datasets: - multilingual instruction dataset license: bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 language: - de - en - es - fr - hi - id - ja - ms - pt - ru - th - vi - zh pipeline_tag: text-generation widget: - text: "一个传奇的开端,一个不灭的神话,这不仅仅是一部电影,而是作为一个走进新时代的标签,永远彪炳史册。Would you rate the previous review as positive, neutral or negative?" example_title: "zh-en sentiment" - text: "一个传奇的开端,一个不灭的神话,这不仅仅是一部电影,而是作为一个走进新时代的标签,永远彪炳史册。你认为这句话的立场是赞扬、中立还是批评?" example_title: "zh-zh sentiment" - text: "Suggest at least five related search terms to \"Mạng neural nhân tạo\"." example_title: "vi-en query" - text: "Proposez au moins cinq mots clés concernant «Réseau de neurones artificiels»." example_title: "fr-fr query" - text: "Explain in a sentence in Telugu what is backpropagation in neural networks." example_title: "te-en qa" - text: "Why is the sky blue?" example_title: "en-en qa" - text: "Write a fairy tale about a troll saving a princess from a dangerous dragon. The fairy tale is a masterpiece that has achieved praise worldwide and its moral is \"Heroes Come in All Shapes and Sizes\". Story (in Spanish):" example_title: "es-en fable" - text: "Write a fable about wood elves living in a forest that is suddenly invaded by ogres. The fable is a masterpiece that has achieved praise worldwide and its moral is \"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent\". Fable (in Hindi):" example_title: "hi-en fable" model-index: - name: bloomz-7b1-instruct --- # Bloomz-7b1-instruct This is Bloomz-7b1-mt model fine-tuned with multilingual instruction dataset and using Peft Lora fine-tuning. Following languages are supported: - English - German - French - Spanish - Hindi - Indonesian - Japanese - Malaysian - Portuguese - Russian - Thai - Vietnamese - Chinese