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import base64
import os
import ast
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List, Union
import torch
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from lmdeploy import pipeline, TurbomindEngineConfig, ChatTemplateConfig, PytorchEngineConfig
def normalize_quaternion(quat):
return np.array(quat) / np.linalg.norm(quat, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
def quaternion_to_discrete_euler(quaternion, bins_num=256):
euler = Rotation.from_quat(quaternion).as_euler('xyz', degrees=True) + 180
resolution = 360 / bins_num
disc = np.around((euler / resolution)).astype(int)
disc[disc == bins_num] = 0
return disc
def discrete_euler_to_quaternion(discrete_euler, bins_num=256):
resolution = 360 / bins_num
euler = (discrete_euler * resolution) - 180
return Rotation.from_euler('xyz', euler, degrees=True).as_quat()
class RotationActionDiscretizer:
def __init__(self, bins_num=256, min_action=-1, max_action=1):
Note: the input action is quaternion
Args: bins_num: Number of bins to discretize the rotation space into.
self.bins_num = bins_num
def discretize(self, action: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]], degrees=False):
# Check if the input action is quaternion or euler
if len(action) == 4:
return quaternion_to_discrete_euler(normalize_quaternion(action), bins_num=self.bins_num)
return quaternion_to_discrete_euler(
normalize_quaternion(Rotation.from_euler('xyz', action, degrees=degrees).as_quat()),
def undiscretize(self, discrete_action):
return normalize_quaternion(discrete_euler_to_quaternion(discrete_action, bins_num=self.bins_num))
def get_action_space(self):
return self.bins_num
def generate_discrete_special_tokens(self)-> List[str]:
return [f"<rot{i}>" for i in range(self.bins_num)]
def map_4d_quaternion_to_special_tokens(self, action) -> List[str]:
discretiezd_action = self.discretize(action)
return [f"<rot{action}>" for action in discretiezd_action]
def map_roll_pitch_yaw_to_special_tokens(self, roll_pitch_yaw: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]], degrees=False) -> List[str]:
discretized_action = self.discretize(roll_pitch_yaw, degrees)
return [f"<rot{a}>" for a in discretized_action]
class TranslationActionDiscretizer:
def __init__(self, bins_num=256, min_action=-1, max_action=1):
self.bins_num = bins_num
self.min_action = min_action
self.max_action = max_action
# Create Uniform Bins + Compute Bin Centers
self.bins = np.linspace(min_action, max_action, bins_num)
self.bin_centers = (self.bins[:-1] + self.bins[1:]) / 2.0
def discretize(self, action: np.ndarray):
action = np.clip(action, a_min=float(self.min_action), a_max=float(self.max_action))
discretized_action = np.digitize(action, self.bins)
return discretized_action
def undiscretize(self, discrete_action):
NOTE =>> Because of the way the actions are discretized w.r.t. the bins (and not the bin centers), the
digitization returns bin indices between [1, # bins], inclusive, when there are actually only
(# bins - 1) bin intervals.
Therefore, if the digitization returns the last possible index, we map this to the last bin interval.
EXAMPLE =>> Let's say self._bins has 256 values. Then self._bin_centers has 255 values. Digitization returns
indices between [1, 256]. We subtract 1 from all indices so that they are between [0, 255]. There
is still one index (i==255) that would cause an out-of-bounds error if used to index into
self._bin_centers. Therefore, if i==255, we subtract 1 from it so that it just becomes the index of
the last bin center. We implement this simply via clipping between [0, 255 - 1].
discrete_action = np.clip(discrete_action - 1, a_min=0, a_max=self.bin_centers.shape[0] - 1)
undiscretized_action = self.bin_centers[discrete_action]
# Clamp the result to the action bounds
return np.clip(undiscretized_action, self.min_action, self.max_action)
def get_action_space(self):
return self.bins_num
def generate_discrete_special_tokens(self)-> List[str]:
return [f"<loc{i}>" for i in range(self.bins_num)]
def map_3d_action_to_special_tokens(self, action) -> List[str]:
discretiezd_action = self.discretize(action)
return [f"<loc{action}>" for action in discretiezd_action]
class OpennessActionDiscretizer:
def __init__(self, bins_num=256, min_openness=0, max_openness=1):
bins_num: Number of bins to discretize the openness space into.
min_openness: Minimum openness of the gripper.
max_openness: Maximum openness of the gripper.
self.bins_num = bins_num
self.min_openness = min_openness
self.max_openness = max_openness
# Create Uniform Bins + Compute Bin Centers
self.bins = np.linspace(min_openness, max_openness, bins_num)
self.bin_centers = (self.bins[:-1] + self.bins[1:]) / 2.0
def discretize(self, openness: float):
openness = np.clip(openness, a_min=self.min_openness, a_max=self.max_openness)
discretized_openness = np.digitize(openness, self.bins)
return discretized_openness
def undiscretize(self, discrete_openness):
discrete_openness = np.clip(discrete_openness - 1, a_min=0, a_max=self.bin_centers.shape[0] - 1)
return self.bin_centers[discrete_openness]
def get_action_space(self):
return self.bins_num
def generate_discrete_special_tokens(self) -> List[str]:
return [f"<open{i}>" for i in range(self.bins_num)]
def map_openness_to_special_tokens(self, openness) -> List[str]:
discretized_openness = self.discretize(openness)
return [f"<open{discretized_openness}>"]
# def construct_lmdeploy_tasks(jsonl_path):
# data = load_jsonl(jsonl_path)
# lmdeploy_tasks = []
# for sample_idx, item in enumerate(data):
# langs = item["conversations"][0]["value"]
# langs = langs.replace("<image>", IMAGE_TOKEN)
# image_urls = [
# os.path.join(sample_save_folder, f"{sample_idx}_{im_idx}.png") for im_idx in range(len(item["image"]))
# ]
# gt_lang = item["conversations"][1]["value"]
# lmdeploy_tasks.append((langs, image_urls, gt_lang))
# return lmdeploy_tasks
def load_image_from_base64(image: Union[bytes, str]) -> Image.Image:
"""load image from base64 format."""
def load_image(image_url: Union[str, Image.Image]) -> Image.Image:
"""load image from url, local path or openai GPT4V."""
FETCH_TIMEOUT = int(os.environ.get('LMDEPLOY_FETCH_TIMEOUT', 10))
headers = {
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 '
'(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3'
if isinstance(image_url, Image.Image):
img = image_url
# Load image from local path
img =
# check image valid
img = img.convert('RGB')
except Exception as error:
if isinstance(image_url, str) and len(image_url) > 100:
image_url = image_url[:100] + ' ...'
print(f'{error}, image_url={image_url}')
# use dummy image
img ='RGB', (32, 32))
return img
# Function to print GPU memory usage
def print_gpu_memory():
if torch.cuda.is_available():
allocated_memory = torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / (1024 ** 2) # Convert to MB
cached_memory = torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / (1024 ** 2) # Convert to MB
print(f"Allocated GPU Memory: {allocated_memory:.2f} MB")
print(f"Cached GPU Memory: {cached_memory:.2f} MB")
print("CUDA is not available.")
model = '/mnt/petrelfs/huangsiyuan/VLA/InternVL/internvl_chat/output/internvla_8b_1node_with_visual_traces_wo_sp_token_w_cam/VLA8B_V1_8bit'
if "bit" in model:
pipe = pipeline(model, backend_config=PytorchEngineConfig(session_len=2048, cache_max_entry_count=0.5), chat_template_config=ChatTemplateConfig(model_name='internvl2-internlm2'))
pipe = pipeline(model, backend_config=TurbomindEngineConfig(session_len=2048, cache_max_entry_count=0.5), chat_template_config=ChatTemplateConfig(model_name='internvl2-internlm2'))
# pipe = pipeline(model, backend_config=TurbomindEngineConfig(session_len=2048, cache_max_entry_count=0.5, quant_policy=8), chat_template_config=ChatTemplateConfig(model_name='internvl2-internlm2'))
TRANS_MAX = 0.275
TRANS_MIN = -0.275
ROT_MIN = -0.350
ROT_MAX = 0.395
OPEN_MIN = -0.388
OPEN_MAX = 0.300
translation_bins_num = 256
rotation_bins_num = 256
openness_bins_num = 256
translation_action_discretizer = TranslationActionDiscretizer(bins_num=translation_bins_num, max_action=TRANS_MAX, min_action=TRANS_MIN)
rotation_action_discretizer = RotationActionDiscretizer(bins_num=rotation_bins_num, min_action=ROT_MIN, max_action=ROT_MAX)
openness_action_discretizer = OpennessActionDiscretizer(bins_num=openness_bins_num, min_openness=OPEN_MIN, max_openness=OPEN_MAX)
VQA_FORMAT = f"{IMAGE_TOKEN}\n {IMAGE_TOKEN}\n Given the observation images from the wrist camera mounted at CAM_PARAM and the overhead camera mounted at CAM_PARAM, please provide the action that the robot should take to finish the task: TASK"
# question_template = "<image>\n <image>\n Given the observation images from the wrist camera mounted at <cam>[256,89,256,236,129,181]</cam> and the overhead camera mounted at <cam>[82,1,256,54,128,98]</cam>, please provide the action that the robot should take to finish the task: place a chess piece on the chessboar"
# cam_params xyz-rpy
wrist_cam_pose = [0.3618544138321802, -0.08323374464523976, 0.41759402329169787, 2.6584232953914344, 0.035482430406705845, 1.2906347836099603]
overhead_cam_pose = [-0.09877916942983442, -0.3919519409041736, 0.4780865865815033, -1.8237694898473762, -0.012183613523460979, -0.746683044221379]
cam_pose_list = [wrist_cam_pose, overhead_cam_pose]
for cam_pose in cam_pose_list:
cam_xyz_token = translation_action_discretizer.discretize(np.array(cam_pose[:3]))
cam_rpy_token = rotation_action_discretizer.discretize(np.array(cam_pose[3:6]))
cam_action_tokens = [cam_xyz_token[0], cam_xyz_token[1], cam_xyz_token[2], cam_rpy_token[0], cam_rpy_token[1], cam_rpy_token[2]]
cam_action_tokens_str = "<cam>[" + ",".join(map(str, cam_action_tokens)) + "]</cam>"
VQA_FORMAT = VQA_FORMAT.replace("CAM_PARAM", cam_action_tokens_str, 1)
# task lang
task = "Pick up the green object from the table and put it in the bowl"
VQA_FORMAT = VQA_FORMAT.replace("TASK", task)
img1 = "/mnt/petrelfs/huangsiyuan/VLA/droid_action_tasks_internvl/sample_images/2_0.png"
img2 = "/mnt/petrelfs/huangsiyuan/VLA/droid_action_tasks_internvl/sample_images/2_1.png"
images = [load_image(img1), load_image(img2)] # only need to return the PIL.Image object
response = pipe((VQA_FORMAT, images))
print("gt: [124,137,104,126,130,129,233]")
action_list = np.array(ast.literal_eval(response.text))
xyz = translation_action_discretizer.undiscretize(action_list[:3])
rpy = rotation_action_discretizer.undiscretize(action_list[3:6])
openness = openness_action_discretizer.undiscretize(action_list[6])
print(f"xyz: {xyz}, rpy: {rpy}, openness: {openness}")
# srun --jobid 16125415 -n1 python
# quant to 8bit
export HF_MODEL=/mnt/petrelfs/huangsiyuan/VLA/InternVL/internvl_chat/output/internvla_8b_1node_with_visual_traces_wo_sp_token_w_cam/VLA8B_V1
export WORK_DIR=/mnt/petrelfs/huangsiyuan/VLA/InternVL/internvl_chat/output/internvla_8b_1node_with_visual_traces_wo_sp_token_w_cam/VLA8B_V1_8bit
srun --jobid 16125415 -n1 lmdeploy lite auto_awq \
--calib-dataset 'ptb' \
--calib-samples 128 \
--calib-seqlen 2048 \
--w-bits 4 \
--w-group-size 128 \
--batch-size 16 \
--search-scale True \
--work-dir $WORK_DIR
# 8bit
srun --jobid 16125415 -n1 lmdeploy lite smooth_quant $HF_MODEL --work-dir $WORK_DIR
""" |