import dis import io import re import sys import textwrap from op_codes import op_codes_37 def fix_spacing(unformatted_decompiled_python): decompiled_python = re.sub(r"[ \t]+", " ", unformatted_decompiled_python) decompiled_python = re.sub(r"\n ", "\n", decompiled_python) return decompiled_python def get_byte_code(python_code): code_object = compile(python_code, "", "exec") original_stdout = sys.stdout string_output = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = string_output dis.dis(code_object) sys.stdout = original_stdout disassembled_pyc = string_output.getvalue() return fix_spacing(textwrap.dedent(str(disassembled_pyc)).strip()) def extract_text_between_parentheses(input_string): start_index = input_string.find("(") end_index = input_string.rfind(")") if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1 and start_index < end_index: return input_string[start_index + 1 : end_index] else: return "" def reformat_bytecode_line(input_string): if input_string.startswith("Disassembly of <"): return None for code in op_codes_37: if code in input_string: reformatted_string = extract_text_between_parentheses(input_string) return f"{code} {reformatted_string}".strip() return input_string def format_bytecode(bytecode: str): formatted_strings = [] for line in bytecode.split("\n"): reformatted_string = reformat_bytecode_line(line) if reformatted_string is not None: formatted_strings.append(reformatted_string) return "\n".join(formatted_strings).strip() if __name__ == "__main__": file_path = sys.argv[1] print(f"Converting python source code to byte code {file_path}") with open(file_path, "r") as file: file_contents = print(file_contents) byte_code = get_byte_code(file_contents) print(format_bytecode(bytecode=byte_code))