diff --git "a/vocab.txt" "b/vocab.txt" --- "a/vocab.txt" +++ "b/vocab.txt" @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ [SEP] [MASK] & -' ( ) , @@ -50,22489 +49,24200 @@ y z µ · -º -æ ø -þ ı ƒ ɛ -ʹ α β γ δ ε -ζ η θ -κ λ μ -ν -ξ -π ρ σ τ -φ -ψ +χ ω -ϕ -о -с +є – ’ -##n ##e -##q -##u -##i ##v -##o -##c -##a -##l +##r ##s +##i ##t -##y -##p -##r -##d +##l +##o +##w +##n ##g +##a +##p +##h +##c +##y +##u ##m -##1 -##f +##d ##x -##0 -##5 -##w -##h -##b -##2 -##j -##k ##z -##8 +##j ##3 -##4 -##9 ##7 +##8 +##f +##b +##4 +##0 +##k +##1 ##6 -##δ -##ρ -##ϕ -##η +##9 ##μ -##ø -##β +##5 +##2 +##q +##σ ##α -##ω -##π -##ı +##β ##θ -##о -##æ -##ε -##µ -##γ -##λ -##κ -##σ -##ν -##ʹ -##ζ -##ƒ +##ı th +##te ##on -##er -##ti the -##es -##en +##ti +##re ##in -##ed ##al -##it ##nd -##at +##er of -in -##tion -##re +##es and +in +##en ##ar ##or -##ro -##as +##tion ##ic -##ent -##le +##ro +##ed +##it ##an -##mp -##el -##st +##ite +##as +##ation +##ate +##os ##ol +##is +##id +##at +##el to +##ul ##ing -##ation -##si +##le +##tr +##ag +##mp +##us ##ith +##oc +##ly +is +##ac +de +with +##th ##ur +##ent con -##ag -##ac +##ter co -with -##ite -##et -is -##id -##is +al ##ig -##ul -re ##ure -##im -##ow -##ly for -##ec +##ati +are +be +re +min +as +##ow ##il -##oc -ex -##th +##eral ##rom -##ain -##us -##ati +##iz ##ve +##ated +##ain from -st -as -comp -al -at -##op -are -that -##res -##ts -##yst -cr -mel -##os -an -##ter -##ot -##ce -##ere -##ff -be ##lu -##uc -di +##im +##ts +##ion by -##ib -##ng -##ents -##igh -##ated +##ph +mineral +that +dep +##om +at +##ere +##se +##res ##ab -##em -mo -##iz -wh -te -cont +an ##am -##ir -on -or -##per -##um -##ate -pro -##sition ##ted -##qu +##ock gr -##om ##ou -##ich -##ase -##erat -##di -##tic +##ot +##od +depos +##um +st +##ce +##yr su -pres -##og -##ant -ph -temp -##osition -temperat -##iv -de -mag -##sion -ma -##ting -##ine -sh -composition -inc -##ystal -high -##ity -crystal -tr -##ver +##ys +##ec ch -##ations -##ues +flu +##et +##op +rock +##tic +sh +comp +deposit +wh +fluid +##ther +ma +##ich ##ge -##ap -melt -##se -exper -low -diff -res -pl -##ock -##amp -experim -##te -magm -col -##eral -this -##ene -##rox +##cc +sul +##art +##tin +##og +pro +dis +ex +or +on +##age +di +##usion +mag +##ide +##ver +qu +ore +##igh +##mal +##ition +form +##uc +##em +sulf +inc +sa +##qu +##ad +##pp +##artz +quartz +##ib +##alc +rocks +##ost +##ine +te +##ous +##one +##ues +##ant bas -cl -##ures -##00 -##action -were -par +##yrite +##ein +##ch +##ir +vein ha -min -fig -##ely -ele -samp -figure -##erm -##yrox -temperature -##2o -colle -was -##age -press -##tr -rock -sp -us +##ies +this +##tal +cont +##ization +##orph +##red +cr +met +##nt +res +##tite +##ature ##ally -##les -inter -##duc -##ater -##agues -colleagues +rel +pl +samp +se +##yd have -ol -grain +##ting +alter +un +##old +##ges +##ations +str +##ity +inter +high +magm +##rou +deposits +##ut +##yp +##igure +figure +##ff ##able +alteration +were ##ment -##ence -##io -li -mineral -##mph -ab -which -##con -##ri -##pp -##opyrox -##ole -we -per -##ges -##tions -ac -dis -fe -qu -cal -##ph +low +##orite +occ +##ran +##usions +##if +##vel +occur +##ess +val +##we +##ary +##ore +hyd ##ass -##ers -##un +##les +intr +calc +car +rep +which +col +##ong +##ene +ph +cl +hydro +gold +these +sulfide +mineralization bet -##ay -##ch -amph -rel -##ircon -zircon -##ut -mod -##ess -##een -un -##aly -##str -fr -##log -##ds -amphib -en -not -##ari +##ap +incl +##ase +##ud +##iv +pre +temp +##ize +##00 +cons +grain +ge +compos +typ +ass +ar +##all +was +ev +##otop ##ween between -form -##fic -##opyroxene -##cent -##ites -##ust -ev +##ates +ne +isotop +veins +##rac +##erature +##ne +temperature +pyrite +ab +pres +##ill +sp +##thermal +##bon +##itic +##ra +ind +size +##ical +##ater +##can +##ip vol -oliv -pressure -##ize +##ture +##ence +##and +##ized +hydrothermal +carbon +fa +##ten +##atic +##ay show -met -basal -sub -##tite -analy -ob -mant -these -crystall -mantle -##ary -flu -##rou -##ace -##pa -##ocl -compositions -se -isot -##ad -plag -##ell -h2o -ind -plagi -isotop -##ved -##oclase -##ange -olivine -ne -##ong -##ical -rep -dat -dep -stu -##all -plagioclase samples -##hy -##ther -syst -system -inclu -##ates -##ect -##der -size -differ -##end -sil -incre -ass -data -ar -app -me -##and -mg -experiments -##ous -experiment -##av +cu +values +##eld +en +nor +##ystal +##st +ox +composition +formation +##ome +inclusions +##ides +fluids +##ata +sub +zone +##ik +##ari +##ive im -concent -concentr -up -equ -can -calc -crust -##tial -amphibole -gpa -so -dur -##art -than -str -melts -all -##so -##gh -gl -##ak -using -cor -##ization -sol -pre -fluid -ful -sim -hy -also -ca -resul -magma -consi -fraction -##ree -vari -##tiv -##ments -val -##usion -##ution -temperatures -##orm -pr -##act within -silic -##arn -during -##artz -condi -##ases -##ility -##bl -quartz -model +faul +##ull +##iti +data +gran +minerals +anal full -##ound -lower -##ose -ox -##atur -##ach -rocks -clin +##ution +##ng +colle +##oci it -##ser -water -ad -##atic -##ized -conditions -element -##uch -content +associ +##our +crystal +loc +rich +##otite +##orm +##est +##pl +##uring +##entr +mod +##gh +##ium +##ree +most +##ia +##ear +par +conc +le +##ak +sil +##form +ele +us +##olog +porph +during zon -sm -##ies -int -garn -10 -##oth -##dy -##ost -reaction -##ide -garnet -tw +ac +age +##tern +been +##so +ob +contain +per +me +porphyr +volcan +##sp +also +has +indic +stage +fe +than +##agues +colleagues +cor +##ian +##un +##lac +##sem +##ond +##tem +over +distr +ran +##ystem +##ell +system +not +##arly +image +##ick +##ites +diff +unit +magmatic +calcite +##atite +vari +main +mar +##iment +bi +##ast +resul sug -##tin +chl +associated sugges -exp -phase -##sti -melting -obser +bo +where +ca +##ers +##amorph +##rox +can +##vely +##ect +##bl +##ied +##to +##low +frac +##ved +##och +uran but -rich -##uld -##cur -det -has -##ign -##ast -range -##tive -calcul -rati -grains -glass -clinopyroxene +##arn +##tered +stud +pb +##ros +bel +metamorph +##ron +##ement +10 +ad +##ediment +lower +volcanic +isotope +more +au +mel +##duc +##pper +ser +##imil +##opyrite +silic +##ole +##gen +##ard +##ating +other +##ound +##ist +##ll +##uld +com +tw +reg ##ue -hyd +table +lar +grou +##act +basal +##ix +##fic ##ative -car -##low -dec -may +gen +late +zones ##hed -##tain -##itic -##ight -ge -##ilib -##ore -been -##ating -imp -lar -higher -##ct -##ist -##ble -image -##yp -orth -where -diffusion -typ -##up -therm -tran -more -##ific -sample -##quid -there -inclusion +mass +sou two -sign -crystallization -simil -##olite -liquid -gen -##her -##cess -equilib +hos +##tent +related +biotite +##con +concentr +##sion +magne +app +ol +##ace +may +##dition +##erite +chalc mic -er -indic -similar -wt -most -##anic -over -coe -experimental -##ack -##ial -oc -##form +type +repres +intrusion +##per +chlorite +##ign +simil +grad +sec +##ose +porphyry +ag +lim +pr +we +##ific +rec +##mon +##ages +##tures +analys +magnetite +##ale +prec +##av +model und -their -contents -eff -sour -##orph -how -##ome -##ido -concentrations -trace -po -perido -##de -##est -reg -##ient +range +sediment +bre +gre +##ict +##ely +carbonate +##olution +##aring +element +##ct +differe +##out +grains +##ord +##are +bod +##ath +struc +bearing +chalcopyrite +##olite +##inated +sc +##try +formed both -magmas -20 -##ne -si -le -##iel +ages +all +there +##ield +some +thick +assem +##ight +##ang +assembl +north +sour +##ioc +dom +##osed +consis +sign +early +sample +similar +group +comple +fault +dol +shear +along +##yrox +##ents +##raph +brecc +sk +altered ##ens -##ort +tex +magma +##ined +region ##row -occur -contain -gran -minerals -bul -sc -##ile -values -##ding -##ill -our +acc +##ort +##lud +ep +rati +tim +up +tran ##ces -compar -bulk -##tern -run -##bon -other -under -study -table -##asing -ree -phen -##logop -##ses -phlogop -different -meas -carbon -sl -into -##ever -however -basalts -elements -##eter -rec +##eldsp +south +red +##acter +##ained +into +crus +##ism +char +sur +part +geolog +feldsp +host +sulph +##ogen +am +metal +mo +po +20 +area +dolom +mon +temperatures +equ +character +imp +##iqu such -tim -phlogopite -##ryst -##8o -##xt -##ined -##aph -mi -observed -crystals -present -used -##gen -##ance -consist -decre -produc -bound -ec -hydro -eclog -ra -##ros -results -those -only -volc -##rium -isotope -δ1 -##ard -ag -inclusions -some -studi -small -calculated -orthopyroxene -##rite -##oun -sec -δ18o +##ble +##den +##ike +how +##pre +##ser +under +pos +uranium +##ca +hosted +##lase +feldspar +pe +br +using +##tiv ##ular -rhy +sulfides +district +common +##tur +##rough +##tions +fol +upper +sequ +##ame +##ever +however he -am -##vely -lik -repres -bec -##ber -no -host -##ism -source -dom -##ip -##ties -##ond -ref -char -##ffic -##ability -solid +sal +obser +sch +##umul +plag +skarn +sy ##round -com -##ould -##ear -##aterial -material -##50 -process -##enti -spec -equilibrium -##ied +mineralis +orig +plagioc +18 +geoch +includ +ores +##cess +##ably +tre +crystals +complex isotopic -esti -##sol -estim -acc -red -resp -analyses -der -signific -##gr -peridotite -large -##och -mon -##led -determ -##fore -11 -comple -12 -##uct -##kal -##ron -micro -deriv -##par -inf -##rysts -##px -##ang -ext -##ious -volum -assem -pat -##ral -maj -ratios -##ield -pb -sur -erup -na -set -##olog -satur -##ep -##rich -##use -contr -##rough -major -py -enrich -significant -##ough -##ins -corre -bear -evol -prim -##sive -##ration -conduc +plagioclase +only through -parti -##ion -##emical -bearing +sl +occurs +replac they -plu -la -##olith -##ton -metam -##gite -derived -ear -##ves -subduc -sul -arc -crustal -fractionation -based -formation -consistent -fol -co2 +##ount +intrusions +##odi +##ep +origin +el ##atively -alkal -##osed -##dition -rem -##ected -text -oce -rim +##ases +no +des +mant prov -metamorph -ve -assembl -each -grow -##und -100 -##ages -mafic -addition -well -##osph -one -coeffic -##ides -##abb -##ry -pressures -increasing -bel -gabb -lav -thus -loc -magmatic -##oz -##ho -along -##out -lith -##ction -##vel -intr -##ines -##own +contact +##ross +ver +water +large +##ipit +##ber +prim +phase +present +##odiorite +##me +##ough +basin +source +##und +interpre +faults +##vi +##graph +##ither +expl +metamorphic +##co +maj +post +##ach +well +fraction +precipit +##astern +##ack +seric +δ1 +##der +major +##ile +co2 +study +hor +##ivine +olivine +os +##cl +process +lay +trac +micro +dr +massive +concentrations +##formation +fac +##ance +smal +##zed prop -reid -##ame -##tical -cu -des -reidite -##acter -##han -mar -ti -studies -character -mix -star -do -##its -represent -follow -sr -##ause -##ded -compon -gre -because -##pm -##hedral +##velop +##ons +##use +their +small +grained +about mat -##ub -##ual -cool +signific +higher +##emical trans -sy -##anite -##tively -##face -##atite -##io2 +so +trend +##onic +km +plu +##rich +##par +##inite +##thern +different +af +##tial +exten +significant +ap +##han +##hib +ni +##ress +##stone +relatively +condition +##kal +minor +produc +enrich +represent 40 -pol -general -##ctr -due -fo -partition -disc -therefore -19 -lim -##li -##ale -struct -electr -its -natur -xen -geoch -pluton -##ove -##ured -formed -volume -prev -region -ini -phases -silicate -starting -ver -##ced -##fied -##ory -basaltic -##tivity -natural -upper -line -fel -abund -near -##pre -##red -cur -pyrox -##etro -stability -##ov -increase -eu -##gac -##iven -eclogite -time -above -##ement -oceanic -nor +ste +##4s +##ibution +##ren +resp +inf +##ented +compositions +##oly +##adi +##ould ##orted -likely -main -##sible -while -##itu -partial -oxy -relatively -consider -zone -expl -##cted -contin +calcul +15 +bar +sph +ref +sand field -##oic -constr -relations -##ail -##orn -relative -clos -effect -phenoc -would -concentration -##pl -boundary -same -lavas -oxygen -basalt -systems -ratio -type -complex -fur -##ors -##eters -##az -partic -processes -rhyolite -af -respec -cooling -##ains -##ination -comm -##ick -deg -shown -xenolith -cap -transition -hydrous -given -if -measured -##ozoic -interpre +whereas +sedimentary +pp +##ris +##ke +##assic +grade +analyses +pge +pyrox +##2o +analy +##tivity +##sti +##cr +emp +ratios +zir +mafic +##ible +conditions +zircon +##fore +##lo +hem out -##lation -##enite -evid -growth -aver -graph -age -mol -##sis -deple -pos -##formation -amoun +incre +##gm +##reg +##ram +##ected +##veral +indicate +facies +der alb -magn -15 -could -lay -ser -##uff -ms -##omp -##sed -after -##esite -##orite -##ental -determined -##edi -##umul -sio2 -volcanic -13 -obtain -graphite -lithosph -##onic -presence -abs -common -##rol -##oci -orig -analysis -previous -constrain -##ression -##ients -order -prof -##apor -pattern -id -dissol -mes -monaz -monazite -##ensity -coefficients -ages +##pping +wall +def +beca +because +##gin +##tical +spec +##sure +crystall three -##ertain -pred -il -##zed -##erite -shows -suggest -requ -##sequ -reported +develop +contr +mineralized +##rite +sphal +later +##term +##own +sphalerite +alkal +##ered +dolomite +eastern +ig +##ral +##ically +deposition +one +##tural +determ +mine +oxid +oro +diag +separ +##ves +belt +general less -##orp -control -chl -compared -average -fer -##ural -unc -pyrite -alter -depth -will -recor -emp -then -silicic -very -compositional -subduction -origin -##oles -fin -##ia -zr -##idual -when -##unction -##edim +mus +##ama +la +##ail +contro +##ived +bodies +salin +mineralisation +pd +##eous +##ial +##ory +contin +displ +exp +##ah +##zo +##ility +dec +prob +mantle +relations +ul +##med +breccia +oxy +##tained +##enetic +##action +##oun +based +granodiorite +rem +pressure +results +liqu +ter +##ie +orogen +liquid +assemblages +observed +after +sm +used +units +primary +strati +second +cut +##ately +event +corre +elements +derived +lith +bl +those +scale +sequence +sericite +19 +its +##ual +deformation +aver +mix radi -below -gabbro -chemical -import +could +types +hom +##ibr +abund +ultr +##ines +time +centr +would +rh +##ote +##ward +suggest +flow +man +central +por +tect +##ms +##ities +##ction +locally +poss +due +fine +##aw +##els +addition +basalt +hematite +##sen +##hip +several +obtained gener -##ogen -##netite -domin -respectively -bio -fact -##eric -xenoliths -##ob -##tit -##ench -##isting -##rix -zircons -##blend -alkali -limit -##ornblend -pot -matrix -14 -metho -##roup -pe -##strib -associ -##cr -##ling -function -group -hornblend -##ross -contrast -mixing -petro -vapor -##pt -##ric -##ade -effec -volcan -closure -albite -blu -back -##lac -##ward -new -dem -hf -man -##tal -stage -free -stand -found -ppm -##pb -##ately -##reg -displ -metamorphic -shock -depend +##vious +plut +39 +mainly +melting +emplac +##zoic +pyr +##ient ##hyd -initial -biotite -##clu -##ends -##therm -##ays -fluids -evidence -##if -##rated -##ram -density -ic -ru -##ometer -phenocrysts -uncertain -ap -dac -##tig -supp -##ogene -refle -saturated +content +disc +distribution +found +##kes +##abb +sulfur +margin +oxygen +δ3 +##ena +relationship +##ove +##go +depth +dissem +δ18 +neg +cross +##resp +follow +tr +##inant 200 -amphiboles -appear -whereas -##ences -##ature -measure -slight -enriched -num -##lic -caps -obtained -##ential +eu +fin +##oid +##ikely +##hedral +regional +drill +zn +ree +arc +presence +contains +corresp +δ34s +correspond +plat +limest +##amafic +##ors +compris +very +ultramafic +descr +band +##rop +mount +base +inclusion +assemblage +##pen +##bod +##astic +showing +bound +ir +same +##vite +##iss +orebod +consistent +amp +gal +wt +super +δ18o +fold +##vol +##land +moly +##tro +##bden +##estern +molybden +pot +set +initi ##though although -mgo -mec -sou -##one -dire -magnetite -##vestig -vers -quench -metas -variations -evolution -fir -investig -##oss -poin -versus -nb -##ically -const -param -value -phengite -sulf -40ar -hornblende -18 -##formed -##inel +##ecti +pegm +probably +galena +##au +evid +oxide +average +39ar +calculated +amphib +sel +##rh +import +##cted +melt +body +reduc +iron +##ork +##tric +##ments +tra +##ination +copper +num +tak +systems +trace +albite +pyrrh +pyrrhotite +diss +shows result -variation -depleted -first +below +crustal +geological +located +overl +extension +##val +##greg +schist +disseminated +ro +conten +precipitation +##face +##ilibr +previous +above +##ince +tectonic +##uff +##ft +##ified +apatite +stock +##quent ##onite -##tile -solidus -au -cpx -lat -norm -##ards -beh -##ably -related -peak -##anges -distrib -##iqu -map -spinel -coex -mechan -cent -rate -##nam -##od -##cop -diam -assum -larg -##crib -materials -##ian -##he -##ish -plot -zoning -syn -##ior -##ody -##lite -##ork -part -indicate -##eous -def -increases -thermal +local +interpreted +diagram +homogen +contents +100 +metamorphism +40ar +cle +##ced +basement +ppm +##anic +##ters +new +northern +processes +gabb +si +consists +##ogenic +rare +##50 +shown +##aceous +therefore +##medi +pegmatite +pat +##enite +structures +brecci +musco +describ +##olith +phases +generally +muscovite +core +occurred section -early -assemblage -much -opx -##ke -thick -fract -important -sing -associated -ky -##velop -component -39 -bar -mass -##ities +##ub +near +refle +cal +normal +commonly +molybdenite +sr +mineralog +level +fr +likely +##pb +sty +silicate +matr +correl +many +fels +##ones +##tif +##duction +matrix +50 +granite +studies +analysis +fur +mul +pt +##amp +plate +crust +equilibr +11 +##gr +consid +actin +activity +characterized +cre +na +sol +total +##lying +differen +##ared +whole +##allel +like +ther +felsic +##amb ##atures -core -##2o3 -simp -slab -discus -further -single -cm -##sm -##onstr -##ently -diag -analyzed +##hydrite +important +fir +pred +##idote strong -electron -demonstr -develop -##app -predic -constant -##resp -##ise -appro -##namic -ul -##orb -mean -produced -surface -vein -##itive -solub -describ -slightly -##eng -total -##imum -calib -veins -following -loss -situ -##til -exh +meas +epidote +syn +controll +hal +##ales +##cep +constr +decre +first +ill +##atur +##stim +limestone +##erous +##ane +##omal +magmas +elec +variable suggests -primitive -felds +green +14 +do +estim +anomal +metas +stratigraph +western +##ited +##ust +reported +##inc +arsen +actinolite +##ish +##rown +measure +line +andes +det +reac +value +##ounts +12 +##ob +##vers +characteris +electr +eff +mid +##ert +##usive +##eren +arg +amounts +fractionation +detail +either +iden +coar +meth 30 -##ten -##hip -carbonate -reduc -patterns -##ither -##ison -flow -##adi -##etry -##istic -whole -glasses -scale -generally -feldspar -cumul -dol -µm -##pen -##medi -##ether -corresp -decrease -##thern -layer -solubility -bl -lher -exce -##chist -##aries -saturation -relationship -lherz -lam -##ots -occurs -conductivity -mm -##ished -orient -close -comparison -primary -mechanism -sedim -##roduc -##sitive -##emi -boundaries -max -dr -mul -##ained -any -systematic -simul -variable -runs -39ar -50 -clu -inv -##orine -##side -crystallis -neg -megac -observ -spectr -km -oxid -many -el -har -ig -os -diffu -even -depos -fractional -enrichment -possible -##orpor -chlorite -diagram -mid -incorpor -expected -exten -rutile -lamell -##stry -second -rhyol -199 -behav -ta -##yc -rims +##yro +##tile +##neous +dominated +##umulate +wide +##sequent +chan +occurren +igneous +further +around +##tle +##ished +shap +salinity +ii +dire +respecti +13 +##anes +anhydrite +typical +carbonates +##formed +##mediate +000 +light +##xim +coun +##ogene +##ibu +evidence +described +giv +events +##sm +##idual +appear +geochemical +ang +supp +dipping +approx +surface +monz +proposed +aqu +##oration +##emis +relative +##reef +larg +poor +enriched +platreef +garn +mes +##ier +thin +##oric +indicates +textures +determined +approxim +garnet +fo +##ustr +stages +##ade +oxides +foli +emplacement +sing +##tive +cool +distin +##uch +close +volum +layers +cen +cur +fact +##tially +##olar +plot +structural +analyzed +orogenic +##gone +parallel +alkali +respectively +##ays +thus +##erate +##ental +stress +ratio +initial +h2o +##ric +##ug +steep +sandstone +developed +abundant ##emistry -tect -estimated -##ology -sulph +aff +##str +##esis +##acl +##neiss +##itive pyroxene -br -distin -sever -case -end -##astic -prec -clust -either -here -k2o -propor -av -kn -nd -exch -beam -eclogites -like -las +cree +##gene +##yl +tour +dikes +evolution +env +horn +##ok +##oph +##opyrox long -##rous +mm +##up +thr +texture +metals +tourmal +##nown +##qui +lead +dominant +##rowth +geology +setting +frag +bed +each +if +partic +comb +epither +controlled +method +epithermal +fill +##tero +##omic +association +least including -accor -structure -normal -##assi -performed -rare -intrusion -##tites -parameters -lherzolite -##ving -hydrotherm -surround -apatite -several +##nde +##ocr +##ean +##ised +coe +##ains +compar +containing +uraninite +soft +single +strike +replacement +smith +dissolution +creek +ear +pet +##ering +deep +shall +horiz +shallow +east +pale +vap +will +west +invol +##ittle +##iron +intrusive +defined +display +##grade +coarse +country ba -fac -hom -pow -rates -##used -assi -poly -euhedral -ni -##roxim -about -indiv -approxim -assemblages -##ogeneous -cle -mn -note -silica -decreasing -##sr -##bur -moun -differenti -significantly -##ogenic -##lites -intersti -oxide -influ -synth -##val -##ush -stable -contains -lithospheric -approach -laser -##cl -##ae -##fe -examp -should -##ake -exchange -thin -##ince -identi -individual -aff -##ie -##isc -##ired -spect -##aphic -evolved -buff -das -##uce -##lo -##greg -##iles -al2o3 -##assic -##elling -geochemical -##mediate -##ath -##ection -trac -components -series -volcano -metasom -dolom -tectonic -interstitial -bre -##enes -conclu -minor -amount -direct -multi -megacrysts -units -separ -upw -distribution -##odynamic -late -san +bul +mang +##ually +deg +typically +18o +barite +approximately +##lom +##ozoic +##anite ##atism -oxides -alteration -potential -effects -measurements -##atible -zones +map +abs +fl +##ots +inten +##asts +intermediate +sulphide +crystallization +potassic +pattern +petro +pse +##ift +##unite +plateau +environ +pseud +mn +much +ti +top +compared +##ology +##blende +mixing +discus +euhedral +tourmaline +dy +gneiss +open +##taceous +##ness +##gite +##ink +##osph +##abir +composed +rhy +cretaceous characteristic -larger -according -fu -##sic -##br -domains -particular -standard -##lying +aqueous +tur +chemical +orth +itabir +basalts +enrichment +block +hyp +solution +##eb contam -interface -volati -coexisting -preser -trend -models -liquids -partitioning -##ength -requi -display -##be +highly +interpret +##end +auth +##arent +trending +cm +end +ton +##ided +##phi +stable +compon +dip +mostly +aggreg +surround +multi +tuff +you +forming +subsequent +suggested +concentration recent -interaction -subsequ -strain -err -poor -comb -does -profiles -described -buffer -dolomite -lit -##zbur +sulphides +##ibuted +##opyroxene +pit +##ake +replaced +orebody +bulk +young +oce +##glom +isoch +when +##ccess +clin +##ification +gabbro +hornblende +ms +tood +areas +success +##oggone +toodoggone +##ision +##umm +##ometry +mete +extensional +##anese +foliation +lake +variation +fractures +spectr +possible +negative +reef +manganese +dac +er +##ring +##log +##work +adj +breccias +meteoric +lav +##ven +preser +spect +nw +tit +conglom +##tine +indicating +given +thrust +ka +##olved +conf +##ogn extr -allow -suggested -granul -products -harzbur -ep -##ann -##ances -deep -change -use -##ive -##ather -##orth -##ased -##veal -plan -grained -features -correlation -marg -linear -interpret -reveal -deformation -metal -times -##ological -lamellae -##ple -state -##ibu -cores -fugac -16 -##ty -analytical -liquidus -studied -correl -conducted -proposed -eas +style +electron +##ded +deple +location +porphyritic +nature +##ging +##pro +##xis +##ky +##asing +##oss +##ression +intrud +observ +secondary +300 +sti +intro +shales +intern +arch +##dera hist -iron -kim -##ule -##ox -andes -dev -showing -granite -decreases -metamorphism -down -es -non -sel -##erred -appar -suggesting -typical -eruption -point -harzburgite -lines -mpa -slow -##ilation -diop -super -intermediate -indicates -##neous -igneous -sanid -kimber -##ually -sele -isotopes -##stit -peridotites -pu -##eschist -##roscop +ke +known +lens +##hn +##ise +##used +features continental -blueschist -number -kyanite -sch -##ima -shall -across -path -earth -textures -provide -interpreted +identif +itabirite +sw +being +##ability +stand +assum distinct -hydrothermal -assim -lov -##land -##ina -trends -changes -lead -least -erupted -characterized -north -considered -continu -emplac -south -sulfide -ultr -correspon -diopside -shallow -tak -coup -reactions -fo2 -icp -capsule -differentiation -morb -nuc -μm -##ogr -quan -calder -detail -indicating -felsic -example -17 +16 +mg +mk +##ganic +fluorite +interaction +##itized +recogn +poin +cy +##na +##az +##pr +##yll +##most +##erred +isa +##rome +relationships +homogenization +our +##uous +##ograph +strik +southern +geochron +transition +bro +##wall +##acent +indiv +include +yield +##ahe +standard +pyro +##omp +spati +melts +increase +contrast +comprises +mineralogy +equilibrium +volume +##ocrys 25 -work -##o2 -##esis -##alent -##atter -conf -##izing -highly -activ -containing -estimates -amounts -sanidine -go -kb -vary -##tir -andesite -reach -four -record -method -nucle -around +silica +basaltic +limahe +exploration +produced +adjacent +mig +##ark +##umb +represents +peak +throughout +##wards +reduced +mater +μm +##ij +evap +series +analytical +younger +material +bor +mil +##cop +##eng +##aries +any +prog +clos +##ystall +across +micros +bands +kem +mill +nacl +xen +chlor +kemess +then +##its +ground +thickness +caldera +occurrence +duc +dating +##ma +##ka +##oles +organic +partial +marine +transp +skarns +slight +aggregates +isochron +spectrome +500 del -coun -##ided -anhyd -gradi -ablation -pri -rap -##ra -see -law -prior -lo -##cy -incomp -unit -crystallized -impact -##grade -##ique -rapid -fit -ore -##osity -level +dens +sit +##vo +alunite +examp +variations +plutons +arsenopyrite +cooling +conglomerate +individual +ductile +36 +cumul +mem +##ists +atac +##orites +sediments textural -dissolution -exhib -contamination -dy -por -term -var -##duce -##most -##erg -##rop -olivines -difference -presented -break -ii -##hn -##acl -##ote -activity -fluorine -images -types -##ount -dissolved -ilm -limited -clear -caldera -##our -##gres -##bs -area -introduc -ro -rather -##ness -##pro -##10 -thermometer -##ields -coefficient -dominant -cumulate -invol -fugacity -smec -thermodynamic -plutonic -radiogenic -maximum -hal -sum -##oid -##bly -reac -crack -estimate -##anging -local -greater -degree -simple -assimilation -post -ter -##ero -anorth -sill -hosted -abundant -modi -srp -deposit -selected -fil -light -nacl -##yl -##30 -##enced -conv -interval -calcite -solution -curve +province +alkaline +thermal +anomalies +measured +las +vary +##be +requi +##tst +##iferous +record +structure +dolomitic +possib +succession +##prin +situ +down various -##probe -ke -##au -consequ -step -##sions -cao -orthopyrox +extens +lateral +boundary +supergene +constrain +wid +##ving +##la +##zation +rele sources -##entially -setting -1000 -magnesite -commonly -profile -dacite -trachy -smectite -pic -##vo -##rogen -plate -underst -sections -##itude -petrolog -negative -facies -hel -pa -visc -wide -yield +margins +pegmatites +foot +internal +pip +rim +##de +##idation +chrom +##pped +isotopes +siltst +##lack +grades +amphibole +considered +estimated +larger +patterns +black +##west +##dle +##orl +resis +interval +phot +clasts +fracture +detailed +back +nb +non +##tant +##o2 +##tend +mean +overprin +apparent +accord +oxidation +vapor +growth +vs +##verse +interg +magmatism +phen +radiogenic +metasom +contamination +fer +satur +##anc +gra +##therm +##canic +compositional +parag +timing +strongly +kaol +23 +jur +##ration +##nite +##ush +allow +extend +##ape +##ological +overlying +resulted +models +##iocene +elong +levels +decrease +clinopyroxene +jurassic +flo +lam +mec +##lastic +##ina +##ased +##ects +excep +##raa +ranging +micropro +propor +stratigraphic +horizon +striking +mechan +microprobe +four +genetic +sos +##ox +##ute +##ularly +before +##sego +unc few -sequ -decomp -occurred -heating -regions -lithosphere -methods -observations -behavior -tet -tuff -year -##ik -##bility -anom -##ument -resol -mesozoic -uncertainty -site -##are -##aneous -contact +mark +weak +brittle +influ +development +salinities +generation +##ocrysts +sossego +ga +##tig +##ences +oxidized +following +number +middle +aa +pan +ri +##crop +##man +demon +magn +hand +subst +peri +resulting +studied +followed +selected +shaped +##terozoic +demonstr +hard +lack +summ +vug +##sr +##tit +##itka +##atter +cores +asitka +she +orient +forms +veinle +seaw +camp +volcanics +##anging +provide +waters +exposed +solid +##ertain +introduction +resistivity +seawater +bah +retro +proxim +carr +interpretation +slightly +density +extensive +footwall +400 +##ivers +##enites +significantly +identified +med +pu +sill +ta +##izing +##omorph +shale +exhib +interse +stockwork +correlation +illite +andesite +environment +70 +mt +##arape +##aces +minim +gras +##irc +crat +##conform +amount +206 +igarape +##eper +##amite +order +class +porphyries +silicates +##avage +crossc +cleavage +titanite +cyc had -forming -flux -calculations -aggreg -controlled -calibration -sediment -crystallisation -known -incompatible -cen -##ix -##cc -##tim -##tice -##asts -##old -rele -univ -energ -differences +mud +##ner +##isation +##abric +staw +sap +metall +parts +suggesting +##ordant +ppb +simp +observations +broad +atacamite +bahia +stawell +60 +brown +far +nd +sid +worl +##led +##ties +##gether +sulfidation +##veld +coll +constant +subduction +outcrop +##vestig +orebodies +previously +according +retrograde +world +es +##sonite +##iam +together +univers +pref +##ometric +indicated positive +note +takla +halite +smithsonite +petrograph +dated +##rystall +##ior +##acted +deposited +dike +##ada +zoned +marble +greater reflect -predicted -cenozoic -might -##mm -##fy -mole -progres +direct +intens +tonn +component +206pb +sapphi +dark +go +ioc +jin +##ple +##ho +##itoid +##ocene +##abas +##opite +diorite highest -reser -adj -recyc -agre -microprobe -explain -avail -approximately -bub -ground -##over -##ules -trapp -arg -occurr -sett -alkaline -representative -abundance -reduced -eastern -900 -fine -ftir -mem -since -##cu -##ked -being -chemistry -collected -encl -1200 -remain -curr -degass -uncertainties -surrounding -60 -800 -porph -##12 -##rem -phon -magnitude -porphy -yb -##omin -shap -accur -env -equation -again -refer -geochron -diffusive -ilmenite -##voir -reservoir -must -##odi -##aw -##ark -##osite -produce -##ried -##otherm -geological -absence -required -plotted -clusters -activation -band -##ium -##son -though -cond -##acite -##ult -heav -structural -electrical -northern -factors -discussion -bro -ion -lab -pale -##ored -conver -exist -perio -##ellow -caes -typically -smaller -abundances -illu -bene -cases -den -yellow -##hen -inst -elev -fe3 -##fication -include -resulting -hydration -110 -initi -investigated -maps -defined -homogeneous -spectrom -upwelling -volatile -subsequent -kimberlite -heter -ray -you -magmatism -intru -dominated -spectra -univers -tit -##tire -##ised -basin -entire -overall -species -previously -influence -continuous -laws -young -ir -omph -##down -off -##iron -microlites -eruptive -strongly -kbar -energy +granites +portion +lava +kaolinite +iocg +17 +lod +##bed +##alia +investig +diame +##gest +phlog +perm +hosting +poten +barren +predom illustr -cam -mush -sid -##gether -##stone -together -cann -modeling -depths -polym -breakdown -recycled -beneath -cations -nio -##rees -##ible -##ometers -##ometry -experi -subducted -green -diameter -fractures -omphacite -role -wid -##h2o -##ocene -before -##izes -china -##ipit -throughout -gabbros -transp -##obar -understand -viscosity -university -lawsonite -foc -ret -##ful -applic -caused -redox -respon -generation -agreement -degassing -environ -cannot -doc -dry -eq +graph +phlogopite +link +work +##oth +##olites +recrystall +increasing +##oliths +##olarite +affected +earl +av +##ins +prosp +exis +##tingu +older +changes +monzodiorite +recognized +nod +##here +##du +##rent +##enced +reve +prot +unconform +acid +augite +serpen +northe +vertical +δ13 +production +laser +reveal +37 +path +reaction +##odic +exper +intersti +##stones +cord +represented +sections +heating +geochemistry +irreg +overlap +hypogene +microscop +fre +rb +year +##orth +##eck +occurring +##edimentary +complete +equiv +##ique +187 +member +possibly +craton +interstitial +24 +pap tec -yn -##oy -##lied -##mb -##80 -##alu -spot -##struct -extrem -layers -lattice -thickness -siderite -ce -lu -##fer -##alle -residual -evalu -hydrated -regim -regression -represents -specific -##graphic -112 -capsules -block +##vas +##sed +##ning +##ding +##ala +##eric +ins +encl +collected +radiolarite +##landite +discussion +characteristics +depleted +diameter +bush +circ +dil +fabric +miocene +poly +reser +altern +consist +partly +slab +original multiple -granulite -emplacement +oceanic +preserved +lenses +phenocrysts +mechanism techn -ax -hp -pure -ranging -##iang -##set -##to -##tle -##ft -without -spati -arch -located -followed -altered -orientation -extensive -margin -available -period -87 -hot -via -##ute -##grow -often -##ans -##sively -whether -showed -possi -factor -quenched -error -corresponding -taken -coupled -##allel -fa -lin -nature -open -perm -rid -##ales +bushveld +hanging +ray +##ba +##ico +##olitic +##ulation +dete +bec ##iltr -##ivalent -##sional -lowest -among +granitic +granitoid +mineralised +precipitated infiltr -transformation -rhyolitic -powder -anhydrous -decompression -cross -retro -##bles -##onal -##abil -proper -dehyd -carbonates -mixed -rhyolites -trapped -70 -bal -mis -##4pb -##read -##arse -##olites -##idote -compr -crat -critic -dist -prob -resid -experimentally -204pb -additional -final -developed -##pentin -proportions -identified -dashed -epidote -introduction -lack -tor -wall -##no -##14 -##ord -top -attr -events -arr -serpentin -generated -southern -proportion -characteristics -current -did -mig -medi -side -##ean -##taneous -##dle -##ern -##orient -chal -feo -induc -replac -equilibration -particle -ferric -secondary -precipit -cat -cre -##ys -##ind -##irm -##umin -suite -##verse -event -constrained -mountain -devi -confirm -86 -base -fall -position -##utions -##dol -##inc -##ophan -parental -indep -##fficient -microstruct -texture -middle -incorporation -yellowstone -elevated -document -critical -independ -epm -fl -jo -length -zn -##ads -##des -##aster -##anites -##ols -atom -ang -cham -modul -applied -overl +control +emplaced +therm +fragments +comparis +degree +dacitic +pipe +veinlets +free +##bs +presented +brine +syenite +trends +step +corresponds +corresponding +folds +example +lines +ou +pent +##osec +##ult +##set +elev +caused +brines +layer +representative +argill appears -interpretation -selv -aggregates -broad -epma -hol -hree -log -lree -##other -##ption -##wards -##bers -##20 -##zen -##atory -##aces -another -analysed -added -reflec -assuming -andesitic -exhibit -orthopyroxenite +particularly +pseudosec +surrounding +progress +hu +namb +##ri +##ively +##min +div +enti +metamorphosed +princ +##ather +schists +separated +##ija +crosscut +pentlandite +nambija +princip 35 -90 -fields -##ud -##ini -##inity -##statite -ste -##ystall -diffic -liq -modal -##solid -lava -mainly -gabbroic -dependence -summ -settling -wed -ƒo2 -##ave -##auc -##icular -island -almost -forms -##ongi -glauc -zoned -indicated -mostly -account -inferred -na2o -sequence -geochronology -glaucophan -23 -rb -##uter -##sc -##yrite -##ject -toward -toongi -##siv -excess -exsol -classi -increased -strati -accumul -constraints -recorded -blue -central -diagrams -requires -history -schem -ed -##ner -##ex -##work -parallel -hand -intern -##neis -determine -provided -polar -phenocryst -original -volcanism -dacitic -assumed -demonstrated -##ibuted -gradient -archean -properties -wedge -fre -zhe -##equ -##etic -##ders -##jiang -##ict -##sidi -space -subhedral -obsidi -ocean -provides -##orption -apparent -modified -experienced -##solidus -zhejiang -mpt -sv -sen -sites -##af -##75 -##ency -##ulation -minimum -mineralog -206 -absent -standards -misorient -300 -tio2 -##ier -##pec -##13 -##acted -##etric -prot -sufficient -frag -arag -elemental -scatter -charge -remains -msh -ferrous -discussed -sediments -affected -little -reference -condens -transport -aqu -gal -pop -ranges -squ -##lement -##ope -anhedral -##ighted -shif -access -signature -microscop -consists -##ospheric -dependent -synthes -terr -chalcop -glaucophane -206pb -outer -pain -stil -test -##man -##56 -##ways -##90 -conc -composed -grad -##tically -fe2 -unli -mete -extent -polished -nearly -oxidation -elastic -diffusiv -require -literat -still -500 -700 -fast -mc -##ok -##pite -##hou -##acent -atm -white -grade -short -tra -##aphy -##logr -amphibolite -duration -heat -extend -despite -pyroxenes -points -sulfides -diamond -except -relationships -directly -lovf -quanti -filam -retrograde -selvage -aqueous -paine -cell -mer -peral -sn -δd -##ump -##pr -##oric -included -assess -mica -fracture -simulations -cluster -adjacent -bubbles -literature -ah2o -gneis -hence -##eper -##ories -gray -enstatite -##arily -substit -need -granites -domain -degrees -sulphide -particularly -against -torres -protolith -cyl -oh -orogen -##ract -##ena -##entical -##inder -##olated -color -clast +34s +econ +kal +rather +##cent +##ank +conver +state +chemistry +mex +sequences +explain +abundance +numerous carried -geotherm -implic -partially -##lier -identical -##brid -spatial -##growth -attributed medium -chalcopyrite -24 -gold -ncc +university +entire +case +doc +loss op -oib -sio -##ice -towards -##imen -mode -##aded -hybrid -underg -metasedim -normalized -synthetic -levels -anorthite -years -heavy -balance -chamber -difficult -accessory -600 -aic -cc -cyc -nec -##lies -##wh -##king -##ecting -exam -##omes -made -shar -##eralic -parent -perlite -contained -##ochron -volumes -geochemistry -curves -combination -key -member -probably -##uminous -22 -75 -dark -fill -gas -##pend -##rystall -##ka -##60 -##ission -stabil -##irc -fractions -variability -##iston -comparable -##ozero -plutons +##oritic +##ital +deformed +maxim +extent +##chist +##ouran +pervas +hosts +microtherm +##onsible +responsible +fragment +history +uncertain +bon +foc +here +led +##water +##hall +##xt +##ald +##ational +##osity +conte +##ime +even +##iller +##itical +##ologies +accumul +sulphur +heav +separation +mkuc +maximum +80 +ax +san +sem +##eir +##tz +##tre +##altered +##atible +while +distal +meta +smaller +final +amphibolite +reflec +factors +steeply +siltstone +minimum +siderite +cordiller +h2 +hole +kl +meren +pgm +s2 +ten +zr +##sky +##gy +##ground +##rete +##enic +##oll +##atong +coinc +##ott +segreg +cav +great +fractionated +##ebi +err +point +years +docum +merensky +##atongke +austr +bath +ramp +##bar +island +mining +##vement +##ird +unaltered +accomp explained -latter -demonstrate -exception -oxidized -lovozero -nucleation -labor -camg -craton -precipitation -fragments -meteoric -45 +greenstone +tonnage +predominant +comparison +d4 +hot +mgo +##cy +##cumulate +##upl +made +restric +ranges +siliceous +again +##enschist +supported +current +authors +marked +proximal +avail +accompan +cases em -kv -piston -##ision -##vs -##ven -##ining -##orites -##uring -coarse -composite -align -altern -##ophy -##ama -proced -shear -##pping -varies -clinopyrox -location -martin -mechanisms -intrusions -detailed -regime -necess -vf -δ56 -##ning -##ead -##uz -##ire -##vant -##cz -##get -##900 -##ason -stages -phot -highl -##aps -acqu -entr -carbonatite -mixt -complete -pyroxenite -numer -coexist -drill -deposits -quantit -reached -instead -titanite -independent -synthesized -far -faster -hq -iar -jap -sizes -vi -##ially -##inated -##ising -deeper -better -##ada -reproduc -equivalent -prepar -hyp -respect -molar -supplement -dasi -ess -understanding -frequ -japan -circ +lab +scan +##itite +##ua +##uan +##ils +gray +##umin +clus +assimil +spots +saline +pluton +roo +stratigraphy +archean +period +jas +ru +since +inte +##resh +ank +old +generated +overlain +poorly +filled +absence +dyke +horizontal +22 dun -ebs -##o3 -##ler -##ground -##ks -them -##ineralic -exc -##ress -majority -particles -depletion -background -metasomati -andesites -terms -initially -documented -δ56fe -400 -80 -tib -##tes -extern -exclu -grt -trini -chrom -##api -minim -seem -heated -discre -maintain -furtherm -auth -largely -development -black -taima -tetra -polymineralic -internal -merapi -camgfe -trinitite -furthermore -01 -bodi -flo -pcu -sus -##na -##rodol -##eler -cover -reason -areas -plots -older -unzen -subsolidus -##ector -twins -slope -timing -acceler -##ologies -earlier -mscz -chlorine -combined -publ -cracks -trachyte -picrodol -resolution -heterogeneous -axis -87sr -galena -filament -cylinder -sharp -clinopyroxenes -ebsd -tibet -authors -bodies -picrodolerite -28 +fiam +upl +##other +##wn +##not +##orp +##igenic +depend +attr +suite +critical +place +valhall +##una +cannot +greenschist +surve +mantos +basins +effect +authigenic +bornite +floor +δ13c +valhalla 26 -bin -east -five -massi -pt -ries -##hi -##eland -##urn -##ets -existing -beg -prograde -chann -##ritic -calculation -calculate -##ification -##graph -depending -iceland -ultrap -consequence -anomal -00 -ast -mw -rand -##ctions -##me -##ention -##ley -##ects -##iver -crystallogr -##try +87 +cap +fresh +gas +sodic +vict +δd +##lic +##met +##zna +##til +##inate +##ishan +##acts +cob +anorth +##amm +sulfate +geo +##itization +perme +volcanism +displays +cutting +rozna +consider +coeval +intruded +##yllite +potential +irregular +paper +kalatongke +ankerite +blu +##ny +##hb +##inations +##imen +extre +strat +##ondike +domain +access +plutonic +boundaries +iii +methods +rhyolite +publ +klondike +pic +round +yang +##ai +##far +##alite +off +##icts +white +distingu +leach usually -ach -imag -upward -fully +belong +pyroxenite +separates +change +restricted +available +jasper +fiamme +buff +kom +nar +vie +##ih +##lp +##ov +##by +##onian +information +##icient +##ulf +images +concl +performed +limited +northwest +monaz +##berg +sands +orogeny +mixed +differences +earth +gneisses +##ength +xenoliths +intergrown +orientation +elevated +ic +##where +##mit +##jo +##aris +towards +##ules +##atin +ori +concordant +diffic signatures -production -isotopically -contribu -subducting -structures -groups -peaks -correspond -observation -spectrum -errors -timesc -good -settings -anomaly -infiltration -metasediment +epis +times +includes +layered +inferred +zircons +continuous +stratiform +199 +flows +mineralogical +metasedimentary +angouran +monzonite +beds +spatial +cycle +187os +economic +heavy +komati +draa +might +pul +polar +sfar +vers +varis +wides +##30 +##ful +though +them +##inho +##ached +reverse +china +resour +phosph +systematic +canada +adcumulate +silicification +signature +southe +position +fields +##loot +must +remain +banded +reactiv +occurrences +spectra +closure +recorded +substage +exhibit +permian +graphite +fragmental +oriented +hence +latter +pure +prom +##sum +##ling +##grou +##ice +##omel +formations +platin massif -channel -random -eos -nno -vs -wct -##uish -##len -##kely -##70 -##enting -information -##stan -always -##ressed -##otassic -##enetic -interest -crystalline -sea -equal -sims -inten -granitic -magnes -##srp -country -clearly -environments -possibly -dehydration -##equilib -sensitive -ultrapotassic -crystallographic -best -cation -hots -later -ves -##ef -##cri -##pot -##onake -inters -disequilib -noted -crystallizing -seam -##elled -silicates -recrystall -amb -contrib -additionally -represented -predomin -##regular -##keonake -systematically -metasomatism -upwards -preserved -pukeonake -bands -spectrometry -focus -dunite -achie -cct -ji -mq -ram -suc -tend -uh -##ma -##itoid -too -mobility -debr -chond -##tegr -basement -spon -spread -interior -disper -formul -depends -strength -condition -overlying -granitoid -scen -1100 -province -shocked -calibrated -exhum -homogen -conclusions +mob +underlying +pyroxenites +##2o3 +reduction +argon +spectrum +geochronology +collision +australia +sandsloot +variscan +##group +ed +log +pore +use +##ty +##dala +##enesis +detr +without +another +##opro +magdala +##ematic +unl +neves +volcaniclastic +grey +##pread +else +150 +taken +diagrams +largely +involved +solutions +lode +argillic +pervasive +monazite +widespread +platinum +600 +86 +lo +##ctions +##orat +##aneous +almost +beam +contacts +##assium +color +constit +pyrites +granny +corvo +define +terran +additional +potassium +does +direction +comparable +pseudomorph +confir +river +summary +##omelane +##oproterozoic +elsewhere +dome +gyp +kbar +swe +##80 +##10 +##ulated +beh +prograde +extern +residual +phik +evolved +induc +zoning +##unction +redox +sequeir +complexes +difference +orthoc +mudstone +directly +equival +mexico +batholith +##upled +laborat +narrow +icp +difficult +phikwe +sequeirinho +bran +eme +hr +hul +rap +vis +##vally +##ax +##more +##field +##tim +##reh +deeper +cover +cham +exc +diam +##ches +metav plane -margins -espec -gradients -intrusive -accumulation -unlikely -implications -laboratory -##uzhou -metasomatized +overg +agu +prior +##aren +clearly +mesozoic +intense +discussed +still +spatially +##duce +versus +gypsum +emeishan +rapid +metavol +32 +pol +paren +sant +##io +##aj +##mass +##time +coupled +should +phyll +clay +##arily +contained +marc +underst +contribution +comprise +normalized +solub +furthermore +filling +##omicro +recently +ocean +million +groundmass +spectrometer +released +saturation +detrital +bur +hf +mc +sb +side +##ned +##ged +##ya +##unt +third +##olated +##ocl +##izes +modified +feo +genesis +concentrated +sandstones +depths +##volcanic +assumed +cumulus +magnes +grasvally +infiltration +chamber +parental +home +ju +pack +yell +##van +##shan +##well +##zh +##bles +##ining +##inity +##enting +mines +##iling +incorp +basis +plan +geometry +largest +increases +rhod +porosity +tri +combined +required +width +attributed published -disequilibrium -debris -especially -bi -bse -prom -##nary -##rens -##25 -##kes -##aced -stor -conte -##umines -parts -##aves -implies -become -marked -radius -center -cumulates +rounded +sweet +yellow +cel +five +holes +lu +pel +##ex +##ta +##oort +##iter +##aced +stre +exam +##chuan +imm +partially +silver +determine +lithologies +blanc +porous +##ospheric +##xisting +photomicro +proportion +granitoids +##mineral +h2s +assimilation +dunites +uplift +blue +blancos +photomicrograph +aure +bore +bole +day +ice +nec +overal +pow +sim +vo +##lm +##nomelane +##ying +##ency +##tral +##truc +clar +clastic +tempor +space +volati +zonation +104 +hetero +primitive +dissolved +sio2 +anomalous +rhyolitic surrounded -petrological -mineralogy -metasedimentary -jiuzhou -ga -mus -round -##eed -##uted -##obl -##sal -##faces -##ited -##ogn -basis -clays -##iour -weight -uni -upon -princ -equilibrated -product -determination -correction -corrected -belt -locations -finally -incorporated -behaviour -sulphur -occurrence -irregular -squar -martinique -hypoth -asthen -dou -iz -ide -ten -west -##ger -##15 -##ball -##estern -ins -integr -##order -isolated -colli -weighted -feature -glob -adv -signal -recogn -1350 -newly -orientations -bright -affect -##iew -spectroscop -##loy -varying -rapidly -phonolite -induced +stilp +vugs +essen +earlier +existing +experiment +##eckite +principal +documented +predominantly +##hbx +diamond +triassic +necess +overall +stilpnomelane +axis +bene +bord +gl +pa +##ially +##ued +inner +##arp +##abound +##ighted +##aded +##ira +spin +##ipoort +##ersatur +modeling +terms +generations +##ophys +assuming +yielded +milky +except +rooipoort +stratabound +accessory +boleo +beneath +ophi +rand +##lified +##nam +##nerite +dev +##phyllite +disco +composite +##ochros +consisting +geologic +among +separate +remo +negro +trapped +reactions +##ogeneous angle -substitution -raman -princip +center +components +extraction +transport +overprinted +weakly +jinchuan +##tze +yangtze +solubility +rhodochros +random dimen -opp -##iation -insi -##eless -constit -##ety -isochron -##ises -recon -##terozoic -suites -mapping -lie -weak -disting -modelling -replen -ara -solutions -variety -103 -moreover +har +morph +ros +six +varies +##arbon +##vered +seg +clim hydrogen -noble -refract -month -infer -pyr -lesser -ferro -backsc -parameter -separated -correlated -ultrama -relevant -molec -extreme -distance -flat -misorientation -external -hotspot -ambient -spectroscopy -backscatter -ultramafic -55 -bu -est -fav -ionic -ju -nar -pay -vel -##way -##erate -theore -##aled -##rove -##ational -##abl -##irs -proble -phl -##contin -act -fron -substan -crystallize -##ado -never -resulted -exposed -richter -granular -employ -187 -assume -systematics -crystallised -1991 -1995 +##aps +carbonic +envelop +included +differenti +bedding +keith +spectrometry +error +rutile +jasperoid +santa +boreh +rhodochrosite +dimension +45 +ber +gang +last +little +length +now +rate +sect +tin +##xct +##idotite +##aby +produce +exs +##assing +collo +obl +peridotite +##rosion +weath precision -mount -extrap -shape -younger -microstructures -stratigraphic -mixture -chondrite -squares -establ -narrow -problem -05 -000 -36 -850 -950 -body -cas -nomin -pur -yet -zero -##tage -##gas -##mer -##ulated -##tered -div -clay -voltage -includes -assump -overgrowth -becomes -locally -symm -symb +sedimentation +groups +account +provided +sericitized +##cline +wallaby +limestones +stocks +gabbron +andesitic +horizons +environments +pyrophyllite +migration +elongated +laminated +proportions +nodules +unconformity +serpentin +accompanied +survey +hrxct +metavolcanic +aureole +gangue +250 +bud +est +esp +native +pop +pick +rot +site +via +##ui +##40 +town +mineralizing +##yric +incomp +quartzite +moder 188 -kyanites -barometer -identify -subsequently -allows -planes -reflects -visible -supplementary -floor -uhp -storage -uniform -richterite -32 -65 -jur -ts -uv -##ah -##ha -##7pb -##enia -inher -##icted -##ants -cons -cop -sph -mineralization -modelled -thermobar -genesis -207pb -six -height -grown -respective -displays +afric +shape support -##ogeneity -means -layered +flat +dykes +dips +dacite +36ar +chromite +sapphires +prospect +completely +aguas +claras +##ersaturated +best +camb +role +##af +##cal +##uation +##fim +##bor +##tition +##arge +##itud +##thite +disp +##che +eval +##aria +leached +active +feature +distributed +domains +207 +##turally +majority +matter +lesser +comprising +trapping +absent +enclosed +converg +bonfim +accumulation +permeability +ion +ku +mv +nick +p3 +sites +tu +vir +##ses +##lied +##dar +##bid +often +##ange +##isite +toward +took +isolated +##abl +prof +quest +former +columb +fav +showed +faulting +moderate +mica +agdar +##athic sulphate -recently -reacted -remaining -ridge -modulus -classification -microscope -tetrahed -binary -spontaneous -jurassic -03 -33 -73 -air -bat +oxidised +expected +homogeneous +particular +situated +chromitite +photograph +exception +preferen +petrographic +northeast +against +##uminous +86sr +essentially +nickel +questa +agdarreh +66 +dig +ilm +jo +kar +peral +tab +##rid +##iya +##ctive +##bers +##ana +##attered +##ley +##ures +##ille +##umn +chile +column +partition +leuc +slip +depositional +platform +##ective +brecciated +turbid +erup +depletion +pyrocl +groundwater +apparently +simplified +broadly +microthermometric +episod +##namic +207pb +mvt +28 +31 +ble +cass +d3 +ered net -pile -rob -river -sak -tar -tam -##mas -##mass -##alc -real -##cept -mob -##dierite -##antly +pine +ug +##rup +##8u +##read +##alt +##icular +##asite +##ula +##ado +tend having -spots -##less -moderate -until -imm -cordierite -detected -detection -imply -conduction -limits -importance -effective -augite -exceed -leading -corresponds -groundmass -phonolites -exsolution -seamount -contribution -rounded -molecular +unus +calcic +subs +boiling +silicified +##contin +undersaturated +##luded +portions +selebi +calibr +constrained +geochronological +varying +paragenetic +238u +extends +divided +pseudomorphs +establ 188os -bath -fix -hc -last -mh -pac -sem -##tely -##3o -##enites -##els -conn -##ocrysts -##resh -##ibility -##izon -what -make -place -figures -relation -seg -repe -equations -quartzite -thermoc -solidification -lithologies -##veld -investigate -centers -metasomatic -conclusion -downward -dynamic -room -picrite -sedimentary -enclaves -widely -response -technique -serpentinization -aragonite -condensation -necessary -izu -payenia -copper -pacific -06 +erediya 21 -cut -cree -gs -m2 -pse -yields -##cmas -##alsi -##ola -cruc -compositionally -restr -plus -qual -##ches -cause -thermometers -scales -##graphy -assembly -transitions -absorption -suppor -appearance -cmas -demonstrates -emplaced -shallower -involving -progressive -extremely -perme -86sr -overlap -##prin -##pendicular -essentially -symbols -pseud -84 -kine -mt -ow -oper -western -##iable -##ood -##lan -##lig -##raction -##dic -##wise -inp -##orizon -##ancy -##acy -compatible -##osh -orders -##omic -she -shir -reset -pargas -perpendicular -calcic -effic -completely -##anged -##ologic -considering -potentially -oriented -simulation -self -dominantly -convecting -porphyry -offset -responsible -atmospheric -anomalies -vesic -refractory -fixed -dating -lt -morph -pen -ques -sal -wel -δ30 -##eg -##ln -##tch -##ferred -##by -##65 -##onoun -instr -##isation -compare -##osen -anne -teph -plastic -sampled -sampling -silver -pronoun -garnets -expon -observe -leads -##kaline -naalsi -follows -closely -petrographic -measurement -direction -neglig -separate -portion -tethy -thought -focused -evaluate -migration -broadly -schematic -replenish -batholith -##3o8 -creek -δ30si -pronounced -02 -37 -95 -je -mill -tonal -xr -##ius -##po -##kced -##onds -##esting -##estim -##arc -##rograph -##sities -##imin -diorite -tri -chem -##gest -##dson -##arya -neobl -datas -correns -prefer -waters -orthoclase -eruptions -gabbron -1300 -effectively +29 +90 +bal +cp +cam +d2 +erosion +hy +li +mamm +ng +pur +ram +tong +##pite +##20 +##onitic +inh +##icted +##osite +##imod +mapping +exh +##chl +plots +see +seen +##anding +southwest ##iques -simultaneous -volcanoes -correlate -gokced -anhydrite -consequently -paper -progressively -porphyro -paleo -conversion -spectrometer -environment -atomic +despite +##comp +transf +specific +##oidal +traver +##obil +##erence +factor +##ophile +textured +dominantly +lavas +cumulates +metasomatism +paragenesis +sills +##bedded +reserves +techniques +cavities +clusters +picr polarized -procedure -sakarya -naalsi3o8 -jeol -gokcedere -150 -34 -aim -bot -dri -hab -ming -nit -rif -sin -##ned -##vas -##of -##hib -##73 -##eshi -##alp -##alog -##any -rever -##ective -asc -##oping -crin -analog -##ibeshi -charn -colour -##ria -##pped -perc -enc -sodic -twin -indicative -regard -comparing -underlying -representing -plume -remo -mark -transm -elong -ign -revealed -iii -helens -yielded -bubble -shaped -width -obsidians -diffusivity -hqa -theoretical -employed -target -shiribeshi -negligible -corrensite -charnock -nm -pole -vred -##iting -##vious -##ai -##line +external +hulu +heterogene +ilmenite +mammoth +##imodal +bit +du +tati ##rate -##da -##gm -##gou -##hf -##atus -##agr -chosen -play -spher -old -obvious -plagiogr -##avel -modeled -##aturated -equilibria -unders -sci -sets -remov -grey -vertical -furn -records -empir -dacites -reduction -reducing -volatiles -details -entirely -techniques -obsidian -traject -peralkaline -undergo -restricted -kinetic -tethyan -porphyrobl -habit -crinanite -29 -bond -ka -pul -rough -seen -wr -##num -##tz -##pri -##rho -##ged -inver -##olation -##acial -##atinum -ascent -##ucted -prox -phys -platinum -diss -disorder -##strati -enough -seism -caus -intensity +##western +##jected +##ks +##tiary +##ense +##ories +##ising +##acement +al2o3 +reach +##ection +##ecially +compression +exch +ord +quan +plac +##ifer +entr +left +indicative +belts similarly -overprin -granophy -produces -producing -pyrop -##pms -##ovite -explan -outc -icpms -appropri -##orbed -oxidizing -conclude -apparatus -portions -involved -help -pairs -occurring -members -accurate -accuracy -titan -application -blocks -arrhen -terran -optical -filled -photomic -numerous -prepared -imaging -##efort -predominantly -achieved -pyrrho -network -segment -removed -vredefort -photomicrograph -pyrrhotite -dome -gain -kk -nan -wides -zro -##east -##ified -##cence -##ring -##hima -inner -##rec -##orl -##acts -isotherm -react -##ocity -##ights -##ighter -##erately -deformed -diffraction -resist -clasts -haoping -moderately -frame -segreg -indeed -report -expan -occ -recover -match -regional -##pread -evident -bars -flows -facil -useful -metals -histories -cats -atoms -population -timescales -double -recognized -thermocou -triassic -arrhenius -widespread -haopinggou -aeg -ble -eif -gd -grove -pec -pass -sat -wet -##nant -##sting -inverse -##ars -##arized -##oli -##sist -##igger -static -alread -anc -##irine -##ometric -ph2 -colum -closed -interstrati -percent -perlites -consisting -120 -##osphere -propose -dodson -transect -albitic -ilg -supported -extension -preserve +regions +monte +postd +diagenetic +displacement +remobil +tertiary +liquids +cenozoic +subsequently extracted -correlations -illustrated -fault -replaced -moduli -gneiss -context -ideal -insigh -distinguish -velocity -front -divided -symmetry -efficient -nitrogen -pyrope -appropriate -facilit -eifel -already -31 -38 -bush -cs -certain -horizon -just -oth -tre -tab -tem -##vation -##ctic -##ture -##rup -##jected -thir -##aling -##sid -##ulations -##theless -stri -alt -resear -plas -list -pervas -unique -notably -preferred -add -expos -##ips -charges -1150 -primarily -alkalis -descri -prevent -fertile -lath -partly -simpli -predict -hydrothermally -interactions -allowing -granules -load -argon -enclosed -accurately -possibility -deviation -summary -diffusivities -colorado -acquired -quantitative -excell -accelerating -collision -nevertheless -187os -tamf -repeated -mingling -seismic -aegirine -interstratified -bushveld -others -250 -47 -93 -brow -fire -kcmas -kola -pin -rise -sand -van -view -##uous -##vi -##ax -##fu -##ky -##40 -##oll -##urb -##imal -forst -##vement -##opro -tempor -shosh -diffus -cold -interesting -ens -fractionated -discr -198 -1500 -controlling -1450 -fracturing -##tening -extensional -brack -longer -buffered -interpretations -exhibits -half -petrology -reservoirs -heavier -retain -replacement -populations -stabilize -begin -mq900 -spreading -constitu -103ln -robust -undersaturated -removal -empirical -photomicrographs -research -plasma -fireball -18o -aut -bish +saturated +sapphire +cobre +distinguished +leaching +##ulfide +##mitted +behav +equivalent +especially +57 +aw +ath +cumulate date -emph -gib -gases -hu -mac -now -pd -δ65 -##va -##aho -##tec -##wc -##haps -theory -##ital -##iled -##thalp -##atis -alone -beads -##ables -##eman -true -plg -perhaps -unre -enthalp -smis -glassy -leuc -##berg -surfaces -intra -intragr -great -considerable -idaho -generate -1400 -quenching -driven -powders -approaches -separates -preservation -counting -trachytes -argue -faul -array -confirmed -join -shift -peraluminous -seems -hypothesis -global -reconstr -nominally -permeability -dataset -furnace -physical -ancient -column -altot -##oproterozoic -bishop -emphas -δ65cu -650 -away eocene -hbl -led -pore -pack -pix -sw -tes -wat -way -##nk -##cut -##11 -##hu -##enc -##ario -##ana -##ington -##urally -exact -who -##omorph -placed -able -abys -evapor -subsid -##ending -immedi -concentrated -durations -largest -diffusional -grew -outl -##heating -avoid -##ograph -localities -convection -##odiorite -heterogeneity -specifically -crosscut -deviations -steep -rbb -aragu -scattered -alternative -frequency -discrep -exhumation -backscattered -tephra -replenishment -outcrop -isothermal -excellent -abyssal -subsidence -immediately -27 -43 -bay -dmm -giv -give -lumines -rio -wang -worl -##istrib -##ctive -##covite -##ao -##ptions -##ga -##mann -##jection -##koy -##inds -##arge -expa -##ainha -##oming -presum -ph4 -deb -track -acid -actin -active -##cherm -relict -##ades -sof -solv -1050 -implying -redistrib -remained -growing -design -193 -##lie -explo -molten -potassi -displac -##ishing -draw -incorporate -power -examples -accordingly -extraction -planar -reacting -adjust -applicable -regimes -ridges -residue -scheme -sufficiently -examined -alignment -muscovite -asthenospheric -established -assumption -tscherm -immisc -transmission -explanation -expansion -blebs -third -simplified -forsterite -araguainha -world -expand -potassium -48 -52 -67 -bo -cros -day -emb -gb -mas -pi +function +men +norites +oper +rift +talc +##ry +##ients +##za +##karn +##inal +##ening +##ora +##mpor +##uration +reas +reib +ash +excess +resolution +sampled +goldfield +representing +fractional +pressures +lithological +discrete +finally +##cept +##ographic +constraints +demonstrated +intensely +##abasca +resources +climax +dispers +tabular +athabasca +reibeckite +bpp +bak +myl +norite +pen right -sti -vess -xi -##o4 -##core -##xe -##ware +yb +##ru +##sh +##sc +##ious +##ton +##ored +##ways +##cur +##bur +##tead +##arraa +##roc +##ants +##aging +##agne +anarraa +chert +##ety +compatible +proterozoic +strain +strata +fail +##tence +cuts +regard +agre +scap +shearing +schematic +provides +europ +measurements +petrolog +intervals +instead +uncertainty +contempor +87sr +view +unlikely +pyroclastic +anarraaq +350 +65 +bimodal +rl +vms +##rated +##lite +##cence +##din thole -##let -##iding -sto -stag -stress +##roded +##itec +##iterite +##oses +##oshan +atten +star ##ceed -diver -once -##dix -trivalent -trigger -unus -former -nev -expect -pools -left -speciation -##solute -consistently -remark -transform -outside -absorb -find -reflected -2000 -investigation -investigations -oshima -apparently -paths -##ography -introduced -sills -resolved -##times -##1200 -linked -extended -orogenic -undergone -cycles -entrained -discrete -contributions -recrystallization -dispersive -scenario -integrated -sphere -thermobarometer -resetting -rift -elongate -hqa1200 -roughly -framework -ensure -softening +short +sharp +dist +distur +resear +##ranular +need +ener +subm +subord +variety +olig +weighted +monche +equant +microf +calculations +species +tecton +clear +plotted +release +rims +grasberg +protolith +axial +coincid +conclusions +thought +polished +spinel +sector +cassiterite +ngb +contemporaneous tholei -41 -dil -fna -fresh -gu -ham -jade -lake -lighter -o2 -oph -qz -tav -ysrp -##cill -##lı -##san -##tom -##mic -##kn -##ki -##zation -##ening -##endix -##roc -##anc -##ura -rech -##imanite -stre -ash -crater -##cep -ones -##ape -resorption -resorbed -basanite -haw -absolute -modern -##ariant -subcontin -index -appendix -fractionations -decay -decreased -sometimes -cooled -complexes -ordering -petrography -directions -mechanical -centre -describe -oscill -rarely -bare -##anning -blueschists -couple -loaded -fitting -porosity -sillimanite -release -marginal -link -microstructural -238 -quantify -drillcore -icelandic -randomly -success -granitoids -substantial -simultaneously -plagiogranite -porphyroblasts -granophyre -pervasive -brown -tschermak -jadeite -tavsan -tavsanlı -54 -56 -68 -750 -fits -kil -mree -mort -take -εnd -##vil -##co3 -##aight -##den -##hr -##tially -inhib -coesite -##itectic -##eca -##ushed -states -stored -att -diorites -##ichi -resem -resour -colored -##aternary -peritectic -quaternary -##erson -strained -straight -expression -geologic -##ielding -##ortun -correct -evolving -belong -limb -controls -apfu -define -simply -slabs -spectral -lamellar -assig -poorly -kimberlites -ternary -film -argu -paleoproterozoic -intruded -cameca -comprises -inductively -numerical -supports -input -pargasite -morphology -question -exponential -solvus -redistribution -stoichi -absorbance -subcontinental -2σ -44 -59 -550 -85 -bc -bri -dig -dram -dried -eth -h2 -hno -kly -ln -yielding -##evs -##ily -##osi -##sely -##ta -##west -##ker -##titic -##inite -##alite -##ordi -##isite -##isot -##rometer -statis -proceed -##omm -##omag -chall -changing -span -feol -unkn -enter -##arios -subtr -next -applying -##ously -soft -corro -##uchevs -##curs -geophy -similarity -overestim -eclogitic -agate -##gram -microlite -propag -##ovalent -considerably -##ifer -distributed -diamonds -##adily -feldspars -distinctive -know -mounted -synthesis -slower -halogen -intervals -steps -##timately -porphyritic -powdered -catho -snake -protoliths -examine -alternatively -reproduced -scenarios -buoy -realistic -connected -vesicles -instrument -chemically -trajectory -listed -temporal -shoshon -##omorphic -piec -recharge -238u -dramatic -hno3 -klyuchevs -unknown -software -klyuchevskoy -09 -69 -88 -hsm -lst -md -m3 -oct -sb -sole -schist -sector -wave -##co -##sd -##gg -##genetic -##hang -##bole -##tization -##inations -##elitic -##olitic -coher -coord -isobar -rees -##imod -atte -melted -##osing -probe -making -plain -class -sparse -mineralic -perf -##aceous -seven -sobole -prism -geometry -##genesis -refin -significance -monovalent -uppermost -capac -finding -generations -petrogenesis -drag -influx -preserves -epis -reveals -southeast -localized -released -exists -dense -return -applications -comprise -snow -gneisses -needed -##where -aligned -chromian -minimize -mwc -##entioned -intense -formula -promin -problems -mobil -crucible -quality -welded -bottom -charnockite -laths -watson -actinolite -stagnant -stretch -oscillatory -mortar -##imodal -attemp -sobolev -08 -2a -3a -46 -4he -57 -82 -91 -bud -dated -drop -ero -fay -fct -fund -jx -lost -lined -rot -war -wind -##nes -##ev -##can -##litic -##sh -##go -##ju -##zon -##onsist -##ened -##ator -##ores -##asting -##ank -cour -coinc -readily -##imer -##atites -atten -crushed -bey -##abric -##ematite -contacts -##amb -shaded -inconsist -parag -lies -##ries -acicular -reliable -unzon -analyz -crystallinity -datab -arrow -argen -variables -##tivities -zonation -detector -micas -poik -measuring -miocene -became -monit -arcs -providing -xenocrysts -association -numbers -distributions -##key -discuss -1600 -##oxy -device -petrologic -aggregate -existence -axes -spatially -hotter -cratonic -positions -##dolumines -islands -edge -terrain -##while -emission -procedures -highlighted -hqb -reproducibility -contribute -dimensional -opposite -extrapolation -735 -owing -operating -annealed -neoblasts -preferentially -gabbronorites -drive -percol -recovered -103lnβ -ophi -hawai -##iferous -cathodolumines -octa -prismatic -prominent -fundam -jxa -window -unzoned -49 -63 -bind -bimodal -cf -dt -days -fb -fore -fabric -gul -genetic -kac -l14 -mor -mach -nam -nak -nist -pum -ub -vac -ze -##imp -##ipped -##stic -##rations -##gs -##went -##8pb -##itted -##ats -##arding -##asal -##elf -##eline -##aged -start -moving -grav -trench -chec -feti -quad -enhan -metap -apprec -upli -equipped -glacial -precurs -valid -##ached -expressed -coeval -208pb -underwent -##xtap -agree -volumetric -contrasts -conductivities -##rystic -itself -constraining -mesh -radio -defoc -meanwhile -else -precise -knapp -approximate -differentiated -influenced -epoxy -easily -morbs -activities -##ropic -roof -modification -held -sequences -occurrences -denot -illustrate -opening -reflecting -gradual -##pended -suspended -reasonable -succes -mushy -asthenosphere -juxtap -inherited -batch -xrd -pulse -segregation -insight -enthalpy -faults -luminescent -##ordia -hsmis -coherent -stretching -poikil -bindeman -kacp -07 -1b -42 -99 -amp -bed -cer -csrp -ded -eng -land -od -rou -s6 -zhang -##isition -##ooth -##ael -##long -##sical -##taceous -##ndy -##ared -##roduce -##asion -##lev -##anular -##elting -exer -compens -compression -compiled -alum -antil -onto -program -grid -plau -basic -basanites -spring -quite -indisting -silicon -##achim -smooth -geology -geodynamic -micron -regarding -granodiorite -amorph -referred -accomp -determining -1250 -patch -remob -remelting -polishing -noritic -explore -empa -blundy -predicts -30si -megacryst -extensively -1998 -separation -displayed -allowed -delam -loop -orthopyroxenes -##ixian -trapping -settled -mushes -##fully -##grown -resident -cretaceous -joachim -holland -summarized -exsolved -square -shifts -quantified -acquisition -timescale -##uishable -mobile -pseudos -kinetics -causes -titanomag -terrane -thermocouple -##oliq -horizontal -treat -discrepancy -argued -geophysical -episod -budget -fayalite -course -beyond -ubiqu -elsewhere -poikilitic -alumina -antilles -indistinguishable -remobil -titanomagnetite -04 -4a -asi -bent -camp -dot -dam -done -eight -gh -germ -her -idi -ml -m1 -m4 -mil -mos -pil -pock -ren -ring -rig -tong -util -xl -##iant -##vz -##radi -##his -##hom -##32 -##ered -instit -inset -##orting -##ings -coo -coast -##etr -##eth -iss -rev -reverse -stated -aliv -attain -cr2o3 -##iber -orange -prolong -##ogram -##ived -shiant -trinity -choic -clm -elect -interfaces -weather -unp -metast -##atest -##ectors -mgco3 -mgoliq -immediate -alloy -care -lowering -##achment -adding -hosts -##ondo -solidified -accoun -##ledge -determinations -metamorphosed -belts -characterize -closer -radii -144 -apart -constants -normative -##heated -##iorso -barro -meaning -layering -crystallising -bah -approximation -linearly -metaluminous -fugacities -histogram -superheating -continued -takes -reactive -convention -understood -shapes -densities -continuously -evaluated -residues -fallout -independently -john -classified -sv10 -microscopy -cratons -magnesio -signals -principal -favor -substantially -consum -tetrahedron -regardless -ignim -descriptions -bracket -gibb -intragrain -capacity -inconsistent -cathodoluminescence -fundamental -defocused -landau -ghiorso -pillow -metastable -4b -58 -780 -aer -aust -d2 -dend -fis -gm -hole -hwc -my -sk -ses -siv -sized -tan -wol -##nos -##uit -##uent -##uts -##iors -##oh -##ca -##lated -##ps -##ging -##fm -##ba -##bre -##600 -thor -##onian -##inities -##mpor -##elt -##eled -##olds -isles -##idence -##ections -alumin -distr -diverse -##ichael -sun -makes -diffuse -wash -intergr -abbre -##rier -##rihis -fe2o3 -##ayed -##utes -indian -neither -depart -mega -coron -hyper -##tine -imped -transi -sourced -##netic -scanning -carbonated -125 -extends -contrasting -plumb -belie -lithology -pyroxenites -consideration -constructed -##icked -origins -potassic -petrogenetic -predictions -powell -mno -identification -tectonics -concluded -trending -combining -176 -reactiv -filter -availability -denote -luth -regressions -permit -dehydrated -comprised -comprising -serpentine -created -accumulated -##1314 -concern -unlike -mc1314 -sio4 -highlight -##critical -insen -weakly -months -actual -casc -overgrowths -batches -sheet -sciences -resistance -address -##viations -diffusing -interestingly -discrimin -beginning -evaporation -outlined -crosscutting -gives -presumably -unusual -resources -knowledge -pieces -hqb900 -patchy -pockets -prolonged -conventional -sivrihis -abbreviations -sivrihisar -290 -350 -66 -78 -79 -97 -elu -egm -fut -fail -gang -hend -hous -hcl -kg -les -moss -mentioned -native -ple -r3 -raster -rinds -tends -vib -εhf -##iro -##cnk -##aic -##take -##yb -##yric -##dom -##gonal -##mem -##16 -##fi -##for -##ford -##horn -##23 -##inces -##itable -##iction -##analy -##anced -tom -##sitively -##urhorn -concept -coh -##isu -reo2 -staf -compilation -atr -##osites -anvil -##uction -diav -##aben -project -proterozoic -##omer -chron -differs -resin -interl -intergrowth -liang -wehr -disapp -modes -unf -metab -sealed -##ended -preex -varied -adop -detect -decou -thermo -positively -2010 -phenom -complement -infr -enrichments -texturally -provinces -assemblies -bellev -discord -nord -explored -continent -transitional -molyb -ordered -originally -finite -limitations -ruape -##licate -importantly -##apped -##apping -driv -accord -polygonal -clean -approached -brecc -superp -supercritical -southward -reaching -nuclear -loose -fitted -involves -sumisu -anorthosite -anorthosites -convective -##auer -##mmcnk -currently -illustrates -polymer -migm -create -misoriented -shifted -concordia -ccsd -highlights -preparation -essential -chromite -imaged -intensive -magnesian -exhumed -homogenous -contempor -dimensions -buil -juan -assumptions -qualit -penins -encoun -dissoci -occup -occasion -striking -reconstructed -pixel -hamm -resemble -isobaric -refinement -snowball -database -735b -uplift -plausible -dotted -germany -weathering -johnson -austurhorn -plumbing -insensitive -future -henderson -stafmmcnk -diavik -disappear -preexisting -bellevue -ruapehu -stafmmcnkpo -1a -3d -6a -690 -81 -9a -98 -aper -adi -born -cup -dred -daf -fec -fib -fang -gp -gross -hart -hill -kd -lon -mit -nine -oik -ppt -sø -tin -tent -tce -tens -vast -vectors -##eting -##s2 -##sri -##yn -##gn -##gor -##ms -##wich -##wide -##ham -##hile -##ken -thresh -##ones -##ators -inside -##orter -##icl -##ices -##icit -##lem -##anov -##stable -##sile -##ager -##etot -##ustite -aspec -atlan -melange -##osomes -anat -anisot -##ements -moves -movement -onset -shorter -coll -##2o5 -interf -intergrown -distil -discontin -called -##une -##unctions -##cheng -unm -unstable -##arities -evans -##oclases -plagioclases -increment -apply -uptake -canada -variance -adequ -thermometry -thermochron -2014 -tims -rhyod -heise -reduce -monz -foliation -matzen -curv -eu3 -explicit -manif -2008 -investigating -diameters -ulst -ultimately -invariant -influences -displaying -devonian -supersolidus -schm -pathways -taking -decomposition -fluxes -labeled -paleozoic -illustrating -evaluation -walls -86sri -falls -angles -edges -polaron -sv12 -mineralogical -gradually -clustering -orogeny -necessarily -photograph -excimer -minimal -insp -36ar -supporting -annealing -tabs -sandwich -constituents -greatly -debate -drawn -adjusted -worldwide -solely -percolating -fbh -denotes -treatment -institute -coastal -144nd -dendritic -myr -impedance -infrared -dissociation -adiab -bornite -fangcheng -tiny -tcea -aspects -3c -5a -51 -5b -72 -89 -box -dest -ever -fm -gual -hap -hund -kj -kon -ld -lan -nick -pan -pits -s2 -ske -tur -tail -worth -wavel -xu -##uy -##cpx -##sity -##ying -##gent -##gites -##gression -##michael -##bag -##bell -##bauer -##onti -##ering -##alerite -##iter -##ara -##lear -co3 -##ett -isop -##ula -##ili -##ilbag -##uss -stell -crush -##oses -##ume -##dium -shut -incoming -trun -basins -park -intercept -interiors -weigh -perli -perple -disag -unradi -##ellite -reproduce -depression -##avage -upvs -sodium -preced -valle -valley -lowered -clino -cargo -carmichael -##istocene -pods -##illa -underpl -carboniferous -notice -accomm -completed -126 -microanaly -infinite -increasingly -greatest -transfer -foil -limiting -electronic -eu2 -explains -130 -unclear -radiation -##crystall -backarc -##licity -180 -defects -cm3 -demonstrating -exha -mmol -km3 -endmem -granulites -esc -noneth -slowly -superimp -distinctly -assimil -counter -halilbag -anorthosi -progress -converted -youngest -polymorph -transported -residence -stratigraphy -edenite -concave -traver -extending -cycle -excluded -exclusively -maintained -susp -begins -upwardly -intersection -recrystallized -collisional -favour -nominal -purp -sphalerite -tetrahedrite -dynamics -cutting -inputs -oldest -proximal -dissem -disordered -causing -terranes -networks -zro2 -facilitated -##rupt -designed -displacement -immiscibility -vessels -diversity -tholeiitic -brief -buoyant -attention -octahedral -pumice -precursor -ubiquit -campbell -district -leslie -mossbauer -pleistocene -##domains -contemporaneous -peninsula -grossular -søager -gualda -hundred -wavelength -stellate -trunc -unradiogenic -accommod -##crystalline -nonetheless -halilbagı -anorthositic -1σ -512 -61 -64 -74 -790 -94 -bon -bor -bur -burn -cum -fusion -foz -hz -kam -kok -mir -ns -ok -qtz -tro -talc -tvz -vic -µgg -##eve -##ude -##uished -##iph -##oured -##tak -##ples -##rust -##gl -##fl -##fold -##06 -##zberg -##ested -##enge -##inate -##eder -##ality -##itr -##lec -##olfi -tot -tool -##sio4 -##active -##aco3 -cotec -##etav -##ulate -##iling -##atibility -complic -computed -ann -anion -dikes -move -whose -##uments -##que -##oud -##tics -suitable -trip -travel -##verine -chile -chill -chip -changed -chips -##apag -haematite -pressur -lile -ability -abrupt -wee -pert -##chetav -relate -uncon -formulation -meta -crystallizes -seaw -##ady -concentric -##aki -fractionating -carry -geobar -similarities -indication -peridotitic -##enschist -scan -scans -underestim -undertak -recalc -somewh -noting -accre -##ologically -remove -greenschist -curved -evidenced -fining -generating -associations -rule -behind -defini -diagnos -developing -describing -calibrations -1999 -tecton -bru -polyb -polycrystalline -affects -correlates -putir -178 +research +moncheite +05 +38 +did +dog +fit +mac +##rian +##tab +##over +##uil +##4pb +##estine +##ances +##ently +##rest +grab +fluct +##ibility +metabas +meters +districts +204pb +primarily +mattab +##lob +crystalline +supergroup +initially +rarely +effects +vapour involvement -kelem -enclosing -##awa -ions -instance -initiation -initiated -##ferous -evaluating -ridolfi -infiltrating -eventually -confirms -chambers -steady -mcd -entrap -mixtures -coexistence -quantity -quantitatively -frequently +gabbroic +elongate +influence +recrystallization +northeastern circulation -001 -tendency -principles -insign -distinguished -hcn -crucial -questions -salinity -million -neoblastic +outs +progressive +reflects +cordillera +extrem +laboratory +celestine +exchange +mattabi +33 +52 +dates +fall +k2o +luc +pink +rid +##lation +##nw +##ao +##tively +##aled +##enes +##ices +##oskarn +consequent +##ilic +##oto +shri +proper +##ching +##irs +seven +lowest +geophys +enc +volcano +##iano +105 +others +break +heat +originally +layering +homogenisation +decreasing +estimate +centime +paleozoic +points +36cl +requires +background +panzh +sheet +jinba +linked +frequ +focus +focused +geothermal +##ihua +convergence +travertine +picrites +baker +shrimp +panzhihua +jinbaoshan +aur +bott +cations +eas +ls +lis +sn +son +tens +zh +##radi +##ire +##ju +bend +##ett +##iest +##fficient +##ella +precise +precious +accur +replacing +##stit +expos +term +nearby +reflected +predicted +120 +electrum +cooled +orthopyroxene +msz +key +chloritized +outcrops +oldest +pulses +southeast gabbronorite -drift -ascending -overprint -thermocouples -tabular -exposure -crossed -massive -nevada -##rock -##ancies -attached -assigned -stoichiometry -erosion -arrows -hawaii -gulch -metapelitic -successive -bedrock -cerro -microns -amorphous -pseudosection -herzberg -wolverine -transient +evalu +heterogeneous +scapolite +46 +800 +gu +iran +rough +sar +##son +##iable +##tain +##haps +##yon +##matic +##faces +##onal +##ind +##anian +##osition +fort +asl +relation +interacted +intercal +repro +clath +better +carbonaceous +percent +perhaps +analysed +structurally +equation +imply +infill +reference +outl +crystallized +contributed +combination +degassing +closely +widely +influx +magnitud +summar +intersected +simple +microscope +mechanisms +cordilleran +borehole +##chlore +energy +fluctu +outside +59 +700 +fug +hs +lh +oy +pang +##rig +##of +##wide +##wise +##div +##inn +##inent +##erman +##eni +##iclastic +##ask +##ulations +##urge +conven +coff +ch4 +##iber +plus +until +abts +span +spring +subdiv +obvious +diffusion +bould +##ducted +##ista +regime +underground +##ressed +laterally +##ieved +198 +irradi +styles +estimates +identical +standards +siltstones +metallogenic +worldwide +preferred +earliest +serpentine +steps +victory +temporal +necessary +weathering +tholeiitic +extremely +consequently +bottom +sonju +fugac +coffinite +eg +kv +mol +nuc +s3 +##imp +##iff +##lies +##hem +##kou +##rera +##osing +##ola +conve +alumb +##atized +sturge +##ysel +##ops +shor +proced +planes +interbedded +##ypt +caraj +ablation +subhedral +locations +corund +##iang +overysel +##igned +traces +products +determinations +mixture +takab +styl +controlling +reached +curral +bajo +flank +evaporite +examples +prospects +frequent +axes +prominent +brannerite +phyllic +understanding +##shankou +vo1 +colloid +incompatible +moderately +columbite +tongshankou +subordinate +frequency +fortuna +magnitude +nucle +alumbrera +sturgeon +carajas +corundum +27 +34 +75 +bra +bub +f4 +hel +hund +hira +pal +rif +ss +sizes +##tt +##ores +##get +##app +##mic +##ission +conse +grav +discr +diops +closed +##allic +carboniferous +granul +granular +##ngs +parame +##spru +##iance +caus +cause +limb +dolost +feldspathic +movement +slices +desert +basinal +##vial +respect +defiance +superimp +folding +half +leading +coexisting +turn +petrography +intensity +revealed +polymet +outer +context +victor +offset reactivation -tomography -interlay -accordance -occasionally -aperture -feco3 -anatol -interfacial -curvature -haplogr -nickel -skele +terrane +harris +oblique +buddin +bitum +placer +agreement +listed +roughly +hundred +discrim +##spruit +polymetallic +buddini +bin +ce +dau +dunite +f3 +hol +hut +mich +p2 +pod +youn +##site +##iolite +##uted +##bic +##25 +##rees +##alts +inver +##enari +##arine +##asion +##isc +##igo +anhedral +places +occasion +calcrete +clast +neu +enhan +subt +mode +##ondary +notably +variably +##erited +gradient +scenari +surfaces +uppermost +heated +noted +correction +trig +drilling +importance +sier +equilibration +paleo +degrees +topaz +confined +architec +rio +classification +experi +technique +pseudosecondary +constitute +incorpor +planar +devonian +segment +inherited +reason +failure +attenuation +oligocene +lucifer +geophysical +reproduc +convention +consequ +diopside +youngest +51 +550 +ach +ban +bif +cat +dat +gem +mor +nam +natur +##ew +##ets +##o3 +##hr +##yite +##mite +##mas +##ject +##flu +##onse +##rous +##roach +##agmatic +##useni +##terite +recon +anne +##tically +whose +##ostatic +seem +unmineral +interface +neoproterozoic +##tening +immedi +analog +porphyro +##unc +##ickle +marbles +applied +approach +apuseni +response +lithostatic +negra +trunc +trails +halo +tuffs +program +microstruc +vuggy +good +unconformably +fabrics +divrig +microthermometry +segregation +komatiitic +##unta +tungs +favor +distance +bendigo +clathrate +daugh +architecture +consequence +immediately +divrigi +tungsten +cer +call +grow +id +tell +vic +wille +##turing +##wick +##aqu +##pend +##hy +##zing +##known +##ido +##ings +conn +##atization +##omes +##ogram +play +unknown +phys +nearly +##illa +spaced +subpar +bohem +pbs +106 +magnetic +proven +wallroc +continued +decay +remains +##msz +descrip +mountains +amphibolites +involving +transported +intergrowth +metasomatic +metasomatized +orientations +cycles +goe +become +collisional +orthocumulate +border +morphology +cambrian +goldfields +submarine +properties +ssz +parameters +daughter +subparallel +54 +56 +71 +aut +bms +cs +dou +dumm +hmsz +mb +nons +nnw +pass +pene +sle +wa +##sation +##lan +##oy +##nel +##gan +##yn +##uth +##xtral +##rec +instr +##ened +##ani +##iding +##elebi +##ully +##ocite +dextral +discontin +disapp +##iform +##atest +never +##illas +##ometer +concord +hasanc +##unas +variability +102 +adak +limits +propose +niob +##kaline +remn +197 +radiometric +discordant +follows +reducing +correlated +synvolcanic +construc +shapes +mesoc +titan +observation +cycl +evaporitic +boron +members +rimmed +substan +detect +hugo +induced +immisc +dimensional +exsolution +john +raman +quantit +away +##agnetic +ridge +subdivided +shortening +sierra +conventional +called +bohemian +goethite +dummett +sleeper +instrum +hasancelebi +bism +das +eq +gi +gently +glob +hill +lath +py +sickle +ur +zo +##ily +##genetic +##ump +##zil +##brid +too +decomp +rees +griz +##ecting +exceed +dioritic +crack +interl +repe +spar +fe3 +##asta +chalcocite +scattered +americ +implies +##umulates +isotopically +precipitate +evidenced +39ark +##ibute +##okite +settings +##osphere +hypoth +tonalite +clino +mku +yields +delta +pipes +backsc +periph +exhibits +intersections +classified +investigated +illustrated +alternatively +detection +crosscutting +cavity +currently +scanning +anorthosite +considerable +extreme +buffering +##ovic +komatiite +phosphate +edge +colorado +examined +pickwick +africa +peraluminous +calibration +auriferous +fugacity +brazil superimposed -burnham -cumm -fozo -kokchetav -troct +subtyp +trigg +reproducibility +natural +porphyrobl +tellur vicinity -seawater -somewhat -diagnostic -putirka -kelemen -insignific -2c -3b -53 -62 -7a -71 -7b -akey -cim -dick -eds -fsc -gap -gond -hard -iles -kep -lun -med -n2 -oreg -past -qfm -rul -ranged -sig -tt -turn -vent -verm -##iably -##canic -##ctively -##late -##ymm -##rating -##mens -##xic -##water -##wana -##hole -##hance -##bo -##zett -##85 -##int -##aland -##atub -injection -##arity -##oring -##icts -##leigh -##anied -##olarized -##olcanic -coars -isoch -##idt -##idate -##idge -##iguous -##ocrystic -##ths -asymm -aliqu -cr3 -criter -bead -##uca -orman -projected -presents -share -triang -##aple -haf -##ermost -collect -perlitic -accep -##ched -##chell -unheated -##stral -enhance -subdi -subpar -subset -subdomains -sept -neph -arf -mexic -equant -preclu -detachment -thermally -2012 -2015 -##enson -otherwise -carbonatites -consisted -estimating -derive -1273 -py3 -desired -marbles -marsh -characterization -srm -cooler -geochem -##azi -averaged -molality -131 -132 -##ocities -constraint -chlor -pegm -##lacial -manner -2002 -2003 -2006 -evolutionary -austral -normally -simplicity -situated -simulated -1994 -homogeneity -clemens -thinning -##brites -##roscopic -northward -southwest -works -deline -counts -exhibiting -termin -stepwise -orthopyroxenites -remainder -degassed -convergent -existed -rayleigh -offers -periodic -distances -deviate -angular -overlapping -hollow -difficul -condensates -outermost -grades -needs -geothermal -filling -coexists -supplemental -circles -covering -acceleration -channelized -hypothes -tensile -opportun -velocities -187re -extrapolated -##merian -pseudo -pargasitic -tonalite -tonalitic -reversal -analogous -targeted -charnockites -spherical -sato -satellite -description -pinatub -discrim -tested -##ingtonite -acidic -immiscible -xiong -triggered -nevado -guilla -##denum -statistically -corroded -shoshonitic -dramatically -classical -micaschist -juxtaposed -accompanied +willemite +penetr +47 +450 +dam +dra +give +los +mord +nan +sin +##ether +##vation +##mme +##mhbx +##jir +##fspruit +##als +##erth +##estion +instit +##ita +##elet +##igan +##ured +begin +asp +##abil +chron +whether +disrup +onto +resid +colqui +spaces +index +immediate +modal +##ologic +perpend +varied +moreover +scar +northwestern +sourced +skelet +upward +dolomites +implic +undergone +##viations +##zoisite +smb +190 +localized +newly +patch +characterised +angular +distinctive +turfspruit +migm +allows +sheared +lodes +recrystallized +37ar +microscopic +alternating +became +geotherm +reactivated +pelitic +discover +rosalia +##borne +profile +blebs +established +ordovic +bubble +experienced +nonsulfide +disappear +clinozoisite +mordor +##jirca +colquijirca +perpendicular +skeletal +ordovician +55 +61 +jeb +kil +parent +pista +rub +sens +util +y1 +zald +##eel +##nary +##pyro +##molite +##tific +##orn +##orts +##ics +##asma +##eless +##tra +##ago +deb +##theless +condu +sun +shift +who +quad +plasma +##ivar +spik +hydrothermally +##itisation +usa +perc +canyon +advan +elemental +scales +moore +mineralising +tremolite +replaces +##view +osborne +apart +lithospheric +banding +##lands +brecciation +correlate +linear +foliated +##ylitic +thrus +intrude +possibility +fractured +demonstrate +proximity +esc +reservo +segregated +depending +remaining +constitu +terranes +visible +preferentially +coincident +intercalated +pangui +rifting +occasionally +scenario +banat +41 +76 +cent +cinn +jig +kin +lc +lob +mz +mhbx +past +wij +##saw +##oen +##jection +##99 +##aling +##ested +##anal +##asting +##the +##atitic +##imb +##oming +##abar +##otrop +stability +sufficient +##etch +shasta +makes +##ract +##ractal +spot +act +differ +##roscop +##duced +micas +limit +webs +upon +feldspars +scheel +explan +explos +track +propylitic +plum +additionally +##tified +##tifractal +multifractal +110 +meso +fo2 +volumes +blocks +introduced +transitional +evaporites +materials +##ystalline +influenced +collap +existence +pseudosections +reflecting +integr +##metamorph +southeastern +mobile +confirm +inductively +streng +experimental +removed +beryl episodes -choice -electro -unpolarized -barroisite -ignimbrites -aerodynamic -tanz -department -house +balance +hybrid +remobilization +help +giant +cinnabar +jigsaw +scheelite +cz +cath +ene +lies +liter +nine +roll +tm +tro +tight +vi +wed +wils +##nigan +##pa +##h2o +##flow +##bre +##02 +##tian +##rett +##erates +inv +inset +##tioned +##roph +##ularia +##aged +##igenetic +##iguration +##umines +sud +chall +##ogran +##ucite +##ador +sampling +intercept +occup +hydrous +##apment +##apunta +assess +nev +spence +indep +##ometers +subvolcanic +##arities +modification +pertur +adularia +epigenetic +characterize +peb +brucite +replace +transmitted +calculate +referred +lamp +expand +probable +remained +blank +196 +true +finnigan +overlies +tectonics +##ubian +correlations +equilibria +##ishable +effective +curve +stresses +bedded +dynamic +endoskarn +mss +160 +chloritization +means +overprinting +ferro +genetically +hangingwall +controls +progressively +entirely +opaqu +##timately +marcapunta +ophiolite +discovered +randomly +photographs +unusual +mylonitic +penins +europe +##ilicate +fluctuations +catacl +discontinuous +37arca +zaldivar +##pyrochlore +advanced +wijs +strength +wilson +independ +opaque +77 +98 +b2 +cd +cem +drop +gain +ives +len +pile +rise +trough +zam +##equ +##put +##cu +##ctic +##carbon +##uk +##uts +##don +##1b +##erical +##enw +##anillas +dehyd +alread +real +atm +atte +atokite +##abase +##ech +fluor +make +excl +qual +reset +uniform +highl +hydrated +intra +carl +arra +abbre +enough +subgroup +granoph +##ngenetic +itac +associations +concluded +##akes +activ +cao +fractions +uranpyrochlore +101 +added +similarities +wehr +shears +text +crushed +monit +syngenetic +slop +facil +product +##rise +contrasting +determination +##ief +corrected +##hydrox +distributions +disseminations molybdenum -polymerization -tentatively -threshold -atlantic -anisotropic -every -fmq -konzett -crushing -disseminated -ubiquitous -triple -perturb -undertaken -recalculated +lineation +displaying +baiano +maps +tio2 +opening +identify +gave +campanillas +mediumto +##xtap +interest +viejo +conclusion +confirmed +mcdon +juxtap +incorporation +photomicrographs +volatile +experiments +population +townlands entrapment -haplogranite -skeletal -cummingtonite -insignificant -akeyazi -cimmerian -gondwana -lunar -oregon -accepted -subparallel -pinatubo -guillaume -2d -220 -6b -77 -76 -8a -apl -d1 -dab -dav -dna -fission -hour -kel -kaw -lwc -mot -nas -none -om -rt -r2 -s4 -sorting -tu -tm -tay -wood -zhou -##nay -##eas -##ele -##utr -##iak -##aj -##lor -##sess -##sho -##shan -##gan -##gur -##fract -##bic -##zul -thous -##inn -##inic -##inous -##edded -##ita -##leths -##anol -##olo -##acting -coated -##ettch -##isson -##istine -forces -aluminous -##opes -antec -##otal -dival -why -projection -##omelt -##ogens -magnetic -mapped -shim -incong -ch4 -chern +behavior +graben +evaluate +springs +frequently +granulite +bitumen +incorporated +##fluid +mesocumulate +bismuth +hypothesis +explosive +collapse +lamproph +zamora +already +03 +1to +73 +74 +900 +ats +cell +certain +dd +eroded +fil +fiss +ix +ide +lie +pue +rates +sus +td +xr +zimb +##va +##iat +##iting +##ood +##wana +##nenw +##dih +##39 +##53 +##int +##icients +##itation +##astal +##osalts +##olute +##iden +##then +coah +covered +cogenetic +coastal +mined +asthen +##imanite +##abwe +anti +##amdih +grand +##ody +##eca +what +##charge +pliocene +seated +##fficients +hydrocarbon +##ivari +pree +assump +##nging +##unian +##blo +107 +unde +sci +scatter +##lude +timok +syenites +originated +providing +δ11b +trachy +driv +sof +so2 +km2 +plunging +calculation +oxyhydrox +lithophile +arcs +mountain +numerical +localities +homogenize +patches +syncline +145 +efficient +affecting +coefficients +william +absolute +interpretations +preservation +distinctly +nonnenw +allowing +flood +demonstrates +sillimanite +illustrating +overlaps +dilution +detected +freezing +pseudosection +cluster +##aiunas +useful +##times +magnesio +envelope +kuh +transfer +mentioned +rls +disturbed +##uila +encoun +summarized +pods +enhanced +unmineralized +cyclic +scarce +websterite +expanded +dehydration +abbreviations +itacaiunas +ixiolite +pueblo +zimbabwe +coahuila +nonnenwerth +00 +2a +5a +750 +95 +barn +cf +crop +et +iv +just +kc +kam +lm +my +mold +nas +qf +run +sig +sorted +vard +way +ze +zales +zinc +##rus +##lig +##went +##yur +##fels +##fmas +##kop +##onous +##oncur +##err +input +##ans +##anza +##istingu +##ator +##ule +iss +conducted +review +##ilg +##luvial +##cend +compare +proble +exist +formula +##ades +##ched rest -plates -plays -spand -spik -##riers -perform -##chat -friction -subtle -##allic +report +cloncur +##allar +spread +##ayi +##ometr +feed +otherwise +thickening +domin +##rows +equal +underwent +##ressive +increased +crystallisation +oxidizing +decarbon +abundances +neglig +drilled +folded +created differential -arb -##ands -allanite -##aker -fulgur -ca2 -variably -pristine -##acher -advant -detr -carl -decades -orthog -whereby -thereby -pod -pool -leg -recip -consistency -δ18 -come -special -mont -derivative -voluminous -setup -##epolo -contrary -##insic -proven -##hood -intrac -marks -tiepolo -symp -generalized -197 -structurally -electric -prevail -complexity -afric -possess -serves -dissolve -recording -originate -dominate -143 -2005 -2007 -lateral -##cribed -defines -prediction -ulmer -situation -incorporates -approaching -traces -contaminated -volatil -superior -ultrah -##ographic -reaches -fourier -nucleogenic -halogens -deposited -keep -consequences -tetr -tuffs -energies -agrees -explaining -retained -dehydrogen -migrate -mountains -overlain -svz -##1332 -galapag -requirement -quantities -filaments -snaps -##prising -geothermometer -optically -drilling -circum -tetrahedral -suspen -reasons -tibetan -achieve +anomaly +arsenic +##ishte +gives +appearance +hornfels +particles +turamdih +intrudes +histogram +keel +strikes +170 +potentially +workers +##herent +errors +resource +mobil +burial +daye +cameca +operating dispersed -formulas -bias -doubly -idea -tension -integration -fronts -establish -purity -consump -exceeds -penet -saline -xrf -colours -marker -trajectories -insights -csv +boulder +stylolites +michilla +seems +growing +quantitative +dashed +interlay +patchy +ddh +##identified +##ivariant +preexisting +sofia +williams +barnes +kcma +vardar +zalesi +##yurishte +##istinguishable +cloncurry +negligible +08 +58 +85 +bbic +cement +eh +fron +hn +hiat +jb +kerman +lree +mari +opp +sized +tub +yet +##ril +##rift +##hle +##mium +##magmatic +##28 +##inous +##inces +##ero +##argite +##itous +##anas +##antite +##anubian +##ostr +##istr +##lear +##agyurishte +devol +conform +alumin +always +##atiti +##atigraph +reven +cha +chines +##eta +quite +##emically +quartzites +tetra +basic +resem +sets +unidentified +phyric +prev +geometr +neither +sperr +cup +enargite +subpro +siliciclastic +chalcophile +sometimes +similarity +redistr +moord +mont +implying +180 +slice +microcline +contribute +law +continent +expressed +termin +lithology +##otes +zns +overlie +rob +gabbros +describe +napp +140 +arsenide +reacted +13c +voluminous +##ylite +##ocratic +paleoproterozoic +##ography +evaporation +unclear +panagyurishte +##omorphic +metallic +investigate +illustrates +protore +microscopy +polymic +distinguish +buffered +loaded +overgrowth +fillings +volatiles +glass +rotated +african +groundwaters +ug2 +unusually +exhum +easily +inversion +neutr +double +nevertheless +concordia +immiscible +migmatite +explanation +wedge +##uminescence +nevada +peninsula +##odynamic +encountered +hno3 +hiatus +##ostratigraph +revenge +chinese +sperrylite +subprov +polymictic +07 +02 +aer +air +b1 +bacter +crom +cold +cacl +mott +pges +poles +qtz +sx +sab +tam +targe +ub +vh +##s1 +##oti +##oted +##yan +##uz +##mz +##jan +##32 +##inas +##esian +##enn +##ara +##osen +##olid +##atory +##ulate +##usite +isan +alone +##omb +##ament +stack +chosen +##etre +compe +diorites +seism +unre +unmetamorph +strunian +##iforn +phoen +mineralizations +betam +##raction +indistinguishable +##andua +ranch +fracturing +##ochth +comm +biotites +grading +gradational +##ctonic +allanite +sketch +##iquitous +tren +##bert +##acke +analyz +hematiti +californ +details +coarser +giving +blocky +reefs +swar +atacama +require +panj +##inson +pathways +240 +enclosing +becomes +converted +bonanza +semic +surveys +considerably +magnesian +package +yellowstone +pairs +morphologies +differentiation +populations +eruption +network +sarhle +victoria +hutti +reasonable +favorable +niobate +institute +discovery +##ractory +independent +cemented +attemp +granophyric +facilit +front +cromwell +cacl2 +tamandua +ubiquitous +vhms +unmetamorphosed +phoenix +california +sarhlef +06 +42 +8a +aim +bare +dum +dest +fam +fran +foss +fission +ho +lap +mer +mile +mpa +pix +xian +xav +y2 +##ritic +##sd +##ipp +##lier +##aer +##aus +##path +##has +##yg +##dor +##kin +##ken +thor +##tein +theore +injection +inlier +##enk +##enitic +##ito +##ols +##isp +##lein +##agabb +isop +devi +##thys +##igranular +##atil +ascend +anion +changing +flux +shif +discharge +exact +##quh +##chron +string +##ify +carpath +neogene +compositionally +subun +imaging +acqui +marl +serido +masses +thicker +equigranular +postmineral +sericitic +refractory +manif +finer +bounded +##auer +evident +normally +equilibrated +decrep +andesites +##obile +methane +angles +flakes +endow +preserve +conglomerates +mkd +##umba +xeno +allowed +lamella +veinlet +acidic +thermometry +huang +principally +optical +uncertainties +phyllos +immobile +powder +removal +segments +envelopes +preferential +exhal +microfrac +metabasalt +centimeter +exposure exposures -macroscopic +egypt +palyn +dolostones +played +laths +zoisite +porphyroblasts +implications +literature +perturb +atmospheric +undeformed +##anasayi +xavier +carpathian +lamellae +48 +44 +49 +bse +c1 +cation +cren +done +fusion +fib +gsd +hub +kat +mal +mun +nald +pin +##ras +##ler +##ginite +##apping +##cill +##uter +##mer +##zu +##zone +##back +##bella +##king +##ont +##arth +##orting +##olanasayi +##idence +##lets +##usively +isocl +coherent +aren +ascent +##iles +##ilitic +##imin +##omagnetic +##amide +##odginite +stained +suture +chond +##ticular +##tinction +extinction +incoming +##irk +unf +interf +cliff +assay +evol +##illi +norm +##static +faulted +obtain +volcanogenic +corroded +notation +fractal +##ochemical +##llo +regression +gradients +prism +recalc +greg +upflow +monomic +equations +underl +destruc +manto +horst +osmium +oscill +transform +plume +pyroxenes +##loor +deriv +diagenesis +remark +2005 +travers +correlates +considering +na2o +predict +predicts +synchron +halos +decreases +argued +130 +meseta +affect +##struc +##ophane +contaminated +isochores +delam +mechanical +investigations +reveals +##ultaneous +260 +capao +positions +laboratories +overgrown +rapidly packed -pixels -##encies -exactly -explosion -boettch -embayed -vessel -remarkably -dilution -fna3 -##rocal -ethanol -challenge -perfect -findings -mobilization -analyze -gravit -checked -quadrup -enhanced -compensation -mosaic -##etrical -thorough -unfortun -adopted -detectable -complementary -superposition -mitchell -oikocrysts -schmidt -destabil -isopleths -preceding -mirr -fsc1332 -kept -ruled -marshall -132xe -australia -opportunity -dabie -taylor -divalent -incongr -cherniak -spandler -reciprocal -ultrahigh -galapagos -boettcher -2θ -3he -6c -92 -96 -border -bonds -dro -fes -fing -fried -fetot -ho -hrees +luis +simultaneous +necessarily +##afloor +turbidites +establish +hyal +duolanasayi +petrological +disturb +zhou +accurate +outlined +irradiation +procedures +discrimination +reconstruc +annealing +microstructure +wallrock +description +remnants +constructed +detector +instrument +urquh +repeated +american +backscattered +peripheral +disappearance +##tification +cathod +lenticular +exclusively +quality +oxyhydroxides +kamoto +##fmasch +devolatil +ranchos +postmineralization +exhalative +hubnerite +naldrett +monomictic +urquhart +420 +89 +apl +bh +bou +clu +dense +ecu +fully +hing ia -kinds -mari -pel -pem -picked -rhe -sx +ja +kink +l3 +lach +mi +mur +mask +nc +none +national +ot +oly +pock +ring +tres +tem +tant +vel +wb +zero +##sts +##iour +##he +##hard +##yre +##uum +##bel +##47 +##kirk +##tes +##tectic +##tice +##isely +##trically +##thyan +react +##ows +##imorph +##phase +sup +compil +##ichhard +ones +onset +contour +criter +reliable +seam +seafloor +stron +hydrostatic +##allon +india +carbonatization +modes +leichhard +##aken +notable +pbr +believed +laramide +concentric +recove +accre +amb +amyg +poik +208 +imper +sybella +presently +##ilet +transg +aps +157 +bars +emphas +defines +specular +ign +##ounted +trip +##oids +selkirk +numbers +furn +metasediment +measurement +coexis +shallowly +displayed +flush +tonal +reefal +migr +xenolith +chloritic +records +successions +wider +overprint +elongation +crosscuts +darkwater +investigation +δ13cc +dilational +358 +d4c +scans +periods +anorthocl +belonging +pulse +systematics +orthoclase +visean +excluded +mcarth +stret +powd +jasperoids +rotation +virgin +episode +purp +transfiguration +behaviour +menet +centimeters +irradiated +convective +procedure +gravity +causing +ach99 +subtype +aspects +thrusting +centre +challeng +antimon +moldanubian +feeder +interlayered +redistribution +mottled +mkd5 +xenotime +isoclinal +synchronous +ecuador +olymp +leichhardt +recovered +amygd +mcarthur +9a +acan +bes +cmp +den +hati +hab +hcl +holl +kel +lv +lat +lince +latest +molar +nis +neck +oh +pi +pala +rus +sod sides -tub -trem -ur -vis -vector -wil -xe -yr -##ey -##ition -##isible -##vite -##vable -##cel -##cale -##aff -##lvs -##sel -##rant -##gist -##hanic -##bour -##24 -##29 +tar +vg +wat +woll +zamb +##sw +##ster +##stic +##taken +##now +##ave +##aean +##pore +##pared +##ubl +##uble +##fa +##fon +##bauer +##04 +##15 ##97 -##erge -##tiferous -##enstatite -##itt -##itz -##arg -##orous -##anes -took -##ithm -cone -##acitic -##ige -reju -##ilities -##than -stok -compatibility -##ophile -##restr -##ossible -##tering -##oto -##uced -online -protr -grah -##omet -##ival -chines -places -##enetically -speed -interc -liu -##rian -persist -feixian -quist -unhyd -energe -subject -submic -seif -nept -##avalent -hyg -fractionate -prac -suggestive -carb -geos -improve -impossible -indicators -regular -2013 -aggl -domes -processing -microfract -surve -py6 -pyro -##inson -laacher -marble -characterised -syng -continue -capt -interpreting -msw -zrsio4 -newton -freez -displaced -appeared -mechanic -behrens -cumulus -lherzolites -invisible -negatively -1997 -tai -normalised -multip -northeast -northwest -179 -177 -workers -confidence -nuclei -count -root -roots -involve +##erz +injected +##ench +##astite +##oluminescence +##istral +##isotrop +##idi +##ida +##elf +##ulic +##agn +conj +alp +alluvial +minute +##imens +depression +anisotrop +chap +shad +share +complic +mad +mapped +quater +##ights +##ady +##alcite +veining +crypt +unique +interac +##velength +hydra +hydration +prepared +next +enab +subzone +granodi +modell +concer +lep +##erson +uraniferous +uranophane +##sional +approp +precisely +alloy +thereby +upwards +southwestern +amk +undertaken +bras +provinces +explo +precipitating +produces +producing +albitized +specimens +termed +itself +finding +overlapping +synthe +##cepted +greenstones +142 +##versely +identification +channel +supports +affinity +shallower +paleogene +rhyolites +##venile +intruding +broken +millime +deline +overprints +ferri +kaolin +weakness +intersection +minimal +metallogen +farallon +illustrate +187re +diluted +alternative +infiltrating +##riate +pervasively +assimilated +depends +episodic +mobility +externally +equivalents +marcos +marcasite +##oclastite +juvenile +temporally +anomalously +differentiated +tiny +colloform +picked +virt +karak +peralkaline +partitioning +turbidite +paragenetically +lherz +oyu +colloids +causes +paleoge +mb02 +wavelength +sinistral +residue +jebilet +sunrise +integrated +arrays +mcdonald +ideal +driven +lmf +marias +exhumation +neutron +##ostratigraphic +subprovince +bacterial +sabinas +seismic +##ochthonous +lapilli +xiangh +acquired +chondrite +cliffs +hyaloclastite +cathodoluminescence +lachlan +##belt +metasediments +anorthoclasite +besides +hatillo +kelley +wollast +##fontein +quaternary +hydraulic +appropriate +ferrihydrite +04 +030 +3a +67 +78 +88 +9b +ct +dtr +dick +ger +gav +gulf +hisp +pac +ra +slow +sole +test +xin +yilg +zar +zun +ɛnd +##eed +##li +##less +##limin +##o4 +##oer +##obl +##ware +##hor +##cting +##cient +##yed +##ymme +##yotes +##mix +##jins +##fied +##kol +##2s +inst +inverse +##lete +##agba +##acies +##acoidal +dend +##urface +concept +##atiba +rein +asymme +##imes +ancient +depositing +##uman +shaded +why +making +dikol +saund +tear +##orphous +valley +calcium +carib +prehn +prelimin +geor +ark +encomp +itaj +conclude +accepted +diffraction +martite +box +care +103 +lowermost +regimes +gradual +weight +preced +##ortun +epiclastic +sulphidation +amorphous +mokop +peyotes +syl +noble +vertically +##bergite +postulated +horsts +transformation +apophys +##adily +empa +hemimorph +specimen +probe +terr +blan +averages +averaging +2004 +consistently +δ18ofluid +room +##ilibrium +##ubatiba +##cepti +argum +##ucha +software +mangan +aggregate +multiphase +kafa +archaean +histor +assume +migrated +gravel +extending +##oxic +sheets +solidus +372 +irregularly +inside +coincide +uplif +cobal +anorthite +permeable +phosphates +burro +buried +##zhenk +examination +boreholes +dimensions +exsolved +weathered +incomplete +modern +kuoer +digestion +balk +postdate +mylon +regarded +european +starting +needed +grabens +convection +colloidal +dolostone +hundreds +holwell +moroc +connected +physical +intergrowths +##aniola +sparse +triggered +penetrative +drawn +percol +lobe +##roscopy +sudbur +wehrlite +fissile +xrd +asthenosphere +grande +crops +sigma +eh4 +chaumba +geometries +migmatites +fossil +theoretical +microfractures +arenites +normative +oscillatory +jaagba +pockets +seams +208pb +challenger +target +granodioritic +brasil +karakuz +dickite +hispaniola +yilgarn +zarsh +zunyite +##jinshan +dikoloti +saunders +prehnite +itajubatiba +mokopane +hemimorphite +##zhenku +kuoerzhenku +jaagbaan +280 +4a +5b +63 +62 +7a +7b +bis +bot +buil +dro +ew +ell +eight +fix +gar +gases +jun +kr +kuna +know +lined +lying +miss +pmz +tl +##vant +##sor +##ius +##ipped +##lites +##oured +##wh +##pick +##press +##yers +##drift +##ja +##inned +##enium +##orad +##ania +##osalt +##ocular +##acy +coop +coord +aligned +##iguous +revers +mina +##ilan +##izon +##imetre +##tsch +##omin +##sever +##odum +##umed +shield +compressive +disequ +exists +##agem +quint +##adition +quartzo +##tites +relics +sea +calcare +colored +phacoidal +assigned +argen +able +spodum +##akh +elect +persever +corrid +differing +add +##ficial +graded +greatest +dominate +regionally +tims +upwell +surp +metaluminous +moesian +undergo +brief +salt +precipitates +transformed +soil +productive +steph +159 +##crystalline +increment +albian +walls +contrasts +pd04 +##ieve +bladed +##ualing +marginal +tradition +eutectic +selv +traverse +copperbelt locality -kev -trachytic -resolve -recycling +frame +mule +##ambers +importantly +decreased +reactive +directed +thinner +leads +deeply +orthopyrox +hypers +successive +##naird +volumetric +extended +handpick +hardening +tonnes +protoliths +elevation +econom +accumulated +document +ramps +dependent +systematically +hulbert +understood +celeb +ophiolites +ophiolitic +virgen +favour +leucos +tensile +boulders +victorian +binocular +constitutes +database +annealed +analogous +truncated +adakite +substantial +beginning +disruption +ruby +conduits +reservoirs +constituents +kinnaird +pebbles +cataclas +resetting +suscepti +##vaal +assumption +sciences +moorddrift +nappe +analyzer +pixe +subunits +fibrous +recalculated +derivation +maski +criteria +accretion +poikilitic +triple +palae +complicated +synthetic +xianghualing +gavilan +pacific +preliminary +sylvite +brasiliano +kuoerzhenkuola +disequilibrium +calcareous +spodumene +perseverance +upwelling +43 +6a +ale +bt +bu +ballar +dav +german +gully +hg +held +ker +lost +ow +pum +rul +rays +sense +tol +tons +van +war +##ville +##right +##sis +##lated +##wish +##wacke +##ns +##ni +##nar +##aq +##pe +##pt +##pic +##hi +##ci +##cing +##ctively +##ye +##je +##jiang +##3d +##85 +##for +##0s +##kh +##teen +##onform +##alac +inor +intimately +##itz +##itable +##aster +##ostic +##istic +##eler +##ulph +##acite +##urian +covers +retained +readily +##ilst +atomic +antic +grs +strom +check +chambers +compan +computed +whilst +##ogabb +dism +diverse +sulfates +quartzof +metap +resist +plank +valid +##ude +conser +conspic +arrows +presents +sporad +##ipel +fair +favo +ensure +subject +##itish +##akfmasch +overpress +##elled +uranyl +##hedrite +append +applic +micron +gradually +limbs +##ctolite +bodnar +thickened +##anga +domes +completed +accumulate +acceler +surficial +sulphosalts +bright +symme +slate +explains +sericitization +155 +albitite +defining +stratified +lithic +lithof +1980 +##otectonic +##goi +crossed +sett +selective +takes +schistose +tectonically +localised +nauman +soluble +totally +predate +arsenides +centers +##neisses +deepest +ortho +orthog +spectroscopy +internally +geochronologic +closer +chloride +transpression +cumulative +downward +extensively +phenocrys +fertile +##ancy +##oxide +##mano +campanian +pump +stockworks +brownish +permit +predomin +paths +dilat +reserve +thermodynamic +surroundings +huge +accumulations +tenn +accompanying +emer +plutonism +roof +##orption +stratagem +picrite +polarised +logs +look +orthocumulates +excell +exclud +##untza +serpentinization +ionization +profiles +columbia +ramire +postdates +accuracy +vo16 +hutch +wallrocks +substantially +tellurides +nanjinshan +sensitive +debris conduit -periods -experience -thicknesses -lining -permian -probability -lacks -proportional +reservoir +mesothermal +rollback +##ogranite +fluorine +highlighted +activation +slope +hydrocarbons +zeolite +aluminum +tetrahedrite +lawyers +semiconform +palynomorph +luiswish +disturbance +devolatilization +murmano +ncakfmasch +coexistence +δ13cco2 +olympic +acanthite +necking +piuntza +wattle +modelling +xinjiang +##oblastic +careful +uplifted +zarshouran +junctions +cooperite +corridor selvages -reflections -exhibited -summit -classify -internally -condensed -terrains -elasticity -atmosphere -optim -laborat -em1 -covered -reasonably -channels -magnesium -principle -reconc -extrapol -identifying -immob -permeable -sheets -morphologies -tonalites -sintered -ascend -played -spheroid -scienti -undergoing -inversion -proxy -titanium -diffuses -constituent -autom -embedded -stisho -remarkable -successfully -straightfor -proceeds -shoshonites -coordinated -warm -monitor -103lnβsi -namely -zealand -appreciable -radioactive -deduced -enggist -bentonite -renzul -tonglvs -meaningful -consumed -coronas -believed -vibration -intergrowths -metabasal -encountered -dafs -discontinuous -adiabatic -lanthan -perlitization -disaggreg -endmember -purpose -truncated -cotectic -medard -criteria -collector -nepheline -mexico -geochemically -discrimination -##eastern -arbitr -detrital -symplec -143nd -suspension -consumption -gravitational -incongruent -friedman -rejuven -stokes -##restrial -graham -chinese -unhydrated -seifu -neptune -stishovite -straightforward -renzulli -tonglvshan -8b +celebration +ballarat +tolgoi +##ulphide +conspicuous +lithofacies +naumannite +ramirez +semiconformable +luiswishi +2σ +3d +4c +4b +650 83 -8900 -9b -ads -a14 -bell -baker -cand -caco3 -d3 -hv -happ -hirs -himal -hva -iv -ip -iter -kin -kang -lrees -llan -loli +97 +96 +92 +b3 +dupl +duration +fm +gro +gand +kamb liber -oig -opa -px -put -pip -p2o5 -pige -ri -rising -vill -wustite -xs -xh2o -zst -##uk -##uting -##usive -##ij -##iency -##iomorphic -##off -##oting -##osities -##aue -##sen -##yon -##yer +ml +moss +pond +pron +rag +ross +sred +vents +wodginite +yster +##rb +##iers +##tar +##tage +##line +##oh +##worth +##nog +##gar +##aight +##pot +##hum +##cale +##down +##fl +##bly +##bean +##ker +##kins +##kbar +##rend +##aline +##alian +##alusite +andalusite +##oria +##orie +##rolite +##anna +##leth +##usiv +##ussite +##ura +cone +alt +began +reten +##tswana +##phere +anoxic +##ames +states +stabil +suitable +chai +##eto +sho +comparing +maier +protr +exoskarn +once +question +sulfosalt +incons +##ibed +metres +relict +placed +straight +calcs +hydrox +hydroly +golden +arab +neo +##rand +voltage +subjected +granoblastic +collect +mod1 +park +acad +indicator +fe2 +fe2o3 +##iani +botswana +allaq +somewh +##anged +texturally +##eldspathic +crush +move +pores +201 +monomin +healed +geochemically +design +##meable +postc +processing +tracer +tracks +microcrystalline +stere +spher +##cribed +emplo +controvers +expense +probability +ultimately +granodiorites +2002 +platanal +comprised +solv +stratigraphically +125 +##obic +directions +respective +approximate +singhb +longer +longitud +##ocrystalline +coefficient +involve +itabirites +hyper +contaminant +cm3 +histories +recognition +pointed +pyrochlore +migrate +constraining +chromat +meaning +intergranular +lacking +darker +goanna +recrystallised +nodular +freiber +semi +tenors +interes +duncan +belongs +1998 +confirms +icpms +pelag +power +glory +differentiate +berrend +cambro +662 +digital +leucocratic +turbiditic +tendency +camer +reaches +compressional +remobilized +dispersive +petrologic +microfabric +macalac +breakdown +infilling +##askop +spanning +stylolite +binary +achieved +cerussite +idi +adakites +remnant +globular +decompression +subtypes +geothermometry +quadril +spiked +escond +carlos +nasina +decarbonation +tube +aeromagnetic +targets +##ennian +##olidated +hematitized +famennian +##aerobic +##agabbron +shifts +huangshan +phyllosilicate +evolving +prismatic +destruction +stronti +impermeable +tonalitic +stretching +enabled +virtually +lherzolite +paleogeographic +asymmetric +caribbean +bisulphide +fixed +quintos +framework +economically +cataclasites +ruled +quartzofeldspathic +metapel +resistant +fairly +appendix +tennantite +duplic +mossbauer +ragged +srednog +ysterberg +inconsis +allaqi +somewhat +monomineral +singhbhum +berrendos +macalacaskop +srednogorie +01 +340 +3kbar +53 +510 +710 +bat +bart +bay +cc +cess +ecl +fes +fore +gd +gond +hots +kg +kas +klein +mr +mature +nne +oib +oik +ps +pas +rou +rod +rib +sum +uz +u2 +vac +wan +wil +ways +##iver +##ierite +##loc +##lorite +##long +##othermal +##nostic +##gie +##ares ##pd -##rin -##d3 -##gate -##mn -##mg -##med -##xos -##59 -##well -##het -##bu -##kins -##3h -##45 -##93 -##onia -##ense -##eness -##altered -injected -##rex -##arce +##uke +##mod +##zon +##jec +##46 +##11 +##12 +##alkaline +##ery +##eruke +inward +##arg ##arch -##orre -##asite -##ano -##elo -##siogenic -congr -##etveld -##ider -##ident -##idiomorphic -##igocene -##uly -reheating -reuss -force -##ilite -##usp -compres -algor -##opp -##resses -ank -##ematic -wholes -##umental -##atex -##ouda -supr -mah -shrin -trail -##aplate -spl -spac -spaces -spaced -spider -usgs -oligocene -##rial -accept -fei -relating -unaltered -amphibolites -##fications -##ustrial -metallic -subord -fluor -##ading -industrial -neigh -reprec -dates -##therford -##aving -calcium -so2 -strict -siliceous -smear -10a -richer -##astonite -calculating -geologically -implement -##istries -signs -indicator -sihet -learn -scarce -phlogopites -differently -slave -raim -agents -1280 -microph -##parts -surprising -py4 -pyrex -corrections -evolve -sulu +##ica +##eden +##ash +##asc +##aset +##aspore +##ateg +##olve +##olia +##ises +##isen +##isition +##isphere +##lement +##agonal +##thyl +conversely +coating +alm +##atis +rece +retur +##romagnetic +##aine +##lucent +depart +##ommod +##ectite +chill +fluores +fluvial +##etveld +projected +disloc +dihedral +dioxide +diaspore +##ighter +##quisition +tethyan +metad +unwe +intercep +##ifex +intrusiv +republ +arran +neph +neigh +##nek +indeed +enl +subducted +silurian +acquisition +obsc +peru +indication +differs +diffusive +variance +##ochron +comes +micaceous +agucha +limonite +##ifications +undul +##athered +signals +accommod +upright +transe +209 +implied +underpl +petsch +salts +syenitic +plagiocl +sl1 +##ipitation +microanal +dry +drama +match +transvaal +translucent +plun +infer +153 +154 +hemisphere +crystallinity alkalic -remnant -lithophile -intraplate -syenite -discover -##liers -electrum -vertically -##ova -norway +diagnostic +separating continues -##pling -capable -outliers -serve -##rolite -originated -biotites -hornblendite -##ify -rutherford -reflection -pointed -sulfur -synch -maxim -maxima -simulate -negle -km2 -behaves -cleavage -affecting -tracer -separately -contamin -160 -nonline -selbu -scho -goal -nucleate -incomple -porous -halite -terrestrial -pair -fluxed -wider -retri -axial -infiltrated -toro -replacing -lengths -holtz -liq1 -liq2 -summar -##exp -assessed -gneissic -##imensional -metasediments -stabilization -entrain -hypidiomorphic -themsel -externally -exclude -heterogeneously -intersected -mq600 -homogenize -promote +displaced +expelled +##ounced +ternary +smow +smectite +mixtures +rhomb +generate +discord +finely +platy +##issipp +pegmatitic +taking +homogenous +clean +describes +manyeruke +147 +lineament +combus +methodology +involves +tuffaceous +pits +spectral +transitions +peaks +millimetre +nonmagmatic +accordance +230 +lamination +fourth +farm +farms +##hoe +graphitic +cordierite +polyg +coincided markedly -centered -##oblastic -advection -exceeding -instrumental -plastically -chemistries -percolation -regarded -inverted -matched -passing -treated -prevented -repeatedly -##ollastonite +scanned +87rb +capable +δdh2o +cobalt +public +promoted +unless +covering +simulations +spinifex +devoid +evaluation +eruptions +calibrated +cpx +specifically +orders +entrained +postdated +575 +awb +petrology +starts +shortly +tectonism researchers -outlines -giving -debated -crosses -kilaue -belongs -challeng -perfit -##canelo -argentiferous -ophiolite -machine -nakada -delamination -delaminated -remobilization -idiomorphic -rigid -issues -review -bah8 -bracketed -fissiogenic -washington -intergrain -cascades -discriminate -decoupling -driving -qualitative -hammouda -thermochronometers -manifest -##cpx3h -weighed -counterparts +falls +guide +590 +vo14 +dataset +namely +descriptions +america +backscatter +telluride +disrupted +jebal +utilized +kinematic +plumb +tmice +blanket +ferroan +droplets +monitored +lamprophyre +issue +problem +opposite +terminations +robust +stacked +trenches +swarms +barez +destabil +isopleth +anions +stringers +perturbation +carpathians traverses -kamchat -okay -anatolia -sigma -spikes -carlson -africa -quadrupole -unfortunately -drople -mariana -rheological -tremolite -visual -submicrometer -survey -mswd -immobile -scientific -hirsch -himalay -ipf -llancanelo -loliondo -rietveld -wholesale -reprecipit -sihetun -themselves -kilauea -kamchatka -2b -375 -4c -450 -bt -bad -brough -da -dre -eul -fused -fs2 -hm -jd -junctions -kush -khib -ler +simultaneously +hinge +tantalite +veloc +reactor +compiled +furnace +lattice +anisotropy +shadows +interactions +lepid +findings +mississipp +electromagnetic +leucosomes +owing +planknek +excellent +excluding +hutchinson +palynomorphs +pronounced +retention +calcsilicate +designated +postcoll +longitudinal +interesting +escondida +strontium +cessation +eclog +gondwana +hotspot +psamm +fluorescence +unweathered +intrusives +republic +petscheckite +2d +480 +72 +airc +brac +blob +bench +cres +ded +dren +fram +fire +her +hid +hein +hong +ivan +jap +james +kh +ll lac -los -lange -lcc +lyon mut -nond -pal -pest -pelitic -qag -roles +mong +nit +nac +omitted +qom +rs1 +song siber -sisson -tight -ucc -void +tan +tama +vent wal -wyl -yixian -γos -##nick -##ez -##emp -##etical -##uation -##vity -##oon -##ci -##limin -##scur -##yhe -##r0 -##dnick -##gens -##gital -##mar -##fs -##wood -##hol -##basal -##jo -##kin -##35 -##95 -##62 -thorn -##tized -##estion -##alder -##itance -##atov -inser -inhom -##arbon -##oritic -##ash -##ashi -##icite -##enth -##anitic -##anium -##sta -##stotal -##sitic +warp +wind +wsw +##ey +##eties +##rys +##rad +##sk +##sch +##sedimentary +##iro +##iated +##len +##ooth +##oining +##way +##nels +##ger +##aas +##halite +##cts +##cumulates +##yond +##ycl +##uce +##mb +##moto +##zbur +##jem +##37 +##bas +##bore +##timet +##rey +##inants +##eror +##erites +andean +ing +##enna +##orio +##eda +##itr +##itational +##ann +##aner +##oling +##olumb +##olitite +##ider +##idually +##ators +##ulip +##let +isotrop +##thoph +##ursor +conqu +alum +alma +beyond +minas +##vere +##omagne +atom +atlan +anate +anaerobic +anthoph +##amo +##ouge +##oupl +##umably +sto +compound +computer +##ogenetic +proceed +prolong +organ +diabase +##verton +queb +sulfosalts +##ppb +carrolite +phaner +hydrohalite +##apiolite +prepar +##alli +neil +abrup +presumably +##cano +##andine +carbonation +##tency +enter +subver +substit +##itively +##nggar +collectively +locus +richest +parras +leav +leaf +acted +##so4 +perkins +meter +varieties +bio +book +melagabbron +served +##ards +##arded +come +regia +concentrate +olive +recover +recycl +precursor +##angular +signal +geologically +geologists +sulphates +202 +monot +imprec +positively +hex +hend +salob +salier +postmagmatic +osb +traced +microve +significance +##rench +infra +156 +##2o5 +albion +defin +mush +laverton +continue +displace +decoupl +smel +smooth +eventually +195 +radio +rhenium +##awn +generating +trond +fineto +δ34ss +δ18oh2o +potgie +selen +take +resultant +schistosity +localization +homogenized +fring +mula +11b +actinolitite +creating +synsedimentary +halogen +arsenates +##obar +counting +supporting +aqua +distinction +centimet +curves +fills +paleocene +baita +baja +maple +multipl +successful +##isional +adjoining +confidence +extract +extrusive +recognize +individually +evapor +borbore +xenocrysts +##mao +transparent +relevant +ferrom +##mann +metallogenetic +175 +linkam +papers +circles +circular +slabs +thermochron +argillization +##alda +s24 +batholiths +islands +embedded +emission +##30b +phosphoric +logging +unlike +behave +branching +overgrow +324 +320 +understand +magnesite +junggar +volatil +harzbur +sectors +obliter +gabbronorites +serpentinized +convergent +665 +digested +subsurface +purity +operated +reasons +tectono +coincidence +metabasalts +523 +evaluated +percentage +flanks +gravitational +bitumens +discriminate +inverted +named +titanium +titanomagne +zoetveld +cracks +periphery +dravite +rubies +##roscopic +tightly +vienna +carlin +activities +bismuthinite +trachyte +etched +overgrowths +deviation +manifested +decrepitation +endowment +katy +munni +underlain +ignition +habit +ohmoto +sodium +conjunction +exploited +0304 +mylonitized +moroccan +ellip +stephanian +incremental +hypersaline +handpicked +alemao +david +pumice +inorganic +dismem +settling +fmc +kambalda +academ +cameron +idiomorphic +metapelites +inconsistent +barton +kasolite +ribbon +almandine +dislocation +plagioclases +polygonal +lepidolite +postcollisional +aircore +blob3d +drenthe +framb +hidden +ivanhoe +rs18 +tamaulip +##olumbite +isotropic +conqueror +alumina +atlantic +anthophyllite +quebec +abrupt +salobo +potgieters +borborema +titanomagnetite +tamaulipas +2b +380 +410 +6b +69 +79 +850 +aid +buc +c2 +cul +city +d1 +ds1 +dawn +fan +fos +fun +fund +french +hen +ipb +je +jm +kur +ksp +lati +land +lile +llp +lago +mu +mene +mort +ns +nish +ple +pall +q1 +rom +rene +squ +svan +tac +til +tay +tallar +va +wnw +##v39 +##iogenic +##lor +##oys +##wed +##granular +##hf +##hjem +##uity +##uable +##mites +##ds +##di +##day +##31 +##fania +##bo +##bour +##bered +##bility +##13 +##100 +##98 +##tefania +##onk +##rep +##rero +##enerite +##arid +##itated +##osedimentary +##issure +##idal +##elo +##eline +tom +tool +today +##inger +##lem +##leted +##trial +##oclase +##enty +cond +##terly +coal +covel +arenite +ret +ascribed +##ilities +##iman +##omen +##omagmatic +##restrial +anat +grays +static +stagn +##ysis +##arto +##tina +exo +veined +plates +uncon +unzon +intermit +highand +figures +##essar +carius +reprec +reports +phil +##apyrox +consumed +artif +neote +##nets +spider +spessar +##ips +##ipient +##tensional +##stw +formational +subcontin +submitted +##itised +modifications +##ghinite +##iao +parapyrox concur -##acrust -isogr -##isely -##igur -rein -reyn -##ectic -##ilst -##ocular -##atitic -compaction -compound -alm -alvi -cru -antic -##oted -##erequ -##ffer -##uck -##ucite -dipping -##abor +zonal +acicular +metric +indicators +corro +ranged +caob +believe +adcumulates +melan +silicic +twenty +##conn +concentrates +chlorites +##ignment +agate +rect +undep +allochthonous +therein +grouped +##ensive motion -moore -whilst -##irly -##umilite -proto -##omit -##ogany -ph2o -phill -phyric -phili -defic -mahood -chao -lowermost -colors -collo -coloured -baseline -minute -##ermann -life -abstotal -quick -calif -##charn -##utary -##essel -unless -unamb -unaff -enable -notable -obj -obscur -crystallinities -indire -neo -repul -deposition -differed -differing -arsen -upv -equival -stronti -prelimin -prerequ -104 -107 -twice -suggestion -deton -hydrox -carrier -imposed -ortho -erron -si2o -scail -scaling -comparatively -studying -slopes -no2 -estimation -monot -derivation -erupt -naxos -contrad -py2 -lithological -intrinsic -starts -mathe -transects -syenites -limest -naturally -considerations -construction -outp -averages -sericite -##ompass -136 -ferry +monoph +equipped +impro +british +heiani +schem +symp +synt +185 +complexity +slick originating -finely -##lingen -petrograph -rudnick -apex -supply -suppression -##ogeneities -thicker -barrier -ulven -calibrate -reduces -blank -exceptions +ela +propag +transient +transtensional +so4 +steel +steady +empir +outward +crystallize +easternmost +pdb +terrestrial +liquidus +lithosphere +deformational +ultras +rhe +390 +pyrarg +crosses +trap +triang +2000 +2006 +initiated +pegmat +amphiboles +roy +ptand +143 +148 +141 +dokh +lineations +electronic +monzogranite +cooler +envis +tourmalines +aggregation +multid +pitch +nwand +archipel +163 +recognised +##ographs +brook +yielding +thicknesses +densities +360 +nbs +nonconform +marks +demonstrating +classify +##ledge +estefania +petrographically +working +ava +nodule +insights +circulated +infiltrated comparisons -multic -elimin -hara -osumilite -sulphides -precisely -likewise -normalisation -##ief -buffers -brey -buffering -##anned -deeply -16o -supers -kimberlitic -blueschistand -coupling -fo2s -confined -configur -gover -deliver -dykes -termed -plateau -viscosities -##ikov -instances -heterogeneities -residuals -faak -fairly -##onald -##abilities -topology -serpentinized -logar -fragment -concomit -gradational -traverse -clustered -cylind -geothermobar -implication -cco -darker -##rystalline -viable -frequencies -4000 -excluding -accelerated -intensities -focuses +##eira +coincides +segregations +australian +rampura +220 +promising +greywacke +contributions +borders +pair +rosa +hydrogenous +peridotites +serpentinite +budget +##caldera +##boring +exceptionally +columns +leucogran +erupted +subsidi +duits +placers +displacements dispersion -homogenized -globally -advanced -opposed -theoretically -actually -consens -tetrahedra -tamura -own -owyhe -botcharn -sink +##burg +regarding +regardless +##ilicates +105b +aurora +terminated +infilled +nuclear +michenerite +unmineralised +cerro +714 +concordance +construction +immiscibility +johnson +instrumental +global +urum +decomposition +trigger +quadr +spikes +thrusts +escap +confirming +trojan +troctolite +occupies +occupied +cdt +wehrlites +juxtaposes +lamprophyric +tds +assumptions +efficiently +##rustal +problems +ddhv39 +resemble +swarm +facilitated +##kinematic +ascending +manifest +unfortun +gregory +gregorio +remarkable +reconstruction +aplite +boud +specularite +powdered +purpose +amygdales +russ +alpine +cryptocrystalline +metallogeny +soleiman +##mixing +instance +dendritic encompass -transmitted -inversely -overprinted -overprinting -percentage -facilitate -viewed -gibbs -enthalpies -reconstruc -##encing -explosive -unusually -hammer -successful -belonging -digital -subtraction -corrosion -dragged -returned -attempt -rotation -ophiolites -gravity -appreciably -volumetrically -springs -damage -issue -histograms -pillows -session -sessions -##ohler -concerning -eluc -phenomena -discordant -breccia -dredged -##iclase -adequately -rhyodacitic -monzodiorite -explicitly -photographs -inspection -panel -turkey -underplating -polymorphs -hundreds -##ipher -weeks -definition -polybasite -interlayered -vermic -coarsening -isochore -subdiv -pegmatite -thousands -advantage -provenance -prevailing -dehydrogenation -uranium +apophyses +arguments +gravels +balkan +fossiliferous +susceptibility +germany +symmetrically +liberated +altai protracted -microfractures -mechanically -177hf -laboratories -rejuvenation -hvb -pigeonite -mahogany -subordinate -fluorination -strictly -raimondo -school -challenging -reprecipitation -brought -euler -kushiro -khibina -nondimensional -pestle -qaggital -wyllie -thornber -##acrustal -reynolds -phillips -philipp -chaotic -californ -unambiguous -unaffected -obscured -indirect -strontium -preliminary -erroneous -scaillet -mathez -owyhee -botcharnikov -qaggitalik -1c -1h -760 -975 -aph -b3 -bab -bore -bold -bending +hydrolytic +movements +spherul +employed +hyperarid +pelagonian +monomineralic +waning +wiluna +chilled +neighboring +rhombo +velocity +japan +jamesonite +llamo +mongolia +nacle +prolonged +preparation +imprecise +hexagonal +henderson +trondhjem +δ34ssulfide +harzburgite +academy +potgietersrus +ds125 +foster +jeol +meneghinite +svanbergite +taconian +taylor +tallarico +covellite +grayscale +unzoned +intermittent +subcontinental +undepleted +pyrargyrite +dokhtar +archipelago +subsidiary +unfortunately +3c +3b +4f +440 +68 +740 +8b +9c +99 +amal +bell c4 -cate -cited -dd -eut -esm -fro -fum -fada -fuca -gt -get -gros -hval -hematite -ih -ib -ice +cac +categ +dys +elu +face +fish +gap +gross +gouge +hb +him +hree +hbl +jx +juan +junction ko -kom -lati -lying -men -mine -national -o10 -pas -pet -qix -r1 -roll -s8 -sap -til -turb -vit -vig -vant -wn -wa -ways -wollastonite -ye -yang -zaf -δe -##nants -##ew -##uable -##ufficient -##iite -##volcanic -##coc -##loc -##lab -##lock -##sing -##site -##sjo -##tude -##yd -##pect -##pyd -##dt -##dmann -##mor -##175 -##fact -##facts -##western -##horizon -##bite -##bul -##jall -##44 -thom -##onough -##eren -##tition -##tible -##tified -##enada -##ino -##iton -##itation -##atti -intimately -##rehen -##arite -##lex -##ani -##anch -##eli -##elite -##oling -##olper -##olcan -conant -conform -costa -##ida -##idal -##isper -##igan -##ulph -rece -##imes -##imate -##imity -##imens -forward -##ilent -exemp -##ussi -stac -stem -stau -stolper -ascribed -compressed -comprehen -al3 -##osome -ant -dihedral -dike -moved -##amine -##amoto -##iring -ord -progression -grenada -grimes -##omura -##oux -##dialy -sup -sust -suture -suev -phyl -shield -shik -crystalized -chen -chain -chains -##gevity -lowers -##teen -minima -collectively -spite -spans -spanning -usa -uses -interm -interacted -mineralized -ablated -acts -disloc -quetic -modest -unable -unch -enables -submar -subvolcanic -subhorizon -isotropic -induce -neutr -##ongeren -depicted -arm -arises -ims -concentrate -equally -canyon -crusts -strains -stratov -##akes -solute -valence +kes +kind +lz +lif +lived +mith +mary +mounted +nn +o2 +ott +pill +pech +rye +sse +srand +tail +tie +tapiolite +vr +ves +vect +v39 +wra +y3 +z2 +zft +zeb +μg +##ethys +##rs +##si +##su +##sely +##iar +##iation +##tants +##lin +##lot +##lusite +##oo +##ool +##oul +##wd +##wane +##garia +##dish +##ze +##zel +##jui +##fine +##fect +##bi +##01 +##kα +##kwane +##5u +##tezu +##ony +##recc +##inates +##inities +##aly +##erto +##erlein +andrad +##ormal +##iction +##rok +##itant +##osely +##aty +##atre +##atro +##element +##ulating +##ingly +##trich +##agros +##ocal +isothermal +defic +##ursion +conduc +coup +alignment +reform +##ima +##omitant +##sets +anhyd +##aments +##amental +suites +##ope +proto +proved +diatre +##ucity +incipient +sao +##quiv +tefl +tekwane +##ouse +##chland +contoured +cryp +metac +metam +rests +relate +plaus +alterations +unamb +unmixing valuable -prb -quartzites -101 -106 -1030 -##tina -##tinely -expense -butte -impur -##ists -equilibrate -ershan -erdmann -overc -leach -leaving -granodi -##illonite -underco -phengites -slip -slices -rae -raw -raised -agilent -heater -americ -specks -specimens -estimations -1230 -infin -##angular -surv -contributed -majorite -py1 -conducting -metamict -earlies -fold -remnants -rimmed -grows -##hots -descent -started -dots -matric -poles -discern -xenon -xenocrystic -version -##ovich -eudialy -capture -chlorites -radial -dominates -backf -2004 -1800 -firstly -distributary -spinels -centres -plotting -kyr -barometers -barometry +##oren +replic +replen +classic +hydroflu +##udi +prem +geos +geodynamic +arid +arrow +##otopic +nept +##racrustal +indian +##ipation +cupr +enable +##ston +oxic +subround +richards +concomitant +uses +peritec +meg +corner +##ellar +diffuse +bihor +botry +whereby +adv +aug +##genesis +##lla +gradation +ago +agree +limonitic +precamb +modeled +brejui +grew +gren +scre +alloys +thickest +northward +accounted +southward +reddish +amethys +impur +##umulus +symb +mineralisations +slaty +elip +##meid +explored +##cooling +postcaldera +tracers +drive +km3 +aptian +steeper +barram +##keted +outwards +increments +albitization +specified +crystallographic develops -##respective -totals -mm2 -invo -observable -ell -elm -1993 -brucite -distinction -ends -normalto -approximated -identif -##losi -tectonically -plank -slowest -schw -northeastern -calderas -170 -175 -nucleated -loi -termination -halsjo -postd -modifications -trachyand -viscous -resolvable -univariant -settle -8000 -phonolitic -geochronological -geochronometers -##awara -banded -condamine -denser -irrespective -eqs -balanced -disturb -attribu -arrays -chalcoc -precipitate -catal -microstructure -holder -holocene -schemes -sv13 -concord -##oku -shortly -tradition -quantification -assessment -needles -geotherms -240 -oibs -cyclic -22ne -exceptional -entrapped -maintains -suscep -covers -binocular -began -anomalously -massifs -intersects -predominant -insufficient -recognize -dimension -replenished -arai -inference -caso4 -uniformly -inherent -inheritance -thermocalc -offsets -exponent -preferential -sintering -twinning -elongated -obviously -proximity -granophyric -helps -nanoc -reactant -resistant -efficiently -strike -addressed -bracketing -103lnα -pdbs -leucogr -intragraben -faulting -emphasize -emphasized -discrepancies -displacive -expands -##ancing -inhibit -digestion -entering -subtracted -overestimate -propagation -unknowns -695 -dragging -argentina -monitored -vacancy -check -validity -deduce -routinely -attained -accounts -favorable -washout -intergranular -ganguly -phenomen -discordance -nordlingen -cleaned -fibrous -longevity -collap -distilled -distillation -ldg -126175 -exhaust -burial -chilled -accretion -bruker -mcdonough -ttg -aliquots +determining +oxidising +continuum +expression +decades +##ieh +lithostratigraphic +mans +portezu +##awa +trivariant +2003 +2001 +find +##issance +superbas +supercooling +initiation +selection +dissolve +roan +clea +mineralogically +cream +predates +firstly +144 +##obrecc +##erences +channels +137 +##smow +mesh +thinning +centered +curved +affects +##ylvan +comparatively +bulgaria +potassically +petrogenesis +contaminants +multielement +mswd +165 +##naissance +pyrolusite +##enga +progression +miller +chlorine +lasting +downwards +vsc +235u +lamina +lamellar +environmental +708 +sidi +prefer +permits +workings +recrystallisation +existed +node +insight +enclose +encloses +dilute +thermochemical +hunt +conversion +opx +opal +emb +##otherms +capo +consideration +buffer +##ova +remainder +loosely +kbars difficulty -micaschists -electrodes -tanzawa -motomura -tmt -orthogonal -montmor -volatility -keeping -snapshots -perfectly -wilson -hygrometer -geosci -agglomer -pyrocl -captured -opaque -algorithm -supracrustal -trails -split -acceptable -smearing -nonlinear -incomplete -entrainment -droplets -himalayan -mutually -cruise -repulse -prerequisite -limestone -consensus -california -aphyric -borehole -eutectic -grospyd -hvalnes -latitude -qixia -vantongeren -##olcano -##isperse -staurolite -comprehensive -phyllosi -shikoku -quetico -submarine -stratovolcano -undercooling -earliest -matrices -eudialyte -halsjoberg -chalcocite -montmorillonite -230 -270 -320 +metavolcano +clayton +simulation +vo8 +glen +paucity +join +leucogabb +subsolid +subsidence +erosional +##cury +##current +started +distances +breakup +zhang +intercalations +595 +oy28 +1988 +##getown +neutral +reconnaissance +truncation +connection +auto +exceeds +institut +begins +aspect +chronometry +discoveries +kilom +debate +lobate +actually +challen +assessment +array +slopes +mcdonough +ats46 +fissiogenic +xrf +asthenospheric +clustering +dominance +histograms +tubes +tetrahedral +cupido +contributes +competent +unreal +unrelated +commod +attempted +destro +mercury +remarkably +mios +supracrustal +ambient +transgression +powders +purposes +antimonides +holler +chapter +concerning +millimeters +wollaston +wollastonite +conceptual +georgetown +arkoses +historical +percolating +sudburyite +knowledge +coordinates +argentite +surprise +##jeh +grs37 +favored +phenocryst +predominance +dilatant +##worthy +controversial +meaningful +kleinmeid +metadacite +intercepts +arranged +nepheline +undulose +transect +plumbiferous +isopleths +eclogite +subvertical +leaving +oliveira +decoupling +smelter +obliterated +framboidal +funnel +fundamental +henry +##bourne +condens +exotic +corrobor +monophase +symple +synto +slickens +empirical +pitchblende +duitschland +urumieh +naclequiv +kesler +mithril +ottawa +pechenga +reforma +teflon +plausible +unambiguous +hydrofluoric +cupriferous +subrounded +peritectic +precambrian +amethyst +symbols +portezuelo +##ylvanian +laminae +subsolidus 4e -610 -612 -640 +4h +5c +64 7c -720 -9d -970 -925 -az -aid -ber -boy -du -ds -dop -fen -fh2o -functions -ger -gun -hr -his -hess -hermann -ij -jus -kr -kα -kle -lived -mu -mts -mang -misc -mys -ncmas -ps -pm -pit -pent -pich -port -r0 -ros -rope -semi -stir -saw -ska -tir -tang -testing -uum -vu -vir -wu -win -wav -yit -yosh -zha -δh -θc -##ny -##eformed -##ui -##uits -##view -##ck -##aard -##lastic -##litude -##sa -##sch -##test -##picked -##ras -##rally -##ratic -##gar -##gup -##glacial -##matic -##wal -##with -##wack -##worth -##h2 -##21 -##22 -##zi -##68 -##66 -##onent -##ert -##tis -##tibility -##eno -##enum -##inner -##alistic -##itten -##aric -##orts -##orical -##ashima -##ictization -##strom -##sters -tow -tools -##sitivity -##sio2 -##urable -conser -conju -##agent -##aging -##agall -##agonal -coiling -##etch -##isov -rect -reagent -##ocal -##romag -sty -strom -stack -stresses -comprom -alber -cr1 -melan -##lusters -##izu -tefl -##umenting -##quilib -graben -##omax -##erates -##tices -sut -phosph -shad -shats -meltwater -reside -parcel -##2o6 -##lest -interact -periclase -acting -feot -caled -##una -modally -uniqu -##dsley -enl -enab -meters -subjected -fluct -##oclinic -##adic -neill -arti -##anded -##avant -corund -solve -caf -caal -caution +84 +ah +bn +bsr +d5 +dull +eag +ever +esm +fed +fast +faster +fissure +gn +gf +gilg +hud +hun +jac +kf +kong +kap +kers +ln +l2 +lec +lud +lighter +md +m2 +mos +mime +mures +n2 +page +pull +pear +passing +q2 +ron +rip +rabb +rica +sass +twe +ut +u4 +vast +vo2 +wol +wet +xu +xing +zagros +##vos +##vium +##vsmow +##rat +##rates +##rifer +##sterite +##iph +##iency +##tui +##tude +##litic +##oil +##wara +##nes +##gon +##gral +##aph +##hmann +##cies +##cumulus +##uo +##ukes +##xi +##zn +##jong +##35 +##fe +##bia +##ki +##19 +thous +##tel +##tectonic +##onge +theory +##tiated +##till +##ino +##inia +##erian +##erves +anderson +inwards +##arhy +##itail +##asian +##astrich +##osh +##olv +##isco +##isible +##idd +##ident +##atch +##elly +##ulsion +##lex +##leigh +##ager +##aggite +##agasc +##ocalcite +isotherms +##acial +decline +##thmites +contig +cotui +aliqu +alta +forsterite +##atita +beij +beukes +rework +##owater +##ilwara +##luvium +##imi +depicted +##ommon +att +attained +attain +##seyite +##amatic +##oud +##odite +stated +start +staging +suturing +chemically +##etamorph +shang +compaction +compreh +##therly +maastrich +##ichi +##ogens +project +diab +que +ques +quick +##uca +##uced +incursion +##adium +tethys +happ +metagabb +metarhy +relicts +severe +##tingsite +strip +strict +interior +intercumulus +##uture +##ifying +intrac +calcalkaline +phyllite +hydrochl +##apted +preval +arizon +washed +ability +spac +##rais +##rajong +indire +volunt +##ands +carbonatite +##ayan +cubic +subduc +subtle +subhor +richer +##plan +lehmann +acatita +obduction +pers +volcanosedimentary +hastingsite +indications +biogenic +bierlein +suggestive +boqu +caue +##ochlorite +10to +adve +adapted +twinned +apprec +weigh +recoil +##mont +greisen +##arela +skinned +redep +rediss +amaz +impact +imposed +imposs +braggite ##tives -price -##aturation -italy -105 -10b -carriers -impro -implied -thermometric -undeformed -effort -2011 -##neath -si4 -##ternary -underneath -reeand -reequilib -measurable -bounded -heights -refine +##tivities +origins +originate +eldor +novos +designed +verified +##undi +microb +microsp +dramatic +facing +facility +transcurrent +enrichments refers -comes -processed -specimen -monomer -monoclinic -127 -patches -saturate -contraction -conduct -plum -metamictization -100mn -cubic -tie -matches -transferred -foot -1973 -verify -nearby -constrains -closest -evidently -depletions -##omponent -requiring -finer -140 -147 -manually -nbs -resultant -##namically -assumes -fractured -cma -stronger -solubilities -describes -lherzolitic -simulating -lamella -secondarily -niomax -##burg -thinned -dasgup -preserving -revealing -easy -historical -downwards -sanidines -selection -ultra -couples -going -look -##ergaard -breaks -halo -cracking -stepanov -fewer -seques -argues -arguments -encloses -references -refertil -geochronologic -banding -conduits -converge -conversely -eleven -elevation -spectrometers -illustration -documenting -##ferrite -1120 -technology -periodically -lindsley -retrogression -lacking -media -median -cataple -creates -creating -confirming -overlaps -holm -steeper -steele -235 -edx -handpicked -svms -sense -microscopic -substituting -geothermometers -mediumto -sio3 -hybridisation -cycling -225 -stabilizing -##venile -acquire -drilled -preparations -frequent -circle -anomalous -##leyite -vesicular -contributes -mq0 -sponge -homogenization -promoted -##saline -irregularly -constitute -ferroan -parameterized -juvenile -employing -##ahashi -thermobarometers -thermobarometry -robinson -segments -repetition -847 -operated -vesiculated -penetr -welding -##point -datasets -rifting -reversely -ascends -ignored -spherul -plagiogranites -science +pyroxenitic +analyzing +##critical +special +contrary +##aho +secondly +litho +lithologic +193 +194 +averaged +radiation +radiating +mano +discarded +discrep +δ18ocalcite +δ18owater +2007 +supercritical +##ectively +ironstone +friable +likewise +halogens +estimation +lineage +138 +anglo +mesoto +foil +##aysimi +affinities +participation +##lomer +absorption +topographic +gneissic +rhyod +pitfield +nwto +titanian +confining +international +kewell +swit +161 +##rometer +volumetrically +resistivities +##tantalite +growths +ferroc +ferrifer +substages +lacks +intersecting +classical +simply +siderites +gover +177 +acids +370 +dilation +thermo +354 +ledges +heavier +sanid +semseyite +reflective +pgms +tensional +accompanies +integral +blues +offsets +1996 +edges +visc +##fieldite +##timate +overgrows +polish +hfse +packing +yellowish +luz +powell +heterogranular +essential +serpentinites +moderateto +karst +karstic +partitioned +eruptive +bleached +cpo +purple +operation +penns +agrees +ridges +focuses +zheng +460 +guaysimi +outlines +oy47 +obviously +1989 +fugacities +vo130b +nucleation +harrisitic +ceased +enhances +microstructures +microstructural +idaho +autochthonous +waal +wave +repeat +475 +190os +sufficiently +invisible +sudden +pebble +ferrotantalite +cataclastic +realistic +highlight +monitor +juxtaposition +filaments +trachytic +runs +sigm +issues +formulae +mobilized +cements +jb97 +conformable +conformably +prevail +moordrift +robitail +nappes +sx50 +trench +hematitization +attempt +dumont +franc +stringer +decrepitated +endowed +huangsh +phyllosilicates +crenulation +crenulated +interfacial +delamerian +bhilwara +otd +ach9998 +rusten +chapters +madagasc +cryptomelane +amk28 +delineated +metallogenesis +reinfor +preceded +terrains +blanca +historically +sudbury +reversal +##izontal +traditional +traditionally +orthopyroxenes +palaeozoic +sporadic +1980s +orthogneisses +pumpelly +permitted +gandarela +##ohl +shoots +hydroxides +collector +solvus +freibergite +duplicate +foreland +mrl +vacuum +received +209ad +discordia +mississippi +crescumulate +deduced +siberia +##skite +atoms +compounds +entering +substitution +recovery +microvein +centimetre +volatilisation +elliptical +dismembered +kurrajong +mortar +renewed +square +tilting +##board +spessartine +##connected +185re +nonconformity +quadrivariant +russia +spherulitic +fosterville +jxa +life +pillow +tailings wrapped -##tze -explanations -distinguishable -certainly -##axial -shoshonite -1989 -1986 -auto -macinn -##vaal -unrelated -unrealistic -leucosomes -leucosome -swe -tests -evaporated -outcrops -luminescence -presumed -powerful -expanded -masonic -tholeiite -linkam -resource -stoichiometric -propagating -buoyancy -attempts -8200 -rotated -coincidence -coincident -hawaiian -octahed -morgan -radioisot -amplitude -odp -asian -mild -milarite -utilized -alloys -careful -carefully -magnesioferrite -hypersaline -believe -addressing -2908 -2907 -failed -chronology -wehrlite -drives -brecci -build -qualitatively -hills -longest -adequate -microanalysis -exhaus -assimilated -contemporaneously -accommodated -bonin -borisov -totally -complicated -annular -terminal -holloway -pseudoternary -kelley -zhouba -finger -practical -freezing -automatic -arbitrarily -symplectite -candidate -congruent -learning -microphot -synchron -neglected -hirschmann -siberian -##basalt -inhomogeneous -##enthal -concurr -quickly -equivalents -detonation -monotonic -multicomponent -governed -reconstructive -philippine -fumagall -ibm -yangtze +coupet +anhydrous +cryptic +neptun +indiana +august impurities -american -attribute -catalina -nanoclusters -geosciences -pyroclastic -grospydites -klein -mtss -mysen -pichavant -rosenthal -skaergaard -tirone -uumz -wavenum -yitong -yoshino -zhao -θcpp -conjugate -alberta -teflon -shadow -meltwaters -corundum -dasgupta -catapleiite -macinnis -fumagalli -010 -210 -360 -5c -5d -520 -670 -625 -830 -820 -930 -aur -afore -bes -bir -ball -bigger -benson -ced -cast -cip -cpo -dor -dain -dust -dub -dcu -dict -dimer -dwell -esrp -fole -foun -gem -gior -gbs -gau -gave -golds -genetically -hall -hiro -hopp -ich -junction -jud -jump +barramundi +mansfieldite +144nd +##obreccia +embay +symplec +eagle +kapai +kersantite +mimetite +rabbit +sasso +contiguous +beijing +##etamorphic +shangani +comprehensive +hydrochloric +arizona +indirect +voluntad +subducting +subhorizontal +impossible +eldorado +ferrocolumbite +ferrifero +pennsylvanian +robitaille +madagascar +pumpellyite +430 +7e +82 +az +aph +bold +cos +cand +crest +carto +dh +dm +dal +dur +eth +fu +fro +font +future +g4 +gul +gam +grown +glomer +hz +ham +hone +hold +hco +hitz +house +ip +iter +ital +jog +juc jones -kt -kh -kur -kog -kust -kars -kessel -lp -lec -lose -lens -lang -laki -mx -mim -mun -morl -nw -nat -nic -nim -nanded -ong -oven -pc -ptr -ponti -ry -ramp -ross -rod -rises -rarity -ss -sit -sle +jade +king +kim +kav +kath +lag +lady +mis +myr +mcc +nm +nain +nomen +oz +oct +oval +pec +put +rain +rog +rad +raf +rito +sed slu -stit +sir +sound +sust satis -tb -ton -tell -ud -vl -vap -wan -yer -zen -zamb -σfe -##nar -##nom -##nari -##norm -##nium -##eved -##uum -##ubl -##usis -##iow -##ike -##vin -##oing -##ods -##cing +tor +tested +uand +write +wacke +yt +yag +za +zart +zend +##ev +##emp +##even +##vinc +##ries +##s2 +##iel +##tys +##tard +##las +##late +##lith +##lab +##lines +##oan +##wan +##wood +##night +##gam +##aic +##ais +##aff ##aved -##aoud -##lst -##su -##ya -##pal -##pled -##pvs -##pitation -##ren -##rum -##rical -##ranular -##dp -##dano -##donald -##gitic -##gger -##mul -##mentioned -##fr -##fit -##fgr -##fier -##fjall -##xp -##58 -##wave -##brite -##27 -##2th -##kar -##ktites -##88 -##37 -##98 -##onnay -##erra -##tiary -##enic -##itri -##ardi -##arstrom -##oroc -##orne -##oradi -##rover -##aska -##asovite -##ics -##enty -##lets -##ela -##elts -##elites -##ster -##sten -##static -##sial -##ithmic -##aga -##agin -coded -##idually -##idonnay -##isp -##isch -##igranular -rear -rework -fornari -##ocryst -##ocratic -##rometers -stere -competing -alaska -cr2 -cryp -beij -beatti -diaple -##emy -##izer -controver -##amorph -org -##ateg -##ques -sud -##anta -##ively -deform -maz -shand -shaw -shmul -highand -triton -chr -chur -##aped -##apvaal -diffract -resone -restitic -plat -clim -clari -cloud -parab -hau -sput -spall -spark -spars +##aue +##piment +##h2s +##col +##cid +##uj +##uated +##ung +##md +##zen +##zie +##fo +##f5 +##bol +##bell +##bote +##kine +##kech +##14 +##90 +thms +##tet +##onz +##ontin +##tization +##retions +##alies +##alayan +##ndt +##nded +##erk +##erit +##estra +inlet +##ente +##enav +##entific +##arged +##orus +##orogenic +##ican +##iclase +##icott +##iciency +##roix +##ropping +##itor +##itos +##itative +##itrite +##anth +##anne +##atero +##olle +##istine +##idic +##atti +##elves +tools +##ulang +##leen +##tries +##trium +##mpop +##ushed +##ocused +##oclastic +##aca +##acoid +##acrys +deal +##thal +##urut +conce +concep +convinc +count +force +bear +rev +rey +read +mini +mind +asc +##ilite +##luca +##imer +##omme +ann +antil +grid +##otant +stain +stop +##econ +changed +##etres +##tics +##ticolle +shiz +shell +shonk +shaly +shosh +maic +maestra +##tines +##tinitrite +disag +distill +exemp +orpiment +ongo +diak +divers +diaph +magalies +quoted +oregon +##adian +##ibia +team +bastard +haw +metre +relates +plastic +sealed +unp +unst +uneven +strained +interflow +##ypaas +##ifies +##ifers +colors +colorl +colomb +coloured +prekinematic +arav +arna +arndt +##new spike -interp -interfer -abr -ab23 -abnorm -##ppled -##ppler -pers -peripher -acad -feeder -##phase -##ersu -##uno -##chite -relies -relax -##strained -##logenic -##ariro -metres -fluores -##paitic -##oclimate -seed -seal -seaf -##aday -arte -arima -arising -##andine -equigranular +##rakech +volspruit +##andean +cub +cuba +entered +norte +subaer +subandean +##ario +##ariably +##ourt +modifying +concretions +object +objec +periclase +corrosion +##ianite +diffract +marrakech +biostratigraphic +boulang +capping +canadian +butte +10a +108 +melted +serr +serbia +##istocene +regularly +applying +chalced +agglom +agua +agnew +pristine +recomme +scor +scott +sclm +northwards +dolerite +##ensland +crusts +2025 +mono +monos +equally +equates +imped +posts +pend +brf5 +hek +schorl +schoen +elena +interpreting +##co2 +fractionating +##clature +micrograph +dried +maturation +transm soon -strateg -##aka -adam -adher -##uchi -smith -smow -twenty -decline -georoc -impreg -##quidus -overview -2016 -##neusis -sierra -scre -scarc -##illat -compares -carbonatitic -decrepitation -ago -agent -ague -agpaitic -hex -becoming -nokes -##ipated -refined +niand +producers +productivity +stein +sphene +refer +sandy +derive +walled +defocused speculate -##graded -##ochemical -mono -12c -122 -128 -1260 -conductive -foli -lithium -tians -stars -190 -1960 -##liquidus -preventing -complexities -##azil -capabilities -mollo -##uffle -##umulus -133 -fertil -hornblendes -##lacially -hfse -suppressed -2001 -2009 -au80 -norman -behaved -synneusis -defect -thickened -masses -cm2 -##tillo -flowing -drain -muller -invari -invading -harr -midto -1992 -brine -brazil -precamb +crystallizing +crystallising +contribu +continuity +expulsion +##ahigh +decime +remove +##iezn +eventual +ultra +ultrahigh +manner +generates +pyritized +pyritisation +δ34 +traps +reeypaas +superp +δ18ovsmow +reductant +trail +travel +traject +root +road +##ufficient +corella +normalization +normalised +multicolle +116 +create +predated +syntectonic +constrains +electric +greenish +doe +arsenian +characterise +efferves +efficiency +midas +136 +139 +counter +supply +supplement +aquifers +thins +thinned +##ugate +creep +##oko +##oked +##uping +combining +vapors +baft +flor +petrogenetic +pseudo +orthomagmatic +endicott +clinopyrox +dacites +preserves +spectac +configuration +extrap +observable +stikine +kev +keep +identifying +sweden +162 +##ocrystic +mild +xenomorphic +chloritoid +delt +paragonite +paragneisses +laminations +uncommon +weaker +##mani +shepp +campbell +carry +carrying +median +puerto +intersect +cratons +cratonic +mudstones +metalliferous +broader +noteworthy +intensities +intensively +176 +diameters +linking +works +protochlorite +revealing +375 +insufficient +circulating +polym +thermometer +explaining +fragmentation herein -knoll -exchanges -facility -assist -polynom -individually -noteworth -mounts -interstitially -##loor -traced -extrusion -extract -extraneous -extrusive -granulitic -metallogenic -168 -devoid -devitri -continuum -southwestern -1700 -confining -lofgr -dyke -pores -##ropy -breaking -##gressive -##gressed -tertiary -##ylon -keppler -consequent -paired -paillat -resolving -aggregation -progresses -progressed -adjaoud -envis -broken -ionization -paleoclimate -intruding -niob -niool -retention -infiltrates -retrograded -distant -attrib -serpentinite -serpentinites -migrating -replaces -precipitated +##imethyl +klerk +segregate +hotter +availability +horizontally +capture +δdfluid +accessories +picture +yangli +1992 +pulver +phosphorus +massifs +edific +narrower +branches +##axial +excimer +solubilities +packages +stream +examine +bordered +removing +enveloping +obliqu +serpentinisation +popa +towns +660 +digenite +karatongke +karoo +288 +bleb +##continent +290 +camg +limpop +purified +inhom +inherit +travertines +picritic +heterogeneity +dump +570 +rl53 +contemporaneously +macra +macroscopic +metabasic falling -flank -232th -stratigraph -international -##neiss -polarization -freund -sensitivity -##afj -misorientations -transportation -synthesize -7000 -assessing -substitutions -ohmic -orogenesis -hybridization -examination -shearing -coexisted -faraday -chromat -maintaining -magnesiow -intersections +pinkish +geophysics +breaks +focusing focussed -uht -promoting -gaidonnay -hypothetical -##1500 -integral -globules -advances -pyrites -pyrarg -favored -establishing -castillo -purified -symmetric -symmetrical -ts1500 -connecting -cutoff -efficiency -vesicle -tephras -exponentially -δ30sim -aims -reversion -hqa600 -porphyroblastic -kaapvaal -kaersu -pulses -distinguishing -facilitates -strip -pervasively -exposing -loading -autoradi -huge -macdonald -unreacted -package -watts -##hua -steeply -1932 -stiff -stippled -dilute -##kiy -quantifying -brownish -εndi -inhibits -inhibited -attachment -expressions -assigning -films -statistical -subtracting -overestimation -propagated -piece -09sa -coordination -refinements -influxes -mobilized -attempted -drops -attenuation -paragenetic -analyzer -vacancies -vacuum -metapelites -route -exerc -exert -pseudosections -remobilized -idioblastic -tongariro -##ingshan -attainment -choices -accounted -magnesioh -ignimbrite -sketch +sniezn +accurately +infillings +summarised +fluctuating +spans +egd +flanking +270 +rifted +holland +occasional +scenarios +gems +namibia +analogy +cerny +provenance +543 +passed +niobian +1970s +mesocumulates +titanites +cycling +decomposed +interlock +sparry +brazilian +penetrated +470 +sinter +migmatitic +geothermometer +kilometers +kilaue +sensu +constituent +constituting +centur +actlab +plumose +plumasite +##metamorphic +invariably +assessed +lenso +qualitative +monitors +filter +scientific +nasc +reviewed +opportun aluminium -r33 -vibrations -decoupled -migmatite -hammarstrom -disappears -disappearance -hartley -incremental +resembl +resembles +aerial +stacking +commenced +aims +barek +dumluca +thorium +palynological +malmani +pinacoid +destructive +boudin +hinges +nonetheless +otago +tantal +##tesian +compilation +ambiguous +migrates +migrating +antimonide +lvrs +zambian +conjugate +delineation +7820 +dtr30 +encompassing +preceding +apophysis +argument +manganotant +cobaltinitrite +balkans +bottle +build +dropped +reversals +argentina +addressed +briefly favourable -anions -pressurized -geobarometry -underestimated -accreted -brugger -troctolite -troctolites -dickenson -triangular -hafnium -chloride -aplites -davis -hours -omitted -##naya -antecrysts -fulgurite -fulgurites -δ18omelt -intracrystalline -laterally -mirrored -intercumulus -persists -energetic -taihua -1791 -vibrational -metabasaltic -lanthanide -disaggregated -iterative -kinematic -liberation -village -##pd20 -neighbour -contaminant -leroux -losses -##aldera -inserted -reinfor -almandine -colloform -objective -orthoenstatite -136xe -eliminate -logarithmic -concomitant -cylindrical -elucidate -categor -frozen -saponite -turbul -vigorous -received -supra -sustained -subhorizontal -leaching -granodioritic -backflow -ellip -identifiable -schwartz -trachyandesite -concordant -leucogranites -exhausted -agglomeration -hvalnesfjall -doped -pentavalent -portny -virt -winchite -style -shatskiy -caledonia -fluctu -improved -reequilibration -plumes -fingerprin -microphotograph -auriferous -aforementioned -cedar -cipw -dubbo -foley -fountain -giordano -hirose -hopping -karsli -lpet -lenses -morlidge -nandedkar +buoy +##852 +checked +companies +sporadically +overpressure +application +accelerating +transpressional +looking +arabia +arabian +quadrilatero +fes2 +oikocrysts +routine +rodinia +coatings +department +enlarged +underplating +plunge +cleaned +combustion +lacroix +mutually +nitric +warps +stoichi +melagabbronorite +recycling +monotonous +osb852 +infrared +radioac +fringes +multiplier +successfully +evaporated +ferromagn +overgrowing +culm +latitude +pleistocene +tomography +reprecipitation +neotethyan +concurrent +rectangular +pegmatoid +royal +brooks +amalgam +caco3 +elucid +himalayan +koons +nnr +vr01 +andraditic +diatreme +metamict +replicate +replenish +geosci +megacrys +botryoidal +capoeira +joints +leucogabbron +kilometre +destroyed +every +gfohl +hudson +leco +pearce +twee +xingu +reworked +maastrichtian +diablo +queensland +questions +quickly +metagabbro +metarhythmites +spacing +amazon +lithoge +discrepancy +sanidine +sigmoidal +rustenburg +neptuno +fontbote +honey +hitzman +jucurut +kathleen +nomenclature +octa +rogers +yttrium +zartman +zendan +##ontinental +shoshonitic +exemplified ongoing -pontides -stitched -vlasovite -vapour -yerington -zambardi -beijing -beattie -diaplectic -controversial -shmulovich -resonetics -spallation -academy -fluorescence -seafloor -impregn -scarcity -tianshan -au80pd20 -precambrian -knolls -polynomial -noteworthy -lofgren -stratigraphically -magnesiowustite -gaidonnayite -pyrargyrite -09sa06 -portnyagin -2f -275 -3ds -675 -7e -725 +diakow +diversity +diaphorite +magaliesberg +colorless +colombia +arnaud +objectives +boulangerite +recommended +schoenly +contributing +supplementary +yangliuping +limpopo +rl536 +snieznik +actlabs +opportunity +manganotantalite +jucurutu +09 +2c +3e +530 +630 +7f +730 8c -880 -980 -920 -960 -a2 -aure -agen -a15 -ben -big -bow -bom +8d +93 +ak +bill bari -bire -ci -cp -ck -cart -centi -cnk -dp -d0 -dinner -ey -eg -ek -edi -eject -egg -fy -fish -gi -gard -gained -hin -hier -hinder -ik -iod -iki -ja -jen -ken -kop -kay -lot -lues -lob -lda -lights -mp -muse -mcc -mrees -muffle -mylon -nh -oro -ogas -pun -ppb -rl -rg -roc -rho -rays -rhen -rational -r06 -russi -s1 -savage -tas -till -va -wo -worn -wise -witt -yt -yfe -zur -zind -##ns -##nh -##nst -##nite -##nected -##note +brough +c3 +cip +cumm +crous +df +don +dual +dug +dreh +ec +eur +fly +fif +finger +fidd +gor +gel +gly +god +gase +gun +glac +gained +gels +gains +gma +h3 +hop +hall +heden +hatch +iber +ions +jumb +ks +k4 +kine +lip +lang +lents +lij +luminescence +mf +mas +mir +mach +moles +nue +nca +own +pw +puc +prac +pike +puna +pinn +qi +qap +ren +ried +roles +rising +rita +rule +sv +stic +siv +stern +ts +tal +tib +tarn +tang +tier +tule +uk +ve +v5 +ven +voids +v2o5 +wr +wy +wen +weld +word +wang +waf +wmz +yel +yuk +zw +zp +σ3 +ωm ##eit -##uir -##uity -##uble -##uang -##isions -##vance -##oil -##ode -##colith -##aol -##aus -##la -##lary -##sw -##ski -##tly -##ysic -##pots +##vity +##rick ##rites -##rad -##din -##disperse -##gre -##mith -##met -##muir -##19 -##fies -##fring -##wa -##hat -##hite -##bar -##bay -##26 -##jd -##junction -##kvas -##kohler -##ze -##zu -##zhou -##41 -##63 -##ınar -##onor -##oning -##erc -##eror -##erozoic -##enable -##inar -##inclu -##ito -##itne -##ata -inn -inac -anders -##arer -##arser -##ora -##orously -##orhom -##asic -##icting -##icao -##entrum -##ania -##anerozoic -##stol -##stand -##olic -##olinite -##inge -##sives -##silite -##sibly -##sibility -##uras -cones -conce -conjunction -cov -coarser -ish +##sb +##sho +##solidated +##iere +##tree +##tonic +##tario +##lers +##oa +##win +##war +##no +##nand +##nakh +##gs +##ga +##gence +##aite +##apped +##po +##po4 +##hes +##his +##hant +##htite +##hai +##cite +##city +##cade +##cipitation +##yab +##ybourne +##uy +##uro +##uate +##men +##mar +##del +##dam +##70 +##fu +##fro +##feng +##bnite +##bitr +##053 +##kov +##18 +##60 +##test +##onorm +##onites +thems +##titic +##tities +##tiplan +##ini +##inis +##altic +##aland +##alup +##aldera +##aloidal +##alkop +##era +inhib +invo +##arolitic +##arwar +##ori +##orous +##orbed +##icochemical +##ediel +##anitic +##anjan +##asse +##atever +##atell +##osited +##osurface +##olation +##olving ##idy -##idson -##iss -##ull -##iminated -##ilips -exec -extin -aspect -comput -computer -alge -##oph -##opic -areal -crimp -anch -beak -beard -##lume -##ucl -dip -diab -diele -whitne -##amm -##irn -##uma -proj -proton -grays -##ichel -##antaneous -physic -phanerozoic -philips -##ivers -magne -shen -shed -shri -shuk -incorre -trø -tris -trap -tricl -chose +##atya +##eled +##elaria +todor +##ulo +##ulif +##ulties +##agull +##agonite +##usse +##usanne +##oca +##acting +deform +decl +deviations +##thr +##urite +##urbed +condor +##terran +copre +coonge +alph +alam +altiplan +##igorous +##atives +bende +retre +retain +asian +##romic +##izable +##imhan +##imaz +##phthal +depoly +##ombs +##ometamorphic +##abe +##aba +##aber +anast +##amine +##ument +supr +chemis chief -lowand -##eney -cla -clarity -hay -pressed -pressing -##tron -##trian -spor -intercon -##iobite -ab2 -##ript -##olet -weights -acet -actively -##ayu -##chill -relicts -zirconium -uns -unex -frances -formations -##ficial -##itesimal -subal -subround -subto -analytic -analyse -analytically -analysing -mantled -crystallise -##pare -neogene -nebul -nekvas -replicate -reports -plagioclaseand -silenc -ark -mg0 -upd -soak -string -pref -prepare -oxford -##achnaya -adak -##iest -introduce -intended -1010 -##cura -decarbon -geoz -impover -orthorhom -thermof -micros -micrometer -erlan -ernst -##deo -2020 -leave -leeman -buloch -scores -scanned -sld -recoil -hydrostatic -raz -raising -##ounts -hey -hearn -amenable -##berger -##ipınar -solids -##507 -speculated -redep -monomin -111 -118 -1170 -##roniobite -microte -microinclu -eruptives -##ought -evolves -##ions -desc -marine -marking -characterisation -mixes -matter -transgressive -##ctric -fo90 -1980 -prevalent -eclogiteand -norite -##itudin -commenced -outline -averaging +##etches +shore +shades +comput +whatever +maz +##gea +##artfontein +projection +orange +ontario +##vert +quar +sulfidic +saudi +sayab +##quartz +##aday +quartzitic +quartzand +quartzdi +##anto +bases +hazel +##redor +cr2o3 +metast +resolv +relating +plays +sep +seal +seed +seep +sealing +search +unlu +unaff +interbed +interstic +valve +##lest +intrabas +colour +colluvial +##onga +clays +hydroge +hydroox +inclined +##asets +##ival +preto +consolidated +constants +getic +gevers +geometric +geyn +arise +arises +arbitr +aragonite +##allels +wash +spain +spier +##ray +##ateral +##andong +noril +northerly +subout +substr +subset +subterran +collection +##ourn +parallels +leak +leybourne +##aku +##ologically +acn +oberth +perth +persis +perlitic +##spyrite +corredor +overview +mars +bias +ca2 +capped +caulif +##lower +adop +adding +admix +augen +serra +serial +##ardjeh +##istost +##isturbed +##hedron +biotiteand +appe +apply +olsi +olistost +mayeda +aged +price +recumb +precaldera +undiff +undisturbed +alloc +thickly +consisted +consistency +sketches +texas +##rowodginite +charge +surv +moves +mohr +moeda +dolomitization +monocl +monument +equador +characterizes +seques +height +observe +schiff +complexities +notice +desilic +verging +postpe +microph +drus +faces +matsu +soils +afs +apfu +stepped +##rents +inflow +inference +calculating +barre +barometry +barri +barrett +references +sandand +sandman +##key +##kets +hematization +outc +albitisation albeit -1550 -served -volcanics -135 -1385 -absorp -emperor -##ornblende -functional -manning -shockwave -##ifs -appearing -##licates -fired -behave -peaked -##namical -defining -barriers -situations -##tened -##adium -cumulative -laminar -eliminated -oscura -evenly -secondly -1996 -brighter -longitudin -normalization -polydisperse -##burt -thinner -affinity -affinities -tracers -dolomitic -##enesis -multipl -potentials -##braic -harzburgites -planet -selved -superprobe -superliquidus -select -pump -continuity -worked -workman -goes -fourteen -methodology -delayed -##hns -ilmeno -introduces -roan -rodeo -smectites -thermodynamics -##oidal -localised -postulated -modify -modifier -##ylova -##augh -1000ln -plateaus -petrologically -decompressed -##ixing -##time -releasing -relevance -enclave -envision -##odified -broke -brock -ionisation -labelled -paleocene -convert -instantaneous -intrude -intrudes -intrusives -experiencing +crystallizes +contrad +contraction +separately +lausanne +salinic +deciph +reminis +orogenesis +correct +192 +radial +radiographs +manit +possess +discer +reeval +δ34sh2s +irtys +initiate +self +localize +patric +calamine +calvert +felsites +##tify +##tiful +11a +118 +114 +112 +##grad +solely +measuring +synth +synand +syncl greenland -greenstone -applicability -responses -drying -purely -marginally -hotpot -hottest -linking -links -703 -probable -##oriented -##orientation -induces -flatter -overlies -broader -holness -##sivity -stratified -chalcophile -meteorite -5000 -fastest -geothermometry -hybridized -7500 -stabilizes -exceptionally -emf -##vsky -clinopyroxenite -farther -reproduces -reproducible -circular -801 -minimization -015 -262 -aster -contributing -hotspots -seamounts -recrystallised -predominance -focusing -chondritic -formulations -formulae -gao -advoc -constitutes -ferrosilite -tsaol -inherently -spontaneously -exceeded -06b -pseudomorph -840 -operate -##lane -sheep -welder -replenishing -##arctic -sinks -analogues -encased -twinned -ignore -ignition -greywack -furnaces -empirically -bonded -kaolinite -written -physically -nanos -reactants -segregated -segregations -recovery -passage -percentages -##rupted -predictable -browne -pink -humph -huang -hudson -pdfs -emphasizing -packing -bayburt -boh -xiayu -diverge -tholeiites -##cepts -assign -59a -bristol -ethz -##osilicate -overestimates -erosional -paragonite -databases -forearc -guli -l140 -machines -nakaj -zeolites -quadrant -enhances -denoted -ample -exerts -compressional -grids -accompany -episodic -ubiquity -asia -damkohler -mlst -ringwood -rigorous -revised -accounting -thorium -aluminum -aluminosilicate -176lu -176hf -cascade -eluted -gangue -rastered -wehrlites -nordbay -superplume -migmatites -building -encounter -occupied -8100 -cups -cupola -dredge -unmixing -unmodified -incrementally -thermochronometer -rhyodacite -adiabat -panels -clinoenstatite -noticeable -traversed -suspect -briefly -buried -abruptly -week -unconstrained -carrying -definitions -polybaric -1783 -1784 -hardly -asymmetric -aliquot -triangles -precludes -127329 -chlori -delineate +##ishes +measures +characterises +effectively +##erentiated +argue +coarsen +134 +lightfo +supplied +monzonitic +mesoproterozoic +mesocratic +mesonorm +approximation +foliations +curv +currais +currents +paralleling +##uger +evolutionary +eastwards +paleomagnetic +paleotectonic +paleosurface +baishan +baimaz +discuss +turkey +ends +adjus +preserving +##produc +stibnite +introduce +historic +swager +assumes +recognizing +251 +259 +##engren +chlorides +spectrometric +delic +delim +denser +recording +situation +constraint +footn +photo +ferrous +ferrowodginite +233 +fewer +campo +solidification +retrog +carrier +medio +puy +exhibited +intersects +metalloids +farther +faraday +accordingly +universite +reflectance +tonnages +going +graphs +avoid +nodes +unconformable +243 +technology +rayleigh +progresses +hump +losses +##eirao +h2so4 +s2b +tenor +emeral +labeled +clustered +rooted +221 +225 +attribute +gaspe +anorthos +offsho +buffers +naraku +earthqu difficulties -tanzania -aplite -davidson -nasafj -performing -pooled -intracaldera -1974 -penetration -penetrate -thoroughly +continuously +1997 +1999 +1995 +1990s +komatiites +promote +eds +editor +loi +325 +magnesium +luf +lutites +pelite pelites -tube -##eyerite -##anese -speeds -intercal -synglacial -optimized -reconcile -reconciled -extrapolations -spheroidal -adsorption -adsorbed -pipe -pipes -xs0 -zsts -compressive -ankerite -shrinks -spacing -spacers -implemented -retrieve -summarize -badh -dreyer -jdfr -laccolith -palae -voids -isograd -##aborate -output -petrographical -supersaturation -configuration -geothermobarometry +simulate +vo31 +diamonds +bordering +gloria +device +roset +rosengren +##arbonate +climate +jasperoidal +455 +250to +buda +picking +rotate +##argement +chromitites +exceptional +661 +platforms +pyroclasts +282 +cassidy +tends +subsystem +calibrations +214 +liand +tongue +exhaus +quantities +cherty +needle +needles +submic +oligoclase +tectonised +tectonometamorphic +338 +336 +encour +easterly +sarah +clathrates +outline +fluctuated subdivision -tilt -wafer -thomas -##elierite -exemplary -antarctic -suevite -intermitt -neutral -infinitesimal -invoked -postdate -traditional -susceptibility -phenomenon -stratovolcanoes -azores -boyd -manganese -conserv -rectangular -stromeyerite -melanosomes -sutton -enabling -caf2 -footnote -sequester -refertilization -235u -sweeney -breccias -concurrently -besides -dusty -goldsmith -kustelite -lechat -langmuir -mx80 -natroniobite -nicolet -ptrh -sleeve -udachnaya -wanless -organic -mazama -shandong -churchill -diffractometer -clarify -sputtered -sparks +1985 +egg +molasse +flanked +nucleus +345 +bubbles +superimposition +hollow +experience +incorporates +bifs +datasets +morb +morro +analogs +analogue +approaches +approaching +truncates +##ograms +physicochemical +autobreccia +doubly +mbr +mb1 +passes +detectable +globally sparsely -interference -abnormally -strategy -hexagonal -niobium -δ30simelt -kaersutite -virtually -fluctuations -impregnated -3ds1 -birefring -ckd -ekati -edific -ejecta -hierarch -ikipınar -jahns -jenkins -kopylova -lueshite -museum -orogens -ogasawara -punct -worner -yttrian -zurich -zindler -##standing -conceicao -algebraic -beakers -dielectric -whitney -grayscale -shrimp -shukuno -incorrect -triclinic -interconnected -unexpl -subrounded -nekvasil -silencio -decarbonation -geozentrum -orthorhombic -bulochka -monomineralic -microinclusions -brockman -tsaolingshan -nakajima -nordbayern -nasafjell -lechatelierite -1t -2e -2log -280 -380 -480 -460 -5o2 +porphyroblast +porphyroblastic +nanling +nanometer +##abilities +scarcity +geothermometers +disappears +utilization +utilizing +debated +percolated +spotting +actual +explanations +czech +tmh +troilite +violarite +perturbed +dynamics +independently +b2mhbx +troughs +atmosphere +fluoride +subgroups +juxtaposing +idea +##533 +antiform +oxyhydroxide +flooding +myally +running +zealand +decarbonated +decarbonatization +hornfelsed +mobilization +prevent +prevents +geometrical +terminate +terminates +glassy +exhumed +neutrons +subprovinces +b1mhbx +targeting +##amento +competency +##ractionated +attempts +facilitate +dumoul +france +hook +merwe +pixel +isoplot +subunit +marlstone +perturbations +malatya +##merization +unfractionated +evolve +underlie +traversed +reconstructions +l3h +miarolitic +##owski +stronie +emphasized +tonalites +amygdaloidal +denver +lvd +zambuj +##ublished +alps +depressions +anisotropic +interacting +exploitation +millimeter +raise +slowly +dendrites +george +arkose +cobaltite +morocco +percolation +garnets +kruger +address +surpris +undergoing +susceptible +accretionary +buenav +kerrich +anticline +stromat +strombol +company +conserved +conservation +favoured +applicable +brightness +phenocrystic +emerged +groves +gandhi +chromatographic +chromatography +freiberg +powerful +microfabrics +quadrilateral +oikocrystic +pasco +pastel +##pdb +##jections +##11533 +returned +enlargement +obscured +plunges +publication +bracketed +hercy +heinrich +khz +window +ingression +anatexis +anatectic +proceeded +organized +phanerozoic +definition +selenides +extractable +thermochronology +ribbons +palladium +q1mhbx +romania +vaalkop +retains +anatase +unconsolidated +artifact +parapyroxenites +schemes +propagated +ultrasonic +envisaged +multidiff +leucogranites +encompasses +trondhjemitic +hbr +vector +zebediel +metacong +premise +advoc +screened +superbasins +glenfine +miospore +fissures +mosaic +roncade +ripley +vo20 +aliquots +attached +boqueirao +redeposited +redissolution +dramatically +rhyodacite +governed +177hf +blueschist +viscosity +huangshandong +augusta +candelaria +dharwar +glomerocrysts +ipge +kavital +lagunas +pecul +slump +satisf +writer +thmsg +antilles +##economic +distilled +unpublished +aravalli +subaerial +chalcedony +scorodite +monosulfide +hekimhan +transmission +δ34spyrite +superposition +effervescence +extrapolated +sheppard +polymict +inhomogeneous +inheritance +macraes +egd053 +kilauea +century +boudinaged +bottletree +buoyancy +ferromagnesian +culminated +amalgamation +megacrysts +octahedral +barium +brought +cipw +cumming +croustet +dreher +flysch +fiddlers +gaseous +iberian +jumbo +lentswe +lijiang +ncafmasch +qapf +stichtite +sivas +talnakh +tibet +tarnagull +tierrero +yukon +zwartfontein +##hisa +themselves +todorokite +coprecipitation +coongee +alamitos +altiplano +bendezu +anastom +chiefly +sayabec +quartzdiorites +hazelton +resolvable +unaffected +interstices +intrabasinal +hydrooxides +geversite +geynardjeh +arbitrary +suboutcrop +oberthur +cauliflower +recumbent +undifferentiated +schiffries +postpeak +matsuhisa +barriers +reminiscent +irtysh +patricio +lightfoot +baimazhai +dumoulin +zambujal +buenavista +strombolian +zebediela +roncadeira +tarnagulla +010 +015 +1s +1a +1σ +3f +310 +5d +5to 540 -680 -7d -710 -730 -910 -auca -bn -bund -bern -baco3 -cav +6e +6c +610 +720 +94 +91 +aper +ben +big +bure +bab +boun +bombs +cus +cast came -cinder -c59 -dm -dal -dar -dim -damp -dens -dual -dalp -dany -dai +dous +dhan +dup +danubian +dulate ea -etch -fed -fal -fate -fash -gar -got -gisp -hb -hk -hil -hamp -hack -hann -hope -hok -iez -jg -jm +ethyl +fec +fans +fs2 +gt +g3 +gent +gaw +gued +getch +hum +hess +hell +hish +hamm +ikal jar -jac -k4 -kar +jian +jaw +job +ky +k1 +k5 +kus kot -kab -kell -kram -kra -kare -kern -kress -klet -koh -kohler -lib -lamp -liles -lagr -lending -latest -llst -mα -mart -meng -miron -mud -mention -nested -nutr -ov -ovo -pap -passi -qin -rh -ran -rins -rub -rie -rind -rhom -s0 -sav -sial -saf -sought -tc -tl -tip -trough -tips -ut -uph -vp -vg -vents -vene -vio -vial -wy -wis -wot -wend -waf -wsu -xm -xia -xs2 -xmg -xsio2 -ys +kep +l1 +lom +lik +list +loll +lining +lumines +mw +m3 +mound +mcl +muse +maria +nf +nch +nand +nak +name +nubian +oes +oil +pil +port +pier +p2o5 +pushed +r1 +rin +rud +rose +raw +rico +ramm +sain +sold +sie +sieved +sorting +sieve +tent +tuc +tian +taz +tsum +uc +vity +void +vox +viable +villas +vigorous +win +wag +wadi +xp +xiang +xiao +xco2 +yv yao -µl -δn -δq -ϕsed -##night -##nigan -##uv -##uti -##uing -##uth -##uated -##uate -##uently -##iros -##itites -##isitic -##otic -##ohy -##oided -##oju -##cting -##cumul -##carbon -##lm -##lized -##lating -##law -##sk -##tub -##tail -##yan -##pi -##pic -##pent -##path -##press -##ru -##rac -##rates -##rants -##ravel -##du -##dw -##dre -##det -##denite -##gam -##gence -##gore -##min -##ming -##mow -##mec -##100 -##193 -##fon -##fted -##fine -##03 -##0exp -##55 -##wr -##wan -##weg -##hes -##hot -##hver -##bes -##bach -##bron -##boring -##bidge -##bilities -##2si -##jing -##ku -##kuz -##kinite -##zer -##zie -##zero -##zlaw -##3cpx3h -##47 +σs +σ1 +##ee +##ea +##eted +##eting +##vari +##vative +##vens +##sules +##ii +##iate +##iab +##ipping +##tonite +##lit +##lus +##lay +##oi +##oz +##off +##wt +##wth +##wig +##nest +##gi +##gent +##gart +##gies +##gical +##aa +##aft +##pin +##ped +##pores +##hg +##ham +##cel +##cion +##yres +##uating +##ualli +##mor +##mian +##dal +##xin +##znets +##jar +##jects +##juca +##jori +##33 +##34 +##36 +##frac +##bt +##biz +##bric +##ket +##kari +##kado +##kfmas +##16 ##91 -##94 -##96 -##9507 -tho2 -##err -##erlock -##titite -##esape -##enitic -##ensitic -##iness -##inding -##eden -##alt -##algam -##itely -##ittle -##itani -iner -inade -##rel -##reys -andean -anderson -##artic -##artine -##oria -##roites -##rotherm -##asted -##lection -##lebr -##legre -##mport -##elve -##elbron -##ste -##stances -##stones -##olly -##olati -##olved -tod -tod3 -tohver -##ationn -##sip -##si2o6 +##92 +##57 +thir +thail +thiers +##tex +##tected +##ona +##onet +##onoi +thesis +##timal +##tious +##rew +##ref +##reau +##rela +##inement +##inately +##inivariant +##alar +##alach +##alky +##alysis +##esized +##esterly +anders +int +inversely +inaa +##enous +##ential +##entially +##encies +##aro +##arith +##arsite +##oring +##icit +##icto +##icontinental +##roite +##room +##rogen +##itt +##itory +##ansion +##asers +##oliated +##ister +##isch +##istered +##istically +##ato +##elm +##elle +##elitic +##ulian +##ulskite +##ingite +##ingling +##lev +##lewood +##agic +##aggy +##agrey +##agatti +##uss +##ocon +##ocalc +isocon +deion +deves +deuter +##thmic ##uric -conch -##agger -##acular -cole -##itect -##etts -isol -##idio -##identi -##idium -##idgm -##ulative -read -reeder -##imeter -fort -forced -##ece -##eck -##econd -##econor -##illex -##octa -excur -exotic -##thorne -##ushe -##usetts -##atiites -##veat -stab -stock -stace -stopp -alph -alice -alco -##opyrite -##opartic -cren -crist -anatex -answ -##otaxial -##ffin -##fform -diatex -##ngsten -moist -##amura -##ira -##umi -grating -grinding -##oue -##diff -suited -suffer -deerite -mad -mahu -##ineering -shau -shades -shuang -sherlock -incl -incip -incub -trig -traps -cho -chev -chesape -##ample -basanitic -clastic -classic -hauy -mines -collection -waste -waspal -##truction -spent -spir -spess -interven -interacting -interglacial -interdiff -##ppard -perimeter -acted -disp -disorientation -dissip -feed -call -reliably -unres -unexp -unoriented -unravel -unidenti -##strong -ent -enig -enorm -entered -##aria -##ariate -evac -subs -subg -subgr -subidio -object -mantles +##enta +cour +coated +coales +covari +alk +alber +altit +##igram +forces +areal +recharge +asia +##ilian +##ilton +##ilalar +##iziling +##vehe +##lutonic +##imon +##imhall +##ional +byproduc +##omated +##omena +##ombic +atyp +atlas +##abad +ant +anh +##aminated +##ockwise +grin +grah +##oux +##otte +##otti +##otted +##otographs +##uma +##umgart +station +statis +##yram +sukari +chach +chapp +chaine +chrys +chalky fluence -seelbron -##elluric -reporting -depressed -##hym -##ectonic -asser -arise -aranov -mehe -up193 -allophan -glac -##akage -cored -soluble -caveat -##tiveness -##bland -##blastic -##achew -##achusetts -adela -sma -1060 -##ostatic -twelve -hasting -##igneous -hydrating -carpent -decl -maymec -impar -##upo -thermody -micrometers -indices -overgrown -overnight -overpress -##acks -effusive -##deleyite -205 -sieve -leakage -scav -sc11 -sclm -running -ree3 -slur -recomm -phlogopiteand -##8o22 -bounds -hydrocarbon -raf -raise -aged -healed -amm -amalgam -##ondritic -refraction -speculation -speculative -115 -1180 -129 -1210 -1270 -12ky -1245 -microct -microves -infill -inflection -##angian -eruptible -naand -majorand -py5 -folded -textured -##hoogen -lithic -lithologic -lithostatic -intras -destruction -marsch -characterizing -dokuz +##opelitic +##oplutonic +##ticle +shar +shared +shares +shaft +compares +deposita +whitish +maimon +##tinent +##tinely +disconnected +maghem +##verite +quies +quinivariant +quilalar +##emann +saw +saff +##quilibr +##adalup +##ppe +##ppled +##ibut +##ibram +##inear +##antada +##chists +##changed +##chroite +hamp +contorted +cripp +metagrey +##nta +resin +relax +plant +segm +##ydale +##tinga +unex +unimodal +unrec +unequ +unchanged +stricto +interle +interpl +interven +interfaces +intermont +##yptian +##ifts +##veland +##assed +colluvium +phy +phre +phoko +clark +cloud +clockwise +hydrofrac +goldh +betaf +##aplus +preven +geographic +geotectonic +arm +arf +arunta +article +##neath +abiti +##illo +spir +spilitic +speed +induce +##andaj +carbonated +carbonatized +fay +##tentr +norms +norway +subch +subaqu +subalkaline +subangular +##ikari +imbric +collections +loch +mod2 +mod02 +para +lew +leon +lefro +silva +acs +container +perring +perthite +pertain +perfect +pertinent +meeting +volcanoplutonic +feand +##ians +##unov +##ellite +marti +bioti +wherever +##tooth +uranogenic +belle +109 +adequ +lowering +melatro +##genite +##ardite +##istulian +##uldron +twice +registered +genalysis +concentrating +appalach +micrometer +limon +pribram +precluded +preclude +##ordial +allochth +##angan +signs +earlyand +earlyto +skew +accoun +##ludes +epit +epicontinental +reduce +moving +moho +pojuca +dolomiti +dolomitisation +impure +underneath +brimhall +brunov +heaz +heights +schli +school +189 +treated +complexed +complexing +sliver +##eposition +elim +verm +verify +primordial +##meh +##achite +fractionations +fractionates +sericitisation +##deras +tracing +microlites +drc +drain +drift +drifts +transmit +translation +apex +producer representation -gregar -mats -matlab -matru -matachew -transpar -transformed -discordia -1959 -##lia -xenomorphic -verhoogen -lineations -europ -eurotherm -oxygens -exploring -furman -respects -commun -outlier -outstanding -graphs -magnification -magnetot -154 -msd -volcaniclastic -13e -1360 -absorbed -iddp -dissolves -mesosomes -predate -ferromag -uncover -finnigan -##iax -##erically -##obalite -##titude -limitation -146 -1410 -hornblendites -vaporized -demand -demarc -hfses -manual -stands -standing -metamorphics -dependency -supplied -suppress -numerically -investigates -au75 -audet -lattices -##ishes -massachusetts -simpler -electrons -calibrant -##adian -bloch -mm3 -mullite -mulca -invaded -oxidising -harker -incorporating -tao -taupo -brune -branch -brittle -bridgm -distinctively -severely -hereaf -avoided -exchanged +40are +stevens +151 +barr +refine +refined +ppt +empty +hemipel +albitic +specks +speciation +crystallised +developing +sphalerite2 +oxidative +orogene +diagonal +musonoi +laiziling +expansion +##ahualli +ultimate +terrig +blades +1940 +flowed +##elsbergite +pyritic +oxygenated +##goorl +dissemination +negatively +finland +reequilibr +arcuate +correspondence +##ropor +##ropical +bounds +bounding +irms +irarsite +##isson +supercontinent +molybdenites +potrero +initiates +selved +selenium +reduces +ironstones +overlay +roots +homogenising +basementand +northernmost +##ubu +calderas +frasers +506 +509 +119 +127 +##obsite +electrical +effort +effusive +methyl +303 +135 +monzonites +aquit +aquifer +mesos +##ustrine +##ugal +##stra +envision +mmui +combine +combinations +baumgart +flame +floren +mno +topography +opened +characteristically +hypidi +tonne +dipole surrounds -bau -baffin -faces -##fe0 -##iscan -spectacular -tracing -dolomites -concluding -##sics -standardization -standardized -deepest -165 -devolati -es35 -nonzero -slowed -diopsi +multip +multist +pitted +erz +extra +stippled +mg0 +pointing +geochronometers +pyrochroite +253 +252 +μm3 +closest +milling +millerite +milligram +chloritisation +##print +phenomena +fernand +saturate +floating +exceptions +mechanically +fourteen +marking +markowski +magnet +sheeted +solids +medical +punta +taxt +704 +706 +minimize +##ircular +universit +marbleized +173 +investigates +predominate +links +worked +prospective +nodal pathway -takashima -confocal -nucleus -delim -priori -dynamical -variscan -rods -roex -roeder -reacts -##30f -picritic -helium -helka -hellebr -paul -sequential -reserves -argument -enclose -currents -surroundings -phonon -heaviest -converting -illum -denoting -instability -initiate -irradi -transpression -##structure -architect -870 -875 -permo -balancing -critically -distal -distor -tops -topotaxial -arranged -migrated -precipitates -creation -cream -eventual -flakes -##dese -holds -logk -##201 -3550 -3513 -steel -steinge -##solidated -exsolve -exsolving -accumulating -edin -polarity -sveconor -senkoy -mineralogically -3000 -protoc -condensate -accessories -syntheses -grading -requirements -fastlane -mcken -cells -colorless -hybridised -examining -parenthes -2240 -filler -fillings -##kaido -stabilized -stabilities -alternating -coexistent -dunites -excel -metasomatiz -chromites -flood -coverage -public -sharply -267 -008 -007 -mw9507 -equals -intensively -vesuv -intersect -seams -ambiguous -formulated -biased -unimport -westward -advective -advancing -principally -reconstruct -weakened -1035 -refractories -inferences -ferrobasalt -flattening -flattened -buob -favors -payun -##continent -narrower -problematic -purification -division -clayton -symbol -65cu -conspic -bathym -##alcic -mhz -connection -21ne -kinetically -operates -salt -salinities -instruments -replenishments -021 -millim -triocta -environmental -aimed -mingled -reversed -ascended -analogy -analogue -markers -hqa0 -nmnh -removing -undergoes -porphyroblast -29si -inversions -nanjing -nanopartic -expansivity -matching -doublet -gd1 -gd23 -passed -##arsga -simplify -pinched -##visions -temporally -brackets -constituting -autocl -leucocratic -reconstruction -emphasis -tescan -1938 -1937 -adjustment -adjustments -embay -xiuy +circle +circum +alternation +becoming +thermogenic +thermobar +thermocalc +argillite +progressed +principle +kalkado +kalgoorl +optimal +evenly +sanandaj +distally +reflectivity +tension +greatly +documents +em39 +229 +dependence +263 +262 +capsules +anorthoclase +monazites +icm +1994 +1990 +version +thematic +purely +logged +logarith +load +behind +visual +excav +exclude +overgrew +aguil +stillwater +rapids +santonian +phyllites +oceans +mcmas +jump +rhodop +luina +aureoles +simulated +exsolving +estrela +flatten +cambana +kuznets +formerly +johan +joint +episodically +318 +315 +217 +294 +295 +##kskin +reaching +ordered +entrapped +579 +##iously +failed +regards +scapol +viewed +starra +needs +energies +submer +subordinately +microfocal +388 +385 +dogtooth +fitted +metabasaltic +335 +encaps +encantada +105a +frequencies +easter +easier +zhubu +bends +469 +guadalup +sarbiz +reproduce +outliers +influxes +summarizes +593 +1981 +1986 +egyptian +molec +molten +nucleogenic +bravehe +granulites +512 +grows +playa +physically +560 +715 +automated +passage +adakitic +niobium +1977 +exsolutions +johnston +quantity +quantitatively +hills +crackle triggering -expectation -remarks -transforms -transformations -diluted -guo -ophitic -craters -hawthorne -tschermakite -kilgore -resembl -resembles -arguably -stoichiomet -442 -enters -geophysics -overestimated -##ggish -returns -warmer -warren -##nesian -##astingsite -paragneiss -argentite -hqb0 -498 -fabrics -l1429 -nakamura -pumices -zeolite -enhancing -uplifted -juxtaposition -juxtaposing -ceram -engineering -odps -roux -geodynamics -amorphization -asimow -damaged -hercy -render -utilizing -unpubl -barroisitic -fisher -##baum -departure -corona -hyperfine -reactivated -filters -filtering -mc1314r0 -discriminating -gangdese -housed -rasters -wehrmann -adopt -molybdenite -cleaning -occupy -disappeared -oikocryst -discontinuity -manifested -inspected -sandwiched -kjarsga -parkinson -perlitized -underplate -endmembers +tellurium +chronology +chronological +residues +implicit +implication +555 +kilometer +percydale escape -escaped -purposes -truncation +760 +tracking +mesoand +integration +helped +rollinson +occupying +pebbly +cataclasite +cementing +##ukrok +attest +exclusive +granophyre +facilities +lamprophyres +ats19 +granditic +driving +etching +dominates +dominican +mobilised +ddh11533 +mariana +opposed +prevented +distinguishing +doublet +##ostratigraphy +competing +analyze +semicircular +networks +facilitating +famous +fossils +##ippines +thorogenic +theoretically +shifted +marls +490 +katanga +katangan +malachite +prisms +delamar +delamination +establishment +devolatilisation +aplitic +clunes +iaea +nckfmas +supersatur +supersaturated +contours +imperfect +transgressed +emphasis +furnished +migratory +δ13ccalcite +stretched +olympus +denote +habits +soda +zambia +shadow +concerns +lepanto +channeled +weaknesses +dtr3 +dtr32 +gerais +raising +##2s3 +reinvestig +boxes +terrain +territory +bottinga +##vantage +coordinate +stephanite +orthopyroxenites +handpicking +documentation +palaeoproterozoic +grs97 +acceleration +orthogonal +pumping +predominates +dilatation +833 +ponding +stabilization +stabilize +shoot +crushing +stereonet +solvent +batch +routinely +##archean +return accommodate -945 -bonding -boron -kamen -okamoto -complicates -pressurised -unconform -metaigneous -geobarometer -underestimates -tectonites -interlayer -asymmetry -asymmetrical -hafc -subdivisions -131xe -pegmatites -delineated -periodicity -hypotheses -hypothesized -perturbed -perturbation -perturbations -kelvin -kawamoto -nasi -tungsten -antecrystic -shimizu -shimoju -tetravalent -tetraborate -snapshot +accommodated +underplated +microanaly +microanalysis +dryness +discordance +combusted +vo148 +kinematics destabilization -fsc1332r0 -fingers -sx100 -##bourne -##itzer -carbide -synglacially -multiplier -optimal -extrapolating -automated -metabasalts -dafsn -dafsk -lanthanides -arbitrary -happened -xs6 -spidergram -neighboring -implementation -surprisingly -discovery -discovered -maximizing -retrieved -baddeleyite +mississippian +psammitic +khar +lacustrine +mutual +nitrogen walter walker -compounds -deficient -arsenopyrite -hydroxyl -contradict -configurations -delivering -encompasses -vermiculated -subdivided -unambiguously -c470 -c473 -ihpvs -komahashi -komatiites -menlo -passive -s82 -##ulphur -dislocation -dislocations -unchanged -armstrong -overcome -discernible -loihi -disturbed -collapse -collapsed -accretionary -phyllosilicate -phyllosilicates -gertis -justified -miscible -stirring -sawyer -tangeman -wuhan -stacked -compromised -uniqueness +organization +books +recycled +monotonic +osb40 +definitive +mushroom +selenide +fringe +ferromonz +davidite +buckskin +lagoonal +##lemented +stagnated +philips +philippines artifacts -147sm -cma201 -spherulite -octahedrally -radioisotopic -2907e -exhaustive -automatically -synchronous -wavenumber -shadows -birch -daini -judging -kuritani -nimonic -rytub -rossman -rodman -sluggish -reworked -##amorphic -platform -abraded -perspec -periphery -artefacts -adhering -fertilized -assisted -devitrified -chromatography -stiffness -exercise -neighbouring -categorized -turbulence -fingerprint -microphotographs -aureole -agency -bomb +parapyroxenite +improve +improved +scheme +rheology +triangular +143nd +envisage +escaped +escaping +boudins +boudreau +rhombohedral +rhombohedron +category +fisher +vesicular +deficient +conducive +cleaveland +unrealistic +unrealistically +commodity +commodities +supracrustals +corroborate +slickensides +ah90 +gnpa +hunker +jacobsite +ludwig +q2mhbx +wolf +##ratka +thousands +happen +stripes +strictly +prevalence +advection +appreciable +weighed +switching +luzong +prevailed +francisco +otd14 +microveinlets +embayed +symplectites +aphanitic cartoon -centimet -gardner -iodp -mylonitic -nh4 -rgb -rhenium -russia -innermost -inaccur -covari -crimped -anchor -diabase -magnetitite -trisulphur -chiefly -claim -hayden -sporadic -acetone -nebulizer -arkose -updated -stringers -impoverished -erlangen -heywood -hearne -redeposition -absorptivity -planetary -envisioned -pseudomorphs -greywacke -humphreys -intercalated -conservative -dalou -dalpe -danyushe -fashion -hildre -hannover -hokkaido -iezzi -jg4 -jarbidge -jacques -kotuy -keller -kramers -karelia -kernel -lamproites -lagrangian -martensitic -mironov -savillex -safely -utah -uphill -violet -wyoming -wotzlaw +dalstra +gulch +jogs +kimber +misahualli +rainwater +sirjan +sounding +sustut +##anthrac +concepcion +convincing +county +shizishan +shonkinite +unstable +cubes +agglomerates +2025a +postskarn +trajectories +multicollection +florida +deltaplus +captured +pulverized +edifices +obliquity +township +dumps +interlocking +lensoidal +78203 +dtr308 +radioactive +elucidate +replenishment +geoscience +leucogabbronorite +tweefontein +eurasian +fifth +glacial +kinetics +nuevo +practical +riedel +svratka +sterner +ukr +words wafers -xiao -δnno -δqfm -##pathic -##wegian -inadequ -conchoidal -stabbland -stacey -stopped -alcohol -cristobalite -anatexis -##fformationn -moisture -mahuida -incipient -chevkinite -chesapeake -hauyne -waspaloy -spessartine +yelagatti +##hantuo +##fengling +invoke +declining +alpha +chemistries +washing +substrate +subterrane +leakage +adopted +monocline +microphotographs +drusy +barremian +delicate +delimited +emerald +offshoots +lufilian +214ad +multidiffusion +metaconglom +peculiar +cummingtonite +aperture +bureau +bountiful +doushantuo +dhanjori +duplex +gentle +gawler +guedes +getchellite +hessite +hishikari +ikalukrok +jarosite +jianfengling +jobin +kotulskite +kept +loma +luminescent +museum +nchanga +oeste +rincon +rammelsbergite +saint +soldiers +siegenite +tsumeb +vityk +wagner +yvon +thailand +thiersch +##lewoodite +altitude +atypical +graham +chachil +safflorite +cripple +metagreywacke +relaxation +segmented +unrecogn +unequiv +interplay intervening -unexpected -unidentified -subidioblastic -aranovich -meheut -allophane -adelaide -carpenter -maymecha -thermodynamically -overpressure -marschall -gregarious -matachewan -magnetotelluric -ferromagnesian -audetat -mulcahy -bruneau -bridgmanite -hereafter -es355 -hellebrand -steingeita -sveconorwegian -mckenzie -parentheses -vesuvius -unimportant -conspicuous -trioctahedral -nanoparticles -xiuyan -stoichiometries -kjarsgaard -shimojuku -gertisser -rytuba -danyushevsky -hildreth -075 -013 -1f -2g -2nd -2se -2ph -3e -3f -310 -4h -530 -573 +intermontane +phokoje +betafite +preventing +abitibi +subaqueous +lefroy +melatroctolite +skewed +accounting +brunovistulian +heazlewoodite +schlieren +transmitter +hemipelagic +terrigenous +baumgartner +florencite +hypidiotopic +kalkadoon +kalgoorlie +logarithmic +mcmaster +kuznetsk +sarbizan +braveheart +nckfmash +ferromonzodiorite +cleavelandite +otd1447 +1d +1b +2e +2m +2to +3g +3h +330 +4i +425 +432 +5e +520 +532 +5ppb +6t 6d 6f -614 -712 -740 +680 +625 +7d +8e +820 +9d 9f -ae -aiz -aum -aog -aware -akin -awa -bp -bj -bol -biv -bry -bcr -bann -bour -cn -cic -cul -cres -cass -cad -cement -c60 -cusp -cyan -dc -duc -dup -dcpx -daugh -et -econ -euras -ft -fan -fos -face -files -gj -gel -gase -gene +950 +940 +aud +aided +akaline +bic +bow +brom +bad +bron +bort +bau +cx +c5 +ced +cig +cum +cant +cited +cyl +cape +casc +cropping +da +dar +dul +drown +deng +dta +dimin +dimethyl +dotted +ese +eue +eina +f2 +fle +fum +falc +flac +finite +fused +fank +fuca +gv +gan +gab +gues +gari +gers +gard +gord +gie +gob +goss gaps -gets -girn -hen -hor -hop -hos -hum -holes -hump -huck -iw -ite -jol -job -kl +gans +hp +hed +han +hour +il +ib +iod +ionic +jos +jock +jud +jav +jach +jup +journ +k3 k2 +kre kir -kap -kand -kiel -kaz -kcl -kind -kats -kfs -lc -lm -l0 -len -lop -lock -lak -lach -lled -lends -lnk -mβ -mall -mack -murn -michael -michel -nu -nf -name -napp -nuna -oil -ores -otr -oval -option -p5 -ped -pam -pir -pant -pion -pier -qre -qem -rag -rib -rom -rely -rad -rose +kip +kett +konk +lt +lg +l4 +lin +les +lan +ling +lil +liz +lad +lib +lond +lign +lena +loren +mp +mj +m8 +mom +mog +mole +mash +mingling +nu +nk +nic +nels +natro +ov +oc +oj +ok +oor +oven +pg +pc +poc +pve +pere +pich +pad +pest +pied +pena +pamp +pico +qz +r4 +rar +ras +roch rules -rsc -ruck -ranch -sa -sd -sg -sf -s3 -s7 -sro -sas -sens -sorted -sake -santa -tf -tz -tal -tant -tap -ttr -tighter -tats -um -ust +rind +roca +s4 +sam +sia +seren +sided +sask +satell +sizable +sisson +tel +tick +u3 +u6 uo2 -ubs -vo -vh -vin -vag -viz -vox -wit +vc +vit +vos +vik +vanc +vital +venting +venn +vitr wor -wies -wads -wire -wessel -x2 -xfe -xanes -yo -yax -zou -zart -zeng -zaj -ɛhf -αt -αto -δρ -ϕs -##nation -##nnes +went +wo3 +wood +westerly +xe +xy +yz +yem +µm +δc +��2 ##ei -##eving -##eva -##eering -##ug -##uh -##usively -##ufact -##iy -##iti -##itite -##iocene -##iffer -##ifformationn -##vf -##vos -##vating -##oho -##cand -##cores -##cats -##aer -##aver -##aoy -##lain -##lot -##lich -##lna -##lidal -##ss -##sin -##sonite -##slie -##sps -##spect -##tro -##tan -##tam -##tures -##tally -##tled -##taz -##tanov -##p2 -##pinel -##peed -##rystal -##dam -##gd -##gos -##mite -##monic -##mise -##fa -##fri -##fo2 -##xi -##02 -##51 -##5si -##wu -##wes -##wth -##wcz -##hl -##hj -##hman -##hstan -##hematic -##buff -##bia -##bric -##brian -##beck -##200 -##2sio4 -##kel -##kop -##kola -##83 -##89 -##36 -##48 -##74 -##67 -##6d3 -##øy -##π6d3 -thrust -##ons -##ony -##onot -##ondi -##ontite -##onium -##onucl -##erf -##erical -##eritic -##eria -##erto -##tier -##tith -##tify -##esi -##encl -##enocrysts -##enki -##inis -##inates +##eu +##ef +##eiro +##vill +##vian +##viron +##vpdb +##ratite +##riqu +##sa +##scan +##say +##stein +##sfontein +##sorption +##sanjan +##ias +##ios +##iad +##ired +##iogranite +##tug +##tana +##toria +##taminated +##l2 +##lough +##linal +##liable +##o8 +##oon +##oin +##oand +##with +##wakh +##nn +##nian +##normal +##gre +##pile +##puts +##ha +##hal +##hance +##hrey +##hmeh +##core +##cke +##cotte +##ym +##yk +##yer +##yenites +##uqu +##uities +##ml +##my +##mes +##mos +##mad +##mogenic +##miao +##dt +##des +##dan +##dem +##dale +##ddle +##xite +##xand +##xian +##xiang +##zal +##zones +##zakh +##ztug +##jacent +##3b +##84 +##81 +##86 +##82 +##fan +##fat +##fag +##ford +##funta +##ben +##bir +##ball +##bench +##400 +##klin +##17 +##110 +##600 +##5d +##27 +##qiling +thorite +##temp +##tegr +##onts +##onbrid +##onaro +##tia +##titite +##tiform +##tiago +##reement +##rect +##reira +##inar +##inif +##inca +##inning ##integr -##als -##alence -##alers -##allest -##itre -##itting -##itally -##itates -##ato -##atation +##ndall +##erd +##erts +##eritic +##ertained +##erland +##esia +##eshmeh +inser +##eno +##entite +##eness +##enov +##entes +##enbauer +##environ +##arte +##organ +##orrect +##icou +##icity +##iceous +##roic +##rothermal +##edel +##edder +##iton +##itus +##ante +##anites +##anced +##asi +##aska +##ategy +##olves +##oluble +##ollement +##olotti +##isk +##ison +##istal +##isable +##isches +##isotopic +##idad +##idental +##atal ##atable -##atonic ##atoric -ine -inwards -ingrowth -inev -inert -##reement -##reads -##arget -##arged -##araka -##orf -##orate -##oriness -##roy -##ropping -##rogate -##rotron -##asi -##asis -##asaka -##ictive -##ician -##ented -##entation -##entally -##lee -##leuc -##leifs -##ane -##anar -##anhyd -##anian -##anches -##anvil -##mped -##elin +##atche +##atsite +##atanga +##atzal ##elted -##olin -##olas -##olvating -toasted -##ingly -##sims -##uri -##urface -conical -contig -concurs -consolidated -##agi -##aghan -##agnetite -##aguchi -##acz -##acies -##activity -coating -copl -cowork -coiled -cogenetic -##eto -##ethy -##etani -ishi -##idus -##iday -##idates -##idating -##idental -##idleifs -##iso -##isen -##isel -##isher -##issol -##issible -##issions -##isks -##igt -##iguing -##uli -##uls -##ulic -##ulus -##ulder -##ulian -reil -rejection -reheated -##imann -##owater -fork -##iler -##ilway -exter -exagger -##thmic -##usting -##atives -stat -stan -stall -stone -stern -stalder -asu -ascrib -compet -compact -alps -##reski -##tson -##tserr -##osol -anov -an60 -antith -##terland -##terok -##ota -##otectonic -##otethy -beer -beau -##luv -##ucity -die -dile -##iba -##ibles -##ighting -##abara -##emed -motiv -wholly -tektites -contour -contoured -##ams -##amme -##amelts -##irable -onion -ort -or75 -organ -prove -proved -proute -prohib -prospect -##quartz -gras -gravel -##omerates -##ouin -##ticed -##antum -##ives -##ivocal -deion -dealers -deemed -maitre -sho -inch -trial -trond -tried -tridy -##verage -chu -chap -cheral -##geting -##apa -##aphed -diffused -reson -restite -plac -pliocene -##tein -colon -basically -clou -parents -haase -hauri -mind -minna -minnes -temperatureand -wasser -washed -wasyl -spin -spreads -user -interpl -interested -interphase -interrupted -intercepts -olv -##mented -##ioleuc -mineralizing -ab24 -##coni -##consin -weaver -pertain +##elec +##eleira +touch +##ulse +##uliani +##ularto +##leys +##trical +##aga +##agh +##mpted +##ustin +##ocol +##ocolumbite +iso +isometric +##acion +##acity +##acles +##acitic +dem +deve +deif +deals +##thing +##uri +##urc +##uran +##uride +##urgical +##ento +cones +conly +coh +cox +coat +cored +cook +cotectic +coaxial +alg +aluminous +alluvium +alaska +foram +##atia +##atistic +bea +bead +retr +retic +requ +rejected +minus +minip +asb +##ilinear +##romatic +##izone +##izenbauer +##ainment +##imuth +##imetres +##tsberg +##tsdam +##pherd +mineralic +mineralium +depicts +depiction +##omon +##omain +##ombe +##omanian +atud +attend +##erer +##section +##ables +anch +anto +answ +##amas +##amient +grt +gram +graca +##ouver +stains +stored +statistic +##cea +sueno +##yss +##yser +##ysian +##yston +chen +chil +chain +chart +chun +chrome +cheng +chao +cheshmeh +fluvi +##etnam +##etfontein +##oped +shed +compact +compacting +maar +##gets +##gement +##gebir +sultana +##ogope +proof +projections +projects +prodem +prompted +disse dispar disintegr -feg -fe0 -feas -quar -quanta +orch +difunta +##verine +##verty +quita +quench quasi -quantum -caltec -##pherical -##asson -##assed -##cher -##chenite -##chondritic -##chbaum -relief -##utable -module -modreski -##essulph -unqu +##ightest +##emens +##emnite +incident +incorrect +saddle +##quist +##addle +##ppm +##iba +##ibly +teks +##antz +basically +basanites +##chu +##chromatic +##irre +##iras +hauter +cruc +crud +crater +craggy +cristal +resolved +resumed +plg +plains +seand +##yde +uns unity -unav -unequ -uniax -##strate -frisch -fridleifs -envelop -notation -meter -metav -subj -subcr -subregular -subarc -subangular -subglacial -subdu -substructure -subchondritic -substrate -analyte -obli -plagioleuc -##ellerite +unsu +uneconomic +stripped +strateg +strategy +straddle +interconnected +##rouba +##mental +lowto +lowered +hyde +##assa +calcites +card +cartesian +repulse +##ongw +clicit +hydrolog +##aping +##apur +##apvaal +##uded +##ivian +premetamorphic +pretoria +constric +geograph +gendall +typified +artesian +##allite +##allis +neub +##ractive +##raclough +##ney +abu +abut +aband +abuts +abnormal +presenting +##illonite +spite +sp13 +split indones -indentation -##vedsonite -depicts -depicting -##endices -appendices -meet -imbric -concentrates -concentrically -cancel -canadian -crustally -##sover -gln -gloss -##akhstan -soles -solar -solving -premise -simg -caand -cawth -##ormal -silicified -addi -smallest -garnwith -108 -109 -1070 -1040 -1016 -sugawara -expose -expedi -richet -##cury -hasterok -glassed -hydra -carib -carlo -carley -cargos -decipher -geo -geom -geometric -impl -impac -imperf -##istan -##ypov -therein -generates -erased -ertan -overlo -undiffer -effusion -effusively -po4 -poitr -poya -regards -201 -202 -20ne -sique -lee -leaves -legs -leached -leuth -##ensky -score -script -scss -##illed -##illouin -comparative -comparably -##bons +industr +##ipated +##anda +fawakh +##tencies +cukα +enlow +entit +enriqu +enhance +noritic +noranda +##stan +subgr +subcrop +subidi +imaged +##itivity +locate +mod4 +##iak +param +lease +leica +siltite +acl +action +accept +obducted +meant +##spec +feas +feio +corona +##uniform +##lacement +##ondritic +overnight +overthr +imagem +diffus +variants +variables +marsch +biased +biref +biostratigraphy +biedel +suggestion +boztug +wherein +caico +cauldron +canister +##ochroic +uranoan +belemnite +10b +adit +adsor +adiab +advantage +adsorption +melange +melbourne +seriate +seriously +##istown +regular +regress +##fication +##ficially +lateto +##hedra +hosston +magnetitite +applies +oliver +micritic +secular +agents +agrup +limiting +precludes +##aveng +undisco +##ctor +##arez +chalcopyrites +scope +scml +scaveng +somewhere +##angle +sourcing +doming +complement +doleritic +skin +accounts +accidental +epox +southwards +crustiform +charged +surges +geologia +moved +moyston +potsdam +poverty +moncl +impar +impart +impreg +impala +imposing +##iquan underlies -underlain -slate -slice -presently -##genbach -raises -railway +postemp +peter +brighter +salient +schm +plagiogranite +186 +geochem +treat +complexly +sl2 +replacive +elba +elatsite +noting +desulf +descend +mantles +mantled +verde +##ipitated +prime +##co3 +majdan +sericitised +##dermit +studying +##cla +##clastic +processed +microhe +microtex +matches +matching +transverse +sovere +trendlines +plumas +plugs +##parts +differently +apron +405 +steens +respects +158 +152 +barring +barraclough +refractive +sanded +sanding +ppge +zirconium +##lovite +outboard +##ramite +wallace +defle +##termost +generalized +lazen +continually +expon +decollement +remote +terre +##ieving +orogenies +stratification +secondand +corrections +correcting +lithification +lithotectonic +191 +1950 +radiograph +homogene +timeball +centrif +maniar +##respective +trista +trickle +trimethyl +drillcore +irwin +irrespective +superior +supergi +potter +evidences +evidently +amphibolitic +reductants +traceable +extensions +roedder +contentious +apatites +stockpile +localisation +40arr +sioul +siemens +normalizing +mineralogic +mineralogies +frantz +correlating +505 +50to +plateaus +111 +115 +considers +solfat +solomon +##amba +prediction +synform +illitization +149 +stratigraphical +westernmost +##incor +arsenate +126 +122 +##obamba +coarsely +304 +132 +counts +counted +angel +supplemented +foils +forest +distinctively +cenomanian +plotting +stressed +steepened +##strained +##geneous +##terogeneous +##eanas +comparative +creeks +shallowest +eastward +westward +baima +absorbed +flour +flatter rhythmic -healing -heimann -amt -amster -becker -##bergite -solidi -coming -##entiated -specified -redlich -monte -monogene -monod -montserr -11b -116 -1130 -completion -1220 -1240 -1235 -microc -microch -micropro -derives -##angement -##angzhou -extents -naoh -saturating -##epke -##oughs -primocrysts -primocrystic -##rational -plugs -lah -lafl -reminis -assembled -1005 -1002 -locus -locate -locating -intriguing -cuts -desolvating -desirable -greys -greece -mathematic -cools -syrac -40k -polish -19f -195 -1950 -1975 -##liable -##lified -##liao +turner +turned +turpin +turcotte +itabiritic +cm2 +ended +aggregated +pitombe +isochore +isochemical +ernest +ertsberg +##logsfontein +titration +kazakh +kaapvaal +confines +confident +extrusion +##xistent +swell +switz +16o +168 +164 +166 +fluorites +##naphthal +##copic +closes +##kai +transposed +transporting +spectrometers +delhi +lasted +##tstanding structured -plutonism -prevalence -verification -##cedony -curtin -##ovician -oxybar -explor -continents -construct -##plots -commerc -##icking -capability -posit -albites -1530 -1520 -1575 -134 -1380 -1375 -1356 -obtaining -profound -dissolving -mesoproterozoic -predated -predates -requisite -controller -uncomm -uncorre -finero -radiometric -radionucl -chemicals -dominating -pexp -pelee -bluff -demands -manufact -foundation -##ifying -supplying -soufri -nband -1812 -auer -latent -latypov -norms -diamondi -sectional -sectioning -barometric -simpl -simplest -diagonal -developments -predictive -ulvos -##enged -##engai -feldspathic -3011 -flowed +releasing +nonuniform +phenomen +metasomati +ferru +ferreira +##ancies +paragenes +231 +##ushi +floyd +marker +markers +panxi +pangea +rivers +rietfontein +magnification +shepherd orientated -drastic -clues -crystallises -neglec -megacrystic -observing -elabor -harmonic -diffusively -midpoint -1990 -behaviors -taur -tectonite -bring -brines -branches -brillouin -precisions -kncmas -lasted -lasaga -longonot -normalize -polyphase -niij -niida -approximates -mn2 -##srand -##burgh -differentiate -differentiates -differentiating -spectrograph -trachyd -multianvil -separating -fuj -fuel -poorer -extra -extrinsic -epr -correlating -slows -superheated -supercontinent -selective -scharer -schifformationn -##landt -southeastern -ultras -takahashi -##ographed -256 -confusion -fourth -fourfold -incompatibility -dynamically -##erged -introducing -halter -halves -reactivity -tera -lightly -lightest -##yla -conven -keel -1000lna -petrologists -paucity -fluxing -adjusting -##arko -northernmost -labram -converts -1101 -initio -initiates -homogeneously -irre -irving -offer -camer -cambrian -polymet -greenish -documents -dryness -ceases -ceased -luhr -luoning -archive -8768 -correspondingly -liner -opened -permits -permitted -permissible -amongst -decompressional -crossing -retrogressed -properly -property -704 -706 -7088 -baltic -baldw -missile -wallace -topography -attracted -arrangement -migrates +bahamas +footwalls mediated -chalcedony -deviatoric -860 -865 -##incke -joined -log10 -355 -354 -35cl -3525 -stef -glaucophanite -glaucophanites -2350 -##scan -excesses -exsolutions -stratification -edenitic -polars -freely -sv03 -scattering -scatterplots -populated -shifting -graduate -stillwater -fastto -mcin -mercury -##prp -needle -implicit +sillito +tappe +tauride +705 +2063b +ordering +simplest +universal +universidad +prefix +petrographical +##rystalline +goat +##itoids +##abasic +permil +illustration +increasingly +proton +acidity +irregularto 241 -6000 -cycl -shared -2200 -gask -4500 -emslie -emissions -aligns +##nings +polychromatic alternate -martinez -necessitates -photographed -highlighting -farver -circled -circulate -exclusion -exclusive -chromitite -minimally -minimise -seemingly -blacktail -282 -28si -fivefold -##etsky -005 -002 -004 -0097 -correspondence -goodness -eosfit -cationic -interstices -intersample -predominately -succeed -##maier -strengths -exhumational -homogenously -storlidal -gaetani -squared -ideally -tensions -tenner -advent -constitution -isochrons -weaker -refractoriness -molecule -3600 -3625 -caso -cashman -purple -3200 -thermobarometric -033 -331 -335 -robin -sakuy -connect -218 -crucibles -mtz -sheppard -shirasaka -ltd -tethys -023 -37ar -milling -millhol -xrct -chemographic -bottaz -nitric -sinking -##nedah -##ofels -revert -colourless -encour +alternatives +stepwise +outermost +outstanding +progressing +##riasian +principles +356 +352 +35cl +doce +opens +##aldson +##imetric +heavily +808 +sanuk +santiago +h2co3 +s2a +documenting +restriction +accompany +em8 +emap +em91 +fiamma +attribut +δ13cvpdb +267 +268 +265 +870 +permeabilities +considerations +bluish +piccol +offers +offsw +distinguishable +northwestto +episyenites +1993 +1991 +positioning +edax +detritus +volcaniclastics +loizenbauer +pseudomorphic +pseudomorphed +domeyk +behaved +visually +coverage +##chester +aguirre +323 +329 +polito +##omicrolite +mcken +mcdermit +sb2s3 +packet widths -spheres -plagiogranitic -298 -pulur -seismically -overprints -apparatuses -helpful -nanometers -isotherms -resistors -segregate -blee -passes -columbia -distinguishes -facilitating -cscl -seismicity -sands -sandstones -vanadium -vanishes -temporarily -1985 -1988 -1983 -1987 -retaining -hua -macro -unretro -unreliable -intragranular -jointing -columnar -packages -swar -swelling -sweden -teschenite -evaporate -##ographical -steepening -tracking -actinide -designated -explosions -displacements -drawing -expanding -5200 -boiling -crossover -stagnation -guide -guangzhou -ashwal -indexing -kilomet -inhibition -correctly -5941 -digested -digitally -h2s -h2om -statistic -knowing -8800 -schistose -coordinate -coordinates -isobars -episode -eroded -##shtanov -coincide -paragenesis -analyzing -dimensionality -fundamentally -windows -63cu -machaoy -nams +lutite +pele +strecke +examines +examining +immature +proportionally +##mineralized +sims +vo30b +clarke +temporary +bordonaro +glide +paulo +amongst +rosiere +sixth +enveloped +berriasian +gabbronoritic +serpentines +surveyed +rotating +##born +dispropor +kurok +profound +profiling +photographic +photographed +664 +##rupole +subsiding +216 +296 +balanced +cpos +camscan +liu +tongtian +transferred +bittern +duke +duarte +quantified +entrainment +postdeposition +behaves +574 +penhal +ybn +rl60 +attention +attenuating +sharply +oligo +tectonized +coinciding +tholeiites +fluctuation +extremity +521 +lucas +105pd +centimetric +lsz +termination +463 +guang +##indanes +infills +outlier +summarize +spanned +1984 +shorter +evaporiteand +nuclei +275 +272 +346 +helium +palmer +gravitation +gravimetric +granulitic +parameter +harrisite +discriminated +binchuan +f353 +f382 +hollandite +calcretes +enhancing +sierras +paleoenviron +reproducible +519 +banatitic +bifurc +catch names -namur -trenches -precursory -precursors -validated -radioactivity -successions -successively -995 -england -compensate -plausibly -moser -mosser -renormal -rigorously -utility -insets -electrop -electromag -favoring -consumes -consuming -aerosol -skin -skarn -tanks -##noscand -##caes -districts -coronae -concerned -hqb900t -fails -##16o -conceptual -cohes -chronometry +naturally +reconc +reconf +truncating +programs +idding +idmhbx +##pended +connect +physico +541 +565 +autunian +csiro +doubt +passive +##ganically +discontinuities +1978 +1974 +construct +detectors +instruments +bismite +dasi +giuliani +##umption +exceeding +cracking +hypothesized +deltaic +penetrate +damage +draw +sinian chronologic -metabasic -polymerized -migmati -migmatitic -built -occupies -strikingly -987 -##ynski -##kenburg -thresholds -atlantis -anisotropy -collided -unmelted -monzonite -schmincke -destroy -turning -isoplot -disagreement -clinoand -noticeably -microanalytical -microanalyzer -foils -130ba -assimilant -favours -boroughs -cotectics -traveled -uncontam -tectono -mcdonald -sigm -ttarget -vermicular -##watersrand -##board -coarsely -enhancement -arfvedsonite -preclude -precluding -127310 -srmvf -hollowed -hypothesize -7700 -kawai -kawano -mottled -tuohy -tuyla -thousand -shimabara -frictional -advantages -legend -volatilization -dehydrogenated -circumstances -destabilize -destabilizes -mirrors -fes2 -pellets -tubes -tubing -##argement -energetics -geospeed -agglomerates -freeze -taiwan -multiply -multiplying -spheroids -candidates -happen -liberated -##pd25 -congruently -compressibility -shrinking -microphenocrysts -synchrotron -neglect -manifestation -visualize -da0 -drew -lerchbaum -isograds -anticlock -anticipated -deficiency -colloidal -lifetime -arsenian +chronometers +chronologically +resident +residence +indexes +geothermobar +551 +617 +sensibly +sensitivity +utilizes +quadrupole +spikings +lobes +integrating +hybridization +cathysian +nineteen +tmcla +vietnam +invoked +sudan +occupy +assessing +nevoria +1968 +1960 +peninsular +strengthened +779 +realized +fluorination +highlights +sloping +735 +certainly +files +filament +susp +suspended +science +scattering +drives +005 +cfb +etc +kamenov +nash +reviews +spreading +feedback +dominating +interlayer +jb11 +jb100 +jb110 +devolatization +conforms +chaucha +redistributed +montmor +robinson +hiatuses +024 +airie +sx100 +targeted +##ennan +seismogenic +unreliable +ubiquitously +family +franklin +thorough +thorianite +##enko +deviates +deviatoric +ascended +fluxing +shifting +exactly +acquire +marlstones +microfracture +483 +495 +cationic +crenulations +fibers +munich +pinch +sutured +interfing +interfering +recalculation +transforms +transformations +delaminated +disturbances +reconstructed +8900 +aplites +bhatia +clues +murray +masked +temora +velay +##heated +##470 +criterion +accreted +poikil +transgressive +emphasised +ignimb +antimony +denoted +hclo4 +hollin +necks +modelled +concerned +millimetric +kaolinitic +kaolinitization +paleogeography +slower +instability +instances +caribe +manganiferous +manganoan +manganocolumbite +mylonitization +building +builds +drove +garven +krib +missing +shielded +undergoes +leucosome +alexand +germanium +pumiceous +warm +##pek +##formal +##forward +inorganically +anticlines +anticlinal +##ogabbro +validity +conservative +overpressuring +overpressured +albitites +settled orthoand -petrographically -supersaturated -logarithm -concomitantly -cylinders -geothermobarometers -elucidating -vermiculation -eulerian -indirectly -1h16o -getting -koepke -menengai -petrel -s81 -thomson -conformity -stemming -antao -ordovician -suevitic -unchanging -ims12 -heaters -infinitely -survive -survived -invoke -disturbance -traditionally -susceptible -aids -ds62 -fenn -fennoscand -gunnedah -miscibility -psamm -pmelts -stirred -##wald -tower -compromise -##izuka -phosphate -uniquely -enlargement -12730 -penetrating -spherulites -radioisotopes -mildly -2907a -exhaustion -synchronously -monotonically -wavenumbers -dictated -gemstone -halliday -ichiy -jumps -kharaka -kogiso -kogarko -mimic -satisfy -cryptic -crypto -sudo -sudden -parabolic -interpolated -foliated -foliations -drainage -invariably -harris -harrison -envisaged -attributes -attributable -striped -autoradiograph -autoradiography -magnesiohornblende -magnesiohastingsite -reinforced -ellipses -barium -cpfu -eye -eggler -giulian -hinterland -kenya -rhod -woods -wittmann -andersen -ishizuka -execution -extinction -computation -projects -physicochemical -trønnes -subalkaline -soaked -adakites -thermofisher -microtektites -longitudinal +permitting +960 +groove +liberation +questionable +straightforward +neoarchean +stereographic +controversy +hyperfine +pelagic +huangshanxi +duplicated +534 +ccd +receiver +departamento +intercepting +arrangement +obscure +accommodating +147sm +publications +robustly +destabilising +psammite +psammopelitic +hongqiling +siberian +warped +windy +##gerich +proceeds +phanerocrystalline +melagabbronorites +microveins +smoothing +1957 +radioisotopic +centimetres multiplied -selvedges -bohlen -l1405 -accompanying -ringwoodite -chloritized -badh15 -intermittently -birefringence -edifice -hierarchical -unexplored -2804 -bernini -c592 -densely -etched -false -garita -hkf -jmc -krawcz -mengel -nutrients -papale -rinsed -rubidium -riebeck -rhomb -wisconsin -wendlandt -ys13 -inertial -##stein -today -coleman -excursion -alphamelts -crenulated -answer -diatexite -inclined -spiral -entropy -enigmatic -enormous -seelbronn -scavenged -sc1191 -slurries -recommended -ammonia -amalgamation -129xe -12ky2 -infilling -intraslab -transparent -europium -1543cpx3h -uncovered -demarcated -au75pd25 -transpressional -edinburgh -metasomatizing -bathymetry -millimeters -embayments -hercynite -rendering -unpublished -kamenetsky -unconformably -fsc1332r01 -perspective -inadequate -2phl -aizawa -aumuh -aogashima -bivariate -bannock -bourd -cicconi -cemented -c608 -cuspate -ductile -duplicate -daughter -economic -eurasian -fossi -gaseous -geneva -girnis -henry +thermochronometers +volatility +03048 +03049 +ellipses +692 +culmin +lagoa +pleochroic +pallatanga +q1stw +roman +##lemaine +retarded +stagnant +uncontaminated +reprecipitated +neotethys +rectangle +propagation +ultrasound +rheological +triangle +multidomain +brookian +leucogranitic +manifestation +grossular +vectors +zebra +deficit +advance +grenville +grenvill +superbasin +clearest +7089 +challenge +challenging +miospores +condensed +corroborates +unambiguously +federal +hunan +q2stw +utct +wolverine +thousand +altaite +attainment +happened +striped +intracrystalline +prevalent +persist +persists +advected +weighing +microbanding +microspect +switch +repeats +francistown +otd470 +reinforces +azimuth +cosmogenic +fuentes +gamma +gameleira +iteration +iterations +myriad +rafts +rafsanjan +sedex +##lateau +concealed +revised +ascertained +annual +staining +disaggreg +disagreement +diffractometer +diffractograms +serrations +serraria +impedance +schorlite +decimeter +counterparts +clinopyroxenes +spectacular +spectacularly +keeping +176lu +176hf +288ma +resembling +tantalum +tantalates +stoichiometric +concurrently +lithogeoch +lithogeochemical +billion +donaldson +dugdale +gorge +glycol +godlev +h3po4 hopper -hosting -jolis -kapoho -kazakhstan -katsura -lengenbach -lakshtanov -lachlan -lledo -murnaghan -nappe -otrøy -pirard -pantellerite -pioneering -qreaction -qemscan -ragged -ribbons -rscm -sasaki -tzm -tatsumi -ustc -voigt -vincent +hedenquist +lipman +maslovite +machine +pucara +pinnacles +venado +wyborn +##point +depolymerization +suprapur +computation +mazatzal +##quartzite +metastable +septentr +interbeds +hydrogeology +marshall +admixture +olistostromic +survived +sequestered +desilicified +outcropping +contradict +manitou +discerned +##gradational +synthesis +synclines +coarsening +adjusted +footnote +humphrey +attributes +anorthosites +earthquakes +rosettes +liandratite +exhausted +submicroscopic +encouraged +subdivisions +eggers +tmhh +surprising +stromatolitic +hercynian +advocate +satisfact +tibetan +anastomosing +babia +castlemaine +ethylene +fecl2 +hellenic +kuscu +lollingite +mclennan +portugal +tentatively +ucz voxel -witwatersrand -words -wiesmaier -wadsleyite -wesselton -xfe3 -yoder -yaxley -zartman -zajacz -ϕsusp -##5si8o22 -##hjem -inevitable -##anhydrite -contiguous -coplanar -coworkers -ishii -##issolved -reilly -exterior -ascribe -anovitz -antithetical -prouteau +winchester +xiangshan +intact deionized -trondhjem -tridymite -chapman -cheralite -minnesota -wasserburg -wasylenki -interplay +deuterium +course +alberta +grinding +chappelle +maghemite +quiescence +plantain +unexpl +interleaved +phreatic +goldhaber +spiral +fayalite +subchondritic pertaining -caltech -##essulphide -uniaxial -fridleifsson -metavolcanic -subcratonic -subdued -oblique -plagioleucitites +martitization +adequate +appalachians +drainage +barrier +reequilibration +aquitanian +mesoscopic +multistage +erzgebir +fernando +universitat +thermobarometry +aguilera +jumping +scapolitization +submerged +encapsulated +molecules +supersaturation +dtr385 +dtr327 +reinvestigated +kharrouba +wolframite +7820353 +washington +unequivocal +bicarbonate +baddel +bortolotti +cigar +cumay +cantal +dengying +einaudi +falconbrid +flac3d +fankou +garden +giegerich +gobi +gossan +gansu +joslin +javoy +jachym +jupiter +kipushi +kettara +konkola +ltd +lingxiang +lizardite +london +lignite +lorenzo +mogogope +nutr +nelson +ovoid +ojala +oorlogsfontein +pocobamba +padilla +pestle +pampeanas +rarity +rastered +samson +siah +saskatche +satellite +u3o8 +vancouver +vennemann +vitrinite +δcalcite +##greenschist +##fagasta +##benz +##iniferal +insert +deveci +foraminiferal +reticulate +miniplateau +antofagasta +##amiento +statistics +chaotic +prodeminca +disparate +disintegration +orchin +incorrectly +teksim +hauterivian +crudely +cristalino +strategies +hydrological +geographical +neubauer +abandon indonesia -cawthorn -expedition -hydraulic -undifferentiated -poitrasson -siqueiros -leuthold -amsterdam -monogenetic -monodisperse -montserrat -microprobes -laflamme -reminiscent -greyscale -mathematical -syracuse -commercial -1520cpx3h -uncommon -soufriere -diamondiferous -ulvospinel -3011b -drastically -kncmash -niijima -baldwin -sakuyama -millhollen -bottazzi -unretrogressed -kilometre -machaoying -electromagnetic -uncontaminated -geospeedometry -lerchbaumer -anticlockwise -psammitic -ichiyama -giuliani -krawczynski -riebeckite -aumuhle -0ρ -014 -025 -1d -1ʹ -1ch -1to -2m -2k -2al -2h2o -214 -260 -215 -2ca -3h -3β -3and -3sm -3fe -330 -3to -325 -3h2 -3sio2 -3quartz -4d +fawakhir +entitled +enriquillo +subidiomorphic +overthrust +marschik +birefring +biedelman +adsorbed +adiabatic +regressing +oliveros +agrupamiento +undiscovered +scavenged +epoxy +monclova +impregn +postemplacement +elbaite +descending +majdanpek +microheterogeneous +sovereign +plumasites +lazenby +supergiant +sioulot +kazakhstan +switzerland +##naphthalenes +phenomenon +ferrugin +parageneses +sillitoe +tappeh +sanukitoids +attributable +piccoli +offswith +domeyko +mckenzie +mcdermitt +streckeisen +disproportion +kuroko +tongtianmiao +postdepositional +penhalonga +rl605d +paleoenvironmental +jb114 +montmorillonite +alexandre +grenvillian +godlevskite +septentrional +erzgebirge +falconbridge +jachymov +saskatchewan +080 +002 +1c +1ka +1pyro +1wt +2i +2g +2h +2f +2ti +2fe +2quartz +3u +3σ +4t 4g -4f -4π -4si -410 -490 -465 -473 -440 -4h2 -5e -514 -560 -7g -770 -890 -825 -9c -990 -a1 -ak -a3 -aes -aen -aus -aad -aided -bh -ban -bis -brom -bence -bend -bach -buch -bill -babb -boz -bick -bisc -boud -bisch -bifs -cd -cx -c0 -cα -cλ -cel -cac +4d +4j +4lith +5f +580 +6h +640 +620 +697 +780 +8g +8m +81 +84s +880 +915 +ae +ay +aoc +ails +ah2o +akin +austin +bs +bol +biz +bess +ball +bip +bik +boch +bgr +bert +bola +bump +bmhbx +bostic +bourn +cis cab -city -crow -ccl -cacl -cps -c58 -doz -dfe -dh2o -drove -dimin -ee -eick -eales -eev -eichel -fc -fs -f2 -fem -fam -fence -flog +cad +cost +cay +cep +casting +db +dos +dow +dab +dore +dach +days +dinar +doped +ey +ent +ende +edu +ejected +ejection +einas +eye +fx +fra fand -fick +fount +fift +fiber flex -flegre -fictive -fessulphide -gv -gy -g2 -g3 -gro -gop -gut -gak -gore -gently -gsc -gsid -gigan -hat -him -hain -horn -hold -i0 -ith -iab -i00 -iolite -jr -jer -jam -jorn -jsm -jaw -jiang -joll -jaff +fonts +gh +g1 +git +giz +get +gib +gall +gah +guan +gui +guil +hm +hon +his +hac +hur +hart +hog +hond +hick +hust +hlp +hind +hero +hann +husse +hilton +iz +iow +item +ioko +ji +jen +jul +jus +jard +jose +jord +jah +jean +jci +kt kw -kal -kat -kor -kan -king -kus -kely -kds -kgh -kise -kbr -kik -kui -ly -lh -lα -lor -lag -lid -luc -lant -lend -lapp -lloy -lapping -lyon -lakes -lidy -mal -mur -mio -mct +k7 +kb +k6 +kro +kol +kow +kand +kup +kend +ketch +kpt +klem +kidd +lb +ler +lig +lut +lull +latite +lland +lish +logn +lists +luna +longe +m1 +mein +marly +mist mism -m50 -mord -nn -nk -nz -nol -nac -nap -nne -nancy -nerc -null -nions -omp -ost -oasis -pw -pδ -pon -pamp -pater -pall -pear -posed -peters -push -piles -pdol -p11 -papag -panned -poue -pitzer -qm -rr -rol -rum -rog -rene -rapp -rained -rcc -rosen -rarer -rpi -s5 -sis -sant -sver -sse -sri -song -sack -sky -t0 -t2 -tel -trom -tio -tds -tall -tree -torm -tied -tund -tick -tank -tiss -uw -uot -u14 -v0 +mca +mack +mumin +maced +misc +master +nh +nin +nes +ning +nay +nist +nose +nah +nug +nyl +n30 +od +o4 +oac +ove +oph +och +oand +oun +omit +oakes +pf +ped +pig +pir +pne +pand +ppl +pak +pun +pages +pail +peng +poll +qe +qα +qmd +ry +rm +rd +r3 +r2 +row +rush +rice +rises +rwth +s1 +sat +sag +sent +sure +som +sess +seld +sik +soci +stem +seng +tes +tig +tnt +tand +tun +tav +tah +tms +tacl +tina +tsr +tabas +tula +task +tiles +tsch +tropical +uv +uh +um +uem +v2 von -vand -vest -wi -w3 -wen -wds -wpm -wake -wfy +vas +vil +vam +vad +vib +vene +viv +veld +vare +vial +vinc +v2o3 +vumba +villi +vpdb +wd +wer +wit +wac +wur +wot +wein +waring wales +worth +wisp +wonga xz -xor -xil -yv +ya +yı +yes yam -yog -yard -yund -y2o3 -yili -zh -zan -zinc -þu -ƒh2 -αand -δv -δp -δg -δ2 -εv -λ0 -πah -σ0exp -##nb -##non -##nan -##nel -##niz -##nton -##e0 -##eal -##eism -##eties -##ehn -##eelite -##qz -##uer -##uan -##uded -##uky -##ience -##isive -##isional -##itization -##itiveness -##iwu -##iams -##vd +zk +zro +zur +zanjan +ƒs2 +##ez +##ek +##eth +##eur +##evas +##eyite +##vs ##var -##vere -##vard -##vian -##vised -##oe -##o6 -##ositive -##oked -##ostruct -##oining +##vogen +##vido +##vallis +##rical +##rystal +##rie +##rime +##rty +##sing +##sest +##sbs +##sanal +##iq +##iop +##iian +##iably +##iho +##iott +##iwan +##iente +##iuro +##tum +##tach +##tane +##talcite +##tapiolite +##lb +##lle +##lts +##lock +##lations +##lates +##lsr +##lank +##oel +##otr +##oac +##oom +##oting +##oform +##oble +##ober +##ovol +##orest ##oire -##c2 +##oule +##oherent +##wu +##wal +##witz +##nin +##nan +##nys +##net +##nut +##nick +##ners +##nement +##nard +##nier +##gus +##gian +##gun +##gare +##gonite +##gui +##gung +##gaba +##guric +##aan +##aase +##ault +##arest +##aurite +##averite +##ping +##pow +##part +##pell +##perite +##poration +##puk +##pans +##polation +##ht +##hac +##hyp +##hama +##hla +##house +##huy +##helm +##hombic +##cn +##coc +##com ##come -##coun -##cai -##cator -##aq -##ait -##aoning -##lon -##lace -##lates -##lization -##lides -##lorite -##lished -##sit -##sus -##scribed -##tl -##t9 -##tor -##typ -##tler -##tna -##tario -##tfon -##tug -##yk -##yth -##ymer -##yring -##ygd -##pv -##pg -##pres -##p2o -##pass -##pari -##pisson -##rt -##rb -##r2 -##rent -##rag -##ray -##r06 -##ractive -##dd -##db -##dal -##dish -##gers -##gary -##gner -##genetically -##gster -##mir -##more +##cial +##cences +##cks +##cceed +##cmar +##yen +##yor +##yle +##ytic +##yang +##yman +##yana +##uf +##uing +##uting +##uap +##uber +##uah +##uhe +##uato +##uverite +##m1 +##m2 +##main +##mous +##may +##mak ##mond -##matite -##mospheric -##18 -##130 -##fx -##fur -##fus -##fem -##found -##fort -##fels +##mile +##mented +##matter +##mulated +##melted +##do +##dy ##xon -##01 -##we -##wed -##wall -##wh2o -##wered -##hin -##how -##here -##hra -##hauer -##hornblende -##bil -##bog -##bio -##bial -##body -##bby -##bai -##bax -##borne -##balt -##2b -##28 -##213 -##2sps -##2p2o -##je -##jon -##jos -##jav -##jections -##janes -##jensky -##kr -##kα -##kat -##kro -##kol -##kur -##ktite -##kstan -##kla -##zy -##zr -##zz -##zio -##zins -##zian -##zinc -##zirc -##zky -##zca -##zolin -##84 -##86 -##3p +##xts +##xam +##xist +##xeu +##zte +##zur +##zentr +##zond +##zers +##zanite +##zanas +##ji +##jes +##jada +##jima ##38 -##34 -##3si -##3cl -##3prp -##46 -##475 -##911 -##7c -##71 -##79 -##61 -##69 -##ϕsed -##øsd -##ƒo2 -thomp -##onet -##onites -##onous -##erti -##erts -##erges -##erup -##erbil -##tison -##tifies -##esf -##ests -##esitic -##enk -##enan -##enue -##enberg -##enaga -##ennan -##inal -##inter -##ineral -##inian -##edt -##edent -##edinn +##3gr +##73 +##fers +##fort +##fors +##foliated +##bul +##bts +##band +##berite +##bach +##bott +##bicular +##bromic +##43 +##48 +##41 +##km +##kstr +##koy +##kinson +##know +##6b +##213 +##qing +thm +thund +thresh +##tec +##tean +##tect +##teani +##ontite +##onents +##onkin +thet +theses +theories +##tized +##titive +##tieth +##tisanal +##rea +##relement +##inization +##inder +##inbur ##alth -##alus -##al2o -##alitic -##alism -##alian -##itat -##itor -##itter -##itte -##itch -##itaxial -##ndt -##ndel -##ndur -##aton -##atch -##atmospheric -inges -inform -inward -inland -in10 -inlet -inoue -inboard +##alunite +##alde +##nda +##ndal +##ndor +##nding +##erg +##erol +##ergen +##eranza +##ermont +##ermak +##eses +##esitic +##escop +inac +inherent +intimate injections -##rea -##ret -##reated -##reous -andalus -##aru -##aram -##arcon -##aracter -##arric -##arches -##orr -##orus -##orial -##orfer -##orova -##ro2 -##roph -##rotom -##asies -##icity -##ictions -##icacies -##iccator -##enta -##entzian -##leted -##leber -##letz -##leaving -##anu -##anne -##anks -##anaki -##antified -##anagi -##anofels -##anzolin -##mptly -##eluch -##elia -##elof -##elberg -##stac -##olded -##olvable -##olymer -touch -topl -toky -##ingled -##sio -##si0 -##sio3 -##ithfully -##ithms -##urer -##urian -##urprising -conject -concepts -##ags -##agmatic -##acor -##acly -##actic +##enne +##enci +##encing +##enzie +##entieth +##arite +##aras +##arran +##arill +##arst +##arsen +##arjeh +##organic +##orhombic +##icle +##icum +##rook +##rode +##roidal +##ede +##edee +##itas +##itate +##itree +##itty +##itann +##anges +##anub +##anhydrite +##anilla +##anani +##asic +##ationn +##osi +##osic +##osilicate +##oshi +##oscale +##olic +##olas +##olly +##olam +##olinite +##olidation +##isian +##isana +##ids +##idt +##idel +##idized +##idium +##idised +##idently +##idito +##idgian +##ats +##atra +##atogenic +##atoph +##elin +##elting +##eliho +toc +tocop +tomic +##ulite +##ulas +##ultr +##ulong +##ulates +##inga +##ingement +##lea +##lean +##leum +##tration +##tray +##trict +##agan +##mped +##mpei +##uses +##ustry +##ocap +##ocron +##octa +##lysis +##lygonite +isom +isobar +isolation +##aco +##actin ##acites -cos -cox -coil -coding -cosm -coales -cogn -cobalt -##eted -##etre -##etong -##etyp -isle -isoc -##idx -##idation -##idite -##idity -##idellite -##idelberg -##isin -##isited -##isaki -##ischat -##igatti -##igmatite -##ulze -reun -rewr -reyk -##iment -##iman -##imetric -##imaru -##owski -##lys -##lyte -forest -##ectite -##ectivity -##ecnk -##ilm -##ilations -##ocrystalline -exit -##thon -##thrust -##usher -##uscri -##usanne -##atibly -stp -storm -store -stoch -stout -stays -stably -strec -stotal -ask -aspherical -compelling -compilations -al2 -alam -alther -alme -altitude -alfa -alluv -alarcon -atβ -atyp -attes -##oper -##opole -##oplastic -##tsch -crd -crude -crusher -melson -melvil -melbourne -##oscop -##osyn -##osurface -anhed -an75 -an62 -##terber -##otes -##oten -##otry -##otland -##ffered -befus -beidellite -##luor -dia -dixon -##ibly -##ibniz -##ngat -##abo -##aba -##ablation -##emens -##emontite -moment -moo2 -moord -moacy -moana -##izonal -whis -whate -whene -##ami -##amg -onuma -ontario -ori -##perby -##periclase -##umed -proves -promptly -##quare -grit -grant -##oma -##icho -##erator -sunk -suffered -prescribed -##oge -##ogether -##ogok -phi -phlegre -tempting -##iving -##ivine -##iveluch -dead +##acios +dew +decc +dewater dealing -deuts -deering -magenta -##tinga -##inear -shtr -shell -shast -shales -shah -shiveluch -incident -try -trd -trib -trav -tract -tribu -trying -##vert -##verized -##vertical -##versus +##thab +##thene +##thrus +##throws +##urs +##urization +##urable +##urring +congo +##terud +##terpre +##terisk +co3 +coin +copl +code +cohes +codes +als +alun +alask +alger +aliph +##iger +##igmatic +##iguing +##urer +formal +forward +forced +##atile +##atisation +beata +beak +beard +beach +begun +reb +reju +reorgan +rehama +rearran +miner +miners +minnes +asterisk +##iliation +##erals +##eralite +##romes +##izer +##vez +##ainian +##lux +##imented +##imech +##ions +##phyr +##phalian +##omark +##omiro +attar +##erestim +##seite +##sendor +##abyss +antig +anony +anorogenic +anqing +##amc +##amic +##amura +##amiak +##ockite +grguric +gritty +##otyp +##oda +##odec +##umi +##ummon +##umble +stw +sta +stan +stau +suff +suess +succeed +##yses +##ysts +##eces +##ectiv +##ectivity +cho +chem chad +chess +chale +chack chance -chard -chiqu -chew -chinner -##apas -##apted -##apace -##apolite -##apsed -##aporite -##apto -##see -##sey -resides -resided -##ockwise -colima +champ +chih +chomel +chips +chenta +cherts +chicou +cheralite +##etat +##oplo +##oplank +rocky +shah +sheb +shakh +shonkin +compart +compens +wholes +wholly +##therham +max +mauna +mavogen +##geo +sulu +##tinov +##ogumm +prox +proff +protected +progradational +disk +discl +distant +disks +exert +orbicular +onwards +online +##agement +diver +diap +diente +dirty +dixon +diocta +maglo +##vern +##vera +quen +##mala +##malite +formulated +##uco +##emassa +incon +incised +incoherent +sax +said +saur +saved +sawed +##ques +##quen +##queb +##ading +##adcumulate +##ibirs +##ibayi +##onets +bastite baso4 -basements -bastna +##cher +##chem +##chbe +##chuk +##chief +##iring +##irine +##irable +##irism +##irons +veinand +haut +hajar +hauss +criss +metab +metaps +metagabbron +resto +resolve +restitic +resorbed +resumption +restrict +relic +relies +relvas +relief +plain +plai +plio +alters +unable +unra +unav +unox +univariant +unstrained +unmelted +##olds +##oldt +struverite +interre +intersp +interact +interconn +interpolation +highs +highto +magmatogenic +##uta +##utterud +##igured +##ffen +##ffite +##fform +lows +lowand +lowens +##ranted +##ifi +##iford +valenta +##wegung +##orer +##oremen +intrap +intratell +intriguing +carc +carro +carval +carmen +colima +##eney +phl +phill +clan clots -climate -clockwise -parad -parana -hauff -hauls -minus -elem -##trdp -rocky -spe -speng -spanned +clermont +hydrotalcite +hydrobromic +bettach +##apot +##apatite +##apsed +##apov +##uda +##udoin +##iving +##000 +consens +consolidation +gets +geoci +geob +gezond +geocron +geffen +typify +arr +arco +argo +arrh +arising +artific +artisanal +arapov +##allo +##otopographic +neody +neuma +nearest +##neis +##necea +pyrite2 +abad +abra +abak +abuk +ablated +presumed +prescribed +spark +spott spray -usp -##lesse -interand -intermedi -interleaving -liaoning -ab1 -ablating -##rie -weill -perce -perov -periph -##geson -acces -acute -acme -ackn -disk -dismem -feand -feather -feomelt -quoted -##phite -##assen -##unsti -##unately -##unier -bettison -##ayi -##aya -##ayos -reli -relates -relics -##utter -##utoy -unans -unimodal -unev -untest -unbuff -fram -france -franc -franzolin -frischat -notes -notations -formalism -evaporite -pressureand -metz -metre -metatex -subrou -subreg -subaer -subtyp -subatmospheric -subvertical -obl -obsc -oblate -oberti -obstac -mantleand -fluorite -seated -seyl -sealing -seifer -search -severe -seaton -searches -##adep -##adonite -##addle -##adiman -##ellar -h2obul -h2osims -india -nez -neon -neoproterozoic -nepal -##ongshan -replic -republ -replace -datum -depolymer -stubby -##allon -##alled -##hyolite -##theron -##dered -##endorf -silurian -increments -art -arizon -aridus -appeal -meeting -mewith -meisel -meunier -mgs -mgt -mgco -concentrating -up213 -equates -soda -sokol -thanks -strange -strath -##soft +##raz +indented +industry +##ipt +##ipate +##ipulated +##iplan +##ipontite +volk +##andian +##andesitic +hydrothermalism +carbonization +carbonized +carbonatitic +carbonatisation +fauna +cu2s +cuevas +eng +enorm +ensem +encr +enigmatic +norsem +##stad +##standing +oxford +subse +suboph +subeconomic +subzones +subgreenschist +subbott +##ivered +##itidal +collective +associate ##ght -##ghton -globar -glomer +##iakov +parr +parana +paroo +paringa +concise +concave +lee +levi +leitz ##aking -##akov -corner -solved -solutes -preand -prelev -preablation -fluidal -simon -caomelt -considers -variant -variants -varieties -vale -##ormick -prt -lowerto -##atured -##achi -italian -adverse -adrian -adcumul -adhere -adapted -elementally -elementary -zonations -smyth -garne -10c -102 -1020 -1075 -1029 -##oster -##ostat -##tines -suggestions -expel -exported -expelled -richest -richmond -##current -detecting -detached -detectors -hashin -calculates -calculator -carbs -carapace -deciph -decisive -geographic -gehl -geolas -imping -imposition -impose -impacts -##isturb -imagej -wherein -whereup -##upets -thermochemical -thermoplastic -moreira -##ifications -liquidi -era -erzinc -indications -overgrow +##akourt +silt +ustinov +##ologisches +acts +acting +acme +acamp +acute +acmite +acknow +perce +perched +perimorph +peroxide +peritidal +mej +meion +meurer +meimech +volcanology +volcanoclastic +indices +fei +feg +fe0 +feel +fekα +coral +corals +corvallis +cortum +corporation +##onds +overs +overtur +overbur overwh -ocellar -undeg -undisturb -efforts -regia -magmasat -203 -2050 -2090 -sip -siand -sieved -sieving -siletz -siemens -lew -leake -leka -leverage -leibniz -containers -granoblastic -bultfon -scik -scope -scaled -sc59 -scoria -scotland -scapolite -##illin -ours -phengitic -carbonic -carbonation -carbonaceous +overcome +overthrus +ranks +##ystematic +##elli +notwith +diffused +variant +varioel +mainand +maintain +martin +marath +bioclastic +biomark +caution +cawth +cazanas +##ersed +##ersion +##ersley +canoa +##blastic +##took +##ochs +uranoth +pb2 +##rosmalite +metamorphogenic +admit +mela +melgare +serve +seritized +serrated +serbo +silicon +silicated +##istan +##istane +comagmatic +twinning +twentieth +regressed +##uegui +massa +southerly +concentrically +olmos +olvido +maybe +microm +##ignific +agent +agpa +prat +prince +prices +pristane +recrystal +magnetites +##avi +##ava +##avorite +undated +undistinguishable +underestim +breached +brenda +##athan +##athco +scp +allier +complemented +dolerites +##yroxene +skal +skutterud +alteredorganic +##ensen +##ensity +texcoc +epma +epstein +epizone +epochs +upsection +charco +charlot +surging +geologisch +sulphosalt +ams +ammon +amanc +amster +amarill +moorn +moesia +pool +pooling +poorest +poorer +20s +20to +montro +monash +monnet +equate +characterization +impingement +##denmay +undertook +peach +peyg +peperite +peedee +bru +bring +britann +sequentially +head +heathco +syne +182 +1898 +slide slates slivers -recast -timber -##8osi -mitig -##genbergite -productivity -bounding -eclogitization -##arded -agard -agcl -somewhere -somehow -orthopyroxeneand -seconds -hept -hekla -heidelberg -amq -amygd -amelia -likeli -##bert -##bered -novel -nova -noticed -##ipovich -##ipapa -refining -refractive -charged -comment -accr -redissolved -reddish -respond -##gra -##granular -##grs2 -##ochrom -##ochem -##ochemistry -monochrom -121 -124 -microcr -microcl -micrographic -microdomains -microencl -microbial -microsoft -microgranular -deriving -derivatives -inflation -infinity -inflating -infolded -##angle -##angotry -extant -patag -pb2p2o -surficial -surrogate -surpass -erupting -eruptibility -naal -naip -na2si -nazca -saturates -majoritic -python -##insically -correcting -bears -primordi -primitiveness -conducive -partitions -plug -laur -laeter -lauras -laiwu -lausanne -arctic -arculus -folding -folia -alkalies -remote -remix -provisional -vega -100ca -belkin -loci -locock -alongside -lithologically -intricacies -intrinsically -cu3cl -cuillin -desiccator -##hani -##hannes -ti4 -tietong -characterise -representations -srand -sredinn -gregra -mat25 -##ubanite -coolest -transected -translation -translates -syros -generality -generalised -partitioned -discl -discs -discarded -192 -1900 -1970 -1911 -limbs -xenoblastic -prevents -regionally -verified -vernon -lineation -feld -nearest -curvil -##ovolcanic -eugster -##itudes -closes -##pl1 -complexly -##azawa -particip -participated -commences -committe -transitioning -ifs -outg -outward -growths -graphic -graphical -moles -deplete -depletes -albared -magnitudes -15a -151 -155 -158 -153 -157 -156 -1580 -15fe0 -15enk -serving -137 -1325 -13ecnk -obtains -absma -profiling -ilima -altering -alterations -williams -empty -originates -finland -fineto -zrsio -radiant -dominance -##obe -##obs -145 -148 -1415 -1465 -1473 -peate -peacor -##crt9 -##crasies -grouped -petrogenetically -effectiveness -volcans -volcanos -newfound -demiro -manuscri -manangotry -standpoint -dependences -dependencies -##ifies -apophy -numerator -##licting -##oney -pointing -nb2o5 -parametric -sulfate -sulfates -181 -183 -1890 -1819 -188osi -depletedand -aug -augites -augitic -distribute -##iqueria -spineland -##odzins -##iano -##hey -##heat -##head -##ishima -synt -defin -opxand -thickest -thickening -singular -kyush -390 -barren -discusses -cmme -##smic -##smow -diagenetic -diagenesis -predicting -ulten -ultim -veinlet -calibrants -flowers -µm2 -blast -blade -blatter -lambert -mmc -drc -drained -drøsd -multitude -anymore -50e -clumped -negro -megacrystal +sliding elan -elkins +elmer elapsed -harl -haraguchi -harvard -harsit -igwes -midand -lamellas -sulphite -brass -brun -bridge -brenan -brigatti -distinctions -severs -ending -avach -knipovich -lasting -lherzoliteand -facts -faceted -polygenetic -polyvin -nisi0 -approximations -approximating -mounting -influencing -##ushima -##classi +notion +novo +nothing +desired +desirable +verma +vergent +##berts +##berment +##mek +explore +##coeur +majias +postvolcanic +postkinematic +postmetamorphic +##aching +##achment +fractionate +sericites +hory +horse +oscc +osmond ##clasts -##aean -##fe2sio4 -##fe5si8o22 -##eneses -minority -characteristically -##brane -contaminations -##bean -combine -extragr -harzburgitic -epitaxial -epizonal -##anner -planck -linearity -1675 -1666 -1663 -##tyre -correlative -easier -eskola -superg -selecting -numbered -schock -schau -schult -scheelite -schulze -schiano -earths -northwestern -ultradep -nuclides -μm2 -##ogranite -173 -255 -259 -2500 -2590 -##o23 -conflicting -activated -activator -nucleates -delay -delta -delivers -seek -seeing -loew -incompatibly -united -impactor -orebody -portr -terminated -varga -##hnite -ilmenites -roume -roelof -rooster -##1024 -plutonics -sums -##oidable -localization -filtered -##ylamm -convected -variously -##ausible -trachybasal -trachybasalt -picture -picrites -picabo -##voisin -platelets -helgeson -paid -fewr -sequentially -##iki -##ikman -sedimentation -reflectance -##mma -adjoining -agreed -memory -memorial -membrane -##cuts -601 -geochronometer -##odiorites -condit -brook -brovar -ionov -label -paleotethy -converging -convergence -benefit -beneficial -denver -instantly -instabilities -installed -elevates -initiating -heterad -universally -universitat -entirety -younging -irrational -cannat -experiences -experiential -transporting -retard -retains -responsive -cease -1127 -blocky -archetyp -archhani -archaean -87rb -possibilities -faithfully -fahey -perman -infiltrate -crosscuts -missed -misclassi -probing -residing -torngat -torlesse -torishima -walled -##1400 -topuz -topographic -induction -inducing -replacements -catch -catacl -catacly -crepisson -deviates -deviating -confirmation -8600 -8616 -fallen -falloon -positioned -flax -joining -johannes -angel -modulation -broadening -holistic -logged -logƒo2 -357 -3544 -3566 -stepping +##clinal +traction +microg +micropl +drs +druse +drumm +drummon +##formational +faced +facings +smallest +proposes +proponents +propensity +##onsolidated +mat25 +translated +translith +translates +soares +soamiak +afc +aforemen +apamc +##resses steadily -summed -wedges -234 -237 -##script -accumulate -edong -edax -parallels +stella +stendal +##rence +infier +informal +##olytic +barites +sphere +refining +refinement +sandoux +sandiford +##keting +##crystall +##crasite +##cript +hematitic +outg +output +outputs +albitised +defant +definite +default +crystallaria +alkalis +##ralan +separator +beltana +generalised +musoshi +laurite +lajes +##ailable +continents +expect +express +exposes +expensive +decision +decimetre +probabilities +mantleand +remelting +terras +orogens +secondor +cutoff +lithocap +lithotyp +blind +blaine +blurring +1919 +radiol +radiography +ultrabasic +rhombic +flowing +manually +manipulated +portray +pyritization +##hydrothermal +##kesworth +crossing +try +trat +trains +trival +trilinear +2008 +eugen +euxin +fining +finish +reexam +δ34sanhydrite +platformal +iridium +ample +ampli +galiuro +superjacent +superficially +foldbelt +potosi +##auth +39arca +selecting +selectively +numbered +numerals +takht +dissolves +dissipate +crustally +##valleys +rotherham +roberts +homogenised +1000 +##terskop +newest +sioule +patrick +##uba +reflection +caled +calama +calaverite +srm +correlative +correlatable +##tifying +furong +equilibrate +113 +##graded +creation +creede +najinshan +naphthal +solved +totals +##ambool +predic +stronger +measurable +synorogenic +greenockite +14a +dov +dob +dozen +##ustations +detachment +reactivity +12a +12c +128 +121 +129 +##oba +efforts +effectiv +argues +coarsest +chanthab +133 +##smore +appearing +supposed +supplying +monzogabbro +mesob +mesobreccia +thinly +##orican +fo9 +curtin parallelism -##neisses -polarizer -oceanographic -svm -##afes -aqua -galgenbergite -poppi -concert -graded -fe2si2o6 -literatures -fastand -mcle -mcgary -##oka -##okull -shortest -quantifies -merit -graywack -substitute -substituted -ohara -colorimetric -clastand -geothermometric -247 -2400 -opal -options -ccim -cyclicity -necking -sharing -fills -emog -emerges -aligning -alignments -δ56fem -##asonable -photo -photon -photos -##apsules -carbonatiteand -drillhole -farallon -viability -visibly -reproducing -dunitic -ebsps -excav -excitation -δ56fehornblende -δ56febio -excludes -chrome -chromium -minimised -017 -016 -floors -floods -floatation -accelerate -2845 -264 -2600 -26mg -binding -eastward -eastonite -ultrapure -0037 -mwd3 -achterber -imagined -correspondent -##kelynite -equaled -intersecting -recrystallizes -recrystallisation -achieving -exhuming -homogenizing -biases -promotes -storing -gaoping -gaussi -dougl -izmir -izanagi -tenfold -##153 -insitu -globular -advance -advected -recognised -recognition -brightness -opposing -weakening -ferropericlase -favoured -narrowly -narrowest -casted -purge -divide -dividing -divariant -uniformity -3268 -655 -tsvz -tsushima -##haus -copious -sixfold -035 -037 -733 -airborne -sakuma -tarim -targeting -taranaki -realized -immature -connectivity -repeat -creep -restriction -cmask -841 -846 -84sr -84kr -##ractionated -shea -pargasites -vesiculation -morphological -welcome -directional -negligibly -schematically -batholiths -022 -026 -37on -3700 -milled -##po4 -neoblast -preference -gabbronoritic -porphyroclasts -340 -345 -348 -3415 -3411 -3463 -aiming -bottinga -rifted -reverses -percents -percalcic -encirc -removes -markl -elongation -targets -spherules -undersaturation -underscores -pull -pulverized -wrap -wrapping -##tzmann -dissected -##stratigraphic -pyropes -outcome -outcropping -appropriately -helped -isothermally -reactor -resistor -expansive -recovers -usefulness -peculi -wetter -ancaster -1206 +parallelograms +##aysian +##ugation +steepen +steepening +abundantly +afford +affiliation +pyroxeneand +##ylbenz +tourna +##oking +##okuz +mmto +##upta +##upaas +##upaase +tourmalinite +tourmalinization +particle +##ocrytic +coevally +coexist +comparably +replacements +paleote +paleocl +paleoto +westphalian +baoshan +degassed +flipped +flash +flushed +petroleum +environnement +pseudoh +mna +topic +dynam gneissosity -idealized -3100 -38ar -3800 -cspvs -tabulated -temora -thirty -thirteen -altogether -addresses -excellently -931 -pinilla -pinhole -sandstone -sandsh -views -##fuhra -forsteritic -diffusant -coldest -ensures -1982 -autocrystic -gibson -hui -unreasonable -leucite -joint -jointly -columns -emphasise -packings +orthorhombic +itabira +hypabyss +##ebian +##ebird +author +ending +dipeta +dipyram +multimineral +younging +hornblendeand +meteorites +conflic +confinement +confidently +extracts +extracting +extruded +deplete +stimulated +keays +##isey swir -switzer -switch -avoiding -steepens -steepness -278 -2700 -432 -presuming -debatable -tracks -actinides -solvated -redistribute -designating -exploited -displacing -tschermack -bode -boulder -boehn -maskelynite -piemontite -divergent -divergence -expectations -absorbances -dilles -freshest -stream -ashes -indexed -oscillation -tschermaks -543 -685 -689 -kilometer -kilometers -kilbourne -inhibiting -attended -questioned -85co3 -8530f -bri5 -##osie -statistics -proceeded -proceeding -##omagnetic -##omagmatic -corrob -propagate -cathode -buoyantly -instrumentation -88sr -hsmi -sb1024 -schists -schistosity -capacitor -mobilize -stretched -467 -57co -fayalitic -rotations -rotational -warrant -##shore -coincides -coincidental -beyer -paragenetically -parageneses -monitors -discussing -percolate -percolates -percolative -ophiolitic -jxa85 -dttrdp -foremost -l1420 -l1425 -l1411 -l1416 -l1421 -l1434 -morita -machined -nist97 -quadrants -ampli -beds -bedding -bedard -certified -odds -routine -exerted -compensated -compensator -basics -basicity -smoothly -accomplished -loops -episodically -budgets -remobilisation -campi -campanian -eightfold -idiosyn -tongbai -institution -revisited -attaining -barrovian -magnesiokat -consume -aeromagnetic -d2a -dendrites -fischer -gmag -skins -wolkenburg -##cairn -aluminian -hyperb -hyperion -transiently -discriminant -2908o -788 -976 -9744 -elusive -failing -failure -lesher -rastering -##fiers -##analytical -tomkins -chronometer -chronological -unfav -unfractionated -metaborate -nordlys -southwardly -contemporary -builds -peninsular -occupancy -occupying -occasional -apertures -dafn -feco -mitutoy -tentative -tensor -vastly -collerson -interfere -rhyodacites +swapping +swann +stands +standpoint +167 +mgand +recognizable +recognisable +##azer +##ographically +southernmost +geochronometer +broke +brousse +pyroaurite +pyrolysis +258 +256 +##ije +boris +borralan +millimetres +chloroform +transposition +transpressive +isochrons +500m +delivers +delivered +densely +364 +lasaga +possibilities +situations +downthrows +footprint +chromium +resistive +photon +nbf +nonaltered +nonfoliated +phenoand +phenocrytic +ferric +ferrand +fergus +ferberite +saturating +paragneiss +float +floored +lambert +fournier +##oxene +influences +gao +aaa +panel +rios +periodic +hardly +shea +sheath +oriental +carries +puys +taand +tao4 +taiwan +##omorphically +703 +709 +##nerites +sapph +metallurgical +603 +60to +collage +collided +essa +intensive +intensified +178 +171 +172 +investigating +permo +graphically +recrystallize +avoca +##insk monzodiorites -manifests -inspired -3cas -lanson -lanka -turner -##iliar -##ussaq -crushable -shutting -weighing -weighting -depressions -underplated -microanalyses -electronics -assimilate -assimilating -suspected -disseminations -ubiquitously -accommodates -6100 -bonadiman -nsvz -nsusp -complications -annite -pressurisation -geobarometers -geobarometric -underestimate -tectonomet -tectonomagmatic -feco3l -anatolian -troctolitic -626 -hardness -ttn -turned -isochores -criterion -triangle -hafsk -subsets -nephelin +protuber +378 +37ark +248 +246 +2400 +papua +insoluble +insignific +polyte +polycrystalline +polymerization +thermometric +thermof +thermometers +thermodec +##bsite +brineand +correspondingly +argillized +argillaceous +355 +converting +statement mexican -precluded -geochemists -delineating -terminates -terminating -terminology -reversals -discriminated -electrode -electrolyte -kawate -##ajokull -##innon -antecedent -spiked -ca2fe5si8o22 -orthogneiss -orthogneisses -δ18or -setups -1978 -african -tetrad -tetragonal -circumv -circumscribed -penetrated -quadruplet -mosaicism -unfortunate -mirroring -bordered -bordering -conejos -persistent -energetically -hygrometers -practice -practically -improvement -pyroph -capturing -mechanics -1792 -classifying +optim +optically +optics +bonao +boniat +contexts +##imeter +heavitree +807 +sanche +semiquan +##eiras +##tzite +metaev +metaquartzite +metaultr +tenuous +teniente +tenmile +cavitation +erratic +merenskyite +d4a +restricts +em10 +em34 +em36 +em43 +labs +##uminosity +jasp +interelement +223 +227 +226 +dependant +attract +δ13cfluid +264 +caption +capacity +freshly +freshest +freshwater +gasbench +##ammites +geofors +bluebird +stratovol +yangxin +yangzte +##aired +offer +offered +leaches +belonged +##ovkoy +##ulfides +conclusive +earths +mighty +pulsed +pulped +polarization +widest +##3041 +phosphorite +phosphorites +positioned +reactivate +promotes +edx +edinbur +greyish +150to +8600 +loa +lovera +constituted +pseudomorphing +sweep +sweeney +induction +inducing laboratoire -adiabatically -disaggregation -disaggregate -symplectites -symplectitic -rejuvenated -happens -ivrea -iteratively -kink -opaques -villages -villarric -##archean -##orrelation -algorithms -ankara -ankaram -shrink -maximized -contaminating -contaminants -nonlinearity +branco +branched +brannerites +##axially +##timi +diamic +diamante +328 +polyde +poliakov +santo +##ajuato +clayand +marcoux +millions +burke +hfo2 +thirdly +juarez +planche +pellets +##exagonal +strelts +immersion +proportional +simmon +voisey +##lmazer +##tructural +heterolith +experimentally +glare +glance +paas +innermost +spinels +devitr +removes +transportation +harold +harraz +climates +climatic +differentiates +differentiating +452 +bernard +lastly +lengths +tintina +precisions +budgets +espace +espaly +esperanza +rotates +flattening +##after +tuyor +tuneis +tuokuz +favors +preference +northeastward +nickeline +663 +666 +digest +karlsr +peraluminosity +##ridge +columnar +leucite +leucoxene +281 +286 +285 +blending +bleaching +neto +ug1 +ugalde +##rupted +tending +subscript +218 +297 +291 +904 +cpm1 +liq +nguba +purification +tongling +transfers +bituminous +duuring +exchanged +exchanges +quantification +quantify +quantifying +entrance +montejan +monteiro +postdating +remobilised +remobilisation +573 +57co +57fe +operate +operator +bakker +mylonite +pennin +##burne +##rock +europium +views +653 +651 +655 +attenuated +subordinated +microfoss +microfissure +tectonosedimentary +tectonomagmatic +tholeiite +38ar +dognecea +macro +mac12 +##overian +outsize +337 +331 +527 +528 +525 +fallick +properly +seventh +105c +breakoff +bottcher +easiest +lisburne +snp +snow +sonora +evaluations +468 +guthr +guyana +guemassa +iranian +sarm +##indrical +intercalation +percentages +magnitudes +598 +##innigan +##enius +1983 +convecting +vo17 +vo181 +nucleated +nucleates +nucleating +273 +344 +754 +helmy +palacios +ssw +granule +##ngszentr +discriminants +bini +binding +f332 +f392 +holt +michoac +invert +neuquen +subtly +subtropical +triga +trigonal +paleohydrothermal +paleovalleys +incorporate +incorporating +reasonably +513 +516 +515 +datum +morteani +namurian +porphyroclastic +truncate +haloes +favoring +ceramic +idaite +##aquan +connectivity +physi +physics +descriptive +544 +564 +7115 +nonsulfides +##nelly +##ynarjeh +##ynclinal +discontinuity +1973 +1971 +discordantly +substantiated +globules +urad +exceeded +exceedingly +repetition +penetration +penetrates +479 +losert +nanoscale +sinuous +disrupt +residuum +190ad +kilogram +rubbly +utilize +zalduegui +sunnys +spiky +advances +escarp +414 +763 +spotted +micaschists +limitations +website +plumes +mesoadcumulate +collapsed +hybridized +helpful +cathaysian +tmc +viability +invades +invading +invoking +##ogranitic +expands +blanks +1963 +1967 +1960s +ferrotapiolite +ferroactin +strengths +770 +987 +981 +drops +##ukwe +reality +realgar +exclusion +uniformly +1018 +10180 +juxtaposed +bismuthide +ats20 +cells +ideally +sustained +grandite +undetected +scatterpl +trachytes +trachyandesitic +mountainous +mountainland +flooded +001 +molded +moldanub +zeolites +problematic +restoration +dominion +mobilise +interlayering +583 +cementation +eht +jb12 +conforming +chavez +cups +cupric +cupolas +cupidito +montpell +072 +aeros +bacteria +colder +mottles +sabina +##yano +stacks +competitive +trenching +semiconsolidated +facilitates +067 +424 +barely +francoeur +hofform +lapa +xianshan +##dorffite +thorogumm +isoprime +deviate +decrepitate +endowments +powdery +powderized +488 +444 +491 +c17 +munzur +muntean +pinching +pinabe +##meridgian +##ontologisches +arenaceous +chondritic +unfoliated +interference +interferences +obtaining +regressions +oscillating +derivative +traversing +establishing +hyalophane +repeatedly +bhp +bhvo +clue +kinked +miyano +otavi +pocket +velhas +##heating +reactant +amblygonite +transgresses +emphasize +emphasizes +ignoring +trips +furnishes +coexists +flushing +ach9980 +ach9915 +ach9916 +ach9984 +challenged +synchronously +ecuadorian +amygdale +denotes +habahe +pieces +palaontologisches +sodically +alpers +complications +enables +enabling +channeling +delineate +kaolinization +kaolinized +kaolinitisation +virtue +virtual +lherzolites +lherzolitic +idealized +xianghuap +03033 +673 +675 +gerf +raised +raises +soleyman +##oblasts +reinterpre +arkosic +103rh +blanketed +blankets +blanketing +uplifting +cobaltine +cobaltian incompletely -summarised -summarizes -reviewed +mylonites +zarshuran +629 +bisulfide +botroidal +built +drosendor +ewing +ellis +elliott +eighty +krcmar +tls +coordinated +##tschmar +quintupled +orthopyroxenite +hypersolv +hypersthene +cataclasis +buena +kerogen +kernel +keratoph +vanad +vanadium +warranted +##khorn +##asterly +anticipated +stromatic +##ogabbros +dismiss +applications +accelerator +symmetrical +orthogneiss +emerging +emergence +emergent +excludes +hutchison +carefully +conspicuously +970 +fmq +groat +kambove +rossing +questioned +hydroxide +hydroxyl +hydrolysis +collectors +acadian +crusher +201hg +stereoplo +stereonets +employs +chromatogram +camera +idiomorphically +metapelitic +inconsistencies +7109 +7102 +batman +batches +batatal +bayerite +ccp +rods +vacuo +vacancies +##zoni +metadacites +nephrite +obscuring +peruvian +transects +microanalyses +inferring +millimetreto +plumbing +destabilises +velocities +interestingly +eclogitic +brackets +bracket +crescent +tanzanite +windich +ingred +phaneritic +##canoes +subvertically +substitute +biozone +202hg +decoupled +smelterskop +1958 +1954 +evaporative +thermochronologic +03044 +davidson +dismemberment +ribboned +framboids +buckhorn +c22 +latir +lagoeiro +muerto +morton +squee +##repitated +anatolia +stagnation +spessartite +melanorite +melanocratic +melanogabbros +pegmatoidal +nonconformable manifestations -##cpx3h1 -droplet -visualized -visualisation -surveyed -himalaya -ipfz -da2 -palau -siberia -tightly -##holm -insert -inhomogeneity -reinvestig -alm62 -anticorrelation -deficit -objects -neoarchean -depositional -equivalence -hydroxy -hydroxides -monotonous -contradiction -contradicts -outpaces -eliminating -delivered -fragmented -reconstructions -advantageous -philippines -categ -froth -ihpv -kohn -kooten -mineoka -petdb -sapph -tilted -vitri -vitale -vitreous -vigorously -waipapa -##dtdt -##factory -##442 -exemplified -supcrt9 +russell +spherulites +hyperaridity +trondhjemite +trondhjemites +intermittently +99ru +amalia +caco +categor +categories +dysle +dysoxic +dysaerobic +dyscrasite +hb3gr +kojima +vrije +andradite +conductivity +protores +diatremes +metacarbonate +metamic +replicating +replenished +premier +geosynclinal +concomitantly +botryoids +grenoble +preferable +capoeiras +leucogabbro +instituto +kilometres +challenges +condensation +ahmad +jacare +kfs +kongling +md4 +utm +vo26b +##3525 +aliquot +altaids +attaining +intracontinental +carbonatites +boquillas +redeposition +redissolved +novosibirs +microband +microspec +rhyodacitic +govern +blueschists +viscous +polishing +prevailing +huangshaping +reinforcing +embayments +symplectitic +kersantites +indirectly +azul +aphebian +cosmic +cartoons +durations +durchbe +ethiop +frost +froodite +gulson +hamilton +hamisana +hamersley +holders +hco3 +italy +italics +jadeite +kimmeridgian +myrmek +ozchem +radomiro +sirius sustain -intermingled -subhorizontally -neutron -overcoming -granodiorites -backfilled -identifies -postdates -trachyandesitic -concordance -caso4anhydrite -leucogranofels -phenomenological -agglomerated -splitter -splitting -230th -270p -berndt -boynton -justify -muerto -murotom -pitcairn -vug -vugs -##schen -##enois -town -towns -rectangle -stromatic -suturing -phosphates -phosphorus -feotot -enlarge -enlarged -enabled -cafesi -footwall -1479 -haloes -refertilized -penetrative -unrealistically -sweep -octahedra -2908a -2908b -2908j -brecciated -concurrent -2102 -balls -ballhaus -castle -dorogok -dorendorf -daines -gauge -gautheron -ichiki -khz -mimicking -munich -munzirc -nimis -pcds -ryuky -ramped -ramping -sitkin -slugs -satisfactory -tons -##lstedt -##981 -rearr -reworking -stereonet -stereoscop -deformations -deformable -climatic -climactic -parabola -haughton -interpolation -abrasion -peripheries -relaxation -seeds -artefact -adhered -screening -screened -fertility -invariance -devitrification -envisage -chromatographic -symmetrically -reinforces -turbulent -elliptical -a154 -benfon -bowl -bowen -bariogenic -eggins -fyfe -fy130 -lobe -lobate -mp98 -mpwa -mccormick -vaal -woermann -##odep -##jd10 -##zuela -ishimaru -extinct -computational -##ophorite -projections -trøndel -unsuit -unsurprising -subaluminous -microscale -microsyring -microtektite -descend -descending -longitudinally -multiplicity -selvedge -instantaneously -7500c -asterisks -advocated -nanosem -nanosecond -pinkish -assignment -l1407 -encounters -chloritization -palaeosurface -palaeodep -intermittent -ptrh6 -ptrh30 -birefringent -edifices -hierarchal -punctured -puncturing -unexplained -bundles -cavities -cavosie -camebax -dm1 -darcy -darongshan -damping -fedorova -hampers -hackett -k412 -k411 -kohistan -kohlstedt -mudstone -ovr -passively -qinling -qinzhou -ranked -tlse -venezky -venezuela -xmapto -##utia -##cumulates -##minating -fortuit -fortunately -stockholm -madison -shuangliao -shuangcai -incubation -incubate -triggers -choose -interdiffusion -interdiffuse -dissipation -feeding -unresolved -unresolvable -evacuation -evacuated -subsumed -subgroup -subglacially -subgrain -subgrains -assertion -up193fx -glacier -hastingsite -declines -imparts -205pb -rafts -rafael -microvesic -microvesicular -community -bauberger -devolatilized -devolatilization -diopsides -diopsidic -delimits -illumination -illuminate -irradiated -architectures -distortion -distortions -protocol -protocols -publication -simplifying -autoclastic -resembled +torres +torch +conceiv +concepts +convincingly +bears +reader +stainless +stopes +stopped +shizhuy +hawiian +hawkesworth +unevenly +2025b +impedances +postsedimentary +pendant +pendants +decimeters +traveling +trajectory +multicollector +counterpart +clinopyroxenite +mildly +pulverised +edifice +obliquely +townsville +interlocked +lensoid +filtering resemblance -ceramic -ceramics -mc1314r07 -spidergrams -centimetre -centimetres -inaccurate +78203525 +dtr309 +buildup +stoichiometry +radioactivity +elucidated +replenishing +geosciences +leucogabbronorites +tweezers +akanani +billiton +donnelly +ecole +eckstr +fingerprint +glynn +gunpow +hopping +hedenbergite +langworthy +mfd +mirr +pinnate +tsavorite +veizer +vencel +wyoming +wenzel +wenlock +##gaard +inhibit +retreat +retreated +depolymer +computational +quarry +metastability +septal +seeds +interbedding +perthitic +persisted +persistence +admixtures +appealed +olistostromes +allocated +allocating +survive +sequestration +noticeable +outcome +contractional +decipher +deciphered +manitoba +discern +reevaluated +synclinal +coarsened +134xeu +curvature +curviplan +adjusting +footnotes +photoelec +233u +retrogression +retrogressive +anorthositic +earthquake +rosette +subsystems +submicrometer +holloway +surprisingly +hercynite +ultrasonically +advocated +thmsg600 +benches +biggest +hammarst +kyle +likeliho +mounds +nfs +naked +nakamura +pilot +piercing +rudnick +tucson +tucuman +tianshan +tazakourt +##ozi +thirty +thirteen +andersonian +##ischer +coalesce covariation -covariance -conspicuously -await -boltzmann -bryant -cnacl -culminating -crest -cadoux -horiba -humped -huckleber -jobin -kirk -l0911 -lopolith -locked -mallik -mackinnon -pedro -pierce -roman -said -tfc -tanton -ttr0 -##kopje -exaggerated -statement -stanford -sterner -compete -beaufort -dilemma -motivation -prohibit -resonance -placing -clouded -ab247 -disparate -disintegration -feasible -quarries -unquantified -unavoidable -unequivocal -envelope +alkyl +byproduct +byproducts +statistical +statistically +##yramidal +chrysocol +chrysober +sharman +hamper +hampered +phytane +cloudy +hydrofracture +hydrofracturing +armorican +imbricate imbricated -solartron -additions -caribbean -geoanalytical -geometrical -implausible -impactites -imperfect -overlooked -microcapsules -microchemistry -lahkstan -oxybarometers -uncorrected -radionuclides -simplifications -neglecting -elaborated -tauride -bringing -trachydacite -ultrasonic -convenience -camera -polymetallic -mcintyre -cycladic -gaskets -282153 -eosfit7c -succeeded -0333p -encouraging -bleeken -huaiqueria -swarms -renormalized -electropositive -cohesion -migmatization -tectonostratigraphic -petrella -ims1270 -fennoscandia -rhodonite -2804d -jmc475 -1543cpx3h1 -bourdon -fossilized -0ρπ6d3 -1ʹʹ -1chlorite -2k442 -2albite -3smectite -3251 -aenigmatite -bhvo -bisquare -bromine -bachmann -babbs -boztug -bickle -biscuit -boudins -bischoff -celadonite -crowded -cacl2 -c584 -dozens -eickschen -eevf -eichelberger -familiar -flexible -flegrei -gyr -g395 -guttler -gakkel -gigantic -hatched -haines -hornfels -i015 -iabs -i006 -jericho -jornada -jolla -jaffey -kwong -katz -korenaga -kanazawa -kusaba -kelyphite -kgh2o -kiseeva -kikuchi -kuiper -lorentzian -laguna -lucassen -lantenois -lappin -lloyd -malvoisin +paraiba +lewis +lewchuk +perfectly +biotitic +limonitized +limonitization +allochthon +allochthons +epitaxial +dolomitising +dolomitiques +eliminated +eliminate +vermicular +1940s +selvedge +selvedges +methylanthrac +envisioned +multiply +multiplying +mg03041 +milligrams +circumgranular +229th +excavated +rhodopian +flattens +flattened +johann +guadalupian +microanalytical +rhombohedrons +kimberlitic +ukraine +ukrainian +metaconglomerate +metaconglomerates +duplexes +unrecognized +audetat +bromide +bauxite +cedro +cylindrical +cascade +duluth +drowning +diminishes +eueupaase +fleischer +fuming +ganino +gabgaba +guest +garimpei +gersdorffite +gordon +hedral +hanor +hours +judging +journal +kretschmar +lgn +lindenmay +lanzoni +lilac +ladolam +moments +nkana +natroalunite +piedra +sereno +telescop +vcdt +vitric +vosteen +vikre +woodhouse +yemaquan +##uquan +isotherm +democratic +algal +beaudoin +retrieved +requiring +minusinsk +asbian +attendant +answer +childe +chartagh +fluviatile +dissected +##chungszentr +craters +unsystematic +cardiff +##ongwozi +constriction +industrial +subgrain +parametamorphic +feasible +diffusing +imparted +petersen +schmidt +geochemist +treatment +desulfurization +microtextural +exponential +homogeneity +centrifugation +solfataras +pitombeiras +swelling +metasomatised +docegeo +guangji +gravitationally +bifurcate +catchment +reconfiguration +iddingsite +geothermobarometers +nineteenth +suspected +thoroughly +interfingering +8900r +poikiloblasts +ignimbrite +kribek +culminates +70895 +microspectroscopy +disaggregation +lithogeochemically +satisfactory +78203535 +baddeleyite +nutrient +abandoned +birefringence +impregnation +ferruginous +disproportionation +1kaolinite +1pyrophyllite +3σm2 +84sr +91500 +ailsh +bizim +besshi +bipyramidal +bikini +bochum +bertoud +bostick +bournonite +cayman +dowling +dabie +dachang +dinaride +endeav +eduard +einasleigh +fraipontite +fountain +fifty +ghost +gitanilla +gibbsite +gahnite +guanajuato +guiyang +guilbert +hacqueb +hurwitz +hondo +hickey +huston +hannan +hussein +iowaite +items +jiuquan +jennings +jardim +jahn +ktb +kwak +kolb +kupfers +kendrick +ketcham +klemm +lerouge +ligands +llandoverian +lishe +lognormal +longevity +meinert mismatch -mordenite -nnw -nolan -napperby -ostwald -pδv -ponding -pampean -paterson -palladium -pearce -pushing -pdolpl1 -papagayos -pouebo -rogaland -renewed -rosenhauer -sverjensky -skye -tromen -tormey -tundra -tissue -vanderbil -wires -xzro2 -xilong -yvon -yamato -yogodzins -yardley -zheng -zanon -þufuhra -##eismic -##ostructural -##counting -##bogie -thompson -ingesting -inlandsee -andalusite -toplis -tokyo -coalescence -cognate -isocubanite -reunion -rewritten -reykjanes -stormer -stochastic -alamos -altherr -almeev -attests -melville -anhedrally -moordkopje -moacyr -whatever -whenever -phlegrean -deutsch -shtrikman -shasta -shahar -tribuzio -chardon -chiquito -chewings -bastnaesite -paradox -spengler -perovsk -peripheral -accessibility -acknow -dismembered -##unstindur -unanswered -unevolved -untestable -unbuffered -franck -subroutines -subregions -subaerial -subtype -obscure -obstacles -seyler -seifert -h2obulk -replicated -republic -depolymerized -arizona -strathbogie -glomerocrysts -prelevic -adcumulate -carbss -deciphering -gehlenite -whereupon -erzincan -overwhel -undegassed -undisturbed -siletzia -bultfontein -scikit -sc598 -heptylamm -amygdales -likelihood -##grs22sps -microcracks -microcline -microenclaves -pb2p2o7 -na2si2o5 -primordial -laurasia -foliae -remixed -cu3cl3 -tietonggou -sredinny -mat253 -1970s -curvilinear -committee -albarede -absmax -ilimaussaq -newfoundland -demirozu -manuscript -apophyses -kyushu -ultimate -drøsdal -igwesa -polyvinyl -extragraben -schauble -schultz -ultradepleted -loewen -roumejon -roelofse -brooker -brovarone -cataclysmic -graywackes -δ56femagnetite -δ56febiotite -achterbergh -gaussian -douglas -peculiar -switzerland -boehnke -jxa8530f -nist976 -idiosyncrasies -magnesiokatophorite -mitutoyo -villarrica -supcrt92 -murotomisaki -dorogokupets -ryukyu -stereonet9 -stereoscope -benfontain -trøndelag -microsyringe -xmaptools -huckleberry -lahkstanov -vanderbilt -yogodzinski -þufuhraunstindur -heptylammonium -0n -0p -0h -020 -0p2 -1e -1g -1j -1k -1α -1al -1st -1and -1fe0 -1kola -2n -2x -2ac -2op -2fe -2br -212 -213 -2900 -2na -2ln -2sd -2mg -3l -3g -3σ -3wh -370 -315 -4i -4l -4x -4λ -4and -4ser -430 -4h2o -475 -456 -470 -4solute -4sio2 -5f -5th -5and -510 -575 -513 -590 -5alsi -565 -532 -5o6 -630 -620 -660 -665 -6co -623 -7i -7f +mca2 +mackenzie +macedonian +ninio +ningwu +nayband +naha +odds +overes +ophitic +omitting +pedogenic +pneum +punct +paila +pollard +qeynarjeh +rowe +somincor +seldom +tigre +tandem +tahir +tacl5 +tinaja +tulaergen +tschermak +uemoto +v2mhbx +vilhelm +vammala +vadose +vibora +vivallo +velde +varet +vincentite +villiers +wdx +wacs +wurtzite +wotongwozi +weinoldt +wisps +yaog +yılmazer +zro2 +zurich +##uahua +##fortably +threshold +##erolles +inaccur +##encias +##arsenides +tocopilla +isomer +isobaric +deccan +dewatering +coplen +cohesion +aliphatic +formally +beaker +beardsmore +rejuven +reorganization +rearranged +minnesot +antigorite +anonymous +staurolite +suffered +succeeded +chemex +chadwick +chessboard +chaleurs +chacko +champion +chihuahua +chomelix +chicoutimi +##oplankton +sheba +shonkinites +wholesale +mavogenes +proffett +disclosed +diapirism +dioctahedral +magloire +##chiefer +haussinger +metapsammites +restored +unravel +unavailable +interspersed +interconnection +lowenstern +intraplate +intratelluric +carvalho +phillips +bettache +consensus +geociencias +geocronite +arrhenius +artificially +neodymium +neumayr +abakan +abukuma +spotty +enormous +ensemble +encrustations +norseman +oxfordian +subophitic +subbottom +leviathan +acampamento +meimechites +cortume +overburden +overwhelm +overthrusting +notwithstanding +marathon +biomarkers +cawthorn +melgarejo +agpaicity +underestimate +skutterudite +alteredorganicmatter +texcoco +charcoal +charlotte +amancio +amsterdam +amarillos +moornambool +montroseite +peygerolles +heathcote +majiashan +drummond +drummonlea +mat252 +translithospheric +soamiakatra +aforementioned +infierno +informally +lithotypes +trivalent +euxinic +ampliacion +naphthalene +effectiveness +chanthaburi +tournaisian +paleoclim +pseudohexagonal +hypabyssal +dipyramid +conflicting +ferguson +essaifi +protuberant +insignificant +thermofinnigan +thermodecrepitated +boniato +sanchez +semiquantit +metaevap +em108 +geoforschungszentr +stratovolcanoes +##ovkoye +edinburgh +polydeformed +planchets +streltsovkoye +heterolithic +devitrification +bernardan +tuokuzibayi +karlsruhe +montejano +penninic +microfissures +mac127 +guthrie +michoacan +sunnyside +ferroactinolite +moldanubicum +jb121 +montpellier +hofformationn +thorogummite +pinabete +ach99166 +xianghuapu +reinterpreted +drosendorf +krcmarov +hypersolvus +keratophyre +stereoplots +squeezed +ahmadabad +novosibirsk +durchbewegung +ethiopia +shizhuyuan +eckstrand +gunpowder +vencelides +wenlockian +curviplanar +photoelectric +hammarstrom +likelihood +chrysocolla +chrysoberyl +eueupaaseupaas +garimpeiros +lindenmayer +telescoping +woodhouseite +hacquebard +kupferschiefer +geoforschungszentrum +0to +04s +050 +040 +1n +1st +1fe +1ppm +2o +2j +2k +2θ +210 +2so4 +2co2 +2sb +3s +3i +3to +3ca +3pb +3h2o +3hydrox +3he +4l +4o +4p +4k +4to +4o2 +428 +4kbar +4si +5g +5al +5ms +6to +6o2 +628 +647 +685 +6si 7h -7j -713 -756 -715 -7600 -8d -8th +725 +797 +7fe +8as +8and +8to 810 +828 812 -811 -9μ -965 -973 -9co3 -a0 -ale -aul -ath +8ppb +813 +816 +9g +9to +9ca +920 +997 +912 +ai +a3 +a1 +a2 +aq +aσ +aas +ave +ace +aad aand -aup -aside -aka +auld +aach akes -auck -ah2 -ailer -aqz -aobs -ahead -bs -bm -b1 +aven +ayers +bv +bg +bc bx -bic +bb +b4 +b6 +b5 +bos bing bag -bac -bure -bim -bil -bam -bou -berm -bun +boc +bent +bock +bog +bous +bone +bull +bue bav -bak -barn -blow -bct -bould -boch -bacter -bric -bif -bod -berg -bord -bok +bross +bach +bcl +bcr +blo +bama +boss bank -buss -b06 -buck -bought -ct -c1 -cz -csi -cig -cly +bald +binn +beni +bivari +bivariant +bmz +bfl +benav +busse +bento +bonds +cw +cn +cg +c7 +c8 +c6 +c9 +cin +cit +cas +cati +cart +cuc cib -cir -cess -cari -cresp -cath -crop -cna -cgraph +cred +crou +cyp +cear +cak +crow +cress +cels +c50 +crown +c30 +c10 +c40 +c20 +cson +c25 citing -cements -citz -cbasalt -cucl -c83 -cropping -cidx -dn -dv -df -dx -dj -d4 -dρ -don -dic -ding -dul +c39 +c53 +citation +c28 +c32 +cumba +c47 +c46 +c37 +c31 +c35 +crook +dg +dp +dc +dz +d7 +d8 +d6 +dan +dim +dion +dock dich -dole -dess +dch +dut dong dall -dose -dct -d50 -dang -dsr -dilation -dau -drem -d80 -dft -doping -doses -dpd -dmn -duck -donor -dull -eh -ein -eol -eigh +dgh +dale +dict +duff +dub +dental +dyl +dla +duan +damm +dai +danian +dani +darg +dmb +e1 +eti +ere eph -ech -eart -emm -eby -ejected -ehr -eiler -fx -fj -f8 -fly -fain -fus -fri +ether +eif +era +eers +earn +eden +eman +ety +eluvial +ebert +eames +fd +f1 +fal +fas +fate +fel +fow +fom +fres +fide +fusions +feld fell -fso -fost -file -fip -fale -fif -fellow -fwh -fco -fetch -gn +fers +fist +fct +fang +fris +foid +fuch +fits +fenites +famm +fulf +f30 +f20 +fenn +fash +fasc +frais +fbt +felted gc +gy +gk +g2 +ged +gol +gis gat -gor -gan +ging +goc +gur gig -gly -gil -guc -gab -gam -gate -gph -gad -gpm -gale -gif -gorb -gather +gut +gene gud -gks -gels -gordi -gnos -garch -g44 -g27 -hn -hs +gill +gour +gast +gort +gust +gla +gird +gsc +giles +gallon +gilet +gonz +gotte +gauth ht -h3 -hν -hit -hid -hoc -herm -hut -harn -hartz -home -hens -hond -hoch -hob -hone +hc +hd +h1 +hite +hat +hod +hage +hine +hif +hect +hout hither -hbr -hra -hind -hosh -hany -hily -hsd -hint -hdt -hidal -heden -hagger -hons -hitting -icon -istan -ixi -jp -jb -jz -jnd -jas -jet -jig +hack +h4s +hie +hark +hina +herman +hech +hans +hso4 +hope +ik +ire +iat +iag +iqu +ira +iris +igm +idle +irand +jy +jd +j2 +jal +jow jil -jun -jav -jose -jaj -july -janu -ku -kc -ks -k1 -k0 -kes -kro -kol -kib -kerm -keen -kend -kak +jim +jab +jack +jamb +jsm +jbs +jiang +jacke +jager +jensen +kα +kβ +kan +kos +kab +kut +kore +kass +kay kron -kins -koz -kov -kross -kod -kadi +kca +kund +kcl +kress +kris +kral +kory kie -k10 -koy -kud -kalsi -klem +kamp +kays +kok +kering +kiam +kri +kamm +kru kita -koff -kuang -kerr -keck -kobe -lr +kenw +krus +kans +ksd +kras +kirk +kucha +koh +klet +kstw +krok +kiel +knight +kyser +lp +lj lf -l3 -lnd -lle -lil -lts -llu -liz -lum -lap -l00 -lds -lust +lic +lus +lock +lou +let +lop +lyd +liv +loci +lear +lose lund -loz -lub -lli -lone -lod -lana -losing -lapped -licl -loses -loma -living -mf -m5 -mz -mω -mζ -miz -mich -mte -m2o +lither +lance +libr +lpb +lamb +lanc +lense +linn +latitic +lomb +liles +lanth +lori +lightest +m7 +m4 +m9 +mq +mit +mim +mere +mse +mif mess -mary -mist -mond -mors -mise -mcl -miles -merg -macl -m12 -mason -muted -mosen -malp -mamb -m58 -merged -matured +mik +mull +mour +mree +math +mald +mfa +m04 +mamo +mhf +nv +nl +nx nj -nes -nir +n4 +n6 +n5 +nos +nth +nil nom -nog -nun +nab +nou +nich +nad +nut +nik +nond +nell +nto nav -nose -nub +ngo natures -nether -nna -nurn -nca -nylon -oes -oin -oly -och -oso -o20 -oman -oisot +n10 +n15 +nomin +n85 +nancy +n35 +n70 +n18 +n60 +n86 +natal +niger +om +oas +owe +oco +oka +oso4 +ostw pn -pv -pp -pg -pes +px +p1 +pq +pon ping -pis -pere -pase -piv -pine -page -pend -pak -pill -pond -pang +pus +pain +pam +pou +pium +pia +pose +paz +push pins -pause -pub -puff -porp -peng -pty -pva -piled -pushed -pomm -p32 -peth -pca -p62 -pfa -picking -piment -qi -qd -qian -qfract -qingshan -rn -rs -rm -r6 -rω -rer -rar -row -rain -rere -righ -rust -rend +pique +patin +piling +pirs +pind +paster +pmd +paired +q3 +qan +qing +qiz +rr +rt +r8 +rf +r5 +ral +ration +rol +rig +riv +rond +rick +rama +rgr +ramb +rug rup -rens -rses -rip -r10 -rice -rln -rda -rgm -rushed -rank -rivers +raz +raj +rao +romb +rows +rakh risen -risks -rdd -rutter -sed -sic -sent -sure -sop -sam -som -s00 -say -sight -squid -sne -sort -sided -s10 -sorption -saves +rigorous +ritt +ricou +ryde +rumble +raking +sg +sd +s8 +sf +soc +sac +sot +syr +sich +sib +sally +syd +sore +sard +sach +sile +sonic +somal sited -sah -sao -sectors -saric -soph -szy -saddle -tn -ty -td -tj -tk -tac -tig -tuc -tdi -tun -tular -telling -trees -tsolidus -toll +sinc +ssm +semis +squi +sink +sits +slack +sira +sora +s04 +sorption +s100 +soren +sga +s70 +tp +tc +tb +t6 +tas +tos +tag +tmp +tith +tere +ties +tap +till +tical +tip +tia +tied +tale +tort +tau +temis +tumb +tma tape -tapped +toll +tuan +tighter +tidal +tips +tightest tumi -tanner -uc -uz -u3 -uint -vt -vb -v2 +ud +u1 +uq +uti +uit +uct +ural +uvas +utre +ucur +uchu v3 -vas -vet -vid +vb +vor vog -viv -vall -vise -vik -vsc -vict +vide +vill +vick +vink +vaz +vank +vinho vice -vital -v55 -venue +ville +vinent +vista +villa +vmhbx +vivar +vey vsmow -wd -wg -w5 -wes -wro -wite +vlas +ws +wu +wm +wf +wain +wab wop -want -wad +wine +wut worm -wish -wisc -wik -ware -wark -w75 -wuz -wsrp -w25 -waves -wones -wager -w97 -wij -w95 -w26 -w03 -w74 -wpg -werts -xc -xp -x1 -xin -xal -xdi -xser -xue -xtry -xuzhou -xdix -xhr -xfl -xjd -xalt -xcats -xcaes -xesf -y3 -yes -yas +wto +wav +wack +wren +wpr +wri +wulf +walt +wire +wmsz +wright +wrench +wds +wool +wuj +wmd +witt +wulong +xv +xi +xl +xg +xa +x8 +xf +xich +xia +xie +xstr +xuan +xh2o +xso4 +xh2s +xcom +yin yan -yag -yus yak -york -yuk -yilm -yapas +yun +yard +yale +yaz +yuan +ylp +yeel ypo4 -zi -z2 -zal -zab -zam -zong -zack -zie -zno -µs -µg -ºc -ƒs2 -αi -αl -α0 -αfe2sio4 -γh2o -γfe2sio4 -δt -δr -δm -δfm -δ26 -λ1 -λ2 -λ3 -λ4 +ywith +yulong +zu +z3 +z7 +z8 +zb +z4 +z1 +z6 +z9 +z5 +zen +zac +zad +zap +zak +zink +zhere +zeck +z30 +z10 +zaf +z20 +z25 +z28 +z32 +z15 +z11 +z12 +z31 +z13 +z19 +z14 +z18 +zulo +z33 +z16 +z17 +ɛsr +γos +δf +δ2 +δθ +δso4 +ηa μa -μg -ρd -σd -σf -σ0 -ψm -ψf -##nol -##nus -##nich -##nall -##nand -##ntin -##nne +μiq +χq +єnd +##eg +##eon +##ead +##eap +##ease +##eble +##etical +##eonite +##eared +##eological +##eza +##ealed +##ethyl +##eger +##etrich +##existent +##euses +##vl +##vig +##vitic +##vik +##vest +##via +##vanite +##vision +##vational +##vador +##vianite +##v213 +##rl +##rin +##rit +##rag +##ruc +##rone +##rally +##rap +##rond +##rating +##rame +##rust +##rink +##rador +##rator +##ritos +##ss +##sn +##s6 +##ste +##sin +##sar +##smp +##sth +##sse +##sop +##stin +##side +##stal +##sik +##spl +##solution +##sial +##sanite +##siferous +##sonian +##schl +##surge +##saq +##srand +##sgaard +##iy +##ien +##iac +##iow +##iom +##iations +##iene +##iap +##ience +##ipper +##iastic +##iasing +##iences +##iarities +##iye +##i27 +##iaping +##iwal +##tor +##tan +##tas +##tos +##tone +##tch +##tud +##tpre +##tke +##tors +##tains +##tolitic +##tagne +##tash +##tung +##turo +##toplankton +##lα +##lar +##lain +##lou +##lap +##liv +##lides +##lak +##last +##loch +##lerite +##lict +##lance +##linite +##lke +##lie +##lamb +##lane +##lished +##large +##lifications +##lifies +##lava +##ltung +##o1 +##oite +##oas +##oiz +##oet +##oir +##oves +##oited +##oeb +##oise +##oapatite +##oethyl +##wic +##wle +##wine +##wanite +##wald +##warp +##wett +##wyn +##wave +##wright +##westerly +##nm +##non +##nate +##nac +##nom +##nec +##nage ##nip -##nub -##naz -##nian -##nae -##niston -##nason -##ees -##eph -##eanic -##eability -##eves -##efer -##element -##eez -##etition -##eght -##uf -##ux -##uil -##uve -##uine -##uene -##uding -##uities -##uitive -##ustry -##uators -##ugar -##ught -##iq -##ii -##i2 -##iat -##iol -##isi -##ios -##iated -##iper -##iers -##ierite -##ititic -##iolitic -##itized -##iece -##ioge -##vy -##vated -##vdi -##vine -##vene -##vad -##vial -##vins -##vapor -##vably -##vrogen -##vinc -##vdic -##venson -##vjd -##vcats -##vanian -##vcaes -##vsmow -##oo -##o0 -##o8 -##oin -##otion -##oan -##oated -##oding -##oaded -##ooh -##ooph -##otime -##cs -##c5 -##cβ +##nau +##namb +##nwall +##neck +##nique +##nonian +##nice +##nett +##nelled +##nnand +##nha +##ntia +##ncn +##gu +##gz +##g2 +##gas +##gow +##gil +##gere +##gou +##gold +##gra +##gium +##gia +##gak +##glac +##gites +##gative +##gular +##gross +##gier +##gada +##gasite +##gressive +##gacy +##ggon +##glas +##gassed +##girine +##guta +##gupta +##gnac +##a1 +##ael +##aul +##aig +##aass +##azo +##aunas +##aev +##auldron +##aats +##pg +##pm +##pf +##p2 +##pan +##pate +##pec +##pene +##pand +##posed +##port +##prop +##poort +##pathic +##pelin +##pyroxene +##piap +##hu +##hz +##hit +##hel +##hir +##hran +##hia +##hear +##hering +##hring +##hua +##hih +##hsh +##hara +##haus +##hdi +##h11533 +##hlke +##ck +##cre ##cer -##cal -##cat -##col -##cis +##cas +##cation ##cil -##cos -##cum -##com +##cated ##cou -##case -##cles -##cates -##cak -##corp -##care -##cked -##calu -##cans -##cier -##cman -##caled -##cels -##cending +##cut +##cides +##centr +##cian +##cordant +##cita ##coming -##celed -##cili -##caldera -##calcic -##ceria -##cals -##corr -##cidx -##camg -##a2 -##a3 -##aing -##ais -##aos -##aper -##aqu -##aage -##aand -##aox -##ah2o -##aiton -##aira -##a01 -##lv -##lc -##ls -##lere -##lass -##lers -##lay -##light -##list -##lard -##lgr -##lick -##lob -##lini -##large -##litz -##larg -##linal -##liment -##sn -##sq -##sb -##s6 -##sures -##sites -##sue -##sack -##spl -##senite -##scr -##scop -##ske -##sness -##spro -##saw -##sler -##saturated -##sky -##syn -##swell -##s19 -##tt -##tw -##t2 -##tation -##tos -##tree -##tens -##town -##tale -##tured -##tner -##turn -##tax -##tdt -##toria -##tstones -##t8o22 -##treated -##yin -##yre -##yder -##yak -##yser -##yogenic -##ybrid -##yality -##yuk -##pon -##pop -##pos -##pir -##pine -##pyrox -##part -##produc -##rβ -##rα -##rar -##ran -##rsi -##ris -##ril -##ride -##right -##rpl -##rick -##r12 -##racted -##river -##rnes -##raped -##rives -##dρ -##dat -##dor -##dig -##dell -##due -##dding -##dorite -##dling -##dules -##dones -##dgl -##dbaum -##dorf -##dagi -##doin -##dcβ -##dlere -##gδ -##gus -##gati -##glu -##gong -##gates -##gler -##glig -##grometer -##gui -##gata -##garia -##guer -##mo +##common +##court +##cdt +##candian +##yi +##yte +##yay +##yme +##yren +##yward +##yenite +##yaz +##ybur +##yhe +##yleth +##yager +##yrosmalite +##ytoplankton +##ux +##uit +##uel +##uion +##uine +##uir +##utite +##uene +##une +##ugh +##uably +##ugin +##uational +##uosity +##uitous +##utious +##uiquan +##uvianite ##mt -##mx +##m3 +##mf +##mq +##mβ +##mation +##ming +##mati +##mse ##mou -##may -##mang -##mins -##meters -##mian -##mological -##mland -##mium -##mised -##minated +##mich +##mem +##mir +##mill +##moch +##mined +##mber +##mund +##manic +##mology ##menting -##mitted -##midt -##magnetite -##merged -##mierite -##1jd10 -##fc +##magnetic +##meca +##moon +##muir +##dc +##dig +##dod +##due +##dled +##doming +##daph +##deposition +##delli +##dridge +##xed +##xial +##xby +##xoskarn +##xhle +##xtet +##xei +##xidised +##xpand +##zi +##zd +##zer +##zar +##zite +##zat +##zere +##zene +##zall +##zard +##zens +##zca +##zamb +##zinc +##zille +##ziano +##zuk +##zmer +##zanne +##zento +##zerer +##zyme +##jt +##jd +##jin +##jas +##jel +##jing +##jati +##jeld +##jih +##jective +##jecting +##jave +##325 +##339 +##332 +##3sbs +##3sn +##74 +##720 +##7uran +##88 +##89 +##8o2 +##840 +##812 +##fg ##f2 -##fz -##f8 ##fal -##far -##fel +##fer +##fite ##fol -##fter -##fers -##fad -##fell -##fest -##file -##fang +##fted +##fold +##fall ##fides -##five ##forth -##fmas -##foli -##fajokull -##fntin -##xr -##xm -##xen -##xter -##xites -##xion -##xian -##xesf -##xs6 -##08 -##07 -##013 -##0cpx -##5b -##57 -##512 -##5jd10 -##wart -##wick -##word -##wollastonite -##wvdic -##hs -##hg -##hag -##hig -##hem -##hene -##hall -##hard -##hty -##hma -##hjall -##hastingsite -##h84 -##hcili -##bi -##bed -##bir -##bable -##bold -##bbles -##bicular -##bongi -##bo3 -##bedded -##backs -##2d -##2ag -##230 -##2da -##2c5 -##2rα -##ji -##ja -##jk -##jes -##jal -##jies -##joy -##jaf -##jecting -##jcman -##ksi -##kow -##kum -##kers -##kled -##kho -##kov -##kinel -##kie -##kty -##ktor -##kaya -##z7 -##zar -##zel -##zers -##zircon -##zies -##zards -##zler -##81 -##87 -##8its -##810 -##3u -##3d -##31 -##3f -##39 -##3fe -##332 -##3600 -##3wh2o -##3a01 -##3wollastonite -##43 -##4al +##frey +##fino +##fallite +##finder +##frame +##fjeld +##b2 +##bit +##bing +##bus +##bted +##bet +##bide +##bous +##bran +##bist +##bove +##bors +##buff +##bust +##bitt +##brator +##4r +##4a +##44 +##49 +##45 ##410 -##99 -##78 -##76 -##780 +##4400 +##0b +##040 +##020 +##kv +##kk +##kβ +##kan +##kel +##kom +##kad +##kch +##kap +##kers +##kish +##kanes +##kabir +##kless +##krb +##kker +##keto +##knight +##1e +##199 +##67 ##64 -##6and -##610 -##6cu -##685 -##6jd -##6al2o -##6o23 -##6cpx3h1 -##δpl -##ρ18 -##ηh -##ηd3 +##65 +##62 +##612 +##6100 +##96 ##μm -##μδpl -##αdcβ -##оc -##æfi -##æfell -##εj -##µm -tho -thy -thim -thiba -##onents -##onduc -##onso -##ontin -##onitic -##onne -##onov -##onomic -##ongest -##onolitic -##onomet -##ontein -##erer -##eris -##erly -##erence -##erites -##eried -##erches -##ersid -##erophile -##erbite -##tia -##tian -##tiate -##tiges -##tians +##51 +##5pb +##5sb +##5sbs +##5last +##54r +##2c +##23 +##21 +##22 +##2q +##2th +##2co2 +##2400 +##262 +##qiao +th4 +thro +thom +throw +thomp +thumb +tho2 +##tek +##te2 +##tees +##teling +##tempor +##te35 +##tetec +##teux +##onide +##onant +##onally +##onized +##onably +##onial +##oneta +##oniow +theme +thetys +##tiz +##tier +##tily +##tiating +##titions ##tio3 -##tish -thelon -##ese -##esa -##eson -##esth -##esio -##essional -##eseismic -##enen -##enst -##enues -##enges -##entive -##enial -##ensive -##enna -##eniable -##enker -##enburg -##enogranite -##enfest -##in2 -##inan -##inem -##inting -##inopyroxene -##inav -##inating -##inome -##inental -##inately -##intil -##instit -##inked -##inarily -##inka -##inha -##insey -##eda -##edter -##edient -##edort -##edish -##edited -##al1 -##alk -##alid -##alum -##alate -##alization -##alooph -##itc -##itar -##iture -##itly -##itus -##itary -##itral -##itory -##itories -##iterate -##nder -##atum -##ateral -##attr -##atrix -##atological -##atau -##atrem -##atomic -##ateto -##attner -inad -inability -insol -ingr -informed -ingres -inex -inky -inla -inlay -##tioned -##re5 -##re3 -##reen -##reat +##tisation +##tillo +##tiave +##tidal +##ret +##reo +##rek ##ream ##requ -##rete -##rech -##re75 -##re25 -##re97 -##re95 -##re26 -##re74 -##reksi -##reinem -andβ -andrad -##arv +##regen +##requent +##revers +##reppe +##recrystall +##iny +##inter +##inally +##inting +##inary +##initic +##incan +##inides +##inating +##incl +##inoph +##inde +##innite +##inty +##inta +##inently +##inovic +##inators +##inha +##inions +##ali +##alag +##alent +##allu +##alog +##alitic +##alik +##alier +##al2s +##alysts +##alkanes +##nds +##ndy +##ndered +##nderg +##eri +##erc +##erin +##eras +##eration +##erted +##erod +##erys +##eries +##erations +##erra +##eratic +##erie +##erde +##erinho +##erophile +##erboard +##erwood +##erpo +##erproduc +##ercial +##erhaus +offic +officially +##esi +##ests +##esome +##esium +##esizes +##estruc +##espans +andor +and70 +inas +inso +insp +ingen +inland +inval +invas +inmixing +inboard +inev +inputs +inkai +inexistent +innate +##eny +##enter +##enom +##enide +##enable +##enian +##ension +##entile +##enka +##enline +##enburg +##enanth +##enbul +##enbach +##arc ##aran -##arts -##arted -##arant -##arole -##arites -##artile -##arked -##arga -##arolitic -##ori -##oration -##oris -##orated -##orations -##orable -##orber -##orious -##orically -##orland -##orini -##orenc -##oridge -##organ -##orowski -##ortioned -##ro3 -##roit -##rots -##room -##rocess -##roism -##rokes +##aritic +##arach +##arging +##aroidal +##arza +##arson +##arched +##arumba +##arsts +##arolic +##orro +##orate +##orith +##orff +##orne +##orgen +##orient +##orters +##orily +##orianite +##orlux +##oroethyl +##orbing +##tional +##ication +##icated +##icam +##icting +##icles +##icia +##icative +##icao +##icara +##icaba +##iccation +##roy +##rove +##rored +##roitic +##roached +##rothite ##roof -##roalp -##rogates -##asa -##asol -##asim +##rostatic +##rogea +##robust +##eds +##edad +##edova +##edimented +##itre +##itter +##itge +##itary +##itates +##itten +##itak +##itably +##itance +##itons +##itors +##itru +##itao +##itopelitic +##itrea +##itjel +##ano +##anan +##anol +##anted +##antic +##anide +##anif +##ansp +##anca +##anke +##anob +##anthite +##ansh +##antina +##anxian +##antia +##anistan +##itect +##iteration +##as2 +##aser ##asus -##asse -##asites ##asitic -##ashan -##asured -##asov -##asstone -##ica -##icated -##ictic -##icri -##iceous -##icator -##iconduc -##entgen -##entories -##leter -##lements -##lect -##lectic -##leached -##lekho -##anti -##antic -##anell -##anion -##antit -##anson -##anking -##aney -##anui -##anfang -##mps -##mpy -##mpus -##elon -##elor -##elle -##elly -##elds -##elton -##elines -##elhard -##sts -##station -##stec -##stated -##stage -##stance -##stream -##olations -##olves -##olically -##olke -##olten -##ollo +##asia +##asites +##asca +##ascop +##asonably +##asinoph +##atech +##atered +##ateau +##atexite +##atecas +##osure +##osted +##oside +##osch +##oscan +##osium +##ospar +##osamp +##osisp +##osilicates +##ostructural +##oscandian +##osmati +##olati +##olom +##olec +##olet +##olome +##olian +##olished +##olised ##olson -##olutions -##olivine -##oloration -##ollect -tour -toul -topa -tome -toba -to1400 -tobi -##ingling -##ingonite -##ationally -##ationary -##sik -##sium -##sified -##sify -##sibilities -##silon -##sidered -##ithic -##itherm -##ithores -##ury -##urk -##uron -##urate -##urizing -##urning -##urui -##urcates -conil -conve -conund -congo -conrad -##agic -##agabb -##agement -##agonite -##agma -##agnetic -##agawa -##aglacial -##acal -##acle -##acrysts -##actively -##acalcic -co0 -coal -coat -cost -coom -coog -couch -code -copen -coint -cotson -cokα -cougar -##eton -##etes -##etum -##ette -##ethe -##etna -##etamorph -isa -isome -isolation -isometric +##olito +##oliar +##isted +##isia +##istry +##isited +##isade +##isberg +##ische +##isonal +##isterite +##islen +##istiave +##idar +##idas +##idge +##iduc +##idization +##idges +##idity +##idates +##idst +##idist +##idire +##iduk +##idura +##idotti +##atu +##atus +##atac +##atum +##atuff +##atomic +##atroc +##atomagmatic +##atolytic +##ela +##elab +##elop +##eland +##elsp +##eltered +##elinite +##elines +##elho +##elih +##electing +##elva +##elze +##elung +tot +tout +topl +tomas +touz +tomb +##uly +##ulil +##ulites +##ulto +##ulsed +##ulai +##ulomb +##ulze +##ulhac +##ingun +##ingenetic +##ingness +##ingitized +##ingworth +##ingfan +##ingmill +##lee +##lef +##lema +##lebs +##leton +##triz +##trated +##trative +##trace +##track +##trup +##tracted +##traf +##agı +##agar +##agou +##agers +##ague +##agram +##agenetic +##agranular +##agli +##aghi +##mperature +##mpkin +##mpaas +##uso +##usum +##usib +##ustal +##usani +##usotr +##usiastic +##ocum +##ocally +##ocumulate +##oco2 +##occur +##ocroc +##ocols +##ocont +##lyer +##lyzed +is2 +isis +isog +isra +isomorph isopro -isovalent -isenth -isostructural -##idend -##iditic -##idimensional -##isy -##isable -##isites -##istin -##istivity -##isably -##issc -##isecond -##istians -##igible -##igman +ishih +##acos +##acow +##actic +##acture +##actions +##active +##actically +##acourt +##acicaba +##acitance +dee +dece +dead +deines +degr +devo +dealt +deatil +dearth +deino +demar +degrad +demineralized +dehsh +dereppe +##tha +##thyd +##thitic +##thke +##thalite +##thoud +##theses +##thorne +##tholome +##thusiastic +##ural +##urated +##urlu +##urity +##urral +##urier +##uritized +##urrent +##urry +##urics +##urlen +##entop +##entang +##entory +##entlandite +##entuated +conch +conical +conden +conduction +conformed +coniac +conroy +##terre +##terites +##terberg +##terito +##terworth +##terrey +coet +coand +coined +coval +coupl +coals +couture +cotec +coirons +coauth +coggon +copiap +codeposition +cokβ +coulomb +cooccur +alata +alive +alto +alme +alvo +alice +alao +aluk +alente +aliasing +alicia +##ige +##igr +##igm +##igong +##igneous +##iglob +##igler ##iguity -##ulite -##ulum -##ulsion -##ulates -##ulose -##ulating -##ularities -##ulfs -##ularia -##ulfur -##ulakov -##ulfides -reim +##urentia +ford +fortal +forde +forster +##atisp +##atidal +beil +beren +beau +beyss +bekker +bethke +beurlen +beige +reed really -reaw -reinc -reven -reorder -recept -rejected -reo4 -reiter -reading -reoriented -reorientation -recurrent -reheat +reun +reyn +ready +reversely +retsch +reham +reheated +reheating rejecting -reattr -reorgan -##ime -##imm -##imated -##imiques -##imoto -##imhall +rendered +reisberg +minig +mince +minut +minable +minera +ministry +asw +asf +asam +asand +askh ##owed -##owell -##owollastonite -##owtail -##owdered -##lytic -##lysis -fortr -forens -##ech -##ectively -##eco3 -##econds -##ectives -##economic -##ils -##iliation -##ilapa -##ocus -##ocate -##ocally -##ocore -##ocumul -##ocrystall -##occo -##ocorr -##oceanic -exces -exits -exotherm -exaf -exiting -exfoli -##thing -##thite -##thand -##thitic -##thest -##thard -##thetic -##romill -##romica -##ainian -##user -##usus -##ussed -##atibilities -stz -stop -stay -steen -stach -stating -story -status -stayed -stdgl -stxm -strokes -stationary -as3 -aseismic -aspir -compos -compose -compli -compute -compex -compacted -company -compered -compuls -competition -compliment -companion -compatibilities -als -alr -alsi -aland -alft -aliph -alooh -alpine -alh84 -alonso -atl -atop -atant -atoll -##opot -##optic -##opod -##optil -##resent -##resting -##tsmou -crab -crum -crud -crank -crash -crisp -crpg -crhyolite -cryogenic -crmt -credited -crissc -melanges -melilite -melzer -melcher -##osa -##osal -##osure -##osper -##osely -##oshi -##osited -##osci -##osalt -##osinian -##oskie -##ository -##osulfides -##oseconds -anu -ance -anast -an50 -antig -anox -an80 -an15 -analc -an85 -an24 -an45 -an68 -an58 -an55 -an48 -an74 -an67 -an28 -an84 -an38 -an76 -an64 -##tery -##terly -##termann -##terdell -##otti -##otation -##otated -##otom -##ottir -##otches -##otta -##otrac -##otonomet -##erexp -##ffler -##ffective -beyc -beaker -beige -bezy -##lux -##lucent -##ucting -##uctive -##ucible -##ucasus -dio -dive -diap -diand -diach -diaph -diah -dioritic -dixi -dijk -dikty -diatrem -dianfang -bytown -byrnes -byerly -##iberg -##ibei -##ibalization -##ngan -##nging -##ngata -##abian -##abasic -##emic -##emir -##emeral -##ember -##emian -moz -moho -mouth -mokop -mohs -##izations -##izap -##izable -##izers -tear -teasing -teeth -tegner -tehty -contenti -contended -##amats -##ametre -##amori -##irical -onen -onward -onwards -onshore -or51 -oruan -or57 -orbicular -oræfi -##persed -##peranc -##pervised -##umes -##umontite -proof -proyer -##quakes -##quartile -grind -grune -grams -grutter -gruene -##omb -##omon -##omte -##omers -##omosing -##ichon -##disi -##dionov -##tica -##ticle -suit -suffic -suik -suken -presump -presenting -presnall -##ogad -##ogby -##ogiite -##ante -##antation -templ -temperate -##ositions -##ivi -##ivial -##ivability -##ivocally -degr -deuter -deby -deev -deleter -magl -magic -magix -maghem -magesio -mae -mady -maule -maier -mauna -maira -mautia -mauve -mavrogen -maeda -##tingen -shan -shore -shard -shang -shards -shann -shorth -shatter -shire -shielding -shank -shorting -shading -shuffle -shaking -shaox -shinka -incap -incited -incogn -incomm -highversus -crystaland -crystalbon -crystalizing -tru -train -trust -triel -trade -tr20 -truly -trash -triax -tricri -trivial -##versible -##versely -ch2 -ch3 -chin -chan -chun -chart -chist -chances -chert -chisel -chait -cherts -chaos -chybrid -chichon -##ationship -##uessler -##gean -##gearites -##apse -##apatite -##aptures -meltk -##seen -##segr -##seki -lowto -lowenst -resting -resins -restites -resili -rescaled -resistivity -resumes -plated -plio -plains -plinian -ploskie -##ocks -##ocked -##ocking -##amphcili -##tey -##tex -##teps -##teenth -##texp -colg -colluv -basu -bases -baselines -cline -clark -cliq -##001 -parson -paralle -paroxy -parcels -paraand -parasitic -haad -hazards -mined -minas -minch -minicl -minami -minoan -minsq -eleph -elected -##ermine -##ermanite -##ermitt -##ermeability -##2o8 -collective -##tr2 -##tration -##triation -##trenen -rocking -spn -spence -spong -spend -spear -spex -spline -spenc -usage -usual -ussr -interser -interacts -interrel -interrogate -interelement -intervene -intertw -interbedded -interatomic -interquartile -##ducer -##aterrestrial -colleaguess -colleaguesng -colleaguesne -oli -ol0 -olall -##ioff -##ioka -##io3wollastonite -lip -liec -lift -liao -lips -lipari -mineralised -abstr -abbr -ab25 -abras -ab27 -##concil -##coninental -##rion -##rive -##ppo -##pplingen -wef -web -weil -wegner -wealth -weidend -peru -perch -pertin -perched -perkin -perug -perkinel -perthitic -pertermann -accent -acton -acry -disch -disad -disreg -disks -disrupt -disrupted -feig -feely -fe2o -feogr -feo2 -feoma -featured -feocorr -queried -quizap -calk -calling -calama -calvert -##phy -##phas +##owodginite +##owiak +##ili +##iled +##ilent +##ilites +##ilitized +##iltites +##iltas +##ilteux +##romate +##romet +##romorph +##romised +##romator +##izi +##izale +##izonal +##izabe +##izzard +##vec +##luro +##luence +##lucite +##luoroethyl +##imation +##immed +##imbor +##imans +##imaus +##imanto +##tsu +##tsant ##phine -##phys -##pherson -##phoon -##phonolitic -##assing -##asshjall -##ersen -##ersed -##ersdorf -##units -##unashi -beta -##aying -##ayun -##che -##cho -##chang +##phten +##phylitic +##phistic +##phasic +##phelin +##phenanth +mineralizes +depict +depau +##omian +##omeric +##omaj +##omosing +##omaro +##omfortably +atbs +atoll +##erees +##erely +##eresse +##search +##sehir +##resa +##resent +##resto +##resolved +##resoluble +##rescences +##restier +##abber +##aboration +##abind +##abani +##abrook +##abdelli +ances +ango +antif +antit +an40 +anton +antar +annels +anxi +an70 +an60 +anhedron +animation +##ams +##ami +##amed +##amate +##amem +##amarine +##amans +##amisk +##ocker +grant +grap +grun +graz +grits +grima +gruy +gruene +##ouville +##oufl +##ougil +##ouzat +##oubted +##otal +##otation +##otland +##otka +##ode +##odel +##odov +##odoz +##odonts +##uming +##umov +stuc +stall +stay +storm +stach +stabl +stops +stump +stalac +stony +staff +storing +statable +stpf +stalag +##cement +suzo +suited +suzu +suzuk +sufides +suerc +sutsu +##ysik +##ecado +chu +chou +chorite +chip +chick +chard +chose +chang +chains +cheni +chew +chey +chev +chung +chaca +chipping +chuqu +chiba +chagan +cheap +chrond +chateau +chelop +chimbor +chodov +##etti +##etus +##ople +##oplac +##oprox +##oppen +shu +shen +shan +shas +shot +shut +shaf +shire +sherman +shores +shards +shelves +shaking +shrink +shiny +sherwood +sheltered +shimanto +compacted +compressed +compagn +compston +computing +compromised +depositt +fluidal +fluidization +##therlands +maf +mapp +mauch +maok +maks +madin +mahring +makap +marek +maitre +##gebauer +##georgen +##ccion +##cciation +##cchac +sulaw +sulliv +sulitjel +##oground +prove +progen +prohib +prodel +prophyr +prophylitic +disad +disch +disconform +disease +disgu +disentang +exolution +exits +exothermal +exfol +exerted +exocont +orlic +orbic +ortiz +onion +onca +onla +##agetic +diaz +dihedra +diabasic +dietrich +dialog +diatexite +dioside +##verin +##verns +qui +quem +quant +quix +quistiave +oreille +orecks +oredod +##ighting +formulas +##ucer +##ucus +##uconite +##ucki +##uctors +##ucasus +##eman +##emeral +##emons +##emie +##emool +sulfidized +sulfarsenides +incap +incision +incoh +incaic +savel +saya +sauss +sakai +savar +sahara +saucer +##quan +##quant +##quari +##question +##quita +##quito +##quilibrium +##quentially +##adth +##adec +##adran +##adonite +##adley +##adito +##adsgaard +##adagı +##adigm +##adowed +##ademie +##ppers +##pported +quartzes +##ibles +##ibilities +##alcification +##ostotal +##inea +##ineering +tearing +teapot +tehran +teigler +##ousin +##onegative +##uese +##antai +##antling +##antley +##antza +basanite +bassanite +##cht +##chou ##chemical -##chased -##chstone -##chmidt -relic -relatable -reloaded -zirconia -##utor -##utaries -modword -modreksi -##essed -unb -unide -unpar -unob +##chke +##chematic +##checkite +##chorn +##chantite +##chaca +##chison +##chnique +##chlebs +##iration +##irradi +##irline +##irabad +##irrie +##irmation +veinor +hapl +hayward +hakk +hairline +##iesses +##iespoort +##redict +crc +crass +critic +crand +craw +cruz +crumble +craig +crpg +cracow +metach +metatur +metark +metatuff +reside +restite +resut +rescan +resediment +resorption +resealed +resonant +resedimented +relieved +relieving +reliably +plated +plge +plata +seward +seals +seo4 +sept +sextet +sezerer +searched +seabrook +severin +##yden +##ydized +##tings +altering +union +uniqu +unpre +unco +uncl +unpro unnam -unten -unlo -unno -unme -unequilib -unorder -unsh -unhom -unsu -unstrained +unradi +untes unwan -un200 -unifying -unerup +unspec +unglac +unbuff uninter -untreated unroof -unleached -unantic -unseen -unphys -##stra -##strup -french -frank -fringe -fraugh -amphiboli -amphibolitic -entit -en75 -enpo -enjoy -notwith -notorious -##arium -formally -##ficially -evo -evf -volyn -pressureor -showcase -metad -metric -metacher -metagabb -subequ -submer -subcritical -subdom -subbo -subliquidus -subtly -substances -subscript -subcounting -subcalcic -subaqu -subpop -submerged -subµm -substance -subeconomic -subconinental -subunits -analytes -oblong -obnaz -obersdorf -manton -crystallites -fluvial -sebly -##adle -##adation -##adite -##adec -##adth -##adically -##ademi -##adani -##adzu -##addling -##ello -##ellir -h2o2 -h2oand -indoch -induct -indium -indisp -industry -indistin -indosinian -isotopical -nex -neil -neosome -neotethy -neocrystalline -neovolcanic -neocrystall -neuser -reply -repose -reprocess -repowdered -repository -depress -depiction -depictions -deprives -departs -stuart -##alling -##allowtail -##therly -##derance -differencing -##endations -##endous -silty -silva -siltstones -assay -arau -armed -arresting -arabian -article -arrive -applies -appora -apportioned -meant -meting -meak -meets -meurer -melekho -##andl -##and1 -##and2 -##andon -##andian -##andja -##andinav -mg2 -mgsi -mgcc -mg15 -mg3si -mgal2o -mgsio3 -##ouse -##avan -##avut -##avors -imush -imna -immer -imaage -imetum -upgr -upright -equated -equip -equivocal -equidimensional -canil -canary -canaria -canceled -calcined -calcare -calcrete -crustversus -amphiboleand -sod -sox -so15 -sofu -soret -durham -strick -strings -stranded -strata -straddle -strongest -straddling -strandja -allochemical -allocate -glnd -glide -glove -glimp -glasstone -##aku -##aken -##akhan -##akening -##akami -##akaya -##akatau -##akivi -##akademi -coroll -corrie -cornub -solomon -preor -preces -prehnite -pretoria -prepon -fluidand -simons -hyalooph -caor -cafe -cauca -caught -cai2 -caucasus -fractionates -##reef -variabil -variabilities -##tivalent +unidire +unresolved +unquestion +unirradi +##geson +strz +stria +strath +stripping +striations +intermon +interser +intermedi +interacts +interchron +intercepted +intermix +interplan +intergradational +interclasts +interrupted +intertidal +interatomic +highlands +##rouhla +##utated +##utomicrolite +##ypets +##ffer +##ffey +##ffregen +lowell +lowlands +occlud +occluded +##rana +##rance +##ranian +##ranites +##ranean +##ifier +##ifiable +##velj +##velin +##essy +vale valles -prices -pragmatic -silicification -##bling -##blocks -quartzo -quartzand -quartzof -modelers -lowerand -oxo -oxalate -##aturate -##acht -##achondritic -clinoptil -ito -##served -waterpro -adk -adds -adand -adks -adobe -admitted -adularia -adversely -zonal -smi -sm1 -sm2 -smell -##iespo -intact -intens -intention -10d -1012 -1080 -10to -1013 -1090 -1025 -1015 -1011 -1024 -1088 -1094 -10p2 -##ostasis -tweez -##tination -##tinou -##tinolite -##tinson -expects -expensive -expulsion -phasepl -##uldak -detroit -haskel -##astroph -glassing -hydrate -hydromica -hydrion -carat +valja +valleys +vallance +##wei +##wealth +##oreef +##oresearch +hydr +hydrates +hydromet +##assified +intrins +intragranular +calcitic +calcification +calcocite +calcitisation carter -carrol -carries -carswell -cardones -decays -decided -decision -deciding -decisions -decoding -december -decametre -maybe -##hedron -##ighton -geus -geore -geolog -geody -geik -geoh -geohy -geotectonic -geographical +carap +carlo +carters +cards +caraca +carney +carmich +carbide +carleton +reporting +repaired +repolished +coloration +colonial +coleman +##ongy +phd +pholog +phara +pheon +cline +clout +claus +clotted +hydrovolcanic +hydrody +hydrogross +hydrozinc +goldfar +goldstein +sulfideor +sulfideand +sulfidemineralized +inclination +##udu +##udong +##ivate +##ivia +##ivative +preor +preand +precon +preex +prebre +preorogenic +preheated +prehyp +prerequ +prenderg +prevec +##00s +##003 +##004 +##006 +consult +consols +consumption +consuming +geand +geoth +geomorphic +geomagnetic +gebel +geomin +geobar +geotherms geyser -geesth -impure -impart -imported -impacted -imprec -imposes -implements -impermeability -##istory -##istered -orthpyrox -orthocumul -wherever -diffusions -typified -typify -thermostat -thermochem -thermosci -transten -thereof -inclusionor -twofold -signifying -signifies -liquidand +geode +compositon +compositons +typifies +assist +assign +assays +assignment +assisted +arne +arau +armit +armen +arlit +arturo +arltung +##allation +##allurgical +evans +evensen +##otopography +nets +neand +nebul +nepelin +netherlands +##races +##raced +##netite +##nejo +##negan +##neiform +##neburg +abound +aberr +ablate +abdel +ablations +pressed +preselecting +##illed +##illimetre +##illway +spine +spak +spers +spicular +spry +spont +spawn +splay +spoet +spilitized +spongy +spallation +spillway +##bondo +##raal +##rafted +indium +indane +indidura +indurated +sizeable +##icals +##icalite +##canes +##canos +##canoclastic +##canaba +##cantek +##ipe +##iplin +##encement +##andl +##andium +##andless +##andalup +##anderie +hydrothermalized +hydrothermalites +faure +faun +faunas +faye +##tened +##tenite +##tenance +##tenstone +##tensen +##tenoom +##ayo +##ayed +##aymas +cuo +cuney +cunha +cuerpo +cuatroc +cuadran +cuneiform +engin +enters +ensial +enzyme +enthusiastic +nora +noran +noria +norna +norils +norvar +##ystals +##stance +##stances +##stream +oxydized +formationval +formationbet +##idesite +##ataxial +subcon +subequ +suboxic +subbas +subsets +subjacent +subsection +subhedra +subcre +subtracted +##iki +##ika +##ikou +##ikian +##ikantia +##arian +imlay +ims6 +##itiram +grants +granulation +fuller +fullagar +##ngary +collecting +iturral +associates +##ours +##ouri +##ourably +locating +richter +richness +##orman +##estos +##estable +##estment +##estones +##place +##entrated +modify +mod01 +modifies +modo1 +##ghton +##ghanistan +##iazu +##iaxed +paris +parlak +pargasite +parasitic +paratac +paradigm +concen +concludes +lean +leave +legacy +lends +##aks +##aky +##akis +##akabe +silts +silty +siltites +siluro +silesia +silicalite +elected +eleven +usable +usual +usgs +acari +acyl +acrit +##so1e +objects +objective +perform +persp +perma +perple +perspec +perimeter +pertains +pernamb +peristerite +mev +meb +meet +meyer +mehdi +meiduk +metsant +volcans +volcanological +##spach +##spoort +hashed +haschke +indicies +fehn +feather +feeble +thank +thanks +colleaguesered +colleagues199 +corder +corbella +corners +cornwall +cornejo +##unolite +##unately +##unzu +##unxian +##unication +##unano +##lach +##ondal +##onductors +overlo +overrid +oversh +overheated +overrode +overheating +distribute +rank +ranaw +ranking +ranstad +##ello +##eller +##ellingite +systemically +diffusiv +unitaxial +calciteand +calciteb2 +##atites +mainto +maintained +maintenance +marsh +marger +marketed +marini +maroon +margnac +marziano +marinovic +##imentary +biot +biologic +bienn +biphase +biorad +bi2s3 +bijih +biospar +biphasic +##astroph +sugary +suggestions +bois +boots +botel +bojar +bohlke +bokan +boosted +cavi +caesian +cavern +cautious +caf2 +caal2s +caicara +cailteux +caverns +caucasus +canber +canfield +caney +canga +canoas +##bler +##bled +##iedman +##toire +##lowian +##ochand +##ochromator +uranous +uranyle +buttes +butterworth +students +pband +pbmβ +pb5sb +##rostructural +belo +belief +belgium +belkabir +10s +10g +1010 +1020 +10ppb +10ppm +10hz +adu +aden +adame +adits +adsh +adhes +adrag +adhering +adusum +adams +melonite +melane +meladito +##ductile +##ppert +serp +serves +serving +serration +serpuk +##imilians +silicoph +siliceuses +##genity +##llised +##llurics +como +coming +comments +commin +comfortably +twins +twyer +twinnite +regolith +regimen +##uez +larry +##ixo +##ixmeca +genkin +genius genuine -genske -equilibrating -micromill -erase -eradic -overly -overton -overbur -overlie -oversho -overgre -overste -overthrust -oversaturated -overturn -overstated -##ialithic -undulate -undissolved -undeniable -undulose -undermine -effused -sourcing -howlet -traceable -poise -pobs -poisson -pohl -pokro -##estment -reground -regressed -regulated -regulates -registered -##iently -20d -209 -2070 -##neglig -sik -si6al2o -legen -lepr -leitz -##ielite -##ensable -##enska -##ensurate -occured -occurence -container -graniti -granofels -bulgaria +lateand +##hedrally +souza +sought +##cona +##conser +##concel +magnetization +apprais +olary +##aceus +chalcanthite +micrite +microme +##perate +##peritic +##pervas +chloriteand +##ignie +graduated +graduational +secure +agt +agata +ag50 +agades +ag2s +agustin +aglα +aggressive +ag3sbs +ag5sbs +agterberg +agilent +agamem +lime +limagne +limonites +limouzat +limousin +prone +prize +prized +priab +printing +prasinoph +prague +private +wealth +recast +rectil +recipient +rectify +recurrent +analyser +##alei +##alez +precord +precauldron +##aves +##aving +##avant +##avian +##av10 +##avkov +##avalent +##avourably +undulations +undocum +undoubted +undemons +sedimentological +breves +brenan +bretagne +brennand +breadth +greens +greves +##ctolites +grainsize +##arem +##arenite +##arelle +##athoid +scant scour -sc13 +scail +scoria +scpo4 scoon -scanner -scraped -scfz -scintil -scandinav -##dingites -##dington -##dingsite -##illo -##illary -##illard -##illian -##cessible -##cesme -comparability -runka -##bonorites -underor -underto -underline -undertake -underthrust -undercounting -reef -ree2o3 -##logopite -measures -carbonor -carbonand -slit -slop -slant +scoped +scrap +scolec +scotland +scandium +allen +allsop +thereof +thereafter +sometime +thicken +thickens +assembly +##ango +##angxian +assembled +northings +northwesterly +##iocenter +domal +consistencies +signaled +signify +signifies +grouping +complements +faultor +dolnice +alongside +skp +skα +skaer +skye +skoda +skipper +sk51 +##ensitive +##ensii +##rowinning +accident +accentuated +epb +epizonal +timur +uptur +upson +upgrad +up213 +upgraded +upsurge +upwarp +updoming +uprafted +upstream +trancurrent +tranomaro +redated +redden +redef +##acterial +##isms +charts +charges +charlou +surgical +surmeh +surfer +party +feldspathoid +amade +amarg +amoeb +amenable +amidst +amirabad +metaland +mote +motions +mohant +mokai +mojada +mozamb +mojave +poza +pools +pohla +pophyr +poorman +20m +20and +20na +205pb +dolomitized +dolomitised +month +monem +monolith +montre +monterrey +monochromator +equidist +equiaxed +characterizing +impression +imposes +imposition +implemented +imprin +impetus +##sera +underco +underpress +underpin +undermined +poses +posits +postex +postentr +posthyd +pee +peat +pegere +people +peperitic +brc +brug +brings +bruk +bratis +bruce +brno +brightest +bridges +bradley +brantley +##tivent +commonwealth +commonplace +sequential +sequencing +sequerinho +heal +heart +healing +heidel +hewle +hezar +salite +salas +salvador +salgada +schau +schrey +scheu +scherer +schulze +schlema +schandl +skarnization +skarnand +skarnified +skarnification +synde +syenom +origeny +183 +18b +184 +181 +oreskes +treating +trellised +complexation +slt +slg +sld +slad slides -sliding -slags -recour -recreated -recaptures -timms -phlogopiteor -##aphically -miaj -mirolite -miarolitic +slabb +sl02 +slmd +slmt +slfg +slurry +slavkov +##epo +##epohl +elastic +elvan +elvia +eloise +eldridge +elizabe +elaboration +novel +noirs +noxidised +descl +descent +deserves +desiccation +provision +provider +vera +verren +verification +vermic +vergence +verruc +waterpro +waterberg +largeau +##berry +##berabber +primelab presentation -producer -productive -ecpx -eccles -hydrolytic -rajes -##rossed -##ardite -##ardment -agder -agnol -agglu -agakhan -secor -δ18ovsmow -δ18ozircon -heath -hebr -hebe -helex -heals -health -amc -ama -amoss -ammann -amended -amagmatic -amarga -beck -beccalu -node -noise -nodules -noisy -##isms -##ismann -##ipu -##ipedi -##iplan -##iplex -refit -refines -refute -charging -##fficiency -solidify -solidifying -comments -comings -commented -##earch -##aterials -##entia -##entifc -specular -specious -specifies -speckled -estimators -accidental -redef -redux -##grs19 -peridotiteand -##ocharacter -##ochroism -monument -monaster -monocular -monocrystalline -monopole -monosulfides -monomers -##ledged -determines -11a -11d -114 -119 -1175 -1190 -1160 -1140 -1185 -1195 -1166 -1147 -completen -complementing -12μ -12na -1225 -1295 -12e0 -1231 -##kalinity -##ronous -microtherm -micrograph -microtom -microcrystalline +##meo +##meyer +basinand +interprets +##viated +explorat +explicit +metamorphically +postulate +posttectonic +postorogenic +postmain +postcrystall +postgold +postductile +##aches +##achita +##achiles +wells +sericitation +##derivative +##iletes +##ileiras +co2of +horset +horses +olivineand +osu +osmos +##cl4 +##cl2 +##clic +##clusive +microand +microto +microcr +microcontin +microlite +microvial +microdi microcontinent -microblocks -derivations -inflated -infrequ -##angled -pbse -pbcorr -surmised -surrogates -erupts -na0 -naor -nao0 -nails -setpoint -saturations -##epiece -##eplgr -contra -contracted -contracts -contrasted -pyram -pyrolite -enriches -enriching -##insky -evolutions -primocryst -conductions -plucked -plunder -plunging -laar -laas -lazul -laumontite -##olithic -##tonite -##vesse -subductions -arcor -folds -co2po -remade -remarked -provost -assembling -1008 -1003 -1007 -1006 -##idescent -##ryts -##ryritic -lithice -lithotectonic -lithosper -##velocity -intraglacial -propyl -proponents -cu2 -culet -cubes -cudal -cukα -desulph -desert -mars -marlarg -marjal -martian -ti3 -tiff -tiand -tipped -characters -characterizes -characterizations -stark -doi -doing -representatives -srs -srb -sr2 -sr27 -srf2 -grega -grego -grevesse -matsu -mattson -mattey -mattinson -##ubets -##ualize -translated -transvaal -transcurrent -transcending -transfers -translucent -transducer -syenogranite -40d -401 -402 -4032 -poli -pollard -pollux -generalization -foose -fo80 -foden -fo85 -fo93 -fo89 -fo79 -foidite -foiditic -discount -discarding -discoloration -1910 -1956 -1965 -1945 -1968 -1966 -1955 -1946 -1961 -lime -limt -##lify -##litization -electrone -xenocryst -xenotime -geochimiques -prevention -silicateand -verging -verios -vertex -lineage -felsite -nearer -##pretation -##redict -##reducible -curst -currie -pyroxenitic -##ovation -##ovsky -timefr -noran -norte -norites -norfol -mainten -continually -fieldwork -constructing -##ailable -##ornes -closures -phenocrystic -phenocryts -##plg -##pler -##place -##plgd -##orsky -##azeght -##azrsi -afm -afz +micropores +microorgan +microincl +drag +drained +drivers +dripping +##formationnn +proposition +proposing +mats +mato +maton +matters +matched +mat262 +maturity +transvers +transits +transylvanian +soxhle +sophistic +kmhbx +plug +pluck +afar afro -afad -afield -respecting -comma -commence -commodi -commingling -##icki -##icks -caption -interpretive -outmost -outwith -outboard -evidences -graphcl -agee -mold -molal -molds -molasse -##sised -depleting -poses -posits -posited -amounting -1570 -1525 -1515 -1523 -1585 -1596 -serp -msp -msds -##omputed -##ompetes +afterm +afanitic +afghanistan +##tiality +extents +##hanan +##hibolites +nio +conditioned +minority +403 +40k +406 +409 +40km +40μm +steam +stepping +steenk +stefan +steiger +stegier +##4s11 +##renes +##renoid +respond +responds +infras +inferences +infrequent +##adiya +calculates +15a +1500 +15to +15ppb +15wt +15kv +barra +barros +barke +barbar +barita +barril +barker +barrat +barcel +bartholome +spherical +refines +reflux +referees +sandto +sandloot +##risco +pgeand +analyse +analytic +##stified +##crysts +##crustal +empresa +mafics +##lover +##loaded +##lorescences +hemley +outflow +##ramento +deri +dercourt +derugin +wallis +##gina +speculated +specify +speciated +crystalloclastic +crystallographically +developments +contribut +sphalerites +lateritic +##owna +alkalinity +dolomiteand +determines +oxidizes +orofino +diagonally +lesson +musgra +##amaha +##amafite +laugh +laitak +laurier +laurentia +##ails +pdand +pd02 +pd31 +pdsb +pd3sn +continual +continuation +displaces +expel +expose +exported +expanding +expans +expulsed +##ahi +decimetres +decalcification +ulrich +##ouncement +granodioriteand +remap +remodel +pressured +liquef +terra +terling +terraces +##ieu +##ieze afterwards -sio2and -sio2wr -sio2quartz -13c -13a -138 -139 -1373 -1340 -1323 -1345 -graphiteor -absy -absx -absz -absmin -abscis -absmins -absorber -commonplace -profiting -professional -patterned -iddingsite -mesa -mesoper -mesostasis -##ertained -predating -controllers -fernand -ferrar -uncalc -uncoll -uncoated -alters -wills -siliciclastic -subductionand -fink -finds -finest -finished -zrn -zr4 +smc +smf +smok +smsmp +smoliar +seconds +lithium +lithified +lithostratigraph +lithologically +lithostructural +litharenite +blast +blake +blidar +blizzard +scaleand +1915 +1937 +1914 +1900s +mixes +radii +radius +radiated radially -radiating -radiography -radiochem -radiotrac -##ogenous -##ogenized -##obioge -##titot -potent -pottery -14a -14d -142 -1430 -1480 -1460 -1470 -1425 -petit -peking -peeled -pebbles -associate -grouping -hornblendic -petrol -petrochemical -vaporization -##ricants -bluish -backing -newer -newman -newwave -democratic -hfn -hfs -hfo2 -manned -manji +radiolytic +ultrade +ultrapot +timeframe +rhombs +##otellurics +flower +manning +manometer +manhe +managem +manuf management -foundering -##regularities -displace -depended -dependance -##thermal -##ift -##ifilm -ruhr -apollo -suppose -supposed -supplies -suppresses -suppositions -reflexion -200t -200f -200to -measureable -slightest -southerly -directed -versa -quencher -quenches -quenchable -evolutional -investigators -constancy -paramagnetic -sulfidation -sulfosalt -184 -189 -186 -1830 -1814 -1860 -1840 -18ca -1823 -1893 -1851 -1836 -18ηh -resultui -lathe -latour -normars -peaking -distributi -##iquantit -centred -centric -century -diamante -##heet -##heets -##ishaw -##ishita -synto -synkin -synrad -synmet -synerup -synoptic -synapse -##eously -defer -defence -defrag -thermalor +porven +porkch +tectonite +##ctional +##awayan +##senite +generator +393 +397 +394 +399 +emplace +pyritised +pyrrothite +discounted +discomfortably +marginally +oxygens +##goedova +negating +crossbar +tration +tries +tried +trinite +trial +trade +truth +tribute +truter +trinta +truly +trimmed +2009 +eu2 +eurove +financ +finishes +finlay +finnegan +drills +drillbit +zno +znse +znkα +zncl4 +reeand +arctic +arcto +arcuri +δ34sfluid +δ34scdt +corresponded +ultramafics +banderas +##ropyrosmalite +##pension +##bodia +irn +irras +irrevers +irresoluble +##issive +##issiere +amph +galenite +galarza +superb +superficial +supervision +superlarge +##volcanos +##landites +potts +potok +setup +initiating +pegmatiti +##aux +##augite +amphibolised +selα +select +selley +selwyn +reductions +ironand +trav +albiteand +pyrrhotiteand +dissipation +dissolving +overlapped +roaring +rojo +rohr +robert +roxby +royden +contention +contentions +localise +diagrammatic +homogenise +100s +100m +100th +10000 +100and +100to +##cedented +basements +newer +newberry +##509 +patos +patula +muscovitic +describing +##olithic +muscoviteand sectioned -##keley -##keisen -##keetna -fractal -396 -3943 -barr -bargar -barostat -massonne -discussions -cm20 -##smal -electronprobe -demonstration -demonstrative -demonstrably -constantly -ulrich -veining -veinlets +sectioning +calin +normalize +srs +srikantia +mineralogie +mineralogisches +mineralogcial +frs +friction +fruta +frpm +fruit +friedman +matrices +correlatives +felsitic +507 +501 +multpre +multivent +ptt +pty +ptx +ptpd +pt33 +ptte2 +ptas2 +##ampsk +##amphibolites +platelets +11c +11d +1100 +11to +1150 +1130 +1132 +11ppb +##grain +##grained +actinides +creates +creaser +na1 +naoh +nazca +najd +naphten +naumov +solar +solute +solitary totaling -calibrating -followings +totalling +differentially +##ambeds +firsth +predating +synrad +syncaldera +synkinematic +synmetamorphic +synformal +synataxial +controller +halter +halybur +construed +illites +illitized +##aturated +##anee +##aneity +##anefjeld +greenwood +14d +14b +146 +1447 +1411 +doom +dobs +doyle +dozens +anomalism +metasyen +metasiltites +reportedly +##ishing +##ishaw +lineaments +andesine +detached +reacting +123 +12b +1200 +1250 +electrons +electronegative +efflorescences +midand +midto +midway +midnight +midcontinent +midgreenschist +midcrustal +##erty +##ertains +argide +arguably +argentop +identit +identific +methyleth +307 301 -302 -303 309 -3050 -3010 -3030 -3080 -3075 -3070 -3063 -carbonateor -reductions -##adia -##isticated -scalebar -dolan -##pensive -blur -blake -blind -bladed -blenc -blades -blanc -blanks -blobs -blattner -blotches -lamented -mmto -maximal -maxwell -drains -drisc -druit -draper -multivalent -anything -simulates -simulator -502 -508 -503 -5010 -5097 -clue -cluzel -clumps -invites -invade -invisc -invasion -invalid -inventories -investment -observatory -kmash -oxidant -oxidize -oxidization -oxidise -oxidizes -elmer -elats -ellest -elaborate -eligible -harley -hardisi -igor -oslo -oshig -##orporated -middlere -extensions -rhyolitc -tait -ta2o5 -tajcman -tareen -##ycomb -tectosi -brc -brussi -brakes -brachi -brimhall -brandon -bricks -endured -enderbite -endowed -endemic -precau -hereina -avenue -avenues -avogad -knot -ndand -nd2o3 -beamline -beamspl -longitude -longwork -normalor -normalizing -baxter -faced -facing -facets -polyhedral -polysyn -polyhedron -polythermal -niu -nih -nioliq -nieva -mnz -mnand -mnox -mnco3 -mntio3 -##burgite -laserprobe -##clinopyroxene -##aea -shoulders -think -thinly -affiliation -spectoris -buffonite -dash -##lof -##athin -interstitials -interstitialcy -breα -breached -brett -breadth -conclusively -multipoint -multistage -separable -lateor -sano -sanitary -fusible -fuhr -fuxian -##brans -##bekov -##beinsey -erratic -erratum -combat -combines -littering -litasov -extracting -extruded -extraterrestrial -epoch -epsilon -epitherm -deepens -deepening -##orthopyroxene -##vealing -margules -deformational -metaland -timesteps -fugaciti -162 -1610 -1670 -1673 -16e0 -easiest -historic -ironic -kimura -devil -downhole -downriver -downstream -espo -espres -espos -esperanc -nonneglig -seligman -superstructure -supervised -superheat -superscript -superlarge -kimberly -kimberley -selectively -selektor -puk -pudd -puzz -pudding -##roscopically -blueschistto -scherer -schreinem -schuessler -schandl -earthtime -earthquakes -##lands -northwes -continua -continuing -continuation -continuμm -sulfideand -ultrash -ultracalcic -ultrabasic -ultrathin -fo2and -##ogranular -17o -171 -1773 -253 -25th -2580 -2537 -2598 -2591 -2578 -working -workstation -##o2fo2 -confident -conference -activate -goeth -goethe -methodologies -delays -delmar -delaney -counted -county -countered -anhydride -rapakivi -##ra3 -##rael -##raverage -loo -loads -loyality -loosely -dyn -dyspro -porcel -porosities -portsmou -varmland -varfal -breakage -##otempor -##ourable -road -rooney -roentgen -rodionov -rodingites -##10prp -halos -halide -halides -sumino -cracked -localizing -postcaldera -terceria -##eroon -anorthites -anorthoclase -modifies -modifiers +302 +##yroclastic +channelled +iiic +direccion +13a +13d +13b +131 +1317 +000s +0005 +0002 +00002 +00018 +00027 +000ppm +000003 +lightly +lightand lightning -lightening -##ylene -##yllite -##ylvanian -convect -convolutions -convectively -kea -kemp -keith -##augite -consequentially -orthopyroxne -1000co -trachyphonolitic -pictured -picrpl -picoseconds -##vo4 -platelet -helz -hellev -helba -pads -visco -decomposed -decomposes -decompxr -teton -tuffaceous -##ika -resolvably -aggregated -releases -univariate -universid -recycle -agreements -explainable -bubbly -alkalineand -easternmost -fineand -##cuit -60na -##12γ -##1256 -##12332 -##12μδpl -##12and1 -porphyries -ybn -ybpm -referencing -geochronologies -##awed -##arkot -##othermal -##sonian -condense -heavily -ionized -labs -labels -labview -labrad -paleogene -paleowater -paleoridge -paleobioge -converse -converges -converged -densified -yellowish -##hennaya -elevate -elevating -fe3o4 -1108 -spectrometric -upwellings -volatileand -heterogenous -youda -universal -titration -irt -iris -irms -iridium -irvine -irscop -iridescent -irreducible -irregularities -omphacitic -offered -offering -offshore -offscr -illustrator -cameroon -mushroom -sidl -siderophile -cannibalization -polymers -polymictic -breakdowns -omphaciteand -widens -widening -widened -understandable -lawsoniteand -retards -retracted -retentive -retreat -returning -responds -responsiv -dryer -tecotonomet -##oyoshi -extremes -extremum -ce3 -luo -luanch -ludw -lumped -lujav -lumpy -##ference -##alleled -evaluates -1123 -blocked -technic -technical -technically -technological -hp32 -hp41 -##tooth -spatiotempor -archived -87mn -##ansson -fauna -liners -permil -retrogressive -##abilistic -dehydrations -dehydrating -70v -7070 -7095 -7044 -7027 -7047 -7089 -7028 -70512 -70780 -701256 -balances -balta -missing -misfit -misinter -distorted -disthene -probes -probed -probabilistic -##pentine -lacked -torfajokull -##148 -##ordur -##ordland -topo -topologies -topics -topographical -attractively -arrived -arrival -arriving -serpentines -serpentinised -southernmost -didn -didier -didcidx -migel -##ernberg -chalco -feoi -precipitations -precipitating -catolic -catastroph -creait -creighton -##ysuz -mountainous -867 -8620 -positioning -documentation -independence -fla -flushed -flanks -flags -florenc -flanking +countries +council +##ogeneities +angli +suppose +suppress +supporters +monzogran +aquamarine +mesa +mesas +mesobrecc +think +thinking +thinnest +approximated +approximates +fox +foose +fo91 +fojt +fo89 +forestier +singles +cools +curving +cursor +curiously +initialized +h2oand +##uguese +steepest +steepens +sandstoneand +affirmation +##stripping +pyroxeneor +environs +horni +##oki +##okarsts +mm1 +mmhb +fragua +bedrock +particulated +participated +##ndee +comparision +uraniniteand +softand +petten +petalite +pettke +petrostructural +shallowing +shallowater +paleont +paleotopographic +paleolati +paleoplac +paleokarsts +willman +willingness +westwards +westfal +##ironstone +coarseto +coarsegrained +baij +bajada +baiy +baadsgaard +baixo +bulge +bulbous +bulawayan +bariteand +mapable +mapasing +absorbing +flag +flare +flinc +flames +flaggy flotation -fladle -flavors -flawed -joel -joins -joides -lengthand -zns -znse -atomistic -chamosite -overlined -broadened -hollist -logc -logs -logd -logσ -logical -logically -logging -logfo2 -##wardship -##209 -##2047 -reflective -351 -352 -353 -3500 -3570 -3573 -3540 -3523 -3597 -3521 -905 -902 -908 -909 -90al1 -##uda -steam -stepped -stevenson -stewart -stewardship -summing -summation +flaky +##otsy +sulphideand +potassicand +petrochemical +pseudoreef +mn2 +mno2 +mnkα +mntio3 +tien +tiff +tiand +tipped +tireo +tielines +tops +topology +topographically +discusses +gneissose +openings +##osphate +rhythmites +turonian +turkish +orthorp +orthpyroxene +orthoprox +blocking +##ebosch +contaminate +authogenic +cmb +cm4 +endmem +dipoles +aggregations +multiste +multigrain +pitches +youngs +isochrone +##ccessful +clinof +msms +successor +successively +spectron +erased +erba +erlan +ertan +eritrea +eradiya +laval +##veniences +preservational +spectroscopic +conglomeratic +##tineberg +kao +confine +confused +confiden +confocal +configured +conflict +confluence +extractions +depletions +naturelle +observing +observably +stibi +stitch +arching +archive +archeological +architect +identifies +identifiable +swamp +swingmill +169 +mg2 +mgkα +mgcl2 +mk3 +mkpd +mkm3 +recognising +cyf +cyanob +##nai +##aza +##yllium +brocal +brochantite +standardized +##ocryst +254 +255 +2532 +miguel +##arks +peaked +peaking +μmol +##ijne +evapotr +borate +borra +borosilicate +miles +milita +milagros +millev +milieu +anyone +anywhere +microshear +microsyenite +xenotopic +xenocryst +chlorian +chloritised +chlorapatite +##itsi +grounded +ductily +datings +##olescu +transparen +transposing +slighty +isochrones +5000 +500to +deliver +del13 +del18 +delbove +delayed +situtated +##voite +arsenopyrites +369 +3600 +cumulating +lasers +##prints +downs +downloaded +variously +widen +widening +widgi +releases +##deer +chromiferous +photometry +backed +backarc +backtrack +backstripping +nbs1 +nb2o5 +noncomp +noncarbon +nonline +nonref +nonmineralized +nonhyp +nontect +nonpene +nonmagnetic +nonrecrystall +nonrobust +nonconser +nonpervas +##o2000 +accordion +phengite +ferran +ferrian +ferropyrosmalite +grao +grauch +paragenic +237 +234 236 -2356 -233u -rbk -##scoe -exsolves -classifications -edwards -edged -edgar -##works -handled -polarizing -polarised -polarisation -polarizers -freight -freise -freiling -frezz -freiberg -mpt08 -svenska -sensible -senbongi -##afesi -##afluor -##75hr -##75cpx3h1 -mineralogies -mineralogie -2065 -misorientated -misorientaiton -##1313 -##13and2 -protective -scatters -condensing -squaw -terraces -territories -paint +239 +232th +flores +floors +laminas +laminar +##lastics +excepting +horizonte +strikingly +fourier +fourty +##oxigong +market +weakening +weakened +influencing +ga2o3 +gauss +panels +panthal +pannonian +panantza +rietveld +##manus ##mania -##manowski -gradation -meteor -meteorites -elastically -500t -mci -mcar -mcma -mcint -mcfar -shorten -shortens -shorttle -shortened -shortcoming -amphiboliteand -merge -merensky -merwe -mercier -merlini -peralkalinity -snom -snap -snyder -snæfell -henceforth -substitutes -protolithic -ohm -ohand -implicates -implicating -mediumand -245 -243 +magnified +magnifications +handling +handspec +substance +substances +demonstrable +demonstrably +harder +hardness +hardened +hardpans +lacked +summer +summation +summaries +summaris +shetian +sheffer +sheaves +camps +campto +campinas +solidified +solidifying +solidifies +bahira +bahabad +retrograded +proximally +carrasca +carrizale +400f +400to +##iversary +medial +mediter +puzie +silland +taerde +taulhac +##omorphological +shaley +exhibiting +701 +70to +70ppb +7034 +7057 +7074 +minimally +minimizes +2062 +orderly +classes +classifiable +cycf +muddy +mudjati +sapecado +metalloid +simplic +simpler +simplifications +broadest +broadens +604 +609 +605 +farquh +faraco +siderophile +##ledged +collar +collages +essay +escanaba +notes +petrographie +marbleization +intensifier +goal +goyaz +jinsh +##hovian +174 +##beds +investigator +permissive +graphic +graphitization +graphics +linkage +workbench +recrystallizes +prospecting +existent +protocol +protocols +unconformities +augiteor +serpentization +serpentenite +northeasterly +δ13oco2 +377 +371 +376 +pathfinder +interstitially +heatingand +hypogeneand +microscopia +microscopically +freely +##orthy +##orthocumulate +187ostotal 244 -goldor -opens +245 +242 +tecnai +##nington +insb +insensitive +enclosure +discussions +circulations +circulates +dilated +fabricacion +polycy +polyphase +polynom +alternations +alternately +technical +technologies +rayed +##bax +##baikou +detecting +detects +becerra +infiltrate +thermo2000 +freeze +freeport +ought +ouachita +pentlandites +elevations +argillites +huhn +huerg +huelva +huvelin +hungary +huppert +divide +division +dividing +entities +kalya +kalguta +convert +mediums +entirety opals -##icek -hybrids -hybridise -hybridising -underground -ccp -ccd -cycled -examines -shares -sharper -keyed -224 -229 -2280 -752 -757 -gaspari -##60lv -stabilised -camgsi -camgsi2o6 -455 -457 +opaline +opacity +opinions +optional +maximize +fragmentary +bona +bonote +bonito +bonatti +boninitic +hereby +hereafter +ledlie +##watersrand +##illera +accumulates +accumulating +802 +80krb +axios +semiduc +semiglob +##tzisp +##trell +metaanthrac +metaosmati +metaigneous +metaironstone +kln +tenth +##enice +segregates +segregating +austria +austrian +accomplished +restricting emi -emg -emit -emitted -emitting -emerged +emd +emulsion +em92 +em64 emitter -alternates -procedural -sheared -vfz -vfand -##vantages -##apsulated -acquiring -entries -pyroxeniteand -pyroxeniteto -drillcores -farmer -farthest -vienna -reproduction -molarity -supplemented -essence -japanese -circa +labrador +laborlux +labotka +scanners +assimilate +salineand +rooyen +periodically +jasmor +jasenice +ruiz +ruhr +intestin +ankara +224 +dunitic +dunlap +dunnage +##wnne +dependency +attribution +attracted +attracts +attractive +##unai +266 +269 +2657 +873 +879 +captures +capability +capturing +caprock +capitao +capacitance +fresher +gashes +δdvsmow +##ammer +geoanal +permeate +permeated +permeates +potentials +paperback +blundy +##hbanan +accessible +accessibilities +iii3 +publish +pictures +roundish +##aii +##aiya +##farlane +offering +offler +leachable +leachates +kombol +narcea +viejas +##ovation +##ovian +##ovitization +##ulfate +northwestly +northwestand +northwestward +iceland +##mito +oriente +timescale +187oscommon +polars +polarity +versa +variscides +##306 +##fully +phosphatic +southeasterly +reactivating +closures +graphiteand +henceforth +promoting +prominently +platinized +edward +edited +edwards +editors +loges +logical +detritic +150nd +865 +862 +loose +lozere +loellingite +beams +colorada +terrance +pseudomorphoses +riverbeds +gypsiferous +##104 +residuals +induces +equivalence +batholithic +laboratorio +narrows +narrowing +branch +branca +brancanes +hradec +huludong +##axp +##fields +##timated +coverts +chambon +chamosite exciting -exciplex -backgrounds -backgroundand -metasomatised -metasomatization -metasomatize -803 -804 -807 -806 -tiburon -minimized -minimizing -minimizes -minimising -minimises -discreet -author -tetraor -019 -0115 -01sb -float -##naiss -##naeplgr -reasoning -publically +excitation +excursion +diamantina +aguabl +aguayo +aguachiles +gypsumand +metavolcanoclastic +326 +3200 +322co2 +poland +polita +pollucite +parentheses +santos +##io4 +##io6 +##ajka +shoulder +phyllonitic +clayey +groundmasses +burt +burstal +burdig +buritiram +hfses +mcinn +mcnau +mcgow +mcfall +mcknight +mcinty +sbf +sband +thirds +thirdand +chambery +chamberlain +june +packard +packets +##vansay +##zhou +##zhai +planus +planted +planned +plantees +triarsenides +celal +celadonite +fivefold +luanga +lutitic +lumped +luv213 +lumpkin +peltetec +##taishan +streaks +streambeds +immobil +immense +simon +simons +simulating +simulates +voyager +voissiere +##tructure +##tructures +clarity +clarified +heterogenity +necessitates +glaber +paul +pauses +devin +devices +centering +rhodochrosites +harlow +harmed +harbi +harrat +morphological +rosario +rosglas +sixty +sixteen +##arbonates +4500 +bernd +berza +berzel +bergak +berkel +berthoud +bermeo +beryllium +tinto +exsolve +exsolves +obliteration +serpentinised +serpentinizing +serpentinising +metavolcanics +metavolcaniclastics +250ms +rotary +rottenstone +flats +prospecto +prospectors +bestow +cambax +cambridge +##afson +##caletti +dispute +disposition +disputed +ionizing +kuhn +kubler +kuhbanan +tuva +tuamdih +tuoked +virii +##bidites +homogeneously +particularity +northeastand +66zn +digging +digests +karsts +karato +karstified +tabulated +tabulate +taboa +tabberabber +##rido +chilean +turbidity +287 +289 +2825 +28wt +28325 +284a +313 +314 +316 +312 +blewett +ugurlu +subscribed +calibrate +219 +293 +298 +299 +292 +29mf +902q +baltic +cps +cpy +camoufl +cambodia +hyvern +nguy +purify +purifies +purdue +ramly +ramsay +##2070 +seek +seeking +cavitiesand +heterogeneities +bitotite +duket +dutriz +ordinary +placing +montel +remobilize +remobilizing +577 +571 +576 +572 +aw020 +awesome +mention +menoy +menchaca +##ryen +excessive +bakhit +peny +penge +penecon +penitas +penaran +yb15 +yb12 +##shuiquan +##scape +##burgite +stratavolcanos +agreed +schematically +petrologists +contemporaneity +viewpoint +657 +658 +65cu +rln +starved +shortage +shortwave +shortcoming sharpe sharpness -281 -285 -28w -288 -2800 -2850 -2830 -2880 -2824 -2835 -2821 -2871 -265 -263 -2610 -2660 -2623 -2662 -2683 -binaries -massively -ptotal -begun -channelling -006 -0065 -0024 -002047 -mwu -mwl -mwuss -crystallographically -corresponded -channel5 -channelizes -vss -vsusp -##stantinou -vestiges -##efs -interspersed -disequilibria -recrystallize -ambiguity -contributor -predominate -achieves -achievement -achievable -jiurui -mq14 -mq27 -sucked -##maxp -disperse -disperses -dispersing -formulate -formulating -strengthened -conditioned -homogenise -homogenised -homogenisation -biological -biosphere -bioge -promising -promotion -##rensen -ga3 -gaft -gahnite -gaillard -rounding -##oblasts -princeton -irregularity -izbekov -izrael -insb -insure -insulation -insulating -integrity -integrally -integrating -collisions -featureless -globe -advect -advise -advisable -recognisably -recognizable -1350оc -spectroscopic -substitutional -opposition -constituted -isochrones -isochronous -reconsidered -reconnaiss -liezers -weaken -weakens -1034 -inferior -inferring -ferroaugite -molecules -flatten -flatness -flattens -557 -5500 -buick -jugo -actlab -actuators -frontal -substantiate -1873 -narrowed -052 -0515 -0005 -00014 -00037 -000013 -363 -3630 -3612 -3685 -3645 -3641 -3686 -3646 -casting -casio -cassegr -purged -pursue -purchased -divides -divisions -1883 -323 -3290 -3270 -3216 -3295 -3219 -651 -653 -654 -659 -657 -tsuno -##ahti -##hai -inherit -inherits -sphene -tetrahedrally -034 -039 -036 -332 +distorted +submillimetre +microfolds +microflamb +tectonisation +tectonostratigraphic +tectonomorphological +coincidental +057 +058 +059 +055 +05ppb +384 +386 +382 +macroscop +macint +mac97 +macfl +macropor +maclean +macfallite +mac67 +macusani +macquari +macfarlane +##uiluz +metabasics +recrystallizations +outsides +extremities +33s 333 -3300 -3360 -3393 -3326 -3355 -7325 -airlock -pilet -robie -roberson -riverbed -tamaki -tamazeght -realm -realize -realization -realisation -immense -immersed -groundmasses -bath14 -hc1 -hc3 -lastly -mh25 -seminal -semiconduc -semiquantit -##3o4 -##3o9 -##3o12 -##elsk -##elsberg -connects -connections -connolly -repeating -061 -062 -0612 -06mg -211 -217 -2167 -2161 -gsb -crucially -restricting -restrictive -restrictions -qualify -cmasnh -pseudoper -pseudowollastonite -pseudopot -8430 -84titot -operation -operative -efficacy -vesiculate -morphologically -penns -penniston -salts -salites -salvad -salmang -salipu -weld -welche -instructive -anneal -tephro -tephrite -tephritic -tephrites -plasticity -silvercorp -naalsi1 -batholithic -δ30siol -δ30sipl -024 -029 -027 -0211 -373 -374 -376 -952 -95mo -miller -millenia -millenial -millisecond -tonalities -##poise -##pointing -chem2d -datasheet -corrensites -preferable -papers -1508 -1505jd10 -1506jd -3400 -3450 -3420 -3483 -3448 -3471 -3439 -drier -habits -mingxi -nitrate +334 +339 +332 +524 +522c +lucia +lucky +lucero +ridley +riddled +property +encase +encased +encroached +volcanoes +105pt +breaking +backgrounds +focusses +easy +eastings +listing +lisbon +zhu +bending +accuracies +1201 +keyed +evaluates +evaluating +heterogeneously +scapoliteand +467 +464 +462 +guides +guidel +guidotti +guinea +guandalup +guaymas +sara +sarvest +##taine +##indric +fortuitous +fortunately +aslα +summarise +fluctuates +597 +599 +59co +hsu +pangyurishte +##ofed +conveners +conventions +convenience +subdivide +diffusional +1987 +1982 +irradiations +bottomed +eguiluz +kvanefjeld +molles +##implifies +convex +shortest +shortened +subhedraland +stylolitic +nucleate +277 +274 +343 +348 +341 +349 +753 +759 +75as +7500 +bravoite +bubbled +hellyer +helgeson +helikian +palm +palin +palmas +paliwal +palisade +palingenetic +palmito rifts -##ofocus -##735b -##alpic -reverted -reversing -ascertained -crinanitic -analogously -colouration -percolated -encapsulated -ignoring -charnockitic -nmr -vrededort -##da2da -##gm2 -playa -underscore -removable -greyish -furniture -299 -297 -2930 -2995 -pulled -roughness -wright -wraps -invert -proxies -dissecting -granophyres -outcomes -outcompetes -icpmsdat -helping +##getation +consecu +graves +diopsidic +granulometry +causative +feldspathicand +offsetting +harrisites +discriminators +cezall +dauphine +f345 +holness +holocene +p250 +podmore +podiform +##2596 +##isciplin +##igoon +neuve +neugebauer +architectures +segmentation +reasoning +reproducing +conventionally +consequential +514 +5128 +512596 +achaean +achieve +achieving +banshan +banatites +catalysts +catagenetic +catastroph +gemstone +gemstones +gemmy +gemfields +morvan +morgan +morterito +mortensen +moravian +seemed +seemingly +analogues +porphyroclasts +programmer +programmes +daughters +cerbia +cerritos +callovian +idstw +tellerhaus +vicinities +vicentite +willemites +willemse +##hyantic +##idoblastic +connate +connors +connecting +playon +playford +bohemia +pbsl +106pd +metasomatically +goethitic +borderline +54e +545 +542 +567 +717 +711 +7138 +71332 +71104 +automorphic +autosamp +autochand +cs44 +doubts +mbx +mb0 +passively +peneplan +##oyant +##neling +disappoin +disappeared +1976 +1979 +1975 +197au titanate -titania -titanian titaniferous -arrhenian -segmented -gaining -nano -nanometer -nanometric -naney -nanomet -nanostructural -nanbo3 -nanocharacter -nanogranular -nanofocus -resisted -resistances -recovering -barsanti -facilities -doublets -bleb -bleed -gdn -gd19 -gdvo4 -peccer -##arsson -ancillary -interstratification -120and -contextualize -ideality -31i -31p -311 -319 -3130 -3194 -3181 -3869 -csvz -certainty -horizontally -treating -treats -tems -strikes -researches -plasmas -lister -excellence -2507 -47o +titanowodginite +titanaugite +cyclical +substantiating +bismutite +bismutomicrolite +dashes +dasgupta +globule +pyx +py2 +pyke +py1b +pycn +pyrosmalite +pyromorph +decompose +decomplex +cracked +interlaminated +repeating +repetitions +sparitic +hypotheses +hypothetical +peripheries +triggers +tellurian +penetrating 471 -935 -936 -9336 -93nb -pinpointing -vanish -vanishing -vancou -##axis -forsterites -ensured -ensuing -1981 -1984 -robustly -robustness -researched -dateable -huerto -huhma -huinan -huashan -macpherson -macroscopically -nowicki -pdf -pd25 -pdtdt -unrepres -unrevealing -leucitites -leucititic -intraand -intraoceanic -faulted -emphasised -emphasizes -emphasises -packaged -swiss -swedish -swallowtail -swift -testify -testifies -##hungata -whoi -evaporating -outlining -##ographies -araguinha -discrepant -274 -277 -2750 -2730 -2775 -2767 -431 -434 -439 -4321 -bayeris -presumable -tracked -softened -solvcal -redistributing -designation -designations -exploiting -explosivity -drawings -powering -adjusts -adjustable -thirdly -expandable -potassiumfile -481 -485 -487 -4800 -524 -527 -52cr -671 -678 -6700 -boot -daylight -masked -masking -mascom -masotta -pippard -stiffer -##o4anhydrite -stoe -stoffler -staging -diverted -diverges -diversify -leftmost -transforming -2000b -4169 -diluting -dilatation -freshly -guides -guided -guarant -recharged -recherches -streak -subcontinent -oscillate -barely -fittings -linkage -2386 -238pb -tschermakitic -544 -5479 -5600 -kiln -kilian -morten -mortars -attach -attest -attacks -corrector -arguing -questionable -445 -4470 -599 -597 -596 -854 -briefer -british -digits -ethylene -h2oto -##ositivity -challis -challenges -feolivine -subtractive -overestimating -propagates -realistically -091 -098 -09vd -692 -694 -6950 -883 -octopole -sectoral -wavelet -##sdorfer -##sdottir -##hangshan -##hangelsk -coherence -coherency -classes -classed -perforations -prisms -capacities -capacitance -snows -snowbir -prominently -mobilities -mobilise -mobilisation -bottoms -attempting -088 -087 -08sio3 -46p -468 -57b -572 -5700 -57fe -826 -9193 -91zr -budgeting -buddington -rotating -rottier -warran -##going -court -courtier -coinciding -attenuated -##abricated -inconsistently -inconsistency -inconsistencies -analyzers -arrowed -poikiolitic -monitoring -103lnβmin -ophiolithic -hawaiites -cathodoluminesce -cathodoluminesence -cathodoluminescent -jxa98 -491 -496 -49ti -631 -637 -6390 -6360lv -bimodality -dtgs -fb23 -fb22 -foreland -foregoing -fabricated -gulf -gulada -morse -morison -morado -morris -morimoto -morocco -morishita -machida -named -naked -nakagawa -nist610 -pumiceous -ubide -vacant -zeiss -##asaltic -##elineau -startling -checking -quadratic -quadril -metapelite -appreciated -validation -validating -meshes -defocuss -defocussed -succession -batchelor -poikiloblasts -076 -07co3 -07vd -1b2c5 -423 -4248 -999 -amplified -dedicated -engelhard -engulfs -odling -exerting -compensators -programs -smoothed -smoothing -micronizing -amorphize -amorphized -patchiness -acquisitions -remobilised -remobilises -044 -046 -04230 -bentor -bentonites -bentonitic -damages -german -herring -idioto -mlt -milky -mos2 -pocket -renishaw -rigaku -utilize -utilization +472 +damian +nanoplankton +nanhua +nanjing +sino +aspy +chronometer +chronostratigraphic +chronicle +disrupts +implicated +1908 +patched +patchwork +patchily +angularity +migmatization +geothermometric +geothermochron +554 +6100 +61ni +kilometric +parentage +rubin +senses +sensors utilise -utilised -utilising -##hisa -##32fo2 -institut -##ething -revived -revolves -attains -orangeites -weathered -unpub -unpredict -mgco3l -alloying -1443 -1447 -meaningless -conventionally -favorably -tetrahedrons -austroalp -d293 -d296 -d218 -fisler -fissures -holey -hole735b -myers -skora -skelton -skogby -skialithic -wolf -wolff -##psar -suny -hypervelocity -impede -impeding -transiting -transience -plumbotectonic -permitting -concerns -mc1314r06 -mc1314r12 -insensitivity -cascio -cascadian -cascadia -discriminative -discriminatory -3507 -791 -795 -792 -97o -elutriation -failures -kgpa -mossa -please -pleochroism -tomographies -conceptually -anvils -interlabor -interlinked -interlocking -wehrlitization -unfilled -metabasite -adopting -decouple -complemented -infracrustal -transitionaland -brecciation -encountering -dissociates -occupation -hammers -819 -981 -989 +quadt +##ivarint +spiking +percents +percival +percentile +thrusted +constitutive +coincidentally +413 +417 +419 +412 +centres +kinloch +mzdi +wijbran +##998 +websterites +explosion +explosively +plumlee +multifractals +1108 +mesoarchean +fo2ph +integrate +integrity +integrates +strengite +beryls +hybridizing +helps +czamans +czajka +cathles +catheline +tmi +trobe +troctolites +violet +vielze +wedges +wedging +wedged +wedepohl +##tianling +invaded +inventory +investment +assesses +nevis +perturbs +lamproitic +1964 +1966 +1969 +1962 +endoskarns +160to +ferrobas +hangingwalls +peninsulas +discontinuously +777 +775 +7700 +985 +droplet +gaining +##ctica +##utsumi +dehydrates +realm +##echite +fluorides +fluoroapatite +highlighting +intraformational +carlson +carlsb +abbreviated +itacaunas +activated +101e +1019 +1015 +101ru +syngenetically +productora +juxtapose +bismuthinides +hypothesised +0384 +0323 +03004 +733 +731 +732 +7310 +7357 +73006 +743 +748 +744 +749 +745 +742 +7457 +900oc +cellier +cellulai +certainty +ddw +film +filtered +films +filho +suspension +grandacos +preexistent +undetect +undegassed +softer +absolutely +usefulness +magnesiofo +encounter +encounters +cyclicity +004 +0086 +0048 +00812 +951 +ivc +ivb +lmi +lmu +lmz +moldova +nascent +qfz +zeo +zeitge +restore +restoring +##ometrically +feeds +feeders +dominanted +hornfelsic +mobilize +mobilizing +mobilisation +mobilising +ddhh11533 +086 +085 +588 +584 +586 +585 +582 +5890 +fronts +jb5 +maritimes +tubingun +alumino +aluminosilicate +chaixmeca +geometrically cuprite -dredges -dredging -dafa -dafan -fibre -fibers -grossly -ninefold -sørensen -tenth -##lemite -##anova -##etotal -anatectic -anataxis -collar -collars -collared -discontinuities -unmineral -unmolten -unmetamorph -thermochronologic -2014c -monzo -monzogranite -curvatures -curviplan -schmolke -decompositions -polarons -inspect -sandwiches -fbh15 -51v -519 -721 -72685 -89y +cupola +redistribute +montana +glasses +077 +023 +airborne +bacterially +bacteriogenic +coldwell +motton +sabkh +##otitic +##32a +##321 +##amentally +competence +seismically +unreasonably +commences +commingling +commercial +commencement +commanderie +communication +analyzes +analyzable +hematitie +requirement +semiconductors +065 +421 +4236 +aimed +aiming +dumitru +franz +francu +hoering +hooked +hoformationnn +lapo4 +merge +merges +merged +merien +merougil +mercantek +xianshuiquan +thorne +isoprenoid +deviating +anionic +fluxes +fluxed +stringed +anglesite +mkd13 +mkd49 +xenotimes +xenoblastic +exhalites +microfracturing +centimeterto +perturbing +481 +489 +485 +482 +443 +446 +4473 +44te35 +497 +496 +492 +bsei +c13 +c18 +c14 +c11 +c16 +c19 +c15 +c12 +crenulites +fibres +malting +malay +malope +munster +pinches +pinacoidal +##zuela +##backs +isoclinally +arenaceus +unfaul +unfavourably +interfinger +clifford +assayed +assaying +evolves +recalculating +underline +underlay +underlined +oscillations +transforming +derives +derivatives +remarked +2005a +predictable +predictably +synchronicity +disturbing +reconstruct +cathode +cathodes +devolatilize +897 +890 +891 +896 895 -893 -boxes -fm37 -haplob -konrad -konstantinou -ldu -ldth -ldree -ldhf -ldnb -ldzr -nickle -skew -tursack -tails -tailored -worthwhile -##eringer -##iterated -co3f -shutdown -disagree +aplogranitic +bhsm +bouger +bouabdelli +clumped +jaeger +jaffey +kinks +lachaux +murchison +nonexistent +nonexpand +nonequilibrium +otates +ot10 +temb +veliki +reactants +supra +contouring +seamed +##akenly +ambiguity +impercepti +emphasizing +ignored +tripod +coexisted +coexistent +migrations +xenolithic +anorthoclasites +stretch +virginia +behaviours +ach9985 +ach9981 +amygdules +denuded +denoting +hollard +hollinger +hollister +hollingworth +lvr +latu +latrisco +pialli +tarim +vg54r +wat34 +watkinson +watchorn +zambrana +##stick +##157 +chapelle +shading +madre +granodiotitic +concern +lepidoblastic +brasileiras +exploits +synthetically +channelization +channelized +delineating +kaolinisation +kaolinitised +karakul +paleogeothermal +idealised +0436 +03040 +03035 +677 +670 +672 +782 +8800 +88sr +9bi27 +dtr22 +gera +germain +germanic +gavia +pacmanus +rae +raul +xinfeng +xintianling +dendrite +reiners +reindeer +asymmetry +asymmetries +asymmetrical +tears +preliminarily +georgia +georgina +boxed +carey precede -preceded -precedent -1264 -1266 -transferring -1305 -1307 -130xe -radiationless -superimposition -assimilants -counteract -counterint -counteracting -counterpart -counterpoise -favouring -accommodation -accommodating -51288 -51296 -6400 -6497 -749 -7440 -949 -bonnich -burg -mirwald -mira3 -##fla -totterdell -totalling -complicating -annually -annuli -annulus -annotated -tripoli -chilean -chipilapa -pressurization -pressurizing -unconsolidated -unconvinc -underestimation -underestimations -undertakes -recalculate -greenschistand -tectonism -tectonovolcanic -tectonothermal -mcdade -mcdowell -mcdermitt -interlaying -anatolid -anatolide -haplogranitic -skeleton -cummingonite -insignificantly -2ci -2camg -535 -533 -624 -6200 -71148 -fsc12332 -hardest -hardening -kepuer -medio -medical -ruling -vermees -##bohedral -##inturk -coarsened -isochoric -isochorically -cr3d -hafs -collectable -collectors -2012b -2015a -2015b -srm981 -1317 -131ba -131xen -chlorides -chlorapatite -2003c -2003b -australian -delineation -delineates -hypothesise -hypothesizes -opportunities +precedes +epiclastics +sylvanite +blanco +blanquita +2004b +percolate +percolations +kuoerzhenkuoa +634 +635 +6310 +621 +botros +bottrell +droop +dropping +droppers +fixation +fixating +garrett +garnetite +garrido +junkers +knowing +tlf +cooperation +reversed +electrode electrostatic -everywhere -perturbing -778 -761 -763 -766 -aplitic +electrowinning +corridors +surpassed +briefed +selvage +mulege +orthopyroxe +volumetrics +economical +economists +celebrating +virgenes +favours +favourably +palaeotopographic +palaeoground +palaeotopography +431 +davis davies -fissionogenic -kelvins -motoyoshi -nasa -nash -nasdal -omit -omura -omitting -omnip -rt2 -rtln -s4a -s4b -tuysuz -tm07 -woodhead -##innigan -magnetics -shimadzu -restarted -arbitral -detritus -carlin -carlos -δ18owater -δ18ocore -montel -montdorite -intracontin -symplectic -1971 -1972 -1979 -1977 -1976 -prevailed -possesses -possessed -1435 -volatilize -circumference -suspensions -establishes -establishment -consumptive -gravitationally -destabilized -destabilizing -mirror -fsc1332r06 -incongruently -6cafes -6cafesi -9212 -92fe0 +davisson +kerler +kermad +owyhe +owensii +ruling +warmer +##ni0 +grs32 +stromatitic +checks +checkerboard +companion +companhia +dismantling +quartzofelsp +metapyroclastic +resistance +planktonic +plankneck +validate +validated +##udev +ensures +overpressures +appendices +microns +accelerated +symmetry +symmetric +orthoquartzite +orthoamphibolites +transpressionally +predominating +dilatancy +tennant +emerge +emerges +excellence +976 +96s +966 969 -963wh2o -dropped -hoog -hoover -hofformationn -hoefs -marianell -pelite -peltier -pelagic -rheologically -sxfive -tremendous -urtite -urged -visually -wild -wilkins -willemite -##selaer -##bourgh -##2400 -##2460 -##argad -protruded -protruding -speedometry -persisted -persistence -submicron -hygroscopic -carbides -improvements -regularity -microfracture -microfracturing -surveys -pyrolysis -syngenetic -syngenetically -captures -mswds -freezer -taihang -multipoles -1794 -179hf -rooted -optimum -optimised -reconciling -extrapolate -extrapolates -immobility -scientists -warmest -metabasalt -discontinuously -lanthanum -disaggregating -831 -839 -837 -8900r -bellto -d3a -hvasshjall -happel -iterated -iterations -kinked -kinzler -liberating +grove +grooves +ponds +ponded +pronost +rossa +altay +retentive +stabilized +stabilities +stabilizing +stabilisation +shoe +protrusion +protrusions +protrude +calcsilicates +hydroxy +hydrolyzed +neoand +neoformation +designation +postcumulus +stereoscan +spheroid +spheroidal +spheroids +employ +controversies +solvents +125te +longitudes +meaningless +interested +quadrilatro +escondido +strontianite +duplication +duplicates +monominerallic +018 +0185 +533 +536 +535 +7105 +71025 +71012 +battle +bartos +bayan +bayoneta +ccf +forez +foreign +foreground +gdi +gda +kasemann +mrc +mrf +mrini +matured +pascal +route +rodingitized +ribeiro +sums +summed +uzun +waned +wanted +wilkinson +wilhel +##longgou +##469 +##archs +##ashear +##ashya +almond +receiving +returning +returns +departure +dislocated +metadacitic +nephelinite +neighbour +neighbors +obscures +undulous +undulating +undulatory +transecting +209bi +underplate +plagioclasite +sl13 +microanalyser +matchstick +homogenously +cleaning +combustions +fourthly +cordieriteand +polygon +plumbomicrolite +destabilize +destabilisation +lepidocroc +postcollisonal +eclogites +psammitopelitic +722 +brachyantic +crescumulates +deduce +dedicated +dedolom +herron +herring +herja +hervig +hongge +honghu +japanese +khusib +llhr +mongol +nacional +songpan +tanana +tanami +venture +walnut +waltzisp +wswto +##eyites +##ski +##gerine +##jemites +ingress +ingrown +ingrowth +stokes +stoffregen +compounded +prolongation +organisation +preparations +substituting +leaves +leavitt +meterto +biozones +melagabbronoritic +recoveries +recoverability +imprecisely +hexavalent +hendrick +definable +mushket +mushketo +195pt +trondjemites +δ34ssulfate +selenoand +multiplicative +evaporates +evaporatic +harzburgites +obliterate +obliterates +03041 +03042 +moroccans +pumiceand +dismembrator +academic +abruptly +potgietersrust +690 +696 +695 +793 +795 +792 +buck +buckets +buchanan +c23 +c27 +c24 +c21 +c26 +c29 +fanay +funnels +fundamentally +henrie +jmt +kuru +kurai +latitud +landin +landward +landais +landscape +mueller +pallid +romo +renewal +tilts +tilted +vaav10 +##oysite +##diagram +##314 +##1000b +##elobondo +tomkins +condestable +coalification +retusotr +anatolian +anatomosing +unconstrained +philosilicates +spiderdiagram +concurs +concurrence +corrodes +melanorites +melanterite +melanogabbro +monophasic +improvement +symposium +syntactic +1851 +slickenline +propagate +so42 +empirically +outwardly +ultrasaline +rheologies +rheologically +triangles +triangulo +2006a +pegmatoids +electronica +multidisciplin +220m +leucogranulite +duitsland +dispersions +urumiye +quadrant +quadrivarint +escapes +boudined +rhombohedra +nacleq +440ma +689 +740720 +c43 +c48 +c44 +c41 +c49 +c45 +c42 +eluted +eluant +grossschl +kinds +lzl +lifespans +nnre +nneto +pillar +sseto +vesicle +vesuvianite +vesicles +vesignie +wrapping +z23 +z27 +z24 +z21 +z26 +z29 +z22 +zftz +deficiency +conductive +conductor +couples +anhydritic +incipiently +crypto +metacarbonates +classically +premain +neptune +megascop +megashear +augites +gradationally +screw +screens +screening +impurity +barramiya +mansouri +cleaved +creamy +multielements +progressions +7087 +70846 +70888 +70821 +preferably +insightful +embraced +neutralization +tetrahedralvs +competently +destroy +destroys +transgressions +fundamentals +condensate +condensing +condensates +corroborating +symplectic +slickenside +slickensided +slickensiding +slickenslides +ah2s +d5000 +gniesses +gfz +hudsonian +jacarez +kfsp +lnp2 +lecuy +luders +ludden +ludlowian +md01 +mosabani +mosquito +pearly +ronze +ronneburg +ripening +tweequ +utah +wetted +wetting +xinglonggou +##raton +##nesburg +##uozi +##tilli +forsteriteor +reworking +attack +attains +attainable +maastrichian +diabases +queen +quesnel +incursions +metagabbros +metarhyolites +severely +strictu +intracrustal +intracraton +spacings +appreciated +appreciate +appreciably +amazonian +microbial +microbially +microsparite +microsparitic +specialised +193ir +1949 +discrepancies +2007a +mesotoorthocumulate +##lomeratic +thermoochemical +thermoelec +sanidines +luzero +powellite +monitoring +juxtapositioning +sigmoid +prevails +trenchward +rustenburgite +reinforce +reinforced +microveinlet +jxa840 +lifetime +pillowed +neptunistic +embayment +symplectite +827 +824 +8200 +azurite +candidates +dmi +dmo +dmn +dmlb +dmrl +dalma +dalanasayi +durbach +durango +ethanol +furo +fuel +fuelled +froze +frozen +glomerocrystic +holds +holding +ipges +italic +italia +kavalier +lagao +misidentified +misorient +mccoy +mccourt +mcclay +mccrea +mccallu +mccandless +peccer putting putative -putty -putlitz -pigeonites -xh2ofl -##ukov -##ukcu -##mncak -##mg4al -##xos2b -compressible -compressibilities -suprasol -suprachondritic -mahoney -splits -splatter -subordinately -fluoroph -strictu -learned -raimond -discoveries -maximize -maximise -maximizes -maximillian -1602 -schoenberg -goals -retrieving -summarizing -challenged -reviewer -reviewers -intergrainular -okayama -visualization -visualise -reprecipitated -375209 -da0exp -jd10 -jdlc -lacro3 -mutual -palmierite -palagonite -waldbaum -##empirical -##354 -##estionably -inserts -##staedter -isogrades -reiners -compounded -alm58 -cruises -anticlinal -lifetimes -quicker -objectives -neoformation -neoformed -repulsion -arsenal -arsenic -prerequisites -104t -1042 -104rt -detonated -detonations -hydroxide -contradicting -limestones -outpace -outputs -136xesf -petrographiques -multiclass -multicollect -eliminates -##iefontein -supersaturate -governing -governs -delivery -fragmentation -geothermobarometric -consensually -encompassed -encompassing -subtractions -vermiculate -vermiculite -californian -erroneously -fumarole -koulakov -menzies -paste -pasco -tilting -turbidite -turbidity -vitron -vitroph -wait -δe0 -##jallajokull -##itons -conforms -receiver -receives -exemplify -stems -ordinarily -shielded -intermitted -modestly -uncharacter -neutrons -army -armenia -armoring -arm200 -ims3f -106t2 -impurity -erdmannsdorfer -overcame -overcomes -rawling -america -survival -survivability -discerned -discerning -discernable -2004a -ellis -ellam -schwab -postdating -disturbing -attributing -catalcesme -cyclically -nanocrystalline -103lnαi -103lnαqz -phenomenology -geoscience -pyroclasts -grospydite -hvalneskro -aztec -azmaxp -berry -bertsch -berdig -berkow -berkeley -duan -dungan -ds02 -doppler -feniti -fh2ofl -gersten -gerais -gerasim -justifies -krakatau -krismann -mugearites -mangerite -mangold -pitchstone -pentafluor -portal -semiempirical -sawed -sawtooth -tango -virgo -winchell -##schoid -##waldt -##217 -conserve -conservation -styles -stacks -stacking -melanocratic -melaneph -shatsky -##2o6clinopyroxene -caledonian -fluctuation -artifact -artificial -artificially -caal2si -improbable -si4o8 -reequilibrates -conductance -147nd -nbs30 -nbs981 -looks -looking -sequestered -sequestration -holmium -2252 -acquirement -847k -penetrant -penetrants -octahedron -2908f -buildup -boninites -boninitic -practicality -microphotography -pyroclastics -5co2 -5cafes -beside -castro -castaing -dora -dorland -dict4 -dictate -dictates -gemmological -gauges -gauged -goldschmidt -hallworth -ichinome -judge -judged -khitar -kurz -kuril -kustner -lecomte -mimics -munster -nwt -natland -nicolson -pcd -pco2 -pcalc -sleeves +radar +radoun +radoniow +radicals +rito5last +sedge +sedimented +sedmoch +sluice satisfied -tonstein -teller -telltale -waning -##ischer -stereological -stereographic -##amorphism -deformability -mazer -christians -churakov -diffractometry -platy -platreef -climates -climatological -clarified -parabolas -hauhungata -sputtering -sparking -sparseness -interpolations -interferences -ab235 -ab234 -ab239 -ab237 -ab236 -abnormal -relaxes -relaxed -relaxing -sooner -strategic -adams -adamello -smithsonian -overviews -screw -screen -hexavalent -monoand -1960s -1338 -133cs -draining -drainages -invariable -extrusions -1682 -envisages -niobate -##afjordur -δ30simineral -kaersutitic -stripe -exercised -exercises -neighbourhood -reinforcing -categorize -categorizing -ellipse -virtual -fluctuating +torr +torsion +writers +##mdc +##onzonite +dealers +conceicao +revolution +revival +revisited +reading +readings +ascertain +ascension +ascertains +annaber +announcement +anniversary +antillean +grids +stoping +shellnut +distillation +hawthorne +hawaii +plastically +plasticity +unpredict +unstained +unstressed +aravallis +cuban +cubanite +subaerially +chalcedonic +agglomerate +agglomerations +scorza +monosulphide +impeded +pendlandite +hekatech +micrographs +micrographic +transmision +referring +decimetric +superposed +traveled +rootless +roadcut +greenishto +effervescences +clinopyroxenites +extrapolation +deltas +deltaxp +sheppy +polymorph +pictured +inhomogeneities +dumped +macrae +543e +kilauean +centuries +scientifically +resembled +boudinage +buoyant +stoichiometrically +ferromagnesium +amalgamated +megacrystic +everyone +everything +honeymoon +octahedrally +096 +095 +aktash +akkad +akarem +c33 +c38 +c34 +c36 +dfd +dfz +duggen +ecvs +eurasia +fifteen fingerprints -fingerprinting -impregnation -polynomials -2fo23 -aureoles -agentite -benard -benito -benioff -biggest -bowden -bombs -ciamphcili -cartwr -centimeters -d0cpx -d0exp -d0plgd -eyjaf -eyepiece -fy1313 -gi0 -gardes -hinting -hinze -hindered -iodine -kenyan -kenorland -kaygus -kayzar -lobs -mylonitized -rls -rhenish -rationalized -russian -s1c -tasks -tasmania -##nsusp -##swick -##barth -innovation -inaccessible -covary -executed -executing -anchored -dipole -diabasic -protonation -physics -physicists -magnetically -sheds -trisulfur -claeson -hayashi -sporadically -ab250 -ab256 -acetate -unsaturated -nebulized -arkhangelsk -updates -soaks -soaking -stringy -prefers -prefluor -prefabricated -adakite -adakitic -impoverish -thermofinnigan -thermofischer -microsaw -erlank -razor -heyu -redeposited -1189 -118sn -descended -1980s -absorptivities -pumping -pumpelly -1000lnα -7034 -70366 -70389 -7500a -circularity -0157 -advocate -advocates -advocating -pseudomorphed -greywackes -nanoscale -humphries -bohor -bohemian -assignments -thoriumand -aliquotation -intercalations -xs02 -xs0r0 -xs0r2 -xs0xs6 -laccoliths -palaeo -antarctica -conservatively -sequesters -ptrh10 -punctuated -incorrectly -1t0 -1t02 -1tc2 -2logx -2logah2o -3805 -7102460 -710217 -bundy -bundle -berner -c594 -dmdt -dimers -dimanov -dampened -densest -daily -etching -falkum -garlick -gotze -gottsch -gotthard -gottingen -hkl -hamper -hampered -hacker -hackbarth -karl -karato -karoo -karakaya -kab0 -kab0exp -krafla -libo2 +gorny +gorged +godinho +godfrey +gunther +gunung +glaciom +halls +haller +halloysite +ksl +ks040 +kinetic +langer +langmuir +mfc +mfb +masuda +mirim +mir10 +mirrored +macho +machines +nueva +owned +pw17 +pw4400 +pw2400 +pucov +pucella +practice +rename +renardite +renamed +renishaw +renovation +rieder +svf +ts600 +tsamaha +tsutsumi +ukranian +vega +vendee +vegetation +wrong +written +wenner +welded +welding +worden +wafer +yeleg +##nojar +##frost +##kovice +inhibited +inhibits +inhibiting +invokes +deforming +deformations +declined +alphabe +retreating +retaining +supratidal +supragetic +chemisorption +##geaud +quarter +quarters +quarries +seedorff +seeps +seepage +colouration +colluvials +hydrogeologic +hydrogeochemical +geometrics +washita +substratum +subterranes +leaked +acnk +persistent +adopting +augens +appeal +appeared +appeals +allocate +monoclinal +noticeably +desilicated +desilicification +microphytoplankton +drusic +inflowing +barrel +contradiction +contradicting +deciphering +correctly +possesses +reevaluation +reevaluate +reevaluating +118m +synthesized +synthesizes +curvilinear +discussing +delicately +delimiting +retrogressed +universiteit +avoided +emeralds +offshoot +lufukwe +282306 +282469 +exhaustion +exhaustive +encouraging +encouragement +morrocan +antiforms +addresses +addressing +stromatolites +stromatolic +definitions +multidiffuion +metaconglomeratic +peculiarities +slumping +satisfy +satisfies +egd053c +anastomose +anastomoses +015ppb +94ni0 +benzene +babak +cuspate +castle +camebax +ethylprop +feco3 +humite +humates +humber +humidity +hellenide +hammer +hammerlein +kyanite +kusakabe +likened +likeness +listwanite +lollar +linings +mwashya +mclimans +nf32a +pilon +pilote +portuguese +pierres +pierce +rudists +rudimentary +tentative +tianjin +tazava +tazacourt +ucn +voxels +vigorously +winter +xiangfan +andersitic +deionised +deuteric +courcy +coalescence +coalescing +covariant +covariance +alkanes +alkenes +alberoda +antuco +antlerite +antanif +antunano +grinenko +stationary +chappell +sharma +sharlef +maghemitized +quiescent +sawlan +sawkins +unexposed +interleaving +phycom +phreatomagmatic +goldhammer +armantai +spirakis +fayalitic +subchambers +martitized +biotitites +biotitization +bellezanne +belleterre +adequately +appalachian +epitaxially +epitactically +189os +vermiform +vermelho +barragan +reequilibrated +50948 +methylindanes +methylnaphthalenes +aquitards +mesostructures +multistaged +erzincan +mg0339 +mg02070 +25386 +fernandez +magnetostratigraphy +magnetotellurics +7049 +70418 +704998 +7067 +7062 +universitate +linksys +circumstances +thermobarometer +optimally +loading +visualization +visualize +visualized +excavation +excavations +aguilas +rhodopes +rhodopean +johannesburg +jointly +3155 +scapolitisation +submergence +encapsulation +guadalupe +guadalupana +molecular +51265 +512321 +512314 +passageways +implicitly +760to +76038 +supersaturate +dtr330 +dtr326 +reinvestigation +microanalyse +microanalyzer +kharit +improvements +happenstance +kimberlite +kimberlites +##anthracenes +78203509 +museums +unrecognised +unrecognisable +unequivocally +audio +bowers +bowser +bowman +bromine +bronson +bronze +bronzite +c51 +c52 +cedral +cylinder +cascades +darcy +darlot +darcian +dulski +drowned +diminishing +dimethylindanes +dimethylbenz +dimethylnaphthalenes +eueu +fleet +fumarolic +ganze +gabon +guessed +gorda +hedouville +hannington +ilusion +ilimaus +iodide +iodine +iodometric +judged +journals +kretz +kiruna +kirwin +kirsehir +lgca +liner +lanphere +ladder liberate -liberates -librational -mengyin -mentioning -nutrient -ovoid -overexp -passivation -passivated -rhon -rhine -rinsing -rubbly -rietica -rhombohedral -tc2 -vgb -vg3600 -vg354 -vialand -wisps -wende -xmgo -xmgm2 -##utian -##duo -##mingly -##2si3o12 -inertia -tod2 -isolate -isoline -isolating -isolines -reader -readers -readings -excursions -stocks -stockworks -alpha -crenulate -answering -diatexites -madder -triga -trigonal -choi -choosing -spirit -dispute -disputed -disparities -disposal -dissipated -dissipates -feedbacks -callao -unraveling -entangled -enigma -enormously -subsurface -subspherical -asserted -asserting -up193he -glaciation -glaciers -hastingsitic -hastingsites -declining -declared -imparted +libyan +liberty +mpv +mpnm +mpodoz +mjg +moment +nicely +nicols +nicolescu +natrobist +ocelli +oculto +oklo +okrouhla +okelobondo +pgt +pcigr +pereira +perello +peregoedova +pichoir +pichowiak +pichavant +piedmont +roche +rocha +roches +serenu +telluro +vitkov +vosges +viky +worse +worst +wortel +woodallite +yemen +##4000 +touches +touching +isoalkanes +demarks +cohs +cohen +coherence +algorith +beaver +beads +retrieving +requia +asbestos +attending +anchi +anchored +anchizone +answers +gramado +childs +chunnett +chuniespoort +fluvio +proofs +dissects +crucible +crucial +crucibles +unsorted +unsuitable +unsupported +unsuccessful +cardinal +##ongwuozi +constricted +abutting +splitting +industries +subgrains +subcrops +paramount +acceptable +feasibility +diffusely +domingo +dominguez imparting -205tl -scavenge -sc1160 -slurry -recommendations -hydrocarbons -ammonium -amalgamated -12ky13 -infillings -intrasample -transparency -europe -communities -communition -iddp1 -demarcate -bauxites -delimit -delimited -pauling -irradiation -irradiate -architecture -architectural -edinbourgh -metasomatizes -65cuvapor -bathymetric -millimetre -autoclave -autoclaves -embayment -hercynian -mc1314r01 -mc1314r02 -unconformable -fsc1332r04 +schmocker +1863 +geochemie +desulfidization +microtextures +aprons +steenstrup +barrington +deflection +deflections +deflects +exponentially +homogeneization +centrifugal +trimethylindanes +trimethylphenanth +trimethylanthracenes +solfatara +149sm +1221 +angeles +angelay +angelica +flourite +pitombeira +swells +metasomatizing +7056 +prefixes +em87 +em88 +em89 +guanglinite +bifurcates +catchments +reconcile +reconciled +reconcentrated +reconfigured +iddings +csirotrace +doubtful +drawing +drawbacks +geothermobarometric +suspect +pinchi +interfingered +poikiloblastic +ignimbritic +kribeck +warming +culminating +romanechite +advancements +microspectrometer +azimuths +disaggregated +lithogeochemistry contradictory -perspectives -bombardment -cartoons -inaccuracy -inaccuracies -claims -claimed -inadequacy -3fessulphide -6feco3 -71238 -71299 -aegean -awaits -bjerg -bolte -bryne -cnr -culminated -crescumulates -cassel -cassata -cassette +satisfactorily +unexplained +unexplored +unexploited +78203537 +baddeleyites +gossanous +nutrients +abandoning +birefringent +impregnations +ferruginized +disproportionated +2fe0 +3u4 +4dv +4litho +4lithoresearch +8mg2 +aegirine +aegerine +ayagh +ayuso +bolaghi +bolivia +balls +cisul +cisil +cabral +cabresto cadmium -dcαdcβ -faceting -horst -humidity -humbold -humayun -huckel -iwamori -klimm -k2co3 -k2camg -kirby -kandemir -l0810 -loparite -locking -lnk0 -mallman -mackwell -nuernberg -pedersen -pamir -pamukcu -pierced -romano -radically -saal -sdd -sensu -sensor -sensing -talus -taltson -talkeetna -tantalum -umz -um32 -umagma -vague -vagaries -x275hr -αt2 -δρg -##eii -##catswvdic -##sps3prp -##buffer -##2000 -##2sio4olivine -##36a -##π6d3nsusp -##enclature -inefficient -ineffective -inefficiency -##elinitic -##olinium -coatings -exaggerate -statements +cadomian +cepo4 +cepaas +dosimeter +eyes +entwine +entails +flexure +flexures +getting +gallium +gallery +honors +honours +histoire +hartley +hindered +hindrance +izmir +izmdc +july +julius +justified +justify +joseite +jordan +jordaan +krogh +kroondal +kowary +kowalik +lbf +mistamisk +mistakenly +miscible +miscibility +nh4 +nests +nesbitt +nist612 +nugget +nuggets +n30e +ochrous +ochoa +ounce +ounces +pigment +pigeonite +piramide +piracicaba +pandey +pakistan +rythmic +rychlebs +rm1000b +sagging +sagenitic +surely +session +sessions +sikukwe +siksik +society +sociedad +stemming +sengor +sengupta +testing +testify +tunisia +tunneling +tavares +tavaza +tms92 +uhp +uhdc +vasconcel +vasudev +veneer +venezuela +vials +werner +wernec +wittenoom +witwatersrand +yesuda +yesiltas +yamatu +yamadagı +zk35 +zk157 +##iqiao +##lationship +##oomfontein +##aanspoort +##dozed +##btsova +##kmanite +thunder +thunderer +##acoes +dewatered +alunites +alaskan +alaskites +algeria +algerian +rebound +rebagli +mineracoes +stair +stairs +stannite stanley -stalled -competence -beaudoin -dilek -motivated -contours -organization -organized -organisms -prohibiting -shoot -shoots -shoulder -chung -chuvil -resonators -placement -clouds -spreadsheets -ab248 -disparity -disintegrate -feasibility -quarried -unquestionably -unavailable -unequivocally -enveloping -subjacent -subjecting -subjects -imbricate -glnl -gln1 -gln2 -additive -1087 -1099 -caribou -geoinstit -geomaterials -implantation -impactite -imperfections -overload -effusions -202pb -202hg -116o -microcomputed -microchemical -laharic -1954 -oxybarometer -exploration -explorative -exploratory -134xe -profoundly -uncorrelated -radionuclide -manufactured -manufacturing -manufacturer -simplification -neglects -elaboration -taurides -trachydacitic -fujii -fujioka -fujifilm -ultrasound -conveniently -irreproduc -irreversible -irreconcil -cameron -polymetamorphic -708893 -708827 -708896 -3552 -stefan -stefansson -stefanova -mcinnes -implicitly -cyclonic -gasket -282507 -0042 -succeeding -0331 -3353 -encourage -bleeker -huaibei -swarm -8800m -renormalisation -electropositivity -##caescat -cohesive -migmatized -destroyed -sigmoid -sigmoidal -sigmarsson -7700s -7700x -da0rt -petrelli -ims1280 -fennoscandian -127302 -127303 -127304 -autoradiographs -rhodope -computationally -2804b -bourdelle -fossils -ϕsuspϕsed -ϕsuspgδ -trondhjemite -trondhjemites -trondhjemitic -kilometreto -2ca0 -2ca3fe -3βda2da -3h2owater -3sio2caescat -4πnae -4πnaeplgr -4si2o8 -4907 -4h2omelt -4h2buffer -akamats -akermanite -aus3 -ausz7 -banking -banba -buchl -buchites -billion -billions -c0f -cabr2 -ccl4 -diminishing -diminishes -fco2fo2 -fs02 -femelt -femtos -flogρ -groove -groppo -gsidl -hime -himu -james -jamstec -jiangshan -kalama -kaliat -kingdom -lyubets -lyra3 -lhs -lhasa -lids -murphy -murakami -m501jd10 -nz3 -naca2 -nacazrsi -pw1400 -pw2400 -peterson -petersen -qmatrix -rrs -rolled -rolling -sisdagi -santana -santorini -songliao -songduo -telus -teleseismic -uwg -u1437 -u1436a -vesta -w3re97 -w312μδpl -ƒh2s -δg8 -εvh -πah12γ -##nelly -##c2eas -##ragm -##furt -##weiler -##wh2o2 -##2b2 -##javellir -##kurt -##3si6o23 -##3prp12and1 -##ϕsedηd3 -informally -##rette -##anuel -touching -conjecture -conjectured -costin -coils -cosmogenic -cosmochemistry -streck -streckeisen -alluvial -alluvium -atypical -atypically -momentum -whisker -whiskers -orienting -sunken -shells -tributary -tributaries -travelling -travelled -##vertently -chadwick -chadacrysts -##apascals -speik -speaking -intermediary -intermediateto -reliance -reliability -framing -metatexite -metatexites -obliterate -obliterated -prtc -prt0 -garnetites -garnetiferous -impinged -impingement -overgrowing -203tl -lewry -lewisi -mitigation -mitigated -accrues -accrue -responded -monochromatic -monochromator -1217 -patagonian -patagonia -laurin -laurentia -disclose -disclination -feldstein -feldpsar -participation -participants -ifs88 -outgassed +choice +choosing +shahr +shahinde +compartment +compartmenting +compensate +compensated +maximilians +proxy +proxies +diverge +divergence +quenching +quenched +inconclusive +inconveniences +saxena +saxonian +saurshan +metablastic +metaborate +metagabbronorite +metagabbronorites +unoxidized +unoxidised +interrelated +interrelationship +carcara +carcarelle +carroll +carroza +carmencita +geobio +geobiocenter +arrive +arrival +sparks +sparked +volkening +volkova +engaged +engineering +##stadt +subseafloor +subsequentially +acknowledge +acknowledged +perceived +perceiving +perimorphs +mejita +mejitas +meionite +meionitic +oversaturated +oversimplifies +overturn +overturned +maintaining +uranothorite +uranothorianite +micromoles +micrometres +pratt +recrystalization +recrystallyzed +ammonoid +ammonoids +pooled +bruijne +brugeaud +bringing +britannia +britannian +synexoskarn +elan6100 +vermaak +microgram +microgranites +microplate +microplates +outgrowth outgassing -outwardly -1553 -1533cpx3h -181ta -augment -augmented -syntaxial -syntectonic -definitive definitely -singularly -singularity -harlov -harlavan -brunet -brunswick -avacha -avachinsky -supergene -supergroup -portrays -portraying -trachybasalts -trachybasaltic -labeling +decimetreto +terraspec +radiolaria +radiolarian +portrayal +portrayed +eugenio +eugenii +reexamined +reexamines +caledonian +caledonide +predictions +predictive +dovyren +dovryen +dobes +dobrogea +128xei +121sb +mesobanding +mesobands +fo93 +fo94 +affords +afforded +##ylbenzene +##ylbenzenes paleotethys -paleotethyan -heteradcumulates -heteradcum -archetypal -archetypical -permanent -permanently -misclassified -misclassifications -catching -cataclastic -cataclasites -8600mx -flaxes -angeles -2377 -fe2si2o6orthopyroxene -mclean -mcleod -opaline -excavation -excavated -0037t -0037tr2 -mwd38 -mwd39 -advancements -encircles -encircled -pullman -temora2 -sandshale -sandshales -swirl -swirling -switching -corroborate -corroborated -dttrdptr -amplifier -amplifiers -gmagl -hyperbolic -hyperbolically -unfavorable -unfavourable -dafn15 -3casio3wollastonite -3caso4anhydrite -tectonometamorphic -tectonometamorphism -nephelinites -nephelinitic -δ18orim -δ18orhyolite -circumvent -circumvented -pyrophanite -pyrophyllite -ankaramite -ankaramites -shrinkage -reinvestigation -reinvestigate -alm62grs22sps -alm62grs19 -category -categories -frothy -sapphire +paleotemperature +dynamically +dynamothermal +authority +borisenko +sappho sapphirine -vitrified -vitrification -justifying -townsend -township -cafesi2o6clinopyroxene -rearranging -rearranged -fy1301 -fy1308 -unsuitable -unsuitability -unsurprisingly -palaeodepth -palaeodepths -fortuitous -fortuitously -subgroups -microvesicle -microvesicles -kirkland -kirkham -lopoliths -encouragingly -0ρπ6d3u -0ρπ6d3hn -paradoxical -perovskite -perovskites -acknowledge -acknowledged -overwhelmed +2400e +polytetraf +polytechnique +optimized +optimised +metaultramafic +metaultramafite +erratically +jaspilite +jaspilites +sweeps +diamictite +diamictites +simmons +microfossil +microfossils +38arcl +macroand +physiographic +physiotectonic +escarpment +escarpiere +scatterplot +scatterplots +aerosol +aerosols +ach99158 +ach99155 +vanadates +vanadinite +hydroxylated +71024 +ingredient +ingredients +categorized +categorised +metamictized +metamictisation +government +myrmekite +myrmekitic +sustainable +conceivable +conceivably +mirror +mirrors +depolymerized +depolymerizing +discernable +discernible +alkylnaphthalenes +alkylderivative +methylanthracene +methylanthracenes +johanngeorgen +johannsenite +geochemisty +endeavor +endeavored +overestimate +overestimated +pneumatic +pneumatolytic +punctual +punctatisp +yaoganxian +yaogangxian +inaccurate +inaccuracies +rejuvenation +rejuvenated +minnesota +minnesotaite +unraveled +overwhelming overwhelmingly -##grs22sps10prp -absmaxcos -0p6cu -0hπ6d3nsusp -0p2va -1αh -1kola3d -2actinolite -2opx -2fe3o4 -2brucite -2naxos2b -2mg2sio4olivine -3lp -3wh2o3 -4lithores -4λκ -4serpentine -5f3 -51326 -5alsi2o6 -aleutian -aulbach -atho -aupd -akaogiite +paleoclimate +paleoclimatic +semiquantitative +semiquantitatively +metaevaporite +metaevaporitic +mac127a +mac127b +04s3 +2o7uran +2kfe +2sb3 +3sio +3caa1 +3pb2 +3hydroxypets +5al0 +6o21 +6si8o2 +7fe0 +8as0 +9ca0 +aiello +a1si +aqso1e +aσs +aasm +acetone +aachen akesayi -auckland -ah2omelt -aileron -bs94 -bmus -bx51 -bicrystal -bingen -bacon -bureau -bimineralic -bilenker -bouguer -berman -bunsenite +avenue +bx50 +boskovice +bingham +bagai +boccaletti +boussera +bulldozed +buey bavaria -baked -barnes -blowing -boulders -bochum -bacterial -brice -bifurcates -bodnar -bergakademi -borders -bokan -bussweiler -buckling -czech -csiro -cigo -clynne -ciborowski -circuit -cessation -carius -crespo -cathelineau -cgraphite -citzaf -cucl2 -dniol -djplg -donnelly -dicats -dingwell -dulong -dichotom -dolek -dessicator -donghai -d501 -dangling -dauphas -dremel -dpdt -einstein -eolian -eighteenth +brosses +blobs +bamazhai +bossi +banks +baldwin +binns +bivariate +benavidesite +bussey +cnk +cinzento +citl +casita +catial +cartographic +cucarach +cibao +credits +crouzille +cyprus +ceara +cakα +crowded +cresson +celsius +csontos +dpss +dcb +dzp +danti +dimmer +dionex +docking +dichromate +dch4 +dutrow +dongling +dallmeyer +dictates +dufferin +dubessy +dylen +daily +daniel +dargahi +etienne +erebus ephemeral -echelon -eartc -emmanuel -ehrenfest -fjordland -flyschoid -faint -fushan -friable -fso32fo2 -fosteritic -fipy -faleiros -fifteen -fellows -fwhm +etheridge +eifel +eersteling +earnest +edenite +emanated +etymology +falkmanite +fastest +felipe +fowler +fomations +fresco +feldpathic +fersmite +friske +foidites +fuchsite +fammenian +fulfilled +fennoscandian +fashion +fascinating +fraisse +gcf +gywnne +gkp +gedrite gatan -goranson -ganseki -gigapascals -glycol -gilg -gucsik -gabbonorites -gamble -gadolinium -gpmr -gorbatov -gathered -gudnason -gkss -gordian -garching -g441 -h3po4 -hitachi -hidden -hermes -huttonite -harnessed -hartzburgite -hensens -honda -hochstaedter -hobden -honeycomb +ginguro +gocad +gurvansay +gutzmer +geneva +gudmund +gilligan +gourd +gaston +gorton +gustafson +glauconite +girdles +giletti +gonzalez +gauthier +ht2 +hc2 +hatched +hodein +hagemann +hifar +hectometric hitherto -hrafntin -hinders -hoshide -hanyue -hilyard -hsdp2 -hidalgo -hedenbergite -haggerty -honshu -iconic -istanbul -jz01 -jndi -jasco -jigsaw +hackspach +h4sio4 +hieani +harker +hermanos +hecht +hansley +hopefully +ikunolite +ireland +iagod +iquique +iraq +irish +jalerys +jowett jilin -juniper -java -josephine -jajarkot -january -kuandian -kcell -ksp -kesler -krogh -kolbeinsey -kibaran -kermadec -kendrick -kakanui -kronenberg -kinship -kovdor -krossanes -kodaira -kadik -kieffer -koyaguchi -kudo -kalsi3o8 -klemd -koffiefontein -kerrick -lfse -lluta -lizardite -lumic -l003a01 -ldsc +jimunai +jabali +jackpot +jambor +jacketed +kanowna +kosanke +kabenbul +kutucus +korean +kassas +kronenburg +kundelung +kristineberg +kralove +koryu +kievl +kampunzu +kayseri +kokanee +keringal +kiamichi +krivelj +kammar +kruth +kenworthy +krusne +kansansh +krasnojar +kirkland +kletno +krokowski +lpx +ljf +licomeric luster -lundstrom -lozenge -lubricants -llif -lodders -mfcz -m575cpx3h1 -mζ1 -mizunashi -michigan -mtef8 -message -mistaken -mondal -mclennan -merging -maclennan -m127 -mosenfel -malpas -mambo -m586cpx3h1 -nesjavellir -nomenclature -noguchi -nunavut -navrots -nubble -netherlands -nurnberg -oinuma -olympus -ochs -oso3 -oisotopic -pn2 -pgt -peslier -pingwu -pisa -perez -pasek -pivin -pineau -pendulum -pakistan -pangaea -pubei -puffed -porpryritic -pommier -p3221 -p6222 -pimentel -qiu -qdq -qfracture -rn10 -rm2000 -rerun -rarest -rainier -rereo2 -righthand -rustenburg -renders -ruprech -rensselaer -ripening -sopky -samarium -something -s00410 -squid2 -sneeringer -sahinturk -saricicek -sophisticated -szymanowski -tnmncak -typhoon -tjornes -tacitly -tucker -tunnel -tularosa -tollstrup -tumiati -uintjies -vbc -vasyuk -vetere -vidito -vogelsberg -vivo -vallance -vikesa -vsc2ag -victoria -w5re95 -westrenen -wrote -witec -wopmay -wadati -wiscsims -wikipedi -w75re25 -wuzhangshan -w25re75 -wavescans -w97re3 -wijbrans -w95re5 -w26re74 -w74re26 -xcao -xinchang -xal2o3 -xdivdi -xseries -xdixcatswvdic -xflash -xjdvjd -xcatsvcats -xcaesvcaes -yasuda -yusuf -yakutia -yukon -yilmaz -yapaskurt -zipplingen -zaldue -zabargad -zamora -zonguldak -ziegler +locked +loucks +lopolithic +lydon +lives +learned +litherland +lancefield +library +lambdaph +lancaster +linnen +lombador +lanthanide +m4n +mimic +msec +messrs +mikucki +mullenbach +mourao +mathez +maldonite +m04ncn +mamoes +n69 +n55 +nominal +naboomfontein +noua +nicholson +nadrett +nutman +nikon +nondestruc +navan +ngoyi +n15e +nominally +n70w +n18e +n86e +natalin +omnip +oasis +ocotillo +ostwald +pq2 +ponce +pingtaishan +pusilla +painter +pamour +pouchou +patinas +pirsson +pindos +pasteris +q3mhbx +qanaiya +qingbaikou +qiziqiao +ral3 +rationale +rollover +rigid +rivals +rondebosch +rickard +ramboz +rugged +rupture +razi +raja +rombach +rakha +rittmann +sd6 +socorro +sacramento +sotolito +syria +sichuan +sibson +sydney +sorena +sardinia +sacharoidal +silex +somalia +sincerely +ssmz +semischematic +squire +sinking +sorensen +s70e +tcpl +t64000 +tasmania +toscon +tmph +tithonian +teresa +tieshan +taper +tiaomaj +tortuosity +taupo +temiscou +tumbarumba +tollmann +udepo +uqac +uitkom +urals +utrecht +ucurum +uchucchac +vbx +voros +vogel +video +villagers +vickerod +vazante +vanko +villeret +vivarais +veytia +vlasov +wsgs +wmc +wainwright +wabigoon +wopenka +wutongwuozi +wavy +wackestones +wrenching +writing +wulfenite +walton +woolanga +wujiaping +wulongquan +xgf +xaingfan +xichang +xiaoxigong +xstrata +xuanwei +yinzu +yanamate +yakabind +yunnan +yardley +yazd +yuanmou +yeelirrie +zentilli +zacatecas +zadni +zapala +zinkenite +zherebtsova +zuloaga δfmq -δ26mg -ρdε -σfetotal -σ0texp -##nusker -##uille -##taxitic -##yakova -##rβ2rα -##dρεj -##gativity -##mianny -##faden -##fmascho -##0cpxexp -##hagen -##872 -##6and3 -##ρ18ϕsedηd3 -thimble -thibault -inadvertently -insoluble -ingredient -ingress -inexpensive -inlaid -andradite -##eldspathic -toulouse -topaz -convex -conundrum -coombs -coogan -copenhagen -cotsonika -isomeke +δ2θ +##vikite +##sartine +##splaats +##ienegas +##oizite +##wicz +##waldt +##aassmpaas +##centration +##yayla +throats +thomas +thompson +##temporaneous +##erproductive +office +andorinha +insofar +inspired +ingenika +invaluable +invasion +inevitably +##icamata +##anspiration +##osisporites +##islenitsi +##elihudu +toutain +toplis +touzlar +tombulil +isograd +israel +isomorphous isoprobe -isenthalpic -reimold -reawakening -reincorporated -revenaugh -reordering -receptacle -reiterating -reattributed -reorganization -fortran -forensic -excessive -exothermic -exafs -exfoliating -stops -steens -stachel -stdgl2b2 -aspirating -compositons -compliance -compulsory -alftafjordur -aliphatic -alh84001 -atantayi -crabtree -crumbling -crudely -crashes -crispin -crhyolitex -crisscrossed -ancey -anastomosing -antigorite -anoxic -analcime -beycam -bezymianny -diapirs -diachronous -diaphragm -diahot -dijkstra -diktytaxitic -diatremes -bytownite -mokopane -tehtyan -contentious -oruanui -gruneisen -gruenewaldt -suffice -suiko -sukenaga -presumptive +ishihara +december +deadtime +degrades +devoted +demarcated degradation -deuterated -debye -deleterious -maghemite -magesiohastingsite -madyukov -mavrogenes -shoreline -shanggong -shannon -shorthand +dehshir +conchoidal +condense +coniacian +coetaneous +covalent +coupling +cotectically +coauthors +copiapo +cooccurrence +alatau +altogether +almeida +alentejo +fortaleza +forsteritic +beilieze +berenjeh +beautiful +beyssac +reunidas +reynolds +rehamna +minceva +minutus +askhatin +##luoroethylene +##phelinites +depauperate +ancestral +angoules +antiformal +antitaxially +antonio +antarctica +anhedrons +graptolitic +grunerite +grimaud +gruyter +gruenewaldt +stuckless +stalled +staying +stachel +stablished +stumpfl +stalactites +stalagmites +suzoki +suzuoki +suzuki +chicken +chardon +changzhou +chewton +cheyenne +chevron +chacaico +chippings +chuquicamata +chrondrite +chelopech +chimborazo +shafts shirey -shankland -shaoxing -shinkai +shrinkage +compagnini +mappable +maucherite +maokou +maksaev +makapaanspoort +sulawesi +sullivan +sulitjelma +progenitor +prohibits +prodelta +prophyries +disadvantage +discharging +disconformably +disguised +disentangling +exfoliation +exocontact +orlica +orbicules +onlapping +dialogue +quemado +quanta +quixaba +oredodies +##emooltha incapable -incognita -incommensurate -crystalbond -trieloff -tr2025 -tricritical -chuniespo -chistyakova -chaiten -##ationships -lowenstern -resilience -colluvium -parsons -paralleling -paroxysmal -haadf -elephant -spongy -spencer -intersertal -interrelationships -interelemental -intertwine -olalla -liaohe -abstract -ab252 -abrasives -weidendorfer -perchuk -pertinent -perugini -perkinelmer -accentuate -acrylic -discharge -disadvantages -disregard -feogranites -feomafic -quizapu -unideal -unparalleled -unobserved +incohatus +savelli +saussuritized +savarsin +haplogranitic +hakkourt +crassus +criticism +crandallite +metacherts +metaturbidites +metarkoses +metatuffaceous +resutured +rescanned +resedimentation +septum +uniquely +unprecedented +uncovered +unclassified +unproven unnamed -untenable -unloading -unnoticed -unmeasured -unequilibrated -unordered -unshocked -unhomogenized -unsupervised +unradiogenic +untested unwanted -un2008its -uneruptible +unspecified +unglaciated +unbuffered uninterrupted unroofing -unanticipated -unphysical -frankfurt -fraught -amphibolitized -entity -enjoys -notwithstanding -notoriously -volynets -metadata -metrics -metachert -metagabbro -subequant -submersible -subdomain -subboiled -subaqueously -subpopulations -obnazhennaya -seblyarv -indochina -inductance -indispensable -indistinct -neotethys -neocrystallized -reprocessed -depressurizing +unidirectional +unquestionable +unirradiated +striae +strathcona +intermontaine +intersertal +intermediated +interchronometer +intermixed +interplanar +occluding +hydrometallurgical +intrinsic +carapace +carmichael +phologopite +pharaonic +pheoncrysts +clausthalite +hydrodynamic +hydrogrossular +hydrozincite +goldfarb +preconcentration +preexsolution +prebrecciation +prehypogene +prerequisite +prendergast +geothite +geominera +geobarometry +compositonally +assignments araujo -meakin -melekhova -mg3si2o5 -mgal2o4 -imnaha -immersion +armitage +armenian +arltunga +nebulized +nepelinitite +abounds +aberrant +spakman +sperssartine +spontaneous +spoetl +faunal +cuatrocienegas +cuadrangular +engines +ensialic +enthusiastically +formationvalue +formationbetween +subcontemporaneous +subequal +subbasins +subcreted +ims6f +iturralde +##iazuizi +paratacamite +acylindric +acritarchs +perspective +permafrost +perplex +perspectives +pernambuco +metsantan +feathery +colleagues1992 +corderoite +overlooked +overriding +overshadowed +ranawat +diffusivity +margeride +biennial +biosparite +botelho +caviar +caal2sio6 +canberra +pb5sb4s11 +adamek +adshead +adhesive +adusumili +melanephelinites +serpukhovian +silicophosphate +comminuted +twyerould +appraisal +micrometers +ag50w +agadesii +ag3sbs3 +ag5sbs4 +agamemnon +priabonian +prasinophyte +rectilinear +precordillera +undocumented +undoubtedly +undemonstrated +greensone +grevesse +scaillet +scraped +scolecodonts +allsopp +dolnicek +skaergaard +accidentally +upturned upgrading -equipments -calcareous -so157 -sofugan -strickfaden -glimpse -corollary -cornubian -precession -preponderance -hyaloophitic -caucausus -variabilty -quartzofeldspathic -clinoptilolite -waterproof -admittedly -intensely -intentionally -tweezers -phaseplot -carroll -decametreto -georem -geologists -geodynamical -geikielite -geohistory -geohygrometer -geesthacht -imprecise -orthpyroxene -orthocumulate -thermochemically -thermoscientifc -transtension -eradicate -overtones -overburden -overshoot -overgrew -overstepped -howlett -poiseuille -pokrovsky -si6al2o22 -legends -granitiods -sc1397 -scintillation -scandinavia -runkaus -undertook -recourse -miajdρεj -rajesh -agglutination -agakhanovite -hebrides -hebei -healthcare -beccaluva +reddening redefined -monastery -completeness -microthermometry -micrographs -microtomography +amadeus +amarga +amoeboid +mohanty +mozambique +pophyry +monolithologic +montreal +equidistance +imprints +undercover +underpressure +underpinnings +postexoskarn +postentrapment +posthydrothermal +brugger +bruker +bratislava +heidelberg +hewlett +schaubs +schreyerite +scheuber +syndeformational +syenomonzonite +slabby +elizabeth +descloizite +provisionally +verrenass +vermiculite +verrucosisporites +waterproofed +exploratory +explicitly +postcrystallization +horsetail +horseshoe +osmosis +microcrystals +microcontinents +microvials +microdiorite +microorganisms +microinclusions +transversally +soxhlet +sophisticated +plucked +aftermath +steenkampsk +stefanova +infrastructure infrequently -pyramidal -lazulite -co2poor -lithosperic -propylitic -desulphidation -marlargue -marjalahti -sr277 -gregoire -matsuhisa -electronegativity -timeframe -norfolk -maintenance -commodities -graphclick -1523cpx3h -abscissa -absminsin2 -mesoperthite -fernandez -uncalculated -uncollimated -radiochemists -radiotracer -18ca0 -latourrette -normarski -distributioon -synkinematic -synmetamorphic -syneruptively -defragmented -3010c -blencoe -blanckenburg -driscoll -druitt -50974 -inviscid -elatsite -ellestadite -oshigadani -middleree -tajcmanova -tectosilicates -brussilof -brachiopod -precautions -hereinafter -avogadro -beamsplitter -longworking -polysynthetic -polyhedrons -fuhrman -epithermal -fugacitiy -espoo -espresso -esposito -esperanca -nonnegligible -puddling -puzzle -schreinemaker -northwesterly -ultrashort -goethite -##raverage2 -dysprosium -porcelain -portsmouth -varfalvy -roentgenite -hellevang -universidad -labradorite -paleowaters -paleobiogeographical -fe3o4magnetite -youdao -irscopeii -offscraped -responsiveness -tecotonometamorphic -luanchuan -ludwig -lujavrite -spatiotemporal -87mn0 -707047 -704494 -70278 -70476 -misinterpretation -catolica +barkevikite +barbara +barcelona +contributor +musgrave +laughlin +laitakarite +expansive +liquefaction +terlingua +smoky +smsmpaassmpaas +lithostratigraphical +ultradeep +ultrapotassic +manheim +manufacture +porvenir +porkchop +crossbars +eurovector +financing +irrasus +irreversible +pegmatititic +rohrlach +frictional +fruitland +multprep +ptpdbi +naphtenic +firsthand +halyburton +14473 +dobson +metasyenogranite +argentopentlandite +identity +identifications +methylethylbenzenes +13174 +angliers +monzogranites +mesobreccias +paleontological +paleolatitude +paleoplacer +westfalische +baijiazuizi +baiyunxian +mapasingue +pseudoreefs +orthorpyroxene +orthoproxene +endmember +multistepped +clinofrom +erlangen +confidentiality +stibiomicrolite +stitchtite +architectural +swingmills +mkpd15 +cyanobacterial +25324 +evapotranspiration +militares +milagrosa +millevaches +microshears +transparency +delivery +del13c +del18o +widgiemooltha +nbs127 +noncompacted +noncarbonated +nonlinear +nonrefractory +nonhyperproductive +nontectonized +nonpenetrative +nonrecrystallized +nonconservative +nonpervasive +gaussian +panthalassa +handspecimen +summarising +shetianqiao +carrascao +carrizalejo +mediterranean +puziewicz +mudjatik +simplicity +farquharson +goyazite +jinshandian +fabricaciones +polycyclic +polynomial +huergelihudu +kalyaev +80krbr +semiductile +semiglobular +metaanthracite +metaosmatizd +jasmorian +intestinal +26577 +geoanalysis +kombolgie +excursions +aguablanca +burstall +burdigalian +buritirama +mcinnes +mcnaughton +mcgowan +mcintyre +immobilization +harrats +berzelianite +bergakademie +berkeley +tuokedalei +tabberabberan +282590 +camouflage +hyverneresse +nguyen +duketon +dutrizac +aw02025 +menoyre +peneconcordant +submillimetreto +microflamboyant +macroscopically +macintosh +macflincor +macroporosity +macquarie +guidelines +guandalupian +sarvestan +consecutive +cezallier +512873 catastrophic -flagship -florencite -hollister -frezzotti -mcintosh -mcfarlane -snæfellsness -gasparik -01sb872 -282186 -00241 -biogeochemistry -reconnaissance -cassegrainian -riverbeds -semiconductor -semiquantitative -06mg0 -pseudoperpendicular -pseudopotential -pennsylvanian -salvador -salmangorsky -1506jd20 -icpmsdatacal -nanometres -nanocharacterization +morgans +tellerhauser +autosampler +cs44lb +peneplanation +disappointing +pycnochlorite +pyromorphite +decomplexed +nanjingshan +geothermochronometry +wijbrans +czamanske +cathelineau +vielzeuf +ferrobasaltic +carlsbad +73576 +cellulaires +undetectable +magnesiofoitite +00864 +zeitgeist +sabkha +42368 +447300 +unfaulted +nonexpandable +imperceptible +hollingworthite +wat34410 +04362 +palaeogroundwater +kermadec +owyhee +quartzofelspathic +wilhelms +neighbouring +lepidocrocite +brachyanticline +dedolomitization +honghuagou +waltzispora +hendricksplaats +mushketovitization +mushketovite +henriete +latitudes +retusotriletes +spiderdiagrams +multidisciplinary +urumiyeh +grossschloppen +megascopically +jacarezinho +lecuyer +thermoelectrically +jxa840a +durbachites +kavalieris +misorientation +mccallum peccerillo -vanishingly -vancouver -unrepresented -bayerisches -guaranteed -09vd58 -snowbird -warranted -103lnβmineral -jxa9800 -morrissey -quadrilateral -defocussing -07vd0 -1b2c5t8o22 -engelhardt -042302 +rito5lastgz +sedmochislenitsi +annaberg +shellnutt unpredictable -austroalpine -plumbotectonics -mc1314r12a -interlaboratory -unmineralized -unmetamorphosed -curviplanar -haplobasaltic -counterintuitive -512889 -6497wh2o2 -bonnichsen -unconvincing -2camgsi2o6 -kepuerte -vermeesch -131xenucl -nasdala +glaciomarine +pw1700 +tsamahaans +yelegatti +alphabetical +ethylpropylbenzene +antucoya +antanifotsy +phycomata +mg03393 +512658 +dimethylbenzenes +ilimaussaq +mpodozis +natrobistantite +algorithm +steenstrupine +trimethylphenanthrenes +4lithoresearchquant +rychlebske +siksikpuk +vasconcelos +wernecke +yesiltasyayla +rebagliati +shahindezh +polytetrafluoroethylene +johanngeorgenstadt +punctatisporites +2o7uranpyrochlore +3hydroxypetscheckite +6si8o22 +cucaracha +gurvansayhan +gudmundite +hackspacher +kabenbulake +kundelungu +kievlenko +kansanshi +krasnojarsk +licomerice +lambdaphysik +nondestructive omnipresent -arbitralily -intracontinental -6cafesi2o6 -marianelli -wilkinsonite -hvasshjalli -##mg4al3si6o23 -suprasolidus -fluorophlogopite -alm58grs22sps10prp -multicollector -vitrophyre -uncharacteristic -arm200f -hvalneskrokur -azmaxpraverage2 -berdiga -berkowitz -fenitisised -gerstenberger -gerasimovsky -krismannsdottir -pentafluoride -melanephelinitic -caal2sio6 -ichinomegata -khitarov -christiansen -hauhungatahi -δ30siminerals -benitoite -ciamphciliq -cartwright -d0plgd0cpxexp -eyjafjallajokull -kaygusuz -prefluorinating -pumpellyite -1t02dtdt -1tc2dtdt -gottschalk -overexposure -dcαdcβrβ2rα -humboldt -k2camg5si8o22 -##sps3prp13and2 -geoinstitut -irreproducibility -irreconcilable -da0rtc2eas -ϕsuspϕsedu -ϕsuspgδρ18ϕsedηd3 -2ca3fe2si3o12 -3sio2caescatscoe -4πnaeplgrt -akamatsu -femtosecond -kaliatem -lyubetskaya -naca2mg4al3si6o23 -nacazrsi3o9 -w312μδplp -lewisian -heteradcumlate -alm62grs22sps3prp12and1 -alm62grs19sps3prp13and2 -absmaxcos2 -4lithoresearch -bergakademie -dichotomy -fso32fo23 -hrafntinnusker -mosenfelder -navrotsky -ruprecht -tnmncakfmascho -uintjiesberg -vasyukova -vsc2agb -wikipedia -xdixcatswvdicats -yusufeli -zalduegui -chuniespoort -alm58grs22sps10prp6and3 -dcαdcβrβ2rα2 +qanaiyaq +rondeboschje +tiaomajian +temiscouata +uitkomst +uchucchacua +yakabindie +tombulilato +beiliezeke +steenkampskraal