{ "Contributors": [ "Shreeshiv Patel" ], "Source": [ "HeadQA" ], "URL": [ "https://huggingface.co/datasets/head_qa" ], "Categories": [ "Translation" ], "Reasoning": [], "Definition": [ "In this task, you are given a sentence in the Spanish language. Your task is to translate the Spanish sentence into the English language." ], "Input_language": [ "Spanish" ], "Output_language": [ "English" ], "Instruction_language": [ "English" ], "Domains": [ "Exam" ], "Positive Examples": [ { "input": "Placa motora es la uni\u00f3n entre la neurona motora y el", "output": "Motor plate is the union between the motor neuron and the", "explanation": "Language translation is correct. The given input in English is a segmentally neutral sentence, therefore the polarity of the output must be neutral. Looking at the output it\u2019s clear that the sentence polarity is neutral." }, { "input": "Manuel de 48 a\u00f1os acude al centro de salud tras realizarse accidentalmente una herida limpia. Una vez controlado el estado de la herida, se revisa la historia vacunal de Manuel que presenta cinco dosis de vacuna antitet\u00e1nica, siendo la \u00faltima dosis hace 11 a\u00f1os. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la actuaci\u00f3n indicada respecto a la vacunaci\u00f3n ante esta situaci\u00f3n?", "output": "Manuel, 48, goes to the health center after accidentally getting a clean wound. Once the condition of the wound has been checked, Manuel's vaccination history is reviewed, which presents five doses of tetanus vaccine, the last dose being 11 years ago. What is the indicated action regarding vaccination in this situation ?", "explanation": "Language translation is correct and also the plurality, set of nouns, set of verbs are maintained during the translation process. Hence, we can say this is a positive example for the given task." }, { "input": "Est\u00e1 especializado en la fagocitosis de bacterias", "output": "He specializes in phagocytosis of bacteria", "explanation": "Given output contains the same set of noun and verb as the input, therefore we can say that language translation is correct." }, { "input": "Los discos intercalares son una caracter\u00edstica del tejido muscular", "output": "The intercalary discs are a characteristic of muscle tissue", "explanation": "Language translation is correct and also the plurality, set of nouns, set of verbs are maintained during the translation process. Hence, we can say this is a positive example for the given task." }, { "input": "La formaci\u00f3n de hueso a partir de un molde de cart\u00edlago hialino se denomina", "output": "The formation of bone from a mold of hyaline cartilage is called", "explanation": "Language translation from English to Spanish is correct." } ], "Negative Examples": [ { "input": "Formar fibras extracelulares con menos resistencia a la tracci\u00f3n.", "output": "Form extracellular fibers with high tensile strength", "explanation": "As the quantitative measures change during the translation we can say that this is the wrong translation." }, { "input": "Una mayor cantidad de alimentos antioxidantes tiene un impacto positivo en el cuerpo", "output": "Higher amount of antioxidant foods have negative impact on body", "explanation": "The sentiment polarity of both sentences are opposite of each other. The first sentence tells high antioxidant contents in food have a negative impact while the second negate this stand. So, we can say this is not a proper translation. During the translation process, entity name, quantitative measures, polarity of sentences should remain the same." } ], "Instances": [ { "id": "task1433-970239994a624844ad19032eb3dedb40", "input": "NO generan potenciales de acci\u00f3n", "output": [ "DO NOT generate action potentials" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2a38d8c460d142f3bbfa9ea19c96e799", "input": "En la iniciaci\u00f3n de los movimientos voluntarios la primera zona que se activa es", "output": [ "In the initiation of voluntary movements the first area that is activated is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-966a76ff23e24739b80a7f5c9c6256b5", "input": "Los corp\u00fasculos de Pacini", "output": [ "The corpuscles of Pacini" ] }, { "id": "task1433-48b10a0ba3b546e5a335267cf88b05ed", "input": "El color de los ojos depende del pigmento presente en", "output": [ "The color of the eyes depends on the pigment present in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7f2f2ea241ad48e8ab167103562b531f", "input": "Los conos", "output": [ "The cones" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6556e3fa548142f9b49ba0949b44a142", "input": "En la capa m\u00e1s pr\u00f3xima al epitelio pigmentario de la retina est\u00e1n las c\u00e9lulas", "output": [ "In the layer closest to the pigment epithelium of the retina are the cells" ] }, { "id": "task1433-489a0d7ca50b4d7887a1d334d1de7746", "input": "Las fibras intrafusales", "output": [ "The intrafusal fibers" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30dc16dc8eb64611aa97223038f0c178", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas de Purkinje del cerebelo reciben aferencias directas de", "output": [ "The Purkinje cells of the cerebellum receive direct input from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82c2b80bd49a4ed786ea7669af50605f", "input": "Liberan noradrenalina las", "output": [ "They release noradrenaline the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-01230389c5ec4399be10f7de1d0ce670", "input": "Los ritmos circadianos se establecen en", "output": [ "Circadian rhythms are established in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ea53d49674844b5b65ae7336d1f4ff3", "input": "Una neurona motora y todas las fibras musculares que inerva constituyen", "output": [ "A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates constitute" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95cb1ad31eda43799533d0d863fdcb15", "input": "En el o\u00eddo de mam\u00edferos", "output": [ "In the ear of mammals" ] }, { "id": "task1433-806cd66c38aa491daec53c84a50d17e7", "input": "El calcitriol o Vitamina D activa, induce", "output": [ "Calcitriol or active Vitamin D induces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5db9e9adb19241e689304b0f350c425e", "input": "Aumenta la actividad de la Na+/K+-ATPasa", "output": [ "Increase the activity of Na + / K + -ATPase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-62f0b2c113b344d3ae70d7c061d26b12", "input": "Los glucocorticoides", "output": [ "The glucocorticoids" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0e535ca05e934b5ba2f25295bb9c4dc6", "input": "El lact\u00f3geno placentario tiene efectos equivalentes a", "output": [ "Placental lactogen has equivalent effects to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d2d39d20b3504adca3e2d2c02b46efb8", "input": "Carece de control hipotal\u00e1mico", "output": [ "Lacks hypothalamic control" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eb6bd5935e2146b99b8697175be3cd63", "input": "Los ri\u00f1ones secretan la hormona", "output": [ "The kidneys secrete the hormone" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8eb7785291c4730b3c9b7a73e2bccd7", "input": "La neurohip\u00f3fisis", "output": [ "The neurohypophysis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-75f109c9d6b84032932077b4567f1a87", "input": "La secreci\u00f3n de GH", "output": [ "GH secretion" ] }, { "id": "task1433-54b77c8ca2de4b39966b9497adbf3c7a", "input": "Las hormonas tiroideas inhiben", "output": [ "Thyroid hormones inhibit" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0fd121ab82794f4f9609dedd792ca593", "input": "La prolactina estimula la", "output": [ "Prolactin stimulates the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a55b6bbf6df946e9a52ae24f19fd78dc", "input": "El segundo ruido card\u00edaco coincide con", "output": [ "The second heart sound coincides with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-38cd981c24e74dc48b970f125a6e824a", "input": "La activaci\u00f3n de los barorreceptores arteriales causa", "output": [ "The activation of arterial baroreceptors causes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-827fb850ac94449699cc5f27bd5f0891", "input": "La velocidad del flujo sangu\u00edneo es m\u00e1xima en", "output": [ "The blood flow velocity is maximum in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-724f7adea4b146ca95c901ec10b86b4a", "input": "Son esenciales para la coagulaci\u00f3n sangu\u00ednea", "output": [ "They are essential for blood coagulation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-747a1c525dd2484cb5ef4ee02fdbebd0", "input": "El fibrin\u00f3geno se activa por", "output": [ "Fibrinogen is activated by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-979be1092deb4df9855868d746d58b59", "input": "El llenado ventricular es mayor durante", "output": [ "Ventricular filling is greater during" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c4e6d807decb4891870af10e153490b4", "input": "Los principales vasos que regulan el flujo sangu\u00edneo son", "output": [ "The main vessels that regulate blood flow are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-04834a3aad644c608cfa4deb6d0e01d1", "input": "Tras la s\u00edstole ventricular el volumen de sangre en el ventr\u00edculo es", "output": [ "After ventricular systole, the volume of blood in the ventricle is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-45880d4bd02647eab3c79c265a4c94bc", "input": "El intervalo QT del electrocardiograma indica la duraci\u00f3n de la", "output": [ "The QT interval of the electrocardiogram indicates the duration of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8552dfbd544b49e1986d23e261f08b95", "input": "Activa el sistema renina-angiotensinaaldosterona un aumento de la", "output": [ "Activates the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system an increase in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e8b6facf45c4b89a4c252eb0b224547", "input": "Durante la s\u00edstole ventricular", "output": [ "During ventricular systole" ] }, { "id": "task1433-955d48e3fd6f4b808d144c5ca433ceaa", "input": "El flujo linf\u00e1tico desde los pies", "output": [ "The lymphatic flow from the feet" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f5fa6871af14c36a06dd476dc2ed3ba", "input": "La reabsorci\u00f3n de glucosa en la nefrona", "output": [ "The reabsorption of glucose in the nephron" ] }, { "id": "task1433-55cd152215464361b7bd5cf973fc1beb", "input": "La orina es hipoosmolar respecto al plasma en", "output": [ "Urine is hypoosmolar with respect to plasma in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f36654a6d2534f2b935118c79fd36a85", "input": "En el sistema digestivo, el vago", "output": [ "In the digestive system, the vagus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f13d6fec09b148b48b869455f49dd81f", "input": "Inhibe la secreci\u00f3n de gastrina la", "output": [ "Inhibits gastrin secretion" ] }, { "id": "task1433-330d55fbdd6f416bb0c4b7aba9d94f57", "input": "La presi\u00f3n alveolar supera a la atmosf\u00e9rica", "output": [ "Alveolar pressure exceeds atmospheric pressure" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39086d85ad7242a8a2c6b59e85709f9f", "input": "El espacio muerto anat\u00f3mico", "output": [ "The anatomical dead space" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fb751526b0364185b3fe6bc5d020fa16", "input": "Si la pO2 arterial disminuye a 60 mm de Hg", "output": [ "If the arterial pO2 decreases to 60 mm of Hg" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4772c26bba8e4c409676bd9e8a1eeafc", "input": "Las neuronas piramidales est\u00e1n en", "output": [ "The pyramidal neurons are in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c068e825663e4ea4826b183e7e3729f6", "input": "La inclusi\u00f3n lip\u00eddica de los adipocitos uniloculares est\u00e1 rodeada por", "output": [ "The lipid inclusion of unilocular adipocytes is surrounded by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b5723b788c8b4326ab8f132b617c1f53", "input": "La presencia de fosfatidilserina en la superficie celular indica", "output": [ "The presence of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface indicates" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f075e2fab69a4c37b1d8093e4fa7c13d", "input": "Las hidrolasas de los lisosomas act\u00faan en medio", "output": [ "The hydrolases of the lysosomes act in medium" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6a344e8fa4344d3594b248e92ba89d9a", "input": "La heterocromatina carece de", "output": [ "Heterochromatin lacks" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d356422ad841415b9b99328406b1d727", "input": "El epitelio de la epidermis es", "output": [ "The epithelium of the epidermis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72cf096b871a468e9c74419467984d05", "input": "La c\u00e9lula se destruye para liberar la secreci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The cell is destroyed to release the secretion" ] }, { "id": "task1433-67c5a91f7548482a87d3185e11e9fd8c", "input": "De entre las siguientes, la primera c\u00e9lula precursora de los granulocitos neutr\u00f3filos es", "output": [ "Among the following, the first precursor cell of neutrophil granulocytes is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6b538c3d931a4045867c083280425bed", "input": "El sistema en T", "output": [ "The system in T" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aca8415cd4de450882d1f3ac55ec62c5", "input": "En las c\u00e9lulas eucariotas los l\u00edpidos de la membrana se sintetizan principalmente en", "output": [ "In eukaryotic cells the lipids of the membrane are synthesized mainly in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d3e09589ee6b4afa8f2e32e42947d328", "input": "El cart\u00edlago fibroso es t\u00edpico de", "output": [ "Fibrous cartilage is typical of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-032e71ccfb584fa38375d1d9b20c6e93", "input": "Presenta c\u00e9lulas centroacinosas la gl\u00e1ndula", "output": [ "Presents centroacinosas cells the gland" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c833ee3778d40048252100a64a8f402", "input": "Los capilares continuos son t\u00edpicos de", "output": [ "The continuous capillaries are typical of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2d0b4ffcb244efa9e055e189d342a9a", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas de M\u00fcller de la retina son", "output": [ "The M\u00fcller cells of the retina are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61ad3d7a54474b64b19b15bdf35b9753", "input": "Las subunidades ribos\u00f3micas se forman en el", "output": [ "The ribosomal subunits are formed in the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e64f4964122f41f38271f32ca272364a", "input": "La l\u00e1mina nuclear est\u00e1 formada por", "output": [ "The nuclear lamina is formed by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9ca77f1b315b42c4a0496ac3a2c63e14", "input": "La importina interviene en el transporte de prote\u00ednas desde el citoplasma a", "output": [ "Importin intervenes in the transport of proteins from the cytoplasm to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-75cd5a5435404007a30cbbbbab407770", "input": "Se forman por maduraci\u00f3n de los endosomas tard\u00edos", "output": [ "They are formed by maturation of late endosomes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2a2e00d80e8b42049369c015924e8cab", "input": "El desplazamiento celular por reptaci\u00f3n depende de", "output": [ "The cell displacement by creep depends on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3d4248ac4a8545da9b28e907dad89107", "input": "Poseen ribosomas propios", "output": [ "They have their own ribosomes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c79a63522e984f899441e173ee4515a4", "input": "Quinesina y dine\u00edna son", "output": [ "Kinesin and dynein are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9edd0ca14f23405184a480da70bf38ce", "input": "Producen mielina en el sistema nervioso central", "output": [ "They produce myelin in the central nervous system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3db39dff8151410eb5d91364b35a464f", "input": "NO ocurre durante la apoptosis", "output": [ "It does NOT occur during apoptosis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22eca1d10e9b4f2697d6bcc48f7a03f7", "input": "Los desmosomas", "output": [ "The desmosomes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-053b130964fc4b3fa22abe46403e8519", "input": "Es avascular el tejido", "output": [ "The tissue is avascular" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7123efb7089a464285e74b09065f2d97", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas caliciformes pertenecen al tejido", "output": [ "The goblet cells belong to the tissue" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3981e493cbf041c2813ea4cf386cf5c1", "input": "Los mastocitos o c\u00e9lulas cebadas pertenecen al tejido", "output": [ "Mast cells or mast cells belong to the tissue" ] }, { "id": "task1433-efad82356deb48fcb44892b96ba61826", "input": "Producen la resorci\u00f3n \u00f3sea", "output": [ "They produce bone resorption" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f25599458e104c6394af21d37ce6f796", "input": "Son fragmentos del citoplasma de una c\u00e9lula precursora", "output": [ "They are fragments of the cytoplasm of a precursor cell" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e3adb63e01e7429b878f608c860eb822", "input": "Si un test estad\u00edstico ofrece un valor p<0,05", "output": [ "If a statistical test offers a value p <0.05" ] }, { "id": "task1433-db24199be56042989aecefcef4034c0f", "input": "Un intervalo de confianza para estimar la media poblacional ser\u00e1 tanto m\u00e1s preciso cuanto", "output": [ "A confidence interval to estimate the population mean will be more precise when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6a05a9df49634fdfa17f648056a1d1a3", "input": "Si una muestra de tama\u00f1o 100 tiene una desviaci\u00f3n t\u00edpica de 10, su error t\u00edpico es", "output": [ "If a sample of size 100 has a standard deviation of 10, its typical error is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-da0d8b2610384f96b559b7a0fc110c26", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos grados de libertad tiene un test de t de Student aplicado a dos muestras relacionadas con un total de 25 individuos?", "output": [ "How many degrees of freedom does a Student's t-test applied to two samples related to a total of 25 individuals?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e29e2a9b6f0a4bb6a3fc430be6b36cdb", "input": "El embarazo ect\u00f3pico m\u00e1s habitual se produce en", "output": [ "The most common ectopic pregnancy occurs in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-441c9cadf62c4c33982324f16a589609", "input": "El blastocisto se desprende de la zona pel\u00facida en", "output": [ "The blastocyst is detached from the zona pellucida in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd887e036562428bba5b611c24ae8f08", "input": "El t\u00e9rmino que engloba los cambios del endometrio durante el embarazo es", "output": [ "The term that includes the changes of the endometrium during pregnancy is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e044ba57dc64c21b348ff0f5cc83775", "input": "Tras la gastrulaci\u00f3n, el epiblasto se transforma en", "output": [ "After gastrulation, the epiblast is transformed into" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b7d123daeb74f4992715d6739bec404", "input": "En la formaci\u00f3n de la piel intervienen", "output": [ "In the formation of the skin they intervene" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ef79768e6864fad9921509aac51cbcb", "input": "En el genoma humano, las secuencias codificantes se denominan", "output": [ "In the human genome, the coding sequences are called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2770ef1230a2428a829879c5dd0ff99e", "input": "A la cantidad de ADN en un genoma se le denomina valor", "output": [ "The amount of DNA in a genome is called value" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3838ce8f82a448b2ac3cd43553e368a0", "input": "El mecanismo m\u00e1s frecuente que induce la activaci\u00f3n del protooncogen ABL en la leucemia mieloide cr\u00f3nica es la", "output": [ "The most frequent mechanism that induces the activation of the ABL protooncogene in chronic myeloid leukemia is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6417062505aa448abad585009b638a16", "input": "Tiene una herencia recesiva ligada al cromosoma X la", "output": [ "It has a recessive inheritance linked to the X chromosome the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f54a829874e64a018f4f20a3d749469c", "input": "En eucariotas, la RNA polimerasa que transcribe ARNs ribos\u00f3micos peque\u00f1os es la", "output": [ "In eukaryotes, the RNA polymerase that transcribes small ribosomal RNAs is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f52a13f40d643588abdb0b7a825f33d", "input": "Para silenciar el ARN mensajero (ARNm) los siARN y los miARN se unen generalmente a su", "output": [ "To silence messenger RNA (mRNA) siRNAs and miRNAs are usually linked to your" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bacf7549d3204638b02cdc977f2bf8d6", "input": "Genera fragmentos romos de ADN el enzima de restricci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Generates blunt DNA fragments the restriction enzyme" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c6161bc8ea674a6eba05eedbabe5c89f", "input": "En eucariotas, los intrones del grupo II est\u00e1n en genes", "output": [ "In eukaryotes, group II introns are in genes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec3f96d06ae64c14b9f59498ceb38d72", "input": "En eucariotas, la ARN polimerasa I transcribe", "output": [ "In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase I transcribes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-96860a92d64647c29297f96c9ae17f92", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 enzima utiliza un retrovirus para sintetizar ADN copia de su genoma?", "output": [ "What enzyme does a retrovirus use to synthesize DNA copy of its genome?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-15197f46d5e74caa871e3390bd3f07f4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas secuencias palindr\u00f3micas existen en el cromosoma Y humano que permiten la recombinaci\u00f3n Y-Y?", "output": [ "How many palindromic sequences exist on the human Y chromosome that allow Y-Y recombination ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-058f0890328e4655b40e83731334ea23", "input": "Es un oncogen", "output": [ "It is an oncogen" ] }, { "id": "task1433-037a54f9ee8a4ee8b0169fcb52294de6", "input": "Es un cod\u00f3n de terminaci\u00f3n de la traducci\u00f3n", "output": [ "It is a stop codon for translation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-96476534211041f1b6627da71e2e8f36", "input": "En la replicaci\u00f3n del ADN de eucariotas las funciones que corresponden a la ADN polimerasa gamma (\u03b3) son", "output": [ "In the replication of eukaryotic DNA the functions that correspond to the gamma (\u03b3) DNA polymerase are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1caa3ee8c9434150aaa786fe00facbd1", "input": "Si el porcentaje de guanina de una mol\u00e9cula de ADN de doble hebra es del 30%, el de adenina es", "output": [ "If the guanine percentage of a double-stranded DNA molecule is 30%, that of adenine is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-087e25de09684bc29ac4a1d658ab2298", "input": "De entre los 5 tipos de histonas de la cromatina, la de menor peso molecular es", "output": [ "Among the 5 types of histones of chromatin, the one with the lowest molecular weight is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b09c802c1004185b151ca82972eab09", "input": "La estructura tridimensional del B-ADN", "output": [ "The three-dimensional structure of B-DNA" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9fdd51125d564464ba7af98862baeb8f", "input": "El S\u00edndrome de Williams-Beuren se caracteriza por una microdeleci\u00f3n del brazo largo del cromosoma", "output": [ "Williams-Beuren syndrome is characterized by a microdeletion of the long arm of the chromosome" ] }, { "id": "task1433-014c695e8b764196a483ca5bbfc66220", "input": "El fen\u00f3meno gen\u00e9tico que explica que la expresi\u00f3n de un gen est\u00e9 influida por el sexo del progenitor es", "output": [ "The genetic phenomenon that explains that the expression of a gene is influenced by the sex of the parent is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-780461f3ef994b959c4370cf38b757f1", "input": "En un pedrigr\u00ed de un rasgo autos\u00f3mico dominante se observa que", "output": [ "In a pedigree of an autosomal dominant trait it is observed that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-579e6e689534475794bdbc4bd0eb7e47", "input": "En la mitosis, la membrana nuclear se desintegra y los microt\u00fabulos del huso se fijan a los cinetocoros en", "output": [ "In mitosis, the nuclear membrane disintegrates and spindle microtubules bind to the kinetochores in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4be0f4e28924439a9abe9a031664232a", "input": "Tiene una herencia dominante ligada al cromosoma X la", "output": [ "Has a dominant inheritance linked to the X chromosome the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9903235081ae4a49badb5dc59b203078", "input": "Tiene una herencia autos\u00f3mica dominante la", "output": [ "Has an autosomal dominant inheritance" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2dc911ec0b0747da8c5b74bfb64d6b94", "input": "El n\u00famero de corp\u00fasculos de Barr de las c\u00e9lulas de un hombre con cariotipo 48,XXXY es", "output": [ "The number of Barr corpuscles of the cells of a man with karyotype 48, XXXY is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5abc250356444372b51f3ce37e5dda52", "input": "El tipo de epistasia que explica la proporci\u00f3n fenot\u00edpica dih\u00edbrida 151 es la", "output": [ "The type of epistasia that explains the 15 1 dihybrid phenotypic ratio is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7286a2d78e540f1a87ebdb77b91147d", "input": "Para calcular el n\u00famero de genotipos distintos en cualquier serie al\u00e9lica se aplica la f\u00f3rmula", "output": [ "To calculate the number of different genotypes in any allelic series the formula is applied" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c18915e3fb724736a680e863a6398b24", "input": "Corresponde a una mutaci\u00f3n por transversi\u00f3n el cambio", "output": [ "The change corresponds to a change mutation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c20baaff1d8641d4a2370ee5f899b553", "input": "El orden de las etapas del ciclo celular es", "output": [ "The order of the stages of the cell cycle is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d9d1806d1f234b23ae5a959ae40ad4c3", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos cromosomas tendr\u00eda un var\u00f3n con nulisom\u00eda para los cromosomas 17 y 18?", "output": [ "How many chromosomes would a male with nulisomy have for chromosomes 17 and 18?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e0f8e9a0a894dab95c0887ce94e1980", "input": "NO est\u00e1 asociada con defectos en la reparaci\u00f3n del ADN la", "output": [ "It is NOT associated with defects in DNA repair the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eafbb9b62cea4ab4b3666671db5cef14", "input": "La desnaturalizaci\u00f3n de prote\u00ednas", "output": [ "The denaturing of proteins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b57b2531a6084c8bbeb04dde5ad19d3b", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la estructura de las prote\u00ednas", "output": [ "In relation to the structure of proteins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9cc7f9a0b25a43028586f5e64a06809e", "input": "Respecto a los cofactores enzim\u00e1ticos", "output": [ "Regarding enzymatic cofactors" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9e8496896485455ab4ee09987f64cfdd", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la inhibici\u00f3n enzim\u00e1tica", "output": [ "In relation to enzymatic inhibition" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84f20fa2db274d14b9bf3ea0cc6e1cda", "input": "Contiene azufre la cadena lateral de", "output": [ "Sulfur contains the side chain of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-027584c2b0864cceb280c9c3ca8bc5f9", "input": "Contiene un grupo imidazol la cadena lateral de", "output": [ "It contains an imidazole group the side chain of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6ab5259b9ff340238c23b4ccd00a20ff", "input": "La ruta de los fosfatos de pentosa produce", "output": [ "The pentose phosphate pathway produces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c8e7a075da934c54afda8c8de89af161", "input": "El ox\u00edgeno que consumimos en la cadena respiratoria se transforma en", "output": [ "The oxygen we consume in the respiratory chain is transformed into" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46a3b99dd6b24173a63d5de27d5cd913", "input": "Cuando un enzima cataliza una reacci\u00f3n", "output": [ "When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-87cae2d9257d4eb18570f5fe35eb00b8", "input": "La velocidad m\u00e1xima de una reacci\u00f3n enzim\u00e1tica", "output": [ "The maximum speed of an enzymatic reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b9a9f15dda154d9ab32a5c28bf97a7cd", "input": "Los cuerpos cet\u00f3nicos", "output": [ "The ketone bodies" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e47f23f8f5d34f148e536a824f639284", "input": "Se oxida completamente en el ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico", "output": [ "It is completely oxidized in the citric acid cycle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-05c7dff682c74d9f9b36b42d648bc5ee", "input": "Los animales NO pueden sintetizar glucosa a partir de", "output": [ "Animals can NOT synthesize glucose from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90ce4654b93a469089abb968c3ea0b47", "input": "La piruvato carboxilasa", "output": [ "Pyruvate carboxylase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ff4be07d5bf4dc19204053e9815f06f", "input": "El ciclo de Cori", "output": [ "The Cori cycle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5db1ec00fc2d479ab08e8f58a95d46a0", "input": "Se activa cuando se le une AMP c\u00edclico la", "output": [ "It is activated when cyclic AMP joins the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-63ec0bc66b9d4298b6d063a2f0f614ca", "input": "Los enanti\u00f3meros de una mol\u00e9cula son", "output": [ "The enantiomers of a molecule are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b23c7d91684b41bf9310d895ef05633c", "input": "Las fuerzas que estabilizan la h\u00e9lice alfa son", "output": [ "The forces that stabilize the alpha helix are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-79de11e825ff46bcb3f22a9ffff88049", "input": "Los grupos fosfato de los nucle\u00f3tidos", "output": [ "The phosphate groups of the nucleotides" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8acb8ee12eb4ffca596fabe549d672f", "input": "Sobre el enlace entre la base nitrogenada y la ribosa de los nucle\u00f3tidos", "output": [ "On the link between the nitrogenous base and the ribose of the nucleotides" ] }, { "id": "task1433-96ff951d700a400ea90f2e956afa9d04", "input": "El enlace fosfodi\u00e9ster", "output": [ "The phosphodiester bond" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b1706b25a2a4ed18917f22139d917c4", "input": "Las ARNt-aminoacil-transferasas", "output": [ "The tRNA-aminoacyl-transferases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f33b00c46ea4dcc930cdea7c6e72d36", "input": "En la traducci\u00f3n de procariotas, el primer ARNt", "output": [ "In the translation of prokaryotes, the first tRNA" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bf6b967ef3714adb9171f00f85f7096e", "input": "Sobre la s\u00edntesis de prote\u00ednas es correcto afirmar que", "output": [ "On the synthesis of proteins it is correct to affirm that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-35c713684c0b4fc0a12cff28a723fd4a", "input": "En la cin\u00e9tica de Michaelis-Menten, cuando los valores de [s] son muy inferiores (<1/100) al valor de Km", "output": [ "In the Michaelis-Menten kinetics, when the values \u200b\u200bof [s] are much lower (<1/100) than the value of Km" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f84db4f5335b45cc983cf688e5565548", "input": "La regulaci\u00f3n enzim\u00e1tica por fosforilaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Enzymatic regulation by phosphorylation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fddfe3b2518c4288a49550b2d174b903", "input": "La glucog\u00e9nesis", "output": [ "Glycogenesis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aae1da12da9c4ece873db68ccbc2fbdf", "input": "En el ciclo de la urea, el argininsuccinato", "output": [ "In the urea cycle, the argininsuccinate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-56d3477467504ddf93c4f86418c984b3", "input": "La acetil-CoA carboxilasa", "output": [ "Acetyl-CoA carboxylase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5c0c173ca5264be2b5d92983bbab6b5c", "input": "El acetil-CoA", "output": [ "Acetyl-CoA" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c3a27d0848b4821930feef4ec125b57", "input": "En la regulaci\u00f3n del metabolismo del gluc\u00f3geno por la adrenalina", "output": [ "In the regulation of glycogen metabolism by adrenaline" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f9cd90dd9e2346c1b297c098778d8550", "input": "Dyphyllobotrium latum compite con su hospedador definitivo por la vitamina", "output": [ "Diphyllobothrium latum competes with its definitive host for the vitamin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d58be756d51f4e9c9fb3afdeefe104c0", "input": "La miltefosina y el antimoniato de meglumina se utilizan frente a", "output": [ "Miltefosine and meglumine antimonate are used against" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ef2a40f6ef0b4f72a358f606130ffd2e", "input": "El praziquantel est\u00e1 indicado frente a", "output": [ "Praziquantel is indicated against" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0386060cae0d47038ba6a7db8087b68b", "input": "Son operculados los huevos de", "output": [ "The eggs are operculated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-deee9830f9c14509833396baf7819ba0", "input": "El miracidio es una fase larvaria que forma parte del ciclo biol\u00f3gico de un", "output": [ "Miracidium is a larval phase that is part of the biological cycle of a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2f765811a78d458e8bdfb5475f6956d5", "input": "La transmisi\u00f3n del virus de la hepatitis E es v\u00eda", "output": [ "The transmission of hepatitis E virus is via" ] }, { "id": "task1433-864dac52d5e14922aa0bbfbf60ee26b4", "input": "El material gen\u00e9tico de los parvovirus es", "output": [ "The genetic material of parvoviruses is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4fe1fe32a19e417fa6ad6a38e6cdd3fb", "input": "Tienen simetr\u00eda helicoidal en su c\u00e1pside los", "output": [ "They have helical symmetry in their capsid the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0bde4220c9ad45f88ac32d36d16d5b6d", "input": "El genoma del virus de la hepatitis B es DNA de", "output": [ "The genome of the hepatitis B virus is DNA from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bf093f479d334ead9cb4e28e36c4ffdd", "input": "La envoltura de los retrovirus procede de la (el)", "output": [ "The retrovirus envelope comes from (the)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bb72ede9f18844c1ad299885bd1dd406", "input": "El sistema de Baltimore de clasificaci\u00f3n de virus se basa en", "output": [ "The Baltimore system of virus classification is based on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-42299f05bd5345818407a704ed89b84f", "input": "Originan diarreas en los ni\u00f1os los", "output": [ "They cause diarrhea in children" ] }, { "id": "task1433-09f5cd2e63af4eb6b335e3da56f1148c", "input": "Los cuerpos de Negri son masas de part\u00edculas v\u00edricas visibles al microscopio \u00f3ptico en las c\u00e9lulas infectadas por el virus de", "output": [ "The bodies of Negri are masses of viral particles visible under an optical microscope in cells infected by the virus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ed8a430f81f74c1f8b56fb30fecf8518", "input": "El antiviral tamiflu que se utiliza contra el virus de la gripe aviar act\u00faa", "output": [ "The antiviral tamiflu that is used against the bird flu virus acts" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46de1b42909d4c3a8f315d141651e81b", "input": "El material gen\u00e9tico del virus de la gripe se replica en el", "output": [ "The genetic material of the influenza virus is replicated in the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b124271b6eb54e1a8013c707cae44cb4", "input": "Inmediatamente despu\u00e9s de la decapsidaci\u00f3n del virus herpes tiene lugar la", "output": [ "Immediately after the herpes virus decapsidation takes place" ] }, { "id": "task1433-65a7ff7e6b1b41bfbefb5382c11a9fd1", "input": "El virus del resfriado com\u00fan tiene un genoma", "output": [ "The common cold virus has a genome" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82b1bb2c65a6451584614c27ed32bdfa", "input": "Los agentes causales m\u00e1s importantes del c\u00e1ncer de c\u00e9rvix son los", "output": [ "The most important causative agents of cervical cancer are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bfaa2b0430c84238988134d4d8fa25bc", "input": "Utilizan una transcriptasa inversa durante su replicaci\u00f3n los", "output": [ "They use a reverse transcriptase during their replication" ] }, { "id": "task1433-823b2c1efe61433faaa086fd6d4beb7a", "input": "El virus (virusoide) de la hepatitis D (agente \u03b4) precisa co-infectar con el virus de la hepatitis", "output": [ "The virus (virusoid) of hepatitis D (agent \u03b4) needs to co-infect with the hepatitis virus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-164782d8ffa14a3ba6ab0ccd80a710f8", "input": "La mayor\u00eda de las bacterias Gram positivas no crecen en el medio de MacConkey porque \u00e9ste contiene", "output": [ "Most Gram-positive bacteria do not grow in MacConkey's medium because it contains" ] }, { "id": "task1433-78c0e59fbeb448deb1903c81d8c45202", "input": "El aceite de inmersi\u00f3n que se usa para la observaci\u00f3n microsc\u00f3pica", "output": [ "The immersion oil used for microscopic observation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-47d23a1466684e5bafe8cd7285a56b55", "input": "Para observar las c\u00e1psulas bacterianas en un microscopio de campo claro se realiza una tinci\u00f3n", "output": [ "To observe the bacterial capsules in a clear field microscope, a stain is made" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c63e0621b0b94174b74363314ac7087a", "input": "La acci\u00f3n microbiocida del yodo y cloro y muchos de sus derivados se debe a que", "output": [ "The microbiocidal action of iodine and chlorine and many of its derivatives is due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c672a0575582454ebc62b645d7074459", "input": "Contienen endotoxinas las bacterias", "output": [ "The bacteria contain endotoxins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b1ddf143e18241dfb6862d85019f419a", "input": "El ant\u00edgeno O que se utiliza en la clasificaci\u00f3n de las bacterias Gram negativas se corresponde con", "output": [ "The O antigen used in the classification of Gram negative bacteria corresponds to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f80828bcfff548509a8099a4552b3560", "input": "La \u00e1cido alcohol-resistencia se utiliza para identificar", "output": [ "The alcohol-resistance acid is used to identify" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1220f717cfa54633913ae2903759f703", "input": "Las Archaea se diferencian de las bacterias en que", "output": [ "The Archaea differ from the bacteria in that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-afb6d813a1404ff3b812f6ff47b10049", "input": "Muy com\u00fanmente las mol\u00e9culas de autoinductor responsables de la percepci\u00f3n del qu\u00f3rum de muchas bacterias Gram-negativas son", "output": [ "Very commonly the autoinducer molecules responsible for the quorum perception of many Gram-negative bacteria are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-59215bd637a743329962c8d636f13a9e", "input": "El dato m\u00e1s com\u00fanmente usado para estudiar la relaci\u00f3n filogen\u00e9tica entre las bacterias es", "output": [ "The most commonly used data to study the phylogenetic relationship between bacteria is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-294aa99eaa504f82974bf42815fb040a", "input": "Habitualmente protege al DNA de un enzima de restricci\u00f3n la", "output": [ "It usually protects the DNA of a restriction enzyme" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d13534da10c6448fb9ee309e3de2d8a4", "input": "Una caracter\u00edstica esencial de los pl\u00e1smidos es", "output": [ "An essential characteristic of plasmids is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2f3518246a334399bc6ea13caf2a2f05", "input": "La fermentaci\u00f3n de la glucosa que emplea Escherichia coli es la", "output": [ "The fermentation of glucose used by Escherichia coli is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1369dbaad1084da6bb6a7f52a72ac2f4", "input": "La diana de los antibacterianos aminoglic\u00f3sidos es la", "output": [ "The target of the aminoglycoside antibacterials is the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d07ab7a31f0c421ba50dc669d6a15978", "input": "En la s\u00edntesis del DNA, las quinolonas act\u00faan", "output": [ "In the synthesis of DNA, the quinolones act" ] }, { "id": "task1433-92418d71ad334934924fa41cf6e1f69f", "input": "La isoniazida es eficaz contra", "output": [ "Isoniazid is effective against" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82e771d4624046cf9a8aa27e042c9a98", "input": "Una diferencia entre el genero Vibrio y las enterobacterias es ser", "output": [ "A difference between the genus Vibrio and the enterobacteria is to be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c2f64bb9aec488f8e29ffd94c63c109", "input": "Causa de la s\u00edfilis", "output": [ "Cause of syphilis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2b135fc5ffdd4312b0c1e9767ea0ae60", "input": "Incorporan esteroles a su membrana plasm\u00e1tica", "output": [ "They incorporate sterols to their plasma membrane" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f331b22357a44220909b61a538bf62b2", "input": "La microbiota vaginal de una mujer sana f\u00e9rtil est\u00e1 dominada por bacterias del g\u00e9nero", "output": [ "The vaginal microbiota of a healthy fertile woman is dominated by bacteria of the genus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8dd722e5a6f45e8beb16771c118bbd0", "input": "La enfermedad de Lyme es producida por", "output": [ "Lyme disease is caused by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc9f277ec768486bace54f9dc779f0db", "input": "La toxina col\u00e9rica", "output": [ "The cholera toxin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e33316033db0479e8634bf1b53e15fa0", "input": "La toxina botul\u00ednica", "output": [ "Botulinum toxin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6092c237223242289f2f1a7ad6333b03", "input": "Una prueba importante para distinguir Staphylococcus aureus de estafilococos sapr\u00f3fitos, como Staphylococcus epidermidis es", "output": [ "An important test to distinguish Staphylococcus aureus from saprophytic staphylococci, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e70bd57449a479b98094565a3e6ec13", "input": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa es t\u00edpicamente", "output": [ "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is typically" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bef9628152544438abc87d92b2880301", "input": "Las infecciones causadas por Clostridium tetani, Bordetella pertussis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae y Vibrio cholerae tienen en com\u00fan", "output": [ "Infections caused by Clostridium tetani, Bordetella pertussis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Vibrio cholerae have in common" ] }, { "id": "task1433-40d0c53fc24f4e0c879be8e82c7753f6", "input": "El principal factor de virulencia de Streptococcus pneumoniae es una (un)", "output": [ "The main virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae is one (one)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad61ee4fa2de4910b806bd4588b439f7", "input": "Legionella pneumophila se transmite por", "output": [ "Legionella pneumophila is transmitted by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be08aacedefd47e7ae4c3b5e2b8757f7", "input": "Contiene una especie Gram negativa causante de meningitis el g\u00e9nero", "output": [ "It contains a Gram negative species that causes meningitis the genus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-26078783fa674d93b0d92e45ce95b79a", "input": "En los mam\u00edferos, los receptores de tipo Toll (TLR) son receptores", "output": [ "In mammals, Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are receptors" ] }, { "id": "task1433-976dce56307e46e49ed05fb1abd0f029", "input": "La respuesta inmunitaria innata frente a los virus est\u00e1 principalmente mediada por linfocitos", "output": [ "The innate immune response to viruses is mainly mediated by lymphocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f40ad6c94544790b6db96f7b7e08a4f", "input": "La funci\u00f3n principal de las quimiocinas es", "output": [ "The main function of chemokines is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5067c469758940e197752021f9f43905", "input": "Las interacciones entre selectinas y diriginas vasculares", "output": [ "Interactions between selectins and vascular targeins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-846d885f668a48ecb85505a1f49d15e1", "input": "En el procesamiento y presentaci\u00f3n de p\u00e9ptidos de origen extracelular interviene (n)", "output": [ "In the processing and presentation of peptides of extracellular origin intervene (n)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-251df93b69a04c68947049ce1241e378", "input": "El principal factor de crecimiento autocrino para la mayor\u00eda de linfocitos T tras el reconocimiento del ant\u00edgeno es", "output": [ "The main autocrine growth factor for most T lymphocytes after antigen recognition is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8bcdd5ce3efe413caa0f1d9afabc595e", "input": "Los linfocitos T\u03b1\uf062 CD4+", "output": [ "T\u03b1\uf062 CD4 + lymphocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c60149fa5b1e4217a82b9a947430cbf7", "input": "Es m\u00e1s caracter\u00edstica de los linfocitos Th1 que de los Th2", "output": [ "It is more characteristic of Th1 than Th2 lymphocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-edbcafe5c0fe467197c5fd1f363e2d33", "input": "Est\u00e1n implicadas en la acci\u00f3n l\u00edtica de los linfocitos T citot\u00f3xicos", "output": [ "They are involved in the lytic action of cytotoxic T lymphocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-01c7661c1d4f4fd2802704925f0780d8", "input": "El desarrollo de c\u00e9lulas B en la m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea", "output": [ "The development of B cells in the bone marrow" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b149c37a89824d508592e707423f4fca", "input": "Pueden formar parte del receptor del linfocito B en la superficie celular", "output": [ "They can be part of the B lymphocyte receptor on the cell surface" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5068a1912e40415cbe6a3f426c5cbe73", "input": "Determina el cambio de isotipo de la cadena pesada de las inmunoglobulinas", "output": [ "Determines the isotype change of the immunoglobulin heavy chain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f26202cc47fd4800b2fb3e905f7f5931", "input": "En comparaci\u00f3n con las respuestas humorales primarias, las secundarias", "output": [ "In comparison with the primary humoral responses, the secondary ones" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bfff17cf1a004b18b7177cf14a204a7f", "input": "El isotipo de inmunoglobulina m\u00e1s abundante producido por c\u00e9lulas plasm\u00e1ticas del tejido linfoide asociado a mucosas es", "output": [ "The most abundant immunoglobulin isotype produced by plasma cells of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8ef751e8d24f4c188008be9a244a9a85", "input": "Pueden presentarse en forma multim\u00e9rica asociadas con la cadena J las", "output": [ "The following may occur in multimeric form associated with the J chain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-371c279436614dbeae389ba34165b59f", "input": "La v\u00eda cl\u00e1sica del complemento se activa en respuesta a", "output": [ "The classical pathway of complement is activated in response to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-112b0295c9e3453ba603878f65d50c57", "input": "Est\u00e1n directamente implicados en las reacciones al\u00e9rgicas", "output": [ "They are directly involved in allergic reactions" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fdb09563cf4f4813995f30348e55e0d0", "input": "La enfermedad del suero es una hipersensibilidad", "output": [ "Serum disease is a hypersensitivity" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7f7865e37b0a439aba9bf4967af13ef3", "input": "La dermatitis por contacto est\u00e1 mediada por", "output": [ "Contact dermatitis is mediated by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-de7c96cf66184b3ba275fb8d4cf6e2a7", "input": "Una complicaci\u00f3n del trasplante de precursores hematopoy\u00e9ticos es", "output": [ "A complication of transplantation of hematopoietic precursors is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f923253f559a41e1baeb71cf682ff3f9", "input": "El uso m\u00e1s com\u00fan del ELISA indirecto es la cuantificaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "The most common use of indirect ELISA is the quantification of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d0e9ffcfccb94950b30d5092bb56b407", "input": "En cuanto t\u00e9cnica inmunoanal\u00edtica, la citometr\u00eda de flujo est\u00e1 basada principalmente en la detecci\u00f3n de se\u00f1ales", "output": [ "As an immunoanalytical technique, flow cytometry is mainly based on the detection of signals" ] }, { "id": "task1433-667e1ea74cf94ef3af3ddb748c151d12", "input": "Al centrifugar sangre perif\u00e9rica humana en un gradiente de densidad en Ficoll", "output": [ "When centrifuging human peripheral blood in a density gradient in Ficoll" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8cb8472cc3bf4113bfb695a3bdf99cbb", "input": "En comparaci\u00f3n con los anticuerpos policlonales, un anticuerpo monoclonal", "output": [ "In comparison with polyclonal antibodies, a monoclonal antibody" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6932bf8685344032a8a59c1f4b8d36b2", "input": "Los neumocitos tipo I", "output": [ "Type I pneumocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f46d8d1898847988ef3cf786763d589", "input": "Posee un \u00fanico n\u00facleo en posici\u00f3n central", "output": [ "It has a single nucleus in central position" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e3a1af19b71d43ed9cae438ac7b91371", "input": "La azidotimidina (AZT) que se utiliza frente al virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana", "output": [ "Azidothymidine (AZT) used against the human immunodeficiency virus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f13a7104ee454ff5887f87ccb69865a9", "input": "T\u00edpicamente las especies del g\u00e9nero Leptospira", "output": [ "Typically the species of the genus Leptospira" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b387f691501d4728ad4346b8bb1bfe42", "input": "Tras el reconocimiento antig\u00e9nico, el receptor de la c\u00e9lula T transmite una se\u00f1al de activaci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de", "output": [ "After antigenic recognition, the T cell receptor transmits an activation signal through" ] }, { "id": "task1433-91e9b3db8fcb4dc4b0684ee3a9c61bf3", "input": "La fructosa-1,6-bisfosfatasa", "output": [ "Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-564081676b0a4996b1d49cc2fea689f9", "input": "En un estudio de cruzamiento de prueba de tres puntos, una interferencia negativa indica que", "output": [ "In a three-point test crossover study, a negative interference indicates that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7bff0605c4e44531a82197d70c4ab699", "input": "El n\u00famero de pares de cromosomas metac\u00e9ntricos del cariotipo humano es", "output": [ "The number of pairs of metacentric chromosomes of the human karyotype is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec98cf5abdd74d559ceb43a0943c0db4", "input": "El trofoblasto se desarrolla a partir de", "output": [ "The trophoblast develops from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dceb24da71c343f7a232251219db4e92", "input": "En la electroforesis de hemoglobina en acetato de celulosa", "output": [ "In the electrophoresis of hemoglobin in cellulose acetate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-07dd138a36274a4aaaa406b7a91752a1", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los tres tipos de c\u00e9lulas \u00f3seas?", "output": [ "What are the three types of bone cells?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-234173cf4da84012b302ac24d368b5de", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos pares de nervios raqu\u00eddeos est\u00e1n conectados a la m\u00e9dula espinal?", "output": [ "How many pairs of spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3029dd799f634976ada2e52dd3f9beb8", "input": "Al tipo especializado de tejido conjuntivo blando y difuso, llamado tejido mieloide, tambi\u00e9n se le denomina", "output": [ "The specialized type of soft and diffuse connective tissue, called myeloid tissue, is also called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39c85650184e46d096167e6fcce41184", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es el gasto card\u00edaco?", "output": [ "What is cardiac output?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61b2bcf39ba14628bf57cebec8365583", "input": "Las sustancias que evitan los cambios bruscos en el pH de una soluci\u00f3n al a\u00f1adir a la misma un \u00e1cido o una base se denominan", "output": [ "Substances that prevent abrupt changes in the pH of a solution by adding an acid or a base to it are called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad64606ef7294f49b288ed0a0c5e9bc6", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n al surfactante pulmonar, se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "In relation to pulmonary surfactant, indicate the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c611a2a8abc4a61b1af08ed6baa7679", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta en relaci\u00f3n con la regulaci\u00f3n de la hematopoyesis", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer regarding the regulation of hematopoiesis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-918429ee298c4efd8de675adb105184a", "input": "La regulaci\u00f3n por retroalimentaci\u00f3n negativa de la hormona tiroidea es como sigue", "output": [ "The negative feedback regulation of thyroid hormone is as follows" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f36814144af34283893807dd6c12314a", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas granulares o yuxtaglomerulares de la nefrona secretan", "output": [ "Granular or juxtaglomerular cells of the nephron secrete" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6dc2eed6502a42bd9b9dc21f201d2fd2", "input": "La funci\u00f3n fundamental de los ganglios basales es", "output": [ "The fundamental function of the basal ganglia is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c7cdad257b1416798c713d46c125d19", "input": "Seg\u00fan el mecanismo de Frank-Starling del coraz\u00f3n, en condiciones fisiol\u00f3gicas el gasto card\u00edaco es directamente proporcional a", "output": [ "According to the Frank-Starling mechanism of the heart, under physiological conditions the cardiac output is directly proportional to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f65572415e11442f84645646601326ae", "input": "La Ley de Bases de la Sanidad Nacional de 1944 estableci\u00f3 con car\u00e1cter obligatorio", "output": [ "The Law of Bases of the National Health of 1944 established with obligatory character" ] }, { "id": "task1433-291879dad8354d3780dd30c97cb3eb0d", "input": "\u00bfA cargo de qui\u00e9n estuvo la regulaci\u00f3n del ejercicio de las profesiones sanitarias en Espa\u00f1a durante el siglo XV y posteriores?", "output": [ "In charge of who was the regulation of the exercise of health professions in Spain during the fifteenth century and later?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bba17bca120d4fdcbccf55a6c1fb8182", "input": "La Historia de la Enfermer\u00eda se narra alrededor de las relaciones entre los diferentes elementos y los factores que delimitan per\u00edodos o fases estables de la historia, denominadas", "output": [ "The History of Nursing is narrated around the relationships between the different elements and the factors that define periods or stable phases of history, called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ddbf8a83964c47c5b8112a0500869854", "input": "\u00bfMediante qu\u00e9 norma jur\u00eddica se regularon por primera vez las especialidades para los/as Diplomados/as en Enfermer\u00eda y la obtenci\u00f3n del t\u00edtulo de Enfermero/a Especialista?", "output": [ "By what legal norm were regulated for the first time the specialties for the Diploma in Nursing and obtaining the title of Specialist Nurse?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cf5d2ce59be24472886af1d21f2b98e7", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina a la especialidad de la Historia de la Enfermer\u00eda que se dedica al estudio de los sistemas de cuidados existentes en la Prehistoria?", "output": [ "What is the name of the specialty of the History of Nursing that is dedicated to the study of existing care systems in Prehistory?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2f33387b52147fca667661c5f0d7b95", "input": "La autora que mostr\u00f3 en sus escritos su inter\u00e9s por el control del medio ambiente, as\u00ed como la importancia de la influencia de la Naturaleza en la salud de las personas es", "output": [ "The author who showed in her writings her interest in the control of the environment, as well as the importance of the influence of Nature in the health of the people is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-27df8a43777047b2885fbe3e395c6ec0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo se fund\u00f3 la primera Escuela de Enfermeras de Espa\u00f1a?", "output": [ "When was the first School of Nurses in Spain founded?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4e78824967ee4c249cf8c3e4bf2b800d", "input": "Virgina Henderson describe la relaci\u00f3n de la enfermera con el enfermo en la estructura siguiente", "output": [ "Virgina Henderson describes the relationship of the nurse with the patient in the following structure" ] }, { "id": "task1433-051889931be54c9f8750142389ddfd1f", "input": "La concepci\u00f3n de persona basada en la idea de que es un ser unido de manera inseparable a su cultura es desarrollada en el modelo de cuidados de", "output": [ "The conception of person based on the idea that he is a being inseparably linked to his culture is developed in the care model of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ce3e17fc83ff4e02b7c3c84b6d511ad8", "input": "E. H. es una se\u00f1ora de 64 a\u00f1os, diagnosticada de hipertensi\u00f3n y atendida por su enfermera dentro del programa correspondiente. Las actividades que realiza la enfermera van dirigidas a regular el ejercicio y desarrollo de la agencia de autocuidado de E. H. La se\u00f1ora realiza su autocuidado y regula el ejercicio y desarrollo de su agencia de autocuidado. Esta organizaci\u00f3n de los cuidados es descrita por Orem como sistema", "output": [ "E. H. is a 64-year-old lady diagnosed with hypertension and assisted by her nurse in the corresponding program. The activities carried out by the nurse are aimed at regulating the exercise and development of the self-care agency of E. H. The lady performs her self-care and regulates the exercise and development of her self-care agency. This organization of care is described by Orem as a system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7ceccf6bbec4e7abebed0c501fb2924", "input": "Seg\u00fan Alfaro-Lefevre, el pensar de manera cr\u00edtica en el contexto de las situaciones enfermeras significa que", "output": [ "According to Alfaro-Lefevre, thinking critically in the context of nursing situations means that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e4a7b0d52cd484098b3fcd0b6cb5c8b", "input": "Una de las caracter\u00edsticas del Proceso de Enfermer\u00eda es", "output": [ "One of the characteristics of the Nursing Process is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-974e137cd2d04d82952c47cd51538a4d", "input": "La validaci\u00f3n o verificaci\u00f3n de la informaci\u00f3n es un paso esencial en el pensamiento cr\u00edtico que le ayuda a evitar", "output": [ "The validation or verification of information is an essential step in critical thinking that helps you avoid" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0fa4114ae47947a3b4fefcf1debeab1e", "input": "En la entrevista a un paciente durante la etapa de valoraci\u00f3n, las preguntas abiertas presentan una desventaja porque", "output": [ "In the interview with a patient during the assessment stage, open questions present a disadvantage because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-899d6fd50f5141019f2d1d00002b531c", "input": "La enfermera identifica que la persona a la que ha valorado presenta una serie de manifestaciones que se corresponden con las caracter\u00edsticas definitorias de una etiqueta diagn\u00f3stica, sin embargo, no identifica ninguna posible causa. \u00bfC\u00f3mo debe enunciar el diagn\u00f3stico siguiendo las directrices del formato PES?", "output": [ "The nurse identifies that the person she has evaluated presents a series of manifestations that correspond to the defining characteristics of a diagnostic label, however, does not identify any possible cause. How should you enunciate the diagnosis following the guidelines of the PES format?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fcc10f24250849a7ab2eeb4372a4f211", "input": "Al registrar los datos obtenidos durante la ejecuci\u00f3n de los cuidados, lo apropiado es", "output": [ "When recording the data obtained during the execution of the care, the appropriate thing is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f6dcf95941245378fd8c46a926bca09", "input": "Respecto a la taxonom\u00eda de NANDA-I, es correcto afirmar que", "output": [ "Regarding the NANDA-I taxonomy, it is correct to affirm that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1a4c9f406d784d4aa9c0001da585e9d9", "input": "NO es un componente de la etapa de evaluaci\u00f3n del Proceso de Enfermer\u00eda", "output": [ "It is NOT a component of the evaluation stage of the Nursing Process" ] }, { "id": "task1433-07466273ea194d6b99123fecbce84c3b", "input": "El sistema de normas y sanciones que se establece de modo obligatorio para los profesionales en funci\u00f3n de las conductas de \u00e9tica profesional, recibe el nombre de", "output": [ "The system of norms and sanctions that is established in a mandatory way for professionals based on professional ethics behaviors, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-df5fc68204854865bb8871ea307dd146", "input": "Seg\u00fan el C\u00f3digo Deontol\u00f3gico, en su ejercicio profesional, la enfermera/o garantizar\u00e1 y llevar\u00e1 a cabo un tratamiento correcto y adecuado a todas las personas que lo necesiten", "output": [ "According to the Code of Ethics, in their professional practice, the nurse / guarantor will guarantee and carry out a correct and adequate treatment for all the people who need it" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6cc9208a59a4464d801c2889c6bee133", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 nombre reciben los C\u00f3digos que definen el bien interno de la profesi\u00f3n enfermera, conforme al que se enuncian las obligaciones y responsabilidades y se promueve la excelencia profesional?", "output": [ "What name do the Codes that define the internal good of the nursing profession receive, according to which obligations and responsibilities are enunciated and professional excellence is promoted?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-29d5e2e58adc4d65aefb397090a7ee05", "input": "En la prevalencia de los principios bio\u00e9ticos, los principios de justicia y de no maleficencia se encuadran en una \u00e9tica", "output": [ "In the prevalence of bioethical principles, the principles of justice and nonmaleficence are framed in an ethics" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cbfc837db54f403695bb9576ca301a16", "input": "Como profesional sanitario, usted debe tener unas cualidades/habilidades comunicativas. Bas\u00e1ndose en el di\u00e1logo siguiente, identifique qu\u00e9 hace la enfermera Paciente \u2013 No s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 me van a hacer, tengo miedo de que algo salga mal en la operaci\u00f3n. Enfermera \u2013 No se preocupe, tranquil\u00edcese, ver\u00e1 como todo saldr\u00e1 bien.", "output": [ "As a health professional, you must have communicative qualities / abilities. Based on the following dialogue, identify what the nurse does Patient - I do not know what they are going to do to me, I am afraid that something goes wrong in the operation. Nurse - Do not worry, calm down, you will see how everything will turn out well." ] }, { "id": "task1433-4415901d032c4f8db262d38df993cda7", "input": "Para afrontar de forma directa y efectiva situaciones estresantes se puede utilizar", "output": [ "To deal directly and effectively with stressful situations, you can use" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bef4335e06714fc3bbf12509a237c5b1", "input": "El modelo transaccional o procesual del estr\u00e9s de Lazarus y Folkman", "output": [ "The transactional or processual stress model of Lazarus and Folkman" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7c39dac3a1214c4e88a7e917f3246bf9", "input": "Son signos y s\u00edntomas de ansiedad grave", "output": [ "They are signs and symptoms of severe anxiety" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d27401b5443045d494ec7d9de8c6f145", "input": "Se\u00f1ale el enunciado correcto sobre la t\u00e9cnica de relajaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Point out the correct statement about the relaxation technique" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1ea059202bf446c98838868490605c48", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones NO se corresponde con los objetivos de la medicaci\u00f3n preanest\u00e9sica", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following options does NOT correspond to the objectives of the pre-anesthetic medication" ] }, { "id": "task1433-47adf389c02e415786bccf31bc8bfb8e", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n incorrecta en relaci\u00f3n con las reacciones adversas m\u00e1s frecuentes producidas por los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos", "output": [ "Indicate the wrong option in relation to the most frequent adverse reactions produced by the following drugs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8536007e775b42c0ae477c966fb79f29", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n correcta", "output": [ "Point out the correct option" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e64cd92372934c9f8ff36d8265528d66", "input": "La vitamina K es el antagonista espec\u00edfico para", "output": [ "Vitamin K is the specific antagonist for" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33c56633ea8442ef8b55cd6e6e537d02", "input": "Los f\u00e1rmacos inhibidores de la bomba de protones son \u00fatiles en el tratamiento de", "output": [ "Proton pump inhibitor drugs are useful in the treatment of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f7e877d8451462e86647411304eef2a", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos tiene acci\u00f3n antihipertensiva", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following drugs has antihypertensive action" ] }, { "id": "task1433-96c8bbe04826415cafcf0e87ead0d709", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la adrenalina es cierto que", "output": [ "In relation to adrenaline it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-376660d0796142d1bbc463bde9b82321", "input": "En las personas vegetarianas estrictas puede aparecer carencia de una de las siguientes vitaminas", "output": [ "In strict vegetarians, a lack of one of the following vitamins may appear" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3354bd64b0114dd189abf1efdaeb32e9", "input": "Con respecto a la administraci\u00f3n intermitente de nutrici\u00f3n enteral, se\u00f1ale la respuesta INCORRECTA", "output": [ "With regard to the intermittent administration of enteral nutrition, point out the INCORRECT response" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4217f265ce7c49598ff3d70d4ea51d21", "input": "El aceite de oliva tiene en su composici\u00f3n los siguientes nutrientes, EXCEPTO", "output": [ "Olive oil has the following nutrients in its composition, EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b0144a23780649559aaf3fa0371f9d20", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 se estima con la medici\u00f3n de los pliegues cut\u00e1neos?", "output": [ "What is estimated with the measurement of skin folds?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-11b9d575859d43589e58aefa0d33cf6a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estos alimentos debe reducir de su dieta un paciente con el colesterol elevado?", "output": [ "Which of these foods should reduce a patient with high cholesterol from his diet?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a6dc748e10946e0b5847ed6c197d9a7", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes nutrientes requiere una atenci\u00f3n y recomendaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s especial en la edad avanzada?", "output": [ "Which of the following nutrients requires more special attention and recommendation in later life?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7145acd586df4459bc9c72599dc467b4", "input": "Los pescados grasos, com\u00fanmente llamados azules, son los que contienen algo m\u00e1s del 10% de grasa. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes es un pescado magro y, por lo tanto, con un aporte de grasa inferior?", "output": [ "Fatty fish, commonly called blue, are those that contain just over 10% fat. Which of the following is a lean fish and, therefore, with a lower fat intake?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7cc1d9bcd5da4b6ca28f604721eb398f", "input": "Para diagnosticar una situaci\u00f3n de parada cardiorrespiratoria, la secuencia correcta de valoraci\u00f3n seg\u00fan las recomendaciones de la Gu\u00eda 2010 del Consejo Espa\u00f1ol de Resucitaci\u00f3n Cardiopulmonar consiste en", "output": [ "To diagnose a situation of cardiorespiratory arrest, the correct sequence of assessment according to the recommendations of the Guide 2010 of the Spanish Council of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation consists of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-93b21c9cc0cd476595f83746ef5064e7", "input": "Las personas afectadas de insuficiencia cardiaca cr\u00f3nica suelen presentar el diagn\u00f3stico de enfermer\u00eda Intolerancia a la actividad relacionado con", "output": [ "People affected by chronic heart failure usually present the diagnosis of nursing Intolerance to activity related to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dbb78a61a36145109bb75a7e95124d02", "input": "En el s\u00edndrome coronario agudo con elevaci\u00f3n del segmento ST, la heparina se utiliza porque", "output": [ "In acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation, heparin is used because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2bec9a08c901458cbfbe5eb123d47982", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 recomendaciones de autocuidado al alta le dar\u00eda a un paciente con epistaxis?", "output": [ "What self-care recommendations for discharge would you give to a patient with epistaxis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8df08c0602945cab970b59cccb2787c", "input": "J. L. es un paciente que tiene que administrarse un f\u00e1rmaco por v\u00eda inhalatoria con un dispensador en forma de cartucho presurizado. La recomendaci\u00f3n que le dar\u00e1 para su correcta administraci\u00f3n ser\u00e1", "output": [ "J. L. is a patient who has to administer a drug by inhalation with a dispenser in the form of a pressurized cartridge. The recommendation that will give you for its correct administration will be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f27d139ba404c9da9c537dc40a54f22", "input": "Al administrar oxigenoterapia a un paciente que ingresa en urgencias por presentar EPOC reagudizada, deber\u00e1 tener en cuenta que", "output": [ "When administering oxygen therapy to a patient admitted to the emergency room due to exacerbated COPD, you should take into account that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f362c50ab05649aaaef8bec1a802274d", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 acci\u00f3n llevar\u00eda a cabo si observa que en la c\u00e1mara del sello hidr\u00e1ulico del drenaje tor\u00e1cico de un paciente, el agua asciende al inspirar y desciende al espirar?", "output": [ "What action would you take if you notice that in the chamber of the hydraulic seal of a patient's chest drainage, the water rises on inspiration and descends on expiration?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8fca27a90bbf4c43a39d7eb44b8b366d", "input": "Al cuidar a un paciente al que le han realizado una laringectom\u00eda supragl\u00f3tica deber\u00e1 tener en cuenta que", "output": [ "When caring for a patient who has undergone a supraglottic laryngectomy, you should bear in mind that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e2b2376fa184ccea1ae966dce61f250", "input": "El manejo de las convulsiones en un paciente, dentro de la fase ictal, incluye actividades como tranquilizarle, protegerle de lesiones, administrar la medicaci\u00f3n prescrita y mantener la v\u00eda a\u00e9rea permeable, entre otras. Pero, adem\u00e1s, es fundamental", "output": [ "The management of seizures in a patient, within the ictal phase, includes activities such as reassuring him, protecting him from injuries, administering the prescribed medication and maintaining a permeable airway, among others. But, in addition, it is fundamental" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e6f48ee71d4745c7ada570dd7359c6ad", "input": "El S\u00edndrome de Guillain-Barr\u00e9 es un trastorno desmielinizante inflamatorio agudo del sistema nervioso perif\u00e9rico. La p\u00e9rdida de la fuerza muscular en la fase aguda puede suponer una urgencia, que en los casos graves deriva en", "output": [ "Guillain-Barr\u00e9 syndrome is an acute inflammatory demyelinating disorder of the peripheral nervous system. The loss of muscular strength in the acute phase can imply an urgency, which in severe cases results in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-128c07aecd6e4d39a10ea8c046b9d30e", "input": "Cuando valora a un paciente con un problema neurol\u00f3gico, usted comprueba que presenta signo de Kerning positivo. Este hallazgo se relaciona con", "output": [ "When you assess a patient with a neurological problem, you check that he has a positive Kerning sign. This finding is related to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4be168b525454f738ebbc7de50d88c49", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson es verdadera?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about Parkinson's disease is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-157c3994eee84f828826eeaaa57aec89", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el principal factor de riesgo en la aparici\u00f3n del ICTUS isqu\u00e9mico o hemorr\u00e1gico?", "output": [ "What is the main risk factor in the appearance of ischemic or hemorrhagic ICTUS?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90e67c5d0cc14286b8be973b8dc02d17", "input": "El control de constantes vitales es fundamental en la valoraci\u00f3n del paciente neurol\u00f3gico. Muchos trastornos neurol\u00f3gicos pueden cursar con alteraciones del patr\u00f3n o frecuencia respiratoria, indicando lesi\u00f3n del centro respiratorio o del sistema nervioso. Uno de estos patrones respiratorios anormales, presente en la meningitis o casos de lesi\u00f3n supratentorial, es la respiraci\u00f3n de Cheyne-Stokes, caracterizada por", "output": [ "The control of vital signs is fundamental in the assessment of the neurological patient. Many neurological disorders can present alterations of the respiratory pattern or frequency, indicating damage to the respiratory center or the nervous system. One of these abnormal breathing patterns, present in meningitis or cases of supratentorial injury, is Cheyne-Stokes respiration, characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-53fd8389f6744a20bbb3deb75a3aaf74", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de las siguientes posiciones se debe colocar a un paciente para realizarle una gastroscopia?", "output": [ "In which of the following positions should a patient be placed to perform a gastroscopy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20c7400ace774602b0f2b9f5691bcf6e", "input": "El se\u00f1or A. P. ha sido dado de alta tras ser intervenido de una resecci\u00f3n g\u00e1strica. \u00bfQu\u00e9 recomendaciones debe darle para evitar el s\u00edndrome de evacuaci\u00f3n r\u00e1pida?", "output": [ "Mr. A. P. has been discharged after being operated on for a gastric resection. What recommendations should you give to avoid the rapid evacuation syndrome?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b625527684484787b95476cb31d50794", "input": "La dieta de una persona con diverticulosis intestinal debe ser", "output": [ "The diet of a person with intestinal diverticulosis should be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f02c5388b8fe49a6bad7247598523cba", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas es la predominante en un paciente con pancreatitis aguda?", "output": [ "Which of the following clinical manifestations is predominant in a patient with acute pancreatitis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2be3dc4340a04fd0a44e308863005bc9", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el cuidado personal despu\u00e9s de una colecistectom\u00eda laparosc\u00f3pica, es INCORRECTA?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about personal care after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is INCORRECT?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc39d8ebf1684adb84bcb06447233490", "input": "Un paciente con dispepsia va a someterse a una prueba de detecci\u00f3n de Helicobacter pylori. Antes de la realizaci\u00f3n de la prueba, el paciente debe saber que", "output": [ "A patient with dyspepsia will undergo a screening test for Helicobacter pylori. Before carrying out the test, the patient should know that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ab7f505224fa4fb98e450f3013b72556", "input": "En general, se debe aumentar la ingesta h\u00eddrica en los pacientes sometidos a quimioterapia con el objetivo de", "output": [ "In general, water intake should be increased in patients undergoing chemotherapy with the aim of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c78bd5be19c4a509531d0a7436c2496", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes precauciones de seguridad utilizadas en el cuidado del paciente que recibe braquiterapia NO es cierta", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following safety precautions used in the care of the patient receiving brachytherapy is NOT true" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1d99804546db4758beab6ee90ec753cd", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes sustancias qu\u00edmicas es considerada el carcin\u00f3geno individual m\u00e1s letal?", "output": [ "Which of the following chemicals is considered the most lethal individual carcinogen?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44a94568db9346a282572cbaae3f3ee2", "input": "La gradaci\u00f3n de un tumor se refiere a", "output": [ "The gradation of a tumor refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f0dd5cdecab947329c8a01224816a7fc", "input": "Usted est\u00e1 informando a P. T. de la ca\u00edda del cabello que se producir\u00e1 sobre la segunda o tercera semana de comienzo del tratamiento con quimioterapia. Le sugiere empezar a usar la peluca antes de la p\u00e9rdida de pelo con el fin de", "output": [ "You are informing P. T. of hair loss that will occur about the second or third week of beginning chemotherapy treatment. It suggests you start using the wig before hair loss in order to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46c7b59c45d8432b9b0ff7884b83490e", "input": "A una mujer de 55 a\u00f1os afectada de insuficiencia suprarrenal se le ha prescrito tratamiento con corticoides. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes instrucciones le proporcionar\u00eda en relaci\u00f3n con este tratamiento?", "output": [ "A 55-year-old woman with adrenal insufficiency has been prescribed corticosteroid treatment. Which of the following instructions would you provide in relation to this treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c8c0a2334a104e79812cee7187ae14e5", "input": "El se\u00f1or P. L. de 59 a\u00f1os, tiene diabetes de tipo 2 y su \u00cdndice de Masa Corporal es de 27. Le pregunta a usted si puede tomar una copa de vino con las comidas. Su respuesta es", "output": [ "Mr. P. L., 59, has type 2 diabetes and his Body Mass Index is 27. He asks you if you can have a glass of wine with meals. Your answer is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fd94a4ff93b3461fafb4bee3d581f3c2", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes insulinas se utiliza para la dosis basal en un paciente diab\u00e9tico?", "output": [ "Which of the following insulins is used for the basal dose in a diabetic patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d57d4aac31a3474aae31624bca4c64ea", "input": "A. C. est\u00e1 hospitalizada por presentar un cuadro de tirotoxicosis. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas medidas llevar\u00eda a cabo?", "output": [ "A.C. is hospitalized for presenting a picture of thyrotoxicosis. Which of these measures would you carry out?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-42b3d295451a4f63ab9e3826d9923ede", "input": "La di\u00e1lisis peritoneal es una t\u00e9cnica depurativa que se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "Peritoneal dialysis is a depurative technique that is characterized because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a30a51568d4c413b970b71e68bbf3a9b", "input": "P. L. es un paciente que presenta infecciones urinarias frecuentes. Al explicarle las posibles causas de las mismas le comentar\u00e1 que un factor de riesgo es", "output": [ "P. L. is a patient with frequent urinary infections. When explaining the possible causes of the same will comment that a risk factor is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-09b4301919bf4ffdabec11f79f3c8719", "input": "Para detectar la aparici\u00f3n de una insuficiencia renal aguda prerrenal en un paciente, la enfermera deber\u00e1 vigilar la presencia de", "output": [ "To detect the occurrence of prerenal acute renal failure in a patient, the nurse should monitor the presence of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-339418e4b03e4f89a7a1834331e9773b", "input": "A un paciente portador de una f\u00edstula arteriovenosa interna en el brazo izquierdo le recomendar\u00e1", "output": [ "A patient with an internal arteriovenous fistula in the left arm will recommend" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8964a57617b4f7e93f3a75769bf62e2", "input": "Un paciente diagnosticado de insuficiencia renal cr\u00f3nica presenta hormigueo y parestesias en las piernas. Esto es debido a", "output": [ "A patient diagnosed with chronic renal failure has tingling and paresthesias in the legs. This is due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3169760a55a54f4c8d936d382c9b1a1b", "input": "Una distensi\u00f3n se define c\u00f3mo", "output": [ "A distension is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3eac0002a96b450c99b061eb6a756d47", "input": "A un paciente con un episodio agudo de gota, la enfermera debe recomendarle", "output": [ "For a patient with an acute episode of gout, the nurse should recommend" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aab43988f62743ada7cc7d32f059415d", "input": "Una recomendaci\u00f3n adecuada para una paciente con diagn\u00f3stico reciente de osteoporosis es", "output": [ "An adequate recommendation for a patient with a recent diagnosis of osteoporosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0af57789210e415ead47904fc3829f24", "input": "Durante su jornada laboral en la Unidad de Cirug\u00eda, usted recibe a un paciente intervenido quir\u00fargicamente procedente de la Unidad de Recuperaci\u00f3n Post-Anest\u00e9sica. Al valorarlo observa que porta un drenaje de Penrose. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre este tipo de drenaje es la correcta?", "output": [ "During your working day in the Surgery Unit, you receive a patient surgically removed from the Post-Anesthetic Recovery Unit. When evaluating it, observe that it carries a Penrose drain. Which of the following statements about this type of drainage is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6b34576a3b064a7eb99ffdb44bb6825f", "input": "Para el cuidado de las heridas y dependiendo de la evoluci\u00f3n de las mismas, existe en el mercado una gran variedad de ap\u00f3sitos. De las siguientes afirmaciones, se\u00f1ale la correcta", "output": [ "For wound care and depending on their evolution, there is a wide variety of dressings on the market. From the following statements, point out the correct one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-507a3df6052f4ad7b61ec07ac6ce1e9f", "input": "Cuando usted valora el estado nutricional del paciente en el per\u00edodo preoperatorio, ha de saber que si \u00e9ste sufre un d\u00e9ficit de Vitamina C, puede presentar en el postoperatorio", "output": [ "When you assess the nutritional status of the patient in the preoperative period, you should know that if he suffers from a deficit of Vitamin C, he may present in the postoperative period" ] }, { "id": "task1433-60cc552a89e2429cbb09407a70b0ad21", "input": "Para medir la presi\u00f3n de enclavamiento pulmonar (PEP) mediante un cat\u00e9ter en arteria pulmonar, es recomendable tener en cuenta que", "output": [ "To measure the pulmonary wedge pressure (PEP) by means of a pulmonary artery catheter, it is advisable to take into account that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6e1e42fc97d548e898792c58bb398ee1", "input": "La monitorizaci\u00f3n de la Presi\u00f3n Venosa Central (PVC) es un procedimiento realizado con frecuencia por las enfermeras de la Unidad de Cuidados Cr\u00edticos. Se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n correcta respecto al desempe\u00f1o de esta medici\u00f3n hemodin\u00e1mica", "output": [ "Central Venous Pressure (PVC) monitoring is a procedure performed frequently by nurses in the Critical Care Unit. Indicate the correct option regarding the performance of this hemodynamic measurement" ] }, { "id": "task1433-597190a19f1e4b368095a2f21111b242", "input": "En un paciente conectado a ventilaci\u00f3n mec\u00e1nica invasiva, cuando todos los movimientos son generados por el respirador, suministrando un determinado volumen con un flujo constante durante un tiempo preajustado, sin permitir la sincronizaci\u00f3n con respiraciones espont\u00e1neas o adicionales del paciente, hacemos referencia a", "output": [ "In a patient connected to invasive mechanical ventilation, when all movements are generated by the ventilator, supplying a certain volume with a constant flow during a preset time, without allowing the synchronization with spontaneous or additional respirations of the patient, we refer to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0dd629fa941340eeb04ef34749be8a71", "input": "Un hombre de 65 a\u00f1os tiene un c\u00e1ncer terminal avanzado. \u00bfQu\u00e9 dato indicar\u00eda que est\u00e1 cerca del final de su vida? Se\u00f1ale la mejor opci\u00f3n", "output": [ "A 65-year-old man has advanced terminal cancer. What data would indicate that it is near the end of his life? Point out the best option" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b570b4f51c604d12af25f592ff488561", "input": "P. C. es un enfermo en situaci\u00f3n terminal que presenta mucositis oral y dolor, aunque conserva la capacidad para comer una dieta s\u00f3lida. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes acciones estar\u00eda indicada?", "output": [ "P. C. is a terminally ill patient with oral mucositis and pain, although he retains the ability to eat a solid diet. Which of the following actions would be indicated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-125a7d0488264044885789b0c420ef5a", "input": "De los siguientes contaminantes, \u00bfcu\u00e1l tiene una mayor afinidad por la hemoglobina produciendo alteraciones en el tejido cerebral, mioc\u00e1rdico y muscular?", "output": [ "Of the following pollutants, which has a greater affinity for hemoglobin producing alterations in brain, myocardial and muscular tissue?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b239d786efcf4683a2418b6969d2db1e", "input": "Acude a una consulta de enfermer\u00eda un joven de 18 a\u00f1os de edad con una herida de mordedura de perro en la cara lateral del miembro inferior derecho. La herida se produjo hace 30 horas y afecta a tejido subcut\u00e1neo, tiene forma de luna (unos 5 cm aproximadamente de largo) y es profunda. Teniendo en cuenta que tiene el calendario vacunal infantil completo, \u00bfqu\u00e9 intervenci\u00f3n estar\u00eda indicada en relaci\u00f3n a la vacunaci\u00f3n del t\u00e9tanos?", "output": [ "A 18-year-old male with a dog bite wound on the lateral face of the right lower limb comes to a nursing consultation. The wound occurred 30 hours ago and affects the subcutaneous tissue, is shaped like a moon (about 5 cm long) and is deep. Considering that you have the complete childhood immunization schedule, what intervention would be indicated in relation to tetanus vaccination?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe8c8ea133904533a7966115e0f860ba", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la medida de prevenci\u00f3n secundaria que se ha demostrado efectiva en el c\u00e1ncer de col\u00f3n", "output": [ "Point out the secondary prevention measure that has been shown to be effective in colon cancer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8f7edbce1ba74914b7c808765ca5a203", "input": "Acude al centro integral de atenci\u00f3n al drogodependiente una mujer de 32 a\u00f1os embarazada de 16 semanas, consumidora habitual de coca\u00edna y hero\u00edna con antecedentes de fracasos en desintoxicaci\u00f3n ambulatoria. No tiene apoyo familiar y manifiesta querer dejar de consumir drogas, pero necesita apoyo para hacerlo. \u00bfQu\u00e9 recurso estar\u00eda indicado?", "output": [ "A 32-year-old pregnant woman of 16 weeks, a habitual consumer of cocaine and heroin with a history of failure in outpatient detoxification, goes to the comprehensive care center for drug addicts. He has no family support and says he wants to stop using drugs, but he needs support to do so. Which resource would be indicated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-febc8c177e054a1c890e124adb358604", "input": "Acude a consulta de enfermer\u00eda una mujer de 57 a\u00f1os con antecedentes de HTA grado 1, controlada con dieta hipos\u00f3dica, IMC 23 y exfumadora. Datos de la \u00faltima anal\u00edtica Colesterol total 225 mg/dl; LDL colesterol 123 mg/dl y glucosa 129 mg/dl. De las siguientes recomendaciones, \u00bfcu\u00e1l estar\u00eda indicada para el control del riesgo cardiovascular?", "output": [ "A 57-year-old woman with a history of HTA grade 1, controlled with a low-sodium diet, a BMI 23 and an ex-smoker, attended the nursing consultation. Data from the last analysis Total cholesterol 225 mg / dl; LDL cholesterol 123 mg / dl and glucose 129 mg / dl. Of the following recommendations, which would be indicated for the control of cardiovascular risk?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6820695062904b84b3d5fd2ba6dcd69a", "input": "La estructura organizativa funcional formada por profesionales sanitarios y no sanitarios, que tiene responsabilidad en la prestaci\u00f3n sanitaria de forma integral, compartida y continuada en la zona b\u00e1sica de salud, recibe el nombre de", "output": [ "The functional organizational structure formed by health and non-health professionals, who is responsible for health care in a comprehensive, shared and continuous manner in the basic health area, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ab0f1c2749b2422dbba648cfeaf402c0", "input": "La probabilidad de que una persona libre de una enfermedad la desarrolle durante un periodo de tiempo, se corresponde con", "output": [ "The probability that a person free of a disease develops it during a period of time, corresponds to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ded2df662eaf46f9ac9523df23105e67", "input": "Seg\u00fan la Ley General de Sanidad 14/1986 de 25 de abril, el marco territorial de la Atenci\u00f3n Primaria de Salud es", "output": [ "According to the General Health Law 14/1986 of April 25, the territorial framework of Primary Health Care is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-655f62b637c342c38bcb5b53d3917d0a", "input": "Seg\u00fan Berman et al., desde el punto de vista sanitario, al grupo social b\u00e1sico constituido por personas de g\u00e9nero femenino o masculino, j\u00f3venes o adultos, unidos por lazos legales, de amistad, relacionados o no gen\u00e9ticamente y que los dem\u00e1s consideran allegados, se le denomina", "output": [ "According to Berman et al., From the sanitary point of view, to the basic social group constituted by persons of feminine or masculine gender, young or adult, united by legal, friendship, related or not genetically and that others consider close friends, he calls you" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2af0553414dd4f75b270e0b5a55ba734", "input": "El conjunto de medios y sistemas que facilitan el contacto del agente infeccioso con el sujeto receptor, se corresponde con", "output": [ "The set of means and systems that facilitate the contact of the infectious agent with the recipient subject corresponds to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8cb4915ae0de4fd1b75038a480c7cc3c", "input": "Aquellas desigualdades evitables, consideradas injustas en el acceso a los servicios de salud entre regiones o entre subgrupos de poblaci\u00f3n en un mismo pa\u00eds, se corresponde con el t\u00e9rmino de", "output": [ "Those avoidable inequalities, considered unfair in the access to health services between regions or between subgroups of population in the same country, corresponds to the term of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3deb2921e4a042e5a50acfa9645ab0a2", "input": "En un programa cuyo objetivo es capacitar a los adolescentes para que puedan elegir conductas orientadas a la salud y ayudar a los padres a promover la adaptaci\u00f3n saludable de sus hijos, la poblaci\u00f3n diana estar\u00e1 formada por", "output": [ "In a program whose objective is to train adolescents so that they can choose health-oriented behaviors and help parents to promote the healthy adaptation of their children, the target population will be formed by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f5b312e4ad6a408283a6625b9ece33b7", "input": "Entre las actividades expuestas a continuaci\u00f3n, seleccione cu\u00e1l es la actividad asistencial de la enfermera integrada en un equipo de atenci\u00f3n primaria", "output": [ "Among the activities listed below, select the nursing care activity integrated in a primary care team" ] }, { "id": "task1433-76dc1babe1f7408080e46ca58928933f", "input": "En 1984 se inicia en Espa\u00f1a el proceso de reforma de la asistencia sanitaria con la publicaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "In 1984, the process of healthcare reform began in Spain with the publication of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ea87b50fac3e4a47bec8a742b6827f40", "input": "Entre los objetivos espec\u00edficos que ha elaborado con el fin de hacer una intervenci\u00f3n de educaci\u00f3n para la salud, encaminada a facilitar a las personas de 65 y m\u00e1s a\u00f1os la incorporaci\u00f3n de actividades preventivas para el golpe de calor en los autocuidados diarios, identifique el que est\u00e1 INCORRECTAMENTE formulado", "output": [ "Among the specific objectives that have been developed in order to make a health education intervention, aimed at providing people 65 years and older with the incorporation of preventive activities for heat stroke in daily self-care, identify the one that is INCORRECTLY formulated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f7d9e4c1ab74a2d81abe385584cd77f", "input": "Un procedimiento para identificar problemas de salud es mediante el acuerdo de personas que tienen informaci\u00f3n cualificada sobre la comunidad. Dos de las t\u00e9cnicas m\u00e1s frecuentemente empleadas son", "output": [ "A procedure to identify health problems is through the agreement of people who have qualified information about the community. Two of the most frequently used techniques are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cc5f5afb0b2c412eb368253c3de51805", "input": "En una zona b\u00e1sica de salud se han detectado 10 casos de gripe en el mes de junio. Esta forma de presentaci\u00f3n de la enfermedad transmisible se define como", "output": [ "In a basic health area, 10 cases of influenza were detected in the month of June. This form of presentation of the communicable disease is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f04e5669142d4c7a903a79efc51fd86f", "input": "La prevenci\u00f3n primaria", "output": [ "Primary prevention" ] }, { "id": "task1433-067e8b5dd6864a87a2ffa818b967fcfa", "input": "Usted est\u00e1 valorando el recinto donde est\u00e1n recogidos 100 perros abandonados. De los datos procedentes de la observaci\u00f3n destacan la situaci\u00f3n de hacinamiento de los animales, el ambiente lleno de polvo y el estado de excitaci\u00f3n de los animales. Mientras entrevista a uno de los trabajadores, le informa que lleva 6 a\u00f1os trabajando de 700 a 1330 h, dando de comer y beber a los animales y limpiando los habit\u00e1culos donde viven. Nunca se ha sentido mal, cree que ning\u00fan perro le va a morder y que nada sabe de prevenciones y cuidados que deben mantener mientras trabaja. Con los datos que posee, determina que existe una situaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "You are evaluating the site where 100 abandoned dogs are collected. Of the data coming from the observation they emphasize the situation of overcrowding of the animals, the environment full of dust and the state of excitation of the animals. While interviewing one of the workers, he informs her that he has been working for 6 years from 700 a.m. to 130 p.m., feeding and drinking the animals and cleaning the living quarters where they live. He has never felt bad, believes that no dog is going to bite him and that he knows nothing of the precautions and cares that must be maintained while he works. With the data you have, determines that there is a situation of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-123a1730b1764e02ac5c7a85a29ee0d7", "input": "La epidemiolog\u00eda permite detectar precozmente los cambios en la incidencia de una determinada enfermedad en la poblaci\u00f3n. Para ello, lo m\u00e1s correcto es utilizar", "output": [ "Epidemiology allows early detection of changes in the incidence of a certain disease in the population. For this, the most correct thing is to use" ] }, { "id": "task1433-13037787e18c4f84b9a9ea711a279cdc", "input": "Seg\u00fan la Organizaci\u00f3n Mundial de la Salud, la acci\u00f3n ejercida sobre los individuos para llevarles a modificar sus comportamientos, recibe el nombre de", "output": [ "According to the World Health Organization, the action taken on individuals to change their behavior is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-97cec4868a1943bc82ebce5d48ea1b8a", "input": "El sistema que integra la asistencia y el cuidado que proporciona la familia, los vecinos o allegados sin que exista ninguna relaci\u00f3n contractual y basado en unas relaciones personales estrechas, se corresponde con", "output": [ "The system that integrates the assistance and care provided by the family, neighbors or relatives without any contractual relationship and based on close personal relationships, corresponds to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ef0c54712c7f4d54b4e6f15be2f88aa6", "input": "Las medidas de prevenci\u00f3n primaria de infecciones de transmisi\u00f3n sexual, NO incluyen", "output": [ "The primary prevention measures of sexually transmitted infections do NOT include" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3658f8f4bd9449ebaf662187cf9ff927", "input": "\u00bfLa implantaci\u00f3n del \u00f3vulo fertilizado en un lugar distinto al endometrio uterino, se denomina?", "output": [ "Is the implantation of the fertilized egg in a place other than the uterine endometrium called?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-14aec23a1952453bb8d279f8817ef464", "input": "Reva Rubin identifica la conducta materna despu\u00e9s del parto en tres etapas", "output": [ "Reva Rubin identifies maternal behavior after delivery in three stages" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a2cdae72b93a4e269ff258b219c384a1", "input": "El gasto cardiaco (CG) aumenta entre el 40 y el 50% durante el embarazo. \u00bfCu\u00e1ndo vuelve a valores normales?", "output": [ "Cardiac output (CG) increases between 40 and 50% during pregnancy. When does it return to normal values?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61ec2a607dfb4a538ae0a2c70e2546ab", "input": "Al valorar la postura que mantiene el bebe mamando, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes signos indican que NO es correcta la posici\u00f3n y agarre del bebe al pecho?", "output": [ "When assessing the position held by the baby suckling, which of the following signs indicate that the position and grip of the baby is NOT correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46ff806fbbd24cf7b00430e46df08ad0", "input": "En una mujer gestante de 32 semanas se escucha el latido cardiaco fetal. \u00bfQu\u00e9 maniobra de Leopold se debe realizar para conocer d\u00f3nde se encuentra el dorso fetal?", "output": [ "A fetal heartbeat is heard in a 32-week pregnant woman. What Leopold maneuver should be done to know where the fetal dorsum is located ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ebc118f2301d423097da4c08db713ef1", "input": "Despu\u00e9s de un parto vaginal normal de baja intervenci\u00f3n, en una mujer sana con un reci\u00e9n nacido sano, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es el mejor momento para iniciar la lactancia materna?", "output": [ "After a normal low-level vaginal delivery, in a healthy woman with a healthy newborn, what is the best time to start breastfeeding?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8efed1f7ea0e4c0fa068301b29ed10b8", "input": "Al valorar el m\u00e9todo anticonceptivo m\u00e1s adecuado para una persona hay que tener en cuenta", "output": [ "When assessing the most appropriate contraceptive method for a person, the following should be taken into account" ] }, { "id": "task1433-74ec2aedc0f54c1495fabddd30945e9a", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 cuidados se deben planificar cuando la mujer alcanza la menopausia?", "output": [ "What care should be planned when a woman reaches menopause?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5656db5400a448e791eb6dbb8d5005ff", "input": "De las siguientes sugerencias a la familia sobre la alimentaci\u00f3n del escolar para la prevenci\u00f3n de la obesidad, se\u00f1ale cual NO es recomendable", "output": [ "From the following suggestions to the family about the school feeding for the prevention of obesity, indicate which is NOT recommended" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9fe1edc65b994341956c44df2115b674", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes alteraciones NO se corresponde con las manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas de la diabetes tipo 1 en los ni\u00f1os", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following alterations does NOT correspond to the clinical manifestations of type 1 diabetes in children" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b462ec58d3df4785885abdf0fdad389d", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta FALSA con respecto a la bronquiolitis", "output": [ "Point out the FALSE response regarding bronchiolitis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ad754ee078345edb29fe97dbe90cb61", "input": "Tras un parto normal a t\u00e9rmino se observa que el beb\u00e9 tiene un latido card\u00edaco de 130 latidos por minuto, respira con armon\u00eda y tranquilidad, tiene movimientos espont\u00e1neos, color sonrosado y buena respuesta al est\u00edmulo de succi\u00f3n. \u00bfQu\u00e9 valor resultar\u00e1 en la realizaci\u00f3n del Test de Apgar?", "output": [ "After a normal term delivery it is observed that the baby has a heartbeat of 130 beats per minute, breathes with harmony and tranquility, has spontaneous movements, rosy color and good response to the stimulation of suction. What value will result in the completion of the Apgar Test?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1eded540fa0b44fa86667f4ee986cc8b", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones NO supone una respuesta normal del desarrollo motor del ni\u00f1o en su primer a\u00f1o de vida", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following options does NOT suppose a normal response of the child's motor development in its first year of life" ] }, { "id": "task1433-51aaccb5e44a45dd86d8f953569ed73c", "input": "Entre las estrategias que utiliza la enfermera en el cuidado de los ni\u00f1os de 2 a\u00f1os se encuentra el juego. Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de los que se enuncian a continuaci\u00f3n favorece la comprensi\u00f3n del proceso de enfermedad y la terapia", "output": [ "The game is one of the strategies used by the nurse in caring for children aged 2 years. Point out which of the following is favorable to the understanding of the disease process and therapy" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e8debcce3694931adff6506d2cb8c1b", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a las vacunas, se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n correcta", "output": [ "In relation to vaccines, indicate the correct option" ] }, { "id": "task1433-81071313d1be4b31a0ae7a860f522094", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto al dolor en la infancia", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer regarding childhood pain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a777adbe6174859a1749e8a188c72fe", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas NO son propias de la deshidrataci\u00f3n en el lactante", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following clinical manifestations are NOT specific to dehydration in the infant" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d2087d8d1d6b4bbd85d9a76098918c53", "input": "En el esquema de las etapas del desarrollo puberal de Tanner, el estadio o nivel 5 en las mujeres se corresponde con", "output": [ "In the scheme of the stages of Tanner's pubertal development, the stage or level 5 in women corresponds to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-66680075b5364a2d847508cf45fb28ea", "input": "Seg\u00fan se recoge en el proyecto de Ley sobre Dependencia de 2006, en Espa\u00f1a, es cierto que", "output": [ "According to the draft Law on Dependency 2006, in Spain, it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b734bcf31afc42dd9000a623c78ada9a", "input": "En la consulta de enfermer\u00eda se est\u00e1 aplicando el test de Pfeiffer a F. P. de 80 a\u00f1os. De este instrumento se ha descrito que", "output": [ "In the nursing consultation the Pfeiffer test is being applied to F. P. of 80 years. From this instrument it has been described that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9951bf3c6f1a4dd5bc0ac588e6316eb4", "input": "La familia de F. G. de 80 a\u00f1os, que presenta demencia bastante avanzada, quiere solicitar su incapacitaci\u00f3n legal. Se sabe que la incapacitaci\u00f3n legal", "output": [ "The 80-year-old family of F. G., who has very advanced dementia, wants to request legal incapacitation. It is known that legal incapacitation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aae41c7c99284617aec68e7f5890ee11", "input": "En las personas mayores el agua corporal total", "output": [ "In the elderly the total body water" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72e90aa022774baba812cd015b80fe61", "input": "La causa m\u00e1s frecuente de ceguera irreversible en mayores de 60 a\u00f1os es", "output": [ "The most frequent cause of irreversible blindness in people over 60 is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b050cd79dd84645986546a996ba41be", "input": "T. R. de 89 a\u00f1os, presenta inestabilidad y ha sufrido una ca\u00edda. Respecto a las ca\u00eddas en las personas mayores, es correcto que", "output": [ "T. R. of 89 years, presents instability and has suffered a fall. Regarding falls in older people, it is correct that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-918a07ce27434699905f812530ba98cb", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracteriza al proceso de envejecimiento fisiol\u00f3gico del sistema musculoesquel\u00e9tico?", "output": [ "What characterizes the physiological aging process of the musculoskeletal system?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-93d9747b00634ddda3eb8e8b5b9f3867", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la principal causa de incontinencia urinaria funcional en las personas ancianas?", "output": [ "What is the main cause of functional urinary incontinence in the elderly?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fec002caea6347c18a6fdd99c633bea6", "input": "Cu\u00e1l de las siguientes complicaciones puede presentar un paciente geri\u00e1trico diagnosticado de enfermedad de Parkinson y en tratamiento con Levodopa", "output": [ "Which of the following complications may present a geriatric patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and in treatment with Levodopa" ] }, { "id": "task1433-caa0256716244eb7864cb37bdb5cac6d", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 se debe la presencia de l\u00e9ntigo en las personas mayores?", "output": [ "Why is the presence of lentigo in older people?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02431d2b5c1f4b94b38cebbfcf16c6f5", "input": "\u00bfCon cu\u00e1l de los siguientes par\u00e1metros se identifica el concepto de fragilidad en las personas mayores?", "output": [ "With which of the following parameters is the concept of frailty identified in older people?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e17b2a0d3184a898902481f1fba241e", "input": "El Mini Nutricional Assessment (MNA)", "output": [ "The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e620459c42a42dcb450ca6f1cfc2108", "input": "J. C. de 85 a\u00f1os, tiene antecedentes de osteoporosis. Una potencial complicaci\u00f3n es la fractura por fragilidad, destacando que", "output": [ "J. C, 85 years old, has a history of osteoporosis. A potential complication is fragility fracture, highlighting that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e0add371ee544d4a90bebba0f482b364", "input": "La agorafobia es un trastorno de ansiedad que consiste en", "output": [ "Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that consists of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0536d5dc192748e694b2b5ddd7c1bf47", "input": "La Ley General de Sanidad (Ley 14/1986, de 25 de abril) favoreci\u00f3 la reforma psiqui\u00e1trica en Espa\u00f1a porque", "output": [ "The General Law of Health (Law 14/1986, of April 25) favored the psychiatric reform in Spain because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be17ad508dbc48a0bcece9c6a7e5704c", "input": "Los delirios son s\u00edntomas caracter\u00edsticos de la esquizofrenia que", "output": [ "Delusions are characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f13d5ca2de3f45a8815bcefd6675a830", "input": "En la clasificaci\u00f3n del DSM-IV, dentro de los trastornos del estado de \u00e1nimo se incluye el trastorno bipolar. Se define como", "output": [ "In the DSM-IV classification, bipolar disorder is included within mood disorders. Is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2c1c54996f064af6b00c8b59f0bf5f51", "input": "En los trastornos relacionados con el consumo de sustancias, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 consiste la dependencia f\u00edsica?", "output": [ "In disorders related to substance use, what is physical dependence?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b0179e3c94164a268831b54d1603411a", "input": "Entre las competencias a desarrollar por la enfermera de salud mental dentro del equipo multidisciplinar, se encuentra", "output": [ "Among the competences to be developed by the mental health nurse within the multidisciplinary team is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6417a461414345bda30fe259094794dc", "input": "Las alucinaciones son manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas de la esquizofrenia que", "output": [ "Hallucinations are clinical manifestations of schizophrenia that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f74de6f2e1584ca7a71e96f0a8e75332", "input": "Al conjunto de mecanismos sociales cuya funci\u00f3n es la transformaci\u00f3n de productos especializados en forma de servicios sanitarios para la sociedad, se le denomina sistema", "output": [ "The set of social mechanisms whose function is the transformation of specialized products in the form of health services for society, is called system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9ad5ee525fd74c6b87d203f836903450", "input": "El modelo asistencial consistente en la coordinaci\u00f3n sistem\u00e1tica de la atenci\u00f3n que se presta a grupos espec\u00edficos de pacientes, durante un episodio de cuidados, para alcanzar los resultados cl\u00ednicos previstos, tratando de conseguir el menor coste y la mejora de la calidad asistencial, se denomina de", "output": [ "The assistance model consisting in the systematic coordination of the attention given to specific groups of patients, during an episode of care, to reach the expected clinical results, trying to achieve the lowest cost and the improvement of the quality of care, is called " ] }, { "id": "task1433-deda3feb2ff34342b9ccf20f7c9b8069", "input": "En el \u00e1mbito de la gesti\u00f3n, a la capacidad productiva de las personas que se manifiesta y se mide por su desempe\u00f1o, reflejando los conocimientos, las habilidades, las actitudes y las destrezas para realizar un trabajo eficiente y efectivo, se le denomina", "output": [ "In the field of management, the productive capacity of people that is manifested and measured by their performance, reflecting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills to perform an efficient and effective work, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-513cb06bddae400fab3c21e4c4f8ec3b", "input": "Un avance fundamental de la gesti\u00f3n tuvo lugar mediante la creaci\u00f3n, por un equipo de la Universidad de Yale, de un sistema de clasificaci\u00f3n de episodios de hospitalizaci\u00f3n, a los cuales se les denomin\u00f3", "output": [ "A fundamental breakthrough in management took place through the creation, by a Yale University team, of a classification system for hospitalization episodes, which were called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ef0b8ec7f12c4cc1ad7087873a1011b9", "input": "Seg\u00fan las recomendaciones de la Gu\u00eda del 2010 del Consejo Espa\u00f1ol de Resucitaci\u00f3n Cardiopulmonar, al aplicar las maniobras de reanimaci\u00f3n cardiopulmonar en un lactante se debe", "output": [ "According to the recommendations of the 2010 Guide of the Spanish Council of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, when applying cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers in an infant, the following should be done" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f75109695e049f2875a07206a7ea74f", "input": "Dentro de la Escuela de Pensamiento de la Interacci\u00f3n, se incluye el modelo desarrollado por", "output": [ "Within the Interaction Thinking School, the model developed by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6d51ce8d52b54744bf6877c0c976ece3", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el envejecimiento se corresponde con el enfoque psicosocial conocido como Teor\u00eda de la Continuidad?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about aging corresponds to the psychosocial approach known as Theory of Continuity?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95c6a54b0eef4c38af019962db7d48ba", "input": "La evaluaci\u00f3n de un programa de salud debe considerar", "output": [ "The evaluation of a health program must consider" ] }, { "id": "task1433-081fd7ec66714d41af8c74cbc4a4f77c", "input": "Entre las normas de administraci\u00f3n de la Nutrici\u00f3n Parenteral, cu\u00e1l es verdadera", "output": [ "Among the rules of administration of Parenteral Nutrition, which is true" ] }, { "id": "task1433-66e8be6f5979438ca6b37271efc9aa49", "input": "La fase prodr\u00f3mica de un episodio psic\u00f3tico se caracteriza por", "output": [ "The prodromal phase of a psychotic episode is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fa248096e7af46aaa73f6d8582a89905", "input": "Respecto al reci\u00e9n nacido, se\u00f1ale la afirmaci\u00f3n correcta", "output": [ "Regarding the newborn, point out the correct statement" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d47892146c8b4888b00cd03a88fc66c6", "input": "El documento que sienta los principios de la Bio\u00e9tica respecto a la autonom\u00eda de las personas, beneficencia y justicia, y fija los requisitos b\u00e1sicos del consentimiento informado, la valoraci\u00f3n de riesgos y beneficios y la selecci\u00f3n de los sujetos es", "output": [ "The document that sets out the principles of Bioethics regarding the autonomy of people, beneficence and justice, and sets the basic requirements of informed consent, the assessment of risks and benefits and the selection of subjects is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3e60568d08040a98e6e3b01b32b2e85", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina al conjunto de actividades consistentes en crear y mantener un ambiente adecuado en el que los individuos, trabajando en grupo, puedan llevar a cabo funciones y objetivos preestablecidos?", "output": [ "What is the name of the set of activities consisting of creating and maintaining an adequate environment in which individuals, working in groups, can carry out pre-established functions and objectives?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f1e101391b224594a2f87defead87d7a", "input": "Desde el punto de vista del metabolismo de xenobi\u00f3ticos, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 se deben la hepatotoxicidad y la acci\u00f3n cancer\u00edgena de las aflatoxinas?", "output": [ "From the point of view of the metabolism of xenobiotics, what is the cause of the hepatotoxicity and the carcinogenic action of aflatoxins?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c06c4262ae64ec1a1ad6a3d9102f679", "input": "El espectro infrarrojo del clorhidrato de proca\u00edna muestra una banda intensa cerca de 1700 cm-1. \u00bfQu\u00e9 informaci\u00f3n proporciona este dato sobre su estructura?", "output": [ "The infrared spectrum of procaine hydrochloride shows an intense band about 1700 cm-1. What information does this data provide about its structure?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20f1b4ab4b00477a8ac8c3f17f6270e6", "input": "El \u00edndice eud\u00edsmico es un par\u00e1metro con inter\u00e9s farmacol\u00f3gico que expresa la relaci\u00f3n entre", "output": [ "The eudismic index is a parameter with pharmacological interest that expresses the relationship between" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f683573bec0425baf437a261a201e89", "input": "El anest\u00e9sico local proca\u00edna es un f\u00e1rmaco dise\u00f1ado por farmacomodulaci\u00f3n de la", "output": [ "The local anesthetic procaine is a drug designed by pharmacodynamics of the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c0fe0e7a7ff245a687b631ca7f8cb0e1", "input": "El mesna (2-mercaptoetanosulfonato s\u00f3dico) se utiliza junto a la ciclofosfamida en la terapia antitumoral porque", "output": [ "Mesna (sodium 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate) is used together with cyclophosphamide in antitumor therapy because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ce76a2c1107241d5ace8a734bbe44f71", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes familias estructurales de f\u00e1rmacos act\u00faan como agentes neurol\u00e9pticos?", "output": [ "Which of the following structural families of drugs act as neuroleptic agents?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-87018deb64d74f6984964b472a4a9018", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes agentes antitumorales act\u00faa formando un complejo covalente e irreversible con la timidilato sintasa y su cofactor, previa activaci\u00f3n al correspondiente desoxinucle\u00f3tido?", "output": [ "Which of the following antitumor agents acts forming a covalent and irreversible complex with the thymidylate synthase and its cofactor, previous activation to the corresponding deoxynucleotide?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c41d9bc8f2ec422e94f15ddedc55ae10", "input": "El f\u00e1rmaco antiulceroso denominado omeprazol presenta en su estructura", "output": [ "The antiulcer drug called omeprazole has in its structure" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ff197e8e98284f18af34f6f37589380f", "input": "Las estatinas se emplean para reducir los niveles de colesterol y act\u00faan como an\u00e1logos del estado de transici\u00f3n de una enzima implicada en su bios\u00edntesis. \u00bfDe qu\u00e9 enzima se trata?", "output": [ "Statins are used to reduce cholesterol levels and act as analogs of the transition state of an enzyme involved in its biosynthesis. What enzyme is it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b2dbf0036b941bda5f3a587d8971fc2", "input": "El ciprofloxacino es un ejemplo de quinolona antibacteriana. \u00bfQu\u00e9 sustituyente lleva sobre el nitr\u00f3geno de la posici\u00f3n 1?", "output": [ "Ciprofloxacin is an example of an antibacterial quinolone. What substituent does it carry over the nitrogen in position 1?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95829e666b0f4f49ae0e2689de700faa", "input": "El relajante muscular suxetonio (succinilcolina), que se dise\u00f1\u00f3 a partir del decametonio por sustituci\u00f3n de dos grupos etileno por dos funciones \u00e9ster, susceptibles de un metabolismo hidrol\u00edtico, es un", "output": [ "The muscle relaxant suxetonium (succinylcholine), which was designed from decamethonium by substitution of two ethylene groups by two ester functions, susceptible to a hydrolytic metabolism, is a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8681233aa9b41f69f90a8f72e9205bd", "input": "El indinavir es un inhibidor selectivo de la proteasa del VIH porque", "output": [ "Indinavir is a selective inhibitor of HIV protease because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-25866055242e42269ad8629fd637e6ca", "input": "La utilizaci\u00f3n de microorganismos para transformar contaminantes presentes en el medio ambiente en productos no t\u00f3xicos se denomina", "output": [ "The use of microorganisms to transform contaminants present in the environment into non-toxic products is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-69a9fc8243374c2ca22a42a8da8e02d6", "input": "Se denomina transpeptidaci\u00f3n a la etapa en la bios\u00edntesis del p\u00e9ptidoglicano en la que", "output": [ "Transpeptidation is the step in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan in which" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a55d46be77154de792ab6a7fbabcae2c", "input": "En el examen sistem\u00e1tico a una embarazada a t\u00e9rmino (37 semanas de gestaci\u00f3n), se a\u00edslan a partir de un frotis vaginal colonias betahemol\u00edticas que son identificadas como Streptococcus agalactiae.\u00bfQu\u00e9 valoraci\u00f3n har\u00eda de dicho hallazgo y cu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la actitud terap\u00e9utica m\u00e1s recomendable a seguir?", "output": [ "In the systematic examination of a pregnant woman at term (37 weeks of gestation), beta-hemolytic colonies are isolated from a vaginal smear, which are identified as Streptococcus agalactiae. What assessment would you make of this finding and what would be the most advisable therapeutic attitude to follow? ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-23a4e457209d4f728014eed1199daf45", "input": "Las quinolonas son compuestos antibacterianos que tienen como diana", "output": [ "Quinolones are antibacterial compounds that target" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e56d5e5204c049f183a8ac5df0e221e4", "input": "Un ni\u00f1o de 4 a\u00f1os de edad sin antecedentes de vacunaci\u00f3n frente a la rabia, es atacado espont\u00e1neamente por un perro, ocasion\u00e1ndole numerosas heridas en el cuello y las extremidades que llevaba desprotegidas. El animal huye y no es posible localizarlo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la actitud inicial a seguir con el paciente para prevenir una posible transmisi\u00f3n de la rabia?", "output": [ "A 4-year-old boy with no history of vaccination against rabies is attacked spontaneously by a dog, causing numerous injuries to the neck and limbs that were unprotected. The animal flees and it is not possible to locate it. What is the initial attitude to follow with the patient to prevent a possible transmission of rabies?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4eee26c0dfa645f2915f10abbb769cb5", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes t\u00e9cnicas de tinci\u00f3n posee importancia en el diagn\u00f3stico de infecciones causadas por Corynebacterium diphtheriae?", "output": [ "Which of the following staining techniques is important in the diagnosis of infections caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1cb23120708b45689a82003a0ef67cbd", "input": "El shock s\u00e9ptico que puede presentarse en el curso de la infecciones sist\u00e9micas por bacterias Gram-negativas se debe a", "output": [ "The septic shock that can occur in the course of systemic infections due to Gram-negative bacteria is due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7932e58eab7b4827811d25f398bcff5c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes virus de vertebrados requiere durante su ciclo de multiplicaci\u00f3n de una polimerasa con actividad transcriptasa reversa?", "output": [ "Which of the following vertebrate viruses does it require during its multiplication cycle of a polymerase with reverse transcriptase activity?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-26fbaa208f6a4e9488100b39ba883506", "input": "Clostridium perfringens puede producir diversas infecciones, entre las que se encuentra", "output": [ "Clostridium perfringens can cause various infections, including" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4127842abfbb4eb3ad60186f34a5ae71", "input": "El medio que se utiliza para detectar la producci\u00f3n de aceto\u00edna (butil\u00e9n glicol) a partir de \u00e1cido pir\u00favico en la fermentaci\u00f3n de la glucosa se denomina", "output": [ "The medium that is used to detect the production of acetoin (butylene glycol) from pyruvic acid in the fermentation of glucose is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-015d4cf6445f44a98c378445e7caf3a5", "input": "Desde el punto de vista del crecimiento microbiano, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es verdadera en relaci\u00f3n al t\u00e9rmino colonia?", "output": [ "From the point of view of microbial growth, which of the following statements is true in relation to the term colony?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3a53e68c3d7a4985898cdd6c99dd46e7", "input": "Las enterotoxinas termol\u00e1bil (LT) y termoestable (ST) son responsables de la diarrea causada por algunas cepas de", "output": [ "Thermolabile (LT) and thermostable (ST) enterotoxins are responsible for diarrhea caused by some strains of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6c6104f9233549d3bbf1061efd4886df", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n al crecimiento bacteriano en medio l\u00edquido no renovado, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es la correcta?", "output": [ "In relation to the bacterial growth in liquid medium not renewed, which of the following statements is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7632e1ac5b67459eb12ad853a372abfc", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la leishmaniosis en Espa\u00f1a es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about leishmaniasis in Spain is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2808fc05d81f41dcb8581a18cb08b58a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes medicamentos se emplea en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas?", "output": [ "Which of the following medications is used in the treatment of Chagas disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6859827a2b59457fa033050bbc5d9c09", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes nematodos es par\u00e1sito del intestino grueso?", "output": [ "Which of the following nematodes is a large intestine parasite?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5fec1b38c2b24790a0b6ca41b2de4181", "input": "Es un estadio larvario en el ciclo biol\u00f3gico de los trematodos", "output": [ "It is a larval stage in the biological cycle of trematodes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cfe969e54f9b4010838377c94c89db32", "input": "Es agente etiol\u00f3gico de la miasis cut\u00e1nea", "output": [ "It is the etiological agent of cutaneous myiasis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-af8f1654f77343a08e47bdc7567e5c7a", "input": "En lo referente a los pir\u00f3genos y los medicamentos biotecnol\u00f3gicos es posible decir", "output": [ "With regard to pyrogens and biotechnological medicines, it is possible to say" ] }, { "id": "task1433-86301cc741b64c68bc08aeee5024ea5c", "input": "Con respecto a los conocidos como exaltadores de solubilidad en medicamentos biotecnol\u00f3gicos podemos decir", "output": [ "With respect to those known as solubility enhancers in biotechnological drugs we can say" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37d19e8d5d2845c995ff2bd19857c559", "input": "Cu\u00e1l de las siguientes sustancias no encontraremos en un medicamento biotecnol\u00f3gico", "output": [ "Which of the following substances we will not find in a biotechnological medicine" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d1ff3d85b9c549589a27bf55639e7355", "input": "Entre los equipos utilizados para el mezclado de polvos se encuentran los mezcladores rotatorios, los cuales se utilizan habitualmente cuando el polvo", "output": [ "Among the equipment used for the mixing of powders are the rotary mixers, which are usually used when the powder" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7d18cad8120f462499e6643e3b7b5fae", "input": "En cuanto a la estabilidad de los f\u00e1rmacos de naturaleza proteica de los medicamentos biotecnol\u00f3gicos podemos decir", "output": [ "Regarding the stability of the drugs of a proteinaceous nature of biotechnological drugs, we can say" ] }, { "id": "task1433-770630431efb43e88a4a7099c15195cb", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes ensayos tiene como objetivo determinar la p\u00e9rdida de masa de los comprimidos por procesos de abrasi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Which of the following tests aims to determine the loss of mass of the tablets by abrasion processes?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ee2a9fa9e2664055b05ced0da323560e", "input": "Al formular comprimidos con principios activos que se utilizan a dosis relativamente bajas es necesario adicionar excipientes cuya funci\u00f3n primordial es obtener un comprimido de un tama\u00f1o razonable. \u00bfC\u00f3mo se denominan esos excipientes?", "output": [ "When formulating tablets with active ingredients that are used at relatively low doses, it is necessary to add excipients whose primary function is to obtain a tablet of a reasonable size. What are these excipients called?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6463ec5bff124b45a2e75fa4f4e8a310", "input": "La protecci\u00f3n de un grupo funcional, susceptible de hidrolizarse, mediante la formaci\u00f3n de un complejo constituye un procedimiento de estabilizaci\u00f3n de f\u00e1rmacos en disoluci\u00f3n. Entre los excipientes utilizados con este fin se encuentran aquellos que est\u00e1n constituidos por distintos mon\u00f3meros de glucosa con disposici\u00f3n c\u00edclica y que se denominan", "output": [ "The protection of a functional group, susceptible to hydrolysis, by the formation of a complex constitutes a procedure for stabilization of drugs in solution. Among the excipients used for this purpose are those that are made up of different glucose monomers with a cyclic arrangement and are called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-345e575fa1ca442eb8fa3cd3a827038e", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes excipientes ejerce la funci\u00f3n de plastificante en las c\u00e1psulas de gelatina dura?", "output": [ "Which of the following excipients acts as a plasticizer in hard gelatine capsules?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9303f0c2908b4a359e434f1828878827", "input": "El l\u00edmite de endotoxinas bacterianas establecido por la Farmacopea Europea para el agua para inyecci\u00f3n es", "output": [ "The limit of bacterial endotoxins established by the European Pharmacopoeia for water for injection is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fb8c13dc46494846a58947c1ca35a152", "input": "El m\u00e9todo de elecci\u00f3n para la esterilizaci\u00f3n de productos estables al calor pero sensibles a la humedad es", "output": [ "The method of choice for the sterilization of products stable to heat but sensitive to moisture is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-daa19f7395334829807fab95a762f740", "input": "Las membranas filtrantes de acetato de celulosa son compatibles con", "output": [ "The cellulose acetate filter membranes are compatible with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68ac69c3f19841cd97e18e98248bf6b8", "input": "En el proceso de compresi\u00f3n se produce", "output": [ "In the compression process occurs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3950f187e40042fc86929931f10f2c6d", "input": "Para proceder a la elaboraci\u00f3n de supositorios por el m\u00e9todo de vertido es preciso calcular el factor de desplazamiento que indica", "output": [ "To proceed to the elaboration of suppositories by the method of discharge it is necessary to calculate the displacement factor that indicates" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6fe4f7853c1649e0a83057ded4f97ee5", "input": "El contador de part\u00edculas de Counter Coulter\u00ae utiliza una soluci\u00f3n electrol\u00edtica de", "output": [ "Counter Coulter\u00ae particle counter uses an electrolytic solution of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6b22284e3b3e4980bbdb579be3e2a54e", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes cambios es el m\u00e1s potente est\u00edmulo para la secreci\u00f3n de glucag\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Which of the following changes is the most potent stimulus for glucagon secretion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6e0ae4b0c7164623a633e42c34aeab71", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes acciones ejerce la insulina sobre el tejido hep\u00e1tico?", "output": [ "Which of the following actions does insulin exert on liver tissue?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e059156c00db452e950d4486003113eb", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 proporci\u00f3n de insulina y p\u00e9ptido C sintetizan las c\u00e9lulas beta de los islotes de Langerhans?", "output": [ "What proportion of insulin and C-peptide synthesize the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-086c050981d94dbdb64d378fec6e3f24", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes acciones NO es propia de la prolactina?", "output": [ "Which of the following actions is NOT specific to prolactin?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-385d8e7adb304ac2be12bd3b17e0839d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones referidas a la hormona de crecimiento es falsa?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements related to growth hormone is false?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fac5be605ba1436dbdbc5aa94b96d73a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes funciones no es propia del est\u00f3mago?", "output": [ "Which of the following functions is not typical of the stomach?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-52c8fe4e3aa749d3b147f1a4e334c208", "input": "\u00bfD\u00f3nde se localizan los barorreceptores que juegan un papel m\u00e1s importante en la regulaci\u00f3n de la presi\u00f3n arterial?", "output": [ "Where are baroreceptors located that play a more important role in regulating blood pressure?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe2c046903544e57a02250216f0e0696", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 elemento juega un papel fisiol\u00f3gico en la prevenci\u00f3n del reflujo gastroesof\u00e1gico?", "output": [ "What element plays a physiological role in the prevention of gastroesophageal reflux?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ff25cb8dfca5408782c8d2d0612116ad", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes tipos de receptores se encuentra en los ganglios tanto simp\u00e1ticos como parasimp\u00e1ticos del sistema nervioso vegetativo?", "output": [ "Which of the following types of receptors is found in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia of the vegetative nervous system?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-77a745b08adb4dffb85670d02c267a08", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les de las siguientes estructuras est\u00e1n en contacto directo con la ventana oval a cada uno de sus lados?", "output": [ "Which of the following structures are in direct contact with the oval window on each of its sides?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0df6389db2c54bae9be991b2707eeaed", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes gases es el m\u00e1s abundante en el aire alveolar?", "output": [ "Which of the following gases is the most abundant in the alveolar air?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f93834625ade4606bf52ab30743b1324", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes capas debe atravesar el espermatozoide para alcanzar al \u00f3vulo durante la fecundaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Which of the following layers must pass through the sperm to reach the egg during fertilization?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a40c7f9cc9e04217afc71cc68e4baff0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes agentes tiene un efecto vasoconstrictor?", "output": [ "Which of the following agents has a vasoconstrictor effect?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c0a20a79f59f488d95fb9834c95a3b7d", "input": "Una de las siguientes hormonas inhibe la lipolisis", "output": [ "One of the following hormones inhibits lipolysis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9f5d74f1831c411caf7fa8f11d486c32", "input": "La p\u00e9rdida de 3 genes de la cadena alfa de globina es la principal causa de", "output": [ "The loss of 3 genes of the alpha chain of globin is the main cause of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-40980ae21b1b4e00958660adf1fdba06", "input": "Mujer de 25 a\u00f1os que ingresa en el hospital con palidez cut\u00e1nea, cansancio y malestar generalizado. Presenta valores ligeramente disminuidos de volumen corpuscular medio y hemoglobina, sideremia 70 \uf06dg/dl, ferritina 50 ng/ml, y en la electroforesis de hemoglobinas un aumento significativo de la fracci\u00f3n HbA2 con HbF normal. Con estos datos puede tratarse de", "output": [ "A 25-year-old woman admitted to the hospital with pale skin, fatigue and malaise. It has slightly decreased values \u200b\u200bof mean corpuscular volume and hemoglobin, 70 \u03bcg / dl, 50 \u03bcg / dl ferritin, and a significant increase in the HbA2 fraction with normal HbF in hemoglobin electrophoresis. With these data it can be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e5e28b7d13346548feeb915af88b6a9", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas es m\u00e1s importante para el diagn\u00f3stico de las leucemias agudas?", "output": [ "Which of the following tests is more important for the diagnosis of acute leukemia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1431486b76b4461ab56e7caf4431c664", "input": "Un ni\u00f1o de 5 a\u00f1os presenta una erupci\u00f3n purp\u00farica con petequias, equimosis que aparecieron brutalmente junto con epistaxis y gingivorragias. Los datos del estudio de coagulaci\u00f3n, fueron Tiempo de hemorragia (Duke)>10 min.; PLT 20.000/mm3; netracci\u00f3n del co\u00e1gulo nula; TP 13 seg (normal 12\uf0b12 seg); TTPA 61 seg (normal 60\uf0b12 seg); TT 18 seg (normal 18\uf0b12 seg); Fibrin\u00f3geno 3,2 g/l (normal 2-4 g/l); Autoanticuerpos plaquetarios positivos. Con estos datos puede tratarse de", "output": [ "A 5-year-old child presents with a purpuric rash with petechiae, ecchymosis that appeared brutally along with epistaxis and gingivorrhagia. The data of the coagulation study were Bleeding time (Duke)> 10 min; PLT 20,000 / mm3; null clot netraction; TP 13 sec (normal 12\uf0b12 sec); APTT 61 sec (normal 60\uf0b12 sec); TT 18 sec (normal 18\uf0b12 sec); Fibrinogen 3.2 g / l (normal 2-4 g / l); Positive platelet autoantibodies. With these data it can be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-23a0598844e04c82bd61a2868c161b95", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 estudio de trombofilia tendr\u00eda inter\u00e9s en una mujer con abortos de repetici\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What thrombophilia study would be of interest to a woman with repeat abortions?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-408c521726a642e3bbc840fa19b467c2", "input": "Una mujer acude a una consulta con hematomas, hemorragias en mucosas, trombocitopenia marcada (20.000/mm3), con estudio de coagulaci\u00f3n normal, sin antecedentes de ingesta de f\u00e1rmacos, y con aumento de megacariocitos en m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea sin anomal\u00edas morfol\u00f3gicas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A woman attended a consultation with bruises, mucosal hemorrhages, marked thrombocytopenia (20,000 / mm3), with a normal coagulation study, no history of drug ingestion, and an increase in megakaryocytes in bone marrow without morphological abnormalities. What is the diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-647661551f674ef9949368a726cf63b7", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el mecanismo fisiopatol\u00f3gico que explicar\u00eda la ictericia que puede observarse en la coledocolitiasis?", "output": [ "What would be the pathophysiological mechanism that would explain the jaundice that can be observed in choledocholithiasis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37bd0d41dc9546de8b40f1c226c78eb4", "input": "La lesi\u00f3n a nivel de las ra\u00edces posteriores de la m\u00e9dula espinal produce", "output": [ "The lesion at the level of the posterior roots of the spinal cord produces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b6fb75667e748c79073f48a9c1b371b", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la arritmia que con mayor frecuencia desencadena muerte s\u00fabita en un contexto de cardiopat\u00eda isqu\u00e9mica aguda?", "output": [ "What is the arrhythmia that most often triggers sudden death in a context of acute ischemic heart disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8bee0ed98af4f1bb1b72fdefa7fcc3c", "input": "La valvulopat\u00eda que desencadena una sobrecarga de volumen tanto en la aur\u00edcula como en el ventr\u00edculo izquierdos es la", "output": [ "The valvulopathy that triggers an overload of volume in both the left atrium and ventricle is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8151bc77fb541699db401671cac10c6", "input": "La hiponatremia forma parte del cuadro cl\u00ednico de", "output": [ "Hyponatremia is part of the clinical picture of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-25e1dc29f60c43f7bb94c02d28ce786b", "input": "El s\u00edndrome glomerulonefr\u00edtico cursa con", "output": [ "The glomerulonephritis syndrome occurs with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90e3841f11344669b5c10df5458b6062", "input": "La hipertensi\u00f3n pulmonar se produce como consecuencia de la", "output": [ "Pulmonary hypertension occurs as a consequence of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-367f99677d694a13873c9f9f80a20eee", "input": "El tamoxifeno", "output": [ "Tamoxifen" ] }, { "id": "task1433-31ee4e0fcc1f480694d5e9327f6e97d9", "input": "La \uf061-talasemia puede tener su origen en", "output": [ "The \uf061-thalassemia can have its origin in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-73ba412b319d44158bb41a074a3340fe", "input": "Indica cu\u00e1l de los siguientes trastornos es una enfermedad lisosomal", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following disorders is a lysosomal disease" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d0dc69b02eb749b4a9d5dcd14693447e", "input": "Indica cu\u00e1l de los siguientes trastornos cursar\u00e1 con ictericia", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following disorders will occur with jaundice" ] }, { "id": "task1433-066c356097914b0993e9aab38dbf38d6", "input": "Indica cu\u00e1l de los siguientes d\u00e9ficits da lugar a una porfiria", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following deficits leads to a porphyria" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c1a82cbb0024297b75202f8202cc811", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones del metamizol es FALSA?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements of metamizol is FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d58920f31304e74b5d063a17fde6dbd", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes medicamentos es un anticuerpo monoclonal anti CD20 empleado en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide?", "output": [ "Which of the following medications is an anti CD20 monoclonal antibody used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-34336915738e46f58f288cf167939e71", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes antiinfecciosos puede producir aumento de la CPK asociado a dolores musculares y rabdomiolisis?", "output": [ "Which of the following anti-infectives can produce increased CPK associated with muscle pain and rhabdomyolysis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1518cc20acd548c4a7d8a76eebbd6916", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes antiinfecciosos es un inhibidor reversible de la monoaminooxidasa que puede dar lugar a interacciones con antidepresivos que aumenten la serotonina?", "output": [ "Which of the following anti-infectives is a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase that can lead to interactions with antidepressants that increase serotonin?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-12ef838c0a6e4efba5eb9d262273989a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la colchicina no es cierta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about colchicine is not true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-173a50cd764d464294401c7b1672b8a3", "input": "Como es conocido, el tratamiento estrog\u00e9nico puede dar lugar a diversos efectos adversos. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes NO es un efecto adverso debido a esta actuaci\u00f3n farmacol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "As is known, estrogenic treatment can give rise to various adverse effects. Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect due to this pharmacological action?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5fd6e1a86ec04dcbba83e74b02d00312", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos empleados en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis act\u00faa mediante uni\u00f3n al ligando del RANK?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs used in the treatment of osteoporosis acts by binding to the RANK ligand?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-030b5a66d2f948059ce62755a50c3870", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes antipal\u00fadicos es el de elecci\u00f3n para el tratamiento de un paciente diagnosticado de paludismo grave y multirresistente causado por Plasmodium falciparum?", "output": [ "Which of the following antimalarials is the one of choice for the treatment of a patient diagnosed with severe and multidrug-resistant malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d93119fc4229493a8a35c497da191643", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes anticuerpos monoclonales presenta como una de sus principales indicaciones el tratamiento de la leucemia linfoide cr\u00f3nica?", "output": [ "Which of the following monoclonal antibodies presents as one of its main indications the treatment of chronic lymphoid leukemia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ac82dc26d0614239aaed68ea939b060a", "input": "Un paciente sufre una infecci\u00f3n por Pseudomonas aeruginosa. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes penicilinas ser\u00eda de su elecci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "A patient suffers an infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Which of the following penicillins would be of your choice?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-df5d2f094bb343c3b35146569a9a4118", "input": "Var\u00f3n, 68 a\u00f1os, presenta calambres musculares, hipotensi\u00f3n, fasciculaciones y broncoconstricci\u00f3n. Ha estado utilizando plaguicidas organofosforados en la huerta. No ha utilizado mascarilla ni guantes. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el f\u00e1rmaco de elecci\u00f3n para su tratamiento?", "output": [ "Male, 68 years old, presented with muscle cramps, hypotension, fasciculations and bronchoconstriction. He has been using organophosphorus pesticides in the garden. He has not used a mask or gloves. What would be the drug of choice for its treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b305687a0e304a5cb4b1036e02533de7", "input": "Var\u00f3n de 63 a\u00f1os, en tratamiento desde hace 3 a\u00f1os con un antidepresivo. Acude a urgencias por presentar una crisis hipertensiva intensa, con taquicardia y cefalea. El paciente informa que el d\u00eda anterior estaba viendo el partido de futbol en un bar, y que ha tomado un bocadillo de queso y salchichas, y m\u00e1s 3 copas de cervezas. \u00bfQu\u00e9 antidepresivo podr\u00eda ser?", "output": [ "A 63-year-old man, who has been receiving an antidepressant for 3 years. He comes to the emergency room due to an intense hypertensive crisis, with tachycardia and headache. The patient reports that the day before he was watching the football game in a bar, and that he has taken a sandwich of cheese and sausages, and over 3 glasses of beers. What antidepressant could it be?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28d69ef9c73e471385dad4ffcef7e01e", "input": "Se\u00f1ale qu\u00e9 f\u00e1rmaco, de los que se relacionan, produce midriasis y cicloplej\u00eda", "output": [ "Indicate which drug, of which they are related, produces mydriasis and cycloplegia" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d8797292df549e18b7dd833ec203478", "input": "Uno de los siguientes efectos es caracter\u00edstico del consumo de morfina", "output": [ "One of the following effects is characteristic of morphine consumption" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84f0113dbc7642038d18bac1b2bcff8c", "input": "Una de las siguientes afirmaciones es falsa en relaci\u00f3n a los efectos farmacol\u00f3gicos de la hormona del crecimiento", "output": [ "One of the following statements is false in relation to the pharmacological effects of growth hormone" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4c9de8c646eb48b99f6ee0c3388e6794", "input": "La anemia por deficiencia de hierro se trata con preparados orales o parenterales del mismo", "output": [ "Iron deficiency anemia is treated with oral or parenteral preparations" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c7c7c8832449477b82fb13c9a007b61e", "input": "El \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico es un compuesto cuyo pKa es 3.5. \u00bfQu\u00e9 porcentaje de una dosis de dicho producto se podr\u00e1 absorber en el est\u00f3mago en ayunas (pH 1.5)?", "output": [ "Acetylsalicylic acid is a compound whose pKa is 3.5. What percentage of a dose of this product can be absorbed in the stomach fasting (pH 1.5)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7d4d099a43c44e159e6d7e2d7b984fec", "input": "Los f\u00e1rmacos bloqueantes de los receptores beta adren\u00e9rgicos", "output": [ "Beta-adrenergic receptor blocking drugs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ef2b922cb1b4fd3b393dba626d5f3bd", "input": "El acceso de f\u00e1rmacos al Sistema Nervioso central est\u00e1 condicionado por la existencia de la barrera hematoencef\u00e1lica (BHE) dicha barrera", "output": [ "The access of drugs to the central Nervous System is conditioned by the existence of the blood-brain barrier (BHE) barrier" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5823ebc6429b4188a7ef3302f6923d71", "input": "Mujer, 63 a\u00f1os, en tratamiento por c\u00e1ncer de huesos. Tiene dolores intensos por lo que utiliza morfina diariamente. Ante las quejas por estre\u00f1imiento, se plantea como laxante de elecci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Woman, 63 years old, in treatment for bone cancer. He has intense pains so he uses morphine daily. Faced with complaints of constipation, it is proposed as a laxative of choice" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a388263b078342e1b4ae4a8683fa4e08", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a clopidogrel, es falso que", "output": [ "In relation to clopidogrel, it is false that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4cbb11e6215040739d35582524099f7b", "input": "De las indicaciones rese\u00f1adas, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de ellas est\u00e1 autorizada para los IECA?", "output": [ "Of the indicated indications, which of them is authorized for the ACEI?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0c72f139c53044478d637287c66a91ae", "input": "En pacientes con insuficiencia card\u00edaca congestiva digitalizados, al administrar un diur\u00e9tico, \u00e9ste debe ser necesariamente", "output": [ "In patients with digitalized congestive heart failure, when administering a diuretic, it must necessarily be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cec31f2d431c4352aa6251527416ecca", "input": "La sedaci\u00f3n y la somnolencia que produce la mirtazapina est\u00e1n directamente relacionadas con su interacci\u00f3n con los receptores", "output": [ "The sedation and drowsiness that mirtazapine produces are directly related to its interaction with the receptors" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0626a26559f24c26a5ed0a9ccacdd390", "input": "Con respecto a los alcaloides derivados de la ergolina", "output": [ "With regard to the alkaloids derived from ergoline" ] }, { "id": "task1433-96ce04d3165148a0a6f63714f26d15e9", "input": "La vinblastina y la vincristina son", "output": [ "Vinblastine and vincristine are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7048fe0b64654e2fbc0c0f60fed5254e", "input": "Un factor importante a tener en cuenta en los f\u00e1rmacos de elevado grado de uni\u00f3n a la alb\u00famina plasm\u00e1tica es la concentraci\u00f3n de esta prote\u00edna. Se\u00f1ale en cu\u00e1l de los siguientes supuestos la concentraci\u00f3n de alb\u00famina plasm\u00e1tica se encuentra reducida", "output": [ "An important factor to be taken into account in drugs with a high degree of binding to plasma albumin is the concentration of this protein. Indicate which of the following assumptions the concentration of plasma albumin is reduced" ] }, { "id": "task1433-36436afb9e834996913b7c7cf9967fe7", "input": "Las cefalosporinas de tercera generaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The third generation cephalosporins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2892a8926e0047d2b73f7b1e333f9bf8", "input": "La formaci\u00f3n del complejo denominado Aminofilina mejora la solubilidad de uno de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos", "output": [ "The formation of the complex called Aminophylline improves the solubility of one of the following drugs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6c7a5e6ae1884ecf9f19ada7543f2349", "input": "En el modelo monocompartimental, la dosis de choque para un f\u00e1rmaco que sigue cin\u00e9tica lineal, se administra en dosis m\u00faltiples por v\u00eda oral y se absorbe de manera extraordinariamente r\u00e1pida; se puede calcular como", "output": [ "In the monocompartmental model, the shock dose for a drug that follows linear kinetics is administered in multiple doses orally and absorbed extraordinarily quickly; It can be calculated as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7d6485c895dd448498d6206c134a5f36", "input": "Para los f\u00e1rmacos bicompartimentales se cumple que", "output": [ "For bi-component drugs it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-50eb5b9262f745d99ad9fee163b9f2d3", "input": "Se ha comprobado que la velocidad de disoluci\u00f3n del solvato que se forma al asociarse la griseofulvina y el cloroformo, es", "output": [ "It has been proved that the dissolution speed of the solvate that is formed when the griseofulvin and the chloroform are associated, is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-af788afb57cd4861b28fb810f2f135e3", "input": "Indique las unidades correctas de una constante de velocidad de orden cero", "output": [ "Indicate the correct units of a zero order rate constant" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b4af6552c2454c01ab799fcfd69ffd0c", "input": "Las siguientes reacciones de biotransformaci\u00f3n hep\u00e1tica de f\u00e1rmacos son de tipo II, a excepci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "The following hepatic biotransformation reactions of drugs are type II, except for" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa16ee52b19e4dec80fb669dab1d1b8f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes frases sobre la infusi\u00f3n a velocidad constante de un f\u00e1rmaco es cierta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about the steady-state infusion of a drug is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b8d0ece5114458db584ffe65cf5d9f9", "input": "Para estimar el aclaramiento plasm\u00e1tico de un f\u00e1rmaco (CLIR) que presenta un comportamiento cin\u00e9tico lineal y se excreta de forma significativa por la orina, en un paciente con insuficiencia renal (IR), es preciso conocer", "output": [ "To estimate the plasma clearance of a drug (CLIR) that presents a linear kinetic behavior and is excreted significantly in the urine, in a patient with renal failure (RI), it is necessary to know" ] }, { "id": "task1433-adede4551055459bae6fdeac26f76319", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el coeficiente de extracci\u00f3n hep\u00e1tica de un f\u00e1rmaco y su aclaramiento hep\u00e1tico si se conoce que en situaci\u00f3n de equilibrio la concentraci\u00f3n en sangre arterial, de entrada al h\u00edgado es de 8 \uf06dg/mL y la de sangre venosa, de salida al mismo \u00f3rgano, es de 4 \uf06dg/mL? Considerar un flujo hep\u00e1tico de 90 L/h", "output": [ "What would be the coefficient of hepatic extraction of a drug and its hepatic clearance if it is known that in a situation of equilibrium the concentration in arterial blood, from the entrance to the liver is 8 \uf06dg / mL and that of venous blood, from discharge to the same organ, is 4 \uf06dg / mL? Consider a hepatic flow of 90 L / h" ] }, { "id": "task1433-532d1e906eda425aa6f4e0db0b184686", "input": "El zumo de pomelo es", "output": [ "Grapefruit juice is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-775bedca6b6a41cea5b4d21460f6d6a8", "input": "El aclaramiento hep\u00e1tico de un f\u00e1rmaco, eliminado fundamentalmente por metabolismo, que presenta un alto grado de extracci\u00f3n hep\u00e1tica y una elevada uni\u00f3n a prote\u00ednas plasm\u00e1ticas", "output": [ "The hepatic clearance of a drug, mainly eliminated by metabolism, which has a high degree of hepatic extraction and a high binding to plasma proteins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68f51a86ea7d4325899ddcae011a1450", "input": "Indicar cu\u00e1l de los siguientes compuestos es una prote\u00edna fibrosa", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following compounds is a fibrous protein" ] }, { "id": "task1433-de845c7634ce4936b824c06f75521e33", "input": "El pirofosfato de tiamina (PPT) no es coenzima de", "output": [ "Thiamine pyrophosphate (PPT) is not coenzyme of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5aa885851a104e1397bcc1c376c11af3", "input": "Relacionando componentes de leche humana y sistema inmunitario, es FALSO que", "output": [ "Relating components of human milk and immune system, it is FALSE that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9aead4c0dd8340f786849539075a98f8", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 enzima utiliza FAD como coenzima?", "output": [ "Which enzyme uses FAD as a coenzyme?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7cb544dcea254f99809b3419a2b02be4", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con el consumo de fibra diet\u00e9tica, es cierto que", "output": [ "In relation to the consumption of dietary fiber, it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3efa1d99e4f740b6a441e60f8025891d", "input": "Es un heteropolisac\u00e1rido", "output": [ "It is a heteropolysaccharide" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f0d45c2b9e754ded850c23732d46cbe2", "input": "La interacci\u00f3n entre el ciclo de la urea y ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico se realiza a nivel de", "output": [ "The interaction between the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle is carried out at the level of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b1af5e32c97747b09a2801c297e8d953", "input": "Los inhibidores de la hidroximetil-glutaril-CoA reductasa (HMG-CoA reductasa), como las estatinas", "output": [ "Inhibitors of hydroxymethyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), such as statins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0c188dea0449463492f56c8d2a75df21", "input": "La piruvato deshidrogenasa (PDH)", "output": [ "Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-109f95aa4f924493a0ae85e4daf454f9", "input": "La aspirina es un inhibidor de la s\u00edntesis de", "output": [ "Aspirin is an inhibitor of the synthesis of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-433228f8a59a4a47b2e5688ab6cb66e7", "input": "En respuesta a un aumento en la concentraci\u00f3n de adrenalina y glucag\u00f3n circulante", "output": [ "In response to an increase in the concentration of adrenaline and circulating glucagon" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6b9a662a02d042f590cbd54183760d1d", "input": "Cu\u00e1l de los siguientes metabolitos es un sustrato gluconeog\u00e9nico", "output": [ "Which of the following metabolites is a gluconeogenic substrate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-62e3ad1452984f0e99021d4876ea411b", "input": "Una deficiencia de carnitina se asocia a", "output": [ "A carnitine deficiency is associated with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-85b0eaf4af904988be965c9eede2e5b4", "input": "La uni\u00f3n de O2 a la hemoglobina", "output": [ "The binding of O2 to hemoglobin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-701028fef4194118affceaa070afe741", "input": "El efecto t\u00f3xico de la antimicina y del cianuro se debe a su interacci\u00f3n con", "output": [ "The toxic effect of antimycin and cyanide is due to its interaction with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ea913c8fae1340c0b95c4e14d570909a", "input": "Una coenzima es", "output": [ "A coenzyme is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7b0db2223f4c44fd8e5ab297a5a4c658", "input": "Para analizar los sitios de uni\u00f3n de prote\u00ednas al DNA se utiliza la t\u00e9cnica de", "output": [ "To analyze the binding sites of proteins to DNA, the technique of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3f2db7a74b248ec823d57321686fa6f", "input": "La secuenciaci\u00f3n de un oligosac\u00e1rido se hace mediante", "output": [ "The sequencing of an oligosaccharide is done by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d242242192ed4f3d8d4a40019405cedc", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 ocurrir\u00eda si el DNA llevara OH en el carbono 2\u2019 de la pentosa?", "output": [ "What would happen if the DNA carried OH in carbon 2 'of the pentose?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-adc6dd91b85444bcbfcfdf9569de26fd", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es el PCNA o ant\u00edgeno nuclear de proliferaci\u00f3n celular?", "output": [ "What is the PCNA or nuclear cell proliferation antigen?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a258d534cccf4df5b400288d8308687d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes situaciones disminuir\u00eda sensiblemente la transcripci\u00f3n de un gen?", "output": [ "Which of the following situations would noticeably decrease the transcription of a gene?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-32e683f0441e4244ac7ee0b329ebcbb2", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se lleva a cabo la correcci\u00f3n de un amino\u00e1cido err\u00f3neo incorporado en el proceso de traducci\u00f3n en el ribosoma?", "output": [ "How is the correction of an erroneous amino acid incorporated in the process of translation in the ribosome carried out?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e72589f58718456daf667dd0702832db", "input": "La acetilaci\u00f3n de las historias afecta a la transcripci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The acetylation of the stories affects the transcription" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c6792ad333949339deeb2edf9718b36", "input": "Durante la replicaci\u00f3n del DNA", "output": [ "During DNA replication" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8f59e9123b0a4b6baeaf1e2498d6eac6", "input": "El desenrollamiento y el superenrollamiento del DNA est\u00e1n controlados por las", "output": [ "The unwinding and supercoiling of DNA are controlled by the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a05636dc0f044b45b3839254ebd6a524", "input": "El antibi\u00f3tico tetraciclina", "output": [ "The antibiotic tetracycline" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9224d7a4e13446f989f08162456fa0b0", "input": "La \uf0622-microglobulina", "output": [ "The \uf0622-microglobulin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5bfb413103914c10a2526d2c73067a05", "input": "La sensibilidad diagn\u00f3stica de una magnitud anal\u00edtica para una determinada enfermedad es", "output": [ "The diagnostic sensitivity of an analytical magnitude for a certain disease is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-53157b58e2604da1bf65b6eb7d99c343", "input": "En un patr\u00f3n de electroforesis de prote\u00ednas plasm\u00e1ticas, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 regi\u00f3n migrar\u00e1 la haptoglobina?", "output": [ "In a plasma protein electrophoresis pattern, in what region will haptoglobin migrate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b24a80dda990413eb8d601549ad9720d", "input": "La hem\u00f3lisis en una muestra de suero interfiere en la determinaci\u00f3n de la enzima Lactatodeshidrogenasa (LDH) debido a", "output": [ "Hemolysis in a serum sample interferes with the determination of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c414df43620544ac8df5b88c5510bfb3", "input": "Una dislipemia con fenotipo IIa de Fredrickson puede tener su origen en mutaciones en el gen de", "output": [ "A dyslipidemia with phenotype IIa of Fredrickson may have its origin in mutations in the gene of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cbc14334edac4f87bec27cc24f94aa42", "input": "La ictericia (coloraci\u00f3n amarillenta de piel y mucosas por aumento de los niveles de bilirrubina) puede ser de origen colest\u00e1sico (obstrucci\u00f3n de v\u00edas) o por da\u00f1o hepatocelular. Indique la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes due to increased levels of bilirubin) may be of cholestatic origin (pathway obstruction) or hepatocellular damage. Indicate the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-764dfc2a8e9c46a9b3970af40694611c", "input": "La determinaci\u00f3n de sangre oculta en heces es \u00fatil ante una sospecha de", "output": [ "The determination of fecal occult blood is useful when there is a suspicion of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c0da811e01a49f496cb4c026feb58f2", "input": "Paciente de 58 a\u00f1os diagnosticado de leucemia mieloide cr\u00f3nica. El tratamiento m\u00e1s indicado ser\u00eda", "output": [ "A 58-year-old patient diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. The most indicated treatment would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-488d31a673d5428cbbb7ee6bfd283b6d", "input": "Cuando en un informe de laboratorio observamos que el/la paciente presenta un aumento de la concentraci\u00f3n de transferrina con disminuci\u00f3n de su saturaci\u00f3n, podemos pensar en", "output": [ "When in a laboratory report we observed that the patient presents an increase in the concentration of transferrin with a decrease in its saturation, we can think of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-abd7a3b8901c4497907b5444d21adc28", "input": "Se denomina pico base en un espectro de masas a", "output": [ "Base peak in a mass spectrum is called a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-de6166a9a72b47c4b55bb6d625088ef9", "input": "En cromatograf\u00eda de intercambio i\u00f3nico, el grupo funcional \u00e1cido carbox\u00edlico se emplea como", "output": [ "In ion exchange chromatography, the carboxylic acid functional group is used as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd1d0168b9fb479fbc27d130d55e3a56", "input": "En una analizador de tiempo de vuelo en espectrometr\u00eda de masas", "output": [ "In a flight time analyzer in mass spectrometry" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2cdf419846d24a288138002245fc901b", "input": "El error alcalino en el electrodo de vidrio se debe a", "output": [ "The alkaline error in the glass electrode is due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2d634a4654334f6d9467b67760020585", "input": "En electroforesis capilar, en relaci\u00f3n al flujo electroosm\u00f3tico se puede afirmar que", "output": [ "In capillary electrophoresis, in relation to the electroosmotic flow, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e895d3dd51444d88a247cdc3dc6379c4", "input": "En HPLC (Cromatograf\u00eda de l\u00edquidos de alta eficacia) se utilizan empaquetamientos con un intervalo de tama\u00f1o o di\u00e1metro de part\u00edcula t\u00edpicos de", "output": [ "HPLC (High Efficiency Liquid Chromatography) uses packings with a range of size or particle diameter typical of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-19171821cdd046ee93b28c30be2290c4", "input": "Las curvas de calibrado utilizadas en an\u00e1lisis qu\u00edmico", "output": [ "The calibration curves used in chemical analysis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4a82e1e6e10d4e59ab587852b99c05ff", "input": "Los errores determinados (o sistem\u00e1ticos) que se pueden cometer en un m\u00e9todo anal\u00edtico", "output": [ "The determined (or systematic) errors that can be committed in an analytical method" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39d52acadd744627880287c5338a602b", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 mide el detector amperom\u00e9trico en cromatograf\u00eda de l\u00edquidos de alta resoluci\u00f3n (HPLC)?", "output": [ "What does the amperometric detector measure in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8f08f13caedd4bfa906c8505c35465cf", "input": "La desviaci\u00f3n de la ley de Beer por uso de radiaci\u00f3n no monocrom\u00e1tica puede dar lugar a desviaciones de la linealidad al representar la absorbancia frente a la concentraci\u00f3n debido a", "output": [ "The deviation of Beer's law by the use of non-monochromatic radiation can lead to deviations from linearity when representing absorbance versus concentration due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0588c32d03ce41f780083720d5d0fd19", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes equilibrios qu\u00edmicos es heterog\u00e9neo?", "output": [ "Which of the following chemical equilibria is heterogeneous?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bbf81dd2607c41639324f1c3b2500a6e", "input": "En la valoraci\u00f3n de una base fuerte con un \u00e1cido fuerte (a 25 \u00baC)", "output": [ "In the assessment of a strong base with a strong acid (at 25\u00baC)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-919d571c8c6c43f5b160afe62a51544d", "input": "El \u00e1cido etilendiaminotetraac\u00e9tico (EDTA) es un agente quelante ampliamente utilizado como valorador en valoraciones complexom\u00e9tricas que se caracterizan porque", "output": [ "Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a chelating agent widely used as a titrator in complexometric assessments that are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2c9e57165cbb44af987f4f1b0ec3b277", "input": "El almid\u00f3n es un indicador espec\u00edfico utilizado para indicar el punto final en las valoraciones redox con", "output": [ "Starch is a specific indicator used to indicate the endpoint in redox titrations with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84c69008ac29417b94957be97e39c3ce", "input": "En reacciones consecutivas de primer orden, la constante cin\u00e9tica global", "output": [ "In consecutive reactions of first order, the global kinetic constant" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8996bbf7f8984b2fb71800c9aaaefe28", "input": "Una disoluci\u00f3n diluida ideal se caracteriza por", "output": [ "An ideal diluted solution is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7ffda0b9a81465796f87d5d3e754fe7", "input": "El punto triple de un diagrama de fases de un componente", "output": [ "The triple point of a phase diagram of a component" ] }, { "id": "task1433-940a53dafb1c4b9ea35e03933a339360", "input": "La entrop\u00eda de un sistema", "output": [ "The entropy of a system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6aab607810d0443baa9a8430d80e1bb8", "input": "La diferencia de concentraci\u00f3n de soluto dentro y fuera de la c\u00e9lula da origen a una presi\u00f3n osm\u00f3tica", "output": [ "The difference in solute concentration inside and outside the cell gives rise to an osmotic pressure" ] }, { "id": "task1433-81d1417e1e8e471eafc83e0b8a9c8fd7", "input": "Seg\u00fan la ecuaci\u00f3n de Arrhenius (k = A e-Ea/RT)", "output": [ "According to the Arrhenius equation (k = A e-Ea / RT)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d38a897830fb47a2ae43021390e583a2", "input": "La molecularidad de una reacci\u00f3n elemental corresponde", "output": [ "The molecularity of an elementary reaction corresponds" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a5e6a0cfa5f34243b9ff4739aa00d153", "input": "Se le ha considerado el padre de la Toxicolog\u00eda moderna por sus aportaciones cl\u00ednicas, patol\u00f3gicas y forenses a esta ciencia", "output": [ "He has been considered the father of modern Toxicology for his clinical, pathological and forensic contributions to this science" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7701726f07c48dfb47091f7734bbda8", "input": "La FAB (fragmentos de anticuerpos ligadores de ant\u00edgenos) se emplean como ant\u00eddotos frente a la intoxicaci\u00f3n por", "output": [ "The FAB (antibody fragments that bind antigens) are used as antidotes to poisoning by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-19da61601e4145108fcb5b672f02778b", "input": "Uno de los siguientes compuestos produce da\u00f1o hep\u00e1tico como efecto t\u00f3xico principal", "output": [ "One of the following compounds produces liver damage as the main toxic effect" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c0b9a4fa275e45b0b393de72993fb5d8", "input": "Se utiliza la naloxona en el tratamiento de la intoxicaci\u00f3n con", "output": [ "Naloxone is used in the treatment of poisoning with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eb899f8a6ad44f338c12f8a3a9a5472b", "input": "El herbicida paraquat produce principalmente", "output": [ "The paraquat herbicide produces mainly" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0cda853b1c87473ba5b2b58f885a4120", "input": "Al realizar el test de Ames, \u00bfqu\u00e9 resultado revelar\u00eda que el compuesto es un mut\u00e1geno?", "output": [ "When performing the Ames test, what result would reveal that the compound is a mutagen?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b48d2b236a5644439c02e036e98d6593", "input": "La especie radicalaria de ox\u00edgeno m\u00e1s reactiva y, por tanto, m\u00e1s peligrosa es", "output": [ "The most reactive oxygen radical species and, therefore, most dangerous is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4c33ffcf37f040db93e59eea4b56501b", "input": "De entre las siguientes, indicar la sustancia m\u00e1s t\u00f3xica seg\u00fan el valor de dosis letal 50", "output": [ "From among the following, indicate the most toxic substance according to the 50 lethal dose value" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d55a670437034627a596262fdb97a3bc", "input": "El cinamaldeh\u00eddo es un aldeh\u00eddo presente en", "output": [ "Cinnamaldehyde is an aldehyde present in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cfd361a488834deb8eeaa7e4d3542426", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de la cetonas y los aldeh\u00eddos por la presencia de su grupo carbonilo dan preferentemente", "output": [ "The reaction of ketones and aldehydes by the presence of their carbonyl group preferably gives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eaa0c653e8d64412970627782dd87bfc", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n del benceno con el cloruro de tercbutilo, en presencia de tricloruro de aluminio es un ejemplo de", "output": [ "The reaction of benzene with tertbutyl chloride, in the presence of aluminum trichloride, is an example of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2389965fb612478cb7f4a2788cffc65e", "input": "Los cloruros de \u00e1cido, pueden transformarse en \u00e1cidos carbox\u00edlicos", "output": [ "Acid chlorides can be transformed into carboxylic acids" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ea079e6a27dc4e3ea3743a5d5e4b70c9", "input": "Los compuesto organomet\u00e1licos son derivados", "output": [ "The organometallic compounds are derivatives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ac1d34062e21465f9b3e6b8fb6c64b28", "input": "Una amina, debido al par de electrones no enlazantes que posee el nitr\u00f3geno", "output": [ "An amine, due to the pair of non-bonding electrons that nitrogen possesses" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7b30d6cf7a46489ba5dca7c362fe6cb2", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes hidruros tiene el punto de ebullici\u00f3n normal m\u00e1s alto?", "output": [ "Which of the following hydrides has the highest normal boiling point?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c893ab154d5b41e9acc999673e1c2f99", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes \u00e1tomos proporciona el enlace de hidr\u00f3geno m\u00e1s fuerte en los correspondientes hidruros?", "output": [ "Which of the following atoms provides the strongest hydrogen bond in the corresponding hydrides?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5638b317d0fc4562a0a4f9364b0e621c", "input": "El azufre r\u00f3mbico, la forma m\u00e1s estable del azufre, est\u00e1 constituido por mol\u00e9culas del tipo", "output": [ "Rhombic sulfur, the most stable form of sulfur, is made up of molecules of the following type" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28553df172d34c999caa73063ed37c15", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas tiene geometr\u00eda plana triangular?", "output": [ "Which of the following molecules has triangular plane geometry?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ecd4e612cabc4283babb2ea7fd071251", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas presenta enlace covalente sencillo?", "output": [ "Which of the following molecules has a simple covalent bond?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b884ea8007ec4773be40ffaead8ccec2", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas presenta el n\u00ba m\u00e1s alto de electrones antienlazantes?", "output": [ "Which of the following molecules has the highest number of antibonding electrons?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a958083fd416498cba34ff281695794e", "input": "Las cubiertas de tejido conjuntivo que rodean, protegen y mantienen el enc\u00e9falo y la m\u00e9dula espinal dentro de la cavidad craneal y del conducto vertebral se llaman meninges. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta?", "output": [ "The covers of connective tissue that surround, protect and maintain the brain and spinal cord within the cranial cavity and the spinal canal are called meninges. Which of the following statements is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-38b213aa8b634007bd7a078944d12d98", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina la capa pigmentada y muy vascularizada de la pared posterior del globo ocular?", "output": [ "How is the pigmented and highly vascularized layer of the posterior wall of the eyeball called?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fcf2c862cf7c41e29b69fabd2ef8c1da", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 gl\u00e1ndulas est\u00e1n situadas entre la piel y el m\u00fasculo masetero, por delante y debajo del o\u00eddo externo?", "output": [ "Which glands are located between the skin and the masseter muscle, in front and under the outer ear?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd9f4a3e809c4773851758c659f33d11", "input": "El tubo de di\u00e1metro muy peque\u00f1o y alrededor de 6 metros de longitud que discurre por la cara posterolateral del test\u00edculo y conecta con el conducto deferente, \u00bfse llama?", "output": [ "The tube of very small diameter and about 6 meters in length that runs along the posterolateral side of the testicle and connects with the vas deferens, is it called?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d278ee9b42f84949abf880c6172da694", "input": "Indica de qu\u00e9 hueso forma parte el troc\u00e1nter menor", "output": [ "Indicates which bone is the lesser trochanter" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ecb182f6d9a4edea2ddb8e56dd54a47", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes m\u00fasculos es un ejemplo de abductor?", "output": [ "Which of the following muscles is an example of abductor?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-71720b20b89d471c8b53d17705ca8e76", "input": "Tomamos una muestra aleatoria simple de 1000 personas, y para cada una comprobamos si enferm\u00f3 o no de gripe el a\u00f1o 2012 y si se vacun\u00f3 o no de la gripe el a\u00f1o 2012. Obtuvimos as\u00ed dos respuestas para cada una de las 1000 personas. Para evaluar si hay asociaci\u00f3n entre estas dos variables cualitativas (tener gripe o no) y (haberse vacunado o no) a partir de los datos de nuestra muestra", "output": [ "We took a simple random sample of 1000 people, and for each one we checked whether or not he got the flu in 2012 and whether or not he got the flu in 2012. We obtained two responses for each of the 1000 people. To evaluate if there is an association between these two qualitative variables (having flu or not) and (having been vaccinated or not) from the data of our sample" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0a53d44f02c54cb2beb8b8558b25351a", "input": "El cuadrado de coeficiente de correlaci\u00f3n de Pearson es", "output": [ "The square of Pearson's correlation coefficient is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0e25b7a134fc4b9994df06ad6532eac4", "input": "El segundo cuartil es lo mismo que la", "output": [ "The second quartile is the same as the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-55a16743b22b495b971898ae544a518e", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n correcta respecto a la calidad de vida de un paciente que pasa por tres estados de salud consecutivos con valores de utilidad de 0,45 el primero, 0,68 el segundo y 0,95 el tercero", "output": [ "Indicate the correct option regarding the quality of life of a patient who goes through three consecutive health conditions with utility values \u200b\u200bof 0.45 the first, 0.68 the second and 0.95 the third" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1422ed3aedec4d0b9e30dc52d38afa07", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes NO es una evaluaci\u00f3n econ\u00f3mica completa?", "output": [ "Which of the following is NOT a complete economic evaluation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-782ca2e1184b46168564c8a9c0b11179", "input": "En contabilidad, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes elementos debe incluirse en el PASIVO de un patrimonio?", "output": [ "In accounting, which of the following elements should be included in the LIABILITIES of an estate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-45eddb8bfc7a46639f4b8df155ba9eda", "input": "Las siglas ECM, en el etiquetado de medicamentos, tiene el significado de", "output": [ "The acronym ECM, in the labeling of medicines, has the meaning of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2669d48de3c4342936ad6a3e41a1e02", "input": "Con car\u00e1cter general, y de acuerdo con la legislaci\u00f3n estatal sobre oficinas de farmacia, el m\u00f3dulo de poblaci\u00f3n m\u00ednimo para la apertura de estos establecimientos es de", "output": [ "In general, and in accordance with the state legislation on pharmacy offices, the minimum population module for the opening of these establishments is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-13adde8e1e1f4311a35fd5c8c49ca47a", "input": "El certificado complementario de protecci\u00f3n de medicamentos tiene una duraci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima de", "output": [ "The complementary drug protection certificate has a maximum duration of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33c26516fcc3440bb225804f347b738d", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 tipo de patolog\u00eda corresponde la enfermedad granulomatosa cr\u00f3nica.", "output": [ "What type of pathology corresponds to chronic granulomatous disease." ] }, { "id": "task1433-561722bb599a45e4881cfa81f2da1cdd", "input": "Las reacciones de hipersensibilidad de tipo III se caracterizan por", "output": [ "Type III hypersensitivity reactions are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-89ac35bc29f945d1ae841e4600fd59bc", "input": "De los siguientes pares de mol\u00e9culas de superficie, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es el utilizado por los linfocitos T v\u00edrgenes para extravasarse al ganglio linf\u00e1tico?", "output": [ "Of the following pairs of surface molecules, what is used by the virgin T lymphocytes to extravasate to the lymph node?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cbea495c9a734de89bdf66c2f6891cef", "input": "La funci\u00f3n primaria de la interleucina 2 (IL-2) es", "output": [ "The primary function of interleukin 2 (IL-2) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-64642ace006844c1b5383fe105207072", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 tipo de patolog\u00eda corresponde la diabetes de tipo I insulinodependiente?", "output": [ "What type of pathology corresponds to type I insulin-dependent diabetes?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6ad7d75e3f39408e9ad59e277798a017", "input": "La expresi\u00f3n simult\u00e1nea de IgM e IgD como inmunoglobulinas de membrana ocurre en", "output": [ "The simultaneous expression of IgM and IgD as membrane immunoglobulins occurs in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b85e9009ebea4271a88e5d7caacd546c", "input": "Diferentes citoquinas inducen el cambio de isotipo de las diferentes clases de anticuerpos. De las siguientes parejas de citoquina/isotipo, escoja la correcta", "output": [ "Different cytokines induce the isotype change of the different classes of antibodies. Of the following cytokine / isotype pairs, choose the correct one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9cc45324a6d642f0998b6069fb513e4b", "input": "La prueba de Mantoux (reacci\u00f3n a la tuberculina) es", "output": [ "The Mantoux test (reaction to tuberculin) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-81b432a85de44582b7dea12e30f9c5ca", "input": "En el proceso de cooperaci\u00f3n Th2-B, \u00bfqu\u00e9 reconoce la c\u00e9lula Th2 en la superficie de la c\u00e9lula B?", "output": [ "In the Th2-B cooperation process, what does the Th2 cell recognize on the surface of the B cell?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cfb9d70ec2154ea5af37a24e6571202b", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de los f\u00e1rmacos con actividad antiviral aparece la base p\u00farica denominada guanina?", "output": [ "In which of the drugs with antiviral activity does the purine base called guanine appear?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-73fc763ad9b5416d929ca100e3ed12b4", "input": "Streptococus agalactiae, Escherichia coli y Listeria monocytogenes son los microorganismos que se encuentran con m\u00e1s frecuencia implicados en la meningitis en", "output": [ "Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes are the microorganisms most commonly found in meningitis in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-14cbab0fa9174a8f9db0d175288a6f00", "input": "Indica cu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una alteraci\u00f3n del metabolismo de las pirimidinas", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following is an alteration of the pyrimidine metabolism" ] }, { "id": "task1433-168cb0fa70f8406886353689f323b232", "input": "El control de la enfermedad acidop\u00e9ptica se consigue fundamentalmente con IBP (inhibidores de la bomba de protones). Los IBP", "output": [ "The control of the acid-peptic disease is mainly achieved with PPIs (proton pump inhibitors). The PPIs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37f29f92d6bd42bc97c759f9714e4c2b", "input": "Los factores de transcripci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Transcription factors" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e7d348a49e09417487b775b56bcf112f", "input": "En cu\u00e1nto a la altura del plato (H) en una separaci\u00f3n cromatogr\u00e1fica en columna se puede decir que", "output": [ "As to the height of the plate (H) in a column chromatographic separation it can be said that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ab9024f37f6b43149d3c51ace0e17333", "input": "La articulaci\u00f3n humerocubital es un ejemplo de", "output": [ "The humerocubital joint is an example of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3222a8b85c6146a6b51f209e9be680bb", "input": "En Espa\u00f1a, el \u00f3rgano encargado de determinar las condiciones especiales de prescripci\u00f3n y dispensaci\u00f3n de medicamentos en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (S.N.S.) es", "output": [ "In Spain, the body in charge of determining the special conditions of prescription and dispensing of medicines in the National Health System (S.N.S.) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-560b998b698d4967bb8a754ae1034fb3", "input": "De los siguientes marcadores de superficie, uno de ellos se expresa s\u00f3lo en los linfocitos T v\u00edrgenes, mientras que los restantes se encuentran tambi\u00e9n en la poblaci\u00f3n de linfocitos T activados. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es?", "output": [ "Of the following surface markers, one of them is expressed only in the virgin T lymphocytes, while the rest are also found in the population of activated T lymphocytes. Which?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-620df98f60da45dfb6763fb60811edd1", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba1 Hombre de 40 a\u00f1os sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s. Desde hace 4 semanas, refiere cuadro de deposiciones diarreicas, asociado a ictericia de piel y mucosas, coluria, hipocolia y dolor en hipocondrio derecho, acompa\u00f1ado de p\u00e9rdida de peso (10 kg aprox) y prurito intenso. En la anal\u00edtica destaca Bilirrubina total 15,3 mg/dl. Alaninaaminotransferasa 70 U/l Aspartatoaminotransferasa 85 U/l. Serolog\u00eda para hepatitis negativa y elevaci\u00f3n del CA 19-9. Se realiza TC abdominal. Se muestran 3 secciones axiales. En relaci\u00f3n a los hallazgos de la prueba radiol\u00f3gica, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es cierta?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba1 40-year-old man with no relevant background. For 4 weeks, refers to diarrheic stools, associated with jaundice of skin and mucous membranes, coluria, hypocholia and pain in right hypochondrium, accompanied by weight loss (10 kg approx) and intense itching. In the analytical highlights Total bilirubin 15.3 mg / dl. Alanine aminotransferase 70 U / l Aspartate aminotransferase 85 U / l. Serology for negative hepatitis and elevation of CA 19-9. Abdominal CT is performed. 3 axial sections are shown. In relation to the findings of the radiological test, which of the following statements is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e4cfccedacb74cc39035a204f46794ef", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba1 En el paciente anterior \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes tratamientos est\u00e1 indicado?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 1 In the previous patient, which of the following treatments is indicated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0e7fc776326c4c7c9072f96ab0252681", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba2 Mujer de 67 a\u00f1os con antecedentes de HTA mal controlada, en tratamiento con insulina por diabetes mellitus y controlada por un servicio de hematolog\u00eda para estudio de s\u00edndrome mielodispl\u00e1sico. Hace 3 semanas inicia una lesi\u00f3n pustulosa de bordes necr\u00f3ticos que ha crecido hasta condicionar una gran \u00falcera con el aspecto que muestra la imagen adjunta. Dolor intenso. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes diagn\u00f3sticos le parece m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba2 A 67-year-old woman with a history of poorly controlled hypertension, undergoing insulin treatment for diabetes mellitus and controlled by a hematology service for the study of myelodysplastic syndrome. Three weeks ago, a pustular lesion with necrotic borders began to grow, causing a large ulcer to appear with the appearance shown in the attached image. Intense pain. Which of the following diagnoses do you think is most likely?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-df464e1e4b944ec181b351579430ad1d", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba2 El mismo tipo de patolog\u00eda puede darse en otros contextos. Se\u00f1ale en cu\u00e1l de ellos es m\u00e1s probable", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba2 The same type of pathology can occur in other contexts. Point out which of them is more likely" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5edd88aae38347a28c92ed3d1427bb74", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba3 Mujer de 64 a\u00f1os de edad, sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s, con disnea progresiva de varias semanas de evoluci\u00f3n, cuya radiograf\u00eda frontal de t\u00f3rax sugiere un diagn\u00f3stico radiol\u00f3gico pr\u00e1cticamente definitivo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda \u00e9ste?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba3 A 64-year-old woman with no history of interest, with progressive dyspnea of \u200b\u200bseveral weeks of evolution, whose frontal chest radiograph suggests a practically definitive radiological diagnosis. What would this be?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72825ef3ef8c4cc085154f499e1bbdfe", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba3 En relaci\u00f3n con el diagn\u00f3stico de sospecha que ha establecido, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la prueba de confirmaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s indicada?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 3 In relation to the suspected diagnosis you have established, what would be the most appropriate confirmation test?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5eba78759db642418ea462fd84532c14", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba4 Hombre de 70 a\u00f1os de edad, fumador activo, al que se realiza un estudio radiol\u00f3gico de t\u00f3rax como protocolo preoperatorio de hipertrofia prost\u00e1tica. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el hallazgo semiol\u00f3gico fundamental de esta imagen radiol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba4 70-year-old man, active smoker, who underwent a chest radiological study as a preoperative protocol for prostatic hypertrophy. What would be the fundamental semiological finding of this radiological image?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7342b18efdcc4c5a8ae8d374b0b82716", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba4 \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el diagn\u00f3stico radiol\u00f3gico m\u00e1s probable para justificar ese hallazgo?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 4 What would be the most likely radiological diagnosis to justify this finding?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b33ea61260e84a27a4ef6376e0c9f5ee", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba5 Hombre de 41 a\u00f1os remitido por presentar desde hace m\u00e1s de 5 a\u00f1os dolor gl\u00fateo bilateral alternante de predominio nocturno, que interfiere el sue\u00f1o y alivia con la movilizaci\u00f3n. Se acompa\u00f1a de rigidez de m\u00e1s de 1 hora tras la inactividad. Niega dolor, tumefacci\u00f3n o deformidad a otro nivel. Aporta anal\u00edtica elemental sin alteraciones excepto PCR 11.5 mg/dl (N<5) y la radiograf\u00eda adjunta. La alteraci\u00f3n radiol\u00f3gica objetivada y el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable ser\u00eda", "output": [ "Question linked to image no. 5 A 41-year-old man referred for presenting for more than 5 years bilateral alternating gluteal pain predominantly nocturnal, which interferes with sleep and relieves with mobilization. It is accompanied by stiffness for more than 1 hour after inactivity. Denies pain, swelling or deformity to another level. It provides elementary analytics without alterations except PCR 11.5 mg / dl (N <5) and the attached radiograph. The objective radiological alteration and the most probable diagnosis would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9982651a13fb42949c87d52379de6b05", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba5 En relaci\u00f3n a este paciente, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes tratamientos no ser\u00eda de utilidad?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 5 In relation to this patient, which of the following treatments would not be useful?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b0c7abcc23e470984eae0f5797d48e7", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba6 Una amiga suya de 37 a\u00f1os le ense\u00f1a la fotograf\u00eda de su propia mano derecha que se muestra en la imagen A. Se la hab\u00eda realizado un d\u00eda de fr\u00edo del mes de noviembre y le cuenta que al cabo de unos minutos recuper\u00f3 su coloraci\u00f3n normal. Con una lupa de gran aumento observa, en el lecho ungueal, la imagen B. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba6 A friend of his 37 years shows him the photograph of his own right hand that is shown in the image A. He had made a cold day in November and tells him that after a few minutes regained its normal color With a magnifying magnifying glass, look at the B image in the nail bed. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90ade3c1e739434fa2d24234ef898aa3", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba6 Cu\u00e1l de los siguientes medicamentos no recomendar\u00eda", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba6 Which of the following medications would you not recommend" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90edd750e6bb4293bf694ada08a994ea", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba7 Una paciente de 31 a\u00f1os de edad, sin antecedentes previos de inter\u00e9s, consulta por debilidad muscular de unos meses de evoluci\u00f3n que progresivamente le ha llegado a dificultar el subir y bajar escaleras. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica llama la atenci\u00f3n las lesiones papuloeritematosas descamativas que se observan en la figura. Para lograr el diagn\u00f3stico se practica, entre otras pruebas, una biopsia muscular que puede observarse en la figura. \u00bfCu\u00e1l le parece a Ud. el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba7 A 31-year-old patient, with no previous history of interest, consulted due to muscle weakness of a few months of evolution that has progressively made it difficult for her to go up and down stairs. Physical examination is notable for the desquamative papuloerithematous lesions seen in the figure. To achieve the diagnosis, a muscle biopsy is performed, among other tests, which can be seen in the figure. What do you think is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c3d4c7260f84e4aa7fda39df1e50340", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba7 Entre las pruebas complementarias que nos podr\u00edan ayudar a definir mejor el cuadro cl\u00ednico de la paciente se encuentran todas las siguientes menos una. Se\u00f1\u00e1lela.", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 7 Among the complementary tests that could help us better define the clinical picture of the patient are all but one. Point it out" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e38593bbe6e4b6faf30b0cc1de40085", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba8 Paciente de 75 a\u00f1os con antecedentes de hipertensi\u00f3n arterial e hiperuricemia. En tratamiento con IECAs y alopurinol 100 mg diarios. Acude a urgencias por un cuadro de varios d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n de dolor de ritmo inflamatorio en las peque\u00f1as articulaciones de las manos de curso progresivo junto con fiebre diaria de hasta 37.8\u00baC. Presenta lesiones sobreelevadas amarillentas en la piel alrededor de las articulaciones interfal\u00e1ngicas y metatarsofal\u00e1ngicas que en los \u00faltimos d\u00edas han dejado salir un l\u00edquido amarillento a trav\u00e9s de la piel. En la exploraci\u00f3n presenta signos inflamatorios a nivel de las interfal\u00e1ngicas proximales y distales de ambas manos. Se realiza una radiograf\u00eda simple de ambas manos (ver imagen). \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es cierta en relaci\u00f3n al diagn\u00f3stico de este paciente?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba8 A 75-year-old patient with a history of hypertension and hyperuricemia. In treatment with ACE inhibitors and allopurinol 100 mg daily. He went to the emergency room for a picture of several days of evolution of inflammatory rhythm pain in the small joints of the hands of progressive course together with daily fever of up to 37.8\u00baC. It has raised yellowish lesions on the skin around the interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints that in recent days have left a yellowish liquid through the skin. On examination, it presents inflammatory signs at the proximal and distal interphalangeal levels of both hands. A simple x-ray of both hands is performed (see image). Which of the following statements is true in relation to the diagnosis of this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4955c7c7136d463e920f816fe0765f4d", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba8 En relaci\u00f3n al caso anterior \u00bfcomo abordar\u00eda el tratamiento inicial de este paciente?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 8 In relation to the previous case, how would you approach the initial treatment of this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-11728b375d3c44e28f0bbe7440af03bb", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba9 Una paciente de 64 a\u00f1os de edad consulta por fatigabilidad f\u00e1cil de unos meses de evoluci\u00f3n y p\u00e9rdida del apetito, aunque no ha objetivado p\u00e9rdida de peso. Nos llama la atenci\u00f3n, al observarla, la facies que presenta (ver imagen). Antes de proseguir con el interrogatorio y la exploraci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica, se nos ocurre una hip\u00f3tesis diagn\u00f3stica. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas anal\u00edticas cree que nos orientar\u00eda mejor en nuestra sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "Question linked to image no. 9 A 64-year-old patient complains of easy fatigability after a few months of evolution and loss of appetite, although she has not observed any weight loss. We are struck by the facies that it presents when we observe it (see image). Before proceeding with the interrogation and the clinical examination, we come up with a diagnostic hypothesis. Which of the following analytical tests do you think would guide us best in our diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e9e2d883fbd94e42bd207f531b0c910e", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba9 Para descartar situaciones que puedan simular las manifestaciones de la paciente y establecer un diagn\u00f3stico diferencial deberemos proseguir con el interrogatorio. Uno de los siguientes h\u00e1bitos o antecedentes ser\u00eda dif\u00edcilmente relacionable con las alteraciones faciales observadas. Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l.", "output": [ "Question linked to image no. 9 To rule out situations that may simulate the patient's manifestations and establish a differential diagnosis, we must continue with the interrogation. One of the following habits or antecedents would be difficult to relate to the facial alterations observed. Point out which one." ] }, { "id": "task1433-57173b2b4f8c40c880e4e58ad478cc10", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba10 Hombre de 74 a\u00f1os, asintom\u00e1tico, que en una anal\u00edtica de rutina tiene leucocitos 37.000 / mL, hemoglobina 15,7 g/dL, plaquetas 190.000/mL. En la exploraci\u00f3n no se aprecian adenopat\u00edas ni organomegalias. Se hace una extensi\u00f3n de sangre perif\u00e9rica (imagen). \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba10 A 74-year-old man, asymptomatic, who in a routine laboratory test has leucocytes 37,000 / mL, hemoglobin 15,7 g / dL, platelets 190,000 / mL. In the examination, adenopathies and organomegalies are not appreciated. An extension of peripheral blood is made (image). What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ce35068e1e6747e6bcb13a04c9279a23", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba10 Ante este cuadro cl\u00ednico, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el tratamiento m\u00e1s indicado?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba10 Given this clinical picture, what would be the most appropriate treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-16dc6b4f67e44866a29d4ac87eca1a4e", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba11 La imagen ecogr\u00e1fica que se le presenta corresponde a una mujer de 37 a\u00f1os que consult\u00f3 por dolor lumbar derecho no traum\u00e1tico asociado a fiebre. En base a esos antecedentes y a los hallazgos ecogr\u00e1ficos, se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba11 The ultrasound image presented to him corresponds to a 37-year-old woman who consulted for non-traumatic right back pain associated with fever. Based on that background and the sonographic findings, point out the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ef0ecb535a6f4b638817ef696e935795", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba11 En relaci\u00f3n al tratamiento de esta paciente se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba11 In relation to the treatment of this patient, indicate the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-341cfbbfcc85450888259090d1d1f813", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba12 Una mujer de 88 a\u00f1os de edad con antecedentes de demencia tipo Alzheimer, insuficiencia mitral y fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular persistente, ingresa en un hospital por un deterioro de su estado general que se atribuye a una infecci\u00f3n urinaria. Las v\u00edas venosas perif\u00e9ricas no son accesibles y se opta por canalizar una vena central a trav\u00e9s de una vena perif\u00e9rica (vena cef\u00e1lica) guiado por ecograf\u00eda. Una vez realizada la t\u00e9cnica, se comprueba que por el cat\u00e9ter refluye la sangre de forma normal. La paciente no ha presentado complicaciones durante la maniobra y posteriormente se realiza una radiograf\u00eda de control del cat\u00e9ter. \u00bfD\u00f3nde le parece que se ha ubicado el extremo distal del cat\u00e9ter?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba12 An 88-year-old woman with a history of Alzheimer's dementia, mitral insufficiency and persistent atrial fibrillation, enters a hospital due to a deterioration in her general condition that is attributed to a urinary tract infection. The peripheral venous routes are not accessible and it is decided to channel a central vein through a peripheral vein (cephalic vein) guided by ultrasound. Once the technique is done, it is verified that the blood flows back normally through the catheter. The patient did not present any complications during the maneuver and a catheter control X-ray was later performed. Where do you think the distal end of the catheter has been located?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ecfd7db2945f4f4996d815dd145b82b0", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba12 \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la actitud m\u00e1s razonable en este momento?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 12 What is the most reasonable attitude at this time ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7308fd4ede544bde998dff509306c9c6", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba13 Ni\u00f1o de 12 a\u00f1os que acude a consulta de Pediatr\u00eda de Atenci\u00f3n Primaria por cuadro de fiebre, v\u00f3mitos, dolor abdominal y diarrea. En la auscultaci\u00f3n cardiopulmonar presenta soplo sist\u00f3lico eyectivo II/VI en foco pulmonar con segundo ruido desdoblado fijo, siendo el resto de la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica normal. Para la valoraci\u00f3n del soplo el pediatra le realiza un ECG que se muestra a continuaci\u00f3n. En relaci\u00f3n con la interpretaci\u00f3n del mismo, indique a continuaci\u00f3n la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba13 A 12-year-old boy who goes to primary care Pediatrics for fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. On cardiopulmonary auscultation, he presents with an ejection systolic murmur II / VI in a pulmonary focus with a fixed second unfolded noise, the remainder being the normal physical examination. For the evaluation of the murmur the pediatrician performs an ECG that is shown below. In relation to the interpretation of it, please indicate below the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-60f62c8b69e54cc0a33bd5027999624d", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba13 \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la sospecha del pediatra y qu\u00e9 otras pruebas complementarias se le realizar\u00edan para confirmarlo?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 13 What would be the suspicion of the pediatrician and what other complementary tests would be done to confirm it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-489f4ce71f7a45a7b6239f49ae38df12", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba14 Mujer de 75 a\u00f1os que consulta por dolor abdominal e incremento del per\u00edmetro abdominal. No refiere antecedentes previos de hepatopat\u00eda. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica el abdomen est\u00e1 abombado con timpanismo central y matidez cambiante en flancos. No se aprecian masas ni visceromegalias. En la anal\u00edtica destaca \u00fanicamente una cifra de hemoglobina de 10,9 g/dl, VCM 92 fl, con leucocitos y plaquetas normales. Bioqu\u00edmica y perfil hep\u00e1tico normal. Mediante paracentesis se extrae l\u00edquido asc\u00edtico ambarino con gradiente de alb\u00famina de 0,7 y citolog\u00eda sospechosa de malignidad. Se aporta TAC (imagen). \u00bfCu\u00e1l el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba14 A 75-year-old woman consulted for abdominal pain and increased abdominal perimeter. It does not refer previous history of liver disease. On physical examination, the abdomen is bulging with central tympany and changing dullness in the flanks. There are no masses or visceromegalies. In the analysis, only a hemoglobin figure of 10.9 g / dL, VCM 92 fl, with normal leukocytes and platelets stands out. Biochemistry and normal hepatic profile. By means of paracentesis, amber ascitic fluid with an albumin gradient of 0.7 and cytology suspected of malignancy is extracted. TAC (image) is provided. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ba25480d0a640799cb498c7e41f32e5", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba14 Una vez confirmado el diagn\u00f3stico de sospecha. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la conducta terap\u00e9utica m\u00e1s correcta?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba14 Once the diagnosis of suspicion has been confirmed. What is the most correct therapeutic behavior?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4419d63924934aa3a4042cd71f9dc7eb", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba15 Paciente de 67 a\u00f1os que refiere disminuci\u00f3n de agudeza visual unilateral y metamorfopsia de r\u00e1pida evoluci\u00f3n. La retinograf\u00eda adjunta presenta la imagen del ojo afecto. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable ser\u00eda", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba15 A 67-year-old patient who reported a decrease in unilateral visual acuity and rapidly evolving metamorphopsia. The attached retinography presents the image of the affected eye. The most likely diagnosis would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6cf8c79f8bb6499383f4f4e6d3e1e69a", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba15 La siguiente prueba diagn\u00f3stica m\u00e1s adecuada a realizar en este paciente es", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba15 The following diagnostic test that is most appropriate to perform in this patient is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e7a11469f37143588d7cd80705cdc6a7", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba16 Paciente de 48 a\u00f1os fumador. Consulta por crisis de enrojecimiento sim\u00e9trico y bilateral en ambos pies acompa\u00f1ado de dolor urente (imagen). La exploraci\u00f3n general, el examen neurol\u00f3gico y los pulsos perif\u00e9ricos son normales. En la anal\u00edtica destaca Hb 16,8 g/dl, leucocitos 12.400/mm3, plaquetas 720.000/mm3. Bioqu\u00edmica Glucosa 87 mg/dl, Creatinina 0,7 mg/dl, Prote\u00ednas 7,5 g/dl, Calcio 9,4 mg/dl, GOT 40 U/L, GPT 35 U/L, GGT 64 U/L, FA 124 U/L, LDH 187 U/L, VSG 24 mm/h. Hemostasia e immunoglobulinas normales. Serolog\u00eda frente a virus de hepatitis B y C negativa. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba16 Patient of 48 years smoker. Consultation due to symmetrical and bilateral reddening in both feet accompanied by burning pain (image). The general examination, the neurological examination and the peripheral pulses are normal. The analytical highlights Hb 16.8 g / dl, leukocytes 12,400 / mm3, platelets 720,000 / mm3. Biochemistry Glucose 87 mg / dl, Creatinine 0.7 mg / dl, Protein 7.5 g / dl, Calcium 9.4 mg / dl, GOT 40 U / L, GPT 35 U / L, GGT 64 U / L, FA 124 U / L, LDH 187 U / L, VSG 24 mm / h. Hemostasis and normal immunoglobulins. Serology against hepatitis B and C negative virus. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d5b62ee1a04e42348f9f6e01509b75b1", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba16 \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes apoyar\u00e1 el diagn\u00f3stico de la enfermedad de base?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 16 Which of the following will support the diagnosis of the underlying disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fb96997ec1744252b86e8db95a9e13f2", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba17 La siguiente figura describe la funci\u00f3n de supervivencia de la variable progresi\u00f3n libre de enfermedad (Progression-free Survival, PFS) mediante el m\u00e9todo de Kaplan-Meier de dos grupos de pacientes. Grupo A pacientes tratados con el mejor tratamiento de soporte (Best Suportive Care, BSC). Grupo B pacientes que adem\u00e1s de BSC reciben Panitumumab. Datos complementarios a la figura pacientes con progresi\u00f3n de enfermedad Grupo A=184/232 (79%), Grupo B=161/231 (70%). Porcentaje de censuras Grupo A=24/232 (10%), Grupo B=38/231(16%). Prueba de log-rank p<0.0001. Hazard Ratio [95%CI] 0.54 [0.44-0.66]. Cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba17 The following figure describes the survival function of the variable progression free of disease (Progression-free Survival, PFS) by the Kaplan-Meier method of two groups of patients. Group A patients treated with the best support treatment (Best Suportive Care, BSC). Group B patients who in addition to BSC receive Panitumumab. Data complementary to the figure patients with disease progression Group A = 184/232 (79%), Group B = 161/231 (70%). Percentage of censures Group A = 24/232 (10%), Group B = 38/231 (16%). Log-rank test p <0.0001. Hazard Ratio [95% CI] 0.54 [0.44-0.66]. Which of the following statements is correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0a5e3b3a18a4486bb3191a66fc3fdefe", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba17 Cual de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba17 Which of the following statements is correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7c0184ea43cf4a8e8d39adf65cf3aeb8", "input": "La placenta es un derivado de", "output": [ "The placenta is a derivative of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-295ec0bebcdc457ebd6204ca4bbb7998", "input": "Juan tiene 60 a\u00f1os, fuma de 2 paquetes/d\u00eda desde hace a\u00f1os y refiere desde hace 6 meses tos persistente. Comprueba que su p\u00e1rpado izquierdo est\u00e1 m\u00e1s ca\u00eddo y que la pupila de ese ojo es m\u00e1s peque\u00f1a. Juan refiere que la parte medial de su mano izquierda est\u00e1 adormecida y con menos fuerza. Su m\u00e9dico comprueba la ptosis palpebral y la miosis izquierda; comprueba que puede cerrar con fuerza ambos p\u00e1rpados sim\u00e9tricamente y que las dos pupilas responden correctamente a la luz. Adem\u00e1s comprueba que no suda por la hemicara izquierda, que siente menos el pinchazo en la superficie interna de dicha mano y que tiene menos fuerza en la prensi\u00f3n de dicha mano. Respecto a la sintomatolog\u00eda ocular, \u00bfd\u00f3nde se localiza la lesi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Juan is 60 years old, smokes 2 packs / day for years and has been talking about persistent cough for 6 months. Check that your left eyelid is more droopy and that the pupil of that eye is smaller. Juan says that the medial part of his left hand is numb and less powerful. Your doctor checks for palpebral ptosis and left miosis; check that you can close both eyelids with symmetry and that both pupils respond correctly to the light. He also checks that he does not sweat through the left side of the face, that he feels less the puncture on the inside surface of that hand and that he has less strength in the grip of that hand. Regarding the ocular symptomatology, where is the lesion located?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-38d0060fd3cc4488b31430e13d6916c3", "input": "\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 ra\u00edz depende predominantemente la inervaci\u00f3n sensitiva del primer dedo del pie?", "output": [ "What root predominantly depends on the sensory innervation of the first toe?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-97631cde4e9b4f638ce8fad9f766ebb5", "input": "El papiloma virus humano (HPV) est\u00e1 implicado en la patogenia del", "output": [ "The human papilloma virus (HPV) is involved in the pathogenesis of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-74d7d5189652480eb61c2fddcf22381f", "input": "Los hepatocitos en vidrio esmerilado son caracter\u00edsticos de", "output": [ "Hepatocytes in ground glass are characteristic of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9fe8b04a4fc943ffbf831bb653545d23", "input": "El c\u00e1ncer de p\u00e1ncreas m\u00e1s frecuente es", "output": [ "The most common pancreatic cancer is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1848bde701764f56b57ae9fe4b202c4d", "input": "Un joven de 20 a\u00f1os, con cl\u00ednica de ataxia, cefaleas y masa s\u00f3lido-qu\u00edstica en hemisferio cerebeloso derecho, es intervenido quir\u00fargicamente, resec\u00e1ndose una lesi\u00f3n que histol\u00f3gicamente muestra c\u00e9lulas con procesos citoplasm\u00e1ticos largos y finos, patr\u00f3n fascicular y microqu\u00edstico, numerosos vasos y fibras de Rosenthal. El diagn\u00f3stico antomopatol\u00f3gico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "A 20-year-old man, with symptoms of ataxia, headache and solid-cystic mass in the right cerebellar hemisphere, underwent surgery, resecting a lesion that histologically shows cells with long and fine cytoplasmic processes, a fascicular and microcystic pattern, and numerous vessels and fibers. Rosenthal. The most likely antimopathological diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28421895bf0a47569bd59d13dda8cf88", "input": "Mujer de 70 a\u00f1os con antecedentes de hipertensi\u00f3n e insuficiencia cardiaca moderada que acude a la consulta por presentar tos persistente y seca que se inicia como una sensaci\u00f3n de picor en la garganta. En la anal\u00edtica se observa hiperpotasemia. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el f\u00e1rmaco sospechoso de causar la cl\u00ednica y la alteraci\u00f3n anal\u00edtica de la paciente?", "output": [ "A 70-year-old woman with a history of hypertension and moderate heart failure attended the clinic due to a persistent and dry cough that started as a sensation of itching in the throat. In the analytical hyperkalemia is observed. What is the drug suspected of causing the clinical and analytical alteration of the patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0600046bbd2d42af8c6e9c7c1e831e5c", "input": "\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 factores depende el volumen aparente de distribuci\u00f3n de un f\u00e1rmaco?", "output": [ "What factors depends on the apparent volume of distribution of a drug ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4d4bcf00ac0a454291512f142a3194d7", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es un prof\u00e1rmaco?", "output": [ "What is a prodrug?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f763630dc6944d5a87def1eb16ff9d77", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes emparejamientos entre f\u00e1rmaco anticoagulante y mecanismo de acci\u00f3n es INCORRECTO?", "output": [ "Which of the following pairings between anticoagulant drug and mechanism of action is INCORRECT?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-afce9c1891b747d0987452a68d1868b2", "input": "Los f\u00e1rmacos inhibidores de la bomba de protones administrados por v\u00eda oral", "output": [ "Orally administered proton pump inhibitor drugs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2fe87ad8f9ca42bd9b2f72a0af84f866", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el m\u00fasculo liso vascular es FALSA", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following statements about vascular smooth muscle is FALSE" ] }, { "id": "task1433-69dec7f380814ffeb2dc5f19c42efe34", "input": "En un ensayo cl\u00ednico de un f\u00e1rmaco antineopl\u00e1sico se observa un importante aumento de los niveles plasm\u00e1ticos de LDL (lipoprote\u00ednas de baja densidad). Se\u00f1alar de entre las siguientes afirmaciones cu\u00e1l es correcta en la interpretaci\u00f3n y consecuencias de este hecho", "output": [ "In a clinical trial of an antineoplastic drug, a significant increase in plasma levels of LDL (low density lipoproteins) is observed. Indicate among the following statements which is correct in the interpretation and consequences of this fact" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ba4e2fd28a08404aa9ad3917786fd0e5", "input": "La tasa de filtraci\u00f3n glomerular aumenta cuando", "output": [ "The glomerular filtration rate increases when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4def6a88a17d4ebcab11b084dc513794", "input": "Un hombre de treinta y cinco a\u00f1os (caso \u00edndice) afecto de ataxia y con manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas desde hace tres a\u00f1os, presenta una mutaci\u00f3n expansiva trinucleot\u00eddica CAG en heterocigosis en el gen ATXN1. El diagn\u00f3stico molecular es de ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 1 (SCA1; 6p22.3) y en el informe gen\u00e9tico se dice que la enfermedad es de penetrancia completa a lo largo de la vida. En el consejo gen\u00e9tico se explicar\u00e1n al caso \u00edndice los riesgos de transmitir la enfermedad a su descendencia. \u00bfQu\u00e9 se deduce de lo expuesto?", "output": [ "A thirty-five-year-old man (index case) affected by ataxia and with clinical manifestations for three years, presents an expansive trinucleotide CAG mutation in heterozygosis in the ATXN1 gene. The molecular diagnosis is of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1; 6p22.3) and in the genetic report it is said that the disease is of complete penetrance throughout life. In genetic counseling, the risks of transmitting the disease to their offspring will be explained to the index case. What follows from the above?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5c6b8a40e16443c2a0508df00801b534", "input": "Un hombre de 30 a\u00f1os (caso \u00edndice) afecto de atrofia \u00f3ptica de Leber presenta la mutaci\u00f3n del genoma mitocondrial LHON11778A. En el consejo gen\u00e9tico se le informar\u00e1 de los riesgos de transmisi\u00f3n de la enfermedad a su descendencia. \u00bfQu\u00e9 informaci\u00f3n es la correcta?", "output": [ "A 30-year-old man (index case) affected by Leber's optic atrophy presents the mutation of the mitochondrial genome LHON11778A. In genetic counseling you will be informed of the risks of transmitting the disease to your offspring. What information is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-03d349a7046740fa969a3ff0ac44f573", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 posibilidades existen, en cada embarazo, de que unos padres portadores de una mutaci\u00f3n en el gen CFTR, tengan un hijo afecto de fibrosis qu\u00edstica?", "output": [ "What are the possibilities, in each pregnancy, of parents bearing a mutation in the CFTR gene, having a child with cystic fibrosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7ece1844652484ba70d6a4c22c15b94", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas es cierta respecto a les mol\u00e9culas de HLA?", "output": [ "Which of the following answers is true about the HLA molecules?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4c4f0193dc2a4314b34fd94e726928c9", "input": "\u00bfEn cual de los siguientes contextos cl\u00ednicos NO est\u00e1 recomendado el uso de gammaglobulinas intravenosas?", "output": [ "In which of the following clinical contexts is NOT the use of intravenous gammaglobulins recommended?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-162bf7b0adab4d1ab99bed4159f813dd", "input": "Entre las ventajas biol\u00f3gicas de la fiebre NO se encuentra.", "output": [ "Among the biological advantages of fever is NOT found." ] }, { "id": "task1433-892cccef6f2447988f65917e2487ae5c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les de las siguientes citoquinas ejercen un efecto anti-inflamatorio e inmunosupresor?", "output": [ "Which of the following cytokines exert an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e933f344e308416ca546fb49377f3016", "input": "La reactivaci\u00f3n de un citomegalovirus latente, en un paciente inmunodeprimido puede dar lugar a un cuadro sist\u00e9mico grave. \u00bfC\u00f3mo har\u00eda el diagn\u00f3stico etol\u00f3gico?", "output": [ "The reactivation of a latent cytomegalovirus in an immunosuppressed patient can lead to a severe systemic picture. How would the ethological diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a82c56e392294f1e99e90a9e36f743a9", "input": "En la pr\u00e1ctica cl\u00ednica habitual, en los pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) que est\u00e1n siendo sometidos a tratamiento antirretroviral, la herramienta de laboratorio que se utiliza para, a corto plazo, conocer si el tratamiento est\u00e1 siendo eficaz es", "output": [ "In routine clinical practice, in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are undergoing antiretroviral treatment, the laboratory tool that is used to, in the short term, know if the treatment is being effective is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-598400e9f14f4f349588d9dfd5795bd2", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes virus de la hepatitis es subsidiario de tratamiento con inhibidores de la proteasa viral?", "output": [ "Which of the following hepatitis viruses is a subsidiary of treatment with viral protease inhibitors?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be7e70b26c0d44078d82b3cf75aad571", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes pat\u00f3genos es el causante de la enfermedad por ara\u00f1azo de gato?", "output": [ "Which of the following pathogens is the cause of cat scratch disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7d65b60dbe4f4423ad30efd80cd7d2de", "input": "El complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis incluye el bacilo causante de la tuberculosis humana (Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis, bacilo de Koch), as\u00ed como otras micobacterias, entre las que se encuentran las siguientes, excepto una", "output": [ "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex includes the bacillus that causes human tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis, Koch's bacillus), as well as other mycobacteria, among which are the following, except one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-baa141127d1f414090631dfb2f863b3b", "input": "Un paciente de 82 a\u00f1os acude a la consulta por presentar mareos repentinos y frecuentes, sin pr\u00f3dromos, de corta duraci\u00f3n y que ceden espont\u00e1neamente, sin presentar nunca s\u00edncope. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica y el electrocardiograma basal son normales. En un registro ambulatorio del electrocardiograma durante 24 horas se detecta en el periodo vigil fases de corta duraci\u00f3n de ausencia de ondas P previas al QRS con un ritmo de escape de la uni\u00f3n aur\u00edculo-ventricular con QRS estrecho a 40 lpm y una onda al inicio del segmento ST correspondiente a una P retr\u00f3grada. No se detectan periodos de asistolia superiores a 3 segundos. Ante esto usted dir\u00eda", "output": [ "An 82-year-old patient comes to the clinic due to sudden and frequent dizziness, without prodromes, of short duration and that subside spontaneously, without ever presenting syncope. The physical examination and the baseline electrocardiogram are normal. In an ambulatory record of the electrocardiogram during 24 hours, short duration phases of absence of P waves before the QRS are detected with an escape rhythm of the atrio-ventricular junction with narrow QRS at 40 bpm and a wave at the beginning of the ST segment corresponding to a retrograde P. No periods of asystole greater than 3 seconds are detected. Before this you would say" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1305f2cf48e94a709b02334bc89b405f", "input": "Mujer de 82 a\u00f1os hipertensa en tratamiento con atenolol, hidroclorotiazida y digoxina. Acude a urgencias por fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular y se le administra verapamil i.v. Se evidencia en ECG bloqueo auriculoventricular completo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la causa m\u00e1s probable de esta situaci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica?", "output": [ "A 82-year-old hypertensive woman on treatment with atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide and digoxin. He goes to the emergency room for atrial fibrillation and is administered verapamil i.v. Complete atrioventricular block is evidenced in ECG. What is the most likely cause of this clinical situation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f0daa86d3e5d4f40875533d58482216e", "input": "Mujer de 45 a\u00f1os, con antecedentes de soplo cardiaco detectado en edad pedi\u00e1trica. Ingresa en el Servicio de Urgencias por cuadro de palpitaciones, cansancio f\u00e1cil y edemas maleolares. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica pone de manifiesto ausencia de cianosis. Saturaci\u00f3n de Ox\u00edgeno por pulsiox\u00edmetro 97%. TA 120/80 mm Hg. Ritmo cardiaco irregular a 100 lpm. Soplo sist\u00f3lico eyecci\u00f3n (2/6) en foco pulmonar. 2\u00ba R desdoblado, amplio y fijo. No estertores. Ligera hepatomegalia (2-3 cm). Ligeros edemas maleolares. ECG arritmia completa por fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular a 100 lpm. AQRS +120\u00ba. Trastorno de conducci\u00f3n de la rama derecha del haz de His. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su orientaci\u00f3n diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old woman with a history of a heart murmur detected in the pediatric age. Enter the Emergency Department for symptoms of palpitations, easy fatigue and malignant edema. Physical examination reveals absence of cyanosis. Oxygen Saturation by pulse oximeter 97%. TA 120/80 mm Hg. Irregular heart rate at 100 bpm. Systolic ejection murmur (2/6) in pulmonary focus. 2nd R unfolded, wide and fixed. No death rattles. Slight hepatomegaly (2-3 cm). Slight malleolar edema. ECG complete arrhythmia due to atrial fibrillation at 100 bpm. AQRS + 120\u00ba. Conduction disorder of the right branch of the bundle of His. What is your diagnostic orientation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-471a904237a841cfac06648aab02a3f0", "input": "Ante un paciente de 60 a\u00f1os de edad, diab\u00e9tico, con angina estable secundaria a cardiopat\u00eda isqu\u00e9mica por obstrucci\u00f3n subtotal en el tercio medio de la arteria coronaria descendente anterior, \u00bfqu\u00e9 tratamiento propondr\u00eda?", "output": [ "Before a 60-year-old diabetic patient with stable angina secondary to ischemic heart disease due to subtotal obstruction in the middle third of the anterior descending coronary artery, what treatment would you propose?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9fe6054bd8b04064b81b43e974f7578a", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 paciente se realizar\u00eda una coronariograf\u00eda urgente?", "output": [ "In which patient would an urgent coronary angiography be performed?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4cdb7e92989346f6b4d28a6d2d1f70d8", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 alteraci\u00f3n electrocardiogr\u00e1fica se interpreta como lesi\u00f3n subendoc\u00e1rdica?", "output": [ "What electrocardiographic alteration is interpreted as a subendocardial lesion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f9b9ea1cd876456c97eb61ac73e5c8c0", "input": "Paciente de 52 a\u00f1os de edad que refiere disnea de medianos esfuerzos desde hace 6 meses. No ha presentado angina ni s\u00edncopes. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica y las pruebas diagn\u00f3sticas demuestran la existencia de un gradiente transvalvular a\u00f3rtico medio de 55 mmHg y un \u00e1rea calculada de 0,7 cm2. Fracci\u00f3n de eyecci\u00f3n del 65%. El tratamiento que debe indicarse a este paciente es", "output": [ "A 52-year-old patient who reported dyspnea of \u200b\u200bmedium effort for 6 months. He has not presented angina or syncopes. The physical examination and diagnostic tests show the existence of an average aortic transvalvular gradient of 55 mmHg and a calculated area of \u200b\u200b0.7 cm2. Ejection fraction of 65%. The treatment that should be indicated to this patient is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1989b523374e42418f7171ee60ce1e65", "input": "En lo que se refiere al taponamiento peric\u00e1rdico, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes enunciados NO es correcto?", "output": [ "When it comes to pericardial tamponade, which of the following statements is NOT correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-141825de89f9494d9d5609d9f85e71d3", "input": "Le env\u00edan a la consulta de hipertensi\u00f3n arterial los siguientes pacientes. Se\u00f1ale en cu\u00e1l NO sospechar\u00eda una hipertensi\u00f3n secundaria.", "output": [ "The following patients are sent to the hypertension clinic. Indicate which one you would NOT suspect secondary hypertension." ] }, { "id": "task1433-337615d49e544025819184eafec869da", "input": "En el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca", "output": [ "In the treatment of heart failure" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9fe82321f894439c8375d380ed6034c1", "input": "En un paciente con cl\u00ednica de insuficiencia cardiaca que presenta una ascitis desproporcionadamente elevada en relaci\u00f3n al edema perif\u00e9rico, la etiolog\u00eda m\u00e1s probable ser\u00eda", "output": [ "In a patient with symptoms of heart failure who have a disproportionately high ascites in relation to peripheral edema, the most likely etiology would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4c439d1fd9b24e70b1dc3cd7917ff14c", "input": "En la elecci\u00f3n del tipo de pr\u00f3tesis valvular cardiaca (biol\u00f3gica o mec\u00e1nica) a implantar en un paciente se deben considerar diversos aspectos y caracter\u00edsticas del enfermo y de la pr\u00f3tesis. Atendiendo a lo mencionado, se\u00f1ale el enunciado INCORRECTO", "output": [ "In choosing the type of cardiac valvular prosthesis (biological or mechanical) to be implanted in a patient, various aspects and characteristics of the patient and the prosthesis must be considered. In view of the aforementioned, point out the INCORRECT statement" ] }, { "id": "task1433-706e3272b4d74b1ab959a7a371dac82a", "input": "La isquemia aguda de una extremidad consiste en una disminuci\u00f3n brusca de la perfusi\u00f3n arterial. Es importante diferenciar entre trombosis y embolia arterial para poder indicar el tratamiento m\u00e1s adecuado. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es la correcta?", "output": [ "Acute ischemia of a limb consists of a sharp decrease in arterial perfusion. It is important to differentiate between thrombosis and arterial embolism to be able to indicate the most appropriate treatment. Which of the following is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-482f535ebbc04c52900c643d7fa0133e", "input": "El signo de Rovsing caracter\u00edstico en las apendicitis aguda consiste en", "output": [ "The characteristic Rovsing sign in acute appendicitis consists of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95c18691a0f44fd9a3bc90d0b010d6ef", "input": "Respecto a los Tumores del Estroma Gastrointestinal (GIST), es cierto que", "output": [ "Regarding the Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST), it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d0424707eb624dc8afca9fbd975463f4", "input": "A un hombre de 45 a\u00f1os de edad se le realiza una vagotom\u00eda troncular y antrectom\u00eda con recostrucci\u00f3n tipo Billroth II, por padecer una enfermedad ulcerosa p\u00e9ptica cr\u00f3nica con estenosis p\u00edloro-duodenal. Seis semanas despu\u00e9s de la cirug\u00eda refiere que poco tiempo despu\u00e9s (menos de media hora) de las ingestas presenta estado nauseoso, astenia y sudoraci\u00f3n, mareos y retortijones abdominales generalmente acompa\u00f1ados de despe\u00f1os diarreicos. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es la actitud m\u00e1s adecuada para su manejo inicial?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old man underwent a truncal vagotomy and antrectomy with Billroth II reconstruction, for suffering from a chronic peptic ulcer disease with pylorus-duodenal stenosis. Six weeks after the surgery, he reported that shortly after (less than half an hour) of the ingestions he presented with a nauseating state, asthenia and sweating, dizziness and abdominal cramps, usually accompanied by diarrheal descent. Which of the following is the most appropriate attitude for its initial management?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ab5afbecda54ae5aa99524e79593fd7", "input": "Dentro de las anomal\u00edas cong\u00e9nitas de la pared abdominal est\u00e1n el onfalocele y la gastrosquisis. Ambas entidades son defectos de la pared. \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 se diferencian?", "output": [ "Within the congenital anomalies of the abdominal wall are the omphalocele and gastroschisis. Both entities are defects of the wall. What is the difference between them?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f722e3f6994442d69e7f38390826c914", "input": "Una mujer de 78 a\u00f1os acude a Urgencias por dolor en fosa il\u00edaca izquierda de 24 horas de evoluci\u00f3n asociado a fiebre y alg\u00fan v\u00f3mito ocasional. A la exploraci\u00f3n destaca dolor a la palpaci\u00f3n de forma selectiva en la fosa il\u00edaca izquierda con sensaci\u00f3n de ocupaci\u00f3n, defensa y descompresi\u00f3n positiva. Ante la sospecha de diverticulitis aguda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta?", "output": [ "A 78-year-old woman went to the Emergency Department for pain in the left iliac fossa of 24 hours of evolution associated with fever and occasional vomiting. On examination, pain is palpated selectively in the left iliac fossa with a feeling of occupation, defense and positive decompression. Upon suspicion of acute diverticulitis. Which of the following statements is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fea08c1defe143dfb8d01ad64464081b", "input": "En cuanto a la poliposis intestinal, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes s\u00edndromes NO es hereditario?", "output": [ "Regarding intestinal polyposis, which of the following syndromes is NOT hereditary?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5c885e841bc448d5b44956a3f3fafdd5", "input": "A un hombre de 55 a\u00f1os, padre de un hijo celiaco, con anemia ferrop\u00e9nica y aumento reciente del ritmo deposicional, se le ha realizado una determinaci\u00f3n de los alelos HLA-DQ2 y HLADQ8 que ha resultado negativa. \u00bfQu\u00e9 estudio diagn\u00f3stico es el m\u00e1s apropiado en este caso?", "output": [ "A 55-year-old man, the father of a celiac son, with iron deficiency anemia and a recent increase in the rhythm of deposition, has been determined to have a negative HLA-DQ2 and HLADQ8 allele. Which diagnostic study is the most appropriate in this case?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bf94165d60da4a0aacbf1e4adb4dd0c5", "input": "Mujer de 37 a\u00f1os afecta de una colitis ulcerosa extensa, presenta un brote grave por el que se inicia tratamiento con prednisona en dosis de 1 mg/Kg. Tras una semana de tratamiento, la paciente no presenta mejor\u00eda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la siguiente medida terap\u00e9utica a realizar?", "output": [ "A 37-year-old woman with an extensive ulcerative colitis has a severe outbreak where treatment with prednisone is started at a dose of 1 mg / kg. After a week of treatment, the patient does not show improvement. What is the next therapeutic measure to perform?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-45c6197513984bfdb758d75732a7d1da", "input": "En un paciente trasplantado de h\u00edgado que est\u00e1 recibiendo inmunosupresi\u00f3n con tacrolimus, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes antibi\u00f3ticos incrementa de forma notable los niveles del inmunosupresor y por tanto debe evitarse?", "output": [ "In a liver transplant patient who is receiving immunosuppression with tacrolimus, which of the following antibiotics markedly increases the levels of the immunosuppressant and should therefore be avoided?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa252dd282104d4485f87dd329ffe705", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 enfermedad sospechar\u00edamos en un paciente joven que refiere historia frecuente de disfagia a s\u00f3lidos y a l\u00edquidos con impactaciones de alimentos repetidas, sin cl\u00ednica de pirosis y en el que en la endoscopia oral se observan m\u00faltiples anillos esof\u00e1gicos conc\u00e9ntricos con mucosa normal (aspecto traquealizado)?", "output": [ "What disease would we suspect in a young patient who reported a frequent history of dysphagia to solids and liquids with impaired food repeated, without clinical symptoms of pyrosis and in which multiple oral esophageal rings with normal mucosa (trachealized appearance) are observed in oral endoscopy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3b6336164404dbc9626d45a690a3236", "input": "En la fisiopatolog\u00eda de la \u00falcera p\u00e9ptica. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la FALSA?", "output": [ "In the pathophysiology of peptic ulcer. What is the FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33b0a374db224864b9c3b7b9d89a52f4", "input": "Mujer de 65 a\u00f1os de edad con antecedentes de dolores articulares en tratamiento con antiinflamatorios, que es remitida a estudio por presentar anemia. En los estudios complementarios presenta hemat\u00edes 3.164.000, Hto. 32%, Hb 11 g/dl, VCM 69 fl, Leucocitos 7800, Plaquetas 370.000, PCR 0,29 mg/dl, Fe 20 ng/ml, Ferritina 18 ng/ml, Glucosa 105 mg/dl, GOT, GPT, GGT, F. Alcalina, Bilirrubina total, Colesterol, Creatinina, Calcio y F\u00f3sforo normales. Ac. Antitransglutaminasa y Ac antigliadina negativos. Gastroscopia hernia de hiato de 3 cm, resto sin alteraciones. Colonoscopia hasta ciego, aislados divert\u00edculos en sigma. Tr\u00e1nsito intestinal sin alteraciones. Ecograf\u00eda de abdomen sin alteraciones. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las exploraciones que se enumeran a continuaci\u00f3n le parece m\u00e1s adecuada para completar el estudio?", "output": [ "A 65-year-old woman with a history of joint pains treated with anti-inflammatories, who is referred for a study due to anemia. In the complementary studies it presents 3.164.000 red blood cells, Hto. 32%, Hb 11 g / dl, VCM 69 fl, Leukocytes 7800, Platelets 370,000, PCR 0.29 mg / dl, Fe 20 ng / ml, Ferritin 18 ng / ml, Glucose 105 mg / dl, GOT, GPT, GGT , F. Alkaline, total Bilirubin, Cholesterol, Creatinine, Calcium and Phosphorus normal. Ac. Anti-transglutaminase and negative antigliadin Ac. Gastroscopy hiatus hernia of 3 cm, rest without alterations. Colonoscopy up to blind, isolated diverticula in sigma. Intestinal transit without alterations. Ultrasound of the abdomen without alterations. Which of the explorations listed below do you find most appropriate to complete the study?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-885f89dc2a5c49d59fd18af0a26a9108", "input": "Un paciente acude a un servicio de urgencias hospitalarias presentando hematemesis franca. En la valoraci\u00f3n inicial el paciente est\u00e1 p\u00e1lido y sudoroso, tiene una frecuencia cardiaca de 110 latidos por minuto y una presi\u00f3n arterial sist\u00f3lica de 98 mmHg. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes acciones NO realizar\u00eda en la atenci\u00f3n inicial a este paciente?", "output": [ "A patient goes to a hospital emergency department presenting frank hematemesis. In the initial assessment the patient is pale and sweaty, has a heart rate of 110 beats per minute and a systolic blood pressure of 98 mmHg. Which of the following actions would NOT be performed in the initial care of this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ad9d97c7eb1492ab7988682b5471897", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la hiperplasia nodular focal hep\u00e1tica es cierta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7d27f1380e074303937fd89428cc9429", "input": "Mujer de 50 a\u00f1os que acude al servicio de urgencias por astenia, anorexia, p\u00e9rdida de peso, ictericia, fiebre y dolor abdominal. No refiere antecedentes recientes de transfusi\u00f3n sangu\u00ednea, contactos sexuales de riesgo ni adicci\u00f3n a drogas de uso parenteral. Consumo habitual de 60 gramos diarios de alcohol durante los \u00faltimos cinco a\u00f1os, consumo que ha incrementado durante el mes previo por problemas familiares. Temperatura 38,5\u00baC, tensi\u00f3n arterial 100/60 mmHg. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica se observa desorientaci\u00f3n temporo-espacial, malnutrici\u00f3n, asterixis, ictericia y hepatomegalia dolorosa. No ascitis ni datos de irritaci\u00f3n peritoneal. En los ex\u00e1menes de laboratorio destacan leucocitos 15.000/microlitro con 90% de polimorfonucleares, hemat\u00edes 3 millones/mm3, hemoglobina 10 g/dl, volumen corpuscular medio 115 fl, bilirrubina 15 mg/dl de predominio directo, AST (GOT) 300 UI/L, ALT (GPT) 120 UI/L, GGT 635 UI/L, prolongaci\u00f3n del tiempo de protrombina mayor del 50 %. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable del cuadro que presenta la paciente?", "output": [ "A 50-year-old woman attended the emergency department for asthenia, anorexia, weight loss, jaundice, fever and abdominal pain. It does not refer to recent history of blood transfusion, risky sexual contacts or addiction to parenteral drugs. Usual consumption of 60 grams of alcohol per day during the last five years, consumption that has increased during the previous month due to family problems. Temperature 38.5\u00baC, blood pressure 100/60 mmHg. Physical examination shows temporo-spatial disorientation, malnutrition, asterixis, jaundice and painful hepatomegaly. No ascites or peritoneal irritation data. Laboratory tests include leukocytes 15,000 / microliter with 90% polymorphonuclear cells, red blood cells 3 million / mm3, hemoglobin 10 g / dl, mean corpuscular volume 115 fl, bilirubin 15 mg / dl direct predominance, AST (GOT) 300 IU / L, ALT (GPT) 120 IU / L, GGT 635 IU / L, prolongation of prothrombin time greater than 50%. What is the most likely diagnosis of the condition presented by the patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c9f2488d551745ad9a746f81ea83e760", "input": "Un chico de 17 a\u00f1os, deportista y sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s, acude al m\u00e9dico por presentar ictericia conjuntival ocasionalmente. Niega ingesta de f\u00e1rmacos y dolor abdominal. En los an\u00e1lisis realizados se observan cifras de ALT, AST, GGT, y FA normales, con bilirrubina total de 3,2 mgr/dl y bilirrubina directa de 0,4 mgr/dl. No tiene anemia y el h\u00edgado es ecogr\u00e1ficamente normal. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "A 17-year-old boy, an athlete with no history of interest, goes to the doctor for occasional conjunctival jaundice. Denies drug intake and abdominal pain. In the analyzes performed, normal ALT, AST, GGT, and FA were observed, with total bilirubin of 3.2 mgr / dl and direct bilirubin of 0.4 mgr / dl. It does not have anemia and the liver is ecographically normal. What is your diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5273abe8f89847d2b897fe98d069dc05", "input": "Ante un paciente con enfermedad de Crohn que va a comenzar tratamiento con terapia biol\u00f3gica antiTNF (anticuerpos anti factor de necrosis tumoral alfa), \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas diagn\u00f3sticas no es necesaria antes de iniciar dicha terapia?", "output": [ "In the presence of a patient with Crohn's disease who is going to start treatment with biological anti-TNF therapy (antibodies against tumor necrosis factor alpha), which of the following diagnostic tests is not necessary before initiating such therapy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-73617e3216b14076a2f00afd87ad3156", "input": "El procedimiento inicial de elecci\u00f3n para investigar una posible obstrucci\u00f3n de las v\u00edas biliares es", "output": [ "The initial procedure of choice to investigate a possible obstruction of the biliary tract is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2edd34fd2a4f4c27a6107398b0302365", "input": "Hombre de 54 a\u00f1os que acude a revisi\u00f3n en su empresa. Se detecta un \u00edndice de masa corporal de 32,8 kg/m2 y glucemia en ayunas 138 mg/L. Un mes despu\u00e9s, glucemia 130 mg/dL. \u00bfQu\u00e9 recomendaci\u00f3n terap\u00e9utica efectuar\u00eda en primer lugar?", "output": [ "54-year-old man who comes to review in his company. A body mass index of 32.8 kg / m2 and fasting blood glucose of 138 mg / L are detected. One month later, glycemia 130 mg / dL. What therapeutic recommendation would you make in the first place?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cfe957e15e2341ad9321a367d5e22756", "input": "Un hombre de 62 a\u00f1os con una diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de 10 a\u00f1os de evoluci\u00f3n realiza tratamiento con metformina y sitagliptina. Hace ejercicio f\u00edsico escaso y realiza una dieta adecuada. En los \u00faltimos 6 meses ha perdido peso y tiene m\u00e1s astenia. Sus controles gluc\u00e9micos se han deteriorado pasando de glucemias basales de 110-140 mg/dl a glucemias de 170-200 mg/dl, as\u00ed como su hemoglobina glicosilada que ha pasado de 7,1 a 8,5%. La medida terap\u00e9utica m\u00e1s adecuada a realizar es", "output": [ "A 62-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus of 10 years of evolution performs treatment with metformin and sitagliptin. Does little physical exercise and performs a proper diet. In the last 6 months he has lost weight and has more asthenia. Their glycemic controls have deteriorated, going from basal glycemia of 110-140 mg / dl to glycemias of 170-200 mg / dl, as well as their glycosylated hemoglobin, which has gone from 7.1 to 8.5%. The most appropriate therapeutic measure to perform is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c0b10d5daa194ac8af85681c24e2b958", "input": "Acude a nuestra consulta una mujer de 70 a\u00f1os preocupada por su riesgo de sufrir un accidente cerebrovascular, ya que su madre falleci\u00f3 por esta causa hace un a\u00f1o. Tiene historia de hipertensi\u00f3n arterial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 por lo que est\u00e1 en tratamiento con glipizida, aspirina, enalapril y atorvastatina. Fuma 20 cigarrillos al d\u00eda y no realiza ejercicio de forma regular. A la exploraci\u00f3n se detecta una presi\u00f3n arterial de 150/80 mmHg. En la anal\u00edtica destaca una hemoglobina A1c de 8% y un LDL colesterol de 110 mg/dl. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes se asocia con una mayor reducci\u00f3n del riesgo de ACV?", "output": [ "A 70-year-old woman, worried about her risk of having a stroke, comes to our office because her mother died of this cause a year ago. He has a history of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes mellitus, so he is being treated with glipizide, aspirin, enalapril and atorvastatin. He smokes 20 cigarettes a day and does not exercise regularly. On examination, a blood pressure of 150/80 mmHg is detected. The analytical highlights a hemoglobin A1c of 8% and an LDL cholesterol of 110 mg / dl. Which of the following is associated with a greater reduction in stroke risk?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e9aa327582654b09a2649bafc80893ed", "input": "Mujer de 63 a\u00f1os que acude al servicio de Urgencias refiriendo cefalea intensa con signos de irritaci\u00f3n men\u00edngea, alteraciones visuales bilaterales y oftalmoplej\u00eda. Se realiza una TAC que muestra lesi\u00f3n ocupante de espacio en silla turca de 2 cm compatible con adenoma hipofisario con signos de hemorragia intratumoral, con desviaci\u00f3n del tallo hipofisario y compresi\u00f3n del tejido glandular. Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas es INCORRECTA", "output": [ "A 63-year-old woman attended the emergency service referring to intense headache with signs of meningeal irritation, bilateral visual alterations and ophthalmoplegia. A CT scan was performed showing space-occupying lesion in a 2 cm sella turcica compatible with pituitary adenoma with signs of intratumoral hemorrhage, with deviation of the pituitary stalk and compression of the glandular tissue. Indicate which of the following answers is INCORRECT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-52f9173f02f24aacb1006b6d325bbe14", "input": "Una mujer de 45 a\u00f1os acude a la consulta remitida desde Cirug\u00eda con el diagn\u00f3stico de un tumor neuroendocrino diagnosticado tras pancreatectom\u00eda parcial por un tumor de 2 cms en cola del p\u00e1ncreas. El tumor hab\u00eda sido detectado de forma casual en una TAC abdominal solicitada para completar el estudio de un quiste simple hep\u00e1tico. Interrogando a la paciente destacan como antecedentes reglas irregulares, estando en amenorrea desde hace 6 meses, y c\u00f3licos renoureterales de repetici\u00f3n desde los 20 a\u00f1os de edad por los que ha precisado litotricia en varias ocasiones. Adem\u00e1s presenta antecedentes familiares de c\u00f3licos renoureterales. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old woman came to the consultation sent from Surgery with the diagnosis of a neuroendocrine tumor diagnosed after partial pancreatectomy due to a 2-cm tumor in the tail of the pancreas. The tumor had been detected by chance on an abdominal CT scan requested to complete the study of a simple liver cyst. Interrogating the patient, the background is irregular rules, being in amenorrhea for 6 months, and repetitive colic of recurrence from the age of 20 for those who have required lithotripsy on several occasions. In addition, he has a family history of renoureteral colic. What is your diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-371d2f3d9cc84248ae9c0fd0a03798f1", "input": "Paciente de 54 a\u00f1os de edad, con una ingesta et\u00edlica de 110 g/d\u00eda, que ingresa por un cuadro de diarrea cr\u00f3nica y con la aparici\u00f3n en los \u00faltimos d\u00edas de calambres musculares. En la anal\u00edtica destaca glucosa 320 mg/dL, Urea 25 mg/dL, Creatinina 0,75 mg/dL, Potasio 2,5 mmol/L (3,5-5,1), Calcio 2,0 mmol/L (2,2-2,5), F\u00f3sforo 0,52 mmol/L (0,87-1,55) Magnesio 0,25 mmol/L (0,66-0,99) y Alb\u00famina de 28 g/L (3552) \u00bfCon qu\u00e9 iniciar\u00eda el tratamiento?", "output": [ "A 54-year-old patient with an alcoholic intake of 110 g / day, admitted due to chronic diarrhea and the appearance of muscle cramps in recent days. In the analytical one, glucose stands out 320 mg / dL, Urea 25 mg / dL, Creatinine 0.75 mg / dL, Potassium 2.5 mmol / L (3.5-5.1), Calcium 2.0 mmol / L (2 , 2-2.5), Phosphorus 0.52 mmol / L (0.87-1.55) Magnesium 0.25 mmol / L (0.66-0.99) and Albumin of 28 g / L (3552) With what would initiate the treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d46678d23cc42faa91a49e9e060b1c8", "input": "En una paciente de 30 a\u00f1os se encuentra una cifra de calcio de 11 mg/dl (normal menos de 10,5 mg/dl) durante un examen de empresas rutinario. La determinaci\u00f3n de PTH fue de 45 pg/ml (VN 10-55 pg/ml). La historia es anodina, salvo por el hecho de que la madre y el abuelo paterno fueron diagnosticados de hiperparatiroidismo e intervenidos, aunque permanecieron hipercalc\u00e9micos. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba es m\u00e1s \u00fatil para confirmar el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "A calcium figure of 11 mg / dL (normal less than 10.5 mg / dL) is found in a 30-year-old patient during a routine business examination. The PTH determination was 45 pg / ml (VN 10-55 pg / ml). The story is anodyne, except for the fact that the mother and the paternal grandfather were diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and intervened, although they remained hypercalcemic. Which test is most useful to confirm the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c87b556b81548e8979ad384f863c068", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 f\u00e1rmacos son de utilidad para frenar el hipercortisolismo end\u00f3geno?", "output": [ "What drugs are useful to stop endogenous hypercortisolism?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fc195bfaa36c4f7499578a1f027cd13d", "input": "Hombre de 71 a\u00f1os de edad que presenta anal\u00edtica con pancitopenia severa sin presencia de c\u00e9lulas inmaduras y con estudio medular sugestivo de anemia apl\u00e1sica grave. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el abordaje terap\u00e9utico fundamental?", "output": [ "A 71-year-old man presented with severe pancytopenia without any immature cells and with a medullar study suggestive of severe aplastic anemia. What would be the fundamental therapeutic approach?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0a8b2937b78246e8aaa207d6fdae76bc", "input": "En una mujer de 29 a\u00f1os se hallan en el curso de una anal\u00edtica de rutina los siguientes par\u00e1metros Hb 11,5 g/dL, VCM 70 fl, HCM 28 pg, Ferritina 10 ng/mL, leucocitos 5.200/mm3, plaquetas 335.000/mm3. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica es normal. La exploraci\u00f3n m\u00e1s indicada en esta situaci\u00f3n es", "output": [ "In a 29-year-old woman the following parameters are in the course of a routine analysis Hb 11.5 g / dL, VCM 70 fl, HCM 28 pg, Ferritin 10 ng / mL, leukocytes 5,200 / mm3, platelets 335,000 / mm3. Physical examination is normal. The most indicated exploration in this situation is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b1c32f26f5624d7f9a931379c49da225", "input": "Paciente de 68 a\u00f1os que consulta por edemas y astenia. En la anal\u00edtica realizada se constata creatinina de 5 mg/dl, hemoglobina de 10 gr/dl y una marcada hipogammaglobulinemia en suero a expensas de IgG, IgA e IgM. Un an\u00e1lisis de orina revela la presencia de cadenas ligeras kappa. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A 68-year-old patient who consulted for edema and asthenia. In the analytical carried out, creatinine of 5 mg / dl, hemoglobin of 10 gr / dl and marked serum hypogammaglobulinemia at the expense of IgG, IgA and IgM are observed. A urinalysis reveals the presence of kappa light chains. What is your diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-891249ef65e74989955dcf62563d2c7b", "input": "Una paciente de 67 a\u00f1os en tratamiento con ticlopidina acude a urgencias con cefalea, astenia y petequias en extremidades inferiores. En la anal\u00edtica presenta hemoglobina 8,2 g/dl, VCM 100 fl, plaquetas 25000/ul y leucocitos 7500/ul con f\u00f3rmula normal. La cifra de reticulocitos est\u00e1 elevada y en el frotis de sangre se observa numerosos esquistocitos. Los estudios de coagulaci\u00f3n (TTPA, TP y Fibrin\u00f3geno) son normales. En la bioqu\u00edmica destaca LDH 2700 UI/l y bilirrubina 2,6 mg/dl. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable de la paciente?", "output": [ "A 67-year-old patient on ticlopidine treatment went to the emergency department with headache, asthenia and petechiae in the lower extremities. In the analytical sample hemoglobin 8.2 g / dl, VCM 100 fl, platelets 25000 / ul and leukocytes 7500 / ul with normal formula. The number of reticulocytes is high and in the blood smear numerous schistocytes are observed. The coagulation studies (APTT, TP and Fibrinogen) are normal. In the biochemistry highlights LDH 2700 IU / l and bilirubin 2.6 mg / dl. What is the most likely diagnosis of the patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7848cbb010cf4ef58004fc314b622bb3", "input": "Acude al Servicio de Urgencias un hombre de 72 a\u00f1os con una fractura patol\u00f3gica en f\u00e9mur izquierdo. Tras la intervenci\u00f3n quir\u00fargica, se realiza el estudio diagn\u00f3stico para averiguar la patolog\u00eda subyacente con los siguientes hallazgos hemoglobina 9,5 g/dl, prote\u00ednas totales 11 g/dl, (VN 6-8 g/dl), alb\u00famina s\u00e9rica 2 g/dl,(VN 3,5-5,0 g/dl), beta 2 microglobulina 6 mg/l (VN 1,1-2,4 mg/l), creatinina s\u00e9rica 1,8 mg/dl (VN 0,1-1,4 mg/dl). Indique cu\u00e1les ser\u00edan las pruebas diagn\u00f3sticas necesarias para confirmar el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable", "output": [ "A 72-year-old man with a pathological fracture in the left femur goes to the Emergency Department. After the surgical intervention, the diagnostic study was performed to find out the underlying pathology with the following findings hemoglobin 9.5 g / dl, total protein 11 g / dl, (VN 6-8 g / dl), serum albumin 2 g / dl, (VN 3.5-5.0 g / dl), beta 2 microglobulin 6 mg / l (VN 1.1-2.4 mg / l), serum creatinine 1.8 mg / dl (VN 0 , 1-1.4 mg / dl). Indicate what would be the diagnostic tests necessary to confirm the most probable diagnosis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22a4ebd290554b9898c25267eaef897b", "input": "Muchacha de 19 a\u00f1os, sin antecedentes m\u00e9dicos de inter\u00e9s, salvo un cuadro gripal autolimitado 3 semanas antes, que acude al servicio de Urgencias por petequias y equ\u00edmosis de aparici\u00f3n espont\u00e1nea. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica la paciente se encuentra con buen estado general, afebril, normotensa y orientada en tiempo y espacio. Se observan petequias diseminadas por EEII y abdomen y equimosis peque\u00f1as en zonas de dec\u00fabito. No se palpan adenopat\u00edas ni esplenomegalia. La anal\u00edtica realizada ofrece los siguientes hallazgos Hb 12,6 g/dL, Leucocitos 5.500/mm3, plaquetas 7000/mm3. El estudio del frotis de sangre perif\u00e9rica ofrece una morfolog\u00eda eritrocitaria normal, recuento leucocitario diferencial normal y el recuento plaquetario es concordante con la cifra del autoanalizador sin observarse agregados plaquetares. Bioqu\u00edmica, proteinograma, beta 2 microglobulina y LDH normal. \u00bfCu\u00e1l cree que es, de los siguientes, el tratamiento inicial m\u00e1s adecuado?", "output": [ "A 19-year-old girl with no medical history of interest, except for a self-limiting flu-like illness 3 weeks before, who went to the Emergency Department for petechiae and spontaneously occurring bruising. On physical examination, the patient is in good general condition, afebrile, normotensive and oriented in time and space. Petechiae disseminated by EEII and small abdomen and ecchymoses are observed in decubitus areas. No enlarged adenopathy or splenomegaly. The analysis carried out offers the following findings Hb 12.6 g / dL, Leukocytes 5,500 / mm3, platelets 7000 / mm3. The study of the peripheral blood smear offers a normal erythrocyte morphology, normal differential leukocyte count and the platelet count is concordant with the autoanalyzer figure without observing plaque aggregates. Biochemistry, proteinogram, beta 2 microglobulin and normal LDH. What do you think is the most appropriate initial treatment of the following?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3fe74cb8818a4e3ca2017c5766a9f75d", "input": "El tratamiento de primera l\u00ednea m\u00e1s adecuado en el linfoma de Hodgkin cl\u00e1sico en estadio IIA es", "output": [ "The most appropriate first line treatment in classic stage IIA Hodgkin lymphoma is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82f6071181b841c0a0e2639b8b69d859", "input": "Hombre de 34 a\u00f1os que consulta por fiebre y malestar general. En la historia cl\u00ednica se recogen como antecedentes relaciones homosexuales desde hace 4 meses con una nueva pareja. 2 meses antes de la consulta actual tuvo una lesi\u00f3n ulcerosa en el glande, indolora, con adenopat\u00edas inguinales bilaterales, todo ello autolimitado. Se solicitan estudios serol\u00f3gicos con los siguientes resultados HIV negativo, RPR 1/320, TPHA 1/128. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tratamiento indicar\u00eda en este paciente?", "output": [ "A 34-year-old man consulted for fever and malaise. In the clinical history, homosexual relationships were collected for 4 months with a new partner. 2 months before the current consultation, she had an ulcerous lesion on the glans, painless, with bilateral inguinal adenopathies, all self-limiting. Serological studies are requested with the following results HIV negative, RPR 1/320, TPHA 1/128. What treatment would you indicate in this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b45754aa42c847549d0cd38b107549ee", "input": "Un paciente en tratamiento quimioter\u00e1pico por leucemia ingresa por una neumon\u00eda para la que se ha prescrito tratamiento con cefepime. En una Rx/TAC t\u00f3rax se observa un infiltrado con el signo del halo y menisco semilunar. La lesi\u00f3n es perif\u00e9rica y se indica una punci\u00f3n transtor\u00e1cica para toma de muestras. Hasta tener los resultados histol\u00f3gicos y microbiol\u00f3gicos definitivos, \u00bfqu\u00e9 antimicrobiano a\u00f1adir\u00eda al tratamiento?", "output": [ "A patient under chemotherapeutic treatment for leukemia is admitted for pneumonia for which treatment with cefepime has been prescribed. A thorax Rx / CT scan shows an infiltrate with the sign of the halo and meniscus lunate. The lesion is peripheral and a transthoracic puncture is indicated for sampling. Until you have definitive histological and microbiological results, what antimicrobial would you add to the treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a0a588cb67840a688736fa4104de11b", "input": "Acude a nuestra consulta un hombre de 54 a\u00f1os diagnosticado de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Refiere fiebre de 40\u00baC con escalofr\u00edos y tiritona, artromialgias y cefalea por lo que ha iniciado tratamiento con paracetamol. El cuadro se inici\u00f3 24 horas antes de su regreso a Espa\u00f1a. A los 3 d\u00edas presenta un exantema m\u00e1culo-papuloso generalizado que evoluciona a la formaci\u00f3n de petequias m\u00e1s intenso en miembros inferiores. Aporta anal\u00edtica donde destaca leucopenia con 3.200/mm3 y plaquetas 91.000/mm3 y elevaci\u00f3n leve de aminotransferasas. La gota gruesa, extensi\u00f3n de sangre perif\u00e9rica, reacci\u00f3n en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) y ant\u00edgeno de malaria son negativas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico de sospecha m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 54-year-old man diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 came to our clinic. He reported fever of 40\u00baC with chills and shivering, arthromyalgia and headache, which is why he started treatment with paracetamol. The painting began 24 hours before his return to Spain. After 3 days, he presented with a generalized maculo-papular rash that progressed to the formation of more intense petechiae in the lower limbs. It provides analytics where leukopenia stands out with 3,200 / mm3 and platelets 91,000 / mm3 and mild elevation of aminotransferases. Thickness, peripheral blood smear, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and malaria antigen are negative. What is the most likely suspected diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e4e54549dc7f4a67802c2dc6d98aa2bf", "input": "Mujer de 53 a\u00f1os, que consulta por fiebre de 15 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n, sin s\u00edntomas de focalidad infecciosa. En la exploraci\u00f3n se detecta una hepatomegalia dolorosa a 5 cm del reborde costal y se palpa el bazo a 14 cm del reborde costal izquierdo. En el hemograma se aprecia Hb 8.5 g/dL, Leucocitos 630/ mL (linfocitos 63%, monocitos 20%, neutr\u00f3filos 17%) y plaquetas 35.000/mL. La bioqu\u00edmica muestra una elevaci\u00f3n moderada de la bioqu\u00edmica hep\u00e1tica, LDH es normal y se observa en el proteinograma una hipergammaglobulinemia policlonal (3,5 g/ dL). Tiene antecedentes de infecci\u00f3n por VIH conocida desde hace 10 a\u00f1os y adherencia irregular al tratamiento antiretroviral, con determinaciones recientes de linfocitos CD4 350 cel/mL y carga viral de VIH 154 copias/mL. Durante los \u00faltimos 3 meses ha estado tratada por poliartritis sim\u00e9trica seronegativa con 10-20 mg/d\u00eda de prednisona. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta?", "output": [ "A 53-year-old woman consulted for a fever of 15 days of evolution, without symptoms of infectious focality. On examination, a painful hepatomegaly was detected 5 cm from the costal margin and the spleen was palpated 14 cm from the left costal margin. The hemogram shows Hb 8.5 g / dL, Leucocytes 630 / mL (lymphocytes 63%, monocytes 20%, neutrophils 17%) and platelets 35,000 / mL. The biochemistry shows a moderate elevation of the liver biochemistry, LDH is normal and a polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia (3.5 g / dL) is observed in the proteinogram. She has a history of HIV infection known for 10 years and irregular adherence to antiretroviral treatment, with recent determinations of CD4 lymphocytes 350 cells / mL and viral load of HIV 154 copies / mL. During the last 3 months she has been treated for seronegative symmetric polyarthritis with 10-20 mg / day of prednisone. Which of the following statements is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9a611b54e61144eab238fb3fa8137e82", "input": "Paciente de 70 a\u00f1os de edad diagnosticado hace tres a\u00f1os de mieloma m\u00faltiple que est\u00e1 en periodo de neutropenia tras un ciclo de quimioterapia. Ingresa por fiebre, tos y expectoraci\u00f3n amarillenta. La radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax muestra una imagen de condensaci\u00f3n en hemit\u00f3rax derecho. El diagn\u00f3stico mas probable es", "output": [ "A 70-year-old patient diagnosed three years ago with multiple myeloma who is in a period of neutropenia after a cycle of chemotherapy. It enters due to fever, cough and yellowish expectoration. The chest radiograph shows a condensation image in the right hemithorax. The most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fccaaca942c14a9ebd489478d8968d8a", "input": "Hombre de 50 a\u00f1os, bronqu\u00edtico cr\u00f3nico que ingresa por cuadro neum\u00f3nico con hemocultivo positivo a Streptococcus pneumoniae, con una CMI a la penicilina de 0,0125 mg/l. Se inicia tratamiento con penicilina 2 millones cada 4 horas. Al quinto d\u00eda sigue con fiebre de 38\u00baC. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes decisiones le parece correcta?", "output": [ "A 50-year-old man with a chronic bronchitis who was admitted for a pneumonic episode with a blood culture positive for Streptococcus pneumoniae, with a CMI at penicillin of 0.0125 mg / l. Treatment with 2 million penicillin is started every 4 hours. On the fifth day it continues with a fever of 38\u00baC. Which of the following decisions do you think is right?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-40aec661c49c4621a89cd4179df5deb9", "input": "Acude a la consulta de un centro de salud un chico de 17 a\u00f1os refiriendo fiebre de 39\u00baC de 48 h de evoluci\u00f3n con dolor de garganta. El m\u00e9dico de familia consulta la historia del paciente donde no costa ninguna enfermedad previa. El paciente no refiere tos y a la exploraci\u00f3n realizada por su m\u00e9dico de familia revela presencia de exudado amigdalar blanquecino bilateral y adenopat\u00edas cervicales anteriores aumentadas de tama\u00f1o y dolorosas a la palpaci\u00f3n. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n de este paciente?", "output": [ "A 17-year-old boy referred to a health center referring to a 39-degree fever of 48 hours of evolution with a sore throat. The family doctor consults the history of the patient where it does not cost any previous illness. The patient did not report cough and the examination performed by his family doctor reveals the presence of bilateral whitish tonsillar exudate and anterior cervical adenopathies enlarged and painful on palpation. What would be the treatment of choice for this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d6e504257925463b8e1ffd7da6b9b9cf", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes enfermedades NO se transmite por picadura de garrapatas?", "output": [ "Which of the following diseases is NOT transmitted by tick bite?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9b5cedac73f54d0a945f140db081bbf5", "input": "Un paciente con historia de consumo excesivo de alcohol ha sido diagnosticado de tuberculosis pulmonar por un cuadro de tos, fiebre, expectoraci\u00f3n, aisl\u00e1ndose en el cultivo de esputo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. El paciente ha iniciado tratamiento con isoniacida, rifampicina, etambutol y pirazinamida, con adecuada tolerancia. A los 20 d\u00edas del inicio del tratamiento se recibe un informe de resistencia a rifampicina del M. tuberculosis aislado en el esputo. \u00bfQu\u00e9 r\u00e9gimen seleccionar\u00eda en funci\u00f3n de este informe?", "output": [ "A patient with a history of excessive alcohol consumption has been diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis due to cough, fever, expectoration, and isolation in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sputum culture. The patient has begun treatment with isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide, with adequate tolerance. A report of resistance to rifampicin of M. tuberculosis isolated in the sputum is received 20 days after the start of treatment. What regime would you select based on this report?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5b56a479f5514173a43754606ee8c04a", "input": "Una chica de 20 a\u00f1os acude a la consulta con un cuadro agudo de fiebre, adenopat\u00edas cervicales y rash cut\u00e1neo. Seg\u00fan refiere la paciente, hace 3 semanas, tuvo una relaci\u00f3n sexual que pudo ser de riesgo para contraer el virus del VIH. \u00bfIndica cu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas es verdadera?", "output": [ "A 20-year-old girl comes to the clinic with an acute fever, cervical adenopathy and skin rash. According to the patient, 3 weeks ago, she had a sexual relationship that could be at risk for contracting the HIV virus. Does it indicate which of the following answers is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e6f9e8c6bb34eea84acf6401f4e1a6f", "input": "Chico de 16 a\u00f1os que consulta por presentar amigdalitis pult\u00e1cea, fiebre de hasta 38,5\u00baC, adenopat\u00edas cervicales dolorosas, exantema macular no pruriginoso en t\u00f3rax y hepatoesplenomegalia leves, de 4-5 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n. El test de Paul-Bunnell y la IgM para el virus de Epstein-Barr son positivos. Durante su ingreso desarrolla fiebre continua de hasta 40\u00baC, pancitopenia, hepatitis ict\u00e9rica y coagulopat\u00eda de intensidad progresiva. A la semana del ingreso, se traslada a UCI por confusi\u00f3n e insuficiencia respiratoria. Los hemocultivos y un urocultivo son negativos, el LCR es normal y la placa de t\u00f3rax no muestra infiltrados. La procalcitonina es normal, pero PCR y ferritina est\u00e1n muy elevados. De los enunciados a continuaci\u00f3n, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el planteamiento diagn\u00f3stico y terap\u00e9utico m\u00e1s correcto?", "output": [ "A 16-year-old boy who consulted due to pultulose tonsillitis, fever up to 38.5\u00baC, painful cervical adenopathies, non-pruritic macular exanthema in the thorax and mild hepatosplenomegaly, 4-5 days old. The Paul-Bunnell test and the IgM for the Epstein-Barr virus are positive. During his admission he develops a continuous fever of up to 40\u00baC, pancytopenia, icteric hepatitis and coagulopathy of progressive intensity. One week after admission, he was transferred to the ICU due to confusion and respiratory failure. The blood cultures and a urine culture are negative, the CSF is normal and the chest plate does not show infiltrates. Procalcitonin is normal, but PCR and ferritin are very high. From the statements below, what would be the most correct diagnostic and therapeutic approach?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5809e5b5f82045c2869168f28ca83266", "input": "Hombre de 30 a\u00f1os sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s. Acude a consulta por la presencia de unas lesiones eritemato-viol\u00e1ceas de peque\u00f1o tama\u00f1o que a la palpaci\u00f3n parecen sobreelevadas, en regi\u00f3n pretibial. El estudio anal\u00edtico muestra un hemograma y estudio de coagulaci\u00f3n sin alteraciones y en la bioqu\u00edmica, la creatinina y los iones se encuentran tambi\u00e9n dentro del rango de normalidad. El estudio del sedimento urinario demuestra hematuria, por la que el paciente ya hab\u00eda sido estudiado en otras ocasiones, sin obtener un diagn\u00f3stico definitivo. Respecto a la entidad que usted sospecha en este caso es FALSO que", "output": [ "30-year-old man without a history of interest. He came to the clinic because of the presence of small erythematous-violaceous lesions that appear elevated on palpation, in the pretibial region. The analytical study shows a blood count and coagulation study without alterations and in the biochemistry, creatinine and ions are also within the range of normality. The study of urinary sediment demonstrates hematuria, for which the patient had already been studied on other occasions, without obtaining a definitive diagnosis. Regarding the entity that you suspect in this case is FALSE that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d37e764ebfed4d569fb1884153691a12", "input": "Mujer de 72 a\u00f1os con diabetes tipo 2 e insuficiencia renal cr\u00f3nica en estadio 5. Ante la sospecha de un tromboembolismo pulmonar indique qu\u00e9 prueba diagn\u00f3stica estar\u00eda contraindicada", "output": [ "A 72-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes and chronic renal failure in stage 5. If a pulmonary thromboembolism is suspected, indicate which diagnostic test would be contraindicated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2fa1533d8ec04b45911e66681127ad19", "input": "Excepto en los pacientes cuyo fracaso renal cr\u00f3nico sea debido a nefropat\u00eda diab\u00e9tica o a nefropat\u00eda t\u00fabulo-intersticial, el patr\u00f3n de gasometr\u00eda arterial que usted esperar\u00eda encontrar en un paciente con fracaso renal cr\u00f3nico ser\u00eda", "output": [ "Except in patients whose chronic renal failure is due to diabetic nephropathy or tubulointerstitial nephropathy, the arterial blood gas pattern that you would expect to find in a patient with chronic renal failure would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1026f3682d1f4c5ebce80b036a7d6c3a", "input": "Respecto a la definici\u00f3n de la enfermedad renal cr\u00f3nica, una es INCORRECTA", "output": [ "Regarding the definition of chronic kidney disease, one is INCORRECT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0c4282c8ed0342a38287aa094d4e668b", "input": "Hombre de 38 a\u00f1os que consulta por disnea y hemoptisis. En los an\u00e1lisis de sangre tiene creatinina 7 mg/dl, urea 250 mg/dl y anti-MBG (anticuerpos anti membrana basal glomerular) positivos a t\u00edtulo alto. Se realiza biopsia renal que muestra semilunas en el 75% de los glom\u00e9rulos y en la inmunofluorecencia aparece un patr\u00f3n dep\u00f3sito lineal de Ig. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es la respuesta correcta?", "output": [ "A 38-year-old man consulted for dyspnea and hemoptysis. Blood tests have creatinine 7 mg / dl, urea 250 mg / dl and anti-MBG (anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies) positive high titer. A renal biopsy was performed, showing crescents in 75% of the glomeruli, and in the immunofluorescence a linear Ig deposition pattern appeared. Which of the following is the correct answer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a7620410588645d4b9346ead03b1cd86", "input": "En un paciente trasplantado renal, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas es la propia del rechazo renal agudo?", "output": [ "In a renal transplant patient, which of the following characteristics is the characteristic of acute renal rejection?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-db308fb14cbf47b9b413804f5f522c99", "input": "Respecto a la hipertrofia benigna de pr\u00f3stata NO es cierto que", "output": [ "Regarding benign prostatic hypertrophy, it is NOT true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c7192afd9bbe4ec7b44aef1a377d3b90", "input": "Ante un hombre de 49 a\u00f1os, asintom\u00e1tico, con el antecedente familiar de padre fallecido por c\u00e1ncer de pr\u00f3stata, que en un control rutinario de empresa se identifica un PSA (Ant\u00edgeno Prost\u00e1tico Espec\u00edfico) de 5,9 ng/ml, con un cociente de PSA libre/PSA total del 11% y que en un tacto rectal se aprecia aumento de consistencia en el l\u00f3bulo derecho prost\u00e1tico, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la siguiente indicaci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica?", "output": [ "Before a 49-year-old man, asymptomatic, with a family history of a father who died of prostate cancer, a PSA (Specific Prostate Antigen) of 5.9 ng / ml was identified in a routine company control, with a PSA ratio free / Total PSA of 11% and that in a digital rectal examination there is an increase in consistency in the right prostatic lobe, what is the following clinical indication?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0f819de8eb3741f6ab5fff0214c7dd8e", "input": "Un hombre de 54 a\u00f1os de edad es diagnosticado de tumor renal izquierdo sugestivo de carcinoma de c\u00e9lulas renales. En su estudio anal\u00edtico preoperatorio se detectan niveles elevados de GPT, fosfatasa alcalina y alfa-2-globulina y tiempo de protrombina alargado. El h\u00edgado est\u00e1 aumentado de tama\u00f1o de forma difusa, pero sin defectos de infiltraci\u00f3n hep\u00e1tica. La justificaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s probable de estos hallazgos se debe a", "output": [ "A 54-year-old man is diagnosed with a left kidney tumor suggestive of renal cell carcinoma. In his preoperative analytical study, elevated levels of GPT, alkaline phosphatase and alpha-2-globulin and elongated prothrombin time are detected. The liver is enlarged diffusely, but without defects of hepatic infiltration. The most probable justification for these findings is due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bbb54576c99d4816811ab20330ca7342", "input": "Un paciente asm\u00e1tico de 55 a\u00f1os acude a Urgencias con una agudizaci\u00f3n. Una hora despu\u00e9s de la administraci\u00f3n de ox\u00edgeno suplementario y dos nebulizaciones de salbutamol el paciente no mejora. A la exploraci\u00f3n respira a 42 rpm con tiraje supraclavicular y presenta sibilancias inspiratorias y espiratorias diseminadas. El flujo pico ha bajado de 310 a 220 L/min. Una gasometr\u00eda extra\u00edda con ox\u00edgeno al 28% muestra una pO2 de 54 mmHg y una pCO2 de 35 mm Hg. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes actitudes le parece MENOS indicada?", "output": [ "A 55-year-old asthmatic patient goes to the ER with an exacerbation. One hour after the administration of supplemental oxygen and two nebulizations of salbutamol the patient does not improve. On examination, he breathed at 42 rpm with supraclavicular drainage and presented disseminated inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. The peak flow has dropped from 310 to 220 L / min. A gasometry extracted with oxygen at 28% shows a pO2 of 54 mmHg and a pCO2 of 35 mmHg. Which of the following attitudes seems LESS indicated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-285e1ee300404a1b8e5454f17a3bf36a", "input": "Ante un paciente de 23 a\u00f1os que acude a urgencias un viernes de madrugada tras una pelea callejera, con signos claros de enolismo y lesi\u00f3n por arma blanca (apu\u00f1alado) a nivel de III espacio intercostal derecho a 3 mm del margen esternal sangrando activamente y hemodin\u00e1micamente inestable asociado a hipofonesis marcada de todo hemit\u00f3rax derecho. \u00bfQu\u00e9 estructura de las siguientes debe pensar que puede estar lesionada?", "output": [ "Faced with a 23-year-old patient who went to the emergency room on a Friday morning after a street fight, with clear signs of enolism and knife injury (stabbing) at the level of III right intercostal space 3 mm from the sternal margin, actively bleeding and hemodynamically unstable associated with marked hypophonia of all right hemithorax. Which structure of the following should you think may be injured?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-60d5756f77c44807b06669d8591d23fb", "input": "Respecto a la EPOC, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es FALSA?", "output": [ "Regarding COPD, which one is FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02f26331e38c483fb92d0fa5ee2f24f1", "input": "En un paciente con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr\u00f3nica (EPOC) leve en fase estable se evidencia poliglobulia e insuficiencia respiratoria. En la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax no se aprecian alteraciones rese\u00f1ables. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes procedimientos considerar\u00eda realizar en primer lugar para descartar la coexistencia de otras enfermedades que puedan justificar los hallazgos descritos?", "output": [ "In a patient with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in stable phase, polyglobulia and respiratory insufficiency are evident. The chest radiograph shows no noticeable alterations. Which of the following procedures would you consider to carry out in the first place to rule out the coexistence of other diseases that may justify the described findings ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a1f268d1228744de87063e8cc1f1bf91", "input": "Una mujer de 24 a\u00f1os es encontrada tirada en la calle por unos transeuntes. Al llegar el quipo de emergencias la encontraron con una saturaci\u00f3n de ox\u00edgeno del 88% respirando aire ambiente y al examen pupilas puntiformes. Se la traslada a la urgencia del hospital m\u00e1s cercano, donde la gasometr\u00eda arterial basal muestra pH 7,25, PaCO2 60 mmHg, PaO2 58 mmHg, bicarbonato de 26 mEq/l y exceso de bases de -1. En sangre el sodio es 137 mEq/l y el cloruro 100 mEq/l. Desde el punto de vista gasom\u00e9trico la paciente tiene", "output": [ "A 24-year-old woman is found lying on the street by some passers-by. When the emergency team arrived, they found it with an oxygen saturation of 88% breathing ambient air and a punctiform pupil examination. It is transferred to the nearest hospital emergency, where arterial blood gas analysis shows pH 7.25, PaCO2 60 mmHg, PaO2 58 mmHg, bicarbonate of 26 mEq / L and excess of bases of -1. In blood sodium is 137 mEq / L and chloride 100 mEq / L. From a gasometric point of view, the patient has" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b66f9a895fa84defba222c3215d212e8", "input": "Paciente de 50 a\u00f1os que presenta un derrame pleural con las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas aspecto pajizo, pH 7.3, cociente de prote\u00ednas pleura/suero 0.8, cociente de LDH pleura/suero 0.9, Gram y Ziehl negativos, l\u00edpidos totales, colesterol y triglic\u00e9ridos normales, c\u00e9lulas mesoteliales <5%, intensa linfocitosis sin atipias, ADA 64 U/l. \u00bfQu\u00e9 diagn\u00f3stico le sugiere?", "output": [ "A 50-year-old patient with a pleural effusion with the following characteristics straw appearance, pH 7.3, ratio of pleura / serum proteins 0.8, ratio of LDH pleura / serum 0.9, Gram and Ziehl negative, total lipids, cholesterol and normal triglycerides, cells mesothelial <5%, intense lymphocytosis without atypia, ADA 64 U / l. What diagnosis do you suggest?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ee00ac3ed9342dfaaf0eb39d455b0fc", "input": "En un paciente con cirrosis hep\u00e1tica y ascitis, que desarrolla un derrame pleural con los siguientes datos en el l\u00edquido pleural LDH 45 U/L (s\u00e9rica 220 U/L), cociente prote\u00ednas pleura/suero 0,3 y cociente LDH pleura/suero 0,2. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la actitud adecuada?", "output": [ "In a patient with hepatic cirrhosis and ascites, which develops a pleural effusion with the following data in the pleural fluid LDH 45 U / L (serum 220 U / L), protein ratio pleura / serum 0.3 and ratio LDH pleura / serum 0.2. What would be the right attitude?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bc598257f6ae4569afc6e8fdca0dfaaa", "input": "En la exploraci\u00f3n funcional de un paciente con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cr\u00f3nica, son esperables todos los hallazgos MENOS uno", "output": [ "In the functional examination of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, all findings are expected to be LESS one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-efe0f2937fbf42cfa784a5590f29b2eb", "input": "La causa m\u00e1s frecuente de hemoptisis levemoderada es", "output": [ "The most common cause of mildmoderate hemoptysis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e2151d1defc4485982e1768975e414dd", "input": "Hombre de 65 a\u00f1os con antecedente de neoplasia de p\u00e1ncreas en curso de quimioterapia. Consulta en Urgencias por dolor y edema de todo el miembro inferior desde ingle. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba diagn\u00f3stica es m\u00e1s coste-efectiva para confirmar la sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A 65-year-old man with a history of pancreatic cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Emergency consultation for pain and edema of the entire lower limb from the groin. Which diagnostic test is more cost-effective to confirm the diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-393860a1f6814a40bda8cc6284ee7f58", "input": "Mujer de 40 a\u00f1os que consulta por aproximadamente 20 episodios al d\u00eda de dolor intenso, periocular izquierdo de 15 minutos de duraci\u00f3n, acompa\u00f1ado de intenso lagrimeo y rinorrea. Su exploraci\u00f3n y resonancia magn\u00e9tica son normales. Su tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n ser\u00eda", "output": [ "A 40-year-old woman who consulted for approximately 20 episodes a day of intense pain, left periocular of 15 minutes duration, accompanied by intense lacrimation and rhinorrhea. Your scan and magnetic resonance are normal. Your treatment of choice would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-db13d024bc144b7d8350d2747fd590a6", "input": "Se\u00f1ale en qu\u00e9 situaci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica NO indicar\u00eda interfer\u00f3n beta de inicio en un paciente diagnosticado de esclerosis m\u00faltiple", "output": [ "Indicate in what clinical situation would NOT indicate beginning interferon beta in a patient diagnosed with multiple sclerosis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c59a85a757d4928b539bf0ce5c0aa75", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 f\u00e1rmaco debe recomendarse para el tratamiento de la epilepsia miocl\u00f3nica juvenil?", "output": [ "What drug should be recommended for the treatment of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ccd9c267ef624f08a7fd3f4b3deb0bac", "input": "Tras un accidente de tr\u00e1fico un paciente de 38 a\u00f1os ingresa en UCI en coma. Tras varios d\u00edas el paciente no mejora neurol\u00f3gicamente y en la TAC se visualizan lesiones puntiformes hemorr\u00e1gicas en cuerpo calloso y en uni\u00f3n cortico-subcortical. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "After a traffic accident, a 38-year-old patient enters the ICU in a coma. After several days the patient does not improve neurologically and CT shows hemorrhagic punctate lesions in the corpus callosum and cortico-subcortical union. What is your diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-340530c289314d25b539a40d6b7b531f", "input": "En el tratamiento de los pacientes afectos de enfermedad de Alzheimer, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones terap\u00e9uticas considera m\u00e1s adecuada?", "output": [ "In the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease, which of the following treatment options do you consider most appropriate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eae369af3a3c43799e6503d17853a34b", "input": "Hombre de 76 a\u00f1os de edad que consulta por deterioro cognitivo, lentitud y torpeza de movimientos, de ocho meses de evoluci\u00f3n. La familia refiere que el paciente presentaba alucinaciones visuales, por lo que su m\u00e9dico de Atenci\u00f3n Primaria paut\u00f3 dosis bajas de risperidona, con un importante empeoramiento del estado motor. A la vista de estos datos, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 76-year-old man consulted for cognitive deterioration, slowness and awkwardness of movements, of eight months of evolution. The family reported that the patient had visual hallucinations, so his Primary Care physician prescribed low doses of risperidone, with a significant worsening of motor status. In view of these data, what is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ee41cd857b624c9198df403080a96eef", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 signo o s\u00edntoma NO es t\u00edpico del s\u00edndrome de Guillain-Barr\u00e9?", "output": [ "What sign or symptom is NOT typical of Guillain-Barr\u00e9 syndrome?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2a78f85edcac4e4c9d6c3401ae0da13f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes signos cl\u00ednicos NO se observa en las lesiones de la neurona motora inferior?", "output": [ "Which of the following clinical signs is NOT seen in the lesions of the lower motor neuron?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-52d636d087244c0eaf901a4233fe7df5", "input": "Un hombre de 80 a\u00f1os es ingresado por un cuadro brusco de afasia y hemiparesia derecha. Como antecedentes destaca, hipertensi\u00f3n, bien controlada con dieta y deterioro cognitivo en el \u00faltimo a\u00f1o en estudio por su neur\u00f3logo. La TC craneal de urgencias demuestra un hematoma lobar frontal izquierdo sin captaci\u00f3n de contraste. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la causa m\u00e1s probable del hematoma?", "output": [ "An 80-year-old man is admitted with a sudden picture of aphasia and right hemiparesis. As background highlights, hypertension, well controlled diet and cognitive impairment in the last year under study by his neurologist. Emergency cranial CT demonstrates a left frontal lobar hematoma without contrast enhancement. What is the most likely cause of the hematoma?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b3ec2b913ca49fbb07e0058fd880db4", "input": "NO es cierto respecto a la Artritis Reumatoide", "output": [ "NOT true about Rheumatoid Arthritis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6f2768b30fd42d08a256723f9ce9da3", "input": "Mujer de 75 a\u00f1os, con menopausia a los 52 a\u00f1os, sin antecedentes familiares ni personales de fractura, diagnosticada de arteritis de la temporal, que va a iniciar tratamiento con prednisona a dosis altas y con expectativa de tratamiento durante al menos un a\u00f1o. La demora de densitometr\u00eda (DXA) en su centro es de 4-5 meses. Se plantea tratamiento preventivo de osteoporosis. Entre las siguientes \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la actitud m\u00e1s adecuada?", "output": [ "A 75-year-old woman, with menopause at 52 years of age, with no family or personal history of a fracture, diagnosed with temporal arteritis, who is going to start treatment with prednisone at high doses and with an expectation of treatment for at least one year. The delay of densitometry (DXA) in its center is 4-5 months. Preventive treatment of osteoporosis is proposed. Among the following, which is the most appropriate attitude ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-477df345ec3349358ae0e26250abdf59", "input": "El diagn\u00f3stico de sarcoidosis se realiza en base a", "output": [ "The diagnosis of sarcoidosis is based on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-248d7c6d3a8641438e446d0bdf9b6308", "input": "El tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n de la Arteritis de C\u00e9lulas Gigantes (Arteritis de la Temporal o Arteritis de Horton) corticodependiente es", "output": [ "The treatment of choice of Giant Cell Arteritis (Tertiary Arteritis or Horton's Arteritis) corticodependiente is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e9171e1273e4cca92b686497c787670", "input": "Joven de 14 a\u00f1os de edad, 158 cm de altura y 76 kg de peso, que acude a nuestra consulta por presentar desde hace 4 meses, sin antecente traum\u00e1tico previo, dolor mec\u00e1nico en regi\u00f3n inguinal derecha, presentado en la exploraci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica actual, cojera con marcha con ligera actitud en rotaci\u00f3n externa de dicha extremidad inferior y limitaci\u00f3n de la flexi\u00f3n de cadera en rotaci\u00f3n neutra. El diagn\u00f3stico de sospecha ser\u00e1", "output": [ "A 14-year-old boy, 158 cm tall and weighing 76 kg, who came to our clinic for presenting for 4 months, without a previous traumatic event, mechanical pain in the right inguinal region, presented in the current clinical exploration, lameness with March with slight attitude in external rotation of said lower limb and limitation of hip flexion in neutral rotation. The diagnosis of suspicion will be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-929862eff00c45aaa4c8a3b298ead195", "input": "Una mujer de 56 a\u00f1os presenta, tras ca\u00edda casual al suelo, dolor, deformidad y aumento de volumen en el brazo izquerdo, con imposibilidad para la flexi\u00f3n dorsal de la mano. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 56-year-old woman presents, after a casual fall to the floor, pain, deformity and increased volume in the left arm, with impossibility for the dorsal flexion of the hand. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c910795bec5432184c3bd3f5a25911d", "input": "Un hombre de 70 a\u00f1os presenta desde hace unos meses, sin traumatismo previo, dolor lumbar, dificultad para la marcha, p\u00e9rdida de fuerza y parestesias en miembros inferiores, teniendo que pararse a los pocos metros de iniciar la misma. El paciente cada vez m\u00e1s va inclinando el tronco hacia adelante. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 70-year-old man presents, for a few months, without previous trauma, lumbar pain, difficulty walking, loss of strength and paresthesias in lower limbs, having to stop a few meters after starting it. The patient is increasingly inclining the trunk forward. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ba9de03474c40ebb73427575fbb80c9", "input": "Paciente de 36 a\u00f1os que acude a urgencias por dolor e hinchaz\u00f3n en la regi\u00f3n epif\u00edsaria de la tibia derecha. La imagen radiogr\u00e1fica es l\u00edtica, exc\u00e9ntrica e insufla la cortical. \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 lesi\u00f3n tumoral habr\u00e1 que pensar como m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 36-year-old patient who came to the emergency room for pain and swelling in the epiphyseal region of the right tibia. The radiographic image is lytic, eccentric and insufflates the cortex. In which tumor lesion will one have to think as more probable?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2788386b07634c72b1feaaefbdf472a8", "input": "Una mujer de 78 a\u00f1os de edad est\u00e1 siendo intervenida para implantarle un marcapasos definitivo por un bloqueo aur\u00edculo-ventricular. Entre sus antecedentes personales destacan hipertensi\u00f3n arterial, hipercolesterolemia, diabetes mellitus y obesidad m\u00f3rbida. El procedimiento es largo y laborioso por la obesidad de la paciente y se realiza mediante infiltraciones con anest\u00e9sico local. A los cuarenta y cinco minutos del inicio de la intervenci\u00f3n comienza a mostrarse agitada y con desorientaci\u00f3n progresiva. Refiere que est\u00e1 mareada y que no ve ni oye bien. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica tiene una discreta midriasis bilateral, tiritonas y temblores distales en las extremidades superiores. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la actitud m\u00e1s l\u00f3gica a seguir ante este cuadro cl\u00ednico?", "output": [ "A 78-year-old woman is undergoing surgery to implant a definitive pacemaker for atrio-ventricular block. His personal history includes high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus and morbid obesity. The procedure is long and laborious due to the obesity of the patient and is carried out through infiltrations with local anesthetic. At forty-five minutes after the beginning of the intervention, she begins to show agitation and progressive disorientation. She says she is dizzy and does not see or hear well. Physical examination shows a discrete bilateral mydriasis, shivering and distal tremors in the upper extremities. What would be the most logical attitude to follow in this clinical picture?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ccb1f29dbd6f470290af7df7706fc5f4", "input": "Hombre de 84 a\u00f1os afecto de insuficiencia respiratoria grave secundaria a linfangitis carcinomatosa asociada a c\u00e1ncer g\u00e1strico. Un compa\u00f1ero de su servicio ha iniciado, ese mismo d\u00eda, tratamiento con morfina oral 10 mg/4 horas. El paciente est\u00e1 inquieto, a 34 respiraciones por minuto, la saturaci\u00f3n de O2 es de 80% con una FiO2 de 28%. \u00bfCu\u00e1l debe ser su actitud?", "output": [ "84-year-old man with severe respiratory failure secondary to carcinomatous lymphangitis associated with gastric cancer. A companion of his service has begun, that same day, treatment with oral morphine 10 mg / 4 hours. The patient is restless, at 34 breaths per minute, O2 saturation is 80% with an FiO2 of 28%. What should his attitude be?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c76711588074cf588d41fcb533bf8cf", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes circunstancias NO define a un paciente con pluripatolog\u00eda cr\u00f3nica?", "output": [ "Which of the following circumstances does NOT define a patient with chronic pathology?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6fb875d502ea478fbe4d306436f75995", "input": "Una mujer de 90 a\u00f1os demenciada, incontinente e inmovilizada por hemiparesia presenta una \u00falcera sacra de grado III. En la exploraci\u00f3n vemos que est\u00e1 en la cama sobre una almohadilla h\u00fameda y con una sonda de alimentaci\u00f3n que est\u00e1 bien colocada. Est\u00e1 afebril y tiene un pulso y una tensi\u00f3n arterial normales. Tiene una \u00falcera sacra de 4 x 4 cm que se extiende hacia la fascia con exudado verde y piel normal que rodea la \u00falcera. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la primera prioridad en los cuidados de esta paciente?", "output": [ "A woman of 90 years of dementia, incontinent and immobilized by hemiparesis presents a sacral ulcer of grade III. In the examination we see that he is in bed on a wet pad and with a feeding tube that is well placed. He is afebrile and has a normal pulse and blood pressure. It has a 4 x 4 cm sacral ulcer that extends into the fascia with green exudate and normal skin surrounding the ulcer. What is the first priority in the care of this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-96a64627d31945e58c21d01e6a4aa72a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes es un marcador m\u00e1s fiable de malnutrici\u00f3n en el paciente mayor?", "output": [ "Which of the following is a more reliable marker of malnutrition in the elderly patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e719aa9d17af4bd39f4abf3837a75df2", "input": "Un paciente es diagnosticado de un c\u00e1ncer de pulm\u00f3n de 4 cm sin contacto pleural en el l\u00f3bulo superior derecho. El estudio de extensi\u00f3n pone de manifiesto la presencia de met\u00e1stasis en ganglios parahiliares derechos, sin evidencia de met\u00e1stasis a distancia. El estadiaje del tumor ser\u00e1", "output": [ "One patient is diagnosed with a 4 cm lung cancer without pleural contact in the right upper lobe. The extension study reveals the presence of metastasis in right parahilar nodes, without evidence of distant metastasis. The staging of the tumor will be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4375440e7b114e1ba5dac19b6b3ac8cf", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con el tratamiento de una mujer no fumadora con carcinoma de pulm\u00f3n no microc\u00edtico, adenocarcinoma estadio IV, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta?", "output": [ "In relation to the treatment of a non-smoking woman with non-small cell lung carcinoma, stage IV adenocarcinoma, which of the following statements is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ce7432820cec495cab956cd11848a008", "input": "Mujer de 80 a\u00f1os que consulta por presentar, desde hace 1 mes, aumento progresivo del per\u00edmetro abdominal. Durante los 4-5 meses previos nota astenia, anorexia y adelgazamiento no precisado. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica se aprecia ascitis a tensi\u00f3n y edemas maleolares, sin otros signos relevantes. Una ecograf\u00eda y TAC de abdomen demuestran la presencia de ascitis, de densidad homog\u00e9nea, sin apreciarse implantes peritoneales ni masas abdominales o p\u00e9lvicas. H\u00edgado, p\u00e1ncreas, suprarrenales, bazo y ri\u00f1ones sin hallazgos significativos. Se realiza paracentesis a trav\u00e9s de aguja gruesa, obteni\u00e9ndose con dificultad un l\u00edquido algo amarillento, denso y gelatinoso. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la etiolog\u00eda m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "80-year-old woman who consults for presenting, for 1 month, progressive increase of the abdominal perimeter. During the previous 4-5 months note asthenia, anorexia and weight loss not specified. On physical examination, tension ascites and malleolar edema are seen, with no other relevant signs. Ultrasonography and CT scan of the abdomen demonstrate the presence of ascites, of homogeneous density, without appreciating peritoneal implants or abdominal or pelvic masses. Liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen and kidneys without significant findings. Paracentesis is performed through a thick needle, obtaining a somewhat yellowish, dense and gelatinous fluid with difficulty. What is the most likely etiology?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7703f6928ec341d5839ce6a5936d541d", "input": "En cuanto a los estertores ag\u00f3nicos (estertores pre mortem) es cierto que", "output": [ "As for the agonizing rattles (pre-mortem rales), it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4c041b8a14b642a4a180d0ee610298a9", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la intoxicaci\u00f3n por agentes anticolin\u00e9rgicos, se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta.", "output": [ "In relation to intoxication by anticholinergic agents, point out the correct answer." ] }, { "id": "task1433-085d3ca679e243b192510c79d390e297", "input": "Un var\u00f3n de 67 a\u00f1os, esquizofr\u00e9nico en tratamiento m\u00e9dico, es atendido en una ciudad del Sur de Espa\u00f1a el 15 de agosto por presentar fiebre y deterioro del nivel de consciencia. A la exploraci\u00f3n, presenta una puntuaci\u00f3n de la escala de coma de Glasgow de 5 puntos, taquipnea a 45 respiraciones por minuto, saturaci\u00f3n de oxigeno por pulsioximetr\u00eda de 75%, temperatura rectal de 41 \u00baC, y en la anal\u00edtica la CPK es de 30.000 U/L. Se realiza una punci\u00f3n lumbar que es normal. Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "A 67-year-old man, a schizophrenic in medical treatment, is treated in a city in southern Spain on August 15 for presenting fever and deteriorating levels of consciousness. On examination, she presented a Glasgow coma score of 5 points, tachypnea at 45 breaths per minute, oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry of 75%, rectal temperature of 41 \u00baC, and in the laboratory the CPK is 30,000 U / L. A lumbar puncture is performed that is normal. Point out the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-50a706fcee2442458fb9b5f7252ac895", "input": "Ante la sospecha de estenosis hipertr\u00f3fica de p\u00edloro \u00bfc\u00f3mo iniciar\u00eda los ex\u00e1menes complementarios?.", "output": [ "Given the suspicion of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, how would you start the complementary exams?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a376802d269e42f59f0bfd5e0aa8709a", "input": "Sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo de un ni\u00f1o sano en el primer a\u00f1o de vida, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones NO es cierta?", "output": [ "On the growth and development of a healthy child in the first year of life, which of the following statements is NOT true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e27d97dd2e841cdb013ed33155eb5c1", "input": "0 meses previamente sano con gastroenteritis aguda de un d\u00eda de evoluci\u00f3n y signos de deshidrataci\u00f3n leve, sin sangre ni moco en las heces y sin intolerancia oral. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n inicial en nuestro medio?", "output": [ "0 months previously healthy with acute gastroenteritis of one day of evolution and signs of mild dehydration, without blood or mucus in the stool and without oral intolerance. What is the initial choice treatment in our environment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f2383bce6f54f5d9a15c81a856d6cbb", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la hiperplasia suprarrenal cong\u00e9nita cl\u00e1sica indique la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "In relation to classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia indicate the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3c9c9b2b7454f6e9eca4d814868f882", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes asociaciones (enfermedad - s\u00edntoma o signo cl\u00ednico) es incorrecta?", "output": [ "Which of the following associations (disease - symptom or clinical sign) is incorrect?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a90bd4bce38e4e99abc932d682252c4a", "input": "Lactante de 1 mes de vida que acude a urgencias del hospital remitido por su pediatra por ictericia. Refiere \u00e9sta desde hace 10 d\u00edas y ha ido en aumento. En la anal\u00edtica de sangre destaca una bilirrubina total de 7 mg/dl siendo la bilirrubina indirecta de 1,5 mg/dl. La causa m\u00e1s probable, de entre las siguientes, de esta ictericia es", "output": [ "Infant of 1 month of life who goes to the hospital emergency department referred by his pediatrician for jaundice. He has been referring for 10 days and has been increasing. In the blood test, a total bilirubin of 7 mg / dl stands out, with indirect bilirubin being 1.5 mg / dl. The most likely cause, among the following, of this jaundice is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cbd8533a119a4520a9c5c46c652638bd", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta en relaci\u00f3n a la lactancia materna", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer in relation to breastfeeding" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bae5e4051e78468a9994fcc1476657ab", "input": "Acude al Centro de Salud un ni\u00f1o de 4 a\u00f1os que, 5 minutos antes, comienza con cuadro de angioedema en cara, conjuntivitis, congesti\u00f3n nasal y ronquera, coincidiendo con la ingesta de una cucharada de yogur que le dieron por error en el colegio. Entre los antecedentes est\u00e1 diagnosticado de alergia a prote\u00ednas de leche de vaca. En la exploraci\u00f3n se constata hipotensi\u00f3n leve, frecuencia cardiaca 110 lat/min, Sat O2 93%, est\u00e1 p\u00e1lido y algo sudoroso, con sibilancias diseminadas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el primer tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "A 4-year-old boy comes to the Health Center who, 5 minutes earlier, begins with angioedema on his face, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion and hoarseness, coinciding with the intake of a spoonful of yogurt that was mistakenly given him at school. Among the background is diagnosed with cow's milk protein allergy. The examination revealed mild hypotension, heart rate 110 beats / min, Sat O2 93%, pale and somewhat sweaty, with disseminated wheezing. What is the first treatment of choice?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9cac6307cf3c4ac38e20a7697f3b6780", "input": "Mujer de 40 semanas de gestaci\u00f3n en trabajo de parto con 6 cm de dilataci\u00f3n. Presenta patr\u00f3n fetal decelerativo en registro cardiotocogr\u00e1fico por lo que se decide realizar microtoma de sangre fetal para valorar bienestar fetal. Resultado pH 7,22. La conducta correcta es", "output": [ "Woman of 40 weeks of gestation in labor with 6 cm of dilation. Presents fetal decelerative pattern in cardiotocographic record so it is decided to perform a fetal blood microtome to assess fetal well-being. Result pH 7.22. The correct behavior is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8b25461262544069a7735eb9baae2e77", "input": "Una mujer de 32 a\u00f1os solicita consejo preconcepcional. La paciente le refiere que fue sometida a una conizaci\u00f3n cervical por una lesi\u00f3n intraepitelial de alto grado (H-SIL) y que posteriormente sufri\u00f3 tres abortos entre las 20 y 22 semanas de gestaci\u00f3n. No tiene hijos vivos. En las tres ocasiones acudi\u00f3 a Urgencias con sensaci\u00f3n de peso en hipogastrio y all\u00ed se constat\u00f3 que llegaba con una dilataci\u00f3n de 8 cm y con las membranas amni\u00f3ticas prominentes. Nunca hab\u00eda sentido contracciones. \u00bfQu\u00e9 consejo le dar\u00eda para el pr\u00f3ximo embarazo?", "output": [ "A 32-year-old woman asks for preconceptional advice. The patient reports that she underwent cervical conization due to a high-grade intraepithelial lesion (H-SIL) and that she subsequently suffered three miscarriages between 20 and 22 weeks of gestation. He does not have living children. On all three occasions he went to the Emergency Department with a sensation of weight in the hypogastrium and there it was found that he arrived with a dilatation of 8 cm and with prominent amniotic membranes. I had never felt contractions. What advice would you give for the next pregnancy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bc919fde0a9843caa4cccfe014b092d4", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta INCORRECTA con respecto a la infecci\u00f3n por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y gestaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Point out the INCORRECT response regarding infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and pregnancy" ] }, { "id": "task1433-19544c1d9c894510ac0f1163995bcacd", "input": "Una mujer de 27 a\u00f1os, embarazada de 10 semanas y con asma al\u00e9rgico grave persistente. En la actualidad est\u00e1 adecuadamente controlada con budesonida inhalada diaria y salbutamol inhalado a demanda de rescate. Acude a su consulta preocupada por los posibles efectos teratog\u00e9nicos de su medicaci\u00f3n antiasm\u00e1tica. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes ser\u00eda la actitud correcta?", "output": [ "A 27-year-old woman, pregnant for 10 weeks and with persistent severe allergic asthma. Currently, it is adequately controlled with daily inhaled budesonide and inhaled salbutamol at the request of rescue. Go to your consultation concerned about the possible teratogenic effects of your antiasthmatic medication. Which of the following would be the correct attitude?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4be7e17719c9479282b610778feb945f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es hoy d\u00eda la \u00fanica contraindicaci\u00f3n para el tratamiento quir\u00fargico conservador en el c\u00e1ncer de mama?", "output": [ "Which of the following is currently the only contraindication for conservative surgical treatment in breast cancer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2a47dd2af1494d2b975b4cf157f35127", "input": "Mujer de 16 a\u00f1os que consulta por amenorrea primaria. Presenta un desarrollo femenino normal de los caracteres sexuales secundarios. Los niveles de estradiol y testosterona son normales. En la exploraci\u00f3n ginecol\u00f3gica se aprecia agenesia de vagina. Se realiza ecograf\u00eda y se aprecia ausencia de \u00fatero. Los ovarios son normales ecogr\u00e1ficamente. No se observa ri\u00f1\u00f3n izquierdo. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "A 16-year-old woman consulted for primary amenorrhea. It presents a normal female development of secondary sexual characteristics. The levels of estradiol and testosterone are normal. In the gynecological examination, agenesis of the vagina is appreciated. Ultrasound is performed and there is absence of uterus. The ovaries are normal ultrasound. No left kidney is seen. The most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30e9b79793c4487bbb57adb73f4da0fd", "input": "Var\u00f3n homosexual de 30 a\u00f1os de edad VIH (+) que participa como voluntario en un centro de ayuda a pacientes con SIDA. Seg\u00fan su historia cl\u00ednica recibi\u00f3 toxoide dift\u00e9rico (Td) hace 6 a\u00f1os, la vacuna triple v\u00edrica en la infancia y en la adolescencia, y la hepatitis B hace 3 a\u00f1os. Actualmente se encuentra asintom\u00e1tico con un recuento de CD4 superior a 200 cls/\u00b5l. \u00bfQu\u00e9 vacunas deber\u00edamos recomendarle?", "output": [ "Homosexual male of 30 years of age HIV (+) who participates as a volunteer in a help center for patients with AIDS. According to her clinical history she received diphtheria toxoid (Td) 6 years ago, the MMR vaccine in childhood and adolescence, and hepatitis B three years ago. He is currently asymptomatic with a CD4 count greater than 200 cls / \u03bcl. What vaccines should we recommend?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a992ddde65474bbaa5e0f1a413046d24", "input": "Con objeto de comprobar la eficacia de un tratamiento para dejar de fumar se compara un grupo control (con placebo) con un grupo tratado. Para que los grupos sean comparables es importante que no difieran mucho en la edad de los participantes. Nos informan que la media de edad en el grupo control es 52 a\u00f1os y que en el grupo tratado tambi\u00e9n es 52 a\u00f1os. A partir de dicha informaci\u00f3n podemos decir que", "output": [ "In order to check the efficacy of a treatment to stop smoking, a control group (placebo) is compared with a treated group. For groups to be comparable it is important that they do not differ much in the age of the participants. We are informed that the average age in the control group is 52 years and that in the treated group it is also 52 years. From this information we can say that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ab27588496548c88bf61f68c6db3ad5", "input": "Un Pediatra desea estudiar el sobrepeso en los ni\u00f1os de 14 a\u00f1os, seg\u00fan los valores del IMC (\u00edndice de masa corporal). Para estimar el tama\u00f1o muestral necesario propone un nivel de confianza del 95% y una precisi\u00f3n de 1 unidad de IMC. \u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00e1s par\u00e1metros necesita conocer para determinar el tama\u00f1o muestral?", "output": [ "A pediatrician wants to study overweight in children of 14 years, according to the values \u200b\u200bof the BMI (body mass index). To estimate the necessary sample size, it proposes a confidence level of 95% and a precision of 1 unit of BMI. What other parameters do you need to know to determine the sample size?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-705974a4381d4f02b2594785f1dacc3a", "input": "El coeficiente de correlaci\u00f3n de Pearson indica que existe asociaci\u00f3n estad\u00edstica entre dos variables cuando", "output": [ "The Pearson correlation coefficient indicates that there is a statistical association between two variables when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5b05002d9fa04a1a846cfda9e2eeb9ff", "input": "Si desea estimar los efectos de una intervenci\u00f3n emplear\u00e1", "output": [ "If you want to estimate the effects of an intervention, you will use" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f97934c428044b0fafa534e7e45a5f01", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes aseveraciones sobre el meta-an\u00e1lisis es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about the meta-analysis is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-98f594afc31c403a99f9a7ceb85dba94", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la definici\u00f3n correcta", "output": [ "Point out the correct definition" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6241e4892f224abb98a0fd481a211fb4", "input": "En un estudio de cohortes el n\u00famero de casos nuevos de enfermedad por persona y por unidad de tiempo es", "output": [ "In a cohort study, the number of new cases of disease per person per unit of time is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d612c4e925c468faa459bae82046a27", "input": "En un estudio cl\u00ednico para evaluar la eficacia de un nuevo medicamento en el tratamiento de la crisis de migra\u00f1a (se\u00f1ale la CORRECTA)", "output": [ "In a clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of a new medication in the treatment of migraine crisis (point out the CORRECT)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-273052d292554d6a92307294d45c85fc", "input": "Queremos conocer si el consumo de caf\u00e9 puede estar asociado a la malformaci\u00f3n neonatal por lo que se dise\u00f1a un estudio casos control. Se entrevista a un grupo de mujeres que han tenido ni\u00f1os con malformaciones y lo mismo en un grupo de madres sin hijos con malformaciones. Las entrevistas las realizaran dos entrevistadores entrenados mediante un cuestionario previamente validado. Adem\u00e1s, los entrevistadores ignoran si la entrevistada es un caso o un control. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de sesgo podemos introducir?", "output": [ "We want to know if coffee consumption can be associated with neonatal malformation, so a control case study is designed. We interview a group of women who have had children with malformations and the same in a group of mothers without children with malformations. The interviews will be conducted by two interviewers trained through a previously validated questionnaire. In addition, interviewers ignore whether the interviewee is a case or a control. What kind of bias can we introduce?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61cecddd8a31435eae012cb1cc036c5a", "input": "Se quiere estudiar si la Vitamina D puede incrementar la incidencia del c\u00e1ncer de mama. En nuestra zona disponemos de un registro poblacional de c\u00e1ncer. Para conseguir nuestro objetivo se seleccionan todas las mujeres diagnosticadas de c\u00e1ncer de mama del registro que disponemos y cada uno de los casos se aparea con dos controles. \u00bfQu\u00e9 dise\u00f1o de estudio se ha escogido?", "output": [ "We want to study if Vitamin D can increase the incidence of breast cancer. In our area we have a population registry of cancer. To achieve our goal, all women diagnosed with breast cancer are selected from the register we have and each case pairs with two controls. What study design has been chosen?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b009966ee5a8491d866695c08583d84e", "input": "Se quiere realizar un estudio para valorar el efecto de la exposici\u00f3n al consumo de alcohol sobre el c\u00e1ncer de p\u00e1ncreas. Es posible que la relaci\u00f3n pueda estar afectada por el efecto de la exposici\u00f3n al consumo de tabaco. Si s\u00f3lo se quiere analizar el efecto del consumo de alcohol, \u00bfqu\u00e9 tipo de sesgo se puede producir?", "output": [ "We want to conduct a study to assess the effect of exposure to alcohol consumption on pancreatic cancer. It is possible that the relationship may be affected by the effect of exposure to tobacco use. If you only want to analyze the effect of alcohol consumption, what type of bias can occur?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-206980af2fbe47ff8a1122a24b021d00", "input": "Se lleva a cabo un estudio para evaluar la relaci\u00f3n entre el c\u00e1ncer de pulm\u00f3n y la exposici\u00f3n al s\u00edlice. Se seleccionan 400 pacientes con diagn\u00f3stico de c\u00e1ncer de pulm\u00f3n del registro provincial de tumores y se eligen 400 personas sanas de forma aleatoria de la poblaci\u00f3n residente en la provincia. El resultado de la evaluaci\u00f3n de esta relaci\u00f3n es OR = 1,67; IC95% = 1,27 - 2,21. Es cierto", "output": [ "A study is conducted to evaluate the relationship between lung cancer and exposure to silica. 400 patients diagnosed with lung cancer are selected from the provincial tumor registry and 400 healthy people are chosen randomly from the population resident in the province. The result of the evaluation of this relationship is OR = 1.67; 95% CI = 1.27 - 2.21. It is true" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c34fd2c7860342ccae21622d7a7e0b71", "input": "Respecto a los dise\u00f1os de los ensayos cl\u00ednicos para demostrar eficacia de los antidepresivos, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes es FALSA?", "output": [ "Regarding the designs of clinical trials to demonstrate efficacy of antidepressants, which of the following is FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-951e3c0a44ed4e6d9ad3ee543af07151", "input": "Respecto a las fases del desarrollo cl\u00ednico de un medicamento, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas NO corresponde a un ensayo cl\u00ednico en fase 2?", "output": [ "Regarding the phases of the clinical development of a drug, which of the following characteristics does NOT correspond to a clinical trial in phase 2?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c233f1ea99804d5fb2aec8cf6ab33436", "input": "En un ensayo cl\u00ednico aleatorizado de fase III se compar\u00f3 la eficacia de un nuevo analg\u00e9sico (experimental) con un tratamiento control (tramadol) en pacientes con dolor cr\u00f3nico. La hip\u00f3tesis de trabajo era que el tratamiento experimental reduce el dolor m\u00e1s que el tramadol. El efecto de los dos tratamientos se determin\u00f3 a las 48 horas mediante la reducci\u00f3n de la puntuaci\u00f3n marcada por el paciente en una escala anal\u00f3gica - visual de 0 a 100 mm. La reducci\u00f3n media en el grupo tramadol fue de -27 y en el grupo experimental de -31. Se hizo el contraste de hip\u00f3tesis para las diferencias, con la correspondiente prueba estad\u00edstica y se obtuvo un valor de p = 0,03. Respecto al estudio anterior, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes conclusiones le parece m\u00e1s correcta?", "output": [ "A randomized phase III clinical trial compared the efficacy of a new analgesic (experimental) with a control treatment (tramadol) in patients with chronic pain. The working hypothesis was that experimental treatment reduces pain more than tramadol. The effect of the two treatments was determined at 48 hours by reducing the score marked by the patient on an analog - visual scale from 0 to 100 mm. The mean reduction in the tramadol group was -27 and in the experimental group of -31. The hypothesis was contrasted for the differences, with the corresponding statistical test and a value of p = 0.03 was obtained. Regarding the previous study, which of the following conclusions seems more correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe462dabc35a4492a5fc087c26c5225c", "input": "Se realiza un ensayo cl\u00ednico en pacientes hipertensos para valorar la efectividad de un nuevo f\u00e1rmaco en la reducci\u00f3n de aparici\u00f3n de insuficiencia cardiaca. El Riesgo Relativo (RR) de insuficiencia cardiaca en relaci\u00f3n con el f\u00e1rmaco habitual es de 0,69 con un IC al 95% de 0,31 a 1,17. \u00bfQu\u00e9 significan estos resultados?", "output": [ "A clinical trial is conducted in hypertensive patients to assess the effectiveness of a new drug in reducing the occurrence of heart failure. The Relative Risk (RR) of heart failure in relation to the usual drug is 0.69 with a 95% CI of 0.31 to 1.17. What do these results mean?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3d4cdf13ce54f91944877de9965095a", "input": "Si definimos el punto de corte para diagnosticar insuficiencia renal a trav\u00e9s del \u00cdndice de Filtrado Glomerular (IFG) como 15 ml/min en vez de 60 ml/min est\u00e1 aumentando", "output": [ "If we define the cut-off point to diagnose renal failure through the Glomerular Filtering Index (GFR) as 15 ml / min instead of 60 ml / min it is increasing" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1e615553eaee4b83a17c136cd8a64a06", "input": "Disponemos de dos tests para diagnosticar una enfermedad de pron\u00f3stico grave. La prueba A tiene una sensibilidad del 95% y una especificidad del 60% y la prueba B tiene una sensibilidad del 70% y una especificidad del 99%. Disponemos de un tratamiento eficaz pero que produce efectos adversos importantes y adem\u00e1s tiene un coste muy elevado. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba elegir\u00edamos para hacer el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "We have two tests to diagnose a serious prognosis disease. Test A has a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 60% and test B has a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity of 99%. We have an effective treatment but that produces important adverse effects and also has a very high cost. What test would we choose to make the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8f15b778ef64d6e91271b7b2140d565", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de an\u00e1lisis de evaluaci\u00f3n econ\u00f3mica en salud compara los costes de los resultados de diferentes intervenciones sanitarias medidos en a\u00f1os de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC)?", "output": [ "What type of economic evaluation analysis in health compares the costs of the results of different health interventions measured in years of life adjusted for quality (QALY)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22d8098888cd4455bf6bdd43a4b00829", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo definir\u00eda calidad asistencial?", "output": [ "How would you define quality of care?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6c93cd8333d346e59ba094b897b039a7", "input": "Paciente de 45 a\u00f1os con h\u00e1bito tab\u00e1quico moderado, no bebedor, sin otros antecedentes de inter\u00e9s que ha sido diagnosticado de un carcinoma escamoso de orofaringe cT1N2b. Est\u00e1 pendiente de decisi\u00f3n de tratamiento en comit\u00e9. \u00bfQu\u00e9 agente infeccioso le interesar\u00eda despistar antes de plantear el tratamiento?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old patient with a moderate smoking habit, no drinker, no other history of interest who has been diagnosed with squamous carcinoma of the oropharynx cT1N2b. It is pending decision of treatment in committee. What infectious agent would you be interested in confusing before proposing the treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ed2d9d97ace0460bac47dafbd36ab409", "input": "Mujer de 25 a\u00f1os, sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s ni h\u00e1bitos t\u00f3xicos que acude a urgencias por dolor intenso en el o\u00eddo derecho, imposibilidad total para abrir la boca, de instauraci\u00f3n s\u00fabita y sin antecedente traum\u00e1tico previo. Refiere usar placa de descarga por h\u00e1bito de apretamiento dental nocturno. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "A 25-year-old woman with no history of interest or toxic habits who went to the emergency room due to severe pain in her right ear, total inability to open her mouth, sudden onset and no previous history of trauma. It refers to the use of a discharge plate due to a nighttime dental clenching habit. What is your diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33d59b4e8c744ed78e99861b42fedb4f", "input": "Si un paciente presenta una par\u00e1lisis facial que no afecta a la musculatura de la frente debemos pensar que la lesi\u00f3n se encuentra", "output": [ "If a patient presents a facial paralysis that does not affect the musculature of the forehead we should think that the lesion is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c9bfa5f3b8024f8392be4dcd99d47c2c", "input": "La asociaci\u00f3n de edad avanzada, diabetes, otalgia que no evoluciona favorablemente a pesar del tratamiento y par\u00e1lisis del VII par craneal llevan a pensar en uno de los siguientes cuadros cl\u00ednicos como primera opci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The association of advanced age, diabetes, otalgia that does not progress favorably despite the treatment and paralysis of the VII cranial nerve lead to think of one of the following clinical pictures as the first option" ] }, { "id": "task1433-91804a63cb1c4eea9da2b696a1c10ce6", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 tipo de hipoacusias es caracter\u00edstico el fen\u00f3meno de reclutamiento o recruitment?", "output": [ "In what type of hearing loss is the phenomenon of recruitment or recruitment characteristic?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c5bab332cc8f4cf0bce72f33e50001f1", "input": "Ante un paciente con sospecha de penfigoide ampolloso, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas deber\u00edamos realizar para confirmar el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "In the presence of a patient with suspected blistering pemphigoid, which of the following tests should we perform to confirm the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28c2d29bf1574e8a9b0b80985976efa0", "input": "Joven de 24 a\u00f1os que a los 3 d\u00edas de un contacto sexual de riesgo presenta numerosas lesiones pustulosas, peque\u00f1as, muy pruriginosas y que evolucionan a diminutas erosiones afectando todo el glande y cara interna del prepucio. Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l es, entre las siguientes, la orientaci\u00f3n diagn\u00f3stica m\u00e1s probable", "output": [ "A 24-year-old boy who, after 3 days of high-risk sexual contact, has numerous pustular, small, very pruritic lesions that progress to minute erosions affecting the entire glans and inner face of the prepuce. Indicate which is, among the following, the most probable diagnostic orientation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-777f8677dc0d4d48aeeac73dba27966d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el factor pron\u00f3stico m\u00e1s importante en el Melanoma Estadio 1?", "output": [ "What is the most important prognostic factor in Stage 1 Melanoma?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f96bfe2e0b2411ebb2740a268dadd7a", "input": "La causa m\u00e1s frecuente de p\u00e9rdida visual irreversible en el mundo occidental en personas de m\u00e1s de 50 a\u00f1os es", "output": [ "The most frequent cause of irreversible visual loss in the Western world in people over 50 is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-32f383c968f9494eb3a9845e395cd388", "input": "Una mujer de 23 a\u00f1os acude a urgencias por encontrarse muy nerviosa tras una discusi\u00f3n con su pareja. En su historia cl\u00ednica se reflejan varias demandas semejantes en el a\u00f1o anterior, en dos de ellas tras un gesto autol\u00edtico. Se constatan tambi\u00e9n conflictos frecuentes en las relaciones de pareja, cambios laborales y discusiones familiares. Dice sentirse incomprendida por todos incluidos los psiquiatras que la atienden. El diagn\u00f3stico ser\u00eda", "output": [ "A 23-year-old woman goes to the emergency room because she is very nervous after an argument with her partner. In his clinical history several similar demands are reflected in the previous year, in two of them after an autolytic gesture. There are also frequent conflicts in relationships, work changes and family discussions. She says she feels misunderstood by everyone including the psychiatrists who care for her. The diagnosis would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1e812ac567d1450a9353a21b4a0cd7bc", "input": "Mujer de 50 a\u00f1os de edad que desde hace 1 mes presenta un \u00e1nimo deprimido, anhedonia, p\u00e9rdida de memoria, llanto f\u00e1cil, p\u00e9rdida de energ\u00eda, sensaci\u00f3n de inutilidad y culpa, p\u00e9rdida de peso marcada y despertar precoz, as\u00ed como incapacidad para realizar sus tareas habituales en el hogar. En tr\u00e1mites de separaci\u00f3n desde hace 3 meses. Se\u00f1ale el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s apropiado", "output": [ "50-year-old woman who for 1 month has a depressed mood, anhedonia, memory loss, easy crying, loss of energy, sense of worthlessness and guilt, marked weight loss and early awakening, as well as inability to perform their tasks usual at home. In separation proceedings for 3 months. Point out the most appropriate diagnosis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-511283eac2e14d0b8cb4801e873ecf56", "input": "Hombre de 43 a\u00f1os fumador de 20 cigarrillos al d\u00eda, que acude a su consulta llevado por un familiar, debido a que lleva 10 d\u00edas durmiendo poco, menos de 3 horas al d\u00eda sin referir cansancio por ello. A\u00f1ade que ha empezado a gastar grandes cantidades de dinero, comprometiendo las finanzas familiares. Se encuentra verborreico, con aceleraci\u00f3n del pensamiento y con apariencia megaloman\u00edaca. Como antecedentes personales no hay enfermedades de inter\u00e9s salvo un episodio depresivo hace 5 a\u00f1os. No cree que le pase nada, pero ha aceptado acudir a la consulta con la intenci\u00f3n de buscar ayuda para dejar de fumar. No hay consumo de otros t\u00f3xicos y la anal\u00edtica y exploraci\u00f3n neurol\u00f3gica no aportan datos anormales. En este paciente teniendo en cuenta su diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable, qu\u00e9 tratamiento ser\u00eda el MENOS indicado", "output": [ "A 43-year-old man smokes 20 cigarettes a day, who comes to his clinic taken by a family member, because he has been sleeping for a few days, less than 3 hours a day, without mentioning fatigue. He adds that he has begun to spend large amounts of money, compromising family finances. It is verbose, with acceleration of thought and megalomaniacal appearance. As a personal history, there are no diseases of interest except for a depressive episode 5 years ago. He does not believe that anything happens to him, but he has agreed to go to the consultation with the intention of seeking help to quit smoking. There is no consumption of other toxins and the analytical and neurological examination do not provide abnormal data. In this patient, taking into account his most probable diagnosis, which treatment would be the LESS indicated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20db196d97ed4a88b1bc887301df94b1", "input": "Todas las siguientes son complicaciones habituales del trastorno de ansiedad generalizada no tratado EXCEPTO", "output": [ "All of the following are common complications of untreated generalized anxiety disorder EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-472e121bfde34b3e97d78cb7d44e8a5d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes factores NO se asocia a buen pron\u00f3stico del trastorno de conversi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Which of the following factors is NOT associated with good prognosis of conversion disorder?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bb253bcf277e4565b99eb2f1879ca624", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas afirmaciones es FALSA respecto al estupor?", "output": [ "Which of these statements is FALSE regarding stupor?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-da93089f10cd4dbc90f68fea59de1128", "input": "Mujer de 26 a\u00f1os sin antecedentes psiqui\u00e1tricos previos, acude a Urgencias tra\u00edda por sus padres que explican que desde hace unos d\u00edas est\u00e1 hiperactiva, nerviosa, insomne. Explican que revisa obsesivamente la instalaci\u00f3n el\u00e9ctrica de casa en busca de c\u00e1maras de video y micr\u00f3fonos. En la entrevista nos dice que le est\u00e1n vigilando desde la Polic\u00eda pues ella es una enviada gal\u00e1ctica con poderes especiales. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones NO debe considerarse como diagn\u00f3stico diferencial?", "output": [ "A 26-year-old woman with no previous psychiatric history, she went to the ER brought by her parents, who explained that she had been overactive, nervous, insomniac for a few days. They explain that he obsessively reviews the house's electrical installation in search of video cameras and microphones. In the interview, she tells us that she is being watched by the Police because she is a galactic correspondent with special powers. Which of the following options should NOT be considered as a differential diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2243774aeec04344b6fa86709baab51d", "input": "Atendemos a un paciente que acaba de sufrir un accidente de tr\u00e1fico. Se encuentra consciente y al tomarle las constantes tiene una presi\u00f3n arterial sist\u00f3lica de 70 mmHg y una frecuencia cardiaca de 45 latidos/minuto. Adem\u00e1s, la piel de las extremidades est\u00e1 caliente. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la causa m\u00e1s probable del shock?", "output": [ "We serve a patient who has just suffered a traffic accident. She is conscious and when taking the constants she has a systolic blood pressure of 70 mmHg and a heart rate of 45 beats / minute. In addition, the skin of the extremities is hot. What is the most likely cause of the shock?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ca3f5b6cbc08400292243153937451eb", "input": "Paciente de 44 a\u00f1os de edad que sufre un traumatismo por accidente de tr\u00e1fico de elevada intensidad. A su ingreso en el hospital est\u00e1 consciente y orientado y manifiesta dolor a nivel tor\u00e1cico cervical y p\u00e9lvico as\u00ed como impotencia funcional en miembro inferior derecho. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica pone de manifiesto una presi\u00f3n arterial de 100/60 mmHg con 100 pulsaciones/minuto, una abolici\u00f3n del murmullo vesicular en el tercio inferior del hemit\u00f3rax derecho y matidez a la percusi\u00f3n del mismo. En la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax se aprecia un derrame pleural derecho, tambi\u00e9n en el tercio inferior. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas afirmaciones le parece correcta?", "output": [ "A 44-year-old patient who suffers a traumatism due to a high intensity traffic accident. Upon admission to the hospital, he is conscious and oriented and manifests pain at the cervical and pelvic level as well as functional impotence in the right lower limb. The physical examination reveals a blood pressure of 100/60 mmHg with 100 beats / minute, an abolition of the vesicular murmur in the lower third of the right hemithorax and dullness to the percussion thereof. The chest radiograph shows a right pleural effusion, also in the lower third. Which of these statements do you think is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d4a9b7b4653948beba5e9693340e9892", "input": "Hombre de 19 a\u00f1os de edad que consulta por un cuadro de 24 horas de evoluci\u00f3n de dolor, tumefacci\u00f3n e impotencia funcional de la rodilla derecha acompa\u00f1ado de fiebre de 38\u00baC. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica pone de manifiesto signos inflamatorios y derrame articular en la rodilla derecha. Los datos anal\u00edticos muestran una leucocitosis con neutrofilia y una elevaci\u00f3n de la proteina C reactiva. Se hace el diagn\u00f3stico sindr\u00f3mico de monoartritis aguda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico etiol\u00f3gico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 19-year-old man consulted for a 24-hour history of pain, swelling and functional impotence of the right knee accompanied by a fever of 38\u00baC. Physical examination reveals inflammatory signs and joint effusion in the right knee. The analytical data show a leukocytosis with neutrophilia and an elevation of the C-reactive protein. The syndromic diagnosis of acute monoarthritis is made. What is the most likely etiologic diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d19d5dcc7a684c32b4a344b19f9ad688", "input": "Mujer de 29 a\u00f1os, obesa, sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s, que consulta por cefalea puls\u00e1til, bilateral, intensa, de un mes de evoluci\u00f3n, acompa\u00f1ada de diplopia horizontal y episodios de amaurosis monocular de segundos de duraci\u00f3n. La exploraci\u00f3n es normal, salvo por la presencia de papiledema bilateral. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas pruebas cree que le va a permitir confirmar plenamente su diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "A 29-year-old woman, obese, with no history of interest, who consulted for a bilateral, intense, pulsatile headache lasting one month, accompanied by horizontal diplopia and episodes of monocular amaurosis of seconds duration. The exploration is normal, except for the presence of bilateral papilledema. Which of these tests do you think will allow you to fully confirm your diagnosis ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c6ce615b89cb4c748ed5b0e005342817", "input": "Todas las siguientes enfermedades se pueden acompa\u00f1ar de esplenomegalia palpable, EXCEPTO una. Indique \u00e9sta \u00faltima", "output": [ "All the following diseases can be accompanied by palpable splenomegaly, EXCEPT one. Indicate the latter" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7e14d4b52d24fa598f6f8811893f75c", "input": "Adolescente de 16 a\u00f1os que consulta por amenorrea primaria. No posee antecedentes medicoquir\u00fargicos de inter\u00e9s. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica encontramos caracteres sexuales secundarios femeninos, genitales externos femeninos, con un desarrollo mamario estadio III-IV, escaso vello p\u00fabico y axilar. Presenta una estatura en el percentil 90 para su edad. La radiograf\u00eda simple revela una edad \u00f3sea de 15.8 a\u00f1os. El estudio anal\u00edtico revela un estradiol de 50 pg/ml, y unas gonadotropinas elevadas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes entidades cl\u00ednicas ser\u00eda compatible con el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "Adolescent of 16 years who consults for primary amenorrhea. He does not have medical-surgical history of interest. On physical examination, we found female secondary sex characteristics, female external genitalia, with stage III-IV breast development, scanty pubic and axillary hair. He presents a stature in the 90th percentile for his age. The plain radiograph reveals a bone age of 15.8 years. The analytical study reveals an estradiol of 50 pg / ml, and high gonadotropins. Which of the following clinical entities would be compatible with the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e4791e1e150403e9721553256697bf8", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes vacunas parenterales est\u00e1 contraindicada durante el embarazo?", "output": [ "Which of the following parenteral vaccines is contraindicated during pregnancy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b7b3a0b46804f8b808bfc37f3394e2a", "input": "En un paciente con cirrosis hep\u00e1tica \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes es el procedimiento m\u00e1s \u00fatil para medir la respuesta de la ascitis al tratamiento diur\u00e9tico?", "output": [ "In a patient with liver cirrhosis, which of the following is the most useful procedure for measuring the response of ascites to diuretic therapy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d572575d79e7439495d70d53393d71bd", "input": "El \u00e1rea que act\u00faa como conexi\u00f3n entre las respuestas emocionales autom\u00e1ticas y el control de las conductas complejas, guiando la conducta para controlar la manifestaci\u00f3n de las respuestas emocionales, es", "output": [ "The area that acts as a connection between automatic emotional responses and the control of complex behaviors, guiding behavior to control the manifestation of emotional responses, is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-26d01918b9b046888cf9e1906afcef48", "input": "Se puede activar el circuito del refuerzo mediante la estimulaci\u00f3n el\u00e9ctrica del sistema mesol\u00edmbico, originando en el \u00e1rea tegmental ventral y que proyecta", "output": [ "The reinforcement circuit can be activated by electrical stimulation of the mesolimbic system, originating in the ventral tegmental area and projecting" ] }, { "id": "task1433-628f058855244fa6be419c10be54263b", "input": "Los islotes de Langerhans del p\u00e1ncreas secretan y liberan", "output": [ "The islets of Langerhans of the pancreas secrete and release" ] }, { "id": "task1433-337ac05bdd344ba8a2637f729a93afc0", "input": "Con respecto al Sistema Nervioso Simp\u00e1tico o SNS, se\u00f1ala la alternativa INCORRECTA", "output": [ "With respect to the Sympathetic Nervous System or SNS, it points out the INCORRECT alternative" ] }, { "id": "task1433-78a43a9ec8d94fb686e97d0cdbb9cf38", "input": "La exposici\u00f3n a andr\u00f3genos en un per\u00edodo sensible o cr\u00edtico, al inicio del desarrollo, provoca masculinizaci\u00f3n de los \u00f3rganos sexuales y del comportamiento. Este efecto ha recibido el nombre de", "output": [ "Exposure to androgens in a sensitive or critical period, at the beginning of development, causes masculinization of the sexual and behavioral organs. This effect has received the name of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b36c7ce1d874763866f1c9147f2aa16", "input": "Cuando las conductas aprendidas por repetici\u00f3n, como por ejemplo ir en coche, se vuelven autom\u00e1ticas y rutinarias, pasan a estar controladas por", "output": [ "When the behaviors learned by repetition, such as driving, become automatic and routine, they become controlled by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f9ddeb99aa9420a8a1cf049a07288fe", "input": "Los ovillos neurofibrilares son estructuras an\u00f3malas que se observan en pacientes de alzheimer y que constan de", "output": [ "The neurofibrillary tangles are anomalous structures that are observed in Alzheimer's patients and that consist of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f0fcb69559684abebac1a51789331114", "input": "En el periodo preoperatorio (2-6 a\u00f1os) el ni\u00f1o suele pensar que las cosas de la naturaleza (r\u00edos, monta\u00f1as, etc.) han sido construidas por el ser humano. Esta caracter\u00edstica se denomina", "output": [ "In the preoperative period (2-6 years) the child usually thinks that the things of nature (rivers, mountains, etc.) have been built by the human being. This feature is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-494e430fa95c4903bdd4f71d4c83484f", "input": "El patr\u00f3n de apego que se observa de manera m\u00e1s frecuente en los ni\u00f1os es", "output": [ "The pattern of attachment that is observed more frequently in children is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b66ff09299f41b0a95b8cd180f1b087", "input": "Desde la epistemolog\u00eda de Piaget, los individuos son capaces de construir nuevos esquemas porque han heredado dos funciones intelectuales que son", "output": [ "From Piaget's epistemology, individuals are able to construct new schemes because they have inherited two intellectual functions that are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be284372e8f44ed1a06ef62152ef7c16", "input": "Si no consigo aprenderme mi nuevo n\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono ya que siempre me aparecen los tres primeros d\u00edgitos del antiguo, \u00bfc\u00f3mo se denomina ese tipo de interferencia?", "output": [ "If I can not learn my new phone number because I always see the first three digits of the old one, what is the name of that type of interference?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-117f3b22c0dc4bfc9a65e2998fc6c54a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son las caracter\u00edsticas que favorecen la motivaci\u00f3n intr\u00ednseca?", "output": [ "What are the characteristics that favor intrinsic motivation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f96b151e16554176a560d4c68fdb21ca", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son las atribuciones al fracaso que m\u00e1s posibilidades tienen de producir indefensi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What are the attributions to failure that are most likely to produce helplessness?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-962cc34f10e649aea5b9afd294d009ee", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de memoria podemos utilizar para planificar lo que tenemos que hacer para llegar a tiempo a una cita el pr\u00f3ximo martes?", "output": [ "What kind of memory can we use to plan what we have to do to arrive on time for an appointment next Tuesday?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0db12e333b4b434ead9a5fb4725e314a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes emociones facilita m\u00e1s intensamente las conductas de escape?", "output": [ "Which of the following emotions facilitates more exhaustive behaviors?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ae243884d09d453a8b8c418c061874ef", "input": "La cantidad m\u00ednima de estimulaci\u00f3n auditiva necesaria para comenzar a identificar la letra de un tema musical constituye un umbral", "output": [ "The minimum amount of auditory stimulation needed to begin to identify the lyrics of a song is a threshold" ] }, { "id": "task1433-467eea49646a449aa9e2f66aa1caa727", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de aprendizaje se manifiesta sin que exista un refuerzo obvio?", "output": [ "What kind of learning manifests itself without obvious reinforcement?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f63227d0c945417c9ec4e7b26f681dca", "input": "Si le propongo a un amigo que resuelva un problema como el de la torre de Hanoi, estar\u00e9 proponi\u00e9ndole un problema de", "output": [ "If I propose to a friend to solve a problem like the tower in Hanoi, I will be proposing a problem of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-60fa2c522b4d4c049482cb54a580b5cc", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 trastorno del sue\u00f1o con inicio en la infancia y adolescencia presenta menor incidencia familiar?", "output": [ "What sleep disorder with onset in childhood and adolescence has a lower family incidence?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-91e35771d87240819d690d84dacdbe07", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracter\u00edstica o dimensi\u00f3n de la atenci\u00f3n es m\u00e1s relevante cuando el ni\u00f1o busca una pintura de color rojo en su estuche escolar lleno de pinturas de otros colores?", "output": [ "What feature or dimension of attention is most relevant when the child looks for a red paint in his school case full of other colors?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ca2990e0c1374c408f5e2e3bbb6a3bab", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes NO es un componente del entrenamiento en cama seca para la enuresis?", "output": [ "Which of the following is NOT a component of dry bed training for bedwetting?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a67121966e1f436e8b96f1903bf441ff", "input": "Seg\u00fan la teor\u00eda de Rehm, \u00bfqu\u00e9 fallo del proceso de autocontrol explica en mayor medida la visi\u00f3n pesimista de la vida en la depresi\u00f3n adolescente?", "output": [ "According to Rehm's theory, what failure of the self-control process explains to a greater extent the pessimistic view of life in adolescent depression?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bd9b317d4a9d4fe8b238f9e1d1785a27", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 grado de discapacidad mental corresponde a un cociente intelectual de treinta y seis?", "output": [ "What degree of mental disability corresponds to an IQ of thirty-six?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-351ba7185cd440d19efe59927cc83a1a", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 fases del sue\u00f1o se producen los episodios enur\u00e9ticos?", "output": [ "In what phases of the dream do the enuretic episodes occur?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3302562b944d47c18ece9dbdf891f34c", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 teor\u00eda explicativa de las fobias infantiles se relaciona m\u00e1s estrechamente el efecto Napalkov?", "output": [ "With what explanatory theory of childhood phobias is the Napalkov effect more closely related?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ab5d28edf2e942b8983eb2b8875f7daf", "input": "El martes despu\u00e9s de cenar un ni\u00f1o de ocho a\u00f1os pide permiso para jugar con la videoconsola, pero los padres se niegan porque es tarde y debe acostarse para ir al colegio al d\u00eda siguiente. El ni\u00f1o empieza a dar la murga hasta conseguir que los padres cedan. Seg\u00fan el planteamiento te\u00f3rico del proceso de coacci\u00f3n familiar de Patterson, \u00bfqu\u00e9 le sucede a la conducta de ceder de los padres?", "output": [ "On Tuesday after dinner an eight-year-old boy asks permission to play with the video game console, but the parents refuse because it is too late and he has to go to bed the next day. The child starts giving the murga until the parents give in. According to the theoretical approach of Patterson's family coercion process, what happens to the parental giving behavior?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2fdc5da7c7b9402f860047b9d92cd3fb", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 d\u00e9ficit mineral especialmente se ha observado en casos de pica?", "output": [ "What mineral deficit has been especially observed in pica cases?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4d8d0d2888cd439581de55a3f9f2728e", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 tipo de tareas se manifiestan especialmente los problemas atencionales caracter\u00edsticos del trastorno por d\u00e9ficit de atenci\u00f3n con hiperactividad?", "output": [ "In what kind of tasks do the attentional problems characteristic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder manifest themselves?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39135edc1edb403a8920eeaa1878b713", "input": "Un adolescente con trastorno obsesivocompulsivo telefonea al Servicio M\u00e9dico de Informaci\u00f3n Toxicol\u00f3gica para preguntar si puede utilizar sin peligro un insecticida para cucarachas. \u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina esta conducta de escape?", "output": [ "A teenager with obsessive-compulsive disorder phones the Toxicological Information Service to ask if he can safely use an insecticide for cockroaches. What is the name of this escape behavior?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-75e2df2bc8a6482eb291bdad4824c945", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 autor propone que la estructura y funciones de la personalidad se organizan en tres niveles rasgos disposicionales, intereses o preocupaciones personales e historia de vida?", "output": [ "What author proposes that the structure and functions of the personality are organized in three levels dispositional traits, personal interests or concerns and life history?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9ebcb39e8dda40f1a00efa7277418929", "input": "Seg\u00fan la teor\u00eda del aprendizaje social de J.B. Rotter, tanto las expectativas generales como las espec\u00edficas son", "output": [ "According to the theory of social learning of J.B. Rotter, both general and specific expectations are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f9ad5c810bb348daa74107a775dbb4be", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 constructo hace referencia al grado en que las personas son capaces de expresar compromiso, control y desaf\u00edo en sus acciones, pensamientos y sentimientos?", "output": [ "What construct refers to the degree to which people are able to express commitment, control and challenge in their actions, thoughts and feelings?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8bb5c3326dab49aaa67390f0aee21554", "input": "El Life Orientation Test (LOT desarrollado por Scheier y Carver en 1985) es un test que mide", "output": [ "The Life Orientation Test (LOT developed by Scheier and Carver in 1985) is a test that measures" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c6593b769bb348b5a221ece5b79bd7f9", "input": "En el marco de la Teor\u00eda de la Autodiscrepancia (E.T. Higgins), a los aspectos del yo que contienen informaci\u00f3n sobre las aspiraciones, metas, expectativas o deseos, se les denomina", "output": [ "Within the framework of the Theory of Self-Discrepancy (E.T. Higgins), aspects of the self that contain information about aspirations, goals, expectations or desires are called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-64f2407f3a554099b17835a402a29b8e", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 autor propone un modelo de personalidad con dimensiones de temperamento y de car\u00e1cter?", "output": [ "Which author proposes a personality model with dimensions of temperament and character ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-143a1e5d09e949718a94926947eb1d74", "input": "Los Cinco Grandes son dimensiones del funcionamiento personal que se han obtenido del an\u00e1lisis de", "output": [ "The Big Five are dimensions of personal functioning that have been obtained from the analysis of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f820b5d44a574493b61d66851f3b8c86", "input": "Para R.B. Cattell, los datos T corresponder\u00edan a la informaci\u00f3n recogida a trav\u00e9s de", "output": [ "For R.B. Cattell, the T data would correspond to the information collected through" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f61c1165682c4e7cb9ffd79cdfcf3385", "input": "Teniendo en cuenta las relaciones entre la teor\u00eda de los cuatro temperamentos y el modelo de personalidad de H.J. Eysenck, un temperamento col\u00e9rico corresponder\u00e1 a una persona", "output": [ "Taking into account the relationships between the theory of the four temperaments and the personality model of H.J. Eysenck, an angry temper will correspond to a person" ] }, { "id": "task1433-beb66e6e337a40e7bb72057d30528326", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracter\u00edsticas aumentan la fiabilidad de la evaluaci\u00f3n psicofisiol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "What characteristics increase the reliability of the psychophysiological evaluation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-efef09dd64ac4324b14c232a6bdc5839", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracteriza a las t\u00e9cnicas objetivas de evaluaci\u00f3n psicofisiol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "What characterizes the objective techniques of psychophysiological evaluation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f996cc8d0a2497a81e922ac5d48f6dc", "input": "La Reactividad es considerada como una fuente de error al utilizar la Observaci\u00f3n como m\u00e9todo de obtenci\u00f3n de informaci\u00f3n \u00bfde d\u00f3nde procede?", "output": [ "Reactivity is considered a source of error when using Observation as a method of obtaining information. Where does it come from?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8adcc0b949054b7d84133afbb61164af", "input": "El Informe psicol\u00f3gico debe tener la posibilidad de", "output": [ "The psychological report must have the possibility of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2383ad3d19b443df916b3c50afb501d7", "input": "El informe de tipo verbal puede ser tambi\u00e9n considerado como", "output": [ "The verbal type report can also be considered as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f9032cde5fb94cd097132a2de59d525f", "input": "Siguiendo la clasificaci\u00f3n de Pervin (1979) y Campbell (1953-1957) sobre los M\u00e9todos de recogida de informaci\u00f3n, se\u00f1ale una de las t\u00e9cnicas representativa de la metodolog\u00eda psicom\u00e9trica", "output": [ "Following the classification of Pervin (1979) and Campbell (1953-1957) on the methods of collecting information, point out one of the techniques representative of the psychometric methodology" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2fe874f20ec04d35811eb17fcb8e7c82", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 tipo de t\u00e9cnica puede ser encuadrado el Cuestionario Multif\u00e1sico de Evaluaci\u00f3n de la Personalidad de Minnesota?", "output": [ "In what kind of technique can the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Assessment Questionnaire be framed?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6bb1cd29f3f042a4a61371a60c348415", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 tipo de puntuaciones se encuentra baremado el Cuestionario Multif\u00e1sico de Evaluaci\u00f3n de la Personalidad de Minnesota para que nos pueda permitir elaborar un juicio diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "In what kind of scores is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Assessment Questionnaire scaled so that it can allow us to make a diagnostic judgment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2367e944a49348cd8fe0f333d8947558", "input": "\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 modelo de la Evaluaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica son propias la T\u00e9cnica de Rejilla y otras apropiadas para evaluar los significados del sujeto?", "output": [ "From which model of the psychological evaluation are the grid techniques and others appropriate to evaluate the meanings of the subject?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-491a49aa064845da884796b4911b6cbb", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 modelo de Evaluaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica contempla conjuntamente los objetivos b\u00e1sicos de Descripci\u00f3n, Clasificaci\u00f3n, Comparaci\u00f3n y Predicci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What model of psychological evaluation jointly contemplates the basic objectives of Description, Classification, Comparison and Prediction?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f247333db89947d4899c0d409702ea38", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el modelo de Evaluaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica cuyo supuesto b\u00e1sico es que la conducta anormal est\u00e1 asociada a factores end\u00f3genos o internos, ya sean biol\u00f3gicos o intraps\u00edquicos, cuyo objeto de estudio es el s\u00edntoma, que nos va a permitir construir s\u00edndromes y posteriormente poder aplicar un tratamiento?", "output": [ "What is the model of psychological evaluation whose basic assumption is that abnormal behavior is associated with endogenous or internal factors, whether biological or intrapsychic, whose object of study is the symptom, which will allow us to build syndromes and subsequently be able to apply a treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-823a9e577ae74237a974c253f972aef4", "input": "En la historia de la Evaluaci\u00f3n Psicol\u00f3gica, la Fisiognom\u00eda aristot\u00e9lica deja sentir su influencia en los trabajos posteriores de los autores", "output": [ "In the history of the Psychological Evaluation, the Aristotelian Physiognomy makes its influence felt in the later works of the authors" ] }, { "id": "task1433-32026eff115b475d8a4c92bc9ab349fa", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 afirmaci\u00f3n es correcta respecto a las t\u00e9cnicas objetivas en evaluaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "Which statement is correct regarding the objective techniques in psychological evaluation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e8d867cae9bb4f2e8e24a8f13c688837", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es CORRECTA respecto a las t\u00e9cnicas subjetivas?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is CORRECT with respect to subjective techniques?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1d28c105f4cc407d8319b92c091d5950", "input": "Para evaluar el desarrollo social en la infancia y adolescencia, \u00bfqu\u00e9 factores influyen en la selecci\u00f3n de los procedimientos id\u00f3neos?", "output": [ "To assess social development in childhood and adolescence, what factors influence the selection of suitable procedures?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-80cf648e107344269e3f508e9ef04682", "input": "\u00bfRespecto a qu\u00e9 problemas psicol\u00f3gicos son m\u00e1s elevadas las correlaciones entre los distintos informantes consultados en evaluaci\u00f3n infantil?", "output": [ "With respect to which psychological problems are the correlations between the different informants consulted in child evaluation higher?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c84c272c41f94d95924bea1cbdd8b6f9", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les de las siguientes pruebas se encuadra dentro de los Test de factor G?", "output": [ "Which of the following tests fits within the G-Factor Tests?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-525f67f6f41744d2aac5bc9393a4aad4", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 ventajas tienen los inventarios empleados habitualmente en evaluaci\u00f3n infantil?", "output": [ "What are the advantages of the inventories usually used in child assessment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a3ee0fd9276e4743a9e085045a8ac070", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 aspecto/s caracteriza/n la evaluaci\u00f3n de los problemas infantiles en comparaci\u00f3n con la evaluaci\u00f3n de adultos?", "output": [ "What aspects characterize the evaluation of children's problems compared to the evaluation of adults?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-40a29f373bbf4477b7893ef76b47a2da", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 estrategias de muestreo podemos utilizar cuando llevamos a cabo una observaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What sampling strategies can we use when we carry out an observation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-18072873a9654133b5a7722aea6c51ab", "input": "La Tendencia de respuesta es una importante fuente de error que merman la calidad de", "output": [ "The response trend is an important source of error that diminishes the quality of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68515906bf95477e88ffee72193bc7ad", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 actitud debe mostrar el evaluador en la primera entrevista?", "output": [ "What attitude should the evaluator show in the first interview?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5d1bc747888c4c93a735370ac3f5a5c5", "input": "Atendiendo a la finalidad de la entrevista \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la respuesta CORRECTA?", "output": [ "Given the purpose of the interview, what would be the CORRECT response?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e45bade167714cabbc515716fd0292a1", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 criterios de calidad debe cumplir un instrumento de evaluaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "What quality criteria must a psychological assessment instrument meet?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-38401ddfbc7e43d594513a27a1b62c17", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracteriza a las t\u00e9cnicas proyectivas?", "output": [ "What characterizes the projective techniques?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-89d9ef6f09d14e8d8905379080134a53", "input": "Dentro de la Evaluaci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica, los Autorregistros, como estrategia para obtener informaci\u00f3n, \u00bfc\u00f3mo pueden ser considerados?", "output": [ "Within the Psychological Evaluation, the Self Registers, as a strategy to obtain information, how can they be considered?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4cbe00b7530d4ba4a06e76fc46d898ca", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracter\u00edstica es cierta con respecto a los test referidos al criterio?", "output": [ "What characteristic is true with respect to the tests referred to the criterion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3fb4a5befc5e4d9bbcefb7dfdf0e6fd4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes m\u00e9todos de c\u00e1lculo de la fiabilidad no puede llevarse a cabo con una sola aplicaci\u00f3n del test?", "output": [ "Which of the following reliability calculation methods can not be carried out with a single application of the test?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b2a31df548b6461ea7d97cbf4b322051", "input": "En una distribuci\u00f3n de frecuencias, \u00bfc\u00f3mo denominamos al n\u00famero de veces que se repite en la muestra un determinado valor de la variable o cualquier otro valor inferior?", "output": [ "In a frequency distribution, how do we call the number of times a variable value or any other lower value repeats in the sample?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f921db867069457cabb343af243a3def", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas igualdades es INCORRECTA?", "output": [ "Which of these equalities is INCORRECT?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4bc6c55be2d34f7da09a7e9bd8d0ea78", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el modelo de muestreo cuyo principio es acceder directamente a las aglomeraciones naturales de unidades en la poblaci\u00f3n? (obreros en f\u00e1bricas, estudiantes en universidades\u2026)", "output": [ "What is the sampling model whose principle is to directly access the natural agglomerations of units in the population? (workers in factories, students in universities ...)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d878aa1d9fc244698d1fbfc82e01257e", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas representaciones gr\u00e1ficas emplear\u00eda para examinar la relaci\u00f3n entre dos o m\u00e1s variables cuantitativas?", "output": [ "Which of these graphical representations would you use to examine the relationship between two or more quantitative variables?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cdd50659c8bf485594a9598879326cbc", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes t\u00e9cnicas de an\u00e1lisis multivariado analiza la covariaci\u00f3n presentada por un conjunto de variables m\u00e9tricas, susceptibles de ser sintetizadas en un conjunto de factores comunes que subyacen tras ellas?", "output": [ "Which of the following multivariate analysis techniques analyzes the covariation presented by a set of metric variables, susceptible of being synthesized in a set of common factors that lie behind them?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-49b74fa85e8849eda4d45ae7e247e84d", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 tipo de validez hace referencia el grado de confianza con el que puede inferirse que las relaciones de causa-efecto entre las variables de una investigaci\u00f3n son interpretables en el sentido sugerido por el investigador?", "output": [ "What kind of validity does the degree of confidence refer to, with which it can be inferred that the cause-effect relationships between the variables of an investigation are interpretable in the sense suggested by the researcher?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0e9f6eda1b8d4631a6419fe912e6b49d", "input": "Los dise\u00f1os de cuadrado latino son un tipo de", "output": [ "The Latin square designs are a type of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f21e8d0cd2174ddeb56e86cc2db23c0f", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de formato tiene este \u00edtem? El alcohol es bueno tomado con moderaci\u00f3n \uf02d Totalmente en desacuerdo. \uf02d En desacuerdo. \uf02d Me es indiferente. \uf02d De acuerdo. \uf02d Totalmente de acuerdo. ", "output": [ "What type of format does this item have? Alcohol is good taken in moderation \uf02d Strongly disagree. \uf02d Disagree. \uf02d I am indifferent. \uf02d Agree. \uf02d Strongly agree. " ] }, { "id": "task1433-032d872c8c7a448ca17446cd11e0f8e0", "input": "En un dise\u00f1o cuasiexperimental", "output": [ "In a quasi-experimental design" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1fe84df1c33e45be8be77039e50ba60d", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 conclusi\u00f3n se llega en la teor\u00eda de Asch sobre los efectos del contexto en la percepci\u00f3n social?", "output": [ "What conclusion is reached in Asch's theory about the effects of context on social perception?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-23cf05bd31a1415fac2ef5cda0d6220c", "input": "En determinadas ocasiones, cuando nos formamos una impresi\u00f3n de los dem\u00e1s, nos influyen nuestras creencias acerca de los rasgos que van unidos en las personas. \u00bfQu\u00e9 teor\u00edas ponen este hecho de relieve?", "output": [ "On certain occasions, when we form an impression of others, we are influenced by our beliefs about the traits that go together in people. What theories put this fact in relief?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f6f200ae4aac4376833017ebfe75f578", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina la tendencia a pensar que los dem\u00e1s se comportan como uno mismo en una determinada situaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What is the tendency to think that others behave as oneself in a certain situation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ed5fada84c6f4d868855c1cc00893b41", "input": "Imagine que se encuentra en el supermercado con su vecina y observa que tiene un morat\u00f3n en el ojo. \u00bfQu\u00e9 heur\u00edstico estar\u00eda aplicando si sobreestima la posibilidad de que se deba a un problema de maltrato?", "output": [ "Imagine that you are in the supermarket with your neighbor and notice that you have a bruise on your eye. What heuristic would be applied if it overestimates the possibility that it is due to a problem of abuse?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-97194a93dc284d74be5e8debfa078b7f", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 teor\u00eda explicar\u00eda nuestra necesidad de reducir o eliminar el malestar psicol\u00f3gico producido cuando tenemos que elegir entre dos alternativas igualmente atractivas?", "output": [ "What theory would explain our need to reduce or eliminate the psychological distress produced when we have to choose between two equally attractive alternatives?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82189d7585964e539bcb1f0bb8bd8446", "input": "De acuerdo con la Teor\u00eda de la Acci\u00f3n Planificada de Ajzen, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el determinante directo de la conducta?", "output": [ "According to Ajzen's Theory of Planned Action, what would be the direct determinant of the behavior?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe0f36c1e964416895999d7d61fdf5ce", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con el proceso de formaci\u00f3n de impresiones, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 hace referencia el fen\u00f3meno de la Defensa Perceptiva?", "output": [ "In relation to the process of formation of impressions, what does the phenomenon of Perceptual Defense refer to?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6fc8bb6e6bdd40e3b62b7c81bbf5df2d", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la afirmaci\u00f3n CORRECTA acerca del programa de tratamiento del trastorno negativista desafiante creado por Barkley", "output": [ "Point out the CORRECT statement about the treatment program for the challenging defiant disorder created by Barkley" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ab8d8d1d5a04525aa075afdbdfb9221", "input": "\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 tipo de intervenciones en los problemas de conducta infantiles y juveniles ha servido como modelo conceptual la teor\u00eda de la coerci\u00f3n de Patterson?", "output": [ "For what kind of interventions in the problems of child and youth behavior has Patterson's theory of coercion served as a conceptual model?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-530b0faf5c2a4bee86fe5b5577586d35", "input": "\u00bfPara cu\u00e1l de los siguientes problemas infantiles se ha demostrado la eficacia de la t\u00e9cnica del modelado simb\u00f3lico?", "output": [ "For which of the following children's problems has the effectiveness of the symbolic modeling technique been demonstrated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02d010e82a264b968edb541d9deb0d03", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 modelo se basan los programas de intervenci\u00f3n empleados con m\u00e1s \u00e9xito en el tratamiento temprano del autismo infantil?", "output": [ "On what model are the intervention programs most successful in the early treatment of childhood autism based?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-48f1fb65dc054cf18b87bd041a4d5dec", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 t\u00e9cnica, fundamentada en la teor\u00eda del aprendizaje social, se considera bien establecida para el tratamiento de los miedos infantiles?", "output": [ "What technique, based on the theory of social learning, is considered well established for the treatment of childhood fears?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c6e11be995d4e178acc8c952fb2f893", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les se consideran los componentes del procedimiento de inversi\u00f3n del h\u00e1bito para el tratamiento de los tics?", "output": [ "What are the components of the habit inversion procedure for the treatment of tics?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-070944a968314f1eaee3a1c8affb5786", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una ventaja del m\u00e9todo de la alarma para el tratamiento de la enuresis?", "output": [ "Which of the following is an advantage of the alarm method for the treatment of enuresis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4aa8c68a59f146b1adfeeb912e67a9e6", "input": "El programa de Deblinger y Heflin (1996) para el tratamiento de menores que han sufrido abuso sexual se fundamenta en diferentes m\u00f3dulos, entre los que se encuentra", "output": [ "The program of Deblinger and Heflin (1996) for the treatment of minors who have suffered sexual abuse is based on different modules, among which is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e337636690f7454fa4ffbb161b34a84b", "input": "El tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n para el Trastorno por Estr\u00e9s Postraum\u00e1tico en la infancia es", "output": [ "The treatment of choice for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in childhood is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2a2c46a8d2444ec1bfd67d81776ebbbb", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 autor o autores se asocia La Entrevista Motivacional?", "output": [ "With what author or authors is the Motivational Interview associated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe4ea406f546456098ab4e293ecdb0e8", "input": "\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 tipo de adicci\u00f3n se ha demostrado ser un tratamiento bien establecido el programa de reforzamiento comunitario m\u00e1s terapia de incentivo?", "output": [ "For what type of addiction has the community reinforcement program plus incentive therapy been proven to be a well-established treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d26d719c00ea4bd7b9e29e49cac4b43e", "input": "En el tratamiento de alcoholismo, \u00bfen qu\u00e9 se basa la Terapia de Exposici\u00f3n a pistas de la conducta de beber?", "output": [ "In the treatment of alcoholism, what is Exposure Therapy based on the behavior of drinking?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-49a954467df5419c965dcaf16a7805cf", "input": "Desde la perspectiva cognitivo comportamental, para el tratamiento del trastorno esquizot\u00edpico de la personalidad se recomienda", "output": [ "From the behavioral cognitive perspective, for the treatment of schizotypal personality disorder it is recommended" ] }, { "id": "task1433-afa459105cf1470688e52a3fbdb5d098", "input": "La terapia basada en la mentalizaci\u00f3n se centra en", "output": [ "The therapy based on mentalization focuses on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-55f2a6218e2f4776bf49fed784c488c2", "input": "La terapia de esquemas de Young para los trastornos de personalidad deriva de", "output": [ "Young's schema therapy for personality disorders derives from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6842117259541eeb4daf2735fc85eeb", "input": "Entre las estrategias de Regulaci\u00f3n Emocional, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes ser\u00eda una estrategia de aceptaci\u00f3n dentro de las terapias cognitivoconductuales?", "output": [ "Among the strategies of Emotional Regulation, which of the following would be an acceptance strategy within cognitive-behavioral therapies?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6d4fc546b92143b08ab0ec31c8c5550b", "input": "La terapia de Aceptaci\u00f3n y Compromiso se estructura en torno a dos conceptos centrales, \u00bfcu\u00e1les son?", "output": [ "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is structured around two central concepts, what are they?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e1fb82046054fdd83d9a0552cce4bcb", "input": "Cuando el entrenamiento en autoinstrucciones se realiza en ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes indicaciones puede NO ayudar al \u00e9xito del entrenamiento?", "output": [ "When training in self-instruction is done in young children, which of the following indications may NOT help the success of the training?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-144e6422f97f41e1b604adb9a4e340cf", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la \u00faltima fase en el procedimiento b\u00e1sico del entrenamiento en autoinstrucciones de Meichenbaum?", "output": [ "What is the last phase in the basic procedure of self-instruction training of Meichenbaum?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d814f5f97cd47c6a0644192d42a4cf9", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 fase de la terapia de resoluci\u00f3n de problemas se utilizan los principios de cantidad, aplazamiento de juicio y variedad?", "output": [ "At what stage of problem-solving therapy are the principles of quantity, deferment of judgment and variety used?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7370bd76dc024225b1770079e36d7581", "input": "Respecto a la t\u00e9cnica de moldeamiento, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas es VERDADERA?", "output": [ "Regarding the molding technique, which of the following characteristics is TRUE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f374a6ef2ff44c18b9c88a82408176d4", "input": "Respecto a la utilizaci\u00f3n de la realidad virtual en exposici\u00f3n, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la respuesta correcta?", "output": [ "Regarding the use of virtual reality on display, what is the correct answer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eec2f3cc36eb4f3e99ecd6120a46bc50", "input": "Respecto a la prevenci\u00f3n de reca\u00eddas en el trastorno depresivo mayor, los datos actuales indican que la terapia cognitiva de la depresi\u00f3n de Beck", "output": [ "Regarding the prevention of relapses in major depressive disorder, current data indicate that the cognitive therapy of Beck's depression" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1d2ea0e620a949cfb98fa9710d2ea504", "input": "Actualmente, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes tratamientos conductuales es considerado un tratamiento eficaz para el trastorno depresivo mayor?", "output": [ "Currently, which of the following behavioral treatments is considered an effective treatment for major depressive disorder?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0a279d9d813448c0bd7e42b7bbc7d849", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 cuatro \u00e1reas problem\u00e1ticas se centra la terapia interpersonal para la depresi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "In which four problem areas does interpersonal therapy for depression focus?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-16ee2e2ae0094ddbb27fbc2b57e343fa", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es la terapia interpersonal del ritmo social (o terapia interpersonal y del ritmo social)?", "output": [ "What is interpersonal therapy of social rhythm (or interpersonal and social rhythm therapy)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe666da36a574848a7b433ddab350cd9", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la RESPUESTA INCORRECTA sobre el protocolo de tratamiento psicol\u00f3gico para la fobia social propuesto por D.M. Clark, A.Wells y colaboradores", "output": [ "Point out the INCORRECT RESPONSE on the psychological treatment protocol for social phobia proposed by D.M. Clark, A. Wells and collaborators" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1ef75f2f69524581bf8d85270a291ea8", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 t\u00e9cnica cognitiva se utiliza en la terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual para ayudar a las personas que tienen dificultades intelectuales?", "output": [ "What cognitive technique is used in Rational Emotive Behavior therapy to help people who have intellectual difficulties?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-29f22df049dd4675afff98756829455c", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 aspecto relacionado con el estilo terap\u00e9utico NO adoptar\u00eda un terapeuta en la terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual?", "output": [ "What aspect related to the therapeutic style would NOT a therapist adopt in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8d0b5cbfc08e46bea8fafdd55fcf9e90", "input": "Cuando la persona \u00fanicamente observa la conducta del modelo y aprende su conducta o pautas de acci\u00f3n, sin reproducirla durante la sesi\u00f3n de entrenamiento \u00bfqu\u00e9 tipo de modelado es?", "output": [ "When the person only observes the behavior of the model and learns its behavior or patterns of action, without reproducing it during the training session, what type of modeling is it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68e09d8ae45a4b9a88bb13ba7303bb98", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 modelo de Terapia Familiar plantea que el cambio se produce cuando se reemplaza el juego familiar patol\u00f3gico por otro juego menos perjudicial?", "output": [ "What model of Family Therapy states that the change occurs when the pathological family game is replaced by another less harmful game?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bdedcd29cd4848359f69fbcee3662710", "input": "\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 sirve la t\u00e9cnica de la flecha descendente en la terapia cognitiva de la depresi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What is the use of the descending arrow technique in the cognitive therapy of depression?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2989a6e8d0a44590ae0752d26da7eff4", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 aspecto en com\u00fan tienen los tratamientos conductuales para el trastorno depresivo mayor?", "output": [ "What do behavioral treatments for major depressive disorder have in common?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-45b8cfb8869b4dfa94bdc976732162ff", "input": "En el tratamiento del trastorno depresivo mayor, \u00bfqu\u00e9 ventajas tienen los inhibidores selectivos de la recaptaci\u00f3n de la serotonina (ISRS) en comparaci\u00f3n a los antidepresivos tric\u00edclicos?", "output": [ "In the treatment of major depressive disorder, what are the advantages of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) compared to tricyclic antidepressants?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa01eae47f9843898e8dba10836feee7", "input": "Entre las diferencias en el tratamiento de los trastornos afectivos entre la terapia cognitiva de Beck y la terapia interpersonal, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes es CORRECTA?", "output": [ "Among the differences in the treatment of affective disorders between Beck's cognitive therapy and interpersonal therapy, which of the following is CORRECT?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e74e294097434a3b8511a944be16a4e1", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes intervenciones NO forma parte del entrenamiento en h\u00e1bitos defecatorios para el tratamiento de la encorpresis?", "output": [ "Which of the following interventions is NOT part of the training in defecatory habits for the treatment of corporpresis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0660233f63ea47d0b23385f975db202a", "input": "En el tratamiento de la depresi\u00f3n, la terapia o entrenamiento en habilidades sociales se centra principalmente en mejorar clases o repertorios de conductas especialmente relevantes para los individuos deprimidos y entre los cuales est\u00e1 la aserci\u00f3n positiva. \u00bfA qu\u00e9 tipo de conductas se refiere la aserci\u00f3n positiva?", "output": [ "In the treatment of depression, therapy or training in social skills focuses mainly on improving classes or repertoires of behaviors that are especially relevant for depressed individuals and among which is the positive assertion. What kind of behavior does the positive assertion refer to?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7d89a0964f56400db56ef964bab4f0fe", "input": "\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 trastorno se emplea frecuentemente la t\u00e9cnica del desvanecimiento estimular?", "output": [ "For which disorder is the technique of fading stimulated frequently used?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-854b152f76814e5689c1c8ae8e7c91d5", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones acerca de la t\u00e9cnica de las im\u00e1genes emotivas es FALSA?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about the technique of emotive images is FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e3b57dab25c48b9bab93aa1a3a05a3d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes alternativas es CORRECTA en relaci\u00f3n al tratamiento del sonambulismo?", "output": [ "Which of the following alternatives is CORRECT in relation to the treatment of sleepwalking?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-296f548c005e4ea7a0e58b329f41ccbb", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una caracter\u00edstica del tratamiento psicofarmacol\u00f3gico del TDAH?", "output": [ "Which of the following is a characteristic of the psychopharmacological treatment of ADHD?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bb8323356d2d4e7597191cb1354c6ebb", "input": "Una de las t\u00e9cnicas m\u00e1s eficaces que se incluyen en los programas de intervenci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica para la disfunci\u00f3n org\u00e1smica femenina primaria es", "output": [ "One of the most effective techniques included in psychological intervention programs for primary female orgasmic dysfunction is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-396f17b02502409cba99beafc7af3b7e", "input": "En la primera etapa del tratamiento cognitivo comportamental de Fairburn para la bulimia nerviosa uno de los objetivos es", "output": [ "In the first stage of Fairburn's behavioral cognitive treatment for bulimia nervosa, one of the objectives is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61d8d0cd046240f5a0aeb1b86b67a39c", "input": "Uno de los objetivos bien establecidos del tratamiento de la anorexia nerviosa es", "output": [ "One of the well-established goals of the treatment of anorexia nervosa is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-18543c9536e844bfbbe76e68e9c987f2", "input": "Existe consenso sobre que el tratamiento de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria debe tener un enfoque", "output": [ "There is consensus that the treatment of eating disorders should have an approach" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c5de04c5112c40b097c856cf9082e892", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes tratamientos NO ha mostrado ser efectivo en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia?", "output": [ "Which of the following treatments has NOT been shown to be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0aefeaa2fb994d6ea8306297af4dd7b0", "input": "La evaluaci\u00f3n del constructo de emoci\u00f3n expresada es especialmente significativa en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia cuando se aplica la siguiente intervenci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The evaluation of the expressed emotion construct is especially significant in the treatment of schizophrenia when the following intervention is applied" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dfb60161d1074a0eaae824fa7e208608", "input": "En el tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico de las alucinaciones y los delirios, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la respuesta correcta?", "output": [ "In the pharmacological treatment of hallucinations and delusions, what is the correct answer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2f90fcdd52d4648843112f825124cfd", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 clase de f\u00e1rmaco es la clozapina?", "output": [ "What kind of drug is clozapine?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aaa1902f2f6c4e788e0351b6c006aa71", "input": "\u00bfEl objetivo de las t\u00e9cnicas de focalizaci\u00f3n para el tratamiento de las alucinaciones auditivas es?", "output": [ "Is the goal of focusing techniques for the treatment of auditory hallucinations?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3db796dc949d46e091ce3c3bac1aeffe", "input": "En el \u00e1mbito de la esquizofrenia se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de los m\u00f3dulos de habilidades sociales para vivir de forma independiente NO forma parte del programa desarrollado por Liberman y colaboradores", "output": [ "In the field of schizophrenia, indicate which of the modules of social skills to live independently is NOT part of the program developed by Liberman and collaborators" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a06716a48f744097b87b9bf1d7646e25", "input": "Los tratamientos psicol\u00f3gicos en el trastorno bipolar comparten varios objetivos terap\u00e9uticos, entre los cuales NO est\u00e1", "output": [ "The psychological treatments in bipolar disorder share several therapeutic objectives, among which is NOT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-75bf9e7c5da54635976b93d82a24e349", "input": "La fototerapia o terapia lum\u00ednica se utiliza para el tratamiento de", "output": [ "Phototherapy or light therapy is used for the treatment of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bd13b63ef140465595f233599e6da0c0", "input": "Uno de los siguientes elementos de la terapia cognitivo-conductual para el trastorno de p\u00e1nico (o trastorno de angustia) ha sido especialmente cuestionado y su utilidad se ha minimizado. Indique cu\u00e1l", "output": [ "One of the following elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder (or panic disorder) has been especially questioned and its utility has been minimized. Indicate which" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2772e7ed29f4c9395e65434a96df2a6", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos ha mostrado en estudios controlados que puede aumentar la eficacia de la terapia de exposici\u00f3n en el tratamiento de las fobias espec\u00edficas?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs has shown in controlled studies that can increase the effectiveness of exposure therapy in the treatment of specific phobias?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44cd10b978364978b1582e310bfc0255", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de los siguientes trastornos de ansiedad se considera que no existe un tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico de elecci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "In which of the following anxiety disorders is considered that there is no pharmacological treatment of choice?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-874c93154ed543c09400b5ec4c7a7e10", "input": "El entrenamiento sistem\u00e1tico para la redirecci\u00f3n de la atenci\u00f3n a aspectos o est\u00edmulos externos positivos para contrarrestar el exceso de autoconciencia, forma parte de los protocolos de tratamiento psicol\u00f3gico especialmente para", "output": [ "Systematic training for the redirection of attention to aspects or positive external stimuli to counteract the excess of self-consciousness, is part of the psychological treatment protocols especially for" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1632011a3d834ebda94e42a74dd3c058", "input": "El tratamiento psicol\u00f3gico del trastorno de ansiedad generalizada centrado en el abordaje de las creencias negativas sobre las preocupaciones (p.e., que las preocupaciones son incontrolables) y de las creencias positivas disfuncionales sobre la utilidad de preocuparse (p.e., que la preocupaci\u00f3n mejora los resultados) se conoce como", "output": [ "The psychological treatment of generalized anxiety disorder focused on addressing negative beliefs about concerns (eg, that worries are uncontrollable) and positive dysfunctional beliefs about the usefulness of caring (eg, that worry improves outcomes) known as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d46a8c6d593f4befa70f0bbb1e3f374f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos ser\u00eda el m\u00e1s indicado inicialmente en un paciente con un trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs would be the most indicated initially in a patient with an obsessive-compulsive disorder?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3d15611a7cdd422e8aefc789fc6fd9f6", "input": "Las benzodiacepinas disminuyen la ansiedad debido a que funcionan como", "output": [ "Benzodiazepines reduce anxiety because they work as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84c47a2777b743aaa8fb4c6bb1e5d95a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los l\u00edderes de la Escuela Estructural/Estrat\u00e9gica de la Terapia Sist\u00e9mica?", "output": [ "What are the leaders of the Structural / Strategic School of Systemic Therapy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c46bd1ed19854d778bfdd26e7a726775", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 autor psicoanal\u00edtico trabajaba de una manera diferente a Freud, sent\u00e1ndose frente a frente, con sesiones de una vez por semana y su tratamiento rara vez exced\u00eda de un a\u00f1o?", "output": [ "What psychoanalytic author worked in a different way to Freud, sitting face to face, with sessions once a week and his treatment rarely exceeding one year?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84e1877f5f2843a8949e9fbb4ddd1c3a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes tratamientos psicofarmacol\u00f3gicos NO estar\u00eda indicado en el tratamiento a largo plazo de una persona con un diagn\u00f3stico de trastorno de ansiedad generalizada?", "output": [ "Which of the following psychopharmacological treatments would NOT be indicated in the long-term treatment of a person diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-29dc630cf7e241caa34c7b5ef535adff", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 autor se asocia el desarrollo y evaluaci\u00f3n de la terapia cognitivo-conductual en grupo como tratamiento de referencia (gold standard) para la fobia social?", "output": [ "With which author is associated the development and evaluation of cognitive-behavioral therapy in group as a gold standard treatment for social phobia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5db5eeb1bcb6466688b5cd041387b88e", "input": "La mejor estrategia para proporcionar informaci\u00f3n a los pacientes con c\u00e1ncer es", "output": [ "The best strategy to provide information to patients with cancer is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a15fe997962041089dd7e968b00b1a11", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes alteraciones se encuentra dentro de las alteraciones de la conciencia corporal?", "output": [ "Which of the following alterations is found within the alterations of the corporal conscience?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f8870e9f43634b4a80a05e5565ba9520", "input": "En el funcionamiento de la atenci\u00f3n en sujetos ansiosos, si lo comparamos con las personas no ansiosas, \u00bfqu\u00e9 se puede decir?", "output": [ "In the operation of the attention in anxious subjects, if we compare it with the non-anxious people, what can be said?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-faf21474842c441bab5fc791108e6b37", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el t\u00e9rmino m\u00e1s utilizado para designar el grado m\u00e1s intenso de distraibilidad y la ausencia completa de atenci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What is the most commonly used term to designate the most intense degree of distraction and the complete absence of attention?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-07582dca033243a1b090a37d1025cdfc", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de anomal\u00edas son la Micropsia y autometamorfopsia?", "output": [ "What type of anomalies are the Micropsy and autometamorphopsia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d062f3d1e6634ad1bcb5d42bd3fad4c7", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de imagen aparece cuando el individuo no fija su atenci\u00f3n en ella y, por el contrario, desaparece cuando se concentra en la experiencia?", "output": [ "What kind of image appears when the individual does not fixate his attention on it and, on the contrary, disappears when he concentrates on the experience?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ba81679ac83746e0a3da8ef7c6494bfc", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es una de las diferencias entre enfermos de Alzheimer y subcorticales (especialmente Huntington y Parkinson)?", "output": [ "What is one of the differences between Alzheimer's and subcortical patients (especially Huntington and Parkinson's)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8d5e53a13ea4c55bf9437d938bf7334", "input": "En caso de convulsiones de tipo epil\u00e9ptico, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de estos datos nos permitir\u00eda afirmar que se trata de crisis hist\u00e9ricas, y no de crisis epil\u00e9pticas?", "output": [ "In the case of epileptic seizures, which of these data would allow us to state that it is hysterical crisis, and not epileptic seizures?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-286edffa3f9248f29069f34902f9e390", "input": "Los tics pueden asociarse a conductas alteradas que surgen en un momento determinado. Cuando los s\u00edntomas aparecen entre los 35 y los 45 a\u00f1os, seg\u00fan la clasificaci\u00f3n de Shapiro, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 tic nos referimos?", "output": [ "Tics can be associated with altered behaviors that arise at a certain time. When the symptoms appear between 35 and 45 years, according to Shapiro's classification, to what tic we refer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2560eb0a7524cb5aa754395373e579b", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina el trastorno psicomotor que puede aparecer en un individuo que ha consumido fenotiacinas durante un periodo prolongado de tiempo?", "output": [ "What is the psychomotor disorder that can appear in an individual who has used phenothiazines for a prolonged period of time?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-88dee78fe9744818bd9e06149220a7c1", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es el estupor catat\u00f3nico?", "output": [ "What is catatonic stupor?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e9b28c1cf7574285b79bb4485b4d12e2", "input": "Seg\u00fan la Escala de Trastornos del Pensamiento, el Lenguaje y la Comunicaci\u00f3n (Andreasen, 1979), cual es la definici\u00f3n de Habla Distra\u00edda", "output": [ "According to the Scale of Thought Disorders, Language and Communication (Andreasen, 1979), what is the definition of Distracted Speech" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8c76a4818114083a24cecae21b478b2", "input": "La caracter\u00edstica de los delirios que hace referencia al mantenimiento del delirio a lo largo del tiempo, a pesar de las evidencias en contra es", "output": [ "The characteristic of delusions that refers to the maintenance of delirium over time, despite the evidence against is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-016c64f7a12048918c24894982940342", "input": "Indica cuales de los siguientes es un Delirio Primario seg\u00fan Jaspers", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following is a Primary Delirium according to Jaspers" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d262fe8339514da69698f36a8e12dc57", "input": "La atmosfera delirante se define como", "output": [ "The delirious atmosphere is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-05422677bc3b4bf195b18dd241027d45", "input": "La idea delirante corporal se define como", "output": [ "The bodily delusion idea is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8d1e5d4a519a4d6f98cee238746d099d", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 estadio est\u00e1 la persona cuando comienzan a equilibrarse las consecuencias positivas y negativas del consumo de drogas y, como consecuencia de ello, empiezan a plantearse dejar de consumir, aunque b\u00e1sicamente mantienen su ambivalencia en este balance decisional?", "output": [ "At what stage is the person when they begin to balance the positive and negative consequences of drug use and, as a result, begin to consider stopping consumption, but basically maintain their ambivalence in this decisional balance?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-329b7c2981a5413f861c23c9033d49da", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 nombre recibe el episodio con s\u00edntomas psic\u00f3ticos que se produce tras una fuerte intoxicaci\u00f3n alcoh\u00f3lica en la que el individuo ha estado consumiendo dosis grandes de alcohol durante varios d\u00edas?", "output": [ "What name does the episode receive with psychotic symptoms that occur after a strong alcohol intoxication in which the individual has been consuming large doses of alcohol for several days?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3520b788e956460f8ef3df5b9a936d27", "input": "Cuando la memoria se adapta a la presencia de una droga (por ej., subsensibilizando receptores, sintetizando nuevas prote\u00ednas de membrana) de tal forma que la capacidad de la droga (ej., en el alcohol para desordenar las membranas neuronales) es cada vez menor, estamos hablando de", "output": [ "When memory adapts to the presence of a drug (eg, subsensitizing receptors, synthesizing new membrane proteins) in such a way that the ability of the drug (eg, in alcohol to disrupt neuronal membranes) is increasingly minor, we are talking about" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e69a9a7453b04b8d9268e5bff3b0a3b8", "input": "El dolor opresivo/tirante, de ligera a moderada intensidad, de localizaci\u00f3n bilateral y que no empeora con la actividad f\u00edsica rutinaria, es el que ocurre en", "output": [ "The oppressive / tightening pain, of light to moderate intensity, of bilateral localization and that does not worsen with routine physical activity, is what occurs in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e669a0f0cb64c588ed6499e62a6c6df", "input": "\u00bfLa actividad neural aferente de los nocioceptores perif\u00e9ricos est\u00e1 modulada en el asta dorsal de la m\u00e9dula, que act\u00faa como una puerta que impide o no el paso de los impulsos nerviosos que proceden de los nocioceptores y del c\u00f3rtex, se refiere a?", "output": [ "The afferent neural activity of the peripheral nocioceptors is modulated in the dorsal horn of the marrow, which acts as a door that prevents or does not allow the passage of nerve impulses that come from the nocioceptors and the cortex, refers to?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7fcd4c8352d246dea18bf4c2d0c66dd4", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que favorece la aparici\u00f3n de placas ateroscler\u00f3ticas?", "output": [ "What favors the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-65ec3e197daa45969ab421c6f033ca5d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el modelo que afirma que las conductas de salud est\u00e1n determinadas por la percepci\u00f3n de susceptibilidad personal a la enfermedad y a la gravedad percibida de las consecuencias de la enfermedad?", "output": [ "What is the model that states that health behaviors are determined by the perception of personal susceptibility to the disease and the perceived severity of the consequences of the disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ecf9f61ef9d34298a070795c8b7cb8ff", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 nos referimos cuando un m\u00e9dico cree con firmeza en su tratamiento, a pesar de que los estudios controlados hayan demostrado su ineficacia, los resultados que obtenga con el mismo ser\u00e1n mejores, sus pacientes se encontrar\u00e1n mejor, y tendr\u00e1 m\u00e1s pacientes?", "output": [ "What do we mean when a doctor believes firmly in his treatment, even though controlled studies have proven ineffective, the results obtained with it will be better, his patients will be better, and will have more patients?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-da3f9e83f7724aff88248afc8870ce0d", "input": "Cuando el organismo pasa sucesivamente por las fases de reacci\u00f3n de alarma, fase de resistencia y fase de agotamiento, nos referimos a", "output": [ "When the organism passes successively through the phases of alarm reaction, resistance phase and exhaustion phase, we refer to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83785c81ef5f4b0bb1ca2f1cb13c9ed1", "input": "Entre los predictores de un mal pron\u00f3stico en la esquizofrenia, est\u00e1n", "output": [ "Among the predictors of a poor prognosis in schizophrenia are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e968fb3e6c242618efe6e7fbc1fe020", "input": "Entre los criterios de DSM-IV para el diagn\u00f3stico del Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo de la personalidad, est\u00e1n", "output": [ "Among the criteria of DSM-IV for the diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83f2d1c601e24f0c902a2366d2d1fbff", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes creencias forma parte de los esquemas nucleares de un trastorno de personalidad esquizoide, seg\u00fan el modelo de la Terapia Cognitiva?", "output": [ "Which of the following beliefs is part of the nuclear schemes of a schizoid personality disorder, according to the model of Cognitive Therapy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e7b7574c4bf148bcb516e0c2b9cf8b54", "input": "La sintomatolog\u00eda negativa de la esquizofrenia parece estar causada por", "output": [ "The negative symptomatology of schizophrenia seems to be caused by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b854bb34858a424182a6dea7453fd8d7", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 funciona mejor para mejorar el cumplimiento de los tratamientos m\u00e9dicos mediante intervenci\u00f3n psicol\u00f3gica?", "output": [ "What works best to improve compliance with medical treatments through psychological intervention?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-65705abd78e343b49a96b18f1397cba1", "input": "Seg\u00fan el DSM-IV-TR, el trastorno obsesivocompulsivo y el trastorno obsesivo de la personalidad, comparten semejanzas nominales, pero \u00bfen qu\u00e9 difieren las manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas?", "output": [ "According to DSM-IV-TR, obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive personality disorder share nominal similarities, but how do clinical manifestations differ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa41b3d86460461b85af0c5b331c02d9", "input": "Cuando el individuo es incapaz de recordar informaci\u00f3n personal importante, generalmente un acontecimiento traum\u00e1tico o estresante \u00bfen qu\u00e9 trastorno podemos pensar, dentro del grupo de los trastornos disociativos (DSM-IV-TR)?", "output": [ "When the individual is unable to remember important personal information, usually a traumatic or stressful event, what disorder can we think of, within the group of dissociative disorders (DSM-IV-TR)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8bd18f5f45c945ae8327d3487fc2f1ed", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es cierta con respecto a la dispareunia?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is true with respect to dyspareunia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-57aaa33d11794296af0ae3ce880011c4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones respecto a los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria es cierta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements regarding Eating Disorders is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f60b59ea55534ea8b37c61c3e85f4960", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo no debe efectuarse el diagn\u00f3stico de trastorno de angustia, seg\u00fan el criterio C del DSM-IV-TR?", "output": [ "When should the diagnosis of distress disorder not be made, according to criterion C of the DSM-IV-TR?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-187218ef348c4dedb62249a0320fbc38", "input": "El trastorno de despersonalizaci\u00f3n, seg\u00fan el DSM-IV-TR, forma parte de", "output": [ "Depersonalization disorder, according to the DSM-IV-TR, is part of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-86a03dbc1a25435d8edd234da6fbfbf4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la caracter\u00edstica esencial de los trastornos disociativos, seg\u00fan el DSM-IV-TR?", "output": [ "What is the essential characteristic of dissociative disorders, according to the DSM-IV-TR?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-428a203c379a489aabcd40c1b0a14bea", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el curso m\u00e1s frecuente del trastorno de somatizaci\u00f3n (DSM-IV-TR)?", "output": [ "What is the most common course of somatization disorder (DSM-IV-TR)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61c18c3ae1804dd0a3d04afa1f456586", "input": "Cuando aparecen criterios para el diagn\u00f3stico de un tipo de fobia en la que se da miedo a situaciones como transportes p\u00fablicos, t\u00faneles, puentes, ascensores, aviones, coches o recintos cerrados, teniendo un pico de mayor incidencia en la segunda infancia y otro a mitad de la tercera d\u00e9cada de la vida, podemos pensar en \u00bfqu\u00e9 diagn\u00f3stico del DSM-IV-TR?", "output": [ "When criteria for the diagnosis of a type of phobia appear in which there is fear of situations such as public transport, tunnels, bridges, elevators, airplanes, cars or enclosures, having a peak of greater incidence in the second childhood and another half From the third decade of life, we can think about what diagnosis of the DSM-IV-TR?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e33dc60bede949e28355b94df6f04b3a", "input": "El criterio A para el diagn\u00f3stico de trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (DSM-IV-TR) se cumple para las obsesiones y las compulsiones, las obsesiones se definen por las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas, menos por una de ellas, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la FALSA?", "output": [ "Criterion A for the diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (DSM-IV-TR) is met for obsessions and compulsions, obsessions are defined by the following characteristics, except for one of them, what is the FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c8c6ab7d74c450c898a7ea87097d4a8", "input": "\u00bfDentro de qu\u00e9 diagn\u00f3stico, del DSM-IV-TR, se encuadra el trastorno disf\u00f3rico premenstrual?", "output": [ "Within which diagnosis, of the DSM-IV-TR, is premenstrual dysphoric disorder framed?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ef8ff807f044a53ac7a9dff86e76713", "input": "Cuando se dan dos o m\u00e1s episodios depresivos mayores, separados por un periodo de al menos dos meses, durante los cuales el individuo no se deprime \u00bfqu\u00e9 se diagnostica?", "output": [ "When two or more major depressive episodes occur, separated by a period of at least two months, during which the individual does not become depressed, what is diagnosed?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5d5401bd13044f719499dc668054d626", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 trastorno de la conducta alimentaria, la personalidad de los pacientes se caracteriza por ser personas impulsivas, con tendencia a tomar decisiones r\u00e1pidas y actuar de forma impredecible?", "output": [ "In what disorder of eating behavior, the personality of patients is characterized as impulsive people, with a tendency to make quick decisions and act unpredictably?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-18ced556df254eb18c74e4b53fe52f58", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas define a una depresi\u00f3n end\u00f3gena?", "output": [ "Which of the following characteristics defines an endogenous depression?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-920712528ea2414bbc4304ad524b7b7e", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 trastorno mental se define por la presencia de atracones junto con el uso de m\u00e9todos compensatorios inapropiados para evitar la ganancia de peso?", "output": [ "What mental disorder is defined by the presence of binge eating together with the use of inappropriate compensatory methods to avoid weight gain?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a98e5a075cd24e63a5e9640d1f65810c", "input": "En la anorexia nerviosa, y en lo relativo a la funci\u00f3n menstrual / reproductora, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las afirmaciones es cierta seg\u00fan los criterios del DSM-IV-TR?", "output": [ "In anorexia nervosa, and in relation to menstrual / reproductive function, which of the statements is true according to the DSM-IV-TR criteria?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-38be731816394dd1a981d0071add4001", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones respecto al Trastorno Bipolar II es cierta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements regarding Bipolar II Disorder is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be0890f315bb4892b3ecbd1218be1adf", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina las contracciones musculares breves, repentinas, simples, semejantes a descargas o sacudidas que afectan a m\u00fasculos o grupos musculares?", "output": [ "What is called brief, sudden, simple muscle contractions that resemble shocks or shocks that affect muscles or muscle groups?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ffc863bd9d1d4308aad4fdc0ce44b3d1", "input": "Los Criterios Diagn\u00f3sticos de Investigaci\u00f3n (CIE- 10) para la crisis de angustia", "output": [ "The Research Diagnostic Criteria (ICD-10) for the crisis of anguish" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9a531d4960a1461792672e45f1292c3d", "input": "Las alteraciones cerebrales que caracterizan la enfermedad del Alzheimer son", "output": [ "The brain alterations that characterize Alzheimer's disease are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-678fefd093d74c478e7bf673d0838813", "input": "El trastorno neurol\u00f3gico degenerativo que se produce como consecuencia de una degeneraci\u00f3n y p\u00e9rdida de las neuronas dopamin\u00e9rgicas nigroestriatales se denomina", "output": [ "The degenerative neurological disorder that occurs as a result of degeneration and loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be4aae3409af40d3a27676309af3892b", "input": "La afasia de conducci\u00f3n se caracteriza por", "output": [ "Driving aphasia is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2133f4f706f442e5b37c678d1de78b1d", "input": "La incapacidad para reconocer los rostros, preservando el sentido de la vista, se denomina", "output": [ "The inability to recognize faces, preserving the sense of sight, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-49944b770a5342a0aec3588c666c2d7d", "input": "Si un paciente presenta a la vez un trastorno depresivo mayor y problemas de pareja, los datos disponibles actualmente indican que en esos casos, entre la terapia conductual de pareja y la terapia cognitiva de Beck, el tratamiento psicol\u00f3gico de elecci\u00f3n ser\u00eda", "output": [ "If a patient presents both a major depressive disorder and partner problems, the data currently available indicates that in these cases, between Beck behavioral therapy and Beck cognitive therapy, the psychological treatment of choice would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-737ab54b7a544503854eb6972e3462a5", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina el conjunto de disregulaciones del sistema nervioso neurovegetativo y de las funciones ps\u00edquicas b\u00e1sicas, que persisten durante un largo periodo de tiempo, meses o a\u00f1os, despu\u00e9s de conseguirse la abstinencia?", "output": [ "What is the name of the set of dysregulations of the neurovegetative nervous system and of the basic psychic functions, which persist for a long period of time, months or years, after achieving abstinence?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4be6153b9c704870ad05089c6957a2c2", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 suele asociarse la cataplej\u00eda caracter\u00edstica de la narcolepsia?", "output": [ "What do you usually associate with the cataplexy characteristic of narcolepsy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a1ed32525c27436babc9b35f9e5dcfe9", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 sonidos conson\u00e1nticos del castellano se adquieren m\u00e1s tarde por su dificultad de articulaci\u00f3n originando un trastorno fonol\u00f3gico?", "output": [ "What consonantal sounds of Castilian are later acquired due to their difficulty of articulation, causing a phonological disorder?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f8354d4b6def480ababdeb0f8f58d3d5", "input": "El troncoenc\u00e9falo o el tronco del enc\u00e9falo es la parte del Sistema Nervioso formada por", "output": [ "The brainstem or brainstem is the part of the Nervous System formed by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f96fda1036f545a5a9938b8968bb8bd8", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 permite conseguir un refuerzo negativo?", "output": [ "What allows to get a negative reinforcement?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8486f1b58a4455d8d6d9449b143e8c7", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracter\u00edstica aumenta la veracidad de los autoinformes?", "output": [ "What characteristic increases the veracity of self-reports?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7797eaca73c047d585aeeb878ea2cb92", "input": "\u00bfEn cual de los siguientes trastornos de ansiedad es m\u00e1s probable que un terapeuta utilice la exposici\u00f3n interoceptiva como t\u00e9cnica de tratamiento psicol\u00f3gico?", "output": [ "In which of the following anxiety disorders is a therapist more likely to use interoceptive exposure as a psychological treatment technique?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e87d2ed6c92c4c328a607ba1ca9a8fcd", "input": "La alteraci\u00f3n del proceso de lectura en la que se ve afectado el reconocimiento global de las palabras, quedando preservada la capacidad para reconocer las letras de las palabras, se denomina", "output": [ "The alteration of the reading process in which the global recognition of the words is affected, being preserved the ability to recognize the letters of the words, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a9cd0d243c534701a7b03c6ad6ee84fc", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 factores/variables diferenciales en la infancia determinan la evaluaci\u00f3n infantil?", "output": [ "What factors / differential variables in childhood determine the evaluation of children?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f07aef4b7b5c42a482ae89ec5585c263", "input": "El principal tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico para el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo o TOC es", "output": [ "The main pharmacological treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72cc6541528540d282cb22ac235c61d4", "input": "Una aleaci\u00f3n Au-Ag", "output": [ "An Au-Ag alloy" ] }, { "id": "task1433-07c97c158509402d86365b5fd7ffaee6", "input": "El grafito es un conductor debido a que", "output": [ "Graphite is a conductor because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-db4258df72b24ceabe906ff31ae837ac", "input": "La vulcanizaci\u00f3n es una reacci\u00f3n qu\u00edmica", "output": [ "Vulcanization is a chemical reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-312883ec325e49f1a257403efa13d6b2", "input": "Si el potencial normal de reducci\u00f3n del par Zn2+/Zn es -0,76 V", "output": [ "If the normal reduction potential of the pair Zn2 + / Zn is -0.76 V" ] }, { "id": "task1433-58580489dfb940e9b6146caa129907c3", "input": "El wolframio es un elemento muy importante desde el punto de vista tecnol\u00f3gico, que se utiliza, entre otras cosas, en la industria de los aceros. Pero su inter\u00e9s se extiende a otros campos cient\u00edficos, debido a", "output": [ "The tungsten is a very important element from the technological point of view, which is used, among other things, in the steel industry. But his interest extends to other scientific fields, due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-962afac474ce40fdbe8857b595535ead", "input": "La masa at\u00f3mica del carbono es", "output": [ "The atomic mass of carbon is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e2527f7133f9454abbfda301493a2456", "input": "Los haluros alcalinos, MX", "output": [ "The alkali halides, MX" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1256bac27d87444db86ab3f61e83b895", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas especies es un radical libre?", "output": [ "Which of these species is a free radical?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c8e0eeb9c57474b887e4a61647131c6", "input": "El amon\u00edaco habitualmente utilizado en el laboratorio", "output": [ "Ammonia usually used in the laboratory" ] }, { "id": "task1433-654f03b7cb5345dea4642382161392d9", "input": "La constante de equilibrio est\u00e1ndar para una reacci\u00f3n entre gases ideales", "output": [ "The standard equilibrium constant for a reaction between ideal gases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5b5bc7534d7b4b879afdf765a03761e2", "input": "El agente antitumoral cis-platino", "output": [ "The antitumor agent cis-platinum" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a01d824de37548e3a9e89a04892f773f", "input": "El sodio metal reacciona violentamente con el agua porque el Na", "output": [ "Sodium metal reacts violently with water because Na" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0f0a8fda90554c269546e834f2f45bfb", "input": "El n\u00famero de mol\u00e9culas por celda unitaria es una estructura centrada en todas las caras es de", "output": [ "The number of molecules per unit cell is a structure centered on all faces is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-57850ed3fbe34f5c98a3fd60f7c34d82", "input": "El agua regia disuelve al oro porque de sus dos componentes", "output": [ "Regal water dissolves gold because of its two components" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b0a401274d4542609939a0cc11d2bf80", "input": "Un diodo emisor de luz", "output": [ "A light-emitting diode" ] }, { "id": "task1433-399b33db482d406caad4cf82e3f2c855", "input": "En el caso m\u00e1s general, la funci\u00f3n de onda de un sistema mecanocu\u00e1ntico", "output": [ "In the most general case, the wave function of a quantum mechanical system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7d8b81e82b74040ad307f8fe9ffebd1", "input": "La ecuaci\u00f3n de velocidad de una reacci\u00f3n qu\u00edmica", "output": [ "The equation of speed of a chemical reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4e2acad2d98a4404aaf38e9b118cd4e6", "input": "El nitr\u00f3geno", "output": [ "The nitrogen" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68c0e676676946ec93fb465eb28d744f", "input": "El n\u00famero 0.0670 tiene", "output": [ "The number 0.0670 has" ] }, { "id": "task1433-538a99a0db8c4b3da433ebd7bff7f337", "input": "El coeficiente de correlaci\u00f3n de Pearson", "output": [ "The Pearson correlation coefficient" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc14d3ed50174c6b8f435da160f96b78", "input": "Las separaciones mediante electroferesis capilar de zona (CZE) se caracterizan porque el medio electrofor\u00e9tico", "output": [ "Separations by capillary zone electropheresis (CZE) are characterized in that the electrophoretic medium" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37585b2d9b974147a9d45b62b7656ffa", "input": "La polarograf\u00eda de barrido lineal utiliza un electrodo de trabajo de", "output": [ "Linear scanning polarography uses a working electrode of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e3b474244054475ba42c8148e450b4f2", "input": "El yodo es poco soluble en agua (\uf0bb 0.001M). Por ello, para obtener disoluciones \u00fatiles como reactivo anal\u00edtico se disuelve en", "output": [ "Iodine is poorly soluble in water (\uf0bb 0.001M). Therefore, to obtain useful solutions as an analytical reagent it is dissolved in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3989492eee334649b2680f76e85ade1c", "input": "La determinaci\u00f3n de cianuro mediante el m\u00e9todo de Liebig se basa en la adici\u00f3n de una disoluci\u00f3n patr\u00f3n de nitrato de plata", "output": [ "The determination of cyanide by the Liebig method is based on the addition of a silver nitrate standard solution" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a2704493cabe44cc87939cc241f00bf3", "input": "Cuando la radiaci\u00f3n electromagn\u00e9tica pasa del aire a un medio como el vidrio su longitud de onda", "output": [ "When the electromagnetic radiation passes from the air to a medium like glass its wavelength" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e2d48abf79a4d078fbcb189ed1eea68", "input": "En una valoraci\u00f3n se emplea el indicador redox In (ox) + ne- \uf0ab In (red), cuyo potencial normal es E0. El cambio de color se producir\u00e1", "output": [ "In an evaluation the redox indicator In (ox) + ne- \uf0ab In (network) is used, whose normal potential is E0. The color change will occur" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46a2d90f6747455eb8199569ad51198b", "input": "Cuando se lleva a cabo un dise\u00f1o experimental, se busca fundamentalmente", "output": [ "When an experimental design is carried out, it is fundamentally sought" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d12ee907834e4655a0d6b5afc5f64318", "input": "El gas empleado para generar el plasma ICP (plasma de inducci\u00f3n acoplado) es", "output": [ "The gas used to generate the ICP plasma (coupled induction plasma) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1218b41c6b1b4c539c7ab957b7ae81ec", "input": "En la curva de valoraci\u00f3n de un \u00e1cido dipr\u00f3tico, los tres puntos cuyo pH solo depende de las constantes de disociaci\u00f3n son", "output": [ "In the titration curve of a diprotic acid, the three points whose pH only depends on the dissociation constants are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9eae119987b14df98fba384ce36f30a4", "input": "La validaci\u00f3n de un m\u00e9todo anal\u00edtico incluye", "output": [ "The validation of an analytical method includes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0574a4082a8f43b39ffa6323f00de905", "input": "En una c\u00e9lula electroqu\u00edmica, el electr\u00f3lito soporte sirve para", "output": [ "In an electrochemical cell, the supporting electrolyte serves to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-358f5aa5d2cb4adb8a974d178c8815aa", "input": "La trazabilidad de un m\u00e9todo anal\u00edtico se puede demostrar", "output": [ "The traceability of an analytical method can be demonstrated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c0294b20f3274b2999e1d60bf2d999fa", "input": "Un electrodo selectivo de calcio se caracteriza por tener", "output": [ "A selective calcium electrode is characterized by having" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f8a57560f4ad4c7d854b7f7766a79451", "input": "La valoraci\u00f3n potenciom\u00e9trica de cloruro con un electrodo de plata, empleando una disoluci\u00f3n patr\u00f3n de ion plata", "output": [ "Potentiometric titration of chloride with a silver electrode, using a silver ion standard solution" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ef6792e4f6f4caab55c64783901d7c7", "input": "El error alcalino se define como", "output": [ "The alkaline error is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-16e7825cbeeb4265bfec94f63339af78", "input": "La p\u00e9rdida de linealidad de la recta de calibrado cuando se utiliza la intensidad de fluorescencia como par\u00e1metro anal\u00edtico puede ser debida a", "output": [ "The loss of linearity of the calibration line when the fluorescence intensity is used as an analytical parameter may be due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-97c918a015924b49bf2c2c7457cde8a5", "input": "Una valoraci\u00f3n columbim\u00e9trica", "output": [ "A columbim\u00e9trica valuation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e040992b3f9942aa9f2cd811a7a892eb", "input": "La cromatograf\u00eda l\u00edquida que emplea fases estacionarias enlazadas puede dividirse en la de fase normal y de fase inversa. En este contexto se puede decir que", "output": [ "Liquid chromatography using linked stationary phases can be divided into normal phase and reverse phase phases. In this context it can be said that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d04087977a84c23ab3135396a04a08e", "input": "Muchas de las propiedades de la cromatograf\u00eda l\u00edquida (HPLC) y la electroforesis capilar (CE) tienen que ver con su perfil de flujo. De esta manera, el perfil de flujo es", "output": [ "Many of the properties of liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE) have to do with its flow profile. In this way, the flow profile is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-56ef0a0a52584e3faeb2b377b4b39c5e", "input": "El corrector Zeeman", "output": [ "The corrector Zeeman" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad5ee15be23b480f9cb4e3f7cc77ba14", "input": "Cuando se inyecta 1 nanolitro (nL) de muestra nos estamos refiriendo a la inyecci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "When we inject 1 nanoliter (nL) sample we are referring to the injection of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2244bc998fb5498ebe2ab58dc8fec41d", "input": "Para la determinaci\u00f3n de bifenilos policlorados es una muestra ambiental por cromatograf\u00eda de gases, el detector m\u00e1s adecuado ser\u00eda", "output": [ "For the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls is an environmental sample by gas chromatography, the most appropriate detector would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5c7e2765993c408ba92fa5b3ad260be1", "input": "La cromatograf\u00eda de gases combinada con la espectrometr\u00eda se masas (GC-MS) es la t\u00e9cnica cromatrogr\u00e1fica acoplada m\u00e1s empleada. La principal dificultad del acoplamiento est\u00e1 en", "output": [ "Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is the most commonly used chromatographic coupled technique. The main difficulty of the coupling is in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e804593df5a24b6a89908b03dd076a1a", "input": "Para el an\u00e1lisis de trazas de constituyentes inorg\u00e1nicos, en muestras de naturaleza org\u00e1nica, se necesita un tratamiento previo de la muestra que consiste normalmente en", "output": [ "For the analysis of traces of inorganic constituents, in samples of organic nature, a preliminary treatment of the sample is needed, which normally consists of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-64d7dad83a6a4ba488f73fd68be9543c", "input": "La voltamperometr\u00eda de barrido lineal se caracteriza por", "output": [ "Linear sweep voltammetry is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-860abe75cad74bac967cd306533d1dec", "input": "En la cromatograf\u00eda i\u00f3nica de supresi\u00f3n", "output": [ "In suppression ion chromatography" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cadb1d06a7624045892138e4e9a7504b", "input": "La voltamperometr\u00eda de redisoluci\u00f3n an\u00f3dica", "output": [ "Voltammetry of anodic redissolution" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d86c733b320e4c50bf5000ef277c4ee8", "input": "El infrarrojo cercano es la zona del espectro electromagn\u00e9tico comprendida entre", "output": [ "The near infrared is the area of \u200b\u200bthe electromagnetic spectrum comprised between" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d582ed11daa44c8b9017dc6fcbbeb3bb", "input": "Los m\u00e9todos voltamperom\u00e9tricos de redisoluci\u00f3n an\u00f3dica", "output": [ "The voltammetric methods of anodic redissolution" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4fc06fc15fad4c04a29e8dcdea10b8aa", "input": "El detector de conductividad t\u00e9rmica fue uno de los primeros usados en cromatograf\u00eda de gases y todav\u00eda tiene mucha aplicaci\u00f3n. Consiste en", "output": [ "The thermal conductivity detector was one of the first used in gas chromatography and still has a lot of application. Consists in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b34a44ba50fc431591b0bd76337ee0a7", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas electrol\u00edticas", "output": [ "The electrolytic cells" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ca3367558c34699beb8a846d163a6a5", "input": "En algunos tratamientos de muestra se utiliza la t\u00e9cnica de extracci\u00f3n en fase s\u00f3lida. Dicha t\u00e9cnica", "output": [ "In some sample treatments, the solid phase extraction technique is used. Said technique" ] }, { "id": "task1433-24a0d04333e64f0e876cfe791991aa66", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes transductores no son adecuados en Espectrometr\u00eda de Masas At\u00f3mica?", "output": [ "Which of the following transducers are not suitable in Atomic Mass Spectrometry?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-640bcd569fd74465b3b5f2e16795a72f", "input": "Las prote\u00ednas pueden exhibir un espectro de emisi\u00f3n fluorescente debido a la presencia de los siguientes fluor\u00f3foros intr\u00ednsecos que absorben radiaci\u00f3n en la regi\u00f3n del UV- pr\u00f3ximo", "output": [ "The proteins can exhibit a fluorescent emission spectrum due to the presence of the following intrinsic fluorophores that absorb radiation in the UV-next region" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90e5d835784e47cfbefbda71d3d3c7ce", "input": "En una potenciometr\u00eda a intensidad nula el electrodo", "output": [ "In a potentiometry at zero intensity the electrode" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e1ec5b41772b496285b80b18c99a1573", "input": "Un microelectrodo se caracteriza por", "output": [ "A microelectrode is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-126e958015424ea5988eb71c86f39de8", "input": "Un par\u00e1metro de gran importancia en cromatograf\u00eda es la altura equivalente de plato te\u00f3rico (H). La ecuaci\u00f3n de van Deemter describe el comportamiento de una columna de relleno para cromatograf\u00eda gas-l\u00edquido, siendo H = A+(B/u) +Cu, de manera que", "output": [ "A parameter of great importance in chromatography is the equivalent height of theoretical plate (H). The van Deemter equation describes the behavior of a filler column for gas-liquid chromatography, where H = A + (B / u) + Cu, so that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d049ac72fd664e3783519f8ad4132ed7", "input": "El bromuro de etidio es una mol\u00e9cula que tiene un rendimiento cu\u00e1ntico de fluorescencia muy bajo en disoluci\u00f3n. Sin embargo, su rendimiento cu\u00e1ntico aumenta notablemente cuando", "output": [ "Ethidium bromide is a molecule that has a very low fluorescence yield in solution. However, its quantum yield increases remarkably when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-15712e54241e4e4d8d75d0e375298ab0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguiente detectores se utiliza en Espectroscopia de Infrarrojos?", "output": [ "Which of the following detectors is used in Infrared Spectroscopy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9635b0c19d2947bc95f57fd278aeb47a", "input": "La determinaci\u00f3n de mercurio por la t\u00e9cnica de generaci\u00f3n de vapor fr\u00edo se basa en la reducci\u00f3n del mercurio en disoluci\u00f3n \u00e1cida y el arrastre del mercurio elemental obtenido a la c\u00e9lula de absorci\u00f3n para su an\u00e1lisis por absorci\u00f3n at\u00f3mica. Los reductores m\u00e1s utilizados son", "output": [ "The determination of mercury by the cold vapor generation technique is based on the reduction of mercury in acid solution and the entrainment of the elemental mercury obtained to the absorption cell for analysis by atomic absorption. The most commonly used reducers are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95d7bce3ebfc4c599efe1380ed843679", "input": "En cromatograf\u00eda, puede definirse el tiempo muerto como", "output": [ "In chromatography, the dead time can be defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-693c8cdab2ef42ba826aa2eca2be962d", "input": "Es muy com\u00fan el empleo de v\u00e1lvulas rotatorias de 6 puertas o v\u00edas, conmutables alternadamente, para la inyecci\u00f3n de muestras en cromatograf\u00eda l\u00edquida de alta resoluci\u00f3n. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas es correcta?", "output": [ "It is very common the use of rotary valves of 6 doors or routes, alternately switchable, for the injection of samples in liquid chromatography of high resolution. Which of the following answers is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-32788e16e64f4ea9ae4482cdcfcf0f54", "input": "Una part\u00edcula cargada en disoluci\u00f3n se mueve cuando se sit\u00faa en un campo el\u00e9ctrico. La velocidad adquirida por el soluto bajo la influencia del voltaje aplicado es el producto de la movilidad aparente del soluto y el campo aplicado. En lo que se refiere a dicha movilidad, se puede afirmar que", "output": [ "A particle charged in solution moves when it is placed in an electric field. The speed acquired by the solute under the influence of the applied voltage is the product of the apparent mobility of the solute and the applied field. With regard to this mobility, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6862a33c6b2b4555aad23f3eaf36802a", "input": "En el an\u00e1lisis cuantitativo por cromatograf\u00eda de gases, para minimizar las incertidumbres que se introducen con la inyecci\u00f3n de la muestra, la velocidad de flujo y las variaciones en las condiciones de las columnas se emplea", "output": [ "In the quantitative analysis by gas chromatography, to minimize the uncertainties that are introduced with the injection of the sample, the flow velocity and the variations in the conditions of the columns is used" ] }, { "id": "task1433-abcbb46657c8495fae88433bdeb3a9ef", "input": "Es ya muy com\u00fan el empleo de columnas monol\u00edticas y lechos continuos en cromatograf\u00eda de l\u00edquidos. Con este fin", "output": [ "The use of monolithic columns and continuous beds in liquid chromatography is already very common. To this end" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1122e05ec04a44efa1ffda5a001a6c27", "input": "El pH que proporciona una disoluci\u00f3n 0.01 M de \u00e1cido benzoico (pKa=4.2) es", "output": [ "The pH that provides a 0.01 M solution of benzoic acid (pKa = 4.2) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bd84742698414c10a378e5615888085f", "input": "En la t\u00e9cnica de espectrometr\u00eda de absorci\u00f3n at\u00f3mica, la utilizaci\u00f3n de un atomizador electrot\u00e9rmico en lugar de la llama proporciona", "output": [ "In the technique of atomic absorption spectrometry, the use of an electrothermal atomizer instead of the flame provides" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7b24d46ab1354e489c8d159c3b29be30", "input": "La reactividad de diversos grupos carbonilo est\u00e1 determinada por su estabilidad relativa. El orden de reactividad hacia los nucle\u00f3filos es", "output": [ "The reactivity of various carbonyl groups is determined by their relative stability. The order of reactivity towards nucleophiles is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-532d97ad702c471b8de44dc5e4006a6a", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de un derivado halogenado con trifenilfosfina conduce a una sal de", "output": [ "The reaction of a halogenated derivative with triphenylphosphine leads to a salt of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a95678d7d82e4199bcf462fce23c5f15", "input": "La oxidaci\u00f3n de Baeyer-Villiger, es un procedimiento importante para transformar las cetonas en", "output": [ "The Baeyer-Villiger oxidation is an important procedure to transform ketones into" ] }, { "id": "task1433-116850e18367446cb667b2cb553b8a1c", "input": "Las aminas primarias dan reacciones de condensaci\u00f3n con aldeh\u00eddos y cetonas produciendo", "output": [ "Primary amines give condensation reactions with aldehydes and ketones producing" ] }, { "id": "task1433-05f30f8372254832b20dbb88153f23b5", "input": "La primera etapa del mecanismo de deshidrataci\u00f3n del ciclohexanol con H2SO4 es", "output": [ "The first stage of the mechanism of dehydration of cyclohexanol with H2SO4 is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bc18176e9fff4277979f859a050a0457", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos estereois\u00f3meros del 3-metilciclohexano-1, 2-diol pueden existir?", "output": [ "How many stereoisomers of 3-methylcyclohexane-1,2-diol can exist?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bf7e41e96524493d8b26cf8c3eaf042b", "input": "El \u00e9ter c\u00edclico de seis miembros con un \u00e1tomo de ox\u00edgeno, se denomina", "output": [ "The six-membered cyclic ether with an oxygen atom is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-36d262e0c4264a278dbf5d2abff137b3", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de trans-2-buteno con \u00e1cido m-cloroperbenzoico (mCPBA) da", "output": [ "The reaction of trans-2-butene with m-chloroperbenzoic acid (mCPBA) gives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e0e9b401f4634a0fb0d14e599241f471", "input": "La deshidrogenaci\u00f3n de alquilbencenos no es un m\u00e9todo de laboratorio conveniente, pero se usa en forma industrial para convertir etilbenceno en", "output": [ "The dehydrogenation of alkylbenzenes is not a convenient laboratory method, but it is used in an industrial way to convert ethylbenzene to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6a22f9cf80dd48d097d44e712772fad1", "input": "La piridazina es un heterociclo arom\u00e1tico que contiene en su estructura", "output": [ "Pyridazine is an aromatic heterocycle that contains in its structure" ] }, { "id": "task1433-71dcf261e44c4c1b82c93f99d7e004b3", "input": "En el conf\u00f3rmero tipo oxaciclohexano del az\u00facar \uf062-D-(+)-glucopiranosa", "output": [ "In the oxaciclohexane-type conformer of sugar \uf062-D - (+) - glucopyranose" ] }, { "id": "task1433-86a7b1777a3c48f0823380ba0dac110b", "input": "Cuando se hace reaccionar ciclopentanona con pirrolidina se forma", "output": [ "When cyclopentanone is reacted with pyrrolidine, it forms" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7e65532b935b4b79b18ad130251e8d13", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n en la que un haluro de vinilo o arilo reacciona con un alquino terminal en presencia de ioduro cuproso y un catalizador de Pd (0) se conoce como reacci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "The reaction in which a vinyl halide or aryl reacts with a terminal alkyne in the presence of cuprous iodide and a Pd (0) catalyst is known as the reaction of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0bf0f1d4455c4401be6b88f1c241b0b0", "input": "La histidina e histamina son dos compuestos con importancia biol\u00f3gica que presentan en com\u00fan como unidad estructural", "output": [ "Histidine and histamine are two compounds with biological importance that have in common as a structural unit" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d0e8b1127bf243c0a493e86e051666c1", "input": "Las condiciones de reacci\u00f3n para transformar la nonanamida en octanamina y di\u00f3xido de carbono son", "output": [ "The reaction conditions for transforming nonanamide into octanamine and carbon dioxide are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b87bf53a8b5b4ca591fe529b3612a2f0", "input": "El n\u00famero de nodos del LUMO (orbital desocupado de menor energ\u00eda) del 1,3-butadieno es", "output": [ "The number of nodes of the LUMO (unoccupied orbital of lower energy) of 1,3-butadiene is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e34959f78b9f4c8aabde756ee79a93da", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de 3-metilciclohex-2-enona con dibutilcuprato de litio y adici\u00f3n posterior de clorotrimetilsilano da", "output": [ "The reaction of 3-methylcyclohex-2-enone with lithium dibutyl caprate and subsequent addition of chlorotrimethylsilane gives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ee19f635d9894d3498172b8b0768f739", "input": "La selectividad en la apertura nucle\u00f3fila que se produce en los oxaciclopropanos sustituidos se denomina", "output": [ "The selectivity in the nucleophilic opening that occurs in the substituted oxacyclopropanes is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bb78ad09ffa7469ca4f0c68b27f2274a", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de 3-nitrobenzaldeh\u00eddo con NaBH4 en metanol acuoso da", "output": [ "The reaction of 3-nitrobenzaldehyde with NaBH 4 in aqueous methanol gives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-844f1071bf904fe0acf0403b79bcd167", "input": "A 30\u00baC, la butilamina reacciona con acrilato de etilo en KOH/EtOH y da", "output": [ "At 30 \u00b0 C, butylamine reacts with ethyl acrylate in KOH / EtOH and gives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c0b6ce3b1ff24048ad9ab8bce1d51e18", "input": "Las reacciones que usan sales de cobre (I) como reactivos para sustituir el nitr\u00f3geno de las sales de diazonio se llaman reacciones de", "output": [ "Reactions that use copper (I) salts as reagents to replace the nitrogen in the diazonium salts are called reactions of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8aaced1c1cc34dc0a27b9ddfe5d9377a", "input": "Las reacciones en las que la cin\u00e9tica no depende de la concentraci\u00f3n de nucleofilo, son reacciones", "output": [ "The reactions in which the kinetics does not depend on the nucleophilic concentration, are reactions" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8f7b87f6026d46d88c143ab2164ee2bf", "input": "Los hidroxi\u00e1cidos pueden esterificarse intramolecularmente formando", "output": [ "The hydroxy acids can be esterified intramolecularly by forming" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5b2dd256fe7c410880895f2f79730d19", "input": "Las condiciones de reacci\u00f3n para la preparaci\u00f3n de 2-metil-1-metoxipropan-2-ol a partir de 2,2-dimetiloxirano son", "output": [ "The reaction conditions for the preparation of 2-methyl-1-methoxypropan-2-ol from 2,2-dimethyloxirane are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dea194375d95418e870752988b6f8e49", "input": "El ciclopentadieno es tan reactivo que dej\u00e1ndolo a temperatura ambiente dimeriza lentamente por una reacci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "Cyclopentadiene is so reactive that leaving it at room temperature slowly dimerizes by a reaction of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c1dc80b1e8aa4392b36169fb1f1e40fb", "input": "Las reacciones de alquilaci\u00f3n de Friedel-Crafts conducen a productos que", "output": [ "Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions lead to products that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f3a5678076e94e15a5fac1a9853b6239", "input": "El ox\u00edgeno de los \u00e9teres como el de los alcoholes puede protonarse para generar", "output": [ "The oxygen of the ethers as that of the alcohols can be protonated to generate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-834cd96d36e24329b4d3a4c480a9efc4", "input": "Los organomet\u00e1licos reaccionan con los nitrilos dando", "output": [ "The organometallic react with the nitriles giving" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b724ea591d14b038d4d58de039252a1", "input": "El alcohol isoprop\u00edlico se prepara a partir de petr\u00f3leo por hidrataci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "Isopropyl alcohol is prepared from petroleum by hydration of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0c3e6b4b7d2e4c7eba3d6ef4474713af", "input": "El isopreno es", "output": [ "Isoprene is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39a6ca40e43e44798f6df0c0667848da", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el n\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de estereois\u00f3meros de una aldohexosa?", "output": [ "What is the maximum number of stereoisomers of an aldohexose?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fed66e84f1fc4032b811a9435f6ae1a0", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de \u00e1cidos peroxicarbox\u00edlicos con el grupo carbonilo de cetonas produce", "output": [ "The reaction of peroxycarboxylic acids with the carbonyl group of ketones produces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f561d4dda6f84793aabeb80b4d10b69f", "input": "El hidruro de litio y aluminio reacciona con los \u00e1cidos carbox\u00edlicos para dar", "output": [ "The lithium aluminum hydride reacts with the carboxylic acids to give" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0609ce4476a34ea9908322ae5e26c4ee", "input": "Los grupos con efecto resonante electrodonador son", "output": [ "The groups with resonant electroacoustic effect are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28919a93d5124d51b1c6266395e221a1", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 hal\u00f3genos reaccionan con metano mediante una reacci\u00f3n radicalaria en cadena generando haloametanos?", "output": [ "Which halogens react with methane by a radical chain reaction generating haloamines?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ac6a82a8e475497dbbdbc36d0e9d26b6", "input": "La reducci\u00f3n de nitrilos con hidruro de diisobutil aluminio (DIBAL) proporciona, tras el correspondiente tratamiento \u00e1cido acuoso", "output": [ "The reduction of nitriles with diisobutyl aluminum hydride (DIBAL) provides, after the corresponding aqueous acid treatment" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f55c1013a8c540ab97ed0a5dd10139f0", "input": "La regla de Markovnikov predice la regioselectividad en las reacciones de", "output": [ "Markovnikov's rule predicts regioselectivity in the reactions of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6bdcf3f25fd4568b2256c4937351db1", "input": "Los dialquilcupratos de litio reaccionan con halogenuros de alquilo para producir, por formaci\u00f3n de enlaces carbono-carbono entre el grupo alquilo del halogenuro y el grupo alquilo del dialquilcuprato", "output": [ "The lithium dialkyl-heptarate reacts with alkyl halides to produce, by formation of carbon-carbon bonds between the alkyl group of the halide and the alkyl group of the dialkyl acetate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-336a1e0def8e440c877676dee4377e38", "input": "El tratamiento de 1-hexino con 1 mol de bromuro de hidr\u00f3geno da lugar a", "output": [ "The treatment of 1-hexyne with 1 mole of hydrogen bromide results in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dace5dd917e14c5690f636bd4d95703a", "input": "La qu\u00edmica de las sales de diazonio proporciona el m\u00e9todo sint\u00e9tico principal para preparar fluoruros de arilo mediante un proceso llamado", "output": [ "The chemistry of diazonium salts provides the main synthetic method for preparing aryl fluorides by a process called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-55c90e5c232046fd990a5c79790760bf", "input": "El terpeno que contiene 10 \u00e1tomos de carbono y deriva de dos unidades de isopreno se denomina", "output": [ "The terpene that contains 10 carbon atoms and is derived from two isoprene units is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8f51914e36da44ae9e9d510fe57352c8", "input": "Elige de entre las siguientes frases la que m\u00e1s adecuadamente defina una reacci\u00f3n concertada", "output": [ "Choose among the following phrases the one that most appropriately defines a concerted reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c535f7aa0b454477b5142d13e14de100", "input": "El h\u00edgado convierte el etanol en", "output": [ "The liver converts ethanol into" ] }, { "id": "task1433-18dc24210d8a4532855d4a03b4a0821b", "input": "Los desoxirribonucle\u00f3tidos se sintetizan", "output": [ "The deoxyribonucleotides are synthesized" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f59d961113c476496c447d0a0638033", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las enzimas contiene manganeso?", "output": [ "Which of the enzymes contains manganese?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d460939a50f043fd8ed57884b2f849a0", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de los siguientes tipos de inhibici\u00f3n enzim\u00e1tica no disminuye el valor de Vmax?", "output": [ "In which of the following types of enzymatic inhibition does the value of Vmax not decrease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ba37c65f96f48889787ff34c10097d0", "input": "De acuerdo con la regla del extremo Nterminal, el residuo N-terminal de una prote\u00edna determina", "output": [ "According to the N-terminal end rule, the N-terminal residue of a protein determines" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2c114a4d4e74418db785133f808231f2", "input": "El glutati\u00f3n cumple todo lo que siguiente excepto", "output": [ "Glutathione fulfills everything that follows except" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e272f79c3d9b435a9542db2022881054", "input": "Con respecto a las caracter\u00edsticas de los amino\u00e1cidos, indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es falsa", "output": [ "With respect to the characteristics of the amino acids, indicate which of the following statements is false" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dff8999d94114a28b779cb5b699c22a2", "input": "COMPLETAR en el Ciclo de Krebs se producen 4 reacciones de oxidaci\u00f3n, en 3 de ellas el aceptor final se electrones es el ___ y en la otra es el ___ ", "output": [ "COMPLETE in the Krebs cycle 4 oxidation reactions occur, in 3 of them the final acceptor electron is ___ and in the other is ___" ] }, { "id": "task1433-27e89bf5d3444632852a9e3b89046c37", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes definiciones sobre fluorimetr\u00eda es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following definitions of fluorimetry is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b344fe9aede34f35bd547dc54c138a19", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los compuestos siguientes proporciona \u00e1tomos de nitr\u00f3geno a los anillos de purina y pirimidina?", "output": [ "Which of the following compounds provides nitrogen atoms to the purine and pyrimidine rings?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6f76800b25f44a98df5f1fb38c81f47", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 la carga del amino\u00e1cido glut\u00e1mico a pH 7?", "output": [ "What will be the charge of the glutamic amino acid at pH 7?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-98b3a763e99c4e04b6f1c96590eac6ea", "input": "Las HDL", "output": [ "The HDL" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3836cc93970d4e61877cdfce724db32c", "input": "La gran diversidad de inmunoglobulinas se debe principalmente a la recombinaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "The great diversity of immunoglobulins is mainly due to the recombination of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9a87637584dc4792b387878c95bde1b0", "input": "El t\u00e9rmino isocr\u00e1tico es utilizado en la cromatograf\u00eda l\u00edquida de alta presi\u00f3n (HPLC) cuando", "output": [ "The term isocratic is used in high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e486ac891ee4299b5b6f8d1e61ed247", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) engloba tres procesos. Seleccionar el orden de secuencia", "output": [ "The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) encompasses three processes. Select sequence order" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6d0ec51e512648f88e3bcac188dc2323", "input": "Todas las afirmaciones siguientes que describen a las endonucleasas de restricci\u00f3n son ciertas EXCEPTO", "output": [ "All of the following statements that describe restriction endonucleases are true EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-503c0034e28541c5866022aa9b1fcae8", "input": "La acetilaci\u00f3n de las histonas afecta a las trascripci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Acetylation of histones affects transcription" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0fccf9384aab4c18a622724758c80843", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 grupo de amino\u00e1cidos, cuando forman parte de las prote\u00ednas, puede fosforilarse?", "output": [ "What group of amino acids, when they are part of the proteins, can be phosphorylated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-906c0668c8ad4df19cbdb5dcb926dcd2", "input": "Las aminoacil-tRNA sintetasas", "output": [ "The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-65e82190807c4043831ae970099c66a8", "input": "Una reacci\u00f3n clave en la regulaci\u00f3n de la expresi\u00f3n g\u00e9nica es la acetilaci\u00f3n/desatecilaci\u00f3n en las histonas de algunos de sus residuos de", "output": [ "A key reaction in the regulation of gene expression is acetylation / desatethylation in the histones of some of its residues" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cba99aed1e07490a9b19e969abb6e942", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 amino\u00e1cido sirve de partida para la s\u00edntesis de porfirinas (grupo hemo)?", "output": [ "Which amino acid serves as a starting point for the synthesis of porphyrins (heme group)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-425f1b2126d146b9bd0abf4e59ad5b4b", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 par de amino\u00e1cidos modificados es muy frecuente en el col\u00e1geno?", "output": [ "What pair of modified amino acids is very common in collagen?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ef57d41e5e14a368cf5c8a41d5cc817", "input": "Las mol\u00e9culas transportadoras de electrones", "output": [ "The electron transport molecules" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22f16bb2f4034ae1bb3892dd8c1dc0e0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estos compuestos dona directamente el 2\u00ba grupo amino al ciclo de la urea?", "output": [ "Which of these compounds directly donates the 2nd amino group to the urea cycle?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e2011a72938147968b8d273fcb5c0e44", "input": "El complejo mitocondrial \u03b1-cetoglutarato deshidrogenasa necesita todos los compuestos siguientes EXEPTO", "output": [ "The mitochondrial complex \u03b1-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase needs all the following compounds EXEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ffb6c691e52e441cb88d7b383ab77c16", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes hebras del DNA tiene la misma secuencia de nucle\u00f3tidos (excepto el cambio de T por U) que su transcrito primario?", "output": [ "Which of the following strands of DNA has the same nucleotide sequence (except the change of T per U) as its primary transcript?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-57062a35b7364e758199da5694884db5", "input": "El t\u00e9rmino DOMINIO se refiere a", "output": [ "The term DOMAIN refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33924b9d3ce3401aaff5e53db416fdcb", "input": "En la protrombina, la reacci\u00f3n de conversi\u00f3n de glutamato en \u03b3-carboxiglutamato es dependiente de", "output": [ "In prothrombin, the conversion reaction of glutamate to \u03b3-carboxyglutamate is dependent on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2c68ebc397d546009ca4ec1a80f8ff23", "input": "La piruvato carboxilasa se activa alost\u00e9ricamente por uno de los siguientes compuestos, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es?", "output": [ "Pyruvate carboxylase is allosterically activated by one of the following compounds, what is it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-264b598ea30d49b782c421241a5447e0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes valores es el m\u00e1s cercano al valor estimado para el incremento de energ\u00eda libre est\u00e1ndar de la hidr\u00f3lisis de ATP?", "output": [ "Which of the following values \u200b\u200bis closest to the estimated value for the standard free energy increase of ATP hydrolysis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cc8ab56cd5254861ad0f44c48e701ed6", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 amino\u00e1cidos se pueden unir a un az\u00facar mediante un enlace O-glucos\u00eddico?", "output": [ "What amino acids can be bound to a sugar by an O-glycosidic bond?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-51671cfb966841edbcf068dad3ad2c25", "input": "En la alcaptonuria la enzima defectuosa puede ser la", "output": [ "In the alcaptonuria the defective enzyme can be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f44af4e629ca4fa5a27a1765303b29ea", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones acerca de la uni\u00f3n y liberaci\u00f3n del ox\u00edgeno por la hemoglobina es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about the binding and release of oxygen by hemoglobin is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1a250ad637b24d929ed4f1a2632a33eb", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes vitaminas no es liposuble", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following vitamins is not fat-soluble" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a649d616c08945d592327c756b8aa9fe", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes pasos no forma parte de la gluconeog\u00e9nesis?", "output": [ "Which of the following steps is not part of gluconeogenesis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-17a07de99fa846eeafb9fa74088147fd", "input": "Las carboxipeptidasas A y B", "output": [ "The carboxypeptidases A and B" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7544a3f1b9a040cbb9c0384421b225e0", "input": "Con respecto al enlace pept\u00eddico, indique cual de las siguientes afirmaciones es FALSA", "output": [ "With respect to the peptide bond, indicate which of the following statements is FALSE" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e43a6e1c7d147e49fa94c9603359824", "input": "En el col\u00e1geno, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es el amino\u00e1cido que se repite siempre cada tres residuos?", "output": [ "In collagen, what is the amino acid that is repeated every three residues?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8fb612fd96ae413687d2bc1744378fa9", "input": "Se ha aislado de E. coli una enzima desconocida que afecta al DNA. Cuando una soluci\u00f3n de esta enzima se mezcla con DNA pl\u00e1smido superenrollado, su \u00fanico efecto es relajar al DNA. Al final de la exposici\u00f3n a la soluci\u00f3n enzim\u00e1tica, el DNA pl\u00e1smido est\u00e1 cerrado covalentemente y a\u00fan es circular. Esta enzima es una", "output": [ "An unknown enzyme that affects DNA has been isolated from E. coli. When a solution of this enzyme is mixed with supercoiled plasmid DNA, its only effect is to relax DNA. At the end of the exposure to the enzyme solution, the plasmid DNA is covalently closed and is still circular. This enzyme is one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-559e2dabd4d14114a86c13446886108e", "input": "Con respecto a los puntos de control de la expresi\u00f3n de los genes eucariotas, indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es falsa", "output": [ "With respect to the control points of the expression of eukaryotic genes, indicate which of the following statements is false" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a980a0aa6054a148a6a07a290c9d2d3", "input": "Indique cual ser\u00e1 la carga neta de un amino\u00e1cido con un grupo R neutro para un valor de pH por debajo de su pI", "output": [ "Indicate the net charge of an amino acid with a neutral R group for a pH value below its pI" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8ae8b7e55d644d4a94c4ee4afd767233", "input": "La RNA Polimerasa I de eucariotas transcribe los genes de", "output": [ "The RNA Polymerase I of eukaryotes transcribes the genes of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28273388bf724cb5b537715d43ee99d2", "input": "El grado de fluidez de las membranas biol\u00f3gicas depende del porcentaje de", "output": [ "The degree of fluidity of the biological membranes depends on the percentage of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2326720232ce46f98c4e8d1072307ccb", "input": "\u00bfD\u00f3nde se produce la glicosilaci\u00f3n en una c\u00e9lula eucariota?", "output": [ "Where does glycosylation take place in a eukaryotic cell?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9171cffa4319423dbeeda5603d6bcd9c", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 tipo de reacci\u00f3n interviene t\u00edpicamente el citocromo P-450 del h\u00edgado?", "output": [ "In what type of reaction does the cytochrome P-450 of the liver typically intervene?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b1aafc7b489429b80e2944ff6f5d0da", "input": "La sensibilidad cl\u00ednica de un par\u00e1metro (test) anal\u00edtico se define como", "output": [ "The clinical sensitivity of an analytical parameter (test) is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d3a371ddc461478b9153bfc8e41c92ee", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 relaci\u00f3n existe entre turbidimetr\u00eda y nefelometr\u00eda?", "output": [ "What is the relationship between turbidimetry and nephelometry?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c739d125e63045069e6698b354a8e00e", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo afecta el incremento de temperatura a la reacci\u00f3n entre ant\u00edgeno y anticuerpo?", "output": [ "How does the increase in temperature affect the reaction between antigen and antibody?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a5f2f9d5bd7e444b8c2da1a17b2d97ae", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes modificaciones no forma parte del proceso de maduraci\u00f3n que sufren los precursores de los tRNAs?", "output": [ "Which of the following modifications is not part of the maturation process suffered by the precursors of the tRNAs?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ead0ea2f2a284845bc3b22350a5fd178", "input": "La actividad de correcci\u00f3n de pruebas de la DNA Polimerasa", "output": [ "The proofreading activity of DNA Polymerase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0711639dafb943c1b738f63d584b25ec", "input": "La gluc\u00f3lisis es la \u00fanica ruta productora de ATP en", "output": [ "Glycolysis is the only ATP-producing route in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-71d6b8d5ecb044558a00108d6259dcc9", "input": "La ribonucle\u00f3tido reductasa", "output": [ "The ribonucleotide reductase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f0faa473384c4f75a21fe567bbf22b92", "input": "\u00bfSobre cu\u00e1l de las siguientes enzimas ejerce el citrato un efecto alost\u00e9rico positivo?", "output": [ "On which of the following enzymes does citrate exert a positive allosteric effect?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1a9a1d34f6bf436c92c22f5bc79c87f5", "input": "El glucag\u00f3n aumenta la actividad de la", "output": [ "Glucagon increases the activity of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bbb51e30de15440ebdeb9bdcdac95136", "input": "Las aminotransferasas", "output": [ "The aminotransferases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e161d886519147f5abefd79aa33990f7", "input": "La enzima succinato deshidrogenasa cataliza la reacci\u00f3n de deshidrogenaci\u00f3n dependiente de", "output": [ "The enzyme succinate dehydrogenase catalyses the dehydrogenation reaction dependent on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d48a8a60e5b4b67b21839ff29fa6f36", "input": "El \u00d3xido N\u00edtrico (NO) se sintetiza a partir del amino\u00e1cido", "output": [ "Nitric Oxide (NO) is synthesized from the amino acid" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ba19ee5a1cc4e10864857a7a375b655", "input": "Una de las enzimas que se mencionan a continuaci\u00f3n no interviene en el metabolismo del gluc\u00f3geno", "output": [ "One of the enzymes mentioned below does not intervene in glycogen metabolism" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a0ed4227e6842cb9f58dea3c59d7bab", "input": "No est\u00e1 incluido entre los l\u00edpidos que se encuentran en las membranas biol\u00f3gicas", "output": [ "It is not included among the lipids found in biological membranes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-54c09cb97af449e8a5f4d79315b3e908", "input": "Una mol\u00e9cula de bajo peso molecular no inmunog\u00e9nica, que s\u00ed lo es cuando se acopla a una prote\u00edna portadora antig\u00e9nica es un", "output": [ "A non-immunogenic low molecular weight molecule, which is when coupled to an antigenic carrier protein, is a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d69b07824ea74430ae740d4de7b5fd5b", "input": "Entre las muchas mol\u00e9culas de compuestos fosfato de energ\u00eda elevada que se forman como consecuencia del funcionamiento del ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico, una mol\u00e9cula se sintetiza a nivel de sustrato. \u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de las reacciones siguientes te produce?", "output": [ "Among the many molecules of high energy phosphate compounds that are formed as a consequence of the functioning of the citric acid cycle, a molecule is synthesized at the substrate level. In which of the following reactions does it produce you?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ca4b53cc9454a8ebb3c940457bea186", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa que la hemoglobina une O2 cooperativamente?", "output": [ "What does it mean that hemoglobin binds O2 cooperatively?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-92eb017cdf7546698c89514fcc5b5408", "input": "Un clatrato es", "output": [ "A clathrate is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b87b1fd776fe45c3a23bbc3514bd969c", "input": "El flujo electr\u00f3nico c\u00edclico de la fotos\u00edntesis", "output": [ "The cyclic electronic flow of photosynthesis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e94ebb375df64f19bc6be136eed10394", "input": "La \u03b1-queratina consta de", "output": [ "The \u03b1-keratin consists of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c89480e9455848c3bb93ec4fce5789c2", "input": "Indique el amino\u00e1cido que, en condiciones fisiol\u00f3gicas, tiene una cadena lateral no cargada", "output": [ "Indicate the amino acid that, under physiological conditions, has an uncharged side chain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-297f96902ac5479fb95e0e366c49128a", "input": "La especificidad cl\u00ednica de un par\u00e1metro (test) anal\u00edtico, con respecto a una determinada patolog\u00eda, se define como", "output": [ "The clinical specificity of an analytical parameter (test), with respect to a certain pathology, is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e64c21917094adb81ba86d7371a6edb", "input": "El \u00e1cido linol\u00e9nico (183\uf0449, 12, 15) es un \u00e1cido graso", "output": [ "Linolenic acid (18 3\uf0449, 12, 15) is a fatty acid" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72c97cdcb5894262b23d1eee453e3be2", "input": "El metal que aparece m\u00e1s frecuentemente en el sitio activo de las metaloproteasas es", "output": [ "The metal that appears most frequently in the active site of metalloproteases is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-295c12d1d161453e900e92f001541bb5", "input": "Los Aminoacil-tRNAs", "output": [ "The Aminoacyl-tRNAs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4430a805e3294ca2b13f8239fee8e8dd", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los productos siguientes de la degradaci\u00f3n de los triacilgliceroles y posterior \uf062oxidaci\u00f3n puede sufrir gluconeog\u00e9nesis?", "output": [ "Which of the following products of the degradation of triacylglycerols and subsequent oxidation can undergo gluconeogenesis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f8da373bc9f24346a815fd9b889fa5bf", "input": "La energ\u00eda libre est\u00e1ndar de activaci\u00f3n de una reacci\u00f3n es", "output": [ "The standard free energy of activation of a reaction is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ab95bfa8fbc4c3085cd5c03ecf7ccd9", "input": "La fosforilaci\u00f3n oxidativa mitocondrial est\u00e1 regulada por", "output": [ "Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is regulated by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-565f6037ad44435684c8a389abeb82cd", "input": "El esqueleto carbonado de la prolina entra en el ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico en forma de", "output": [ "The carbon skeleton of proline enters the citric acid cycle in the form of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6aa67616c8e64a7890535e57e6577735", "input": "La actividad piruvato carboxilasa depende del efector alost\u00e9rico positivo", "output": [ "The pyruvate carboxylase activity depends on the positive allosteric effector" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20203e6857f648cf931be0d815079d5c", "input": "La enzima reguladora clave de la ruta de las pentosas fosfato est\u00e1 regulada de forma positiva por", "output": [ "The key regulatory enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway is regulated positively by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fd695b82fdd549c9a06222f4a590e9d6", "input": "La ribonucleasa H hidroliza espec\u00edficamente", "output": [ "Ribonuclease H hydrolyzes specifically" ] }, { "id": "task1433-750de8834bd14f7684e9b04d35f0eb56", "input": "En el ciclo de la urea", "output": [ "In the urea cycle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30a60bcc8f6f44c5b1628855dfd0b937", "input": "El n\u00famero de enlace del DNA", "output": [ "The DNA link number" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0df29412cb434ed881b3ce2c955dddaa", "input": "En la ruta que conduce en el h\u00edgado a la bios\u00edntesis de acetoacetato a partir de acetil CoA, \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las sustancias siguientes es el precursor inmediato del acetoacetato?", "output": [ "In the path that leads in the liver to acetoacetate biosynthesis from acetyl CoA, which of the following substances is the immediate precursor of acetoacetate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-11d36301985d4ac99b03dd1b3c83620f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estos compuestos es un producto generado directamente por la ruta de las pentosas?", "output": [ "Which of these compounds is a product generated directly by the pentose route?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1825e304a37b4841af69bb84b31d0431", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les de estas vitaminas son compuestos isoprenoides?", "output": [ "Which of these vitamins are isoprenoid compounds?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a0541ff1e19f4ba98c2c245e90edeb97", "input": "El elemento de repetici\u00f3n de la estructura del DNA se denomina", "output": [ "The repeating element of the DNA structure is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-546e8151d4de44c8b4cbbcf3b51e923b", "input": "La uni\u00f3n de un activador alost\u00e9rico a una enzima alost\u00e9rica t\u00edpicamente tiene como consecuencia", "output": [ "The binding of an allosteric activator to an allosteric enzyme typically results in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-609cb616d6584ed3ab6c67341eaad1b8", "input": "La secreci\u00f3n de insulina por las c\u00e9lulas pancre\u00e1ticas est\u00e1 regulada positivamente por", "output": [ "The secretion of insulin by pancreatic cells is regulated positively by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6d990020eb840d3bd86aec14b8f51a2", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo es posible que durante la replicaci\u00f3n del DNA bacteriano las hebras gu\u00eda (o adelantada) y retardada se sinteticen de forma coordinada?", "output": [ "How is it possible that during the replication of the bacterial DNA the guide (or forward) and delayed strands are synthesized in a coordinated way?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f4efd097633648a59fc5e6a1366b532f", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la afirmaci\u00f3n correcta", "output": [ "Point out the correct statement" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b08ff5732d53493aabe685752a1a361f", "input": "El glucag\u00f3n afecta a la glucosa sangu\u00ednea al", "output": [ "Glucagon affects blood glucose by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-47833ec9552541bcb2c8f76611969b5b", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas frases sobre la gluconeog\u00e9nesis no es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of these phrases about gluconeogenesis is not correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ddf631c6e1044d2bc074fc542760693", "input": "Las part\u00edculas de reconocimiento de la se\u00f1al tienen como funci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The particles of recognition of the signal have as function" ] }, { "id": "task1433-823418984484484bab166ad5a8d5c230", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 coenzima interviene en la s\u00edntesis de \u00d3xido N\u00edtrico (NO)?", "output": [ "Which coenzyme is involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO)?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9820f2b5cc8146a7a2c32a36b684fda0", "input": "El efecto prozona de un an\u00e1lisis turbidim\u00e9trico puede detectarse midiendo la absorbancia", "output": [ "The prozone effect of a turbidimetric analysis can be detected by measuring the absorbance" ] }, { "id": "task1433-749014baf8604ef5a4bcc2d5587f52b4", "input": "La DNA Girasa es", "output": [ "The DNA Girasa is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-abaa73aadea84039a87d0212d89b4cd2", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 enzima est\u00e1 presente en el complejo II que participa en la fosforilaci\u00f3n oxidativa?", "output": [ "What enzyme is present in complex II that participates in oxidative phosphorylation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-237d8c22b7764142b30097a00eb4a27b", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes complejos enzim\u00e1ticos cataliza la reducci\u00f3n de ox\u00edgeno molecular a agua durante la fosforilaci\u00f3n oxidativa?", "output": [ "Which of the following enzyme complexes catalyzes the reduction of molecular oxygen to water during oxidative phosphorylation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ba54cc8a90574feb8b11ceb7e76f75b8", "input": "La presencia de cu\u00e1l de las siguientes disposiciones estructurales en una prote\u00edna sugiere que es una prote\u00edna reguladora de uni\u00f3n al DNA", "output": [ "The presence of which of the following structural arrangements in a protein suggests that it is a regulatory protein for DNA binding" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e03eee3fc47435d948a695bfebe53ca", "input": "Las reacciones qu\u00edmicas del proceso de corte y empalme de los intrones durante la maduraci\u00f3n de los pre-mRNAs consiste en", "output": [ "The chemical reactions of the splicing process of the introns during the maturation of the pre-mRNAs consists of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e73c44a59c274a38b211fef191092314", "input": "La DNA fotoliasa", "output": [ "DNA fotoliasa" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d949071ceeab48229c59c7aa0b17fd13", "input": "En la bios\u00edntesis de prote\u00ednas", "output": [ "In protein biosynthesis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-76a1b3e04ff34fea8c8e1c56066e7e2d", "input": "Durante un ayuno prolongado", "output": [ "During a prolonged fast" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9fabe033e5294483a819cbba3f4a2060", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas es correcta respecto a un tRNA?", "output": [ "Which of the following answers is correct regarding a tRNA?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec8c9de59ceb48519c5b1f1573f2f3d3", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las afirmaciones siguientes con relaci\u00f3n a la mol\u00e9cula de DNA de doble cadena es cierta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements regarding the double-stranded DNA molecule is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f4a321ac81f7450baf7c137f85de7c21", "input": "Relativo a las topoisomerasas", "output": [ "Relating to topoisomerases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d581933afdfb472d988136082cd53757", "input": "Una reacci\u00f3n exerg\u00f3nica", "output": [ "An exergonic reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c5bb684b0f434608a1369ca8cc4b1d44", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 unidades se suele expresar el coeficiente de absortividad molar?", "output": [ "In what units is usually expressed the coefficient of molar absorptivity?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-00deccb6efc748d6af53096089115435", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 compuesto act\u00faa como amortiguador de sulfhidrilos y como antioxidante?", "output": [ "Which compound acts as a sulfhydryl buffer and as an antioxidant?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b1d8f05aaad47a99f4d7cfede8e9418", "input": "El calentamiento de \u00e1cido 4-metoxi-3,5dinitrobencenosulf\u00f3nico con \u00e1cido sulf\u00farico diluido da", "output": [ "Heating of 4-methoxy-3,5-dinitrobenzenesulfonic acid with dilute sulfuric acid gives" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9326768018a3479792823cb3570b0074", "input": "En la nucleaci\u00f3n homog\u00e9nea", "output": [ "In the homogeneous nucleation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f14d5306be9b4c63b2339c87e2f20d10", "input": "En el Ciclo de la Urea, \u00bfd\u00f3nde se requiere la hidr\u00f3lisis de ATP?", "output": [ "In the Urea Cycle, where is the hydrolysis of ATP required?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aac4b91f1e4f4849883a633851f7a89a", "input": "El \u00f3xido ferroso, conocido como wustita (FeO) es no estequiom\u00e9trico debido a que contiene", "output": [ "Ferrous oxide, known as wustite (FeO) is non-stoichiometric because it contains" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84e8199e17184b47874c018b60368e14", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los nucle\u00f3filos relacionados a continuaci\u00f3n, presenta una mayor reactividad frente a la reacci\u00f3n de sustituci\u00f3n nucleof\u00edlica bimolecular?", "output": [ "Which of the nucleophiles listed below has a greater reactivity to the bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b233decdaa4a43db9a94a3a278ca56ff", "input": "La disposici\u00f3n tridimensional de una prote\u00edna se corresponde con", "output": [ "The three-dimensional arrangement of a protein corresponds to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c3a1fa565b44eb5a097017db7e0972c", "input": "Confiere a la membrana plasm\u00e1tica alta permeabilidad al agua", "output": [ "It gives the plasma membrane high water permeability" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aaeb80839cc040a49da66729f5ae3f76", "input": "El potencial de acci\u00f3n se inicia en la membrana del segmento inicial del ax\u00f3n por", "output": [ "The action potential starts in the membrane of the initial segment of the axon by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe66c2ee04904cebba4ea4e5184d7432", "input": "Un potencial receptor", "output": [ "A potential receiver" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b9f9d2f5f68e427badef82a4265c661c", "input": "En fibras musculares lisas", "output": [ "In smooth muscle fibers" ] }, { "id": "task1433-56844e2bb6c943c3853fee4c123a5afd", "input": "Respecto al reflejo tendinoso de Golgi", "output": [ "Regarding the tendon reflex of Golgi" ] }, { "id": "task1433-08daddea6bf446aeadfcfbb36f036776", "input": "En el sistema parasimp\u00e1tico", "output": [ "In the parasympathetic system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c5bbcbdaf7ed44a2a7974f0ca4e1396b", "input": "Son mecanorreceptores interoceptores secundarios", "output": [ "They are secondary interoceptor mechanoreceptors" ] }, { "id": "task1433-06f2d41366a64bc7ac86d3acd6131e25", "input": "La discriminaci\u00f3n espacial de est\u00edmulos t\u00e1ctiles", "output": [ "Spatial discrimination of tactile stimuli" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1d4c12cc03bb43afb3833d734e17ab55", "input": "La v\u00eda \u00f3ptica decusa parcialmente en", "output": [ "The optical path partially decimates in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c2f1fa5683ef4780ac437f45dadbb5cd", "input": "En el ojo humano", "output": [ "In the human eye" ] }, { "id": "task1433-49b3ea89daa14d55a826f8338d25ff1b", "input": "En el o\u00eddo humano", "output": [ "In the human ear" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0032256f350841e786ffd89b0d21f18c", "input": "Tras la ingesta aumenta la liberaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "After the intake increases the release of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1125e6ef5249454cadec1b5b98147452", "input": "Los nervios craneales motores", "output": [ "Motor cranial nerves" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d56dd2c8c214945aaf88cd154780e40", "input": "La principal funci\u00f3n del cerebelo es", "output": [ "The main function of the cerebellum is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4af9108efaa84fc09e749a31044f6912", "input": "Controla el paso de sustancias al sistema nervioso central", "output": [ "Controls the passage of substances to the central nervous system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd36f28b9ac34e17ba12f36a44682c3b", "input": "Mandan proyecciones eferentes desde la corteza cerebelosa las", "output": [ "They send efferent projections from the cerebellar cortex the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44c286775fe74d9bae925b0818f38999", "input": "Las se\u00f1ales sensitivas llegan principalmente a la capa de la corteza cerebral n\u00famero", "output": [ "The sensory signals arrive mainly at the layer of the cerebral cortex number" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9f25a6e56427403881a6ded051fa4e39", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas del nodo sinusal presentan", "output": [ "The cells of the sinus node present" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fdfeefcb8d31484bbcc92eaeee5e53eb", "input": "Una hemorragia", "output": [ "A hemorrhage" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ff509eb669b449f0b34f02adebd48728", "input": "Vasoconstri\u00f1e las arteriolas sist\u00e9micas", "output": [ "Vasconstricts systemic arterioles" ] }, { "id": "task1433-662754536d1340a0a41e3c0673f0d3fa", "input": "Aumenta el volumen sist\u00f3lico si", "output": [ "Increase the stroke volume if" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a7fa3457cfc54edda759c95fa88e70c8", "input": "Disminuye el gasto card\u00edaco el aumento de", "output": [ "Cardiac output decreases the increase of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-18bbb902701444c19fe044116759a4be", "input": "Un aumento de la presi\u00f3n sangu\u00ednea entre 80 y 150 mmHg aumenta la diuresis porque", "output": [ "An increase in blood pressure between 80 and 150 mmHg increases diuresis because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6556396168f241bdbf9fa1431715418a", "input": "El sincitio auricular est\u00e1 separado del ventricular por", "output": [ "The atrial syncytium is separated from the ventricular by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ae1da1166be478b980412132f0a8865", "input": "Los m\u00fasculos papilares", "output": [ "The papillary muscles" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5bd328195bca427599be04117354b015", "input": "El primer nivel de control de la frecuencia cardiaca y respiratoria es", "output": [ "The first level of heart rate and respiratory control is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-674e4674e849414190381df7e50b97dc", "input": "El surfactante pulmonar", "output": [ "The pulmonary surfactant" ] }, { "id": "task1433-42c1a535d07b4d3a9fd1a29edd0273e1", "input": "La capacidad residual funcional es el volumen", "output": [ "The functional residual capacity is volume" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe33f2cd382249c8b49d8d6e543945cb", "input": "La estimulaci\u00f3n de los cuerpos carot\u00eddeos", "output": [ "The stimulation of the carotid bodies" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fac26831a77e45c4965c23707c55f916", "input": "La ventilaci\u00f3n alveolar es el volumen de aire que", "output": [ "Alveolar ventilation is the volume of air that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0899f4f8e1024d4e8360ad37c4b4f4df", "input": "En la rama ascendente gruesa del asa de Henle", "output": [ "On the thick ascending branch of the loop of Henle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f4609a70e87242af8a1197ff6d0012bd", "input": "En el ri\u00f1\u00f3n, la estimulaci\u00f3n simp\u00e1tica aumenta", "output": [ "In the kidney, sympathetic stimulation increases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ccd54c8388704bb3a47164bb692179ec", "input": "La ADH aumenta la osmolaridad del medio intersticial renal porque aumenta", "output": [ "ADH increases the osmolality of the renal interstitial medium because it increases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d16207a0a6f849f3893b33a51d71e40c", "input": "En la secreci\u00f3n biliar hay", "output": [ "In biliary secretion there are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-08d95a6e9fa74a34b3ca62507e249371", "input": "El principal est\u00edmulo para la secreci\u00f3n de secretina es la presencia en el duodeno de", "output": [ "The main stimulus for secretion of secretin is the presence in the duodenum of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ef7375f57173442f8b3918c92ea0297c", "input": "El glucag\u00f3n estimula", "output": [ "Glucagon stimulates" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44873c5ade3e45fea4c185d18b90eb5c", "input": "La somatomedina IGF-1 causa", "output": [ "Somatomedin IGF-1 causes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b1cca8760a24b4e87fe9d9238942d29", "input": "Un aumento de ACTH estimula la s\u00edntesis y liberaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "An increase in ACTH stimulates the synthesis and release of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e07a4a9d3ab14235a1a45b10acbee332", "input": "La angiotensina II", "output": [ "Angiotensin II" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c9c1ce9152043b5a82e7a015d789445", "input": "Est\u00e1 bajo control del eje hipot\u00e1lamo-hipofisario la secreci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "It is under the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis the secretion of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3899977550b14bf08bb6599555f0e412", "input": "La secreci\u00f3n de GH u hormona de crecimiento", "output": [ "The secretion of GH or growth hormone" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad9b9dd475db43419a1718b0f20086e0", "input": "La adenohip\u00f3fisis", "output": [ "The anterior pituitary gland" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fbb6ceddc34845a0831612889bd01719", "input": "Estimula la lipog\u00e9nesis y la glucogenos\u00edntesis", "output": [ "Stimulates lipogenesis and glycogen synthesis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a902af4a66924218ba6fad05a1ce04f4", "input": "Las prote\u00ednas ribos\u00f3micas se unen a los ARNr en el", "output": [ "The ribosomal proteins bind to the rRNA in the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-69e297059a4d4649b50a015a4866dfb0", "input": "Las prote\u00ednas que no se pliegan adecuadamente en el ret\u00edculo endopl\u00e1smico son degradadas en", "output": [ "Proteins that do not fold properly in the endoplasmic reticulum are degraded into" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7ebcd655edb48abbf2a3be52b711aa7", "input": "La s\u00edntesis de fosfol\u00edpidos de membrana ocurre en", "output": [ "The synthesis of membrane phospholipids occurs in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-698f8720c56248549c7d7c96c75393dc", "input": "El complejo ARP2/3", "output": [ "The ARP2 / 3 complex" ] }, { "id": "task1433-75335c592d004638ae2ecb428d5a9ae9", "input": "Las microvellosidades contienen en su interior un haz de", "output": [ "The microvilli contain a beam of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-14b270ece41149b8b24274a9c76cbf9e", "input": "La anafase A se caracteriza por el acortamiento de los microt\u00fabulos", "output": [ "Anaphase A is characterized by the shortening of microtubules" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fda64d8bbf89431ba59dad274e82b1af", "input": "El factor p53 induce", "output": [ "The p53 factor induces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad3888829e664bd68753cb2d23877cdf", "input": "Unen a las c\u00e9lulas epiteliales entre s\u00ed", "output": [ "They join the epithelial cells to each other" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3734a99f655c4618af5381f2f0d28c95", "input": "Est\u00e1 ausente de los tejidos conjuntivos", "output": [ "It is absent from connective tissues" ] }, { "id": "task1433-41baf6a309b243e89ddd2591e35ea962", "input": "Forman parte integral de la barrera hematoencef\u00e1lica los pies de los", "output": [ "The feet of the following are an integral part of the blood-brain barrier" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fa4c3e132a47446cb228989100d84905", "input": "Deriva de los monocitos de la sangre", "output": [ "Derived from blood monocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1ea4fe577f2a4dff9369b9e075de4c42", "input": "Las prote\u00ednas transmembrana que se unen a prote\u00ednas intracelulares y extracelulares son", "output": [ "The transmembrane proteins that bind to intracellular and extracellular proteins are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6acd5f4040ac4471a56b49e255c0668c", "input": "El tejido conjuntivo denso ordenado o modelado forma parte de", "output": [ "Dense neat or patterned connective tissue is part of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0dd4b9a210504bd992c9d912e56bcc73", "input": "Las vellosidades intestinales", "output": [ "The intestinal villi" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a7a85e53ce594dd08118580daa23d8ae", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas de Merkel son", "output": [ "The Merkel cells are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8fd77a9cc4434e47abaea984f479847a", "input": "La secreci\u00f3n de las gl\u00e1ndulas seb\u00e1ceas es", "output": [ "The secretion of the sebaceous glands is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7801f0cb05e24e34b0dc57e6b8e9a864", "input": "Posee c\u00e9lulas superficiales con abundante gluc\u00f3geno", "output": [ "It has superficial cells with abundant glycogen" ] }, { "id": "task1433-175a4bbd521b4a32bc6d7dcf0e9ae6e0", "input": "Los nucleosomas est\u00e1n", "output": [ "The nucleosomes are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a0480e5b433646ebb54f71a4a362b5b6", "input": "Contiene abundante gluc\u00f3gneo", "output": [ "Contains abundant glycogen" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8872c9f81ec41db8905ab3f4b037007", "input": "Las dine\u00ednas son prote\u00ednas", "output": [ "Dyneins are proteins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be4911ab92184432abb190bd6c9a790d", "input": "En la endocitosis mediada por receptor interviene", "output": [ "In the receptor-mediated endocytosis intervenes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ff744bf53fd44109da6ddee22059eb8", "input": "Clasifica las prote\u00ednas y regula su tr\u00e1fico hacia sus destinos celulares", "output": [ "Classify proteins and regulate their traffic to their cell destinations" ] }, { "id": "task1433-21395487a3b94e1fb7cc117203d7900d", "input": "En el m\u00fasculo esquel\u00e9tico, tienen capacidad de regeneraci\u00f3n, aunque limitada, las c\u00e9lulas", "output": [ "In skeletal muscle, they have the capacity to regenerate, although limited, the cells" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4998afc5279444739c32273750864252", "input": "El proteoglucano m\u00e1s importante del cart\u00edlago hialino es", "output": [ "The most important proteoglycan in hyaline cartilage is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-072b037f10ba4943b4e909131471cb9d", "input": "Permite comparar proporciones de dos muestras independientes el test estad\u00edstico", "output": [ "It allows to compare proportions of two independent samples the statistical test" ] }, { "id": "task1433-85efdfd1f7b84f1e9219b66948ecbc9e", "input": "Si en una prueba diagn\u00f3stica se observan un 3% de falsos positivos, se puede afirmar que", "output": [ "If a 3% false-positive test is observed in a diagnostic test, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e841185c0f6430b8792d52953a09ba7", "input": "La media aritm\u00e9tica y no la mediana", "output": [ "The arithmetic mean and not the median" ] }, { "id": "task1433-af82edc870cc40f5b2c0aa6f6304db48", "input": "En un test de hip\u00f3tesis se denomina error beta a la probabilidad de", "output": [ "In a hypothesis test, the beta error is called the probability of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fd6c328045b24f70a048ff28dd9b2015", "input": "Son conceptos que se refieren a la misma probabilidad el nivel de", "output": [ "Are concepts that refer to the same probability the level of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-100522d463984022a7374ded1ede4d0d", "input": "Los tripanosomoas africanos (T. Rhodesiense y T. Gambiense) se transmiten por insectos del g\u00e9nero", "output": [ "African trypanosomes (T. Rhodesiense and T. Gambiense) are transmitted by insects of the genus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c718470d25024efdaebc41e713c03951", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con el paludismo, los esquizontes preeritroc\u00edticos pueden hallarse en", "output": [ "In relation to malaria, pre-erythrocytic schizonts can be found in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0419dd20c0124b7ba07fb10b63342bc1", "input": "Podemos encontrar en esputo huevos de", "output": [ "We can find sputum eggs of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-274dec718a77408c8148f970a4b76d5b", "input": "El g\u00e9nero Anisakis es un", "output": [ "The genus Anisakis is a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-93b609461e31417e8df07e7a9cde331c", "input": "El vector de la tularemia es un/a", "output": [ "The vector of tularemia is a / a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-edac26246aff47428fb9d3a453c16f16", "input": "En general, los virus que poseen una c\u00e1pside desnuda", "output": [ "In general, viruses that have a naked capsid" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc4c0199023a475c8417518438251c60", "input": "El viri\u00f3n de los retrovirus", "output": [ "The virion of retroviruses" ] }, { "id": "task1433-107fb944e80e4a5ab7d28cc27e3a57ae", "input": "El virus de la hepatitis B", "output": [ "The hepatitis B virus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1103e298b01c437b84213bd705be5b5b", "input": "En las infecciones latentes del virus del herpes simple humano, las part\u00edculas v\u00edricas permanecen caracter\u00edsticamente en", "output": [ "In latent human herpes simplex virus infections, viral particles typically remain in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-58797ee770e14eb7ba6d58b9ddf465a9", "input": "Las enzimas presentes en el interior del viri\u00f3n de los poxvirus son necesarias para la replicaci\u00f3n de su material gen\u00e9tico porque", "output": [ "The enzymes present inside the virion of the poxviruses are necessary for the replication of their genetic material because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8fc1e9369d13483ba81daa7cb89910bd", "input": "Los viriones de los Arenavirus contienen", "output": [ "The virions of the Arenavirus contain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a50898f68fba4a3d92f58971109686d8", "input": "Inhibe la integrasa del VIH el (la)", "output": [ "Inhibits the integrase of HIV the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-00125458254547efa63507748ddf274e", "input": "En los coronaviurs, el ensamblaje de los viriones tiene lugar en el (la)", "output": [ "In the coronaviurs, the assembly of the virions takes place in the (the)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6171d906e3984513af50af9ba84d97b9", "input": "El virus respiratorio sincitial es un", "output": [ "The respiratory syncytial virus is a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7fe67f51966e4178b70952e6ccb35761", "input": "Para multiplicarse, los rabdovirus entran en la c\u00e9lula hu\u00e9sped mediante", "output": [ "To multiply, the rhabdoviruses enter the host cell by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e537bb1c73cc4494bed84abebe5df9ef", "input": "Todos los virus RNA (-) presentan", "output": [ "All RNA (-) viruses present" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d703222b1ea04bb1b0d6513df91c6533", "input": "Sintetizan una \u00fanica poliprote\u00edna precursora de todas las prote\u00ednas necesarias para el resto del ciclo de multiplicaci\u00f3n los", "output": [ "They synthesize a single polyprotein precursor of all the proteins necessary for the rest of the multiplication cycle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2f594079ecd94e888cf9c8ef72f6d052", "input": "Son zoon\u00f3ticos los", "output": [ "The following are zoonotic" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9007979fff99457592ad6d4b812e7653", "input": "Para replicarse, los paramixovirus han de introducir en la c\u00e9lula su material gen\u00e9tico y una", "output": [ "To replicate, paramyxoviruses must introduce their genetic material into the cell and one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c18b9cb2a37f4a3e9dd651257d791fd4", "input": "Los reovirus.", "output": [ "The reovirus ." ] }, { "id": "task1433-368b6b70af8b44b4a7ceb7fcc1830851", "input": "La microscopia m\u00e1s adecuada para identificar Treponema pallidum en exudados de lesiones sifil\u00edticas es la de", "output": [ "The most appropriate microscopy to identify Treponema pallidum in exudates from syphilitic lesions is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-79dbb0169e6744acba93e878e673a89e", "input": "La tinci\u00f3n de \u00e1cido-alcohol resistentes es positiva en bacterias del g\u00e9nero", "output": [ "Acid-resistant alcohol staining is positive in bacteria of the genus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7e3ab602df3482781d3732d50ce7687", "input": "Los filtros HEPA se utilizan para la esterilizaci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "HEPA filters are used for the sterilization of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2b0fd34955ff4aa8b5eae0af8e5f3258", "input": "Si tras sembrar 200 microlitros de una diluci\u00f3n 10-4 (10 exp. -4) de un caldo sobre placa de agar crecen 100 colonias, el n\u00famero estimado de unidades formadoras de colonias por mL de caldo es", "output": [ "If after 200 microliters of a 10-4 dilution (10 exp. -4) of a broth on an agar plate grows 100 colonies, the estimated number of colony forming units per mL of broth is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4fb1c328382048a7b4daa85ed8cc8704", "input": "El medio no selectivo com\u00fanmente usado para el crecimiento del gonococo (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) es el", "output": [ "The non-selective medium commonly used for the growth of gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a474ccd88394460a8de0059726855e43", "input": "En una placa de agar sangre, un halo verdoso o marr\u00f3n alrededor de una colonia bacteriana indica que la bacteria produce", "output": [ "On a blood agar plate, a greenish or brown halo around a bacterial colony indicates that the bacteria produces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-519cdb47c7804cb0abce4cd627d6587d", "input": "Si al a\u00f1adir una gota de H2O2 a una suspensi\u00f3n bacteriana se generan burbujas (O2), la bacteria produce", "output": [ "If, by adding a drop of H2O2 to a bacterial suspension, bubbles (O2) are generated, the bacteria produce" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44b5f3ed4d2a4a49aa2d922d003f3de9", "input": "El componente de las bacterias Gram negativas directamente responsable de la actividad endot\u00f3xica es", "output": [ "The component of the Gram-negative bacteria directly responsible for the endotoxic activity is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ee23c061b17049d884b71eeb73e6b1fb", "input": "Un componente caracter\u00edstico de la mure\u00edna o peptidoglicano de la mayor\u00eda de las bacterianas es", "output": [ "A characteristic component of murein or peptidoglycan in most bacterial species is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8953d24827cc48f8aabc8be3f17b5096", "input": "El proceso de la esporulaci\u00f3n bacteriana ocurre", "output": [ "The process of bacterial sporulation occurs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9aff821e8b6f47a0905cf4790ecc137e", "input": "Las tetraciclinas act\u00faan sobre la", "output": [ "The tetracyclines act on the" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ea9125e731f47338525d9d9a02e4370", "input": "Se obtienen s\u00f3lo por s\u00edntesis qu\u00edmica las/los", "output": [ "The following are obtained only by chemical synthesis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83e70ae6835a49658cccfee82ddfa8d4", "input": "El sistema de la fosfotransferasa (PTS) de muchas bacterias", "output": [ "The phosphotransferase (PTS) system of many bacteria" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b8cf779777ee4412861bdfd9d8ca1e2c", "input": "Un pl\u00e1smido contiene necesariamente", "output": [ "A plasmid contains necessarily" ] }, { "id": "task1433-78929801cb744086841a335c22ab1fc1", "input": "Para controlar la expresi\u00f3n de ciertos genes seg\u00fan la densidad poblacional, las bacterias emplean sistemas de", "output": [ "To control the expression of certain genes according to population density, bacteria use systems of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-126a420bd17146ceb183675c9fff5c64", "input": "Las enterobacteriaceas son bacterias", "output": [ "Enterobacteriaceae are bacteria" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d59600a803a4da09bfe3c66f769af33", "input": "Pseudomonas aeruginosa es", "output": [ "Pseudomonas aeruginosa is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c31f35b0079345dcb3e4eed4c8807255", "input": "Son productores de muchos antibi\u00f3ticos de uso m\u00e9dico las (los)", "output": [ "The producers of many antibiotics for medical use are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-84cf6b6275dd4fef83fa072a1453b17a", "input": "Los micoplasmas", "output": [ "Mycoplasmas" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4536343e0013427fa4063926c31db3fc", "input": "Neisseria meningitidis es", "output": [ "Neisseria meningitidis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30d8d6575cc94b3e91043de0c1474b42", "input": "En el ser humano, Lactobacillus acidophilus forma parte de la microbiota normal de ", "output": [ "In humans, Lactobacillus acidophilus is part of the normal microbiota of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-462ca9b179a1492aa7a0de79c07cf2f0", "input": "Streptococcus sobrinus y Streptococcus mutants son responsables de", "output": [ "Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus mutants are responsible for" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9eda6728ec41469e8dce8b80a4d362b8", "input": "Es un pat\u00f3geno intracelular obligado", "output": [ "It is an obligate intracellular pathogen" ] }, { "id": "task1433-429fd82894eb4553b1d3182966f878b6", "input": "Est\u00e1 asociado a \u00falceras y c\u00e1nceres g\u00e1stricos", "output": [ "It is associated with gastric ulcers and cancers" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9f2d4ad0d0f54747a96f75b0aaf96f4c", "input": "En un pat\u00f3geno Gram positivo implicado en faringitis y fiebres reum\u00e1ticas", "output": [ "In a Gram positive pathogen involved in pharyngitis and rheumatic fever" ] }, { "id": "task1433-54bb008b96bb4f3eb6a6c576c031d8bb", "input": "Son reservorios de la fiebre Q (Coxiella burnetti) los (las)", "output": [ "They are reservoirs of Q fever (Coxiella burnetti)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d716dce1a27f4ff2b4c3b2f85b658c43", "input": "Es un g\u00e9nero de bacterias anaerobias estrictas que producen endosporas y que contienen especies pat\u00f3genas", "output": [ "It is a genus of strict anaerobic bacteria that produce endospores and that contain pathogenic species" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7b76e76e7c84703956036da2745d210", "input": "Es una enfermedad producida por una bacteria pat\u00f3gena de transmisi\u00f3n alimentaria", "output": [ "It is a disease caused by a pathogenic foodborne bacterium" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f516d452508d49c1bfed6e122ef7a3ab", "input": "Un pat\u00f3geno de rata que tiene a las pulgas como vectores de transmisi\u00f3n a humanos es", "output": [ "A rat pathogen that has fleas as vectors of transmission to humans is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f790204195374a5e8b69a9db37e5cd0d", "input": "Una prueba coagulasa positiva es t\u00edpica de", "output": [ "A positive coagulase test is typical of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7233bf24c7c74746a06461dbe407650d", "input": "A diferencia de los receptores de la inmunidad adaptativa, los de la inmunidad innata se caracterizan por", "output": [ "Unlike receptors of adaptive immunity, those of innate immunity are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6da609892c69484aa12e938ae1e2b4eb", "input": "Los receptores de tipo Toll (TLRs) reconocen de manera principal", "output": [ "The Toll-like receptors (TLRs) mainly recognize" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e95339d59548491b89a1de8c7fdf5960", "input": "Entre los componentes caracter\u00edsticos del sistema inmunitario adaptativo est\u00e1n", "output": [ "Among the characteristic components of the adaptive immune system are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2964bab7ee3041c3b8355c2ccb931d04", "input": "Son \u00f3rganos linfoides primarios", "output": [ "They are primary lymphoid organs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2267f71450634efb987875f0b5c88c13", "input": "Genera per\u00f3xido de hidr\u00f3geno en el fagosoma", "output": [ "Generates hydrogen peroxide in the phagosome" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a9390683952e45b0bd3cad3c828827e1", "input": "El complemento se produce mayoritariamente en", "output": [ "The complement is produced mostly in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-55a0326d9e04444b8eac53ea863629a5", "input": "En la activaci\u00f3n del complemento s\u00e9rico, el ensamblaje del Complejo de Ataque a la Membrana comienza por", "output": [ "In the activation of the serum complement, the assembly of the Membrane Attack Complex begins with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7119d96848bc4ad89b1e9f503a0b77d8", "input": "Las mol\u00e9culas HLA de clase I se expresan en", "output": [ "HLA class I molecules are expressed in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3948135be1b5410fa3f8edee87d06947", "input": "Los genes de clase I del Complejo Principal de Histocompatibilidad", "output": [ "The class I genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ef78d35e575d4bcbb97e2ef5dc21f037", "input": "La p\u00e9rdida de MHC clase I hace a las c\u00e9lulas susceptibles a la lisis por", "output": [ "The loss of MHC class I makes the cells susceptible to lysis by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-659b842a9bde4e598884ee2c2445ce12", "input": "Es una mol\u00e9cula coestimuladora que se expresa en las c\u00e9lulas presentadoras de ant\u00edgeno", "output": [ "It is a costimulatory molecule that is expressed in the antigen-presenting cells" ] }, { "id": "task1433-32363e04447741b1a5288873615817db", "input": "La expresi\u00f3n simult\u00e1nea de IgM e IgD se observa por primera vez en linfocitos", "output": [ "The simultaneous expression of IgM and IgD is observed for the first time in lymphocytes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8b0835a3ee1b4f5183ce4f0d270b4301", "input": "En el proceso de maduraci\u00f3n de la afinidad de los linfocitos B en los centros germinales intervienen como c\u00e9lulas accesorias", "output": [ "In the process of maturation of the affinity of the B lymphocytes in the germinal centers, they act as accessory cells" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ceacc787c33434dbcaaf4c1a43ebff3", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 inmunoglobulina s\u00e9rica sintetizar\u00e1 un linfocito B activado que no ha sido estimulado a trav\u00e9s de CD40?", "output": [ "What serum immunoglobulin will synthesize an activated B lymphocyte that has not been stimulated through CD40 ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20cd94f619394532b4f355ebd551a7ba", "input": "Son receptores involucrados en la fagocitosis dependiente de opsonizaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "They are receptors involved in phagocytosis dependent on opsonization" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2bae4d56907479c8028b393a0d03260", "input": "Los principales mediadores de la citotoxicdiad celular dependiente de anticuerpos son", "output": [ "The main mediators of the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicdiad are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-426484947dc64b9bb6bef407b7b91d95", "input": "A igualdad de afinidad de su Fab, presenta mayor avidez la", "output": [ "With the same affinity of its Fab, the avidity is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-991c39d638534a778b5dfdea1d96a85d", "input": "El n\u00famero de cadenas de la IgG es", "output": [ "The number of chains of the IgG is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c7f5784906248a2ac80dd4475714a3e", "input": "El cambio de isotipo de inmunoglobulina afecta a", "output": [ "Immunoglobulin isotype change affects" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4bad7c44642347d0908c8ff0909e9065", "input": "El llamado receptor poli-Ig", "output": [ "The so-called poly-Ig receptor" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e790081d5d241f28d8b04e3eab2d9d7", "input": "Los anticuerpos humanizados", "output": [ "The humanized antibodies" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0fe1a0cbb99b4a5aba05c352890777b3", "input": "Es una citocina Th1", "output": [ "It is a Th1 cytokine" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3a9304509c5544ba908a9a5ac96e4c83", "input": "IL-10 es una citocina", "output": [ "IL-10 is a cytokine" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d76f4def939b4d15a02eacfbc73c0f26", "input": "Las reacciones de hipersensibilidad inmediata o alergia est\u00e1n mediadas por", "output": [ "Immediate hypersensitivity reactions or allergy are mediated by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-16a751d1fac84a18b6b978330299f6c1", "input": "La mayor\u00eda de los linfocitos T reguladores expresan niveles altos de", "output": [ "The majority of regulatory T lymphocytes express high levels of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-07aec1c353d146b1b8ff7c1a31046d5f", "input": "Los ant\u00edgenos T-independientes", "output": [ "T-independent antigens" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72be2b0ce29148d09a8141938219d1cf", "input": "El receptor del linfocito T (TCR)", "output": [ "The T lymphocyte receptor (TCR)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e2ca68a4d38344f6a60c2315de6fd322", "input": "De un tejido al que se le a\u00f1ade oligomicina, cabe esperar que", "output": [ "From a tissue to which oligomycin is added, it can be expected that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-41bcca6010b74e95b8da30e6c219fbb9", "input": "Las reacciones exerg\u00f3nicas del metabolismo", "output": [ "The exergonic reactions of metabolism" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c613f00915ea4af2b6cdf6cc7bb1adf8", "input": "Estimula la separaci\u00f3n de las hebras de DNA durante la replicaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Stimulates the separation of DNA strands during replication" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fbc627707f0f438cb234c6170276d4d0", "input": "Se ha transcrito y adem\u00e1s se traduce", "output": [ "It has been transcribed and it is also translated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-641d526cf28d4032b8155a691b5d323e", "input": "La regi\u00f3n promotora de un gen es", "output": [ "The promoter region of a gene is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44d357b270b44ea4b445dc2a11d7754b", "input": "En la cadena respiratoria", "output": [ "In the respiratory chain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-55f95fca34074fa8a57570998449d80a", "input": "Es un amino\u00e1cido cuya cadena lateral contiene una amina", "output": [ "It is an amino acid whose side chain contains an amine" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cbebe9e6be644b6a94c8b50da577a09c", "input": "En ausencia de ox\u00edgeno, el ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico mitocondrial se inhibe porque", "output": [ "In the absence of oxygen, the mitochondrial citric acid cycle is inhibited because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5ac58ce356b24ca4804a0279073e0c39", "input": "Los amino\u00e1cidos cetog\u00e9nicos", "output": [ "Ketogenic amino acids" ] }, { "id": "task1433-207fd9b500c24cf3b8445995b75fac75", "input": "La teor\u00eda quimiosm\u00f3tica", "output": [ "The chemosmotic theory" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bdd07e0f17d84e0ab7849e0a7b142759", "input": "La gluconeog\u00e9nesis es activa en", "output": [ "Gluconeogenesis is active in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-efd75606f5e5426da6dd3bd4d914dd96", "input": "La creatina fosfato", "output": [ "Creatine phosphate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4dbb19120474472bb54f06a670a78c82", "input": "La causa de la fenilcetonuria es un d\u00e9ficit hereditario de", "output": [ "The cause of phenylketonuria is a hereditary deficit of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fde3e5a6b7ec48d5b3e0ed23a92f18b2", "input": "La enfermedad de Von Gierke es un d\u00e9ficit del enzima", "output": [ "Von Gierke's disease is an enzyme deficit" ] }, { "id": "task1433-228cd020d2e94afca327d3574ae96e43", "input": "Para los seres humanos, los amino\u00e1cidos esenciales son", "output": [ "For humans, the essential amino acids are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d3fefd3081e9499db66ef7a55fc55505", "input": "Mantiene separadas las hebras del d\u00faplex de DNA durante la replicaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "It keeps the strands of the DNA duplex separated during replication" ] }, { "id": "task1433-da54a357fc9f47fe9710ad982ca65966", "input": "En la glic\u00f3lisis", "output": [ "In glycolysis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d7ac5b0249d04c36be327e42a15131dc", "input": "La regulaci\u00f3n enzim\u00e1tica por modificaci\u00f3n covalente reversible", "output": [ "Enzymatic regulation by reversible covalent modification" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e449a19f278548ac84d61a78f9e7e776", "input": "No bloquea el flujo de electrones en la fosforilaci\u00f3n oxidativa", "output": [ "Does not block the flow of electrons in oxidative phosphorylation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-326ee54d07024c14bf56d43524cc4597", "input": "El glucag\u00f3n y la adrenalina tienen en com\u00fan", "output": [ "Glucagon and adrenaline have in common" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c955dd972254485c88cebdce534d3843", "input": "En general, los enzimas alost\u00e9ricos", "output": [ "In general, allosteric enzymes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3ea12ac2c65a4f46a57e5b84e65931c4", "input": "Las ARN polimerasas se caracterizan por", "output": [ "RNA polymerases are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-165c62cb3f024d5387969b6577187036", "input": "Las topoisomerasas", "output": [ "Topoisomerases" ] }, { "id": "task1433-275ad878f39c40548612bfb23c73cc8d", "input": "La urea", "output": [ "Urea" ] }, { "id": "task1433-babec448153c4dc1808df7d274454c18", "input": "Cada ciclo de oxidaci\u00f3n de los \u00e1cidos grasos", "output": [ "Each cycle of oxidation of fatty acids" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5ddbd450adc44c5b8fdc17355e4b1a94", "input": "La ATP sintasa", "output": [ "ATP synthase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d2e3554dafe4cf38f74042d9e369287", "input": "En las etapas del ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico se requiere", "output": [ "In the stages of the citric acid cycle, it is required" ] }, { "id": "task1433-538760a5407540e69181bba8c30ff6f0", "input": "Las prote\u00ednas globulares solubles se caracterizan por", "output": [ "The soluble globular proteins are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f1f2b253c60483cac739458d0259981", "input": "La piruvato deshidrogenasa", "output": [ "Pyruvate dehydrogenase" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6d7dff32af4c4380a4362f079f240fd9", "input": "La fosfofructoquinasa-1", "output": [ "Phosphofructokinase-1" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c229b57c475247cc932dd5a266244780", "input": "La ciclaci\u00f3n de monosac\u00e1ridos", "output": [ "The cyclization of monosaccharides" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be7e0e99a57b48b6a36e6815d218c7e8", "input": "El D-gliceraldeh\u00eddo y la dihidroxiacetona", "output": [ "D-glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone" ] }, { "id": "task1433-62f0ed3b444f4b71af4de5c8a17bca24", "input": "La energ\u00eda de activaci\u00f3n de una reacci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The activation energy of a reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4a00949ebb884e96878e04831ab52200", "input": "Es caracter\u00edstico de la h\u00e9lice alfa", "output": [ "It is characteristic of the alpha helix" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6f08cc0b2ac4fbca67e98ad1e954d06", "input": "La desnaturalizaci\u00f3n de las prote\u00ednas", "output": [ "The denaturation of proteins" ] }, { "id": "task1433-250075de062c4cfd8d0548fbd5eeef01", "input": "La conversi\u00f3n del piruvato en etanol y CO2 por las levaduras", "output": [ "The conversion of pyruvate into ethanol and CO2 by yeasts" ] }, { "id": "task1433-23317f1a60af4c118568aa7ad32c54d7", "input": "La terminaci\u00f3n de la traducci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The completion of the translation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-45159362ebea4cebad1ab6cf6eb3dfda", "input": "Est\u00e1 bien asociado con su funci\u00f3n", "output": [ "It is well associated with its function" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eccef6c29f2f4dc6b02875d65b2ecee8", "input": "En eucariotas, la ADN polimerasa \u03b2", "output": [ "In eukaryotes, the DNA polymerase \u03b2" ] }, { "id": "task1433-408d53fd3b4f437689e77a594d918769", "input": "En el an\u00e1lisis de un pedigr\u00ed de un rasgo autos\u00f3mico dominante se observa que", "output": [ "In the analysis of a pedigree of an autosomal dominant trait it is observed that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-266da5a851954939ab125151fdff3b48", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 efecto tendr\u00eda sobre la cromatina neutralizar la carga positiva de las histonas?", "output": [ "What effect would chromatin have on neutralizing the positive charge of histones ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4226e30f94274a09bc5505795f472be2", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de ploidia define a un individuo 2n2?", "output": [ "What type of ploidy defines an individual 2n2 ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-78361db9430847d18c03e349f4ef25e6", "input": "En condiciones fisiol\u00f3gicas, la estructura secundaria del ADN m\u00e1s frecuente en las c\u00e9lulas encariotas es", "output": [ "Under physiological conditions, the secondary structure of the most frequent DNA in the cells is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-41544283cb5b4a37ba2e3bd1353d5e78", "input": "Corresponde a una mutaci\u00f3n g\u00e9nica por transversi\u00f3n", "output": [ "Corresponds to a gene mutation by transversion" ] }, { "id": "task1433-096d62f99a904cbabe0dddfecc5fcf9d", "input": "Una mutaci\u00f3n g\u00e9nica neutral", "output": [ "A neutral gene mutation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5cd3fd3ba2fa430fb1596319b067be89", "input": "El porcentaje aproximado del genoma humano que codifica prote\u00ednas es un", "output": [ "The approximate percentage of the human genome that encodes proteins is a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6cc58abf031d460d9f28422ecbaa30c4", "input": "En el ADN las secuencias de 10 a 60 nucle\u00f3tidos repetidas en t\u00e1ndem se denominan", "output": [ "In DNA the sequences of 10 to 60 nucleotides repeated in tandem are called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-54572d2b3f084e44a39058f00ea70764", "input": "Las constricciones secundarias cromos\u00f3micas contienen", "output": [ "Secondary chromosomal constrictions contain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6fb280696a84488a7af54bd491c38e6", "input": "Al conjunto de todas las mol\u00e9culas de ARN de una c\u00e9lula transcritas a partir de un genoma se denominan", "output": [ "The set of all the RNA molecules of a cell transcribed from a genome are called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-00579f3a308840f69cc9b1b1e742cac5", "input": "Para detectar peque\u00f1as deleciones o duplicaciones a nivel gen\u00f3mico, la t\u00e9cnica de elecci\u00f3n ser\u00eda", "output": [ "To detect small deletions or duplications at the genomic level, the technique of choice would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3daa7e45461419db1e8c8abc460b597", "input": "Las bandas R de los cromosomas metaf\u00e1sicos humanos", "output": [ "The R-bands of human metaphase chromosomes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-64e232b2abc94d0d9d684204acf0e38d", "input": "ASO-PCR es una t\u00e9cnica de", "output": [ "ASO-PCR is a technique of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2cefb36d02ec4fd4a5d9342f67636f32", "input": "La fase de la meiosis donde los pares de cromosomas hom\u00f3logos se alinean a lo largo del plano ecuatorial se denomina", "output": [ "The phase of meiosis where the pairs of homologous chromosomes are aligned along the equatorial plane is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-00384749a2b641f2ba517201251b6dd6", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas mol\u00e9culas de ADN contiene una c\u00e9lula diploide 2n=46 durante la fase G2?", "output": [ "How many DNA molecules does a diploid cell contain 2n = 46 during the G2 phase ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9561f9b25e854f50923d9caf1144af47", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de epistasia explica la proporci\u00f3n fenot\u00edpica dih\u00edbrida de 133?", "output": [ "What type of epistasia explains the dihybrid phenotypic ratio of 13 3 ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a93e7f48948048bb8cdd241be4fd9bfe", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 vector se utilizar\u00eda para clonar un fragmento de ADN de hasta 15 Kb?", "output": [ "Which vector would be used to clone a DNA fragment up to 15 Kb ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c5bf6e3f350e4b94b33180eb9259616e", "input": "Un cariotipo 45,XX,rob(15;21)(q10;q10) puede corresponder a", "output": [ "A karyotype 45, XX, rob (15; 21) (q10; q10) can correspond to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b08dd818631e40c280a9419fa5215e56", "input": "Los tres cromosomas humanos que se estima contienen menor n\u00famero de genes son", "output": [ "The three human chromosomes estimated to contain fewer genes are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30bc4ef047b14df89e5b422b46743096", "input": "La secuencia repetida de los tel\u00f3meros humanos es", "output": [ "The repeated sequence of human telomeres is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-43ffee82ee0c4afeadc3ce0a00533b19", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 hormona provoca la ovulaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What hormone causes ovulation ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-77962b81ceea4e9b818e0159ebdb60fa", "input": "Habitualmente la capacitaci\u00f3n de los espermatozoides se produce en", "output": [ "Usually the training of sperm occurs in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa773c2ec4924fe8945a9e62325d94e5", "input": "El suelo de la cavidad amni\u00f3tica es el", "output": [ "The floor of the amniotic cavity is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d49bada9cb044498905e2db65cb594e", "input": "El primer signo morfol\u00f3gico de la gastrulaci\u00f3n humana es la", "output": [ "The first morphological sign of human gastrulation is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-845f33c523b0453f838866fd38923955", "input": "La inhibina", "output": [ "Inhibin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a75dc0afac484af38dbacf6cea686dfc", "input": "La neuraminidasa del virus de la gripe", "output": [ "Neuraminidase of the influenza virus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0a8b7880088f40c5ab8f68397b2b8edb", "input": "Las bacterias de la especie Haemophilus influenzae", "output": [ "Bacteria of the species Haemophilus influenzae" ] }, { "id": "task1433-04a3f459b0b645a38dc5ffed65ef662f", "input": "La recombinaci\u00f3n som\u00e1tica para la generaci\u00f3n de diversidad en linfocitos B ocurre en", "output": [ "Somatic recombination for the generation of diversity in B lymphocytes occurs in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a914a3ec60c411dbbe61538374d748c", "input": "Los hemat\u00edes t\u00edpicos de la anemia falciforme son los", "output": [ "The typical red cells of sickle cell anemia are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-98325d2f50324aea823a91c728ecf73e", "input": "La histidina se caracteriza por", "output": [ "Histidine is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-80193d64844b4d699f86ea9f536996a6", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas de los t\u00fabulos semin\u00edferos que sostienen y nutren a las c\u00e9lulas germinales son", "output": [ "The cells of the seminiferous tubules that support and nourish the germ cells are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d6d48c14cdf436480ab8b9a7273a79c", "input": "Los grados de libertad de la varianza intragrupos en una Anova de 1 v\u00eda en el que se comparan 4 grupos de 10 individuos cada uno son", "output": [ "The degrees of freedom of the intragroup variance in a 1-way Anova comparing 4 groups of 10 individuals each are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b12547ecf46541f2912e1c3658742ebb", "input": "El periodo de 1 a 2 a\u00f1os posteriores a la pubertad, en el cual se completa el crecimiento del esqueleto y las funciones reproductivas quedan establecidas, se denomina", "output": [ "The period of 1 to 2 years after puberty, in which the growth of the skeleton is completed and the reproductive functions are established, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ba1704cd12c546d99a177ddd2efdbc6d", "input": "Indique la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Indicate the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ddcfc00ed0e54c3b82b56dc0f6b94d93", "input": "En las neuronas una vez que un potencial de acci\u00f3n ha comenzado, un segundo potencial de acci\u00f3n no puede ser disparado durante un breve espacio de tiempo, independientemente de la intensidad del est\u00edmulo aplicado. Este periodo de tiempo se conoce como", "output": [ "In neurons once an action potential has started, a second action potential can not be triggered for a short period of time, regardless of the intensity of the stimulus applied. This period of time is known as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-44f51c4191194f308b2e0c917af51e25", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo participa el cerebelo en el control del movimiento?", "output": [ "How does the cerebellum participate in the control of movement ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aad6af2075a042ddace66a5a13994c59", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el espacio muerto de la v\u00eda a\u00e9rea es correcto", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following statements about dead space of the airway is correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-163f28b5da6b40548c6409f1869aa8b1", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con los procesos de audici\u00f3n y equilibrio indique qu\u00e9 afirmaci\u00f3n es correcta", "output": [ "In relation to the hearing and balance processes, indicate which statement is correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e4fd94a1f36f4f0f947cc75ca70a46fc", "input": "Los movimientos r\u00edtmicos como andar o correr son", "output": [ "The rhythmic movements like walking or running are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c54acfc8ffb44377ad5a5244907fe8b5", "input": "Durante el proceso de intercambio en los capilares, la fuerza activa neta que atrae l\u00edquido del espacio intersticial de nuevo hacia los capilares es", "output": [ "During the exchange process in the capillaries, the net active force that attracts fluid from the interstitial space back into the capillaries is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ece05422dec4fb8b51e297b747ac3de", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto al control hormonal de la reproducci\u00f3n", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer regarding the hormonal control of reproduction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46ec77af5fe642058044f41c77853a02", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes factores influye en la tasa de filtraci\u00f3n glomerular (TFG)?", "output": [ "Which of the following factors influences the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6ba7e4ce6ed44f429eb9997548841bb6", "input": "Las c\u00e9lulas del est\u00f3mago que se encargan de la secreci\u00f3n de \u00e1cido clorh\u00eddrico son", "output": [ "The cells of the stomach that are responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f35166ec210462faa4e501cfd14d531", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes se considera una respuesta normal del sistema cardiovascular originada en los barorreceptores como consecuencia de hipotensi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Which of the following is considered a normal response of the cardiovascular system originated in the baroreceptors as a consequence of hypotension ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-129e108fec2a425cb9ec687cf95ffd3c", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto a las fuerzas que influyen en la filtraci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de los capilares de los glom\u00e9rulos renales (Filtraci\u00f3n Glomerular) que se lleva a cabo en el corp\u00fasculo renal", "output": [ "Indicate the correct answer regarding the forces that influence the filtration through the capillaries of the renal glomeruli (Glomerular Filtration) that takes place in the renal corpuscle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4240e83a3f5046dfbd79fd2d5d26f748", "input": "Seg\u00fan la pr\u00e1ctica totalidad de la literatura enfermera, cu\u00e1l es considerada la primera escuela laica de formaci\u00f3n enfermera reglada del mundo", "output": [ "According to practically all of the nursing literature, which is considered the first secular school of regulated nurse training in the world" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6da61d2231a4315a13c291024bf2535", "input": "En 1916, en la Casa de Salud de Santa Cristina en Madrid, se aprob\u00f3 el Reglamento para la primera", "output": [ "In 1916, in the House of Health of Santa Cristina in Madrid, the Regulation was approved for the first" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02a81a539b4f41dd8b751bf2fe1d581b", "input": "En los inicios del Mundo Cristiano, NO es considerada una caracter\u00edstica del cuidado que se llevaba a cabo atender al enfermo como", "output": [ "At the beginning of the Christian World, it is NOT considered a characteristic of the care that was carried out to treat the sick person as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cc0e96281e1e4aafbe98f08f3b8ffb8f", "input": "Durante el siglo XIX, el movimiento reformista influy\u00f3 considerablemente en el desarrollo de la enfermer\u00eda espa\u00f1ola de esa \u00e9poca, siendo una de las figuras m\u00e1s relevantes", "output": [ "During the nineteenth century, the reform movement greatly influenced the development of Spanish nursing at that time, being one of the most relevant figures" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b84d65c40ddd4d0baf00baf1b071b129", "input": "Mediante el Real Decreto 450/2005, de 22 de abril, se regulan", "output": [ "Royal Decree 450/2005, of April 22, regulates" ] }, { "id": "task1433-01c6e01fc0c1474b8d675fe6fcb01b20", "input": "Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX son varias las te\u00f3ricas enfermeras que desarrollan diferentes definiciones sobre la enfermer\u00eda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas puede considerarse com\u00fan a todas ellas?", "output": [ "During the second half of the 20th century there are several theoretical nurses who develop different definitions about nursing. Which of the following characteristics can be considered common to all of them ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-936a2abb8486460c89bd8a1f5e047bdb", "input": "Raile y Marriner en sus estudios sobre los trabajos te\u00f3ricos en enfermer\u00eda, revisan diferentes aspectos entre los que est\u00e1n los referidos a la sem\u00e1ntica y estructura. Este an\u00e1lisis del marco te\u00f3rico concreto hace referencia a", "output": [ "Raile and Marriner in their studies on the theoretical works in nursing, review different aspects among which are those referred to semantics and structure. This analysis of the concrete theoretical framework refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b024f56576140ef8adbe4c420997257", "input": "La concepci\u00f3n de la persona desde una perspectiva hol\u00edstica ha conseguido todo su significado a partir de los trabajos pertenecientes a la Escuela", "output": [ "The conception of the person from a holistic perspective has achieved all its meaning from the works belonging to the School" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2289473013f34af2aaf41c9d2415c0a1", "input": "La base de la teor\u00eda de Watson es la pr\u00e1ctica enfermera centrada en", "output": [ "The basis of Watson's theory is the nurse practice focused on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-97998ed1407c4bacb9441af20ac69cd8", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes teorizadoras es considerada como la fundadora de la enfermer\u00eda transcultural?", "output": [ "Which of the following theorists is considered to be the founder of transcultural nursing ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37e0f9182ee54383ac7e50c1bb48f619", "input": "Al utilizar el modelo de Callista Roy en la pr\u00e1ctica, la organizaci\u00f3n de los factores que influyen en las respuestas de la persona, se agrupan como est\u00edmulos", "output": [ "When using the Callista Roy model in practice, the organization of the factors that influence the person's responses are grouped as stimuli" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d6dc2e7b7c5748cdae6f5d703c49ed1f", "input": "D. Orem describe el significado de agencia de cuidado dependiente como", "output": [ "D. Orem describes the meaning of dependent care agency as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8f8e06749422458ea78b54cb9635ed42", "input": "Una enfermera que basa su ejercicio profesional en el modelo conceptual de Virginia Henderson", "output": [ "A nurse who bases her professional practice on the Virginia Henderson conceptual model" ] }, { "id": "task1433-251d2c4961564f6eaeb6f65535a95a1c", "input": "A la hora de realizar una entrevista a una persona, con el fin de recabar informaci\u00f3n sobre su situaci\u00f3n, es fundamental tener en cuenta que", "output": [ "When it comes to interviewing a person, in order to gather information about their situation, it is essential to bear in mind that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-76eeab9f185148489fd095fedf825b62", "input": "Una enfermera ha detectado, en diferentes ocasiones, un problema real en los pacientes que atiende que no se corresponde con ninguno de los diagn\u00f3sticos contenidos en la clasificaci\u00f3n NANDA. La forma de proceder para que pueda ser incluido en la taxonom\u00eda es proponer una estructura que contenga como m\u00ednimo", "output": [ "A nurse has detected, on different occasions, a real problem in the patients she attends that does not correspond to any of the diagnoses contained in the NANDA classification. The way to proceed so that it can be included in the taxonomy is to propose a structure that contains at least" ] }, { "id": "task1433-566d0f1e8b5c40699496f1e86d12c51e", "input": "Una finalidad de las escalas de medici\u00f3n de los resultados de la clasificaci\u00f3n NOC es", "output": [ "One purpose of the scales for measuring the results of the NOC classification is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2f76ec9f52a3447cb3c412a8cbbcac1c", "input": "El criterio fundamental para la elecci\u00f3n de las intervenciones en un plan de enfermer\u00eda, es que \u00e9stas sean", "output": [ "The fundamental criterion for the choice of interventions in a nursing plan is that they are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6caf1c88c0947b2a9cfa99b0ad2cfbf", "input": "Un profesional sanitario queda eximido de la obligaci\u00f3n del secreto profesional ante la siguiente circunstancia", "output": [ "A health professional is exempted from the obligation of professional secrecy in the following circumstance" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c37fa62f850b4467b6ef961906dcb7d2", "input": "La limitaci\u00f3n del esfuerzo terap\u00e9utico se refiere a", "output": [ "The limitation of the therapeutic effort refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-826d463415604e14bfdcde0e11600138", "input": "Los cuatro principios de la bio\u00e9tica, no maleficencia, beneficencia, justicia y autonom\u00eda fueron propuestos", "output": [ "The four principles of bioethics, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and autonomy were proposed" ] }, { "id": "task1433-307b76151c9440c0b6df13adc073b47f", "input": "El paciente puede retirar libremente su consentimiento", "output": [ "The patient can freely withdraw his consent" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83bf37d2e286404f8212b3572a13783f", "input": "El C\u00f3digo Deontol\u00f3gico de la Enfermer\u00eda Espa\u00f1ola", "output": [ "The Code of Ethics of Spanish Nursing" ] }, { "id": "task1433-790084a80af548f7b33dd169a377887e", "input": "El modelo de fundamentaci\u00f3n \u00e9tica expuesto por Carol Gilligan se denomina \u00c9tica", "output": [ "The model of ethical foundation exposed by Carol Gilligan is called Ethics" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f8806eb2247341248e82b35585665add", "input": "A la capacidad de captar los principios por los que se distingue entre lo que es moralmente bueno o malo se le denomina", "output": [ "The ability to grasp the principles by which a distinction is made between what is morally good or bad is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-94cbffde96184aaf8025edc6e55eb44e", "input": "A un ni\u00f1o hay que ense\u00f1arle a ser m\u00e1s aut\u00f3nomo y que aprenda a comer sin ayuda. Si primero aprende a sujetar una cuchara, luego a coger algo de pur\u00e9 y finalmente es capaz de llev\u00e1rselo a la boca, y los padres le felicitan, significa que han utilizado el refuerzo positivo y la t\u00e9cnica de aproximaciones sucesivas. Esta t\u00e9cnica tambi\u00e9n se denomina", "output": [ "A child must be taught to be more autonomous and learn to eat without help. If he first learns to hold a spoon, then to grab some puree and is finally able to take it to his mouth, and the parents congratulate him, it means that they have used positive reinforcement and the technique of successive approximations. This technique is also called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c05a0e59af924b4a85183a6801bf04a5", "input": "Cuando una persona trata de evitar las circunstancias que aumentan su estr\u00e9s, hace ejercicios de relajaci\u00f3n, planifica actividades de ocio y trivializa su enfermedad, se dice que esta persona est\u00e1 utilizando estrategias de afrontamiento dirigidas a", "output": [ "When a person tries to avoid circumstances that increase their stress, exercises relaxation, plans leisure activities and trivializes their illness, it is said that this person is using coping strategies aimed at" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e1f3b7ef9ad47cfadd2d5095d46117b", "input": "C. N. tiene un importante sobrepeso, no puede resistirse y come a cualquier hora. Comenta a la enfermera que no puede controlar sus acciones y que tiene muy mala suerte con el problema de la comida. Esta se\u00f1ora presenta un estilo atribucional", "output": [ "C. N. has a significant overweight, can not resist and eats at any time. He tells the nurse that he can not control his actions and that he has very bad luck with the food problem. This lady presents an attributional style" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8088791aecba4b5897f476e2a65433ef", "input": "En una entrevista, la enfermera como experta en comunicaci\u00f3n eficaz debe evitar", "output": [ "In an interview, the nurse as an expert in effective communication should avoid" ] }, { "id": "task1433-00f483d14de04ccb847a9ab11fbcc02c", "input": "Cuando una persona est\u00e1 afectada por un suceso mayor estresante o muchos sucesos menores estresantes diarios, su organismo puede reaccionar mostr\u00e1ndose en los \u00f3rganos diana por acci\u00f3n del", "output": [ "When a person is affected by a major stressful event or many minor stressful daily events, your body can react by showing up in the target organs by the action of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-16493062aab348ca9f1e157d88774d7d", "input": "Las metas que mejoran el rendimiento y centran la atenci\u00f3n de las personas son", "output": [ "The goals that improve performance and focus people's attention are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-97c5f00fb8b145ce8c77494e5c89fff3", "input": "Es una expresi\u00f3n caracter\u00edstica de una persona con alta motivaci\u00f3n de logro", "output": [ "It is a characteristic expression of a person with high achievement motivation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02f29139202942ee93b03f44d09476f5", "input": "La memoria epis\u00f3dica es", "output": [ "The episodic memory is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-710443b51a4847249b2788e21a7f983f", "input": "La persuasi\u00f3n es una forma de modificar actitudes. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes enunciados NO es correcto?", "output": [ "Persuasion is a way to change attitudes. Which of the following statements is NOT correct ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-911725966eb54a01a92626ee54e2d766", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n FALSA. El modelo de los cinco factores de la personalidad de McCrae y Costa establece como dimensiones b\u00e1sicas para estudiar a la persona", "output": [ "Point to the FALSE option. The model of the five factors of the personality of McCrae and Costa establishes as basic dimensions to study the person" ] }, { "id": "task1433-120bf8ed355647b89e63842bfdc36e19", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos corresponde al grupo terap\u00e9utico de los inhibidores selectivos de la recaptaci\u00f3n de serotonina?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs corresponds to the therapeutic group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fafa1136a8a442078c12481c6e7f81b0", "input": "Dentro de todos los efectos adversos que se conocen de los agentes plaquetarios como el Clopidogrel, \u00bfcu\u00e1les de ellos son los considerados como menos graves?", "output": [ "Among all the known adverse effects of platelet agents such as Clopidogrel, which of them are considered less serious ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f4be917a2f534cd0a4c222996ea990f8", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la administraci\u00f3n de analg\u00e9sicos no opioides, se deben considerar las recomendaciones que se relacionan a continuaci\u00f3n, EXCEPTO", "output": [ "In relation to the administration of non-opioid analgesics, the recommendations listed below must be considered, EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-db5eb4ad60ea4ab4acfc578581e8fdc6", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 f\u00e1rmaco de los que se relacionan a continuaci\u00f3n, est\u00e1 incluido dentro del grupo de los Glucocorticoides de acci\u00f3n intermedia?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs is included in the group of intermediate-acting glucocorticoids ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7a164b3a77c14145b2f39e2163cf02d8", "input": "En el tratamiento con progest\u00e1genos, se producen un n\u00famero importante de efectos adversos. De los que se enuncian a continuaci\u00f3n, el m\u00e1s grave es", "output": [ "In the treatment with progestogens, a significant number of adverse effects occur. Of those listed below, the most serious is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c8e2d35a5c644ce799ab1a357b39a751", "input": "En los pacientes que presentan Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Cr\u00f3nica, qu\u00e9 tratamientos de los que figuran a continuaci\u00f3n est\u00e1n contraindicados por el efecto que provocan", "output": [ "In patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which treatments listed below are contraindicated due to the effect they cause" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ae925c586874c19a55b0a0ae509251a", "input": "De todos los grupos de medicamentos que se relacionan a continuaci\u00f3n, los que con menor frecuencia provocan una reacci\u00f3n anafil\u00e1ctica en el paciente son", "output": [ "Of all the groups of drugs listed below, those that less frequently provoke an anaphylactic reaction in the patient are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f21436881f07484fa76ff813797d5954", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta en relaci\u00f3n a la posolog\u00eda en la administraci\u00f3n de f\u00e1rmacos en ni\u00f1os", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer in relation to the posology in the administration of drugs in children" ] }, { "id": "task1433-622548eb760d4d4cad231f62aabc003b", "input": "Un paciente con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1, que comienza con fiebre alta debe", "output": [ "A patient with Diabetes Mellitus type 1, which starts with high fever should" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e7d89f573a94c928c74da01d07b41ad", "input": "Un paciente con insuficiencia renal cr\u00f3nica tiene que seguir una dieta controlada en potasio. \u00bfQu\u00e9 alimentos debe suprimir para reducir la ingesti\u00f3n de potasio?", "output": [ "A patient with chronic renal failure has to follow a controlled diet in potassium. What foods should you suppress to reduce your potassium intake ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0b85d7607ff74015ac61fada50c7cd82", "input": "La dieta basal, normal o regular, se caracteriza por", "output": [ "The basal diet, normal or regular, is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4db06b1c592747a89bffbb1b0629aeac", "input": "Los vegetarianos estrictos con escasa exposici\u00f3n al sol deben consumir alimentos ricos en vitamina", "output": [ "Strict vegetarians with low sun exposure should consume foods rich in vitamin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-696abe10e3674f1ba1601c5a806a4a85", "input": "En la fase II de la dieta por una gastroenteritis aguda \u00bfqu\u00e9 alimento hay que evitar?", "output": [ "In phase II of the diet due to acute gastroenteritis, what food should be avoided ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa058f4c1551468b9ee9892d296af3a2", "input": "Los pacientes con disfagia deben evitar los siguientes alimentos, EXCEPTO", "output": [ "Patients with dysphagia should avoid the following foods, EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-572c5e7cac77494fb47a8b4919c58473", "input": "La herramienta de cribado ideada por Stratton y Col (2004) para evaluar la malnutrici\u00f3n en pacientes ingresados en hospitales es", "output": [ "The screening tool devised by Stratton and Col (2004) to evaluate malnutrition in patients admitted to hospitals is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f851977e679f4b2da9808a354e91bf10", "input": "La p\u00e9rdida involuntaria de peso puede significar desnutrici\u00f3n, si es superior al", "output": [ "The involuntary loss of weight can mean malnutrition, if it is higher than" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5329206ee4a44e58a58c619ab277aca3", "input": "La administraci\u00f3n de nutrici\u00f3n enteral en bolus est\u00e1 indicada cuando", "output": [ "The administration of enteral nutrition in bolus is indicated when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e9447517200b480e9f0926bb220a6718", "input": "A un paciente con arteriopat\u00eda oclusiva perif\u00e9rica que presenta claudicaci\u00f3n intermitente, se le recomendar\u00e1", "output": [ "A patient with peripheral occlusive arteriopathy who presents intermittent claudication will be recommended" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cad46b03ee77423c81853bea5c1ceb11", "input": "El INR (cociente internacional normalizado) de un paciente con fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular cr\u00f3nica tratado con Acenocumarol es de 4. Este resultado le indica que", "output": [ "The INR (international normalized ratio) of a patient with chronic atrial fibrillation treated with Acenocoumarol is 4. This result indicates that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-acf87bac5ba84b2e91188b727f6e4edc", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes signos es caracter\u00edstico de un paciente con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda?", "output": [ "Which of the following signs is characteristic of a patient with left heart failure ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f6570fccefc41c7bc9c17cd2b99ed0d", "input": "Un paciente con un infarto de miocardio lateral, presentar\u00e1 una obstrucci\u00f3n a nivel de la arteria", "output": [ "A patient with a lateral myocardial infarction will present an obstruction at the level of the artery" ] }, { "id": "task1433-107763bbb3cb480a9e4e9e083fbb4f53", "input": "La desfibrilaci\u00f3n se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "Defibrillation is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a047e91ac7b3477aaff469cdb367da20", "input": "Al realizar un electrocardiograma observar\u00e1 que el complejo QRS es predominantemente negativo en la derivaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "When performing an electrocardiogram you will notice that the QRS complex is predominantly negative in the derivation" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b464bf407776490286d9ef2dde5be812", "input": "A un paciente diagnosticado de angina de pecho NO le recomendar\u00e1", "output": [ "A patient diagnosed with angina will NOT recommend" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c9a87787d494af689d5a099307556b4", "input": "Entre las actividades de la enfermera para un paciente con deterioro cognitivo secundario a Accidente Vascular Cerebral, NO es correcto", "output": [ "Among the activities of the nurse for a patient with cognitive impairment secondary to Cerebral Vascular Accident, is NOT correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a1847e3fcd64872916ab7f50af21835", "input": "Entre las enfermedades y trastornos neurol\u00f3gicos con influencia de factores gen\u00e9ticos, NO se encuentra", "output": [ "Among the diseases and neurological disorders influenced by genetic factors, it is NOT found" ] }, { "id": "task1433-065ebd460a75401ea0e2212fa494e654", "input": "Uno de los f\u00e1rmacos que se administran en el tratamiento de las convulsiones es", "output": [ "One of the drugs that are administered in the treatment of seizures is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f9f249e18dc146f1a700d3d58d6e7e01", "input": "El signo m\u00e1s temprano que se manifiesta en el aumento de la Presi\u00f3n Intracraneal (PIC) es", "output": [ "The earliest sign manifested in the increase in Intracranial Pressure (ICP) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bde700911bbb4b10807459d87032f5b9", "input": "La medici\u00f3n m\u00e1s precisa de la temperatura corporal en un paciente inconsciente, debe obtenerse a nivel", "output": [ "The most accurate measurement of body temperature in an unconscious patient should be obtained at" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4be59c373dee45189469604d91a27564", "input": "Despu\u00e9s de que el paciente ha sufrido una crisis epil\u00e9ptica, tiene riesgo de presentar", "output": [ "After the patient has suffered an epileptic seizure, there is a risk of presenting" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e6d1145c7784e96ac7c517540461dab", "input": "P. L. se queja de reflujo gastroesof\u00e1gico y aunque se toma los f\u00e1rmacos prescritos reconoce que no llev\u00f3 a cabo la dieta porque pens\u00f3 que no era importante. Ahora le solicita las recomendaciones diet\u00e9ticas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de ellas es la indicada?", "output": [ "P. L. complains of gastroesophageal reflux and although he takes the prescribed drugs he acknowledges that he did not carry out the diet because he thought it was not important. Now he asks for dietary recommendations. Which one is indicated ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-53b6ae0d13b64fc5947a16caba64bb6f", "input": "El se\u00f1or L. R. es portador de una colostom\u00eda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes recomendaciones sobre actividades de la vida diaria es adecuada?", "output": [ "Mr. L. R. is a colostomy carrier. Which of the following recommendations on activities of daily life is adequate ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d03e31f25a544451a27a6702dd067288", "input": "Los pacientes con cirrosis hep\u00e1tica pueden presentar ascitis por", "output": [ "Patients with liver cirrhosis may have ascites due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c55615df215148feac45fa18859058cb", "input": "Los pacientes intervenidos de cirug\u00eda g\u00e1strica requieren tratamiento de sustituci\u00f3n de vitamina B12 por", "output": [ "Patients undergoing gastric surgery require vitamin B12 replacement therapy for" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bce0f0f3b5614f388a0eb9ab9217a843", "input": "La enfermedad de Crohn es un proceso inflamatorio que se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "Crohn's disease is an inflammatory process that is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3714cb8925ac48629cfcd187711a50d1", "input": "Las heces de aspecto arcilloso son indicativas de un problema de", "output": [ "Clay-colored stools are indicative of a problem of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e25ed1d37ad343c497afb99816066393", "input": "Cuando usted valora al paciente oncol\u00f3gico \u00bfen qu\u00e9 Patr\u00f3n Funcional de M. Gordon se incluye el \u00cdndice de Barthel?", "output": [ "When you value the oncological patient, in which Functional Pattern of M. Gordon is included the Barthel Index ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fa9d1e70b5df45c39c0340c8fce7335d", "input": "P. L. es un paciente diagnosticado de c\u00e1ncer broncopulmonar al que se le han prescrito f\u00e1rmacos antineopl\u00e1sicos. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones respecto a la administraci\u00f3n de quimioterapia es INCORRECTA?", "output": [ "P. L. is a patient diagnosed with bronchopulmonary cancer who has been prescribed antineoplastic drugs. Which of the following statements regarding the administration of chemotherapy is INCORRECT ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e7cd5f39361e4c3c8856f4233f93d9d6", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones relacionadas con el c\u00e1ncer de mama es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements related to breast cancer is correct ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a4fb51ccac84703aed9af3e735d1ed3", "input": "La hipoxia hipox\u00e9mica se produce cuando", "output": [ "Hypoxemic hypoxia occurs when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9f514b637d5b4349a32fd8eba0fd139f", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 valores obtenidos en una gasometr\u00eda arterial se consideran dentro de los par\u00e1metros normales en una persona adulta?", "output": [ "What values \u200b\u200bobtained in an arterial blood gas are considered within the normal parameters in an adult person ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a9136d1e000145da9c1e3cde7056b5a9", "input": "Respecto a los ejercicios con el espir\u00f3metro de incentivo es cierto que", "output": [ "Regarding the exercises with the incentive spirometer, it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02e595cc55d542d8b436f1d3b38e187f", "input": "Al entrenar a un paciente para que realice correctamente ejercicios de respiraci\u00f3n diafragm\u00e1tica le indicaremos que", "output": [ "When training a patient to perform diaphragmatic breathing exercises correctly, we will indicate that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-323c3fa105df49c58a8a2f7edd1c6855", "input": "La hiperoxia o toxicidad por ox\u00edgeno puede provocar signos y s\u00edntomas como", "output": [ "Hyperoxia or oxygen toxicity can cause signs and symptoms such as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f787117b3fb74a0aa14898d62a8c5744", "input": "El obturador o fiador en una c\u00e1nula de traqueotom\u00eda sirve para", "output": [ "The obturator or catheter in a tracheostomy cannula serves to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f2eac554d3534b29b8f6ba77b648bd10", "input": "En el postoperatorio, signos cl\u00ednicos como temperatura elevada, tos, expectoraci\u00f3n, disnea y dolor tor\u00e1cico, corresponden a un paciente que presenta", "output": [ "In the postoperative period, clinical signs such as high temperature, cough, expectoration, dyspnea and chest pain correspond to a patient who presents" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cc7f5dd2ca5e467ea3ba76cc9f40f550", "input": "Cu\u00e1l de los siguientes diagn\u00f3sticos de la NANDA, NO es pertinente en el paciente reci\u00e9n operado", "output": [ "Which of the following NANDA diagnoses is NOT relevant in the newly operated patient" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b5778e67634433daac5e9ba05ea86c5", "input": "Uno de los signos que puede aparecer en el postoperatorio es el timpanismo, cuyo significado es", "output": [ "One of the signs that can appear in the postoperative period is tympanism, which means" ] }, { "id": "task1433-175ae4bcb65c4e2883222950201c4a8a", "input": "Acude a consulta de enfermer\u00eda una mujer de 48 a\u00f1os, que acaba de ser diagnosticada de Diabetes Mellitus 2. Los valores de glucemia basal venosa son 165 mg/dl. Otros datos de inter\u00e9s son colesterol total 197 mg/dl e IMC 23 Kg/m2. \u00bfQu\u00e9 recomendaci\u00f3n diet\u00e9tica est\u00e1 indicada?", "output": [ "A 48-year-old woman who has just been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus 2 comes to the nursing consultation. Baseline venous blood glucose values \u200b\u200bare 165 mg / dL. Other interesting data are total cholesterol 197 mg / dl and BMI 23 Kg / m2. What dietary recommendation is indicated ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-34ba7b6c213d47e3a99ea0e8455ec96a", "input": "La tormenta tiroidea o crisis tirot\u00f3xica, es un estado de hipertiroidismo extremo caracterizado por", "output": [ "Thyroid storm or thyrotoxic crisis is a state of extreme hyperthyroidism characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c59a791326b04ba28b5407eedf21b07c", "input": "La Diabetes Ins\u00edpida", "output": [ "Diabetes Insipidus" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ba67b3acd5044120b2f462e70584d706", "input": "La cetoacidosis diab\u00e9tica (CAD) produce trastornos del metabolismo de los carbohidratos, prote\u00ednas y l\u00edpidos. Las principales manifestaciones cl\u00ednicas de la CAD son", "output": [ "Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) causes disorders of the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. The main clinical manifestations of CAD are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-52181674c4554e5bae4cfca6a7f5f90b", "input": "Uno de los principales factores de riesgo para el c\u00e1ncer renal es", "output": [ "One of the main risk factors for kidney cancer is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1bd932418cc245d5bb366def3e404772", "input": "En un paciente con Insuficiencia Renal, los f\u00e1rmacos por v\u00eda oral se deben administrar", "output": [ "In a patient with Renal Insufficiency, oral drugs must be administered" ] }, { "id": "task1433-161cdd2ba78e4bb39f6315c60048513d", "input": "En un paciente postoperado de una derivaci\u00f3n urinaria, la enfermera debe vigilar el volumen urinario cada hora. \u00bfPor debajo de cu\u00e1ntos ml/h de orina puede indicar que el paciente est\u00e1 deshidratado o presenta alg\u00fan tipo de obstrucci\u00f3n o p\u00e9rdida interna?", "output": [ "In a postoperative patient with a urinary diversion, the nurse should monitor the urine volume every hour. Below how many ml / h of urine may indicate that the patient is dehydrated or has some type of internal obstruction or loss ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-10a6ca130e9d483a8a5765fd36ce735e", "input": "En la instrucci\u00f3n que realiza la enfermera sobre los cuidados domiciliarios en la di\u00e1lisis peritoneal, el paciente o cuidador deber\u00e1 ser capaz de", "output": [ "In the nurse's instruction on home care in peritoneal dialysis, the patient or caregiver should be able to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f34feb06aea948d0a71d3cca2d7bf68d", "input": "Hace 24 horas que D. J. de 28 a\u00f1os, ha sido intervenido quir\u00fargicamente por v\u00eda abdominal. Cuando entra a la habitaci\u00f3n le sonr\u00ede y bromea con las visitas. La presi\u00f3n arterial es de 130/74 mmHg, la frecuencia cardiaca de 80 y la respiratoria de 18. Le comenta que tiene dolor y en una escala num\u00e9rica de intensidad del dolor de 0 (sin dolor) a 10 (el peor dolor posible), D. J. punt\u00faa su dolor en 8. Bas\u00e1ndose en estos datos, se\u00f1ale el n\u00famero que elegir\u00eda usted para representar la valoraci\u00f3n del dolor de este se\u00f1or", "output": [ "It has been 24 hours since D. J., 28, has undergone an abdominal surgery. When he enters the room he smiles and jokes with the visitors. The blood pressure is 130/74 mmHg, the heart rate is 80, and the respiratory rate is 18. He tells him that he has pain and on a numerical scale of pain intensity from 0 (without pain) to 10 (the worst possible pain), DJ scores his pain in 8. Based on these data, point out the number you would choose to represent the assessment of this man's pain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dd711f39121740688ab403a775f57218", "input": "La se\u00f1ora P. R. tiene prescrita sueroterapia a raz\u00f3n de 2 litros de soluci\u00f3n salina isot\u00f3nica en 24 horas; \u00bfa cu\u00e1ntas gotas/minuto graduar\u00eda la perfusi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Mrs. P. R. has prescribed a serum therapy at a rate of 2 liters of isotonic saline in 24 hours; How many drops / minute would the infusion graduate ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-85d41c9f80604c7e89fdf18470231be2", "input": "Una de las siguientes posiciones hace m\u00e1s susceptible al paciente de desarrollar \u00falceras por presi\u00f3n debido a las fuerzas de cizalla", "output": [ "One of the following positions makes the patient more susceptible to developing pressure ulcers due to shearing forces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bf541dd920b54fdbb8fd06c896327b2e", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la consolidaci\u00f3n de las fracturas es FALSA?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements about the consolidation of the fractures is FALSE ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3ca7afd38c804465a4e37cc6e5783a0a", "input": "Para que una tracci\u00f3n esquel\u00e9tica sea eficaz, los principios que debe cumplir son", "output": [ "For a skeletal traction to be effective, the principles that must be met are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f13a61edb0e4c18a505e4073cb0837e", "input": "El procedimiento para aplicar una escayola incluye", "output": [ "The procedure to apply a plaster includes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-560e7ee92ff5425189a099e7d15f2752", "input": "Cuando se realiza un procedimiento de cateterismo venoso central de inserci\u00f3n perif\u00e9rica, la enfermera ha de tener en cuenta que", "output": [ "When performing a central peripheral insertion venous catheterization procedure, the nurse must take into account that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c4072eeb881b42f9a28ddc8cc1d28781", "input": "La prueba espec\u00edfica a realizar como paso previo a la inserci\u00f3n de un cat\u00e9ter en la arteria radial o cubital, con el fin de evaluar la presencia de una adecuada circulaci\u00f3n colateral de la mano, se denomina", "output": [ "The specific test to be performed as a previous step to the insertion of a catheter in the radial or ulnar artery, in order to evaluate the presence of an adequate collateral circulation of the hand, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-073f159b51524907904b386555c88cf6", "input": "Cuando un paciente terminal presenta dolor", "output": [ "When a terminal patient presents pain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e3b2e610e64041d2b1bf83687f35f89a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes actividades NO debe llevarse a cabo en el paciente terminal cuando \u00e9ste presenta xerostom\u00eda?", "output": [ "Which of the following activities should NOT be carried out in the terminal patient when he presents with xerostomia ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c8ca02e0ad8647ee907b0df50d9c982a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones en relaci\u00f3n al estre\u00f1imiento en el paciente terminal es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements regarding constipation in the terminal patient is correct ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-48e86595899d429a8e91872f724aeb16", "input": "El tipo de estudio epidemiol\u00f3gico indicado para evaluar, en una poblaci\u00f3n inicialmente exenta del problema de salud objeto de estudio, la asociaci\u00f3n entre un factor de riesgo y la aparici\u00f3n de la enfermedad es", "output": [ "The type of epidemiological study indicated to evaluate, in a population initially exempt from the health problem under study, the association between a risk factor and the onset of the disease is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e8a2cfe90ff142939e5b7b3c65d94c74", "input": "En el \u00e1rea de salud, se identifican problemas de seguridad en dos centros escolares. Para abordar la situaci\u00f3n se desarrollan sesiones educativas con padres-madres y profesores de los centros, se elaboran carteles de prevenci\u00f3n, se recogen firmas para apoyar la eliminaci\u00f3n de los puntos negros y se consigue terminar con los riesgos y crear una normativa que favorezca la seguridad de los centros escolares. Este tipo de intervenci\u00f3n se considera", "output": [ "In the health area, safety problems are identified in two schools. To deal with the situation, educational sessions are held with parents and teachers of the centers, prevention posters are drawn up, signatures are collected to support the elimination of black spots, and risks are eliminated and regulations that favor safety of the schools. This type of intervention is considered" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7f21b9bedf394d0fac365b05069cf88e", "input": "Se organiza un programa de Educaci\u00f3n para la Salud (EpS) grupal dirigido a mujeres en la etapa del climaterio. Una de las sesiones tiene como objetivo conocer c\u00f3mo est\u00e1n viviendo dicha etapa y c\u00f3mo les est\u00e1 afectando a nivel personal y familiar. La t\u00e9cnica de EpS m\u00e1s adecuada es", "output": [ "A program of Health Education (EpS) is organized for women in the climacteric stage. One of the sessions aims to know how they are living this stage and how it is affecting them personally and family. The most appropriate EpS technique is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-99f3a196f5824ffcb9589ebd69732e1e", "input": "El Programa de Actividades Preventivas y de Promoci\u00f3n de la Salud (PAPPS) NO incluye como paquete m\u00ednimo en el Subprograma Infantil", "output": [ "The Program of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (PAPPS) DOES NOT include as a minimum package in the Infant Subprogram" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e0563743aefd4d6793cf50c0e7bf1ebf", "input": "En el control de enfermedades cr\u00f3nicas que requieren de un tratamiento continuo, uno de los principales retos para la enfermera de atenci\u00f3n primaria, es el favorecer la adhesi\u00f3n al tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico y dar recomendaciones relacionadas con los estilos de vida. De las siguientes recomendaciones, \u00bfcu\u00e1l NO estar\u00eda indicada para fomentar dicha adhesi\u00f3n?", "output": [ "In the control of chronic diseases that require continuous treatment, one of the main challenges for the primary care nurse is to favor adherence to pharmacological treatment and to make recommendations related to lifestyles. Of the following recommendations, which would NOT be indicated to encourage such adhesion ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-166bbccd416b4a2e8db56ae15aad4597", "input": "Un hombre de 45 a\u00f1os de origen marroqu\u00ed, que lleg\u00f3 a Espa\u00f1a hace tres a\u00f1os, acude a la consulta de enfermer\u00eda, con una herida superficial limpia y nos comenta que a los 6 meses de llegar le pusieron una dosis de la vacuna difteriat\u00e9tanos. De las siguientes intervenciones, \u00bfcu\u00e1l est\u00e1 indicada?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old man of Moroccan origin, who arrived in Spain three years ago, goes to the nurse's office, with a clean superficial wound, and tells us that six months after arrival he was given a dose of the diphtheriate bath vaccine. Of the following interventions, which is indicated ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3909d8f9a96540e8987cd3bca3fa5e6c", "input": "P. C. es una mujer de 27 a\u00f1os que hace 3 semanas le administraron la primera dosis de la vacuna de VHB. Le acaban de dar los resultados de los marcadores serol\u00f3gicos de la rubeola Ac anti rubeola negativos. Teniendo en cuenta la situaci\u00f3n vacunal, \u00bfqu\u00e9 intervenci\u00f3n es adecuada?", "output": [ "P.C. is a 27-year-old woman who was given the first dose of the HBV vaccine 3 weeks ago. He has just been given the results of the serological markers of rubella Ac anti rubella negative. Taking into account the vaccination situation, what intervention is adequate ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c2bae8c5ee9f4da1b9fac09ad6ea662d", "input": "Acude a consulta de enfermer\u00eda un hombre de 38 a\u00f1os que refiere haber mantenido pr\u00e1cticas sexuales de riesgo con una fuente + VHB. El resultado de la serolog\u00eda realizada es de HBsAc>10mUl/ml. Teniendo en cuenta los datos aportados, \u00bfqu\u00e9 intervenci\u00f3n est\u00e1 indicada?", "output": [ "A 38-year-old man comes to the nursing consultation and says he has maintained risky sexual practices with a source + HBV. The result of the serology performed is HBsAc> 10mUl / ml. Taking into account the data provided, what intervention is indicated ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-88e4f115577f4718a6e0f45b22c3d60f", "input": "Dentro de las funciones de atenci\u00f3n directa desarrolladas por los Equipos de Atenci\u00f3n Primaria NO se encuentra", "output": [ "Within the direct care functions developed by the Primary Care Teams is NOT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bdd7a67cd96e41d1bf2f19422d8e3d93", "input": "La medida de prevenci\u00f3n secundaria recomendada para la prevenci\u00f3n del c\u00e1ncer de cuello uterino es", "output": [ "The recommended secondary prevention measure for the prevention of cervical cancer is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-00e9446bfdef4ff186f6fe43019d5039", "input": "Un aspecto esencial que se debe incluir en la valoraci\u00f3n de una persona fumadora es", "output": [ "An essential aspect that should be included in the assessment of a smoker is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5c5a2c9d42f041a59fbfaacca6feb013", "input": "Seg\u00fan la Estrategia del Plan Nacional de Drogas (2009-2016), entre los grupos de poblaci\u00f3n beneficiarios de programas y actividades dirigidos a la asistencia e integraci\u00f3n social NO se encuentran las personas que", "output": [ "According to the Strategy of the National Drug Plan (2009-2016), among the population groups that benefit from programs and activities aimed at social assistance and integration, there are NO people who" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5d1aa3ee78e84bbc9f428d7daa4d34d5", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de intervenci\u00f3n de prevenci\u00f3n primaria est\u00e1 indicada durante el periodo pre patog\u00e9nico de enfermedades cardiovasculares?", "output": [ "What type of primary prevention intervention is indicated during the pre-pathogenic period of cardiovascular diseases ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3bc905be67434221ae5c2c22e673afca", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 medida define la frecuencia de padecer c\u00e1ncer de pulm\u00f3n entre las personas que fuman 20 cigarros al d\u00eda respecto a las que no fuman?", "output": [ "What measure defines the frequency of lung cancer among people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day compared to those who do not smoke ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d325240b3b844d76854b491df3c912a6", "input": "De las siguientes variables, cual se considera un marcador de riesgo en la aparici\u00f3n de enfermedad cardiovascular", "output": [ "Of the following variables, which is considered a risk marker in the onset of cardiovascular disease" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e7c6766961114821889ba3136370a9dc", "input": "El dengue es una enfermedad infecciosa end\u00e9mica en determinadas comunidades. Cuando el 38% de la poblaci\u00f3n de una comunidad presenta dicha enfermedad, se habla de ", "output": [ "Dengue is an infectious disease endemic in certain communities. When 38% of the population of a community has said disease, we talk about" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cb8fcf0ea3e64f7798623b0f0094fed2", "input": "Teniendo en cuenta la clasificaci\u00f3n de la OMS de los m\u00e9todos y medios de educaci\u00f3n para la salud, las campa\u00f1as de prevenci\u00f3n de accidentes de tr\u00e1fico llevadas a cabo en televisi\u00f3n se consideran un m\u00e9todo", "output": [ "Taking into account the WHO classification of methods and means of education for health, campaigns to prevent traffic accidents carried out on television are considered a method" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ff42c14afc5241cb92253273b3b264df", "input": "Seg\u00fan el art\u00edculo 15 de la Ley de Prevenci\u00f3n de Riesgos Laborales, NO se considera un principio en la actividad preventiva", "output": [ "According to the article 15 of the Law of Prevention of Labor Risks, it is NOT considered a principle in the preventive activity" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a648fbdf17e84f1491ee000ce86adb3b", "input": "La medida de prevenci\u00f3n menos eficaz en la aparici\u00f3n de un brote de salmonelosis es", "output": [ "The least effective prevention measure in the appearance of an outbreak of salmonellosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e42dd843679b42c3925b2e08016fdb9b", "input": "En el diagn\u00f3stico de salud de una comunidad, si se plantea como objetivo conocer c\u00f3mo influye el entorno medioambiental en la comunidad, el indicador que se tiene que incluir en el an\u00e1lisis es", "output": [ "In the health diagnosis of a community, if the objective is to know how the environment influences the community, the indicator that must be included in the analysis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ee49a00ac5f4bf2a5bde0d8c1ae4673", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta INCORRECTA en relaci\u00f3n a la Cartera de Servicios de Atenci\u00f3n Primaria", "output": [ "Point out the INCORRECT response in relation to the Portfolio of Primary Care Services" ] }, { "id": "task1433-50f26e573e3a409abd368b96e53a4e3a", "input": "Dentro de las fuentes utilizadas para realizar el diagn\u00f3stico de salud de una comunidad, es esencial conocer", "output": [ "Among the sources used to make the diagnosis of health of a community, it is essential to know" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c465269569ad451489e91154e8a324fe", "input": "El cociente entre el n\u00famero de nacidos vivos registrado en un a\u00f1o y la poblaci\u00f3n femenina en edad de procrear (15-49 a\u00f1os) se refiere al concepto de", "output": [ "The quotient between the number of live births registered in a year and the female population of reproductive age (15-49 years) refers to the concept of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-86a6a7ba216d4f768500196f5a3337f6", "input": "Si en un estudio epidemiol\u00f3gico, la poblaci\u00f3n participante tiene como criterio de inclusi\u00f3n la voluntariedad, la validez de los resultados est\u00e1n sometidos a un sesgo de", "output": [ "If in an epidemiological study, the participating population has voluntariness as an inclusion criterion, the validity of the results are subject to a bias of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c6aede3e9db740e4beaccf7f916eb111", "input": "Acude a consulta de enfermer\u00eda un hombre de 55 a\u00f1os para seguimiento de HTA reci\u00e9n diagnosticada. En la valoraci\u00f3n comenta que es fumador de 15 cigarros al d\u00eda. Aprovechando la oportunidad de la consulta, la enfermera le proporciona informaci\u00f3n sobre la importancia de dejar de fumar y le ofrece apoyo si decide dejarlo. Este tipo de intervenci\u00f3n de EpS se considera", "output": [ "A 55-year-old man came to the nursing consultation for follow-up of newly diagnosed hypertension. In the assessment he says that he smokes 15 cigars a day. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the consultation, the nurse provides information on the importance of quitting smoking and offers support if you decide to quit. This type of EpS intervention is considered" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7f590be2e324e59aa3f2b0f302493a8", "input": "Entre los criterios epidemiol\u00f3gicos de causalidad definidos por Bradford Hill (1965) NO se encuentra", "output": [ "Among the epidemiological criteria of causality defined by Bradford Hill (1965) is NOT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83ff8b4645b14898b355015237f7ed94", "input": "Los resultados de la evaluaci\u00f3n de un programa de prevenci\u00f3n realizada en un contexto, entorno y poblaci\u00f3n concreto, se refieren al concepto de", "output": [ "The results of the evaluation of a prevention program carried out in a specific context, environment and population refer to the concept of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a98ab25993b047c28642df983b3395df", "input": "La din\u00e1mica demogr\u00e1fica de una comunidad viene determinada por la", "output": [ "The demographic dynamics of a community is determined by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-413928f54efd4492ad0bb5e17fda1d0d", "input": "NO se considera una intervenci\u00f3n terciaria de prevenci\u00f3n ante una situaci\u00f3n de maltrato a la mujer ", "output": [ "It is NOT considered a tertiary prevention intervention in a situation of mistreatment of women" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68741cef9ac3496f9c731a45f914b051", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes manifestaciones es una urgencia para la mujer gestante?", "output": [ "Which of the following manifestations is an emergency for the pregnant woman ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8b61404a4d4e4b8cbd317aced850b558", "input": "C. S. que est\u00e1 embarazada de 40 semanas y contrae la rubeola, consulta con la enfermera sus dudas sobre si podr\u00e1 dar lactancia materna al reci\u00e9n nacido. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 la respuesta de la enfermera?", "output": [ "C. S. who is 40 weeks pregnant and gets rubella, consult with the nurse your doubts about whether you can breastfeed the newborn. What will be the response of the nurse ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fc2b2a073632480db09d7c1141c13fd0", "input": "Entre las 24 y 36 horas despu\u00e9s de producirse el pico de m\u00e1xima liberaci\u00f3n de la hormona LH se desencadena", "output": [ "Between 24 and 36 hours after the peak of release of the hormone LH occurs, it is triggered" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b2a15c15fdf34c348dffd06f7b96b762", "input": "En el test de Papanicolau, las muestras citol\u00f3gicas se deben recoger de", "output": [ "In the Pap test, cytological samples should be collected from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f9e34d3cf9224c59b38dd6752446b69a", "input": "Por su alto contenido de mercurio, la Agencia Espa\u00f1ola de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrici\u00f3n recomienda a las mujeres embarazadas no consumir", "output": [ "Due to its high mercury content, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition recommends pregnant women not to consume" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8bd082d975b44ab48334d56aa315bb33", "input": "El efecto de la gammaglobulina anti-D que se administra a las mujeres Rh negativo que han gestado un feto Rh positivo es", "output": [ "The effect of anti-D gammaglobulin given to Rh negative women who have developed an Rh positive fetus is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e60c6edbf55c401fb992fa110b38c4a0", "input": "En una mujer que presenta hiperemesis grav\u00eddica, se debe vigilar la aparici\u00f3n de", "output": [ "In a woman with hyperemesis gravidarum, the appearance of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2bf6b28caa4241a3bd45ec411cca272e", "input": "Para el cuidado de las grietas del pez\u00f3n durante la lactancia se recomienda", "output": [ "For the care of the nipple cracks during lactation it is recommended" ] }, { "id": "task1433-87fca5a719d04d0985ee24d4813c0332", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la toxoplasmosis y el embarazo, indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones es cierta", "output": [ "In relation to toxoplasmosis and pregnancy, indicate which of the following options is true" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8dd38a3e388c446ab735939f0d6c50eb", "input": "Un ni\u00f1o con intolerancia al gluten pregunta a la enfermera qu\u00e9 chucher\u00edas puede tomar cuando sale a jugar con sus amigos", "output": [ "A child with gluten intolerance asks the nurse what trinkets she can take when she goes out to play with her friends" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5bf725a5f28c4d97850e0a0e8b7fda56", "input": "En cuanto a la exploraci\u00f3n del desarrollo psicomotor, del \u00e1rea del lenguaje y de la sociabilidad en un ni\u00f1o de cuatro a\u00f1os \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes hallazgos se puede considerar un signo de alarma en el proceso de maduraci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Regarding the exploration of psychomotor development, the area of \u200b\u200blanguage and sociability in a four-year-old child, which of the following findings can be considered a sign of alarm in the maturation process ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-32dbab6f75f14d718718fd6bafd32760", "input": "La presencia de cuerpos extra\u00f1os como peque\u00f1os botones, pipas de girasol, etc., en las v\u00edas respiratorias en ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os es un accidente relativamente frecuente. Se\u00f1ale los signos que aparecen cuando estos objetos se quedan alojados en v\u00eda respiratoria inferior", "output": [ "The presence of foreign bodies such as small buttons, sunflower seeds, etc., in the respiratory tract in young children is a relatively frequent accident. Point out the signs that appear when these objects are lodged in the lower respiratory tract" ] }, { "id": "task1433-574970dc6d944da8a9a8d0fa90bb9799", "input": "De las siguientes escalas de valoraci\u00f3n del dolor en la infancia, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de ellas se recomienda para los escolares de 7 a 8 a\u00f1os?", "output": [ "Of the following scales of pain assessment in childhood, which is recommended for school children aged 7 to 8 ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a518c320e1e04c6eb12f5722b8ac8a37", "input": "Respecto a los malos tratos en la infancia, se\u00f1ale los aspectos que indican el car\u00e1cter no accidental de lesiones y hacen sospechar que sean debidas a malos tratos", "output": [ "With regard to child abuse, point out the aspects that indicate the non-accidental nature of injuries and suggest that they are due to mistreatment" ] }, { "id": "task1433-268bc410586d47ad87b29178e3747152", "input": "En nuestra entrevista con una adolescente de 14 a\u00f1os y su familia se recogen los datos que figuran a continuaci\u00f3n ha cambiado su car\u00e1cter, manifest\u00e1ndose triste e irritable; preocupaci\u00f3n excesiva por lo que come; obsesi\u00f3n por el gimnasio y estancamiento o disminuci\u00f3n de su peso corporal, aunque ha aumentado su talla. La adolescente no reconoce ninguna de estas observaciones alegando que est\u00e1 creciendo. Pensar\u00edamos que", "output": [ "In our interview with a 14-year-old adolescent and her family, the following information is collected her character has changed, she is sad and irritable; excessive worry about what you eat; obsession with the gym and stagnation or decrease in body weight, although its size has increased. The adolescent does not recognize any of these observations claiming that she is growing. We would think that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8eda4141894b4425a94729d725afb6c9", "input": "\u00bfA cu\u00e1l de los siguientes problemas del reci\u00e9n nacido se asocia la carencia de folato durante las primeras semanas tras la concepci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Which of the following problems of the newborn is associated with folate deficiency during the first weeks after conception ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e148504c886449f5ac5597a4105e829e", "input": "El Sr. G. A. cuidador de su mujer que padece Enfermedad de Alzheimer, consulta a su enfermera porque \u00e9sta ha comenzado con conductas disruptivas, gritos y deambular errante. Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto a este tipo de conductas", "output": [ "Mr. G. A., caregiver of his wife who suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, consults his nurse because it has started with disruptive behaviors, shouting and wandering. Point out the correct answer regarding this type of behavior" ] }, { "id": "task1433-350f01ee87234e61b74f035cb6dcd4d9", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a los cambios sensoriales que se producen en la visi\u00f3n durante el envejecimiento, es correcto que", "output": [ "In relation to the sensory changes that occur in vision during aging, it is correct that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4ce9981bb03142f58e6dd71a576c814e", "input": "Durante el proceso de envejecimiento se producen cambios en los diferentes sistemas y aparatos siendo cierto que en el sistema cardiovascular", "output": [ "During the aging process there are changes in the different systems and devices, being true that in the cardiovascular system" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f3e8804a158c4ccf9a126023c13e2374", "input": "En el informe de salud de la Sra. P. T. de 83 a\u00f1os de edad, se recoge que presenta un cuadro depresivo. Respecto a la depresi\u00f3n en las personas mayores se ha descrito que", "output": [ "In the health report of Mrs. P. T. of 83 years of age, it is reported that she has a depressive picture. Regarding depression in the elderly has been described that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d368e3984b64566a4f91ed8b357d66f", "input": "El Sr. T. T. de 92 a\u00f1os, ingresado en la unidad de hospitalizaci\u00f3n recientemente, ha comenzado con diferentes s\u00edntomas que hacen sospechar que presenta un s\u00edndrome confusional agudo. Dentro de las medidas de prevenci\u00f3n y cuidados para este problema est\u00e1 indicado", "output": [ "Mr. T. T., 92 years old, admitted to the hospitalization unit recently, has started with different symptoms that suggest that he has an acute confusional syndrome. Within the measures of prevention and care for this problem is indicated" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d1bf6f92419c4e2887dbc1f07635279e", "input": "La incontinencia urinaria afecta a una poblaci\u00f3n importante de personas mayores. A la hora de aplicar diferentes terapias conductuales debemos tener en consideraci\u00f3n que el entrenamiento de la vejiga urinaria o entrenamiento vesical", "output": [ "Urinary incontinence affects a significant population of elderly people. When applying different behavioral therapies, we must take into consideration that urinary bladder training or bladder training" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4156747e53ae47f7a7b446e2633a0580", "input": "En una unidad de hospitalizaci\u00f3n ingresan al a\u00f1o un 15% de personas mayores con demencia, gran parte de ellas en estadios muy avanzados. El dolor es un s\u00edntoma frecuente en este tipo de pacientes. Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta, en pacientes con demencia muy avanzada", "output": [ "In a hospitalization unit, 15% of elderly people with dementia enter the year, most of them in very advanced stages. Pain is a frequent symptom in this type of patients. Point out the correct answer in patients with very advanced dementia" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4004f1d9beb144e0a953b49ac65f910b", "input": "La Sra. H. H. de 69 a\u00f1os se queja de que no duerme bien. Respecto al sue\u00f1o en los mayores se ha comprobado que", "output": [ "Mrs. H. H. 69 years old complains that she does not sleep well. Regarding sleep in the elderly, it has been proven that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-278d79c23fb749aeb5003b4855f0fb60", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto al \u00edndice de Lawton como escala de valoraci\u00f3n en geriatr\u00eda", "output": [ "Indicate the correct answer regarding the Lawton index as a scale of assessment in geriatrics" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95b475fd149c457eb2f5631c2f63c513", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 aspecto se relaciona la dificultad de las personas mayores para resolver nuevos problemas?", "output": [ "With what aspect does the difficulty of the elderly relate to solve new problems ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2df903c1f2324ef2a9068be5ef8ce600", "input": "La Amercian Psychiatric Association (1994) defini\u00f3 la enfermedad mental como", "output": [ "The Amercian Psychiatric Association (1994) defined mental illness as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2f9b56d42f064a56b73099bfdf3815b0", "input": "En el \u00e1mbito de la salud mental, la palabra cronicidad", "output": [ "In the field of mental health, the word chronicity" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ccf0c7a489504ee0a3216150a15decab", "input": "La presencia de pr\u00f3dromos inespec\u00edficos en un trastorno psic\u00f3tico", "output": [ "The presence of nonspecific prodromes in a psychotic disorder" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c9d8d0b3d4ab4b1fb6a85a21491a0dbf", "input": "El tratamiento psicoterap\u00e9utico en los trastornos psic\u00f3ticos", "output": [ "Psychotherapeutic treatment in psychotic disorders" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2d93ff4f9518403885ba83cd98bb4902", "input": "La presencia de un trastorno mental y el uso patol\u00f3gico de sustancias t\u00f3xicas", "output": [ "The presence of a mental disorder and the pathological use of toxic substances" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5616f0ca9138423e8e9becc0ccbb6856", "input": "La aparici\u00f3n de dificultades e infecciones respiratorias como consecuencia de la disminuci\u00f3n de las defensas, es una disfuncionalidad que se produce con mayor probabilidad en", "output": [ "The appearance of difficulties and respiratory infections as a consequence of the diminution of the defenses, is a dysfunction that occurs most likely in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-861bffaa3a384aed9156f0908fe2559a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son las principales funciones de los mandos o dirigentes de una organizaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What are the main functions of the managers or leaders of an organization ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cea96882cc864e8dae9fd4dc689b1eed", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se llama el tipo de estructura de una organizaci\u00f3n, en el que cada persona ya no depende exclusivamente de un solo jefe, sino que adem\u00e1s puede estar afectada por proyectos y estatutos diferentes, durante un tiempo variable o fijo?", "output": [ "What is the name of the structure type of an organization, in which each person no longer depends exclusively on a single boss, but can also be affected by different projects and statutes, during a variable or fixed time ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d10fedfbb4724548b9ef7502b058ed69", "input": "El Cuadro de Mando es", "output": [ "The Scorecard is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4d6d255c54684816a301904bd2b1414e", "input": "La gesti\u00f3n por procesos es", "output": [ "The process management is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-587e9663b0a449b1b498df9a9ad7fd1e", "input": "Desde la perspectiva de la gesti\u00f3n sanitaria, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 corresponden las iniciales GRD?", "output": [ "From the perspective of health management, what do the initials GRD correspond to ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9a41eee6032b44f7bf93d7ed2839a678", "input": "Indique la respuesta correcta en relaci\u00f3n al p\u00e1ncreas", "output": [ "Indicate the correct answer regarding the pancreas" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1ed61a7a6aac499b8de570a1f7eb01a5", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta INCORRECTA en relaci\u00f3n a las medidas de prevenci\u00f3n primaria del c\u00e1ncer cut\u00e1neo", "output": [ "Point out the INCORRECT response in relation to the primary prevention measures of skin cancer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0dd46d5ce47941138fb6730e7eaa015a", "input": "El deseo del paciente a no ser informado", "output": [ "The patient's desire not to be informed" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec2878d813334902b3b1844526b4dcb7", "input": "A la hora de elegir la intervenci\u00f3n m\u00e1s adecuada, cuando se utilizan conjuntamente las clasificaciones de NANDA, NOC, y NIC, el elemento fundamental de referencia es", "output": [ "When choosing the most appropriate intervention, when the NANDA, NOC, and NIC classifications are used together, the fundamental reference element is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c22f436f95d47dda23d644c8d0681a5", "input": "La menopausia se diagnostica por", "output": [ "Menopause is diagnosed by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-be79cd385a084c86aa336ffe27212b2c", "input": "Dentro de los problemas de salud emergentes se encuentra el Trastorno por D\u00e9ficit de Atenci\u00f3n e Hiperactividad (TDAH). Se\u00f1ale con cu\u00e1l de las siguientes actividades la enfermera de familia puede adelantar su detecci\u00f3n y abordaje", "output": [ "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the emerging health problems. Indicate with which of the following activities the family nurse can advance their detection and approach" ] }, { "id": "task1433-732d961f06554f98a2056573c2b105f4", "input": "Qu\u00e9 teor\u00eda psicosocial considera como desadaptadas a las personas ancianas que intentan mantener los niveles y pautas de actividad previos", "output": [ "What psychosocial theory considers as maladjusted to the elderly who try to maintain previous levels and patterns of activity" ] }, { "id": "task1433-818a8b01670a468998586a8936665772", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 estima la medici\u00f3n de los pliegues cut\u00e1neos?", "output": [ "What does the measurement of skinfolds estimate ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7509516436924bdcbc935d2f800010ca", "input": "Si usted quiere ayudar a mejorar la autoestima del paciente al que trata puede", "output": [ "If you want to help improve the self-esteem of the patient you are treating, you can" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8cc988cd99d44062b9b25784e11be236", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes criterios NO corresponde a alguno de los nueve establecidos en el Modelo de la Fundaci\u00f3n Europea para la Gesti\u00f3n de la Calidad (EFQM)", "output": [ "Which of the following criteria does NOT correspond to any of the nine established in the Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-877459706c644be0bc63ab8eab7007ae", "input": "El sumatript\u00e1n es un triptano antimigra\u00f1oso de primera generaci\u00f3n, que se caracteriza estructuralmente por tener un heterociclo", "output": [ "Sumatriptan is a first generation anti-migrant triptan, structurally characterized by having a heterocycle" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7a7c7994c575460d98fac8cde3581887", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el fundamento qu\u00edmico de la inhibici\u00f3n reversible de la acetilcolinesterasa por el alcaloide fisostigmina y compuestos relacionados?", "output": [ "What is the chemical basis for the reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by the alkaloid physostigmine and related compounds ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c4c4748960aa4144b5e82fab02267355", "input": "El (-)-deprenilo (o selegilina) es una propargilamina que se utiliza en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Parkinson porque es", "output": [ "(-) - Deprenyl (or selegiline) is a propargylamine that is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease because it is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fac7c24c5e2b4b01b7a31d79628dfd7c", "input": "El antitus\u00edgeno dextrometorfano es un enanti\u00f3mero del derivado O-metilado del levorfanol que pertenece a la familia estructural de", "output": [ "The antitussive dextromethorphan is an enantiomer of the O-methylated derivative of levorphanol that belongs to the structural family of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-90567197ea0242e888a46a0c03f3728c", "input": "El bortezomib es un inhibidor del proteasoma aprobado para tratar el mieloma m\u00faltiple. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de grupo \u00e1cido est\u00e1 presente en su estructura y es necesario para su actividad?", "output": [ "Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor approved to treat multiple myeloma. What type of acid group is present in its structure and is necessary for its activity ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0f18bef748f14a99b0d36974af4c4559", "input": "Los sistemas 2,4-diaminopteridinas, tales como aminopterina o metotrexato, son buenos agentes antitumorales ya que reducen la bios\u00edntesis de purinas y pirimidinas al inhibir a la enzima", "output": [ "The 2,4-diaminopteridine systems, such as aminopterin or methotrexate, are good antitumor agents since they reduce the biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines by inhibiting the enzyme" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2aae7493f9194476b3cfd3d2bd8a463c", "input": "La aflatoxina B1 es un producto natural que debe su toxicidad a un producto de su metabolismo, muy reactivo, de naturaleza de ", "output": [ "Aflatoxin B1 is a natural product that owes its toxicity to a product of its metabolism, very reactive, of the nature of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-500f0e8e74ed4c7da0cb7058314d9923", "input": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 la carbenicilina presenta una baja actividad antibacteriana por v\u00eda oral?", "output": [ "Why does carbenicillin have a low antibacterial activity by mouth ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6acf65440434441badfe8824e673752d", "input": "El atenolol es un antihipertensivo \u03b2-antagonista que pertenece a la familia estructural", "output": [ "Atenolol is an antihypertensive \u03b2-antagonist that belongs to the structural family" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33fa97d0ac944314bb3956b9642e6f09", "input": "La sulfasalazina se utiliza para el tratamiento de la colitis ulcerosa. Es un prof\u00e1rmaco del \u00e1cido 5-aminosalic\u00edlico que se activa por un proceso de", "output": [ "Sulfasalazine is used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. It is a prodrug of 5-aminosalicylic acid that is activated by a process of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b0dbffd9e9534e41beef1778bf76ced3", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la finalidad del grupo ftalilo en el ftalilsulfatiazol?", "output": [ "What is the purpose of the phthalyl group in phthalisulfatiazole ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e158a41c5344204b5e385ef5283e42c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes reacciones del metabolismo de f\u00e1rmacos tiene una reacci\u00f3n de oxidaci\u00f3n como paso intermedio?", "output": [ "Which of the following reactions of drug metabolism has an oxidation reaction as an intermediate step ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b1782bcd353d46778cd6266a147ba251", "input": "Un ni\u00f1o de 5 a\u00f1os que presenta s\u00edntomas de una posible meningitis, es atendido en un servicio de urgencias. En la tinci\u00f3n de Gram del sedimento del l\u00edquido cefalorraqu\u00eddeo, se observan diplococos Gram negativos y abundantes leucocitos polimorfonucleados. \u00bfQu\u00e9 microorganismo nos sugiere como posible causa de la infecci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "A 5-year-old boy with symptoms of possible meningitis is seen in an emergency department. Gram-negative diplococci and abundant polymorphonuclear leukocytes are observed in the Gram stain of the cerebrospinal fluid sediment. What microorganism does it suggest as a possible cause of the infection ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e2320d4eb6d9414391c73ac577812ca6", "input": "Las equinocandinas son compuestos antif\u00fangicos que act\u00faan inhibiendo", "output": [ "Echinocandins are antifungal compounds that act by inhibiting" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1d19b7115b814e19bd82153fbdc60b7e", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es la onicomicosis?", "output": [ "What is onychomycosis ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3ff90727a97c43d1968cc45f5af4de84", "input": "La ceftazidima es un antibi\u00f3tico de elecci\u00f3n en el tratamiento de las infecciones por", "output": [ "Ceftazidime is an antibiotic of choice in the treatment of infections due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9bb656bc9fa54b33957e16028be7405b", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes virus de vertebrados presenta como material gen\u00e9tico RNA de cadena simple?", "output": [ "Which of the following vertebrate viruses has as genetic material single-stranded RNA ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95d49361eb034de39e1c20b6dca2f0e5", "input": "El \u00e1cido dipicol\u00ednico es", "output": [ "The dipicolinic acid is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-adcfd02dae1e4ca9ae2eb9b0d9223fd9", "input": "Las cepas de Streptococcus pyogenes productoras de toxina eritrog\u00e9nica, son responsables de", "output": [ "Streptococcus pyogenes strains that produce erythrogenic toxin are responsible for" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f525751911ef4e919491b5cb60bb2940", "input": "Desde un punto de vista del control del crecimiento microbiano, se puede afirmar que", "output": [ "From a microbial growth control point of view, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a854df86641f45b0a99733332507befd", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes descripciones es correcta para Staphylococcus saprophyticus?", "output": [ "Which of the following descriptions is correct for Staphylococcus saprophyticus ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-841230eb551841cea094f2ae3e7dd89f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas caracter\u00edsticas presentan las exotoxinas bacterianas?", "output": [ "Which of these characteristics do bacterial exotoxins have ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fa3f4ced8e1a4989bccdfd2f557712c1", "input": "La tinci\u00f3n con blanco de calcofl\u00faor permite observar", "output": [ "The calcofluor white stain allows observing" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a3dc51b68a2041f5890b1a7d8a5ad8a4", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 especie del g\u00e9nero Clostridium es productora de enterotoxina A y citotoxina B, responsables del cuadro diarreico (colitis seudomembranosa) asociado al tratamiento con antimicrobianos?", "output": [ "Which Clostridium genus is a producer of enterotoxin A and cytotoxin B responsible for diarrhea (pseudomembranous colitis) associated with treatment with antimicrobials ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c005dbbebbe44c59bdf7969b84cd26c", "input": "El linfoma de Burkitt y el carcinoma nasofar\u00edngeo est\u00e1n relacionados con la infecci\u00f3n por", "output": [ "Burkitt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma are related to infection by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-05de0789add6422f839d535e58b98a21", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes filariosis se diagnostica por hallazgo de microfilarias en la piel", "output": [ "Which of the following filariasis is diagnosed by finding microfilariae in the skin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c8ff42dfb4324ef7a654fd95e2fdc4bd", "input": "El ciclo biol\u00f3gico de Trichinella spiralis es de tipo", "output": [ "The biological cycle of Trichinella spiralis is of the following type" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8b32406018454fbfbe46df8fd5e1ba4d", "input": "El dye-test (prueba de Sanbin-Feldman) es el m\u00e9todo de referencia para el diagn\u00f3stico de", "output": [ "The dye-test (Sanbin-Feldman test) is the reference method for the diagnosis of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-81370bb8d0044c95a2a4bb5c63d81bc1", "input": "La presencia de tubo digestivo con ciegos ramificados que se extienden hasta el extremo posterior del gusano adulto, es caracter\u00edstica de la especie", "output": [ "The presence of digestive tract with branched caeca extending to the posterior end of the adult worm is characteristic of the species" ] }, { "id": "task1433-614ea0fc318e420797d9c924a025695b", "input": "Los secaderos de lecho fluido est\u00e1n recomendados para sustancias", "output": [ "Fluid bed dryers are recommended for substances" ] }, { "id": "task1433-11c6c84f2ac44767b7f32530e72c3c55", "input": "En el proceso de filtraci\u00f3n, la velocidad de flujo es", "output": [ "In the filtration process, the flow velocity is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bbce8bcecb63410e96e41c2137d1876e", "input": "Mediante los m\u00e9todos angulares utilizados para evaluar las propiedades de flujo de un polvo se determina", "output": [ "By means of the angular methods used to evaluate the flow properties of a powder, it is determined" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d503fecdab524905a4fab36df292eb25", "input": "Los filtros de vidrio poroso de 10-40\u00b5m se emplean de modo especial en", "output": [ "Porous glass filters of 10-40\u03bcm are used in particular in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e3b9acb7d63d4138959687ca6a24c58a", "input": "Las pomadas oftalmol\u00f3gicas", "output": [ "Ophthalmological ointments" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2cc2014cc52c41e8a051f578fc23b3d2", "input": "El agua utilizada en la preparaci\u00f3n de los jarabes medicamentosos debe", "output": [ "The water used in the preparation of medicated syrups must" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3330b6cf3df34ceda8c2a874a8ddcaaf", "input": "Los m\u00e9todos angulares de evaluaci\u00f3n de las propiedades de flujo de s\u00f3lidos pulverulentos permiten la determinaci\u00f3n del par\u00e1metro \u00e1ngulo de reposo. Una mezcla de sustancias pulverulentas presenta un flujo bueno u \u00f3ptimo si los valores de este par\u00e1metro (en grados) son de", "output": [ "The angular methods for evaluating the flow properties of pulverulent solids allow the determination of the angle of repose parameter. A mixture of pulverulent substances presents a good or optimum flow if the values \u200b\u200bof this parameter (in degrees) are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8b74224b08b34308afb1e46fcd7775af", "input": "Los \u00e9steres del \u00e1cido asc\u00f3rbico se emplean en Tecnolog\u00eda farmac\u00e9utica como", "output": [ "The ascorbic acid esters are used in Pharmaceutical Technology as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0b7d14e0769645d1a83881d874db6dc6", "input": "La estabilizaci\u00f3n est\u00e9rica en sistemas dispersos es", "output": [ "Steric stabilization in dispersed systems is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cb4dbdc5c3ce4144bb7760fa09a7cb0c", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 sabor considera que puede enmascarar el sabor amargo de una soluci\u00f3n oral", "output": [ "What taste do you think can mask the bitter taste of an oral solution" ] }, { "id": "task1433-498338a4f58346ff97e7626354eb8d35", "input": "El sulfametoxazol se microencapsula por coacervaci\u00f3n compleja utilizando", "output": [ "Sulfamethoxazole is microencapsulated by complex coacervation using" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ddd33e89d9b240e3bdce6cff7b97bb75", "input": "Dentro de las principales fases de la extrusi\u00f3n y esferonizaci\u00f3n tenemos", "output": [ "Within the main phases of extrusion and spheronization we have" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ca9f866ac17c4ab08ce78d35046bd7fd", "input": "Se est\u00e1 dise\u00f1ando un comprimido con cubierta pelicular gastrosoluble. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes excipientes ejerce la funci\u00f3n de plastificante en dicha cubierta?", "output": [ "A tablet with gastrosoluble film cover is being designed. Which of the following excipients exerts the function of plasticizer in said cover ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7858516f26fa42878e6336cdd8cfb5ad", "input": "Uno de los componentes de las formulaciones inyectables son los conservantes. En esta categor\u00eda se incluyen distintos excipientes con mecanismos de acci\u00f3n diferentes. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes es utilizado como agente quelante?", "output": [ "One of the components of injectable formulations are preservatives. This category includes different excipients with different mechanisms of action. Which of the following is used as a chelating agent ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-667464648f814d8d9a5ce56e30e9b51e", "input": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 en las madres lactantes no aparecen los ciclos ov\u00e1ricos durante varios meses tras el parto?", "output": [ "Why do ovarian cycles not appear in nursing mothers for several months after birth ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4814aef36ee84073b966d992bafc6c9d", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 sistema de transporte utilizan las c\u00e9lulas foliculares del tiroides para captar yoduro a trav\u00e9s de su polo basal?", "output": [ "What transport system do thyroid follicular cells use to capture iodide through its basal pole ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7a478984641b4a98a2cd26b9054c7301", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina el m\u00e1ximo volumen de aire que un sujeto puede espirar despu\u00e9s de una inspiraci\u00f3n m\u00e1xima?", "output": [ "What is the maximum volume of air that a subject can breathe out after maximum inspiration ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0e4801b055d1417db8b5edb3170ef222", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes momentos del electrocardiograma corresponde a la etapa de despolarizaci\u00f3n del miocardio ventricular?", "output": [ "Which of the following moments of the electrocardiogram corresponds to the depolarization stage of the ventricular myocardium ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d202a290a57942ee884b092bb233d1ae", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina la distancia m\u00e1s pr\u00f3xima al ojo a la que se puede enfocar una imagen correctamente en la retina?", "output": [ "What is the closest distance to the eye to which an image can be focused correctly on the retina ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8a9cba9e84c445aa091368d1da1a192", "input": "La bilis producida por el h\u00edgado se almacena en la ves\u00edcula biliar desde donde es secretada al duodeno cuando la musculatura implicada recibe dicha orden en forma de se\u00f1ales hormonales y nerviosas mediadas por", "output": [ "The bile produced by the liver is stored in the gallbladder from where it is secreted into the duodenum when the muscles involved receive this order in the form of hormonal and nervous signals mediated by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9428b7d4bdfc42018da62ec51d8b4ad7", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los componentes de un grupo hemo funcional?", "output": [ "What are the components of a functional heme group ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b093a0695334448c947eda0b34f8daec", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el tiempo promedio de duraci\u00f3n de la vida de un eritrocito", "output": [ "What is the average life time of an erythrocyte" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0e86e3dd55a640f2beed5847613bf610", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 porcentaje del bicarbonato filtrado en el glom\u00e9rulo se reabsorbe en condiciones normales a lo largo de la nefrona y en qu\u00e9 segmento se produce la mayor parte de esta reabsorci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What percentage of the bicarbonate filtered in the glomerulus is reabsorbed under normal conditions along the nephron and in which segment is most of this reabsorption produced ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e24d4080ad7e4b10b2f25dc6eb21bbab", "input": "\u00bfA partir de qu\u00e9 compuesto y d\u00f3nde mayoritariamente se produce la melatonina?", "output": [ "From what compound and where mainly melatonin is produced ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d128835ae6154733a89e09eddcbe29ab", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de receptor es el encargado de activar la mayor parte de las respuestas a la hormona T3?", "output": [ "What type of receptor is responsible for activating most of the responses to the hormone T3 ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e47264334264ca0a01f7cc03793c884", "input": "Indica cu\u00e1l de los siguientes d\u00e9ficits da lugar a una glucogenosis", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following deficits leads to a glycogenosis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-422c8fd758bf4b0593449b9f996141f1", "input": "Indica cu\u00e1l de los siguientes ser\u00e1 el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable si un individuo posee un d\u00e9ficit de lipoprote\u00edna lipasa", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following will be the most likely diagnosis if an individual has a lipoprotein lipase deficiency" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3bce53ec151745a78e7237c9cfc2713a", "input": "La mutaci\u00f3n del gen BRCA-1 se asocia con alto riesgo de", "output": [ "The BRCA-1 gene mutation is associated with a high risk of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-03756b40497044e08a57a1a946f2ac9b", "input": "La distrofia muscular de Becker es una alteraci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "Becker muscular dystrophy is an alteration of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5eca36a50e15412ba038ab1f9cca9986", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de los siguientes trastornos es una enfermedad lisosomal", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following disorders is a lysosomal disease" ] }, { "id": "task1433-64c72a59e9174e738ff9b01e5662cfdd", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de los siguientes trastornos cursar\u00e1 con ictericia", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following disorders will cause jaundice" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4c8f5da0283645ffb3438ecc9df06ad8", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de los siguientes d\u00e9ficits es una alteraci\u00f3n del metabolismo de los mucopolisac\u00e1ridos", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following deficits is an alteration of the mucopolysaccharide metabolism" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c066fce0b22142018178e60fcef900e7", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de los siguientes d\u00e9ficits da lugar a una porfiria", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following deficits leads to a porphyria" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3bdf5acbc6344108837d3174c1e60a3f", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes alteraciones del metabolismo puede cursar con gota", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following alterations of the metabolism can occur with gout" ] }, { "id": "task1433-68d76edd79c7449f9f185fa768fa105f", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una enfermedad mitocondrial", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following is a mitochondrial disease" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1ec235f654c643a5b92ecb5e43c89961", "input": "Indique cu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una anemia hemol\u00edtica corpuscular adquirida", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following is an acquired corpuscular hemolytic anemia" ] }, { "id": "task1433-56e136bed69c43ed82b9a06fef4e9ca2", "input": "Como inclusi\u00f3n propia de las c\u00e9lulas plasm\u00e1ticas se considera la presencia de", "output": [ "As inclusion of plasma cells, the presence of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-470f76e8593546fbac135b617535cff7", "input": "En el linfoma del manto es caracter\u00edstica la traslocaci\u00f3n t(11;14). \u00bfQu\u00e9 prote\u00edna de fusi\u00f3n se origina, capaz de promocionar a las c\u00e9lulas hacia la fase S del ciclo celular?", "output": [ "The translocation t (11; 14) is characteristic of mantle lymphoma. Which fusion protein originates, capable of promoting the cells towards the S phase of the cell cycle ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-749db426857141b782cfa3c5ed0aa660", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas de laboratorio es de elecci\u00f3n en el diagn\u00f3stico de las anemias hemol\u00edticas autoinmunes por anticuerpos calientes?", "output": [ "Which of the following laboratory tests is of choice in the diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemias due to hot antibodies ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ced9cf63f9c74a82908569d690581dfd", "input": "En un paciente con sepsis y coagulopat\u00eda de consumo, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas anal\u00edticas indicar\u00edan un estado de hiperfibrinolisis?", "output": [ "In a patient with sepsis and coagulopathy of consumption, which of the following analytical tests would indicate a state of hyperfibrinolysis ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec35fa3e217b4e3391b3f05495e74256", "input": "\u00bfEl d\u00e9ficit de cu\u00e1l de las siguientes enzimas NO es causa de porfiria?", "output": [ "The deficit of which of the following enzymes is NOT a cause of porphyria ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-42bddac7b95d4bef8751fbb4cff18a19", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes es un factor de mal pron\u00f3stico en las leucemias linfobl\u00e1sticas agudas?", "output": [ "Which of the following is a poor prognostic factor in acute lymphoblastic leukemia ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f3f300c9e989465b9b7f1c0a795c16d3", "input": "La enfermedad de Crohn", "output": [ "Crohn's disease" ] }, { "id": "task1433-73dee1a844934ee284a5c622bdcbb0e6", "input": "La hipertensi\u00f3n arterial desarrollada en el hiperaldosteronismo se produce por", "output": [ "The hypertension developed in hyperaldosteronism is produced by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7a7ffe9536194625bc9001a01eb9a8cb", "input": "Si las hormonas tiroideas est\u00e1n aumentadas y est\u00e1 disminuida tanto la TSH (hormona estimulante tiroidea) como la captaci\u00f3n de yodo radiactivo por la gl\u00e1ndula tiroides, se trata de un proceso de", "output": [ "If the thyroid hormones are increased and both TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and the uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland are decreased, it is a process of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b4cee9289383431482e9ae87bf89ba18", "input": "El neumot\u00f3rax se produce como consecuencia de la entrada de aire en", "output": [ "Pneumothorax occurs as a result of the entry of air into" ] }, { "id": "task1433-27b45303ca2f410bbb649ea34534f117", "input": "La afasia no fluida, motora o expresiva se vincula con lesiones en", "output": [ "Non-fluid, motor or expressive aphasia is associated with injuries in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b0bef6a742e1463baaf2a6997727a532", "input": "En la bronquitis cr\u00f3nica es caracter\u00edstica la", "output": [ "In chronic bronchitis, it is characteristic" ] }, { "id": "task1433-369524daa1784700ada0603b8f38c023", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es la alodinia?", "output": [ "What is allodynia ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fd6f9e67f51948cca72119bd314ec5e0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el mecanismo de acci\u00f3n del medicamento inmunosupresor everolimus?", "output": [ "What is the mechanism of action of the immunosuppressant drug everolimus ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-81d8c18792264c9599e2779db841c3bd", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes antidiab\u00e9ticos act\u00faa inhibiendo la DPP-4 y prolongando la duraci\u00f3n de las incretinas end\u00f3genas GLP-1 y GIP?", "output": [ "Which of the following antidiabetics acts by inhibiting DPP-4 and prolonging the duration of the endogenous incretins GLP-1 and GIP ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e643236a3dd4e64b6872869fd050f7f", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes antif\u00fangicos se emplea en el tratamiento de la aspergilosis invasiva y de las candidiasis graves incluyendo Candida krusei y Candida glabrata?", "output": [ "Which of the following antifungals is used in the treatment of invasive aspergillosis and severe candidiasis including Candida krusei and Candida glabrata ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c39f3faec5be410981f11370175273bf", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes antibi\u00f3ticos podr\u00eda emplearse en un paciente con hipersensibilidad a la penicilina por pruebas cut\u00e1neas?", "output": [ "Which of the following antibiotics could be used in a patient with hypersensitivity to penicillin by skin tests ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-962a108774134a9b800ab4c22d710ff4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes medicamentos puede producir insuficiencia renal en pacientes que presentan estenosis bilateral de la arteria renal por inhibir el tono constrictor de la arteriola eferente?", "output": [ "Which of the following medications can cause renal failure in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis by inhibiting the constrictor tone of the efferent arteriole ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d62542992ac04819ad035aaa228c73b2", "input": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 mecanismo produce hiperprolactinemia el haloperidol?", "output": [ "Why mechanism produces hyperprolactinemia haloperidol ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-23169ffd0d584352996d2f99d22db212", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el mecanismo de acci\u00f3n de octre\u00f3tida?", "output": [ "What is the mechanism of action of octreotide ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e2723491246e4f81b9e1f922e16e77ef", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos puede aliviar los aumentos compensadores de la frecuencia card\u00edaca y de la liberaci\u00f3n de renina que se producen en la insuficiencia card\u00edaca?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs can alleviate the compensatory increases in heart rate and the release of renin that occur in heart failure ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-374a9782b3cf4aeea4a05680bf36fa24", "input": "Un hombre de 45 a\u00f1os, diagnosticado de hipertensi\u00f3n, ha iniciado un tratamiento en monoterapia para disminuir resistencias perif\u00e9ricas y prevenir la retenci\u00f3n de CINa y agua. El paciente ha desarrollado tos persistente. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos tendr\u00eda id\u00e9nticas acciones beneficiosas al que ya usa, pero sin producir tos al paciente?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old man, diagnosed with hypertension, has started a monotherapy treatment to decrease peripheral resistance and prevent the retention of CINa and water. The patient has developed a persistent cough. Which of the following drugs would have identical beneficial actions to that already used, but without coughing the patient ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad7bfd8e31bd4cad91a50dc1dbb94e3a", "input": "La amantadina es un f\u00e1rmaco que puede ser utilizado como", "output": [ "Amantadine is a drug that can be used as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c2cd9a54e16e4c949f1ee3cfdb061769", "input": "Observar que los l\u00edquidos procedentes de la s\u00edntesis de cloroquina ten\u00edan una actividad antibacteriana dio lugar al descubrimiento de las quinolonas. Este grupo de antibi\u00f3ticos presenta diversas caracter\u00edsticas como por ejemplo", "output": [ "Observe that the liquids coming from the synthesis of chloroquine had an antibacterial activity gave rise to the discovery of the quinolones. This group of antibiotics has various characteristics such as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82ca5e58374a4151a4b676124aa44e57", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos obtenidos mediante t\u00e9cnicas de ingenier\u00eda molecular no es de aplicaci\u00f3n en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs obtained by means of molecular engineering techniques is not applicable in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b62c275c4a714f489aa79f34c09e5188", "input": "Un var\u00f3n afectado de asma bronquial est\u00e1 siendo sometido a un tratamiento cr\u00f3nico de varios a\u00f1os de duraci\u00f3n con glucocorticoides. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes reacciones adversas detectadas en dicho paciente no es debida al uso prolongado de terapia corticoidea?", "output": [ "A man suffering from bronchial asthma is undergoing a chronic treatment lasting several years with glucocorticoids. Which of the following adverse reactions detected in said patient is not due to the prolonged use of corticoid therapy ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c8ac2be141a486e8a28bf1f7ef1f9f0", "input": "La GnRH (ganodorelina) es un decap\u00e9ptido hipotal\u00e1mico que se secreta de forma puls\u00e1til. \u00daltimamente se han desarrollado una serie de an\u00e1logos que", "output": [ "GnRH (ganodorelin) is a hypothalamic decapeptide that is secreted in a pulsatile manner. Lately a series of analogues have been developed that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-befeb4601b524e2d8e73d0dc2a56dd8c", "input": "La Sra X es una paciente de 76 a\u00f1os de edad que en los \u00faltimos tiempos ha sufrido diversas ca\u00eddas con fracturas en ambos brazos. El diagn\u00f3stico por imagen denota la evidencia de osteoporosis y el traumat\u00f3logo decide iniciar un tratamiento con teriparatida. Debemos considerar que", "output": [ "Ms. X is a 76-year-old patient who has suffered several falls in recent years with fractures in both arms. The diagnosis by image denotes the evidence of osteoporosis and the traumatologist decides to start a treatment with teriparatide. We must consider that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9343e3a09ca3472482aa64cfcc58e441", "input": "El Sr. X es un paciente de 67 a\u00f1os de edad al que se le ha prescrito atorvastatina por v\u00eda oral debido a los niveles altos de colesterol que no han mejorado tras medidas diet\u00e9ticas. Entre las aplicaciones cl\u00ednicas de los inhibidores de la HMG-CoA reductasa tenemos", "output": [ "Mr. X is a 67-year-old patient who has been prescribed atorvastatin orally due to high cholesterol levels that have not improved after dietary measures. Among the clinical applications of the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors we have" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d32290a3c455407d99ad76f03fb7cda5", "input": "La acatisia que producen algunos f\u00e1rmacos est\u00e1 directamente relacionada con el bloqueo de receptores", "output": [ "The akathisia produced by some drugs is directly related to receptor blockade" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7218675f601b4e36895c2d3e9c7ee087", "input": "La mesalazina se utiliza en terap\u00e9utica en el tratamiento de", "output": [ "Mesalazine is used in therapy in the treatment of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b234cb2fd51944b2961ccbf6be5c0aef", "input": "De los f\u00e1rmacos antiem\u00e9ticos rese\u00f1ados, \u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de ellos su actividad farmacol\u00f3gica NO est\u00e1 relacionada con receptores dopamin\u00e9rgicos?", "output": [ "Of the antiemetic drugs reviewed, in which of them their pharmacological activity is NOT related to dopaminergic receptors ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bf4486d123b5442995801d85a67bdaf9", "input": "De los f\u00e1rmacos rese\u00f1ados, \u00bfCu\u00e1l de ellos se utiliza en el tratamiento profil\u00e1ctico de la migra\u00f1a?", "output": [ "Of the drugs reviewed, which one is used in the prophylactic treatment of migraine ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-219231af039b428d9678d7ffd475520e", "input": "De los f\u00e1rmacos rese\u00f1ados, \u00bfCu\u00e1l de ellos NO act\u00faa sobre el sistema renina-angiotensinaaldosterona?", "output": [ "Of the drugs reviewed, which of them does NOT act on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-550efb3706f14630ae250bd91ba329eb", "input": "En el tratamiento del asma se puede utilizar a demanda", "output": [ "In the treatment of asthma can be used on demand" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6dbc69c9755945cf80a46dd9c98f01b7", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la ruta biosint\u00e9tica de los terpenos en plantas?", "output": [ "What is the biosynthetic route of terpenes in plants ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a8512e58e7c24b4b922471defcce390e", "input": "Entre otras propiedades con respecto a la hipericina podemos indicar", "output": [ "Among other properties with respect to hypericin we can indicate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1e0e6027af3f4643a88d4e237f719723", "input": "Con respecto a la actividad farmacol\u00f3gica de la artemisinina (lactona sesquiterp\u00e9nica) extra\u00edda de la Artemisia annua", "output": [ "With respect to the pharmacological activity of artemisinin (sesquiterpene lactone) extracted from Artemisia annua" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2698c29fbe6e47bd8ed2fbcd80d23900", "input": "En una especie animal, el valor de la constante de velocidad de eliminaci\u00f3n de un f\u00e1rmaco con comportamiento farmacocin\u00e9tico lineal, depende de", "output": [ "In an animal species, the value of the elimination rate constant of a drug with linear pharmacokinetic behavior depends on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dba36412985d40bb9a8a9874a6263d09", "input": "La excreci\u00f3n urinaria m\u00e1xima de un f\u00e1rmaco se refiere a", "output": [ "The maximum urinary excretion of a drug refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f7e8f933984541caa7081920baedbd66", "input": "Para que un f\u00e1rmaco pueda permear a trav\u00e9s de la cornea debe", "output": [ "For a drug to permeate through the cornea, you must" ] }, { "id": "task1433-99871e7454774723932e452aeda056f7", "input": "De acuerdo con el Sistema de Clasificaci\u00f3n Biofamec\u00e9utica, un f\u00e1rmaco que presenta baja permeabilidad y alta solubilidad como, por ejemplo, la cimetidina, es un f\u00e1rmaco de", "output": [ "According to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System, a drug that has low permeability and high solubility, such as cimetidine, is a drug of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-645fc4eb7e5f429cb14db3db916ca520", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 dosis deber\u00edas administrar por v\u00eda oral cada 12 horas de un f\u00e1rmaco cuyo aclaramiento plasm\u00e1tico es igual a 1 L/h si se desea alcanzar una concentraci\u00f3n media de equilibrio de 10mg/L? Asumir biodisponibilidad completa (F = 1)", "output": [ "What dose should you administer orally every 12 hours of a drug whose plasma clearance is equal to 1 L / h if you want to reach an average concentration of 10mg / L equilibrium? Assume complete bioavailability (F = 1)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9b34cf11937c4b148b4bb8157b708571", "input": "Cu\u00e1nto f\u00e1rmaco se ha eliminado cuando transcurren 3 semividas de eliminaci\u00f3n si se ha administrado 100 mg de f\u00e1rmaco por v\u00eda IV bolus y se ajusta a un modelo monocompartimental con eliminaci\u00f3n de primer orden", "output": [ "How much drug has been eliminated when 3 elimination half-lives have elapsed if 100 mg of drug has been administered IV via bolus and is adjusted to a monocompartmental model with first-order elimination" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7f54f5c226d447a2b9631a18093e719f", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 velocidad de perfusi\u00f3n de un f\u00e1rmaco deber\u00edas administrar para conseguir una concentraci\u00f3n de equilibrio en plasma de 10 mg/L sabiendo que presenta un aclaramiento plasm\u00e1tico de 500 mL/h? (perfusi\u00f3n continua)", "output": [ "What speed of perfusion of a drug should you administer to achieve a plasma equilibrium concentration of 10 mg / L knowing that it has a plasma clearance of 500 mL / h? (continuous perfusion)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72a77ea385bd4199ae79f3fc02b6a220", "input": "El par\u00e1metro independiente del modelo de disoluci\u00f3n, la eficiencia de soluci\u00f3n, tiene dos limitaciones. Una de ellas es que el \u00faltimo punto experimental tiene car\u00e1cter arbitrario \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la otra limitaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "The independent parameter of the dissolution model, the solution efficiency, has two limitations. One of them is that the last experimental point has an arbitrary nature. What is the other limitation ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c3d07d245404e4e915895750251b579", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes factores no influye en la permeaci\u00f3n de los f\u00e1rmacos a trav\u00e9s de la capa c\u00f3rnea?", "output": [ "Which of the following factors does not influence the permeation of drugs through the stratum corneum ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e69e63a9ad6148a1a00d6c80a359745c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas farmacocin\u00e9ticas de los antibi\u00f3ticos aminogluc\u00f3sidos no es correcta", "output": [ "Which of the following pharmacokinetic characteristics of aminoglycoside antibiotics is not correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-949d96f521a346debbbf7c7baf24272d", "input": "La magnitud de la concentraci\u00f3n plasm\u00e1tica en estado estacionario que se alcanza cuando se administra un f\u00e1rmaco monocompartimental en perfusi\u00f3n continua est\u00e1 condicionada por", "output": [ "The magnitude of the steady state plasma concentration that is reached when a monocompartmental drug is administered in continuous perfusion is conditioned by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bfe59777277642f2ae4c8b9e42f185eb", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta en relaci\u00f3n con la monitorizaci\u00f3n de las concentraciones plasm\u00e1ticas de f\u00e1rmacos", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer in relation to the monitoring of plasma drug concentrations" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e75ae0c03fc643df8b50fb280ef06f55", "input": "Un f\u00e1rmaco con un modelo de distribuci\u00f3n aparentemente monocompartimental se administra en forma de perfusi\u00f3n i.v. a una velocidad constante de 20 mg/h durante 48 h. Una vez finalizada la perfusi\u00f3n se extraen tres muestras de sangre que, al analizarlas, permiten calcular los par\u00e1metros primarios del modelo Kel = 0,0495 h-1, concentraci\u00f3n al final de la perfusi\u00f3n (C48h) = 5,553 \u00b5g/mL, Vd = 66 L. \u00bfA qu\u00e9 tiempo se alcanzar\u00eda el estado estacionario?", "output": [ "A drug with a seemingly monocompartmental distribution pattern is administered in the form of i.v. perfusion. at a constant speed of 20 mg / h for 48 h. Once the perfusion is finished, three blood samples are taken, which, when analyzed, allow the calculation of the primary parameters of the model Kel = 0.0495 h-1, concentration at the end of the perfusion (C48h) = 5,553 \u03bcg / mL, Vd = 66 L. At what time would the steady state be reached ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d52f85689c5c4315843e0a355b0198ad", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l o cu\u00e1les de las siguientes v\u00edas de administraci\u00f3n se utilizan habitualmente para los f\u00e1rmacos de naturaleza p\u00e9ptidos y prote\u00ednas?", "output": [ "Which of the following administration routes are commonly used for drugs of a peptide and protein nature ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d40fea7cf1a2466ab4dbcc316324f5df", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas farmacocin\u00e9ticas de la rosiglitazona NO es correcta?", "output": [ "Which of the following pharmacokinetic characteristics of rosiglitazone is NOT correct ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc956dd8da794cb59836eab7c0caf2c9", "input": "Una de las siguientes enzimas est\u00e1 MAL clasificada", "output": [ "One of the following enzymes is classified as MAL" ] }, { "id": "task1433-63b6827dd4d440eb84a75dd69343b26c", "input": "La insulina disminuye la expresi\u00f3n del gen de", "output": [ "Insulin decreases the expression of the gene" ] }, { "id": "task1433-668020ab5a88408e842302a52c004a4a", "input": "La glucolisis hep\u00e1tica se diferencia de la glucolisis muscular en que", "output": [ "Hepatic glycolysis differs from muscle glycolysis in that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b488c5de12e04676ada66f8e6f5782a8", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 dos amino\u00e1cidos no proteicos participan en el ciclo de la urea?", "output": [ "What two non-protein amino acids participate in the urea cycle ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6fe5774642834756a059efd831348cdf", "input": "La heparina es", "output": [ "Heparin is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2b52fd01c8a3498291ec24f0d9c8aa75", "input": "La prote\u00edna quinasa A (PKA)", "output": [ "Protein kinase A (PKA)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-21fbd0c5be174789b3e2acfd96b9d863", "input": "El malonil-CoA producido en", "output": [ "Malonyl-CoA produced in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-535902052afe45ab93b8be3f63c8969a", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 coenzima act\u00faa como un inhibidor del ciclo del \u00e1cido c\u00edtrico (o ciclo de los \u00e1cidos tricarbox\u00edlicos)", "output": [ "Which coenzyme acts as an inhibitor of the citric acid cycle (or tricarboxylic acid cycle)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ebd52fddd1d540ebbade9c33dded8a9a", "input": "Los glucocorticoides son hormonas que se sintetizan a partir de", "output": [ "Glucocorticoids are hormones that are synthesized from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d0e807d87c2740aebc56c53ad6a6b912", "input": "La oxidaci\u00f3n de \u00e1cidos grasos en c\u00e9lulas de plantas superiores tiene lugar en", "output": [ "The oxidation of fatty acids in cells of higher plants takes place in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cffdd15924a447faba3876a2f3bea29f", "input": "Uno de los siguientes tipos de transporte a trav\u00e9s de membranas NO existe", "output": [ "One of the following types of transport through membranes does NOT exist" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fe464d4392a3496abb1f04ac3fbba895", "input": "Una de las siguientes relaciones de coenzimas con grupos qu\u00edmicos transferidos NO es correcta", "output": [ "One of the following coenzyme ratios with chemical groups transferred is NOT correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d2392b8b9c1d4c3b84be1923d00b5d80", "input": "La estructura de una de las siguiente prote\u00ednas globulares est\u00e1 mayoritariamente en h\u00e9lice alfa y carece de hoja beta", "output": [ "The structure of one of the following globular proteins is mostly in alpha helix and lacks beta sheet" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3aa730542882451d9c6cb5f98661fa18", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos complejos macromoleculares forman la cadena de transporte electr\u00f3nico?", "output": [ "How many macromolecular complexes form the electronic transport chain ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7efb2855c31e45c6864a5b1659bed89a", "input": "Todos los componentes de la cadena respiratoria", "output": [ "All components of the respiratory chain" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61b0a21d44194f5da1c580fbeedb154a", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes secuencias se a\u00f1ade durante la maduraci\u00f3n o procesamiento del RNA de trasferencia eucariota?", "output": [ "Which of the following sequences is added during the maturation or processing of the eukaryotic transfer RNA ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ca8c2708a5384f01b7be97847ead2204", "input": "Las desacetilasas de histonas (HDAC) promueven", "output": [ "Histone deacetylases (HDAC) promote" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30c5e4f93a6a4dcfb3c640e053dda8db", "input": "La misi\u00f3n del espliceosoma es", "output": [ "The mission of the spliceosome is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-60f5a8001fc94bca94da70878bf9d890", "input": "En la replicaci\u00f3n de los genes eucariotas participa", "output": [ "In the replication of the eukaryotic genes it participates" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4b7a1ee17a084de6ba9121e0a234539a", "input": "La RNA polimerasa dependiente de DNA de eucariotas y procariotas es inhibida por", "output": [ "The DNA-dependent RNA polymerase of eukaryotes and prokaryotes is inhibited by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd336e24da984bf1901f696afcf841b1", "input": "La s\u00edntesis de una prote\u00edna humana por una bacteria, a la que se le ha introducido DNA humano, demuestra que", "output": [ "The synthesis of a human protein by a bacterium, to which human DNA has been introduced, demonstrates that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5b447379525e433d8578a9c3792f141b", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 consecuencia de bases del RNA se producir\u00e1 al transcribirse el fragmento de DNA AGGCCTTTACGC?", "output": [ "What consequence of RNA bases will be produced when the AGGCCTTTACGC DNA fragment is transcribed ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-df212853666a4a9c99c908f023bbbbdc", "input": "El complejo RISC (complejo silenciador inducido por RNA) del silenciamiento g\u00e9nico basado en RNA de interferencia", "output": [ "The RISC complex (RNA-induced silencing complex) of RNA silencing based on interference RNA" ] }, { "id": "task1433-60380573476e420bb60be124c6bdc1b5", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de actividad enzim\u00e1tica presenta la primasa en la replicaci\u00f3n del DNA?", "output": [ "What type of enzymatic activity does primase present in DNA replication ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e5cb7f34977488192e2df8313d50e02", "input": "Analizando diversas DNA polimerasas participantes en la replicaci\u00f3n de E. coli, se encontr\u00f3 una de ellas que presentaba baja procesividad y baja velocidad de s\u00edntesis, \u00bfde qu\u00e9 enzima se podr\u00eda tratar?", "output": [ "Analyzing several DNA polymerases involved in the replication of E. coli, one of them was found that had low processivity and low synthesis speed, what enzyme could be treated ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-de8ea5daae04463a8b24bfd83d349854", "input": "Los ribosomas tienen tres sitios de uni\u00f3n para los RNAs de transferencia (RNAt), que son", "output": [ "Ribosomes have three binding sites for the transfer RNAs (RNAs), which are" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dbbf6ae8be204846b71c8aee19147083", "input": "Dadas tres mol\u00e9culas de DNA de la misma longitud (A, B y C) y en el mismo solvente, pero con riqueza diferente en cuanto a contenido en G + C (A 50%; B 60%; y C 75%), \u00bfc\u00f3mo ser\u00edan sus temperaturas de fusi\u00f3n (Tm)?", "output": [ "Given three DNA molecules of the same length (A, B and C) and in the same solvent, but with different richness in terms of G + C content (A 50%, B 60%, and C 75% ), How would your melting temperatures (Tm) be ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-49a4e0c27fa445f69a8fce16d6a49c85", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 parte de la c\u00e9lula se sintetiza el RNA ribos\u00f3mico?", "output": [ "In which part of the cell is ribosomal RNA synthesized ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b20ac7295f65420d8741dc5f9b96a3fa", "input": "La modificaci\u00f3n diferencial del RNA", "output": [ "The differential modification of RNA" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46be12d1859b4f0c92ff9ea64ab7f34c", "input": "Las estructuras de los cromosomas condensados se mantiene mediante", "output": [ "The structures of the condensed chromosomes are maintained by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3282215231244694ae1d73acb51bee83", "input": "En una determinaci\u00f3n de la actividad de un enzima, el agotamiento del sustrato", "output": [ "In a determination of the activity of an enzyme, the depletion of the substrate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e63bc9e701c5409c8753dff74503284d", "input": "De las siguientes respuestas, cu\u00e1l es la que mejor define a un paciente con microalbuminuria", "output": [ "From the following answers, which best defines a patient with microalbuminuria" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4623729fdbdb4ddb943f0fb588fcb6b5", "input": "El l\u00edquido sinovial de pacientes afectos de gota a menudo contiene", "output": [ "Synovial fluid from patients with gout often contains" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5b352a5a96084f1d8ff47cc0fe3ff1c2", "input": "El s\u00edndrome de secreci\u00f3n inadecuada de hormona antidiur\u00e9tica (SIADH) se caracteriza por", "output": [ "The syndrome of inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d64c8e7b58e3478794755c7c31c48da8", "input": "La determinaci\u00f3n de la concentraci\u00f3n de una de las siguientes prote\u00ednas en suero nos puede dar informaci\u00f3n de una posible anemia hemol\u00edtica. Indique cu\u00e1l", "output": [ "The determination of the concentration of one of the following proteins in serum can give us information of a possible hemolytic anemia. Indicate which" ] }, { "id": "task1433-700e693a7185442c83a166495225bd83", "input": "Siendo s la desviaci\u00f3n est\u00e1ndar y N el n\u00famero de datos, el error est\u00e1ndar de la media, Sm, de un conjunto de datos es \u221a\ud835\udc60", "output": [ "Being the standard deviation and the number of data, the standard error of the mean, Sm, of a data set is \u221a\ud835\udc60" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fc90dabae91d4c75920f88e5a6b5799b", "input": "La t\u00e9cnica de extracci\u00f3n que se usa para determinaciones por cromatograf\u00eda de gases en las que el analito se desorbe o desadsorbe t\u00e9rmicamente se denomina", "output": [ "The extraction technique that is used for gas chromatographic determinations in which the analyte is desorbed or thermally desorbed is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ee8e0d8131b8440395d66e8446c1816b", "input": "La resonancia i\u00f3nica de ciclotr\u00f3n por trasformada de Fourier es el fundamento de", "output": [ "The cyclotron ion resonance by Fourier transform is the basis of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-814e2d382cb0431dac20fd44ea76e247", "input": "La cromatograf\u00eda de afinidad se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "Affinity chromatography is characterized because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0597cc066bcb45fdb4274afef0da49f6", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 modalidad cromatogr\u00e1fica la fase estacionaria est\u00e1 formada por part\u00edculas s\u00f3lidas con tama\u00f1o de poro controlado? ", "output": [ "In what chromatographic mode is the stationary phase formed by solid particles with controlled pore size? " ] }, { "id": "task1433-8bf36cee881d42f3b4dd3eec7da82d6e", "input": "La generaci\u00f3n del vapor fr\u00edo es una forma de introducci\u00f3n de la muestra para la atomizaci\u00f3n que se utiliza en espectrometr\u00eda de absorci\u00f3n at\u00f3mica (EAA) para analizar", "output": [ "The generation of the cold vapor is a form of introduction of the sample for the atomization that is used in atomic absorption spectrometry (EAA) to analyze" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4a859189d4cf466393f1b5e7055e32bf", "input": "En ciertos casos es necesario llevar a cabo tratamientos previos con agentes oxidantes o reductores en valoraciones redox con la finalidad de", "output": [ "In certain cases it is necessary to carry out previous treatments with oxidizing or reducing agents in redox evaluations in order to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-86ba417faf354198b087f7cd98f8b264", "input": "La calidad de un espectro puede definirse", "output": [ "The quality of a spectrum can be defined" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bc5bf2e6eb27410eb5c87635bf87d224", "input": "La absorbancia de una disoluci\u00f3n media en el punto isosb\u00e9stico es aquella determinada a", "output": [ "The absorbance of a medium solution at the isosbestic point is that determined to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-db4f2e6694e1436e9982d91b4480696b", "input": "La utilizaci\u00f3n del m\u00e9todo de adici\u00f3n est\u00e1ndar en la calibraci\u00f3n de un m\u00e9todo de an\u00e1lisis instrumental se recomienda", "output": [ "The use of the standard addition method in the calibration of an instrumental analysis method is recommended" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5846500a18f7478e91b14dd40a85a23e", "input": "\ud835\udc38\ud835\udc4e Seg\u00fan la ecuaci\u00f3n de Arrhenius, k =\ud835\udc34\ud835\udc52 \ud835\udc45\ud835\udc47", "output": [ "\ud835\udc38\ud835\udc4e According to the Arrhenius equation, k = \ud835\udc34\ud835\udc52 \ud835\udc45\ud835\udc47" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b358892611ca445abc680eb13e8d7629", "input": "La mezcla etanol-agua presenta un aze\u00f3tropo, esto significa que", "output": [ "The ethanol-water mixture has an azeotrope, this means that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c7d6c8c646524e1fa3932cd443dc35e8", "input": "Al disolver un soluto no vol\u00e1til en un disolvente formando una disoluci\u00f3n diluida, se observa", "output": [ "When dissolving a non-volatile solute in a solvent forming a diluted solution, it is observed" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20e0be9188e0490c8dfede0f4c0173b9", "input": "El punto triple del agua se encuentra a 273,16 K y 611 Pascales", "output": [ "The triple point of water is at 273.16 K and 611 Pascals" ] }, { "id": "task1433-71651a44005242d8a4aa2f375d49a1d4", "input": "Un proceso espont\u00e1neo se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "A spontaneous process is characterized because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-94c309831c604e27a36bd6ff3b9ca061", "input": "El trabajo de expansi\u00f3n de un gas (W)", "output": [ "The work of expanding a gas (W)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-089ffa68b0784044a1eec3b65d1d734c", "input": "El indicador negro de eriocromo T (N.E.T.) presenta los siguientes colores en funci\u00f3n del pH", "output": [ "The black indicator of Eriochrome T (N.E.T.) has the following colors depending on the pH" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7e5ce72e28be41e588d4578d1de08488", "input": "En el tratamiento de una sobredosis de paracetamol se utiliza", "output": [ "In the treatment of an overdose of paracetamol is used" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3d5b907e2688404d91c9e93ba668e4c7", "input": "El inter\u00e9s toxicol\u00f3gico del pelo se debe a que", "output": [ "The toxicological interest of the hair is due to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-29861021363447e4941969231f501e3d", "input": "La acci\u00f3n cancer\u00edgena del Benzo(a)pireno", "output": [ "The carcinogenic action of Benzo (a) pyrene" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f757ebfcc02c440595ed592e7e5b769d", "input": "Los aminogluc\u00f3sidos pueden producir", "output": [ "Aminoglycosides can produce" ] }, { "id": "task1433-df19de03a366416397cc5b7166eb8c3e", "input": "La Iperita o gas mostaza es un", "output": [ "The Iperite or mustard gas is a" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a5bafb9b3ea4a4b817da479da384101", "input": "El valor de la ingesta diaria admitida (IDA) de un aditivo alimentario puede ser calculado a partir del siguiente dato obtenido previamente en animales", "output": [ "The value of the admitted daily intake (ADI) of a food additive can be calculated from the following previously obtained data in animals" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22c548161c4d4d338dba248b76f60d9f", "input": "En toxicolog\u00eda, la probabilidad de que se produzcan efectos adversos, nocivos para la salud, por exposici\u00f3n a un agente t\u00f3xico se conoce como", "output": [ "In toxicology, the probability of adverse effects, harmful to health, from exposure to a toxic agent is known as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30257541460c49e2ba60379934323c70", "input": "Las excitotoxinas activan", "output": [ "The excitotoxins activate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a25e101c14574e1d9c8ac03c6532d1f4", "input": "El m\u00e9todo principal para la preparaci\u00f3n de \u03b2ceto \u00e9steres es la reacci\u00f3n conocida como", "output": [ "The main method for the preparation of \u03b2ceto esters is the reaction known as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-34a6ff3517ee461792291ad3606d5865", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de Diels Alder es un ejemplo de reacci\u00f3n", "output": [ "The reaction of Diels Alder is an example of reaction" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fd900a3ab7c84a3e918c4c8c994f4c15", "input": "El \u00e1cido p-nitrobenzoico es", "output": [ "The p-nitrobenzoic acid is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d582cc45e3f54b448f74176f90e19fd1", "input": "La reacci\u00f3n de bromo y ciclopenteno lleva a la obtenci\u00f3n de 1,2-dibromociclopentano mediante un mecanismo", "output": [ "The reaction of bromine and cyclopentene leads to the production of 1,2-dibromocyclopentane by a mechanism" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b919f9c73ce74fcb87217d9f449c0509", "input": "Los reactivos de Grignard atacan a los ep\u00f3xidos para dar, tras la oportuna hidr\u00f3lisis", "output": [ "The Grignard reagents attack the epoxides to give, after the appropriate hydrolysis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0ca8a833c1154bd8847988e7337b240d", "input": "Se pueden obtener \u00e9steres a partir de \u00e1cidos carbox\u00edlicos y alcoholes, aplicando la reacci\u00f3n de esterificaci\u00f3n de Fischer en la que", "output": [ "Esters can be obtained from carboxylic acids and alcohols, by applying the Fischer esterification reaction in which" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f0ac0a76e84c49958223412898f3acc8", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas diat\u00f3micas presenta la energ\u00eda de enlace m\u00e1s baja?", "output": [ "Which of the following diatomic molecules has the lowest binding energy ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c5098a1489e4e50b6beafca016aa861", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes sustancias es usada como catalizador en el Proceso de Contacto durante la fabricaci\u00f3n de \u00e1cido sulf\u00farico?", "output": [ "Which of the following substances is used as a catalyst in the Contact Process during the manufacture of sulfuric acid ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1cc34c3693a2480aa26f5e8ed8d5e054", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas presenta el momento dipolar m\u00e1s alto?", "output": [ "Which of the following molecules has the highest dipole moment ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d8741657dca2400aaf360d3d10b406fb", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas tiene al menos un \u00e1ngulo de 90\u00ba?", "output": [ "Which of the following molecules has at least a 90\u00ba angle ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22902006134545108c18e329bfeeb2ac", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes mol\u00e9culas tiene el \u00e1ngulo de enlace m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o?", "output": [ "Which of the following molecules has the smallest bond angle ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-862880f6826f4cb39b8bdecc6943c063", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 afirmaci\u00f3n es verdadera en relaci\u00f3n con el Modelo de la Repulsi\u00f3n de los Electrones de la capa de Valencia aplicado a mol\u00e9culas AB n", "output": [ "Which statement is true in relation to the Electron Repulsion Model of the Valencia layer applied to AB n molecules" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6bcddd3b66af488d9412769cf6a95e7d", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 c\u00e9lulas del aparato yuxtaglomerular sintetizan y almacenan renina?", "output": [ "What cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus synthesize and store renin ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7fffd8a2167e4d159386b9ca39d659c2", "input": "El t\u00e1lamo forma parte de", "output": [ "The thalamus is part of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f9fe1cc7ed844c78fff10d552ee3023", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00fasculo tiene uno de su or\u00edgenes (inserci\u00f3n proximal) en la ap\u00f3fisis coracoides de la esc\u00e1pula?", "output": [ "What muscle has one of its origins (proximal insertion) in the coracoid process of the scapula ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2216e0961e384a6fa534c9b2d18fb9bc", "input": "Las \u00fanicas fibras adren\u00e9rgicas aut\u00f3nomas son los axones de las neuronas", "output": [ "The only autonomic adrenergic fibers are axons of neurons" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd37f3b4459a49a3b04580d58df89673", "input": "La ap\u00f3fisis pteriogoides pertenece al hueso", "output": [ "The pterygoid process belongs to the bone" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a1a4d6691921427fad368b6ee4c6c202", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes estructuras pertenece al peritoneo?", "output": [ "Which of the following structures belongs to the peritoneum ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3a44b6baeadc40248bbfcf2a45ecfd5d", "input": "Queremos comparar las medias de dos poblaciones que siguen distribuciones normales y tienen la misma varianza. Tomamos dos muestras de tama\u00f1o n1 y n2. Al construir un intervalo de confianza tendremos que calcular un valor t para una distribuci\u00f3n T de Student con", "output": [ "We want to compare the means of two populations that follow normal distributions and have the same variance. We take two samples of size n1 and n2. When constructing a confidence interval we will have to calculate a value t for a Student's T distribution with" ] }, { "id": "task1433-52b25a4a5d604c2c9d9b556e2c202151", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les de los siguientes estad\u00edsticos NO es afectado por datos at\u00edpicos (outliers) en una muestra?", "output": [ "Which of the following statistics is NOT affected by outliers in a sample ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7e78c442ade44af788f6df1b01d1c950", "input": "Tomamos muestra de cinco individuos a los que les medimos el valor de colesterol LDL (mg/ml) obteniendo 180, 203, 104, 90 y 165. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la mediana de esta muestra?", "output": [ "We take sample of five individuals to whom we measure the LDL cholesterol value (mg / ml) obtaining 180, 203, 104, 90 and 165. What is the median of this sample ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c972a7c582b34c46b478497d5d82cd10", "input": "El valor de utilidad correspondiente a un estado de salud, que se puede utilizar despu\u00e9s en un estudio de coste-utilidad, generalmente tiene un valor", "output": [ "The utility value corresponding to a state of health, which can be used later in a cost-utility study, generally has a value" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e169e093dfbd44f5966682274f51852f", "input": "El objetivo de utilizar la evaluaci\u00f3n econ\u00f3mica en la toma de decisiones sobre financiaci\u00f3n de medicamentos es", "output": [ "The objective of using the economic evaluation in the decision making process regarding drug financing is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-034c482a03f845e59acbd94a8c694346", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la opci\u00f3n correcta respecto a la dosis diaria definida de un medicamento", "output": [ "Indicate the correct option regarding the defined daily dose of a medicine" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cb47525d167443eea2547b899588f329", "input": "Un medicamento elaborado y garantizado por un farmac\u00e9utico, o bajo su direcci\u00f3n, dispensado en su oficina de farmacia o servicio farmac\u00e9utico, enumerado y descrito por el Formulario Nacional, y destinado a su entrega directa a los enfermos a los que abastece dicha farmacia o servicio farmac\u00e9utico es", "output": [ "A medicine produced and guaranteed by a pharmacist, or under his direction, dispensed in his pharmacy or pharmacy service, listed and described by the National Form, and intended for direct delivery to the sick to whom such pharmacy or pharmaceutical service supplies is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e05ea2efa95430597aa7ec167627cb7", "input": "Las muestras gratuitas de medicamentos de fabricaci\u00f3n industrial tienen la consideraci\u00f3n de publicidad excepcional; como tal, s\u00f3lo se entregar\u00e1n durante un tiempo m\u00e1ximo de", "output": [ "Free samples of industrially manufactured medicines are considered exceptional publicity; as such, they will only be delivered during a maximum time of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4512b8ce818c4abea70ab4db31008aaa", "input": "La planificaci\u00f3n farmac\u00e9utica, en Espa\u00f1a, es competencia de", "output": [ "Pharmaceutical planning, in Spain, is the responsibility of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5d9f5549827e4814be8324b960eca61d", "input": "Las mol\u00e9culas de la familia CD1 (CD1a, CD1b, CD1c, CD1d y CD1e) se expresan en", "output": [ "The molecules of the CD1 family (CD1a, CD1b, CD1c, CD1d and CD1e) are expressed in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c4fa69a44ce34fa581d7513ecbed8b7b", "input": "El s\u00edndrome de DiGeorge est\u00e1 ligado a", "output": [ "The DiGeorge syndrome is linked to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6770da62908640219bfba2f753cf9b78", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con la fisiolog\u00eda del sistema del complemento una de las siguientes afirmaciones es falsa", "output": [ "In relation to the physiology of the complement system, one of the following statements is false" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ae81c9a417ef45ada5b41bb661c29c58", "input": "La mol\u00e9cula CD40 ligando (CD40L o CD154) se expresa en", "output": [ "The CD40 ligand molecule (CD40L or CD154) is expressed in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b27223bf2c4e466aaaef641f7554c3df", "input": "El proceso de maduraci\u00f3n para la c\u00e9lula dendr\u00edtica supone cambios importantes en su fisiolog\u00eda, tales como la", "output": [ "The maturation process for the dendritic cell involves important changes in its physiology, such as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1fa9fb12ec5740a0b357ad716849b266", "input": "Solo uno de los siguientes tipos celulares sintetiza la interleucina IL-12; \u00bfcu\u00e1l?", "output": [ "Only one of the following cell types synthesizes interleukin IL-12; which one?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-94df192cd3474ed08b43a764217e5f6e", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de los siguientes tipos celulares se encuentra el complejo CD3?", "output": [ "In which of the following cell types is the CD3 complex ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f555d8007c7d416c9e8b702f6ab5387a", "input": "Las distintas subpoblaciones de linfocitos T efectores secretan diferentes citoquinas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es FALSA?", "output": [ "The different subpopulations of effector T lymphocytes secrete different cytokines. Which of the following statements is false?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a53dc8ab5e554b2592b14879c8d4ce4e", "input": "La prote\u00edna MIC-A, expresada en diversos tipos celulares e inducida por situaciones de estr\u00e9s celular, es reconocida por", "output": [ "The MIC-A protein, expressed in various cell types and induced by cellular stress situations, is recognized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-959b7bd8b26345e7a67371ef1b88a2fc", "input": "Paciente que presenta poliuria y polidipsia con una densidad espec\u00edfica de la orina superior a 1.040. De las siguientes opciones indique el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable", "output": [ "Patient with polyuria and polydipsia with a specific urine density greater than 1.040. From the following options indicate the most probable diagnosis" ] }, { "id": "task1433-19bcbb81724c4d8f94371aaebb509c3c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes heterociclos se considera biois\u00f3stero del sistema catec\u00f3lico?", "output": [ "Which of the following heterocycles is considered a bioisosterer of the catecholic system ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c753b44fe1954fd9ae05bb1c49fe9b01", "input": "Suponga que a un tratamiento A responden un 40% de los pacientes. El coste medio con A para los pacientes que responden es de 2.000\u20ac por paciente. El coste medio con A para los pacientes que no responden es de 5.000\u20ac. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el coste esperado del tratamiento A para un paciente?", "output": [ "Suppose that 40% of patients respond to treatment A. The average cost with A for the patients who respond is \u20ac 2,000 per patient. The average cost with A for patients who do not respond is \u20ac 5,000. What is the expected cost of treatment A for a patient ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec3aab6a547145f09f32d5f6744b9fd2", "input": "Mujer 63 a\u00f1os, hipertensa. Al comenzar el tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico empeoran sus valores gluc\u00e9micos. El tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico antihipertensivo que ha podido provocar esta situaci\u00f3n ser\u00e1", "output": [ "Woman 63 years old, hypertensive. When beginning the pharmacological treatment their glycemic values \u200b\u200bworsen. The antihypertensive pharmacological treatment that this situation may have caused will be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e61c9742b4e84e61b012b25f81cebf6d", "input": "Se pueden determinar por titulaci\u00f3n complexom\u00e9trica o quelom\u00e9trica los siguientes metales", "output": [ "The following metals can be determined by complexometric or chelometric titration" ] }, { "id": "task1433-338187836f304335a86f75308cede5e8", "input": "En la pr\u00e1ctica farmac\u00e9utica se utiliza alcohol oficinal que re\u00fane las condiciones para uso farmac\u00e9utico y se califica as\u00ed al alcohol", "output": [ "In pharmaceutical practice, office alcohol is used that meets the conditions for pharmaceutical use and thus qualifies alcohol" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d6f12322b68a47ca8759f2f595308b22", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se llaman las c\u00e9lulas de las gl\u00e1ndulas g\u00e1stricas que secretan factor intr\u00ednseco?", "output": [ "What are the cells of the gastric glands that secrete intrinsic factor called ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-afeeef0b796949b581982746d3e267c0", "input": "Dentro del campo de la bacteriolog\u00eda, \u00bfqu\u00e9 afirmaci\u00f3n es v\u00e1lida en relaci\u00f3n al fen\u00f3meno de conversi\u00f3n f\u00e1gica?", "output": [ "Within the field of bacteriology, what statement is valid in relation to the phenomenon of phage conversion ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-071126edcf8943048d88130e47ae07e5", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguiente afirmaciones es cierta con respecto al alcaloide morfina?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is true with respect to the alkaloid morphine ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a5e8f15cba9d4c9e9c491073e67618cd", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba1 Una mujer de 80 a\u00f1os es tra\u00edda al servicio de urgencias por un cuadro de dolor abdominal agudo que se acompa\u00f1a de hipotensi\u00f3n, taquicardia y fiebre de 38\u00baC. Entre sus antecedentes destaca una resecci\u00f3n de colon izquierdo por carcinoma siete d\u00edas antes. Tras la reanimaci\u00f3n inicial se realiza una radiograf\u00eda simple de t\u00f3rax (que se muestra) que resulta diagn\u00f3stica de", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba1 An 80-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department for acute abdominal pain that is accompanied by hypotension, tachycardia and fever of 38\u00baC. Between its antecedents it emphasizes a resection of left colon by carcinoma seven days before. After the initial resuscitation, a simple chest radiograph (shown) is performed, which is diagnostic of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8eaf8fb502854f7894f241bc043e14ab", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba1 En la misma paciente, de la observaci\u00f3n de la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax, puede deducirse", "output": [ "Question linked to image No. 1 In the same patient, from the observation of the chest x-ray, it can be deduced" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e8bf3e6e754344b4b573d93d1d5fd5ca", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba2 Hombre de 65 a\u00f1os con antecedentes personales de hepatopat\u00eda cr\u00f3nica et\u00edlica en estadio funcional A de Child en tratamiento con ibuprofeno por lumbalgia, presenta cuadro de hematemesis de sangre roja. A su llegada a urgencias presenta tensi\u00f3n arterial de 120/60 mm Hg. En la anal\u00edtica muestra como datos m\u00e1s destacados hemoglobina 10 gr/dL, plaquetas 250.000 /\u00b5L, urea 85 mg/dL y creatinina 1.1 mg/dL. Se realiza endoscopia urgente que muestra la imagen. Ante dichos hallazgos cu\u00e1l es la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba2 A 65-year-old man with a personal history of chronic alcoholic liver disease in functional stage A of Child in treatment with ibuprofen due to low back pain, presents a picture of red blood hematemesis. Upon his arrival at the emergency room, he presented a blood pressure of 120/60 mm Hg. In the analytical sample, hemoglobin 10 gr / dL, platelets 250,000 / \u03bcL, urea 85 mg / dL and creatinine 1.1 mg / dL are the most important data. Urgent endoscopy is performed showing the image. Given these findings, what is the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-43b95fe01ec74b68bf951be9cac62952", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba2 En el caso anteriormente descrito y respecto al tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico cu\u00e1l es la afirmaci\u00f3n correcta.", "output": [ "Question linked to image no. 2 In the case described above and regarding pharmacological treatment, which is the correct statement." ] }, { "id": "task1433-eaf72ec309af49ceb076b425dd880010", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba3 Paciente de 58 a\u00f1os trasplantado hep\u00e1tico por cirrosis VHC+. Despu\u00e9s de un postoperatorio sin complicaciones el paciente es remitido a su domicilio. A las 6 semanas del trasplante es visitado en la consulta externa, apreci\u00e1ndose febr\u00edcula, empeoramiento del estado general, un nivel de GOT de 60 UI/L (8-40) y una GPT de 65 UI/L (8-50), junto con un patr\u00f3n de colestasis marcada (GGT x 10 y FA x 8) con bilirrubina total de 1,7 mg/dL (0,3-1). As\u00ed mismo se apreci\u00f3 un elevado n\u00famero de copias del VHC. Se decidi\u00f3 practicar una ecograf\u00eda doppler en el que se inform\u00f3 de una trombosis arterial completa. A la vista de estos datos se solicit\u00f3 una TC y una colangiorresonancia, cuyas im\u00e1genes se presentan en las figuras. Por lo datos cl\u00ednicos, anal\u00edticos y radiol\u00f3gicos, indique cu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable del problema actual", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba3 58-year-old liver transplant patient with HCV + cirrhosis. After an uncomplicated postoperative period, the patient is referred to his home. Six weeks after the transplant, he was visited in the outpatient clinic, with a low grade of fever, a worsening of the general condition, a GOT level of 60 IU / L (8-40) and a GPT of 65 IU / L (8-50). with a pattern of marked cholestasis (GGT x 10 and FA x 8) with total bilirubin of 1.7 mg / dL (0.3-1). Likewise, a high number of copies of the HCV was appreciated. It was decided to perform a Doppler ultrasound in which a complete arterial thrombosis was reported. In view of these data, a CT scan and a cholangioresonance were requested, the images of which are presented in the figures. For the clinical, analytical and radiological data, indicate which is the most probable diagnosis of the current problem" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c7a96dc01d984f819e295073f4d2b90c", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba3 Teniendo en cuenta el diagn\u00f3stico realizado. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el tratamiento que probablemente necesitar\u00e1 el paciente?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba3 Taking into account the diagnosis made. What is the treatment that the patient will probably need?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-94cae39cef6547c780fa71bd8492c6f0", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba4 Hombre de 34 a\u00f1os, deportista, que presenta un cuadro de dolor tor\u00e1cico opresivo, continuo, irradiado a espalda que se acent\u00faa con la inspiraci\u00f3n profunda, de 4 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n, sin fiebre. Refiere un cuadro de amigdalitis hace 2 meses. Auscultaci\u00f3n cardiaca r\u00edtmica sin soplos. No presenta datos de alteraci\u00f3n hemodin\u00e1mica ni insuficiencia cardiaca. Anal\u00edtica normal, salvo discreta leucocitosis. Al llegar a urgencias se realiza un ECG que se muestra en la figura. A la espera del resultado de los marcadores de lesi\u00f3n mioc\u00e1rdica, su diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable en este paciente es", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba4 34-year-old man, athlete, who presents a picture of oppressive, continuous chest pain radiating to the back that is accentuated with deep inspiration, of 4 days of evolution, without fever. It refers to a picture of tonsillitis 2 months ago. Rhythmic cardiac auscultation without murmurs. It does not present data of hemodynamic alteration or heart failure. Normal analytical, except for discrete leukocytosis. When you arrive at the emergency room, an ECG is performed, shown in the figure. While waiting for the result of markers of myocardial injury, the most likely diagnosis in this patient is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83d018d6984e4ef28b6ae85876c5ce1d", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba4 En este paciente, el procedimiento y/o tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n que recomendar\u00eda es", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 4 In this patient, the procedure and / or treatment of choice that I would recommend is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e8358685bf34e469c82f953b3e7dc94", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba5 Hombre de 62 a\u00f1os, fumador de 20 cigarrillos diarios desde hace 30 a\u00f1os e hipertenso, que acude a la consulta por presentar dolor al caminar en zona gl\u00fatea que comienza a una distancia de 300 metros y que desaparece con el reposo a los 5 minutos. Se realiza un \u00edndice Tobillo/Brazo cuya imagen se adjunta. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba5 62-year-old man, smoker of 20 cigarettes a day for 30 years and hypertensive, who comes to the clinic because of pain when walking in the gluteal area that begins at a distance of 300 meters and disappears with rest at 5 minutes. An Ankle / Arm index is made whose image is attached. Which is the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5d3266e59443437fb3ee1457168332d5", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba5 \u00bfEn este paciente cu\u00e1l debe ser el tratamiento inicial?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 5 In this patient, what should be the initial treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-af142bb3b3f543bba364b5e3e66420ee", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba6 Mujer de 29 a\u00f1os fumadora. Consulta por tos de predominio nocturno y disnea de esfuerzo. Aporta una rx de t\u00f3rax realizada en su centro de salud (ver imagen). \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico radiol\u00f3gico de sospecha?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba6 29-year-old woman smoker. Consultation for nocturnal cough and dyspnea on exertion. Provides a chest CT performed at your health center (see image). What is the radiological diagnosis of suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7960f9e3b62042e797a7549b69b3e8b7", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba6 En un hemograma reciente el \u00fanico dato destacable es una eosinofilia del 16%. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba diagn\u00f3stica de las siguientes aportar\u00eda mas informaci\u00f3n en el estudio de la paciente?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 6 In a recent hemogram, the only notable fact is an eosinophilia of 16%. What diagnostic test of the following would provide more information in the study of the patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3d3671ced1724e87b55479dfe738dbc8", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba7 Un hombre de 60 a\u00f1os consulta por disnea. Se realiza una exploraci\u00f3n funcional respiratoria (Espirometr\u00eda con prueba broncodilatadora, Test de capacidad de difusi\u00f3n de CO y Pletismograf\u00eda) cuyo informe se muestra en la imagen. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s compatible con los resultados?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 7 A 60-year-old man consulted for dyspnea. A respiratory functional examination is performed (Spirometry with bronchodilator test, CO diffusion capacity test and Plethysmography) whose report is shown in the image. What is the diagnosis most compatible with the results?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bc75718a3d8c4385b15d2380efc09d8b", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba7 En el paciente anterior, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes actitudes estar\u00eda menos justificada?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 7 In the previous patient, which of the following attitudes would be less justified?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6e14c8525c224edab3616a5a02a92944", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba8 Hombre de 63 a\u00f1os que presenta desde hace m\u00e1s de 5 a\u00f1os dolor y tumefacci\u00f3n persistente, deformidad progresiva, impotencia funcional y rigidez prolongada tras la inactividad en manos, rodillas y pies por las que no hab\u00eda consultado previamente. En una anal\u00edtica elemental realizada en su empresa destaca VSG 78 mm/hora, PCR 54 mg/L y \u00e1cido \u00farico 7.4 mg/dL. La Radiograf\u00eda de manos se muestra en la imagen. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba8 A 63-year-old man with persistent pain and swelling, progressive deformity, functional impotence and prolonged rigidity after inactivity in hands, knees and feet for which he had not consulted previously. In an elemental analysis carried out in his company, he highlighted VSG 78 mm / hour, PCR 54 mg / L and uric acid 7.4 mg / dL. The X-ray of hands is shown in the image. The most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-47c903623b6f4679975a33c358376625", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba8 La realizaci\u00f3n de una ecograf\u00eda en este paciente", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 8 Conducting an ultrasound in this patient" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a301bed21a0d4249a8fb7fc9e17ff09d", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba9 Muchacho de 11 a\u00f1os que acude porque desde hace 10 d\u00edas presenta febr\u00edcula diaria de predominio vespertino. En los \u00faltimos 2 d\u00edas la fiebre ha ido en aumento (hasta 38,5\u00ba C). Tiene poco apetito y ha perdido peso (2 kg). Hace 3 semanas le dieron una patada en la rodilla derecha. Aunque inicialmente s\u00f3lo ten\u00eda dolor posteriormente not\u00f3 inflamaci\u00f3n, que fue en aumento hasta impedirle caminar. Anal\u00edtica elevaci\u00f3n de PCR (75 mg/L) sin otras alteraciones significativas. Se realiza radiolog\u00eda simple que se muestra. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba9 11-year-old boy who attends because 10 days ago he has a daily fever of predominance in the evening. In the last 2 days the fever has been increasing (up to 38.5\u00ba C). Has little appetite and has lost weight (2 kg). Three weeks ago he was kicked in the right knee. Although initially he only had pain later he noticed inflammation, which was increasing until it prevented him from walking. Analytical elevation of PCR (75 mg / L) without other significant alterations. Simple radiology is shown. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ad2e4ff8cf441f2918ea8853ad69bb4", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba9 \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el siguiente paso en el manejo cl\u00ednico de este paciente?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 9 What would be the next step in the clinical management of this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5518ce4fcd794dff97d733789fa00805", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba10 Ni\u00f1o de 4 a\u00f1os y 6 meses con un desarrollo psicomotor normal previo, que comienza a presentar m\u00faltiples episodios de desconexi\u00f3n del medio con tono mantenido y parpadeo r\u00e1pido sutil de segundos a lo largo del d\u00eda y dificultades de aprendizaje en los \u00faltimos meses. Se realiza un electroencefalograma en vigilia. Se muestra una imagen del registro durante la maniobra de hiperventilaci\u00f3n. \u00bfA qu\u00e9 s\u00edndrome epil\u00e9ptico corresponde?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba10 A 4-year-old and 6-month-old boy with a previous normal psychomotor development, which begins to present multiple episodes of medium disconnection with maintained tone and subtle rapid flashing of seconds throughout the day and learning difficulties in the last months. A waking electroencephalogram is performed. An image of the record is shown during the hyperventilation maneuver. What epileptic syndrome corresponds?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cf6e45fa958f4609909694b118c2e230", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba10 En el paciente anterior, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes tratamientos es de elecci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 10 In the previous patient, which of the following treatments is of choice?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b5815eec346242deb7c40f41e523e019", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba11 Paciente de 49 a\u00f1os sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s. Refiere historia de 2 semanas de evoluci\u00f3n de dolor abdominal difuso independiente de la ingesta y la deposici\u00f3n y acompa\u00f1ado de v\u00f3mitos ocasionales, malestar general y sudoraci\u00f3n profusa. Anal\u00edtica Hb 12 gr/dL. Leucocitos 10x10^9/L (Neutr\u00f3filos 80%, Linfocitos 15%, Monocitos 3%, Eosin\u00f3filos 1%). Plaquetas 270x10^9/L. Glucosa 100 mg/dL, Urea 80 mg/dl, Creatinina 1.5 mg/dL, A. \u00darico 12 mg/dL, LDH 7800 UI/L; GOT, GPT y fosfatasa alcalina normales. TAC Gran masa (16cm) en retroperitoneo que infiltra p\u00e1ncreas, asas de intestino delgado y ri\u00f1\u00f3n derecho. La biopsia es la que se muestra en la imagen. Inmunohistoqu\u00edmica CD20 (+) CD3(-) bcl 2 (-), CD10+, bcl 6 (+), P53 (-), TDT (-) Mib1 (\u00edndice de proliferaci\u00f3n) 100%. Gen\u00e9tica reordenamiento del 8q24, gen c-myc. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba11 49-year-old patient without a history of interest. He reports a 2-week history of diffuse abdominal pain independent of ingestion and deposition and accompanied by occasional vomiting, malaise and profuse sweating. Analytical Hb 12 gr / dL. Leucocytes 10x10 ^ 9 / L (Neutrophil 80%, Lymphocytes 15%, Monocytes 3%, Eosinophils 1%). Platelets 270x10 ^ 9 / L. Glucose 100 mg / dL, Urea 80 mg / dL, Creatinine 1.5 mg / dL, A. Uric 12 mg / dL, LDH 7800 IU / L; GOT, GPT and normal alkaline phosphatase. CT Large mass (16cm) in retroperitoneum infiltrating pancreas, small bowel loops and right kidney. The biopsy is the one shown in the image. Immunohistochemistry CD20 (+) CD3 (-) bcl 2 (-), CD10 +, bcl 6 (+), P53 (-), TDT (-) Mib1 (proliferation index) 100%. Genetics rearrangement of 8q24, c-myc gene. Which is the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-21f2adb482bc4dc4aa2babf12d91cad7", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba11 \u00bfQu\u00e9 tratamiento es el m\u00e1s adecuado en el paciente anterior?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba11 Which treatment is most appropriate in the previous patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d339c4eac284270a229f8e1ff40daae", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba12 En la TC que se muestra, el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 12 In the CT that is shown, the most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f6786f7eae8443feaa7195f2541931c5", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba12 \u00bfCu\u00e1l entre las siguientes es la cl\u00ednica m\u00e1s probable de la consulta de este paciente?", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 12 Which of the following is the most likely clinic of this patient's consultation?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f55219c70bd4ed996068f77b8cf7d94", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba13 Un hombre de 31 a\u00f1os refiere una cl\u00ednica de inicio brusco de escalofr\u00edos, fiebre alta, dolores articulares y musculares, exantema maculopapular de predominio en extremidades, dolor de cabeza y fotofobia. No refiere ning\u00fan antecedente patol\u00f3gico de inter\u00e9s ni viaje al extranjero en los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os. No es consciente de la existencia de enfermedades trasmisibles en su entorno inmediato. Vive en una zona residencial suburbana del levante espa\u00f1ol. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica destaca la escara de color negruzco que puede observarse en la imagen. Se\u00f1ale el vector transmisor de la enfermedad que con m\u00e1s probabilidad presenta el paciente.", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba13 A 31-year-old man reported a sudden onset of chills, high fever, joint and muscle pain, maculopapular rash predominantly in the extremities, headache and photophobia. It does not refer to any pathological antecedent of interest or travel abroad in the last two years. He is not aware of the existence of communicable diseases in his immediate environment. He lives in a suburban residential area of \u200b\u200bthe Spanish Levante. Physical examination highlights the blackish eschar that can be seen in the image. Point out the vector transmitter of the disease that the patient most likely presents." ] }, { "id": "task1433-778fbdce625a4ea19a0ac1c616784de2", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba13 \u00bfQu\u00e9 tratamiento considera el m\u00e1s indicado?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba13 Which treatment do you consider most appropriate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-abb355281a16472793fca9c406b570e9", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba14 Un hombre de 68 a\u00f1os consulta por una p\u00e9rdida del estado general en forma de astenia y anorexia y p\u00e9rdida de 12 Kg en los \u00faltimos tres meses. La exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica \u00fanicamente muestra un paciente delgado y la lesi\u00f3n en la planta de los pies que puede observarse en la figura. \u00bfCu\u00e1l le parece el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable y/o actitud m\u00e1s adecuada?", "output": [ "Question linked to image no. 14 A 68-year-old man consults for a loss of general condition in the form of asthenia and anorexia and loss of 12 Kg in the last three months. The physical examination only shows a thin patient and the lesion on the soles of the feet that can be seen in the figure. What do you think is the most likely diagnosis and / or most appropriate attitude?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-73a5f272161249539102883a4a4a80f1", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba14 Supongamos que el paciente no refiere ning\u00fan antecedente familiar de inter\u00e9s, nunca ha tomado drogas il\u00edcitas ni recibe tratamiento m\u00e9dico habitual. Una anal\u00edtica realizada en una mutua privada muestra una anemia microc\u00edtica e hipocroma, una funci\u00f3n tiroidea normal, una serolog\u00eda para el VIH negativa y una determinaci\u00f3n de ars\u00e9nico tambi\u00e9n negativa. La radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax es normal. Para proseguir el estudio se podr\u00edan realizar numerosas pruebas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l cree Ud. que nos podr\u00eda ayudar m\u00e1s en este momento?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba14 Suppose that the patient does not refer any family history of interest, has never taken illicit drugs or receives usual medical treatment. An analysis performed in a private mutual shows a microcytic and hypochromic anemia, a normal thyroid function, a serology for HIV negative and a determination of arsenic also negative. The chest x-ray is normal. To continue the study, numerous tests could be carried out. Which do you think could help us more at this time?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7bcfda6c5cb349109d7c07c0c2bbfabd", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba15 Paciente de 25 a\u00f1os de edad trasladado al Box de reanimaci\u00f3n del Servicio de Urgencias tras accidente de tr\u00e1fico. A su ingreso est\u00e1 hipotenso, taquic\u00e1rdico y taquipneico. La radiolog\u00eda port\u00e1til de t\u00f3rax muestra fracturas costales derechas desde el cuarto arco costal hasta el noveno e imagen de contusi\u00f3n pulmonar derecha, y la de pelvis es la que se adjunta. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la mejor conducta a continuaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Question linked to the image n\u00ba15 Patient of 25 years of age transferred to the Rescue Box of the Emergency Service after traffic accident. At admission, he is hypotensive, tachycardic and tachypneic. Portable chest radiography shows right costal fractures from the fourth costal arch to the ninth and right pulmonary contusion image, and the pelvis is attached. What is the best behavior next?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6a2e08b0ef5d40f4b3770f6e288af297", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba15 Mientras exploramos a este paciente, bruscamente presenta empeoramiento de su estado hemodin\u00e1mico y aumento de su taquipnea. Se observa desviaci\u00f3n traqueal hacia la izquierda, venas yugulares distendidas y ausencia de ventilaci\u00f3n en el hemit\u00f3rax derecho. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "Question linked to image # 15 While we are exploring this patient, he has a sudden worsening of his hemodynamic state and an increase in his tachypnea. Tracheal deviation to the left, distended jugular veins and absence of ventilation in the right hemithorax are observed. The most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-94deb4843f884990aea99c2cdd5dace0", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba16 Paciente de 84 a\u00f1os que presenta una lesi\u00f3n tumoral ulcerada que se muestra en el cuero cabelludo de m\u00e1s de 20 a\u00f1os de evoluci\u00f3n. No adenopat\u00edas locoregionales palpables. Evidentemente la lesi\u00f3n deber\u00e1 ser biopsiada para confirmaci\u00f3n diagn\u00f3stica pero, a priori, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes diagn\u00f3sticos le parece m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n \u00b0 16 Patient of 84 years who presents an ulcerated tumor lesion that shows in the scalp of more than 20 years of evolution. No palpable locoregional adenopathies. Obviously the lesion must be biopsied for diagnostic confirmation but, a priori, which of the following diagnoses seems most likely?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-efad1f864e3545e2a68bca5b9105d102", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba16 En caso de tratar a la paciente quir\u00fargicamente con m\u00e1rgenes de resecci\u00f3n adecuados, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pron\u00f3stico considera m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n \u00b0 16 If the patient is treated surgically with adequate resection margins, what prognosis do you consider most likely?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ce613ee5f92a4cb8bbbbd62c1741f9c7", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba17 Recibe usted la biopsia del duodeno de una mujer de 38 a\u00f1os sin otros datos cl\u00ednicos. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba17 You receive a biopsy of the duodenum of a 38-year-old woman with no other clinical information. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-28ad8a8faa0b4e26897f50bdd0c7dd9b", "input": "Pregunta vinculada a la imagen n\u00ba17 Seg\u00fan el diagn\u00f3stico emitido en la pregunta anterior, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la mejor opci\u00f3n terap\u00e9utica?", "output": [ "Question linked to image n\u00ba17 According to the diagnosis issued in the previous question, what is the best therapeutic option?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cd24fc51753c4848a9a9a9201fbee541", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes enunciados es correcto con respecto a los hemangiomas hep\u00e1ticos?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is correct with respect to hepatic hemangiomas?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6f170447f014825bcfedee073c560d5", "input": "Una mujer de 76 a\u00f1os acude a urgencias refiriendo dolor en la ingle derecha y v\u00f3mitos desde hace unas 6 horas. A la exploraci\u00f3n se palpa una tumoraci\u00f3n de consistencia dura justo por debajo de la l\u00ednea que une la espina iliaca anterosuperior y el pubis (que se corresponde con la localizaci\u00f3n del ligamento inguinal). Lo m\u00e1s probable es que se trate de una", "output": [ "A 76-year-old woman came to the emergency room referring to pain in the right groin and vomiting for about 6 hours. On examination, a hard consistency tumor is palpable just below the line joining the anterosuperior iliac spine and the pubis (which corresponds to the location of the inguinal ligament). Most likely, it is one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0acc993efbb44694bfeece4eae9a4a5c", "input": "Hombre de 80 a\u00f1os, con antecedentes de HTA, cardiopat\u00eda isqu\u00e9mica y EPOC, al que se le realiza una rectocolonoscopia completa por presentar rectorragia, con los siguientes hallazgos lesi\u00f3n polipoidea de 3 cm de di\u00e1metro situada a 10 cm del margen anal, que ocupa la mitad de la circunferencia. Resto de exploraci\u00f3n sin hallazgos hasta ciego. En la biopsia del p\u00f3lipo se aprecia un adenocarcinoma limitado a la submucosa. Ecografia endorrectal uT1N0. RM p\u00e9lvica T1N0. TC Sin evidencia de enfermedad a distancia. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 la decisi\u00f3n terapeutica m\u00e1s probable que se tome en la Comisi\u00f3n Multidisciplinar de Tumores?", "output": [ "An 80-year-old man with a history of hypertension, ischemic heart disease and COPD, who underwent a complete rectocolonoscopy due to rectal bleeding, with the following findings polypoid lesion 3 cm in diameter located 10 cm from the anal margin, occupying the half of the circumference. Rest of exploration without findings until blind. In the polyp biopsy, an adenocarcinoma limited to the submucosa is seen. Endorectal ultrasound uT1N0. Pelvic MRI T1N0. TC No evidence of disease at a distance. What will be the most likely therapeutic decision to be made in the Multidisciplinary Tumor Commission?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3bee7a7c0efb45a2a40d733c278a1543", "input": "A un paciente con colitis ulcerosa con afectaci\u00f3n hasta el colon transverso se le realiza una colonoscopia de cribado de c\u00e1ncer colorrectal. La colonoscopia no muestra signos de actividad inflamatoria. Se realizaron m\u00faltiples biopsias cada 10 cm. Las biopsias fueron revisadas por 2 pat\u00f3logos expertos demostrando un foco de displasia de alto grado en una de las biopsias realizadas en el colon sigmoide. \u00bfQu\u00e9 indicar\u00eda a continuaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "A colonoscopy of colorectal cancer screening is performed on a patient with ulcerative colitis with involvement up to the transverse colon. Colonoscopy shows no signs of inflammatory activity. Multiple biopsies were performed every 10 cm. The biopsies were reviewed by 2 expert pathologists demonstrating a focus of high grade dysplasia in one of the biopsies performed in the sigmoid colon. What would you indicate next?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e4d2c2c82d974708a583863ca23fd8b9", "input": "Respecto a la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesof\u00e1gico, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes enunciados es cierto?", "output": [ "Regarding gastroesophageal reflux disease, which of the following statements is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0b9632639ac744a2833446a8ea6f700a", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de estos pacientes el tratamiento quir\u00fargico adecuado ser\u00eda la realizaci\u00f3n de una gastrectom\u00eda at\u00edpica en cu\u00f1a por laparoscopia sin linfadenectom\u00eda ampliada?", "output": [ "In which of these patients would the appropriate surgical treatment be the performance of an atypical wedge gastrectomy by laparoscopy without extended lymphadenectomy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c018de80ec44d828b9a6b1ad1d9846f", "input": "Un hombre de 25 a\u00f1os consulta por ictericia. Practica el culturismo y se ha inyectado esteroides anabolizantes sustitutos del 17 alfaalquil, tres semanas antes. Por una amigdalitis hab\u00eda tomado amoxicilina-clavul\u00e1nico que retir\u00f3 hace 15 d\u00edas. Anal\u00edtica AST 1200 UI/L (l\u00edmite superior normal, lsn 40), ALT 1300 UI/L (lsn 40), GGT 150 UI/L (lsn 50), fosfatasa alcalina 180 UI/L (lsn 105), bililrrubina total 4,8 mg/dL con predominio de bilirrubina directa. Serolog\u00eda de virus B Anti-HBs y Anti-HBc positivos. La ecograf\u00eda sugiere esteatosis grado I. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 25-year-old man consults for jaundice. He practices bodybuilding and has injected anabolic steroids substitutes for 17alkalkyl, three weeks before. For a tonsillitis he had taken amoxicillin-clavulanic acid which he removed 15 days ago. Analytical AST 1200 IU / L (normal upper limit, lsn 40), ALT 1300 IU / L (lsn 40), GGT 150 IU / L (lsn 50), alkaline phosphatase 180 IU / L (lsn 105), total bililrubin 4 , 8 mg / dL with direct bilirubin predominance. Serology of virus B Anti-HBs and Anti-HBc positive. Ultrasound suggests grade I steatosis. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6a9af34c6d84455bba9ecf266d6ad612", "input": "El tratamiento antibi\u00f3tico recomendado en una diarrea aguda por Clostridium difficile es", "output": [ "The recommended antibiotic treatment for acute diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6a637a43da78476983b3620f8290a66f", "input": "En el proceso de la defecaci\u00f3n es VERDADERO", "output": [ "In the process of defecation is TRUE" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d3a0319b00b34bf88aac9c98815c1e21", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con los tumores mucinosos papilares intraductales de p\u00e1ncreas, se\u00f1alar el enunciado INCORRECTO", "output": [ "In relation to intraductal papillary mucinous tumors of the pancreas, point out the WRONG statement" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b60c49b3718b4187a72dd813cf607f54", "input": "Una mujer de 49 a\u00f1os acude de Urgencias por presentar tiritona, fiebre de 39\u00baC, dolor en hipocondrio derecho, ictericia y v\u00f3mitos. La exploraci\u00f3n revela TA 100/50 mmHg. FC 110 lpm. Postraci\u00f3n y dolor a la palpaci\u00f3n en cuadrante derecho, con Murphy positivo. La anal\u00edtica muestra leucocitosis con desviaci\u00f3n izquierda y la ecograf\u00eda abdominal, colelitiasis, coledocolitiasis y dilataci\u00f3n de la v\u00eda biliar extrahep\u00e1tica. Se inicia tratamiento emp\u00edrico con antibi\u00f3tico y fluidoterapia. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el procedimiento m\u00e1s eficaz para realizar a continuaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "A 49-year-old woman came to the emergency room due to shivering, fever of 39\u00baC, pain in the right hypochondrium, jaundice and vomiting. The scan reveals TA 100/50 mmHg. FC 110 lpm. Prostration and pain on palpation in the right quadrant, with positive Murphy. The analytical sample shows leukocytosis with left deviation and abdominal ultrasound, cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis and dilation of the extrahepatic bile duct. Empirical treatment is started with antibiotic and fluid therapy. What is the most effective procedure to perform next?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5aef5279616c420ea58894f9f23053d2", "input": "Una mujer de 60 a\u00f1os, diagnosticada de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensi\u00f3n arterial, consulta por palpitaciones de semanas de evoluci\u00f3n. Aporta un electrocardiograma realizado hace una semana en el que est\u00e1 en fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular con frecuencia ventricular media de 70 lat/min. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica y en un nuevo electrocardiograma realizado en consulta est\u00e1 en ritmo sinusal. \u00bfEs necesario anticoagularla de forma cr\u00f3nica?", "output": [ "A 60-year-old woman, diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypertension, consults for palpitations of weeks of evolution. Provides an electrocardiogram performed a week ago in which he is in atrial fibrillation with an average ventricular rate of 70 beats / min. In the physical examination and in a new electrocardiogram performed in consultation is in sinus rhythm. Is it necessary to anticoagulate it chronically?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2b03598d8b7d4b87a90293fc2568f142", "input": "Hombre de 32 a\u00f1os de edad sin antecedentes de inter\u00e9s ni factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Cl\u00ednica de disnea al subir un piso de escaleras de 1 mes de evoluci\u00f3n. Consulta por s\u00edncope brusco precedido de esfuerzo. Antecedentes familiares de muerte no explicada de forma brusca en su hermano. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica destaca un soplo sist\u00f3lico rudo m\u00e1s audible en foco a\u00f3rtico. El electrocardiograma practicado en consulta muestra un ritmo sinusal con patr\u00f3n compatible de hipertrofia de ventricular izquierda. Se realiza un ecocardiograma que documenta una importante hipertrofia asim\u00e9trica de septo interventricular con un gradiente din\u00e1mico subvalvular de 70 mmHg con insuficiencia mitral secundaria moderada y fracci\u00f3n de eyecci\u00f3n de ventr\u00edculo izquierdo conservada. \u00bfQu\u00e9 opci\u00f3n terap\u00e9utica es la MENOS indicada?", "output": [ "A 32-year-old man with no history of interest or cardiovascular risk factors. Clinic of dyspnea when climbing a floor of stairs of 1 month of evolution. Consultation due to sudden syncope preceded by exertion. Family history of death not explained abruptly in his brother. On physical examination, a more audible rumen systolic murmur with aortic focus is highlighted. The electrocardiogram performed in the consultation shows a sinus rhythm with a compatible pattern of left ventricular hypertrophy. An echocardiogram was performed to document an important asymmetric hypertrophy of the interventricular septum with a subvalvular dynamic gradient of 70 mmHg with moderate secondary mitral regurgitation and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. Which therapeutic option is the LESS indicated?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-66aca153393346bc9264897a5cdba3c1", "input": "Un hombre de 65 a\u00f1os, fumador y diab\u00e9tico, es tra\u00eddo al Servicio de Urgencias por presentar desde hace aproximadamente una hora un dolor centrotor\u00e1cico opresivo e intensa sudoraci\u00f3n. En el ECG realizado se observa ritmo sinusal a 80 lpm y un bloqueo completo de rama izquierda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l deber\u00eda ser nuestra actitud?", "output": [ "A 65-year-old man, smoker and diabetic, is brought to the Emergency Department for presenting an oppressive, deep-throating sweat for about an hour. In the ECG performed, sinus rhythm was observed at 80 bpm and a complete block of the left branch. What should our attitude be?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-88fc3d21d2464530b72e7d27184358ab", "input": "Un paciente acude al Hospital por un infarto de miocardio con elevacion del segmento ST. A su llegada est\u00e1 hipotenso, presenta crepitantes y se ausculta un soplo sist\u00f3lico 3/6. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A patient goes to the hospital for a myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation. Upon arrival, he is hypotensive, presents crackles and a systolic murmur is heard 3/6. What is your diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-36dac16d0d144a88877aa9dd6314c81a", "input": "Hombre de 55 a\u00f1os, obeso, dislip\u00e9mico y fumador activo. En estudio por hipertensi\u00f3n arterial refractaria sin evidencia de da\u00f1o cardiaco o renal hasta el momento. Refiere cefalea matutina con hipersomnia diurna. Se realiza MAPA (monitorizaci\u00f3n ambulatoria de presi\u00f3n arterial 24 horas) y se confirma hipertensi\u00f3n arterial a pesar de 3 f\u00e1rmacos, uno de ellos diur\u00e9tico, objetiv\u00e1ndose presiones arteriales nocturnas m\u00e1s elevadas que las diurnas. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba diagn\u00f3stica solicitar\u00eda a continuaci\u00f3n con su sospecha cl\u00ednica?", "output": [ "Man of 55 years, obese, dyslipidemic and active smoker. In study for refractory hypertension without evidence of cardiac or renal damage so far. He refers to morning headache with daytime hypersomnia. ABPM was performed (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 24 hours) and arterial hypertension was confirmed despite 3 drugs, one of them diuretic, with higher nighttime blood pressures than daytime blood pressure. What diagnostic test would you request next with your clinical suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5414d5a74c0046d1b643a79de3fad722", "input": "Una de las siguientes afirmaciones sobre la epidemiolog\u00eda y el pron\u00f3stico de la insuficiencia cardiaca es INCORRECTA. Se\u00f1\u00e1lela.", "output": [ "One of the following statements about the epidemiology and prognosis of heart failure is INCORRECT. Point it out" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b22b1b85d38549d7ae7bc661e40a3393", "input": "Paciente de 79 a\u00f1os, hipertenso, hiperlipid\u00e9mico, diab\u00e9tico y con EPOC en tratamiento con anticolin\u00e9rgicos inhalados. Presenta fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular cr\u00f3nica en tratamiento anticoagulante con dicumar\u00ednicos. Tras un cuadro de 3 d\u00edas de tos, expectoraci\u00f3n amarilla y fiebre de 38\u00baC, presenta en las \u00faltimas 24 h empeoramiento progresivo con disnea de esfuerzo, ortopnea y edemas maleolares. A la exploraci\u00f3n destaca una TA de 170/95 mmHg, disnea con frecuencia respiratoria de 20 rpm y auscultaci\u00f3n con sibilancias bilaterales y crepitantes en bases. Taquiarritmia a 110 lpm. Discretos edemas maleolares. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el planteamiento a seguir?", "output": [ "Patient of 79 years, hypertensive, hyperlipidemic, diabetic and with COPD in treatment with inhaled anticholinergics. He presents chronic atrial fibrillation on anticoagulant treatment with dicumarin. After a 3-day cough, yellow sputum and fever of 38 \u00b0 C, presented in the last 24 h progressive worsening with dyspnea of \u200b\u200beffort, orthopnea and malleolar edema. The examination included a TA of 170/95 mmHg, dyspnea with a respiratory rate of 20 rpm and auscultation with bilateral wheezing and crackling in bases. Tachyarrhythmia at 110 bpm. Discrete malleolar edemas. What is the approach to follow?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8dbd6b7bd9014ce7946e1a5ec90a0b3e", "input": "La sobrecarga de volumen del ventr\u00edculo izquierdo aparece en", "output": [ "The volume overload of the left ventricle appears in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-602d486a767c41329e1f540ab2480ab0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la etiolog\u00eda m\u00e1s frecuente de la estenosis a\u00f3rtica en el adulto?", "output": [ "What is the most frequent etiology of aortic stenosis in adults?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dd31e1c6d98e4087920b72fb6b8c96d9", "input": "En un paciente con s\u00edntomas de asma, la confirmaci\u00f3n diagn\u00f3stica de la enfermedad se efectuar\u00e1 en primer lugar mediante", "output": [ "In a patient with asthma symptoms, diagnostic confirmation of the disease will be made first by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-07e19527d3c2408bb934d4ff34b1af57", "input": "El tratamiento quir\u00fargico del EPOC, o cirug\u00eda de reducci\u00f3n de volumen pulmonar, es actualmente un arma terap\u00e9utica m\u00e1s dentro del tratamiento multidisciplinario del mismo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta?", "output": [ "The surgical treatment of COPD, or lung volume reduction surgery, is currently a therapeutic weapon more within the multidisciplinary treatment of it. Which of the following statements is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9c78a9ee0e5a49d8be0d4ec417b9128d", "input": "Respecto al tratamiento de los pacientes con EPOC, se\u00f1ale la respuesta FALSA", "output": [ "Regarding the treatment of patients with COPD, point out the FALSE answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9459679ee9ca4a7a86ad392f70453556", "input": "Hombre de 73 a\u00f1os de edad, exfumador, antecedentes de HTA, obesidad grado II, diabetes tipo 2 y EPOC grave con oxigenoterapia cr\u00f3nica domiciliaria. Acude a Urgencias por aumento progresivo de su disnea habitual, expectoraci\u00f3n purulenta y temperatura de 37.9\u00baC de 4 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n. Su m\u00e9dico de cabecera le hab\u00eda prescrito 2 d\u00edas antes moxifloxacino, paracetamol, deflazacort, aerosolterapia y aumento del flujo de ox\u00edgeno. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica el paciente se encuentra con regular estado general, consciente, tendencia al sue\u00f1o, taquipneico a 28 rpm y utilizaci\u00f3n de musculatura accesoria, temperatura 38,2\u00baC, saturaci\u00f3n de oxigeno de 87%, TA 115/62 mmHg, frecuencia cardiaca 110 lpm; murmullo vesicular disminuido globalmente, sibilancias y roncus dispersos y crepitantes h\u00famedos en bases. En la anal\u00edtica destaca leucocitos 16.500/uL con 14.900 neutr\u00f3filos, hemoglobina 14 g/dL, glucosa 240 mg/dL, urea 56 mg/dL, creatinina 1.3 mg/dL, Na 133 mEq/L, K 3.7 mEq/L. En el ECG se objetiva taquicardia sinusal. La gasometr\u00eda arterial muestra pH 7,29, pCO2 64 mmHg, pO2 59 mmHg, HCO3 28 mg/dL. En la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax no se aprecia condensaci\u00f3n ni derrame pleural. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones de manejo cl\u00ednico instaurar\u00eda en primer lugar?", "output": [ "73-year-old man, ex-smoker, history of hypertension, grade II obesity, type 2 diabetes and severe COPD with chronic home oxygen therapy. He went to the Emergency Department due to a progressive increase in his habitual dyspnea, purulent expectoration and a temperature of 37.9\u00baC in 4 days of evolution. His family doctor had prescribed moxifloxacin, paracetamol, deflazacort, aerosol therapy and increased oxygen flow 2 days before. On physical examination the patient is in regular general condition, conscious, sleep tendency, tachypneic at 28 rpm and utilization of accessory muscles, temperature 38.2\u00baC, oxygen saturation of 87%, TA 115/62 mmHg, heart rate 110 lpm; vesicular murmur diminished globally, wheezing and scattered rhonchi and moist crepitations in bases. The analyte highlights 16,500 / uL leukocytes with 14,900 neutrophils, hemoglobin 14 g / dL, glucose 240 mg / dL, urea 56 mg / dL, creatinine 1.3 mg / dL, Na 133 mEq / L, K 3.7 mEq / L. In the ECG, sinus tachycardia was observed. The arterial blood gases show pH 7.29, pCO2 64 mmHg, pO2 59 mmHg, HCO3 28 mg / dL. The chest radiograph shows no condensation or pleural effusion. Which of the following clinical management options would you establish in the first place?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a7f9da8f13d84676b8f2bd8d2234d57d", "input": "Una mujer de 58 a\u00f1os acude a la consulta por disnea de medianos esfuerzos, debilidad muscular en extremidades superiores y disfagia a s\u00f3lidos de tres meses de evoluci\u00f3n. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica se objetiva p\u00e9rdida de fuerza en extremidades superiores con sensibilidad conservada. La auscultaci\u00f3n pulmonar muestra hipofonesis generalizada. Se realiza una radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax en la que se aprecian unos pulmones poco inspirados y atelectasias laminares en las bases pulmonares. La gasometr\u00eda muestra pH 7.39, PCO2 48 mmHg, PO2 63 mmHg, HCO3 28 mmol/L, SatO2 93%. La combinaci\u00f3n de mecanismos fisiol\u00f3gicos que mejor explican esta gasometr\u00eda es", "output": [ "A 58-year-old woman attended the consultation due to dyspnea of \u200b\u200bmedium effort, muscle weakness in the upper extremities and dysphagia to solids of three months of evolution. Physical examination revealed a loss of strength in the upper limbs with preserved sensitivity. Pulmonary auscultation shows generalized hypophisis. A chest x-ray is performed, showing uninspired lungs and laminar atelectasis in the lung bases. Gasometry shows pH 7.39, PCO2 48 mmHg, PO2 63 mmHg, HCO3 28 mmol / L, SatO2 93%. The combination of physiological mechanisms that best explain this gasometry is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7544572519ad450abdebba0831b533ad", "input": "Hombre de 70 a\u00f1os, presenta disnea progresiva y tos no productiva de varios a\u00f1os de evoluci\u00f3n. En la Rx de t\u00f3rax se observan placas pleurales en pleura mediast\u00ednica y diafragm\u00e1tica. En la TC se confirman dichas placas apreciando adem\u00e1s la presencia de afectaci\u00f3n reticulonodulillar de predominio en campos inferiores. De entre las siguientes, \u00bfqu\u00e9 actitud recomendar\u00eda en primer lugar?", "output": [ "A 70-year-old man presented with progressive dyspnea and a non-productive cough several years old. In chest X-ray, pleural plaques are seen in the mediastinal and diaphragmatic pleura. On CT, these plaques are confirmed, also appreciating the presence of reticulonodulillar involvement predominantly in lower fields. Among the following, what attitude would you recommend in the first place?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9f222133e64347ccbc850478d35b3f45", "input": "La pr\u00e1ctica de una radiograf\u00eda posteroanterior de t\u00f3rax en espiraci\u00f3n forzada es de gran utilidad para el diagn\u00f3stico de", "output": [ "The practice of posteroanterior chest x-ray in forced expiration is very useful for the diagnosis of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2fa690b558ed4a91bc1ba47a6fe102d3", "input": "Un hombre de 38 a\u00f1os acude a urgencias por disnea progresiva y tos seca de una semana de evoluci\u00f3n. No tiene antecedentes de inter\u00e9s. Las constantes vitales son temperatura 37,8\u00baC, presi\u00f3n arterial 110/70 mmHg, frecuencia cardiaca 105 lpm y frecuencia respiratoria 30 rpm. En la exploraci\u00f3n respiratoria destaca matidez a la percusi\u00f3n, disminuci\u00f3n del fr\u00e9mito t\u00e1ctil (vocal) y disminuci\u00f3n de los ruidos respiratorios en la base del hemit\u00f3rax derecho. El resto de la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica es normal. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 38-year-old man went to the emergency room for progressive dyspnea and dry cough of a week of evolution. He does not have a history of interest. The vital signs are temperature 37.8\u00baC, blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, heart rate 105 bpm and respiratory rate 30 rpm. In the respiratory exploration, percussion dullness, diminution of tactile (vocal) thrill, and diminution of respiratory noises at the base of the right hemithorax stand out. The rest of the physical examination is normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5fda3391fdc64f219f1c51c942cb786a", "input": "Paciente de 68 a\u00f1os tiene una masa tumoral diagnosticada de carcinoma pulmonar no c\u00e9lulas peque\u00f1as en el bronquio principal derecho a 1 cm de la carina traqueal. En la mediastinoscopia se aprecian adenopat\u00edas contralaterales que son positivas. El tratamiento recomendado ser\u00eda", "output": [ "A 68-year-old patient has a tumor mass diagnosed of small cell lung carcinoma in the right main bronchus at 1 cm from the tracheal carina. Mediastinoscopy shows contralateral adenopathies that are positive. The recommended treatment would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ecdffc8ca34484bac424ac9b1bc7083", "input": "Un paciente que refiere dolor tor\u00e1cico y cervicobraquial. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica se advierte miosis y enoftalmos unilateral. En la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax se observa opacidad en v\u00e9rtice y erosi\u00f3n de las primeras costillas. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "A patient reporting chest and cervicobrachial pain. Physical examination reveals miosis and unilateral enophthalmos. Chest X-ray shows opacity at the apex and erosion of the first ribs. What is your diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-75e4ffaedd8e4681bc7c8dd2ccecbd09", "input": "Mujer de 24 a\u00f1os con dos episodios semanales de cefalea de entre uno y tres d\u00edas de duraci\u00f3n, hemicraneal, intensa, acompa\u00f1ada de sono y fotofobia y n\u00e1useas. Como tratamiento preventivo NO considerar\u00eda uno de estos f\u00e1rmacos", "output": [ "A 24-year-old woman with two weekly episodes of headache lasting between one and three days, hemicranial, intense, accompanied by sono and photophobia and nausea. As a preventive treatment, I would NOT consider one of these drugs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-64944b0fb96e4cce81df6ae98e10d6c3", "input": "Una mujer de 30 a\u00f1os, previamente sana, presenta en el curso de unas 20 horas un cuadro de debilidad facial derecha, de forma que no puede cerrar el ojo derecho y se le ha torcido la boca. Refiere ver doble con la mirada lateral derecha. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes posibilidades diagn\u00f3sticas le parece m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 30-year-old woman, previously healthy, presents a picture of right facial weakness in the course of about 20 hours, so she can not close her right eye and her mouth has been twisted. Refers to see double with the right lateral gaze. Which of the following diagnostic possibilities seems most likely?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0edc82c7bee4451ab6fbca4de122d0f0", "input": "Hombre de 50 a\u00f1os, mec\u00e1nico, consulta por cuadro de dos a\u00f1os de evoluci\u00f3n de dificultad en manejar la mano derecha y sensaci\u00f3n de rigidez en el brazo. Su mujer le nota la cara inexpresiva y refiere que tiene pesadillas nocturnas muy v\u00edvidas que le despiertan agitado. En la exploraci\u00f3n destaca rigidez en extremidades derechas y marcha lenta y sin braceo derecho. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagnostico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "50-year-old man, mechanic, consulted for a two-year evolution of difficulty in handling the right hand and a feeling of stiffness in the arm. His wife notices his expressionless face and reports that he has very vivid nightmares that wake him up agitated. During the examination, rigidity was observed in the right limbs and slow walking without right arm. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7601c3fe8f6499eaa319b1a5ff5a86b", "input": "Un ni\u00f1o de 7 a\u00f1os presenta un cuadro subagudo de ataxia cerebelosa e hipertensi\u00f3n endocraneal. La resonancia magn\u00e9tica demuestra una lesi\u00f3n expansiva en el v\u00e9rmix cerebeloso que capta contraste y obstruye el cuarto ventr\u00edculo. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "A 7-year-old boy presents a subacute picture of cerebellar ataxia and intracranial hypertension. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates an expansive lesion in the cerebellar v\u00e9rmix that captures contrast and obstructs the fourth ventricle. The most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a7e9d53aa1f04864a86a662127350ba7", "input": "Paciente de 70 a\u00f1os con el \u00fanico antecedente de ser ex-alcoh\u00f3lico desde hace 3 a\u00f1os y diagnosticado de gastritis atr\u00f3fica. Consulta por cuadro de 4 meses de evoluci\u00f3n que se inici\u00f3 con parestesias distales y sim\u00e9tricas en miembros inferiores y progresivamente fue a\u00f1adi\u00e9ndose dificultad para la marcha, siendo esta imposible sin ayuda, y episodios confusionales de presentaci\u00f3n parox\u00edstica. A la exploraci\u00f3n neurol\u00f3gica los pares craneales son normales, presenta una ligera bradipsiquia, fallos en sensibilidad profunda en cuatro miembros, actitud pseudodist\u00f3nica en miembros superiores, dismetr\u00eda dedo-nariz y tal\u00f3n rodilla bilateral con ojos cerrados, reflejos osteotendinosos exaltados, Babinski bilateral y paresia distal en miembros superiores. Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Patient of 70 years with the only antecedent of being ex-alcoholic for 3 years and diagnosed with atrophic gastritis. Consultation for a 4-month evolution that began with distal and symmetrical paresthesias in the lower limbs and progressively added gait difficulty, this being impossible without help, and confusional episodes of paroxysmal presentation. On neurological examination, the cranial nerves are normal, have a slight bradypsychia, failures in deep sensation in four limbs, pseudo-dystonic attitude in the upper limbs, finger-nose dysmetria and bilateral knee heel with closed eyes, extenuated osteotendinous reflexes, bilateral Babinski and distal paresis in upper limbs. Point out the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9db0622605704e2b80f9aa6ed19326b0", "input": "Un var\u00f3n de 52 a\u00f1os presenta de forma aguda un s\u00edndrome confusional, paresia de ambos m\u00fasculos rectos externos oculares y ataxia de la marcha pensar\u00eda en", "output": [ "A 52-year-old male presents with acute form a confusional syndrome, paresis of both external ocular rectus muscles and gait ataxia." ] }, { "id": "task1433-74adcdebadc04a7eab606826103c95c7", "input": "Estudiante de historia de 24 a\u00f1os que a las tres semanas de un catarro de v\u00edas respiratorias altas acude al m\u00e9dico por sensaci\u00f3n de acorchamiento en manos y p\u00e9rdida de fuerza en extremidades en los \u00faltimos d\u00edas. El cuadro se precedi\u00f3 de dolor lumbar. En la exploraci\u00f3n destaca, disminuci\u00f3n de fuerza muscular asim\u00e9trica en extremidades superiores e inferiores, p\u00e9rdida de reflejos osteotendinosos. En este paciente el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "A 24-year-old student who, after three weeks of a cold in the upper respiratory tract, visited the doctor for a sensation of numbness in his hands and loss of limb strength in recent days. The picture was preceded by low back pain. In the exploration, it stands out, decrease of asymmetric muscular force in upper and lower extremities, loss of osteotendinous reflexes. In this patient the most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-71e57db960f0493392cb6f0897690c05", "input": "Un hombre de 68 a\u00f1os con antecedentes de diabetes de 20 a\u00f1os de evoluci\u00f3n, hipertensi\u00f3n arterial y prostatismo en tratamiento, consulta por episodios repetidos de s\u00edncope. Los episodios han ocurrido estando de pie, tras las comidas y se han precedido de un dolor opresivo en nuca, cuello y cintura escapular. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de estas pruebas complementarias es imprescindible?", "output": [ "A 68-year-old man with a history of diabetes of 20 years of evolution, hypertension and prostatism in treatment, consulted for repeated episodes of syncope. The episodes have occurred while standing, after meals and have been preceded by an oppressive pain in the nape, neck and shoulder girdle. Which of these complementary tests is essential?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-78bec989cabf475e9b073c67748c3b68", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes s\u00edntomas NO est\u00e1 presente en el s\u00edndrome de Wallemberg, producido habitualmente por isquemia de la regi\u00f3n dorso-lateral del bulbo?", "output": [ "Which of the following symptoms is NOT present in the Wallemberg syndrome, usually produced by ischemia of the dorsal-lateral region of the bulb?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7bb2ba068fde45938f0e4e6eae7bf706", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n a la Esferocitosis Hereditaria es cierto que", "output": [ "In relation to Hereditary Spherocytosis it is true that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-051dfd1c0c6e4dc8818b55e55ab7c0e4", "input": "Paciente de 45 a\u00f1os que acude a urgencias por malestar general, cefalea y cansancio progresivo en las \u00faltimas semanas. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica se detecta un ligero tinte ict\u00e9rico de piel y mucosas y se palpa esplenomegalia de 2 cm bajo el reborde costal. La anal\u00edtica presenta hemoglobina 8,6 g/dL, VCM 100 fL. La cifra de reticulocitos est\u00e1 elevada y en el frotis de sangre se observa anisopoiquilocitosis. En la bioqu\u00edmica destaca LDH 1300 UI/L, bilirrubina 2,2 mg/dL y haptoglobina indetectable. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba es la m\u00e1s apropiada para orientar el diagn\u00f3stico de la paciente?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old patient who went to the emergency room for general malaise, headache and progressive tiredness in recent weeks. On physical examination, a slight icteric dye of the skin and mucous membranes was detected and a 2-cm splenomegaly was felt under the costal margin. The analytical presents hemoglobin 8.6 g / dL, VCM 100 fL. The number of reticulocytes is high and anisopoikilocytosis is observed in the blood smear. In the biochemistry highlights LDH 1300 IU / L, bilirubin 2.2 mg / dL and undetectable haptoglobin. Which test is the most appropriate to guide the diagnosis of the patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6d0b102899f4da48e195d5be1e1266f", "input": "Mujer de 35 a\u00f1os de edad en tratamiento hormonal por infertilidad. Acude a Urgencias por s\u00edndrome constitucional y parestesias en hemicuerpo izquierdo. En an\u00e1lisis de sangre se detecta Hb 7.5 gr/dL, reticulocitos 10% (0.52%), plaquetas 5.000/uL, leucocitos normales, LDH 1.200 UI/L, test de Coombs directo negativo, haptoglobina indetectable. Morfolog\u00eda de sangre perif\u00e9rica con abundantes esquistocitos. Pruebas de coagulaci\u00f3n normales. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la sospecha diagn\u00f3stica y el tratamiento m\u00e1s adecuado?", "output": [ "35-year-old woman on hormonal treatment for infertility. He went to the emergency department due to constitutional syndrome and paresthesias in the left side of the body. In blood tests, Hb 7.5 g / dL, reticulocytes 10% (0.52%), platelets 5,000 / uL, normal leukocytes, LDH 1,200 IU / L, direct negative Coombs test, undetectable haptoglobin are detected. Morphology of peripheral blood with abundant schistocytes. Normal coagulation tests. What is the diagnostic suspicion and the most appropriate treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-acdc06cce6d140c28b11b653ccd32396", "input": "Un hombre de 70 a\u00f1os se debe someter a una cirug\u00eda de extracci\u00f3n de cataratas. Tiene una pr\u00f3tesis mec\u00e1nica mitral desde hace 10 a\u00f1os y est\u00e1 en tratamiento con acenocumarol. El electrocardiograma muestra un ritmo sinusal. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes recomendaciones le parece m\u00e1s adecuada?", "output": [ "A 70-year-old man should undergo cataract extraction surgery. He has a mitral mechanical prosthesis for 10 years and is being treated with acenocoumarol. The electrocardiogram shows a sinus rhythm. Which of the following recommendations do you find most appropriate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f35bf1257e2458e85345b18d9b0d931", "input": "Mujer de 29 a\u00f1os de edad con antecedentes de reglas abundantes y anemia ferrop\u00e9nica de larga evoluci\u00f3n que ha precisado tratamiento con ferroterapia desde los 17 a\u00f1os. Consulta porque tras una extracci\u00f3n dental tiene hemorragia que ha precisado tratamiento hemost\u00e1tico local. Relata que una t\u00eda materna presenta epistaxis frecuentes. En anal\u00edtica presenta 8000 leucocitos/uL, Hb 10,7 g/dL, VCM 76 fL, 380.000 plaquetas/uL; la bioqu\u00edmica es normal. Actividad de protrombina 90%; INR 0,9; Tiempo de Tromboplastina Parcial Activado (TTPA) 48 seg (39 seg) con un TTPA ratio de 1,3 y fibrin\u00f3geno derivado 340 mg/dL. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la sospecha diagn\u00f3stica m\u00e1s probable y c\u00f3mo lo confirmar\u00eda?", "output": [ "A 29-year-old woman with a history of abundant rules and long-standing iron-deficiency anemia who have required treatment with ferrotherapy since she was 17 years old. Consult because after a tooth extraction you have hemorrhage that has required local hemostatic treatment. He relates that a maternal aunt presents frequent epistaxis. In analytical presents 8000 leukocytes / uL, Hb 10.7 g / dL, VCM 76 fL, 380,000 platelets / uL; the biochemistry is normal. Prothrombin activity 90%; INR 0.9; Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) 48 sec (39 sec) with an APTT ratio of 1.3 and fibrinogen derivative 340 mg / dL. What is the most likely diagnostic suspicion and how would it confirm it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-904e9b0255414decb7fbf726169ce110", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es FALSA con respecto al mieloma m\u00faltiple?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to multiple myeloma?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-09e66bb388b94efcbc7e8f3e5483e6f3", "input": "Paciente de 74 a\u00f1os de edad, asintom\u00e1tico, que en una anal\u00edtica de rutina presenta plaquetas 40.000 plaquetas/\u00b5L, siendo el resto del hemograma normal y la bioqu\u00edmica completa normal. Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Patient of 74 years of age, asymptomatic, who in a routine analysis presents platelets 40,000 platelets / \u03bcL, the remainder being the normal blood cell count and the complete normal biochemistry. Point out the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-728ec45ce0204bc69374042b3c7ffc57", "input": "El prurito es una manifestaci\u00f3n t\u00edpica de todas las siguientes enfermedades, salvo", "output": [ "Pruritus is a typical manifestation of all the following diseases, except" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eecadffcbc5849dd95c9bfe0c0286858", "input": "Una mujer de 34 a\u00f1os ingresa en el hospital por una embolia pulmonar confirmada mediante angio-TC. No tiene antecedentes de cirug\u00eda reciente, traumatismos o viajes. Refiere fen\u00f3meno de Raynaud desde hace 2 a\u00f1os, y el a\u00f1o anterior tuvo un aborto a las 12 semanas de gestaci\u00f3n. No tiene historia familiar de enfermedad tromboemb\u00f3lica venosa. El tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activado es de 56 sg (normal 25-35 sg) y la cifra de plaquetas de 120000/uL. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes pruebas diagn\u00f3sticas le ayudar\u00eda m\u00e1s en el diagn\u00f3stico?", "output": [ "A 34-year-old woman is admitted to the hospital for pulmonary embolism confirmed by angio-CT. He has no history of recent surgery, trauma or travel. He refers to Raynaud's phenomenon for 2 years, and the previous year he had an abortion at 12 weeks of gestation. He has no family history of venous thromboembolic disease. The activated partial thromboplastin time is 56 sg (normal 25-35 sg) and the platelet count is 120000 / uL. Which of the following diagnostic tests would help you most in the diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d1b5815c53c243de89932cdea44a2502", "input": "Paciente que presenta diabetes mellitus, p\u00e9rdida de peso, anemia y eritema migratorio necrol\u00edtico. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "Patient with diabetes mellitus, weight loss, anemia and necrolytic migraine erythema. The most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1653afebb67f4bea8b6a5cbe6ecb3426", "input": "Una mujer de 78 a\u00f1os de edad ha sido recientemente diagnosticada de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Tiene historia de trombosis venosa profunda hace 5 a\u00f1os, hipertensi\u00f3n arterial, depresi\u00f3n y ansiedad generalizada. Toma hidroclorotiazida, lisinoprilo, citalopram y aspirina. Vive sola en unos apartamentos tutelados. Come poco, t\u00edpicamente caf\u00e9 y tostada para desayunar, fruta y medio s\u00e1ndwich para comer y ensalada para cenar. Camina 1,5 Km diariamente. Mide 152 cm y pesa 39 Kg. La presi\u00f3n arterial es 130/80 mmHg y la frecuencia cardiaca es 82 lpm. Los an\u00e1lisis de laboratorio incluyen glucemia basal de 147 mg/dL (hace 1 mes ten\u00eda 152 mg/dL), creatinina 1,0 mg/dL (filtrado glomerular estimado 28 ml/min), urea 32 mg/dL y hemoglobina glicosilada es 9,5%. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes es el mejor tratamiento inicial para la diabetes?", "output": [ "A 78-year-old woman has recently been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2. She has a history of deep vein thrombosis 5 years ago, high blood pressure, depression and generalized anxiety. Take hydrochlorothiazide, lisinopril, citalopram and aspirin. Live alone in sheltered apartments. Eat little, typically coffee and toast for breakfast, fruit and half a sandwich to eat and salad for dinner. Walk 1.5 km daily. It measures 152 cm and weighs 39 Kg. The blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg and the heart rate is 82 bpm. Laboratory tests included basal glycemia of 147 mg / dL (1 month ago it was 152 mg / dL), creatinine 1.0 mg / dL (estimated glomerular filtration rate 28 ml / min), urea 32 mg / dL and glycosylated hemoglobin 9 ,5%. Which of the following is the best initial treatment for diabetes?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1acffe13783a44ae9c95477c681b3e58", "input": "La metformina se recomienda como tratamiento inicial en la mayor\u00eda de consensos de tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2, por eficacia, seguridad y precio; no obstante su utilizaci\u00f3n tiene algunas limitaciones y es obligado suspenderla en algunas situaciones cl\u00ednicas. \u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de las siguientes situaciones NO considerar\u00eda suspender este tratamiento?", "output": [ "Metformin is recommended as initial treatment in most consensus of treatment of type 2 diabetes, for efficacy, safety and price; However, its use has some limitations and it is obligatory to suspend it in some clinical situations. In which of the following situations would you NOT consider stopping this treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e1687b3061d747d49092f66b08ca8ef0", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con los factores de riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones NO es correcta?", "output": [ "In relation to the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, which of the following statements is NOT correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f28c3a0ead847daa7dddaf801546454", "input": "Joven de 24 a\u00f1os con hipogonadismo de origen hipotal\u00e1mico secundario a craneofaringioma intervenido, en tratamiento sustitutivo con undecanoato de testoterona cada 12 semanas de forma intramuscular, que nos es remitido desde otro centro para seguimiento. El paciente nos interroga en la visita inicial acerca del seguimiento de su patolog\u00eda de base, posibles eventos adversos del tratamiento hormonal y probabilidades de tener descendencia en un futuro. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes aseveraciones NO es correcta?", "output": [ "A 24-year-old man with hypogonadism of hypothalamic origin secondary to operated craniopharyngioma, undergoing intramuscular treatment with testosterone undecanoate every 12 weeks, which is referred to us from another center for follow-up. The patient interrogates us in the initial visit about the follow-up of his basic pathology, possible adverse events of the hormonal treatment and probabilities of having offspring in the future. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c59d99560a8e4f46973b2f4d54ffb56e", "input": "Joven de 25 a\u00f1os sin ning\u00fan antecedente personal ni familiar de inter\u00e9s, que ingresa en Neurocirug\u00eda por fractura craneal por accidente de moto. Tres d\u00edas despu\u00e9s comienza de forma brusca con poliuria, polidipsia y sed intensa tanto diurna como nocturna. En el estudio realizado se objetiva un volumen urinario de 7 litros con osmolaridad urinaria de 190 mOsm/L (90-1200) y osmolaridad plasm\u00e1tica de 292 mOsm/L (275-295). El Na plasm\u00e1tico es 143 mmol/L. Se realiza prueba de restricci\u00f3n h\u00eddrica y tras comprobar que no hay aumento en la osmolaridad urinaria, se administra una dosis de 2 microgramos de desmopresina subcut\u00e1nea. La osmolaridad urinaria posterior es de 410 mOsm/kg. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 25-year-old man with no personal or family history of interest, who enters Neurosurgery due to a cranial fracture due to a motorcycle accident. Three days later it begins abruptly with polyuria, polydipsia and intense thirst both during the day and at night. In the study conducted, a urinary volume of 7 liters with urinary osmolarity of 190 mOsm / L (90-1200) and plasma osmolarity of 292 mOsm / L (275-295) was observed. The plasma Na is 143 mmol / L. A water restriction test is performed and after checking that there is no increase in urinary osmolarity, a dose of 2 micrograms of desmopressin subcutaneously is administered. The posterior urinary osmolality is 410 mOsm / kg. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f7f0aa3c2cd41d6ace32a1b6f1d1ea3", "input": "De los siguientes enunciados, uno NO es un desencadenante de las crisis abdominopsiconeurol\u00f3gicas en la porfiria aguda. Indique cu\u00e1l", "output": [ "Of the following statements, one is NOT a trigger for abdominopsychoneurological crises in acute porphyria. Indicate which" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ed030d2d4e64416bfbe12525c662110", "input": "La dieta sin gluten es el pilar fundamental en el tratamiento de la enfermedad cel\u00edaca. Al respecto, son numerosos los productos manufacturados con una composici\u00f3n incierta en cuanto al gluten, siendo frecuente encontrar etiquetados enga\u00f1osos. De los siguientes grupos de alimentos \u00bfCu\u00e1l podemos considerar completamente seguro en la dieta de un paciente cel\u00edaco?", "output": [ "The gluten-free diet is the cornerstone in the treatment of celiac disease. In this regard, there are numerous products manufactured with an uncertain composition in terms of gluten, often being misleading labeling. Of the following food groups, which one can we consider completely safe in the diet of a celiac patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b1f512cc7bd9497687a4d5be4c8c8016", "input": "Respecto a la p\u00e9rdida de masa \u00f3sea en pacientes tratados con glucocorticoides, \u00bfqu\u00e9 afirmaci\u00f3n considera correcta?", "output": [ "Regarding the loss of bone mass in patients treated with glucocorticoids, what statement do you consider correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2244d23a85d54fad9f0d799d07b88dcf", "input": "Mujer de 33 a\u00f1os con cuadro de p\u00e9rdida de 6 Kg de peso en los \u00faltimos 4 meses, astenia y anorexia. Amenorrea desde hace 2 meses. Los resultados hormonales indican una concentraci\u00f3n s\u00e9rica de cortisol basal de 108 nmol/l (valor normal basal 115-550) y de 123 nmol/l tras estimulaci\u00f3n con ACTH. La concentraci\u00f3n plasm\u00e1tica basal de ACTH es de 48 pmol/l (valor normal 2-12). \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico mas probable?", "output": [ "A 33-year-old woman with a loss of 6 kg in the last 4 months, asthenia and anorexia. Amenorrhea for 2 months. The hormonal results indicate a basal cortisol serum concentration of 108 nmol / l (baseline normal value 115-550) and 123 nmol / l after stimulation with ACTH. The baseline plasma concentration of ACTH is 48 pmol / l (normal value 2-12). What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-835d1d67d72940c488053430ad56f4d7", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes cuadros cl\u00ednicos es compatible con el diagn\u00f3stico de tiroiditis subaguda?", "output": [ "Which of the following clinical pictures is compatible with the diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e3bd5ec70bcf467096599e351733d621", "input": "Qu\u00e9 enunciado referente al tratamiento sustitutivo con L-tiroxina en un paciente con hipotiroidismo es correcto?", "output": [ "Which statement regarding the substitution treatment with L-thyroxine in a patient with hypothyroidism is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bbed4e6bed7e4f31ad7c407b4da89020", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es INCORRECTA en relaci\u00f3n a las alteraciones del equilibrio \u00e1cido-base?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in relation to the alterations of the acid-base balance?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d90b94c7baf7488c81224abc8fe0accf", "input": "Hombre de 47 a\u00f1os de edad que consulta por edemas en miembros inferiores de 3 semanas de evoluci\u00f3n. En la anal\u00edtica sangu\u00ednea presenta creatinina 1.3 mg/dL, colesterol total 270 mg/dL y alb\u00famina 2.4 g/dL. En el sedimento de orina presenta 15-20 hemat\u00edes por campo y en orina de 24 horas se detecta proteinuria 3.7 g/d\u00eda. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 47-year-old man consulted for edema in lower limbs of 3 weeks of evolution. In blood analysis, creatinine 1.3 mg / dL, total cholesterol 270 mg / dL and albumin 2.4 g / dL. In the urine sediment, it presents 15-20 red cells per field and in urine of 24 hours proteinuria is detected 3.7 g / day. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f3939288f6754c5181de0e5f2260a516", "input": "Mujer de 68 a\u00f1os de edad que es diagnosticada de una tuberculosis pulmonar. Se instaur\u00f3 tratamiento con Isoniacida, Rifampicina y Etambutol. A los 12 d\u00edas de iniciado el tratamiento consulta por fiebre de 38\u00baC, exantema cut\u00e1neo, adenopat\u00edas, artralgia, dolor lumbar, oliguria y eosinofilia con deterioro agudo de la funci\u00f3n renal. En el examen de orina se identific\u00f3 hematuria, leucocituria con eosinofiluria en la tinci\u00f3n de Wright y proteinuria en rango no nefr\u00f3tico (1,2 gramos diarios). Con estos datos cl\u00ednicos el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable es", "output": [ "A 68-year-old woman diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. Treatment with Isoniacid, Rifampicin and Ethambutol was started. At 12 days after the start of treatment, he consulted for fever of 38\u00baC, skin rash, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, lumbar pain, oliguria and eosinophilia with acute deterioration of renal function. The urine test revealed hematuria, leukocyturia with eosinophiluria in Wright's stain and non-nephrotic proteinuria (1.2 grams daily). With these clinical data the most likely diagnosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-248a3d6e814b4bb182b4e52f40a8922c", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de los siguientes tipos de glomerulonefritis existe una mayor indicaci\u00f3n de IECAS o ARA-II como tratamiento antiprotein\u00farico?", "output": [ "In which of the following types of glomerulonephritis is there a greater indication of IECAS or ARA-II as antiproteinuric therapy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-614300ed8d1142fd9b31cd9a2f7521ed", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes situaciones cl\u00ednicas conlleva un mayor riesgo de progresi\u00f3n de la enfermedad renal cr\u00f3nica y requerir\u00eda un control m\u00e1s estricto por parte del nefr\u00f3logo?", "output": [ "Which of the following clinical situations carries a greater risk of progression of chronic kidney disease and would require more strict control by the nephrologist?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-99a6af8b754a4400b81b04dfb9ad5a4b", "input": "Las nefropat\u00edas intersticiales cr\u00f3nicas afectan a las estructuras tubulares y al intersticio renal. Si analizamos los defectos funcionales que estas patolog\u00edas pueden producir, NO esperaremos encontrarnos", "output": [ "Chronic interstitial nephropathies affect the tubular structures and the renal interstitium. If we analyze the functional defects that these pathologies can produce, we will NOT wait to find" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4290e7f6001b4058be5f58ebfefc3e3f", "input": "Chica de 18 a\u00f1os de edad que acude al Hospital por edemas en miembros inferiores de 1 semana de evoluci\u00f3n, destacando en la anal\u00edtica una proteinuria en rango nefr\u00f3tico con hipoproteinemia e hipoalbuminemia. En la anamnesis refiere aftas orales recidivantes, artritis de peque\u00f1as articulaciones de las manos, rash malar y fotosensibilidad. En el estudio etiol\u00f3gico destaca la presencia de ANA y antiDNA con hipocomplementemia. La determinaci\u00f3n de ANCA es negativa. Se realiza una biopsia renal en la que podr\u00edamos encontrar cualquiera de estos tipos de glomerulonefritis, EXCEPTO", "output": [ "18-year-old girl who came to the Hospital for edema in lower limbs of 1 week of evolution, highlighting in the laboratory a proteinuria in the nephrotic range with hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia. In the anamnesis he refers to recurrent oral aphthae, arthritis of small joints of the hands, malar rash and photosensitivity. In the etiological study, the presence of ANA and antiDNA with hypocomplementemia stands out. The determination of ANCA is negative. A renal biopsy is performed in which we could find any of these types of glomerulonephritis, EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-70661bb1f10a414cbfea4a4c96c96572", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes combinaciones de f\u00e1rmacos se utiliza habitualmente en el tratamiento de mantenimiento de los pacientes portadores de un trasplante renal?", "output": [ "Which of the following combinations of drugs is commonly used in the maintenance treatment of patients with a kidney transplant?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a857bcbe9467422fa7177ec15b70aeb6", "input": "Hombre de 78 a\u00f1os de edad al que se realiz\u00f3 cateterismo cardiaco con revascularizaci\u00f3n de la arteria coronaria derecha hace 3 semanas y que consulta por n\u00e1useas y v\u00f3mitos de 3 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n. Presenta presi\u00f3n arterial de 185/85 mm Hg y lesiones purp\u00fareas en los dedos de ambos pies. En la anal\u00edtica se objetiva urea 230 mg/dL y creatinina 5.8 mg/dL. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 78-year-old man who underwent cardiac catheterization with revascularization of the right coronary artery 3 weeks ago and consulted for nausea and vomiting of 3 days of evolution. It presents arterial pressure of 185/85 mm Hg and purple lesions on the toes of both feet. In the analytical, urea 230 mg / dL and creatinine 5.8 mg / dL were observed. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-088114c80f6c4b7ca6494b905dde4073", "input": "Hombre de 65 a\u00f1os sin antecedentes m\u00e9dicos de inter\u00e9s que consulta por chorro miccional fino, sensaci\u00f3n de vaciado incompleto, frecuencia miccional diurna cada 3 horas y nicturia 1-2 veces. Al tacto rectal se aprecia pr\u00f3stata mediana-grande sin n\u00f3dulos. Ant\u00edgeno prost\u00e1tico espec\u00edfico (PSA) 0,5 ng/mL. Aporta ecograf\u00eda reno-v\u00e9sico-prost\u00e1tica que nos indica un volumen prost\u00e1tico de 35 g, con ausencia de residuo postmiccional y sin otras alteraciones valorables. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 nuestra actitud ante este paciente?", "output": [ "A 65-year-old man with no medical history of interest who consulted for fine micturition, incomplete emptying, diurnal urinary frequency every 3 hours and nocturia 1-2 times. Rectal examination reveals a medium-large prostate without nodules. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 0.5 ng / mL. It provides reno-vesico-prostatic ultrasound that indicates a prostatic volume of 35 g, with absence of postvoid residual and without other evaluable alterations. What will be our attitude towards this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a59c078120304077b0039ac0ca89f9e8", "input": "Mujer de 31 a\u00f1os con antecedentes de c\u00f3lico nefr\u00edtico hace 4 a\u00f1os que consulta en urgencias por dolor lumbar izquierdo de caracter\u00edsticas c\u00f3licas desde hace 3 d\u00edas con aparici\u00f3n de fiebre durante las \u00faltimas 12 horas. En el an\u00e1lisis de sangre destacan la presencia de 15.000 leucocitos/uL, 85% neutr\u00f3filos, creatinina 0,8 mg/dL y PCR 20 mg/dL. El sedimento de orina informa de incontables leucocitos/campo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes aseveraciones es cierta?", "output": [ "A 31-year-old woman with a history of nephritic colic 4 years ago consulted in the emergency department for left lumbar pain of colic characteristics for 3 days with the appearance of fever during the last 12 hours. The presence of 15,000 leukocytes / uL, 85% neutrophils, creatinine 0.8 mg / dL and PCR 20 mg / dL stand out in the blood analysis. The urine sediment reports countless leukocytes / field. Which of the following statements is true?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4a202ccbca1740b6b91c656372d5d2b3", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos indicar\u00eda como tratamiento de primera l\u00ednea en un paciente de 53 a\u00f1os diagnosticado de c\u00e1ncer renal de c\u00e9lulas claras metast\u00e1sico?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs would indicate as first-line treatment in a 53-year-old patient diagnosed with metastatic clear cell renal cancer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37a636993b264504b673f07ac2c6a0f2", "input": "Hombre de 78 a\u00f1os de edad con artritis reumatoide (AR) de larga evoluci\u00f3n mal controlada. Antecedentes de 2 ingresos por insuficiencia cardiaca y fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular en los \u00faltimos 6 meses. En tratamiento actual con infliximab, prednisona, furosemida, enalapril, carvedilol y acenocumarol. Ingresa nuevamente por cl\u00ednica de insuficiencia cardiaca biventricular. En el ECG se objetiva fibrilaci\u00f3n auricular a 102 lpm y bloqueo de rama izquierda avanzado. Un ecocardiograma muestra dilataci\u00f3n biauricular, engrosamiento de la pared del ventr\u00edculo izquierdo con fracci\u00f3n de eyecci\u00f3n del 45% y patr\u00f3n restrictivo. En la anal\u00edtica destaca Hb 10 gr/dL, creatinina 2,1 mg/dL (FG 20 mL/min), PCR 124 mg/L , factor reumatoide 240 U/L, BNP 980 ng/L, proteinuria 4,8 g/24h. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "78-year-old man with poorly controlled rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A history of 2 admissions for heart failure and atrial fibrillation in the last 6 months. In current treatment with infliximab, prednisone, furosemide, enalapril, carvedilol and acenocoumarol. Enter again for biventricular heart failure clinic. The ECG showed atrial fibrillation at 102 bpm and advanced left bundle branch block. An echocardiogram shows biatrial dilation, thickening of the left ventricular wall with ejection fraction of 45% and restrictive pattern. The analytical highlights Hb 10 gr / dL, creatinine 2.1 mg / dL (FG 20 mL / min), CRP 124 mg / L, rheumatoid factor 240 U / L, BNP 980 ng / L, proteinuria 4.8 g / 24h. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-17f0e4f3d5514337a8c4a290b50f7600", "input": "Un var\u00f3n de 40 a\u00f1os acude al servicio de urgencias por inflamaci\u00f3n de la rodilla derecha de unas 24 horas de evoluci\u00f3n. El paciente no refiere traumatismo previo y es el primer episodio de artritis que presenta. A la anamnesis dirigida refiere que hace 4 semanas ha regresado de un viaje por Marruecos y que estando all\u00ed present\u00f3 escalofr\u00edos y diarreas que remitieron tras una semana. A la exploraci\u00f3n se evidencia adem\u00e1s inflamaci\u00f3n del tend\u00f3n de Aquiles derecho. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la actitud a seguir?", "output": [ "A 40-year-old man goes to the emergency department for inflammation of the right knee of about 24 hours of evolution. The patient does not report previous trauma and is the first episode of arthritis that presents. A the anamnesis directed that 4 weeks ago he returned from a trip to Morocco and that being there he presented chills and diarrhea that subsided after a week. The examination also revealed inflammation of the right Achilles tendon. What is the attitude to follow?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-78db64d475b34a969b176b6e188dfc62", "input": "Una mujer de 36 a\u00f1os diagnosticada de esclerodermia sist\u00e9mica forma difusa 2 a\u00f1os antes, es tratada con 30 mg de prednisona en su centro de salud por un problema ocular. La enferma consulta por cefalea y en el examen cl\u00ednico se constatan cifras de presi\u00f3n arterial elevadas y un deterioro de la funci\u00f3n renal que no era conocida. La enferma es derivada a urgencias con la sospecha de una crisis renal esclerod\u00e9rmica. Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es la correcta", "output": [ "A 36-year-old woman diagnosed with systemic scleroderma diffuse form 2 years ago, is treated with 30 mg of prednisone in her health center for an eye problem. The patient consulted for headache and the clinical examination revealed high blood pressure and a deterioration in kidney function that was not known. The patient is referred to the emergency department with the suspicion of a sclerodermal renal crisis. Indicate which of the following statements is correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4bec694c658c4c20b190abe614aa8a40", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes NO se considera un criterio clasificatorio del lupus eritematoso sist\u00e9mico?", "output": [ "Which of the following is NOT considered a classification criterion for systemic lupus erythematosus?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a30147f93b5b4e2683fa5d7ff9baab62", "input": "En relaci\u00f3n con la artrosis, \u00bfqu\u00e9 afirmaci\u00f3n es correcta?", "output": [ "In relation to osteoarthritis, what statement is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9815a0421f3043a8b7efa0888c6d9daf", "input": "Una mujer de 35 a\u00f1os consulta por la aparici\u00f3n de unas lesiones m\u00e1culo-papulosas en miembros superiores sin otros s\u00edntomas. La biopsia de una de ellas demuestra la presencia de granulomas no caseificantes. Los an\u00e1lisis de sangre son normales salvo una elevaci\u00f3n de los niveles de enzima convertidora de la angiotensina (ECA). En la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax se detectan adenopat\u00edas hiliares bilaterales. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes considera la actitud m\u00e1s adecuada?", "output": [ "A 35-year-old woman consulted for the appearance of maculo-papular lesions in the upper limbs without other symptoms. The biopsy of one of them demonstrates the presence of noncaseating granulomas. Blood tests are normal except for an elevation of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels. On chest radiography, bilateral hilar adenopathies are detected. Which of the following considers the most appropriate attitude?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-47a5f2fc172e42629020441a5799e5d4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes lesiones traum\u00e1ticas precisa, para evitar complicaciones locales, un tratamiento m\u00e1s precoz?", "output": [ "Which of the following traumatic injuries requires, in order to avoid local complications, an earlier treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c359b5d9fe4d4b2fa9e3ca45d666184e", "input": "La complicaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s frecuente de las fracturas del cuello del astr\u00e1galo es", "output": [ "The most frequent complication of astragalus neck fractures is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dca867e926c44b3aada73729f056b2a0", "input": "En un paciente de 14 a\u00f1os con S\u00edndrome de Down que presenta nucalgias (exploraci\u00f3n neurol\u00f3gica normal) y va a ser sometido a anestesia general (intubaci\u00f3n orotraqueal) para cirug\u00eda abdominal electiva debe descartarse", "output": [ "In a 14-year-old patient with Down syndrome who presents with nucalgia (normal neurological examination) and is going to be subjected to general anesthesia (orotracheal intubation) for elective abdominal surgery, the following should be ruled out" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6827007412794523aa0668993129b53e", "input": "Chico de 23 a\u00f1os de edad, que al realizar un salto jugando al baloncesto, cae sobre su extremidad inferior derecha con la rodilla en hiperextensi\u00f3n aplicando un giro brusco a su rodilla mientras que mantiene el pie fijo en el suelo. El paciente, percibe un chasquido y dolor agudo en su rodilla, no pudiendo continuar jugando. Nota sensaci\u00f3n de inestabilidad al realizar el apoyo de dicha extremidad. En la exploraci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica se aprecia derrame articular intenso por lo que se practica artrocentosis que muestra importante hemartrosis aguda sin presencia de gotitas de grasa sobrenadando en el l\u00edquido extra\u00eddo. La movilidad de la rodilla est\u00e1 libre y la maniobra de Lachman resulta positiva. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la sospecha diagn\u00f3stica?", "output": [ "A 23-year-old boy, who makes a jump while playing basketball, falls on his right lower limb with his knee in hyperextension, applying a sharp turn to his knee while keeping his foot fixed on the ground. The patient, perceives a snap and sharp pain in his knee, unable to continue playing. Note feeling of instability when performing the support of said extremity. On clinical examination, intense articular effusion is seen, so arthrocentesis is performed, which shows an important acute hemarthrosis without the presence of droplets of fat supernatanting in the extracted fluid. The mobility of the knee is free and the Lachman maneuver is positive. What is the diagnostic suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d977609cd20749d4bbfac59a84387d2d", "input": "Un joven de 20 a\u00f1os acude a Urgencias por fiebre de 39\u00baC, escalofr\u00edos, p\u00e1pulas y p\u00fastulas hemorr\u00e1gicas en las superficies extensoras distales de las extremidades y artritis de la rodilla. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es su diagn\u00f3stico de sospecha inicial?", "output": [ "A 20-year-old boy goes to the emergency room for fever of 39\u00baC, chills, papules and hemorrhagic pustules on the distal extensor surfaces of the extremities and arthritis of the knee. What is your diagnosis of initial suspicion?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6c3c0326068e45fd979573f94b069f78", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes especies de Candida spp, suele ser resistente o como m\u00ednimo tener una sensibilidad disminuida a fluconazol?", "output": [ "Which of the following species of Candida spp, is usually resistant or at least have a decreased sensitivity to fluconazole?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c07cdbf67c1a46cd821f7b304c2c58f6", "input": "A un paciente de Bolivia diagnosticado de enfermedad de Chagas se le realiza un hemograma que muestra 1.100 eosin\u00f3filos/\u00b5L (12% de los leucocitos). \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes diagn\u00f3sticos es el MENOS probable?", "output": [ "A patient from Bolivia diagnosed with Chagas disease underwent a blood count that showed 1,100 eosinophils / \u03bcL (12% of leukocytes). Which of the following diagnoses is LESS likely?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-88b5f08e7e8d497fba96b5f616b352b1", "input": "Paciente de 60 a\u00f1os que acude a urgencias del hospital por cuadro de dolor tor\u00e1cico izquierdo, con tos y expectoraci\u00f3n amarillenta, temperatura de 38.7\u00baC, sensaci\u00f3n de falta de aire. Saturaci\u00f3n arterial de 02 80%. Hemograma leucocitos 12000/uL con 86 % de polimorfonucleares. Rx de t\u00f3rax infiltrado alveolar en base izquierda con broncograma a\u00e9reo. Ante la sospecha de neumon\u00eda, se hace Ag de neumococo en orina que es positivo y se env\u00eda cultivo de esputo al servicio de Microbiolog\u00eda. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tratamiento antibi\u00f3tico emp\u00edrico de los indicados es m\u00e1s correcto en espera de resultados microbiol\u00f3gicos?", "output": [ "A 60-year-old patient who came to the hospital's emergency department due to a left chest pain, cough and yellowish sputum, a temperature of 38.7\u00baC, a sensation of shortness of breath. Artificial saturation of 02 80%. Hemogram leukocytes 12000 / uL with 86% polymorphonuclear cells. Chest x-ray alveolar infiltrate on the left base with air bronchogram. On suspicion of pneumonia, pneumococcal Ag is made in urine, which is positive and sputum culture is sent to the Microbiology service. Which empirical antibiotic treatment of the indicated ones is more correct in expectation of microbiological results?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1621ea010b4141c8bdca960ded95a7eb", "input": "Una mujer de 73 a\u00f1os es tra\u00edda a Urgencias acompa\u00f1ada por la familia por un cuadro de escalofr\u00edos y tos productiva de moco purulento de unos 2 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n; adem\u00e1s refieren tendencia a la somnolencia con disminuci\u00f3n de la ingesta oral tanto a l\u00edquidos como a s\u00f3lidos. Como antecedentes nos informan que la paciente est\u00e1 diagnosticada de HTA, DM tipo 2 y demencia incipiente. A la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica destaca una paciente delgada, con discreta sequedad mucosa, somnolienta pero reactiva a \u00f3rdenes verbales. No se objetiva meningismo ni focalidad motora ni sensitiva. Temperatura 35,9\u00baC. Frecuencia cardiaca 118 lpm, TA 84/50 mmHg, frecuencia respiratoria 22 rpm. Saturaci\u00f3n O2 93%. Auscultaci\u00f3n cardiaca taquirr\u00edtmica sin soplos. Auscultaci\u00f3n respiratoria con crepitantes en base derecha. Se\u00f1ale la respuesta VERDADERA", "output": [ "A 73-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room accompanied by the family due to a picture of chills and a productive cough of purulent mucus that lasted about 2 days; they also report a tendency to drowsiness with a decrease in oral intake to both liquids and solids. As background we report that the patient is diagnosed with hypertension, DM type 2 and incipient dementia. The physical examination highlights a thin patient, with discrete mucous dryness, sleepy but reactive to verbal commands. Meningism or motor or sensory focality is not objective. Temperature 35.9\u00baC. Heart rate 118 bpm, BP 84/50 mmHg, respiratory rate 22 rpm. O2 Saturation 93%. Cardiac tachyarrhythmic auscultation without murmurs. Respiratory auscultation with crackles in the right base. Point out the TRUE answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3af56019f7cb4fd68e901e229a82cd0c", "input": "La principal indicaci\u00f3n para utilizar 4 f\u00e1rmacos en el tratamiento inicial de la tuberculosis es", "output": [ "The main indication for using 4 drugs in the initial treatment of tuberculosis is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3dfa67903edf4726b50d6c1c287663c0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes determinaciones anal\u00edticas es menos \u00fatil para la toma de decisiones en el seguimiento y control de una persona infectada por VIH?", "output": [ "Which of the following analytical determinations is less useful for decision making in the follow-up and control of an HIV-infected person?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c49c6881d6bf421bb18cd0556609d6f5", "input": "El an\u00e1lisis de los datos obtenidos de los casos de enfermedad por el virus del \u00c9bola en Guinea y Sierra Leona, nos permite afirmar que", "output": [ "The analysis of the data obtained from cases of Ebola virus disease in Guinea and Sierra Leone, allows us to affirm that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8ddee6ee17dd4faab1d6cfc3dd7df9b3", "input": "A un paciente de 40 a\u00f1os, clasificado como ASA I seg\u00fan la escala de la American Society of Anesthesiologists, se le est\u00e1 practicando una colecistectom\u00eda laparosc\u00f3pica por una colelitiasis. La intervenci\u00f3n transcurre inicialmente sin complicaciones, pero a los cincuenta minutos de iniciada la misma se observa un incremento significativo de los niveles de di\u00f3xido de carbono (CO2) teleespiratorios, sin alteraci\u00f3n de la saturaci\u00f3n arterial de ox\u00edgeno por pulsioximetr\u00eda ni elevaci\u00f3n de las presiones de ventilaci\u00f3n. \u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda su diagn\u00f3stico de presunci\u00f3n y su actitud ante este hallazgo?", "output": [ "A 40-year-old patient, classified as ASA I according to the scale of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, is undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis. The intervention takes place initially without complications, but fifty minutes into the procedure there is a significant increase in the levels of teleespiratory carbon dioxide (CO2), without altering the oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry or raising the ventilation pressures . What would be your diagnosis of presumption and your attitude to this finding?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a5ed2308e4d4083a87a2e22c87efef6", "input": "Un paciente acude a consulta por malestar general y coloraci\u00f3n amarillenta de la piel y su m\u00e9dico sospecha que se trata de un cuadro de hepatitis A. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas constituye el factor que de forma m\u00e1s exacta y segura permite determinar la probabilidad preprueba (antes de realizar ning\u00fan estudio) de que se trate de dicho cuadro?", "output": [ "A patient comes to the clinic for general malaise and yellowing of the skin and his doctor suspects that it is a hepatitis A picture. Which of the following answers constitutes the most accurate and safest factor to determine the pre-test probability ( before carrying out any study) of what is said table?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b07ef7ef3aca451dbdbed269441d0dba", "input": "JMC paciente de 14 a\u00f1os de edad que ingresa en el servicio de Urgencias. El m\u00e9dico que le atiende considera necesaria una transfusi\u00f3n sangu\u00ednea. Los padres del paciente manifiestan su negativa a que se le administre sangre, firmando el correspondiente documento de denegaci\u00f3n a la transfusi\u00f3n. El facultativo le advierte que de no llevarse a cabo la transfusi\u00f3n peligra su vida. Insisten en su negativa, el motivo alegado para el rechazo es b\u00e1sicamente religioso. \u00bfCual de las siguientes opciones ser\u00eda la m\u00e1s correcta?", "output": [ "JMC, a 14-year-old patient admitted to the Emergency Department. The attending physician considers a blood transfusion necessary. The parents of the patient express their refusal to be given blood, signing the corresponding document of refusal to transfusion. The doctor warns that if the transfusion is not carried out, his life is in danger. They insist on their refusal, the alleged reason for the rejection is basically religious. Which of the following options would be the most correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-879466cf25574b62b5951a3502badba5", "input": "En la entrevista cl\u00ednica", "output": [ "In the clinical interview" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b3a90ca459db4944a5c61edea8752084", "input": "Una joven de 24 a\u00f1os sufre una ca\u00edda de la bicicleta con traumatismo en la zona abdominal con el manillar. A las pocas horas del traumatismo comienza con dolor intenso en hipocondrio izquierdo por lo que acude a consultar a un servicio de urgencias. A su llegada el paciente se encuentra p\u00e1lida y sudorosa, las cifras de presi\u00f3n arterial son 82/54 mmHg y la frecuencia cardiaca es de 120 latidos por minuto. \u00bfQue tipo de shock es el que m\u00e1s probablemente padece esta paciente?", "output": [ "A 24-year-old girl suffers a bicycle fall with trauma to the abdominal area with the handlebar. A few hours after the trauma begins with intense pain in the left hypochondrium, so he goes to consult an emergency service. Upon arrival the patient is pale and sweaty, the blood pressure figures are 82/54 mmHg and the heart rate is 120 beats per minute. What kind of shock is the most likely to suffer from this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b5b4343a6323401b898824518e4b1f3b", "input": "Joven que acude a urgencias por quemadura por llama de segundo grado del 10 % de la superficie corporal, afectando al brazo derecho de forma extensa y circular. No se halla pulso arterial en la mano medido por doppler. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el tratamiento de elecci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "Young person who goes to the emergency room for second degree flame burn of 10% of the body surface, affecting the right arm in an extensive and circular way. There is no arterial pulse in the hand measured by Doppler. What is the treatment of choice?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-70e84b68292a4ab7b85ff3936fa43425", "input": "Ingresa en nuestra planta desde Urgencias para estudio un paciente de 80 a\u00f1os refiriendo p\u00e9rdida de peso y malestar inespec\u00edfico centroabdominal, junto a p\u00e9rdida de apetito. El proceso diagn\u00f3stico que debemos desarrollar durante su ingreso ser\u00e1 guiado por los siguientes principios EXCEPTO", "output": [ "Enter in our plant from the Emergency Room to study an 80-year-old patient reporting weight loss and nonspecific central-abdominal discomfort, together with loss of appetite. The diagnostic process that we must develop during your admission will be guided by the following principles EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-61d5df780b6b4f21b8d2328d34226513", "input": "Un paciente consulta por desarrollo reciente y progresivo de acropaquias y deterioro general. Se inicia la b\u00fasqueda de posible neoplasia subyacente. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes tumores tiene m\u00e1s posibilidad de ser diagnosticado?", "output": [ "A patient consulted for recent and progressive development of acropachies and general deterioration. The search for possible underlying neoplasia begins. Which of the following tumors is more likely to be diagnosed?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d7c44877e746408a8b2f6ad0e5f5ca0d", "input": "Asistimos en Urgencias a una mujer de 87 a\u00f1os hipertensa, diab\u00e9tica y con insuficiencia cardiaca clase D y un grado funcional basal 3-4 de la NYHA. En los \u00faltimos seis meses ingres\u00f3 desde Urgencias en nuestro servicio 6 veces. La \u00faltima vez fue un ingreso de evoluci\u00f3n t\u00f3rpida en la que se valor\u00f3 su posible asistencia intensiva en UCI, pero se descart\u00f3 dada su situaci\u00f3n basal y el deseo de la paciente de evitar medidas de soporte de dudosa efectividad e invasivas. Acude nuevamente a las 48 horas tras el alta de su \u00faltimo ingreso por cl\u00ednica de incremento de su disnea hasta grado 4 en el contexto de tos y expectoraci\u00f3n purulenta. Se encuentra mal perfundida y su saturaci\u00f3n con oxigenoterapia mediante mascarilla reservorio de O2 es de 85%. En relaci\u00f3n con la actitud diagn\u00f3stica y terap\u00e9utica a adoptar es preciso tener cuenta que", "output": [ "We attended an 87-year-old hypertensive, diabetic woman with heart failure class D and a baseline functional grade 3-4 of the NYHA in the Emergency Department. In the last six months he entered from the Emergency Department in our service 6 times. The last time was an admission of torpid evolution in which her possible intensive ICU care was assessed, but it was discarded given her baseline situation and the patient's desire to avoid supportive measures of doubtful and invasive effectiveness. He came back 48 hours after the discharge of his last admission for clinical increase of dyspnea to grade 4 in the context of cough and purulent expectoration. It is poorly perfused and its saturation with oxygen therapy using an O2 reservoir mask is 85%. In relation to the diagnostic and therapeutic attitude to adopt, it is necessary to bear in mind that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-335dc25f021347c384de91f143d6eb46", "input": "El tumor maligno m\u00e1s frecuente de la gl\u00e1ndula submaxilar es", "output": [ "The most frequent malignant tumor of the submaxillary gland is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-832419382d8b4ac4833656a7162cee1f", "input": "Ante un paciente con una otitis externa difusa \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el tratamiento inicial?", "output": [ "Faced with a patient with diffuse otitis externa, what is the initial treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-714584d7f2dc414797f1f88686cc9082", "input": "Dentro de los carcinomas de cabeza y cuello, \u00bfqu\u00e9 tipo de tumor se relaciona de forma m\u00e1s evidente con el virus del papiloma humano?", "output": [ "Within head and neck carcinomas, what type of tumor is most obviously related to the human papillomavirus?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-143e439ed78d4d02809f7bdc71ae3afa", "input": "Ni\u00f1o de 1 a\u00f1o de edad, que no pas\u00f3 las pruebas de cribado auditivo al nacimiento y que presenta unos potenciales evocados auditivos del tronco cerebral que determinan una hipoacusia bilateral leve-moderada en el o\u00eddo derecho y moderada-grave en el o\u00eddo izquierdo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la actitud m\u00e1s correcta a seguir en el momento actual?", "output": [ "A 1-year-old boy, who did not pass the tests of auditory screening at birth and who has auditory brainstem evoked potentials that determine bilateral mild-moderate hearing loss in the right ear and moderate-severe hearing loss in the left ear. What is the most correct attitude to follow at the present time?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5085a2d9155d478b8335aa8847635246", "input": "Acude a urgencias un lactante con 39\u00ba C de temperatura axilar, edema del p\u00e1rpado izquierdo y rinorrea del mismo lado. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A baby with 39\u00ba C of axillary temperature, edema of the left eyelid and rhinorrhea on the same side goes to the emergency room. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-16ae819df7744f26bd35d4d7f05bd5fd", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes enfermedades cut\u00e1neas est\u00e1 asociada con la enfermedad cel\u00edaca?", "output": [ "Which of the following skin diseases is associated with celiac disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa8781ee81f2424ebbf6c29da9910a6c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes contextos cl\u00ednicos debe hacernos sospechar un proceso paraneopl\u00e1sico y, por tanto, nos obliga a realizar un despistaje de neoplasia maligna?", "output": [ "Which of the following clinical contexts should make us suspect a paraneoplastic process and, therefore, obliges us to perform a screening for malignancy?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0047a446331144269fb7ba0c688e6b76", "input": "Las siguientes entidades pueden acompa\u00f1arse de inflamaci\u00f3n ocular (uve\u00edtis) excepto una. Indique cu\u00e1l", "output": [ "The following entities may be accompanied by ocular inflammation (uveitis) except one. Indicate which" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5863b8936cff429b921ca76508573b29", "input": "Mujer de 30 a\u00f1os que acude a urgencias por p\u00e9rdida de visi\u00f3n, dolor, ojo rojo y fotofobia de OI de 5 d\u00edas de evoluci\u00f3n. En el diagn\u00f3stico diferencial debes incluir todas estas patolog\u00edas EXCEPTO una", "output": [ "A 30-year-old woman who came to the emergency room due to loss of vision, pain, red eye and photophobia of OI of 5 days of evolution. In the differential diagnosis you must include all these pathologies EXCEPT one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c67bffed9768456d88de98ebd4e5406c", "input": "Hombre de 75 a\u00f1os que refiere disminuci\u00f3n de agudeza visual central en su ojo derecho de dos semanas de evoluci\u00f3n. En el examen de fondo de ojo se aprecian drusas blandas y desprendimiento seroso a nivel de la m\u00e1cula. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tratamiento es actualmente el m\u00e1s indicado para esta enfermedad?", "output": [ "A 75-year-old man who reported decreased visual acuity in his right eye of two weeks of evolution. In the fundus examination, soft drusen and serous detachment at the level of the macula are seen. What treatment is currently the most indicated for this disease?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6ac61e3f84554202936b1cc12b2232fa", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 an\u00e1lisis deben ser controlados en los tratamientos de mantenimiento con sales de litio?", "output": [ "What analysis should be controlled in maintenance treatments with lithium salts?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a3bb5d54000d4752924701d1c329e957", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas NO es t\u00edpica de los contenidos de las ideas obsesivas?", "output": [ "Which of the following characteristics is NOT typical of the contents of obsessive ideas?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e54677eff30a4d3e8afbda7aed235952", "input": "Hombre de 42 a\u00f1os, casado, con tres hijos menores de edad. Sin antecedentes psiqui\u00e1tricos. Tras un ERE en el banco en que trabajaba, es finalmente despedido y lleva 5 meses de paro. No encuentra otra actividad laboral. Acude a consulta con el siguiente cuadro cl\u00ednico des\u00e1nimo general, inapetencia, nerviosismo, insomnio, preocupaciones recurrentes sobre su futuro y evitaci\u00f3n de actividades sociofamiliares. \u00bfQu\u00e9 opci\u00f3n diagn\u00f3stica de las siguientes es la m\u00e1s adecuada?", "output": [ "Man of 42 years, married, with three children under age. No psychiatric history. After an ERE in the bank where he worked, he is finally fired and has been unemployed for 5 months. He does not find another work activity. He comes to consultation with the following clinical picture general discouragement, lack of appetite, nervousness, insomnia, recurrent worries about his future and avoidance of socio-family activities. Which diagnostic option of the following is the most appropriate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-93c7ce34da4244b095bcef4a41e03bb2", "input": "Se denomina esterotipia a", "output": [ "Stereotyping is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8e58d13257c548319bfeec5d9833d818", "input": "Hombre de 28 a\u00f1os que es tra\u00eddo a urgencias, un s\u00e1bado en la madrugada, en estado de agitaci\u00f3n psicomotriz y con ideas delirantes. Su acompa\u00f1ante refiere abuso previo, por parte del paciente, de coca\u00edna. \u00bfQu\u00e9 signo/s\u00edntoma NO esperar\u00eda encontrar?", "output": [ "A 28-year-old man brought to the emergency room, on a Saturday morning, in a state of psychomotor agitation and delirious ideas. His companion reports previous abuse, by the patient, of cocaine. What sign / symptom would you NOT expect to find?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39549945526344db8e1f3070e1effd40", "input": "En el transcurso de la entrevista de un paciente, usted cae en la cuenta de que no est\u00e1 entendiendo lo que el paciente le dice. Decide centrar su atenci\u00f3n en el discurso y se da cuenta de que \u00e9ste no tiene una idea directriz a pesar de que fragmentos concretos del mismo resultan comprensibles. Esta alteraci\u00f3n del lenguajepensamiento, t\u00edpica por otro lado de la esquizofrenia, es lo que en psicopatolog\u00eda se conoce como", "output": [ "In the course of a patient's interview, you realize that you are not understanding what the patient is saying. He decides to focus his attention on the discourse and realizes that he does not have a guiding idea even though specific fragments of it are understandable. This alteration of the thinking language, typical of schizophrenia on the other hand, is what in psychopathology is known as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e35e38f898c1454f95646d126c7ced8b", "input": "Hombre de 28 a\u00f1os de profesi\u00f3n violinista, que consulta por haber presentado en los \u00faltimos 3 meses crisis de p\u00e1nico durante sus actuaciones p\u00fablicas. Las crisis se acompa\u00f1an de intenso miedo a quedar bloqueado y no poder continuar con la actuaci\u00f3n, algo que ser\u00eda humillante para \u00e9l. Este miedo le ha hecho cancelar sus pr\u00f3ximas actuaciones. En el resto de sus actividades diarias no experimenta este temor, ni tampoco le sucede cuando ensaya con sus compa\u00f1eros de la orquesta. \u00bfQu\u00e9 diagn\u00f3stico considerar\u00eda m\u00e1s probable para este caso?", "output": [ "A 28-year-old violinist who is consulting for having presented panic attacks during his public performances in the last 3 months. The crises are accompanied by intense fear of being blocked and not being able to continue with the performance, something that would be humiliating for him. This fear has made him cancel his next performances. In the rest of his daily activities he does not experience this fear, nor does he experience it when he rehearses with his orchestra colleagues. What diagnosis would you consider most likely for this case?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-35b57e4cb03f434f900e770e42d92e08", "input": "Mujer de raza cauc\u00e1sica de 28 a\u00f1os de edad, nul\u00edpara, acude para revisi\u00f3n ginecol\u00f3gica anual y solicitando la posibilidad de reducir el riesgo de c\u00e1ncer de ovario dado que su madre falleci\u00f3 a causa de esta neoplasia a los 64 a\u00f1os de edad. En el interrogatorio detallado no se identifican otros antecedentes familiares de c\u00e1ncer ov\u00e1rico ni mamario. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes estrategias es la m\u00e1s id\u00f3nea para reducir el riesgo de c\u00e1ncer de ovario en esta paciente?", "output": [ "A 28-year-old Caucasian woman, Nul\u00edpara, attends an annual gynecological examination and requests the possibility of reducing the risk of ovarian cancer given that her mother died of this neoplasm at 64 years of age. In the detailed questioning, no other family history of ovarian or breast cancer is identified. Which of the following strategies is the most appropriate to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in this patient?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0c4118bf731c4bbfa2684a919e0e9c82", "input": "El virus del papiloma humano se ha relacionado con la neoplasia cervical intraepitelial y el c\u00e1ncer de cuello uterino. \u00bfQu\u00e9 genotipo es el m\u00e1s oncog\u00e9nico?", "output": [ "Human papilloma virus has been linked to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. Which genotype is the most oncogenic?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a41aa8e71ef44f50bfc130d7e37a7eed", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes datos NO corresponde a una vulvovaginitis por hongos?", "output": [ "Which of the following data does NOT correspond to a fungal vulvovaginitis ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b4f50b5445f746b0a8a7a6ef7c4a80f0", "input": "Primigesta de 41 a\u00f1os, en la 38 semana, con diabetes gestacional en tratamiento con dieta de 2200 Kilocalor\u00edas e hipertensi\u00f3n arterial esencial. Acude a urgencias por dolor hipog\u00e1strico de inicio brusco, con afectaci\u00f3n de su estado general, acompa\u00f1ado de una metrorragia escasa de sangre oscura. En la Monitorizaci\u00f3n No Estresante (MNS) detectamos un patr\u00f3n de frecuencia cardiaca fetal no reactivo. La principal sospecha diagn\u00f3stica ser\u00e1", "output": [ "Primigesta of 41 years, in the 38th week, with gestational diabetes treated with a diet of 2200 Kilocalories and essential hypertension. He went to the emergency room for sudden-onset hypogastric pain, with involvement of his general condition, accompanied by a scarce metrorrhage of dark blood. In Non-Stress Monitoring (MNS) we detect a non-reactive fetal heart rate pattern. The main diagnostic suspicion will be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9e5acb5716534f39ad5640c5d56db23b", "input": "Una gestante de 31 semanas acude a Urgencias refiriendo p\u00e9rdida de l\u00edquido por vagina. La exploraci\u00f3n con esp\u00e9culo objetiva salida de l\u00edquido claro por el orificio cervical externo. Est\u00e1 apir\u00e9tica. El registro cardiotocogr\u00e1fico no revela contracciones y la frecuencia cardiaca fetal es normal. La exploraci\u00f3n ecogr\u00e1fica no revela malformaciones y el cuello uterino no est\u00e1 acortado. \u00bfQu\u00e9 combinaci\u00f3n terap\u00e9utica indicar\u00eda?", "output": [ "A pregnant woman of 31 weeks goes to the emergency department referring loss of fluid through the vagina. Objective speculum exploration of clear fluid through the external cervical os. It is apyletic. The cardiotocographic record does not reveal contractions and the fetal heart rate is normal. The ultrasound scan reveals no malformations and the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot shortened. What therapeutic combination would it indicate?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-63d5ba0804c1486cb1a110029b091e56", "input": "Una mujer de 26 a\u00f1os acude a Urgencias por dolor abdominal y escasas p\u00e9rdidas hem\u00e1ticas vaginales. Refiere una amenorrea de 7 semanas. Le realiza un test de embarazo, con resultado positivo. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el siguiente paso?", "output": [ "A 26-year-old woman comes to the emergency room due to abdominal pain and scarce vaginal blood loss. It refers to an amenorrhea of \u200b\u200b7 weeks. You perform a pregnancy test, with a positive result. What is the next step?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a648c6b0864044d7b5bbf49f8e7c9014", "input": "Con respecto a la conducta ante pacientes obst\u00e9tricas expuestas a la Varicela, es FALSO", "output": [ "With respect to the behavior of obstetric patients exposed to Varicella, it is FALSE" ] }, { "id": "task1433-02b23fee51c34fd4b06d753d6f3b1021", "input": "Con ecograf\u00eda vaginal, \u00bfa partir de cu\u00e1nto tiempo desde de la concepci\u00f3n es posible ver un embri\u00f3n con latido cardiaco?", "output": [ "With vaginal ultrasound, from how long after conception is it possible to see an embryo with a heartbeat?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-13af3abecf464f2bb6c343c32f4342d4", "input": "Una de las siguientes respuestas es FALSA respecto al c\u00e1ncer de mama.", "output": [ "One of the following answers is FALSE regarding breast cancer." ] }, { "id": "task1433-23ca497f0ca8433185b2b94b7ae97342", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 gen se asocia con mayor frecuencia a mutaciones adquiridas en el c\u00e1ncer de mama?.", "output": [ "Which gene is most frequently associated with acquired mutations in breast cancer?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-219a31d05b2541bb906328ccc8454b5b", "input": "Respecto al abuso de sustancias por el adolescente se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Regarding substance abuse by the adolescent, point out the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fc4f0801832241998e69307ce370f655", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes cardiopat\u00edas cong\u00e9nitas NO se considera como cardiopat\u00eda que produce sobrecarga de volumen?", "output": [ "Which of the following congenital heart diseases is NOT considered as heart disease that produces volume overload ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e5537eb96d743528a4729ec5c5cd94f", "input": "En el tipo m\u00e1s frecuente de atresia de es\u00f3fago", "output": [ "In the most frequent type of esophageal atresia" ] }, { "id": "task1433-25a2bdb25bef4d7d8494ddf7d7193f52", "input": "Para decidir postponer el alta a un ni\u00f1o en la maternidad a las 48 horas del parto se tendr\u00e1 en cuenta los siguientes criterios EXCEPTO uno, ind\u00edquelo.", "output": [ "To decide to postpone discharge to a child in maternity 48 hours after childbirth, the following criteria will be taken into account EXCEPT one, indicate it." ] }, { "id": "task1433-162b6e8329794b438390c5506ba45769", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes datos NO es propio de la estenosis hipertr\u00f3fica del p\u00edloro?", "output": [ "Which of the following data is NOT specific to hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b0aecd53c54f4e68956b6c252142e1ae", "input": "La diabetes mellitus tipo MODY (maturityonset diabetes of the young) se caracteriza por todo lo siguiente EXCEPTO", "output": [ "Diabetes mellitus type MODY (maturityonset diabetes of the young) is characterized by all the following EXCEPT" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f4408f1d7e394710bf889d1a5ac19f76", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la complicaci\u00f3n evolutiva m\u00e1s frecuente en las meningitis bacterianas en la edad pedi\u00e1trica?", "output": [ "What is the most common developmental complication in bacterial meningitis in the pediatric age?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-14e9e555cd3b4b4b8b6495fb6eddaa3e", "input": "Un reci\u00e9n nacido prematuro presenta a los 2 d\u00edas de vida un cuadro de mal estado general, petequias y equimosis subcut\u00e1neas y sangrado persistente por las zonas de punci\u00f3n. La radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax es compatible con una hemorragia pulmonar. En el estudio de coagulaci\u00f3n los tiempos de protrombina y parcial de tromboplastina est\u00e1n alargados. El recuento de plaquetas es de 105.000/uL. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A premature newborn presents at 2 days of life a picture of poor general condition, subcutaneous petechiae and ecchymoses and persistent bleeding from the puncture sites. The chest radiograph is compatible with pulmonary hemorrhage. In the coagulation study, prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times are elongated. The platelet count is 105,000 / uL. What is the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-370ebb38d1a3467dab13a159b51806c6", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes se correlaciona con la retinopat\u00eda del reci\u00e9n nacido prematuro?", "output": [ "Which of the following correlates with retinopathy of the premature newborn?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-80d5f5aa0f164d168a1af920cc665790", "input": "Los padres de una ni\u00f1a de 2 a\u00f1os consultan porque est\u00e1n preocupados por el desarrollo de su hija. Han observado que aproximadamente desde los 18 meses, su comportamiento es diferente al de otros ni\u00f1os de su edad. Hasta entonces hab\u00edan atribuido su escasa interacci\u00f3n a que se estaba haciendo m\u00e1s independiente, y la falta de desarrollo del lenguaje, a que a\u00fan no estaba escolarizada. En la consulta usted observa que la ni\u00f1a no responde cuando la llama por su nombre, muestra escaso contacto ocular, realiza vocalizaciones sin intenci\u00f3n comunicativa, y no mira hacia donde los padres le se\u00f1alan. Ante estos hallazgos, todas las siguientes afirmaciones son ciertas, EXCEPTO una", "output": [ "The parents of a 2-year-old girl consult because they are concerned about their daughter's development. They have observed that approximately from 18 months, their behavior is different from that of other children of their age. Until then, they had attributed their limited interaction to the fact that they were becoming more independent, and the lack of language development, to which they were not yet enrolled. In the consultation you observe that the girl does not respond when she calls her by her name, shows little eye contact, performs vocalizations without communicative intention, and does not look at where the parents point her. Given these findings, all of the following statements are true, EXCEPT one" ] }, { "id": "task1433-69e74aba5a7f47568d4f8a44852811d9", "input": "Si se quisiera estudiar la eficacia y seguridad de un nuevo citost\u00e1tico para un determinado proceso oncol\u00f3gico y, al mismo tiempo, contrastar la eficacia que a\u00f1ade a dicho tratamiento un nuevo anticuerpo monoclonal, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el dise\u00f1o de estudio m\u00e1s apropiado?", "output": [ "If you want to study the efficacy and safety of a new cytostatic for a specific oncological process and, at the same time, contrast the efficacy that adds a new monoclonal antibody to this treatment, what would be the most appropriate study design?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7b588693d2aa451194be218e513e130d", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estos enunciados NO es una caracter\u00edstica de los ensayos cl\u00ednicos fase I?", "output": [ "Which of these statements is NOT a characteristic of phase I clinical trials?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-292ca04e21c44c468d2024082cb83e7e", "input": "Al comparar las caracter\u00edsticas de los estudios cl\u00ednicos pragm\u00e1ticos o confirmatorios respecto de los estudios cl\u00ednicos explicativos o exploratorios, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una ventaja de los primeros?", "output": [ "When comparing the characteristics of pragmatic or confirmatory clinical studies with explanatory or exploratory clinical studies, which of the following is an advantage of the former?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-af67e781685343ca913087e59be0c17a", "input": "Le presentan un estudio de cohortes en el que han participado 1000 mujeres fumadoras y 2000 mujeres de la misma edad no fumadoras. Si al cabo de 5 a\u00f1os, han presentado un ictus 30 mujeres fumadoras y 20 mujeres no fumadoras, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el riesgo relativo y el riesgo atribuible?", "output": [ "He is presented with a cohort study involving 1000 female smokers and 2000 non-smoking women of the same age. If, after 5 years, 30 smokers and 20 nonsmoking women have experienced a stroke, what would be the relative risk and the attributable risk?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d943d4c8829e4f33a41da3e2c68f61d7", "input": "En un centro de salud se est\u00e1 realizando un estudio para determinar el efecto de la exposici\u00f3n al humo del tabaco en hijos de padres fumadores. Para ello, se selecciona a un grupo de ni\u00f1os sanos entre 3 y 7 a\u00f1os cuyos padres son fumadores y al mismo tiempo se selecciona en el mismo centro un igual n\u00famero de ni\u00f1os cuyos padres no son fumadores. Un a\u00f1o despu\u00e9s se investigar\u00e1 en ambos grupos la aparici\u00f3n de enfermedades respiratorias durante ese a\u00f1o. Indique la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "A study is being conducted in a health center to determine the effect of exposure to tobacco smoke in children of smoking parents. For this purpose, a group of healthy children between 3 and 7 years old whose parents are smokers is selected and at the same time an equal number of children whose parents are non-smokers are selected in the same center. A year later, the appearance of respiratory diseases during that year will be investigated in both groups. Indicate the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-95565c3779cd4c91a21d2313923b790d", "input": "Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio con el fin de determinar el riesgo de hemorragia digestiva alta (HDA) asociado con el uso de diferentes anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE). Para ello se incluyeron 2.777 pacientes con HDA y 5.532 pacientes emparejados con los anteriores por edad y mes de ingreso o consulta, en los mismos hospitales, pero por razones que no tuvieran nada que ver con el uso de AINE. Se calcul\u00f3 el riesgo comparativo de sufrir una HDA asociado a la exposici\u00f3n previa a diferentes AINE. \u00bfDe qu\u00e9 tipo de estudio se trata?", "output": [ "A study has been carried out to determine the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) associated with the use of different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For this purpose, 2,777 patients with UGIB and 5,532 patients matched with the previous ones were included by age and month of admission or consultation, in the same hospitals, but for reasons that had nothing to do with the use of NSAIDs. The comparative risk of suffering a UGIB associated with previous exposure to different NSAIDs was calculated. What kind of study is it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc0fa36d973d4b8ca9cad5ac5c89a022", "input": "Se ha determinado en un grupo de sujetos la presencia (x=1) o ausencia (x=0) de bacteriuria. \u00bfDe qu\u00e9 tipo de variable se trata?", "output": [ "The presence (x = 1) or absence (x = 0) of bacteriuria has been determined in a group of subjects. What kind of variable is it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-925400c57c4f4a4fac9a596722f97768", "input": "Se realiza una estimaci\u00f3n poblacional de los niveles de creatinina en sangre, en un grupo de mujeres embarazadas, obteni\u00e9ndose los siguientes resultados media (\u00d7) 0,8 mg/dL; desviaci\u00f3n t\u00edpica (s) 0,62 mg/dL; tama\u00f1o muestral (n) 85 mujeres. Seg\u00fan los datos anteriores el intervalo de confianza para la media poblacional (\u00b5) con un nivel de confianza de 95% (Z=1,96), es", "output": [ "A population estimate of blood creatinine levels is made in a group of pregnant women, obtaining the following results mean (\u00d7) 0.8 mg / dL; typical deviation (s) 0.62 mg / dL; sample size (n) 85 women. According to the previous data, the confidence interval for the population mean (\u03bc) with a confidence level of 95% (Z = 1.96) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2d3b6ba1b42d4437b77f1d1ca90f3b5a", "input": "Algunos trabajos muestran indicios de que existe relaci\u00f3n entre la calidad del sue\u00f1o de las personas y la tendencia a la depresi\u00f3n. Para obtener los anteriores resultados, los investigadores usaron dos cuestionarios distintos, uno sobre la calidad del sue\u00f1o y otro sobre los s\u00edntomas de depresi\u00f3n que asignaban una puntuaci\u00f3n a cada paciente en cada uno de ellos. \u00bfQu\u00e9 prueba estad\u00edstica cree usted que utilizaron para contrastar su hip\u00f3tesis?", "output": [ "Some studies show signs that there is a relationship between the quality of people's sleep and the tendency to depression. To obtain the above results, the researchers used two different questionnaires, one on the quality of sleep and another on the symptoms of depression that assigned a score to each patient in each of them. What statistical test do you think they used to test your hypothesis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2eb5e0025b8f4c08a963f89366afbcab", "input": "En evaluaciones econ\u00f3micas, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de los siguientes costes corresponden a costes indirectos no sanitarios?", "output": [ "In economic evaluations, which of the following costs correspond to indirect non-health costs?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad1f6f88d6404d5eb2280f65b4b2b96b", "input": "En un estudio farmacoecon\u00f3mico, el f\u00e1rmaco A produce una esperanza de vida de 5 a\u00f1os con un coste total de 5.000 euros, mientras que el f\u00e1rmaco B produce una esperanza de vida de 6 a\u00f1os con un coste total de 15.000 euros (valores medios por paciente). El criterio de decisi\u00f3n se basa en escoger la intervenci\u00f3n m\u00e1s efectiva con un umbral de coste-efectividad de 30.000 euros por a\u00f1o de vida adicional ganado por paciente, \u00bfqu\u00e9 f\u00e1rmaco es coste-efectivo respecto del otro y por qu\u00e9?", "output": [ "In a pharmacoeconomic study, drug A produces a life expectancy of 5 years with a total cost of 5,000 euros, while drug B produces a life expectancy of 6 years with a total cost of 15,000 euros (average values \u200b\u200bper patient) . The decision criterion is based on choosing the most effective intervention with a cost-effectiveness threshold of 30,000 euros per year of additional life earned per patient, what drug is cost-effective compared to the other and why?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-30848aeba4e44afe941e5dcb51fd0f1a", "input": "En un ensayo cl\u00ednico se evalu\u00f3 la no-inferioridad del inhalador HDP-MDI (experimental) frente al inhalador FDC-ELIPTUS (control). El l\u00edmite cl\u00ednicamente relevante inferior se fij\u00f3 en -50 ml en el volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo (VEF1). Los resultados mostraron una diferencia absoluta en VEF1 entre tratamientos de +8 mL a favor del inhalador HDP-MDI (intervalo de confianza al 95% -59 ml a +67 ml). Se\u00f1ale la respuesta CORRECTA", "output": [ "In a clinical trial, the non-inferiority of the HDP-MDI inhaler (experimental) was evaluated against the FDC-ELIPTUS inhaler (control). The lower clinically relevant limit was set at -50 ml in the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1). The results showed an absolute difference in FEV1 between treatments of +8 mL in favor of the HDP-MDI inhaler (95% confidence interval -59 ml to +67 ml). Point out the CORRECT answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bc74efda42054000b81968b8c3ea1048", "input": "\u00bfLa vacunaci\u00f3n con vacuna antipoliomiel\u00edtica inactivada genera inmunidad de grupo? (se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta).", "output": [ "Does vaccination with inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine generate group immunity? (point to the correct answer)." ] }, { "id": "task1433-d22d6128ecf14704845d6d33ff3bbeb2", "input": "Respecto a la vacunaci\u00f3n con vacuna de rubeola en embarazadas, se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta", "output": [ "Regarding vaccination with rubella vaccine in pregnant women, point out the correct answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f16fc9b85dea429abecab6413e0b341a", "input": "En un ensayo cl\u00ednico que eval\u00faa la eficacia de un hipolipemiante en la prevenci\u00f3n primaria de la cardiopat\u00eda coronaria, si los investigadores han planificado an\u00e1lisis de resultados intermedios y a la vista de ellos suspenden el estudio antes de su finalizaci\u00f3n tienen que saber que", "output": [ "In a clinical trial that evaluates the efficacy of a hypolipidemic agent in the primary prevention of coronary heart disease, if the researchers have planned analysis of intermediate results and in view of them suspending the study before its completion they must know that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1ab182c627224e06882638c04f23280d", "input": "Cuando se realiza un cribado para una enfermedad, dirigido a grupos de riesgo elevado, buscando enfermedad en su estadio inicial, se denomina", "output": [ "When screening for a disease, aimed at high-risk groups, looking for disease in its initial stage, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dd5a14f5168b4e06a69f1df6f7a6f1c3", "input": "A una mujer de 52 a\u00f1os le detectan en una mamograf\u00eda un n\u00f3dulo y se le aconseja hacer una biopsia mediante punci\u00f3n con control ecogr\u00e1fico. La paciente le pregunta a Vd. sobre la probabilidad de tener c\u00e1ncer si la prueba sale positiva. Como Vd no tiene experiencia en este tema busca y encuentra un estudio que incluye a 112 pacientes, 18 con c\u00e1ncer y 94 sin c\u00e1ncer. De los 18 pacientes con c\u00e1ncer la punci\u00f3n dio un resultado positivo en 16 y de los 94 pacientes sin c\u00e1ncer la punci\u00f3n dio un resultado negativo en 88. Con estos datos la la respuesta correcta es", "output": [ "A 52-year-old woman is detected on a mammogram by a nodule and is advised to perform a biopsy by puncture with ultrasound control. The patient asks you about the probability of having cancer if the test comes out positive. Since you have no experience in this area, you are looking for and find a study that includes 112 patients, 18 with cancer and 94 without cancer. Of the 18 patients with cancer, the puncture gave a positive result in 16 and of the 94 patients without cancer the puncture gave a negative result in 88. With these data the correct answer is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-42321f1dc1a04bc2bdc0878b9156a2db", "input": "Un grupo de investigadores realiz\u00f3 un estudio prospectivo para evaluar la eficacia de tres alternativas en el tratamiento de la otorrea aguda en ni\u00f1os con tubo de timpanostom\u00eda. De forma aleatorizada, 76 ni\u00f1os recibieron amoxicilina-\u00e1cido clavul\u00e1nico oral, 77 recibieron gotas \u00f3ticas con hidrocortisona-bacitracinacolistina y otros 77 ni\u00f1os no recibieron tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico alguno, s\u00f3lo observaci\u00f3n. La variable principal fue la presencia de otorrea. \u00bfDe qu\u00e9 tipo de estudio se trata?", "output": [ "A group of researchers conducted a prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of three alternatives in the treatment of acute otorrhea in children with tympanostomy tubes. Randomized, 76 children received oral amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 77 received ear drops with hydrocortisone-bacitracinacolistin and other 77 children did not receive any pharmacological treatment, only observation. The main variable was the presence of otorrhea. What kind of study is it?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4298e7cba26d45d69625ba0aa59399b1", "input": "Disponemos del registro de sujetos que se vacunan de la gripe en una regi\u00f3n y campa\u00f1a determinada, que incluye la informaci\u00f3n en el momento de la vacunaci\u00f3n sobre antecedentes patol\u00f3gicos, edad, sexo y tipo de vacuna. Para los mismos sujetos disponemos tambi\u00e9n del registro con los diagn\u00f3sticos de alta hospitalarios, ocurridos con posterioridad a la fecha de la vacunaci\u00f3n, y existe un identificador personal com\u00fan a ambos registros. Indique cu\u00e1l de estos estudios ser\u00eda posible realizar usando solo las citadas fuentes de informaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "We have the registry of subjects who are vaccinated against the flu in a specific region and campaign, which includes information at the time of vaccination on pathological history, age, sex and type of vaccine. For the same subjects we also have the registry with hospital discharge diagnoses, which occurred after the date of vaccination, and there is a personal identifier common to both registers. Indicate which of these studies would be possible to carry out using only the aforementioned sources of information" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4d85f1b29c83417982f0043773c728cb", "input": "En un meta-an\u00e1lisis de 15 estudios, la incidencia de infarto de miocardio con el nuevo medicamento Tromboclean es del 10,8% en comparaci\u00f3n con un 8% con heparina. El riesgo relativo es de 1,35, con un intervalo de confianza al 95% de 1,15 a 1,50 y ausencia de heterogeneidad significativa entre estudios (valor de p de heterogeneidad = 0,95). Se\u00f1ale la respuesta CORRECTA", "output": [ "In a meta-analysis of 15 studies, the incidence of myocardial infarction with the new drug Tromboclean is 10.8% compared to 8% with heparin. The relative risk is 1.35, with a 95% confidence interval of 1.15 to 1.50 and absence of significant heterogeneity between studies (p-value of heterogeneity = 0.95). Point out the CORRECT answer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9dc3434bf4f94427914a8d744dbf1ca4", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes pares craneales tiene el recorrido de mayor longitud a trav\u00e9s de un conducto \u00f3seo?", "output": [ "Which of the following cranial nerves has the longest path through a bone canal?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2b6aade4320d4f73bfa38b2c3dd7ad06", "input": "Revisando la angio-TC de un hombre de 70 a\u00f1os en estudio por aneurisma de aorta abdominal el radi\u00f3logo informa de la presencia de una oclusi\u00f3n completa de la arteria mesent\u00e9rica inferior. El paciente se encuentra completamente asintom\u00e1tico. La oclusi\u00f3n de la arteria mesent\u00e9rica inferior cursa de manera asintom\u00e1tica en muchas ocasiones ya que el territorio que irriga puede recibir flujo proveniente de", "output": [ "Reviewing the CT angiography of a 70-year-old man under study for abdominal aortic aneurysm, the radiologist reports the presence of complete occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery. The patient is completely asymptomatic. Occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery occurs asymptomatically on many occasions since the irrigating territory can receive flow from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bba6932532174bcba04ed8a1b5037bfc", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el tumor maligno m\u00e1s frecuente del tiroides?", "output": [ "What is the most common malignant tumor of the thyroid?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7dd15ce3fce2406b8d9cb97e3839f637", "input": "\u00bfEn cu\u00e1l de las siguientes entidades NO est\u00e1 implicado el Virus de Epstein-Barr?", "output": [ "In which of the following entities is NOT the Epstein-Barr Virus involved?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4f82e2cb477f4799a1c835e23c16220d", "input": "Entre los factores ex\u00f3genos que favorecen la aparici\u00f3n de gota est\u00e1n los f\u00e1rmacos. De los siguientes indicados \u00bfcu\u00e1l considera Vd. que NO favorece la hiperuricemia?", "output": [ "Among the exogenous factors that favor the appearance of gout are the drugs. Of the following indicated, which one do you consider that it does NOT favor hyperuricemia?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-addef50fe10146f1b0abfd2673c53325", "input": "El desarrollo de los f\u00e1rmacos gen\u00e9ricos se basa en la evaluaci\u00f3n de la bioequivalencia del gen\u00e9rico en comparaci\u00f3n con un producto de referencia ya comercializado. Este concepto se refiere a", "output": [ "The development of generic drugs is based on the evaluation of the bioequivalence of the generic compared to a reference product already marketed. This concept refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-31229737417441188bda96fea6e4a6cb", "input": "En un hombre de 60 a\u00f1os, con una moderada insuficiencia renal, se inicia el tratamiento, sin administraci\u00f3n de dosis de carga, con un medicamento digit\u00e1lico. En estas condiciones, la semivida o vida media plasm\u00e1tica del digit\u00e1lico se estima en 72 horas. Se\u00f1ale cuanto tiempo de tratamiento en d\u00edas debe transcurrir desde el inicio del tratamiento para que se alcance la concentraci\u00f3n de equilibrio o concentraci\u00f3n media en estado estacionario.", "output": [ "In a 60-year-old man with moderate renal insufficiency, treatment is started, without administration of loading dose, with a digitalis medication. Under these conditions, the half-life or plasma half-life of digitalis is estimated at 72 hours. Indicate how much treatment time in days should elapse from the start of treatment to reach the steady state concentration or equilibrium concentration." ] }, { "id": "task1433-91be5438a6ff40a487d9f086b4566133", "input": "De los siguientes anticoagulantes cual es un inhibidor directo de la trombina", "output": [ "Of the following anticoagulants which is a direct inhibitor of thrombin" ] }, { "id": "task1433-63ddc6f3c29f43118ea4b98101b62ef6", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes condiciones provoca un descenso de la saturaci\u00f3n de O2 de la hemoglobina que no es debido a una disminuci\u00f3n de la presi\u00f3n parcial de ox\u00edgeno?", "output": [ "Which of the following conditions causes a decrease in the O2 saturation of the hemoglobin that is not due to a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-104ab23b3d6b4499bc62e671962a3f25", "input": "\u00bfCual de las substancias vasoactivas mencionadas contrae preferentemente las arteriolas eferentes glomerulares en la mayor\u00eda de estados fisiol\u00f3gicos?", "output": [ "Which of the mentioned vasoactive substances preferentially contracts the glomerular efferent arterioles in most physiological states?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e4fffca04ffd4788b05eb6c91422a7a4", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 estudios se deben realizar en un adenocarcinoma con diferenciaci\u00f3n mucinosa prominente de colon ascendente diagnosticado en un hombre de 32 a\u00f1os?", "output": [ "What studies should be performed in an adenocarcinoma with prominent mucinous differentiation of ascending colon diagnosed in a 32-year-old man?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-935c4d2f8fd34bc3959d13d4314d5ceb", "input": "Una pareja sana tiene una hija de 8 a\u00f1os con hepatoesplenomegalia. El laboratorio de gen\u00e9tica bioqu\u00edmica ha detectado en ella un d\u00e9ficit de la enzima beta-glucosidasa \u00e1cida (glucocerebrosidasa) y molecularmente presenta la mutaci\u00f3n N370S en homocigosis. \u00bfQu\u00e9 diagn\u00f3stico es el correcto?", "output": [ "A healthy couple has an 8-year-old daughter with hepatosplenomegaly. The laboratory of biochemical genetics has detected in it a deficiency of the acid beta-glucosidase enzyme (glucocerebrosidase) and molecularly presents the mutation N370S in homozygosis. Which diagnosis is correct?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eea53fb1e1eb440084bc032bf9955077", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes en un oncogen cuyo producto de transcripci\u00f3n es un receptor de membrana con actividad tirosin kinasa de un factor de crecimiento?", "output": [ "Which of the following in an oncogene whose transcription product is a membrane receptor with tyrosine kinase activity of a growth factor?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c149da50ca8a40d2bdb1de66fe0c18ae", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto a los linfocitos B.", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer regarding B lymphocytes." ] }, { "id": "task1433-eb802490717144b5a21854601c26f79e", "input": "En las reacciones de hipersensibilidad mediada por IgE", "output": [ "In IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions" ] }, { "id": "task1433-23ba98fe32574987b9423e02587b413b", "input": "Una ni\u00f1a de 8 meses cumple criterios de diagn\u00f3stico de s\u00edndrome hemofagoc\u00edtico/linfohistiocitosis hemofagoc\u00edtica -fiebre, hepatoesplenomegalia, anemia, trombopenia, hipetransaminasemia, aumento de sCD25- y presenta un defecto en la capacidad de degranulaci\u00f3n de sus linfocitos (expresi\u00f3n de CD107a). Se\u00f1ale la actitud terape\u00fatica correcta en este caso", "output": [ "An 8-month-old girl meets diagnostic criteria for hemophagocytic syndrome / hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-fever, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hipetransaminasemia, increased sCD25-and has a defect in the capacity of degranulation of her lymphocytes (expression of CD107a). Point out the correct therapeutic attitude in this case" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d6e8a9b56b644a7b9abc76240415f055", "input": "Un hombre de 43 a\u00f1os consulta por s\u00edndrome diarreico, y refiere entre sus antecedentes 3 neumon\u00edas en la edad adulta. Cual de las siguientes estudios inmunol\u00f3gicos debemos solicitar?", "output": [ "A 43-year-old man consulted for diarrheal syndrome, and reported among his background 3 pneumonias in adulthood. Which of the following immunological studies should we request ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8add9834d7ad4e1aa70292a4177af20c", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 situaci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica emplear\u00eda un tratamiento antimicrobiano combinado?", "output": [ "In what clinical situation would you use a combined antimicrobial treatment?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9e7a022bc0f446369604f496157b35fa", "input": "Ni\u00f1o de 8 a\u00f1os que acude a Urgencias porque le ha mordido un ni\u00f1o mientras jugaban, hace unas 6 horas. Presenta una leve herida incisocontusa en el antebrazo derecho. Adem\u00e1s de plantearse otras medidas, \u00bfqu\u00e9 antimicrobiano pautar\u00eda usted?", "output": [ "8-year-old boy who goes to the Emergency Room because he has been bitten by a child while playing, about 6 hours ago. It presents a slight incisocontuse wound on the right forearm. In addition to considering other measures, what antimicrobial would you recommend?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ae2af463f6c644ff87fa72db383524de", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes especies bacterianas no es una enterobacteria?", "output": [ "Which of the following bacterial species is not an Enterobacteriaceae?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dcf70b1e444f45258e41f31d074b6756", "input": "Mujer de 69 a\u00f1os que consulta por disuria y polaquiuria, s\u00edntomas que ha sufrido en numerosas ocasiones en los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os. Cuenta que desde hace 3 meses est\u00e1 tomando cotrimoxazol en dosis diaria nocturna, recetado por su m\u00e9dico de cabecera. En el servicio de Urgencias del hospital se le curs\u00f3 un sedimento y un cultivo de orina. El sedimento urinario fue patol\u00f3gico (piuria significativa, nitritos positivos). Se le prescribi\u00f3 ciprofloxacino, y se le cit\u00f3 de nuevo con su m\u00e9dico de Atenci\u00f3n Primaria. El urocultivo result\u00f3 positivo (Escherichia coli, >10 (5) UFC/ml) y el resultado del antibiograma informaba de resistencia a ampicilina, cotrimoxazol y quinolonas, pero sensibilidad a fosfomicina, antimicrobiano que usted le prescribe. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes respuestas es FALSA?", "output": [ "A 69-year-old woman consulted for dysuria and frequency, symptoms that she has suffered numerous times in the last two years. He says that he has been taking cotrimoxazole in a daily dose for three months, prescribed by his family doctor. In the hospital's emergency department, a sediment and a urine culture were taken. The urinary sediment was pathological (significant pyuria, positive nitrites). He was prescribed ciprofloxacin, and was re-cited with his primary care physician. The urine culture was positive (Escherichia coli,> 10 (5) CFU / ml) and the results of the antibiogram showed resistance to ampicillin, cotrimoxazole and quinolones, but sensitivity to fosfomycin, the antimicrobial agent that you prescribe. Which of the following answers is FALSE?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-905ea7c92e2e437785df9db72afd52b7", "input": "Ante una ni\u00f1a de 7 meses de edad que acude a urgencias con un cuadro sugerente de bronquiolitis, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el agente etiol\u00f3gico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "Before a 7-month-old girl who comes to the emergency room with a picture suggestive of bronchiolitis, what would be the most probable etiologic agent?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a7f2c44bf7c445186e4dad4a3cc2650", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos NO se emplea en el tratamiento de la hepatitis autoinmune?", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs is NOT used in the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-460f4858b9e6492db50be19db5ebad81", "input": "El s\u00edndrome a\u00f3rtico agudo incluye entidades como la disecci\u00f3n a\u00f3rtica, el hematoma intramural a\u00f3rtico y la \u00falcera ateroscler\u00f3tica penetrante. Respecto a las consideraciones diagn\u00f3sticas y terap\u00e9uticas de esta entidad, se\u00f1ale la afirmaci\u00f3n CORRECTA", "output": [ "Acute aortic syndrome includes entities such as aortic dissection, intramural aortic hematoma, and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer. Regarding the diagnostic and therapeutic considerations of this entity, point out the CORRECT statement" ] }, { "id": "task1433-917c14d7f06749c5aa542ed6a907a702", "input": "Una mujer de 58 a\u00f1os ingresa en la Unidad de Corta Estancia M\u00e9dica por un cuadro cl\u00ednico que comenz\u00f3 con un episodio de s\u00edncope y a continuaci\u00f3n present\u00f3 sensaci\u00f3n de mareo y disnea. En la exploraci\u00f3n f\u00edsica se encuentra sudorosa, afebril a 126 latidos por minuto y a 30 respiraciones por minuto, con una presi\u00f3n arterial de 88/46 y una saturaci\u00f3n de ox\u00edgeno del 85% mientras respira aire ambiente. La auscultaci\u00f3n card\u00edaca muestra taquicardia sin soplos ni galope y la auscultaci\u00f3n pulmonar es limpia. \u00bfCu\u00e1l, de entre los siguientes, le parece diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable?", "output": [ "A 58-year-old woman enters the Short Stay Medical Unit due to a clinical picture that began with an episode of syncope and then presented feeling of dizziness and dyspnea. On physical examination, she is sweaty, afebrile at 126 beats per minute and at 30 breaths per minute, with a blood pressure of 88/46 and an oxygen saturation of 85% while breathing room air. Cardiac auscultation shows tachycardia without murmurs or gallop and pulmonary auscultation is clean. Which, among the following, seems the most likely diagnosis?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-72b90e31c91e4c9babd0313b0e87ac89", "input": "Mujer de 69 a\u00f1os que consulta por expectoraci\u00f3n hemoptoica. En los dos meses previos presentaba febr\u00edcula, astenia, anorexia y p\u00e9rdida de peso no cuantificada. En el an\u00e1lisis citol\u00f3gico de esputo se observaron hemosider\u00f3fagos y en la radiograf\u00eda de t\u00f3rax infiltrados alveolares bilaterales. Anal\u00edticamente destacaba Hb 8.2gr/dL, PO2 58mmHg, creatinina 5mg/dL, orina proteinuria +++ microhematuria, cilindros, hem\u00e1ticos. ANCAp (anticuerpos contra el citoplasma de los neutrofilos perinuclear) positivos anticuerpos antimembrana basal glomerular negativos. Anticuerpos antinucleares negativos. El diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable ser\u00eda", "output": [ "A 69-year-old woman consulted for hemoptotic expectoration. In the two previous months she had low-grade fever, asthenia, anorexia and unquantified weight loss. In the cytological analysis of sputum, hemosiderophages were observed and in the chest radiograph bilateral alveolar infiltrates were observed. Analytically it stood out Hb 8.2gr / dL, PO2 58mmHg, creatinine 5mg / dL, urine proteinuria +++ microhematuria, cylinders, hematics. ANCAp (antibodies against the cytoplasm of perinuclear neutrophils) positive anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies negative. Antinuclear antibodies negative. The most likely diagnosis would be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2e1eb9a675ee4fadb747065b1acfae7e", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 es cierto del temblor esencial?", "output": [ "What is true of essential tremor?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-af22853765544a9db46fcd2db6438991", "input": "Mujer de 24 a\u00f1os, asintom\u00e1tica, con antecedentes de padre y hermana afectos de carcinoma medular de tiroides. De forma incidental se descubre en la tomograf\u00eda computarizada (TC) masa adrenal de 5 cm de di\u00e1metro. \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones debe ser la siguiente decisi\u00f3n cl\u00ednica?", "output": [ "A 24-year-old woman, asymptomatic, with a history of father and sister with medullary thyroid carcinoma. Incidentally, an adrenal mass measuring 5 cm in diameter was discovered on computed tomography (CT). Which of the following options should be the next clinical decision?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2d5ff89011c2459eadfbf646f45ed57c", "input": "Paciente de 45 a\u00f1os de edad en el 15\u00ba d\u00eda postrasplante de progenitores hematopey\u00e9ticos, con una neutropenia absoluta, plaquetas de 15000/uL y una hemoglobina de 7 g/dL, que presenta un cuadro cl\u00ednico de dolor ocular con edema periorbitario con discreta secreci\u00f3n nasal serosanguinolenta. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el diagn\u00f3stico de presunci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "A 45-year-old patient on the 15th day post-transplant of hematopeytic progenitors, with absolute neutropenia, platelets of 15,000 / uL and a hemoglobin of 7 g / dL, which presents a clinical picture of eye pain with periorbital edema with discrete serosanguinous nasal discharge . What is the diagnosis of presumption?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-302ce457cd5a4ffabe0c2e364ffdbcaa", "input": "Mujer de 76 a\u00f1os intervenida quir\u00fargicamente de catarata en su ojo izquierdo dos a\u00f1os antes sin complicaciones. Refiere que desde hace unos meses tiene la sensaci\u00f3n de que se le ha reproducido la catarata. Se\u00f1ale el diagn\u00f3stico m\u00e1s probable.", "output": [ "A 76-year-old woman surgically treated for a cataract in her left eye two years before without complications. He says that for the last few months he has had the sensation that the cataract has been reproduced. Point out the most likely diagnosis." ] }, { "id": "task1433-b888cc6b406149d19ce8d79992d45980", "input": "Cuando realizamos el triple test (alfafetoproteina, gonadotropina cori\u00f3nica humana y el estriol no conjugado) a las embarazadas, la sensibilidad y especificidad frente a la trisom\u00eda 21 (S. de Down) son del 63 y 95% respectivamente. Ello significa", "output": [ "When we perform the triple test (alpha fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and unconjugated estriol) to pregnant women, the sensitivity and specificity against trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) are 63 and 95% respectively. This means" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ea21d30f4b5041a48c843bd6caa8bba9", "input": "\u00bfMediante qu\u00e9 procedimiento experimental podemos evaluar la memoria impl\u00edcita?", "output": [ "By what experimental procedure can we evaluate the implicit memory ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f1cf3a9357fb401db83d0d92fdcab96d", "input": "A la mayor tasa de recuerdo de los primeros \u00edtems de una lista se le denomina", "output": [ "The highest recall rate of the first items in a list is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-199e6b59fbb549e49881dcf67bdd4a9d", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de mecanismo propone la Gestalt como mecanismo explicativo para la resoluci\u00f3n de un problema?", "output": [ "What type of mechanism does Gestalt propose as an explanatory mechanism for solving a problem ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b9f4d0351e3940c9b62b862201b7b431", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la principal estructura cerebral implicada en el miedo condicionado?", "output": [ "What is the main cerebral structure involved in conditioned fear ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9ce23ba8116f4534aa59ee977e383d7b", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 programas de reforzamiento simple producen un patr\u00f3n de repuesta m\u00e1s estable?", "output": [ "What simple reinforcement programs produce a more stable response pattern ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ea06dd69e9ee47aa907b9151dde5cc9e", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina el procedimiento de condicionamiento instrumental en el que la respuesta instrumental elimina o previene la ocurrencia de un est\u00edmulo aversivo?", "output": [ "What is the procedure called instrumental conditioning in which the instrumental response eliminates or prevents the occurrence of an aversive stimulus ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1bcbe6e5570b411f86e8628d4a0c69a8", "input": "Para Kurt Lewin el conjunto de elementos que influyen en la conducta de un individuo en un momento dado conforman", "output": [ "For Kurt Lewin the set of elements that influence the behavior of an individual at a given time make up" ] }, { "id": "task1433-09aec96196ef46ef86407c7afbd420b1", "input": "La amnesia anter\u00f3grada es consecuencia de da\u00f1o cerebral en", "output": [ "Antegrade amnesia is a result of brain damage in" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d22adbdcce6145d689ccef977d1aeb8d", "input": "Se ha comprobado que las anfetaminas tienen efectos reforzantes debido a que", "output": [ "It has been proven that amphetamines have reinforcing effects because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3692ba4d535f47b79cd6d91fc6d9b24e", "input": "La t\u00e9cnica que estimula la corteza cerebral aplicando pulsos el\u00e9ctricos mediante una bobina electromagn\u00e9tica, que se utiliza para el tratamiento de algunos trastornos como la depresi\u00f3n, se denomina", "output": [ "The technique that stimulates the cerebral cortex by applying electrical pulses through an electromagnetic coil, which is used to treat some disorders such as depression, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6e6b0acdde94daea4b60e2609fb1173", "input": "El alcohol se incluye en el grupo de drogas sedantes o depresoras debido a que act\u00faa como", "output": [ "Alcohol is included in the group of sedative or depressant drugs because it acts as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-63672a9c63c4436a9c7616b4ab8981a9", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 neurotransmisor tiene un tipo de receptor denominado muscar\u00ednico?", "output": [ "What neurotransmitter has a type of receptor called muscarinic ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-99f5dd5c3f944dbba555198c9d2aaf77", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 n\u00facleo del hipot\u00e1lamo es el responsable de regular la conducta sexual en hembras?", "output": [ "Which nucleus of the hypothalamus is responsible for regulating sexual behavior in females ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f52ad9d4968949bb91665c7b61a1b0dc", "input": "El uso de cambios de entonaci\u00f3n y \u00e9nfasis para a\u00f1adir significado al habla se denomina", "output": [ "The use of intonation changes and emphasis to add meaning to speech is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fc362adc4695403c879c70d25918f768", "input": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 n\u00facleo del t\u00e1lamo se trasmite la informaci\u00f3n visual?", "output": [ "Why is the visual information transmitted to the nucleus of the thalamus ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b55a333606ff4a9987c758f21ccbde8e", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes es la caracter\u00edstica central de la etapa de las operaciones formales seg\u00fan Piaget?", "output": [ "Which of the following is the central characteristic of the stage of formal operations according to Piaget ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-80533e07c38e436f9e002dc8e0601177", "input": "En la adolescencia es frecuente pensar que los dem\u00e1s est\u00e1n extremadamente interesados en uno mismo \u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina este sesgo egoc\u00e9ntrico?", "output": [ "In adolescence, it is common to think that others are extremely interested in themselves. What is the name of this egocentric bias ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-751a192f12c44ce6829e3826cf40acdc", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 edad aproximada los ni\u00f1os comienzan a entender que una persona pueda tener creencias falsas sobre el mundo?", "output": [ "At what approximate age do children begin to understand that a person may have false beliefs about the world ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-83850ee7118f4fb2aeb5b51b2cc6635c", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se denomina la distancia entre lo que un ni\u00f1o es capaz de hacer por s\u00ed mismo y lo que es capaz de hacer si un adulto, u otro ni\u00f1o m\u00e1s capaz, le ayuda?", "output": [ "What is the name of the distance between what a child is capable of doing for himself and what he is capable of doing if an adult, or another more capable child, helps him ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1e5e4bdbbe1047ea85f961bf0ad42809", "input": "A medida que aumentan los grados de libertad, la distribuci\u00f3n t de Student se aproxima a", "output": [ "As the degrees of freedom increase, the Student's t distribution approaches" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c756bf7cb23c4262870aa9ee586158c7", "input": "Si tras establecer el intervalo de confianza respecto a una diferencia entre dos medias independientes, encontramos que el valor cero no se encuentra en el intervalo", "output": [ "If after establishing the confidence interval with respect to a difference between two independent means, we find that the zero value is not in the interval" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6448801fae64557b5cb463ae40ff52c", "input": "En el error de Tipo II", "output": [ "In the Type II error" ] }, { "id": "task1433-936275c68dc94d19bf8e40d7f6a5d18e", "input": "La existencia de una asociaci\u00f3n estad\u00edsticamente significativa entre dos variables ordinales puede determinarse mediante", "output": [ "The existence of a statistically significant association between two ordinal variables can be determined by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc84f4ddcd3042588ae39bf2baa67692", "input": "En las investigaciones de encuesta se trabaja con una muestra representativa de la poblaci\u00f3n. \u00bfQu\u00e9 supone esto?", "output": [ "In the survey investigations, we work with a representative sample of the population. What does this mean ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cc4198c2558e42b8b0ca2bfa400dc520", "input": "Los dise\u00f1os de investigaci\u00f3n experimentales intrasujeto", "output": [ "Intrasubject experimental research designs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9604ef4681aa422faef63d57754af3c0", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la caracter\u00edstica de la estrategia de investigaci\u00f3n cuasi-experimental que la diferencia de la estrategia experimental?", "output": [ "What is the characteristic of the quasi-experimental research strategy that differentiates it from the experimental strategy ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6e54ab60e60b489fad4e358c8af1250a", "input": "Los dise\u00f1os experimentales factoriales o tambi\u00e9n denominados dise\u00f1os experimentales complejos", "output": [ "Experimental factorial designs or also called complex experimental designs" ] }, { "id": "task1433-374a73cdaed3436e887f1bbd072b0ca7", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 procedimiento espec\u00edfico de la estrategia experimental hace que sea la m\u00e1s adecuada para contrastar hip\u00f3tesis de causalidad? ", "output": [ "What specific procedure of the experimental strategy makes it the most appropriate to test hypotheses of causality? " ] }, { "id": "task1433-ec4f21d6fb6144acbe25a301a554cb6a", "input": "La estructura de la personalidad se puede organizar seg\u00fan", "output": [ "The structure of the personality can be organized according to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0fd03e433f9a4da88ede00696a6170d1", "input": "Las investigaciones cognitivas de la inteligencia, y por lo que se refiere a la relaci\u00f3n entre Tiempo de Reacci\u00f3n (TR) y Cociente Intelectual (CI)", "output": [ "Cognitive investigations of intelligence, and as regards the relationship between Reaction Time (RT) and Intellectual Quotient (IQ)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c856bc253cf4ce1b8f1099510e7a068", "input": "Seg\u00fan la clasificaci\u00f3n de rasgos que hizo R.B. Cattell", "output": [ "According to the classification of features that R.B. Cattell" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0b519c6b35194c6681d8efb8f77913b8", "input": "La inteligencia fluida", "output": [ "The fluid intelligence" ] }, { "id": "task1433-82b3caad61354665aa5faada75394c09", "input": "Inteligencia interpersonal, inteligencia espacial e inteligencia l\u00f3gico-matem\u00e1tica, son tipos de inteligencia pertenecientes ", "output": [ "Interpersonal intelligence, spatial intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence, are types of intelligence belonging" ] }, { "id": "task1433-132495d447a146c7ad82423ab5b02e76", "input": "En psicolog\u00eda de la personalidad, cuando se habla de consistencia y estabilidad de la personalidad, se puede estar haciendo referencia a la constataci\u00f3n de que", "output": [ "In personality psychology, when talking about consistency and stability of the personality, one can be referring to the observation that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ffdf2c5bc75344b183232109ceab3315", "input": "La heredabilidad de un rasgo de personalidad", "output": [ "The heritability of a personality trait" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1f0b9f759050444c8211e87e8f34da6f", "input": "Las creencias y los valores, seg\u00fan la psicolog\u00eda de la personalidad", "output": [ "Beliefs and values, according to the psychology of personality" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3f56f3a61a114c5081cdc9ad0f488232", "input": "Seg\u00fan la Teor\u00eda de las Inteligencias M\u00faltiples, la inteligencia intrapersonal", "output": [ "According to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, intrapersonal intelligence" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1fa45defded94683a5f1dfd842b5d95e", "input": "La validez de contenido de un instrumento de evaluaci\u00f3n se refiere a", "output": [ "The content validity of an evaluation instrument refers to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5fe48427d26544cfadcaa0ff053df31f", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 se refiere el muestreo intersesional utilizado en las t\u00e9cnicas de observaci\u00f3n", "output": [ "What does the intersessional sampling used in observation techniques refer to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ad281ccd29b34bcab4ee7f72fb97bc9d", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 grupo de t\u00e9cnicas se incluye el Test de Apercepci\u00f3n Tem\u00e1tica (TAT de Murray)?", "output": [ "In which group of techniques is included the Thematic Apperception Test (Murray TAT) ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22c7634dea1c41f49fb2ed261d45f557", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 pueden indicar, entre otras cosas, las puntuaciones elevadas en la Escala F del Inventario Multif\u00e1sico de Personalidad de Minnesota (MMPI)?", "output": [ "What can indicate, among other things, the high scores on the F Scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5f9a3204a1ab406e85a3dd577ddb4311", "input": "La evaluaci\u00f3n de la actividad electrod\u00e9rmica permite una medida de", "output": [ "The evaluation of the electrodermal activity allows a measurement of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c6bcda22622c4f33bc8c4ba1dfdbb0f2", "input": "Cuando el punto de corte de un instrumento diagn\u00f3stico es muy alto, se incrementa el riesgo de", "output": [ "When the cutoff point of a diagnostic instrument is very high, the risk of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-701865da28154eb38505d22991953a31", "input": "La sensibilidad de una prueba diagn\u00f3stica se relaciona con", "output": [ "The sensitivity of a diagnostic test is related to" ] }, { "id": "task1433-720e974e61514d708fb6490327145e2b", "input": "Los test adaptativos se caracterizan por", "output": [ "Adaptive tests are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-22fd3fb9651449cc8f1b165b7898b2a3", "input": "El test de matrices progresivas de Raven proporciona una estimaci\u00f3n del", "output": [ "The Raven Progressive Matrices test provides an estimate of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5ca3450ea7ca49d9ab33759e6de90e18", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son, entre otros, los principales sesgos asociados al observador en el marco de las t\u00e9cnicas de observaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "What are, among others, the main biases associated with the observer in the framework of observation techniques ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b7bc8f473b3048a6ad458de4be6bbeae", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones posibilitan las pruebas de evaluaci\u00f3n criterial (o con referencia a criterios)", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following options make possible the criterial evaluation tests (or with reference to criteria)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8ec99e9d54bd44a786f01c7ffff9b3e0", "input": "Spitzer y colaboradores desarrollaron en 1994 un cuestionario y una entrevista conjunta para la evaluaci\u00f3n de los principales trastornos m\u00e1s frecuentes en los servicios de salud de Atenci\u00f3n Primaria. Este instrumento se denomina ", "output": [ "In 1994, Spitzer and collaborators developed a questionnaire and a joint interview for the evaluation of the main most frequent disorders in primary care health services. This instrument is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a9756f3ff64141f6ad9eb968fe3a1c36", "input": "Para que el autorregistro se convierta en una herramienta eficaz para la evaluaci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica ha de cumplir los requisitos de", "output": [ "For self-registration to become an effective tool for clinical evaluation, it must meet the requirements of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9b75305beba84e27ba2ec3a457e8753f", "input": "Las entrevistas cl\u00ednicas estructuradas y semiestructuradas se basan en", "output": [ "The structured and semi-structured clinical interviews are based on" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ce46403ea7b341e6a3284be04c47ed92", "input": "El Test de dibujo de la familia es una t\u00e9cnica proyectiva de tipo", "output": [ "The Family Drawing Test is a projective technique of type" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cf99b018c8e3489fb0a6419588d3f4e5", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 modalidad de la Prueba de Aproximaci\u00f3n Conductual (PAC) es la m\u00e1s indicada para valorar la fobia a la oscuridad en la infancia?", "output": [ "Which modality of the Behavioral Approach Test (PAC) is the most appropriate to assess the phobia of darkness in childhood ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-20ee3392645f4f97a65dd31bc7af423f", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 rango de edad se administra el Inventario de desarrollo Batelle?", "output": [ "At what age range is the Batelle Development Inventory administered ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-37e60d09ce0b455dbfc5200725edd095", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 pruebas del WISC IV forman parte del \u00edndice de razonamiento perceptivo?", "output": [ "What WISC IV tests are part of the perceptual reasoning index ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0da41aba93a94742b9d0816ba1492bd3", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 medida de intervalo ser\u00e1 la m\u00e1s adecuada para evaluar una conducta breve y de alta frecuencia (p. ej., tic o decir tacos) en un ni\u00f1o/a?", "output": [ "Which interval measure will be the most appropriate to evaluate a brief and high frequency behavior (eg, tic or tacos) in a child ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e5425593e0414b8c89e0b3c6326175d2", "input": "El c\u00f3digo deontol\u00f3gico de psicolog\u00eda en Espa\u00f1a se dirige fundamentalmente a", "output": [ "The deontological code of psychology in Spain is mainly aimed at" ] }, { "id": "task1433-d62ebb6f091146a48f9c78abb0b17772", "input": "Podemos decir que un evaluador psicol\u00f3gico utiliza indirecta o inferencialmente autoinformes de una persona cuando", "output": [ "We can say that a psychological evaluator uses indirectly or inferentially self-reports of a person when" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cf959e593ae4495c9ec20b6ef9b8c6a0", "input": "Podemos considerar un antecedente de la evaluaci\u00f3n din\u00e1mica cognitiva la obra de ", "output": [ "We can consider an antecedent of the cognitive dynamic evaluation the work of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eb6336c7a18a4e8bada9aee01c8f2b53", "input": "Entre los elementos fonol\u00f3gicos empleados para evaluar el lenguaje verbal en la infancia se utiliza", "output": [ "Among the phonological elements used to evaluate verbal language in childhood is used" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d5fc04bb32e42b78b45483be26da6cd", "input": "El test de imitaci\u00f3n de gestos (Berger y L\u00e9zine, 1975) es un instrumento de evaluaci\u00f3n que se utiliza en la infancia preferentemente para evaluar", "output": [ "The gesture imitation test (Berger and L\u00e9zine, 1975) is an evaluation tool that is used in childhood, preferably to evaluate" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7ae2364d6f2741d0ada6a2783f09a4ba", "input": "La evaluaci\u00f3n individual de la inteligencia presenta, frente a su evaluaci\u00f3n colectiva, la siguiente ventaja", "output": [ "The individual evaluation of the intelligence presents, in front of its collective evaluation, the following advantage" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5c12b050070e46c3bc241c506532be05", "input": "A la hora de distinguir los pacientes alcoh\u00f3licos con S\u00edndrome de Korsakoff de los pacientes con demencia alcoh\u00f3lica podemos tener en cuenta que", "output": [ "When distinguishing alcoholic patients with Korsakoff Syndrome from patients with alcoholic dementia, we can take into account that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8902ef829bba42bfb9e3a5ca3e793956", "input": "Si un paciente dice o\u00edr voces en Par\u00eds cuando \u00e9l se encuentra en Londres, decimos que padece", "output": [ "If a patient claims to hear voices in Paris when he is in London, we say that he suffers" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0068df7507814af2a03dc86bb9d6cb28", "input": "Dentro de las distorsiones perceptivas podemos encontrar", "output": [ "Within the perceptual distortions we can find" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cc1d504f63cf4a82b22d97c333d5fde5", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 alteraci\u00f3n padece una persona que cree que sus pensamientos no son suyos sino que se los ha introducido en la mente una fuerza exterior e irresistible?", "output": [ "What alteration does a person suffer that believes that their thoughts are not theirs but have been introduced into the mind by an external and irresistible force ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-01c553ffc5154bf18b8d2175b61df627", "input": "Una de las caracter\u00edsticas de la experiencia del delirio primario es", "output": [ "One of the characteristics of the primary delirium experience is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5d1258e89c6a4a3aa9573d4b1bc4b8e7", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 nombre se conoce el trastorno que se caracteriza por la repetici\u00f3n constante y persistente de palabras, ideas, o temas, a los que el paciente recurre continuamente?", "output": [ "By what name is the disorder known to be characterized by the constant and persistent repetition of words, ideas, or themes, to which the patient continually appeals ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-69d161fa25194d65a7d8ea3e1cca0937", "input": "La dificultad para hallar palabras que designen objetos o personas (sustantivos y nombres), se denomina", "output": [ "The difficulty in finding words that designate objects or people (nouns and names) is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c354959c5eb48e891f22c604d1467bb", "input": "Cuando una persona habla mucho de manera espont\u00e1nea, de forma r\u00e1pida, es dif\u00edcil interrumpirle y no acaba sus frases por una especie de necesidad imperiosa de comunicar algo, es probable que presente el trastorno del pensamiento denominado", "output": [ "When a person speaks a lot spontaneously, quickly, it is difficult to interrupt and does not end his sentences for a kind of urgent need to communicate something, is likely to present the disorder of thought called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-99e312912c434ad5befd2d89f5259595", "input": "La prosopagnosia se define como", "output": [ "Prosopagnosia is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7386e6a47a9d4c03bda1aa470e272555", "input": "La confabulaci\u00f3n es un s\u00edntoma t\u00edpico de", "output": [ "The confabulation is a typical symptom of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-40e6d952cad6411290566555db71ea70", "input": "La amnesia retr\u00f3grada se define como", "output": [ "Retrograde amnesia is defined as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-76bcef0e648d4a9b812ec93689285106", "input": "La labilidad afectiva se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "Affective lability is characterized because" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8c3b54f203b449a4b7a31bd5508f3916", "input": "La paratimia se caracteriza porque", "output": [ "Parathymia is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8cc2e2c129ec436c8bd652cf1083e6b2", "input": "La rigidez afectiva se caracteriza por", "output": [ "Affective rigidity is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3e917cdd019f42108832b5aa1c7b47df", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son las caracter\u00edsticas de la obnubilaci\u00f3n de la conciencia?", "output": [ "What are the characteristics of the obfuscation of consciousness ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6372dafa5b0941babc83bf2dc073c113", "input": "Al estado caracterizado por una total ausencia de conciencia, laxitud muscular, ausencia de respuesta a est\u00edmulos dolorosos y amnesia lacunar posterior, se le denomina", "output": [ "The state characterized by a total absence of consciousness, muscle laxity, absence of response to painful stimuli and posterior lacunar amnesia, is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ee87d530046e48178cc89b061cc26e7a", "input": "Cuando una persona permanece en actitud inm\u00f3vil, con la musculatura r\u00edgida, y se le puede colocar en diversas posiciones sin que \u00e9l intente recupera la posici\u00f3n original durante un tiempo, es probable que padezca", "output": [ "When a person remains in an immobile attitude, with rigid muscles, and can be placed in different positions without him trying to recover the original position for a while, he is likely to suffer" ] }, { "id": "task1433-000de51f4f394326bb697b74c8600019", "input": "La aparici\u00f3n del estre\u00f1imiento es un s\u00edntoma que aparece con frecuencia cuando se consume", "output": [ "The appearance of constipation is a symptom that appears frequently when consumed" ] }, { "id": "task1433-33c031b6ab4f4e7a956d6ba45bd7bc7c", "input": "Bajo la denominaci\u00f3n de xantinas se agrupan", "output": [ "Under the name of xanthines are grouped" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f981f482f026499fac8d004fb3b757c9", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracteriza al trastorno disociativo de identidad?", "output": [ "What characterizes dissociative identity disorder ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e6b84552d9004eddae43e51003e25f3d", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 trastorno hay una preocupaci\u00f3n excesiva por alguna anomal\u00eda f\u00edsica leve o inexistente?", "output": [ "In what disorder is there excessive concern for any mild or nonexistent physical anomaly ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-79d721b930ff44a691cad7add608ccae", "input": "El miedo o creencia de padecer una enfermedad importante, que surge en el sujeto a partir de la interpretaci\u00f3n err\u00f3nea de sus s\u00edntomas corporales, es la caracter\u00edstica nuclear de", "output": [ "The fear or belief of suffering an important disease, which arises in the subject from the erroneous interpretation of their bodily symptoms, is the nuclear characteristic of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e949873e220047178c7885b35e513d61", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 trastornos nos estamos refiriendo cuando hablamos de una alteraci\u00f3n de las funciones integradoras de la conciencia, la identidad, y la memoria?", "output": [ "What disorders are we referring to when we speak of an alteration of the integrating functions of consciousness, identity, and memory ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a32dad9325474d0b99d402a4d008d86b", "input": "Seg\u00fan la clasificaci\u00f3n de Tyrer (1989), \u00bfa qu\u00e9 tipo de disociaci\u00f3n pertenece la amnesia psic\u00f3gena (amnesia disociativa)?", "output": [ "According to Tyrer's classification (1989), what type of dissociation does psychogenic amnesia (dissociative amnesia) belong to ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f4a15e906b304aecb1c07edbbc641643", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 caracter\u00edstica comparten la anorexia y la bulimia?", "output": [ "What characteristic do anorexia and bulimia share ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ae337c6ffec14ac694514d67b47ec8e2", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la caracter\u00edstica diferencial entre un trastorno alimentario y otro que cursa con p\u00e9rdida significativa de peso y/o patrones alimentarios an\u00f3malos?", "output": [ "What would be the differential characteristic between an eating disorder and another that presents with significant weight loss and / or anomalous eating patterns ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-50657debb10a452d991d7af1689e7c65", "input": "\u00bfA qu\u00e9 edad se desarrolla la identidad de g\u00e9nero?", "output": [ "At what age does gender identity develop ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5e36f78211204d87a77e8a12bef6a24e", "input": "Una falta de inter\u00e9s por llevar a cabo relaciones o conductas sexuales en general es, m\u00e1s propiamente", "output": [ "A lack of interest in carrying out sexual relations or behavior in general is, more properly" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b85eee6640554c7c8da1f137a30f32b4", "input": "Las principales t\u00e9cnicas en el Entrenamiento de Habilidades Sociales para las personas con esquizofrenia incluyen modelado, ensayo de conducta y retroalimentaci\u00f3n. Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 otras t\u00e9cnicas resultan recomendables?", "output": [ "The main techniques in Social Skills Training for people with schizophrenia include modeling, behavior testing and feedback. But what other techniques are recommended ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4d824ccac3824241a881e82a8f66ade3", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 factores causales tienen una especial relevancia en la anorgasmia femenina?", "output": [ "What causal factors are particularly relevant in female anorgasmia ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a59dc53c8301427ba23706a9ac18b333", "input": "Una persona que no tiene esquizofrenia, ni un trastorno del estado de \u00e1nimo con s\u00edntomas psic\u00f3ticos, pero que presenta un patr\u00f3n profundo de desapego social y un rango limitado de expresi\u00f3n emocional en situaciones interpersonales (ej., disfrute con pocas actividades o es indiferente a la alabanza o la cr\u00edtica), presenta con m\u00e1s probabilidad", "output": [ "A person who does not have schizophrenia, or a mood disorder with psychotic symptoms, but who exhibits a deep pattern of social detachment and a limited range of emotional expression in interpersonal situations (eg, enjoyment with few activities or is indifferent to the praise or criticism), presents more likely" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7e17458d89d446c5bf8d2c642681f335", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 trastorno el individuo trasgrede las normas sociales establecidas, a trav\u00e9s de comportamientos fraudulentos o ilegales, a pesas de que conoce bien el sentido moral y legal de sus acciones pero no las pone en pr\u00e1ctica?", "output": [ "In what disorder does the individual transgress the established social norms, through fraudulent or illegal behaviors, to the weight of knowing well the moral and legal sense of his actions but not putting them into practice ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2ed20e19c6204c6eb9bd9b7ace8f3e71", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 trastorno de personalidad puede el individuo tener sospechas infundadas y recurrentes sobre la fidelidad de la pareja, as\u00ed como tener dudas de la lealtad u honradez de los amigos o conocidos?", "output": [ "In which personality disorder can the individual have unfounded and recurrent suspicions about the fidelity of the couple, as well as having doubts about the loyalty or honesty of the friends or acquaintances ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2b0c6f36f6974500a7ee72dd4e79a429", "input": "Los s\u00edntomas de somnolencia diurna excesiva, cataplexia, par\u00e1lisis del sue\u00f1o y alucinaciones hipnag\u00f3gicas describen", "output": [ "The symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations describe" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e8fc66579b1247ca9a63e96a525c7d07", "input": "La interrupci\u00f3n del flujo a\u00e9reo nasobucal acompa\u00f1ado por esfuerzos respiratorios musculares que no son suficientes para abrir las v\u00edas a\u00e9reas superiores, constituye", "output": [ "The interruption of the naso-oral airflow accompanied by muscular respiratory efforts that are not sufficient to open the upper airways, constitutes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1c8a1034652443f7bead30aaf8616926", "input": "La caracter\u00edstica central de los trastornos f\u00f3bicos es", "output": [ "The central feature of phobic disorders is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e0911036efac442c8020dde140178d90", "input": "Un patr\u00f3n general de d\u00e9ficit sociales e interpersonales asociados a malestar agudo y una capacidad reducida para las relaciones personales, as\u00ed como distorsiones cognoscitivas o perceptivas y excentricidades del comportamiento, que comienzan al principio de la edad adulta, hace referencia a un trastorno de la personalidad", "output": [ "A general pattern of social and interpersonal deficits associated with acute distress and a reduced capacity for personal relationships, as well as cognitive or perceptual distortions and behavioral eccentricities, beginning at the beginning of adulthood, refers to a personality disorder" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3b2f25a324014a71bfa7450b410c9634", "input": "El trastorno de ansiedad que seg\u00fan los estudios con gemelos monocig\u00f3ticos y dicig\u00f3ticos parece menos influenciado por factores gen\u00e9ticos es", "output": [ "The anxiety disorder that according to studies with monozygotic and dizygotic twins seems less influenced by genetic factors is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-40d208d5ea404d62af4932e23cc23f1c", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las manifestaciones o subtipos cl\u00ednicos es m\u00e1s frecuente en el caso de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo", "output": [ "Indicate which of the manifestations or clinical subtypes is more frequent in the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6f670f40ab32482f83d673c52642d9e0", "input": "En el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo las compulsiones", "output": [ "In obsessive-compulsive disorder the compulsions" ] }, { "id": "task1433-506a7f30dea44e02a7ac19e7bad96899", "input": "La fobia social es un problema", "output": [ "Social phobia is a problem" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a84c1908c331465c80b95128497b4129", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de los siguientes es m\u00e1s claramente un s\u00edntoma positivo de la esquizofrenia", "output": [ "Point out which of the following is more clearly a positive symptom of schizophrenia" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e81f8a0d9317482287fabbdf04a8eae6", "input": "La epidemiolog\u00eda de la esquizofrenia refleja que", "output": [ "The epidemiology of schizophrenia reflects that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-73deb3c1084c4ef98c74d6d37ea420ff", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la caracter\u00edstica diagn\u00f3stica principal de un Trastorno Bipolar I?", "output": [ "What is the main diagnostic characteristic of a Bipolar I Disorder ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9975a199e5554b88ba9bfaea95ab6b13", "input": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo se operativiza la recuperaci\u00f3n de la depresi\u00f3n? (p. ej., Thase, 2003; APA, 2000)", "output": [ "How is the recovery of depression operationalized? (eg, Thase, 2003, APA, 2000)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3c8af9e3eeb142a5bd5ca66742fca324", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta respecto a la epidemiolog\u00eda de los trastornos del estado de \u00e1nimo?", "output": [ "Which of the following statements is correct regarding the epidemiology of mood disorders ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-1b561b11ef6c4736878131d239c4c310", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el factor, entre los siguientes, que ha mostrado una mayor capacidad de predecir un trastorno bipolar?", "output": [ "What is the factor, among the following, that has shown a greater ability to predict a bipolar disorder ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0d1e4dab0a934b5ab2f47a8b413f1d14", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la definici\u00f3n de un ciclador r\u00e1pido?", "output": [ "What is the definition of a fast cycler ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-52a1721311514dbdbec4b62a1b0f5f5f", "input": "El concepto de esquema latente en la teor\u00eda cognitiva de la depresi\u00f3n de Aaron Beck significa que son esquemas cognitivos", "output": [ "The concept of latent scheme in the cognitive theory of depression by Aaron Beck means that they are cognitive schemes" ] }, { "id": "task1433-230d5013534d46f4a8439a1a04144f70", "input": "El estado de adaptaci\u00f3n caracterizado por la diminuci\u00f3n de la respuesta a la misma cantidad de droga o por la necesidad de una dosis mayor para provocar el mismo grado de efecto farmacol\u00f3gico, define", "output": [ "The state of adaptation characterized by the diminution of the response to the same amount of drug or the need for a higher dose to cause the same degree of pharmacological effect, defines" ] }, { "id": "task1433-59b0ea961b334195b1598f384edf149a", "input": "Seg\u00fan los estudios de resultado, cuando se est\u00e1 aplicando la t\u00e9cnica de Exposici\u00f3n hay que tener en cuenta que le exposici\u00f3n masiva y prolongada produce", "output": [ "According to the results studies, when the Exposure technique is being applied, it must be taken into account that massive and prolonged exposure produces" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6ae0352fb60641a586863a5275d62194", "input": "Uno de los conceptos principales de la Terapia de Aceptaci\u00f3n y Compromiso es", "output": [ "One of the main concepts of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6921cc3787e44ceab439f32c64d0362c", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el objetivo terap\u00e9utico de la Sensibilizaci\u00f3n Encubierta?", "output": [ "What is the therapeutic objective of Covert Sensitization ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-eb526155213c4bab806aa0928a5d6eaf", "input": "En la Terapia Cognitiva de Beck los pensamientos autom\u00e1ticos son considerados", "output": [ "In Beck Cognitive Therapy, automatic thoughts are considered" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4f7991fce7b745dea52686b01318fb0b", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes procesos ser\u00eda responsable de los resultados que se alcanzan mediante la meditaci\u00f3n por mindfulness?", "output": [ "Which of the following processes would be responsible for the results that are achieved through mindfulness meditation ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3cc3125f27dd4406bce82f400c5250c2", "input": "Entre las t\u00e9cnicas m\u00e1s utilizadas en la Terapia Cognitiva de Beck para identificar o detectar esquemas cognitivos se encuentra", "output": [ "Among the techniques most used in Beck's Cognitive Therapy to identify or detect cognitive schemes is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a0dba7b53c64b2d8392af4ef9ca6913", "input": "Seg\u00fan Kazdin, \u00bfc\u00f3mo se denomina al incremento significativo de la intensidad o de la frecuencia de una conducta cuando se comienza a aplicar un programa de extinci\u00f3n a dicha conducta?", "output": [ "According to Kazdin, what is the meaning of the significant increase in the intensity or frequency of a behavior when an extinction program is applied to said behavior ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-08e1e82c8c464703b79ea5db11f082cc", "input": "En sus or\u00edgenes, la t\u00e9cnica de Desensibilizaci\u00f3n Sistem\u00e1tica fue explicada a partir de", "output": [ "In its origins, the technique of Systematic Desensitization was explained from" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a3e4b5390104bd3918ab0358ecb5175", "input": "Los modelos human\u00edstico existenciales y fenomenol\u00f3gicos se caracterizan por", "output": [ "Humanistic existential and phenomenological models are characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-58aa859138d34ef7962af09aec63cc16", "input": "La estrategia de investigaci\u00f3n en psicoterapia consistente en comparar todos los componentes de un tratamiento con otro en el que se elimina uno de los componentes de dicho tratamiento, se conoce como", "output": [ "The research strategy in psychotherapy consisting of comparing all the components of one treatment with another in which one of the components of said treatment is eliminated, is known as" ] }, { "id": "task1433-821ed4f62c80495abd1ce602c5796357", "input": "En los estudios que emplean el metaan\u00e1lisis para la revisi\u00f3n sistem\u00e1tica de los resultados de las psicoterapias \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la variable dependiente m\u00e1s utilizada? ", "output": [ "In studies that use meta-analysis for the systematic review of the results of psychotherapies, which is the most used dependent variable? " ] }, { "id": "task1433-6ace404fca324c62b823f8306a2d3265", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la afirmaci\u00f3n correcta sobre las intervenciones parad\u00f3jicas?", "output": [ "What is the correct statement about paradoxical interventions ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-09e657ebb9a24674b5167768baa83ae6", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el enfoque que propone el modelo de relaci\u00f3n entre terapeuta y cliente como de experto a experto?", "output": [ "What is the approach proposed by the relationship model between therapist and client as expert to expert ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-fdc1675636c04c05a4785f0eaa244440", "input": "En el contexto del an\u00e1lisis de los factores que influyen en el resultado de la psicoterapia, se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de los siguientes puede considerarse un factor (t\u00e9cnica) espec\u00edfica (versus otro tipo de factores, como p. ej., cambio extraterap\u00e9utico, factores comunes)", "output": [ "In the context of the analysis of the factors that influence the outcome of psychotherapy, state which of the following can be considered a specific (technical) factor (versus other types of factors, such as, for example, extra-therapeutic change, common factors)" ] }, { "id": "task1433-cb097cd3a9bd4765855b6e5ef73f1d01", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el enfoque que estudia el autoconcepto a trav\u00e9s de las polaridades?", "output": [ "What is the approach that studies self-concept through polarities ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-e404d9e04fb847c68aa9496fcd552434", "input": "Uno de los componente b\u00e1sicos que suelen incluir todos los programas de Entrenamiento en Habilidades Sociales es", "output": [ "One of the basic components that usually include all Social Skills Training programs is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4df310cb34824f75bcc947b3a1fb68a8", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones, respecto de los terrores nocturnos en la infancia, es correcta", "output": [ "Point out which of the following statements, regarding night terrors in childhood, is correct" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3c599630fa84824a359b2800d65445e", "input": "Se\u00f1ale cu\u00e1l de las siguientes afirmaciones es correcta respecto a la depresi\u00f3n", "output": [ "Indicate which of the following statements is correct regarding depression" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c3a72ce36e0249849d68dce0b2b46021", "input": "El trastorno caracterizado por un patr\u00f3n comportamental que viola los derechos b\u00e1sicos de los dem\u00e1s o las principales normas o reglas sociales propias de la edad del sujeto se denomina", "output": [ "The disorder characterized by a behavioral pattern that violates the basic rights of others or the main rules or social rules of the subject's age is called" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5ee99378de354ac392f094efcd362210", "input": "\u00bfCon cu\u00e1l de los siguientes trastornos presenta una mayor comorbilidad la enuresis nocturna?", "output": [ "With which of the following disorders does nocturnal enuresis have a higher comorbidity ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4de145a777d84906908754a21e252153", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 parasomnia es m\u00e1s frecuente en la infancia?", "output": [ "What parasomnia is most common in childhood ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-3cfdfe005d4a4d04b0750ef29ab6f02b", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 fase o fases del sue\u00f1o se producen los terrores nocturnos?", "output": [ "In what phase or phases of the dream are the night terrors ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-0cda6a7bf868406e821fcb2daf979088", "input": "La encopresis retentiva se caracteriza por", "output": [ "Retentive encopresis is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc3266f43b274ef78f2a8fd4fcd74df6", "input": "Se\u00f1ala cu\u00e1l de las siguientes es una caracter\u00edstica de las fobias infantiles", "output": [ "Point out which of the following is a characteristic of childhood phobias" ] }, { "id": "task1433-a6d199ef09c3422b98ce29a9397afd07", "input": "La hipopotasemia es un s\u00edntoma fisiol\u00f3gico que t\u00edpicamente puede presentarse", "output": [ "Hypokalemia is a physiological symptom that can typically occur" ] }, { "id": "task1433-dc029efaa5474be2b2c9fc54038afc3b", "input": "El trastorno desintegrativo infantil se caracteriza por", "output": [ "Childhood disintegrative disorder is characterized by" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9a6286f853d74cf79a160587a322d377", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el objetivo fundamental de la terapia cognitiva para las alucinaciones auditivas en la esquizofrenia?", "output": [ "What is the fundamental goal of cognitive therapy for auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-ddbcd2e7286d475283578f848cb23eaa", "input": "El uso de la psicoeducaci\u00f3n en la esquizofrenia actualmente adopta un criterio prot\u00e9sico en lugar de emitir juicios de inhabilitaci\u00f3n \u00bfQu\u00e9 meta debe fijarse la psicoeducaci\u00f3n para seguir este principio?", "output": [ "The use of psychoeducation in schizophrenia now adopts a prosthetic criterion instead of issuing disqualification judgments. What goal should psychoeducation be set to follow this principle ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-721973bce48b471eab5fe8fc3b0fea5e", "input": "Los pacientes con esquizofrenia suelen presentar el llamado desequilibrio interactivo que se expresa en la conversaci\u00f3n con una latencia de respuesta exagerada, habla m\u00ednima o falta de participaci\u00f3n en la misma \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el m\u00e9todo m\u00e1s indicado para evaluar al paciente y decidir si es conveniente realizar un entrenamiento en habilidades sociales?", "output": [ "Patients with schizophrenia usually present the so-called interactive imbalance that is expressed in the conversation with an exaggerated response latency, minimal speech or lack of participation in it. What is the most appropriate method to evaluate the patient and decide if it is convenient to perform a Social skills training ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-4e3459f80b324a289b2183ff7a3c6e5f", "input": "La terapia de focalizaci\u00f3n para las alucinaciones auditvas de Betall, Haddock y Slade (1994) utiliza diferentes estrategias terap\u00e9uticas \u00bfCu\u00e1l de las siguientes opciones NO se contempla en el modelo de la terapia de focalizaci\u00f3n?", "output": [ "The focus therapy for auditory hallucinations of Betall, Haddock and Slade (1994) uses different therapeutic strategies. Which of the following options is NOT considered in the targeting therapy model ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-46a4b5de158349f884dc7ea7cd114d86", "input": "La evaluaci\u00f3n de la emoci\u00f3n expresada resulta \u00fatil en el contexto del tratamiento psicol\u00f3gico de la esquizofrenia. Pero \u00bfde qu\u00e9 esfera forma parte habitualmente la evaluaci\u00f3n de la emoci\u00f3n expresada?", "output": [ "The evaluation of the emotion expressed is useful in the context of the psychological treatment of schizophrenia. But from what sphere is the evaluation of the expressed emotion usually part ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7fab8fb62ffb4f0fa8866da30d001b7b", "input": "La terapia psicol\u00f3gica integral (IPT) de Brenner y colaboradores (1992) est\u00e1 formada por diferentes subprogramas \u00bfCu\u00e1l de estos subprogramas NO pertenece a dicha terapia?", "output": [ "The integral psychological therapy (IPT) of Brenner et al. (1992) consists of different subprograms. Which of these subprograms does NOT belong to such therapy ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-454b3d0ff1574fdfaff404779c5121a8", "input": "Una de las aportaciones m\u00e1s importantes e innovadores de la terapia dial\u00e9ctica comportamental en el tratamiento del trastorno de la personalidad l\u00edmite (TPL) es", "output": [ "One of the most important and innovative contributions of behavioral dialectic therapy in the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-436bc10125624a569187ecb7746c6dc6", "input": "El modelo terap\u00e9utico que introduce el entrenamiento en mindfulness como parte de las estrategias terap\u00e9uticas a utilizar para los trastornos de la personalidad es", "output": [ "The therapeutic model that introduces mindfulness training as part of the therapeutic strategies to be used for personality disorders is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-2716da90a37e48c3b78181883cb0d2f8", "input": "La Terapia Interpersonal Reconstructiva de Benjamin incluye como uno de los aspectos m\u00e1s relevantes en el tratamiento de los trastornos de la personalidad", "output": [ "Benjamin's Reconstructive Interpersonal Therapy includes as one of the most relevant aspects in the treatment of personality disorders" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7bb0e9c5c1f64b63b12da9cde64832e4", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta respecto al tratamiento del trastorno esquizot\u00edpico de la personalidad", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer regarding the treatment of schizotypal personality disorder" ] }, { "id": "task1433-05574d01e58e4de6b17d773bd7e20321", "input": "Junto a la Terapia Cognitiva Conductual \u00bfqu\u00e9 otra aproximaci\u00f3n terap\u00e9utica ha mostrado consistentemente ser un tratamiento eficaz para la bulimia nerviosa?", "output": [ "Along with Behavioral Cognitive Therapy, what other therapeutic approach has consistently shown to be an effective treatment for bulimia nervosa ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39c5c0c409194b07b0110fed510b9190", "input": "Respecto de la Anorexia Nerviosa cabe afirmar que", "output": [ "Regarding Nervous Anorexia, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-57b88a89b906421ebdbe9778e0fe8c4a", "input": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 consiste el programa cognitivoeducativo de Barsky y colaboradores para el tratamiento de la hipocondr\u00eda?", "output": [ "What is the cognitive-educational program of Barsky and collaborators for the treatment of hypochondria ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-9d75e822002841218a11f92da1d21ab3", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 procedimiento forma parte del programa de intervenci\u00f3n cognitivo-conductual para la hipocondr\u00eda propuesto por Warwick y Salkovskis?", "output": [ "What procedure is part of the cognitive-behavioral intervention program for hypochondria proposed by Warwick and Salkovskis ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a4e638fa7c84d16b69d004541886507", "input": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 procedimiento NO forma parte del programa de intervenci\u00f3n cognitivo-conductual para el trastorno dism\u00f3rfico corporal de Rosen y colaboradores?", "output": [ "Which procedure is NOT part of the cognitive-behavioral intervention program for body dysmorphic disorder of Rosen et al ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-910a4ef06a0749de82b96dc07186e1b4", "input": "\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 autores es el modelo de prevenci\u00f3n de reca\u00eddas m\u00e1s conocido y con buen apoyo emp\u00edrico en el alcoholismo?", "output": [ "Which authors is the most well-known relapse prevention model with good empirical support in alcoholism ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-f34080ff013f4c25b2b1961e0abbde12", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes aspectos formales del estilo terap\u00e9utico forman parte de la entrevista motivacional?", "output": [ "Which of the following formal aspects of the therapeutic style are part of the motivational interview ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-c81060bfbc094778842bfcc5a052cbbd", "input": "La Terapia de Soluci\u00f3n de Problemas para la depresi\u00f3n incluye dentro de sus propuestas", "output": [ "The Problem Solving Therapy for depression includes within its proposals" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6deeb97f8c284c65bc003103f368a894", "input": "Con respecto a los tratamientos psicol\u00f3gicos efectivos para la depresi\u00f3n, se puede afirmar que", "output": [ "With respect to effective psychological treatments for depression, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a4a62f05dca4eb2aea3833fb989a24c", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta con respecto a la terapia para la depresi\u00f3n de Rehm", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer regarding therapy for Rehm's depression" ] }, { "id": "task1433-66d1f3e7df534761bcd44b33475577f7", "input": "Con respecto al tratamiento de la depresi\u00f3n y, en concreto, a la eficacia comparada entre los tratamientos psicol\u00f3gicos (en especial, la terapia cognitivo-conductual) y los tratamientos farmacol\u00f3gicos se puede afirmar que, en general", "output": [ "With respect to the treatment of depression and, in particular, the comparative efficacy between psychological treatments (especially cognitive-behavioral therapy) and pharmacological treatments, it can be stated that, in general" ] }, { "id": "task1433-8a6ecd10198d47beaee7550177c1fad1", "input": "Con respecto al tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico para la depresi\u00f3n se puede afirmar que", "output": [ "With respect to the pharmacological treatment for depression, it can be stated that" ] }, { "id": "task1433-aa0cee40860a4b2ba1225a20debbee8e", "input": "Sobre la intervenci\u00f3n en la creencias subyacentes (o asunciones b\u00e1sicas o actitudes disfuncionales) de los pacientes con depresi\u00f3n, se\u00f1ale la OPCI\u00d3N FALSA", "output": [ "On the intervention in the underlying beliefs (or basic assumptions or dysfunctional attitudes) of patients with depression, point out the FALSE OPTION" ] }, { "id": "task1433-985c3c36e3844e3cafadae8cb2b62e82", "input": "Se\u00f1ale la respuesta correcta. Las sales de litio se utilizan para tratar", "output": [ "Point out the correct answer. Lithium salts are used to treat" ] }, { "id": "task1433-b6baaa9a34594b9d96a3aaba1af2b58d", "input": "Cu\u00e1l de los siguientes f\u00e1rmacos NO se utiliza para el tratamiento de los s\u00edntomas psic\u00f3ticos de la esquizofrenia", "output": [ "Which of the following drugs is NOT used for the treatment of psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia" ] }, { "id": "task1433-875d29eb5c9242d487a42eb447d48415", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de los siguientes criterios es un predictor de \u00e9xito a largo plazo en la terapia de exposici\u00f3n a los trastornos f\u00f3bicos?", "output": [ "Which of the following criteria is a predictor of long-term success in exposure therapy to phobic disorders ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-bd9280a22578496684e7b4b256e0a3eb", "input": "En el entrenamiento en HHSS aplicado a la fobia social se utiliza el modelado para el aprendizaje de determinadas destrezas. El modelo elegido debe ser", "output": [ "In the training in HHSS applied to social phobia, modeling is used for the learning of certain skills. The chosen model must be" ] }, { "id": "task1433-6aaf1ae52c3c4563baea09bd681e5f38", "input": "\u00bfA cu\u00e1l de las siguientes variables se han asociado los mejores resultados terap\u00e9uticos en la Fobia Social?", "output": [ "To which of the following variables have the best therapeutic results been associated in Social Phobia ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7cf86559dd6041c08e6b21bbac2aa49e", "input": "\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 objetivo proponen Foa y Rothbaum (1998) la Narrativa Reformulada del Trauma en su propuesta de intervenci\u00f3n en el TEPT?", "output": [ "For what purpose do Foa and Rothbaum (1998) propose the Reformulated Narrative of Trauma in its proposed intervention in PTSD ?" ] }, { "id": "task1433-7b6f96a853e545c08dcaf5c00856263b", "input": "Las t\u00e9cnicas cognitivas no parecen potenciar el efecto de la exposici\u00f3n en vivo en la mayor\u00eda de las fobias espec\u00edficas, con la posible excepci\u00f3n de", "output": [ "Cognitive techniques do not seem to enhance the effect of exposure in vivo in most specific phobias, with the possible exception of" ] }, { "id": "task1433-5a36f9367ecb43438c99c3898e576f4a", "input": "La principal utilidad de los experimentos conductuales en el tratamiento del trastorno de p\u00e1nico es", "output": [ "The main utility of behavioral experiments in the treatment of panic disorder is" ] }, { "id": "task1433-39093ca44911422097817fb665ea7518", "input": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l de estos componentes no es frecuente en las terapias cognitivo-conductuales para el trastorno de p\u00e1nico?", "output": [ "Which of these components is not common in cognitive-behavioral therapies for panic disorder ?" ] } ], "Instance License": [ "MIT" ] }