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《辽史·列传·卷二十八》 | 乾统三年,徙封为秦国公。 | 乾统三年,徙封秦国。 | In the third year of the Qingtong Era, he was re-enfeoffed as Prince of the Qin State. |
《汉书·志·地理志上》 | 王莽时叫监工苏。 | 莽曰监邛。 | It was called Jianggongsu in Wang Mang's time. |
《元史·本纪·卷十四》 | 初十,把恢复设置尚书省的决定诏令天下。 | 辛未,以复置尚书省诏天下。 | On the tenth day of the first lunar month, an imperial edict was issued to restore the Ministry of Civil Affairs. |
《晋书·志·第四章》 | 《司马法》广泛陈述了上古三代的制度,其中说:古代六尺为一步,百步为一亩,百亩为一夫,三夫为一屋,三屋为一井田。 | 《司马法》广陈三代,曰:古者六尺为步,步百为亩,亩百为夫,夫三为屋,屋三为井。 | The Book of Sima's Military Methods extensively described the systems of the Three Dynasties of antiquity, stating that: in ancient times, six chi (feet) equaled one bu (step), one hundred bu equaled one mu (acre), one hundred mu equaled one fu (man), three fu equaled one wu (group), and three wu equaled one jingtian (well-field). |
《新唐书·列传·卷一百三十二》 | 事情结束以后,加封仇士良为特进、右骁卫大将军,封鱼弘志为右卫上将军兼中尉,封宋守义为右领军卫上将军。 | 事平,加特进、右骁卫大将军,弘志右卫上将军兼中尉,守义右领军卫上将军。 | After the incident had ended, Qiu Shiliang was enfeoffed as Special Advance and General of the Right Valiant Guards, Yu Hongzhi was enfeoffed as General of the Right Guards and Lieutenant General, and Song Shouyi was enfeoffed as General of the Right Leading Army Guards. |
《金史·列传·卷三十六》 | 为此忠臣扼腕、义士痛心,家家视宋朝为敌,人人百倍激发勇气,失道至此,虽想不亡国能办到吗? | 是以忠臣扼腕,义士痛心,家与为仇,人百其勇,失道至此,虽欲不亡得乎? | So the loyal retainers twisted their hands in anguish and the chivalrous men gnashed their teeth with rage. Every family regarded the Song Dynasty as their enemy; every man's courage was multiplied a hundred times. After this loss of popular support, is it possible to prevent the nation from falling? |
《后汉书·本纪·肃宗孝章帝纪》 | 诏书既下,不要拖延,刺史明加督察那些罪恶特大的人。 | 诏书既下,勿得稽留,刺史明加督察尤无状者。 | <translation>Now that the诏书 has been issued, don't delay, and prefects should be clear about supervising those who have committed especially heinous crimes. |
《太平广记·卷一百四十四·征应十》 | 他常住的屋墙上有笔洒的墨迹。 | 其所常居室壁,有笔洒墨迹者。 | There were traces of spilled ink on the walls of the house where he lived. |
《明史·志·卷二十四》 | 皇帝发怒,逮捕唐胄关进钦犯狱。 | 帝怒,下胄诏狱。 | The emperor was so angry that he had Tang Zhou arrested and put in the prison for serious criminals. |
《左传·僖公·僖公十三年》 | 僖公与齐侯、宋公、陈侯、卫侯、郑伯、许男、曹伯在鹹地会见。 | 公会齐侯、宋公、陈侯、卫侯、郑伯、许男、曹伯于鹹。 | Duke Xi met with the marquises and dukes of Qi, Song, Chen, Wei, Zheng, Xu and Cao at Handi. |
《宋书·本纪·卷九》 | 凡是俗事,昱看一下就会,锻铸锡金银,缝衣作帽,技艺都很高超。 | 凡诸鄙事,过目则能,锻炼金银,裁衣作帽,莫不精绝。 | Yu had a knack for all kinds of mundane tasks, and was highly skilled in forging tin, gold, and silver and in sewing clothes and making hats. |
《元史·本纪·卷八》 | 十八日,淮西路的正阳发生火灾,房屋、兵甲器仗全部被烧毁,对万户爱先不花等处以轻重不同的杖刑。 | 庚申,淮西正阳火,庐舍甲仗焚荡无余,杖万户爱先不花等有差。 | On the 18th, a fire occurred in Zhengyang, Huaibei Road, burning down houses, weapons, and military supplies. The 10,000 households led by Ai Xian Buhua were given different severity of punishments. |
《元史·列传·卷六十九》 | 他对官府是非的评论,绝不附和,耸立如泰山,绝不回头。 | 及其临政决议,意所背乡,屹若泰山,不可回夺。 | His comments on the right and wrong of the government were never flattering, and he stood like Mount Tai, never looking back. |
《太平广记·卷七十八·方士三》 | 但是,别人施行此术或者还能解除,唯独王升施行此术时,非沉船不可。不知究竟是不是这小子干的。 | 然他人或有以解,唯王升者犯之,非没溺不已,则不知果是此子否。 | However, when others practice this technique, they can still be lifted, but when Wang Sheng practices this technique, the ship must sink. I wonder if this kid did it. |
《徐霞客游记·楚游日记一》 | 顺山麓往北行,越过两条小涧,共走四里,经过紫云山山麓,江流从东北面流来,从此处流入山峡中,路也顺流而去。 | 循山麓北行,逾小涧二重,共四里,过紫云之麓,江从东北来,从此入峡,路亦随之。 | I walked north along the base of the mountain, crossed two brooks, walked a total of four miles, passed the base of Ziyun Mountain, and the river flowed from the northeast into a canyon here, and the road also followed the direction of the current. |
《汉书·志·五行志中之下》 | 太初元年夏季,蝗虫从东方飞到敦煌;三年秋季,再次发生蝗灾。 | 太初元年夏,蝗从东方蜚至敦煌;三年秋,复蝗。 | In the summer of the first year of the Taichu reign, locusts flew from the east to Dunhuang; in the autumn of the third year, a locust disaster occurred again. |
《元史·列传·卷三十二》 | 至元六年,拜光禄大夫、御史大夫。他将朝野内外一些廉能之官选为御史,故为当时人称赞不已。 | 至正六年,拜光禄大夫、御史大夫,尽迁中外廉能之官置诸风宪,一时号称得人。 | In the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty, he was awarded Guanglu Dafu and Yu Shi Dafu. He selected some honest officials inside and outside the court as 御史, so he was highly praised by people at that time. |
《战国策·齐三·国子曰秦破马服君之师》 | 魏国公子无忌为天下设下妙计,杀死将军晋鄙,率领魏国军队去解救邯郸之围。使秦国不能占领邯郸而且失去天下民心。 | 公子无忌为天下循便计,杀晋鄙,率魏兵以救邯郸之围,使秦弗有而失天下。 | Wei's noble, Wuji, created a wonderful plan for the world, killed General Jin Bi, and led Wei's army to break the siege of Handan. The Qin state couldn't occupy Handan and also lost the hearts of the people of the world. |
《北史·列传·卷十七》 | 将名字列好,上报尚书,由尚书再次核实。 | 列上尚书,覆其合否。 | The list of names should be submitted to the Minister of the Ministry of Works, who will verify it again. |
《新五代史·本纪·唐本纪第四》 | 过了一百五六十年,唐宪宗时有朱邪尽忠及子执宜到了中原地区,自号沙陀,以朱邪为姓。 | 后百五六十年,宪宗时,有硃邪尽忠及子执宜见于中国,而自号沙陀,以硃邪为姓矣。 | One hundred and fifty-six years later, during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhuye Jinzhong and his son Zheyin arrived in the Central Plains, proclaimed themselves Shatuos, and took the surname Zhuye. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪十八》 | 征西参军孙盛悄悄地劝谏庾亮说: 王公经常有辞绝政事、优游于尘世之外的愿望,怎么会干俗人所干的事情呢! | 征西参军孙盛密谏亮曰: 王公常有世外之怀,岂肯为凡人事邪! | Sun Sheng, the adjutant of the expedition to the West, secretly advised Yu Liang, saying: "Wang Gong has always had the desire to give up political affairs and live in seclusion. How could he do the things that ordinary people do!" |
《宋史·列传·卷七十七》 | 皇五年正月,会灵宫失火。这年冬至,郊祀天地,以三帝配享天地神。 | 皇祐五年正月,会灵宫灾,是岁冬至,郊,以二帝并配。 | In the first month of the fifth year of Emperor Huang, Huiling Palace was burnt down. In the winter solstice of that year, worshiping heaven and earth and enshrining three emperors to worship heaven and earth gods. |
《魏书·帝纪·卷六》 | 显祖不念情于世务,经常有出世之心,打算把皇位禅让给叔父京兆王拓跋子推,事见《任城王云传》,群臣坚决请求他别这样做,显祖只好作罢。 | 帝雅薄时务,常有遗世之心,欲禅位于叔父京兆王子推,语在《任城王云传》。群臣固请,帝乃止。 | Emperor Xianzu had no interest in the affairs of the world and often had thoughts of leaving the world behind. He planned to pass on the throne to his uncle, King Jingzhao Tuoba Zitui. This can be seen in the "Biography of King Rencheng, Yun." The ministers all strongly opposed this, and Emperor Xianzu had no choice but to give up. |
《旧五代史·后梁·列传二》 | 年十九岁时,任宣武军军校。 | 年十九,为宣武军校。 | At the age of nineteen, he became a military officer of the Xuanwu army. |
《后汉书·列传·耿弇列传》 | 传令张步到行辕,而勒兵进据其城。 | 弇传步诣行在所,而勒兵入据其城。 | Order Zhang Bu to go to Xingyuan and advance into his city. |
《宋史·列传·卷四十四》 | 归属户,是边地的卫国屏障。 | 属户者,边垂之屏翰也。 | The subordinate households are the country's shield on the border. |
《宋书·志·卷十九》 | 晋代之乐如《正德》、《大豫》,到了塞伐也不改换名称,衹是称为《前舞》、《后舞》,这种依据前代的做法,是不合事理的。 | 晋氏之乐,《正德》、《大豫》,及宋不更名,直为《前》《后》二舞,依据昔代,义舛事乖。 | Jin-dynasty music like Zhengde and Dayu did not change their names even after moving to Saiwa. They were only called "front dance" and "back dance". This practice of following former generations is unreasonable. |
《太平广记·卷四十五·神仙四十五》 | 又和诸弟子告别,就乘风离去了,渐渐远了,以至不见。但隐隐约约还能听到各种音乐的声音。 | 复与诸徒诀别,乘风遂去,渐远不见,隐隐犹闻众乐之音。 | He bid farewell to the disciples again, and rode the wind and left, gradually going farther and farther until he was out of sight. But one could still faintly hear the sound of music. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪十二》 | 太宗派部尚书刘德威前往按察,上告事多有验证,太宗下诏令李与权万纪一同入朝。 | 上遣刑部尚书刘德威往按之,事颇有验,诏祐与万纪俱入朝。 | Taizong sent Minister of Works Liu Dewei to investigate the matter, and most of the accusations were verified. Taizong issued an imperial edict ordering Li and Quan Wanji to come to the court together. |
《北齐书·列传·卷二十七》 | 兄弟四人中先在并州的人,晋升了官爵。 | 兄弟四人先在并州者,进官爵。 | Among the four brothers, those who first arrived in Bingzhou were promoted in rank and title. |
《徐霞客游记·楚游日记十五》 | 十七日托金祥甫再次恳求内司给予救助,这不过是为静闻请命而已。 | 十七日托金祥甫再恳内司,为静闻请命而已。 | On the 17th, he asked Jin Xiangfu to once again implore the Imperial Household Department for assistance, which was only to ask for help for Jingwen. |
《太平广记·卷一百七十四·俊辩二》 | 庾公又问齐庄叫什么名字,齐庄说:齐庄。 | 又问齐庄何字,答曰:齐庄。 | Governor Yu asked Qi Zhuang, “What is your name?” Qi Zhuang replied, “Qi Zhuang.” |
《太平广记·卷二百零一·才名(好》 | 唐玄宗听说李白的诗名,下诏书召他入翰林院。 | 玄宗闻之,召入翰林。 | Emperor Xuanzong of Tang heard about Li Bai's reputation and issued an imperial edict to summon him to the Hanlin Academy. |
《宋史·列传·卷一百四十四》 | 绍熙二年,施师点拜官隆兴府知府、江西安抚使。 | 绍熙二年,除知隆兴府、江西安抚使。 | In the second year of the Shaoxi era, Shi Shiping was appointed Prefect of Longxing and Pacification Commissioner of Jiangxi. |
《论衡·卷十二·谢短篇》 | 一百零二篇的作者是哪个? | 百二篇何所造? | Who is the author of the one hundred and two chapters? |
《周书·列传·卷四十四》 | 当时因寡不敌众,乃退入城中,与星全力战守城。 | 时以众寡不敌,乃退入城,复与企力战拒守。 | Since their army was outnumbered, they retreated to the city and defended it all out. |
《南齐书·本纪·卷三》 | 拖欠官府赋税徭役在三年以上,而又特别贫困的人,一律都予以免除。 | 诸逋负在三年以前尤穷弊者,一皆蠲除。 | Those who have owed the government taxes and corvée for more than three years, and are particularly destitute, should be exempted. |
《资治通鉴·魏纪·魏纪六》 | 陈祗与黄皓内外勾结,黄皓才开始参予政事,多次升迁至中常侍,操弄权柄,终于断送了蜀国。 | 祗与皓相表里,皓始预政,累迁至中常侍,操弄威柄,终以覆国。 | Chen Zhi colluded with Huang Hao, Huang Hao then started to participate in politics, ascended to Mid Constant Attendant on many occasions, and manipulated power, and finally brought the end of the Shu State. |
《明史·列传·卷一百五十六》 | 在这年十月里三次战斗三败贼寇,接着就逼向耀州锥子山的贼寇,其党羽杀死独行狼、郝临庵后投降了。 | 十月三战三败之,遂蹙贼耀州锥子山,其党杀独行狼、郝临庵以降。 | In October that year, during the three battles, the bandits were defeated three times. Following this, they pushed towards the bandits at the Zhoushan Mountain. The bandits’ followers, after killing "Solitary Wolf" Hao Linan, surrendered. |
《太平广记·卷三百零一·神十一》 | 李玄说:皇上下诏为前代的功臣、勇士、孝女、贞妇立祠,是为了让后代人学习。 | 州牧曰:天子之前代之功臣、烈士、孝女、贞妇之祠者,示劝戒,欲后人仿效之。 | Li Xuan said: The emperor issued an imperial edict to erect temples for the meritorious officials, warriors, filial daughters and chaste women of previous generations so that people in later times can learn from them. |
《汉书·纪·高帝纪上》 | 秦二世元年秋七月,陈涉在蕲县起义,到达陈地,自立为楚王。 | 秦二世元年秋七月,陈涉起蕲。 | In the seventh month of the autumn of the first year of Qin Er Shi's reign, Chen Sheng rebelled in Qixian, went to Chen, and established himself as the King of Chu. |
《徐霞客游记·滇游日记二十四》 | 从岭头向西走二里,逐渐下然后越到脊西面,顺着路转南往西走,一里,又往西南翻越那北突的山崖,于是平视石宝山尖,和西峰并列对峙,而白塔高悬其中。 | 从岭头西向行二里,稍下而逾脊西,随之南转西向,一里,又西南逾其北突之崖,始平望石宝之尖,与西峰并峙,而白塔高悬其间。 | From the head of the ridge, walked west for two li, gradually went down and then crossed to the west side of the ridge, followed the road and turned south to the west, one li, and then turned southwest over the north protruding cliff, so we could see the peak of Shibaoshan, standing side by side with Xifeng, and the White Pagoda hanging high among them. |
《晋书·志·第七章》 | 再留,二十五天后转而顺行,每天运行五十八分之九度,五十八天共运行九度。 | 复留,二十五日而顺,日行五十八分之九,五十八日行九度。 | Remain again, after 25 days turn and move directly, running 9/58 degrees per day, running 9 degrees in 58 days. |
《资治通鉴·后唐纪·后唐纪六》 | 我要以死殉国,还有什么再说的? | 吾以死徇国,夫复何言! | I will die for my country, what else is there to say? |
《明史·志·卷六十四》 | 夏原吉说: 浙西各郡,苏州、松江处于最下游,嘉兴、湖州、常州略高,太湖环绕,绵延五百里。 | 原吉言: 浙西诸郡,苏、松最居下流,嘉、湖、常颇高,环以太湖,绵亘五百里。 | Xia Yuangi said: West Zhejiang, Suzhou and Songjiang are located in the lowest reaches, while Jiaxing, Huzhou, Changzhou are slightly higher, the Taihu Lake surrounds them, spanning over 500 li. |
《后汉书·列传·窦何列传》 | 何进不能违反太后意旨,且想诛杀那些为首的。 | 进难违太后意,且欲诛其放纵者。 | He Jin couldn't violate the Empress Dowager's wishes, and he also wanted to execute those who were in charge. |
《徐霞客游记·粤西游日记十八》 | 石瞪悬在裂缝中,时常有巨石挡在险要之处,就放了梯子越过去,一连上爬了六道梯子,这才越过峡谷登上山坳。 | 磴悬其中,时有巨石当关,辄置梯以度,连跻六梯,始逾峡登坳。 | Some huge stones were stacked in slits between the cliffs, and there was often a stone staircase to get past these dangerous places. I climbed over six stairs and crossed the canyon and reached the mountain pass. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪三十三》 | 如今为我打算,我应该怎么办才好? | 今为我计当如何? | Plan something for me now, what should I do? |
《汉书·传·韦贤传》 | 夹祭就是把已毁庙的神主与没有毁庙的神主都收集到太祖庙裹受祭享,父辈为昭,子辈为穆,孙辈又为昭,这是古代正统的礼法。 | 祫祭者,毁庙与未毁庙之主皆合食于太祖,父为昭,子为穆,孙复为昭,古之正礼也。 | The secondary sacrifice is to collect the gods of the destroyed temples and the gods of the temples that have not been destroyed, and accept them in the Taizu temple. The father is Zhao, the son is Mu, and the grandson is Zhao again. This is the orthodox etiquette of the ancients. |
《宋书·列传·卷七十三》 | 既出问题又背离正道,可能遭致毁灭,只有了解他们的好坏之别而采取克制态度,才不致于有弊无利。 | 既弊既背,将受其毁。必能通其碍而节其流,意可为和中矣。 | Once a problem arises and deviates from the right path, it may lead to destruction. Only by understanding their pros and cons and taking a restrained attitude can there be no harm but benefit. |
《汉书·传·酷吏传》 | 王温舒等人是后起酷吏,治民比趟禹还耍严峻。 | 王温舒等后起,治峻禹。 | Wang Wenshu and others were cruel officials who later emerged, and they treated the people even more strictly than Taoyu. |
《水经注·卷三十一》 | 张衡《南都赋》说:此处的水有溃、澄、涝、烬,发源于岩穴之间,分布很广,河阔水盛,汇成巨流,湍急奔腾,势如疾风飞箭。 | 张衡《南都赋》曰:其川读则滍、澧?浕,发源岩穴,布濩漫汗,漭沆洋溢,总括急趣,箭驰风疾者也。 | Zhang Heng's "Nan Du Fu" says: The water here has Kui, Cheng, Luo, and Jin, originating from rock caves, widely distributed, with large rivers and abundant water, which converge into a huge current, rushing and rushing, just like the wind and arrow. |
《汉书·志·天文志》 | 王朔所做的占卜说是起决于日边的云象。 | 王朔所候,决于日旁。 | Wang Shuo's prophecy said that he started to infer from the clouds in the sunset. |
《资治通鉴·周纪·周纪二》 | 田忌待孙膑以贵客之礼,又把他引荐给齐威王。 | 田忌善而客待之,进于威王。 | Tian Ji treated Sun Bin as a distinguished guest and introduced him to King Qi Wei. |
《太平广记·卷二百八十五·幻术二》 | 大帝急忙追上老人询问是否属实,老人回答说,那瓜是在土里埋着的,再往下看,只得到了一百钱。 | 上追老人至,问之;云:土埋一瓜,拟进。适看,唯得百钱耳。 | The emperor hurriedly approached the old man to see if this was true. The old man replied that the melon was buried in the earth. Looking further into it, he only recovered a hundred coins. |
《伤寒论·辨少阴病脉证并治》 | 如果是肾阳虚弱、不能气化,寒饮停聚膈上,而致干呕的,不能用涌吐法,应当用温法治疗,可用四逆汤。 | 若膈上有寒饮,干呕者,不可吐也,急温之,宜四逆汤。 | If yang-qi of the kidneys is deficient, qi transformation is impaired, and cold fluids accumulate above the diaphragm, resulting in dry vomiting, the method of inducing vomiting should not be applied. Instead, the method of warming should be applied, and the Si Ni Tang can be used. |
《三国志·吴书·程黄韩蒋周陈董甘淩徐》 | 由此两位母亲深受感悟相处和睦。 | 由是二母感寤雍穆。 | The two mothers were deeply moved by this and lived together in harmony. |
《三国志·魏书·袁张凉国田王邴管传》 | 田畴将自己家中亲属和三百多户族人安置在邺城。 | 畴尽将其家属及宗人三百馀家居邺。 | Tian Chou resettled his relatives and more than 300 clan members in Ye city. |
《太平广记·卷一百七十五·幼敏》 | 他的父亲林肃是闽府的大将,性格快乐善良,尤其喜欢收藏书籍,又精通下围棋,当时的社会名流都愿意和他结交。 | 时肃为闽府大将,性乐善,尤好聚书,又妙于手谭,当时名公多与之交。 | His father, Lin Su, was a general of the Fujian Mansion, with a happy and kind personality. He especially liked collecting books, and he was also proficient in playing Go. The social celebrities at that time were willing to make friends with him. |
《元史·列传·卷二十七》 | 太平竭力为之辩解说: 堂堂宰相怎会干这等事,四海闻之,于国体有损。 | 太平力为解之,曰: 堂堂宰相乌得有此事,四海闻之,若国体何! | Taiping defended him vigorously and said, "How could a prime minister do such a thing? If the four seas hear about it, it will damage the national image." |
《论衡·卷十二·程材篇》 | 假使才能相同,应当以学习原则的儒生为高,如比对于文吏,就像用水洗污泥,用火烧去腥味一样,水与火,是原则,运用它的人,是处理具体事情的,处理具体事情对于原则只是细枝末节。 | 假使材同,当以道学。如比於文吏,洗泥者以水,燔腥生者用火。水火,道也,用之者,事也,事末於道。 | Supposed that the talent is equal, the Confucian scholars who study principles should be ranked higher, they are like water that washes off mud and fire that burns off stink, water and fire are principles, those who use them deal with concrete issues, dealing with concrete issues is trivial in comparison with principles. |
《金史·列传·卷四十七》 | 又平时搜括财物,接受贿赠,士卒为此骚扰百姓而不可禁止。 | 又居常裒刻,纳其馈献,士卒因之以扰良民而莫可制。 | In addition, they often extort money and accept bribes in peacetime, and the soldiers harass the people because of this, and they cannot be stopped. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪三》 | 庚寅,窦建德攻陷赵州,捉住唐总管张志昂及张道源。 | 庚寅,窦建德陷赵州,执总管张志昂及道源。 | On gengyin day, Dou Jiande conquered Zhao Prefecture and captured Tang Chief Director Zhang Zhiang and Zhang Daoyuan. |
《旧唐书·列传·卷二十一》 | 这是由于陛下对待臣子还没有完全做到真诚信任,虽然有善始的勤俭,却没有坚持善终的缘故。 | 由乎待下之情未尽于诚信,虽有善始之勤,未睹克终之美故也。 | This is because Your Majesty has not yet fully achieved genuine trust in your subjects. Although Your Majesty has been diligent and frugal from the beginning, you have not been able to persevere and follow through. |
《旧五代史·后晋·列传三》 | 郭氏的遗产都一并给亲生儿子继承,那些诉讼的人与朋比为奸的人,交给司法官按刑律定罪。 | 其生涯并付亲子,所讼人与朋奸者,委法官以律定刑。 | The entire Guo family fortune was inherited by her biological son; those who filed lawsuits and those who colluded with each other were handed over to the magistrate to be convicted in accordance with the Criminal Code. |
《旧唐书·本纪·卷十二》 | 三月十三日,以秘书监崔汉衡为上都留守,右散骑常侍于颀为京兆尹。 | 三月甲申,以秘书监崔汉衡为上都留守,右散骑常侍于颀为京兆尹。 | On March 13th, Cui Hànheng, the director of the Secretary of State, was appointed as the prefect of Shangdu, and Yu Qi, the right-hand guard of the imperial guards, was appointed as the governor of Jingzhao. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪六》 | 阚棱摘下头盔对敌军说道: 你们不认识我吗? | 阚稜免胄谓贼众曰: 汝曹不识我邪? | Kan Leng took off his helmet and said to the enemy army: Don't you recognize me? |
《后汉书·列传·班彪列传上》 | 因此圣人严格选择邻居,特别注意环境的影响。从前周成王做孺子时出外就由周公、邵公、太史佚等人辅佐他;在朝内就大颠、闳夭、南宫适、散宜生等人辅佐,他的左右前后,没有违背礼节之义,所在成王一登上王位,天下空前的太平。 | 习与恶人居,不能无为恶,犹生长于楚,不能无楚言也 是以圣人审所与居,而戒慎所习。昔成王之为孺子,出则周公,邵公、太史佚,入则大颠、闳夭、南宫括、散宜生,左右前后,礼无违者,故成王一日即位,天下旷然太平。 | Hence, a sage would be very particular about choosing his neighbors, and pay much attention to the influence of the environment. For instance, when King Cheng of the Zhou Dynasty was young and out of the palace, he was tutored by the Dukes of Zhou and Shao, and the Grand Historian Yi; within the palace, he was tutored by Dadian, Hong Yao, Nango Shi, and Sanyi Sheng. There was no one at any time who did not follow the rules of propriety, and therefore King Cheng was able to bring unprecedented peace and tranquility to the world. |
《荀子·天论》 | 在水中跋涉的人用标志来表明深度,如果这种标志不明确,就会使人陷入深水淹死;治理民众的君主用标准来表明政治原则,如果这种标准不明确,就会造成混乱。礼制就是治理民众的标准。违反了礼制,就是昏暗的社会;昏暗的社会,就会大乱。 | 礼者,表也。非礼,昏世也;昏世,大乱也。故道无不明,外内异表,隐显有常,民陷乃去。 | A person wading through water uses signposts to indicate the depth; if these signposts are not clear, he may get into deep water and drown; a ruler governing the people uses criteria to indicate political principles; if these criteria are not clear, disorder will occur. Rites are the criteria for governing the people. Violate the rites and you will have a society of ignorance; in a society of ignorance, there will be great disorder. |
《元史·本纪·卷三十七》 | 第二年六月初八,明宗长子妥欢帖木儿即皇帝位。 | 明年六月己巳,明宗长子妥欢帖木耳即位。 | On the eighth day of June in the following year, Mingzong's eldest son, Tuo Huan Temuer, became emperor. |
《元史·本纪·卷二十七》 | 册封诸王彻彻秃为宁远王。 | 封诸王彻彻秃为宁远王。 | The King of Ningyuan was formally enfeoffed as Zhūzhēchē. |
《水经注·卷三十四》 | 城堡南•对马头岸,从前陆抗驻扎在这里,与羊枯相对抗。 | 戍南对马头岸。 | The southern side of the city faced the Matou Riverbank, where Lu Kang had once stationed his troops to resist Yang Kui. |
《资治通鉴·陈纪·陈纪七》 | 赐给他御用的食物但又将他罢免。 | 赐御食而罢之。 | He awarded him with imperial food but dismissed him. |
《南齐书·列传·卷四十》 | 子懋看幼小君主刚刚即位,私下怀持自保的计谋。使作坊锻造兵器。 | 子懋见幼主新立,密怀自全之计,令作部造器杖。 | Zi Mao saw that the young monarch had just ascended the throne, and he secretly held a plan for self-protection. The workshop was ordered to forge weapons. |
《太平广记·卷一百三十二·报应三》 | 知礼回来后看见自家的北面有一个大坑,坑里有矛枪立在那里,过不去,又看见侄女和奴婢们抬着一个箱子,箱子里都是用绢丝串的钱,另外放了一些饮食,在坑的东北面。 | 知礼所居宅北,见一大坑,其中有诸枪矟攒植,不可得过。见其兄女并婢赍箱,箱内有钱绢,及别置一器饮食,在坑东北。 | When Zhili came back, he saw a big pit to the north of his home, with spears and lances stood in the pit, making it impossible to pass it. He also saw his nieces and maidservants carrying a box with money 串using silk threads and some food in it to the northeast of the pit. |
《新五代史·列传·唐臣传第十四》 | 不久王正言患风病,不能做事,景进多次替他说话,纔罢免王正言,任孔谦为租庸使,赐给 丰财赡国功臣 的称号。 | 已而正言病风,不任事,景进数以为言,乃罢正言,以谦为租庸使,赐 丰财赡国功臣 。 | Not long after, Wang Zhengyan suffered from rheumatism, and could not work, Jing Jin spoke up for him several times, then he dismissed Wang Zhengyan, and appointed Kong Qian as the rent and tax envoy, and bestowed upon him the title of "Minister of Abundant Wealth and Stability of the Country". |
《搜神记·卷十二》 | 它们经常探察路过的妇女,看有漂亮的,就强抢带走,人们不知道它们究竟把这些美女带到了什么地方。 | 伺道行妇女有美者,辄盗取,将去,人不得知。 | They often observed passing women, and if they saw a pretty one, they would forcibly abduct her, and no one knew where they took these beauties. |
《论衡·卷二十八·书解篇》 | 认为文采不足为奇的,是棘子成这类人。 | 谓文不足奇者,子成之徒也。 | Those who dismiss literary talent as something common are people like Jizicheng. |
《南史·列传·卷七十九》 | 高琏不愿让冯弘南归,就派将领孙漱、高仇出其不意杀了冯弘。 | 琏不欲弘南,乃遣将孙漱、高仇等袭杀之。 | Gao Lian did not want Feng Hong to return south, so he sent the generals Sun Shu and Gao Qiu to kill Feng Hong unexpectedly. |
《搜神记·卷一》 | 她又对张硕说: 我本来要给您做妻子,感情可别疏远了。只因为我现在年龄还没有到数,其中稍微有点不协调。等到太岁位于东方卯次的单阏年,我会回来追求您的。 | 言: 本为君作妻,情无旷远,以年命未合,且小乖,大岁东方卯,当还求君。 | She said to Zhang Shuo, "I was originally supposed to be your wife, so don't let our feelings fade away. It is only because I am not yet old enough that things are a little out of sync. When the year of the Single Horse arrives, I will come back to pursue you." |
《北齐书·列传·卷四十五》 | 自从太清年间发生内乱,上天辅助齐国不断对外扩张,国家祇能收缩到淮河边上,被敌人大军压境一直到长江北岸。 | 自太清之内衅,彼天齐而外侵,始蹙国于淮浒,遂压境于江浔。 | Ever since the time of internal disorder in the Taiqing period, heaven aided the state of Qi in expanding constantly, the country could only retreat to the Huai River, the border with the enemy army was all the way to the northern bank of the Yangtze River. |
《资治通鉴·后晋纪·后晋纪二》 | 庚午,杨光远上表请求入朝;命刘处让暂时主持天雄军府事。 | 庚午,杨光远表乞入朝;命刘处让权知天雄军府事。 | On the day of the Gengwu, Yang Guangyuan petitioned the court to request to enter the court; Liu Churang was ordered to temporarily preside over the affairs of Tianxiong Junfu. |
《管子·势》 | 所以,贤者对人总是诚信而仁,慈惠而爱,决策广求民意,而不敢先自为定。内心安静,不主张杀伐,道德饶裕,不愿意求索,闲适的形色像女子一样。 | 故贤者诚信以仁之,慈惠以爱之,端政象不敢以先人,中静不留,裕德无求,形于女色。 | Therefore, the virtuous are always sincere and benevolent towards others, kind and loving, seeking the people's opinions in decision-making, and not daring to make decisions for themselves. Calm at heart, not advocating killing, morality abundant, unwilling to seek, leisurely appearance like a woman. |
《新五代史·世家·吴世家第一》 | 唉! | 呜呼! | Ah! |
《明史·列传·卷五十一》 | 家住不轻易出门。 | 家居不轻出。 | He stayed home after that and hardly went out. |
《黄帝内经·灵枢·经水》 | 手太肠经,在外可应合于淮水,在内则连属于小肠腑;小肠泌别清浊,而将饮食物所化之糟粕中的水液归于膀胱。手少阳三焦经,在外可应合于漯水,在内则连属于三焦腑。 | 手太阳外合于淮水,内属于小肠,而水道出焉。手少阳外合于漯水,内属于三焦。 | The Hand Taiyang Large Intestine Meridian may correspond with Huai water on the outside and connect with the Small Intestine Organ internally; the Small Intestine separates the clear from the turbid, and sends the water fluids of dietary refuse to the Urinary Bladder. The Hand Shao Yang Triple Energizer Meridian may correspond with Luo water on the outside and connect with the Triple Energizer Organ internally. |
《魏书·列传·卷八十四》 | 王悦在西藩任上,不幸丧亡。 | 受任西籓,不幸致丧。 | Wang Yue died while in office in the Western Garrison. |
《太平广记·卷三百五十三·鬼三十》 | 这两个姓陈的人都住在县城的西面。 | 二人并居治城之西。 | Both of these men with the surname Chen resided in the west side of the county town. |
《太平广记·卷一百五十五·定数十》 | 清回答说: 已经同他说过了,快了,快了! | 答曰: 已说矣,近也近也。 | Qing answered: I already told him, soon, soon! |
《新唐书·列传·卷三》 | 崔干说: 窦建德将至,而宇文化及未平,我军辗转于两贼之间,其势必危,大王又贪图其玉帛财物,必会败亡的啊! | 干曰: 窦建德危至,而化及未平,我转侧两贼间,势必危,王又贪其玉帛,败不日。 | Cui Gan said: Dou Jiande is almost here, but Yu Huaji hasn't been pacified yet. Our army is caught between the two rebels, and that situation is precarious. If Your Highness persists in coveting their treasure and fine fabrics, you're sure to be defeated! |
《三国志·魏书·王毋丘诸葛邓钟传》 | 将军蒋班、焦彝,都是诸葛诞的亲信部下,也舍弃了诸葛诞,翻越城墙自行归附大将军司马昭。 | 将军蒋班、焦彝,皆诞爪牙计事者也,弃诞,逾城自归大将军。 | Generals Jiang Ban and Jiao Yi, who were both Zhuge Dan's close associates, left Zhuge Dan, climbed over the city wall and surrendered to General Sima Zhao. |
《魏书·列传·卷八十一》 | 我听说治理朝政的关键,大致有五个方面:一是慎用刑罚,二是任用贤能,三是亲近忠信,四是疏远谗佞,五是实行黜陟。 | 臣闻为治之要,其略有五:一者慎刑罚,二者任贤能,三者亲忠信,四者远谗佞,五者行黜陟。 | I have heard that there are roughly five key aspects to proper governance: the first is to慎用刑罚,the second is to任用贤能,the third is to亲近忠信,the fourth is to疏远谗佞,and the fifth is to实行黜陟。 |
《宋书·志·卷二十一》 | 一解我深深思念你却未敢传言,所寄的书信像浮云一去不返。 | 郁陶思君未敢言,寄书浮云往不还。 | First stanza I miss you deeply but dare not spread the word, The letters I sent are like floating clouds, gone and never returned. |
《陈书·列传·卷十八》 | 又亲自吊唁致哀。 | 便出临哭。 | Also went to express condolences in person. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪五十八》 | 魏博节度使李听到田弘正遇害的消息,身着丧服命令将士说: 魏博人之所能够得到皇上的教化,至今生活安定,富贵享乐,都是田公的功劳。 | 魏博节度使李愬闻田弘正遇害,素服令将士曰: 魏人所以得通圣化,至今安宁富乐者,田公之力也。 | Wei Bo Governor Li heard the news of Tian Hong-Zheng’s death, wore mourning clothes and ordered the soldiers and generals, “That the people of Wei Bo were able to follow the emperor’s education, live a stable life, and enjoy wealth and honor is all due to Tian Gong’s virtues.” |
《三国志·吴书·三嗣主传》 | 八月,会稽郡南部反叛,斩杀都尉。 | 八月,会稽南部反,杀都尉。 | In August, the southern part of Kuaiji County rebelled and killed the governor. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪二》 | 但重立六国之后,对汉王来说,却是所谓的分割自己拥有的东西去资助敌人,空设虚名而实受崐祸害。 | 立六国,于汉王,所谓割己之有而以资敌,设虚名而受实祸也。 | However, for King Han, after restoring the Six Kingdoms, it was like dividing one's own possessions to support the enemy, setting up an empty name and suffering real harm. |
《资治通鉴·陈纪·陈纪九》 | 长孙晟当时在窦荣定军中担任偏将,他派人对阿波可汗说: 沙钵略可汗摄图每次率军侵犯,都能获胜,而你刚率军入侵,很快就失败而归,这是突厥的耻辱。 | 长孙晟时在荣定军中为偏将,使谓阿波曰: 摄图每来,战皆大胜。阿波才入,遽即奔败,此乃突厥之耻也。 | Chnag Sun Sheng was then a general in Dou Rong Ding's army. He sent a man to say to A Ba Ke Han: She Bo Lue Ke Han She Tu every time he led an army to invade, he could win, and you just led an army to invade but quickly failed and returned, this is the shame of the Turks. |
《战国策·韩一·张仪为秦连横说韩王》 | 张仪为秦国推行连横政策游说韩王说: 韩国地势险恶,处于山区,出产的粮食不是麦子就是豆子;老百姓吃的,大部分是豆做的饭和豆叶做的汤;如果哪一年收成不好,百姓就连酒糟和谷皮都吃不上。土地纵横不到九百里,粮食储备也不够吃两年。 | 张仪为秦连横说韩王曰: 韩地险恶,山居,五谷所生,非麦而豆;民之所食,大抵豆饭藿羹;一岁不收,民不餍糟糠;地方不满九百里,无二岁之所食。 | Zhang Yi lobbied King Han to implement the He Zong policy for the State of Qin: The terrain of the State of Han is rugged and mountainous. The food produced is either wheat or beans; most of what the people eat is bean-based meals and bean leaf soup; if there is a bad harvest in a year, the people will not even be able to eat the fermented bean dregs and rice husks. The land is less than 900 miles long and wide, and there is not enough food reserves for two years. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪三十八》 | 所以孔子说: 自身不正,虽有令而不被执行。 | 故曰: 其身不正,虽令不行。 | That is why Confucius said: If one does not correct oneself, even if one issues commands, they will not be carried out. |
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