questions!" Boy1: "What are your hobbies?" Girl: "What are your favorite foods?" Boy2: "What is your height? Weight? Zodiac? Blood type?" Girl2: "Are you experienced, or not yet?" Kaz: "I can't answer all these questions at once." Girl3: "So, what is Ibuki to you, exactly? You know each other, right?" Hin: "I don't know him at all. I don't associate with perverts like him." Kaz: "Pervert?" Hin: "What else would you be? You lured an innocent girl deep into the mountains, just so you could ki- I mean... So you could push her over!" All: "What?!" Ui: "Ibuki, I keep telling you, that was a misunderstanding!" Girl: "Wait a minute... so he pushed you over?" Boy: "That could only happen to a space cadet like Ui Nakatsugawa! The fact that her guard" Kaz: "Hey! Can you not say deceptive stuff about me?" Hin: "What do you mean by "deceptive"?" Kaz: "I mean that was an accident!" Hin: "An accident, was it?" Kaz: "I already explained it to you yesterday, but you just don't get it!" Hin: "Because there's nothing to get! I don't want to get anything about you!" Man: "Now please open your textbooks to page 23." Man: "We'll start where we left off yesterday..." Ui: "Kazu, if you don't have a textbook you can share with-" Ibu: "If it's a textbook you need, you can look at mine." Ibu: "It's too dangerous for you two to have any further contact." Boy: "Chow time!" Girl: "I'm so hungry!" Kaz: "You're Kokubaru Minami, right?" Dai: "You can just call me Daigo." Kaz: "All right, Daigo. I was wondering if you could tell me" Dai: "I was gonna have a sandwich too," Kaz: "Uh, Bro?" Dai: "You've just transferred here, but you've already managed to push a girl over in the mountains. That commands some respect, man, so if you don't mind, I'd like to call you my bro!" Ibu: "Ui, if you can't wait, just eat already." Ui: "But..." Ui: "Kazu! Daigo! Come on, hurry, hurry!" Dai: "I can't believe the gluttony-demon Ui actually waited to eat with us." Kaz: "That's huge!" Ui: "Today, it's rice with mountain vegetables!" Kaz: "You're not eating this all alone, right?" Ui: "Of course I'm not eating this alone! I've got the side dishes right here! Then for dessert, I've got some muffins my mom baked me." Ibu: "That's Ui for you." Kaz: "Hey..." Ui: "Yeah?" Kaz: "Are those the vegetables you were picking yesterday?" Ui: "That's right!" Ibu: "Hey, can you please not talk with your mouth full?" Ui: "Which reminds me. What were you doing out there yesterday, Ibuki?" Ibu: "I wasn't doing anything! I was taking a walk, okay? A walk." Ui: "Oh, I bet you went out to the viewing platform." Kaz: "There is one?" Ui: "Yeah, if you keep going up that mountain, you get to a look-out. It's been one of Ibuki and my favorite hangouts since we were little kids. The view's really great, and if you ever feel bad, all that will fly away if you scream "idiot" from up there." Ibu: "Well, for you nothing needs to be wrong," Ui: "Hearing a "yahoo" back when you" Ibu: "I guess so." Kaz: "You want to show me around town?" Girl: "Sure! You just moved here, right? So you probably don't know Yamabiko very well at all. So I was thinking I'd show you around" Kaz: "That would be really helpful." Ibu: "Then I'm going too." Ibu: "Who knows what you would do if I left you alone with Ui." Dai: "Of course I'm going too!" Ui: "Great! Then we can all go!" Kaz: "Okay. Do you mind if I bring my little brother too?" Dai: "Of course not! My bro's bro is my bro, Bro." Ui: "You have a younger brother?" Kaz: "Yeah." Kaz: "Hey, Ayumu?" Dai: "I wonder what his little brother's like." Ibu: "Probably a pervert, just like him." Kaz: "Then can you wait at the fork by the bridge? Later." Kaz: "Tsumugi..." Kaz: "You mean you were waiting for me?" Tsu: "Yes. I figured since you're not familiar with this area, you might not remember how to get back home." Kaz: "Thank you for taking the trouble..." Dai: "Wow, you're lucky when every guy's favorite girl, Tsumugi, is paying this much attention to you!" Ibu: "Not that he deserves it!" Kaz: "What about Ayumu?" Kaz: "I guess he'll be fine if we meet him at the bridge..." Tsu: "You always put your little brother first, don't you? But don't worry," Kaz: "Mugi!" Tsu: "Thank you for bringing Ayumu over." Kaz: "Who's this, Tsumugi?" Tsu: "This is my youngest sister, Kasane. She's in the same class as Ayumu, so I asked her to look after him." Dai: "So then..." Ui: "...this is your younger brother, Kazu?" Ayu: "It's nice to meet you. My name is Ayumu Hoshino." Dai: "He's so..." Dai: "Cute!" Ayu: "So your name is Ayumu?" Ayu: "That's right." Ui: "But you don't look at all like Kaz..." Ibu: "Ui!" Dai: "She's right! It doesn't matter how space cadety you are, you still have to be careful!" Ui: "Huh? Huh? What do you mean?" Ibu: "Don't you think it's strange how incredibly cute his little brother is?" Dai: "Yeah! It means they probably have some complicated family situation..." Kaz: "You guys don't have to "be careful"! We're not half-brothers or anything like that;" Ibu: "Liar!" Dai: "If you really are brothers," Kaz: "You guys..." Tsu: "See, I knew you were a nice person." Kaz: "Huh?" Tsu: "I noticed it when we walked to school this morning. When you walk with your brother, you deliberately make your stride shorter." Ayu: "Really? You do that?" Ayu: "Sorry, I never noticed before." Kaz: "Hey, don't worry about it. I choose to do it myself, so you don't have to... More importantly, Ui, you said you'd show me the town," Ui: "Let's see... I guess we'll start here." Kaz: "The convenience store." Dai: "It's on the way to school, so a lot of Hikonan..." Ayu: "Hikonan?" Kaz: "It's an abbreviation for Yamabiko South High. Our junior high school is part of it too." Ibu: "This convenience store is open" Ui: "Isn't it wonderful? You can buy candy even when it's dark!" Dai: "It wasn't always like that..." Kaz: "I see." Ayu: "So when did they close before?" Dai: "What do you want to do? Wanna go in and buy something?" Ui: "No! If you want to get a snack, let's go to Yahho!" Kaz: "Huh? Yahho?" Kaz: "The... Yahho... Store?" Tsu: "The store's name should actually be read as Yakata, but we've been calling it Yahho ever since we were little kids." Kaz: "So what did you all get?" Ui: "Let's see." Ui: "First off, we've got a cheese- flavored Yummy Stick. Then another cheese- flavored Yummy Stick." Ui: "Then another cheese- flavored Yummy Stick." Ui: "Cheesy Stick. Cheesy Stick. Cheesy Stick." Kaz: "You only got cheese flavor?" Ui: "But that's my favorite!" Kaz: "I see. So that's why it tasted like cheese." Ui: "No, it's not like that!" Ui: "It shouldn't taste... like... cheese." Kaz: "Huh? Oh, when you gave me one of your muffins at lunch, I tasted something strange," Ui: "Oh, you mean- oh! Yeah, there was some cream cheese in the batter, yes..." Tsu: "This is the Cedar Ball." Tsu: "to show that they have new sake in stock." Ayu: "You know so much..." Tsu: "Just what I've been told, here and there. I'm friends with the daughter of the family who runs this store," Tsu: "This is where Yorozuyo gets their sake, too." Tsu: "There are more stores here." Kaz: "So would this be the shopping district?" Kase: "That's right! The flower store right here is run by a lady who just got married. She's very excited about that. Over there, that bike store's owner just had a new baby. That soba shop over there is currently closed because the husband hurt himself playing amateur baseball. Then, see that ramen shop on the corner? Its owner is known for being really bull-headed." Ui: "I really recommend the ramen though." Kaz: "Then we should go eat there next time." Ui: "Yeah!" Kase: "At the lunch place over there, their only son is taking his college placement exams right now. The book store owners' cat just had five kittens and" Kase: "and the owners of the grocery store are in a big fight right now!" Ayu: "You really know a lot about everyone." Kase: "Well, I'm not called the News Hound of Yamabiko for nothing." Tsu: "You always did like your gossip." Ibu: "Where are we going now? Let's go to the Twin Peaks!" Dai: "You want to go mountain climbing now?!" Ui: "But I wanted to show Kazu the look-out!" Kaz: "The look-out, huh..." Kaz: "Wait... so the Twin Peaks is where I got lost yesterday?" Ibu: "The spot where you were prowling around is at the very foot of the mountain." Ui: "The Twin Peaks are like this," Ui: "they're called the Twin Peaks." Tsu: "There's an old legend associated with that mountain." Tsu: "Long, long ago, a heavenly couple lived on top of that mountain. They were so infatuated with each other though that they paid no more attention to their daily work and the god of the heavens became so angry, they say he split the mountain's top in half. They were separated forever." Ui: "That's a lot like the story of Tanabata." Tsu: "They say that ever since, those two have been calling to each other from the peaks saying "I long for you. I want to be with you."" Kaz: "Isn't that..." Tsu: "Yes, it's about the echo. They say that the power of their words flowed down into the valley and saturated the lands, and their love for each other made it to the village and bore great fruits..." Tsu: "They say that that is the origin of the name of this region." Kasa: "In the fall, we have a festival that celebrates that legend." Tsu: "They place a float at both ends of the bridge," Tsu: "and perform a ritual. And then, the Kotama Shrine-" Ui: "That's it!" Ui: "We should go to Kotama Shrine next!" Ui: "The stone steps going up to it are really long!" Kaz: "So these are the stone steps." Ayu: "It really is a long climb." Ui: "It's a race, Kazu!" Ayu: "Good luck!" Kaz: "Daigo catch!" Tsu: "Those two sure have a lot of energy." Dai: "Yeah, huh. We'll take it leisurely, Ayumu." Ayu: "Let's go." Ibu: "A race?" Ibu: "Those two really are so childish." Ui: "Done!" Ui: "You're really fast, Kazu!" Kaz: "I- I guess so." Ui: "Huh? Madoka?" Ui: "She's a freshman at our school." Ui: "Her name is Madoka." Ui: "This is the new transfer student." Kaz: "I'm Kazuma Hoshino." Kaz: "Hoshino?" Ui: "Madoka?" Dai: "I guess we've shown you basically everything there is to see. All that's left is the Backpipe." Kaz: "The Bagpipe?" Tsu: "It's not the Bagpipe. It's the Bacpipe. It's a coffee shop we go to a lot after school." Ui: "They've got a delicious Jumbo Parfait!" Kaz: "So this is the Jumbo Parfait..." Ayu: "It's huge." Ui: "It's so good!" Ui: "That was great!" Kaz: "Hang on! I think a warp in space-time just occurred!" Kaz: "Hey, Ui. There's some cream on your lip." Ui: "Thanks, brother." Kaz: "Huh?" Kasa: "This is one of the manifestations of the social phenomenon called "Calling Your Kindergarten Teacher Mom."" Dai: "Is that like me calling my mom "Mom" in class?" Ibu: "Your case is different." Ui: "I'm sorry. I think I just did that because Ayumu" Ui: "And it was kind of infectious..." Kaz: "You're in a good mood, Ayumu." Ayu: "Yeah. I really like Yamabiko." Ayu: "What about you?" Kaz: "I like it too." Ui: "So Kazu's younger brother is Ayumu, and Ayumu's older brother is Kazu." Ui: "I see..." Ui: "Kazu's the older brother." Ayu: "Brother, yours is really big." Kaz: "Compared to that, yours is pale and has a long way to go." Sen: "Sorry for interrupting your mutual brotherly back washing ritual. The next time on A Bridge To The Starry Skies: Episode 3 Acorns Hurt More than You Think Ayumu, can you think of a place" Ayu: "Hmm, my nostrils?" Kaz: "Safe!"
{ "raw_title": "A Bridge to the Starry Skies - Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Episode 2 – It Shouldn't Taste Like Cheese", "parsed": [ "A Bridge to the Starry Skies - Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi", "2", "It Shouldn't Taste Like Cheese" ] }
Ibu: "Our teacher's an idiot!" Ui: "I hate homework!" Kaz: "It's over!" Dai: "It is over, and I'm over." Kaz: "You're already feeling like you failed?" Ui: "Yeah, Daigo! The time until the grades come in is" Ui: "Being depressed would be a total waste." Kaz: "I'm not sure if that's the best way to look at it..." Dai: "You're right. I guess you're right." Dai: "Let's kick it up a notch and go all out in Honchou!" Ui: "Yay, agreed! Kazu, you're coming too, right?" Kaz: "Sure, but where's Honchou?" Ui: "It's two stops away from Yamabiko." Dai: "It's the biggest city around here," Dai: "to have fun or do some shopping." Kaz: "Sounds like Shibuya or Harajuku." Ui: "Shibu... what?" Ui: "Is that something tasty?" Dai: "Anyway, we can all celebrate our finals being over! Let's go have some fun!" Ibu: "I'm going to pass." Ibu: "I've got archery club starting at noon." Ui: "Oh... I guess the ban on club activities is lifted" Ibu: "Yup. We have a meet soon," Ibu: "Later." Ui: "Okay." Kaz: "Yeah." Hibu: "I didn't apologize during the study session either." Hibu: "Don't mock me!" Hibu: "I really need to apologize for that this time." Tsu: "There she is." Dai: "Then let's go!" Hibu: "Where's Hoshino's little brother? And where's Hinata?" Ui: "Ibuki said she has to meet with her archery club, and I'm not sure what happened to Ayumu..." Kaz: "He said he" Tsu: "It's good that Ayumu has found some friends" Koy: "That's right, Kazuma Hoshino! You can't smother your little brother forever." Kaz: "Says the girl who still asks our big sister" Koy: "Oh, shut up! That happened one time!" Saibu: "So I guess Hoshino's little brother isn't coming." Saibu: "Bummer." Dai: "Yes. Yes. I understand. Yes, thank you." Ui: "What did they say?" Dai: "They said we'd have to wait two hours" Ui: "What?! Two hours?!" Dai: "You don't have to get all worked up about it." Dai: "Let's go kill some time at the arcade." Kaz: "Looks like I win again!" Koy: "Kazuma Hoshino! It looks like I'll have to challenge you in real life. Come outside so we can wrestle!" Kaz: "Yeah right!" Girl: "Kasane's so good!" Kaz: "I did it! Do you want to go next?" Mado: "I couldn't, I'm really bad at these things." Kaz: "It's really easy though. You just have to step on the panel that lights up." Mado: "But..." Kaz: "Look, it's already starting!" Mado: "But..." Kaz: "Come on, hurry up!" Mado: "Like this?" Mado: "Am I doing okay?" Kaz: "Yeah! You're really good! Keep it up!" Mado: "Kasane, I don't know... if this is for me..." Ui: "Not again!" Kaz: ""Love at Mount Liang Academy"? What the hell is this?" Dai: "What does it look like?" Dai: "You play against 36 beautiful transfer students" Dai: "Any girl you completely strip becomes your ally and you can use her special powers" Dai: "There's my tile!" Dai: "All right, my little Shishin! Let me see how that Kumon dragon tattoo" Dai: "Awesome." Kaz: "Th-this is quite..." Dai: "Go on, go on!" Kaz: "This is pretty risky though..." Dai: "You got that right!" Kaz: "Is it okay to keep watching?" Ui: "Why?! Why can I never get it?" Kaz: "What's wrong, Ui?" Ui: "I can't get one of these!" Ui: "I'm going to get more change." Kaz: "I guess I can give it a try." Kaz: "Oh!" Kaz: "Wait a minute." Dai: "Hey, you got a Bobopin!" Kaz: "What's a Bobopin?" Dai: "It's the local cheapo mascot. Nyanbobo's pink version." Dai: "The crane machine is" Dai: "They're pretty rare, you know." Kaz: "Huh." Kaz: "Who would've thought?" Ui: "Excuse me, Kazu." Kaz: "You know, Ui... You could just buy those Yummy sticks" Kaz: "Huh? What's this? It looks like your child's development changes" Tsu: "So let's try to raise our child the best we can." Kaz: "Our... child?" Kaz: "Yes! I'll try my best!" Tsu: "Failure is the mother of... The answer is c: "success."" Kaz: "S-sex?" Tsu: "The haiku poet Kyoshi Takahama coined the term descriptive... The answer is sketching. Objective sketching." Kaz: "Ejaculation?" Tsu: "Dead ball in Japanese would be..." Tsu: "Is this "shikyuu"?" Kaz: "In her womb!" Tsu: "Is something wrong, Kazuma?" Tsu: "You've been acting kind of funny..." Kaz: "Oh no, I'm fine! I've just got to use the bathroom." Tsu: "Huh?" Hibu: "When we got to the arcade," Hibu: "This is my chance to apologize to Hoshino." Hibu: "I just need to get him alone." Hibu: "Hoshino!" Kaz: "Oh, that reminds me!" Kaz: "Look at this!" Hibu: "It's a Bobopin!" Kaz: "You have the same thing, don't you? If you want, you can..." Hibu: "I can have it?!" Kaz: "Yes... sure." Hibu: "Thank you." Dai: "It looks like we finally made it... Get ready to have some fun, people!" Ui: "What are we going to eat?" Kaz: "Yeah, huh?" Dai: "Why don't you pick a song before you worry about food?!" Ui: "You're right, but they've got such a great menu here! The HoneyTo is supposed to be really good here." Kaz: "What's that? Oh, I see. When they take thick slices of toast," Kaz: "then top it with ice-cream and fruit, right?" Kaz: "Hey, Ui. You drooled on the menu." Ui: "Huh? It wasn't me." Mado: "I'm so sorry." Mado: "It's just that, I can't resist honey... I've never heard of HoneyTo before," Mado: "soft on the inside toast covered in hot honey" Mado: "like such a dream-food to me" Song: "I can't stoooopppp..." Song: "Mighty girl, spin and fly away!" Song: "So far that you could reach the stars in the sky." Song: "Mighty boy, you miracle... Be bold and daring!" Song: "Let's embrace this very moment!" Voice: "Hinata, you're distracted. You have to focus." Hibu: "Yes." Kaz: "What lookout?" Ayu: "Remember when we first came to Yamabiko" Kaz: "Oh, yeah." Ayu: "There's a trail up the mountain close to that stop. The lookout is at the very top of that trail." Ayu: "The view from there is really pretty." Ayu: "and ate lunch and it was a lot of fun!" Kaz: "If it's that nice, I'd like to see it too sometime." Ayu: "We should go together! That place is great!" Kaz: "Damn. I got Fs in math and physics." Dai: "Don't let a few Fs pull you down, bro." Kaz: "Well, how did you do?" Dai: "I've got Japanese, Japanese history, and P.E." Kaz: "Three Fs, huh?" Dai: "No, those were the three classes I didn't fail." Kaz: "That's extreme." Dai: "Well, summer classes are a bummer," Ui: "You're right! There's no reason to get depressed over two or three" Kaz: "Uhm... Maybe you should get depressed," Kaz: "So I guess Hinata didn't fail a single class?" Dai: "Yeah." Kaz: "Not sure what her boobs have to do with it." Ui: "Ibuki is really something." Kaz: "She's been going to the archery club" Dai: "They've got a meet coming up soon." Ui: "It's actually next Sunday." Kaz: "Right! Then we should go cheer her on." Ui: "Yeah!" Dai: "What?! Tsumugi and Sakai aren't coming?" Koy: "Tsumugi has her after school job at Yorozuyo." Ayu: "And Sakai has to help in her parents' shop." Dai: "Damn it. The boob ratio of this group has just been slashed in half! I guess we'll just have to have Ui and Madoka fill in the gap-" Dai: "Hey! Wait for me!" Tsu: "Ibuki's meet should be starting soon." Ibu: "You didn't all have to come down here." Ibu: "It must have taken a long time." Kaz: "Yeah, we didn't think it would take three transfers and an hour and a half to get here." Ui: "I guess we missed the preliminary rounds," Dai: "Yeah!" Ayu: "Ibuki, I'm cheering for you, so good luck!" Ibu: "Thanks, Ayumu! But if you came to cheer for me, you should wear the outfit" Ayu: "Oh, I guess.. that was just a special one-time thing..." Ayu: "And I didn't bring that outfit today." Ibu: "I'm sorry, it was a joke!" Ayu: "Oh, you." Kaz: "I thought Hinata would be nervous about the finals," Ayu: "Yeah!" Dai: "She's got this one in the bag!" Ui: "But..." Kaz: "What's wrong, Ui?" Ui: "I can't really put my finger on it," Kaz: "Huh?" Sak: "Delivering here's always so tough." Sak: "The archery competition should have already started." Sak: "I'll splurge a bit." Sak: "Good luck, Hinata." Tsu: "Hinata was really close." Koy: "Yeah! If only that last arrow had hit the mark!" Kaz: "She made it to the last round though." Dai: "What's taking her so long?" Kaz: "She did tell us to wait for her" Ui: "Oh no." Ayu: "I wonder why she disappeared like that." Kaz: "Well, I guess I can understand." Ayu: "I guess she wanted to be alone." Kaz: "Probably." Kaz: "She could've come over and said something though." Kaz: "Hey. Ayumu." Ayu: "Huh?" Kaz: "You have to take the mountain trail" Ayu: "Yeah." Kaz: "Gotcha." Ayu: "Brother!" Kaz: "I thought you'd be up here!" Ibu: "Hoshino." Kaz: "What I'd like to know" Kaz: "Everyone was worried about you." Ibu: "I guess I..." Kaz: "Were you upset about losing in the last round?" Ibu: "I was scared." Ibu: "I've been involved in archery since junior high. Until now, I always gave my best during practice" Ibu: "and made it to the last round in the tournament. But at the very last moment," Ibu: "I knew I had to calm down. But I got more and more scared" Ibu: "It didn't even matter anymore if I won or lost." Ibu: "I just wanted it to be over. Then everything went white in my head" Ibu: "I noticed I had released the arrow." Ibu: "I had run away. It wasn't the other competitors I couldn't beat;" Ibu: "I was so ashamed of that," Ibu: "That's why I came up here." Kaz: "Hinata..." Kaz: "Finals, you suck!" Kaz: "This is the place to yell if something's gone wrong, right?" Ibu: "I'm such an idiot!" Dai: "Next time on A Bridge to the Starry Skies: Episode 8 Episode 8 - Butt in with OO (blank)! Ayumu, do you know what goes in the blank?" Ayu: "Could it be peni-" Dai: "Wa-" Ayu: "Penicillin?" Dai: "Am I sick? Not sure if that was quite right... Speaking of "butt" and "in", what comes to mind?" Ayu: "Uhm... bi...?" Dai: "Yeah, it goes vrooom and crash! Wait, what the hell?!" Ayu: "Oh yeah, that's it!"
{ "raw_title": "A Bridge to the Starry Skies - Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Episode 7 – The Pink Nyanbobo", "parsed": [ "A Bridge to the Starry Skies - Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi", "7", "The Pink Nyanbobo" ] }
zomi: "We're just acting! You didn't have to actually do it!" Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "Ah, but..." Hime: "It was in the script..." Kyoko: "Was it?" zomi: "Where?" Hime: "Here." zomi: "It's handwritten." Hyappo: "It wasn't me!" Kyoko: "So... someone wrote it into the script?" zomi: "But the scripts were just handed out today." Hime: "I got mine from Komori-kun..." Komori: "Ow..." zomi: "Don't you run away." Komori: "Yeah, but... Come on..." Hyappo: "Komori. Komori." Hyappo: "Komori." Hyappo: "That's it." Hyappo: "Okay, so the prince will be played by Komori Makoto-kun." Komori: "All right! Yes!" Manami: "Komori-kun, sit down." Manami: "Sit down right now." Text: "" Komori: "Here's your script." Hime: "Oh... Thank you." Komori: "Let's knock 'em dead." Hime: "Y-Yeah..." zomi: "What the heck? That creep!" ekomi: "Hey, Komori. Don't forget my foie gras roll." Komori: "Hey! You idiot!" Manami: "So, because Komori-kun cheated through the use of bribery and coercion, he is dismissed from the prince's role." Manami: "The prince will now be played by Gokuraku Nozomi-san." zomi: "That's kind of a pain, too..." Komori: "I was supposed to play the prince..." zomi: "You totally brought this upon yourself." zomi: "And you, Hime... Did you plan to actually kiss Komori?" Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "Well, I, uh..." Hime: "I thought it'd be fine if it was with you, Nozomi-chan." Akechi: "Hot and heavy, eh?" Inukai: "Sounds like love!" zomi: "What the heck...?" Manami: "All right, don't get so worked up over a simple kiss. Time to continue with rehearsal." Kyoko: "Oh? A simple kiss?" Manami: "Wh-Wh-Wh..." Manami: "In any case, it doesn't count if it's between friends, right? Back to rehearsal!" Hime: "You heard her. Still, sorry about that." zomi: "You don't have to apologize for that." zomi: "Whew, I'm beat." zomi: "Why does our class have to do a play? A chorus or something would've been easier." Kyoko: "Probably because our class president is such a go-getter." Hime: "It's kinda fun, though, isn't it?" zomi: "Is it?" Kyoko: "Hey, you got to kiss Hime, didn't you?" Kyoko: "Oh? Didn't expect that reaction." Kyoko: "Anyway, you're surprisingly good at acting, Hime." Hime: "Oh, yeah..." Hime: "I played a princess in middle school, too. And elementary school..." Hime: "And kindergarten." Kyoko: "And in your nursery, too?" Hime: "Oh... Yeah! I was my daddy's princess, too! Because of my name, I guess... Uh, no, it's gotta be your looks and behavior." Hime: "I'd be fine with just being Passerby A." Kyoko: "What's this? Is she really bragging that easily?" Akechi: "'Sup?" Akechi: "Things are really coming along." Akechi: "The costumes are mostly done, too, so try them on." Hime: "Wow!" Hime: "This is great!" Akechi: "Yep, that was hard work. It's set in medieval Scandinavia, right? So a centaur princess is actually historically impossible. It might have a shot in Russia, though, so I used Russia, Central Asia, and the Near and Middle East as references, with a bit of Baroque influence in the lace. I guess you'd call it Bourbon style? But the story's set in medieval Scandinavia, and I don't know the playwright at all," Inukai: "That's gonna go on for a while. She's a real nerd when it comes to history and costumes." Akechi: "so I guess it doesn't have to be historically accurate, but that's exactly why I want the details to be realistic! But you know..." Akechi: "I thought I made it on the large side, but it's pretty tight." Hime: "Huh?!" Akechi: "Oh, that looks great! Way to go, me!" ujimoto: "Hey, Mitama!" ujimoto: "Can we bring the scenery in?" Manami: "Oh, sure. Please do." ujimoto: "All right, bring it in!" Guy: "Got it!" Manami: "Fujimoto-kun, may I?" Manami: "I'd like more braces on these." ujimoto: "We tested it out. It'll be fine. No one can be heavier than Nekomi, right?" Hime: "Uh..." Manami: "Anyway... You never know what could happen, so just reinforce it." ujimoto: "All right." Manami: "Okay, now that we have the scenery in here, let's run through the whole thing, with feeling." Manami: "Oh... and of course, don't do that." Manami: "Okay, begin!" Girla: "This is the one with the real kiss, right?" Girlb: "Seriously?" Girla: "Hey, aren't you going to kiss?" Manami: "They will not." Girls: "Aw..." Manami: "Now we've got weird rumors going around..." Manami: "They're finished." ujimoto: "Okay, let's carry in our set." Hime: "It's our turn! I'm getting nervous!" zomi: "Easy, girl." ujimoto: "Be careful with that." ujimoto: "It'll be fine!" Voice: "Next is Class 1-1's play, A Dream Under the Midnight Sun." Hyappo: "Good work. You were a great queen. True to form, huh?" Manami: "Shut up! I don't want to hear it!" zomi: "Good job out there." Hime: "Yeah!" zomi: "Well, everyone ready for the climax?" zomi: "I love you, even if Heaven and Earth should fall!" Girlc: "Oh, this is the kiss scene, isn't it?" Girld: "Think they'll actually do it?" Girld: "Nah, I guess they wouldn't do that for real." Girlc: "Yeah, I guess not." Kyoko: "Hime! Nozomi!" zomi: "Thanks." zomi: "The crowd loved it. I'd say it went perfect!" Hime: "It seems it's causing some trouble now, though." Kyoko: "Yeah, one wrong move and you guys would've been seriously hurt." zomi: "Well, the class president will take care of all that." Girla: "You guys were great!" zomi: "Thank you, thank you!" zomi: "What's wrong with you?" zomi: "Don't be all bashful. You're gonna make me embarrassed." Hime: "But..." Kyoko: "At least you two are enjoying yourselves." zomi: "What? Want me to kiss you, too?" Kyoko: "No need!" Teacher: "Modern mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians have six legs. It's believed that this originated with fish, whose pectoral, front ventral, and rear ventral fins became legs. The genes that determined the shape of the pectoral fins duplicated to form ventral fins," Teacher: "which duplicated again to form rear ventral fins. Of course, in prehistoric times there were also four-legged amphibians, but they died out and left no surviving descendants. It's likely that, to support such large bodies on such weak legs, six legs were more advantageous than four. Humans, the ultimate product of evolution, can be broadly divided into the following four groups." Teacher: "The first group includes the catfolk, goatfolk, and fauns." Teacher: "The next includes the angelfolk and draconids." Teacher: "Third, the centaurs. Weretigers also used to be included in this group, but they are now extinct. Finally, while none of the students in this room are part of this group, there's the merfolk. In the past, the vast differences in appearance between these groups led to many wars and abundant discrimination. If the four-legged amphibians had survived, become the dominant race, and evolved into humans... At most they might have had different hair, skin, and eye colors, but serious discrimination would have been unlikely. But the idea of a world where humans have four limbs" Teacher: "is no more than a fantasy. In our world, a single misstep carries the danger of easily landing us in a hellish situation. Whether we become a world at war, like the lesser nations, or a peaceful world that has attained harmony" Teacher: "depends on whether we can all come together in equal unity. Therefore, equality is often more valuable than civil rights, and even life itself!" Teacher: "Now, we'll conclude with the singing of the national anthem." Manami: "Yes, ma'am. Stand." Kyoko: "W-Wait..." zomi: "You're so slow." Kyoko: "Run... slower..." zomi: "You're like this after only two kilometers? You really don't exercise enough, Kyoko." Kyoko: "That's easy for you to say." Kyoko: "In the first place, how is it fair that we all have to run the same distance?" Hime: "I go running with my mom every day. We do about twenty kilometers." Kyoko: "What for? To lose weight?" Hime: "Well..." zomi: "You don't look that fat to me, though." Hime: "When centaurs get too heavy, we can't turn our bodies normally, so we can't even wipe our own behinds." zomi: "Wait, you can actually wipe your own?" Hime: "Of course I can!" Hime: "Jeez!" Kyoko: "Wait, I said..." zomi: "Kyoko, you'd better get in shape, or you won't be able to wipe your butt." Kyoko: "Not gonna happen!" Hime: "You never gain weight, no matter how much you eat, do you?" Kyoko: "Y-Yeah, I guess." Himeno: "You're so lucky." Kyoko: "Wh-What? What was that laugh for?" zomi: "Well, Kyoko, you're just perfectly straight up and down. That's nothing to be jealous of." Kyoko: "I oughta slug you!" zomi: "Try to catch me, then!" Kyoko: "You little...! Stop! Hey!" zomi: "This way!" Kyoko: "Wait!" zomi: "Hey, you're running pretty fast." Kyoko: "Wait..." Kyoko: "I can't..." Hime: "Are you okay?" zomi: "Jeez, don't kill yourself." Kyoko: "Whose fault do you think this is?" Hime: "What now? Do you want me to carry you?" Kyoko: "No, no, that's a bad idea. I'd be accused of discrimination and sent to a correctional clinic." zomi: "That's a bit dramatic..." Kyoko: "No, it's not. In this country, centaurs were once warriors, but in some countries they were basically slaves that people used as mounts. So they crack down on that stuff. That's where most modern laws originated, you know." Kyoko: "Of course, just talking like this is illegal, but still..." zomi: "Well, once you've caught your breath, let's take our time finishing." Kyoko: "It's okay. You can go on ahead." zomi: "It's not like we're gunning for first place or anything." Hime: "I bet Tama-chan is trying for that, though." zomi: "Yeah, that's what the class president loves most of all." zomi: "Well, if there were prize money, I'd totally leave you behind." zomi: "Okay, let's go." Kyoko: "Huh? Already?" zomi: "We won't make it back to the school in time." zomi: "Come on!" zomi: "Let's get moving!" Hime: "Let's take our time, okay?" Kyoko: "Hey..." Kyoko: "Hime, how fast can you run when you actually try?" Hime: "Hmm..." Hima: "I can run 100 meters in about nine seconds?" Kyoko: "Is that fast?" zomi: "It's super fast!" Hime: "Why don't I run for a bit? There are no cars coming, so I'll run to the stoplight." zomi: "Hey, be careful, will you?" Kyoko: "Okay, ready... Go!" Kyoko: "She's fast!" zomi: "Wait, is she gonna be able to stop?" Kyoko: "Hime! Stop, stop!" Driver: "Hey! What are you thinking?!" Hime: "I'm sorry!" zomi: "Hime!" zomi: "Are you okay?" Hime: "Yeah." zomi: "Jeez..." Kyoko: "You really are fast! If you joined the track club, you'd kick butt!" Hime: "I've been told that before, so I tried joining once, but..." Voice: "Set!" Hime: "H-Huh?" Hume: "Huh?!" zomi: "Yeah, the tracks are divided up by race." Hime: "Yeah." Kyoko: "But wouldn't ball sports, like basketball, be the same?" zomi: "Here! Pass!" zomi: "Hime has horsepower, but she's kind of a klutz." Kyoko: "What a waste. Still, just being faster than most people must be nice." zomi: "You're just way too out of shape, Kyoko. How long are you gonna lean on me, anyway?" zomi: "Come on, let's go." Kyoko: "Sorry." Teacher: "Hey, you three! Take this more seriously! Lunch break is about to end!" Hime: "Okay!" zomi: "Wait, is that...?" Kyoko: "What are you doing there?" Akechi: "Oh, well... Running a marathon after being up all night was too much. Which means we're already over capacity, so try your best to finish, Kyoko-chan!" Kyoko: "Huh?!" Teacher: "You heard her. Get moving!" Akechi: "See ya!" Inukai: "Bye." zomi: "Don't get discouraged! Come on!" Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "Nozomi-chan, that's the wrong way!" zomi: "The patrol's already gone past us, so let's take a shortcut." Kyoko: "That's an unusually good idea from you." zomi: "You're one to talk!" Hime: "Is this really okay?" Kyoko: "This is still..." Kyoko: "pretty far..." zomi: "That's what happens when you slack off all the time and never exercise." Hime: "We're almost at the goal!" Manami: "You're finally here. Afternoon classes are starting." Kyoko: "What's with you?" Kyoko: "Let's see, you're..." Kyoko: "Oh..." Kyoko: "Well, that's bad." Kyoko: "That's what happens when you slack off all the time." Himeno: "Now, come on. Let's all study together."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 1 – When All Is Said And Done, Everyone Loves Kisses. | Did You Know That a Marathon Is a Microcosm of Life?", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "1", "When All Is Said And Done, Everyone Loves Kisses. | Did You Know That a Marathon Is a Microcosm of Life?" ] }
Hime: "Sorry! Did you wait long?" zomi: "Hey, looks like the perfect disguise." zomi: "For some reason, you still just look like Hime to me, though." Kyoko: "It's her body and height." Kyoko: "Well, anyway..." Kyoko: "It's just about time. Shall we?" Hime: "But we still have fifteen minutes." Kyoko: "Nakafumi always arrives fifteen minutes early." zomi: "Wow, you're paying for us, Kyoko?" Kyoko: "As if. Keep watching outside." zomi: "Nakafumi really did come fifteen minutes early." Kyoko: "All right. Let's move." Hime: "Should we really be doing this?" zomi: "We don't want any mistakes to happen." Hime: "Mistakes?" zomi: "Well, you know..." Kyoko: "Stuff like illicit sexual relations." Hime: "Huh?!" Hime: "They wouldn't!" zomi: "Shh!" Kyoko: "Let's go." Sp1: "Target is on the move." Sp1: "Unidentified pursuers confirmed." Sp2: "We should search within terrorist organizations..." Shigetoki: "No need. They're the target's classmates. It's just a childish prank. Ignore it." Sp3: "Public Security, military police, the Cabinet Research Office, CIA, and FSB are also tailing her." Shigetoki: "So, the usual crowd." Shigetoki: "Don't act unless something drastic happens." Suu: "Do humans find this sort of thing pleasant to observe?" kafumi: "It's contemporary art, so it's not that sort of thing... I think. I don't know anything about it myself," kafumi: "but if I could explain it..." kafumi: "Making things that are pretty, whether it's a painting or sculpture, is art." kafumi: "A long time ago, only so many people could make or own art." kafumi: "They couldn't just buy a tube of paint from the local stationery shop. But in the modern age, we started seeing photography, which could capture images" kfumi: "more elaborately and accurately than any painting." kafumi: "Then industrial technology emerged, which could mass-produce highly-detailed and precise models inexpensively. When the sort of beauty people previously knew became commonplace, demand emerged for a different sort of beauty." kafumi: "But it only meant things anyone would find pleasant to look at. With the Interstellar Wars movies, for example, paying ten times the money won't give you ten times the entertainment. So people started painting things in subjective ways that photos couldn't capture" kafumi: "and implementing aspects of African art, which was seen as barbaric at the time. Artists began to tamper with the standards of beauty itself, some making abstract paintings that depicted nothing at all." kafumi: "At that point, people still found them pleasant to look at... But then, even that was lost as people started putting ordinary industrial goods on display as art. Now, it's just a game to see how much people can change the meaning of the concept of art in context." kafumi: "That's what I've managed to piece together on the subject, anyway." Suu: "What, specifically, is that context?" kafumi: "I'm not sure..." Kyoko: "Of course no one will tell you that." Kyoko: "Anyone who knew the answer to that could make a fortune as an artist. It's their livelihood." zomi: "Does something like that really even exist?" Kyoko: "No idea. But it puts a price on reality and moves huge amounts of money, so there must be rules." Hime: "Look, they're moving." zomi: "A date at an art museum? I guess that doesn't surprise me." Hime: "I wonder if Suu-chan is actually enjoying this." Kyoko: "Would arts and crafts even exist where she comes from?" kafumi: "What's art like in Antarctica?" Suu: "There are drawings and symbols used as design plans, but... I suppose, in terms of what humans consider "art," we have logic and numerical formulas. They're said to be beautiful in their brevity." kafumi: "Would you have preferred to go to a traditional museum?" Suu: "Oh, no. I'd have no trouble understanding those alone." Suu: "But in the case of art, I need someone to look at it with me." kafumi: "I don't think I'm the best choice to explain this stuff to you, but..." Suu: "It's just as fascinating to hear what it means to someone who doesn't specialize in the subject." Omaki: "Whoops, sorry— Oh..." Omaki: "Princess?" Hime: "You recognized me, huh?" Manami: "Oh?" Hime: "Are you on a date?" Manami: "D-Do you know what that is?" Hime: "No idea." momi: "Hime, they're moving!" Hime: "Well, bye." Hime: "Sorry about that." zomi: "Was that the class president and Omaki?" Hime: "Yeah." zomi: "Are they on a date, too?" Hime: "Seemed like it." Kyoko: "We're focusing on this date right now!" zomi: "They're not heading for the station." Hime: "Yeah." Kyoko: "That direction leads to..." Shigetoki: "The sun's going down. There's still more to this date? Don't get too caught up in the nightlife, now." zomi: "Seriously?" Kyoko: "So they were headed here." Shigetoki: "Oh, come on..." Hime: "What should we do?" zomi: "Is there anything we can do?" Sp2: "What do we do?" Shigetoki: "Send one of our guys in suits to the hotel's front desk. Show them a dummy police badge and kick them out on the grounds of the Juvenile Protection Ordinance." Sp3: "But even if we do that, what do we do afterwards?" Shigetoki: "We'll play it by ear." zomi: "Whoa, whoa!" Hime: "Um..." Kyoko: "Oh?" Shigetoki: "Don't do it!" Hime: "Please!" Kyoko: "Darn." Kyoko: "Uh, I mean..." Kyoko: "A used bookstore?" zomi: "Talk about a sophisticated hobby." Hime: "Yeah." Hime: "How was your date yesterday?" Suu: "He showed me some very interesting things." Hime: "Wow, really?" Suu: "We went to an art museum and saw some contemporary art," Suu: "which I didn't understand..." Suu: "But not understanding felt new to me." Suu: "What did you think, Himeno-san?" Hime: "Oh, yeah... That stuff is hard, isn't it? I didn't really get it, either." zomi: "Hey!" Hime: "You knew, huh?" Suu: "I could see you, Himeno-san." Manami: "Thanks for yesterday." Omaki: "I'll tag along anytime." zomi: "Jeez... So it really was Hime's fault." Manami: "Oh... Sure. Same here..." Hime: "Sorry!" Manami: "But really, thanks for everything." Omaki: "No big deal." Kyoko: "Oh, nothing." Suu: "What?" Chinami: "What? You're going out?" Manami: "Yes. Watch the house, okay? Of course, Dad's home today, so you'll be fine." Chigusa: "It's not fine! All he does is draw all the time!" Manami: "What do you expect?" Omaki: "Hey, Tama." Omaki: "Yo." Chinami: "You have a date?" Omaki: "That's right." Chigusa: "Well, Koma-chan's really good-looking." Omaki: "You think so?" Chinami: "Still, leaving the kids at home on a weekend for a secret tryst with a boy?" Chigusa: "Isn't that child abuse?" Omaki: ""Tryst"? Really? Also, I'm a girl." Manami: "I'll be back in time for dinner." Chinami: "Oh, switching out?" Chiho: "Going out?" Manami: "Well, take care of Sue-chan." Omaki: "We'll buy you souvenirs." Chi: "Boo! Boo!" Manami: "Now, don't make that face." Manami: "See you later." Omaki: "It's tough for you to even go out, huh?" Manami: "Yeah." Omaki: "You're lucky to have little sisters, though. Little brothers are just..." Manami: "Really? I feel like a little brother would be more straightforward." Omaki: "I don't think so." Manami: "Really?" Omaki: "Want to link arms?" Manami: "Why?" Guy: "How about some karaoke with me?" Girl: "No, thank you..." Manami: "This is kind of embarrassing." Omaki: "It's allowed between two girls." Girl: "What an attractive boy and girl. Are they models? They're so tall!" Omaki: "With stuff like this, sometimes it takes longer to read the explanation than look at the art." Manami: "And sometimes you have to read it to understand it." Omaki: "You actually get it after reading it?" Manami: "No." Omaki: "Whoops, sorry— Oh..." Omaki: "Princess." Hime: "You recognized me, huh?" Manami: "Oh?" Hime: "Are you on a date?" Manami: "D-Do you know what that is?" Hime: "No idea." momi: "Hime, they're moving!" Hime: "Well, bye." zomi: "Was that the class president and Omaki?" Manami: "What are those three doing?" Omaki: "Doesn't look like they're on a date." Manami: "Hey, you should be looking at the art." Omaki: "That's easy to say..." Chigusa: "Aren't you done yet?" Dad: "Stay still just a little bit longer, okay?" Sue: "Nee-nee? Nee-nee?" Chinami: "Oh, Sue-chan woke up." Sue: "Nee-nee?" Chiho: "We're coming." Chigusa: "Time to switch!" Dad: "Wait..." Dad: "This would be a great time to step out for a smoke... except I don't smoke." Dad: "I can't drink, either, and I'm not interested in gambling." Dad: "And I can't even imagine taking it out on the kids. Even if I paint, I have no one to sell to, but I can't just not paint." Dad: "There's no way out..." Manami: "It's expensive... but..." Omaki: "Gonna buy that?" Manami: "I can't understand what I'm looking at if it's not explained a little better." Omaki: "They sell sweets, too." Omaki: "It only works if there're six, right?" Omaki: "Here." Omaki: "For the kiddos." Manami: "You don't have to do that. I talked you into coming here." Omaki: "C'mon, don't be so distant." Manami: "Besides, I can't accept a gift from someone with no income." Omaki: "I do get paid a bit for helping with my family's business, actually." Omaki: "And I told the Chisters I'd buy them souvenirs. I don't want them to hate me." Omaki: "So... Yeah?" Manami: "Okay... Thank you." Omaki: "If what we saw today is contemporary art, that means your dad isn't very modern, huh?" Manami: "Strong words." Manami: "You're right, though." Omaki: "Speaking from an amateur's perspective, if he wants to sell..." Omaki: "He should paint stuff that's more... surreal? Or just quit painting and try performance art instead." Omaki: "He could do something suggestive, like tossing a nationalist in the air." Manami: "Still, he can't just do whatever and call it art." Omaki: "True, but... What I mean is, there just needs to be logic behind it, right? "By doing such-and-such, social ideals are rendered invalid, and those who see it are hurled into a sea of free conception." That sort of thing." Manami: "But even that sort of thing has a value, or context, or something... It's like a language arts book report that says, "It appears to be freedom at first, but there are actually unspecified rules," right?" Omaki: "I don't know about all that." Manami: "I don't get it, either. If I had to say whether my father wants to be an artist, I almost don't think he does." Omaki: "What does that mean? That's really turning things upside-down." Manami: "My father wants to be a painter." Omaki: "So that means an artist, right?" Manami: "No, it's different. He just wants to paint pictures," Manami: "and not avant-garde or abstract ones. The classical, realistic kind." Omaki: "Then why doesn't he become an illustrator?" Manami: "Good question..." Manami: "Some of his paintings have been used as book covers." Manami: "But a career illustrator has to draw what they're told to draw, right?" Omaki: "And that's different?" Manami: "Yeah. If you look online, there are tons of middle school and high school students who are unbelievably good." Omaki: "Then why doesn't he just leave it as a hobby?" Manami: "He can't! That's absolutely not allowed!" Omaki: "But why?" Manami: "Saying he can leave it as a hobby would be telling him that art like his will only ever be worth doing for fun." Manami: "It'd be telling him there's no hope." Manami: "He's been pouring his time and passion into painting for longer than I've been alive. I can't tell him that." Omaki: "Yeah, but wanting to be recognized among so many candidates means he wants to win, right?" Manami: "Well..." Omaki: "In sports, like baseball, there's more to it than playing with a ball. You have to do stuff you don't want to, like running to build strength." Manami: "But my father is an artist, in a broad sense. He wouldn't just give up who he is." Omaki: "Tama, I think..." Omaki: "you're way too soft on your dad." Manami: "I am not!" Omaki: "I mean, you're Miss Perfect." Manami: "That was my nickname in middle school..." Omaki: "Yep. You're the girl our home ec teacher said was most likely to get married." Manami: "Well..." Omaki: "But you're still a kid, the same age as me." Omaki: "You haven't entered society yet. You don't even know if you'll be successful." Omaki: "So how is it possible for a kid like that to try to plan out an adult's life for him?" Manami: "Yeah... You're right." Omaki: "And your dad isn't a kid. I'm sure he's thought things through and made up his own mind." Omaki: "Anyway, having faith is one way of supporting someone." Manami: "You're right. Thanks." Omaki: "You're welcome. Talk to me again anytime." Manami: "Yeah." Manami: "Oh, look at the time..." Omaki: "Ready to go?" Manami: "Yeah." Manami: "I'm home." Chi: "Welcome back!" Manami: "Here's your souvenir. It's from Koma-oneechan." Chi: "Yay! Souvenir!" Manami: "I'll hurry and make dinner." Manami: "Dad, dinner's ready." Dad: "Okay... I don't know, though... I'm kind of in a groove here." Manami: "Don't knock yourself out." Dad: "Huh? Oh... yeah. You're right." Manami: "Your efforts might end in vain." Manami: "If you ruin your health, too, you'll have nothing left." Manami: "It looks like a nice painting to this amateur..." Suu: "We went to an art museum and saw some contemporary art... But not understanding felt new to me." Suu: "What did you think, Himeno-san?" Hime: "Oh, yeah... That stuff is hard, isn't it? I didn't really get it, either." zomi: "Hey!" Hime: "You knew, huh?" Suu: "I could see you, Himeno-san." zomi: "Jeez... So it really was Hime's fault." Hime: "Sorry!" Omaki: "Morning." Manami: "Good morning. Thanks for yesterday." Omaki: "I'll tag along anytime." Manami: "Oh... Sure. Same here..." Manami: "But really, thanks for everything."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 10 – When You Choose to Look at Contemporary Art for a Date... Part 1 | When You Choose to Look at Contemporary Art for a", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "10", "When You Choose to Look at Contemporary Art for a Date... Part 1 | When You Choose to Look at Contemporary Art for a" ] }
Chiho: "There you go." Manami: "It's fine that you're going out to play, but don't take your eyes off Sue-chan." Chinami: "Don't worry. We know." Chiho: "Sue-chan's so tiny and cute, people always want to take her right away." Manami: "Wait just a minute. What does that mean?" Chino: "Nothing." Chiho: "Don't hurt me!" Manami: "Don't say things that sound so bad. I've never hit you, have I?" Chiho: "No lectures, either!" Manami: "That'll depend on you three." Chiho: "Well, see..." Sue: "Mew!" Riri: "You want us to rub your tummy?" Chi: "Meow!" Chi: "Sue-chan, want to rub him, too?" Sue: "Meow..." Sue: "Mew." Riri: "Want to go inside now?" Sue: "M-Mew? Meow, meow! Meow, meow!" Chi: "Meow?" Sue: "Meow!" Riri: "Now, Yoshi, Sue-chan isn't your doll." Sue: "Mew..." Manami: "I do seem to recall a time they came home smelling like dog... And? What else?" Chiho: "Well, um..." Sue: "That's outside, this is inside. So I can go this far." Chigusa: "Sue-chan's gone!" Chinami: "Sue-chan!" Chiho: "Where are you, Sue-chan?" Sis: "Where did you bring her from?" Sue: "Nee-nee... Nee-nee..." Kana: "She was lying around." Chigusa: "That way!" Chi: "Sue-chan!" Chinami: "There she is!" Chi: "Hey! You thief! Give her back!" Kana: "No! I found her! She's my baby sister now." Sue: "No! Mew..." Sis: "Is she your little sister? I'm sorry. Now, let her go!" Sue: "Nee-nee... Nee-nee!" Manami: "I see." Manami: "So that's why the oldest Kawamoto sister is always apologetic toward me." Sis: "G-Good morning." Manami: "Morning." Riri: "Chi-chans!" Chiho: "We can go now, right?" Manami: "Yes, you can." Manami: "Be sure you don't let her out of your sight." Chiho: "We know." Manami: "You say that, but I know you really won't." Rino: "Be home by dark, you two." Hime: "Okay." Shino: "Bye!" Shino: "Going for a walk, going for a walk..." Shino: "Nee-tan, Nee-tan." Shino: "There are all different kinds of grass, aren't there?" Hime: "That's right." Shino: "But they're all still grass?" Hime: "No, not at all." Hime: "All the grasses in the field have their own names, too." Shino: "What about this fluffy one?" Hime: "That's green foxtail. We call it "enokoro grass" in Japanese, because it looks like the tail of a puppy (inukoro)." Shino: "What about this one?" Hime: "Indian goosegrass." Shino: "And this?" Hime: "That's evening primrose." Hime: "Not long ago, yellow flowers bloomed on them in the early morning." Shino: "Look at the little white flowers!" Hime: "It's daisy fleabane." Shino: "Red flowers!" Hime: "Red clovers." Hime: "Sow thistle." Hime: "Creeping woodsorrel." Shino: "The boys play swords with these!" Hime: "That's Canada goldenrod." Shino: "Do all the plants here have their own names?" Hime: "They do. Even the smallest grasses and flowers have names." Maki: "This is called red clover." Shino: "Good, you remembered." Mi: "It has a name?" Mi: "It's not just a red flower?" Shino: "Yeah. Even the smallest grasses and flowers have names." Mi: "My name is Mi-chan. Shino-chan. Maki-chan." Maki: "That's different!" Shino: "You can have red blocks with some shaped like triangles and some like squares, right?" Mi: "That's a triangle. That's a circle." Shino: "That's right. Just like with blocks, flowers come in lots of shapes, and they all have names." Mi: "Like flowers?" Mi: "But the triangle can be square, too." Mi: "And the circle can be square, too." Shino: "Um, um... But the square block only has square sides, and the circle has a circle side, and the triangle one has a triangle side, right?" Mi: "Are there any that are only triangles or only circles?" Shino: "One that's only triangles would be pointy, and one that's only circles would be a ball." Mi: "It's only a circle!" Shino: "But you can't stack it if it's only a circle. That's why blocks always have a square side." Mi: "There..." Shino: "You don't have to try so hard..." Mi: "There..." Maki: "That looks kind of fun." Shino: "This purple flower is a kind of aster." Mi: "This has prickly leaves and pointy purple flowers." Shino: "They're thistles." Mi: "They're not purple flowers?" Shino: "There are different purple flowers, like with triangle and circle blocks." Shino: "That's cosmos. It has eight petals." Mi: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." Shino: "You're very good at counting." Maki: "Nee-tan, Nee-tan! This is, um... red morning glory!" Shino: "That's right, Maki-chan! Very good!" Shino: "This is buckwheat." Mi: "Buckwheat?" Shino: "Uh-huh. After it flowers, you pick the fruit and turn it into powder. That's what they use to make the soba noodles you eat." Mi: "They're all white and cute." Shino: "Even smaller flowers than this have their own names. Oriental lady's thumb. See how it has lots of tiny red flowers on it?" Mi: "But there's no thumb." Shino: "Nobody knows why some of them are named the way they are." Mi: "Why?" Shino: "Someone came up with it a long time ago, and they told it to more and more people. Eventually, nobody knows how the name came about anymore." Mi: "The flowers have lots of little bumps." Shino: "Yeah. Some people use it as red rice when they play house. That's why it's sometimes called a "red rice flower," too." Mi: "You know so much, Nee-tan!" Shino: "My onee-chan taught me about this stuff, too. So when both of you are old enough to be onee-chans, teach it to some younger kids, okay?" Both: "Okay!" Maki: "Good morning, Miss Teacher!" Teacher: "Good morning." Maki: "Miss Teacher, this is awful!" Maki: "The flowers are gone!" Teacher: "Oh, here? That's because we pulled up all the weeds." Maki: "Who? Who pulled them up?" Teacher: "Maki-chan, first of all, put your fists down." Maki: "Nee-tan, it's terrible!" Maki: "The flowers are all gone!" Shino: "It's okay. The seeds are still there somewhere, so they'll flower again next fall. And before that, there'll be spring flowers, and when they're gone, there'll be summer flowers." Shino: "So when that happens, let's look at them together, okay?" Maki: "Okay..." Teacher: "You make a very good older sister, Shino-chan." Shino: "You saw us looking at the flowers yesterday, right?" Teacher: "Huh? Well, but... It had to be done." Shino: "I understand. It's grown-up stuff, right?" Shino: "I hope I get to be a grown-up soon, too." Hime: "When all sides are triangles, it's called a triangular pyramid. All of these pointed shapes are called pyramids. One with a square bottom is called a square pyramid. One with a round bottom is called a cone. Long ones with ends that are the same thickness are called prisms. Round-ended ones are cylinders, and triangle-ended ones are triangular prisms." Shino: "Little kids ask all kinds of questions. It's hard to be an onee-chan." Shino: "You can't be good at it unless you study a lot." Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "But there are lots of things I don't know, too." Sue: "There." Sue: "Down, down..." Chiho: "Sue-chan, are you all dressed?" Chiho: "And there's your tail." Sue: "I wanted to get dressed by myself." Chinami: "What's wrong?" Chiho: "Sue-chan couldn't get her tail through the hole in her outfit." Sue: "Mew." Chinami: "Okay then, today we'll have special tail training!" Sue: "Training?" Chinami: "Now, do it just like I say, okay?" Sue: "Mew." Riri: "Chi-chans, let's play!" Chigusa: "Okay!" Chinami: "Right." Chinami: "Left." Chinami: "Middle." Chinami: "Down." Riri: "What are you all doing?" Chinami: "Studying tails." Riri: "You're studying? That's very good." Sue: "Mew." Chinami: "Want to do it with us, Riri-chan?" Riri: "What should I do?" Chinami: "First, go from the right to..." Chinami: "a circle." Sue: "Meow?" Riri: "Huh? A circle?" Sue: "Mew..." Chiho: "That's not much of a circle." Riri: "I don't think that's possible, except for people with long tails like yours." Riri: "Don't worry. It's okay if you can't make it a circle." Chinami: "Two circles." Sue: "Meow?" Riri: "That's pretty good..." Chi: "Meow!" Manami: "Oh, hi there." Riri: "I came over to play." Sue: "My tail is short." Manami: "That's okay. The Chi-chans' tails were short when they were little, too." Manami: "See? They had tiny tails." Manami: "And flat ears, too." Manami: "Why were we dressed like that?" Sue: "Tiny!" Manami: "Back then, I was the one who always dressed you three." Chiho: "But, Nee-chan..." Chiho: "Wouldn't it have been easier to dress us in baby pants?" Chiho: "With pants and skirts, the tail has to go through two holes." Chiho: "Or you could just not put it though the hole at all." Manami: "That wouldn't be very comfortable with pants, though..." Manami: "And it'd cause even more problems with a skirt. With kimono, there's a way to wear them that keeps the tail inside," Manami: "but it still has to go through a tail holder." Chinami: "Then what about something like baby pants?" Manami: "The snap on those comes undone easily. Remember when Sue-chan tripped and fell because of that? Either way, if you want your tail outside your clothes, you need an undertag." Chiho: "Undertag?" Manami: "It's a loose piece of cloth inside a skirt." Chigusa: "What are those for?" Manami: "Without it, if you moved your tail to the side, your underwear would show through the hole." Manami: "An undertag fills in the extra space so your underwear stays hidden." Chigusa: "I don't mind if it shows a little." Manami: "Well, I do." Chigusa: "But you don't even have a tail." Manami: "I don't want your underwear to be visible to the kinds of people who'd want to see it." Sue: "Nee-nee..." Sue: "Were you little, too?" Manami: "When I was little, I looked like this." Chigusa: "Cute!" Chinami: "Tiny Nee-nee!" Chiho: "You looked just like Sue-chan." Chigusa: "Why didn't you stay that cute, Nee-chan? I want to dress you up!" Manami: "If I'd stayed that cute, I wouldn't be able to make you dinner or care for you." Manami: "Everyone has to grow up." Manami: "Oh? You don't want dinner, then?" Chi: "We do need that!" Tv: "Our next topic is the World's Prettiest Person Contest that was held recently." Tv: "This "festival of beauty" began as a symbol of peace." Sue: "What's that?" Chiho: "It's about the prettiest person in the world." Tv: "This year's preliminary stage saw a record number of applicants." Sue: "Prettiest? The prettiest in the world is Ma-nee-nee." Tv: "Thirty were selected from among them after careful screening of the applications." Manami: "Hey!" Manami: "No horsing around in the house!" Sue: "Nee-nee..." Manami: "What is it?" Manami: "What?" Sue: "You're the prettiest in the world, Nee-nee." Manami: "What a good girl!" Chiho: "Don't say that, Sue-chan." Chinami: "You'll give her a big head." Chiho: "There's always someone better." Chinami: "Like, Nee-chan seems like the most important person in the world, right?" Chigusa: "But there are even more important people in the world, like teachers." Manami: "That's true. And your father." Manami: "I didn't say anything that thought-provoking, did I?" Chi: "Dad is important?" Manami: "He's the most important in this house." Chiho: "Anyway, there's bound to be someone prettier, too." Manami: "Who do you think is prettier than me?" Chiho: "Huh?" Kid: "Wow! That was really good!" Ryuko: "Are you all right?" Ryuko: "Don't be too reckless, okay?" Chinami: "Miss Ryuko, you're very pretty." Ryuko: "What's this? Are you trying to distract me with flattery?" Chinami: "But I still think our big sister is prettier." Ryuko: "That's where this was going?" Chi: "So close..." Teacher: "Don't be mad at them." Ryuko: "I'm not mad!" Ryuko: "I know I can't beat the pretty high school girl who's basically a mom to them." Chiho: "I guess there aren't many pretty people around." Chi: "Shino-chan and her big onee-chans!" zomi: "Hey, it's the class president's little shrimp sisters." zomi: "There ya go." Chiho: "Pick me up!" Hime: "You three love attention, huh?" Shino: "Hey! Me, too!" Hime: "Okay, okay." Chiho: "You're more cute than pretty." Shiho: "You'll be pretty someday." Shino: "Nee-tan is pretty!" Chinami: "I bet you're a very pretty snake lady, Suu-chan. Are you?" Suu: "I'm not sure... Anyway, would you like me to pick you up?" Chiho: "You're pretty too, Shino-chan." Chiho: "But you're still a kid." Shino: "So are you!" Hime: "I get it. You're looking for pretty people, right?" Hime: "What do you think of her, then?" Chigusa: "Do it more!" Chiho: "You're a girl? I thought you were a boy." zomi: "Hey, you! Did you forget about when we went to the pool?" Chi: "We're home!" Manami: "Oh, welcome home." Manami: "I was about to go look for you, since it's getting dark." Chi: "We looked really hard, too." Manami: "For what?" Chi: "For someone prettier than you!" Manami: "Find any?" Chi: "Nuh-uh." Chinami: "But it's a big world!" Chigusa: "I'm sure there's someone prettier!" Manami: "Can't you just say I'm the prettiest and leave it at that?" Chinami: "No! If you lose your drive to keep improving yourself..." Chigusa: "...you'll end up an old lady before you know it!" Manami: "By then, you three and Sue-chan will be the prettiest, so that's okay." Chiho: "We'll be pretty?" Manami: "If you're good girls and do as you're told."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 11 – There Are As Many Names of Flowers... As There Are People, But That's Totally a Lie! | There Are As Many Types of Beau", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "11", "There Are As Many Names of Flowers... As There Are People, But That's Totally a Lie! | There Are As Many Types of Beau" ] }
Kyoko: "Kinda chilly down here." zomi: "Well, we are dressed like this underground..." Hime: "You're doing okay, Suu-chan?" Suu: "Yes. This isn't cold enough to bother me." Hime: "Really? Well, good." zomi: "This is definitely the way to go when it's cold." Hime: "H-Hey, Nozomi-chan... What if something jumps out at us?" zomi: "Oh, something will. From around the next corner." Hime: "Jeez, cut that out." Hime: "Uh..." zomi: "See? There it is." Hime: "It's coming this way!" zomi: "Yeah, because you keep screaming." Kyoko: "Stay behind us, Sassu-Sassu." Suu: "Okay." Kyoko: "Hime, use your bow." Hime: "Huh? But won't that make the Animal Welfare people angry?" zomi: "You'll be fine. Just look at its face." zomi: "See? It's human." zomi: "They won't get mad if you shoot a human." Hime: "That doesn't seem right, somehow..." zomi: "Here it comes!" zomi: "It dodged that?!" Hime: "I'm sorry!" zomi: "Here we go!" zomi: "Kyoko, make with the magic!" Kyoko: "I know. Doing it now." Kyoko: "There." Kyoko: "Dora magura, goma magura, sesame magura..." zomi: "Kyoko, what's the holdup?!" Suu: "Hooray, hooray! Hooray, hooray!" zomi: "Sassu-Sassu, what are you doing?" Suu: "A victory dance. Is it helping?" zomi: "Well, it's distracting me." Kyoko: "Upsy-daisy." Kyoko: "Okay, here goes. Burn, flame!" Kyoko: "Step back, everyone." zomi: "Is this gonna work?" Kyoko: "Step back, Nozomi." zomi: "Nice one!" Kyoko: "I know." zomi: "Only two gold? Stingy." Kyoko: "No, no. You've been influenced by the real world too much." Hime: "If it had money, doesn't that mean it was an intelligent being?" Suu: "It didn't look like one to me." Kyoko: "It's probably like how crows collect shiny things." zomi: "I mean, it's really just a monster, isn't it?" Hime: "What?!" zomi: "Which means this labyrinth is a haunted house. A slightly active one." Hime: "I don't do so well in haunted houses..." Kyoko: "Only because you have a bad memory of getting spooked and breaking something with your butt, right?" Hime: "How did you know?" Kyoko: "Oh, you know." zomi: "All right, let's keep moving." zomi: "Looks like more of them." zomi: "Hime, you can shoot these guys, right?" Hime: "Yeah." zomi: "Kyoko, magic!" Kyoko: "I know." zomi: "Kyoko, where's that magic?" Kyoko: "Just hang on. Let me see..." Suu: "Let me handle this one." zomi: "We don't need another dance!" Suu: "" zomi: "Hang on... What was that?" Suu: "A sutra in the language of the gods." zomi: "Aren't you a dancer? I'm a priestess." Kyoko: "For what god?" Suu: "I'm not sure..." zomi: "Only one silver?" Hime: "There are two more. Here." Hime: "Wow..." zomi: "There's really no one down here, huh? We should be pretty far down by now..." Hime: "I wouldn't want to see anyone looking like this!" zomi: "It's just like being at the pool. Outside of that, you'd be a pervert, though." Hime: "I wish I had your outfit, Kyoko-chan." Kyoko: "The cape? You just didn't think that through when we chose our jobs in the beginning." Hime: "Well, the mage's incantations seemed kinda hard. I figured a bow was something I could handle." zomi: "Nah, it's not that hard. Kyoko can barely use her magic, either." Kyoko: "I beat that troll earlier, didn't I?" zomi: "What's wrong?" Hime: "I stepped in something." zomi: "What is this stuff?!" Suu: "Oh, no... I feel..." zomi: "Kyoko! Use your magic to do something!" Kyoko: "Let's see..." zomi: "Hurry it up!" Kyoko: "I think you're fine, actually." zomi: "How is this fine?!" Kyoko: "Well, it doesn't look like it'll eat you or anything." Hime: "It won't?" zomi: "Who cares?! Just do something!" Kyoko: "There's nothing to worry about." Kyoko: "It'll just do sexy things to you and put you in sexy positions for a while." zomi: "Hurry up and save us!" Hime: "My armor..." zomi: "It's melting!" Hime: "Kyo-chan, please!" Kyoko: "But if I use stuff like fire or ice, it'll hit you guys, too." Kyoko: "What can I do?" Suu: "How about salt water? If this is a giant amoeba, the osmotic pressure should..." Kyoko: "That sounds pretty scientific, but I guess I'll try." Kyoko: "One sec." Hime: "Hurry! Hurry!" zomi: "Who said you could touch in there?!" Suu: "I can't..." Hime: "Stop!" Kyoko: "There, that should do it." Kyoko: "Here goes." Kyoko: "Piassa, selassa, regomar! Splash and soak!" Kyoko: "Well, that's a pretty sexy sight." Hime: "I'm so embarrassed..." zomi: "I'm not gonna forget this!" zomi: "All right, time to fight the final boss!" Kyoko: "That seems kinda lazy." zomi: "It's fine. Let's go." zomi: "'Scuse us..." Manami: "I'm impressed you made it this far." Manami: "I am the queen of this labyrinth." zomi: "That's way too damn fitting." Kyoko: "The "queen" in which sense?" Hime: "Which sense?" Kyoko: "That kind of queen?" All: "That kind?" Manami: "Quiet!" Manami: "Now, listen!" Manami: "Mere combat skills and magic won't be enough to defeat me. You have to figure out the queen's secret, or you can't conquer the labyrinth. If you give the wrong answer," Manami: "you'll be trapped here for the rest of your lives!" Kyoko: "Is your secret..." Kyoko: "that you pad your chest?" Manami: "H-How did you...?" Both: "Please. That's obvious." zomi: "Hey! Hold up!" zomi: "Oh, crap!" Kyoko: "Run!" Suu: "Wait for me!" Kyoko: "You just wrote this as an inside joke, didn't you?" Akechi: "Huh? Does it seem that way?" Suu: "I like adventure stories, personally." Hime: "Me, too." Kyoko: "I could point out a lot of problems with it, though." zomi: "For one thing, what good is bikini armor gonna do?" Akechi: "Good point..." Kyoko: "Hey, what are you looking at?" Hime: "Um... What's everyone doing?" Katsura: "Ah, the favorite is here." Kyoko: "Okay, here we go." Kyoko: "Ready..." Kyoko: "Begin!" Omaki: "Sorry, but I build these muscles every day." Omaki: "I won't lose to someone who's not even in a club!" Kyoko: "And the class president wins." Omaki: "Man, that hurt..." Omaki: "How are you so strong?" Manami: "I build muscles in a different way every day." Omaki: "I get it." Kyoko: "Okay, next. Remember, no cheating." zomi: "Arm wrestling is about reading your opponent." zomi: "Watch her closely." Suu: "Okay, I will." Suu: "Watch her closely..." Aiko: "Oh, man, she's staring at me..." Suu: "Stare..." Shimoike: "Are you ready?" Shimoike: "Hakkeyoi! Nokotta!" Shimoike: "Aiko-chan wins." Suu: "I lost." zomi: "Jeez..." Katsura: "You're up next, Hime." Hime: "Right..." Hime: "Why is everyone taking this so seriously?" Shimoike: "Okay, grab hands." Katsura: "I bet it'll be Princess." Omaki: "Fuku-chan's tough, too. She's one of the top five in the prefecture in shot put." uku: "Her hands are bigger than I thought..." Shimoike: "Are you ready?" Shimoike: "Hakkeyoi!" Shimoike: "Nokotta!" Someone: "Check out Hime. She's got the strength of a gorilla." uku: "There!" Hime: "Aw, I lost!" Hime: "Huh?" Shimoike: "That one didn't count." uku: "Come on! Take this seriously!" Hime: "But I am..." Katsura: "If Hime loses, we'll all take turns verifying whether or not her breasts are real." Hime: "Verifying?" Katsura: "I mean directly of course, little lady!" Hime: "What? But they are real!" Shimoike: "Okay, let's start again." Shimoike: "Ready? Hakkeyoi! Nokotta!" Shimoike: "Princess wins!" Hime: "Are you okay?" uku: "I lost... After all that training..." uku: "A promise is a promise." uku: "Do as you will." Hime: "You don't have to take your clothes off!" Katsura: "You weren't part of the bet." uku: "Oh..." Hime: "Jeez..." Kyoko: "You were supposed to be a match for me? You're so weak." Shima: "So are... you!" zomi: "You know, Akira... You have good reflexes, but you have no muscle strength at all. You should at least help your mom out sometimes." Akira: "Shut up, you savage!" zomi: "Hup!" Katsura: "The kendo club member lost!" uku: "And the tea club member won!" Kyoko: "Whew, I'm tired." Hime: "So why are we arm wrestling, anyway?" Katsura: "Come on, Princess! You're up next!" zomi: "Go get 'em." zomi: "Hi-yah!" Katsura: "Nozomi-chan wins!" zomi: "Yes!" Shimoike: "I lost. But you two look the same, so I guess it's okay." Akira: "This is dumb. Who cares about contests of strength?" Akechi: "Okay, we've got our best four!" Akechi: "That's my Michi!" Kyoko: "No favoritism allowed." Manami: "I've known you for many years," Manami: "but it seems the time has come to settle the score." zomi: "You always get so serious when it comes to contests." Inukai: "Got anything?" Hime: "Why are we arm wrestling?" Sato: "I'm surprised no one's left from any of the athletic teams." Omaki: "Well, Hime and Nozomi are involved with local dojos." Katsura: "No false starting, okay?" Katsura: "Ready..." Katsura: "Go!" Manami: "For a game, you're taking this pretty seriously." zomi: "Well, I love competition, too." Katsura: "The winner is Mitama!" zomi: "For real? Also, you take this way too seriously." Manami: "We build up our bodies in different ways." Kojima: "So child-raising beats karate, huh?" Kyoko: "Nothing's stronger than a mother, as they say. She's not a mother, though." Shimoike: "Okay, Inukaicchi and Princess are next." Hime: "Oh... Right." Inukai: "I'm sure it won't even be a contest." Hime: "You think so?" Omaki: "I know about Princess," Omaki: "but how is Inukai so strong?" Katsura: "Well, she's tall, and she was into sports in middle school." Akechi: "Actually, it's love." Omaki: "Love? You're not gonna say it's because you guys get cozy ekiben style every day, are you?" Katsura: "Ekiben? Like, selling train station bento boxes in train cars part-time?" Akechi: "Good guess!" Akechi: "And you're so dirty." Omaki: "You just have a dirty mind." Inukai: "Don't believe her." Shimoike: "Ready?" Shimoike: "Hakkeyoi! Nokotta!" Shimoike: "Princess wins." Inukai: "You really are strong." Hime: "A-Are you okay?" Omaki: "Your love lost." Akechi: "Maybe I didn't go about it the right way..." Omaki: "Take it too far and you'll just look dumb." Shimoike: "Time for the final round!" Manami: "Need a break?" Hime: "I'm totally fine. Anyway, why are we arm wrestling?" Manami: "Just so you know, I won't lose, even if it is just a game." Hime: "Tama-chan, you sound kind of scary." Shimoike: "Are you both ready?" Shimoike: "Hakkeyoi! Nokotta!" zomi: "I guess no one can beat Hime." Kyoko: "I guess." Hime: "Tama-chan, are you okay?" Manami: "I feel like my little sisters lost." Hime: "Well, but you know... I carry Shino-chan around a lot, too. I think she weighs three times as much as the Chi-chans." Manami: "Now I have an idea of how much you weigh." Hime: "D-Don't tell anyone! I mean that, Tama-chan! Okay?! You can't tell anyone!"
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 12 – We Tried Making a Fantasy Story in RPG Style. | Fierce Fights! Arm Wrestling! How Will the Battle of the Heroines End?", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "12", "We Tried Making a Fantasy Story in RPG Style. | Fierce Fights! Arm Wrestling! How Will the Battle of the Heroines End?" ] }
end: "It's been so long! Since our reunion, right?" Rino: "That's right." end: "Are you still all lovey-dovey with that bear-gorilla?" Rino: "Of course not." Rino: "Since our daughter was born, she's all he sees." end: "Her name's Himeno-chan, right?" Rino: "I'm impressed you remember." Rino: "You were the queen of forgetting things." end: "Does Himeno-chan" end: "look more like you or the bear-gorilla?" Rino: "Are you thinking of messing with my daughter, too?" end: "Oh, please!" end: "It's for work, that's all." zomi: "Hime?" zomi: "Or is it? She looks a little different..." zomi: "I think she has too much sex appeal to be Hime..." zomi: "Who was that?!" Akechi: "Hey, watch it." zomi: "Oh, it's you, Akechi?" Akechi: "Anyway..." zomi: "What are you laughing about?" Akechi: "Oh..." Akechi: "Just thinking that the little shota girl Nozomi-chan has really come of age." zomi: "Who are you calling a shota girl? What are you even talking about?" Akechi: "Starting to take an interest in fashion, are we?" zomi: "Huh?!" zomi: "No, I'm not! This is..." zomi: "Here, look!" zomi: "See? Doesn't she look like Hime?" Akechi: "That is her, isn't it?" zomi: "You think so, too?" Akechi: "That's pretty amazing, though! She's on the cover already?" zomi: "Is that amazing?" Akechi: "Of course it is! Tons of people want that to happen to them!" Akechi: "It's such a shame..." zomi: "What is?" Akechi: "Himeno-chan is going to be in a totally different world from us now." Akechi: "I mean, she's a model! I bet she's going to be busy." Akechi: "She'll even have to go to work right after school. She won't have time to hang out with you anymore." Akechi: "Sad, huh?" zomi: "Shut up!" Akechi: "Why don't you try being a model, too?" zomi: "Me?" Akechi: "I think there's a demand for your type." zomi: "I don't know anything about fashion, though." Akechi: "That's no problem!" Akechi: "Just come to my place. I'll teach you everything." Akechi: "Drool..." zomi: "I don't think so." Akechi: "Why not?" zomi: "You just had a nasty look in your eyes." Akechi: "Well, now I have no choice..." Akechi: "Our school doesn't allow students to work, does it?" Akechi: "I think a second-year who got caught was expelled. Well, what to do? Himeno-chan's fate is in your hands, Nozomi-chan." zomi: "You really are nasty." Akechi: "You wear a bra! That's unexpected!" zomi: "Of course I do. You've seen me during P.E." Akechi: "Why don't we comb out your hair and try a wig?" Akechi: "Wow! You look like a doll!" zomi: "Hang on, this is cosplay! This is just your own hobby!" Akechi: "Figured me out, huh?" Akechi: "Okay, let's try the next one!" Inukai: "This magazine, though... It's amazing that Himeno-chan's in it," Inukai: "but what demand is there for an Antarctican snake girl?" Inukai: "Do snake people even read this?" Akechi: "A few do, apparently. Also, "snake people" is derogatory. Call them "Antarcticans."" Akechi: "Of course, magazines like this have to treat all races equally." zomi: "You know..." zomi: "If you're just going to use me as a dress-up doll, I'm leaving." Akechi: "Aw..." Akechi: "Hey, expulsion makes it hard to get letters of recommendation, doesn't it?" Inukai: "Now, come on..." Himeno: "Nozomi-chan, you seem down." zomi: "Do I?" Kyoko: "Is it about to rain?" zomi: "Hey, Hime..." zomi: "Is there anything you're hiding from us?" Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "This is delicious!" Kyoko: "We made a good call." zomi: "Eat too many of those and you'll get fat." Hime: "You're right." Hime: "Well, bye." Hime: "Um... Like what?" Kyoko: "This, right?" Hime: "Oh, you meant that?" zomi: "I don't know what you were thinking, but isn't this a bad thing?" Hime: "Huh? Why?" Kyoko: ""Working part-time while attending this school is forbidden."" Hime: "It's not like I got paid for it, though..." zomi: "Is that what matters?" Kyoko: "I don't think so." Hime: "Well, that magazine..." Hime: "Its editor-in-chief is a friend of my mom's." Hime: "They have trouble getting centaur models, so she begged me." Kyoko: "Yeah, there aren't many centaurs around." Kyoko: "Isn't this your debut, though?" Hime: "Oh, I won't be doing that!" Kyoko: "Why not? Because it's against the rules?" Hime: "Well..." Hime: "I'd be too embarrassed..." Hime: "And I'd have to watch my weight, too." Hime: "And the editor-in-chief's eyes kind of scare me..." Kyoko: "I think you could pull it off, though. School rules aside, of course." Hime: "I could never stick it out." Kyoko: "Have you thought about being an amateur model, then?" Kyoko: "You're cute, and you've got the height. I bet you could be a professional model in the future." Hime: "A model isn't what I want to be, though..." Kyoko: "What, then?" Hime: "A doctor, I think." zomi: "You, a doctor? That's kinda scary." Hime: "Why?!" Kyoko: "Well, it's just as scary for Hime." Kyoko: "Doctors get sued for malpractice and stuff." Hime: "That's true." Hime: "That's why I'm thinking it might be better to be a veterinarian..." Hime: "But that's just as scary, because I might get bitten. And I've never had any pets other than fish." zomi: "What about a fishmonger, then? One who sells tropical fish." Kyoko: "Fishmongers sell fish for eating." Hime: "Tropical fish are difficult to keep. You have to watch the nitrate levels, pH, temperature, and everything." zomi: "Goldfish from festival stalls never have their bowls cleaned or anything, but they live forever." Hime: "That's fine for them. Algae produces oxygen through photosynthesis, breaks down their poop, and even serves as food for them. Humans cause the problem by cleaning their bowls just for easier viewing." zomi: "Wow, you sound like some kind of expert." Hime: "Oh, please! But even if you go into medicine, in basic medicine, all you do is research. And my dad says that rather than biological or scientific research, medicinal research is better because it has a higher budget." Kyoko: "I see..." zomi: "You've actually thought this through." Kyoko: "Maybe we should start thinking about the future, too." Kyoko: "Though I'm sure you'll be taking over the dojo, Nozomi." zomi: "Never gonna happen!" zomi: "I feel like I'm forgetting something..." Kyoko: "So that happened." zomi: "What?" Inukai: "I've got something you'll want to hear. Listen to this..." Inukai: "Whisper, whisper, whisper..." zomi: "What?!" Hime: "Is something wrong?" zomi: "No, nothing." zomi: "Thanks, Inukai. You're pretty okay." Inukai: "Don't mention it." zomi: "I heard you're working part-time at a maid café!" Akechi: "Oops... You found out, huh?" zomi: "That's all you have to say?!" zomi: "Well, won't you be expelled too, then?" Akechi: "I have faith that I'll be fine, because you're my friend." zomi: "So you're saying Hime isn't your friend?" Akechi: "Of course she's my friend!" Title: "What?" Kyoko: "Brr, I'm freezing..." Kyoko: "It sure is cold today." zomi: "You really can't handle the cold at all, huh?" Kyoko: "I'm fragile." Kyoko: "I don't discipline myself with cold water baths, like you do." zomi: "I don't do that!" Kyoko: "Talking about cold stuff is making me even colder..." Manami: "Hey, stop that!" Akechi: "Nope!" Akechi: "So warm!" Manami: "Jeez..." Akechi: "Hey, it's not like you've got anything to lose." Akechi: "Wow, you really don't have anything..." Manami: "Hey! She's your girlfriend, isn't she? Do something!" Akechi: "Yeah, if only I could..." Akechi: "Morning, you three!" zomi: "Hey." Hime: "Morning!" Kyoko: "Morning." Akechi: "Hey, why don't you three get in here, too? It's nice and warm!" Manami: "Who said you could invite them?!" Akechi: "Aw..." Akechi: "Isn't that what these wings are for?" Manami: "They're for me! Besides, the idea that angelfolk's wings developed as protection against the cold is just one of many theories!" Akechi: "I know they might just be decorative, like my horns..." Akechi: "But they are warm, so what's the problem?" Kyoko: "Lucky..." zomi: "Oh, come on." Kyoko: "So warm..." zomi: "Hey, stop. You'll bother Hime." Hime: "I don't really mind..." zomi: "You're okay with this?" zomi: "You were talking about getting sent to a correctional clinic the other day." Kyoko: "Well, it'd be a problem if I got up on her completely, but surely I won't be arrested just for leaning on her shoulder." zomi: "Then I will, too." Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "Jeez, both of you are embarrassing me!" Akechi: "Getting hot and heavy, eh?" Komori: "Lucky..." Hyappo: "I'm not letting you in mine!" Komori: "Who'd want to snuggle up to you?!" zomi: "Anyway, Kyoko, for someone who can't handle heat, you're pretty weak with the cold, too." Kyoko: "I have a delicate constitution." Kyoko: "That stuff doesn't bother you, Hime?" Hime: "Hmm..." Hime: "I don't mind the cold, I guess. I can't stand heat, though." Kyoko: "I can imagine, with such a large body." Kyoko: "Animals in polar regions are always big, you know?" Hime: "Uh-huh." Kyoko: "That's because it reduces the ratio of body mass to surface area, helping them maintain a constant temperature." Hime: "I see..." zomi: "I'm not sure I get it... Are you saying Hime is a polar bear?" Hime: "A polar bear... Those are kind of cute, but also kind of not." Hime: "Hey, Kyo-chan. Why don't you try the opposite of clearing your mind, and thinking about times when you felt warm?" zomi: "Wait, something good happened to you in spring, right?" zomi: "This heat is unbearable." Guy: "Hi there. Watch your step." zomi: "It's almost like a jungle." Hime: "I can smell salt, though." Miura: "Welcome, everyone, to the 14th High School for Waterfolk. I'm Miura, the representative of Class 1, your partners in this joint class." Komori: "Wow! Mermaids!" zomi: "Quit staring." Miura: "Thanks for coming so far." Komori: "Man, they're all so hot..." Manami: "Not at all. Thank you for having us." Komori: "And their racks are huge!" zomi: "Where are you looking?!" Komoei: "Their boobs!" Mermaida: "Mountainfolk have such weird bodies." Mermaidb: "That one with the flat chest... Is she really a girl?" Miura: "All right, this way." zomi: "Merfolk kinda look more like upright snakes than fish." Hime: "Maybe they're treading water? If they swam normally, their textbooks would get wet." Miyako: "That's right. The water level's been lowered today, too. I'll show you how we really swim later, during our free period." Hime: "Hi!" Girl: "Hi." zomi: "Nice to meet you." Girl: "Yeah, same to you." Kyoko: "H—" Guy1: "So, what's your name?" Guy2: "Hey, wanna sneak out with me during free period?" Guy1: "I got to her first! I'll show you around town." Guy3: "Nah, you should come with me! We can go and—" Guy1: "You just tried to hit on that other girl earlier!" zomi: "Kyoko's a hit with the guys." Girl: "Faces like hers are uncommon around here." Manami: "You all certainly do have beautiful figures and large eyes." Miura: "Oh, not at all..." Manami: "They all look like this in paintings..." Komori: "Quit hanging on me." Guy: "It's your fault for being so huge!" Girl: "I love it! How cute!" Guy: "She's huge!" Manami: "I see." Girl: "But you'd be pretty popular yourself." zomi: "What's that supposed to mean?" Girl: "Hey, you're not actually a boy, are you?" zomi: "What?!" Girl: "Well, you look just like the protagonist of this book!" zomi: "I do not!" Girl: "Oh, really?" zomi: "Hey! What are you doing?!" Girl: "Aw, I'm sorry." Manami: "It's awfully noisy over there..." Teacher: "All right, let's begin class." Manami: "Hey!" Miura: "Quiet!" Manami: "I feel like... I've lost." Teacher: "Ahem. Now then, all of you from Shin Kanata High..." Kyoko: "You call that a good memory?" zomi: "Well, it's not often guys flock to you like that." Kyoko: "What was that?" Kyoko: "Not to mention, I almost ended up with heatstroke after that." zomi: "That place must be warm in winter, though, huh?" Kyoko: "Actually, I heard it's cold." zomi: "But aren't they naked all year round? How do they manage?" Kyoko: "They're built differently to people of other races. They do spend their whole lives in water, after all." Kyoko: "Man, we're talking about cold stuff again." Koma: "Oops... I'm sorry." Hime: "Oh, it's all right." Ruru: "You need to keep your eyes forward." Koma: "Right." zomi: "Merfolk still seem kinda overpowering to me." Hime: "Still, I sort of envy how he was carrying her like a princess." zomi: "Is your boyfriend a crane?" Hime: "I'm not that heavy!" Ruru: "I wish my fins were legs." Koma: "Don't say that." Koma: "Centaurs are able to support their upper bodies because they have strong ligaments. Waterfolk don't have that support." Koma: "What?" Ruru: "Is it because you're a guy?" Ruru: "Or because you're a STEM major?" end1: "Hey, it's Koma and Shizuura." end1: "You always have it rough, huh, Koma?" Koma: "No, I really don't..." Ruru: "That's right. He does this because he wants to!" end1: "Oh? Sounds like someone's showing off." end2: "Well, we don't want to interrupt. Let's get going." end1: "Why does Koma go through all that? Just because they've been friends since they were kids... And because she's a little pretty and has big boobs..." end2: "Hang on. Isn't that more than enough?" end2: "An old friend, pretty, big boobs..." Voice: "The Cyber Troll Company's latest walking assistance machine!" Doctor: "Climbs up and down stairs freely!" Doctor: "Even if you lose your balance..." Doctor: "It offers the perfect assist! Its high-efficiency balancer organs even make surfing possible!" Lady: "But, Doctor, some say that allotting most of the equal supplementary budget to merfolk is reverse discrimination." Doctor: "This is necessary in order to achieve perfect equality. That very effort is the progress Japan has made. In addition, this will lead to worldwide happiness!" Koma: "I'm back." Koma: "What're you watching?" Ruru: "A walking assistance machine for merfolk." Ruru: "I want one." Koma: "That's expensive!" Ruru: "No, I can get financial aid." Koma: "Uh... Er..."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 2 – Beauty Is A Double-Edged Sword | Water People Living in Water And Mountain People Living In Mountains Really Are Just T", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "2", "Beauty Is A Double-Edged Sword | Water People Living in Water And Mountain People Living In Mountains Really Are Just T" ] }
Shino: "Hime-neetan, I love-love you!" Shino: "Kiss!" Rino: "Himeno is certainly popular with girls." Midoriko: "What's wrong with that? It's better than getting into trouble with boys. Of course, since Hime-chan's so pretty, I'd think boys won't leave her alone, either. I'm always nagging Shino, so she must love how Hime-neetan spoils her." Rino: "Still, though... Shino-chan looks just like Himeno did when she was little." Midoriko: "Really? What a lucky break! Hey, Shino, you're gonna be a beauty when you grow up!" Midoriko: "Now, if she'd just take after her brains, too, it'd be perfect." Rino: "I don't know if that'd be for the best." Midoriko: "What are you talking about? If my daughter got into a national prep school like yours did, what more could I ask for?" Midoriko: "A national school would be a lifesaver for our budget!" Rino: "Is it that simple? If you do go to a good school... How could you buy all those books? We still have loans to pay off!" Rino: "It's best to let kids grow up worry-free, I think." Midoriko: "Only people who have that option can say that." Hime: "Want to go to my room? The hero returned to his homeland, where he drew up a constitution and lived a long, democratic lifestyle with the former princess and all the animals." Hime: "The end." Hime: "Are you too hot, Shino-chan?" Shino: "Nope, I'm not hot!" Hime: "You're awfully sweaty, though." Hime: "Why don't we go buy some ice cream?" Shino: "Let's go!" Rino: "See, short-selling is when you borrow shares, sell them, and then buy them back. The buy and sell rates—" Hime: "Aunt Midoriko— I mean, Sis!" Hime: "You'll be here for a while, right?" Midoriko: "Yeah, this will probably take another three hours." Hime: "Tama-chan... and your triplet sisters!" Manami: "Oh, Kimihara-san. I don't often see you outside of school." Chiho: "She has big boobies!" Hime: "Stop saying boobies!" Chi: "Boobies! Boobies! Boobies!" Manami: "Girls!" Hime: "It's been a while, Chiho-chan, Chinami-chan, and Chigusa-chan." Chiho: "Hello kiss!" Chiho: "Kiss!" Shino: "No!" Shino: "Hime-neetan is my onee-tan! I'm the only one who can kiss her!" Chiho: "Want to kiss our big sister?" Shino: "No." Shino: "Now, listen. You only kiss people you love-love." Chigusa: "But we love-love the big onee-chan." Shino: "It's different!" Shino: "Hime-neetan loves me most of all!" Chinami: "So you keep her all to yourself?" Chigusa: "That's not very nice." Chi: "Yeah!" Chiho: "Our big sister kisses all of us, and Sue-chan, too. Four times a day!" Chiho: "A good morning kiss..." Chiho: "A goodbye kiss..." Chiho: "A welcome home kiss..." Chiho: "And a goodnight kiss." Manami: "Wh-What's wrong with that?" Chinami: "Is the big onee-chan your friend, Nee-chan?" Manami: "Yes, she is." Chinami: "Does that mean you love-love her?" Manami: "Well, I suppose I don't hate her." Chinami: "Do you kiss the big onee-chan?" Manami: "I do not." Chinami: "Why not?" Manami: "Because. Girls don't kiss each other once they've grown up." Chigusa: "Really?" Hime: "It's true." Akechi: "Now, this is an unusual combination." Akechi: "Your kid sister, Princess?" Hime: "She's my cousin." Akechi: "And these are...? Wow, clone sisters?" Manami: "They're my sisters." Chi: "Hello!" Chigusa: "Are you Nee-chan's friends?" Akechi: "That's right." Chiho: "But since you're big, you don't kiss her, even though you love-love her?" Akechi: "Kiss?" Chiho: "Nee-chan said girls don't kiss once they grow up." Akechi: "That's not true at all. Watch!" Akechi: "There, see?" Manami: "Don't you, "There, see?" me! How could you do that in front of children?!" Akechi: "Don't be such a stiff. You're not some old-timey PTA hag." Manami: "Who are you calling a hag?!" Chi: "They kissed." Manami: "Forget that!" Hime: "Um..." Akechi: "See? Even when you're big, it's good to kiss someone you love." Chinami: "So Nee-chan is wrong?" Akechi: "Yep." Akechi: "But... a kiss on the mouth isn't for just anyone you love-love. That should be saved for just one special person." Chigusa: "Is that something you figure out when you grow up?" Akechi: "Yeah, that's right." Chi: "And pervy things, too?" Akechi: "Well... Yeah, I guess..." Akechi: "What? I explained it well. Oh, you can still kiss anyone you like on the cheek. Like this. Watch." Manami: "H-Hey!" Hime: "Wait, were we friends?" Akechi: "Aw, come on. We're besties!" Shino: "No! Hime-neetan only love-loves me!" Akechi: "Okay, I'll just kiss you, then." Manami: "That's enough." Inukai: "We're out of time." Akechi: "See ya later, kittens." Chi: "Bye-bye, pervy onee-chan!" Chigusa: "Want me to give you a kiss?" Shino: "No! I don't love-love you!" Shino: "Nee-nee!" Hime: "Why not?" Chigusa: "She ran away!" Chigusa: "Don't run away!" Shino: "Stop!" Hime: "U-Uh..." Manami: "Don't worry about it." Manami: "Playing around together will help them become friends." Shino: "No!" Chi: "Wait up! Wait up!" Manami: "What?" Hime: "You seem almost like a mom, Tama-chan." Manami: "I guess I'd have to agree with that." Manami: "So don't cause any trouble in class, all right?" Hime: "Uh..." Hime: "Aw, and these are your best clothes..." Manami: "Looking after small children makes you understand the struggles a mother endures." Hime: "Whoa, Tama-chan..." Shino: "Are you mad?" Hime: "No, I'm not mad." Shino: "Bye-bye!" Chi: "See ya!" Chinami: "I'll give you a kiss next time!" Rino: "Did you fall in a ditch or something?" Rino: "Weren't you going to the convenience store?" Himeno: "We ran into a girl from my class." Midoriko: "Were you making trouble again?" Hime: "Um, I'm very sorry." Midoriko: "Think nothing of it. She can be naughty for such a shy girl, huh?" Rino: "There's no warm bathwater drawn, but you can take a shower." Shino: "I'm gonna shower with Hime-neetan!" Hime: "Okay, lay your ears down. I'm rinsing you off now." Shino: "Am I smelly?" Hime: "No, you smell nice." Shino: "I'll wash you too, Hime-nee-tan!" Shino: "I'll rinse you off now." Hime: "Am I all clean now?" Shino: "Uh-huh!" Shino: "Hime-nee, do you..." Shino: "make milk?" Hime: "No, I can't say I do..." Shino: "Hey, Hime-neetan..." Shino: "I didn't really understand what the two girls who were kissing meant." Hime: "Well..." Hime: "I think you will when you're a little older." Shino: "When I have big boobies like yours?" Midoriko: "Sorry about that." Hime: "No problem." Hime: "Bye, Aunt Midoriko— I mean, Sis." Midoriko: "I've been thinking lately that I don't mind being called an aunt." Hime: "See you next time, Shino-chan." Midoriko: "If only you were a boy, Hime-chan..." Midoriko: "I don't think I could give Shino to a loli-yuri lover, though." Hime: "Um..." Voice: "Magical Girl Pretty Horn starts right after this!" Girl: "Dodgeball, dodgeball, dodgeball, dodgeball, dodgeball... Dodgeball." Girl: "That's all of them." Guy: "I guess this means we'll be playing dodgeball during every free period. The majority rules, y'know." Girl: "This time, at least." Girl: "But next time, we'll decide using a method that reflects the will of the minority, too." Guy: "What?!" Guy: "I won't accept that! To deny the majority is to deny democracy!" Girl: "Democratic space is distorting!" Girl: "Awaken, power of ethics! Guide us, law and logic!" Girl: "Grant the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people!" Girl: "Magical Girl Pretty Horn!" Tv: "Take this! Ostrakismos!" Chiho: "Raise your right arm." Tv: "Warped democracy won't work on me!" Chiho: "Raise your left arm. Don't lower your right arm." Tv: "Underwater dodgeball, eh? Now that's using your head." Chiho: "Raise your tail." Chiho: "Is your tail up, Sue-chan?" Tv: "Invention is the proof of mankind's progress!" Manami: "Hey, Chi-chans." Chinami: "Huh? Nee-chan, today's Sunday." Chigusa: "Are you still half-asleep?" Manami: "Who are you calling half-asleep?" Manami: "I'm going out, so you girls stay here and watch the house." Chi: "Aw!" Chinami: "But we made plans to go out and play, too!" Manami: "You know Sue-chan can't stay here by herself." Chiho: "We'll take Sue-chan with us!" Manami: "You can't. She's too weak. What if she gets a fever while she's out?" Chi: "Hmph! What are we supposed to do, then?" Manami: "I told you, you're staying here to watch the house." Chinami: "Why isn't Dad here, anyway?" Manami: "Dad is at work." Chiho: "But isn't his work painting pictures?" Chigusa: "He's not getting anywhere when he's away all the time." Manami: "Painting is work for his spirit. He has a different job for making money." Chi: "That logic doesn't make sense!" Manami: "Society doesn't understand it either, but that's how it works." Chigusa: "If he needs money, there's some in the offering box." Manami: "That money belongs to the gods." Chiho: "Isn't it a grown-up's duty to play with their kids on days off?" Manami: "I wish I could, but please do as I say for today." Chinami: "We're in kindergarten, you know! You shouldn't make kindergartners stay home alone!" Manami: "You three are small, but you're very trustworthy. And there are three of you." Chigusa: "Okay, fine." Chinami: "Have a good time." Manami: "Okay, I'm counting on you." Chinami: "We can at least invite a friend over, right?" Manami: "You can, but just play quietly." Manami: "This house is old." Chigusa: "Hi, Nacchan? It's Chigusa. Our sister is making us stay home while she goes out, so... Oh, can you? Yeah, come over!" Chiho: "A-chan? Uh-huh. Can you come?" Manami: "How many friends are you going to call?" Manami: "All right, keep an eye on things here." Manami: "Don't answer the door for anyone you don't know." Chiho: "We know." Chi: "Have a good time!" Manami: "Oh, club work?" Hime: "Yeah. You?" Manami: "Student council." Hime: "Good luck!" Manami: "What club is she in, again?" Kids: "Rock, paper, scissors!" enda: "Found you!" enda: "Wait up!" enda: "Sue-chan, are you okay? Chi-chan!" Chiho: "Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" Sue: "No. I want to play more." Chiho: "You can't. You need to rest." Sue: "I want to play with you..." Chiho: "This always happens when Sue-chan runs around a lot. Let's play inside." Manami: "It's 3:00. I believe we've discussed all there is to discuss, so I'd like to take a vote now." Guy: "Wait a second! There's still more to talk about!" Girl: "Yeah! We need to keep discussing this until everyone's in agreement!" Manami: "No, we decided in advance that if an agreement wasn't reached by 3:00, we would vote." Manami: "Now, is everyone ready?" Guy: "Isn't that being a bit too bureaucratic?" Girl: "You just want to go home, don't you?" Manami: "That's right. So what?" Girl: "You admit it?" Guy: "Hey, come on!" Manami: "Listen. I've already allowed this debate to carve into my private time, and I need to be home by 4:00" Manami: "to make dinner for my father and little sisters." Manami: "Anyone have a problem with that?" Manami: "Then let's vote." Girl: "Um, Mitama-san." Manami: "Yes? Can I help you?" Girl: "You know, I understand what you're trying to say, and I think you're right. But the student council isn't just a job. It's more like a club." Girl: "Debates are sort of like a page out of our youth..." Manami: "And?" Girl: "Maybe your sisters could put up with you being late for once?" Manami: "They can't." Manami: "My grandfather was passionate about some martial art. He was so stubborn that he never gave any thought to his family. When he fell into critical condition," Manami: "he called me by my mother's name and said... "Let's go home."" Manami: "Ever since then, I've put my family first." Manami: "Goodbye." Girl: "I think we'll need about thirty years more life experience before we can convince her. She's never going to get anywhere in the real world like that." Guy: "Like you've ever been in the real world." Girl: "Well, it's true! For their kids' sake, parents can't always come home!" Guy: "I guess no one can go up against Mitama-san." end: "Do you feel okay?" Sue: "Huh?" end: "Do you want to play house with me?" Manami: "They ended up inviting six friends, right?" Manami: "Oh, well. It sounds like they did stay in the house, at least." Manami: "I'm home." Manami: "Oh!" Sue: "Nee-nee!" Sue: "Welcome home!" Manami: "Thanks." Manami: "You were playing with Sue-chan? Thank you." Chiho: "Oh, Nee-chan, welcome home!" Manami: "I'm home... and you three made someone else look after Sue-chan!" Chiho: "We stayed home, didn't we?" Chigusa: "Hmph!" Chiho: "We're hungry. Get us something to eat." Manami: "Right, right. Bring everyone in." Chi: "Thanks. Here." Girl: "Thanks" Chiho: "Huh?" Manami: "What's wrong?" Chiho: "Nothing." Manami: "Be careful getting home." All: "Bye-bye!" Dad: "I'm home." Chiho: "It's Dad!" All: "Welcome home!" Dad: "Have you been good girls?" Chiho: "Uh-huh! We stayed here and watched the house! But something weird happened." Chiho: "We brought six friends over to play. There were six playing detective tag with us, but one more was playing house with Sue-chan." Chiho: "Six plus one can't equal six, right?" Manami: "Didn't someone just show up late?" Chiho: "No, nobody came that we didn't invite, and nobody left early." Dad: "Maybe a zashiki warashi found her way into the group." Chi: "Zashiki warashi?" Dad: "It's a supernatural being that takes a child's form." Chinami: "Supernatural? Like a ghost?" Dad: "It's a nice ghost. There's no reason to be scared. They bring good fortune." Chigusa: "Still... a ghost?" Manami: "You had fun playing, didn't you?" Chiho: "Yeah..."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 3 – Where Do the Little Ones Get So Much Vitality? | Regardless of the Generation, Magical Girls Are Popular, Huh?", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "3", "Where Do the Little Ones Get So Much Vitality? | Regardless of the Generation, Magical Girls Are Popular, Huh?" ] }
Guy: "Excuse me..." Hime: "Yes?" Guy: "P-Please read this." Guy: "I fell in love with you at first sight." Voice: "Furukanata. Furukanata. The doors on the left side will open." zomi: "She bolted?!" Kyoko: "No way!" zomi: "Hime!" Kyoko: "Wait!" Voice: "The 8:00 AM local train bound for Satose will be closing its doors momentarily." zomi: "Why'd you run away?" Hime: "Uh..." zomi: "Come on." Hime: "Uh..." zomi: "Seriously, why'd you run away without saying anything?" Hime: "Uh..." zomi: "Come on! Why can't you tell me?!" Manami: "Oh, good morning." zomi: "Hey! Why didn't you take his letter?" Hime: "Well, I mean..." Hime: "I couldn't accept it." zomi: "Tell me why!" Hime: "I can't say it..." zomi: "Come on, answer me." Hime: "Uh..." Hime: "I'm too embarrassed." zomi: "So..." zomi: "Why'd you run away?" Kyoko: "You're at home now, so no one else is listening." Kyoko: "Can't you tell us now?" zomi: "That's right." zomi: "He didn't seem like such a weird guy. Did his bald head bug you?" Kyoko: "No, he wasn't bald. He had a buzzcut." Kyoko: "He seemed like a guy who's into sports, though." zomi: "Really? I bet he smells sweaty, then!" Kyoko: "He seemed pretty pleasant to me." zomi: "You think so?" Kyoko: "I didn't see any reason to run away, in any case." Hime: "You're right, but..." zomi: "Then why?" Hime: "Well, I'm... scared." Kyoko: "Of boys?" zomi: "Wait, were you always like that?" zomi: "You talk to Komori and Nekomi, though." Hime: "Talking to them normally isn't a problem, but..." Hime: "Well..." Kyoko: "What?" Hime: "I mean..." zomi: "Wait, is it going out with a guy that scares you?" Kyoko: "So... what is it you're afraid of?" zomi: "I know! Sexual stuff, right?" Kyoko: "What, that?" Kyoko: "Wait, really?" Kyoko: "No, that's not it." Kyoko: "Hime's not that type." Kyoko: "So... it's what comes after that?" Kyoko: "Is it getting pregnant?" Kyoko: "They say being a hybrid of differently-shaped species makes childbirth tough for centaurs." zomi: "We had a lesson about that once..." Kyoko: "Well, that's why the government offers a guarantee to folks like that." zomi: "What are you, a government bulletin?" Kyoko: "Is that why?" Kyoko: "What? It's not?" zomi: "Then what are you afraid of?" Hime: "Well..." Hime: "When I was in kindergarten..." Brat: "Does yours look like that, too?" Hime: "No! That's a cow!" Brat: "Will your boobs get huge, too?" Kyoko: "Um..." Kyoko: "So... are you saying you're worried that yours is gross, too?" zomi: "Well, he was right about your boobs." Kyoko: "You idiot!" Kyoko: "Have you ever looked at yourself?" Hime: "I'm afraid to." zomi: "That doesn't give us much to go on..." Kyoko: "Guys don't even worry about that kind of thing, anyway." Kyoko: "Especially when you're not even dating yet." Hime: "But..." Hime: "With a complex like this, I can't date anyone." zomi: "Maybe not, but..." Kyoko: "Have you ever seen anyone else's, then?" Kyoko: "Even at the pool or a public bath?" Hime: "I don't want anyone to see mine, either, so since I can't hide it..." Kyoko: "I see..." Hime: "Everyone else covers themselves when they change, you know?" zomi: "Good point." Kyoko: "Of course, I asked that, but I've never seen anyone else's, either." zomi: "Yeah, same." Kyoko: "Still, this is a problem that won't go away unless you compare your own to someone else's." Hime: "And that's what I'm afraid of!" zomi: "Okay, I got it." zomi: "I'll show you." Hime: "Um... Show me what?" zomi: "I'll show you mine." zomi: "Me and Kyoko." Kyoko: "Me, too?! I don't want to!" zomi: "Why?" Kyoko: "Why?!" zomi: "We're her friends, right?" Kyoko: "That has nothing to do with it!" zomi: "Okay, Hime, you can look at mine, and we'll check yours for you." zomi: "Then you can rest easy, right?" zomi: "Your breath is tickling me..." Hime: "It's prettier than a cow's." Kyoko: "Well, I'd hope so. It's unused." zomi: "Hey!" zomi: "Now... You're next, Kyoko." Kyoko: "F-Forget it!" zomi: "I don't think so!" zomi: "Oh, it's hairier than I expected." Kyoko: "Stop looking!" zomi: "Sorry... But now we're even." zomi: "And now..." zomi: "It's finally Hime's turn." zomi: "Now, then!" zomi: "Sorry... How do you get this off?" zomi: "Oh, you've come back to life." zomi: "It's pretty!" Kyoko: "Sort of... youthful." Hime: "Okay, isn't that long enough?" zomi: "Hime, you can't see it yourself, right?" zomi: "So I'll take a picture. Say cheese—" Hime: "Don't! I'll take your word for it!" Hime: "Hey!" zomi: "You're totally okay." zomi: "Feel better now?" Hime: "Yeah." zomi: "Huh?" zomi: "Come on, Kyoko..." zomi: "I'm sorry, okay? But Hime feels better now, so what's the problem? It didn't hurt anything. Come on, don't make that face!" Guy: "Um..." Voice: "Furukanata. Furukanata." Voice: "The doors are now opening." Hime: "I'm sorry!" zomi: "Huh?!" Kyoko: "Again?!" zomi: "Hime!" Kyoko: "Wait!" Voice: "The doors are now closing." zomi: "Why'd you turn him down?" Kyoko: "And why'd you run away again?" Hime: "Because... His letter said stuff like, "Your breasts are so big and beautiful."" zomi: "So it comes down to that, huh?" Kyoko: "That's all boys think about." Kyoko: "So the product here is..." Kyoko: "And that one is..." zomi: "I just don't get it!" Kyoko: "Come on, Nozomi!" Kyoko: "It hasn't even been half an hour!" Kyoko: "Hey! Don't start reading manga!" Kyoko: "Come on, Nozomi!" Kyoko: "Listen..." Kyoko: "Do you understand why we're having a study party on a Sunday?" Kyoko: "You're in trouble if you get another failing score on your next test." zomi: "Yeah, but still..." Hime: "That tickles!" zomi: "I can't memorize all these formulas!" Kyoko: "Just thinking about it like that is a problem." Kyoko: "This is still math, you know." Kyoko: "It's not a bunch of puzzles. Memorizing formulas is all you can do." Kyoko: "There's a right way to think about it, so you need to understand that. That way, even if you forget the formula, you can find the answer." zomi: "Look, my whole problem is that I can't do that!" Kyoko: "I'm trying to help because you're in dire straits here." Kyoko: "Hime, put her in a pinion hold, so she can't run!" Hime: "R-Right!" Hime: "Is this how you do a pinion hold?" zomi: "No, it's not!" Kyoko: "It doesn't matter!" Kyoko: "Are you ready?!" zomi: "Sure..." Kyoko: "I'm about to drill math, English, science, physics, and classic literature into your bones!" Hime: "Nozomi-chan, open up." Hime: "Like it?" zomi: "It's sweet..." Kyoko: "Keep that sugar level up." Kyoko: "The brain uses more energy than any other organ, after all." Kyoko: "You'll never be ready for the test in time at this pace, though..." zomi: "Are you a demon?! Just so you know, that chocolate you're eating is mine!" Kyoko: "You got it from a kid at the dojo, didn't you?" zomi: "Something wrong with that?!" Kyoko: "Nope. It's delicious." Kyoko: "Okay, now that we've replenished our nutrients, it's time for round two." zomi: "That's enough already. It's not like I'll ever use math if I don't want to be a doctor or something." Kyoko: "You might have to." zomi: "Aren't there more important things I'll need?" Kyoko: "Important things? You mean like using Hime's legs as a pillow?" Kyoko: "Don't sulk! Listen. People say it's useless if all you're good at is studying, but being able to study at a school level is expected. It just means you need to be able to go a step further, too." Kyoko: "Or so my father said." Hime: "That's pretty tough..." Kyoko: "Well, in all honesty, I don't get it, either. But being able to do it beats not being able to, right?" zomi: "My dad said all you need is good looks and a smooth tongue." Hime: "Wait, doesn't your dad practice karate?" Kyoko: "So you'd better study, then. Your tongue's as sharp as they come." Hime: "She's sulking again." Kyoko: "There's no helping this girl..." Hime: "You know, Nozomi-chan..." Hime: "Aren't you worried that you might flunk out at this rate? If that happens, we'll be in different grades. I'd hate it if we couldn't hang out with you anymore." Hime: "I want to go on field trips and stuff with you." Hime: "They'd be lonely without you around." zomi: "I guess I have no choice, then. I'll do it!" Kyoko: "This is for your sake, you know." Hime: "Hang in there, Nozomi-chan!" Kyoko: "Snap to it!" zomi: "L-Look!" Kyoko: "What?" zomi: "Uh... There was a UFO..." Kyoko: "Look, Nozomi..." zomi: "It's true!" Kyoko: "I'm sure it was something else you saw." zomi: "No, seriously! It was in plain sight!" Hime: "Kyo-chan, if UFOs really exist, what do you think they are?" Kyoko: "People say they're alien ships, survivors of the Third Reich, or vehicles used by Antarctican snake people," Kyoko: "but I don't know... If they're secret weapons, their development would demand vast facilities, personnel, and money, so it couldn't be some refugee organization." Kyoko: "If it were aliens, surely they'd have made contact with us by now." Hime: "Then what about the Antarcticans?" Kyoko: "I'm not sure... Nothing is known about the level of their technology, so I think everyone has their illusions about them." Kyoko: "I mean, they look like reptiles, but they live in Antarctica. I do believe they have technology that the rest of us don't know about. Still, if they had the immense chemical technology needed to build UFOs, they probably wouldn't be at odds with America." Kyoko: "Did you know this? When snake people go to other lands, they travel in a craft chartered by the Aztec Nations." Hime: "Wow... Don't they have airplanes or anything?" Hime: "Oh! Didn't the Aztecs have some kind of snake deity?" Kyoko: "Right, Quetzalcoatl. They say he drove away invaders, but apparently, he really only served as a symbol of unity." Kyoko: "Probably didn't have super scientific power." Hime: "Here, drink this." Hime: "Let's take a breather and then get back to concentrating." zomi: "You don't believe me either, do you?" Hime: "Well, I didn't see it, so..." Hime: "But aliens do exist!" zomi: "That's not really the point, though..." Kyoko: "Okay, next up is potential energy." zomi: "Sure, sure." Hime: "What's wrong, Nozomi-chan? You keep looking at the sky." zomi: "I dunno..." Kyoko: "Looking for a UFO?" Hime: "See any?" zomi: "Nope." Hime: "Sure is a nice day." zomi: "Yeah." Voice: "Furukanata. Furukanata." Kyoko: "Oh, we're here." zomi: "Isn't anything exciting ever gonna happen?" Kyoko: "Nozomi, stop looking up while you walk. It's dangerous." Kyoko: "Really? Jeez, be more careful." Kyoko: "You know, I think..." Kyoko: "today just might turn out to be a little unusual." Hime: "What makes you say that?" Kyoko: "Keep your head still, and check out who's walking around other than students." Kyoko: "Notice the swelling on his chest?" Kyoko: "He's a public safety official in street clothes." Hime: "Huh? It is?" Kyoko: "Not so loud!" Kyoko: "Stop glancing around!" Hime: "But why..." Kyoko: "Is that minister in town again?" Kyoko: "The alumnus from our school?" zomi: "Wasn't he just forced to resign because of a verbal slip?" Kyoko: "Maybe it's radical terrorism!" Kyoko: "Security's awfully tight though, even for that." zomi: "It couldn't be a UFO, surely..." zomi: "Oh, Shigetoki-niichan!" Shige: "Milady?" zomi: "Hey, what's going on?" zomi: "Come on, don't be stingy!" Shige: "You'll find out soon." Akechi: "Did you see those people outside?" Kei: "Yeah!" Inukai: "I wonder what they're here for..." Hime: "Huh?" zomi: "A new desk..." Hime: "Is a new student transferring in?" Kyoko: "It might have something to do with the security out front." Kyoko: "You don't suppose it's royalty? Maybe not..." zomi: "Well, there's no question that some VIP kid is coming here..." Kyoko: "But this is just an ordinary public high school." zomi: "Nothing ordinary about that security, though!" Akechi: "Then who do you think the new kid is?" Inukai: "Foreign exchange student, maybe?" Kei: "I hope it's a girl!" zomi: "Does it matter which it is?" Teacher: "I'll introduce our new student." Teacher: "This is Quetzalcoatl Sassassul-san, from Antarctica." Suu: "I've come here from Antarctica to study with all of you." Suu: "It's a pleasure to meet you." Teacher: "I know you all have questions, so we'll save them for later." Teacher: "Now, Quetzalcoatl-san, please have a seat at that desk." Suu: "Yes, ma'am."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 4 – Why Are We So Bewildered When We Receive a Love Letter? | You Can Tell What Type a Person Is by Whether They Believe in", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "4", "Why Are We So Bewildered When We Receive a Love Letter? | You Can Tell What Type a Person Is by Whether They Believe in" ] }
Text: "" Teacher: "This is Quetzalcoatl Sassassul-san, from Antarctica." Teacher: "You'll sit next to Kimihara-san." Teacher: "Kimihara-san, as her neighbor, show her the ropes, okay?" Suu: "Nice to meet you." Hime: "Y-Yeah... You, too." Teacher: "Now, let's start class. Stand." Teacher: "Bow." Suu: "I'm sorry!" Kyoko: "No problem." Teacher: "Take your seats." Teacher: "Focus on the lesson, everyone." Hime: ""I wish to drink it, but a mounted pipa player urges me on." A classic poem..." Hime: "Chinese, at that. Would she know that?" Teacher: "Kimihara-san!" Shige: "What happened?!" zomi: "Hime was startled." zomi: "Hey, you're awake?" Kyoko: "Are you okay?" zomi: "She's not in here." Hime: "Whew..." Kyoko: "Don't "whew" us. I mean, sure, she's scary, but..." zomi: "If you faint at every little thing, you won't be able to come to school." Kyoko: "That, too, but it could also be interpreted as discrimination." Hime: "Oh, no! Discrimination has nothing to do with it!" Hime: "It's just... snake people..." Kyoko: "They bother you? Better not let anyone else hear you say that. You're asking for trouble." Hime: "Yeah..." zomi: "Why do they bother you, anyway?" Hime: "Remember that movie, The Fear of Antarctica?" Kyoko: "Which one? The old one or the remake?" Hime: "The one that's in color. We watched it at home when I was little, and..." Lady: "Who's there?!" zomi: "I get it." Kyoko: "The one where the centaur heroine gets swallowed, huh? Then it spits up her skin and disguises itself as her." zomi: "They show that on TV sometimes. I kinda like it." Kyoko: "It's a movie that gets referenced a lot these days." zomi: "That whole thing is so far-fetched, though." Kyoko: "It worked fine in the novel it was based on, but the rough edges stand out a lot in the film version." zomi: "The part where it spit up her skeleton was realistic, though." Kyoko: "Realistic in a sort of fake way." Hime: "The production quality doesn't matter! The point is, they've scared me ever since I saw that as a kid. What should I do?" zomi: "You're asking us?" Kyoko: "You have a problem with snake people because of a movie, right? Then maybe you should watch it again and overcome your trauma?" Hime: "Huh? I couldn't..." zomi: "That'll just make her even more scared." Kyoko: "No, no. I get that it might've been scary to the baby princess, but the film itself just an old B movie." Kyoko: "One that's a little... you know. If you watch it now, you'll think, "Wow, that's all it is?"" Kyoko: "And your trauma will be gone!" zomi: "You really think so?" Kyoko: "You have nothing to lose, right?" Hime: "By the way, did you guys carry me in here?" Kyoko: "Do I look like a professional wrestler or weightlifter to you?" Hime: "Jeez..." Shige: "May I come in?" Hime: "Yes." Shige: "How are you feeling?" Hime: "I'm all right now, thank you." Kyoko: "Shigetoki-san carried you here." Kyoko: "Komori and Nekomi helped, too." Hime: "Thank you very much." Shige: "No trouble at all." Suu: "Um... It seems I scared you." Hime: "Oh, no, not at all..." Suu: "I was trying to smile, but I didn't do a very good job." zomi: "Really? What'd it look like? Let's see." zomi: "Yeah, that definitely packs a punch..." Suu: "Maybe I can never fit in with all of you, after all..." zomi: "H-Hey, come on... The thing with Hime is, there's this movie..." Suu: "A movie?" ekomi: "Man, Kimihara sure is heavy." Komori: "But... she felt really soft." zomi: "So, um... that's the story." zomi: "It's a terrible movie, really." Suu: "I see. So a thing like that exists." Kyoko: "Now look!" zomi: "Yeah, but..." Suu: "It sounds highly interesting." Shige: "I'm not allowed to enter the classroom, so I'll leave you here." zomi: "Okay, got it." zomi: "Yo!" Pres: "It's unusual for you guys to come in here yourselves." zomi: "We cleaned the aquarium before, didn't we, Shrimp-senpai?" Pres: "Who are you calling a shrimp?" Suu: "Hello. I'll be joining you." Pres: "H-Hello..." Vice: "Oh, wow! It's an Antarctican!" Suu: "Pleased to meet you." zomi: "We can talk later. Vice Prez, you have a lot of videos stored here, right?" zomi: "Found it!" zomi: "Well, let's watch it!" Hime: "Huh?!" zomi: "What?" Hime: "I'm not ready for this..." zomi: "I'm putting it on." Kyoko: "No closing your eyes." Hime: "But..." Pres: "Is this okay?" Vice: "I just hope she doesn't get mad." Guy: "Alyssa, what's wrong?!" zomi: "Eyes on the screen." Guy: "You aren't Alyssa!" Guy: "Who have you turned into this time?!" Guy: "Let's check your blood!" Both: "S-Sorry!" Kyoko: "What did you think?" Hime: "It was still scary!" Suu: "It was scary. Humans certainly are incredible. To come up with a terrifying monster like that..." Hime: "It ate people... Do you..." Suu: "No, no, don't be silly!" Suu: "Please don't see me in the same light as a monster in a movie. We don't even have venomous fangs. Unlike mammals that chew food, our jaws aren't strong at all. Even if one of us did bite you, it would feel like a kitten biting you." Suu: "Of course, we can't kill by constricting like snakes do, either. And we don't have expanding rib cages, so we can't swallow things whole." Suu: "I can't even entertain the thought of eating someone I can speak with like this." Suu: "But if I'm seen as a monster like this one..." Kyoko: "Well, there's nothing worse than that, for sure." Pres: "Are you going to sue them or anything?" Suu: "No." Suu: "I came here to put an end to misunderstandings like this, after all." Suu: "I would be honored if you would be my friends." Kyoko: "Oh, it's nothing..." Hime: "We'd be happy to be your friends." zomi: "Hey, Hime!" Kyoko: "Hime!" Pres: "Wha—" Vice: "Princess!" uji: "Quetzalcoatl-san." Suu: "Yes?" uji: "I'd like to ask you a question. May I?" Suu: "Sure." Girl: "I would, too!" Guy: "Me, too!" Manami: "Okay, okay. Everyone in order." Guy: "You're taking charge again?" uji: "Well, can I go first, then?" uji: "Quetzalcoatl-san, you're a reptile... or rather, not a warm-blooded creature, right?" uji: "How do you live in Antarctica, where it's so cold?" Suu: "Good question." Suu: "There are two things you're mistaken about." Suu: "First, we are warm-blooded creatures." Suu: "We're more like birds than primitive reptiles such as snakes. Also, although we're commonly referred to as "snake people," that's only a vernacular term based on our appearance. Our actual link to snakes is believed to be quite tenuous. In the first place, if I didn't have the ability to maintain a stable supply of energy to my brain, like other warm-blooded creatures," Suu: "I wouldn't be able to talk to you all like this." Suu: "The brain consumes a lot of energy, after all." Suu: "Second, not all of Antarctica is buried under ice and snow. Also, I grew up in an environment where it's expected that we'd have heating, so I don't fare well in the cold." Akira: "My turn next." Akira: "Is it true that Antarcticans have controlled humanity from the shadows since ancient times?" Suu: "Well... Legends say that if you trace our civilization back several millennia, our ancestors, who still crawled on the ground, built underground cities all around the world. It's unknown whether that's true, though. But all the things written in so-called "occult books" are basically groundless. Our contact with humans began relatively recently, and it has been very limited. We differ on a spiritual level, for starters, so it's difficult for us to comprehend humans, much less control them." Suu: "We are not omnipotent." Akira: "Is it true that your kind ruled the Aztecs?" Suu: "As it happened, we did contribute some knowledge and technology to their civilization, but the rule was that we could not interfere in government affairs. Humans and Antarcticans had minimal involvement with each other." Akira: "But humans are trying to get involved with you now?" Suu: "Well, yes." Suu: "In the past, the very existence of Antarctica was unknown." Suu: "But now, it's easy to travel there in airplanes and boats." de: "But why'd you come to this school?" Suu: "Because it's in a college town with an environment replicating the one I'm used to, and I felt I could expect to find people of intelligence and understanding who wouldn't greatly exceed a normal range." Manami: "In other words, because we're slightly above average?" Suu: "Also, it's neither hot nor cold in extremes." Inukai: "The wind gets pretty cold here in winter." Akechi: "And it's hot in summer." Katsura: "So, pedantic questions aside... Quetzalcoatl-san, do you have a boyfriend?" Suu: "No." Katsura: "I see! Just like me, then!" Katsura: "What type of guys do you like?" Suu: "That's a difficult question. Only our queen can lay eggs," Suu: "and most of our common citizens and warriors are female." Katsura: "Oh. I see." Suu: "So I shouldn't really have romantic feelings..." Akechi: "Shouldn't? Does that mean you do?" Suu: "We do feel specialized emotions of favor toward certain individuals." Suu: "These things are hard to explain, though..." Suu: "I'm not sure whether it's equivalent to friendship or romantic interest in humans. I believe that, while we are fairly proficient in the natural sciences, our understanding of ourselves is less than that of humans. And our lack of knowledge about ourselves is something we learned from humans." Omaki: "This is starting to sound pedantic again..." Guy: "Okay, next question..." Girl: "I'm next!" Manami: "All right, time's up." Kojima: "Aw, I wanted to ask her what she eats." Manami: "You'll find that out at lunchtime." uji: "But we still don't know anything about her at all!" Manami: "You'll learn more in time." Manami: "All right, back to your seats!" Tv: "Now is the time to bring victory to our nation!" Tv: "If you have pale skin, this is for you!" Tv: "Magical Girl Pretty Horn!" Tv: "Kazuko-san!" Tv: "No... In the case of an American research ship being sunk in Antarctic waters, the US government has evacuated Antarctica. However, the government of Antarctica remains silent. Other nations have expressed dismay in response to this incident, but are resigned to watching and waiting to see what both nations do next." Tv: "Next in the news..." zomi: "What's that about?" Hime: "Morning, Suu-chan!" Suu: "Oh... Good morning." zomi: "So what's with that thing on your head?" Kyoko: "Is it Antarctican fashion?" Suu: "Ah, no... It's, um..." Suu: "The news..." Kyoko: "Hm? What? Oh, the thing about the American ship that was sunk?" Kyoko: "And?" Suu: "I felt it would be best to avoid drawing attention to myself, if at all possible." zomi: "Avoid drawing attention?!" zomi: "Lower your head." zomi: "How are you avoiding attention?" Kyoko: "Idiot! Don't do that!" Suu: "It's all right. A little overreaction like this is no big deal." Kyoko: "It doesn't look that way to me..." Suu: "More importantly, was that what you call a "retort"?" Kyoko: "Uh, that's not more important..." zomi: "Look, you're not some burglar who needs a mask." Suu: "I felt I should at least try..." Kyoko: "Yeah, no. First of all, no one can hurt you right now." Kyoko: "Also, it was an American ship, so we should be fine here." Suu: "Do you think that's true? They were still humans." Hime: "Well, yeah..." Hime: "Anyway, Suu-chan, you always wear clothes like that, huh?" Suu: "I do wear a different one each day... Does it smell?" Hime: "That's not what I meant!" zomi: "Come to think of it, you guys are always dressed that way on TV, too." Suu: "Apparently, its origins lie in human monk garments. By the way, the hems are short in following with advice I received from the lady ambassador, who is also my language teacher." Hime: "It does look very girlish!" zomi: "Teacher? So you learn a language by studying it? Not through sleep-learning or something?" Suu: "Of course. Memory works in essentially the same way for all animal species, including insects. My teacher taught me everything from mannerisms to general knowledge, all with great passion." zomi: "You've had it rough, huh?" Suu: "Oh, no. I've had so much help, I couldn't feel more guilty." Kyoko: "Are you required to dress like that?" Suu: "No, not at all." Hime: "Then would you like to come look at clothes with us?" zomi: "You look surprisingly good in girly clothes." Hime: "Why don't you try some on, Nozomi-chan?" zomi: "Me?!" Kyoko: "You look like a boy in drag!" Hime: "It's fine! If we just comb your hair out..." Hime: "You both look so handsome!" Suu: "I think it's a bit too open in the seat, though..." Lady1: "That one's meant for trying on, so the tail opening is one-size-fits-all. If you buy it, we'll alter it to fit you perfectly." Lady2: "Hang on! I've never altered anything for a snake person before!" Lady1: "If you refuse, you'll be sent to a correctional clinic. If you can't do it, just get the owner." Hime: "What do you think?" Suu: "It's cold and delicious." Suu: "Still..." Suu: "Everyone is being so kind, even after that terrible incident." zomi: "Well, it's not like that was your fault." Kyoko: "They don't even have proof Antarctica's government did it, right?" Suu: "That's true. We are capable of protecting ourselves from beasts and belligerent peoples—" Suu: "I'm sorry. I can't say any more than that." Kyoko: "Uh, I don't think you need to." zomi: "A-hup." zomi: "Well, anyone up for a movie?" Kyoko: "One of your choosing?" zomi: "What? It's a really popular one! I'm sure it'll be good!" Hime: "I don't want to see anything violent..." zomi: "You're not supposed to think about that. Just enjoy it." zomi: "See? That was pretty good, right?" Suu: "It certainly made me think." zomi: "Huh? It's just meant to entertain. There's nothing to think about." Suu: "I hope to deepen my understanding enough to think the same way someday." Kyoko: "Why? For work?" Suu: "Normal Antarcticans would see it as their duty." Suu: "But I'm not normal, and I think..." Suu: "that's why I'm here."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 5 – Antarcticans Are Like Walking Rumors. | But In the End, The Antarcticans' History and Roots Are a Mystery, Too.", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "5", "Antarcticans Are Like Walking Rumors. | But In the End, The Antarcticans' History and Roots Are a Mystery, Too." ] }
Rino: "Himeno!" Rino: "Himeno! Get out of bed already!" Rino: "You're going to break the house!" Hime: "Morning, Mom and Dad." Souta: "Well, good morning." Rino: "Go wash your face." Hime: "Okay." Souta: "Hey, Himeno, you're still not done?" Hime: "No!" Rino: "Just finish up already!" Hime: "Dad, aren't you done yet?" Rino: "What now?" Hime: "Come on!" Souta: "I'm... working on a big one right now..." Hime: "I don't need commentary!" Rino: "You're going to be late. Why don't you finish up at school?" Hime: "I can't!" Rino: "Don't schools these days accommodate all body types?" Hime: "But it's still cramped." Hime: "And there's no steppy-step at school." Rino: "You don't need that anymore!" Hime: "It just doesn't feel right without it!" Hime: "I'm going!" Rino: "Have a good day!" Rino: "Watch out for cars!" Rino: "Honestly, she may be bigger, but she's still a child." zomi: "It's really gotten longer." Hime: "My hair?" zomi: "Yeah." Hime: "I've been thinking about getting it cut, but it's sorta hard." Kyoko: "You feel like it'd go to waste?" Hime: "No, the salon is pricey. And I can't bring myself to ask for another allowance..." Hime: "Plus, beauticians never seem too happy to work on a centaur." Hime: "I guess we're a bit of a challenge for them." Kyoko: "Oh, I can see that. Especially if the beautician isn't the same body type as you." Kyoko: "Trying to comb around my horns is annoying even for me." zomi: "Well, that's aggravating. That's their job, isn't it?" Kyoko: "It must be nice to have your mom cut your hair for you." Kyoko: "Anyway, you're a girl. You should be a little more attentive to your looks." zomi: "Oh, who cares?" Hime: "Why don't you try growing your hair long, Nozomi-chan?" zomi: "I can't be bothered. Long hair is a hassle. I like it better short." Akechi: "What're you talking about? Hairstyles?" Hime: "Uh, yeah..." Akechi: "I see. All right, then..." Akechi: "We will now begin the meeting to decide Hime-chan's new hairstyle!" Hime: "Huh?" zomi: "Well... I think you should get it cut short. It's easier." Kyoko: "Well, that's true..." Akechi: "No way! That wouldn't suit our princess at all. Hime-chan needs a more gorgeous, baroque, rococo style. She has such strong facial features, and she's big in various ways..." Akechi: "You should actually accentuate all that more!" Kyoko: "Ringlet curls, huh?" zomi: "That'd be tough to maintain." Kyoko: "Nobles didn't wash their hair, did they? And they wore huge wigs." Akechi: "Why not? You could try cosplaying while you're at it! You pose for that sort of magazine, don't you?" Hime: "Please just forget about the magazine..." Inukai: "But it might look good if you just straighten it out, too." Akechi: "Oh, yeah, that could work! Then you can play it cool with a standoffish look in your eyes!" Kyoko: "Who the heck is this?" Kyoko: "So what did you have in mind, Hime?" Hime: "Well, I was thinking of getting it cut to shoulder-length. It's a hassle when it's long because I keep stepping on it," Hime: "but I wore it short before, and people didn't like it." Kyoko: "Really? Who didn't like it?" Hime: "W-Well, like... Shino-chan, for example. That's my little cousin." Hime: "What do you think of my new haircut?" Shino: "Nee-tan, did you quit being a princess?" Shino: "I liked you better as a princess." Hime: "Huh?" All: "Really?" Hime: "Yes, really!" Manami: "I get that, though." zomi: "Oh, Class President." Manami: "My younger sisters said similar things to me, too." Akechi: "The class president wouldn't look bad with short hair..." zomi: "Your halo is just hair, right? Can't you cut it?" Manami: "Intentionally cutting a hair halo constitutes discrimination." Manami: "It's viewed as the rejection of a specific race. Of course, if you're born without one or have it accidentally cut, the hospital or salon will give you a certificate specifying so," Manami: "but that just makes things difficult. Also, it looks dumb while it's growing back." zomi: "Sounds like a lot of trouble." Kyoko: "You've got it easier than anyone here." Hime: "We both have it rough!" Manami: "True." zomi: "By the way, do you get your tail cut, too?" Hime: "It sheds hair on its own when it reaches a certain length. But some people get pretty fancy with them." Suu: "Something you can only do with a shaggy tail, huh?" Hime: "Don't look at it so much!" zomi: "Why not?" Hime: "Mom put bell peppers in it again." Kyoko: "What are you, a kid?" Kyoko: "I'm not your dad, you know. Eat them yourself. If you don't, you'll never grow up mentally." Hime: "My mom told me that, too." zomi: "Still..." zomi: "I can't believe that's enough food for someone your size." Hime: "Y-Yeah..." Suu: "You're a light eater, I see." Kyoko: "What about you, Sassu-Sassu? Do you eat anything?" Suu: "I've made my stomach and intestines adjust to human society, so I can eat most things. But my body is designed in such a way that I can't chew," Suu: "so I can't eat anything I can't swallow." Kyoko: "Huh..." Suu: "Himeno-san, you're not going to eat?" Hime: "It's not that... I just..." zomi: "You're on a diet, right?" Suu: "A diet?" Hime: "Um..." Suu: "Is that true?" Kyoko: "Oh, a diet, huh?" Hime: "Th-That's, um..." Manami: "Kimihara-san." Manami: "Students aren't allowed to bring outside snacks to eat." Hime: "U-Um..." Hime: "This is the dessert that was in my lunch box!" Manami: "Those determined eyebrows won't convince me. I won't take it away since I'm not a teacher," Manami: "but if you're that hungry, have your mom pack more lunch for you." Hime: "I'm sorry, Tama-chan." Kyoko: "Sorry, Hime." Manami: "Honestly..." zomi: "The class president's like a mom, huh?" Suu: "A "mom"? What is that?" Kyoko: "I know you've heard this before," Kyoko: "but it's rare to see a Japanese centaur with red hair." Hime: "I know." Hime: "That made middle school a rough time for me. My conduct teacher suspected that I dyed it, and he wouldn't believe me." zomi: "Isn't that discrimination?" Hime: "Yeah, he ended up getting arrested." zomi: "Is it because you're half-Japanese?" Hime: "No." Hime: "That's just how my mom's family has looked for generations." zomi: "Huh..." Hime: "There's this story..." Suu: "A story?" Hime: "Sort of a biography... but it's almost like a legend." Suu: "I would love to hear it." Hime: "Well... My ancestor was a princess who was kidnapped by a southern barbarian," Hime: "and her siblings pursued them in hopes of saving her." Hime: "They traveled from Southern Europe to Northern Europe, even to Anatolia, looking for her." Hime: "Eventually, they found their sister and returned to Japan..." Hime: "But from then on, all generations of her descendants had red-haired babies." zomi: "So it does come from being half-Japanese." Kyoko: "The raid on the southern barbarians is a pretty famous story. Wait, Hime, do you come from a distinguished family?" Hime: "My mom's dad was just an ordinary businessman, though." Kyoko: "You don't have historical documents or anything?" Hime: "I'm not sure... Our house was built for sale in a new residential area." Kyoko: "Well, it's been handed down pretty widely as a biography." Suu: "That's amazing." Kyoko: "In search of the kidnapped princess, for the sole purpose of bringing her home," Kyoko: "the raiders launched attacks all over the continent. With a single arrow," Kyoko: "they sank an entire ship, or so the story goes." zomi: "That's ridiculous." Kyoko: "You'd think so, right? There are apparently records of it, though." Suu: "Regardless of the truth in it, it's a fascinating story." Kyoko: "Even after that... The slaves they freed along the way joined them en masse and became a huge army." Kyoko: "And so they finally achieved their goal of bringing their sister home." Kyoko: "And..." Kyoko: "the bloodline of that militant clan ended with this." Hime: "Eek, scary!" Mochida: "Hello, this is Mochida of Hell Monthly." Kyoko: "Hi. Naraku appreciates all that you do." Kyoko: "Yes. Yes." Kyoko: "Okay. We'll email it to you by this evening." Kyoko: "Thank you again." Mochida: "A girl? Was she his secretary?" Kyoko: "You heard. Have it done by 6 PM, Pops." Dad: "Jeez... Not that it matters, but a girl shouldn't call her dad "Pops." Call me "Dad" or "Father" or something." Kyoko: "Then fulfill your paternal duty and have the manuscript done by the deadline." Dad: "You might not like it, but it's not easy keeping two kids fed, you know! Especially now, when the whole industry's profits are..." Kyoko: "Yeah, yeah. Just keep working." Mochida: "Sir," Mochida: "is Naraku-san really a popular writer?" Chief: "Well, fairly, at least. A long time ago, he drew a lot of attention for an article he wrote in a radical undercover investigation. Since then, every time that incident makes waves on TV, the writer profits again." Mochida: "Oh..." Chief: "Why do you ask?" Mochida: "Well, I called him a moment ago, and a woman answered. I just wondered if he could afford a secretary." Chief: "That was his daughter." Mochida: "Huh? That old— I mean, Naraku-san is married?" Chief: "He wasn't born a chubby old man from the crotch of a tree, you know." Mochida: "His daughter, huh?" Chief: "I heard she's a pretty cute, slender girl." Chief: "I believe she's in middle... no, high school now." Mochida: "A cute high school girl! That sounds great!" Chief: "What's great about that? Since his daughter's started acting as his secretary, he's been meeting his deadlines, which is great for us, anyway." Kyoko: "Pops, I fixed the weird word choices and typos. Go ahead and look it over." Dad: "Got it. And I told you not to call me "Pops."" Kyoko: "Anyway, why don't you have a comment from Professor Bibu at Library Paradise University?" Dad: "I couldn't get an interview. Hey! Who are you—" Kyoko: "Hello, is this Professor Bibu's office?" Dad: "Hey, wait!" Kyoko: "Yes. I was deeply impressed by the professor's writings." Kyoko: "Really?" Kyoko: "Yes, my senpai attended the seminar." Kyoko: "Yes, and I was hoping to hear the professor's opinion." Manami: "Turn right at the next corner, please." Kyoko: "I see. Okay." Kyoko: "Thank you very much." Kyoko: "Here. The professor's comments." Dad: "O-Okay..." Kyoko: "I'll go put on some coffee. Keep it up." Kyoko: "Is that the class president?" Kyoko: "Why's she dressed like that?" Kyoko: "Is she cosplaying?" Dad: "Hey, hurry up with the coffee." Kyoko: "Yeah, sure." Dad: "What? Something interesting out there?" Kyoko: "Well, I just saw a friend of mine from school..." Kyoko: "in a priestess outfit... going into the crazy neighbor lady's house." Dad: "Is your friend running a curse removal scam?" Kyoko: "What? Gonna tell me not to hang out with people like that?" Dad: "No, I was going to tell you to get closer to her." Dad: "I want the story." Kyoko: "Well, the class president doesn't seem like that type to me." Lady: "This is the box that's troubling me." Lady: "A medium I spoke to said it's cursed." Manami: "And what did the medium say?" Lady: "That the curse was so strong, there was nothing that could be done. That I should leave it in this spot to contain the vengeful spirit, and to light the candles and make offerings every day." Lady: "But its power still seems to be trickling out. My cat went missing for a while, and I hear noises coming from empty rooms. And, sometimes, I sense a presence behind me..." Manami: "Sounds like she's imagining things." Manami: "Still..." Manami: "Very well. I'll quiet the box and take it with me." Manami: "Now I'll purify the room and exorcise any remaining evil." Lady: "Please do." Manami: "May I ask you to step outside?" Lady: "Of course." Manami: "Cleanse! Purify! Cleanse! Purify! I wonder what I should make for dinner..." Manami: "All done." Lady: "Thank you so much." Manami: "Now, about the monetary offering..." Lady: "Oh, yes, of course." Lady: "Please accept this, along with compensation for the taxi." Manami: "Very well. I'll be back later to pick it up." Lady: "Thank you so much." Kyoko: "Yes... Yes." Kyoko: "We look forward to working with you next month." Kyoko: "He said it's okay." Dad: "All right! That's one thing taken care of!" Dad: "It's a little early, but wanna go grab dinner?" Kyoko: "We can't." Kyoko: "Nii-chan's getting back late, and he'll eat here." Dad: "Aw... It's always "Nii-chan, Nii-chan" with you. You got a brother complex or what?" Kyoko: "Shut up. I'll make dinner. You just wait and be grateful you get to eat your daughter's cooking." Dad: "Welcome back." Manami: "You're making dinner, Dad?" Dad: "Yeah. The kids wore themselves out playing and passed out," Dad: "and it sounded like you'd be home late." Manami: "And the painting?" Manami: "Have you made progress with the painting?" Dad: "Oh..." Dad: "Actually, I seem to be in a bit of a slump." Manami: "I don't know any more about art than what I've read in textbooks," Manami: "but are you really a painter?" Dad: "That's a little painful to hear from you." Dad: "It's not as if my painting puts food on the table. But..." Manami: "It's not about whether it puts food on the table or not." Manami: "You're off work, and the kids are asleep." Manami: "If you're a painter, shouldn't you be using this time to paint?" Dad: "Well... A painting isn't something you can just poke at when you get a spare moment." Dad: "Besides, doesn't it make your life easier if dinner's already done?" Manami: "In Akutagawa's Hell Screen, a painter had to paint his own daughter being burned alive." Dad: "That's a pretty awful thing to do, as both a painter and a father." Dad: "You'd hate me if I did that to you, wouldn't you?" Manami: "Of course I would, but... If you're an artist and painter," Manami: "you should paint despite the hate it earns you." Manami: "Even in spare moments, even if your daughter hates you, you should paint." Manami: "If you won't paint, then choose a different path. Do you want to be an artist," Manami: "or a good father?" Dad: "I don't think it's impossible to be both of those things." Manami: "Do you have the talent necessary to manage both?" Dad: "Well..." Manami: "You won't establish yourself as a painter," Manami: "but as a father, you only work half of the week as a contractor. That just makes you" Manami: "a lousy father hoping to earn compensation for your youngest daughter." Chiho: "Nee-tan..." Manami: "Oh, are you awake?" Sue: "Nee-nee." Manami: "Well, Dad made dinner for us. Let's eat." Tv: "Now for our next story. The results of America's presidential election are in, and the Democratic Communist candidate, Imecocca, has won..." Rino: "She fell asleep." Rino: "If she were Shino-chan's age, I could easily call this adorable." Rino: "Honestly, she's just a big child." Souta: "Why does she only cozy up to you?" Rino: "Because you're a child, too." Souta: "C'mon, give me your spot." Rino: "Ask Himeno about that." Souta: "Aw..." Kid: "Later! Bye! See you tomorrow!" Mom: "Sensei!" Mom: "Thanks for all you've done for my son." zomi: "Oh, it's nothing." Mom: "You're very good at teaching. He's never stuck with any of his other lessons." Mom: "This is the only one he attends without ever missing a session." zomi: "Oh..." Mom: "We'll see you next time." Kid: "Bye, Sensei." zomi: "This makes it so hard to decide on my future path..." Suu: "I see."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 6 – Is Being Able to Retrace One's Past and Ancestors A Reason to Be Happy or Unhappy? | Does Getting a Job Doing What You", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "6", "Is Being Able to Retrace One's Past and Ancestors A Reason to Be Happy or Unhappy? | Does Getting a Job Doing What You" ] }
Chi: "A dinosaur!" Manami: "No, she's not." Chigusa: "I know! She's a snake!" Manami: "This is Quetzalcoatl-san, the Antarctican." Chiho: "Antarctica?" Chinami: "Quetz... Quet... Que... Que..." Chigusa: "Que-chan." Suu: "I would rather you use my given name, Sassassul, please." Chiho: "Okay. Suu-chan, then." Suu: "Pleased to meet you." Chigusa: "Suu-chan-oneechan, open your mouth." Chiho: "Do it again." Manami: "Girls! Don't be rude!" Manami: "I'm sorry about my sisters." Suu: "It's fine." Suu: "It's much better for me if they approach without hesitation." Kyoko: "Hello, Sue-chan." Manami: "Well? She said hello to you." Sue: "He... ll... o..." Kyoko: "She's not like her big sis at all, huh?" zomi: "The Chisters are just like her, though." Suu: "Please don't do that. My neck will break." Manami: "When I was in my early elementary school years, my nickname was "the doll," though..." Chi: "Nee-chan, we're all sweaty now." Manami: "The sweat will wash off in the pool." Chi: "Oh, yeah! The pool!" Chinami: "Hurry and come to the pool with us, Hime-neechan and everyone else!" Manami: "No running!" Shino: "I changed all by myself!" Hime: "Good job." Shino: "Yeah!" Chi: "We changed by ourselves, too!" Manami: "That's not as hard for you three." Chi: "Hmph!" Manami: "Come on, let's go." zomi: "You really don't have any." Suu: "My kind don't need to nurse our young. Besides, I could say the same for you two..." Kyoko: "We don't need to nurse young right now." zomi: "Nope, no need." Manami: "It's deep in the middle, huh?" zomi: "Here!" Shino: "Hime-neetan, I can't swim here." Hime: "That's true. Your feet touch the bottom." Kyoko: "What's wrong?" Suu: "Well..." Suu: "I'm actually afraid of water." Kyoko: "Huh?" Kyoko: "When it's this shallow?" Suu: "The depth is not the issue. Being in water is what frightens me." Suu: "In Antarctica, falling into the water means certain death." Kyoko: "Don't you have hot springs and stuff?" Suu: "Since we don't have sweat glands, bathing is not a custom of our kind." Suu: "We do clean our bodies, however." Kyoko: "I'm impressed you made it across the ocean." Suu: "Well, people who can't fly travel through the air, too." Chiho: "Come on, snake lady, hurry up!" Suu: "Wh... I can't... Wait!" Kyoko: "Are you dead?" Suu: "I'm alive." Sue: "Mew..." Shino: "Are you okay?" Sue: "Mew..." Shino: "You're so cute!" Chi: "Isn't she?" zomi: "Well, we're gonna go swim in the racing pool for a bit." zomi: "Coming, Hime?" Hime: "I'll stay here." Shino: "Hime-neetan." Shino: "I want to swim, too." Hime: "Okay. Why don't we go together, then?" Shino: "Yeah!" Chi: "We're coming, too!" Manami: "Hold it right there." Chinami: "What'd you do that for? Pervert!" Manami: "I am not a pervert." Manami: "You three can't go over there." Chiho: "But Shino-chan went!" Manami: "She's a centaur." Manami: "Besides, were you going to leave Sue-chan behind?" Chi: "Hmph!" Manami: "If you keep making that face, it'll get stuck that way." Chi: "I don't want it to get stuck like this!" Manami: "If you want to swim, I'll teach you here." Suu: "I'll be here, too." Shino: "They're really good swimmers." Hime: "I'm surprised by Kyo-chan..." Hime: "A mermaid! Wasn't that amazing?" Hime: "Oh, it's deep..." Hime: "Because there are diving boards over there, I guess." Shino: "Can we go to the other end?" Hime: "My feet don't touch the bottom past this spot." Shino: "You can't swim, Nee-tan?" Hime: "No, it's not that... But if I go under, no one will be able to help me." zomi: "Come to think of it, how do merfolk climb up to the poolside?" Kyoko: "They probably have a friend pull them up." zomi: "That was some leap." Kyoko: "It looked like everyone was more interested in her chest to me." Hime: "Your feet will touch the bottom soon, so stretch your front legs forward and just kick with your back legs. Otherwise, you might crack a hoof." Hime: "Okay, we're here." Hime: "I'm pretty tired, so let's head back to where the Chi-chans are." Shino: "Okay." Hime: "Practicing swimming?" Chi: "Meow." Shino: "Chi-chans, let's play!" Chi: "Hmph. You can just go play in the deep pool." Manami: "Hey!" Shino: "Chi-chan!" Chigusa: "What was that for?" Chigusa: "What do you think you're doing?!" zomi: "Take that!" Chi: "Meow!" Hime: "That's hot, so blow on it first." Hime: "Like it?" Shino: "Uh-huh!" zomi: "That warms me up." Kyoko: "Pools do chill the body." Manami: "Uh-oh." Manami: "Sleepy, Sue-chan?" Hime: "She did lots of playing today." Hime: "Are you sleepy too, Shino-chan? I can't blame you." Manami: "That won't work for you three." Chi: "Why not?!" Manami: "There's only one of me. I can't carry all of you home." Chinami: "But Shino-chan has one nee-chan all for herself!" Chigusa: "Why is there only one of you?" Chiho: "It's all totally unfair!" Manami: "You three..." Manami: "If you had three big sisters, you'd have three times the nagging, too." Chi: "That would be bad." zomi: "Well, today's special, so you can go ahead and sleep." Manami: "Wait, don't just..." zomi: "You have three extra big sisters today, after all." Chi: "Yay! Carry me, too!" Kyoko: "I don't see why not." Suu: "I used to help care for my younger sister, too." Hime: "Suu-chan, you have a younger sister?" Suu: "Yes. We were all born from the same queen." Suu: "That means all of us are sisters by blood." zomi: "That's really wild..." Suu: "But when I speak of my "younger sister," I refer to a specific child I was responsible for raising." Suu: "It's essentially the same as your concept of a younger sister, I believe." Manami: "Are you sure? Our house is still pretty far." zomi: "Well, a day like this isn't so bad, every now and then." Manami: "By the way, you mentioned that you raised your younger sister..." Hime: "I'm getting a little sleepy, too." Manami: "We can't carry you, you know." Hime: "Aw..." Kyoko: "Hey, don't drop Shino-chan." Hime: "I know..." Vice: "I'd like to tell some scary stories." Hime: "Scary stories? The kind with ghosts and stuff?" Vice: "Yep." Vice: "Boo." Hime: "Eek!" zomi: "Cut that out!" Kyoko: "Scary stories in broad daylight?" Vice: "No, we're going to tell them at night. I was thinking this Friday. If that works for you guys, I'll get permission." zomi: "To stay overnight?" Vice: "I expect to wrap up by about 10:00." zomi: "Are you even allowed to decide that without your tiny president?" Vice: "See, that's the whole point!" Vice: "You're awfully impertinent for underclassmen, aren't you?" Suu: "Are we?" Kyoko: "I don't think so." Vice: "I need to get all of you to commit your schedules first." Vice: "I can't have you all backing out after I invite Towako-chan." zomi: "Anyway, if you want to tell scary stories, why not just do it with Mystery Spot-senpai over there?" Vice: "There's a point to getting Towako-chan to come." Kyoko: "I see. So that's it." Vice: "Yes, that's it." zomi: "You actually said it..." Vice: "She won't come if it's just the two of us, you know? But despite how she acts, she gets lonely easily, so if you'll all be there, I'm sure she'll come." Vice: "Not to mention, we can all get to know our clubmates better. Two birds with one stone!" zomi: "What the heck?" Kyoko: "So we're only a pretext?" Vice: "Why not? We can compile all our stories into a booklet and submit it as a record of our activities at the end of the year. That'll guarantee us a club room and a budget for next year. Three birds with one stone!" zomi: "Uh, we never said we wanted to stay in this club." Kyoko: "Well, it might be nice to have a place to hang out, though." zomi: "But still... I have to teach brats karate, shower, and then come back to school?" Hime: "We should support them, though!" Both: "What?" Hime: "I mean... why not?" Vice: "Kimihara-kun..." Vice: "Thank you!" zomi: "What are you doing?! Okay, forget we ever discussed this!" Vice: "I just expressed my happiness a little too eagerly." zomi: "I wonder about that..." Vice: "It's true." Vice: "I'll hug you, too." zomi: "You're gonna sexually harass me as well?" Kyoko: "Anyway, Senpai, can't you just ask her on a date like normal?" Vice: "If that would work, I wouldn't ask you guys for help." Kyoko: "Yeah, but scary stories? Don't you have any other ideas?" Vice: "A tour of mystery spots, a power spot pilgrimage, a UFO-summoning party..." zomi: "At least make it a horror movie night." Hime: "So you want to get closer to the club president, then?" Vice: "Yep!" Vice: "So please!" Hime: "Sure!" zomi: "You sure you can handle scary stories?" Hime: "I'll do my best!" Vice: "So I can count all of you in, right?" Kyoko: "Fine with me, I guess." zomi: "Well, if Hime's going..." Hime: "I will if you all do." Suu: "Gladly. It sounds like a valuable opportunity to experience your culture." Vice: "Great! Okay, each of you come up with about ten scary stories!" Kyoko: "That many?" Hime: "I'm kind of excited to hear everyone's stories!" zomi: "You're not scared?" Hime: "As long as there are no ghosts..." Vice: "We're all set!" Kyoko: "But Senpai, do you think it'll work that well?" Kyoko: "Shrimp-senpai doesn't seem like she'd be bothered by scary stories. This might not turn out like you expect." Towako: "I only believe what I can verify as truth!" Vice: "You don't know anything about Towako." Vice: "I know all about her, including her measurements. I like my chances." zomi: "Hey, come on." Hime: "The school is kind of scary at night..." Towako: "Yeah, kind of." Vice: "What? Didn't you say you don't believe in ghosts?" Towako: "It's scary whether you believe in them or not!" zomi: "I heard this was a graveyard before they built the school here." zomi: "Just kidding. It used to be a field." Hime: "Jeez, don't do that!" zomi: "You hear a lot of rumors in a city full of research schools like this, though." zomi: "I heard the story about the human-faced dog originated here." Kyoko: "I also heard it was a hidden village for victims of abandoned human experimentation." Hime: "No! That's scary!" Towako: "More of those silly urban legends?" Vice: "Also, you two, don't start before we're ready." zomi: "A Japanese-style room?" Kyoko: "This building must have had a different purpose originally." zomi: "Candles?" Vice: "I figured we should go all-out." Towako: "I'm not sticking around for one hundred scary stories." Vice: "It's just about getting into the mood." Hime: "I'm already scared!" Vice: "All right, let's begin." Kyoko: "Okay, I'll start. We all know that this town started as a college and industrial research center, right?" Kyoko: "This story takes place just after the town was founded... And that experimental subject still lurks in the sewers, waiting for the next unfortunate victim to come along." Kyoko: "Next will be... you!" zomi: "Don't laugh! Want to trade seats with me?" Kyoko: "Nah, I'll pass." Towako: "What's so scary about an urban legend like that?" Hime: "Well, it seems like something like that could really be out there..." zomi: "The fact that it was a story about genetic manipulation instead of fallen samurai or yokai made it fitting for a school town like this." Kyoko: "They say that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, but the fact that you don't know how far you can take it, or how, is the true essence of the story." Suu: "You mean that we don't know the limits of science?" Kyoko: "Yeah, that's right." Hime: "Don't you have scary stories in Antarctica?" Suu: "No. We don't believe in souls or supernatural phenomena. Or I should say, we can't conceive of such things." Suu: "Of course, I don't mean to deny your beliefs!" Kyoko: "Nah, we don't really believe in that stuff, either." Hime: "Well, it scares me!" Suu: "But speaking of mysteries, when I was young, I chose to walk on the cracks of flagstone streets." Suu: "When the one in charge of raising me asked about my reason for doing so..." zomi: "A pitfall?" Suu: "Yes. When I think about it now, I know no such thing exists, but..." Kyoko: "So it's kind of like this? Even Antarcticans can believe in superstitions, but they deny the very fact that a culture that emphasizes reason and logic can believe in superstitions." Suu: "That's wonderful! Coming to the human world was worth it!" Kyoko: "Uh, no, I don't even know if I'm right..." Hime: "We used to do something like that, though. Like when we only walked on the white lines in crosswalks." zomi: "Oh, yeah, we did! And only walking in shadows when going home from school." Hime: "And if you stepped in the wrong spot, you'd fall into an abyss." Vice: "Hey!" Vice: "We're getting off the subject of scary stories!" Towako: "But science is more interesting than occult stuff." Vice: "You say that, but I bet you're actually scared." Towako: "Hmph!" Vice: "Oops..." Vice: "Okay, let's get back on track with a scientific one." Vice: "Lots of people say they've seen spirits. For example, soldiers say they've seen Warring States commanders or World War soldiers, but they never see Kofun Period armor or Bakumatsu rifles." Vice: "No primitive men in furs, either. And if there are animal spirits, they're always things like dogs, cats, foxes, or tanuki. All animals that exist closely with humans." Vice: "No one sees Naumann's elephants." Vice: "In other words, no one witnesses things that don't exist in their own consciousness." Vice: "That's why they're regarded as hallucinations. But I have a friend who was walking by the sea in a certain town," Vice: "when he saw..." Guy: "Anomalocaris? Aren't those extinct?" Guy: "And how is it walking?" Guy: ""A predatory creature from the Cambrian Period." Guy: "It's believed that they swam in shallow seas, but fossils have been found that had legs."" Guy: "No way... Some of them could walk?!" Vice: "My friend saw something that didn't exist in his own consciousness." Vice: "So it had to be..." Vice: "the ghost of an Anomalocaris!" Kyoko: "You're just trying to scare us with your face." Towako: "Oh, please. I can't put up with this." Towako: "I'm going to the restroom." Towako: "Anyone want to go with me?" Towako: "Don't get me wrong! I'm not scared, okay?!" Hime: "I'll go with you." Vice: "Me, too."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 7 – First Experiences Are Scary and Fun All in One... Pardon the Rhyme. | Occult Movies You Watch as a Kid Are 140% Scarier", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "7", "First Experiences Are Scary and Fun All in One... Pardon the Rhyme. | Occult Movies You Watch as a Kid Are 140% Scarier" ] }
Suu: "So this is yabusame?" Kyoko: "Hey, now..." Suu: "Was that a failed attempt?" zomi: "Yep, total fail." Ayaka: "You're losing your nerve, Senpai!" Hime: "Hey! It's dangerous to shoot past people!" Ayaka: "I'm sorry..." Ayaka: "Wait, forget that!" Ayaka: "It looked like you were slacking off, so I came to wake you up." Kyoko: "Hey, Hime." Hime: "Oh. This is Wakamaki Ayaka-chan. She's in middle school, so a year younger than us." Ayaka: "Hello." Hime: "She played a little prank just now, but she's normally a very good, serious girl." Hime: "She's great at both yabusame and regular kyudo." Ayaka: "Ugh, just stop it already! I'm good at yabusame? You're the one who won last year!" Hime: "Is this her rebellious phase?" Ayaka: "But..." Ayaka: "I won't let that happen this year." Hime: "Uh..." Hime: "Okay. Let's both do our best." Ayaka: "If you'll excuse me! If all of you will be present to support Senpai at this year's meet, I'm sure you will be disappointed." Ayaka: "Please try to motivate her a bit before then. Goodbye." Hime: "Oh..." Ayaka: "What?" Hime: "By the way, how'd the kyudo tournament go?" Ayaka: "I placed third individually and failed to advance to the nationals. In the team competition, I didn't even graze the target. So as a final memory for middle school, I will at least beat you and win, Senpai!" Ayaka: "You'd better be ready!" zomi: "She was really fired up." Hime: "Yeah..." Hime: "Actually, she tends to get a little too enthusiastic." Hime: "So last year, to try to ease her nerves a bit..." Hime: "Ayaka-chan, Ayaka-chan!" Hime: "Boo!" Hime: "Feeling relaxed now?" Ayaka: "Are you making fun of me?!" Ayaka: "Now my concentration is shot." zomi: "You made a weird face?" Hime: "Shino-chan thought it was funny..." Kyoko: "This one isn't a little kid." Hime: "She's seemed to hate me ever since then." zomi: "She came over just to get your attention. I doubt she hates you." Kyoko: "Yeah, I'd say she actually likes you." Hime: "Really?" Suu: "You think so?" Kyoko: "I just came up with a good way to get Ayaka-chan to relax." Hime: "Really? What?" Kyoko: "Whisper, whisper..." Hime: "You think it'll be okay to do that?" Kyoko: "It'll be fine." Sensei: "Hey." Hime: "Konatamorei-sensei!" Sensei: "That's enough girl talk. Back to practice." Hime: "Yes, ma'am." Sensei: "Instead of yabusame, would you girls like to try some regular kyudo?" Hime: "Thanks for hanging around during my practice." Kyoko: "No problem." zomi: "It was pretty fun for us, too." Suu: "I guess archery is much harder than it looks, isn't it?" Hime: "Japanese archery is, especially." Suu: "By the way, Himeno-san, why do you practice archery?" Hime: "Huh?" Hime: "Because my mom told me to, I guess. My grandpa would give her a pretty hard time if I didn't." Kyoko: "It's really more about finding a marriage partner, isn't it? Regardless of its meaning today, the meet came about because... A place to practice, good equipment, and plenty of time to practice" Kyoko: "were barometers of wealth and evidence of good health. Since there aren't many centaur families, it was a good way to find a centaur husband or wife." Suu: "You mean it's for the sake of reproduction?" Kyoko: "Well, putting it that way might be a bit too direct." Suu: "Does "reproduction" count as an obscenity? I was certain it was a serious term." Kyoko: "It depends on the time and place." Hime: "Oh, um..." Hime: "I'm not doing it for... reproduction... at all." Hime: "It's true!" zomi: "Thinking of getting married right out of high school?" Hime: "Huh? I've never even thought about that." Hime: "But... I wonder what it's like for Ayaka-chan." Hime: "I think she's from a pretty well-to-do family." Kyoko: "Well, even if she's not old enough to marry, there's still engagement, I guess." Lady: "An Antarctican?" Guy: "Wow..." Lady: "Here?" Rei: "Ah." Rei: "Well, hello." Kyoko: "Hello." Suu: "Hello." zomi: "Hiya." zomi: "Isn't that our vice president?" Shojo: "Uh, who are they again?" Rei: "They're in Komori-kun's class." Shojo: "Oh, they're my juniors, then." Rei: "Remember the girl with the bright red hair? They're probably here to watch her." Shojo: "Ah." Guy: "Oh, you're friends of Rei-chan's?" Girl: "Have a good time." zomi: "This is weird." Kyoko: "It's about what I'd expect." Hime: "Nozomi-chan! Kyo-chan! Suu-chan!" zomi: "Hey." Rino: "Oh, hello." Kyoko: "Hello." Suu: "Hello." Souta: "Oh... An Antarctican..." Kyoko: "Who's this?" Shino: "Maki-chan. She's my friend from kindergarten." Kyoko: "Nice to meet you." Maki: "Is that a monster?" Shino: "No, that's not a monster. That's Suu-chan." Kyoko: "You look sharp today." Voice: "Participants, please assemble." Hime: "Oh, I have to go. I'll see you guys later." Shino: "Good luck, Nee-tan!" zomi: "Go get 'em." Kyoko: "Let's all cheer for her together, okay?" Maki: "Scary monster!" Shino: "It's okay. The nee-tans are here. Also, she's not a monster." Suu: "That's right. I'm not a monster." Shino: "It's okay..." Souta: "Go talk to them." Rino: "You go." Souta: "But it's hard for me to talk to high school girls..." Kyoko: "We won't take Hime-oneechan away." zomi: "Oh, yes, we will!" Ayaka: "That was pretty good." Hime: "Thanks." Voice: "Next, Wakamaki Ayaka-san." Ayaka: "Oh, I have to go." Hime: "Ah, wait a second..." Ayaka: "What? Are you going to say something to distract me again?" Hime: "No." Ayaka: "What, then?" Hime: "Why don't we make a bet to liven things up?" Ayaka: "Well, that sounds interesting." Hime: "Okay, then..." Kyoko: "Offer to make a bet with her." Hime: "Uh-huh." Kyoko: "And if you lose..." Hime: "...I'll go on a date with you." Ayaka: "Wh-What are you—" Ayaka: "Jeez, stop joking around!" Hime: "Is she okay?" Ayaka: "Where would we go? And what would I wear? No. Before that..." Ayaka: "I have to beat her!" Hime: "Sorry!" Ayaka: "You're late, Senpai! There are lots of places I want to go!" Ayaka: "Well, let's get going!" Hime: "Sure." Kyoko: "Why are we following them?" zomi: "Why not?" Suu: "I think we've been spotted." zomi: "It's your fault she caught us, Kyoko." Kyoko: "Huh? It's not my fault." Suu: "Was it my fault? Should we continue tailing them?" zomi: "Of course we will." Kyoko: "No, we won't!" Guy: "Hey, carry that over there." Guy: "Oh, here already?" Guy: "No, over there!" Guy: "Hey, over here! That's it, that's it." Mer2: "This is it." Mer1: "Whoa, seriously?" Mer2: "Incredible, right?" Mer1: "It's crazy! I can't believe you got this magazine. They don't sell it in ocean towns, do they?" Mer2: "My cousin is a competitive swimmer in a land-bound town. He gave it to me." Mer1: "Wow!" Mer1: "Hey, watch it! What's your problem?" Miura: "Don't give me that!" Miura: "You can't look at naughty magazines here. Honestly, you boys..." Mer2: "Hey, this is a perfectly wholesome publication." ukami: "But you were getting excited looking at it, weren't you?" Mer12: "Gulp..." ukami: "Besides, you guys see boobs every day. Do you still want to see them in magazines?" Mer2: "You idiot! These are worth even more because they're covered!" Mer1: "You girls wear swimsuits when people come here from the mountains, right?" Mer1: "Yours have value to those guys, too." ukami: "Then does this excite you?" Mer12: "No. Too late for that." Miura: "Anyway! The problem is that you're skipping out on festival preparations!" Mer1: "We were just taking a quick break!" Miura: "Jeez..." Mer2: "Hey, Eri-chan." Eri: "Hello." Miura: "So you're going to be the priestess in the festival today?" Eri: "Oh, yeah." Miura: "Hey!" Miura: "Stop staring at her chest!" Eri: "Well, see you later." Miura: "Keep it up." ukami: "See ya." ukami: "So you do like hers, huh?" Mer12: "Yeah, I guess." Mer2: "The way she acts all embarrassed..." Mer1: "You can tell she was raised on land!" Miura: "These guys..." Miura: "Forget it. Let's go." ukami: "See ya." Old: "Oh, I thought a boy had shown up." Eri: "That's sexual harassment." Old: "They raise kids pretty strict on land, eh?" Old: "The ocean has waves. They must be tiring you out." Old: "Just rest up there a bit." Old: "That is the god Tagon." Old: "You are about to offer a song of celebration to him." Eri: "Yes." Old: "The health of our ocean and the fortune of our village will depend on your song." Old: "On the size of your audience, as well." Old: "Just think of it as one of the concerts you do all the time. It's hardly any different." Eri: "No..." Eri: "I may be an idol, but I'm not that popular." Eri: "This is the first time I've had an audience this large." Old: "I see!" Old: "Are you ready?" Eri: "Yes." Old: "Continue. It's a man-dolphin," Old: "a messenger to the god Tagon." Old: "It has approved of your song." Old: "The man-dolphin ran away? Why?" Tagon: "I am the god Tagon." Tagon: "Hear my words and obey." Eri: "A real god?" Old: "No, it's not! It's an impostor!" Old: "Run!" Old: "It doesn't seem to be pursuing us." Eri: "That wasn't really the god?" Old: "No. Our god is that stone statue." Old: "A true, living god does not exist among us." Eri: "Then what... What was that monster?" Old: "A robot, a bio-creature, something put here by a TV station, or perhaps a government experiment... I'm not quite sure myself." Old: "When you don't know what's going on, it's best to run!" Old: "We must return to the beach and notify the Coast Guard." Hime: "Huh? A god?" Suu: "Yes, a god." zomi: "Nothing like that exists." Hime: "It could be something like an ideological being..." Hime: "Er, um..." zomi: "Oh!" zomi: "We have a pro right here!" Manami: "I'm no pro. My family just happens to run a shrine. I'm not a theologian or shaman." zomi: "You don't believe they exist, either?" Manami: "Gods are just... "God"? Define "god." They're just a product of one's imagination, right? Come on, don't be so quick to close the subject! What makes you so sure they exist? More importantly, what's the source of our income?" zomi: "Class President?" Manami: "Of course they exist. Our shrine's god is a miracle worker. It brings good health, traffic safety, beauty, household harmony, and it's especially effective in bringing academic success." Hime: "Come to think of it, you're second in our grade, aren't you?" zomi: "She's such a..." Sue: "Mew." Dad: "Hey, Sue-chan, you're playing that by yourself?" Sue: "No. With my friend." Dad: "Okay, then. Play nice." Zashiki: "Rats! I lost again!" Zashiki: "One more! One more game!"
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 8 – Mental Strength Might Be the Biggest Reason One Wins a Serious Competition. | The Uncertainty of What One Believes In..", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "8", "Mental Strength Might Be the Biggest Reason One Wins a Serious Competition. | The Uncertainty of What One Believes In.." ] }
Hime: "Let's see..." Kyoko: "Oh, you got a smartphone?" Hime: "Let's see..." Hime: "Was it this one?" Jean: "Ipomoea lobata blooms only in the deepest jungles, and its nutrients are harmoniously blended into Ipomoea Queen. Made with all-natural ingredients to gently support your good health." zomi: "Man, ads suck." Jean: "Enjoy its natural fragrance, free of artificial scents, the moment you open the bottle." Hime: "I've seen this frog guy a lot lately, though." Kyoko: "You probably shouldn't call him a "frog guy."" zomi: "What is he, then?" Kyoko: "Amphibianfolk, I guess." zomi: "That's so hard to say." Suu: "If I had to call him something, it would be "a Frenchman."" Suu: "He is a French citizen, after all. As a child, Mr. Jean Rousseau passed out in the jungle," Suu: "and he was found by French missionaries." Suu: "He was then educated in a mammalian society." Teacher: "His abilities far surpass those of average children." Guy: "If you say so, I suppose we could test him." Suu: "He entered a small trading firm in South America and eventually became its president." Suu: "At least, it would be reasonable to assume so based on his academic background, but..." Suu: "And that is his story." zomi: "Someone that important is starring in commercials?" Suu: "He always had a lot of media exposure for his involvement in the conservation of minorities." Hime: "Anyway, I guess amphibianfolk are pretty smart, huh?" Kyoko: "No, I don't think that's it." Komori/Nekomi: "59, 60..." Komori/Nekomi: "61, 62, 63..." Komori/Nekomi: "64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72..." Guy: "Ten more seconds!" Kyoko: "Every race has both its geniuses and its idiots." Manami: "Oh, are you girls interested in Mr. Jean Rousseau? That's perfect." Komori/Nekomi: "73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79..." Manami: "Rousseau-san will be coming to this school to give a speech soon. Would you four serve as his preparatory committee?" Komori/Nekomi: "80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86..." Suu: "If you think we're right for the job." zomi: "Hey!" Suu: "Oh, did I get something wrong?" Manami: "No, not at all." Komori/Nekomi: "87, 88..." Kyoko: "Our school's been a pretty big deal lately, huh?" Secretary: "Sir, Mr. Rousseau is here." Pres: "Oh..." Exec: "Right this way." Jean: "Thank you." Pres: "Welcome!" Pres: "Isn't it considered bad manners to shake hands with gloves on?" Jean: "But my hands are..." Pres: "My hand is not dirty." Secretarym: "But, sir..." Pres: "You still have a lot to learn." Secretaryw: "Since that meeting ran long, there's no time for a break." Secretaryw: "A change of clothes is waiting for you on the airplane." Jean: "All right." Secretaryw: "I've also prepared the papers and documents necessary for the settlement. There are four matters that require your decision by the end of the day." Ca: "The weather is clear. We expect to arrive in three hours." Secretaryw: "I have a helicopter standing by at the airport." Jean: "Good." Jean: "And there are no further plans for the day after that, right?" Secretaryw: "Correct, but if anything carries over into the next few days, we'll have to cancel even more plans." Jean: "What's first on the schedule tomorrow morning?" Secretaryw: "A meeting with the secretary-general of the UN." Jean: "What is that you're wearing?" Leader: "Does it look strange?" Leader: "Don't you wear mammalian clothing all the time yourself?" Jean: "I wear a business suit." Jean: "It's for showing respect to the one you're speaking to." Jean: "That, on the other hand, is battle attire." Leader: "Naturally." Leader: "Our tribe is constantly battling enemies." Jean: "I would like to confirm two things. First, who is the "enemy" you speak of? Second, who in the world gave you that gear?" Leader: "Don't you worry." Leader: "We only fight those who attack our brethren without reason." Leader: "As for this... Our god told me he would lend me true power." Leader: "He is not like their invisible god who does nothing for them." Jean: "I will believe you are devoted to self-defense. But please do not forget" Jean: "that we must coexist peacefully with the mammalian peoples." Jean: "If we fail to do that, we are the ones who'll be destroyed." Jean: "Also... Our god truly exists, just as we and the others do, and he acts not according to our wishes, but for the sake of his own interests alone." Leader: "How dare you speak such insolence?!" Jean: "Of course, I respect our god, as well." Jean: "But that does not change the truth." Leader: "Listen to me." Leader: "You've been deceived by the mammalians you have lived among all this time. It's true that there are more of them," Leader: "and they have guns, airplanes, and many other tools." Leader: "But our god and his angels are stronger still. I have seen it firsthand. No! Even without our god's assistance," Leader: "we cannot yield to them! Even if it costs our lives, we must reclaim our ancestors' beautiful water and earth from their repulsive nest!" Leader: "Of course, I don't expect a pseudo-mammalian like you to understand our cause." Jean: "Risking one's life for a conceptual cause..." Jean: "Seeking past glory you don't even know if you truly had or not..." Jean: "That very way of thinking is that of the mammalians." Jean: "It is poison to our kind." Jean: "Why doesn't he see that?" Hime: "Thank you very much. This concludes the speech by Mr. Jean Rousseau." Suu: "The speech has ended." zomi: "Roger." Manami: "Thank you for coming today." Jean: "What's this?" Manami: "We ordered some tea from your homeland." Manami: "Please have some, if you like." Jean: "Merci." Jean: "Do you have..." Boy: "Stop..." Officer: "Second Lieutenant, we've reached our quota for today." 2Lieut: "Have we?" 2Lieut: "All right." Boy: "Where are we going?" Guy1: "To Hell on Earth." Guy2: "No! I don't wanna go in there!" Guy3: "Please, just let me go home!" Soldier: "Keep moving!" Jailer: "Don't stop working!" Centaur: "Hey! You don't get to take breaks!" Centaur: "Get up and work!" Jailer: "Survival is the reward you earn for your labor. If you don't want to die, then work." Boy: "This is all?" Ears: "Hey! Why does he always get more?" d: "Them's the rules!" Centaur: "It's not like I'm doing anything to him!" Ears: "You piece of..." Jailer: "Cut it out, you pigs! The amount you get is determined by your body type. It's the scientific approach!" Ears: "Hmph!" Jailer: "I swear, every time you inferior races open your mouths, it's out of jealousy and prejudice." Ears: "Man, I sure am hungry." Centaur: "Shut up!" Ears: "I didn't get lots of food to graze on, like you damn livestock did. I'm sure you and that corporal are great buddies, both of you being livestock and all." Centaur: "What?!" Prisoner: "Get him! Kill him! Kill that damn traitor horse!" Boy: "Stop it! We're all in the same—" Prisoner: "I ain't the same as no livestock!" Prisoner: "What're you looking at?!" Guy: "Are you all right?" Boy: "We're all citizens of the same land, stuck in the same position..." Guy: "Until just recently, we were being discriminated against because of our body types. Of course, those who don't discriminate will be taught by the government, or their race, who's superior and inferior." Guy: "You see it in sci-fi all the time, right? Without discrimination based on body type, they tell us the world would be more at peace." Boy: "Isn't that true?" Guy: "No, it's not." Guy: "Countries, races, hair color, skin color... Tall or short, fat or skinny... So long as we're all different," Guy: "people will be prejudiced." Boy: "But that's..." Guy: "Even if we all looked exactly alike, we'd just start quarreling over whose clothes are better. That's the nature of mankind, and there's no way to fix it." Boy: "Still..." Boy: "If we don't stop them, they'll kill him!" Guy: "You're wasting your strength." Prisoner: "Butt out!" Jailer: "What's all the racket in here, you pigs?!" Centaur: "Hey, you! Don't stop working!" Ears: "Where does he get off bossing us around?" Ears: "Who put him in charge, anyway?" Wings: "They must be good buddies. They're both livestock." Centaur: "Hey! I told you not to stop working!" Centaur: "Come on. I'll punish you." Boy: "I resigned myself to my fate. I knew I would be killed this time." Centaur: "They're my leftovers. Eat up." Boy: "Huh?" Centaur: "And moan every now and then, would you?" Boy: "Um..." Centaur: "Damn it, stand up!" Centaur: "I'll be killed before this war is over. If I stay a prisoner, I'll eventually be executed." Centaur: "If I'm freed, I'll be executed as a traitor." Centaur: "But you have to live." Centaur: "Little brat! I told you to get up!" Boy: "Why?" Centaur: "Because you're a good guy." Centaur: "And if the good guys stay alive, the world will be that much better." Centaur: "Well, hurry up and eat." Centaur: "Then get going." Centaur: "No breaks! On your feet!" Guy: "Enemy attack! Move! Hurry!" Prisoner: "The liberation army! We're free! We're saved!" Ears: "Look! That brat is one of them, too!" Prisoner: "Damn traitor! Hang him! String him up! Hold it!" Prisoner: "Don't you run away!" Libsoldier: "Whoops..." Ears: "Soldier, give him to us!" Libsoldier: "What?" Prisoner: "He's our enemy! He's a spy!" Boy: "No! I'm—" Ears: "Shut up, you traitor! I saw it!" Ears: "I saw him getting food from that livestock bastard!" Boy: "I didn't—" Libsoldier: "He's only a child." Ears: "Come here! I'll hang you, too!" Libsoldier: "It's chocolate. Eat it." Libsoldier: "Do you understand me?" Libsoldier: "Replenish your nutrients, and get some rest." Libsoldier: "If you have no family, you can come live in my homeland." Secretary: "Sir, Mr. Rousseau is here." Pres: "Oh..."
{ "raw_title": "A Centaur's Life Episode 9 – What Are the Struggles of Someone Known as a Prominent Figure? | What Is the Life of Someone Known as a Prominent Figur", "parsed": [ "A Centaur's Life", "9", "What Are the Struggles of Someone Known as a Prominent Figure? | What Is the Life of Someone Known as a Prominent Figur" ] }
urse A: "Congratulations, Umino-san." urse A: "You have a healthy new baby." urse B: "She isn't hearing us." urse A: "We'll take her to the nursery." urse A: "Wait, was this the right bed?" urse B: "It's the empty one there." Sachi: "Morning." Sachi: "Was it your turn today, Onii-chan? Oh, I'm taking the one with the big yolk." gi: "No. The lecithin in egg yolk is good for memory. Here we go again with the loner talk. I bet that's why you can't make any friends." Sachi: "Shut up." Yohei: "What do you think, Sachi? Looking snazzy, aren't I?" Sachi: "Move. Also, lame." Yohei: "What, are you in your rebellious phase now?" Sachi: "So annoying. Onii, help me out here." gi: "This family doesn't know how to calm down. It's too early for this." mie: "Nagi, where are my earrings?" gi: "The bottom right shelf. You shoved them in there when you were drunk yesterday, remember?" mie: "Oh, right. Thanks." mie: "Get ready as quick as you can. Her parents are looking forward to meeting you, too." Yohei: "Go get 'em, Nagi." gi: "Sure, sure. As if they aren't eager to meet their real kid, too." gi: "I never thought kids getting put in the wrong bed at birth was a real thing." mie: "Nagi, we'll see you at the dining hall." Yohei: "Don't be late." gi: "Yeah." mie: "Oh, right, Nagi..." mie: "Happy birthday." gi: "Thanks." mie: "How are my earrings?" Yohei: "Looking snazzy!" Sachi: "Onii-chan, are you joining their family?" gi: "Of course not." gi: "I grew up here for sixteen years. Do you really think I could accept new parents now?" Sachi: "Don't care." gi: "Then don't ask!" Sachi: "You're going now?" gi: "I'm leaving early to study at the library." Sachi: "Studying more? Today?" gi: "I have to beat my rival." Sachi: "That again." Sachi: "I can't believe you're actually someone else's kid, though." Sachi: "That explains so much. You're nothing like the rest of us. Plus you're book smart, and a loner." gi: "All those jokes about them finding me at the river weren't that far off." Sachi: "I can't..." Sachi: "I don't want you to go away." gi: "You're so silly, Sachi." gi: "I'm not going away. I'm going to tell them straight up" gi: "that I have no intention of becoming their child." gi: "They said they would honor my wishes." gi: "Gotta get this over with quick and get back to studying." Erika: "W-Wait, what?" gi: "No! You need to think it through!" Erika: "No, I'm not..." gi: "Stop!" Erika: "Ow..." Erika: "Seriously, what's wrong with you? Get off me!" gi: "That's my li— Boobs! Ow!" gi: "You were just pretending to kill yourself?" Erika: "Yeah. I was going to make a video and upload it to Inusta." gi: "Inusta..." Erika: "But you had to go and get in my way." gi: "You're going to start some drama." Erika: "That's the whole point. Man, this video's useless." gi: "Ow!" gi: "Ow!" gi: "That was all to get more followers?" Erika: "I have plenty of followers." gi: "Well, good for you. What, is this girl famous or something? I feel like I've seen her before." Erika: "It's for my mom. I want to start some drama so I can convince her that I'm not going to get married." gi: "M-M-M-Married?!" Erika: "You didn't know? You can get married at sixteen." gi: "Yeah, I know. That's not what I meant. Wow, people my age are already getting married, huh? Wait a second... You're in the same kind of situation I am, then?" Erika: "I see. You're a mix-up baby, and I have an arranged engagement. We both have family issues, I guess." gi: "Seems so." Erika: "By the way, are you my age, then?" Erika: "I'm Amano Erika. I'm a second-year at Orpheus Girls' Academy." gi: "Ah, OGA, huh? That's that fancy princess school." gi: "This girl..." Classmate A: "Amano Erika's so cute." Classmate B: "Think I could meet her if I went to Orpheus?" gi: "This dumb crap is all they talk about during breaks." Classmate C: "You? I doubt it." gi: "She can't be this cute. I bet she's using filters." Erika: "Hey." Erika: "Are you listening?" gi: "I-It wasn't a filter." Erika: "What about you?" gi: "Umino Nagi. Second-year, too. I go to Megurogawa Academy." Erika: "Megurogawa! Hang on, isn't Megurogawa a super-elite prep school? You must be really smart, Nagi-kun!" gi: "I guess. Nagi-kun?!" Erika: "That's it! I can use that!" gi: "Huh?" Erika: "Guess what? You're going to be my boyfriend." gi: "Huh?!" Erika: "Aren't you honored?" gi: "A-Are you crazy? Why would I be? Who would go out with a bratty minefield of a woman like you?" Erika: "You're so silly. I meant pretend." gi: "Pretend?" Erika: "Who has arranged marriages these days, anyway? Why would I ever marry a guy when I don't know what he looks like or anything?" gi: "Dunno. I don't know anything about the rich people's world." Erika: "So here's the plan!" gi: "She's not even listening." Erika: ""I have a boyfriend that I'm deeply in love with." "He's really smart and he has a bright future."" Text: "Bright Future" Erika: ""He cares for me a ton."" Text: "Madly in Love" Erika: ""Oh, Erika, you could have told us sooner."" Erika: "And that's how the marriage was called off. And she lived happily ever after." gi: "I see. You have quite the imagination." Erika: "Right?" gi: "But alas, in reality, it fails. For I have no intention of cooperating." Erika: "Huh?" gi: "What do you mean, "Huh"? I told you. I'm about to go see my real parents. I don't have time for your games." Erika: "My "games"?! My future is on the line here!" gi: "So is mine. If you don't want to get married, then don't." Erika: "I'm asking you because I don't have that option!" gi: "Shoot, what time is it?" gi: "Stop!" Erika: "Yup, you're definitely squeezing here." Erika: "Definitely squeezing." gi: "I can see that! You don't need to zoom in!" Erika: "I don't think you can explain this away." gi: "So what, then?" Erika: "I'll just attach this clip of the video to Megurogawa Academy's contact form." gi: "Don't! The school's going to contact my parents! They'll be concerned about my emotional well-being and involve my real parents, who are going to feel responsible and force me into their care!" Erika: "You're so desperate." gi: "Obviously!" Erika: "Cooperate with me, then." gi: "Fine, as long as I can get to where I'm going on time." Erika: "Okay!" gi: "So, what do I have to do to pretend to be your boyfriend?" Erika: "Isn't it obvious?" gi: "How would it be obvious? I've spent my entire life studying. I've never dated or anything." Erika: "Ew, that's hilarious." gi: "Shut up! You're on Google right now, too!" Erika: "Found it. It says you do it." gi: "Do it... Do it? Do it?! Let me see that!" Erika: "Stop it!" Erika: "Come on, seriously, stop it." gi: "Why don't you just use that?" gi: "Can't you just show them that picture?" Erika: "Oh, I get it. It would prove that I have a boyfriend. It must be nice being smart, huh? You don't even need the Internet." gi: "More like you're not even thinking." Erika: "This picture makes it look like there was an incident, though, so let's take another one. And above all, I'm not cute in it." gi: "All about you, huh?" Erika: "Come closer." gi: "Er, right. Is this girl really a rich person's daughter, though?" Erika: "A little closer." gi: "She smells so nice!" Erika: "You just look like an idiot. I'll send that video to your school." gi: "I apologize." Erika: "And why does it look like I picked up a random person off the street to take a picture with?" gi: "Because I'm a random person off the street." Erika: "Oh, whatever. Come with me." gi: "H-Hey!" gi: "Where are we going?" Erika: "To find clothes for you." gi: "Huh?!" Erika: "Quit griping and come with me!" Erika: "This is perfect. We totally look like a couple." gi: "What's up with this?" Erika: "I just remembered a girl in my class who went for matching outfits with her boyfriend. We look really close, don't we?" gi: "Not really. It just looks like we happened to be wearing the same clothes. Or like I've just been in an accident." Erika: "At least you don't look like a random stranger, right?" Erika: "Hello! I'd like to buy all of this." Store: "That'll be 495,000 yen." gi: "Four hun— No, no, no, no, no! I only have 1,000 yen!" Erika: "I'll buy it in one payment on my card." gi: "All of that?!" Erika: "Keep the outfit. Think of it as an official uniform." gi: "Th-The stuff about her being a princess was true. What kind of home does she come from?" Erika: "Here we go. Look happy, like you're having a lit-ass time." gi: "L-Lit? Lit!" Erika: "You're messing around, aren't you?" gi: "I'm dead serious here." Erika: "You have to act stronger if you're going to be my boyfriend." gi: "Stronger?" Erika: "That's better than the last one. We aren't going to get anything better. I'm going to go borrow the changing room." gi: "She's only showing her parents. Do I really need to look strong?" gi: "Rich... Displays of strength..." Text: "Princess..." gi: "Princess..." Text: "Power..." gi: "Power..." Text: "Contracts..." gi: "Contracts..." Text: "Force..." gi: "Force..." Text: "In all black..." gi: "In all black... Could it be that she's... Hang on... Is your family a yak—" Erika: "Hotel moguls." gi: "Ah, so you're legit. So why did you want us to dress up like that?" Erika: "I figured my parents wouldn't butt in if you looked strong." gi: "She's actually just an idiot." Erika: "It's no use, though. They all look so awkward." gi: "What? After all that?" Erika: "A good photo..." Erika: "I think a good photo is one that gives you a sense of the air of the moment." gi: "The air?" Erika: "Yeah." Erika: "The climate, the scents... Not just that," Erika: "but also the air, as in the feelings of the people in the photos and taking them." Erika: "That's why I try not to edit my photos too much." gi: "Huh..." Erika: "So I think I'll use this photo." gi: "But that's the first one we took." Erika: "It's the one that makes us look the closest, though." Erika: "And it's kind of funny, right?" gi: "I guess... if you're happy with it." Erika: "Yup." gi: "I thought Amano-san and I lived in totally different worlds." Erika: ""Actually, I have a boyfriend."" gi: "Maybe she's actually pretty normal." Erika: "Upload the picture, and... Sent." Erika: "No! How did he know?!" gi: "I guess there's no point in trying to deceive your parents." Erika: "All right, then..." Erika: "We're going to have to do it." gi: "Your ideas are so extreme!" Erika: "What else am I supposed to do, then?" gi: "There's got to be something, right? Like..." Shibata: "Hey, what's this about?!" Shibata: "I thought you didn't have a boyfriend, Erika-tan!" Erika: "No way... Why are those guys here?" gi: "Friends of yours?" Erika: "As if. These guys are from the high school next to mine. I got doxxed a little while ago, and now I'm dealing with stalkers." gi: "Oh. I guess that's what it's like being famous, huh?" Erika: "Stop it." Stalker B: "You're a princess at a chaste all-girls school, aren't you?" Stalker C: "That's why we followed you, you know!" gi: "Don't worry. She's perfectly chaste." Erika: "Seriously, don't!" Shibata: "Erika-tan, who is this guy?" gi: "Huh? Me?" Erika: "Just ignore them." gi: "I'm Amano-san's contractual boyfriend." Stalkers: "B-Boyfriend?!" Erika: "Why would you tell them the truth like that? This is the problem with stuck-up studying addicts. You can't engage with these kinds of people." Shibata: "What was that? Contractual?! Who do you think you are, asshole?!" gi: "Wait, are they picking a fight with me right now?" Erika: "You just noticed?!" Shibata: "Get away from Erika-tan!" Erika: "Come on, let's run!" Erika: "Wow, he's tough." Shibata: "What's wrong with this kid?!" gi: "Never come near Amano-san again." Stalkers: "W-We're sorry!" gi: "Those types of people need to learn the painful way." Erika: "Th-That's an option?" gi: "Umino family wisdom: if anyone picks a fight with you, win." Text: "A i R a b u Y u" gi: "My parents were both delinquents. That's how I was raised." Erika: "Never mind that!" Erika: "I just realized I have to punch him!" Erika: "My fiancé! I'm going to ruin the mood! They'll stop talking about me marrying him if I completely wreck the mood." gi: "I guess that's better than trying to get yourself canceled." Erika: "Wow. I'm still excited. I've never seen a fight in person." Erika: "I promise I'll give him a good wallop like you did, Nagi-kun." gi: "Yeah. If that's what you're gonna do, you might as well go whole hog." Erika: "Yeah!" Driver: "Miss, it's time for you to come home." Erika: "Gah! They were tracking my GPS location!" Erika: "Well, thanks for today. I'll delete that video." gi: "Please do." Erika: "Um... I guess since I'll probably never see you again, I'll tell you..." Erika: "I don't have any friends, because of how I am." Erika: "But it kinda felt like we were on a date today. It was fun." Erika: "Too bad you're not the one I'm supposed to marry, Nagi-kun." Erika: "Just kidding." Erika: "Goodbye." gi: "I'd have to politely decline." gi: "Crap! I'm late!" gi: "I'm sorry I'm late!" Erika'S Dad: "Ah, there you are. Nice to meet you. You must be Nagi-kun." gi: "It's nice to meet you." mie: "Where have you been?!" Erika'S Dad: "We were worried. We thought you weren't going to show up for us." Erika'S Mom: "Thank goodness." gi: "These are my real parents?" mie: "So anyway, Nagi, there's something I've been keeping from you." Yohei: "That's right. The four of us parents talked it through." gi: "Yeah?" Erika'S Mom: "The truth is, we all care about our biological children, as well as the children we raised." mie: "It's been sixteen years, after all." gi: "I'd imagine." mie: "So then, we realized... If the two of you got married, you'd both be our kids." gi: "Wait, what are you saying?" Erika'S Dad: "I was so surprised when I saw the photo my daughter sent me. To think you two were already in a relationship!" Erika'S Mom: "It sure does speed things along." gi: "Huh?" Yohei: "Miracles really do happen!" Erika'S Dad: "She's back. Allow me to introduce you." Erika'S Dad: "To my daughter, Erika, with whom you were mixed up at birth." gi: "Wh-Why?!" Erika: "That's my question." Erika'S Dad: "I'm looking forward to your marriage." gi: "M-Marriage?! I can't accept that!" Erika: "Neither can I. But I have to keep my word." gi: "Wait. There's been a change in circumstances!" Erika: "Ready? And..." gi: "Ow!" gi: "I'm in Class A." gi: "Where is..." Hiro: "Pardon me! Coming through!" Hiro: "I'm sorry. Are you all right?" gi: "Sure." Hiro: "Thank goodness. Sorry, I'm in a hurry." gi: "I would have just let it slide before." gi: "But now that I have a fiancée, I need to hurry." gi: "Segawa Hiro!" gi: "I'm taking you down in the next exam!" Hiro: "Um..." Hiro: "Who were you again?" gi: "Umino Nagi! The guy who's ranked second in our class!" gi: "I decided a long time ago..." Hiro: "What kind of person do I like?" Hiro: "Someone smarter than me." gi: "That once I reached number one, I would confess to her." Text: "m 0 0 l 45 0 l 45 108 l 0 108 m 0 0 l 40 0 l 40 60 l 0 60 we aren't sib- lings." Sachi: "Oh, yeah... I guess Onii-chan wasn't really my brother."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 1 – You're going to be my boyfriend.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "1", "You're going to be my boyfriend." ] }
Sachi: "Oh, are you going out, Erika-chan?" Erika: "Yeah. It's Mother's Day. I'm going to go eat with Mom." Erika: "See you later." Sachi: "Bye." gi: "Mother's Day?" Sachi: "Yeah." Sachi: "I wanna get Mom a gift." Sachi: "Come shopping with me." gi: "I'm not letting you trick me! I bet you've set up a trap at the door or something." Sachi: "You actually remember what happened in elementary school? That's not it." gi: "Why the sudden change of heart, then? Have you ever done anything like this for Mom?" Sachi: "Well, I mean, y'know... I caused her trouble, running away from home and all. It's the least I can do." gi: "You're old enough to appreciate your parents now, huh?" Sachi: "So annoying. Who do you think you are?" gi: "Your great big brother is giving you valuable advi—" gi: "Okay, fine, I get it! I said too much!" Sachi: "I didn't hear you." gi: "I'm sorry, Sachi-sama!" Sachi: "Come with me, then?" gi: "Yes, ma'am." Sachi: "This way, Onii." gi: "Chill out a little." Sachi: "It's got four floors. It's so big. Oh, look at those cute clothes!" gi: "Come to think of it, when's the last time I went out with Sachi?" Sachi: "Onii-chan, let's go to the park." gi: "No." Sachi: "There's a new ice cream shop near the station." gi: "Go by yourself." Sachi: "Onii, I'm going to the batting center." gi: "Go ahead." gi: "Wait... Is this actually the first time?" gi: "Hey, Sachi..." gi: "Sachi?" Mall Guy A: "Hey, are you here by yourself? Where're you from? You're so cute." Sachi: "Er, um..." gi: "What is she doing? Hey, Sachi!" gi: "Let's go." Mall Guy A: "Aw, man, she has a boyfriend? Damn." Sachi: "They said "boyfriend."" gi: "Don't go wandering around. You'll get lost." Sachi: "You're going to get lost, with you spacing out all the time." Sachi: "Look, it's a special Mother's Day pop-up. Let's check it out." gi: "Okay." gi: "Seriously, though..." Mall Guy B: "That girl's so cute." Mall Guy C: "Is that her boyfriend?" Mall Lady A: "They must be siblings." Mall Guy D: "I dunno..." gi: "Because we don't look alike, right? Well, yeah. We aren't blood relatives." Sachi: "I hope Mom appreciates it, huh?" gi: "Yeah." gi: "So what are you going to get Mom?" Sachi: "I haven't decided." gi: "You left home without a plan?" Sachi: "I-I was going to decide with you." Sachi: "She's your mom, too, right?" gi: "Well, yeah." Sachi: "I know! The best gift for Mother's Day is those, right?" gi: ""Those"?" Sachi: "Carnations." mie: "Crap, I forgot to water it!" gi: "She won't know what to do with it." mie: "She's not really the flower type to begin with." Sachi: "How about..." Sachi: "Sweets!" mie: "I don't have time to sit down and eat. Besides, I hate sweet stuff." gi: "Why would we get her something she hates?" Sachi: "In that case..." Sachi: "Fancy clothes." mie: "It's bargain day today! Time to hit up another shop!" gi: "It's important to choose clothes that are appropriate for the wearer." Sachi: "Yeah..." Sachi: "Iunno." gi: "We've looked at just about everything." Sachi: "I still have no idea what to get her." Sachi: "Mom's so wed to her work. I don't know if there's anything she'd appreciate getting." gi: "Yeah... I've never heard her mention anything." Sachi: "Actually, one time, she was super happy when the ice pop I was eating had a winning stick." mie: "Yes!" gi: "I remember that." Sachi: "Also, I think it was the time I got first place in the marathon..." gi: "Right, you did." mie: "That's my girl!" Yohei: "You're amazing, Sachi!" gi: "Although the time I had the highest test score in my grade, they were creeped out." Yohei: "C-Cool... That's, uh, something." mie: "It's so cool that, like... Yeah." Sachi: "I can't think of anything in particular." gi: "I've never even seen Mom happy about receiving something." Sachi: "Aside from that..." Sachi: "There was that drawing you made that she hung up like a treasure." gi: "That was your drawing." Sachi: "What? No way. That was definitely yours." gi: "Which drawing?" Sachi: "The one of Mom looking angry." gi: "No, that was yours. The one with the unrecognizably weird smile, right?" gi: "Wait... Did she have two on the wall?" Sachi: "She did! Remember?" Sachi: "The ones with the aprons!" mie: "That gets me pumped up for work!" Sachi: "Aprons..." Sachi: "That's it! I saw one at a shop earlier." gi: "Good job, Sachi. You're so observant." gi: "That's my sister." gi: "Let's go." Sachi: "What the hell?" Sachi: "You piss me off so much." Sachi: "Don't treat me like your kid sister." gi: "Did you say something?" Sachi: "Nothing." Sachi: "Hurry up." gi: "Wait, something's stuck." Yohei: "Is someone there?" Sachi: "Shoot, run!" gi: "Hey!" Yohei: "Damn, I heard some noise outside, so I thought, "Burglars!" But then I found this in the mail slot. A Mother's Day present! Those kids have really grown up." mie: "Why are you the one crying, Yohei-kun?" Yohei: "Because they got me one, too!" mie: "Damn it, going and wasting money..." mie: "All right, let's get this reno'd shop opened!" Yohei: "My, how it suits you!" Ritsuko: "I see. I'm glad I got to hear how you're doing." Erika: "Good." Ritsuko: "What are the other siblings like together?" Erika: "Well..." gi: "Hey, wait for me!" Erika: "Those two are so cute together, it might be better if he marries her instead." Soichiro: "I see. Sounds like she's made it a good Mother's Day for you." Ritsuko: "She did." Ritsuko: "I never would have thought she'd invite me to a bath house." Soichiro: "A bath house, huh? Nagi-kun's side must be rubbing off on her." Ritsuko: "I think so. She seems to be enjoying her life over there, too." Ritsuko: "She must be envious of Nagi-kun and Sachi-chan." Soichiro: "Thanks for telling me how Erika's doing." Soichiro: "Yeah. Bye." Soichiro: "That makes me want to see her again." Erika: "Whoa, what is this?! It actually worked! All I did was pour hot water on it like Sachi-chan told me. Holy... Whoever invented this is a genius! Time to eat!" Erika: "Nagi-kun! We're going!" gi: "Going? Where?" Erika: "It's urgent! Hurry!" gi: "Wait! I have to study!" gi: "What's so urgent?" Erika: "Just come with me." gi: "Hey... Could you at least tell me where we're going? I have to study." Erika: "Okay... Let's do this one. Seems like something you'd like, too." gi: ""Okay" what?" Text: "Mastery Definitive Edition This book is all you need!" gi: "Ma'am, these are the two I can recommend." Erika: "'Scuse me?" gi: "These are both excellent, highly-curated reference books that teach you everything you need to know in the second-year curriculum. You may wish to choose either, but personally, I would request that you consider buying both. What do you say?" Erika: "I don't need either." gi: "What?! How come?! The current top student at Megurogawa Academy is recommending them with his utmost confidence! Master these books, and even you could make it to the top! They're a little thick, but I ask kindly that you abandon your preconceived notions and make a purchase! If you don't use them, I'll take them!" Erika: "Now you're making me want them." gi: "Right?!" Erika: "I can't, though... I'm poor." gi: "Listen, you... Are you dissing the poor?" Erika: "I'm not. I don't have money." gi: "What are you even saying?" Text: "Bicycles and Pedestrians Only" Erika: "To be exact, I didn't bring my phone or cards." gi: "Why not?!" Erika: "They'll know where I am from my usage logs and GPS data." gi: "I don't know what you're talking about... But don't count on me. I didn't bring mine, either." Erika: "What? Really?" gi: "Who's the one who dragged me out of the house in a hurry?!" Text: "Bicycles and Pedestrians Only" Erika: "There's nothing we can do, then, is there?" gi: "So, what's your urgent business?" Erika: "It's not really urgent... I just didn't want to be at home." gi: "You didn't want to be at home?" gi: "Dad's coming." gi: "I don't want to see him." Sachi: "I'm home." Soichiro: "Oh." Sachi: "Burglar!" Sachi: "Burglar! Burglar! Burglar! Wait, hold on..." Soichiro: "Oh, jeez..." Sachi: "Burglar! Burglar!" Sachi: "I'm sorry. I came home and I saw a stranger, so... I wouldn't have thought you were Erika-chan's father." Soichiro: "Don't worry about it. Sorry for surprising you. I heard you looked just like Erika, but I'm still surprised to see you really do." Sachi: "Onii's away from his phone again. Where have they gone?" Sachi: "Did they go to the convenience store or something? I'm sure they'll be right back." Soichiro: "Hmm..." Soichiro: "I'm not so sure about that." Soichiro: "Sachi-chan, could you give me a bit of your time?" gi: "You don't want to see him? Why not?" gi: "I mean..." gi: "He's technically my dad, too, so..." Erika: "Remember how I said Dad just does things without asking me?" Erika: "Same thing today. He's probably coming to take me home." gi: "Right..." gi: "You left home saying you wanted to become independent." Erika: "Yeah." gi: "Can't really say you're independent if you're blown away because" gi: "you made some cup noodles, though." Erika: "Sh-Shush! It was the first time I'd ever made them. Of course I was amazed." gi: "So, what now? You don't have your wallet or your phone, and you can't go home. You can't stay here forever, though." Erika: "I know. I can't avoid him for the rest of my life. I keep saying "someday," but I'm really just running away." Erika: "This is my opportunity to confront him." Erika: "Wanna go home?" gi: "What's the matter? Weren't the cup noodles your first step to independence?" gi: "Umino family wisdom: always finish what you've started." gi: "Let's go." Erika: "Go? Go where?" gi: "Don't underestimate the poor. We have our own ways of killing time without money. If we're doing this, we're taking it all the way!" Sachi: "Yum. It's melting in my mouth." Sachi: "This is my first time having foie gras." Soichiro: "You've got refined taste for a middle schooler, huh?" Sachi: "Please don't treat me like a child. Believe it or not, I'm actually a foodie." Soichiro: "I'm glad I get to treat you, then." Sachi: "Are you sure, though? This place looks really expensive." Soichiro: "You told me all about Erika's and Nagi-kun's life together. It's to thank you." Sachi: "I'll take you up on it, then." Waitstaff A: "I didn't expect the boss to show up here..." Waitstaff B: "That girl's in middle school, isn't she?" Waitstaff C: "No way..." Soichiro: "So..." Soichiro: "How do Nagi-kun and Erika look together from your perspective?" Soichiro: "Well?" Sachi: "Let me think..." Sachi: "Their personalities are exact opposites. They're always fighting over the smallest things." Sachi: "But..." Erika: "Damn, this is so fun! Come on, one more time!" gi: "No, wait, this is scarier than I thought. I go a lot faster than I did as a kid." Erika: "Go, Nagi-kun!" gi: "W-Wait—" Sachi: "That's actually the kind of thing that makes them seem really compatible." Soichiro: "I see. It's reassuring to hear their sister say that." Soichiro: "You don't seem too happy about it, though." Sachi: "Th-That's not true." Soichiro: "Oh, it's not?" Sachi: "Thank you for dinner today. I had fun, and it was delicious." Soichiro: "Sure. Here, for you." Sachi: "This is from that shop that always has a long line!" Soichiro: "They have a branch in our hotel." Sachi: "Seriously?! Oh, man!" Soichiro: "I hope you'll report to me about those two again. In secret, of course." Sachi: "Sure! You can count on me!" Soichiro: "Okay, see you." Sachi: "Goodnight." Soichiro: "Thanks. I'll be right back." Employee A: "Boss? I thought you had the day off." Soichiro: "Yeah, I just came to pick something up." Employee A: "Uh-huh." Employee A: "You seem happy today." Soichiro: "Yeah, you could say that." Soichiro: "Do you know about cuckoo eggs?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 10 – Don't treat me like your kid sister.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "10", "Don't treat me like your kid sister." ] }
Sachi: "There, that should do it." mie: "Thanks for coming to help out." Sachi: "Whatever. I caused a ton of trouble by running away, after all." Yohei: "Sachi..." Yohei: "You're always welcome back." Sachi: "I'm not coming home." Yohei: "Boo..." mie: "Wanna have dinner?" Sachi: "Nah. There's a drama I want to go home and watch." Sachi: "I'll come visit again." Yohei: "She might as well come home if she's going to visit." mie: "No kidding. Sheesh... She hasn't changed at all since she was little." mie: "When is she ever going to outgrow her brother?" gi: "It's thundering out there now. I wonder if Sachi's going to make it home all right..." Erika: "Nagi-kun." gi: "A-Amano-san! You're here?" Erika: "Of course I am." Erika: "Hey, where's the detergent?" gi: "Oh, it's, uh..." Erika: "Oh, no! Oh, no! The lights went out!" gi: "I-It's an outage." gi: "Amano-san, can you get your phone?" Erika: "Oh, right. That's a good idea." gi: "Phone, phone..." Erika: "How could you freak out so hard that you throw yourself at a girl?!" gi: "You were the one who threw yourself at me!" Erika: "Why did the lights go out, anyway?" gi: "Probably because of the lightning." gi: "This whole area's dark. Guess we'll have to wait for it to come back on." Erika: "Wait!" Erika: "I recognize this situation!" gilien: "⇔∂∑∪¬Ж∝ ηΔ∠∃." Erika: "Mars Attacks!" Erika: "Nagi-kun, let's run! There's a shelter at my place!" gi: "Calm down for a second. Hear me out." gi: "First, I'm going to get my phone from my room." Erika: "Wait! You're not gonna leave me here, are you?!" Erika: "How are you so calm, anyway?" gi: "I mean... I'm used to power outages." Erika: "What do you mean by that?" gi: "Back at my place, the breakers were always tripping." Erika: "You mean the Martians attacked all the time?" gi: "Can we forget about Martians for a moment?" Erika: "I don't think I get it, but I guess we lived in totally different environments." Erika: "You'd better keep the light at my feet." gi: "I know she's panicked and scared, but..." gi: "This isn't my fault, right?" Erika: "Hey! Where do you think you're shining that light?! What are you thinking at a time like this?! You suck, Nagi-kun!" gi: "But, I mean..." Erika: "You suck! Pervert! Creep!" gi: "Cree—" gi: "Found it." Erika: "Again? You seriously have to stop leaving your phone uncharged." Erika: "My phone's about to run out... too..." Erika: "Thank goodness for my aromatherapy candles." gi: "Thank you!" Erika: "Anyway, don't you have a power bank or anything?" gi: "I do. I do, but..." Erika: "But?" Text: "Clutter..." Erika: "I'm always forgetting to charge them, so I keep buying new ones." gi: "You're so loaded." Erika: "You know, though..." Erika: "This isn't bad for a change." Erika: "It's like..." Erika: "Christmas for a poor family." gi: "Dude." gi: "Though, I never thought I'd be in a blackout outside of home, either." Erika: "So, Nagi-kun, what's it like living here for you?" Erika: "I mean, how've you felt since meeting me?" gi: "Where did that come from?" Erika: "It's just..." Erika: "I'm having so much fun every day." Erika: "Ever since I met you and started living here..." Erika: "Since I moved schools and found a new friend in Hiro-chan..." Erika: "I get to spend every day with my sister, Sachi-chan." Erika: "And I get to experience things that I never would at home, like this." gi: "Just how rich has your lifestyle been until now?" gi: "You know, though..." gi: "I'm having fun, too." Erika: "Oh!" gi: "What?!" Erika: "I think there might be an emergency kit in the cloakroom by the entrance." gi: "You could have said that earlier." Erika: "Nagi-kun..." Erika: "Get it for us?" gi: "Fine. I'm taking this with—" Erika: "No! Scary!" gi: "You're so spoiled." Erika: "Scary... scary..." gi: "Is this the cloakroom by the entrance she was talking about?" gi: "Crap, is it leaking?" gi: "Wait, s-sorry! That was an accident! Why did you even come with me? You said you were gonna wait there." Erika: "Hey, the light's back on." Erika: "Nagi-kun! The power's back!" Erika: "Where are you?" gi: "Sachi! Why..." Sachi: "I just got back." gi: "Why don't you at least say you're home, then? You scared me!" Sachi: "It was pitch black inside!" gi: "Jeez, you scared me. I thought you were Amano-san." Sachi: "Wh-Why do you have to say it like that?!" gi: "Anyway, now we know what's going on." gi: "Forget that ever happened, all right?" Sachi: "Huh?" Erika: "Come on, Nagi-kun, where are you?" gi: "I'm here." Sachi: "I can't forget that just happened." gi: "Sachi, are you leaving already?" gi: "What about breakfast?" Sachi: "No, thanks." Student A: "Morning." Student B: "Morning." end A: "Morning. Did you not sleep or something?" end B: "Sachi, did you watch Kimikoi yesterday?" Sachi: "I missed it." end B: "Man, that last episode was awesome." end C: "It was so cute." end B: "It was the best. Right?" end A: "I dunno, that twist was a bit much for me. Like, I get that it was an accident, but siblings kissing?" Sachi: "Huh?!" end A: "Oh, sorry for the spoiler." Sachi: "No, it's okay. And then what happened?" end B: "Then the little sister realizes she's in love with her big brother, even though they're related!" Sachi: "Huh?" end C: "Yeah. Her brother's so hot. Of course she's in love with him. Right?" end A: "You wouldn't get it if you're an only child. Anyone else would immediately wipe it from memory. Right, Sachi?" Sachi: "Yeah... That's right." Sachi: "He's not even hot. And he's insensitive. And he keeps treating me like a kid." Sachi: "There's no way." end A: "S-Sachi?" Sachi: "Nope, nope, nope!" end A: "Sachi's broken!" end B: "Do we call an ambulance?" Sachi: "Screw Onii." Text: "Fish Section" Clerk: "We're holding a limited-time sale here at the fresh fish section!" Clerk: "Discounts on shrimp, tuna sashimi, porgy, squid, scallop, and more!" gi: "All right." gi: "Hey, Sachi! The Umino special curry's ready!" gi: "Sachi, it's your favorite curry. It's even the deluxe style, with shrimp and scallops in it! There's enough for three days!" gi: "Are you not eating?" gi: "Hey." gi: "Something's definitely up with her." Erika: "I'm home. Man, I'm starving." Erika: "Sachi-chan's not coming out of her room?" gi: "Yeah... She's not even responding." Erika: "What is this curry? It's so good!" gi: "She's been like this all day. Is she feeling sick or something?" Erika: "That's weird. She talked to me normally when I went upstairs earlier." Erika: "Nagi-kun, you did something, didn't you?" gi: "Me?! I can't even remember what I might have done." Erika: "There must have been something." gi: "All I can think of is..." gi: "That one time she ate my ice cream without asking." Sachi: "Here." gi: "Or the time she used all the points I worked so hard to save up." gi: "Actually, if anything, I should probably be the one locking myself in my room." Erika: "Really?" gi: "I guess if I'm really reaching..." Erika: "I see." Erika: "Nagi-kun..." Erika: "You're screwed." gi: "Screwed?! Wait, why?! I just bumped into her! We're siblings!" Erika: "Hang on a second." Erika: "I'm Erika, the sexy teacher." gi: "What's happening now?" Erika: "Listen up, Nagi-kun. You're very mistaken." gi: "That came out of nowhere." Erika: "You don't get it, do you? Sachi-chan isn't a child anymore." gi: "No, she's totally a child." gi: "The silent treatment is intense." Erika: "Just so you know, Sachi-chan's in her third year of middle school. She'll be old enough to marry next year. She's a proper woman." gi: "That brat? Getting married? I can't picture that." gi: "Besides, I've been around her since she was born." gi: "We may not be blood relatives, but she's my kid sister. You'd have to be messed up to have those kinds of feelings for your kid sister." Erika: "So then, Nagi-kun, would you still take a bath with her now?" gi: "H-How could I do that?!" Erika: "What you did yesterday was equivalent to that." gi: "That was painfully easy to understand for once." gi: "She's right. Sachi is my sister, but she hasn't been my little sister anymore for a long time." gi: "Come to think of it, Sachi is only my "sister" on paper." gi: "Amano-san's the one she's related to." gi: "I'm just a total stranger who happened to be around since we were born." gi: "Wait... If Sachi is Amano-san's sister, and Amano-san's my fiancée..." gi: "No." gi: "I just need to apologize to Sachi." Sachi: "What should I do?" gi: "What do I tell her?" Erika: "Nagi-kun?" Erika: "Sachi-chan, I'm done with the bath." Sachi: "Okay." Erika: "This situation is way too awkward." Hiro: "Erika-chan says she can't make it today." gi: "Oh..." gi: "What about the study session?" Erika: "I'll see you there." Erika: "The mood's way too tense in here. Hurry up and patch things up with her." gi: "I'm sorry, Segawa-san... This is my fault." gi: "I haven't even faced Sachi in a long time." gi: "What would I even say to her? Do I treat her like my kid sister, or..." Hiro: "Something bothering you?" gi: "Why do you ask?" Hiro: "You haven't gotten anything done this whole time." Hiro: "Well, then... As the heir to the prestigious, miracle-working Meguro Daimyojin, I, Segawa Hiro, shall hear what troubles you." gi: "Huh? What's with the act?" Hiro: "No offering necessary. Limited-time offer." gi: "Okay... I've spent all my time studying," gi: "so I'm not too good at reading people's feelings." gi: "I can be kinda insensitive." gi: "And I ended up hurting someone." gi: "I want to apologize, but I don't know if we can keep things the way they were." Hiro: "You're right. You're insensitive. Sometimes I have doubts about you." gi: "That bad?" Hiro: "I mean, you wouldn't even give up after I told you I'm engaged." Hiro: "And you declared war against me in front of a ton of people." Hiro: "That was pretty embarrassing, you know." gi: "I-It was?!" Hiro: "But I like that about you. How you're so straightforward." Hiro: "Tell her exactly what you think. I'm sure then..." Hiro: "Well?" gi: "Yeah." gi: "Your writing sure is something else, though." Hiro: "I should have brought my brush pen!" gi: "It's me. Can we talk?" gi: "I wanted to apologize for the other day." gi: "I'm sorry." gi: "I feel bad for being so thoughtless with you." gi: "I hope you can forgive me for hurting you." gi: "And..." gi: "I've been doing some soul-searching, and I made a decision." gi: "I'm going to stop treating you like my kid sister." gi: "So, like, I mean..." gi: "You're still my sister, but I'm going to think of you as a proper woman." Sachi: "Seriously? You're such a creep." Sachi: "I'm hungry." Sachi: "Go microwave the curry for me, please." gi: "Do it yourself!" Erika: "Sachi-chan, are you asleep?" Sachi: "No." Sachi: "I'm stretching before bedtime." Erika: "Those aren't practice swings?" Erika: "I think I can sleep well tonight."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 11 – I can't forget that just happened.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "11", "I can't forget that just happened." ] }
Erika: "Okay, see you later." Sachi: "Sure. Study session, right? Good luck." gi: "Don't go back to sleep." Sachi: "Don't worry. I set an alarm." gi: "So you're definitely going to." Sachi: "Bye." Erika: "Seems like things are back to normal between you two. Glad to see that." gi: "Sorry for causing trouble." Erika: "Okay, then, as an apology, you have to come shopping with me." gi: "Shopping?" Erika: "I want to redecorate my room." gi: "That came out of nowhere. Sorry, but not today. I might have something important coming up." gi: "Talk to you later." Erika: "What do you mean, you "might"?" Hiro: "A study group?" gi: "Yeah. After school. Want to?" Hiro: "Why?" gi: "Well, y'know, midterms are coming up." gi: "You said you weren't too good at math. I was thinking maybe I could help you." Hiro: "I'm the top of our grade, remember?" gi: "I'm tentatively the top!" Hiro: "Sounds fun." Erika: "Morning!" Hiro: "Morning. You look cute as always, Erika-chan." Erika: "You, too." gi: "It's finally here! My chance at a rematch!" gi: "I embarrassed myself in front of her on the amusement park date." Sensei: "We use the sine theorem to solve this problem." gi: "I never had a chance at making a good impression on the foreign soil that is the amusement park to begin with. But here, at a place I'm familiar with, I can play to my strengths and show off my studiousness." gi: "Does that help?" Hiro: "Yeah, that was really easy to understand." Hiro: "You're really dependable, Umino-kun." gi: "This is definitely my best chance. Isn't it?" Perm: "Is Umino all right?" Brown Hair: "Maybe he's lost his mind from studying too much." Hiro: "I'm here." gi: "Shall we?" gi: "I've made a huge mistake! We can't talk in the library!" gi: "Why didn't I notice something so obvious?! I must be stupid!" Hiro: "How's it going?" gi: "Terrible." gi: "I guess that was funny." gi: "But this isn't bad, either." Hiro: "It's like we're having a secret conversation, huh?" gi: "It's fun." Text: "It's awesome!" gi: "It's awesome!" gi: "I only ended up studying for an hour! Wh-What do I do? I can't just call it a day now." gi: "Where else can we go to study?" gi: "The park? No way. The family restaurant? What would I order? The café? How much is it going to cost?! I've never even really been to one. Crap, what do I do?" Hiro: "Hey, Umino-kun..." Hiro: "Do you still have time?" Hiro: "I'm ready. Okay, should we start?" gi: "Wait a second... Where are we?" Hiro: "I've gotten into kickboxing lately." gi: "I see..." gi: "What is your goal, exactly?" Hiro: "I don't have one, really. It's just a hobby." gi: "I-I see." Hiro: "You were staring at my breasts just now, weren't you?" gi: "N-No! I wasn't! I wasn't! Although... I can't promise that I wasn't..." Hiro: "Next time, I'll slap you." gi: "Yes, ma'am!" gi: "Wait, you mean you'll let me look if I let you slap me?!" Hiro: "Okay, Umino-kun, put these on." gi: "There. Ready whenever." Hiro: "Okay, let's start with a light warmup." gi: "Keep it coming." Hiro: "Can you keep up with me if I go all-out, Umino-kun?" gi: "I think you underestimate me, Segawa-san." Hiro: "Sorry! I took it too far. I'll go get you a drink." gi: "No, I'm all right..." gi: "Segawa-san never ceases to impress me. She really can do anything." gi: "I can do this, too." gi: "This is kinda fun." Hiro: "Umino-kun, that was amazing!" gi: "Was it?" Hiro: "Yeah! Nice punch! Give it another one." gi: "Nah, I just came to watch." Hiro: "That was pretty impressive for a first try." gi: "Was it?" gi: "I wasn't counting on having that much fun." Hiro: "Sorry to keep you out so late. Thanks for coming along with me." gi: "No, I should thank you. I ended up having all the fun." Hiro: "I'm glad you had fun." gi: "N-No, I mean..." gi: "I asked you out hoping to take the lead this time. I made you make all the decisions at the amusement park." Hiro: "That's not true. I wanted to take you out." Hiro: "I wanted you to get to know me better." Hiro: "Well, I'm heading off. Let's do this again." gi: "226! 227! 228! 229! 230!" Sachi: "That's legit creepy." gi: "231! 232!" Sachi: "Erika-chan, what's gotten into him?" gi: "233! 234!" Erika: "Dunno." gi: "235!" Erika: "Idiot." gi: "236!" gi: "I'm home." Erika: "Nagi-kun." Erika: "You're going on a date with me." gi: "What?" Erika: "Wow, that's great! It looks so good on you." gi: "Does it?" Ents Employee: "Will you be buying this, as well?" gi: "Yes. He'll wear it home." Ents Employee: "Understood. Thank you for your loyalty." gi: "It's expensive, but does it even look good on me?" Erika: "Well, shall we?" Erika: "Good for you. You're lucky you have me to dress you up. You finally get an upgrade from your default house wear." gi: "I like it. It's comfortable." gi: "What?" Erika: "Nothing." gi: "What's going on, anyway?" Erika: "What do you mean?" gi: "Why a date all of a sudden?" Erika: "Oh, that..." Erika: "I thought it'd be nice for a change." gi: "Huh? To make an alibi for your parents, you mean?" Erika: "It might be that. Or it might not." gi: "That's not an answer!" Erika: "Let's see, our next date plan is..." gi: "What is she scheming?" Erika: "Good for you, Nagi-kun! It really likes you." gi: "How is this "liking" me?! And why are we at a pet shop?!" Erika: "I've had a thing for reptiles ever since that gecko I met in the house. I'd love to have a pet python, too, if I could." gi: "You have plenty of those dog things already!" Erika: "Dogs and snakes are cute in different ways." Erika: "Look, Nagi-kun! This one's cute, too!" Erika: "A king cobra!" Erika: "It's looking right at you. Maybe it likes you. Excuse me! Could you please bring this one out?" gi: "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Erika: "No animals, either..." gi: "Seriously, what?!" Erika: "I know!" Erika: "Come on, Nagi-kun! Hurry up!" Erika: "Keep up with me!" gi: "What is her deal right now?" gi: "This isn't even a date anymore. It's just training." Erika: "So strange..." Erika: "I thought this would work out well." gi: ""Work out" how?! I hate running!" Erika: "I hate running, too." gi: "So why are you acting so out of character?" Erika: "Well, you like sports, don't you?" gi: "Do I look as if I like anything other than studying?!" Erika: "Really? So why were you kickboxing, then?" Erika: "I saw you." Erika: "On a date with Hiro-chan." gi: "Huh? S-So what?" Erika: "What do you mean, "so what"?!" Erika: "You had such a pervy smile, too." gi: "No way! I did?!" Erika: "You sure did!" Erika: "A huge, pervy grin." gi: "That's embarrassing." Erika: "You looked all skeevy and happy." gi: "I have a crush on her. What do you expect?" Erika: "That's what I hate." Erika: "You never smile at me." gi: "I'm totally lost. You were rooting for me and Segawa-san until now." Erika: "That was that, and this is this!" Erika: "Or... it was what it was, I guess." gi: "It was what?" Erika: "I mean, hearing about Hiro-chan and actually seeing her were totally different." gi: "Huh?" Erika: "Why are you getting so cozy with another girl, anyway? Aren't you enjoying your date with me? You're my fiancé, aren't you?" gi: "Is that why she invited me out today?" Erika: "Well?!" gi: "Wait, hang on a second. Are you saying you saw me on a date with Segawa-san and got jealous?" Erika: "What do you mean, "jealous"?" gi: "Like, I mean..." gi: "Do you like me?" Erika: "What?! Are you stupid?! No, you're definitely an idiot! Idiot!" gi: "But it's true, isn't it? You got pissed. That's jealousy." gi: "I mean, if I saw Segawa-san on a date with someone else..." gi: "Sorry I didn't notice." Erika: "No! No!" gi: "But I..." Erika: "You're wrong!" Erika: "It's not that I like you! Yet!" gi: ""Yet"?!" Erika: "I'm going home!" gi: "Hey, wait!" Sachi: "Erika-chan, welcome... home..." Sachi: "Erika-chan?" gi: "What did she mean by "yet"?" gi: "Does that mean she's going to like me eventually?" Erika: "I think I like you, Nagi-kun." gi: "What? Why is my heart racing? Do I like Amano-san?" gi: "No, that's impossible. I already have Segawa-san." gi: "Though... why do I like Segawa-san in the first place?" gi: "What a foolish question." gi: "She's popular, cute, and smart. More than anything, she's my aspiration and my rival. So it's fun being with her, and I admire her. That's what it means to love someone." gi: "Right?" gi: "What does "love" even mean?!" gi: "It doesn't really help just reading the words." gi: "The Internet's not going to help." mie: "Thank you!" Customer A: "Thanks for dinner!" Customer B: "Night!" mie: "See you soon." mie: "Hey, it's Nagi." Yohei: "Hey, are you here to help?" gi: "No, I'm busy right now." mie: "It's the first time we see him in ages, and that's all he's got for us." Yohei: "He's in his usual boar mode." gi: "It's around here somewhere..." gi: "There it is." gi: "What the heck?!" gi: "My gut tells me I'll be severely injured if I touch it." gi: "Letters?" gi: "These aren't all letters from Dad to Mom, are they?" gi: "What is this?" Yohei: "Dear Namie-san. Dear Namie-chan, no matter when I see you, you're adorable. A heartfelt haiku from Yohei." Yohei: "I love you!" Yohei: "Ai rabu yu." Yohei: "Love revolution!" gi: "This is so..." Yohei: "Hey, Nagi." Yohei: "What are you up to?" gi: "The man himself!" Yohei: "Hey, that's... Namie-chan had it sealed up. You looked?" gi: "Uh, well, not exactly... er..." Yohei: "Gripping, isn't it?" gi: "I felt embarrassed for you, just reading it." Yohei: "What?!" gi: "That's a lot of letters, though." Yohei: "It is. They're memories of love." gi: "Memories?" gi: "Why are they all from you, though?" Yohei: "Well, because..." Yohei: "Namie-chan was the popular girl at the local girls' school." Yohei: "The moment I saw her, I fell in love." Yohei: "I immediately went on the offense." Young Yohei: "Namie-san! Please accept my letter! Please!" Young Namie: "Another one? I told you I'm not interested in you." Young Yohei: "I'm begging you!" Young Namie: "Oh, fine. I'll take it." Young Namie: "You're so weird." Yohei: "And here we are now." gi: "So this mountain of letters..." Yohei: "True love." gi: "Is this how big of a deal it is to fall in love?" gi: "Could I do the same thing for Segawa-san, then?" gi: "Wait... Could I?" gi: "No, I would, right?" Yohei: "What's the matter? Are you having doubts about your love? When that happens, you gotta ask your heart." gi: "Your heart?" Yohei: "That's right. Close your eyes." Yohei: "And picture in your mind... Who's the precious one calling your name?" Yohei: "Don't think! Feel!" gi: "Be quiet!" Yohei: "Well? Do you see anything?" Hiro: "Umino-kun." Erika: "Nagi-kun." Sachi: "Onii." Yohei: "That's your future bride." Yohei: "Well? You saw Erika-chan, didn't you?" gi: "I saw all three of them!" Yohei: "Anyway, your romance is just getting started. Don't rush it so much." Erika: "What?" Erika: "Idiot." Text: "I don't like you, either. Yet."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 12 – It's not that I like you, yet.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "12", "It's not that I like you, yet." ] }
Perm/Twoblock/Brownhair: "U-mi-no-kun!" Brown Hair: "So midterms are starting today. How's it looking?" Twoblock: "We're betting all our pencil leads on you again." gi: "Yeah." Perm: "He's so focused." Twoblock: "Oh, man." Brown Hair: "Get 'em!" Perm: "Do it!" gi: "Dad told me..." Yohei: "Close your eyes. And picture in your mind... Who's the precious one calling your name?" Hiro: "Umino-kun." Erika: "Nagi-kun." Sachi: "Onii." Yohei: "That's your future bride." Yohei: "Anyway, your romance is just getting started. Don't rush it so much." gi: "I do feel anxious, though. Of course I do." gi: "Wasn't I in love with Segawa-san?" Teacher: "Begin." gi: "Amano-san has some issues with her personality, but conventionally speaking, she's cute." gi: "But I don't have any feelings for her." gi: "I don't think." gi: "That was... Yeah, that was a kind of empathy. Both of us are troubled by having our parents setting us up to get married. I just relate to her." gi: "Probably." gi: "So... what about Sachi?" gi: "She's my sister, but she's not. Which means..." gi: "What's wrong with me?!" Student A: "Umino's sighing..." Student B: "Is this exam that hard?" Student C: "Crap, I gotta focus." Teacher: "Ten more minutes." gi: "Shoot. Focus! Focus!" Erika: "Thank God exams are finally over!" Sachi: "Same. I don't want to see any numbers or letters for a while." Erika: "Nagi-kun, let's celebrate." Sachi: "Yeah! I want something sweet." gi: "Help me make dinner first!" Erika: "Gonna order cake. What do you want, Sachi-chan?" Sachi: "That one with ice cream on it." gi: "Listen to me!" gi: "Amano-san is..." Erika: "You're my fiancé, aren't you?" gi: "Like, I mean... Do you like me?" Erika: "What?!" Erika: "It's not that I like you! Yet!" gi: "She's already back to normal, after all that." Erika: "Is dinner ready yet? I'm getting hungry." gi: "It'll be ready soon. At least help set the table." Sachi/Erika: "Okay." Student 1: "Good morning!" Student 2: "Mornin'!" gi: "Damn it... I've been thinking so much, I can't think anymore." Hiro: "Morning, Umino-kun." gi: "M-Morning." Hiro: "Are you back to normal yet?" Hiro: "It seemed like something was wrong during the exams." gi: "Nope, I'm fine." Hiro: "Let's go to class." gi: "Okay." gi: "You look good in your summer uniform, ma'am." Hiro: "Why so polite?" gi: "Segawa-san's still cute!" Teacher: "I'm returning your midterm results." Teacher: "What happened to your momentum, Umino?" gi: "I'm... thirteenth?" Male Student A: "Seriously, Umino?" Male Student B: "What happened?" emale Student C: "That last one must have just been a miracle." gi: "Um, this... This has to be some kind of mistake, right?" Teacher: "No mistake. Next." Teacher: "Segawa." Hiro: "Yes, sir." Teacher: "You got your first place back. Congrats." gi: "Why? How did this happen?" Yonezawa: "Well, if it isn't Mr. Umino." Takahashi: "He appears horribly dejected." Yonezawa: "How Icarus has fallen." Takahashi: "That was quite the sudden end." Yonezawa: "Much like Akechi Mitsuhide's three-day reign." Takahashi: "What a shame!" Brown Hair: "Hey, Uminocchi..." Twoblock: "I lost a lifetime's worth of pencil leads." Perm: "Hope you do better next time." Brown Hair: "We're rooting for you." Twoblock: "Come on, man. My pencil leads..." Asuma: "Umino-kyun! It's a'ight, dude. TBH, my grades tanked because I was staring at Erika-chan's face the whole time. Erika-chan in serious mode is such a snack, am I right?" Asuma: "Is Hiro-chan mad about something?" Sachi: "Welcome home, Onii." Sachi: "I wonder if something happened at school." Erika: "Actually, get this: his exam grades fell." Sachi: "He's back to second again?" Erika: "Nope. Thirteenth." Sachi: "What?! Onii's thirteenth?!" Erika: "Apparently. That's still pretty amazing, but he's so bummed about it." Sachi: "I've never heard of him being lower than second." gi: "What the hell am I doing?" gi: "The only reason I can think of..." gi: "is that I got cocky because I placed first once." Erika: "Why are you so obsessed with studying?" gi: "Well, y'know..." gi: "I want to give my parents a comfortable life someday." gi: "That's all." gi: "I totally forgot about that, didn't I?!" Hiro: "You've only won once!" Hiro: "One win and ten losses! I'm still above you!" gi: "Then I'll beat you next time, too! So if I beat you again, and again, ten more times, will you go out with me then?" gi: "And now I'm way down at thirteenth! I'm so embarrassed! So sad! This is so sad I'm going to explode!" gi: "No wonder Segawa-san would look at me with so much contempt." gi: "I let my guard down. Two months since I found out about being engaged" gi: "and started living with Amano-san..." Erika: "Now that Sachi-chan's here, we have to be positive about us living together." gi: "It's an amusement park..." gi: "Is this actually a proper date?!" Erika: "Give it to me!" gi: "Wait! I'll take a proper one this time!" gi: "Mother's Day?" Sachi: "Yeah." Sachi: "Come shopping with me." Hiro: "A study group?" gi: "I only ended up studying for an hour!" Dialogue: "It's awesome!" Hiro: "Can you keep up with me if I go all-out, Umino-kun?" Erika: "Nagi-kun. You're going on a date with me." gi: "I haven't been studying at all. It's not like when I would help out at home sometimes and otherwise focus on studying." gi: "What's left of me if I fall behind at school?" gi: "It's like I'm no longer myself." Erika: "Nagi-kun! When is dinner?!" gi: "Eh?" Erika: "Don't "Eh?" me! When are you going to make dinner? I've been waiting for two hours now!" gi: "That's not my problem! You don't know what I'm going through." Erika: "How am I supposed to?! Why would I? Just because you were thirteenth..." gi: "Shut up! I'm trash if I'm not first!" Erika: "Thirteenth is godly." gi: "I don't need your half-assed reassurances. You don't know how big of a deal it is that I didn't get first! Schoolwork is all I've got going for me!" Erika: "What do you mean, it's all you've got?! Don't you remember what I said? I like hanging out with you. Are you saying it doesn't matter how I feel?" gi: "That's not the point. I ended up forgetting about studying because I was having so much fun." Erika: "Well, if it was fun, then what's the problem?" gi: "Like I said..." Erika: "I don't care if you got first or thirteenth. You're just as valuable either way!" gi: "Why are you the one so angry here?" Erika: "Because I'm hungry. Just hurry up and make dinner already." gi: "Fine, fine." Sachi: "I'm getting hungry, too." gi: "You're always hungry." Sachi: "Thank you for dinner." Erika: "I'm so full, I can't move anymore." gi: "Don't tell me later that's why you got fat." Erika: "You're worthless if you can't cook." Sachi: "True." gi: "Who do you think you are?" gi: "Okay!" gi: "It's a new morning." gi: "That's right... I'm reborn." Erika: "Why are you showering first thing in the morning?!" gi: "So what if I am?! I'm purifying myself!" Erika: "What the heck?! That doesn't even make sense!" gi: "Time to declare war against Segawa-san again." gi: "I'm placing first on the next exam. I have to win eleven times so we can fulfill our promise." Hiro: "I've never lost to anyone before, but supposing I ever do..." Hiro: "Would my fate change if I met someone that amazing?" Hiro: "Umino-kun..." Hiro: "Could you please change my fate?" gi: "I'll do it!" gi: "She's not here." gi: "She's here! Segawa-sa—" Erika: "Huh? Where's Hiro-chan?" gi: "She's not here yet." Erika: "Oh. We didn't have to bother coming at different times, then." Erika: "Now, then..." gi: "No, uh... What about studying?" Erika: "I will. When Hiro-chan gets here." Erika: "Hiro-chan says she's going to be late. She says she's on her way." gi: "You're slacking, Amano-san! There's no way you can keep up with Megurogawa's classes that way. Now! Get your textbook. Open your notebook. Put your snacks away. Pick up your pen!" Erika: "You're too strict, Nagi-kun. You have to treat me nicer, or I'm not going to want to study." gi: "I'm always nice!" Erika: "Anyway, wake me up when Hiro-chan's almost here. I haven't been sleeping well lately." gi: "That's because you're always on your phone at night!" Erika: "Silence in the library, Nagi-kun." gi: "It's your fault, Amano-san!" Erika: "Sure, sure. Goodnight." gi: "Wake up!" gi: "Segawa-san..." Hiro: "Yeah?" gi: "Uh... I didn't see you at the study session this morning." Hiro: "Sorry, I realized I left something at home, so I had to go back." gi: "Ah." Hiro: "You seem to be doing better." gi: "Oh, well, I guess. Getting thirteenth did suck... But it was my fault. There's no point dwelling on it, I guess." gi: "I thought I should have a fresh start, you know? Amano-san gave me an earful, too." Hiro: "I see." gi: "So, um.... I wanted to talk..." gi: "Huh?!" Classmate A: "Erika-chan!" Classmate B: "I could watch her forever." Classmate C: "She's so pretty." gi: "Is it just my imagination?" Dumpling Girl: "Your skin's so flawless, Amano-san." Scrunchie: "Hey, is it okay if I touch it?" Erika: "Huh? Oh, sure." Hiro: "No way. I've been holding back wanting to touch her, too." Erika: "Really?" Hiro: "I was dying to when I took a shower with her at her place, too." uffy Girl: "Say what? I never heard anything about that." Dumpling Girl: "Tell us more." Hiro: "I'll tell you about it next time." Dumpling Girl: "Please?" Scrunchie: "Come on, tell us more." uffy Girl: "Please." gi: "Urp." gi: "Segawa-san..." gi: "is avoiding me!" Asuma: "Yikes! Bruh, what? Umino-kun, does your head hurt?" gi: "It hurts... My heart hurts... The more I think about it, the less I can live with the reality." Asuma: "You good? Wanna go for karaoke?" gi: "But why? She might be disappointed in me for getting thirteenth, but why is she so blatantly avoiding me?" Hiro: "Umino-kun, I'll be waiting for you behind the gym after school. From Segawa Hiro." gi: "What is this about?" Erika: "I see." Erika: "That's pretty bad." Erika: "It's over, Nagi-kun. All that awaits you is the netherworld, or the underworld... Or maybe hell." gi: "So nothing but hell!" Erika: "Hiro-chan has every reason to be angry." gi: "Ang— I don't know what she would be angry about, though." Erika: "You're way too dense, Nagi-kun." gi: "But it was my grade that dropped." Erika: "That's the point! You were flexing so hard about coming in first, and now you've let yourself fall to thirteenth. That's more than just a disappointment. I'd give up on you." Erika: "I'd want my expectations back." Erika: "I might not feel better until I punched you." gi: "B-But you said I'm still me, no matter what my rank is." Erika: "That's how I am. Hiro-chan's not like me." Erika: "That's just how much she respected you as a rival." Erika: "In other words, what you've done is tantamount to betrayal." gi: "That face... So that's what that was about?" Erika: "Go get yourself punched really hard." gi: "Your expression doesn't match what you're saying!" gi: "So, anyway, my personal life had gotten kinda complicated." gi: "I didn't notice I wasn't studying as much." gi: "So, like..." gi: "I'm sorry I disappointed you. I promise I'll place first next time. So please, watch me." Hiro: "Umino-kun! Pass!" Hiro: "Hey!" Hiro: "Hey! Hey! Hey!" gi: "Okay!" gi: "I'll get it!" Hiro: "Things aren't quite working out, are they?" Hiro: "I definitely felt let down yesterday." Hiro: "But you know..." Hiro: "As your rival, I was sure I knew how you felt better than anyone." Hiro: "Yet you seemed all better this morning." Hiro: "But I guess it was Erika-chan, huh?" Hiro: "I always thought I was the one..." Hiro: "who could cheer you up, Umino-kun." gi: "I still love Segawa-san." gi: "Back to first place! Back to first! Back to first!" Erika: "Shut up!" gi: "Leave me alone! I'm on fire right now!" Erika: "Seriously, just shut up! Sachi-chan's sleeping!" Erika: "By the way..." Erika: "Could you help me with studying?" gi: "I cannot." Erika: "Just hear me out. I really need to get a decent grade on the next exam." gi: "Why do you care now? You can always just use Dad's power. Or even if you got a crappy grade, you could still get by." Erika: "That won't work this time." gi: "Why not?" Erika: "They want me back home if I bomb the makeup exam."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 13 – Things aren't quite working out, are they?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "13", "Things aren't quite working out, are they?" ] }
Erika: "By the way..." Erika: "Could you help me with studying?" gi: "I cannot." Erika: "Just hear me out. I really need to get a decent grade on the next exam." gi: "Why do you care now? You can always just use Dad's power. Or even if you got a crappy grade, you could still get by. That won't work this time." gi: "Why not?" gi: "They want me back home if I bomb the makeup exam." gi: "What?!" Erika: "I hereby begin our briefing." Erika: "Here's the situation. Our army has been defeated spectacularly by the overwhelming force of the Megurogawa Academy exams." Erika: "We must perfect the exam material by Monday and conquer the makeup exams. We have orders to withdraw from this position should we fail." Erika: "Anything you want to say, Sergeant?" gi: "Would you mind leaving if you're just going to dick around?" Erika: "My motto is to have fun with anything I do." Erika: "How about a commemorative photo, Sergeant?" gi: "No pictures!" Erika: "So anyway, help, please." gi: "It's your own fault. How are you so patronizing?" Erika: "I'm just desperate." gi: "But why do they want you back home all of a sudden?" Erika: "They were my first exams since I transferred, remember?" Erika: "I tried my best... But this school goes so much faster than Orpheus." Soichiro: "Erika, I'm sure you understand." Soichiro: "If you can't keep up, you need to come home." Erika: "They're pretty concerned that I ranked last." gi: "I'm sure they are." Erika: "I feel like your school's got too many smart people, Nagi-kun." Erika: "The lectures are so hard. I have no idea what's going on. The exams are next level, too." gi: "That's because you haven't been studying." gi: "How was it at your old school?" Erika: "This is the first time I ever ranked last. My tutor's exam question predictions were dead-on. Not that I have a tutor anymore." Erika: "Why did I transfer to this school, anyway? I wonder why. How odd." gi: "Please stop looking at me." gi: "Just so you know, I'm busy studying, too. I expect you to focus." Erika: "Yessir, Sergeant!" gi: "We're starting with math. Mess around, and I'm discharging you immediately." Erika: "Yessir!" Erika: "Nice, nice! Look this way! Perfect!" gi: "What are you doing?" Erika: "Sachi-chan wanted to study with us." Sachi: "I have entrance exams, too. Do you have a problem?" gi: "You don't look like someone dealing with entrance exams to me." gi: "Just stay out of our way." Sachi: "Okay." Erika: "Sir! Sergeant! I'm lost." gi: "Already?" Erika: "This problem here." gi: "The answers are in the key, along with explanations. Look at that first." Erika: "Hear me out, you sergeant from hell." gi: "That's insulting." Erika: "What is pi?" gi: "Seriously?!" Erika: "I get distracted when problems like these come up." gi: "Pi is the circumference ratio. It's roughly 3.14." Erika: "Say what? Why is it 3.14, anyway?" gi: "...which is why this infinitely long number that comes out of this hexagon is shortened to 3.14." Erika: "I see!" Erika: "So, what were we doing?" Erika: "Also, why is this 3.14 thing abbreviated as "pi"? If we're going to use symbols, why can't we just make it a cute emoji?" Sachi: "Erika-chan, you can always work on another problem when you get stuck. Right, Onii?" gi: "Yeah. That's probably for the better." Erika: "Makes sense. Okay, next." Erika: "Done!" gi: "Let's see." Text: "They felt squee" Erika: "They felt squee!" gi: "How about English?" Erika: "Wait, I'm googling it now." gi: "Next!" gi: "There's nothing to get confused about in history, right?" Erika: "Nagi-kun..." gi: "Now what?" Erika: "I'm still thinking about pi. Why is it that symbol?" Sachi: "I think I'm getting in the way, so I'll go back to my room." Erika: "You aren't in the way." Erika: "Wait, hold on... It's already been three hours since we started studying. Isn't that awesome?" gi: "Excuse me, but are you even trying?" Erika: "What?! I'm totally staring down the questions!" gi: "It's been three hours and you haven't finished a single problem properly. It doesn't seem like you're trying!" Erika: "Well..." gi: "I want to study so I can beat Segawa-san." Erika: "Oh, really? Fine. Forget it, then. I'll just go home." gi: "Suit yourself." Sachi: "Wait..." Sachi: "Hey, Onii!" Erika: "I get it." Erika: "There's no way I can pass the makeup test." Erika: "Dad knows that." Erika: "He's using this to make me come home." gi: "I bet." gi: "I've strived to become independent since I met you. But this is how it ends." gi: "It's my fate to have to do as my parents say." Sachi: "Erika-chan..." gi: "Fate, huh?" gi: "I guess..." gi: "If Amano-san has to leave, Sachi and I will be going home, too." gi: "It's been two months since I came to this place. It was really uncomfortable at first," gi: "but I guess when I went home last time, it felt nostalgic." gi: "I liked this desk, too." gi: "And the bed." gi: "Guess I'm going back to sleeping in a futon on the tatami mats." gi: "It is what it is, I guess." gi: "Wait, Sachi, you're still awake?" Sachi: "Yeah. I'm sleeping here tonight." gi: "Why's that?" Sachi: "Erika-chan's studying." Text: "Victory" gi: "Oh, she is?" Sachi: "Why don't you teach her properly?" gi: "You saw her." gi: "Besides, she's intent on going home. There's nothing I can do." Sachi: "You're the one who's intent on going home!" gi: "What's the problem? It's not like you're never going to see her again." Sachi: "Onii, you jerk." Erika: "You know how Nagi-kun takes everything he does really seriously? He's really hardworking." Erika: "I'll help you out." Erika: "I get distracted when problems like these come up." gi: "3.14, my ass." gi: "You fundamentally don't know how to study!" Erika: "Wait, who said you could come in?" gi: "To hell with the circle ratio! Stop thinking like a scholar! The makeup exam is made up of questions from the exam. In other words, memorization!" gi: "We're doing this." Erika: "Let's do it!" Erika: "A-Actually, I told you I'm done. You're studying hard for Hiro-chan, aren't you? I can't keep dragging you down." gi: "I don't suck enough to get dragged down by the likes of you." Erika: "The likes of me?!" gi: "Besides, why are you studying? I thought you were going to accept your fate and go home." gi: "You don't want to, do you?" gi: "Don't try to spare me. Just tell me the truth. You want my help so that you don't have to go home, don't you?" Erika: "But that's..." gi: "Your problems are my problems. You're my fiancée." gi: "I'll change fate." Erika: "Change fate? You're so grandiose." Erika: "You'd better take responsibility, then." gi: "Leave it to me! For the next two days, you are under my purview." Erika: "You are a sergeant from hell!" gi: "Answer either yes or yes!" Erika: "Y-Yessir!" gi: "Not "yessir"! Yes or yes!" Erika: "Yes, sir!" gi: "Good, that's it! Once more!" Erika: "Yes, sir!" Sachi: "Guess I'll borrow Onii's room." gi: "No looking at your phone the moment I turn away! No eating snacks! No sleeping! Focus!" Erika: "You're too mean. I can't." Teacher: "Why are you here, Umino?" gi: "Don't mind me." Teacher: "Now, as for your makeup exam..." Teacher: "Well done." Erika: "Nagi-kun!" Erika: "I did it, Nagi-kun!" gi: "You did it, Amano-san! Yes!" Secretary: "Sir." Secretary: "That was unfortunate." Text: "I passed the makeups!" Secretary: "I heard your daughter won't be returning." Soichiro: "Unfortunate?" Soichiro: "No." Soichiro: "All is well." Sachi: "Congratulations on passing the exams!" Erika: "Thanks!" Sachi: "I'm so happy. You're really amazing, Erika-chan." Erika: "I know. It's a piece of cake, once I put my mind to it." gi: "Like hell it's a "piece of cake"! I pulled two straight all-nighters for you! Not only that, I wrote two custom textbooks for you! I marked your work, monitored you so you wouldn't fall asleep," gi: "provided rations, managed your schedule..." gi: "That was all me! All me!" Erika: "I was the one who passed." gi: "Yeah, but still!" Erika: "Thanks, though." Erika: "I've never been so happy about an exam result." gi: "I hate being so nervous about an exam." Sachi: "Who cares? She passed. So now, it's festival time!" Erika: "What? You're going to celebrate for me?" Sachi: "No, we're not." Sachi: "There's a festival by my place this weekend. I was thinking of inviting you if you passed the exams." Sachi: "My parents get really gung-ho about it every year. It'll be fun." Erika: "Gung-ho? Festival?" mie: "Samba!" Yohei: "VamoLá! Tequila!" Erika: "That sounds fun." gi: "What kind of festival?!" Erika: "You're going, too, right?" gi: "Of course I'm going. My attendance is mandatory." Erika: "Mandatory?" Text: "Monshiro-cho Shopping District" mie: "Huh?" mie: "Hey, Dad, where's the sliced cabbage?" Yohei: "Didn't Nagi put it in the fridge?" Sachi: "Wasn't it in the kitchen?" gi: "Get a grip, everyone. We haven't even cut the cabbage yet." Yohei: "No way!" Customer A: "Hey, Nagi-kun, Sachi-chan. Helping out again this year? Good on you." gi: "It's mandatory." Male Vendor: "Step right up!" emale Vendor: "Check us out!" mie: "There, that should do it." Yohei: "I know we do this every year, but we sure are fast." Sachi: "Did you go say hi to the neighborhood association yet?" mie: "No, not yet." Yohei: "Could you watch the shop? Thanks." Sachi: "Okay." gi: "Yeah." Sachi: "By the way, Erika-chan said she'll be late because she has to get ready." gi: "Mm-hm." Sachi: "You have to take this more seriously, Onii." gi: "It's my precious weekend. Plus I was too busy helping Amano-san last week to do my own studying." Sachi: "Mom said you're free once you meet your quota." gi: "Really?!" Sachi: "Umino family wisdom:" gi: "Walls exist to be overcome!" Sachi: "Let's sell, Onii." Text: "Yakisoba 500 yen each" gi: "All right!" Sachi: "Thanks for waiting. That'll be 500 yen. Here you are." Sachi: "Three coming up, Onii." gi: "Roger." Girl'S Father: "Sorry, could we get another pair of chopsticks?" Sachi: "Sure." Girl'S Father: "Good teamwork. You're a nice couple." gi: "Sorry." Sachi: "Here you are." Girl'S Father: "Thanks." Sachi: "See you." Young Girl: "Bye-bye." gi: "What are you doing? Be careful." Hiro: "Hey, Umino-kun?" gi: "S-Segawa-san?!" Hiro: "I thought it was you." gi: "Why are you... And your yukata..." Hiro: "Does it suit me?" gi: "Yes." Hiro: "My shrine is one of the sponsors for this festival, so I'm helping. How about you?" gi: "This is my house." Hiro: "Wow! I didn't realize you lived at a diner." gi: "It's just a plain old diner." Sachi: "Segawa..." Hiro: "I'd like to come by sometime." gi: "Please." Sachi: "I've heard that name." gi: "The person who went on a date with Onii!" Hiro: "Hi, who's this?" Sachi: "Oh, she's my sister. Her name's Sachi." Hiro: "Nice to meet you, Sachi-san. I'm Segawa Hiro, from Umino-kun's class. I've been in your brother's care." gi: "Come on, Sachi, that was rude." gi: "Hey, Sachi!" Hiro: "Sorry. You must be busy." gi: "Sorry, Segawa-san." Hiro: "Hey, Umino-kun... Would you like to walk around the festival later?" gi: "Yeah!" Hiro: "Okay, see you later." gi: "A date with Segawa-san in a yukata!" Sachi: "I thought we were going to go with Erika-chan." gi: "I never promised that. Where'd that come from?" Sachi: "Forget it." gi: "Why are you so mad?" Sachi: "I'm not mad." Stall Customer: "Hello, one yakisoba, please." Sachi: "Coming up." Text: "Yakisoba 500 yen each" Sachi: "Come on, Onii. We're never going to reach our quota if you don't keep up. You want to go hang out, don't you?" gi: "Y-Yeah." Sachi: "That'll be 500 yen." gi: "Mom, Dad..." Sachi: "Please be sure to eat it before it gets cold." gi: "I can't figure out what my sister's thinking these days." Sachi: "You'll love it." Yohei: "She's like Namie-chan when she was younger." mie: "Stop." Councilman: "Really?" Yohei: "No, really, she's an angel." Text: "Sold Out" Erika: "You're so cute, Sachi-chan!" Sachi: "You, too. Thanks for lending me one. I don't have a yukata, so I appreciate it." Erika: "I'm glad, then. I wanted to make up for all the trouble over the makeup exam. It took such a long time to get ready." Sachi: "Wanna hang out around here until Mom calls us?" Erika: "Okay. Where's Nagi-kun? I brought one for him, too." Sachi: "Forget Onii. Just let him do cleanup." Erika: "Okay. I wish I could have helped out at the shop." Sachi: "You do? We would have sold out faster if you were there." Erika: "Are you sure?" Sachi: "I'm sure." Erika: "Hiro-chan." Erika: "Why? Why? Why are you here?" Hiro: "I could ask you the same thing!" Hiro: "Huh? She's..." Sachi: "This is Sachi-chan. She's my sister." Hiro: "What?" Text: "Umino-tei Diner" gi: "A festival date with Segawa-san..." Erika: "She's cute, huh?" Hiro: "She's your... sister?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 14 – Walls exist to be overcome!!", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "14", "Walls exist to be overcome!!" ] }
gi: "Hey, wait up!" Erika: "Jeez. I chose that yukata for you, so you'd better wear it well." gi: "I can't even wear my casual clothes well!" Erika: "Come on, Nagi-kun. Hurry up." Erika: "Nagi-kun, look!" Erika: "I've never been to a festival like this." Erika: "Where should we go first?" gi: "You sure are giddy." Erika: "It's too bad I can't go on a festival date with Segawa-san... But considering Amano-san is here with me, maybe it's for the better. I wish we could have brought Sachi-chan along. Oh, well." mie: "The local festival doesn't happen every day, you know. You two should spend it together." Yohei: "A date between fiancé and fiancée." Sachi: "You should go. I'll stay home to help out with work." Erika: "Hang in there, Sachi-chan! I'll have plenty of fun in your stead!" gi: "That's a convenient take." gi: "Although..." Erika: "Oh, Nagi-kun, I want to do that!" gi: "This isn't bad for a change, either." Erika: "Goldfish scooping!" gi: "I happen to have some money from helping with work today." Text: "Chocolate Bananas" Erika: "I wanna play." Shopkeep A: "Sure, that's 300 yen." Erika: "With this, please." Shopkeep A: "B-By card?!" Erika: "I can't pay by card? In this day and age?" Erika: "We're in Japan, aren't we?" gi: "I've never seen anyone try to pay for goldfish scooping with a credit card." gi: "I don't have cash. Lend me some?" gi: "Here." Shopkeep A: "Here you go, miss." Erika: "Thanks!" Erika: "I'm taking all of you home!" gi: "That's not happening." Erika: "Got one!" gi: "My 1,000 yen just melted away!" Erika: "Let's move on. Next!" Erika: "I have a bad feeling about today." Erika: "Nagi-kun, look! A lottery! I want to play!" gi: "You can't use your card for that, either." Erika: "I know that. Lend me more!" gi: "Nice. You can use it for cosplaying." Erika: "No." Erika: "What I want is... that!" Text: "1st Place" gi: "Why?! You already have the same console!" Erika: "It's not the console that I want. It's first place!" gi: "Fame over material greed?!" Erika: "If all else fails..." Erika: "I'll draw all the tickets with this!" gi: "You had cash?!" gi: "We're going!" Erika: "Wait... Why?! I want first place!" gi: "That's not how you have fun here." Girl A: "Isn't that girl famous on Inusta?" Girl B: "Oh, Amano Erika." Guy A: "Why is she here?" Guy B: "Damn, isn't she super famous?" gi: "We're drawing too much attention. We shouldn't cause a stir." gi: "All right." gi: "Amano-san." gi: "I'll teach you how to enjoy festivals." Erika: "Okay." Erika: "Almost there... Almost..." gi: "Too bad." Erika: "Argh, this is too hard! Pops, one more!" Shopkeep B: "Sure, that's 300 yen." gi: "Oh, right. I haven't had dinner yet." gi: "Amano-san, I'm going to buy some food from the stalls." Erika: "Don't talk to me right now. I'm hella focused!" gi: "Couldn't you use that focus on your exams?" gi: "Wait here, then. I'll be right back." gi: "Hello. Two, please." Shopkeep C: "Sure. Just a second." Sachi: "Onii?" gi: "Sachi. Friends from school?" Sachi: "Yeah. We had plans to come." gi: "Are you done at the shop?" Sachi: "Mom and Dad said they can handle it, so I left." gi: "Yeah? You've got exams coming up. Don't go too crazy." Sachi: "Yeah, yeah. I know. Let's go." ends: "Okay." Shopkeep C: "Here you go!" end B: "So, Sachi, was that the brother you were talking about?" Shopkeep C: "I added some extra." end A: "Wow, he doesn't look anything like you." Sachi: "Uh... I guess." end C: "You're so cute, unlike him." gi: "I heard that." end C: "I know. He looks nothing like what I expected from how Sachi looks." end A: "He looks like a real studyholic." Sachi: "D-Does he?" end B: "He looks so gloomy and hard to approach, just like you said." gi: "I won't deny that, but... Is that what she's saying about me at school?" Sachi: "That's not true." end A: "Sure it is. You say so at school all the time." Sachi: "It's fine if I say it!" Sachi: "I get to say it, but I don't like anyone else saying it." end B: "Here we go again!" end C: "Sure, sure, you have a brother complex." end A: "You're so cute, Sachi." Sachi: "Th-That's not how it is." end A: "Sorry. I'll buy you a candy apple." Sachi: "And cotton candy." end B: "You're getting greedy." end A: "C'mon, let's go." Erika: "Okonomiyaki!" gi: "I love food stall okonomiyaki." gi: "The scent of this sauce really gives you festival vibes. I'm sure you'll be okay with this, too." Erika: "Did you say something?" Erika: "This stuff is so hard to eat." Erika: "It's good, though." gi: "You've never eaten on your feet, have you? Let's go home, Amano-san. You aren't cut out for festivals." Erika: "What's that supposed to mean?" Erika: "I don't want to go home yet." Shibata&Stalkers: "Hold it!" Erika: "Ack!" Stalker C: "I knew it! Erika-tan's here!" Shibata: "I saw on social media that you were here, Erika-tan." Stalker B: "You're spectacular in your yukata, too." gi: "These guys again?" Erika: "Nagi-kun, get 'em!" Erika: "Come on, be a badass like last time! Bap, bap!" Stalker C: "Nagi-kun?!" Stalker B: "A badass?! Dude, haven't you learned?" Stalker C: "You're still following Erika-tan around?!" gi: "That's more about you." Stalker B&C: "Shibata-san, please!" Shibata: "Wretched stalker!" Shibata: "I've powered up even more!" Shibata: "And today... I shall be rid of you!" Stalker B: "Nice muscles!" Stalker C: "So jacked! Ripped like a chocolate bar!" Erika: "N-Nagi-kun!" gi: "Let's run!" Shibata: "What?!" gi: "Retreat is victory!" gi: "I'm sure they won't chase us this far." Erika: "Yeah." Erika: "Why did you run, though? Those dorks would have been cake." gi: "We'd start a commotion if we fought there. You wouldn't want that, either." Erika: "But apparently fights are a feature of festivals." gi: "I don't like standing out." gi: "What?" Erika: "Nagi-kun, you reek of sauce." gi: "Because I touched you when you were covered in sauce. You got your hands all messy with the okonomiyaki." Erika: "Oh, man..." gi: "What?" Erika: "All of this is so fun." gi: "Fun?" Erika: "Yeah. This is my first time at a festival, and I already experienced everything I read about on Google." gi: "You went on Google, huh?" Erika: "It really feels like summer." Erika: "I don't think I'll ever forget this summer." gi: "Y-Yeah? Isn't it a lot duller than your usual summers?" Erika: "True." Erika: "I do spend my summers overseas." Erika: "But this is way more fun." gi: "I-Is that because..." Erika: "So pretty." end A: "Look, fireworks!" end B: "So pretty!" Sachi: "I wonder if Onii and Erika-chan are watching, too." Sachi: "Couldn't it have been me?" Hiro: "It's already started." Hiro: "Jeez, Mom... She keeps making me deal with everything." Text: "I couldn't make it! Sorr" Erika: "That firework was way too huge!" gi: "That last one was bigger." Erika: "No, that one." gi: "No, this one was bigger." Erika: "No way. That last one was..." Hiro: "Finally found you!" Hiro: "I was looking for you guys." Erika: "Hiro-chan! Are you done with work? Let's watch the fireworks together." gi: "Wait, Segawa-san! This is just, uh..." Hiro: "Wait. I have a question I want to ask." Erika: "A question?" Hiro: "You both said Sachi-chan's your sister." Hiro: "What is your relationship with each other?" Hiro: "Oh, um, I was just wondering what's going on." Hiro: "I mean, it's weird that you both call Sachi-chan your sister, isn't it?" gi: "Well... What's going on?! What have you told her, Amano-san?!" Erika: "Nagi-kun." Hiro: "Huh?" gi: "Running isn't the right move here!" Erika: "Just come!" Erika: "Why did you say that? Sachi-chan's my sister!" gi: "No, she's my sister." Erika: "When did you even introduce Sachi-chan to her?" gi: "And why didn't you tell her the truth?!" Erika: "I was too distracted by the festival to!" gi: "So was I!" Erika: "So, what do we do now?" gi: "We'll just have to tell her the truth." Erika: "Are you serious? We have to think of a way to cover it up." gi: "How?" Erika: "Well..." gi: "Sachi is one thing, but we can't explain why you're here." Erika: "I-I know, but... Are you sure that's what you want?" Erika: "Hiro-chan might hate you." gi: "Segawa-san isn't like that!" gi: "I don't think." Erika: "You don't think?!" gi: "We can't lie to her now." gi: "We have to tell her..." gi: "about our secret." Hiro: "You were swapped at birth, and now you're engaged?" gi: "We were going to tell you at some point, but we didn't even know about this until recently ourselves." Erika: "Y-Yeah..." gi: "Sorry we never told you." Erika: "I'm sorry." Hiro: "I see." Hiro: "We're all the same, then. I'm engaged, too." Erika: "Huh?" Erika: "What?!" Hiro: "Has Umino-kun not told you anything?" Erika: "He hasn't! So you knew about this, Nagi-kun?" gi: "I guess." Erika: "You knew both our secrets?!" gi: "I guess." Erika: "Traitor!" gi: "Or maybe I'm just tight-lipped!" Hiro: "I'm relieved, though. That solves the mystery of Sachi-chan." Hiro: "So that's how she's both of your sister." Hiro: "My parents are pushy, but I guess yours aren't much better, huh?" gi: "Segawa-san..." Erika: "Yeah, that's right!" Erika: "Like... Like, y'know..." Erika: "Hiro-chan! I feel like we're going to get along even better now!" Hiro: "Me, too." Erika: "I'm so sorry I never told you. I just didn't want it to become a big deal at school." Hiro: "I get it. Everyone would be shocked. Set up by your parents, in this day and age?" Erika: "Right?" Hiro: "Of course you decided to keep it secret." Hiro: "I won't tell anyone." Erika: "Yeah, same." Hiro: "Okay, so the three of us..." Hiro: "are the Engaged Alliance." Erika: "Engaged Alliance? What? That's hilarious." Hiro: "Right?" Erika: ""Alliance" sounds cool." gi: "I was worried for a second, but it all worked out." Erika: "What should our first action be?" Hiro: "Maybe a pledge?" Erika: "Oh, a pledge?" Hiro: "Yeah." gi: "I'm glad Segawa-san is Segawa-san." Hiro: "We'll swear to protect each other's secrets as we enjoy our school lives..." Hiro: "I'm so jealous, though. You guys have such an adorable sister." Hiro: "I wish I had a Sachi-chan." gi: "What do you mean by that?" Erika: "No! Sachi-chan's my sister!" Hiro: "I know. Why don't you bring her over sometime?" Erika: "I said no! Oh, crap!" Erika: "I'd promised I'd buy Sachi-chan a gift at the festival. I'll go buy something. I'll see you at home." gi: "Wait, Sachi's already..." gi: "And she's gone." gi: "Sachi was at the festival. She'd finished her work already." Hiro: "Is Sachi-chan like that, too?" gi: "No way." Hiro: "So Erika-chan's personality doesn't come from her genes?" gi: "It's definitely her upbringing." Hiro: "She's a rich girl, huh?" gi: "Yup." Hiro: "Okay, I'm going this way." gi: "I'll walk you closer to home." Hiro: "It's okay. My family will be waiting for me." gi: "Okay." Hiro: "See you at school tomorrow." gi: "Yeah." Hiro: "Hey, Umino-kun..." Hiro: "No more secrets, okay?" Hiro: "Please?" gi: "Of course. No more." Erika: "I'm home." Sachi: "I feel like this is a bit much." Erika: "Yeah... By the way, where's Nagi-kun?" Sachi: "He came home a while ago. He's in the bath." Erika: "What? But I was going to take a bath!" Sachi: "Erika-chan..."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 15 – We have to tell her... about our secret!", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "15", "We have to tell her... about our secret!" ] }
Sachi: "Listen up, Erika-chan. This is a secret mission." Erika: "Roger." Erika: "Detectives Erika and Sachi! Move out!" Sachi: "There she is." Sachi: "Why is she buying so much food? Suspicious." Erika: "Hiro-chan said she makes her own lunches." Sachi: "She picked it up. Suspicious." Police: "Thanks for that. Wasn't it a lot of work?" Hiro: "No, I'm sure someone's looking for it." Sachi: "She's meeting up with a guy." Sachi: "And he's hot!" Sachi: "I figured it was something like that." Erika: "I guess he was just hitting on her." Sachi: "See that? She abandons it." Little Girl: "So cute!" Erika: "I'm so moved!" Sachi: "Why?" Sachi: "How?" Sachi: "She buys her own supplies for lunch and cooks for herself. She delivers a lost 100-yen coin to the police. She turns down a good-looking guy. She saves abandoned cats, and she's even nice to kids." Sachi: "What..." Sachi: "Who is she?" Sachi: "Something's wrong with her. This can't be real." Erika: "Hey, Sachi-chan..." Sachi: "She's way too good." Erika: "Just throwing this out there... Perhaps we aren't detectives so much as stalkers." Sachi: "St— No, I'm not." Erika: "You totally look like a stalker right now, though. You look suspicious." Erika: "I tagged along because you said we were going to play detective. This isn't anything like that." Hiro: "Bye, now." Sachi: "Th-That's because..." Erika: "You don't have to do this. You could just go talk to her." Sachi: "I don't want to do that." Sachi: "I just want to know what kind of person she is." Erika: "Is that because she's the one Nagi-kun likes?" Sachi: "A-As his sister, I have to know these things. What if she turns out to be a weirdo?" Erika: "Hiro-chan is a good person." Erika: "I've always been treated like a spoiled rich girl. I've always been alone." Erika: "People would sometimes talk to me, but they just wanted to get on my good side. It's really obvious when they do that." Erika: "But Hiro-chan wasn't like that." Erika: "She treated me the same way she treats everyone else." Erika: "She's studious, athletic, and cute. She's kind to everyone, and she's popular. I couldn't believe we had someone like her in our class. I was really surprised at first." Erika: "I always look forward to going to school and seeing Hiro-chan." Erika: "I guess it's what you call being friends." Erika: "And I like Hiro-chan even more after today." Sachi: "You're taking her side, too?" Sachi: "I'm going home." Erika: "W-Wait... Sachi-chan!" gi: "What do you mean?" Sachi: "Like I said..." Sachi: "That Segawa-san person I met at the festival... She's a perfect superhuman!" gi: "Yeah, I know." Sachi: "She's super pretty! She's super nice! She can do anything! Someone like her is way beyond you!" gi: "How do you know her so well?" gi: "Ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Wait, what did I even d—" Sachi: "She's the reason you're trying to place first in your year, isn't she?" Sachi: "I've made up my mind." Sachi: "I'm going to your high school." gi: "Come again?" Sachi: "I can't leave the Umino family in the hands of a sloppy creeper like you." gi: "Huh?" Erika: "Open campus?" Sachi: "Yeah. I'm thinking of checking out you guys' school soon." Erika: "That's great. You should come. Get a good look around." gi: "This is silly. It's the only school you're interested in, so why do you need to visit? It's a waste of time." Sachi: "That's not true. What's true, then?" Sachi: "I'm going to picture myself a student at Megurogawa to prepare myself for it." Erika: "Walking to school with my kid sister!" gi: "Dumbass sisters." Sachi: "Although I guess it means I have to see Onii's high school loner life. So gross." gi: "Shut up." Sachi: "Now that I'm pumped, I'm going to go study." gi: "I swear, that Sachi... Is she seriously coming?" Erika: "Why not? She's enthusiastic about going to high school. That's a good thing." gi: "I don't mean that. I just feel weird about this." gi: "Calling her my "sister" doesn't feel right lately." Erika: "What do you mean by that?" Sachi: "Have you noticed how she's been acting out lately?" Sachi: "She wasn't like that before." Erika: "Does this mean the time has come when we have to admit that she's my sister?" gi: "That's not the point!" emale Student A: "I heard there's a really cute girl here for orientation." emale Student B: "I saw her. An insanely pretty girl in a sailor uniform." Text: "Open Campus" Male Student A: "Is she a celebrity?" Male Student B: "I hope she comes to our high school next year." gi: "Look at that crowd." Erika: "That's my Sachi-chan. She's definitely my sister." Shion: "I'm so in love! Who is she?! She's so adorbs! Wait, but I have Erika-chan..." gi: "I feel like I've seen him somewhere." Erika: "Have we?" Erika: "Shion-san. Shion-san." Sachi: "Shion-san. Shion-san." Shion: "Wait, is it me or do those two look alike? Are they sisters?" gi: "Creepy how perceptive he is." Erika: "Scary." gi: "Anyway, is Sachi okay? She's been standing there this whole time." Erika: "She must be waiting for someone. Like a guide or something." gi: "A guide?" gi: "I-I have a bad feeling about this." Hiro: "I'm here. Sorry I'm late. You're Umino Sachi-san, right?" Sachi: "Yes." Hiro: "Nice to meet you again. I'm Segawa Hiro, and I'm going to be your guide. I look forward to it." Sachi: "I look forward to it, too." gi: "No!" Erika: "What's your problem?" gi: "This can't happen! Don't let this happen!" Erika: "It's better than someone we don't know at all, isn't it?" Erika: "Sachi-chan must be nervous, too." gi: "That's not it. That's not the point." gi: "Sachi's definitely gonna talk about my private life for her own amusement!" gi: "About how I grind my teeth in my sleep, or how I sing really loud in the bath..." Sachi: "Blah, blah..." Erika: "No, there are plenty of worse things she could be saying." gi: "What? No way!" Erika: "There are." gi: "Either way, I need to stop her before she talks. After them!" Erika: "Wait, Nagi-kun!" Hiro: "Okay, next, let's go here." Hiro: "This is our library. The library at our high school is always available." Sachi: "I heard about it from Onii. He said the library's comfortable." Hiro: "Yeah. It's a good place to focus. I like it, too." Hiro: "Our school's pretty liberal, but it's really strict when it comes to academics." Hiro: "I guess you've heard that from your brother, too." Sachi: "I see it every day." gi: "Those two seem to get along surprisingly well." Erika: "Yup, yup. Like a senpai and her underclassman? Or more like big sister and little sister." Sachi: "Congratulations, Onee-san." Hiro: "Thank you, Sachi-chan." gi: "Big sister and little sister..." gi: "Right! I never thought of it that way! All good, then!" Erika: "Good how? I was just making stuff up." gi: "Huh? Hey, where did they go? Shoot, we lost them!" Erika: "Nagi-kun, over there." gi: "The courtyard?" Sachi: "Huh... So you can eat lunch here?" Hiro: "Yeah. And we chat and stuff." Sachi: "It's so nice. It gets my imagination going." Hiro: "Well, that's it for the tour. Do you have any questions?" Sachi: "Yes." Hiro: "Yes, Sachi-san? What is it?" gi: "What are they talking about?" Erika: "I can't hear them at all." Sachi: "What do you think of Onii?" Hiro: "Oh, it's a personal question about me, huh?" Hiro: "I'm engaged, actually." Hiro: "But... I'm curious about Umino-kun, I guess." Sachi: "I don't think that's good." gi: "What are they saying?" Erika: "I can't tell. But it doesn't seem like it's very good." Erika: "Wait, Nagi-kun!" gi: "Segawa-san! Sachi!" Hiro: "Umino-kun?" Sachi: "Onii." gi: "What were you two talking about?" Sachi: "None of your business." Hiro: "I have a feeling we're going to get along really well, though." Sachi&Hiro: "Right?" Hiro: "Why don't you have lunch with us?" Sachi: "Really?" Hiro: "It's on me." Sachi: "Yay!" gi: "What just happened?" Yonezawa: "What's this?" Takahashi: "What's this? What am I seeing?" Yonezawa: "Isn't that Mr. Umino? What treachery! He's having lunch with three girls!" Takahashi: "In the courtyard, where all the popular people go, no less!" Yonezawa: "I thought he was one of us! That traitor!" Yonezawa: "This situation..." Takahashi: "Here we go. Who's taking the stage after Icarus and Akechi Mitsuhide?" Yonezawa: "He's the harem protagonist!" Takahashi: "I'm so jealous!" Yonezawa: "However... You know what he's faced with in this situation." Yonezawa: "Turmoil upon turmoil. It's not all happy days for him. Will their future be spent in heaven or in hell?" Erika: "Nagi-kun, I brought those for all of us to eat." gi: "Huh?" Yonezawa: "He knows not that he will someday be forced to make the ultimate decision." Hiro: "That's a boy for you. They're all big eaters." Sachi: "Still, you're eating way too much." Erika: "Hey! I was going to eat the one with the truffles!" gi: "Where did you get such an expensive rice ball, anyway?" gi: "Dinner's ready." gi: "Hey, Sachi. We're having mapo tofu and crab omelet." Sachi: "I'll eat later." gi: "Later? What? You always say Chinese isn't good unless it's served hot." Sachi: "Reheat it for me later, then." gi: "Why me?" Sachi: "Shut up. Jeez." Erika: "Sachi-chan's started studying?" gi: "Looks like she's serious about coming to our school." Erika: "Yup, yup. Having a goal makes it easy to stay motivated." Erika: "Yum!" gi: "I know, but..." Erika: "You know, Nagi-kun... I know you're worried about her being too focused on studying to eat." Erika: "But maybe you should wean yourself off your sister already." Erika: "She's not a kid anymore." gi: "Hey, that was mine!" gi: "I mean, that's not really the point." gi: "The thing with Sachi is that when she decides she's doing something, she gets it done." Erika: "Wh-What are you saying?" Erika: "I was in fourth grade." Young Sachi: "Onii, you got an award in swimming?" Text: "Award Umino Nagi 8th Swimming Competition Boys' individual medley 1st Place In recognition of your excellence in the swimming competition" Young Sachi: "I want one, too. I want first place." gi: "She couldn't swim before then, but she started going to the pool every day." Text: "Splash Splash" gi: "The next year, she actually got first place." Text: "Award Umino Sachi 9th Swimming Competition 1st Place In recognition of your excellence in the swimming competition" gi: "That's not all. When I got an award in a reading competition, she won it the next year, too. When I won in the marathon, she won, too." Erika: "Really? Wow! You have to give me some of that ability." gi: "She's kind of odd, don't you think?" Erika: "How come? What's there to worry about?" Erika: "Sachi-chan will be fine." gi: "That's not the point." gi: "I want to cheer her on this time, too, but..." Erika: "I see." Erika: "Problems at home." gi: "Exactly." gi: "Our school is a private college prep school. Frankly, it's really expensive. Even if she got a scholarship like I did, the uniform cost, the transit cost, the learning materials... She'll have to save up for events, too." gi: "Realistically speaking, our parents aren't going to agree to it. In other words, the problem is how we're going to convince them." gi: "Let's go, Sachi." Sachi: "Who cares? Why do we need to tell them? I'll tell them if they ask." gi: "It's not going to work out that way." Erika: "It'll be all right. Let's go." mie: "Sounds great! Give it your best!" gi: "What?!" mie: "What's wrong with you? Why are you screaming like that?" Yohei: "You sure are loud, Nagi." gi: "No, um... You don't get it, do you? She's saying she's going to the same private college prep school as me!" mie: "I know that. I'm not that old." Yohei: "Sachi always goes full throttle when she decides she's doing something." mie: "I'm less worried about her than about you, honestly." gi: "That's not what I'm talking about." mie: "Don't worry about the money." gi: "We have that much saved up?!" mie: "You could say that." mie: "We just have to sell this shop." Yohei: "It's tiny, but it's in a shopping district near a station in Tokyo." mie: "Paper money isn't the only kind of wealth in this world. Remember that!" gi: "Are you being serious?" mie: "Of course I am. How else would we have that much money?" mie: "Wait, did you win the lottery or something?!" gi: "O-Of course not!" Sachi: "Why..." Sachi: "Why would you do that?" Sachi: "Mom, you said work's more important to you than your life!" Sachi: "I don't want you to do that. If we lose the shop, what's the point?" Sachi: "I'll just go to a cheaper high school." mie: "Hey, Sachi. Is that as far as you're willing to go?" Sachi: "That's not the point. All I'm saying is that I don't want to have to sell the shop to go." mie: "What, then? Are we going to pawn off Dad's fishing rods?" Sachi: "Those aren't worth anything!" Yohei: "It'll buy you your uniform!" Sachi: "Stay out of this, Dad!" gi: "It's all over!" Erika: "This is ridiculous. Would you stop already?" gi: "Now Amano-san's getting in on it, too." Erika: "You're all good people. Why are you having such a stupid conversation?" Erika: "It's too early to make any decisions, isn't it?" Erika: "Sachi-chan's going to work toward getting into her preferred high school." Erika: "Mom and Dad will look for ways to not have to sell the shop." Erika: "I don't want to talk about a future where we're all sad. I want to talk about now, when we're all happy." Erika: "The whole family's here right now, after all." Erika: "Sachi-chan said she's going to get her studying supplies." gi: "Okay." gi: "You're totally her big sister." gi: "Thanks for earlier. There was nothing even I could do in that situation." Erika: "I've always wanted to get into a fight with the family." gi: "It's a game to you?!" Erika: "Of course not." Erika: "Remember what you said? You said you're going to change fate." Erika: "So I figured I'll change it, too." gi: "I don't think that's quite the same." Erika: "What? Sure it is." Sachi: "Thanks for waiting." Sachi: "Let's go home." gi: "You're taking all that?!" Sachi: "I have to make up for all that lost time." gi: "Just having a lot of reference books isn't going to cut it!" Sachi: "I never asked you." Erika: "Yup, yup. I'm rooting for you." Sachi: "Um..." Sachi: "Er..." Sachi: "Thanks, Onee-chan." Erika: "You're welcome." Sachi: "Wait, Sachi, what about Onii-chan?!" Sachi: "Aren't you grateful to your brother?! Sachi-san!" Sachi: "I don't care." end A: "Have you decided what you're doing after school?" end B: "Not yet." end C: "The future plans survey is due today." end A: "What should I do?" end B: "What about you, Sachi? Where are you going after school?" Sachi: "I already submitted mine." end A: "Huh? Where are you going?" Text: "Future Plans Survey Umino Sachi Please write down your wishes following middle school. First choice: Megurogawa Private Academy Second choice: None Third choice: None"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 16 – I want to talk about now.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "16", "I want to talk about now." ] }
Sachi: "What?!" Sachi: "Study camp?!" Erika: "Yeah. For two days, this weekend. Wanna join us, Sachi-chan?" Sachi: "I'm going!" gi: "That was quick." Erika: "That's a relief." Sachi: "Wait, for real, though? Can I really come along?" Erika: "We were talking about it with Hiro-chan at school today. Final exams are coming up, and since you're studying for entrance exams..." Sachi: "This is like a dream! Going on a trip together would be awesome. I've always wanted to do this kind of thing." gi: "Is it just me, or is Amano-san rubbing off on her lately?" Sachi: "Thank you for dinner. I gotta start getting ready." Erika: "It's not for another five days." Sachi: "You're looking at it the wrong way, Erika-chan. Camp starts the moment you start preparing." Erika: "Really?" Sachi: "Crap, what if I can't fall asleep? I hope I don't talk in my sleep..." Sachi: "I don't have money." gi: "Nope." Erika: "I've got you covered." Erika: "I have a holiday home in Karuizawa." Sachi: "Yay!" Asuma: "What a nice breeze." gi: "Who are you?" Asuma: "That's a big oof, Nagi-kun! It's me! You know, me!" gi: "A new kind of scam?" Asuma: "Asuma Shion, from your class! Whoo!" Hiro: "We went on the field trip together." gi: "Did we?" Asuma: "That stings, Umino-kun. You must be a sadist." gi: "Or you're just really masochistic for being at our meeting spot." Asuma: "But, like, I caught wind of it yesterday." Hiro: "Sachi-chan can't make it after all?" Erika: "Yeah. Apparently, she left school early today. Guess she has a cold." Hiro: "Is she okay?" Erika: "She's been looking forward to it since Monday. She was all set to go. Maybe she got so excited that she developed a fever." Hiro: "Ah... I guess we won't be able to do the study camp tomorrow, then." Erika: "We might have to call it off." Erika: "Or... not?" Asuma: "And so here I am." gi: "So you're here why?" Erika: "This guy insisted on studying with Nagi-kun." Hiro: "Hey, it's not a bad thing for us to be studying. Right?" Asuma: "You're a goddess, Hiro-chan!" Erika: "Okay, time for the four of us to prep for our finals!" All: "Yeah!" Asuma: "By the way, I'm 50th in our grade." Erika: "You're smarter than me!" gi: "That's not surprising." gi: "The stars should be clear tonight." Sachi: "I wanted to go to study camp..." Hiro: "Wow, it's gorgeous!" Erika: "I've actually only been here once. Dad uses it when he goes golfing sometimes." Asuma: "Hotel tycoon perks, huh? Bougie." gi: "How many more of these second homes does she have?" Hiro: "Erika-chan? What's wrong?" Erika: "Oh, nothing." Erika: "I'll show you around upstairs, too." Hiro: "Let's go!" gi: "Wait, isn't this a one-night trip with Segawa-san?!" Asuma: "Man, they're both so cute. I stan Erika-chan, though. So... What about you?" gi: "Huh?" Asuma: "Bruh. I'm asking you, which is your type, Erika-chan or Hiro-chan?" gi: "Wh-Which?! I-I mean, Segawa-san, of course." gi: "Ow! What the hell?!" Asuma: "Let's cooperate here." Asuma: "This is gonna be fire! It's a study camp! We have to take this opportunity!" gi: "H-Hang on... Why am I one of the cool kids all of a sudden?" Asuma: "Right, Umino-kun?!" gi: "Hang on. I think you've got the wrong idea here. We're here to study." Asuma: "Why so serious?" gi: "That must be what you would call an idiot." Hiro: "Well, now that we're settled in, shall we start studying?" Erika: "Wait." Erika: "We should go shopping first." Erika: "We don't have anything at this holiday home." gi: "What do you mean?" Hiro: "I thought you asked the manager to take care of it." Erika: "You aren't getting the full training camp vibe unless you're doing all that yourself." Asuma: "Bet!" Hiro: "Good on you, Erika-chan." gi: "You don't even go grocery shopping when we're at home." Erika: "Which is why I plan on going to the nearest supermarket." gi: "I'll go with you, then." Asuma: "No! I'm coming with!" gi: "What?" gi: "Ah, that's what he wants." gi: "Okay, Amano-san and Asuma-kun can go shopping, then. Thanks." Asuma: "A'ight!" Erika: "We got this. We'll go shopping good." Asuma: "'Kay, here we go!" Hiro: "Thanks. We'll be waiting." Hiro: "Well, why don't the two of us start studying in the meantime?" gi: "Which means..." gi: "I'm alone with Segawa-san!" gi: "Just the two of us in this huge holiday house!" Hiro: "Or, that's what I would like to do, but..." Hiro: "It's so pretty." gi: "I had no idea there was a lake nearby. I'm surprised you knew about this." Hiro: "I caught a glimpse of it from the upstairs balcony. I've been curious about it." gi: "Th-That's great." gi: "The wind's so crisp." Hiro: "I know, it's so stuffy in Tokyo." Hiro: "Look, there's a fish." gi: "It's surprisingly big." Hiro: "Hey, why don't we all come fishing together tomorrow?" Hiro: "Have you ever gone fishing, Umino-kun?" gi: "I have, but I thought we were here to study." Hiro: "Oh, that's right." gi: "How do you end up at the top of our year?!" Hiro: "I think it's important to take breaks, too, though." Hiro: "Although this is my first time doing a study camp, so I'm not sure." gi: "Really? You seem like you'd have a lot of friends." Hiro: "I'm not really interested in that kind of thing." Hiro: "Besides, if I did this often, I feel like I'd slack off a lot, like I just did." Hiro: "I can't fight the temptations." gi: "You're just trying to get me to talk about you being top of our year." Hiro: "You got me." gi: "So... why did you join us this time?" Hiro: "Because..." Hiro: "I knew you'd be here, of course." Erika: "What to do... I have no idea what to buy in these situations. I was all gung-ho about shopping, but Nagi-kun and Sachi-chan have always done the grocery shopping." Erika: "Drinks, snacks, ramen... This works, right? I guess if we just grab some stuff, Nagi-kun can make something of it." Erika: "Okay, let's do it!" Asuma: "You're amazing, Erika-chan." Asuma: "I mean, I don't know what to buy in these situations." Asuma: "You've got it together." gi: "You finally noticed?" Asuma: "H-Hey..." Asuma: "There's something I want to tell you." Hiro: "Erika-chan's taking a while." gi: "Why..." Hiro: "Man, it's so hot. Maybe I should go home and take a bath, since I got sweaty." gi: "Why a bath now?! A bath now, when it's just the two of us?! What is even happening?!" gi: "This is a conundrum, Segawa-san!" Erika: "Where's Hiro-chan?!" gi: "Huh? She's in the bath." Erika: "Thanks!" gi: "What the..." Asuma: "I'm back!" gi: "Welcome back." Asuma: "Hear me out, Umino-kyun! I just told Erika-chan..." Hiro: "Welcome home." Erika: "Hiro-chan, I need help. I..." Hiro: "What's wrong? Your face is beet red." Erika: "Well, see..." Asuma: "I confessed to her." gi: "Nani?" Asuma: "I said, I confessed to her! To Erika-chan!" gi: "C-Conf... To Amano-san?!" gi: "Oh... Yeah?" gi: "Huh? Why do I feel like this?" gi: "So, how did it go?" Asuma: "There's something I want to tell you." Erika: "Wh-What?" Asuma: "I don't want to say it here, so I'll tell you when we're outside." Asuma: "Never mind, I'm saying it now!" Erika: "O-Okay." Asuma: "Um... like..." Asuma: "Th..." Erika: "Th...?" Asuma: "Th-Th... Thank you for bringing me out here!" gi: "That's not a confession." Asuma: "It was! I said "thank you"! It worked out!" gi: "No, it didn't. She didn't bring you here, either. Nor did she invite you." Asuma: "You're wrong! Listen to me, Nagi!" gi: "What happened to my honorifics?" Asuma: "There's a certain procedure to confessing. I just happened to mess it up." gi: "Huh? Why am I so relieved?" Asuma: "What's up with that face?!" gi: "What face?" Asuma: "You just made a mocking face! You smirked at me!" Asuma: "Rip..." gi: "Did not." Asuma: "Cap!" Asuma: "Besides, what would you know? You've never even confessed to anyone before." Hiro: "You forgot your underwear?" Erika: "My housekeeper always got me ready for trips. So I totally forgot about extra underwear and spare clothes and pajamas and everything." Erika: "What am I even doing? What should I do?" Hiro: "Erika-chan..." Hiro: "You're so adorable!" Erika: "No diving in the bath!" Asuma: "You confessed to Hiro-chan?!" Asuma: "You declared war, you got first place like you said you would, and then you confessed?! Lit! You're poggers, Nagi-kyun!" gi: "Yeah..." Asuma: "Huh?" Asuma: "So why aren't you going out with her?" gi: "She put me on hold." Asuma: "On hold?" gi: "He's so close. Let's see... I lost in the last exam, so that adds one more... So we'll be dating if I beat her in eleven exams, I guess?" Text: "Ahhhhhh" Asuma: "That's so next-level!" gi: "Dude, turn it down a notch." Asuma: "Master!" gi: "Stop it." Asuma: "Let's maintain our cooperative relationship going forward!" gi: "What happened to studying?" Asuma: "Oh, I have a good idea. Let's go buy ice cream." gi: "Yo." Hiro: "This is nice for a change, huh? It really clears your mind." gi: "We haven't studied at all, though." gi: "Segawa-san fresh out of the bath... She smells so nice!" gi: "Even with the two pests in the way, this situation..." gi: "Anything could happen right now!" Hiro: "You there, Umino-kun! Your hands aren't moving. You aren't focusing, are you?" gi: "S-Sorry! How am I supposed to focus right now?!" Hiro: "You should learn from Erika-chan." gi: "From Amano-san?" Asuma: "Ayo, peeps! Making good progress? I brought ice cream!" Asuma: "By the way, I found a cool spot." Erika: "A shrine in the forest?" Asuma: "That's right! It's so cursed! Rattle, rattle, rattle..." Erika: "Oh, yeah, I remember that." Hiro: "I don't think you'll find any ghosts at a shrine." Hiro: "But imagine if there are shrine stamp spookers." Erika: "Say what?!" gi: "You talking about yourself?" Asuma: "Well, then... Time for a test of courage!" Erika: "Cool! That sounds fun!" Asuma: "In teams of two, of course." gi: "What about studying?" gi: "I see. This could be a chance to impress Segawa-san." Hiro: "Umino-kun, aren't you scared?" gi: "Not at all." gi: "That's right! I've never been afraid of ghosts. I've already won. I can do this!" Asuma: "Okay, Erika-chan and I are going first." Erika: "Hey! I want to go with Nagi-kun!" Erika: "Let's go!" gi: "Hey, hang on, Amano-san! What's gotten into you?" gi: "I was going to go with Segawa-san!" Erika: "There's something I want to talk to you about." Hiro: "They're gone." Asuma: "Wh-Why don't the two of us go ten minutes after, then?" Hiro: "Yeah." Asuma: "O-Oh, yeah. I wanted to ask you something." Asuma: "Why are you so obsessed with your grades—with being top of the year?" Hiro: "Why do you ask?" Asuma: "Well..." gi: "So we'll be dating if I beat her in eleven exams, I guess?" Asuma: "Nah, it's just that you've been first since you entered the school. I thought maybe you have a special reason." Hiro: "Is it wrong?" Asuma: "Of course not! It's totally cool." Asuma: "It's just, maybe you don't need to obsess over it, you know? Like, maybe you can let someone else take your spot sometimes?" Hiro: "No way." Asuma: "U-Um... Does that mean you're going to keep taking first?" Hiro: "I will. Until I graduate." Hiro: "So we'll be dating if I beat her in eleven..." Asuma: "Nagi-san!" Asuma: "But, but..." gi: "If you get sick or something, maybe..." Hiro: "I don't think that'll happen." gi: "If..." Hiro: "Speaking of which..." Hiro: "You were about to confess to Erika-chan, weren't you?" Asuma: "Yeah, actually..." Hiro: "Want me to help?" Asuma: "Why?!"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 17 – Anything could happen right now!", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "17", "Anything could happen right now!" ] }
mie: "She's got a fever, all right." mie: "We should take her to the hospital." Yohei: "A-An ambulance?!" mie: "I'll take her in a taxi. You just stay at home." Sachi: "Mom..." Sachi: "Please don't tell Onii." gi: "What is it you wanted to tell me?" gi: "What's wrong?" Erika: "N-Never mind that. Just come with me first." gi: ""First"?" gi: "What's her problem? I was about to impress Segawa-san in the test of courage." gi: "She's freaking out way too much over a little wind." Erika: "S-So anyway, Nagi-kun... What I wanted to tell you is..." gi: "N-No way... Nagi-kun vanished!" gi: "Did he get..." gi: "spirited away?!" gi: "How is that your first thought?" gi: "Oh, crap." gi: "I was just trying to scare you a bit. Why are you panicking?" Erika: "You knew, didn't you?!" gi: "Knew what?" Erika: "Stop looking! Nagi-kun, you pervert! Freak!" gi: "What?! What's going on?!" Erika: "I'm back." Erika: "Convenience stores are great." gi: "What do you mean, you weren't wearing underwear?!" Erika: "Shh! Keep your voice down. I'm wearing them now." gi: "How do you even forget to bring underwear?" Erika: "It was an accident. It happens." gi: "It does not! Why did I have to come with you, anyway?" Erika: "I told Hiro-chan, too, but..." Hiro: "It won't kill you to not wear underwear for a day." Erika: "Hiro-chan's a bit wack." gi: "What the hell?" Erika: "So I only had you to rely on." gi: "Ah." gi: "S'all good." gi: "I see. So that's what you wanted to tell me." Erika: "Not really." gi: "What, then?" Erika: "Hey, look." Erika: "This must be the shrine we're supposed to come to." gi: "Yeah." Erika: "Gotta take a picture to prove we're here." Erika: "I got a ghost photo!" gi: "That's me." Erika: "And sent to Hiro-chan." Erika: "Why don't we just wait here and give those two a scare?" gi: "Sounds good!" Erika: "This is pretty nice, though, huh?" Erika: "It's a sleepover with just our friends. It's fun, right?" Erika: "Isn't this your first time? You don't have friends, after all." gi: "You didn't need to bring that up. Besides, this isn't a sleepover. It's a study camp." Erika: "We aren't studying, though." gi: "You aren't." Erika: "Anyway, that's what I wanted to tell you." Erika: "I wouldn't have been able to come here if it weren't for you." Erika: "I just wanted to say I'm glad I met you." gi: "I'm glad, too." gi: "So, like... I guess... I hope we stay this way going forward." Erika: "What did you mean by that?" Erika: ""This way," as in... engaged?" Hiro: "Looks like those two made it. Should we head out, too?" Asuma: "Just a second. I googled the shrine we're supposed to go to..." Asuma: "And this says it's a marriage shrine!" gi: "No, um, well... uh..." Erika: "Just kidding." Erika: "Surprised? That's what you get." gi: "That can't be the kind of scare we were going for!" Erika: "Hiro-chan says they're forfeiting." Asuma: "No point in the two of us going, then." Hiro: "True." gi: "So, what are we doing for dinner?" Hiro: "Erika-chan, your choice of ingredients is genius!" Erika: "Right? Right? I chose a variety of shapes and colors." gi: "Segawa-san, please don't coddle Amano-san too much. You didn't even decide what we'd make before buying all this? What's wrong with you?" Asuma: "I-I tried to stop her." Erika: "Did you?" Erika: "Head Chef, please advise." Erika: "I never knew cooking food yourself made it so delicious." gi: "Segawa-san and I were the ones who cooked it." Hiro: "Even nicer since we're outdoors, huh?" Asuma: "Damn, man, a barbecue was a genius idea!" gi: "It is our domestication of fire that gives humanity the right to delicious food!" Erika: "Nagi-kun can be a pain, huh?" Hiro: "True." gi: "It really is good, though. You can only get food like this at high-end supermarkets." Hiro: "Can I have some?" gi: "Sure." gi: "Segawa-san, I was eating that..." Hiro: "Was that bad?" gi: "Uh, no..." gi: "Th-This is what they call an indirect kiss, isn't it?!" Hiro: "You're right. It's so crisp and sweet." gi: "If she's okay with that, then..." Hiro: "Thanks." Hiro: "You should ask Erika-chan for some, too, Asuma-kun." Asuma: "R-Really?!" Erika: "Huh? I already finished mine." Hiro: "Is this your first time having a barbecue, Umino-kun?" gi: "Nah, I've barbecued with my family before." Hiro: "Ah, okay." gi: "Why?" Hiro: "You seem happier than usual." Hiro: "Hey! Got more dishes to wash!" Erika: "More?!" Hiro: "Hey, Erika-chan, you have suds in your hair." Erika: "Ew, how did that get up there?" gi: "I see..." Hiro: "I'll get it off." Erika: "Thanks." gi: "I'm enjoying this situation, aren't I?" Hiro: "There, you're good." Text: "Weather in Karuizawa Clear skies A good view of the stars" Erika: "We took a bath, had a barbecue, did the test of courage..." Erika: "That about does it, huh?" Hiro: "Yeah." Hiro: "What's left to do in our study camp?" Erika: "Shall we study?" gi: "Nay!" gi: "Why don't we go stargazing instead?" gi: "See that?" Erika: "I saw it! Is that the Capricornid meteor shower?" gi: "I've been keeping an eye on the weather forecasts. I'm so glad the skies cleared." Hiro: "I get it now. So this was your plan all along." gi: "I didn't mean that." Erika: "I thought it was weird that he invited us all to a study camp. He'd normally just say it's a waste of time." gi: "Karuizawa?! I'll go!" Erika: "But he agreed instantly." gi: "There's another one!" Asuma: "I never realized Nagi liked stargazing, though. You sure are a power loner." gi: "Hey!" Erika: "Hey, do you think we can see the meteor shower tomorrow night, too? I want to buy a legit camera and get some good pictures." Hiro: "We're leaving in the afternoon, though." Erika: "We can leave a little later." gi: "Let's do it!" Erika: "Umino-kun?!" gi: "Let's see, sunset tomorrow is at..." Hiro: "He's serious." gi: "It's a message from Mom." mie: "Your fever's come down, too. That's a relief." Sachi: "You told Onii?" mie: "He'd be shocked if he came home and you were in the hospital." Sachi: "I guess so, but..." mie: "Well, I'm heading home." Sachi: "Okay." mie: "I'll be back in the morning." Sachi: "The stars must be really bright." Sachi: "I wish I could see them, too. With Onii..." Hiro: "Oh, yeah!" Hiro: "We should make a wish on a shooting star." Erika: "That sounds good." Asuma: "So romantic." Hiro: "Let's wait for the next one." Erika: "Okay." Erika: "There's one!" Hiro: "What did you all wish for?" mie: "Huh?" mie: "Where's Nagi-kun?" Sachi: "I can't believe it." Sachi: "I never asked for this." Sachi: "Seriously, you're such an idiot." Sachi: "How could you ditch your camp to come back here?" gi: "Don't say that." gi: "I barely made the last train." Sachi: "How could I not?" Sachi: "You're so stupid. You were looking forward to the meteor shower so much." Sachi: "Besides, that was your first time going on a camp trip with your friends, wasn't it?" gi: "You're right." Sachi: "Still..." Sachi: "Thanks." Erika: "How much of a sister lover can he be?" Hiro: "That must be how important she is." Asuma: "Huh?" Asuma: "Is it just me or am I getting harem vibes?!" Asuma: "Gucci. Gucci." Erika: "Let's go to bed, Hiro-chan." Hiro: "Yeah. Oh, want my T-shirt?" Erika: "Thanks!" Asuma: "Nope." Asuma: "I'm just alone." Text: "Sorry I'm worried about Sachi, so I'm heading home Erika Seriously???" gi: "This is embarrassing! This is so embarrassing! Why did I even bail on the camp trip just to see Sachi?! No, she's family. This is only natural." gi: "Isn't it?" Erika: "I'm back." gi: "Welcome back, ma'am!" Erika: "You scared me! Why are you right by the door?" gi: "You're back early, ma'am." Erika: "Well, yeah. You just took off out of the blue, so we broke camp earlier than planned." gi: "I'm very sorry about that." Erika: "So, how's Sachi-chan?" gi: "Oh, she stayed at the hospital for a day just in case." Erika: "What?!" gi: "Only until this morning. She's resting at home now." Erika: "Jeez, thank goodness." gi: "Sorry for leaving so suddenly. I don't know why I did that either, honestly. I just panicked." gi: "Wait, if I say that..." Erika: "What a sister lover!" gi: "I bet that's what she'll say. Whatever, I'm ready." Erika: "You actually went home because you were worried about your sister." gi: "Here we go." Erika: "I think it's fantastic that you have someone you'll rally for so quickly." gi: "What?" Erika: "I think it's fantastic." gi: "What was that all about?" gi: "Is she just creeped out because I'm so attached to my sister?" gi: "Why do I have to be seen embarrassing myself all the time?" gi: "Nothing I can do about it, I guess. Sachi lives with me." Sachi: "That was sad, Onii." mie: "What are you so gloomy for?" Yohei: "Homesick?" mie: "And I talk to my parents all the time." mie: "Compared to that, Amano-san doesn't have much contact with her family." mie: "I don't know anything about Amano-san." Hiro: "Erika-chan's already posted an update. She used the picture I took." Asuma: "So jelly!" Text: "Shibuya" Announcer: "Approaching Shibuya." Asuma: "I get off here." Hiro: "Okay. See you tomorrow." Asuma: "By the way, Hiro-chan..." Asuma: "Are you still on for our promise starting tomorrow?" Hiro: "Want me to help?" Hiro: "I'll think about it." Asuma: "Thankies!" Hiro: "But..." Hiro: "Huh? It's knocked over." Hiro: "What was that photo, though?" Soichiro: "Sorry to come in unannounced. I won't be long." Servant: "I was in the middle of cleaning, since your daughter and her friends just left." Soichiro: "It's fine. I'm just here to get something." Servant: "To get something?" Soichiro: "Yeah." Soichiro: "I had set up a bomb of sorts." mie: "Don't you think you're eating too much?" Sachi: "I'm not! I have to get back to the other house." mie: "More." Sachi: "We're all out." Erika: "Nagi-kun... What is it?" gi: "I have a question for you, Amano-san!" Erika: "Too loud. Keep it down." gi: "No, seriously..." Erika: "I'm checking my comments right now. I need to concentrate." Erika: "Hey, what was that for?!" gi: "Payback." Erika: "What are you so angry about?" gi: "Why wouldn't I be? I always end up being seen embarrassing myself." Erika: "You mean the study camp? Now you're just lashing out!" gi: "You could say that!" Erika: "You're admitting it?!" gi: "Amano-san, remember what you said?" gi: "That there was someone you want to contact?" gi: "That person is to you what Sachi is to me. Am I right?" gi: "Tell me..." gi: "Who is that person?" Erika: "Do you really want to know?" gi: "Yeah." Erika: "I see." Erika: "You're too slow, dummy." Erika: "May I assume you're prepared, then?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 18 – Who is that person?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "18", "Who is that person?" ] }
gi: "Amano-san, remember what you said?" gi: "That there was someone you want to contact?" gi: "Tell me..." gi: "Who is that person?" Erika: "Do you really want to know?" gi: "Yeah." Erika: "I see." gi: "You're too slow, dummy." Erika: "Are you sure about this, Nagi-kun?" gi: "Yes, already. I'm prepared to hear it." gi: "So please tell me." gi: "Who are you trying to contact?" Erika: "Maybe it was fated that this would happen sooner or later." Erika: "All right." Erika: "First, take a look at this photo." gi: "Why am I there?" gi: "I-Is this..." Erika: "Yeah. It's a family photo from when I was little." Erika: "I was so shocked." gi: "Which means..." gi: "I'd met Amano-san before?" Young Sosuke: "Moving?" Young Erika: "Yeah." Young Sosuke: "Does that mean we won't see each other anymore?" Young Erika: "I see..." Young Erika: "But don't worry. I'm sure we'll see each other again when we're bigger." Young Erika: "We're engaged, after all." gi: "Right..." gi: "We'd met before. We were connected by fate." Erika: "Obviously not!" gi: "How can you read my mind?!" Erika: "Of course I can. You had that face you always have when you're letting loose with your fantasies." gi: "Then who's this boy in the photo?! Computer generated? Photoshopped?" gi: "This clearly looks like me as a kid!" Erika: "Well, yeah." Erika: "He's your brother, after all." Erika: "Amano Sosuke." Erika: "He's my brother and your sibling by blood." Erika: "Now do you see why I didn't want to tell you?" gi: "So what?" gi: "I see now. That's why he looks like me." Erika: "Wait, you're supposed to be more surprised! You have an older brother!" gi: "How am I supposed to accept that now?" gi: "My only sibling is Sachi." Erika: "Where does that confidence come from?" Erika: "I see, though. Seems like you aren't bothered by the fact that you were raised by different parents. Maybe you lack a human heart." gi: "And you're forgetting to filter what's in yours." gi: "So, do my parents, the Uminos, know about this?" Erika: "I don't think they do." Erika: "We're pretending Onii-chan didn't exist." gi: "Didn't exist?" Erika: "I'm still waiting, though." Erika: "For him to find me." Erika: "Which is why, that day..." Erika: "The day my parents talked to me about getting married..." Erika: "Unbelievable." Erika: "Who gets married off by their parents in this day and age?!" Erika: "They aren't going to listen to me if I straight-up refuse, though." Erika: "How do I deal with this?" Erika: "Wow, scary. I'll legit die if I fall." Erika: "I'm sure they'll take me seriously if I'm ready to get canceled." Erika: "Damn, I'm such a genius." Erika: "Onii-chan would be worried if he saw this." Erika: "Onii-chan... Why are you here?" Erika: "The first time I met you, I was so shocked." Erika: "I thought Onii-chan had come back." Erika: "So that's why I'm posting photos of myself. So he can find me." Erika: "He obviously won't see me, though." Erika: "What am I even doing?" gi: "So what now?" Erika: "What do you mean?" gi: "There's no point in just waiting around." Erika: "What, should I make a second account on Inusta?" gi: "Not like that." gi: "We're going to find him." Erika: "Find him? H-How?" gi: "I'm the second-smartest student in our grade. Don't underestimate me." gi: "What?" Erika: "You said "second"!" gi: "It's the truth." Erika: "Thanks, though." Erika: "I was pretty sure you'd say that." Erika: "Let's really find him." gi: "Yeah." Sachi: "I'm home." Sachi: "Umino Sachi has returned." Erika: "Sachi-chan! Are you all better now? I was so worried!" Sachi: "Erika-chan, I'm sorry I couldn't come with you. Got any gifts for me?" Erika: "Yup, lots." Sachi: "Really?" gi: "That said..." Hiro: "So then Erika-chan had a bunch of suds in her hair." Asuma: "Nagi, was your sister all good? I was so worried, I kept DMing you. How could you leave me on read?! That's cold!" Asuma: "Also, guess what happened to me after that! Bruh, it was just me and two girls, and I was like, "This is a harem!" But then..." gi: "Something doesn't feel quite right." Erika: "Amano Sosuke." Erika: "He's my brother and your sibling by blood." gi: "My brother..." Asuma: "Nagi-kyun, you listening?" gi: "Come to think of it, I always felt something was off from the moment I met Amano-san." Erika: "Megurogawa! You must be really smart, Nagi-kun!" gi: "I guess." Erika: "Guess what? You're going to be my boyfriend." gi: "Amano-san's coming here?! Where is she, anyway? She's already over an hour late." Erika: "You're late. Hey there. I'm your doctor, Erika." gi: "You just wanted to be a pretend doctor, didn't you?" Erika: "Oh, you could tell?" gi: "I thought she was just being chummy with me because we're engaged." gi: "But that wasn't it." gi: "I was just a replacement for my brother." Erika: "I still think the pictures you take end up being the best." Erika: "I've never seen anyone working so hard." Erika: "You impressed me, actually." Erika: "Go, Nagi-kun!" gi: "W-Wait—" gi: "I see now. I was pissed." gi: "How much of a brother lover can you even be? And after how much she called me a sister lover..." gi: "It's finally time." Sachi: "Onii, is dinner ready yet?" Erika: "I'm getting hungry." gi: "The salad's ready." gi: "You two figure out the rest." Sachi: "Are you going somewhere?" gi: "I'm going to see Amano-san's father." Erika: "What?! Right now?!" gi: "Yeah. I'm going to ask where Amano-san's brother is and why they're pretending he doesn't exist." Sachi: "Your brother?" Erika: "It's not going to work! It's my father we're talking about. He's not going to just tell you." gi: "Okay, take care of the rest." Erika: "C-Come on, Nagi-kun!" Sachi: "Erika-chan, what does he mean by "brother"?" Erika: "Well, you see..." Secretary: "Boss, I've brought a guest." Soichiro: "Let him through." Soichiro: "Hey. I'm glad you're here." Soichiro: "I've been waiting for you, my only son." Young Sosuke: "Okay, I'm done studying, so I'm going home." Young Erika: "What? No! Wait, Onii-chan!" Young Sosuke: "It's your fault for being so slow." Young Sosuke: "Gotta go home and get back to the game I was playing yesterday." Young Erika: "I wanna play, too!" Young Erika: "Studying sucks." Young Sosuke: "You're late." Young Erika: "Onii-chan!" Young Sosuke: "You took so long that it's dinner time already." Young Erika: "You waited for me, Onii-chan?" Young Sosuke: "I couldn't play my game because of you." Young Sosuke: "Although it wouldn't be any fun playing by myself." Young Sosuke: "It's only fun when I'm making you lose." Erika: "So, yeah." Sachi: "I totally get it." Erika: "He could have told me if he was going to wait anyway." Sachi: "Seriously. Onii did that to me all the time, too." Sachi: "I'm surprised, though. I never knew you had an older brother." Sachi: "Wait, doesn't that mean Onii had an older brother all along?" Erika: "Nagi-kun wasn't surprised at all, though." Sachi: "Onii's a bit weird, after all." Sachi: "Your brother doesn't sound quite like how I imagined he would, though." Erika: "How you imagined him?" Sachi: "Yeah. He grew up in a rich family, so he's a loaded version of Onii, right?" Sachi: "I thought he'd be a better person." Sosuke: "Good girl. I'll give you some money now." Sachi: "Like that." Erika: "Your idea of rich people is a bit messed up!" Erika: "He wasn't that great of a big brother." Erika: "He wouldn't fall for it when I pranked him. And he'd stop talking to me just because I ate ice cream without telling him. Not just that. He got super pissed at me just because I deleted his game saves! He never complimented me when I changed my hairstyle, he didn't notice when I bought new clothes, he'd go out without telling me... He never cared for me, his sister, at all." Sachi: "I see." Erika: "Wh-What?" Sachi: "Given how much of a princess you are, the way you describe him must mean he was a really good big brother." Erika: "Wh-What do you mean by that?" Sachi: "Exactly what I said." Sachi: "Besides, I thought it was weird. You were so quick to become my sister." Erika: "Well, yeah, that's just a fact. I am your sister." Sachi: "That's not what I mean." Sachi: "You understood how I felt as a younger sister." Sachi: "So that was why." Erika: "I-I guess so." Sachi: "It is." Erika: "If that's true, maybe I had the same feelings for him that you do for Nagi-kun." Sachi: "I-I'm not sure about that." Erika: "Now you're pushing away!" Sachi: "I hope we find your brother soon. I want to see him, too." Erika: "Yeah." Sachi: "I hope Onii's all right, though." Erika: "Yeah." Soichiro: "Okay, look at this one next." Soichiro: "This is from when Erika was three years old." Soichiro: "She was so fussy back then. She loved wearing this bear outfit." Soichiro: "Whenever we made her wear anything else, look at her." Soichiro: "She'd be upset the whole day." Soichiro: "Oh, I guess she's still like that now." Soichiro: "This is when she was running around the yard. She's a fast runner." Soichiro: "She's really athletic. Doesn't like studying, though." Soichiro: "This is her refusing to eat her vegetables. We had a hard time making her eat anything besides Hamburg steak for a while." Soichiro: "Shall we look at her album from when she was four next? She's still adorable in these, too." gi: "As I've been saying..." gi: "What's this about us having a brother?" Soichiro: "You don't." gi: "Again, what do you mean by that?" gi: "Erika-san told me very clearly that I have a blood-related older brother." gi: "She lived with him when they were little. I even saw a photo of him. He looked just like me." gi: "Where is he now? What does he do?" Dad: "What do you want me to say? I can't tell you about someone who doesn't exist." gi: "What do you expect me to say? I want to know everything about my family before I hear about being swapped or engaged or anything. Besides, if you're family, you must know that Erika-san is looking for her brother, too." Soichiro: "Great. Sounds like you're getting along well with Erika. Good to hear." gi: "I told you..." Soichiro: "By the way..." Soichiro: "Speaking of family, what do you think of your sister, Sachi-chan?" gi: "That's not what I'm talking about right now." Soichiro: "Sachi-chan's a lovely young woman." Soichiro: "She looks just like Erika, too." Soichiro: "I guess that's what it means to be blood relatives." gi: "You've met Sachi?!" Soichiro: "I just said hi to her." gi: "She never told me anything about this." Soichiro: "You and Sachi-chan seem to be quite close." Soichiro: "You must have noticed by now." Girl A: "Hey! Hiro-chan!" Hiro: "Yes?" Girl B: "Let's play!" Hiro: "It's late, though." Girl A: "Just for a bit. Let's play with this." Hiro: "Hey, Gordonia Family." Girls: "You know about it?!" Hiro: "Yeah. I played with them a lot when I was little." Hiro: "Wait... This little guy looks a lot like Umino-kun, doesn't he?" Hiro: "Umino Nagi! The number two man in our grade!" Girl B: "What's gotten into Hiro-chan?" Hiro: "Okay. Let's play." Girls: "Yay!" Hiro: "Well, then..." Hiro: "There once was a bear family and a bunny family." Hiro: "In time, both families had adorable babies." Hiro: "But when they were born, the two babies were swapped at the hospital." Hiro: "The unknowing parents loved their children dearly and raised them well." Hiro: "Then, one day, they realized their children weren't their own." Hiro: "But they each adored both their birth child and the child they had raised." Hiro: "Now, what shall we do?" Hiro: "Of course! They just need to marry each other!" Hiro: "And so the two became engaged." Girl A: "What the heck?" Girl B: "I don't get it." Hiro: "I don't get it, either." Hiro: "Huh?" Hiro: "But..." Hiro: "The bunny has a younger sister, too, doesn't she?" Hiro: "Which means..." Hiro: "This pairing could work, too." gi: "Noticed? Noticed what?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 19 – You must have noticed by now.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "19", "You must have noticed by now." ] }
gi: "What?! Amano-san's coming here?!" mie: "That's right. You two are going to get to know each other a lot better. You're engaged, after all." gi: "I won't accept our engagement." Yohei: "What, are you getting rebellious on me now? Bring it on, Nagi!" mie: "Or, what, is there a reason you don't want to get engaged?" gi: "W-Well..." Hiro: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry." gi: "Segawa Hiro!" gi: "I'm taking you down in the next exam!" Hiro: "Um... Who were you again?" gi: "Not really." mie: "Good. Well, Dad and I have to get to work now. Be sure to keep Erika-chan company when she gets here." gi: "No, I'm going to be busy studying for exams. You were the one who made the decision. I'm not getting involved." mie: "Except I wasn't. Erika-chan's the one who said she wanted to come visit." mie: "Well, good luck." Yohei: "Have fun." gi: "She wants to come here?" Erika: "Too bad you're not the one I'm supposed to marry, Nagi-kun." gi: "Th-That's what this is about?!" gi: "Damn it, Amano-san was fully intent on marrying me!" gi: "So did she only punch me because she was trying to hide her feelings?" gi: "I really should have known." gi: "The sooner the better, then." gi: "Today's my chance to be alone with her." gi: "I'm going to respectfully, wholeheartedly turn her down. I'll tell her that I'm already fully committed to someone." Sachi: "What're you up to?" Sachi: "I heard you guys. Erika-chan, was it? She's actually coming?" gi: "Yeah, she is." Sachi: "Yeah... I don't know about that." gi: "About what?" Sachi: "I mean, she's a princess from a prestigious girls' school, and she's famous on social media." Sachi: "And she's the daughter of a hotel tycoon." Sachi: "Does she really think she's going to feel at home with such a poor family?" gi: "Don't say that. She's your actual older sister." Sachi: "Don't. I don't want to hear about it." gi: "You were the one who brought it up!" Sachi: "I don't care, all right?" gi: "What's gotten into Sachi?" gi: "There. That should do it." gi: "Where is she, anyway?" gi: "She's already over an hour late." gi: "She's not lost or anything, is she?" Erika: "You're late." gi: "Huh? What are you even doing out here?" Erika: "What? I've been waiting the entire time. You wouldn't come out!" gi: "So ring the bell or call or something!" Erika: "Huh? That's a thing?" Erika: "Are you alone?" gi: "Everyone else is at work. Sachi... Your sister's helping them, too, I think." Erika: "Okay." gi: "Anyway, come in." Erika: "Th-Thanks for having me." gi: "Of course she's nervous, I guess. This is Amano-san's marriage partner's place, after all." gi: "Find yourself a place to sit down." Erika: "R-Right." gi: "There?!" Erika: "Huh?" gi: "I meant on the floor! The floor!" Erika: "Huh? You sit on the floor?" gi: "Were you going to hang out standing?" Erika: "That's not what I mean." gi: "And why do you still have your shoes on?!" gi: "How nervous can you be?" gi: "Here." Erika: "Thanks." gi: "I probably shouldn't bring up calling off the engagement right from the start. I need to wait for the right time to tell her." Erika: "Hey..." Erika: "I actually came here because I wanted to ask you for a favor." gi: "A favor?" Erika: "I want you to show me around the house." gi: "Oh, sure, go take a look around." Erika: "Where?" gi: "Where? It's here." Erika: "This place isn't a tool shed?!" gi: "It's my home." Erika: "Stop. I hate those kinds of lies." gi: "And I hate rude people!" Erika: "Fine, show me around, then." gi: "This is the kitchen." gi: "The toilet." gi: "The bathroom." Erika: "I've never seen one like this. It's like a TV drama set!" gi: "It's where I actually live." gi: "And this is me and my sister's room." Erika: "Y-You mean you sleep and study here and stuff?" Erika: "All you have between you is a curtain? You get no privacy." gi: "Sachi wrecked the paper wall when we had a fight." Erika: "She did, huh?" Erika: "I have a good idea of what your place is like now." Erika: "Thanks." gi: "Yeah." gi: "What's up with her? She's been acting weird." gi: "Is she that disappointed by my place?" gi: "Now's my chance, though." gi: "S-So..." Erika: "Hey," Erika: "I've been meaning to ask..." gi: "It's huge!" Erika: "The door's this way." gi: "What even is this? Is this a house?" Erika: "I also have three vacation homes in Japan. And three overseas." Erika: "Although I'm usually here." Erika: "This is the kitchen." Erika: "Four rooms with toilets." Erika: "A bathroom on every floor." Erika: "This is the living room." Erika: "That whole area's the yard." gi: "Golf... Tennis court... Pool..." Erika: "That's the doghouse." gi: "It's a whole house!" Erika: "Come here, Shishimaru. There, there. Were you lonely?" gi: "I see. No wonder." gi: "Amano-san wasn't being weird because she was nervous. She was just shocked." gi: "I guess I can't blame her, though." Servant: "Ma'am, I've brought you some tea." Erika: "Leave it there, please." gi: "If we hadn't been swapped as babies, Amano-san would be living in my house..." gi: "And I'd be living in this giant mansion." Erika: "I can't live in this doghouse!" gi: "I'm rich, losers!" gi: ""I'm rich, losers"? What?! My imagination can't even keep up." gi: "This goes beyond a matter of my personally not being available to marry her." gi: "We're in no position to get married to begin with." gi: "We don't even live in the same world." gi: "Hey, Amano-san..." Erika: "I'm not going to marry you." Erika: "I had a bad feeling. You've been acting really restless the whole time. I thought you might propose or something." gi: "Why would I?!" Erika: "Are you sure? I said this before, but I really don't know about our parents setting us up in this day and age." Erika: "I want to choose who I marry myself." gi: "She didn't come over to see me?!" Erika: "Is something wrong?" gi: "Th-Then why did you come over to my place?" Erika: "To talk to your parents." gi: "My parents?" Erika: "But then I come over, and they're at work. That's why I was killing time." gi: "My parents run a restaurant. They don't get home until midnight." Erika: "What? Take me to their restaurant, then." gi: "Wh-Why?" Erika: "Because..." Erika: "I want to give them a piece of my mind." mie: "Oh, welcome!" Yohei: "Hey, you came to say hi." Erika: "Hello." gi: "Amano-san insisted on seeing the restaurant." Yohei: "Why are you in your uniform?" gi: "Why does it matter?" mie: "Why don't you have something to eat, since you're here?" Erika: "I will." Erika: "I never knew the first floor of your house was a restaurant." gi: "I-I guess you'd call it a diner for the common folk." Erika: "I see." gi: "She's really taking a good look around. I had a feeling, but now I'm sure it's what she's doing." gi: "She's assessing the situation." gi: "She's waiting for the moment to take action." Erika: "I'm not getting married." Yohei: "A little late for that, don'tcha think?" Erika: "Shut it! Shut up, you rotten parents! No one asked you for any of this!" Erika: "Do you think kids don't have any rights? I'm going to rebel, even if that means beating the crap out of you!" mie: "You wanna go, you punk-ass bitch?! You'd be dead if you weren't mooching off your parents." Yohei: "I'll teach you not to run your mouth ever again!" mie: "Let's take this outside, asshole!" Erika: "I'm not taking orders from you!" Yohei: "Shut your yap, you brat!" Erika: "No, you!" gi: "It could happen, though..." Erika: "I mean, she threw a punch at me, her fiancé. Nagi-kun." Erika: "Nagi-kun." Erika: "Nagi-kun! Hey!" gi: "Yes'm!" Erika: "I need to go the bathroom." gi: "Right over there, ma'am." gi: "Anyway, I need to stop Amano-san if she's ever about to hit them." Customer A E2: "I know, right?" Customer B E2: "Yeah, I know!" Customer A E2: "I know." Erika: "I'm back." gi: "Yuh." Customer A E2: "Well, well, haven't we a beauty here today?" Customer B E2: "Are you a celebrity?" mie: "She really is!" mie: "This girl is Nagi's fiancée." Customer A E2: "Wow. They're so young. In this century?" Customer B E2: "Good going, Nagi-kun. This calls for a celebration!" Customer A E2: "Here's to the Uminos' future! Cheers!" gi: "Actually..." gi: "You've been here all along, Sachi?! Please do something about this situation!" mie: "Here you are." Yohei: "You'll love our special ginger pork." mie: "I hope you enjoy it, you two." gi: "She looks like she's about to say, "You're actually going to make me eat this?"" gi: "Of course, right? What rich person could eat this skinny, greasy meat?" Erika: "Thank you." mie: "The big moment!" gi: "Brace yourselves! She's so angry, she swallowed it whole!" Erika: "It's delicious." mie: "Yes!" Yohei: "There'll always be plenty for you." mie: "Hey, look at this." mie: "Erika-chan looks just like her kid sister Sachi from the side, don't you think?" gi: "You're too close! Get your face away from her!" Yohei: "You're right. The bridge of her nose is exactly the same." mie: "And you're so fair-skinned. You're sisters after all, huh? And her hair feels just like mine." Yohei: "And she got her long eyelashes from me." gi: "They're manhandling a bomb!" gi: "And it's already counting down, isn't it?" mie: "I know, Erika-chan! Why don't you stay over tonight?" Yohei: "Good idea, good idea! It's getting late, anyway." mie: "We can take a bath together." Yohei: "And let's get up early and go fishing together!" gi: "Stop it, stop it! You can't make a princess sleep in a doghouse! She'd rather be taking a fancy bath, and she doesn't go out to catch wild animals!" gi: "Crap! Crap!" mie: "Speaking of, where's Sachi? Sachi!" gi: "Three..." Yohei: "Get over here! Say hi to your sister!" gi: "Two..." Yohei: "Did she leave?" gi: "One." gi: "Kaboom!" Erika: "I'm going home." mie: "Did we do something to upset her?" gi: "Hold on!" gi: "Wait up, Amano-san! What's gotten into you? Didn't you want to say something to my parents?" Erika: "I couldn't tell them..." Erika: "I couldn't tell them..." Erika: "that I wanted to get closer to them." Erika: "Why couldn't I just say it?" Erika: "My real mom and dad were so welcoming. They were so kind to me." Erika: "I didn't know what to do." Erika: "What if they didn't like me? What if I bothered them?" Erika: "I couldn't do it." Erika: "I couldn't even say it." gi: "You don't need to tell them you want to get close." gi: "My parents don't care about that kind of stuff." gi: "You don't have to be so considerate with them." gi: "They're really dense, and they're former delinquents." gi: "So let's go home together." Erika: "Thank you for your hospitality today." mie: "You really are welcome to spend the night, you know." Erika: "No, my parents will be worried." Yohei: "But it's dark outside." Erika: "I'll have Nagi-kun walk me to the main streets." mie: "My!" Yohei: "You do that!" Yohei: "Take care, then!" mie: "Come back soon." Sachi: "The chopsticks Erika-chan was using." Sachi: "Onee-chan..." Sachi: "So that's my sister, huh?" Erika: "Thanks for everything." Erika: "I had fun today." Erika: "I was able to get closer with them, too." gi: "Yeah." Erika: "By the way, Nagi-kun..." Erika: "There's something you want to tell me, isn't there?" gi: "Wh-Why?" Erika: "Well, if you weren't going to propose, why were you acting so anxious the whole time?" gi: "You're imagining things." Erika: "Are you sure?" gi: "I'm sure." gi: "Why has it gotten harder to tell her?" Erika'S Dad: "Hey, Erika." Erika: "Dad?!" Erika: "You came all the way here to pick me up?" Erika'S Dad: "How was Nagi-kun's place?" Erika: "It was really fun!" Erika: "And the ginger pork was good." Erika'S Dad: "Glad to hear it. Thank you, too, Nagi-kun. Are things going well between you two?" gi: "Huh?" Erika'S Dad: "Your relationship, I mean." gi: "Er..." Erika: "No, Dad, it's not like that." gi: "That whole thing about us dating was kind of a white lie." Erika'S Dad: "Yeah, I know." Erika'S Dad: "You aren't fooling your dad." Erika'S Dad: "But you could also say that your relationship is just getting started." gi: "Uh-huh..." Erika'S Dad: "Why don't you two hop in?" Erika'S Dad: "Well, here we are." Erika: "Where are we?" Erika'S Dad: "Have a look at the doorplate. Like it?" gi: "Huh?" Erika: "What is this?" Erika'S Dad: "I'm having the two of you live here for the next two weeks." Erika'S Dad: "Take good care of my daughter, Nagi-kun."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 2 – I'm not going to marry you.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "2", "I'm not going to marry you." ] }
gi: "He kept changing the subject. I never got him to tell me about my brother." gi: "What's up with that guy, anyway?" gi: "I'm home." Erika: "It's summertime!" gi: "What?!" gi: "Being a swimsuit photographer is the best!" Erika: "Jeez, Nagi-kun... Stop staring so much." gi: "What do you expect?! I can't take pictures if I don't look!" Sachi: "Onii's a pervert. Nothing like Erika-chan's bougie brother." gi: "What bougie brother?!" Erika: "Come take pictures with me, Sachi-chan." Sachi: "I'll pass. I didn't bring my swimsuit. Besides..." gi: "What?" Sachi: "It's kinda creepy being seen by Onii." gi: "Relax. I don't have a single micron of interest in seeing you in a swimsuit." Sachi: "Die." gi: "Come on!" Sachi: "Okay, time to study." gi: "Unbelievable." Erika: "So, what did you and Dad talk about?" gi: "He kept changing the subject on me." Erika: "See? I told you. It's no use." gi: "Also, apparently, I could marry Sachi." Erika: "Well, you're engaged to me, and Sachi-chan's my sister, so... That does make sense." gi: "Yeah, but that's not it." gi: "I went to ask about your brother. How am I supposed to respond to that?" Erika: "Again, I told you. That's how Dad is." Erika: "Hey, this is a good picture. I might post it!" gi: "Don't talk like it doesn't concern you." gi: "That also means you could marry my brother." gi: "Are you listening?" Erika: "Nope." gi: "Which is it?" gi: "Which is it?!" Erika: "Hey, Hiro-chan, about this one here..." gi: "I probably won't get any information out of Amano-san's father." gi: "So how do I look for Sosuke?" gi: "It might be a piece of cake if we go on one of those shows. No..." Tv Announcer: "Let's go ahead and take a look at her brother's picture!" Tv Announcer: "Are you her brother?" gi: "Uh, n-no... I'm the actual younger brother of the person in that photo. Amano-san and I are betrothed, swapped at birth, and..." gi: "Information congestion! Besides, my relationship with Amano-san is supposed to be a secret. Which means we'd have to..." gi: "I'd appreciate your cooperation!" gi: "Do you recall seeing this person anywhere?" Woman 1: "Is that what they call "trying to find yourself"?" Woman 2: "Shh! Best not to get involved." Woman 3: "Is something on your mind? Would you like to share?" gi: "Everyone's either concerned for me or suspicious of me!" gi: "The Sosuke problem is extremely difficult!" Erika: "He's having weird fantasies again." gi: "No, there must be more ways to find him." gi: "It's almost summer break. I'll have plenty of time to..." gi: "Segawa-san?!" Sachi: "A bike?" gi: "Yeah. Do we have one back home?" Sachi: "I think there's the one Mom uses." Text: "OK! I'll bike there. Segawa Hiro I'll be waiting!" Sachi: "What? Are you going somewhere?" gi: "You could say that." gi: "A "date," I suppose." Sachi: "Huh? What do you mean? What happened to looking for Erika-chan's brother? You let the hotel king talk laps around you, and you tucked tail and ran back." gi: "Th-That's that, this is this!" gi: "Besides, what can I do? Segawa-san invited me." Sachi: "What the heck? Gross." gi: "Okay, see you." Sachi: "Quit skipping!" gi: "Segawa-san." Hiro: "Morning, Umino-kun." gi: "M-Morning." gi: "S-Sorry! This was the only bike we had at home. It has a basket and everything." Text: "And this flag won't come off!" Hiro: "It's cool, though. It's unique." gi: "I would have rented a road bike if she'd told me we were going cycling." Hiro: "Oh, I get it. Is that supposed to be a handicap?" gi: "No way! Also, you wanted to compete?!" Hiro: "I'm going to win!" gi: "Although, well..." gi: "This isn't bad, either." gi: "Segawa-san's awesome in a biking outfit, too." gi: "You look great, Segawa-san!" Hiro: "Thanks." Hiro: "I've been hooked on biking lately. You'd be surprised how useful it is. It saves on transit expenses, and it helps you learn the roads." gi: "She has yet another hobby." Hiro: "Okay, Umino-kun, here's a question." gi: "A question?" Hiro: "What thing is the closest and the farthest away?" gi: "Where'd that come from? A quiz? A riddle? A quip? Um..." gi: "Air." Hiro: "Nope." gi: "I can't keep up, in more ways than one!" Hiro: "Figure it out by the time we get there." gi: "Wait, but..." gi: "Where are we even going?!" Hiro: "Straight down this road!" Hiro: "What's wrong? You're so slow, Umino-kun." gi: "I know, right?" gi: "I know, but..." gi: "This hill's brutal!" Hiro: "Maybe you didn't need that handicap." Hiro: "We're still about 24 kilometers away." Hiro: "The wind feels great." gi: "All I feel is a scorching summer wind..." gi: "Is this Amano-san's dad's, too?" gi: "It's huge!" gi: "That guy runs multiple high-end hotels?" gi: "And he's... my real father?" Concierge: "Sir, may I help you?" gi: "Sorry." gi: "Shoot! Where's Segawa-san?" Hiro: "I'm here." Hiro: "It's hot, so I was eating shaved ice. Look!" gi: "I want to kiss her." Hiro: "Is it blue? Hey, is it blue?" gi: "It still doesn't make sense." gi: "What's this about us having a brother?" Soichiro: "You don't." gi: "Are you telling me that guy is my actual dad?" gi: "He won't even tell me whether or not I have a brother. He's the one who engaged me to Amano-san, and now he tells me I could marry Sachi... And he's my parent?" gi: "No!" gi: "I'm the son of a poor little diner owner!" gi: "I don't know if someone like me can confront a giant man like him, though." Hiro: "We're here, Umino-kun." Hiro: "Do you know the answer now?" Hiro: "What's close and far away?" gi: "The sea, right?" Hiro: "Nope." Hiro: "It's family." Hiro: "It seemed like you were troubled about something." Hiro: "I invited you out because I wanted to help you clear your mind." gi: "Did I look troubled?" Hiro: "Yeah." Hiro: "You had a hazy look on your face." gi: "Hazy? Yeah, maybe." Hiro: "Anyway..." Hiro: "At times like these, it's good to just shout at the ocean." gi: "I get it!" gi: "Dumbass!" Hiro: "I want to grow up already!" Hiro: "See?" gi: "Segawa-san..." Hiro: "I'm... engaged." gi: "Are you also..." Hiro: "Oh, I didn't mean it that way." gi: ""That" way?" Hiro: "Let's go home." gi: "A-Already?" Hiro: "Yeah." Hiro: "You're back to yourself now." Hiro: "I'll always be by your side whenever you turn into Hazy-kun." gi: "Right!" gi: "That's right." gi: "I have to fight that man, especially if I'm going to go out with Segawa-san." Hiro: "Race you to the goal!" gi: "Again?!" Sachi: "A smooth harmony." Sachi: "I love the texture of caviar." Soichiro: "I'm glad you like it." Sachi: "Is this okay, though? It's just the two of us using such a big room." Soichiro: "This restaurant only has private reserved rooms." Sachi: "I never knew there was demand for a shop like that." Soichiro: "There sure is. Last time I was here, it was with the prime minister." Sachi: "Crap! He's super famous!" Soichiro: "People like him need this restaurant." Sachi: "I see. I'm learning lots." Soichiro: "Speaking of which, you haven't asked me anything." Sachi: "I guess not." Sachi: "I mean, if Onii can't get anything out of you, what good would it do me to ask? Besides, that stuff is none of my business, right?" Soichiro: "I'm not so sure about that." Soichiro: "Might you be prepared to marry Nagi-kun?" Sachi: "I'm home." gi: "You're home late." Sachi: "Yeah. I studied at the library today." gi: "Are you making good progress?" Sachi: "Yeah. So what's with you?" gi: "Just, well... I don't want you working too hard and getting sick again." gi: "You came home late yesterday, too." Sachi: "Yesterday?" Soichiro: "Might you be prepared to marry Nagi-kun?" Sachi: "Th-That's none of your business, Onii!" gi: "Yes, it is! Should you be playing around all the time just because our parents aren't here?" Sachi: "I'm not playing around." Sachi: "By the way, did the hotel king say anything? About me?" gi: "Why do you ask?" Sachi: "Why? Because..." Sachi: "Never mind!" gi: "What's gotten into you?" gi: "By the way, Sachi, do you know what Amano-san's up to? She's supposed to be ordering delivery today." Sachi: "I don't know. Ask her yourself." gi: "Sachi's been acting way too self-centered lately. It's becoming a bit intolerable." gi: "The time she was hospitalized with a cold, for example. I'm going to give her a piece of her big brother's mind." gi: "Starting today, I'm your guardian." gi: "Hey, Sachi! You..." Sachi: "I'm hungry. I'm going to the convenience store." gi: "It's not safe for a middle schooler to be out this late!" Sachi: "What, then? Should I starve to death?" Shop Clerk: "Welcome." Sachi: "I'm at the supermarket with Onii. Hilarious. How long has it been?" gi: "I'm just coming along as your guardian." gi: "I just received this month's living expenses. I was going to get all my groceries today anyway." Sachi: "Over there. The ice cream in our freezer ran out three days ago, so I've been in a bad mood." gi: "Stay put, all right? Don't go off on your own. You'll get lost." Sachi: "I can't stand that crap. And what if my friends see us?" gi: "What's the problem? Just tell them I'm your brother." Sachi: "I'm telling you I don't want to do that!" gi: "Yikes." Sachi: "Hey, there's the ice cream." gi: "How is it that her mood depends on ice cream?" Sachi: "Oh, man! It's so cheap! Let's stock up!" gi: "No!" gi: "No, no! Just buy one box for today, please." Sachi: "Why?" gi: "This shop has a 50% off sale on ice cream every Wednesday! It's Tuesday today!" Text: "One pack per customer" gi: "Eggs at 98 yen per pack?! Sachi, help me out!" Sachi: "We don't need that many." gi: "You don't realize how many eggs we consume!" gi: "Also, the milk is a bargain. It's 13 yen cheaper on Tuesdays for some reason." Sachi: "It's just 13 yen!" gi: "We also need to buy veggies to chop up and freeze in packs." Sachi: "Freeze in packs?" Sachi: "No way! It's 10 yen! Onii, let's buy ten!" gi: "Bean sprouts go bad quickly. One pack is enough." Sachi: "Even though it's only 10 yen?" gi: "Because it's 10 yen." Sachi: "Onii sounds like Mom." Sachi: "Nice haul." gi: "I can't believe you hid it in the bottom of the cart. I didn't notice until we were checking out. You're a repeat offender, aren't you?" Sachi: "Mom lets me get away with it." gi: "Don't just pull it out and start eating as we're walking. That's rude." Sachi: "But I'm so hungry, I'm going to collapse." gi: "Yeah, right." Sachi: "Anyway... Do you always do stuff like this?" gi: "What do you mean?" Sachi: "Shopping like that. Aren't Dad and the hotel king giving us enough to cover living costs?" Sachi: "You could always ask Erika-chan for help. Why not stop being so stingy and just take it easy?" gi: "I can't do that. I pay back whatever's left at the end of each month." Sachi: "Seriously?" Sachi: "I never knew." Sachi: "You can have one, Onii." gi: "That's good." Sachi: "I was just thinking about the past. Remember that one time? It was Christmas Day, and Mom and Dad were at work. We decided we should make a meal before they got back, so we went shopping." gi: "Did that happen?" Sachi: "Yes, it did!" Sachi: "I had no idea you could make cake." Sachi: "I was kinda impressed." gi: "I actually watched our parents at work. Unlike you, I'm not just a taster." Sachi: "That's my duty, though. I can cook now, too." Sachi: "Anyway, we finished cooking, and we fell asleep waiting for them." Sachi: "When I woke up, there was a letter. For some reason, Santa-san had eaten it." Sachi: "And I cried." Sachi (Young): "Onii didn't make it for Santa-san!" gi: "I never knew." Sachi: "But then, after that, I found my presents, and I was like, "Not bad, Santa-san! I forgive you."" gi: "Your tears aren't very deep, are they?" gi: "Done! Wanna wait for Amano-san to get home?" Sachi: "Lemme try it out." gi: "Hey!" Sachi: "Oh!" Sachi: "Let's play a game while we wait. Onee bought Sobatetsu. We used to play it with the family a lot, remember?" Sachi: "Don't you want to see Devil Sobasshi on this giant TV?" gi: "You have entrance exams, don't you? You should be studying at times like these." Sachi: "Are you serious? You're so annoying. Why are you always like this?" gi: "You're hungry, aren't you? You can start eating." Sachi: "No, seriously, stop that!" gi: "Huh?" Sachi: "You aren't aware enough of who you are, Onii. You don't ever pay any attention to me." gi: "Where is this coming from? That's not true." Sachi: "Then what if..." Sachi: "What if I asked you to marry me? Would you?" gi: "What are you talking about?!" gi: "You're my kid sister! We lived in the same house for all those years. That'd be..." Dad: "That marrying your sister, Sachi-chan, could solve everything, too." gi: "Wh-What do you think..." gi: "What do you think our parents would say to that?" Sachi: "You're such an idiot!" Sachi: "I obviously wasn't serious. Bleah." Sachi: "I'm going to go take a shower." Erika: ""This way," as in... engaged?" Erika: "Just kidding!" gi: "Is she trying to remind me that they're sisters or something? This isn't going to be easy." Erika: "I'm home. I was shopping for summer clothes, and it took longer than I expected." Sachi: "You're late, Onee. We already made dinner." Erika: "Did something happen between you and Sachi-chan?" gi: "N-No, there's nothing happening. Why?" Erika: "Well, whatever, but..."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 20 – I want to grow up already!", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "20", "I want to grow up already!" ] }
gi: "I've been waiting for this day!" Yonezawa: "Amazing!" gi: "Not that I didn't already know." gi: "It's been a month since the day I fell to 13th place." gi: "I crawled through the pits of hell, struggling to get out. And..." gi: "I rose up, like the phoenix!" gi: "I've obtained wings of flames. I fear nothing!" gi: "I rise in altitude as the wings continue blazing." gi: "I no longer even see the surface!" gi: "This story will surely be passed down through generations. Umino Nagi: Legend of the Phoenix!" Yonezawa: "This is unacceptable, Mr. Umino." Takahashi: "Turning the tables at this point isn't rom-com material." gi: "What about the Legend of the Phoenix?!" Brown Hair: "What rank were you?" Twoblock: "What about you?" Perm: "You tell me first." gi: "Are they not even betting anymore?" gi: "But I'm riding a huge wave right now." gi: "Segawa-san... I'm never giving you the number one rank again!" gi: "There it is." Hiro: "Umino Nagi-kun..." Hiro: "You're going down!" gi: "She's going to do that to me again." gi: "I mean, I don't hate being scolded by her." gi: "That aside, I need to tell her straight, too." gi: "I'm not losing to you anymore! So please go out with me!" Hiro: "Okay." gi: "It's set." Shion: "Master... You're going in for the kill!" Hiro: "First off, Umino-kun, congratulations on ranking first." Hiro: "You made it all the way back up from 13th. You revived like a phoenix." gi: "Phoenix? Nah... It's not that big a deal." Shion: "You're denying it?" gi: "I feel like something clicked for me during those exams, though." gi: "I felt like I could keep rising forever." gi: "Kinda like the runner's high that marathon runners talk about." Hiro: "I know what you mean." gi: "So, um..." gi: "I won, as promised! And I'm never going to lose again!" gi: "So please go out with me!" gi: "Here it comes." gi: "Wait... You're going to process my—" Hiro: "I won't." Hiro: "I mean, we don't know yet, do we?" Hiro: "Still, this made me feel like fate's finally changing." gi: "I can do it! I'll change it!" Hiro: "How did it end up like this?" Hiro: "I wish it was you that I was engaged to, Umino-kun." Shion: "This is next level! I don't get how girls' minds work!" gi: "Man..." gi: "What do I do?" Sachi: "Wow. You were 167th on the last exam?" Erika: "I'm up 80 places since last time." gi: "Boy, I'm really stuck. What am I supposed to do?" Erika: "I feel like I could study forever right now. Kinda like a runner's high?" Sachi: "Damn." gi: "Oh, no!" Sachi: "Onii, shut up!" gi: "But you see... Segawa-san confessed to me." Erika: "No way! Seriously?" Sachi: "Details." gi: "Oh, no!" gi: "So that's what happened." Erika: "Oh, crap! Nagi-kun's hit his stride!" Sachi: "No way. You're taking him too seriously." gi: "But it's true. "I wish it was you that I was engaged to," she said." Sachi: "I think you've got the wrong idea." Sachi: "She hasn't even said anything about liking you." Erika: "Non, non. You don't want to just come out and say it." Sachi: "That doesn't make sense." Erika: "Sure it does!" gi: "Sheesh. How am I supposed to spend my summer with this weighing on me?" Erika: "All right, then. Now that we're on summer break, we have plenty of time." Erika: "Let's go investigate what Hiro-chan said!" gi: "Huh?" Sachi: "Go where?" Erika: "The beach!" Sachi: "Is that..." gi: "Don't tell me... Another holiday house?" Erika: "Yes. This one even has a private beach." Sachi: "A private beach!" Erika: "How about we go there to find out what Hiro-chan really thinks?" Sachi: "Sounds good. How many holiday houses do you have, anyway?" Erika: "Dunno." gi: "That's silly. I'm not going. It's finally summer break. Why wouldn't I be studying?" Erika: "Seriously, Nagi-kun? You're insane." Sachi: "He's like this every summer." gi: "First of all, someone as studious as Segawa-san has no reason to be goofing around at a holiday home!" Erika: "She's coming." Hiro: "I'm in!" gi: "I'll be there!" Sachi: "I mean, you don't need to be there for us to find out, Nagi-kun." gi: "I'll do anything, whether it's carrying bags or scouting out the location! Segawa-san in swimwear!" Sachi: "Ew." Erika: "Okay, then, it's settled." Erika: "We're going supply shopping tomorrow!" gi: "All right!" Sachi: "I'll stay home if you're going shopping. I have to study tomorrow so I can go to the holiday house." gi: "You're finally starting to sound like an entrance exam student." Sachi: "Shut up, Onii. Get over yourself." Erika: "That should do it, I think." Erika: "Nagi-kun, could you carry this to the cashier?" gi: "We need more." gi: "Let's buy this!" Erika: "What's the stick for?" gi: "For cracking watermelons." Erika: "Huh?" gi: "You were just thinking we don't need it, weren't you?" gi: "Believe it or not, it's not easy to find the perfect stick just lying around." Erika: "I see." Erika: "That's a buy." gi: "Let's buy two just in case." Erika: "Next, we have this. There's more?!" gi: "What do you say?" Erika: "A trident?! What would we even use that for?" gi: "It's a private beach we're going to, correct?" Erika: "That's right. No one can get in from outside." gi: "Which means the opposite is also true!" gi: "What if something happens and we're trapped in the holiday house? We'll have to find our own food!" Erika: "That's a buy!" gi: "Thank you very much. I'll buy two of these, too." Erika: "Oh, in that case, we'll need to buy sunscreen, too." gi: "In that case..." gi: "I recommend the spray type." Erika: "Non, non, Nagi-kun. You always want the cream type sunscreen. After all, you might get to rub some on Hiro-chan." gi: "No! No! What if I put some on her and she ends up with an uneven tan?!" Erika: "That's a weird thing to feel responsible for." Erika: "Fine, let's get the spray type." gi: "I'll buy both just in case." Erika: "Seriously?" Erika: "Buses are so slow. I can't believe we have to wait another ten minutes." gi: "Should I search for a taxi?" Erika: "I'm kinda surprised, though." Erika: "I didn't think you'd know so much about beach trips." gi: "I guess I do." gi: "I used to go with my family a lot." Erika: "Really?" gi: "The beach is free, after all." Sachi: "Onii-chan, let's go!" Erika: "Oh, so that's why." Erika: "I envy you, though. Going with Papa Yohei and Mama Namie and Sachi-chan sounds like fun." gi: "What about me?" gi: "I thought you enjoyed your private beach." Erika: "I always just walked along the shore by myself." Erika: "I'd sneak out of the hotel." gi: "Are you sure that isn't why they put a GPS tracker on you?" Erika: "I can't wait. All of us at the beach together..." Erika: "There's the bus." Erika: "Could you take us to this address?" gi: "It's not a taxi, you know!" Erika: "So cramped." gi: "Well, it is a bus." Erika: "Hey, give me some space!" gi: "We're on a curve. I can't help it." Erika: "About the two of us..." Erika: "Hiro-chan knows we're engaged now." Erika: "But we have to make sure she doesn't find out we're living together, huh?" gi: "I don't want to keep secrets from Segawa-san, though." Erika: "You're so silly. I think she'll really look down on us if she finds out. She might never talk to us again." Erika: "Besides, it's a secret between you and me." gi: "Y-Yeah." Erika: "I told you to stop crowding me!" gi: "It's a curve!" Bus Driver: "Oh, to be young..." Erika: "On the count of three, Nagi-kun." gi: "All right. Let's surprise Sachi." Erika: "One, two..." Erika: "Aloha!" Hiro: "Aloha. Hey, I'm visiting." Erika: "Huh?" gi: "Why?" Sachi: "I invited her." Hiro: "I never knew you two lived together." Hiro: "I thought something was weird. You two always smelled like the same shampoo." gi: "Um... This is, um..." Erika: "Why are you using my shampoo?!" gi: "It was a financial decision... Is that important right now?!" Erika: "It's not like that, Hiro-chan. My dad made us do this!" Hiro: "It seems like you're enjoying it, though." Hiro: "I always had a hunch, since you're engaged and all." gi: "Did she know this whole time?" gi: "This is..." gi: "going to be a mess of a vacation." Hiro?Sachi/Erika: "It's the beach!" Erika: "Ooh, cold!" Hiro: "The sand is so smooth." Sachi: "There are little fish here. Look." Hiro: "Oh, yeah!" Erika: "So cute!" Hiro: "That's cold!" gi: "D-Don't barge into my line of sight like that!" Sachi: "I can totally tell you're catching glimpses." Sachi: "Just wanted to let you know you're creepy." Sachi: "You're defiling your appreciation of books." gi: "Don't be dumb. Reading on the beach is awesome." gi: "Also, don't wear your school swimsuit to the beach." Sachi: "What else could I do? It's the only one I have." Sachi: "Where did you even get those lame swim trunks?" gi: "Don't you mean "badass swim trunks"?" Sachi: "Are you serious?" gi: "Anyway, there's something I want to talk to you about." Sachi: "What?" gi: "Why did you tell Segawa-san that we're living together?" Sachi: "So she would help me study." Sachi: "My first term finals turned out worse than I thought." Sachi: "So I asked Hiro-san to tutor me." gi: "You could have told me." Sachi: "Hiro-san's better at teaching than you are." Sachi: "Besides, I don't want you teaching me." gi: "What is that supposed to mean?!" Sachi: "Hiro-san was happy to help." Sachi: "Besides, don't you want Hiro-san to come over?" gi: "Th-That's not the point!" Erika: "Sachi-chan!" Sachi: "Coming!" gi: "Jeez. I never asked for this." gi: "That's right... This is supposed to be a fun vacation to determine the true meaning behind Segawa-san's confession." Erika: "Come on, Nagi-kun." Sachi: "Beach volleyball!" gi: "I can tell, though." gi: "Segawa-san's kind of avoiding me!" gi: "If things were normal, I'd be putting sunscreen on her right about now." gi: "How did this turn into a repentance tour?!" Sachi: "I'll team up with Hiro-san, then." Erika: "I'm with Nagi-kun?! It's game over!" gi: "I mean..." gi: "I guess it's my fault for hiding my motives." Erika: "Want me to talk to Hiro-chan?" gi: "Why?" Erika: "Well, it's Dad's fault to begin with." Sachi: "Here I go!" gi: "He's my dad, too, remember?" Erika: "Nagi-kun!" Sachi: "Onii's so distracted." Hiro: "Something on his mind, maybe?" gi: "Whatever. I'll talk to her myself." Erika: "O-Okay." Hiro: "So, what did you want to talk about?" gi: "You know, don't you? A-About us living together..." Hiro: "Ah." Hiro: "About how you were hiding things from me." gi: "I am deeply sorry for this incident! There is a very complicated family reason behind this!" Hiro: "Oh?" gi: "I was half-forced to live with her. It wasn't that I enjoyed living with her... necessarily... entirely... Wait..." Hiro: "So you could have left whenever you wanted, right?" gi: "Yes, that is correct." Hiro: "So you were living under the same roof as Erika-chan when we went on a date together, too?" gi: "Yes! I'm sorry!" Hiro: "You eat together every day, and you've peeked at her in the shower and stuff." gi: "Yes! I'm sorry!" Hiro: "You were flirting with her every day after school." gi: "Yes! I'm sorry!" gi: "No, I haven't done that." Hiro: "But you've been living with her because it's fun, right?" Erika: "I'm having so much fun every day." gi: "Yes." Hiro: "We said no secrets." Hiro: "You said "of course" when we talked about that, didn't you?" gi: "Sorry." Hiro: "We had a few study sessions after that. And we went on dates. You had plenty of chances to tell me." gi: "You are absolutely correct!" Hiro: "I'm just messing." Hiro: "But it really did hurt that much." Hiro: "I even thought about not coming today." Hiro: "So you see, Umino-kun..." gi: "Why my hair?" Hiro: "Do it again, and I'll put a curse on you." Erika: "She said what?! Creepy!" gi: "Nah. That's just how deep our bond is." Erika: "Hiro-chan's not the scheming type, though. I'm pretty sure it was just a bad joke." Erika: "Anyway, I'm glad she forgave you. I was about to lose a precious friend." Erika: "Hiro-chan does have feelings for you, then, huh?" gi: "Right?" Sachi: "Nah, that can't be it." Sachi: "She obviously just sees you as a rival." Erika: "Oh, is the bath free? I'm using it next." gi: "What makes you say that?" Sachi: "What else would it be? Is there even anything about you that a girl would like?" gi: "Speaking of liking, Segawa-san told me..." Sachi: "What?" Hiro: "So anyway, Umino-kun..." Hiro: "About Sachi-san..." gi: "Sachi, do you..." gi: "have a crush on me?" Sachi: "What the hell?!" gi: "Ow, ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 21 – It's a secret between you and me.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "21", "It's a secret between you and me." ] }
Hiro: "What kind of sister is Sachi-san to you, Umino-kun?" gi: "What kind? A sister's a sister. She's part of my family." Hiro: "Oh." Hiro: "She's a bit odd, though, isn't she?" gi: "Yeah, sort of. She's not stupid, but she's hard to teach. She's stubborn." gi: "I guess you wouldn't want to tutor her, huh?" gi: "I'll turn her down for you." Hiro: "That's not it." Hiro: "It's just that she seems to be in love with you." Sachi: "What do you mean, I have feelings for Onii?!" Sachi: "Why would you say something like that to him?" Hiro: "It just kinda came up, you know?" Hiro: "Do you not?" Sachi: "I-I don't." Sachi: "This isn't what we promised, is it?" Sachi: "Didn't you say..." Sachi: "I don't think that's good." Hiro: "Hm?" Hiro: "Did I give you the wrong idea? Sorry." Hiro: "I told you I'm engaged, too, remember?" Hiro: "So I only see Umino-kun as a rival." Sachi: "That's why I trusted you, Hiro-san." Sachi: "But that's not true anymore, is it?" Hiro: "There's no such thing as a relationship that stays the same forever." Hiro: "That goes for you, too, doesn't it?" Soichiro: "Might you be prepared to marry Nagi-kun?" gi: "See me, Pacific Ocean!" gi: "I'm conversing with the great outdoors. This is awesome!" gi: "I'm more united with nature than ever before!" gi: "Outdoor baths are the best." Erika: "Oh, I didn't realize you were here, Nagi-kun." Erika: "I thought there was no one else around." gi: "Amano-san?!" gi: "Why... Didn't you take a bath earlier?" Erika: "Not yet. It took longer than I thought to tidy up my stuff." gi: "Why are you getting in?! I'm in here right now!" Erika: "I don't see why that's a problem." gi: "No, no, it's a very big problem! It's way too unwholesome for a high school guy and girl to take a bath together!" Erika: "What are you freaking out about?" gi: "She got in!" Erika: "It's just a bath. What's the big deal? We're engaged, anyway." gi: "She's out of her mind." gi: "Well, if you say so, Amano-san... Fine, I guess." Erika: "I love outdoor baths." Erika: "You can see the lighthouse from here. Come over here, Nagi-kun." gi: "What are you—" gi: "Is Amano-san coming on to me?" gi: "Huh? Since when has that been our relationship?" gi: "Although, I guess it's okay if I get close to her, right? Wait, no, it's not!" gi: "If Segawa-san sees us, it's over!" Hiro: "You're bathing together? You scum." gi: "Right, it's already over." Erika: "You know, though..." Erika: "I like these moments. I've always wanted to do this." Erika: "I've always been by myself, and I never had any friends." Erika: "I never thought I'd have a day like today." Erika: "I wish it could always be like this." gi: "Has she been wanting to take a bath with me that badly?" Erika: "Shoot, I got water in my ear." gi: "But I'm too..." gi: "I can't! I'm overheating!" Erika: "Why are you naked?! You're crazy!" gi: "You say that now? You're the one who walked in on me. You're naked, too, aren't you?" gi: "Why are you wearing a swimsuit?!" Erika: "Of course I am! It's an outdoor jacuzzi!" gi: "Is that what you're supposed to do?!" gi: "There are only two beds?" Erika: "Yeah. I should have noticed. There are two bedrooms, but only double beds." gi: "I really wish you would have checked on that first." Hiro: "Which means someone has to sleep next to Umino-kun?" Sachi: "Let's do this, then. Onii sleeps in the living room." gi: "I refuse." Sachi: "Why?" gi: "I saw it." Sachi: "Saw what?" gi: "A spider! An organism with six-centimeter-long legs and a gray body and an unpredictable direction of travel!" gi: "What if that thing crawls into my ear while I'm sleeping? I'd rather die than spend a night with that hideous creature!" Erika: "This again?" Sachi: "So die, then." Hiro: "I could take on a spider." gi: "Okay, fine." gi: "I'll stay in the living room, awake." Hiro: "I have a good idea. Let's draw straws." Erika: "Straws?" Hiro: "Here. Pick one." gi: "So this is the hot spring that's connected to the room?" gi: "Ground-up rock salt? Oh, this is what they call bath salts!" gi: "What kind of shower is this?! It's like rain is gently falling on me!" gi: "Hey, come check this out. It's awesome." Sachi: "This sucks. Why do I have to sleep next to you on a vacation?" gi: "That's my line. Here I am, sharing a roof with Segawa-san, and..." Sachi: "Shut up! Creep!" gi: "You're the one who drew the same number I did!" Sachi: "It's your fault for drawing that number!" Sachi: "You're banned from coming on my side of this towel." gi: "Is that really necessary? We slept with just a curtain between us for—" Sachi: "I said you're banned!" gi: "My territory's way too small!" Hiro: "Okay, what's next?" Erika: "I don't think I can hold this..." Hiro: "Right hand red." Erika: "I can't!" Erika: "I lose. You have such a strong core, Hiro-chan." Hiro: "Not really." Erika: "You do. Like, structurally." Erika: "Why is this game at my vacation house, though?" Erika: "Wait, did Dad..." Woman: "I can't do it, sir!" Hiro: "That was some good exercise before bed." Hiro: "Okay, next..." Erika: "We aren't sleeping?" Erika: "Wow, bubbles everywhere." Hiro: "I could never do this at home." Erika: "I wouldn't do it by myself, either." Erika: "Why is there bubble bath mix here, though?" Erika: "Did Dad do this, too?!" Woman: "Sir..." Hiro: "Erika-chan." Hiro: "What do you think?" Erika: "Hiro-chan?! Don't you think that's too much?" Hiro: "I'm the bubble monster. Aren't I scary?" Hiro: "You should be a bubble monster, too, Erika-chan." Erika: "I'll pass." Hiro: "Don't say that." Erika: "Come on!" Hiro: "Do it like this!" Erika: "And posted." Hiro: "I'm your first upvote." Erika: "Don't. You're embarrassing me." Hiro: "You know... I still can't believe it." Hiro: "I'm hanging out with the famous Erika-chan." Erika: "Don't start that now. I'm really not." Hiro: "You ought to know. You're the most famous high schooler right now." Erika: "I can't believe it, either." Erika: "I'm having fun and chatting with my friends so late at night." Erika: "I thought I was going to grow up never getting to do that." Hiro: "So it's because you met Umino-kun, huh?" Erika: "Nagi-kun has nothing to do with it. We're just engaged because our parents said so." Erika: "We haven't accepted it." Hiro: "Yeah?" Erika: "What about you, Hiro-chan?" Erika: "What's the person you're engaged to like?" Hiro: "I don't know." Hiro: "I've never even met him." Erika: "Really?!" Hiro: "Yeah." Hiro: "I'm not interested in my engagement, either." Erika: "So we're the same, then." Hiro: "Hey, Erika-chan..." Hiro: "Just to make sure..." Hiro: "Since you say you're not interested..." Hiro: "Can I have Umino-kun?" Erika: "You like Nagi-kun?!" Erika: "She's out cold!" gi: "Hot springs are awesome." gi: "I stayed in too long. I hope Sachi isn't angry." Sachi: "You took too long!" gi: "The bath's free." gi: "Wait, why am I so self-conscious? I've always been in my underwear after baths back at home." gi: "Hey, Sachi." gi: "She's sleeping!" gi: "I shouldn't have bothered trying to be courteous." gi: "There's no space." gi: "Damn it. Why can't I sleep?" gi: "I ended up getting no sleep." gi: "Amano-san? You're up early for once." Erika: "I remember now." Erika: "That's definitely it." Erika: "The game and the bubble bath mix..." Erika (Little): "We're taking it? Where?" Sosuke: "To our vacation home." Erika: "I was here with Onii-chan." Erika: "I knew it. Look at this pillar." gi: ""Sosuke"?" Erika: "I remember now. When I was little, my family and I used to go to our vacation homes every summer." Erika: "How did I forget that?" Erika: "But I was definitely here with him." Text: "Erika 7 yrs" gi: "The box is new." gi: "The bath mix is recent, too." gi: "There might be more hints to finding Sosuke here." gi: "I'll go wake up Sachi. Let's get Segawa-san to help, too. Right away." Erika: "O-Okay." Hiro: "I never knew you had an older brother, Erika-chan." Hiro: "Oh, I guess that makes him Umino-kun's older brother, too." gi: "Not that it bothers me much." Hiro: "I see. You know, though..." Hiro: "I bet you'd be an adorable younger brother." gi: "Me? Segawa-san's younger brother?" gi: "Onee-chan, I got 100% again." Hiro: "Good for you, Nagi! Onee-chan's going to give you a good pampering." gi: "Holy crap!" gi: "Wait, I can't. I can't go out with her!" Erika: "What is he fantasizing about?" gi: "What do I do?!" Sachi: "Gross." Hiro: "You're lucky you get to talk about siblings, though. I'm an only child, so I get envious about that stuff." Erika: "It's really not that great. You don't get anything to yourself." Sachi: "Exactly. And you get bullied." gi: "You two get to say that?" Hiro: "It worked!" Erika: "This takes me back." Sachi: "We have this at home, too. The four of us played together." gi: "Sachi would take all the items." Sachi: "Shut. Up." Erika: "Onii-chan would stomp on me and make me fall, too." gi: "Sachi did that to me, too." Sachi: "Be quiet!" Hiro: "I beat the whole game. All by myself." gi: "Segawa-san! I shall accompany you from now on!" Erika: "Hang on." Erika: "This save data..." Erika: "It's from three days ago." Sachi: "What does that mean? We got here yesterday, didn't we?" Hiro: "That means someone was here before us, right?" Erika: "That can't be, though. This is my family's vacation home, and Mom and Dad don't play games at all." gi: "So, then..." Erika: "Onii-chan?" Sachi: "Onii, where are you going?" gi: "Three days ago, right? He might still be in town." gi: "If he's still here, he'd be in an area where there are tourist spots or restaurants." Erika: "Wait, Nagi-kun!" Erika: "Don't look for him!" gi: "Amano-san?" Sachi: "Erika-chan went to stop him." Hiro: "Yeah." Sachi: "I wonder why. I thought she wanted to see him." Hiro: "You don't get it, huh?" Hiro: "You're still a child, after all." Sachi: "What's that supposed to mean?" Hiro: "I think you'd know better than anyone how Erika-chan feels right now." Hiro: "I fell." gi: "Don't look for him? Why not?" gi: "Even if he isn't nearby, there might be someone who's seen him. He was definitely at the vacation home, wasn't he?" gi: "You might finally get to meet him. There must be a lot you want to ask him. Isn't that why you've been working so hard on your social media?" Erika: "Yeah. That's right." Erika: "But..." Erika: "But now I'm scared. Now that I'm about to meet the person I've always wanted to meet, I can't decide how I should feel." Erika: "I'm pathetic, aren't I?" Erika: "Anyway, that's where I'm at. Let's go back." gi: "Why are you afraid?" gi: "I'll be with you when you meet him." gi: "Let's go." Erika: "In the end, we didn't find anyone who's seen him." gi: "I guess it was never going to be easy." Erika: "Why are you so invested in this?" gi: "Why?" gi: "He's my brother, too." gi: "And I promised." Erika: "I see." Erika: "You're right." Erika: "Maybe I won't be scared if you're with me." Erika: "You can come with me, if you must." gi: "What? Why are you being so condescending?" Erika: "I'm not at all." gi: "You totally are!" Erika: "Nah."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 22 – I'll be with you when you meet him.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "22", "I'll be with you when you meet him." ] }
Hiro; Erika; Sachi: "It's the beach!" gi: "Why did you tell Segawa-san that we're living together?" Sachi: "So she would help me study." Hiro: "Do it again, and I'll put a curse on you." Hiro: "What kind of sister is Sachi-san to you, Umino-kun?" gi: "What kind?" Hiro: "It's just that she seems to be in love with you." Hiro: "She obviously just sees you as a rival." Hiro: "Is there even anything about you that a girl would like?" Hiro: "Since you say you're not interested..." Hiro: "Can I have Umino-kun?" Erika: "I remember now." Erika: "That's definitely it." Erika: "I was here with Onii-chan." Sachi: "That was fun." Erika: "Our ride should be here soon." Sachi: "Already?" Hiro: "That trip went by so fast." Sachi: "So how'd the search for your brother go?" Erika: "Well..." Erika: "We asked around this morning, too..." Erika: "He looks like this guy." Old Lady: "Haven't seen him." Erika: "But no one knew anything." Hiro: "At the very least, we know he was here three days ago. Which means he's in Japan, right?" gi: "I really thought he was overseas." Erika: "Yeah." Erika: "I'm glad I have you, though, Nagi-kun. I'm ready to keep looking." gi: "Yup." Erika: "There's our car." Sachi: "You're in charge of the luggage, Onii." gi: "Fine, fine." gi: "Man, I'm so sleepy." Hiro: "Just a second." Hiro: "Umino-kun and I are going to take the train home." Sachi: "What?" Erika: "What's this about?" Hiro: "Sorry, there's somewhere we want to check out." gi: "Wh-What she said." Erika: "O-Okay." gi: "A shrine?" Hiro: "Yeah. To collect the shrine stamp. Did you bring yours?" gi: "Right. I see. What was I expecting?" gi: "I brought mine, of course. I didn't think there'd be a shrine out here, though." Hiro: "Right? I stumbled upon it yesterday." Hiro: "I'll race you to the grounds!" gi: "We're doing this again?!" Hiro: "Thank you for guiding us here." Hiro: "We got here because it was meant to be." gi: "Meant to be?" Hiro: "I'm the heir to a shrine, after all." gi: "Right. You are." gi: "Academic success... Academic success... Relationship success..." Text/Nagi (Other Voice): "Segawa-san" gi: "Segawa-san!" Text/Nagi (Other Voice): "Dating" gi: "Dating!" Text/Nagi (Other Voice): "Want to go out with her" gi: "I want to go out with her!" gi: "First place or bust!" gi: "Wh-What are you wishing for, Segawa-san?" Hiro: "I didn't wish for anything." Hiro: "I'm just expressing my gratitude for having made it here." gi: "I'm so filled with desires... Disgraceful!" Text: "Worship Maoka Shrine" Hiro: "It's such a pretty stamp." Hiro: "Go us, right, Umino-kun? We got a stamp." gi: "Now that we've completed our goal of getting the stamp, what do we do next? Go for lunch? More stamps?" Hiro: "Well, Umino-kun, wanna go home?" Hiro: "We have plenty of time to catch the train." gi: "It really was just for the stamp." Sachi: "No way! Really?" Erika: "She definitely asked if she could have Umino-kun. She passed out right after, though." Sachi: "Does that mean she likes Onii?" Erika: "I-I think so." Sachi: "I didn't realize anyone like that even existed." Erika: "Man, there's no way. I'm pretty sure she was half-asleep. I mean, Hiro-chan's popular at school. She's way out of his league. Why would she go after Nagi-kun, right?" Sachi: "Exactly, right? There's no way she's in love with that gloomy, inconsiderate, nerdy loner. Onii's content just studying for the rest of his life." Text: "Heavy Rain / Wind Warning in Effect Sanpa Station" gi: "The station's closed..." gi: "Wh-What the heck?! It's still the afternoon!" Hiro: "Umino-kun." Hiro: "What do we do now?" gi: "D... "Do"?! There's nothing we can do!" gi: "I'm just kidding. Let me take care of this." gi: "Ahem... Th-That was close. I was about to embarrass myself freaking out and giving up. Let's stay calm and look for a train first." Hiro: "You should definitely calm down." Hiro: "This is tough. There are no buses that go to Tokyo. And a taxi would cost too much." gi: "You can't be serious." Hiro: "It's going to be a while, isn't it?" gi: "Yeah..." gi: "Think... Think!" gi: "We can't stay here forever. Our clothes are wet, too. What if Segawa-san catches a cold?" Hiro: "Umino-kun..." Hiro: "What should we do now?" Sachi: "Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, Erika-onee!" Sachi: "Look at this!" Text: "White Rice We're staying the night Seigenkan" gi: "They're open!" Hiro: "Thank goodness." Hiro: "That was scary for a moment, huh? We can't exactly camp out in the rain." gi: "True." Hiro: "Good thing we caught a break." gi: "Yeah." gi: "I never thought I'd end up spending a night out with Segawa-san." Hiro: "I want to grow up already!" gi: "No, no! That's not what she meant!" Hiro: "Umino-kun..." gi: "Yes, ma'am." Staff: "Please fill out this form." Text: "Accommodation Card Representative Name (age) Accompanying members Name (age) Name (age) Name (age) Name (age) Name (age)" gi: "Right, our addresses and stuff." gi: "Age... Accompanying members..." Staff: "Is something the matter?" gi: "N-No..." gi: "Don't tell me..." Staff: "We will not accept a high school male and female." gi: "Are we going to get kicked out?!" Hiro: "Let me." gi: "S-Segawa..." Hiro: "Here you go." Staff: "Just a moment, please." gi: "I-I see..." Staff: "Sir?" Staff: "We ask for payment up front." gi: "I'll take care of it. I'm borrowing some money for living expenses later, Hotel King!" Hiro: "What a relaxing room, huh?" gi: "Yeah. A single Japanese-style room? This room is..." Hiro: "The tatami smells nice." gi: "...where I'm spending the night with Segawa-san?!" Staff: "Such a young couple. Are you newlyweds?" gi: "Huh?!" Hiro: "We are. We came to celebrate our marriage, but it started raining really hard." gi: "N-Newlyweds?!" Staff: "Oh, to be young!" Staff: "Well, enjoy your stay." Hiro: "Thank you." Hiro: "We made it through that, somehow." gi: "My nerves..." Hiro: "Sorry, though." Hiro: "You're engaged to Erika-chan, and I pretended we're married." gi: "That's true..." gi: "I can't believe an honor student like you would lie so much. You're actually a real crook." Hiro: "You're an accomplice, then, Umino-kun." gi: "I-Is that so?!" Hiro: "Tentative first-place crook." gi: "Did you have to go that far?" Hiro: "I'm freezing. Wanna go to the baths?" gi: "Yes!" Text: "Women" Hiro: "That was fast, Umino-kun. Out already?" gi: "You're the fast one." Hiro: "I think I won by a hair." gi: "That was a race?" Hiro: "We gotta hang up our wet clothes when we get back to our room." gi: "Segawa-san in a yukata... Awesome!" Hiro: "Huh?" gi: "Did the inn set this up on purpose?!" Hiro: "We only get one futon, huh?" gi: "Y-Yeah, huh..." gi: "By the way, Segawa-san..." gi: "I won't go past this line. So please rest assured." Hiro: "Huh? Okay..." Hiro: "What about when you're sleeping?" gi: "I won't sleep." Hiro: "You don't need to be so considerate. You didn't sleep much last night either, did you?" gi: "S-Still, though... How did she know?" Hiro: "Besides, the tatami's nice." Hiro: "I like Japanese-style rooms." gi: "Right. They're the best." gi: "So cute..." gi: "There was a shop, wasn't there?" Hiro: ""A"..." Text: "Pickled Plum" Hiro: ""A"..." Hiro: "Access!" Hiro: "It's "S" next." gi: ""S"..." gi: "Special." Hiro: "You said that one already." gi: ""S"... "S"..." gi: "Spicy." Hiro: "Yell." gi: "That was fast!" gi: ""L"... "L"..." gi: "I can't... My lack of sleep is catching up to me. I can't think straight." Hiro: "How about "lizard"?" Hiro: "A home with a lizard is a good home, you know." gi: "It's a house of despair if you ask me!" Hiro: "You're so melodramatic." Hiro: "Better let it out through the window." gi: "You shouldn't touch it!" gi: "Sorry." Hiro: "Deep." Hiro: "We did a lot of bad things today, huh?" Hiro: "Wanna try doing more bad things?" Sachi: "Seriously, Onii... What does he mean, he's "staying the night"?! He's obviously with Hiro-san!" Erika: "It's raining. That's probably why." Sachi: "Still, though... This isn't right! Onii should just study for the rest of his life." gi: "Wh-What do you mean by "bad things"?" Hiro: "Umino-kun..." Hiro: "Your hand." gi: "My hand?" gi: "A th-thousand yen?" Hiro: "Yeah." Hiro: "H-High schoolers, a sleepover, no parents... You know what that means, right?" Hiro: "L..." gi: "L?" Hiro: "Liquor." gi: "Huh?" gi: "You're a real villain!" Hiro: "I totally thought..." gi: "Segawa-san's been playing with me!" Hiro: "I-Is that wrong?" gi: "Yeah, it is! What if they get suspicious of us at the shop? We're already lying about our age. We're going to get reported!" Hiro: "I thought you'd play along, Umino-kun." gi: "I will not. I never thought you'd propose such a thing. I'm shocked." Hiro: "You're right." Hiro: "Am I too bad for you?" gi: "You are." gi: "You're smart and athletic and cute and popular at school. How could someone like you be drinking?!" Hiro: "It's tiring being a model student all the time, though. I wanted to lie to the grown-ups and do something that'll get me in trouble for once." gi: "What's wrong is wrong, no matter the reason." Hiro: "You're right..." gi: "But..." gi: "I like you when you're bad, too." gi: "I'll stop you if you start drinking in front of me, though." Hiro: "Fine, Umino-kun. I get it." Hiro: "I'll stick with sake, then." gi: "You don't "get" anything!" Erika: "Police!" gi: "Huh? What?" Hiro: "Did I just hear "police"?" gi: "It really is!" Erika: "Don't bother trying to resist. Open up!" Hiro: "Did the inn report us?" gi: "Why?! But we paid for our stay!" Hiro: "We lied about our age, though." Student A: "Expelled?" Student B: "I heard Segawa-san and Umino-kun lied about their age and slept out. I heard they were drinking, too." Student C: "Wow, that model student? Seriously? Wait, why would they get expelled for that?" Student B: "Their lives are over." Hiro: "Sorry, Umino-kun... My parents told me to stay away from you." gi: "Wait! Segawa-san!" Hiro: "I'm going to marry the person I'm engaged to now." Hiro: "I hope you find happiness with Erika-chan." Hiro: "Umino-kun?" gi: "Let's run!" Hiro: "How?" gi: "Through the window! Get your stuff!" Hiro: "But we're on the second floor." Erika: "Police!" Sachi: "You're under arrest!" gi: "Amano-san? Sachi?" Erika: "Apprehend the suspect!" Sachi: "We caught you red-han—" Erika: "Why are you naked, Nagi-kun?!" Sachi: "Wait... Did you two..." gi: "N-No! I was getting changed in a hurry!" Erika: "Police!" Sachi: "Onii's conked out." Hiro: "He looked sleepy all day." Sachi: "So, Hiro-san... What exactly happened between you and Onii today, anyway?" Hiro: "You know, stuff." Sachi: "Stuff?!" Hiro: "You know, though, Umino-kun's a boy after all."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 23 – What should we do now?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "23", "What should we do now?" ] }
Sachi: "So hot. It's definitely summertime." Sachi: "Huh?" Sachi: "A letter... That's unusual." Sachi: "Seriously?" Erika: "Oh, hey, this is such an adorable invitation letter. Whose birthday is it for?" Erika: "Answer me, Nagi-kun!" gi: "This would have been amazing if it was from a cute girl!" Erika: "What? It's not?" Sachi: "So what are you going to do, Onii?" gi: "What else can I do? He came all the way here to drop off this giddy invitation letter." Text: "C l o s e d" gi: "I can't not go." Yohei: "Happy birthday to me!" Erika: "So it was for Papa Yohei's birthday!" Yohei: "Let's go! Happy birthday, dear Yohei!" Yohei: "Arena!" Erika: "Yay!" Erika: "Happy birthday, Papa Yohei!" Yohei: "Happy birthday, Yohei!" Yohei: "Thanks, Erika." Sachi: "You don't need to go along with this, Erika-chan." Erika: "Why not? It's a party. It's fun!" gi: "That's not the point." Erika: "Oh, right! Gifts!" gi: "Forget that, too." gi: "This birthday is of Dad, by Dad, for Dad." Erika: "What does that even mean?" Yohei: "Let's raise the roof!" Sachi: "Yay." Yohei: "Happy birthday, Yohei!" Yohei: "Here you go." Erika: "Paella! Awesome!" Yohei: "I figured it'd be a good day to make something that's not on the menu." Sachi: "I want karaage." gi: "I want katsudon." Erika: "Come on, you two. The birthday boy cooked for us. It's rude to—" Yohei: "Here you go." Erika: "He's being worked to death!" gi: "It's fine. This is how it is every year. Let's eat." Sachi: "He's right. Dad does this every year." Erika: "Every year?" gi: "I can't believe I'm losing a day of my precious summer break to my dad's birthday, though..." Sachi: "I have entrance exams coming up." Yohei: "Don't say that! Check this out! This is my birthday present for the year!" Erika: "You catch it yourself, make it yourself, and give it to yourself?!" Yohei: "Aren't you jealous?" Erika: "So it's true you do everything yourself, huh?" gi: "Every year, too." Erika: "It's the exact opposite at my place. Dad's always surrounded by strangers." Erika: "So is this for every year, too?" Text: "Nagi 3 MOS Nagi 1 yr Pregnant with second child!!" gi: "Oh, these photos?" gi: "We take them every year on Dad's birthday." Erika: "Oh, really?" Erika: "I like this kind of thing." Erika: "The family grows, and everyone gets bigger." Erika: "Wait... Nagi-kun, have you even changed at all?" gi: "Huh?! I've grown a lot!" Yohei: "Sorry I kept y'all waiting!" Yohei: "It's time for our main dish!" Erika: "Holy cow! You made the cake yourself, too?! You're a genius chef!" Yohei: "Oh, stop it, you." Erika: "Hang on..." Erika: "Papa Yohei's 36 years old?! So young!" Yohei: "That's right. I'm just getting started." Sachi: "Nah, he's old." Yohei: "I guess..." Sachi: "Thanks. What about Papa Soichiro?" Erika: "He's 57." gi: "Huh? Hang on... I'm 17, and Dad's 36 today. That doesn't add up." Sachi: "Why not?" gi: "I mean..." gi: "He married Mom when he was 19, right?" Sachi: "A shotgun wedding?!" Yohei: "You could say it was a planned shotgun wedding. Who cares what order it happened in? We were planning to get married eventually anyway." gi: "What a scripted answer." Sachi: "So there we have it. Onii was an accident." gi: "Why me?" Erika: "That would be me, actually." Erika: "No, Erika-chan, I mean... It's so complicated because you were swapped at birth." gi: "Silly Sachi. Dug her own grave." Erika: "So that's how it was, huh?" Erika: "I was an unplanned pregnancy and I was swapped at birth! I have such a unique life!" Sachi: "She's more positive about it than I thought she'd be." Sachi: "Speaking of which, when's your birthday, Erika-oneechan?" Erika: "April 6th." Sachi: "Wow, that's Onii's birthday, too." gi: "Of course it is." gi: "We were swapped the day we were born." Sachi: "Oh, right. Of course." Yohei: "And that's also why you two met on April 6th." Yohei: "We figured we'd make it happen on your 17th birthday." Erika: "So that's why..." gi: "...the two of us met that day." gi; Erika: "By coincidence, too." Erika: "You're going to be my boyfriend. Too bad you're not the one I'm supposed to marry, Nagi-kun." Erika'S Dad: "My daughter, Erika, with whom you were mixed up at birth." Erika: "Seriously, that was a nightmare birthday." gi: "For me!" mie: "Talking about the good old days, huh?" gi: "Mom." Erika: "I'm here to visit." mie: "Welcome." gi: "Sachi!" Sachi: "Yum." gi: "You have your own!" Sachi: "Oh, come on, I only took one." gi: "What do you think we split it up for?!" mie: "It all worked out, huh, Yohei-kun?" Yohei: "Yeah." gi: "Listen..." mie: "There, there. So anyway, I know I said a lot back then, but I think it's all good now." gi: "Back when?" mie: "What I said back at the dinner." mie: "So then, we realized... If the two of you got married, you'd both be our kids. Remember when I said that? You don't have to worry about it anymore." gi: "What..." Yohei: "At first, we were worried that the two of you would have to get married, or we'd never get to meet Erika-chan." Yohei: "Or that Nagi might go away." Yohei: "But here you all are." mie: "It isn't really any of our business as parents, anyway. What matters the most is that the two of you are happy." Yohei: "Wait, were we supposed to say this? We haven't even consulted with Amano-san." mie: "Why not? It's just talk." Yohei: "That's true! All good, right?" Yohei: "Right?" gi: "I see..." gi: "These two really are my parents." mie: "Besides, we got married despite our parents' objections, too." Sachi; Nagi: "You did?!" gi: "He did say Mom was way out of his league..." gi: "What happened, exactly?!" mie: "All right, that's it for the birthday party. Time to set up shop!" Yohei: "Just one more song, then!" Sachi; Nagi: "That's enough!" gi: "I never thought Mom and Dad would say all that." Erika: "I wonder what my dad would say if he found out." gi: "It wouldn't go down easy, I'm sure." Erika: "We're family, though, right?" Erika: "My dad and me." Erika: "He might understand if I try to convince him." gi: "Yeah." gi: "So does that mean..." gi: "That's the end of our relationship... for real this time?" gi: "Hello?" Asuma: "'Sup, 'sup?! It's me!" gi: "Is this a scam call?" Asuma: "It's Shion! Asuma Shion, dude!" gi: "Did I ever give you my number?" Asuma: "Come on, boss, we're besties." gi: "That's not an answer." Asuma: "Never mind that, just hear me out. This is big." gi: "What's big?" Asuma: "I was going through Erika-chan's Inusta." Asuma: "Looks like she has a study sesh with Segawa-san every day." Asuma: "We gotta get in on this! Bro, I wanna hit up Erika-chan's crib—" gi: "Hell no to that." Hiro: "Study group result announcement!" Hiro: "Umino-kun, all problems correct." gi: "All right!" Hiro: "Erika-chan, all problems incorrect." Erika: "No way!" Hiro: "Sachi-chan ran out of time." Sachi: "But I had calculation problems." Hiro: "So there we have it. The winner is me!" gi: "She finished faster than me." Sachi: "You again, Hiro-san? Let me have some memorization problems next time." Hiro: "You have to work on calculation problems, though, don't you?" gi: "You've got the Segawa-san coaching you! Listen to what she says!" Sachi: "Onii, shut up." Hiro: "Well, why don't we take a break from studying and call it snack time?" Sachi: "Yay! How about you, Erika-chan?" gi: "Amano-san?!" Hiro; Sachi: "Erika-chan!" Hiro: "Erika-chan!" gi: "Amano-san!" Sachi: "Erika-chan!" Hiro: "Is it a cold? She's sweating badly. What should we do? Should we go to the hospital together?" Sachi: "Should we call the Hotel King?" Erika: "I'm fine." Erika: "I read online that sleeping is the best way to cure a cold." Hiro: "You should get changed first, then, so you stay warm." Erika: "Thanks." gi: "Hey, I got some cold medici—" gi: "Sorry!" Sachi: "Onii, you creep!" Hiro: "That was inconsiderate. No guys in the room when a girl's sick." gi: "I-Is that how it's supposed to be?" Hiro: "Are you okay, Erika-chan?" Erika: "Yeah. Sorry for causing trouble." Sachi: "Don't talk like that at a time like this. You're sick. You have to focus on resting." Hiro: "And now we commence Operation: Nursing Erika-chan!" Sachi: "Whoo!" Hiro: "We need to do absolutely everything we can to get her better." Sachi: "I'm getting pumped." Hiro: "I'm going home to gather supplies." gi: "Why do you need to go home just to take care of her?" Sachi: "I'm going shopping, too." gi: "You, too, Sachi?" gi: "Jeez. I guess I'll study or something, since I'm just getting in the way." Erika: "Sorry for causing trouble." Hiro&Sachi: "We're back." Hiro: "Um..." Hiro: "So..." Hiro: "I wanted you to drink this." Erika: "Sake?" Hiro: "You know how they say sake raises your body temperature and makes you sweat?" Erika: "Really?" Hiro: "I heard alcohol has antibiotic properties, too. So I'd like you to use this opportunity to take a big swig." Erika: "What opportunity?" Hiro: "This is a life-or-death emergency!" Hiro: "You have to drink! It has to be done! Drink, Erika-chan!" Erika: "If you insist..." Sachi: "You can't do that. You're underage." Sachi: "There are other remedies." Hiro: "Sachi-chan, what are those leeks for?" Sachi: "We're going to the bath house, Erika-onee." Erika: "Huh? Now?" Sachi: "That's right. The one with the sauna. You're going to have a good bath and sweat it all out. And then you'll sweat some more in the sauna, and then you'll take a cold bath. It's a recovery speedrun!" Erika: "Or ascetic training." Erika: "But you're both offering, so... I'll give it a... shot..." Sachi; Hiro: "Erika-chan!" Hiro: "I offered to make her some rice porridge, but she said she has no appetite, so she'll pass." Sachi: "I asked if I could stay by her, and she said she didn't want me to catch it." Hiro: "Erika-chan took the medicine, but her fever's not coming down." Sachi: "Maybe it isn't a cold." Hiro: "I hope it's just heat exhaustion or something." Hiro: "Umino-kun?" Sachi: "What are you doing?" Erika: "Nagi-kun? What..." gi: "Eat up." Erika: "What? I don't have an appetite. I can't eat." Erika: "Huh?" gi: ""Sorry for causing trouble," my ass." Erika: "What is that supposed to mean?" gi: "I mean that doesn't sound like you." gi: "You've never said anything like that to me." Erika: "That's not true." gi: "Have you ever? You've always been spoiled and snappy toward me!" gi: "Sachi joined us, and then, over the summer, Segawa-san started coming over all the time. The exhaustion must have caught up to you." gi: "You can be surprisingly attentive to other people." gi: "You ended up sick because you've been pushing yourself all this time." Erika: "You're wrong." Erika: "I'm having fun." Erika: "I just didn't realize I'm tired because every day is so fun." Erika: "I've never had so much fun. I didn't know myself at all." Erika: "Also, why do you know me better than I do?" gi: "Well..." gi: "We're engaged, aren't we?" Erika: "I see." Hiro: "I didn't realize she's been accommodating us." Sachi: "Seems like it." Sachi: "But you get it now, don't you?" Sachi: "Those two are definitely engaged." Sachi: "Tough for you, huh?" Hiro: "You'd better get it in gear, too." Hiro: "Well, take care, Erika-chan. Don't push yourself too hard just because your fever's gone." Erika: "Yeah. Come over anytime." gi: "See you, Segawa-san. Wanna go back to your room?" Erika: "Okay. Later." Erika: "This must be from Papa Yohei." Erika: "There we go." gi: "He brought it all the way here?" Erika: "Right?" Erika: "Papa Yohei and Mama Namie were happy that their family grew when she took this picture." Erika: "I was so happy when he invited me to his birthday." Erika: "I feel like I'm actually a part of the family." gi: "Yeah." Text: "Bought too much...♥" Erika: "I wonder if I'll have a family like this someday." gi: "I think that's up to you." Erika: "Maybe." gi: "By the way, where'd Sachi go?" Soichiro: "I see. Nagi-kun said that, huh?" Sachi: "Yes. "We're engaged, aren't we?"" Sachi: "I felt stupid for taking care of her all that time." Soichiro: "I'm glad that their relationship is progressing, though. Forcing them to live together paid off." Sachi: "My mom and dad don't seem inclined to insist they get married anymore, though. That's what they said to us." Soichiro: "I see." Sachi: "Are you angry at them for talking out of turn?" Soichiro: "Of course not. I respect their wishes." Soichiro: "Besides..." Soichiro: "It's Nagi-kun and Erika who get to choose in the end." Soichiro: "I'll continue watching from afar for the time being." gi: "Amano-san! You didn't wash the dishes properly again." Erika: "And who said you could wash my clothes?!" gi: "I washed it by hand and you're still complaining?!" Erika: "You washed it? By hand?!" gi: "Just look at this plate. It's still got food on it." Erika: "You're so nitpicky. Who are you, my mother-in-law?" Soichiro: "Besides, it's too early for them to leave the nest." Erika: "I don't believe it. How am I engaged to this guy?" gi: "That's my line!" Erika: "Ugh! I can't stand being engaged to you!"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 24 – All that matters is that you two are happy", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "24", "All that matters is that you two are happy" ] }
gi: "We're staying in this huge mansion? Just the two of us, for two weeks?!" gi: "How is this even happening?!" Erika: "You make crazy person noises sometimes, you know that?" Erika: "I think this is one of Dad's properties. It's a furnished rental house, I think." gi: "One moment I'm getting picked up by a car, and next, I get dumped here. This is practically an abduction! There's something wrong with your parents, Amano-san." Erika: "They're also your parents." gi: "That's right." Erika: "Dad's always been like that. He leaves me no room to resist." gi: "You just lack the skills to resist." gi: "It's within walking distance." Mom: "I heard the news! Have fun with Erika-chan for the next two weeks! This cuts down our food expenses, too! Whoo! Get 'em!" gi: "My mom's already heard about it, too!" Erika: "I'm not surprised." Sachi: "Die, die, die, die, die, die, die..." Erika: "Sachi's sending me weird messages, too." Erika: "Time to file a direct complaint. T-Tell me your dad's phone number." Sachi: "I don't think it's worth trying." Dad: "Sorry for taking you away out of the blue. Let's sit down and have a proper talk soon. Your actual dad." Erika: "Are you satisfied yet? Good thing tomorrow's Sunday." Erika: "Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'll be in the far room upstairs. Don't peek." gi: "Why would I?!" Erika: "Do you get it now? That's just how Dad is." gi: "I guess so." Erika: "They're really going to force us to get married if we don't stand up to them." Erika: "So let's set some rules while we're here." Erika: "No getting involved with each other whatsoever. How's that?" gi: "Great idea." Erika: "Okay, goodnight." gi: "Shit. Two weeks from now? I have my exam that day! Wait, hang on... Doesn't this mean..." gi: "No one's going to interfere. I can focus on studying in absolute comfort and convenience! For two straight weeks, at that!" gi: "They have writing utensils here." gi: "And clothes." gi: "I can find study material on my phone. Now I can nail the next exam." Hiro: "Wow. I never knew you were smarter than me, Umino-kun. I love you." gi: "All right, here we go!" Erika: "Shut up!" gi: "I'm sorry!" gi: "I've never slept so late. My family usually smacks me awake, whether I want to be or not." gi: "Amano-san?" Erika: "Someone help me! Get out of here!" gi: "Are you in here?!" Erika: "Why would you come in? I can't believe it!" gi: "I heard you scream!" gi: "I thought there was a burglar or something." Erika: "Come here." Erika: "I meant this. I woke up and was about to take a shower when this thing showed up." gi: "Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! I can't deal with fast-moving organisms with unpredictable navigation! Sorry, you're gonna have to give up on taking a bath!" Erika: "Watching you made me feel like I had to take action myself." gi: "Sorry." gi: "I'm glad there's plenty of food here. Though I never knew cooking for one was such a challenge." gi: "I wonder if Amano-san had anything." gi: "Social media isn't the only thing smartphones are useful for, you know." gi: "Wait, wait, wait! Please, smartphone, I need you! I can't study without you! Oh, right, where's my charger?" gi: "I came here with just the clothes on my back! Of course I don't have my charger!" Erika: "Coming." gi: "Delivery." Erika: "Ew, textbooks and notebooks? This is all stuff for studying. I already have my phone charger. Why did he bother sending all this?" Erika: "No getting involved with each other whatsoever." gi: "I beg of you! Please let me study!" Erika: "Huh? What's this about?" gi: "That garbage is a mountain of treasure for me. I can't make use of my precious day off without my textbooks! If you aren't using them, please let me borrow them!" Erika: "I thought we weren't getting involved." Erika: "Well, I don't really mind." Erika: "But in exchange..." Erika: "More to the right. Catch the light more!" gi: "Right. Sorry." gi: "Wh-Why am I doing this?" Erika: "Do it properly, or I'm throwing out the trash." gi: "A-Anything but that!" Erika: "Okay, this time, you can take a picture of me from on top of the chair." gi: "I'm doing it for the textbooks." Erika: "Make it look like I'm just chilling on the weekend." gi: "Are you sure about this angle?" gi: "I guess it's true that she's kind of cute, though. I can see why she's popular on social media." Erika: "Hey, you looked just now, didn't you?" Erika: "Seriously, I'm going to throw it out. Isn't this potentially—" gi: "Don't even say it." Erika: "Let's try again. We're going outside to get some shots with nature!" gi: "W-We're not done?!" Erika: "I mean, I guess it works, kinda. But it kinda doesn't." gi: "Which is it?" gi: "It's going to get dark soon." Erika: "Hey..." Erika: "Let's go by the tree this time." Erika: "Wh-What was that for?" gi: "I'm just trying to get this over with." Erika: "Wow... It's like it's not even me!" Erika: "I never knew the photographer made such a difference." Erika: "This is sure to go viral! Take more, Nagi-kun!" gi: "No way. That's not what we agreed on." Erika: "Quit whining and take pictures!" gi: "No!" Erika: "Just do it!" gi: "I said no!" gi: "Stop it!" gi: "You..." gi: "Take that! There!" gi: "What am I doing with my time?" Erika: "Oh, man, that picture really is going viral! I'm going to end up famous again." Erika: "Oh, yeah..." Erika: "I left that garbage in front of your room, as promised." gi: "Okay." Erika: "Speaking of which, why are you so obsessed with studying?" gi: "Well, y'know..." Erika: "What's the reason? You weren't always like that, were you?" gi: "I guess..." gi: "You've seen my house, right?" gi: "I want to give my parents a comfortable life someday." gi: "That's all." gi: "What?" Erika: "Nothing." gi: "Th-Then what's the reason you're so hooked on social media?" Erika: "Me?" Erika: "See, Nagi-kun, the Internet connects you to people around the world. Did you know?" gi: "It's not like it connects you to anything outside the world, does it?" Erika: "I think maybe if I become famous, it'll connect me to someone." Erika: "There's someone I want to contact." gi: "Who?" Erika: "Not saying." Erika: "I thought we weren't going to get involved with each other." Erika: "This looks delicious!" gi: "Umino family wisdom: pay all debts back double." gi: "I don't think it's efficient to be eating separately." Erika: "I agree." Erika: "Yum! Oh, also, I saw your stuff delivered to the mailbox." Erika: "This morning, too." gi: "Give me back my precious weekend!" gi: "Everything's here. Good job, Sachi." gi: "Crap, I'm late." Erika: "Oh, crap, I overslept! Why didn't you wake me up?! Now I'm late!" Erika: "I thought you were my helper." Erika: "Stop staring and go to school!" gi: "Why don't you?!" Male Student A E3: "Hey, look, Umino's coming." Male Student B E3: "The guy who declared war against Segawa-san?" emale Student A E3: "Umino Nagi, forever second place. Right?" emale Student B E3: "That's hilarious. He's never going to beat Hiro." gi: "Of course." gi: "I guess I should have expected rumors to spread." Male Student A E3: "I heard Umino's family is super poor." Male Student B E3: "I heard he's on a full tuition scholarship." Male Student C E3: "And he's a studyholic loner, apparently." gi: "Say what you will. I'm betting my life on the next exam. I want to rank number one, confess to Segawa-san, and go out with her. My parents might rethink my marriage if I have a girlfriend, too." gi: "For me?" Hiro: "Umino-kun. There's something I'd like to tell you. Please come to the rooftop after school." gi: "Here we go with the pranks. Lame." gi: "Huh?" Homeroom Teacher: "Let's get homeroom started." gi: "Is this what I think it is?" gi: "Nah, no way." uffy Girl: "See? That guy over there, eating alone." Dumpling Girl: "Poor Hiro, being followed around by a creep." Perm: "Umino-kun. 'Sup? How's studying going?" Twoblock: "I saw your declaration the other day. That was hot." gi: "I don't want to deal with this." Perm: "The audience loved it." Perm: "We're rooting for you, Umino-kun." Twoblock: "You better win, all right?" gi: "Wait, are these guys good guys?" Brown Hair: "Yeah, man." gi: "Yeah, I will." Perm: "Hear that? Whoo!" Brown: "All right, we're winning 26:1 odds." Twoblock: "Damn, we're gonna be rich." gi: "You're betting on me?!" Yonezawa: "Hey there, Icarus-kun." Yonezawa: "I am impressed that you have decided to do battle with our school's sun, Segawa Hiro. How foolish of you!" Yonezawa: "Retreating before you get burned is also courageous." Yonezawa: "Farewell." gi: "Who the hell are you?" gi: "He's not wrong, though." Scrunchie Girl: "Hiro! Help me study! I'll buy you lunch!" gi: "Segawa-san's always been the top of the class. She's kind and sociable." Glasses Girl: "I'll buy you lunch, too!" Hiro: "Guys, I'll help you anyway." Girls: "You got this!" gi: "And she's a good athlete." Hiro: "Okay! We're gonna win again today!" gi: "Countless students have been shot down asking her out." gi: "There's no way someone like that would confess to me. She was only watching me earlier because she was worried about me becoming a laughingstock." gi: "Horrible handwriting. Are you even trying to trick me?" Text: "1st out of 242 students Year Ranking (overall) Mathematics English" Homeroom Teacher: "Good job, Umino. You ranked number one on the post-break test." gi: "Huh?!" Homeroom Teacher: "I said you ranked number one. Break a leg on the exams coming up, too." Classmate A E3: "Segawa-san lost?!" Classmate B E3: "Hiro lost?" gi: "I see. Segawa-san knew she'd lost. That's why she was confessing to me." Hiro: "What kind of person do I like?" Hiro: "Someone smarter than me." Hiro: "Thank goodness. You actually came." gi: "Why wouldn't I, right?" Hiro: "You must've been shocked to find that out of the blue, huh? People were talking so much, I was worried you wouldn't be here." gi: "Yeah, I mean... I didn't think you were actually the one who wrote this letter. I thought it was a prank, so I threw it out at one point." Hiro: "Sorry. My handwriting is really messy." Hiro: "My writing can't keep up with how fast I'm thinking." gi: "I know what you mean. She's so cute!" Hiro: "S-So anyway, um..." Hiro: "Oh, no. I never thought the day would come when I'd say this." gi: "Don't worry. Stay calm. I'll hear you out." gi: "Honestly, this is the kind of thing that I'm supposed to be saying, as the guy." Hiro: "Nah." Hiro: "Okay, here I go." gi: "Okay." Hiro: "Umino Nagi-kun..." Hiro: "You're going down!" Hiro: "I'll be the one to come out on top in the upcoming exams. Just so you know, the only reason you ranked first on the last test was" Hiro: "I would have been number one if I took the test!" gi: "Er..." Hiro: "That's not all. I'm going to win on the midterms and finals, too! I'll win at the sports festival, the swim meet, day duties, cleaning speed... I'll win at eating faster than you, too! I'm winning all of it!" Hiro: "You aren't going to beat me, Umino-kun." Hiro: "That is all." gi: "What's wrong with her? Sh-She's insanely competitive." gi: "She's so awesome." gi: "I'm going to rank number one on the exams!" gi: "You can't be serious." gi: "I can't get sick now." Erika: "Oh, yeah, it's probably because you got wet outside the other day." gi: "What the hell am I doing?" gi: "I don't have time for this." gi: "Damn, my head's spinning." gi: "Focus... There's no time." gi: "Can you come back later? I'm busy right now." gi: "I told you, I'm busy!" Erika: "Hey there. I'm your doctor, Erika." Erika: "You must let me in, Umino-san! Open up!" gi: "I can't do that." Erika: "I'll need you to listen to your doctor when you're in the hospital." gi: "Amano-san." Erika: "Hm?" gi: "You just wanted to be a pretend doctor, didn't you?" Erika: "Oh, you could tell?" Erika: "Hey!" Erika: "What's your problem? I just wanted to try taking care of someone at home once. Bleah!" Erika: "I feel responsible for getting you sick, too, you know." Text: "1 Message Dad" Dad: "I'll see you at school. Don't be late. I'll see you at school. Don't be late." Erika: "Crap, I'd better hurry." gi: "Finally, some quiet. Gotta focus... Your life depends on this exam. You're going to come in first and confess to Segawa-san, aren't you?" gi: "Come in first... First..." Erika: "Huh?" Erika: "Nagi-kun?" gi: "Where am I? Amano-san's room?" Erika: "You suck. Are you actually that stupid?" gi: "Um... what happened to me?" Erika: "I heard a loud noise, so I went into your room, and you were on the floor." Erika: "I tried to move you to your bed, but your bed's a total mess." gi: "Sorry." Erika: "That's what's wrong with you." Erika: "You're never going to rank first if you push yourself so hard." gi: "H-How did you know about that?" Erika: "You were talking about it in your sleep the whole time." gi: "Second isn't good enough... I have to be first." Erika: "Although..." Erika: "I've never seen anyone working so hard." Erika: "Jeez, Nagi-kun, are you okay?" gi: "First... First... Not second..." Erika: "You impressed me, actually." Sachi: "Onii, are you studying again?" Mom: "Go play outside for once!" A: "Umino's studying again." B: "Who the heck tries that hard?" gi: "No one's ever told me they were impressed with me." gi: "Okay." Erika: "Well, what to do today?" Mom: "How many times do I have to tell you? You don't need to study so much." Mom: "Are you listening, Hiro?" Hiro: "I don't have a choice."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 3 – You aren't going to beat me!!!!", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "3", "You aren't going to beat me!!!!" ] }
Dumpling Girl: "For real?" uffy Girl: "I don't believe it..." Yonezawa: "Our... Our Icarus..." Yonezawa: "He's conquered the legend!" gi: "Still, though..." Dumpling Girl: "Morning, Hiro." uffy Girl: "Are you all right? Did you sleep last night?" Hiro: "Yeah." gi: "Segawa-san's as popular as ever. I don't know when to talk to her." uffy Girl: "Cheer up. It was just a fluke that you got beat." gi: "Oh, right." Hiro: "You aren't going to beat me!" gi: "I can't blame her for being depressed." Hiro: "Nah. I gave it my best. The results are what they are." gi: "Crap. Segawa-san's so awesome." Hiro: "I'm going to the bathroom real quick." gi: "Now!" Yonezawa: "Glory to our hero, Icarus!" gi: "Who even are you?!" Brown Hair: "Umino-kun! Thanks, man! You won us 2,600 pencil leads!" Twoblock: "26-to-1 payoff!" gi: "Maybe these guys are cool after all." Perm: "We'll never run out of pencil leads again!" gi: "Wait, where's Segawa-san?!" Underclassman: "Please cheer up, Hiro-senpai." Hiro: "I'm fine, really." Ponytail: "Here, Hiro, you can have my lunch." Hiro: "Well, thanks..." Boys: "Segawa-san, we're rooting for you!" Hiro: "Thanks!" gi: "I'm defeated." gi: "Tomorrow, I'll have to..." Hiro: "Umino-kun, There's something I'd like to tell you. I'll be waiting on the rooftop after school!" Hiro: "Oh, good. You showed up." gi: "Sorry, I just now found the letter." Hiro: "First off, Umino-kun, congratulations on ranking first. You declared war against me on the day of the entrance ceremony, and you actually ended up beating me. You're pretty amazing, huh?" gi: "D-Do you feel the wind blowing? It's the wind of victory!" Hiro: "By the way, why were you so intent on coming in first?" gi: "So that..." gi: "So that I could confess to you." gi: "Remember what you said?" gi: "That you like people who are smarter than you. That's why I took over number one." gi: "I'm attracted to you. Please go out with me." Hiro: "So that's what it was all about. Yeah, I do like people who are smarter than me." Hiro: "You did beat me and take the top rank." Hiro: "But that was just this once!" Hiro: "You've only won once! One win and ten losses! I'm still above you!" Hiro: "Therefore your confession today shall not be processed." gi: "Oh, okay. I just have to beat you ten more times." Hiro: "Huh?!" gi: "Then I'll beat you next time, too! So if I beat you again, and again, ten more times, will you go out with me then?" Hiro: "That's... never going to happen! I'm going to win next time, after all." gi: "No, I am!" Hiro: "No, no, no, no, no! Not happening! Everything we study in class, I memorize on the spot! And then I review it all when I get home and preview the next day's work the next morning!" gi: "That's what I do, too! In fact, I'm done studying the entire year's material, and I'm already working on third-year stuff!" Hiro: "So what?! I don't just study! I help out at home, and I sleep seven hours a night!" gi: "So do I! Not only that! I get three full meals a day!" Hiro: "Me, too! I'm never a fussy eater, and I'm actually going to be home today before you are!" gi: "No, I am!" Hiro: "Fine! I'm going to be the first one to class!" gi: "No, I am!" Hiro: "I am!" gi: "I am!" Hiro: "I am!" gi: "I am!" Hiro: "I'm the first one getting my bag!" gi: "No, I am!" gi: "Got it!" gi: "I win!" Hiro: "I've never..." Hiro: "I've never had so much fun before." gi: "Then..." Hiro: "Yeah, you win this time." Hiro: "But I can never go out with you, Umino-kun." Hiro: "I'm... engaged." Hiro: "So I can't go out with anyone." gi: "No way! It can't be! Segawa-san's engaged, too?!" gi: "Her parents must have set her up, too, right? Which means she must have some unusual circumstances, too. Who is she engaged to? What does she think of him? Stop! Stop! Thinking about it isn't going to give me any answers!" gi: "Hang on a second... Why did she even tell me that? I know!" gi: "She must want me to save her from her engagement! So that's what it was!" Erika: "What are you doing?" gi: "At least knock if you're coming in!" Erika: "I did, lots of times. You wouldn't respond." gi: "You shouldn't knock so casually in the first place. I thought we weren't going to get involved with each other." Erika: "Oh, that's over." Erika: "'Cause today's our last day living together." gi: "Oh..." gi: "Two weeks, huh? That went by really quick." Erika: "Yeah, I guess. That'll show our parents. They're sorely mistaken if they think locking us up here would convince us to get married." gi: "You're right. Whatever their intentions were, it ended in failure." Erika: "I think eating together was within limits." gi: "Of course. We merely defended our right to live—our right to dignity." gi: "Though, you know..." gi: "It was fun overall." gi: "The house was nice and big and quiet. I was really productive, and I ranked number one." gi: "And..." gi: "You being here gave me a good way to let off some steam." Erika: "Yeah?" Erika: "I absolutely hated it." Erika: "Why wouldn't I? You peep while I'm bathing in the morning, you make me take care of you when you're sick..." Erika: "And that's not all. We had fried food two days in a row! I gained 1.5 kilograms. Thanks a lot." gi: "You were all like, "Yum, yum!" on the first day, at least!" Erika: "What about you? You were so impressed by the kitchen!" Erika: "Worst of all, no one woke me up in the morning. And no one would do my laundry or cleaning." gi: "I did my own, though. If you're going to go there," gi: "this isn't a full-service mansion to begin with." gi: "It just proves that you weren't cut out to live here." Erika: "You're right. You could say it was a good life experience." gi: "Why so condescending?" gi: "Thank you for your care!" Erika: "Wh-What's gotten into you?" gi: "Not you, Amano-san. The house." Erika: "The house?" gi: "Umino family wisdom: never forget to show gratitude." Erika: "But it's just a house!" gi: "Same goes for houses." Erika: "Shouldn't you be thanking me?" gi: "Okay, I'm going this way." Erika: "I'm getting a ride. I'll be waiting here." Erika: "Hopefully Dad learns from this and leaves me alone for a while." gi: "I hope that's the case." gi: "W-Wait, wait! I finally get to go home! I haven't been home in two weeks!" gi: "I've missed Mom's cooking, and I wonder what Sachi's up to. I hope Dad hasn't piled up a stack of newspapers." gi: "Huh?!" gi: "What's going on?!" gi: "Is no one home? Has there been an incident?" mie: "Yo, Nagi! What's up?" gi: "Mom?! There's no one home and it's all locked up." mie: "Oh, about that... The plumbing went to hell yesterday, so we moved out." gi: "Huh?!" mie: "Oh, were you coming home today? Gosh, I'm sorry. I totally forgot. It's only until it gets repaired. Seriously though, this place is so cramped. There won't be space for you to sleep here. You don't have to come home until it's all dealt with. All right, later!" gi: "I can't believe I had to come right back here." gi: "Oh, well. It's only for a while. At least I get to enjoy living alone." gi; Erika: "Why are you here?!" Erika: "D-Does that mean you're going to be living here for a while?" gi: "What else can I do? I can't change what I can't change." Erika: "It's a problem for me if you just stroll back in here. This is my dad's property!" gi: "He's also my dad. And I got his permission." gi: "Why did you come back here after pretending to go home, then?" Erika: "W-Well..." Erika: "I wanted to try living on my own." Erika: "I got sick of not being able to do things on my own, like you can. So I thought I should at least learn to take care of myself." gi: "I never knew you had the capacity to grow." Erika: "Shut up! Who do you think you are?" gi: "In that case, ask away. As a professionally independent person, I'll teach you everything you need to know." Erika: "Really?!" Erika: "Can you wash all this for me?" gi: "You don't actually want to learn, do you?!" Sachi: "What?! Onii's not coming home?" mie: "Well, where would he sleep? I'm sure he'll be more comfortable at that house. Especially with Erika-chan there." Yohei: "What's wrong, Sachi?" Yohei: "You miss him?" Sachi: "Not at all. I'm just curious about what the place he's staying at is like." mie: "Don't, Sachi. You can't get between the lovey-dovey couple." Sachi: "What? That's not what I'm doing." Sachi: "I never said I'm going." Erika: "No way! Sachi-chan's coming here?" gi: "Yeah. Now that I'm in this situation, I asked her to send me more supplies. But here we are." Erika: "Wait, crap!" Erika: "Oh, no! What do I say to her? Am I in the right clothes? I have to clean up my room. Oh, yeah, she'd appreciate a gift, right?" gi: "Relax. She's just family." Erika: "Exactly! She's family!" Erika: "She's my sister! My real, blood-related sister!" Erika: "I'm not even emotionally prepared to have a kid sister." gi: "No." gi: "Sachi's my sister. We've been siblings for years, you know." Erika: "I hate when you flex your time together." gi: "Don't worry about it. She's really friendly, unlike me. She warms up to people quickly." gi: "She has lots of friends, and she actively engages with the customers at the shop." Erika: "D-Do you think we can get along right away, then?" gi: "Instantly." Erika: "Thank goodness." gi: "She's here." Sachi: "Hey, there you are." gi: "Why are you sitting out here?" Sachi: "I didn't know how to get in." Sachi: "Here's your stuff. It was heavy as hell." gi: "Sorry about that. I appreciate it." gi: "Anyway, come on in." gi: "What's wrong?" Sachi: "Th-Thanks for having me." gi: "I'll introduce you. This is your older sister, Amano Erika-san." Erika: "N-N-Nauss tomate you." gi: "Your sister seems really tense. Would you mind loosening her up?" Sachi: "Nice—" gi: "What's wrong with these girls?! Amano-san I can understand, but Sachi, too?!" gi: "I know, Sachi! Wanna see my room?" Sachi: "Er... O-Okay." Sachi: "What is this place? It's like a hotel. Wow... It's huge." gi: "Well? I thought you wanted to meet your sister." Sachi: "I-I do, but..." Sachi: "I looked up Erika-chan online after she came to our place. She turned out to be way more famous than I thought. And then when I met her in person, she was even cuter than in her photos, so I got nervous." gi: "Yeah? I've never known you to get nervous." Sachi: "I mean, she's my actual sister. I wasn't found by the river like you were." gi: "I wasn't found!" Sachi: "Of course. We live in totally different worlds. Even if we're blood relatives, we're completely different." gi: "Sachi." gi: "We're going to make dinner." Sachi: "Huh?" gi: "And so, the three of us are going to cook together." Erika: "Huh?!" gi: "My hope is that this will help bring you two closer." gi: ""Love is at the dining table," as they say." Erika: "What the hell?!" gi: "We'll be making Sachi's favorite, karaage." Sachi: "I just had karaage last night." Erika: "I'm tired of fried foods." gi: "J-Just do as I say." gi: "Sachi, you dress the chicken. Amano-san, you prepare the side dishes." Sachi: "I can't suddenly start cooking at someone else's place." Erika: "I've never even held a knife before." gi: "I'd like you to teach each other what you don't know." gi: "Now, begin." gi: "Operation: Sister Besties is going to be a huge success." Erika: "What the heck?!" gi: "How did you even do that?!" Erika: "I can't get it off!" Sachi: "Oh, when that happens—" gi: "Stand back, Sachi! It's dangerous!" gi: "Just put that down!" gi: "Don't launch the cabbage!" gi: "Listen up. Hold it down and cut it a little at a time toward the middle." Erika: "This is hard mode." gi: "Stop recording! Focus!" gi: "Jeez, you're such a pain." gi: "What is it this time?!" Sachi: "I tried to use the sink... What have I done?!" gi: "Surprised, huh?" Sachi: "Damn it, Onii! Just make it stop!" Erika: "Check it out, Nagi-kun—" gi: "This is called a garbage disposal. It gets rid of food waste for you." Sachi: "Oh, damn." gi: "Also, the faucet is hands-free." Sachi: "It's nothing like ours." gi: "Anyway, would you two just try relying on each other instead of me?" Erika: "I still can't!" Sachi: "How do you stop the water?" gi: "Okay, just sit down and wait!" gi: "Here you are." Sachi: "H-Here." Erika: "Th-Thank you." Sachi: "Time to eat." Erika: "Time to eat." gi: "I thought neither of you were going to eat." Sachi: "Well, I'm not going to say no to food." Erika: "And my job is to eat." gi: "Time to eat." gi: "What was I expecting? It'd be weird if you became really close to someone as soon as you found out that they're a relative." gi: "As long as they can open up to each other over time, I guess." gi: "I can't believe you eat the same way, though." gi: "You sure are alike, aren't you?" Sachi: "Wh-What are you talking about, Onii? I'm poor and was raised like crap, and she's really pretty." Erika: "Exactly. I'm nothing like Sachi-chan. She's actually considerate and kind." Sachi: "A-Are we alike?" Erika: "Maybe we are alike." Erika: "In that case, I wonder if you'd look good in my clothes. I have some that I want you to try on." Sachi: "Okay." gi: "Huh?" Erika: "Holy! You're so cute!" Sachi: "A-Am I? I don't feel like myself. I only ever wear clothes that I can get dirty, or hand-me-downs from Onii, when I'm helping with work." Erika: "That's not right. You look good. You've gotta dress up." Erika: "You can wear that home today." Sachi: "Really?" Erika: "Yeah. To thank you for coming today." Erika: "I'm glad I got to meet my sister." Erika: "Besides, I grew up an only child, so I always wished I had siblings." Sachi: "Really? Even though I'm nothing like my brother?" Erika: "That's not what I mean. It's just that you two know each other so well." Sachi: "Actually..." Sachi: "I thought it'd be cool being engaged, too." Erika: "D-Did it really seem that way?" Sachi: "Yeah." Erika: "That's a pain. I have no intention of going through with it with Nagi-kun. We even promised not to get involved with each other the past two weeks." Sachi: "R-Really?" Erika: "Yeah." Erika: "Ready to go back? Nagi-kun's going to eat all the karaage." Sachi: "Yeah." Erika: "Ta-da! Look!" gi: "Who is that?!" gi: "Ready?" mie: "So you went to Nagi's place?" Sachi: "He said he wanted his stuff brought to him." Sachi: "Also, I met Erika-chan." mie: "Sheesh. No one said you could do that!" Sachi: "So what if I did?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 4 – Would you please go out with me...?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "4", "Would you please go out with me...?" ] }
Erika: "Morning." Erika: "Nagi-kun, what happened to you?" gi: "I kinda... don't want to go to school today." Erika: "Nope." Erika: "You need to go." gi: "You know... You could have been like... "Why don't you skip for once?" Or... "It's just one of those days, huh?" Or something." Erika: "Just shut up and go!" gi: "Okay." gi: "What's up with her?" gi: "I don't think I've ever been so depressed about going to school." Hiro: "But I can never go out with you, Umino-kun." Hiro: "I'm... engaged." Hiro: "So I can't go out with anyone." gi: "This is my first time going to school since then. I don't know how to face Segawa-san." gi: "She told me that because she wants me to take her from her fiancé, right?" gi: "But if she was trying to tell me to leave her alone..." gi: "I'll never even get to talk to Segawa-san anymore." gi: "I should have skipped school today." Hiro: "Good morning, Umino-kun. I was doing research on you, and I learned that you come to school an hour early every morning to study in the library." gi: "You were researching me?" Hiro: "Specifically, I was curious about your study techniques." gi: "In other words..." gi: "Research, curious... Interest..." Hiro: "Love! If you're up for it, want to study together until homeroom?" gi: "I wouldn't mind, I guess. I knew it. She definitely wants me to take her from her fiancé!" Hiro: "It's so quiet before people arrive and school starts. It's a great chance to focus." Hiro: "I never realized there was such a nice place to study." gi: "Yeah?" gi: "What the hell am I doing? When I confessed to her, I had a specific purpose and time to prepare myself emotionally. But now that I can't predict what'll happen, I don't feel confident facing her. I'm so lame, not being able to take the lead at a time like this! Think of something... Anything to talk about!" gi: "Say, Segawa-san..." Hiro: "Hmm?" gi: "What's your blood type?" Hiro: "I'm an O." gi: "Your birthday?" Hiro: "May 2nd. I'm a Taurus." gi: "Your favorite subject?" Hiro: "All of them." gi: "I see." gi: "What is this, an interview?!" gi: "I'm going to the bathroom." Hiro: "Are you all right?!" gi: "Th-That was pathetic! That was pathetic as hell, tripping over my own feet!" Hiro: "Is that a shrine stamp book?" gi: "Oh, uh, this is..." Hiro: "You like that kind of stuff?" Hiro: "A-Actually..." Hiro: "I do, too." gi: "You like shrine stamps?" Hiro: "I don't just like shrine stamps." Hiro: "I prefer to be called a collector." Hiro: "On my days off, I travel around the country with the money I save up from work." Hiro: "Look at this page!" Hiro: "This one's unique. The stamps are done using seven different colors. And this one's really unorthodox. Don't you think it has a really whimsical design? Also..." gi: "She's a hardcore nerd." Hiro: "What about you, Umino-kun?" Hiro: "I mean, you have to be a certain kind of person to walk around with a shrine stamp book." gi: "No, I just happen to have it. And I'm kind of just taking part in my mom's hobby of collecting stamps. I can't tell her I was about to skip school and kill time at shrines." Hiro: "May I take a look?" gi: "Uh, sure." Hiro: "Th-This is the super-rare one that you can only get once every fifth anniversary!" gi: "Really?" Hiro: "I couldn't go that day because of a memorial!" gi: "A memorial again?" Hiro: "By the way..." Hiro: "How many have you collected so far?" gi: "Are we going to compete over that, too?!" gi: "Forty-two." Hiro: "One hundred and eighty-seven." gi: "Too powerful! W-Well, if we're going to go there, I guess I'll have to get serious and beat you within the year." Hiro: "Yup, yup. You don't have to rush. The stamps aren't going to run away." gi: "Now she's taunting me!" gi: "Right?" Hiro: "Oh, also, I came to school earlier than you today." gi: "She's still not done!" gi: "Just so you know, I'm beating you tomorrow." Hiro: "I don't know about that." Hiro: "Looks like it's already time." gi: "Already?" Hiro: "You know, you're fun, Umino-kun." Hiro: "Can we keep having morning study sessions going forward?" gi: "Of course." Dumpling Girl: "Good morning, Hiro." Hiro: "Morning." gi: "What an awesome day. I never thought I'd get to share a secret with the person I like." gi: "We study together in the morning and chat about our common hobby. Is school life supposed to feel so much like a dream?" gi: "It is. For me." gi: "At this rate, we're going to get married." Homeroom Teacher: "All right, everyone, get seated." Homeroom Teacher: "First off, I'm going to introduce a new student today." Perm: "A transfer student!" Classmate: "Really?" Twoblock: "Think it's a girl?" gi: "Oh, yeah, I should tell Segawa-san tomorrow morning that I have a fiancée, too. The two of us can overcome it together." Homeroom Teacher: "Come in." Erika: "Okay." Erika: "Nice to meet you. I'm Amano Erika. I'll be attending this school starting today." emale Student A: "Erika-chan?!" Male Student B: "The real one?!" emale Student C: "I've never seen her before!" emale Student D: "No way!" Erika: "Looking forward to studying with you." Erika: "Look at Nagi-kun's face. Nailed it!" gi: "You got expelled from school?!" Erika: "I guess you could say that." gi: "How did that happen?!" Erika: "Because of this." gi: "This photo..." Erika: "I accidentally uploaded it to Inusta the other day." gi: ""Accidentally"?" Erika: "You know the "five-second rule"? I thought it'd be okay since I deleted it right away, but..." Erika: "I got unlucky. Someone at Orpheus Girls' Academy saw it. They took a screenshot and reported it to the school." Erika: "You know how Orpheus is a school for affluent girls?" Erika: "Non-platonic relationships are banned." gi: "Yeah, but this photo was an accident." Erika: "Exactly. So I got called into a meeting about it. But that day..." Erika: "Nagi-kun?" Erika: "You passed out with a cold." Erika: "I couldn't bring myself to abandon someone who'd collapsed, you know. And then Dad was like..." Erika'S Dad: "Why don't we go to Nagi-kun's place, then?" Erika: "And that was that." gi: "So it was partly my fault?" gi: "I can't believe you got reported to your school, though. Your friends are sticklers for the rules." Erika: "They aren't friends." Erika: "Never mind that." Erika: "At this point, no one at school can ever find out that we're engaged. Got it?" gi: "I can't believe this is happening. To think Amano-san would transfer to my school..." Male Student A: "No way, seriously?! The Amano Erika?" Male Student B: "Amano Erika transferred into 2-A?" Male Student C: "Erika? The hotel tycoon's daughter?" emale Student A: "She was so cute! Oh my God!" Male Student D: "Hey, let's go take a look." Male Student E: "I'm in!" gi: "That's right, Amano-san's a bit of a celebrity on Inusta. There might be a huge commotion over it now." gi: "I knew it." gi: "Huh?" Pigtails: "Oh, man, she's adorable." Dumpling Girl: "Are we actually the same species?" Brown Hair: "Go talk to her." Perm: "You do it." Shion: "Ayy!" Shion: "Ayy..." Two Block: "Asuma's been slain." Male Student 11: "What a dumbass." gi: "I see..." gi: "It's that whole thing again." gi: "It was partly my fault that she had to transfer. I guess I should go talk to her." gi: "Wait, we promised to keep our engagement secret." Hiro: "Hello." Hiro: "I'm Segawa Hiro. I'm in your class. Nice to meet you." Erika: "N-Nauss to meet you." Hiro: "I'm the class rep, so if you ever need anything, feel free to ask." Semi-Short: "That's our Hiro!" Glasses Girl: "I guess you need to be on her level to talk to her." gi: "You go, Segawa-san. She's so kind." gi: "Wait a second... Is this a good thing?" Hiro: "I'll show you around the school." Erika: "Are you sure?" Hiro: "Of course. Let's walk around together." gi: "Are my crush and my fiancée about to become friends?!" Hiro: "There's a guy who confessed to me recently." Hiro: "His name's Umino Nagi-kun." Erika: "Huh?! Nagi-kun's my fiancé!" Hiro: "So he confessed to me even though he has a fiancée?!" Erika: "I never knew he had a crush on someone! He was living with me!" Hiro: "H-He was living with you?!" Hiro: "Hang on." Erika: "Care to explain?" gi: "I have to stop them!" Hiro: "This school's got a weird layout, right? I get lost a lot, too." Hiro: "This entrance is the main area, so it helps to think of it as the base point. We were just at A Wing on the right, so I'll show you B Wing next." Erika: "G-Got it." Hiro: "Let's go." gi: "I need to explain things to Amano-san. I need to find an opportunity to take her outside." emale Student A: "Did you see that?" emale Student A: "Segawa-san and Amano Erika-san are already friends!" emale Student B: "They're too perfect..." Male Students: "We are not worthy." emale Student C: "Hi, could I get a picture with you? I won't put it online or anything." emale Students: "Me, too! Me, too!" gi: "Those two seriously get a lot of attention." gi: "Segawa-san's pretty popular at school, too, after all." Hiro: "I'm going to stop by the restroom." gi: "Now's my chance!" Erika: "I'll go, too." Homeroom Teacher: "And thus, "The Dancing Girl," as it's presented in the textbook, is thought to be based on Mori Ogai's actual experiences. Along with "Foam on the Waves" and "The Courier," it's one of his three German pieces. And along with "The Drifting Cloud" by Futabatei Shimei, it represents contemporary Japanese literature's..." Hiro: "We got a ton of homework, huh?" Erika: "Is there always this much homework?" gi: "H-Hey... Hey! I can't see! Hey!" Hiro: "The cafeteria's daily curry rice specials are really popular. I love it, too." Erika: "This is so good." Hiro: "I'm going to get some water." gi: "Let's go!" Yonezawa: "Mister Icarus!" Yonezawa: "Let us hold a victory ceremony together, on me!" Yonezawa: "To glory!" Erika: "That was delicious." gi: "Again, who are you?" Hiro: "I'm glad you liked it." Erika: "I can't wait to have more." Hiro: "I heard we're doing volleyball for our next gym class." Erika: "Really?" gi: "D-Doesn't this count as peeping?" Hiro: "Is it just me, Erika-chan, or are your breasts pretty big?" Erika: "Are they? So are yours." Erika: "I thought there was someone here." gi: "I wasn't looking! I'm in the clear, right?" Hiro: "Nice serve, Erika-chan!" gi: "I never knew Amano-san was a good athlete." gi: "Must be Mom's blood." gi: "Now's my chance!" gi: "Amano-san..." Girl: "Service!" Boy A: "Hey, Umino's down!" Boy B: "He's always spacing out during PE." gi: "Crap... School's already over." Hiro: "Thanks for waiting. Let's walk home together." Erika: "Okay." gi: "Crap!" Hiro: "There's a good restaurant near here." Erika: "I want to check it out." Hiro: "Should we go today?" gi: "They've gotten ridiculously close!" Erika: "Yeah!" gi: "Why is Segawa-san taking such good care of Amano-san, anyway? She's way too generous, isn't she? Although that's what I like about her." Hiro: "Sorry, I have to go get something." Erika: "Okay." gi: "Finally. Amano-sa—" gi: "What am I even trying to do?" Erika: "They aren't friends." gi: "Come to think of it, Amano-san hasn't told me anything about her friends so far." Hiro: "Thanks for waiting." Erika: "Sure." gi: "She's finally about to make a friend." Hiro: "Should we get going?" gi: "I guess it'll work out." gi: "Will it?" Erika: "What's wrong?" Erika: "U-Um..." Hiro: "Sorry, I'll calm down in a second." gi: "What the hell?! What have you done, Amano-san?" gi: "No, Segawa-san!" Erika: "Why..." gi: "Um... I don't know what Amano-san did, but she didn't mean it. She's just nervous. She's actually a good person." gi: "So, well..." Erika: "Wait, I didn't do anything!" Hiro: "She didn't. I've been holding it back. But I can't hide it any longer." Hiro: "The truth is, I've always been a huge fan of Erika-chan!" gi: "What?!" Hiro: "I mean, the photos she uploads are so perfect. And she's just so cute in them." Hiro: "And the celebrity lifestyle you can see in her photos is just so gorgeous. Her hair's so shiny. Her smile's beautiful. Her outfits are godly! Look at this one!" Hiro: "She can send all of humanity into bliss!" gi: "Her photographer's just really good." Erika: "Hey." Hiro: "I can't believe I get to go to the same school as her." gi: "A-And that had you weeping with joy?" Hiro: "Wait, you two know each other?" Erika: "A-Apparently this guy's my fan, too." gi: "What?!" Hiro: "Umino-kun, I'm a bigger fan, got it?" gi: "Yes'm." gi: "I never knew Segawa-san was such a fangirl." Hiro: "Oh, yeah, and I love this photo. The composition is so professional. And your skin's so perfect..." gi: "She's actually a good person." Erika: "I guess you're not all bad." Hiro: "What are you guys talking about?" Erika: "Nothing." gi: "I guess I'll explain in detail when we get home." gi: "I hope Amano-san enjoys her time at school." Hiro: "Huh, so you can't keep up with any of our classes?" Erika: "I can't. It's way ahead of Orpheus. I mean, Megurogawa's prestigious, right?" Erika: "Actually, I can't even tell if it's ahead. My tutor normally does my homework with me." gi: "Seriously?" Hiro: "I see. I understand. In that case, why don't I, being top of our grade," Hiro: "Which means the three of us will be having morning study sessions together!" Erika: "Morning study sessions?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 5 – Can we do our morning study sessions together...?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "5", "Can we do our morning study sessions together...?" ] }
Erika: "Wait, so you confessed to Hiro-chan?!" gi: "I guess." Erika: "Seriously? Oh, crap! And then? And then? How did it go?" gi: "She refused to process it." Erika: "Huh?" gi: "My confession's been shelved." Erika: "Do you mean because she likes someone else? Or because she's thinking about it?" gi: "That's, well..." gi: "I-It's just because Segawa-san likes people who are smarter than her. I've only won once, so I have to beat her in ten more exams." gi: "On top of that, there's her fiancé to deal with!" Erika: "I'm kinda confused, but in that case, you can count on me." Erika: "I'll help you out." gi: "Eh?" Erika: "You really don't get girls, Nagi-kun. Hiro-chan's just flustered because she didn't expect to be confessed to out of the blue." gi: "Uh-huh." Erika: "That's why she has you on hold. She's trying to figure out if you're cut out to be her boyfriend." gi: "If I'm cut out to be? Why?" Erika: "You're pretty dense for such a smart guy, Nagi-kun. Don't you think she would have rejected you outright?" gi: "T-True!" gi: "But doesn't that mean she will once I win ten more times?" Erika: "Are you that dumb?" gi: "Sudden verbal abuse." Erika: "Keep pushing, like a bulldozer!" gi: "Isn't that hazardous?" Erika: "That's why you have me." gi: "I-I see." Erika: "All right, let's be ready to crush our morning study session!" gi: "Right..." Erika: "I was kind of worried when I switched schools, but I think school's going to be fun, thank goodness." Erika: "I never knew Nagi-kun had a crush, though." Erika: "Hurry up, Nagi-kun! We're going to be late!" gi: "Could you chill out a little?" Erika: "Wait, we can't be going to school together. There'll be a huge fuss at school if people find out about our relationship." gi: "I don't want Segawa-san to find out my fiancée goes to the same school, either." gi: "You're getting a ride, though, aren't you?" Erika: "Oh, I stopped doing that. I want to be more independent." gi: "Huh..." Erika: "Okay, I'll see you there." Erika: "Hey, taxi!" gi: "What independence?!" Erika: "What are you doing, arriving at the same time?!" gi: "I just took the train like I always do! Why did it take you so long in the taxi?!" Erika: "The driver got the route wrong!" Hiro: "Morning." Erika: "Morning." Hiro: "You're both early." Hiro: "You came to school together? Since when have you two been so close?" gi: "N-Nah, we just ran into each other here." Erika: "Exactly. I was waiting for you guys, and Nagi-kun got here first." Hiro: ""Nagi-kun"?" Hiro: "You're already on a first-name basis? Even I haven't called you—" Erika: "Hiro-chan!" Erika: "Let's get to the library." Hiro: "Okay!" Erika: "Be careful. Jeez." gi: "Especially you." Hiro: "Erika-chan, come on!" Erika: "I'll be right there." gi: "Th-This is going to be a huge pain in the ass." Hiro: "So I was thinking, maybe Erika-chan can start by reviewing first-year stuff and slowly catch up to us." gi: "I don't know if it'll be that easy. She has a tutor help her with her homework." Hiro: "Erika-chan's taking a while. She said she was going to the bathroom..." gi: "Oh, yeah." Erika: "I'll help you out." gi: "Amano-san, what exactly are you scheming?" Erika: "I'm here, you two! Your cupid of love, Erika!" Text: "Cupi" gi: "S-S-Segawa-san, don't worry! I swear, she's not being stupid or anything!" Hiro: "You're so cute, Erika-chan!" Erika: "I'm here to deliver love." Hiro: "Yay! Thank you!" gi: "I have such a bad feeling about this!" Hiro: "Could you work on this assignment, Cupid-san?" Erika: "Got it." gi: "Doesn't Segawa-san have any questions about the cupid taking part in our morning study session?" gi: "What do you think you're doing?" Erika: "Speaking of, Hiro-chan..." Hiro: "Yeah?" Erika: "Nagi-kun might look like a loser, but he's actually got a secret talent." Hiro: "Oh?" Erika: "I see that you're interested. Believe it or not, he's really book smart." Hiro: "I'm book smarter than he is!" Erika: "He can cook, too." Hiro: "I can make French cuisine." Erika: "And he can really win fights!" Hiro: "I'm a third-degree black belt myself." Erika: "Nagi-kun, do you have a moment?" Erika: "I don't think you're good for each other." gi: "You're just giving up after you invited yourself into the situation?!" Erika: "Don't you have any other hidden talents?!" Erika: "Well, let's get to work, then." Hiro: "Huh? Did you quit being a cupid?" Hiro: "Too bad." Erika: "I know! Why don't I get you two to teach me?" Hiro: "That's a good idea." gi: "Oh, I guess she hasn't given up playing cupid." Hiro: "So... Do you want the top student or the second top student to teach you?" Erika: "Which?!" Erika: "Th-The top student, of course." Hiro: "History is easier if you study it like it's a story, instead of just memorizing words." Erika: "I see! That makes sense!" gi: "But she isn't saying she gets it." Erika: "What about you, then, Nagi-kun?" gi: "Me? I keep going until I remember it. Until I get it." gi: "To be honest, you aren't going to be able to keep up at our school. If you want to catch up, you'll need to study twice... no, three times as much as everyone else. The Segawa method of studying is easy to understand, but it's inefficient and time-consuming. So I don't think it's a good fit for you right now." Erika: "Y-You really don't hold back, do you? Okay, so what am I supposed to do, exactly?" gi: "Read through the textbook, and then keep doing practice questions." Erika: "There's no way I'm going to memorize all these kanji-ridden words. I don't like doing the same thing over and over!" gi: "You still keep doing it until you get it." Erika: "I can't do it!" gi: "Stop giving up so quickly." Erika: "No! I want studying to be easy!" gi: "There's no easy way to study. Buck up and endure it." Hiro: "You know..." Hiro: "You know, you two..." Hiro: "You kind of look good together." Erika: "Huh?!" gi: "I-In what way?" Hiro: "See? That kind of thing." Hiro: "No fair. I want to get closer, too. I want to get to know Erika-chan better." Hiro: "I know!" Hiro: "Okay! I'm going to pay a visit to Erika-chan's place after school today." gi: "That was a close one." Erika: "Now what?! She says she's coming over!" gi: "Stay calm. Why don't you just bring her to your parents' home?" Erika: "Oh, right." gi: "Segawa-san must be freaking out at how gorgeous her place is right about now. Wait... Doesn't that mean..." gi: "I get this place to myself today?!" gi: "I've always wanted to try this once... The buck naked life! There's nothing to hold me down right now!" gi: "Absolute freedom! Hooray for nude living! I'm going to get hooked on this." Hiro: "So you live here by yourself right now?" Erika: "Yeah, I do." Hiro: "That's amazing." Hiro: "It's so huge." Erika: "Is it? This is the living room." Hiro: "Wow, it's so spacious." gi: "Wh-Why are they here?!" gi: "What's going on?!" Erika: "My place is being renovated. RIP." Hiro: "You have a pool! Everything's so huge." Erika: "Shh!" gi: "You didn't have to bring her here instead, did you?! You could have just said, "Next time!"" Erika: "But my helper was like..." Helper: "Why don't you visit your current home?" Hiro: "I want to check it out!" Erika: "Also, why didn't you answer when I called?" gi: "I missed it!" Text: "Sorry And why are you naked?" Erika: "And why are you naked?" Hiro: "Show me around your place." Erika: "O-Okay." gi: "This is really bad. If Segawa-san finds out I'm living with her..." Hiro: "Umino-kun... Die." gi: "I have to do something! I need to collect all my stuff!" Erika: "This is my room. Come in." Hiro: "Yay!" gi: "Now's the worst time to have so much laundry piled up." gi: "Okay, what else?" Erika: "Sorry it's such a mess." Hiro: "It wasn't that bad." Hiro: "Huh?" Hiro: "There's a room here, too." Erika: "Oh, that's just..." gi: "Buy some time! Just do something!" Erika: "I-It's a shekrit." gi: "That's just gonna make her more curious!" Hiro: "I guess it's private, huh? I won't impose, then." Erika: "Soz, soz." gi: "What are you doing, getting rescued by Segawa-san?!" Erika: "Oh, I know! I'll show you the kitchen." gi: "Crap! Not yet!" Hiro: "Huh? There are two rice bowls in here. I thought you lived by yourself." Erika: "Yeah, true..." Hiro: "Right. Jeez, you should do your dishes more often." Erika: "Apologies." gi: "She's being saved again." Erika: "W-Want to check out the pool?" Hiro: "I was hoping you'd say that!" Hiro: "Whoa, it's the pool you had on Inusta." Erika: "Yup." Erika: "Now's your chance! Go hide in your room!" gi: "I know!" Hiro: "What was that?" Erika: "What the hell are you doing, Nagi-kun?!" Erika: "Sorry, Hiro-chan, I..." Hiro: "We actually slipped and fell in the pool... What a cliché!" Hiro: "Though, is it just me, or was there someone in the living room?" Erika: "I-It must've been that cat over there. Anyway, let's take a shower." Hiro: "Okay." gi: "I've managed to finish getting all my stuff." gi: "I guess I'll study to kill time." Hiro: "Seriously, what was that?" gi: "Another gecko?" Erika: "I saw something! The yard! It was in the yard, right?" gi: "The yard?" Stalker B: "It's gorgeous." Stalker C: "Is this it? Erika-tan's new home?" Shibata: "Yeah, this is it for sure. Don't underestimate my sleuthing skills. This is the house I could see in the reflections in the glass and her eyes in the photos she posted. The houses nearby look identical, too." Stalker C: "Y-You sure are the model fan." Shibata: "Why don't we get another look inside her house? She might even be home." gi: "Hey." gi: "You guys again? Stalkers!" Stalker B: "I-It's him! The delusional self-declared contractual boyfriend!" Shibata: "Why are you here?!" gi: "Doxxing people and walking up to their homes... That's seriously messed up." Shibata: "You're one to talk!" Stalker B: "Shibata-san! It's time!" Shibata: "I've been waiting for this." Shibata: "I've been training like mad for the past few weeks to beat you! Let's find out who the true Erika fan is!" Stalker B&C: "Shibata-san!" gi: "We have company right now. Please leave, quietly." Stalker B: "We'll get you next time!" Stalker C: "We won't forget this!" gi: "Next time, I'm calling the cops." Erika: "Huh? There's no one here." Erika: "That's weird. I definitely heard voices." Hiro: "Was it the kitty again?" Erika: "Jeez, kitty cat burglar. Stop it. Let's go." gi: "Amano-san's finally about to make a friend." gi: "Those assholes would just ruin her opportunity." Hiro: "I had fun today." Hiro: "Thank you. For the clothes, too." Erika: "Yeah." Erika: "I wish I could have done more for you while you're here." Erika: "Sorry." Hiro: "Why?" Erika: "I mean, the pool and stuff." Hiro: "Never mind that, Erika-chan." Hiro: "Can I come over again?" Erika: "Yeah, of course you can." Hiro: "Okay, next time I'm here, let's study and cook and play in the pool and stuff." Erika: "Yeah, we have to do that." gi: "You've forgotten I live here, too, haven't you?" Hiro: "Okay, thanks for having me over." Erika: "Yeah, see you tomorrow." Hiro: "Isn't this..." Hiro: "Yeah, it is." Hiro: "Why is Umino-kun's shrine stamp book here?" gi: "Damn it! I forgot to grab it." Erika: "Oh, that's, um... I made a mistake. I was going to borrow his notebook, but I took that instead. I'm going to give it back to him tomorrow." Hiro: "Oh, that makes sense. I totally thought Umino-kun came here." Hiro: "To think you're sharing notebooks, though... When did you two get so close?" Erika: "A-Are we? I don't think we are." Erika: "Although, you know how Nagi-kun takes everything he does really seriously? He's really hardworking. I thought I should learn from him a bit." Hiro: "Maybe. But you could rely on me, too, couldn't you?" Erika: "Will do, next time." Hiro: "Okay, see you tomorrow." Hiro: "I guess... those two are pretty close." Hiro: "All right." gi: "She invited us over to study, but who would have thought..." Erika: "Hiro-chan's family runs a shrine?" Hiro: "Hey, you guys. Thanks for coming." Erika: "You're a shrine maiden! You look so good!" Hiro: "I wanted you to come to my place this time, since you had me over last time." Hiro: "Including Umino-kun, since he's a morning study buddy." Hiro: "Sorry, I'm in the middle of work. Give me a second." gi: "So this is what she meant by "work."" gi: "Hang on a second... Does Segawa-san's family run an insanely huge shrine?!" gi: "Oh, right, I need to collect the stamp." Hiro: "Welcome." gi: "Segawa-san, you're going to do my stamp?!" gi: "Come to think of it, her handwriting..." Hiro: "You were just thinking dirty thoughts, weren't you?" Hiro: "Writing in brush and in pen are two different things. Keep that in mind." gi: "Hot damn!" Erika: "Something just escaped out of Nagi-kun." Hiro: "My stamps are pretty popular, you know. I never thought I'd ever get to come to Segawa-san's place... And I even got a hand-written stamp!" Hiro: "Now that work's done, let's begin studying." Erika: "Here?!" Text: "Cuckoos Meguro Snacks" Hiro: "Don't worry, there are no services today." gi: "Is that really the issue?" Hiro'S Mom: "This might be the first time Hiro's brought any friends over." Hiro'S Mom: "Welcome. I'm Hiro's mother." gi: "Th-Thank you for having us." Hiro'S Mom: "Here you are." gi: "Thank you very mu—" Hiro: "Jeez, Mom, go away." Hiro'S Mom: "Enjoy your stay." Text: "Cuckoos Meguro Snacks" Hiro: "Okay, wanna start?" Erika: "Yup. Let's dig in!" gi: "We aren't studying?!" gi: "She's wary of me." gi: "I get it... Segawa-san must be..." Erika: "Thank you for the food. I'm going to the bathroom." Hiro: "Turn left at the end of the hallway." Hiro: "Umino-kun..." Hiro: "Do you get what I meant when I said I'm engaged?" gi: "You meant you're inheriting this place." Hiro: "That's right." gi: "Have you told Amano-san yet?" Hiro: "No, I haven't." gi: "Really? I thought you would have by now, since you're so close." Hiro: "I don't think I could, you know? I wouldn't want to burden her with such a heavy story." gi: "I guess. I do think it's heavy." gi: "So why did you tell me, then?" Hiro: "I thought you'd be willing to take on the burden." Hiro: "That's what it seemed like." Hiro: "I guess." gi: "Does she mean... Segawa-san—" Erika: "Hey, look! Look!" Erika: "I'm Erika the shrine maiden!" Hiro: "You're so cute!" Erika: "Your mom let me try it on." Hiro: "Oh, man! Good job, Mom! Can I take a picture?" Erika: "Sure. Let's take one together." gi: "She's right."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 6 – I thought you live by yourself.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "6", "I thought you live by yourself." ] }
Hiro: "Do you get what I meant when I said I'm engaged?" gi: "You meant you're inheriting this place." Hiro: "That's right." gi: "Have you told Amano-san yet?" Hiro: "No, I haven't." gi: "Really? I thought you would have by now, since you're so close." Hiro: "I don't think I could, you know? I wouldn't want to burden her with such a heavy story." gi: "I guess. I do think it's heavy." gi: "So why did you tell me, then?" Hiro: "I thought you'd be willing to take on the burden." Hiro: "That's what it seemed like." gi: "I never thought the day would come when Segawa-san would say such a thing to me!" gi: "I even got to go to her place!" gi: "I'll take it on. I'll take on the burden! That means I have to learn more about her. Should I really be letting her make all the moves? Nay! All right, I got this!" Erika: "Heya." gi: "Seriously, knock, damn it!" Erika: "I did!" Erika: "Here, look." Erika: "A handout for the field trip." gi: "Field trip?" Erika: "You weren't listening. I knew it." Erika: "You were spaced out during homeroom, too. And you were grinning every now and then." Erika: "You've been weird ever since we went to Hiro-chan's place. Did something happen?" gi: "Er, no, not really." Erika: "Well, whatever. Anyone who's going has to form a group and submit it. Okay, it's yours now." gi: "What, like it's not your problem?" Erika: "Well, I'm not going." Erika: "Listen... I'm sure you know, but I'm the daughter of a hotel tycoon. I'm famous." Erika: "It's my policy to never participate in school activities, for security reasons." Erika: "You know, so I don't get abducted and held for ransom and stuff." gi: "Y-You do?" gi: "I feel like you've been out all the time." Erika: "That's only ever since I met you. I was more strict about it before." Erika: "Also, I'm not even interested to begin with. Go have fun, Nagi-kun." gi: "Wait." gi: "I'm not going, either. Take it back." gi: "School activities are a waste of time. I'd rather be studying at home." gi: "That's what I did as a first-year, too." Erika: "Oh, right. You don't have any friends." gi: "I won't deny it, but you're in no position to talk." Erika: "I don't know, though... I think you should join in this time." gi: "That's it!" gi: "Though, then again..." gi: "Segawa-san's popular, so I'm sure she has a group already." Hiro: "Morning." gi: "M-Morning." Hiro: "I'm usually the first one here. You're here early today." gi: "So..." gi: "About the field trip..." Hiro: "The field trip?" gi: "I'd like you to join my group." Hiro: "Sure." Hiro: "Let's do group stuff together." gi: "P-Please and thank you!" Erika: "All right!" Girl A E7: "Oh, man, where should we go? Also, what should we bring for snacks?" gi: "Okay." gi: "I-I wrote down Segawa-san's name!" gi: "I never would have thought the Segawa-san would give me the okay. Could she have been waiting for me to invite her?" Hiro: "Sorry. I want to be in a group with people I'm close to." gi: "I see it now. All right. I need to get this handed in." gi: "Enter the itinerary for the day, huh?" gi: "And we're going to Kamakura... Huh..." Hiro: "Umino-kun." Hiro: "It's so quiet, huh?" Hiro: "I'm getting kind of nervous." gi: "I heard that if you pull out a gray hair, you end up with three more." Hiro: "Sheesh. You're so funny." Hiro: "I wish we could do this forever." gi: "This is a date, isn't it?" Hiro: "We're collecting shrine stamps, obviously." gi: "S-Segawa-san?!" Hiro: "You still haven't submitted the itinerary?" gi: "Well, I was thinking about what to..." Hiro: "What is there to think about? Kamakura means shrine stamps." gi: "But if we're going, why not the beach or art museum or something?" Hiro: "I'm not interested." gi: "Of course..." Hiro: "Just so you know, I'm going to collect more than you." gi: "I-I won't be that easy to beat." gi: "Wh-What?" Hiro: "Nothing." Hiro: "You know, though..." Hiro: "I just can't wait for the trip." gi: "Yeah." gi: "Isn't it safe to call this a date?" Hiro: "It's really pouring now." Hiro: "It's not going to clear up, is it?" gi: "D-Does this mean..." gi: "An opportunity to walk home under the same umbrella?!" gi: "Segawa-san, if you don't mind..." Hiro: "Wanna walk to the station together?" gi: "Y-Yeah... I don't know what I was expecting." gi: "So you were going to invite Amano-san, too, then?" Hiro: "Yeah. We don't get to go on field trips that often, so I was hoping I could go with the whole study group." gi: "I-I had no idea." Hiro: "Erika-chan says she can't make it due to family reasons, though. So I thought, since you two are close...." gi: "Never happening." Hiro: "Really?" gi: "B-By the way..." gi: "About my confession..." gi: "Um... So, like, y'know..." gi: "You're going to process my confession once I beat you ten more times in exams, right?" Hiro: "Was that really the agreement?" Hiro: "I told you I'm engaged." gi: "B-But that's not what you want, is it?" Hiro: "See, Umino-kun, when I say "engaged," I mean that it's something my parents decided for me. I can't do anything about it." Erika: "Do you get it now? That's just how Dad is." gi: "But that's not—" Hiro: "That's how I've lived my life. Ever since I was born," Hiro: "I've kind of been a slave to my fate." Hiro: "You know, though..." Hiro: "Just hypothetically..." Hiro: "I've never lost to anyone before, but supposing I ever do..." Hiro: "Would my fate change if I met someone that amazing?" Hiro: "Umino-kun..." Hiro: "Could you please change my fate?" gi: "Bring it on! Bring it on! Bring it on, damn it! I'm going to beat you in exams!" Erika: "Shut up!" gi: "Leave me alone! I'm about to..." Erika: "Hey, do you know this guy from our class?" gi: "What do you want now? How would I know some random dude?" Erika: "It looks like this guy's in your group, though." gi: "Huh?! Wh-What's going on?" Erika: "He's one of my fans, apparently." gi: "Your fan? A stalker?" Erika: "Why do you assume all my fans are stalkers?!" Erika: "He even knows that the three of us are morning study buddies." gi: "He's seen us?" Erika: "He figured our study group would be forming a group, so he begged the teacher and forced his way in." gi: "I see..." Erika: "And so, I've decided to go on the trip with you guys." gi: "H-Huh?!" Erika: "I'll take care of him for you." gi: "Wait, "take care of him"?" Erika: "I'm used to dealing with those kinds of fans. Although I can't handle stalkers." gi: "Well, if that's what you want to do." Erika: "Besides, I thought a field trip would be all about visiting parks or digging up potatoes or whatever. But we're going to Kamakura, right?" gi: "What are you, a preschooler? Read the handout." Erika: "I googled Kamakura, and now I'm actually excited. I bet I can get some great photos there! So you go ahead and enjoy your date with Hiro-chan. Where should I take photos? The giant Buddha? Can't go wrong with the beach, either. What to do..." gi: "She's just looking for an excuse to have fun." Erika: "A field trip... It's been years." Erika: "I can't sleep!" gi: "Okay, I'm going to take attendance." gi: "Segawa-san." Hiro: "Here." gi: "Amano-san." Erika: "Here." gi: "Asuma Shion-kun." Asuma: "'Sup, 'sup, 'sup?! Hey, besties! 'Sup?! Heungh." gi: "And I'm the group leader, Umino. All four members confirmed." Hiro: "I'm so glad you made it, Erika-chan." Erika: "Yeah. I had to beg my dad." Asuma: "You're welcome for having me!" Hiro: "Nice to meet you, too." gi: "This guy's gonna be even more of a pain than I thought." Asuma: "Zaaaamn, I never thought I'd get to be in a group with Erika-chan! Am I tripping? Right, boo?!" gi: "Yeah, nice to meet you." Asuma: "I'm super happy you're here, too, Segawa-san!" gi: "All right, let's get going." Asuma: "Hold it! Umino-kun, got a minute?" Asuma: "So, like, anyway... The first time I saw Erika-chan on social media, my heart went kaboom! I smashed that like button so hard with my e-love. And now she's attending my school! I'm dreaming, right?! No, this is reality. And she's even hotter in person than in her photos. That's so not a thing these days!" Asuma: "You dig, right?" gi: "I do not." Asuma: "You're such a meanie, Nagi-kyun." gi: ""-kyun"?!" Asuma: "Bruh, I DMed her one time, right? But she swiped left on me, even though I was killing it, right? And, like, I was giving her all the upvotes IRL, too, right?" gi: "He needs to stop saying "right."" Asuma: "But she blocked me anyway, or like, ignored me, I guess, right? So I'm gonna give it a mega-pint of get 'em spirit this time." gi: "I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, but I can't stand his type." Asuma: "So anyway..." Asuma: "You mind if I go for Erika-chan?" gi: "Huh?" gi: "Wh-Why are you asking me?" Asuma: "Because you two seem close, you know?" gi: "Suit yourself!" Asuma: "Really? Thankies! Later!" Asuma: "I'm back!" Erika: "What were you two talking about?" Asuma: "Do you really want to know?" gi: "What's up with him?" Asuma: "Sweet, sweet!" Asuma: "Well? Totally grammable, right?" Erika: "It's okay, I guess." Asuma: "That's so little praise." Erika: "Okay, from over there this time, please." Asuma: "Okie!" Asuma: "E-ri-ka-chan! Ready?" Erika: "Sorry, I want to get a few more pictures taken. I'll see you later." Hiro: "Okay. Let's go, Umino-kun." gi: "O-Okay." gi: "I see. Good thinking, using him as a photographer." Asuma: "Here we go!" Erika: "Get some good pictures." Asuma: "Nice!" Asuma: "Bam!" Erika: "Nice. It's really vibey." Asuma: "Right? Right?" Hiro: "May I have a stamp, please?" Asuma: "Nice, nice! Looking good!" Erika: "Oh, man, that's hilarious!" Asuma: "Don't go crazy with the filters!" Asuma: "Ready?" Asuma: "You're like Princess Kaguya." Erika: "Yup, I'm Princess Kaguya." Erika: "Whoo!" Erika: "Yeah, that looks good!" Asuma: "Right?" Hiro: "Umino-kun, stamp orders are over there. Let's go." gi: "Okay." gi: "Hey, you two, we're moving." Erika: "Okay. You two go ahead. We're gonna look at the souvenirs here." Hiro: "We'll be right back." Asuma: "How about this one? You'll go viral." Erika: "What's the point if you can't see my face?" Hiro: "Umino-kun?" gi: "We can't do that." gi: "As the group leader, I can't have the group getting separated." Erika: "Wait, really?" gi: "Come with me, you two." Erika: "Why is Nagi-kun being so stuck-up?" Asuma: "Bossman's so stiff." Erika: "All these photos kind of suck." Asuma: "Your standards are so high." Hiro: "Are you that worried about those two?" Hiro: "You've been watching them this whole time." gi: "No, I was just keeping an eye on them, as the group leader. Those two always go off on their own." Hiro: "Well, we're making them put up with our stamp collecting, after all." Hiro: "Are you not going to eat?" gi: "I-I am." gi: "Have I been worried about them?" Erika: "Oh, man, this is gonna be a great photo!" Asuma: "Grammable!" gi: "I don't mind the photos, but it's almost our meet-up time. We should get back." Asuma: "Erika-chan, I'mma go buy some grammable ice cream." gi: "Huh?!" Erika: "Thanks!" gi: "Huh? Where's Segawa-san?" gi: "She didn't go to get stamps by herself, did she?" Erika: "Well, what did you expect? That was a bit much, even for a group leader. More like supervision than leadership." Erika: "You ruined my plan." gi: "That's because you two kept vanishing." Erika: "That was the plan, wasn't it?" Erika: "I wonder where Hiro-chan went. I wanted to get some pictures with her. I even made sand art. Whatever, I'll just do it with you." gi: "I'll pass." Erika: "Don't worry. I won't post it by accident this time." gi: "Okay, hand me your phone." gi: "Yeah, it's perfect." gi: "The art's in the shot, too." Erika: "Hey, it's obviously no good! Why am I by myself when it says "friend"? What happened to my friend?!" gi: "I-It expresses the loneliness of Segawa-san's absence, though." Erika: "I can't! Give it to me!" gi: "Wait! I'll take a proper one this time!" gi: "Sorry." Erika: "Yeah, I knew it." Erika: "I still think the pictures you take end up being the best." gi: "I didn't really intend it. My hand slipped." Erika: "That's good enough." Erika: "Although I can't post it, so it's still a dud. Maybe I'll just post that loner pic instead." Erika: "It might go viral by some miracle." gi: "Come to think of it, didn't you say there's someone you want to reach?" gi: "Is that what you came to do today, too?" gi: "Amano-san?" Erika: "Wanna know?"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 7 – Is my fate going to change?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "7", "Is my fate going to change?" ] }
Erika: "Nagi-kun, I'm going home to pick up my stuff. I'll get some shopping done, too." gi: "Jeez, that spooked me. I can't believe she said that." Erika: "Your fate might change if I tell you." gi: "Who is the person Amano-san is trying to reach through social media?" gi: "Do I ask or not?" gi: "What should I do?" Sachi: "Here I am. Is Erika-chan in?" Text: "D e a t h l y" Sachi: "I got the wrong building!" Sachi: "Aw, Erika-chan's still not home?" gi: "Probably not." Sachi: ""Probably" not?" Sachi: "I guess I'll borrow your clothes, then." gi: "Huh? Why?" Sachi: "I came here in the clothes Erika-chan got me, but what's the point if she's not even here?" gi: "Just go home, then." Sachi: "You got in a fight with Erika-chan, didn't you?" gi: "No, I didn't." Sachi: "Liar. That's why you're being weird." gi: "Weird how? What does it even have to do with you?" Sachi: "Plenty! She's my precious big sister. You messed things up, didn't you?" gi: "Just shut up and go home already." Sachi: "Hurry up and spill it!" gi: "Ow, ow! Fine! Fine! I'll tell you!" Sachi: "And?" gi: "I'm sorry, Sachi-sama!" Sachi: "Say it like you mean it!" Sachi: "So you don't know if you should ask her or not, huh?" Sachi: "I wouldn't know." gi: "Why were you so interested, then?" Sachi: "How could I have known that I wouldn't know?" gi: "I was an idiot for telling Sachi." ews Reporter: "Many in the Shibuya area have raised similar concerns." Sachi: "Holy crap, the TV's huge." ews Reporter: "We were able to talk to a few of them..." Sachi: "You can see her pores." gi: "How's the house, anyway?" Sachi: "Apparently, it's getting old or something. Construction's going to take a while longer." Sachi: "Our rental right now is really small. Mom's as rowdy as ever, and Dad snores so loud." gi: "Yeah?" gi: "And what about you?" Sachi: "Huh?" gi: "Your studying, I mean. You'd better not be slacking just because I'm not there." Sachi: "I-I'm studying." gi: "You have entry exams next year." Sachi: "Never mind me, Onii. It sounds like you've got it rough. I heard Erika-chan's attending your school, too." gi: "I guess. You could say the personal relationships are kinda complicated." Sachi: "I bet it's something stupid again. You really suck at keeping friends, Onii." gi: "I wonder how we're so different, even though we're siblings." Sachi: "Actually, we aren't even siblings." gi: "Though, you know, talking to you reminds me of the vibe at home." gi: "Okay, I've decided. I'm going to ask her." gi: "No point in sitting here moping!" Sachi: "Yeah." Sachi&Nagi: "Umino family wisdom: buck up and face people head-on." gi: "Now that that's settled, I think I'll make some tonkatsu!" Sachi: "Erika-chan said she can't keep eating fried food." gi: "Tonkatsu is battle food, isn't it?" Sachi: "It's a battle?" gi: "Sachi, wanna stay for dinner? Huh?" Sachi: "I'm home." Mom: "Welcome home. Did you see Erika-chan?" Sachi: "She wasn't home." Mom: "Yeah? You can't keep imposing, though. Those two need this time to get to know each other." Text: "New Math" Sachi: "I know that." Mom: "Do you really?" Mom: "Huh? What are you doing?" Sachi: "Leaving home." Mom: "Sachi! What?! Leaving home why? Where are you going?" Sachi: "Where do you think?" Sachi: "To Onii's and Erika-chan's place, obviously." Erika: "I'm home." Erika: "Sheesh, I bought way too much." Erika: "Hey, Sachi-chan, you're here. Hey." gi: "Sachi left home?!" Mom: "That's right. She started packing as soon as she got home." Dad: "Sachi! Was it me?! Was it my loud snoring?!" gi: "I don't get it. Why, exactly?" Mom: "I have no idea." Dad: "Or is it because I spend so long on the john?!" Mom: "Just convince her to come home by tomorrow." gi: "All right." Text: "History Textbook" Sachi: "Let's see... Toothbrush, toiletries..." Sachi: "Pillow, pajamas, and supplies for studying. I didn't want my uniform to get wrinkled, so I wore it here." Sachi: "Also, my cosmetics and my Sobasshi plush." Erika: "Wow. You brought a lot." Sachi: "Yeah. I want to live here." Erika: "Really? That's great!" gi: "You can't do that. You can stay the night because it's late, but you're going home tomorrow." Sachi: "No." gi: "Why?" Sachi: "Why do you get to decide, anyway? It's not your business." gi: "Yes, it is. This place was prepared for me and Amano-san. It's not for you!" Sachi: "Then you don't get to decide, either, do you?" gi: "Hey, just get lost already! Go home!" Sachi: "Don't "hey" me!" Erika: "Come on, you two. I'll ask Dad for you. So... y'know..." gi: "Amano-san..." Erika: "What? I get to decide, too, don't I?" gi: "Y-Yeah, but..." Sachi: "I love you, Erika-chan." Erika: "I love you, too." Erika: "There, there." gi: "So why did you leave home, anyway?" Erika: "I know. You're in your rebellious phase, right?" Sachi: "I'm not." Erika: "She's been in her rebellious phase since third grade." Sachi: "I wanted help with schoolwork." Sachi: "You know how my place is a mess right now? We're poor enough as it is, and now we don't have any income. I want to go to a good school." Erika: "Y-You're such a good girl, Sachi-chan." Sachi: "A-Am I?" gi: "What's gotten into you? You never talked like this before." Sachi: "I'm just saying what you always say." gi: "Well, yeah, but..." gi: "Okay, fine." gi: "Go sleep in my room, then, brat." Sachi: "I don't want to sleep in your room!" Erika: "Right? You want to be in my room, right?" gi: "No, no way. You talk in your sleep too much. I can't let you cause trouble for Amano-san." Sachi: "No way, no way, no way! You grind your teeth so loud, it's like a bomb going off." gi: "It doesn't sound like a bomb! What's your problem all of a sudden? We were sleeping in the same room with only a curtain between us this whole time!" Sachi: "That's the problem to begin with, obviously!" gi: "What does a runaway child know about what's "obvious"?" gi: "Just sleep in my room tonight. Otherwise you can take the sofa!" Erika: "Now, now... Anyway, Sachi-chan, have you had dinner yet?" Sachi: "Huh? Not yet." Erika: "I haven't, either. Nagi-kun, what's for dinner tonight?" gi: "Tonkatsu." Erika: "Again? I can't keep having fried food." gi: "I mean, I guess..." Sachi: "I don't want anything you made." gi: "Why not?!" Sachi: "I've been eating your cooking forever." Sachi: "I might as well have something fancy if I'm at a rich person's house, right?" gi: "Do you really think you can get away with being so selfish? Right, Amano-san?" Erika: "I kinda get it." gi: "Amano-san?!" Erika: "Sachi-chan, wanna come study in my room?" Sachi: "Okay." gi: "Just so you know, I'm the only person here who can help you study." Sachi: "I don't care. I'm having Erika-chan help me." gi: "Seriously..." Erika: "I'll take care of this." Erika: "Miss Erika will get you up to speed." Sachi: "You're so cute! And you changed so fast." Erika: "Don't just stand there. Lunch duty will make us some fancy night snacks." gi: "Who are you implying is on lunch duty?!" Erika: "Meanwhile, we begin studying!" Sachi: "Yes, ma'am." gi: "Damn it, Sachi... What's gotten into her?" Sachi: "I mean, she's my actual sister." gi: "Hang on, is Sachi..." gi: "trying to make up for the fifteen years she never got to spend with her?" Erika: "So..." Erika: "Why did you come here, Sachi-chan?" Erika: "Oh, I'm not questioning you or hoping you'll leave or anything. But it seems like you have a good reason." Erika: "I won't lie. I ran away from home once, too." Sachi: "Really? Why?" Erika: "Family's complicated, you know?" Erika: "Especially with my dad being as pushy as he is." Sachi: "I see." Sachi: "That day..." Sachi: "That day, when you first came over... I was at the back of the restaurant." Sachi: "I thought it was all over." Sachi: "Was he going to marry you?" Sachi: "Would he never come back home?" Sachi: "I wanted..." Sachi: "I wanted a little more time with Onii-chan." Sachi: "I'm sorry." Sachi: "I think I'll go home." Erika: "Nah." Erika: "You're welcome to stay." gi: "Jeez... So that's what this was all about?" Sachi: "Wait for me! Onii-chan!" Sachi: "Wait for me!" Sachi: "Why do you keep going so far ahead? Don't leave me!" gi: "Come on." Erika: "I'm so full. Oh, can I have that?" Sachi: "Sure." gi: "About Sachi..." gi: "I'll help her study. So she can stay here for a while." Mom: "What?! Are you crazy? Dad's crying!" Dad: "Sachi! Why?!" gi: "Well, tell him it's time to stop clinging to his daughter so much." Dad: "Sachi! Sachi!" Sachi: "My hand slipped!" Sachi: "How much? How much is this plate worth?" gi: "Is this really going to work out?" Text: "Sachi's Room No Oniis allowed!" gi: "My neck..." Erika: "Morning." Erika: "Something smells nice." Sachi: "Morning, you two." Erika: "You're up early on a weekend, Sachi-chan." Sachi: "Yeah. It's a habit." Sachi: "I made breakfast, by the way." Erika: "You eat this much in the morning?!" Sachi: "We do in the Umino household." Erika: "Seriously?" Sachi: "It's the least I could do, since I'm staying here." Erika: "Yay! I was thinking I should bring my helper in, so this is perfect." gi: "I thought you were going to be independent." Erika: "Oh, man, I'm so excited for my sister's home cooking. I need to watch my weight, though, or this'll kill me." gi: "I totally lost my chance to ask about the school trip conversation, though." gi: "Amano-san's being her usual self, like nothing ever happened." Erika: "I know. Let's all go shopping together. Now that Sachi-chan's going to live with us, we're going to need more daily necessities. Rice bowls and chopsticks and all that. It feels wrong to make her use guest stuff." Sachi: "Really?" gi: "No way. It's our day off. Why wouldn't we use the time to study?" Sachi: "I'll start studying tomorrow." gi: "You two go, then. I want to study to place first again on the next exam." Erika: "Okay. You can keep sleeping on the sofa, then." Sachi: "That's true. There aren't enough blankets." gi: "Well..." Sachi: "Here we go." Erika: "Okay." Erika: "Nice!" Erika: "Let's take one together." Guy A E8: "Did you see them? I bet they're celebrities." Guy B E8: "They were both super cute." Guy A E8: "I know!" Erika: "Hey, Sachi-chan, how many times have you been hit on so far?" Sachi: "Um... Since I got into middle school? Uh... I've lost count." gi: "What?!" Erika: "Oh, you." Sachi: "It sucks having to turn them down, right?" Erika: "I feel you." gi: "Come to think of it, in middle school..." Middle School Classmate A: "Your sister's pretty cute, huh, Umino-kun?" Middle School Classmate B: "You don't look alike, either." Middle School Classmate C: "Can I come over sometime?" gi: "Why?" Middle School Classmate B: "Introduce me to your mom." gi: "Why?" gi: "So that's why the jocks were always talking to me. Wait... They weren't the only ones, though. So the old guys who come to the shop all the time..." Customer A E2: "You should marry my son." Sachi: "Whatever. You guys are too drunk." gi: "S-Seriously? Damn it, Sachi..." Sachi: "When Onii-chan's making that face, it's because he's fantasizing." Erika: "So that's what that face is. So creepy." Erika: "I think that should do it." gi: "W-We're actually buying this?" Erika: "Okay, Nagi-kun, could you pay for that?" gi: "Huh?! What about the bowls and blankets?!" Erika: "They didn't have bowls here, so I bought one online. And Sachi-chan can sleep next to me. Right?" Sachi: "P-Please and thank you." gi: "This is all kinds of confusing." Store Clerk A E8: "That'll be 3,578 yen." gi: "Three—" gi: "I'm wasting my precious weekend and money on this junk!" Store Clerk A E8: "Thank you very much." gi: "And why is it so huge? And they're gone!" Pedestrian A E8: "Hey, this looks bad." Pedestrian B E8: "Poor things..." Pedestrian C E8: "I heard it's two girls." Pedestrian D E8: "Maybe we should call the cops." gi: "No..." gi: "Sorry, please..." gi: "Let me through!" gi: "It's because I wasn't keeping an eye on them." gi: "Let me through! They're my fiancée and sister!" Erika: "Nagi-kun?" Sachi: "Onii?" gi: "Huh?!" gi: "Why are you two having a chill café break?! I thought you got caught in an incident!" Erika: "I guess you could call it an incident." Sachi: "A crowd just formed." Pedestrian E E8: "Look! That's definitely Amano Erika!" Pedestrian H E8: "Is it okay to take a picture?" Pedestrian F E8: "How cute!" Pedestrian G E8: "Her friend's cute, too." Pedestrian E E8: "What's his problem?" Pedestrian G E8: "What a loser." Erika: "I'm glad you're here, though." Erika: "Let's go home, Nagi-kun." Sachi: "Come on, Onii. Hurry up." Mob A E8: "Huh?! He's with them?!" Mob B E8: "Did he just say "fiancée"?" Mob C E8: "Seriously?" gi: "Hang on a second..." Erika: "Let's go." Sachi: "Come on, Onii." gi: "Am I actually living with two sisters who are kind of a big deal?!" Erika: "Done!" gi: "Huh..." gi: "All that stuff was for a hand-made photo board?" Erika: "Yeah. Now that Sachi-chan's here, we have to be positive about us living together. A little to the right, Sachi-chan." Sachi: "Here?" Erika: "Perfect. Here we go. Come on, Nagi-kun, hurry up." gi: "Huh?" Erika: "It's taking the picture." Erika: "You're so blurry, Nagi-kun." Sachi: "Onii's always had lousy timing. He always has his eyes closed when we take family photos." Erika: "That sounds like him!" gi: "Sachi and Amano-san have been joined at the hip all day. I never got a chance to talk." gi: "Is Amano-san going to pretend all that never happened?" gi: "I..." Sachi: "No, Erika-chan..." Sachi: "Sobasshi isn't edible, even if you're rich." Erika: "The bath's all yours, Nagi-kun." Erika: "What?" gi: "Um, about the field trip..." Erika: "Yeah?" gi: "Ever since I met you and Segawa-san, and especially since Sachi moved in... I realized..." gi: "Everyone's got their problems, even if they don't tell people. I don't want to pry just to satisfy my curiosity, and carry on without even being prepared to accept it." gi: "But I don't think it's right to pretend we forgot about it all, either." gi: "So I want you to wait until I'm prepared." gi: "In other words..." gi: "I'm not ready yet." gi: "H-How could you laugh?!" Erika: "I mean, you say that now? The timing's a bit weird, don't you think?" gi: "Well, with Sachi leaving home and us going shopping and stuff, I didn't have a chance to bring it up." Erika: "Is it that funny to you?!" gi: "Sorry. That's so like you, though."
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 8 – Are you going to marry him?", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "8", "Are you going to marry him?" ] }
Sachi: "Onii, you can use the bath now." Sachi: "Hey." Sachi: "Dates?" Erika: "Nagi-kun... What's wrong?" gi: "What's the matter?" Erika: "You're up awfully early for a post-field trip make-up weekend." gi: "Yeah, well, you know..." Erika: "Sachi-chan's at school, huh?" Erika: "Time for a morning nap." gi: "You aren't going to ask why?!" gi: "That's right. Today's the day..." Text: "See you at the station at 9!" gi: "I have a date with Segawa-san!" gi: "So I was all pumped up..." gi: "But I know where this is going. We're collecting stamps again, aren't we?" gi: "I wish she'd understand already... Collecting stamps isn't all there is to do in this world." Hiro: "Umino-kun! Morning!" Hiro: "You're here early." gi: "Morning." gi: "Perfection!" Hiro: "Oh, my outfit? I wore stuff I can move around in comfortably. Does it not work on me?" gi: "No, I just... I think you look great!" gi: "I can't look straight at her." Hiro: "Let's go." gi: "R-Right." Hiro: "I like your outfit, too. It's weird." gi: "Here?!" Hiro: "Yeah. I come here often." gi: "It's an amusement park... Is this actually a proper date?!" Hiro: "Hello. Could I get two tickets with the couples' discount?" gi: "Couples'?!" Hiro: "This place gives you a discount if you come as a pair." gi: "I-I see. C-Calm down. I need to stop overreacting." Hiro: "Yay, Umino-kun. We saved 600 yen." gi: "Yay..." Hiro: "It's reassuring how down-to-earth Segawa-san is." gi: "Do you usually come here with friends?" Hiro: "Nah, I come alone." Hiro: "You've seen how I tend to boss people around, right?" gi: "So why'd you invite me today, then?" Hiro: "Partly so I could get the discount, of course," Hiro: "but also because you seem like someone who could keep up with me." Hiro: "All right, here we go!" gi: "Right! I'll follow you forever, Segawa-san!" Hiro: "Let's see... What should we ride nex—" Hiro: "Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away when there's something I want to do." Hiro: "I didn't even notice you didn't like going on scary rides." gi: "I don't, but I never said I can't." Hiro: "I was going to apologize about the trip, too. Off we go! Like how I took off on my own when we were supposed to stick with our group." Hiro: "I should be careful from now on." gi: "Should you, though?" gi: "I think you're fine as you are. I know you get along with everyone, but I think it's cool how you're always true to yourself." Hiro: "I-Is it?" gi: "Yeah." Hiro: "Okay, then, Umino-kun..." Hiro: "I challenge you to that!" gi: "What does that have to do with it?!" Hiro: "Well, I'll go this way." gi: "I guess I'm going this way. Ready, and..." gi: "What is this?!" gi: "Mazes these days sure are amazing." gi: "Huh? It's fake?!" gi: "I embarrassed myself in the thrill ride tolerance race." gi: "I need to stick it to Segawa-san this time. I'm going to be the one to escape first!" gi: "Now it's a ton of mes!" gi: "Wow. How did they even do this? Crap, I need to focus on getting out. Where's the exit?" Hiro: "Umino-kun." gi: "S-Sorry! That wasn't on purpose! I mean... That was an accident. We have to do these things in the right order, right? Like... I was actually hoping to do that after I won against you ten times on exams. Wait, what am I even saying?! What I mean to say is... I apologize!" Hiro: "That's a fake." Hiro: "You're kind of cute when you're flustered." Erika: "Aw, man! I bought too many summer clothes again. Look at this." Sachi: "Hey, Erika-chan..." Sachi: "Do you know where Onii is right now?" Erika: "Nagi-kun? Come to think of it, he went out dressed all weird this morning." Sachi: "He's on a date." Erika: "Oh, with Hiro-chan, right?" Sachi: "Huh?!" Sachi: "Onii went on a date with another woman! Even though he's engaged to you! You're okay with this?!" Erika: "I mean, I don't plan to actually marry him." Erika: "Besides, Nagi-kun seems to like Hiro-chan. And that's helping him study hard, too." Sachi: "Still, he's engaged. It's indecent." Erika: "Indecent?!" Sachi: "Yeah, indecent." Sachi: "Also..." Erika: "You're upset because it's like she took your brother from you." Sachi: "Damn it, this is pissing me off! It's pissing me off and ticking me off!" Erika: "It looks more like you're teed off to me." Sachi: "I'm leaving!" Erika: "Leaving where?" Hiro: "Let's go again!" Hiro: "Let's go again!" Hiro: "Let's go again!" gi: "What is this place?!" Sachi: "The batting center. I come here when I get in fights at home and stuff." Erika: "Wow! I never knew we had something like this in our neighborhood." Sachi: "You sure are one of the rich kids if you've never heard of a batting center." Sachi: "Don't come in. It's dangerous." Sachi: "Onii..." Sachi: "You dumbass!" Sachi: "You suck! Pervert! Enemy of humanity!" Sachi: "I'm going to make you pay!" Erika: "I have arrived." Erika: "I'm here to win the game for us." Sachi: "Erika-chan?!" Sachi: "You look cute, but what is that? Are you cosplaying as a pro baseball player?" Erika: "Nope. I'm a major leaguer." Sachi: "So that's where you're going with this." Erika: "Batter up!" Sachi: "You should start with slower pitches if this is your first time." Erika: "I got this." Erika: "Hey! Come on!" Erika: "We got wrecked." Sachi: "Why are you here?" Erika: "So this is a bath house! I've never been to one before!" Sachi: "I wash off the sweat from the batting center here." Sachi: "That usually clears my mind." Sachi: "You have to get in the lukewarm water first so your body can adjust." Sachi: "Uh..." Text: "Caution" Sachi: "Erika-chan?!" Erika: "What the hell?! This is way too hot! This bath house is messed up!" Text: "Cold water degrees" Sachi: "Quiet in the bath house!" Erika: "I'm in heaven." Erika: "This'll definitely make you forget all about Nagi-kun." Sachi: "Oh, right." Sachi: "I came here to cool my head, but you're so funny that I forgot all about that." Erika: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Erika: "I had no idea, though. You have a whole world of your own, huh?" Sachi: "It's just a commoner's way of de-stressing." Erika: "You know, I was thinking..." Erika: "It might be a miracle that I'm here with you right now." Sachi: "A miracle?" Erika: "Well, if I hadn't found out that Nagi-kun and I were swapped at birth, we wouldn't have found out that we're sisters." Erika: "We lived our lives all that time not even knowing that we're family." Sachi: "Yeah, you're right." Sachi: "Then again, the family we have right now might suddenly be gone one day." Erika: "That's true." Erika: "So I want you to value the time we have together." Sachi: "Okay. I've made up my mind." Hiro: "All right, Umino-kun. See you at school." gi: "Yeah." Hiro: "You're cute, Umino-kun." gi: "Cute?" gi: "Why not "hot"?! She doesn't see me as a guy, does she?! I know I was pathetic, but come on!" gi: "Today's date was a total loss." gi: "What the hell?!" gi: "I'm home." Sachi: "Welcome home." gi: "Th-Thanks." gi: "What?" gi: "Um... What is this chunk of meat, chock full of anger and hatred?" Sachi: "It's a Hamburg steak. Eat it." gi: "Is it poisoned or something?" Sachi: "Just eat it. You're hungry, aren't you?" gi: "No, I..." Sachi: "Just eat!" gi: "It tastes good, but..." Sachi: "Say, Onii... You had a date today, didn't you?" gi: "How did you know?!" Sachi: "How'd it go?" gi: "Wh-Why do you care?" Sachi: "Looks like it was a disaster." gi: "As if you'd know!" Sachi: "Well, you're being shifty-eyed." gi: "I am not!" Sachi: "Your outfit's a disaster right from the start." gi: "So it is weird?!" Sachi: "Really weird." gi: "How?! Tell me specifically!" Text: "Mom, Want to go to the bath house together sometime?" Sachi: "It's obviously weird!" gi: "But how?!" gi: "Who the heck is it? It's three in the morning." Sachi: "I'm scared." Erika: "You answer it, Nagi-kun." Yohei: "'Sup? Morning." Sachi: "Dad?!" gi: "Why?" Yohei: "Y'all..." Yohei: "We're going fishing!" Sachi: "Fishing?!" Yohei: "All right, let's see who can land the biggest catch!" Erika: "Bring it on!" Sachi: "Erika-chan, I'm pretty sure that's an industrial fisherman's outfit." Erika: "I've never gone fishing before. Do you do this often?" Sachi: "No, this is my first time, too. Dad goes fishing a lot because it's his hobby, but he only brings Onii along." Yohei: "I can't wait!" Sachi: "I'm not interested in fishing, after all." Erika: "Really? So where's Nagi-kun?" Sachi: "Huh?" Sachi: "Found him." Erika: "Really? You're seasick?!" gi: "Don't mind me. This is what always happens." Erika: "This always happens?" Sachi: "I can't believe you'd go fishing when you get seasick. Although I blame Dad for inviting you, too." gi: "No kidding. I wish he wouldn't drag me into this." Yohei: "But it's no fun fishing by myself." gi: "So why did you bring Sachi and Amano-san along, then?" Yohei: "Because Sachi left home!" gi: "So you're just lonely." Yohei: "Besides, as Erika-chan's father, I wanted to get to know her better, y'know?" Yohei: "He's not listening." Erika: "Wait, Dad Yohei! I got a huge one! Take a picture!" Yohei: "Good going, Erika! That's my daughter!" Yohei: "You're just like Namie-chan when she was younger." Erika: "Really? That's awesome!" gi: "They're already hitting it off." Sachi: "I gotta keep up." gi: "I'll pass." Yohei: "Are you sure, Nagi?" Yohei: "How about the winner gets 1,000 yen today?!" Sachi: "I so want that!" gi: "You sure you aren't missing a zero? Also, why do you even need that money, Amano-san?" Erika: "What? But 1,000 yen notes are so rare." gi: "Beware loaded girls." Sachi: "If I had 1,000 yen, I could buy a Sobasshi ticket and... how many ice creams? One, two..." gi: "Whatever, suit yourselves. I'm not feeling well today. Goodnight." Yohei: "What's the matter, Nagi? Don't you want the 1,000 yen?" gi: "Well, yeah, I do, but..." gi: "I'm not used to living at my new place. And I'm especially exhausted since Sachi tumbled in. Then there's the studying... It's all left me sleep-deprived." Yohei: "You're still as hopeless as you've ever been." gi: ""Still"? Then couldn't you have had some sympathy for the guy getting dragged onto a fishing boat?" Sachi: "Dad, I got one, too!" Yohei: "That's a sea bass." Erika: "That's amazing, Sachi-chan!" gi: "Now that I think about it, the first time I went fishing..." Yohei: "What's wrong, Nagi? Seasick? Sheesh, I wonder who you got it from." Yohei: "Here, try using this as bait. You'll feel better." gi: "I'm never going fishing again." Yohei: "That's not an option. Not until you catch something bigger than I do." Yohei: "Nagi, we're going fishing!" Yohei: "Nagi! Get ready!" gi: "The Kuroshio currents beckon to me." Erika: "Nagi-kun's had an awakening!" gi: "I'm never going fishing again. I'm ending this today!" Erika: "Aw, that's so cute. That's a ricefish, right?" Sachi: "There are no ricefish in seawater." Yohei: "That's a mini mackerel." gi: "Mini?!" Yohei: "Release." Yohei: "And so, the winner today is... Me!" Erika: "This sucks!" Sachi: "You're playing against beginners!" Yohei: "Good thing, too, because I'm jobless right now. Although you scared me with how well you were doing, Erika-chan." Erika: "I was so close!" gi: "I didn't get a big one today, either." gi: "I hate fishing." Yohei: "Don't say that." Yohei: "Wasn't it a nice change of pace?" Sachi: "Look, look. I caught Onii. Seven of him. Seven! I have to share some with Erika-chan." Yohei: "You've changed in the short time you've been gone." Yohei: "You've grown, haven't you?" gi: "Of course not. It's only been a month." Yohei: "Yeah?" gi: "I don't hate my life right now, you know." Yohei: "Glad to hear it." gi: "Why do you always force me to come fishing whenever I have something on my mind?!" Yohei: "Don't you forget about your problems while you're fishing?" Yohei: "Let's do this again, Nagi." gi: "Yeah." mie: "I'm sorry Yohei-kun caused you so much trouble." Erika: "No, it was really fun. Although it surprised me when he showed up in the middle of the night." mie: "Exactly. He snuck out while I was asleep." Erika: "It was exciting, though." Sachi: "Dad, what are you doing?!"
{ "raw_title": "A Couple of Cuckoos Episode 9 – The Kuroshio currents beckon to me.", "parsed": [ "A Couple of Cuckoos", "9", "The Kuroshio currents beckon to me." ] }
Koyuki: "A rainy morning with umbrellas out everywhere... It's the perfect kind of day to focus on studying." Teacher: "Hanadori? Hey, Hanadori! Is he absent today?" Koyuki: "Lucky me! Except..." Hanadori: "Sorry I'm so late." Hanadori: "This little guy cried and begged to come with me. He says we share a strong bond from a past life..." Hanadori: "Whatever that means." Koyuki: "If only Hanadori-kun hadn't reawakened..." Hanadori: "He was a ferocious foe, indeed, but now I remember... He was my constant companion during countless wars. The hound of hell... Cerberus!" Koyuki: "Here we go again..." Koyuki: "Don't give a little puppy a name like that!" Hanadori: "As Sturmhut, the knight who rules over light and darkness, I've reincarnated across many lives. And amidst my battles, I learned of a gate to the demon world that lies in this town. Should that gate open," Koyuki: "This is Hanadori Kabuto, a student of Class 2-3 at Mitoya High." Koyuki: "He started acting this way in middle school" Koyuki: "But... why is he all wet?" Hanadori: "That's when the guardian hound of hell, Cerberus, appeared and saved me!" Hanadori: "But why?! I couldn't believe it, because..." Hanadori: "Because he and I were originally enemies." Koyuki: "You ruined it!" Koyuki: "If you're cold, go change!" Teacher: "Where did you get that dog, Hanadori?" Koyuki: "And didn't you call him your companion? So is he a friend or an enemy?" Hanadori: "I told you! I knew him in a past life!" Teacher: "Go put the dog back where you found it." Hanadori: "You want me to leave him out in the cold? Are you evil incarnate?!" Teacher: "Are you going to keep him, then?" Tsukimiya: "Hanadori's apartment complex doesn't allow pets." Hanadori: "My current dwelling is blessed by the light." Hanadori: "Cerberus couldn't take it." Koyuki: "So the knight of light and darkness lives in an apartment. Same as me." Teacher: "I'll put the dog back." Hanadori: "N-No!" Koyuki: "I, Koyuki Seri, am absolutely not going to respond to any of this crap!" Hanadori (Background): "You're Koyuki? The legendary—" Koyuki: "Or so I said, but with Hanadori-kun following me around all the time," Hanadori: "We were battle brothers— This is the key to break the seal!" Koyuki: "I just can't concentrate with him around." Hanadori (Foreground): "Wait, Cerberus!" Hanadori (Foreground): "No..." Koyuki: "Class is going to run late again..." Hanadori: "Is this..." Koyuki: "You've got the wrong guy! Who the heck is Gestöber?" Hanadori: "I have to go save Cerberus..." Koyuki: "Then go by yourself! What do you need me for? Have fun on your grand adventure, Mr. Knight!" Hanadori: "Have you forgotten?! You're the emissary of Nirvana, Gest—" Koyuki: "Nice weather we're having, huh?" emale Student: "Yeah, except it's raining..." Tsukimiya: "Aw, poor Hanadori." Koyuki: "What were you thinking, Hanadori-kun?!" Tsukimiya: "But nobody cared and the dog was taken away, so now he's sopping wet and all alone. It's so sad." Koyuki: "Hey, knock it off! You're really making me feel bad for him! I'll be ashamed to look back on this later..." Koyuki: "Granted, he did it to himself." Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun, don't tell me... Is your power awakening?!" Hanadori: "He's... He's coming!" Tsukimiya: "Hanadori's sorrow from losing Cerberus has awakened him!" Hanadori: "It's not just damage from you outing him?" Hanadori: "Wait, Tsukimiya-kun..." Hanadori: "I am Miguel." Hanadori: "O..." Tsukimiya: "O?" Teacher: "Okay, guys, knock it off." Teacher: "Go change clothes before you catch a cold, Hanadori. Sorry, everyone. Let's get back to the lesson." Hanadori: "That was close. The power of light was able to keep Miguel... in check. You should all be grateful you're still alive." Hanadori: "Blessings upon all humanity." Koyuki: "Whew... Made it through another day! I didn't say a word! Whenever Hanadori-kun's eyepatch comes off," Koyuki: "Or so he says..." Aizu: "What gives, Koyuki? Your notes are a mess. I wanted to copy them." Koyuki: "Shut up. Borrow from someone in your own class." Aizu: "Whatever. Anyway, get this... I'm going to Black Mouse Land soon. I mean, I'm a second-year now, so I'm way past that silly stuff," Koyuki: "You're showing your true colors!" Aizu: "What's wrong with you?" Koyuki: "The way you're just waiting for me to say something! "Who are you going with?!" "Did you get a girlfriend?!" You're waiting for me to ask, but I won't do it! You're just going with your grandma again anyway, aren't you, you granny-lover?!" Aizu: "I-I am not! And don't call me that! What's up with you, Koyuki?" Girl: "I'm just making things awkward, aren't I? It'd be better if I wasn't there... Maybe I'll just quit the club." Koyuki: ""That's not true! Don't quit!" Is that what you want us to say?!" Aizu: "Wh-Why are you hitting me?!" Koyuki: "You're just taking advantage of the fact that nobody wants to say, "Yeah, quit already!"" Koyuki: "I find it incredibly humiliating to be expected to say something" Aizu: "I see. Sorry, Koyuki." Aizu: "You've always been like that, haven't you?" Koyuki: "And Hanadori-kun's the absolute worst about that. I can normally ignore drivel like that," Koyuki: "Maybe he can tell." Koyuki: "I refuse, though! I won't say a word. I need to focus on my grades! I'm down 80 spots in the class ranking!" Koyuki: "If I say one word about Hanadori-kun's idiocy, I lose. This is war!" Aizu: "Koyuki..." Koyuki: "I'm off to the library." Aizu: "He's not trying to force me to say," Hanadori: "S-Stop it!" Students: "Come on, Hanadori-kun. Show us what's under the eyepatch. What are you hiding?" Hanadori: "Stop it! If you break the seal..." Students: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Hanadori: "Don't touch me! This is the key to the seal of hell..." Hanadori: "Not even I know what terrors await. If the dark god of destruction," Hanadori: "he'll wreak a terrible revenge on you!" Students: "Shut up and take it off already!" Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun! If you talk like that, you'll just make things worse." Koyuki: "Seriously, what's this guy's deal?" Koyuki: "Is he on Hanadori-kun's side or just egging him on?" Koyuki: "Wait, why's he joining in?!" Hanadori: "S-Stop it!" Koyuki: "I need to stop them, but..." Students: "Got it!" Hanadori: "It's awakening..." Hanadori: "The seal!" Hanadori: "Get away from me!" Koyuki: "Now..." Koyuki: "The power of hell turned out to be a physical thing! More importantly," Koyuki: "Does this mean you're actually dangerous?" Koyuki: "Hanadori, you're bleeding!" Koyuki: "The dark god of destruction is just a whiny little kid! Don't cry!" Hanadori: "Do you... finally remember me?" Koyuki: "You've got the wrong guy." Koyuki: "I... I blew it... Man, this sucks. I spoke up, so I lose. And now..." Koyuki: "This is so wrong." Hanadori: "You noticed it, too? The rift to the demon world is growing larger by the minute. You and I are the only ones who've noticed it." Koyuki: "Not what I meant! Please leave me alone!" Hanadori: "I believe that you're a good person. I know I can entrust him to you. I'd like you to take him." Koyuki: "The dog from this morning? He went to find it again?" Tsukimiya: "Hanadori's apartment complex doesn't allow pets." Hanadori: "Will you keep him safe from this cruel world?" Koyuki: "It's not like it's the dog's fault... I'll ask my parents," Koyuki: "Also, I have no interest in all that dark whatsit stuff you keep talking about," Koyuki: "so don't get the wrong idea." Koyuki: "I've lost today. But... Starting tomorrow, I'm really going to ignore hi—" Hanadori: "Thanks, Tsukimiya! You're the only one I can ask. I feel so much better knowing you're taking him in." Tsukimiya: "Are they making you pay for the glass? Oh, I didn't see you there, Seri-kun." Hanadori: "Tsukimiya!" Koyuki: "Oh, screw you! You were just talking to me, weren't you?!" Hanadori: "Nope." Tsukimiya: "Did you say something, Seri-kun? "Don't get the wrong idea"? Was that it?" Koyuki: "So you did hear me!" Tsukimiya: "That day..." Teacher: "Listen up." Teacher: "But final exams come first!" Students: "This is homeroom! Let us have fun!" Teacher: "No whining. I'm worried about all of you. You kids have the lowest grades out of any class in your year. Some of you are real problem kids, too, which is getting me in trouble." Students: "That's your problem, not ours!" Hanadori: "Human society is so stupid." Teacher: "Don't be dumb. No man is an island. On that note, I'm dividing you into groups of three" Teacher: "We're going to play a game in which your groups will compete" Students: "Sensei, I don't think this is allowed under current education laws!" Teacher: "We're playing a game in homeroom. Relax and have fun." Student: "What do we get for winning?" Teacher: "No summer homework for any classes you have with me!" Student: "And what about the losers?" Teacher: "The last-place team will be in charge of planning the class trip." Koyuki: "Question, Sensei!" Teacher: "Wh-What is it, Koyuki?" Teacher: "Did you forget how to ask normally?" Koyuki: "Why would you put me in a group" Teacher: "That's rather rude. I put a lot of thought into the teams and balancing your academic skills. But you'll have to get along if you end up in charge of the class trip..." Teacher: "And you don't seem to have any other friends." Teacher: "You don't seem to have any other friends." Koyuki: "I don't have many friends. I just wanted to yell, "Those guys aren't my friends!" But then I'd be admitting that I don't have any friends in class, and I'd feel lonely. It's infuriating," Tsukimiya: "Okay, let's get to work!" Koyuki: "My ears! My ears!" Koyuki: "He looks so happy screwing with me. Tsukimiya Utsugi..." Koyuki: "The test is during our next homeroom." Koyuki: "I sure as hell don't want to plan the class trip with those two. I need to get us a good score..." Hanadori: "A test, huh?" Librarian: "Hey, get down!" Hanadori: "Compared to the tests of hell Sturmhut has faced..." Koyuki: "The hell's he doing?" Hanadori: "Gestöber," Koyuki: "You're not in preschool!" Girls: "They're so loud... Just ignore them. If they get last place, it means less work for us." Koyuki: "Damn it. I want to ignore them," Hanadori: "Owie..." Koyuki: "This leaves me no choice." Koyuki: "Don't be creepy!" Koyuki: "Okay, let's start with math. I'm bad at the stuff that's on this test." Tsukimiya: "Hanadori, can you figure out this problem? You use theta here, and then..." Tsukimiya: "You do this..." Hanadori: "Ah, I see." Koyuki: "What are you doing? Stop playing with the variables! This is math!" Koyuki: "And why are you nodding?! Take this seriously!" Koyuki: "Sheesh..." Koyuki: "Actually, I wonder what their grades are like..." Hanadori: "Okay, I'm all done. The man who's traveled the seven seas," Hanadori: "The one they call a legend... The hero Menukoroirya." Koyuki: "Don't get attached and give it a name!" Koyuki: "That's what kids do when they'd rather goof off than study! You don't have time for adventures! Battle the enemy you're facing right now, damn it!" Koyuki: "I'm already exhausted." Koyuki: "Let's move on to history." Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun is actually focusing now." Hanadori: "Tsukimiya," Hanadori: "It's hard when they all have such stupid names." Koyuki: "You've got no room to talk." Tsukimiya: "Why not do what you're best at?" Hanadori: "What I'm best at?" Tsukimiya: "Sure." Tsukimiya: "This man, the founder of the Edo shogunate, could have been one of Sturmhut's comrades in a past life! Make up something like that so it means something to you." Koyuki: "Huh... That might actually be a good idea. It could work for him." Hanadori: "That's right... My past memories are returning! I crossed swords with him on the battlefield. He's..." Koyuki: "No, he's not! That's the stupid little bird you just came up with! And jeez, how many letters are in that name? It's way too long." Hanadori: "So it was you... I'll never forget you again!" Koyuki: "Forget him right now!" Koyuki: "Home ec, huh? We're supposed to learn the nine essential amino acids." Koyuki: "I wonder if Tsukimiya-kun's good at studying." Koyuki: "I hate to ask, but if he knows a good way to memorize things... Here you go." Koyuki: "This is my memorization notebook. Use it." Tsukimiya: "He knew what I was thinking, huh? Well, okay, since he—" Tsukimiya: "This isn't about essential amino acids... Am I supposed to learn them through manga? Wait, did Tsukimiya-kun draw this?!" Girl: "For Amino-san's sake," Bad Guy: "Is Amino-san that essential?" Girl: "M-My body can't create Amino-san on its own!" Girl: "I'm going to absorb him!" Bad Guy: "No! Never!" Girl: "Eek! No!" Girl: "My phenylalanine will valine, and I'll tryptophan!" Koyuki: "Damn it all! You two are so stupid! Forget this!" Tsukimiya: "I've got one for the periodic table, too. Want to see?" Koyuki: "No!" Tsukimiya: "Transform! Helium! Lithium! Barium!" Koyuki: "Calm down. Calm down, Koyuki Seri. These two are just that type. They goof around to get their minds off of the test and end up crashing." Koyuki: "I'm different. I want to concentrate on studying. If I don't work hard and raise our average score..." Koyuki: "Yes, yes. Very cute. I'm giving up on him. What about Tsukimiya-kun?" Tsukimiya: "Man, I'm bored." Koyuki: "Then study!" Tsukimiya: "I mean, I've already learned everything that'll be on the test." Koyuki: "In what fantasy world can you do that?! He can't be serious! There's so much material! He couldn't have—" Tsukimiya: "Listen, Seri-kun. If I read a book once, that's enough for me to say I've learned it. Don't you think you're wasting your life" Koyuki: "And whose fault is it that I'm wasting my life?!" Tsukimiya: "So you see... I can't get my score any higher, so it's up to the two of you below me to raise our average. Okay?" Tsukimiya: "Seri-kun blew up!" Hanadori: "Gestöber, what was that technique?!" Koyuki: "Today, something within me burst. Forget it! Time for some escapism of my own!" Koyuki: "I reject you both!" Koyuki: "Commoner's Village is so fun... You make your own town" Koyuki: "This is my idea of paradise. My character in the game is the real me, and the suffering I'm experiencing right now is just a bad dream." Tsukimiya: "Hey, Seri-kun!" Koyuki: "I knew he'd show up! Go study!" Tsukimiya: "I love this game so much that I've learned how to mod it." Tsukimiya: "Oh, looks like someone's here." Koyuki: "Don't tell me!" Hanadori: "I am the dark god of destruction," Koyuki: "You're the only one who would destroy my peaceful in-game life." Koyuki: "Catch a clue!" Tsukimiya: "Hanadori, Seri-kun wants you to catch a clue." Koyuki: "That's not what I meant!" Koyuki: "Get out of my village, both of you! Stop digging holes everywhere!" Hanadori: "Don't push me!" Koyuki: "It's weird, though..." Tsukimiya: "Yup." Koyuki: "It feels like you're doing a lot more than guessing! No, that can't be! That would mean he knows exactly what bothers me..." Koyuki: "And he's doing it anyway!" Koyuki: "Crap... I've gotta hide somewhere he can't connect to me!" Koyuki: "What? I can't move..." Hanadori: "Surprised? Behold the dark god's destructive magic... Paralysis!" Koyuki: "It's just a snare! Ow, ow, ow! Let me go! Stop working together! Damn it..." Tsukimiya: "Seri-kun, sometimes I... just don't bother worrying about what you're thinking!" Koyuki: "You're a real asshole, aren't you?" Hanadori: "I'll hide somewhere in your village. Come find me after I count to ten! One, two, three..." Hanadori: "G-Gestöber?" Koyuki: "I'll destroy his data!" Hanadori: "No, Gestöber! Please, no! I worked so hard to get this far!" Hanadori: "Tsukimiya..." Hanadori: "I want to play a game with Gestöber!" Hanadori: "Yes!" Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun..." Hanadori: "G-Gestöber!" Koyuki: "I'm sorry for everything, Hanadori-kun... No, Sturmhut!" Koyuki: "I'll never let you be alone again. As Gestöber, the Hierophant of Ice," Koyuki: "Thank you, Gestöber!" Game: "Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!" Tsukimiya: "That was a great conclusion." Koyuki: "Why would you make a disgusting movie like that?!" Tsukimiya: "I'm the one who made it." Koyuki: "What was with that flashback? Why did it feel like scenes from Slam Dunk?! The dark god of destruction shouldn't be working part-time jobs!" Teacher: "I'll be taking those." Teacher: "Okay, I'm returning your tests." Koyuki: "All right! I got a higher score than usual! As long as those two didn't screw it up, we shouldn't be in last place." Tsukimiya: "I got the same score I always do." Hanadori: "Mine's..." Hanadori: "The dark spirits distracted me..." Hanadori: "I'm sorry. I only got an 85!" Teacher: "Oh, Koyuki." Teacher: "Frankly, Tsukimiya and Hanadori always get top marks, so I was hoping they could give you a bit of a boost. Guess my plan was a success, huh?" Koyuki: "I got... the lowest score?" Teacher: "Koyuki?" Koyuki: "Impossible!" Hanadori: "This is my fault! You worked so hard, but I..." Koyuki: "Don't try to make me feel better!" Tsukimiya: "Seri-kun," Koyuki: "Today, Koyuki Seri suffered an unthinkable defeat." Hanadori: "Next time on A Destructive God Sits Next to Me, episode 2: "Eyes On Me"!" Koyuki: "Hey, we get fifteen seconds for a preview! Plug the show!" Hanadori: "Wh-What?" Hanadori: "Miguel, the dark god of destruction, has taken over this anime!"
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 1 – Darlin' from hell", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "1", "Darlin' from hell" ] }
Mom: "Seri!" Mom: "We're making our first family shrine visit of the year. Do you want to come?" K: "Nyope." Mom: "You should at least get a little exercise." K: "I'm not going. Not a chance in hell!" K: "I can tell you exactly what would happen to my peaceful winter break if I did." K: "I guarantee you I'd hear Hanadori-kun screaming in the distance... Then Tsukimiya-kun would be like, "Fancy seeing you here!" And there's no way in hell it'd actually be a coincidence." U: "Hey! What are you praying for, Seri-kun?" K: "I just want some peace and quiet before the new semester starts..." Mom: "Here, these New Year's cards are for you." Mom: "You sure got a lot this year. Did you make more friends? Okay, we're going now." K: "Why are there so many? I don't even know that many people..." K: "You again?" K: "Why'd Hanadori-kun send two, anyway?" K: "Don't tell me this whole stack is..." K: "They are all from Hanadori-kun!" K: "The new year just started, and already I'm yelling at him. Is this what the whole year's going to be like? Huh? Here's one from Tsukimiya-kun." K: ""Live as your heart tells you this year, Seri-kun. Whether you're honest with your feelings or stupidly stubborn, try for greatness or live like a piece of garbage, we all end up in the same place."" U: "A dead end, Seri-kun!" K: "Is that how you want to start off the year?! Jeez! What's with these guys? Oh, Hibiki-kun sent one, too. How nice of him." Hibiki: "Happy New Year, Gestöber-senpai!" Hibiki: "But I'm sure a card from me is no better than chain mail, right?" Hibiki: "I'm worried just writing to you may bestow some kind of curse upon you. But I'm sorry..." Hibiki: "I'm sorry I'm a grim reaper." K: "So gloomy..." K: "Okay, moving on! Hey, the teacher sent me one, too! I'm sure it just says something stupid." Teacher: "Happy New Year, Koyuki! You studying hard?" Teacher: "I hope you don't get held back this year!" K: "No way! Are my grades that bad?! Bad enough I'm in danger of getting held back?!" Teacher: "Just kidding! That's a joke!" K: "Not funny! What kind of teacher are you?! Oh, no..." K: "I wasn't ready for the new year at all!" M: "If I get held back too, will I be able to go on a class trip with Koyukichi-dono?" K: "What the hell? How are you conversing with him across time and space? Did you write these together?" Suzuran: "I also wish to go on a pre-honeymoon with Utsugi-sama. If we all get held back together, I'll have my chance to XXXX him." K: "Seriously, stop talking to each other via my New Year's cards! You guys are all really close, aren't you?" K: "Damn it! Did you all have to kick off the new year by messing with me?! I absolutely do not want this to be my future!" K: "Is this..." Sumiso: "Happy New Year, Koyuki-kun! I know it's cold, so I hope you don't get sick. This will be our last year in high school." K: "S-Sumiso-sama! My archangel who came for me in the pits of hell!" K: "So I ended up visiting the shrine, too." K: "The same class as Sumiso-san... What a wonderful and alluring thought." K: "What is this? With every moment of shy eye contact, a secret message is shared... "I love you!"" K: "What are you doing here?!" H: "Visiting the shrine!" U: "ROFLing at your stupid poem!" U: "Hanadori was all sad because you didn't send him a New Year's card." H: "Qw-Qwiet! Qwiet!" K: ""Qwiet"?" U: "So I told him that if we came here, he'd run into you eventually." K: "First day of the year, and he's already scaring me." U: "Hanadori worked so hard to write all those cards, too." H: "I was hoping they would bring him good luck in the new year somehow." K: "Yeah, thanks. I know Hanadori-kun doesn't mean any harm," U: "Honestly, Hanadori..." K: "but it's clearly because of these two that I'm in danger of being held back." U: "Qwiet! Qwiet! You're such a goof, Hanadori." H: "Qwiet! Qwiet!" K: "I guess I should've asked the gods to keep these two away from me." U: "Seri-kun, are you seriously asking the gods to solve your problems for you? Shouldn't you just try studying first?" H: "That's right, Gestöber. I'll help you, if you want. I'm a god myself, after all." K: "Leave me alone!" U: "Just ask for help, okay? I'm at the top of our class. Leave this to me." K: "Really?" H: "All my grades are better than yours, Gestöber." K: "Die in a fire." H: "What's giving you the most trouble?" K: "You two! I want to just study normally! But you guys..." U: "I think the first thing you need is a goal. Why are you studying? Ignoring what's right in front of you, your goal is to be a teacher, right? Ignoring why you want to do that... Ignoring whether it's a good idea, if that's what you want to do," U: "So don't run from Hanadori. Get closer to him." U: "I think, in part, this will help get you closer to your dream." K: "He told me to ignore so much that I don't even know what he's saying." U: "What? Why not?" K: "That's not what I want!" H: "Um... Um... I want this one." U: "Oh, no! Your goal is to cheat, Seri-kun?" K: "No. I'm just saying that if I can't become a teacher" K: "Fwish!" K: "H-Hey! What did you just put in my pocket?" U: "Oh, a good luck charm! That sure was nice of Hanadori. Hanadori-ku—" H: "You can have that, too, Gestöber." K: "I will kill you, I swear. Don't give me your own fortune when it's bad luck!" K: "Hanadori-kun is acting weird..." U: "Seri-kun, this is..." K: "No way!" H: "Listen well, sheeple! Open your eyes and worship the true god!" K: "He's drunk on amazake?!" H: "I am your god! Miguel, the dark god of destruction!" Gorio: "I wondered who was making all that racket at our shrine. So it turned out to be you, Hanadori? Long time no see." K: "Gorio-senpai?!" Gorio: "You've got some nerve, causing trouble in front of our god on an auspicious day like this." K: "Gorio-senpai lives here?" H: "I am none other..." K: "Crap. If this gets any more out of hand..." Gorio: "Hanadori, I think you need some help waking up." H: "Let me go! Let me go!" K: "Wait! I'm so sorry! I'll take him home!" Gorio: "Calm down!" H: "Gorio..." H: "Gestöber said to wait!" Gorio: "Hanadori, you little..." K: "What do I do?" H: "Did you see that, Gorio? That's Gestöber's special move, the Stealthy Ninja Blizzardwalk! It blocks any attack!" K: "Hanadori..." H: "What's wrong, Gestöber? Why is your face so swollen? Who made Gestöber so ugly? Who did it?!" K: "You did!" Sumiso: "What's that?" Yae: "No idea." Sumiso: "It feels like a good omen!" K: "I've shown him pity until now," K: "No matter what anyone says, I can't hang around Hanadori-kun." H: "Gestöber! Wait, Gestöber!" K: "What are you do—" H: "Gestöber, I'm... I'm d... d-d-drunk..." K: "H-Hey, don't tell me..." K: "N-No! And so, to apologize for all the trouble we caused," K: "Damn it all! I never did get to study. What if I really do get held back?" H: "I'm having a surprisingly good time learning how the normies live!" H: "Don't worry! I'll help you study!" K: "Shaddup." U: "Live as your heart tells you, Seri-kun." H: "Don't worry, Gestöber!" K: "Shut up and get lost!" K: "Do I not have a prayer this year, either? Dear God..." K: "It's so warm today..." Girl: "Koyuki-kun." Girl: "Koyuki-kun?" K: "Oh, sorry. I was spacing out." K: "Farewell party? That's right. It's the last semester. Once our upperclassmen graduate," K: "I need to get my act together." K: "My last year in high school..." K: "Actually..." K: "Can I even make it that far?" K: "There's still time! We still have the final exams!" Sumiso: "I hope we end up in the same class, Koyuki-kun!" K: "I can't space out now!" K: "This time, I really need to make sure nobody gets in my way!" K: "He's spacing out more than me." U: "Hanadori, Seri-kun, Mogami-kun! Let's have lunch!" U: "Hanadori? Is he dead? Hey, Hanadori. You said you wanted to have buns at the school store, right? Once we're third-years, why don't I propose that to the student council?" U: "Hey, get it together, Hanadori." Gorio: "Well, if it isn't Hanadori. You'd better not be up to something just because" U: "Look, Hanadori! It's Gorio-senpai!" Gorio: "What's his problem?" K: "Hanadori-kun's been weird lately." M: "But Kabu-dono is always weird." K: "Well, yeah, but..." U: "He's not even interested in the things he'd usually be all excited about. Did something happen?" K: "It's probably some new way of getting me to pay attention to him." K: "If he's finally being quiet, let's just ignore him." U: "We have to solve this mystery! In the name of Gestöber! Seri-kun, you're the only one who can restore him to normal!" U: "First, let's ask around!" M: "Koyukichi-dono!" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai's acting weird?" Hibiki: "But Gestöber-senpai, you're being even weirder..." K: "I got grabbed by some bad people..." U: "And thus Detective Seri-kun was born!" M: "You look so smart, Koyukichi-dono!" K: "What are you making me do?!" K: "Why don't you just talk to him yourself, Tsukimiya-kun? You know this is ridiculous!" U: "That won't do, Seri-kun. I may be his friend, but that doesn't mean I can pry about deep, personal problems." K: "You do it to me all the time!" U: "So, Hibiki-kun, have you noticed anything strange about Hanadori?" Hibiki: "Let me think..." Hibiki: "Could it be..." Hibiki: "Bad luck, bad luck, go away!" K: "You do that every night?" U: "Sturmhut is a knight of the light who was invaded by darkness. Maybe he tried to absorb Hibiki-kun's bad luck for him..." Hibiki: "Oh, no! What should I do?" K: "Don't say that. He'll take you seriously!" M: "No!" K: "Why the hell do you do that every night?" M: "Maybe my rivalry with Kabu-dono made me do it unconsciously..." K: "Why do you trust yourself so little?" M: "How could I be so cruel?! That's a terrible thing to do, even to Kabu-dono! Koyukichi-dono, please nail me to a cross!" Hibiki: "I'm sorry, Miguel-senpai!" M: "Koyukichi-dono!" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai!" K: "Who are these people?" Sumiso: "Hanadori-kun?" Sumiso: "I haven't seen him lately." K: "Right, of course not. Sorry." Sumiso: "But he must be so happy to have a friend like you who really cares about him." Sumiso: "You're so kind, Koyuki-kun!" K: "Sumiso-shan!" Aitsu: "Hanadori?" K: "Right? As much as I hate to admit it..." Aitsu: "Maybe his dark destruction isn't going well? Or someone made fun of him? Beats me." K: "I know I'm the one who asked, but I really don't care. I want to go home." Aitsu: "Seri-kun, you didn't complain when we were talking to Sumiso-san." Suzuran: "Spring is the season of new encounters and farewells." Suzuran: "Perhaps Hanadori Kabuto is concerned about his new class in the coming school year." K: "Mogami-san?" Suzuran: "Or perhaps a more permanent farewell... Maybe his family is moving, or fleeing in the night to escape debts. In either case, he'd be leaving Mitoya High." K: "No way. That's too sudden..." Suzuran: "If that's the case," Suzuran: "Perhaps, anyway." K: "You are just guessing, right?" Suzuran: "Your petty problems aside, where is Utsugi-sama?" K: "Damn it." K: "I never did figure anything out." K: "Nothing good comes from hanging with them. That's why I didn't want to be with— Huh?" K: "Hey, that's Hanadori-kun." K: "I'm sure it was something really dumb... But it's rare to see him alone like that." K: "He's not really transferring, is he?" K: "Maybe he's just upset he won't have any enemies to fight when the third-years graduate. Or maybe he's working on some weird speech to give at the farewell party..." K: "I'm doing it again! This is just what they want!" Sumiso: "This may be rude of me to say," Sumiso: "Help him out, Koyuki-kun." K: "If something's bugging him, he should just say so." K: "Like he always does." Teacher: "Hanadori? Hanadori... Huh? Hanadori came to school today, right, Koyuki?" K: "What? Oh, yeah." Teacher: "Where'd he go?" Kids: "Hey, remember that Hanadori Kabuto kid in our second-year class?" Kids: "He transferred schools and couldn't fit in or make friends, and because of that, he..." Teacher: "What's wrong, Koyuki?" K: "Uh, nothing..." K: "Wh-What did I just see? That's horrible!" U: "Seri-kun." U: "Hanadori is on the roof." K: "Did Tsukimiya-kun give me that vision? That's in really bad taste." U: "Go quickly." U: "Before something truly terrible happens." K: "Hanadori-kun?" H: "Gestöber..." H: "What are you doing up here?" K: "Why are you up here?" K: "He's crying. Don't tell me..." K: "H-Hey, listen..." K: "We only have today." H: "Rehearsal?" H: "I don't have time for that." K: "What? Why?" K: "Wh-What's wrong?" K: "If something's bothering you, say it! You never worry about saying anything else!" H: "But... But..." K: "I'd rather you do that than you keep it a secret and make me assume the worst! What happened? Tell me!" H: "O-Okay, I will, but..." K: "Spit it out!" H: "Gestöber... When are you going to study? You keep saying you will," H: "You've got bigger problems than this farewell party, right? If you fail your finals, you might get held back! You'll end up in the same class as Helius!" Hibiki: "Gestöber-senpa— Oops, you're not my senpai anymore!" H: "He might say that to you! Listen to me, Gestöber! And please don't get angry! I know you're a hard worker and you care about what you do. But there's such a thing as priorities! Look! Even I got an A on the entrance exams for the schools you want to go to! Even I got an A, but you're flunking! I don't want to say this... But I can't bear to see you throwing your life away! So..." H: "My pride is in tatters!" K: "You think you're being nice?!" H: "But you told me to tell you!" K: "Whose fault do you think this is?!" K: "If only you'd just left me alone to begin with!" Hibiki: "Calm down, Gestöber-senpai!" M: "Strip me naked, too, Koyukichi-dono!" K: "Hanadori-kun was literally worried to tears about me! I'm jumping off the roof! And so I kept my head down for the farewell party, and thanks to the special study materials Hanadori-kun and Tsukimiya-kun gave me, I managed to not get held back. I hate to admit it, but this is really easy to follow!" K: "Damn it all!" H: "Look!" K: "Why's he taking the exams for my schools, anyway?" K: "Don't tell me... Don't tell me..." Birds: "No... How could you? If you want Amino-san back, you'll have to beat me!" Amino: "Stop it, both of you!" Birds: "She's got a point! Yeah. Our battle is just beginning!"
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 10 – Happy Happy Greeting", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "10", "Happy Happy Greeting" ] }
Koyuki: "Do you remember that summer day? I was pushed to the brink by the phantoms of Hanadori-kun and Tsukimiya-kun, and suddenly a girl from school showed up in a yukata to invite me to go see fireworks. The day I ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me." Koyuki: "I still haven't had the chance or the courage to apologize... But now, during the biggest event of the school year," U: "Hey, Hanadori! They say nobody really knows exactly how it is that planes can fly." Hanadori: "What...?" Hanadori: "An evil power approaches!" Hanadori: "Let me go!" Koyuki: "Battle your own sense of self-control, Miguel." U: "We haven't even taken off yet!" Hanadori: "G-Gestöber! Can I hold your hand? The darkness is going to devour me!" Koyuki: "Hell no, you creepy weirdo!" Hanadori: "It's so fast!" Hanadori: "No!" Koyuki: "Shut up already!" Stewardess: "Are you okay, young man?" U: "He's fine." U: "Also, here's my phone number." Koyuki: "Our three-day, two-night class trip..." Hanadori: "Gestöber, look!" Hanadori: "The masses are so easily amused, aren't they?" Koyuki: "What are you so excited about?" Koyuki: "First, I need to lose these two." Koyuki: "I'm putting my plan into action today!" Koyuki: "I'll go over the plan one more time. First:" Kotoko: "Where should we start?" Yae: "Wherever you want." Koyuki: "She's always hanging out with her friend Yae-san." Koyuki: "I have to keep her in my sights to make sure I get a chance to talk to her." Yae: "What are you staring at?" Koyuki: "I-I'm sorry." Yae: "Let's go, Kotoko." Kotoko: "O-Okay..." Koyuki: "Second..." Koyuki: "Third:" Koyuki: "It's the perfect opportunity for me to explain myself and apologize. And if it works out, we can eat churros together!" Kotoko: "I was just thinking I should talk to you today." U: "That's simultaneously optimistic, shallow, and calculating, Seri-kun!" Koyuki: "Dreams belong to those who dream them." Koyuki: "Leave me alone. Fourth:" Kotoko: "Okay, I'll be waiting." Tsukimiya: "So you're going to stalk her." Koyuki: "No, not stalk." Tsukimiya: "But why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden?" Koyuki: "Well..." Tsukimiya: "I bet you heard someone saying she was cute before the class trip" Boy: "Sumiso-san's so cute." Koyuki: "If you know the answer, then don't ask!" Koyuki: "How were you able to hear my entire plan?!" Tsukimiya: "What? You're so slow, Seri-kun." Koyuki: "I'm just so used to you being able to read my mind." Tsukimiya: "Besides, Seri-kun..." Tsukimiya: "you really are dense." Koyuki: "Please don't call me dense." Tsukimiya: "What happened that day was partially our fault," Tsukimiya: "So don't take this all on yourself. You can count on me! Their schedules, I'm gonna spin it hard!" Tsukimiya: "Even memories from their past lives! I'll tell you anything you want to know." Koyuki: "Are you God?!" Koyuki: "No, I don't believe him for a minute. He's definitely planning something! I bet he'll start charging me halfway through!" Hanadori: "Don't worry, Gestöber." Hanadori: "No matter who it is you're fighting... With me by your side, there's nothing to fear. Because I hold the world in my very hand!" Hanadori: "Huh? Am I doing this right?" Koyuki: "You're getting too excited, dark god of destruction. Look!" Tsukimiya: "Okay, let's head this way first. Wait..." Yae: "What are you guys doing here?" Clerk: "Enjoy the ride!" Tsukimiya: "Listen, Seri-kun. If you try to talk to her straight-up, she's not going to listen, since you're the kind of asshole who hurts girls because you don't have a clue." Tsukimiya: "So just let her have it. Wait for the moment you hit the top and start to fall. Let her hear your cry of love!" Koyuki: "Sumi—" Hanadori: "Gestöber, never let me go!" Clerk: "Welcome back!" Hanadori: "I think that took a century off my life." Koyuki: "That just freaked her out!" Tsukimiya: "Don't worry, Seri-kun. You'll get another chance." Koyuki: "No, I won't!" Tsukimiya: "You should've just yelled over Hanadori, "You've got it all wrong! I'm sorry! I love you!"" Koyuki: "I couldn't yell that!" Tsukimiya: "Okay, on to our next plan!" Koyuki: "I'm worried." Hanadori: "Memories are rushing back... I used to ride this horse all the time!" Clerk: "Get down!" Koyuki: "Failure." Koyuki: "I stood in line forever to get that for Sumiso-san!" Hanadori: "Thank you, Gestöber!" Koyuki: "Failure." Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun fell in! Failure." Koyuki: "It's over." Tsukimiya: "That was fast! You gave up so fast, Seri-kun! What happened to all your grand fantasies?" Tsukimiya: "I'm sure it'll work out next time!" Koyuki: "You're only doing this for your own amusement!" Ghost: "Find my wishing stone..." Tsukimiya: "The target went inside." Tsukimiya: "Come on!" Ghost: "My wishing stone... Please, no!" Tsukimiya: "Stop being a wimp." Koyuki: "Not in a haunted house! What am I supposed to say to her in a place like this?" Tsukimiya: ""Man, I just love haunted houses. You know, some folks say ghosts are just figments of your imagination. Oh, and when I told you to get lost that one time," Tsukimiya: "Just say that." Koyuki: "Too long! Not to mention terrible. Why would you even think that would work? And you were the one calling me dense?" Tsukimiya: "But, you know, we left Hanadori behind." Tsukimiya: "He always manages to get into trouble." Koyuki: "Sit. Stay." Koyuki: "But Hanadori-kun ruins everything. Tsukimiya-kun's plans are terrible, but..." Tsukimiya: "Hey, look, Seri-kun." Ghost: "Find my wishing stone..." Koyuki: "No way! I'm scared!" Koyuki: "That was the girls!" Koyuki: "They saw me!" Tsukimiya: "Seri-kun, behind you." Koyuki: "Something's coming!" Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun?!" Tsukimiya: "What happened, Hanadori? I thought you were waiting outside." Tsukimiya: "Huh?" Koyuki: "What ghost?" Koyuki: "He looks kinda like No-F*ce right now." Hanadori: "G-Gestöber..." Hanadori: "So I wanted him to have the courage to face it." Koyuki: "For me?" Koyuki: "What gives?" Hanadori: "You can do it, Gestöber." Koyuki: "Quit acting like No-F*ce!" Koyuki: "Damn it..." Koyuki: "Thanks." Yae: "Ugh, you again? What is with you guys?" Yae: "Knock it off—" Koyuki: "Sumiso-san," Koyuki: "Could I have a moment of your time?" Sumiso: "Okay." Yae: "Hey! Why is she running off with a guy like him?" Tsukimiya: "Come on, Yae-san. I didn't think you were that nosy." Yae: "What do you know about me?!" Tsukimiya: "What do you know about Seri-kun?" Tsukimiya: "He's a coward." Tsukimiya: "But he's not so bad." Sumiso: "You thought I was someone else?" Koyuki: "Hanadori-kun and Tsukimiya-kun had asked to hang out that day," Koyuki: "Because I thought that... y-you might contact me over summer break." Koyuki: "And I didn't want to miss hearing from you. Hanadori-kun's not all bad," Koyuki: "I thought you were him! That's why I yelled! I'm sorry for upsetting you!" Kotoko: "Then it wasn't because you didn't want to see me?" Koyuki: "Absolutely not! I was looking forward to seeing you. I thought I was telling Hanadori-kun to get lost." Kotoko: "I... I see... But is it okay to say that..." Kotoko: "right in front of him?" Koyuki: "Wh-Wh-What are you doing here?!" Hanadori: "Gestöber, I didn't know you felt that way... You asked why I didn't come over that day, so I thought it was okay to show up. The mango lassi at Maruyama Café was delicious, and I wanted you to try it, b-but I didn't w-want to bother you... Wait... U-Um... You said that no matter what happened in our last life," Koyuki: "No, I didn't." Hanadori: "We spent so many nights together sharing our deepest secrets..." Koyuki: "What song is that? She's freaked out! You freaked Sumiso-san out!" Hanadori: "I knew you were going to fight a great battle today," Koyuki: "No, stop! Where's this coming from?!" Koyuki: "Hey, uh, Hanadori-ku—" Hanadori: "This stupid thing! This stupid thing..." Hanadori: "Stupid... thing..." Koyuki: "I'm sorry, Hanadori-kun! I, Koyuki Seri, being too skilled at making Hanadori-kun feel guilty," Kotoko: "Well, I'll be cheering both of you on." Yae: "Let's go, Kotoko." Koyuki: "Day one ended with Sumiso-san getting some weird idea..." Koyuki: "and another misunderstanding." Kotoko: "Yae-chan," Teacher: "Wakiarai Temple, the place we're visiting today," Teacher: "And, uh... it grants wishes." Student: "Sensei, stop reading from the book!" Koyuki: "Wishes, huh?" Koyuki: "H-He's infuriating..." Koyuki: "Day two of the class trip... Hanadori-kun's as pissed as ever." Tsukimiya: "That's bad manners, Hanadori." Koyuki: "He's making it so obvious that he's angry. I don't even care." Koyuki: "Huh? It's more bubbly than usual... He pulled childish pranks like that, and I woke up in the middle of the night..." Koyuki: "to find I was part of some weird ritual." Student: "Hey, watch where you're goin'! You slammed into me! What school are you from, punk?" Hanadori: "Get 'em, boss!" Koyuki: "Then he shoved me in front of some scary guy from another school... Wh-Who are you calling "boss"?!" Koyuki: "And..." Kotoko: "You can do it!" Koyuki: "Sumiso-san still seems to have the wrong idea." Koyuki: "Dear God, I'm so tired." Koyuki: "Why did Hanadori-kun and Tsukimiya-kun choose me? Please send them somewhere far away" Koyuki: "Please, God." Koyuki: "Just kidding." Teacher: "Okay, people!" Teacher: "Make sure you all get along." Koyuki: "Hey, he left me!" Koyuki: "Fine." Koyuki: "Huh?" Koyuki: "Tuna-flavored ice cream! Yum!" Koyuki: "Hey! Where are we going next? I want to take some photos at the tuna museum." Aizu: "Koyuki, are you sure you should be with our group? You'll get in trouble." Koyuki: "It's fine." Aizu: "And here I thought you'd finally made some friends besides me." Koyuki: "Don't be rude!" Koyuki: "Are they worried about me?" Koyuki: "They're probably secretly watching me from afar," Koyuki: "Forget 'em." Students: "Seriously? That's so dumb! What a total waste of time. Well, you know..." Aizu: "They're from Numa High. Those guys are bad news." Aizu: "S-Sure..." Koyuki: "Wait, aren't they the ones that..." Aizu: "Koyuki?" Koyuki: "Don't tell me..." Hanadori: "Thanks for splashing dressing all over me back there. I need to thank you for that." Koyuki: "No way! If that happened," Koyuki: "even though he was looking forward to buying souvenirs for everyone." Koyuki: "I just made myself feel bad." Koyuki: "I'm so dumb. Worrying about him is just giving him what he wants." Aizu: "Koyuki," Aizu: "Is he okay?" Aizu: "Koyuki?" Koyuki: "God, this isn't what I wanted!" Koyuki: "I-I came unarmed... What do I do?" Koyuki: "Is this really the one time he isn't around? Why me?" Koyuki: "But..." Hanadori: "So I wanted him to have the courage to face it." Koyuki: "All right..." Tokimune: "You like it, right? Don't hold back. Sing for me." Hanadori: "No..." Tokimune: "Do you think that I... no, the world..." Tokimune: "You remember, don't you? When you bathed in dark power..." Tokimune: "In the lunar labyrinth, in the land of darkness..." Hanadori: "Stop!" Tokimune: "Scream and cry in the void between life and death..." Tokimune: "The despair of destruction." Both: "Sing, Dead Bull!" Koyuki: "What? What are they doing? Do they know him? "Dead Bull"? They're dead?" Tokimune: "Your body is honest, even if you aren't. You really never change, huh? In middle school," Koyuki: "His singing?!" Tokimune: "I told you that together," Hanadori: "Sturmhut doesn't want that." Tokimune: "Silence." Tokimune: "The cheers at the festival... That felt so great, didn't it?" Koyuki: "You sang at festivals?!" Hanadori: "It did," Hanadori: "You slaked both my thirst and Miguel's." Koyuki: "I had no idea about this dark history of Hanadori-kun's... And I wish I still didn't." Hanadori: "But I've recalled my destiny as Sturmhut. Gestöber showed me the light." Koyuki: "Please, no. Don't mention me. What's wrong with you?" Koyuki: "I was stupid to worry." Hanadori: "And it was a man named Tsukimiya Utsugi who guided me to Gestöber." Hanadori: "He told me he was my partner in my last life. H-Huh?" Koyuki: "So the reason Hanadori-kun won't leave me alone is..." Koyuki: "Because of Tsukimiya-kun?!" Tsukimiya: "That's right." Koyuki: "What the hell did you do?! And when did you get here?! Where the hell have you been?!" Tsukimiya: "Seri-kun, you're so happy that you're crying!" Koyuki: "Like hell I am!" Tokimune: "I've seen this "Gestöber."" Tokimune: "But he's not worthy of you." Tokimune: "With the way he treats you, he can't have the soul of a hero." Koyuki: "Yeah, that's right!" Tokimune: "And you looked unhappy the whole time yourself." Tokimune: "Come back to me, Miguel." Tokimune: "You belong at Tokimune Shikimi's side." Koyuki: "Yeah! Do it, Hanadori-kun! I'll tell the teacher what's up." Tokimune: "He doesn't think about you at all." Koyuki: "Bye! Have a nice life!" Tokimune: "I can't allow a man like that to stand by you." Koyuki: "Who doesn't think about Hanadori-kun at all? Do you know how much of my life I've wasted on him? You don't know a damn thing!" Tokimune: "Are you that much of a fool?" Tokimune: "Surely you understand, Miguel." Hanadori: "It's true..." Hanadori: "But if letting logic decide your partner is the smart thing to do..." Hanadori: "I don't need to be smart." Tokimune: "You always did know how to make me shiver." Koyuki: "I've got the shivers, too." Koyuki: "What's with these two? It's like they're drunk on youth! I can't take this!" Tokimune: "Tell me one last thing before you go. Why him? Is it really just a connection from a past life?" Koyuki: "Why me?" Tokimune: "It was our first year of high school..." Tokimune: "I saw Gestöber crying behind the school." Tokimune: "I don't know why, but he was whispering..." Koyuki: "They're so stupid." Koyuki: "If I had someone really strong for a friend," Koyuki: "God's not fair!" Hanadori: "Who do you think I am? I swear on my name that I will grant your wish. I will become the friend you long for! That was when a heart of light started beating within the dark god of destruc—" Koyuki: "Stop it!" Hanadori: "G-Gestöber!" Koyuki: "Lies! All lies! Why did you have to hear that?!" Tsukimiya: "So that's what you were thinking, Seri-kun?" Koyuki: "No! No! We were studying Chopin in music class, and I accidentally called him "Chopping"! I got upset because everyone laughed at me! I was just venting! I don't really think stuff like that!" Tsukimiya: "Yeah, it would be pretty embarrassing if you did!" Koyuki: "Stop it!" Hanadori: "Chopping?" Koyuki: "Don't you laugh, too! How did this end up with you taking pity on me?! It's not fair!" Tsukimiya: "This is the life you asked for, Seri-kun. God's been granting your wishes all along." Hanadori: "Gestöber!" Hanadori: "Wake up, Gestöber!" Tokimune: "You've gotten soft, Miguel." Tokimune: "But I won't give up." Koyuki: "I, however, didn't hear his ominous proclamation that he would return. I don't even know what happened after that, other than that our trip came to an end." Teacher: "What's wrong with Koyuki?" Tsukimiya: "Culture shock, maybe?" Hanadori: "Gestöber!" Kotoko: "Dear God, please make it so this never happened..." Koyuki: "I said I'd help, but I didn't think you'd make me do this... I've been outside the keyframe artist's house for three hours." Koyuki: "Hibiki-kun, is that keyframe ready yet? Finish it up already!"
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 4 – Travel Rock", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "4", "Travel Rock" ] }
K: "I, Koyuki Seri, was so aggravated by my easily provoked personality" K: "How did I get into this mess, anyway?" K: "That planning meeting ran way late." T: "All right, you're coming home with me. Stop struggling." K: "Hold up! What's happening?! Let me go! Let me go right now!" T: "Aww, I thought I'd caught a Sasquatch, but it was just Seri-kun." K: "You did not think I was a Sasquatch!" T: "Your tea's getting cold. This is an expensive Earl Grey." K: "Then let me out of here already!" K: "Jeez, what is he plotting now?" K: "And..." K: "What on earth is he making Hanadori-kun do?" K: "Cerberus ran away?" T: "That's right." K: "That cat looks familiar..." Dog: "Play, play, play! Hey! Let's play!" T: "Schrödinger always ignores Cerberus when he tries to get him to play, until he finally hauls off and kicks him in the face." Cat: "Get lost, mutt!" K: "That sounds oddly familiar..." T: "So then Cerberus runs off. I don't usually worry because he always comes back..." K: "You were laughing your ass off, I bet." T: "But he didn't come home this time. So I asked Hanadori to try and think like Cerberus, but it isn't helping." K: "Learn how to say no! Is he really serious about looking for him?" T: "Gosh, I wonder where Cerberus is now... Did he get lost? Did someone dognap him? What if he got into an accident somewhere?" H: "Cerberus!" K: "He's so creepy when he cries!" H: "Cerberus! Cerberus!" K: "Damn. This is always how it ends. I wanted to go home and study." K: "Well, whatever... Is there some place he'd probably go?" T: "Whenever I take him for walks, he always chases things that resemble Hanadori." K: "Resemble him?" T: "He'll go after anything that sort of looks like Hanadori's eyepatch." K: "Is he smart, stupid, or a moron? Why doesn't he use his nose? In that case, if we hang Hanadori-kun by the front door, then eventually..." T: "I already tried that." K: "You did?" T: "All right! If we look for things that resemble Hanadori, we're likely to find Cerberus. Let's split up and search!" All: "Yeah!" K: ""Things that resemble Hanadori" is pretty broad, though..." H: "Cerberus! Cerberus!" K: "But the little fella really liked Hanadori-kun, huh?" H: "Cerberus! Cerberus!" K: "No wonder he's fond of him." H: "Cerberus!" K: "Okay!" K: "Cerberus! Cerberus! What an embarrassing name!" T: "Cerberus!" Staff: "Welcome!" T: "Cerberus!" Staff: "A milk frappuccino, then?" T: "Cerberus!" K: "Why are you the only one not looking?! He's your dog!" T: "Cerberus!" H: "Even with all my power, I failed to find him, huh? My third eye cannot function when the sun dips below the horizon..." K: "The dark god of destruction is night blind?" T: "Oh? Hey, isn't that..." K: "Hibiki-kun? What's he doing there?" Man: "Oh, you've got great taste! That's a real hit with all the cool kids. If you wear it, you'll be cool, too!" Hibiki: "Really? Will I be like Miguel-senpai?" Man: "Yeah, of course! No idea who that is, but sure." Hibiki: "May I try it on?" K: "Don't tell me..." H: "Yup, that's it. I bought mine at that shop, too." K: "I really don't care about that. Anyway, if Cerberus is anywhere nearby... Like right there!" K: "Cerberus!" H: "Gestöber!" K: "Oh, right..." K: "I guess Cerberus is safe." H: "Gestöber! Gestöber!" K: "What a relief." K: "I'm really glad..." K: "Wait, no I'm not! I know it was kind of my fault, but this isn't fair! What's even happening? This is fantasy, not comedy! I can see myself lying on the ground... Is this an out-of-body experience? If this floating thing is severed, will I... No! I don't want to die! Somebody save me!" H: "G-Gestöber..." T: "He's out cold." H: "Gestöber, wake up!" T: "Bad! Don't shake him, Hanadori." T: "I don't see any injuries, but he may have hit his head. If he has a concussion, we may need to cool his head... But I don't have any real training." T: "The only thing we can do now is..." H: "Use the ultimate dark destruction and revival secret technique, Wiederbelebung?" K: "Wrong. I don't even know what that is, but I know it's not right! This is an emergency! Why are you acting like that?" T: "Maybe Seri-kun should stop floating around and go back into his body?" K: "He can see me?! Anything goes with Tsukimiya-kun, huh?" T: "Can't you just, like, zoom right back in?" K: "I don't know..." K: "Gah! Why can't I get back in?!" T: "If I pull this cord thing and then let go, maybe it'll retract like a vacuum cleaner cord does." K: "Abort! Abort! I'm scared that first yank will rip it out, so don't! What should I do?" Hibiki: "I knew it..." Hibiki: "Why?" K: "Ack!" Hibiki: "Please, God! Spare Senpai and take me instead! Spare me!" K: "You're gonna cut it! You'll be a real grim reaper!" H: "It's not working... I need more spiritual power!" K: "I'm not expecting much. Don't worry. Go gather seven balls to grant your wish or something." T: "You mean Seririn?!" K: "Shut up! That joke's way too old for anyone to get! It's no use... I was stupid to count on them for help." K: "My consciousness is fading... Am I going to die?" K: "I knew it. Nothing good comes from hanging around these people." K: "What's going to happen after I'm gone?" K: "I'm sure it won't change a thing..." H: "No! Wake up, Gestöber!" H: "Gestöber! Gestöber!" H: "Gestöber!" K: "Hanadori-kun..." T: "Hanadori! His hand just moved a little! And the color saturation of his face improved by 1%!" K: "What? Color saturation?" T: "It means your pallor improved a little. The tears of those you care about can wake you up. It really works! Just like you always see in manga! Let those holy drops fall upon Seri-kun's face, Hanadori!" H: "All right." K: "Don't!" H: "It's no use! He's not waking up!" K: "My face! No!" T: "So we need to move on to the next cliché." H: "The next cliché?" K: "No! I have a terrible feeling about—" T: "A prince's kiss... Kiss..." H: "A-All right." T: "Have faith, Hanadori! With Sturmhut's powers of light," Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai, please save Gestöber-senpai!" K: "No, no, no!" K: "Wait, what?" Men: "Hey, you okay, kid?" K: "I..." T: "You might have a mild concussion. I'm glad you woke up, Seri-kun!" Hibiki: "Cer-chan's safe, too, Senpai!" K: "I'm back..." K: "Thank goodness!" T: "Good thing that truck stopped before it hit you, huh?" T: "You don't remember, Seri-kun? You saved Cerberus," T: "and everything was fine." T: "That's how you got knocked out. No more running into traffic, okay?" K: "That nearly killed me?" K: "These guys aren't just annoying..." H: "W-Wait, Gestöber. You need to see a doctor." K: "Yes, I know. Whose fault do you think that is?" H: "Gestöber, I-I'm sorry." K: "Just take Cerberus and go home. I know he was trying to save me and didn't mean any harm." K: "But I've decided I'm never hanging out with him again." K: "I'm glad you found Cerberus." H: "G-Gestöber!" K: "So creepy!" H: "I'm sorry!" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai..." K: "Well..." Manager: "You've got the basics down, so you'll start today, Koyuki-kun." K: "Okay!" Manager: "Remember, the customers are gods. But be confident, and don't do anything rude. Good luck." K: "Party of two, dark god of destruct— I just started a job at a chain restaurant," K: "Why?! Why are they here? I deliberately picked a place far away from where we live! I decided to get this job" K: "But I apparently can't do anything without them coming to screw it up!" Manager: "Hey, show them to their table already." K: "Here you are." H: "A seasonal yam parfait!" K: "Th-Thank God, my cover's not blown." H: "A new menu item!" K: "I guess the dark god of destruction has a sweet too—" T: "And now it's time for the Seri-kun, a.k.a. Gestöber, quiz!" K: "Tsukimiya-kun... What is this?!" T: "What does Seri-kun have at home that he's treasured since he was a boy?" H: "A stuffed cat named Nyanteko!" T: "That's right!" K: "That's not what the buzzer's for! And how do you know about that?! The buzzer's for placing your order!" K: "S-Sir, you're bothering the other customers..." H: "Oh, can I order now?" K: "You're ordering?" H: "I'll have the piping-hot Hamburg steak doria with the drink bar." K: "What about the seasonal yam parfait? No, I have to calm down... He's a customer." H: "...over..." K: "Crap! He's onto me!" H: "Um, I knocked this over. Can I get a napkin?" K: "I thought you were saying "Gestöber," damn it!" K: "Has he really not figured me out?" K: "This guy's definitely figured me out, though... Damn it." K: "I'm already exhausted..." K: "Here you go. Your piping-hot Hamburg steak doria. The dish is extremely hot, so..." K: "Please listen to your waiter, sir. Damn it! It's hopeless! I just need to think about the other customers!" K: "I'm doing this for the sake of my bright future!" K: "Welcome! Would this table be all right, miss?" Women: "No." Women: "Some freak is sitting there." Toki: "Miguel, the gratin isn't just hot outside... It's hot on the inside, too. Just like your passion." K: "Oh, it's the weirdo who was in a band with Hanadori-kun. Ah, damn it all! He caught me so off-guard" K: "What the heck is he doing? Did he come to get Hanadori-kun back again?" Toki: "Be careful, Miguel... Don't underestimate that macaroni. Slurp up what's inside it," Toki: "Softly put it to your lips and feel it. Let it dribble into your naughty, greedy mouth..." K: "Why does he make everything sound so creepy?" Toki: "Yes, just like that, Miguel-kun... Pant on it to cool it down." K: "You mean "blow," right?" Bandmember: "Shi-chan, if you're that worried about Miguel, then just tell him." K: "Who's he?" Bandmember: "You're not focusing on rehearsals!" Toki: "Don't say that. I've already been defeated. I'm no longer a bull, but a little lost lamb. Go ahead and laugh. I'm a coward." Toki: "Satan of my soul!" Toki: "It's ironic." K: "Sir, please refrain from any performances in our establishment." K: "Sir?" Toki: "I could write some great lyrics right now." K: "Manager, can I work in the kitchen?" Manager: "You can't cook. Now get back to work. Um, party of one," Manager: "Wow, the reaper's here, too. What the heck is this? Why do they all come together? Is this a dark god of destruction meetup or something?" Chikako: "He looks funny!" Mom: "Shh! Don't look, Chikako!" K: "Sir..." Hibiki: "Is it that weird to go to a restaurant by yourself?" K: "I think it's more what you're holding, sir." Hibiki: "I'm not welcome here?" Hibiki: "I'm the grim reaper. There's no place for me here!" K: "Sir!" Manager: "Koyuki-kun," K: "That's not fair..." K: "Can I really keep this job?" H: "Oh, no!" H: "My soda isn't going into my cup... That's strange..." K: "Is he doing this because he actually knows it's me?" K: "He's a pain no matter where I go. I hope someone else helps him." Chikako: "Mommy, I'm gonna get more ice cream!" H: "You came close to being struck by the spray of a dark weapon." H: "Are you okay, little one?" Chikako: "Uh-huh! I'm okay!" K: "W-Wow." K: "No, wait! Are you all right, sir?" K: "I'll bring you a cold towel." Chikako: "Are you okay, Onii-chan?" K: "I'm sorry, Hanadori-kun." Chikako: "Was it hot?" K: "I couldn't move at all, but you..." H: "After enduring the flames of hell, this was nothing." Chikako: "What's "hell"?" H: "That's a secret. It's a chaotic land of intense fire... And I am its ruler." Mom: "Hey! What are you doing to my daughter?!" K: "Y-Y-You've got it all wrong, ma'am." K: "Hanado— I mean, that boy tried to protect your daughter." Mom: "He was telling her a bunch of weird stuff!" K: "Th-That's kind of the one and only thing that makes him special...." Mom: "What's your problem? A part-timer talking back to a customer? Didn't you even learn to treat your customers like gods?" K: "But..." Mom: "But what?!" K: "This isn't fair at all. It's frustrating." T: "If customers are gods," Mom: "What? Who are you?" T: "A customer, like you. Let's talk as equals." K: "Tsukimiya-kun..." H: "I'm the only god here." K: "Not now! You'll only make things worse!" Mom: "I'm paying good money here! Money makes the world go 'round. So obviously, paying customers are the most important!" T: "But it's what your money can get you that you actually want, right? Houses, cars, clothes," T: "Let's be grateful that we can exchange our money for these things!" Mom: "Can you eat gratitude? Money will never betray you. It's more valuable than anything!" T: "What if the economy implodes" K: "U-Um, pardon me..." Mom: "What am I supposed to trust, then?" T: "Love, ma'am!" Mom: "You're a fool. Love is the least trustworthy thing of all." Mom: "Your husband left home, leaving you and your daughter behind..." T: "But how do you know it wasn't love that made him do it?" Mom: "Don't kid yourself! He got us into debt and doesn't pay child support. He's a total failure!" T: "He may have left you so you wouldn't have to bear his burdens." Mom: "That's..." Mom: "That's... just irresponsible." T: "It is. But maybe it was love that drove him to such a desperate decision." T: "In his own awkward, messed-up way." T: "You jerk... Why wouldn't you let us share the burden with you? Ma'am..." T: "It's love, isn't it?" Mom: "This is love! And you're a god!" T: "And you're a goddess!" K: "What is even happening?" H: "My dark god is awakening!" Chikako: "Awakening..." Manager: "Koyuki-kun, what's going on here?" K: "I'm sorry. I don't know, either." Mom: "I'll call you, Utsugi-kun!" T: "Let's talk about love again soon!" Chikako: "Bye-bye, Miguel-oniichan!" H: "Seal that dark god away, okay?" K: "The storm has passed. I'm so glad they never figured me out..." Manager: "Koyuki-kun!" K: "Okay. Just when I thought I was in the clear." K: "But..." K: "In the end, the two of them really helped me out." K: "I couldn't have done any of that on my own. I need to thank them. Sir!" H: "I'm not important enough to give you my name." K: "Except you already did. You wrote it on the waiting list." K: "I-I apologize for the bad experience you had today! You helped that little girl when we couldn't," K: "Thank you! Please take these as our way of saying thanks." H: "There's no need to apologize." H: "Remember what Tsukimiya said? The customer and the staff should be equals." H: "We'll gratefully accept these. And we'll come back soon. Thanks." K: "I'm really sor—" K: "Crap." H: "I knew the whole time." T: "What? Don't tell me you thought he didn't know, Seri-kun!" H: "Stop it, Tsukimiya. Gestöber was working and didn't want to be bothered, so he did his best to disguise himself and believed it had worked. Sure, he did a terrible job," H: "That's mean!" K: "I'm back." Manager: "You can go home, Koyuki-kun. And here's a little gift." K: "Thank you." H: "From our perspective, it may be a little embarrassing" H: "But for Gestöber," K: "Who do you think you are?! Never come back again, jerk!" H: "Oh, this is my favorite brand of coffee beans! Gestöber!" T: "Aww, Seri-kun's such a tsundere! Best friends forever!" K: "I yelled at Hanadori-kun again..." K: "And I quit my new job that same day. After quitting my job in a fit of youthful rashness, I don't have the funds to buy Sumiso-san a present." K: "My beloved Nyanteko..." T: "Oh, Seri-kun. You're not going to give her a drooly, dirty, stinky" T: "Stop it!" T: "I'm not giving it to her, okay?!" T: "Also, when did you get in my house?" T: "This is no good. I haven't slept in a week. I'm quitting the anime industry. I'm out of options!"
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 5 – Ghost of My Dream", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "5", "Ghost of My Dream" ] }
T: "Okay, people, it's time for the culture festival! Hey, now... What's with those faces? Sell enough today and there's a prize in it for you! The café or food stand that sells the most" U: "Can we go bowling or do karaoke for the party?" T: "Sure, as long as you're not out too late." U: "Really? Go!" U: "Let's do this, Sensei!" T: "Let's see what you can do, Tsukimiya." K: "Why is he suddenly getting into it? I've got a bad feeling..." H: "It's time for the grand opening of the Japanese-style café "Purgatory's Teahouse."" K: "Hang on." U: "Hey, Seri-kun, you haven't changed! Customers will be here any minute." K: "But I'm working in the back..." U: "You know I'd never allow that. Now get to it! Come on!" K: "Wh-Why am I the only one who has to wear this?" M: "You look great, Koyukichi-dono! I wish you'd blow on me while you blow on that pinwheel!" H: "The hour of judgment is here. Let's go, Gestöber." K: "Go without me!" U: "Listen, you two. You want to do a duet with Seri-kun" U: "And you want Seri-kun to crack your head open with a bowling ball, right, Mogami-kun? Then there's only one thing to do... And that's whatever it takes to get us to the top of the sales charts!" All: "Yeah!" K: "Why are they all coming together? What are they planning? They're scaring me!" K: "I wonder if I can just find a way to ditch instead of dealing with this stress..." Girl: "Are you open?" K: "I want to see Sumiso-san in cat ears!" U: "Seri-kun, we have a customer! Welcome!" H: "Here you go. Our special kusa dan—" Girls: "What?" K: "H-Hanadori-kun? You're sweating! Really sweating!" K: "Huh?" U: "My apologies, ladies. I brought you a new plate. I also added a folded lotus flower napkin as an apology." K: "Wh-What was that?" Girls: "Oh, wow!" K: "Where does he get those skills?" U: "Now let's make some money!" Hibiki: "It all sounds delicious, my senpais!" H: "Oh, Helius! You came, huh?" U: "Welcome, Hibiki-kun! I've been waiting for you." U: "I've got a special seat with your name on it." H: "Welcome!" H: "Your water and hand towel." M: "Your menu." H: "Stay as long as you like." M: "Order whatever you like." Hibiki: "I can't believe the warm welcome I'm getting! Um, I'll take whatever you recommend." U: "I recommend everything." U: "I need one of everything!" Kitchen Staff: "Okay!" U: "That will be 140,000 yen, sir. Is that all right?" K: "Of course it's not!" Koyuki(Background): "It was a joke. It was just a joke, okay?" K: "How did you come up with that number? The poor guy froze up. Don't try to rip off the underclassmen!" H: "Th-Thank you for the food." K: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry!" All: "Thank you for coming!" Hibiki: "I'm disgusting! I'm a loser!" K: "Hibiki-kun! If any bad rumors get started, we can forget our post-festival party." U: "Oh, I guess you're pretty serious about this too, huh?" K: "No!" Tokimune: "Hey, may I come in?" K: "Oh, sorry." Bandmember: "Shi-chan, you said this was a European-style café! We don't belong here!" Tokimune: "I-I'm Takeda..." Tokimune: "We've never met." K: "Who?!" K: "What even is "Shicharing"? It sounds like "featuring"! I know you. You're the guy from Dead Bull, right? What is this?" K: "Did he come to check up on Hanadori again? It'd be easier if he just acted normal." H: "Your water and hand towel." H: "Please enjoy yoursmelves." K: "Huh?" H: "Whoopsie! I messed up my line!" K: ""Whoopsie," my foot!" K: "I see. He didn't notice. He's so obsessed with Hanadori-kun, too... Poor guy." Tokimune: "Miguel..." Bandmember: "Uh, isn't that what the disguise was for?" U: "Sir, all of our kusa dango were handmade by Hanadori." H: "Be yummy! Be yummy!" U: "Why don't you try one?" Tokimune: "I'll take them." Bandmember: "Wow!" Tokimune: "Handled by Miguel! Just like me! I shall take them all into my body!" U: "Thanks for your patronage!" Tokimune: "If you can say something that embarrassing," Aitsu: "Hey, Koyuki!" Aitsu: "Workin' hard?" K: "Yeah. You want something to drink?" Aitsu: "No, thanks. This place is full of weirdos." Aitsu: "Anyway, come by my class when you can. It's the "Poison-Tongued Goth Loli Fortune-Telling Café."" M: "So I want Koyukichi-dono to punish me," M: "What should I do?" K: "What kind of question is that?" Suzuran: "You never change, Onii-sama. Get on the ground and offer to be his chair." K: "What kind of advice is— "Onii-sama"?!" K: "The sister Mogami-kun mentioned was his twin, wasn't she? Huh? Was she like this? Wait, haven't I seen her somewhere before?" K: "Wait, why would you ask your sister something like that?!" M: "Are you my sister?!" K: "Are you blind, Onii-sama?" Suzuran: "Koyuki Seri..." Suzuran: "On the day of the painting competition," K: "Stop torturing me the same way your brother does!" Suzuran: "So, what do you all want?" K: "U-Uh... What was it again?" U: "We can't have you stealing the number one spot," Suzuran: "This is a fortune-telling café." U: "Yes, which is why I'm going to fight you with fortune-telling." K: "What is he talking about?" U: "I can do it, too." U: "I listen to the voice of the universe. Everything is occurring as destiny has foreordained. I simply watch. What you're doing isn't real fortune-telling. It's a combination of knowledge and wisdom gained through obsessive observation. And the cards are just props." U: "Am I wrong, Mogami Suzuran-san?" Suzuran: "So?" U: "Nope." K: "Wh-What are you up to, Tsukimiya-kun?" Suzuran: "You're going to poison the tea. I read the fortunes of everyone in that class," K: "It was right!" U: "But your coming has been foreordained. I can tell by looking in your eyes." K: "Eyes..." U: "Yes. Look into my eyes." U: "Good girl..." K: "Mogami-san!" M: "What happened, my sister?!" K: "Wh-Wh-What did you do, Tsukimiya-kun?!" U: "She just passed out a little." K: "What did you do, though?! And wait... You opened your eyes!" U: "Shh, Seri-kun! People will catch on to my plan." Teacher: "We're number one! You did it, guys!" K: "After that, Mogami-san just got up, For real?" K: "What was that?" U: "A peaceful way for us to win!" K: "Was it some kind of mind control? Isn't that going too far?" U: "You've got it all wrong." U: "She acted of her own free will. It was simply foreordained." U: "It was the will of the universe." Class: "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" K: "Sounds like bullshit." K: "He really will do whatever it takes. I hope I never make an enemy of him..." H: "What's wrong, Gestöber? We won, but you still look so down." K: "I guess it's fine. But in the end, I never did get to see Sumiso-san in cat ears. I'm just tired." H: "I see. You really worked hard, Gestöber." H: "Good work." H: "Good boy." H: "Gestöber." Suzuran: "Don't copy Utsugi-sama!" K: "What are you doing?!" M: "What's the meaning of this, Suzuran?" Suzuran: "Utsugi-sama..." U: "Huh?" K: "Hey! So it really was hypnosis?!" Suzuran: "I saw the universe in your eyes." Suzuran: "It was endlessly vast and deep. Everything was there. Even the darkness of my heart was turned toward good." M: "That's rare. My sister doesn't like anyone, but she's sure taken to you." Suzuran: "Oh, I didn't see you there, Onii-sama." M: "Tsukimiya-dono," K: "For once, Tsukimiya-kun doesn't know what to do. I hope this teaches you a lesson! ...is what I couldn't help thinking." H: "Look! Here's yours, Gestöber!" K: "I'm not going!" H: "Gestöber! Let me go!" K: "Today's the post-festival party." Teacher: "Get back here!" H: "Gestöber, this candy will soothe your throat." H: "Make sure you're ready for this." K: "Why is he taking this so seriously?" M: "I'm so excited!" H: "My duet with Gestöber will heal some of the darkness in Miguel's heart!" M: "I'll have him crack my head open with my own personal bowling ball!" K: "You guys sure are well-prepared!" K: "If you want to sing, go sing with Dead Bull." K: "Weirdo. It's a little late to be asking," U: "Come now, Seri-kun-sensei. Your protégés are waiting." K: "I'm not going." U: "What? If you came, I was going to give you a video of Sumiso-san with cat ears." K: "Fine, I'll go!" K: "So I ended up coming, but..." K: "Why is Mogami's sister here?" Suzuran: "Prettying yourself up and pretending to be happy" Suzuran: "If you really were happy, there'd be no need to show him that. Just so we're clear, this isn't fortune-telling. It's just what my eyes are telling me. Any time you're putting on an act," Suzuran: "Am I right, Koyuki Seri and his merry band?" K: "Please don't act like I'm the poster child example. And what kind of act are you guys putting on?!" Suzuran: "Where is Utsugi-sama?" K: "Tsukimiya-kun should be around... Huh? He was just here." Suzuran: "I was told that when I wish to speak with Utsugi-sama," K: "What? Nobody told me that!" Suzuran: "Don't screw it up, flunky." U: "Do your best to take care of everyone, Seri-kun-sensei!" Suzuran: "I'd like to discuss the mysteries of life and the universe with Utsugi-sama, but he always hides himself away." Suzuran: "So help me find him, Koyuki Seri." K: "It's really not my problem..." H: "Hey! Gestöber's going to do a duet with me!" K: "Nope." Student: "Whose turn is it?" H: "This is for my partner, Gestöber! "Friends Forever"!" K: "That's a real song?! Please stop!" Student: "Gestöber? You sing, too!" K: "Please stop..." Student: "Sing!" H: "Gestöber, will you sing? Here." Suzuran: "I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry." Suzuran: "Koyuki Seri is coming with me to look for Utsugi-sama. Goodbye." K: "Huh? W-W-Wait! Why does everybody grab me by the belt?" M: "I-I'm sorry, Koyukichi-dono! My sister's being so selfish." Suzuran: "Only because you're worthless as shit, Onii-sama." K: "That's really mean." M: "Koyukichi-dono, feel free to insult me as she does." K: "What are you happy about, Onii-sama?" Suzuran: "Where did you go, Utsugi-sama? You must be in the building..." H: "G-Gestöber!" K: "Hanadori-ku—" H: "K-Karaoke?" K: "Huh?" Suzuran: "He's bad at dealing with girls, but he still tries his best. You don't seem to have realized it, so I'll explain." Suzuran: "Hanadori Kabuto, Koyuki Seri doesn't like you. He thinks you're an idiot." Suzuran: "I don't know what that act of yours is supposed to be," Suzuran: "Knowing all this, if you still wish to hang out with him, then you should reconsider how you act." K: "W-Wait, Mogami-san!" K: "You didn't have to come out and say it like that!" Suzuran: "You know it was bothering you, though. Yet you spoil him anyway. Are you just pretending to be a good person? Or does it not actually bother you that much..." K: "That's not it at all, but..." Suzuran: "Go search all the men's restrooms in the building, please." K: "It's impossible! If he's seriously trying to hide, we'll never find him." Suzuran: "Oh? You've submitted to him quite a bit, haven't you?" K: "What about you?" Suzuran: "Indeed." Suzuran: "But looking into his eyes, I understood. There is no above or below, nor good or evil. There is, however, everything. The heart of the universe that engulfs everything. Within its hands, which forgave my foolishness," Suzuran: "Most people make that face when I talk. That face that says," Suzuran: "If you really are the sane one," Suzuran: "Wh-What?!" : "You're bothering me." Suzuran: "But... But..." : "Never talk to me again." K: "When I tell him he's bothering me, he just swoons! But then sometimes he cries!" : "This stupid thing!" K: "I mean, yeah, maybe I'm trying to come across as the good guy, but..." H: "Gestöber!" K: "Fine!" M: "K-Koyukichi-dono, I apologize again. My sister is a bit of a nasty girl, sure, but it's all my fault. Please scold me!" K: "No, I'm fine. What Mogami-san says is probably right." K: "But... I wonder why..." M: "You're wondering about Suzuran?" K: "No, about Hanadori-kun." K: "Why me, I mean." K: "At first, I guess he thought I wanted a friend like him." K: "Then Tsukimiya-kun said something about our past lives." H: "Gestöber! Gestöber!" K: "But is that really enough to explain why he likes me so much?" K: "It shouldn't need to be me." K: "There must be other people he could get along with better, you know?" K: "Not that it really matters, though, right?" M: "I think I somewhat understand how he feels." U: "Oh, you're back, Seri-kun!" Married Wife: "See you later, Utsugi-chan!" K: "Ts-Tsukimiya-kun! What were you doing in there?" U: "Forget that, Seri-kun. Hanadori left already." K: "Wait, wait, wait! Where am I going? If I go after him now, it'll end up like last time... That's right!" H: "What's wrong, Gestöber? Did you want to walk Cerberus with me?" K: "I'll want to hit him, 'cause I'm sure that's what he'll say! But..." Suzuran: "And he's sick of you." K: "I did feel that way..." K: "But I didn't want to say it. Maybe I was wrong." K: "When did I get all the way out here? What am I doing?" H: "C'mon, cut that out!" K: "There he is! He really was playing with Cerberus!" K: "I'll just go home." K: "What a waste of a day." H: "Hey, Cerberus, would you hear me out?" H: "It wasn't me who saved you the first time." H: "It was on a drizzly morning..." K: "I don't think I can take care of you, so I'm not going to look at you. I'll feel sorry for you if I do." K: "That's so cliché! Wait, did that happen?" K: "Was that Cerberus? Also, don't make up my dialogue. I definitely didn't say it that way!" H: "He's so nice, that Gestöber! And you know what else? When we were deciding on the class rep..." K: "Fine. I guess someone's gotta do it." K: "I did not say that! I'm starting to worry about how Hanadori-kun sees me." H: "Good boy! Good boy! So, you see," H: "Although he may actually hate me. Maybe we aren't friends forever." K: "That's right. It's all just a fantasy." Suzuran: "It's better if you make yourself clear and push them away." K: "Hanadori-kun." H: "G-Gestöber?" K: "I know I've said this plenty of times," K: "but my name isn't Gestöber." K: "I don't fight anything, and we're not comrades in arms." H: "Gestöb—" K: "But... If you'll just call me by my name," K: "Thanks for the candy." K: "Oh, and we're going bowling now. If you leave, we won't have enough people to form teams." H: "Okay, got it. U-Um, thank you, Gest— No, um... I mean... K-K-Ko... Koyuki!" K: "That's creepy! Just call me Gestöber!" Teacher: "Why are you both soaked?" K: "What am I doing?! Nothing's changed at all!" Suzuran: "Koyuki Seri is a failure of a man," M: "That's part of what makes him special." Hanadori(Background): "Gestöber said I can call him Gestöber!" Suzuran: "And Hanadori Kabuto..." Hanadori(Background): "And that he'll never leave my side!" Suzuran: "He pushes, pushes, pushes, pushes, and then suddenly pulls." Teacher: "Did he? That's nice." Suzuran: "He seems to assume by default that others love him." Hanadori(Background): "Maybe I'll try calling him Koyuki again!" Suzuran: "He's more impish than I thought..." U: "It's more like Seri-kun is just too much of a pushover." U: "I'm so happy! He'll dance for me now without me having to intervene at all." Tokimune: "Miguel is an angel... and a little devil." K: "Thus the culture festival came to an end," K: "Which one is Sumiso-san? Those aren't the right cat ears!" H: "H-How did Menukoroirya become a moe character?" K: "You made Tsukimiya-kun the chief animation director."
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 7 – Blurry Eyes", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "7", "Blurry Eyes" ] }
H: "My right eye pains me so..." H: "Miguel's power grows stronger by the day." H: "But I must complete the project!" H: "Lend me your aid..." K: "This is because of all the time I spent with them! But that's over now! I'll never react to them again!" H: "Check it out, Gestöber!" K: "I'll never react to their crap again. I'll just swat any flies I see." U: "Didn't that count as reacting, Seri-kun?" K: "Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Every time I've said I'll never call out Hanadori-kun again, it doesn't work out. But..." U: "Are you waiting for someone to call you out, Seri-kun?" K: "I'm redefining what it means to call someone out!" H: "I, Sturmhut, am running for student council president! Look! Check it out, Gestöber!" K: "Not a word from me. Do whatever you want." M: "Koyukichi-dono! I heard Kabu-dono was running, so I entered the race, as well. What a terrible sin! Must I be punished for it?" K: "Not a word from me." U: "Since there were so many entrants, I joined in too, just for fun!" Girls: "Tsukimiya Utsugi! Please vote for Tsukimiya Utsugi!" K: "Not a word..." Hibiki: "I'm only a first-year, but I'm running, too." Hibiki: "I'm hoping I can support Miguel-senpai's campaign." H: "Oh, Helius! That's so nice of you!" K: "Not a single word out of m—" U: "Oh! And of course, I entered you too, Seri-kun! Look! I put up all these posters!" H: "Gestöber!" M: "Koyukichi-dono!" K: "The date: just before the student council election." K: "Damn it all! I don't have time to be on the student council." K: "Damn it... How can I get some time to myself?" K: "How can I get some peace?" K: "I know!" K: "Enough to knock them out for a week." Suzuran: "Where is Utsugi-sama? What are you doing, Koyuki Seri?" K: "What was I doing, actually?" Suzuran: "You seem quite troubled." Suzuran: "That's why I warned you." K: "Shut up." Suzuran: "If you can't do anything on your own, ask Utsugi-sama for help." K: "What? I can't do that." K: "He gets off on seeing me miserable." Suzuran: "Have you ever actually asked him?" Suzuran: "Or are you just making assumptions?" K: "Well..." Suzuran: "Get down on your knees and lick his boots." K: "No way in hell!" Suzuran: "Now, let's go." Suzuran: "Climb up and get this poster, Koyuki Se—" Suzuran: "Oh?" U: "I hear you've come to lick my boots..." U: "All joking aside... Sure, I'll help you out. I can just tell Hanadori-kun that you weren't brothers in arms in a past life." K: "Wait, for real?" U: "You sure that's what you want, though? He might take it pretty hard." K: "Well, that was your fault to begin with..." H: "Gestöber! Hey! I need your help with something! Gestöber!" U: "See? He's calling for you now. And I know you won't have the heart to tell him." H: "Hey! Where are you?" K: "I-I will, too! I don't care what kind of life Hanadori-kun lives," K: "So I need him to accept that..." U: "So you see, Hanadori," K: "H-Hanadori-kun? He froze. What should I do?" U: "Listen, Hanadori." U: "He's the one who sealed Miguel within you..." U: "He's the cause of all your suffering!" K: "You cunning asshole! I really thought you were going to help! You're the cause of all my suffering!" H: "Th-That's impossible! Tsukimiya, you're a liar!" K: "Hanadori-kun..." K: "There sure are a lot of candidates. Why did he believe Tsukimiya-kun when he told him" Teacher: "The candidates for student council will now give their speeches." K: "U-Um, I withdrew from the race. Why am I here?" U: "Oh, who cares, Seri-kun?" U: "Right, Hanadori?" U: "Oh, dear..." K: "Hanadori-kun must've taken it pretty hard." K: "He hasn't been bothering me like usual, and he's been avoiding Tsukimiya-kun, too. He hasn't been shouting "Gwah!" in the middle of class, either." K: "I know this is what I wanted, but it's still somehow... No, this isn't quite what I wanted." Teacher: "Student council president candidate Hanadori Kabuto-kun of Class 2-3." K: "What did he want my help with, anyway?" Students: "Isn't that the dark god of destruction?" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai..." K: "Hanadori-kun?" H: "I wanted to change things here at this school." H: "I wanted to make it a place for those who've lost sight of their goals. For those who aren't confident they can be the people they want to be. For those who are so awkward that things never work out. A place where everyone can strive to be who they want to be. A place where we can all be friends." K: "Huh? He's actually sounding normal. What happened to Hanadori-kun? Did the shock ruin his act?" H: "But I couldn't bring about this utopia on... my own..." K: "He's back to his old self." H: "I can feel it, Sturmhut... The darkness in your heart." K: "What happened to you? Why are you bringing out Miguel in front of the school?" H: "Stop it, Miguel! I haven't given up yet!" K: "You're not gonna be student council president now!" K: "Yeah, of course they're all slack-jawed. What are you doing? What are you thinking, Hanadori-kun? I'm not saying a word to you, though!" H: "Gestöber!" H: "I don't know how much longer I can hold Miguel back." H: "So before that happens, tell me... Are you Gestöber, Hierophant of Ice, or Gestöber, Director of Darkness? Who will you choose, Sturmhut or Miguel?" H: "Show me your answer with your vote!" K: "They're both you! This is stupid!" K: "Why am I only allowed to vote for you? Look at how everybody's whispering!" K: "Crap." K: "Hanadori-kun! Oh, no! Did I hit him too hard?" K: "No, this is just part of the act, right? Hana—" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai!" U: "Hanadori!" M: "Kabu-dono, wake up!" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai, wake up!" U: "Hanadori! Hanadori!" K: "Hanadori-kun?" K: "In those days, the dark god of destruction was always by my side. I was always so busy thinking about tomorrow" K: "I didn't know what to do." K: "And then I caused a terrible tragedy." K: "I'm sorry, Hanadori-kun. Only after losing you do I understand... You are my dearest friend! Knock it the hell off!" urse: "He's fine. Just sleeping. Not sure if it was stress or lack of sleep, but he was pretty exhausted. Then he hit his head and it knocked him out." urse: "Maybe he just worked that hard on his speech." K: "It feels like he was actually really serious about it. Why did he care so much?" K: "H-Hanadori-kun!" Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai, I'm so glad you're awake! Do you hurt anywhere?" H: "U-Um... I'm sorry, but where are my glasses?" H: "Without my glasses..." K: "What's gotten into him? His glasses? He can't see out his right eye because of his eyepatch!" H: "Oh, here they are!" K: "Don't take the nurse's!" H: "Good." H: "Without my glasses, I'm just not myself." K: "You're hardly yourself right now." K: "What's gotten into you? You're wearing glasses over an eyepatch. Are you okay?" K: "What happened?" U: "Hanadori, do you know who this is?" H: "What's wrong? Your hair's sticking up. Want to borrow my conditioner?" K: "I will kill you. You're what's wrong! What's with this new act? I don't get it at all!" Hibiki: "M-Miguel-senpai, are you sure you're feeling all right?" H: "Who is this person? He's scary! That outfit! That frightening weapon! He's not normal!" Hibiki: "N-No..." Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai, you jerk!" K: "He's turned into a real god of destruction..." K: "Hibiki-kun!" H: "What's going on? I'm really scared." M: "Have you grown out of your beep-boop talk, Kabu-dono? Good to see." H: "I don't understand why I'm hearing this" H: "Aren't you embarrassed?" K: "He said it to his face! Hanadori-kun, what's gotten into you?" M: "I-I didn't get my laundry done, so I'm just wearing some old clothes... That's all." K: "I'm calling bullshit. You're both embarrassing as far as I'm concerned." U: "Maybe he has amnesia?" U: "Seri-kun hit him in the head with a microphone, right? Maybe the impact did it." K: "Th-That can't be! He was just fine after a crash that knocked me clean out." U: "But you know, he wasn't feeling well today. Maybe getting hit again will turn him back to normal." K: "And what's that you're doing? A warm-up?" U: "Hanadori," H: "Dark god...?" U: "I knew it. What's gotten into you, Hanadori?" H: "U-Um, you keep talking like we know each other... But who are you? How do you walk around with your eyes shut like that? And that smile is frightening, like it's frozen on your face." U: "What's wrong, Hanadori? What's wrong, Hanadori? What's wrong, Hanadori? What's wrong, Hanadori?" U: "What's wrong, Hanadori? What's wrong, Hanadori?" U: "Now do you remember who you just spoke out against?" H: "Awful! Scary! How barbaric! Are all the students at this school like that? That's right... The student council! I wanted to be on the student council... to make this a better school! That's why I..." K: "Did he remember?" H: "That's right." H: "Even people like them are still students of this school. I have to do something! I have a lot to do, so I'll be going!" K: "Who are you calling worthless?!" U: "That didn't work. But he was talking about wanting to change the school during his speech, too. He must've really wanted to do something." H: "Um... Attention, everyone. I'm sorry for surprising you during my speech yesterday. I was a little too tense. As I said yesterday," Teacher: "That's Hanadori, isn't it?" H: "I want you all to make good memories here." U: "That's not my Hanadori at all. It's boring. He received a new destiny as Sturmhut, but he still won't believe it." K: "Maybe he's happier this way." K: "It's perfect for me that he's avoiding me, but... That's exactly what I wanted, but..." K: "If he lost his memory because of me... That just doesn't feel right." U: "So you're lonely too, huh?" K: "N-No!" K: "Don't steal my lunch! Also..." Hibiki: "Miguel-senpai, you're terrible. Why?" Hibiki: "I admired you so much. So why..." Hibiki: "Tell me. Tell me... Why? Why? Why? Why?" K: "Scary... Hibiki-kun, you're being scary!" M: "Kabu-dono seems to have dropped out." M: "How long will he last? Not that it's my problem. Now, Koyukichi-dono," M: "While the oni's away, the mice will play." K: "You're the oni! Knock it off with the sword and the heart eyes! Stay in character!" K: "Sure, I don't want anything to do with him..." H: "How barbaric!" K: "I'm not lonely. I'm mad! Yeah, maybe this is my fault, but why do I have to feel bad on his part? He's the barbaric one..." H: "Check it out, Gestöber! I need your help with something! Gestöber!" K: "What was so important to him?" K: "Hanadori-kun?!" Boy: "The dark god of destruction, Miguel, has revived! Oh, damn! He's back!" Boy: "So what does Miguel do then? Revives the darkness, maybe?" Boy: "What does that even mean?" K: "Jeez! I thought he'd gotten his memory back!" Boy: "Hey, it's the former Miguel! Why are you so serious all of a sudden? Worried about what people think? Seems a little late for that." H: "Wh-Who are you people?" Boy: "I took Miguel from you, actually." Boy: "You gave up the act, so you don't need that eyepatch anymore, right? Give it to me! I need to seal away Miguel!" H: "Why am I even wearing this?" Boy: "Who cares? You forgot, right?" H: "If you want it, you can have it." Boy: "Seriously?" Boy: "What are you doing?" H: "W-Well..." Boy: "What is that?" H: "Why? I can't remember..." H: "Maybe it was really expensive! Like 8,500 yen?" H: "Or maybe it's part of an important memory..." Boy: "Hey, your buddy's here!" Boy: "Maybe he has some answers." Boy: "What's with Hanadori? He's acting weird today. You're his buddy, right?" K: "I-I'm not his buddy." Boy: "Huh? That's a harsh thing to say to Miguel." Boy: "You mean the former Miguel." K: "No, Hanadori-kun's just ignoring me. I'm sure now..." K: "Hana..." Boy: "Aww, you made him cry!" H: "What? How odd... Strange liquid is seeping from my eyes. Why?" Boy: "Don't cry, former Miguel." K: "Because I said I wasn't his buddy?" U: "Seri-kun is Gestöber, Director of Darkness! He's the cause of all your suffering!" H: "Tsukimiya, you're a liar!" K: "Has that been bugging him this whole time?" K: "I'm sick of this." K: "The little things, the things you have no evidence of... Don't worry about all that stuff! It's annoying when you keep obsessing over it and going crazy!" K: "I'm not your buddy. I hate to say it," H: "No, I mean... We're not friends, right? We just met yesterday. And I don't want to be associated with people like you, I don't think..." K: "Screw you!" H: "My glasses!" H: "That's so mean! What was that for, Gestöber? How could you do that to Sturmhut? Jeez! I'm super mad, you hear me? Just kidding!" All: "H-He's back?" H: "What's wrong, guys? What's gotten into all of you?" H: "Were you worried about me being down?" Hibiki: "I'm so glad, Miguel-senpai! It was all a misunderstanding, wasn't it? As the grim reaper, I'll stay by your side forever!" M: "How dull." K: "So what was that all about, anyway? Can someone really change so much over losing a few memories?" K: "What if he has another, weirder personality tomorrow?" U: "Seri-kun, don't sweat the small stuff." K: "I wish you would worry a lot more." U: "Here. This is the student council plan Hanadori wrote up." U: "If you read it, you might understand what he wanted to talk to you about." K: "What was he worried about?" K: "I couldn't possibly help him with this." K: ""If something happens to me, I know he'll help me again."" K: "You're what's bothering me! You!" H: "Wh-What's wrong, Gestöber?" H: "If you want to talk, I'm all ears." K: "But..." K: "But I don't want the Hanadori-kun I know to just disappear. In some weird way." K: "I'm relieved, but also disappointed. But in any case," K: "Why don't you just forget everything, then? All the yelling, all the anger... I can poison you if you want!" Teacher: "Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag! Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag!" K: "By the way, at the time, Mogami-kun's sister was..." Tokimune: "Too many people use the word "angel" as a generic compliment." Tokimune: "You aren't angels. The only angel is Miguel." Hibiki: "P-People sometimes tell me I'm an angel." K: "You're not supposed to say that yourself." Hibiki: "But it's absurd for a grim reaper like me to call himself an angel, right? I wish I could disappear." M: "The only real angel is Koyukichi-dono. No, he's less a messenger of god and more a bodhisattva." Hibiki: "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" K: "Bodhisattva!" M: "Maybe he's more like a god." H: "I'm a god!" Suzuran: "The only god is Utsugi-sama." K: "Sumiso-san is my goddess! An archangel!" U: "Did you give up on yelling at people, Seri-kun?" Hibiki: "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" H: "Impossible! How are we getting moe characters out of this?" H: "What happened to my chief animation director supervisor?!" K: "People like pretty girls more. They sell better." H: "And you call yourself the director?!"
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 8 – SWEET HEART MEMORY", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "8", "Sweet Heart Memory" ] }
U: "Come on, Hanadori. Get out of there already. It's time to go teach the little kids. Even you, a shy boy who's awkward around girls and covered in dark god of destruction juice, should be able to handle some kids." H: "Must be nice to be the guy who got on the student council! Life is so easy for you!" K: "After all the chaos he caused," K: "The only new electee was Tsukimiya-kun, who became the council's auditor. Hanadori-kun's jealousy was a thing to behold." H: "I can feel it. Miguel's coming. He's about to go out of control. You guys are lucky." H: "Come on down here, Gestöber. Ditch that jerk of a wannabe genius and we can make our own secret base. Hey." M: "Come on out, Kabu-dono. You're causing problems for Koyukichi-dono." K: "Good grief... I'd love to just leave him in there," K: "but since we're in the same group, I'll get in trouble if he doesn't do the work." Chi: "It's Miguel-oniichan!" H: "You're..." Chi: "You came to see me at my preschool?" H: "Oh, you're the girl from the restaurant. Have you been well?" Chi: "Yup! I was hoping I'd get to see you again!" Chi: "Tell me all about hell, okay? And let's eat lunch together!" H: "Okay! Gather around, everyone! Come play with Miguel-oniichan!" K: "A complete 180!" H: "Come play with Miguel-oniichan!" K: "Now he's in a great mood." K: "Well, it's better than him pouting." K: "And so our day of helping out at the preschool got off to an... okay... start." Kids: "Let's play, Onii-chan! Let's play!" K: "What do I do? I don't know how to talk to kids!" U: "Hello there." U: "My name is Utsugi." Kid: "I'm Masato!" U: "Masato-kun, huh? That's a cool name. Okay, let's go to the playroom." K: "I see!" U: "Follow me!" K: "First, you put yourself on their level..." H: "I refuse to lose to Tsukimiya." K: "You're still mad about that? Give it up and face facts." K: "You shouldn't act like that in front of kids." Kids: "Oh, wow!" M: "Easy, right?" Kids: "Yup!" M: "Now you give it a try." Kids: "Even Mogami-kun the social reject is doing well..." H: "I won't lose to Mogami, either!" K: "Why, though? He didn't get on the student council, either!" Tanaka: "Hello! Goodbye!" Kids: "That's so neat!" H: "Not Tanaka, either!" K: "Who is Tanaka?! Are you just mad at everyone?" H: "So Tsukimiya headed to the playroom? Let's follow him. Heh heh heh!" Kids: "Heh heh heh..." K: "Is this okay?" Teacher: "Oh, Koyuki-kun!" Teacher: "Could you help me for a second?" K: "So I'm making the cakes?" Teacher: "We're having a surprise party for the kids with December birthdays at lunch. I was hoping you could do the decorating and write little messages for them." K: "Th-That's a big job... I've never done this before." Teacher: "Don't worry, don't worry! I'll help you." Kid: "Sensei!" Teacher: "What's wrong, Takkun?" Kid: "I'm not playing with Yu-kun anymore! I hate him!" Teacher: "Goodness... What happened?" K: "It's hard being in preschool. Was I like that?" K: "Yeah, there's always fighting." H: "I'm never talking to you again! I hate you!" K: "I remember "I'll never talk to you again!"" H: "Listen to this, Gestöber!" K: "It was you?!" H: "Tsukimiya's a meanie!" K: "Why are you so unstable? What happened?" H: "Tsukimiya is stealing away all my hopes and dreams!" Chi: "Look! I can walk on stilts now! You're amazing, Utsugi-oniichan!" Chi: "I'm going to marry you!" K: "Tsukimiya-kun, you didn't need to trample Hanadori-kun's pride like that..." M: "You're a very noisy man." M: "How long have you even known Tsukimiya-dono? If you can reject him so readily, Kabu-dono, you'll never reach the heights that Koyukichi-dono and I have attained." K: "Sorry, I reject you, too." Teacher: "Now, now... Takkun, Hanadori-kun, we all have things we don't like about each other." Teacher: "But you know what makes your friends special better than anyone else, don't you? Remember how excited you were to make Yu-kun a surprise present for his birthday?" Kid: "I don't wanna anymore." Teacher: "Do you remember the day you became friends?" Teacher: "The first time he talked to you." Teacher: "The first time you went on adventures together. The first time you told someone, "He's my friend." Didn't that make you happy? Didn't everything seem bright and shiny?" H: "I've known Tsukimiya since preschool. The day I first met him..." K: "You don't remember?!" Teacher: "I don't know why you were fighting, but if you want to talk to him again," Teacher: "you just need a little bit of courage." U: "Are you just going to stand there until someone talks to you?" U: "If you want to be friends with someone, say the words of courage." H: ""The words of courage!"" U: "No, I mean..." H: "My head... Tsukimiya always understood me. He was always there for young Sturmhut before he met Gestöber." U: "Are you okay, Hanadori?" U: "Are you okay, Hanadori? Listen. You have a special power." H: "Special power... awaken..." U: "I'll do whatever Tsukimiya-kun tells me to!" K: "You were brainwashed?" H: "Then, in high school..." U: "That guy, Koyuki Seri-kun, was your partner in a previous life." K: "The cause of it all!" H: "If it weren't for Tsukimiya, I'd..." K: "If it weren't for Tsukimiya-kun, I'd..." H: "I need your help, Gestöber." Kids: "Thank you for the meal!" Teacher: "Everyone, we have a surprise cake today!" Kids: "Cake?! What for?!" K: "H-Happy birthday to everyone born in December!" Kids: "Yay!" H: "And... And this is for Tsukimiya! I asked Gestöber to make it for me. It's spelled wrong, though..." H: "Your birthday is December 12th, right?" H: "Happy birthday, Tsukimiya. And..." H: "Congratulations on getting onto the student council. I can't do anything to help you, but I'm sure you're better suited for it than me." H: "Do your best." U: "You're not mad anymore, Hanadori?" H: "O-Of course not. I hope we can still be friends." U: "Sure. Thanks, Hanadori!" H: "It... It actually really hurt to be in a fight with you!" U: "You never change, Hanadori." K: "I bet he's manipulated you your whole life." H: "Um, Tsukimiya-kun..." H: "Be my friend." U: "I couldn't help recalling it. Hanadori was so cute when he was little." H: "D-Dummyhead! You're making me blush!" K: "Dum... Oh, forget it." K: "Will the day ever come when I look back on meeting these guys with nostalgia?" K: "It's not exactly something I want to remember..." U: "Oh, by the way, Seri-kun... We were reviewing the work the student council does, and we all decided we should let the runner-up join, too." U: "I could use the help..." K: "What? No! If I do that, it'll happen again..." H: "Gestöber, you traitor!" K: "Hanadori-kun will throw another fit." U: "So since you were the runner-up, Hanadori, why not join?" H: "Me? Really? What should I do? I came in second? I got more votes than Gestöber?" H: "I feel kind of bad... Will he be jealous? If everyone finds out that he got fewer votes than I did... Still, only the chosen can participate. I hate to say it, but I did get more votes... But, you know, I'm glad I worked up the courage to run. Effort doesn't always pay off, tho—" K: "You bastards! Why are you so damn cocky?! You act like you just slew an ogre! Tsukimiya! Why'd you look at me when you said that?!" M: "Please slay this ogre too, Koyukichi-dono!" K: "You jerk! Moron! Asshole! Screw you!" H: "Gestöber! Please, hear me out!" H: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I hurt you! I didn't realize you wanted to be on the student council so badly! Don't worry, Gestöber! You have value! Even if nobody else votes for you, I will! So please, Gestöber! Tsukimiya..." U: "That's right, Hanadori." K: "Now I have something else I want to forget..." H: "Pathetic." H: "Becoming mere cattle, brainwashed and manipulated... Nothing more than sheeple. If you want to celebrate the birth of a god, celebrate mine instead." U: "What? You're not going, Hanadori?" U: "Seri-kun's looking forward to it." Sumiso: "Um, are you going to the Christmas party too, Koyuki-kun?" K: "Y-Yeah." K: "Are you, Sumiso-san?" Sumiso: "Yup!" K: "I already bought something for the gift exchange, but..." K: "What should I do?" K: "Would this look good on Sumiso-san?" K: "Since I didn't get to give her a birthday present thanks to them..." K: "No, maybe it's better if I don't." K: "Maybe getting something specially for her would be creepy. And, actually..." K: "Is she even coming today?" ews: "It's Christmas Eve, and snow storms are blowing all across Japan..." K: "Today's the Christmas party that Tsukimiya-kun suggested..." K: "Oh, jeez..." M: "I'm begging you! Please, sell me a Black Santa outfit!" M: "I need Koyukichi-dono to wear it!" K: "Mogami-kun, what are you doing?" Man: "Sir, this is a yakiniku shop! We don't have those!" M: "What?! You don't know the legend of Black Santa? Black Santa Claus visits bad little girls and boys" M: "or even beats them with his sack! I'm a bad boy! So I need a Black Santa outfit for Koyukichi-dono!" K: "Hey, stop that! Do you always shout my name in public like that?" M: "Please! For Koyukichi-dono!" K: "Also, why would a yakiniku place sell Santa outfits?" M: "Please!" M: "I smell Koyukichi-dono! He's close!" K: "How can you tell at this distance?! You're scary!" K: "Starting over! Today's the Christmas party. I was just hoping to see Sumiso-san... But I can't drag my feet like this! Sumiso-san is popular with regular guys who are constantly looking" K: "I can tell!" K: "I have to tell her how I feel..." Sumiso: "This is for me? A Christmas present! How wonderful!" Sumiso: "Do you... like me, Koyuki-kun?" Sumiso: "Koyuki-kun..." K: "...and get her to realize it!" K: "Hibiki-kun?!" Hibiki: "I got snowblown by a snowblower!" K: "How does that even happen?" Hibiki: "I knew nobody liked me! I got Helius-blown! My present for the gift exchange is ruined! I was looking forward to my first Christmas party!" Hibiki: "I don't have the right to participate..." Hibiki: "I'm a grim reaper, after all." Hibiki: "I'm a grim reaper, after all." K: "You don't have to get all poetic..." Hibiki: "My mommy told me Santa doesn't come to our house, either." K: "Here, Hibiki-kun. Take it." K: "For the gift exchange." Hibiki: "But Senpai, this is..." K: "I bought extra." Hibiki: "Are you sure?" K: "See you later!" K: "I know that's what I said... But what will I do for the gift exchange now?" K: "Well, I've still got Sumiso-san's gift... Anyway, I need to get going before I run into any more trouble." Man: "Hey, wake up!" Woman: "Are you okay?" Suzuran: "Where is Utsugi-sama?" K: "Mogami-san? What are you doing? Where is your coat?" Man: "You know her? Good, good." Suzuran: "I saw Utsugi-sama walking with a middle-aged woman and ran out of the house." K: "You'd better hurry home and warm up before you get sick!" Suzuran: "I have to go." K: "You can't!" Suzuran: "You understand, don't you, Koyuki Seri?" Suzuran: "I have to see him today. Even if he's seeing someone else." K: "Then at least wear this." K: "I'm in a hurry! Bye! Go home soon!" K: "What do I do? I don't have time to go buy anything else. I need to at least get to the party... I want to see Sumiso-san!" K: "I fell into a hole! What is this? Someone help! I can't get out!" K: "Why does this always happen to me?" K: "I guess it's fine. I wouldn't have had the courage to give it to her, anyway." H: "Don't give up, little boy." K: "Santa-san?" H: "I've been watching you." H: "There's someone you want to see, isn't there?" H: "It's Christmas Eve. God wouldn't let a good boy suffer." K: "Thank you, but it's okay. My clothes are all dirty now, and I don't have a present for her." H: "Then give her this. It's a silver accessory. I'm sure she'll love it. Merry Christmas, little boy!" M: "I can't believe it! Koyukichi-dono got my present! I'm so glad I spent all that time looking for it!" Aitsu: "You're sure getting into the spirit, Koyuki." Hibiki: "It's so cute, Gestöber-senpai!" K: "My clothes got all dirty, so I didn't have a choice..." U: "Number 8! Whoever's got number 8, come on up!" K: "Anyway, I took this, but I can't really give it to anyone, can I? I should give it back to that Santa." Aitsu: "What? You haven't turned in your present yet? I'll take it up for you, so go eat." U: "Number 7!" Sumiso: "Bingo!" Sumiso: "I got this one!" K: "S-Sumiso-san, that's..." Sumiso: "What? Was this yours, Koyuki-kun? What a coincidence. Can I open it?" K: "Is this okay? Huh? Oh, uh... Sure." Sumiso: "What a beautiful necklace! Is it handmade?" Tokimune: "Are you sure about this, Miguel? You were so excited about dressing up as Santa and giving Gestöber a matching accessory." S: "It's fine." S: "Though it was an awful thing to do to you, Schlecht. After you spent all that time teaching me how to make accessories..." Tokimune: "It's fine." Tokimune: "It's been a while since we've gotten to spend time together." Tokimune: "Honestly... That Gestöber is lucky you care for him so much." K: "I'm sorry, Sumiso-san. I think that present was..." Sumiso: "I just love it!" K: "Sumiso-san's happy, and I got to do what I came here for, but..." H: "Don't give up, little boy." K: "I'm sorry." K: "Sumiso-san, I'm pretty sure that was meant for me. I know I'm probably not making any sense, but..." Sumiso: "I'm glad." Sumiso: "It was important to you, wasn't it?" K: "Th-Thank you. I'm sorry. I..." K: "I really wanted you to..." H: "Gestöber! What are you doing here?" K: "You made this for me, didn't you?" H: "Y-You could tell?" K: "Well, obviously." K: "So, anyway, since you gave it to me..." K: "Thanks." H: "Sure thing." K: "What a mess of a Christmas this has been. I can't believe I'm spending it with Hanadori-kun." Sumiso: "Koyuki-kun!" K: "S-Sumiso-san! How—" Sumiso: "Does it look good on me?" K: "Wait, what? How..." Suzuran: "I thought the pale pink would look good draped on Sumiso Kotoko's shoulders." Suzuran: "I told her what happened and delivered the gift to its rightful owner. I asked why she'd want something that had already been given to another girl, but..." Sumiso: "Can I really have it?" K: "O-Of cour—" Hibiki: "Hey, Gestöber-senpai!" Hibiki: "I was gifted dinner for two at a restaurant. Since you gave me your present," K: "Huh? Is this restaurant..." Man: "Congratulations!" Man: "You're our hundredth couple today!" K: "Wh-What is with today?!" Suzuran: "Why not go and enjoy yourselves, Koyuki Seri?" K: "Th-Then, um... Let's go." H: "Merry Christmas!" K: "Not you!" U: "Two Santas eating dinner together!" Yae: "Kotoko, just forgot those losers. What's so great about them?" Sumiso: "They're such good friends!" Yae: "Kotoko, is that really enough for you?" H: "Wasn't that tasty, Gestöber?" Man: "Are you sure this was all right, Shi-chan?" Man: "I lied to them about being the hundredth couple." Man: "The manager's gonna get mad at me!" Tokimune: "Even an angel like Miguel needs a gift." Tokimune: "I'll let him have his fun tonight." U: "Okay, I'm taking the picture, guys!" U: "Ready?" All: "Friends forever!" K: "Don't make that our thing!" K: "It's no use. Our animators are gone, and I can't get this colored. It's the Lunar New Year, and I can't get anyone to work! We really are out of options this time!" H: "We'll just have to offer five times the pay per cut!"
{ "raw_title": "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me Episode 9 – So Merry Christmas", "parsed": [ "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me", "9", "So Merry Christmas" ] }