## This is a 4bit quant of https://huggingface.co/Aeala/GPT4-x-AlpacaDente2-30b # My secret sauce: * Using comit 3c16fd9 of 0cc4m's GPTQ fork * Using PTB as the calibration dataset * Act-order, True-sequential, percdamp 0.1 (the default percdamp is 0.01) * No groupsize * Will run with CUDA, does not need triton. * Quant completed on a 'Premium GPU' and 'High Memory' Google Colab. ## Benchmark results |Model|C4|WikiText2|PTB| |:---:|---|---|---| |Aeala's FP16|7.05504846572876|4.662261962890625|24.547462463378906| |This Quant|7.326207160949707|4.957101345062256|24.941526412963867| |Aeala's Quant here|7.332120418548584|5.016242980957031|25.576189041137695|