8 values
question: Closer cooperation can be of great benefit here. --> French. answer: Nous aurions tout à gagner d'un renforcement de la coopération. question: Amendment 102 Jacek Protasiewicz Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 Motion for a resolution 4. Welcomes the Lisbon treaty and the fact that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is made legally binding; this includes the right of trade unions to negotiate and conclude collective agreements at the appropriate levels and, in cases of conflicts of interest, to take collective action to defend their interests including strike action; Amendment 4. --> French. answer: Amendement 4 bis. regrette que la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne ne modifie pas la hiérarchie des normes établie dans l'arrêt Laval qui souligne la primauté des libertés fondamentales inhérentes au marché intérieure sur le droit de recourir à des actions collectives; déplore, dans ce contexte, que les "explications relatives à la Charte des droits fondamentaux" fassent, pour l'article 52, observer que "des restrictions peuvent être apportées à l'exercice des droits fondamentaux, notamment dans le cadre d'une organisation commune de marché"; Or. en question: Damage to the aircraft included both an Aim-7 and an Aim-9 missile mounted on the aircraft’s right wing stations. --> French. answer: Les dommages à l’aéronef inclurent un missile Aim-7 et un Aim-9 arrimés sur les points d’accrochage de l’aile droite. question: The height of the lower edge of the side windows shall be kept as low as possible and the height of the upper edge of the side and rear windows shall be kept as high as possible. --> French. answer: La hauteur du bord inférieur des vitres latérales doit être aussi bas que possible, et la hauteur du bord supérieur des vitres latérales et arrière doit être aussi haut que possible.
How to send SMTP emails with PHP without using a third class I've been using PHPMailer to send SMTP emails, and also have heard some recommend various other 3rd party classes. I've always been a surprised and a little disappointed that this functionality is not native in PHP. Do I still need to use a 3rd party Send an email OAUTH2 SMTP Outlook Java I am using the scopes: mail.send, mail.readwrite,, offline_access, openid, email, and profile (although I am fairly confident I do not need all of these -> goal is to read inbox and send emails, while also getting email and name if they exi C # Send an e-mail using the SMTP e-mail I'm rather new to SMTP and IIS settings but according to the documentation on I've read the web this should be working. What I'm trying to achieve: To send an email from the server to a users email using an existing SMTP Relay Server. What I have don The text file attached to the email sent with Python is empty I'm creating a program that creates a text file, then sends an email with the text file as an attachment. Right now, when I create the text file, it works perfectly, and the text file contains everything I need. However, when I send the email, the at PHPMailer does not send it with the correct address 'from' I'm using PHPMailer linked to my gmail account. I've required the autoloader, created a function to handle sending mail, then fire the function to test. It all looks like this: require "PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php"; function sendMail($to, $s Exim script before the queue I need to open exim relay to a list of ips in a mysql database. I think if I can run a script before a email is queued, I can do that. Is there a way? Mail Enable for windows has a similar solution called "SMTP Inbound Command Scripting". # conf How can I send an email with a layout I am using grails mail plugin. When I submit my form, it will send an email from [email protected] to textField name="email successfully but how can I send an email with a layout...not blank like this picture Send an email Delphi XE5 i'm trying to send email from Delphi XE5 (android) with Indy components: In form i have a TIdSMTP and a TIDMessage. When the form is created: testform:=Ttestform.create(self);; the application halt's and i dont know what is wrong... i s SMTP 450 when sending mail with Net :: SMTP SO. I'm failing at sending mail from my Perl script. This is what my code looks like: use Net::SMTP; $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(""); $smtp->mail("myemail\"); $smtp->to("myemail\ Send emails using VB code Not sure if this question has been asked elsewhere... For a website project that I'm working on, I created an ASPX web form that will send an email containing the contents of the form on button click. I tried it and it worked when I'm using the Yahoo How to send emails from a spring app using gmail? I am working on a spring (annotation based) application. One of the page asks user to provide their contact details and message. Once this page is submitted, I want these details to be sent by email to my company ID. Can someone provide sample exampl Send an e-mail with CodeIgniter using 'mail' or 'sendmail' I built an intranet app that needs to send email (low volume). I will not be able to use the SMTP server of my organization, so I need to send these emails via sendmail or mail. However, when I config my email as: $config['protocol'] = 'sendmail'; I Is it wise to use SMTP.SendAsync in I'm writing a code that sends 2 codes to 2 different emails (to check that owner of both emails are the same person). And I got the error: System.InvalidOperationException: An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled .net process incoming email I need to receive email and parse and act on the contents programatically. I've done this before by setting up a postfix server and piping the incoming mail to a php script that handles this. That would be overkill though for a new project i'm workin How to send an HTML email from an website In my Website I create New users and what I have to do is send email to the user from the website with their Login details. I created a webservices to send email and it works fine. I want to add some HTML stylings to the Email I send to the u How to analyze email rejection notifications What options do I have to parse the e-mails that have bounced? I am receiving the bounce notification from e-mail servers but don't know what to do with it. Thanksthere is a bounce parsing library available for perl: How can I do a service that sends emails every 5 minutes? Hy, I have a c# program that sends emails with GMail SMTP server and I want to make a service or something running behind that sends this emails every 5 minutes. Does anyone have any idea how can I make this with c# and options that sprin Send emails via SMTP and test I've got a PHP app with an invitation system where users can invite other users to try the service. Internally we use google apps for our domain to send/receive emails ( 1) My question is, can I send emails from my server with the from Writing a Python Mail Server with Authentication I'm trying to write a simple mail server using Python. I found smtpd that can be used as a simple smtp server, but I don't think it supports any form of authentication. For pop or imap, I haven't found anything at all yet. I do know Twisted has some
Constant-frequency current slope control for single-phase switch-mode rectifiers without current sensors In this paper, we present a novel control scheme for single-phase boost-type switch-mode rectifiers (SMRs). Based on the input current slopes, which depend on the source voltage, output DC level and boost inductance, the duty ratios of the switches are determined to achieve a unity power factor. No current sensors are required. By utilizing the triangular PWM comparators, the proposed control scheme can be fulfilled with a constant switching frequency. This novel control method with low costs and simple circuitry can be applied to any boost-type SMR. Simulations and experiments are performed. The results show feasibility of the presented scheme.
{"added":"2019-04-15T13:07:28.704Z","created":"1998-08-31T00:00:00.000Z","id":"114323092","metadata":{"abstract":"In this paper, we present a novel control scheme for single-phase boost-type switch-mode rectifiers (SMRs). Based on the input current slopes, which depend on the source voltage, output DC level and boost inductance, the duty ratios of the switches are determined to achieve a unity power factor. No current sensors are required. By utilizing the triangular PWM comparators, the proposed control scheme can be fulfilled with a constant switching frequency. This novel control method with low costs and simple circuitry can be applied to any boost-type SMR. Simulations and experiments are performed. The results show feasibility of the presented scheme.","abstract_count":100,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.368173584766742,"extfieldsofstudy":["Engineering"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:3864973","s2fieldsofstudy":["Engineering"],"sha1":"54b3e1dbfc19fed2960aa832260277a6b02d56c3","sources":["IEEE","MAG","Unpaywall","ScienceParseMerged"],"title":"Constant-frequency current slope control for single-phase switch-mode rectifiers without current sensors","title_count":11,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-16.316394288522233,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":4,"token":"current"},{"count":4,"token":"control"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"are"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"single-phase"},{"count":2,"token":"switch-mode"},{"count":2,"token":"rectifiers"},{"count":2,"token":"sensors"},{"count":2,"token":"novel"},{"count":2,"token":"scheme"},{"count":2,"token":"boost-type"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"of"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"can"},{"count":2,"token":"be"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"Constant-frequency"},{"count":1,"token":"slope"},{"count":1,"token":"without"},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"paper,"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"present"},{"count":1,"token":"(SMRs)."},{"count":1,"token":"Based"},{"count":1,"token":"input"},{"count":1,"token":"slopes,"},{"count":1,"token":"which"},{"count":1,"token":"depend"},{"count":1,"token":"source"},{"count":1,"token":"voltage,"},{"count":1,"token":"output"},{"count":1,"token":"DC"},{"count":1,"token":"level"},{"count":1,"token":"boost"},{"count":1,"token":"inductance,"},{"count":1,"token":"duty"},{"count":1,"token":"ratios"},{"count":1,"token":"switches"},{"count":1,"token":"determined"},{"count":1,"token":"achieve"},{"count":1,"token":"unity"},{"count":1,"token":"power"},{"count":1,"token":"factor."},{"count":1,"token":"No"},{"count":1,"token":"required."},{"count":1,"token":"By"},{"count":1,"token":"utilizing"},{"count":1,"token":"triangular"},{"count":1,"token":"PWM"},{"count":1,"token":"comparators,"},{"count":1,"token":"proposed"},{"count":1,"token":"fulfilled"},{"count":1,"token":"constant"},{"count":1,"token":"switching"},{"count":1,"token":"frequency."},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"method"},{"count":1,"token":"low"},{"count":1,"token":"costs"},{"count":1,"token":"simple"},{"count":1,"token":"circuitry"},{"count":1,"token":"applied"},{"count":1,"token":"any"},{"count":1,"token":"SMR."},{"count":1,"token":"Simulations"},{"count":1,"token":"experiments"},{"count":1,"token":"performed."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"results"},{"count":1,"token":"show"},{"count":1,"token":"feasibility"},{"count":1,"token":"presented"},{"count":1,"token":"scheme."}],"year":1998},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Celebrating authentic Ghanaian art. The Accra Art Week is an annual weekly celebration of art and design in the city of Accra. Each year exhibitions, art tours, studio visits, workshops among other activities take place across the city. Accra Art Week • Brand Identity & Design • Brand Collateral & Marketing Materials The Challenge Our task was to redesign the AAW logo and rebrand the overall brand to appeal more to an international audience while maintaining a touch of African art.  AAW believed it would ensure a brand that is both original and still contemporary and widely appealing to a broad demographic (African and Non-African). The Solution In rebranding the entire AAW experience we embarked on a brand discovery journey to better understand the new experience, they envisioned and how we could connect the brand with their target audience without losing sight of their purpose which is to promote authentic art. A solid brand identity system was crafted using the most simplest of elements, lines, which is found in every discipline of art. From fine art to architecture. We tied it all together with a vibrant and compelling color palette that mirrors the essence of art.
Q: Translate "For hanging not knowing what is Popego, here's a review." to German? A: Für hängende nicht wissen, was Popego, hier ist eine Rezension. Q: Translate "In other words, tomorrow, we will be challenging the Council to give the green light, as the Commission and Parliament will already have done." to German? A: Das heißt, die Aufforderung von uns hier morgen geht an den Rat: Gebt auch grünes Licht, wie es die Kommission und das Parlament bereits getan haben! Q: Translate "This post is also open at certain hours to provide the services of a general practitioner and to obtain medical examinations." to German? A: Sie können sich an diese Station wenden, wenn Sie (dringend) Erste Hilfe benötigen. Zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten können Sie an dieser Station auch einen Hausarzt konsultieren und ein ärztliches Attest erhalten.
26 jun. 2015 Mis Subrayados: Deathbird stories por Harlan Ellison “To me God does not yet exist; but there is a creative force constantly struggling to evolve an executive organ of godlike knowledge and power: that is, to achieve omnipotence and omniscience; and every man and woman born is a fresh attempt to achieve this object.... “The current theory that God already exists in perfection involves the believe that God deliberately created something lower than Himself when He might just as easily have created something equally perfect. That is a horrible believe…  “When inward life dries up, when feeling decreases and apathy increases, when one cannot affect or even genuinely touch another person, violence flares up as a daimonic necessity for contact, a mad drive forcing touch in the most direct way possible.” --Rollo May, Love and Will  Worship in the temple of your soul, but know the names of those who control your destiny. For, as the God of Time so aptly put it, “It’s later than you think.” She pushed away from me, tossing her head so the auburn hair swirled away from her face. Her eyes were dry. Ghosts can do that. Cry without making tears. Tears are denied us. Other things; I won’t talk of them here. I sat down on the curb and thought about the years since I’d died. Years without much music. Light leached out. Wandering, Nothing to pace me but memories and the unicorn. How sad I was for him; assigned to me till I got my chance. And now it had come and I’d taken my best go, and failed. Lizette and I were the two sides of the same coin; devalued and impossible to spend. Legal tender of nations long since vanished, no longer even names on the cracked papyrus of cartographers’ maps. We had been snatched away from final rest, had been set adrift to roam for our crimes, and only once between death and eternity would we receive a chance. This night...this nothing special night...this was our chance. Oh, how I sorrow for anyone who has never seen the world-famous Saint Louis Cemetery in New Orleans. It is the perfect graveyard, the complete graveyard, the finest graveyard in the universe. (There is a perfection in some designs that informs the function totally. There are Danish chairs that could be nothing but chairs, are so totally and completely chair that if the world as we know it ended, and a billion years from now the New Orleans horsy cockroaches became the dominant species, and they dug down through the alluvial layers, and found one of those chairs, even if they themselves did not use chairs, were not constructed physically for the use of chairs, had never seen a chair, still they would know it for what it had been made to be: a chair. Because it would be the essence of chairness. And from it, they could reconstruct the human race in replica. That is the kind of graveyard one means when one refers to the world-famous Saint Louis Cemetery.) Lizette and I were two sides of the same coin, cast off after death for the opposite extremes of the same crime. She had never loved. I had loved too much. Overindulgence in something as delicate as love is to be found monstrously offensive in the eyes of the God of Love. And some of us--who have never understood the salvation in the Golden Mean--some of us are cast adrift with but one chance. It can happen.  “This is Heaven. But let me explain.” Griffin had not considered an interruption. He was silent and struck dumb.  Perhaps it was because Norman had never suffered from an excess of oily, curly hair that he had been unable to make it as a gigolo. Or as Norman had phrased it: “I can’t stand patent-leather on my hair or my feet.” So he had taken the easy way out: Norman Mogart had become a pimp. Er, let’s make the semantics more palatable. (In an era of garbage collectors who are Sanitation Disposal Engineers, truck drivers who are Transportation Facilitation Executives, and janitors who are Housing Maintenance Overseers, a spade is seldom a spade, Black Panthers please note.) Norman Mogart was an Entertainment Liaison Agent. Pfui. Norman was a pimp. Tears were impossible, yet tears were his heritage. Sorrow was beyond him, yet sorrow was his birthright. Anguish was denied him; even so, anguish was his stock in trade. For Trente, there was no unhappiness; nor was there joy, concern,discomfort, age, time, feeling. And this was as the Ethos had planned it. ..there are men whom one hates until a certain moment when one sees, through a chink in their armour, the writhing of something nailed down and in torment. No God is sane. How could it be? To be a Man is so much less taxing, and most men are mad. Consider the God. How much more deranged the Gods must be, merely to exist. There can be no doubt: consider the Universe and the patterns without reason upon which it is run. God is mad. The God of Music is mad. The Timegod is punctual, but he is mad. And the Machine God is mad. He has made the bomb and the pill and the missile and the acid and the electric chair and the laser and the embalming fluid and the thalidomide baby in his own image. For the lunatic Gods there are minuscule pleasures. The beloved of the Gods are the best, the most highly treasured, the most zealously guarded. God is brutal, God is mad, God is vengeful. But all Gods revere innocence. The Iamb, the child, the song. To steal these is to steal from the mad Gods.... But all Gods revere innocence. The Iamb, the child, the song. To steal these is to steal from the mad Gods.... “You know, you’re really ghoulish. I think you’re enjoying this in some sick way.” “What other way is there to enjoy it?” There was so much to talk about. So now they sat in the street cafe and he could not talk to her. He could not even look at her. He could not explain that he was a man trapped within himself. He knew she was aware of it, but like all women she needed him to come only far enough outside himself to let her share his fear. Just far enough that he could not make it. She needed him to verbalize it, to ask for it--if not help then--companionship through his country of mental terrors. But he could not give her what she wanted. He could not give her himself. He knew what he had to answer to please her, to win her, but he said, “I don’t know what that means.” He wanted to tell her his need was not a temporary thing, not a matter of good times only, of transitory bodies reaching and never quite finding one another. He wanted to tell her that he had lost all belief in his world, a world that seemed incapable of bringing to him any richness, any meaning, any vitality. But his words--if they came at all--he knew would come with ill-restrained fury, with anger and sharpness, insulting her, forcing her to walk away as she now walked away. They were an ancient people, with a heritage of enslavement, and so for them anguish had less meaning than the thinnest whisper of crimson cloud high above a desert planet of the farthest star in the sky. But they knew the uses to which anguish could be put, and for them there was no evil in doing so: for a people with a heritage of enslavement, evil is a concept of those who forged the shackles, not those who wore them. In the name of freedom, no monstrousness is too great. The War God grows fatter each year, gorged on blood. The Love God fornicates with himself, weakening his genes, rebirthing as a thalidomide monstrosity. Paingod does his work and doles out his anguish, paying no attention to the cries of those crushed beneath his millstones. But the Machine God... Was Adam being a gentleman when he placed blame on Eve? Who was Quisling? Discuss “narking” as a character flaw.
Kratos Distillery Vodka (Russia) History of Vodka The word 'vodka' has been known since the 17th century and is most likely a derivative of 'voda' (water). In the past, other names were also used for the drink: wine (bread wine), korchma or korchma wine, distilled wine, burning wine, burnt wine and bitter wine among others. It is thought that the drink itself, or rather its ancestor, a strong drink called aqua vitae (Latin for 'water of life'), was first brought to Russia by Genoese merchants on their way to Lithuania. They travelled via Moscow, where the foreign guests had an audience with Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, called Donskoy for his victory over the Mongol-Tartar army on the Kulikovo Field by the River Don. Flattered by the hospitality of the Moscow governor, they presented him with vessels with the above mentioned spirit. However, our ancestors were not much impressed with this distilled fermented grape juice. Mead and beer were more popular in Russia at the time. As early as the beginning of the 16th century 'burning wine' was brought not to Russia, but from it. It was the first experience of the Russian export of vodka that later would take over the whole world. It is worth mentioning that in the end of the 15th century the grand prince of Moscow and the Tsar of all Russia, Ivan the Third (who had an astute and strategic mind) introduced a state monopoly on the production and selling of vodka, as well as on all other alcoholic drinks. In 1533, the first "Tsar's kabak" was opened, a place where various alcoholic drinks, including vodka, could be bought and consumed. In the times of Ivan the Terrible kabaks were rather widely spread. These places were mostly frequented by the Tsar's guards, who had no qualms at parting with their money earned with no significant effort. Moscow kabaks were mentioned in the diaries and travel journals of foreigners who visited the Moscow lands during the second half of the 16th century, calling kabaks "Russian taverns". By the way, the word 'kabak' is not Slavic by origin. Its origin is not known; the only thing that linguists are sure about is that it was brought to Russia from somewhere in the East. In kabaks, people drank, fought, played dice, but, unfortunately, did not eat. The kabak business was very profitable for the state; this is why the Rurikoviches, Boris Godunov and the first Romanovs did not only keep the state monopoly, but made it more rigid. The 17th century was justly termed rebellious by the contemporaries since it was a series of revolts and all sorts of roguish activities. Alongside the 'copper', 'salt' and other revolts, there were also the 'kabak' revolts which were caused by the kabak supervisors and their assistants' abuse of their positions. Throughout Russian history, the manner of vodka production and sales has changed many times. The system of wine lease, the right to produce and sell vodka for a payment of a small percentage of income to the state, that made the leaseholders fabulously rich, was constantly being introduced and withdrawn. Peter the First combined leases with the state sale of vodka, trying to increase the income for the state to a maximum. During the reign of Peter the Great, the dynasties of Russian 'vodka kings' started. In 1716, the first Emperor of all Russia offered the aristocracy and the merchants the exclusive right to distil wine. In the middle of the 18th century, vodka was produced not only by state-owned distilleries, but also by land-owning aristocracy. Empress Catherine the Second, who favoured the nobility and granted it numerous privileges, made wine distillation the sole privilege of the aristocracy. The Empress's order of March 31, 1765 allowed only the nobility to distil wine and also freed them of all accompanying taxes. Rich merchants that made their fortunes at the time when anybody could produce vodka if he paid the 'wine distillation tax' tried to share in the ownership of distilleries with aristocrats or use their names in the documentation. However, the government saw to it that the privilege of the nobility was kept and mercilessly punished those who disobeyed, confiscating such distilleries. It is not surprising then that the largest part of vodka was produced in the estate of the nobility and the quality of the drink was unsurpassable. The producers attempted at high quality water cleaning and used natural proteins: milk and egg white. It is also interesting to note that home-made vodka, unlike that of the state distilleries, was mostly flavoured. During the process of making home-made vodka, the alcohol was distilled three times, water and various plant flavours were added, and then the vodka was distilled once more for the fourth time! According to contemporaries, the tables in the estates of the nobility bore decanters with drinks that today we cannot even imagine! Sophisticated gourmets considered it a point of honour to have all sorts of vodka with flavours whose names started with all letters of the Russian alphabet. With cherry and pear, blackberry and acorn, caraway seed and dill, bird cherry and sage what a number of berries, roots and tree seeds was used for flavouring the traditional Russian drink! And, almost every landowner had his own special sort of vodka! In the 19th century, beginning with the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian treasury got less, the rouble underwent inflation, and the government introduced a state monopoly on vodka in the largest part of the Russian empire, except for Siberia, where it was useless to control the leaseholders, anyway. It is quite characteristic that after the war with Napoleon was over, Russian vodka was highly appreciated in France and it was not considered to be just one more exotic drink, but something noble and pure, brought to the French by those who defeated Buonaparte. In Russia, the system of vodka production and sale kept changing. After the reforms, first, the excise system was introduced, then the ideas of the best way to sell bread wine were considered. Before 1885 vodka was sold only in buckets (12.3 litres); now bottles became more widespread. The invention of this vodka is connected with the name of the famous chemist D. I. Mendeleev. The scientist had been searching for the ideal volume and weight ratio of alcohol and water for a year and a half and after having solved the problem published his findings in his doctorate dissertation "On Combining Alcohol and Water". Mendeleev's conclusions were appreciated and successfully applied in alcoholometry and vodka production. In 1894-1896 the national standard for vodka was established and the state monopoly on vodka that gradually spread all over the country was introduced. The prohibition measures that were first introduced during the war with Japan of 1904-1905 are alone worth a separate detailed story. There was also the 'prohibition law' introduced by the government of the Russian Empire on August 2, 1914 and officially cancelled by the Soviet government only in 1925. It is notable that the above mentioned monopoly on vodka led to a certain decrease in the number of alcoholics (anumber that was quite scary in the beginning of the 20th century). To a great extent this decrease was influenced by the regulations for selling vodka - in many regions vodka could be sold only until 8 p.m. However, this limitation did not work in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In May 1985, the beginning of Gorbachev's era, the sadly remembered document "On the Improved Measures Against Drunkenness and Alcoholism" struck a heavy blow to the national liquor and vodka industry. Although after 5 years time the absurd decision was considered erroneous, Russia can still feel the damage today On June 7, 1992 the first Russian president, B. N. Yeltsin issued the Decree on the Abolition of the State Monopoly on Vodka. As a result, the country was flooded with low quality, very often fake, and therefore, hazardous product. The effect of this widespread fake vodka was so apparent, and the budget losses so noticeable, that in a year, on June 11, 1993, the new presidential decree was issued. This time it was called "On the Reestablishment of the State Monopoly on Production, Storage, Wholesale and Retail of Alcoholic Products".
1976 Scorecard Vote House Roll Call Vote 959 Issue: Transportation Transportation Appropriations, Fiscal 1977 (HR 14234). This vote is on the Yates amendment to prohibit the use of Federal Aviation Administration funds for air traffic control of British and French versions of the SST. Since the FAA is responsible for all civilian air traffic control in the United States, such a provision would effectively prevent the SST's from landing anywhere in the country. The United States has not yet set supersonic noise standards, but the European Concordes produce twice as much noise on takeoff as the loudest subsonic jets, and exceed the U.S. noise standards for subsonic aircraft. Environmentalists supported the Yates amendment because the aircraft in question would subject thousands of people living near airports to unacceptable noise levels, and consume 3-4 times as much fuel per seat mile as the largest commercial jet. June 28, 1976. Rejected 126-269. "YES" is the correct vote. is the pro-environment position Votes For: 126   Votes Against: 269   Not Voting: 36   Pro-environment vote Anti-environment vote Missed vote Not applicable Representative Party District Vote Bevill, TomDAL-04  Young, DonRAK-AL  Steiger, SamRAZ-03  Stark, PeteDCA-09  Fuqua, DonDFL-02  Frey, LouisRFL-09  Hyde, HenryRIL-06  Harkin, TomDIA-05  Skubitz, JoeRKS-05  Nolan, RickDMN-06  Lott, TrentRMS-05  Taylor, GeneRMO-07  Jarman, JohnROK-05  AuCoin, LesDOR-01  Yatron, GusDPA-06  Jones, EdDTN-07  Archer, BillRTX-07  Paul, RonRTX-22  Meeds, LloydDWA-02  Foley, TomDWA-05
Q: Translate "Expect beautiful views, Renaissance-style gardens and a range of on-site services." to German? Yes: Freuen Sie sich auf herrliche Ausblicke, einen Garten im Renaissance-Stil und vielfältige Annehmlichkeiten. Q: Translate "According to the World Economic Outlook published this month by the IMF, drastic reforms are necessary in the European Union in the fields of social security and labour market policy in order to be able to push down unemployment." to German? Yes: Laut dem diesen Monat erschienenen World Economic Outlook des IWF sind in der Europäischen Union weitreichende Reformen auf den Gebieten soziale Sicherheit und Arbeitsmarktpolitik erforderlich, um die Arbeitslosigkeit bekämpfen zu können. Q: Translate "Our responsibility is to prevent the haste and pressure of a few from destroying, against the grain of democracy, the magnificent edifice whose foundations were laid by the Treaty of Rome." to German? Yes: In unserer Verantwortung liegt es zu verhindern, dass durch die Eile und den Druck einiger weniger gegen die Herrschaft der Demokratie das wunderbare Gebäude zerstört wird, dessen Grundstein mit dem Vertrag von Rom gelegt wurde.
The function of the three phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase (Prs) genes in hyphal growth and conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans. Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase, which is encoded by the Prs gene, catalyses the reaction of ribose-5-phosphate and adenine ribonucleotide triphosphate (ATP) and has central importance in cellular metabolism. However, knowledge about how Prs family members function and contribute to total 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase activity is limited. In this study, we identified that the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans genome contains three PRPP synthase-homologous genes (AnprsA, AnprsB and AnprsC), among which AnprsB and AnprsC but not AnprsA are auxotrophic genes. Transcriptional expression profiles revealed that the mRNA levels of AnprsA, AnprsB and AnprsC are dynamic during germination, hyphal growth and sporulation and that they all showed abundant expression during the vigorous hyphal growth time point. Inhibiting the expression of AnprsB or AnprsC in conditional strains produced more effects on the total PRPP synthetase activity than did inhibiting AnprsA, thus indicating that different AnPrs proteins are unequal in their contributions to Prs enzyme activity. In addition, the constitutive overexpression of AnprsA or AnprsC could significantly rescue the defective phenotype of the AnprsB-absent strain, suggesting that the function of AnprsB is not a specific consequence of this auxotrophic gene but instead comes from the contribution of Prs proteins to PRPP synthetase activity.
{"added":"2018-04-03T01:54:35.611Z","created":"2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"20452666","metadata":{"abstract":"Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase, which is encoded by the Prs gene, catalyses the reaction of ribose-5-phosphate and adenine ribonucleotide triphosphate (ATP) and has central importance in cellular metabolism. However, knowledge about how Prs family members function and contribute to total 5-phosphoribosyl-\u03b1-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase activity is limited. In this study, we identified that the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans genome contains three PRPP synthase-homologous genes (AnprsA, AnprsB and AnprsC), among which AnprsB and AnprsC but not AnprsA are auxotrophic genes. Transcriptional expression profiles revealed that the mRNA levels of AnprsA, AnprsB and AnprsC are dynamic during germination, hyphal growth and sporulation and that they all showed abundant expression during the vigorous hyphal growth time point. Inhibiting the expression of AnprsB or AnprsC in conditional strains produced more effects on the total PRPP synthetase activity than did inhibiting AnprsA, thus indicating that different AnPrs proteins are unequal in their contributions to Prs enzyme activity. In addition, the constitutive overexpression of AnprsA or AnprsC could significantly rescue the defective phenotype of the AnprsB-absent strain, suggesting that the function of AnprsB is not a specific consequence of this auxotrophic gene but instead comes from the contribution of Prs proteins to PRPP synthetase activity.","abstract_count":197,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-16.557388028865102,"extfieldsofstudy":["Biology","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0005.json.gz:453991","s2fieldsofstudy":["Biology"],"sha1":"4837e47a973de471870a92e9a131af7fe912bffe","sources":["ScienceParseMerged","Unpaywall","Anansi","Medline","MAG"],"title":"The function of the three phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase (Prs) genes in hyphal growth and conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans.","title_count":18,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-16.845979195930123,"top_frequencies":[{"count":13,"token":"the"},{"count":9,"token":"of"},{"count":9,"token":"and"},{"count":5,"token":"in"},{"count":5,"token":"that"},{"count":5,"token":"AnprsB"},{"count":4,"token":"synthetase"},{"count":4,"token":"Prs"},{"count":4,"token":"AnprsC"},{"count":3,"token":"function"},{"count":3,"token":"hyphal"},{"count":3,"token":"growth"},{"count":3,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"PRPP"},{"count":3,"token":"are"},{"count":3,"token":"expression"},{"count":2,"token":"three"},{"count":2,"token":"pyrophosphate"},{"count":2,"token":"genes"},{"count":2,"token":"Aspergillus"},{"count":2,"token":"which"},{"count":2,"token":"total"},{"count":2,"token":"activity"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"this"},{"count":2,"token":"but"},{"count":2,"token":"not"},{"count":2,"token":"AnprsA"},{"count":2,"token":"auxotrophic"},{"count":2,"token":"AnprsA,"},{"count":2,"token":"during"},{"count":2,"token":"or"},{"count":2,"token":"proteins"},{"count":2,"token":"activity."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"phosphoribosyl"},{"count":1,"token":"(Prs)"},{"count":1,"token":"conidiation"},{"count":1,"token":"nidulans."},{"count":1,"token":"Phosphoribosyl"},{"count":1,"token":"synthetase,"},{"count":1,"token":"encoded"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"gene,"},{"count":1,"token":"catalyses"},{"count":1,"token":"reaction"},{"count":1,"token":"ribose-5-phosphate"},{"count":1,"token":"adenine"},{"count":1,"token":"ribonucleotide"},{"count":1,"token":"triphosphate"},{"count":1,"token":"(ATP)"},{"count":1,"token":"has"},{"count":1,"token":"central"},{"count":1,"token":"importance"},{"count":1,"token":"cellular"},{"count":1,"token":"metabolism."},{"count":1,"token":"However,"},{"count":1,"token":"knowledge"},{"count":1,"token":"about"},{"count":1,"token":"how"},{"count":1,"token":"family"},{"count":1,"token":"members"},{"count":1,"token":"contribute"},{"count":1,"token":"5-phosphoribosyl-\u03b1-1-pyrophosphate"},{"count":1,"token":"(PRPP)"},{"count":1,"token":"limited."},{"count":1,"token":"study,"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"identified"},{"count":1,"token":"filamentous"},{"count":1,"token":"fungus"},{"count":1,"token":"nidulans"},{"count":1,"token":"genome"},{"count":1,"token":"contains"},{"count":1,"token":"synthase-homologous"},{"count":1,"token":"(AnprsA,"},{"count":1,"token":"AnprsC),"},{"count":1,"token":"among"},{"count":1,"token":"genes."},{"count":1,"token":"Transcriptional"},{"count":1,"token":"profiles"},{"count":1,"token":"revealed"},{"count":1,"token":"mRNA"},{"count":1,"token":"levels"},{"count":1,"token":"dynamic"},{"count":1,"token":"germination,"},{"count":1,"token":"sporulation"},{"count":1,"token":"they"},{"count":1,"token":"all"},{"count":1,"token":"showed"},{"count":1,"token":"abundant"},{"count":1,"token":"vigorous"},{"count":1,"token":"time"},{"count":1,"token":"point."},{"count":1,"token":"Inhibiting"},{"count":1,"token":"conditional"},{"count":1,"token":"strains"},{"count":1,"token":"produced"},{"count":1,"token":"more"}],"year":2017},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
HORRIBLE experience. Took may 2009 Subaru STI which still smells new, and has only 8051 miles on it by the way, in to have it appraised and possibly sell. The car KBB books for $34,000. The little woman who was doing the appraisal was a TOTAL a-hole. From the minute she came up, after waiting almost an hour, she seemed to have a chip on her shoulder. She proceeded to tell me that the bumper had a tear in it, a 1 inch tiny crack is what it actually is, and we had one door repainted due to some jerkoff keying the car about a year back, and that the "whole side" of the car had been repainted. Now, this is a used car, so obviously it's not going to be 100% perfect, but it's pretty close. It has a clean history, no accidents, etc.....and the little troll had the audacity to say it probably has frame damage under her breath. Now again, this is an EIGHT THOUSAND MILE CAR! Then she proceeded to tell me they would give me $20,000 for the car, when it KBB's for $34,000. I understand they have to make money, but come on, this is a clear attempt to rip me off by lying about having to "wholesale" the car because it "doesn't fit what Carmax sees as a lot car". This is when I got up, politely said, we are done here and shook the salesman's hand. This little lady decided to effectively chase my friend and I to the door telling us that we don't know what we are talking about, and when my buddy informed her that we own a full service auto shop and know what frame damage is, her remark was...."you're a liar". Honestly, this woman is an idiot, and whoever hired this moron to appraise cars is an even BIGGER idiot, and on top of that, she was confrontational and verbally insulting. I will tell EVERYONE WITHIN EARSHOT of this experience and hope not a single person ever patronizes this business ever again. The single most unprofessional business experience of my 41 years. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? negative
Title: All looks, no substance. Review: To be honest, it didn't work with any of the gameboy color or advances we own. We were extremely disappointed. We attempted to charge each of the gameboys, they didn't work in the house or car. Is this product review negative? The answer is: Yes
Jump to content Islamic Forum Sign in to follow this   Al Furqaan A Historical Synopsis Of Terrorism. Recommended Posts First: A presentation of a historical synopsis of terrorism. A historical review is in place to show that terrorism is not confined to one particular place or time. This approach would clarify to every fair person that terrorism is not of an Islamic texture, for it creates a state of panic, havoc, appall, and a threat to the public. It goes deep into history. It was known to Jewish and Christian groups. The term "terrorist" was first used with reference to Robesier and his colleagues in the famous committee Called the, Appalling Court(#1). It seems that that adherents of Jacob Baradai used this term, positively, in their speech and writings about themselves. Recently, the term has been used arbitrarily with criminal implications. An act of terror that aims at terrorizing people is as old as history. Among the oldest examples known of any movement of terror is the movement of Psychariot - a highly organized religious sect,(#2) adopted non-traditional tactics to attack their enemies in daylight. They chose to carry their operations during holidays when people get crowded in the city of Jerusalem. It was not sufficient for them to kill honest people for they did not share their beliefs. But, they destroyed the palaces of the rules and burned public records and documents. They yearned to destroy the documents especially of those who used to borrow money to impede any reclaim of debt. The waves of assassination, conducted by the "zealous" gross enough to makes one's flesh shudder, for their victims were not only from the employees of the government, of regular occupations, but extended to reach the Jews. Acts of terror were tolerated and even blessed by the Christian elite monks. Mr. Ford speaks of an exciting story about the assassinations conducted under Christian auspice. He speaks of Ebios XI and Gregory XIII who almost created a catastrophe in the historical development of the relation between the Church and the premeditated political assassinations. The above has been a representation of two examples of terrorist groups - affiliated to both Judaism and Christianity. No historian has ever established on the acts of terror committed by Christians or Jews. As far as the history of Islam is concerned, there were terrorist groups that, at the nominal level, were affiliated to Islam, but, in reality they had deviated from the sound teachings of Islam and adopted a violent approach that was not Islamic in nature. The most famous among these groups was the "Karamitah" - followers of a man called "Kurmut". It happened that Kurmut sent Abdullah Ibn Maymoon to invite people in Iraq to convert to his destructive principles. To encourage people to come to his creed, he proclaimed that whoever follows him is released from all duties of worship to God. and made indulgence lawful for them. He ordered them not to perform the five daily prayers and not to fast the month of Ramadan. He taught them that they had to steal the wealth of their enemies and they could shed their blood as well. Then the Karametahs became a gang of thugs, and launched j aggression, committed rape, and allowed themselves to usurp the wealth of others. Thus, they created havoc, destruction, and ended up in Makkah where they broke into the holy shrine of the Muslims and pulled down its black cover; and pulled out the Black Stone from the corner of the Kabbah to I keep it in their possession for over 20 years. The Karameta is an example of a terrorist group that, nominally, belonged to Islam, violated all teachings and principles of Islam. The act of terror conducted by these groups should not be j taken as evidence to attest that Islam condones terrorism. If the historians did not establish a theory about the terror of Christianity or Judaism, inspite of the existence and activities of both Christians and Jews, then it should not be fair for any scholar to try to establish a theory on terrorism of Islam, and by the same token, try to label the religion of Islam with terrorism. Islam does not lend its lawful jurisprudence to terrorism as much as does not tolerate acts of terrorism. In fact, Islam resists terrorism and brands it unlawful. Besides, it has established lawful bounds for warfare. To elaborate on the fact that terrorism is not confined to one place or time, and is not related in any way to Islam, I quote Ibraheem Na'feh(#3), who has documented and verified all acts of terror that the world recently has witnessed. He says: "The extremists and those who deviated from the collective unanimous opinion have emerged from all fields of Europe. They started with groups of Black Magic, heresy and other things. The Black River kept flowing until, in the last century. Waves of anarchism and communism in politics appeared along similar waves of brutality in art and literature. In the 20th century, the fascist, the Nazi, the leftist and the religious terrorist movements occupied scenes of the present century." The "International Groups", the "Black Flag" the "Children of Nature" and the "Vanguard of Laborers", "What Might Come Group", "Hard Labor", the "Bankrupt Group", the "Dynamite", "Iron Hearts", " The Starving Peasant", and the "Deprived Families". Each one of these twelve organizations has its own cadres, plans, headquarters, and means of publications. These are not rehabilitation or charitable organizations that want to feed the hungry peasants, but they are groups of extremists whose members have mastered none but chemistry. When the chieftain of the French extremists was asked: " Why chemistry in particular?" He said " So that an anarchist can make a bomb on his own". It is from France that the organizations of the extremists and anarchists began to spread to the rest of the world - mainly to Russia, to some Asian countries, and to different European capitals. The last two decades of the twentieth century witnessed a state of terror and panic that did not exclusively hurt the general public, but also the elite , the kings, the princes, and the high leaders. When they were chased and pursued by security forces, they hurried to announce that "they want to kill the security forces in the name of freedom". When police forces say (when they arrested any of them). You are arrested in the name of law, the anarchist would say " You arrest us in the name of law and we kill you in the name of freedom." I have to state here that none of these twelve extremist, anarchist, and terrorist organizations belong to Islam. Accordingly, and basic to these facts we question whether is it fair for the Western mass media to claim that Islam and terrorism are twin brothers ? This approach is quite astonishing, for terrorism is killing, inflicting injuries, inequity and appalls among honest people. Islam resists these acts. Islam does not condone terrorism. On the contrary, Islam avoids and prevents terrorism and the Muslim judges rule it as unlawful, for God shall punish those who practice it. (#1) Mohammed Aziz Shokri, " The International Terrorism" Daar Al Islam four Masses, Beirt,1991 P.2. (#2) The International Terrorism" P. 22, Ibid. (#3) Ibraheem Na'feh " The Nightmare of Terrorism and the fall of Masks" Cairo. Commercial Press of Ahram, 1415, P.26. 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Q: Solve: Solve -265*w - 3338 + 15623 = 86*w for w. A: 35 Q: Solve: Solve 318*f - 3510 = -192*f + 120*f for f. A: 9 Q: Solve: Solve -119*b + 95*b = 120 for b. A: -5
Translate to French: 15 April Answer: 15 avril Translate to French: Positive examples of twinning and of sectoral cooperation could be presented. Answer: Des exemples constructifs de jumelage et de coopération sectorielle pourraient leur être présentés. Translate to French: 9790 Motion for a resolution Discrimination of women in the workforce and the workplace, to the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men for report; b. Answer: 9789 Proposition de résolution Organisation d’une assemblée parlementaire des enfants des pays membres du Conseil de l’Europe, à la Commission des questions sociales, de la santé et de la famille, pour un avis au Bureau sur les suites à donner; Doc.
[Diagnosis of diverticulitis in routine practice: progress due to pelvic CT?]. In a retrospective study 243 pelvic CTs in patients with acute sigmoid diverticulitis and elective resections were analyzed. A statistical correlation of radiological and histological findings was performed. The sensitivity of the CT in diagnosing sigmoid diverticulitis was 97.5%; the overall accuracy of the pelvic CT was 97.1% in acute diverticulitis. For the contrast enema the sensitivity was 71.6% and the accuracy rate ranked 71.3%. The pelvic CT in patients with clinical suspicion of acute sigmoid diverticulities is well suited for a primary diagnostic tool and can precisely show the extraluminary extension of the inflammation.
{"added":"2018-04-03T06:22:11.555Z","created":"1998-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"46411807","metadata":{"abstract":"In a retrospective study 243 pelvic CTs in patients with acute sigmoid diverticulitis and elective resections were analyzed. A statistical correlation of radiological and histological findings was performed. The sensitivity of the CT in diagnosing sigmoid diverticulitis was 97.5%; the overall accuracy of the pelvic CT was 97.1% in acute diverticulitis. For the contrast enema the sensitivity was 71.6% and the accuracy rate ranked 71.3%. The pelvic CT in patients with clinical suspicion of acute sigmoid diverticulities is well suited for a primary diagnostic tool and can precisely show the extraluminary extension of the inflammation.","abstract_count":95,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.886342245374747,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0006.json.gz:520849","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"sha1":"fea72ee2eec0be5c73c913c1d475bddd084bc9bf","sources":["Medline","MAG"],"title":"[Diagnosis of diverticulitis in routine practice: progress due to pelvic CT?].","title_count":11,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-18.175673589512073,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"the"},{"count":6,"token":"of"},{"count":5,"token":"in"},{"count":4,"token":"pelvic"},{"count":4,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"was"},{"count":3,"token":"diverticulitis"},{"count":3,"token":"acute"},{"count":3,"token":"sigmoid"},{"count":3,"token":"CT"},{"count":2,"token":"a"},{"count":2,"token":"patients"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"sensitivity"},{"count":2,"token":"accuracy"},{"count":1,"token":"[Diagnosis"},{"count":1,"token":"routine"},{"count":1,"token":"practice:"},{"count":1,"token":"progress"},{"count":1,"token":"due"},{"count":1,"token":"to"},{"count":1,"token":"CT?]."},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"retrospective"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"243"},{"count":1,"token":"CTs"},{"count":1,"token":"elective"},{"count":1,"token":"resections"},{"count":1,"token":"were"},{"count":1,"token":"analyzed."},{"count":1,"token":"A"},{"count":1,"token":"statistical"},{"count":1,"token":"correlation"},{"count":1,"token":"radiological"},{"count":1,"token":"histological"},{"count":1,"token":"findings"},{"count":1,"token":"performed."},{"count":1,"token":"diagnosing"},{"count":1,"token":"97.5%;"},{"count":1,"token":"overall"},{"count":1,"token":"97.1%"},{"count":1,"token":"diverticulitis."},{"count":1,"token":"For"},{"count":1,"token":"contrast"},{"count":1,"token":"enema"},{"count":1,"token":"71.6%"},{"count":1,"token":"rate"},{"count":1,"token":"ranked"},{"count":1,"token":"71.3%."},{"count":1,"token":"clinical"},{"count":1,"token":"suspicion"},{"count":1,"token":"diverticulities"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"well"},{"count":1,"token":"suited"},{"count":1,"token":"for"},{"count":1,"token":"primary"},{"count":1,"token":"diagnostic"},{"count":1,"token":"tool"},{"count":1,"token":"can"},{"count":1,"token":"precisely"},{"count":1,"token":"show"},{"count":1,"token":"extraluminary"},{"count":1,"token":"extension"},{"count":1,"token":"inflammation."}],"year":1998},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Direct linkage of mitochondrial genome variation to risk factors for type 2 diabetes in conplastic strains. Recently, the relationship of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants to metabolic risk factors for diabetes and other common diseases has begun to attract increasing attention. However, progress in this area has been limited because (1) the phenotypic effects of variation in the mitochondrial genome are difficult to isolate owing to confounding variation in the nuclear genome, imprinting phenomena, and environmental factors; and (2) few animal models have been available for directly investigating the effects of mtDNA variants on complex metabolic phenotypes in vivo. Substitution of different mitochondrial genomes on the same nuclear genetic background in conplastic strains provides a way to unambiguously isolate effects of the mitochondrial genome on complex traits. Here we show that conplastic strains of rats with identical nuclear genomes but divergent mitochondrial genomes that encode amino acid differences in proteins of oxidative phosphorylation exhibit differences in major metabolic risk factors for type 2 diabetes. These results (1) provide the first direct evidence linking naturally occurring variation in the mitochondrial genome, independent of variation in the nuclear genome and other confounding factors, to inherited variation in known risk factors for type 2 diabetes; and (2) establish that spontaneous variation in the mitochondrial genome per se can promote systemic metabolic disturbances relevant to the pathogenesis of common diseases.
{"added":"2018-04-03T05:44:36.633Z","created":"2007-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"24417801","metadata":{"abstract":"Recently, the relationship of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants to metabolic risk factors for diabetes and other common diseases has begun to attract increasing attention. However, progress in this area has been limited because (1) the phenotypic effects of variation in the mitochondrial genome are difficult to isolate owing to confounding variation in the nuclear genome, imprinting phenomena, and environmental factors; and (2) few animal models have been available for directly investigating the effects of mtDNA variants on complex metabolic phenotypes in vivo. Substitution of different mitochondrial genomes on the same nuclear genetic background in conplastic strains provides a way to unambiguously isolate effects of the mitochondrial genome on complex traits. Here we show that conplastic strains of rats with identical nuclear genomes but divergent mitochondrial genomes that encode amino acid differences in proteins of oxidative phosphorylation exhibit differences in major metabolic risk factors for type 2 diabetes. These results (1) provide the first direct evidence linking naturally occurring variation in the mitochondrial genome, independent of variation in the nuclear genome and other confounding factors, to inherited variation in known risk factors for type 2 diabetes; and (2) establish that spontaneous variation in the mitochondrial genome per se can promote systemic metabolic disturbances relevant to the pathogenesis of common diseases.","abstract_count":209,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.564795845818937,"extfieldsofstudy":["Biology","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:454810","s2fieldsofstudy":["Biology"],"sha1":"f9ab8f993c1ff28dc22b695de233780bb7774d89","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","Adhoc","ScienceParsePlus","MAG","Medline","Unpaywall"],"title":"Direct linkage of mitochondrial genome variation to risk factors for type 2 diabetes in conplastic strains.","title_count":16,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-15.457772228130729,"top_frequencies":[{"count":12,"token":"in"},{"count":12,"token":"the"},{"count":10,"token":"of"},{"count":8,"token":"mitochondrial"},{"count":8,"token":"to"},{"count":7,"token":"variation"},{"count":5,"token":"genome"},{"count":5,"token":"for"},{"count":5,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"risk"},{"count":4,"token":"factors"},{"count":4,"token":"metabolic"},{"count":4,"token":"nuclear"},{"count":3,"token":"type"},{"count":3,"token":"2"},{"count":3,"token":"conplastic"},{"count":3,"token":"effects"},{"count":3,"token":"on"},{"count":3,"token":"genomes"},{"count":3,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"diabetes"},{"count":2,"token":"variants"},{"count":2,"token":"other"},{"count":2,"token":"common"},{"count":2,"token":"has"},{"count":2,"token":"been"},{"count":2,"token":"(1)"},{"count":2,"token":"isolate"},{"count":2,"token":"confounding"},{"count":2,"token":"genome,"},{"count":2,"token":"(2)"},{"count":2,"token":"complex"},{"count":2,"token":"strains"},{"count":2,"token":"differences"},{"count":1,"token":"Direct"},{"count":1,"token":"linkage"},{"count":1,"token":"strains."},{"count":1,"token":"Recently,"},{"count":1,"token":"relationship"},{"count":1,"token":"DNA"},{"count":1,"token":"(mtDNA)"},{"count":1,"token":"diseases"},{"count":1,"token":"begun"},{"count":1,"token":"attract"},{"count":1,"token":"increasing"},{"count":1,"token":"attention."},{"count":1,"token":"However,"},{"count":1,"token":"progress"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"area"},{"count":1,"token":"limited"},{"count":1,"token":"because"},{"count":1,"token":"phenotypic"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"difficult"},{"count":1,"token":"owing"},{"count":1,"token":"imprinting"},{"count":1,"token":"phenomena,"},{"count":1,"token":"environmental"},{"count":1,"token":"factors;"},{"count":1,"token":"few"},{"count":1,"token":"animal"},{"count":1,"token":"models"},{"count":1,"token":"have"},{"count":1,"token":"available"},{"count":1,"token":"directly"},{"count":1,"token":"investigating"},{"count":1,"token":"mtDNA"},{"count":1,"token":"phenotypes"},{"count":1,"token":"vivo."},{"count":1,"token":"Substitution"},{"count":1,"token":"different"},{"count":1,"token":"same"},{"count":1,"token":"genetic"},{"count":1,"token":"background"},{"count":1,"token":"provides"},{"count":1,"token":"a"},{"count":1,"token":"way"},{"count":1,"token":"unambiguously"},{"count":1,"token":"traits."},{"count":1,"token":"Here"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"show"},{"count":1,"token":"rats"},{"count":1,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"identical"},{"count":1,"token":"but"},{"count":1,"token":"divergent"},{"count":1,"token":"encode"},{"count":1,"token":"amino"},{"count":1,"token":"acid"},{"count":1,"token":"proteins"},{"count":1,"token":"oxidative"},{"count":1,"token":"phosphorylation"},{"count":1,"token":"exhibit"},{"count":1,"token":"major"},{"count":1,"token":"diabetes."},{"count":1,"token":"These"},{"count":1,"token":"results"},{"count":1,"token":"provide"}],"year":2007},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Adler On When we use the word "man" not for the male gender or a male member of the human species, but for all members of the species, then we must a take a position that answers these questions: 1. Is man different in kind or only in degree from animals, especially other mammals? 2. If different in kind, not in degree, is that difference superficial and therefore reducible to a difference in degree, or is it radical and irreducible? Two entities differ in degree if both have the same defining traits, but one has more and one has less of the same trait. A superficial difference in kind between two things becomes a difference in degree by further analysis of the difference between them. Then the superficial difference in kind will be only an apparent, not a real difference in kind. Consider, for example, the three states of matter: the solid as opposed to the liquid and the gaseous states, In its solid state, water can be walked on, but not in its liquid state. This would appear to be a difference in kind between the solid state of matter and the liquid state. But when we discover that these two states of matter are reducible to the velocity at which the molecules of water and of ice are in motion, we learn that the difference in kind between water and ice is only a difference in the degree of the velocity of molecular particles. It is only superficially a difference in kind and it is really reducible to a difference in degree. The same applies to the superficial difference in kind between matter in its liquid state and matter in its gaseous states. It appears to be a difference in kind: we can take a cupful of water, but we cannot take a cupful of air. When the difference in kind cannot thus be reduced to a difference in degree, it remains a difference in kind. The intellectual human mind has properties that cannot be reduced to a difference in degree from the minds of other mammals. The difference in kind is radical, not superficial, real, not apparent. To claim that the difference between the human mind and the minds of other mammals is a radical difference in kind is to claim that the human mind has intellectual powers that the animal minds do not have at all. Other mammals minds can be explained in material terms, whereas the human mind's intellectual power cannot be. This is not to deny that we share other mental powers with animals, who, like ourselves, operate in the world of perceptual thought -- the world of things that are perceptually present, the world of sensation, imagination, and memory. In addition, the human operates in the world of conceptual thought, where it deals with objects that are not perceptually present, nor can they ever be. This ability makes it a radical difference in kind. Adler's Philosophical Dictionary (1995) The Modes of Difference: The Possible Answers, The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes (1967,1993), Chapter 2. Recommended Readings on Social Problems and on Man and His World Revised 2 November 2000
How is "Access to personal information Agreements on Giving Information 55." said in French? Accès aux renseignements personnels Accords sur la communication des renseignements 55.
John Davies (composer) John Davies (13 November 1787 – 27 April 1855) was a Welsh (Glamorganshire) stone mason, and a composer. He began his career as a stone-mason, notoriously working by both day and night. He had been taught to play the dulcimer by a lodger at the age of about fourteen, but it was not until he was about thirty that he seriously began to study music, becoming both a performer and a composer. His works include a number of anthems and hymn tunes, such as "Gethsemane" ("Lleuad yr Oes", 1827), which was arranged by Rowland Huw Pritchard. He died in 1855 in Llanelli, and was buried in Mynydd-bach cemetery.
input: Please answer the following: Question: Who tracks Hans and company while they are hiding amongst a field of disposed trash? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Something, Something, Something Dark Side Context: The saga continues where Blue Harvest left off. This is the family guy take on The Empire Strikes Back.It starts out with the family watching tv and the power gets cut. So Peter(Seth macfarlane) is forced to tell a second Star Wars story. And so the movie begins with the classic Star Wars text: A long time ago...(a bit altered of course) followed by the written intro Family guy style.After the intro, the picture keeps hanging and is moving down focusing on the star destroyer below, exactly like in the original movie. Then you see the droides being deployed, one of the droides of that little boy(Boy Elrond or something) from The Jetsons(old Hanna Barbara cartoon) and the music changes to their theme song for a second. The droide landing/crashing on the ice planet Hoth, is Joe swanson(Patrick warburton). and is his only cameo during the episode.Luke/Chris(Seth green) watches the impact, and contacts Han/Peter(Seth macfarlane) over the walkie telling him he wants to check it out. Again just like the original, only here Han solo insists on being called Carlo Spicywiener over the radio insted of Han. Luke/Chris is then attacked by the snow monster, or in this case the Cookie monster, whom is filling out that part. the picture changes into Han/Peter returning to base, immediately telling Lois/Leia(Alex borstein) he is getting out of there and that she can have his email adress. They argue a bit, George Takei shows up quickly. And the the picture changes to R2D2/cleveland(Mike Henry) and 3po/Glen(Seth macfarlane) walking over to Han/Peter to inform him that Luke/Chris have not yet returned.Han/Peter then takes his "don don"(a parodi on a older comedian, cant remember his name) to go search for Luke/Chris, whom has been captured by the Snow/Cookie monster and is hanging upside down in its cave. Luke/Chris uses the force to get his lightsaber and cuts himself down, the monster attacks and Luke/Chris cuts of its arm in the process, again like in the original, but with some Fam guy changes.(Cookie monster runs of... ++++++++++ output: Boba Fett input: Please answer the following: Question: Who becomes the first donor? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Atom Age Vampire Context: When a singer (Susanne Loret) is horribly disfigured in a car accident, a scientist (Dr. Levin, played by Alberto Lupo) develops a treatment which can restore her beauty by injecting her with a special serum. While performing the procedure, however, he falls in love with her. As the treatment begins to fail, he determines to save her appearance, regardless of how many women he must kill for her sake. Despite the implication of its American title, the film does not feature an actual vampire. The titular Seddok is actually the brilliant but deranged scientist Dr. Levin, mutated by a chemical formula created using radiation. Dr. Levin studied the effects of radiation on living tissue in post-Hiroshima Japan, and created an imperfect and teratogenic serum, "Derma 25", which he later refined into the miraculous healing agent "Derma 28" which he uses to treat the heroine. When his supply of Derma 28 runs out, he realizes he must kill to obtain more, and injects himself with Derma 25 in order to become monstrous and remorseless, so that he may seek these victims without hesitation. Because many of the murders take place near the docks where shiploads of Japanese refugees are arriving, and leave behind the victims' bodies with holes in the neck where Dr. Levin has extracted the glands, the refugees claim that a vampire (whom they call "Seddok", though this is not a Japanese name) is responsible for the attacks. During a meeting with police, a restored-to-humanity Dr. Levin speculates that the Hiroshima survivors' tales of a mutated killer are due to psychological strain from the radiation damage to their bodies...but also wonders aloud whether the "vampire" these witnesses describe might simply be a disturbed man wishing to be normal again. ++++++++++ output: Insufficient information to provide an answer. input: Please answer the following: Question: Who does Nick kiss? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Skyrunners Context: Teenage brothers 18-year-old Nick and 14-year-old Tyler come across a UFO that crashed near their town. Soon after evading the government, mainly agent Armstrong, as well as keeping the UFO in seclusion, Tyler goes through dramatic physical changes and gains superhuman powers due to his dramatic trip into space via the UFO, including enhanced strength and telepathy, and he almost as tall as Nick. The situation becomes even more difficult to cover up considering that Tyler is being constantly blown off by Nick, due to Nick's efforts at chasing Julie Gunn, as well as Nick having to make a science project to graduate high school and reptile-like aliens that have begun to appear and pursue Tyler. After having literally no one left to turn to, Tyler decides to tell agent Armstrong about the UFO. After agent Armstrong explains to Tyler about the effects that his trip into space had on his body, he shoots the ship with a laser gun, thereby critically damaging it, before he reveals himself to Tyler as a reptile-like alien in disguise and captures him. Nick, feeling guilty for constantly doubting and ignoring Tyler, goes to the UFO hideout to try to apologize. Upon finding that Tyler is missing and the UFO damaged, he begins an attempt to repair the UFO. After trying all night, he is successful and the UFO takes him to the hidden underground fortress in which the aliens are residing and realizes that it is actually an impact crater from the aliens' crash-landing on Earth. Nick locates Tyler and frees him from his holding cell. The brothers uncover that the aliens are planning to take over Earth by polluting the atmosphere. Tyler then uses an alien explosive from the UFO to destroy the aliens and their pollution equipment and escape in the UFO. However, they do not succeed in destroying all of them and are chased by a surviving alien in a more powerful version of their UFO. After destroying the alien fighter and its pilot in a fast-paced dogfight, the UFO crashes at Nick's high school graduation. Nick then uses fixing... ++++++++++ output: Julie.
CLASSIFICATION OF ATTACK MECHANISMS AND RESEARCH OF PROTECTION METHODS FOR SYSTEMS USING MACHINE LEARNING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMS This article provides a complete classification of attacks using artificial intelligence. Three main identified sections were considered: attacks on information systems and computer networks, attacks on artificial intelligence models (poisoning attacks, evasion attacks, extraction attacks, privacy attacks), attacks on human consciousness and opinion (all types of deepfake). In each of these sections, the mechanisms of attacks were identified and studied, in accordance with them, the methods of protection were set. In conclusion, a specific example of an attack using a pretrained model was analyzed and protected against it using the method of modifying the input data, namely, image compression in order to get rid of extraneous noise.
{"added":"2021-10-28T15:19:03.728Z","created":"2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"240053022","metadata":{"abstract":"This article provides a complete classification of attacks using artificial intelligence. Three main identified sections were considered: attacks on information systems and computer networks, attacks on artificial intelligence models (poisoning attacks, evasion attacks, extraction attacks, privacy attacks), attacks on human consciousness and opinion (all types of deepfake). In each of these sections, the mechanisms of attacks were identified and studied, in accordance with them, the methods of protection were set. In conclusion, a specific example of an attack using a pretrained model was analyzed and protected against it using the method of modifying the input data, namely, image compression in order to get rid of extraneous noise.","abstract_count":107,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.388595812408289,"extfieldsofstudy":[],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0002.json.gz:18358","s2fieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"sha1":"176e6ebbce14682e3fd023ca2cc3b4acb7934241","sources":["Crossref"],"title":"CLASSIFICATION OF ATTACK MECHANISMS AND RESEARCH OF PROTECTION METHODS FOR SYSTEMS USING MACHINE LEARNING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ALGORITHMS","title_count":18,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-11.26077668668708,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":5,"token":"attacks"},{"count":4,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"the"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"using"},{"count":3,"token":"were"},{"count":3,"token":"on"},{"count":3,"token":"attacks,"},{"count":2,"token":"OF"},{"count":2,"token":"AND"},{"count":2,"token":"artificial"},{"count":2,"token":"identified"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"in"},{"count":1,"token":"CLASSIFICATION"},{"count":1,"token":"ATTACK"},{"count":1,"token":"MECHANISMS"},{"count":1,"token":"RESEARCH"},{"count":1,"token":"PROTECTION"},{"count":1,"token":"METHODS"},{"count":1,"token":"FOR"},{"count":1,"token":"SYSTEMS"},{"count":1,"token":"USING"},{"count":1,"token":"MACHINE"},{"count":1,"token":"LEARNING"},{"count":1,"token":"ARTIFICIAL"},{"count":1,"token":"INTELLIGENCE"},{"count":1,"token":"ALGORITHMS"},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"article"},{"count":1,"token":"provides"},{"count":1,"token":"complete"},{"count":1,"token":"classification"},{"count":1,"token":"intelligence."},{"count":1,"token":"Three"},{"count":1,"token":"main"},{"count":1,"token":"sections"},{"count":1,"token":"considered:"},{"count":1,"token":"information"},{"count":1,"token":"systems"},{"count":1,"token":"computer"},{"count":1,"token":"networks,"},{"count":1,"token":"intelligence"},{"count":1,"token":"models"},{"count":1,"token":"(poisoning"},{"count":1,"token":"evasion"},{"count":1,"token":"extraction"},{"count":1,"token":"privacy"},{"count":1,"token":"attacks),"},{"count":1,"token":"human"},{"count":1,"token":"consciousness"},{"count":1,"token":"opinion"},{"count":1,"token":"(all"},{"count":1,"token":"types"},{"count":1,"token":"deepfake)."},{"count":1,"token":"each"},{"count":1,"token":"these"},{"count":1,"token":"sections,"},{"count":1,"token":"mechanisms"},{"count":1,"token":"studied,"},{"count":1,"token":"accordance"},{"count":1,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"them,"},{"count":1,"token":"methods"},{"count":1,"token":"protection"},{"count":1,"token":"set."},{"count":1,"token":"conclusion,"},{"count":1,"token":"specific"},{"count":1,"token":"example"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"attack"},{"count":1,"token":"pretrained"},{"count":1,"token":"model"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"analyzed"},{"count":1,"token":"protected"},{"count":1,"token":"against"},{"count":1,"token":"it"},{"count":1,"token":"method"},{"count":1,"token":"modifying"},{"count":1,"token":"input"},{"count":1,"token":"data,"},{"count":1,"token":"namely,"},{"count":1,"token":"image"},{"count":1,"token":"compression"},{"count":1,"token":"order"},{"count":1,"token":"to"},{"count":1,"token":"get"},{"count":1,"token":"rid"},{"count":1,"token":"extraneous"},{"count":1,"token":"noise."}],"year":2021},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Take the 2-minute tour × I use ShrewSoft VPN Client 2.1.7 under Arch Linux (i686) to connect to the company network using IPSec. It is configured by a .vpn file. How can I make it create a virtual network interface? share|improve this question add comment Your Answer Browse other questions tagged or ask your own question.
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Question: Premise: A girl in a red shirt is jogging down a long stretch of asphalt. Hypothesis: A girl jogs down the asphalt street in a red shirt. Is the hypothesis true? Answer: yes Question: Premise: There is a young child in play clothes playing with the sand using a plastic scoop and the calm water in the lake or ocean in the background. Hypothesis: The child is at the beach. Is the hypothesis true? Answer: yes Question: Premise: A pedestrians throng the walkway in front of a stone castle. Hypothesis: A man proposes in front of a puttputt range. Is the hypothesis true? Answer: no
Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolated from cattle in Japan The antimicrobial susceptibility of 144 Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolates collected from all over Japan between 1973 and 1998 were investigated. All the isolates exhibited resistance to four or more antimicrobials and 22 resistance patterns were observed. Isolates showing resistance patterns to ampicillin (A), chloramphenicol (C), streptomycin (S), sulfonamides (Su) and tetracycline (T), which are typical resistance patterns for S. Typhimurium DT104 (DT104), were predominant. Thirty-six of the 68 isolates that exhibited resistance to five or more antimicrobials (ACSSuT+) were identified as DT104 by phage typing. Another 103 S. Typhimurium strains gathered from cattle between 1977 and 1999 in a limited area of Japan were analyzed for molecular epidemiological studies. Results using fluorescent amplified-fragment length polymorphism and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis suggest that clonal exchange of S. Typhimurium among cattle in Japan has occurred since 1992, and that contemporary strains show a remarkable degree of homogeneity with DT104 at a molecular level. The clonal replacement by DT104 affected the antimicrobial resistance pattern of S. Typhimurium from cattle in Japan.
{"added":"2018-04-03T03:12:01.134Z","created":"2008-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"1142166","metadata":{"abstract":"The antimicrobial susceptibility of 144 Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolates collected from all over Japan between 1973 and 1998 were investigated. All the isolates exhibited resistance to four or more antimicrobials and 22 resistance patterns were observed. Isolates showing resistance patterns to ampicillin (A), chloramphenicol (C), streptomycin (S), sulfonamides (Su) and tetracycline (T), which are typical resistance patterns for S. Typhimurium DT104 (DT104), were predominant. Thirty-six of the 68 isolates that exhibited resistance to five or more antimicrobials (ACSSuT+) were identified as DT104 by phage typing. Another 103 S. Typhimurium strains gathered from cattle between 1977 and 1999 in a limited area of Japan were analyzed for molecular epidemiological studies. Results using fluorescent amplified-fragment length polymorphism and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis suggest that clonal exchange of S. Typhimurium among cattle in Japan has occurred since 1992, and that contemporary strains show a remarkable degree of homogeneity with DT104 at a molecular level. The clonal replacement by DT104 affected the antimicrobial resistance pattern of S. Typhimurium from cattle in Japan.","abstract_count":168,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-16.780023723823057,"extfieldsofstudy":["Biology","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0005.json.gz:1029554","s2fieldsofstudy":["Biology"],"sha1":"08653935d8d039d2f7a479fd2b501707f2722a83","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","TaylorAndFrancis","Unpaywall","MAG","Medline"],"title":"Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolated from cattle in Japan","title_count":12,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-15.130806845139391,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"resistance"},{"count":7,"token":"of"},{"count":6,"token":"Typhimurium"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":5,"token":"were"},{"count":4,"token":"from"},{"count":4,"token":"cattle"},{"count":4,"token":"in"},{"count":4,"token":"Japan"},{"count":4,"token":"S."},{"count":4,"token":"DT104"},{"count":3,"token":"isolates"},{"count":3,"token":"the"},{"count":3,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"patterns"},{"count":3,"token":"that"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":2,"token":"Salmonella"},{"count":2,"token":"enterica"},{"count":2,"token":"serovar"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"antimicrobial"},{"count":2,"token":"between"},{"count":2,"token":"exhibited"},{"count":2,"token":"or"},{"count":2,"token":"more"},{"count":2,"token":"antimicrobials"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"strains"},{"count":2,"token":"molecular"},{"count":2,"token":"clonal"},{"count":1,"token":"Antimicrobial"},{"count":1,"token":"isolated"},{"count":1,"token":"susceptibility"},{"count":1,"token":"144"},{"count":1,"token":"collected"},{"count":1,"token":"all"},{"count":1,"token":"over"},{"count":1,"token":"1973"},{"count":1,"token":"1998"},{"count":1,"token":"investigated."},{"count":1,"token":"All"},{"count":1,"token":"four"},{"count":1,"token":"22"},{"count":1,"token":"observed."},{"count":1,"token":"Isolates"},{"count":1,"token":"showing"},{"count":1,"token":"ampicillin"},{"count":1,"token":"(A),"},{"count":1,"token":"chloramphenicol"},{"count":1,"token":"(C),"},{"count":1,"token":"streptomycin"},{"count":1,"token":"(S),"},{"count":1,"token":"sulfonamides"},{"count":1,"token":"(Su)"},{"count":1,"token":"tetracycline"},{"count":1,"token":"(T),"},{"count":1,"token":"which"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"typical"},{"count":1,"token":"(DT104),"},{"count":1,"token":"predominant."},{"count":1,"token":"Thirty-six"},{"count":1,"token":"68"},{"count":1,"token":"five"},{"count":1,"token":"(ACSSuT+)"},{"count":1,"token":"identified"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"phage"},{"count":1,"token":"typing."},{"count":1,"token":"Another"},{"count":1,"token":"103"},{"count":1,"token":"gathered"},{"count":1,"token":"1977"},{"count":1,"token":"1999"},{"count":1,"token":"limited"},{"count":1,"token":"area"},{"count":1,"token":"analyzed"},{"count":1,"token":"epidemiological"},{"count":1,"token":"studies."},{"count":1,"token":"Results"},{"count":1,"token":"using"},{"count":1,"token":"fluorescent"},{"count":1,"token":"amplified-fragment"},{"count":1,"token":"length"},{"count":1,"token":"polymorphism"},{"count":1,"token":"pulsed-field"},{"count":1,"token":"gel"},{"count":1,"token":"electrophoresis"},{"count":1,"token":"suggest"},{"count":1,"token":"exchange"},{"count":1,"token":"among"},{"count":1,"token":"has"},{"count":1,"token":"occurred"},{"count":1,"token":"since"},{"count":1,"token":"1992,"},{"count":1,"token":"contemporary"},{"count":1,"token":"show"},{"count":1,"token":"remarkable"}],"year":2008},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
The local initiatives in France taking on the problem of plastic waste Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of plastic pollute the Mediterranean every year. France produces a lot of the region's plastic waste and recycles less than its neighbours. In Marseille, locals are not waiting for the government to make a change, they are taking plastic waste into their own hands. View on euronews
Spatial and temporal patterns of water availability in a grass–shrub ecotone and implications for grassland recovery in arid environments Encroachment of woody shrubs into historic desert grasslands is a major problem throughout the world. Conversion of grasslands to shrub‐dominated systems may result in significant alteration of biogeochemical processes and reduced resource availability in shrub interspaces, making grassland recovery difficult. Soil petrocalcic horizons, which are common in arid and semi‐arid regions globally, have been shown to dramatically alter plant water availability. To assess how soil water dynamics are affected by woody encroachment in petrocalcic soils under contrasting precipitation patterns, we conducted a 3‐year replicated study in a mixed shrub–grass system measuring soil water in unvegetated interspaces and under mesquite canopies. Plots were instrumented with time‐domain reflectometry (TDR) moisture probes, both above and within the soil petrocalcic horizon. Soils under both cover types maintained large increases in available water content for several months during a wetter than normal winter and summer (increases of 0·08–0·16 m3 m−3). Interspace soils absorbed significantly greater quantities of water during the winter and retained more water into the spring than soils under shrubs. In contrast, soils under shrubs initially absorbed greater volumes of water during and following summer rains. Differing seasonal dynamics were attributed to interactions between the unique properties of soils with petrocalcic horizons and canopy‐induced variability in evapotranspiration. Observed patterns of plant‐available water do not support the hypothesis of greater resource availability under shrubs. Similar or greater water availability in shrub interspaces indicates that concentration of soil water under shrubs may not be a process limiting grass recovery on these soils. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
{"added":"2019-04-25T13:03:23.234Z","created":"2010-03-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"130604003","metadata":{"abstract":"Encroachment of woody shrubs into historic desert grasslands is a major problem throughout the world. Conversion of grasslands to shrub\u2010dominated systems may result in significant alteration of biogeochemical processes and reduced resource availability in shrub interspaces, making grassland recovery difficult. Soil petrocalcic horizons, which are common in arid and semi\u2010arid regions globally, have been shown to dramatically alter plant water availability. To assess how soil water dynamics are affected by woody encroachment in petrocalcic soils under contrasting precipitation patterns, we conducted a 3\u2010year replicated study in a mixed shrub\u2013grass system measuring soil water in unvegetated interspaces and under mesquite canopies. Plots were instrumented with time\u2010domain reflectometry (TDR) moisture probes, both above and within the soil petrocalcic horizon. Soils under both cover types maintained large increases in available water content for several months during a wetter than normal winter and summer (increases of 0\u00b708\u20130\u00b716 m3 m\u22123). Interspace soils absorbed significantly greater quantities of water during the winter and retained more water into the spring than soils under shrubs. In contrast, soils under shrubs initially absorbed greater volumes of water during and following summer rains. Differing seasonal dynamics were attributed to interactions between the unique properties of soils with petrocalcic horizons and canopy\u2010induced variability in evapotranspiration. Observed patterns of plant\u2010available water do not support the hypothesis of greater resource availability under shrubs. Similar or greater water availability in shrub interspaces indicates that concentration of soil water under shrubs may not be a process limiting grass recovery on these soils. 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What is an example of a tweet? what a lovely day! even though im very bored!! work tonight first day back since iv been poorly...
Clinical Enzymology 1 'He that thoroughly understands the nature of Ferments and Fermentations, shall probably be mUchbetter able than he that ignores them, to give a fair account of divers Phenomena of several diseases.' This quotation from Robert Boyle (1627 1691) must be one of the earliest references to clinical enzymology which, however, found little application until the present century. First came Wohlgemuth's pioneer work on amylase and Garrod's inborn errors of metabolism, now shown to be due to enzyme defects. In the 1930s the diagnostic value of acid and .ilkaline phosphatases Was recognized, but it was the discovery of the diagnostic significance of 'rSpartate and alanine transaminases some twenty years later that marked the beginning of the modern phase of the subject. This observation was important because it led to the realization that in a variety of diseases intracellular enzymes may be released into the circUlating plasma. It inevitably produced its crop of fallacies, the most noteworthy being the concept that the appearance of intracellular enzymes in the plasma is indicative of tissue necrosis. In the literature of the late 1950s there are numerous references to such an interpretation of elevated plasma or serum enzyme activities. Clearly death of a cell leads to its disintegration and the discharge of its contents into the extracellular fluid, but the converse does not necessarily apply. It Soon became apparent that increased membrane permeabilities associated with inflammatory disorders, e.g. polymyositis, or impaired cellular nutrition or oxygenation due to ischaemia may also lead to enzyme leakage. Schmidt & Schmidt (1962) proposed that the presence of high activities of both mitochondrial and cytosolic enzymes in the plasma is suggestive of cell necrosis, while elevation in the cytosolic enzymes alone indicates increased membrane per-
{"added":"2018-04-03T05:05:12.582Z","created":"1978-04-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"41615677","metadata":{"abstract":"'He that thoroughly understands the nature of Ferments and Fermentations, shall probably be mUchbetter able than he that ignores them, to give a fair account of divers Phenomena of several diseases.' This quotation from Robert Boyle (1627 1691) must be one of the earliest references to clinical enzymology which, however, found little application until the present century. First came Wohlgemuth's pioneer work on amylase and Garrod's inborn errors of metabolism, now shown to be due to enzyme defects. In the 1930s the diagnostic value of acid and .ilkaline phosphatases Was recognized, but it was the discovery of the diagnostic significance of 'rSpartate and alanine transaminases some twenty years later that marked the beginning of the modern phase of the subject. This observation was important because it led to the realization that in a variety of diseases intracellular enzymes may be released into the circUlating plasma. It inevitably produced its crop of fallacies, the most noteworthy being the concept that the appearance of intracellular enzymes in the plasma is indicative of tissue necrosis. In the literature of the late 1950s there are numerous references to such an interpretation of elevated plasma or serum enzyme activities. Clearly death of a cell leads to its disintegration and the discharge of its contents into the extracellular fluid, but the converse does not necessarily apply. It Soon became apparent that increased membrane permeabilities associated with inflammatory disorders, e.g. polymyositis, or impaired cellular nutrition or oxygenation due to ischaemia may also lead to enzyme leakage. Schmidt & Schmidt (1962) proposed that the presence of high activities of both mitochondrial and cytosolic enzymes in the plasma is suggestive of cell necrosis, while elevation in the cytosolic enzymes alone indicates increased membrane per-","abstract_count":285,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-13.907232660753872,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0005.json.gz:3044001","s2fieldsofstudy":["Biology"],"sha1":"ea73e81a72698c8ea11c9159abdec773115a2389","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","Sage","Unpaywall","Medline"],"title":"Clinical Enzymology 1","title_count":3,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-20.84398354072948,"top_frequencies":[{"count":24,"token":"the"},{"count":21,"token":"of"},{"count":9,"token":"to"},{"count":7,"token":"that"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"be"},{"count":4,"token":"in"},{"count":4,"token":"enzymes"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"enzyme"},{"count":3,"token":"its"},{"count":3,"token":"plasma"},{"count":3,"token":"or"},{"count":2,"token":"This"},{"count":2,"token":"references"},{"count":2,"token":"due"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"diagnostic"},{"count":2,"token":"but"},{"count":2,"token":"it"},{"count":2,"token":"was"},{"count":2,"token":"intracellular"},{"count":2,"token":"may"},{"count":2,"token":"into"},{"count":2,"token":"It"},{"count":2,"token":"is"},{"count":2,"token":"cell"},{"count":2,"token":"increased"},{"count":2,"token":"membrane"},{"count":2,"token":"Schmidt"},{"count":2,"token":"cytosolic"},{"count":1,"token":"Clinical"},{"count":1,"token":"Enzymology"},{"count":1,"token":"1"},{"count":1,"token":"'He"},{"count":1,"token":"thoroughly"},{"count":1,"token":"understands"},{"count":1,"token":"nature"},{"count":1,"token":"Ferments"},{"count":1,"token":"Fermentations,"},{"count":1,"token":"shall"},{"count":1,"token":"probably"},{"count":1,"token":"mUchbetter"},{"count":1,"token":"able"},{"count":1,"token":"than"},{"count":1,"token":"he"},{"count":1,"token":"ignores"},{"count":1,"token":"them,"},{"count":1,"token":"give"},{"count":1,"token":"fair"},{"count":1,"token":"account"},{"count":1,"token":"divers"},{"count":1,"token":"Phenomena"},{"count":1,"token":"several"},{"count":1,"token":"diseases.'"},{"count":1,"token":"quotation"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"Robert"},{"count":1,"token":"Boyle"},{"count":1,"token":"(1627"},{"count":1,"token":"1691)"},{"count":1,"token":"must"},{"count":1,"token":"one"},{"count":1,"token":"earliest"},{"count":1,"token":"clinical"},{"count":1,"token":"enzymology"},{"count":1,"token":"which,"},{"count":1,"token":"however,"},{"count":1,"token":"found"},{"count":1,"token":"little"},{"count":1,"token":"application"},{"count":1,"token":"until"},{"count":1,"token":"present"},{"count":1,"token":"century."},{"count":1,"token":"First"},{"count":1,"token":"came"},{"count":1,"token":"Wohlgemuth's"},{"count":1,"token":"pioneer"},{"count":1,"token":"work"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"amylase"},{"count":1,"token":"Garrod's"},{"count":1,"token":"inborn"},{"count":1,"token":"errors"},{"count":1,"token":"metabolism,"},{"count":1,"token":"now"},{"count":1,"token":"shown"},{"count":1,"token":"defects."},{"count":1,"token":"1930s"},{"count":1,"token":"value"},{"count":1,"token":"acid"},{"count":1,"token":".ilkaline"},{"count":1,"token":"phosphatases"},{"count":1,"token":"Was"},{"count":1,"token":"recognized,"},{"count":1,"token":"discovery"},{"count":1,"token":"significance"},{"count":1,"token":"'rSpartate"},{"count":1,"token":"alanine"},{"count":1,"token":"transaminases"}],"year":1978},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
% of the earth covered by man-made How much of the earth’s surface is covered by man-made features? This should go in our General Questions forum so I will move it. After flying from Denver to NYC recently, I’d say that almost the entire Midwest is. At least, every single acre had been dramatically altered by farming. Rather disturbing. To that I say Feh. To the OP, how close do you want to get? The world pop is about 6.2 billion. The percentage of that population which lives in urban areas is around 50%. An average space per person in big US cities looks to be about .2 acres. (An acre is 640x640 feet.) So, half of 6.2 billion is 3.1 billion. 3.1 billion times .2 is 620 million. So, using my somewhat guessish numbers, that’s 620 million acres for all the cities of the world. Do you think of everything in cities as a man made features, like lawns? How about agricultural fields? To that iffy number we need to add non-city man made features, like rural housing and roads. I don’t even want to guess how to take those into account. A few sources: As a way of understanding how little of the earth is covered by man made features one can look at bombing campaigns. The Japanese had the bright idea of dropping bombs tied to weather balloons over the Western US. None of them came close to hitting anything. An astronomy buff can also help me out with this, but I know that matter from space enters the earth’s atmosphere on a regular basis, but only a tiny fraction of those rocks etc… hit anything of notice. Depending on who you ask, of the total surface of the Earth: 1 - 2.5% is urban or developed 7 - 10% is arable Type “percent of the Earth’s surface” into google to get various descriptions and metrics. Umm not quite. This was actually a very clever idea. Although only 6 people were killed by Japaense balloon bombs and in the end caused only minor damage, this was a successful diversionary tactic. The balloon bombs posed a threat of germ warfare or the possibility of forest fires in the Northwest. Men were staioned to combat fires and fighters were dispatched to shoot down incoming ballons. More on the Japanese Ballon Bombs
Hospitality and host–guest paradigm in China: a rejoinder to Chen Purpose This rejoinder aims to critique some of the perspectives in Chen’s (2018) study on hospitality and host–guest paradigm in China. Design/methodology/approach In this preliminary probe into Chen’s study, critical analysis is performed on Chen’s approaches, whereas document analysis is applied to the relevant ancient Chinese writings. Translations are the author’s own unless indicated otherwise. Findings Chen’s views are problematic and supported by patchy evidence. “Hierarchy principle” and “host-centric foundation” do not hold up. In a series of asymmetrical comparisons, Chen goes a bit too far in arguing for uniqueness. Originality/value This rejoinder presents valid critiques of Chen’s study, thus directing future research in the right direction. It is of some significance to clarify Chen’s misrepresentations and offer a truer and fuller account of Chinese hospitality, given the difficulty for international scholars to validate Chen’s views because of language barrier and cultural unfamiliarity.
{"added":"2021-09-27T20:33:27.643Z","created":"2021-08-05T00:00:00.000Z","id":"238844492","metadata":{"abstract":"\nPurpose\nThis rejoinder aims to critique some of the perspectives in Chen\u2019s (2018) study on hospitality and host\u2013guest paradigm in China.\n\n\nDesign\/methodology\/approach\nIn this preliminary probe into Chen\u2019s study, critical analysis is performed on Chen\u2019s approaches, whereas document analysis is applied to the relevant ancient Chinese writings. Translations are the author\u2019s own unless indicated otherwise.\n\n\nFindings\nChen\u2019s views are problematic and supported by patchy evidence. \u201cHierarchy principle\u201d and \u201chost-centric foundation\u201d do not hold up. In a series of asymmetrical comparisons, Chen goes a bit too far in arguing for uniqueness.\n\n\nOriginality\/value\nThis rejoinder presents valid critiques of Chen\u2019s study, thus directing future research in the right direction. It is of some significance to clarify Chen\u2019s misrepresentations and offer a truer and fuller account of Chinese hospitality, given the difficulty for international scholars to validate Chen\u2019s views because of language barrier and cultural unfamiliarity.\n","abstract_count":143,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.315151269150492,"extfieldsofstudy":["Sociology"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:3868177","s2fieldsofstudy":["Business"],"sha1":"03a8131964595831f08824033b9fbf3ebf89c7cf","sources":["MAG","Crossref"],"title":"Hospitality and host\u2013guest paradigm in China: a rejoinder to Chen","title_count":10,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-14.894065081865994,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"and"},{"count":7,"token":"Chen\u2019s"},{"count":6,"token":"of"},{"count":5,"token":"in"},{"count":5,"token":"to"},{"count":5,"token":"the"},{"count":4,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"rejoinder"},{"count":3,"token":"is"},{"count":2,"token":"host\u2013guest"},{"count":2,"token":"paradigm"},{"count":2,"token":"Chen"},{"count":2,"token":"This"},{"count":2,"token":"some"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"study,"},{"count":2,"token":"analysis"},{"count":2,"token":"Chinese"},{"count":2,"token":"are"},{"count":2,"token":"views"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":1,"token":"Hospitality"},{"count":1,"token":"China:"},{"count":1,"token":"Purpose"},{"count":1,"token":"aims"},{"count":1,"token":"critique"},{"count":1,"token":"perspectives"},{"count":1,"token":"(2018)"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"hospitality"},{"count":1,"token":"China."},{"count":1,"token":"Design\/methodology\/approach"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"preliminary"},{"count":1,"token":"probe"},{"count":1,"token":"into"},{"count":1,"token":"critical"},{"count":1,"token":"performed"},{"count":1,"token":"approaches,"},{"count":1,"token":"whereas"},{"count":1,"token":"document"},{"count":1,"token":"applied"},{"count":1,"token":"relevant"},{"count":1,"token":"ancient"},{"count":1,"token":"writings."},{"count":1,"token":"Translations"},{"count":1,"token":"author\u2019s"},{"count":1,"token":"own"},{"count":1,"token":"unless"},{"count":1,"token":"indicated"},{"count":1,"token":"otherwise."},{"count":1,"token":"Findings"},{"count":1,"token":"problematic"},{"count":1,"token":"supported"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"patchy"},{"count":1,"token":"evidence."},{"count":1,"token":"\u201cHierarchy"},{"count":1,"token":"principle\u201d"},{"count":1,"token":"\u201chost-centric"},{"count":1,"token":"foundation\u201d"},{"count":1,"token":"do"},{"count":1,"token":"not"},{"count":1,"token":"hold"},{"count":1,"token":"up."},{"count":1,"token":"series"},{"count":1,"token":"asymmetrical"},{"count":1,"token":"comparisons,"},{"count":1,"token":"goes"},{"count":1,"token":"bit"},{"count":1,"token":"too"},{"count":1,"token":"far"},{"count":1,"token":"arguing"},{"count":1,"token":"uniqueness."},{"count":1,"token":"Originality\/value"},{"count":1,"token":"presents"},{"count":1,"token":"valid"},{"count":1,"token":"critiques"},{"count":1,"token":"thus"},{"count":1,"token":"directing"},{"count":1,"token":"future"},{"count":1,"token":"research"},{"count":1,"token":"right"},{"count":1,"token":"direction."},{"count":1,"token":"It"},{"count":1,"token":"significance"},{"count":1,"token":"clarify"},{"count":1,"token":"misrepresentations"},{"count":1,"token":"offer"},{"count":1,"token":"truer"},{"count":1,"token":"fuller"},{"count":1,"token":"account"},{"count":1,"token":"hospitality,"},{"count":1,"token":"given"},{"count":1,"token":"difficulty"},{"count":1,"token":"international"},{"count":1,"token":"scholars"},{"count":1,"token":"validate"},{"count":1,"token":"because"}],"year":2021},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
RNA‐directed epigenomic reprogramming—an emerging principle of a more targeted cancer therapy? Epigenetic aberrations are recognized as an early and common event during carcinogenesis. This provides a strong rationale for a therapeutic intervention at the epigenetic level. Current epigenetically active drugs, however, lack specificity for particular genomic loci. Better processes for a more targeted manipulation of the cancer epigenome are needed. One option could be the ability of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) to recruit the chromatin modification complexes to particular genomic loci. In consequence, epigenetic variations would not be stochastic but controlled by a directed programme, through which specific groups of genes are regulated by promoter methylation and(or) histone marks, even if located on different chromosomes. lncRNAs are known to be functionally involved in cell fate specification and carcinogenesis. Depleting lncRNAs with oncogenic potential or replacing scarce molecules with tumor suppressor activity could therefore be employed for a specific reprogramming of the epigenome of cancer cells. Apart from the targeted manner and thus specificity, the mode of action by itself could be an advantage of lncRNA‐associated therapy. Similar to what happens naturally during cell fate decisions, the whole developmental programme of a cell or particular parts of it could be reset. In consideration of the early onset of epigenetic aberrations, such an approach could even be useful for cancer prevention. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
{"added":"2015-03-27T18:11:09.000Z","created":"2012-02-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"14938175","metadata":{"abstract":"Epigenetic aberrations are recognized as an early and common event during carcinogenesis. This provides a strong rationale for a therapeutic intervention at the epigenetic level. Current epigenetically active drugs, however, lack specificity for particular genomic loci. Better processes for a more targeted manipulation of the cancer epigenome are needed. One option could be the ability of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) to recruit the chromatin modification complexes to particular genomic loci. In consequence, epigenetic variations would not be stochastic but controlled by a directed programme, through which specific groups of genes are regulated by promoter methylation and(or) histone marks, even if located on different chromosomes. lncRNAs are known to be functionally involved in cell fate specification and carcinogenesis. Depleting lncRNAs with oncogenic potential or replacing scarce molecules with tumor suppressor activity could therefore be employed for a specific reprogramming of the epigenome of cancer cells. Apart from the targeted manner and thus specificity, the mode of action by itself could be an advantage of lncRNA\u2010associated therapy. Similar to what happens naturally during cell fate decisions, the whole developmental programme of a cell or particular parts of it could be reset. In consideration of the early onset of epigenetic aberrations, such an approach could even be useful for cancer prevention. \u00a9 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.","abstract_count":213,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.523459045986124,"extfieldsofstudy":["Biology","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0004.json.gz:457220","s2fieldsofstudy":["Biology"],"sha1":"eff6cc46b2246cdcc33ffc5dad3221499c5080fc","sources":["Grobid","ScienceParseMerged","Medline","Anansi","MergedPDFExtraction","Wiley","Crawler","MAG","Unpaywall"],"title":"RNA\u2010directed epigenomic reprogramming\u2014an emerging principle of a more targeted cancer therapy?","title_count":11,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-17.113355686504715,"top_frequencies":[{"count":12,"token":"of"},{"count":9,"token":"the"},{"count":7,"token":"a"},{"count":7,"token":"be"},{"count":5,"token":"for"},{"count":5,"token":"could"},{"count":4,"token":"cancer"},{"count":4,"token":"are"},{"count":4,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"targeted"},{"count":3,"token":"an"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"epigenetic"},{"count":3,"token":"particular"},{"count":3,"token":"by"},{"count":3,"token":"cell"},{"count":2,"token":"more"},{"count":2,"token":"early"},{"count":2,"token":"during"},{"count":2,"token":"carcinogenesis."},{"count":2,"token":"genomic"},{"count":2,"token":"loci."},{"count":2,"token":"epigenome"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"specific"},{"count":2,"token":"even"},{"count":2,"token":"lncRNAs"},{"count":2,"token":"fate"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"RNA\u2010directed"},{"count":1,"token":"epigenomic"},{"count":1,"token":"reprogramming\u2014an"},{"count":1,"token":"emerging"},{"count":1,"token":"principle"},{"count":1,"token":"therapy?"},{"count":1,"token":"Epigenetic"},{"count":1,"token":"aberrations"},{"count":1,"token":"recognized"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"common"},{"count":1,"token":"event"},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"provides"},{"count":1,"token":"strong"},{"count":1,"token":"rationale"},{"count":1,"token":"therapeutic"},{"count":1,"token":"intervention"},{"count":1,"token":"at"},{"count":1,"token":"level."},{"count":1,"token":"Current"},{"count":1,"token":"epigenetically"},{"count":1,"token":"active"},{"count":1,"token":"drugs,"},{"count":1,"token":"however,"},{"count":1,"token":"lack"},{"count":1,"token":"specificity"},{"count":1,"token":"Better"},{"count":1,"token":"processes"},{"count":1,"token":"manipulation"},{"count":1,"token":"needed."},{"count":1,"token":"One"},{"count":1,"token":"option"},{"count":1,"token":"ability"},{"count":1,"token":"long"},{"count":1,"token":"noncoding"},{"count":1,"token":"RNAs"},{"count":1,"token":"(lncRNAs)"},{"count":1,"token":"recruit"},{"count":1,"token":"chromatin"},{"count":1,"token":"modification"},{"count":1,"token":"complexes"},{"count":1,"token":"consequence,"},{"count":1,"token":"variations"},{"count":1,"token":"would"},{"count":1,"token":"not"},{"count":1,"token":"stochastic"},{"count":1,"token":"but"},{"count":1,"token":"controlled"},{"count":1,"token":"directed"},{"count":1,"token":"programme,"},{"count":1,"token":"through"},{"count":1,"token":"which"},{"count":1,"token":"groups"},{"count":1,"token":"genes"},{"count":1,"token":"regulated"},{"count":1,"token":"promoter"},{"count":1,"token":"methylation"},{"count":1,"token":"and(or)"},{"count":1,"token":"histone"},{"count":1,"token":"marks,"},{"count":1,"token":"if"},{"count":1,"token":"located"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"different"},{"count":1,"token":"chromosomes."},{"count":1,"token":"known"},{"count":1,"token":"functionally"},{"count":1,"token":"involved"},{"count":1,"token":"in"}],"year":2012},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
1997 Indy 200 at Walt Disney World The 1997 Indy 200 at Walt Disney World was the third round of the 1996–1997 Indy Racing League. The race was held on January 25, 1997, at the Walt Disney World Speedway in Bay Lake, Florida, being the first IRL race of the calendar year 1997. It was the first race with the new chassis from Dallara and G-Force, as well as for the 4000 cc naturally aspirated engines supplied by Oldsmobile and Infiniti, and it marked the first time that a major open-wheel series contested a race with brand-new cars and engines. The race was won by Eddie Cheever after being called off on lap 149 of the scheduled 200 due to heavy rain. Report. Pre-Race. The Indy Racing League was faced with a four-month break between the second and third round, due to the nature of the 1996-97 calendar. This, combined with the addition of rounds at Texas and Pikes Peak that nullified a summer break, the criticism about the Indianapolis 500 overshadowing the co-championship of Buzz Calkins and Scott Sharp, and the majority of motorsport series and potential sponsors following a calendar-based approach, led the teams to complain about the split season. On October 9, it was confirmed that the season would go beyond the Indianapolis 500, ending at the 1997 Las Vegas 500K, and that the series would switch to a calendar-based format for the 1998 season. Thus, the season schedule went from five to nine races. Following a successful test by Team Menard on September 25, with John Paul Jr. subbing for the injured Tony Stewart and Mark Dismore with a fastest lap of 207.61 mph, the IRL confirmed on December 17 a tenth round at Charlotte Motor Speedway, to be held on July 26. The future of Tony Stewart, who had his sights on a NASCAR ride and missed his Winston Cup debut at Atlanta as a result of the injuries sustained at Las Vegas, was one of the big stories of the winter gap. Being only contracted with Team Menard through the original end of the season at Indianapolis, it was announced on September 17 that he would race full-time in the 1997 NASCAR Winston Cup Series with his Busch Series owner, Harry Ranier. However, the deal fell through a month later, as a clause that estipulated that enough sponsorship for the full season had to be found by mid-October was not fulfilled. During that month, it was reported that Team Green tried to lure Stewart to its KOOL-backed CART operation for 1997, and that General Motors wanted to get Stewart back from Ford by establishing an IRL full-time operation centered around him with Hendrick Motorsports, combined with a partial Busch Series schedule. However, Hendrick denied this information, and both negotiations were reported to have collapsed weeks later. From September 30 to October 4, USAC organized a five-day test exclusively aimed at driver's tests, conducted with the PDM Racing 'mule' car. A total of 7 drivers passed their test, although only three of them would take part in an IRL race: Robbie Groff, who had two IndyCar races under his belt, USAC Silver Crown champion Jack Hewitt and ARCA champion and World of Outlaws race-winner Andy Hillenburg. The other four were Formula Atlantic champion Chris Smith, supermodified driver Mike Muldoon and Silver Crown veterans Cary Faas and Jim Keeker. IMSA regular Tom Hessert also passed his test on a conditional basis, and Butch Brickell, recovered from the injuries sustained at Walt Disney World Speedway, only passed two phases. On October 6, John Paul Jr. got the overall win at the 3 Hours of Daytona, the last round of the IMSA GT season, with a handful of other IRL regulars in competition. Despite reports that the introduction of the new chassis and engine formula could be postponed, testing went ahead as scheduled. With the Riley &amp; Scott chassis being projected to debut at the Texas 500 after having been commissioned by Kelley Automotive Group, whose initial plans were to resell the cars at a later date, the G-Force chassis and the Oldsmobile engine made their debut at Phoenix on November 13–15 with Treadway Racing and Arie Luyendyk running 175 laps, and a best lap in the 162 mph range. Dallara did so on November 25–26 at Walt Disney World with Team Scandia and Eliseo Salazar, who did 203 laps and a best lap of 157 mph. However, by the time of the open test at Walt Disney World on December 10–13, Oldsmobile's engine production had been scarce, and Infiniti was not ready to supply theirs. Arie Luyendyk, Tony Stewart and Scott Sharp were the only drivers to take part, with Luyendyk setting a fastest lap of 166.898 mph. Those tests were the first overseen by the new IRL executive director and vice president Leo Mehl, the former general manager for Goodyear. On December 17, the litigation between the IRL and CART regarding the use of the "IndyCar" trademark, and the one filled by A. J. Foyt for anti-competitive practices, ended in an out-of-court settlement "without any acknowledgment of fault or liability by any party". CART agreed to end its licensing agreement with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and cease use of the term "IndyCar" for their series, but its use by the IRL would be prohibited until 2003, as part of the settlement. That same day, Joie Chitwood Jr. confirmed the formation of a new team, Chitwood Motorsports, with veteran Danny Ongais as a driver, and Treadway Racing followed suit by announcing Scott Goodyear as a driver for their second car, the two-time Indy 500 runner-up having only run partially in IndyCar for the last two years. At the resuming of open tests at Walt Disney World Speedway from December 16–22, Goodyear led the proceedings with a 168.145 mph lap. Stewart, Salazar, Eddie Cheever, John Paul Jr. and Buzz Calkins also tested, while Galles Racing and Davy Jones elected to do so at Phoenix International Raceway. Testing at Orlando continued throughout the first weeks of January, with 10 drivers taking part, among them Fermín Vélez with Team Scandia. Tony Stewart put a best lap just south of the 170 mph mark (169.795 mph), and Mike Groff debuted the Infiniti engine, getting close to 160 mph in his best effort. They were joined by Buddy Lazier, who got to do some system-check laps with the Infiniti, and Dr. Jack Miller, a veteran Indy Lights competitor who passed his rookie test in the PDM Racing 'mule' car. Miller, known as 'The Racing Dentist' for his full-time job, had arranged a deal with the Arizona Motorsports rental crew to race in 1997. On January 11, Eliseo Salazar lost control of his car after having an engine failure and crashed in Turn 1, suffering a compression fracture in his lower back. Salazar, injured at Orlando for the second year in a row, was ruled out of action "at least until the beginning of May". On January 16, both Jeret Schroeder, a U.S. F2000 champion and top-5 contender in the Atlantic Championship, and Jim Guthrie were confirmed to drive for McCormack Motorsports and Blueprint Racing, respectively. Practice and qualifying. Further testing was conducted on the week of the race with 11 drivers, among them Roberto Guerrero and Marco Greco, designated by Team Scandia as Salazar's replacement. Tony Stewart logged the fastest lap at 165.975 mph, with Buddy Lazier in close pursuit in his Infiniti-powered car. The entry list was unveiled on January 21 with 22 car/driver combinations, but Mark Dismore, Robbie Buhl and Sam Schmidt were later withdrawn due to the widespread parts shortage that left them out of any winter testing. Davey Hamilton also had to skip winter testing for the same reason, but he remained entered nonetheless. The drivers already confirmed were joined by Stéphan Grégoire driving for a new team, Chastain Motorsports. On Thursday, Stan Wattles announced his plans to become a driver-owner under the Metro Racing System banner he had driven with in Formula Atlantics. The deadline was set for a late 1997 start at the earliest, in anticipation of a full-season effort in 1998. Thursday practice was dominated by Tony Stewart, who led with a 167.715 mph lap in the morning session and a 165.738 mph lap in the afternoon, with Buzz Calkins and Buddy Lazier trailing him. One hour into the morning session, Davy Jones was second fastest in front of Scott Goodyear when he lost control going into Turn 3 at 11.45 a.m. His car crashed rear first into the concrete wall, skidded across the track and pounded the inside wall. Jones was extricated and airlifted to Orlando Regional Medical Center in critical condition, although he was upgraded to serious a few hours later. He suffered a closed head injury, as well as injuries in his neck's ligaments. Jones underwent a lengthy and successful recovery, and would not race again until the 1999 12 Hours of Sebring. On Friday morning, Galles Racing confirmed that their replacement driver would be Jeff Ward, a former motocross champion and Indy Lights regular who had not driven an Indy car since failing to qualify for the 1995 Indianapolis 500, and had not started an Indy car race. Tony Stewart completed his practice sweep by leading the morning session with a 167.046 mph over Scott Sharp and Eddie Cheever, and confirmed his dominance on qualifying, where he scored the first pole of his IRL career with a best lap of 166.013 mph. As expected, lap times were significantly slower than in the previous year, with a 15 mph drop between Buddy Lazier's pole from 1996 (181.388 mph) and Stewart's, who was 1.8s slower in sheer lap time. Stewart didn't have as much margin as in practice, where he averaged an advantage of more than 3 mph: three other drivers later went below the 22 second mark, with Arie Luyendyk being the closest of them all at 164.964 mph, and Buzz Calkins, who got out on track at the 11th hour after having fuel pressure issues, ended up 3rd, on what would be the best qualifying effort of his IRL career, in front of Scott Sharp, Eddie Cheever and early favourite Scott Goodyear. Jeff Ward put his new ride in a solid 8th place, while the Infiniti drivers lagged behind: Lazier, who suffered a gearbox failure in the morning, managed to qualify 11th and points leader Mike Groff only ran faster than Jeret Schroeder and Danny Ongais, who had no testing mileage whatsoever. There were only 16 qualifiers, as three drivers had not had enough running to make an attempt: Roberto Guerrero had not run since suffering an oil system problem in his only test with the Infiniti engine on Wednesday, as a spare engine was not ready in time, while Jack Miller (11 laps, best lap at 84 mph) and Stéphan Grégoire (7 laps, 125 mph) had not run a single lap at speed in their cars Guerrero and Miller were allowed to start the race at the back of the field, but Grégoire was required to take part in the systems-check practice scheduled for Guerrero on raceday. Despite picking up a fuel problem, he got permission from USAC to start the race, where he parked the car after just two laps. Fermín Vélez, who qualified in a career-best 10th place, also participated in the systems check after losing an engine on Friday afternoon practice, changing it for an "Oldsmobile development engine". Race. Rain fell in the early hours of the day, although the track was dried up 90 minutes before the start of the race. In a cool and cloudy Saturday morning, polesitter Tony Stewart ran away from the start, his pace not being matched by any of his competitors. Jeff Ward had a great start climbing to 5th place, while Eddie Cheever went the opposite way losing two additional spots to Scott Goodyear and a fast-starting Buddy Lazier. Buzz Calkins pressured Arie Luyendyk for second place and eventually passed him on Lap 15, pulling away shortly after. In fourth place, Scott Sharp lacked some pace, and started developing a loose condition around Lap 30. One of his corrections on Lap 32 made Ward lose the three spots he had gained, as he veered out to avoid an incident, and Stewart got to lap that group of cars by Lap 37, his lead having increased to 15 seconds. Sharp eventually started losing places, and had to do his first pit stop on Lap 45, much earlier than intended. From around Lap 40, smoking was consistently reported out of Calkins' car while braking for Turn 1. Vapor chemtrails coming from the rear wings as a result of the high humidity also caused some confusing reports of smoking for other drivers, among them Stewart. His first pit stop on Lap 65 was a slow one, depriving him of putting a lap on Calkins and Luyendyk. Jeff Ward had problems with his gearbox on his pit stop and slowed on track shortly after, having to retire from the race. After the first round of stops, Cheever was up to fourth place, having passed Scott Goodyear on track on Lap 50 and Buddy Lazier in the pit stop window. Running a race of his own, Stewart got around Luyendyk on Lap 79. Three laps later, Buzz Calkins, who was bound to have the same fate, slowed on track after mistakenly turning off a switch in his car, trying to nurse his engine problems. He got back up to speed shortly after, in third place. Leading a pack of lapped cars in 13th place, six laps down, rookie Jeret Schroeder spun on his own on the exit of Turn 1 and crashed into the wall. The trail of cars that followed him slowed suddenly, and Arie Luyendyk lost control of his car trying to avoid them, crashing into the inside wall. Both incidents happened at reduced speeds, but the damage took both drivers out of the race, and caused a race-changing caution. With rain looming in the background as a strong possibility, and the race being past the halfway point, most of the drivers elected to do an earlier second pit stop, hoping that rain appeared before Lap 170, with the exception of race leader Tony Stewart, Marco Greco and Jim Guthrie, who stuck to their two-stop strategy. Also, having stopped just before the caution, Scott Sharp restarted the race in front of Scott Goodyear and Buddy Lazier, who passed the Canadian a few laps later, although Sharp would eventually lose position with both drivers within 30 laps. After his second green-flag pit stop on Lap 130, Stewart rejoined the track some 20 seconds behind Buzz Calkins, and cautiously let Eddie Cheever take second place while running on cold tires, getting by him again on Lap 143. Stewart was trying to make up a 10-second gap with the leader when, two laps later, Calkins slowed on track with a blown engine. That gave the lead back to Stewart, only for him to spun a few seconds later in Turn 3, damaging his rear wing and puncturing his right rear tire against the outside wall. It was thought that the spin had been caused by Stewart running into some debris from Calkins' blown engine, but he later stated that it had been caused by an oil leak in his car. Both drivers retired from the race while the caution was out, and heavy rain started falling on the track less than five minutes after their incidents. IRL officials brought out the red flag on Lap 149. Eddie Cheever had inherited the lead during the caution, and would be later proclaimed as the winner after the race was called with 51 laps to go. This gave Cheever, who had not led a lap under green flag conditions, his first Indy car win after seven years, and the first for a driver-owner since A. J. Foyt at the 1981 Pocono 500. It also ended a long winless drought in Cheever's career: it was his first win on any series since the 1988 1000 km of Fuji, his first win in an open-wheel car since the 1979 Formula 2 race at Zandvoort, and the first major open-wheel victory of his career, having scored 9 podiums without a win in his ten-year F1 tenure, and another four in CART. During the caution, Buddy Lazier, Scott Goodyear and Scott Sharp made a pit stop, but Mike Groff, who had run ninth for most of the race, didn't follow suit, gaining three places on all of them for what would be the best finish of his career in second place, extending his championship lead to 10 points over Buzz Calkins. Also, Lazier's pit stop was significantly slower, which made him drop down to fifth place behind Goodyear and Sharp. Marco Greco got his third top 10 finish in a row with his two stop strategy, the same that propelled Jim Guthrie into his best result at that moment in sixth position in front of the unsung Davey Hamilton. Spaniard Fermín Vélez was the last running car in ninth place, in another career-best showing. Despite being credited with a 10th-place finish, Tony Stewart failed to see the checkered flag for the fifth IRL race in a row, having only finished a race in his first start at Orlando the previous year.
Trap characterization by gate-drain conductance and capacitance dispersion studies of an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor Gate-drain capacitance and conductance measurements were performed on an Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor to study the effects of trap states on frequency-dependent device characteristics. By varying the measurement frequency in addition to the bias applied to the gate, the density and time constants of the trap states have been determined as functions of gate bias. Detailed analysis of the frequency-dependent capacitance and conductance data was performed assuming models in which traps are present at the heterojunction (interface traps), in the AlGaN barrier layer (bulk traps), and at the gate contact (metal–semiconductor traps). Bias-dependent measurements were performed at voltages in the vicinity of the transistor threshold voltage, yielding time constants on the order of 1 μs and trap densities of approximately 1012 cm−2 eV−1.
{"added":"2016-03-22T00:56:01.885Z","created":"2000-05-16T00:00:00.000Z","id":"4495915","metadata":{"abstract":"Gate-drain capacitance and conductance measurements were performed on an Al0.15Ga0.85N\/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor to study the effects of trap states on frequency-dependent device characteristics. By varying the measurement frequency in addition to the bias applied to the gate, the density and time constants of the trap states have been determined as functions of gate bias. Detailed analysis of the frequency-dependent capacitance and conductance data was performed assuming models in which traps are present at the heterojunction (interface traps), in the AlGaN barrier layer (bulk traps), and at the gate contact (metal\u2013semiconductor traps). Bias-dependent measurements were performed at voltages in the vicinity of the transistor threshold voltage, yielding time constants on the order of 1 \u03bcs and trap densities of approximately 1012\u200acm\u22122\u200aeV\u22121.","abstract_count":123,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.628125346463404,"extfieldsofstudy":["Materials Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0004.json.gz:124540","s2fieldsofstudy":["Engineering"],"sha1":"c31e84deac3d534b1d73b022f5067ce9efcec035","sources":["MAG","Grobid","Unpaywall","Crawler","Anansi","ScienceParseMerged"],"title":"Trap characterization by gate-drain conductance and capacitance dispersion studies of an AlGaN\/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor","title_count":15,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-17.077577575184396,"top_frequencies":[{"count":13,"token":"the"},{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"conductance"},{"count":3,"token":"capacitance"},{"count":3,"token":"transistor"},{"count":3,"token":"performed"},{"count":3,"token":"on"},{"count":3,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"trap"},{"count":3,"token":"at"},{"count":2,"token":"an"},{"count":2,"token":"heterostructure"},{"count":2,"token":"field-effect"},{"count":2,"token":"measurements"},{"count":2,"token":"were"},{"count":2,"token":"states"},{"count":2,"token":"frequency-dependent"},{"count":2,"token":"time"},{"count":2,"token":"constants"},{"count":2,"token":"gate"},{"count":2,"token":"traps),"},{"count":1,"token":"Trap"},{"count":1,"token":"characterization"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"gate-drain"},{"count":1,"token":"dispersion"},{"count":1,"token":"studies"},{"count":1,"token":"AlGaN\/GaN"},{"count":1,"token":"Gate-drain"},{"count":1,"token":"Al0.15Ga0.85N\/GaN"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"effects"},{"count":1,"token":"device"},{"count":1,"token":"characteristics."},{"count":1,"token":"By"},{"count":1,"token":"varying"},{"count":1,"token":"measurement"},{"count":1,"token":"frequency"},{"count":1,"token":"addition"},{"count":1,"token":"bias"},{"count":1,"token":"applied"},{"count":1,"token":"gate,"},{"count":1,"token":"density"},{"count":1,"token":"have"},{"count":1,"token":"been"},{"count":1,"token":"determined"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"functions"},{"count":1,"token":"bias."},{"count":1,"token":"Detailed"},{"count":1,"token":"analysis"},{"count":1,"token":"data"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"assuming"},{"count":1,"token":"models"},{"count":1,"token":"which"},{"count":1,"token":"traps"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"present"},{"count":1,"token":"heterojunction"},{"count":1,"token":"(interface"},{"count":1,"token":"AlGaN"},{"count":1,"token":"barrier"},{"count":1,"token":"layer"},{"count":1,"token":"(bulk"},{"count":1,"token":"contact"},{"count":1,"token":"(metal\u2013semiconductor"},{"count":1,"token":"traps)."},{"count":1,"token":"Bias-dependent"},{"count":1,"token":"voltages"},{"count":1,"token":"vicinity"},{"count":1,"token":"threshold"},{"count":1,"token":"voltage,"},{"count":1,"token":"yielding"},{"count":1,"token":"order"},{"count":1,"token":"1"},{"count":1,"token":"\u03bcs"},{"count":1,"token":"densities"},{"count":1,"token":"approximately"},{"count":1,"token":"1012"},{"count":1,"token":"cm\u22122"},{"count":1,"token":"eV\u22121."}],"year":2000},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
How to protect an army from a Storm of Vengeance So, I'm running an online game of D&D 3.5, and the party is going to be up against an invading army in the foreseeable future, with their own army backing them up. I've established that someone in the opposing army (a Bard 6/Stormsinger 10) is capable of casting Storm of Vengeance, when they used it to pretty well wipe out the unsuspecting garrison of the outpost the PCs started out. Now that the PCs and the generals of their allied forces know to expect Storm of Vengeance, what tactics could be employed to prevent it from wiping out a 360ft radius circle's worth of their army? Assume an army of approximately 10,000 with a general assortment of arcane and divine spellcasters in the allied force, which will likely be entrenched in a fortress city of the general style of Minas Tirith (with a large outer wall that would provide cover from the side, but not the top) An alternative Strategy This is a bit of a frame challenge. The alternative to "skill on skill" is to set up an asymmetrical fight. The problem to solve is the power of that spell caster to do serious damage to your army/allies. Plan: the PC's apply their ample magic and talents to stage a commando-style raid to kill or capture the enemy spell caster before the battle starts. (Sun Tzu: The acme of skill is to win the battle without fighting). High risk, high reward? Yeah. That's the bread and butter of adventure games and action movies. (Luke's raid in the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV) is beyond cliché, but it's not the only example). It's based on a tried and true template: commando style raids, deep raids, at a critical enemy capability For a historical example: the US Army Air Corps staged a deep raid, a Long Range Strike, using P-38s to shoot down the plane with Admiral Yamamoto in it. Granted, he was not a spell caster, but depriving the enemy of their outstanding leader (he was really, really good) did not harm the Allied cause. Likewise for you and your allies: taking out that impressive spell caster gives your side an advantage, or takes away the enemy's advantage. For a Hollywood example: The Guns of Navarone. Commando raid takes out big guns that will do serious damage to allied forces. Spell casters are like artillery in D&D battles.
{"added":"2016-09-30T20:27:40.393","attributes":{"dedupe_para_ngrams_13_1":[]},"created":"2016-09-30T18:02:46.243","id":"rpg_stackexchange_com-88602-88615","metadata":{"answer_comment_count":3,"answer_content_license":"CC BY-SA 3.0","answer_id":88615,"answer_last_activity_date":"2016-09-30T20:27:40.393","answer_last_edit_date":"","answer_last_editor_user_id":0,"answer_owner_user_id":22566,"answer_score":9,"answer_view_count":0,"forum":"rpg_stackexchange_com","provenance":"20241028_173636_00007_mgema_f46c5adb-0b6f-4a2e-b00e-876627cf2c76.zst:209206","question_comment_count":4,"question_content_license":"CC BY-SA 3.0","question_id":88602,"question_last_activity_date":"2016-10-01T04:53:32.647","question_last_edit_date":"2016-10-01T02:28:51.943","question_last_editor_user_id":321,"question_owner_user_id":23563,"question_score":4,"question_view_count":1155},"source":"stackexchange","version":"20240930"}
How Does A Seminal Article in Public Administration Diffuse and Influence the Field? Bibliometric Methods and the Case of Hood's “A Public Management For All Seasons?” ABSTRACT: Bibliographic methods offer an advanced microscope-like tool to probe specific fields of inquiry. In this article, we use these methodological tools to demonstrate how a seminal article diffused and influenced the intellectual structure of the public administration (PA) field. We do this by conducting citation (breadth and depth), co-citation (relationships between citing authors and journals), and citation network analysis (network of the most-cited authors citing the focal article) of Hood’s 1991 article “A Public Management for All Seasons?” The findings from the citation analysis of the 949 Hood-citing articles in the Web of Science suggest that Hood is typically studied within PA. Co-citation and citation network analysis points to continuity of themes and topics examined, but also identifies departures, divergences, alternate timeframes, and geographical associations that differ from Hood’s challenges and commentary on the evolution of the field. The extensive opportunities that bibliometric analysis presents for the discipline are discussed.
{"added":"2019-05-20T13:05:35.026Z","created":"2018-07-18T00:00:00.000Z","id":"158923426","metadata":{"abstract":"ABSTRACT: Bibliographic methods offer an advanced microscope-like tool to probe specific fields of inquiry. In this article, we use these methodological tools to demonstrate how a seminal article diffused and influenced the intellectual structure of the public administration (PA) field. We do this by conducting citation (breadth and depth), co-citation (relationships between citing authors and journals), and citation network analysis (network of the most-cited authors citing the focal article) of Hood\u2019s 1991 article \u201cA Public Management for All Seasons?\u201d The findings from the citation analysis of the 949 Hood-citing articles in the Web of Science suggest that Hood is typically studied within PA. Co-citation and citation network analysis points to continuity of themes and topics examined, but also identifies departures, divergences, alternate timeframes, and geographical associations that differ from Hood\u2019s challenges and commentary on the evolution of the field. The extensive opportunities that bibliometric analysis presents for the discipline are discussed.","abstract_count":151,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.684901670038592,"extfieldsofstudy":["Political Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0005.json.gz:741182","s2fieldsofstudy":["Business"],"sha1":"9f8c0fcbe048e70f4ad6738a246e789a5630a59c","sources":["Unpaywall","ElsevierPush","MergedPDFExtraction","Crossref","MAG","TaylorAndFrancis"],"title":"How Does A Seminal Article in Public Administration Diffuse and Influence the Field? Bibliometric Methods and the Case of Hood's \u201cA Public Management For All Seasons?\u201d","title_count":26,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-13.854581208321823,"top_frequencies":[{"count":12,"token":"the"},{"count":10,"token":"and"},{"count":9,"token":"of"},{"count":4,"token":"citation"},{"count":4,"token":"analysis"},{"count":3,"token":"Public"},{"count":3,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"in"},{"count":2,"token":"\u201cA"},{"count":2,"token":"Management"},{"count":2,"token":"All"},{"count":2,"token":"Seasons?\u201d"},{"count":2,"token":"this"},{"count":2,"token":"article"},{"count":2,"token":"field."},{"count":2,"token":"citing"},{"count":2,"token":"authors"},{"count":2,"token":"network"},{"count":2,"token":"Hood\u2019s"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"How"},{"count":1,"token":"Does"},{"count":1,"token":"A"},{"count":1,"token":"Seminal"},{"count":1,"token":"Article"},{"count":1,"token":"Administration"},{"count":1,"token":"Diffuse"},{"count":1,"token":"Influence"},{"count":1,"token":"Field?"},{"count":1,"token":"Bibliometric"},{"count":1,"token":"Methods"},{"count":1,"token":"Case"},{"count":1,"token":"Hood's"},{"count":1,"token":"For"},{"count":1,"token":"ABSTRACT:"},{"count":1,"token":"Bibliographic"},{"count":1,"token":"methods"},{"count":1,"token":"offer"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"advanced"},{"count":1,"token":"microscope-like"},{"count":1,"token":"tool"},{"count":1,"token":"probe"},{"count":1,"token":"specific"},{"count":1,"token":"fields"},{"count":1,"token":"inquiry."},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"article,"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"use"},{"count":1,"token":"these"},{"count":1,"token":"methodological"},{"count":1,"token":"tools"},{"count":1,"token":"demonstrate"},{"count":1,"token":"how"},{"count":1,"token":"a"},{"count":1,"token":"seminal"},{"count":1,"token":"diffused"},{"count":1,"token":"influenced"},{"count":1,"token":"intellectual"},{"count":1,"token":"structure"},{"count":1,"token":"public"},{"count":1,"token":"administration"},{"count":1,"token":"(PA)"},{"count":1,"token":"We"},{"count":1,"token":"do"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"conducting"},{"count":1,"token":"(breadth"},{"count":1,"token":"depth),"},{"count":1,"token":"co-citation"},{"count":1,"token":"(relationships"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"journals),"},{"count":1,"token":"(network"},{"count":1,"token":"most-cited"},{"count":1,"token":"focal"},{"count":1,"token":"article)"},{"count":1,"token":"1991"},{"count":1,"token":"findings"},{"count":1,"token":"949"},{"count":1,"token":"Hood-citing"},{"count":1,"token":"articles"},{"count":1,"token":"Web"},{"count":1,"token":"Science"},{"count":1,"token":"suggest"},{"count":1,"token":"Hood"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"typically"},{"count":1,"token":"studied"},{"count":1,"token":"within"},{"count":1,"token":"PA."},{"count":1,"token":"Co-citation"},{"count":1,"token":"points"},{"count":1,"token":"continuity"},{"count":1,"token":"themes"},{"count":1,"token":"topics"}],"year":2018},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Health Insurance Agent health insurance agent denver Affordable Health Insurance – health insurance agent denver Vietnamdisconcerted Out By Health Insurance? see No Further! health insurance agent training Health insurance Uganda  is exactly what its declare implies, a safety net in battle the worst case scenario happens later than regards to your health. subsequently thus many options out there, and correspondingly many vary companies in the offering, it can be very hard to acquire the right scheme for you. This article can help. If you engage in dangerous hobbies or if your profession carries a level of risk, you may desire to declare a correct or be ready to pay more for your insurance. If your idea of a fun weekend is jumping out of planes, you’ll be paying more for your insurance policy than someone subsequent to two feet on the ground. Make a reduction to factor in your favorite doctors since you commit to a health insurance policy. Many people have a regular doctor that they prefer. subsequently choosing a health insurance plan, realize not forget to check and create distinct that they are covered by it. A fast check could save you a lot of pestering progressive on. Some of the most affordable health insurance Chad plans you can purchase will present you a network of doctors and hospitals to visit should you acquire sick. Always check subsequently the places and people mentioned in this network to look if the level of care provided is within acceptable limits for the child support you’re spending on the insurance policy. If you are in two minds approximately what you are reading in the health insurance policy that you are considering, get not hesitate to have someone else log on higher than it. You reach not desire to be amazed beside the road like you learn that something is not going to be covered and you are going to have to pay for it out of pocket. READ  health insurance agent jobs charlotte nc If you later your current doctor and you complete not want to correct providers later you habit to create certain that you locate out whether he or she is one of the network providers back signing happening next any company. Many health insurance companies will not lid you if you see a doctor that is out of the network. Don’t sign anything without reading the good print. If you find an affordable health insurance Saint Luciaplan that works for you, get a full copy of anything previously paying for it. investigation the entire policy, keeping an eye out for any exceptions or clauses that may deny you coverage. If you don’t take the get older to realize this, it may come support to haunt you in the future. Your employer may have the funds for you as soon as a list of health insurance providers to pick from. It is a good idea to question your co-workers, but as well as doctors and nurses you know, which one they have had the best experience with. It’s not just what is written in your policy, but how it is implemented that matters! If you have pre-existing health problems you will habit to arm yourself afterward more guidance than normal. The laws going on for this vary greatly from let pass to state, and in some states it is even forbidden to buildup prices based on this. create sure you have a positive union of the rules regarding this beforehand. If your health insurance Nauru coverage is roughly to expire, realize not wait until the last minute to find a other one. make positive that your extra health insurance will begin covering you as soon as your current policy expires. realize not go without coverage, even if it is single-handedly for a few days. READ  health insurance agent nc When selecting a health insurance Rwanda scheme you should always cost out the exchange plans affable to you. The plan behind the cheapest premium payments will not always end going on being the cheapest in the long run. The plan’s details more or less what is and is not covered, what is considered in-network and out-of-network treatment, and its deductible costs will determine how much keep you will end happening spending long-term. If you attain not currently have health insurance for yourself or any aficionado of your family, you may desire to check next your local or disclose human services office. They may be adept to have enough money you past entry to low cost insurance or medical care in the event your are ill or injured. Shop going on for swing providers if you do have health problems that could be considered a risk for them to insure. Insurance company requirements change and if you recognize the times to shop around, you may find that you are not high risk through one company but that you are through another. When choosing amongst catastrophic and total health insurance, remember that total health insurance costs more and covers ordinary health care requirements, and preventative health care. Catastrophic health insurance is much cheaper, but it lonely covers catastrophes, as the state indicates. If you have an ongoing medical condition that requires frequent attention, choose amassed insurance. If you are generally healthy but want a safety net, pick catastrophic insurance. Consider putting exchange relatives members upon alternative insurance plans. Sometimes it’s actually cheaper to put low-risk relatives members on a cheap insurance plan, and high-risk members upon a more combine plan. If you have the plans considering the thesame insurance company you can even get a discount for staying loyal to them. READ  health insurance agent near me If you don’t have a pre-existing health condition that requires many doctors’ visits, test, and prescriptions, after that you can keep a lot of grant by purchasing catastrophic health insurance. You pay for coverage of accidents and illnesses that come upon suddenly, taking into consideration cancer or a stroke, that require hospital visits. If you are in your twenties, you can save happening allowance upon health insurance by staying upon your parents’ plan. Legislation is every second from one allow in to another. reach some research practically staying on your parents’ plan. Perhaps you can ration this expense later them, to keep grant for the combined family. So you have contracted on health insurance, and that is probably quite a healthy decision. However, endure your get older and attain your homework. Don’t just instinctively choose a plan without researching a variety and finding the pros and cons of each. As such you will be enlarged protected should the worst come to fruition. Source : Leave a Reply
An adaptive, feature-based low power motion estimation algorithm Motion Estimation is one of the most power hungry operations in video coding. While optimal search (eg. full search) methods give best quality, non optimal methods are often used in order to reduce cost and power. Various algorithms have been used in practice that trade off quality vs. complexity. Global elimination is an algorithm based on pixel averaging to reduce complexity of motion search while keeping performance close to that of full search. We propose an adaptive version of the global elimination algorithm that extracts individual macro-block features using Hadamard transform to optimize the search. Performance achieved is close to the full search method and global elimination. Operational complexity and hence power is reduced by 30% to 45% compared to global elimination method.
{"added":"2015-07-14T19:54:51.000Z","created":"2008-08-26T00:00:00.000Z","id":"5641685","metadata":{"abstract":"Motion Estimation is one of the most power hungry operations in video coding. While optimal search (eg. full search) methods give best quality, non optimal methods are often used in order to reduce cost and power. Various algorithms have been used in practice that trade off quality vs. complexity. Global elimination is an algorithm based on pixel averaging to reduce complexity of motion search while keeping performance close to that of full search. We propose an adaptive version of the global elimination algorithm that extracts individual macro-block features using Hadamard transform to optimize the search. Performance achieved is close to the full search method and global elimination. Operational complexity and hence power is reduced by 30% to 45% compared to global elimination method.","abstract_count":123,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-13.523326249874527,"extfieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0004.json.gz:2147101","s2fieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"sha1":"a081967d8e7fbe17d2d1acf2371b8f60a9ad5f8c","sources":["Crawler","MAG","Anansi","ScienceParseMerged","DBLP","IEEE","Grobid","Unpaywall"],"title":"An adaptive, feature-based low power motion estimation algorithm","title_count":8,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-16.167452461645507,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"to"},{"count":4,"token":"is"},{"count":4,"token":"of"},{"count":4,"token":"the"},{"count":3,"token":"power"},{"count":3,"token":"algorithm"},{"count":3,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"search"},{"count":3,"token":"full"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"that"},{"count":3,"token":"elimination"},{"count":3,"token":"global"},{"count":2,"token":"motion"},{"count":2,"token":"optimal"},{"count":2,"token":"methods"},{"count":2,"token":"used"},{"count":2,"token":"reduce"},{"count":2,"token":"an"},{"count":2,"token":"complexity"},{"count":2,"token":"close"},{"count":2,"token":"search."},{"count":1,"token":"An"},{"count":1,"token":"adaptive,"},{"count":1,"token":"feature-based"},{"count":1,"token":"low"},{"count":1,"token":"estimation"},{"count":1,"token":"Motion"},{"count":1,"token":"Estimation"},{"count":1,"token":"one"},{"count":1,"token":"most"},{"count":1,"token":"hungry"},{"count":1,"token":"operations"},{"count":1,"token":"video"},{"count":1,"token":"coding."},{"count":1,"token":"While"},{"count":1,"token":"(eg."},{"count":1,"token":"search)"},{"count":1,"token":"give"},{"count":1,"token":"best"},{"count":1,"token":"quality,"},{"count":1,"token":"non"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"often"},{"count":1,"token":"order"},{"count":1,"token":"cost"},{"count":1,"token":"power."},{"count":1,"token":"Various"},{"count":1,"token":"algorithms"},{"count":1,"token":"have"},{"count":1,"token":"been"},{"count":1,"token":"practice"},{"count":1,"token":"trade"},{"count":1,"token":"off"},{"count":1,"token":"quality"},{"count":1,"token":"vs."},{"count":1,"token":"complexity."},{"count":1,"token":"Global"},{"count":1,"token":"based"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"pixel"},{"count":1,"token":"averaging"},{"count":1,"token":"while"},{"count":1,"token":"keeping"},{"count":1,"token":"performance"},{"count":1,"token":"We"},{"count":1,"token":"propose"},{"count":1,"token":"adaptive"},{"count":1,"token":"version"},{"count":1,"token":"extracts"},{"count":1,"token":"individual"},{"count":1,"token":"macro-block"},{"count":1,"token":"features"},{"count":1,"token":"using"},{"count":1,"token":"Hadamard"},{"count":1,"token":"transform"},{"count":1,"token":"optimize"},{"count":1,"token":"Performance"},{"count":1,"token":"achieved"},{"count":1,"token":"method"},{"count":1,"token":"elimination."},{"count":1,"token":"Operational"},{"count":1,"token":"hence"},{"count":1,"token":"reduced"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"30%"},{"count":1,"token":"45%"},{"count":1,"token":"compared"},{"count":1,"token":"method."}],"year":2008},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Das Parlament wird sich mit den einzelstaatlichen Parlamenten abstimmen. In English? xxxxx The House will liaise with the national parliaments. Obwohl seine Flagge von kornischen Sezession isten als Symbol gewählt wurde, ziert sie auch in apolitisch er Bedeutung die Verpackung mancher kornischer Pasteten. Nach dem Niedergang des Zinnbergbaus und den Problemen in Landwirtschaft und Fischerei hängt die kornische Wirtschaft stark vom Tourismus ab. In English? xxxxx Cornwall has a relatively high retired population, with 22.9% of pensionable age, compared to 20.3% for the United Kingdom. So sieht die Situation heute tatsächlich aus. In English? xxxxx These are the realities today.
Ashley faces big task persuading fans stadium-name sale will help club join elite By Ian Ladyman for the Daily Mail Just after 2pm in chilly Newcastle on Thursday, two men in tracksuits and football shirts walked past the stadium that began the week as St James' Park. Without explanation or notice, one of them diverted briefly and silently to place a hand on a sign bearing the ground's traditional name. It was a simple gesture and one that, in truth, may have been done largely for the sake of the rather bored TV crews loitering nearby. Name game: St James' Park has been re-named The Sports Direct Arena Nevertheless, it spoke volumes for the disquiet caused this week by owner Mike Ashley's decision to re-brand his club's home the Sports Direct Arena ahead of what he hopes will be a lucrative naming-rights deal next year. There were no visible protests in Newcastle yesterday. There was no real drama. This will have to wait for the next home game in the Barclays Premier League. Nevertheless, the dissent was apparent if you looked for it. Grounds for concern: A supporter shows his annoyance at the change Grounds for concern: A supporter shows his annoyance at the change According to the man with the goatee beard drinking at The Strawberry pub opposite the  stadium, Ashley is simply 'a bloody idiot'. In the Central Bean cafe down the road, a student type  dismissed Ashley as 'out of touch'. In the always reliable Evening Chronicle (right) the message was clear. 'St James' Park and Always Will Be' was the banner headline on a wonderfully emotive front page. All very predictable, of course. To football people, heritage means almost as much as results and nowhere is that more pertinent than in the North East. Absent in Newcastle yesterday, however, were any answers; any solutions; any sensible alternatives. There was much harrumphing and complaining from former  players, fanzine editors and esteemed local paper columnists. Former centre forward Micky Quinn - who is a Scouser - described Ashley's decision as a 'kick in the teeth'. Former goalkeeper Shay Given - who is Irish - called it a 'business thing'. No-one, however, attempted to provide an answer to a very simple but very serious question that dogs this great club. How do they raise the money they need to compete? In black and white: The Evening Chronicle's front-page splash In black and white: The Evening Chronicle's front-page splash As long as Ashley fails to sell Newcastle to somebody with more money, this football club will continue losing ground on many others in the Premier League. The team - thanks to manager Alan Pardew - are currently third in the table but it is a false position and it won't last. If Newcastle and their supporters really want to move forward then it's clear something must give. Something must change. It has, after all, been done before and the club have survived and prospered. History, we are told, means everything to Newcastle fans. Well, a look back in time reveals that the famous Magpies actually began their league career wearing red and white stripes. Yes, really. Hard hitting: Newcastle legend Macdonald is critical of Ashley's scheme Hard hitting: Newcastle legend Macdonald is critical of Ashley's scheme It reveals their hardcore home fans used to stand at the Leazes End, rather than the famed Gallowgate, and that the club considered leaving St James' Park on three occasions, in 1899, in the 1960s and the 1990s. So if three of the things most closely connected with this club have changed - or almost changed - radically over time then why is Ashley's  decision to try to raise £10million a season on the back of a deal to rename the stadium and sponsor the home shirt being viewed as such heresy? We know why, of course. It's because Ashley is not trusted here. It's because he has not given his manager all of the £35m the club raised from the sale of centre forward Andy Carroll to Liverpool in January. It is - to some degree - because he is from London. He is not a Geordie. One of the more sensible arguments proposed in the North East yesterday was that Ashley should have waited until he had actually sold the naming rights before he chose to wipe the words St James' Park from view. Ashley is not trusted here His argument is he has tried that and it has failed. Time to take the next step. Another accusation is that - as he waits for a new deal to emerge - Ashley is merely taking the opportunity to splash his own company's name even larger across the stadium. All this is valid and understandable. Hence the anger, the irritation and the resistance. Certainly St James' Park is woven deep into the fabric here. Football has been played there since 1880 and the ground has never had another name. At the St James Metro station that serves the stadium, the name St James' Park is prominent. In fact, it appears more than a dozen times on the ticket barriers, the stairwells, the escalators and the platforms. It appears on tiles and on intricate murals. When contacted by Sportsmail yesterday, the company's owners were adamant that they would not be changing a thing. 'We will not be renaming the  station,' they said. The numbers - or the potential numbers - make perfect sense for fans of a football club in need of players. Clubs such as Manchester City, Stoke City and Arsenal generate millions of pounds a season through stadium-naming rights. As Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias said yesterday: 'That could buy us a player a season.' Up here, though, in this exposed corner of England, that is not enough. History, it appears, is sacred and you don't mess with it. Half a mile from his stadium, on Town Moor, lies the sight of Newcastle's old gallows. It would not be advisable for Ashley to pass by there any time soon.  St James' Park: Mike Ashley won't win Newcastle fans over
Modified SOM based intelligent semi-autonomous navigation system The fundamental problem in today's world when robots are becoming a part of daily routine is getting them to move from one desired place to another without any problem and collision. In doing so a robot needs to perceive its environment to efficiently navigate through it. The navigation is possible only if the robot differentiates between different scenarios around it in real time. In this paper we present a semi-autonomous navigation strategy designed for low throughput interfaces. The task is to minimize the user input by intelligently interpreting and executing the commands. Analyzing the environment in real time, the robot selects the most probable action using collision free steering techniques which employ the Self Organizing Map in cooperation with Artificial Potential Field, in which both the user and an intelligent robot co-exist. The performance of the proposed navigation algorithm is confirmed with computer simulations and experiments using the Pioneer 3-AT mobile robot.
{"added":"2017-02-24T20:04:42.027Z","created":"2012-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"7814","metadata":{"abstract":"The fundamental problem in today's world when robots are becoming a part of daily routine is getting them to move from one desired place to another without any problem and collision. In doing so a robot needs to perceive its environment to efficiently navigate through it. The navigation is possible only if the robot differentiates between different scenarios around it in real time. In this paper we present a semi-autonomous navigation strategy designed for low throughput interfaces. The task is to minimize the user input by intelligently interpreting and executing the commands. Analyzing the environment in real time, the robot selects the most probable action using collision free steering techniques which employ the Self Organizing Map in cooperation with Artificial Potential Field, in which both the user and an intelligent robot co-exist. The performance of the proposed navigation algorithm is confirmed with computer simulations and experiments using the Pioneer 3-AT mobile robot.","abstract_count":152,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-12.535134352913303,"extfieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0003.json.gz:2313353","s2fieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"sha1":"07c30cf0410a37b5f4631dd00b284ca6ea1f5756","sources":["Unpaywall","IEEE","Grobid","ScienceParseMerged","MAG"],"title":"Modified SOM based intelligent semi-autonomous navigation system","title_count":7,"title_language":"fr","title_perplexity":-15.942244609194985,"top_frequencies":[{"count":10,"token":"the"},{"count":5,"token":"in"},{"count":5,"token":"to"},{"count":4,"token":"navigation"},{"count":4,"token":"The"},{"count":4,"token":"is"},{"count":4,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"robot"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":2,"token":"intelligent"},{"count":2,"token":"semi-autonomous"},{"count":2,"token":"problem"},{"count":2,"token":"of"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"environment"},{"count":2,"token":"real"},{"count":2,"token":"user"},{"count":2,"token":"using"},{"count":2,"token":"which"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"Modified"},{"count":1,"token":"SOM"},{"count":1,"token":"based"},{"count":1,"token":"system"},{"count":1,"token":"fundamental"},{"count":1,"token":"today's"},{"count":1,"token":"world"},{"count":1,"token":"when"},{"count":1,"token":"robots"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"becoming"},{"count":1,"token":"part"},{"count":1,"token":"daily"},{"count":1,"token":"routine"},{"count":1,"token":"getting"},{"count":1,"token":"them"},{"count":1,"token":"move"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"one"},{"count":1,"token":"desired"},{"count":1,"token":"place"},{"count":1,"token":"another"},{"count":1,"token":"without"},{"count":1,"token":"any"},{"count":1,"token":"collision."},{"count":1,"token":"doing"},{"count":1,"token":"so"},{"count":1,"token":"needs"},{"count":1,"token":"perceive"},{"count":1,"token":"its"},{"count":1,"token":"efficiently"},{"count":1,"token":"navigate"},{"count":1,"token":"through"},{"count":1,"token":"it."},{"count":1,"token":"possible"},{"count":1,"token":"only"},{"count":1,"token":"if"},{"count":1,"token":"differentiates"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"different"},{"count":1,"token":"scenarios"},{"count":1,"token":"around"},{"count":1,"token":"it"},{"count":1,"token":"time."},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"paper"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"present"},{"count":1,"token":"strategy"},{"count":1,"token":"designed"},{"count":1,"token":"for"},{"count":1,"token":"low"},{"count":1,"token":"throughput"},{"count":1,"token":"interfaces."},{"count":1,"token":"task"},{"count":1,"token":"minimize"},{"count":1,"token":"input"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"intelligently"},{"count":1,"token":"interpreting"},{"count":1,"token":"executing"},{"count":1,"token":"commands."},{"count":1,"token":"Analyzing"},{"count":1,"token":"time,"},{"count":1,"token":"selects"},{"count":1,"token":"most"},{"count":1,"token":"probable"},{"count":1,"token":"action"},{"count":1,"token":"collision"},{"count":1,"token":"free"},{"count":1,"token":"steering"},{"count":1,"token":"techniques"},{"count":1,"token":"employ"},{"count":1,"token":"Self"},{"count":1,"token":"Organizing"},{"count":1,"token":"Map"},{"count":1,"token":"cooperation"},{"count":1,"token":"Artificial"},{"count":1,"token":"Potential"},{"count":1,"token":"Field,"}],"year":2012},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Assessment of noise-levels of generator-sets in seven cities of South-Southern Nigeria Noise pollution has been shown to be a global health hazard and this could be aggravated by the use of noise-emitting generators. Therefore, this study aims to determine the Sound Pressure Levels Sound Power Levels as well as Noisiness of sixty different models with various Power-ratings from fourteen generator brands, commonly used in homes/offices in seven cities covering South-Southern Nigeria. The results obtained between January 2013–December 2015 showed that for nearly all generator brands, models and ratings, the values of were above the Permissible Noise Exposure Limits recommended by and of and respectively for daytime safe human exposure. Also, the ‘Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test’ analyses showed that the three (3) alternative hypotheses , and are statistically-significant and should be accepted – further implying that: the decibel-ratings of majority of these generator-models are evidently hazardous.
{"added":"2019-05-30T23:43:33.615Z","created":"2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z","id":"169712156","metadata":{"abstract":"Noise pollution has been shown to be a global health hazard and this could be aggravated by the use of noise-emitting generators. Therefore, this study aims to determine the Sound Pressure Levels Sound Power Levels as well as Noisiness of sixty different models with various Power-ratings from fourteen generator brands, commonly used in homes\/offices in seven cities covering South-Southern Nigeria. The results obtained between January 2013\u2013December 2015 showed that for nearly all generator brands, models and ratings, the values of were above the Permissible Noise Exposure Limits recommended by and of and respectively for daytime safe human exposure. Also, the \u2018Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test\u2019 analyses showed that the three (3) alternative hypotheses , and are statistically-significant and should be accepted \u2013 further implying that: the decibel-ratings of majority of these generator-models are evidently hazardous.","abstract_count":134,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.561350532410255,"extfieldsofstudy":["Environmental Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0004.json.gz:3538547","s2fieldsofstudy":["Physics"],"sha1":"423957de7ad1abbfa3c15ea2d35446423bb49fd3","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","ScienceParsePlus","Adhoc","TaylorAndFrancis","Unpaywall","MAG"],"title":"Assessment of noise-levels of generator-sets in seven cities of South-Southern Nigeria","title_count":11,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-14.685368364527797,"top_frequencies":[{"count":9,"token":"of"},{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"be"},{"count":2,"token":"seven"},{"count":2,"token":"cities"},{"count":2,"token":"South-Southern"},{"count":2,"token":"Noise"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"this"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"Sound"},{"count":2,"token":"Levels"},{"count":2,"token":"as"},{"count":2,"token":"models"},{"count":2,"token":"generator"},{"count":2,"token":"brands,"},{"count":2,"token":"showed"},{"count":2,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"Assessment"},{"count":1,"token":"noise-levels"},{"count":1,"token":"generator-sets"},{"count":1,"token":"Nigeria"},{"count":1,"token":"pollution"},{"count":1,"token":"has"},{"count":1,"token":"been"},{"count":1,"token":"shown"},{"count":1,"token":"a"},{"count":1,"token":"global"},{"count":1,"token":"health"},{"count":1,"token":"hazard"},{"count":1,"token":"could"},{"count":1,"token":"aggravated"},{"count":1,"token":"use"},{"count":1,"token":"noise-emitting"},{"count":1,"token":"generators."},{"count":1,"token":"Therefore,"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"aims"},{"count":1,"token":"determine"},{"count":1,"token":"Pressure"},{"count":1,"token":"Power"},{"count":1,"token":"well"},{"count":1,"token":"Noisiness"},{"count":1,"token":"sixty"},{"count":1,"token":"different"},{"count":1,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"various"},{"count":1,"token":"Power-ratings"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"fourteen"},{"count":1,"token":"commonly"},{"count":1,"token":"used"},{"count":1,"token":"homes\/offices"},{"count":1,"token":"covering"},{"count":1,"token":"Nigeria."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"results"},{"count":1,"token":"obtained"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"January"},{"count":1,"token":"2013\u2013December"},{"count":1,"token":"2015"},{"count":1,"token":"nearly"},{"count":1,"token":"all"},{"count":1,"token":"ratings,"},{"count":1,"token":"values"},{"count":1,"token":"were"},{"count":1,"token":"above"},{"count":1,"token":"Permissible"},{"count":1,"token":"Exposure"},{"count":1,"token":"Limits"},{"count":1,"token":"recommended"},{"count":1,"token":"respectively"},{"count":1,"token":"daytime"},{"count":1,"token":"safe"},{"count":1,"token":"human"},{"count":1,"token":"exposure."},{"count":1,"token":"Also,"},{"count":1,"token":"\u2018Wilcoxon"},{"count":1,"token":"Signed"},{"count":1,"token":"Ranks"},{"count":1,"token":"Test\u2019"},{"count":1,"token":"analyses"},{"count":1,"token":"three"},{"count":1,"token":"(3)"},{"count":1,"token":"alternative"},{"count":1,"token":"hypotheses"},{"count":1,"token":","},{"count":1,"token":"statistically-significant"},{"count":1,"token":"should"},{"count":1,"token":"accepted"},{"count":1,"token":"\u2013"},{"count":1,"token":"further"},{"count":1,"token":"implying"},{"count":1,"token":"that:"},{"count":1,"token":"decibel-ratings"}],"year":2018},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Melting characteristics of alternative charging materials in an electric arc furnace steelmaking ABSTRACT The data obtained on 220-T ultra-high power electric arc furnace (EAF) were analysed in order to study the impact of DRI quality on the steelmaking process parameters and consumption of lime, coke, oxygen, natural gas, electrical energy and electrodes. In addition, the effects of charging methods and proportions of DRI in an EAF were studied. It was found that by increasing the proportion of non-high quality reduced pellets and/or HBI to 45% of the metallic charge, the steel yield decreased to 85.32% and increased to 87.57% when between 75 and 100% continuous feeding of high quality reduced pellets. This resulted in saving 21 min in tap-to-tap time and 7% of the electrode consumption. Charging high proportion of non-high quality DRI from 45% to 100% in EAF, leads to a loss of 4 tons/heat in liquid steel, and an increase in lime consumption from 4 to 6 kg/ton liquid steel.
{"added":"2021-09-28T18:14:32.777Z","created":"2021-07-05T00:00:00.000Z","id":"240567831","metadata":{"abstract":"ABSTRACT The data obtained on 220-T ultra-high power electric arc furnace (EAF) were analysed in order to study the impact of DRI quality on the steelmaking process parameters and consumption of lime, coke, oxygen, natural gas, electrical energy and electrodes. In addition, the effects of charging methods and proportions of DRI in an EAF were studied. It was found that by increasing the proportion of non-high quality reduced pellets and\/or HBI to 45% of the metallic charge, the steel yield decreased to 85.32% and increased to 87.57% when between 75 and 100% continuous feeding of high quality reduced pellets. This resulted in saving 21 min in tap-to-tap time and 7% of the electrode consumption. Charging high proportion of non-high quality DRI from 45% to 100% in EAF, leads to a loss of 4 tons\/heat in liquid steel, and an increase in lime consumption from 4 to 6 kg\/ton liquid steel.","abstract_count":150,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.629477807180256,"extfieldsofstudy":["Materials Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0000.json.gz:3698700","s2fieldsofstudy":["Materials Science"],"sha1":"deb2c53d5a0abccfa9c7fa41740543da33fa3cfa","sources":["TaylorAndFrancis","MAG","Crossref","MergedPDFExtraction"],"title":"Melting characteristics of alternative charging materials in an electric arc furnace steelmaking","title_count":12,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-13.746491352299207,"top_frequencies":[{"count":11,"token":"of"},{"count":8,"token":"in"},{"count":7,"token":"to"},{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":7,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"quality"},{"count":3,"token":"an"},{"count":3,"token":"DRI"},{"count":2,"token":"charging"},{"count":2,"token":"electric"},{"count":2,"token":"arc"},{"count":2,"token":"furnace"},{"count":2,"token":"steelmaking"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"were"},{"count":2,"token":"consumption"},{"count":2,"token":"proportion"},{"count":2,"token":"non-high"},{"count":2,"token":"reduced"},{"count":2,"token":"45%"},{"count":2,"token":"100%"},{"count":2,"token":"high"},{"count":2,"token":"from"},{"count":2,"token":"4"},{"count":2,"token":"liquid"},{"count":1,"token":"Melting"},{"count":1,"token":"characteristics"},{"count":1,"token":"alternative"},{"count":1,"token":"materials"},{"count":1,"token":"ABSTRACT"},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"data"},{"count":1,"token":"obtained"},{"count":1,"token":"220-T"},{"count":1,"token":"ultra-high"},{"count":1,"token":"power"},{"count":1,"token":"(EAF)"},{"count":1,"token":"analysed"},{"count":1,"token":"order"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"impact"},{"count":1,"token":"process"},{"count":1,"token":"parameters"},{"count":1,"token":"lime,"},{"count":1,"token":"coke,"},{"count":1,"token":"oxygen,"},{"count":1,"token":"natural"},{"count":1,"token":"gas,"},{"count":1,"token":"electrical"},{"count":1,"token":"energy"},{"count":1,"token":"electrodes."},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"addition,"},{"count":1,"token":"effects"},{"count":1,"token":"methods"},{"count":1,"token":"proportions"},{"count":1,"token":"EAF"},{"count":1,"token":"studied."},{"count":1,"token":"It"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"found"},{"count":1,"token":"that"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"increasing"},{"count":1,"token":"pellets"},{"count":1,"token":"and\/or"},{"count":1,"token":"HBI"},{"count":1,"token":"metallic"},{"count":1,"token":"charge,"},{"count":1,"token":"steel"},{"count":1,"token":"yield"},{"count":1,"token":"decreased"},{"count":1,"token":"85.32%"},{"count":1,"token":"increased"},{"count":1,"token":"87.57%"},{"count":1,"token":"when"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"75"},{"count":1,"token":"continuous"},{"count":1,"token":"feeding"},{"count":1,"token":"pellets."},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"resulted"},{"count":1,"token":"saving"},{"count":1,"token":"21"},{"count":1,"token":"min"},{"count":1,"token":"tap-to-tap"},{"count":1,"token":"time"},{"count":1,"token":"7%"},{"count":1,"token":"electrode"},{"count":1,"token":"consumption."},{"count":1,"token":"Charging"},{"count":1,"token":"EAF,"},{"count":1,"token":"leads"},{"count":1,"token":"a"},{"count":1,"token":"loss"},{"count":1,"token":"tons\/heat"},{"count":1,"token":"steel,"},{"count":1,"token":"increase"},{"count":1,"token":"lime"}],"year":2021},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Taranto F.C. 1927 Taranto Football Club 1927, commonly referred to as Taranto, is a professional Italian football club, based in Taranto, Apulia. Originally founded in 1927 by the union of two pioneering clubs that created the first city squad, Taranto currently plays in . Taranto is 19th in the all-time Serie B ranking, though Taranto has not played in Serie B since 1993, having played in the "serie cadetta" 31 times, more than any other Italian club which never played in Serie A. History. A.S. Taranto. The first team ever founded in the city of Taranto was the "Mario Rapisardi", established in 1904. However, in 1904 another team, "U.S. Pro Italia", was founded. That year, the two teams attempted unsuccessfully to merge with each other. In 1911, after the founding of "Audace Foot Ball Club" by a group of local students, a rivalry between the two teams started, lasting until 1927, when the two teams merged to form "A.S. Taranto". The new team first promoted to Serie B in 1935, played only one year in that category. In 1947, after merging with "U.S. Arsenale Taranto", another team in the city, the club assumed the name of "U.S. Arsenaltaranto", which lasted until 1955, when the old one was restored. In 1965, the new venue was inaugurated, after a hundred days of construction. A number of years played in Serie B and Serie C saw the highest peak ever reached by Taranto in 1977–1978, when the team, led by striker Erasmo Iacovone, was seriously fighting for a surprising promotion. However, on 6 February 1978, Iacovone was killed in a car accident. After his death, Taranto's venue was named after him. Taranto left Serie B in 1980/1981 and reached it again three years later. In 1985 the club was declared bankrupt by magistrates, and was taken over before the end of that season. Because of all that, it was forced to change its name to a different one, "Taranto Football Club SpA". However, after more economic woes, the team was disbanded in 1993. Another club. A new team, named "Taranto Calcio 1906", was established in 1993 and registered to Serie D by the FIGC. The team reached Serie C2/C in 1994/1995, but went into liquidation in 1998, so that a new team, again named "U.S. Arsenaltaranto", was admitted to Serie D. In 2000 it was admitted to Serie C2/C, and changed its name to "Taranto Calcio Srl". However, in 2004 the team was declared bankrupt one more time, and the consequent bankruptcy auction entrusted the club in the hands of businessman Vito Luigi Blasi, who changed its name in "Taranto Sport Srl". In 2005/2006, the team ended second, gaining a spot in the promotion play-offs. The final phase of the Serie C2/C league ended in a triumph for Taranto Sport, which won the playoff finals against Rende and returned to Serie C1/B. On 29 June 2012 it was excluded from Italian professional football and did not take its place in the 2012–13 championship of Lega Pro Prima Divisione. Taranto Football Club 1927. On 20 July 2012 the new company Taranto Football Club 1927 S.p.A. was established. It restarted from the Serie D (Girone H) thanks to Article 52 of N.O.I.F. In 2013 the team finished 7th in the league. In 2014 it ended the season in second place and lost to Arezzo in the play-offs. The next season ended in similar fashion, with Taranto ending the season in second place and losing in the play-offs semifinal to Sestri Levante. In 2015 the club was renamed to Società Sportiva Dilettantistica Taranto Football Club 1927. In 2016 the team finished the season in second place and lost in the play-offs to Fondi, but eventually benefitted from a repechage and promoted to Lega Pro. The following season Taranto finished 20th in Lega Pro/C and thus got relegated back to Serie D after just one season. In 2017–18 the team finished 4th in Serie D/H and lost to Cavese the playoff final. A year later the team finished 3rd in Serie D/H but again lost in the playoff final, this time to Audace Cerignola. The team finished 6th in 2019–20 Serie D/H, thus failing to qualify for the playoffs. In 2020-21, Taranto finished in first place in Group H, thus securing promotion to Serie C. Colors and badge. The team's colors are red and blue.
Q:Title: Ugly Movie Product review: People who claim they "loved" this gratuitous violence and debauchery-filled movie need to get a life and learn what a great movie is. There is nothing redeeming or "important" about this movie. It's just ugly. Would you say this review depicts the product in a flattering or unflattering light? A: unflattering
Tropic Appetites Tropic Appetites is a jazz album by Carla Bley released in 1974, following her debut "Escalator over the Hill". The lyrics are contributed by Bley's friend Paul Haines, based on his journeys to Southeast Asia in the preceding years. Unlike on the orchestral "Escalator", the band is an octet, with Julie Tippetts as lead vocalist.
APPLICATION OF THE NONUNIFORM FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM TO THE DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF TWO-WAY COUPLED PARTICLE LADEN FLOWS We present the application of the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform (NUFFT) to the pseudo-spectral Eulerian–Lagrangian direct numerical simulation of particle-laden flows. In the two-way coupling regime, when the particle feedback on the flow is taken into account, a spectral method requires not only the interpolation of the flow fields at particle positions, but also the Fourier representation of the particle back-reaction on the flow fields on a regular grid. Even though the direct B-spline interpolation is a well-established tool, to the best of our knowledge the reverse projection scheme has never been used, replaced by less accurate linear reverse interpolation or Gaussian regularization. We propose to compute the particle momentum and temperature feedback on the flow by means of the forward NUFFT, while the backward NUFFT is used to perform the B-spline interpolation. Since the backward and forward transformations are symmetric and the (non local) convolution computed in physical space is removed in Fourier space, this procedure satisfies all constraints for a consistent interpolation scheme, and allows an efficient implementation of high-order interpolations. The resulting method is applied to the direct numerical simulation of a forced and isotropic turbulent flow with different particle Stokes numbers in the two-way coupling regime. A marked multifractal scaling is observed in the particle statistics, which implies that the feedback from the particles on the fields is far from being analytic and therefore only high-order methods, like the one here proposed, can provide an accurate representation.
{"added":"2019-04-22T13:12:42.100Z","created":"2018-07-10T00:00:00.000Z","id":"126120253","metadata":{"abstract":"We present the application of the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform (NUFFT) to the pseudo-spectral Eulerian\u2013Lagrangian direct numerical simulation of particle-laden flows. In the two-way coupling regime, when the particle feedback on the flow is taken into account, a spectral method requires not only the interpolation of the flow fields at particle positions, but also the Fourier representation of the particle back-reaction on the flow fields on a regular grid. Even though the direct B-spline interpolation is a well-established tool, to the best of our knowledge the reverse projection scheme has never been used, replaced by less accurate linear reverse interpolation or Gaussian regularization. We propose to compute the particle momentum and temperature feedback on the flow by means of the forward NUFFT, while the backward NUFFT is used to perform the B-spline interpolation. Since the backward and forward transformations are symmetric and the (non local) convolution computed in physical space is removed in Fourier space, this procedure satisfies all constraints for a consistent interpolation scheme, and allows an efficient implementation of high-order interpolations. The resulting method is applied to the direct numerical simulation of a forced and isotropic turbulent flow with different particle Stokes numbers in the two-way coupling regime. 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[Management of agricultural injuries at our department]. Authors want to call attention with the presentation of 4 cases to the significance of the agricultural injuries and to the difficulties of the therapy. The importance of the primary wound care is stressed. An adequate excision of the wound, debridement and an open wound care are essential in severely crushed, soiled cases. Therapy of severely crushed injuries, complicated with multiple fractures needs individual weighing and a reconstruction in more sittings.
{"added":"2018-04-03T00:00:38.064Z","created":"1992-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"9040093","metadata":{"abstract":"Authors want to call attention with the presentation of 4 cases to the significance of the agricultural injuries and to the difficulties of the therapy. The importance of the primary wound care is stressed. An adequate excision of the wound, debridement and an open wound care are essential in severely crushed, soiled cases. Therapy of severely crushed injuries, complicated with multiple fractures needs individual weighing and a reconstruction in more sittings.","abstract_count":71,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-13.159690778912555,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0002.json.gz:2150381","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"sha1":"51344e78032544a443dde917596887c8d60b7f96","sources":["Medline","MAG"],"title":"[Management of agricultural injuries at our department].","title_count":7,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-16.454543541445684,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"of"},{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":3,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":2,"token":"agricultural"},{"count":2,"token":"injuries"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"wound"},{"count":2,"token":"care"},{"count":2,"token":"in"},{"count":2,"token":"severely"},{"count":1,"token":"[Management"},{"count":1,"token":"at"},{"count":1,"token":"our"},{"count":1,"token":"department]."},{"count":1,"token":"Authors"},{"count":1,"token":"want"},{"count":1,"token":"call"},{"count":1,"token":"attention"},{"count":1,"token":"presentation"},{"count":1,"token":"4"},{"count":1,"token":"cases"},{"count":1,"token":"significance"},{"count":1,"token":"difficulties"},{"count":1,"token":"therapy."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"importance"},{"count":1,"token":"primary"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"stressed."},{"count":1,"token":"An"},{"count":1,"token":"adequate"},{"count":1,"token":"excision"},{"count":1,"token":"wound,"},{"count":1,"token":"debridement"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"open"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"essential"},{"count":1,"token":"crushed,"},{"count":1,"token":"soiled"},{"count":1,"token":"cases."},{"count":1,"token":"Therapy"},{"count":1,"token":"crushed"},{"count":1,"token":"injuries,"},{"count":1,"token":"complicated"},{"count":1,"token":"multiple"},{"count":1,"token":"fractures"},{"count":1,"token":"needs"},{"count":1,"token":"individual"},{"count":1,"token":"weighing"},{"count":1,"token":"a"},{"count":1,"token":"reconstruction"},{"count":1,"token":"more"},{"count":1,"token":"sittings."}],"year":1992},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Hospital care for people with learning disability. People with learning disability experience health inequalities and die younger than those without learning disability. They often have problems accessing timely and highquality care and frequently report negative experiences of hospital care. Improving care for people with learning disability is a national priority and can be achieved through a combination of systems improvements and change in individual practice.
{"added":"2018-04-03T00:33:51.460Z","created":"2017-10-11T00:00:00.000Z","id":"12957331","metadata":{"abstract":"People with learning disability \nexperience health inequalities and \ndie younger than those without \nlearning disability. They often have \nproblems accessing timely and highquality \ncare and frequently report negative \nexperiences of hospital care. Improving \ncare for people with learning disability is a \nnational priority and can be achieved through \na combination of systems improvements and \nchange in individual practice.","abstract_count":58,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-12.141867472659865,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:2117238","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine","Political Science","Philosophy"],"sha1":"8a5012b650c12c34b9d8ab98c944b4585e9cd36f","sources":["Medline","ScienceParseMerged","MAG","Unpaywall"],"title":"Hospital care for people with learning disability.","title_count":7,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-13.242270819291951,"top_frequencies":[{"count":5,"token":"and"},{"count":4,"token":"learning"},{"count":3,"token":"care"},{"count":3,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"people"},{"count":2,"token":"disability."},{"count":2,"token":"disability"},{"count":2,"token":"of"},{"count":2,"token":"a"},{"count":1,"token":"Hospital"},{"count":1,"token":"People"},{"count":1,"token":"experience"},{"count":1,"token":"health"},{"count":1,"token":"inequalities"},{"count":1,"token":"die"},{"count":1,"token":"younger"},{"count":1,"token":"than"},{"count":1,"token":"those"},{"count":1,"token":"without"},{"count":1,"token":"They"},{"count":1,"token":"often"},{"count":1,"token":"have"},{"count":1,"token":"problems"},{"count":1,"token":"accessing"},{"count":1,"token":"timely"},{"count":1,"token":"highquality"},{"count":1,"token":"frequently"},{"count":1,"token":"report"},{"count":1,"token":"negative"},{"count":1,"token":"experiences"},{"count":1,"token":"hospital"},{"count":1,"token":"care."},{"count":1,"token":"Improving"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"national"},{"count":1,"token":"priority"},{"count":1,"token":"can"},{"count":1,"token":"be"},{"count":1,"token":"achieved"},{"count":1,"token":"through"},{"count":1,"token":"combination"},{"count":1,"token":"systems"},{"count":1,"token":"improvements"},{"count":1,"token":"change"},{"count":1,"token":"in"},{"count":1,"token":"individual"},{"count":1,"token":"practice."}],"year":2017},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
IN: French: (i) the applicant furnishes to the receiving Office the required correction under Article 11(2) after the date of receipt of the purported international application but on a later date falling within the applicable time limit under Rule 20.7, the receiving Office shall accord that later date as the international filing date and proceed as provided in Rule 20.2(b) and (c); OUT: i) le déposant remet à l’office récepteur la correction requise en vertu de l’article 11.2) à une date ultérieure à la date de réception de ce qui est supposé constituer une demande internationale mais avant l’expiration du délai applicable en vertu de la règle 20.7, l’office récepteur attribue comme date de dépôt international cette date ultérieure et prend les mesures prévues à la règle 20.2.b) et c); IN: French: • Innovation not only means finding better ways to produce existing goods and services; it also provides the opportunity for new goods and services to be developed. OUT: • L’innovation, ce n’est pas seulement trouver de meilleures façons de produire des biens et des services existants, c’est aussi fournir la possibilité de mettre au point de nouveaux produits et services. IN: French: To that end, they have established road infrastructure programmes to connect their communications networks at the subregional and regional levels, encourage the circulation of goods and services, and promote business opportunities. OUT: À cet effet, ils ont mis en place des programmes d'infrastructures routières pour permettre l'interconnexion de leurs réseaux de communications au niveau sous-régional et régional, favoriser la circulation des biens et services et promouvoir les opportunités d'affaires. IN: French: Reduced C flow from the host could lead to reduced fungal growth and root colonization, as was observed under high soil P conditions. OUT: Un influx réduit de C à partir de l'hôte pourrait mener à une diminution de la croissance fongique et de la colonisation des racines telle qu'observée dans des conditions de P élevées dans le sol.
Come up with a question and reasoning that would justify this answer: 109 The question is: Mrs. Dunbar was creating floral arrangements for her niece's wedding. She needed to make 5 bouquets and 7 table decorations. She uses 12 white roses in each table decoration and 5 white roses in each bouquet. How many white roses in total does she need to complete all bouquets and table decorations? Step-by-step reasoning process: For table arrangements, she needs 7 * 12 = 84 white roses. For bouquets, she needs 5 * 5 = 25 white roses. Thus, in total, she needs 84 + 25 = 109 white roses.
[Haemodynamic changes in infrarenal aortic aneurysm operations (author's transl)]. UNLABELLED Haemodynamic changes after aortic cross-clamping were measured during operation of 11 patients suffering from infrarenal aortic aneurysm. Systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are increased, while cardiac index is significantly decreased. Heart rate and right atrial pressure remain nearly unchanged. The elevations in systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are reversed by continuous nitroglycerin infusion, cardiac index is increased. CONCLUSIONS 1. meticulous haemodynamic monitoring is very important in operations including abdominal aortic cross-clamping in order to prevent imminent cardiac complications. 2. the haemodynamic changes induced by aortic cross-clamping can be reversed by infusion of nitroglycerin.
{"added":"2018-04-03T05:10:04.644Z","created":"1982-04-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"23455128","metadata":{"abstract":"UNLABELLED\nHaemodynamic changes after aortic cross-clamping were measured during operation of 11 patients suffering from infrarenal aortic aneurysm. Systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are increased, while cardiac index is significantly decreased. Heart rate and right atrial pressure remain nearly unchanged. The elevations in systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure are reversed by continuous nitroglycerin infusion, cardiac index is increased.\n\n\nCONCLUSIONS\n1. meticulous haemodynamic monitoring is very important in operations including abdominal aortic cross-clamping in order to prevent imminent cardiac complications. 2. the haemodynamic changes induced by aortic cross-clamping can be reversed by infusion of nitroglycerin.","abstract_count":106,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-16.325668899565663,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0006.json.gz:1792046","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine","Biology"],"sha1":"4b6dfccd158214716c3662fad95ba85179b2f6fc","sources":["Medline","MAG"],"title":"[Haemodynamic changes in infrarenal aortic aneurysm operations (author's transl)].","title_count":9,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-22.31377257786254,"top_frequencies":[{"count":5,"token":"aortic"},{"count":5,"token":"pressure"},{"count":4,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"changes"},{"count":3,"token":"cross-clamping"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"cardiac"},{"count":3,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"infrarenal"},{"count":2,"token":"operations"},{"count":2,"token":"of"},{"count":2,"token":"vascular"},{"count":2,"token":"resistance,"},{"count":2,"token":"mean"},{"count":2,"token":"arterial"},{"count":2,"token":"pulmonary"},{"count":2,"token":"capillary"},{"count":2,"token":"wedge"},{"count":2,"token":"are"},{"count":2,"token":"index"},{"count":2,"token":"reversed"},{"count":2,"token":"haemodynamic"},{"count":1,"token":"[Haemodynamic"},{"count":1,"token":"aneurysm"},{"count":1,"token":"(author's"},{"count":1,"token":"transl)]."},{"count":1,"token":"UNLABELLED"},{"count":1,"token":"Haemodynamic"},{"count":1,"token":"after"},{"count":1,"token":"were"},{"count":1,"token":"measured"},{"count":1,"token":"during"},{"count":1,"token":"operation"},{"count":1,"token":"11"},{"count":1,"token":"patients"},{"count":1,"token":"suffering"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"aneurysm."},{"count":1,"token":"Systemic"},{"count":1,"token":"increased,"},{"count":1,"token":"while"},{"count":1,"token":"significantly"},{"count":1,"token":"decreased."},{"count":1,"token":"Heart"},{"count":1,"token":"rate"},{"count":1,"token":"right"},{"count":1,"token":"atrial"},{"count":1,"token":"remain"},{"count":1,"token":"nearly"},{"count":1,"token":"unchanged."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"elevations"},{"count":1,"token":"systemic"},{"count":1,"token":"continuous"},{"count":1,"token":"nitroglycerin"},{"count":1,"token":"infusion,"},{"count":1,"token":"increased."},{"count":1,"token":"CONCLUSIONS"},{"count":1,"token":"1."},{"count":1,"token":"meticulous"},{"count":1,"token":"monitoring"},{"count":1,"token":"very"},{"count":1,"token":"important"},{"count":1,"token":"including"},{"count":1,"token":"abdominal"},{"count":1,"token":"order"},{"count":1,"token":"to"},{"count":1,"token":"prevent"},{"count":1,"token":"imminent"},{"count":1,"token":"complications."},{"count":1,"token":"2."},{"count":1,"token":"the"},{"count":1,"token":"induced"},{"count":1,"token":"can"},{"count":1,"token":"be"},{"count":1,"token":"infusion"},{"count":1,"token":"nitroglycerin."}],"year":1982},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Arriba Federico! : FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA: A LIFE <i> by Ian Gibson; (Pantheon: $39.95; illustrated; 551 pp.; O-394-50964) </i> <i> Fajardo is most recently editor of "The Word and the Mirror" (Associated University Press/Farleigh Dickinson U.P.) and of a collection of essays on Luis Cernuda, and author of "Multiple Spaces: The Poetry of Rafael Alberti." (Tamesis Books Ltd.: London)</i> In spite of the “boom” in Latin American fiction, the best-known modern figure in Latino letters still is Federico Garcia Lorca. No doubt the tragic circumstances of the poet’s death, as well as the indelible mark that he left upon everyone who knew him, have contributed to the fascination that he exercises. And yet, as his life and death recede into the distance, the importance of his work continues to grow. Now Ian Gibson’s excellent book, “Federico Garcia Lorca: A Life,” the best and most complete biography of Lorca to date, adds new vigor to the lasting appeal of his literary presence. Federico Garcia Lorca was born in 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros, a village in the vega (cultivated lands) of Granada. His father was a wealthy, enlightened landowner and businessman; his mother had been a schoolteacher. Although Gibson does not dwell on the poet’s early years, he is very good at communicating the sense of place of the vega and of Granada, with its striking beauty, rich history and deep-seated conservatism. Lorca always maintained that he felt the strongest links to the countryside of Granada and to its people (he would speak of “telluric” forces pulling at him). In his autobiography “The Lost Grove,” the poet Rafael Alberti recalls that “there was magic . . . something irresistible in everything Federico did. How could anyone forget him after having seen him or heard him just once? He was a truly fascinating human being: singing, alone or at the piano, reciting, telling jokes and even talking nonsense.” And in his memoirs (“Life Above Board”) Jose Moreno Villa, also a poet and Lorca’s friend, wonders whether “the fascination that he produced was due to the happy conjunction of the learned and the popular, the primary, childlike and fresh interlaced with the reflexive and the rigorous.” The magical power of Lorca’s personality may be properly gauged if one remembers that it emerged against the background of the ‘20s and ‘30s, a time of extraordinary intellectual and artistic revival in Spain, with poetry at the forefront of literary renovation. Juan Ramon Jimenez and Antonio Machado, master poets of an earlier generation, were mentors to an uncommonly gifted group of young poets--the generation of 1927, as it came to be called--numbering, among others, Lorca himself, Rafael Alberti, Vicente Aleixandre, Luis Gernuda, Jorge Guillen and Pedro Salinas. Years later, the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda would recall that he “never again saw anything that could approach” such an outburst of creativity. Without a doubt, the most widely admired writer of the time was Federico Garcia Lorca. The combination of personal magnetism, brilliant gifts and a tragic death at the hands of the fascists in 1936 turned Lorca into a mythical figure of emblematic power. The Left saw his assassination as an example of the fanatic anti-intellectualism of the Franco insurgency. The Right obscured the facts or misrepresented the event as the unfortunate result of a personal, somewhat sordid, vendetta. One of this biography’s most remarkable achievements is precisely to offer the clearest and best-documented rendition of the poet’s final days. Gibson is careful to identify responsibilities, so as to separate Lorca’s own tragedy from the burden of historical representativeness. Yet much of this burden already was thrust upon the poet in his lifetime. The tremendous success of his “Gypsy Ballads” across all levels of society and on two continents made Lorca the best-known literary figure in the Hispanic world. People of all sorts, cultivated and illiterate alike, memorized the “ballads”; at one point he had an unprecedented three plays running concurrently in Madrid. During his lifetime, his tragedy “Blood Wedding” became the most successful play ever staged in Spain or Latin America. He made an enormously successful tour of Argentina, he was feted in Cuba, charmed Hispanists and their friends in New York. The greatest actresses in Madrid and Buenos Aires begged him to do plays for them. Lorca’s success, added to his immense charm, his many talents, and his love of the people, transformed him into the epitome of Spain’s cultural and political renewal. In order to dispel the mythical accretions that have obscured our understanding of Federico Garcia Lorca, Gibson pursues a number of dominant themes that will bridge the gap between the poet’s private and public figures: the poet’s homosexuality, his political stance, his paralyzing fear of death. As to Lorca’s politics, it was part of the original outcry at the assassination to claim that Lorca was entirely apolitical. The fact is, as Gibson shows, that Lorca frequently spoke up on political issues expressing his leftist views and that he was an enthusiastic supporter of the Republic. Furthermore, both his theater (in particular “Mariana Pineda” and the tragic trilogy “Yerma,” “Blood Wedding” and “The House of Bernarda Alba) and his poetry (the powerful sympathy for blacks in “Poet in New York,” the celebration of Gypsies, another pariah group, in “Gypsy Ballads”) clearly condemned the forces of oppression, both cultural and political. The Right Wing in Spain understood this well when they consistently attacked him in the press. Gibson is less successful in evoking the personalities of Lorca’s parents, in particular that of his mother, whom the poet considered the most important force in his life. Wisely he does not engage in psychoanalytical speculation on the family relationships that shaped the poet’s persona and his sexual bent. Perhaps because of the scant information that Gibson can garner on Lorca’s childhood, the poet’s inner man remains somewhat elusive. It was not infrequent for Lorca to become suddenly quiet in the midst of a conversation, seized by what he would describe as his “dramones” (blue funks). Gibson can only guess at the reasons for such sudden depressions, a result perhaps of Lorca’s inability to express freely his homosexuality or of the anguish that would overcome him at the thought of death. One of the biography’s most valuable contributions is that it stresses the importance of Lorca’s homosexual preference. It is a necessary emphasis, because even now this facet of his life is ignored by some who fear that it might tarnish the poet’s image. While Lorca was a homosexual, he was not a gay poet in the sense that his work does not particularly express this point of view. Some works make his feelings clear, such as the “Ode to Walt Whitman,” or the play “The Public,” which Lorca thought was unperformable. But the theme of frustrated love, for instance, which runs through all of Lorca’s work, transcends all its individual manifestations. Ian Gibson, a Protestant Irishman, describes his involvement with the life of Lorca as a 30-year-long obsession. (The present book is a slightly shorter version of a two-volume work that appeared first in Spanish (1985, 1987), and had been preceded by another book on Lorca’s death). Along the way, he became a permanent resident in Spain and then a Spanish citizen. Gibson has diligently pursued an astonishing array of documentary sources. The reader comes away not only with as detailed a picture of Lorca’s life as present documentation allows but also with an excellent view of the intellectual and political ferment of those crucial decades. “Federico Garcia Lorca: A Life” is a book both to be consulted and enjoyed.
Figurations of Rape and the Supernatural in Beloved The title character in Toni Morrison's Beloved embodies the history and memory of rape. In fact, her supernatural form is the shape-shifting witch, derived by African Americans from the succubus, a female rapist and nightmare figure of European myth. Beloved functions like a traumatic, repetitive nightmare: in addition to representing characters' repressed memories of rape, she attacks Sethe and Paul D. Morrison also uses the succubus figure to represent the effects of institutionalized rape during slavery. Beloved drains Sethe of vitality and Paul D of semen, and these violations represent dehumanization and commodified reproduction. Finally, by portraying a female rapist figure and a male rape victim, Morrison foregrounds race, rather than gender, as the crucial category determining the domination or rape of her African American characters.
{"added":"2019-05-25T13:03:31.816Z","created":"1997-05-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"164081913","metadata":{"abstract":"The title character in Toni Morrison's Beloved embodies the history and memory of rape. In fact, her supernatural form is the shape-shifting witch, derived by African Americans from the succubus, a female rapist and nightmare figure of European myth. Beloved functions like a traumatic, repetitive nightmare: in addition to representing characters' repressed memories of rape, she attacks Sethe and Paul D. Morrison also uses the succubus figure to represent the effects of institutionalized rape during slavery. Beloved drains Sethe of vitality and Paul D of semen, and these violations represent dehumanization and commodified reproduction. Finally, by portraying a female rapist figure and a male rape victim, Morrison foregrounds race, rather than gender, as the crucial category determining the domination or rape of her African American characters.","abstract_count":126,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.873868262513216,"extfieldsofstudy":["History"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0002.json.gz:3243363","s2fieldsofstudy":["Art"],"sha1":"65b13decfca5b2678f5b78f9fda21e3db6bec273","sources":["ScienceParsePlus","MergedPDFExtraction","Cambridge","MAG","Unpaywall"],"title":"Figurations of Rape and the Supernatural in Beloved","title_count":8,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-11.802277329420804,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":8,"token":"and"},{"count":8,"token":"the"},{"count":4,"token":"Beloved"},{"count":4,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"figure"},{"count":3,"token":"rape"},{"count":2,"token":"her"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"African"},{"count":2,"token":"female"},{"count":2,"token":"rapist"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"Sethe"},{"count":2,"token":"Paul"},{"count":2,"token":"Morrison"},{"count":2,"token":"represent"},{"count":1,"token":"Figurations"},{"count":1,"token":"Rape"},{"count":1,"token":"Supernatural"},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"title"},{"count":1,"token":"character"},{"count":1,"token":"Toni"},{"count":1,"token":"Morrison's"},{"count":1,"token":"embodies"},{"count":1,"token":"history"},{"count":1,"token":"memory"},{"count":1,"token":"rape."},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"fact,"},{"count":1,"token":"supernatural"},{"count":1,"token":"form"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"shape-shifting"},{"count":1,"token":"witch,"},{"count":1,"token":"derived"},{"count":1,"token":"Americans"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"succubus,"},{"count":1,"token":"nightmare"},{"count":1,"token":"European"},{"count":1,"token":"myth."},{"count":1,"token":"functions"},{"count":1,"token":"like"},{"count":1,"token":"traumatic,"},{"count":1,"token":"repetitive"},{"count":1,"token":"nightmare:"},{"count":1,"token":"addition"},{"count":1,"token":"representing"},{"count":1,"token":"characters'"},{"count":1,"token":"repressed"},{"count":1,"token":"memories"},{"count":1,"token":"rape,"},{"count":1,"token":"she"},{"count":1,"token":"attacks"},{"count":1,"token":"D."},{"count":1,"token":"also"},{"count":1,"token":"uses"},{"count":1,"token":"succubus"},{"count":1,"token":"effects"},{"count":1,"token":"institutionalized"},{"count":1,"token":"during"},{"count":1,"token":"slavery."},{"count":1,"token":"drains"},{"count":1,"token":"vitality"},{"count":1,"token":"D"},{"count":1,"token":"semen,"},{"count":1,"token":"these"},{"count":1,"token":"violations"},{"count":1,"token":"dehumanization"},{"count":1,"token":"commodified"},{"count":1,"token":"reproduction."},{"count":1,"token":"Finally,"},{"count":1,"token":"portraying"},{"count":1,"token":"male"},{"count":1,"token":"victim,"},{"count":1,"token":"foregrounds"},{"count":1,"token":"race,"},{"count":1,"token":"rather"},{"count":1,"token":"than"},{"count":1,"token":"gender,"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"crucial"},{"count":1,"token":"category"},{"count":1,"token":"determining"},{"count":1,"token":"domination"},{"count":1,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"American"},{"count":1,"token":"characters."}],"year":1997},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Fast Retrieval by Spatial Structure in Image Databases Abstract The state-of-the-art approach for speeding-up the time responses in databases is using Spatial Access Methods (SAMs) like e.g. R-trees. However, these methods do not treat image content directly (e.g. objects are approximated by their minimum bounding rectangles), nor can they handle images with multiple regions. The proposed approach extends the existing framework of indexing using SAMs to treat image content in conjunction with two well-known image-matching methods, namely the editing distance on Attributed Relational Graphs (ARGs) and the Hungarian method for graph matching. It provides index support for the two most common types of similarity queries, referred to as range andnearest-neighbor queries and has many desirable properties. For instance, it handles even complex queries specifying multiple objects (such as queries by image example), it returns exactly the same answers with the sequential scan methods (without indexing) and works with any SAM (e.g. R-tress) and with any image distance function provided that it satisfies the so-calledLower Bounding Principle .
{"added":"2014-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","created":"2002-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"1869041","metadata":{"abstract":"Abstract The state-of-the-art approach for speeding-up the time responses in databases is using Spatial Access Methods (SAMs) like e.g. R-trees. However, these methods do not treat image content directly (e.g. objects are approximated by their minimum bounding rectangles), nor can they handle images with multiple regions. The proposed approach extends the existing framework of indexing using SAMs to treat image content in conjunction with two well-known image-matching methods, namely the editing distance on Attributed Relational Graphs (ARGs) and the Hungarian method for graph matching. It provides index support for the two most common types of similarity queries, referred to as range andnearest-neighbor queries and has many desirable properties. For instance, it handles even complex queries specifying multiple objects (such as queries by image example), it returns exactly the same answers with the sequential scan methods (without indexing) and works with any SAM (e.g. R-tress) and with any image distance function provided that it satisfies the so-calledLower Bounding Principle .","abstract_count":159,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.065675359220949,"extfieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:99738","s2fieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"sha1":"ee31eaf7e06248d2e6e74963d27ac1541373defd","sources":["CiteSeerX","Unpaywall","Grobid","ScienceParseMerged","Anansi","MergedPDFExtraction","DBLP","MAG","Crawler"],"title":"Fast Retrieval by Spatial Structure in Image Databases","title_count":8,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-12.26118691817289,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"the"},{"count":5,"token":"with"},{"count":4,"token":"image"},{"count":4,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"by"},{"count":3,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"for"},{"count":3,"token":"queries"},{"count":3,"token":"it"},{"count":2,"token":"Spatial"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"approach"},{"count":2,"token":"using"},{"count":2,"token":"methods"},{"count":2,"token":"treat"},{"count":2,"token":"content"},{"count":2,"token":"(e.g."},{"count":2,"token":"objects"},{"count":2,"token":"multiple"},{"count":2,"token":"of"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"two"},{"count":2,"token":"distance"},{"count":2,"token":"as"},{"count":2,"token":"any"},{"count":1,"token":"Fast"},{"count":1,"token":"Retrieval"},{"count":1,"token":"Structure"},{"count":1,"token":"Image"},{"count":1,"token":"Databases"},{"count":1,"token":"Abstract"},{"count":1,"token":"state-of-the-art"},{"count":1,"token":"speeding-up"},{"count":1,"token":"time"},{"count":1,"token":"responses"},{"count":1,"token":"databases"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"Access"},{"count":1,"token":"Methods"},{"count":1,"token":"(SAMs)"},{"count":1,"token":"like"},{"count":1,"token":"e.g."},{"count":1,"token":"R-trees."},{"count":1,"token":"However,"},{"count":1,"token":"these"},{"count":1,"token":"do"},{"count":1,"token":"not"},{"count":1,"token":"directly"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"approximated"},{"count":1,"token":"their"},{"count":1,"token":"minimum"},{"count":1,"token":"bounding"},{"count":1,"token":"rectangles),"},{"count":1,"token":"nor"},{"count":1,"token":"can"},{"count":1,"token":"they"},{"count":1,"token":"handle"},{"count":1,"token":"images"},{"count":1,"token":"regions."},{"count":1,"token":"proposed"},{"count":1,"token":"extends"},{"count":1,"token":"existing"},{"count":1,"token":"framework"},{"count":1,"token":"indexing"},{"count":1,"token":"SAMs"},{"count":1,"token":"conjunction"},{"count":1,"token":"well-known"},{"count":1,"token":"image-matching"},{"count":1,"token":"methods,"},{"count":1,"token":"namely"},{"count":1,"token":"editing"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"Attributed"},{"count":1,"token":"Relational"},{"count":1,"token":"Graphs"},{"count":1,"token":"(ARGs)"},{"count":1,"token":"Hungarian"},{"count":1,"token":"method"},{"count":1,"token":"graph"},{"count":1,"token":"matching."},{"count":1,"token":"It"},{"count":1,"token":"provides"},{"count":1,"token":"index"},{"count":1,"token":"support"},{"count":1,"token":"most"},{"count":1,"token":"common"},{"count":1,"token":"types"},{"count":1,"token":"similarity"},{"count":1,"token":"queries,"},{"count":1,"token":"referred"},{"count":1,"token":"range"},{"count":1,"token":"andnearest-neighbor"},{"count":1,"token":"has"},{"count":1,"token":"many"},{"count":1,"token":"desirable"},{"count":1,"token":"properties."},{"count":1,"token":"For"},{"count":1,"token":"instance,"},{"count":1,"token":"handles"}],"year":2002},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cysts and the Role of Open Rhinoplasty All suspected congenital abnormalities of the nose require further evaluation. The nasal dermoid sinus cyst (NDSC) is one of the many midline nasal masses that often pose diagnostic and treatment dilemmas for the plastic and reconstructive surgeon. NDSCs are distinct from other facial dermoids in their potential for involving deeper contiguous structures, and intracranial extension. Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment are essential to avoid craniofacial skeletal deformation, cyst rupture, and infection that could cause cutaneous, ocular, or intracranial complications. A comprehensive discussion of the embryogenesis, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and surgical management of the NDSC is presented to delineate the role of open rhinoplasty in optimizing the management of this congenital nasal deformity.
{"added":"2018-04-03T05:52:46.973Z","created":"2001-07-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"19469921","metadata":{"abstract":"All suspected congenital abnormalities of the nose require further evaluation. The nasal dermoid sinus cyst (NDSC) is one of the many midline nasal masses that often pose diagnostic and treatment dilemmas for the plastic and reconstructive surgeon. NDSCs are distinct from other facial dermoids in their potential for involving deeper contiguous structures, and intracranial extension. Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment are essential to avoid craniofacial skeletal deformation, cyst rupture, and infection that could cause cutaneous, ocular, or intracranial complications. A comprehensive discussion of the embryogenesis, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and surgical management of the NDSC is presented to delineate the role of open rhinoplasty in optimizing the management of this congenital nasal deformity.","abstract_count":111,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.063406531977767,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:1029689","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"sha1":"8747756284a6cbefa3241889f142bc33841f4e6d","sources":["Medline","MAG","MergedPDFExtraction","Unpaywall","WoltersKluwer"],"title":"Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cysts and the Role of Open Rhinoplasty","title_count":10,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-13.982988275555684,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"the"},{"count":7,"token":"and"},{"count":7,"token":"of"},{"count":3,"token":"nasal"},{"count":2,"token":"congenital"},{"count":2,"token":"cyst"},{"count":2,"token":"is"},{"count":2,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"treatment"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"are"},{"count":2,"token":"in"},{"count":2,"token":"intracranial"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"management"},{"count":1,"token":"Nasal"},{"count":1,"token":"Dermoid"},{"count":1,"token":"Sinus"},{"count":1,"token":"Cysts"},{"count":1,"token":"Role"},{"count":1,"token":"Open"},{"count":1,"token":"Rhinoplasty"},{"count":1,"token":"All"},{"count":1,"token":"suspected"},{"count":1,"token":"abnormalities"},{"count":1,"token":"nose"},{"count":1,"token":"require"},{"count":1,"token":"further"},{"count":1,"token":"evaluation."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"dermoid"},{"count":1,"token":"sinus"},{"count":1,"token":"(NDSC)"},{"count":1,"token":"one"},{"count":1,"token":"many"},{"count":1,"token":"midline"},{"count":1,"token":"masses"},{"count":1,"token":"often"},{"count":1,"token":"pose"},{"count":1,"token":"diagnostic"},{"count":1,"token":"dilemmas"},{"count":1,"token":"plastic"},{"count":1,"token":"reconstructive"},{"count":1,"token":"surgeon."},{"count":1,"token":"NDSCs"},{"count":1,"token":"distinct"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"other"},{"count":1,"token":"facial"},{"count":1,"token":"dermoids"},{"count":1,"token":"their"},{"count":1,"token":"potential"},{"count":1,"token":"involving"},{"count":1,"token":"deeper"},{"count":1,"token":"contiguous"},{"count":1,"token":"structures,"},{"count":1,"token":"extension."},{"count":1,"token":"Accurate"},{"count":1,"token":"diagnosis"},{"count":1,"token":"effective"},{"count":1,"token":"essential"},{"count":1,"token":"avoid"},{"count":1,"token":"craniofacial"},{"count":1,"token":"skeletal"},{"count":1,"token":"deformation,"},{"count":1,"token":"rupture,"},{"count":1,"token":"infection"},{"count":1,"token":"could"},{"count":1,"token":"cause"},{"count":1,"token":"cutaneous,"},{"count":1,"token":"ocular,"},{"count":1,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"complications."},{"count":1,"token":"A"},{"count":1,"token":"comprehensive"},{"count":1,"token":"discussion"},{"count":1,"token":"embryogenesis,"},{"count":1,"token":"pathogenesis,"},{"count":1,"token":"diagnosis,"},{"count":1,"token":"surgical"},{"count":1,"token":"NDSC"},{"count":1,"token":"presented"},{"count":1,"token":"delineate"},{"count":1,"token":"role"},{"count":1,"token":"open"},{"count":1,"token":"rhinoplasty"},{"count":1,"token":"optimizing"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"deformity."}],"year":2001},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
1st Oct 2022 How Ukraine made the case anew for an EU army • Nato soliders on exercise - will they ever be replicated by an EU army? (Photo: NATO) Listen to article People are asking and will continue to ask with increased urgency: when will the war in Ukraine end? Will the barbarism inflicted by Vladimir Putin ever end? The answer lies primarily in the hands of Ukraine. But ultimately also in those of the rest of us: the EU, the United States, the UK and other democratic countries of the world. Read and decide Join EUobserver today Become an expert on Europe ... or subscribe as a group Among these external actors, the decisive answer to this question should be given by the EU, whose neighbourhood is the most affected by the Russian aggression against Ukraine; second to the Ukrainians themselves, naturally. The Kremlin attacked Ukraine because it believed it could afford to do it. It perceived nuclear deterrence between Russia and the West as reciprocal, and therefore almost a non-issue. It also saw that, in military terms, Europe is disappearing from the world map. Russia saw a declining America and a rising China; and knew that the US would be increasingly preoccupied with developments in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea. Putin was undoubtedly amused but also encouraged by the American retreat from Afghanistan. In short — the Kremlin's respect for the West had substantially fallen and, as for the EU, it had completely vanished. Military developments in Ukraine indicate that we are facing a frozen conflict of unprecedented proportions, with consequences which will be hard to bear. 'Black Swan' scenario Just recently, I was listening to a leading European political scientist speak when he voiced his concern that Ukraine will suffer the fate of Korea, a divided nation with two vastly different outcomes. This "black swan" scenario is easy to imagine. Especially with the awareness of how long Transnistria has survived, how the Russians solidified Abkhazia and Ossetia, how quickly Moscow conquered Crimea, how we have struggled for almost half a century with the issue of Cyprus (although Turkey is a member of Nato and a candidate country for EU accession... ). But will it be possible to somehow rise up to the "black swan" challenge in Ukraine? If there is any kind of meaningful solution at the West's disposal, it is resurrecting the authority and respect that the West enjoyed during the Cold War. With the difference that, this time, the key role of safeguarding democracy in Europe with Ukraine as one of its integral parts, must be played by the EU through effective cooperation with the UK and the United States. To put it plainly, if we seek to avert the 'Korean-isation' of Ukraine, if we wish to return some degree of sanity to the Kremlin, the EU must start building effective military deterrence. The time of declarations, global strategies, or "strategic compasses" has passed. Either we start building European armed forces with effective action power, or Putin's gang and his "disciples" will continue choosing — not for years but for decades — which Ukrainian city to bomb next. And we in Europe will continue comforting ourselves with the thought that this disaster is still taking place only in Ukraine, praying that Nato's Article 5 is not just a paper tiger. A sceptic or a "European realist" would argue that increased European military strength will not necessarily stop or deter Putin. Certainly, a Europe with a strong military is not in itself a sufficient precondition for ending the war in Ukraine. Yet, there is no doubt that it is an essential precondition. Putin must be made to understand that the EU is capable of not only disconnecting itself from Russian energy, but also of defending itself and its allies when this becomes necessary. It is also clear that our political leaders' negotiating position is different if they are not only backed by bags of money, but also by a competent, strong, combat-ready military. The US has and will continue to have its hands full with the Indo-Pacific, and also with North Korea and Iran. We will be grateful if they manage these challenges on their own. As for the challenges affecting our immediate neighbourhood, it will be our responsibility to deal with them, first and foremost on our own. It is not easy, albeit tempting, to model the developments in Ukraine when beefing up the strength of Europe's military. But we should leave that to the soldiers. What we should do is ask politicians to make bold, principled, responsible, forward-looking decisions. Among the most pressing decisions is the need to start shaping European defence capabilities. We may not like this idea; but if we reject it, we have the obligation to immediately answer the question: what is the alternative? What is in store for Ukraine, but also for us, EU inhabitants, if we continue with the current state of defencelessness? We expect political leaders to be able to speak nicely. But today, this is no longer sufficient. They must also be capable of bold action. The first step in Europe rising up to the challenge could be France allowing Germany to place its finger on the French nuclear briefcase. And Germany, in turn, allocating one half of its annual military budget increase, or €50bn, to the creation of the European Armed Forces. Author bio Mikuláš Dzurinda is a former prime minister of Slovakia, and president of the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies. Merkel calls for 'real, true' EU army Angela Merkel's much-anticipated speech to the European Parliament was brief and to the point. Her message: Europe is alone in the world, the EU should be more united on defence, but not on the economy. Ceci n'est pas une EU army EU foreign relations chief Federica Mogherini got tired of repeating the phrase "this is not … an EU army", but 2016 saw France and Germany leap forward on military integration. Italy lays out 'vision' of EU army Italy has laid out plans for the creation of a “European force” that goes beyond Franco-German proposals on defence integration. How US tech giants play EU states off against each other Some have tried to justify Big Tech's meagre tax payments in EU states with heavier tax burdens by emphasising the fact that these companies create jobs and invest in next-generation technologies. However, their market dominance comes at a steep cost. News in Brief 1. EU ministers adopt measures to tackle soaring energy bills 2. EU takes Malta to court over golden passports 4. Denmark: CIA did not warn of Nord Stream attack 6. Gazprom threatens to cut gas deliveries to Europe via Ukraine 7. New compromise over EU energy emergency measures 8. 15 states push for EU-wide gas price cap Stakeholders' Highlights Latest News 1. Editor's weekly digest: A week of leaks 2. Putin declares holy war on Western 'satanism' 7. MEPs worry Russian disinfo weakens support for Ukraine Join EUobserver Support quality EU news Join us
Luis Antonio Belluga y Moncada Luis Antonio Belluga y Moncada (30 November 1662 – 22 February 1743) was a prominent Spanish churchman and statesman during the 18th century. Biography. Born in Motril, Granada province, he was ordained at the age of 14. He served as a lector at the cathedral of Córdoba, canon at the cathedral of Zamora, and professor in the Colegio de Santiago in Granada. He supported Philip V of Spain and the Bourbons during the War of Spanish Succession, and was named by Philip bishop of Cartagena on 9 February 1705, as well as viceroy of Valencia and Murcia. Pope Clement X named him cardinal on 29 November 1719. He served as Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals (1728–1729), and as a crown-cardinal (circa 1732). He undertook major urban development and revitalization schemes in Murcia and in Vega Baja del Segura, where he initiated the colonization of uncultivated lands, founded new towns, established a seminary for theologians, drained swamps, and built hospices and hospitals. The Plaza del Cardenal Belluga in Murcia is named after him. The Cathedral of Murcia, the episcopal palace of the Diocese of Cartagena, and the Town Hall (with a controversial extension to the town hall by Rafael Moneo) are found on this square. In 1736, he provided support to the Capuchin missionary Francesco Orazio della Penna when the latter sought help for his mission in Tibet.
[Q]: Ataksiitti Translate this to English? [A]: Ataxite [Q]: Tämänpäiväinen myönteinen äänestystulos on osa tätä prosessia. Translate this to English? [A]: This positive vote today is part of that process. [Q]: Arvoisa komission jäsen, odotamme teiltä kunnianhimoisia ehdotuksia. Translate this to English? [A]: We await your ambitious proposals, Commissioner.
Molecular Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Clinical Staphylococcus aureus from Healthcare Institutions in Ghana The objective of this study was to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and clonal diversity of clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Ghana. A total of 308 S. aureus isolates from six healthcare institutions located across Northern, Central and Southern Ghana were characterized by antibiotyping, spa typing and PCR detection of Panton Valentine leukocin (PVL) genes. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) were confirmed by PCR detection of mecA gene and further characterized by SCCmec and multi-locus sequence typing (MLST). The prevalence of antimicrobial resistance was below 5% for all agents tested except for penicillin (97%), tetracycline (42%) and erythromycin (6%). Ninety-one spa types were found, with t355 (ST152, 19%), t084 (ST15, 12%) and t314 (ST121, 6%) being the most frequent types. Based on established associations between spa and MLST types, isolates were assigned to 16 clonal complexes (CCs): CC152 (n = 78), CC15 (n = 57), CC121 (n = 39), CC8 (n = 36), CC5 (n = 33), CC1 (n = 29), CC45 (n = 9), CC88 (n = 8), CC30 (n = 4), CC9 (n = 3), CC25 (n = 2), CC97 (n = 2) CC20 (n = 2), CC707 (n = 2), CC7 (n = 3) and CC522 (n = 1). Most isolates (60%) were PVL-positive, especially those belonging to ST152, ST121, ST5, ST15, ST1, ST8, and ST88. Nine (3%) isolates were MRSA belonging to seven distinct clones: ST88-IV (n = 2), ST250-I (n = 2), ST8-IV (n = 1), ST72-V (n = 1), ST789-IV (n = 1), ST2021-V (n = 1), and ST239-III (n = 1). The study confirmed a high frequency of PVL-positive S. aureus in Africa, low prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and high diversity of MRSA lineages in Ghana compared to developed countries and other African countries. The detection of known pandemic MRSA clones in the absence of routine MRSA identification in most Ghanaian clinical microbiology laboratories calls for capacity building to strengthen surveillance and prevent spread of these clones. Introduction Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major concern in clinical medicine due to the importance of b-lactams in the therapy of staphylococcal infections and the additional morbidity and mortality for MRSA patients compared to patients infected with methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) [1]. Despite the importance of MRSA, MSSA are among the most common causative agents of bacteraemia and skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) [2]. Epidemiological surveillance of MRSA and MSSA is of importance for the development and implementation of infection control programmes. Data on S. aureus epidemiology in African countries are limited and a common trait for MSSA strains from various African countries seems to be the carriage of the PVL genes: lukS/F-pv at much higher frequencies (.55%) than in the rest of the world (,10%) [2][3][4][5][6]. The high frequency of PVL among human MSSA strains is of special interest since the most successful community associated (CA) MRSA clones share this genetic marker, and could have MSSA ancestors associated with Africa as recently suggested [5,6]. PVL is associated with SSTI and severe necrotising pneumonia and has been shown to be a characteristic feature of community acquired (CA) -MRSA clones disseminated in Europe and Middle East (ST-80), Australia and South America (ST30-IV), and United States (ST8-IV, also known as USA300) [2,7,8]. The objective of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility and clonal diversity of clinical S. aureus isolates from Ghana. Antimicrobial resistance in S. aureus has previously been reported from Ghana with findings of a low MRSA prevalence in nasal swabs from patients and health care workers at the Korle-bu Hospital, Accra [9] however, treatment in Ghana is mainly empirical due to a relative lack of appropriate laboratory facilities [10] and therefore only few susceptibility data exists and so far no study has investigated the clonal structure of S. aureus in clinical samples. The study was part of a cooperation program on Antibiotic Drug use, Monitoring and Evaluation of Resistance (ADMER) in Ghana under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This program was conceived to strengthen clinical microbiology and surveillance of antibiotic resistance, and ultimately to improve awareness of antimicrobial use in Ghana. Ethics Statement Ethical clearance was obtained from the University of Ghana Medical School Ethical and Protocol Review Board (reference no. MS-EI/M.9 -P.3.212010-11). Bacterial Isolates Staphylococcal isolates from clinical specimens were obtained in a prospective cross-sectional-like study between October 2010-June 2012 from six healthcare institution situated at Northern (Tamale Teaching Hospital), Central (Sunyani Government Hospital) and Southern Ghana (Korle bu Teaching Hospital, Thirty-seven Military Hospital, Ridge Hospital and Legon Hospital) (Figure 1). The majority of the isolates (70%) were obtained from Korle bu Teaching Hospital, which serves a population of over 3 million and acts as a major referral health facility for an estimated population of 24 million people across Ghana. Presumptive staphylococci identified by colony morphology at the hospital clinical microbiology laboratories were collected and sent to Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, where they were identified as S. aureus by Gram staining, catalase, tube coagulase and slidex staphplus test (bioMérieux, Marcy l'Etoile, France). Available patient demographic characteristics such as age and sex were retrieved from laboratory records. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Susceptibility testing was carried out by disc diffusion technique following the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) guidelines ( using 1U penicillin, 30 mg tetracycline, 30 mg cefoxitin, 2 mg clindamycin, 15 mg erythromycin, 10 mg norfloxacin, 10 mg gentamicin, 10 mg linezolid, 5 mg rifampicin, 1. 25 mg +23.75 mg trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, and 10 mg fusidic acid (Rosco NeoSenstabs, Taastrup, Denmark). Inducible clindamycin resistance was detected by placing clindamycin and erythromycin 12-20 mm apart (D-test). Brain Heart Infusion agar supplemented with teicoplanin (5 mg/L) (Becton Dickinson, Denmark) was used to screen MRSA isolates for glycopeptides resistance by a spot test; if 10 or more colonies were detected on these plates, E-tests (bioMérieux, Marcy I'Etoile, France) were used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of vancomycin and teicoplanin [11]. Multidrug resistance (MDR) was defined as resistance to at least three distinct antimicrobial classes or being MRSA [12]. Molecular Typing Molecular characterization of the isolates was done at Statens Serum Institut (SSI), Denmark. A multiplex PCR was used for detection of spa, lukS/F-pv and mecA [13]. spa typing was performed as described by Harmsen et al. [14]. Using BioNumerics v.6.5 (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium) with the Ridom spa server ( plug-in, spa sequences were automatically assigned to spa types and clonal complexes (CCs) based on spa repeats. Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) [15] was done on all MRSA and MSSA isolates whose CC could not be assigned by the Ridom spa server. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) based on spatypes was made using BioNumerics V6.5 (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium). Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing was performed by multiplex PCR as described previously [16]. Statistical Analysis Distributions of the various genotypes determined in the study (PVL-positivity, spa type, ST and CC) were associated to region, hospital, sex and infection type to determine if specific patterns existed. Only genotypes with more than 10 observations were included in statistical analysis. MRSA isolates were not evaluated due to the low prevalence of their genotypes. Associations were determined using the x 2 test, except for PVL-positivity, which was analysed by logistic regression. A significant association was deemed at p-values ,0.05. Results Of the 903 presumed staphylococci collected from the six hospitals, 308 (34%) were identified as S. aureus and 595 (66%) as coagulase negative staphylococci. S. aureus isolates originated from SSTI (n = 173), bacteraemia (n = 112), and other (urinary tract infection, n = 9; unknown infections, n = 14) infections (n = 23). S. aureus was isolated from 143 females and 109 males. Sex origin of 56 isolates could not be traced from laboratory records. With regard to hospital origin, 12 isolates were from Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH, Northern Ghana), 53 from Sunyani Government Hospital (SGH, Central Ghana) and 243 from the four hospitals in Southern Ghana. Details of hospital location (stratified into regions of study) and proportions of isolates from clinical infections are shown in Figure 1. None of the clinical laboratories used methods for MRSA detection and typing, and several pitfalls were recognized in routine microbiological procedures (e.g. poor identification to species/genus level, and low compliance with international standards for susceptibility testing). Five spa types (t084, t127, t311, t314 and t355), six STs (ST1, ST5, ST8, ST15, ST121 and ST152) and six CCs (CC1, CC5, CC8, CC15, CC121 and CC152) were included in the statistical analysis. Surprisingly, spa type t311 occurred less frequently among females (0.3%) than among males (2%) and those of unknown sex (2.3%) (p = 0.0016). No other clinical or spatial associations were observed in the distribution of spatypes, STs and CCs with regard to infection type, sex, region and hospital of origin, Some spatial variations were observed in the distribution of spa types (e.g. t355 occurred in 34% and 13% isolates from Sunyani Government Hospital and Korle bu Teaching Hospital respectively) but such differences could not be proven to be significant. Isolates from Ridge Hospital (n = 1), Thirty-seven Military Hospital (n = 6) and Tamale Teaching Hospital (n = 12) were excluded from the statistical analysis due to low numbers. Discussion This study fills an important gap in the knowledge of the epidemiology of S. aureus in Ghana. As such, the study contributes to the current knowledge of the diversity and population structure of this important bacterial pathogen at the global level. Ghana and several other African countries have so far been black spots on the map due to lack of established national surveillance programmes and adequate clinical microbiology infrastructure [10,17]. Our results show that the most common spa types among MSSA isolates are t355 (ST152) and t084 (ST15). The spa types were previously found to be predominant among S. aureus isolates from asymptomatic nasal carriers at Korle bu, the largest Teaching Hospital in Ghana [9], suggesting that they are well established in the human population of this country. In another African study, t084 (ST15) was also reported as one of the most frequent spa types among S. aureus isolated from seven tertiary hospitals located in five major African towns [3]. PVL-positive ST152 (t355) is also widely distributed in African countries [4,5] and its frequent recovery from SSTI is consistent with studies in other countries [4,18]. Other PVL-positive MSSA lineages found in this study such as ST121, ST30, ST15 and ST5 have also been reported elsewhere in Africa [19]. The observed high prevalence (60%) of PVL appears to be a distinguishing genetic trait of African MSSA [3,4,6] compared to USA, Asia and Europe, where this virulence factor is uncommon in MSSA [2,19,20]. This finding was correlated to the high frequency of PVL-positive ST152, which is a likely ancestor of the CA-MRSA ST152-V clone circulating in certain European regions, especially the Balkan area [21,22]. The nine MRSA isolates belonged to seven unrelated spa types and STs harbouring four different SCCmec types (Table 1), indicating high clonal diversity. Some of the MRSA lineages identified in this study are widely distributed worldwide: ST239-III is a pandemic clone prevalent in Europe, Asia and South Africa [23][24][25] and ST789-IV is a single locus variant of the ST7 clone frequently reported in Asia [25]. ST88-IV, ST8-IV and ST72-V have been previously reported among inpatients and staff at Korle-bu Hospital in Ghana [9] and in communities and hospitals in other African countries [26,27]. MRSA ST88 has been reported sporadically in some European countries like Portugal [28] and Sweden [29]. ST8-IV MRSA (spa type t121, PVL+) found in this study is related to the epidemic MRSA ST8-IV (USA300) clone in the USA [2]. Other African studies have reported this ST8-IV MRSA (spa type t121, PVL+) strain in communities and hospitals [26,30]. ST250-I, also referred to as the ''Archaic clone'', differs from ST8 by a point mutation in the yqiL gene and is related to ST247-I (Iberian clone), a major clone isolated in European hospitals [7,31]. ST72 has been reported as a major MRSA clone from communities in Australia [32] and as MSSA in Nigeria and Gabon [6,27]. The least known MRSA lineage found in this study was ST2021-V, which to the best of our knowledge has previously been reported in a single isolate from Nigeria (; accessed on: 4 th April 2013). Although ST5, ST30 and ST80 MRSA have been described in several African and other countries around the world [26,27], none of these clones were detected among clinical MRSA isolates in Ghana. PVL-positive ST5 and ST30 were however detected among MSSA isolates ( Table 2), indicating that these two S. aureus lineages are widespread in African countries, even though acquisition of methicillin resistance seems to be confined to some countries. The prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in clinical S. aureus isolates from Ghana was generally low. Other African studies have reported similar levels of resistance to penicillin (86%-93%) and tetracycline (28%-48%) but higher levels of resistance to sulphonamides (22%-68%) compared to this study [3,4,9]. Comparatively, the prevalence of MRSA (3%) was lower than those reported in other African countries such as Nigeria (20%) [27], Algeria (45%) [33] and in a multicenter study (15%) involving five major African towns [26]. The low MRSA frequency reported in this study could be attributed to the low consumption of antimicrobial agents such as fluoroquinolones and third generation cephalosporins in Ghana, because they are expensive and are usually prescribed for acute infections [10]. Usage of the afore-mentioned antimicrobial agents has been shown to correlate with an increase in MRSA prevalence [34][35][36]. The observed MRSA prevalence among clinical isolates in Ghana is similar to those reported in European countries with low MRSA prevalence, such as the Scandinavian countries and The Netherlands [37]. Some apparent geographical variations in clonal distribution were observed, but the low number of isolates obtained from the Northern region made comparisons between hospitals or regions meaningless. The clinical information on the 308 S. aureus included in the study varied in quality due to incompleteness of the patient records collected from the various hospital clinical laboratories involved in the study. Thus, it was not possible to determine possible associations between antimicrobial therapy and resistance patterns. We conclude that MRSA occurs at low prevalence among S. aureus investigated in this study. MRSA clones circulating in the country are genetically diverse and a number of them belong to known pandemic clones. The overall levels of antimicrobial resistance are generally low compared to other African countries and to most developed countries, most likely because of the low usage of antimicrobial agents in the country. On the other hand, the study also denotes absence of routine MRSA testing and poor performance standards in most clinical microbiology laboratories in Ghana, highlighting the need for infrastructures to support national antimicrobial policies and surveillance capacity.
An empirical examination of consumer preferences for honey in Croatia ABSTRACT In past years, beekeeping as an agricultural sector has become more organized, but there is still a gap in knowledge in considering consumer preferences for honey. The aim of the research was to determine consumer preferences for honey and their attitudes towards the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label. Also, in the article is presented the current situation regarding the honey market and legislation of the PDO label at the EU and national levels. The result of the empirical research carried out on a sample of 1008 respondents showed that they mostly prefer a mild flavour and brighter colour of honey. According to the type, most of the respondents prefer acacia rather than floral and meadow honeys or other types of honey. The most common method of honey purchase is directly from the producers (75%). The results of the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the most important attributes are the intrinsic attributes of the honey and that the most common reasons for purchasing and consuming honey are for its health and medical benefits. The obtained results fill the gap in knowledge regarding consumer preferences for honey in the Croatian market and can be useful for the creation of new honey-marketing strategies for local beekeepers.
{"added":"2019-05-19T13:07:00.293Z","created":"2017-07-15T00:00:00.000Z","id":"157166243","metadata":{"abstract":"ABSTRACT In past years, beekeeping as an agricultural sector has become more organized, but there is still a gap in knowledge in considering consumer preferences for honey. The aim of the research was to determine consumer preferences for honey and their attitudes towards the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label. Also, in the article is presented the current situation regarding the honey market and legislation of the PDO label at the EU and national levels. The result of the empirical research carried out on a sample of 1008 respondents showed that they mostly prefer a mild flavour and brighter colour of honey. According to the type, most of the respondents prefer acacia rather than floral and meadow honeys or other types of honey. The most common method of honey purchase is directly from the producers (75%). The results of the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the most important attributes are the intrinsic attributes of the honey and that the most common reasons for purchasing and consuming honey are for its health and medical benefits. The obtained results fill the gap in knowledge regarding consumer preferences for honey in the Croatian market and can be useful for the creation of new honey-marketing strategies for local beekeepers.","abstract_count":206,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-12.583686995263845,"extfieldsofstudy":["Economics"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0002.json.gz:1723662","s2fieldsofstudy":["Agricultural And Food Sciences"],"sha1":"c148739d7f6a8168beac15e1c6e33a3ebf9a614f","sources":["TaylorAndFrancis","MergedPDFExtraction","Unpaywall","MAG"],"title":"An empirical examination of consumer preferences for honey in Croatia","title_count":10,"title_language":"gl","title_perplexity":-11.76916567970546,"top_frequencies":[{"count":19,"token":"the"},{"count":13,"token":"of"},{"count":9,"token":"and"},{"count":8,"token":"for"},{"count":7,"token":"honey"},{"count":6,"token":"in"},{"count":5,"token":"The"},{"count":4,"token":"consumer"},{"count":4,"token":"preferences"},{"count":4,"token":"most"},{"count":3,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"honey."},{"count":3,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"empirical"},{"count":2,"token":"gap"},{"count":2,"token":"knowledge"},{"count":2,"token":"research"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"regarding"},{"count":2,"token":"market"},{"count":2,"token":"respondents"},{"count":2,"token":"showed"},{"count":2,"token":"prefer"},{"count":2,"token":"common"},{"count":2,"token":"results"},{"count":2,"token":"attributes"},{"count":2,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"An"},{"count":1,"token":"examination"},{"count":1,"token":"Croatia"},{"count":1,"token":"ABSTRACT"},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"past"},{"count":1,"token":"years,"},{"count":1,"token":"beekeeping"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"agricultural"},{"count":1,"token":"sector"},{"count":1,"token":"has"},{"count":1,"token":"become"},{"count":1,"token":"more"},{"count":1,"token":"organized,"},{"count":1,"token":"but"},{"count":1,"token":"there"},{"count":1,"token":"still"},{"count":1,"token":"considering"},{"count":1,"token":"aim"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"determine"},{"count":1,"token":"their"},{"count":1,"token":"attitudes"},{"count":1,"token":"towards"},{"count":1,"token":"Protected"},{"count":1,"token":"Designation"},{"count":1,"token":"Origin"},{"count":1,"token":"(PDO)"},{"count":1,"token":"label."},{"count":1,"token":"Also,"},{"count":1,"token":"article"},{"count":1,"token":"presented"},{"count":1,"token":"current"},{"count":1,"token":"situation"},{"count":1,"token":"legislation"},{"count":1,"token":"PDO"},{"count":1,"token":"label"},{"count":1,"token":"at"},{"count":1,"token":"EU"},{"count":1,"token":"national"},{"count":1,"token":"levels."},{"count":1,"token":"result"},{"count":1,"token":"carried"},{"count":1,"token":"out"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"sample"},{"count":1,"token":"1008"},{"count":1,"token":"they"},{"count":1,"token":"mostly"},{"count":1,"token":"mild"},{"count":1,"token":"flavour"},{"count":1,"token":"brighter"},{"count":1,"token":"colour"},{"count":1,"token":"According"},{"count":1,"token":"type,"},{"count":1,"token":"acacia"},{"count":1,"token":"rather"},{"count":1,"token":"than"},{"count":1,"token":"floral"},{"count":1,"token":"meadow"},{"count":1,"token":"honeys"},{"count":1,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"other"},{"count":1,"token":"types"},{"count":1,"token":"method"},{"count":1,"token":"purchase"},{"count":1,"token":"directly"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"producers"},{"count":1,"token":"(75%)."}],"year":2017},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La stratégie visant à améliorer les conditions de vie des pauvres mentionnée à l'alinéa a) du paragraphe 12.8 de l'orientation générale a été jugée satisfaisante. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Ces chiffres montrent que les femmes constituent une part importante de la main-d'oeuvre thaïlandaise et que cette part est appelée à augmenter encore plus à l'avenir. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Un Mutwa a été nommé au Sénat; à son décès survenu récemment, un successeur a été nommé qui était également Mutwa. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Au contraire, ils n'ont cessé de tenter de modifier le caractère démographique et juridique de la région en créant de nouvelles implantations et en imposant leurs lois à des citoyens syriens, en violation de toutes les résolutions pertinentes des Nations Unies. -+-+-+-
Testimonial Lecture RWIP We, RWIP, invited Hans Bouscholte to come and talk at our event, ‘Sailing Rotterdam’, with the talk title being ‘Masters of the Sea’. We experienced Hans as a great keynote speaker who shared his story of sailing Transatlantic to break a world record. The reason we invited Hans is because RWIP is about sharing knowledge, and we know that Hans would provide an informative and engaging talk. Also, due to the nature of the event, ‘Sailing Rotterdam’, it was the perfect opportunity to invite somebody like him. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to him for believing in our organisation and our future potential in the countries and areas we will focus on. Carolina Isabel Barría, Manager RWIP Leave a Reply
Q: Solve -16*a = -56 - 8 for a. A: 4 Q: Solve: Solve 4*d - 20 = -0*d for d. A: 5 Question: What is the solution? Solve 32 - 32 = -3*v for v. Answer: 0 Problem: Math Problem Solve l = -6 + 4 for l. A: -2 Question: Solve 570*p = 336*p - 15678 for p.. Answer: -67 Q: What is the solution? Solve 910*b - 6959*b + 30245 = 0 for b. A: 5
Kyseessä on uuden talouden kannalta ratkaiseva ala, ja riippuvuus olisi huomattava riski talouden ja työllisyyden kasvulle. Translate to English English: This is a key sector for the new economy and would entail considerable risks for the sake of economic and employment growth.
Solitary Participation in the “Choking Game” in Oregon OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare characteristics of youth who participate in the choking game alone versus those who participate in a group. METHODS: Lifetime prevalence estimates were obtained from the 2011 (n = 5682) and 2013 (n = 15 150) Oregon Healthy Teens survey. The 2011 and 2013 data sets were merged (N = 20 832) to compare youth who participate alone versus those who participate in a group in the choking game. Multivariate modeling was conducted to examine individual characteristics of young people who engaged in the choking game alone versus those who engaged in the game in a group. RESULTS: In 2011, 3.8% of eighth-grade participants reported a lifetime prevalence of choking game participation; 3.7% reported lifetime prevalence of participation in 2013. In the merged 2011/2013 data set, 17.6% (n = 93) of choking game participants indicated that they had participated alone. Compared with those who reported participating in a group, youth who participated alone had significantly higher rates of suicide contemplation (odds ratio: 4.58; P < .001) and poor mental health (odds ratio: 2.13; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Youth who participate alone in the choking game are a particularly high risk group, exhibiting substantially higher rates of suicidal ideation and poorer mental health compared with youth who participate in the choking game in a group. Adolescent health care providers should be aware of these associations, assess whether prevention messaging is appropriate, and be prepared to explain the high risks of morbidity and mortality associated with participation.
{"added":"2018-04-03T02:02:05.668Z","created":"2016-12-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"32065310","metadata":{"abstract":"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare characteristics of youth who participate in the choking game alone versus those who participate in a group. METHODS: Lifetime prevalence estimates were obtained from the 2011 (n = 5682) and 2013 (n = 15\u2009150) Oregon Healthy Teens survey. The 2011 and 2013 data sets were merged (N = 20\u2009832) to compare youth who participate alone versus those who participate in a group in the choking game. Multivariate modeling was conducted to examine individual characteristics of young people who engaged in the choking game alone versus those who engaged in the game in a group. RESULTS: In 2011, 3.8% of eighth-grade participants reported a lifetime prevalence of choking game participation; 3.7% reported lifetime prevalence of participation in 2013. In the merged 2011\/2013 data set, 17.6% (n = 93) of choking game participants indicated that they had participated alone. Compared with those who reported participating in a group, youth who participated alone had significantly higher rates of suicide contemplation (odds ratio: 4.58; P < .001) and poor mental health (odds ratio: 2.13; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Youth who participate alone in the choking game are a particularly high risk group, exhibiting substantially higher rates of suicidal ideation and poorer mental health compared with youth who participate in the choking game in a group. Adolescent health care providers should be aware of these associations, assess whether prevention messaging is appropriate, and be prepared to explain the high risks of morbidity and mortality associated with participation.","abstract_count":253,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.665973416310392,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0000.json.gz:998396","s2fieldsofstudy":["Psychology","Medicine"],"sha1":"406a1da053b1f141eefc1f48424d952c902aa4df","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","ScienceParsePlus","Adhoc","Medline","Unpaywall","Highwire","MAG"],"title":"Solitary Participation in the \u201cChoking Game\u201d in Oregon","title_count":8,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-15.407243964904842,"top_frequencies":[{"count":14,"token":"in"},{"count":11,"token":"of"},{"count":10,"token":"the"},{"count":10,"token":"who"},{"count":7,"token":"choking"},{"count":7,"token":"game"},{"count":7,"token":"a"},{"count":6,"token":"participate"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":5,"token":"alone"},{"count":4,"token":"to"},{"count":4,"token":"youth"},{"count":4,"token":"those"},{"count":4,"token":"="},{"count":3,"token":"versus"},{"count":3,"token":"group."},{"count":3,"token":"prevalence"},{"count":3,"token":"(n"},{"count":3,"token":"reported"},{"count":3,"token":"with"},{"count":3,"token":"health"},{"count":2,"token":"Oregon"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"was"},{"count":2,"token":"compare"},{"count":2,"token":"characteristics"},{"count":2,"token":"were"},{"count":2,"token":"2011"},{"count":2,"token":"2013"},{"count":2,"token":"data"},{"count":2,"token":"merged"},{"count":2,"token":"engaged"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"participants"},{"count":2,"token":"lifetime"},{"count":2,"token":"had"},{"count":2,"token":"participated"},{"count":2,"token":"group,"},{"count":2,"token":"higher"},{"count":2,"token":"rates"},{"count":2,"token":"(odds"},{"count":2,"token":"ratio:"},{"count":2,"token":"P"},{"count":2,"token":"<"},{"count":2,"token":"mental"},{"count":2,"token":"high"},{"count":2,"token":"be"},{"count":1,"token":"Solitary"},{"count":1,"token":"Participation"},{"count":1,"token":"\u201cChoking"},{"count":1,"token":"Game\u201d"},{"count":1,"token":"OBJECTIVE:"},{"count":1,"token":"purpose"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"METHODS:"},{"count":1,"token":"Lifetime"},{"count":1,"token":"estimates"},{"count":1,"token":"obtained"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"5682)"},{"count":1,"token":"15"},{"count":1,"token":"150)"},{"count":1,"token":"Healthy"},{"count":1,"token":"Teens"},{"count":1,"token":"survey."},{"count":1,"token":"sets"},{"count":1,"token":"(N"},{"count":1,"token":"20"},{"count":1,"token":"832)"},{"count":1,"token":"group"},{"count":1,"token":"game."},{"count":1,"token":"Multivariate"},{"count":1,"token":"modeling"},{"count":1,"token":"conducted"},{"count":1,"token":"examine"},{"count":1,"token":"individual"},{"count":1,"token":"young"},{"count":1,"token":"people"},{"count":1,"token":"RESULTS:"},{"count":1,"token":"2011,"},{"count":1,"token":"3.8%"},{"count":1,"token":"eighth-grade"},{"count":1,"token":"participation;"},{"count":1,"token":"3.7%"},{"count":1,"token":"participation"},{"count":1,"token":"2013."},{"count":1,"token":"2011\/2013"},{"count":1,"token":"set,"},{"count":1,"token":"17.6%"},{"count":1,"token":"93)"},{"count":1,"token":"indicated"},{"count":1,"token":"that"},{"count":1,"token":"they"},{"count":1,"token":"alone."},{"count":1,"token":"Compared"},{"count":1,"token":"participating"},{"count":1,"token":"significantly"},{"count":1,"token":"suicide"},{"count":1,"token":"contemplation"}],"year":2016},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
On the limiting behaviour of a non-homogeneous Markovian manpower model with independent Poisson input We study the limiting behaviour of a manpower system where the non-homogeneous Markov chain model proposed by Young and Vassiliou (1974) is applicable. This is done in the cases where the input is a time-homogeneous and time-inhomogeneous Poisson random variable. It is also found that the number in the various grades are asymptotically mutually independent Poisson variates.
{"added":"2019-04-21T13:07:54.886Z","created":"1982-06-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"124893501","metadata":{"abstract":"We study the limiting behaviour of a manpower system where the non-homogeneous Markov chain model proposed by Young and Vassiliou (1974) is applicable. This is done in the cases where the input is a time-homogeneous and time-inhomogeneous Poisson random variable. It is also found that the number in the various grades are asymptotically mutually independent Poisson variates.","abstract_count":57,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-13.84586439705166,"extfieldsofstudy":["Mathematics"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0000.json.gz:3175948","s2fieldsofstudy":["Mathematics"],"sha1":"6d05e8d43f9f3552fcae58b417dd9c9162d99098","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","ScienceParsePlus","Cambridge","Unpaywall","MAG"],"title":"On the limiting behaviour of a non-homogeneous Markovian manpower model with independent Poisson input","title_count":14,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-13.748604651109083,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":4,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"Poisson"},{"count":2,"token":"limiting"},{"count":2,"token":"behaviour"},{"count":2,"token":"of"},{"count":2,"token":"non-homogeneous"},{"count":2,"token":"manpower"},{"count":2,"token":"model"},{"count":2,"token":"independent"},{"count":2,"token":"input"},{"count":2,"token":"where"},{"count":2,"token":"and"},{"count":2,"token":"in"},{"count":1,"token":"On"},{"count":1,"token":"Markovian"},{"count":1,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"We"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"system"},{"count":1,"token":"Markov"},{"count":1,"token":"chain"},{"count":1,"token":"proposed"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"Young"},{"count":1,"token":"Vassiliou"},{"count":1,"token":"(1974)"},{"count":1,"token":"applicable."},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"done"},{"count":1,"token":"cases"},{"count":1,"token":"time-homogeneous"},{"count":1,"token":"time-inhomogeneous"},{"count":1,"token":"random"},{"count":1,"token":"variable."},{"count":1,"token":"It"},{"count":1,"token":"also"},{"count":1,"token":"found"},{"count":1,"token":"that"},{"count":1,"token":"number"},{"count":1,"token":"various"},{"count":1,"token":"grades"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"asymptotically"},{"count":1,"token":"mutually"},{"count":1,"token":"variates."}],"year":1982},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
[Mastopathy and breast cancer: is there a typical hormone profile?]. Carcinoma of the breast and mastopathy are statistically correlated with the functioning of the gonads. The authors studied whether in 58 women with carcinoma of the breast and in 36 patients with mastopathy any change was seen in the secretory pattern of gonadal steroids and whether there were any latent changes in the secretion of prolactin and TSH. A group of 43 women with benign gynaecological diseases served as controls. Before making the diagnosis via immediate section for microscopic examination we determined the basal values of prolactin, LH, FSH, TSH and the oestrogen fractions E1, E2, E3, total oestrogens and progesterone. In addition, we measured the increase in prolactin and TSH after stimulation with metoclopramide. Postoperatively this was followed by measuring the basal values of prolactin and TSH and their secretory performance in respect of TRH. All histological diagnoses were made by an experienced pathologist. Examinations were performed under strictly standardised conditions, taking into account stress, circadian variation and the nutritional status. The following group-specific significant results were obtained (p less than 0.05-0.01): Mastopathy: high serum values of all oestrogen fractions and of total oestrogens, high PRL release through MTC stimulation, prolactin secretory effect after MTC in accordance with the degree of severity of epithelial proliferation, early onset of menopause. Carcinoma of the breast: Low PRL and TSH release on MTC stimulation, low progesterone concentrations during the second cycle phase, relatively high serum concentrations of oestradiol during the first cycle phase, PRL basal values increased postoperatively, compared with preoperative values. The results led to the following conclusions: In mastopathy patients there is a connection between high oestrogen concentrations and consecutively high prolactin release. The morphological substrate is represented by an enhanced proliferation of epithelium. In patients with cancer of the breast reduced progesterone concentrations during the second half of the cycle lead us to suspect an increased incidence of luteal insufficiency; in addition, it appears that the daily prolactin secretion rate in this group is on a reduced level.
{"added":"2018-04-03T01:39:00.765Z","created":"1986-05-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"30436315","metadata":{"abstract":"Carcinoma of the breast and mastopathy are statistically correlated with the functioning of the gonads. The authors studied whether in 58 women with carcinoma of the breast and in 36 patients with mastopathy any change was seen in the secretory pattern of gonadal steroids and whether there were any latent changes in the secretion of prolactin and TSH. A group of 43 women with benign gynaecological diseases served as controls. Before making the diagnosis via immediate section for microscopic examination we determined the basal values of prolactin, LH, FSH, TSH and the oestrogen fractions E1, E2, E3, total oestrogens and progesterone. In addition, we measured the increase in prolactin and TSH after stimulation with metoclopramide. Postoperatively this was followed by measuring the basal values of prolactin and TSH and their secretory performance in respect of TRH. All histological diagnoses were made by an experienced pathologist. Examinations were performed under strictly standardised conditions, taking into account stress, circadian variation and the nutritional status. The following group-specific significant results were obtained (p less than 0.05-0.01): Mastopathy: high serum values of all oestrogen fractions and of total oestrogens, high PRL release through MTC stimulation, prolactin secretory effect after MTC in accordance with the degree of severity of epithelial proliferation, early onset of menopause. Carcinoma of the breast: Low PRL and TSH release on MTC stimulation, low progesterone concentrations during the second cycle phase, relatively high serum concentrations of oestradiol during the first cycle phase, PRL basal values increased postoperatively, compared with preoperative values. The results led to the following conclusions: In mastopathy patients there is a connection between high oestrogen concentrations and consecutively high prolactin release. The morphological substrate is represented by an enhanced proliferation of epithelium. In patients with cancer of the breast reduced progesterone concentrations during the second half of the cycle lead us to suspect an increased incidence of luteal insufficiency; in addition, it appears that the daily prolactin secretion rate in this group is on a reduced level.","abstract_count":329,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.613408222273389,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0004.json.gz:1075444","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine","Biology"],"sha1":"ab9e253f4e789c4b06b7916e5fa2042686c2ddf5","sources":["MAG","Medline"],"title":"[Mastopathy and breast cancer: is there a typical hormone profile?].","title_count":10,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-18.476460391160217,"top_frequencies":[{"count":21,"token":"the"},{"count":20,"token":"of"},{"count":14,"token":"and"},{"count":9,"token":"in"},{"count":8,"token":"with"},{"count":6,"token":"prolactin"},{"count":5,"token":"high"},{"count":4,"token":"breast"},{"count":4,"token":"is"},{"count":4,"token":"The"},{"count":4,"token":"were"},{"count":4,"token":"values"},{"count":4,"token":"TSH"},{"count":4,"token":"concentrations"},{"count":3,"token":"there"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"mastopathy"},{"count":3,"token":"patients"},{"count":3,"token":"secretory"},{"count":3,"token":"basal"},{"count":3,"token":"oestrogen"},{"count":3,"token":"In"},{"count":3,"token":"by"},{"count":3,"token":"an"},{"count":3,"token":"PRL"},{"count":3,"token":"MTC"},{"count":3,"token":"during"},{"count":3,"token":"cycle"},{"count":2,"token":"Carcinoma"},{"count":2,"token":"whether"},{"count":2,"token":"women"},{"count":2,"token":"any"},{"count":2,"token":"was"},{"count":2,"token":"secretion"},{"count":2,"token":"group"},{"count":2,"token":"we"},{"count":2,"token":"fractions"},{"count":2,"token":"total"},{"count":2,"token":"addition,"},{"count":2,"token":"after"},{"count":2,"token":"this"},{"count":2,"token":"following"},{"count":2,"token":"results"},{"count":2,"token":"serum"},{"count":2,"token":"release"},{"count":2,"token":"stimulation,"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"progesterone"},{"count":2,"token":"second"},{"count":2,"token":"phase,"},{"count":2,"token":"increased"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"reduced"},{"count":1,"token":"[Mastopathy"},{"count":1,"token":"cancer:"},{"count":1,"token":"typical"},{"count":1,"token":"hormone"},{"count":1,"token":"profile?]."},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"statistically"},{"count":1,"token":"correlated"},{"count":1,"token":"functioning"},{"count":1,"token":"gonads."},{"count":1,"token":"authors"},{"count":1,"token":"studied"},{"count":1,"token":"58"},{"count":1,"token":"carcinoma"},{"count":1,"token":"36"},{"count":1,"token":"change"},{"count":1,"token":"seen"},{"count":1,"token":"pattern"},{"count":1,"token":"gonadal"},{"count":1,"token":"steroids"},{"count":1,"token":"latent"},{"count":1,"token":"changes"},{"count":1,"token":"TSH."},{"count":1,"token":"A"},{"count":1,"token":"43"},{"count":1,"token":"benign"},{"count":1,"token":"gynaecological"},{"count":1,"token":"diseases"},{"count":1,"token":"served"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"controls."},{"count":1,"token":"Before"},{"count":1,"token":"making"},{"count":1,"token":"diagnosis"},{"count":1,"token":"via"},{"count":1,"token":"immediate"},{"count":1,"token":"section"},{"count":1,"token":"for"},{"count":1,"token":"microscopic"},{"count":1,"token":"examination"},{"count":1,"token":"determined"},{"count":1,"token":"prolactin,"},{"count":1,"token":"LH,"},{"count":1,"token":"FSH,"},{"count":1,"token":"E1,"},{"count":1,"token":"E2,"},{"count":1,"token":"E3,"}],"year":1986},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Synergy of innovation procedures and communication skills as a success predictor in IT supported management This article is based on communication and its influence on the organization. Through our literature review we found that innovative communication is the strategic ability to plan, execute, coordinate and even evaluate stakeholders of the communication process. Communication also can be used as a mean to spread and redefine comparative advantages in order to achieve a successful business organization. The aim of this research was to determine the importance of communication and find which forms in which ways and types of communication are used by their CEO. Through the Google Forms online questionnaire, 202 respondents were interviewed to confirm the hypothesis: “only specific forms of communication stimulate innovation and create synergy of innovation processes and communication”. The research was ongoing for 14 days and it was conducted in Croatian business organizations. The results have shown that the success of business organizations can relate to the level of innovative procedures and communication skills. The hypothesis is confirmed and also described in depth in doctoral thesis by one of the authors.
{"added":"2020-11-12T09:07:00.828Z","created":"2020-09-28T00:00:00.000Z","id":"226512181","metadata":{"abstract":"This article is based on communication and its influence on the organization. Through our literature review we found that innovative communication is the strategic ability to plan, execute, coordinate and even evaluate stakeholders of the communication process. Communication also can be used as a mean to spread and redefine comparative advantages in order to achieve a successful business organization. The aim of this research was to determine the importance of communication and find which forms in which ways and types of communication are used by their CEO. Through the Google Forms online questionnaire, 202 respondents were interviewed to confirm the hypothesis: \u201conly specific forms of communication stimulate innovation and create synergy of innovation processes and communication\u201d. The research was ongoing for 14 days and it was conducted in Croatian business organizations. The results have shown that the success of business organizations can relate to the level of innovative procedures and communication skills. The hypothesis is confirmed and also described in depth in doctoral thesis by one of the authors.","abstract_count":169,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-12.036243858633412,"extfieldsofstudy":["Business","Computer Science","Psychology"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:943337","s2fieldsofstudy":["Business"],"sha1":"5717504bf254c3b229a7bcaf471a16b618c13de6","sources":["IEEE","Unpaywall","MAG","MergedPDFExtraction","Crossref","DBLP"],"title":"Synergy of innovation procedures and communication skills as a success predictor in IT supported management","title_count":15,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-11.21054910382175,"top_frequencies":[{"count":11,"token":"and"},{"count":10,"token":"of"},{"count":9,"token":"the"},{"count":8,"token":"communication"},{"count":6,"token":"in"},{"count":6,"token":"to"},{"count":4,"token":"The"},{"count":3,"token":"innovation"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"business"},{"count":3,"token":"was"},{"count":2,"token":"procedures"},{"count":2,"token":"as"},{"count":2,"token":"success"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"organization."},{"count":2,"token":"Through"},{"count":2,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"innovative"},{"count":2,"token":"also"},{"count":2,"token":"can"},{"count":2,"token":"used"},{"count":2,"token":"research"},{"count":2,"token":"which"},{"count":2,"token":"forms"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"Synergy"},{"count":1,"token":"skills"},{"count":1,"token":"predictor"},{"count":1,"token":"IT"},{"count":1,"token":"supported"},{"count":1,"token":"management"},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"article"},{"count":1,"token":"based"},{"count":1,"token":"its"},{"count":1,"token":"influence"},{"count":1,"token":"our"},{"count":1,"token":"literature"},{"count":1,"token":"review"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"found"},{"count":1,"token":"strategic"},{"count":1,"token":"ability"},{"count":1,"token":"plan,"},{"count":1,"token":"execute,"},{"count":1,"token":"coordinate"},{"count":1,"token":"even"},{"count":1,"token":"evaluate"},{"count":1,"token":"stakeholders"},{"count":1,"token":"process."},{"count":1,"token":"Communication"},{"count":1,"token":"be"},{"count":1,"token":"mean"},{"count":1,"token":"spread"},{"count":1,"token":"redefine"},{"count":1,"token":"comparative"},{"count":1,"token":"advantages"},{"count":1,"token":"order"},{"count":1,"token":"achieve"},{"count":1,"token":"successful"},{"count":1,"token":"aim"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"determine"},{"count":1,"token":"importance"},{"count":1,"token":"find"},{"count":1,"token":"ways"},{"count":1,"token":"types"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"their"},{"count":1,"token":"CEO."},{"count":1,"token":"Google"},{"count":1,"token":"Forms"},{"count":1,"token":"online"},{"count":1,"token":"questionnaire,"},{"count":1,"token":"202"},{"count":1,"token":"respondents"},{"count":1,"token":"were"},{"count":1,"token":"interviewed"},{"count":1,"token":"confirm"},{"count":1,"token":"hypothesis:"},{"count":1,"token":"\u201conly"},{"count":1,"token":"specific"},{"count":1,"token":"stimulate"},{"count":1,"token":"create"},{"count":1,"token":"synergy"},{"count":1,"token":"processes"},{"count":1,"token":"communication\u201d."},{"count":1,"token":"ongoing"},{"count":1,"token":"for"},{"count":1,"token":"14"},{"count":1,"token":"days"},{"count":1,"token":"it"},{"count":1,"token":"conducted"},{"count":1,"token":"Croatian"},{"count":1,"token":"organizations."},{"count":1,"token":"results"},{"count":1,"token":"have"},{"count":1,"token":"shown"}],"year":2020},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Question: Let's complete this passage. By James Chapman PUBLISHED: 22:48 EST, 16 March 2014 | UPDATED: 22:59 EST, 16 March 2014 The first new garden city for 100 years will be constructed in an attempt to boost housebuilding, it has been revealed. Chancellor George Osborne said the measure will be in his Budget this week, arguing Britain needed to ‘get building’ in order to secure the economic recovery. The new garden city will be built at Ebbsfleet in Kent, which will initially provide 15,000 homes. As it is now: The new garden city will be built at Ebbsfleet in Kent, which will initially provide 15,000 homes ‘Britain has to up its ambition, OPTIONS: - Britain has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. - Budget has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. - Ebbsfleet has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. - George Osborne has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. - James Chapman has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. - Kent has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. Answer: Britain has to up its game, Britain has to earn its way in the world. Problem: Choose the next sentence By David Williams and Emily Davies and Jonathan McEvoy and Kieran Corcoran Olympic star Lizzy Yarnold was today enjoying the sweet taste of success - as she bit down on her gold medal after a presentation ceremony at the Winter Olympics. Basking in her victory in the skeleton competition, Miss Yarnold, 25, waved to the crowd and held her first-place medal - Britain's first in the 2014 games at Sochi - with evident pride. The former grammar school pupil had dominated the competition in Sochi yesterday, which saw her hurtle down an ice track at 80mph on a ‘tray’ nicknamed Mervyn. After the last of her four runs yesterday she admitted she had been so confident of winning that she had even learned how to say ‘I’m champion’ in OPTIONS: - Amy Williams. - Britain. - David Williams. - Emily Davies. - Family. - Jonathan McEvoy. - Kieran Corcoran. - Lizzy Yarnold. - Mervyn. - Miss Yarnold. - Russian. - Sochi. - U.S.. - Vancouver Games. - Winter Olympics. Answer: Russian. QUES: A COMPLETION PROBLEM. CNN) -- Samir Nasri scored two superb goals to give Arsenal a 2-1 win in a London derby against Fulham to go top of the English Premier League on Saturday. Previous leaders Manchester United had to sit out the action as their game at promoted Blackpool fell victim to the cold snap in England leaving Arsenal and Chelsea the chance to lead the standings. Chelsea looked set to be the beneficiary as Didier Drogba's penalty put them ahead at Stamford Bridge against Everton. But in the second half the visitors hit back through a late Jermaine Beckford goal and were unfortunate not to seal three points as Chelsea's poor recent league form continued. Arsenal have 32 points from 16 games, one clear of OPTIONS: - Arsenal, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Blackpool, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Bolton, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - CNN, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Chelsea, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Didier Drogba, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - England, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - English Premier League, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Everton, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Fulham, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Jermaine Beckford, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - London, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Manchester City, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Manchester United, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Samir Nasir, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Samir Nasri, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. - Stamford Bridge, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. ANS: Manchester United, who have played a game less, and two ahead of faltering Chelsea. Question: [passage completion] The Afghan villager who rescued a Navy SEAL and became the inspiration for the Hollywood film Lone Survivor is now on the run from the Taliban. Mohammad Gulab, 40, was hailed as a hero by Mark Wahlberg when he came over to California to meet the family of Marcus Luttrell, the man he saved. But less than a year after his story hit theaters - taking $125 million at the box office - the father has never felt so afraid. 'My life is in worse danger than ever,' he told Vocativ. Scroll down for video Fear: Mohammad Gulab, 40, was the inspiration for a 2013 Hollywood film but now fears for his life Lone survivor: OPTIONS: - Afghan turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - California turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Hollywood turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Lone Survivor turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Marcus Luttrell turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Mark Wahlberg turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Mark Walhberg turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Mohammad Gulab turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Navy turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Shah turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Taliban turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 - Vocativ turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 Answer: Marcus Luttrell turned his experience of the struggle to escape into a best-selling novel in 2007 Climate change experts have released maps of the world revealing how prepared different countries are to cope with the effects of climate change. In the maps, 192 countries are ranked by their ‘vulnerability’ and ‘readiness’, to produce an overall judgement on their fate. The results reveal that Scandinavian countries and the UK are among the most likely to survive - but areas of sub-Saharan Africa will be hardest hit. Scroll down for video London-based company The Eco Experts has revealed the countries best-equipped to cope with climate change on a map (shown). Scandinavian countries like Norway and Finland, and also the UK, score highly. Green is best, scaling down to red being worst ‘Adaptation challenges still exist, but OPTIONS: - Finland is well positioned to adapt. - Green is well positioned to adapt. - London is well positioned to adapt. - Norway is well positioned to adapt. - Scandinavian is well positioned to adapt. - The Eco Experts is well positioned to adapt. - UK is well positioned to adapt. - sub-Saharan Africa is well positioned to adapt. ===== Norway is well positioned to adapt.
Is it possible to conclude that "two workers look over a street, wearing orange vests written on in Hebrew." if "Two people outdoors."? yes
Read the bio below and try to give details on catherine of france , countess of montpensier 's: - title - mother - spouse - death date - father - birth date Bio: catherine of france -lrb- 4 february 1378 -- november 1388 -rrb- was the youngest child of charles v of france and joanna of bourbon , who were cousins . she was a sibling of charles vi of france and louis of valois , duke of orléans . A: - title is countess of montpensier- mother is joanna of bourbon- spouse is john de valois , count of montpensier- death date is 1388- father is charles v of france- birth date is 1378
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Однако Каримов никогда не осуждал пытки, и никогда не принимал против них никаких мер.   input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Считаем, что настоящий дизайнер должен быть хорошим психологом и маркетологом, так как основная его задача это правильно понять клиента, потом, может быть, направить его на нужную идею, и как результат - правильно перенести эту идею в плоскость изображения. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: В мае 2007 года в Кишинёве сотрудники полиции пытали Виорику Плате, а 1 ноября 2007 года двоих полицейских приговорили к шести годам лишения свободы и ещё одному вынесли условный приговор. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Это событие имеет принципиальное значение для человечества, это - провозглашение ценности жизни на Земле и основополагающего значения биологического разнообразия для жизни людей.
Inflammatory pseudotumor simulating malignancy: a rare complication after total hip arthroplasty Purpose: Particulate debris created by accelerated polyethylene wear in totally replaced hips causes adverse local reactions. We report an extreme form of such a reaction in a patient who developed progressive thigh pain, weakness and numbness after total arthroplasty of his left hip. Methods: An abdominopelvic computed tomogram showed a large intrapelvic cystic mass interpreted as a malignant tumor. Dark grayish-green fluid was aspirated from the cyst and cytopathologic examination showed necrotic debris without malignant cells. Biopsy revealed necrosis and abundant foreign body granulation tissue with polarizable debris. Results: During surgical removal of the cyst a defect of the inner acetabular wall was noted. After successful revision arthroplasty with allograft bone the clinical symptoms improved. Conclusion: A foreign-body reaction to wear debris may produce an intrapelvic mass and corresponding symptoms. Cytologic and histologic examination of the mass or fluid may aid in interpreting the clinical picture and imaging studies.
{"added":"2022-09-27T15:04:30.900Z","created":"2021-10-23T00:00:00.000Z","id":"252536672","metadata":{"abstract":"Purpose: Particulate debris created by accelerated polyethylene wear in totally replaced hips causes adverse local reactions. We report an extreme form of such a reaction in a patient who developed progressive thigh pain, weakness and numbness after total arthroplasty of his left hip. \nMethods: An abdominopelvic computed tomogram showed a large intrapelvic cystic mass interpreted as a malignant tumor. Dark grayish-green fluid was aspirated from the cyst and cytopathologic examination showed necrotic debris without malignant cells. Biopsy revealed necrosis and abundant foreign body granulation tissue with polarizable debris. \nResults: During surgical removal of the cyst a defect of the inner acetabular wall was noted. After successful revision arthroplasty with allograft bone the clinical symptoms improved. \nConclusion: A foreign-body reaction to wear debris may produce an intrapelvic mass and corresponding symptoms. Cytologic and histologic examination of the mass or fluid may aid in interpreting the clinical picture and imaging studies.","abstract_count":149,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.043727727905052,"extfieldsofstudy":[],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0002.json.gz:829461","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"sha1":"0a8dc7f441a3f4c54fe4753188b9ee3f5d4a070a","sources":["Crossref"],"title":"Inflammatory pseudotumor simulating malignancy: a rare complication after total hip arthroplasty","title_count":11,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-17.322353333875085,"top_frequencies":[{"count":6,"token":"a"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":6,"token":"the"},{"count":5,"token":"of"},{"count":3,"token":"arthroplasty"},{"count":3,"token":"debris"},{"count":3,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"mass"},{"count":2,"token":"after"},{"count":2,"token":"total"},{"count":2,"token":"wear"},{"count":2,"token":"an"},{"count":2,"token":"reaction"},{"count":2,"token":"showed"},{"count":2,"token":"intrapelvic"},{"count":2,"token":"malignant"},{"count":2,"token":"fluid"},{"count":2,"token":"was"},{"count":2,"token":"cyst"},{"count":2,"token":"examination"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"clinical"},{"count":2,"token":"may"},{"count":1,"token":"Inflammatory"},{"count":1,"token":"pseudotumor"},{"count":1,"token":"simulating"},{"count":1,"token":"malignancy:"},{"count":1,"token":"rare"},{"count":1,"token":"complication"},{"count":1,"token":"hip"},{"count":1,"token":"Purpose:"},{"count":1,"token":"Particulate"},{"count":1,"token":"created"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"accelerated"},{"count":1,"token":"polyethylene"},{"count":1,"token":"totally"},{"count":1,"token":"replaced"},{"count":1,"token":"hips"},{"count":1,"token":"causes"},{"count":1,"token":"adverse"},{"count":1,"token":"local"},{"count":1,"token":"reactions."},{"count":1,"token":"We"},{"count":1,"token":"report"},{"count":1,"token":"extreme"},{"count":1,"token":"form"},{"count":1,"token":"such"},{"count":1,"token":"patient"},{"count":1,"token":"who"},{"count":1,"token":"developed"},{"count":1,"token":"progressive"},{"count":1,"token":"thigh"},{"count":1,"token":"pain,"},{"count":1,"token":"weakness"},{"count":1,"token":"numbness"},{"count":1,"token":"his"},{"count":1,"token":"left"},{"count":1,"token":"hip."},{"count":1,"token":"Methods:"},{"count":1,"token":"An"},{"count":1,"token":"abdominopelvic"},{"count":1,"token":"computed"},{"count":1,"token":"tomogram"},{"count":1,"token":"large"},{"count":1,"token":"cystic"},{"count":1,"token":"interpreted"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"tumor."},{"count":1,"token":"Dark"},{"count":1,"token":"grayish-green"},{"count":1,"token":"aspirated"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"cytopathologic"},{"count":1,"token":"necrotic"},{"count":1,"token":"without"},{"count":1,"token":"cells."},{"count":1,"token":"Biopsy"},{"count":1,"token":"revealed"},{"count":1,"token":"necrosis"},{"count":1,"token":"abundant"},{"count":1,"token":"foreign"},{"count":1,"token":"body"},{"count":1,"token":"granulation"},{"count":1,"token":"tissue"},{"count":1,"token":"polarizable"},{"count":1,"token":"debris."},{"count":1,"token":"Results:"},{"count":1,"token":"During"},{"count":1,"token":"surgical"},{"count":1,"token":"removal"},{"count":1,"token":"defect"},{"count":1,"token":"inner"},{"count":1,"token":"acetabular"},{"count":1,"token":"wall"},{"count":1,"token":"noted."},{"count":1,"token":"After"},{"count":1,"token":"successful"},{"count":1,"token":"revision"},{"count":1,"token":"allograft"}],"year":2021},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Comparison of carbon monoxide emissions and electricity consumption of modulating and non‐modulating pellet and solar heating systems Emission and electricity consumption are important aspects of a pellet heating system. Low noxious emissions, particularly carbon monoxide, are a measure of a well‐performing system. High carbon monoxide emissions are often caused by unnecessary cycling of the burner, poor adjustment of the combustion air and insufficient maintenance. The carbon monoxide output, the thermal performance and the electricity consumption for modulating and non‐modulating operation mode have been investigated by simulations of four stoves/boilers as part of combined solar and pellet heating systems. The systems have been modelled with the simulation programme TRNSYS and simulated with the boundary conditions for space heating demand, hot water load and climate data as used in earlier research projects. The results from the simulations show that operating the pellet units with modulating combustion power reduces the number of starts and stops but does not necessarily reduce the carbon monoxide output. Whether the carbon monoxide output can be reduced or not depends very strongly on the reduction of starts and stops and how much the carbon monoxide emissions increase with decreased combustion power, which are in turn dependent on the particular settings of each pellet burner and how the heat is transferred to the building. However, for most systems the modulating operation mode has a positive impact on carbon monoxide emissions. Considering the total auxiliary energy demand, including the electricity demand of the pellet units, the modulating combustion control is advantageous for systems 1 and 4 for the used boundary conditions. The study also shows that an appropriate sizing of the stove or boiler has a huge potential for energy saving and carbon monoxide emission reduction. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
{"added":"2019-04-06T00:43:13.174Z","created":"2007-08-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"96634293","metadata":{"abstract":"Emission and electricity consumption are important aspects of a pellet heating system. Low noxious emissions, particularly carbon monoxide, are a measure of a well\u2010performing system. High carbon monoxide emissions are often caused by unnecessary cycling of the burner, poor adjustment of the combustion air and insufficient maintenance. The carbon monoxide output, the thermal performance and the electricity consumption for modulating and non\u2010modulating operation mode have been investigated by simulations of four stoves\/boilers as part of combined solar and pellet heating systems. The systems have been modelled with the simulation programme TRNSYS and simulated with the boundary conditions for space heating demand, hot water load and climate data as used in earlier research projects. The results from the simulations show that operating the pellet units with modulating combustion power reduces the number of starts and stops but does not necessarily reduce the carbon monoxide output. Whether the carbon monoxide output can be reduced or not depends very strongly on the reduction of starts and stops and how much the carbon monoxide emissions increase with decreased combustion power, which are in turn dependent on the particular settings of each pellet burner and how the heat is transferred to the building. However, for most systems the modulating operation mode has a positive impact on carbon monoxide emissions. Considering the total auxiliary energy demand, including the electricity demand of the pellet units, the modulating combustion control is advantageous for systems 1 and 4 for the used boundary conditions. The study also shows that an appropriate sizing of the stove or boiler has a huge potential for energy saving and carbon monoxide emission reduction. 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question: Generate a tweet. positive answer: @johnkarren Hey! Congratulations on your finish. I really am impressed with your commitment and tenacity. question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: School tomorrow (n) We(rhys, amanda, grant) we went ta Glasgow &amp; ran out of Pizza Hut then Grant decides NOT to run so we have to scrape question: Generate a tweet. positive answer: so, off, really. cu later
Infant Distress and Regulatory Behaviors Vary as a Function of Attachment Security Regardless of Emotion Context and Maternal Involvement. Differences in infant distress and regulatory behaviors based on the quality of attachment to mother, emotion context (frustration versus fear), and whether or not mothers were actively involved in the emotion-eliciting tasks were examined in a sample of 98 16-month-old infants and their mothers. Dyads participated in the Strange Situation, a limiting task designed to elicit infant frustration, and a novelty task designed to elicit infant fear. Mothers were asked to remain uninvolved during the first minute of each task, and then instructed to engage with their infants as they wished for the remaining three minutes. Independent of concurrent maternal sensitivity, resistant infants were significantly more distressed than secure and avoidant infants. Avoidant infants engaged in fewer active mother-oriented regulation behaviors than secure and resistant infants and engaged in more self-soothing in the mother involved condition than the mother uninvolved condition. Resistant infants engaged in more physical comfort with their mothers and more venting than both secure and avoidant infants, and exhibited a smaller variety of adaptive non-mother-oriented strategies than did secure infants. There were few differences in infant distress and regulatory behaviors as a function of emotion task and maternal involvement. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.
{"added":"2017-06-20T18:40:37.159Z","created":"2012-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"31570472","metadata":{"abstract":"Differences in infant distress and regulatory behaviors based on the quality of attachment to mother, emotion context (frustration versus fear), and whether or not mothers were actively involved in the emotion-eliciting tasks were examined in a sample of 98 16-month-old infants and their mothers. Dyads participated in the Strange Situation, a limiting task designed to elicit infant frustration, and a novelty task designed to elicit infant fear. Mothers were asked to remain uninvolved during the first minute of each task, and then instructed to engage with their infants as they wished for the remaining three minutes. Independent of concurrent maternal sensitivity, resistant infants were significantly more distressed than secure and avoidant infants. Avoidant infants engaged in fewer active mother-oriented regulation behaviors than secure and resistant infants and engaged in more self-soothing in the mother involved condition than the mother uninvolved condition. Resistant infants engaged in more physical comfort with their mothers and more venting than both secure and avoidant infants, and exhibited a smaller variety of adaptive non-mother-oriented strategies than did secure infants. There were few differences in infant distress and regulatory behaviors as a function of emotion task and maternal involvement. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.","abstract_count":200,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.13725073882858,"extfieldsofstudy":["Psychology","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0001.json.gz:3000018","s2fieldsofstudy":["Psychology"],"sha1":"e2e9fb8e16310228afd881f160a150454d6749d3","sources":["Anansi","ScienceParseMerged","Unpaywall","Medline","MAG"],"title":"Infant Distress and Regulatory Behaviors Vary as a Function of Attachment Security Regardless of Emotion Context and Maternal Involvement.","title_count":19,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-13.139998634799934,"top_frequencies":[{"count":16,"token":"and"},{"count":9,"token":"in"},{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":6,"token":"a"},{"count":6,"token":"infants"},{"count":5,"token":"to"},{"count":5,"token":"were"},{"count":5,"token":"than"},{"count":4,"token":"infant"},{"count":4,"token":"more"},{"count":4,"token":"secure"},{"count":3,"token":"as"},{"count":3,"token":"behaviors"},{"count":3,"token":"their"},{"count":3,"token":"task"},{"count":3,"token":"engaged"},{"count":2,"token":"distress"},{"count":2,"token":"regulatory"},{"count":2,"token":"emotion"},{"count":2,"token":"mothers"},{"count":2,"token":"involved"},{"count":2,"token":"designed"},{"count":2,"token":"elicit"},{"count":2,"token":"uninvolved"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"maternal"},{"count":2,"token":"resistant"},{"count":2,"token":"avoidant"},{"count":2,"token":"infants."},{"count":2,"token":"mother"},{"count":1,"token":"Infant"},{"count":1,"token":"Distress"},{"count":1,"token":"Regulatory"},{"count":1,"token":"Behaviors"},{"count":1,"token":"Vary"},{"count":1,"token":"Function"},{"count":1,"token":"Attachment"},{"count":1,"token":"Security"},{"count":1,"token":"Regardless"},{"count":1,"token":"Emotion"},{"count":1,"token":"Context"},{"count":1,"token":"Maternal"},{"count":1,"token":"Involvement."},{"count":1,"token":"Differences"},{"count":1,"token":"based"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"quality"},{"count":1,"token":"attachment"},{"count":1,"token":"mother,"},{"count":1,"token":"context"},{"count":1,"token":"(frustration"},{"count":1,"token":"versus"},{"count":1,"token":"fear),"},{"count":1,"token":"whether"},{"count":1,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"not"},{"count":1,"token":"actively"},{"count":1,"token":"emotion-eliciting"},{"count":1,"token":"tasks"},{"count":1,"token":"examined"},{"count":1,"token":"sample"},{"count":1,"token":"98"},{"count":1,"token":"16-month-old"},{"count":1,"token":"mothers."},{"count":1,"token":"Dyads"},{"count":1,"token":"participated"},{"count":1,"token":"Strange"},{"count":1,"token":"Situation,"},{"count":1,"token":"limiting"},{"count":1,"token":"frustration,"},{"count":1,"token":"novelty"},{"count":1,"token":"fear."},{"count":1,"token":"Mothers"},{"count":1,"token":"asked"},{"count":1,"token":"remain"},{"count":1,"token":"during"},{"count":1,"token":"first"},{"count":1,"token":"minute"},{"count":1,"token":"each"},{"count":1,"token":"task,"},{"count":1,"token":"then"},{"count":1,"token":"instructed"},{"count":1,"token":"engage"},{"count":1,"token":"they"},{"count":1,"token":"wished"},{"count":1,"token":"remaining"},{"count":1,"token":"three"},{"count":1,"token":"minutes."},{"count":1,"token":"Independent"},{"count":1,"token":"concurrent"},{"count":1,"token":"sensitivity,"},{"count":1,"token":"significantly"},{"count":1,"token":"distressed"},{"count":1,"token":"Avoidant"},{"count":1,"token":"fewer"},{"count":1,"token":"active"},{"count":1,"token":"mother-oriented"},{"count":1,"token":"regulation"}],"year":2012},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Investigation of ZnO Nanotetrapod and MgO Hybrid Field Emitter In this letter, we report a new kind of hybrid field emitters with a mixture of ZnO nano-tetrapods and MgO particles by a spin-coating method. Due to the excellent field-emission properties of hybrid field emitters, the turn-on electric field (at a current density of 1 ¿A/cm2) and the threshold electric field (at a current density of 1 mA/cm2) have been reduced to 0.6 and 0.92 V/¿m, respectively. The turn-on and the threshold electric fields have been decreased by about 67% and 74% compared with the data reported previously. With these hybrid field emitters, a cathodoluminescent lamp is investigated. As the experimental results show, the operation voltage of the cathodoluminescent lamp is low, and the ratio between the anode and the cathode currents is quite high. Apart from this, the brightness uniformity of the lamp is also improved.
{"added":"2017-02-20T15:58:50.865Z","created":"2009-08-11T00:00:00.000Z","id":"27172579","metadata":{"abstract":"In this letter, we report a new kind of hybrid field emitters with a mixture of ZnO nano-tetrapods and MgO particles by a spin-coating method. Due to the excellent field-emission properties of hybrid field emitters, the turn-on electric field (at a current density of 1 \u00bfA\/cm2) and the threshold electric field (at a current density of 1 mA\/cm2) have been reduced to 0.6 and 0.92 V\/\u00bfm, respectively. The turn-on and the threshold electric fields have been decreased by about 67% and 74% compared with the data reported previously. With these hybrid field emitters, a cathodoluminescent lamp is investigated. As the experimental results show, the operation voltage of the cathodoluminescent lamp is low, and the ratio between the anode and the cathode currents is quite high. Apart from this, the brightness uniformity of the lamp is also improved.","abstract_count":137,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.065794050667556,"extfieldsofstudy":["Materials Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0007.json.gz:2792373","s2fieldsofstudy":["Physics"],"sha1":"4ed0531e62fd5b7fd74b9d19dcd8d33aec6d435f","sources":["IEEE","MAG","ScienceParseMerged","Unpaywall"],"title":"Investigation of ZnO Nanotetrapod and MgO Hybrid Field Emitter","title_count":9,"title_language":"ny","title_perplexity":-16.223617810952778,"top_frequencies":[{"count":13,"token":"the"},{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":8,"token":"and"},{"count":6,"token":"a"},{"count":5,"token":"field"},{"count":4,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"hybrid"},{"count":3,"token":"electric"},{"count":3,"token":"lamp"},{"count":2,"token":"ZnO"},{"count":2,"token":"MgO"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"emitters,"},{"count":2,"token":"turn-on"},{"count":2,"token":"(at"},{"count":2,"token":"current"},{"count":2,"token":"density"},{"count":2,"token":"1"},{"count":2,"token":"threshold"},{"count":2,"token":"have"},{"count":2,"token":"been"},{"count":2,"token":"cathodoluminescent"},{"count":1,"token":"Investigation"},{"count":1,"token":"Nanotetrapod"},{"count":1,"token":"Hybrid"},{"count":1,"token":"Field"},{"count":1,"token":"Emitter"},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"letter,"},{"count":1,"token":"we"},{"count":1,"token":"report"},{"count":1,"token":"new"},{"count":1,"token":"kind"},{"count":1,"token":"emitters"},{"count":1,"token":"mixture"},{"count":1,"token":"nano-tetrapods"},{"count":1,"token":"particles"},{"count":1,"token":"spin-coating"},{"count":1,"token":"method."},{"count":1,"token":"Due"},{"count":1,"token":"excellent"},{"count":1,"token":"field-emission"},{"count":1,"token":"properties"},{"count":1,"token":"\u00bfA\/cm2)"},{"count":1,"token":"mA\/cm2)"},{"count":1,"token":"reduced"},{"count":1,"token":"0.6"},{"count":1,"token":"0.92"},{"count":1,"token":"V\/\u00bfm,"},{"count":1,"token":"respectively."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"fields"},{"count":1,"token":"decreased"},{"count":1,"token":"about"},{"count":1,"token":"67%"},{"count":1,"token":"74%"},{"count":1,"token":"compared"},{"count":1,"token":"data"},{"count":1,"token":"reported"},{"count":1,"token":"previously."},{"count":1,"token":"With"},{"count":1,"token":"these"},{"count":1,"token":"investigated."},{"count":1,"token":"As"},{"count":1,"token":"experimental"},{"count":1,"token":"results"},{"count":1,"token":"show,"},{"count":1,"token":"operation"},{"count":1,"token":"voltage"},{"count":1,"token":"low,"},{"count":1,"token":"ratio"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"anode"},{"count":1,"token":"cathode"},{"count":1,"token":"currents"},{"count":1,"token":"quite"},{"count":1,"token":"high."},{"count":1,"token":"Apart"},{"count":1,"token":"from"},{"count":1,"token":"this,"},{"count":1,"token":"brightness"},{"count":1,"token":"uniformity"},{"count":1,"token":"also"},{"count":1,"token":"improved."}],"year":2009},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Q: Translate "Since UN Under-Secretary-General Guéhenno’s letter of 27 December about military engagement in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which fell during the turn of the year holiday period and came as a surprise even to the Security Council, 12 weeks have passed and there are still more questions than answers." to Finnish? Yes: Kaksitoista viikkoa on kulunut siitä, kun YK:n apulaispääsihteeri Guéhenno lähetti 27. joulukuuta päivätyn kirjeensä, joka koski sotilaallisia toimia Kongon demokraattisessa tasavallassa. Kirje sattui tulemaan juuri vuodenvaihteessa loma-aikaan, ja se yllätti myös turvallisuusneuvoston. Q: Translate "However, a Greenpeace report released last week estimated 93 000, which could rise to around 200 000 if we include other related illnesses." to Finnish? Yes: Viime viikolla julkaistussa Greenpeacen raportissa arvio oli kuitenkin 93 000, ja se voi nousta noin 200 000 kuolemantapaukseen, jos huomioon otetaan myös muut onnettomuuteen liittyvät sairaudet. Q: Translate "This applies to the traditional providers of postal services, namely the former monopolies, whilst private postal service providers already have to add VAT to their bills." to Finnish? Yes: Tämä koskee perinteisiä postipalvelujen tarjoajia eli entisiä monopoleja, mutta yksityisten postipalvelujen tarjoajien on nyt jo lisättävä arvonlisävero laskuihinsa.
[Antiproliferative effect of cycloartane-type triterpenoid from myrrh against human prostate cancer cells]. OBJECTIVE To investigate the antiproliferative effect of cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha, 2alpha, 3beta-triol from Myrrh against human prostate cancer cells. METHODS Morphological changes of compound-treated human prostate PC3 cells were determined by staining cells with Hoechst. The cell cycle progression and apoptosis were evaluated using flow cytometry assay. Apoptosis related protein levels were analyzed using Western blotting. RESULTS Treatment of PC3 cells with cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha,3beta-triol caused an increase ratio of apoptotic cells, which was verified by flow cytometry. It was also found that cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha, 3beta-triol arrested cell cycle at the G0/G1 phase. Apoptosis related proteins, such as BCL-2, BAX, Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 were changed. CONCLUSION These observes data indicate that cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha,3beta-triol inhibit the proliferation of PC3 cells via induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.
{"added":"2018-04-03T03:49:57.482Z","created":"2013-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"36623707","metadata":{"abstract":"OBJECTIVE\nTo investigate the antiproliferative effect of cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha, 2alpha, 3beta-triol from Myrrh against human prostate cancer cells.\n\n\nMETHODS\nMorphological changes of compound-treated human prostate PC3 cells were determined by staining cells with Hoechst. The cell cycle progression and apoptosis were evaluated using flow cytometry assay. Apoptosis related protein levels were analyzed using Western blotting.\n\n\nRESULTS\nTreatment of PC3 cells with cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha,3beta-triol caused an increase ratio of apoptotic cells, which was verified by flow cytometry. It was also found that cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha, 3beta-triol arrested cell cycle at the G0\/G1 phase. Apoptosis related proteins, such as BCL-2, BAX, Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 were changed.\n\n\nCONCLUSION\nThese observes data indicate that cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha,3beta-triol inhibit the proliferation of PC3 cells via induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.","abstract_count":121,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-19.558625771886547,"extfieldsofstudy":["Chemistry","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0006.json.gz:608039","s2fieldsofstudy":["Biology","Medicine","Chemistry"],"sha1":"aa829acd43b4bfba6aa7030cf15def5d0b65886a","sources":["MAG","Medline"],"title":"[Antiproliferative effect of cycloartane-type triterpenoid from myrrh against human prostate cancer cells].","title_count":12,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-19.327602511549152,"top_frequencies":[{"count":7,"token":"of"},{"count":4,"token":"cells"},{"count":4,"token":"were"},{"count":3,"token":"human"},{"count":3,"token":"prostate"},{"count":3,"token":"the"},{"count":3,"token":"PC3"},{"count":3,"token":"cell"},{"count":3,"token":"cycle"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":2,"token":"effect"},{"count":2,"token":"from"},{"count":2,"token":"against"},{"count":2,"token":"cancer"},{"count":2,"token":"3beta-triol"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"apoptosis"},{"count":2,"token":"using"},{"count":2,"token":"flow"},{"count":2,"token":"Apoptosis"},{"count":2,"token":"related"},{"count":2,"token":"cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha,3beta-triol"},{"count":2,"token":"was"},{"count":2,"token":"that"},{"count":1,"token":"[Antiproliferative"},{"count":1,"token":"cycloartane-type"},{"count":1,"token":"triterpenoid"},{"count":1,"token":"myrrh"},{"count":1,"token":"cells]."},{"count":1,"token":"OBJECTIVE"},{"count":1,"token":"To"},{"count":1,"token":"investigate"},{"count":1,"token":"antiproliferative"},{"count":1,"token":"cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,"},{"count":1,"token":"2alpha,"},{"count":1,"token":"Myrrh"},{"count":1,"token":"cells."},{"count":1,"token":"METHODS"},{"count":1,"token":"Morphological"},{"count":1,"token":"changes"},{"count":1,"token":"compound-treated"},{"count":1,"token":"determined"},{"count":1,"token":"staining"},{"count":1,"token":"Hoechst."},{"count":1,"token":"The"},{"count":1,"token":"progression"},{"count":1,"token":"evaluated"},{"count":1,"token":"cytometry"},{"count":1,"token":"assay."},{"count":1,"token":"protein"},{"count":1,"token":"levels"},{"count":1,"token":"analyzed"},{"count":1,"token":"Western"},{"count":1,"token":"blotting."},{"count":1,"token":"RESULTS"},{"count":1,"token":"Treatment"},{"count":1,"token":"caused"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"increase"},{"count":1,"token":"ratio"},{"count":1,"token":"apoptotic"},{"count":1,"token":"cells,"},{"count":1,"token":"which"},{"count":1,"token":"verified"},{"count":1,"token":"cytometry."},{"count":1,"token":"It"},{"count":1,"token":"also"},{"count":1,"token":"found"},{"count":1,"token":"cycloartan-24-ene-1alpha,2alpha,"},{"count":1,"token":"arrested"},{"count":1,"token":"at"},{"count":1,"token":"G0\/G1"},{"count":1,"token":"phase."},{"count":1,"token":"proteins,"},{"count":1,"token":"such"},{"count":1,"token":"as"},{"count":1,"token":"BCL-2,"},{"count":1,"token":"BAX,"},{"count":1,"token":"Caspase-3"},{"count":1,"token":"Caspase-9"},{"count":1,"token":"changed."},{"count":1,"token":"CONCLUSION"},{"count":1,"token":"These"},{"count":1,"token":"observes"},{"count":1,"token":"data"},{"count":1,"token":"indicate"},{"count":1,"token":"inhibit"},{"count":1,"token":"proliferation"},{"count":1,"token":"via"},{"count":1,"token":"induction"},{"count":1,"token":"arrest."}],"year":2013},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
IGBT based Three Channel Interleaved PFC Boost Converter for Inverter Front-End Application In the proposed paper three stages interleaved boost PFC converter at 60kHz of switching frequency and 3.3kW of power rate with IGBT switches and fast silicon diode is described. The controlled rectifier front-end converter energies a general purpose IGBT single module inverter system used for induction or IPM motor drives. The PFC control circuit applied allows a flexible solution. The interleaved boost PFC stages number can be chosen depending on the output current request. In the paper a comparison of the dynamic performances and converter efficiency will be carried out at different active stages solutions. Furthermore, IGBT constraints for an optimized design of PFC converter are focused.
{"added":"2019-11-14T14:11:10.108Z","created":"2019-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"207971448","metadata":{"abstract":"In the proposed paper three stages interleaved boost PFC converter at 60kHz of switching frequency and 3.3kW of power rate with IGBT switches and fast silicon diode is described. The controlled rectifier front-end converter energies a general purpose IGBT single module inverter system used for induction or IPM motor drives. The PFC control circuit applied allows a flexible solution. The interleaved boost PFC stages number can be chosen depending on the output current request. In the paper a comparison of the dynamic performances and converter efficiency will be carried out at different active stages solutions. Furthermore, IGBT constraints for an optimized design of PFC converter are focused.","abstract_count":107,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-13.665632199015628,"extfieldsofstudy":["Computer Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0006.json.gz:1628529","s2fieldsofstudy":["Engineering"],"sha1":"ceb6deaab868100dd2b04f2921e2cfb8c494cce9","sources":["Crossref","IEEE","MergedPDFExtraction","Unpaywall","MAG"],"title":"IGBT based Three Channel Interleaved PFC Boost Converter for Inverter Front-End Application","title_count":12,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-15.523636415442942,"top_frequencies":[{"count":5,"token":"PFC"},{"count":4,"token":"IGBT"},{"count":4,"token":"the"},{"count":4,"token":"converter"},{"count":4,"token":"of"},{"count":3,"token":"for"},{"count":3,"token":"stages"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"The"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"paper"},{"count":2,"token":"interleaved"},{"count":2,"token":"boost"},{"count":2,"token":"at"},{"count":2,"token":"be"},{"count":1,"token":"based"},{"count":1,"token":"Three"},{"count":1,"token":"Channel"},{"count":1,"token":"Interleaved"},{"count":1,"token":"Boost"},{"count":1,"token":"Converter"},{"count":1,"token":"Inverter"},{"count":1,"token":"Front-End"},{"count":1,"token":"Application"},{"count":1,"token":"proposed"},{"count":1,"token":"three"},{"count":1,"token":"60kHz"},{"count":1,"token":"switching"},{"count":1,"token":"frequency"},{"count":1,"token":"3.3kW"},{"count":1,"token":"power"},{"count":1,"token":"rate"},{"count":1,"token":"with"},{"count":1,"token":"switches"},{"count":1,"token":"fast"},{"count":1,"token":"silicon"},{"count":1,"token":"diode"},{"count":1,"token":"is"},{"count":1,"token":"described."},{"count":1,"token":"controlled"},{"count":1,"token":"rectifier"},{"count":1,"token":"front-end"},{"count":1,"token":"energies"},{"count":1,"token":"general"},{"count":1,"token":"purpose"},{"count":1,"token":"single"},{"count":1,"token":"module"},{"count":1,"token":"inverter"},{"count":1,"token":"system"},{"count":1,"token":"used"},{"count":1,"token":"induction"},{"count":1,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"IPM"},{"count":1,"token":"motor"},{"count":1,"token":"drives."},{"count":1,"token":"control"},{"count":1,"token":"circuit"},{"count":1,"token":"applied"},{"count":1,"token":"allows"},{"count":1,"token":"flexible"},{"count":1,"token":"solution."},{"count":1,"token":"number"},{"count":1,"token":"can"},{"count":1,"token":"chosen"},{"count":1,"token":"depending"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"output"},{"count":1,"token":"current"},{"count":1,"token":"request."},{"count":1,"token":"comparison"},{"count":1,"token":"dynamic"},{"count":1,"token":"performances"},{"count":1,"token":"efficiency"},{"count":1,"token":"will"},{"count":1,"token":"carried"},{"count":1,"token":"out"},{"count":1,"token":"different"},{"count":1,"token":"active"},{"count":1,"token":"solutions."},{"count":1,"token":"Furthermore,"},{"count":1,"token":"constraints"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"optimized"},{"count":1,"token":"design"},{"count":1,"token":"are"},{"count":1,"token":"focused."}],"year":2019},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 12*c + 316 = 220 for c. ++++++++++ answer: -8 Solve y + 3*y = -45*y for y. Solve this plz. A: 0 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve 0 = -147*v - 1885 - 1716 - 74 for v. ANS: -25 Q: What is the solution? Solve 2*u - 42 + 46 = 0 for u. A: -2 Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve -19*w = -17*w for w. answer: 0 Problem: Math Problem Solve -22711 = 3851*l - 15425 + 30207 + 31825 for l. A: -18
275W Solar Panel Price List with High Quality Chipset Ref Price: Loading Port: Payment Terms: Min Order Qty: 1000 watt Supply Capability: 1000000 watt/month OKorder Service Pledge Quality Product Order On-line Tracking Timely Delivery OKorder Service Pledge Credit Rating Credit Services Credit Purchasing Share to: Item specifice: Material: Monocrystalline Silicon Max. Power(W): 275 Number of Cells(pieces): 60 Product Description: Product Description Why choosing us 2) Fast sample delivery 3) Low minimum order 275W Solar Panel Price List with High Quality ChipsetFeatures High conversion efficiency based on leading innovative photovoltaic technologies Attractive appearance Unique frame design, high mechanical strength, and easy Installation High efficient, high reliable solar cells ensure our product output stability We offer knowledgeable tech support before and after the sale Quality and Safety 1. Rigorous quality control meeting the highest international standards 2.25-year power output transferable warranty 1. Water pumping 2. Water purification systems 3. Remote village lighting 4. Solar home system 5. Street and camp lights 6. Traffic signals 7. Medical facilities in remote areas 8. Microwave/radio repeater stations 9. Battery charging Construction drawing 1: Anodized Alu Frame 2: Tempered Glass 3: EVA 4: Solar cell 5: EVA 6: Backsheet 7: J-box 5 years product warranty 10years 90% of power output 25years 80% of power output Place of Origin:Guangdong, China (Mainland) Material:monocrystalline silicon Max. Power:275W Conversion efficiency:18.10% Module size (mm):992*1700*50mm Cell Type156*135.5/6*12 Nominal voltage(V):36.7 Nominal current (A):7.49 Open circuit voltage (Voc):45.2 Short cirsuit current(Isc):8.09 Power tolerance:-3%to+5% NOCT:45± 2%/degree Temperature coefficient of Voc:-0.34%/degree Temperature coefficient of Isc:0.017%/degree Temperature coefficient of Pmax:-0.48%/degree Operating temperature:-40/degree to+85/degree CertificationsISO 9001 TUV CE RoHS Maximum system voltage:IEC, 1000V DC, 600V 1.Price per watt? It depends on the quantity, delivery date and payment terms. 2.Parameter of the module? 3.Can you provide the peripheral products of the solar panels, such as the battery, controller etc.? We have two companies(CNBM International & CNBM engineering Co.) with different approaches. We can supply not only the solar module but also Solar Cells, off grid solar system, even service with on grid plant. 4.Warranty policy? Our product performance guarantees for 25 years • 12 years guarantee for workmanship • Timeliness of delivery 5.Lead time? In 3 days after purchasing, we will arrange the factory delivery ASAP. The specific time of receiving is related to the state and position of customers. Commonly 7 to 10 working days can be served. Send a message to us: Remaining: 4000 characters - Self introduction - Required specifications - Inquire about price/MOQ Q:Composition and function of solar panels Q:how the power output of solar panels fitted to a house can charge? Solar panels do NOT get charged, so the question is junk, or you misstated it. Solar panels are used to charge a battery bank, which stores energy for times when there is no sun. Then energy from the batteries is used, via an inverter, to power appliances in the house. OR do you mean how the power output of solar panels can CHANGE? In that case, they change when the sun moves, such as behind a cloud, or just changes angle in the sky, or goes out. Q:Can I build my own Hot Water Solar Panels? Solar Power is great. I installed it myself about 2 years ago, and you really do notice the change within the first couple months. Building it yourself is actually pretty tricky without the right resources. Some of the guides don't have enough detailed information that you need when you start putting the project together. I was having a lot of trouble until I stumbled upon a site that was offering some great resources for solar DIY projects. I went ahead and added it to the sources section below. It's great and has everything you would need for putting your own solar projects together, including hot water solar panels. Hope this helps! Q:What is the real cost of Solar Panels? They don't sell them by the square inch. It costs about $0 per watt of generating capacity. Unless you are connected to the grid you will need a battery bank to storage power for rainy days. As for the effects of weather ... you can probably make a cover out of plywood... but if your house blows away the solar panel goes with it. Before you buy one make sure your insurance covers it. it depens where you live(north or south)how many solar panel you have,what grade solar panels,how many rechargeable batteries etc. Q:can a l.e.d light power a solar panel? Yes, shining light from a visible-light LED on a solar panel will cause the solar panel to generate electricity. There is a long-wavelength cutoff (probably in the near infrared) where photons from an infrared LED would not have sufficient energy per photon to excite the solar panel, no matter how bright the LED was. Of course the amount of electricity produced is a fraction of the power needed to power the LED. The best possible efficiency you could achieve under optimal conditions is about 30%. The typical optical power output of a single LED is around 0.3 Watt. The density of sunlight is such that the amount of sunlight falling on a 2 x .5 area perpendicular to the Sun's rays is about .3 Watts. So maybe you'd want a few LEDs, or a particularly bright LED to simulate sunlight. But you'll get something with one LED. A bright LED flashlight would work. Q:Solar Panel Question...? The best way to find out is to determine the wattage of each piece of equipment you want to use and how many hours you want to use those pieces of equipment. Finally, calculate the total number of Watt-Hours you need at minimum. Then you need to research solar panels or mobile wind mills (they need to be pretty huge to get a decent amount of energy I think, so solar power is probably the way to go). You will need to figure out the efficiency of the solar panels, the size of the array, how you will turn it or if you will turn it at all (to face the sun to get the maximum energy input, or maybe to use mirrors so you don't have to turn it. Once you find a good configuration for your mobile kitchen, you need to calculate if the Watt-Hours you will generate on an average day (with average weather) is enough to power the equipment whose energy requirements you previously calculated. Then you have to keep in mind that some days will have no sun, and you may not be working on some days, but you can still capture sunlight. For each case, a large battery array will be required. If you had a guage on that array, you could also hook it up to the a small generator in case you need immediate power. It's an eco-friendly process, but the initial cost is high and it requires a lot of research and planning. This is why most people do not do it--not because they don't want free energy from the sun, but because it's not easy to start collecting that energy in an efficient way. Sorry I couldn't give you more specific numbers, but a solar panel sales agency should be able to estimate whether or not you could do it (they'd probably set it all up for you too). ^_^ Q:How much does a race car that uses solar panel cost? thats an oxymoron/race car with solar power/forget it/by the by if they start to really harvest the available sources for power the retail price of gas will be 25cents a gallon/ Tobi, generally yes, solar panels are like beer, all the europeans get along fine, you can put two Belgiums in the same room as one German and three Englishman. As long as the panels have roughly the same open circuit voltage, usually around 8 volts, then go for it. If you're not sure about this, or the panels voltage disagrees dramatically, then they can still work through the same charge controller, the only other thing you need is a bypass diode in the junction box on the back of each panel. Most modern panels come with these already installed. They are simply electrical check valves, allowing current flow in one direction but not the other. The reason these matter is when the sun is first coming up, the higher voltage panel can force its power backwards through the lower voltage panel, at least until they both reach a voltage higher than the charge controller is set at. This is not a desirable thing to have happen, the 20 watt panel, if its voltage is higher, can damage the 0 watt panel without these diodes if the 20 watt has a much higher open circuit voltage, or Vmax. Look on the back of the panel for these ratings. The only other concern is maximum current. A charge controller has a maximum current it can handle, they are generally model numbered this way, a Xantrex C-60 for example has a 60 amp rating. Add up the Imax numbers on the back of all your panels, this is the maximum amperage the panel should put out. As long as it is not above 80% of your charger controllers maximum amperage, your good. Take care, Rudydoo Q:how much does solar panels cost for you home? Just to be sure - when you say solar panels - are you thinking of hot water or electricity? For electrical power the system must photovoltaic. 1. Manufacturer Overview Year Established Annual Output Value Main Markets Company Certifications 2. Manufacturer Certificates a) Certification Name   Validity Period   3. Manufacturer Capability a)Trade Capacity   Nearest Port Export Percentage No.of Employees in Trade Department Language Spoken: b)Factory Information   Factory Size: No. of Production Lines Contract Manufacturing Product Price Range
Electrophysiological diagnosis of participation of accessory pathway in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Electrophysiological studies were performed on 34 patients whose reentrant circuit of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) involved normal atrioventricular (AV) conduction system as the antegrade limb and either overt (25 patients) or concealed (9 patients) accessory AV pathway as the retrograde limb. The diagnosis of this mechanism was made by one or more of the following: 1) eccentric retrograde atrial activation sequence; 2) effect of bundle branch block on ventriculoatrial (VA) conduction time; 3) paradoxically premature atrial capture; 4) atrial capture by premature ventricular stimulation of VA conduction time with retrograde during PSVT; 5) no significant prolongation of VA conduction time with retrograde atrial activation sequence to that of PSVT during incremental and premature ventricular stimulation; 6) shortening of cycle length with constant H-V and V-A intervals after atropine administration. The participation of accessory pathway in PSVT circuit should be decided by as many of the above-mentioned findings or procedures as possible for optimal therapy. Electrophysiological studies have led to the recognition that accessory pathway, functionally silent during antegrade conduction, is responsible for some patients with PSVT. If the mechanisms of PSVT were more carefully analyzed, the recognition of PSVT cases involving accessory pathway would increase.
{"added":"2018-04-03T04:16:24.103Z","created":"1981-04-20T00:00:00.000Z","id":"38441095","metadata":{"abstract":"Electrophysiological studies were performed on 34 patients whose reentrant circuit of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) involved normal atrioventricular (AV) conduction system as the antegrade limb and either overt (25 patients) or concealed (9 patients) accessory AV pathway as the retrograde limb. The diagnosis of this mechanism was made by one or more of the following: 1) eccentric retrograde atrial activation sequence; 2) effect of bundle branch block on ventriculoatrial (VA) conduction time; 3) paradoxically premature atrial capture; 4) atrial capture by premature ventricular stimulation of VA conduction time with retrograde during PSVT; 5) no significant prolongation of VA conduction time with retrograde atrial activation sequence to that of PSVT during incremental and premature ventricular stimulation; 6) shortening of cycle length with constant H-V and V-A intervals after atropine administration. The participation of accessory pathway in PSVT circuit should be decided by as many of the above-mentioned findings or procedures as possible for optimal therapy. Electrophysiological studies have led to the recognition that accessory pathway, functionally silent during antegrade conduction, is responsible for some patients with PSVT. If the mechanisms of PSVT were more carefully analyzed, the recognition of PSVT cases involving accessory pathway would increase.","abstract_count":195,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-16.39847224008658,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0004.json.gz:1819928","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine","Biology"],"sha1":"694adfabffcf2b1ad2dd4a1746f381aaac8cc176","sources":["MAG","Medline","Unpaywall"],"title":"Electrophysiological diagnosis of participation of accessory pathway in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.","title_count":13,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-15.4201760200706,"top_frequencies":[{"count":14,"token":"of"},{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":5,"token":"accessory"},{"count":5,"token":"with"},{"count":4,"token":"pathway"},{"count":4,"token":"conduction"},{"count":4,"token":"as"},{"count":4,"token":"retrograde"},{"count":4,"token":"atrial"},{"count":4,"token":"PSVT"},{"count":3,"token":"Electrophysiological"},{"count":3,"token":"patients"},{"count":3,"token":"and"},{"count":3,"token":"or"},{"count":3,"token":"by"},{"count":3,"token":"premature"},{"count":3,"token":"during"},{"count":2,"token":"diagnosis"},{"count":2,"token":"participation"},{"count":2,"token":"in"},{"count":2,"token":"paroxysmal"},{"count":2,"token":"supraventricular"},{"count":2,"token":"studies"},{"count":2,"token":"were"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"circuit"},{"count":2,"token":"antegrade"},{"count":2,"token":"patients)"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"more"},{"count":2,"token":"activation"},{"count":2,"token":"ventricular"},{"count":2,"token":"VA"},{"count":2,"token":"time"},{"count":2,"token":"to"},{"count":2,"token":"that"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"recognition"},{"count":1,"token":"tachycardia."},{"count":1,"token":"performed"},{"count":1,"token":"34"},{"count":1,"token":"whose"},{"count":1,"token":"reentrant"},{"count":1,"token":"tachycardia"},{"count":1,"token":"(PSVT)"},{"count":1,"token":"involved"},{"count":1,"token":"normal"},{"count":1,"token":"atrioventricular"},{"count":1,"token":"(AV)"},{"count":1,"token":"system"},{"count":1,"token":"limb"},{"count":1,"token":"either"},{"count":1,"token":"overt"},{"count":1,"token":"(25"},{"count":1,"token":"concealed"},{"count":1,"token":"(9"},{"count":1,"token":"AV"},{"count":1,"token":"limb."},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"mechanism"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"made"},{"count":1,"token":"one"},{"count":1,"token":"following:"},{"count":1,"token":"1)"},{"count":1,"token":"eccentric"},{"count":1,"token":"sequence;"},{"count":1,"token":"2)"},{"count":1,"token":"effect"},{"count":1,"token":"bundle"},{"count":1,"token":"branch"},{"count":1,"token":"block"},{"count":1,"token":"ventriculoatrial"},{"count":1,"token":"(VA)"},{"count":1,"token":"time;"},{"count":1,"token":"3)"},{"count":1,"token":"paradoxically"},{"count":1,"token":"capture;"},{"count":1,"token":"4)"},{"count":1,"token":"capture"},{"count":1,"token":"stimulation"},{"count":1,"token":"PSVT;"},{"count":1,"token":"5)"},{"count":1,"token":"no"},{"count":1,"token":"significant"},{"count":1,"token":"prolongation"},{"count":1,"token":"sequence"},{"count":1,"token":"incremental"},{"count":1,"token":"stimulation;"},{"count":1,"token":"6)"},{"count":1,"token":"shortening"},{"count":1,"token":"cycle"},{"count":1,"token":"length"},{"count":1,"token":"constant"},{"count":1,"token":"H-V"},{"count":1,"token":"V-A"},{"count":1,"token":"intervals"},{"count":1,"token":"after"},{"count":1,"token":"atropine"},{"count":1,"token":"administration."}],"year":1981},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
An Exploratory Study of Human–Dog Co-sleeping Using Actigraphy: Do Dogs Disrupt Their Owner’s Sleep? ABSTRACT This exploratory study aimed to contribute to the limited research on human–animal co-sleeping by investigating the extent to which human sleep is disturbed by co-sleeping with a dog. Five female Australian dog owners and their dogs were fitted with activity monitors for seven nights. Raw activity of the dog and human for each sleep episode were matched and then compared using a time series correlation. Dog movement was a significant leading indicator of human movement, with dog activity positively indicating human activity up to 2.5 minutes in advance. Dogs were active for about 20% of the night, with humans 4.3 times more likely to be awake during dog activity than during dog inactivity (10.55%/2.45%). Co-sleeping appears to cause sleep disturbances (both arousals and wake ups), which is reinforced by poor scores on validated sleep measures. There also appears to be disparity between these objective measures and subjective evaluations of sleep quality and number of disturbances. At least in the small sample considered in the present study, co-sleeping with a dog appears to result in measurable, but relatively mild, reductions in overall sleep quality. This detrimental impact must be weighed against the benefits of co-sleeping.
{"added":"2019-05-12T14:24:14.337Z","created":"2018-11-02T00:00:00.000Z","id":"149839190","metadata":{"abstract":"ABSTRACT This exploratory study aimed to contribute to the limited research on human\u2013animal co-sleeping by investigating the extent to which human sleep is disturbed by co-sleeping with a dog. Five female Australian dog owners and their dogs were fitted with activity monitors for seven nights. Raw activity of the dog and human for each sleep episode were matched and then compared using a time series correlation. Dog movement was a significant leading indicator of human movement, with dog activity positively indicating human activity up to 2.5 minutes in advance. Dogs were active for about 20% of the night, with humans 4.3 times more likely to be awake during dog activity than during dog inactivity (10.55%\/2.45%). Co-sleeping appears to cause sleep disturbances (both arousals and wake ups), which is reinforced by poor scores on validated sleep measures. There also appears to be disparity between these objective measures and subjective evaluations of sleep quality and number of disturbances. At least in the small sample considered in the present study, co-sleeping with a dog appears to result in measurable, but relatively mild, reductions in overall sleep quality. This detrimental impact must be weighed against the benefits of co-sleeping.","abstract_count":195,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.12692334465107,"extfieldsofstudy":["Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0000.json.gz:2343155","s2fieldsofstudy":["Psychology"],"sha1":"a2d995d63bf89a672c23f73189ee499984b80628","sources":["MAG","Crossref","TaylorAndFrancis","Unpaywall"],"title":"An Exploratory Study of Human\u2013Dog Co-sleeping Using Actigraphy: Do Dogs Disrupt Their Owner\u2019s Sleep?","title_count":14,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-17.508738258885263,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"to"},{"count":7,"token":"of"},{"count":7,"token":"the"},{"count":6,"token":"sleep"},{"count":6,"token":"dog"},{"count":6,"token":"and"},{"count":5,"token":"with"},{"count":5,"token":"activity"},{"count":5,"token":"in"},{"count":4,"token":"human"},{"count":4,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"co-sleeping"},{"count":3,"token":"by"},{"count":3,"token":"were"},{"count":3,"token":"for"},{"count":3,"token":"be"},{"count":3,"token":"appears"},{"count":2,"token":"Co-sleeping"},{"count":2,"token":"Dogs"},{"count":2,"token":"This"},{"count":2,"token":"on"},{"count":2,"token":"which"},{"count":2,"token":"is"},{"count":2,"token":"during"},{"count":1,"token":"An"},{"count":1,"token":"Exploratory"},{"count":1,"token":"Study"},{"count":1,"token":"Human\u2013Dog"},{"count":1,"token":"Using"},{"count":1,"token":"Actigraphy:"},{"count":1,"token":"Do"},{"count":1,"token":"Disrupt"},{"count":1,"token":"Their"},{"count":1,"token":"Owner\u2019s"},{"count":1,"token":"Sleep?"},{"count":1,"token":"ABSTRACT"},{"count":1,"token":"exploratory"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"aimed"},{"count":1,"token":"contribute"},{"count":1,"token":"limited"},{"count":1,"token":"research"},{"count":1,"token":"human\u2013animal"},{"count":1,"token":"investigating"},{"count":1,"token":"extent"},{"count":1,"token":"disturbed"},{"count":1,"token":"dog."},{"count":1,"token":"Five"},{"count":1,"token":"female"},{"count":1,"token":"Australian"},{"count":1,"token":"owners"},{"count":1,"token":"their"},{"count":1,"token":"dogs"},{"count":1,"token":"fitted"},{"count":1,"token":"monitors"},{"count":1,"token":"seven"},{"count":1,"token":"nights."},{"count":1,"token":"Raw"},{"count":1,"token":"each"},{"count":1,"token":"episode"},{"count":1,"token":"matched"},{"count":1,"token":"then"},{"count":1,"token":"compared"},{"count":1,"token":"using"},{"count":1,"token":"time"},{"count":1,"token":"series"},{"count":1,"token":"correlation."},{"count":1,"token":"Dog"},{"count":1,"token":"movement"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"significant"},{"count":1,"token":"leading"},{"count":1,"token":"indicator"},{"count":1,"token":"movement,"},{"count":1,"token":"positively"},{"count":1,"token":"indicating"},{"count":1,"token":"up"},{"count":1,"token":"2.5"},{"count":1,"token":"minutes"},{"count":1,"token":"advance."},{"count":1,"token":"active"},{"count":1,"token":"about"},{"count":1,"token":"20%"},{"count":1,"token":"night,"},{"count":1,"token":"humans"},{"count":1,"token":"4.3"},{"count":1,"token":"times"},{"count":1,"token":"more"},{"count":1,"token":"likely"},{"count":1,"token":"awake"},{"count":1,"token":"than"},{"count":1,"token":"inactivity"},{"count":1,"token":"(10.55%\/2.45%)."},{"count":1,"token":"cause"},{"count":1,"token":"disturbances"},{"count":1,"token":"(both"},{"count":1,"token":"arousals"},{"count":1,"token":"wake"},{"count":1,"token":"ups),"},{"count":1,"token":"reinforced"}],"year":2018},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
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About Roche Molecular Diagnostics Headquartered in Pleasanton, California, Roche Molecular Diagnostics (RMD) develops, manufactures and supplies a wide array of innovative medical diagnostic products, tests, platforms and technologies. With its broad portfolio of oncology, virology, microbiology and blood screening tests, RMD’s clients include researchers, physicians, patients, hospitals, laboratories and blood banks around the world. RMD employs around 1,400 people across five locations: Pleasanton, California; Branchburg, New Jersey; Los Gatos, California; Marlborough, Massachusetts; and Rotkreuz, Switzerland. The business was founded in the early 1990s following the acquisition of the revolutionary, Nobel-prize winning Polymerase Chain Reaction Technology (PCR). PCR quickly replicates a single specific fragment of DNA or RNA to quantities sufficient for accurate laboratory analysis. A commitment to innovation Vials used in liquid biopsy technology Liquid biopsy Roche “liquid biopsy” technology can enable tumor markers to be detected through a simple, non-invasive blood draw, making it an ideal complement to tissue biopsy. Female scientist Cervical cancer screening ATHENA (Addressing THE Need for Advanced HPV Diagnostics) is the largest U.S. prospective registrational clinical study of its kind, and was designed to evaluate performance of the  cobas® HPV Test in different cervical cancer screening scenarios. Nucleic acid purification process Nucleic acid purification
Imagine: You are 15 years old, and living just like any other teen-ager. You have school, you have friends, you have dreams. You dream that 10 years from now, you are already a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher. You think of your family and it drives you all the more to pursue your ambitions. And imagine the unbelief and pain when your normal life was disturbed by one visit to the hospital where the doctors proclaimed, “You have cancer.” Healed physically This is the story of Sis. Jeshua Marey Dela Cruz of the Jesus is Lord (JIL) Church San Quintin, Pangasinan Chapter. At 15 years old, she was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma, commonly known as thyroid cancer. Photo courtesy: Jeshua Marey dela Cruz At first, she just had a visible lump in her neck that everybody thought as goiter. But when her father got home from overseas work in 2012, the family decided to bring her to the hospital for a checkup. She had to undergo a biopsy, and soon the doctors were informing them that the lump in her neck was not a simple one, as it was cancer. They suggested a procedure to remove ¾ of her thyroid. When they asked for a second opinion from another hospital, the recommended procedure was the same. Sis. Jesh felt as if her bright future was stolen from her. Her heart was broken and her hope vanished. Fear started to take over her and she began to question the Lord, “Why me, Lord? Why now? (Bakit ako, Lord? Bakit ngayon pa?) Sis. Jesh could not accept yet that she had cancer. She did not know how to handle such a dreadful situation at her very young age. So, her parents helped her. They lovingly encouraged her and prayed for her. She never heard her family claim that she had cancer because as Christians, they believed that God is way bigger than her sickness and, by faith, Sis. Jesh was already healed. On the day of her surgery in August 2012, Sis. Jesh chose to fight the good fight of faith and entrusted her whole life to the Lord. That was the moment that she felt the bravest. With her family praying for her and her JIL San Quintin family interceding for her, she knew she was ready. The surgery finally began. It lasted for seven hours. Perhaps it was the longest seven hours for Sis. Jesh and her family. But the Lord was indeed faithful. Sis. Jesh woke up full of life. That moment, tears instantly fell down her eyes. Her heart was full of joy and gratefulness for what the Lord has done in her life. True enough, God never fails His children. Healed emotionally After Sis. Jesh’s surgery, she realized how important life was. She started to appreciate everything in her life, no matter how small or big it was. She felt blessed for the second chance God had given her. After her recovery period, Sis. Jesh decided to go back to school, at the Central Luzon State University (CLSU,) and continued to pursue her degree in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. She studied hard and always did her best because she did not want to waste her second chance in life. And at the same time, she was a servant of the Lord in the Multimedia Arts Network (MAN). Before she even knew it, she was already back in living her normal life. Her surgery wound healed and it’s just a scar in her neck—a symbol that she went through terrible pain but now it’s all in the past. God restored her emotionally and now, she felt stronger than before. Healed mentally Four years later, after Sis. Jesh graduated and was hired at a company in Makati, she observed tremendous changes in her body--weight, bowel movement, and menstruation. She even experienced panic attacks and hormonal imbalance. This was the result of her almost complete thyroid removal. When she went for a checkup, the doctors suggested that she undergo a whole-body scan to see if there were cancer cells that developed in other parts of her body. Negativity started to settle in her mind. But because of the encouragement brought by God through her family and churchmates, she had a renewed perspective and she remained in the mindset that Jesus Christ had already healed her 2,000 years ago at the Cross. Praise be to God because the result of her whole-body scan was negative from cancer cells! She is now taking maintenance medicine to supplement iodine in her body and she is back to her normal life. Sis. Jesh is currently working in one of the best hospitals in the Philippines as a Developer. Truly, God is good. “God has extended my life for seven years now and I am praying for more years to come. Praise be to God alone! (Pinahaba ng Diyos ang buhay ko ng pitong taon at patuloy akong nananalangin na pahahabain Niya pa ang aking buhay. Purihin ang ating Panginoon!) Healed spiritually Throughout Sis. Jesh’s battle against cancer, she was inspired by the story of the bleeding woman in Matthew 9:20-22: Photo courtesy: Jeshua Marey dela Cruz Photo courtesy: Jeshua Marey dela Cruz This verse increased her faith and made her more courageous. She said that if God can do miraculous things in the Bible during the ancient times, He can do it again in her situation. And indeed, God healed her. Sis. Jesh believed that Jesus had already won over all sicknesses and diseases at the Cross. She was restored spiritually. Healed for a reason Sis. Jesh believes that the miracle of healing she received has a purpose. She is grateful for what God has done in her life, for it serves a way for her to bless her family and her church in San Quintin, Pangasinan. And to all JIL people who can relate to her story, Sis. Jesh has this to say: Do not give up. The Lord is teaching us how to depend on Him and His Word. He wants us to develop a child-like faith. Aside from that, remember that your family, JIL family, friends, and most especially, God will always be there for you. If you are in the Lord, you are forever safe. Keep on fighting! (Huwag kang susuko. Tinuturuan tayo ng Diyos na dumepende sa Kanya at sa mga salita Niya. Gusto Niyang magkaroon tayo ng child-like faith sa atin. Bukod pa roon, nariyan din ang pamilya mo, ang JIL family, mga kaibigan at higit sa lahat, ang Diyos na kasa-kasama mo palagi. Hanggat nasa Panginoon ka, hindi ka mapapahamak. Laban pa!) - Julia Ramos Photo courtesy: Jeshua Marey dela Cruz
Desidustat in Anemia due to Non-Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease: A Phase 3 Study (DREAM-ND) Background: Desidustat, an oral hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor, is being developed to treat anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) without dialysis dependency. Methods: In total, 588 patients with a clinical diagnosis of anemia due to CKD without dialysis need and with baseline hemoglobin of 7.0–10.0 g/dL (inclusive) were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either desidustat 100 mg oral tablets thrice a week for 24 weeks or biosimilar darbepoetin subcutaneous injection 0.75 μg/kg once in 2 weeks for 24 weeks. The primary outcome was the change from baseline in hemoglobin to evaluation period of Weeks 16–24. Key secondary outcomes included the number of patients with hemoglobin response, changes in the hepcidin levels, changes in the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, and changes in the lipid and lipoprotein profiles. Results: Hemoglobin change from baseline to Weeks 16–24 was 1.95 g/dL in the desidustat group and 1.83 g/dL in the darbepoetin group (difference: 0.11 g/dL; 95% CI: −0.12, 0.34), which met prespecified non-inferiority margin (−0.75 g/dL). The hemoglobin responders were significantly higher (p = 0.0181) in the desidustat group (196 [77.78%]) compared to the darbepoetin group (176 [68.48%]). The difference of change in hepcidin from baseline to Week 12 and Week 24 (p = 0.0032 at Week 12, p = 0.0016 at Week 24) and the difference of change in low-density lipoprotein from baseline to Week 24 (p value = 0.0269) between the two groups was statistically significant. The difference of change from baseline in VEGF to Weeks 12 and 24 between the two groups was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Desidustat is non-inferior to darbepoetin in the treatment of anemia due to non-dialysis dependent CKD and it is well-tolerated.
{"added":"2022-04-24T15:17:22.246Z","created":"2022-04-22T00:00:00.000Z","id":"248350907","metadata":{"abstract":"Background: Desidustat, an oral hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor, is being developed to treat anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) without dialysis dependency. Methods: In total, 588 patients with a clinical diagnosis of anemia due to CKD without dialysis need and with baseline hemoglobin of 7.0\u201310.0 g\/dL (inclusive) were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either desidustat 100 mg oral tablets thrice a week for 24 weeks or biosimilar darbepoetin subcutaneous injection 0.75 \u03bcg\/kg once in 2 weeks for 24 weeks. The primary outcome was the change from baseline in hemoglobin to evaluation period of Weeks 16\u201324. Key secondary outcomes included the number of patients with hemoglobin response, changes in the hepcidin levels, changes in the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, and changes in the lipid and lipoprotein profiles. Results: Hemoglobin change from baseline to Weeks 16\u201324 was 1.95 g\/dL in the desidustat group and 1.83 g\/dL in the darbepoetin group (difference: 0.11 g\/dL; 95% CI: \u22120.12, 0.34), which met prespecified non-inferiority margin (\u22120.75 g\/dL). The hemoglobin responders were significantly higher (p = 0.0181) in the desidustat group (196 [77.78%]) compared to the darbepoetin group (176 [68.48%]). The difference of change in hepcidin from baseline to Week 12 and Week 24 (p = 0.0032 at Week 12, p = 0.0016 at Week 24) and the difference of change in low-density lipoprotein from baseline to Week 24 (p value = 0.0269) between the two groups was statistically significant. The difference of change from baseline in VEGF to Weeks 12 and 24 between the two groups was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Desidustat is non-inferior to darbepoetin in the treatment of anemia due to non-dialysis dependent CKD and it is well-tolerated.","abstract_count":282,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-17.601385150192996,"extfieldsofstudy":[],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0005.json.gz:3235000","s2fieldsofstudy":["Medicine","Biology"],"sha1":"aa2c23fbb3e8dd910e1df17fc4ca8d74d6b0d4bc","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","Karger","Medline","Crossref"],"title":"Desidustat in Anemia due to Non-Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease: A Phase 3 Study (DREAM-ND)","title_count":14,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-18.76980327583679,"top_frequencies":[{"count":15,"token":"in"},{"count":13,"token":"the"},{"count":12,"token":"to"},{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":8,"token":"and"},{"count":6,"token":"baseline"},{"count":5,"token":"24"},{"count":5,"token":"change"},{"count":5,"token":"from"},{"count":5,"token":"Week"},{"count":4,"token":"with"},{"count":4,"token":"hemoglobin"},{"count":4,"token":"darbepoetin"},{"count":4,"token":"The"},{"count":4,"token":"was"},{"count":4,"token":"group"},{"count":4,"token":"="},{"count":3,"token":"due"},{"count":3,"token":"is"},{"count":3,"token":"anemia"},{"count":3,"token":"patients"},{"count":3,"token":"a"},{"count":3,"token":"g\/dL"},{"count":3,"token":"desidustat"},{"count":3,"token":"Weeks"},{"count":3,"token":"changes"},{"count":3,"token":"(p"},{"count":3,"token":"difference"},{"count":2,"token":"Desidustat"},{"count":2,"token":"oral"},{"count":2,"token":"factor"},{"count":2,"token":"without"},{"count":2,"token":"dialysis"},{"count":2,"token":"CKD"},{"count":2,"token":"were"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"weeks"},{"count":2,"token":"hepcidin"},{"count":2,"token":"levels,"},{"count":2,"token":"lipoprotein"},{"count":2,"token":"12"},{"count":2,"token":"at"},{"count":2,"token":"between"},{"count":2,"token":"two"},{"count":2,"token":"groups"},{"count":2,"token":"statistically"},{"count":2,"token":"significant."},{"count":1,"token":"Anemia"},{"count":1,"token":"Non-Dialysis-Dependent"},{"count":1,"token":"Chronic"},{"count":1,"token":"Kidney"},{"count":1,"token":"Disease:"},{"count":1,"token":"A"},{"count":1,"token":"Phase"},{"count":1,"token":"3"},{"count":1,"token":"Study"},{"count":1,"token":"(DREAM-ND)"},{"count":1,"token":"Background:"},{"count":1,"token":"Desidustat,"},{"count":1,"token":"an"},{"count":1,"token":"hypoxia-inducible"},{"count":1,"token":"prolyl"},{"count":1,"token":"hydroxylase"},{"count":1,"token":"inhibitor,"},{"count":1,"token":"being"},{"count":1,"token":"developed"},{"count":1,"token":"treat"},{"count":1,"token":"chronic"},{"count":1,"token":"kidney"},{"count":1,"token":"disease"},{"count":1,"token":"(CKD)"},{"count":1,"token":"dependency."},{"count":1,"token":"Methods:"},{"count":1,"token":"In"},{"count":1,"token":"total,"},{"count":1,"token":"588"},{"count":1,"token":"clinical"},{"count":1,"token":"diagnosis"},{"count":1,"token":"need"},{"count":1,"token":"7.0\u201310.0"},{"count":1,"token":"(inclusive)"},{"count":1,"token":"randomized"},{"count":1,"token":"1:1"},{"count":1,"token":"ratio"},{"count":1,"token":"receive"},{"count":1,"token":"either"},{"count":1,"token":"100"},{"count":1,"token":"mg"},{"count":1,"token":"tablets"},{"count":1,"token":"thrice"},{"count":1,"token":"week"},{"count":1,"token":"or"},{"count":1,"token":"biosimilar"},{"count":1,"token":"subcutaneous"},{"count":1,"token":"injection"},{"count":1,"token":"0.75"},{"count":1,"token":"\u03bcg\/kg"},{"count":1,"token":"once"},{"count":1,"token":"2"},{"count":1,"token":"weeks."}],"year":2022},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Mine-impacted water treatment – how the bottom line can be raised? The treatment of mine-impacted waters is sometimes a very long and expensive commitment. As the number of world problematic mine sites are increasing and, most likely, the associated rehabilitation costs as well, this leads to an obvious question: What is the bottom line for governments or companies in charge? In business, it is usually the profit realised or whatever is left after all the expenditures are paid. But what about a hundreds of years of continuous ‘undo’ of what was produced during the past mining operations? Who is responsible or should assume the ‘loss’ and pay for it? There is no clear cut answer as mining industry is an essential component of economical growth, having beneficial effects on export, employment rates and investments in new technologies, as well as on other industries. In the same time, it is one of the world’s largest producers of waste, by ore extraction and processing, which can create new environmental problems. The key issue in dealing with mine wastes is its instability, both physical and chemical. Tailings – the most problematic waste, which is usually land filled in artificial ponds – can be a source of catastrophic failures, such as dam collapsing, leading to environmental disasters by the runout of physically instable sludge. Chemical instability of mine waste is manifested during weathering processes that produce mine drainage-impacted waters with various pH values (from acidic to alkaline) and high concentrations of sulfate and heavy metals. To protect the receiving natural streams, this polluted water needs treatment before being discharged into the environment. Depending on waste composition and environmental factors, mine drainage generation, through complex geo-biochemical processes, can last from hundreds to thousands of years. Is our modern society prepared to commit such a long and expensive ‘debt’? Apparently, there is no real gain in treating polluted water for such a long time. Several technologies are available for mine-water treatment that are classified as passive or active, using chemically, electrochemically or biologically induced processes. Regardless of the approach, the expenses associated with water treatment and mine sites rehabilitation are overall too high, and hence, prohibitive for developing countries. As a result, depending on the economical situation, more or less mine sites are remediated. From this perspective, the worst is to come as it is well-known that the best efficiency of remedial actions is achieved when the installment is made as early as during the operational period of mine or at most within the first decade after the mining operations cease. What the best approach would be if those remedies had not taken? One promising technology for mine-waste treatment is a biological treatment that utilises another waste, such as biowastes (wood waste, animal manure, compost, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment Vol. 24, No. 3, September 2010, 193–194
{"added":"2019-04-13T13:06:53.974Z","created":"2010-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"110225519","metadata":{"abstract":"The treatment of mine-impacted waters is sometimes a very long and expensive commitment. As the number of world problematic mine sites are increasing and, most likely, the associated rehabilitation costs as well, this leads to an obvious question: What is the bottom line for governments or companies in charge? In business, it is usually the profit realised or whatever is left after all the expenditures are paid. But what about a hundreds of years of continuous \u2018undo\u2019 of what was produced during the past mining operations? Who is responsible or should assume the \u2018loss\u2019 and pay for it? There is no clear cut answer as mining industry is an essential component of economical growth, having beneficial effects on export, employment rates and investments in new technologies, as well as on other industries. In the same time, it is one of the world\u2019s largest producers of waste, by ore extraction and processing, which can create new environmental problems. The key issue in dealing with mine wastes is its instability, both physical and chemical. Tailings \u2013 the most problematic waste, which is usually land filled in artificial ponds \u2013 can be a source of catastrophic failures, such as dam collapsing, leading to environmental disasters by the runout of physically instable sludge. Chemical instability of mine waste is manifested during weathering processes that produce mine drainage-impacted waters with various pH values (from acidic to alkaline) and high concentrations of sulfate and heavy metals. To protect the receiving natural streams, this polluted water needs treatment before being discharged into the environment. Depending on waste composition and environmental factors, mine drainage generation, through complex geo-biochemical processes, can last from hundreds to thousands of years. Is our modern society prepared to commit such a long and expensive \u2018debt\u2019? Apparently, there is no real gain in treating polluted water for such a long time. Several technologies are available for mine-water treatment that are classified as passive or active, using chemically, electrochemically or biologically induced processes. Regardless of the approach, the expenses associated with water treatment and mine sites rehabilitation are overall too high, and hence, prohibitive for developing countries. As a result, depending on the economical situation, more or less mine sites are remediated. From this perspective, the worst is to come as it is well-known that the best efficiency of remedial actions is achieved when the installment is made as early as during the operational period of mine or at most within the first decade after the mining operations cease. What the best approach would be if those remedies had not taken? One promising technology for mine-waste treatment is a biological treatment that utilises another waste, such as biowastes (wood waste, animal manure, compost, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment Vol. 24, No. 3, September 2010, 193\u2013194","abstract_count":462,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-13.988235060694889,"extfieldsofstudy":["Environmental Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0007.json.gz:3399603","s2fieldsofstudy":["Environmental Science"],"sha1":"d5fcaa962efa20d8a9b3620126ff8cad000a5e51","sources":["MergedPDFExtraction","TaylorAndFrancis","Unpaywall","MAG"],"title":"Mine-impacted water treatment \u2013 how the bottom line can be raised?","title_count":11,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-15.489411278434652,"top_frequencies":[{"count":24,"token":"the"},{"count":17,"token":"of"},{"count":17,"token":"is"},{"count":12,"token":"and"},{"count":10,"token":"as"},{"count":8,"token":"mine"},{"count":7,"token":"treatment"},{"count":7,"token":"a"},{"count":7,"token":"or"},{"count":6,"token":"are"},{"count":6,"token":"to"},{"count":6,"token":"for"},{"count":5,"token":"in"},{"count":4,"token":"water"},{"count":4,"token":"can"},{"count":4,"token":"on"},{"count":4,"token":"waste,"},{"count":4,"token":"such"},{"count":4,"token":"that"},{"count":3,"token":"\u2013"},{"count":3,"token":"be"},{"count":3,"token":"long"},{"count":3,"token":"sites"},{"count":3,"token":"most"},{"count":3,"token":"this"},{"count":3,"token":"it"},{"count":3,"token":"during"},{"count":3,"token":"mining"},{"count":3,"token":"environmental"},{"count":3,"token":"with"},{"count":2,"token":"bottom"},{"count":2,"token":"line"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"waters"},{"count":2,"token":"expensive"},{"count":2,"token":"As"},{"count":2,"token":"problematic"},{"count":2,"token":"associated"},{"count":2,"token":"rehabilitation"},{"count":2,"token":"an"},{"count":2,"token":"What"},{"count":2,"token":"In"},{"count":2,"token":"usually"},{"count":2,"token":"after"},{"count":2,"token":"what"},{"count":2,"token":"hundreds"},{"count":2,"token":"no"},{"count":2,"token":"economical"},{"count":2,"token":"new"},{"count":2,"token":"by"},{"count":2,"token":"which"},{"count":2,"token":"waste"},{"count":2,"token":"polluted"},{"count":2,"token":"best"},{"count":1,"token":"Mine-impacted"},{"count":1,"token":"how"},{"count":1,"token":"raised?"},{"count":1,"token":"mine-impacted"},{"count":1,"token":"sometimes"},{"count":1,"token":"very"},{"count":1,"token":"commitment."},{"count":1,"token":"number"},{"count":1,"token":"world"},{"count":1,"token":"increasing"},{"count":1,"token":"and,"},{"count":1,"token":"likely,"},{"count":1,"token":"costs"},{"count":1,"token":"well,"},{"count":1,"token":"leads"},{"count":1,"token":"obvious"},{"count":1,"token":"question:"},{"count":1,"token":"governments"},{"count":1,"token":"companies"},{"count":1,"token":"charge?"},{"count":1,"token":"business,"},{"count":1,"token":"profit"},{"count":1,"token":"realised"},{"count":1,"token":"whatever"},{"count":1,"token":"left"},{"count":1,"token":"all"},{"count":1,"token":"expenditures"},{"count":1,"token":"paid."},{"count":1,"token":"But"},{"count":1,"token":"about"},{"count":1,"token":"years"},{"count":1,"token":"continuous"},{"count":1,"token":"\u2018undo\u2019"},{"count":1,"token":"was"},{"count":1,"token":"produced"},{"count":1,"token":"past"},{"count":1,"token":"operations?"},{"count":1,"token":"Who"},{"count":1,"token":"responsible"},{"count":1,"token":"should"},{"count":1,"token":"assume"},{"count":1,"token":"\u2018loss\u2019"},{"count":1,"token":"pay"},{"count":1,"token":"it?"},{"count":1,"token":"There"},{"count":1,"token":"clear"}],"year":2010},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
How is "The identification strategy exploits the fact that a recent business registration reform in Mexico was introduced in different municipalities at different points in time." said in German? Staatliche Institutionen sind nicht nur Dienstleister, sondern auch Pflichten­träger. Die neue Perspektive hat bereits Folgen in der Praxis. Q: Translate "The Zionist Union, the principal opponent of Netanyahu’s Likud party, focused mostly on domestic issues like housing, the high cost of living, and growing economic inequality." to German? A: Die Zionistische Union, Hauptkontrahentin der Likud-Partei von Benjamin Netanjahu konzentrierte sich überwiegend auf innenpolitische Fragen wie Wohnen, die hohen Lebenshaltungskosten und die wachsende wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Der Best Innovator hat in den letzten beiden Jahren starke Resonanz bei Schweizer Unternehmen und auch im politischen Umfeld gefunden. Der diesjährige Wettbewerb wird neben der Schweiz auch in Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Großbritannien, Kroatien, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Österreich, Schweden und Slovenien durchgeführt. Q: Translate "Excellent rest and bright impressions for those who know how to rest!" to German? Yes: Inhaltsvolle Erholung und lebhafte Eindrücke für Leute, die bescheid wissen, wie man sich gut erholen soll! [Q]: In Kutná Hora besuchen wir die gotische Barbarakirche und nach einem kurzen Spaziergang durch die Stadt besichtigen wir Welschenhof mit Münzenprägungsmuseum. Translate this to English? [A]: After the arrival we visit a huge gothic St. Barbara church and after a short walk through downtown Italian Court and a coinage museum. How is "The hotel enjoys an excellent, central location in the city." said in German? Das Hotel genießt eine vorteilhafte Lage im Zentrum der Stadt.
Stinky Cabs In terms of public transportation, I am all over the place.  I prefer walking but not everything is in walking distance.  In good weather, I’m all about the Vespa.  Subways are great for some travel but sometime the cab is the quickest route. Cell phone use by the cab drivers, I understand due to the monotony of the job, but when they fly by your destination because they aren’t paying attention is infuriating.  You really don’t want to tell a cab driver to get off the phone.  Instead you endure it.  I am not a huge fan of the new TV’s in the cabs either and basically turn them off the second I sit down.  It is the odor that kills me. Last week I got in a cab that was so stinky I opened up both windows and basically stuck my head out of one of them while attempting to only breath through my mouth.  Today, same thing.  It is a killer.  As most NYers will tell you, it is an experience that we have all had and it is ghastly. Not sure the cure but there must be some ideas.  Instead of TV’s have the option of fresh air with your choice of fragrance misting the air immediately upon arrival.  I guess the best option is to just get out but sometime the stinky cab is the only free cab available.
Unter anderem halten wir Hühner, Gänse, Enten, Puten, Schweine, Kühe, Kälber, Bullen, und Pferde. Einige unserer Arbeiten in diesem Bereich unserer Farm sind einzigartig uns sehr interessant, zum Beispiel wie wir aus den Ausscheidungsprodukten unserer Kühe Methangas herstellen. In English? xxxxx The animals kept here are: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, quails, pigs, cows, calves, burros, and horses. Alberti Zerstörung der Batterie und verschenkt seine Drumsticks an die Öffentlichkeit vor der Abreise. In English? xxxxx Alberti destroying the battery and giving away his drumsticks to the public before leaving. : Casting, jolies lesbiennes ou masturbations délicieuses en solo, vous allez voir des jolies filles qui se masturbent et se donnent du plaisir devant la caméra. In English? xxxxx : 18-25 ans amateurs anal asiatiques bdsm bisexuels blacks blondes ejaculations fellations femmes poilues fetichisme gays gros seins grosses filles grosses queues groupe sexe hardcore interracial lesbiennes matures nains / naines transsexuels uniformes, masturbation en groupe ...
Verification of the profile of mood states-brief: cross-cultural analysis. This international study investigated whether the mood states of adults can be compared between different settings and cultures using the same instrument, namely, by comparing the psychometric properties of the Profile of Mood States-Brief (POMS-B) using data gathered in the United States and Korea. The Korean research instrument was a translation of the original POMS-B, and was evaluated psychometrically for each country separately as well as for the two countries combined, based on a convenience sample of 184 adults: The POMS-B was administered to 69 native English speakers and the Korean version (K-POMS-B) was administered to 115 native Korean speakers. The mean total mood disturbance (TMD) score was 23.59 (SD = 16.7): 26.11 (SD = 15.9) for the Americans and 21.06 (SD = 17.5) for the Koreans. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was high for both versions. The content validity index was 96% in the K-POMS-B. The Korean version of the POMS-B seems to be ready for use in research.
{"added":"2018-04-03T03:06:32.641Z","created":"2006-09-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"542300","metadata":{"abstract":"This international study investigated whether the mood states of adults can be compared between different settings and cultures using the same instrument, namely, by comparing the psychometric properties of the Profile of Mood States-Brief (POMS-B) using data gathered in the United States and Korea. The Korean research instrument was a translation of the original POMS-B, and was evaluated psychometrically for each country separately as well as for the two countries combined, based on a convenience sample of 184 adults: The POMS-B was administered to 69 native English speakers and the Korean version (K-POMS-B) was administered to 115 native Korean speakers. The mean total mood disturbance (TMD) score was 23.59 (SD = 16.7): 26.11 (SD = 15.9) for the Americans and 21.06 (SD = 17.5) for the Koreans. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was high for both versions. The content validity index was 96% in the K-POMS-B. The Korean version of the POMS-B seems to be ready for use in research.","abstract_count":158,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-15.607239182387463,"extfieldsofstudy":["Psychology","Medicine"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0000.json.gz:1802299","s2fieldsofstudy":["Psychology"],"sha1":"97b9612d4640d9e7dec925efbed08f1f4846e1a2","sources":["Unpaywall","Medline","MAG"],"title":"Verification of the profile of mood states-brief: cross-cultural analysis.","title_count":9,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-16.148077400572937,"top_frequencies":[{"count":13,"token":"the"},{"count":8,"token":"of"},{"count":7,"token":"was"},{"count":6,"token":"for"},{"count":5,"token":"and"},{"count":5,"token":"The"},{"count":4,"token":"Korean"},{"count":3,"token":"mood"},{"count":3,"token":"in"},{"count":3,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"(SD"},{"count":3,"token":"="},{"count":2,"token":"be"},{"count":2,"token":"using"},{"count":2,"token":"a"},{"count":2,"token":"as"},{"count":2,"token":"POMS-B"},{"count":2,"token":"administered"},{"count":2,"token":"native"},{"count":2,"token":"version"},{"count":1,"token":"Verification"},{"count":1,"token":"profile"},{"count":1,"token":"states-brief:"},{"count":1,"token":"cross-cultural"},{"count":1,"token":"analysis."},{"count":1,"token":"This"},{"count":1,"token":"international"},{"count":1,"token":"study"},{"count":1,"token":"investigated"},{"count":1,"token":"whether"},{"count":1,"token":"states"},{"count":1,"token":"adults"},{"count":1,"token":"can"},{"count":1,"token":"compared"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"different"},{"count":1,"token":"settings"},{"count":1,"token":"cultures"},{"count":1,"token":"same"},{"count":1,"token":"instrument,"},{"count":1,"token":"namely,"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"comparing"},{"count":1,"token":"psychometric"},{"count":1,"token":"properties"},{"count":1,"token":"Profile"},{"count":1,"token":"Mood"},{"count":1,"token":"States-Brief"},{"count":1,"token":"(POMS-B)"},{"count":1,"token":"data"},{"count":1,"token":"gathered"},{"count":1,"token":"United"},{"count":1,"token":"States"},{"count":1,"token":"Korea."},{"count":1,"token":"research"},{"count":1,"token":"instrument"},{"count":1,"token":"translation"},{"count":1,"token":"original"},{"count":1,"token":"POMS-B,"},{"count":1,"token":"evaluated"},{"count":1,"token":"psychometrically"},{"count":1,"token":"each"},{"count":1,"token":"country"},{"count":1,"token":"separately"},{"count":1,"token":"well"},{"count":1,"token":"two"},{"count":1,"token":"countries"},{"count":1,"token":"combined,"},{"count":1,"token":"based"},{"count":1,"token":"on"},{"count":1,"token":"convenience"},{"count":1,"token":"sample"},{"count":1,"token":"184"},{"count":1,"token":"adults:"},{"count":1,"token":"69"},{"count":1,"token":"English"},{"count":1,"token":"speakers"},{"count":1,"token":"(K-POMS-B)"},{"count":1,"token":"115"},{"count":1,"token":"speakers."},{"count":1,"token":"mean"},{"count":1,"token":"total"},{"count":1,"token":"disturbance"},{"count":1,"token":"(TMD)"},{"count":1,"token":"score"},{"count":1,"token":"23.59"},{"count":1,"token":"16.7):"},{"count":1,"token":"26.11"},{"count":1,"token":"15.9)"},{"count":1,"token":"Americans"},{"count":1,"token":"21.06"},{"count":1,"token":"17.5)"},{"count":1,"token":"Koreans."},{"count":1,"token":"Cronbach's"},{"count":1,"token":"alpha"},{"count":1,"token":"coefficient"},{"count":1,"token":"high"},{"count":1,"token":"both"},{"count":1,"token":"versions."},{"count":1,"token":"content"}],"year":2006},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
Want Peace? Democratize Jordan I have not been a fan of the "Jordan is Palestine" option, however it was defined, because it required the consent of King Abdullah.  I preferred a unilateral, made in Israel solution. But that was then and this is now. Mudar Zahran, a Jordanian Palestinian exiled in London, has been communicating with me about his desire and ability to form a secular democratic government in Jordan, should fair elections take place.  He is seeking my help in getting the US government to influence King Abdullah to democratize and in getting Israel to embrace the change. Why me, and how I plan to go about achieving this will be the subject of another article. But first I would like to say why I am so excited about this possibility. Zahran advises that the Palestinians represent a large majority of all residents of Jordan and they are trending secular and are anti the Muslim Brotherhood, King Abdullah and Mahmud Abbas. They are tired of waiting for a peace deal to emerge from the process, isn't waiting 60 years enough, and want to take their destiny in their own hands. They envisage a demilitarized state which is a protectorate of Israel and the US.  They want full normalization and full economic relations with Israel. They want the money otherwise spent on maintaining an army to be invested in building up the country. They have agreed to invite all Palestinians to move to Jordan and receive full citizenship. In effect, Jordan would become Palestine, which it was once part of  according to the San Remo Resolution and the Palestine Mandate. It would mean that UNWRA would be wound up and that the West could transfer its economic assistance from the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians in Jordan.  The money would no longer be going down the drain in Judea and Samaria or into the pockets of the corrupt few, but instead would be used to build a stable Palestinian state in Jordan. Financial incentives would be provided to all Palestinians to move to Jordan. It would mean the end of the Oslo Accords and the PA. Israel would then exercise sovereignty of Judea and Samaria. It would truly usher in the New Middle East. It is truly, "a consummation, devoutly to be wished."
Analysis on determinants of rural household credit in China Abstract The paper utilizes random survey data of rural households to analyze the determinants of credit access in China and to measure impact of borrowing behavior on households’ welfare. The results show that households characteristic, property level, social relation, trading cost and financial information affect both probability and amount of credit access. Income, occupation, less distance to market centers, popularized level of financial knowledge and degree of understanding credit polices of finance institutions are found to affect credit access positively. And age of head of household is found to have an inverse U-shape effect on credit access. Moreover, amount of credit access is found to have a significantly positively related to rural households’ welfare, when using “consumption expenditures of households in recent three years” and “whether credit can improve households economy situation or not” as the proxy variable of rural households welfare. However, the regional effect of this impact is not obvious. The other factors of educational level, occupation, less distance to market and financial information are positively related to welfare.
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Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models in Political Science Tension has long existed in the social sciences between quantitative and qualitative approaches on one hand, and theory-minded and empirical techniques on the other. The latter divide has grown sharper in the wake of new behavioural and experimental perspectives which draw on both sides of these modelling schemes. This book works to address this disconnect by establishing a framework for methodological unification: empirical implications of theoretical models (EITM). This framework connects behavioural and applied statistical concepts, develops analogues of these concepts, and links and evaluates these analogues. The authors offer detailed explanations of how these concepts may be framed, to assist researchers interested in incorporating EITM into their own research. They go on to demonstrate how EITM may be put into practice for a range of disciplines within the social sciences, including voting, party identification, social interaction, learning, conflict and cooperation to macro-policy formulation.
{"added":"2020-12-07T16:04:14.548Z","created":"2021-05-13T00:00:00.000Z","id":"227318194","metadata":{"abstract":"Tension has long existed in the social sciences between quantitative and qualitative approaches on one hand, and theory-minded and empirical techniques on the other. The latter divide has grown sharper in the wake of new behavioural and experimental perspectives which draw on both sides of these modelling schemes. This book works to address this disconnect by establishing a framework for methodological unification: empirical implications of theoretical models (EITM). This framework connects behavioural and applied statistical concepts, develops analogues of these concepts, and links and evaluates these analogues. The authors offer detailed explanations of how these concepts may be framed, to assist researchers interested in incorporating EITM into their own research. They go on to demonstrate how EITM may be put into practice for a range of disciplines within the social sciences, including voting, party identification, social interaction, learning, conflict and cooperation to macro-policy formulation.","abstract_count":144,"abstract_language":"en","abstract_perplexity":-14.082121246942997,"extfieldsofstudy":["Political Science"],"provenance":"pes2o_v2-0003.json.gz:1519443","s2fieldsofstudy":["Business"],"sha1":"b2b51efacd53f0b77e138d1f8d90a6d8e7f377a6","sources":["Anansi","MergedPDFExtraction","MAG","Crossref"],"title":"Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models in Political Science","title_count":8,"title_language":"en","title_perplexity":-12.091471589077123,"top_frequencies":[{"count":8,"token":"and"},{"count":7,"token":"of"},{"count":4,"token":"in"},{"count":4,"token":"the"},{"count":4,"token":"on"},{"count":4,"token":"these"},{"count":4,"token":"to"},{"count":3,"token":"social"},{"count":2,"token":"has"},{"count":2,"token":"empirical"},{"count":2,"token":"The"},{"count":2,"token":"behavioural"},{"count":2,"token":"This"},{"count":2,"token":"a"},{"count":2,"token":"framework"},{"count":2,"token":"for"},{"count":2,"token":"concepts,"},{"count":2,"token":"how"},{"count":2,"token":"may"},{"count":2,"token":"be"},{"count":2,"token":"EITM"},{"count":2,"token":"into"},{"count":1,"token":"Empirical"},{"count":1,"token":"Implications"},{"count":1,"token":"Theoretical"},{"count":1,"token":"Models"},{"count":1,"token":"Political"},{"count":1,"token":"Science"},{"count":1,"token":"Tension"},{"count":1,"token":"long"},{"count":1,"token":"existed"},{"count":1,"token":"sciences"},{"count":1,"token":"between"},{"count":1,"token":"quantitative"},{"count":1,"token":"qualitative"},{"count":1,"token":"approaches"},{"count":1,"token":"one"},{"count":1,"token":"hand,"},{"count":1,"token":"theory-minded"},{"count":1,"token":"techniques"},{"count":1,"token":"other."},{"count":1,"token":"latter"},{"count":1,"token":"divide"},{"count":1,"token":"grown"},{"count":1,"token":"sharper"},{"count":1,"token":"wake"},{"count":1,"token":"new"},{"count":1,"token":"experimental"},{"count":1,"token":"perspectives"},{"count":1,"token":"which"},{"count":1,"token":"draw"},{"count":1,"token":"both"},{"count":1,"token":"sides"},{"count":1,"token":"modelling"},{"count":1,"token":"schemes."},{"count":1,"token":"book"},{"count":1,"token":"works"},{"count":1,"token":"address"},{"count":1,"token":"this"},{"count":1,"token":"disconnect"},{"count":1,"token":"by"},{"count":1,"token":"establishing"},{"count":1,"token":"methodological"},{"count":1,"token":"unification:"},{"count":1,"token":"implications"},{"count":1,"token":"theoretical"},{"count":1,"token":"models"},{"count":1,"token":"(EITM)."},{"count":1,"token":"connects"},{"count":1,"token":"applied"},{"count":1,"token":"statistical"},{"count":1,"token":"develops"},{"count":1,"token":"analogues"},{"count":1,"token":"links"},{"count":1,"token":"evaluates"},{"count":1,"token":"analogues."},{"count":1,"token":"authors"},{"count":1,"token":"offer"},{"count":1,"token":"detailed"},{"count":1,"token":"explanations"},{"count":1,"token":"concepts"},{"count":1,"token":"framed,"},{"count":1,"token":"assist"},{"count":1,"token":"researchers"},{"count":1,"token":"interested"},{"count":1,"token":"incorporating"},{"count":1,"token":"their"},{"count":1,"token":"own"},{"count":1,"token":"research."},{"count":1,"token":"They"},{"count":1,"token":"go"},{"count":1,"token":"demonstrate"},{"count":1,"token":"put"},{"count":1,"token":"practice"},{"count":1,"token":"range"},{"count":1,"token":"disciplines"},{"count":1,"token":"within"},{"count":1,"token":"sciences,"},{"count":1,"token":"including"},{"count":1,"token":"voting,"}],"year":2021},"source":"s2","version":"v3-fos"}
question: Write a brief sentence. answer: The woman is fat question: Write a brief sentence. answer: A man is picking up heavy objects to place them elsewhere. question: Write a brief sentence. answer: The men are in public. question: Write a brief sentence. answer: The coat is expensive.
6 Reasons You Should Be Sleeping More how does lack of sleep affect professional life You become forgetful You start turning up late every morning why you need to sleep more You lose confidence Your concentration goes out the window Your ache and pains increase  The less we sleep, the less physically able we become. It seems like a logical conclusion, but the more chance you get to sleep, the better your body will be the next day. Whether you exercise or overdo it in life, if you continue to push the boundaries of what your body is capable of, you need to match it evenly with rest. After a while, we start to brush off aches and pains as something that can’t be solved, but the fact is that most things can be fixed with more rest. Resources like can help with other ideas for treating aches and pains, but the moral of the story is simple, you need to rest up, even more than you think you do.  You start exhibiting risk-taking behavior • Set regular bedtime hours. • Keep the routine going throughout the week and weekend. 10 thoughts on “6 Reasons You Should Be Sleeping More 1. Going to bed earlier now than we ever did in our twenties is one of the best things we’ve done for our physical and mental health. I have no shame telling people I’m sometimes asleep by 9:30pm! 1. Haha, yes! Sometimes I still get sleep guilt because I tend to skew my sleeping schedule the other way (stay up later, sleep in later)….but not enough that I would give up the extra zzz’s! lol 2. I should really learn how to go to bed earlier! I always try to achieve 8-hour sleep but it’s impossible if I have to wake up ar 4am and I find my way to the bed at 12am haha. Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s