import abc |
import dataclasses |
import functools |
import os |
from os import environ |
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence, List |
from absl import logging |
import clu |
import gin |
from pathlib import Path |
import seqio |
from seqio import utils |
from seqio.feature_converters import _check_exact_match, _check_lengths |
import tensorflow as tf |
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops |
from tensorflow.python.ops.image_ops_impl import _ImageDimensions, _CheckAtLeast3DImage, _assert, _is_tensor |
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops |
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops |
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerFast |
from . import seqio_tokenizer as vocab |
from .constants import * |
from .utils import pop_metadata |
from .util import is_url |
OutputFeaturesType = Mapping[str, utils.Feature] |
def build_tokenizer( |
tokenizer_type, has_extra_token=True, |
adds_space=False, |
olmo_bos_token_id=1, olmo_eos_token_id=2, |
tokenizer_dir="gs://mm-olmo/tokenizer", |
pad_tokenizer_to=None, cache={}, |
): |
cache_key = (tokenizer_type, has_extra_token, adds_space, olmo_bos_token_id, |
olmo_eos_token_id, pad_tokenizer_to) |
if cache_key in cache: |
return cache[cache_key] |
if tokenizer_type == 'llama': |
tok = vocab.SentencePieceVocabulary( |
os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, "llama_tokenizer.model"), |
extra_ids=DEFAULT_EXTRA_IDS, |
reverse_extra_ids=True, |
extra_tokens=EXTRA_TOKENS if has_extra_token else None, |
) |
elif tokenizer_type == 'yi': |
tok = vocab.SentencePieceVocabulary( |
os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, "yi_tokenizer.model"), |
extra_ids=DEFAULT_EXTRA_IDS, |
reverse_extra_ids=True, |
extra_tokens=EXTRA_TOKENS if has_extra_token else None, |
) |
elif tokenizer_type == 'mistral': |
tok = vocab.SentencePieceVocabulary( |
os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, "mistral_tokenizer.model"), |
extra_ids=DEFAULT_EXTRA_IDS, |
reverse_extra_ids=True, |
extra_tokens=EXTRA_TOKENS if has_extra_token else None, |
) |
elif tokenizer_type == "mistral0.3": |
tok = vocab.SentencePieceVocabulary( |
os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, "mistral0.3_tokenizer.model.v3"), |
extra_ids=DEFAULT_EXTRA_IDS, |
reverse_extra_ids=True, |
extra_tokens=EXTRA_TOKENS if has_extra_token else None, |
) |
elif tokenizer_type == 'gemma': |
tok = vocab.SentencePieceVocabulary( |
os.path.join(tokenizer_dir, "gemma_tokenizer.model"), |
extra_ids=DEFAULT_EXTRA_IDS, |
reverse_extra_ids=True, |
extra_tokens=EXTRA_TOKENS if has_extra_token else None, |
) |
elif tokenizer_type.startswith("hf-"): |
cache_dir = None if tokenizer_dir is None or is_url(tokenizer_dir) else tokenizer_dir |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
extra_tokens = list(EXTRA_TOKENS) |
if pad_tokenizer_to is not None: |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_type[3:], token=environ.get("HF_ACCESS_TOKEN"), cache_dir=cache_dir) |
n_extra_tokens = pad_tokenizer_to - len(tokenizer) |
if n_extra_tokens > 0: |
logging.info(f"Padding tokenizer with {n_extra_tokens} tokens") |
extra_tokens = [f"|<EXTRA_TOKENS_{i}>|" for i in range(n_extra_tokens)] + extra_tokens |
bos_token_id = None |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( |
tokenizer_type[3:], additional_special_tokens=extra_tokens, |
token=environ.get("HF_ACCESS_TOKEN"), |
cache_dir=cache_dir, |
) |
if ("qwen2" in tokenizer_type.lower()) or ("olmo" in tokenizer_type.lower()): |
assert tokenizer.bos_token_id is None |
bos_token_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id |
if pad_tokenizer_to is not None: |
for ix, tok in enumerate(EXTRA_TOKENS): |
ids = tokenizer.encode(tok, add_special_tokens=False) |
assert ids == [pad_tokenizer_to + ix] |
tok = vocab.HfTokenizerWrapper(tokenizer, bos_token_id=bos_token_id, adds_space=adds_space) |
elif tokenizer_type.startswith("olmo-"): |
from olmo.tokenizer import Tokenizer |
assert Path(tokenizer_type[5:]).is_file() |
tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_file( |
tokenizer_type[5:], |
eos_token_id=olmo_eos_token_id, |
pad_token_id=-1, |
) |
tok = vocab.OLMoTokenizerWrapper(tokenizer, bos_token_id=olmo_bos_token_id, adds_space=adds_space) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(tokenizer_type) |
cache[cache_key] = tok |
return tok |
def get_special_token_ids(tokenizer): |
if isinstance(tokenizer, (vocab.HfTokenizerWrapper, vocab.OLMoTokenizerWrapper)): |
ids = tokenizer.encode("".join(EXTRA_TOKENS)) |
if len(ids) == len(EXTRA_TOKENS) + 1: |
ids = ids[1:] |
elif ("gemma_tokenizer" in tokenizer._sentencepiece_model_file or |
"yi_tokenizer" in tokenizer._sentencepiece_model_file |
): |
ids = tokenizer.encode(" " + " ".join(EXTRA_TOKENS)) |
else: |
ids = tokenizer.encode(" ".join(EXTRA_TOKENS)) |
assert len(ids) == len(EXTRA_TOKENS) |
return {k: i for k, i in zip(EXTRA_TOKENS, ids)} |
def _append_to_innermost_axis( |
tensor: tf.Tensor, scalar: tf.Tensor, |
) -> tf.Tensor: |
"""Appends `scalar` to each slice in the innermost axis of `tensor`. |
>>> _append_to_innermost_axis([1, 2, 3], -1) |
[1, 2, 3, -1] |
>>> _append_to_innermost_axis([[1, 2], [3, 4]], -1) |
[[1, 2, -1], [3, 4, -1]] |
>>> _append_to_innermost_axis(tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]]), -1) |
[[1, 2, -1], [3, -1]] |
Args: |
tensor: The tensor that should have a value appended. |
scalar: The value to append. |
Returns: |
A copy of `tensor` with `scalar` appended to each slice along |
the innermost axis. |
""" |
if isinstance(tensor, tf.RaggedTensor): |
if tensor.shape.rank > 2: |
return tensor.with_values( |
_append_to_innermost_axis(tensor.values, scalar) |
) |
else: |
return tf.concat([tensor, tf.fill([tensor.nrows(), 1], scalar)], axis=1) |
else: |
ndims = tf.rank(tensor) |
paddings = tf.concat( |
[tf.zeros((ndims - 1, 2), dtype=tf.int32), tf.constant([[0, 1]])], |
axis=0, |
) |
return tf.pad(tensor, paddings=paddings, constant_values=scalar) |
def _shift_right_by_one(tensor: tf.Tensor, bos_id: int = 0) -> tf.Tensor: |
"""Shift the input tensor to the right by one position without wrapping.""" |
if not (tensor.dtype.is_integer or tensor.dtype.is_floating): |
raise ValueError(f"Only numeric types are supported. Got: {tensor.dtype}") |
rolled = tf.roll(tensor, shift=1, axis=0) |
depth = tf.shape(tensor)[0] |
mask = tf.one_hot(0, depth=depth, on_value=0, off_value=1, dtype=tensor.dtype) |
dim_expansion = [slice(None, None)] + [None] * (len(rolled.shape) - 1) |
mask = mask[dim_expansion] |
return rolled * mask + (1 - mask) * bos_id |
def make_autoregressive_inputs( |
targets: tf.Tensor, |
sequence_id: tf.Tensor = None, |
output_dtype: Optional[tf.dtypes.DType] = None, |
bos_id: int = 0, |
) -> tf.Tensor: |
"""Generate inputs for an autoregressive model, by shifting the targets. |
Modified from mesh_tensorflow.transformer.transformer.autoregressive_inputs. |
For the first element of each sequence, the returned input id is 0. |
For a "packed" dataset, also pass the sequence_id tensor, which aligns |
with the targets tensor and contains different values for different |
concatenated examples. |
Example for a packed dataset: |
``` |
targets = [3, 8, 2, 9, 2, 5, 4, 2, -1, -1] |
sequence_id = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0] |
inputs = [1, 3, 8, 1, 9, 1, 5, 4, -1, -1] |
| | | |
These positions are set to 0 if sequence_id is not |
None. |
``` |
Args: |
targets: a tf.int32 tensor with shape [length]. |
sequence_id: an optional tensor with the same shape as targets. |
output_dtype: an optional output data type. |
bos_id: bos id. |
Returns: |
a tensor with dtype tf.int32 and the same shape as targets. |
""" |
output_dtype = output_dtype or targets.dtype |
if sequence_id is not None and not sequence_id.dtype.is_integer: |
raise ValueError( |
"The sequence_id should be integer-valued tensors for a packed dataset." |
) |
if sequence_id is not None and len(targets.shape) > 1: |
raise ValueError( |
"Only 1-D sequences are supported with packing. Got a " |
f"packed {len(targets.shape)}-D sequence." |
) |
inputs = _shift_right_by_one(targets, bos_id) |
if inputs.dtype != output_dtype: |
inputs = tf.cast(inputs, output_dtype) |
if sequence_id is not None: |
not_first_in_sequence = tf.equal( |
sequence_id, _shift_right_by_one(sequence_id) |
) |
not_first_in_sequence = tf.cast(not_first_in_sequence, output_dtype) |
first_ids = tf.cast((1 - not_first_in_sequence) * bos_id, output_dtype) |
inputs = inputs * not_first_in_sequence + first_ids |
return inputs |
@tf.function |
def sum_except_first_axis(tensor): |
axes_to_sum = tuple(range(1, len(tensor.shape))) |
return tf.reduce_sum(tensor, axis=axes_to_sum) |
@seqio.map_over_dataset() |
def add_segment_ids(ex): |
ex["subsegment_ids"] = tf.zeros_like(ex["target_tokens"], dtype=tf.int32) |
return ex |
def trim_and_pad_dataset( |
dataset: tf.data.Dataset, feature_lengths: Mapping[str, int] |
) -> tf.data.Dataset: |
"""Trim and pad first dimension of features to `feature_lengths`. |
Args: |
dataset: tf.data.Dataset, the dataset to trim/pad examples in. |
feature_lengths: map from feature key to final length. Other features will |
be returned unchanged. |
Returns: |
Trimmed/padded tf.data.Dataset. |
""" |
def _trim_and_pad(k: str, t: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: |
"""Trim/pad to the first axis of `t` to be of size `length`.""" |
if k not in feature_lengths: |
return t |
if isinstance(t, tf.RaggedTensor): |
t = t.to_tensor() |
constant_values = -1 |
length_k = feature_lengths[k] |
if isinstance(length_k, int): |
t = t[:length_k] |
pad_amt = length_k - tf.shape(t)[0] |
padded_t = tf.pad(t, [(0, pad_amt)] + [(0, 0)] * (len(t.shape) - 1), constant_values=constant_values) |
padded_t.set_shape([length_k] + t.shape.as_list()[1:]) |
return padded_t |
slices = tuple((slice(0, limit) for limit in length_k)) |
t = t[slices] |
pad_amt = tf.pad((length_k - tf.shape(t))[..., None], ((0, 0), (1, 0)), constant_values=constant_values) |
padded_t = tf.pad(t, pad_amt, constant_values=constant_values) |
padded_t.set_shape(length_k) |
return padded_t |
return dataset.map( |
lambda x: {k: _trim_and_pad(k, t) for k, t in x.items()}, |
num_parallel_calls=tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE, |
) |
def get_3d_subsegments(segmented_suffix): |
q_lens, text_lens = segmented_suffix.nested_row_lengths() |
text_segments = tf.range(0, tf.shape(text_lens)[0], dtype=tf.int32) |
question_repeat = tf.reshape(tf.stack([tf.ones_like(q_lens), q_lens-1], 1), [-1]) |
question_offset = tf.range(1, tf.shape(q_lens)[0]+1, dtype=tf.int32)*200 |
question_offset = tf.reshape(tf.stack([question_offset, question_offset-100], 1), [-1]) |
text_segments = text_segments + tf.repeat(question_offset, question_repeat) |
segment_ids = tf.cast(tf.repeat(text_segments, text_lens), tf.int32) |
return segment_ids |
def assert_not_truncated(ds, keys, max_val): |
def _check(ex): |
for k in keys: |
tf.assert_less(tf.shape(ex[k])[0], max_val+1, |
message=f"Field {k} was unexpectedly truncated max_len={max_val}") |
return ex |
return ds.map(_check) |
def apply_with_random_selector(x, func, num_cases): |
"""Computes func(x, sel), with sel sampled from [0...num_cases-1]. |
Args: |
x: input Tensor. |
func: Python function to apply. |
num_cases: Python int32, number of cases to sample sel from. |
Returns: |
The result of func(x, sel), where func receives the value of the |
selector as a python integer, but sel is sampled dynamically. |
""" |
sel = tf.random.uniform([], maxval=num_cases, dtype=tf.int32) |
return control_flow_ops.merge([ |
func(control_flow_ops.switch(x, tf.equal(sel, case))[1], case) |
for case in range(num_cases)])[0] |
def denormalize_boxes(boxes, image_shape): |
"""Converts boxes normalized by [height, width] to pixel coordinates. |
Args: |
boxes: a tensor whose last dimension is 4 representing the coordinates of |
boxes in ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax order. |
image_shape: a list of two integers, a two-element vector or a tensor such |
that all but the last dimensions are `broadcastable` to `boxes`. The last |
dimension is 2, which represents [height, width]. |
Returns: |
denormalized_boxes: a tensor whose shape is the same as `boxes` representing |
the denormalized boxes. |
Raises: |
ValueError: If the last dimension of boxes is not 4. |
""" |
with tf.name_scope('denormalize_boxes'): |
if isinstance(image_shape, list) or isinstance(image_shape, tuple): |
height, width = image_shape |
height = tf.cast(height, dtype=boxes.dtype) |
width = tf.cast(width, dtype=boxes.dtype) |
else: |
image_shape = tf.cast(image_shape, dtype=boxes.dtype) |
height, width = tf.split(image_shape, 2, axis=-1) |
ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = tf.split(boxes, 4, axis=-1) |
ymin = ymin * height |
xmin = xmin * width |
ymax = ymax * height |
xmax = xmax * width |
denormalized_boxes = tf.concat([ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax], axis=-1) |
return denormalized_boxes |
def pad_to_bounding_box(image, offset_height, offset_width, target_height, |
target_width, value=0): |
return pad_to_bounding_box_internal( |
image, |
offset_height, |
offset_width, |
target_height, |
target_width, |
check_dims=True, |
value=value) |
def pad_to_bounding_box_internal(image, offset_height, offset_width, |
target_height, target_width, check_dims, value): |
with ops.name_scope(None, 'pad_to_bounding_box_with_one_internal', [image]): |
image = ops.convert_to_tensor(image, name='image') |
is_batch = True |
image_shape = image.get_shape() |
if image_shape.ndims == 3: |
is_batch = False |
image = array_ops.expand_dims(image, 0) |
elif image_shape.ndims is None: |
is_batch = False |
image = array_ops.expand_dims(image, 0) |
image.set_shape([None] * 4) |
elif image_shape.ndims != 4: |
raise ValueError( |
'\'image\' (shape %s) must have either 3 or 4 dimensions.' % |
image_shape) |
batch, height, width, depth = _ImageDimensions(image, rank=4) |
after_padding_width = target_width - offset_width - width |
after_padding_height = target_height - offset_height - height |
if check_dims: |
assert_ops = _CheckAtLeast3DImage(image, require_static=False) |
assert_ops += _assert(offset_height >= 0, ValueError, |
'offset_height must be >= 0') |
assert_ops += _assert(offset_width >= 0, ValueError, |
'offset_width must be >= 0') |
assert_ops += _assert(after_padding_width >= 0, ValueError, |
'width must be <= target - offset') |
assert_ops += _assert(after_padding_height >= 0, ValueError, |
'height must be <= target - offset') |
image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(assert_ops, image) |
paddings = array_ops.reshape( |
tf.stack([ |
0, 0, offset_height, after_padding_height, offset_width, |
after_padding_width, 0, 0 |
]), [4, 2]) |
padded = array_ops.pad(image, paddings, constant_values=value) |
padded_shape = [ |
None if _is_tensor(i) else i |
for i in [batch, target_height, target_width, depth] |
] |
padded.set_shape(padded_shape) |
if not is_batch: |
padded = array_ops.squeeze(padded, axis=[0]) |
return padded |
def resize_and_crop_boxes(boxes, image_scale, output_size, offset, paddings): |
"""Resizes boxes to output size with scale and offset. |
Args: |
boxes: `Tensor` of shape [N, 4] representing ground truth boxes. |
image_scale: 2D float `Tensor` representing scale factors that apply to |
[height, width] of input image. |
output_size: 2D `Tensor` or `int` representing [height, width] of target |
output image size. |
offset: 2D `Tensor` representing top-left corner [y0, x0] to crop scaled |
boxes. |
paddings: 2D `Tensor` representing top/left paddings. |
Returns: |
boxes: `Tensor` of shape [N, 4] representing the scaled boxes. |
""" |
boxes *= tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(image_scale, axis=0), [1, 2]) |
boxes -= tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(offset, axis=0), [1, 2]) |
boxes += tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(paddings, axis=0), [1, 2]) |
boxes = clip_boxes(boxes, output_size) |
return boxes |
def clip_boxes(boxes, image_shape): |
"""Clips boxes to image boundaries. |
Args: |
boxes: a tensor whose last dimension is 4 representing the coordinates of |
boxes in ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax order. |
image_shape: a list of two integers, a two-element vector or a tensor such |
that all but the last dimensions are `broadcastable` to `boxes`. The last |
dimension is 2, which represents [height, width]. |
Returns: |
clipped_boxes: a tensor whose shape is the same as `boxes` representing the |
clipped boxes. |
Raises: |
ValueError: If the last dimension of boxes is not 4. |
""" |
if boxes.shape[-1] != 4: |
raise ValueError('boxes.shape[-1] is {:d}, but must be 4.'.format( |
boxes.shape[-1])) |
with tf.name_scope('clip_boxes'): |
if isinstance(image_shape, list) or isinstance(image_shape, tuple): |
height, width = image_shape |
max_length = [height, width, height, width] |
else: |
image_shape = tf.cast(image_shape, dtype=boxes.dtype) |
height, width = tf.unstack(image_shape, axis=-1) |
max_length = tf.stack( |
[height, width, height, width], axis=-1) |
clipped_boxes = tf.math.maximum(tf.math.minimum(boxes, max_length), 0.0) |
return clipped_boxes |
def get_non_empty_box_indices(boxes): |
"""Get indices for non-empty boxes.""" |
height = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0] |
width = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] |
indices = tf.where( |
tf.logical_and(tf.greater(height, 0), tf.greater(width, 0))) |
return indices[:, 0] |
def resize_and_pad(image, desired_output_size, masks=None, boxes=None, labels=None, |
random_scale_min=0.1, random_scale_max=2.0, do_random_scale=False, |
shrink_both_sides=True, boxes1=None, filter_box=True, |
desired_target_size=None, random_scale_ratio=0.0, |
resize_method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, return_outputs=True, |
pad_value=0, normalize=True): |
desired_height, desired_width = desired_output_size |
desired_height_f = tf.cast(desired_height, dtype=tf.float32) |
desired_width_f = tf.cast(desired_width, dtype=tf.float32) |
height = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[0], tf.float32) |
width = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[1], tf.float32) |
if boxes is not None: |
boxes = denormalize_boxes(boxes, [height, width]) |
if boxes1 is not None: |
boxes1 = denormalize_boxes(boxes1, [height, width]) |
if do_random_scale: |
random_scale_factor = tf.random.uniform([], random_scale_min, random_scale_max) |
if not shrink_both_sides: |
rsf_max = tf.maximum(desired_width_f / width, desired_height_f / height) |
random_scale_factor = tf.minimum(rsf_max, random_scale_factor) |
scaled_y = tf.cast(random_scale_factor * desired_height_f, tf.int32) |
scaled_x = tf.cast(random_scale_factor * desired_width_f, tf.int32) |
image_scale_y = tf.cast(scaled_y, tf.float32) / height |
image_scale_x = tf.cast(scaled_x, tf.float32) / width |
image_scale = tf.cond(tf.less( |
tf.random.uniform([], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32), |
tf.cast(random_scale_ratio, tf.float32)), |
lambda: tf.maximum(image_scale_x, image_scale_y), |
lambda: tf.minimum(image_scale_x, image_scale_y)) |
image_scale = tf.maximum(image_scale, 64.0 / tf.minimum(height, width)) |
scaled_height = tf.cast(height * image_scale, tf.int32) |
scaled_width = tf.cast(width * image_scale, tf.int32) |
offset_y = tf.cast(scaled_height - desired_height, tf.float32) |
offset_x = tf.cast(scaled_width - desired_width, tf.float32) |
offset_y = tf.maximum(0.0, offset_y) * tf.random.uniform([], 0, 1) |
offset_x = tf.maximum(0.0, offset_x) * tf.random.uniform([], 0, 1) |
offset_y = tf.cast(offset_y, tf.int32) |
offset_x = tf.cast(offset_x, tf.int32) |
else: |
image_scale_y = desired_height_f / height |
image_scale_x = desired_width_f / width |
image_scale = tf.minimum(image_scale_x, image_scale_y) |
scaled_height = tf.cast(height * image_scale, tf.int32) |
scaled_width = tf.cast(width * image_scale, tf.int32) |
offset_y = tf.constant(0) |
offset_x = tf.constant(0) |
if resize_method == 'random' and do_random_scale: |
resize_methods = sorted([k for k in tf.image.ResizeMethod.__dict__.keys() if k.isupper()]) |
image = apply_with_random_selector( |
image, |
lambda x, method_idx: tf.image.resize(x, [scaled_height, scaled_width], |
tf.image.ResizeMethod.__dict__[resize_methods[method_idx]], |
antialias=True), |
num_cases=len(resize_methods)) |
elif resize_method != 'random': |
image = tf.image.resize(image, [scaled_height, scaled_width], method=resize_method, antialias=True) |
else: |
image = tf.image.resize(image, [scaled_height, scaled_width], |
method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, antialias=True) |
image = tf.clip_by_value(image, 0.0, 1.0) |
image = image[offset_y:offset_y + desired_height, offset_x:offset_x + desired_width, :] |
H = tf.shape(image)[0] |
W = tf.shape(image)[1] |
top_pad = (desired_height - H) // 2 |
left_pad = (desired_width - W) // 2 |
image_mask = pad_to_bounding_box( |
tf.ones_like(image, dtype=tf.bool), top_pad, left_pad, desired_height, desired_width)[:,:,0] |
image = pad_to_bounding_box(image, top_pad, left_pad, desired_height, desired_width, value=pad_value) |
if isinstance(desired_height, int) and isinstance(desired_width, int): |
image.set_shape([desired_height, desired_width, 3]) |
if masks is not None and tf.size(masks) != 0: |
masks = tf.image.resize(masks, [scaled_height, scaled_width], |
method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) |
if len(masks.shape) == 3: |
masks = masks[offset_y:offset_y + desired_height, offset_x:offset_x + desired_width] |
else: |
masks = masks[:, offset_y:offset_y + desired_height, offset_x:offset_x + desired_width] |
masks = pad_to_bounding_box(masks, top_pad, left_pad, desired_height, desired_width) |
masks = tf.image.resize(masks, desired_target_size, |
method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR) |
indices = None |
if boxes is not None: |
boxes = resize_and_crop_boxes( |
boxes, |
tf.stack([image_scale, image_scale]), |
[desired_height, desired_width], |
tf.cast(tf.stack([offset_y, offset_x]), dtype=tf.float32), |
tf.cast(tf.stack([top_pad, left_pad]), dtype=tf.float32)) |
if filter_box: |
indices = get_non_empty_box_indices(boxes) |
else: |
indices = tf.range(tf.shape(boxes)[0]) |
boxes = tf.gather(boxes, indices) |
if labels is not None: |
labels = tf.gather(labels, indices) |
if boxes1 is not None: |
boxes1 = resize_and_crop_boxes( |
boxes1, |
tf.stack([image_scale, image_scale]), |
[desired_height, desired_width], |
tf.cast(tf.stack([offset_y, offset_x]), dtype=tf.float32), |
tf.cast(tf.stack([top_pad, left_pad]), dtype=tf.float32)) |
image_info = tf.stack([ |
tf.cast(top_pad, tf.float32), |
tf.cast(left_pad, tf.float32), |
1.0 / image_scale, |
height, |
width, |
tf.cast(offset_y, dtype=tf.float32) / height, |
tf.cast(offset_x, dtype=tf.float32) / width, |
tf.cast(offset_y, dtype=tf.float32), |
tf.cast(offset_x, dtype=tf.float32), |
tf.cast(scaled_height, dtype=tf.float32), |
tf.cast(scaled_width, dtype=tf.float32), |
]) |
if boxes1 is not None: |
outputs = (image_info, masks, boxes, labels, indices, boxes1) |
else: |
outputs = (image_info, masks, boxes, labels, indices) |
if normalize: |
image = normalize_image(image) |
if return_outputs: |
return image, image_mask, outputs |
else: |
return image, image_mask |
def _remove_bars_from_frames(frames, black_bar=True, threshold=32, max_perc_to_trim=0.3): |
""" |
:param frames: [num_frames, height, width, 3] |
:param blackbar_threshold: Pixels must be this intense for us to not trim |
:param max_perc_to_prim: Will trim x% by default of the image at most in each dimension |
:return: |
""" |
frames_shape = tf.shape(frames) |
h, w = frames_shape[1], frames_shape[2] |
if black_bar: |
has_content = tf.reduce_max(frames, axis=(0, -1)) >= threshold |
else: |
has_content = tf.reduce_min(frames, axis=(0, -1)) <= threshold |
y_frames = tf.cast(tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.reduce_any(has_content, axis=1)), [-1]), tf.int32) |
nhbars = tf.shape(y_frames)[0] |
y_frames = tf.cond(nhbars > 0, lambda: y_frames, lambda: tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(h // 2, tf.int32), axis=0)) |
y1 = tf.minimum(y_frames[0], tf.cast(tf.cast(h, tf.float32) * max_perc_to_trim, tf.int32)) |
y2 = tf.maximum(y_frames[-1] + 1, tf.cast(tf.cast(h, tf.float32) * (1 - max_perc_to_trim), tf.int32)) |
x_frames = tf.cast(tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.reduce_any(has_content, axis=0)), [-1]), tf.int32) |
nvbars = tf.shape(x_frames)[0] |
x_frames = tf.cond(nvbars > 0, lambda: x_frames, lambda: tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(w // 2, tf.int32), axis=0)) |
x1 = tf.minimum(x_frames[0], tf.cast(tf.cast(w, tf.float32) * max_perc_to_trim, tf.int32)) |
x2 = tf.maximum(x_frames[-1] + 1, tf.cast(tf.cast(w, tf.float32) * (1 - max_perc_to_trim), tf.int32)) |
frames = frames[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] |
return frames |
def convert_video_dtype(video,dtype): |
""" |
Converts tensor to dtype and scales the values. |
Video equivalent of tf.convert_image_dtype: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/image/convert_image_dtype |
""" |
return tf.map_fn( |
fn=functools.partial( |
tf.image.convert_image_dtype, |
dtype=dtype), |
elems=video, |
fn_output_signature=dtype) |
def stateless_shuffle(x: tf.Tensor, seed): |
if hasattr(tf.random.experimental, 'stateless_shuffle'): |
return tf.random.experimental.stateless_shuffle(x, seed=seed) |
else: |
vals = tf.random.stateless_uniform(tf.shape(x)[:1], seed) |
ixs = tf.argsort(vals) |
return tf.gather(x, ixs) |
def stateless_permutation(n: int, seed): |
if hasattr(tf.random.experimental, 'stateless_shuffle'): |
ix = tf.range(0, n, dtype=tf.int32) |
return tf.random.experimental.stateless_shuffle(ix, seed=seed) |
else: |
vals = tf.random.stateless_uniform(n, seed) |
return tf.argsort(vals) |
@seqio.map_over_dataset |
def _strip_metadata(example): |
return pop_metadata(example)[0] |
def sample_patches(mask, n_patches, stateless=False, seeds=None): |
input_sample_valid = tf.boolean_mask(tf.range(tf.shape(mask)[0]), mask) |
input_sample_masked = tf.boolean_mask(tf.range(tf.shape(mask)[0]), mask == 0) |
if stateless: |
encoder_pos_ids = tf.concat([ |
stateless_shuffle(input_sample_valid, seeds[0]), |
stateless_shuffle(input_sample_masked, seeds[1])], axis=0)[:n_patches] |
else: |
encoder_pos_ids = tf.concat([ |
tf.random.shuffle(input_sample_valid), |
tf.random.shuffle(input_sample_masked)], axis=0)[:n_patches] |
encoder_pos_ids = tf.reshape(encoder_pos_ids, (n_patches,)) |
encoder_pos_ids = tf.cast(encoder_pos_ids, tf.int32) |
return encoder_pos_ids |
@gin.configurable() |
def normalize_image(image, |
offset=(0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), |
scale=(0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)): |
"""Normalizes the image to zero mean and unit variance.""" |
offset = tf.constant(offset) |
offset = tf.expand_dims(offset, axis=0) |
offset = tf.expand_dims(offset, axis=0) |
image -= tf.cast(offset, image.dtype) |
scale = tf.constant(scale) |
scale = tf.expand_dims(scale, axis=0) |
scale = tf.expand_dims(scale, axis=0) |
image /= tf.cast(scale, image.dtype) |
return image |
def unnormalize_image(image, |
offset=(0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), |
scale=(0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)): |
"""Normalizes the image to zero mean and unit variance.""" |
scale = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(scale), axis=0), axis=0), image.dtype) |
image *= scale |
offset = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(offset), axis=0), axis=0), image.dtype) |
image += offset |
return image |
def flatten_parts(ds: tf.data.Dataset, parts: List[str], add_index=False, dataset_size=None) -> tf.data.Dataset: |
def _flatten(ex): |
flat_key = {k: ex[k] for k in parts} |
if add_index: |
flat_key['index'] = tf.range(len(ex[parts[0]])) |
flat_ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(flat_key) |
def _merge(_flat_ex): |
for k, v in ex.items(): |
if k not in parts: |
_flat_ex[k] = v |
return _flat_ex |
return flat_ds.map(_merge) |
ds = ds.flat_map(_flatten) |
if dataset_size is not None: |
ds = tf.data.experimental.assert_cardinality(dataset_size)(ds) |
return ds |