from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from torch import nn MASK_MIN_VALUE = -10e10 def rotate_half(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Rotates half the hidden dims (last dim) of the input. Args: x: Rotary embedded tensor Return: Tensor with half of last dim negated and rotated to the front. """ x1, x2 = x.split(x.shape[-1] // 2, dim=-1) return, x1), dim=-1) def apply_rotary_pos_emb(q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, cos: torch.Tensor, sin: torch.Tensor, position_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Apply rotary embedding (cos, sin) to the query and key tensor on the sequence dimension. The legends for dimensions are defined as: num_heads: number of attention heads current_seq_len: the current batch's sequence length, should be either 1 or max_seq_len max_seq_len: the static sequence length, different from current_seq_len in cached inference case where it is always maximum lenghth, e.g. the length of static sequence length of KV cache Args: q: Query tensor, of size (batch_size, num_heads, current_seq_len, head_dim) k: Key tensor, of size (batch_size, num_key_value_heads, current_seq_len, head_dim) cos: Cosine base of rotary embedding, of size (max_seq_len, head_dim) sin: Sine base of rotary embedding, of size (max_seq_len, head_dim) position_ids: The position indices of the tokens corresponding to the query and key tensors. It has a size of (batch_size, current_seq_len). Returns: Embedded query and key tensor of same size as input. """ bs, nheads, cur_seq_len, head_dim = q.shape assert len( k.shape) == 4, f"k should be of shape (batch_size, num_heads, current_seq_len, head_dim), got {k.shape} instead" assert k.shape[0] == bs, f"k has a different batch_size {k.shape[0]} compared to q {bs}" assert list(k.shape[2:]) == [cur_seq_len, head_dim], f"k has different current_seq_len and/or head_dim compared to q" assert cos.shape[3] == head_dim, f"cos should have dim of head dim {head_dim}, got {cos.shape[3]} instead" assert list(position_ids.shape) in [[bs, cur_seq_len], [1, cur_seq_len]],\ f"position_ids should be of shape {[bs, cur_seq_len]} or {[1, cur_seq_len]}, got {position_ids.shape} instead" q_embed = (q * cos) + (rotate_half(q) * sin) k_embed = (k * cos) + (rotate_half(k) * sin) return q_embed, k_embed def attention_op( q, k, v, attn_mask, mixedp_attn, head_dim_scaling ): attn = torch.matmul(q, k.transpose(-2, -1)) if mixedp_attn: attn = attn = attn * head_dim_scaling if attn_mask is not None: attn = attn.masked_fill(attn_mask, MASK_MIN_VALUE) attn_weights = torch.softmax(attn, dim=-1).to(q.dtype) attn_output = torch.matmul(attn_weights, v) return attn_output def prm_projection( x: torch.Tensor, projection_matrix: torch.Tensor, mixedp_attn: bool = False ): """ Constructs nonnegative kernel features for fast softmax attention. Args: x: input for which features are computed projection_matrix: random matrix used to compute features Returns: Random features for fast attention. """ # x : [..., m, d] # proj : [..., r, d] scaling_factor = (x.shape[-1] ** -0.5) proj_x = torch.matmul(projection_matrix, x.transpose(-1, -2)) # [..., r, m] norm = torch.sum(x ** 2, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-2) * 0.5 # [..., 1] if mixedp_attn: proj_x = norm = phi_x = scaling_factor * (proj_x - norm) return phi_x class EvaAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_idx: Optional[int] = None): super().__init__() self.config = config self.layer_idx = layer_idx self.hidden_size = config.hidden_size self.num_heads = config.num_attention_heads self.head_dim = self.hidden_size // self.num_heads self.head_dim_scaling = self.head_dim ** -0.5 self.max_position_embeddings = config.max_position_embeddings if (self.head_dim * self.num_heads) != self.hidden_size: raise ValueError( f"hidden_size must be divisible by num_heads (got `hidden_size`: {self.hidden_size}" f" and `num_heads`: {self.num_heads})." ) self.q_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.num_heads * self.head_dim, bias=False) self.k_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.num_heads * self.head_dim, bias=False) self.v_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.num_heads * self.head_dim, bias=False) self.o_proj = nn.Linear(self.num_heads * self.head_dim, self.hidden_size, bias=False) self.window_size = config.window_size self.num_chunks = config.num_chunks self.chunk_size = config.chunk_size if self.chunk_size is not None: assert self.window_size >= self.chunk_size and self.window_size % self.chunk_size == 0 # chunk_size overrides the number of landmarks self.num_chunks = None self.chunks_per_window = int(self.window_size // self.chunk_size) self.random_feature_dim = 1 self.adaptive_phi = nn.Parameter( torch.randn( 1, self.num_heads, 1, 1, self.head_dim ).clamp(-1., 1.) * self.head_dim_scaling ) self.adaptive_mu_k = nn.Parameter( torch.randn( 1, self.num_heads, 1, 1, self.head_dim ).clamp(-1., 1.) * self.head_dim_scaling ) def _generate_feature_map(self, rf_q, rf_k, rf_v): rf_k_logits = torch.sum( * rf_k, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # b h c m 1 if self.config.mixedp_attn: rf_k_logits = rf_k_weights = torch.softmax(rf_k_logits, dim=-2).to(rf_k.dtype) rf_k_bar = torch.sum(rf_k_weights * rf_k, dim=-2) weights = return weights, rf_k_bar def _calculate_chunk_rfa_cache(self, rf_q, rf_k, rf_v, weights, rf_mask=None): proj_x = torch.sum(weights * rf_k, dim=-1, keepdim=True) norm = torch.sum(rf_k ** 2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) * 0.5 # [..., 1] if self.config.mixedp_attn: proj_x = norm = log_phi_k = self.head_dim_scaling * (proj_x - norm) if rf_mask is not None: log_phi_k = log_phi_k.masked_fill(rf_mask, MASK_MIN_VALUE) # [b, h, c, m, r] softmax_phi_k = torch.softmax(log_phi_k, dim=-2).to(rf_k.dtype) softmax_phi_k_v = torch.sum(softmax_phi_k * rf_v, dim=-2) # [b, h, c, r, m] [b, h, c, m, d] -> [b, h, c, r, d] # softmax_phi_k_v = torch.matmul(softmax_phi_k.transpose(-1, -2), rf_v).squeeze(-2) log_sum_phi_k = None return softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k def _calculate_chunk_rfa(self, q, softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k, weights): if self.random_feature_dim == 1: # when r = 1, the snis weights becomes 1, so this takes no effect # [b, h, c, r, d] -> [b, h, c, d] return softmax_phi_k_v else: # [b, h, c, r, d] [b, h, 1, s, d] -> [b, h, c, r, s] log_phi_q = prm_projection(q.unsqueeze(-3), weights, self.config.mixedp_attn) # [b, h, c, r, s] [b, h, c, r, 1] -> [b, h, c, r, s] sniw = torch.softmax(log_phi_q + log_sum_phi_k, dim=-1).to(q.dtype) # [b, h, c, r, s] [b, h, c, r, d] -> [b, h, c, s, d] -> [b, h, s, c, d] rfa_per_chunk = torch.matmul(sniw.transpose(-1, -2), softmax_phi_k_v).transpose(-3, -2) return rfa_per_chunk def window_partition(self, x, window_size=None): window_size = window_size if window_size is not None else self.window_size gw, d = x.shape[-2:] leading_dims = x.shape[:-2] n_groups = gw // window_size return x.reshape(*leading_dims, n_groups, window_size, d) def window_merge(self, x, window_size=None): g, w, d = x.shape[-3:] leading_dims = x.shape[:-3] return x.reshape(*leading_dims, g * w, d) def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]] = None, position_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, use_cache: bool = False, cos: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, sin: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, multibyte_decoding: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]]]: assert not output_attentions bsz, q_len, _ = hidden_states.size() ############################################ # initialize past states if not provided ############################################ if use_cache and past_key_value is None: raise ValueError if use_cache and multibyte_decoding: raise NotImplementedError("Multibyte decoding is not supported for PyTorch native implementation") # assert isinstance(attention_mask, tuple) if len(attention_mask) == 4: assert use_cache prev_causal_mask, cur_causal_mask, chunk_causal_mask, intra_chunk_mask = attention_mask elif len(attention_mask) == 3: assert not use_cache window_causal_mask, chunk_causal_mask, intra_chunk_mask = attention_mask else: raise NotImplementedError("Only attention-mask tuple with length 2 or 3 is supported") ############################################ # compute q, k, v from hidden states ############################################ # [b, h, q_len, d] q = self.q_proj(hidden_states).view(bsz, q_len, self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 2) # [b, h, kv_len, d] k = self.k_proj(hidden_states).view(bsz, q_len, self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 2) # [b, h, kv_len, d] v = self.v_proj(hidden_states).view(bsz, q_len, self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 2) if use_cache: past_key_value.update_past_len(q.shape[-2], self.layer_idx) ############################################ # apply rotary positional embeddings to q, k ############################################ q, k = apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, k, cos, sin, position_ids) ############################################ # compute q, k, v stats for the local window ############################################ if use_cache: (prev_w_q, prev_w_k, prev_w_v), (cur_w_q, cur_w_k, cur_w_v) = past_key_value.update_singletons( q, k, v, self.layer_idx, self.window_size, ) else: prev_w_q = self.window_partition(q) # [b, h, w, i, d] prev_w_k = self.window_partition(k) # [b, h, w, j, d] prev_w_v = self.window_partition(v) # [b, h, w, j, d] # during training, we assume window_size divides seq_len so no remainders cur_w_q = cur_w_k = cur_w_v = None ############################################ # compute q, k, v stats for chunk-level RFAs ############################################ if use_cache: dump_q, dump_k, dump_v = past_key_value.update_chunks(q, k, v, self.layer_idx, self.chunk_size) else: dump_q, dump_k, dump_v = q, k, v if use_cache: prev_s_mask, cur_s_mask, prev_chunk_mask, cur_chunk_mask, dump_rf_mask = past_key_value.update_mask( prev_s_mask=prev_causal_mask, cur_s_mask=cur_causal_mask, chunk_mask=chunk_causal_mask, rf_mask=intra_chunk_mask, layer_idx=self.layer_idx, window_size=self.window_size, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, ) else: prev_s_mask = self.window_partition(prev_causal_mask) # [1, 1, w, i, j] cur_s_mask = None prev_chunk_mask = self.window_partition(chunk_causal_mask) cur_chunk_mask = None dump_rf_mask = intra_chunk_mask if prev_s_mask.shape[-3] == 1: # need to expand prev_s_mask = prev_s_mask.expand(-1, -1, prev_chunk_mask.shape[-3], -1, -1) if ( dump_q is not None and dump_k is not None and dump_v is not None ): # [b, h, c, j, d] rf_q = self.window_partition(dump_q, window_size=self.chunk_size) # [b, h, c, j, d] rf_k = self.window_partition(dump_k, window_size=self.chunk_size) # [b, h, c, j, d] rf_v = self.window_partition(dump_v, window_size=self.chunk_size) if dump_rf_mask is not None: rf_mask = self.window_partition(dump_rf_mask, window_size=self.chunk_size) rf_q = rf_q.masked_fill(rf_mask, 0.) rf_k = rf_k.masked_fill(rf_mask, 0.) rf_v = rf_v.masked_fill(rf_mask, 0.) else: rf_mask = None else: rf_q = None rf_k = None rf_v = None rf_mask = None if rf_q is not None: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() weights, rf_k_bar = self._generate_feature_map(rf_q, rf_k, rf_v) softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k = self._calculate_chunk_rfa_cache(rf_q, rf_k, rf_v, weights, rf_mask=rf_mask) if use_cache: softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k, rf_k_bar = past_key_value.update_chunk_rfas( softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k, rf_k_bar, self.layer_idx, 1 ) elif use_cache: weights = None softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k, rf_k_bar = past_key_value.get_chunk_rfas(self.layer_idx) else: weights = None softmax_phi_k_v = None log_sum_phi_k = None rf_k_bar = None if rf_k_bar is not None: rfa_per_chunk = self._calculate_chunk_rfa(q, softmax_phi_k_v, log_sum_phi_k, weights) ############################################ # compute meta-attention weights for # - group-wise RFAs and # - singletons (equivalent to exact local attention) ############################################ if prev_w_k is not None: if rf_k_bar is not None: num_windows = prev_w_k.shape[-3] # rf_k_bar and rfa_per_chunk take the shape [b, h, c, d] # -> [b, h, 1, c, d] -> [b, h, w, c, d] prev_rf_k_bar = rf_k_bar.unsqueeze(-3).expand(-1, -1, num_windows, -1, -1) prev_rfa_per_chunk = rfa_per_chunk.unsqueeze(-3).expand(-1, -1, num_windows, -1, -1) prev_agg_k =[prev_w_k, prev_rf_k_bar], dim=-2) prev_agg_v =[prev_w_v, prev_rfa_per_chunk], dim=-2) prev_attn_mask =[prev_s_mask, prev_chunk_mask], dim=-1) else: prev_agg_k = prev_w_k prev_agg_v = prev_w_v prev_attn_mask = prev_s_mask prev_attn_output = attention_op( q=prev_w_q, k=prev_agg_k, v=prev_agg_v, attn_mask=prev_attn_mask, mixedp_attn=self.config.mixedp_attn, head_dim_scaling=self.head_dim_scaling ) prev_attn_output = self.window_merge(prev_attn_output) if cur_w_k is not None: if rf_k_bar is not None: # rf_k_bar and rfa_per_chunk take the shape [b, h, c, d] # cur_w_k and cur_w_v also has shape [b, h, m, d] cur_agg_k =[cur_w_k, rf_k_bar], dim=-2) cur_agg_v =[cur_w_v, rfa_per_chunk], dim=-2) cur_attn_mask =[cur_s_mask, cur_chunk_mask], dim=-1) else: cur_agg_k = cur_w_k cur_agg_v = cur_w_v cur_attn_mask = cur_s_mask cur_attn_output = attention_op( q=cur_w_q, k=cur_agg_k, v=cur_agg_v, attn_mask=cur_attn_mask, mixedp_attn=self.config.mixedp_attn, head_dim_scaling=self.head_dim_scaling ) if prev_w_k is not None and cur_w_k is not None: attn_output =[prev_attn_output, cur_attn_output], dim=-2) elif prev_w_k is not None: attn_output = prev_attn_output elif cur_w_k is not None: attn_output = cur_attn_output else: raise ValueError("There must be some bug") if attn_output.size() != (bsz, self.num_heads, q_len, self.head_dim): raise ValueError( f"`attn_output` should be of size {(bsz, self.num_heads, q_len, self.head_dim)}, but is" f" {attn_output.size()}" ) attn_output = attn_output.transpose(1, 2).reshape(bsz, q_len, self.hidden_size) attn_output = self.o_proj(attn_output) attn_weights = None return attn_output, attn_weights, past_key_value