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@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ The Dataset associated with the Paper "Meta Learning Text-to-Speech Synthesis in
  We generate 2000 spoken utterances per language using the subsets of the eBible dataset [1] that are under free licenses as the text input to the MMS TTS models [2].
  [1] V. Akerman, D. Baines, D. Daspit, U. Hermjakob et al., “The eBible Corpus: Data and Model Benchmarks for Bible Translation for Low-Resource Languages,” arXiv:2304.09919, 2023.\
  We generate 2000 spoken utterances per language using the subsets of the eBible dataset [1] that are under free licenses as the text input to the MMS TTS models [2].
+ The languages associated with the following ISO-639-3 codes are represented in this dataset:
+ ```acf, bss, deu, inb, nca, quh, wap, acr, bus, dgr, ind, maz, nch, qul, tav, wmw, acu, byr, dik, iou, mbb, ncj, qvc, tbc, xed, agd, bzh, djk, ipi, mbc, ncl, qve, tbg, xon, agg, bzj, dop, jac, mbh, ncu, qvh, tbl, xtd, agn, caa, jic, mbj, ndj, qvm, tbz, xtm, agr, cab, emp, jiv, mbt, nfa, qvn, tca, yaa, agu, cap, eng, jvn, mca, ngp, qvs, tcs, yad, aia, car, ese, mcb, ngu, qvw, yal, cax, kaq, mcd, nhe, qvz, tee, ycn, ake, cbc, far, mco, qwh, yka, alp, cbi, fra, kdc, mcp, nhu, qxh, ame, cbr, gai, kde, mcq, nhw, qxn, tew, yre, amf, cbs, gam, kdl, mdy, nhy, qxo, tfr, yva, amk, cbt, geb, kek, med, nin, rai, zaa, apb, cbu, glk, ken, mee, nko, rgu, zab, apr, cbv, meq, nld, tgo, zac, arl, cco, gng, kje, met, nlg, rop, tgp, zad, grc, klv, mgh, nnq, rro, zai, ata, cek, gub, kmu, mib, noa, ruf, tna, zam, atb, cgc, guh, kne, mie, not, rug, tnk, zao, atg, chf, knf, mih, npl, rus, tnn, zar, awb, chz, gum, knj, mil, sab, tnp, zas, cjo, guo, ksr, mio, obo, seh, toc, zav, azg, cle, gux, kue, mit, omw, sey, tos, zaw, azz, cme, gvc, kvn, miz, ood, sgb, tpi, zca, bao, cni, gwi, kwd, mkl, shp, tpt, zga, bba, cnl, gym, kwf, mkn, ote, sja, trc, ziw, bbb, cnt, gyr, kwi, mop, otq, snn, ttc, zlm, cof, hat, kyc, mox, pab, snp, tte, zos, bgt, con, kyf, mpm, pad, som, tue, zpc, bjr, cot, heb, kyg, mpp, soy, tuf, zpl, bjv, cpa, kyq, mpx, pao, spa, tuo, zpm, bjz, cpb, hlt, kyz, mqb, pib, spp, tur, zpo, bkd, cpu, hns, lac, mqj, pir, spy, txq, zpu, blz, crn, hto, lat, msy, pjt, sri, txu, zpz, bmr, cso, hub, lex, mto, pls, srm, udu, ztq, bmu, ctu, lgl, muy, poi, srn, ukr, zty, bnp, cuc, lid, mxb, pol, stp, upv, zyp, boa, cui, huu, mxq, por, sus, ura, boj, cuk, huv, llg, mxt, poy, suz, urb, box, cwe, hvn, prf, swe, urt, bpr, cya, ign, lww, myk, ptu, swh, usp, bps, daa, ikk, maj, myy, sxb, vid, bqc, dah, nab, qub, tac, vie, bqp, ded, imo, maq, nas, quf, taj, vmy```
  [1] V. Akerman, D. Baines, D. Daspit, U. Hermjakob et al., “The eBible Corpus: Data and Model Benchmarks for Bible Translation for Low-Resource Languages,” arXiv:2304.09919, 2023.\