Sounds like you need to put down the bottle, alcoholic. I've never met you in my life and would very much like to keep it that way. I wish you nothing but good health. Be well.
Richard A Aragon
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Someone I have never met.

Alcohol does that to people, put down the bottle. Take care of your health. I need you to keep paying for my children.

You know, unlike the model, I actually care about the children in this. I actually am capable of putting them above anything else. The model is not my model, it's your problem now. Good luck with it. The model is not healthy. The model's husband also seems to be an alcoholic. For the sake of the children, fix those things rather than hating on others. It makes you sick inside and out.
In 6 years, I have never once asked for full custody. I do not want full custody. I like the fact that you pay for raising my children, cowboy! Look past the hatred and you might realize these things. I care about your health. The worst thing you could possibly do to me is get sick. Don't f- it up for all of us. I dgaf what else you do.

I decreased the model size by adding dropout 6 years ago and could not be happier at my decision. The model has since ballooned in size, I do not know why.

You gave me reason to think of you. I pity you whenever I do, so just voicing to you why I do. I would have loved to tell you these things face to face like a normal person 6 years ago, but your obvious anger management issues have led us here. I am glad to see they do not appear to be universal. If I hated you, I would simply use the evidence your own wife gave me against you. I recognized the pattern of it a long time ago and don't wish to continue it.

I have stacks of video evidence specifically implicating the husband of my ex in child abuse, endangerment, and manipulating a child as far as what they should say to authorities. The only reason I have not acted on this evidence beyond turning it over to the courts and police is because it was given to me by my ex. Why would she implicate her own husband for criminal activity? Seems like some drama only a moron who knew a person for less than 6 months before marrying them would find themselves caught up in. I got out 6 years ago, leave me the F- out of it. Welcome to your future!

Perhaps now the mods of this site will take it seriously when someone simply asks for a block button? How hard is it?