''' |
* Copyright (c) 2022, salesforce.com, inc. |
* All rights reserved. |
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause |
* For full license text, see LICENSE.txt file in the repo root or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause |
* By Junnan Li |
''' |
import transformers |
transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() |
import os |
from models.fflip import ( |
VisionConfig, |
VisionModel, |
BertModel, |
BertConfig, |
init_tokenizer, |
load_checkpoint) |
import torch |
from torch import nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler, autocast |
class FFLIP_Pretrain(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
config = './configs/', |
vit = 'base', |
embed_dim = 256, |
queue_size = 57600, |
momentum = 0.995 |
): |
""" |
Args: |
med_config (str): path for the mixture of encoder-decoder model's configuration file |
image_size (int): input image size |
vit (str): model size of vision transformer |
""" |
super().__init__() |
if vit == 'base': |
self.vision_config = VisionConfig().from_json_file(os.path.join(config, 'vision_config.json')) |
self.visual_encoder = VisionModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch16", config = self.vision_config) |
elif vit == 'large': |
self.vision_config = VisionConfig().from_json_file(os.path.join(config, 'vision_config.json')) |
self.visual_encoder = VisionModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14", config = self.vision_config) |
vision_width = self.visual_encoder.config.hidden_size |
self.tokenizer = init_tokenizer() |
encoder_config = BertConfig.from_json_file(os.path.join(config, 'bert_config.json')) |
encoder_config.encoder_width = vision_width |
self.text_encoder = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased',config=encoder_config, add_pooling_layer=False) |
self.text_encoder.resize_token_embeddings(len(self.tokenizer)) |
text_width = self.text_encoder.config.hidden_size |
self.vision_proj = nn.Linear(vision_width, embed_dim) |
self.text_proj = nn.Linear(text_width, embed_dim) |
self.itm_head = nn.Linear(text_width, 2) |
self.visual_encoder_m = VisionModel(config = self.vision_config) |
self.text_encoder_m = BertModel(config=encoder_config, add_pooling_layer=False) |
self.text_encoder_m.resize_token_embeddings(len(self.tokenizer)) |
self.vision_proj_m = nn.Linear(vision_width, embed_dim) |
self.text_proj_m = nn.Linear(text_width, embed_dim) |
self.model_pairs = [[self.visual_encoder,self.visual_encoder_m], |
[self.vision_proj,self.vision_proj_m], |
[self.text_encoder,self.text_encoder_m], |
[self.text_proj,self.text_proj_m], |
] |
self.copy_params() |
self.register_buffer("image_queue", torch.randn(embed_dim, queue_size)) |
self.register_buffer("text_queue", torch.randn(embed_dim, queue_size)) |
self.register_buffer("idx_queue", torch.full((1,queue_size),-100)) |
self.register_buffer("ptr_queue", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long)) |
self.image_queue = nn.functional.normalize(self.image_queue, dim=0) |
self.text_queue = nn.functional.normalize(self.text_queue, dim=0) |
self.queue_size = queue_size |
self.momentum = momentum |
self.temp = nn.Parameter(0.07*torch.ones([])) |
def forward(self, image, caption, alpha, idx): |
self.train() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
self.temp.clamp_(0.001,0.5) |
text = self.tokenizer(caption, padding='max_length', truncation=True, max_length=65, |
return_tensors="pt").to(image.device) |
with autocast(): |
image_output = self.visual_encoder(image) |
image_embeds = image_output.last_hidden_state |
image_atts = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1],dtype=torch.long).to(image.device) |
image_feat = F.normalize(self.vision_proj(image_output.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]), dim=-1) |
text_output = self.text_encoder(text.input_ids, attention_mask = text.attention_mask, |
return_dict = True, mode = 'text') |
text_feat = F.normalize(self.text_proj(text_output.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]),dim=-1) |
idx = idx.view(-1,1) |
idx_all = torch.cat([idx.t(), self.idx_queue.clone().detach()],dim=1) |
pos_idx = torch.eq(idx, idx_all).float() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
self._momentum_update() |
image_output_m = self.visual_encoder_m(image) |
image_feat_m = F.normalize(self.vision_proj_m(image_output_m.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]), dim=-1) |
image_feat_all = torch.cat([image_feat_m.t(), self.image_queue.clone().detach()], dim=1) |
text_output_m = self.text_encoder_m(text.input_ids, attention_mask = text.attention_mask, |
return_dict = True, mode = 'text') |
text_feat_m = F.normalize(self.text_proj_m(text_output_m.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]),dim=-1) |
text_feat_all = torch.cat([text_feat_m.t(), self.text_queue.clone().detach()],dim=1) |
sim_i2t_m = image_feat_m @ text_feat_all / self.temp |
sim_t2i_m = text_feat_m @ image_feat_all / self.temp |
sim_targets = torch.zeros(sim_i2t_m.size()).to(image.device) |
sim_targets.fill_diagonal_(1) |
sim_i2t_targets = alpha * F.softmax(sim_i2t_m, dim=1) + (1 - alpha) * sim_targets |
sim_t2i_targets = alpha * F.softmax(sim_t2i_m, dim=1) + (1 - alpha) * sim_targets |
sim_i2t = image_feat @ text_feat_all / self.temp |
sim_t2i = text_feat @ image_feat_all / self.temp |
loss_i2t = -torch.sum(F.log_softmax(sim_i2t, dim=1)*sim_i2t_targets,dim=1).mean() |
loss_t2i = -torch.sum(F.log_softmax(sim_t2i, dim=1)*sim_t2i_targets,dim=1).mean() |
loss_ita = (loss_i2t + loss_t2i)/2 |
idxs = concat_all_gather(idx) |
self._dequeue_and_enqueue(image_feat_m, text_feat_m, idxs) |
encoder_input_ids = text.input_ids.clone() |
encoder_input_ids[:,0] = self.tokenizer.enc_token_id |
bs = image.size(0) |
output_pos = self.text_encoder(encoder_input_ids, |
attention_mask = text.attention_mask, |
encoder_hidden_states = image_embeds, |
encoder_attention_mask = image_atts, |
return_dict = True, |
) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
mask = torch.eq(idx, idxs.t()) |
image_feat_world = concat_all_gather(image_feat) |
text_feat_world = concat_all_gather(text_feat) |
sim_i2t = image_feat @ text_feat_world.t() / self.temp |
sim_t2i = text_feat @ image_feat_world.t() / self.temp |
weights_i2t = F.softmax(sim_i2t,dim=1) |
weights_i2t.masked_fill_(mask, 0) |
weights_t2i = F.softmax(sim_t2i,dim=1) |
weights_t2i.masked_fill_(mask, 0) |
image_embeds_world = all_gather_with_grad(image_embeds) |
image_embeds_neg = [] |
for b in range(bs): |
neg_idx = torch.multinomial(weights_t2i[b], 1).item() |
image_embeds_neg.append(image_embeds_world[neg_idx]) |
image_embeds_neg = torch.stack(image_embeds_neg,dim=0) |
input_ids_world = concat_all_gather(encoder_input_ids) |
att_mask_world = concat_all_gather(text.attention_mask) |
text_ids_neg = [] |
text_atts_neg = [] |
for b in range(bs): |
neg_idx = torch.multinomial(weights_i2t[b], 1).item() |
text_ids_neg.append(input_ids_world[neg_idx]) |
text_atts_neg.append(att_mask_world[neg_idx]) |
text_ids_neg = torch.stack(text_ids_neg,dim=0) |
text_atts_neg = torch.stack(text_atts_neg,dim=0) |
text_ids_all = torch.cat([encoder_input_ids, text_ids_neg],dim=0) |
text_atts_all = torch.cat([text.attention_mask, text_atts_neg],dim=0) |
image_embeds_all = torch.cat([image_embeds_neg,image_embeds],dim=0) |
image_atts_all = torch.cat([image_atts,image_atts],dim=0) |
output_neg = self.text_encoder(text_ids_all, |
attention_mask = text_atts_all, |
encoder_hidden_states = image_embeds_all, |
encoder_attention_mask = image_atts_all, |
return_dict = True, |
) |
vl_embeddings = torch.cat([output_pos.last_hidden_state[:,0,:], output_neg.last_hidden_state[:,0,:]],dim=0) |
vl_output = self.itm_head(vl_embeddings) |
itm_labels = torch.cat([torch.ones(bs,dtype=torch.long),torch.zeros(2*bs,dtype=torch.long)], |
dim=0).to(image.device) |
loss_itm = F.cross_entropy(vl_output, itm_labels) |
return loss_ita, loss_itm |
@torch.no_grad() |
def copy_params(self): |
for model_pair in self.model_pairs: |
for param, param_m in zip(model_pair[0].parameters(), model_pair[1].parameters()): |
param_m.data.copy_(param.data) |
param_m.requires_grad = False |
@torch.no_grad() |
def _momentum_update(self): |
for model_pair in self.model_pairs: |
for param, param_m in zip(model_pair[0].parameters(), model_pair[1].parameters()): |
param_m.data = param_m.data * self.momentum + param.data * (1. - self.momentum) |
@torch.no_grad() |
def _dequeue_and_enqueue(self, image_feat, text_feat, idxs): |
image_feats = concat_all_gather(image_feat) |
text_feats = concat_all_gather(text_feat) |
batch_size = image_feats.shape[0] |
ptr = int(self.ptr_queue) |
assert self.queue_size % batch_size == 0 |
self.image_queue[:, ptr:ptr + batch_size] = image_feats.T |
self.text_queue[:, ptr:ptr + batch_size] = text_feats.T |
self.idx_queue[:, ptr:ptr + batch_size] = idxs.T |
ptr = (ptr + batch_size) % self.queue_size |
self.ptr_queue[0] = ptr |
def fflip_pretrain(pretrained='', **kwargs): |
model = FFLIP_Pretrain(**kwargs) |
if pretrained: |
model, msg = load_checkpoint(model, pretrained) |
print("missing keys:") |
print(msg.missing_keys) |
return model |
@torch.no_grad() |
def concat_all_gather(tensor): |
""" |
Performs all_gather operation on the provided tensors. |
*** Warning ***: torch.distributed.all_gather has no gradient. |
""" |
if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): |
tensors_gather = [torch.ones_like(tensor) |
for _ in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size())] |
torch.distributed.all_gather(tensors_gather, tensor, async_op=False) |
output = torch.cat(tensors_gather, dim=0) |
else: |
output = tensor.clone() |
return output |
class GatherLayer(torch.autograd.Function): |
""" |
Gather tensors from all workers with support for backward propagation: |
This implementation does not cut the gradients as torch.distributed.all_gather does. |
""" |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, x): |
output = [torch.zeros_like(x) for _ in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size())] |
torch.distributed.all_gather(output, x) |
return tuple(output) |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, *grads): |
all_gradients = torch.stack(grads) |
torch.distributed.all_reduce(all_gradients) |
return all_gradients[torch.distributed.get_rank()] |
def all_gather_with_grad(tensors): |
""" |
Performs all_gather operation on the provided tensors. |
Graph remains connected for backward grad computation. |
""" |
world_size = 1 |
if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): |
world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size() |
if world_size == 1: |
return tensors |
tensor_all = GatherLayer.apply(tensors) |
return torch.cat(tensor_all, dim=0) |