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"user": "Her: No kids, no tattoos, ran into many curbs, never been to prison LOL.\nHer: Any more questions?\nStudent:Yeah, what's your deepest darkest secret?\n",
"assistant": "Kidding, but should I be scared to be in a car with you while driving?",
"annotation": " These messages break up the usual boring get to know you conversations that usually happen on dating apps and make it more interesting and fun."
"user": "Her: Noo\nHer: I’ve never got a ticket haha\nHer: What’s your deepest darkest secret?\n",
"assistant": "haha so you just never got caught, got it. My deepest darkest secret is that I secretly find black girls named (Mishal) really attractive, don't judge me;) hbu?",
"annotation": " This message is a more fun/ interesting way to pay the girl a compliment instead of just saying that he finds her attractive."
"user": "Her: How’s your day going ?\nStudent: Just woke up from a nap, got stories scheduled for next week\nHer: That’s good babe. Any plans for the rest of the night or just relaxing \nStudent: Just relaxing, prob watch some baseball. Trying to plan this trip with my friends to go to florida at the end of the month\nHer: Not going with me ?\n",
"assistant": "We can go sometime babe 😘, this one’s for the boys",
"annotation": " This message does well to set a boundary, which is important especially early in a relationship."
"user": "Student: Long Beach?\nHer: yes I'm out here\nStudent: Ahh you seem like a Long Beach girl.\nHer: Now what does that mean?\nStudent: You like the beach, driving boats, and raving. That screams LB chick!\nHer: I don't know girls out here that like to rave, they're all in the IE!\n",
"assistant": "Haha glad to hear you aren’t one of them.. Tell all these day trippers at the Queen Mary they need to leave ;)Anyway, had to slide into the DM’s to see what that fun bubbly vibe ws all about",
"annotation": " This message provides a reason for him messaging her in the first place without coming across as weird or creepy."
"user": "Her: And what’s the verdict?\n",
"assistant": "So far so good.. Might have to see in person before giving you the final verdict",
"annotation": " This message seeds the idea of an in-person meet up."
"user": "Her: Hmm okay\nHer: Let’s see when that’ll happen\n",
"assistant": "Shoot me your number and we’ll iron out the details",
"annotation": " It is good to get the girl’s number and move the conversation off the social media app as this requires a certain level of ivestment from the girl."
"user": "Student: Hey Lesli, it’s Javier the cute raver\nHer: hey hey what’s up\nStudent: Do you drink wine ?\nHer: Yes I do\n",
"assistant": "Just making sure. My buddy sent me a bottle of Caymus, SO good.Anyway, make sure you saved the number ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’ve actually never tried that wine\nHer: hmm I did save it but your texts are sending through your email lmao\n",
"assistant": "Lol perfect.. I’ll email you this weekendI might be able to save a little for you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: u truly suck at texting\nStudent: What do you mean lol? I was busy, but anyway i’m thinking mini golf and a drive in movie\nHer: hahahah it’s fine I am too so I have no room to talk. I am usually not this persistent at texting\nHer: but I like that\n",
"assistant": "It’s ok if you can’t control yourself around meYou just have to be good until Saturday ;)",
"annotation": " These messages do well to put the student in the buyers frame, implying she can’t wait to meet up with him again. "
"user": "Her: BAHAHAHAH STOP\nHer: you wish 😆\nHer: i have seen you a singular time don’t get too excited\n",
"assistant": "Don’t get too excited, coming from the chick that double text me haha ;). But, you’re cute so it’s all good",
"annotation": " This is a good method of flirting as it suggests that she is the one who is excited which she might see as negative but ends in a compliment."
"user": "Her: I 100% want a psychoanalysis\n",
"assistant": "Analysis: Cute but will slash your tires if upsetHow’d I do",
"annotation": "This message is broad and could apply to millions of girls. "
"user": "Student: Hey Anna I like your style 👌\nHer: Hey, I like yours too 👍 and nice hair!\nStudent: Thanks, I wonder how well our styles would mix\nHer: It could work\nStudent: You don’t sound confident\nHer: That’s the problem with messages, can’t tell how something is meant to come across\n",
"assistant": "maybe voice notes would be better then so we don’t have a breakdown in communication. Then we might never get to our first date. Wouldn’t that be tragic.",
"annotation": " This message is a good excuse to send a voice message. Voice messages are useful because they can humanize you. It is likely the girl is getting a lot of messages on dating apps and other messages but sending voice messages can set you apart from the crowd by doing something most men don’t and by making you more real, not just words on a screen. "
"user": "Her: (Sent as a voice message) So I’m not a fan of voice notes but I guess I led myself into that. What were you thinking for the first date?\n",
"assistant": "I was thinking you, me, a bottle of wine, laughs, teases, neck kisses, that sort of thing. Vibing and building chemistry",
"annotation": " This message is good to use when talking about what will happen on the date. It shows the girl that you are emotionally mature as you want to vibe and build chemistry before anything happens but there is a sexual undertone and there is no ambiguity about it being a date when you mention teases and neck kisses."
"user": "Her: Sounds like a lovely evening \nHer: I could get on board with that\nStudent: Shoot me your number and we’ll organize it \nStudent: Wait, are you a red or white girl first?\nHer: That cannot be a dealbreaker\nHer: Unless you drink rose\nHer: (Gives her phone number)\nStudent: Messaged\nStudent: Hey Anna, it’s Alfie from the thing\nStudent: Don’t worry, not a rosè drinker\nHer: oh that thing\nHer: I didn’t think you would be, I bet you’re a red wine drinker though\nHer: How’s your day been?\n",
"assistant": "I am a red wine drinker, you know me so well already lol",
"annotation": " This message implies a level of familiarity and closeness between the girl and the student."
"user": "Student: Day has been great, been at uni, then gym, currently making dinner, you?\nHer: lol Classy\nHer: That’s very positive for a Tuesday. What do you do at uni?\nHer: Just been working, going to to the gym soon\nStudent: I’m a classy guy haha\nStudent: Getting my teaching qualification. What do you do?\nHer: I’m sure you are 👀\nHer: Ooh okay, when will you finish? I’m a doctor. Wish I was still at uni 😢\n",
"assistant": "You’ll find out soon enough ;)",
"annotation": " This message seeds the date again after setting it up on Hinge."
"user": "Student: finish in july. It’s been a stressful few weeks, can’t wait for the easter holidays lol \n",
"assistant": "a doctor? You out here saving lives",
"annotation": " This message is a slight exaggeration but pays her a compliment in a more lighthearted way."
"user": "Her: When will that be then? 😉 why has it been stressful have you had deadlines? Easter holidays lol I remember those 😭 do you get two weeks off? Haha yes, except when we’re on strike\n",
"assistant": "Depends, what’s your schedule like?",
"annotation": " This is a very simple message that begins arranging the date. "
"user": "Student: Deadlines, placement, kids attacking me, yanno the usual stuff. Yeah a couple of weeks but it’s going to be full of essay writing.\n",
"assistant": "You’ll have to tell me more about that on our date",
"annotation": " This message seeds the date. "
"user": "Her: Potentially free this weekend, then I have quite a bit of free time next thursday onwards, what about you? Sounds fun, how old are the kids, are they putting you in your place… ah, well i have an exam coming up, maybe we could have a productive time together\n",
"assistant": "Potentially?",
"annotation": " This message calls out the fact that the girl is being unclear with her intentions. If this kind of thing is called out, you may find a genuine reason for her apprehension in meeting up or just a scheduling issue that can be overcome. "
"user": "Student: Kids are year 3-6. They try lol but it’s always the small ones you can lift with one finger that act all hard\nHer: Woman of mystery. When are you free? Well I hope you’re not lifting kids when you’re on placement lol\nStudent: Free maybe saturday & sunday eve this weekend. No lol not about to start wrestling kids \nHer: Okay, Thursday is probably best for me but that might be too long for you to wait… I could be tempted by this weekend, busy Friday night and Saturday day currently\nStudent: We could do saturday night\nHer: Where would you fancy going?\n",
"assistant": "Ever been to (name of venue)?",
"annotation": " This message baby steps towards the close. You should allow the girl to say yes to each step individually to minimize flaking."
"user": "Her: Yeah, only sat outside for drinks though\nStudent: it’s nice there, good wine\nHer: Sounds good to me, could go there or anywhere in town. Do you live in the center? I’m busy until about 6, could probably make it into town for 7\nStudent: Sounds good, shall we say 7:30? Living in Prestwich atm. You?\nHer: Yeah should be ok! Staylybridge if you know where that is lol\nStudent: Great\nStudent: I know the name, think i played football there a few times\nHer: I didn’t think you looked like the type to play football 😅\nHer: You doing anything today?\n",
"assistant": "I’m full of surprises 😉",
"annotation": " This sort of message can imply that there is more to you than meets the eye. It can make her more excited to meet you in person."
"user": "Student: Got to the gym this morning but just having a chill day before some very intense essay writing starting monday. You?\nHer: Ahah, better make the most of this weekend then… so I’m currently at the theater lol it’s on for longer than I expected, can we meet at 8 instead?\nStudent: Nice, you’ll have to tell me about it later. 8 works for me\nHer: cool, I’ll be getting the train to town, gets in at 7:55, wanna meet somewhere near there?\nStudent: That’s fine, can meet at the station and walk over to the venue\nHer: see ya soon\nStudent: see you soon\nHer: off the train now where shall I walk to?\nStudent: Uber dropping me off outside the station in 5 mins\nHer: okay I’ll wait inside\n",
"assistant": "Hey (her name) last night was fun",
"annotation": " This is a good message to send to the girl the day after a date to reopen, start conversation and move towards the next date. "
"user": "Her: Hey (student’s name) yeah i really enjoyed it, even if you did persuade me to let you come back to mine\n",
"assistant": "Not sure I had to persuade you 😉 we should get together again sometime soon",
"annotation": " This message contains some callback humor to the date and suggests meeting up for a second date."
"user": "Her: Well I tried to play it cool 👀 we should, maybe over the weekend?\n",
"assistant": "Let’s do it, is there a day that works best for you?",
"annotation": " This message moves into the logistics of setting up the date."
"user": "Her: Not the saturday night but pretty much free otherwise, when’s good for you? You said you might be seeing family?\nHer: Actually I could do the saturday so yeah any time really from thursday onwards\nStudent: Yeah I don’t think I’m going to see family, need to focus on work so don’t want to take 3 days off that. Shall we do friday?\nHer: Yeah 3 days is a lot to commit lol. Friday is good with me 😊 have you got anything in mind?\nStudent: Great, shall we go for some food\nHer: Yes please, town again or? Prestwich? Stayleybridge?\n",
"assistant": "I was going to say town again or is there somewhere you’re dying to show me in Stalybridge? 😉",
"annotation": " This message is a slight tease, implying that she wants to impress the student on their next date. "
"user": "Her: Well there are many hidden gems, maybe one day 😉 let’s do town\nHer: How was day one of productivity?\nStudent: I’ll hold you to that 😉 I’ll show you some gems in Prestwich in return. Let’s do town this time then\nHer: So tell me, are you actually a doctor?\nStudent: I’m in school studying to be one.. Soon enough\nHer: Is that you’re dream job?\nStudent: It is, what about you’re dream job ?\nHer: To be a painter in Italy, but that will probably never happen so i’m looking for a graphic design job haha\n",
"assistant": "That is a dream, I could be your muse",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: hahaha sure you can\n",
"assistant": "I’ll expect my first portrait on our date",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: What’s something on your bucket list?\n",
"assistant": "I bet you use that line on all the cute guys ;)",
"annotation": " This is a good message to use if the girl messages first and is particularly good when used on Bumble. It challenges her while also framing you as a cute guy."
"user": "Her: A make or break answer really 😂\n",
"assistant": "Always wanted to travel to italy. Been to parts of Europe, a lot of mexico, want to skydive, and maybe add drinks with a cute brunette called (her name), you?",
"annotation": " Adding her to your bucket list is just a fun way of saying you’re attracted to her and shows intent."
"user": "Her: That’s the exact same as me!! I want to skydive but i’m scared haha. I would love to go to italy one day too\nHer: She is half blonde I'm afraid. Might want to change that on the bucket list\n",
"assistant": "We could make perfect travel buddies Sounds like the best of both world to me 😏",
"annotation": " This message implies future projection of potential activities but the ‘could’ means she still has to win you over. This message passes her slight shit test by staying calm and turning it into a compliment. "
"user": "Her: Ideal plan right there\nHer: What are the top 3 places you want to visit?\nStudent: Kenya, Thailand, California, Bali. You ?\nHer: Thailand, Mykonos, Greece, New York, and Australia. Definitely others, but these are my main ones. \n",
"assistant": "We should do Thailand together. We’ll plan it on our first date",
"annotation": " This message begins to seed the idea of a first date. "
"user": "Her: Don’t have to ask me twice to go on vacation haha. So, whens the date?\nStudent: You free friday ?\nHer: Yes, what do you have in mind?\nStudent: I know a good wine bar near downtown\nHer: You’re gonna hate me\nHer: I’m not a big wine girl lol\n",
"assistant": "Oh (her name), maybe this won’t work after all lol. What’s your go to drink?",
"annotation": " This message is challenging and puts the student in the buyers frame."
"user": "Her: I really want to know. The devil emoji is enticing. Is it a dirty thought or something about going to hell, I need to know\n",
"assistant": "Well that all depends. Are you the sexually open minded type of girl?",
"annotation": " This message gets consent from the girl about moving forward with sexualising the conversation. It asks in a challenging way if she is open to talking about sex on the dating app."
"user": "Her: I would say so.. Are you the sexually open minded type of guy ?\nStudent: Mhm, glad you’re as well ;)\nHer: So am I hearing the shower thought?\n",
"assistant": "Only if you say please",
"annotation": " This message gets consent from the girl about moving forward with sexualising the conversation but it also establishes a dominant frame. "
"user": "Her: Fucks sake, this better be good\nHer: Please 💜\n",
"assistant": "Me bending (her name) over my bed, grabbing a fistful of her hair and..",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to give her just enough of the sexual fantasy for her to imagine me doing these things to her but also allows her to fill in the blanks if she wants to. It also prompts her to ask for more, allowing you to go deeper into the sexualisation. "
"user": "Student: Hey (her name)\nHer: Hey (student name)\nStudent: How’s your Thursday been treating you ?\nHer: Not bad, just got home from work, exhausted\nHer: What about you ?\nStudent: Shit.. what do you do ?\n",
"assistant": "Sounds like you could use some stress relief” This message is a good segway into asking for the date. Can usually be followed up with “I hear drinks with a handsome, (something else about their physical appearance, hobbies, job) man does wonders for stressI’m great, just got home from my brothers birthday, but still managed to get a workout in this morning, looking nice and sharp for our date",
"annotation": " This message is a good segway into asking for the date. Can usually be followed up with “I hear drinks with a handsome, (something else about their physical appearance, hobbies, job) man does wonders for stress This message dhv’s while also bringing up the idea for the date."
"user": "Her: I’m a nurse.\nHer: The only stress relief tonight is vodka and bed haha\nHer: Where is home ? Pumping the guns for the bid day ? I assure you i will not be doing the same haha\nStudent: Orange county is home. As long as you pick a cute outfit you should be okay\nHer: hahaha should be ok ??\nStudent: It’s all good then\nStudent: So tell me a bit about yourself (her name). Any weird tattoos? Kids? Fun Kinks? Crazy hobbies?\nHer: hmm I always feel like I’m boring answering these types of questions. I work a lot and let loose a little on the weekend. Lots of little tattoos but all of them mean nothing to me\nHer: Kinks is a great question but definitely one for real life chat\nHer: What about you ? Musically inclined I see\nStudent: I like tattoos, are you at the point where you stopped counting ? I have 6.\nStudent: That’s fair, we can discuss kinks on Wednesday. Ya, I play guitar, love reading, writing, and exercising. \nHer: I think 9-10 but stopped counting. People like you make me feel guilty, creative, healthy, and all. What are your flaws?\n",
"assistant": "I’m a sucker for girls with lots of tattoos. The more the merrier. No flaws here btw haha",
"annotation": " This message gives the girl some validation while being curt and succinct. "
"user": "Her: Ya, lots of random doodles, forget I have them honestly. Completely flawless and perfect huh?\n",
"assistant": "Absolutely. I could maybe do with a few more tattoos if we are being picky",
"annotation": " This message is slightly sarcastic but works because it gives false modesty. "
"user": "Her: A few more for yourself or a few more on a girl?\nHer: Just re-read, and got it\nStudent: I meant me, but don’t let that stop you from getting more haha\nHer: Oh trust me, you couldn’t stop me from doing anything\n",
"assistant": "Cute, we’ll see when you’re handcuffed to the bed",
"annotation": " This message is bold but establishes a sexual frame and asserts dominance."
"user": "Her: Cute, haha fuck off you’re 24. You’re cute\nHer: But ya, handcuffing sounds right up my alley\n",
"assistant": "i’ll be sure to add handcuffing to tomorrow nights agenda",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh what else is on the agenda?\n",
"assistant": "You, me, a bottle of wine, laughs, teases, neck kisses. That sort of thing. Vibe and build chemistry",
"annotation": " This is a good message to send whenever a girl asks what you will be doing on the date. It shows the girl that you are emotionally mature as you want to vibe and build chemistry before anything happens but there is a sexual undertone and there is no ambiguity about it being a date when you mention teases and neck kisses."
"user": "Her: That sounds very nice\nHer: Tell me a bit more\nHer: Oh and I don’t drink wine or whisky, anything else is fine\n",
"assistant": "We can swap out the bottle of wine. That and pulling you close and letting our lips touch, but not kiss",
"annotation": " This message builds the sexual tension."
"user": "Her: Gave me butterflies in my stomach. Can’t wait to see what else you’ve got\n",
"assistant": "Think you can handle all that?",
"annotation": " Slightly challenging towards the girl but also gets consent from her."
"user": "Her: I enjoy your cockiness\nHer: How do you know you can handle me ?\n",
"assistant": "Not cocky, just confident. We will have some fun",
"annotation": " This message is short and succinct and gets across the student’s level of confidence. "
"user": "Her: Do you eat the crust on the pizza?\n",
"assistant": "How do you think my hair got so curly",
"annotation": " This is a lighthearted response. It’s a common story that eating the crusts gives you curly hair and the student had curly hair. He could have answered the question more logically but this was more fun and opened up another route of conversation as she also had curly hair."
"user": "Her: You have a point, however my hair isn’t curly and I rarely eat crust\n",
"assistant": "Hmm, maybe you’re a medical marvel",
"annotation": " This is a funny exaggeration of the joke because everyone knows that eating the crusts doesn’t make your hair curly but this message goes along with the joke that was established in the previous message."
"user": "Her: In that I survived so long while being this dumb, absolutely! But we definitely need more research on the crust curl situation\n",
"assistant": "I’m sure we can carry out some of that research on our date",
"annotation": " It is good to briefly mention the idea of a date when talking to a girl on a dating app as it is the only reason to be on there but so many men have conversations that are too long and lead nowhere."
"user": "Her: Strictly for data gathering purposes, correct?\n",
"assistant": "Of course, I don’t want to see any funny stuff from you",
"annotation": " This message turns around the idea that it is usually the man who wants to have sex as soon as possible and puts the girl into that frame instead, implying that she just wants to have sex. It can also be powerful, as the man, to deny sex up front as it is usually the girl who will do this."
"user": "Her: I can promise to put on my most serious face\nHer: The issue is the thought of that cracks me up\nStudent: Data gathering or going on a date\nHer: Me being serious\nStudent: Glad you don’t take yourself too seriously\nHer: appreciating the utter silliness of everything makes everything a lil better, for sure\nHer: Couldn’t avoid it anyway tbh\nStudent: Couldn’t agree more\nStudent: So give me the basics. Any kids? Tattoos? Fun kinks? Crazy hobbies?\nHer: No kids, no tattoos although I do wish I could be cannot, kinks are pretty chill as far as kinks go, and unluckily enough I could say the same about my hobbies!\nHer: Not really selling myself here, I can see that 😂\nHer: Also very sorry, I’m at work so reply times may be random, I apologise\nHer: But do give me your breakdown\nStudent: What’s stopping you getting tattoos?\nStudent: No kids, 6 tatts, kinks the usual spanking, hair pulling, choking etc, and I play guitar, read, write, gym and run\nHer: I studied acting and still somehow not given up on the idea, so it’s more or less for employability. We’ll see.\nHer: What’s the direction those go though?\nHer: The kinks, that is 😂\nStudent: I respect you keeping the dream alive, I’m in a similar boat with music\nStudent: They’re interchangeable, did you have a preference?\nHer: May they come true\nHer: I mean, you know, I’m as much of a switch as the next guy but that’s cause we’re adults, however I do prefer the other person or people to lead ngl\nStudent: I don’t mind switching from time to time but I definitely prefer taking the lead\nHer: Oh lucky us\n",
"assistant": "Seems we’ve found our perfect matches",
"annotation": " This message can be good when you find something you have in common with a girl and imply that you are perfect for each other. "
"user": "Her: If only it were that easy huh\nHer: Had a good day?\nStudent: Great thanks, had a mock interview in uni, went for a run, repotted a couple of plants and cooked dinner, you?\nHer: Sounds fab! Oddly enough, I’ve also repotted some plants because I had the day off, but chilled most of it\nStudent: Sounds good, always enjoy meeting people who also like plants. How many you got?\nHer: Never actually counted them\nHer: Atm I’m struggling to not have them pass out cause of the cold\nHer: but wbu, how many leafy bois\nStudent: It’s a hard but rewarding life being a plant parent. I’ve got 10 atm just got a Venus fly trap for my birthday last weekend \nHer: Omg did you name it\nStudent: Do you name all your plants?\nHer: My friends and flatmate name them for me but we immediately forget the names 😂\nHer: There’s a little chopstick that says Felix, that’s the only reliable one, and that chopstick is half buried in the soil of one of the pots. The issue is the pot has two plants in it, no one knows who tf Felix is\n",
"assistant": "Can’t believe you forget your plants names, bet they feel super neglected lolYou like wine btw?",
"annotation": " The conversation felt like it was getting too nice/ bland/ boring so this tease creates a small negative spike in her emotions, making the conversation a little more interesting. The conversation had been going on for a while at this point and, generally, you want to move the girl over to texting/ Whatsapp/ iMessage as soon as possible. This message is a good start to the process leading up to ask her on a date. "
"user": "Her: 😢\nHer: Not my go to but I don’t dislike it\n",
"assistant": "What’s your go to?",
"annotation": " When you get this response to the wine close it is simpler to ask her what her favorite drink is. Don’t try to force wine on her and don’t overcomplicate things. "
"user": "Her: Ruuuuuum\nHer: I don’t really drink all that much though \n",
"assistant": "That’s okay, I’m not a big drinker either. We can still laugh, flirt and build chemistry while being sober",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to establish the idea of a date and create a man-to-woman frame. "
"user": "Her: Sorry for falling off the face of the earth, went home and it was mad\nHer: I hope you’ve been ok though\n",
"assistant": "No worries, I’ve been good. Busy but that’s how I like itHow have you been?",
"annotation": " Since the girl hadn’t responded in a while, the aim of this message is to show that you are unaffected by her absence with a slight display of higher value that you have other things going on in your life."
"user": "Her: I’m very glad\nHer: I wanna say I rested a bit while at home but that’s a big ol lie\nHer: I feel alright though, and got a few days off this week so I’m not being thrown straight back into the deep end of insanity and work and all\nHer: What have you been up to?\nStudent: Fair enough lol where’s home? I’ve had a couple of gigs, started my 2nd placement at uni so that’s been pretty full on and still managed to have a social life as well\nHer: Home is Bucharest, in Romania. Sounds like you’ve been doing super well! I’m glad\nStudent: wow how come you’re in manchester?\nStudent: Yeah, I’ll tell you in more detail over drinks\nStudent: Thinking hard about that I see\nHer: It’s been absolutely hysterical, sorry\nStudent: good hysterical?\nHer: Busy and too much kinda hysterical\n",
"assistant": "Sounds like you could use some stress relief” This message is a good way to move towards a date. Women usually agree with this statement so a good follow up to this would be “I hear drinks with a handsome, (something else about their physical appearance, hobbies, job) man does wonders for stress",
"annotation": " This message is a good way to move towards a date. Women usually agree with this statement so a good follow up to this would be “I hear drinks with a handsome, (something else about their physical appearance, hobbies, job) man does wonders for stress"
"user": "Her: You’re not wrong\n",
"assistant": "I hear drinks with a handsome curly-haired man does wonders for stress” This message is a good reply to “sounds like you could use some stress relief",
"annotation": " This message is a good reply to “sounds like you could use some stress relief"
"user": "Her: is this method peer-reviewed\nHer: Academia approved\nHer: Rated on tripadvisor?\n",
"assistant": "Researched, peer reviewed and widely accepted by the scientific community",
"annotation": " This message continues her joke."
"user": "Her: I’ll have to take your word for it, i suppose\nStudent: You’re a rum girl if I remember correctly?\nHer: Am indeed\n",
"assistant": "We should split a bottle sometime soon” This message moves forward with the idea of a date and meeting up in person. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ is good to use as it is ambiguous and open to interpretation. It is usually better than suggesting a specific day to meet up as that particular day may not work for her. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ allows for you to open the dialogue of when the date will happen and should often precede the message “What’s your schedule like?",
"annotation": " This message moves forward with the idea of a date and meeting up in person. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ is good to use as it is ambiguous and open to interpretation. It is usually better than suggesting a specific day to meet up as that particular day may not work for her. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ allows for you to open the dialogue of when the date will happen and should often precede the message “What’s your schedule like?"
"user": "Her: Most definitely, the only issue is I’m ont free for the next week or so\n",
"assistant": "No worries, I’m sure our potential romance can stand the test of timeShoot me your number and we’ll sort it",
"annotation": " This message can come across as corny but is funny most of the time. It shows the girl that you aren’t overly eager to meet up and you have patience. It is usually best to move a girl off the dating app and get her number."
"user": "Her: Romance HAH\n",
"assistant": "Potential romance*",
"annotation": " This message shows that you are cool, collected and not sold on her yet by drawing attention to the fact that your previous message talked about potential romance, not romance."
"user": "Her: Awful 😂\nHer: (phone number)\n",
"assistant": "Messaged",
"annotation": " It can be useful to send this message on the dating app after messaging her number. Sometimes texts don’t go through, get lost among others or she exclusively uses WhatsApp when you sent her an iMessage. This message just lets her know you are still interested and that you have followed up after her giving you her number."
"user": "Student: You look like my future ex wife 😏\nHer: You look like you know how to show a woman a good time \nHer: As an artist, it’s always seemed right that I marry a musician 🤔 you can be my muse\nHer: Until we have an expensive divorce and there’s fights over who gets to keep the nicely glazed ceramic plant pots\nHer: But until that time comes, how’s it going (student’s name)?\nStudent: I definitely enjoy showing women a good time. Love the idea of us being each others muses, it was meant to be\nStudent: I’m great heading to the gym then got some last minute christmas prep to do before I go away tomorrow. You?\nHer: Got to appreciate a man of musical talent I’m fantastic with a pencil or a paintbrush but the most I could ever play on a guitar was smoke on the water\nHer: Ooh nice, where are you going away? And good thank you been adding some finishing touches to the ceramics I’ve made for Xmas prezzies, going out for a festive meal with the pals tonight which should be nice\nStudent: I can teach you a little more on our date haha got an air bnb in Rhosneiger til boxing day. Sounds fun, what colour did you paint mine? 😉\nHer: Sounds good to me, I’ll trade you in life drawing classes, ah nice I was in an Airbnb in Aberystwyth last weekend was a yurt with a woodfire hot tub was class, haha you don’t strike me as the kind of man who would want a ceramic fairy house incense burner but maybe I’m wrong\nStudent: Isn’t life drawing the one where you pose nude? 😉 Don’t be so quick to judge Sammy \nHer: It certainly is. I’m intrigued, what's the name of your band? Feel I should check out your sound \nStudent: Sounds like a great first date idea\nStudent: We’re called (name of student’s band)\nHer: Are you on spotify?\nStudent: We are\nStudent: Where can I see your work since you’re having a nosy at mine?\nHer: I don’t think you can add photos on here but can add my insta will send some - (her insta)\n",
"assistant": "I’ve given you a follow but I’m not on there much. Shoot me your number as well",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They have been on their first date. They went bowling and he beat her in the game. The coach advised he reopen the following day using callback humor relating to the date as this is often the best way to reopen, spark conversation and lead to a second date. Even though they have met in person and you don’t have to put as much work into the lead as before the first date, the student had to keep the lead warm until date number two. This is where the “you picked a cute outfit for our date yet? 😉” works well to reopen the day of the date to check in with her.",
"assistant": "hey (girl’s name), you recovered from your crushing defeat yet 😉",
"annotation": " This message works as it connects you two in a shared experience. It is also good because it is teasing her about her loss without being too harsh or rude."
"user": "Her: I’ve recovered from losing, but throwing the ball behind me… still recovering from that one 😂\nStudent: They say three times is the charm for a reason, the odds are on your side…\nHer: Are you saying the next time I play, I’m going to win???\n",
"assistant": "We could find out but I was thinking drinks for our next date",
"annotation": " This message works here as, to keep things interesting, it’s usually best to vary the type of dates you take a girl on. It would have been a little weird if they had gone bowling again. "
"user": "Her: As much as I enjoyed losing to you in bowling, drinks would be a good second date 😉\n",
"assistant": "What’s your schedule look like this week?",
"annotation": " The first date went very well so there is no need to do lots of talking/ courting between the first and second date. "
"user": "Her: Depending on my work schedule, I generally am free most weekdays after 6:30\nHer: What about you?\nStudent: I could work with Tuesday around 8pm, how’s that?\nHer: You wanna do 8pm again? Haha\nStudent: You got a point, we would be missing the end of happy hour\nHer: Right haha so maybe a little earlier\n",
"assistant": "Let’s do 7:24 then",
"annotation": " This message is so specific when arranging the time to be a lighthearted tease. "
"user": "They have been on their first date. They went bowling and he beat her in the game. The coach advised he reopen the following day using callback humor relating to the date as this is often the best way to reopen, spark conversation and lead to a second date. Even though they have met in person and you don’t have to put as much work into the lead as before the first date, the student had to keep the lead warm until date number two. This is where the “you picked a cute outfit for our date yet? 😉” works well to reopen the day of the date to check in with her.",
"assistant": "Awesome, 7:24 at (name of venue) then",
"annotation": " This message establishes the overall plan for the date."
"user": "Her: See you then haha\n",
"assistant": "Hey (her name), you picked a cute outfit for our date? 😉",
"annotation": " You don’t want to set up the date, even a second date, and then not talk the the girl at all before you meet. You need to keep the lead warm. A good way to do this is ask if she picked a cute outfit for their date. "
"user": "Her: I definitely have a couple of options ☺️\n",
"assistant": "Need help choosing or you gonna surprise me?",
"annotation": " This message creates the idea that she wants/ is trying to impress him by what she wears. "
"user": "Her: I think I’m gonna go with surprise\n",
"assistant": "Keeping the mystery alive 😏",
"annotation": " This message creates a flirty tone like she is hiding something explicit from him. It also creates the role play of them being a long married couple who are trying to keep the mystery alive."
"user": "Her: Do you happen to need a new gym partner? 😅 🫣\nStudent: Idk… do you think you can keep up?\nHer: Possibly 😬 😬\nStudent: Before I let you spot me give me the basics. Any kids? Tattoos? Fun kinks? Crazy Hobbies?\nHer: No kids, but I have a dog who is basically my child. Yes tattoos, w another one scheduled in a couple of weeks. And all i do is work bc Iowa is boring 🙃 hbu?\n",
"assistant": "I’m sure we can make Iowa more fun 😏",
"annotation": " This message works here because she liked his photo and sent the opening message so there is already some sexual attraction from the girl. However, the message is ambiguous and can be perceived as sexual from the girl or related to some kind of activity. This is a good message to use to hint at the idea of a date. "
"user": "Her: you think so?\nHer: got any ideas?\nHer: was wondering why I ain’t see you anymore 😂\nStudent: wait… hold up.. You’ve seen me at the gym and didn’t come talk to me\nHer: Yeaaa i been seen you 😂 1. I get too nervous 2. I ain’t wanna bother you 3. I ain’t know if you single or what so i just assume\n",
"assistant": "alright I’ll give that to you.. But this is what I’m thinking.. You, me, a bottle of wine, laughs, teases, neck kisses, vibing and building chemistry",
"annotation": " This message is good to use when talking about what will happen on the date. It shows the girl that you are emotionally mature as you want to vibe and build chemistry before anything happens but there is a sexual undertone and there is no ambiguity about it being a date when you mention teases and neck kisses."
"user": "Her: I mean that doesn’t sound too bad 🫣 😉\nStudent: Hey it’s (student’s name) the cute light skin 😏\nHer: oh he’s confident too huhhh\n",
"assistant": "You don’t seem like the type who’s attracted to shy guys",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i mean you probably aren’t wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️\nHer: what kind of girl do you think i am tho\n",
"assistant": "You seem like a confident girl in general. You have a nice smile btw. You probably intimidate a lot of guys because of your looks which I imagine gets frustrating because deep down you’re actually quite submissive but only for the right guy",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: ok you’re pretty good, i’ll give it to you\n",
"assistant": "You like wine?” This message is great to use when the vibe in the conversation is good and it is time to move towards setting up the date. Girls usually like wine and, if they don’t you can follow up with “what’s your preferred drink?”. This message should usually come before saying “we should split a bottle sometime soon”. This message can be edited to use something other than wine depending on what fits the conversation. For example, “you like bowling?”, “you like vodka?” or “you like ice cream?",
"annotation": " This message is great to use when the vibe in the conversation is good and it is time to move towards setting up the date. Girls usually like wine and, if they don’t you can follow up with “what’s your preferred drink?"
"user": "Her: depends on the kind\n",
"assistant": "How’s moscato, white wine?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: not bad. Is that your favorite?\nStudent: Yes ma’am… risata moscato.. The blue bottle\nHer: yea that ain’t bad\nHer: i usually drink stella rose\n",
"assistant": "We should split a bottle sometime soon” This message moves forward with the idea of a date and meeting up in person. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ is good to use as it is ambiguous and open to interpretation. It is usually better than suggesting a specific day to meet up as that particular day may not work for her. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ allows for you to open the dialogue of when the date will happen and should often precede the message “What’s your schedule like?",
"annotation": " This message moves forward with the idea of a date and meeting up in person. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ is good to use as it is ambiguous and open to interpretation. It is usually better than suggesting a specific day to meet up as that particular day may not work for her. The phrase ‘sometime soon’ allows for you to open the dialogue of when the date will happen and should often precede the message “What’s your schedule like?"
"user": "Her: I’m down 😌\nHer: What’s your schedule like\nHer: except i am a lil salty i noticed you at the gym but you ain’t notice me sooo\n",
"assistant": "I’m sure we’ll make up for that on our date 😉 I’m free Sunday or Monday , you?",
"annotation": " This message brings up the idea of their impending date. This is often a good message to use when something small but negative has happened such as not noticing her in the gym. The implication is that they will make up for the missed conversation they could have had in the gym during their date. "
"user": "Her: whatever you sayyy and i work this weekend but might be able to make monday work \nStudent: Alright Monday.. You..me.. And a bottle of wine\nHer: sounds fun 😉\nHer: tell me about you tho\n",
"assistant": "What would you like to know?",
"annotation": " This briefly puts the burden of leading conversation on her which is okay to do sometimes "
"user": "Her: everything\nStudent: Of course.. For you I’d even be willing to give you private lessons 😏\nHer: oooo really 😇\nHer: we can practice in my pool\nStudent: Sounds like a plan.. Ima teach you all the strokes.. My favorite is breaststroke \nHer: Interestinggg why’s that\n",
"assistant": "It’s the most efficient way to move through the water, get your mind out of the gutter 😉",
"annotation": " This message takes the idea that he is thinking about sex with his breaststroke message and frames the girl as the one who is thinking about sex, stealing the frame in the student’s favor. "
"user": "Her: My mind wasn’t in the gutter i ain’t got no breasts to stroke anyways 😂 😉\n",
"assistant": "That doesn’t worry me 😉",
"annotation": " Her previous message about having no breasts could be an insecurity she has so this message lets her know, in a way that is calm, cool and succinct."
"user": "Her: hiii\nStudent: Cute, dyed hair, and nose piercings, what’s the catch?\nHer: I just chopped my hair super short like 2 hours ago and it looks really bad lol, that’s the catch \n",
"assistant": "well I’m sure you’re still cute ;) but with all these hair changes I hope you’re not going through some kind of mental breakdown haha",
"annotation": " This message works as it is a joke/ tease based on the idea that women change their hair when they are going through a tough time. "
"user": "Her: nah it’s just fun lol\nHer: i get bored of how it looks n do something else\nStudent: What would you say is your favorite scene in cars?\nHer: sally and lightening cruise, tractor tipping, the peterbilt moment, when sh-boom by the chords plays, doc whipping around willy’s butte, and when lightning pushes the king to the finish line\nStudent: the scene i can remember is when lightning did a pitstop, guido did it really fast and chick hick crew drop their grills. \nHer: thats a great scene too\nStudent: so tell me what do you think makes your chicken tender and mozzarella spot the best? \nHer: it’s just simply delicious. Plus it’s on the beach and it’s the only yorktown pub on this planet\nStudent: getting food and having a beach picnic is always a great first date \nHer: absolutely\n",
"assistant": "I’ll be sure to add beach picnic to our dates agenda",
"annotation": " This message is a good way to seed the date if you and the girl are talking about things you both like."
"user": "Her: although beach picnic right now doesn’t sound very fun, tooooo cold\nStudent: that’s not a worry jackets exist, or sit in the car with the heater on, music playing, people watching and the ocean right in front of us\nHer: THAT’S MY FAVORITE\nHer: eating in the car from the beachfront parking lot\nStudent: what music do you prefer whilst sitting in the car?\nHer: Depends on the mood\nHer: 80% of the time want $uicideboy$ playing\nStudent: I have a 22 hour playlist mainly $uicideboy$, night lovell and pouya \nHer: but other times I want rock, indie, alt, my party playlist, 2010 pop songs, or country \nHer: ok marry me then \nStudent: Bruh\nStudent: We share the exact same music\nHer: it’s meant to be, plus you’re in the navy, favorite branch by far\n",
"assistant": "You have exceptional taste, shoot me your number for romance arrangement purposes",
"annotation": " At this point in the interaction there is enough positive back and forth between the girl and the student that he can go for the number close without getting rejected. Also saying she has exceptional taste when talking about the student himself shows a good level of cocky humor. "
"user": "The student matched with this girl on Tinder. This messaging sequence uses a role play involving the girl and the student being a divorced couple. The girl does ghost part way through so the student has to reopen the conversation. The interaction ends with the student getting the girl’s phone number and moving the conversation off the app.",
"assistant": "You look like my future ex wife 😏",
"annotation": " This is a playful way to start conversation. It can also lead into fun role plays about you and the girl being married, getting divorced and the reasons behind the divorce. "
"user": "Her: hahahahahah oh cute\nHer: Can’t wait to get divorced 😏\n",
"assistant": "We’re getting a prenup and I’m keeping the dog",
"annotation": " This message continues the joke from the opener while teasing her by implying that the student will win the breakup."
"user": "Her: Nooooo I want the dog 🥺\nHer: Can we have shared custody of it\nStudent: No, I’ve seen you kick him after a tough day at work. I won’t allow it\nHer: That was only 1 time 🙁\nHer: Saw you try and put him in the microwave once \n",
"assistant": "He’s a labrador, how on earth would he have fit in the microwave?? This is why it never worked between us (her name)",
"annotation": " This message works as a continuation of the joke while also framing the student as the one who initiated the break up, putting him in the position of power."
"user": "Her: Hahahahaha i don’t know you’re the one trying to fit him in there!!\nHer: yeah I’m glad we got divorced\nHer: You look cool\nHer: I enjoy your hair\nHer: Probably doesn't make up for the fact that you kick dogs but it’s still cool\nStudent: I’m going to read between the lines and take the compliment there lol\n",
"assistant": "If you play your cards right I might let you touch the hair on our date 😉",
"annotation": " This message is a great way to move the interaction forward/ transition the conversation to setting up the date."
"user": "Her: hahahahahha\nHer: Yeah there’s a compliment in there somewhere\nHer: and ooooo how exciting\nHer: How do I play my cards right 🥺 🥺\n",
"assistant": "Let’s start with wine, laughs, teases, neck kisses, vibing, building chemistry and go from there 😉",
"annotation": " This message works well to paint a picture of what her experience on the date will be like. You appear emotionally mature, confident and fun."
"user": "Her: Hahahahahahaha oh cute\nHer: Where should we go for wine xxxx\nHer: So we go for wine and have a laugh, tease each other, kiss each other’s necks, vibe, build chemistry\nHer: and THEN I can touch your hair ?\nHer: Sounds like a good deal to me xxxx\nStudent: Where are you based?\n",
"assistant": "Only if there’s chemistry, I’m not that easy 😉",
"annotation": " This message comes off high value as you are showing that you are selective with women and it gives her the chance to qualify herself."
"user": "Her: I live in (location)\nHer: Where do you live?\nHer: And omg yeah don’t worry I’ll bring my tes tube x\n",
"assistant": "I know a couple of good wine places in town if you’re down",
"annotation": " This message is a nice way to baby step towards the close. It’s not specific and chilled."
"user": "Her: Oh cute !!\nHer: Yeah I’m always down for some wine\nHer: Where’s your favourite 🥺\nStudent: There’s (venue) in (location) and (venue) that’s good\nHer: Oh cool (venue) is cute I like it in there\nHer: I’ve never been to the other place though!!\nStudent: Let’s do (venue) this time and (venue) next. Shoot me your number and we’ll get it sorted\n",
"assistant": "Mic check..1..2",
"annotation": " This is a good message to use if the girl ghosts or hasn’t replied for a couple of days. It is a humorous way to get her attention without seeming needy."
"user": "The student matched with this girl on Hinge. This messaging sequence uses a role play involving the girl and the student being a divorced couple. The girl does ghost part way through so the student has to reopen the conversation. The student then has to sexualise the conversation. The interaction ends with the student getting the girl’s phone number and moving the conversation off the app.",
"assistant": "You look like my future ex wife 😏",
"annotation": " This is a playful way to start conversation. It can also lead into fun role plays about you and the girl being married, getting divorced and the reasons behind the divorce. "
"user": "Her: Ahhh I thought I recognised you 😉\nStudent: We’re getting a prenup and I’m keeping the dog though\nHer: No you can have full custody of the kids that you begged me for, I’m keeping the dog and the waffle maker\n",
"assistant": "You know the kids won’t leave the dog behind. This is why it never worked between us",
"annotation": " This message works as a continuation of the joke while also framing the student as the one who initiated the break up, putting him in the position of power."
"user": "Her: It never worked between us because I caught you flirting with that McDonald’s waitress. I will see you in court if you don’t give up the dog\nStudent:I told you there was nothing between us, I kept going back to that particular McDonald’s because they do the best big macs\nHer: I saw you! You can have her anyway, the dog and I have left the country. You’ll never find us\n",
"assistant": "Shame, the make up sex would have been phenomenalUnless you disagree",
"annotation": " This message works here as it continues the joke but opens up a sexual dialogue. This is a good message to send if you have proposed something and the girl hasn’t responded. The message implies you’re entitled and expecting a response from her without getting needy or butthurt."
"user": "Her: Not at all but you’ll have to remind me how good the sex was before\n",
"assistant": "You don’t remember the time I dragged you across the bed by your ankles and kissed you passionately, sucking on your nipples nice and slow, until you became nice and wet. You begged me to shove it in but instead I mercilessly teased you with my cock. Finally, when you couldn’t take it anymore, I slid inside you. Your back arched, my hand pulling your hair, your legs collapsed shaking from pleasure",
"annotation": " This message works well here because it shows that you understand sex from the female perspective. The descriptive nature of the message shows that you understand that women are turned on by having their mind stimulated rather than their eyes. That it is the build up and teasing, not just putting your dick in and thrusting hard and fast. This will set you apart from most guys on dating apps."
"user": "Her: You never fucked me like that! Must have been one of your many side things\nStudent: We need to sort this out \nHer: Well then fuck me like that and we won’t need to go through this divorce! Think of the children\nStudent: Gladly 😏\nStudent: Remind me, you like wine?\nHer: Do you even know me? I love wine\nStudent: Good, we should split a bottle sometime soon\nHer: I think we should too, do I still get the dog\n",
"assistant": "That depends on how persuasive you are over wine. Shoot me your number and we’ll sort it out",
"annotation": " This message works here because it implies that he is still not sold on her and she has to qualify herself on the date but it still moves the interaction forward. Once the girl is compliant and it’s clear she likes you, there is no need for more messaging, just go for the number or organize a date."
"user": "Her: Whiskey tim\nStudent: Film, blanket, cup of tea\nStudent: Whiskey wouldn’t hurt either \nHer: What about cup of tea in the afternoon, whiskey at night?\n",
"assistant": "Read my mind, sounds like a great first date",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to seed the date. It is too early in the interaction to go for the close but it’s good to seed the date."
"user": "Her: Let’s check when it will be rain haha\nStudent: in the meantime give me the basics. Any kids? Tattoos? Fun kinks? Crazy hobbies?\nHer: I’m new to the area, just arrived for a month. I’m a long distance trail runner before I moved here. I don’t have any crazy hobbies, but I love to have a crazy life\nHer: What about you? Any interesting stories about you?\nStudent: What’s a long journey trail runner?\nStudent: no kids, 6 tatts, and i play guitar in a band, read, write, gym and run too\nHer: I usually train for the long journey trail race, above 50km\nHer: Nice profile\nStudent: That’s pretty impressive. How’d you get into that?\nHer: I tried some shorter races and joined some running clubs, then found that I love long distance, so I started to find some races to practice with my coach back home. But now I can only practice by myself, still finding the way back to training too.\nStudent: I definitely prefer the longer distances but I’ve only gone as far as a half marathon so far. I’ve been meaning to join a running club too actually\nHer: I love long distance. Put myself totally in the nature from sunrise to sunset. That’s incredible!\nHer: Wondering if I could try this here\n",
"assistant": "Definitely some beautiful spots I can show you here",
"annotation": " This message works well as the girl and student have connected on a hobby but it is now time to start moving towards closing and suggesting they do that hobby together is a great way to do that."
"user": "Her: I just found the Peak District is not far from the city. Have you been there?\n",
"assistant": "Yeah been there a few times, beautiful place. Maybe that can be our second date",
"annotation": " This message works well here as it shows a sense of cocky humor that you are already assuming there will be a second date before you’ve had the first. It uses callback humor because they have already talked about the first date to remind her that is an unfinished thread but also to seed the idea of a second date."
"user": "Her: I would be very happy about that\n",
"assistant": "We should probably organize the first one before that thoughDo you like wine?",
"annotation": " This message brings the conversation back on track to organizing the first date. This is a great way to start the closing sequence and you can set up the date from here."
"user": "Her: Yes, and black coffee without sugar and milk\nHer: You? Coffee or tea?\n",
"assistant": "",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Student: You look like my future ex wife 😏\nHer: I will be if you don’t grow your hair long like your pic \nStudent: You’ve nothing to worry about there\nStudent: How’s your Sunday treating you?\nHer: Oh that’s good\nHer: I’m currently sat in a retail park cause I forgot Aldi doesn’t open till 11\nHer: This may be rock bottom\nHer: How about you?\nStudent: That’s pretty devastating, I can’t imagine the pain that must have caused you\nStudent: I’m just on my way to the gym\nHer:Ah nice I went this morning, first time in a new gym was so scary 😭\nHer: I joined pure gym, spent 12 mins in there. Walked out and signed up to JD gym straight after\nStudent: Wow why was that?\nHer: Just so cramped and busy, I could touch the ceilings if I jumped and that freaks me out\nStudent: Sounds a little claustrophobic, I take it JD is like a warehouse then lol\nHer: JD is huge\nHer: How was your day?\nStudent: It’s been pretty chill, gym this morning, then did some uni work and just watched a film. You?\nHer: Pretty much the same but instead of uni work been applying for jobs\nHer: What do you do for uni?\nStudent: What’s the dream job? I’m doing a PGCE in primary with special needs\nHer: Ideally would be a painter living in Italy but don’t think that will ever happen, i’m looking for a graphic design job but there’s so many applicants per job it’s impossible\nHer: And that’s so cool! My brother is special needs\n",
"assistant": "That is the dream, I can be your muse",
"annotation": " So far the conversation has been platonic with very little flirting or intent shown. This message adds a more playful vibe to the interaction that has been missing until now. It also implies that the student is someone who would inspire art. That is open to interpretation by the girl but usually means he is very physically attractive."
"user": "Student: Oh right, how old is he?\nHer: Hahahah sure you can\nHer: He’s 15 and has cerebral palsy\nHer: Funniest person ever, has no filter\n",
"assistant": "You can do my portrait on our date",
"annotation": " This message is great for moving the interaction forward. It prevents the risk of the conversation going nowhere. Using something they have talked about on the dating app and they should explore it together on their date is a very easy way to get onto the topic of the in-person meet up."
"user": "Student: He’s a little older than I work with but I definitely know a few like him 😂\nHer: 😂 When should our date be?\nHer: Hahaha yeah he really is something, he once told a woman she stank in the shop and I immediately had to remove him. I was mortified \n",
"assistant": "When are you typically free?",
"annotation": " This works well as he is asking her when she is free instead of suggesting days on which they can meet up. This reduces the risk of her flaking on the date."
"user": "Student: Hey, another runner? Love that\nHer: Yeah\nHer: 5k personal record?\nHer: I only chat to athletes\nHer: hope u understand\nStudent: 19:44 you?\nHer: Omggggg\nHer: That’s impressive\nHer: 24:35\nStudent: Thanks haha yours isn’t a bad time either. Done anything further than 5k?\nHer: Gracias gracias\nHer: Every now and then I’d do a 10k\n",
"assistant": "Nice, I like a girl who looks after her physical health. Where are you from originally?",
"annotation": " This message is a very simple way to switch up the conversation if one thread is going dry. It works well on girls who look ethnically diverse or ambiguous. It works on this girl as she had a Spanish flag in her bio and she spoke Spanish during the interaction. "
"user": "Her: Oh yeh :) I’m always active\nHer: I’m from Barcelona\nHer: Moved here 4 years ago\nHer: Wbu? Where is your name from?\n",
"assistant": "Ah so you have that sexy Spanish accent then 😏",
"annotation": " This message works well on almost anyone. It can be used to compliment someone on their accent or can be used to tease someone who has a typically unsexy accent. "
"user": "Her: Haha I’m not going to say no to that\nStudent: Glad to hear that ;) so give me the basics. Any kids? Tattoos? Fun kinks? Crazy hobbies?\nHer: No kids that I know of, neither tattoos\nHer: I’ve been tempted to get one tattoo on my bum though\nHer: In Spanish we’ve got a saying ‘tener una flor en el culo’ to say someone is very lucky. It means ‘you’ve got a flower on the ass’ and I consider myself a very lucky person\nHer: Ermm dancing most of the time, running a bit too, going climbing every now and then and gym when possible. I can’t stand still\nHer: And as a hobby I’ll say that I love people watching, I get too involved hahaha\nHer: Wbu?\nHer: Haha happy to teach you Spanish. Do you know the basics?\nStudent: Did it for a couple of years in high school and downloaded an app in lockdown lol\nStudent: Do you like wine btw?\nHer: Sure, I’m free tomorrow evening if you wanna go for wine\nStudent: Tomorrow works for me. Shoot me your number and we’ll sort it out\nHer: (phone number)\nStudent: Texted\n",
"assistant": "A flower on your ass, I like that lol you’ll gave to teach me more Spanish on our romantic dateHey, it (student’s name) from the thing",
"annotation": " This is a good first message to send someone if you got their number from a dating app. It is funny and a good way to start conversation."
"user": "Her: Hey, 7pm at (venue)? It’s a new wine bar I’ve been wanting to try 🙂\nStudent: Sounds good to me. Are we okay to push back to 8:300?\nHer: Yep all good\nStudent: Great see you then\n",
"assistant": "Last night was fun” It is important, if you want to see the girl again, that you check in with her and get a second date set up as soon as possible. Another option for this message is “Last night was 🔥” or “I had a good time last night",
"annotation": " It is important, if you want to see the girl again, that you check in with her and get a second date set up as soon as possible. Another option for this message is “Last night was 🔥"
"user": "Student: You look like my future ex wife 😏\nHer: How strange I was thinking you look like my next future mistake 👀\n",
"assistant": "We must have similarly bad taste",
"annotation": " This message works here as it builds on the joke from the previous messages. It also uses the ‘we frame’ which allows the girl to imagine them together or having something in common."
"user": "Her: Great minds think alike and all of that\nStudent: Exactly, how’s your Friday treating you?\nHer: Well Alfred I’ve not long got in from a couple of drinks, I’ve had worse fridays, what about yourself? \nStudent: Alfred? Getting familiar fast 😏 my Friday was great, went out with some friends for St Patrick’s. Was that the end of your night?\nHer: Absolutely, do you like Alfred? Hahaha I like calling people different versions of their name. Oooo nice where did you all go? Are you feeling fragile today then? it was, well I actually went on a date but we didn’t vibe so it lasted an hour and a half 👀\nStudent: No one calls me Alfred but I don’t hate it. Not too bad tbh, I’m one of those annoying people that doesn’t get hungover.\n",
"assistant": "Had the same thing happen to me last week. Our date will be better though",
"annotation": " This message does a few things. First, it shows that you date women regularly and are selective with whom you pursue. Second, it shows that you are unaffected by the fact that she goes on dates with other men and not the jealous/ butthurt type. Third, it seeds the idea of a date and the two of you meeting up in person. The vibe has been good, there has been some light teasing and she is sending long paragraphs which shows her level of investment is high so it was a good time to begin seeding the date."
"user": "Her: I like it, what time did you get in last night? Was it late? Oh god yep I don’t know how you people exist, do you drink loads as well?\nHer: Nightmare, yes was a bit awkward. I was just waffling on to make it less so 🤣 will it now? Are you sure about that?\nHer: Are you a little bit silly or no?\n",
"assistant": "Positive. Define silly",
"annotation": " This message works here as she asked too many questions to answer and the conversation still be easy to follow. This message cuts out a lot of the sidetracks it would be easy to go down. It is short, succinct and communicates confidence as he is ‘positive’ their date will go well. "
"user": "Her: You know like funny, a bit weird don’t take things too seriously kind of thing? I’ve said it and it’s hard to define but I know what I mean 👀 🙄\n",
"assistant": "I definitely don’t take things too seriously, hoping you don’t either",
"annotation": " This message indicates that you are selective in who you spend time with, which is a high value trait."
"user": "Her: That’s good news, no i don’t either\n",
"assistant": "We should test this out in person",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to begin moving towards the number close. The vibe has been good so far, there has been some light flirting, she has qualified herself and she has been sending long messages which shows she is invested so it is time to begin babystepping towards the close."
"user": "Student: Hey I like your style (her name) 👌\nHer: Hey! Thank you, I like yours too!\nStudent: I wonder how well our styles would mix\nHer: I think they’d mix quite well together ;)\n",
"assistant": "Smooth (her name) 😉 I guess there’s only one way to find out",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to hint at the in-person meet up without explicitly talking about it. It would be too early in the interaction for that. They need to get to know each other a little more first."
"user": "Her: What can I say 💁🏼‍♀️\nHer: I guess there is\nStudent: How’s your Tuesday treating you?\nHer: Fairly chilled so far! Heading to work soon though :( how about you?\n",
"assistant": "Sounds good, what do you do for work? I’m on day 2 of an intense couple of weeks of essay writing. Managed to get to the gym this morning though",
"annotation": " When a girl asks about your day or what you have been doing, it is always good to throw some DHV’s in there. This can be anything from working hard, exercising, doing a hobby that sounds cool or you enjoy."
"user": "Her: I work in a clinic and then also do photography part time. Oh nice, are you at uni?\nHer: Productive morning by the sounds of it\nStudent: Was going to say you looked too arty to only work in a clinic. What’s your favorite thing to take photos of? I am at uni\nHer: Haha why thank you! I do a lot of fashion photography or weddings\nHer: Oo nice what do you study? Are you in your final year?\nStudent: That makes sense, I’m definitely getting fashionista vibes from you\nStudent: Doing a teaching qualification specializing in special needs\nHer: I do try hahaha\nHer: Oh wow. That’s amazing!\nHer: Are you enjoying it?\nStudent: I am, it’s challenging and the kids can be little shits sometimes but they often end up being your favorite lol\nStudent: So give me the basics. Any kids? Tattoos? Fun kinks? Crazy hobbies?\nHer: Oh I can imagine! Must be so rewarding though, it’s the same with the clinic. It’s challenging but it’s always worth it\nHer: Hahaha no children, I have a few tattoos\nHer: I play guitar and piano poorly\nHer: How about you?\nStudent: Exactly, what do you do at the clinic?\nStudent: You play guitar? That’s a green flag lol We should have a jam sometime soon This is a very simple method of seeding the date. The concept is to find something you have in common with the girl and suggest that you do it together.\nHer: I manage mainly but it’s a lot of sitting in scan rooms and filling out reports, going through what’s seen on the scan\nHer: I do hahaha but I’m not the best hahaha We should!! That would be fun\n",
"assistant": "I’ll be the judge of that 😉 you like wine?",
"annotation": " This message puts the student into a position of dominance as he is confidently better at something than she is so he will judge her on the day of the date. This forces the girl to qualify herself. This also begins the closing sequence that leads to getting the girl’s number. "
"user": "Her: Hahaha that’s fair enough ;) and I do yet!\nStudent: We should split a bottle sometime soon\nHer: What kind of wine are we talking\nStudent: Depends, you a red or white kind of girl?\nHer: White for sure hahaha\n",
"assistant": "Oh maybe this won’t work after all (her name) 😉",
"annotation": " This is a great way to flirt. By pushing her away a little you make her want to chase you. It is usually a technique that women use on men but it is very effective the other way around."
"user": "Student: Hey soo.. I guess we’re dating now..?\nHer: I don’t think that’s how it works lol 😅\nStudent: I should probably figure out if you’re crazy or trouble or something first right?\nHer: I’m not crazy or trouble, I’m nice 😊\nHer: But you know what I think 🤔\nStudent: In that case looks like we might get along after all \n",
"assistant": "What’s that?”. With his two messages he's pedestalize her by complimenting her twice. It’s okay to compliment a girl and it was good to say “you seem like",
"annotation": ". With his two messages he's pedestalize her by complimenting her twice. It’s okay to compliment a girl and it was good to say “you seem like"
"user": "Her: You damn right I am 😅😅but I think you cute\n",
"assistant": "Careful, compliments like that might get yo a romantic date 😉",
"annotation": " This way you get to seed the date without her having to commit to anything. After all, the purpose of being on a dating app is to meet up with the people you match with. This is important to keep in mind when texting."
"user": "Student: You look like a girl who loves coffee\nHer: Nope 👎\nHer: I…sir…dislike coffee very much\nHer: And who said you were handsome 😏\nHer: 😅😅\n",
"assistant": "a white girl who doesn’t like coffee? You’re full of surprises” or “A physics major who doesn’t like coffee? You do surprise mecute/ handsome. Tomato/ tomato 😉 How’s your weekend?",
"annotation": " or “A physics major who doesn’t like coffee? You do surprise me"
"user": "Student: Hey, Ronald Regan of Long Beach\nHer: Hey\n",
"assistant": "You seem like a gym rat",
"annotation": " as it is shorter and matches her energy and investment level more accurately. "
"user": "Her: Give me till next year\n",
"assistant": "no ice cream, no alcohol. Training for the olympics or something",
"annotation": " as it gets the same point across but in half the number of words."
"user": "Her: No lol I'm doing this for myself\nStudent: What are you doing Friday? This attempt at closing came much too soon and was too abrupt. Even if you meet in person and get the number, it is still best to have a small amount of banter over text before closing on the date.\nHer: I work Friday night at 8pm\nStudent: I can do Sunday evening but if you can't do it then I have next\nHer: My off days are Tuesday\nStudent: Yikes. I'm busy during the week.\nHer: Ok well if you want to get to know me you'll make time if not that's fine\nStudent: I get out of class early on Tuesday but I have to study for a little bit because I have exams coming up. I'm free after 8:00 PM.\nHer: Do you know that you are texting me from your email address\n",
"assistant": "Gotta make sure you’re not crazy or something before i give you my number 😉",
"annotation": " to inject so flirting into the conversation. "
"user": "Student: Someone’s adorable af\nHer: thank you ;)\nStudent: I’m curious about something\nHer: ?\nStudent: I’ll share but first I need to ask if you’re open minded\nHer: yes i am\nStudent: Do men realize that you’re quite submissive to the right kind of dominant man?\nHer: I think so\nStudent: Ever been with one?\nHer: No\n",
"assistant": "We should change that",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to begin seeding the idea of a future meet up. The implication is that the student is dominant and she should meet up with him."
"user": "Her: ;)\nHer: I’m a virgin by the way\n",
"assistant": "That doesn’t worry me. I know what I’m doing. You’re in good safe hands",
"annotation": " This message is effective in making the student come across as confident and experienced in the bedroom. The purpose of this is to make her feel more at ease with the concept of having sex with him. It is deliberately short and to the point. "
"user": "Her: Well you’re hella cute ain’t ya\n",
"assistant": "I bet you use that line on all the cute guys 😉",
"annotation": " This is a good line to use if the girl messages you first. It was in response to pretty much anything but it is most effective when she compliments you."
"user": "Her: Ye I do actually\n",
"assistant": "Smooth 😏” This message is a good follow up to most things girls will respond to the “I bet you use that line on all the cute guys 😉",
"annotation": " This message is a good follow up to most things girls will respond to the “I bet you use that line on all the cute guys 😉"
"user": "Student: How’s your new years day treating you?\n",
"assistant": "That good huh?” This is a good message to send if you ask a girl something, ask her how her day is or about an event she attended because it implies that she was having so much fun at the event that she forgot to text you, not that she ghosted or couldn't be bothered replying. Another good message to send here would be “looks like you forgot to press send lol” or “mic check..1..2",
"annotation": " This is a good message to send if you ask a girl something, ask her how her day is or about an event she attended because it implies that she was having so much fun at the event that she forgot to text you, not that she ghosted or couldn't be bothered replying. Another good message to send here would be “looks like you forgot to press send lol"
"user": "Her: Ye was good thanks sorry it’s been a busy start to the year\nHer: Did you celebrate well?\nStudent: Nw. I did, New Year’s Day was spent on the couch watching films with all me christmas chocolate lol\nHer: Sounds delightful and sounds like my day today tbh\nStudent: Sounds great\nStudent: So tell me what do you do for fun? \nHer: I run, play hockey, paint and crochet. Other than that I’m hella dull\n",
"assistant": "Hella dull? That's going to be your name in my contacts lol",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to tease a little but also to seed the idea of a future meet up by suggesting that she will give him her number without directly asking for it because the vibe is not right to do so yet. "
"user": "Her: It’s a good name don’t ya think? \nStudent: Suits you lol you run? I’ve been looking for a running partner\nHer: Ye a little, broke my wrist a few weeks ago and I know it was my wrist but I’ve not done a lot recently so trying to get back into it all.\n",
"assistant": "It’s good, I can ease you back into it",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to subtly seed the idea of a future meet up and get her used to the idea of spending time with him. It also implies you are good at taking the leadership role and are better than her at something she wants to be good at."
"user": "Her: Why how far do you normally go? You look super speedy\nStudent: I tend to do 20-30K a week, you?\nHer: Omg nowhere near that much\nHer: It has been a while tho, I’ll take new year new me very seriously this year\nStudent: Oh yeah, what are your resolutions this year?\nStudent: Also, you like wine btw?This is a good way to begin number closing the girl once the vibe in the conversation is good. \nHer: Well get fit obvs and errr not get black out drunk\nHer: What are yours\nHer: Yes I do, red is my fav tho\nStudent: I want to get back into writing. Used to write short stories but have let it slip this past year\nStudent: Good choice, we should split a bottle sometime soon\nHer: Oooo what about?!\nHer: Maybe we should 🥴\nStudent: All sorts, most recent on was about a homeless man I got chatting to at the train stop\n",
"assistant": "You don’t sound confident",
"annotation": ". Any time a girl gives a flaky answer or uses the word ‘maybe’ when you’re organizing plans, it is better to get a clear answer and find out if there is a reason she might flake on the date. Sometimes it means nothing, other times you uncover a problem that you must overcome to get her on the date."
"user": "Her: Nice fur lol\n",
"assistant": "Thank u, but can you promise me not to steal it when we hang out and you get cold?",
"annotation": " This message does well to seed the date in a playful way without requiring any commitment from the girl. It is a playful role play that allows her to imagine herself spending time with the student in person. "
"user": "Her: Absolutely not, ur dealing with a full kleptomaniac here\n",
"assistant": "We’ll see how persuasive you can be on our date ;)” or “depends how cute you are on our date, maybe I won’t be able to say no to you ;)",
"annotation": " or “depends how cute you are on our date, maybe I won’t be able to say no to you ;)"
"user": "Her: Ugh well if ur gonna let me steal it that takes all the fun away. I’ll just wear it when I’m cold and wanna feel fabulous \nStudent: Well just have to fight over it, u got hands?\nHer: Def not lol u would pin me down 🙃\nStudent: U sound like my type of girl ;) are u submissive? The idea of this message is to play with the sexual undertones of her last message and take it down a more sexual route. \nHer: Mm maybe a lil bit ;)\n",
"assistant": "Mm interesting, so can I propose something?",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to make her intrigued and think about potential dates with you."
"user": "Her: Let’s hear it \n",
"assistant": "We should chill and vibe out to some music sometime",
"annotation": " Here the student is proposing a very simple date idea. It is better to keep the first date as simple as possible. Keep it to drinks, coffee, hanging out at your place or a walk."
"user": "Her: Hellp Amor lol not you naming yourself that in my phone lol. Its (her name) your fellow Leo, unless you forgot haha have a goodnight and get to sleep safely!\nHer: Honestly we did vibe! Lol\nHer: How did the rest of your night go? \nStudent: I practiced my dance moves with friends I made earlier and drank water to sober up from helping you drink but still made it home in one piece.\nHer: Aww how fun! Did you like the drink? And glad you made it home safe!\n",
"assistant": "hey (her name) I couldn’t forget the cute, curvy teacher I vibed so well withThe drink was great, we should have another sometime where it’s not super loud lol",
"annotation": " just to make it more succinct and flow better. So far the vibe has been good and it has been established that she remembers him very well from the previous night and had a good time. Now it makes sense to move towards the close while the vibe is good and she is invested."
"user": "Her: I’d love that actually! And yeah, it was super loud in there. I could barely hear you lol\nStudent: When are you typically free?\nHer: I’m usually always free on weekends 🙂\nStudent: Let’s do Friday, say 6:30 pm?\nHer: I don't live in (location) so I won’t be able to do 6:30 lol\n",
"assistant": "No worries, what time works for you? Btw I know you live 3 hours away so we can meet in the middle",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to establish logistics to make it easier to set up the date."
"user": "Her: I’m soooo sorry. I forgot Friday is my mom’s birthday! Can you do any other day on the weekend?\nStudent: No worries, family first. No, I’m booked up for the rest of the weekend. Maybe we can set something up for next weekend.\nHer: Yes! I’m completely free next weekend 🙂\n",
"assistant": "Ok bet, but we should have a quick call sometime this week before we hang out, down with that?",
"annotation": " It can be helpful to set up a phone call with a girl before your date. Phone calls can be great for building comfort and connection with the girl. You can also vibe and flirt using your voice in ways that cannot be done over text. "
"user": "Student: So I guess we’re dating now?... Not sure how this works\nHer: Yes that’s how it is. Think you can meet my parents in November, and we’ll get engaged in December! \n",
"assistant": "That’s cool, but please don’t tell me we have to do the matching pajamas too",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to begin a fun role play in which they are already in a long term relationship. The purpose of this is to get her to imagine this scenario in her head, therefore, getting her used to the idea of spending time with him in real life, making a date more likely. It can also be good to set up fun role plays in your messaging because it sets you apart from the other boring questions and ‘get to know you’ talk that happens on most dating apps."
"user": "Student: It’s always the discrete ones that are the most fun ;)\nStudent: how’s it going?\nHer: Very well thank you ☺️\nHer: Are you fun? You’re not discrete 😉\nStudent: Only one way to find out 😏 This message works to seed the date without the girl having to directly commit to it yet. It is a good way to get the girl to imagine spending time with you in person. \nHer: Hm which way would that be? 😳\nStudent: an adventurous night of flirting and drinks to see how fun we make each other feel. And perhaps other exciting things if the vibe is right This is a great message to send when she asks what will happen on the date. In this case it is how she will find out if he is fun. It paints a picture of a classy date with sexual undertones, with a confident man.\nStudent: Don’t like the plan? This message is a good way to be persistent without being needy. It assumes that it isn’t him she doesn’t like, it was the plan she didn’t like. \nHer: That’s a great plan ☺️\nStudent: Great. What area are you in btw? I’m in (location).\nHer: (Location)\nHer: Is it dangerous there?\nStudent: Ah not too far. It’s very safe, there’s a lot of kids walking around.\nHer: Hmm idk\nHer: I was aggressed there once\nHer: Do you live alone or with roommates?\nStudent: Oh wow, I’m sorry that happened. I have roommates, It’s a really nice space\nHer: Oh that’s unfortunate\nStudent: Why unfortunate? It’s a very big space and I still have a lot of privacy.\nHer: I live alone and got used to privacy…\nHer: Idk frankly speaking I can’t imagine being private with roommates 😂 and I want to be private lol\nStudent: Haha I understand that. Once you see my place you’ll understand what I mean. It’s 7 floors, I don’t see my roommates often at all lol This is a good message to allay her fears about a lack of privacy. She needs to feel safer and more secure in the knowledge that they won’t be heard or interrupted during their date. \nHer: ok then\nHer: You can invite me on a date 😂\nStudent: Lol great. Do you like wine? This message is a great way to start a closing sequence. Most women enjoy wine and, once she says ‘yes’ it’s an easy transition from there to invite her to split a bottle together.\nHer: I do\nHer: I like all good things \nStudent: Great then you’ll like me a lot 😉 This message is a good amount of cocky humor, implying that he is good and that she’ll like him since she mentions in her previous message that she likes good things.\nStudent: I’d like to take you to my favorite wine bar. We can have a drink there, flirt, and see where the night takes us. This continues the message from earlier as it maintains the idea of a classy date with sexual undertones, with a confident man.\nHer: Wait just to make sure\nHer: lol sorry I’m not coherent\nHer: What’s your favorite wine bar?\nStudent: It’s called (venue)\nHer: Ok I’d like to go there\nHer: Hey what do you do?\nStudent: Like for work? I’m an engineering lead at a tech company. Wbu?\nHer: I’m an analyst\nHer: Ok lol I’m sorry I got dramatized by your neighborhood 😂\n",
"assistant": "No worries, you can make it up to me on our date 😉",
"annotation": "."
"user": "They matched on Hinge. He commented on her photo. She mentioned in her profile that she is British. ",
"assistant": "Is the British accent fact or cap?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Student: Hey trouble\nHer: Hey handsome\n",
"assistant": "Careful, cute compliments like that might just land you a date ;)",
"annotation": " This message works to seed the date and set intention early in the conversation. It also sets the frame that she is chasing him as she is the one giving compliments."
"user": "Her: I’m just stating the obvious haha\n",
"assistant": "& you obviously have a few of my weaknesses",
"annotation": " This message baits the girl into asking more and continuing the conversation. "
"user": "Her: Oh yeah 😏 and what would those be?\n",
"assistant": "Cute & curvy, with a bit of a wild side. A sexy feminine energy which tells me there’s a fun submissive side to you for the right man 😉",
"annotation": " This message is complimentary towards the girl. It is vague so it could apply to anyone. When you send a vague message like this, you reduce the risk of her responding negatively to the message. It also implies that he is the right man to bring out her submissive side. "
"user": "Her: Lol guess we’ll have to find out \n",
"assistant": "Mhm, I even have a plan",
"annotation": " This message baits the girl into asking more and continuing the conversation. "
"user": "Her: Do tell\nStudent: Say please 😏This message requires the girl to give consent. It also has sexual undertones and is effective because of the sexual vibe set up in the previous messages. \nHer: Plzzz\n",
"assistant": "Me & you splitting a bottle of wine. Talk about our passions while making deep eye contact.. If things get spicy I bend you over, grab a fistful of your hair, &...",
"annotation": " This message is effective as it shows that he is confident when on a date. It could also be taken to mean he is looking for a ONS but also implies he is looking for a connection with her. "
"user": "Her: Sounds very intriguing\n",
"assistant": "Oh yea? Are you a wine drinker ;)",
"annotation": " This message begins the closing sequence"
"user": "Her: I’m not much of a drinker lol I rather smoke but if I do drink just don’t mind my funny faces lmao\n",
"assistant": "I smoke once in a blue moon but I’m down. We should smoke sometime soon",
"annotation": " It is important that he says ‘sometime soon’ in this message as it could be inferred as meeting anytime from right now, later that day or next week. "
"user": "Her: Hell yea, we should plan something out 😏\nHer: Where do you live? Lol\nStudent: (location) You?\nHer: I’m in (location)\nStudent: Not too far. What evenings are you free coming up this week, cutie\nHer: Technically I got all evenings free haha I work early mornings and most days I’m out by 230pm\nHer: I do be going to be around 9 tho\nStudent: Let’s do Monday evening, say 7 pm. Sound good?\nHer: that might be a little too late for me since I need to be up by 3am Tuesday. Can we meet a bit earlier?\nStudent: Hm. Well what’s a night where you don’t have work early the following morning ;)\nHer: Friday and Saturdays haha\nStudent: Perfect. Friday evening, say 7 pm then. Deal? \nHer: Alright yes, that sounds good \nStudent: Great & is your place an option\nHer: Definitely not lmao. I just moved back to my parents house\nHer: And yours? \nStudent: It is, we just can’t smoke :/ maybe in my car 😏\nHer: That’s fine by me 😜\n",
"assistant": "👌 Shoot me your number",
"annotation": " This message is important as the risk of flaking is reduced if she gives her phone number."
"user": "Her: What’s up, buttercup? 💕\nStudent: Sup sexy starburst, how’s your Friday?\nHer: Omg you’re cuuute. Starburst, I like this \nHer: What’s good for your weekend?\n",
"assistant": "Gym, planning, reading, meal prepping, hang out with friends. Just missing a little bit of (her name) 😉",
"annotation": " This message provides a lot of subtle DHV’s: that he works out/ exercises, has hobbies, is educated, can cook and is social."
"user": "Her: What are ya reading these days?\nHer: 🤭 💕 okiii casanova\nStudent: Been reading Becoming Supernatural, about to starts The Alchemist\nStudent: Are you from here originally?\nHer: Ooooooo love both\nHer: Yeahhh.. Hbu\nHer: Do you have audible? The narrators voice on alchemist is beautiful\nStudent: I bet\n",
"assistant": "Originally from the Philippines, moved to TX when I was 7-8, now I’m here for our romance",
"annotation": " This is a good message to send if you have moved recently. Suggesting that you moved so you could pursue her is a playful way to express interest in her."
"user": "Her: How dreammmmy\nHer: Can you speak any other languages?\nStudent: Tagalog. Learning Spanish rn. You?\nHer: Fun! Gujarati, a smattering of Spanish and learning Italian\n",
"assistant": "You’ll be whispering Gujarati on our date, I hope 😏",
"annotation": " This message works if the girl can speak different languages or has a different accent. It also seeds the date. "
"user": "Her: Only if you speak tagalog as we pretend to understand each other & confuse people watchers lmfao\nStudent: I like what I’m hearing. Sounds like we’re in for a good time\nHer: 💜 💕\nStudent: ;) so what are you looking for on here, cutie\nHer: Fun dates, whiskey lounges, tater tots. You?\n",
"assistant": "Adventurous I see. I’m just looking to meet a cool girl I have chemistry with. Great/ kinky sex & cuddles are a bonus. Open to more with the right girl. I’ve found things go better organically that way.",
"annotation": " This message does a lot of different things. It implies that he can be picky with the women he dates. It opens a sexual dialogue. This message hints at the idea that he is looking for more than a ONS if she is the right kind of girl, implying that she must qualify herself if she is to meet his standards. "
"user": "Student: What about funny and not broke guys?\nHer: Hmm… not my type \nHer: But I might give it a shot\n",
"assistant": "Don’t worry I’m gonna change that for you! I just hope you have a few qualities I like too",
"annotation": " This message is designed to get her to qualify herself in some way. "
"user": "Her: Okay great, I’m ready to be convinced. I think I do have some likable qualities\nHer: And if not, I’ll just convince you also\nStudent: Good, I like the confidence. Do you like wine?\nHer: Yes, how did you know??\nStudent: Because you seem like my type of girl of course ;) We should split a bottle of wine on my romantic patio sometime soon\nHer: Ha, nice try\nHer: Wine sounds good but we need to work on that location\n",
"assistant": "Lol! I’m just not a fan of the bars in Williamsburg. I have a few wine bare I’d love to take you to though if you’re feeling adventurous",
"annotation": " Being adventurous is something most girls will see themselves as or will want to be and so, if you ask a girl if she is feeling adventurous, she is likely to agree with you. "
"user": "Student: Ever been to we got company? (Link to google maps)\nHer: I haven’t but very willing to try\nStudent: Awesome, let’s go there. Free Wednesday at 7? Usually it is better to offer two days to meet up as she is less likely to respond negatively. Alternatively, you can ask her when she is free. \nHer: Yes, you’re in luck. Wednesday at 7 works \nStudent: Lol guess I’ll go get a powerball ticket then 😉 Looking forward to it cutie. Drop me your number and I’ll send you a text. \nHer: (Phone number) \nStudent: Hey, it’s Malik from Hinge\nHer: So glad you clarified which Malik\nHer: There are thousands of new Maliks texting me daily, it’s insane\nStudent: Damn that sounds amazing for you\nStudent: Luckily the best one is finally here to save the day. You normally a night owl?\nHer: Yes, though I’m still a little jet lagged from Germany\nStudent: I see so what’s the story? Are you visiting or did you recently move here from Germany This message goes into the ‘get to know you’ stage and provides the girl with comfort and connection. \nHer: I recently moved back here from Germany. I have already lived in New York for two years before that, but as an au pair\nStudent: Ah just in time for our romance, lovely. Are you still working as an au pair or have you found a new gig this time around? This message keeps the tone of the conversation light hearted and fun by implying that she moved there to pursue him romantically. \nHer: Sorry, I was a little distracted today\nHer: I’m not working as an au pair anymore, I’m here on a student visa\nStudent: That’s cool, looking forward to hearing more about that. Still good for tonight?\nHer: Yes, still good. 7 still good?\nStudent:Yep 7 works perfect! Hope you survive all the Maliks texting you til then 😉\nHer: I muted them for today. It’s a special day\nStudent: Absolutely \nStudent: Running a bit late, will be there close to 7:10\nHer: Okay. Hopefully nobody is going to propose to me by then. I might be taken\nStudent: Prepared to tackle someone at the altar\nHer: That’s hot\n",
"assistant": "Hey, I had fun last night",
"annotation": ". It is a good idea to use some kind of callback humor that relates to the date. "
"user": "Student: You seem like the perfect mix of cute & trouble \nHer: Called it 😂\nStudent: Cool. I’d know just how to handle you 😏 This kind of message with a sexual undertone can work well on some girls. It can be a good way to screen early on if the girl is DTF. However, this girl ghosts for a couple of days so he has to reopen her. \n",
"assistant": "Oh no, made (her name) shy.",
"annotation": " This is one way, in this context, that works as a way to reopen. "
"user": "Her: More like threw me off\n",
"assistant": "I’m sure you appreciate a bit of forwardness",
"annotation": " This message works because it is true, most girls do appreciate a man who is forward."
"user": "Her: I do respect it yes\nStudent: Glad to hear\nStudent: Are you from here originally\nHer: Yes I am\nHer: Are you native to here too?\nStudent: I’m from Italy originally :) moved when I was young\nHer: Wow that’s cool ☺️\n",
"assistant": "Lost the sexy accent unfortunately lol",
"annotation": " This message is a great way to keep the ‘get to know you’ part of the conversation fun and flirty. "
"user": "Her: 😂\nStudent: So what are you looking for on here\nHer: For friends\n",
"assistant": "You + me = more than friends 😏",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to keep the conversation fun and also to pass her test as no one is on Tinder to meet friends."
"user": "Her: Hello! How are you?\nStudent: Hey cutie ;) doing amazing just got out of the gym, hbu?\nHer: I’m good thank you ☺️ how was the gym\n",
"assistant": "Glad to hear. It was great, not too packed. Looking nice and fit for our date” The aim of this message is to seed the date. After telling a girl you have done any from of exercise, you can seed the date by saying “Looking nice and fit for our date",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to seed the date. After telling a girl you have done any from of exercise, you can seed the date by saying “Looking nice and fit for our date"
"user": "Her: I see you’re good at giving massages 💆‍♀️\nStudent: I am! How do you feel about massages?\nHer: I love massages 😍\nStudent: That’s good! Well perhaps I can give you one, but only on one condition. The aim of this message is to draw the girl in and get her curious about you. \nHer: What’s the condition?\nHer: That I lay in the splits whilst you do?\nStudent: Perhaps! As long as you can handle the side effects ;) This message has a sexual undertone and gives the girl the opportunity to interpret that as a sexual innuendo or be coy. \nHer: Oh I think I can 🤣\n",
"assistant": "feeling spontaneous?",
"annotation": " is a great way to get a girl to meet, especially if you want to meet her that day. Most girls like to think they are spontaneous so they will usually respond positively. "
"user": "Her: Hey 👋 what’s up?\nStudent: Hey Lucie. Just came back from a run with my dog. Tired him out and he’s passed out on the couch lol and you? \nHer: A tired pup is the best pup\nHer: Mine is passed out next to me too\nStudent: Are you stealing some cuddles from him/her while asleep\nHer: Of course!\nHer: One of the best parts of having a dog \nStudent: Good. Then I can trust your cuddling abilities. I’m a sucker for a good cuddle\nHer: For sure\nHer: But I have to tell you… I’m a little spoon hog. I never like taking my fair turn being the big spoon\nHer: Should probably know that op front…\nStudent: With your height, I wouldn’t give you any other role to play.\n",
"assistant": "When you’re the small spoon, I’d wrap my arm around your waist and get you close to me while your booty warms me up when I hold you tight. Play with your hair and pull it to the side to kiss on the back of your neck",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to create and encourage the girl to imagine a scenario in which she is enjoying spending time with you."
"user": "Her: Sounds like you definitely know how to cuddle\nHer: I like that\n",
"assistant": "Pro cuddler for a reason ;) I’ll be sure to include that to our romantic date’s agenda as well.",
"annotation": " This message keeps the conversation light hearted and fun while also seeding the date."
"user": "Student: I like your style 👌\nHer: Thank you ☺️ I like youre too 😉\nHer: How’s your Sunday going?\n",
"assistant": "Fuckin amazing!! Just got back from the gym after a killer workout. Looking sharp for our date. You?” The aim of this message is to seed the date. After telling a girl you have done any form of exercise, you can seed the date by saying “Looking nice and fit for our date” or “looking sharp for our date",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to seed the date. After telling a girl you have done any form of exercise, you can seed the date by saying “Looking nice and fit for our date"
"user": "Her: Great 👏 🥰 I’m home, I started packing my things to move 🙌\nHer: I decided to live alone, I can’t deal with roommates anymore\nHer: I’m not lucky 🍀 haha 😆\n",
"assistant": "Haha we should celebrate your freedom sometime soon then ;)",
"annotation": " This message seeds the date by using her moving as a reason to get together and celebrate. "
"user": "Student: Privet Tatyana\nHer: Privet! Ti govorish po Rysski?\nStudent: No haha I dated a Russian last year. I could only learn and remember that word\nHer: Hahahaha\nStudent: How is your wednesday going\nHer: Working! You?\n",
"assistant": "Looking nice and fit for our date” or “looking sharp for our date",
"annotation": " or “looking sharp for our date"
"user": "Her: Hahahahaha I am on my way to the gym!! 😂 😂 😂 😂 gonna make sure I am ready too 💪💪💪💪\n",
"assistant": "Look at us. Preparing for our romantic date we haven’t even organized yet",
"annotation": " This message introduces the ‘we’ frame implying they are doing something together or have something in common. This is an effective flirting technique as it creates a sense of closeness which provides comfort to the girl."
"user": "Her: Now I need to get my manicure, pedicure, hair done ✔️ Shave lol get something sexy to wear god dammit so much shit to do lol 😂\n",
"assistant": "Don’t worry. I’ll look sexy af and irresistible too. And I’ll be sure to pack extra charm in my pockets.",
"annotation": " This message keeps the interaction light hearted and fun."
"user": "Her: Hahahahahaha Deal\nStudent: Ever been to (venue)?\nHer: Yes 🙌 love it\nStudent: That’s where we’ll have our romantic date then. Shoot me your number \nHer: Hahahahah lol\n",
"assistant": "Interesting phone number",
"annotation": " This message works well when you ask for the number and she refuses but in a playful way."
"user": "Her: Do you have Instagram? Mine is (girl’s instagram)\n",
"assistant": "I deleted my instagram last month to focus on my business. Too much distraction. We can do phone number",
"annotation": " The number is better to get than the instagram because it requires more compliance from the girl. This is because there will usually be a lot of guys in a girl’s dm’s on instagram but not many will have her phone number so you will stand out. "
"user": "Her: Hi\n",
"assistant": "I’m not the best at math but you could replace my X and I won’t ask Y",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 😂 Omg how well does that work on women 😝\n",
"assistant": "Lmao well I’ve never tried it, so I guess we’ll find out together 🫢",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to keep the conversation fun and light hearted in the early stages of the interaction."
"user": "Her: Well it definitely got me laughing 😂\n",
"assistant": "Aha ok off to a good start 😅You’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to check her intentions and what she wants out of the interaction."
"user": "Her: Thanks 🙂\nHer: Nothing too serious I’m just here for a good time. This message can be interpreted as her looking for and one night stand (ONS).\nHer: What about you?\nHer: You’re easy on the eyes too\n",
"assistant": "Aha thanks girl 😘And me too, trying to have some fun and going with the flow",
"annotation": " This message matches her energy. It doesn’t scare her off by saying he’s looking for something serious but it is also not explicitly looking for a ONS. It is deliberately vague."
"user": "Her: Awesome :)\nHer: So tell me about yourself\nHer: Sounds like an interview question but you get the point 🤪\n",
"assistant": "Lmfoa is this LinkedIn?? 😏",
"annotation": " This message teases her boring ‘interview style’ question."
"user": "Her: Aren’t you linking in an app so technically? 😉\n",
"assistant": "Shoot me your number, if we vibe maybe we can get together sometime this week ♥️",
"annotation": " This message conveys that he has options and can be picky when it comes to choosing women by saying ‘if we vibe’."
"user": "Her: Haha sure (phone number)\nHer: Hi Hunter what’s up?\n",
"assistant": "Hey you 👋Just getting back from a nice walk hbu? (How about you?)",
"annotation": " When you get the phone number, it is usually better to go back into vibing instead of going straight for the date. "
"user": "Her: Nice! Just got off a work meeting\nHer: The day looks super nice\n",
"assistant": "Aha it’s soo nice out. You working from home?",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: I’m an MBA student so I’m interning from home for now\nHer: What about you - what do you do? \n",
"assistant": "Oh that sounds so chill good for you!I’m in digital marketing aha but enough about work. What do you do for fun 😂",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to break away from the boring small talk and keep it fun and playful."
"user": "Her: Yeah it’s good - keeps me busy which is nice\nHer: Haha ok fair enough\nHer: I’m an adrenaline junkie generally - roller coasters, skydiving etc. but on a regular day I like hiking, doing dinner and drinks with friends, love concerts\nHer: Honestly I’m down for pretty much anything\nHer: Travel was a big one pre-pandemic - you?\n",
"assistant": "Yeah I love exploring and seeing new places, getting rowdy with friends and playing music. But also enjoy taking it easy aha I have a cuddly side to me 💁‍♂️",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I don’t know whether to be insulted about the bookworm comment or not 😂\nHer: haha me too! I will happily spend a day in bed on the weekend\n",
"assistant": "Hope you can handle being teased a bit 💁‍♂️I mean sounds like it could be a good time with the right company 😈",
"annotation": " This message injects a flirty vibe to the interaction. "
"user": "Her: It’s always a good time with the right company 😏\n",
"assistant": "Aha as long as you’re a good cuddler",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m the greatest cuddler\nHer: Haha any time essentially - you?\n",
"assistant": "when are you available? 😘Love the confidenceOh so like right now??",
"annotation": " This message teases her."
"user": "Her: Haha ok any time in the evening\nHer: I have a medical blog to write for today but I’m free post 7\n",
"assistant": "Ou wanna stream the hockey game and chill?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m down\nHer: Come to mine. I don’t know how long the blog will take me to write so it gives me a little bit of extra time this way\n",
"assistant": "Sure, I can just come for like 8 👍 what’s your address?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (Address)\nHer: You’ll have to call me when you get here so I can let you up\n",
"assistant": "Sounds good! 😘",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: See you tonight 😊\n",
"assistant": "Here!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: coming down\nHer: Last night was fun but I’m sore as a mofo right now 😂\n",
"assistant": "Aha had such a good time thanks for having me 😘",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They match on Tinder. The student messages her first. In her third photo, she is in a bikini riding an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). There are a lot of shit tests in this interaction but the key to passing shit tests is to reverse it on her/ flip the frame and stay strong and confident.",
"assistant": "We should recreate your third photo. I’ll be the ATV",
"annotation": " Observational openers like this, which comment on one of the girl’s photos are the most effective when it comes to response rate."
"user": "Her: If I had a dollar of every sexual ATV line I received on this app\nHer: (gif of someone throwing money)\n",
"assistant": "Lmoa (laughing my ass off) Honestly it was just too easyBe cool if you did though. I’ve always wanted a sugar momma 😂",
"annotation": " This message keeps the conversation fun and playful."
"user": "Her: I’m more of a sugar baby\n",
"assistant": "All of your vacation photos lead me to believe you’re not joking",
"annotation": " This message keeps it playful, flirty and teases/ pokes fun at the girl. "
"user": "Her: Hey. I have a masters degree and a full time job. Vacations were all me. Any sugaring ventures (if there were any, not saying there are) would be purely for other naughty reasons.\n",
"assistant": "I’m glad you don’t need me to pay your rent 😅 But if you’re thinking a naughty week in mexico I think we’d have some fun ;)",
"annotation": " This flips the frame back on the girl by keeping it fun and flirty. "
"user": "Her: You may not have been the first to offer me a week in Mexico 😇\n",
"assistant": "Um noo I’m offering to let you bring me",
"annotation": " This message shuts down any notion that he is offering to take her to Mexico and reestablishes the flirtatious vibe."
"user": "Her: Damnit\nHer: Not used to being on the other side of the transaction\nHer: Was not expecting that\n",
"assistant": "What can I say (her name) I’m not like other guysYou’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": " Now that he has passed her tests, he wants to draw her in and get her intentions"
"user": "Her: Looking to meet new people and just see where things go!\nHer: Nothing serious necessarily but I wouldn’t shy away from a real connection\nHer: You? \n",
"assistant": "Ohh so like fwb (friends with benefits) 😅",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (Gif of a girl rolling her eyes)\n",
"assistant": "Aha I’m looking for someone chill and fun, nothing super serious either but going with the flow. Just a good vibe 🙂I’m into kinky girls though and lowkey you look so innocent",
"annotation": " This message is designed to get a response from her, forcing her to prove that she is naughty/ kinky enough to go on a date with him."
"user": "Her: LOL no. You’re wild if you think you can judge someone’s kinkiness by the way they look.\n",
"assistant": "Lol prove me wrong (her name) 😈What’s your snap?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: If you had experience dealing with kinky girls you’d know my snap comes at a price\n",
"assistant": "I’m here to fill something girl and it’s not your pockets or your ego. Send it over",
"annotation": " This message conveys confidence and self assuredness."
"user": "Her: Hahaha\nHer: It won’t work then, I thrive off of emptying wallets and certain body parts\nHer: All while my ego and vanity are being stroked\nHer: Sorry dude\n",
"assistant": "Lmao thank god I’m not desperate enough to pay 😂",
"annotation": " This message conveys that he is not like all the other guys simping in her dm’s and that he is on her level"
"user": "Her: Fair. But are you thirsty enough to satisfy my ego?\n",
"assistant": "Nah but my gut tells me you don’t want a bitch boy anyway",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: Guilty\n",
"assistant": "Snap",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Hinge. He messaged her first.",
"assistant": "You better be a good little spoon",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Demands this early on haha can’t guarantee the ‘good’ part\n",
"assistant": "Your confidence is a solid 2/10But I love the honesty",
"annotation": " This message is supposed to tease the girl. "
"user": "Her: Who said that had to mean worse? Haha\n",
"assistant": "Okok I see you Shirley 👀You’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to understand her intentions for being on the dating app."
"user": "Her: Not sure maybe my soulmate, maybe my next story for the girls night haha\nHer: How about you?\n",
"assistant": "Lmfao (laughing my fucking ass off)Good sex and if I fall in love that’s chill too",
"annotation": " This is a very bold message that communicates his intentions for being on the app. It is fun and playful while also getting across his message."
"user": "Her: Isn’t that a goal in life? Haha\n",
"assistant": "One can always dreamHaha shoot me your number if you’re down to split a bottle of wine sometime",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Bumble so the girl must message first. This joins the conversation part way through the interaction.",
"assistant": "Come have a drink and let’s see if we vibe",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: How about tm (tomorrow)?\n",
"assistant": "I have plans tomo (tomorrow)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Lol okay where do you live\n",
"assistant": "(his address)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Are you a murderer lol\nHer: I have to ask\n",
"assistant": "Yeah obviously 😂” This is a good way to respond to the ‘are you a murderer/ serial killer?’ questions. The sarcastic response communicates that he isn’t a murderer and that the question is ridiculous. Another good response to this question is “Don’t worry, no more murder was my new years resolution",
"annotation": " This is a good way to respond to the ‘are you a murderer/ serial killer?’ questions. The sarcastic response communicates that he isn’t a murderer and that the question is ridiculous. Another good response to this question is “Don’t worry, no more murder was my new years resolution"
"user": "",
"assistant": "I feel like making a lawyer your wifey is such a bad ideaBut damn you have me tempted",
"annotation": " Observational openers like this are usually the most effective way to get a response from the girl."
"user": "Her: Hahaha well, I’m not practicing here in Canada, cause I can’t, so technically I’m not a lawyer anymore\nHer: So that’s not a problem I guess\n",
"assistant": "Did you get banned or somethingI have a thing for girls who break the rules",
"annotation": " This message adds a very light flirtatious element to the interaction. "
"user": "Her: Haha no 😂 it’s because laws are completely different in Brazil and here\nHer: And I’m sorry to disappoint but I’m not one of those\n",
"assistant": "I can’t imagine leaving Brazil for snowy Canada 😂But ur (you’re) cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": " This message asks for her intentions for being on the dating app. "
"user": "Her: Hahaha well, it wasn’t easy but the economy and marketplace are better here\nHer: I’m not looking for anything specific, just meeting people and seeing how it goes\n",
"assistant": "Yeah I feel thatI’m looking to meet new people and have fun, just going with the flowShoot me your number and maybe we can have wine sometime",
"annotation": " This message communicates what he is looking for on the dating app. This is a very tame way to communicate this message."
"user": "They matched on a dating app. This conversation takes place after he got her phone number.",
"assistant": "Hey cutie",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hi 🙂 Hunter?\nHer: Just working 🙃 How are you?\n",
"assistant": "Aha yeah it’s meHow’s it going 🙂Wow absolutely love that for you NatCurrently trying to get a tan on my balcony so I’m not as pale as a ghost 😂",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That sounds nice\nHer: I’m working from home today so haven’t stepped foot outside yet\n",
"assistant": "Are you one of those people who wears a suit on the top half and boxers on the bottom",
"annotation": " This message keeps the conversation light, fun and engaging."
"user": "Her: I pretty much just stay in my bathrobe all day\nHer: and go to meetings like that\nHer: Unashamed haha\n",
"assistant": "Haha damn that’s hot(Sent photo of the view from his balcony)I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of this view",
"annotation": " Sending photos to girls can be very useful in an interaction. It can build comfort, create connection, make you seem more real than words on a screen. It can also be used to communicate your personality and/ or values. This example shows the girl something he has. From that photo she can infer that he has money if he is living in an apartment like that. "
"user": "Her: wow yeah your really scored with that place\nHer: Wish I had a balcony too\n",
"assistant": "Haha yeah it’s such a vibeWere you thinking of coming right after work ora bit later",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: What time works for you? I’m good for any time after 5:30\n",
"assistant": "Do you hate hockey with a burning passion?",
"annotation": " Playful exaggeration can be a great way to communicate in a more fun/ flirty way. It is more engaging than platonic conversation. "
"user": "Her: No I don’t hate it haha\nHer: I just don’t keep up with it\n",
"assistant": "Hahaha okMy team is playing for the Stanley cup tonight, so I will probably stream the game. Want to come for like 8 and we can watch it together & have a drink?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "",
"assistant": "Ketchup on eggs is eliteI’m willing to die on that hill",
"annotation": " Observational openers like this, which comment on one of the girl’s photos are the most effective when it comes to response rate."
"user": "Her: Oh no!!! Not you too haha\nHer: Not sure we can be friends 😂 😂\n",
"assistant": "It’s okay, I don’t kiss my friends (her name) 😉",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to introduce a flirtatious vive into the interaction early on. "
"user": "Her: LOL so confident that you’re going to get a kiss already?? 🙃\n",
"assistant": "Ahaha only if I like youSo bring your a-game 👀",
"annotation": " These messages steal the frame and make it appear that he is the prize and the girl is chasing him."
"user": "Her: Haha I was going to say the same thing \nHer: This will be interesting 😜\n",
"assistant": "Lmfao you’re cute, What are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Lol straight to it eh\nHer: Uhm honestly I’m not putting pressure on anything right now and kinda just going with the flow\nHer: If it just so happens to turn into something more then great, and if not then at least I had fun 🤷🏻‍♀️\nHer: hbu??\n",
"assistant": "Haha yeah I’m in the same boatKeeping things fun and going with the flow",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Cool glad we’re on the same page and didn’t scare you away haha\n",
"assistant": "Looks like we’re not far tooYou should come over for a quick vibe check 💁‍♂️",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You probably do have more tatts than me but how bout you show me? 😉\n",
"assistant": "Haha do you even have one?",
"annotation": " This teases her about being innocent."
"user": "Her: No but you could probably talk me into it\n",
"assistant": "Shame, I was looking forward to exploring your body looking for them 💁‍♂️",
"annotation": " This message introduces a sexual frame without being too explicit."
"user": "Her: Doesn’t mean u can’t. Maybe u’ll find something u like\n",
"assistant": "I love the confidenceWhat are you looking for on here (her name)?",
"annotation": " This message is to establish if she is looking for something serious or casual on the dating app. "
"user": "Her: I’m not sure tbh (to be honest). I think ideally a relationship but it depends on the person I guess. You?\n",
"assistant": "I’m going to Asia in a few weeksAre you dead set on a relationship, or are you down to hang out this week?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They have had their first date. It went well. The student is trying to get a second date with the girl. You don’t need to constantly be texting back and forth. Keep it simple and organize logistics. ",
"assistant": "Come cuddle",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I wish\nHer: I’m busy tonight\nHer: You free tomorrow?\n",
"assistant": "Wow how dare youBut we could probably make that work",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh yea?\nHer: Tomorrow night then?\n",
"assistant": "Yeahh baby",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They match on Hinge. He messages her first. Standard pick up line.",
"assistant": "I can’t tell if you’re innocent or an absolute baddie",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 😂\nHer: I already heard that phrase her\nHer: I think you have to improve your lines\n",
"assistant": "Lmfoa nooo it was my favorite one 😅 💀Ok you send me your bets line then",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahaha\n",
"assistant": "You can’t tell me to improve my lines then follow up with this ^",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I heard that you have two tongues in your mouth is it true?\n",
"assistant": "Lmfao no why?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: So you want to have? 😏\nHer: I don’t know if you kiss with tongue but I’m Brazilian I’m sorry 🤣\nHer: Some people don’t like\n",
"assistant": "I mean your mouth isn’t the only place I’m trying to put my tongue 😌",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Wow\nHer: HAHAHAHA\nHer: that one was good\nHer: You got me\nHer: Do you have instagram? \n",
"assistant": "Aha you’re cute, shoot me your number if you’re down to chill sometime",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Howdy\n",
"assistant": "I can’t tell if you’re innocent or and absolute baddie",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Lol how often have you used that on?\n",
"assistant": "More than you could possibly imagine",
"annotation": " This is a good way in which to respond when a girl asks how many times you use a certain line. Agreeing/ exaggerating in your response can deflect from the fact that you have used it many times. "
"user": "Her: What are the stats on its success?\n",
"assistant": "Do you want me to send my excel spreadsheet over?",
"annotation": " This exaggeration keeps the interaction playful."
"user": "Her: That would probably be the most efficient way\n",
"assistant": "Hmm I don’t think Bumble supports csv filesMight need your number instead",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Lol smooth\n",
"assistant": "😈",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They match on Tinder and the aim is to set up a threesome. ",
"assistant": "Colgate or crest?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Colgate? I suppose\n",
"assistant": "hmmm true but I’d rather give you oral b",
"annotation": " This play on words introduces a sexual component to the interaction early on."
"user": "Her: Ohhhhh lawd hahahah\nHer: I like that one it’s funny\n",
"assistant": "Aha so glad you have a sense of humorYou’re hot, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": " This message qualifies the girl which is okay to do from time to time. This message gets her intentions. "
"user": "Her: Nothing serious! Just someone to waste a little time with I suppose, I just got out of a long long relationship so I’ve never even seen or expected to use tinder hahahaha but decided I’d give it a shot 🤷🏻‍♀️\n",
"assistant": "Sounds like you’re ready for a hot girl summer eh 😉",
"annotation": " This message keeps it light and fun while adding a flirtatious vibe to the interaction. "
"user": "Her: Absolutely!\nHer: As my bio states I’m a certified milf, so I guess more of a hot mom summer 😉\n",
"assistant": "Damn I love your energy",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Why thank you 😉\n",
"assistant": "Okk so don’t be weirded out, but me and my girlfriend are looking for someone chill and open minded to just grab drinks, no expectations and just see where things go. Would you be totally opposed?",
"annotation": " The phrase ‘would you be totally opposed?’ makes the girl reassess her view. If you ask her if she would like to do something she can say no very easily but to be totally opposed to something is a very different question and requires a more definitive stance. This is why it is effective because there are some thing women may not like to do but are not totally opposed to doing."
"user": "Her: Hmmmm it’s something I could be interested in\n",
"assistant": "Aha yeah I feel like we’d have a pretty fun time, wanna shoot me your number and we can go from there?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. She mentioned that she didn’t like chocolate timbits in her bio so that is what he used to open her with.",
"assistant": "What did chocolate timbits ever do to you 😤",
"annotation": " Observational openers like this are usually the most effective way to get a response from the girl."
"user": "Her: It’s all about the sour cream glazed life 🙏\n",
"assistant": "Not gonna lie so many dirty lines came to mind when you said sour cream glazed and it took every ounce of strength for me to keep this family friendly",
"annotation": " This message allows the girl to open the interaction up to a more sexual and intimate thread of conversation. The student hasn’t told her any of the things that came up in his mind but she can either imagine what he said or give consent to talk about a more sexual topic."
"user": "Her: I mean missed opportunity I was kind of setting you up there sooo\nHer: Give me your best line\n",
"assistant": "Glad you like it glazed cause I’m tyranny fill you like a Boston cream",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I love that. Not gonna lie was expecting something a little spicier but I’ll take it\n",
"assistant": "Honestly you look super innocent but I’m kind of glad you’re not",
"annotation": " This assumption based on her previous message continues the sexual and flirtatious vibe. "
"user": "Her: Can’t give it all away with the pictures ya know\nHer: Gotta keep some of it a mystery 🥰\n",
"assistant": "Lmoa love it, what are you looking for on her (her name)?",
"annotation": " This message finds out her intentions for being on the dating app."
"user": "Her: Just going with the flow, no expectations just vibes you know. Hbu?\n",
"assistant": "I feel ya! Nothing super serious honestly someone down to chill and have good sex once in a while would be pretty nice",
"annotation": " When girls are vague with their answer about what they’re looking for on a dating app or when they say things like ‘going with the flow’ or ‘no expectations’ it usually means they just want to hook up. That is why making his answer more sexual works in this scenario."
"user": "Her: What are you doing this weekend?\n",
"assistant": "Ideally you 👀What’s your number lmao",
"annotation": " From the context of the previous messages, we know that this girl is okay with a sexual frame. That is why this message works and she doesn’t ghost. "
"user": "Her: that’s crazy i was thinking the same thing!\n",
"assistant": "I would so make out with youAs long as you can help me fix my daddy issues ofc",
"annotation": " This message sets up a playful roleplay in the conversation which can be very useful when messaging as it can make conversation more fun, playful and engaging. "
"user": "Her: Deal! After all i went into psych to fix my mommy issues without having to pay for therapy 😌\n",
"assistant": "Is it bad that I think some therapist role play would be hot af?",
"annotation": " This message opens up a sexual frame. "
"user": "Her: Not at all, you’re just giving me practice for my future clients…in a way!\n",
"assistant": "You’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": " This message finds out her intentions for being on the dating app."
"user": "Her: Thank you i was thinking the same about you 🙃\nHer: nothing too serious tbh, wbu?\n",
"assistant": "Honestly same just looking for a fwb (friends with benefits) to have some casual fun this summer",
"annotation": " In this message, he matches her energy in his reply to the same question. He can infer from her answer that she is looking for a hook up and he says he wants something similar in a fwb type situation. "
"user": "Her: same same\nHer: Having yourself a hot girl summer? 🙃\n",
"assistant": "Aha sure let’s call it that 😅You have a phone number?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "",
"assistant": "I would so make out with you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: So does this make me the prey to your hunter?\n",
"assistant": "Would you be into that?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: as long as we can take this hunting trip down to texas\n",
"assistant": "Oh I’m intrigued",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That’s where I want to settle down 😭\nHer: so you’re either in or i have to find me a new hunter\n",
"assistant": "Lmao kind of a dream to have a lil ranch but also not looking to settle down rn so I’m torn",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yess. Couple acres\nHer: So I’ll see you at the airport monday morning\n",
"assistant": "Not even gonna buy me a drink first?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: pffft how many tats do u have\nHer: I’m seeing none 🤔\n",
"assistant": "Oh most definitely more than you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: gimme a number\n",
"assistant": "I have big pieces it feels weird to count them lol",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i win lmao\nHer: very much so\n",
"assistant": "Wanna betHmm what do I get when I beat you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: you won’t so i guess you can pick\n",
"assistant": "Winner gets head if you’re so confident",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. He messaged her first. She said she had ‘solid 8.5 cooking skills’.",
"assistant": "Solid 8.5 indeed 👀",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha ;) what’s up? Any Father’s Day weekend plans?\n",
"assistant": "You tryna call me daddy so we can celebrate it together?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ahaha exactly\n",
"assistant": "Aha love thatYou’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Just looking for someone I vibe with no expectations! Hby?\n",
"assistant": "Yeah I feel thatLooking to meet someone chill and have some fun this summer, possibly a fwb type scenario if it feels right",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I like that, I want someone that will go to a jays game with me but also cuddle\n",
"assistant": "Aha yesss you’re speaking my language just please be a good cuddler 😉What’s your number?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: you’d be right about the tats, I have a needle phobia 🥴\n",
"assistant": "Honestly so am I but somehow never stopped me 😂",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That’s impressive tbh\n",
"assistant": "Shame that our tattoo tour is gonna be one sided though 😫",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m not complaining, I love learning about other peoples tattoos and the stories behind them\nHer: Too bad you’re gonna have to be a bit more creative to explore my body\n",
"assistant": "Hmm I might just have to be thorough about itWow 10/10 texter over here 😂But at least you’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: didn't really know how to respond 😅\nHer: I’m not sure what I’m looking for, kinda just meeting new people, hbu?\n",
"assistant": "Aha yeah I feel that, nothing super serious just looking to meet new people and have fun this summer 🙂",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That’s cute\nHer: Do I make the list of people you’re looking to meet?\n",
"assistant": "Hmm that dependsAre you a red or white wine girl?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Definitely red\nHer: White wine gives me a headache 😞\n",
"assistant": "Good answer 😌Why don’t you shoot me your number and maybe we can split a bottle of red sometime",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Definitely have more tattoos than me \n",
"assistant": "Haha you look like the innocent type who would never get one",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I have 8 😁\n",
"assistant": "That was unexpectedAny other secret sides I should know about you? 👀",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I like to be unexpected\nHer: & that’s something you’ll just have to find out 🫣\n",
"assistant": "Haha you’re cuteWHat are you looking for on here Nat?",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: Why thank you\nHer: Pretty just open honestly, not looking to force or rush things what about yourself?\n",
"assistant": "Yeah I feel that, keeping things casual and fun for now and going with the flow",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That’s the best way to go about it in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️\n",
"assistant": "Where are you though? I just moved downtown",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I live in the (location) area where abouts did you move?\n",
"assistant": "Ou nice I’m just at (location)We’re super close",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ohh soo close I shop at loblaws there lol\n",
"assistant": "Haha you wanna come do a quick vibe check in?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m working tonight but I’m off tomorrow Friday & sat\n",
"assistant": "Ok cool shoot me your number and we can get together 🙂",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They met on Tinder. The conversation went well, a connection was made and a sexual frame was established. The interaction begins after he gets her number.",
"assistant": "Let’s meet for a drink soon. I’m probably going to the clubs a bit later",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Sounds good, i’ve got some blackjack to fuck up\n",
"assistant": "I’ve heard having rough passionate sex beforehand increases your luck 🤔 what do you reckon?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: mmm i totally agree 😌\n",
"assistant": "With every orgasm your luck goes us by 2%",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: see how high we can get that percentage 👀\n",
"assistant": "Challenge accepted. Where you staying at the moment?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (location)\n",
"assistant": "Pretty close. Almost in chokable range",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: gonna get me hot and bothered already 😩\n",
"assistant": "Choking is just the start. There’s so many ways I can ruin you…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: mmm yes please\n",
"assistant": "Like standing you up naked in my room, hands tied behind your back. As I tell you not to move a fucking inch. I run my finger down your body sensing your fear. I kiss your neck and pull your hair back as you moan. I run my fingers up your thighs as your pussy gets wetter and wetter. You try to break out of the tie so I bend you over and spank you leaving you with a nice big red handprint on your ass. I push you to your knees and you take my big hard cock deep in your throat like a good little girl. I pull you up, throw you on the bed and then… I should probably stop right now",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: god i want you. 😩 holy fuck\n",
"assistant": "Say please",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: nah just a caramel latte from starbucks with my name on it would make me happy\n",
"assistant": "Such a white girl 😝",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: What’s not a white girl drink? 😂\n",
"assistant": "Anything non starbucks related or with an alcoholic percentage above 0.01 😂",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You serious, don’t you dare saying that 😂\n",
"assistant": "Really? What are you going to do about it",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. He opened her with a standard opener that starts a fun roleplay.",
"assistant": "You look a lot like my future ex wife",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ah i was trying to be subtle but yes that’s me\n",
"assistant": "I keep the dog and we’re getting a prenup",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m keeping the cat\n",
"assistant": "No. You tried to drown it last week not allowing that",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I would never!!\nHer: Must have been my crazy twin\n",
"assistant": "Maybe. I should never have slept with her, she’s pregnant now",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You definitely shouldn’t have because now we gotta get a divorce and I promise you I’ll make it so difficult for you\n",
"assistant": "",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That’s true\nHer: I have something to tell you though. There is no twin, it’s just me when I’m moody\n",
"assistant": "Okay. You’re going to rehab and we’re seeing Dr Phil next week we might be able to make this work",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Nahhh I’m the next Amy Winehouse, no rehab for me\n",
"assistant": "Such a brat, we’re going to have to do something about that",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I have no idea what you’re talking about \n",
"assistant": "Here. Drink this bleach (sends image of a man pouring bleach into a glass)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Thankyou, can I get that on the rocks please?\nStudent: Sure. Ok now you’re dead, this has went on for long enough lol How’s thy day?”\nHer: Hahaha my day isn’t too bad Shakespeare, I’m just at work. How’s thy day?\n",
"assistant": "Good. Just got back from the gym. Looking nice and fit for our romantic date",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Our romantic date hmmm, what’s the plan?\n",
"assistant": "It involves you, me, a couple of drink, laughs, teases, neck kisses, vibe and build chemistry",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That sounds amazing\n",
"assistant": "Do you like wine?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I don’t drink a lot of it, some are okay\n",
"assistant": "I’ll show you the good stuff. We should split a bottle together sometime",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I wouldn’t say no to that.\nHer: What are you up to tonight?\n",
"assistant": "",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Okay\n",
"assistant": "Nooo…no… That’s a conversation ender lol gonna need a little more than that",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hey, I really like your bio! Let’s skip the how-are-you-convo? Tell me about something that’s made you happy recently instead 🙂\nHer: Also not sure if you prefer English or Swedish, let me know\n",
"assistant": "Fluent but prefer english over thi sveedesh. What a unique intro. Recently I was happy on a walk when I realised I’m doing what I wanna be doing with my life right now. Hbu?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha yes, I find it more interesting to ask real questions from the start\nHer: That’s cool. So what is it that you’re doing? I was just hanging out with a friend who I haven’t seen for several months, and it’s always so great to have interesting conversations and get her perspective on things\n",
"assistant": "I like that. I take it you prefer deep conversations then? Or maybe just fed up of boring tinder conversationsAt the moment, quit my job in FinTech and starting a photography business. That’s awesome, and that made you happy?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah, a bit of bith I guess haha. I do enjoy deep conversations, and I find it quite difficult to fine people on tinder who are looking for the same thing. So that’s why I have a proper bio and why I like to ask real questions straight away - anyone can tell me how their weekend was, but not everyone is up for real conversations 🤷🏻‍♀️\nHer: Wow that’s amazing, I’m happy for you! What kind of photography do you do?\nHer: Yes it did! My friends are very important to me so I enjoy having quality time with them 🙂\n",
"assistant": "Dating portrait photography. I know, it’s a nicheI love deep convos. And I like that you’re looking for that 🙂 I do find they can get exhausting via text though lol, can go much deeper faster on voice notes or over a coffeeIs quality time your primary love language then?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha wait what? So you take pictures for peoples dating profiles? That is indeed a niche! How did you realize that was your thing?\nHer: Yes that’s true.. I quite like voice notes, it feels closer than just texting. I’d be up to switch platform if you like, since voice notes aren’t possible on tinder\nHer: Hm, I always have a hard time to determine if it’s quality time or acts of service.. But physical touch is also a top contender. Hbu?\n",
"assistant": "Haha. Yeah I had a dslr camera and became passionate about putting together my profile and the profile of my friends. And I love psychology. So what makes a nice technical photo isn’t really what makes a person attractive in a photo - that’s much more about vibe and nonverbal communicationSounds fun. You on WhatsApp?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They match on Tinder. Hey messages her first in response to a photo in her profile that is her wearing headphones, in front of a microphone. It also says in her bio that she enjoys Mario Super Smash Bros, which he mentions as well.",
"assistant": "Is this one of those asmr videos?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: It could be one, but they kinda cringe. Maybe I am too. What would you like it to be?\n",
"assistant": "You can be my secret girlfriend then. To avoid public cringe. And an announcement for the date of our smash brawl",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hah! Secret?! I can be shown off dw 😌\nHer: Super Smash contest sounds good if you’re keen on losing \n",
"assistant": "I’ll admit you would look cute wrapped around my arm. We can do a 3 month probationary periodYou happened to be talking to my old office’s reigning smash champ",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Woww, ok then you’ll likely win from me anyway\nHer: I would look cute on your arm, so we should do a demonstration testing\n",
"assistant": "I loved smash since elementary schoolSounds good. We can walk around the city arm in arm and see how many people check us out. Do you like wine?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ohhh perfect, tough competition then\nHer: Plenty of people would check us out am sure, I love wine\n",
"assistant": "Perfect. We should split a bottle sometime and play some tipsy smash",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ufff that sounds like slow reaction time. But am definitely game for that.\n",
"assistant": "Awesome. You use WhatsApp? Shoot me your number and we’ll get out of here 🙂",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Feeld. He opens her with a cold read that is deliberately vague but feels like it is all about her but could apply to anyone.",
"assistant": "You’re adventurous, like to express yourself. Bit of a hippie. Long legs. Sometimes parties like the world’s about to end. Anything else important I missed?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahaha\nHer: Spot on\nHer: Although I’m more famous for my ass than my legs 🙃\nHer: Even a great enjoyer of life. Do you speak swedish?\n",
"assistant": "Only english sorry 😉What type of celebrity butt. Firm and squeezable?Life is short. Should be enjoyed!",
"annotation": " (Answered in Swedish) "
"user": "Her: Ass of 2020\nHer: (Photo of her ass)\nHer: We did a photo competition in our friendship group and voted for the winner on New Years. Super fun\nHer: It’s bubbly and spankable 😇\n",
"assistant": "Very official. And you guys are funny lolHot. Very heart-shaped. The only thing missing is being completely covered by my red handprints",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yes please 🙏\nHer: Can I see a little more of you on picture 😇\n",
"assistant": "You’re already asking in such a cute way. I like it. Just add the word please ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Please 🙏\nStudent: (photo of himself looking good)\nHer: Thanks 😻\n",
"assistant": "You’re welcome. I get the feeling that you like being submissive",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well felt 👏\nHer: I did a test a while ago but I think it’s still accurate\n",
"assistant": "Rawr. You had me at submissive, exhibitionistHm had a bit of a sadist fantasy when i did the test, not sure it’s completely right. Not against it but maybe not 93% lol",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha ok!\n",
"assistant": "What’s the hottest thing you’ve done?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh what a hard question! I’d have to think… hard to choose 😅\n",
"assistant": "Choose one maybe. Doesn't have to be mostOne fun I had was a lesbian wife. She was top in her marriage and wanted to be bottom to a guy. So we started to talk. Once whenever she was at work I called her and started talking dirty. I asked her to go to the bathroom and take off her panties. Then she walked through the office past everyone else and down to the garage where I was waiting. We went into her car and fucked each other’s brains out. She squirted down her car 3 times. Super hot",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh wow!! 🔥\nHer: As I said, hard to choose but one good memory was once when I had a 5-way with a couple of friends. It started with me and my friend being tied together against a cross. With blindfolds\nHer: I think we could have fun\n",
"assistant": "Good choice. Super hot. You must have gotten so turned on by not knowing who was inside you. And getting rhythmic thrusts from your girlfriend as she was taken 😉I think so too. We should get a quick coffee and see how the chemistry is",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yes! 😀\nHer: When are you free?\n",
"assistant": "Feeling spontaneous?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yes 😻\nHer: Tell me \nHer: What’s the plan?\nStudent: Lol\n",
"assistant": "A bit late for coffee but I could take a tea. I’m in (his location), where are you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m home in (her location). Just poured myself a cup of tea 😊\nHer: (Photo of her tea)\n",
"assistant": "Cozy as fuck. Looks lonely you maybe need some company",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha yes\nHer: Although I have a cat and a roomie home 😻\n",
"assistant": "(His location) is better then. Take the cat, leave the roomie 😉",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha yes!\n",
"assistant": "I’m serious. No entry without cat",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You like cats?\n",
"assistant": "Cat suit works too 😋",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Noted!\n",
"assistant": "Your noting is noted. I’ll buy some wine and keep your place on the sofa warm",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Perfect!\nHer: I’m getting ready here.. Will shout when I’m on my way \n",
"assistant": "Btw no real cat preferably. Love cats but it’s not a cat-proofed apartmentSounds goodBring wine if you can? Systemet is closed",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: On my way! With wine\n",
"assistant": " 👍",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 👋\n",
"assistant": "It looks like we have a couple things in common already but I think I have to watch out for you… you look like trouble",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha why trouble?\n",
"assistant": "Haha your vibe is just giving I’m nice but if u try and eat my sushi on the first date, I’ll fuck u up haha” Another good version of this message is “Haha your vibe is just giving I’m nice as long as you keep your hands off my sushi haha",
"annotation": " Another good version of this message is “Haha your vibe is just giving I’m nice as long as you keep your hands off my sushi haha"
"user": "Student: I like your eyes\nHer: Aww thank you 🙂\nStudent: Ur welcome. Where are you from, Venezuela?\nHer: Actually born and raised in south fl! My mom is mexican and my dad is jamaican chinese\nStudent: Damn that’s a badass mix. I was gonna guess Asian cuz your eyes\nStudent: Guess where I’m from haha\nHer: Oof lowkey a tough one \nHer: I don’t know but by the name \nHer: It’s an arabic name \n",
"assistant": "yea you’re right, I’m from (location). So tell me more about you, you don’t seem like you’re boring 🤞",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Two truths, one lie…I love country music, I’m funnier than you, I have blonde hair\n",
"assistant": "Based off your pics, u def have blonde hair and love country but funnier so the lie has to be that you’re funnier than me 😉” This message works as a way to keep the conversation lighthearted and teasing. Some other options for this message are “based off your pics, u def have blonde hair and love country so I’ll just find out if you’re funnier than me on our first date 😉” or “Based off your pics, u def have blonde hair and love country but funnier than me? Cap",
"annotation": " This message works as a way to keep the conversation lighthearted and teasing. Some other options for this message are “based off your pics, u def have blonde hair and love country so I’ll just find out if you’re funnier than me on our first date 😉"
"user": "Her: What kind of art do you make? 🙂\nStudent: I make the art of a good relationship\nStudent: on a serious note I work across a lot of mediums but mainly performance making, film/animation, video art/installation work, and graphic design.\nStudent: Hbu? Do you work on any other mediums too or just film? \nHer: Aww same exact mediums basically! I’m also big into art and installations as well as music!!\nHer: we r twins\nStudent: Look at that, we are twins\nStudent: We gotta show each other our art on our first date\nStudent: Arabic and Spanish, which countries are you from?\nHer: My parents are Syrian\nHer: I studied abroad in Spain for 6 months so I speak Spanish too\n",
"assistant": "So she’s cute, bilingual and Syrian…what’s the catch?",
"annotation": " This message is a good way to keep the conversation fun and flirty. The idea is to list some things you like about her and then ask what the catch is, implying there must be something wrong. "
"user": "Her: Heyy haha I delete this app a lot\nHer: I was in Madrid! And yes… very cute, Syrian and bilingual. I like to think there’s no huge catch I’m just a vibe\nHer: Hmu on insta you seem super sweet!\nHer: (her instagram)\n",
"assistant": "Hey it’s Amir from hingeWhat trouble did you get into today?",
"annotation": " This is just a more fun way to ask how her day was."
"user": "Her: Hi Amir from hinge!\nHer: I did not get into any trouble today I was very polite and well behaves 🫡\nHer: Did you get into trouble? Cause a catastrophe?\nStudent: Oof I don’t believe you for some reason\n",
"assistant": "Caused all kinds of trouble today, stole the only copy of the Muppets from Space 2” This message was edited from what the coach told him to send which was: “Caused all kinds of trouble today, robbed 3 banks and stole candy from a baby",
"annotation": " This message was edited from what the coach told him to send which was: “Caused all kinds of trouble today, robbed 3 banks and stole candy from a baby"
"user": "Her: The only copy?\nHer: how did u know I love muppets from space \n",
"assistant": "I can read you like a book” or “You seem like the type",
"annotation": " or “You seem like the type"
"user": "They matched on Tinder. He messaged her first. In his first message he references one of her photos in which she is wearing a choker.",
"assistant": "Your face is telling me you’re innocent but that choker is telling me you’re big trouble",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: lol the choker is just for fashion that’s all\nHer: Haha oh yea?\n",
"assistant": "Is that so 😏 well you certainly have a few of my weaknessesMhm, great sense of style, cute & curvy with a bit of a wild side",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Lol sounds accurate 😝\n",
"assistant": "Absolutely, what area are you in?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I live in (location), hbu?\n",
"assistant": "(location) not too far for our romance",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha yes ☺️\n",
"assistant": ";) so what are you looking for on here, cutie",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well I date with the intent to have a relationship, I’m not into the whole fwb or hook up culture thing\nHer: Guess I learned that tinder isn't so great for that 😂 but yea just looking for someone genuine and real\nHer: What about you?\n",
"assistant": "I hear ya. Just looking for a cool unique girl I vibe & have chemistry with & see where things go, great sex & cuddles are a bonus. Not trying to jump into a relationship in a hurry, but open to it for the right girl. I’ve found that things develop naturally that way",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I get that\nHer: Yea I think having a solid friendship is crucial for any relationship\n",
"assistant": "Glad we’re on the same page ;) do you like wine",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I do\n",
"assistant": "We should split a bottle sometime soon",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Over dinner or what lol\n",
"assistant": "Ever been to The Lounge",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’ve not! But that looks really cool I just looked it up\n",
"assistant": "Been meaning to try it. What evenings are you free coming up",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Usually mondays or possibly wednesday/thursday\nHer: Yes it looks pretty cool, is it new?\n",
"assistant": "2 yrs now I think. Let’s shoot for the lounge this wendesday, say 7 pm. Yea? ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Okay\nHer: Sounds good 🙂\n",
"assistant": "Perfect, shoot me your number",
"annotation": ""
"user": " They matched on Tinder. He messaged first with a generic opener that could apply to anyone.",
"assistant": "Serious question, why do you seem innocent but also trouble at the same time",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahaha let’s say because I’m the whole package so you get a little bit of everything! But don’t worry I lean innocent 🕊️\nHer: Which would you say you lean?\n",
"assistant": "Oh, I’m an angel. Something tells me you might not be so innocent though 😏",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Mmm suspicion on both sides then 😏\n",
"assistant": "Is that so? I have just the plan to solve our mystery",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Alright, alright - Let’s hear it! Always down for a case 🔍\n",
"assistant": "Just what I like to hear. Before we get into the nitty gritty, I need to know a few things about you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ready for the qs\n",
"assistant": "Alright. Ever married? Kids? Crazy exes? Felonies? Drink of choice?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh shoot - speed round array // I’ll take a reverse reverse on these questions so I can hear your take too. Buuuut- no, no, no, dirty martini at the moment or like pisco sour if I get to really choose\n",
"assistant": "Mm, very interesting. Can’t go wrong with a dirty martini. SOunds like you’re qualified for our case 😉For me: No, no, no, my homemade margaritas are so good it should be a crime, and I like to keep it simple with a rum & coke when I’m out",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ok my check is - are you kind! && put me on deck for one of these margaritas!\n",
"assistant": "Yeah, I’m very easy to get along with. We’ll get you on deck for one of those margaritas here soon then!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Good-hearted we hope too! Let’s put something in the books for in the meantime too? Or is there more detective case work to be done?\n",
"assistant": "Definitely. What area are you in? I’m in (location)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (Location)\n",
"assistant": "Gotta love the geographic compatibility. Which days are you free next to grab a drink?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yes yes we love that, I could maybe swing an early night during the week or I might have to delay us until the weekend\n",
"assistant": "This weekend works for me, I have a pretty busy week actually. I’m free on friday or saturday",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I could do saturday during the day/early night drink?\n",
"assistant": "Sounds fun to me. Let’s say like 3pm?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Student: Hey trouble\nHer: 😈\nStudent: The innocent fuck me eyes never lie 😈 you seem like my type btw\nHer: Oo I never heard that. I like it\n",
"assistant": "Good. I have a few ideas for us that you’ll like even more",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Full disclosure, I unintentionally lost some weight in the past couple of months… my ass still soft and waiting to get grabbed and smacked, just not as phat as usual\nHer: But maybe you can help with that\nHer: Isn’t that what they say about back shots?\n",
"assistant": "I’ll be sure to give you a good spanking on our date. I just hope you can keep up, I have a very high sex drive.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: As long as you switch it up throughout, I’m Gucci\n",
"assistant": "Good. You’ll be the happiest girl in Brooklyn very soon",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I can be a lil shy at first, my body needs time to get comfortable with another’s\nHer: But once I’m comfortable we can have fun\n",
"assistant": "We’ll take our time. It’s important to me that you’re comfortable. The I’ll gladly ruin you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (phone number)\nStudent: Hey, it’s (student’s name) from OkCupid ;)”\nHer: Hey, how’s your weekend going\n",
"assistant": "Great! Went to a wedding party yesterday, heading back to the city today. Got any plans for the long weekend? Hope you’re not causing too much trouble 😏",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I wasn’t before, but now\nHer: I’m starting to have the urge 😋 😈\nHer: You still hoping I’m not causing too much trouble?\n",
"assistant": "Mmm same here. Why don’t you come over and we can have some fun",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oof, but I’m tired to get dressed 😩\nHer: I was hoping you could wake me back up\n",
"assistant": "Oh I have a few basic ideas for just that 😏",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m in crown heights, where are you”\n",
"assistant": "Bedstuy",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ok so you close\nHer: Tbh I rather not be walking around on summer nights\nHer: I could also take a Uber to you, would you mind paying for my ride home\n",
"assistant": "Yeah I don’t mind",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 10 min drive lol\nHer: I would walk if it was earlier\nHer: Do you have condoms and/or lube?\n",
"assistant": "Yeah i do",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Bet\nHer: Do you need some time or can I head over once I’m ready\n",
"assistant": "Nah you can head over once you’re ready, I just showered",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ok I’m about to leave\n",
"assistant": "Bet. Text me when you’re close, I’ll come get you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. He messaged her first with a generic opener that could apply to almost anyone. ",
"assistant": "You’re cute. I can think of a few easy we’d have fun",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You have my attention 🙂\nHer: You’re funny. I’ve got no reason to think otherwise\n",
"assistant": "Mm, you think you can handle it?Good. I’m going to handcuff your hands behind your back. And then I’m going to force you down on your knees and tell you to open your mouth.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Is that right?\nHer: Are you gonna take me to dinner first or\n",
"assistant": "Yes, for our second meet. But for now, I’ll be having you as the main course.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well I don’t particularly like getting on my knees\nHer: What then?\n",
"assistant": "You’ll absolutely love it with me. And after I’ve properly face fucked you, I’ll reward you with 10-15 oral orgasms for being such a good girl for me.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I can’t say I’ve ever had that many in one session, let alone oral\nHer: I’m intrigued\nHer: What makes you think you’re a brat tamer?\n",
"assistant": "Experience. To keep it simple. You get out of line. Too bratty. I tame you. Everyone is happy",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: And what’s considered out of line?\n",
"assistant": "Not following commands. Talking back too much. And there’s a proper punishment depending on what you do",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Could you give me an example\n",
"assistant": "Some things are best discovered rather than explained baby girl.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You’re no funny\nHer: I have an active imagination\n",
"assistant": "Ask nicely, and I’ll give you one example",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I totally didn’t just roll my eyes\nHer: Would you be so kind as to give me an example?\n",
"assistant": "Good girlIf you were to roll your eyes at me in person after I gave you a command, I would have no choice but to bend you over my lap, and spank you until a red handprint is left.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Really\nHer: That punishment doesn’t seem disproportionate to you?\n",
"assistant": "Yes, really. It’s what others and I have enjoyed in the past. But punishments are always discussed beforehand. Trust and safety is key.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I like that\nHer: I feel like I’m asking all the questions lol\nHer: Do you have any for me?\n",
"assistant": "Yes. What is one of your biggest sex related fantasies?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I mean you essentially started this conversation with one\n",
"assistant": "I see. Next time someone asks you this question it’ll be a kink for you, rather than a fantasy.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I appreciate you confidence\nHer: What’s yours?\n",
"assistant": "To meet several open minded women for an amazing night. The idea of being able to please 2-3 women at the same time turns me on a lot. That takes time though.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You don’t say\nHer: And can I ask how many other good girls you’re enjoying at the moment?\n",
"assistant": "Mhm, I’m enjoying one woman at the moment",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Gotcha\nHer: Are you looking for anything beyond closed doors?\n",
"assistant": "Not at first, but I’d be open to the idea after getting to know you better",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I think I understand\nHer: Ask away\n",
"assistant": "I can tell we will get along well. Why don’t we get together & we can have some fun",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: If getting to know each other comes second, you expect me to let a stranger off the internet handcuff me upon walking in the door?\n",
"assistant": "No! That was a scenario. We’re going to sit down, flirt, and get to know each other first over an amazing bottle of wineCheck if there’s chemistry, and if there is we can see where things take us. If you want to leave, I’ll call you and Uber and give you a hug goodbye!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: So your place?\n",
"assistant": "yes, at my place",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hm I don’t know how to feel about that \n",
"assistant": "I totally understand. You free to hop on a quick FaceTime to say hi?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Afraid not, I’m both on the train and late to meeting someone\nHer: Tomorrow?\n",
"assistant": "Tomorrow works. Let’s take this party off tinder then. Text me",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Hinge. She had a very sweet, cutesy vibe to her profile. She liked his photo. He messaged her first by responding to a prompt she had about karaoke.",
"assistant": "Oh I’m a big karaoke guy. What’s your go-to song?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: My go to song is a milli 😂\n",
"assistant": "LOL nice, now I’m imagining you rapping in a bucket hat with your drink in your hand.. I see youThe fifth pic makes so much sense now 😉",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 😂 😂\nHer: I can’t be singing 90’s classics. I have to rap hard\n",
"assistant": "Respect hahaha a true trailblazer in action. Is look at me now in your song list? Now that’s a hard one",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: ooof yeah that’s a hard one \nHer: but I could be up for the challenge\n",
"assistant": "Haha we’ll have to throw it into the mix on our date thenWhere you from originally? You’re not giving me the ‘new yorker born and raised’ vibes",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i’m from long island! New yorker through and through\nHer: what about you? \n",
"assistant": "Love it, I’m from New York too. I grew up in Westchester but I moved to the city five years ago. What brought you to the city?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh nice! I moved here 10 years ago 😳\nHer: i definitely always wanted to live here. Work brought me here\n",
"assistant": "Same for me, as well as the nightlife. Always wanted to party in the city as a kid hahaWhat do you like to do in your free time besides rap your heart out at karaoke?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: hahah i’m a pretty simple gal. i like trying new restaurants. I LOVE catching a good sunset. Like staying active and hitting the gym\nHer: What about you?\n",
"assistant": "Pretty much the same, though I love going to concerts and traveling, I go like 6-7 times a yearHmm I have a plan for our first date you’ll love then 😉",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: oh yeahhh? Ok i’m excited now 😌\n",
"assistant": "The plan is we’ll meet at a coffee shop in Dumbo. We’ll flirt, laugh, get to know each other. And if the vibe is good, we can catch the sunset by the water near the brooklyn bridge.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: love it\nHer: that sounds great\n",
"assistant": "Cool! Drop me your number and we’ll set it up over text",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (phone number) 🙂\n",
"assistant": "Hey cutie, it’s (student’s name) from Hinge. Sup",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: oh wassuppp\nHer: where in Westchester are you from? \n",
"assistant": "I’m from right outside of white plains in HartsdaleEver been up there?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i’ve been to white plains but not heartsdale \n",
"assistant": "Haha fair enough, it's a pretty small town. It’s fun though.Let’s grab that coffee. Free Wednesday evening?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: sadly i’m not free on weds. But could do thurs or fri?\n",
"assistant": "Ah I’m heading to Philly this weekend for a friend’d party and leaving Thursday night. Won’t be back until SundayWe can shoot for next week, unless you’re free earlier in the week?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: damn! Okay let me see if i can make weds work\nHer: philly will be fun though!\n",
"assistant": "Yeah, I’m excited it’s my first time going. That’s why I’m going for the long weekend hah",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: nice! As you should\nHer: philly is cool\n",
"assistant": "For sure. I’m not excited for my friend to say ‘it’s always sunny in philly’ every day thoughGuessing you’ve been a few times?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yeah we have an office there so i’ve been a few times\nHer: haven’t gone out out there but it seems like a cute little town\n",
"assistant": "Cool, and yeah I’ve heard it’s pretty fun there. Only thing I know about there is Penn state though lolYou travel a lot for work?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: nope i don’t! I’ve just been there a few times but i don’t travel very often\nHer: my office is in chelsea so pretty easy commute from where i am\n",
"assistant": "Sounds like it. Half the reason I’m in Brooklyn is because it’s closer to the airports. I love to travel",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: where do you travel to?\n",
"assistant": "Anywhere and everywhere! I have friends all over from travel adventures so I usually go and crash with them. Was just in chicago last month and have some big trips coming up later this year",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: love it!! I love chicago. One of my best friends lives there. I gotta get back\nHer: i need to travel more. I’ve still never been to the west coast\n",
"assistant": "Oh I’m sure you’ll love it over there, California in particular has some pretty beautiful citie",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i know! I need to go\nHer: what’s been your favorite place to visit?\n",
"assistant": "Tough question. I really liked Sweden in the summer specifically, it’s pretty much sunlight 24 hours a day. Lots of great food and culture there. Spain is a very very close second. Hbu?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: spain is awesome. I loved it there\nHer: i’m irish is ireland is up there\nHer: but in the states, chicago is up there and also charleston\n",
"assistant": "Spain would definitely be the country I’d choose to live in if not in the US",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i’d have to agree with that\n",
"assistant": "I’ll get started on planning the honeymoon then. Barcelona or Madrid?",
"annotation": " The purpose of this message is to inject some fun into the conversation. So far, it has been very boring, ‘get to know you’ conversation which most interactions need a bit of but it needs to be done in a way that keeps the girl engaged."
"user": "Her: defffff barcelona \n",
"assistant": "Oh ho, the irish girl likes to party. I’m in",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 💁🏼‍♀️\nHer: irish girl def likes to party a little \nHer: although it’s getting harder as i get older lol\n",
"assistant": "Lol you and me bothAlcohol hits very different now",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: it’s offensive\nHer: how old are you?\n",
"assistant": "29” When a girl asks your age, there is no need to lie and pretend to be an age you’re not. Just be honest and own it. If she questions you on it, a good message to send is “Age is just a number. I’ve dated women from early 20’s to late 40’s. it always comes down to the person not the year on their driver license. One big plus I’ve found with older women is a higher sex drive and better communication, which matches with me",
"annotation": " When a girl asks your age, there is no need to lie and pretend to be an age you’re not. Just be honest and own it. If she questions you on it, a good message to send is “Age is just a number. I’ve dated women from early 20’s to late 40’s. it always comes down to the person not the year on their driver license. One big plus I’ve found with older women is a higher sex drive and better communication, which matches with me"
"user": "Her: youngin!\n",
"assistant": "I keep up with the best of em;)You’re 33 right?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yes 😢\n",
"assistant": "It’s okay, we’ll get you some pedialyte & water to have with your martiniBalance is important",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: balance is def important\n",
"assistant": "Hmm now I’m curious about somethingWhen you drink how do you get? Energetic, sleepy, dancing? Lol",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i get pretty energetic lol\nHer: ready to rage\nHer: dancing for sure\n",
"assistant": "All the right answersYou sure you didn’t cheat on this test?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: no cheating over here 😅\nHer: confirming i can meet weds 🙂\n",
"assistant": "Great. Let’s meet here on Wednesday at 7? (address of venue) ",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Sounds perfect\n",
"assistant": "Perfect, I’ll see you then cutie",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: see you then ☺️\n",
"assistant": "Good afternoon! Still good for tonight, yeah?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yep!!\n",
"assistant": "Awesome, it’s beautiful out so I’m sure the sunset will be great. I’ll let you know when I’m heading out",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: it’s soo nice out\nHer: and sounds good!\nHer: i think i’ll take the 640 ferry that gets into dumbo at 648\nHer: if that works\n",
"assistant": "Yep that works! Ferry trip sounds amazing",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: the ferry is so great. I love taking them lol\n",
"assistant": "Oh yes. When I go to Rockaway I always take the long way by the ferry haha",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Love it lol they are LEGIT\n",
"assistant": "Heading out here soon, I’ll see you in a bit!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: see you shortly!\n",
"assistant": "Just got here, sitting outside the place",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Student: Hey trouble 😏\nHer: Trouble I’m a good girl 😂 😈\nHer: Also hi I’m 5”7 🥰\n",
"assistant": "Is that so? Sounds like we’re off to a great start then ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Why would you be a bad one love?\nHer: We are off to a great start I was shocked at the super like I’m like no effing way he’s this fine & liked me 😮‍💨 🙈\n",
"assistant": "Am I going to be a bad influence on you?Because I like to get into some fun trouble from time to time myself 😈",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Define fun trouble cuz I’m pretty normal 😂\n",
"assistant": "Haha nothing too crazy, just a few neck kisses and a lil hair pulling",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh alright you scared me there for a sec I’m like ‘plz don’t let this man say he likes swingers or multiple partners’ Lol\nHer: We are clearly so far on the same page then 😊\n",
"assistant": "Glad we are ;) so let’s start with the basics. Any tattoos, piercings, kinks, good kisser?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: No tattoos I have my nipples pierced & just a couple of ear piercings, Iloveee me a good kisser I love making out before during & after sex kissing to me is so hot puts me in the mood real quick\nHer: I can be a freak in the sheets I like facials, I like sucking on fingers, spit in my mouth is hot that’s pretty much it i’d say. DISCLAIMER: No anal whatsoever 🙂\n",
"assistant": "Noted. Mm I enjoy all those things too - love it when a woman likes to get dirty. I’ll have to put those kissing skills to the test here soon then ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Once I’m done with jury duty we can totally plan something I’d love to test out your skills as well 😘\nHer: Hbu? Those same questions but I’m gonna ask…am I your type? Ima tell you now you are 100% my type 🤤\n",
"assistant": "No tattoos yet, though I’m getting one here real soon, & had my ears pierced. I love some passionate hair pulling, spanking, going down on a girl, and giving commands. All depends on what you’re comfortable withDefinitely my type. Looks like you have some of my weaknesses too 😏",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oooo I can get down with all of the above 😍 & ofc I’ll say no to something if I ain’t down with it\nHer: Really?! Good thank god cuz I’m tryna give you a ride of your life 🤪🤪 I’m glad you like me curvy cuz I got lots of body to explore 🥵\nStudent: :Mm love the sound of that. I’ll return the favor and then some 😈”\nHer: You’re gonna love all the sounds of this body I wanna hear it all from you\n",
"assistant": "You got it. What area are you in? I’m in Brooklyn",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m in Staten Island. I work in Brooklyn on Tuesdays :/\n",
"assistant": "Ah gotcha. We can always just link when you’re here then",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Do you have your own place?\nHer: Oh I’ll definitely meet you here in Brooklyn I unfortunately do not live alone as of yet 😂 sooner or later I’m gonna renovate my apartment downstairs from my parents but we gotta get on it ASAP LOL\n",
"assistant": "Yeah I have roommates, but it’s a big ass place so we’ll have our privacy 😉",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: You’re so lucky I wish 😂 oh even better I can’t wait\n",
"assistant": "Good. When do you get off jury duty? I gotta help my sister today with something at 730 but you could come earlier",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh nah I can’t at all this week love I work full time and then this weekend is my nieces birthday I have jury duty next week on Monday so when I’m done with that I’ll come to you\n",
"assistant": "Busy girl! Lol sounds good. Shoot me your number, and I’ll send you a text to figure it out.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. He messaged her first with a generic opener that could apply to anyone.",
"assistant": "When did you start modeling?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ahaha nere\n",
"assistant": "Lmao damn might be time to get into it (her name) 😅",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 😂 you’re too kind\n",
"assistant": "You won’t be saying that after I steal your 🐈",
"annotation": " This message could be interpreted as sexual or not by the girl. It gives her the opportunity to sexualise. "
"user": "Her: I’d like to see you try\n",
"assistant": "Haha love the confidence (her name)You’re cute, what are you looking for on here?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m just going with the Flow\nHer: How about you\n",
"assistant": "Right on, I’m looking for something chill and fun for now but down to see where things go if that makes sense",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I feel that\n",
"assistant": "Lemme secure that snap girl",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. He messaged her first. This interaction contains some examples of misinterpreting what she says and reframing them. This is not an example of a perfect interaction as there is little to no ‘get to know you’ conversation and, so, very little comfort and connection created for the girl. There are points in the interaction where she is understandably confused. The examples of misinterpretation and reframing are to be used when objections occur, not as the basis for the whole conversation. The number he got from this interaction is not likely to be a strong one and there is a good chance she will flake unless they have some ‘get to know you’ conversation or vibing over WhatsApp.",
"assistant": "Wow ice Cream and fries on our date?!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: the best thing ever\n",
"assistant": "When is this happening?",
"annotation": " Misinterpreting what she is saying to mean that she is referring to their date."
"user": "Her: Our date?\n",
"assistant": "Sure!",
"annotation": " Misinterpreted as her asking him out."
"user": "Her: Why u wanna go out with me\n",
"assistant": "Well I’d prefer to meet in public before going inside. I feel better like that",
"annotation": " This message reframes her as the chaser. It also preemptively handles a safety objection she may have. "
"user": "Her: Going inside? \n",
"assistant": "Maybe. If you’re as fun in person as you are over text and the vibe is right",
"annotation": " This message assumes she has already agreed to coming over. It frames him as the one who is not sold on her yet."
"user": "Her: Inside where?\n",
"assistant": "Haha I feel like it’s too early to give you my address. Let’s grab a drink first :)",
"annotation": " This message has misinterpreted her previous message as her asking for his address and frames her as the chaser. It also assumes they will be going back to his place after. It also preemptively handels another objection."
"user": "Her: Why would i come over after one drink?\n",
"assistant": "Because I need to make sure that you’re not a serial killer or a catfish first ;)",
"annotation": " This message pushes her to qualify herself while also preempting another objection women commonly have on dating apps."
"user": "Her: I’m not, but anyways why would i still come im not gonna sleep with u or anything like that\n",
"assistant": "That’s actually a relief",
"annotation": " This message steals the frame as positive for him. "
"user": "Her: Huh\nHer: I wouldn’t even ask about going to ur place..\n",
"assistant": "Perfect. I like to take things slow and I’m not looking for cheap hookups",
"annotation": " This message steals the objection from her and reframes it as positive for him."
"user": "Her: Then what should I think about ‘well i’d prefer to meet in public before going inside.’...\n",
"assistant": "It’d be kinda weird if you just came straight over to my place on the first date 😂 what if you’re awkward or something? It’s important for me to have chemistry on the first meet",
"annotation": " This message misinterprets her previous message as her trying to go straight to his place while also baiting her to qualify herself as not awkward. "
"user": "Her: Why would i even come on the second date? Hahaha don’t get me wrong yah, i’m very normal, but it sounded like ur inviting me for a hookup\n",
"assistant": "If you’re looking for a hookup then I’m the wrong guy for you. If you’re looking for something more meaningful than that, then this may work. It’s really important for me that I want to see the girl more than once.",
"annotation": " This message deals with a potential concern the girl man have and flips it back on her."
"user": "Her: Im not looking for a hookup\nHer: I don’t like those\nHer: Im not even on Tinder as looking for a guy\n",
"assistant": "I’m glad you’re different from other Serbian girls",
"annotation": " This message qualifies her while also implying preselection and the options he has in the other women that want to hookup with him."
"user": "Her: Yeah u can meet a lot of crazy people here\nHer: I downloaded this app with my friend we were just talking to people of course ignoring those idiots\n",
"assistant": "I’m glad you understand why I always want to meet in public first. I don’t think you’re one of those people but you can never be too safe these days",
"annotation": " This message deals with a concern that was previously brought up in the conversation. The last part makes it easier for her to agree as it is likely to be something that she is thinking."
"user": "Her: Yeah of course i agree\nHer: But im not free until monday\n",
"assistant": "Monday actually works really well for me!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Until monday if at my work they don’t change my shift\nHer: They were talking about something \nHer: What r u doing in Serbia anyway\n",
"assistant": "Sounds amazing! Shoot me your WhatsApp",
"annotation": ""
"user": " They match on Tinder and he opens her with a generic opener.",
"assistant": "Love you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: love you too 🤣\n",
"assistant": "Mean it?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahaha no I thought you were joking \n",
"assistant": "Wow that’s fucked up…Haha kidding! We can get a divorce that’s totally fine 😜",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahahahaha where do I sign 🤣\n",
"assistant": "The dotted line..Just so you know, I’m keeping the dogs!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahahahahaha\nHer: You can keep yours and I will keep mine \n",
"assistant": "When we were married they all became mine!You can have the house in Australia",
"annotation": " So far the conversation has been fun role play, keeping the conversation light and playful."
"user": "Her: Hahahahaha ok…but I won’t give you anything our marriage was shit 🤣 since you cheated on me I’ll keep everything…even your clothes\n",
"assistant": "It was a threesome you can’t call that cheating! Hmm when are you going to come claim my clothes? 😏",
"annotation": " This message hints at his sexual value."
"user": "Her: Threesome…great my ex husband…I don’t know what I ever saw in you \nHer: Next week and I will give it to the homeless people they deserve it more\n",
"assistant": "I think you saw the multiple screaming orgasms in me. Just using me for my body. I have a mind as well",
"annotation": " This message frames him as the prize."
"user": "Her: Well I think you used me for MY body because lets be honest…I am the hotter person in our marriage\n",
"assistant": "I actually fell for your mindWhy did you even marry me?",
"annotation": " This message baits her into qualifying him and verbalize what she likes about him. "
"user": "Her: Because you have a dog…and house in Australia…and ok I admit you are kinda hot\n",
"assistant": "Hey, I need to know. What’s your schedule like this week?",
"annotation": " This message is a soft close. "
"user": "Her: I will know today…I think we need to sign those papers and resolve this \n",
"assistant": "Sure, I’ll talk to my lawyer and we can figure out a day today",
"annotation": " This message keeps it light while continuing with the roleplay. It is also nonchalant and not too needy. A lot of guys can be too eager to meet up."
"user": "Her: Ok, I hope you will behave \nHer: I will try to be polite as well\n",
"assistant": "You know we are usually trouble together, I hope you can control yourself 😏",
"annotation": " This message makes the conversation more sexual while holding onto the prize frame."
"user": "Her: I would never touch you after she did…so don’t worry\n",
"assistant": "Only you can touch me till the divorce is finalized",
"annotation": " In this message, he pulls back and leaves room for her to chase, which she does in her next message, implying they should have sex."
"user": "Her: No no after the divorce it would be more fun and exciting\n",
"assistant": "Don’t tempt me. You know I’m the last guy you would want to tease",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hmmmm when it comes to sex…babe we could have done it better…maybe after the divorce we would do it right\n",
"assistant": "I agree the passion was gone. After the divorce we’ll get back to squirting and multiple orgasms",
"annotation": " This message portrays his sexual value."
"user": "Her: Hmmmm we will see I will probably still smell her on you 😭\n",
"assistant": "She will never smell as good as you. BTW I had deleted your number, what is it now?",
"annotation": " This is a fun way to get her number that is in keeping with the role play."
"user": "Her: I have to talk to my lawyer to see if I can give you my number…I changed it because of you you know\n",
"assistant": "Oh?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah yeah…you don’t remember all those drunk calls\nHer: (Her name) take me back…yeah so I changed it \n",
"assistant": "Are you sober now (her name)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yes why?\n",
"assistant": "Perfect. I’m glad you got over your problem. Really took a toll",
"annotation": " This message flips the frame on her."
"user": "Her: I started drinking just because of your nymphomania\n",
"assistant": "You worked too much and I was hungry for that delicious pussy",
"annotation": " This message keeps the sexual tone. "
"user": "Her: I don’t know what I saw in you…\nHer: We need to end this\n",
"assistant": "Yeah we should get this divorce sorted fast. We need closure. Number?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: (her phone number)\n",
"assistant": "Hey is this the ex wife that loves multiple screaming orgasms?",
"annotation": " Instead of going back to square one with the messaging, he uses callback humor to open on text."
"user": "Her: Yes my crazy ex…but what about whatss\nHer: You don’t have WhatsApp\n",
"assistant": "?Yeah it’s (his phone number) ",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hey how are you doing?\n",
"assistant": "Amazing! How are you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m very well thank you\nHer: What are you up to today?\n",
"assistant": "Just finishing up writing an article. Yourself?",
"annotation": " This message leaves room for her to get curious and ask about the article. If she asks about the article, he can tell her about it, maybe even brag about it, and it doesn’t seem as try herd as if he had just told her all about the article straight away."
"user": "Her: I’m doing a course online so did that for a bit and just chilling otherwise\nHer: What kind of articles do you write?\n",
"assistant": "What course? Its generally around how men can improve themselves and understand women on a deeper level. The one I’m writing about now is dirty talk to improve pleasure in the bedroom",
"annotation": " This topic is something that will get her a little excited or turned on."
"user": "Her: I’m doing a course in data science. I wanna learn analytics and programming so it’s a foundation course\nHer: Alright okay well that’s interesting\nHer: Do you publish them somewhere?\n",
"assistant": "That makes sense, I think that would suit youYeah it’s online we have a premium membership group that pay monthly and we provide content on there",
"annotation": " This is challenging because it is unlikely that a hot blonde girl looks like they suit analytics. This message tells her that he has some level of authority on the subject of his articles as there are people who are willing to pay for his service."
"user": "Her: Alright that’s cool\nHer: So what else do you do with your time than write? When a girl asks you questions like ‘how's your day?’, ‘what are your hobbies?’ etc it is a great opportunity to show off your personality.\n",
"assistant": "Well I was traveling the world doing workshops and seminars. Since covid I’ve been spending a lot of time with family, and now that the beaches are open doing some divingSo you have hobbies?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well I used to go to the gym but now I just mainly go for walks and explore random areas\nHer: Just trying to think of more things to do I guess given the situation\n",
"assistant": "Explore? Where abouts do you live?",
"annotation": " The purpose of this message is to figure out logistics."
"user": "Her: I live near (location)\nHer: I found a cool nature reserve the other day I didn’t even know was here hahaha\nHer: Where abouts are you?\n",
"assistant": "(Location) How far is that from you?",
"annotation": " The reason he asks how far his address is from her is because he wants the girl to look it up as this suggests a good level of investment from her. It also adds to her level of comfort as, when you invite her over later in the interaction, she has already typed your address into her phone and knows where you live so it reduces the likelihood that she will flake."
"user": "Her: According to google maps 20min by car\nHer: Not too bad\n",
"assistant": "PerfectHey, can I be honest with you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah of course \nHer: What’s up?\n",
"assistant": "I’m a little cautious about this covid situation. Have you been distancing or living as normal?",
"annotation": " This message flips the frame and he preemptively brings up a potential objection she would have. This provided comfort for the girl that you have similar concerns. It also calls for her to qualify herself."
"user": "Her: I’ve been home the whole time cause I lost my job so haven’t really had a reason to leave the house besides going for walks\nHer: How about you?\n",
"assistant": "Ah that makes me feel a lot more comfortable. I have been working from home. I wanted to check first. It’s a bit hard to give a socially distant body massage, you know",
"annotation": " This message seeds the date in the flow of conversation. It seems natural."
"user": "Her: Hahaha that’s fair enough\n",
"assistant": "Are you allergic to coconut oil?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Nope\nHer: What exactly are you planning? 😂\n",
"assistant": "It’s what I use for my world famous massages! 😏",
"annotation": " This message seeds the date in a man-to-woman frame. He seems confident and sure of himself."
"user": "Her: Hahah Alright alright\nHer: And when shall I be expecting to experience it?\n",
"assistant": "I’m busy with work this weekend, but I can make some time for us early next week. Does that work for you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah that works fine, can’t think of anything at the moment at least that I have to do\n",
"assistant": "Perfect! Do you use WhatsApp?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yep\nHer: What’s your number?\n",
"assistant": "(his phone number) shoot me a text",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hey (student’s name), it’s (her name)\n",
"assistant": "This is the girl from tinder with the cute submissive smile right? 😏",
"annotation": " The aim of this message is to continue the vibe that started on tinder. "
"user": "Her: Very likely\n",
"assistant": "Good! Btw is that your dog??",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: No I wish 😩\nHer: It’s just a random dog that came to chill with me in the philippines hahah\n",
"assistant": "Ah :/ I love dogs!He looks so adorable. Did you travel through Asia?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I love dogs, we have one at home but I wish I had him here\nHer: Do you have any?\nHer: And yes I backpacked through a few countries a few years back\n",
"assistant": "Do you live by yourself? My parents and sister have a dog, but I travel too often to have a pet",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I have two roommates, we share a flat\n",
"assistant": "Oh where are you from?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Finland\nHer: You ever been?\n",
"assistant": "Don’t tell me your Finnish 😏I’ve never been actually. But my ex and my business are Swedish, so I spent a lot of time there",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Everyone always goes to Sweden I don't understand it 😂\nHer: But that’s cool at least you’ve been to Scandinavia \n",
"assistant": "Have you spent much time in Sweden?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’ve been in and around Stockholm many times but not really further than that\nHer: How about you?\n",
"assistant": "Spent most of my time in Stockholm. Although my friend is from the north so also visited his home townSo what are you doing in Australia?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m finishing my bachelors here\n",
"assistant": "but, why did you choose Australia?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: It’s a part of the course I’m doing to spend the last two years in Australia. Living in Sydney right now but haven’t had the chance to experience it properly yet.\n",
"assistant": "Living i the best city in the world and you don’t even know it yet smh",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well I guess I just need to be convinced 😉\nStudent: I think I know just the thing..\nHer: Alright it better be good\n",
"assistant": "As long as you can handle it 😈",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well I guess we need to find out \n",
"assistant": "Yes, very soon 😏Hey trouble!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Good morning\nHer: How are you?\n",
"assistant": "",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m feeling good not too shabby\nHer: What are you up to today? \n",
"assistant": "A little bit of work but then I’m free",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: We’re hosting a games night at my place so prepping for that. How about you?\n",
"assistant": "What game? I don’t have anything planned as of yet",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Just a bunch of games like uno and cards and stuff like that and then snacks and drinks\nHer: Nothing too extravagant\n",
"assistant": "Sounds fun! Well I’’ have to invite you over for that booty massage another night then",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahaha sure sounds good!\nHer: Do you wanna go for a walk or something before?\n",
"assistant": "A walk?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yeah, or anything just to hang out for a bit, get more familiar first\n",
"assistant": "Oh of course. Do you like wine?",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: Yes I do\n",
"assistant": "Perfect! Let’s split a bottle of wine and hangout sometime this week",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Alright sounds good!\n",
"assistant": "Friday is the earliest I can be free",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That works for me\n",
"assistant": "Great, well have fun tonight and chat soon",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Thanks!\n",
"assistant": "I’ve picked up the wine for tomorrow!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Sounds great!\nHer: What time are you free?\n",
"assistant": "I’ll be free after seven. You didn’t drive right? Do you need me to pick you up?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: It depends on where we’re going. I can take the train/bus\n",
"assistant": "Can you get to (location) station?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yes I can! It’ll take me a while so I’ll just need to know when to get there but should be fine!\n",
"assistant": "Does 7:30 work for you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yep that’s good\n",
"assistant": "Perfect! I’ll pick you up from there",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They match on Tinder. Her bio says: ‘ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 living in Sydney. Not on here for hook up! I like to cuddle but also like a party 😜 I won’t message first because I think that’s your job 🤷‍♀️’. She didn’t super like him but that is his opener to get a reaction out of her.",
"assistant": "Thanks for the super like!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha no worries\nHer: I was very intrigued so didn’t want you to skip past me 😜\n",
"assistant": "Hmm what intrigued you the most?",
"annotation": " This message gives her the opportunity to verbalize what she likes about him and qualify him."
"user": "Her: I’ve never met a traveling sex writer before and I wondered what that entails 🤔\nHer: You’re also tall and dominant which i love\n",
"assistant": "I usually travel the world city to city running workshops coaching men with topic on sex, dominance foreplay, understanding women etc etc.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Wow thats very impressive 😯 \nHer: So as a sex/dating coach what’s your take on tinder?\n",
"assistant": "I’ve met some amazing girls from here, I tend to be a good judge of character though. I know a lot of people find it frustrating. Personally I like meeting people in person",
"annotation": " This message is very easy for the girl to agree to."
"user": "Her: For sure, in person is always better\nHer: You’re really close, you live in (location) too?\n",
"assistant": "(Location) How close is that to you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 8 min drive\n",
"assistant": "So close! Are you feeling spontaneous?",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: Lol what do you have in mind?\n",
"assistant": "Glass of wine, and my famous booty massage if there’s chemistry",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I do love a massage 😝\n",
"assistant": "Perfect, I do give amazing massages!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Do you have white wine at your place? I hate red. If not I’ll see if I can grab a bottle\n",
"assistant": "I only have red, that would be great",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I could leave in around 15/20 minutes\nHer: Are you up early tomorrow?\n",
"assistant": "What time do you think you could be here?No, I just have plans at midday, feel free to leave whenever you want",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Lol just checking you don’t need to be in bed in an hour\n",
"assistant": "No bed time hereI’m jumping in the shower now, just let me know when you’re close and I’ll come down and let you in",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah I’ll message you when im leaving\nHer: Leaving now\n",
"assistant": "Perfect",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 2 mins away\n",
"assistant": "No problem, I’ll be out the front",
"annotation": ""
"user": "The student met the girl in the club. The conversation was made sexual in person. He opens her with a callback to the sexual conversation from their in-person interaction. His first message was sent on the night they met at 3:34am.",
"assistant": "Hey is this the girl who loves blindfolds & handcuffs?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yas its me\n",
"assistant": "Where are you right now?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Im in home\nHer: Do you have any plans on Monday or are you free?\n",
"assistant": "My plan for Monday is to use my blindfold on you!You’re going to absolutely love every moment of it…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Trust you\n",
"assistant": "How’s 9pm for you?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah\n",
"assistant": "Perfect. I’ll message you the exact address later tonight ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Okey\nHer: I hope you don’t turn out to be a serial killer ahah\n",
"assistant": "Hey you’re the one that could steal all my stuff 🤣 but we have security & cameras in this big building so you’re lucky lol",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ahahahah\n",
"assistant": "How close are you to (student’s address)?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 5 minutes but I will be a little late \n",
"assistant": "That’s okay! Let’s meet around 9:30 then!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "The met at the club.The interaction goes well and he messages her on WhatsApp the next day at 13:14. She is wearing a collar in her WhatsApp photo so he uses that to open her.",
"assistant": "You should’ve worn that collar last night!",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: Ohh you’re right! I even thought about wearing it but forgot about it when I was leaving my house in a rush haha\nHer: I’ll wear it or something similar when we meet next time ;)\n",
"assistant": "Good girl.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Aww 🥹 you’re so nice..\n",
"assistant": "As long as you behave yourself.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Do you mean that as long as I’m myself you’ll be nice?\nHer: Asking cause I don’t know if I understood you correctly\n",
"assistant": "Likely not. I’ll always find ways to punish you…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh my god 😯 I think I can’t wait for you to do so..\n",
"assistant": "And I can’t wait to see how I’m going to punish you and when…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I don’t know when yet, but I think we should meet up before you punish me so you can at least have a reason 🤪\n",
"assistant": "That’s a great idea! What’s your schedule like next week?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I have holidays now so I don’t have much planned, I only have to go to work on Tuesday for an hour cause I have training and then after 2PM I’m free. And on Wednesday I have a house party\nHer: So choose a day and I’ll tell you if I can meet\n",
"assistant": "Monday would actually work really well for me!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Great 😇 what time and place would you like?\n",
"assistant": "We’ll meet at (location) @ 4pm. And bring the collar.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Unfortunately I don’t have it with me, I’m sorry.. 😔\nHer: I hope you still want to see me without it haha\n",
"assistant": "It’s okay. Maybe I’ll get you one with my name on one day ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahaha okay ;p\n",
"assistant": "If you can meet at 6 instead, I’ll have something special for you…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah, of course I can. And I can’t wait to see what’s the surprise! 😍 oh and also I wanted to tell you that I might not look as pretty today as in the club.. I’ve got different clothes on and less makeup\n",
"assistant": "You’re absolutely going to love it. And wear what you want. I just want you as you are.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Aww thank you 🥺\n",
"assistant": "I’m hopping in the shower. Let me know when you’re on your way. Meet me at (location).",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m already on my way, most likely I’ll be there at 6:10\n",
"assistant": "Send live location",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: What do you need it for?\n",
"assistant": "I mean if you’re close or can’t find you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Now I’m in (Location) so I’m quite far away 🤪 don’t worry, I’ll find my way, I have Google maps 😛\n",
"assistant": "Perfect!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Okay I’m here\n",
"assistant": "Did you get home safe babygirl?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m already in bed\n",
"assistant": "Good! Now I can relax!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They met during day game. They are organizing the date but she is trying to reschedule on him. ",
"assistant": "What’s your schedule like?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m free after 9, or saturday after 8\n",
"assistant": "I’m busy tonight. I think I can make time for us tomorrow or Friday night around 9:30.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m busy tomorrow. Friday sounds good to me\n",
"assistant": "Friday it is. Be ready by 10",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Wait I’m done work at 9\nHer: Actually I can be ready for 10 I think\nHer: Daddy I just realized I have work at 8am on Saturday. Can we reschedule?\n",
"assistant": "Yes. But if you reschedule again I’ll have to punish you..",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Are you still near? Thank you for paying for my breakfast\n",
"assistant": "No problem! I’m back at my penthouse. 3 mins away",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: So, write me in the evening if you’re free and I’ll see you \n",
"assistant": "Perfect! I’ll message you thenHow’s 8pm?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Its ok!\n",
"assistant": "Perfect, I’ll send you the address later ;)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Are you free at 7pm? Cause I have a dinner later…\n",
"assistant": "That actually works even better for me!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ok or 6:30 haha its up to you\n",
"assistant": "Fine I’ll do 6:30 but I want a striptease the moment you walk in…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hahahahaha ill try\n",
"assistant": "Good girl!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I know i change two times the time haha but im late, so at 7? And im near\n",
"assistant": "How close are you to (student’s address)?If you change one more time, I’m going to punish you…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 😏\nHer: See you at seven, anyway ill write you when im near\n",
"assistant": "I’ll grab you from security gate when you’re here",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Im coming\nHer: Im here\n",
"assistant": "Coming",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. She was giving submissive signals using body language in her profile. He messaged her first.",
"assistant": "You’re such a good girl.",
"annotation": " This message conveys sexual dominance."
"user": "Her: Not sure about it\n",
"assistant": "You will be after I’m done with you.",
"annotation": " This message doubles down on the sexual dominance."
"user": "Her: Sounds convincing 😈\nHer: so tell me what you would like to do with me?\n",
"assistant": "First, I’m going to handcuff your hands behind your back. And then I’m going to force you down on your knees and tell you to open your mouth.",
"annotation": " This message conveys that he is sexually dominant and knows what he is doing in the bedroom. It is important to wait for her to give you the green light before going this sexual over message, otherwise you risk coming off as creepy."
"user": "Her: oh fuck im wet already hahaha\n",
"assistant": "After I’ve slid my hard cock down your throat and made you gag on it, I’m going to throw you on the bed, flip you over with your ass up and slide my hard cock in you from behind",
"annotation": " This message escalates the sexting because she has given the green light to double down in her last message."
"user": "Her: mmm. Yes please!\n",
"assistant": "Bring your ass over here.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i wish, but i am busy till saturday, cause my friend is staying with me\nHer: and maybe if they dont want to go to the party tomorrow. Can be tomorrow evening.\n",
"assistant": "Tomorrow evening could actually work for me! Do you have WhatsApp?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yes i do\nHer: (her phone number)\n",
"assistant": "Good girl",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: i will be\nHer: So if they don’t want to go to the party I will be free tomorrow from 10pm\nHer: we are going to the party but I am free tomorrow evening \n",
"assistant": "Perfect. Let’s do tomorrow evening",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. She had a photo of her posing with a snowboard. He used this to send the opening message.",
"assistant": "Do you actually know how to snowboard, or did you just want the Tinder photo?",
"annotation": " Girls will often feel compelled to respond if you challenge them. This is what he is doing here."
"user": "Her: I know very well, probably better than you 😘\n",
"assistant": "I challenge you to a snowboard race. If you’re brave enough, that it…",
"annotation": " This message doubles down on the challenge. We can tell from her previous response that she responds well to being challenged. "
"user": "Her: Hahaha\nHer: How\nHer: I just came back from Andorra haha\nHer: And from Dubai where i went for ski dubai to try it hahaha\n",
"assistant": "So you are all warmed up for the challenge already?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: yes but i still cant imagine this hahaha\nHer: Do you have a slope in your home? 🤣\n",
"assistant": "Yes of course! We have a slope in (student’s apartment building)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Baby even (student’s apartment building) doesnt have a slope. Thats why living in Warsaw is not perfect 🤣\nHer: I just came here 5 days ago after 2 years in Barcelona\n",
"assistant": "I just had one installed! It slides right into my bedroom!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I dont believe you 🤓\nHer: Must see 🤣\n",
"assistant": "I’m going to show you. If you’re feeling very brave, let’s add a bet to the challenge…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Im not feeling brave. I am brave but its more about feeling curious haha\nHer: Oki, what bet? 😁\n",
"assistant": "If you win the race, I give you the best experience of your life. If you lose, you have to give me a strong back massage. Deal?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: If i win the race on the slope which slides into your bed, yea? 🤣\nHer: This deal is starting to get interesting hahah\n",
"assistant": "I’m going to make you an even better deal",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Go ahead\n",
"assistant": "If you win, I’ll throw in 20-30 orgasms as a bonus. I’m feeling very nice today!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: hahaha it takes a long time\nHer: Are you ready?\n",
"assistant": "It won’t take that long, maybe 1-2 hours. I was born ready. The real question is, do you think your body is ready for that many orgasms?",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: No i think thats impossible for sure haha\n",
"assistant": "Oh it’s definitely possible. What’s the most you’ve ever had with a guy before?",
"annotation": " The purpose of this message is to get her to open up and invest in the conversation more."
"user": "Her: Not too many 😅 the most important is way to get it \nHer: Better when it takes longer\nHer: but of course it depends on the woman\nHer: I think so\n",
"assistant": "So you prefer to have very strong & intense orgasms?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Obviously!\n",
"assistant": "Imagine having 20 of them… you’re going to be absolutely addicted and hooked",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I need to experience it to believe it 😅\nHer: Why do you think you are so strong in it?\n",
"assistant": "I know so from experience.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: usually girls pretend\nHer: I dont know why\nHer: but ive heard\n",
"assistant": "it's easy to tell a real orgasm from a fake one. Some things cannot be faked - such as some of the contractions, the heavy muscle convulsions. But I also always make sure to create a dynamic where we’re completely open and the girl would never feel the need to lie or fake anything.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: sounds good \nHer: But im still curious why you are so focused on that\n",
"assistant": "I love giving them! It’s my passion! 👅",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: nice passion hahaha\n",
"assistant": "What about you? What are you passionate about in bed?",
"annotation": " "
"user": "Her: haha i can show you\nHer: You gonna love it 🤭\n",
"assistant": "When are you going to show me?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: When do you want?\nHer: Today could be a good day 🤭\n",
"assistant": "Today may be the most perfect day actually…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: When and where🤭\n",
"assistant": "(His building) 8pm.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: We are all set\n",
"assistant": "Perfect, message me when you’re on your way",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oki\nHer: Im on way\n",
"assistant": "See you soon!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: But i will be late a little cause i need to park somewhere\nHer: I hope that we are going to drink something hahah\n",
"assistant": "Yes there’s wine!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Arrived\nHer: Im in the car in front of entrance haha\n",
"assistant": "Did you park?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on Tinder. The girl is hiding her face with her phone in the first two photos in her profile so he uses that to open her with.",
"assistant": "You have such a beautiful smile in your first 2 photos",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Okay, thanks I guess.. But I’m not smiling in any of this photos hahah\nHer: And actually.. This 2 first photos aren’t these ones where I’m hiding behind my phone? 🙈 😂\nHer: But I have to tell you that you have such a nice tattoo 😅 There are many things that can be said in response to these messages. The first two messages offer little to escalate with so it would be better to open a dialogue about the tattoos.\n",
"assistant": "You’ll never guess why I got it",
"annotation": " This is a baiting message that compels her to ask for more. "
"user": "Her: Probably I won’t, so tell me why you got it\n",
"assistant": "It’s a bit explicit. You’re not some kind of good girl, are you?",
"annotation": " This encourages a sexual frame by framing being a ‘good girl’ as a bad thing."
"user": "Her: I don’t know, I would say I’m something between I guess hah\nHer: Sometimes I’m good, sometimes i’m not haha\nHer: But you can tell, cause I’m so curious about it now hah\n",
"assistant": "As a Dominant, I can always identify a submissive girl",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Well, you right I am submissive\n",
"assistant": "i know… exactly my type",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: That’s good\nHer: Finally I’m in somebody’s type\nHer: Hahah\n",
"assistant": "I know what you like",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh really?\n",
"assistant": "You love a guy that leads, who can take control in the bedroom",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Sure, but only in the bedroom\n",
"assistant": "I know it can be very hard for you to find a guy that satisfies those needs",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah, unfortunately it’s so true\n",
"assistant": "Yes I totally understand. For me, there’s nothing hotter than bending a girl over and spanking her with my paddle",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh yes, I love when someone does this and then pulls my hair or grabs my neck so that I can barely breathe\n",
"assistant": "I can imagine my hands around your neck, and sliding my hard dick in you while you gasp for air",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh god, don’t say anything cause it makes me feel like I need a guy right now\n",
"assistant": "If you were here right now I’d absolutely ruin you",
"annotation": " This is a very sexual way to soft close."
"user": "Her: I’d like that idea\nHer: I really need somebody to fuck me hard\n",
"assistant": "Do you work the next 2 days?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Unfortunately I do\n",
"assistant": "Call in sick",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I can’t, I just got this job and that will be my first days\n",
"assistant": "There’s nothing more I’d like to do than tie you up and fuck you hard all night",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’d really like that to\nHer: Can’t imagine anything better right now \n",
"assistant": "Where’s your nearest bus station?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Pretty far, but I’m getting this new job in Warsaw and I’m coming tomorrow or actually its today already\nHer: So maybe some day we could get some wine or drinks and then go to your place or somewhere\n",
"assistant": "I’ve got great wine at my place. Just let me know what time you’re free",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Actually I don’t know when I’ll be free, it depends on my work, but I’ll find out everything at Friday\nHer: But I think even at Friday, after work I should find some time\n",
"assistant": "That’s actually perfect for me. Do you have WhatsApp?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I dont\nHer: I have only ig or snapchat\n",
"assistant": "What’s your IG?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Student: I’m curious about something \nHer: What are you curious about 😅\nStudent: But first I need to ask if you’re open minded\nHer: Very\nStudent: Do men realize that you’re quite submissive to the right kind of dominant man? This is a general cold read that could apply to many women. \nHer: So you are the right kind of dominant man?\n",
"assistant": "yes.",
"annotation": " would have been more effective. "
"user": "Her: I think my type is dominant men for sure\nStudent: I’m very passionate and aggressive when it counts. I can tell you’d love having your hair pulled, choked, bent over randomly and being spanked\nHer: This is normal sex to me haha This message is a good indicator that he can go harder with the sexualisation.\nStudent: Good. Now I know you can handle handcuffs, bed restraints, toys, multiple screaming oral orgasms and squirting This message doubles down on the sexting.\nHer: Yes 100%, do you have a safe word?\nHer: Okay the best sex I have ever had is when a guy made me squirt soooo heck yeah\nStudent: It’s ‘peaches’. Gotta honor the state somehow. This keeps the conversation light and playful by adding some humor.\nStudent: Perfect. I’ll be sure to make you squirt 4-6 times on our intense date then\nHer: Shit so real question, how do you become a sexologist\n",
"assistant": "It’s a long story. I’ll tell you over a bottle of wine",
"annotation": "."
"user": "They matched on a dating app. They have exchanged numbers. The have organized to meet. ",
"assistant": "Let’s meet at 10:30. (Student’s address). Just message me when you’re on your way!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Okay, do you live alone or with your friends?\n",
"assistant": "I live with my business partner, but he’s out meeting clients tonight!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: And you don’t have to?\n",
"assistant": "Tonight is my night off! I’ve been working very hard!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Haha Okay I believe\nHer: You know what, I don’t think this is a good idea, I’ve never dated a stranger that I’ve never seen to bed 😅\n",
"assistant": "We won’t be strangers… we’re going to sit down and get to know each other first! You’re going to feel like you’ve known me forever! If you want to leave, I’m going to order you an Uber and give you a hug goodbye! But that’s very, very unlikely…",
"annotation": " This message is designed to make her feel more comfortable by assuring her that she is entering into a pressureless situation which she can leave at any time. It also reassures her that he will be as fun, interesting and attractive in person as he has been over text."
"user": "Her: Haha you are smart\n",
"assistant": "See you at 10:30!",
"annotation": ""
"user": "They matched on hinge. The girl liked one of his prompts. The prompt was: I’m weirdly attracted to accents, intelligence, tatts, and a nice 🍑. He sent the first message based on this prompt.",
"assistant": "Which one do you have..",
"annotation": " This message makes her qualify."
"user": "Her: Tattoos and I’ve been told I have a nice ass\n",
"assistant": "Do you have a nice ass?",
"annotation": " This message makes her further qualify."
"user": "Her: Yes I suppose\n",
"assistant": "Good.So what fun things have you been up to?",
"annotation": " This message rewards her compliance so far."
"user": "Her: Hmm gaming and work 😂 playing with my dogs\n",
"assistant": "I try to stay busy with working out, cooking, gaming, and working on my online business",
"annotation": " This message baits her into asking about his business."
"user": "Her: What’s your business\n",
"assistant": "It’s a little controversial…",
"annotation": " This message makes her chase for the answer."
"user": "Her: well let me decide that for myself\n",
"assistant": "I essentially teach men how to have better dating and sex lives",
"annotation": " This message DHV’s him and gives him sexual authority."
"user": "Her: Really? Like doesn’t bother me I just wanna make sure you’re serious\n",
"assistant": "I’m very serious, it’s a passion of mine",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: So are you good at it though like you yourself?\n",
"assistant": "Which part?",
"annotation": " This message forces her to verbalize what she is asking about. If she explicitly asks for it, it will come across more natural and less braggy than if her just came out and said it."
"user": "Her: Well I guess the sex? And if you’re teaching others about how to have better dating lives why are you on here? \n",
"assistant": "Well, if you can handle 10-15 oral orgasms then yesAnd I’m on here to meet women worth my time. I’m done with the hot casual hookups. I value chemistry before I decide to see someone again.",
"annotation": " The fact that he wants to meet women worth his time implies high standards. Saying he is done with hot casual hookups implies preselection. Saying that he values chemistry handles an objection she may have before she vocalizes it. "
"user": "Her: I think that’s the first time I’ve heard that reason. It’s hard finding guys worth my actual time and feelings. I don’t keep my hopes up but keep my expectations low. Been disappointed many times. \nHer: And I’ve rarely had guys give me one let alone 10\n",
"assistant": "That’s a shame, looks like you haven’t had a guy that can give you a good time",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I haven’t had a guy that is decent enough to be called a man.\n",
"assistant": "I’m very curious about something..",
"annotation": " This message is a compliance test. It gives curiosity as the justification for escalating sexually."
"user": "Her: Okay.. shoot\n",
"assistant": "Do you like being choked and eaten out?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I haven’t been choked much.. But being dominated kinda turns me on like the thought of it. Never really explored that side of sex. And yes if a guy is good at eating out\n",
"assistant": "Then I know exactly what I’d do to you..",
"annotation": " This message baits her into asking what he’d do. There is an increased probability of compliance if she asks about it."
"user": "Her: Oh yeah? What’s that?\n",
"assistant": "First I’d pin you to the wall and start kissing your neck while slowly sliding my hand down your body and over your chest, as I bite and whisper in your ear how I’m about to fuck the shit out of you, I start teasing your pussy with my fingers..",
"annotation": " This message conveys dominance, focuses on her pleasure and is a gradual build up where she’s always asking for him to continue and chases it."
"user": "Her: 😏\nHer: Yeah? Then what?\n",
"assistant": "Then I slowly slide my fingers over your clit and on the outside of your pussy until I put them inside of you and finger you until you start dripping, then I grab you by your thighs and lift you up as we keep kissing and throw you on the bed…",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Chemistry huh? Lol I like it keep going\n",
"assistant": "I’ll whisper into your ear that I want to get you dripping right onto the floor and tease the fuck out of you until you beg me to fuck you as I am running my hands under your shirt and taking it oof slowly as I push my body against yours. Your skin will be turning red, your breaths will be heavier, your body is going to be getting hotter as I grab the back of your neck and grab your hair while I bend you over the edge of the bed. I will hear that you’re gonna start gasping and letting them little moans coming out of you as you feel my hands against your skin as I run it down your spine on my fingertips. I will spank your ass so bad that even with your pants on you will have my handprints underneath. Your panties will be getting soaking wet and you will be driven crazy",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Damn… imma be feeling a type of way tonight\n",
"assistant": "Too bad I’m not there to lick you clean 😏",
"annotation": " This is a kind of sexual soft close."
"user": "Her: 😏 😉\n",
"assistant": "I’m hard just thinking about it",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Now if you’re as good as you claim. But idk you saying you’re not looking for hookups then why go through all that?\n",
"assistant": "I’m not opposed to hookups, just has to be with the right person",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ah\n",
"assistant": " 😏",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: I’m not saying I’m looking for a hookup. I was just wondering you said you valued chemistry before deciding to see someone\n",
"assistant": "Before seeing someone againBut yeahDon’t get me wrong, I love sex..",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: But? Seems like there’s a but coming\n",
"assistant": "But I especially love giving oral orgasms",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh so talented with your tongue?\n",
"assistant": "One could say :)",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hmm I guess that makes two of us \n",
"assistant": "Yeah? You like eating pussy too?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 😂 no \nHer: I mean I wouldn’t say I enjoy sucking dick but I’m good at it\n",
"assistant": "I’d like to see how good",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: 🤷‍♀️\n",
"assistant": "What do you like?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Hmm what do I like to do or what do I like done?\n",
"assistant": "Both. As in what are your kinks/ what turns you on?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Like I said I haven’t explored many kinks at all. Most guys just do their own thing. But I like being bitten softly. Again some domination though haven’t explored that a lot. Hmm my favorite position is probably doggy. But haven’t done a lot of those either\n",
"assistant": "Doggy is my favorite positionI’d softly bite your neck to tease you",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Boy you know how to talk it up don’t you\nStudent: 🤷🏻‍♂️\nHer: Lol\n",
"assistant": "What are you up to right now?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Getting food\nHer: And you?\n",
"assistant": "Just ate an edibleAnd eating food",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Oh dang how’s that and what did you eat??\n",
"assistant": "Thai food. Amazing.",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Ooo yum! I love Asian food!\n",
"assistant": "Oh yeah?",
"annotation": ""
"user": "Her: Yeah also do you have snap?\n",
"assistant": "NopeText me (student’s phone number)",
"annotation": ""